#goddess faith
vifetoile · 1 year
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Carol P. Christ’s nine suggested touchstones to define the ethos of Goddess religion.
“A framework for ethical decision making but not a blueprint for action.”
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stalkerofthegods · 5 months
Lady Nyx/Nox deep dive, straight to the point info
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Herbs • Dahlias, Cannas, Some lobelia, Night-blooming jasmine, Moonflowers, Datura, Tuberose, Evening primrose, Queen of the Night epiphyllum, Herbs that only grow at night, black leaves, black flowers, Blackthorn, Cypress, Holly, Juniper, Locust, Pomegranate, Witch Hazel, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lavender, Mugwort, Patchouli, Primrose, Vervain, Nectarines, Dragon Fruit, Morning Glory, Nightshade, Roses, Lilies, Poppies
Animals• Horses, Owl, dogs, bats, black bulls, Blue Jay, Crow, Sparrow, Snake, Turtle, cat
Zodiac • your moon sign. 
Colors • Black, Dark blue, Dark green, Dark Purple
Crystal• Obisidian, Morion, Jet, Hematite, Onyx, Black tourmaline, Black Sapphire, Black moonstone, Black agate, Shungite, Black calcite, Eye Agate, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apophyllite, Cat's Eye, Hematite, Moss Agate, Moonstone, Petrified Wood, Smokey Quartz
Symbols•  Black wings, Dark clouds, Black fog, Egg, New Moon, Stars, key, veil, poppy, serpents, owls.
you can wear in their honor• you can veil in their honor, PJs 
Deity of• Night, she is the personification of it
Patron of• Night, Sleep, Death, the Fates, Nemesis, Old Age, Darkness, Light, Motherhood, Magic, Mystery, and the unknown;
Offerings•  Black candles, Poetry or songs related to the night, Images of the night sky, Beef, Milk, Black flowers, Black fruits, Dark red wine, Black animal votives, Dew (the one that gathers after sunset), Dark feathers, Dark liquors/beers. Black Tea/Coffee, Symbols of Her children (ex-torch, skull, scissors), Black fabric/veil/cloak, Dark chocolate, Honey/molasses, Viniq (shimmery liqueur that looks like a galaxy in a bottle)
Devotional• Go star gazing, donate to owl shelters, go to the zoo to see her animals, draw her, listen to a playlist for her, go camping under the stars, go glamping to look at the stars, Take a night time walk, Get a good night’s rest, Learn a new star or constellation each week, Stay up late, do something you enjoy without fearing the dark, Sleep with your windows open, Burn a candle that represents the stars, Sleep in every once and a while, Watch an astronomy documentary, Be extra polite to those who have to work the night shift, Wear dark colors, Learn about which animals are active at night in your area, Go for a night drive, Do divination at night, Listen to music with your headphones in, Use silver, black, and gold glitter, Plant some flowers that only bloom at night, Use a star/constellation app, Read the House of Night series, Watch the evening light fade away into darkness (you can do this in your window, or watch a lapse on YouTube of it), Wear more things with the stars or planets on them, Defend someone who is vulnerableble, Turn your electronics off a couple hours before bed each night, Drink an herbal tea with cinnamon before bed, If you’re staying up late already, make your night productive. (Ex- Complete some homework, tidy up your room), Keep a dream journal, Learn how to identify owls by their calls, Make the night sky your screensaver/home screen, Wear scents that remind you of the night, watch a video of the stars, and sleep with stars in the background.
Ephithets• Bringer of Night, Mother of Daimones, Mother of the Cosmos, Subduer of Gods and Men, Mother of Mysteries, The Dark and Shining, The Winged, of the Great Shadows, Dressed in Stars, Dew Bringer, of the Witching Hour, 
of the Deep and Silent Dark.
Equivalents• Nótt (Norse), Selene (Greek), Hecate (Greek), Nox (Roman), Nyx (Greek), Al-Qaum (Arabian), Nabatean (Arabain), Itzpapalotl (Aztec), Metztli (Aztec), Tezcatlipoca (Aztec), Khonsu (Egyptian), Nut (Egyptian)
Signs they are reaching out• Sudden fascination with stars, seeing her Symbols and attributes all of the sudden, a pull to her and the night.
Vows/omans• None, maybe wedding vows, but many say she just has Erebus as a boyfriend, not a husband.
Morals• Unkown, but most suspect Morally grey.
Courting• Erebus (darkness)
Personality• She is motherly and protective of her children, 
Home• Tartruas 
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• The first Deity to exist, 
Roots• Gaia, Birthed at the beginning of time, lived in Tartarus. 
Parentage• Chaos 
Siblings• Gaia (goddess of the Earth/mother nature), Erebus (god of darkness), Uranus/Ouranos (god of the heavens), and Tartarus (god of the underworld).
Pet• The two/four horses pulling her chariot 
Children • Aether and Hemera (Day) by Erebus (Darkness), Thanatos (gentle death), Hypnos (sleep), she also made the spirits - the Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. Aether, Moros, Apate, Dolos, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, Oizys, Momus, Philotes, Geras, Eris
Appearance in astral or gen• In ancient art Nyx was depicted as either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with dark mists.
Festivals • Wiccan Yule, Wiccan Samhain, Winter solstice, you can do a ritual for her on the full and dark moon, but there is a feast you can hold in her honor, which is called Lemuralia.
Day • her time is Twilight, Dusk, and Midnight, and her day is Monday  
Season• winter 
Direction• north 
Status• Primordial Goddess of night, even Zeus fears her, one of the first primordial beings alive, she was there for the creation of the universe.
Planet• Moon
Her Tarot cards• Death, Temperance
Scents/Inscene • Myrtle, Camphor, Patchouli, Lavender, watery, musky, earthy
My opinion • She is a very hard divine being to find information on, I hope this helps, but I've never met her before, I assume she's great, my friend says she is kind and calls her ‘Mother’ 
In general
Beautiful, black-eyed Nyx, cloaked in darkness, older than old, daughter of misty Chaos, mother of great and mighty spirits, I call to you. Ever-present one, you live in the shadows; we know you in the dusk, in the comfort of the night. Broad-winged Nyx, you clasp the hand of bright Hemera, each eve and morn, you greet her with love and sorrow for only in those moments may you embrace your child. Goddess, awesome one, in your realm are we all unblemished, in your realm do lovers’ promises ring true, in your realm are all things possible, if only until daybreak. Nyx, I honor you.
Small prayer 
“Nyx, mother of the night, mother of sleep, mother of death: Might your darkness embrace me Might your energy caress me Might you be mine and Might I be yours Blessed be.“
In general 
O ancient Goddess, born of Chaos and steeped in shadow, I honor you now and always. With eyes which have watched the beginnings of all that is, see us now embracing your sleep and mystery. With power that strikes fear into the hearts of the most revered of Gods,
I remember your strength when I am searching for my own. In the starless night where light shines not i will give my thanks to your Greatness, And surrender to the dark.
Links/websites/sources • Nyx - Greek-Goddesses Wiki - Fandomhttps://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Nyx.html mystical-sleepy-musings <a href="https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/nyx/">Nyx – Greek Goddess of The Night: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net</a> - Greek Gods & Goddesses, June 10, 2018 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyx https://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Nyx.htmlhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Hypnoshttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/nyx/https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/nyx-goddess-0017255 https://www.worldhistory.org/Nyx/https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Nyx https://www.moonfallmetaphysical.com/s/stories/nyx-greek-goddess#google_vignette https://www.moonfallmetaphysical.com/s/stories/nyx-greek-goddess#google_vignette https://mythopedia.com/topics/nyx https://oldworldgods.com/greeks/nyx-greek-goddess-of-the-night/https://www.vintageisthenewold.com/game-pedia/what-does-nyx-goddess-look-like https://aminoapps.com/c/hellenistic-polytheism/page/item/nyx/Vn7V_bmCvIP7XMLvlKzJJbl2lGY55JLxDZhttps://thebacchichuntress.tumblr.com/post/127160005123/offerings-to-nyx/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/161308460295/nyxhttps://tuiliel.tumblr.com/post/139053552874/epithets-of-nyx/amphttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_night_deities https://greekpagan.com/category/prayers-2/nyx/#:~:text=older%20than%20old%2C%20daughter%20of,the%20comfort%20of%20the%20night.Magickal Spothttps://magickalspot.com › nyxGoddess Nyx: Prayers, Symbols, Books & More [Guide]https://www.tumblr.com/moonlitmagic/189775766368/prayer-for-nyx
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This post is payment to my friend @briislame
May Nyx cover you with the calmness of night.
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pagan-stitches · 3 months
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I added the Easter/Spring Equinox cloth to the altar today.
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crowwowo · 4 months
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And when I’m back in Chicago, I feel it / Another version of me, I was in it
Been listening to End of Beginning by Joe Keery on repeat and thinking about bg3 ocs :(
I wanted to try and expirement with lineart but it got washed away in all the dark colors uh oh
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iwitch-plus · 25 days
Something to think about…
…that I had never given myself time to think of.
The idea of faith in regard to deities outside of Christian and Catholic religions…as a little witch it seems easier to cling on to anything other than God as they see him. I rooted a good portion of my path specifically in Aphrodite, Isis, and other love/beauty/strong womanly type Goddesses as a way to have something to hold onto because it seemed right…but recently, I saw a witchcraft related post talking about how they don’t always need proof their God is there, they don’t need signs to know, they don’t need confirmation that their God is listening, they just have faith that they are.
The idea of this troubles me, and makes me wonder if I need to reconsider who I dedicate certain parts of my practice to. I find it extremely hard to have faith in anything that doesn’t at least give me something to latch onto if I reach out…I don’t know if that is selfish or naive, but it’s just not something I’ve ever been able to do. I think the idea of faith is something that is foreign to me because I never grew up religious, and the only things I would ever have faith in were physical beings such as my mother or myself. Having faith seems so Christian, and maybe that’s an internal struggle I need to deal with.
But, if I’m unable to have faith, then what am I doing anything for? What is the point of magick if there isn’t at least someone you can call to? Am I unintentionally having faith just by dedicating certain things to certain Goddesses/Gods, or am I unintentionally failing at everything I do spiritually because I lack in the faith aspect of things? Am I clinging to the verbiage of it and overthinking myself, is faith not truly a requirement but just a thing that some people have?
Maybe I’ll figure it out.
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sylvrndoodles · 12 days
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the Lady of the Lake
another homebrew goddess!
the Lady is a goddess of water, purity, and children.
She was once a servant who had an affair with her employer—a nobleman—only to have the resulting child stolen from her after the wife of the noble could not bear children that survived infanthood. Once stolen, the child died of loneliness, treated horribly by his stepmother. The servant took his body back, cleansed his tears away in the lake, and drowned herself, becoming the Lady. As the Lady, she guided both her son's soul and the souls of his half-siblings to the afterlife, and now watches over all unwanted and unavenged children, both in life and in death.
Temples to the Lady always run an orphanage, and shelter all children from harm wherever possible.
She punishes those that harm children with an inability to drink water, eventually killing them through dehydration.
Drowning is seen as sacred, and some devotees drown themselves in a ritual that turns them into a drowned cleric. They are technically dead, do not grow, and cannot drown.
Though she appears frightening, with her hair obscuring her face and eternally drenched in lake water, she is kind and comforting to all that speak to her.
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lovechristianity · 2 months
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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The One Undertook Many Calamities
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charcoalowl · 1 year
ok but now that poll is making me sad because like the Witch Queen and Sister Carpenter would have gotten along famously with each other. Daughter i-maimed-and-mutilated-the-millenia-old-being-of-the-dark-mountain-who-tried-to mould-me-into-his-vessel Dooley, and Mallory i-stood-at-the-banks-of-my-river-that-has-made-me-who-i-am-and-thrown-affrontations-at-my-god-because-i-am-not-his-i-was-never-his-i-will-never-be-his Glass would be actual besties if given the chance.
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asherlaewood · 3 months
Confidence: You are unique! You can do it! ☘️🌸 Self Worth: You deserve the best! Have believe in yourself! You are amazing the way you are! ☘️🌸 The Lord: You are blessed child! I have planned something special for you! Just keep going! ☘️🌸 Asher Laewood: You deserve the best! Just know that you are worthy of love and that you are unique and deserve the best... God bless...!! ☘️🌸
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thebowynntradition · 24 days
The 7 Sacred Offerings
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Within the faith of the Bowynn tradition it is said that the gods ask for only 7 basic types of offering. These seven became the staple of offerings and are called "Tau Numa Abennes", literally The Seven Offerings. The list is as follows
Flowers, Plants, Flora and Foliage. (cut, potted, wreath, garlands)
Uncooked foods. (Fruits, honey, veggies, nuts, grains, herbs,)
Cooked foods. (Meats, cakes,)
The light of a Candle
Libations of all sorts (Anything liquid from water to brews)
Votive offerings and objects (clay, wax, cloth, wood figures. Objects)
There is technically and 8th form which is personal self, often meaning cuts of hair, nails and drops of blood. These are only used to bless and bind with a sacred religious tool and even then, very minimally. The gods otherwise abhor the sacrifice of life and the disrespect of the body. "Your body be a gift from us immortals, defile it not but instead keep it clean and pure.)
Once a year on New Years {Then Ohenn} a great complete set of all 7 offerings is displayed on Altars and is offered to the gods.
During the Holiday of "Kodex Tor" it is costumery to burn what is called a "Tsa'heka" of incense, which is 'bundle of 100 incense sticks." Sometimes a myst will off a Tsa'heka to the gods when casting a particularly powerful spell that is in dire need.
Unlike Wiccans, the gods of the Bowynn do NOT have any one set of particular offerings they require. That is to say there is no need to attribute only certain scents, colors and food to a particular god or goddess. they will accept any offering if given with all respect and love.
As to why offerings are gifted to the Bowynn gods, it's out of love and respect. For they have given some of the greatest gifts to mankind, its only right to give a gift in return. Brea, the goddess of the earth speaks very clear in this when she replied ...
"For all this that I have given on to you, for the life you live, the air you breath and that land you walk on, the light the lets you see the beauty of the day and the night that lets you sleep, would not you give the same to me? Gift to me a stone, a cutting a grass, a plate of your meal, light, waft of smoke. Kind comes in kind my beloved children and in circle again. Give what you can in love and hurt nothing that I have life to. Give to us, your beloved parents, and in kind we will give to you."
As to the "post offering" or to say what happens after offerings are gifted. the goddess Abbennaea clarifies this in her own words.
"Precious child, fret not because that which you offered is still on the plate. For you see, I take not that which you give to us in the mortal world but instead I take its divine essence, its spirit and love that you have given. And I bring it to those of us who you have offered it to. In turn, we the immortals, turn your gifts into that which is good for all, mortal and immortal alike. Only the scented herbs that you burn for us, we receive directly, as it rises and flies to our presence. Then within the turning of a full day and night, dispose of the mortal husk of your offering into a pit in the earth, into the waves of the sea, the waft of the wind or that is most befitting of such a gracious gift. And take heart knowing your gift has pleased us."
So, in a word, the gods take the divine essence of your gifts to them and after 24 hours you may dispose of the food or plants in a respectable manner, as best one can.
With this, we close with the basic outline of the Bowynn faith. Posts beyond this point will deal with the Holidays that the Bowynn celebrate and the Gods themselves in detail.
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vifetoile · 2 years
The Goddess as Scientist
Inspiration: Mary Malone from His Dark Materials, Madeleine L'Engle's Time Quartet
Scientific method, understanding the world with logic and reasoning and a bright, open mind. New discoveries and interconnections forged only show the Goddess's hand at work. Science as ritual and reverence of Knowledge. Mathematic harmony. The doubt of God is itself holy. And thou shalt be subject to "Dust."
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wordswithloveee · 2 months
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witchb1tches · 1 year
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Unhinged Slayer?
Totally smash
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A Hyrulean Morning Tea Ritual
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Photo source could not be found.
Tea is an important part of the day for many of us. Coffee is best for others!
While a tea set similar to the one in this photo is best for the ritual aspect, not everyone wants to do a full tea session in the morning. In that case, a mug and infuser are great options!
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Photo taken by me
This particular infuser was a Christmas gift from a dear friend. I like this one quite a bit because it also has a crystal on the end of the chain. And there lies the beginning of this ritual:
Start by filling the infuser with your favorite tea the night before. If your infuser also has a crystal, you can charge it with energies and intentions. This can be done without the crystal as well but it’s easier with the crystal.
At that point, leave the tea out in your altar as an offering to your preferred deity. In my case, this is Goddess Hylia. Pray, dedicate the tea, and then brew it in the morning.
Enjoy the tea at your altar with your deity and let the blessings flow!
I have plans for many more tea related blogs and how tea can be used in our practices!
May the Goddess Smile Upon You,
-Florian Knight
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cassaloopa · 6 months
Astarion story idea in the vein of knowing Tav in their past-life:
What if someone else came to his rescue the night the Gur attacked him? Making Cazador miss his opportunity and have to try again. What if it’s elven Tav, maybe a cleric to the elven goddess, saves him and tries to help him uncover why he was targeted and why Cazador is hunting him now. In the process they fall in love, plan to sort things out and live happily ever after. But just as they start to unravel the plot, Cazador ambushes them and Tav is slain, Astarion captured and turned. This is why Astarion loses his faith in the gods, because they didn’t save him or Tav. 200yrs later they meet on the beach, Tav again, in a new incarnation. Both their memories are awakened and they fall in love again, vowing to finish what they started all those years before. And this time they win.
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