#happy belated bday to our big baby
toomuchracket · 1 year
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had the best day and enjoyed yourself.
I imagine big beefy Ross BF trying to surprise you for your bday but he’s so tall and loud you just hear him coming up the stairs or think someone has just broken in
thank you lovely!! this is a very sweet thought - definitely imagining the two of you all upset in the weeks leading up to your birthday because tour ends the day before and the boys are flying home on your birthday, so ross will miss most of it by the time he gets back. you're not too fussed, but ross LOVES celebrating your birthday and turning it into a whole thing, so he's really devastated about the idea of missing the majority of the day. cut to about 7am on your actual birthday, when you're awoken by a clatter downstairs - which terrifies you, because you're home alone and the dog is lying at the foot of the bed - and a familiar voice going "oh, for fuck's sake", like at a volume meant to be quiet but still loud in such an empty, soundless house. you and the dog both perk up at the sound, your heart swelling (metaphorically) and your eyes beginning to tear up as you hear ross begin to pad up the stairs - the dog runs out happily as he reaches the landing, and you can hear ross go "shhh, hi, yes, i'm happy to see you too mate! some bloody guard dog you are, though, not leaving the bedroom until i'm almost at it. i bet you've been spoiled while i was gone, yeah, gotten lazy? i'll be having words with your mother about that once she wakes up". and you giggle from the bed, which makes the dog run back in and jump up next to you; ross follows, pausing in the doorway to smile at you, holding a bouquet of flowers, and he's like "yep, just as i suspected, sleeping in the bed. spoiled". you're like "well i had to have some company when you were away. also - mother? the dog's now our baby?", and ross laughs and says "until you let me give you an actual one, yeah. happy birthday, by the way, my love" before he comes over and lays the flowers on the bedside table and kisses you. and you drag ross on top of you like the best weighted blanket ever and say "you know, the way you phrased that made it seem like you knocking me up was my birthday present", and he laughs and says "well, to be fair, birthday sex was on the agenda for today regardless of what time i got back at, sooooooo", and you giggle before saying "wait - how are you back so early? i thought it was the early evening you'd be getting home". and ross kisses your nose and says "went straight to the airport after the show yesterday. half my shit is still with the boys - adam says he'll pop round with it tomorrow. but there was no way i was missing spending your entire birthday with you, love, not a chance" - you tear up a little bit again, and kiss your boyfriend before the two of you exchange i love you's. and then ross yawns slightly, and you're like "come on, get in", and he wiggles his eyebrows like "cashing in birthday sex already? i like it", and you roll your eyes like "no, dafty, a nap - you're exhausted and i was planning to sleep for another three hours". and ross laughs and moves off you to pick the dog up and put them in their dog bed before he climbs in beside you to spoon, snuggling in sweetly - that is, before he says "i mean really i could just slip it in for one round now-" and you're like "SLEEP i promise we can have sex later" lol. but you nap for a bit, comfy in your boyfriend's big arms once again, before spending a lovely birthday with him <3
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gamerwoo · 8 months
happy early birthday omg !!! love u sm my baby i hope whatever u do tomorrow is as wonderful as u !! mwah mwah big smoochies to u bday babe 🎂
aaaaa happy belated birthday to you!! i didn’t realize how close our birthdays were we’re so connected 🥹💛 (i’m also just delusional hehe)
but thank you sm i lovelovelovelove you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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lunarwildrose · 9 months
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Happiest of Life-days to my sweet, sweet soul children♡♡♡
Happy 1st Life-day to our last two Tiger Babies (twin boys), and Happy (belated) Life-day on the 12th to our second eldest daughter who is 3 and our kitten twins (one girl, one boy) who are 2! 🐯🐯👼🏻🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🧸🎎🪆🎁🎈🎉
Our 3-yr-old girl's bday was in March (1st Day of Spring, so the 20th), although the 12th of September was her chosen bday by her Papa. It's a complicated story. I gave birth to her in March 2020, but Papa didn't see her for some reason, so I thought it was "non-canon", longing for my baby girl to be real / "canon" … then right before my bday in May, I was given her in a dream with a new name by their Uncle Loki, and so I thought she was a baby I was adopting, but turns out our girl was my dream baby from March with a new name! My imaginary world made up of dreams and daydreams and everyday pseudo-hallucinations is a fascinating one.
The kitten twins are really kittens, btw. :3 I guess cos I identify with kittycats (aka Nabi) that I popped out two kittens a couple years back? Hehe ^^; As for the Tiger Babies, last year was the Year of the Tiger, hence why I call those six babies the Tiger Babies! :3 (We also had one last baby on a whim cos I wanted a baby born in the Year of the Cat btw, as it is in Vietnam; Bunnyrabbit elsewhere, tho. =^w^= ♡)
Our 3-yr-old girl is very strong-willed and assertive (she shared this bday with her junior namesake little sister, also a 1-yr-old Tiger Baby, who is the sweetest little girl you will ever meet with a beautiful sense of fashion), while the 2-yr-old kitten twins are very gentle-spirited and shy (the girl kitten shared her bday with her senior namesake big sister, who is also our oldest daughter at 5-yrs-old, and is basically my little buddy always by my side since she came to live with Mumsy, and is always looking out for her siblings being generous with the biggest Heart of Gold), and my two 1-yr-old Tiger Baby twin boys are curious, quiet, and the bestest of friends with one another. ♡
Happiest of Life-days to my sweet, sweet soul children♡♡♡
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daydream-in-a-dream · 5 years
Runway (NCT Lucas)
Genre: Angst with a tinge of fluff, model!Lucas X photographer!reader
Word count:  approx. 7k
Warning(s): Swearing
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Photography has always been your passion, and without a doubt, you took it as a major when you had the chance. As the second year approached, you doubted whether the subject was really your passion or just a fleeting interest at that point in time.
It wasn't that you hate photography per se. You did enjoy taking shots on inanimate objects but when it comes to human models, you have to deal with the unnecessary troubles on top of having them to meet your expectations. Some models failed terribly in recreating your impression, while very few people were able to portray the picture that you have in mind. Fortunately, there was one particular guy who exceeds your expectation, to the point where he could improvise on the spot and allow you to be open to new perspectives.
Yukhei was the guy you go to when your projects involved human beings. Johnny introduced him to you when you were unable to find a suitable model and you only had a week left before you had to submit your final project in the first year. Since then, you never look elsewhere. You were glad that Yukhei accepted your requests in a heartbeat, in which Johnny would often whine about how you practically stole his life saviour.
"You can't do this to me!" He cried during lunch. "And you, Yukhei! How could you accept her offer and not mine?"
"Your ideas are too hard for me to work with, and she usually treats me afterwards," the younger man reasoned before he nonchalantly chewed on his food. Once in a while, his eyes widened before he hummed in appreciation as he savoured his meal. On the other hand, Johnny whipped his head to face you before his eyes narrowed.
"I can't believe you bribed him! I shouldn't have introduced him in the first place if I knew you would do such a thing!" Pouting like a baby, he crossed his arms as he looked away from you. In all honesty, you knew Johnny wasn't being serious and that alone made you chuckle.
"Come on, Johnny! I know you just want to have female models for your work. Don't worry, I'll contact my friends if any of them are interested." Of course, the said man was all smiles again as he faced you again.
"Now that's what I want to hear!" He then glanced at his watch. "Okay, I need to go now. Call me when you already found one!"
Johnny jogged away from the area as he waved to you and Yukhei. It was only half past twelve when you and Yukhei had finished eating, leaving you with a few hours to spare before your next class while Yukhei could just head his way home. Planning to use your time productively, you proposed to work on your project immediately. As expected, Yukhei agreed before you led the way to the ideal location for the photoshoot.
"Wait, no need for a change of clothes?" Yukhei inquired, in which you replied by shaking your head as you elaborated on the ideas you wished he could depict later on the set. As usual, he pitched in some ideas too and honestly speaking, you wouldn't ask for a better model.
"Well, who needs a change of clothes when the model himself is enough to get you an A." You had grown accustomed to his overflowing confidence on himself, yet you couldn't help yourself as you chuckled in delight before getting serious with work.
It was a typical day spent with Yukhei. However, it was unfortunate that you started to miss the time spent with him when both of you went separate ways after graduation and all contacts were ceased ever since.
(Present day)
You were pretty much established in the photography scene now. Back then, you couldn't imagine yourself being invited to major events often for your service, but somehow you made it. However, you couldn't deny that you felt guilty for not checking up on your friends when you were piled with your seemingly endless work. Calls from clients were made every now and then, impromptu photoshoots happened once in a while to cover for your sick colleagues. You couldn't recall the last time you contacted your friends. It wasn't until Johnny attended the same event as you when you were reminded about the lack of contact you made with your friends.
"Oh my god! Johnny, is that really you?" You couldn't hide your elation upon spotting Johnny at the entrance a few hours before the event started.
"Oh lord, you! How long has it been since you last called me?" His eyebrows were furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest, huffing with mock anger while he waited for your reply.
"Uhm, I might have lost your number when I changed my contact number." You sheepishly grinned, leaving the tall man baffled.
"Are you serious?! Why don't you just ask me? Dude, social media exists for a reason." Looking deadpanned, he was unimpressed with your excuse.
"I'm sorry, I just got caught up with work." Johnny was about to argue when a group of photographers made their way to the venue, bringing both of you back to reality. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when he realised that there was barely any time left before the event would commence.
"Give me your phone." His sudden demand caused you to hand him the device almost instantaneously, and it wasn't until your phone left your grasp did you realise what was bound to happen.
"Johnny, you can just write your number on paper and just pass it to me you know." Your fingers reached for your phone restlessly but he retracted his hand before you could even touch it.
"Shush." He attempted to unlock your phone, only to be shooting you an unamused look when you had been using the same PIN since your college days. He then dialled his number on your phone before he passed it back to you. "There. All done."
Your lips quirked awkwardly as you tried to show a genuine smile. It wasn't that you were unhappy about it. You really did want to keep his number just in case, but the fact he got your number would mean that he would be pestering you on your off days. And the thought alone bothered you. Those days were meant for you to laze around in your home, and there was no way you would let him drag you out of your apartment when you just need time to yourself before you were ready to face the hectic week ahead.
However, you knew that was just an excuse when Johnny had a wide circle of friends to hang out with. In reality, you were just afraid that Johnny would readily give your phone number to Yukhei, and you weren't prepared for it. You couldn't deny that you cut Yukhei off rather abruptly, but it was for the best. It was unfair for him, considering how he had been calling you non-stop ever since you left the town to venture for your career opportunities without bidding farewell to your friends, and it came to the point where you had resorted to changing your mobile number just so he wouldn't hinder with your quest to find your dream job. You would only be preparing a recipe for disaster if you were to allow your affections for him to grow.
The seats were already occupied with notable public figures in the fashion industry, but you couldn't care less. You only hoped that you could get this done and over with so that you could return to your comfortable cocoon with a bowl of popcorn in your hand while you binge-watched the latest drama series you had been anticipating for days. You would have done so if your dear colleague wouldn't drop the news at the very last minute, and somehow, she knew that you wouldn't reject the job which was why you ended up in this place unwillingly.
A round of applause erupted as the models made an appearance in the runway with the latest fall collection. It was your cue to take the shots as the models strutted their way to the front of the platform before walking confidently to the backstage. Johnny wasn't far off from your position as he too was immersed in capturing the best pictures he could take in the fashion show.
Monotonously clicking on the shutter, you were growing bored as the digital clock at the back of the room displayed 21:00. It has been already an hour since you were stuck in this event and you were very tempted to get out of this place before the boredom kills you. When he made an appearance in the runway, however, your temptation to flee might just come to reality if it wasn't for you being trapped in the middle of a large group of cameramen in front of the platform. You couldn't tell if he saw you in the crowd when his piercing gaze was at the front, and not once did his eyes travelled down to see you in your crouch position with your camera as a perfect hiding spot for your face. Yet, your fingers were getting jittery at the thought of him spotting you and you were definitely not ready to meet him. Not just yet.
"Now let's welcome the fashion designer, Nakamoto Yuta, into the house together with our rising model, Lucas Wong, who'll be donning the highlight of this year's fall collection. Let's welcome them with a round of applause!" Yukhei made his way to the front of the platform again. This time around, he had a long beige coat on him together with a cream turtleneck and black khakis to complete the look, accentuating the theme of the fall collection ㅡ simplicity.
Yuta made his way next, with his immaculate white suit, as his suave gait didn't go unnoticed. Nonetheless, he still walked with a gummy smile on his face while he fixed his blazer. After he bowed slightly to the audience, he introduced his fashion line while resting his arm on Yukhei's shoulder, in which the latter relaxed a bit when Yuta lightly tapped on his bicep with Yuta's smile being the driving factor for Yukhei to loosen up. The non-verbal communication between the two men was enough for you to conclude that they must have been close.
You couldn't help getting distracted with your work when the man you had been avoiding thus far was suddenly appearing in front of you. Of course, your absent-minded self didn't notice Yukhei staring straight at you when your camera was lowered to your chin level. It was only when a photographer next to you accidentally knocked on you, causing you to falter from your crouch position and caught Yukhei’s intense gaze on you. Too stupefied to do anything afterwards, your body turned numb. You could only exhale the air which you had been keeping for a while when both Yuta and Yukhei returned backstage. As the guests rose from their seats, you immediately dashed to your car, not bothering to turn back when Johnny called you.
You were glad that your car was passing the electronic gantry when Yukhei was turning left and right at the exit, looking slightly dishevelled. You were just not ready to face him. At least not now.
The days leading to graduation were hectic. You weren't given the time to be anxious about your graduation when you were in the midst of helping your parents to pack their belongings. On top of that, you were also contemplating the job offer you received recently and as much as it sounded enticing, you had to think things through before accepting it wholeheartedly. It was unfortunate that you didn't have the time to sit down and ponder over the offer when there were so many things to clear at the moment.
It was already two days before graduation when the movers had arrived in your doorsteps to help in transporting some of your parents' treasured furniture. You did your part by carrying the boxes containing their clothes to the truck.
"Honey, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Your mom questioned again when all the necessary items were on the way to your parents' new residence.
"It's okay. I still need to attend the graduation ceremony and the university's not far from here anyway." The corners of her mouth were pulled to the side as she nodded, assuring you that you were always welcomed anytime. She didn't say much afterwards as she headed to the car where her husband was waiting before she slammed the door shut when she got inside. Nonetheless, she did wave at you before the car sped off.
As the red Mini Cooper diminished from your view, you couldn't help but wonder if your parents were still disappointed with you choosing photography as your major when they had dearly hoped you would choose business so that you, being the only child in the family, could inherit their firm one day. They didn't resist much when you first announced it, but they did give you a cold shoulder once in a while when you talked about your university life. You wouldn't be surprised that they won't make it for the graduation ceremony, considering how your workaholic parents had opted to buy a house closer to their office which made them even more absorbed in their occupation since they could go to work anytime they pleased.
The vibration from your jeans broke your reverie, in which you quickly fished the device out from the pocket as you went back inside when the afternoon rays came off rather strongly, making you uncomfortable in your drenched white tee.
"I'm surprised that you decided to accept my video call this time round. What happened to your 'strictly calls only'?" One of his eyebrows were raised as his head was tilted, pleasantly surprised by your change.
"I don't want my phone to be dirtied by my sweaty ears." Grabbing the remote control to set the highest setting for your ceiling fan, you soon plopped on the couch, not bothering to change your clothes since there were no adults to nag at you for ruining the leather seats.
"I see. You look good when you're wet anyway." You rolled your eyes at the innuendo, especially when Yukhei repeatedly raised his eyebrows in a coy manner before you spoke. "Anyway, why are you calling me?"
Looking away for a moment, he bit his lower lip as he struggled to voice his main agenda for the call. You were about to open your mouth to ask him again when he beat you to it.
"I don't want to force you or anything, but do you want to go out with me tomorrow night? Just you and me." The invitation did come as a surprise for you when your pupils dilated.
"Aren't you going to the party tomorrow?" You knew a graduands' party was going to take place on the day before the ceremony, and Yukhei wasn't one to shy away from such social gatherings. When there's free food, there's Yukhei. That was one thing for sure.
"Nah, I'm too old for parties anyway." At this moment, you couldn't hide your bewilderment when your eyes were wide opened before they were narrowed to slits as you eyed him suspiciously. Yukhei, the Wong Yukhei, rejecting parties? That was something you couldn't fathom for a while.
"Oh, come on! It's been a while since we last hang out anyway! Please? I'll definitely treat you tomorrow! You don't have to bring even a single cent!" A smirk was formed on your face when you decided to play with him.
"Oh really? Will you buy for me a building then?" 
"Definitely! I'll even bribe NASA if you want to travel to the moon!" Of course, Yukhei went along with it before waves of laughter soon erupted. You rarely cracked jokes among your friends but years of friendship with the man on the screen made it possible for you to be comfortable to engage in playful banters with him.
Eventually, you yielded to his request, in which Yukhei reacted by pumping his fist to the air while exclaiming a loud 'yes!' which echoed around his room. The wrinkles formed near his eyes were as clear as day while his wide smile spurred you to do the same. It wasn't long before he had to cut the conversation short, claiming that he had an errand to run.
Tomorrow came faster than you expected. There was a sense of giddiness coursing through your body as you waited for the sun to set. Yukhei had called you earlier this morning that he would be picking you up, and you were given no time to decline the offer when he immediately hung up since he was merely informing you. You could only chuckle to yourself as you got dressed an hour before he arrived.
Despite being in the middle of finding your pair of jeans, you didn't hesitate to pick up the call when the ringtone had resonated around your bedroom for quite some time.
"Hey Yukhei, could you give me a sec-"
"Sorry, but we're calling from Pixel Studios." You immediately retracted your hand to see the caller, only to curse silently before you placed your phone back to your ear.
"We just want to confirm whether you'll be taking up the job. We really admire your work and it'll be appreciated if you could decide as soon as possible so that we can contact other potential candidates if you plan to reject the offer." Your heart felt heavy as those words were uttered to you. You knew you shouldn't be reluctant to accept the offer straight away, but something was stopping you. And the fact that you didn't know what that 'something' could be added on to your frustration.
"Is it okay if I reply tomorrow?" A sigh could be heard from the end of the call before he finally agreed. You didn't forget to thank the person before he ended the call. Somehow, the excitement which bubbled within you had dissipated. You didn't manage to dwell on the topic further when you heard the sound of the car honking thrice. You quickly rummaged your closet before your eyes finally landed on the pair of jeans you were looking for. There was no time to waste as you instantly put it on, and at the same time, praising yourself for doing your makeup earlier on.
"Sorry, I'm late!" You barely breathed once you jogged your way to stand in front of him, who all this while had been leaning on his Hyundai. He waved his hand dismissively, convincing you that it was fine after all even though he didn't miss the opportunity to tease you about how you reject his ride earlier this morning.
"Shall we go now, my lady?" Opening the door to the passenger seat, he ushered you in like a fine gentleman. While the act could cause women to have their hearts racing, you could only laugh in embarrassment when the action was uncalled for, especially when both of you were wearing casual outfits.
Yukhei might have called this a hangout, but you felt that this was a date instead. How could you not think that way when he had been acting so nice to you? And with the way he held you close almost all the time, you wouldn't be surprised if outsiders were to mistake both of you as a couple. You didn't mind though, but it did raise questions in your head as to what Yukhei was hiding.
His hand felt clammy whenever you interlocked your fingers with his, and you did spot his long legs growing restless under the table when you had dinner with him at the restaurant situated by the river. Well, it could be due to the night breeze but you highly doubted that. Especially when his eyes darted sideways once in a while ㅡ a telltale sign that he was obviously nervous over something.
After the palatable meal, Yukhei suggested taking a walk by the river. You agreed nevertheless, even though you couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that kept reminding you that he was trying to buy time to alleviate his anxiety. As such, both of you didn't walk far before you spun around and stopped in front of him. His chest would have been knocking on your face if it wasn't for his quick reflexes due to your sudden movement. He might seem intimidating to you with his towering height, but when his eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights, he only resembled a very big baby.
"What's wrong?" Yukhei asked.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that question? You're not being yourself tonight. Is there something you're hiding from me?" You playfully pointed your index finger at him, in which he responded by rubbing his nape in an attempt to relieve his nerves.
"Is it that obvious?" The incandescent lamp above the two of you highlighted his crimson red cheeks, but that didn't stop him from reaching for your hands before holding it firmly. It would be a lie to say that your heart didn't palpitate wildly as you were mildly worried about what was he planning to say. 
"I like you." Your mouth went agape with incredulity at the declaration, but he didn't let you say anything as he quickly continued.
"I can't deny that I've been attracted to you since the day we first met. And it only seems to grow the more I spend time with you. It was hard for me to contain these feelings every time I'm with you. I don't expect an answer from you yet, but I hope our friendship doesn't change." After the confession, he couldn't bear to look at you any longer as his eyes were averted to the ground instead. 
You were at a loss of words. Although you did wonder about it, you didn't expect that he would express his feelings up front. And you weren't prepared for it. Somehow, you felt bad for probing him when he seemed to be on his toes after professing his attraction towards you.
The ride to your home was uncomfortable, absolutely. No one initiated any conversation as the radio filled the silence instead. You tried to think of other things to distract yourself, only to remember about the company who had been waiting for your response. You cursed inwardly as you could feel your shoulders being weighed down further by the job offer, on top of Yukhei's confession earlier. Even as both of you exited the car, the awkward tension still lingered in the air.
"See you tomorrow in the ceremony." You could feel the cringe on your fingertips at how strained the conversation had become. Nonetheless, you still bade him farewell as you watched his car disappear into nothingness.
Taking a quick shower, you shuffled to your bed before your limbs were splayed across the soft mattress. Even when the clock struck two in the morning, you couldn't sleep. It was difficult trying to formulate a response for the company when Yukhei's confession still floated in your head. The job was what you could ever dream of, and now that he professed his feelings for you, you were hesitant to take up the job. Even though you could imagine yourself being his significant other, you were well aware that the opportunity which was being thrust upon you was hard to come by. Moreover, you weren't even committed to him yet so it should be easy to reject his feelings and focus on your career first, right?
Wrong! You screamed at your idiocy because you knew damn well that your feelings were in too deep as well. However, you also knew that you had to think with your head and not your heart if you didn't want your future to be bleak. Plus, how sure were you that your relationship with Yukhei was going to last?
By the time the sun had risen, you already made up your mind. You decided to keep your feelings dormant for now so that you can start your career with ease. Moreover, you didn't want to disappoint your parents any further by not working in a field you had been studying for years. There was no going back as you went to the bathroom, not bothering to take a quick nap in spite of the commencement of the ceremony being in the late afternoon.
You already texted your parents about the ceremony, and as unsurprisingly as ever, they replied with a typical excuse of why they won't be able to make it for the event. At this point, you didn't even know whether they were lying or not, but you couldn't care less anyway. However, you did inform them that you were planning to stay with them after the ceremony and your mother was more than happy to receive you after the ceremony, which was also in line with the end of office hours. Your father, on the other hand, was planning to rent the house the moment he heard about the news even though you were still unsure as to how long you would be occupying your parents' home. You had already packed your essentials in your duffle bag when Johnny texted you to come early, stating that there was going to be a photo-taking among the photography majors before the start of the graduation ceremony.
Boisterous cheers were heard even before you stepped in the school grounds. Despite the overwhelming crowd in your university, you could easily spot the long-legged man from afar before you brisk-walked your way towards him and landed a punch lightly on his bicep, earning a yelp from him.
"Seriously?" You guffawed at his mock hurt when his face was scrunched upon receiving the blow, causing you to slap the same bicep even harder which resulted in Johnny to actually cry in pain before he rubbed the spot soothingly. "You're mean!"
"Well, you're being dramatic Johnny." His pupils reached for the skies before he pulled you to the rest of the photography majors when one of them had called for a photo-taking. The gods must have loved you a lot when the same guy handed his phone to Yukhei who happened to be within the vicinity. Yukhei obliged, not noticing your presence just yet.
"Alright, I'm going to take one now." The sizeable cohort quickly scurried into their places, and you quickly rushed towards Johnny's side. Johnny, however, had other plans when he firmly grabbed your shoulders such that you were in front of him so that he can rest his head on top of yours. You were about to look up when the people around you started to disperse.
"Johnny!" You didn't hesitate to smack his chest hard, loud enough for Yukhei to wince as he approached the two of you.
"You wouldn't want to get on her bad side, Johnny," Yukhei mused, only to raise his arms up defensively when you glared at him.
"I swear, what did I do in my past life for me to deserve such idiots..." Your groans were left unheard when both men were exchanging high-fives in front of you. Being the shortest among the three, you could predict that both of them wouldn't even realise that you were gone even if you happen to flee hours ago.
"Ehem! I'm right here, you know." You made your presence known when Yukhei and Johnny showed no signs of stopping the conversation.
"Aww... are you upset that we're leaving you out?" Yukhei swung his arm before he pulled you closer. You were glad that he was being his goofy self because you wouldn't know how to act around him when the confession just happened yesterday.
"We should have dinner together later!" Johnny suggested, but you were quick to raise your index finger.
"Uhm, about that... I don't think I'll be joining you guys. I'll be with my parents tonight." You subconsciously scratched your head as you smiled sheepishly.
"Now who's the one leaving?" Yukhei hinted. You shot him an apologetic look, but you knew deep down this was all for the best. Now that you chose to stay with your parents, you were determined to give yourself space for you to focus on photography, and photography alone. You couldn't risk yourself losing the opportunity to develop your portfolio at the expense of your friends ㅡ more like your potential infatuation with Yukhei.
There was no going back.
(Present day)
"What is it, Johnny? I'm in the middle of work," you grumbled upon answering the call when the vibration in your pocket became too much to handle.
"Are you serious? It's lunch hour now! I was just about to call you out to eat together with me."
"I'll pass for now. I can eat later after I'm done with my job." You turned down his offer, but Johnny had been adamant to have you eating with him.
"You've been rejecting our lunch dates for too long! That's it, I'm buying lunch over so that we can eat together. It's Pixel Studios right?"
"Yeah," you confirmed absent-mindedly before you processed his words once again. "Wait, how do you know that's where I work?"
"I saw your pass during the event. Okay, see you later!" You didn't have the time to dissuade him from coming to your workplace when he immediately hung up. You could only click your tongue in annoyance before the director's voice was booming within the four walls.
"Come on guys! The models are entering the studio any minute!" At his command, your colleagues who were still in the midst of arranging the props soon quickened their pace. You could sense that it was going to be a rough day today, considering how his voice becoming hoarse as the clock ticked by. Thank goodness your camera crew had already set up the necessary equipment when your senior approached you.
"I need your help." Well, what's new. You thought.
"I need you to record the interview later after the photoshoot. I've been contacting Donghoon for the past hour and he's not picking up!" You knew Donghoon wasn’t going to make it, especially when his social media was flooded with photos of him downing shots at the club last night.
"Alright," you agreed reluctantly. "Are we interviewing all three models?"
"Oh no! It'll just be Lucas Wong. It won't take long, I can assure you." The mention of his name had you frozen on your feet. You knew he was coming for the photoshoot, and you actually contemplated whether or not you should report for work. Nevertheless, you still came, with hopes that you could escape once it was over. Bold of you to assume so when there was no way you could run away this time.
"Are you okay?" Your senior placed her hand on your shoulder when she noticed your body stiffened. You quickly reassured her that you were fine, although she was hardly convinced when your eyes were directed at the exit. Eventually, she left you alone when the director clapped his hands loudly to signal the crew to get in position.
Yukhei's powerful gait was hard to miss despite being at the back when the models walked in. You anticipated him to be all smug as he made his way to the set, but he proved you wrong as he greeted the staff with his wide smile. You swore you could see those heart-eyes forming on your female colleagues as they gushed about his mannerisms. Somehow, you were glad that he didn't let the fame get into him. Unlike the stoic face which he displayed back then during the fashion show, he was showcasing his teeth upon spotting you as his eyes momentarily disappeared when he smiled. It felt like your university days again where he would often model for you in your projects.
You weren't surprised when Yukhei followed your instructions well as you took the shots. He could grasp the idea that you wished to portray after explaining only once while the other two models required more directing from you. For once, you weren't anxious about Yukhei's presence as you immersed yourself fully in the job. Even when he came close to you to monitor the pictures, you could cast your worries aside as you interacted with him in a strictly professional way.
"Okay, it's a wrap!" You announced before everyone involved clapped their hands together as they praised each other for the good work while packing the pieces of equipment. For a moment, you relished in the feeling of finally being free from work as you stretched your arms. The relief was short-lived though when you saw your senior approaching Yukhei, the sight reminding of the extra task which you had to complete before you could treat yourself for a meal. Your thoughts flew to Johnny as you had yet to notice his presence. Quickly checking your phone, there was no incoming calls or texts from the young man. Well, there was nothing much you could do anyway. He would appear when he arrived later.
Carrying the camcorder in one hand and the tripod stand in another, you dragged yourself to where Yukhei and your senior were situated. However, it wasn't long before Yukhei came to the rescue by helping you carry the burdensome tripod stand. You couldn't even protest when he wordlessly took it away from you so you only pointed him where it was supposed to be and muttered a soft thank you before he returned to the seat beside your senior. Once you had finished setting up, you gave your senior a thumbs up ㅡ a cue for her to conduct the interview.
"I'm glad you could join today for our interview! I swear, it's hard to have your time these days!" Your senior started off as she set a comfortable atmosphere for the session, in which he waved his hand off while chuckling in delight. "As a start, why not you tell me about yourself?"
The words that came afterwards became a buzzing noise in your head as you watched Yukhei conversed candidly with her through the LCD screen. The sight painfully reminded you of the good times you had with him previously, and it would have stayed the same if you weren't a coward to run away and dealt your relationship with him. Till this day, you felt the guilt gnawing on your existence as you left him hanging. Now that he was right in front of you, you were afraid of the imminent confrontation ㅡ if he wished to talk about it, that is.
Your thoughts were disrupted when you heard a peal of high-pitched laughter coming from your senior, probably laughing over a funny incident which Yukhei shared with her. She was so smitten, and you couldn't blame her for falling for his charms though. You were once in her spot as well. Yet, you couldn't ignore the jealousy that was brewing within you when you witnessed Yukhei burst out laughing too. Come on, it's just an interview. You're not his girlfriend anyway.
"Wow, what a childhood you had." Your senior wiped away the stray tear due to the laughter before she continued. "Now, I'm sure fans are curious about your love life. Is there anyone who has managed to capture your heart recently?"
Despite your poised position from your seat, your hands kept wringing to ease the nerves. Her question shouldn't affect you as much if you didn't have feelings for him, and yet here you were secretly hoping that you have a chance with him. Yes, you were selfish. But how could you not when he had been invading your mind for the past years when you and Yukhei were apart?
"Uhm... how should I say this?" He paused, his finger touching on his cheek repeatedly as he considered his response. "I did confess to the girl that I like a few years back, and I'm still waiting for her response honestly."
"She's definitely lucky to have someone as loyal as you. Do you have something to say to her? You can face the camera if you like." Your senior ushered to the device and you swore your breath hitched when he looked at the camera as if he was staring directly at your soul instead. Nevertheless, you adjusted the camcorder in such a way where it would focus solely on him before he cleared his throat. 
"Hey... it's been a while since we last spoke to each other. I probably scared you away with the confession, and I'm sorry about that. To be honest, I miss you so much. It definitely felt different when you left. There are so many things to talk about. Let's meet soon, shall we? My number's still the same." He decided to cut short the message before his emotions caught in his throat.
Despite avoiding eye contact, Yukhei noticed how you were hastily packing up once the interview had come to an end. You only turned your head when your senior gave you further instructions before she headed to the exit, leaving Yukhei and you alone in the spacious studio. He was quick to take the tripod stand once again, and you knew how stubborn Yukhei could be from the years of friendship, so you let him follow you to the back of the studio where most of the items were stored.
"Don't you miss me?"
"You can place it there." You deflected his question by pointing to where it was supposed to be. His eyebrow was slightly raised at your obvious attempt to avoid the discussion, yet he still followed your order in the end before he turned around to face you and had his hands resting on his hips.
"Don't you have anything to say to me?"
"Look, your job here is done. What am I suppose to say anyway?" You finally held eye contact with him after so long, but your critical tone set him off.
"Well, I don't know! Anything!" He lifted both of his hands in exasperation. "Oh, why not we start with why the fuck did you leave without saying goodbye? Heck, you're even uncontactable ever since!"
"Yukhei, please. Can we have this conversation next time? I still have my work to do." It was just the beginning, yet you felt your energy draining before he harshly grabbed your shoulders.
"When? The next thing I knew, you'll run off again. I'm not going to let it happen this time. Not under my watch." He spat before he inhaled deeply and ended it off with a heavy sigh. "Can't we just go back to being friends again? Is it too much to ask for?"
His eyes were full of emotions, whirling aimlessly within his pupils. Yet, all he could see was how hollow your eyes were all this time ㅡ a black hole void of emotions. The hands which held you captive soon returned to his side when Johnny's voice reverberated as he shouted for your name.
"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Johnny stopped his tracks at the doorway, feeling wary of his next movements.
"Nah. He's leaving now anyway." Yukhei was mildly taken aback by your sudden change in demeanour as you smiled sweetly at Johnny, but he didn't let his emotion show.
"Come join us as well. It's been a while since we all gather together," Johnny invited Yukhei as the former approached closer to the both of you.
"It's okay. I've to get back to work." With a wave, Yukhei turned down the offer nicely before he patted Johnny on the shoulder as he left the place, not forgetting to assure the older man that Yukhei would catch up with them next time.
It was only a few seconds after Yukhei took his leave when you followed suit, heading to the lounge room while Johnny trailed behind you with no words being exchanged upon sensing your sour mood.
Without a word, Johnny set up the lunch on the glossy white table while still keeping an eye on your expression. You remained impassive as you thanked for the meal before consuming your food silently. It was barely a few bites when Johnny couldn't take the deafening silence anymore.
"I overheard the conversation." You frowned at the revelation. You placed your chopsticks down and wiped your mouth with a napkin, ready to retort. However, Johnny didn't let you when his hand was shoved close to your mouth.
"Yukhei didn't deserve that, you know." Once again, you were ready to snap when he shushed you sharply, mildly irritated by your need to fight back.
"He talked about it. About how you left him, left us, without a word. You shouldn't give him a cold treatment when all this while he's been blaming himself for ruining the friendship between the two of you." If Johnny wanted you to feel guilty, he did a great job. You were unable to meet him in the eye as a sigh escaped from your lips.
"I was scared, Johnny. Scared of the commitments I have to bear if I were to accept both his feelings and the job offer back then. I'm trying to prevent ourselves from getting hurt any further."
"Well, you hurt him nonetheless." He cut in, earning a scowl from you before your features softened, knowing deep down that he was right.
"You can't just push him away just because you are scared. You should've discussed it to him. I'm sure you guys can work things out." You lost your appetite by the time the waterworks started, and you were thankful that Johnny was there with you as he consoled you with a warm embrace.
"I've fucked things up real bad, right?" You managed to utter in between your sobs.
"No, sweetheart. He's still waiting for you, you know. Just talk to him, alright? I don't want to see my friends hurt anymore."
You knew you couldn't evade from the inevitable. Yukhei needed this. You needed this. No point distancing yourself from him when you wanted him as much as he did.
There is no way you are running away this time.
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kelieah · 4 years
an unexpected gift (tom holland x reader)
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summary: tom gets an unforgettable and a long-awaited birthday gift
word count: 2.9k
 warnings: angst, fluff, suggestive content, a TRIGGERING TOPIC struggling fertility! please don’t read if it’s a sensitive topic for you ❤️ (also i am here if anyone needs to talk, you’re not alone love)
edited: so this fic took me forever, and here i am posting two fking days after his bday 😭 with everything going on i hope this takes your mind off it for a milisecond, ily all. stay strong 🥺
a/n: i knowwww i know it’s his bday but i couldn’t help but add some angst jdsabfk anyways HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND we all love you so much hehe
Your mind swirls with emotion as you wait patiently for what felt like the millionth time.
Please. Please. Please.
You thought to yourself as you pace around your bathroom. You inhale deeply and look down at the fifth pregnancy test you took in your trembling hands. Your eyes begin to blur with tears when you notice the two bright pink lines slowly appear in the little box. You let out a shaky sob, “O-Oh my god. Oh my god, thank you. Holy shit. T-Thank you,” you whimper happily.
You place the test aside, feeling as if a weight was lifted off your shoulders. You run your hands through your hair and back up against the bathroom door, sliding down to the floor. You feel your tears stream down your cheeks while a smile makes its way onto your face.
You and Tom have been married for about two years and been trying to have a baby for the past year. It’s been a rocky road of trial and error, medicines and doctors visits. Now, you both finally just received the most precious and priceless gift anyone could ask for.
You stand up taking a deep breath and close your eyes. This is what you and Tom have been waiting for, what you both have been hoping for. You finally got pregnant, after countless attempts. You didn’t expect it to happen so soon but you couldn’t be more grateful.
You breathe out, your lips quivering as you pick up the test once again. You think for a moment and add up the weeks in your mind. You’re about a week pregnant. You assumed the symptoms you were having were just PMS, but look where you are now. Pregnant. Unbelievable. It truly is a dream came true.
Tom wasn’t home yet because he’s been gone for press the whole day. You wanted to burst into some random interview Tom is in right now and tell him the news, but you’d rather plan something out for him. Especially since his birthday is coming up.
You walk over to your bedroom and pick up your phone, immediately calling your parents to tell them the news. Emotions were all over the place once you told them, their reactions similar to you finding out for the first time.
“I know. I know Dad,” you laugh weakly, wiping away some tears. “I love you, okay bye. I’m going to call Nikki.”
You feel yourself grow more excited, “Hi Mom,” you say as she picks up.
“Hello, sweetheart! I love it when you call. I hope Tom isn’t being a hassle,” she teases.
You giggle at her joke and pause for a moment before springing the big news on her. “Nikki, I’m p-pregnant,” you spill out, still in disbelief even though you already told your own parents.
“Bloody hell! Seriously!?” she cries out in joy, “Dom!” she yells, walking off with her phone.
You giggle, sniffing and swipe away tears that fell once again, “Yes, darling? What’s with the shouting,” Dominic comes into view.
“She’s pregnant, oh my she’s- they’re pregnant honey,” she hugs his arm. 
His eyes widen as he gasps, “Congratulations Y/n! We know how long you and Tom have been trying, this is wonderful!”
“T-Thank you, I know,” you chuckle softly, “S-Speaking of Tom, I’ve been planning a lot for his birthday. So I was thinking you all should fly over from London, I may have already bought some tickets.”
“Y/n,” Nikki covers her mouth, “You didn’t have to.”
“Oh but I wanted to, I emailed you the tickets. Your flights leave tomorrow, I hope that gives you enough time.”
Before you found out you were pregnant, you already had a couple of plans for Tom’s birthday. To fly over his family, including Tess of course, and set up a surprise birthday party. 
You debated if you should’ve invited any of his celebrity friends, but with the big news you know he would want to keep things more secluded. Which you completely understood. Memories of you and Tom getting together for the first time yet being outed to the media within weeks flooded your mind. Great times.
Tom hasn’t seen his family in a couple of months because he’s been recording and doing press here in America. Though you both live in LA, you two made sure to visit London frequently. Not only because you loved spending time there, but seeing his family was always so heartwarming and uplifting. His family is so kind and fun to be around just like him, you always felt right at home with them.
But to kill time, you thought why not mess with him a bit. You’re now waiting for Tom to come home from press, dinner time nearing. You sprawl out, stomach flat on the bed you share with Tom, scrolling through your phone mindlessly.
You let out a quiet gasp as you feel a weight on top of your body, “Hi my love,” he chuckles, lying on you.
“Hello, Tommy,” you hum, “Get off though, you’re squishing us,” you pout, shrugging him off.
He tilts his head and quickly gets off of you, sitting next to you, “Us?”
You cup your breasts, winking at him, “These girlies,” you joke.
“Oh woman,” he tackles you gently back on the bed.
“Excuse me?” you gasp dramatically, looking up at him as he pinned you down to the bed.
“You heard me, my woman. My beautiful, beautiful woman,” he teases. You give him a look and he leaves kisses along your jaw, “You know I’m only joking, my wife.”
“That’s better, Daddy,” you grin at the name, feeling like a giddy teenager for knowing something he doesn’t.
“Love, we haven’t even had dinner yet. You know what that name does to me,” he grumbles.
“Don’t be a big baby, I’m just teasing,” you peck his nose.
“Better be pretty girl, I missed you,” he sits up and lifts you onto his lap, “How are you doing?”
“Much better now that you’re here,” you rest your arms lazily on his shoulders, “I’ve already prepped dinner, do you want to help make it?”
“That would be lovely,” he presses his lips against yours which you kindly accept and kiss back.
“Thank you again, sweetie, you truly didn’t have to. We could’ve paid,” Nikki says pulling away from hugging you.
“Nonsense, it’s the least I could do for everything you all have done for us. Tom’s actually staying overnight at a hotel with the cast, so it’s perfect for us to get things ready,” you beam, smiling at the rest of Hollands.
After reuniting with his beautiful family and helping them settle into a nearby hotel, you all began to set up for his birthday.
“Hi Tessa,” you squeal, playing with her as she jumps around on you, “I know, you miss daddy? I miss him too,” you ruffle her head.
“Should this go over here?” Harry asks, lifting up a decoration to the wall.
“Yep, a little bit more to the side. Perfect,” you give him a thumbs up.
“Thanks, Mom,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes, fanning him off, “Oh shush, Uncle,” you retort playfully.
You walk around helping everyone out and make sure things are in place. You walk over to the balcony to see Paddy leaning over the railings, “Hey Pads, everything okay?”
He smiles and looks back at you, “Oh yeah, it’s nothing,” he mutters quietly. You immediately catch him wiping away a tear and walk over, opening your arms up. He quickly hugs you, placing his head on your chest.
“Sweetheart,” you pout, rubbing his head, “What’s wrong?”
“I-I can’t believe I’m going to become an uncle,” he sniffles. 
Your eyes soften and you run your hands through his hair, “An amazing uncle.”
“I’m only 15,” he huffs.
“Almost 16,” you remind him, shrugging. “I’ve seen younger uncles,” you reassure playfully making him chuckle.
“I’m so happy for you two, I know how much you both have been waiting for this,” he pulls away, wiping away more tears. “You know,” he sighs, looking back out at the city.
“Hm?” you lean on the railing with him.
“I know you know this already but, Tom really does love you. I remember how heartbroken he’d be after you both failed to become pregnant over and over again, he used to call us each time. His voice was almost gone, his eyes red and puffy. He felt so bad, he felt like it was his fault at times. Telling us how helpless and disappointed he felt,” he mumbles softly.
You look over at Paddy in bewilderment. Tom never told you that, and you assumed he tells you everything. “I didn’t,” you trail off your heart tightening at the thought of Tom in such a vulnerable state, “I didn’t know that Paddy, thank you for telling me that.”
“I think he might pass out when you tell him, no joke,” he smiles sadly. 
You both look at each other for a moment and begin to giggle, “I’d actually love to see that.”
“Me too,” he snorts. 
Both of your laughter dies down, you ruffle his hair for the last time, “I’ll talk to you later.”
“You two are going to be amazing parents.”
“How was your night?” you smile, leaning against your bedrest looking at your tired husband through the screen.
“It was really fun, they wanted to celebrate for my birthday of course. So we drank a bit, got to know each other more and just messed around, it was a nice way to get close to the cast,” he yawns.
“That’s great, I’m glad you got to. My birthday boy must be exhausted, huh?” 
He chuckles softly, “Sure am, one more recording today, and then I’ll be home before you know it,” he reassures. “All good babe, it’s just me and,” you look around your room, “Oh right, it’s just me,” you sigh dramatically. “Darling,” he whines, hugging a pillow to his chest, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be Tommy, I’m only joking around of course. I love you. I can’t wait for you to come home, so we can have our own little celebration,” you wink.
He giggles and looks back at the camera, “I love you so much. I don’t know what I would do without you, seriously,” he mutters, watching you.
You blush underneath his gaze, “I could say the same.”
“No seriously princess, you’re so understanding and compassionate. Unbelievably amazing, an actual angel. I don’t even think you belong on earth, let alone with an earthling like me,” he bubbles happily.
You snicker quietly, “Okay, Peter Parker,” you tease making him roll his eyes, “Thank you though Tommy, I love you more. You’re such a sap.”
“Only for you. I have to go, see you later?”
“Yup. Forever and?”
You end the call, tossing your phone aside and hop off the bed. You freshen up a bit and change into more suitable clothes.
You walk around your apartment, smiling softly at all the decorations you and his family had recently put up. 
You call Sam and let him know that Tom’s coming home soon. He tells you they’re all on their way.
You tidy up a bit more and heat up some food. You open the door to the Hollands and smile, “Hello hello, again,” you let them inside.
They greet you once more and place presents in the living room. Dom pulls you aside, “How are you feeling, are you ready to tell him?” he asks.
You smile warmly and nod excitedly, “Definitely. I can’t imagine what his reaction is going to be like.”
“We can’t either,” he laughs, “So where do you want us to hide?”
About half an hour later Tom says he’s on his way home, so you look around doing a final check and smile in content.
You walk out to the balcony and check the corner to see them all bunched up together, “You all okay?” you ask.
“Yep,” Harry gives you a thumbs up, everyone else agrees.
“Are you gonna be quiet Tess?” you scratch underneath her chin as she walks up to you. She looks at you with curious eyes and you accept that as her response, “Good girl,” you kiss her forehead.
You check your phone and look up back up at them, “He says he’s five minutes away,” you chirp. They nod and you close the sliding door, walking back inside.
You feel your heart begin to race as you play out every reaction Tom could have. He could actually pass out, or maybe think it’s a joke? You have no idea, but nonetheless you were excited.
You jump at the sound of the door unlocking and opening, “Darling?” he calls out. You rush over to him before he comes inside, and tackle him into a hug.
He stumbles out into the hallway and holds you close, “Happy Birthday again,” you grin, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you again,” he kisses your cheek and squeezes your waist, “I have a feeling you’re hiding something my love,” he hums, trying to push past you.
“Well, it’s nothing big,” you move out of the way, letting him inside. You swear you see his eyes twinkle when he looks around the apartment.
“Nothing big? Babe,” he pouts and places down his baggage, “I love this so much, you’re adorable,” he opens his arms.
You bite your lip and close the door behind him, hugging him tightly, “Why don’t you freshen up a bit and meet on the balcony? You smell like hotel,” you joke, kissing at his earlobe.
“Alright alright, meet you out there,” he grabs his bags and walks over to your bedroom. You grin grabbing your camera and hide in the kitchen.
You wait about ten minutes and text Harry some quick updates. You hear Tom walk over to the balcony, sliding the door open. You instantly pop up and stealthily follow him while recording.
“Love?” he steps outside, looking around.
“Surprise!” his family shouts out.
He lets out a scream and holds out his fists in defensive. You all burst out in laughter and Tom immediately looks over at you, “Jesus, you guys!” he cries out.
He trips on the rug but makes his way over to them, hugging them tightly, “Happy Birthday sweetheart,” Nikki chirps, squeezing his arm.
“Thanks, Mum,” he smiles warmly, “Tessa! You’re here too?” he bends down, hugging her as she jumps into his arms, “How?” he pretends to sob happily.
“Your wonderful wife of course,” Sam motions over to you, while you smile proudly.
“Thank you all, seriously,” he stands up, hugging them all again.
“When you all are done reuniting, I think lunch is ready,” you hum, winking at Paddy who helped you prepare the meals beforehand.
Shortly after you all ate together and caught up, it was finally present time. You recorded as he opened up his family’s gifts for him.
“Alright alright, it’s my turn,” you pipe up, handing the camera to Paddy. Paddy grins happily and takes a step back to get you and Tom in the shot.
“I thought you bringing them here was my gift from you already?” Tom tilts his head.
“Of course not, there’s always more,” you roll your eyes playfully, calling Tessa over, “You should know me by now, c’mon.”
Tessa walks over with a gift bag in her mouth, sitting in front of Tom, “Tess! What a good girl, look at you,” he gently takes the bag and pets her admiringly. 
He smiles at you and opens up the gift, he pulls out a little folded spider-man onesie. He assumes its for Tessa and laughs, “Don’t we already have one for Tess?”
“Oh yeah, true.”
He raises an eyebrow and opens it up more, examining it. His eyes widen and quickly darts over to you, “N-No.”
You feel your eyes gloss and you nod slowly, “Y-Yep.”
“Y-You’re not joking?” he walks over to you, falling to his knees.
You stifle a cry and cups his face, “D-Definitely not, look in the bag.”
He reaches over and pulls out another wrapped gift. He opens it up to see your pregnancy test in a bag, “Fucking hell,” he places it aside and hugs you close as you kneel down.
You feel him begin to tremble against you and your heart swells, “Tommy,” you sniffle, running your hands through his hair.
“You’re p-pregnant? W-We’re pregnant?” his voice wavers, tears spilling from his eyes.
You nod again, wiping away his tears, “Y-Yes we are,” you utter.
He holds you close and sobs into your neck. You look up at his family for a moment, chuckling in between cries noticing they’re crying with the both of you.
You whisper sweet nothings in his ear and rub his back, “You okay, bubby?” you sniff. 
He nods and pulls away looking up at you, “M-More than okay,” he hiccups, smiling cheekily. “It’s the best bloody gift I could ever ask for,” he cups your cheek, wiping your tears away as well.
“It truly is,” you murmur softly. He stands you up and kneels down, placing his hands on your sides, “Tom?”
“Let me talk to my other b-baby girl or boy o-of course,” he blubbers, pressing a warm kiss against your stomach. 
Everyone laughs including you, “I’m glad you didn’t faint, Paddy was betting you would,” you thread your fingers through his hair.
He glares at Paddy playfully as he places his face onto your stomach, “Of course he would.”
Paddy whines behind the camera making you both chuckle, “Tom, I’ve only been pregnant for a week,” you hum, looking back down at Tom.
“It’s my birthday, let me have my moment,” he replies sassily, hugging your waist closer.
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eunsoyi · 4 years
sugawara boyfriend hcs
you didn’t have a hard time confessing to sugawara
he knew you liked him before you did
and he liked you so much as well
so he was over the moon when you finally confessed
your relationship with him doesn’t make him shy at all
pda? yes!
he’d hold your hand, hug you, and kiss you in public, it doesn’t matter who’s watching
ofc the karasuno vollyeball team didnt like that but they got used to it fast
cuddles with him are the best
you’re always the little spoon since sugawara wants him to hold you close
but he’d gladly let you be the big spoon if he’s tired from practice
sugawara is known to be a softie
but when you guys get hot? he switches out of his softieness fast
he’d be very dominating but gentle at the same time when you’re doing the deed
he’d always hug you tight during after care
and you’d mutter a soft “i love you”
“i love you too” he’d always reply and kiss your head
sugawara is also very caring
he’d cook for you
he studies with you
when he stays over he’d oftentimes clean your room
and when you’re sad he’ll be by your side as quick as possible
basically your honeymoon phase with him never ended
i can’t believe i forgot to write something for our baby boy’s bday im such a failure (also i wrote this in like ten mins so im sorry if it’s bad). belated happy birthday, sugawara koshi!
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moonstruckholland · 4 years
Helloooo today's my bday and I ABSOLUTELY love my birthday hahaha. I was wondering if you could write some fluff about the reader's birthday and our spidey boy being as excited as she is? I'D LOVE THAT SO MUCHGDFJJYRFHJ
Happy belated birthday, my darling!! I hope you had a lovely day! I’m here to provide the fluffiest fluff for you! I’m sorry it’s a bit late, I had the worst writer’s block :/ ironically, I ended up going overboard with this it, I hope you like it nonetheless 💕 also shout out to @fangirlwithasweettooth for helping me and assuring me this wasn't crap 💖
☆ ☆ ☆
11:58 pm
You watched the clock on your bedside table, a familiar excitement coming over you. In exactly two minutes it would be your birthday. It was by far one of your favorite days. Outside of the fact you were celebrating yourself, you got to eat cake and spend time with your favorite people.
11:59 pm
One more minute, holy crap.
You were literally counting down the seconds almost as if it was new year’s.
12:00 am
Right at that moment your phone rang, Peter’s contact picture on the screen.
“Hi, baby!”
“Happy birthday, my sweet angel!”
You were beaming at the sound of his voice. Peter made a bigger deal of your birthday than you did. Every year without fail, he called you at midnight.
You talked for a little while, listening to his patrolling story of the night
“I’ll let you get some rest, sunshine, I got a big day planned for you tomorrow.”
“Yeah? Can I get a hint, Petey?”
“Nope, you’ll find out in about 9 hours. Goodnight, princess.”
You smiled, telling him goodnight before forcing yourself to go to sleep. You know if you didn’t, you’d be up all night wondering what Peter could possibly have planned.
You woke up to the sound of your window opening and a plastic bag rustling loudly followed by a light thump.
You would’ve been scared if it wasn’t for the fact you immediately heard Peter’s voice softly mumbling curse words under his breath, telling the bag to shhhh as if it could actually listen.
You kept your eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep, when you felt the bed dip down, Peter’s body radiating warmth as he laid beside you.
"Bunny," he pressed a kiss to your cheek, "stop pretending and come get your first surprise."
You opened your eyes, turning over into your back to face him with a pout, "How'd you know I was awake?"
"I think you seem to forget that I'm a superhero, princess, with super hearing," he poked your nose, "plus, I saw you open an eye when I fell through the window."
He sat up and grabbed your hands, gently pulling you up to the same position before rushing over to pick up the white bag from the floor.
He opened it up, revealing a black IHOP take out box and you were practically salivating at the sweet scent of pancakes and sausage that came from it.
"Baby! You brought me breakfast? You didn't have to!"
"I would've made you pancakes myself, but you remember how badly that went for Valentine's Day."
You shuddered at the memory of your smoke filled kitchen, you could practically smell the burnt pancakes. "Yeah, let's not do that again."
You ate your yummy pancakes, which looked like confetti cake after, according to Peter, he begged them to add sprinkles. You thanked him afterwards by pulling him into a tight hug and showering him with kisses.
"We're not done yet, princess, that was just the first surprise."
You didn't question him, you just snuggled into him blissfully.
You spent the morning watching your favorite movies, cuddled up in his arms and wrapped up in your blankets, enjoying his company. Well, it was more like you were the one watching the movies, Peter kept getting up at the most random moments, for a good 15 minutes, then coming back as if nothing had happened. Every time you tried questioning him, he playfully shushed you and requested you stayed put and didn't follow him.
It wasn't until the end of the third movie, that he finally seemed to be willing to give you answers, excitedly pulling out a pretty piece of floral paper from behind his back and handing it to you, encouraging you to read it.
You couldn't help smiling as you read the words on it out loud, "Since you just had breakfast, let's go get a drink. Your next clue will be by the sink."
You put the card down, feeling like you could cry, "Baby, you made me a scavenger hunt?"
He smiled sheepishly, a blush on his cheeks, "I wanted to go all out for you."
"Mission accomplished, Petey," you got out of bed and grabbed his hand, pulling him behind you, "Now let's go find this next clue!"
You made your way to the kitchen, immediately finding a little box messily wrapped in Spider-Man wrapping paper, your second clue tapped to the back of it.
Each clue led you all around your apartment, Peter managing to hide things in places you didn't even know existed.
By the time you were on your last clue, you had a small pile of gifts sitting on your couch, practically begging you to open them.
"C'mon, princess, you're almost done," Peter encouraged you with a cute smile.
The last clue led you to the fridge, much to your surprise. You opened it up, a sprinkle covered cake cake sitting in the middle of all of your fridge, the words "Happy birthday, y/n!" written in red icing.
You turned towards your boyfriend with tears in your eyes.
"Do you like it, angel? May and I made it, and I put the icing, but it was kinda ugly, so I put sprink-"
You cut off his rambling with a kiss, wrapping your arms around him. He melted into you, putting a hand on your cheek.
His cheeks were flushed when you pulled away and it took everything in you not to pull him in for another kiss and smother him with all of your affection.
"I love this, Peter. I love you, thank you so much."
"I love you more, but are you sure you're not just saying that?"
"No, baby, I honestly would've been happy just watching movies with you, but this is so special. I don't know how I could ever thank you."
He nuzzled his face into your shoulder shyly, "You don't have to thank me, I'd do anything to make you happy."
You could've bursted into pure happy tears right then as there, and you honestly would've if Peter hadn't nudged you towards your unopened gifts.
"C'mon, darling, the day's not over yet."
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beenjen · 5 years
Started fast last night around 5/6, it’s all running together at this point. The usual water, hot tea and coffee through the morning and broke fast with this stuffed salmon I baked last night that was Devine and some diced sweet potatoes. AND, and, my partner brought these in for a belated bday bash -
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So I ate a lemon one. It would have been rude not to.
I’ve skipped my workouts for a week straight, honestly I’ve needed too. Hot yoga with a fever? No thanks. Running while hacking up a lung? Niet. I’m planning on making it rain - sweat that is - tomorrow eve back in the pitta flow goodness. So, let’s all collectively cross our fingers hoping I don’t pass out. Or if I do, someone catches it so we can replay it and laugh together.
I made simple tortilla chips with some pintos, melted cheese, salsa and sour cream for dinner, which apparently sounded good to the big guy and he shared pintos with Lilith. Finished off 5ish, so start to another fasting window. I’ve not drank near enough water, so I’m on a float the toilet mission to get hydrated this evening. Getting Lilith down and I’m chug a lugging the clear goodness.
I worked my last overtime shift today, hubs worked from home with Bacon. I only put in an 8 hour, came home, had spoke with the Vet this morning and we agreed for me to remove his IV at home. We have a family vacation to St George Island next week and have made arrangements to Bacon to come with. He’s eating some, drinking and is much happier with the cone of shame removed, so, we are just rolling with it. He’s taking his antibiotics, that’s all we can hope for.
If he continues to stay stable, theres an ultrasound they can do to pinpoint for sure if it’s liver cancer v an obstruction. I just don’t know. He looks so good and isn’t getting weaker really, so, it’s just hard to see him as super sick. I want to do what he needs, be supportive for this journey. Hubs says he does so much better with me, that he will do almost anything I ask and pouts and refuses to get up or eat when I leave..... I want to encourage him, but I don’t want him holding out on my account. He’s my big boy no doubt, and I love that guy. There are memories, some happy, some sad, and he’s been there with me through all of them. I cannot imagine him not being with us. He’s so protective of the children and I know he loves them, but partly I know he knows that we do, and as mild mannered as he is, if someone he doesn’t recognize comes to the house, he stands between them and the babies until we tell him to stand down. He is literally irreplaceable.
In light of that, if there is someone in your life that is that much of a fixture in your life, I encourage you to tell them that. To also tell them why that is. You may get a million chances to do so, but what if you don’t? Xx
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reddoll123 · 3 years
Hi Red!
How’s everything? Work’s been busy for me so can’t wait until Friday because fall break starts haha
Sigh, I did that too for Swing Kids about looking for a happy alternate ending, and none ;_;
Oh! Happy belated birthday! I hope it was a good one! Chilling and eating food is always good hehe
I haven’t heard or played most of the games you mentioned except Sims a longgggg time ago haha and of course Kingdom Hearts III. I’m excited for it to also go on the Switch so I can play it again but like… not on just the console
What do you think about Kai’s new album coming out?! Peaches! I was like Peaches? But it’s cute but haha he says it’s “our” style completely so we shall see about that.
Hmmmm, if you were to attend any of EXO’s past concert, which would it be? Still trying to figure out what to make for you but I should be coming up with something soon! But I can agree about that on Baby… it wasn’t my favorite on the XOXO album but I love Heaven haha
Oh! Favorite photoshoots?
Sorry for short message today but wanted to make sure I sent one this week!
Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?
Your EXO-L 🤶🏼
Hey again santa anon~!
I've been good, hung out with my best friend yesterday as a lil day-before-my-bday celebration and had lots of fun ^^. Hopefully things calm down for ya work-wise once your fall break hits!
And so my b-day's actually today hehe but thank you <3!
I'm sooo hyped for Jongin's new album, like I loved his first one so can't wait to see what genres he'll do for this one. (I hope it's even more R&B-ish style songs xP.)
And hmmm any EXO concert? Oh gosh, I'm really not picky in terms of that either 'cause I've loved like every performance I've seen from all of their concerts...My mind does keep going back to the Exo'luxion concerts tho so I'll choose that one.
And favorite photoshoots? Oh gosh, lemme see lmao:
For Jongin: That Esquire one where Jongin's biting his own arm for some reason lol, the Exodus album ones, the 2017 Big Issue photoshoot, the 2016 W Korea photoshoot where he's dressed in black with like some blue feathery coat (?) around him, and I'll leave it at that 'cause I could keep going lmao.
For Kyungsoo: His Empathy album photoshoot, the Fiji photoshoot, the Don't Fight The Feeling album photoshoot, and any photoshoot where he looks like he's posing for an author's photo that'd go at the back of a novel lol.
For Sehun: The Leon photoshoot where he's shirtless and wearing an orange jacket, the recent Dior x Sacai photoshoot, the 2016 W Korea photoshoot, and the Monster album photoshoot.
I always love getting your asks anon, no matter the length (and to me, your ask was still actually long lol) and yeah I've the typical plans of chillin' with my fam and eating lots of good Jamaican food then lol. Wbu?
Hope your week is lovely~! ^^
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vinayv224 · 4 years
“That’s not the truth, Ellen”: How Dakota Johnson won her birthday feud against Ellen DeGeneres
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Dakota Johnson on Ellen. | Ellen
Ellen DeGeneres said Dakota Johnson didn’t invite her to her birthday. This was a big mistake.
On Wednesday, November 27, as most Americans prepared to celebrate Thanksgiving, a time when we are supposed to reflect on the blessings in our lives, actress Dakota Johnson was waging a thrilling and terrifying war on the battlefield known as the Ellen show.
“Actually, no, that’s not the truth, Ellen,” said the star known for anchoring the 50 Shades of Grey movie franchise and for being the daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson. “Ask everybody. Ask Jonathan, your producer.”
The truth in question was whether Johnson — who also played a witch who tears apart evil women, muscle from bone, in 2018’s Suspiria remake — had invited DeGeneres to her 30th birthday party in October. DeGeneres had opened her interview with Johnson by wishing Johnson a happy belated birthday and asserting that Johnson had not invited her,
Johnson insisted that she had, and called for witnesses, while DeGeneres denied the accusation.
Finally, off-camera, someone affiliated with the show confirmed that Johnson was right. DeGeneres had been out of town and couldn’t be there, said a woman wearing a headset.
“Why didn’t I go?” DeGeneres asked out loud, admitting defeat and joking. “Oh yeah I had that thing. [The party] was probably in Malibu, that’s too far for me to go to.”
The party, according to E Online, was indeed in Malibu, on October 5 (Johnson’s birthday is October 4). It was attended by a celebrity flock that included the likes of Miley Cyrus, Coldplay frontman (and Johnson’s boyfriend) Chris Martin, Goop empress Gwyneth Paltrow, and comedian Tig Notaro.
DeGeneres’s whereabouts on October 5 are not publicly known, but she was spotted in Texas the next day, sitting beside George W. Bush at a Dallas Cowboys game. The October 6 appearance caused an online backlash because of DeGeneres’s apparent willingness to be friendly with a former president whose administration supported anti-LGBTQ policies (DeGeneres is gay) and failed to act in the face of Hurricane Katrina (DeGeneres was born in Louisiana).
To be clear, Johnson didn’t bring up DeGeneres’s “thing” in Texas. She simply stated that DeGeneres wasn’t telling the truth about not being invited, and was bolstered by someone who works on the Ellen show. She clearly caught DeGeneres in a lie, and for many, the resulting awkwardness was darkly satisfying to watch.
But Johnson’s call-out cuts deeper in the context of DeGeneres’s recent struggles to maintain her image of being one of the nicest people in Hollywood. DeGeneres built her entire brand of comedy around being a beacon of wholesomeness and niceness in an industry often roiled by gossip and tabloids. And she did so while being an LGBTQ pioneer at a time when it was rare for LGBTQ celebrities to be publicly out.
Today, millions of people tune in for each episode of her wholesome daytime talk show. But as 2019 has worn on, many people have started to doubt DeGeneres’s nice, wholesome image, and some have suggested she’s not as good or as nice as we’ve been led to believe. In that context, a fight about a birthday invite isn’t about a birthday invite at all but about the power of celebrity image and what happens when that image becomes tainted.
This isn’t the first time Dakota Johnson had an awkward interview with Ellen DeGeneres
Johnson’s prickly interview with DeGeneres is actually an uncomfortable mirror of her 2018 appearance on the Ellen show, which she visited while promoting her movies Suspiria and Bad Times at the El Royale. When DeGeneres introduced Johnson, she made snarky jokes about the length of Johnson’s skirt:
“Did you try that on before — do you want a blanket or anything?” DeGeneres asked, before trying to cover up Johnson’s legs with an index card and then a series of tissues. DeGeneres then segued the conversation into pregnancy rumors surrounding Johnson’s relationship with Martin.
“That is a mighty tight outfit for someone’s who’s pregnant,” DeGeneres said.
The joke flopped. A disembodied groan wafts through from the audience. Johnson played it off. “They don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Johnson said, suggesting the studio audience hadn’t heard any rumors at all. “The only thing I’m pregnant with is good ideas. Not any babies.”
Then the conversation shifted to birthdays, and how DeGeneres wasn’t invited to Johnson’s 29th. Apparently the pregnancy rumors had arisen in the press after a quasi surprise birthday party for Johnson that DeGeneres wasn’t invited to. DeGeneres told Johnson she was offended because Johnson had been invited (through her boyfriend Martin) to DeGeneres’s own birthday party.
With DeGeneres having paid so much attention to Johnson’s birthday party invite list in 2018, it makes sense that Johnson would be on her toes when questioned about the same thing in 2019. That explains her defensiveness.
“Last year, on the show, you gave me a bunch of sh*t for not inviting you,” Johnson said.
“Actually, that’s not true, Ellen.”-Dakota Johnson
— Carey O'Donnell (@ecareyo) November 30, 2019
The amount of time DeGeneres had previously paid to Johnson not inviting her to her 2018 birthday party — coupled with the 2019 invite that did materialize (according to Johnson and one of the Ellen show’s producers) and DeGeneres being caught in a lie about not being invited — helped energize the clip to go viral.
No doubt, there’s a certain wish-fulfillment aspect to this confrontation for people who aren’t Johnson but have encountered similar scenarios in which they’re unfairly painted as mean or misunderstood as an aggressor. Being able to call someone out on a lie and have people back you up, especially people who are friends with the liar, is satisfying. As is living vicariously and watching someone called out on it.
ellen’s invitation to dakota johnson’s next bday party pic.twitter.com/s48UaCh7kr
— rory gizmo (@moonbutt_) December 1, 2019
dakota johnson getting annoyed on ellen: a saga pic.twitter.com/SNsWB4yxjT
— Olwethu (@parkchanwookss) December 1, 2019
The virality is also largely dependent on the circumstances of Ellen DeGeneres being Ellen DeGeneres. It’s unlikely that anyone would have cared if DeGeneres really thought Malibu was too far to go for a birthday party. The real fuel for this social media blaze is that DeGeneres has always portrayed herself as the type of celebrity who would never lie about that kind of thing.
Johnson’s encounter with DeGeneres is the latest event to challenge her public persona as a genuinely “nice” person
For some viewers, Johnson’s confrontation with DeGeneres hit a rarified intersection of vindication and thrill. Most talk shows don’t stray very far from promotion, silly anecdotes, and trying to sell to the audience the idea that their guests are all normal, fun people whose movies, music, and television shows you should probably consume.
Ellen is a show that’s succeeded for 16 years and counting because Ellen DeGeneres herself is the pinnacle of nice. If she ever acts confrontational, it’s in a gentle and “in good fun” sense of the word. She is known for giving generous gifts to the average people she invites onto her show, and taking record-breaking selfies with famous friends. She’s widely recognizable as a nice woman with a nice talk show full of nice people.
But lately, there’s been a shift in that perception and a growing belief that DeGeneres’s niceness hardly deserves so much praise and respect. Anyone who has come into contact with real human beings knows that being as nice as DeGeneres is on television, 100 percent of the time, is a fantasy. DeGeneres herself knows it; she told the New York Times in a 2018 interview that one of her struggles was to overcome the nice image she created for herself.
Earlier this year, in a different display of that uncritical niceness, DeGeneres brought Kevin Hart on her show after he walked away from hosting the Oscars. Hart had stepped down after refusing to apologize for homophobic jokes. DeGeneres urged him to ignore “the haters,” and was subsequently criticized for dismissing the seriousness of Hart’s jokes.
As my colleague Constance Grady wrote for Vox in October, people seem to have grown tired of what Grady labeled DeGeneres’s “uncritical niceness”: the idea that we should be nice to everyone regardless of whether they’ve done bad things.
To her critics, DeGeneres’s uncritical niceness is a failure to hold friends and loved ones accountable.
Skipping Johnson’s party in Malibu — whether because it was simply “too far” or because she had other plans to go to Texas and hang out with George W. Bush — isn’t DeGeneres being nice to a fault, but rather a display of DeGeneres’s own priorities and personal leanings. We don’t know all the details, but in retrospect, it looks like DeGeneres chose to travel to Texas to spend time with someone many people find unsavory rather than attend someone’s birthday party across town that she, as she intimated on her show, clearly wanted to be invited to. And being nice to the wrong people raises the question of whether or not DeGeneres is actually a nice person at all.
Add to that, this entire scuffle with Johnson was an unforced error, with DeGeneres choosing to joke about and rib Johnson about not inviting her — painting Johnson as the kind of celebrity who’s too cool or not “nice” enough to invite Ellen DeGeneres to a fabulous party. With the facts revealed, Johnson vindicated, the awkwardness of DeGeneres caught up in a blunder of her own doing, and the rich detail of DeGeneres having missed the party while hanging out with George W. Bush, the clip gave DeGeneres’s critics an example of how phony her nice image might be:
Why is this so satisfying? pic.twitter.com/TexnYjrVsH
— Ξvan Ross Katz (@evanrosskatz) December 1, 2019
Johnson, meanwhile, has possessed a narrative about her not putting up with trivialities.
Though the 50 Shades movies never found critical praise, Johnson is considered as the best thing about them. She also was also mordantly admired for having no chemistry whatsoever with and possibly despising her 50 Shades co-star Jamie Dornan. Johnson also famously called out DeGeneres’s fellow nice talk show cohort Jimmy Fallon in an interview once for not letting her speak and constantly talking over her.
Essentially, Johnson seems to not be afraid of anything and to not stand for bullshit.
Dakota Johnson is the best possible result of nepotism in that she's actually talented AND her upbringing as the child of A-List celebrities means she is afraid of absolutely no one
— Connor Goldsmith (@dreamoforgonon) November 30, 2019
Viewed through that lens, Johnson and DeGeneres’s uncomfortable conversation wasn’t just a viral talk show clip about a harmless mistake. It was Johnson telling the truth and DeGeneres getting caught in a lie.
So, to anyone who’s doubted whether Ellen DeGeneres is really that “nice,” it sure was satisfying.
from Vox - All https://ift.tt/383jzzU from Blogger https://ift.tt/34Jzoto via IFTTT
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my-nameless-bliss · 7 years
My bday was last week and I don't want to sound petty, but I got bday wishes from 6 people. 1 was my mom, 2 were my sisters, and 3 were random ppl on Facebook I haven't talked to in yrs. It's not that I want a lot of attention, I just feel like I'm significant. I know it doesn't really matter how bday wishes I get but I still feel shitty
Hi, anon. I’m so sorry your birthday response was underwhelming. I don’t think it’s petty at all to have wanted more. Birthdays are built up to be big deals, whether we want them to be or not. And especially with social media (facebook in particular), it’s pretty much a basic expectation that we’ll get a lot of attention on our birthdays. Honestly, that’s one of my least favorite aspects of facebook. Even though I’m perfectly aware that a quick birthday greeting from someone on facebook that I’ve literally never spoken to isn’t really *important* in the grand scheme of things, the Facebook Birthday Experience is pushed so heavily that if I don’t get a certain amount of attention on my birthday, it feels like I’ve been ignored. And I *know* that’s not the case, which is what makes it so frustrating! But I have a lot of friends who have birthdays within days of mine (hooray for August babies), so all month surrounding my birthday, I see that friends of mine have gotten literally hundreds of messages on their birthday, and that makes it feel like some sort of insult when I don’t get as many. It’s so irrational, and it makes me feel stupid and selfish, but I can’t make myself un-think it.
But wanting a bit of attention on your birthday isn’t petty or selfish. Yeah, there are people who can take it too far, but it’s perfectly natural to want to hear ‘Happy Birthday’ a few times! We’re literally taught from *birth* that our birthdays are OUR ‘special days’. Even if you grow up in a household where birthdays aren’t really celebrated, they’re still given high importance in our society as a whole, so there’s really no way to escape the desire to get some extra love and attention. You’re not being dramatic or silly or petty. This is just how birthdays work.
I hope the people you did talk to on your birthday gave you all the love you deserve, and I hope all your future birthdays are also filled with love and well-wishes and those stupid balloons that play the un-copyrighted knock-off birthday song when you punch them (even though they’re terrifying when the sound card starts running out of battery).
Also, I know this is belated, but here are some very good dogs singing Happy Birthday for you. 💜🎉💜🎉💜🎉💜
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onsumocom · 5 years
151 Best Happy Birthday Memes 2019 – Share with people around you
Best collection of Happy Birthday Memes! We have put together 151 best memes collection for you. That includes funny memes for friends, family and more. Check out our following table of content, to know more about the topics that we have covered here.
  17 Best Happy Birthday Memes
Prepare yourself for the happy birthday memes!
Happy Birthday! Oooh look, candles! Is it someone’s Birthday?
OMG It’s your birthday!!!!
When Chuck Norris comes to your birthday party, you give him presents!
Happy Birthday from me and this cat!
I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse! And an entire birthday cake!
Happy birthday! I hope it’s a real hoot!
And I will strike upon you, with birthday flowers!
Your face when they tell you, the correct number of candles on their birthday cake!
Happy birthday, have the time of your life!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Is your birthday? Happy times! High five!
Happy birthday, kick back like a boss!
Happy birthday, in 3..2..1
Obama wishes you a happy birthday! BOOM!
Happy birthday!
I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Happy Belated Birthday!
19 Hilariously Funny Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday! From one sexy beast to another!
Its your birthday, you has cake?
They didn’t make me a birthday meme. I didn’t call the fire brigade!
Can’t find a funny birthday meme! Still gets the sentiment across!
I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire! 🙁
Nom Nom Nom…Noooo it are my birthday!
Happy birthday! Keep it classy…no wine from a box!
Happy birthday. I got you a cake! Some assembly required!
Happy birthday, dude! Duder, El-Duderino, Your Dudeness!!
It’s your birthday, I like to propose a toast!
Age is just a number. FALSE: Age is a word!
Mexican word of the day: IGUANA….IGUANA Wish you a happy birthday!
No happy birthday for you!…..Come back one year!!
Happy new ye…. Birthday, I mean happy birthday!
It’s your birthday….everything else is irrelephant!
HaAaaAAaaY…..Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are good for your health! Studies show people who have more birthdays live longer.
Smoochies from Donald! On your birthday!!!
Happy birthday! It’s like your very own Christmas!
10 Beautiful Happy Birthday Meme For Her
Happy birthday, girl! I’d kill a zombie for you any day. “KISS”-“KISS”
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Remember, age gets better with wine. Happy birthday!
Hello, It’s me. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Time to wake and bake! A cake for my wife’s birthday.
Happy birthday, princess! You look almost as good as I do.
I left my pregnant wife! A Happy birthday card! 😛
Oh Guurl! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday gorgeous! May your birthday cake be moist!
9 Top Happy Birthday Meme For Him
OMG! It’s your birthday!
Bravo! You’re an otter year older.
Well, it’s your birthday! …again 😛
Alright Alright Alright….Happy birthday!
Happy birthday…You Secy Beast!
Happy birthday! My pretty.
Happy birthday, you sexy beast!
Ask not what this birthday party can do for you! Ask what you can do for this party, you lazy scum!
Blow the candle!…and the foam, 😛 Happy birthday!
24 Best Happy Birthday Meme Dog
I’m actually allergic to chocolate!
Let’s get this overwith. Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday cupcake is happy!!! Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday! The roof is on fire.
Party till your tongue hangs out!
Happy birthday. Sorry I missed it. Love you!
I wish for lots of treats and belly rubs!
Hello! Yeah this is dog, I wanted to wich you a happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Here’s something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself.
Happy birthday! Duuude……
Party Hard!
Hey you! Happy birthday.
Happy birthday doi! Can I have some cake too?
So…I heard it’s your birthday!
Happy birthday! Must you have!
Happy birthday!
Smile! It’s your birthday!
I would say” Happy Birthday” But that’s too mainstream. Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy birthday!
I made you a birthday cake….But I eated it!
Smile, it’s your birthday!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Ermahgerd! Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to eat. But you lit my food on fire!
8 Top Happy Birthday Meme Friend
Remembered Friend’s Birthday! Without Facebook!
Yo dawg, I heard you like happy birthdays! So I decided to say happy birthday on your birthday so you can be happy on your birthday!
Happy birthday! Y U No Drunk Yet?!?
Your birthday it is. Celebrate you must!
Glad you’re part of my wolfpack! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I was going to drink anyway.
Smile! It’s your birthday!
Smart, good looking and funny! But enough about me. Happy Birthday!
I’m Morgan Freeman, and I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday. And you just read that in my voice!
It’s your birthday….Or annual declaration of being awesome!
15 Cute Happy birthday meme cat
Live long, and pawspurr!
Happee Burfday! I giv yoo…ME!
Celing cat, is wishing you a happy birthday!
Have a happy birthday! Boss lady!!!
Happy birthday! Go on…spoil yourself!
Happy birthday!
Birthday. No happy for you!
It’s your birthday. I”m controlling my excitement!
Happy birthday!! I pooped in your shoes!
It’s your birthday. I like to propose a toast!
A little bird told me it was your birthday…I ate him.
It’s your birthday? Big deal! I’ve had nine lives.
Happy birthday this much!!!!
Happy birthday! Just another year closer to being that crazy cat lady….
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Just so you know…I love cake…!!!
15 Sarcastic Happy Birthday Meme For Friends and Family
Another year closer to death? Good!!
Happy birthday! Ya filthy animal!
Happy birthday! FOOL!
Happy birthday! You still can’t sit with us!
Yo its your birthday! So like happy birthday bitch!
Happy birthday, Okay? GOSH!!!
Not saying you’re old…But your birthday cake looks like a brush fire!
People are wishing you a happy birthday over facebook? WOW you must hve lots of FRIENDS!
Wait, you’re how old? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! DUMBASS!
A little bird told me it’s your birthday. I ate him!
I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world >>> NAKED AND SCREAMING <<<
Slow clap for the birthday celebrant!
Smart, good looking and funny. But enough about me. Happy birthday!!!
Oh, it’s your birthday. I don’t care!
19 Lovely Happy Birthday Meme Sister
Happy birthday! Sister!
Happy birthday sister in law! Another year of surviving my brother!
Happy birthday sister! Don’t tell mom that I came late last night. 😀
Happy birthday! To an awesome sister!!!
Come on! At least you’re not as old as you’ll be next year….
Happy birthday, to my soul sister!! Love You!
Happy birthday, to the world’s best sister!
Happy birthday! To my big sister!
You! Big sister lady! Happy birthday!
I hear it’s your birthday! Enjoy it sister!!!
Happy birthday! Baby siter!
Happy birthday work-sister! You stay classy!
Hello sister! Happy birthday!!
A very happy birthday to you sis!!!
Hey sister! Smile! It’s your birthday!
Happy birthday Sis!!! I feel nice when I see you happy 🙂
Happy birthday to my sweet sister!
Wait….One minute! IT’s my sister’s birthday!…Happy BDay BabY Girls!!!
Happy birthday to a girl who has a pretty awesome older sister!
6 Star Wars Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday? Good, Good…. Let the alcohol flow through you.
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I’m your father, so join me maybe!
It’s your birthday…I know!
Have a happy birthday you must, celebrate you wiill!!!
Happy birthday! Now join the dark side!
The empire wishes you, a Happy Birthday!
9 Happy Birthday Memes For Family, Dad, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, and Brother
Happy birthday bro!
Happy birthday, male sibling!
It’s my cousin’s birthday! I will say happy birthday with a meme!
Happy birthday! From your favorite cousin.
Happy birthday dad! Wait, wait, wait…you’re how old?
Happy birthday! To my favorite husband.
Big Hug! Happy birthday MoM!
Mom, Mom, Mom, guess what it is? Birth day! Happy birthday!!!!
Father: So how do you feel on your special day? Son: Older. Father: You’re right, happy birthday!
  from OnSumo https://ift.tt/2WR7rN1 via IFTTT
0 notes
I’m kinda upset coz I didn’t get my freebie at all. I WANT THE SLIMES LANYARD ASAP
I posted about in on the seller’s fb and surprisingly it wasn’t only me who had the same issue! A lot who preordered also didn’t get theirs and a few even commented that it is false advertising by the seller.
It’s really not that BIG of a deal but personally I really want that lanyard coz I LOVE SLIMES. 
Tumblr media
Anyways at least the attendant was generous and he gave me a shirt and keychain for compensation.
I’m excited for this coz earlier this morning, after I got home from choir practice, I happen to browse my fb and realize that I missed a prologue video of sorts for the game! 
I showed it to sis (and my lil bro who woke up coz of the sound volume hehe) and it got our adrenaline’s pumping! I presume the baby must be the protagonist. 
He’s so cute he looks like a baby Kririn! hahahhaa
As per our arrangement my sister will be the one to control the game (for the most part) but I’m kinda doubtful she’ll be committed to playing games like I do lolz. The last time we played together AS A TEAM was Final Fantasy 15 last year. But both of us share the same love for Dragon Quest ever since we played Dragon Warrior 7 (PSX version) when we were kids, I just hope she’ll immerse herself with gaming even for just a few months with her oneechan just like old times! Coz RPGaming is more fun when you have a companion to play with!
I don’t want to have big expectations about this game, but I can’t help it, DQ has a special place in my heart even tho I only played one DQ, just like the FF series and every single game I played during my childhood, finished or unfinished. 
I just want to enjoy this game, just like how we played FF15 last year. Although we have our frustrations about the game, it was the experience playing together with my sister that makes it enjoyable after all! (belated Happy Bday King Noct <3)
So yeah, I’m so broke after buying the lightbox (w/c I’m not really sure I could use that often since I rarely draw lolz), watercolor stuffs, and now this game hahaha
But artists gotta art, gamers gotta game!  🤣 🤣 🤣
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onsumocom · 5 years
151 Best Happy Birthday Memes 2019 – Share with people around you
Best collection of Happy Birthday Memes! We have put together 151 best memes collection for you. That includes funny memes for friends, family and more. Check out our following table of content, to know more about the topics that we have covered here.
  17 Best Happy Birthday Memes
Prepare yourself for the happy birthday memes!
Happy Birthday! Oooh look, candles! Is it someone’s Birthday?
OMG It’s your birthday!!!!
When Chuck Norris comes to your birthday party, you give him presents!
Happy Birthday from me and this cat!
I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse! And an entire birthday cake!
Happy birthday! I hope it’s a real hoot!
And I will strike upon you, with birthday flowers!
Your face when they tell you, the correct number of candles on their birthday cake!
Happy birthday, have the time of your life!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Is your birthday? Happy times! High five!
Happy birthday, kick back like a boss!
Happy birthday, in 3..2..1
Obama wishes you a happy birthday! BOOM!
Happy birthday!
I know you had lots of birthday wishes yesterday, but who is thinking of you today? Me, that’s who. Happy Belated Birthday!
19 Hilariously Funny Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday! From one sexy beast to another!
Its your birthday, you has cake?
They didn’t make me a birthday meme. I didn’t call the fire brigade!
Can’t find a funny birthday meme! Still gets the sentiment across!
I just wanted to eat, but you lit my food on fire! 🙁
Nom Nom Nom…Noooo it are my birthday!
Happy birthday! Keep it classy…no wine from a box!
Happy birthday. I got you a cake! Some assembly required!
Happy birthday, dude! Duder, El-Duderino, Your Dudeness!!
It’s your birthday, I like to propose a toast!
Age is just a number. FALSE: Age is a word!
Mexican word of the day: IGUANA….IGUANA Wish you a happy birthday!
No happy birthday for you!…..Come back one year!!
Happy new ye…. Birthday, I mean happy birthday!
It’s your birthday….everything else is irrelephant!
HaAaaAAaaY…..Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are good for your health! Studies show people who have more birthdays live longer.
Smoochies from Donald! On your birthday!!!
Happy birthday! It’s like your very own Christmas!
10 Beautiful Happy Birthday Meme For Her
Happy birthday, girl! I’d kill a zombie for you any day. “KISS”-“KISS”
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Remember, age gets better with wine. Happy birthday!
Hello, It’s me. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Pretty lady.
Time to wake and bake! A cake for my wife’s birthday.
Happy birthday, princess! You look almost as good as I do.
I left my pregnant wife! A Happy birthday card! 😛
Oh Guurl! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday gorgeous! May your birthday cake be moist!
9 Top Happy Birthday Meme For Him
OMG! It’s your birthday!
Bravo! You’re an otter year older.
Well, it’s your birthday! …again 😛
Alright Alright Alright….Happy birthday!
Happy birthday…You Secy Beast!
Happy birthday! My pretty.
Happy birthday, you sexy beast!
Ask not what this birthday party can do for you! Ask what you can do for this party, you lazy scum!
Blow the candle!…and the foam, 😛 Happy birthday!
24 Best Happy Birthday Meme Dog
I’m actually allergic to chocolate!
Let’s get this overwith. Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday cupcake is happy!!! Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday! The roof is on fire.
Party till your tongue hangs out!
Happy birthday. Sorry I missed it. Love you!
I wish for lots of treats and belly rubs!
Hello! Yeah this is dog, I wanted to wich you a happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Here’s something to wear that makes it impossible to lick yourself.
Happy birthday! Duuude……
Party Hard!
Hey you! Happy birthday.
Happy birthday doi! Can I have some cake too?
So…I heard it’s your birthday!
Happy birthday! Must you have!
Happy birthday!
Smile! It’s your birthday!
I would say” Happy Birthday” But that’s too mainstream. Feliz Cumpleanos!!!
Happy birthday!
I made you a birthday cake….But I eated it!
Smile, it’s your birthday!
Hmm, I do say, Happy Birthday!
Ermahgerd! Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to eat. But you lit my food on fire!
8 Top Happy Birthday Meme Friend
Remembered Friend’s Birthday! Without Facebook!
Yo dawg, I heard you like happy birthdays! So I decided to say happy birthday on your birthday so you can be happy on your birthday!
Happy birthday! Y U No Drunk Yet?!?
Your birthday it is. Celebrate you must!
Glad you’re part of my wolfpack! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I was going to drink anyway.
Smile! It’s your birthday!
Smart, good looking and funny! But enough about me. Happy Birthday!
I’m Morgan Freeman, and I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday. And you just read that in my voice!
It’s your birthday….Or annual declaration of being awesome!
15 Cute Happy birthday meme cat
Live long, and pawspurr!
Happee Burfday! I giv yoo…ME!
Celing cat, is wishing you a happy birthday!
Have a happy birthday! Boss lady!!!
Happy birthday! Go on…spoil yourself!
Happy birthday!
Birthday. No happy for you!
It’s your birthday. I”m controlling my excitement!
Happy birthday!! I pooped in your shoes!
It’s your birthday. I like to propose a toast!
A little bird told me it was your birthday…I ate him.
It’s your birthday? Big deal! I’ve had nine lives.
Happy birthday this much!!!!
Happy birthday! Just another year closer to being that crazy cat lady….
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Just so you know…I love cake…!!!
15 Sarcastic Happy Birthday Meme For Friends and Family
Another year closer to death? Good!!
Happy birthday! Ya filthy animal!
Happy birthday! FOOL!
Happy birthday! You still can’t sit with us!
Yo its your birthday! So like happy birthday bitch!
Happy birthday, Okay? GOSH!!!
Not saying you’re old…But your birthday cake looks like a brush fire!
People are wishing you a happy birthday over facebook? WOW you must hve lots of FRIENDS!
Wait, you’re how old? Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! DUMBASS!
A little bird told me it’s your birthday. I ate him!
I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you came into this world >>> NAKED AND SCREAMING <<<
Slow clap for the birthday celebrant!
Smart, good looking and funny. But enough about me. Happy birthday!!!
Oh, it’s your birthday. I don’t care!
19 Lovely Happy Birthday Meme Sister
Happy birthday! Sister!
Happy birthday sister in law! Another year of surviving my brother!
Happy birthday sister! Don’t tell mom that I came late last night. 😀
Happy birthday! To an awesome sister!!!
Come on! At least you’re not as old as you’ll be next year….
Happy birthday, to my soul sister!! Love You!
Happy birthday, to the world’s best sister!
Happy birthday! To my big sister!
You! Big sister lady! Happy birthday!
I hear it’s your birthday! Enjoy it sister!!!
Happy birthday! Baby siter!
Happy birthday work-sister! You stay classy!
Hello sister! Happy birthday!!
A very happy birthday to you sis!!!
Hey sister! Smile! It’s your birthday!
Happy birthday Sis!!! I feel nice when I see you happy 🙂
Happy birthday to my sweet sister!
Wait….One minute! IT’s my sister’s birthday!…Happy BDay BabY Girls!!!
Happy birthday to a girl who has a pretty awesome older sister!
6 Star Wars Happy Birthday Meme
Happy birthday? Good, Good…. Let the alcohol flow through you.
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But I’m your father, so join me maybe!
It’s your birthday…I know!
Have a happy birthday you must, celebrate you wiill!!!
Happy birthday! Now join the dark side!
The empire wishes you, a Happy Birthday!
9 Happy Birthday Memes For Family, Dad, Son, Daughter, Husband, Wife, and Brother
Happy birthday bro!
Happy birthday, male sibling!
It’s my cousin’s birthday! I will say happy birthday with a meme!
Happy birthday! From your favorite cousin.
Happy birthday dad! Wait, wait, wait…you’re how old?
Happy birthday! To my favorite husband.
Big Hug! Happy birthday MoM!
Mom, Mom, Mom, guess what it is? Birth day! Happy birthday!!!!
Father: So how do you feel on your special day? Son: Older. Father: You’re right, happy birthday!
  from OnSumo https://ift.tt/2WR7rN1
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