#he opens doors for me. pours drinks for me. serves me food. makes me coffee in the morning. he even feeds me when he thinks there’s a good
rosymiel · 6 months
i never knew that i needed or wanted my orange peeled for me before
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Taking the BSD boys to a cat café pt.2
This can be either platonic or romantic. It's up to you. I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes because English isn't my first language.
Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Feat. Kunikida, Ranpo, Tetchou, Jouno, Sigma, Poe
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This wasn't a part of his schedule to begin with. You basically begged him to let you take him on a surprise date, so he didn't know what to expect. When you guys arrived at the little cat café, you had to drag him in because, at first, he refused to enter such a "chaotic" place.
Now you were seated at a cute small table in the corner of the shop. He looked completely unimpressed. Sure, he liked cats, but being surrounded by so many of them while trying to drink his morning coffee wasn't his idea of a nice start of the day.
"We should have gone to a normal café! Now there's so many cat hairs on my pants and I have to go to an important meeting later! You should have listened to me and followed my prepared schedule!" he said in a panicked manner.
"I mean, it isn't as bad as you make it out to be. Come on now. If you actually tried to enjoy it instead of just complaining, perhaps you would actually have a good time. "
"Fine" was all he said before standing up from the comfortable chair and making his way to the closest to him cat. He kneeled down and began petting it. You watched from afar, chuckling to yourself. It was such a poor attempt. Each stroke of his hand seemed so forced, and yet he continued because he didn't wish to make you sad.
"Just relax! You look like a robot. At this point, I'm just waiting for you to run out of battery and collapse to the floor. " You laughed, and he looked towards you with slight irritation.
"I'm trying my best over here!" You stood up and handed him one of the cat toys lying around. You told him to just calm down and do it as he feels is right. Then, he was finally able to fully enjoy the moment. It wasn't so bad after all.
After your little hang-out, he felt happy, but he still had to make a quick stop at home to change into a new pair of pants. Perhaps some other day, when he doesn't have any other important thing to attend to, you can go to the cat café again.
He loves sweets and cats, so going to a cat café seemed like the perfect way to make use of your time that day.
He ordered himself way too many cat-shaped cookies and a cup of hot chocolate. You were both enjoying your snacks when, out of nowhere, a cat climbed up on the table. Curious, it started sniffing the delicious food. Ranpo reached out to grab the cat and pulled it towards him.
"These are mine. Got it?" he laughed and started petting the cat. His gaze, however, never left his desert, and he soon grabbed a cookie and put it into his mouth. That provoked the cat's attention, and the little animal stood up on its back legs and looked towards him, resting its paws upon his chest.
"Quite a curious creature, huh?"
Ranpo ended up feeding the cat some food the café provided him with while also eating his own. It was honestly heartwarming watching him and the cat.
He ended up coming again to the same café to visit his new buddy, but upon finding out the cat got adopted, he became a little sad.
He enjoys visiting different cafés and restaurants, so when you proposed the idea of going to the new cat café that opened last month, he was down for it.
"Do you happen to serve ketchup with your strawberry cupcakes?" You watched the waitress give Tetchou a puzzled look at his extraordinary request. She said that they didn't have ketchup in the first place and left to fetch your orders. After five minutes, she brought them.
"How do you even eat these things?" you asked while glancing at him pour ketchup he got from the fast-food restaurant next door over his cupcake. Tetchou just glanced back at you and asked you what you meant by that. "Never mind."
Half an hour had passed, and you both had already finished your drinks and food. Now, Tetchou was observing the cats. He hadn't touched a single one ever since he got there with you. He just silently watched them lay around and do their thing. You decided to go play with the animals, but he refused to join you. Instead, he continued gazing at you and the cats.
"What a lovely display," he said, and a small grin appeared on his face.
Convincing him to join you on your trip to the local cat café was hard, but convincing him to leave was harder.
"I can't believe that a cat can be so desperate for such little amount of food," he mentioned while holding a small star-shaped treat with his thumb and pointer finger. He was holding it above the cat but refused to give it to the poor creature.
"Quit being a jerk!" You yelled over to him, and he finally let go of it. The cat instantly ate it.
"I'm just playing with the cat." he smiled at you cheekily.
"You've been doing that for the past 10 minutes now," you reminded him and lightly smacked his head, making him gasp.
"We should come here again sometimes. It's quite fun to tease animals, " he said and chuckled.
Sigma (slight manga spoilers ahead)
Sigma has been conscious for only 3 years, so he hasn't experienced the joy of visiting a cat café yet. When you asked him to go to one with you, he was happy to accompany you.
"This latte is absolutely delicious," he said as he drank the last sup of it. The next moment, he was on the furry carpet playing with a bunch of cats.
"I didn't expect you'd enjoy this so much."
"I didn't either." He smiled warmly at you as he rubbed the chin of a cute kitty.
Sigma was so accustomed to being used in each relationship he had. Everyone wanted something from him, and after they acquired it, they would abandon him. But not you. You didn't want anything from him. Most importantly, you treated him as a friend. He truly treasured this moment of happiness he felt while he was with you.
After that day, he ended up asking you to go out again to the same cat café with him. This quickly became a frequently visited place by the two of you and a place that he would always remember.
The idea of spending time around more cats than people seemed appealing to Poe, so he agreed to join you on your trip to the new cat café. Of course, he brought Karl.
You two were enjoying your beverages, and Karl was munching on a cookie when a cat approached your table. Poe reached out to pet it and ended up forgetting about his surroundings for a few seconds. He soon realized that something was missing. Karl!
He turned around to see Karl playing with two cats. It was as if the raccoon was a cat itself.
"Oh Karl!" Poe gasped as he watched the three animals play. It was truly an adorable sight. You chuckled when you realized he was worried for nothing. The two of you continued watching the animals play and drank your coffees.
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Thank you so much for reading this. I apologize if any of the characters seemed OOC, and I am always open to constructive criticism. If you want to request something of me to write then you can always do that. My rules are pinned on my profile.
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peachy-panic · 1 year
Two Way Street
Part of Do No Harm. Takes place after this chapter. 
WARNINGS: BBU/BBU-Adjacent, lots of talk around food, references to past noncon, fear of future noncon, trust issues
Sebastian knocks twice, waiting for an affirmative sound on the other side before opening the bedroom door. He nudges it with his hip—a little too hard, accidentally—and has to catch it with his foot before it hits the wall. Somehow, he just manages to keep the two plates balanced in his hands and shoots Jaime a sheepish smile.
“Hey,” he says. “I made breakfast. Um. Well, I guess it’s brunch, now. Sorry about that. Do you like egg sandwiches?”
Jaime looks up at him from where he sits against his bed—on the floor instead of the mattress itself, and Sebastian wonders if he should add another talk about the furniture allowances to his list. One crisis at a time.
“Do you mind if I sit with you for a bit?”
Jaime starts to shake his head, then pinches his eyes shut and clears his throat. “No. I don’t mind.”
He sinks down onto the floor beside him and hands Jaime a plate. Jaime seems to watch him for a cue, waiting until Sebastian has taken his first bite before allowing himself to pick his sandwich up, but at least he doesn’t wait for explicit permission. That’s a small win.
Sebastian allows himself a few seconds of stalling as he chews his first bite. “We don’t have to talk about what happened in the kitchen,” he says once he swallows. “If you want to unpack it, I’m more than happy to listen, but you should know I’m not expecting an explanation out of you. You don’t owe me or anyone else that.”
Jaime takes another small bite, and Sebastian takes some small comfort in watching it happen, seeing at least one of his needs met.
“That said, I do feel like I owe you some words. First of all, I’m not upset with you. Not even a little. The glass is cleaned up, brunch is served, you never have to think about it again. Not on my account, anyway.”
They mirror a halfhearted smile at each other, like they both know how unlikely that is.
“Second,” Sebastian says, and then takes a deep breath because he wants this to come out right. “I’m not really picky when it comes to food. Or coffee. Especially coffee. Oat milk and sugar if it’s there, but you could also probably put raw coffee beans in a cup of room temperature water and I’d drink it in a pinch.”
This earns a slow blink, which… yeah, fair. Sebastian keeps talking.
“I usually keep the breakfast staples around the house—eggs, bread, cereal, milk—and you really can’t go wrong with most combinations derived from that, but most of the time, especially during the work week, I end up running out of time for anything more than a granola bar on the way out the door.”
He pauses long enough to swallow another bite of his sandwich and give Jaime time to process.
“So now you know what I like. And what about you?”
Jaime freezes with his sandwich halfway to his mouth. A glob of melted cheese splashes down onto his plate. “About me?”
Sebastian nods. “I understand that it might make you feel more comfortable to have something productive to do. To help out.” He leans into the comfort of Ezra’s words on the phone, trusting them to be true. Feeling useful is going to be the one safety net he has at first. You shouldn’t take that away from him completely, even with the best of intentions.
“So,” he continues. “If you happen to wake up before me, like today, and feeling productive for you means making something in the kitchen, I’m not going to be mad if you pour me an extra cup. But that comes with a few caveats.”
That seems to be the part Jaime was expecting. His shoulders stiffen slightly and he looks directly into Sebastian’s eyes, signaling that he is listening.
“One,” Sebastian ticks off on his fingers, “is that you try your best to remember that this is not an obligation you have to fulfill. There’s no pressure. That’s the most important. Two, if you’re making something for me, I want it to be because you’re already making something for yourself. If I’m enjoying the fruits of your labor, so are you. And three is that I am allowed to make things for you sometimes, too. Or that we make things together. I think this should be a two way street.”
Jaime nods, holding his gaze for a few more seconds before dropping it to the sandwich in his lap. His thin fingers tear off a corner of the bread, popping it into his mouth. Sebastian tries not to watch his expression too intently as Jaime chews. Finally, he swallows and opens his mouth, closes it briefly, then opens it again.
“I like milk and sugar?” he says quietly. “I’ve never tried oat milk, but I’d probably like it. I’m not picky about food either. I like… this.” He gestures to his half-eaten sandwich. “This is good.”
A smile pulls at Sebastian’s mouth. “Thank you,” he says, and he means it for more than the compliment. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
-- -- --
Jaime can tell the conversation isn’t over, and he can read the tension in Sebastian’s posture that makes his own muscles coil in anticipation.
“There is one more thing I wanted to run by you,” Sebastian says finally. “And, to preface, this doesn’t need to be anything immediate. Just something that might be good for both of us going forward.”
Jaime nods, because he can see Sebastian is waiting for his response to go on.
“I have… a friend,” Sebastian says. “I don’t want to say too much right away, because it isn’t my story to tell. But he’d like to meet you, when you’re ready, and I think it would be a good idea, too.”
And Jaime feels something in his stomach go tight and cold. He pulls a slow, deep breath in through his nose, fighting to keep his eyes steady on Sebastian and reminding himself, over and over, that Sebastian isn’t Mr. Torley. He isn’t him. But Jaime can suddenly smell his friend’s cologne so clearly, can feel the cold bathroom tile under his bare feet and under his knees, and remembers exactly what it feels like to be introduced to a Keeper’s friend.
“He’s a really nice guy,” Sebastian continues, apparently unaware of Jaime’s budding panic. “I promise, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near you if I didn’t believe that completely. He actually… Well, he knows Aria—From the clinic, remember? That’s how I met him.”
A really nice guy. Jaime had met a lot of those. He thought Thomas was a really nice guy for the first couple hours of knowing him. He thought Bryan was a nice guy. The occasional facility worker. The man from the bar.
Nice guys wait until no one is looking. Nice guys press your back against the bathroom door and tell you, “I hope he doesn’t treat you too badly,” and “I wouldn’t want to get you into any trouble,” and “you have to know what you look like.”
Jaime must not be concealing his panic very well anymore, because there is a familiar crease growing between Sebastian’s brows that means he is watching Jaime like he might fall apart at any moment. Again.
“Like I said,” Sebastian reiterates quickly, “it’s not anything pressing. I know… I mean, I can only imagine how difficult it must be to settle into a new place like this. We probably shouldn’t even talk about this seriously for a couple weeks at least. One thing at a time, okay?”
Jaime swallows and forces himself to smile back at him, even though the half-sandwich in his stomach has turned to stone.
-- -- --
The evening finds them on the living room couch—the couch this time, and not the floor, which Sebastian counts as a small win. A laugh track for some show Sebastian had seen reruns of a hundred times drones in the background, but he gets the feeling neither one of them are paying attention.
They had spent the day performing a carefully choreographed dance of staying out of each other’s way in the most polite way possible. Fun as that was, Sebastian knows it’s not a sustainable way to play this contract out. He’s mentally exhausted and knows that it’s only a fraction of what Jaime must be feeling, but he’s trying to cut himself some slack. It’s only the first full day, he reminds himself. They have six months of room to improve from here.
Sebastian goes back to work tomorrow. He hopes it’s not selfish of him to think a little breathing room might benefit both of them. As difficult a time Jaime is having getting settled in the house, Sebastian’s hovering is almost definitely making it worse.
The sound of a stomach growling breaks through his haze of stress-thoughts. Sebastian puts a hand to his stomach on instinct before realizing the noise didn’t come from him. He casts a look at a sheepish Jaime, who is clutching both arms over his stomach with reddening cheeks.
He casts a glance at the clock and feels a surge of unhelpful guilt. He had lost track of time in his own stress.
“I don’t know about you,” he says, trying for nonchalance as he stretches up into a yawn, “but I am starving. Think you could eat?”
Jaime hesitates, then nods.
An idea occurs to Sebastian, and he latches on with both hands. “Wanna try that cooking together thing we talked about earlier?”
This seems to be something Jaime can latch onto as well, much to Sebastian’s relief. He sits up, some of the hesitance draining from his expression. For a moment, Sebastian thinks about offering him a hand up from the couch, then thinks better of it and keeps his hands at his side. He smiles instead, and it feels a little easier on his face this time.
“Come on,” he says, and leads them into the kitchen.
It’s a bit of an awkward dance, at first. Sebastian is coming to accept that that’s just the way things will probably be for a while, and he has to be okay with that. Ezra was right though; the tension seemed to lessen between them when they both had something to do with their hands.
“Sorry if the ingredients are a little sparse,” Sebastian says as he cuts up a raw chicken breast. Jaime is across the island counter, dicing an onion with expertly quick hands. “I stocked up on the essentials before you came, but I thought it might be a good idea for us to make a grocery list together.”
Jaime sections off a fresh pile of onion and swipes the papery outer layer into the trash bin. “I can help you make a list,” he affirms.
“Cool. Maybe we can do that over dinner.”
They—well, mostly Sebastian with a few terse nods of input from Jaime—decided on pasta. It’s fast and easy and difficult to fuck up in any significant way. There is leftover pizza from the night before in the fridge, but Sebastian already promised himself he wouldn’t subject Jaime to the diet of a sad bachelor just because that’s what he’s used to himself.
Although, it’s worth noting that Sebastian has done better for himself recently. And he has Jaime to thank for that.
“You want to know something?” he says, turning to the sink to wash the chicken juice off his hands. “I was never much of a cook until recently. I never really had a reason to be. Cooking full meals for one feels kind of depressing. It wasn’t until we started having lunch together in the clinic that I even felt the need to keep groceries stocked in the kitchen.”
The sink is positioned so that Sebastian is angled slightly away, so he only catches a glimpse of Jaime’s reaction. There’s a half-second pause in the movement of his knife before he continues seamlessly. In the reflection of the window in front of him, Sebastian can almost convince himself he sees a small smile.
His eyes land on his phone when he reaches for the hand towel. The mention of their time in the clinic together sparks a memory.
“Do you mind if I put on some music?” he asks. “I like to have something to listen to while I work.”
He remembers peering through the office door to find Jaime’s finger tapping along with the beat of some song playing from Sebastian’s cheap speakers. He remembers thinking it was the first time he’d ever seen Jaime look content.
“Any requests?” Sebastian asks as he thumbs through his playlists.
Jaime’s knife pauses again, just for a second. “I liked what you used to play in your office. At the clinic,” he says before resuming his work. “But I’m fine with whatever you like.”
He tries to match Jaime’s casual tone when he says, “Cool,” but he can barely contain his elation at finally getting something right.
Sebastian hits play on his favorite chore playlist and lets the music soften the space between them.
There is less pressure to fill the silence when there isn’t any. Sebastian takes advantage of that for a while and lets the two of them work in tandem without speaking more than what is necessary to pass the next ingredient. He sneaks a few looks in Jaime’s direction and doesn’t think he’s imagining the way the tension seems to lessen in his shoulders as the minutes go on.
When it’s time to combine the ingredients for the sauce, Jaime takes the helm at the stove almost instinctively. He seems content to be there, so Sebastian doesn’t argue. Instead, he backs himself against the adjacent counter and hoists himself onto it. “You’re a natural,” he observes, watching Jaime fold the vegetables into the simmering pan of chicken.
Jaime flashes a quick look in his direction, not quite meeting his eyes. “I like cooking.”
He shrugs, then nods.
“Well. You’re good at it.” Sebastian stops, hesitates, then decides to take a chance. “Anything else you like to do?”
The wooden spoon never stops moving against the bottom of the pan, but there is a slight shift in Jaime’s posture that makes Sebastian regret shattering the fragile moment. He wants to take it back, but before he can, Jaime speaks up, soft and tentative.
“I like to run,” he says. “I used to like to run.”
Sebastian takes that in, along with the desperate longing in his voice. He wonders when the last time was that Jaime got to run freely.
“Well,” Sebastian says, leaning forward. “I can honestly say I’ve never related to something less in my life. But this is a pretty quiet street and it probably wouldn't kill me to invest in my cardiovascular health every once in a while, so if you ever want a buddy to go running with…”
He trails off when the full intensity of Jaime’s big, brown eyes turn on him.
“What?” Sebastian asks, immediately worried he has said something wrong.
Jaime takes a minute to study his face, then swallows. “You would let me run?”
Don’t react. Don’t fucking react, because breaking down into tears as the raw, earnest hope in his expression isn’t going to help anyone.
“Sure,” Sebastian says, though a little bit of the vowel gets lost in his throat.
“And you would… come with me?”
Sebastian shrugs. “If you wanted me to, yeah. Though I make no promises you won’t have to fireman-carry me back when I pass out from exhaustion.”
That wide-open gaze lingers on him for a little while longer before Jaime blinks and turns back to the task at hand. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly.
They let the music claim the room once again. The next time Sebastian glances his way, Jaime’s finger is tapping against the spoon.
TAG LIST: @whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing @whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @van-whumps @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort @termsnconditions-apply @cyborg0109
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Full Time Cleaner || Part 2
The next evening, you prepared for going to Kenma's house for the first time as a guest, not a cleaner.
You didn't need to wear fancy dresses. Otherwise, you didn't want Kenma to think you like her and get spoiled.
You weren't going to act like a loose woman tonight. You would be a dignified lady. You've never been one of those loose women anyway, and you wouldn't destabilize yourself today either.
You wore jeans and a stylish shirt. You waved your hair and put on a light daily make-up.
Now you were ready and you could go. You left the house and walked to the bus stop. The last bus was at 22:30. You thought you could catch the last bus if you didn't stay late at Kenma's house
You waited for the bus for half an hour at the stop. Get on the incoming bus and head to Kenma's house
You got off at your usual stop and started walking to Kenma's house. You entered the apartment, caught the elevator, went up to the 12th floor and came in front of the apartment number 43 and rang the bell.
Soon Kenma opened the door and greeted you.
"Thank you"
"Be my guest. Get in”
He stepped back to open the door and let you in. You didn't expect to find Kenma in her home state. You were dressed elegantly, but she was at home. He looked pretty shabby in a matted T-shirt and a black wrinkled sweatpants underneath.
“Today you are a guest in this house. I'm not very good at cooking, but I hope you like my cooking"
“Of course I like it. What did you do?"
“Meat sauteed rice and miso soup.”
“Oh! I like a lot."
"Come then"
Kenma took you to the kitchen. He put the soup in the soup bowls.
“Can I help you too?” you got up
He stopped you with his hand
"No. Sit down. I will handle it. You've already done a lot of work for me every day."
"Alright. As you wish” you said and sat down at the table again.
He placed the soup in front of you. He then brought candlesticks and candles to the table. He lit the black candle on the candlestick and turned off the light
It had been a half-romantic setting.
When you tasted the soup, you realized that it was even better than your grandmother's.
“Delicious! Kenma, you did great, I love it!”
He smiled softly at you as he said, "Enjoy your meal."
"You've been in trouble. I hope you didn't have any trouble thinking about food"
"No. I don't usually live, but sometimes I think about what to cook"
"I understand"
You chatted and ate your food. Kenma asked you after serving the sauteed meat and rice
“Shall we drink wine too? If you want?"
“Oh well…it's okay” you said a little timidly
Kenma took the bottle of red wine from the cabinet. She opened the bottle with the corkscrew and then poured it into two glasses.
Before he started to eat, he raised his glass and waited for you to clinch your glass against his.
You drank after clinking a glass. In order to get to know each other better, you continued your conversation and ate dinner.
You didn't want to get drunk that night. Because you were going to walk home. But Kenma insisted you have another glass after dinner.
“Come on, just one more glass. If it affects too much, I'll make you a coffee"
“No thanks really. More than 1 glass touches me”
“It is already late. Can you find a bus to return at this hour?"
You took out your phone and checked the time. Kenma's conversation was so sweet that you couldn't tell how time passed. It was showing 23:00.
"Oh my God! When it was 23:00. The last bus was half an hour ago. It can't be off!”
“Okay, don't worry. I'll drop you off in the car"
You looked at him with puzzled eyes
"So what? Do you have a car?"
"There is. But I don't park in front of the building. It's in the parking lot. I can leave you if you want"
“But you are drunk. What will you do if the police stop it?"
“I'll get myself a coffee. Then I'll drop you home. Is it possible?"
"It's possible"
“For accompanying me tonight…”
Just then, Kenma's phone rang incongruously.
“I beg your pardon. I'll be right back"
He came out of the kitchen and picked up the phone. You could hear their conversation as he spoke loudly.
“What's wrong with you that I drink alcohol! Do you want money again? Didn't I just send you money last week? How quickly did you eat all the money?"
Kenma's voice sounded angry. Whoever called was clearly someone who pissed him off.
"So what? Do you expect me to believe? Come and tell my cone! I've heard the same story from you a lot. Look at me! If you call again, I'll make you regret it, you know? Don't bother again for money or anything else! That's it!”
You came out of the kitchen
Kenma tried to hide her trembling, but you noticed. But you were trying not to let him notice
"Ha? Y/N. sorry. Wait, let me have a coffee. Then I'll take you home"
After Kenma drank coffee and sobered up, you left the house together. You landed in the parking lot. There was a model sports car last year. It was a car that could handle it, even if it wasn't very big and luxurious.
Kenma started the car and you drove out of the parking lot
“Describe to me your home”
He turned on the radio. By chance, the radio channel you listen to often came across. They always played slow songs at this hour and you would like it.
Kenma wanted to change the channel, but you blocked it.
“Kenma, can you not change the channel? I love this channel very much. I should at least listen until I get home"
"Okay," he said reluctantly.
You described your house to him. Within minutes you were in front of the house
“Thank you very much, Kenma. For everything. Food was great”
"What does it mean. It was my pleasure to host you. I will wait again”
You said "I'll come again tomorrow anyway" and laughed
"But I won't be able to see you"
Kenma's saying that sparked a spark in him. You could hear the heartbeat. You looked at each other for a while. Your cheeks were flushed.
You shook yourself
“Well… whatever. I have to go. Thanks again. for leaving"
"It does not matter. Good night"
You got out of the car and waved to Kenma before heading home. And he waved at you through the half-open window of the car. You looked after him after you drove away
You couldn't understand what was happening to yourself. You had a good night today, but what was it like to be suddenly attracted to Kenma?
You went home, ignoring all the questions in your head. You took a hot shower, put on your clean pajamas and went to sleep as soon as you got under the covers.
From the next day, you continued your routine of cleaning Kenma's house, which was no different from the Wednesday market, and getting paid.
Kenma would thank you after every cleaning. But in the last few days, he started to send sporadic messages. You thought all was not well with Kenma. Especially after the phone conversation you overheard at dinner that night.
When you went back to Kenma's house that weekend, you were in for an unexpected surprise. Kenma looked pale when she opened the door. He was looking at you with tired eyes. He was obviously sick
“Kenma? What is this? What you got?"
"Ah! I forgot to tell you. I'm canceling your today's shift. I am so sick. Take a vacation today too”
You put your hand on her forehead and check if she has a fever
"You have fever. Stop! I'll make you a soup."
“No please y/n. Go home. I don't want to infect you either."
“At least let me do something for you. I'll go later"
“I say no y/n, will you go to house?”
Just then, Kenma's phone rang. The phone ringing was coming from the room and you had to go to his room to pick it up
You took the opportunity to enter the kitchen and started making the soup you thought he would love.
The soup took half an hour to prepare, and Kenma hadn't left his room for half an hour. What was he talking about all this time? Was this something important enough to talk on the phone for half an hour?
You put a bowl of soup, a spoon, a napkin and a glass of water on the tray. You walked towards his room. You came to the doorstep when you were startled by Kenma's shout
You had always known Kenma as a calm person and you were startled by her anger and aggression.
Apparently it was his brother who called last time and he wanted money for his gambling debt. It was evident in every way that he had fed Kenma.
That's when you came in and left the tray on the nightstand
“Kenma. I prepared something for you. Come on, eat that soup, you're warmed up for it too"
Kenma pressed her palm to her face and yelled at you with a crimson face.
“Oh…But. I just…"
“Get out of my house! Go away or I'll cause an accident"
Never would she have thought that Kenma would be such a terrible person when she was angry. You were frozen where you were
“Kenma, don't be like that. I am trying to help you"
He grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you against the wall. You hit your head against the wall. You hit it so hard that when you touched the back of your head with your fingers, you saw that there was blood on your fingers. You had a headache. Maybe even stitches were needed.
Kenma was shocked to see his momentary aggression hurt you. He was staring at you inexplicably. Couldn't say a word
Even though he tried to lift you, you stood up and escaped from his grasping hands.
You ran to the hole. You left the house crying as you took your bag.
You were still in shock. Your heart was beating like. You were holding your bleeding head. You immediately hailed a taxi and went to the nearest hospital.
Your head was still bleeding. You barely lasted until you got to the hospital and fainted by the time you got there.
When you opened your eyes, you were sitting on a stretcher and a nurse was standing in front of you.
"Are you okay?" the nurse asked you
He then made two marks with his fingers.
"How many is this?"
“Two…” you said in a tired voice
“And this?”
This time it was showing the number five.
“Can you say the weather is beautiful today?”
You repeated the sentence verbatim
"What is your name?"
“Y/N L/N”
"I'm not going to push you too hard, but do you remember how you got here?"
You remembered everything and told the nurse one by one. Thus, it was determined that you did not experience any memory or neurological disorders.
Before the nurse left the room, she gave some unpleasant information.
“Oh by the way Y/N. There is someone who wants to see you. While you were unconscious, your phone rang. We told the caller you were here"
“Kenma Kozume. She said you have a boyfriend"
How dare Kenma say such a thing? Especially after the damage it did to you
“With your permission, I will take you to the room for him to see”
You sighed in distress and reluctantly agreed.
"Get well soon"
As soon as the nurse left the room, Kenma entered the room. She walked over and looked at you. You averted your eyes from him
"Why did you come?" you asked both sadly and reproachfully
“Y/N…are you okay?”
"How do you expect me to be after what he did"
“I was very worried about you. I know, it was my fault. Sorry. I'm really sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am after seeing the damage I've done to you with my own eyes."
You got off the stretcher and reached for your bag. But Kenma stopped you. He seemed insistent on making amends.
"Please listen. You are so right to be angry with me. After what I did, I know I never deserved you. But please listen to me. Then if you want, you won't even see my face again."
Even if you didn't want to, you decided to listen to him.
"Look. I've been dealing with my stepbrother's gambling debt for the past month. My father was also a gambler. After my mother died, he got married a second time and my brother was born. I could never love him. Because I felt that in the future I would be like my father. I was very young then and could not comprehend things. My father committed suicide because he was up to his neck in gambling debt. My stepmother also sent me to the dormitory and left with my brother. I was seeing my brother from time to time. After all, our fathers were the same. Even though I hated my father, I wanted to protect the only relic left from him. But it didn't. I became a youtuber and started working. I was sending half of the money I earned to my brother. He started asking me for money a month ago. He said it was for school fees. I believed like a fool and sent money. He started asking for it every day and I got suspicious too. One day three men came to my door. It turns out that the dishonorable man who will be my brother has laid his gambling debt on me. He showed me the flat I live in as a payment for his debt. I was either going to pay this debt or they were going to kill me. That day, I hated him as much as my sin, without even saying my brother. The debt he owed me was not like that. I had to sell the house. It wasn't that easy either, she. I currently live as a tenant in the house I sold. Now he's exploiting me again to pay off his gambling debt. I have nothing left in my hand. First my father and now my brother have ruined my life together.”
Your anger at Kenma had eased a little, but when she remembered the bandage and stitch on her head, her anger at him flared up again.
“I'm really sorry for what you went through, but what made you do this to me? Why did you project your hatred for your brother on me?
“You didn't deserve this y/n. Once again, I sincerely apologize to you.”
He took your hands in his.
"Look at my face"
When he disobeyed his word, he lifted your chin with one hand and forced you to look at him.
"Look at me! Y/N. You've been my life since you started working for me. I do not want to lose you. Please don't leave me. I love you"
Kenma's startling confession softened your heart and you were just as excited as the first time you saw him.
“Say something y/n. I can understand if you don't want to be with me, but please don't be like that. I want you to be my girlfriend, no longer my employee, and live with me”
He kissed the stitched part of her head. You wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his stomach.
“I love you too Kenma”
He was surprised when you suddenly hugged him, but then his one hand wrapped around your shoulder and the other caressed your head without hurting the stitched wound.
“Thank you y/n. For forgiving me. I will never hurt you again from now on. I wish I had broken my hand so I wouldn't have pushed you. If you hit me too, I won't make a sound."
“I wouldn't do this to you, Kenma. I just need a little hug right now. Can we stay like this for a while?"
He kissed your forehead, put his cheek on your head
"As you wish"
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laurie-vexen · 2 years
Blood Hunt (Part Three)
Date: Tuesday, October 25th
Location: Benvolio’s house
Notes: Laurie unfortunately gets to know Benvolio a bit more.
Benvolio had an obnoxiously nice house. Not quite mansion status, but moderately luxurious. The “family” photos around his house also were mainly photos of him. A concerning amount, actually. She hadn’t even known him an hour yet and she could tell he was a narcissist. They were in his kitchen, with Laurie sitting on a chair by the eat-in counter as he brewed some coffee. She had been studying what she could of the house carefully for any openings to make her escape.
“I wouldn’t bother, you’re barely in shape to sit up properly,” Benvolio remarked as he dug through one of his cabinets, back turned to her. To her knowledge, Umbra couldn’t possess psychic abilities. He must have been really good at reading people and noticed her eyes were wandering. She looked at the officer hat he left on the kitchen island in the middle of the room. An Umbra being a cop was a lot of potential for bad.
“Ah, here it is.” He pulled out a mug that said “‘Officer: Another Word for ‘Hero’“. She blinked. Surely that was a gag gift from someone. He put it under the machine and waited for the espresso to pour out. Once finished, he took the mug and then opened the fridge to pull out what looked like a coffee creamer container. But it wasn’t. It took her a moment to process, but scent of the crimson liquid that poured out of the container and into the mug made her tease up.
“That’s natural,” she spoke, eyes glued to the mug. No wonder this guy was giving her bad vibes. Besides all the obvious weirdness about him, he was a natural feeder. Oh, this was just fucking great. She didn’t want to know where he got it from.
Benvolio put the container back into the fridge and closed the door. He walked over to Laurie with the mug, and as he got closer she grew more tempted to just make a run for it. He was a cop that fed naturally? He was absolutely crooked. She didn’t want to know the specifics but there was no way he was a good guy.
“Oh don’t give me that look. I would never harm innocent people to get by,” Benvolio rolled his eyes. “I’m an officer of the law. It’s my sworn duty to serve and protect. I’m also trying to help you right now, so you have to give me a little room for trust here.” He placed the mug on the counter and slid it towards her.
She bit down on her lower lip as she stared at the mug. She was so hungry. But she couldn’t do this again. She couldn’t feed off of another person again. She refused.
“I’m not drinking that,” she used what little strength she had to stay firm. “I don’t know you. And I know that blood couldn’t have just come out of nowhere. Someone got hurt just so you can have that.” She really hoped that person didn’t get killed either.
With a sigh, Benvolio leaned forward over the counter. “You seem like a good kid. So I think you’ll understand what I’m about to say here. If you’re wandering this planet on your own trying to find food, I’m assuming you’ve been on your own for a good while now and know what the galaxy’s actually like.” He pushed the mug a little closer to her. “There are a lot of terrible people out there. People who have harmed other people, and will continue to do so until they’re stopped.” He smiled smugly. “I stop them. Too many centuries have gone by where prison sentences are too short and these criminals never learn their lesson, continuing to be terrible again. Or being put behind bars isn’t nearly enough of what they deserve. But, it would also be such a waste if I didn’t take the one valuable thing they possess once they’re taken out like the trash they are.” He tapped the rim of the mug with a long finger. “They’re good for something in the end, at least.”
By the goddess, this guy was a wannabe Punisher. In comics form it was fascinating to read about, but in real life he just sounded like a nutjob. She looked down at the mug again, focused more on the smell of blood inside the coffee than the coffee itself. Hunger... hunger... hunger... She clenched her jaw and looked up at him. “I’m not drinking that. I want synthetic blood.”
Golden eyes glared at her, but she would not back down and break eye contact. A moment of silence passed between them, before he let out a defeated sigh.
“You’re very stubborn for a fledgling.” He took back the mug. “How old are you, fourteen? You should be way more naïve and impressionable than that.” He wasn’t letting a good cup of coffee go to waste, so he took a hearty sip. As much as Laurie was trying really hard not to feel anything about watching him consume blood-coffee, part of her wanted to scream on missing out on some really tasty blood. That was the predator part of her she really despised.
“Are you going to let me go now?” She scowled. “I really don’t care that you essentially kidnapped me and took me your creepy house with your absurd amount of photos of yourself to offer me a cup of whatever blood latte concoction you made. If you aren’t going to direct me to any synthetic blood, let me go.”
He seemed impressed with her boldness, but also annoyed because he hated being rejected like any 600-year-old man would. He downed the rest of his coffee and placed the mug down. 
“Fine, I can be reasonable,” he sighed. “I might have connections to the synthetic blood trade. But you might have to do something for me first.”
Laurie frowned. She was over this.
“Yeah, no thanks, I’m not doing anything for someone who just kidnapped me and told me he murders criminals to drink their blood.” She promptly rose from the chair. But she underestimated just how much physical strength she had in that moment and collapsed right onto the ground.
“Stop saying kidnapping!” Benvolio snapped. “I highly encouraged you to come here. Kidnap is such an ugly and inaccurate word.”
Gritting her teeth, Laurie pushed herself up so she was at least on her knees, and looked up at him. If she could just have a few more seconds, she could get enough strength to stand up...
“Let’s try this again, and hopefully I’ll be clearer this time,” Benvolio continued. “You might have to do something for me first. And if you agree to do it, I might forget how disrespectful you’ve been to me under my roof since you got here. And if I forget, there might not be any repercussions for it.”
Laurie hung her head in defeat. Great, now she was this psycho’s errand girl.
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hijack711 · 4 months
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Tag(s): fluff, story building, daily life, wholesome moments
Another new day came, and the rays of sunlight gradually crept into every corner they could. Even though he wasn't bothered by the alarm, Rehn still woke up relatively early, stretched his arms to pick up the phone, and the time displayed was 05:50. Rehn himself was surprised by this. Looking to the side, Rehn smiled and stroked the hair of the girl he loved. Her lips were somewhat pursed for sleeping sideways, making Rehn always feel like she was a little child. Getting out of bed, Rehn pulled the blanket over Rosé before heading to the kitchen to conduct his morning ritual.
All 6 members of Unity loved the scent and bitter taste of coffee, and 3 of them had a certain level of passion for this drink, so on the long marble kitchen countertop placed several tools and machines for coffee making such as a moka pot, an espresso machine, a manual espresso maker, and Rehn's personal favorite, the phin filter, his homeland signature coffee brewing tool.
Rehn put the coffee in the filter and poured in a little bit of boiling water just enough for the coffee to bloom, expand, and set, then added another round of it. Feeling craving for a breakfast dish with eggs, Rehn decided to make scrambled eggs, served with tater tots made from last night's grated potatoes.
It was 6:50 a.m., and Rehn heard something coming from upstairs, where the door to the room at the end of the hallway opened and closed. Rehn immediately knew that Rosé was awake. Walking towards her boyfriend, Rosé instantly hugged him.
“Jesus Christ, don't bite me! Go over there and clean your mouth, babe.” - Rehn
“Okayyyy.” - Rosé dragged her feet lazily toward the sink
“I wonder what dish you would like to eat?” - Rehn
“A bowl of pho with a glass of iced milk coffee, honey.” - Rosé
“Sorry, babe. Remember? Drink less caffeinated drinks, babe, or I can make you a glass of fruit punch.” - Rehn
“Oh okay.” - Rosé
While waiting for her boyfriend to make breakfast, Rosé kept staring at Rehn with her eyes half open while sitting at the kitchen island.
“Don't stare at me like that, I can't concentrate, hahaha.” - Rehn burst out laughing when he heard Rosé said
“How did you know that? Oh, and the last few times too.” - Rosé
“Rosie, babe, it's been two months since we went on a date night, guess where I'll take you to eat tonight.” - Rehn
“Hmmm, is it the bulgogi restaurant where we took your parents to?” - Rosé
“Okay, it's decided, thank you.” - Rehn
“Huhhh? What was that? Confused unga.” - Rosé
“Learning from my own experience every time I ask you where to eat, I finally came to a conclusion that I'll just let you decide, it'll be quicker.” - Rehn
About an hour later, Ivy and Damian arrived at the kitchen area.
“Seriously, do you intend to live here rent-free?” - Ivy
“You've only been here three days but you've almost demolished all the food in our refrigerator, Chaeyoung noona. Every damn time we suffer from food shortages, it is mainly because of you.” - Damian
“Why is everyone in this house so mean to me? Okay, if that's the case then I'll call your parents so they can lecture you again, honey." - Rosé
“Da fuq? They called you that and now I'm at fault. What in the f*cking logic is this?” - Rehn
“That's because you're the leader of the group and also considered the head of the family, so you better be prepared for your parents to give you another whoop in your pretty bum, honey. By the way, I do like your butt.” - Rosé winked
“Eww, gross, go show your feelings elsewhere, go back to your room.” - Ivy and Damian
A few minutes passed, and the four people's conversation gradually became more lively. Due to the loudness of the conversation, and the volume of the chat still showed no signs of decreasing, it woke up the remaining three members of Unity and they undeniably displayed signs of dissatisfaction.
“Why is it so noisy? I was having a great sleep!” - Sirene
“Oh, you're not leaving yet, unnie, why are you here for so long?” - Yuki
“Watch your mouth, you little shit … There, your coffee.” - Ivy
“Thank you.”- Baekgi
“So, what have you been talking about just now? I vaguely heard you guys say something about food.” - Sirene
“Well, I was going to invite my girls to come here for a feast or we could go to a restaurant this weekend, it's been a while since our two groups went out together.” - Rosé
“So noona, what are we going to eat?” - Baekgi
“It could be seafood or grilled food, I'm still wondering which one to choose.” - Rosé
“Or we can go eat yakitori, I know a place.” - Rehn
“Ah, I remember that restaurant.” - Ivy
“By the way, unnie, how was the checkup?” - Yuki
“It was good, the doctor just told me to pay attention to my diet and get more rest.” - Rosé
While Rosé was chatting with the four members of Unity, Rehn stood at the side and smiled, watching his girlfriend have fun and relaxing moments after a long period of tiring work, which was nothing good for Rosé's health, especially for her current physical and mental condition. Noticing that her younger brother was dumbfounded looking at someone she knew, Ivy nudged his shoulder slightly, she smiled proudly at Rehn.
“It was a bit risky, little brother, but you managed to pull it off, such a man you are.” - Ivy
“I just did everything I could, we didn't even plan for it, even if we did it would have been much later in our lives. Thank you for backing me up, sis!” - Rehn
“When you told me the news, I was so worried, but then I remembered that you spent most of your childhood in America with the guys from the hood, you even beat them at their own game, so I was relieved, glad that I was right.” - Ivy
It was a quarter to eleven, a black coupé was speeding towards a designated place, the car took one last turn and then drove straight into the parking lot. The suicide doors opened and stepped out of the car were Rehn and Rosé. The two then held hands and walked into the elevator to go to Rosé's apartment which she shared with Lisa. Walking up to the door, Rosé had to do what she always found a bit annoying which was unlock it and it had two layers of security.
“Lisa, I brought food home.” - Rosé
“Oh, you're back. Ah, oppa, hiiii. You go girl, you have a boyfriend so there is no need to care about your sisters, right? Well, it is obvious when you are in love. Back then, she always said "Single life is so fun, it's just the four of us.", but now she mercilessly pushes us aside." - Lisa
“Honey, let's go, leave her be.” - Rosé
“No no no, I'm sorry, it was just a joke, did you have to take it the hard way.” - Lisa
“I've always been curious why you're always single but now I know, it seems like your communication skills are not on par with your dancing ones, Lisa.” - Rosé
“Ouch, sis, that's hurt. Oppa, did you hear what your girlfriend said? Being in a relationship with oppa, your sarcasm is getting better and better.” - Lisa
“Okay, stop teasing each other. No offense, Lily, you are good with your words, you have a sexy brain and a great sense of humor, but you often carry your jokes too far. You have your own beauty, Lily, just continue to nurture your beauty and improve what needs to be improved.” - Rehn
Because Rehn was in the kitchen and was busy arranging the food containers neatly, he didn't know that Lisa's eyes were wide open and surprised by what he said.
“Ah… uhmm… thank you oppa.” - Lisa shyly answered with a blush on her cheeks
“Awww, Hank, sweetie, are you doing good with Aunty Lisa? Come to mommy.” - Rosé
Upon hearing noises in his territory, Hank woke up and had a look around the apartment. Hank heard his mother call his name but decided to do a feint and rushed towards his dad.
“What the???” - Rosé
“Hahahaha, kekeke.” - Lisa and Rehn burst out laughing at the expression on Rosé's face
“Hank, you love your daddy more than me?” - Rosé was in disbelief
Suddenly the doorbell rang, attracting everyone's attention. Looking at the indoor monitor screen, Rosé saw that it was Jisoo so she quickly opened the door for her sister.
“Hi unnie.” - Rosé
“Oh, you're back, I thought you were still at oppa's place.” Jisoo
“Oh oppa, hiiiii, do you need any help?” Jisoo was in a great mood today and it was even better when she saw the jokester of Unity.
“Hi Chichi, ah, thank you but I'm okay. We brought you girls’ favorite dishes.” - Rehn
“Thanks, oppa!” - Jisoo
“Well, that's a bummer.” - Lisa
“What is it?” - Rosé
“Jennie just finished her pottery class but couldn't find a cab due to the traffic jam.” - Lisa
“Was it the pottery class you girls told us when our two groups went to the pizza place near it?” - Rehn
“Yeah yeah, that’s the one, oppa.” Lisa
“Honey, can you go pick her up? How long will it take, 20 minutes?” Rosé
“Are you underestimating my driving skills, you amateur?” - Rehn asked in a playful tone while doing the pointing pose of Jotaro
“Pfftttt, hahaha, what the heck, oppa?” The girls laughed
“Hahaha, stop fooling around, you comedian.” - Rosé
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” - Rehn
Standing on the sidewalk watching countless vehicles jostling and competing to move forward, Jennie felt unlucky to have chosen today to go to the pottery class. KakaoTalk's notification bell rang, it was a message from Rosé telling Jennie that Rehn was on his way to pick her up. The displayed time showed that Rosé's message was sent 10 minutes ago. Before Jennie could reply, she heard someone calling.
“Yen-ah. Hop in.” - Rehn
Jennie did not respond but just smiled exposing her mandu cheeks and hopped in the car.
“Pfftt, heeheehee, oppa, what’s up with your hair? It's a mess.” - Jennie
“Well, apparently, Jisoo can handle the spiciness better than my jokes, and because of that, she gave me one hell of a smash.” - Rehn
“Hahahaha, wait, she “smashed” you?” - Jennie teasingly asked
“Yeah, ……, wait, no, not that kind of smash.” - Rehn tried to save his life after realizing what he just said
“Ohhh, someone doesn’t think before they talk, yet you dared to tell me to mind my words, hmmm.” - Jennie
“Ok, thanks for reminding me, and let me clarify, Jisoo only gave me a few blows to the head.” - Rehn
“Huhh? She gave you head? Hahahaha.” - Jennie
“Wait, fuck, NO, Kim fucking Jennie, you seem to love wordplay, huh? What got into you today?” - Rehn
“Hahahaha.” - Jennie
Rehn couldn’t help but laugh with Jennie at his own mistakes. The jokester was in disbelief that Jennie had given him a taste of his own medicine. Rehn wasn’t even mad but joyful at Jennie’s friendly retaliation, he was relieved that Jennie was back to her happy self after all the drama.
“You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?” Rehn
“Hahaha, and also, oppa, I know you have a good sense of fashion but THESE?!!” - Jennie
“You are specialized in roasted foods, right, because you are doing a very good job at roasting me.” - Rehn
I was kinda out of words to describe the sound of Jennie’s laugh at this point so the best I could come up with was Jennie laughed out loud and then wheezed as she started to slide out of her seat.
“Whoa whoa whoa, girl, get a hold of yourself.” - Rehn
“One thing for sure is you’re starting to adopt some of mine antics.” - Rehn
“I think I’m kinda becoming more like you, oppa.” - Jennie smilingly said
“Yeah, you’re becoming more like me.” - Rehn
The laughter of the two was gradually replaced by a pause of silence as Rehn needed to concentrate to weave through the traffic. Noticing that they were no longer caught in a traffic jam, Jennie asked.
“Oppa, are you free tonight?” - Jennie
“Oh, sorry Yen, Imma take Rosé out for a date tonight.” - Rehn
“Oh, you don’t have to be sorry, oppa. It’s just that our group is about to get back to work so I was kinda hoping to hang out with you … anddd your group.” - Jennie breathed a sigh of relief
“Well, no need to worry about that, we still have many opportunities, you just need to set the date.” - Rehn assured her
“Okay, oppa.” - Jennie
Returning to the apartment she shared with Jisoo, Jennie left her belongings there and accompanied Rehn to the apartment of Lisa and Rosé which was right next to theirs.
"Hi, Girls." - Jennie
"Wow, that was fast, oppa." - Lisa
"Next time, when we need to order deliver, I'll call you, oppa" Jisoo
"Then I'll make sure to charge you triple." Rehn
“Honey, come, have some lunch. Jennie unnie, here’s the plate, come on, dig in, oppa made a lot. ” - Rosé
After the lunch ended, Lisa and Jisoo went to the room leaving a poor Jennie to clean the table while Rosé and Rehn had to wash the dishes. Jennie looked towards the two of them and then shifted her eyes to Rehn.
"Wish I could have more opportunities like you said, oppa." - Jennie thought to herself
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jplupine · 10 months
Feral Possession: Chapter 3
Day 2
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~1.2k WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Demon!Grimmjow, Feral Behavior, Grimmjow being a Terror
Summary: The haunt continues his game.
You can also read it on AO3!
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Masterlist | Chapter 3:
  Uncle Jordan left me a haunted house. It was either that, or I was going crazy. My hands cupped the warm mug of coffee as Gary was pouring his own. I wanted to ask him if he'd seen anything, heard anything, during the night. I wanted to know if I was the only one this thing taunted or if I really wasn't seeing things and it went for Gary as well.
  Looking at the back of the man's head, I then began to wonder why now. Why not when I was moving in? When I was unpacking? Why wait until I was already settled to make an appearance?
  "Yeah?" He turned while coming over to the table to sit down with his drink next to me.
  "Did you....happen to see something, I don't know, strange last night?"
  "No. But you might want to take Dagur to the vet." He calmly said while glancing at the dog. "I think the poor guy got so traumatized last night."
  "Why would you say that?" My brows furrowed as my thumb brushed over the mug's handle.
  "He peed all over the foot of my bed. Woke up to it this morning when my foot landed in it." His expression was sympathetic toward the dog. "Oh, don't worry though, I already put everything in the wash."
  I was dumbfounded now, especially since Dagur had been with me the entire night. I knew he was for certain because I hadn't slept at all. My night, once getting back to bed, was spent holding Dagur and occupying myself on my phone. And, if what Gary said was true, at least to a degree, I knew I wasn't going crazy.
  But that also meant whatever was in the house pissed on Gary.
  Should I laugh or be more concerned? Ghosts couldn't pee, so that meant that thing was something else. Well, at least I didn't think ghosts peed.
  My brows knit together as I was thinking. I knew that thing seemed displeased when Gary showed up but was it really childish enough to piss on the man while he slept? ....Apparently so.
  "Yeah, I'll take him just to be sure." I said while not mentioning to Gary how Dagur hadn't left my side all night. I wasn't even sure how to explain to Gary the possibility that some sadistic being had just....peed on him.
  "Hey, how are you feeling?"
  "Exhausted." I sighed while rubbing my forehead and dropping my gaze to my mug. "I really am thankful for you coming over, though."
  "Oh, don't sweat it, Wynter. What happened last night.... That shit is scary."
  "No kidding."
  "Are you going to be okay?"
  "Eventually. Gonna look into an actual security system, though."
  "That'd be good."
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  It was later in the day now, so I set to making some food for myself. Opening the backdoor to let the dog out, I then went to boil some water to make macaroni and cheese. When Dagur came back into the house, I simply closed the door and finished cooking my meal. Serving it up in a bowl, I rinsed out the pan in the sink and went to sit down.
  At the table, I scooped up some of the cheesy pasta and brought it to my mouth. The warmth of the food made me feel comforted a little at least. Sighing, I lazily looked at the heeler chasing his own tail until he burnt off to the next room. Hearing a squeaky toy, I assumed he was playing around. Okay, that had to be a good sign.
  Turning back to my bowl, I was about to take another bite just before a black figure materialized on the table. Completely freezing as my jaw hung slightly ajar. Even with as much light that was in the room, I could still see nothing more than a black figure like a solid shadow. However, I now saw more detail and there were horns perched on his forehead as he laid on the table with his arms crossed right in front of my bowl.
  "Don't mind if I do." He stated before wrapping his tongue around my fork and taking my food. Pulling the fork from his mouth after taking it from me, he began to dig into my macaroni. "Not bad for this cheap-ass shit." He commented, and I had yet to move a muscle. 'Calm! Act calm! Holy fuck, just act calm!' I mentally screamed. This was definitely not a ghost, and he seemed to enjoy my reactions to him.
  Gulping, I closed my mouth before rising to my feet. I just grabbed some lunch meat from the fridge, no way was I risking demon cooties by taking my food back. Not to mention that maybe he'd lose interest and move on when I didn't react to him.
  "No fun, where's the screaming from last night?" He questioned, and his voice seemed to show he didn't really care as he continued to eat my macaroni. Simply ignoring him, I leaned on the counter while facing away from him as I bit into the thin slices of turkey
  If his aim was to scare me, I couldn't let him see he'd succeeded.
  "Oi," Clawed hands were placed on the counter on either side of me, and his nails clicked against the marble as I felt his breath hitting the top of my head. "are you ignoring me?" Now he seemed irritated with how low his voice was. "How about this, Little Rabbit, you tell me your name, and I'll give your food back?" His voice then took on a sickly sweet tone as his breath continued hitting my head.
  Not saying a word, I tried pretending he wasn't there while chewing on the turkey in my mouth. From what I'd noticed, he couldn't actually touch me. Also, he seemed rather determined to know my name. From what little I knew about demonic beings- which was limited- having my name might give him some sort of power. Maybe having my name was what he needed to actually be able to hurt me.
  "Come on, Little Rabbit, why don't you want to talk to me? Don't worry, I don't wanna kill you, I just wanna play." His voice was close to a purr now, and I watched as one of his hands raised to touch my arm as his claws lightly raked my skin. All I felt was ice and nothing more, proving my guess that he couldn't actually touch me. It was not much unlike a ghostly touch, cold, but not really there.
  Either way, it caused every hair on the back of my neck to rise on end.
  "I can smell your fear, you know." He stated, and it felt as if he sniffed at my hair. "You can't hide it. It's so strong, leaking from you like that fucking mutt in the other room." Swallowing, I balled my empty hand into a fist on the counter while staring straight ahead. "Are you scared I'll eat you, Little Rabbit?" He questioned, and after a short pause, his voice was right next to my ear. "Good." He whispered before completely vanishing.
  Finally being able to breathe again, I glared in the direction the sound of the squeaky toy was coming from. 'Dagur, you were supposed to be my alarm!'
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piratesfromspace · 3 years
Finance Management (Deckard Shaw/Reader)
Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious) x Reader
Word count: 1.9k CW: mention of food & alcohol, smut
Female reader
Note: This short fic has been inspired by a friend of mine who created the character of the financial advisor of mister Shaw.  Also there is not enough fics with Deckard Shaw so here we are. 
Read on Ao3
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“Mister Shaw, it’s me again, I’m so sorry but I really need you to call me back please. It’s important. Thank you.”
You let out a deep sigh as you hang up. Handling the finances of rich people is a lucrative and thrilling job, but damn it sometimes those clients of yours are annoying. Especially Mister Shaw.
First, he’s annoyingly busy and unreachable. Most powerful people are, but he can disappear for weeks on end without so much as sending an email.
Second, he’s also infuriatingly handsome and smart and funny. And he has an impeccable sense of style. He has nothing in common with the other clients of your firm, mainly old and boring men, whose only conversation subject is their money and how they hate their wives.
And finally, the worst thing about him is how good of a lover he is. You found out half a year ago, when you ended up in his bed after what should have been a regular business dinner. It was a mistake of course. One that could have cost you your career because it was a very serious breach of contract to sleep with a client.
You never told a soul, and you promised yourself to never do it again. But it was still hard to forget the feeling of him pressed against you, of his hands holding your waist, of his mouth between your thighs...
You try to focus again on your task and stretch your legs, kicking out your high heels. Feet bare on the soft carpet, you walk to the floor-to-ceiling window of your posh office, taking a second to admire the view, as the final rays of the sun disappear over the lake, and Geneva lights up under you. It’s breath-taking, really. But it also means you’re once again staying way too late at the office. Your assistant has gone home a couple hours ago, and your colleagues are either on vacation or on business trips, making you the only person on the building’s 7th floor. You still have a few things to finish so you plop on your leather chair and get back to work, hoping to make it home before 11pm.
That’s when you hear it: the familiar *ding* of the elevator’s door, at the end of the corridor. You tense immediately. You’re not waiting for anyone, and the security guards always use the stairs when completing their patrol.
Steps are coming down your way, and you grab your phone, ready to dial for the security team. And then you recognize his silhouette through the polished glass wall. There is a knock on your door before it opens to reveal Deckard Shaw himself. He’s wearing an expensive suit and an even more expensive watch, a very light stubble is highlighting his perfect jawbone and his deep grey eyes bear a mischievous glint. Handsome, as always.
“Mister Shaw…” you stammer.
“You know you can call me Deckard.” His stupidly sexy British accent and cocky smile will be the death of you.
He’s been in your office for two seconds and you already want to slap him in the face - or climb him like a tree, you can’t really decide.
“It’s quite late, Mister Shaw, you scared me. Anything I can do for you?” you insist on saying his family name, in a feeble attempt to maintain a professional façade.
“You needed to see me.” it’s more a comment than a question, and you’re suddenly reminded of the dozen of unanswered phone calls you made trying to reach him.
“Yes… yes, that’s right, but honestly you could have called tomorrow morning.”
“I’d rather see you in person.” he answers, looking you straight in the eyes. You can feel yourself blushing under his gaze. “Wanted to make sure you’re alright. You’re working too much you know.” he says with a soft smile, as his eyes drift down to your sore bare feet and then to the discarded heels under your desk.
What a condescending prick, you think. But at the same time, he’s right and his care seems somewhat genuine. It will not make you forget you almost lost your job because of him though.
“How did you know I was still here tonight?” you purposely redirect the attention on him, rather than you.
“Well, let’s say I would not leave the woman in charge of my assets without any... supervision.”
“Is that a polite way to say you’ve been spying on me?” you retort dryly.
“Oh I love when you’re getting all angry and snobbish, your French accent is even cuter.”
You’re gonna murder him. You really really want to tell him to go fuck himself, but he’s the one responsible for a very generous part of your paycheck, so you have to keep quiet.
“I would be more comfortable if we keep our conversation strictly professional, Mister Shaw.”
“Everything you want, dear.”
“Mmph, fu-ck... Deckard, don’t stop”
The professional attitude has been long forgotten, since Deckard has pulled you onto his lap on the velvet couch of his presidential suite at the Four Seasons hotel, where you were supposed to only review the important documents he needed to see. But when the room service had brought a very nice bottle of Scotch, you knew you were screwed. You could not refuse a drink, and the warmth of alcohol combined with the warmth of his hand slightly brushing against your thigh had overcome all your resolve.
You are now sprawled on the king-size bed, moaning his name as Deckard Shaw is destroying your sanity very methodically. One foot on the floor, one leg bent on the edge of the bed, he’s pounding into you, holding your hip with one hand, and circling your clit with the other. His pace is calculated, not too fast so you can feel every inch of him, but not too slow so your nerves don’t have any respite, and it’s driving you crazy. Hands tangled in the dark silk sheets beneath you, you try to catch your breath to no avail.
“I won’t stop darling. Not until I can feel you coming again all over me.” His voice is like heavy honey, dripping all over your senses, drowning you in sweet and sinful promises.
You want to close your eyes to focus on the overwhelming feelings, but the view in front of you is too good to be missed. He looks like some demi-god, bathed in the subdued light of the room, broad and muscular chest, abs perfectly drawn. What is his job again? You vaguely remember him talking about serving a few years in the military when he was younger, but he is still definitely hitting the gym on a regular basis.
His muscles flex when he brings you down on his thick cock a little more sharply than before, and you keen as he hits that perfect spot inside of you. You can feel your orgasm build again, and so can he.
“You’re close, princess, aren’t you?”
You mewl in response and he chuckles darkly, keeping up with his ruthless assault on your most sensitive parts. He angles his fingers just a bit differently on your clit, and keeps thrusting into you, stretching you so perfectly you can’t remember the last time someone fucked you this good - wait , actually you can, it was a few months ago and it was by mister Deckard “annoyingly perfect” Shaw.
“Come on, I know you want to, I’ll keep going until you give me one more anyway princess…”
And that's it. You’re gone. Back arching off the bed, you come hard, harder than the first time, clenching around him. You barely hear him hiss in pleasure as you spasm helplessly on the soft sheets, the silk feeling almost cool against your burning skin.
“Good morning darling."
You open an eye, natural light is flooding the room, as is the delicious smell of fresh coffee and tea. At the foot of the bed, you spot a room service trolley loaded with breakfast treats and through the open door of the bathroom, you can see Deckard is looking at you in the mirror reflection while buttoning a crisp white shirt.
"Your tea is ready. Black, no milk, right?”
He's right and it's annoying because is there anything this man messes up?
"What time is it?" You ask, suddenly remembering you have a busy schedule today.
"You have 27 minutes to eat and get ready, so I can drop you off at your office in time for your first call of the day."
He knows about your tea preferences and your professional agenda, of course he does , he was not joking when mentioning the whole "spying-on-you" situation, or "supervision" as he liked to call it. He needs to stop it, but you decide to keep this discussion for another day.
You stretch, and rise to put on the hotel bathrobe, sighing at the thought of having to wear the same clothes as yesterday. Last you saw them, they were scattered on the floor all over the room and your underwear were positively ruined.
"The concierge was very helpful this morning, thanks to him I got you a few clothes delivered for today." Deckard adds as he pours himself a cup of coffee from the cart and gestures to the leather armchair where a couple of bags doning logos of luxury brands are perched.
You make your way to the packages, and open the first one to reveal a sophisticated dress, fitted and sexy, but not too much that it would be inappropriate as office wear. The second bag is a thoughtful selection of high end make-up products. And the last one contains a gorgeous set of lacy lingerie, nothing too raunchy but sexy nonetheless. Of course everything is in the right size.
"Thank you..." you whisper, a little stunned. The assortment must have cost him a couple grands at the very least - not that he can't afford it because you're well placed to be sure he can, but still, he did not have to do this.
You have to suppress a smile, because damn he's being annoyingly perfect once more, but you don't want to give him the satisfaction to reveal he was right when promising you could stay the night instead of going home and still look fresh for your day at work.
"I was thinking, I'm free tonight, so maybe we can finally review those documents, you know the ones you were supposed to show me before you jumped on me on the couch last night?" Deckard states as he bites in an apple in front of the window, casually looking at lake Geneva glinting in the bright morning sun.
You blush unwillingly, struggling to find a reply that would save you from admitting you had failed at enforcing your usual work ethic.
"I'm kidding dear!" He barks in a laugh. "I know enough to trust you on this venture, you have my approval to go on with the investment." He continues more seriously.
You open your mouth to answer but he's quicker.
"I'm not kidding about being free though, so what about dinner and then we can see where this takes us…"
When you don't answer immediately, he turns to look at you. Maybe he's realizing the situation can be awkward and precarious for you since you're technically working for him.
"You can say no, I won't take any offense." He adds without irony.
"Yes..." You finally answer, tip toeing toward him until you can snatch the apple he was eating from him. He protests but you shush him.
"...Yes, I would like this very much..."
As he starts to protest again, you take a big bite from the fruit with a knowing smile.
"...but only for dinner. Nothing more."
"You'll be the death of me." Deckard says, falsely irritated, his voice dropping lower.
"At least the feeling is mutual, mister Shaw ..."
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for Me
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Cover Art Done By: @fridaydev-draws and @friday-dsv (Dreamsmp x reader) Pirate Au! Love Interests: C!Wilbur, C!Techno, C!Dream, C!Sapnap, C!Quackity, and C!Schlatt
Salt burned your lungs as you tossed open your window with a loud bang, the seagulls perching on your flower boxes screeched in protest and flew from your window. “Fucking sky rats get the fuck out of here you heathens!” You snarled out the window shaking your fist at the bothersome birds, the sounds of the ocean crashing on the shore filled your ears as well as the chatter of the dock workers. You let the breeze blow back your hair and you heard someone calling your name from down below.
“Good morning (Y/n)!” You glanced below you and grinned,
“Morning Eret!” They waved back enthusiastically their dress spilling around their ankles, a basket of fruit was balanced on his hip. “Opening early today? I'm sure your patrons would be happy to start their drunken stupor early,” She held a hand to his mouth snickering and you shot them a look.
“If that gets more money in my pocket then so be it, I won't complain too much.” You shrugged, “Will I still see you later tonight?”
“Always do dove, how can I resist a drink from my favorite bartender.”
“You can’t it’s my charm.”
“Will the both of you shut the fuck up!” Another man’s voice growled from another open window, “It’s too early for your bullshit.” You saw Eret click his tongue but smiled up at you despite the man's protests,
“I’m heading to the market anyway. These fruits won’t sell themselves, I'll see you later.”
“See you soon!” You closed your windows once more, but not before urging your daisies to grow one last time. You tossed open the curtains allowing light to spill into your cozy home, a small carpet was in the middle of your room. It was a deep red and the pattern was made of gold yarn, aside from that everything in your residency was made of dark wood. Your shelves were littered with books and empty cups, and your old worn journal sat open on your desk. It was filled with childhood memories and you continued to write in it to this day, it was easier then, things were simple and everything was innocent and new to you. Now your days were filled with sea fairing idiots who liked to drink themselves stupid, but you could handle yourself, you always kept your father's dagger on your thigh at all times. Those who were frequent customers knew not to mess with you and those who were new learned their lesson within the first ten minutes of meeting you. You inherited the bar from your father, a kindhearted man who died a few years before today, leaving you with the bar and the dagger you had on your hip. You fished through your closet pulling out your clothes for the day, your dress was a gorgeous light coffee color and came down to your ankles. The bottom was flared and had dark brown panels on the sides, it faded inward to a light green then back to the coffee color. The corset around your waist was a dark brown with light green trim, you tied it tight with a small huff making sure your waist was sinched perfectly. The sleeves came down to your elbows allowing you to move your arms freely while making drinks. The top of the dress ended just below your collarbone, you strapped your dagger to your thigh before lacing up your knee-high black boots.
You thought back to your tavern downstairs, you were fortunate enough that you weren’t running this entire operation yourself. You ended up hiring help and they were like family and you knew they saw you as such as well. Most of the girls didn’t have a family of their own so you gave them room and board, also money, of course, you weren’t a terrible boss! You opened the door to your room, you watched Cecil, the tavern’s mascot trot out of Juniper’s room. The border collie liked to switch up which rooms he stayed in protecting every one of your girls when you couldn’t be there for them.
The first of your girls was Adelaide or Addie, she was one of the first to fall under your care. She was around your age, a motherly type, sheep hybrid, who cared for the girls, and always gave the drunk patrons with mommy issues a shoulder to cry on. Her long brown hair always hung down her back, she typically worked tables, served food and drinks, and always got a generous tip from patrons.
The next girl was Judas, a squid-enderman hybrid who was taller than you could ever wish to be, although intimidating you couldn’t meet a kinder woman. A jack of all trades the woman helped out wherever she could, black-ish purple hair curled around her shoulders and some people came specifically to hear her sing. Her voice was like rich velvet and lured men and women in like a siren.
Juniper was after Judas, a demon hybrid who was naive but you’d be a fool to underestimate her. She worked beside you at the bar, she can make some mean fruity drinks, Eret always preferred her drinks over yours. Freckles adorned her face and shoulders, her light brown hair curled down to her middle back, purple horns sprouted from the top of her head. You wanted to adorn it with gold jewelry and you were saving up to gift some to her.
Yeti was a human woman like yourself, she didn’t bother with those who were rude or obnoxious. She kept to herself only really talking when she was spoken to or when there was an opportunity to crack a rare joke. She typically stayed on the sidelines, out of the scenes and Yeti liked to help Judas decorate her sets.
Zig was a kind young adult, they got along with everyone who came inside the tavern. Soft emerald eyes drew people in, and they tried to make sure tensions within the bar didn’t rise and start a fight. There would always be one or two that’s just natural, but one look at Zig and his magic words and they seemed to disperse, not wanting to hurt the kid’s feelings.
Vendetta was the tallest member of the group you had taken in, she was stunningly beautiful and didn't take shit from anybody. She was a guard dog if you will, making sure no one fucked with any of the girls in your tavern. While Zig did their best to keep people under control sometimes they couldn’t win. That’s when Ven would step in and ‘kindly’ escort them off the premises with or without force.
The youngest member here was Luvena. She was a moo-bloom hybrid with soft brown hair that sprouted flowers, her cow ears would twitch when she was excited and followed Addie around like she was her daughter. Addie took her under her wing and was training her to be a perfect little waitress, absolutely warming customers’ hearts. Luvena also loved to give out flowers, she was a fan favorite bringing new life into the tavern.
Cecil barked seeing his mama and scampered over to you, you poured food into his bowl as Juniper wandered into the hallway. Her head rested on the doorframe as she gave you a tried wave, “Morning (Y/n).”
“Morning Juni, We’re opening a little early today. Take your time I’m not expecting a big rush of bar patrons this early.” You assured her and she gave a sleepy nod,
“I’ll be down as soon as Ven’s out of the shower.” She yawned, “This beauty doesn’t come naturally.”
“Hardly darling you’re gorgeous just the way you are.” You reassured with a wink, Juniper flushed a little, happily laughing beside you.
“Just go wake the others will you, you flirt!”
Tossing your head back you gave a happy laugh heading down the hallway to make sure everyone was awake and ready to go for later. Addie and Luvena shared a room so she was in charge of waking up the youngest member of the tavern. Judas was already awake making breakfast for everyone when you headed downstairs, Zig was sitting on the counter beside her, they were the designated taste tester.
“Good morning Miss (Y/n)!” Zig chirped, the young adult hummed fondly, “Sleep okay?”
“Absolutely. What about you both? Thank you for making breakfast Judas.” You hummed fondly and Judas had a shy smile on her face.
“I slept well thank you.” Judas hummed softly, “Also it’s my pleasure. Want to make sure everyone’s healthy and alright.” She let out a little squeak as you wrapped your arms around her body, you barely came up to her chest,
“Judas please marry me,” You complained, “Your breakfast is always heavenly and you care for everyone. Please be my wife.”
“(Y/n)! Please.” She sputtered face turning a dark purple, Zig made a noise of protest and held his hand in the air.
“If she won’t marry you I will!”
“Zig! I’d be honored!”
Their entire face lit up with excitement and they hopped off the table to hug you tightly, you hugged them back and pressed a fond kiss to the top of their head. “I got to open up the tavern, you mind setting the table for me Zig?”
“Sure Miss!”
You sent Judas a kiss in the air which her face burned at, quickly going back to her cooking. You smiled eagerly and unlocked the door to the tavern, you shoved a bucket in front of the door to keep it open. The salty ocean air wafted through your nostrils and your eyes sparkled wondrously.
Today is going to be a good day.
Almost immediately a particular bastard caught your eye,
“You’re here early.” You mused raising an eyebrow,
“Heard you were opening early today sweetcheeks,” His voice was a low baritone, rough from years of smoking and drinking. Horns curled around his fluffy ears that stood out against his gruff exterior, he was a ram hybrid at its finest. “Figured I’d take the opportunity to get a special drink from my special girl,” He mused looking you up and down drinking in your figure. You scoffed at the retired man, he dressed like he was cosplaying captain jack sparrow, the gun’s in his belt just added to his costume and so did his large ruffled shirt, he was never one to forget his gold jewelry.
“Where’s Quackity?” You ignored him sitting him at his usual table, he frowned but you knew he was taking it as an opportunity to stare at your ass. He slid into the stool and put his feet up on the table, his boots were muddy but you could only control him so much. He was too much of a regular to get scared off by your threats and scolding.
“He’ll be in at his normal time. He’s not much of a day drinker, although can’t say I’m complaining. Having all your attention on me and all, considering I’m the only one in here. That being said, I’ll have my usual sweetcheeks.”
“Stop calling me that,” You scolded with a certain fondness that was reserved for the man. “You’re lucky you’re my favorite regular Schlatt,” you gave his ears a fond pinch and he bleated. He sent you a scalding look as you walked away, although the look soon fell as he got a good look at your ass once again.
“I’m your only regular sugar tits!”
“Schlatt feet off the table.” Addie criticized whacking his boots with a rolled-up menu, he rolled his eyes but dropped his feet to the floor. “You should know this by now, we go through this every day.”
“Yeah, yeah little lamb I’m on it. Judas here?”
“She’s always here,” She huffed spreading the menu down on the table. “Do you want your usual or something different? Should I get Quackity’s drink ready too?”
“Nah just stick with mine, for now, tell Judas I’d like to see her.”
Addie clicked her tongue and placed her hand on her hip, “fine. But if you’re just going to grossly flirt with her as you do with (y/n), then keep it to yourself.”
“You’re not the boss of me. Just because you look like an old hag-” The way she glared at him sent a chill down his spine, “shit babe take a joke will you.”
Eventually, people began to file into the tavern, as the morning faded into the afternoon and then into the evening. The tavern was bustling with life, Judas’s elegant voice traveled through the crowds and her voices seemed to float above the voices. Quackity joined Schlatt by his side seemingly irritated by a conversation they were having, Schlatt was about five drinks in at this point, which was much less than his usual, and Quackity on his second.
“What are they talking about?” Luvena asked swinging her legs as she sat on the bar beside you. Her moobloom ears twitching every so often as she tried to eavesdrop on their conversation,
“Vena it’s impolite to eavesdrop.” You scolded bopping her on the head lightly, she whined and rubbed the top of her head.
“I wasn’t!” She argued as you rolled your eyes, you looked over at the two men to find Quackity looking over at you. His hand was raised in the air, one finger was up summoning you to get him another drink.
“I’ll be back, why don’t you talk to Ven while I’m gone. She’ll keep an eye on you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Good thing she doesn’t want to babysit your ass either, now shoo.” You motioned her to hop off the bar and she did so with a long, dramatic sigh. You looked over at Ven who gave you a silent nod, letting you know she’d watch out for the youngest member of your band of misfits. Meanwhile, you grabbed Quackity another drink and walked over to the two men at the table, “Someone order a drink?”
“Aye! Mamacita! Fancy seeing you here.” Quackity purred a bright smile spreading across his face seeing that you were the one to deliver his drink,
“Hey Big Q,” You greeted placing the drink in front of him, “You doing okay?”
“Better now that an angel walked into my sight,” He flirted and you rolled your eyes. “What? It’s true! You always brighten my day you know? Ow!” Schlatt hit his ex-first mate over the head,
“Take a breath lover boy. Thanks for the drink sugar tits.”
“You’re welcome, what were the both of you talking about if I may ask.” You hummed grabbing some of Schlatt’s empty glasses, an uncharacteristic frown came over both their faces. “Oh? Touchy subject?”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Just dishing out some old problems, most of which are better left unsaid.” He aimed that statement at Quackity, his jaw seemed clenched and Quackity’s brow furrowed in annoyance.
“Well I just want to remind the both of you,” You passed the tray of empty glasses over to Addie as she walked by, she took them swiftly. You grabbed the side of both their heads and pressed them against your chest, not that you knew but both men’s flushed to the tips of their ears. “No physical fights are allowed in this tavern. If one starts I won’t hesitate to kick your fucking asses. Got it?” They looked over your chest and locked eyes with one another, after years on the sea they could read one another’s facial expressions rather easily and at that moment they shared the same thought,
‘They should fight more often.’
“I said, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” The repeated simultaneously as you pulled away,
“That’s what I like to hear-”
“(Y/n)!” Vendetta’s velvety voice called out from behind you, you turned and saw a group of newcomers file into your bar. Your body tensed momentarily,
Schlatt turned his head to follow your gaze and he tensed from behind you, “fuck me.” He growled and Quackity raised an eyebrow at his captain, he turned to look over his shoulder and his face lit up.
The pirate who had a white bandana tied around his forehead glanced over at him and a smile lit up across his features. “Quackity? Is that you?”
“My man!” He stood up from his chair heading over to wrap the man in a hug, “I haven’t seen you in years, man.” You zoned out of their conversation eyes locking with a few of the other pirates who walked into the tavern. Vendetta and Addie both greeted them, but everyone who was under your care knew to keep their guard up around pirates. From what you could gather there seemed to be two crews, a crew of what only seemed to be two, Sapnap was included. The fire demon was still talking with Quackity, while the other man took in the view of the tavern, he had shaggy blonde hair, and had a few scars across his face. A porcelain mask sat on top of his head, a forest green cloak was around his shoulders, his hood was lowered around his neck. A sword was strapped tight against his hip and there was another dagger that seemed to be tucked against his side. His eyes gazed towards you and he winked teasingly with a coy smile, you scoffed looking over at Addie.
“Seat those two gentlemen yeah? Be careful, I’ll tell Ven and Yeti to keep an eye.” Addie looked at you, concern written on her soft features but she nodded. While Addie departed, you noticed Ven talking with the other group. Luvena was hiding behind Vendetta’s long legs, although a tall blonde boy seemed very keen on talking to her. You smoothed out your dress and moved towards the group of three, you eyed them up casually. The blonde looked to be around Luvena’s age, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and his uniform matched that of the second tallest in the group. The second tallest was clad in a light blue jacket with large golden buttons on the red collar. He had a cream-frilled shirt underneath and a black belt holding up his brown slacks, those were tucked into black boots. On his back seemed to be a guitar and was the only one of them not holding a weapon, but you knew better than to assume with pirates. His curly brown hair seemed to bounce every time he talked, he seemed to be the ringleader but there was no doubt that the real ringleader was the hybrid standing beside him. He was taller, on par with Vendetta in height, he had long pink hair that was tied in a ponytail on top of his head. A few pieces framed his face elegantly, there was no doubt he was the captain of the little crew that was in your tavern. He had a white shirt on with a deep low cut ‘V’ it showed off a good portion of his scared chest, around his shoulders sat a deep red jacket but his arms were outside of it and crossed over his chest. He seemed content on letting his second in command do all the talking, his red eyes were the only ones to meet yours. His head tilted upwards and before Vendetta could stop him he walked over towards you,
“You own the tavern?” His voice was a low monotone and it sent an array of pleasant chills up your spine.
“I do,” You raised an eyebrow crossing your arms over your chest, “Names (Y/n). You are?”
“Captain Technoblade of the ship Odyssey, I was hoping you had a few rooms and a table available. My brothers and I are pretty exhausted, we’ve been sailing all night.”
Brothers, they certainly didn’t all look alike, but then again you certainly had a mix of girls in your care. Your tongue swiped against the top row of your teeth, “Why don’t you and your brothers take a seat at the bar for now. Juniper will be happy to serve you, I’ll see if we have some free rooms available.”
“Thank you, once you return I’ll introduce them to you if you’d like,” Technoblade bowed his head before turning back to get his brother’s attention.
“I’d like that thank you.” You gave a nod motioning for Vendetta to follow you as you slid behind the bar with Juniper, Judas had also taken a spot sitting on the bar. You figured you’d let her know as well, considering she was another adult figure in the group. You knew either Juniper or Judas would fill in Addie considering the three were close. “Ven, can they be trusted?”
“Not too sure about the masked man, the one Quackity seems to be familiar with seems decent enough. He’s a fire demon though, could smell him from miles away, we all just need to be cautious.”
“Agreed,” Juniper added tapping her finger on her chin. “We should just try to curb all fighting if at all possible, what did the captain of the other group ask you?”
“They want a room, I’m about to check to see if we have availability. Thoughts on that?”
Judas let out a low hum her eyes followed both sets of pirate groups around the tavern, “I say if we have availability let them stay. They seem harmless so long as we don’t mess with them, which we’d never do.”
“Plus I can always stay awake to keep an eye on them.” Vendetta tapped her nails against the table,
“You sure.”
“As if I’d let anything happen to any of you, you’re my family.”
You all smiled softly, and you noticed Judas’s eyes widen, “Zig! Get that out of your mouth this instant!” She shot up from her spot and over to the person in question. The three of you laughed fondly at the nonsense, meanwhile, Juniper saw the three brothers sit at her bar. She moved away from you to greet them, you immediately could tell she was taken with the second eldest brother.
He seemed to be an absolute lady killer.
Vendetta ruffled your hair before going back to stand at her place by the door to keep the peace. You headed up the stairs to the rafters to check on the extra rooms you had, “Excuse me?” You tensed visibly turning around to face the man in all green. His eyes were mesmerizing, a fierce jade green to contrast his cloak, “Do you happen to have two rooms available?” The man held up two fingers to clarify his request,
“Do you usually start introductions with a blatant request like that?”
He chuckled a smile spreading across his lips, “I’m Dream and you gorgeous?”
“(Y/n), it’s your lucky day I’m about to check and see if any are available. My tavern is a hot commodity tonight.”
“Well, I can see why,” he spoke and you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side.
“It has the hottest owner around. Word spreads fast.”
You couldn’t believe this man was making your cheeks burn, he chuckled softly taking a step towards your figure. “Oh really, word spreads that fast on the open sea, Captian?” It was his turn to turn light pink, but he covered it up quickly with a chuckle.
“I’ll get on that room for you and your friend. Take a seat, for now, this part is for guests and staff only you know?”
“So I have you all to myself?” He cheekily mused, he stepped towards you and before you knew it you were pinned against a wall. His hand suddenly brushed against your cheek, it was cold in comparison to your warm cheek. You felt Dream’s thumb brush against your cheek slowly, “You know...being on the open sea alone does something to a person.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” You mused pushing your forehead back against Dream’s, “All alone with only your crew with you.” Taking his other hand within your own you slid it up to your hip, you saw his entire face turn red as he stared down at your chest. “You’re probably missing a little love in your life, aren’t you Dreamy?” He nodded dumbly, his eyes still not leaving your chest,
Perfect. You weren’t going to let some pirate boy get the better of you.
He let out a grunt of pain as you spun him around and pressed his head into the wall with your elbow, your other hand has his pinned behind his back. “This hallway is for staff and guests only,” You purred in his ear before letting him go and swinging your hips before heading up the stairs fully. From behind you, Dream’s face was a deep, dark red and he had to clear his throat. Dream wasn’t going to let you go after that, I mean look at you, tough and able to hold your own, it awakened something inside him.
After checking up on the rooms you headed back down into the main hall, three-room keys in your hand. Glancing over at the scene in front of you, you saw Juniper dancing in the middle of the tavern the flirtatious brother at her side. Judas was sitting beside Schatt and Quackity at the bar, Addie was tending to Technoblade and the blonde at their little table. Dream and Sapnap were whispering to one another in the corner but still seemed to be enjoying the show. Vendetta was smiling softly by the door, beside her were Luvena and Zig both playing various instruments. You noticed Eret was also amongst the crowd, she had a brilliant grin on his face, it was flushed pink with alcohol and you smiled to yourself.
It was peaceful, and for a moment you forget half the patrons were scoundrels or pirates.
That was until the man dancing with Juniper locked eyes with you, his eyes lit up and he spun Juniper off into Addie’s arms. She giggled snuggling into the mother sheep’s arms, you heard a distressed “Juni! I’m holding glasses!” Before your vision was overtaken by the handsome flirt.
“Hello love,” He hummed, “May I offer you a dance?”
You were about to refuse but you saw Yeti, who finally made her appearance as it was getting closer to Judas’s set, giving you a big thumbs up “I’d be honored.” You responded taking his hand within your own, he pulled you out onto the dance floor and you felt his other hand politely hover on the small of your back. He allowed you to lean into his touch as he began to elegantly spin you around the dance floor, you were almost embarrassed to say felt like a princess. “Maybe I could get your name?” You asked above the music, “Since it seems you’re my dance partner this evening?”
“Wilbur Soot my love.” He hummed proudly, “The first mate of the ship Odysseus at your service. Plus I play music on the side.”
“Well now you need to play for us,” Wilbur twirled you around in a circle,
“Maybe one day. If you give me your name?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
“I was right.” You commented biting the bottom of your lip trying not to smile,
“About what?”
“Ah? Already talking about me I see? Is my manliness and gentlemanly qualities that renowned?”
“Not exactly.” He picked you up slightly and pulled you into a low dip, “I was right in thinking you a nothing but a flirty playboy.” Wilbur almost dropped you, you squawked grabbing onto his neck. He began to laugh as you clung to his chest,
“Alright love. You caught me red-handed.”
Wilbur set you on your feet hands on your lower back, you were pulled close to his chest. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“I get them for free hon. I own the place.”
“Oh...oh.” He paled a little, “I didn’t fuck up our chances of getting a room did I?”
“Nah lucky for you and your brothers, I have you covered, same with your buddies over there.” You motioned to Dream and Quackity’s friend, Wilbur’s face paled as he felt the chilled room key get placed in his palm. “What’s your little brother’s name?”
“Tell them both we serve breakfast free from 7 am to 10 am.” He nodded as you walked past, Wilbur meanwhile turned to look at Technoblade. It seemed he had his red eyes on the couple the entire time they were dancing. He held up a room key, it was labeled 205; Technoblade nodded his head before leaning back and talking to Addie once more. “Dream!” You called throwing a hand up into the air, instead of Dream, Sapnap looked up he nudged Dream with his elbow. The man was now wearing his mask, but at least you could tell he was looking at you,
“Well hello, darlin’ you must be (Y/n). Name's Sapnap. Dream told me about you, so you have good news for us I hope?”
“Pleasure, I'm sure he told you all about me,” He nodded, his eyes taking in your body especially your ass. “Got you both a room key, your neighbors. Across from the other crew of pirates. Just don’t fight and we won’t have any problems.”
“You mean those jackasses are staying?” Sapnap complained loudly, looking over your shoulder at the other crew members.
“You both didn’t think you were the only patrons, did you? This is a business after all.” You, tossed the keys their way, Dream caught it with ease and Sapnap fumbled it only a little bit. After they were in their hands, you waved them off with a flutter of your palm you turned around to go speak with Judas about her set but before you could take a step you saw Schlatt stumbling up from his seat. “Ah shit,” You knew what was about to happen, you weren’t paying attention to the ram hybrid so who knew how many drinks in he was. You felt responsible, for a while you and Judas had been trying to help Schlatt with his addiction. You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly set him off for him to get this drunk, Quackity caught him in his arms with a grumble. The man was a drunken mess, and as you approached you could hear his slurred speech and could practically smell the alcohol on his breath. “Schlatt,” You spoke carefully and as soon as you got close Schlatt detached himself from Quackity and lunged at you. His head was buried in his chest, he almost purred like he was very happy to be there, you rolled your eyes and ran your fingers through his hair. You were mindful of his horns but he seemed pretty eager for you to touch them,
“(Y/n).” He whined although it was muffled against your ample chest, “Why do pirates have to fuck everything up?”
“What are you on about Schlatt? No one likes pirates.”
“They’re gonna take you away from me, sugar. You’re my safe space, this tavern is my safe space.” You sighed listening to his drunken ramblings, you grabbed his horns and pulled him away from your chest.
“This is my life Schlatt, I’m not going anywhere trust me. Plus my family is here, they need me. So try not to worry okay?” You slicked back the hair on his forehead before planting a fond kiss there, everyone in the tavern narrowed their eyes at the scene. Even your girls were green with envy, at the sight of their lovely boss kissing someone who wasn’t them. He leaned against your lips eyes fluttering closed,
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Captian Schlatt? Or ex-captain if I remember correctly.”
You turned your head and felt Schlatt’s arms wrap around your waist and held you close to his chest. The touch was protective and you felt your heart skip a beat, why was he protecting you, and why did you actually feel protected?
“Has the drinking finally caught up to you? Or was it the fact that you lost your so-”
Was that Dream's voice?
“Shut the fuck up.” He snarled and you were shoved behind him into Quackity’s arms, you felt less protected. “I’m not that person anymore and you fucking know that,” Vendetta came to stand beside the both of you a hand was placed on your shoulder protectively. You knew she was desperately wanted to step in and you held up a hand to stop her.
“This isn’t good…” Quackity murmured, “They’re going to fight. Schlatt’s going to get himself fucking killed.”
“Calm yourself. We won’t let it get that far.” Ven grumbled eyeing you waiting for your signal. But you were lost in the conversation or argument, the two were having, you couldn’t believe Schlatt was a pirate. He was so...he just didn’t...he was a drunk okay? That didn’t exactly shout feared pirate to you!
“Oh, are you sure? I remember that look, that’s the look you’d get before you stomped someone’s lights out. No wonder your son disappeared under mysterious circumstances-” Dream was shoved against one of the poles holding up the building. He grunted and Schlatt’s arm was pulled back ready to punch, but his arm was stopped by smaller hands,
“Pardon me Mr. Schlatt but you know how we feel about fighting in our tavern.” Addie bubbled, she had a smile on her face but it wasn’t kind, it was full of warning.
“Get the fuck off me, sheepie. This doesn’t fucking concern you.” Schlatt shoved her away and as soon as his skin made contact with her body he made a sound of distress.
“(Y/n)...” Addie murmured quietly, your father’s dagger was embedded in Schlatt’s arm,
“Fucking hell you bitch!” He snarled baring his teeth, you glared at him twisting the dagger he yelled in agony.
“Touch one of my girls again and next time this dagger is going right into your back.” You ripped the dagger out, splattering the floor with blood. He grabbed his arm tightly and looked at you with slight betrayal in his yellow eyes. “I mean it Schlatt, Quackity take him home.” The man nodded looking at you longingly, he muttered a quiet ‘Sorry’ before escorting him out of your tavern. “You,” You glared harshly over at Dream, “Go to your room.”
“You’re not my mother.”
“Then find another play to stay.” You spat, he turned away and you looked over at Addie, “Are you alright?” Your voice turned tender as you cupped her cheeks. She nuzzled against your palms and nodded her head,
“I’m fine. You didn’t need to-”
“Yes, I did. No one messes with you. With any of you on my watch.”
The sheep hybrid made a little sound as her bottom lip trembled, she wrapped you in a tight hug which you accepted without hesitance. Judas walked over next and wrapped you both in her arms, pretty soon you were surrounded by your girls and Zig.
All of them had the same mindset: comforting both you and Addie.
It was good to be loved.
Wilbur watched the scene curiously and glanced over at Technoblade who stood up from his chair.
“I think that’s our cue to leave for the night.” He looked over at his first mate, Wilbur nodded in agreement grabbing his guitar from the chair beside Technoblade.
“They...Techno were they talking about Tubbo.” Tommy whispered to his brother, his brow furrowing in concern as they all climbed the steps up to their room, “You don’t think-”
“It just might be Tommy.” Technoblade tilted his head to the side, “Guess that’ll be something we ask him when we get back to the ship tomorrow.”
“Well, this trip is going to be way more fun than I thought.” Wilbur snickered lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag, before letting the smoke curl out of his mouth and up into the rafters. ~~~
Tag List: @v01dw4lk3rz, @jam-bombs, @abovenyx, @glitterydigitalart, @phoenixaesthetic19, @luluwinchester, @boiled-onionrings, @pastelmoonwitche, @roxy3457, @alovestruck-fool, @victory-is-here, @mack4676, @fiorenc, @theoneandonlyyeti, @bloodrose0723, @sandyy-woo,
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Claire...may I request a lil' writing? I'm thinking of Javi maybe post Columbia and he builds up a routine. He goes to the same coffee shop every morning on his way to work and of course picks up the same order. You're a barista at the coffee shop and eventually, you can pin down his arrival to the minute so one day, you make his drink for the exact moment when he gets there, with your number written on the cup cause screw it, he's damn hot. What would happen? <3
Oh Maia, this was FUN to write for you!!! I hope you enjoy it! :D
Exciting update!!! GIF and media genius @nicolethered made an amazing video for me to go with this fic!! Go give her big love!!
Second exciting update! I was challenged by @quica-quica-quica to play the POV game for this piece (where someone Asks you to rewrite a piece from a different character's POV). So now there is a companion piece to this from Javier's POV, called: "Coffee Shop Girl". Enjoy!
For Now
Word count: 3900+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Javier Peña x “You” (Austin coffee shop barista; cis/het female reader; “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: slow-burn; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; protected P/V sex; cigarette smoking
Ten days. It took ten days between the first arrival of the handsome stranger and you ending up in his bed. A new personal record for you, given how reserved you normally were. But it was nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you were careful. It was the 90s now after all, there was zero reason to have to keep your knees closed until marriage, as long as you used condoms and got tested regularly.
You liked the coffee shop well enough, situated on the southern end of downtown near the warehouses and a few clubs. It drew a full spectrum of Austinites: college kids closing out their club nights with breakfast tacos and pastries before going home to crash; early morning construction workers, employees from the big post office around the corner; and the usual boring lawyers and office staff who started streaming in around 7:30 every weekday morning. You could do the job well enough, even considering the odd hours: waking up early enough to open the doors at 5:30, serve the slow trickle of early morning customers with patience and ease until a co-worker joined at 7:00 for the morning rush. And the barista and food service parts of the job were physically but not mentally demanding. It was a job, and certainly less hassle than your bartending gig some weekends. At least here you only had to throw drunks out once a month.
And then one Tuesday in early June, at 7:47 a.m., he appeared. Tall, neatly groomed mustache, dark eyes, a sheaf of bangs swept to the side over his forehead. His navy blue blazer and tie said ‘accountant’ or maybe ‘state employee’ and his sideburns were just a little out of date. You pegged him at about 40, probably one of those men who visited the same barber their whole lives, not bothering to keep up with fashion trends as long as they looked neat and clean. When he reached to take his to-go cup of black coffee from you, you noticed that his ring finger was bare, and you liked that his fingernails were clean and trimmed. He offered you a nod in thanks, and you smiled at him a little more warmly than you had with your other customers so far. He held the door on his way out, pausing just a moment to let two women enter… and then he was gone, out into the bright sunlight and foot traffic and morning rush. You hoped you would see him again.
On Wednesday he came back again, a repeat of Tuesday except with a different tie, deep red today instead of navy. Black coffee to go, leather portfolio tucked under one arm, clean hands, eyes as dark as the coffee you handed him. This time rewarding you with a gruff and gravelly, “Thanks,” instead of just a nod. You relished the accidental brush of his fingers on yours as you handed the cup over, another flash of him imprinted on you, along with yesterday’s vision of him going golden as he stepped out into the morning sun. This time you watched him through the big glass window until he was out of sight, admiring his strong nose in profile, the curve of it perched over that mustache. Two extra seconds of handsomeness poured into your morning before you had to turn back to rinsing mugs and making change. You hoped that he’d come again on Thursday, making it three visits, a genuine pattern instead of a fluke.
On Thursday he reappeared, same time as the previous two days, waiting patiently in line behind two wake-and-bake potheads who were taking their sweet time staring up at the food menu. Today he was dark gray instead of navy, wearing a charcoal blazer and a sharp black tie. You waved him over with a smile, letting it melt all the way up to your eyes instead of flashing the tight, brief, closed-mouth thing you used on most customers.
“Black coffee, right?” You watched his face, taking in the dark eyes, the hair, the brief smile that made a surprise dimple appear in his cheek.
He nodded, “That’s right. Thank you.” He slid a rumpled bill across the counter. “Keep the change.”
You bit your lip as you turned away, preening at his thanks and seven whole words as if they were genuine praise. His voice was deep and rich, landing with a rumble in your own chest, like the remnants of thudding bass from a passing car. You poured the coffee and secured the lid, brain scrambling desperately for something clever to say. To make him come back, to talk to you more.
You turned and handed him the cup, and as he reached for it you again let your hand be in just the right spot to feel the brush of his fingers. Your eyes locked on one another, and for the briefest moment you forgot to let go of the cup. You wanted to swim in those brown eyes forever, get lost and let him drown you whole. He paused, and you thought you saw the briefest twitch of his mustache, a pinprick in his calm exterior before you drew your hand back. He inclined his head, a single nod, and then he turned to leave and your attention was swept back to the register and the next customers.
Friday he arrived “on time” and you met his eyes as soon as he opened the door. Today he was warm earth tones, a dark red shirt under a brown tweed blazer and no tie, a nod to casual Friday. You turned and prepared his coffee, tightening the lid and then holding it up to him across the room, smiling and tossing your chin up in a friendly greeting. He walked up and slid a few bills over the counter to you.
“Thanks.” He winked at you and something in your pelvis fluttered. “See you next week.”
You watched him go, stepping out again into a halo of golden sun, pulling a pair of aviator sunglasses from his pocket and putting them on before striding away. You suddenly felt lost, facing the many hours between now and Monday.
Your weekend passed in a blur of extra bartending shifts and catching up on sleep. You were forever napping at odd hours, trying to reconcile the slightly staggered rhythms of early morning coffee shop hours and late-night bartending. It wasn’t the hardest you’d ever worked or the worst schedule, but it wasn’t fun. At least, it hadn’t been fun until now. Now you had something to look forward to.
Monday morning you opened the shop and kept an eye on the clock. At 7:46 you poured black coffee into a to-go cup. Thirty seconds later, he appeared on the other side of the plate glass window, the navy suit and tie again, blowing out a long stream of cigarette smoke before dropping the butt and giving it a quick twist under his foot. He took off his amber-lensed aviators and tucked them into the pocket of his blazer, then pulled out his wallet. At 7:47 on the dot, he opened the door, met your eyes, and saw you holding up his coffee. And there went that smile again, the dimple, the wink.
You smiled as he approached the counter. “You psychic or something? Or am I just that predictable?”
“Both, maybe.” You grinned and wiggled your eyebrows.
He opened his wallet and passed a bill across the counter, larger than what was strictly necessary for a to-go coffee and a reasonable tip. “Great service, keep the change.”
You thanked him, giving him the full-watt smile and wishing him a good day as you opened and closed the register, putting the change into the tip jar. Thankfully there was no one else in line right now, so you could give his handsome figure your full attention as he left, watching how the navy blazer hugged his shoulders.
He went out the door, turned right like he always did, and then he turned his head and his eyes met yours through the glass. You should have felt embarrassed that he caught you staring, but you didn’t. Mostly because you realized that he had stopped to look back, too, which meant you weren’t the only one hoping for more. He nodded and lifted his cup in a gesture of thanks. Then he was gone.
Tuesday was the same, only with the charcoal blazer and the dark red tie this time. The wink, the flutter in your gut, the over-tipping. The glance across the counter as his fingers brushed yours around the cup. The aviators slung on as soon as he stepped out the door.
Wednesday, again, the navy suit and tie, another brush of the fingers, a smaller tip but a bigger smile, gracing you with that dimple again. Another gravelly, “Thank you,” that sounded warmer than he had to date. The handsome profile and a quick meeting of the eyes through the glass as he left again.
Thursday was the same, only better. You used a permanent marker to write something on his paper cup before you poured it precisely at 7:46 a.m., watching, waiting. He did not disappoint. At 7:47, precisely on time, you caught a glimpse of his profile as he came into view through the plate glass window. Charcoal again. He turned and saw you inside, then opened the door, holding it again for a woman exiting. You pointed at his to-go cup on the counter and smiled.
“You trying to get rid of me? In and out so quickly?” He smiled and twitched an eyebrow at you.
You smiled back, “Depends on how long you were planning to stay. We close at 1:00 a.m. after open mic tonight. After that you gotta go somewhere else.”
The handsome man chuckled and pursed his lips. “And what time do you get off, after the morning shift?”
“Depends on who’s asking.” You winked and immediately regretted it, it felt too bold, it wasn’t your normal mode.
He met your eyes and said simply, “I am.”
You felt your face split into a wide smile. “I finish at 1:00, after the lunch rush.”
He nodded. “Good to know. I’m Javier, by the way.” He stuck his hand out and shook yours. You gave him your name and a warm shake of the hand.
He fished a few bills out of his wallet. “Can I maybe stop by after your shift, take you to lunch sometime?”
“You can do me one better than that.” You rotated the paper cup so that the writing was facing him. “My phone number’s on the cup.”
His eyebrows popped up, and then he gave you an appraising glance, like he was impressed. You saw his tongue shift up under his lip to suck a tooth and you suddenly wanted nothing more than to see how that tongue felt on you. You flushed hot, tingling with desire.
He arched an eyebrow at you. “You do that for all your customers?”
“Just the best tippers.” You winked at him and laughed.
He stuck his hand out once more and you gave him yours. He lifted it and kissed the back of your hand, mustache sweeping ever so briefly over your knuckles before he gently released it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” his voice was low and something in it went straight to your groin, making your pelvic muscles clench. You watched him pick up the cup and go, smiling at you with that dimple through the glass as he left. You stood for just a moment, hoping, hoping, hoping. Maybe he would call you after work?
At 1:00 you finished your shift and handed the register off to Mike. You were just untying your apron and hanging it up when you saw a familiar profile sweep into view outside the window. Javier. Your stomach flipped over and a million little butterflies flew out.
He ducked inside the door and searched the shop for a moment, smiling when he saw you coming out from behind the counter with your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Hey,” you stood for a moment and hesitated, suddenly shy.
Javier slipped his sunglasses off and tucked them into his pocket. “Hey, I’m glad I caught you. Are you busy, or can I take you to lunch today?”
“No, I’m not busy. I’d love to go.” You smiled. “There’s a sandwich place around the corner, and a park we can go sit in.”
He smiled, wider than you’d seen him do so far. “That’s perfect.”
He let you lead, walking him across the street and around the corner to the sub shop. You made small-talk on the way there, finding out that he was from Laredo but new to Austin, a former DEA agent consulting for the state. You picked up your food and walked a block over to the small city park, where you told him about your roommates, your cat, your wish to go back to school and finish your degree. By the end of lunch you were both smiling, feeling that spark, the little magnetic pull that had started over his coffee orders. At 2:00 Javier said he had to get back to his office.
“... but I’d really like to see you again. Can I take you to dinner? Tonight if that’s okay, since you’re working tomorrow night.” He stood close to you, looking warmly into your eyes.
“Yeah, that would be great.” You felt that flutter again, that twitch of interest from looking into his warm brown eyes, seeing the way they crinkled when he smiled. You were so busy looking at his eyes that you didn’t see him reach his hand out, sweeping it around to circle your shoulders and pull you in for a kiss. You kissed him back, as urgently as was proper for the time of day and the public setting. When he pulled away to walk back up the few blocks to his office, you stood there dazed. Wow.
You went home and napped, then showered and changed into datewear. Javier picked you up at 7:30, and you were relieved that the little spark was still there. You had half-worried that it would wear off in the few hours between your lunch date and now, or that it was a localized feeling limited to a small radius around the coffee shop. But dinner was fun and warm, and by the end of dessert and coffee you didn’t want to leave him yet. You decided that you would be bolder than you normally were.
“Listen, my roommates are home, but do you want to go back to your place?”
Javier looked surprised for only a moment and then smiled, “Yes, let’s go.”
You kissed all the way back to the car, ran your hands lightly over the back of Javier’s neck as he drove, kissed all the way from the car to his apartment door, and tumbled inside together, feeling for buttons and zippers and helping each other out of your clothes. His erection felt warm and solid against your hip, and when he finally got naked you were nearly moaning at the expanse of his broad shoulders and golden skin. He was beautiful.
Javier walked you backwards to the bedroom and paused only to pull a wrapped condom out of a drawer and turn on the bedside lamp to chase away the dark. You lay back and watched him as he tossed the foil packet onto the quilt next to you and then knelt beside your legs. He looked at you as he ran his hands up and down your naked thighs. Then he butterflied your legs slowly apart and ran one warm hand up to your pussy, teasing you with his fingers, dipping them in and out between your labia and running them up to tickle your clit.
“Can I eat you out?” He asked almost shyly.
You nodded, a breathy “Yeah,” issuing from your lips. Javier dove down and licked into you with a rush. You gasped and threw your head back, clawing your fingers down into the blankets. Javier worked you open on three fingers and used the tip of his stiffened tongue to flick your clit rapidly from side to side while his fingers slipped slowly in and out. You moaned and fought the urge to close your legs while he curled and stroked inside of you, finding the spots you could never quite reach yourself. Within a few minutes you were cresting the wave of release.
“Oh God, I’m gonna come! Keep- keep going,” you gasped, “Just like that!” Javier kept his pace steady, working you along as you huffed and breathed faster. He curled his fingers just right and you sped off the edge into oblivion, gulping and grunting and making noises that were almost embarrassing, that didn’t sound like you, but you felt too good to even care. Javier stopped licking and slowed his fingers as you clenched around him, using the broad flat of his tongue to swipe a long, comforting stripe up the outside of your labia. When you were finished coming, he pulled his fingers out slowly and sat up on his haunches, smiling like a prizewinner.
He wiped one broad, flat hand down his mouth and chin, and then crawled up the bed to lay next to you, stroking you from hip to breast with his thick fingers. “Was that okay, cariño?”
You groaned out a chuckle, “Oh yeah, that was good.” You rolled onto your side to face him, and drew him in for a deep kiss. You loved the mix of how he smelled and tasted, your own salty musk blending with his spicy cologne and the smoky phantoms of cigarettes past and his after-dinner coffee. As you kissed, his hand came up to stroke a trail of goosebumps on your shoulder, and you reached yours down to stroke his cock to attention. The heft of him was thick and warm in your hand, and within seconds he was hard and throbbing. You ran the pad of your thumb up the bottom of his head and over his slit gently, and you giggled as he shuddered and reached down to pull your hand away.
“You keep going like that and I’m not going to last long.” His thick fingers wrapped around yours, and he pulled your hand up to place a long kiss to the inside of your wrist, blowing warm air out through his nose, the feel of it on your skin sending a thrill up your spine. He reached for the condom and opened it, rolling it down his proud length. He put his hand down and stroked your thigh before hooking one hand behind your knee to pull your leg up and over his hip. He held himself so that his tip was buried just at your entrance, then he thrust up and into you in one swift motion. You inhaled sharply and hooked your leg tighter around him, letting him set the pace. He nudged your jaw, nosing up into the crook of your neck and kissing you from ear to chin and back again.
His hot words sent chills down your neck and your nipples stiffened into sensitive buds. “Baby, you feel so fucking good, so hot and wet. Fuck, you’re amazing.”
You kissed him and shushed him, then you pressed an open palm to his chest, “Wait. Roll over. I wanna get on top.”
Javier grinned in the dim light of his bedroom, then he wrapped his big hand around your lower back and pulled you over with him. You shifted and settled into place, and the feeling of being speared on him, of his cock hitting deep inside, of his coarse curls rubbing against your clit was almost to the point of overstimulation. You whined and fell face down into the crook of his neck, smelling his warm spiced fragrance and going limp at the ‘too much’ of it all. He planted his feet flat on the bed and kept his arms wrapped around you, thrusting up, up, up into you over and over. He made the most delicious noises, sounds that might have been words or not, but which conveyed all of his pleasure in little grunts and groans.
You decided you wanted to watch his face, so you sat back up and braced yourself on your knees, rolling your hips in rhythm with his and helping him chase his high.
“God, you look so fucking good on my cock, cariño. So beautiful.” He started to turn glossy with sweat, tiny golden beads reflecting the single lamp beside the bed and making him look surreal. You followed a drip of sweat as it appeared on his neck and then ran down to pool in the hollow at the base of his throat. You tipped forward once more to lick at it, to taste the salt and the smoke of him and nip one tiny bite into his neck before moving up to lick and nibble at his earlobe.
Javier suddenly tensed his legs, giving one big thrust and then hissing out a “Fffff-” between his lips as he came. He thrust again and then stilled, relaxing back into the bed, but keeping you close against him. You let him hold you, your breaths slowing together until you were back, calm again, heartbeats back to center. He released you and held the base of the condom as you lifted off and rolled onto your back. He went to the bathroom, and you heard him run water before he returned with a wrung-out washcloth. He offered it to you, and you declined with a weak wave. He turned and tossed it into the bathroom sink and then motioned for you to scoot off the bed so he could turn the covers down.
He picked up a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, gesturing at you with a raised eyebrow. You put a hand up, “Not a whole one, but I’ll take a drag off yours if that’s ok.”
“Sure thing.” He lit one and passed it to you, and you took a deep drag before handing it back.
“Thanks.” You blew the smoke out in a blue stream.
He crawled into bed and patted the mattress next to him. “Stay,” he looked at you with a smile. “If you want to.” He parked the cigarette back between his plush lips.
You smiled warmly and crawled in next to him. “Okay, just for a little while.” You checked the digital clock beside the bed. “I gotta go home and change, and then get to the coffee shop at 5:00. Can you set the alarm for 4:00?”
He nodded and picked up the clock, pressed a few buttons and slid a switch into place. Then he raised his arm and settled it around your shoulders, and turned off the lamp. You watched the cherry of his cigarette glow and then turn faint, bobbing in the dark as he moved to flick ash into the ashtray on the nightstand.
He murmured low, into the quiet room, “You know, I’m only here for the summer. The consulting job ends in August.” He paused to take the final pull of his cigarette, then stubbed it out in the ashtray. “After that, I gotta go back to D.C.”
You yawned and nodded. “No problem. We can have fun this summer. I’ll take you to Barton Springs and Mount Bonnell, give you the real Austin tour. We can just have fun for now.”
He kissed your forehead, moving down your nose to land soft kisses on your lips. “Okay, summer girl. I’m all yours… for now.”
Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
The only tag list I have: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme
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earlgreydream · 3 years
the garden.
| 1940s!bucky barnes x reader | fluff | mild angst |
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You walked home from work, seeing your new neighbor, Bucky Barnes, leaning against the wall of his house. His arrogant smirk appeared as you walked up the path to your door, scrunching your nose at the sight of him. 
James Buchanan Barnes was irritating. The first day he’d moved in, he and his friends were loud until the early hours of the morning, drunkenly shouting along with his record player. Then, his drunk friends had walked through your garden, trampling half of your flowers and some vegetables. And he was always outside with his stupid smirk, thinking his pretty face was enough to win you over. 
Bucky was also gorgeous, and the worst part was, he knew it. You’d seen him in town flirting with girls in the market, and everywhere he went. Even your friends all fought for his attention. When they’d come over, you’d sit outside on your porch and they would all wave to him and giggle. He greeted them, chattering with the blushing and giggling girls who fell at his feet. You always rolled your eyes and ignored him, unamused.
Bucky was fascinated by you, the only girl to never fall for his charm. He was charismatic and had every girl at his fingertips that he had ever wanted. He knew that the two of you had gotten off on the wrong foot, and you despised his smoking habit. However, he had made it his goal to win you back over, but you had proven to be stubborn. You were a challenge, and Bucky was determined.
“Hey doll.” He greeted you as you stepped up onto your porch.
“It’s Y/N.” You scowled at him, and he said your name, winking at you.
He checked you out, admiring you in your high waisted pants and button down. You shook your head at him, going inside your house, closing the door. You put your grocery bag down and started to make dinner, when you saw Bucky on your porch. You groaned and opened your window, looking at him.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“My stove is out of gas. Could you put me up for dinner?” He gave you a boyish grin, rocking on his heels.
“Why would I do that?”
“To be neighborly,” he suggested.
“C’mon. Because I’ll buy you dinner tomorrow?” Bucky tried again.
“You’re so full of shit.”
“Y/N, the stores are closed, it’s late.”
“Fine. Get in here.” You gave in, shaking your head and shutting the window. He waltzed through the front door, looking too pleased with himself.
“Plus, I brought a gift!” He held up a bottle of rosé.
“So you can get drunk and ruin my flowers again?”
“I apologized for that. Please forgive me.”
“You’re forgiven.” You said, not convincing him or yourself. 
“Where’re your glasses?” He asked, and you pulled a cabinet open, stirring your pot of pasta. He pulled down two glasses and filled them.
“Maybe I don’t drink.”
“You do, this is your favorite wine. I’ve seen you drinking it on the porch swing at least twice.” Bucky called you out.
“Oh, so you stalk me?” You accused. 
“No, you just sit outside all the time.” 
He lifted the glass to his lips, smiling behind the rim. You drank from your own, needing it in order to deal with him. You noticed his dog tags, resting against his skin with the top few buttons of his shirt undone. He caught you staring, but he held eye contact, wanting to make you blush. 
“You fight in the war?” You asked, and he shook his head.
“I will. I haven’t been deployed yet. Me and my friend Steve recruit here, but we’ll go with the next team.”
“Where will you go?”
“Germany, maybe. Or Poland.” 
You hummed, thinking that Bucky didn’t seem like the military type. You supposed it was his duty though, and he didn’t want to be labeled as a draft dodger. You strained the noodles and mixed them with the sauce, serving him a plate. Bucky thanked you, taking a seat at your tablecloth. 
“Hey, get down, Pepper.” You scolded your cat that jumped onto his lap. You apologized and he smiled, petting her head.
“She has no manners. Push her off,” 
“She’s fine. I don’t mind.” He smiled, and your cat jumped onto the floor, prowling for dropped food. You ate quietly, ignoring his silver gaze. 
“How long have you lived here?” He made conversation.
“Since I left my parents’ house when I was sixteen,” 
“That’s awful young. Why?”
You didn’t answer, pouring yourself another glass of wine, and he tilted his glass for more. You emptied the rest of the bottle into his glass, earning a thank-you. 
“You don’t have to buy me dinner.”
“I’m absolutely buying you dinner. We’ll go out, to Brooklyn.” He grinned, and you rolled your eyes. 
“Is there any way to get out of it?” You asked.
“I’m afraid not.” 
“You’re an amazing cook.” Bucky complimented, standing and taking your empty plates before you could.
“Thanks. I got that-”
“No, you cooked. I’ll do the dishes.” He turned on your sink and began to wash everything, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You watched him, biting back a small smile. 
“I’ll just be getting out of your hair. Have a goodnight, doll.” 
You rolled your eyes, closing the door after him. You picked up your cat and held her, watching him walk across the lawn. He waved at you when he saw you watching through the window, and you shut the curtains.
You came home the next day, tired and annoyed from work. You were in a bad mood, and you just wanted to relax.
“James?” You stopped when you saw him kneeling in your yard.
“Y/N, you’re home.”
“Why the hell are you in my yard?!” You demanded, opening the gate. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked. I was replanting your flowers.” He said, kneeling in your garden. 
Your eyebrows shot up as you saw the rows of freshly planted daffodils, and you walked over to him slowly. 
“Thank you.” You were impressed, and he leaned back on his heels. 
“I’m... I can’t take you out like this. Let me change, then we can go for our dinner?” He smiled down at himself, dirt and grass staining his pants.
You nodded, hiding your smile behind your hand, feeling butterflies in your stomach. You shook your head, watching him go toward his house. You went inside and quickly changed your own clothes, into wide white pants and a yellow button down. You fixed your makeup, and went to meet him on the porch. You bit your lip, smiling as you opened the door to find him standing with a bouquet of daisies.  
“Bucky...” You couldn’t keep the grin off your face.
“I thought you’d like them. I’m trying to be a gentleman.”
“It’s working.” You whispered before putting the flowers in a vase. You walked to his car with him, and he opened the door for you, being so charming.
Bucky lived to see your smile. When he finally earned it with the flowers, warmth erupted in his chest and spread through him. He had truly felt bad about your garden and spent the whole afternoon replanting it for you. He drove you into the city, music playing softly on the radio.
“Where are we going?”
“New York pizza, Y/N,” Bucky looked proud of himself.
“That sounds amazing.” You confessed, your stomach growling. You’d missed lunch at work, and you were starving. 
“Pizza is my favorite.” 
“Mine too!” Bucky announced, and you giggled at that. He turned and smiled at you, his gaze lingering a little longer than it usually did. 
You arrived at the pizza place, following Bucky inside. He put his hand on your lower back, and you felt the butterflies again. 
“What would you like?” 
“Margherita pizza. I’m a classic girl.”
“Perfect.” He ordered for the two of you, leaning against the bartop while you waited.
“We’ll take it to go.”
“We’re not eating here?” You asked, confused, and he shook his head. 
“Got a better idea.” Bucky winked at you, taking the pizza box once it was done. 
“Can you take this for a second, doll?” He asked, handing it to you as we stood outside. You took it from him, and he leaned into his car, pulling out a blanket before taking the pizza. He nodded for you to follow, and you walked a few blocks down to a park, where he spread the blanket. You were beaming as you sat down beside him, the glow of the street lights and the stars making him look impossibly more attractive. 
“You’ve outdone yourself.” You smiled, biting into a slice of pizza. He looked pleased, and the two of you found yourselves talking until the streets were silent. You were sitting in front of him, when he leaned forward, kissing you. You kissed him back, threading your fingers into his dark hair, letting him move you onto his lap. His tongue pushed past your lips, your mouths moving in sync. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Bucky asked, surprising you. You were blushing furiously, and you almost said no, but the feeling his words gave you, made your heart race.
“Yes, James.” You pecked his lips and he grinned into the kiss.
That was how you and Bucky ended up spending most of your time together. He helped you tend to your garden, and you taught him about the plants. You were a botanist with a green thumb, and he was in awe of your tender care of your plants. Every night in the following weeks was spent with the two of you gently rocking on your porch swing, drinking coffee, listening to records, or making out. Either that, or you were listening to him read on the couch or in your bed. 
You and Bucky had been together for almost two months, when he came home late from work one evening when it was nearing October. You were waiting on the porch, wrapped in a blanket, watching for his car to roll in. 
“James!” You called, and he walked up to you. 
“Hey, doll.” He leaned down and kissed you sweetly. You looked up at him, and your gaze meeting with sad eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Worry filled you, and he sat down next to you. 
“I’m getting deployed. We leave in two weeks.” He breathed, and your heart fell into pieces. 
“I’ll wait for you.” You said finally.
“Y/N, you could be waiting for years, or I may not make it back.”
“Don’t say that!” You cried. 
“It’s the truth--” 
Tears started rolling down your cheeks, and you shook your head. You climbed onto his lap and clung to him, gripping his shirt and crying into his shoulder. He rubbed your back and held you on the porch. 
“I want to get married, before you go.” You said, and he turned your face to look at him.
“Doll, you can’t mean that.”
“No, I do. Marry me. Marry me and promise you’ll come back for me.” You touched his face, and he brushed tears from your cheeks. 
“I will marry you, and I will fight every single day to come home to you. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you.”
For months, you and your cat waited on your porch, the cool metal dog tags resting against your sternum. A box of his letters sat on your bedside table, telling you how much he missed you, and loved you, and he wanted to come home to his beautiful wife. All of your friends thought you were mad for marrying a man you’d only dated a few months, the week before he went off to war. A star hung in your window, and every day was spent waiting. Your garden flourished, pumpkins growing as autumn approached. The nights you spent outside began to grow colder, and you waited.
When you saw him, it was like fireworks exploded inside of you. He was tired, he looked wartorn, and he was definitely more muscular. You screamed, tossing your blanket off of you, and running. You jumped over the fence, making him laugh. You threw your arms around him, and he caught you as you jumped into his arms. He held you tightly and spun you around, planting a deep kiss to your lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” 
You were crying as Bucky held you, overwhelmed with joy to see him. You didn’t sleep that night, or the next few. 
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Day 109: Coffee Shop
"I can't believe this actually worked," Ron said as he stared at the line of customers that was out the door and halfway down the sidewalk.
"You're starting to sound like your better half," Harry teased as he made a perfect latte for the customer at the end of the counter.
Ron laughed, "I'm sorry but I just couldn't have imagined that a coffee shop would work out in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." He shrugged and snagged one of the scones Harry had made that morning, "I assumed that people would have thought we were trying to pull something."
"We need to hire some help," he said as Lee sent another half a dozen drink orders in his direction.
"Right," Ron said. "I'll post something."
Five days later, after the shop had closed, Harry started going through applications. "Seriously, Ron?" he asked. "Is this really the applicant pool? There are dozens of applications here."
Ron shrugged, "What did you expect?" he asked through a mouthful of pastry. "You're Harry Potter."
He groaned and continued digging through. "Wait," he said, pausing on an application. "Did you see this?"
"No," Ron said without looking up from sorting through the crate of potions in front of him.
"This application says Draco Malfoy," Harry said, brow furrowed as he read through the application in his hands.
"Bin it," he said.
But the further Harry read through, the more sense it made. "I'm calling him in for an interview."
(Read more below the cut)
Draco Malfoy came in the next morning before the shop opened. He actually arrived before Harry, in fact.
"Sorry to ask you here so early," Harry said, unlocking the door and gesturing for Malfoy to enter ahead of him.
"It's no trouble," he said, voice soft and a touch hesitant in a way that Harry couldn't have ever imagined. "Thank you for considering my application."
This wasn't the boy he'd known. "Sure," Harry said with a nod as he turned on the lights. "Can I get you a cup of coffee?"
"Oh," Draco said, sounding surprised, "Umm, yes please."
He started brewing the coffee, "So, why do you feel that you're qualified to work here?" Harry asked.
"Right," he said, "Sorry, are you actually interviewing me?"
"Yeah," Harry said, looking over at Draco, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Isn't that why you were here?"
The other man shook his head, "Yes, of course. I'd very much like to apply for the job, it's just," he glanced down at his hands, shaking his head.
"Just what?" he asked curiously.
Draco glanced up, "Just that normally people don't actually want to interview me." He looked down again, avoiding Harry's gaze.
He cleared his throat and changed tactics, "I saw on your resume that you'd completed your Potions Mastery. Wouldn't you rather work within your own field?" he asked as he poured two cups of coffee. "Do you take cream and sugar?"
"Just sugar," Draco replied. "May I be blunt?" he asked as he accepted the cup from Harry.
"Please," he said, nodding toward the tables.
Draco took a seat and crossed one long leg over the other. "I can't find work in anything to do with creating potions or health care. Not that I blame them," he hastened to add, "But people don't generally want to trust an ex-death eater with their health."
"You were cleared of all charges," Harry protested.
A sardonic little grin appear on Draco's face, "You underestimate people's capacity to hate."
"Well, anyone with a Potion's Mastery ought to be able to manage making coffees and doing a little baking," Harry said, deciding right then and there that he was going to hire Draco Malfoy if he'd have them.
Draco blinked, "Yes," he said quickly. "Yes, I can."
"It's full time," Harry said. "We're able to offer 2 galleons an hour-"
"That's above minimum wage," Draco said, obviously surprised, "That's fairly uncommon for people who work in cafes."
He shrugged, "Perhaps, but it's the right thing to do. And whoever is working will split the tips. We're looking for a bit of flexibility where the hours are concerned. Lee, Ron, George, and Angelina rotate through to help with the busier hours but the position we're hiring for would be to cover more of the hours including opening duties and closing duties on a rotating schedule."
Draco nodded eagerly, "Yes," he said. "Yeah. I can do that."
"Good." Harry nodded, "Great, in fact. When can you start?"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes." Harry said before he took a sip of coffee.
"Sorry," he said, shaking his head. "I can start any time. I can start today, if you'd like."
"I would like that very much," Harry replied. "The shop is only open for 8 hours, but we're in an hour before and an hour after so once you're trained in we'll stagger a bit."
"Thank you," he said. "Seriously, I don't even know what to say."
He gave him a smile, "Don't thank me yet. You haven't been through a morning rush." With a little chuckle he stood up, "Let me show you opening procedures."
"Alright," Draco nodded, standing up and following Harry back behind the counter. "Potter," he said hesitantly.
"Harry," he corrected, glancing over at him from where he was pulling out aprons for the two of them.
"Harry," Draco said, "Sorry."
"Stop apologizing," he said, "You're welcome to ask any questions you have."
"Why are you doing this?"
Draco nodded.
"Because you were the only applicant that I felt like wasn't going to be more trouble than you were worth."
He swallowed, "I feel it's only fair to warn you that I have a rather undesirable effect on business. I wouldn't promise that I won't be more trouble than I'm worth."
Harry couldn't help but smile at him, "What I mean is that you are the only candidate who wasn't applying simply because you wanted to get close to me." He patted Draco on the shoulder, "I trust you."
He was surprised to find that he was telling the truth.
Draco learned quickly. He was a good listener, he had a good memory of what repeat customers wanted, he was friendly and nearly always in a good mood, and he made food and drinks accurately. Harry couldn't have been more pleased.
They had the odd run in with people who didn't take kindly to being served by Draco but Harry was quick to nip that in the bud.
"I'm sorry," Draco said, after the first time Harry had kicked out a customer who had berated him."
"What on earth for?" he asked in befuddlement.
Draco was fiddling with his apron strings, "Chasing away your business-"
"Don't be ridiculous," he replied, "I have no interest in that sort of business," he bumped Draco's shoulder with his. "You're worth a hundred of him."
"Thanks," he whispered.
"Don't mention it," Harry replied.
The longer they worked together, the more Harry liked Draco Malfoy. He was clever and funny, he worked hard, and he never made Harry feel like he was anything other than a guy who worked in a coffee shop. It also didn't hurt that he looked more attractive than anyone had the right to in slacks, an apron, and a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves.
One night, when Draco was supposed to have left a few hours before close but ended up staying because of how swamped they were, Harry couldn't help but blurt, "Can I get you dinner?"
Draco stopped wiping down the counter and turned to look at Harry, "You don't have to do that. I don't mind staying to help."
"Not because you stayed late," Harry said, "Just," he shrugged "because."
He nodded, "Because I like you," he confessed.
A delightful blush covered Draco's cheeks.
"I'd like to get to know you better," he said. "If you'd like?"
Draco smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much."
Within a year, Harry's coffee shop inside of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes became Harry and Draco's coffee shop.
Day 108: Ideal | Day 110: Rough
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kezibun · 3 years
Heya! :3 Saw your sweet Skeleboy Date Idea and would ask for Axe if you´re still open for it! :D Fall Season, raining/Thunderstorm maybe? Daytime should be Sunset or Night, Dinner, Your House/Garden and let it be romantic :3 I love your little Storys hehe
Axe With Thunder and Food.
You hear a little knock on the door so you turn the pan, you were keeping warm, off and head over to answer it.
You open the door and there he stands, your boyfriend, Axe, axe-identally looming over you as usual, because of his height. A dopey grin across his face, an arm full of snacks and a small bouquet tucked away in his hand. He's dressed in a smart casual way, possibly caught by his brother before leaving, his classic beanie hiding his unfortunate injury, his single red eyelight soft and focused on what he surely perceives as your rather small frame.
"Hey Sansy, come on in." You chime, stepping aside to let him in.
"Thanks sweet pea." Axe replies as he ducks under the doorframe to step in. "I brought some snacks." He dumps said snacks on the coffee table. He always brings you a haul of snacks when he visits, and now he even remembers all your favourites, how sweet.
"And." He holds the mini bouquet out to you. "Tada." 
What a lovable dork.
"Thank you so much dear." You send him a sweet smile as you accept his gifts. That's when you notice the orange leaf stuck to his beanie.
"Oh let me just." You rest a hand on his shoulder and reach up, on your tiptoes snagging the little leaf. "There, I couldn't leaf that there now could I?" You show him what you found on his head with a giggle. 
Axe chuckles his cheekbones a soft midnight blue. He then plants a little kiss on your forehead, and pulls you in for a hug. 
"Thanks." He mumbles. "You know... you look really pretty."
Now it was your turn to blush. 
"Oh damn, something smells good." He purrs, sniffing at the air.
"That should be dinner, come on you big Teddy bear, let me show you to your table."  
You lead him out to the garden, it's a little duller now then when you set everything up out here, oh well, what's the worst that could happen? at least it's still fairly warm.
Axe takes a seat and sends you another one of his adorable smiles.
"I'll be right back." You wave the bouquet in hand as you head in. 
You quickly find something as a vase, filling it with water and setting the flowers in it, bringing them out.
"Perfect." You set them on the table, the little flash of colour bringing the whole set up together. "Ok I'll fetch dinner now." You turn around to head back in.
"Wait." Axe says.
You stop in your tracks. 
"I… I just wanted to say." Axe mumbles. "You look really nice today, sugar cookie." 
You blush yet again and press a kiss to his cheekbone. "You look nice too, sweetie." 
You then head back in and serve dinner as nicely as you can, you place a big plate of food in front of Axe and pour drinks before you sit down with your own food before you.
"Bon Appetit."  You chime.
The two of you dig in, casual chatting as you start your meal.
"Stars is this good sweetie pie."
"It's nothing really, but thank you." You sing in reply.
The scent of the food compliments that classic earthy, sweet smell of autumn, not to mention the soft perfume of the flowers. 
But the air feels slightly tight and almost thick, the leaves in the trees are still as stone, it's warm and despite being relaxed it feels somewhat tense. 
That's when a drop of water lands on your nose, followed by more droplets as the heavens begin to open. 
Axe stops. You both look at each other. The sprinkling of rain was sure to get heavier. You both grab all you can. You rush inside. 
Your hair damp, his hat darkened by rain but thank the stars your food didn't get spoiled. 
You look out the window as the rain gets heavier and heavier, hammering against the glass. The sky grows only darker by the second. 
A crash of light is followed by a roar of thunder. 
Glad you got in quick. 
"There we go." Axe chimes, while you were distracted he set the table.
"Oh I'm sorry, I should have-"
"It's no problem, puddin'." He cuts you off.
"Thank you." You reply.
An idea then pops into your head. "I know just the thing to make this perfect." You light a candle setting it on the table too, it lights the slightly dark room aglow in a warm orange hue. 
"Perfect." Axe smiles. 
The storm almost feels like it's faded into the background as you both enjoy finishing your meal together. 
"Hey dear, want to watch a movie after this?" 
"Sure, I'd love that, sugar plum." 
You finish off this night snuggled on the couch, munching the snacks Axe brought, as you watch a movie together, unbothered by the storm outside, until the electricity cut out halfway through, that is.
I'm glad you like my stories and I really hope you enjoyed this one uwu
More choose a date fics.
A little bonus headcanon, although Axe isn't keen on having a nickname (compared to sans who kept his name) he loves throwing pet names around with his S/O, especially since he knows he can just call you whatever he finds nice (read tasty) and you'll reply, although your name is imprinted on his soul it puts his mind and failing memory at ease. It takes him a while and a dedicated partner to get this far and comfortable in a relationship though.
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Oof, my little heart couldn't hold all of the feels you elicited with "Worth", so good. You were very thorough
Can I request a NSFW continuation later that afternoon?
Maybe a bit of praise kink since his little Giglio needs reassurance? (Also, 👀 demon daddy dick in a tiny human can't be easy)
A/N: *ears perk up* How did you know all of my weaknesses?
Pairing: Diavolo x GN! Reader
Warnings: Little bit of size kink, little bit of daddy kink, smut (18+)
Word Count: 4.6k (there is a lot leading up to it lol)
You decide to take the rest of your meal to Diavolo’s private solarium. While his inner chambers were comfortable enough. If you were going to take the day to yourselves you didn’t want to spend all of it in the bedroom. No matter how tempting the idea was. Dia takes you through the maze of corridors and hidden doors, both of you still in your night things, unkempt but happy to be so. Normally Diavolo wouldn’t be caught dead outside of a pressed suit or his uniform, but this was a treat for both of you after all. So now he strolled through his kingdom in nothing but a pair of sleep pants and sleepers, you nestled comfortably in his arms grasping a basket of leftover food and drink tucked in your lap. No stuffy clothes today or polite word play, just layed back pleasures.
Artificial sunlight greets you as he pushes the large glass door open to his garden with his shoulder. The warmth of it cuts through the thin fabric of your sleepwear, chasing away the last vestiges of drowsiness that clung to you. You unfurl in his arms, stretching out like the plants around you. Smiling up into the sun you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The breeze circling around you was sweet with the smell of blooming spring flowers and crisp creek water.
The first time Diavolo invited you into his secret garden you were in awe. He boasted proudly to you that he had designed it and planted the gardens himself back in his younger years before his duties took up almost all his time. It was a wild place. The plants growing free and unmolested by controlling hands or others' judgment of what beauty was. It reflected the unique characteristics of the Prince beautifully. To be given access to this place was an honor. Not even the brothers knew of this area. His personal beach was a place he didn’t mind sharing with his closest companions, but the gardens? The gardens were just his. Only he and Barbatos knew of it. Until you came along.
“Where shall we sit mio giglio?” His gold eyes sweep his grounds before looking down at you with a tender smile. “By the willows? They are in bloom, or perhaps the lake.” He nods his chin to the south following a clean well maintained brick path. Both of these places were your favorite places to relax after school.
You look down at the basket in your lap in thought. “No. How about the veranda by the hedge garden?” That was his favorite place to lounge.
He hums in delight, agreeing readily. “Wonderful! The cosmos should be in bloom by now.” He turns to the north traipsing through soft overgrown grass and sprouts of spongy moss. He didn’t have a path for this area.
“You can just make them bloom whenever, right?” You ask.
“And where would be the fun in that?” He shoots you a wink. “Magic doesn’t need to be used for everything you know.”
You huff. “Says the guy that can do magic.” He laughs but doesn’t disagree. The sound of a babbling brook grows louder and louder as you both venture further into the heart of his garden. The trees and bushes tickle your body as he walks through the grove of overgrown branches and vines to the most secluded part. Breaching one more dense shrubbery you arrive. He lets you down with a tender kiss before going about collecting the discarded floor cushions and blankets scattered about the patio. He works in silence creating a semi-circle of puff by the edge of the deck. You let him work placing the basket by the little nest forming and go to lean over the low railing separating you from a short drop down to the flowing waters traveling underneath you. The air was cooler here from the freshwater. It gives you goosebumps up your bare legs. “Careful,” Dia calls to you, looking up from his work. “The wood is slick there.”
You nod showing him that both of your hands were on the railing as you venture over to the bright blue and yellow flowers pushing their way through the gaps in the wood. They sway innocently up at you. Their petals are soft and forgiving under the pads of your fingers. They looked like human plants, but you were certain. “Everything here is safe for you to explore.”
Turning to your prince you laugh. His large body now splayed out over the nest he had just finished. His body faces away from you towards the unlit fire pit. He looks at you upside down, his head draping over a large bolster pillow. “Oh? Does that include you?” You match his teasing smile stopping inches away from his outstretched hands. He scoffs in frustration, making grabby hands at your thighs to make you join him.
“Of course tesoro. This day is for us… for you. If you so desire.” His voice is calm and light but his eyes are predatory.
“I do like that idea.” You inch closer bending down to trace a finger over his bare chest. You follow the swirling marks of his heritage up his chest and arms to his parted lips. “I do have some ideas…” You trail off feeling claw-tipped fingers circling your calves and travel up to your inner thighs. The tips of which brush dangerously close to the edges of your underwear.
Diavolo beams. “Dia!” You yelp in shock as he takes your knees out from under you. You tumble forward into his warm body and pillows. His laugh is jovial and bright, way too pleased with his little stunt. Straightening yourself out on his chest you match his gentle rolling laugh with your own breathless one.
“Mio Giglio.” He comes up to kiss the laugh lines curling around your lips. “Cosa c’é che non va?” He hugs you closer. You laugh accepting his affections. “Such a beauty.” He marvels. “Even with the dried drool.” He swipes at the corner of your mouth before you could protest.
“Hey!” You wiggle in his embrace elbowing his stomach in jest. “I do not!” You rub your warming face just to make sure. “Though, you would too if you slept like the dead. Mister toss and turn all night.” Dia chortles.
“I do not know that colloquialism.” He raises a red brow. You can see the excitement lighting up in his eyes at the thought of learning something new, something entirely human. “You do not reek of death.” He sniffles obnoxiously for comedic effect. “You smell alive and wholly mine. Though the latter is fading.” He nips your shoulder. “Has it been that long since we have lain together?” Your silence as you thought was enough of an answer for him.
“Apologies-” He growls. “I have neglected you more than I thought. Shall we rectify that?” Two warm hands grasp your bottom grinding you down slowly on the growing hardness between his legs. You groan letting him set a slow leisurely grind to your hips. You rock for a while capturing his lips with yours. His kisses leave you breathless. “May I?” You don’t know what he was asking for but whatever it was you knew it was going to be good.
With your eager nod of encouragement, Dia flops back down onto his back and holds you firm to his chest. With his eyes on yours, he slides forward till his shaggy head disappears underneath the hem of your sleepshirt. His hot breath dampens the skin of your inner thigh. You squirm feeling a definitely inhuman tongue trailing up to your center, tasting the salt forming there. Relax my flower, let me in. His voice echoes deep within your head. Its low thrumming helps your body relax under his skilled mouth and hands. Your eyes close, more than ready for Diavolo to consume you in the best possible way. His purr trails up your spine while his face nuzzles deeper into the fabric of your damp underwear.
Then your stomach rumbles-loudly.
“Ha!Ha!” In a flash, Diavolo pops out from beneath your legs. His fangs glistening while he laughs. “My darling, have I now neglected one of your base needs?”
“You’re neglecting me now~” You try to grab his shoulders to continue, fighting like mad not to glow even hotter with embarrassment as your stomach roars again. He laughs louder. It booms out ricocheting off the wooden floor.
“Come now. I will claim you soon enough beloved. First, let us sate your other hunger.” Righting your clothes he nestles you in beside him reaching over for the basket. He chuckles, not letting your pouting get to him. He swats your ass teasingly making you squeak. “Coffee or tea?” He rubs the spot he just hit and pulls out two large insulated carafes.”
You eye him. “When did you plan this?” He smiles, serving you up a plate of goodies and a cup of coffee.
“This morning when Barbatos came to rouse me for my morning meetings.” He pops a piece of smoked meat in his mouth and looks out into the sunlit garden. “I suggested instead of getting my uniform ready, perhaps he would kindly bring some warm drinks and extra pillows to the solarium before leaving us to our own devices.” He leans back into the tufted blankets and pillows. “I thought some “air” would be good for-err...me. To clear my head a little before- you know.” His cheeks pinken.
“You’re hungover.” You snort into your toast. It wasn’t a question and he doesn’t deny it. Instead, he goes to pour himself a large cup of black coffee.
“I thought by the time you woke up it would pass.” He shrugs. “But I believe the fresh air and sun wouldn’t hurt either,” Diavolo pauses in thought before continuing. “Plus, I always wanted to fuck you out here.”
You choke. “You could have just said so.” You poke his leg.
“And ruin the surprise?” He pokes you back.
You eat your fill of the basket, topping each piece of the crusty pieces of bread you pull out with soft cheeses and savory prosciutto, sprinkling the tops of each with pine nuts and a drizzle of honey. All the while Diavolo sips at his coffee deep in thought. You catch his eyes several times while you eat, his eyes following the trail of your tongue as you try in vain to clean the sticky residue left from the sweet syrup on your fingers. The last time you catch him you offer him a tacky finger, getting dangerously close to his stubbly cheek. “Want some?”
The prince chuckles, tilting his head away. He grabs your wrist gently. “What a mess, my little human.” He licks one of your fingers, sucking the tip for a moment before releasing you. You pull your hand back, scrunching your nose up in distaste.
“I didn’t expect you to actually lick them!” He laughs, pulling a napkin out for you. You take it and wipe your hands.
“Please, you act like I haven’t tasted all of you before.” His playful gaze flashes hungrily over you for a moment. He takes your empty plates from you and places them to the side. “Come here piccolo giglio I believe we had some unfinished business, no?” You clamber up his lap spreading your legs wide to straddle him. Diavolo chuffs, the sound rattling your chest. “Shall I start where I left off?” He rucks your shirt up higher revealing inch after inch of soft skin till it bundles one your waist. His callous fingers skirt over your underwear to tug at the waistband.
Dia pulls you in for a searing kiss, teeth grazing over your lips and tongue. You follow his pace, his kisses languid. Before long he begins to lead your hips in a slow grind over his covered dick. His hands rolling your hips in time with his kisses. The slow tempo doesn’t last long. While he may have the patience of the saints you most certainly didn’t.
He grins into your kiss when he feels you huff in annoyance. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks in warning. “Stop teasing me.” You separate from him with a whimper. He grins taking a thick finger to the seam of your underwear.
“Is it not the devil’s job to tempt?” His gold eyes flash in warning before the world turns upside down. You land on your back, the cushions catching your tumble. Your shout of surprise turns into a high pitch whine of pleasure as Dia’s head buries itself between your splayed legs. His tongue follows the line his finger had just traced earlier. “Getting to indulge my sweetheart in a paradise like this? I am upset that I had not thought of this sooner.” He whispers to himself. He pauses, pushing away to look at you. The air around him grows thick. “Tell Daddy what you need.” You shiver, breath catching at the sharp drop in his tone. His jovial teasing was gone, replaced with a tone of authority that makes your toes curl. His hot whisper caresses your ear and your mind goes blank.
What did you want? What did you want first? You wanted his fingers stroking you to completion, his lips kissing every cry that spilled from your lips. You wanted his solid body covering yours rocking deep inside of you. You wanted him to erase every fear and anxiety that the court had instilled in you. “You.” It was all you could manage to say, but it was enough for him. Pushing you onto your back he grabs your hips and pulls them into the air, throwing your legs around his broad shoulders. You wiggle your shoulders deeper into the pillows grinning up at Diavolo as you squeeze your thighs around his ears. Groaning in satisfaction, he leans forward. Your underwear doesn’t last long now that he has you where he wants you. The soft fabric tearing in his haste to remove them, the tattered remains of the cotton thrown off into the bushes to be forgotten. There is no preamble anymore. His tongue laps broad patterns across your entrance.
“D…” You arch your back upwards, grinding yourself onto his face. “Dia.” Diavolo rumbles back, squeezing your quacking thighs to comfort you. He pulls you closer still, eyes locking with yours to watch your reaction as he circles your hole. He waits there playing with you until he sees something he liked in your expression. When he sees whatever it was that he was looking for he strikes, sinking his tongue deep, groaning with you at the feel of tight muscles relaxing around his intrusion. You cover your mouth trying hard to muffle your sounds in the silent garden around you. Even if you were alone, just the thought that you could be overheard sent a shudder through you. You could hear your heart hammering in your ears as the demon slowly worked you open. You wail, forgetting your previous attempts to be silent when you felt a large finger join his tongue.
He rubs against you slowly twisting and pulling his finger and tongue in mind numbing patterns to bump along your sides till you choke. He hums sucking noisily in triumph. Bringing his hands up, he spread your cheeks further apart burying deeper. “Dia-please.” You pull at his hair unsure if you were asking for more or less. You could feel a fire starting in your toes, static clouding your mind.
He pulls off, lips glistening with slick. “Say it properly.” He nips your leg in warning. You bite your bottom lip, worrying it between your blunt teeth. Your eyes blur with tears of frustration. You were so close… a finger toys with you pressing in on the edges of your entrance waiting.
“Daddy-please.” Your reward was instantaneous, his fingers thrust in, curling up to mimic the motions his tongue had done just before. He curls over the top of you covering you with his warm body. His lips brush against your temple and mouth to distract you from another finger slipping in alongside his forefinger.
“So good for me, so good, my little human.” Diavolo moans against your mouth before his tongue pushes past your lips once more. You tremble in the cage of his arms, soft mews falling from your open lips while he stretches you. It hurts, just a little sting, but it reminds you just how distant you two have been of late. Gripping onto his arms you struggle to take him. Even with your prince doing his best to distract you from the discomfort you feel it was a lot. He whispers praises into your sweaty skin while he peppers your shoulder with kisses. “Easy love, think you can handle one more.” Gods you were already overwhelmed, but still so greedy for more. You knew what to come would be even more. You nod. Anything to hurry him up.
He rewards you with a hard kiss before slipping in a third finger, his thumb coming up to rub soothing circles into your skin. You cry out in a daze. The rough pads of his fingers catch on your walls pulling strained notes from you with each stroke. He pumps in slow sporadic patterns just skirting over the areas that drive you crazy. He coos to you, singing your praises while his eyes linger on how your body clings to him each time he tries to pull out. But soon the burn disappears altogether and is replaced by the nagging pressure on your shoulders. The position leaning up against his kneeling form begins to agitate your neck and back.
Squirming in his attentive hold you tap his bicep in rapid succession. He stops immediately feeling your sign and pulls away. “Speak to me.” He looks you over. His tone turns soft once more, his domineering demeanor vanishes quickly. “Is this too much?”
Shaking your head you plant the balls of your feet into his shoulders and push him away. He moves away so you lay sprawling out in the cushions. Your body thanks you, popping and groaning as you stretch out. “No, no it’s perfect. I just need to change positions. I’m not as big and strong as you.” You wink. He chuckles sitting back onto your haunches to give you a moment to center yourself. He can only keep his hands to himself for a moment before they are on you again. He rubs up your ankles and knees, messaging any tense muscles he feels until you are melting, your body warming up again to the idea of him on you. “There,” You sigh popping your neck. “Now, where were we, Daddy.” You wrap your legs around his strong waist coming up to your elbows to tug at the waistband of his pants.
Hand around his thick cock you stroke up toying your thumb over his head. Diavolo grunts going rigid at the feel of your wondering fingers. Harsh words in his native tongue fall from his lips. He covers your slowly moving hand with his own to guide you just how he likes. “Gods, I miss this. How long has it been since the last time we have had time to indulge like this?” He watches your hand through half-lidded eyes, the gold of his irises molten.
“Too long.” You agree. You lean back and close your eyes enjoying the feel of him in your hand. “Did you?”
“Basket, left hand side.” He nods at the discarded wicker basket.
You give him an appreciative squeeze and lean over to rummage through the forgotten food. “Thought of everything, huh?”
“I promised to be attentive today, did I not? I always want to treat my little human right.” He twists his hand over yours upping the tempo of your strokes till he is hissing around gritted fangs. “I-was hoping at least.” He breaks his gaze from your joined hands. His cheeks tint pink beneath his dark skin.
You crane your neck up to kiss the strained expression from his face. You feel him vibrating beneath your touch, ready to spring. “Let me prep you?” You ask while reaching for the bottle you placed between your thighs to warm it.
“I don’t need much.” He admits moving away. “You drive me crazy.” He groans hearing you pop the cap and feel the slightly warm drizzle down his cock. Your hand returns with a smoother glide, faster this time. Your other traveling down to squeeze his balls. He gasps, losing control of his steel restraint for a moment to grab your shoulders. He arches into your ministrations groaning in great detail just what he was going to do to you into the cool air of the back garden. His blood is boiling in his veins when he finally pushes your hands away to lay you down.
“How do you want me?” You finally strip your sleep shirt away excitedly.
“Just like this for now.” He growls lifting your leg up and back over his shoulder while he wraps the other around his hip locking it down in his strong grip. “I need to see you.” He squeezes your hip lovingly. “Lay back.” You drop baring yourself fully for his perusal. Your arms spread up and over your head to wrap themselves in the rumpled blankets.
He thanks you with a light kiss to your ankle before lining himself up with your entrance. His breathing grows heavy, deep chuffs emerging again in his excitement. He can taste your eagerness mixing with his in the air. He teases you, playing his head against you, pushing in only enough to breach you before pulling out again. He plays with you like this till your mewling, your blunt little nails leaving tiny crescent shaped indentations in the tawny skin of his arms. The sharp little sting of your nails trying to break through his thick skin along with the feel of your body clenching around him in a futile effort to suck him in is finally enough for him. Setting his hips thrusts forward.
He steals the cry escaping from your mouth with a kiss. The smooth feel of his tongue and teeth pull your senses in twain scrambling your brain as he stretches you open more than his fingers ever could. You should remember the feel of him. After all the times you two have spent together he still takes your breath away.
The stretch was immense as always, your legs shaking in his hold despite your best effort to stay still. Another inch slips in and you yelp. Your hands fly up instinctively out and press against his tense abdomen to halt him. “I-a moment.” You are both shaking for different reasons while you will your body to relax, your muscles squeezing him to the point of discomfort. He waits halfway in and breathes deeply through his nose. Diavolo hunches over you, careful not to jostle you. Resting his head on your shoulder he whispers words of praise to you in languages lost since lost to mortal ears. His lips trace nonsensical patterns into your shoulder and chest. You melt bit by bit into his words and skillful caresses till you are relaxed and pliant.
You nod when ready, your body screaming for a release. His reaction is instantaneous, hips curling to push in with vigor. By the time his hips are flush with yours, you are on the verge again. “Dia, God-” Your words were cut off after a hard thrust from him.
He laughs breathlessly into your shoulder. “God? In my gardens? Such blasphemy…” His claws emerge, the black and gold tips rip into the cushions around you. “You would call for another in my presence? Must I remind you who warms your bed?” You bob your head eagerly, your heart leaping into your throat at the look he gives you.
He starts up again, his rhythm steady and solid, much like the man himself. The sound of skin slapping skin slowly begins filling the space between you. Diavolo is silent as he moves against you, his hands unable to find a permanent place to land. They roam your body, squeezing your hips and ass before traveling up to your pert nipples. His mouth follows his hands licking the valley between your pectorals and lavishing your neck with fresh blemishes the colors of the flowers around you. You love the solid weight on him pinning you to his front, but the tempo was too soft for his words.
“Thought you were going to leave your mark on me? Make sure I never utter another being's name from my lips again.” You pant tugging at his hair sharply pulling a deep grunt from him. “Make me yours Dia- you promised.” Your words did the trick. He grabs your hips once more, nearly folding you in half to sink deeper inside. You howl, the stretch of him pushing your borders brings you closer and closer to that sweet precipice. The devil bearing down on you was just what you needed.
The heat of him on top of you is dizzying, making your headlight and fuzzy. You can feel the small compacted muscles of his abdomen and stomach stretch and twitch with each smooth thrust of his hips into yours. Too soon for his liking, the fire building in his gut began to unravel. “Ah-mia dolcezza. Somo vicino.” The prince grounds out into your heaving chest. While you didn’t understand the words, the raw desperation in them sends a carnal shiver down your spine. You begin to beg, voice high and breathless as his thrusts quicken.
You lock your free leg around his waist while your hands drift down to touch yourself. He slaps your hand away only to replace them with his own strong fingers. His fingers sever the thin tether keeping you from coming and you tip. Dia’s own roar of completion was all but muted white noise in your ear. You gasp looking up blindly through a sweaty curtain of red hair as Dia twitches and spills deep within you. He falls atop of you crushing you into him, but you couldn’t give less of a damn. He was a safe space in this realm. He was your safe space. His purs melting on top of you as you massage his scalp comfortingly. The two of you bask in silence for the moment. “I can’t feel my legs.” You admit finally feeling a tingle starting in your toes and calves.
“In a good way?” His voice is muffled by the pillows by your head. You hum.
“Very- and you?” He chuffs, raising onto shaking arms, and slips out of you. He watches his seed trickle out lazily. He rumbles in pride as your body tries to keep it all inside. Already the smell of his claim was covering your natural clean scent.
“At ease and wonderful.” He flops to his side scooping you up to cradle you against his chest. His arm comes around your middle while his chin rests on the top of your head. Exhausted, you relax in his arms, eyes already too heavy to stay open. Soon he hears your breathing even out becoming deep and steady in your slumber. Diavolo smiles to himself looking out to the creek. He’ll let you rest, for now, already he could feel himself stirring once more his instincts to coat you in his scent pushing him into overdrive. He was far from sated. Hopefully, you felt the same.
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arrowflier · 3 years
can you write ian cooking for mickey? like some really big fancy meal and mickey is impressed and also 🥰😳 but tries to act as if it's not a big deal and all whatever 👀
"Can I come into the fuckin' kitchen yet?" Mickey asked from the living room sofa. He'd been exiled from half of his own apartment for hours, now, and pestering Ian the entire time about when he'd be allowed back in.
"I just want a beer, Ian," he'd tried. Or, "Come on, I just wanna be in the same room as my husband."
But it was all to no avail. Because Ian, sequestered in the sweltering kitchen slaving over a hot stove for half the day, had a plan.
"Not quite!" he called back to Mickey, opening the oven door to peek at the dish inside. The top was perfectly browned, and he grabbed a misshapen oven mitt--Lip's gift to him last Christmas, his first attempt knitting anything with a thumb--and pulled it out.
Ian turned as he stepped back, kicking the oven door shut with his heel as he looked for somewhere to set the hot dish. But he couldn't find the fancy trivet Sandy had given them as a house-warming present.
"You're a couple of fancy west side queers now," she had said through a smirk when they unwrapped it from used butcher paper. "Can't be leavin' scorch marks all over the table."
They hadn't had the heart to tell her that they didn't actually own a table, yet.
Cursing under his breath as heat started to seep through Lip's uneven stitches, Ian spun again and let the dish clatter down onto the stovetop. Close enough.
"Come on man, I'm starvin'!" Mickey tried again, but Ian just rolled his eyes as he got out their two plates, two forks, and single serving spoon.
Well, it wasn't really their serving spoon, but what Debbie didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
He dished out two servings, making Mickey's on the heavier side. With one plate in hand and the other balanced awkwardly on his arm, he grabbed the bottle of wine and two plain glasses in his other hand and carefully made his way to the living room.
"Fuckin' finally," Mickey muttered when he saw him come around the corner, then, "you need some help with that, man?"
"Don't get up!" Ian ordered hurriedly. "Stay right there, I'm bringing it to you."
And so he did, albeit very slowly and constantly on the verge of dropping it all on their clean new floor. He managed to bend over just enough to set the wine and glasses on the coffee table, a little thing they had picked up off the curb when someone else moved out, and offered Mickey the first plate.
"What is this, some kinda special occasion?" Mickey asked, amused, as he took the offering. "Don't usually get couch-side service 'round here."
Normally, Ian would tease him right back. Something about worrying that those short legs wouldn't make the trip on their own, or that he didn't trust Mickey to wait for utensils if he got it himself.
But it was a special occasion, at least to Ian. It wasn't the first night in their apartment, not by a long shot, but it was the first one they were truly free to enjoy. No work, no familial obligations; just them and the meal Ian had made.
"Try it," Ian urged before Mickey could do more than peer down at his plate suspiciously. "I really think you'll like it?"
"You do, huh?" Mickey questioned, eyebrows raised. He poked a finger through the tomato garnish and into the bread crumbs that layered the top, hissed and pulled it back when he found the food still hot.
"What the fuck is this?" he asked. "Looks fuckin' fancy, man, you sure this is even food?"
Ian just smiled, and handed him a fork.
With one more narrow-eyed glance, Mickey accepted it, and dug in.
He lifted the forkful to his face, staring it down like an enemy. Lightly toasted crumbs were just the top layer, and once he had broken through the crust, pasta was revealed underneath, along with a stringy white substance that was almost sauce but not. The red of tomato and the green of chopped peppers peeked through, and Mickey frowned at the evidence of fruits and vegetables in his dinner.
But Ian was still smiling, and waiting. So Mickey closed his eyes, took a breath, and put the fork in his mouth.
His eyes popped back open in surprise.
"Ian," he breathed. "What the fuck is this?"
Ian beamed next to him, a veritable sun right there on the sofa despite their covered windows.
"Mac and cheese," he replied simply. "Mandy used to say she made it for you sometimes, when things were going good."
Mickey swallowed. Took another bite, chewed, and swallowed again.
"She did," he finally said through his third forkful. "But it didn't taste nothin' like this, man, what did you put in here? Crack?"
Ian laughed, then leaned over to pick up the wine off the floor and pour two glasses. He made to hand one to Mickey, rolling his eyes when Mickey hesitated.
"It's rose, Mickey," he said before his husband could ask. "And before you say that's gay, I know. But you sure seemed to like it at that gay party we went to, so drink up."
Mickey shrugged, and set his plate on his lap long enough to take the glass and a long sip of alcohol.
"So you like it then?" Ian asked hopefully. Like the way Mickey was shoveling it in wasn't answer enough.
"I was thinking of getting a plot in the local garden, you know," Ian continued. "So I could use our own stuff, next time, for seasoning."
"Sounds like a fuckin' plan, man," Mickey mumbled as he chewed. "Now are you gonna eat yours, or is that plate for me too?"
Still smiling wider than he thought he ever had--except maybe at their wedding, he supposed--Ian picked up his own plate, and dug in.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👨‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 4
Helmut wiped down the last of the tables. It was just him and Bucky left at the moment. It was closing time. Bucky counted up the money in the till as Zemo made sure every aspect of his restaurant was clean and tidy for tomorrow.
Once everything was accounted for Bucky went home and Zemo locked up. He tugged his coat around him a little tighter and and began the small journey to his home. However, something caught his eye and he stopped to take it in.
Across the square there was a man standing there, looking in his direction. He couldn't quite tell who it was, but he could take a pretty good guess. There had been rumours of the infamous Tony Stark arriving in Sokovia.
Helmut watched him for a moment before turning and leaving. He had no reason to dwell on it right now.
Zemo went home.
When he opens shop again in the morning, he doesn't see the man again. However, he does see you and Wanda walking, arms interlinked, the pair of you laughing and chatting.
He can't stop himself from looking at you.
Yesterday when he brought up how well you would fit in with Sokovia, he was hoping to maybe spark a slight idea into your head. The fact you were only visiting his country made him feel rather sad. To see you every day, chat with you at the bar, to see you smile, he wanted more of that.
Never before had someone been on his mind this much before.
You and Wanda walk out of sight.
Sam and Bucky enter to start their work day. Zemo goes into the kitchen to prepare for the day.
Wanda takes you to her favourite place, surprised it was even still open. A bowling alley. You chuckle as she drags you through the door and over to the desk.
"Pietro and I would come here all the time," she told you.
"Sounds like you two had a lot of fun."
"Oh, we did. Pietro used to work at Escorpión Morado. I would meet him outside and we would come here."
"Pietro used to work at the restaurant?"
You both are given a pair of bowling shoes each and you go sit down to out them on.
"Yeah, he used to tend the bar. It was his first job. He loved it."
"That explains why he's so good with drinks," you chuckle. Pietro had his own bar back home, often he would make you, Wanda and Natasha drinks on your nights out.
"He learned from the best."
You both stand up and go to your designated alley, thanking the staff for guiding you. Wanda puts your names into the system.
Wing woman
Y/N Zemo
She laughs as she confirms the names and stands up. You glare up at the monitor and then glare at her.
"You can scold me all you like, but in going to have you fall in love with that man of it's the last thing I do."
"Wanda, please be realistic about this."
Wanda picks up her preferred ball and steps up to the lane.
"I am," she says, pulling her arm back and lining up her ball.
"No you're not. You want to set me up with a man who lives in a completely different country to me. This is mean."
Wanda throws her ball.
"It's not mean. It's helping. Ever since you came back, I know he has been on your mind. I can tell by the way you talk about him that you like him. I know because it's the same way I talk about Vision. I know love when I see it, Y/N."
She takes another turn.
You sit there, watching her second ball glide down the lane and take out a few more pins, three still standing. The lane resets the pins for you as you swap places with Wanda.
"It's just a silly crush. It will go away."
Wanda resists rolling her eyes at you.
"Do you really think the only reason I came here with you is because I wanted to see my home? Don't get me wrong, I am over the moon to see Sokovia again, but I cane here for you."
You throw the ball and watch it go.
"Why is this so important to you?" You look at her as you grab a second ball.
"Because you never show interest in anyone and suddenly you do. I've been telling you from the start, you'll marry this man one day and you'll be happy with him. You'll be running Escorpión Morado together, you'll see."
You throw your second ball and say nothing to her. You only take down four pins in total. You go sit back down.
"He likes you too, you know. I've seen the way he looks at you. He wants to spend time with you, talk to you, be around you. He likes having you in his restaurant."
Wands stands to take her next turn.
"I like being there," you say, softly.
"Good, we shall go there after we're done here."
You don't even argue with her. You want to go. You want to see him. Wands knows this. You can see the way she looks at you that she knows.
Wanda ends up winning in the end, which does not surprise you if she and her brother spent so much time here when they were younger.
You walk arm in arm to the restaurant. There's a few people about, but it's not crazy busy.
Sam sees you enter and smoothly glides into the kitchen. Zemo is finishing up a dish as he enters. He looks up when sees Sam come over.
"What is it?" He asks, assuming another order.
"Y/N is here with their friend. Thought you might like to take this one," Sam grins.
Normally Zemo would just tell Sam to go back to work and stop messing about, but he knows he wants to see you. He had been thinking of you all morning. He wipes his hands and presents the dish to Sam, who takes it and goes out to serve it.
For a brief moment Zemo pauses and quickly fixes his hair and straightens his shirt. He steps out of the kitchen. Wanda and yourself were sitting at a table near the window.
He smiles when his eyes land on you.
Helmut holds his head high and walks over to your table. Your eyes catch his and you smile softly at him. Wanda is looking at you with a grin on her lips, but he isn't really paying attention to her. He can only look at you.
"How are you today?" He asks, lips curled into a handsome smile, dark eyes glistening with happiness.
"We're good, how are you today?"
"Doing better now my favourite customer is here. What can I get for you both?"
"Coffee?" You ask, nibbling at your lower lip shyly.
His smile was making you feel things.
"Coming up."
He leaves the table and you bury your face in your hands. Wands laughs from across the table.
"You are so in love with him!"
"I am," you admit.
The fact you admitted it makes Wanda smile. She was proud of you for confessing how you felt.
"Maybe there is a life for you out here," she says, deep in thought.
"You really think I should just up and move to another country, leaving you all behind and starting over here?" You look at her.
"Yes. Back home, sure, you have all your friends and your job. Out here, there's him. This man you can't stop thinking about."
You glance over to the bar. Zemo has poured you each a cup of coffee and is coming over. He smiles when he sees you looking at him. You thank him softly when he places the coffee down in front of you.
Before he can say anything, a customer entering the restaurant cat has his attention. Both Wanda and yourself turn to see who had come in.
This man felt like he demanded attention. His suit looked expensive and tailored. There was a presence about him that made him stand out among the other people in the restaurant.
"Who is that?" You hear Wanda ask.
Helmut gives an apologetic smile and excuses himself from you, approaching the man.
You watch him curiously.
"He seems important," Wanda whispers.
You watch as they shake hands and talk. The stranger gestures to a table and Zemo leads him over to it. They sit down and they chat.
There is something about Helmut's expression that concerns you.
The stranger looks around the room, his eyes hidden by his sunglasses, but you can see the way his lips a pulled into a thing grimace.
You feel offended by his distaste in the establishment. Poor Helmut.
They sit there and chat for several minutes before he gets up and leaves. Helmut looks a little defeated as he stands up and looks over at your table. Upon seeing you looking at him, he smiles and makes his way back over.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be. Who was that?" You ask, too curious not to know.
"His name is Tony Stark. Remember that new restaurant I was telling you about?" You nod at his question. "Well, he owns it. He was checking out his competition in the area."
"I don't like him," you say, not really intending to say that out loud.
Helmut chuckles softly.
"Neither do I."
"What did he say?" Wanda asks.
"That he wasn't worried if this place is considered the best in Novi Grad. My restaurant isn't a threat to his business."
You unconsciously clench your fists.
"Your restaurant is the nicest place here. He has no idea what he's talking about. He didn't even try your food."
Helmut grins at your comments.
"No he didn't. Though he intends to come back. I need to cook up something magnificent for his return."
"You can do it. Everything you cook is amazing, Helmut. A lot of care goes into your cooking."
His smile makes you giddy.
"Food tastes best when it's made for enjoyment and not just to satisfy hunger," you tell him, meaning every word of that.
Zemo swears his heart would beat out of his chest if it could. If he wasn't already swooned by you, he would have been now. You had no idea what kind of power you had over him.
"I am always glad to hear it."
Wanda looks between the pair of you and smiles. She quietly excuses herself to go use the bathroom. Neither one of you glance at her as she slips away.
Helmut sits at the table.
"How long do we have?" He asks.
"Wanda and I have a few days left yet. We're not leaving too soon."
"Good," he nods his head. "I'd like to see more of you."
"Really?" You ask, shocked by his words.
"Yes, really."
You smile. Your smile makes him smile. Oh, what he would do to see it every single day of his life. This man was utterly in love with you, but he would be fool to just blurt that out.
Plus, you weren't staying. He would have to say goodbye to you again.
"Maybe Wanda and I could pop back every day. When the coffee is this good, we would be silly not to come back," you drink the last drop from your cup.
"Ah, so it's my coffee you like?"
"The owner isn't so bad either," you say, unable to hold eye contact much longer.
The chuckle that escapes past his lips makes you tingle all over. It's so deep, yet so joyful and pure. A sense of pride washes over you for making him laugh.
"Sokovia will feel so empty when you're gone," he says, softly.
"I will miss it. I have missed it."
"I missed you, you know," he admits.
Your heart stutters. You don't get a chance to say anything as Wanda returns. Zemo is quick to change the topic of conversation, smoothly too.
"Can you cook?"
"Uh, I can cook to feed myself. Wanda is more of a chef than I am, but even she can't compare to your culinary skills."
Wanda was caught off-guard by your statement and Zemo was full of pride again. The more you complimented his cooking, the bigger his ego was inflating.
"Would you like to assist me for Stark's visit tomorrow?"
You stare at him, lips parted, mind whirling in confusion.
"You want my help?"
"Yes. I could teach you."
You glance at Wanda. She nods enthusiastically at you, winking.
"Alright, but please don't let me get in the way. I'd hate to be the reason things go wrong."
He leans forward, lips tugged into a grin.
"I trust you."
You smile softly, finding the table suddenly more interesting than before.
Wanda chuckles softly.
"While you do that I'll go see if my old family home is still there," she says, smiling.
"Are you sure?" You ask her.
"Of course I am."
You smile and turn back to Helmut.
"Then it's settled. We'll show Stark what he's up against."
Zemo smiled brightly.
Just you and him in the kitchen tomorrow. He was going to make every moment count. This might be the most amount of time he will get to spend with you while you're here.
Zemo gets up from his seat and grabs the two empty cups from the table.
Both of you nod.
Zemo goes to get more coffee. While he's gone, Wanda leans across the table and takes your hands into hers.
"Woo that man!"
You laugh.
"I mean it! One day you'll marry him and be the happiest person alive. Maybe you should seriously consider moving out here. I could help you. Maybe I'll find some places for you tomorrow."
"You don't have to do that."
"You're not saying no, though," she grins.
"You're right, I'm not." You glance over to the bar. "I really like him Wanda."
"I know, so let's do something about it."
You nod softly.
Zemo returns, this time with an extra cup. He sits down with you both and asks you to be at the restaurant first thing in the morning. You agree.
From tomorrow onward, you knew things would take a turn. Your life would literally be flipped upside down.
And you were happy to let it happen.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb
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