ihrtmichael · 1 day
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Long live the queen!
Wish (2023) dir. Fawn Veerasunthorn, Chris Buck
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sparkling-nov · 2 days
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*and audience with 0% media literacy* apparently
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I’m going to say this now; The creators of Wish may have robbed the romance between Asha and Starboy along with the royal and evil couple from us, but they didn’t stole our imaginations like @annymation @signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @kingmagnificoofrosas and many more I would love to put down for! Keep it up everyone, you’re doing fantastic work!
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frowerssx2 · 1 day
So, I am here to yet again reminding people to report and block this account!:
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I don't usually call people out but this is absolutely disgusting and anything but okay. Someone has a different opinion to you so you hate on them? Are you serious? I was having a debate with someone else, how dare you call me an animal and a dog and not have the fucking balls to let me reply back. So, I'm doing this. I'm calling you out so the Wish fandom can be a safe place for everyone! The fact that this is still up and accepted within the Wish fandom is crazy!
THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR HARRASHMENT AND HATE LIKE THIS! If you don't like my or other peoples options then block us!
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your-ne1ghbor · 2 days
I uhhh....🧍‍♂️
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signed-sapphire · 3 days
The Fallen Star ✨ Wish Reimagined
Chapter 3 - The roses
Tw: nightmare, fire, small prick I guess? it's a thorn, swearing as always, it's Asha and by that I mean it's me
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Chapter 2
Asha is burning.
She's screaming, she's being crushed. The crackling of fire echoes in her ears, drowning out her own cries.
Everything is bright, but there's a single pair of eyes staring at her from behind the flames.
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(Imagine something like this shot from The Owl House)
The creature tilts its head, its expression unreadable. It emits a series of musical tones, like a melody woven from starlight and moonbeams. Asha feels a strange pull, as if the creature is trying to communicate with her through some arcane language she can't quite grasp.
The roof caves in and crashes down, obscuring Asha's view of the figure. The collapse pushes the rubble further into Asha, squeezing the air out of her lungs.
Someone pulls the rubble off her. She wants to yell. Watch out! You'll get crushed too!
They say something. Asha can't hear them. She wants to reach out. Stay with me. The words are on the tip of her tongue. Her throat is parched.
Don't go back in! she wants to cry. Someone's in there!
Why are you leaving me—
She wakes with a gasp, something flat and wet catching the inside of her mouth.
Asha hacks. Valentino had accidentally licked her tongue.
She wipes her tongue and takes a moment so her eyes adjust to the darkness. In the dim light filtering through the curtains, she can make out the familiar details of her bedroom. But with it, she can also see the memories of the dream, crisp and fresh in her mind.
The feeling of panic, of helplessness... she won't be able to fall back asleep, not with the echoes of their screams still haunting her.
This was bullshit. She shouldn't be affected this much by a stupid book. It was just a light.
Asha gets up. She does not tremble.
She unties her hair scarf. Valentino raises his head, his cheek fluff smushed flat from the blanket.
Asha smiles softly and pets his velvety ear. Val bleats quietly, and Asha kisses his forehead.
"Stay here, baby," she whispers, grabbing her cloak. “I’m going for a walk. I'll be back in a bit. Go back to bed, okay?”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The air is cold, but the crispness is a shock to her system that Asha desperately needs. She decides to head to the gardens.
She smiles softly as she remembers the gardens of her childhood. They had roses there, too. Asha used to paint the white ones red.
Red like fire.
Asha hurries on.
She tucks her hands inside her cloak pockets as she walks across the checkered-grass floor. Asha stops at a pocket of daffodils, walking between them and sitting down, careful not to disturb the petals.
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Asha watches the flowers dance in the wind, effortless and elegant. She brushes her hand along a row of them.
Right before she reaches the end, she pricks her hand on a thorn. Asha swears under her breath, pushing back the flowers to see a single strewn white rose laying amongst the crowd.
Asha picks it up and stares at it in distain. At a glance one might gloss over it. Even now, a drop of crimson blood painting the petals, the rose blended in quite well with the daffodils.
But up close, it wasn't fooling anyone.
Asha plucks off the petals and tosses away the thorny stem, watching the wind carry the petals... and something else, too. A quiet conversation, approaching Asha's location.
“Baz, I told you, it’s fine, Dahlia just wanted us all there.”
“Argh, but what if we get caught?” came the responding whisper. “Safi, I– I–”
“Hey, breathe,” Safi whispered. “We’re al– a– ACHOO! Why are there so many flowers?”
“Hehe. We’re in a garden…”
“Heh. Made you laugh.”
Asha rolls her eyes and makes her way out of the flowers, making sure her footsteps are heavy enough to catch their attention.
“Eep! Your nose gives away your lies! Hide, Safi!”
Asha rounds the corner, and Bazeema hides her face as the bush next to her sneezes.
"Ah. Bashful. What are you doing here?” Asha asks, entertaining the other girl’s silly fantasy.
Bazeema peeks open her eyes and lowers her hands. “H-hi, princess. I- I –”
“Speak properly.”
“I–” The girl swallows. “I like to come to the gardens to get inspiration for my designs,” Bazeema squeaks out. “I’m a weaver. My hijab this morning– I made it myself. I’m actually really proud of the design–”
“Yeah yeah yeah, I don’t care,” Asha says. “What are you doing out at this time?”
Bazeema blinks. “I, um… couldn’t sleep. I was worried about Hal.”
“Pfft. Worried?” Asha smirks.
Bazeema looks firmly at the princess. “Yes," she whispers.
Asha frowns. “Right. Uh. Sorry... that your friend is now depressed.”
“Hal has been through a lot, and yet she still smiles. It’s… a trait I admire about her.” Bazeema’s face takes on a wistful look.
Asha is about to respond, but then the bush sneezes again.
“Welp! Time to go, oh I am rather exhausted! Maybe I need that spindle idea of yours!” Bazeema peeps, ushering Asha out of the gardens. “Thank you for gracing me with your presence, princess! Sweet dreams!”
The gates slam in her face.
Asha blinks.
She entertains the idea of throwing Bazeema out the castle windows.
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(Can't find the gif, but Bazeema is the old man that Emperor Asha would punish for throwing off her groove)
“So, you admire Hal, huh?”
“Oh, shush, Safi!”
The sound of footsteps retreat. Asha pushes open the gates.
“That was shady,” Asha says, pulling her cloak hood over her hair and shadowing the two teens.
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She sneakily follows the two teens to the chicken coop. She peeks around the corner to see the seven teens holding candles and quietly catching Bazeema up to speed.
“I fell asleep in while cleaning my dad’s armour, and I heard something." Sleepy's voice.
“It nearly killed me!” Gabo huffs. “Abuela told me to go see what was causing a ruckus. That could've been the last she saw of me!”
Asha covers her mouth with her hand to silence her yelp as Valentino pops up beside her. “Jeez, baby! You scared me!” Asha whispers, pulling the goat close.
Dario signs something, not paying attention to the conversation.
“We trapped it inside the coop, but it’s scaring all the chickens,” Safi says worriedly.
I think they're performing an opera, Dario signs, grinning.
Gabo stares in disappointment at his friend, then moves on. “That’s why we sent you to get Bazeema. You’re worrying about the birds too much when you’re here,” he grumbles to Safi. “They’ll be fine.”
“The chickens probably think it’s a fun surprise,” Hal offers. “They sound like they’re having fun.”
“And why wake us all up for this?” Dahlia yawns. “Dario, put the soap down. Where did you even get that?”
It flew out of the coop! Dario grins. He signs with one hand, spelling out some words since the other hand is occupied with holding the bar of soap. I think the chickens laid it. It smells like apple. Hey, do you think this is related to the S-
"Dario, for the last time, spoons cannot be ingested," Dahlia says, massaging her temples while Safi takes the soap from a frowning Dario.
Simon looks nervous. “Well… my papa’s one of the bookkeepers for the castle. I think I know what’s in there—”
Suddenly, Valentino wriggles out of Asha's grasp.
"Valentino!" Asha whisper-shouts as the goat and runs towards the teens. Dario notices the blur of fluff heading towards him and stumbles back, dropping his candle and colliding with Simon, who's already snoring against the wall.
The impact shakes the wooden support beam, and a pile of baskets falls down on Dario’s head. Bazeema yelps and swats at the baskets, crashing into Safi behind her.
The two fall down, almost knocking over Dahlia, but Gabo pulls her out of the way and stomps out the fire Dario's candle lit.
"Okay, spy! Reveal yourself before I do something I won't regret!" Gabo snaps. Dahlia shushes him.
Asha rolls her eyes and pulls down her hood, stepping into the light. The teens' eyes widen, and they scramble up, quickly dropping into a bow.
All except Dario, that is. He was still peering into the chicken coop.
Hal pulls her friend into a bow.
(I can't find a picture but it's like that part in the movie where the seven teens bowed down to Queen Amaya)
"Threatening a royal, Grumpy?" Asha tuts. "Keep it up and I'll have your friend's precious chickens filleted."
Gabo snarls, but stays quiet.
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"Now, care to tell me why you stole my goat?" Asha asks. "And what are you doing by the chicken coops when you should be sleeping?"
"None of your royal business," Gabo mutters.
Suddenly, a burst of sparkles poofs out from the crack under the coop's door.
Safi kicks over a pile of baskets. "Whoops! I am so- so-- ACHOO!" The baskets kicked up some hay in the air. "I am so clumsy!" he laughs awkwardly, sniffling.
"What are you hiding?" Asha demands.
"Nothing! And no one!" Safi says quickly.
"Well, we should all head to bed! You too, princess, your otousan would be very cross if he saw you out this late!" Dahlia smiles, moving to direct Asha away.
There's another poof, and a discord of musical instruments.
"Magnus?" Asha scoffs. "I can deal with my adopted father. Now out of the way."
Dahlia looks desperately at her friends. Asha storms past her, shoving away Hal when she tries to stop her.
The princess yanks open the wooden door. Inside the coop is a crazy sight.
Dario smirks, self-satisfied.
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Chickens, dancing, doing ballet
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Angry chickens in bisexual lighting
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Chickens, shooting out eggs out of PG-hidden cloacas
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Chickens, juggling their eggs
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And in the center, conducting them all...
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The thing was round, with eyes shaped like a sparkle and an oval respectively, five points sticking out of it like little limbs.
Exactly like the symbol on the spellbook in Magnifico’s study.
“Oh, fucking hell," Asha swears.
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Author's Notes
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I hated writing this. I was just stuck, and then I was like, fuck it, I'm posting it because the next chapter I'm really excited to write. Because if I add more, then the cut-off would be... too harsh? I don't know. My phone is broken so I can't create gifs right now akjdkjajksjskjksaj fuck it. Post.
Btw, Star in The Fallen Star looks like this:
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With a sparkle on the (our) left and a "regular" oval for the other eye on out right.
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Me to my own writing
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hopeyarts · 18 hours
When reading comments and analysis about Wish, many people assume that some wishes are bad or ill-intentioned. For example someone would say “What if someone’s wish was to kill?”
No, the wishes aren’t like that. This isn’t a post in defense of Asha’s point (though you can easily do so with this), but rather just a clarification for what the wishes given to King Magnifico are. It’s proven in the movie, too.
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To start, wishes aren’t just ideas. Killing is an idea. But is it a part of your heart? No. If you were blood-thirsty or something and really wanted to do that, then first- get some help. Second, this is a kids’ movie. Third, Rosas is meant to be a safe haven for those who want to live in such a place. People GO THERE to be safe. If King Magnifico saw that someone really was blood-thirsty, do you really think he’d let them stay there? No.💀 He wouldn’t even look at all the wishes with a loving expression if some of them were actually BAD.
Take the woman’s wish was to fly for example. Talking more about how wishes aren’t just ideas but a part of your heart, it looks like the woman wanted to fly with birds, or just fly in general. Is that really what she wanted from face value? No, I really don’t think so. The flying could be a metaphor for being free, to travel, to experience things… you can interpret it into almost anything! (That’s what Magnifico did which led him to not grant a lot of wishes, but I’ll get into the downside of their given wishes soon). That’s why the woman wasn’t disappointed by the idea of a flying machine. She didn’t want to simply just fly with the birds- she wanted to travel, or experience freedom in the air, or something just as wonderful like those things. I’ll add “Interpretations of Each Wish in Wish” post to my list of other posts I’ve said I’d possibly make.
Oh! And let’s bring up what *Magnifico* said what wishes are. He said that they’re not just ideas, but what else? A part of your heart, but what part?
“They are a part of your heart. The very best part.”
The wishes are all good-intentioned. They mean well and are from the purest, bestest part of a person’s heart. From their soul more to speak. This proves that they aren’t even common wishes either. Like money, for example, people live in Rosas which is a rent-free currency(?)-free kingdom. There is no need for money all that much, so what would be the point in wishing for more money? Go to timestamp 0:20 until 0:30 to prove that the given wishes aren’t just bland.
And some people might say “The movie only shows the good wishes to prove Asha’s point that the people of Rosas are good. There could be bad wishes floating around somewhere.” The people of Rosas aren’t good. No one is just ‘good’. What Asha may of been saying is that the people of Rosas are good-INTENTIONED. A little greedy and ignorant and entitled, admittedly, but they don’t mean any harm. But ‘good-intentioned‘ would just further prove my point that the wishes themselves are good-intentioned.
Besides, if King Magnifico says that the wishes are “everything” and that “they’re the best part of your heart” then we should take his word for it. He has the wishes and knows more about them, so why should we deny that?
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Another thing I want to bring up is that just because the wishes are good-intentioned, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be dangerous. A wish could be good-intentioned, but vague- like Sabino’s. A good wish can have consequences almost like a bad wish. It’s more-so a *probability* that a good wish would end up with negative consequences, but a bad wish always ends up with negative consequences.
So my point is that the wishes are all good-intentioned, but some may just be too vague to be considered safe. The people of Rosas don’t seek to cause harm. But they sure are ignorant.
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That’s one of the reasons why Magnifico doesn’t grant a lot of wishes. It’s not because some wishes are BAD, it is because some wishes are VAGUE or NOT WELL THOUGHT OUT. Whether or not another reason why he wouldn’t grant a lot of wishes was because he wanted undeniable control and power is up to interpretation. I don’t really care for that bit.
Finally- and this is just a nitpick about the movie- “What about the wish of someone wanting a nanny for their horribly behaved children? Is that really a best part of a person’s heart?”Yeah, that’s a dumb wish. It really downgrades the purpose of the wishes in this case, so I don’t know why Disney would’ve done that. For an easter egg, yeah, but they just underwhelmed their own movie even more with this detail.
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scurviesdisneyblog · 4 months
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Early visual development for Wish (2023) by Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay and Brittney Lee.
An earlier version of the film saw Star take on a human form as a magical, glowing character inspired by Peter Pan. Ultimately, the creative team reconceptualized Star as an ethereal, playful entity resembling Mickey Mouse. "Now Star and Asha have an emotional journey. They are soulmates." -Allison Moore.
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artist-issues · 5 months
If you haven’t seen Wish yet and you love Disney, do not go see it. I am telling you now. It is ripping out the hearts of the Disney movies you love and then waving their corpses around as if celebrating those hearts.
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I’ll explain why, again: the message of Wish? Awful. Anti-Disney.
But they've been doing this for a long time. Saying one thing with their movies, and saying another with their PR and Disney Parks Soundtracks.
I'll explain.
Main Idea of Disney's Wish (and the You Are the Magic theme park song and merch): "The power to make your wishes come true is in you."
Most Disney Movies' Idea on How to Have Wishes: "Do what's right, (trust a higher power) and something even more wonderful than what you wished will happen."
Don't try to argue with me about this. You have to look underneath the slogans and the sweater designs and the song titles to what the stories actually support to acknowledge this.
Because you can’t say “do what’s right” has power unless you answer the question “who gets to decide ‘what’s right?’” (Which, coincidentally, is a question Wish brings up and then doesn’t answer.)
Audiences of Disney used to accept that wishing on a star was much like prayer; there’s something you long for, and it’s out of your hands, but you wish for it and you do what you know is right in the meantime. And you’re not crushed, you’re not downhearted, because somewhere in your mind you trust that the combo of those two things—wishing on a higher power and diligence to do what’s good—will be what makes your wish come true.
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Trust in a higher power—COMBINED WITH:
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—diligence to do what’s good.
The Blue Fairy (higher power) gave Geppetto his wish specifically because he had demonstrated commitment to do good, whether he got what he wanted or not. The Fairy Godmother (higher power) gave Cinderella her wish specifically because she kept on being kind and good to low creatures like mice and wicked stepsisters, whether she got what she wanted or not.
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Do you know why that combo (higher power + diligence to do good) is impactful? Timeless? Important?
Because it’s selfless. You want something, but you’re not going to sacrifice doing the right thing to get it. You’re not going to focus so hard on making what you want a reality, on your own, that you miss out on things that could be more important than what you want. And, you’re not so self-focused as to believe that if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
Jeez, that’s the whole point of The Princess and the Frog!
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Tiana wishes to have her own restaurant, and she believes that only her own hard work will grant that wish. She misunderstands her dad’s advice before he dies. She isn’t willing to trust a higher power combined with her own diligence to do good—she only trusts her own ability.
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It’s not until she realizes that Ray, the character of faith, was right all along that she learns—what she wished for was too self-focused. It wasn’t complete without love. Something bigger than herself. And getting that was never going to happen just based on her own hard work.
But you know what? It was never going to happen just by a “higher-power” flavored shortcut, either. Because Facilier offers her her wish if she’ll just trust him, no hard work needed. But what does she say?
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Trust in a higher power + diligence to do what’s right = selflessness, and getting more than you could have ever wished for. And if your wish is selfish, doing those two things will change your wish into something selfless.
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More examples? Get ‘em while they’re hot, in case Wish made you forget, just like the current #NotMyDisney executives have forgotten, what real Disney wishes are for.
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Belle wishes to have adventures in the great wide somewhere--but when she's imprisoned and that chance is taken from her it's not reversed because she worked hard to make her wish come true. It's granted because she gave up her wish for her father: she just did the right thing, regardless of her wish. And in the end, she does get what she wished for, which is adventure in an enchanted castle...and much more, because she gets true love, a throne, and a castle full of friends.
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How about the One Who Started It All? The one Wish is failing to pay genuine tribute to?
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Snow White wishes for someone to love her, and he does--but when they're separated, she does not exercise power to make The Prince come back to her. Instead, she loves who she can where she’s at—the Dwarfs. In the meantime, she has faith that he will keep his promise, and that pure trust in a higher power outside of her control is a big contributing factor to why the Dwarfs come to love her, and learn from her...and in the end, even more than she could've wished happens. He does take her to his castle, but she also has seven new friends who also love her, and the Queen is dead. And she didn’t need to use “the power in her” to work harder and get it done. She just needed to not focus so much on herself at all.
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How about a male main character? One who’s wish starts out selfish, but after learning to wish on a higher power and be diligent to do the right thing, gets more than he could wish for?
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Aladdin wishes to be somebody different (somebody he believes Jasmine could love, somebody who lives in a palace and is respected and “never has any troubles at all.”)—but doing everything in his own power for that wish proves that it was selfish all along; so he switches to doing the right thing, regardless of if his wish comes true, and he gets even more than he could’ve wished. He gets real love with Jasmine, he gets his friend Genie, and he gets to be free from feeling “trapped” because he doesn’t have to hide who he is anymore.
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Or Simba?
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Simba wishes to get to do whatever he wants as King—but when Mufasa dies and he’s convinced it’s his fault, it isn’t for that wish that he goes back to Pride Rock to confront his past and his Uncle. It’s because he had an encounter with a higher power—his father—that helped him to realize his wish was selfish all along. He gives up the selfish wish, and he goes back to take his place as king, not so he can do whatever he wants, but so that he can take self-sacrificial responsibility that comes with ruling. And because he just does the right thing, finally, he gets more than what he wished for.
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How about something more recent? Zootopia.
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Judy wishes to make the world a better place by proving she can be what she wants to be and catching bad guys—but when she tries to make her wish happen on her own, in her own abilities, she fails and is forced to realize that she should’ve been looking for help by understanding “bad guys,” like Nick. It’s only after she humbled herself, admits she’s wrong, and changes her wish from “proving I can be what I want and catching bad guys” to “proving that understanding each other makes the world a better place” (much less self-focused) that her wish comes true—and so much more. She does make the world a better place, and she does get to catch bad guys, but she also gets to befriend one who was a good guy all along, and become all-around more effective at her dream job.
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This is how Disney always has been. Because it’s at the heart of good storytelling, and even life (not to get too dramatic.)
The power is not in you. Because it’s not about you. Self-sacrifice, faith, and doing the next right thing regardless of if you get your heart’s fondest desire is what makes more than just your wishes come true. And there has to be belief in a higher power to make that message powerful.
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But Wish?
Not only is it bad at showing instead of telling. Not only is it lazy and soulless.
But it’s characters rip the Star out of the sky and say “don’t wish on this. Wish on yourself, to get what you wish for. You don’t need a higher power. You don’t even need to sacrifice to do what’s good—whatever you do is good, because you are the one doing it.”
That is wrong. That is not true, and it is not powerful. There’s no sacrifice in focusing on or placing your trust totally in yourself, and it undoes every good thing Disney has done up until now.
And it undoes it on the 100th anniversary, and it flaunts Easter eggs of the very things it’s undoing.
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malotte00 · 6 months
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Girls ✨
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rubydart · 5 months
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mafik-sun · 6 months
Here are three eras of Disney.
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The Beginning (Snow White), the Renaissance (Mulan) and Modern Times (Asha).
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yuhyeearlyuh · 6 months
💫 Asha concept art 💫
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God I wish they committed to a design that better represents the Amazigh people.. it really just feels like they copped out and went with the generic princess face and this boring ass dress.
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She at least deserved to keep her traditional jewelry and ornamented hair..
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Disney concept art is almost always more dynamic than the final movie designs..
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warryart · 4 months
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Asha and Star concept sketch🌟
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salmonpiffy · 5 months
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My interpretation of Asha and Star from Wish (2023) based from early concept designs of them
Yeah, I'm coping so hard
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signed-sapphire · 18 hours
Hey hey heyyy Saph! Guess what I’ve made 💜💛
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Aesthetic boards for Asha and Cielo! Hope you like them! ✨
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Asha’s is mainly purple, of course, with some gold. Golden crown casting shadows, purple roses (that are known to be beautiful but also thorny), golden astronomy symbols— !!! A light and airy staircase that gives me “At All Costs” vibes, sharp, jagged but beautiful purple crystals, a dark and mysterious galaxy, spiky but enchanting golden stars hanging from the purple ceiling—
Now Cielo’s—
Exploring, bright and adventurous, giving me Atlantis vibes along with the live action Prince Eric, which YES, celestial sky behind a bronze tower which is like the perfect metaphor for how the Stars restrict Cielo and Evangeline, THAT GATE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND LIKE BRIGHT AND ALSO HELPS MY AFOREMENTIONED METAPHOR, moon cycle (seriously, they are so moon and sun/star coded), THAT BLANKET LIKE A HEAVY AND SOFT FABRIC WITH STARS LIKE HIS CAPE ANNY CAN YOU READ MY MIND I LITERALLY HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER, swirling star, watercolor-esque sunset/sunrise giving Lion King vibes, AND THAT QUOTE AS WELL YES IT FITS THEM SO PERFECTLY
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Today is the day of Accurate Royalstar Representation
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