#he just goes “heheh! Waves”
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Hhjksksjksosisosjska! The absolute mental image thank you powers that be.
yeah this
This was way more fun than I was expecting.
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cheolhub · 11 months
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summary. you’re having a horrible, no good, very bad day and mingyu wants to do everything he can to make it better.
wc. 4.5k+
warnings. hurt/comfort, overthinking, reader goes through it and cries a lot, allusions to having anxiety, smut! soft bf!mingyu, so much praise (it’s insane), pet names (angel, baby, sweet/pretty girl), reader is v needy and sensitive, a lot of reassurance, hand holding, fingering, oral (f. receiving), multiple orgasms, slight dumbification, creampie, V SOFT, unprotected sex — MINORS DNI 18+
note. because i love keir ( @jeonghantis ) and bc they deserve the world and all of the stars. also it’s really for anyone who’s had way too many bad days in a row <3 u are very loved (by me and ur fave). also, i lost sight of the plot half way thru this (very common reoccurrence in all of my mingyu fics) so i apologize for that hehsh. i appreciate ur feedback! <3 and yes, this is loosely based off evening glow by wave to earth <33333333 + @toruro i also hope u like this hehehe
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bad days aren’t uncommon for you, but you’ve had significantly less since kim mingyu waltzed into your life like the klutz he is. he manages to make every day brighter by simply existing. every smile, every laugh, every touch makes bad days seem like a distant memory.
that’s not to say you don’t still have them because you do. 
you still have days– like today– where it seems like nothing is right. days where you overthink every single thing in your life, ‘am i doing this right?’ ‘does he still love me?’ ‘does any of this even fucking matter?’ days where you want the earth to crack all the way open and swallow you whole. 
those days are beyond harsh. they have you trudging back home with wet lash lines, cloudy vision, and a loud voice in your head that’s begging– pleading– don’t cry, don’t cry, please don’t cry. 
and today… today felt like you went to hell and back. the second your eyes opened, you knew it was going to be one of those days and it truly was a series of rather unfortunate events. you woke up late and alone, you were reprimanded by your boss, you spilled your much-needed coffee during your break, your coworkers were much more hostile than usual, you got yelled at by clients over the phone, your personal phone died halfway through the day because, of course, you forgot to charge it last night, and then, the intrusive thoughts came. the ones that had you overthinking like crazy. 
and it’s not like you could talk to anyone about it (read: talk to mingyu about it). your phone was dead and you hated all of your coworkers, so you were stuck. stuck in limbo, it seemed, mind plagued with horrid thoughts. everything good in your life didn’t feel so good anymore. 
which is why you were practically in tears when you got back home, letting them roll down your face shamelessly as your hand fumbled the keys. you eventually got it into the lock– after steadying your shaky hand– turning the metal and letting yourself in. the second you shut the door, you press your back against it, head in your hands as you let out the soft sobs you've been holding in all day. 
on most of your bad days, you can keep your tears at bay till you make it into the shower. but, on days like today, you just can’t and your sobs echo through the empty apartment, reminding you that you’ll be alone till your boyfriend arrives. it’s not the prettiest sight, though, so you’re partially glad that mingyu misses it since he gets home after you. 
he usually does, at least. 
what you don’t realize is mingyu is home and he’s wandering around the apartment with his brows furrowed, confused as to where the sound of crying is coming from.
and when he sees you at the main entrance with your hands covering your face, he feels the air leave his lungs and his heart almost literally cracks in half. 
he treads carefully, slowly making his way to you. “...baby?”
you’re startled, choking on one of your sobs at the sound of his voice. out of mere embarrassment, you quickly wipe your tears with your sleeve though it does nothing to hide the fact that you actually have been crying. 
“gyu…” you say with a wavering voice, doing your absolute best to keep up your shitty facade. you quickly feel your resolve crumbling as you both stand in awkward silence, so you put your head down to avoid eye contact. “i-i thought you were working?”
he ignores your question and counters with his own, “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
you bite your trembling lip and shake your head, eyes still trained on the floor. 
he walks a few steps closer, now towering over your trembling body, “c’mon, angel. tell me what happened.”
you take a shuddered breath, slowly raising your head to look up at him. he frowns at your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks and at the fact that all you can say is “hi…” in a nearly-inaudible, yet dulcet voice.
“hi, baby,” he whispers back, hands coming to cup your cheeks, thumbs wiping at your stray tears. “tell me what happened.” he repeats, a bit more demanding this time. 
you deflate, “i just had a bad day… it was nothing.”
he shakes his head at how you invalidate yourself, “it’s not nothing if it’s making you cry, Y/N…” he gently reminds.  “please tell me? i wanna help… if you’ll let me.”
you sigh, leaning into his touch. your eyes flutter close and the words escape you before your brain can process them. you tell him everything trying your hardest to not let your emotions get the best of you. it’s not like mingyu would care if you were crying and blubbering out your words, but you knew he hated seeing you so upset, so you refrain from shedding more tears. 
you try to refrain, at least. you can’t stop the way they helplessly fall when you open your eyes again. “nothing was going right, gyu… my day was so bad that it had me overthinking every little thing.”
“i’m sorry, baby.” he whispers, pressing his forehead against yours. “i’m so sorry i wasn’t there for you.”
you shake your head profusely, swallowing the lump you feel in your throat, “n-no! no, please, it’s not your fault, gyu, i swear. my phone died, so it’s not like you could’ve known anyway.”
he pulls away from you, hands coming down to hold yours. “what did you think about?” 
you squeeze his hands, “a lot of things…”
“like?” he frowns, pressing further.
you look away, mumbling out a lie, “i dunno. it was a lot… i can’t really remember right now. ”
truth be told, you didn’t want to admit the anxiety-induced thoughts you had earlier knowing he’d worry. if he heard half the ones you had about your relationship, you know he’d probably break down himself. you’re well aware mingyu loves you more than anything on earth because he never fails to remind you.
but sometimes, the tiny voice in the back of your head– the one that says he’s too good to be true– gets a bit too loud and you tend to forget all his little reminders– all the ‘i love you’s’ he whispers into your ear right before bed, all the kisses he peppers onto your face, all the hugs where he squeezes the life out of you. 
“you don’t have to tell me what you thought about, but i do want to tell you something,” he starts, a small smile making its way onto his pretty lips. he leans into you, with a voice so small as he says, “i love you. and i know i suffocate you with it sometimes, but it’s true. i love you so much. please don’t ever doubt that.”
you nod, sniffling, “i know.” 
his smile grows, “and?...”
your lips curve up a bit and you whisper, “and i love you, too.”
“you better not forget it,” he playfully jokes, forehead resting on yours again. “you know i love you the most, though.”
you giggle softly, shaking your head. “you always turn it into a competition. you know it isn’t right?”
“i know it isn’t, but i do.” he confirms, voice tender and a bit hushed. “i want you to remember that the next time you think too hard. i love my pretty girl the most… more than anything. i’d do anything to keep you happy. wanna see that pretty smile everyday.”
the genuinity– the love– that drips from his words has you weak. the words replay in your head over and over almost as if it’s on a constant loop.
i love my pretty girl. 
my pretty girl.
your breath hitches at the unanticipated pet name, remembering the sweet, innocent way it rolled off his tongue. you know you probably shouldn’t feel this way, but it doesn’t stop the way you squeeze your thighs together, pussy pulsing at the mere term of endearment. you’re almost sure mingyu can feel the heat radiating off your skin, yet he does nothing. he stands still, warm, brown eyes staring at your tear-stained face.
so you take matters into your own hands. 
you stand tall and lean into him. your nose brushes against his and the proximity between the two of you closes quickly. i want to be kissed, your face reads– begs– and he finally sees that, obliging reluctantly. 
his eyes flutter and his lips graze against yours before you take the lead and close the gap for him. as his mouth collides with yours, you feel warmth erupt in your body and you relish it.
the kiss is soft. gentle. it nearly has you melting under him.
but the longer his lips mold against yours, the longer his tongue roams the inside of your mouth, the needier you get. it’s like all your worries wash away. all the bad thoughts evaporate into thin air. all you can think about is the everlasting love you have for the man before you and the incessant love he has for you, too.
you untangle your hands from his in favor of pawing at his chest, nails digging into the cotton fabric of his shit and slightly biting into his skin. 
you’re slowly, yet surely losing your mind. the kiss deepens and all the coherent thoughts you had minutes prior are being pushed to the back as mingyu is on the forefront of your mind. you’re overcome with need for him. need for him to make you forget everything. need for him to fuck you till all you can think about him and the way his cock makes you feel.
and mingyu knows this, of course. he knows with the way you claw at him and how you whimper desperately as if you’ve been deprived from his touch for far too long. 
it’s why he doesn’t make you beg for it. instead he’s pulling away, watching you chase his lips while he breathlessly asks, “you sure you wanna do this, baby?” he looks so enamored with you. there’s no doubt you look like a complete mess right now, but it’s like he sees past it. past the tears, past the red eyes, past all the sadness. 
“please,” you whisper, sniffling again. 
he murmurs okay against your lips before grabbing your hand and guiding you to your shared room. 
he diligently strips you of your clothing, first your pants then your shirt. his fingers skillfully popping the buttons on your blouse and slipping it off your body, letting it fall into a pool on the ground. 
“so beautiful,” he whispers, massive hands immediately moving to grope your tits through your bra. “you’re so fucking beautiful, Y/N.” 
his words linger in the air and you feel them. you feel beautiful when he stares at you half naked in your cotton panties and mismatched bra. you feel beautiful with your puffy eyes and snotty nose. mingyu makes you feel so beautiful even in your most unfavorable moments. 
you whimper at his heavy hands, your own tugging at the ends of his shirt, wordlessly begging for the fabric to join the other clothes on the ground. he obliges immediately, practically ripping it off of himself before his hands are back on you. 
he pulls your bra down, letting your tits spill out, kneading at the flesh with hearts in his eyes. a breathy version of his name comes out of your mouth– 
and the sound makes his cock ache. his body yearns and begs to be inside of you. so much so that it has him swiftly unclasping your bra before gently pushing you onto the bed. he thinks it’s gentle, at least. mingyu tends to forget his strength so his gentle can be your rough. 
it doesn’t matter, it never has. every single act mingyu performs for you is one that comes from a place of love. he’s a benevolent man, not a single malicious bone lives in his hand-crafted body. 
“gyu,” you whisper, hand slipping in between your thighs to work on your clothed clit as he towers over you. at your own contact, you feel a shock run through your body and your back just slightly arches off the bed. “need you.”
he curses under his breath, suddenly unable to breathe in his loose house shorts. he hooks his fingers into the waistband, pulling them down and presenting his leaky, hard cock to you. 
and the sight has your entire body going hot. you throw your head back against the plush pillows and moan out his name, louder this time, fingers moving faster against your clit– though it would feel so much better if he finally put his hands on you. or better yet, his cock inside of you. 
“gyu,” you drag out his name in a cry and you finally feel the bed dip under his weight.
“i know, baby,” he whispers, hand moving yours away from your soaked panties in favor of replacing it. when his bigger fingers begin to rub circles into the covered bud, you gasp and let yours grasp at the sheets under you. “i know you need me. i’ve got you.” he reassures you, voice shaky as he notices just how wet you are. “gonna make you feel so good, don’t worry.”
but you don’t realize how sensitive you are because the second his hand slips inside your panties, his warm hand finding your heated cunt, fresh tears spring to your eyes. “oh, fuck,” you shudder, shaking underneath him. 
“you’re so wet,” he mutters the obvious, fingers dipping in between your folds to collect your slick before pulling his hand out. 
“don’t tease me,” you plead weakly.
he frowns, shaking his head, “i’m not– i won’t,” he tells you softly, rolling your panties off your body and down your legs. he tosses the cotton material over to join the other articles of clothing on the ground before his hands spread your legs open, displaying you for himself. “i told you that i got you, pretty girl, i promise.” 
you give him a broken nod, squirming in discomfort.
his hand is back on your pussy in no time, tapping at your drooling hole with two of his fingers. “this still okay?”
you nod again, “yes, gyu.”
he leans down, lips meeting yours as he presses into you with his index and middle fingers. he’s quick to swallow your moan as he stretches you open, feeling the way your gummy walls invite and welcome him in. 
your kiss is more fervent this time around. you can feel his need, the way he shoves his tongue into your mouth, messy and uncoordinated. it has you trapping his fingers between your wet walls, grinding with all your might against his hand. 
you have no clue how he manages to multi-task, both finger-fucking and kissing you into oblivion, but he does both without fail. you whine desperately against his lips, one of your hands coming to wrap around his wrist in hopes to support yourself. 
the wet squelching of your cunt fills the room and it has him pulling away from you for a second to groan out, “you hear that, angel? pretty pussy takin’ my fingers so fuckin’ well.”
you clench around him again, enveloping him as if your life depended on it– you feel so fucking good–
and yet you crave more. it feels good, yes, mingyu always has you seeing stars, but you need more. more of his fingers, more of him. and mingyu is probably well aware of the fact with the way your pussy swallows his fingers, but you know he’s reluctant about giving you too much because of… prior events.
you want that– you want too much. you want to forget about your shitty day. the only thing you want to think about, the only thing you want to be all-consumed by in this very moment, is mingyu. 
“m-more–” you whine against his lips as he wildly pushes in and out of your messy cunt. 
fingers unfaltering in speed, he pulls away from you breathlessly, lips wet and swollen. “more, baby?” 
“mhm,” you give him pleading eyes as you whisper, “wanna cum.”
“fuck,” he mumbles, nodding his head mindlessly as if your words put him into a daze. his fingers pull out and his ring finger joins the two that are already covered in your slick. they push into you slowly, effectively opening you up. “how’s this, beautiful? this enough?” 
you pant, clamping around the digits, squeezing them like a vice. “m-min-” you muffle your moan with your hand, more tears stinging in your eyes.
“no?” he asks, an endearing grin on his face. he maneuvers till he’s in between your legs, he moves further down the bed and your heart thumps erratically in your chest. 
it’s when his lips wrap around your clit while he concurrently thrusts his fingers into your sopping heat that you let out an ear-splitting moan. you lace your fingers into his silky hair and tug at his roots without a care. 
he winces and moans against you at the feeling, the pain making his cock throb against the bed. 
your mind escapes you, melting at the pleasure. his tongue flicks at the sensitive, swollen bud while his fingers curl against your sweet spot, pushing you closer and closer to the edge and you’re on the brink of pure ecstasy. 
“s-so close, fuck, i’m close, gyu.” you babble breathlessly. 
he moans again, tirelessly continuing his brutal attack on your pussy, but the sound waves of said moans shock your entirety and teeter right over the edge. your vision goes black for a solid minute, only a few specks of white in sight, your blinding orgasm taking your entire body over. 
you jerk under him, back arching as you release all over his fingers, the tightrope in your tummy completely unraveling and allowing you to soak his fingers in your syrupy arousal. his mouth moves down as he pulls out and slurps you up obnoxiously, eating you out as you cum.
and you can’t stop shaking, not even after he’s pulled his mouth and fingers away from you. your body twitches and writhes like he’s been working you for hours and mingyu, astounded, has never seen you like this– well, he definitely has– not after a single orgasm, at least.
he shudders, body burning with need. the taste of you alone has his brain a bit fuzzy. “are… you okay? was it too much?” he manages to ask, voice strained. 
mingyu thinks his question falls on deaf ears when all he hears is your heaving and tiny whimpers. he moves to clean you up, partially worried he overstimulated you, but then you make grabby hands at the large, flushed man.
he leans into your touch, allowing you to grab on to him, “what’s wrong?” 
when he looks into your eyes, glassy and glazed over, he notices the hint of need. the pinch of pure desperation. he sees the way you wordlessly ask for more of him, how you wordlessly ask for him to just fuck you already– he can’t deny you. not with the year-long day you’ve had or with the way his cock is basically begging to stuff you full. 
he pecks your lips and sits up again. a soft chuckle escapes him as you chase him for another kiss, but it quickly turns into a sharp breath when he looks down at your puffy, pulsing pussy. you’re crying for him, that much is obvious, but your pussy is just weeping. 
an endless trail of arousal continues to drool out of you and it’s so enticing… yet it feels so tantalizing… 
he feels a bit guilty for being this hard, for wanting to fuck you so bad. it’s in his good nature. you’ve told him countless times that it’s okay, that you need him, but he just wants to make sure. 
“are you sure?” he whispers, so soft that you could almost miss it. “we can just go to bed if you’re not up for this, Y/N.”
you can tell that mingyu is fighting inner turmoil. you know he always feels guilty for fucking you stupid. today, though, you’re sure he feels guilty for the other things. 
you don’t want him to. he shouldn’t feel guilty for something beyond his control, so you muster up all your strength and, in a wavered voice, tell him, “i want you… always want you.”
you hear his breath of relief and see the wobbly smile on his face and you mirror it. he’s quickly ridding his mind of the guilt and shame at your reassurance and lining himself up with your hole. he slides the tip of his cock between your lips and revels in the way you jolt gently. 
“deep breath f’me,” he mutters, knowing you’ll need it. when he hears your shaky inhale, he takes one of his own right as he pushes into you. “fuck,” he says breathlessly. you’re still so fucking tight around him.
a broken whine bubbles up in the back of your throat and mingyu watches the way your eyes screw shut and your jaw goes slack. beautiful, he thinks to himself. even when you’re fucked out of your mind.  
he finds the strength to push past the resistance, slowly shoving himself inside of you till his pelvis meets yours.
when he bottoms out, your face contorts and you’re spluttering over your words, “s-so big,” 
he nods his head like he knows. “i know, baby,” he murmurs, sliding one of his hands into yours. “but you’re so good for me, always take me so well.” he whispers this time as he’s leaning down, moving your intertwined hands next to your head on the pillow. his free hand cups your heated cheek and he studies you for a few minutes, cock fully sheathed inside of you. 
he watches your face change as you become accustomed to the size of him, how your contorted, pained face relaxes as the minutes pass. when your eyes flutter open and you whimper his name, “gyu…” he pulls out a tiny bit before pushing back in– something of an experimental thrust– and discerns your positive reaction. 
he repeats his actions, inching out a bit more and sliding back in with ease. his eyes observe you intently, noticing every reaction you make as he drives his cock in and out of you, each one going deeper than the last. 
his hand squeezes yours and his lips graze against yours, “feel good?” he asks, breath fanning over your face. 
“uh-huh, so good,” you respond in a pant. “th-thank you.”
he falters a bit, but continues to deliver his deep and calculated thrusts. “why are you thanking me, angel?”
“for taking care of me.” 
mingyu’s heart swells and nearly bursts right then and there. his smile practically reaches his ears because mingyu, admittedly, loves being the cause of your pleasure. he’s a giver. he always has been. 
it makes his hips move faster, his hips flushing to yours with every stroke. the bed squeaks under you, loud and annoyingly high-pitched. neither of you are bothered by the sound as you’re wrapped up within each other– you’re moaning and whining for more and more against his lips and he’s promising to deliver through deep groans and grunts against yours. 
and he does deliver. the tip of his cock kisses your cervix and it knocks the wind out of your lungs. you squeeze the hand in yours and your other comes to claw at his body. you dig your nails into the flesh of his arm, biting into him in favor of leaving crescent shapes on his smooth skin. 
he hisses, but the subtle sting just spurs him on. that and the way your pussy contracts around him.
“oh fuck,” you whisper, a high-pitched whine following the words. you’re so sensitive from your previous orgasm that it’s making all too much. your body is buzzing and the familiar knot is forming quicker than usual. “mingyu– mingyu, i-i’m so close.”
he nods, breathing out, “it’s okay, baby– cum for me. you deserve it.” you deserve everything you want, he fails to add. 
you don’t hold back, completely unraveling under him. you’re easily reduced to a mess, gushing all over his cock while you mewl a mantra of his name. your brain leaves you for a solid minute as you mindlessly babble out thank you’s and i love you’s. 
he pulls away from your lips as he watches you come undone. he’s truly so enraptured by you. with your tear-stained cheeks and the drool that trails past your bruised lips. when you tell him you love him– almost incoherently– his dick twitches in your spasming cunt. 
“i love you.” he groans, swiftly rocking into you. you’re sobbing in overstimulation, but he eases you with more praise. “you’re so good, fuck, so perfect. i love you so bad.”
his hand leaves your cheek, instead grabbing your free hand and intertwining your fingers. he pins your hands next to your head, just like the other, and continues fucking you. 
“my pretty girl,” he murmurs, holding your contrastingly smaller hands tightly. “i’m gonna cum inside… you want that right?”
the question triggers your mind back to life. “please,” you moan weakly. “n-need it.”
he twitches again, a throaty groan coming out of him before he gasps. his entire body stiffens before he presses himself all the way inside of you. his groans and grunts distort to needy moans as ropes of his seed paint the velvet walls of your convulsing heat. 
he attempts to control his breathing. after a minute straight of panting and whining, his heaving chest slows and falls into a steady rhythm. 
“are you okay?” he pants, pulling out of you, body still hovering over yours. “was it too much…”
your lips turn up into a tiny, sweet smile and nod your head, “‘m okay, baby.”
“good,” he whispers, leaning in and kissing your lips.
he releases you from his grasp and falls next to you, trying to recover more before cleaning you up. he sighs, soothing a hand over your skin and you scoot into him.
“i wanna help you,” mingyu starts with the softest voice you’ve ever heard after a few minutes of comfortable silence, “you can always tell me when you’re having one of these days, baby… you know that right?”
“i know,” you nod, mindlessly tracing shapes onto his bare chest. 
“i’m always gonna be here for you… as long as you’ll have me.”
“i know.” you repeat, words whispered this time. “you always make the days better– make them shine– you literally have a heart of gold, mingyu.” 
he chuckles, “i don’t,”
“no, you do. just trust me. if we cut you open right now for open heart surgery, there’d be 24 karat gold in the shape of a human heart inside of you.” you tell him.
mingyu smiles widely. happily. 
“just remember that this heart is all yours, angel.” 
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
taglist 🏷️: svt : 🔖 @roe-sinning @hyuk4ngel @bowmonde @5xiang @ttyunz @lunaofthelake @girls4cheol @miriamxsworld @enhacolor @jihoontea
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teddynivvy · 17 days
Hi!!! This just suddenly popped thru my head 😭 but schlatt kisses reader while they're wearing or applying lip plumper (I don't use one but I thought it would be funny)
Have a nice day!! Feel free to ignore teehee
hehehe this is so funny
schlatt who’s streaming in his room, when you walk in obviously ready to go out with some friends
you have a full face of makeup on, and without thinking you lean down to kiss his lips before going out
“you look so pretty” he coos, the chat going crazy bc u don’t usually come on camera
everyone says how pretty u look and how ur makeup looks good, and u wave quickly to the stream before leaving
schlatt keeps going like normal, a little bit of ur lip plumper on his lips that he doesn’t notice
until a few moments later, when he notices them start to tingle
he tries to keep it chill, until it rlly starts to burn and he can’t keep it a secret
“hold on i think y/n was wearing something on their lips”
and he goes to the bathroom to wash his face a notices the redness, sighing bc he knows people will comment on it lol
when he comes back the chat is blowing up with comments
“they were def wearing lip plumper” “y/n’s makeup was so bomb” “schlatt looks juicy”
he just sighs and touches his lips again, laughing at all the comments and texting you that hes gonna get u back when u get home hehe
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moronkombat · 8 months
i'm in the mood to embarrass a boy ☺ how about hcs for reptile around his crush! and he can't stop subconsciously having his tail twitch in excitement or do some happy growls or even worse when he's talking to them his tail automatically wraps around their leg or waist and he basically jumps outta his skin when he realizes he's doing that hehehe i like to imagine his "human" form has some lizard parts to it like his tail or some claws/scales 🦎
let's do some blushy syzoth!!
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When Syzoth has feelings for someone he is excited to see them. Even the smallest of encounters go a long way for him
Eyes light up and his smile widens and...what's that sound? It's something murmuring? It's Syzoth very very lowly bellowing which sounds very similar to a purr
Sometimes he'll gaze at the object of his affections with a dream like gaze. Without noticing he'll begin to purr and bob is head up and down just like the other Zaterrans do back home to show their interest
Problem is, his partner is unfamiliar with such customs so, to them, it appears he is nodding at your repeatedly while you talk to him. You think he is quite the enthusiastic listener
Syzoth will also get very low to ground, as low as he can possibly get before pushing his arms and legs up to lift himself. This to is him seeking out your favor. Unfortunately, his actions mirror pushups and you think he is simply very athletic
He is confused as to why you are understanding his attempts and he beings to take it as you are not interested in pursuing a relationship with him
While he is saddened by this, he does not cut ties with you. Syzoth is not the type to do so in haste. He enjoys your company and will continue to do so even if he longs for more
Still, his feelings get the better of him at times. You'll be standing next to him, talking about something, anything really. Syzoth will listen to whatever you have to say
His eyes smile as he looks to you enchanted. He is lost in the words you give to him that he fails to notice the appearance of a rather large tail waving back and forth
Syzoth's tail will sway back and forth as he listens to you. His thoughts are filled with you and you alone and his body speaks them
The tail curls around your leg so very lightly and you notice before he does. Laughing a bit and pointing you his gesture
Emerald eyes blink and then fly open in shock. Turning his head and there would indeed be a tail curling around your leg
He begins to stammer out apologies, whipping his tail away and hidden once more
But then you calm him and tell him it's quite alright. You even say that you found it very endearing and did not mind it at all
Syzoth's blush glows brighter and brighter while words continue to trip over each other
You merely smile and tell him not to worry, that you don't find his natural features unsightly
And Syzoth is happy to hear this and once again his tail moves. It goes wrapped around your waist and you do not mind this
Perhaps there is a way mix your two cultures' affection styles?
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Bianca di Angelo and Her Reputation as the Child of Hades
POV: Bianca visits Nico, who is staying with the Jackson family + Paul and Annabeth for school time
Sally, getting a call from the principal: Okay. Okay, please wait. I'll ask her. Bianca, dear?
Bianca, playing mythomagic with Nico and Paul: Yes, Ms. Jackson?
Sally: I just got a call from the principal. Did you tell a few boys to turn themselves in for bullying?
Bianca: ...I remember doing something of the sort.
Bianca, dropping off Nico to school: Okay, now, you remember what to do if someone calls you that again?
Nico: I tell an adult or Mr. Blofis.
Bianca: That's right. *kisses his forehead* Go.
Nico: Bye, Bia! :) *waves goodbye and leaves*
Bianca: :)
Random guy: Hey. Haven't seen you around here before. You new?
Bianca, getting bad vibes: No, I go to the other side of the school. I'm just dropping my brother off.
Guy: I'm Doug. I'm...part of the welcoming committee here.
Bianca: not interested.
Doug: Psh. Give it 30 minutes in the janitor's closet and-
Nico, running over: BIA! Look, I made this flower yesterday *shows paper flower*
Bianca, smiling: That's very pretty Nico. Why don't you go show your teacher?
Nico, sees Doug: *hides besides Bianca* That's him. That's the guy who keeps calling me the f word.
Doug Friend: Get out of here, kid.
Bianca: Don't talk to my brother that way.
Doug Friend: Don't tell us what to do, bitch.
Doug: SHUT UP!
Bianca: ...Nico, go back to class.
Nico: ... *sticks his tongue out then leaves*
Bianca: *sighs* Why don't we start over? I'll take that closet offer if it's still available.
Doug: Hehehe. Now that's more like it
Sally: What happened then?
Bianca: Oh, nothing much. Just a few things that I can't mention with Nico around.
Sally: Okay, well. The principal called to ask me how long you think he should suspend them for.
Paul: ...He...asked Bianca how long they should be suspended.
Bianca: Hmm, two weeks school suspension and one month detention should be enough.
Sally: ...I'll tell him that. *goes back to the phone*
Nico: I WIN!
Paul: What- AGAIN?! Okay, do over! I'm taking you down this time
Nico: That's what you said 5 times ago.
Paul: Hey, 6th time's a charm.
Percy, coming home with Annabeth: We're home!
Sally: Ah! Hey, you two.
Annabeth: Oooh. You guys playing mythomagic? Who won?
Bianca: No, we were tied on the 3rd round
Percy: The weirdest thing just happened.
Paul: What is it?
Percy: I got called into the principal's office today. He said that there are some guys who wanted to apologize to Nico.
Everyone: *looks at Bianca*
Bianca: That one I had nothing to do with.
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
⛧° Cooking classes with Uncle Leo
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⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: leo valdez x fem!reader blurb
warnings: probably cursing, bad spanish, not proofread. ig that's it?? lmk!!
a/n: i didn't really like this, but i'm posting it anyways lol. dedicated to covey and @/pinkdiorluvr cuz i know they both love leo hehehe
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
You never learnt how to cook. A disturbed childhood with a shitty mortal dad was not the best place to get cooking lessons. Or to learn anything, on that matter.  
The point is, cooking skills aren’t something you possess, and that annoys you beyond limits. That took you to asking your best friend, Leo Valdez, for cooking classes. Which he immediately accepted. I mean, who wouldn’t want to teach your crush how to cook? 
"So, when can I go to your house?” You asked, which made him snap back to reality from just admiring your features.  
“Uh... my house?” He asked, as he completely forgot what you guys were previously chatting about. He was too busy with noticing how the freckles coated your cheeks, and how your black hair framed your face in the prettiest way possible. Oh, he was down bad.  
“Are you even listening to me right now, Leo?” You asked, waving your hand in front of his face. 
“Uh, yeah, ‘course I am. You were talking about the... cooking classes, right?” He asked, a sheepish smile making his way to his lips. You just rolled your eyes. 
“Yes, I am. When can I come to your house, hm?” You asked again. 
“Tomorrow at seven sounds good to you?” He asked. 
“Yeah, that’d be great.” You answer, smiling softly as well.  
“You’re gonna learn how to make the perfect pasta alla carbonara, my dear apprentice. It's one of my specialties.” He said, passing an arm across your shoulders and pulling you to him.  
Before you could even pull away so you could leave, he planted a kiss with a loud ‘mwah’ to it and darted off, laughing. You were left confused, blushing and smiling as a toddler who just got a pack of candy.  
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧ 
Leo stood in his kitchen, a grin plastered on his face as he waited for his best friend’s arrival. He was looking forward to it, since he knew that it was a chance of absolutely zero percent that this whole class didn’t end in absolute chaos.  
He leaned against the counter, tapping his fingers impatiently, trying to figure when you’d finally come, what clothes you’d be wearing, what shoes you’d wear and in which way your hair would be. Would it be down? Would you put it in a ponytail? A bun? A braid? 
Oh gods, he was such a sucker for that damned daughter of Poseidon.  
Eventually, he heard the rhythmic knock on the door, telling him that you were finally there, much to his happiness.  
“Come on, Valdez, it’s freezing out here!” You complained, just when he finally opened the door and you barged inside, escaping the snow from the outside world. You were in a black coat, wine-red leggings, gloves and a cute scarf so your nose didn’t get too cold. “Finally! Thought you’d leave me out there to die.” 
“I’d never do that, princesa. I mean, at least not today, I need an assistant.” He said jokingly, poking your shoulder and teasing you as you took your coat off.  
“I’m gonna punch you, I swear to all the gods that I know.” She threatened. He just smiled and walked towards the kitchen, with you following right behind him. “So, what’re you gonna teach me today?”  
“We’re gonna make the best pasta ever – carbonara!” He said happily as he pointed at the counter, which was filled with ingredients for the dish – bacon, eggs, flour and cheese were neatly organized in the counter, ready to be turned into a meal. 
“If this goes wrong, I'm ordering a happy meal.” You complained, putting the things you brought to make your favorite dessert, a classic that you learnt with a Brazilian friend of yours – Brigadeiro. It's actually the only thing that you can cook without burning down the whole house.  
“First, we gotta make the pasta.” The latino said, and you grimaced. 
“Why do we have to make it? Isn't it easier to just, you know, buy the pasta and cook it?”  
He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s easier. But making it is so much fun!” He said, with a smile on his face, and started pouring flour on the counter, making a small tower and soon making a hole in it. Then he stopped and looked at you. 
“What? Is there something on my hair?” You asked, brushing off your hair, which made Leo laugh. 
“No, no. I need you to grab six eggs and crack them here.” He said, gesturing towards the bowl.  
“Oh.” You mumbled and picked up the bowl, cracking the eggs in it and being extra careful with the shell. When you finished, you looked at him with puppy eyes. “What now?”  
“Put them here.” He said, gesturing to the hole in the flour. You nodded and poured the eggs there. “Now, you washed your hands, right?” You nodded again. “Great. Now, you have to mix the eggs and the flour until we have a smooth dough; the pasta!” 
You just nodded and put your hands to work. It was cute, since you didn’t seem to know what you were doing, and it was just so cute the way you were unsure on whether you were doing the right thing or not.  
“You’re doing great, y/n/n.” He assured. If you looked up, you’d see a proud smile on his face. 
After a few minutes of squeezing and mixing the dough, it was finally ready. You looked up at Leo’s face, a proud smile on your face and shining eyes. Maybe cooking wasn’t really that bad, after all. Not if you had a good teacher and friend around. 
He was starstruck. He couldn’t even move. You were just so pretty, flour all over your arms and hands, a little spot on your cheek white from when you rubbed the back of your hand on your face. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you in that moment.  
But he knew he couldn’t. He shouldn’t do it. Couldn't risk his friendship with you.  
And yet you were so tempting, so pretty like that. In his kitchen, with his apron – which was slightly too big for your tiny frame – and with him.  
“So, what do we do now?” You asked, interrupting the trance he was in. He shook his head and blushed, embarrassed to be caught like that.  
“Uh... the- the eggs. We need to make the eggs.” He said, blushing after getting caught staring at you. “You can whisk the yolks while I cook the bacon. Is that alright with you?”  
“Mhm. You just need to teach me how to separate the yolks.” You said, with a smile.  
You two continued the cooking, with Leo cooking the bacons till they were golden brown and crispy while you whisked the egg yolks and the cheese together. It was a fun night, where you ate the food you made – which was delicious, by the way – and had fun with your best friend. 
The only out of the ordinary thing was that the whole time you were there, the only thing you wanted was to jump on Leo’s lap and kiss the hell out of him.  
And his train of thought was not that far away from yours. 
Don't get me wrong, he loved to spend platonic time with you, of course. But he really, really wanted to kiss you.  
‘Oh, for my father’s sake, what I wouldn’t give to kiss her.’  
“...what?” You asked, your face clearly redder with his – more than sudden – confession.  
You never thought he’d want to kiss you, much less give yourself the hope that maybe someday that’d happen. No, it was selfish, and you knew – or at least thought – that he’d never ever like his best friend.  
But here he was, saying how much he’d give in exchange for a kiss.  
“Oh, shit- I said that out loud, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, Y/n, you can really pretend this never happened, I just-” AAAAAND he was rambling. Again. So, the easiest way out of that situation was, obviously, shut him up with a kiss.  
He immediately melted. His hands stopped flying around his face and went to graze your neck and waist, unsure, but ready to search.  
It was one of the best kisses you’ve ever had, and it was definitely the most awaited one. His lips were cracked and raspy, and he tasted sweet like the juice you had.  
When you finally pulled away, both of your cheeks were red and there was a smile playing on both of your lips.  
“I kinda love you.” You admited.  
“Good, ‘cause i love you too, princesa.” 
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artemish · 8 months
Sous chef | opla!Sanji x fem!Reader
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word count: 2.1k
genre/tags: Sanji x reader; first-person pov; fluff; pining (but is it mutual??); angst; hurt/comfort; friends to lovers
warnings: mild ptsd; mild trauma
summary: A restless night at sea turns into one of revelations, as the reader finds that the depths of the ocean are much like a certain chef’s heart…
a/n: Hello opla girlies! First time fanfic writer here!!
I am ever the lurker on this website, but something inside me changed when I started watching One Piece, and now I’m down bad for this crew (specifically for the hot cook)
So I thought I’d give it a shot, write a bit of fanfic and see where it goes! I’ve finished the live action and currently watching the anime, so my interpretation of Sanji is quite mixed, however I tried to stay closer to opla!Sanji. I’ve also left this open ended cos I might write more (who knows hehehe)
Shoutout to @honnelander for inspiring me to write again ☺️ (please read her go fish! series if you haven’t!! It’s great!!)
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰!
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Sanji often stayed up late during those long nights at sea, prepping for the next day's meals, making notes of what had been used and taking stock of the ingredients that were left.
It was almost obsessive at times, desperate even.
He ignored everyone’s concern for him to just take it easy and go to sleep, even Nami’s, and refused to give us an explanation.
He would count every last bean, every last grain of rice or drop of water that he could, and he had tried many times but failed to make an accurate record (mostly because Luffy would lessen the supplies significantly).
I hadn’t really understood his habit, until one night, when the waves were particularly rough and I was disturbed from my sleep.
Usually, rough waters didn’t bother me too much, but I was already quite restless that night and had only truly been half asleep.
My mind was a blazing mess from all the thoughts that had been looping endlessly through it.
Thoughts of him.
I sat up on the futon. My hair draped in a tangled mess around my face and over my shoulders.
I looked across at Nami, her back facing towards me, breathing deeply as she slept.
I envied her ease.
I hauled myself out of the bed and straightened the silk nightgown I was wearing. I slipped on the woven shawl I had laid out over my blanket and made my way down the corridor, towards the kitchen.
The waves had picked up their brutality and began to batter the ship quite hard, so that it swayed violently from side to side.
Gripping the sides of the walls and trying to match the sway, I wondered how everyone could sleep so peacefully.
The ship moaned and croaked as it continued to sway.
I stumbled into the kitchen just as it crashed against the starboard side hard, pushing the ship port.
The force took me by surprise, causing me to lose my grip of the wall and my footing.
I tumbled through the doorway, and slammed hard against the stack of barrels in the corner.
The momentum of the ship turned once more. Lurching towards the right again, I slid off the barrel and slammed face first onto the ground.
“Ah shit!” I yelped. All traces of sleep had officially left me.
“Luffy, that better not be you,” came a brash voice from the darkness, “and if it is, you best be walking out that door right now.”
“Ack, Sanji?”
In the dull light, I saw the concerned face of the cook instantly pop around the counter.
“Y/n! Gods, are you alright?”
He moved swiftly to where I was laying and gently lifted me up.
“You're alright now, love. C’mon up. That’s it, easy”
He swung my arm around his neck and held my waist tightly as he led me to the bench seating on the other side of the kitchen counter.
Despite the daze I was in, I still felt my heart quicken, at his firm grip on my waist and at the ease with which he picked me up.
“Sanji, what are you doing up?” I whispered, not because I was trying to be quiet, but because the knock had left me completely winded.
He sat me down and wrapped my shawl around me tightly, rubbing my shoulders as he did, and kneeled down in front of me.
“Are you okay? Look at my fingers, how many do you see? Are you cut anywhere, y/n? Do you have a concussion? Do you want some water, tea? What do you need, I’ll get it for you, anything you nee-”
“Sanji,” I said, holding my hand firmly on his mouth to keep him quiet, “I’m alright.”
I squeezed his shoulder, as I saw a sigh of relief wash over his face. “You really got to stop treating me like some princess you know.”
“Madam, you are the loveliest person to ever grace this ship. I would hate it if I couldn’t bask in your beauty everyday.”
“You’re laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” But I could feel my stomach fluttering at his words.
He grinned, “madam, someone as lovely as you deserves to hear it said often.”
I shoved his shoulder. “Shut up!”
He laughed. He looked so soft in the light of the lantern.
“You didn’t answer my question by the way.”
“What question?” he asked, as he got up to sit next to me.
“Why are you awake?”
He turned his face away from me and shifted uneasily on the bench. “Why does it matter?”
“Sanji, why are you awake, really? What is it that you’re not telling us? You know I’ve lost track of how many times Luffy’s found you asleep in here because you’ve been up doing… well, whatever you do. What’s going on?”
He let out a deep sigh as he turned back around to face me, looking at me through the flop of blonde hair that covered half his face. He bit his lip hard and dropped his head, defeated it would seem.
The ship continued to sway and croak and groan, as the silence between us grew.
He looked small, afraid. I reached out to hold his hands and he took them eagerly, squeezing them tightly as he did.
“You all know about what happened to me and Zeff,” he said finally, “and I appreciate the kind words and empathy you’ve all given me, but you could never really understand what that was like, being out there. Waiting to die. The scorching, unrelenting sun in the day that made my skin flake off. The icy air of night that felt like daggers, prodding at my burnt flesh. Being hollowed out from the inside, from the hunger, until the numbness set in and I thought I’d melt into that shitty rock. Even being as careful as I was, as precise, I still didn’t have nearly enough food to survive, and it really was only by fate or luck, a real miracle actually, that we were rescued.
I guess I haven’t shook that feeling yet, that fear. It was easier to distract myself in the restaurant, you know, being surrounded by food and all, but here it’s different here. I-I just want be sure, I want to know that we’re good, at all times, because I don’t want any of you to go through what I did. It’s shit, yeah I know, but I’d rather not sleep then let any of you go through that.”
Again, the silence between us was palpable.
I felt like I’d been punched.
He breathed heavily, as if trying to catch his breath and I knew then that this was something he had kept buried deep within himself because the true nature of his fear was so horrific, so raw, who could ever understand it?
None of us had been out there with him, even though we would all do the same for each other.
But our sentiments were just words.
He had lived it.
The silence grew stifling.
I knew he would do anything to protect us from that fate.
“You-you can’t tell the others. They don’t need to know, yeah? I’m happy as long as they’re fed with no complaints.”
“But Sanji-”
“Y/n, please don’t tell them.”
“Then why are you telling me?”
The mess of thoughts in my mind was growing.
He held my hands tighter and used them to pull himself towards me. His thumbs made circular motions on my palms.
I heard my heart pounding in my ears and I stupidly hoped he couldn’t hear it.
“Darling, I am a ball of dough in your hands. You can knead me and form me any way you’d like, and I’ll give you no resistance.”
“Pfft” I giggled and so did he.
At this, I felt like we were both at ease again.
I always admired his way of keeping things light.
“No, but, if you’d allow me, madam, to be serious,” he straightened up a bit then, “I suppose I was hoping that you’d find me in here. I was hoping that I could tell just you. You’ve got a way about you that everyone just finds trustworthy. I don’t know but there’s, there’s something about you...” He trailed off and laughed before he could finish, and I could see a faint blush of pink on his cheeks. “Sorry I-I ugh, I’m a bit sleep deprived. I’m just glad you’re here.”
I had never seen this side of him (or any side of him for that matter) though I knew it existed. Somewhere under the flirtatious, playboy persona he put out, I knew there was a genuine sweetness. I just wished I was more awake to really enjoy it.
Once the pain I was in wore off, my whole body felt heavy, like it was being pulled down with the full force of gravity, and the sway of the ship was less violent and more like the gentle rock of a cradle.
“You know, you don’t have to pretend with me.” I swept his bangs out of his eyes and kept my hand cupped around the side of his face. I hadn’t realised how blue his eyes were until now.
Even in the dull light, I could see every shade of blue there was swirling in them, like the ocean’s raging swell on a moonlit night. I saw the sleep in his eyes weighing him down too.
“You know this is the most words I’ve heard out of your mouth since I got here.”
He grinned sleepily, “well I’ve just been trying to find the right time to talk to you, my swan.”
I could feel my cheeks burn and I hoped he didn’t see the blush come over them.
“I didn’t think the right time would be 3am, me face planted and bruised in the kitchen, but here we are.”
“You are alright now, yeah?”
“Of course,” I scoffed, “I’m just sleepy. You look sleepy too.”
As if on cue, he yawned and leaned back on the bench.
“Yeah,” he said, “it’s super late. And Luffy wanted everyone to have a big breakfast tomorrow, you know with eggs, bacon, croissants, etc. Breakfast service is always the most important. But I just…” his voice trailed off again, but there was a hint of frustration this time.
“You just can’t sleep, like you cannot.”
“I get it,” I said, and I did, “the memories, they come back; more vividly, more real at night. It’s like it’s better to be awake than asleep. Like sleep causes you to relive the pain. Every moment, everything.”
“Y/n,” he said with concern in his voice, “what caused you pain, my love?”
My love.
Those words rang in my ears for some time, even now. Did he mean it?, I thought, maybe he feels the same?
Was all that flirting genuine or was he just being nice?
Was he just being Sanji?
It had been such a long, revealing night, but that stuck out to me and I couldn’t shake it.
He had been so open about his fears, not even the captain knew what he was telling me, I was sure of it.
So then, I kept thinking, why me?
If I didn’t mean something more, then why me?
While I was mulling all this over, I hadn’t noticed that I was leaning on his shoulder until he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tightly, so that my face rested on his chest.
The slit in his poet shirt revealed his tanned skin underneath.
I boldly moved my hand up his chest and traced his freckles with my fingers.
He played with my hair.
Friends definitely didn’t do this.
“Let’s not talk about that now,” I whispered, “just close your eyes, okay? And Sanji?”
“If you need a sous chef tomorrow morning, I’ll be there.”
I felt his soft laugh hum in his chest.
“Thank you, y/n. I’ll take you up on that.”
He buried his face in my hair as he continued to hug me and I felt his whole body relax.
In one night, the chef had shown me that there were more layers to this cake of a personality he had than I had fully anticipated, and all of them were deliciously sweet.
Delectable even.
And confusing.
As we slipped further into sleep, we had also unknowingly laid ourselves out on the bench, still tangled in each other's embrace, and sharing my shawl for warmth.
An embrace that was a little too close for friends.
— — — — —
“We’re just friends, Nami,” I hissed, trying to restrain myself from yelling in her ear, “there’s nothing there! He-we- we’re just friends! There are no feelings, we are JUST friends.”
She found us in the morning and woke me up, leaving Sanji still asleep.
I flapped around our room, growling out my protests as I did, but it was no use.
She just sat there.
Just sat there.
Arms folded and tapping her toes.
With a huge smirk plastered across her face.
“Yeah, I bet you are.”
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annymation · 5 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 4- The King and Queen
Chapter 3
Asha is surrounded by a thick cloud of green smoke. She feels dizzy, like she just been spinning for hours, but really that’s just the natural feeling one gets from being magically teleported for the first time.
As the smoke clears, Asha coughs a few times and rubs her eyes. Things start coming into focus and she realizes… She’s inside the castle.
She sees in front of her a huge flight of stairs that goes spiraling upwards for what seems to be forever. The walls are adorned with intricate and perfect details.
The last remaining lights of sunset entered through the large colored glass windows, creating what Asha could only describe as a light show with an array of colors that painted the walls.
She and the royal couple were in front of the main entrance, the door is open and they can hear the fireworks and people celebrating the Wish ceremony outside. The king and queen are standing right behind her, watching as she takes everything in.
As Asha looks up she can only whisper:
(It's exactly like this by the way)
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“Marvelous, is it not?” The queen asks in a sigh while walking to be in front of Asha "It's not everyday we bring guests in here. You are quite fortunate, dear."
Asha can't help but notice how it's... Empty. Not in details tho, there's plenty of that all around, but there's no sign of people besides the 3 of them.
"It really is incredible your majesty but umm if you don't mind me asking... Where are the guards? Or the cleaning staff?" Asha asks looking around while taking a few steps forward
"Oh all the guards stay outside only.” Magnifico explains nonchalantly, as he also walks to be next to his wife “As for the cleaning staff, or really any other servant, we have them all leave when the sun starts to set"
"We prefer to have some... privacy in here at night time, if you know what I mean" The queen lets out a laugh as she and her husband gaze passionately at one another.
... "Wow… they not only need to get a room, they need a whole castle" Asha thinks
(Although she's right, another reason they empty the castle at night is so they can be their true selves without witnesses)
“But enough about us, right? Tonight’s about you.” The King smiles, as he playfully boops Asha’s nose “Now, what we want to know from you Asha iiiiiiis-- What in the blazes is that on our window?”
The king looks in bewilderment at something coming out of one of their glass windows that is closer to the ground
(they can be opened when pushed slightly, to let some air come in.)
Asha turns to see what the king is looking at. She sees coming out of the lower window two little… baby goat legs.
Followed by the sound “Maaaaa! Maaaaa!”s she knows so well
“VALENTINO!” Asha screams in surprise, running to get him. “What are you doing here?! I told Dahlia to keep an eye on you!”
Dahlia is unfortunately too busy discussing with Gabo about why they can’t just break in the castle, so she didn’t notice the baby goat went missing.
The two royals silently watch this scene play out, quite unsure how to react, this girl really never ceases to surprise them.
"hehehe- Sorry about that umm your highnesses, this is my baby goat, Valentino" Asha says with an awkward smile while holding Valentino in her arms
"Maaa!" The goat bleats to them cheerfully, but mostly he's just over the moon that he managed to find Asha.
"He says hi too" Asha says while waving one of his hooves to them.
The king smiles, giving a small wave back, finding this quite entertaining so far.
The queen is trying her hardest to keep her fake smile while thinking "please don't let this disgusting thing near me"
"Haha how charming! Say Asha, does he follow you everywhere like that?" The king asks, sounding intrigued.
"Oh yes, since the day he got the hang on how to walk hehe- Last month I went to doodle some animals in a farm, and I found him all alone after his parents were sold out. Sooo I adopted him" She hugs him tightly "And we've been inseparable ever since hehe" the girl says gleefully
The queen can't hold it in any longer and just asks quickly "That's wonderful my sweet, but would you care to leave him outside? A castle is really no place for farm animals"
“Specially THIS castle” The king says while turning his head side to side through the room like he’s looking for something “I believe it may be safer for him to leave, Asha” he says in a warning tone.
Asha tilts her head to the side with a puzzled look "Huh? Why would he not be safe here?"
As if on cue, Asha hears a throaty, low and predatory growl come from behind the stairs
“Because goats just so happen to be OUR pet’s favorite meal” the king explains, smirking ever so slightly, thinking "how ironic" since Asha is their prey as well.
Asha turns to the source of the sound quickly and she sees
An Iberian lynx
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(I have a whole post explaining why I choose to give them a lynx instead of a common house cat: Here)
With grey fur covered in spots, and green predatory eyes. Walking slowly towards them, as he approaches, Asha can tell it’s about size of a medium dog.
The wild cat sees Valentino and… now it’s running- FAST-
Asha screams and embraces Valentino tightly.
She closes her eyes and…
Nothing happens.
She looks back, and the cat is frozen mid air, covered by green magic, the king managed to save them just in time.
He uses his staff to levitate the feline closer to him.
“Now now Bravo, is that any way to welcome our guest?” The king says, in a clearly faux reprehending tone.
(I’m aware that the concept art book said their pet cat would be named “Charo” but I opted to change it)
Bravo looks at his owners very confused, isn’t that dinner?
The queen takes the wild cat into her arms, like he’s her baby “Aww my poor sweet pet, you must be starving, but we both know you deserve a meal with more meat on its bones than that.” She carries him to a different room so he won’t interrupt them.
(Please do keep in mind a lynx is huge, and the queen is carrying him with relative ease, because she’s actually physically stronger than one might expect)
Asha is still a bit shaken by the scare.
Meanwhile Valentino is just smiling and wagging his tail, seeing Bravo as a potential new friend, oblivious to the fact he was in danger just a moment ago.
The queen places their pet in a different room and closes the door quickly “Well… How’s that for a welcome commitee huh? hahah” She jokes.
“I… I never knew your majesties had a lynx”
“It's probably for the best he stays a secret, unlike us he's rather... Shy” Shy is a nicer way to say he hates people. "So, will your pet be accompanying us?" The king asks, not really caring what option Asha chooses.
Asha looks at Valentino and thinks for a moment "I'm pretty sure if I did leave him outside he'd just find his way back in anyway. I’d like keep him with me, if that’s okay."
"Oh well, as you wish... And speaking of “wish”, let's talk about the wish that grandfather of yours made, shall we?" The king get's them back on track
(Now, I know this whole animal introduction scene may feel pointless but trust me, these two lil guys will be important later)
The king places a hand on Asha's back and starts walking with her to the huge set of stairs "Now, tell me Asha, his name, what he looked like, what he did for a living" He walks a step of the stairs with each topic he lists off “Anything might help me remember his wish”
All three of them are walking up the stairs, Magnifico and Asha side by side while the queen is behind them.
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Asha really doubts the king will remember her Saba’s wish just like that, but might as well give it a shot "Well, his name was Sabino Lucero, he was pretty short, had a big nose and-"
"Sabino you say? hmm... Sabino, Sabi- OH YES! Sabino yes yes of course- yeah I remember him" The king lies, like he has been lying pretty much the whole afternoon.
"Wait re-really?" Asha eyes are wide.
"Yeah really ahaha! Why, I remember the wish I granted to him like it was yesterday!" Magnifico claims excitedly.
Asha is ecstatic, she jumps with joy with Valentino still on her arms "That's great! Then what was it?" She simply can't wait to find out.
"Hahah it's funny how you of all people don't know, since what he wished for was... You" He carefully places his hand under her chin
Asha enthusiasm slowly faded, she kept smiling but she was confused
"Me? What do you mean?"
"He wished to have the most caring, intelligent and graceful granddaughter one day. And now, would you look at that…" The king holds her chin gently and turns her face to one of the many mirrors on the walls "He got exactly what he wished for, didn't he?"
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Now, I'm kinda repeating myself at this point saying this is a lie too, but I wanna just add this is a lie he’s veeeery used to telling people, whenever someone comes to him asking why their loved one seemingly passed away without getting their wish granted he just says "Oh they wished for YOU to be in their lives" and that just makes the person content.
Asha isn't like other people though.
She stares at her own reflection... Confused.
"You seem troubled mi rosa, is that not what you expected?" The queen asks, with a fake worried gaze.
What she expected was to get answers, but now she just had more questions: What kind of wish is that? Didn't the king just tell her earlier that a wish is something that defines you? How does that defines Saba? Why didn't he seem fully content? Was she... Was she not good enough?
(Let me just say real quick that if this was a movie this whole paragraph would just be Asha staring at the mirror looking lost, we wouldn't actually hear her thoughts, I'm just telling yall this so you can get a glimpse on where her mind's at)
She could ask those questions to them but... To be fair she really just wants to leave and enjoy the rest of her birthday with her friends, not to mention these two would most likely not know the answers to her questions anyway.
So she just turns to them with a thankful smile "I'm just surprised, it’s all. Thank you for telling me your majesty, I really needed to know, and... I'm sorry for assuming you didn't grant my saba's wish" she gives him a small curtesy
"Oh that's quite alright, people who come here believing the same thing are more common than you'd think" He says with a serene smile, but as Asha lowers her head to give him a curtesy he speaks between his teeth "Though they certainly don't make a scene quite like you did about it."
Asha couldn't quite understand what he mumbled "Sorry, what was that?"
"*cough cough* Sore throat"
"Heh well, this was definitely a crazy birthday experience, thank you again for welcoming me" Asha says as she begins to walk down the stairs towards the exit while still looking at the king and queen "I'll be sure to tell all my friends about-"
The main entrance that was previously opened slammed all by itself... Well actually not by itself, as Asha realizes it's glowing with green magic...
Oh... They're not done yet.
"And where do you think you're going?" the queen asks in a sing-song voice "We have not dismissed you just yet, my flower"
"I-I'm sorry, I assumed now that I got the answer to my question I-"
"I invited you to dine with us, remember?" The king explains simply "But that will only be about an hour from now. That leaves us with plenty of time to get to know you better"
"Oh- you were actually serious about the dinner thing? I didn't think-"
He cuts her off again"Aaaand now that we've proved that I DO grant all my people's wishes... Perhaps we could find out what your wish may be, yes?"
Asha looks up to him from the lower steps of the stairs, quite frustrated that they’re back to this subject, she sighs as she says:
"Your majesty, to be honest I wasn't afraid you would't grant my wish. What I'm afraid of is not being the one who controls my own life, the one who achieves my own dreams." She speaks patiently and determined.
Oh the girl has spirit, they can tell.
They just gotta find a way to break it.
And Magnifico might just know how to start.
"Walk with us, will you?" Magnifico says as the two royals start walking up the stairs once more.
Asha follows them, apprehensive.
"Do you know who you remind me of, Asha?" Magnifico asks with a contemplative look in his eyes.
"My father?" She asks, kinda already expecting where this is going.
"No- Well, actually yes him too- but no, that's not where I was getting at" the king corrects her "You actually remind me of my brother."
That is in fact NOT where she expected this was going.
She almost trips on the stairs.
"Wait- K-king Florian? Really?? Tha-thank you! I heard a lot of good things about him" She says feeling flattered, but quickly her eyes lower as she remembers the tragedy of the king's situation "And I'm really sorry for your loss, your majesty."
Asha may've been surprised by the king's statement but the queen was downright dumbfounded that Magnus brought up his brother so casually, she knows how her husband avoids that subject like the plague, specially when they speak with peasants.
Magnifico just winks at his wife as a signal for her to just follow his lead.
"Thank you, Asha. That wound is nothing but a scar of the past now... I say you remind me of him because, much like you, he wanted to make his dreams come true only through his own hard work, even if that meant not taking short cuts or accepting others help, even MY help."
The queen realized where her husband was going with this... And she loved it.
Asha did not tho.
"What was his dream?"
"... The same as mine, to keep our people safe and happy. But he stretched himself too thin, doing everything by himself." Magnifico stoped and turned to look at Asha in the eyes "And look where that got him."
Magnifico worded that to sound like a warning but both him and the queen know it's more of a threat.
"Your majesty... I'm not sure I follow"
"He exhausted himself, worked for this kingdom non-stop until he couldn't take it anymore, and then... I think you can guess." The king fakes an expression of sorrow that could put hollywood actors to shame
"... That's what lead to his passing? I never knew that" Asha says
"We do try to keep it a secret, the truth is far too upsetting." the queen comments, also with a sorrowful expression.
"So you see Asha, THAT's why I grant so many wishes, more than any of the other king that came before me, because I don't want ANYONE in my kingdom to feel the same pain that my brother felt... And I don't want that for you neither, do you understand?"
Queen Amable is actually impressed, her husband just fabricated a whole sob story right then and there on the spot, surely now this girl will consider-
"I understand, but your highness has no need to worry about me." Asha says simply with a smile.
He seems taken aback by that, Asha continues
"I'm sure my wish won't turn out to be something that exhausts me, it'll be something I feel passionate about and that only brings me joy. Thank you for your concern though, I promise I'll be careful to not get carried away in the future.” She explains calmly to reassure him, innocently believing that the king worries about her well being.
Magnifico was rather disappointed, that was his best shot.
Since that didn't work, it's Amaya's turn.
"Something you're passionate about, hmm? How quaint, and what may some of those things be?" The queen says while they keep walking, they’re getting close to the end of the stairs "Anything you're particularly interesting in, a hobby perhaps?"
Asha was actually dreading this subject.
The one thing that she doesn't want to give away for even a second is her passion for drawing.
She can't let them know about it. So she just starts rambling:
"Oooh ya know haha I like umm astronomy, I've actually been pretty studying the constellations a lot lately, and philosophy too, I also love to dance and sing-"
"And you draw, correct?" the queen asks with a confident smile.
Asha is so caught so off guard by that she misses one of the steps and almost falls down the stairs, that doesn't happen only because Magnifico catches her with his magic.
"Should we take that as a yes?" he asks sarcastically
Asha turns to the queen in disbelief... HOW DID SHE KNOW?!
"H-how did you know??"
The queen laughs at her reaction "You told us yourself, my dear"
"I- I did? When?"
"Just when your goat entered, you explained to us how you met him: “I went to doodle some animals at a farm”” the queen quotes Asha, making a slightly more high pitched voice.
"... Ah... Yeah, I did say that." She sounds defeated.
Now it was the king's turn to be impressed, he didn't even pay attention to what the girl was saying at that time. His wife always had a knack for reading people like an open book, and use that to pick up on their weaknesses.
"Well now, that's something we can work with, isn't it my love?" The queen says looking at her husband with an malicious glee.
"Why, yes indeed, I don't understand why you didn't tell us sooner Asha" The king says enthusiastically "Say, why don't you wish to be a great art-"
"No" she says firmly "That's the one thing I can't wish for, your majesty"
She can’t see the king’s face because he’s still walking up the stairs, so she doesn’t see him roll his eyes"... And why is that, Asha?"
Asha thinks about the promise she made for her grandfather, she thinks about how this is important to her, and how her friends said she's been improving a lot by herself... Wait... HER FRIENDS!
"My friends know I wish to be a great artist! So umm guess I can't give you that wish, because of the rules haha" Her voice is a bit more nervous but also relieved she can safely keep this wish with her.
"Ah I see, what a shame really, guess it's back to square one" The king says as they keep going up the stairs as they approach a large door
"I suppose it's for the best, would't want waste a wish on something so trivial as scribbling on paper like a child, now would you?" The queen states bluntly.
Asha frowns at that comment.
"Excuse me my queen, but drawing is way more tha-"
"We're here!" The king exclaims, as Asha realizes they're at the end of the stairs now, and there's a huge door in front of them
The king opens it, revealing a dark room that is only illuminated by faint bluish lights, and at the center of the room there’s
A miniature of Rosas
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“… And what is “here” exactly?” Come to think of it, she never asked where they were guiding her to.
“Our treasure room, where we keep our most prized possessions, gifted to us by grateful adventurers or neighboring kingdoms” Magnifico explains as his voice echos through the large room.
Asha lets go of Valentino, she’s quite tired after carrying all the way up here.
Valentino happily hops away to explore.
The queen sees Asha letting him down and worriedly tries to intervene “Umm actually Asha dear, this may not be the best place to-“
Valentino slams his head on a pillar with a pair of glass slippers, making one of them fall and break into a million pieces.
The queen can only sigh in frustration
“Sorry sorry, I’ll get him back" Asha tries running to catch him but the king grabs her by the hand quicker and pulls her closer to him
“No no no, it's fine, let him play, I can fix these with magic later anyway” He rests his arm on her shoulders and brings her closer to the table with the miniature kingdom of Rosas “Now Asha, I know we’ve been rather… pushy with this whole wish thing.”
“That’s an understatement” Asha mumbles to herself.
"BUT- and hear me out- I think all you need is a bit more... Perspective on what Rosas really is all about"
With that said, he snaps his fingers, making a bunch of wooden dolls appear on the miniature Rosas, Asha recognizes some of them as citizens of Rosas she has seen before.
(They look like Quasimodo's wood figures)
"Oh wow" Asha takes one of the dolls to give it a closer look, admiring the craftsmanship "Did you make these?" She asks, sounding very impressed.
"Why, yes I did." He affirmed proudly.
(With his magic, in the snap of his fingers, but hey semantics)
The queen approaches them "You see, each and every one of our subjects are a little piece of art, that we want to see evolve into their fullest potential." She says with a passion in her voice.
"And... That includes you, Asha." The king says as he manifests in his hands a little wooden doll that looks just like Asha.
(Because that's not creepy at all)
He hands the doll over to her, she looks at it with downcast eyes.
"*sigh* To be honest, I don't know how other people my age manage find their way so quickly... I just really don't know what I could wish for, you know?"
While she's lamenting to the doll the queen walks to the entrance to close the door...
Magnifico is toying around with some of the puppets as he says with a smile "Aww I know child, I know. It can be sooo hard for some of us to find our way in this life... luckily though, you have us to..."
Queen Amable closes the door with a slam.
All the lights in the room go off.
It's all dark now.
Asha let's out a gasp
The king snaps his fingers, casting a light only on him and the queen, who's now right by his side.
"Enlighten you."
I promised this chapter would have a villain song, didn't I? :)
Welp, I was inspired by a deleted song from Equestria Girls 3… because of course I went to look for inspiration there, Equestria Girls have banger soundtracks!
Here’s a link to my blog with only the lyrics without me describing what’s happening in the scene, as well as the song that inspired it, “Free the Magic (Demo)”.
I’ll do my best to be brief describing what’s happening during this sequence, so without further ado
It’s villain song o’clock
Lines in green- King Magnifico 🫧
Lines in Blue- Queen Amaya 👑
Lines in bold white- Puppets 🎎
Lines in purple- Asha ✨
Lines in orange- Me (commentary)
Wish Away
You've been an outcast in this land
For far too long
It's time you show to them
That Rosas's where you belong
There's a wish in you
That just cannot wait to soar
So tell us, Asha
What do you wish for?
(Not much happening here besides them just singing in front of Asha melodically and looking pretty angelic with the light shining on them.)
But before you answer
Look around and just see where you're from
From a kingdom with no sadness, no pain or dismay
And it's all because they
Wished away
(When the king says “Think” he boops her nose, and with the same finger he raises her head to look at him while saying “But before you answer”. When he says “See where you’re from” he guides her to look at the kingdom’s miniature, as he lists off all the bad things that the kingdom does not have he makes a spell that brings all the dolls to life)
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
(He holds three little puppets on his hand, right in front of Asha’s face, Asha is surprised to see them singing and dancing now, going side to side on the king’s hand)
I give a suggestion?
What you lack might be just
Some self reflection
You don't know who you are
So how could you ever go as far
To know what's your purpose in life?
(When the queen says “May” she scares Asha by showing up right behind her out from the darkness. “Some self reflection” the queen places a mirror in front of Asha’s face, she caresses Asha’s face while looking sorry for her. Asha also looks upset)
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
(Asha is staring at the mirror before Magnifico takes it from her, takes a quick look at himself, then throws it away before he starts singing his verse)
Strife and hard work is fine, dear
But it's oh, so much easier
If you give me that wish of yours
Think just how far you'll go
Once that wish is mine-
I mean ours! I mean yours
(He waves dismissively at what he says in the first line. Asha tries to distance herself from him, so he pulls her closer to him by her arms at “give me that wish of yours”. At "how far you'll go" (ha! Moana reference) Asha manages to struggle out of his grip and walks a few steps away from him, with an annoyed expression (Like what is it with this creep and touching her?), she has her back turned to him until she hears the slip up “That wish is mine”, she turns back in confusion, but the king promptly corrects his mistake, letting out at the end a laugh, not a nervous laugh tho, more like a playful one. Also when he says "ours" he means him and his wife, that wish won't be Asha's at all.)
And what about your future?
Will it be just some doodles, my dear?
There's much more you can achieve (thanks to me)
So forget with no-
Forget with no regret
(The queen takes Asha's sketchbook from the purse she carries on her belt, at the second line she's practically bullying the poor girl now, flipping some pages and looking at it like it’s worthless trash. She throws away the book, Asha runs to catch it, but when she crouches down to grab it there's a hand coming from the darkness who does it first, the king get's illuminated by his own spotlight as he says "Thanks to me" and offers Asha her sketchbook back, Asha pulls it away from his hand and hugs it tightly. Asha goes to talk to the queen, she looks quite angry, but at "So forget with no-" when her voice is about to come out the queen places a finger in front of her mouth, demanding silence, she's not finished, so after Asha closes her mouth again the queen looks at her pleased and continues what she was saying "Forget with no regret"... The kingdom's memo)
I don't know what I want, I've never knew
Too many pains to count, so much I've been through
But I know a wish will be for me to grant
So thanks for offering, but I need no enchant
(Asha says the first line with a thoughtful and sad gaze as she looks at the small kingdom on the table, she's hugging her sketchbook tightly. As she says "Too many pains to count" she opens her sketchbook on a page showing her and her grandfather together, and with "So much I've been through" she caresses the page fondly. She puts herself back together, no longer looking sad but determined, and puts her sketchbook back in her purse as she turns to face the royal couple, who are now just standing next to one another just smiling at her serenely. She looks at them and explains once more "A wish will be for me to grant" which makes their smiles drop slightly, and as she says the last line she starts walking back to the door they came in, she's DONE with them, and she wants to leave)
(Oh... But they were only beginning, just singing to her is not working? Then it's time to bring out the big guns...
Magnifico's eyes glow green, as he casts an illusion spell on her)
Little one, I don't think that you comprehend
(Asha hears the queen sing and feels her world spinning for a second, she blinks a few times and now she's no longer in the treasure room with them, she's IN THE KINGDOM'S MODEL, and as she looks at her hands she realizes... She's now made of wood, and her hair is made of brown wool strings.)
(Your wish will be the king’s command)
(Asha hears voices from behind her, she looks back and see a group of wooden dolls of citizens of Rosas approaching, now they're just as tall as her, or rather, she's as tall as them, because once she looks up she sees...)
With my magic I can make all that pain
(The king and queen are now giants looking down on her, smiling in what can only be described as expressions of fake pity. King Magnifico's eyes are glowing green)
(You can be one of us)
(The dolls keep getting closer and closer, she starts to run away from them, understandably terrified, she runs to one of the miniature houses)
If you let us help you
Just wait and see
(The queen sings melodically, very entertained by the girls suffering. Asha tries to open the door of the house but ...)
(You should be pleased)
(once she does, there's more dolls inside, they all sing in unison, smiling at her as they try to grab her, she tries to look up at the royal couple with pleading eyes, begging them to just stop whatever this is)
I have a hunch this wish
Shall set you free
(The king shrugs with a smirk on his face, he looks directly at her pleading eyes, as he's basically saying "Give me your wish, and I'll make this go away")
(free, free, free)
(More and more dolls pile up to catch her, Asha manages to struggle her way out of their grasp, and goes back to running somewhere, ANYWHERE)
Is this really the hill I'll die on?!
(Now, this expression means "An issue to pursue with wholehearted conviction and/or single-minded focus, with little or no regard to the cost." and that quite perfectly summarizes Asha's conviction to grant her own wish, but now, for the first time, she's starting to question if it's really worth it)
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
(Asha keeps running... This situation actually reminds her of how she often felt in Rosas, like she didn't belong, she just wishes she could make people happy... wait...)
There is no hope for you No stars to wish upon
(Okay this line is the one I'm less confident in, since in previous scenes I didn't find a natural way to fit in them talking about stars, but gosh darn I'll keep this in here because its ironic, also JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL STAR BOY LEARNS ABOUT THIS AMAYA)
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
(Does what she's thinking about count as a wish? She thinks as she's now climbing the base of the castle, trying to get away from the dolls)
Should I give up on my integrity?
(This line ends on a long high note btw, she's running for her life but by gosh she's gonna sing her heart out... Also yeah she's questioning if she should give up on her principles)
(Give it away, You cannot get away)
(The dolls are climbing after her, there's nowhere else to go until... Magnifico's hand pushes the dolls away, but it's not to help her oh no no... He lost his patience.)
I am the ONLY ONE
Who'll end your MISERY
So come on! Wish away
(The king looks and sounds deranged, much like Chris Pine sounded like at the end of "This is the thanks I get", he's yelling a lot more than he's singing, and as his hand goes to catch Asha she sees no other choice than to yell)
(She closes her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact of the king's hand...)
Her eyes are shot open, she blinks quickly like she just woke up from a nightmare...
A nightmare she can't remember.
She can tell that something happened... Something really scary, but she can't remember what.
All she feels now are the effects of having your mind bend by dark magic.
"W-what happened? Uhg... My head… It hurts..." she stumbles to the side, Amable catches her just before she trips over because of the overwhelming dizziness. Amaya holds her still by the arms… Asha notes that the queen has a pretty strong grip.
“Oh you poor thing, you must be tired, that’s all.” The queen coos in that same motherly tone she so commonly uses, Asha was about to ask them why would she feel so exhausted all of the sudden, but the queen interrupts “So, are you ready to tell us sweetheart?”
Asha looks at her puzzled, still feeling slightly dizzy.
“… Tell you what?”
“Your wish.” The king says a few steps away from them, sounding slightly out of breath.
Asha looks at him and notices his hair is now messy and he’s supporting himself on the table to stand up, he’s breathing like he just ran a marathon.
(Dark magic can mess you up, don’t do it kids)
He takes a deep breath and very quickly puts himself back together, slicking his hair back to it's original look.
“Come now, don’t tell me you already forgot? You’re supposed to forget it only after you give it to me.” He chuckles darkly.
What are they talking about? Why would Asha know wha- wait… But she does know. The idea pops in her head like it was already there, she remembers now.
“… Yes… I do have a wish.”
Chapter 5
Final Thoughts
Boy oh boy, I sure wonder if that diner they promised is actually gonna happen or if it was just a lie, I’m sure you all can’t wait to find that out!
Guys, please believe me when I say hurting Asha is hurting me too! But I swear I’ll make it up to her once Aster comes down and brings all the serotonin she needs!! Aster is currently kicking his feet and screaming that he’s not in the story yet and can’t bring some much needed wholesome vibes.
Okay, oh my god, this chapter was so hard for me, I had a bunch of ideas I scrapped because I realized they would take too much time, but it turned out perfectly. We have the two villains try their own methods of manipulation, Magnifico trying to make Asha feel sorry for him, and Amaya using Asha’s own words against her. Both failed, so they resort to the method all Disney villains use to get what they want from the protagonist… VILLAIN SONG:
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I got soooo excited when I had the idea of making this whole chapter take place on the same stairs Movie Magnifico goes through in “This is the thanks I get” and then get them to the room with the little puppets! AND THEN HAVE ASHA BE TURNED INTO A LITTLE DOLL TO REPRESENT HOW TO THEM SHES SMALL AND INSIGNIFICANT IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS AND HOW THEY HAVE THE WHOLE KINGDOM IN THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS AND SHE'LL SOON JOIN THEM-
Ya know I think it was neat :3
But anyway what do you think?
Try guessing what Asha’s wish was, no it wasn’t anything to do with drawing, don’t worry... Actually do worry, worry a lot, things will still be dark in the next chapter as Asha learns the truth about what the king and queen really do with the wishes... BUT HEY AT LEAST AFTER THAT SHE WISHES UPON A CERTAIN STAR SO THERE'S A LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNEL WOOOH!
Oh also, I'll probably not be posting as frequently from now on because I'll start working after tomorrow.
Thank You For Reading!
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I think I expressed my self terribly wrong sorry!
So basically reader is sick but maybe the team doesn’t realise and they do things unintentionally that make reader even more sick (like leaving the windows open, telling her to go buy something or I don’t know) until Wanda and Nat have enough and realise that reader is sick and tell the team to stop
Stubborn and Sick
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1K
Summary: Your sick and stubborn, but you also can’t back down from a challenge. What happens when Tony gets involved?
TW: sickness, fever, almost kinda fainting? (Idk), bread slander, fever induced vertigo, headache etc.
A/n Hehehe bread slander. Grains and seeds sucks so bad. I don’t care if its healthy it tastes like chunky cardboard. White bread and whole meal all the way peeps.
You were stubborn. It was a fact, and everyone knew it. So, when you got sick after falling in a frozen lake on the last mission Wanda and Nat decided to wait until you came to them for help instead of trying everything to convince you to let them help you.
The rest of the team however was more than a little blind when it came to other people's needs, not for lack of trying but more so because they were dense, and not just in terms of muscles.
You stood in the kitchen, the fever you had managed to develop this morning was throwing you for a loop. You were making some toast, hoping you would be able to deal with that at least. Your throat hurt so bad and there was a dull headache settling in for the long run it seemed.
You probably shouldn’t have stayed up all night trying to finish the mission report for fury. But tony had bed you a hundred bucks he would finish his before you did, and you weren’t one to back down from easy money.
You finished buttering the toast and patted the cash in your pocket and smiled to yourself. Turning to put the knife in the sink to clean later the world spun. You staggered a bit and held onto the bench with both hands leaning against it heavily.
“Damn this stupid fever” you muttered. When you vision cleared you deposited the knife and went back to the plate. Picking it up and setting out for your room. Your muscles hurt and your head hurt more. You had barely made it three feet down the hall when you heard a voice from the kitchen.
“Who ate all the bread?” It was Clint so you hightailed it out of there, knowing if he found it was you, he would send you to buy more. And you were pretty sure a trip to the shops would kill you at this point. Alas, fate was not on your side today. Being sick you were clumsy and slow due to the fever. Needless to say, Clint caught you easily. He scowled at the toast you were holding.
“I wanted a sandwich.” He grumbled. At this point tony walked past.
“Whats up Legolas?” Tony chirped probably hyped up on coffee and energy drinks.
“L/n here ate all the bread.” He said still scowling at the toast.
“Then it seemed fair she goes to buy more.” Tony grinned, “I know she has the money for it.” You glared at him.
“Fine.” You growled. So, despite the pounding headache and sore muscles, the fever and growing ache in your knees and back you submitted.
You huffed and nibbled on the toast before leaving it on the desk. As you left the room you shot the delicious toast a mournful longing look. It simple sat and waited.
The shops were awful to say the least. The lights hummed which hurt your head and the brightness hurt your eyes. Parts of you hurt that you didn’t know existed let alone could feel. You slouched and shuffled down the bread aisle. There were so many different types. You grabbed the first one you saw when a sudden wave of vertigo hit, and you stumbled like you had in the kitchen. Leaning against the shelf and closing your eyes.
Yelena was in town and so her and Nat were having a movie night, and as all good movie nights need, they were out getting snacks. So, you can imagine Natasha’s surprise when she saw you looking just about ready to pass out in the bread aisle. She wasted no time rushing to your side and steadying you with her hands on your shoulders.
“Y/n? Y/n!” She said patting you lightly on the cheek. You were very pale and seemed only mildly lucid at best.
Nat took the bread from your hands and shoved it in Yelena’s direction who took it and inspected it.
“Grains and seeds?” She mumbled. “Gross.” She shoved it back on the shelf and picked up a loaf of white bread.
“Y/n/n i need you to open your eyes for me sweetheart.” She said and you mumbled something incoherent.
“What was that love?” Nat asked feeling your forehead with the back of her hand. You were way too hot and defiantly running a high fever.
“I said m sick natty. ‘N i don’ feel good.” You slurred and Natasha looked around to Yelena before realising she had gone to buy the bread for you. She didn’t know why you wanted it but if it was worth almost dying for, she would buy it for you. After all you were dating her sister.
Nat scanned you up and down deciding that this had gone on for too long. In a gentle movement she scooped you into her arms and you tiredly rested your head on her chest eyes still shut and muttering nonsense. Yelena and Nat met at the register and the three of you headed back to the compound. Being an avenger Nat did receive too many odd looks for carrying her very pale and sick looking girlfriend through the shopping centre.
On the way back Yelena done with you in the back on Nat’s lap. She was fanning you with her hands in a fruitless attempt to cool you down. She had dialled Wanda who was going to meet them in your shared room with supplies and a wet cloth for you.
Nat easily carried you out of the car and back to the room. Wanda took your temperature and Yelena went to put the bread in the kitchen slightly thrown off by her sister being so domestic all of a sudden.
Your temperature as expected was far too high and so they went about cooling you down with a cloth and fever reducers. After a bit you were asleep with Wanda and Natasha laid beside you careful not to add too much extra heat to your already furnace-like temperature.
You rested and it was simple to say that Nat’s movie night gained an extra two people. Well … one witch and a half dead, half sick and fully asleep avenger.
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mint-yooxgi · 11 months
{12} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Seonghwa, and slight Wooyoung)
Words: 9,104
Warnings: Clingy Wooyoung. I honestly think that's it lmao This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So, I know it's been forever since I updated this, or at least, it feels like it lmaoo I really hope this chapter makes up for the wait! I think it's really cute and fun. I've got a lot of stuff planned going forward, and quite a spicy scene next chapter hehehe As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven
If you thought Yeosang had been clingy after the first time the two of you had had sex, Wooyoung is ten times worse. You can hardly go anywhere in the house without him following you around, or showing up beside you suddenly in order to practically cling off of your side. He even goes so far as to appear beside you in the tub, a cheeky grin pulling at his features as he holds a rubber ducky in his one hand.
The first time he had done that, you had let out a shriek in surprise. One minute you had been alone, sliding into the warm water with your eyes falling shut in bliss. The next, you had opened them to see him sitting across from you, smiling like a mad man in love.
“Hi, Angel.” He had waved that rubber ducky held in his hand so casually before giving it a small squeeze. 
The squeak it let out almost served to mock the irritation you had been feeling. Of course, Yunho and Yeosang were quick to appear in the bathroom after that, having heard you shriek and all.
“Don’t you, ‘Hi, Angel’ me! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You had smacked his arm, chest rising and falling dramatically as you attempted to catch your breath.
“Oh, no! My Angel is suddenly having breathing issues!” Wooyoung all too eagerly leapt at the opportunity to wrap you in his arms
A blink, and you have him in a headlock, clear irritation on your face.
“Can I not be alone? For five minutes?” You shake him lightly, feeling how his one hand rests almost lovingly against your arm wrapped around his throat.
“Well, I see you two are figuring things out.” Yunho chuckles.
“I just want to take a bath in peace.” You sigh.
You can practically feel the way Wooyoung deflates in your arms, and you just know that that all too familiar pout of his is pulling at his features. 
“I just want to spend time with you, Angel.”
“And you can’t do so wearing pants?” Yeosang gives his brother a once over, clear distaste on his features.
“Like you did any differently!” Wooyoung counters, still being held in that headlock by you.
That’s when you realize: oh, yeah, you’re naked, too.
That rubber ducky gets thrown in the direction of both Yunho’s and Yeosang’s heads. “Get out!”
“It’s nothing we haven’t seen before, Petal.” Yunho chuckles, easily catching the rubber ducky in his hand.
“I don’t care!” You begin tossing more small items in their direction while shoving Wooyoung out of the tub. “Privacy is privacy, and I value mine!”
“Alright, Dearest.” Yeosang smiles, his shoulders shaking lightly as he grabs Wooyoung by his ear before the younger male can hop back into the tub with you. “We’ll leave you be.”
“Thank you, Yeosangie.” You return his smile with a relieved one of your own. Crossing your arms over your chest, you shoot them all a look. “No weird demon magic, or spying through the mirrors thingy, either.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Yunho hums, amusement dancing in his eyes.
Not even a moment later, the three males disappear from the room, leaving you to your thoughts once again.
At least you managed to get some time alone after that. However, Wooyoung was insistent of spending almost every waking moment he could with you. For two solid weeks, he would always be the one sitting beside you when you were eating, and somehow, he would manage to worm his way into your lap while you were reading in the library. He’d follow you around the house like a lost puppy, and nearly fight his brothers every night to be the one to sleep in your bed with you.
Finally, one night, you managed to convince him to give you some space. You dragged both Mingi and Seonghwa into your room before Wooyoung could appear and kick one of them out. Comfortably, you rested in bed, a male on either side of you, and just as you were drifting off to sleep, a weight suddenly laying on your chest had your eyes flinging open.
“Really?” Your bloodshot eyes bored a hole into the top of Wooyoung’s head as he clung onto you from overtop of your blankets.
“Wooyoung, you’re being too much.” Mingi sighs.
“If My Angel had a problem with it, she would say something.” Wooyoung replies, matter of factly.
“I have been begging you all week to let me breathe, Wooyoung.” You manage to bring a hand up to rub at the bridge of your nose. “We can’t always be attached at the hip.”
“Why not?” He pouts, staring up at you with those big, brown eyes of his.
“Wooyoung,” It’s Seonghwa who speaks this time, and at one look from him, the younger is shrinking in his spot. “Don’t make me call Joong.”
“Fine.” Wooyoung sighs, dejectedly slinking off of you, and off of the end of the bed.
Wooyoung slowly begins to make his way to your door, purposely dragging his feet. He glances over his shoulder, the look of a wounded animal resting on his features as he pleads with you silently to ask him to say.
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.” You say, somewhat pointedly as you turn to curl yourself into Mingi’s side.
The sound of your door clicking shut is the only response you get, and for some reason, even you can sense the way Wooyoung is surely trudging down the hallway defeatedly.
Now, as you rest on your bed the very next day, you find yourself alone at last. The only person in the room with you is Kuroo, and he rests curled up in a little ball on top of your Snorlax beanbag chair. You swear you can almost hear soft little snores coming from that little ball of black fluff as you turn the page of your book. 
Finally, you have some peace and quiet.
Most of the other guys have been pretty good with you lately. Reluctantly, they’ve allowed Wooyoung the pleasure of clinging to you for the first few days after you had entered the dance studio of your own free will. Luckily, though, they’ve had your back more often than not. It seems last night might have been the final straw, for you haven’t heard anything from Wooyoung today.
A first in over two weeks.
Of course, you opt to hide out in your room, just in case. As much as you love spending time with him, he has been a little overbearing lately. You just want a breather. Plus, it’s not fair to the others that he gets to monopolize all of your time. You still have yet to see Seonghwa’s tailor shop since the incident, and if all goes well, you plan on visiting him there later today. For now, you just want to enjoy the peace and quiet solitude can bring.
About another hour passes by like this, with you simply reading alone in your room. That is, until you see a little black fluff jump onto the bed with you.
“Oh, hello, Kuroo,” you coo, immediately bookmarking your page and smiling down at the little cat crawling up from the end of your bed. The instant you place your book beside you, he’s nuzzling against your hand, blinking up at you with wide eyes. “How’s my little handsome fella today?”
A coo is all you receive back, Kuroo pushing his head harder against your hand.
“Oh, come here, you.” You chuckle, picking him up from beneath his front arms, and pulling him on top of your lap. “Aren’t you just the cutest!”
A happy chirp greets you this time, Kuroo practically climbing up your body to begin rubbing his face all over your neck and jawline.
That’s when you notice another pair of golden eyes still staring at you from on top of your Snorlax beanbag.
Your grip tightens around the black cat in your arms.
“Alright, Stinky,” you begin to move off of the bed with ‘Kuroo’ held tightly in your grip. “You have impeccable timing, Little One, because it’s time for your bath.”
The cat freezes in your arms, but only for a moment. A loud complaint is soon filed by Not Kuroo pretending to be the real one.
“Ah-ah, don’t be a little stinker,” you shake your head, managing to scruff him. You pull him off of you, shifting your arm to the side as you hold him tightly in your grip. “And don’t you dare try and claw me like the last time.”
There’s a false cheeriness to your tone as you glance down to see Not Kuroo almost curling in on himself while being held by the scruff of his neck. He glances up at you with pleading eyes, only to meet your overtly tight, albeit friendly, smile.
The two Kuroo’s lock gazes, and the one in your hand shrinks even further in on himself.
Entering the bathroom, you march right over to the tub. The instant you turn the faucet on, Not Kuroo begins wiggling in your hold to escape.
“Come on, Stinky, none of that.” You lift him so you’re eye level. “Don’t you want to be a good boy for Your Queen?”
At the way you quirk a brow, Not Kuroo immediately stops squirming.
“I think the water should be the perfect temperature by now,” you smile, somewhat maliciously.
If this doesn’t teach him a lesson, you don’t know what will.
You don’t even bother to check the temperature as you dunk Not Kuroo beneath the rushing stream. You can feel the icy chill on the tips of your fingers, but you hold tight, submerging him for a good thirty seconds to ensure he’s soaked by the time you pull him out.
Turning off the faucet, you don’t even bother to grab a towel as you exit the bathroom. All the while, you continue to hold Not Kuroo by the scruff of the neck, water dripping in a trail behind you as you head towards the game room.
The moment San notices you enter the room, his attention is on you. His gaze darts from your overtly cheery expression to the soaking wet cat held in your hand.
Both Jongho and Mingi burst out laughing.
“Where’s Hongjoong?” You ask, tone dripping nothing but sweetness.
The cat in your hand tenses.
“He went out to feed with Yunho and Yeosang.” Jongho informs you, a knowing grin pulling at his lips as he stares directly at the cat in your hand.
A long sigh escapes you.
“What happened?” Mingi quirks a brow, looking between you and the cat.
“Stinky boy needed a bath,” you reply, lifting the cat so you can stare directly into his eyes. “Isn’t that right, Wooyoung?”
The cat’s mouth falls open, and in the blink of an eye, you’ve tossed him in the direction of his brothers. Wooyoung takes the liberty to shift mid-air, water droplets flinging off of him and onto the surrounding males.
“Hey! Watch it, Woo!” San flicks some of the water droplets off of his arm.
San gets completely ignored in favour of Wooyoung attempting to stand back to his feet and go after you. Only, he doesn’t get very far, as he sees you practically looming over him while he rests on his knees.
“I just wanted a day.” You sigh, rubbing at your tired eyes. “A day without you trying to magic your way into monopolizing all of my time.”
“It’s been two weeks Wooyoung.” Your sharp gaze meets his own, his eyebrows drooping dramatically. “Two weeks.”
“You have been a bit much recently, Woo.” San chimes in.
“Like you’d be any different!” Wooyoung rounds on San.
The elder simply raises his hands in his own defence.
“I have asked you repeatedly to give me space, and you have not.” There is nothing but irritated disappointment on your features as you sigh. “Do you think posing as Kuroo works in your favour right now?”
A pointed coo from the real Kuroo as he walks into the room has Wooyoung’s eyebrow twitching.
“I just wanted to spend time with you,” his voice is but a whisper as he looks down at his hands.
“I understand that, Woo.” You crouch in front of him in order to get him to meet your gaze. “But you have to understand that I also value my downtime. We’ve been spending almost twenty-four hours with each other every day for a little over two weeks. That’s not fair to me when I’ve asked you for a little breathing room, nor your brothers. Do you not think that they also want to spend some time with me, too?”
“They haven’t said anything…” he mutters.
“We’ve tried.” Mingi grumbles out a response, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You have to understand that there are eight of you, and only one of me. I cannot be in multiple places at once, and you can’t always hog me to yourself.” You go on to say. “I don’t mind a day here or there where it’s just us, but you’ve got to learn that me saying that I need some time to myself, or me asking you to give me space does not mean that I don’t want you anymore, or that I don’t love you, or that I never want to see you again.”
The whole room is silent for the moment, save for the slow, consistent drip of droplets that continue to fall from the ends of Wooyoung’s damp hair.
“Okay.” His voice is small as he continues to kneel before you.
A blink, and you’re pointing at the other three. “I count you all in this, too.”
“We know, Baby.” San smiles faintly, a certain reminiscent gleam in his eyes.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you nod once at them, moving to exit the room.
“So, which was worse?” Jongho moves beside his brother kneeling on the floor, purposely speaking loud enough so that you can still hear. “Being a drowned rat, or a dead fly?”
Your eyebrow twitches and you freeze halfway through the door.
A loud shushing sounds behind you, followed by the sound of frantic movement.
Slowly, you turn to look over your shoulder. Both of your eyebrows are currently raised in disbelief as you see Wooyoung half moving to put Jongho into a headlock.
“Do I even want to know what that’s supposed to imply?” You look between the two youngest, one of which is wearing a shit eating grin.
“Don’t you worry, Angel-“
“Remember that time you thought a fly got into your room?” Jongho’s eyes gleam with a twisted sense of amusement.
Your brow furrows, body fully turned back towards them for a moment. You notice how the two others opt to remain silent, watching on with a sense of glee shining on their features.
“A fly?” You tilt your head slightly, resting your hands on your hips as you try and recall the memory. “Oh, yeah! That was-“ your breath hitches in your throat as you turn your suddenly sharp gaze towards Wooyoung. “That was you?”
It had been during the second week at the start of this whole fiasco. You had just gotten out of the shower and had finished changing back into your moping attire for the evening when you had heard a fly buzzing around your room. You didn’t even clue in that it could have been Wooyoung after learning of his powers, considering it happened so long ago. Besides, you had other things on your mind, like how you were going to escape this ‘hotel’ you had seemingly been held captive in.
Of course, you weren’t having any sort of fly in your room, and instead of calling one of the guys for help, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Literally.
Besides, it’s not like you were really on speaking terms with them at that point.
So, rolling up the closest thing you could find, which just so happened to be a magazine Jongho had left for you that day, you decided to go fly hunting. A lucky smack, and the fly was upside down, legs twitching in the air before being scooped up and dropped outside onto the balcony.
Oddly enough, Jongho was the one who came to check on you after hearing the noise you had made by smacking the fly. Now that you think about it, of course.
“I can explain.” Wooyoung immediately lifts his hands in his own defence.
“So, you shifting into animals to spy on me isn’t a new thing?” You sigh.
“It’s not like I’m the only one who did it!” Wooyoung attempts to counter, only for Jongho to casually start walking away from him, an innocent look pulling at the younger male’s features.
“Why does this not surprise me?” You shake your head, moving to exit the room in the next moment.
“Wait! Angel!” Wooyoung scurries after you, managing to catch you halfway through the foyer. “I’m sorry!”
“It was stupid of me to do those things,” he continues, practically clinging off of you as you attempt to continue to make your way to the opposite side of the house.
“I promise I’ll never do them again,“ he slides down your body, practically clinging onto your one leg with every step you take.
You sigh, half dragging him across the floor as he desperately holds onto your ankle. Your clothes begin to become damp from the water still dripping off of him. “Sunshine-“
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”
“Wooyoung!” You stop just outside of Seonghwa’s tailor shop, noticing the elder male look up from whatever he’s working on from within.
Only, from the way Wooyoung continues to babble at your feet, grovelling with every word, you let out another sigh. Pleadingly, you turn to look at Seonghwa through the glass of the door, begging him silently to help you.
A blink, and Seonghwa is staring down at Wooyoung from the open door with a scrutinizing gaze.
“Wooyoung.” The elder says the younger’s name, quite pointedly at that.
“I just wanted to spend time with you, Angel.” He pleads for you to understand, his eyes wide as he looks up at you.
“I know, Woo.” You sigh. “I’m not mad. In fact, I’m more upset at Jongho right now for essentially pulling a San.”
“Hey!” A loud complaint sounds from down the hallway from the elder male.
“Marshmallows.” You call back, which immediately shuts him up. Then, you’re turning your attention back to the soaked male clinging to your leg. “Besides, we just agreed that you were going to give me space.”
“Should I tell Joong to come back early?” Seonghwa mentions casually. “We all know the consequences of not respecting Our Queen’s boundaries.”
This has Wooyoung immediately back on his feet, straightening out your shirt for good measure.
“I’m not disappearing, Woo. I can promise you that.” You pat his arm lightly. “Now, go apologize to Kuroo for impersonating him while he was in the room.”
“Fine.” He sighs, trudging back down the hallway.
“And go wrestle your younger brother for being a shit disturber, or something.”
This has him immediately perking up, a sly grin tugging at his features. A quick turn from him, and he’s shifted to place a kiss onto your cheek before racing back down the hallway once more.
A shriek in the distance is all you hear that Wooyoung is most certainly doing something to get back at Jongho right now.
Turning back to face Seonghwa, an amused grin pulls at your lips. You notice he already wears one of his own, you shaking your head lightly while smiling to yourself. At least that seems to be dealt with now.
“May I come in?” Your inquiry is nothing short of sweet as you step towards Seonghwa.
“Of course, My Divine.” His answer is instant as he holds the door open for you. “Join me any time you’d like. You never have to ask.”
Gently, you place a kiss onto his cheek as you walk passed, letting that serve as your answer. Briefly, your eyes take in the familiar sight of his tailor shop, many different memories flooding your mind.
“What are you working on?” Your gaze catches on a bust in the centre of the room, different than what you’re used to.
“Well,” the soft sound of the door closing echoes throughout the room as he walks over to you. A blink, and he’s wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you flush against his chest as he stands behind you. “My Divine requested corsets for all of us, so I thought I should work on those today.”
Your hands come up to rest over his arms, leaning further into his touch as you relax into him. “Whose are you working on right now?”
“Yeosang’s.” He replies, and you both shift your eyes to look at the bust before you.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you fully take in the detail of the corset before you. It’s a light cream in colour, with golden detailing along the seams. The style is over the shoulders, the placement of the fabric appearing as if the corset is layered. The light colour, combined with the almost intricate detailing of such a simple design has your heart fluttering at the mental image of Yeosang wearing such a thing for you.
“It’s beautiful, Hwa.” You breathe, eyes continuously taking in every minute detail
“I’m glad you like it.” He chuckles, burying his face into the side of your neck.
“Have you made any others, yet?” You turn slightly in his arms, subconsciously tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck.
Seonghwa hums in response, “I’ve made yours.” A pause. “And mine.”
Subtly, your fingers press a little firmer against his arms.
“Would you like to see?” There’s an undertone of excitement to his inquiry, along with a hint of nervousness.
“I would love to.” You smile, managing to turn your head to place a kiss against his temple.
Parting from you somewhat reluctantly, Hwa disappears off to the side, pulling out two separate busts. He places the first one beside Yeosang’s, but the other, he purposely hides behind his back for now.
“This one is mine.” He says, motioning to the newly placed corset resting beside Yeosang’s own.
A look of complete wonder rests on your features as you take in the detailing of the corset before you. It’s a bit simplistic in design, but still beautiful. The black material only serves to cover his lower torso, appearing to rest just below his bust. Intricate silver leaves are embroidered on the fabric, silver stitching lining the seams.
For a full minute, you do not speak. Instead, you cannot tear your vision away from the corset before you, your mind swirling with images of what Seonghwa will look like wearing such a piece of clothing for you.
You swallow thickly, you lips parting, “It’s beautiful.”
It’s hardly noticeable, but his shoulders seemingly sink in relief at your words. “I’m just glad you like it.”
“I can’t wait to see you in it.” Comes your earnest reply, shifting your gaze over to meet his own.
“Well, if you like those, then I’m now certain you’ll love your own.” The corner of his lips quirks upwards as he steps aside to reveal your own corset to you.
A gasp escapes you as your hands come up to cover your mouth. You can hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears as your eyes go wide, nothing but excitement and love flooding your veins.
Before you rests one of the most intricate corsets you have ever seen in your entire life. The base is pure white, golden threads running throughout the fabric. Embroidered florals and leaves rest along the bodice, while the seams are lined with more of that striking gold. It’s strapless, with a slight sweetheart neckline at the top.
The exact inverse to his own corset’s design, but almost the exact same colouring to Yeosang’s.
“Seonghwa,” you manage to lower your hands as you meet his somewhat nervous gaze. “I love it!”
A radiant smile is immediately taking over his features. “You do?”
“Of course I do!” You take a step towards him to inspect the detailing of the corsets closer. “These are all incredible! Did you hand stitch these?”
“It took me some time, but I finally found a pattern I thought could suit us.” He shrugs off your words casually.
“You mean to tell me that you embroidered these yourself?” You lips part in awe.
“If it’s for someone important to me, I make all of the patterns myself.” He nods, averting his gaze somewhat shyly.
A few more steps, and you’re in front of him, cupping his cheeks gingerly in your hands.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” You gently guide his gaze to your own.
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, a warmth beginning to bloom beneath your hands and upon his cheeks.
“My Divine asked, and I am more than happy to deliver.” He whispers.
Again, you place a kiss upon his cheek.
“They’re all going to be matching, aren’t they?” You smile, turning to face the corsets once more.
“In one way or another, ours will all bear some resemblance to your own.” Seonghwa confirms, wrapping his arms around you from behind for the second time this day.
“Something tells me you have some idea when we’ll be wearing these.” You tease, poking his arm lightly.
“I do.” He hums. “Your coronation ceremony.”
Your body goes still in his arms, “Uh…”
“Don’t worry, My Divine,” he chuckles. “That’s still quite some time away.”
“But there will be one at some point.” You respond.
“At some point, yes.” He confirms, and you can hear the amusement in his voice. “We still have to officially crown you as our Queen, you know.”
“Right,” You nod a few times slowly. “I guess with all that’s going on lately, I forgot about that little detail.”
“Well, it’s not quite a little detail to us.” He grins. “We’ve been thinking about it far longer than you could ever imagine.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” You tease, leaning further back into his chest.
“I was hoping for that dress to be what you wore for the ceremony, but unfortunately it seems that fate had other plans.” Seonghwa’s words are low as he exhales disappointedly.
This time, you tense.
“Seonghwa, I-“
“Wasn’t it you who told me to stop apologizing for the things that we can’t control?” He’s quick to cut you off, turning you around so that you’re facing him. Gently, he grasps your chin in his one hand, holding your gaze with his own. “All that incident told me was that I could make something better. Something truly worthy for you, and I think I already have.”
Your eyes dart beside you, almost searching for that corset that you know is just resting behind you for the moment.
“Yes, I decided to approach things from a new angle. Starting with those corsets have breathed new life into my designs.” He smiles, shifting his hand over to cup your cheek. “I know we have discussed it before, but it is important for me to say it again now: I do not, and I will never blame you for what she did. Inside of these walls, out there,” his eyes dart to the hallway, “Anywhere, or for anything for that matter. I don’t want you thinking that I do. We’ve had our disagreements in the past, but please, My Divine, never believe I would ever think for a single second that you are at fault for what she has done. I am simply glad you are safe, and most importantly, still alive.”
Your expression softens, and you find yourself lifting a hand up to rest on top of his own over your cheek. Leaning into his touch, your eyes flutter closed.
“I appreciate that, Hwa,” you breathe. “Know that I don’t blame you, either. What she did to me, to us, does not rest on your shoulders. I know you tend to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, and if you’re still having doubts, I will be here to ease them all from your mind.”
For a moment, nothing more is said between the both of you. Instead, you opt to revel in this silence, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, and as you both cradle each other so gently in each other’s hands, you both know that everything will be okay.
“So,” a mischievous glint begins shining within your gaze as your eyes dart beside you once again, “Can I try it on?”
Ten minutes later, and you find yourself standing directly in front of that same three way panelled mirror as the very first time you entered his tailor shop. Seonghwa rests behind you, tying off the last string to the corset before fluffing out the skirt of the dress he’s temporarily paired with it.
Finally, he takes a step back to admire you.
You hear the hitch in his breath before you even lift your head to meet his gaze in the mirror. Though, this time when he steps up behind you to gently place his hands onto your hips, you don’t tense.
“How you become more beautiful every time I look at you escapes all sense of logic and reason.” He breathes out, the ghost of his breath tickling the side of your neck.
The giggle you give him in response is music to his ears.
“You never seem to hold onto logic whenever you’re around me.” You tease, smoothing out the front of the skirt you’re wearing.
“Maybe I don’t want to.” He places a tender kiss against your neck, right above your racing pulse. “You look breathtaking, My Divine.”
A bashful smile pulls at your lips, your heart racing in your chest. “Thank you.”
Slowly, Hwa makes his way to your front, trailing his hand delicately along your side as he does so. You can feel his gaze roaming every inch of your bodice as he comes to stand before you, his eyes dark, yet calculating.
“Are you comfortable? I didn’t do it too tight to begin with, but I can still make adjustments if need be.” He comments, glancing upwards briefly into your eyes.
“Everything feels fine, Hwa.” You assure him. “I am quite comfortable right now, and I mean that in more than one way.”
His eyes flash black, hands smoothing down your sides in a tender caress. He smiles. “I’m glad.”
“I mean it, Seonghwa.” Gently, you take his hands into your own, stepping down from that little platform in order to be closer to him. “I know you’ve been cautious this whole time since I entered here today of overstepping boundaries again.” The way you can feel his hands tense the slightest bit in your hold from your words says it all. “You don’t have to worry about that, anymore. You can touch me, Hwa. I promise I won’t run away this time.”
There is nothing but absolute adoration shining behind Seonghwa’s eyes as he meets your own. A love that you can feel in the way he gently squeezes your hands in his own. Even more so when he leans forward to place a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“Believe me, My Divine,” he keeps his voice low as he pulls away only to lean his forehead against your own. “You don’t realize how often my thoughts swirl with my desires for you. I’d just rather wait until after your coronation to rip this corset off of your body and take you in every and any way that you desire me to.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, “Oh.”
Seonghwa smirks. “Yes, ‘oh’.”
“Well, I might request that the corsets don’t get torn to shreds if we can help it.” You giggle. “Seems a waste to do so to such beautiful pieces of clothing.”
“I can always make more.” He quirks a brow.
“But none of them would be the first.” You rest your hands upon his shoulders. “They wouldn’t hold the same meaning.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he sighs, taking a small step away to admire you once more. “One of these days, I’m tearing one of my designs right off of you, though.”
“Something tells me you already have something in mind.” You grin knowingly.
“I’ve got a few things.” He hums, grinning right back.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement as you close the distance between the both of you once more. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers delicately lacing through the hair at the back of his neck.
“I’ll model for you anytime, Mars,” The words are but a sultry whisper on your lips, eyes hooding over as you stare deeply into his. “You just let me know the time and place.”
“Don’t give me even more ideas, My Divine,” His voice is but a low rumble as he pulls you flush against his chest. “You already know how hard it is for me to control myself around you.”
You lean into him closer, lips nearly ghosting his own.
His breathing deepens, hands tightening around your waist.
“Then, how delectable it will be when I finally let you indulge.”
A shudder caresses his spine, nothing but a low growl escaping his lips. 
Again, you giggle, pulling away from him with a vibrant smile on your lips. Turning slightly, you face the mirror beside you.
“I do like the style of this dress, though.” You say, acting completely oblivious to the raging storm of desire you’ve just ignited within Seonghwa who is barely controlling his breathing while standing right beside you. “You just had this laying around?”
“Believe it or not,” his voice is a little strained as he attempts to calm himself down, “I’ve had quite a few things already made for you for some time now.”
This piques your interest. “Oh?”
“I’ve spent a lot of time making things for you, My Divine.” He clears his throat lightly, straightening himself. “Yunho isn’t the only one with you as his muse.”
Your heart warms, a loving smile tugging at your features. “I am glad to be able to inspire you so.”
A tender smile in response is all that you get.
“Does this mean you still have all of those dresses from that first dinner?” You tilt your head, nothing but curiosity reflected in your eyes.
“I do.” He nods once in confirmation.
A moment later, Seonghwa has moved off to the side, pulling a curtain back to reveal a row of dresses hanging delicately along a rack. Familiar dresses. The only one that’s missing is his.
Realization crosses your features, those all too familiar mental strings flashing in your mind. 
“You made all of them. Not just for me, but for them, too.”
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, “They told me what they wanted, and I did my best to bring their visions to life.”
You step towards the rack, gazing at the dresses akin to how you looked at them the very first time you saw them. Delicately, you pull each one out to take in the full detail.
“Of course Wooyoung would make his a wedding dress,” you chuckle, looking over the beadwork of the princess style ballgown.
“You can’t blame the man,” Seonghwa chuckles along with you. “We were all eager for you to finally come to us.”
“Believe me,” you meet his gaze, moving on to the lavender gown next. “I know.”
Again, you pull out the satin material, noticing how the thin straps give way to a very low back. The triangle cups on the front before the bodice begin also leave no room to the imagination.
“I do love the style of this dress, but there was no way I was going to wear it back then.” You gently rub the smooth material between your thumb and forefinger. At the mildly confused look Seonghwa gives you, you’re quick to continue, “Open invitation to stare at my chest; my boobs would have been practically falling out.”
Seonghwa nearly tumbles over while standing upright.
“I’m not about to go to dinner with men that I don’t know with my chest on full display.” You joke.
“We would have been respectful!” Seonghwa immediately attempts to defend both himself and his brothers.
“Right.” You snort out a laugh. “And Yeosangie isn’t a boob’s guy.”
The tips of Seonghwa’s ears being to burn bright red.
“In his favourite colour, no less.” You hum, clearly amused. “Granted, he’s much more subtle than some of your brothers. Mingi isn’t very good at hiding when he’s staring at my ass, his gaze can be quite intense. Thinks he being subtle, too.”
“I’ll let him know.” Seonghwa clears his throat.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” you turn to meet Seonghwa’s gaze briefly, a smile tugging at your lips. “It’s nice to know I’m wanted.” You turn back to the row of dresses. “Though, maybe keep the eye-fucking for when we’re not in public, yeah?”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Seonghwa grins, a small chuckle escaping him. “Though, I can’t promise you much.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you shoot a playful wink in his direction before pulling out the emerald green dress next. “Speaking of dear Mingles.”
“If anyone but you called him that, they’d be decapitated by now.” Seonghwa jokes, shifting to pull out his chair before taking a seat to continue watching you go through all of the dresses he made for you for that one night.
“Good thing I’m not just anybody.” You grin, observing the way the material of the strapless goddess wrap falls from the hanger. 
The material pinches in one place on the left side, allowing for a sort of angled hemline which ends just above your knees. The wrap of the dress is meticulous, silver gems serving to pin the wrap in place, glittering beneath the lights of the tailor shop around you.
“No,” he agrees with a hum, leaning back in his seat as he observes you with a loving gaze, “you’re not.”
Moving on to the next gown, you pull out what had been your second choice for that evening all those months ago. 
The red dress is just as beautiful as you remember, the capped sleeves giving way to the sweetheart neckline. Tulle flows from the waistline and all the way to the floor in a seamless line, accentuating the length of the gown. Though, as you pull the skit, you realize that there seems to be a slit running all the way up the side, hidden beneath the layers of fabric.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement.
“Do you think it would have been easier or harder for me to stab him wearing his dress?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone as you turn to face Seonghwa once more.
“My Divine, I think you underestimate the power you hold when we see you wear something of our own design.” He remarks. At the way you quirk a brow, he continues, “If you wore that dress for him… hell, if you wore anything red for him, you could get him to do anything that you want. No questions asked.”
Your eyes widen significantly, pure mirth dancing within. “Good to know.”
“The same goes for every single one of us.” He sighs, somewhat dreamily as he rests his elbow on the arm of his chair. His head is in his hand, and you can just tell by that fond look in his eyes that he’s vividly reminiscing you wearing his own gown for him all those long months ago.
The next dress you pull out to look at is a beautiful bright yellow. It’s strapless, and the skirt falls like a waterfall - short in the front before it lengthens in the back. The material is chiffon, wrapping around the bodice in a sort of layered pattern.
“Simple, yet elegant.” You comment. “It’s fitting for Yunho.”
“He has always been a simple man, in that sense.” Seonghwa agrees.
That soft smile rests on your features as you delicately place Yunho’s dress back onto the rack. Almost lovingly, you trace your hands over the fabric one last time before moving on to the soft pink dress right beside it. Pulling it off of the rack, you hum.
The lightness of the fabric falls delicately against your one hand as you see the over the shoulder straps. There seem to be two sets: one the would hang just over your collarbones, while the other falls just past your shoulders, both thin yet sturdy. The style reminds you of old fantasy games, where fairies would wear pastels, their wings fluttering behind them. The ruffled seam along the top leads into the straps that fall just over your shoulders, bodice form fitting while the skirt falls delicately in a solid piece of soft fabric to rest just below your knees.
“Sometimes, I forget how soft you all can be.” You hum pleasantly, heart swelling as you place San’s dress back onto the rack.
When you first met San, you interpreted him to be all sharp angles and brute strength. At least, that’s how he appeared to you.
A vision of him purposely flaunting himself off beside the pool flashes through your mind briefly. 
Now, of course, you know differently, and this dress only serves to prove what you already know.
You smile.
Last, but certainly not least, you pull out the final dress in the row.
The youngest’s dress is probably the shortest of the bunch, the deep maroon accenting the black velvet pattern of roses found throughout. It’s quite simple in design, small slits on either side along the edges of the skit to make moving in the dress easier. The top is strapless, body formfitting.
“Something tells me Jongho was hoping a little too hard for this one.” You quirk a brow, turning to look at Seonghwa who suddenly avoids your gaze. “Ohoho, so he wasn’t the only one hoping for this one.”
“If we’re being honest, it was my second choice.” Seonghwa mumbles, still not being able to meet your eyes.
“Do I want to know?” You tease, nothing but amusement shining in your eyes.
“I wasn’t the only one!” Seonghwa attempts to defend himself, raising his hands in front of his chest.
“Yes, Mars, we’ve established that.” You chuckle. “It’s a wonder the shortest dress is the most popular.”
“Nothing to do with it being the tightest, either…” He mumbles, clearing his throat quite loudly afterwards.
You laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides as you begin teasing them about being your ‘damn horny Kings’ yet again.
“How you managed to get my measurements right is beyond me.” You shake your head, tutting lightly.
“It took me some time, but I do have almost perfect spacial reasoning.” He replies, somewhat nonchalantly.
You raise a hand, shaking your head lightly, “I don’t even want to know.”
“You seemed curious.” He shrugs.
“Wait, how long did it take you to make these?” Your brow furrows slightly as you shift your gaze back to the dresses on the rack beside you.
Seonghwa takes a moment to think about his answer, humming lightly to himself. “Probably about three months. Give or take a week.”
“Three months?” Your eyes nearly bug right out of your head.
“Yeah, I worked on them practically non-stop.” He recalls. “I mean, my own design took me the longest with all of the lace, but if I set my mind to something, it normally doesn’t take me very long to do. Or, well, create.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times before his words are truly sinking in.
“Seonghwa,” you turn to him, “How long did it take you to make your dress for me?”
He pauses, looking upwards as he mentally tallies the days. “About a month.”
You mouth falls open. “You spent a month working on a single dress? For me?”
“I had to make sure it was perfect.” He shrugs.
Your expression softens as you move to kneel before him as he rests in his chair. Ever so gently, you clasp his hands in your own, his words from earlier echoing throughout your head.
“You weaved the lace by hand, didn’t you?” Your inquiry is a bit airy, warmth swelling in your chest as you stare deeply into his eyes. “Just like you embroidered this by hand, too.”
The way he glances down at the corset you wear is answer enough, but he still nods softly along with your words.
A tender smile graces your lips. “You are incredible, you know that?”
Again, he averts his gaze somewhat bashfully. “It’s not much.”
“Seonghwa, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You glance up at him through your lashes.
“To be fair, you said it yourself, we’ve had quite a few rough patches already.” He once again shrugs your praise off. “It never felt like the right time, and I didn’t want it to appear like I was boasting.”
You’re silent for a moment, pursing your lips slightly as you appear deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind, My Divine?” His hand gently cupping your face has you meeting his gaze once more.
“I wish I had known.” There’s a slight downturn of your lips, a hint of guilt shining behind your eyes. “I had an inkling you had made it for me, but I didn’t realize the extent you went to.”
“It’s alright, My Divine,” Seonghwa chuckles fondly. “You don’t need to feel bad for this.”
“But I almost threw it off my balcony.” Nothing but pure regret pulls at your features.
“But you didn’t.” He reminds you.
“As scared, confused, and upset I was, I couldn’t do that to such a beautiful dress.” You admit lowly. “Especially not to one that actually made me feel beautiful after so long of believe I wasn’t.”
“I’m just happy to know you liked my design enough to choose it first.” He cups your face gently, placing a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“I should wear it again.” A casual admittance from you has him freezing right in his spot. “A dress like that shouldn’t be worn only once, Mars. It’s wasted sitting on a hanger, and not worn for its intended purpose.”
“You would wear it again?” He pulls away to meet your gaze, eyes shining with his barely contained awe and happiness. “For me?”
“I plan to wear everything you’ve ever made for me at some point, Hwa.” You admit lowly. “Everything you will make for me.”
His brow quirks teasingly, “Even the wedding dress?”
You grin right along with him, “Even the wedding dress.”
“I know for a fact that Wooyoung won’t be the only one who wants to see you in that.” His gaze drifts to the row of dresses behind you.
“I think your brothers have long since earned seeing me in their own dress designs.” You hum, turning your head to glance back at the aforementioned gowns. “As a treat.”
“You might want to time Jongho’s for when none of us are home, except him.” Seonghwa warns, helping you back to your feet as he stands from his chair. “You may not get to him if one of us sees you in that first.”
“Is that a promise?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“A Divine Temptress, that’s what you are.” Seonghwa shakes his head, stroking his thumb lovingly against your cheek.
“Only for My Kings.” You giggle, shooting him a playful wink as you walk back over to the stand.
Seonghwa follows behind, a fond smile on his features as he watches you step back onto that little pedestal. Again, you turn to face the mirrors, smoothing out the front of the dress as you examine your reflection closely.
All is silent for the moment as he looks you over carefully, noting the somewhat subtle twitch of your fingers over the material of the gown.
“You know you can tell me whatever is on your mind.” He voices softly. “If you don’t like something, I won’t be upset.”
You take a moment to straighten your spine before clearing your throat, “You said you haven’t started on the new dress to match this yet, right?”
“That is correct.” He confirms with a nod, a sort of amused gleam shining behind his eyes.
“I- uh-“ you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, averting your gaze so sweetly to the side.
“Do you have something in mind?” Seonghwa is a little too eager when he asks this.
Softly, you nod your head. “But if you already have an idea, I don’t want to-“
“My Divine,” he cuts you off with a lighthearted chuckle, moving to stand in front of you. A second later, he gently grasps your hands in his own. “Never be afraid to ask me to make you something. I would be more than happy to create for you whatever vision you have in that beautiful mind of yours.”
A reassuring squeeze is felt against your hands.
“What if…” you trail off lightly before finally meeting his gaze. “What if we designed it together?”
Seonghwa goes so still, you swear he might pass out. That is, until he’s blinking rapidly, almost as if to clear tears from his vision.
“You want to design a dress with me?” His voice is a bit airy, coming out a bit choked from his overwhelming emotions.
At your eager nod, a brilliant smile stretches across his features. 
Again, he squeezes your hands, shaking them back and forth lightly in his excitement. “What do you have in mind?”
“Well, you already have the corset,” you begin, an eager grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
He nods.
“So, I was thinking…”
A moment later, and you’re opening up your void to him, the mental image of you in a very specific dress filling his thoughts.
You can hear his sudden intake of breath, his eyes widening slightly as his heart stutters in his chest. Subconsciously, he pulls you closer, his lips parting in awe at the vision that paints his mind.
Seonghwa clears his throat, swallowing the sudden dryness there. “I can do that.”
You smile, placing a kiss onto his cheek. “We can do that.”
Seonghwa laughs, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he wraps you into his arms. A moment later, and he lifts you into the air, spinning you around once as a joyous shriek of surprise escapes your lips.
“Hwa, put me down!” Your laughter strongly contradicts your statement as you hold onto his shoulders for support.
Gently, he settles you back onto your feet on that little pedestal. Still, he holds you to him, gazing at you with nothing but love and affection in his dark eyes.
“I love you, My Divine,” he squeezes you the slightest bit tighter as he says this. “So much.”
You smile tenderly at him, cupping his face softly in your hands. “I love you, Seonghwa.”
Briefly, his eyes dart down to your lips.
He swallows. “May I?”
You decide to tease him a little longer.
“May you, what?” You quirk a brow.
“May I kiss-“
He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his inquiry before your lips are on his own. 
A pleased hum reverberates in his chest as he pulls you impossibly closer, one hand settling on the back of your head while the other rests between your shoulder blades. 
Kissing you is a feeling unlike any other to Seonghwa, and he revels in it each time. He can never get enough - your touch, your laugh, your smile - anything and everything about you, he adores, and he’s sure to pour all that he is into the movement of his lips against your own. You are all that he needs.
All too soon, you’re parting from him to rest your forehead against his own.
“You make me so incredibly happy, My Divine.” He breathes out, his eyes still closed as he absolutely revels in this moment here in time with you. “It means the world to me that you wish to design something together.”
“It’s like I told San before,” you reply lowly. “I want to spend more time with each of you doing what you love to do. You’ve all done so much for me, I think it’s time I return the favour.”
“My Queen.” The way his eyes shine with unshed tears says it all.
“I’m just sorry I can’t make anything like this for you, yet.” You briefly motion to the corset you’re still wearing.
“Well,” he laughs, “I do have a few thousand years on you.”
“Just a few.” You grin right along with him. “Maybe I’ll make you a scarf, or something.”
“A scarf?” He quirks a brow.
“I do know how to crochet, Mars.” You chuckle. “Though, you wouldn’t really have a use for it.”
“If you made me a scarf, I would never take it off.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“I don’t know how durable it would be constantly getting wet in the shower,” you hum, almost absentmindedly to yourself.
“You’ve never asked us for yarn before,” he mumbles, brow furrowing in thought.
“To be fair, there have been quite a few other things on my mind.” You poke his cheek lightly.
“I suppose you’re right.” He nods in agreement.
“You ‘suppose’?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“I, uh-“
“I’m just teasing you.” You hum, burying your face into the side of his neck as you hug him close to you. “Besides, I’m surprised my grandmother hasn’t told you that yet. I also know how to knit.”
“Surprisingly, I haven’t seen her around much, lately.” He replies, helping you straighten out the dress again once you part from him.
“I wonder why,” you mumble, somewhat absentmindedly to yourself.
Just then, the bell above the door to the shop jingles, and both you and Seonghwa are turning to see a frantic San rushing through the door. Both Mingi and Wooyoung are behind him, excitement shining within their eyes.
That’s when you notice, San seems to be holding onto your phone.
“It’s Vasco.” He says, holding out the phone to you with a large smile tugging at his features. “Crystal’s gone into labour.”
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jennay · 10 months
I wanna request rory culkin in lords of chaos being in his record shop and seeing a not so normal customer for such a shop, he sees a pretty girl wearing her pretty mini sundress having her cute makeup and hair done, she looks all dolled-up ykyk. she basically goes there to buy something for her brother but she's so not into it, she so shy and "scared" to go there but she eventually does it and like euro kinda finds it adorable even tho everyone there is teasing her (AH IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE LMAO, I just need fluff and cuteness and yk maybe a little spicy teasing IDK HEHEHE! hope u have a great day!!!)
Master List
An: I Hope this is what you wanted!
Words: 1700
Warnings: None. Maybe shit talking?
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Shivers ran down your spine as you walked down the dark, dirty street. Why your brother thought it was a good idea to send you to this part of town was beyond you. You understood his foot was broken and needed someone to run errands for him, but you didn't belong with the people he associated with. You weren't into death metal, didn't wear all black, and you definitely didn't rage against the machine. You were quite the opposite. You enjoyed your colorful wardrobe and bubbly music and were more of a rule follower. You NEVER got in trouble or put yourself in a bad situation.
You had heard rumors about the record store and its owner. Some said he was a cult leader who performed rituals in the basement. Others said he was a serial killer who lured unsuspecting customers into his trap. Others said he was a vampire who fed on the blood of young girls like you. He wasn't twenty-five, but innocent people's blood kept him youthful.
Of course, you didn't believe those stories, but you still felt uneasy as you approached the store. It looked like a rundown shack, with faded posters and graffiti covering the windows. The neon sign flickered and buzzed, spelling out "Rock 'n' Roll Heaven." You wondered if that was meant to be ironic or ominous.
You pushed open the door and stepped inside. The smell of dust and mold hit you like a wave. You saw rows of shelves filled with records, tapes, and magazines. You also saw posters of rock stars and bands, some of who you recognized and others you didn't. The place was dimly lit by a few lamps and a jukebox that played an old song you couldn't name. Where the hell did you step into?
You walked along the aisles, scanning the labels and covers. You could feel a few different sets of eyes on you, and you tried to keep your head down but glanced up a few times with an awkward smile, hoping they didn't come toward you.
One man stood at the counter pretending to read a magazine, but his eyes would flick to you. He'd nudge his buddy and whisper something you couldn't hear, making you anxious.
"Sweetheart. I think you stepped into the wrong place." One of them says, staring at you. "You need to go to the record store on Broadwater. They have all that bubble gum pop shit you're probably looking for." You notice his piercing blue eyes carving into your soul, and you try to look away, but it's a trance. His long black hair hangs in his face, and deep down inside, you want to remark how he should stop wearing women's clothing and grow up, but the rumor of him eating people comes back to your mind, and you keep your mouth shut.
You find the name of the band your brother had mentioned, and there are several different pieces of vinyl, each from a different year. Why didn't he tell you the name?
"Do you not talk?" Another one calls from the counter.
You look up at him again, blushing, "I do. I'm just looking for something, and I'll be out of here." Your eyes return to the records, and you grab the newest one. Your brother was a collector, and it was more than likely he wanted the more recent item.
You hear his footsteps walking around the counter, and just to your luck, the bigger one is coming toward you. The one who looks like he might attack you.
He walks up to you with a smirk on his face, holding a cigarette in his hand. He blows smoke in your direction, making you cough. He looks at the record you're holding and snorts. "You're kidding me. You're buying this crap?" He grabs the record from your hand and examines it. "This is their latest album. It's garbage. They sold out to the mainstream. They lost their edge. They used to be good back in the day." He points to another record on the shelf. "This is their first album. This is where it all started. This is real music." He hands it to you and takes back the one you had chosen. "Trust me, kid. You'll thank me later." He winks at you and returns to the counter, leaving you speechless and confused.
Kid? You weren't a child.
You cautiously walk to the counter, noticing two of the three men sitting in the corner watching some gory horror movie, and you do your best not to make a face at it.
You try to play it cool like you weren't in your favorite red and white sundress that you'd just bought, you weren't wearing the cutest sandals you'd ever seen, or you didn't get dolled up for the day knowing where you were going.
You tried to ignore the stares and whispers of the other customers, who looked at you like you were an alien. But you knew you couldn't fool anyone.
"You're brave walking in here looking like that. You look like you got lost on your way to the Barbie convention." He sounds playful, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt your feelings.
You bite your lip, wishing he would just tell you how much you owe him, but he seems amused with you and taking his time. He grabs the record with a smirk and taps on the cash register.
He looks at you with a mock surprise and says, "That'll be a hundred bucks, please." He chuckles and adds, "Just kidding. It's only twenty. But I'll take a hundred if you want to tip me for my excellent service." He winks at you and holds his hand, waiting for your payment.
Your eyes deaden at his joke; you don't find him amusing. He hands you the record, still smiling as you walk away from him.
"Hey, I'm gonna take a smoke break." He tells the others and follows behind you. Was he following you?
Part of Euronymous felt guilty for the way he was acting. He didn't want to admit it, but that was his best attempt at flirting, and he failed miserably. "Hey, wait up." He says, catching you before you cross the street.
You stop, looking back for a second before you sigh and drop your shoulders, "Why so you can continue to be an asshole to me?"
He runs his fingers through his hair, holding his cigarette to his lips. "I wasn't. I didn't…Look, I think your style's cool. I, uh, I don't know how to talk to pretty girls." He admits.
Your brows scrunch together with confusion; you aren't sure what his game plan is. "I'm not really into Satanists or cult leaders, so you don't have to waste your time apologizing to me or trying to make me feel better about myself. I think you're tacky, just like your store."
He looks hurt by your words, but he doesn't give up. "Well, I'm neither of those things." He pulls his cigarette from his lips, "This is weird and I know this is weird, because I'm weird, but, let me at least walk you to your car. It's getting late and I'd feel like a shithead if something happened to you."
You hesitate, not sure if you should trust him or not. He doesn't look like a bad guy, just a misunderstood one. But you've heard stories about people like him, who pretend to be friendly and turn out to be monsters. You don't want to be another victim. "I'm walking to my brother's house, and I'd prefer you not to know where I stay." You tell him, but part of you wants to take his offer. It's creepy at night, and you have no way to protect yourself if something was to happen.
He remains quiet, watching you rethink what you just told him. Why did you tell him that? He could easily follow you and find out where you live. You curse yourself for being so stupid. "If I let you walk me home, promise not to stalk me?" You ask him, hoping he's not lying.
His laughter rings in your ears, "I won't stalk you. Between my band and owning the shop, I don't have time to stalk anyone plus, if you want to see me, you know where I work." He playfully winks. "Come on, let's go. I promise I'll behave." He smiles at you with a charming grin that makes your heart flutter. You wonder if he's as bad as you thought or just a lonely soul looking for company. You decide to give, hoping you won't regret it later.
You make small talk, asking him about his band. He tells you that his band is called Mayhem and plays black metal, an extreme and controversial music genre.
"I'm glad you came in today. I know it can be a bit over the top, and I'd be lying if I said we weren't being judgemental dicks." He laughs, his eyes dart to you nervously, waiting for your response, but you continue to watch the sidewalk. "I hope part of you doesn't believe I'm what everyone says."
You tilt your head up, looking at him with curiosity. You wonder why your opinion would matter. "I think you're misunderstood but you kind of like it that way."
He shrugs and takes a drag from his cigarette. "I do enjoy being a rebel and an outcast. I like making people uncomfortable it's entertaining to see how fearful people are." He exhales the smoke and looks at you with a smirk. "But maybe I also like surprising people and showing them that I'm not a monster. Maybe I like being normal and human."
"You know, nice doesn't look bad on you. You should try it more often." You're able to genuinely smile at him this time. "Well," You say, stopping in front of the apartment doors. "This is it." You don't know how to end this interaction. It's not like this was a date or a friendship.
He nods, "Alright, I'll see you around?"
You shrug with a playful smile as you open the door, "Maybe."
He throws his hands in the air as he walks away from you, "I'll take it!" He says, his voice full of excitement. He looks back at you and gives you a thumbs-up, making you laugh, and he disappears into the night, leaving you with a story to amuse your brother with and a memory that might make you return to the 'scariest' record store in town.
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princessbiteme0o0 · 7 months
Hi okay so I know you were kinda on a schlatt writing kick BUT I have a swagger thought...okay imagine you're dating swagger but you don't do the weed (I'm not self inserting what are you talking about) or you do but very little and you accidentally take a pretty strong edible (I watched ted earlier leave me alone) and swags has to like protect you and help you feel better because you're freaking out
(HAHAHAHAHHA LITTLE DID YOU KNOW- I stopped smoking weed bc of panic attacks and now deal with a severe panic disorder, so this is perrrrrfeeeect for me. I’m not the best with fluff, so fair warning. Also, Swagger and Schlatt both are on my mind in a little loop hehehe)
I Promise You’re Not Gonna Die (SwaggerSouls x Reader)
Summary: Ya done fucked up cuh.
WARNINGS: Swearing, Drug use, Panic attacks
“Do you feel ready to smoke again yet, Honey?” Eric asked from where he sat comfortably on his couch.
“Not just yet.” She hummed softly from her place on the kitchen as she cooked dinner. Swagger nodded, more so to himself, and then sparked up. Rifling through the kitchen cabinets as the pasta cooked on the stove, she looked around for a snack. Finding some gummy bears in the cabinet, she ate six of them before going back to cooking and deciding to wait for real food when they didn’t fill her up. Eric slipped into the kitchen after smoking, the whites of his gorgeous brown eyes a shade of red. When his eyes caught a glimpse of the baggie of gummy bears on the counter, his heart dropped.
“Baby, how many of those did you eat?” Eric asks softly, moving to stand behind her, letting his fingers ghost up and down her arms. She simply shrugs at him and turns her head back to look at him.
“I think six?” There’s a question in her tone, but he doesn’t answer, kissing her forehead.
“You mind if I stay in here with you?” Giving him a soft smile, she nods and leans back into his arms as she stirs the pasta sauce. Not even ten minutes later, the drugs start to take their effect, making her shiver slightly.
“I feel funny.” She mumbles out from between his arms.
“Baby… Those gummy bears were 100 milligram edibles.” He speaks softly and her heart jumps into her throat.
“I- What?” Her entire body goes cold and then warm and then cold again as her heart races and her head becomes dizzy. Eric carefully reaches past her and turns off the stove, gently lifting her arms away from the hot pans as he can feel the panic coming off of her in waves.
“It’ll be okay, Hon. I’m not gonna let anything happen.” He murmurs into her hair, kissing her temple.
“Eric- I’m- I’m scared.” She stutters out, tears welling up in her eyes as she goes into a full blown panic attack.
“Shh, I’m right here.” He gently shushes her, carefully picking her up and carrying her out of the kitchen.
“I feel like I’m gonna die.” She whispers into his neck as the tears roll freely down her cheek, her lower lip quaking.
“You’re gonna be okay, you’re not gonna die, baby. It’s just the weed.” He hums, laying her in their shared bed and peppering kisses all over her face. “We just need to get something to eat for your little tummy and you’ll feel all better.” His hand is gently massaging her belly as he placed gentle kisses all over her face and neck. Letting out a soft huff, she nods and he leaves the room for a few moments, before returning with some food for her. Sitting down on the bed beside her, he helps her sit up and slowly scoops the food onto a fork, holding it out for her to eat.
“Thank you…” She mumbles shakily.
“It’s alright, Cutie. We will get some food on your stomach and put on one of your favorite movies and I’ll lay here with you until you feel all better.” He smiles warmly as she eats the food off of the fork. Once she’s finished her food, he sits the plate aside and slides into bed behind her, turning on the TV and playing her favorite TV show. Wrapping his arms around her, he nuzzled her neck and placed warm kisses against her skin.
“I love you.” She mumbles softly as her eyes start to feel heavy.
“I love you too, Sweetheart.”
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey Support, I just got in trouble with the law. See, a couple of high schoolers were standing outside of the liquor store trying to get someone to buy them beer. I knew it was wrong, but something deep within in me wanted them to think I was cool, even though I've probably got twenty years on them. Anyway, I bought it for them, but got caught, and the officer says they're using the Chronivac on me as part of my rehabilitation - I guess I didn't mature enough the first go around... Why do I suddenly have such an interest in trendy clothing, hanging out with the boys, and parties?
Fuck! Relax, dude! Those guys out there owe you a favor, now ask them if you can have a sip of beer. The guys look at you a bit surprised, but one of them hands you the bottle. Hehehe! It's Friday night, a sip of beer is really good! You offer the guys a cigarette and ask what they have planned for tonight. Hang out a bit, see if someone else gets them a beer. That's too lame for you. You feel like partying. Your suit changes. The fabric gets shinier. And fits tighter.
You say goodbye to the boys and pull out your cell phone. Let's see where something is already going on. It's still pretty early. That looks good. Sunset rave. You might like that. Especially since the entrance is free. Your wallet is low. End of the month. Pocket money is as good as gone. The only question is how to get to the club now. Your mother needed her car tonight. But there's a bus stop up ahead. You study the map, with one change you should be able to get to the club in half an hour. The bus driver looks at you rather disparagingly. The old bag just has no taste. You show him your student ticket and check your reflection in the window pane. Dressed to impress. You are satisfied.
The line in front of the club is miserably long. But the bouncer makes eye contact with you and waves you through. In passing, he caresses your bulge. And you throw him a kiss.
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It would have to be a devil's bargain if someone didn't invite you for a drink or two. And otherwise you just dance. If it goes badly, until the last bus goes home tonight. If it goes well, you take the first one tomorrow morning.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#757 Daddy!
At the Wedding, Luke is throwing petals on the way to the altar in his suit smiling proudly, Everyone Awe'd at the young angel...
Solo*Spots at his side Simeon tearing up*...Really?
Sim*Sniffs as he takes his handkerchief and wipes his tears* Well, you know I cry at weddings!
Mc*Spots that Luke is staring at them...more specifically at the crying simeon*Oh, no...
Sim: What?
Solo:Stop-stop crying...*Noticed it too*
Sim: Well, just because you have ice water in your veins, doesn't mean that-
Solo: No. No, Luke...
Mc: No-Honey...
Sim: Im fine! Daddy's fine! Daddy's not sad!
Luke*Worried and made up his mind*Daddy, daddy! @$#!
King & Queen:....Pff-
Brothers:....*Holding their snorts till mammon breaks into laughter*
Invited Guests: HAHAHA!
Luci*Coughing to stop his own laughter*...
Sim: You see? I told you it was funny!
Luke*Happy to see everyone smiling and throwing more petals*@#%$&!
Solo*Frowns at them and goes to give an apologetic gaze to the queen*-Excuse us
Mc*Grabbing Simeon's hand and getting up running behind Solomon as they leave the room*Congratulations!
Luke*Over Solomon's shoulder he giggles*Hehehe!
Dee: Bye, Luke!*Waves at him with a smile*
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Part 2 of:
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witch-oftheflowers · 26 days
Lost Souls
AN: hello enjoy this full story for the monster AU! I love @/bluegiragi au and all this steams back to their universe. I justed wanted to put a twist on it in my way heheh enjoy!
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The sun shines down through the heavy clouds. Bright white eyes linger up as the pale woman stared in awe.
She rarely saw the morning sun rise. Not like she used to. When she was alive.
Well... Technically alive?
She tilted her head as she waved her transparent hands through. Sun beam shore through her
Soft mumbles of 'awe' or 'oo' left her lips.
But she was so distracted. She didn't noticed the crunch of leaves behind her. Nor the many crunches of several people approaching her.
Last minute she whipped her head around 360. Her hand still rose. Her hair whispy and floating behind her as she stared
Four men. All monsters. Slowly creeping towards her.
Her white eyes flicker back to her normal brown eyes. She stopped her floating, being transparent. Having a soft glow to her now. Her pale tan skin shined as she seemed 'normal'
Landing on her feet, her long skirt flowing under her as she started to approach towards them.
"Who goes there?"
Her curly hair covered her figure. Hiding parts of her face. She seemed so lost. Her clothes were tatter, faded of color, blood stains litter her attire. It seemed period attire even.
"Just a lad looking for a lass." A deep voice echoed. The scent of cigar? Her eyes adjusted as the fog grew back in.
She stopped as she held her skirt firm in her hands. Getting ready to blow as she noticed the wings.
A dragon?
Then she noticed the others...
A Harpy?
Her eyes landed to the skull masked man. Feeling her soul tug towards him. She flinched back as she sighs a bit.
"I... I'm no lass?" She said, her voice cracked in broken English. She heard the deep laugh from the dragon. Her eyes widen as she scoffed
"You're a woman yes?"
"You're a lass..." He chuckled as he stopped before her. His cigar illuminated his face as he crossed his large arms. Noticing one wing on him even.
"What do you... Want?" She hesitated as she glared to the others.
Each man keeping a distance. Seeming ready to assist their leader it appeared.
The woman stalked forward as they got a better view of her.
She looked so young...
"I heard a myth of these woods..."
Her eyes soften as she knew what he meant. It was about her...
"A banshee...a crying woman. One that hasn't been able to rest..." The dragon stopped as he guaged her reaction.
She seemed so sad. Her eyes glancing down as she let him continue the myth.
"How long you've been here?"
"...as long I known..." Her voice was somber as she sighs. Her chest heaved as she didn't wanna continue this conversation. Getting herself ready to scream for them to leave.
But the whoosh of black mass covered her mouth before she could try. Her eyes flutter to the skull masked man as she glared. Her eyebrows knit as he returned the same glare.
"Dear.. give me a chance to explain why I'm here." The dragon spoke up as he realized her reluctance towards them.
"My name is John Price..." He said as he inched closer. His one wing flutter as he noticed the fear in her eyes
"Simon! Let her go." Price stated as he shot the large man a stare.
"Sir that wouldn't be wise" He stated back as he met his leaders stare.
"She's scared, it makes sense."
"Sir we need to be careful. The lass could attack-" the Harpy spoke up as he met her gaze
Ximena was getting overwhelmed as they bickered with themselves. Her hair floated up as she started to panic, eyes flickering white as she let out a high pitch screech.
Breaking through Simon's black mass as her vocal range kicked them back. The sound wave broke through the silence as the monsters were flung back.
Well the werewolf and Harpy were. The skull man and Price stood strong. Clinging to their surroundings as they tried to fight back the blast wave.
Her voice roared as she finished off the wave. Her hair a mess as it coated her face. Her breathing was labored as she felt a bit faint. Trying to stand strong as she watched Simon and Price getting back to their feet.
"Come on Lass... Hear us out." Price spoke up as he watched her sway. Her eyes flickering white to brown as she was enraged.
"No! I wanna...be alone." She spoke out as she tried to step back. But as she tried, her body succumbed as she went limp. Hair falling in spills around her as she fell
Price rushed over as he caught the woman. His cigar fell in the process as he cursed under his breath.
"Well we got the package.... Let's hope she'll adjust to whatever comes her way." He voiced as Ghost came behind him. His eyes glaring as he sighs
"What's so special about her anyways?"
"She killed multiple soldiers a month again half a team wiped out. Multiple generals wanted her capture... To test on her or convince her to join."
"What the fuck is wrong with them..."
"You know as much as I do. Everything."
Soap and Gaz huffed as they finally returned. Their eyes sore as they were tossed into the cold river behind the forest. A good few miles away.
"Sir can we leave now?" Gaz asked as his feathers flicker from water.
Soap whined as he shook off his fur. A bit panting as he stared to the woman.
"Wee thing tuckered out... Good for us right?"
"For how long...?"
"Let's hope a while." Ghost spoke up as he scooped the woman into his arm. Tossing her over his shoulder.
Ximena whined as she eased up finally. Her hair covering her face, her dainty hands clung to his shoulders.
Ghost froze as he didn't wanna give away the interaction as they started to trudge back through the misty forest. Well the mist vanished once she was knocked out.
The lads a bit impressed she was able to control so much at once.
She ended up being out for three days. And when she came to. Locked in a glass cell. Her eyes looking around as she missed something. A warmth.
"Hello...?" She called out as she pressed her hands against the glass. Not being able to look out.
But everyone could see in. The fear on her eyes. The way her hair was freaking out, smashing against the glass wanting to let her out.
And eventually. Just mist filled the cell. Blocking out their view in.
Who knew what else was in store for their team with this new element to their team.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Hear me out as a headcannon for flyboy Imagine they avators are drunk at the Hard Deck and reader goes to pick up Jake and they see her just start chanting either Reader's name or like Jake's girl. Does it make sense no but the idea made me giggle.
heheh 😌 this is cute <3
Context: Flyboy (but readable without) - set post engagement but before the Epilogue.
They had all gone out drinking because it was a Friday night - the Dagger squad + the whole trainee crew.
Of course they had invited you, it was unspoken at this point that you were always welcome.
You had declined, because they had all been working so hard lately, and deserved to unwind together as a whole big bunch. Jake obviously tried his best to convince you to come along.
“But everyone loves you” / “It isn’t a proper outing unless you are there” - he had sulked, because when does Jake not want you with him?
You both settled on you picking him after - because he was definitely going to get sloshed.
Instead, you had rounded up Penny and Amelia and had gone out for dinner with them both 😌 something cute and trendy.
The three of you get to The Hard Deck after dinner, Amelia darts away to the back office where she settles herself in and away from the crowd, Penny follows to get her comfortable, and once the both of them duck away and you come into view - you hear it.
Javy’s voice is the first one to ring out - “MRS SERESINNNN”. His words are so slurred - you know he is drunk.
It causes basically all the damn heads in the place to turn to you.
The Naval Aviators all BURST out into a symphony of cheers and yells of hellos. You barely have time to shout a hi or take a step forward when it starts, the fists slamming on the table and the non stop chanting of “Hangman’s girl”, except it kinda goes Hang-mans-girl interspersed with the banging of fists. You don’t need to look at the table LITTERED with bottles and glasses to know that everyone is almost gone.
It makes you groan, and you have to fight the urge to dart back outside. Instead you manage to locate Jake who is sitting among the crowd at the table. His has a loose tendril falling over his forehead, his cheeks flushed pink from alcohol, green eyes glazed, and a smug, wide lazily smile is on his face. Jake is drunk and you know it.
He isn’t chanting, just leaning back in the chair, legs manspread confidently out as he watches you.
You manage to pick your way across to him, and the chantjng! does! not! stop! until you reach him.
“Hi,” you say, and all he does is slip his hand into yours and go “hello beautiful” AND THE TABLE GOES WILD WITH WOLF WHISTLES. The dagger squad all clearly drunk (Bob has lost his glasses to the top of Fanboy’s head at this point) catcall the loudest.
“Ready to go home?” You ask, and he squeezes your hand, before slurring “take me home gorgeous.”
Drunk Jake becomes extra cheesy sometimes, clearly hehe >:)
“Ok c’mon big guy,” you tug his hand gently and Jake manages to stand, surprisingly steady and not stumbling, but you slip your arm around his waist anyway - you are skilled by now, at taking care of drunk Jake Seresin, I mean the number of times his man has showed up drunk at your door during college, or gone out with you and got piss drunk.
“BIG GUY,” the wider group has caught on and started throwing suggestive looks and waggling their eyebrows at you - children.
“I am, a big guy,” is what you hear Jake say, leering openly at you, his innuendo thick and you just sigh, before rolling your eyes, “aren’t I baby?”
The group breaks into a hurricane of catcalls and whoops again; and they also begin to chant Hang-mans-girl. All you can do is sigh extra loud and long suffering as you try to tug Jake towards the door.
He exits, letting himself be guided by you, but not before raising a hand and waving himself out like he is royalty.
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