#his little hat reminded me of robin hood so
xejune · 1 year
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gerlion 🏹💕
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cherrycoloredfaith · 3 months
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BEAUTIFUL artwork for Kiss Off by my beautiful friend Ashley!!! she's so talented and beautiful thank you SO MUCH for being a part of this @ash-yuh
Kiss Off
pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 5
Chapter 4
He left the bar first and set off down the road alone, getting to his car in a matter of minutes. He didn’t know where he was going, just that he needed to breathe again. Driving aimlessly for nearly twenty minutes he realized he was leaving the city, going to the only other place he knew: Munson Construction. The storm clouds in his head that had vanished at the bar returned on the drive. The roads were dark, but the air was clearer out here, and Steve couldn’t get enough of it. The wind wrecked his hair, whipping it around as he took deep breaths. Steve wondered if he should just book it to Hawkins and give up on all this. Wondered if he was ever really meant to leave his hometown. Wondered if he really messed up and should have just married that girl from high school. 
Parking in that same red dirt parking lot, he didn’t ask himself what he was doing because there was no point. He was going to wait it out, stay out of Robin’s hair and give her no reason to worry. Getting out of his car, he headed towards the front to lean on the hood and look out into the surrounding woods that reminded him of home. Except you could see right through them to the street lights beyond the thin cluster of trees. If he was in Hawkins, he could have looked out on a number of lakes within a few miles. Perfectly hidden and perfectly alone. Even out here, he could still hear distant cars from the busy highways, pulling him out of his reveries.
Steve wished he had a pack of cigarettes. Smoking never really tempted Steve until moments like these, where he was alone, searching for some sense of peace.  Pausing, he remembered the key to the clubhouse sitting in his pocket.
Maybe Eddie had some in his locker or office somewhere? Would it hurt to take just one?
Steve tossed his keys in the air, caught them, and thought once again, fuck it, they gave him a key anyway, right?
A single light illuminated the steps going up to the door, the screen door slamming against Steve’s back as he bent to unlock the deadbolt. Once inside, he felt along the wall for a light switch and failed. 
In the dark, his outstretched arms led his way around to the lockers, trying to use what little light came from outside the doorway. The red hard hat was the second locker from the right if his memory served him correctly, so once his hands made contact with the wall of open shelves, he started to rummage. He felt a small, soft cardboard box in the back of the highest shelf, thought, yes, and fumbled to open it in the dark. Just one. 
Steve heard a creak of the floor and his head snapped up, trying to adjust his eyes to the dark hallway beyond that led to Eddie’s office. Nothing but pitch black.
Suddenly, a yell rang out–no, more like a battle cry. The lights came on in a flash, giving Steve just enough time to register the baseball bat swinging for his head. He cowered down, covering his face with his arms as he shut his eyes tight, preparing for the blow. 
When none came, Steve peaked out of one eye at the scene before him. There stood Eddie, in Garfield pajama pants, bat still raised high, and hair coming out of its bindings–a look of utter confusion cast upon his face. 
“Whoa, dude, what the fuck?” Steve exclaimed once he’d found his voice. Is this guy going to kill me?
“Me, what the fuck? No, you, what the fuck?!” Eddie retorted, not moving to lower the bat. He looked from Steve’s face to his hands where he still clung to the pack of smokes. “Did you come all the way out here for those? I could have told you where to get your own. Jesus fucking Christ.”
“No, Eddie, God, I was just–” Steve realized he didn’t have a good explanation for this situation other than the truth. “Look, my roommate needed me out of the apartment for a bit, I was just driving around, looking for somewhere to go and I ended up here.” He shrugged. “And I wanted something to do. What are you doing here?” Steve was pointedly not looking at Eddie’s silly pajama pants. The last thing he needed was to be punched by his boss for laughing at his sleepwear.
“Shit, well, no fucking point now,” Eddie sighed and rested the bat on his shoulder. “I live here, asshole.” 
Steve didn’t know what to say to that, so he picked the first question that popped into his head. “Oh. So… do you normally go to sleep at 10:30 on Friday nights?”
Shutting his eyes, Eddie finally dropped the bat to his side, and Steve could breathe again. When he opened them again, he glared at Steve. “For your information, I was watching a goddamn movie.”
It finally clicked. “Why didn’t you say you lived here before? I thought that was your office,” said Steve, looking towards the dark hallway.
“Because not everyone knows. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, I just didn’t want to stay with Wayne anymore, and it was convenient. I pay him rent, but it’s nothing like what the city would cost me.” He looked defensive. 
Steve just nodded, unsure of what to make of it all. Before he knew it, Eddie had walked back into his office–bedroom– and then returned with one shoe on his foot, the other in his hand, his bat nowhere to be seen. He hopped down the hallway trying to pull the other sneaker on.
“Alright,” said Eddie when he succeeded. “Come on, then.”
Steve didn’t move as he passed by, wafting a soft, sweet scent from his clothes. “Huh?”
“You need to waste some time, let’s waste it.” He was leading Steve through a door he hadn’t noticed before leading out of the kitchen. He grabbed a tin lunchbox as they headed outside. Steve followed as if on autopilot onto a surprisingly cozy, covered back porch, fit with a table, chairs, and even a couch and coffee table that made up for the missing furniture inside. It looked homey. 
Eddie set the box down to plug in some string lights that provided enough illumination for them to see one another. They sat on opposite sides of the couch; once Steve saw Eddie prop up his feet, he did, too, hoping to give any semblance of a relaxed state–when, really, his heart was hammering in his chest. 
When Eddie opened the lunchbox in his lap, Steve immediately got a whiff of what was inside, and he prayed a silent thank you to whatever fates led him here. Eddie looked over at Steve with a grin. “You seemed like you’d need something stronger than those.”
That was the second time Steve forgot about the cigarettes clutched in his palm; he decided to set them down and nod as a sign of his gratitude. 
Then, Eddie started to roll his own joint as if he’d done this a million times. Steve even saw that he had proper rolling papers. He watched him with fascination while Eddie focused on his task. No words were spoken between them, but something about the silence felt comfortable. No, not comfortable, but… anticipating.  Steve stared in awe at how relaxed he was, delicately licking the edge of the paper to hold it closed. Eddie’s hair was almost completely out of the low bun it was in and long strands dangled down, creating a curtain around his eyes. Steve had the urge to brush it aside.
“How’s the sunburn?” Eddie asked. 
“The what?” Steve blinked out of his trance. His heart was pounding. 
“Dude, you’ve got to snap out of it. Did I scare you that bad?” Eddie leaned in, searching Steve’s eyes for something.
“No, no, I’m fine, I swear. Thank you.” What was he thanking him for? Steve was screaming at himself on the inside, begging him to regain his cool. “I’m so sorry–for barging in like this. I can go, you don’t have to let me stay.”
“I know, Steve. It’s cool. To be honest it gets… a little lonely living out here, not being in the city. Your presence is welcomed, for now.” He shot Steve another smile and began to light the end of the joint. Steve starts to wonder if Eddie has already done this once tonight based on his low, honeyed voice, the slightest glaze over his eyes. 
“Where’s Wayne’s?” wondered Steve.
“Closest suburb to the east of here. Not ten minutes down the road when there’s no traffic. I just needed some space to learn how to take care of myself, but still save some money.” He took a drag. “And to smoke without worrying about Mrs. Wheeler next door calling the cops,” he added, chuckling devilishly low as if it was something that actually happened. 
Steve took the pass, inhaling deeply, trying to hide his little coughs. “What movie?” he asked as he stretched his arm back out for Eddie to take the joint from his hands.
Eddie looked over and laughed. “Can you speak more than two words at a time?”
Steve rolled his eyes and snatched his hand back, moving it out of Eddie’s grasp to take another hit. “Fine, fine! I mean, what movie were you watching before I broke into your house?”
“Technically you didn’t break in, you have a key.”
Steve flushed. “That’s another thing to get back to. Are you avoiding the question?”
“Never. I was watching Back to the Future 2,” he said matter-of-factly, chin held high as he took back the joint, fingers brushing Steve’s, sending a shiver up his arm. “Arguably, the superior of the two films. With triple the Michael Fox. ” Eddie looked up at the lights dreamily. 
“Dude, what? You’re lying to me. The original is so much–wait, what?” he asked, caught off guard by Eddie’s last words.
He laughed, “Kidding, Harrington! So far, the original one reigns supreme.” He winked, but his gaze didn’t linger. “That was actually going to be my first time seeing it until…” he gestured to the two of them sitting on the couch. 
The confusion Steve was experiencing at Eddie’s implications caused him to flush again. “Oh,” was all he said in response. Maybe he should ask him if he’s into guys. “So why give out keys to literally your home? Does everyone have them?” Steve screamed at himself in his head. 
“Usually I don’t have to worry about anyone I work with thinking anything valuable is inside. Tonight I was sorely mistaken. And no, not everyone has one, but anyone needs to be able to get in, so…” Eddie shrugged. “It’s worked out for me so far. I keep my room locked too during the day, so don’t get any ideas.” He smiled.
Steve decided not to ask why he received one after his first day, and instead decided to change the subject. “My roommate wouldn’t really have kicked me out herself, but I knew she’d want the place since she was the only one getting lucky tonight.” Oh, God. Why did he have to bring that up?
“Ahhhh, are we in love with said ‘roommate’? Here on a feel-sorry-for-yourself evening escapade?” Eddie tilted his head to the side, peering at Steve through lidded eyes. 
“No. Seriously, it’s not like that. She’s my best friend. We went to this place downtown… near Pennsylvania Avenue,” Steve was cautious with his words, but he couldn’t help it. He had to know. “I forgot the name. Do you know any bars over there?”
Eddie met Steve’s eyes, but his were unreadable. “Yeah, I know of one. Did they play a lot of dream pop?”
“Yes!” Steve exclaimed, trying not to sound too overly excited that Eddie picked up on a similar detail as him. And appeared to have visited the same bar as him. This probably meant he was cool, but he still couldn’t tell anything about him. He should just ask. “Yes, that one. Red door?”
Eddie nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Tell me more about her. Your roommate.”
Steve got lost in talking about his best friend for a moment. He was familiar with giving the usual exposition of how they met working at an ice cream parlor but had gone to school together for years. They were inseparable ever since, up until she graduated and decided to go to college, which Steve hadn’t got in. He was so grateful she was close by, but he always felt that he couldn’t follow. When Robin’s scholarship finally let her live off campus, Steve was elated to come join her somewhere new. 
“So, she’s the whole reason why you're here?” Eddie asked. 
“Kind of. She’s who really got me out of my hometown,” replied Steve, shrugging.
“Hmm, sounds like you might be in love with her…” Eddie repeated. “Why else would you want to move just to work such a shit job with such a shit boss?” He gestured to himself, topped with a sickly sweet smile. 
“Seriously, dude, that ship has sailed. Or never even made it in the water. Or doesn’t even exist. I don’t–I don’t see her like that,” Steve answered, not sure if Eddie could pick up on what he meant. The weed was starting to cause his thoughts to swim around in his head. “This was the only job I got called back for.”
“Oh,” said Eddie. The joint had sat forgotten between his fingers as they spoke. Now, Eddie lit it once more, taking a drag. Instead of turning his head to blow the smoke away from Steve like he had before, he leaned in, locked eyes with him; he blinked slowly as he directed his exhale at Steve’s face in a powerful gust. Steve groaned, made a face and put up his hands, pretending to be bothered by it while his stomach did somersaults; he had to fight to not stare at his lips. “Guess Wayne was desperate, huh?” Eddie kidded.
“Hah, yeah, I guess so,” Steve nervously laughed to shake himself out of the trance Eddie put him in. He knew Eddie was reasonably joking, but it wasn’t far from what Steve suspected was the truth. But speaking the words out into the world of his failures didn’t hurt as much with the weed in his system. It didn’t feel so much his own fault as it was the nature of the outside world. Life outside a small town. Simple truths you learn as you age. Finding a job is hard, being gay is dangerous, etc. 
A quiet silence fell over them as they finished those last puffs of the joint. It was comfortable, but Steve couldn’t help but feel the absence of the words between them. It was nearing midnight according to Eddie’s digital watch on his wrist. Was it really just hours before Steve overheard Eddie complaining about him? Saying he was going to “ruin everything”? 
Steve jostled at the memory, the same concerns from before settling in. He had to ask. 
“Eddie… What happened last summer?” Steve urged. 
Their eyes met again. When did they get so close? Steve could see the expanses of Eddie’s brown eyes. They suddenly darkened, and it was as if Steve was being pulled forward ever so slightly. 
Then, Eddie pulled his legs back, leaned forward, and propped his elbows on his knees, putting distance between them as if nothing had happened. He looked out to the darkness of the woods ahead.
“Nothing that actually concerns you. I’m sorry you heard me yell,” he revealed, defeated and ashamed. “This guy on my crew last year, he caused a lot of problems. Didn’t treat Max well either.”
Steve’s stomach flipped again; so Eddie was referring to him with that outburst. Steve wasn’t sure what this last guy had to do with him. He hadn’t caused any problems like that, right? He barely remembered what he did that day.  Steve paused, taking in the information; he had that same feeling again, that there was more to be said about his guy, but before he could pry further, Eddie interrupted. 
“Anyways, you might want to be heading back before it gets too late. You good to drive? I don’t have anywhere for you to crash,” asked Eddie. 
Taken aback, Steve nodded, feeling dismissed. They stood to walk inside; Steve paused to assess how high he was only to find he was hardly buzzed. He was surprised, certain that he felt so much more a second ago.
Steve couldn’t tell what Eddie was thinking as his face was blank when they walked along a dirt path in the trailer to the front door. Eddie held it open for him as Steve tried to think of something to say.
“Thanks! For hanging out I mean, and the smoke.” Steve hoped he was successful at attempting to sound casual. In return, Eddie gave a familiar grin, nodding once and shutting the door behind him without another word.
Steve stood there for a moment, wondering why bringing up this guy set Eddie off so badly. He wished he could have stayed for longer, but it was getting late. Sighing, Steve brushed off his nerves and walked towards his car to head home. 
As Steve drove that evening, despite abruptly being sent home, he couldn't help but to be hopeful. Steve could drop the whole last summer issue if Eddie could. He imagined himself enjoying himself at work, making Eddie laugh, making him proud. Becoming his friend. Really learning how to do the work. He smiled to himself as he walked up to his apartment. He didn’t even feel so lonely when giggling drifted up from under Robin’s door. Steve went to bed in his new room finally feeling a little at peace. He fell asleep to the image of Eddie’s smile behind his eyes. 
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barbielore · 11 months
It's a little shameful to admit, but I haven't actually seen Gone With the WInd.
I know it's a classic of Hollywood and a very influential film for a number of reasons. I know that Hattie McDaniel became the first African-American person to win an Academy Award for her work in this film, even though the awards ceremony was racially segregated. And I know that Vivian Leigh was beautiful.
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But this is about Barbie.
Best I can tell, there have been four different Barbies released as Scarlett O'Hara, and one Ken as Rhett Butler.
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This 1994 collection came packaged in boxes with a cutout for the face that opened up to show information about the film on the inside as well as, of course, the doll herself.
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The red one in particular puts me in mind of something. At first I thought perhaps it was one of the dolls from the Great Fashions of the 20th Century series, but that's not it. Does anyone know what this doll is reminding me of?
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I am sure if I had seen the film, I would be able to talk about the references here to the fashions of the film, but none of these look like the "frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" dress, which is 100% of Scarlett's fashion from the film that I know, so I am out of my depth.
I have been saving the best until last though because I love this green dress, and this hat that out of context I think makes her look like Robin Hood.
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I looked up a reference picture for this one and it is just as charming - if not more so - on Vivien Leigh.
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I have been avoiding talking about the Ken though, because I think they did Clark Gable dirty with this depiction. His suit looks illfitting, and his moustache looks much less flattering.
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Poor Rhett Butler. Why did Mattel do you like that?
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piedpiperart · 11 months
Marked for Death pt 16
Chapter 15
“You’ll let me know when they catch him?” Tim asked, standing by the car.
“Yes, I will,”Jason repeated. His men had gotten a sighting of their serial killer and Jason had run facial recognition on the guy and gotten a hit. Gary Newson, 34, worked at the bank across the street from the college. Which meant that after dropping Conan off at school, Jason would apprehend the guy. 
“You sure it’s safe to get him during the day?” Conan grimaced. Jason sighed fondly, watching his kid rock back and forth on his heels. 
“I’ll be safe,”Jason reassured. “I’ll get him, don’t worry.”
“Okay, but text me when you do,”Conan said seriously. 
“You’re supposed to be in class, not on your phone,”Jason reminded him. “And your phone is supposed to be for emergencies, kid.”
“I wanna make sure everything goes okay,”Conan protested. “Maybe I should just stay home-”
“Go to class, Cone,”Jason said, cutting him off. “Everything will be fine and you’re gonna be late if you don’t get to class.”
“But-” Conan protested.
“No, nope,”Jason shook his head.”I’ll walk you to class-”
“Fine, I’m going,”Conan groaned dramatically.
“See you after school, kiddo,”Jason called. Conan pouted exaggeratedly, and walked back to the front doors. On his way, the kid turned to look at Jason with big puppy dog eyes, each time Jason waving him forward encouragingly. Conan heaved the biggest sigh when he’d gotten to the doors, and pushed them open.
Jason watched as his kid disappeared through the doors. A semblance of a smile on his face. He hoped Conan had fun with his friends, but he knew he’d miss him terribly. But, like usual, he had a job to do. 
After Dick’s advice the night before, Jason had started up a program he’d picked up to try to scour social media for any clues for Tim’s whereabouts. It was slow going, but he hoped after Red Hood had apprehended the killer the program would have more results. 
As of now, he had to get home to don the Red Hood outfit and pay Gary Newson a visit. He’d get back to the Robin case as soon as he got back home, and maybe, he’d tell Batman if he’d found anything.
“He was Snippy’s previous owner,”Mitchell whispered. 
“Why are we whispering?” George whispered back. Tim rolled his eyes. 
“It’s just Mr.Sturges,”Amy said, albeit a bit quieter than her normal voice. “He was the second grade teacher and Snippy was his class’s pet.”
“You think he’s sad Snippy’s gone?” George frowned. 
“Wasn’t he gonna give Snippy to Ms. Mouri?” Mitchell thought aloud. 
“Sometimes teachers don’t get to choose when they get class pets,”Tim offered. He looked over at Mr. Sturges, who seemed happy to be on break for once. He was looking at his phone while at his desk. 
“Well, lets go say hi!”Amy exclaimed, skipping forwards. 
“Wait, Amy!” George and Mitchell exclaimed, running after her. Tim heaved a sigh, but followed at a leisurely pace. 
“-you have any pictures of Snippy?” Amy was asking. The man seemed surprised, but happy enough to bring up some pictures on his phone. 
Tim observed from behind the three kids, looking at pictures of a medium sized corn snake. A lot of pictures. So many pictures of snakes, Tim was kind of worried about this man’s well-being.
“Snippy loves mice, that’s his favorite snack,”Mr. Sturges was saying, and the three kids cooed at another picture. “I even learned how to crochet and made him this little hat,”He said, flipping to another picture of a tiny party hat on the snake’s head. Tim had to admit it was pretty cute. 
“Are you gonna get another snake to replace Snippy?” Mitchell asked. Tim kept an ear on their conversation while he looked around the office. One picture of Snippy on the desk, a calendar filled with notes, and a few other knick-knacks. 
Mr. Sturges answered with a sad smile,”Ah, no. I don’t think I’ll have another class pet. Snippy was enough for me.”
“Do you like Ms. Mouri’s turtle too?”George asked,”Her name is Berta.”
A slight frown overtook Mr. Sturges’ face for a moment before he smiled,”Turtles are good class pets, but I still prefer snakes,”He said. 
The kids thanked him after that, making their way back to the playground for recess, considering they’d snuck back inside to question the man. “I don’t think he did anything to hurt Snippy,”Any said.”He seemed really nice, actually.”
“Maybe Snippy just escaped,”Mitchell shrugged. 
“He didn’t,”Tim said, walking over to sit on the swings. “What?!” The kid exclaimed, crowding around Tim in a way that made him want to take a few steps back. 
“Conan, what do you mean?” George asked. “He didn’t escape?”
“It wasn’t aliens either,”Tim said. “Did you notice how Mr. Sturges always talked about Snippy in present tense?”
“Presents?” George repeated, and Mitchell nudged him. 
“He said Snippy loves mice, not Snippy loved mice,”Tim clarified, swinging his feet idly. “And he had a lot of photos of Snippy, too many to not be recent. And judging by the notes on his calendar, he only learned crochet at the beginning of this month. Which means he couldn’t have made Snippy a hat.”
“Unless he took Snippy!” Mitchell exclaimed. 
“Exactly,”Tim nodded. 
“We gotta tell people! The teachers!”George bounced, getting ready to leave,”He stole Snippy!”
“Not exactly,”Tim hedged. 
“What?!” The three exclaimed together, looking back to Conan. 
“You see, Mr. Sturges had a pet snake, Snippy,”Tim started. “He loved his snake a lot so he asked the school to make him a class pet. And they did, for a few years, but then the school heard Ms. Mouri asking about having a class pet for her first graders.”
“So the school was gonna give Mr. Sturges’ snake to Ms. Mouri!” Amy gasped. 
“Right, so Mr. Sturges likely staged Snippy going missing so he could keep him,”Tim finished. “He didn’t do it to be mean, he just wanted to keep his pet.”
“Oh,”George wilted. “I don’t think we should tell anyone,”Mitchell piped up. “He seemed happy with Snippy.”
“Yeah, and it wasn’t Ms.Mouri’s fault either, since she just wanted a class pet of her own,”Amy speculated,”I don’t think she would have known the school would take Snippy away from Mr. Sturges.”
“Well what do we do now?” George pouted, crossing his arms.
“What do you mean?” Tim asked, tilting his head. 
“The Detective Boys’ first case closed and we can’t even tell anyone about it!”George said, and the others frowned. 
“Aha! We’ll just have to solve another case!”Amy exclaimed. The other two crowded around, excited and shouting out mysteries around the school. Tim sat back on the swing with a small smile. Even if school was boring and chaotic, he figured he could at least do something useful while he was here. Why not solve some mysteries?
Jason sighed, wiping blood off his knife. Gary Newson, while an expert at blitz-attacking young women, was not prepared for a fight against Jason. Gary had folded like a wet paper bag when Jason brought out a single handgun. It hadn’t taken much convincing for him to spill everything he’d done. 
Four girls from Gotham University dead, all because of some guys mommy issues, and Jason wasn’t remorseful in the slightest over shooting the bastard in both kneecaps. Hopefully, he wouldn’t ever walk again, much less kill anyone else. The man would spend the rest of his life in jail though, so Jason wasn’t too worried about letting him back on the streets. 
Driving home, Jason couldn’t help but think about Robin. The program he had running on his systems at home should have collected any online social media images collected from the areas Timothy could have disappeared from. Jason was hoping to find some clues to where Tim went, or who might’ve taken him. 
Conan’s school lets out in a few hours, so Jason didn’t see an issue with opening the image searching program the minute he got home. It took him nearly two hours to scope through each individual image for any sign of Drake. Which led him to 3 images out of 238. 
The first image was of some drunk girls leaving a bar, with Timothy Drake passing by in the background. From the timestamp, it was the first image captured and the closest to Stephanie Brown’s house. Jason marked the location on the map, noting Tim’s appearance and direction. Jason figured he was headed home based on direction alone. 
The second image was of a couple and their new apartment, where Tim could be seen from outside the window. The kid seemed to be pressed against a building, facing around the corner. Jason could see the change in route, and wondered if something might’ve caught Tim’s attention. 
Marking that location on the map, Jason continued to the last photo. This photo didn’t have Tim in it, but instead one other figure Jason had become familiar with over the past month. It was a photo of someone’s cat on a balcony, and far down on the street was one familiar figure dressed in black and heading in the direction Tim had gone off course in. In Vodka’s hands was a familiar looking red case. 
Jason heaved a breath, thinking over the case. So Tim was on his way home when he noticed something. Minutes later, Vodka comes up from behind him and Tim is never seen again. It makes Jason want to grind his teeth, but he knows that he can’t do much with this information. Conan and himself have been keeping strict tabs on the Black organization, and so far they’d had no luck in tracking them down. 
With Vodka’s presence, things just got more complicated, but Jason couldn’t help the flare of hope in his chest, because they were one step closer to finding Robin. Jason rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking at the clock. Taking a breath, he sent in the images and his notes on the Black Organization to Batman. Marking Tim’s last known location on the map, he sent Bruce a note to check out the area for clues. 
It was all he could do at the moment, but every second counted. Jason was trusting Bruce to follow the trail while Jason picked up Conan from school. Hopefully the bat had something useful by the time Red Hood left for patrol. 
“And Mr. Sturges didn’t want to let go of his best friend, so he took him home and staged an escape,”Conan said, stirring the pot of sauce in front of him. 
Jason smiled softly at the explanation. He hadn’t thought the Detective boys would actually solve the case, but it seemed he’d underestimated Conan and his friends. “You didn’t tell anyone?”
“No,”Conan wrinkled his nose. “Snippy was his snake, it was rude of the school to try and give him away. He should keep him.”
“That’s nice of you guys,”Jason hummed. “What case are you investigating next?”
“I don’t know yet,”Conan sighed. “They’re kind of upset they weren’t able to tell anyone about Snippy, but Amy’s mom got her some sticker paper and she made us all matching stickers.”
“Oh?” Jason asked, giving Conan a look in between chopping vegetables. “Can I see it?”
Conan sighed. “I guess. I put it on my notebook,”He said, jumping down off the stepstool and ran to the living room to grab his backpack. Jason listened for him, hearing footsteps into the living room before he paused. 
“Uhhh, Batmans here!” Conan yelled from the living room, and Jason held back a sigh. Conan’s footsteps came streaming back into the kitchen and Jason wasn’t surprised to see the bat appearing in the doorway behind him. 
“Alright, don’t panic,”Jason said, putting the sauce on low heat. He lifted Conan up to the step stool, ignoring the looming behind him. “Watch the sauce, and don’t eat any of the noodles while I’m gone.”
“Um, what do I do when-”Conan panicked a bit, not having been prepared to take over the cooking. Jason was sure the kid couldn’t mess up the sauce any way, and he’d been teaching him how to cook over the last month.
“In five minutes stir in one third cup of cream and as much cheese as you want,”Jason said, ruffling his hair. He didn’t mention that there was a limited amount of cheese set aside on the counter, so even if Conan wanted to over cheese it, he wouldn’t. 
“kay,”Conan said determinedly, stirring the sauce once again. 
With that, Jason took one more look at his kid before facing his shadow. “Living room, now,”Jason grunted, pointing with his finger until the man in the full Batman suit turned around. “Sit,”Jason directed, too busy managing his anger and exasperation to play into B’s inability to talk to people like a normal person. 
“Why are you here?” Jason asked directly. 
There was a pause before Jason heard an answer. “The case,”Bruce said, haltingly. Jason was annoyed that he used his gravely Batman voice. 
“I meant what are you doing here, in my apartment,”Jason clarified. “I told you before that we would be working on the Robin case, and I sent you the information. None of which meant you should break into my apartment in full gear and scare my son.”
“It was urgent,”Bruce cut in, but Jason wasn’t done.
“No, this was our deal. I’m not at your beck and call anymore, if you want to work with me, you have to follow my rules,”Jason reminded. “One of those rules was that you stay away from my son. So why did you think it would be a good idea to come here?”
Batman was silent for a moment, and Jason had officially lost patience with the man. He didn’t need to explain this to Bruce again, especially not while his son was unsupervised in the kitchen. He could contact him later, when Red Hood went out on patrol, like they had been communicating.
“Just get out,”Jason said, shaking his head. “Call Dick, and don’t ever do this again.”
“Jason,”Bruce grumbled, but Jason put a hand up to stop him. 
“Out. Now,”Jason directed, pointing to the open window. He couldn’t help but feel relief when the bat finally listened to him and slunk out the window. Jason was surprised that he didn’t feel any sort of vindictiveness at the action. He only felt tired and relieved, and frustrated at Bruce’s actions. He resolved to tell Dick about it later and sick the man on B about it. 
“Jay?” Conan called from the kitchen. Huffing a smile, Jason made his way into the kitchen, hoping nothing was on fire. He sent a quick text to Dick before stepping foot into the kitchen, smelling the garlic permeating the air.
“I put the cream in, and the cheese,”Conan said, “But I ate some of the cheese,”He confessed, and Jason ruffled his hair. 
“That’s alright, we got more in the fridge,”Jason said. He picked up the chopped vegetables to add to the sauce, pretending to ignore Conan’s offended stare. All thoughts of Batman left as he directed Conan through the recipe, joking with his son about vegetables.
Meanwhile, Dick was gearing up to lecture Bruce about valuing personal space and boundaries over casework.
Chapter 17 
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Tastes Like Candy- Batboys Halloween Drabbles!!
just some sugar-sweet Batfam things; don’t mind me ☺️
“Wally, stop eating candy!” To punctuate his sentence, Dick Grayson threw a Snickers bar at his boyfriend, who’d been sitting on the kitchen counter pounding just about every ounce of sugar in the manor for an hour. Rookie mistake; Wally caught it and popped it in his mouth with a shiteating grin.
“Will you hold my hair back when I inevitably puke later?” Wally cooed, batting his eyelashes at Dick, who glared at him.
“No. It’s a fate you brought upon yourself.”
Wally pouted, leaning forwards. Dick honestly wasn’t a big sugar person- but he had been drinking something like apple cider for the entirety of Halloween (and honestly October as a whole), and he stood between Wally’s legs where he sat on the counter. He begrudgingly accepted a short kiss, but pulled away when the speedster drunkenly tried to deepen it by tugging him closer by his belt loops.
“Wally, I think you’re on a sugar high,” Dick said, not unkindly, but not too happy either.
Wally grinned like the Joker. “Nah, I’m 21. Too old for that.” For emphasis, he shoved more candy in his mouth and stuck out his rainbow stained tongue. “Perfectly fine!”
“Exactly. You’re 21. What are you doing eating this much candy,” Dick deadpanned, passive-aggressively sipping his apple cider.
“Because I can. And because it reminds me of you,” Wally hummed, once again pulling his boyfriend closer. Dick set down his cup with a sigh and wrapped his arms around Wally’s neck.
“How so?” he asked.
Wally smiled, less Cheshire-like this time, and kissed him. When he pulled away, Dick’s lips were a mix of blue and purple from Wally’s tongue.
“You taste like sugar all the time,” he said simply, and Dick had to admit that made him fall hard for his dumbass boyfriend all over again.
Wally’s smile suddenly dropped.
“Oh, fuck- bathroom,” he managed, then hopped off the counter and ran off (thankfully without superspeed) to the nearest one with a hand over his mouth.
Dick groaned and jogged after him.
Maybe pranking wasn’t a good way to spend Halloween night in Gotham; there was enough trouble going around, but Jason Todd figured he was entitled to a little fun while he was in town.
So there he stood on the roof of some rando’s house, holding onto the chimney for leverage and awaiting his target. He was in full costume, only with a brand new black hood to go over the helmet and an entirely experimental lightsaber that could absolutely explode if it so desired, just to count himself as a Sith Lord.
Roy, who was perched on top of said chimney like the sharpshooter vigilante he was, simply wore a fox mask and donned Ollie’s old green hat with a red feather from the old days.
Robin Hood and Darth Vader stalked a neighborhood full of trick or treating kids, because the number one asshole in the area was taking his kid out like a normal person as if he hadn’t spent the past few weeks displacing half the Gotham Latino community in favor of a new golf course and clubhouse. Jason would’ve preferred murder, but Roy assured him this was better.
“You ready, Pretty Bird?” Roy said, voice barely loud enough to hear. “He’s coming up soon.”
“Still woulda liked to just shoot him,” Jason grumbled, hefting the water balloon ✨conveniently filled with hot sauce✨. Yeah, that one was Roy’s idea, but it would probably be funny- especially if it landed on his face. And Jay never misses a shot.
Roy nudged him as Asshole #1 and his bratty little kid made their way up the observed house’s walkway.
“This is better, I promise you. Did it last year with Ollie at some crime lord I don’t remember the name of,” he grinned. “You’ll love it. We can shoot him some other time.”
Jason hummed as the kid obnoxiously rang the doorbell six times. “Wish I could hit the kid too.”
Roy muffled his laugh in Jay’s shoulder. “Maybe that’s a little too mean. We’re still heroish people, come on.”
When the balloons were thrown, it was a direct hit. The first landed right on his face, as targeted, and the other on the irritatingly expensive suit for a children’s holiday he was wearing. 
Roy and Jason high fived as the kid and parent alike started screaming, but by the time anyone could look up to the roof, Robin Hood and Darth Vader were gone.
The second the two of them made it to a clear space, the masks were off and Jason was pinning Roy to a wall in a heated kiss. Roy could taste the chocolate Jason had stolen from the manor earlier on his lips, and he grinned into it.
“That was AMAZING!” he broke the kiss to shout to the night sky. Jay smiled and drifted his hands up and down Roy’s waist. “We should do that again, for the rest of the night.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he laughed, pulling him back in.
And then no, they didn’t spend the rest of their night busting assholes. They made out on a rooftop until Bruce was angrily texting at two in the morning, asking where the fuck he’d gone.
Heaven, that’s where.
“Jesus Christ.” Conner hid his face in his boyfriend’s chest, turning away from the movie screen, but he could still hear the screams.
Tim Drake laughed softly, pausing the movie.
“Tapping out already, gorgeous?” he teased, running a hand through the Kryptonian’s hair.
Kon mumbled something like ‘too scary’ into Tim’s shirt. Tim patted his head sympathetically and exited the movie.
“Fine then, no Scream,” he mused. “What about the Conjuring?”
Conner popped his head up indignantly, giving Tim a look like he was crazy.
“That is infinitely worse!” he protested. “No! How about Disney Zombies! Jon showed me that one!”
Tim made a face. “Zombies?”
Conner nodded enthusiastically.
“If you like zombies, what about World War Z?”
The two of them had been (attempting to) watch horror movies all night, curled up in Tim’s room in the manor with blankets and popcorn and candy, all the lights off for ✨atmosphere✨, as Tim said. Kon didn’t really get it.
“Is it scary?” Conner said dubiously, snuggling further into Tim’s side and pulling the blanket they were sharing up to his chin.
“Um.” Tim did want to watch the movie, but he also didn’t really want to lie to his poor boyfriend. “I mean, yeah. There’s also- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE.”
Kon jumped at the sudden outburst, but Tim was on a warpath suddenly to find the right movie.
“What?” He was almost afraid to ask.
“Zombieland,” Tim said gleefully, pulling it up on the screen. “Seen it?”
“You know I haven’t,” Conner grumbled. “It sounds scary.”
“No, no, no.” Tim cupped his face and pressed a small kiss to the tip of his nose. “I promise it’s not. It’s just hilarious.”
“Well, you missed,” Kon mused. Tim barely had time to open his mouth to say something in confusion before Conner pulled him down, pressing their lips together. He tasted like the caramel popcorn he’d been eating all night, and something cinnamon-y, maybe pumpkin spice. Tim was a sucker for that stuff.
When they pulled apart, he was dizzy, having not expecting that. Conner neatly took the remote out of his hand and started the movie, making himself comfortable in Tim’s lap.
“Y-You little shit,” Tim finally managed, pressing a kiss to Kon’s neck to make him squirm. “I’m gonna-“
“Shh, watch the movie!”
Two superkids sat in Damian Wayne’s bedroom, promptly ignoring the screams coming from Tim’s room next door (both from Conner and whatever garbage they were watching), a deck of cards and shots of apple cider lined up between them.
“I do not understand,” Damian said slowly. That was a rare occurrence.
“It’s simple!” Jon chirped, drawing a card off the top as Damian dumped a packet of Swedish Fish into his mouth. “Answer the question on the card truthfully, do the dare, or take a shot. Umm, it was more fun when the Justice League did it, but we’re not legal, so…”
“What, you mean to drink?” Dami mused at his boyfriend’s antics.
Jon stuck the card into the bottom of the pile and shrugged. “Well, yeah. Couple of fifteen year olds can’t take real shots.”
“Says you.”
“Damian, do you underage drink?” Jon teased, poking at his knee over the playing field.
Dami swatted him away, cracking a rare smile. “Of course not. That is absurd.”
“Sure, babe,” Jon laughed. “So! Wanna go first?”
Damian stuck his red stained tongue out as he drew the first card, then glanced down at it, immediately making a face.
“Truth- who… was your gay awakening.” He glared at Jon, who beamed back innocently. “Did you write these?”
“Maybe,” Jon said. “So? Who’s it gonna be? Corpse Husband for the voice? Zac Efron for the… everything? Who was it?”
Damian smiled again and reached over the playing field, taking the back of Jon’s neck and dragging him forward to meet halfway. Sugar of many kinds lingered on his lips, and on Dami’s when he pulled away just to rest their foreheads together.
“It was you,” he whispered, and Jon grinned in dizzy adoration. “It was the annoyingly bright super-boy with beautiful eyes and a puppy heart. He basically forced my third eye open with a crowbar, but I love him for it.”
“Is my Dami making a joke?” Jon gasped. Damian rolled his eyes affectionately. “Are you saying your third eye is equivalent to your gay awakening?”
“Pretty much.”
“Well, I love you too, dorkface.”
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asoulofatlantis · 8 months
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Those Enforcers really have far too much free time on their hands XD
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I feel like we should seriously add the "god of copper" and the "holder of Titan" or something, just to make that sound even more hillarius. (BTW... that reminds me that my boy Rean better came up with a name for himself by now.)
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We are Spriggangs, guys! Sometimes we get treated worse than the Bracers when it comes to the kind of missions that no one askes us to do but force us to do instead. I mean, what right does Marduk even have to ask us to do they job with only Kasim by our side? And what if we do not want Kasim with us? He is such a nuisance sometimes!
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Excuse me? It took me only one S-Craft attack to get you and your man to bow down to me, you really think I am scared of you after this weak display?
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Seriously? She is worse than Ouroboros, always showing up when you least expect her... and just like Cao she is never on the one side you would assume her to be. Annyoing people living in Calvard I tell you...
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I hate to admit it (for obvious reasons) but I love that Tachi. Its so darn pretty. I want Rean to have one of these too!
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I just came to the realization that I need Shizuna to live until Rean had the chance to face her again. So no matter how much she pushes my buttons or goes on my nerves with her questionable attitude as a divine blade... I need her to stay alive.
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I think I could say we give Cao far too much credit here, given how Shizuna just complimented how amazing he organized all that stuff without revealing his identity to anyone... BUT that is exactly how good Cao truly is.
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To be fair... despite what I wrote before... her personality also makes it really hard to actually dislike her despite the circumstances... She is a bit like some of those annoying Enforcers. You want to hat them, you really should hate them and you sure as hell started out no liking them much... but somewhere along the way you have gone from "Urg! Campanella!" to "Campanella! ♥" and you have no idea when and how that happened ^^' I mean, look at Shirley... when did that happen? How did it happen? I have no idea! But at this point NO ONE touches my girl! And for some odd reason Shizuna fits that description too. She is not so high on my list... but she is not getting any lower either... (Maybe it was wrong of me to rule her out as an Enforcer...)
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Lets make this sound even more ridiculous then before, shall we? With us right now, is a 13 year old child that is part of a Jeager-Corp, a guy they called the "Prodigidy" who actually is passed by a demon-spirit, a maid from Marduk whos body is not human, a jeager princess that is also a diving blade, an enforcer from Ouroboros who formerly belonged to the organisation that was responsible for little Renne getting raped through her childhood and OH I almost forgot the guy who is passed by one of the strongest devils of Gehenna. We had weird lineups in Trails-Games before but this one takes the cake AND eats it. (Fun fact, technically speaking we could add to the mix two Dominions one former Dominion (currently on leave) a former Enforcer, the daughter of Calvards President AND also Granddaughter of no other but Epstein himself, two former Assasins who usually travel with a dead man and a living puppet, a Bracer that has an A-Rank an (SPOILER!) Angel that is both male and female and could (and will) annihilate us all and to finish it off, also an Actress that is secretly some sort of Robin Hood in leather with big boobies XD So... not even Class7 could beat that up and they have two former Jeagers that have turned into bracers, just to mention to of that ridiculous lineup XD
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To be fair... if you fall in love with Cao then you have to be prepared to be betrayed eventually... just... you know... to be saved by him a bit later on eventually... and then he might betray you again some day. This is, after all, the kind of man he is ^^' Seriously, if she is ever going to marry this man, ever god of Zemeua be with her, because she will need their aide to survive a live with this traitor...
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Cao this is seriously getting old... its almost as ridiculous as fighting Gilbert at this point... not that I can compare you two in any way, but fighting you has really become a shore. Well... I guess I have to beat your damn ass a few more times then. Looking forward to it!
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He is still the traitor... but... he is so damn good at it.
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My ass!
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
A Little Flower and a Count
Inspired by how a Count finally visited my Chaldea this summer, and dedicated to @panyum, @xviicprc, and @partialdignity for loving Dantes and sharing it with me. I still don’t know everything about him yet, more so because I missed out on both the original run of his event and the rerun, but hopefully Da Vinci’s shop this year will let me better understand why people love him so much.
Here’s the song I was listening to while writing this.
In a specific room of Novum Chaldea, everyone could hear the tapping of someone’s armored boot.
“Should I do something about Vy’s shadow?” Achilles muttered over a glass of beer, giving Robin Hood a single wary look. “He’s been following her for the past two days.”
“Dunno about that,” Robin returned after rolling a mint leaf over his tongue, chewing on the plant thoughtfully. “Stalker or not, the little sparrow’s noticed him already and she hasn’t said anything to us. I get how you feel, Achilles, but I think she has a plan.”
“Ah, but, but what if something happens~?!” Ereshkigal interrupted with a higher-pitched voice, face flushed enough over her cup of tea to match a human more than the goddess she was supposed to be. “He’s still an Avenger class, Robin! He could easily hurt—”
“We thought that about the dark Jeanne and Gorgon when they first appeared too, Ereshkigal,” Arturia said calmly, taking a careful sip of her own green tea before shaking her head. “But they’ve warmed up to Vy as much as anyone else here. If anything, we’ll be on standby until Vy says the word. Besides,” Arturia smiled at the Goddess, green eyes warm, “it is our Princess. Knowing her, Avenger’s taking his time.”
“I-If you say so…”
“You should rest more,” was said from a corner of the kitchen and it took everything in Vy’s power to not squeak out loud. It didn’t stop her from making a little noise from surprise (something along the lines of “WAH!”), and even then, glancing in that direction yielded no recipient of her gaze except for a few wisps of darkness.
“…Avenger?” Vy tried gently, clutching her hands to her chest.
The shadows of the coffee machine was the next thing to show any sign of flicker, but the air had fallen silent again.
Vy blinked, staring at the glass coffee pot in particular before trying one more time. “…Count?”
Sure enough, that did it, with the shadows of the coffee machine itself starting to move and then morph into a human-like shape, exposing a familiar dark hat and white hair.
Vy smiled up at the taller Servant once she could see a glimpse of a yellow eye past the darkness, the surprise in her heart fading in exchange for fond acceptance. “Hi to you too, Count. I am resting a bit, I just need to make something to keep myself awake for the rest of the morning, that’s all.”
Edmond Dantes said nothing in response to her greeting, nodding curtly before walking over to her side, glancing over the kitchen island counter she was originally working at. “Condensed milk?”
“Di Thuy used it when making coffee when I was little,” Vy explained quietly, measuring a few spoons of the dense liquid before gently depositing it into the flower-patterned mug of black coffee sitting near her left hand. Cherry blossoms proceeded to appear on the mug from the heat-exposure, lighting up the white surface with pink blooms as Vy smiled at it. “I can’t remember the entire recipe, but the Vietnamese iced coffee I grew up with always used condensed milk and a bit of hazelnut coffee creamer.” Vy left the serving spoon in the mug to stir at it, watching as the coffee went from black to a soft brown color.
Daddy would’ve liked this a little too bitter…
Instead of voicing that thought, Vy glanced up at the taller Servant. “Do you want a cup too, Count?”
Even with the soft smile Vy was sending his way, Dantes kept his mouth in a thin line, tilting his head at her. “…Leave the condensed milk to the side, Master.”
Vy beamed. “Aye!”
It took a moment for Vy to realize Dantes was staring at her once she turned back to the counter to cap the carton of condensed milk she was using, and turning around only resulted in a large calloused hand reaching up to cup her cheek.
“Why do you associate with me, I wonder,” Dantes whispered, his thumb stroking Vy’s cheekbone before resting underneath Vy’s left eye past her glasses. Vy closed it almost instinctively, trying not to feel weird at the prodding sensation Dantes was leaving behind while tracing the barely visible bag underneath. “Light and darkness do not mix, Master. You know I can’t be saved like the Edmond Dantes in history.”
Vy leaned into the touch with a smaller smile, shaking her head. “…I know I can’t save you, Count.” Even if admitting that hurts. “But hey. That doesn’t mean I can’t provide you a break. And you reminded me to take a break, Count. The least I can do is do the same for you.”
When looking up into Avenger’s yellow eyes, Dantes merely smirked at her. “You may keep trying, Master. A little flower can only last so long in Hell.”
With a stronger smile, Vy reached up to cup Dantes’ hand that was on her cheek with her own, squeezing softly. “I don’t think it’s Hell if I’m with you,” Vy said honestly. “We’re in Novum Chaldea, Count, and it’s another day. So let’s just have coffee and coexist together, okay?”
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maribatshipper · 3 years
Miraculous Damienette Reader Insert
A girl with H/C, H/L, H/S hair walks into College Françoise Dupont, looking for a certain bluenette, her E/C eyes glimmering as she sees the bluebell-eyed teen in one of the classes. The bell rings & she walks into the classroom & runs straight for the other girl.
"NETTIEEEEE!" She exclaims, surprising the bluenette.
The redheaded teacher asks, "Who are you? This-"
The girl laughs, "Oh, I am Marinette's cousin Y/N who just came back from Australia!"
Suddenly, a girl who's hair reminds Y/N of a horse's butt smiles, "Oh, I remember Australia. I went there last year & had some of that deliciously sweet stuff they called Vigimite."
Y/N laughs her butt off. The girl looks offended.
"That is the funniest thing I've heard in weeks! You can't even pronounce it!" Y/N laughs.
"Hey, Why are you laughing at Lila? She was just trying to connect with you!" A brunette with glasses frowns at Y/N.
"Because, this Lila girl obviously has never been to Australia. Vegemite is certainly not sweet. It is a savoury spread the locals put on bread. Next thing she's gonna be telling me is that they ride Kangaroos to school & the Koala Bear is actually a bear & they throw a shrimp on the Barbie! It's not a shrimp, it's a prawn! Kangaroos are wild animals & it's only called a Koala BEAR because it looks like a living Teddy Bear!" Y/N exclaims.
"N/N, calm down." Marinette sighs.
Y/N nods, "Sorry. Oh, you said something really important on the phone, Nettie!"
Marinette blushes, "It's nothing, really."
"We'll talk about it on the way to my apartment!" Y/N smiles.
Lila starts crying, catching Y/N's attention.
"Why are you so mean?" Lila cries.
Y/N goes full savage mode.
"Oh, forgive me. I didn't realise saying hello to my Cousin makes you blush!" She sasses.
The brunette girl glares at Y/N, "How dare you hurt Lila's feelings!"
Marinette sighs, "Alya..."
Y/N cuts her cousin off & laughs, "Seriously? If she's all upset because I love my cousin, then her family hates her, which I'm not surprised with the outfit she's wearing, & don't get me started on her hair! Are you trying to look like a dog's hind leg? You'd think that a girl who's on the magazines would at least model good clothes, & know how to MODEL! Honestly, you'd think Agreste would pick a good muse. I've seen 27 different kids here with much better fashion sense than you!"
Everyone gasps at Y/N's statements about Lila. Lila ends up crying her eyes out, but Y/N keeps smirking.
"I think you've caused enough trouble, Y/N." Alya sneers.
Y/N glares, "Like all of you have caused trouble for Marinette?" in a deathly serious voice.
Marinette hides under the table. If there is anything she has learned from the family reunions, it's that you do NOT get Y/N mad.
"You know, Marinette can sue the lot of you with what you've done. I've done my research on the lot of you. You, Alya! Your blog is crap! All it's used for is spreading Miss Rossi's lies. You call yourself a truth-seeker but you only see what you want to see." Y/N hisses.
Alya goes to object when Y/n gives her a look that can shut up politicians.
"You, Max! You believed a serviette-"
Marinette interrupts, "We call them napkins here."
Y/N continues, "A napkin could gouge out your eye! Dude, you're wearing glasses! Unless the paper had acid on it, the only thing it could've hurt is your cheek, glasses, or forehead! Use that brain you were given!" She turns to the Teacher, "Bustier, you make Marinette do all the work keeping your pupils in place, when that is your job! She's been doing everything except teaching the class. My cousin is spread as thin as Vegemite should be, & you all expect her to do more than her fair share! & don't even get me started on the texts I've seen!"
Marinette's eyes widen in shock.
"Did you say texts?" Marinette whispers.
Suddenly, a purple butterfly flies into the room & lands on Y/N's belt, absorbing it as a neon butterfly symbol appearing over her face.
"I'mma stop you right there, Moth-butt. YOU are one of the reasons I'm mad, so I suggest you remove this little insect before I crush YOU like one. NOW!"
The class stares in shock for a while before Y/N falls against one of the desks, the butterfly symbol disappearing & the butterfly forms again to fly away when Y/N grabs it, holds it by both wings with both hands & rips it apart, killing it.
"May that be a lesson to that man." Y/N smirks, "Now, I'm taking Marinette to my place & you can bet that your life is about to become so much harder! Somewhere out there is a tree that's working tirelessly to supply you all with oxygen. Go find it & apologise! Let's go Nettie."
Y/N grabs Marinette's hand & walks away.
"Now that that's out of the way, What's this about a boyfriend, Nettie?"
Marinette's a blushing mess.
"You don't have to answer my questions right now, but be careful in Paris, Ladybug." Y/N smirks.
Marinette exclaims, "What!? No! I'm- I'm not-"
Y/N laughs, "Whatever you have that fools all of Paris, even the world, doesn't work on your cousin who designed supersuits. There is also E's influence."
Marinette sighs, "How?"
Y/N ignores her question.
"Speaking of which, What Do You Think You're Doing?!"
The slightly older teenager instantly switches to lecture mode, whacking Marinette with newspaper.
"You taught me everything you know, which helped me with E, & I watched you with pride as you impress Agreste with your hat & created the album cover of Jagged Stone that hits the top of the charts like a high note, & you go running around Paris rooftops in a Polk-a-dot spandex ONESIE?! I'd think you'd at least get a decent supersuit! No more! We're going to design you a REAL suit in my office! No cousin of mine is going to be running around Paris in PJS!"
Thoroughly intimidated, Marinette stares at Y/N in shock. She barely sees this woman, & out of everyone in Paris, the family that she rarely sees figures out her identity! She just keeps staring shocked while Y/N drags her to a tall office with many supersuits lined on the walls, then takes her measurements.
"I... I don't know how you found out-" Marinette starts.
Y/N cuts her off, "I'm not going to tell anyone, Nettie. I've seen your fights against the Akumas. You're in a defensive battle, & need to keep your identity secret, even from your parents. Believe me, I can keep secrets, & I can't even tell you why."
That would be telling. Marinette knows Y/N used to be a superhero fan when she was younger, & it seems to have carried into her adolescence.
"That's not it N/N, I don't think my suit can change. I didn't design it, it's magic." Marinette frowns.
Y/N pulls out pieces of paper, "That would explain your powers, including why it took my 10 tries to recognise you. You & your partners must have Perception filters. You & Cat Noir's powers do seem to be in line with luck. Clearly you have some influence over your powers, so maybe that could extend to your suit? I mean, I did see that Pharaoh report. It's obvious your powers are older than you. Maybe even inheritable, & I doubt your predecessors wore spandex PJs."
Suddenly, there's a doorbell ring.
"Who's visiting?" Y/N asks.
She walks towards the door to see a young man with green eyes and dark hair.
"Damian Wayne? What do you want this time, Demon?" Y/N scoffs.
Marinette gapes. Her cousin knew him?
"Wondering why my girlfriend wasn't at home but was here." Damian scoffs.
Y/N turns to Marinette, who's smiling sheepishly.
"He's your boyfriend?! Now I feel kinda feel bad for putting a prank in his room. Oh, uh... Don't go in your room for the next 2 weeks, Demon. Does he know?"
Damian glares at Y/N while Marinette nods.
"Good, I can talk about it with him in the room. We'll design anyway, & you start practicing manipulating the suit’s design in private. In 2 months from now, I want to invite Ladybug to E's latest collection first hand, as some of the pieces have been inspired by her & her partners, & I do not want my cousin showing up looking like she put on an oversized toddler onesie, embarrassing herself, E, & I. If you can't change it, we'll make an oversuit with some of your boyfriend's tech. Maybe a jacket or armour. You'll look amazing!" Y/N natters.
Damian gives Marinette a deadpan look.
"What is she talking about?"
Marinette sighs, "She knows I'm Ladybug."
Damian sighs in annoyance.
"Oh please! Like it was that difficult to find out who the Batfamily was, Robin. The entire world is full of idiots. The only ones that figure it out & go public about the info end up dead. Also, I'm your family, Nettie. I'm supposed to protect you. But if your out there saving Paris, I can't do that. Just be careful, Nettie."
Marinette's eyes widen with an idea. Damian notices.
"No, Angel."
Y/N giggles at the nickname given to Marinette, remembering Damian's nickname.
"Opposites really do attract."
Ladybug is now seen swinging from rooftop to rooftop with a jacket with a hood that goes over her ears, with the design "La Mode" printed on the back, a new Fox hero, Kitsune, beside her, E/C eyes shining.
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(Not my picture, I just googled it. Add a bit more armour on it.)
"You ready, Kitsune?" Ladybug asks.
Kitsune nods, "Ready as I'll ever be, Buginette!"
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Time for Luffy's fashion exam! Now, I'll be honest, I did skip an outfit because I decided I will be ending this whole thing with the Strawhat fashion show in Episode of Luffy. Also, sorry for the posting gap, I remembered I have other unfinished post sets. That being said, this is a very long one so let's do this!
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Kid Luffy, Post-Enies Lobby & Fish-Man Island: I think it's super cute when Luffy has white t shirts with red based logos because it reminds me of the first picture. Makes him look baby plus, they can always be found in cute domestic EPs or fun, cute flashbacks. The shorts change over time and that's also kinda cute, a range of cuffs is a nice change up. It's nice to see the red contrast the blue shorts and the white is a nice color on him cos it contrast his hair!
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Romance Dawn, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Marineford & last Dressrosa outfit: This look is the pre Luffy look. It's the pre Timeskip look everyone thinks of is cuffed shorts, Kimono sandels and sleeveless vest (and Strawhat, obviously) but have you ever seen them all in a line? It's mad. Each outfit is the same basic look bit more are more spicy each time! I like the Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago looks a little bit more cos it's nice to see that jacket open and it feels like he was trying something new. I also feel that the buttons on the jacket look like the ones on Shanks' pegged ankle sailor pants when we first see him so that's cool. (it took me hours to find the name for his trousers, oh my fucking god) The last Dressrosa outfit feels like a nice callback to the rest of the line up here without being too much cos it's just a red vest top instead and I do find it funny it's like the Enies Lobby and it's used in Dressrosa because of the jokes people make about Robin and Law being so similar.
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Timeskip: This is it lads, it's the one true icon itself, the post look! ☺️ When I sit back and look at it I see all the people this look is influenced by and want to cry at how masterful it really is. (Now, I do wanna say that I didn't come up with this nor am I the first to say it and I am definitely probably looking too much into this but) The yellow belt is taken from Shanks' red belt the first time we see him and the Shanks look Luffy is more familiar with. Now onto the jacket. I know it won't stand out as to why for most but it's Ace inspired! When Ace leave to become a pirate, the start of his adventure, he has his jacket open and Luffy having his jacket open also shows his scar from the ending of Ace's adventure. I also really appreciate how no one hides scars in this anime. Also, someone said that the style of the jacket and it's fancy frills could be in reference to Sabo's little jabot collar and honestly I do see it. it's quite subtle unlike Shanks' but not as hard to catch as Ace's so I enjoy thinking that it's there too. Lastly, he still has his cuffed shorts and kimono sandels because it's still Luffy's outfit at the end of the day and he is still who is is, just with a stronger appreciation of what people have done for him now. It's also his colour pallette for the pure fact he is the main character n needs his pallet. also sometimes he just has normal wooden sandels but the same outfit sometimes, it's a small detil a lot of people overlook but I prefer the sound of his Kimono sandels 😊
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Dressrosa: I love this outfit cos it's stilly but also has very nice vibes. Looks ready for the beach but is really throwing hands and that's the best kind of outfit, it's a nice expectation subversion tbh. I also like how he tried to hide the Straw hat but not... All of it? And I love how the crew didn't actually question it either. It would have been super easy for one of them to just tell him to leave it behind or something but I do really love how respectful they always are of the hat. I myself have a hat that's super important to me and when I loose it I go mad.
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Whole Cake Island: I love this arc for outfits! I swear if the actual content of it doesn't kill me, the act looks will 😭 it's all so magical and it knows it is! Like I said before, white is a good color on him as he has black hair but for the same reason, so is black! In this arcs outfit range, the Staw hat seems almost invisible and his outfit gets less and less 'Luffy' as the arc gose on showing this is not about him. He's not the focus of this arc and you can see that in a lot of the outfits thb. I also like the lack of blue and yellow, 2/3 of his colors as Sanji is often associated with those too as we've talked about before. Also, I like the little red strips on the white jacket with the gold buttons, idk why and I think it's nice that the last 2 outfits are so simple in general, it's a nice look for him. oh, what's that? A Pink jabot? Your killing me Lu, straight up killing me here lil' bro! Side note, is this the first time in canon Luffy has worn a suit jacket or is it the only time I've noticed? Cos DAMM!! Shits sick as fuck and I actually love that when wearing a suit jacket as such he always keep short on 😆
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Spa Island, Z's Ambition & Strong World: WHOS READY FOR A RELAXING SUNNY DAAAYY!? (pun not intended but very much enjoyed) I actually adore the fact Luffy still tries to go swimming cos it was his favourite thing to do as a kid so like fuck Luffy is gonna give up on that. He's got his safety measures ready, what more do you want from him? I mean I personally want him not to swim with his hat on cos it's litrally Staw and that's not good for water but anyway Z's Ambition, am I right!? The top is so fucking cute and I just noticed those shorts are also ✨designer✨ fancy man!! Now, the pic of Zoro is the one I missed out before and it's also from Z's Ambition. I love that Luffy has the shark top but Zoro has the ocean shorts. I really love Zoro in this purple cos and thick white stripes really work with the ocean waves. It's really well put together and hes got dark brown sandels on to off set all the white but keep the purple from being a stand out color, it's cool! Than the last Luffy looks like he's at a fashion show. It looks like the shorts come from a kids set the shark top belongs to. Imagine those together, it'd be so cute. However, it isn't an ocean patten, those are clouds cos Nami has a bikini top with the same pattern in Skypiea and it's actually one of my favourites for her.
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Boss Luffy Historical Special! This filler AU is so much fun, I think any it a lot. He has his hair up in that super cute and useless way that doesn't actually do much but I do have my hair like that a lot n it's just... nice? Idk, it's strange buy I like he did that. I really enjoy his Kimono more that the actual Wano one cos it's a lot more simple look. The Sai being tucked in in that way is also cool but kinda makes it look like it's stabbing him a bit 👁️👄👁️. I like the pin strips being like a faded purpleish cos if you just glance at it, it makes it look it fuzzy. The belt also looks very nice with the middle ligter bit. It really feels like the Wano one was inspired by this is a way cos of the color matches. Like, it's probably not but still.
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3D2Y, Adventure of Nebulandia 😍 & Heart of Gold: Hat-less Luffy is both a sin and a blessing. Regardless, I LOVE OP BOYS IN HOODIES!! I had to show you this specific the 3D2Y because we don't see the hood and it's soooo cute cos it a paw 😍 but also 😬 cos it's like... Kuma's paw the thing that cause 3D2Y in the first place. But that's also why it's so cool at the same time and AHHHHHH 😄 Now! On to Nebulandia! I really like this movie but also in canon, how does he have that jumper? Who made it for him and can I have one? It's Usopp flag design so I guess it could be him but he doesn't seem the type. Point is I want one. Last of this set is some really cosy outfits!! "How much fur?" "Yes" am I right? Like the first one is sooooo cosy with all the fur! Plus, a funky new bamboo hat, always a good thing to have a new hat. I appreciate that you can see the zips on these too. Then the orange turtle neck one with little fluffy bits is just here cos it's so out of his usual looks, I had to at least mention it.
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Strong world & Film Z: The shorts on the first one are really cute cos it's a light rosey pink with red fur and just a plain solid dark blue colour jacket works really well. Not to mention the fact he has a super cute orange and yellow flight helmet hat with goggles on under the Staw hat. The 2 bag straps also make an X which is a nice detail. The 2nd outfits in this movie are super fuckin cool ngl. It's so strange to see them all dress in black and have guns but I like the red shirt for him with the yellow highlighted parts. Makes the Straw hat actually work with the outfit instead of ignoring it. Film Z brings us the same flight helmet hat just brighter and without the goggles but also opens with this T-Shirt and Luffy being silly with it. I think that's the only reason to mention it, it's funny. Then the obligation pirate outfit, always stunning plus the meat belt.
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Film: Gold & Stampede (also used in Cidre Guild): these are my top 3 Luffy outfits no matter what else I see. I love the straw cowboy hat sooooo much cos it's very Luffy. I like the balls they has as a team to choose white for all of them, considering they are all quite messy people, living for that dad shirt and I like the Golden chain around his neck but am always confused as to why it was never used against him. Like dude could and should have tried to choke him at least once, right? Anyway, the dress! Now, the dress isn't actually that good but it's my favourite because it shows how Luffy has no fucks about gendered things. On to of that, a big pink flower is wonderful and look at his confidences in it, he's so proud of it the boom, Nami told him he can't wear it! Lastly, the Stampede outfit!!! Just like the Nebulandia jumper, I have no idea who made it but it's irrelevant cos it's beautiful and I want it so badly. I like that it's white and red stripes, gives thenprefect vibes for Stampedes opening. The shirt is actually too big for him, you can see on his arms but it's actually super cute. I love the simple look of these shorts then the fact his yellow belt is replaced with white bandages and the black on the kimono sandels are now red? It's such a simple pallet and it's truly the best!
I also just wanna add, I think it's really cute when Luffy has the Straw hat on his back just cos his hair is really cute. Idk why, it's looks kinda cursed but cute at the same time
This post took 2 weeks or so to make and we made listening to the complete BNHA soundtrack, film gold OST and Sonic generations vol.1
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 9
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 9 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 9/? SUMMARY: With the Doctor newly regenerated, he and Elise must now navigate their new relationship. The Doctor is an old man and Elise is a headstrong young woman. She is no longer the scared little girl the Doctor saved all those years ago. Will Clara be able to keep them from killing each other?
“In the contest for the golden arrow, after ten rounds, the battle is betwixt our Lord Sheriff and the stranger known as Tom the Tinker!”
Robin stepped forward and the crowd cheered.
“Take your places!”
“Shall we make the contest a little more interesting, my Lord? The targets seem a little close. What say you? Another twenty paces?” Robin asked the Sheriff.
“Why not?”
The target was moved further back and the Sheriff fired a black arrow from his bow. It hit the bullseye.
“Now, Tinker. Let us see thy true face,” the Sheriff said.
Robin’s white arrow split the Sheriff’s.
“Ye Gads! He has split the arrow! Truly, he is the finest archer in all England. Come forward, Tinker. And claim your prize!”
Before Robin could grab the golden arrow, a multicolored feather split Robin’s.
Elise rolled her eyes, although she was rather impressed.
“He still loves showing off, doesn’t he?” Clara asked.
“I'm the Doctor. My skills as a bowman speak for themselves. I claim my reward.”
The herald knelt and the Doctor took the golden arrow. “A mere bauble.” He tossed it to the side. “I want something else.”
“Name it,” the Sheriff said.
Robin split the Doctor’s arrow with another one of his. The Doctor fired an arrow that ricocheted off the armor of a guard and split Robin’s. Robin fired an arrow without looking and split the Doctor’s arrow.
There was something stirring in the back of Elise’s brain. This situation was familiar to her, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She knew the memory was there, but her brain wouldn’t let her access it.
“This is getting silly,” the Doctor grouched and pointed his sonic screwdriver at the target.
It went up in a fiery explosion.
“Fascinating. Seize him!” the Sheriff ordered.
Three knights drew their swords, while Clara grabbed what looked like a spear and tried to swing, but it was obviously too heavy for the small brunette.
“What are you doing? Put that down!” the Doctor told her.
“I'm fine. I take Year Seven for after school Tae Kwon Do.”
Robin ran over to their small group. “Don't worry, fair lady. I'll save you.”
It took a moment for Elise to realize he was talking to her. “Hold on! I don't need saving!”
“Your honor is safe then.”
“My honor?”
Clara hit Elise lightly on the arm. “He’s flirting with you!”
“By implying I can’t take care of myself? I’m a Timelord.”
“Well he doesn’t know that!”
Robin whipped off his hat and everyone cheered. “For I am Robin. Robin Hood!” Robin sliced off one of the knight’s arm, but instead of blood spurting from the wound, it sparked.
The Doctor ran over and picked the arm up. “Robot.”
The knight’s visor opened to reveal a metal face.
“Now we're getting somewhere.”
“Take them. Kill the rest. Kill them all!” the Sheriff ordered.
The robot knights fired energy bolts from their forehead.
“He surrenders!” the Doctor yelled.
“What?” Robin asked.
The Doctor knocked Robin’s sword from his hand.
“You miserable cur. I had them on the run. Flee, lads, flee! Live to fight another day!” Robin yelled to his Merry Men.
“To the dungeons with all of them,” the Sheriff said.
The knights grabbed them.
“What are you up to?” Clara asked.
“Quickest way to find out anybody's plans, get yourself captured,” the Doctor told her.
Elise scoffed. “We always end up captured.”
They were taken to the castle dungeons.
Again, this situation felt too familiar to Elise, but the memory wouldn’t come to her.
The four of them were chained to posts in the room.
Clara and Elise were chained to one together.
“Splendid. Enchained,” Robin complained.
“Yep,” Clara said.
“Trussed up like turkey-cocks. Thanks to your friend.”
“Shut it, Hoodie. I saved your life,” the Doctor snapped.
“I had the situation well in hand.”
“Long-haired ninny versus robot killer knights? I know where I'd put my money.”
“If you had not betrayed me, I would have been triumphant.”
“You would have been a little puff of smoke and ashes.”
“Oh, ha!”
“You'd have been floating around in tiny little laughing bits in people's goblets.”
“Balderdash. Ha!”
“Oh, right, here we go. It's laughing time.”
“Well, you amuse me, grey old man.”
“Guard! He's laughing again! You can't keep me locked up with a laughing person.”
“Oh, I find that, I find that quite funny. Do you know, I feel another laugh coming on. A-ha-ha-ha!”
“Guards, I cannot remain in this cell. Execute me now.”
“If you two keep it up, I’ll execute you both!” Elise yelled at them, but the two men ignored her.
“You heard him. Execute the old fool.”
“No, hang on. Execute him.”
“I do not fear death, so execute away.”
“Execute him. I'd like to see if his head keeps laughing when you chop it off!”
“Oh, Robin Hood always laughs in the face of death.”
“Yes, rolling around the floor laughing, I would pay good money to see that.”
They both started yelling for the guard.
“Will you two, shut up!” Clara yelled, “Do either of you understand, in any way at all, that there isn't actually a guard out there?”
“Oh,” the Doctor said.
“I did, in fact,” Robin insisted.
“No, you didn't.”
“I said, shut up,” Clara snapped, “The Doctor and Robin Hood locked up in a cellar. Is this seriously the best that you can do? You're determined to starve to death in here squabbling.”
“Well, I'll tell you one thing. I'd last a lot longer than this desiccated man-crone,” Robin said.
The Doctor snorted in amusement. “Really?”
“Well, you know what? I think you'll find I have a certain genetic advantage.”
Clara yanked on the chain attached to his wrist.
“It is not a competition about who can die slower,” she told them.
“It would definitely be me, though, wouldn't it?”
“There was supposed to be a plan. Do either of you two have a plan?”
“Yeah, of course I have a plan.”
“I too have a plan,” Robin said.
“Okay. Robin, you first,” Clara told him.
“Why him?” the Doctor asked.
“Doctor, shut up. Robin, your plan.”
“I am biding my time.”
“Thank you, Prince of Thieves. Last of the Time Lords?”
“Yes, I have a plan,” the Doctor said.
“Can you explain your plan without using the word sonic screwdriver? Because you might have forgotten the Sheriff of Nottingham has taken your sonic screwdriver, just saying. It's always the screwdriver. Elise, you got anything?”
Elise sighed. “No. There’s nowhere to put my screwdriver in this dress.”
“You used to have a holster for it,” the Doctor said.
Elise’s eyes widened. “I what?”
The Doctor shook his head. “Never mind. Let's hear Robin's plan first.”
“Oh, for God's sake,” Clara groaned.
The door opened.
“See? There was a guard. There was guard listening the whole time, I knew it. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” Robin said.
The guard was a man with no teeth, only rotten stumps. “The Sheriff himself commanded me to listen, to find out which of you is the true ringleader.”
“Ah, so he can do the interrogating. Very wise,” the Doctor said.
“Excellent. He will get nothing from me,” Robin insisted.
“No, no, no, no. no. He will get nothing from me, because interrogation, that's where I always turn the tables. You see, that's my plan.”
“Just hurry up and take me to him.”
“No, no, chop-chop, come on.”
The guard unlocked Clara’s chains.
“Seriously?” Clara asked.
“Come on,” the guard said, pulling her along.
“Take your hands off her!” Elise yelled, “Oi! I’m talking to you!”
“No,” the Doctor breathed.
“What are you doing?” Robin asked.
“Don't be ridiculous!”
The door slammed shut.
“If something happens to her, I will never forgive you,” Elise told her father.
“Clara will be fine.”
Elise laughed.
“What?” the Doctor asked her.
“Nothing. Nothing. It’s just…reminds me of the Pandorica is all.”
“The first time you spoke. ‘Course I’d heard you speak before…”
“Before what?”
“I’ve got an idea,” Robin said, “I need you to moan.”
“I'm sorry?” the Doctor asked.
“Beat your breast. Moan. Groan as though twenty devils possessed your guts.”
“What for?”
“So as to attract the attention of that gargoyle-faced guard.”
“It's your plan. You moan.”
“No, no. No, it won't work.”
“Oh, because you're clearly more advanced in years and you have a sickly aspect to you.”
“I have a what?”
“You're as pale as milk. It's the way with Scots. They're strangers to vegetables.”
“Oi!” Elise snapped. She would not stand by and let him insult the heritage of the woman who influenced this regeneration in both herself and her father.
“I'm not moaning. You moan,” the Doctor told him.
“Fine. If you want something doing...” Robin moaned loudly. “Can I rely upon you to do the rest?”
“Yes, yes, I know the drill.”
“What is this din?” the guard asked.
“No business of yours, cur.”
“Speak up. I can't hear you,” the Doctor muttered at Robin.
“What ails him?” the guard asked.
“None of your business.”
The guard entered the cell. “I said, what ails him?”
“Well, if you must know, he's having a nervous breakdown.”
“A what?”
“He's like this whenever he's in any kind of danger. He just can't seem to cope. He gets so afraid. He goes into a kind of fit. I honestly believe that he may die of sheer fright, like some tiny, shivering little mouse. Oh, God, I think he's soiled himself.” “Let him die. It will save us the trouble of executing him.”
“And what will happen to the reward?”
“Oh, God, I shouldn't have said that.”
“Tell me!”
“He carries a vital message. The Prince has promised a bounty.”
“A big one?”
“An enormous one.”
Robin mumbled something.
“What’s that? Say again?” the guard asked. He leaned in towards Robin.
“Come closer. Your breath stinks like a serpent, has anyone ever told you that?” Robin head-butted the guard, knocking him out. “Soiled myself?” Robin asked the Doctor.
“Did you? That's getting into character. Okay, keys.”
The two of them started fighting over who was going to get the keys.
“I'll get them.”
“No, no. I'll get them.”
“I'll get them. I'll get them.”
“I'm fine, no, no worries. I've got them!”
“I've got them! I'll get…”
They ended up kicking the keys down a drain.
Elise groaned and slammed her head into the post. At this rate, they were never getting out.
“Well, there is a bright side,” the Doctor said.
“Which is?” Robin asked.
“Clara didn't see that.”
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 3
So, I know it’s been a long time waiting for this chapter but it’s finally done! It is 3500+ words of Thana’s overprotective friends and Jason being an overprotective dad/brother.
Before I get into the chapter, I’m going to go over a few words that might trip you up. All of the translations are courtesy of Google Translate so if I’m using a word wrong feel free to correct it.
Baba is Papa. Aleuma is Auntie. Kutlat Saghira is Little Nugget.
Thana stood in front of the class, carefully going over her note cards for her presentation.
Mlle. Bustier smiled at the class before clapping. “Okay, everyone. Let’s settle down and give Ms. Dupain-Cheng our full attention.”
Lila, ever the attention seeker, allowed crocodile tears to well up in her eyes. “Mlle. Bustier. She’s going to copy my presentation. It’s not fair.”
Thana glanced up at the other girl, her blue-grey eyes cold. “Well, Lila. If you’d paid attention, you would know that M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng are my adoptive parents. I’m not doing my presentation on Italy. I’m doing my presentation on Gotham City, New Jersey, USA.” She nodded towards Mlle. Bustier and waited for her to put the slides up on the board before turning to look at the class. “Gotham City, New Jersey, USA is called the ‘most crime-ridden city’ by the locals. The GCPD, or Gotham City Police Department, is exactly what it sounds like. The police department of Gotham City. Most locals, however, do not respect the officers of the GCPD because of the vigilantes that roam the streets. The main vigilante is Batman, he’s also the oldest, he dresses in all black with a cowl on his head that has bat ear like protrusions on the top. After him is Nightwing. Nightwing is very flexible and most Gothamites, people from Gotham, speculate that he is in fact the first Robin. He dresses in a suit of black with a blue bird across his chest. Red Robin, who is widely speculated to be the third Robin, works alongside the first two but also alongside Spoiler. He dresses in a red and black suit with a yellow robin head in the center of his chest atop a pair of crossed bandoliers. Spoiler, who most believe was both the fourth Robin and the second Batgirl, dresses in a suit that is primarily purple with black on her chest. Signal, a member of the team, dresses in a yellow and black suit with a white bat on his chest. It is believed he may be a meta, which is shorthand for metahuman which is what they call people with powers. There is also Black Bat, who most believe was the third Batgirl, who wears a mostly black suit with a yellow bat on her chest and yellow detailing on her arms and around her ribs. Black Bat’s suit covers most of her face from her nose to her chin. Most Gothamites believe that the first Batgirl is working hand in hand with the rest of the team behind the scenes after an attack by the Joker left her paralyzed from the waist down.”
The class looked on in amazement at the high quality photos that went along with each hero, but also in fear as Thana gave a thorough rundown of all the heroes and villains, called Rogues, before Thana’s face split into a smile.
“-The Sirens, a group of three antihero turned Rogues who don’t behave the same way that most of the other Rogues do. They have been seen helping Batman, when it fits them. The Sirens refers to Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Catwoman wears a black leather catsuit, which is self explanatory in her name. Poison Ivy wears varying shades of green and plant life while Harley Quinn, who was once affiliated with the Joker, most commonly wears a light pink crop top under a pair of gold overalls. The Riddler and Scarecrow, two Rogues who are relatively harmless since they partnered up, are rather distinctive. The Riddler, who wears a green three piece suit with matching hat and a purple tie and domino mask, leaves riddles and clues. Scarecrow, who wears a grey three piece suit with a canvas sack over his head, injects or sprays people with what he calls Fear Toxin but recently he has cut back on the injections and only soaks the paper The Riddler’s riddles are written on in his fear toxin. The Penguin wears a black three piece suit with a white dress shirt and is most commonly accompanied by twin girls who are most commonly seen wearing black wigs, green dresses and Kabuki masks. The Great Rodolfo, whom most speculate is related to the Joker, wears a cream or tan suit jacket, plaid pants, a matching plaid vest and a different patterned plaid necktie. Lastly, there’s Red Hood,” Thana’s hands fisted at her sides and pressed her lips into a thin line, who has recently been spotted fighting alongside various members of Batman’s team. Most Gothamites believe him to be the second Robin returned from the dead. Red Hood wears a red helmet, a dark brown leather jacket, black pants with black boots and a black utility belt, a black shirt with a red bat on his chest, and a red long sleeved shirt under his black shirt.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Kim’s waist and let out a shuddery breath. “My brother is Red Hood and he wants me to know it’s him.”
Chloé frowned but nodded. “We’ll help you see him again. However, we need to set up people here to fight the Akumas and someone to get, at least, Adrien to purify the butterfly.”
Alix smiled and turned towards Chloé. “I have some friends in Mme. Mendelieve’s class who can assist us while we’re gone.”
Adrien nodded and smiled. “You mean Bellamy, Brielle, Marc, and Alicia?”
Alix nodded. “Alicia is very sneaky and would be pretty good at using the Mouse Miraculous. Marc is very trustworthy and may or may not already be planning a storyline involving a hero who’s based on them. They would be a good temporary Horse Miraculous user. Bellamy is the Mom friend of their friend group and kind of reminds me of the dragons from mythology who hoard things, so I was thinking about him for the Dragon Miraculous. And Brielle is awkwardly good at keeping people organized, the only person better is Vivienne, so she could probably wield the Bee Miraculous.”
Adrien grinned goofily and slung an arm around Alix’s shoulders. “Those are great suggestions and unless anyone else has anyone better I think we’ll go with them.” Adrien, as the de facto leader of the team, looked to Thana for his longtime partner’s opinion.
Thana nodded from where she was hiding amidst Kim’s red sleeves. “Bellamy was nice to me when I arrived and Alicia always shadows her friends.”
Nino glanced at Chloé before tapping his headphones. He knew she would know what he meant. Nino glanced at their friend, could see how out of it she was becoming, and locked eyes with Chloé.
Chloé, always okay with coming off as argumentative and brash, looked at her oldest friend with a smile before falling back into her usual bratty persona. “Not to say this hasn’t been fun but, this hasn’t been fun. Kim, Nino and I are going to take Fragolina back to mine. Thanks for having us and thank your dad and Jalil for not interrupting us for me Alix. Kim. Nino.”
Kim stood up slowly, making sure to not disturb Thana as he did so. He shed his red hoodie and draped it around Thana’s shoulders before pulling Nino to his feet. Nino, who took his headphones off and placed them atop Thana’s head before selecting one of his playlists and stuffing his phone into one of Kim’s pockets.
The boys guided Thana out of the room, while Chloé smiled at the two other members of their group. “Fragolina’s going through some things at the moment, because she just realized her brother isn’t as dead as she thought he was and wants her to know that he’s looking for her.”
Adrien pursed his lips before glancing at Alix. “I didn’t know she had a brother, did you?”
Alix shrugged. “She didn’t really talk to many of us when she got here.”
Thana settled against the pillows on Chloé’s bed with Kim’s hoodie looking as though it was swallowing her whole and the hood pulled up over her head and covering Nino’s headphones with the lyrics to The Neighbourhood’s “R.I.P.2 My Youth” transitioning to Fall Out Boy’s “Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea” sounding in her ears. Nino’s phone was no longer in Kim’s pocket but plugged in while Chloé was packing clothes for their trip to the States.
Nino and Kim were trading practice blows in an area far away from Chloé’s closet. Or they were before Nino began flipping away from all of Kim’s attacks.
Chloé glanced at the boys before shaking her head and turning to their resident Gothamite. Chloé let a smile cross her face before turning to the four Kwamis, who were all relaxing in a large dollhouse, and raising a brow. “What are you four doing?”
Plagg and Trixx wore matching grins while Stompp simply crossed their arms over their chest and Sass began humming a tune. “Relaxing, what does it look like we’re doing?” Plagg’s face broke out in a larger grin before he relaxed into Trixx’s side.
Chloé simply shook her head at the four Kwamis. “Why don’t you four go relax with Fragolina?”
Jason smiled as he picked up his Little Nugget and settled him on his hip. “Hey Little Nugget. Did you sleep well?”
Damian nodded before burying his face in Jason’s shoulder. “Who are they?”
Jason adjusted his hold on Damian to allow for Damian to see the two girls. “You remember Lady Shiva, don’t you?” He waited for Damian to nod before he continued. “The girl with the dark hair is Lady Shiva’s daughter, Cassandra. The blonde haired girl is Stephanie Brown. Do you remember when Bruce proclaimed that he wouldn’t have his children hanging out with the children of bad people?” Damian pursed his lips in thought, something he picked up from Jason, before nodding again. “Lady Shiva is a bad guy, as is Stephanie’s father. But, by Bruce’s standards so are Talia and Ra’s.”
Cassandra bowed, low to the floor, in Damian’s presence. Cassandra would never forget her training, and all must bow before the Heir of the Demon’s Head.
Stephanie gave a two finger salute with a smile. “Sup?”
Dick and Tim emerged from the bedroom they crashed in the night before. “Jason? Does this place have coffee?”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Am I going to have a Tamaranean princess and a half-Tamaranean tyke breaking into the apartment you’re helping pay for?”
Dick’s eyes widened before he dove for the couch, where he left his phone the night before. He let out a victorious shout when he found his phone still had battery life left. He tapped out a text to Kory before turning back to his brothers. “No.”
Jason kept watching for danger out of the corners of his eyes, even though it was noon and he was in a supermarket, he couldn’t take any chance now that he had his Little Nugget and two sisters to watch out for. He saw a familiar man with short red hair leading a man with long brown hair, a familiar red haired woman and her companion, a familiar blonde haired woman, turn down aisles further down. “Stephanie Jeanelle Brown. Put down the toaster waffles. Take Cassandra and go find the boxed waffle mix, and while you’re there grab some pancake mix and syrup. Dick, Tim, go find some fruits that will keep for more than a week.”
The four teens nodded before going off to do what was asked of them. Damian, however, pouted from beside Jason. “Why do they get to go get things while I’m stuck with you?”
“Because, Little Nugget, I’m not afraid someone will steal them and make me reconsider how I feel about murder now that it’s not just me.” Jason smiled and ruffled Damian’s hair, which had grown out since Jason had first taken him. “I just want to keep you within eyesight because there are unsavoury characters who live in Gotham and darken the streets. I know technically I’m your brother but I feel like you are my child and I will do everything in my power to protect you, like I couldn’t protect your aunt my sister.”
Damian glanced up at Jason, a look of confusion on his face. “But I thought there were only three girls in the family in the right age range.”
Jason’s face melted into a faraway look and tightly pursed lips. “She was four when I met her, this tiny little slip of a child covered in bruises with dark red hair and blue grey eyes. I was following her, like most street kids would have, when she got the drop on me and then pinned me into the shadows beside a dumpster because her father was walking towards the alley we were in. I became Robin when I was twelve and she was nine, and then CPS and GCPD dragged her from one of our nests and took her away from here. I just found out about that at the press conference.” Jason’s blue green eyes kept sweeping the aisles looking for anyone who could pose a threat to his family. He saw, instead, Selina Kyle deciding between two different laundry detergents in one aisle and Oswald Cobblepot, accompanied by Pere and Gale, deciding between two different kinds of cereal.
Damian took in the information Jason gave him, knowing that Jason would tell him anything he asked even if it was painful to think about. “Who’s her father?”
“Jervis Tetch, aka Mad Hatter.” Jason’s voice was filled with so much venom he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. “He’s a very bad man and if you ever hear anything about him, you run away. The Iceberg Lounge will provide you sanctuary if you can’t make it back to the apartment.”
Damian nodded as he allowed himself to be caged in by Jason’s arms so he was between Jason and the shopping cart.
Stephanie and Cass returned triumphantly with waffle mix, pancake mix and syrup. Followed by Dick and Tim a few minutes later.
Dick turned to Jason with a wry grin. “Is there a real reason we’re shopping at this store at this time of day? Or did you just want to surround yourself with other people who love your Pixie?”
Jason glanced up and made eye contact with Ed Nygma. Jason waved with a small smile on his face before Ed grabbed John’s arm and dragged him to the six siblings.
“Big Todd.” Ed called in lieu of greeting.
John nodded with a smile.
“Are you ever going to give that up?” Jason shook his head fondly. “Ed, John. This is Damian, my Little Nugget. Little Nugget, these are your aunt’s Uncles Ed and John.”
Ed nodded. “Have you tried to get in contact with her?”
John pressed a kiss to Ed’s cheek before looking at their present company. “Now might not be the best place to converse about this topic Love.”
Ed nodded before he let John drag him away. “We must converse again.”
Jason smiled as he tucked Damian into bed, before closing the bedroom door. He slumped back into the kitchen and with an exhausted sigh he set about finishing the dishes from the day’s meals. He paused to think about what Ed had said in the store. Would she even want to hear from him? Would she be receptive to talking to him or getting in contact with him?
Tim walked into the kitchen, intending to get a glass of water then go back to bed, when he stumbled upon Jason lost in thought. “Jason?” Tim stood next to Jason and gently pried a plate out of Jason’s hand. “Jason? Can you hear me?”
Jason shook himself out of his stupor and turned to the smaller boy. “Replacement? What are you doing up at this hour?”
Tim shrugged nonchalantly. “I was going to get a glass of water.”
Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed a glass out for Tim. “Sure.” Jason leaned against the counter and watched as Tim filled the glass with water.
Tim smiled at his older brother. “Were you thinking about what Nygma said?”
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair with a half smile on his face. “She was my only family for many years.” Jason turned back to the sink still full of dishes with a chuckle. “Go back to bed Replacement.”
Tim nodded. “Yeah, okay. I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow.”
Jason finished the dishes before dragging his still damp hands through his hair. He let out a tired sigh before turning around, to find discarded clothing covering his couch. He picked up a laundry basket and tossed all of the clothing into the basket. He glanced around the living room and nodded, satisfied with how clean it was. “We’ll have to clean up the apartment tomorrow, as long as Wayne doesn’t call us in.” Jason muttered as he put the laundry basket down on the counter and walked into his bedroom and curled around Damian.
Jason, with Damian settled on his left hip, stared at Bruce Wayne who was standing at the door to the apartment building. He raised a single eyebrow as he turned to have his right side facing Bruce. “Can I help you Mr. Wayne?”
“We need to talk.”
Jason snorted. “Then you can do it while walking. We’re meeting someone soon and we’re walking.”
Tim, Steph and Cass brushed past the trio. “Bye Jace! We’re gonna go hang with Kon, Cassie and Bart for a few hours!”
“Text when you get there and when you’re leaving! If we’re not home before you call to let me know you made it home safe!”
“Bye Jason!” Steph called while Cass waved.
Jason turned back to Bruce and raised his eyebrows. “Walk and talk Wayne.” Jason hitched Damian further up on his hip and started to push past Bruce, when Dick beat him to it.
“Call me if you need something or if one of the others needs something. I’ve gotta go home to Kor’i and Mar’i.”
“See you later Dickiebird.”
“See you Jaybird, see you Chick.”
Damian simply waved at Dick and rested his head on Jason’s shoulder. “Bye-bye.”
Jason watched Dick walk away with a smile on his face. He turned to Bruce and frowned.
“Baba. Go.”
“In a minute Kutlat Saghira.” Jason pressed a kiss to Damian’s cheek. “Do you want to walk and talk or-”
“What did he just call you?” Bruce cut Jason off. “What did you just call him?”
“I called him Little Nugget, and last time I checked I didn’t have to tell you anything.” Jason shook his head and pushed past Bruce. “Are you ready to meet some friends Little Nugget?”
Damian nodded and smiled.
Jason pushed open the door to the Iceberg Lounge and smiled as the chilled air cooled the sweat on the back of his neck. “This is where we’re meeting some friends of your Aleuma.”
Damian smiled and patted Jason’s chest, his nonverbal way of saying he wants down.
“Don’t run off, stick close. Not everyone in here is friends with your Aleuma.”
Damian nodded before the two men from the supermarket approached them.
“Jason.” the man with brown hair smiled as he extended his hand to Jason.
“Mr. Crane. Have you been keeping your nose out of trouble?”
John laughed and nodded. “Of course, Ed keeps me in line.”
Ed laughed and shook his head. “Someone has to.”
The red haired woman and her blonde haired companion strolled into the area with matching smiles on their faces.
“Sundew.” The red haired woman called.
“Little bird.” Her blonde companion chirped.
Jason waved. “Damian, the red haired lady is Doctor Pamela Isley and her lovely companion is Doctor Harleen Quinzel. Pam, Harley, this is Damian al Ghul-Wayne. However, he’s more my son than Wayne’s at this point.”
Pam and Harley waved at Damian before offering him smiles.
“Oswald!” Jason called to a portly man across the lounge.
The man, followed by two women dressed in green long sleeved dresses and Kabuki masks, walked over to Jason with a smile on his face. “Todd. It’s good to see you.”
“You too old man.” Jason bowed to the two women. “Pere. Gale.”
The women bowed back.
“Damian, this is Oswald Cobblepot, your Aleuma liked him for some reason and he gave us shelter on more than a few nights.”
Oswald Cobblepot held out a hand to Damian with a smile on his face. “Hello there Damian.”
“Hello.” Damian smiled and stood taller. “Baba. I’m taller.”
Jason snorted. “I see that Little Nugget.” Jason glanced over his shoulder when he heard the door move.
“Hey, Ozzy? You heard from-” Jerome stopped talking before his face split in a smile. “Hoodie! You’re back!”
“Hey Rome.” Jason waved. “Come meet Damian.”
Damian tilted his head in a confused puppy manner before the red haired man appeared from behind Jason. “Is he?”
Jerome extended a hand to Damian with a more mild grin on his face. “Hi. I’m Jerome Valeska, although most of these people know me better as The Great Rodolfo. You must be Damian Todd.”
Damian preened for a moment before coming back to the moment. “Technically, Baba says my name’s still Damian al Ghul-Wayne but I like Damian Todd.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky
After this, there will be a short titled “Pixie?!” featuring Jason fresh from the grave and the appearance of Talia al Ghul using his panicked state against him.
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mimiplaysgames · 3 years
Terra Week Day 7 (Bonds/Fave Scene)
Summary: Terra lets his friends love him. | Word Count: 3,462
Read on AO3
A/N: For Terra Week 2021! You can find that account on Twitter!
At the end of the day, your chains weigh a burden. Share them. At the end of the night, your Bonds make you free. Mend them.
The stars wink sometimes, if you stare at them long enough.
Terra’s been lying on his back at the roof of the residential tower, where the slats are at a gentle slope so he’s not doomed to fall off. A small, square window behind him gives him easy access; he and Aqua used to waste many nights at this spot for years. Here, they can watch the sun rise behind the mountains, so they get the best of night and day. 
The sound of the window slipping open means she’s here—he just wasn’t expecting the plop of an open book landing in his face.
“Look what I found,” she says, and he pulls darkness out of his eyes to see detailed drawings of a fox with a bow and arrow, talking to a large bear who is spying from behind a bush. Robin Hood and his sidekick, Little John. They used to role play as these characters when they were children for hours. Aqua lies down on the space next to him, careful not to slide too close to the edge.
“Thanks, I was looking for this earlier.”
“It was in the potions section. Do you remember putting it there?” He doesn’t, and she shrugs and rolls over to her side. “I forgot there was a part where he dressed up as a blind beggar to sneak into the prison.”
Terra flips pages. Many of them have multiple bends, bookmarks to areas of the story that the two of them enjoyed to play with. That is one of his favorite scenes, Robin Hood dressing in a long cloak and dark sunglasses to hide the fact that he is a fox (despite that it’s still obvious), shaking a beer jug for coins. Those goons he fooled are so dumb.
“It’s still kind of funny after all these years.”
“You would do something like that.” She hides her smile behind her fingers. “Dress up to trick the enemy so you could sneak in and save the hungry.”
“You’re making fun of me.” 
She slaps his bicep. “I am not.”
It’s the greatest compliment he could receive but it’s also the greatest cringe. He’s always wanted to be compared to his hero... yet it’s still something he can’t quite believe, like there’s a twist to the joke, even though Aqua would never. She’d speak from the heart.
“Dress like this with me”—he shows a drawing of Robin Hood and Little John in their signature thief green tunics and hats—“and I’ll believe you.”
She rolls her eyes. “They don’t have any pants on.”
“That’s the point. We’d be wild.” Terra hides a smirk behind his finger.
“Only if you pay me a thousand munny.”
“... You know, that’s not going to be hard to collect.”
“A bold claim.”
“Okay, but if I end up collecting it all—”
“You’re seeing nothing.”
He laughs and she joins him, warm and painful in the stomach, something that hasn’t happened so sincerely since they have come back. Nights so far have been tight and insecure, as though laughing would expose them to an enemy hiding around the corner. 
Out here, graced with the breath of fresh air, they’re safe under the guidance of the stars. It feels like a young night when their dreams for the future come uninhibited. 
“I talked to Yen Sid,” she says once she’s able to slow down. 
“And?” Terra swallows air down the wrong pipe and coughs.
She wipes a tear from her cheek. “I convinced him to change the standards of your Mark of Mastery.” Picking herself up by the elbows, she sighs. “Though I still think it’s unnecessary, if you want my opinion.”
Terra doesn’t agree, flipping towards the end of the book where Robin Hood and his love are sent off by a carriage, free from persecution. “What are the new terms?”
“Everyone is splitting up to look for Sora and… I proposed searching for him in the Realm of Darkness.”
Terra rolls to his side, dropping the book, all joy that stayed with them minutes before now drained away. He speaks softly. “You want to go through that again?”
She purses her lips. “I don’t want to, but if it helps with finding Sora, then what other choice do I have?”
Terra hums. “I understand. It’s just… you’ve been through so much already, Aqua.”
“It’s crazy it’s been twelve years,” she mutters before perking up and pretending it’s not a heavy subject. “If you survive the Realm of Darkness, then Yen Sid will name you Master.”
Terra sputters. “Are you serious?”
She giggles. “Partially, but that did come out of my mouth in the meeting. Ven would want to come with us of course, but Yen Sid is most concerned about your affinity to Darkness… which isn’t fair.” She brings her knees to her chin. “We all carry Darkness, and you have already shown, twice now, that you are able to face yours and defeat it. So, I suggested you come with me and face the Master of Darkness yourself.”
“What do they look like?”
“Whatever you think it looks like.” She shrugs. “Yourself.”
Terra doesn’t know what to say. He traces the ridges of the slats in front of him. The Realm of Darkness is a different plane of existence entirely, one where the rules of Light don’t apply, where logic makes no sense and there’s only the constant pressure of regret and succumbing, based on what he’s read from the books. From what he’s heard from her, Darkness is the never-ending fight of giving yourself reasons to keep waking up the next day—when there’s no reason to.  
“Twelve years,” he muses. “I couldn’t have survived if that were me.”
Aqua sombers, watching the horizon for the outlines of mountains that you can only see in the night if you squint. “It’s not so different from what you have told me.” She looks at him. “About Nowhere and not knowing when it would end. If it would ever.”
Terra rolls back to look up at the stars. Darkness gives them room to shine. “So all I have to do is survive while we search for Sora?”
“When you say it like that,” she says with a mock-wave. “You know, twelve years isn’t that long. How about we make it twelve days? Survive twelve days and you’re Master. That sounds fair.”
He does a double-take. “That’s not funny. What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m taking a page out of your book and making inappropriate jokes.”
He groans. “This is why you’re not funny.”
“I am, you just won’t admit it.”
He shakes his head, but he can admit it brings a smirk to his face.
The window slips open again with a thud, Ven’s golden head of hair sticking out but not joining them. “You two are the most predictable ever. It was easy to find you.”
“You’re predictable for looking for us,” Terra reminds him.
“Did you find the thing?” Aqua asks, her head leaning back to address him.
“We did.”
That’s right. We. They accepted another member to the family the day of the Master’s memorial, when a talking cat-thing appeared out of nowhere and crashed the end of the eulogy. Terra and Aqua haven’t found a trace of its breed in any of the books in the library (five floors of it). They call it Cheers (because “Chirithy” is a ridiculous name; how in any star can anyone pronounce such a thing?), and every time they ask it questions about its past and how it knows Ven, it responds with more vague questions. Otherwise, it doesn’t offer much opinion. Much like that stupid book, Affairs of the Heart. 
But Ven inexplicably has a bond to it, and they are simply going to have to trust his heart. 
“What thing are we talking about?” Terra asks.
“Can’t tell you,” Ven quips. “Sworn to secrecy.”
“To who?”
“Come with us, Terra.” Aqua stands up, brushing dust off of her drapes and bending to squeeze through the window. 
Just when he was getting comfortable.
Lanterns light the way. Aqua likes to be in charge of how bright they get, and tonight they shine for a feast, bright with a cheery kick, glistening the golden halls of the castle as though it’s sitting in daylight. She marches to the entrance hall where they held their Mark of Mastery years ago. Cheers is already here with two books and a bouquet of flowers on one throne and more knick-knacks on another that Terra doesn’t have a reference for.
“What’s this about?”
“An honorary title ritual.” Ven cranes back into his own arms, proud of himself. “We found a couple of books on how they did it in the Age of Fairytales. A lot of it we can’t translate, but it’s pretty cool.”
“A title ritual?” Terra asks Aqua, who is stroking the middle throne where the Master used to sit, eyes closed in prayer.
“An honorary one.” She brings her hands to her heart. “I believe the Master really wanted to name you Master. And I agree. Riku does, too. I know you want to prove yourself and do it traditionally, but we wanted to do a little something special for you. A title that only we know of so you can keep it to yourself and no one else has to find out.” She steps down. “Until you want them to.”
“This is my thanks for what you’ve given me.” She summons Rainfell, and it springs in her hand among glowing petals and a swirl of waves, a second quicker to respond than the aged and wise Defender. She’s whole.
“It looks like so much fun, too,” Ven says with puppy-dog eyes. 
“You deserve it,” Aqua says.
“Pfft,” goes Cheers. 
“We’re supposed to be equals,” Aqua continues, twirling her Keyblade like it’s as natural as wiggling her fingers. “The Master said so that day.”
“Just say yes.” Ven nudges his elbow. “Roxas already calls you Master.”
Terra coughs on a snort. “Does he?”
“He calls all of us Master for some reason.”
“Maybe it’s because he thinks you’re all old,” Cheers mutters but Ven continues—
“When I tell him there has to be official recognition and an exam, he just shrugs.” He raises his shoulders too high to his ears for a good imitation. “He says, What difference does a dumb test make?” Ven is trying to act voguish, but it makes him look dorky instead. “Master Ventus sounds pret-ty cool if I say so myself.”
“Ahem,” Cheers announces, broadening its arms to command attention. All it needs is a conductor’s baton. “Shall we begin?”
“Do it with us?” Aqua pouts and raises her eyebrows, joining Ven in the ridiculous charade of coaxing Terra into playing along.
Terra huffs. “Okay.”
Both of their faces beam, Aqua throwing a sheepish high-five to Ven’s enthusiastic holler, giggling like they’ve won a game. It’s touching. 
“I’ll need your Keyblade,” Aqua says, handing over Rainfell. “Trade?”
“Standing Masters must accept the Blade of the candidate. To bless it,” Cheers says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
“If you say so,” Terra says, straining a chuckle from pouring out in case Cheers gives him a death glare. He summons Earthshaker and lends it to Aqua by the hilt. Rainfell is as light as a feather, as it has always been—he held it when she first called it at the age of thirteen, surprised by the paper-lightness of its weight, wondering How in the stars do you expect to hit anything with this? when he’ll learn the truth later that she hits just as hard as he does. 
It doesn’t feel arrogant and big like a Master’s Keyblade. It just feels like Aqua’s, the longest friend he’s ever had. 
“Terra. How on earth—?” Aqua grunts and pulls. Earthshaker screeches across the floor, and she takes breaks before inhaling and dragging it more. “So impractical.” She cries a sigh of relief when she reaches the throne. 
“Now the masks, in accordance with tradition,” says Cheers, peeking into one of the books.
“Oh.” Ven hurries over to the other throne, grabbing thin, plastic masks Terra’s seen in amusement parks, with the rubber strings that cut into your circulation. “Masks apparently were really fancy in the old days.”
“Yes,” Cheers says. “Made of porcelain and leather. Very tasteful.” 
“This is what we got.” Ven showcases three tacky half-face masks of a pig, a bee, and a frog like a deck of cards. “Which one do you want to be?”
Cheers wrinkles its snout in disgust.
“The pig is kind of cute,” Terra says. It’s bright pink, with holes cut out in the eye sockets and a tout nose. The string squeezes him around the temples, so he hopes the ceremony will be quick.
“You be the frog, Aqua.” Ven hands over her mask and dons the bee, complete with springy pom-poms for the antennae. 
“Don’t forget the robes,” Aqua says as she slips the frog on, lumpy and shiny, bracing herself so that Earthshaker leans on her hip. 
Ven comes back with three of the Master’s hand-me-downs. They smell like dust from a damp dresser. The one given to Terra is too short, and the one Ven is wearing drags on the floor. Aqua’s hangs off the shoulder (We’re going to need to hire a seamstress, she mutters).
“Now we shall truly start,” Cheers says.
“Why does Cheers get to lead this?” Terra asks.
“Because Aqua is the one to honor you and Ven is the witness,” Cheers says. Duh. “Master Aqua, you understand what you must do.” 
Aqua holds Earthshaker by the hilt like one of those knights in the attic, its point at the floor. It’s bigger than Rainfell, reaching up to her chest. She gestures for one of the books and Cheers is too eager to turn to the right page and hand it over.
“That book?” Terra rolls his eyes, remembering that no one else can see.
“Yep.” She brings Affairs of the Heart closer to her face, frowning before checking her attitude and reciting:
Thus a wield'r and a cousin, so longeth as thy heart stayeth true, and thy duty vows to who, a mast'r to the endeth, so longeth as thee behold not backeth.
She sniffs and double checks the passage, her chin wrinkling. 
“That’s it?” Ven asks. “What the stars does that even mean?”
“You shall also honor your bonds,” Aqua says, whipping her nose out of the book.
“You’re improvising,” Terra says. 
“And never scare me again.” 
She slams the book on his head with enough pressure to make him nod. “Say yes.”
“Yes, Master.”
She chuckles.
“Now we shower the room with flowers,” Cheers says.
Ven gathers up the flowers he plucked—a mix of withering vanity plants, such as tulips, and weeds, such as dandelions late into their development, where they spit white fuzz. 
“That’s all you have?” Aqua says. 
“It’s late into the season,” Ven says, defensive. “And you didn’t want to wait too long for me to get more.”
He throws them and they droop down to the ground, crinkling on the floor in an unceremonious finish and lack of climax. Terra brushes two petals off of his shoulder. 
Cheers stares in contempt. “Well… it is done.” 
“Now I call you,” Aqua says, licking her lips as they tremble, and she stops to cup her cheek and compose herself. “Master Terra.”
Master Terra. 
He doesn’t know how to feel when she leans his Keyblade toward him. Earthshaker feels the same–not more powerful, not more wise, but a friend patting his back. But what for? 
“Has a nice ring to it,” Ven says. “Master Terra.”
“How do you feel?” Aqua says, slipping fingers under her mask to wipe her eyes. 
“I don’t know, I guess I expected to feel… something that justifies it all. But I’m still me.”
“Isn’t ‘me’ the person who spent all these years studying for Mastery?”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t make sense in my head.”
“I felt the same way,” Aqua says quietly. Cheers is closing books and picking up dry flower petals, urging Ven to help. “Without you by my side, it just felt… a little empty and confusing.”
“I never congratulated you.”
“I’ll do it first. Congratulations.” She smirks, her cheek wet under the frog mask. 
Terra pulls off his mask—ignoring Cheers when it squeaks, Excuse me, but that must stay on for the rest of the night out of respect for your appearance—and studies her. “What’s that look for?”
Aqua pulls hers off as well, her eyes red but soft and happy. “I want to see Yen Sid’s face when he names you Master and I get to tell him that I already did.” 
He snorts. “What if he objects?”
“What if he’s too stuck up in past grievances and can’t appreciate you for who you are or what you’ve accomplished?” Cradling Rainfell in the grip of her hand, she nods to herself. “Who gives him a say? I spent twelve years in the Realm of Darkness. Not him. There were some things the Master was wrong about. Do you know why that is?”
Terra wants to say it’s because the Master was afraid, but he won’t speak over her. “Why?”
She looks away at a wall, blinking too much. “I’ll never use it again. It makes me feel like I’m not thinking straight, that I’m too close in making a fatal mistake I can’t take back. But I can’t help but feel there’s a purpose for it. Darkness exists not to put us astray on our path but to help us understand ourselves and our needs better.” When she speaks with this much conviction, Aqua seems the tallest in the group. “Within us, it needs comfort as much as the Light needs faith.”
“That’s what makes the heart strong enough to protect what matters.”
Aqua smiles. “That’s why.” When he’s about to object, she places a hand on his shoulder. “The Master is no longer with us. If you continue like this, who’s to say you’ll be okay with Yen Sid accepting you as well?”
She’s right. “I just think I need to do more to atone.”
“I faced the Darkness, and maybe I’ve won. Sure.” Terra shrugs, and the change in tone catches Ven attention, who ignores his immediate chores to come close and remove his mask. “But I’m still missing the same Light you have, Aqua. The one that made you, Master, as you deserve. Mine is not that strong.”
Ven sighs.
Aqua opens her mouth to say something but stops herself, searching his eyes with a gentle mix of love and skepticism. “There’s something I never told you.” She rubs her palms together. “In the Dark Realm, I… there were many moments where I wanted to give up. 
“I saw you once, a bright light standing in front of me. You talked to me. You protected me from Xehanort, and you told me to never give up.” She breaks, swiping her eyes and sniffling loudly, willing her body to breathe normally.
Terra stares at her. “I thought I made that up.”
“No,” she says, smiling and shaking. “You never stopped lighting me back, either.”
Ven holds her hand, silently crying with her. He looks up at Terra, as he’s done for years, worshipping the ground Terra walks in, thinking he is a prime example of what a Keybearer should be. They did this because they believe in him. 
“Thanks for doing this for us,” Ven says quietly, and Aqua nods in agreement. And Terra takes them in his arms, Aqua under his right and Ven under his left, letting them sink their faces into his chest and wraps their arms around his waist.
“Thank you for always being there.” Terra doesn’t know what else to say that would measure what they mean to him. Forgiveness is not a real friend, and they don’t have reasons to give it to him, but he hugs them close without going too tight, his tears falling on their crowns.
“We still have things to clean up,” Cheers mutters.
“Come here.” Ven opens an arm to which Cheers happily accepts, nuzzling its nose into Ven’s neck. It’s only cheerful with him. Terra is most cheerful with all of them. A broken home renovated, a hearth revived, a clear sunrise over the mountains. 
Those who know him as Master Terra hold onto him dearly, under a night sky that waits behind stained glass in a moment they keep to themselves, where the future is irrelevant and the past goes to sleep.
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Save a horse... Bokuto x reader
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: NSFW, fingering, sex
Summary; You go to a costume party and see your boyfriend there having the time of his life
Requests are open! 
Match-ups close at midnight! 
A/N: I know this isn’t a request or anything like that but I wanted a me day so I took one, I had this idea in the bathroom at work the other day and had to write it 
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B: Are you going to the costume party tonight?
Y/N: Yep! Are you? 
B: Duh,
B: Don’t spoil what you’re going to wear, I want it to be a surprise 
B: See you at 7 
B: Can’t wait to see you 
B: I’m excited to see your costume 
Y/N: Okay okay babe I’ll see you there
Tonight was one of Kuroo’s annual parties and this year Bokuto had gotten to help choose the theme, costume party. You knew that Kuroo’s parties only roughly followed the theme and it was just a good way for him to get drunk without having Kenma yell at him. The parties were always loud but always amazing and you were excited to see everyone’s costumes. You were worried this was going to be like the scene from mean girls and some people will be modest and the others sexy. You had no frame of reference because not even Bokuto (he was even the one helping set up the party) would tell you what costumes people were wearing. So you decided to go through your closet and find something an equal mix of cute and sexy so you could play it either way depending on who was there. You were the stereotypical cat, with cat ears, a skirt, and a low-cut tank top. Kuroo attracted all types of girls and so you never knew who he actually invited. 
It was now 6:30 and you got dressed, did your hair, and then some quick makeup before heading to Kuroo’s. When you got there you could instantly tell that the party had already started and it was only 7:15, music was blaring and you could already hear voices talking loudly. You went up the door and froze for a moment, struck with a sudden fear that you were going to be completely out of place and underdressed, maybe you should just go home and change really quick, or just ask Kuroo for his volleyball jersey and be a player or just run to the store and get an alternative outfit or-
“Y/N! Glad you made it!” Hinata shouts before pulling you inside by your arm. Hinata was dressed as an alien which would put you off because that means you were dressed wrong but it’s Hinata and he honestly wears whatever he wants. 
Entering the party with Hinata you are suddenly at ease, you see boys with their shirts off and girls practically in bikinis you were fine. Hinata caught a glance of someone else he knew and skipped off which left you completely alone. You scanned the room for Bokuto or Kuroo and you couldn’t find either of them so you made your way into the kitchen and grabbed a drink when a figure approached you from behind, you could tell that they were definitely not someone you knew by their looming presence and their lack of greeting upon seeing you. You slowly turned around and saw one of Kuroo’s old friends standing there staring at you with a full cup of spiked punch in hand. 
“Hey,” he smirks at you in a manner that can only remind you of Flynn Rider, and he was roughly dressed as the Joker which only made his smile more distracting. 
“Hi,” with a smile, he hadn’t done anything to deserve anything less and you couldn’t find anyone you knew and there was no harm in meeting new people. The two of you ended up chatting in the kitchen for several minutes when you hear a loud thud come from the living room, you both make your way out of the kitchen to see what happened, only to see that someone is already drunk and attempted to do a backflip off of the couch. Kuroo appears out of thin air and helps the person up and sits him on the couch. The Joker (you didn’t know his name) mutters something about the guy being a total dumbass which made you laugh as you turn to look up at him. You continue your conversation where it had left off, you two were currently debating whether or not Robin is hotter than Batman, and he made a really good point that Batman is rich and Robin isn’t but you couldn’t get over the whole old traumatized man thing. The two of you kept laughing with each other, but you kept looking for your boyfriend who was nowhere in sight and it had been over ten minutes now. 
You excused yourself from the conversation with the Joker and found Kuroo and asked him if he had seen Bokuto recently and he shook his head at you but reassured you that he was here. It was weird to not have seen or heard from Bo this long during a party, he was always the life of events like this and you couldn’t imagine where he could be. You did a full lap of the living room and kitchen before slowly making your way up to Kuroo’s room. You knock quietly on the door and get no response so you slowly open the door to see that Bokuto is laying face down on the bed. 
“Bo...;” you start as you get closer to him, “what’s wrong?” You know him well enough that something big has to be wrong for him to be upstairs like this. 
He rolls over and looks at you sadly, “I lost my cowboy hat,” he frowns. 
“What?” you exclaim clearly there must be a misunderstanding, he was not missing the party because of a hat. 
He frowns at you, “I look dumb without my hat, I want to be a cowboy, not just a guy.” You can’t help but laugh at him, he’s clearly had a drink or two and was now hiding in Kuroo’s bedroom. You sit him up and give him a big kiss before whispering, “you look just like a cowboy to me,” and this perks him up immediately. 
He smiles and jumps out of bed before giving you a giant kiss and telling you that you look “super hot,” and that he has a party to get back to. He is smiling as he pulls you onto the dance floor with him and instantly brings the mood in the room up by about a thousand percent. He is smiling and laughing as he drops it low and dances with you and everyone else around him. His energy is completely unbeatable but you got thirsty after a few songs and went to go get a drink from the kitchen and you couldn’t help but giggle when Bokuto followed you into the kitchen smiling at you happily. He had gotten hot on the dance floor and unbuttoned his flannel and boy did he look sexy. He was wearing jeans that hugged his bubble butt perfectly and then his abs were not showing and he was all sweaty and you couldn’t help but pull him into a kiss and run your hand down his defined chest. Bokuto instantly kissed you back before smiling at you before you went back to dancing together. You had gone through another several songs before you see the joker back on the dance floor making his way over to the two fo you. He starts dancing with everyone around you and joins in the little circle of people Bokuto had attracted. 
Suddenly, Bokuto gets an idea and skips out of the circle for a minute to go do something, and you are left alone with the Joker and four other people, one of which being Kuroo and the other was Hinata. The Joker moves over to you and starts to get really close to you smiling as he dances with you and before he can get any closer Bokuto is right back with his hands on your hips smiling at you, which gave the Joker a clear message that you two were together. Bokuto wasn’t stupid, he knew that everyone in the room had their eyes on you and they were waiting for their moment to try and get a word in but he refused to let them get close to you. Girls came up to him and flirted with him all the time too, he was gorgeous, muscular, and funny, what else could girls want- a guy who’s single. Bokuto was amazing and subtly rejecting all of them and making them somehow all still in love with him but they also don’t ever ask him out again. You on the other hand when you were flirted with just kinda froze and looked to Bokuto for backup because you never knew how to react when someone told you that you were the brightest star in the galaxy or something cheesy like that and somehow he always did? But the Joker got the message and backed off and Bokuto turned you around before giving you the cheesiest smile you had ever seen and before you could ask him what he was planning he shooshed you. Then the speaker changed songs and Bokuto started laughing really hard and you had no idea what was going on until about thirty seconds when the songs went “Save a horse, ride a cowboy” and Bokuto gave you the biggest grin as he started to rub his hands up and down his sweat glistened chest and sway his hips to the music. He continued to sing along and dance at you and you can’t deny that you are incredibly turned on, he was a piece of art and he was just staring at you like you were the only person in the room. After he was done dancing at you to the goofy song he pulled you to his chest and whispered, “wanna ride a cowboy?” and you couldn’t form proper words to respond so you nodded your head and he wrapped his arms around your body and kissed the top of your head as he pulled the both of you off of the dance floor. 
He went and said goodbye to Kuroo and the others before leading you out to his car and pushing you up against the hood, his hands instantly all over you as he kisses you feverishly. You notice how he presses his hips up onto yours and is quick to pull himself away and wink before opening the door for you and going to start the car. Once he was off of Kuroo’s street his hand instantly went to your thigh and started rubbing up and down your inner thigh, “you’re such a pretty kitten,” he coos, not letting his eyes leave the road. He keeps rubbing his hand further up your thighs and up the edge of your skirt. You squeeze your legs shut before letting out a little whimper “Bo,” you whine as you look at him while biting your lip. He doesn't respond to your words, instead, he pushes his fingers past your legs and starts to lightly rub up and down your panties feeling how wet you are. 
You let out a little moan and can’t help but relax back into your seat as his fingers tease you through your panties. He knows you well enough to know that you are enjoying it, but you still have several minutes before you arrive home and he is going to use them all to his advantage. 
“Panties off,” he says in with a slight country twang as his eyes stay glued onto the road. 
You have no idea if he is serious or not so you just stare at him with wide eyes in shock before he grips your inner thigh harshly. 
“Panties now kitten,” he coos at you and you focus your eyes straight on the road as you pull your panties off and slowly put them in his open palm. He smiles at you and tucks them into his shirt pocket before bringing his fingers to your now exposed cunt and pushes his middle finger directly onto your clit and starts rubbing harshly, you let out a surprised squeak before trying to clench your legs together embarrassed about how you were practically dripping for him, but he is one step ahead of you and uses his other fingers to keep your thighs from keeping him away. He adds another finger to your clit and spares a few glances over at your figure, admiring how sexy you with your legs spread open, mouth agape in the passenger seat of his car. It was a thrilling sight for both of you and when you saw him lick his lips as he pushed two fo his fingers into you you almost lost it, but as soon as you felt like you could orgasm you felt his hands leave you as he reached for his door handle- you were home. He smirked at you before quickly making his way around to your door and getting it for you as he smiled and told you “right this way ma’am” in his horrible country twang. You got into his apartment and immediately the two of you headed towards his bedroom, you were both incredibly needed and you wanted nothing more than to get to touch him. Once in his bedroom, you ended up stripped completely naked and Bo had everything but his shirt off by the time Bokuto had closed the door behind you. He gave your body a quick up and down before pulling you into a passionate and desperate kiss as he whispered that you were “so wet for him.” and that he is going to show you how wet he can really make you, just wait he is going to treat you so right, you will be screaming his name in minutes. As his tongue slid into your mouth you could feel his length pressing up against you and you wove your hand between the two fo you and started to lightly stroke it. Bokuto let out a long and deep moan as you continue to stroke him s his hands went to your breasts and started groping them and rolling your nipples between his fingers. He was absolutely on cloud nine but you could tell he was getting close and so could he, so he gripped your hand tightly and smirked at you. He stepped away from you, eyes fixed on your body as he licked his lips and climbed on the bed. 
“Come on babe,” he teases you, “save a horse,” he smiles and you can’t help but turn bright red at what he was implying. You shyly made your way over to him and he gave you the biggest smile as you climbed on the bed, his hands helping you throw your leg over his chest and straddle his lap. “Ride a cowboy,” he smirks before sitting up and giving you a needy kiss. 
You rub yourself against his length a few times causing the two of you to let out needy moans as you dig your fingertips into his chest to help keep yourself grounded. You lifted yourself up and sunk yourself down onto his length, grasping at his chest as he laid back down enjoying the view. You took a second to adjust before his hands were eagerly attached to your hips helping you raise and lower yourself onto his length. His head was instantly thrown back as he attempted to keep himself together. Once you got your rhythm you were both moaning and loud as your hands grabbed on to his biceps and chest trying to stabilize yourself on him as you sped up the pace. Bokuto was enjoying the sight of your tits bouncing as you fucked yourself on his length as your head was thrown back in pleasure from his length. His harshly flicked your nipples as he watched them get hard and sensitive between his fingers.
Bokuto was quickly approaching his orgasm but knew that you were getting there, but not fast enough, but not fast enough to ever finish. Bokuto decided to start lightly thrusting up into you matching your speed which helped him get more friction and increase the intensity between the two of you which caused you to start letting out breathy moans as you tried to get the friction needed to finish. It still wasn’t enough to get you to orgasm, so he pulled out and flipped the two of you over before pulling you up onto your hands and knees as he enters you from the back pushing in completely causing you to scream out his name as his length hit the deepest spots inside of you. His length hit every spot within you so perfectly that you were ready to cum within a few strokes but Bokuto knew you better than this and he wrapped his hand around your throat and pulled you back to his chest, “be a good girl and wait to cum into after I do, okay?” 
You had no choice but to nod your head yes as he pressed your back against his chest as he pounded into you. He was moaning out a long string of curse words followed by your name repeatedly, you could tell he was close bt the way he let go of your throat and pushed you back onto all fours, mounting you once again. His hands dug into your hips as he hit inside of you so perfectly that you were ready to cum at any moment. The curse words turned into praises, “Fuck fuck Y/N Fuck your pussy takes me so nicely,” “fuck you were made for my cock” “you’re so fucking tight fuck” he moans out as he pulls out and finishes on your back before he leans back down and starts licking up and down your sensitive cunt, “cum y/n, now” he begs and you do. Your walls clench as you feel yourself finishing into Bokuto’s mouth as he licks you completely clean. Once you have ridden out your orgasm, Boktuo pulls off his flannel and wipes the cum off of your back with it before he goes and gets a washcloth to wipe the rest of you off with. “God damn kitten, you looked so fucking sexy,” he smiles while kissing you sweetly. 
“So did you cowboy,” you smile at him and laughs before pulling you into a passionate kiss beginning round two.Let’s just say when you woke up in the morning Bokuto was wearing nothing besides his cowboy hat which he’d left on the table as he greeted you with a little kiss, “good morning cowgirl” 
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shoichee · 4 years
GoMs + Kagami as Persona Users
Headcanons on the Generation of Miracles (and Kagami) if they were to become a persona user in the world of the Persona series (Kuroko and Momoi included)
@akichan-th​ THIS IS FOR YOU
Warning: KNB series spoilers !!
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Kuroko Tetsuya
since his presence is nonexistent in the real world, as a phantom thief, he’d probably desire to be a noticeable hero, you know? even in the 22.5 OVA, he told Kise that passing around wasn’t fun but he was going to do it for the sake of the team
his phantom thief outfit would be flashy in a sense of maybe eye-catching color schemes, or bold patterns
his attire could be baggy/oversized navy blue/black street clothing with TASTEFUL neon-colored accents and his mask would be a neon-colored huge sports shades/goggles situation (i was about to say some trendy sunglasses but sunglasses don’t stay on at all); he’s a skater boy ???? basically??
like, his PT attire could very well be a Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight DLC outfit 👀 it has those vibes
persona element is curse and let me explain why: he doesn’t have the gifted physique like the other GoMs and he’s cursed to rely on others for him to make a difference, and his motif has always been “shadow” ALSO he’s the PHANTOM sixth player YOU CAN’T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
he’s a front-line battler, but his skills are very support heavy: support skills that increase attack and defense for his teammates; i also wanna say he has spells that inflict dizziness ailments because in the anime, players are always losing their shit and whipping their heads around to find this tiny boy LMAO
he would definitely have a signature move that would direct all enemy attacks and status moves to himself for a set amount of turns to aid his teammates
his persona would have an extremely high Endurance and higher than average Luck stat but everything else is an all-time low
i’m going to say it, his shooting weapon is gonna be a paintball gun filled with neon paint just to fuck with the shadows and still make it HURT
code name would be “Umbra” (which means innermost part of a shadow) or “Ghost;” imagine some PT member shouting, “Oh no! Umbra’s knocked down!” and all the shadow sees is this brightass, neon kid on the floor
i would love his codename to be “Shadow” but there’s already the term shadow to describe the monsters in the metaverse
Kise Ryota
he views a “rebel” as your basic punk
since he’s a model, he knows japanese punk fashion very well
guess who’s gonna come into the metaverse being this hot ass punk boy? Kise motherfucking Ryota
black spike collar
lots of those tiny chains and harness/buckle action somewhere
ripped black leather pants that give Joker’s own leather pants a run for its money PLUS WITH SHINY BLACK BELT
lots of patchwork and stuff
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his mask would totally be a visor goggle to add further to the punk theme
part of me is biased that Kise is a blondie and “kise” is based off of “yellow” and Ryuji is blonde and so now i headcanon him as the electric element
okay, but since he’s an “all-rounder” he’ll probably be able to access mid-tier level attacks of all elements, including almighty to an extent
but if i was basing his element off of personality, he’d be ice for sure; he’s actually cold-hearted to people whom he doesn’t consider “worthy” and the anime only showed his friendly side because most of the time, he’s shown talking to his friends and people he respects
speaking of all-rounder, his stats would be all high all around, with his Magic stat peaking the highest
Midorima Shintarou
this boy is a bit tricky to figure out what his PT attire would be
he doesn’t have any time to think about “what he would be as a rebel” type of thing
however, if he were to desire to become something, i’d say he would want to be a supernatural being who can distribute good luck for himself every day
think of those JRPG wizard/mage/warlock outfit motifs (and they match up nicely with the idea of astrology and horoscopes); probably lots of brown/beige/hues of green scheme? or a black/various colors of purple for a FULL on witch vibe
it makes sense too because as someone who always shoots from afar and never dunks, mage classes always cast from afar and never attack up close to their opponent
and his frog puppets remind me of a witch’s animal familiars LMAO
there you have it
his mask would be a dark dark purple or a pure black domino mask that has little stars littered sparingly everywhere on said mask
his shooting weapon? my guy is stacked on staves ready to cast long-range spells
wind element for sure (because his basketball shots all catch air with lots of hang time | (• ◡•)|) with tons of gun skills
signature move would be a magic skill that never misses no matter what (his range is the entire metaverse)
his persona stats are also pretty well rounded but his highest stats would be Magic and Luck, with Endurance being a close runner up
Aomine Daiki
also hard to figure out a PT attire for this guy
according to KUROFES, his alternative career would be a police officer so i would think he despises criminals and the Phantom Thieves altogether ?
if anything, he’s more suited for the S.E.E.S. investigation team in Persona 3
Aomine doesn’t give a fuck, but he has a soft spot to protect others so like having a gun evoker definitely suits him more than a mask summon BRJWBDJW
i see him as a fire element, but his persona would have a lot more physical skills than anything else
bonus: since he used to be Kuroko’s “light,” he can have some mid-tier level bless skills
to make a reference his “formless” shots and forms, as well as his rapid changes of pace, his signature move would be a 5-hit physical skill that changes targets with every hit
statwise, his Agility stat is the highest out of everyone in the GoM, and his Strength and Endurance would be runner up stats; his Magic stat would be extremely dismal
Murasakibara Atsushi 
this guy thinks about nothing but food and how he hates Teppei-species people basketball, so honestly he’s not interested in the Phantom Thieves business
like what? Murasakibara dressed in a getup? it’s a big “press X to doubt”
so i envision him to be more suitable for Persona 4, where he has to confront the other self that loves basketball and truly does care about people, and he had to be honest and accept that side for him to attain a persona
would he ever go back to the said “persona world” to go fight some shadows? unless there’s a good reason why he should or you bribed him with snacks, he won’t budge an inch
just give this man a Persona 4 school uniform and he’s ready to fight
his persona would primarily have physical skills, with lots of “wall” support skills, element “break” skills, and lots of passive skills (lots of nulls/resists) available for it to learn
highest stat for him would be Strength, then Endurance, and surprisingly have Agility as the runner up
he’s a huge tank of a persona user
Akashi Seijuro
i’ve talked about his PT outfit in this headcanon here, including his mask and why
hear me out, since this man is good at everything in school, and since there are archery clubs in Japanese schools, i wouldn’t be surprised if he was a Robin Hood with the scopes; what am i tryna say? his shooting weapon would be bow & arrows
i feel like people would automatically think he’s a bless/curse element like Akechi since “he has two sides,” but i feel like it’s not exactly right? if anything, i headcanon him to be more of a psychokinesis element
why? i want to attribute that to his emperor’s eye and his perfect passings, both each specialties from their respective “sides” of Akashi, and that requires extreme precision, almost to the level of “telepathy”
there’s also everyone thinking he can see the future too i mean
in the end, Akashi’s dual sides merged into one again, so having a whole bless/curse element wouldn’t even make sense anymore
but i will say, this man deserves to have a persona with almighty skills back to back
this guy isn’t the captain for no reason
so his persona would utilize psychokinesis and almighty skills, with special buff skills that increase critical rates for his allies (to refer to the fact that his passings enhance other players); his persona would also enjoy a large selection of passive skills to choose from to either be ultimate support or ultimate offensive sweeper
to also reiterate from the mentioned headcanon i linked, his code name would either be “Crimson” or “Scarlet”
his persona is a literal glass cannon, referring to the fact that Akashi is actually a mentally fragile basketball player; extremely high Strength, Magic, and Agility (but not as high as Aomine though) stats, average Luck stat, but extremely low Endurance stat
Momoi Satsuki
Momoi, i think, would envision herself in the metaverse as someone who’s never underestimated because of her usual demeanor or physical looks
even me, i got fooled thinking she was just only a fanservice girl and not this incredibly intelligent girl who was critical to her teams’ successes
so i would think she would imagine herself to be in a huge respectable position of power, like a lieutenant or general, who can command others and strategize to victory
her outfit would be similar to the attire from the Assassin’s Faith set from Love Nikki with the black Army Floppy Hat from the Army Major set on top (also from Love Nikki) 
color scheming i can imagine a lot of black/white with gold trimmings/accents here and there
her mask is a Venetian eye mask i can literally see it; it’s so pretty with the gold plating !!
her role would definitely be a navigator + analyzer/tactician from the backlines, so while she isn’t in the battle most of the times, if worse comes to shove, she’ll be in the frontlines as a last resort
in other words, she’s a Futaba, but she isn’t a sitting duck and can fight if needed
she has an incredible Luck stat, higher than average Agility stat, but average stats for the rest (Magic, Strength, and Endurance)
ailment, healing, support, and buff skills are all at her disposal, along with some gun skills (which can definitely be broken when paired with her high Luck stat)
“Duchess” (a woman having a noble rank) would be a really cute codename for her
Kagami Taiga
why do i literally see him as a shinobi (ninja)
i have no idea why i do, but i think it’s just his name:
“While Kagami's name is associated with the ‘tiger’, Himuro's name means ‘dragon’. In Chinese mythology, the Azure Dragon of the East and the White Tiger of the West are eternal rivals. This rivalry is further expressed in their surnames: ‘Hi (氷)’ means ‘ice’ while ‘Ka (火)’ translates as ‘fire’.” - KNB wiki
so i literally see both Himuro and Kagami as rival clans duking it out
jokes aside, Kagami is a very honorable player, but he did at one point exhibited a “darker side” to himself, playing selfishly and being arrogant in the beginning
shinobis were considered to be “dishonorable” and “beneath the honor” of the samurai in their eras, so i feel that this could be a great image for what Kagami thinks is a “rebel” 
being a ninja would make use of his jumping skills too
i imagine him in a fitted black halter neck top (so his abs are for us to see), with an iconic long red scarf wrapping his neck and hanging down to his waist at the back side
black forearm guards/wraps?
and then he has mahogany/dark red??/black???? loose cloth wrapped around his waist, like how you would tie a jacket over your waist ?? and then black nu-bakama pants and finally some dark boots for those pants to be tucked in
no one can convince me otherwise, but he’s gotta have a red full-face oni mask with black horns and some golden tiger stripes on the sides of the mask and around the eyes
he would totally have some almighty skills and “Heat Riser,” a move that raises all of the user’s attack, defense, and accuracy/evasiveness (because the colors of the move’s animation remind me of Direct Drive Zone, something that was pretty much unlocked by Kagami for the team)
his persona is one of the OP/late game personas where all their stats are amazing across the board; even if his stats were high all around, his “lowest” would be his Luck stat
codename for him is “Tiger” no one cannot argue with me for this one NRNEIJFEO
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
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"We're going."
"We're not going."
You were on this for at least half an hour and wouldn't back down until Kai agreed on going. It was the first time Kaito had accepted on participating on something related to the school and you wouldn't miss it even if it meant your life on the line!
Although... your husband had other thoughts about the issue.
"Those things are usually on a crowded area, a place that surely will be closes and avoided of much lights and let me remind you of the worst, sick people brushing over or touching us and our son. They might even infect us with some unknown illnes that we aren't aware of."
You groaned before burring your face on your hands as he still stared at you nonchantly.
"Kai.." you sighed before looking at him with a frow "Is Kaito's first school play. Our son's first school play... you didn't saw the look that he gave to me when he asked if we both were coming. He wants both os us there Kai, please..." you pleaded as his eyebrows twitched a hit before he sighed, dropping his head on his hand as he layed the weight on the table which both of you were talking.
"You know how I despise crowded areas."
"I'm sorry..." you sighed, lifting yourself up from the chair and starting making your way out "I'm going to explain it to h-" he prevented you of getting away with grabbing your wrist and pushing you to his lap.
"I didn't say it I wasn't coming." He said nonchantly, scoffing at how your eyes lit up much like a child would before you hugged him and pressed I numerous kisses on his face "Stop that, you're acting like a brat, and did you even washed your hands and brush your teeth?" He said in false annoyance, never on his life he would admit that this kind of a attention was very much welcomed after so many years.
"You're married with me! Deal with it!" You pressed one last kiss on his cheek before lowering his mask down to cover his lips with yours "And yes, I did all of those my myshophobic."
He groaned in relief, the vibrations sending shivers through your body before licking your plumpy lips.
You suddenly left his lap and he glared at you before you patted yourself and coughed, showing with your finger at the entrance which just had entered your son.
Cockblock eversince the uterus this little sh-
"Done your homework sweetie?" You asked while the boy nodded and went towards you to ask silenty with his serious to place him on your lap, which you quickly obliged.
He sighed before picking the paper that him and his wife were discussing just mere seconds ago and catching Kaito's attention with a bit of snap of fingers.
"This is something you want to do?" He asked with an eyebrow and Kaito nodded nonchantly.
"Is about Robin hood, and I like the story."
He sighed again. If it was THAT important for his wife and son he had no other options...
"Me and your mother are going, reserve good seats at least." He said in sarcasm the last sentence as he smirked a bit at the way Kaito's eyes lighten up in joy, looking at both him and you with a small smile.
"Whoose character you're going to be honey? I'm curious!" Kaito smirked and shrugged at the question.
"Is a secret."
"... I am not fond of secrets." He arched an annoyed eyebrow at how his wife and son giggled at his nonchalant and serious words.
Why were they laughing? It was true. And they knew it.
"Trafic is awfull. We just give him that excuse." He said while adjusting his tie and walking in a hurry as you followed a bit after him.
"Sure, a seven years old boy can't know the motive of why we truly got late was because that his father couldn't keep it on his pants." You whispered and smirked at how the pale man's skin had turned a bit pink after that statement.
"In my defense you look well on that outfit." He muttered and you couldn't help but giggle at his excuse.
"Why thank you~" you cooed while he rolled his eyes at you with a scoff before guiding you through the halls.
Just the moment you two entered a elder woman startled scream reached you guys ears.
"CHISAKI WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" You and your husband interlocked gazes before simply sighing and walking towards the voice of the teacher.
"Apologies but you can't take either of these seats." Kaito said nonchantly before making the spikes of the chair dissapear as the woman still tried to catch her breath after being lost with that scare.
"Chisaki! You can't do that with other people! Especially elders, didn't your parents reached you manners?!"
"Probably not since he is from the yakusa." A boy mumbled and Kaito sended him a dirty and murderous look.
"Say that again. Say it."
"Chisaki." The teacher grabbed his attention again "Why did you do that? We taught you all to not use your quirks, especially with that."
"Look." He pointed at the chair that had two papers writen 'occupied' while never breaking eye contact with the teacher "I reserved for my parents and I saw that lady was going to take the paper away and sit on there."
The woman looked ashame for a second before getting out, passing by you two and muttering an apology.
Your son spotted you two, green clothes and a cute hat on his head as he did a small wave and returned it back.
"... aw! He got the character Robin hood to interpret!" You gaped at your son cuteness and already took out the camera from your purse that Pops told you to use it, since he sadly wasn't able to go in the school play.
Your husband looked at you with a arched eyebrow look before sighing out loud and taking his seat alongsides you and waving his hand at the teacher to start that thing before he lost interest.
He was forced to have a certain type of talk with his son... but he couldn't deny it that he was proud. The kid had developed a lot on his quirk and could control a bit better than he did before...
But he still scolded Kaito. He was obligated to wash his hands at least tree times for touching that filthy ground, not even speaking about the showers the poor kid had to have.
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mollysfoundfamily · 4 years
May I request some medieval-AU of the fam? I'm just feeling it right now for some reason, you don't have to :P
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“Medieval au” Oh I have to anon!!
I tired to go more for loose historical designs based either where their ancestry is or what they reminded me of so I’m sorry if it’s a little sloppy but I hope y’all like!! Epithets are like witchcraft here; people still have them but they have to keep em secret or you know witch burnings 
Percy: a Knight and low ranking noble trying to protect the people of the sweet jazz kingdom from all manner of harm!!! Builds all she meets great castles with such speed they seem to have grown right out of the ground!! She’s currently on a quest to rescue the young kidnapped princess from an evil band of Vikings and restore her to the throne. Poses dramatically into the wind a lot
Ramsey: (I know this one is cringe but I had to) renaissance painter, sculptor, and art counter fitter!! (Which is something that was quite common with artists back then look it up really) does not know how he got here but was forced to join Percy on her noble quest and has been providing flute music and human shielding ever since
Zora: Woodsmen archer and assassin! Like Robin Hood but with just the arrows and the hat! Pretty much the same as she is in the show except here Blissocean really really wants to keep the princess user from taking the throne so she’s gotta bump off the knight lady before she can find her! Then again she is pretty cute..
Molly: the Princess of the sweet jazz kingdom that was disowned by the king after the death of the Queen when he found out she had an epithet and forced to work as a servant girl in the castle while her father and older sister ran the kingdom into the ground 
Giovanni: leader of the Banzai Viking hoard and local kingdom terrorizer even though most of his terror just consists of pillaging a few fruit carts and giving their loot to the kingdom’s poor. Is open about having an epithet which makes him a witch as well!! Which is an added crime bonus!! Once broke into the castle to steal rich people stuff and stole Molly instead... no one has noticed she’s gone yet so she’s probably better off 
Sylvie: Young scholar and dream Druid from Scotland (yes he has the accent here) a very powerful sorcerer that can summon Minotaurs and fluffy sheep but keeps it secret from everyone but the, used to be the castle librarian but left with Molly because she’s his only friend and no one else knows how to read 
Mera: a master thief and assassin and possible witch from rural China who has traveled the world often infuriating high places and making off with mountains of loot so she can try and find a cure for her terrible illness... but medieval health care is shit and it’s driving her nuts if she has to go through one more leach treatment or exorcism she’s gonna loose it!!! 
Indus: her ever faithful and loyal body guard from the sand kingdom!! Pretty much the same as he is in the show to only he keeps forgetting he’s not supposed to tell people he’s inscribed but to be fair would you try to get him on a stake?  there it took 2 days to do all this I hope you’re happy 
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