#getting too close to day 100 are we.... I need to prepare something new for it I think
daily-odile · 19 days
she sits in a chair
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astrolynnworld · 5 months
blue confessions
pairing: matt x reader
summary: matt confesses his feelings to the reader at the countdown of midnight
warnings: fluff! new years, confessions, love, romance.
a/n- should of been posted yesterday but oh well 🫠
word count: 979
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i do some last minute cleansing and preparations as i get ready to start my year anew and fresh.
nick had invited a few friends over so we can celebrate our last hours of 2023 together.
i finish getting ready and put on my coat so i can head over to the house.
everyone arrived at various times but i was one of the first people to get there.
i’ve been friends with the triplets for about 7 years now, at first i met nick but he soon after introduced me to his brothers who i’ve been close with every since.
especially matt, matt is really like my best friend. since day one, matt & i have have a different type of connection where we understand each other on a different level
he’s always been there for me, as i have with him.
“hey!! happy new year” nick says as he opens the door to let me in
“happy new year!” i say while going in for a hug
“wow it’s been in a long year.” i continue
“tell me about it.. a lot has happened this year, from hitting 5 million subs to going on tour again.. it’s been a crazy year”
“yup, sad to see it end but ready to watch it go” i laugh
from the corner of my eye i can see chris coming up the stairs
“oh hey chris! happy new year” i say as i walk in for a hug
“yup! new year.” he greets back, “where’s the food?” he proceeds to ask
“chris shut up. it’s on the way, you can wait.” nick answers annoyingly
i chuckle at their banter
“where’s matt?” i ask out loud
“he’s probably in still his room getting ready, you can go check on him if you want” nick responds
i nod and make my way down the hall to his room.
i do my little signature knock that i do so he knows it’s me
“come in!” he shouts from the door
i open the door and walk in to give him a hug
“heyyy matt!!” i gleefully say
“why are you so happy?” he asks with a confused face
“cause it’s new year’s eve!!” i respond with more enthusiasm
“big plans for 2024?” he asks
“no plans, just hopes and wants.” i respond
“yeah? what do you hope and want?” he asks again
“i kinda hope for a genuine connection and relationship..” i say shyly
“yeah. i just feel like im tired of meaningless flings or situationships. we’re only getting older.. i want something real” i say
“i feel you 100%” he reassures
“yeah.” i look down, “but anyway! do you have anything you’re looking forward too?”
“not really. i just wanna let the year play out how it’s supposed too.” he replies
“yeah i see th-“ im interrupted as the door swings open
“our friends are here. stop hiding in the room” says nick
“we’re not hiding” matt says as he gets up to make his way to the living room
i follow shortly behind
after a few hours of party games and jokes, we just hang around to enjoy our last few minutes of 2023
i go in the kitchen to grab some water and shortly after, matt follows along
he nervously stands there in silence for a bit pretending to be occupied before striking up a conversation
“before the year end i kinda just wanted to let you know that i really do appreciate our friendship” he says sentimentally
“aww matt, that’s so sweet.”
“i know i don’t really say it often but i do love you. maybe in more ways than i should to be honest.” he looks down
“huh? what do you mean?” i ask
“well you’re the person i can count on the most, other than nick and chris. you’re always there for me when i need you to be and i feel like i relate you on a deeper level. you just understand me as a person and i love and appreciate you a lot for it.”
i go in for a hug, “matt i love you so much! you’re gonna make me cry”
he hugs back but doesn’t seem fulfilled
“matt what’s wrong? you seem unfinished?” i ask still embraced in his grasp
“cause that’s not all i want to say. i just don’t know how to say it” he says
suddenly we hear our friends in the other room start the new year countdown
“well you better hurry before the new year begins” i chuckle
“six.. five” we hear from the other room
i stare up as he looks down at me with his mouth agape as he prepares himself
“two.. one-“
“i’m in love with you” he spills
“HAPPY NEW YEAR” i hear from the other room as i stare at him in silence
“this is probably the worst timing but i really couldn’t keep it in anymore. i can’t go into another year feeling regret for every day that i don’t confess to you how i fee-“
i break his monologue with a kiss
“i love too matt” i look up at him with a smile
“are you being serious?” his confused look making me chuckle
“yess matt. of course i do! like you said, i understand you on a deeper level. and i know you understand me just as well. i enjoy every second i spend with you and i love being around you, you always make me feel special. i also kept my feelings tucked in but i love you just as much” i confess
he smiles and places a kiss on my lips while placing both hands on each of my cheeks
“can i be your boyfriend, y/n?” he whispers into my lips as he holds my cheeks with both hands
“i’d love nothing more” i smile up at him
a/n- hope you guys enjoyed this cute little story
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underdark-dreams · 8 months
Request from @smolpocketmonstercoffee that I accidently deleted when I was trying to kill a spider (fucking wish I was kidding 😭)
🖤 HCs: Dammon / Rolan as new dads 🖤
Dammon seems like the type to want a family, probably a large one, and let’s be honest fatherhood would come SO naturally to him
After everything he’s been through in Elturel and Avernus, the challenge of raising a child doesn’t phase him one bit
Much more elated than he is nervous about the prospect
When Dammon holds his baby for the first time, he wants you to be right beside him. Pulls you close so you can look at this beautiful new little life together
He might say something a little sappy (“Look at what we made, love”), but coming from him it is somehow 100% sincere and extremely sweet
He’s that type of dad to have a conversation with his baby whenever they’re fussing/crying
“Oh dearest. Oh darling. What’s the matter? Hush, little one, I’m here—”
He would rock his baby to sleep with stories about Elturel and their people's history. Even when they’re still too little to understand, it’s very important to him that your child learns about their culture and where they came from
You both do a great job at alternating the night shift duties during the first months. Dammon offers to generously take more than his share, even when he's running on 2 hours of sleep already. But you know he needs all the rest he can get since his work takes a lot of energy
During the day he wears one of those baby slings to keep your child wrapped safe and secure against his chest, even while he's at work in his forge
You're a little skeptical about it until you glimpse your baby’s eyes closed fast asleep against Dammon even as he loudly tempers a sword with his hammer. Truly their father's child. It's the most adorable picture
As a dad, Dammon would place a lot of weight on teaching your child the difference between right and wrong. He encourages them to be thoughtful and kind to others always
And he's a very kind father himself. When your little one gets hurt, they run to Dammon 90% of the time over you for comfort. He's the resident expert at kissing it better
He makes them feel secure they can come to him with anything, even when they messed up/did something bad
Sometimes Dammon is too much of a softie and lets his child get away with little things. Many bedtimes are extended when Dammon is left in charge. He just doesn't always have the will to resist their little hands grabbing his face to ask please
And he’s so easily distracted whenever his kid wants to play. He’ll abandon his work for hours to take them on walks to the park, build with toys, wrestle, all of it. You find them out in the yard playing knights a lot 
Dammon loves when they’re old enough to go for rides on his shoulders, little hands holding on to his horns for balance. He takes them around the city and plays ‘say what you see’ to help them learn their words
Of course, he is overjoyed when you tell him. But something tells me Rolan’s next reaction to finding out he’s going to be a dad would be a very focused and existential freakout
There’s so many things he has to do, you and he have so much to prepare for, he wants his child to come into a perfect world & feels responsible for making it that way
Bit of a panic attack dad. You have to encourage him to breathe & relax & take things one day at a time
Late at night though, you just know Rolan’s lying awake wondering what if you two didn’t pre-pre-register for the absolute best preschool in Baldur’s Gate?
They’re his child, so they’re bound to be a magical prodigy. And he is determined to give them every advantage he never had growing up
When holding his baby for the first time: the first thing he feels is a sense of overwhelming protectiveness
Rolan has experienced some dark, unfair shit in his life. He knows the world can be a very harsh and unforgiving place, especially to Tieflings
Rolan always thought of himself as a more instinctual, look-out-for-yourself-first type. But looking at this tiny bundle in his arms, he would give anything to protect them 
He's overwhelmed with love at every detail: tail no longer than his palm, ruddy skin the same shade as his, little golden eyes blinking up at him
"They've got my eyes!" He tells you in pure excitement, smiling and tearing up at the same time
Rolan is surprisingly natural with all the infant care things: changing, feeding, putting down for sleep, etc. He picked up a lot from growing up in foster homes and taking care of Cal and Lia when they were all young
That doesn’t make him any more conscious when it’s his turn to wake up in the middle of the night. He will rise from bed like a zombie, eyes barely cracked open, tending to his little one’s cries guided by an overwhelming force of instinct
Although he's got a lot of responsibility on his shoulders as master of Ramazith Tower, Rolan insists on splitting up childcare duties evenly so you can get your own work done. Balances your little cooing Tiefling baby on his hip while he’s giving his pupils their evocation lecture
They all respect him too much to say anything about it (ok Rolan is still pretty intimidating too)
If and when his child shows their first signs of magical talent, Rolan is completely overcome with emotion. He might have to excuse himself for a minute to collect his feelings alone 
He was hoping this day would come, but he could never be sure. They will have the best, most patient, most dedicated teacher in all of Faerûn
He’s an excellent teacher with other things, too. Rolan always wants to hear about what your little one learned in school today & he’s always ready to help with homework or extra tutoring
And when it comes to babysitting, Cal and Lia are lifesavers. They make it possible for you and Rolan to slip away for some alone time at least once a week
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celiciaa · 6 months
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translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
trigger warning: suggestive, violence.
Birthdays always come every year as long as I’m alive, even if I don't want to.
Albert: Happy birthday, Gil.
Mother: I'm glad you were able to age properly this year. I feel like I'm about to cry.
Aristocrat: Happy birthday, Lord Gilbert.
Aristocrat: I hope you liked the surprise party I prepared for you.
Albert: Look, I got that academic book you wanted.
Albert: It's really amazing how you can understand such a difficult book, you're a genius. // You're really amazing to understand such a difficult book, you're a genius.
Mother: I made some new clothes.
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Mother: I'm sure you'll grow out of it soon, so please let me make you a new outfit for your birthday.
Aristocrat: Of course, we also have prepared many presents.
Aristocrat: All of us present here would like to offer our heartfelt blessings to His Highness——
Albert: I'm sure Gil will grow up to be a good man every time he celebrates his birthday.
Mother: Hehe, look forward to it. But the most important thing is for you to live.
Mother: Happy birthday to you many, many times, Gil.
Aristocrat for embezzlement: Congratulations.
Aristocrat for theft: Congratulations, Lord Gilbert.
Aristocrat for murder: My sincerest congratulations, Lord Gilbert.
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Gilbert: ——….Hehe, thank you. But I don't need that.
Aristocrat for the crime of human trafficking: Lord Gilbert?
Gilbert: I'm feeling sleepy today, so I'm heading back. Good night.
Gilbert: I'll see you on the execution site.
(Stop it…stop it, stop it.)
(I don't want those memories to be tarnished by the farce of those filthy aristocrats.)
Aristocrat for the crime of human trafficking: Lord Gilbert, please forgive me!
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Gilbert: Hm, what? You don't want to die in an instant?
Gilbert: If that's the case, I'll execute you myself. I'm not used to handling a sword yet….
Gilbert: I'm sure it will take a while, unlike the Emperor, but that's okay, right?
Aristocrat for the crime of human trafficking: Aa….aaAAAAAAHHH—!
Gilbert: Ahaha! What a shame. Everyone, take a good look.
Gilbert: This isn't someone else's business…yes?
(I don't need birthdays anymore.)
(It would be better for me to just disappear than be corrupted by those filthy aristocrats.)
(No one is allowed to celebrate my birthday.)
(Anyone who congratulates me will be killed without exception.)
(Roderich, Walter, all of them, without exception——)
Gilbert: Hey, hey, little rabbit. Do you know my birthday is almost close?
——One day when the snow started to fall, those words fell out of my mouth instinctively.
Emma: Huh, when is it!?
Gilbert: One week later.
Emma: Why didn't you tell me earlier!
Emma: What should I do…is it possible to prepare the ingredients for the cake now….
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Gilbert: ….
(Why did I say that?)
(I thought I decided long ago not to let anyone celebrate my birthday.)
Emma: Is something wrong?
Gilbert: No, it's nothing.
(But I'm sure you….)
(….You wouldn't lie to me, would you?)
Roderich: ——That was surprising.
On the way back to my room after my regular checkup, I found myself alone with Roderich and mumbled something.
Gilbert: Because I told her about my birthday?
Roderich: Yes. Me and the doctor are planning to celebrate….
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Gilbert: No, I won't allow it.
Roderich: As expected.
Gilbert: Hehe, I thought I'd give the little rabbit a special chance.
Gilbert: I don't know how many more birthdays I will have. I thought it would be better not to have any regrets.
Roderich: It can be as many times as you want. Whether it's 10 years or 100 years.
Gilbert: I'm not immortal.
Gilbert: But, well, maybe I'm getting carried away this year. // But, maybe I'm just too excited this year.
Gilbert: ….I used to look forward to my birthday a lot, you know?
Gilbert: I wonder what kind of presents she will give me, and what kind of delicious food she’s preparing for me…..
Gilbert: When I'm with the little rabbit, I sometimes remember those feelings I had when I was a human.
Roderich: ….
Roderich, who was right beside me, had stopped walking.
When I approached him, his face which was hidden behind the hood remained downcast, and did not rise to look me in the eye.
Gilbert: Eh, I was just kidding. What are you crying about? That’s disgusting…..
Roderich: ….Even the doctor had teary eyes after your checkup.
Roderich: He said it’s been a while since he heard about your birthday at the obsidian castle….
Roderich: Lord Gilbert celebrated other people's birthdays, but was not happy to celebrate his own.
Gilbert: Ahaha, how honest, aren’t you? I don't know if the little rabbit will celebrate, after all the threats I’ve made.
Roderich: I wouldn't call that a threat.
Gilbert: Then what?
Roderich: It's just your way of saying that you’re looking forward to your birthday.
(——I wonder if I'm that easy to understand.)
Until the day of my birthday, the little rabbit must have been in deep distress.
Her hands were shaking with nervousness as she baked the cake, and her expression was worrying.
Still, she ended up making a birthday cake for me.
It seems that even after hearing that someone was sent to the execution stand, her intentions did not change.
(I think she got the message that I was expecting her.)
Emma: ….This is just my speculation….
Emma: Lord Gilbert—— Gil, I don't think you want to celebrate your birthday.
Emma: You hate lies.
Emma: Because it was supposed to be a special and important day, you couldn't allow yourself to be defiled by corruption and deception.
Emma: …..That's what I thought.
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Gilbert: Hehe…as expected of the little rabbit, who loves me so much.
(You’re spot on.)
(Honestly, I didn't think you could see through it that much, but I guess you can see into my heart.)
(…You are completely different from the rotten aristocrats.)
Gilbert: Are you really going to congratulate me?
Emma: Of course.
Gilbert: I've killed many people so far, and I might kill many more in the future.
Gilbert: I’ve sent someone to the execution stand after I celebrated my birthday before, and I'll do it again if anyone like that shows up in the future, you know?
Emma: …..
(…How cruel of me.)
I am by no means doubting Emma’s beautiful heart.
But after so many years of dealing with corruption and deceit, I am paranoid as a matter of habit.
It was also for self-defense, not wanting to be disappointed because I wanted a heartfelt celebration.
Emma: ….I see.
After a long silence, the little rabbit nodded.
Emma: Even if you have made the whole world your enemy, I will congratulate you.
Emma: I'm already a bad woman, so it's too late for that.
Emma: Please don't underestimate my love for you.
(…You're crying.)
Her eyes are slightly moist with determination, but she looks forward with dignity.
It was more beautiful than the memory of a birthday I once had, and it burned strongly in my mind.
Gilbert: ….Hehe, sorry. I was bullying you too much.
(I just want to be celebrated by you, but I don't feel safe unless I do this.)
(I'm so sorry, little rabbit.)
I stand in front of Emma and use my fingers to scoop up her tears that are about to fall.
(But I finally found someone to celebrate with.)
(I thought that once I fell into the beast, I would never be a part of it again….)
(…I feel like it's a kind of blessing that a great villain who killed a lot of people shouldn't enjoy…)
As I secretly close my aching heart, without warning, Emma puts her hand on my cheek and kisses me lightly.
Gilbert: What?
Emma: …I can't give you a cake right now, so here's an alternative gift for you.
(Really….I wonder how bare my heart is in front of you.)
Gilbert: That's a poor gift.
Emma: How about this?
The little rabbit puts her arms around my neck and takes a deeper kiss than before.
(…For a moment, I wondered if it was okay to be so happy despite being a big villain——)
(Well, if I’m the big villain, it's just enough for me to snatch away all the happiness that little rabbit gives me.)
(I never thought about it before…)
(Wouldn't it be nice to receive a little reward for living in a dirty world?)
My wavering heart hardened and I bit the little rabbit's lip.
When she froze in surprise, the first thing I did was pry her lips open with my fingers.
Making sure her tongue was out and I bit it to the extent that it didn't hurt, I placed my hand on Emma’s leg as she leaned on the table.
(Come to think of it, the little rabbit is wearing the outfit I made for her today.)
(…I'm sorry that you've been dyed by me.)
When I lifted the hem of her black dress and forced my fingers deep inside her, Emma’s face contorted in pain.
Emma: Gil…it hurts….
Gilbert: Yeah, on purpose.
Emma: Why….
Gilbert: Because you don't like pain, do you, little rabbit?
When I plunged her deep into the pit of her stomach with my fingers, her expression immediately turned lewd.
Gilbert: See, you looked like you were feeling good.
Gilbert: By the way, we’re in the kitchen. Are you going to stop me?
(I'm sure the little rabbit would resist more.)
The wet squelching sounds and her moans became more visible the moment I added two more fingers.
Emma: ….Just…for today….
Emma: No matter what Gil wants…if he wants to do it here, I’d take it all….
Gilbert: Because it's my birthday?
When I asked, the little rabbit brought my head close to her soft chest.
Emma: I do not…lie.
Emma: So...you can try it until you feel safe, Gil.
Emma: My celebration is from the bottom of my heart…my sincerest congratulations…
Emma: I will keep telling Gil, no matter how much it hurts, until he believes in me.
Gilbert: …..
Gilbert: Oh, no. I guess I've been found out.
(I feel like I can't hide anything in front of you.)
Emma: Gil is probably a lot easier to understand than I think.
Gilbert: I think those words can only be said because you are facing me head-on.
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Gilbert: …It's really a pity that a troublesome man likes you so much.
(As long as you understand my intentions and wish me a happy birthday, I'll be fine.)
(I don't think I'll be betrayed by you.)
I stroked the little rabbit’s weak spot as a reward and to her response, she was trembling in pleasure.
(Birthdays are coming back again this year.)
(…Yeah. Maybe it’s not so bad.)
Despite being bullied by the beast, the little rabbit somehow manages to finish the birthday cake and feed it to me.
The first birthday in a long time was filled with the warmth and tender feelings that had once been so natural to me.
Gilbert: Hehe…your heart is still beating, isn't it?
Emma: I can…hear your heartbeat too, Gil.
At the end of the celebration, we lie down on the bed, skin to skin, as if it were natural.
As I listened to the sound of the heartbeats coming from our chests,
The little rabbit placed her hand on my back and I felt a slight pain.
(Ah—…. I guess it's a scratch from when I held you earlier.)
The little rabbit’s face turned apologetic the moment she noticed my expression.
Emma: …I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.
Gilbert: I don’t mind. I like being hurt by you too.
Gilbert: You could have left bite marks as well as scratches.
When I run my fingers down her delicate arm, there are clear bite marks.
(Hehe, it must have hurt a lot. The little rabbit cried many times)
(You're crazy because you still love me.)
(….Well, I don't think any sane person could ever love me.)
Emma: It's hard to tell how much is too much or too little love Gil.
Gilbert: Then, let's learn it sometime soon. How about by next year's birthday?
Emma: I hope…you will let me celebrate again next year.
Gilbert: Who knows? It's up to you whether it’ll be your last or your first.
Gilbert: If you love me a lot, I might change my mind...okay?
Emma: ….
Gilbert: It’s just...my celebration this year wasn't unpleasant.
Gilbert: ….Thank you.
Emma: …..
(It's like I'm getting back one of my forgotten emotions.)
The more time I spend with the little rabbit, the more things I once let go of may gradually come back to me.
It is a frightening yet happy thing.
Emma: So…next time, how about we celebrate with Mr. Roderich and Mr. Walter?
Emma: I'm sure both of them really want to congratulate you, Lord Gilbert.
Gilbert: That’s not allowed.
(I'm sure those two want to celebrate my birthday….)
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Gilbert: I don't need other people's congratulations. As long as I have yours, that's all that matters.
Gilbert: Because you're the only one I love.
When I said this clearly, the little rabbit looked embarrassed and shy.
(…You're so cute.)
Emma: Gil…I forgot to mention the most important thing.
Gilbert: Hm?
Emma: Happy birthday.
Emma: I'll give you lots of love…so please let me celebrate with you again next year.
(…So many reasons I can’t die like this.)
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(I'm at a loss. But since it's a request from my beloved rabbit, I can't resist.)
Gilbert: Hehe, I understand. I'll let you celebrate as long as you are.
Gilbert: Keep loving the beast with your pure heart, just as you are…got it?
(So please. Don't you just disappear like those two.)
(As long as I'm alive, you have to make sure you celebrate my birthday every year…okay?)
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
˜”°•.˜”°• headcanons about you and abby's wedding - modern au •°”˜.•°”˜
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wc: 1.1k
warnings: wedding w modern au(obvs), crying, tooth rotting fluff, allusions to sex, no use of y/n
a/n: lmk what you guys think of this one and whether you'd like more of reader and Abby in this universe! don't hesitate to send any requests<33
this is sort of on theme with a previous fic where abby proposes to you, this one can be read as a standalone though:))
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❦ after the proposal, you guys hurrying too much to get the wedding off the road and on the rails- you're still extremely proud and giddy to call each other your fianceé, and you've sent about 100 pictures of your wedding ring to everyone.
❦ it isn't until one night where you're having dinner over at jerry's that he brings up the wedding preparations and you're like oh shit, you two kinda need to haul ass and start sending invites.
❦ you decided on a small affair, only your immediate families and close friends over. I imagine that in the insistence of your future brother in law Lev you sent out RSVP invitations that were ocean themed with cute little sharkies on the front that say in a vast ocean of people we found each other(💀). A lot of people found them pretty funny though, and Lev was pretty excited about them.
❦ on par with the beach theme of your engagement, you decided to have the wedding on a beautiful beach resort in the beginning of June-not too hot, not too cold;)-with the ceremony and the reception on the shore.
❦ of course, you couldn't leave out the bachelorette party! You and Abby travel to Vegas with your respective friend groups for a weekend of clubbing and partying in general. And lets be fr, someone from either of two groups ends up getting lost and you have to recover him Hangover style. Thank God you didn't arrange for it the day before the wedding.
❦ the days before the upcoming event are mostly a blur, both of you making last minute arrangements about the food, the flowers, the music. Your gown with the final adjustments is delivered and you have to hide it in a fridge box in the basement so Abby won't take a peek.
❦ "But baaabe, I just wanna see what it looks like! You know this stuff about bad luck isn't actually legit." "I know, but it will be more exciting to see the final look at the wedding. I promise you."
❦ finally the big day is here! And let me just say, as a very emotionally constipated person, you'd probably be a little teary eyed all day long. When you put on your gown and look at yourself in the mirror and realise that holy shit, I'm about to marry the love of my life, my Abigail, she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. And this just hits you all at once and a few tears run down your chin.
❦ if you have any wedding traditions from your culture that you'd like to honour, Abby would be 100% down for it. It makes her feel closer to you, and part of the new family she's going to be in. She also really likes listening to its origins and what it's supposed to represent. In my country, we do this thing where the wedding squad writes all their names down in the couples' shoes and by the end of the night whoever's name is the most smudged is the one who's going to get married first. Let's be real, if they did this, it'd probably Manny whose name had almost disappeared and he'd freak the fuck out.
❦ once you're ready to walk down the aisle, and you glance at Abby you let out a small ᵍᵃˢᵖ at the sight, with Abby dressed to the nines and a glowing expression on her beautiful face. Her mouth also formed a little O at the sight of you, ready to become her wife, looking so so happy and a slightly teary eyed.
❦ during the actual ceremony, you two keep stealing glances at each other, smiling kinda goofily like :]. You two are goobers fr.
❦ for the vows, I think the game establishes that Abby is a big bookworm, so she chooses something perhaps from Emily Bronte or Jane Austen. Of course this isn't the entirety of what she wrote, she just finds it more accurate to express her love for you through someone's else perfectly adept words.
❦ once the reception kicks in, you're carefully wiping tears from your eyes so you don't smudge your makeup, and take some photos with the wedding party on the beach. You're accepting everyone's congratulations for your newlywed status, and settling down to prepare for your first dance.
❦ you had decided on dancing to Por Una Gabeza, and had actually rehearsed the slow tango a couple times so your movements are synchronised. By the end of the dance, you're in each other's arms, cheek to cheek simply enjoying the moment.
❦ by the time you've finished you meal, the party is in full swing, and you join in for a few dances until you decide on a cake break and allow Yara to be Abby's dancing partner. By the way, your wedding cake? Exquisite, chocolate ice cream with strawberry.
❦ I also imagine you guys doing the whole tossing the bouquet thing and -surprise surprise!-it ends up on Manny's lap on accident. He almost leaves.
❦ by the night, you're both clinging to each other, ready to resume your lives as Mrs and Mrs, and also ready to break into the bridal bed. Seriously, you can feel Abby's fingers feeling up your thigh and she's been whispering the things she wants to do to you all night. By 2 in the morning you're home, very much exhausted by the preparations and the emotional high, but also very ready to let Abby peak what's under your bridal gown.
❦ for wedding gifts to each other? She hands you two tickets for some exotic island you guys always talked about going, and make it your honeymoon. You get her an antique vinyl record player, because she had always been going about getting something to listen music to while cooking. Needless to say you both love each other's gifts:D
❦ a week or so after the ceremony you receive the photographs, and Abby makes it her duty to hand them on every corner of the house. Seriously, at some point, you could see a photo of you two in your field of vision pretty much about everywhere.
❦ her favourite one remains in her desk, one where you two are about to leave, sweaty and drunk, the camera capturing your musky faces as you sit on her lap clinging for dear life. It's so sweet and endearing, and it reminds her why she married you in the first place.
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locallixie · 2 years
Hiiiii💗💗 could you do a stray kids reaction to someone shady walking up to their s/o and their Doberman or Rottweiler goes to protect them? 😭💗
fluffy bodyguard ; boyfriends/husbands!stray kids' reactions.
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🖇—... boyfriends/husbands!stray kids' reactions to their dog protecting their s/o.
✧.* 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ; fluff, soft, boyfriend!stray kids, husband!stray kids, established relationship au, married au, gn!reader.
✧.* 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; pet names.
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bang chan—...
Like the attentive husband he is, he rushes inside as soon as he felt your cold hands brushing against his. Leaving you confused with your little Rottweiler standing outside the door.
You were cold, you supposed, 'cause your cold hands never really bothered you so much. You thought you were born with naturally cold hands. But guess that didn't sit well with your husband.
"Are you cold, little guy? With all that fur of yours, I don't think this weather stands a chance." You smiled at your dog, Camy. Despite being a 'agressive' breed, Camy is such a sweetheart. An anniversary gift from your husband.
A guy that obviously look out-of-place started walking up to you from across the street, you have never seen him walking around your neighborhood, something was up.
"Hey, you there. Can I have a word—?" Camy began barking, walking on his little paws to be in front of you. The guy took a step back as Camy scared him away from laying a finger on you.
"Hun, are you alright, that guy was looking at you weird from the begining." Chan finally came back with your winter coat and scarf, he placed his hand on your back to reassure you that he's there.
"Little Camy's here protecting me when you're away." You told, seeing his short tail wagging from side to side in joy.
Chan ruffled his head, "Oh, he did? What a good boy!"
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lee know—...
Why need a dog? Minho is already dangerous enough to scare strangers and creeps on the streets away. He perfered cats over dogs anyways.
But...he just couldn't say 'no' when it comes to you. And when he said choose any, he was not prepared when you chose the most agressive breed of dog in the pet shop.
His three cats at home already thinking about teaming up to take their new sibling down, like father, like children.
He would trained it, like what its breed was mostly used for. Service work, guarding work. Trained it so it can protect you when he's not there beside you.
Out in the open, and he already see a weirdo walking up to you. "Ahem, are we gonna have a problem here?" Minho stepped in before the stranger gets too close to you. The Doberman standing beside her owner, a chain around her neck to keep her at bay.
"Look man, I'm just talking to—" They began but was quickly cut off by your boyfriend.
"To my partner, yeah, I know. I can't help but notice that they're not enjoying your company." He held the chain loosely in his hand, "So I advise you to back off, before I feed you to Nari."
"Dude—" Nari barked loudly, poking her neck toward the stranger as a way to intimidate them.
Minho's gaze held fire, "Get lost."
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You had your Rottweiler ever since you were little, you're glad that she is still with you 'til this day. She bark at almost everyone, especially people who just simply look suspicious. She was trained to protect you since day one, she looks after you a lot before you started dating.
Dokki barked at Changbin the first few times she met him, that was when you just began going out with him. Now married to the guy, she probably loves him more than you.
But you feels safe going outside with Dokki, being an anxious individual that you are, people absolutely terrified you. Still, you would take her with you and your husband when going on walks.
Changbin is jealous yet happy to see Dokki chasing off randos out in public for you. Jealous that he was supposed to be the one protecting you, happy that he won't have to worry when you're out without him with you.
Guy would probably bicker with your dog to be your personal bodyguard. 100% would fight for your affection if he feels like your dog is hogging too much of it.
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You, your boyfriend of three years, and your two house doggies. Kkami and Todo get along with each other well, sometimes their playing gets a bit too physical but most of the time they're fine.
A long-haired Chihuahua and a Doberman was a interesting mix to say the least. One small, one big. Kkami, surprisingly, was the more agressive one towards strangers.
"Todo, Kkami~ Where are you, babies?" You called them, holding the leashes in hand as you are about take them out for a walk. Hyunjin is currently getting home from work, so it's just you and your two dogs for the time being.
The two came running out from inside the house, all excited to be outdoor after being stuck in isolation the whole day.
You didn't get far until you felt a presence, dragging behind you closely. Todo acted before you could react, almost tripping you with the leash. Barking violently, then biting at the stranger's pants.
"Bad dog! Bad dog! Let go off me, control your dog!" Todo completely ripped a piece of fabric of the poor creep. Take it as a warning! Stay away, or else.
Standing there, still processing things, with your Doberman chewing on a piece of fabric that he just ripped out from a stranger's pants. You were so stuck that you didn't notice your boyfriend coming to you.
"Hey baby, how was your— What is Todo chewing on?" He too would be surprised just as you were, maybe even more than you. At least his child made him proud by protecting his soon-to-be spouse.
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He was scared to bring Bbama over for playdate with your dog, that maybe your dog might devour his. You assured him that it is unlikely to happen, your Rottweiler was a trained yet friendly dog so he have nothing to worry about. Either way, he should get used to her, 'cause you two are getting married soon.
You held him close as you two strolled together in the park with your two dogs. "Baby, that guy is looking at you weird." He whispered to you.
You kept walking, and the guy kept following you both. What does he want from you? Can't he see that Jisung is walking with you, and is your fiancé? You took your left hand out of your pocket, hopefully your engagement ring might discourage him.
"You there," The guy finally approached you, and to you directly. "Looking real fine, can I—" Maxi barked first, which pushed Bbama to bark with her.
The man tried to pet Maxi, "Sir, please don't pet my dog." Your fiancé warned, Jisung trying his best to remain calm in situation like this.
Maxi growled, and barked, getting the creep to leave you alone. Or she'll might just bite his finger off.
Jisung petted her head, her rough fur brushing on his soft palm. "Thanks for the help, girl."
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He doesn't care what you are bringing home, he probably finds a way to love it wholeheartedly. He thought your 'scary' Doberman was so adoreable, and you were just exaggerating things to make your dog look bad.
So cute and so well disciplined. He almost never see Chase even remotely close to scary at all. But at times that he did, Chase can be so hostile towards a selective group of people, especially when he's out with you.
Someone shady is coming to harass you? Don't worry, Chase is here to bite their entire hand off! The growling, the barking, the threatening stance. All here to keep creeps away from you when Felix is unavailable.
"[Y/N], shouldn't we give them a warning? I mean, Chase is kind of a threat." Felix asked, holding your hand in his after he found you trying to keep your dog away from murdering a guy that was making you uncomfortable.
You stared at your boyfriend, "If Chase hates them, there's probably a reason why, Felix."
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Guy is already quite terrifying when he's angry, then add a equally terrifying dog. You are walking around with scary dog privileges, ain't nobody messing with you whenever you're out on the streets surrounded by strangers.
If your husband is too occupied to cuss out creeps that keep disturbing your peace, your Rottweiler got you covered. He will do anything to make his owner happy, maybe even resorting to violent.
"Please leave me alone, I just want to get home." You told to the drunk guy that insisted you get a drink with him. You lost your husband while walking on the streets, and now you're freaking out.
Your calls are finally answered, "Get the hell away from my partner!" Your husband with Haebi on a leash, and they were mad.
"On the count of three, or I'm letting my dog eat you. One...two..." The drunk guy quickly ran away, stumbling all over the places. The anger on Seungmin's face was still very visible, and his grip on the leash tightened.
"Uh, hello? Where did you go? Haebi and I've been looking everywhere for you." Your husband is a lot scarier than your dog, in your opinion at least. He's sweet, but damn does he make you worried for your life sometimes.
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Solid guy, not really wanting to get into confrontation with strangers out in public. He finds it adoreable that your large Doberman was acting as your bodyguard everytime you're outside.
He likes being the strong, heroic boyfriend that protect you, but sometimes it's just nice to sit back and watch your dog scaring sketchy people away from you.
Of course, he can't let Solli take his job and replace him as your protection. He want to 'save' you when he can, with Solli as a extra helping hand. Or paw?
"We work well together, right Solli?" Jeongin asking your dog, after intimidating some rando by just standing there with Solli growling at them.
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beabeemu · 11 months
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Private, but not a secret 2
Itoshi sae x reader
MASTER LIST ; Taglist Form
summary: Summer vacation!!! Famous people thingzz (heheheh)
FLUFF!! mentions of anxiety (very brief)
enjoy ehheheheh
wc: 1.1k
After winning the biggest game of the season, and the time being the peak of summer in some places. Y/N thought that it would be the best time to take a long-awaited vacation with sae. And for once sae wasn’t entirely against the idea. He said that he’ll agree if you don’t do anything work-related during the trip since you were kind of a work addict. This leads to you cramming work so that your team can just wait for the awaited date to post a new chapter of your manga. Sae agreed because he was most excited to have you all for himself, so you proposed to go to a beach, more specifically Boracay. Sae had taken it upon himself to book your guy's flights and hotels, after explaining to him the route on how to actually go to Boracay  (!! To get to Boracay you need to go to Caticlan first and then ride a boat to go to the actual beach!! I don’t know if this info is 100% accurate, it is just based on what I know) So he prepared everything, And you had no idea what was gonna come for you. 
Now finally, today was your guy's flight to Boracay. You were double checking everything, not wanting to forget anything, sae just rolled his eyes at you [he thought that you looked crazy]. And you were kind of irritated at him, why? Because he wouldn’t tell you what time your guys flight was, he just said “They won’t leave without us” 
Closing your suitcase for the 5th time you slightly glared at sae as you stand in front of him“Why can’t you just tell me what time our flight is? So that I wouldn’t freak out” 
“Then stop worrying, Just trust me” He stood up and stared back at you. He grasped your chin and leaned in your ear “You can trust me right?” You sighed and weakly wrapped your arms around his neck. Not liking the effect he has on you. Practically turning you into putty right in front of him, and sae was taking advantage of that.
“You know I don’t like not knowing what's happening” 
“But then if you knew everything I had planned then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” He said, his voice getting deeper after every word. “You know I don’t like surprises” 
He then looked at your face fully and kissed your forehead. “Too bad” 
You just sighed and picked up your luggage and jacket, sae was waiting for you at the front door. The car ride to the airport only made your anxiety worse, but decided on trusting sae you forced your worries down and finally calmed down.  
Finally arriving, you got out of the car while the driver helped sae get the luggage out of the car, bidding goodbye to the driver, you looked at sae and said “We should probably check in now, right?” still puzzled about what he had planned. Suddenly workers from the airport approached us. 
“Mr. Itoshi, Ms. L/n. Welcome to Qatar Airways, please let us assist you to the private lounge while our crew gets your jet ready” They all smiled as the guy in front of us recited his script for us. Sae answered the man but I was too shocked at processing everything to acknowledge what he said. Then they started taking our bags and started entering the airport, I felt sae take hold of me as he dragged me behind the workers. We followed them through the airport, not minding the bypassers. 
“You rented a private jet?” Finally saying something you looked at the man beside you. 
“You bought a private jet??!” Trying to not scream, you lightly slapped his chest. 
“It’s an investment ok? Now we can go anywhere we want, any day and at any time. Plus it's not just us that can use it, it's my and your family jet too y’know. They just need our permission to use it. Plus now we don’t have to worry whether our plane will have a whining baby in it”
Seeing his point, you dropped the issue. It seemed that sae really thought hard about this extravagant purchase. 
‘Woah is that itoshi sae?’
‘That's y/n right?’ 
‘I forgot that they were dating for a minute
‘Sheesh she’s so pretty 
Sae grimaced at the last comment before we entered the hallway leading to the private lounge. 
Finally entering the jet, we got comfortable quickly. Since the flight was 7 hours we watched movies, talked, and napped. Y/n was mostly the one sleeping. 
Finally landing in Caticlan, we bid goodbye to the crew and got inside the private car sae hired. On the car ride to the pier, something sae had said made y/n’s heart go through the roof. 
“This vacation feels like a honeymoon” 
“Is this your way of proposing to me?” 
You looked at him reluctantly, trying to figure out what he was thinking saying those words to you, is he planning on proposing to you?
“What if it is? What would you say?” 
You were stunned, ‘is he serious right now?’ 
“Uh” was all you said. Not knowing what to say, you didn’t say anything and started weighing the pros and the cons. Leaving sae with silence, noticing you spacing out, he took a hold of your hand and said. 
“Hey, im just messing with you. I’m not gonna propose to you” 
You looked back at him, making eye contact with his concerned ones. “Oh, ok. I was just thinking if you did propose. I’d say-” 
“Mam/sir we’re here” 
Snapping out of their conversation they looked outside and saw the pier, with the boat that sae specifically hand-picked from their boat rental service. Sae was about to tell you to continue but you beat him to it. 
“We’ll continue this conversation later” 
Sae just sighed and got out of the car, the captain's crew was already helping Y/n with their luggage and was already trying to get their stuff in the boat. While Y/n was helping them get their luggage in, sae, on the other hand, was trying to predict your answer to his ‘proposal’. Nervously getting on the boat and sitting down beside you, sae waited until you guys were out of the docks before trying to continue the conversation. 
“Aren’t you gonna continue?” 
You seemed puzzled but then you figured out what he was referring to. 
“Oh, yeah. I’d say yes” 
A sense of relief was released from sae like he was fearing that you’d turn him down. He wouldn’t know what to do then, he can't even imagine it. Sae itoshi can not imagine you leaving him, he was getting a taste of what felt like paradise whenever he was with you. Call him greedy but he wanted you all to himself, and he never wants to go back to the way his life was before you. 
Your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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specificallybruins · 2 months
Worth It
Prompt by @sphesphe: Krej doing mixology and inventing new drinks 😁
Sorry it took me a little bit but here ya go, I'm not too sure if this is 100% what you want but I hope you like it :D
David enjoys being behind the bar. He likes finding things to do with his hands, listening to the ambience and picking up every piece of gossip he can hear. However, right now it is past closing time, and no one else is in the bar lounge at the moment, not yet anyway. Preparing a glass to busy his hands, he remembers what it was like when he first came to Boston. Speaking barely a lick of English, just looking for a fresh start far away from his home country of Czechia. He was lucky to have found Zdeno and having been allowed to open The Garden on Bruins home turf. So yeah, he knows what it was like to come into a brand-new environment and make the weirdest most loyal and bloodthirsty bunch of friends. He has often been asked if coming to the U.S. to open a bar/club was worth it, and at most times he would say yes. He doesn't know what it must be like for Brad. For his first night in Boston, in the middle of an alleyway scrapping with drunk bullies way bigger than him, only to get picked up and dragged to the bar by the scruff of his neck by Zdeno. He was tough for a smaller man, fighting the whole way back to The Garden, denying first aid despite his bleeding nose and bruised lip, all while mouthing off until Bergy gave him his most potent sad disappointed eyes. And from that night Brad became their lawyer, their get-out-of-holding free card, their bail. It's only been a year and now he doesn't know what life with the Bruins would be without Brad. David is not a man of many words. He shows his feelings, messages, through actions. So, on the one-year anniversary when he first met their feisty little squirrel, he's waiting for Brad to come out of the meeting with Bergy on taxes. Eugh. 5 more minutes. 5 more minutes til he comes out according to Patrice. He hopes Marchy would enjoy what he had prepared. He did spend days trying to figure out what type of drink would best describe Marchy. He ended up with something simple: a Nectarine Gin Cocktail, fine-tuned by adding just a pinch of cinnamon. A sweet mixture with a hint of spice. He mashes up some ginger and adds it to a tall glass along with some honey, elderflower syrup and cinnamon along with some gin and stirred the mixture. The chilled glass he prepared is so clean it looks like it's shining on its own. He shovels some ice into the glass, making a soft clinking noise. Music to his ears. He then pours the mixture into the glass and adds in the tonic. Finally, adding a sprig of mint as a garnish and he's done. One minute. He puts the finished drink onto a coaster and pulls out the creme brûlée he made the night before from the fridge and onto a plate. Upon hearing the door to the lounge open, he proceeds to dramatically salt-bae some sugar on top. Soft snickers from two distinct voices come toward him. He pulls out the blowtorch and starts browning the sugar. "Krej, what's all this?" He hears Brad ask. He looks up to see an amused but confused face. "Well, it's been a year since we dragged you in here kicking and screaming, and you dealt with our bullshit and weird law-aversion. So it's only fair to thank you for sticking around and handling our tax evasion for us. It's yours, hope you enjoy it." Watching Brad's face light up and Patrice looking on fondly, he would definitely agree it is most worth it coming to Boston.
Well I hope you enjoyed it. It kinda could use some fine-tuning but :pppppp I really need to pick writing back up lmao
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simpliao · 2 years
if you have time can you bring it full circle and write something about the wedding day? 🫣
his present, his future, his wife ; (irl) schlatt x reader
– part one , – part two , – part three , – part four , – part five , – part six shout out to @staticbri for helping with ideas !
summary : after the rehearsal, the eve before their matrimony, a sinking feeling overcomes the bride to-be; luckily her to-be husband is right there for her... And till the rest of their lives.
info : light swearing, sticky sweet nicknames, fluff, light angst, self doubt, she/her reader (described as the bride, woman, wife), descriptions of wearing wedding dresses. (of course feel free to reimagine any item of clothing or scene to your comfort.)
a/n : half of this chapter is of the eve, and the other half is of the day of, so I hope this fulfills the request ! hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting. also apologies second anon (who was the original requester for last chapter) for using this ask ! i got this one first :) THANK YOU SM TO EVERYONE WHO'S BEEN LIKING MY POSTS TOO ! we just got the first post in this mini-series to 100 notes and I say my biggest thank you's.
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Months of planning all culminated to this, friends and family gathered around and trying to follow the coordinator around in preparation for tomorrow; the real wedding. The actual real wedding, where as she would officially share his name; become his wife. It was exciting, she had been nothing but smiles throughout the whole engagement and planning process. Even when Schlatt could get a little groomzilla at times, she was the one with the magic touch and soothing voice that could extinguish his wrath.
Now, she wasn’t smiling anymore. Hidden behind the closed bathroom doors she wept, quietly that was, knowing Schlatt was just in the other room. She couldn’t explain it, wrapped in a towel-like robe after what should have been a relaxing, aromatherapy bath only gave her the moments needed to have her thoughts consume her. It was such dread, the feeling of throwing up imminent. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy, she was just… Scared. Fear of what comes after, if this was to be her happiest day what would that say about her life as a whole? Would she have to start having children now? She wasn’t ready, and the anxiety overwhelmed her. She has to bottle up her emotions, fearing to stress out her lover more than he already is.
From the suite bedroom, the New Yorker didn’t have a clue of what was going on; but he was worried. It wasn’t like Y/n wasn’t the type to take her time in the bathroom, though this seemed too long, and she was being too quiet. Usually he’d hear muffled music and if he was lucky, her honey-like voice singing along with the music. He’d never tell her that sometimes he’d stand outside just to hear her sing, she was embarrassed as it was to sing at all; and he wouldn’t ever risk losing that angelic singing voice of hers.
There hadn’t been a sound from her, he even lowered the TV volume in an attempt to try and hear anything; nothing. That was until he was desperate enough to approach, tip-toe his way to their ensuite, and stick his ear to the door. His heart completely dropped, shattered even, when he heard the almost inaudible hiccups of broken cries. Immediately, corrosive thoughts drowned out his mind, did she feel pressured to marry him? Did she not love him? Did she want to call off the wedding? She said she didn't care when his family pushed for a religious wedding, had she changed her mind?
Did it matter? The love of his life was distraught and was currently weeping on her own.
As much as he wanted to knock the door over and swoop her into his arms, he didn't want to startle her or make the situation worse. Taking a minute to take a breath, startling himself and putting his feelings aside for the sake of his darling, he began with a gentle knock. "Sweetheart?" He could hear the complete halting of sound from the other side, "could you open the door?" Asking the rhetorical question of 'are you okay?' felt wrong, he already knew the answer. All he wanted was to know what was going on, hear her out if need be, hug and reassure her, or even come up to a solution of whatever problem she's faced with. He waited patiently, for her likely to compose herself, and with a pause of silence, it ended with the sound of a soft click. The door slowly creaked open, the disheartening feeling of seeing his beloved with reddened and puffy eyes, almost invisible lines of where tears ran.
"I, um..." She fully opened the door, "I'm sorry Schlatt, I–..." "Hey, hey. It's alright, doll. There's no need to be sorry, talk to me." Schlatt definitely was the one in the relationship who tended to be on the receiving end of comfort, but even if it was hard for him at times, when need be he could the same for those he loved most; Y/n, his most cherished. With the most tender and compassionate expression imaginable, Y/n fought the urge to break out into tears again; this was worrying him other nothing... The thought of wasting his time and not being the strong woman he needed to lean on made her feel so useless.
"It's dumb, I'm sorry for making you worry like this." Hands shot up to rub away tears that dared to slip past her eyes, larger, coarser hands also gently moved to cup her face. Thumbs firm with their swipes to rub away her sadness, but loving in how he made sure to never push hard enough to hurt her. "Do you remember what I told you when we got engaged?" She hummed quietly, shaking her head as a no. "You're worth all the worry in the world, I stand by that. Make me worry. Please, do. Because I never want to see you this sad, it hurts me more than anything else could." His voice hung low, and his eyes were committed to only her; waiting for the order to make all her pain go away. "Please, just tell me what's making you cry."
Gazes locked together, the longer she held her silence the more guilt weighed on her. "I..." He held his breath in anticipation. "...I'm just anxious, I guess. Don't get me wrong..! I want to marry you. I'm confident about that." He let out his breath in relief, hearing it come so confidently off her lips was the best reassurance for him. But there was more to it, he could see it in the way she evaded her eyes and leant into his embrace. "If this is the happiest day of our lives, our relationship... I'm scared I'll mess it up. What if it isn't as good as it's supposed to be? What does that say about the rest of my life if my best day isn't even that good?"
A grin grew to the male's lips, "there's only one part of tomorrow I actually really care about." Curious eyes finally grew confident enough to meet his, "and that is?" She spoke almost in a murmur, and it only made his grin even wider. "Seeing you all dolled up, and finally legally have you as mine." The caress of his thumbs with hands still firmly planted on her cheeks made it clearly all the more genuine. "To be honest, my happiest days are the ones I can spend with you. Even if this is our big day, I can promise you I'll make the rest of our lives as happy and comfortable as I can. You deserve the world toots', and I do have full intentions of giving it to you."
Eyes teary, she could help but crack a smile with how many butterflies he was pumping into her stomach. "I really don't deserve–" Bending down to kiss her, he shut her up before she could finish. "Don't finish that sentence." Profound umber irises stare into hers with complete seriousness. "Y/n, you have done more for me than I could ever repay: you've loved me at my worst, you've stuck up for me, dealt and helped with my issues." He paused to kiss her again, the plush feeling of his against hers was intoxicating; cripplingly addicting. "Don't ever tell me you're less than what you're worth. Because you're worth it, you're so fucking worth it." He moved in closer to hold her in his arms.
"This is only one of many happy days for a happy life to come, if nothing else I promise that." Uttering those words into the shell of her ear, his voice never ceased to slink its way into her heart in warm solace. "And... And just because we're married we won't have to start having kids immediately?" "You know how much I hate to share." He snorted first, earning the smallest smile from her, even if it was nuzzled into the valley between his shoulder and neck.
"We won't do anything either of us aren't ready to do. And it's your body toots, you decide when it's right for you. I'll stick by you no matter what, don't even stress about it." Moving a little away to kiss her temple before finally pulling away completely, seeing that ever so famous smile upon his lovers lips made his grow. Thankful that he was able to kiss away her sadness in a sense.
"I love you." She grinned, so brightly that he could almost forget that she was bawling her eyes out minutes before. "I love you too, now, you should probably get changed so we can head to bed. The only mistake I made about this thing is not having it later in the day."
That morning however, anxiety sunk into him as he readied with his best men, still unable to wipe the nervousness from off his face. He stood by the altar, waiting patiently and conversing amongst him and his men to ease his racing my and pounding heart. There was an expected delay, but with every passing second worries crawled under skin. What if last light wasn't enough? What if she really left? If she didn't would he really be enough? Would he really fulfill all those grandiose promises?
Once he heard the shushes of the coordinators, people begin to stand and an echoing of church doors, he waited in agony for his bride. Watching kids that he didn't recognize (likely from Y/n's family) play the role of ring bearer and flower girl. Once it was that the initial awing simmered, the light that seeped through coloured glass suddenly gained so much more colour. From the end of isle, stood his bride, dressed in a sparking pure white that hugged at her figure. The thin vail that obscured her face did nothing against his scrutinizing eyes, seeing that behind the fabric had his darling's gorgeous bright smile. All those insecurities and worries melted away in a snap, bouquet in hand he watched eagerly with every step she took. Her delicate waves towards their families and overjoyed grin had his own expression of worry melt away into awe, he was always in awe whenever she'd dress up; or whenever he'd stare too long and see her beauty for the first time all over again.
It felt like forever before she joined him upon the altar, handing off her array of flowers to her maid of honour, he was quick to pull the vail over her head... And become completely star-struck. "Wow." Was all he could breath out, a wave that felt like complete luck washed over him; how did he manage to score her? She was like some kind of ethereal princess, and now she'd officially be his wife. Honestly, he wasn't listening to what the officiant was saying, more focused on whispering little jokes to his wife to-be and the pair giggling silently amongst themselves.
He had to be snapped to attention when vows arrived, and a microphone was handed to him so it could be heard throughout the cathedral-like building. Despite the fact it was meant to be a catholic ceremony made clear by the nagging of his conservative family, he may have bent the rules just a little by pushing on his own written vows.
"Y/n," he began, his eyes glued to her as if there was no one else in the whole world. "I promise, with everyone here to bear witness, that I will, with every ability possible, make you laugh, give you the happiness you deserve, and insure that from now until forever you will never be alone again. I will forever love your smile, your laugh, your body, and you, no matter how imperfect you believe you are. And that no matter how old and saggy we get, for as long as I live, you will always have a warm pair of arms to hold you in our highest and lowest times. You're my forever. I love you." One of the bridesmaids had to run off to fetch a tissue box when the vows easily brought her to light tears. With one hand holding the pre-mentioned tissues, with the other held in his, he slipped the stupendous ring upon her ring finger; where it fit perfectly. The priest had then asked him the ever so famous question, and at the end of the required repetition, he said those ever so famous words. "I do." With such conviction and belief with every word.
The mic was passed to her, and although the mention of written vows was mentioned to her on short notice; she had an easier time putting her feelings into words. "My dearest Schlatt," being that this whole event was also recorded, she opted to referring him to his last name even if his family did give puzzled stares. (And the fact that being that the two streamed together, she grew into just referring to him as his last name.) "I, now and for the rest of time, promise to support you as we work through our careers together. I promise to you that I will always love and adore you the exact same as the day we first met, and when we one day grow old together that even if our memories fate, my feelings never will. And that no matter what, you'll always have me at your side. Forever and always, I love you more than humanly possible." He didn't cry, but when I tell you tears sat at the waterline I mean it. Rubbing away tears before they could fall and bearing possibly the most joyous smiles he's ever worn, the ring was given to his bride to slip upon his finger. The same repetition went on between Y/n and the officiant, and looking back up into those dark chocolatey brown eyes she could stare into for millennia, she spoke the words that made it all official. "I do."
Before another breath was drawn from anyone else in the room, he swept his arms around her waist to pull her in; their first kiss as husband and wife. It was nothing too graphic, much to the dismay of Schlatt who wanted his hands all over his woman, he at least got the pride to quickly swoop his hand at her knees and pick her up all bridal style. Just so he could look into the camera held by one of his close friends, "I legally own the woman now." The bubble of laughter caught up in his arms was enough for him to break out of his persona, captured in too much love to care how soft he appeared on camera of which his viewers would likely inevitably see. (If he decided to cut it or not, but then again he wanted the message out there..)
Bunched up in white, held up in strong arms, he admired the grinning, bubbly face of his present, his future, his wife.
And if for nothing else he was certain of in this life, it would be that this love for his woman, his pretty girl, was authentic love. And that he'd undoubtedly love this woman for the rest of his life.
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-2- Forest of Death
The echoes of screeching chirps increased in volume as more and more green birds were drawn to the forest cave. The sound was too intense for Makae, but Sam and Dawn were intrigued.
There must've been over 100 lime green parrots gathered like bats on the side of the shallow cave wall and while Makae went ahead with the tour guide to escape the shrill ear-shattering sound, Dawn and Sam lingered to take pictures of the many pretty birds.
"If you could have any power, what would it be?" Dawn smiled once she and Sam left the cave together. They'd danced with the same company for over a year, yet this was their first time kickin' it.
Sam appeared to be lost in thought. It probably had to do with her boyfriend. Dawn had heard they were on the rocks. "You always ask the most random questions." Sam's eyes rolled, but she smiled a little. "I don't know... I'd probably teleport or something... Since I'm always late."
Dawn smirked, her eyes focusing on the broad sky. She'd had the same answer prepared since the first grade when her teacher first asked. It was why she loved to dance. It was the closest she'd ever get to flying. "I've always wanted to fly."
"Well, you can have the window seat on the way back to New York. It makes me nauseous. I don't do heights."
Dawn laughed. She didn't consider Sam or Makae friends, but they were all mature and friendly enough to travel together without tempers flaring. Neither of them could say that about the others in the dance company.
Trekking through slippery mud, Dawn's peanut butter skin reddened and glistened with the dew of sweat and fresh rain. It was humid, hot, and muggy. Sweat dripped down her forehead and neck. Her fine coily hair was pulled back in a low bun and covered with a silk lined cap. Dark mud and damp brown dirt clung to her tall black rubber boots. Her long sleeve thin v-neck clung to her skin with obvious sweat stains on the pits. Even her leggings had gotten dirty. Sloshing through muddy water, she followed the petite male tour guide through plentiful tall trees spotting and taking photos of tiny, colorful creatures that were strangely beautiful and equally horrifying.
According to Semi, the tour guide, it was best to touch nothing. The creatures could be deadly as well as the foliage, and it was infinitely worse at sundown.
"Do not touch them or come in contact," he'd warned multiple times in English, although he barely spoke the language.
Neither Dawn, Sam, nor Makae could afford to be bitten or stung.
Though they'd ventured out into the woods on this tour for adventure, memories, and sights, they were in Birnin Zana to perform. They had a show the following day.
"Remind me again, whose nonsense idea was it to come all this way when we have a show tomorrow?" Makae stepped gingerly over a thick fallen tree branch sitting on the edge of the marked path. Checking with Semi first, she sat on it for a quick break. "We have to get back before it gets dark. God forbid we trip and need tetanus shots."
"Don't do that, don't be negative," Sam glared.
"How is that negative?"
Makae had suggested leaving three times already. It was annoying to Sam and Dawn.
"We all agreed this hike would be fun, and it was," Sam reminded Makae as she snapped a picture of a freaky and fuzzy orange and black tarantula the size of a chihuahua. It posed on a thick white human-sized web between two trees feeding on a small red bird that was wrapped.
"Don't get too close," Dawn warned, uneasy watching Sam flirt with disaster.
According to Semi, it was not only poisonous but could jump. He, too, warned her to stay at a safe distance.
It looked like the end of the marked trail, right before a shallow pond. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, Dawn sat to take a sip of water from her backpack while eyeing Sam's back in concern. Sam was extremely close to that dog-sized poisonous tarantula.
"Reason 82 of why we should call it a day," Makae said dryly, rubbing sweat from her deep-complexioned skin. Her skin was like Turkish coffee.
"Makae, you should be used to this," Dawn recalled from an earlier conversation. "Weren't you born here in Birna Zara?" 
"... Just say Golden City." Makae shook her head. "I haven't been here since I was 9, and do you honestly think I would've been in this forest of death?"
Dawn sighed. "Well, we don't have much further now before we turn back, do we Semi?"
"No, this is the end," Semi answered.
"Seriously?" Dawn was disappointed. They hadn't scratched the surface of the infinite forest. Dawn wanted to continue. She was an explorer with a love for nature and a desire for adventure, and she wasn't tired. She walked ahead, noting that no one followed.
"TO INFINITY AND BEYOND," she shouted to the top of her lungs, the desire to run wild overtaking her.
"Stupid," Makae muttered. "Just like a gahdamn American. How far can we actually go?"
Semi looked a bit uneasy. His face was inexpressive, but Dawn, Sam, and Makae all had eyes to notice that it was the first time he'd appeared particularly nervous since the tour began.
"Oh, Semi," Makae smiled, picking up on the awkward change in the atmosphere. "They don't know the legends. They're American."
"What legends," Dawn asked, jumping at the sound of a loud crack. The sudden sound got everyone's immediate panic at once, followed by a thump, the sound of a splash, and the sound of men yelling in Xhosa.
"SHIT," Makae gasped as Semi began to yell back to communicate. That's when another thump sent Sam to her knees into the muddy water with a splash. It happened too fast. Dawn leaped in panic, kicking through water to get to her, dropping low.
"What's happening," Sam shuddered, eyes wide. She was bleeding heavily. 
"I don't know. I don't know!"
The sound of another thump alerted Dawn to the sight of three black men rushing in with big guns. She stumbled through the muddy water, trying her hardest to get Sam and herself out of dodge, but Makae was missing. Makae would've known where to go.
The men grabbed Semi, prodding him with the barrel of a gun and demanding answers as Sam fell and Dawn lifted her again from her knees, trembling.
"Oh my God," Sam gripped Dawn with wild eyes.
Dawn followed her stare to a body lying face down in the water. Makae.
"Oh my God," she echoed, moving faster. The armed men yelled behind them. Dawn looked back to see one charging her way through the pond with a machete.
Sam hopped faster, her injury nearly forgotten as she tried to run clinging to Dawn. Still, the man with the machete caught up. He snatched Sam's shirt and slung her backward to fall flat beneath the water. 
Dawn's heart pounded as he snatched her by the wrist, raising his machete and yelling. She covered her face, and instead of being slashed, she was pulled toward the other men who loaded her and Semi onto the back of their open jeep and tied their wrists with rope.
The men continued to talk amongst themselves, but Dawn couldn't understand a word, and every time Semi spoke, they would hit him in the head with the gun to silence him. What had she or him done to cause this? As far as Dawn knew, she was as good as dead.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @goldieccentric @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybeee-blog @playgurlxoxo @beaut1fulone-blog @blackerthings @syndrlla97 @ladymac82 @browngirldominion @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @uzumaki-rebellion
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poeticpains · 7 months
Alright. I've been chewing on the ETN movie news all day, and I think my thoughts are finally coherent enough to follow. I'll put it under a read more, mostly because it's probably going to be pretty negative and I don't wish to yuck anyone's yum.
First of all, I'll just say outright that I think including fans in the production of the movie is a bad idea. Allowing them to have cameos is, while still a little too close for comfort for me personally, one thing, but fully allowing fans to have directorial input on the season itself does not sound like it will end well in any way, shape, or form. What if they insist on a decision that Joey hates, but he does it anyways because they paid? Or what if Joey insists on a decision that they hate, and they wasted all that money?
I will be completely honest: do I want to be a part of the movie? Yes. Yes, 100%. I would love that. But that is not the question. The question is: would having me, a random 20-something with no professional film or writing experience, be involved with a movie be a good idea? And the answer to that is no.
(And I really don't want to hear about how this allows for us fans to have so-called representation. People with $350/$2,500/$3,000 just laying around do not represent me, and I'm sure that many of you feel the same way.)
Second of all, I am wary of anything that asks for funding with this little planning having gone into it. There is no cast list, no filming location, and contradictory statements on the nature of the movie itself. Is there even a script written? Is there even a story laid out? Joey has had four years to figure this out. And yeah, I know that I'm one to be talking about slow story writing, but the difference is that I'm not asking for $250,000 (at minimum!).
This is especially relevant when you consider the $3,000 donation tier and the promise of being in the movie as an extra. It says on the IGG account that it will be in the US, and yet the Twitter account says this:
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I don't think I need to be the one to tell people that if you're US based and they end up filming in the UK, you're going to end up spending a lot more than $3,000 to simply get what you paid for.
This isn't me saying that I won't back it — I do plan to at one of the lower tiers, just to get the perks (I would be especially interested in the script). I'm just saying, as a friendly reminder, that it's basically akin to gambling, at this stage. Don't give them any amount of money that you're not prepared to lose entirely.
I know that a similar thing to this happened with the board game, and look how that turned out, in terms of fandom satisfaction. I don't know many people who actually enjoy that game; even I house rule a lot of it just to make playing it somewhat fun.
And finally, I really wish the Escape the Night Twitter account would get someone better suited to PR to handle their social media. It is wholly unprofessional and a terrible look for an organization that is allegedly trying to seek a place on one of the "traditional" streaming services to be getting into slapfights with people on their official account.
I realize that this post was pretty scathing, but I feel like it's deserved. I try not to be super negative on this blog, and avoid the worst of the drama, because I want my account to be a place of community. I just didn't want to ignore this.
I do have hope for the movie. I want it to happen, and I want it to be good. I want everyone to get what they paid for and be satisfied. I want to be able to get closure for Joey's story. (I want to see a 20 minute makeout scene between him and Matthew. With tongue! I'd give $350 for that!)
It seems that, at least for now, all we can do is hope.
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truly-morgan · 8 months
[Trans!Reigen and lill' Mob]
Reigen + Mob | Mob Psycho 100 16-12-2022
[#mp100 lill' Mob and ftm Reigen]
The day had been pretty calm, like most were actually and Reigen had decided to take a break from what he was doing to make some more coffee. Maybe he could also have a little snack with Mob while he was at it.
"Mob" he called out as he was preparing his instant coffee, turning around enough to see the boy looking up at him. "We have some cookies left from that lady we helped the other day, want to take a snack break from your homework?".
It didn't take too long before he got his answer, Mob already offering him a little smile and nodding happily. So with that answer, he finished stirring his coffee, before searching for the cookie box.
Once he had everything he made his way to the table, only to feel one of his feet caught onto the suitcase he had abandoned close to his desk. He tried his best not to fall, although he ended up spilling coffee all over his shirt, making him curse under his breath.
"Shisho!" Mob replied quickly, getting up from his little desk by the entrance to join him.
"I'm fine, I'm fine" Reigen quickly replied, putting down the cookie box and half-empty mug on his desk. "I added cream in my coffee so it's a little less hot" he assured him when the kid still looked unsure.
Didn't stop it from surprising him and staining his shirt though.
He tried pulling the shirt away, groaning when he saw just how badly both his shirt and tie had gotten dirty from the coffee.
"Mob, can you look in the cabinet under the bookshelf? I should have a spare shirt in there" he asked him as he made his way back to the little kitchen of the office. He got rid of his tie and shirt, sighing as he wondered if he would be able to get that stain out of the shirt or if he would need to buy a new one.
He was cleaning his skin from any coffee left with a rag when he heard a little gasp, Mob calling "Shisho!" again.
When he looked over he found the boy staring at him with worried eyes, his little hands holding on tightly to his shirt. Yet he wasn't looking up at him, but rather at his torso. "You are hurt!!" the kid then added at his lack of reaction, quickly joining him.
But when Reigen looked down he couldn't see anything. The coffee had been barely hot enough to actually redden his skin. This is when something else caught his attention, realising what Mob might have seen instead.
His top surgery scars.
Shit, how was he supposed to explain that to Mob?
But first, he needed to calm him down, seeing how anxious Mob was over this none existent injury of his.
"I'm not hurt" he assured him calmly, running a thumb over the scar smoothly.
"This is.... a surgery I had a couple of years ago" he added, looking back at Mob.
He found the boy looking less worried than before, but surely confused and curious instead. "Did Shisho have problems with his heart" The boy frowned slightly.
This made Reigen chuckle a little, wondering what kind of heart surgery would have two horizontal scars instead of one long and vertical.
"No, my heart is doing perfectly fine" he answered, "It's just... Shisho got rid of something that made him uncomfortable".
This seemed to only make Mob look even more curious about it, eyes filled with childish wonder. "What did you have that made you get rid of them... if shisho doesn't mind me asking," Mob asked, getting shyer at the end.
Reigen cleared his throat as he threw the rag in the sink, looking away, trying to think about how to explain it. "Well you know.... how ladies have bigger... chests" Reigen stated, hand moving around as if it would make his explanation clearer somehow.
He couldn't help feeling tense. How long at it been since he had told anyone about it? Or even needed to explain it, to a child none the least.
He didn't miss the little frown on Mob's face,  although he could see him starting to be confused again, little gear probably turning in his mind.
"But Shisho is a man" Mob finally said, sounding confused.
"Yes, exactly" Reigen hummed, nodding at his affirmation. "It's just that sometimes... there are boys born with the wrong body parts... and some girls with other wrong parts" He explained, hoping it was clear enough for the child.
This seemed to blow Mob's mind, eyes growing wider. It was probably his first time hearing about all this, seeing his age. "I didn't know that..." Mob whispered, "But why does it happen?"
"Who knows?" Reigen laughed, shrugging a little bit. He wonder what had gone wrong at the conception, he sure would have loved being born the same as all the other boys. "Sometimes things happen in ways we can't explain, even your great shisho doesn't know".
Mob then kept looking at him, eyes travelling between his face and his chest.
"So Shisho is a boy like me," Mob said, earning him a positive hum from the man. "It's just that you are a little bit different from me" Mob added.
"Exactly," Reigen smiled, happy that it ended up being easier to explain to the boy than first intended. "But like I mentioned I'm not the only one" he pointed out as he gently reach to grab his clean shirt, ready to finally put it on, "So you need to be nice and respect the way the person wishes to be referred to, got it?"
Mob quickly nodded his end, showing that he had understood. He would make sure to be respectful of other people like his shisho.
This made Reigen smile softly, gently reaching out to ruffle to boy's hair when he was done buttoning up his shirt.
"Now, why don't we clean up the mess I made and finally eat those cookies?" he suggested. The previous subject was quickly put to the back of their mind, as Mob seemed pretty excited to have a snack after this little learning moment.
Somehow, I can imagine them never really mentioning any of this that much afterwards, Mob still seeing Reigen the same way he has always done. Until maybe one day when it finally hits him what Reigen is, even though he has learned about trans people for a while already.
like, Reigen has just been the way he is, looking like any guy out there and him being trans never really came back again, so Mob had just half-forgotten about that detail
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thequietmanno1 · 7 months
Thelreads, MHA 282, Replies Part 2
1) “DAMMIT GUYS, SHOCKWAVE IS REALLY AN OP SKILL, WE NEED TO NERF IT NEXT PATCH”- Tomura wanted to be nothing less than an unstoppable force of destruction. OP skills are his standard attacks now.
2) “HOLY FCUK IS THAT TODOROKI HERE TO SAVE THE FUCKING DAY”- I mean…. yes, but how saved we actually are is debatable.
(MHA ch 277) 3) ““For now” you should add midoriya, because although he’s far away, the fact that you’re facing certain death will certainly lead him here
Shoto right now is going“My midoriya senses are tingling, I bet that fucker is getting himself killed by a villain right now, and he didn’t even invited me!””- Izuku didn’t even have his phone on him for Shoto to track this time, he just followed the Tingling in the back of his skull to where the most danger was. 4) “THERE’S MY BOY, RIGHT ON TIME BEFORE AIZAWA GOT CASTED FOR A NICHOLAS CAGE MOVIE
I WAS ABOUT TO THINK THE TITLE OF THE CHAPTER SHOULD BE THE FACEFALL OF DESTRUCTION”- Too close even. Shoto may have arrived just in time to stop Aizawa’s Face/Off moment, but even that couldn’t fully thwart Tomura’s success. Our odds have not improved, even with Izuku using Black Whip as an impromptu shock absorber to try and blunt the blowback of 100% smash attacks on him, that doesn’t mean much when he can fully heal from those same blows – and they weren’t enough to actually stop him before even!
5) “THERE WE GO MIDORIYA, GIVE HIM ONE OF THE GOOD ‘OL RELIABLE”- We’re gonna need a bigger gun in the armoury than that to take on Tomura now…
THIS IS GONNA BE REALLY BAD”- Out of the fight and possibly de-quirked in the same vein as Overhaul. Even if we survive this, we’re gonna need a new tactic going forward.
THE END IS HERE”- Tomura started this fight being dead. It’s hard for the heroes to top that in terms of the damage they can put on him, especially now he’s tougher than even a High-End. 8) “AND WE CUT AWAY FROM THE FIGHT APPARENTLY
Alright, fear not guys, he’s just helping his bf, no biggie, he always does that”-  “And now, back to the other impending disaster heading our way!” 9) “Oh ABSOLUTELY NOT Uraraka, you have no idea what is going on there, and trust me, it’s far safer that y'all stay the hell away from it”- While that’s true, it doesn’t mean much when the walking disaster – Both of them – is heading to their location anyway. Nowhere’s safe, and no hero alone can stop this chaos. 10) “Oh hey, isn’t that the Fires Georg anchor? Is he gonna tell something about our favorite road-smashing hero?”- Well, Machia’s certainly smashing roads…and Mountains, Cities, Heroes, innocent civilians��. 11) “Oh yeah, Machia. I suppose this is during the whole shebang that was happening a few chapters ago. Don’t worry, the kids are gonna take him down. Hopefully.”- ….Cough. The ship has sailed, the payload launched, the tsunami inbound, Pandora's Box unleashed. Only All Might or All For One at their prime could likely severely impact a serious Machia. Horikoshi didn’t show us the ‘fight’ because it was an utter foregone conclusion. 12)“Yeah uraraka, but a lot of them are already at the site confronting him. They just need to hold him back until the poison takes effect.”- ….Nope. They tried, they failed, and now, there’s no heroes in the cities who can be on site to save these people. There’s gonna be a lot of death occurring, and nobody can protect anybody from it.
(MHA ch 267) 13) “Now for the truly concerning elephant in the room. Gigantomachia is gonna fuck things up for everyone, won`t he?”- Yes indeed. Despite everything they’ve put into preparation, Machia’s sheer might and single-mindedness, alongside the fact that the only person with the potential to maybe one day stop him – Izuku – is at the other end of his goal, means there’s really nothing that can be done to avert his rampage. The only thing the heroes can do is try and save what lives they can from the devastation, because stopping Machia is like standing in front of a moving train and just as messy. (MHA ch 267) 14) “Uhhhhh… I don`t like where this is going… They wouldn`t remind us that he`s here and can rampage at any moment if he wasn`t, you know, about to get started.
Now I`m scared for those kids upstairs.”- It’s not just them in the firing line, but all those people in-between the villa and the hospital who are endangered by Machia. You don’t fight an act of god, you pray it doesn’t hurt you as it passes by. (MHA ch 276) 15) “oh a small battle map, I see…. Now tell me, which direction is Gigantomachia coming from? Something tells me it`s exactly the direction the evacuation is going, right?”-Them…and all the other cities that weren’t evacuated too. (MHA ch 288) 16)“Yeah see, even Midnight told you that
this is now an emergency operation, if Machia gets there, everything everywhere is boned forever, and since your trees apparently can’t stop him, it rests on Midnight’s shoulders to save the day.”- There’s also the logistical issue that there are other cities between the lodge and Jaku…and Machia isn’t the kind of guy who’ll take a detour to go around stuff when he can go through it. (MHA ch 279)
17) “You guys shouldn’t have built your houses out of straw”- He Huffed, he Puffed, and now, Machia’s gonna blow all the houses down….
(MHA ch 263) 18) “Alright, Captain Furry gave the all clear, the battle is about to take place. Meanwhile, Jiro hears the sounds of death and the drums of war echoing through the earth itself.
The end is upon us, most of those kids won`t see the setting of the sun on the horizon.”- At least some of these kids we’ve seen likely didn’t. Hard to tell how many have passed on until somebody can take a proper count in the aftermath, and the situation doesn’t seem to be settling down anytime soon… (MHA ch 273) 19) “Yeah it was.
Thank god, now at least I know Fatgum won`t be anywhere near that place when shit gets fucked
At least one person might survive this.”- I wouldn’t put good odds on that anymore…. 20) “WAITWAIT NO W
NONONONONONONO”- I don’t know if this was intentional, but the contrast between the peaceful ordinariness of the city streets on the left vs the chaotic disaster approaching from the right gave me the impression of that split second when an atom bomb detonates, that photoshop moment where the world freezes before the destruction comes in like a wave and tears it all apart 21) “OH GOD NO
THE KIDS. THEY ARE ALRIGHT, RIGHT? WHAT ABOUT MY MONKEY BOY”- The kids are not alright. No kids will be, by the end of this day. @thelreads
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foreversecrets · 1 year
Disgruntled Drysdales
Rogers Family Expansion
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Victoria (OC)
Summary: Things were going great, he was preparing to say the "L' word, so naturally it was time for everything to go to shit.
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Though they’d gotten off to a hesitant start, once they started cohabitating Ransom and Tori found themselves comfortable with one another. About six months in he was nearly ready to use the ‘L’ word. IT surprised him how easy it was to be a husband, especially when he didn’t work and his wife willingly took on the breadwinner role. Not that he was cooking or cleaning around the house like a proper house husband, he hired people to handle those responsibilities, but he made an effort to always be home before her so he could welcome her home and assist in her decompressing from work as well as kissing her goodbye every morning. It inadvertently made him live a healthier life, he wasn’t staying out all night getting drunk or stoned, his schedule was pretty lax but improvement nonetheless. He woke up to his wife off for the day with a kiss and a cup of coffee, breakfast at one of his many siblings homes, spend a few hours at the gym, lunch with his shitty mother and step or other members of the Thrombey Family, and then head home to be with Tori. That was another massive change for him, he genuinely cared about Tori’s well being and happiness which was reciprocated without requirements or terms. Tori's harsh exterior could melt away and become relaxed, even playful when it was just the two of them. He’d never admit it to his siblings but he was grateful to his family for forcing him into this arrangement. 
Victoria found herself in similar musings, she’d loved her life before but there was something about knowing someone who cared for you at home waiting for you to unload day and unwind together. It didn’t matter the capacity, it could be chilling and watching television together or fucking the day away. It has surprised her to learn Ransom’s mommy issue had manifested as a kink, where this grumpy man turned into a bottom in the bedroom, something Victoria adapted to once she cleared the air about not wanting to actually become a mother. His relief and willingness to ensure they didn’t have kids but could play in the bedroom however they decided. It was the final nail in Tori’s coffin, she could no longer state she didn’t love her husband. 
A year into marriage that happiness was threatened when Tori went to see the doctor. She had had a cold her doctor prescribed antibiotics for but a month later she was starting to feel sick again and was concerned something more serious might be wrong with her. As a concerned husband, Ransom accompanied her to the appointment where the doctor ordered some tests to be run. 
“Good news, you aren't sick but you are pregnant,” the doctor's smile immediately dropped at the expecting parents' reactions. Ransom’s face reddened, his whole body tense while Tori was completely frozen, like she wasn’t present in the moment. 
“I’m on birth control and we always use protection.”
“Birth control isn’t always 100%, it was probably negated by the antibiotics you were previously on. As for condoms: they break, they expire, they can be faulty, or applied correctly.” 
“Ransom?” Tori looked up to her husband, fighting back angry tears that wanted to fall. But instead of receiving the supportive husband she needed, she was faced with the cold version of Hugh Drysdale, the man who was normally reversed for visits to his mothers family. 
“What are our options?” There was no emotion in his voice as he put space between himself and Tori, like her condition was contagious and he’d catch it if he stood too close. 
“Um … there’s-”
“Thank you for your assistance. I will be keeping my child.” Tori snapped, gathering her clothes, escaping from the examination room. 
She found sanctuary in the restroom where she practically ripped the paper examine gown off, tossed it to the floor and collapsed on top of it finally letting her tears fall. Looking down at her flat stomach and crying even harder. How was this fair? Annie was actually trying to have a kid and it kept resulting in miscarriages not to mention the difficulties getting pregnant in the first place and here she was accidentally pregnant not knowing what to do. She knew what Ransom wanted, what they both had agreed on but that was no longer an option. Their family of two would never be that again, regardless of the decisions that followed. If she aborted or put the kid up for adoption she’d never have peace again she would be consumed with the what ifs and pain of terminating the pregnancy or full of concern over the child's life once she signed away her rights. She’d had students who made those choices and the mental turmoil they endured for months after the fact was ever prevalent in her mind, so no, she wouldn’t choose either of those options. They’d fucked up and now she would endure the consequences either with her husband or alone. Raising the kid herself she knew she had the financial means to provide for the kid and they would be given every opportunity to succeed. 
Did she want to have a baby? No. Did she want to give it away? No. Did she want to terminate the pregnancy? No.
“Babe, open the door.” Ransom’s angry voice came through the door, snapping her out of her self pity. “We need to talk about this!” 
No, she wasn’t ready to talk. She got dressed, washed her tear streaked face and exited the bathroom where Ransom was waiting for her. He opened his mouth to speak but she put her hand up to stop him. “Dont. I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m still processing and your anger isn’t helping.” 
“Of course I’m-”
She couldn’t handle him right now, she walked past him pulling out her phone and ordering an uber, Ransom trailed behind her. She’d handled him mad before, that was him anytime he was around his mother but right now she was vulnerable and full of her own self hate. She kissed his cheek throwing him off guard long enough for her to get into the uber and drive off. 
She went to Juliana; she'd become close to the other mafia born wife of the Rogers since she herself joined the family given their commonalities in upbringing. Though the two of them were close but Jewls was unpredictable. She needed to talk to someone about the pregnancy that was objective, granted she didn’t know how Jewls would react but she was her best bet. None of the siblings had kids yet, with the exception of Frank and Daphne who were raising Mary so she could have theoretically gone to anyone but Annie and Steve. But she choose Jewls because of their connection and Ransom’s fear of the psycho woman who he was convince would one day murder him. 
Jewls wasn’t expecting company but as always she welcomed Tori in with open arms, the two getting comfortable on the couch with a bottle of wine. The refusal of a wine glass sent Tori into a spiral as she confessed everything to her friend. 
“You are the one who has to live with whatever decision is made and if Ransom fights you on it let me know.” Jewls put her hands together and wiggled her fingers. “Lloyd bought me a sexy new sniper, I’d be happy to give it a trail run on your husband.”
“You’re not killing my brother.” Lloyd signed entering the room with a bag of peanuts. He dropped a kiss to his wife's forehead and plopped down in the arm chair. “He occasionally deserves your ire but he is family.”
“Baby,” Jewls purred, an evil flint in her eyes. “How would you react if I said I was pregnant?”
Lloyd choked on the peanut he tossed in the air to catch with his mouth, Jewls bursting into laughter while Lloyd coughed and tried to dislodge the small nut from his esophagus. “I thought we agreed to wait, Princess?” Recovering from choking he didn’t give a shit about Tori seeing the softer side of himself he reversed solely for his wife.
“Relax, I’m not but your asshole brother blew up. You at least tried to be composed, whereas Ransom nearly demanded an abortion on the spot without even considering Tori.”
Relieved he wasn’t the problem he relaxed back into his chair as his wife had instructed. “Congrats?” he asked Tori. “Are we happy or not?”
“I don’t know,” she confessed, pressing on her temples to try and ease the stress headache that had formed. 
“Well would you be okay killing it?” Lloyd asked simply, Tori shook her head. “What about having someone else raise it?” another head shake. “Well there you go mommy/”
“Gross, don’t call me that!” Tori groaned, finally laughing. “Only Ransom calls me that.”
It was Lloyd’s turn to cringe in disgust, “Great now I have to put a bullet in my head.”
“You set yourself up for that,” Jewls laughed. “You can stay here if you’d like tonight.”
“Thanks but I should go home and talk to Ransom, but I will probably be back.”
The Drysdale’s had had minor disagreements and spate throughout their marriage but never as bad as they fight that ensured that night when Tori returned home. She confided that she wasn’t happy about the situation but now that she was pregnant she was going to raise this child with or without him. Ransom’s choice taken from him without regard for his thoughts or arguments was reminiscent of how his family had treated him only enraging him further. It's like he could just not be involved, by the contact of their marriage they were required to reside together 8 months out of the year. And he was always home so that put the majority of the responsibilities on his shoulder. A point he mentioned that she wanted him to fulfill but his opposition had her countering with hiring a nanny. 
That night Ransom slept on the couch, unable to reason or resolve things with his wife. Several weeks he spent sleeping on that couch he’d previously loved but now despised before they moved into a two bedroom place and Tori started sleeping on an air mattress in what would be the nursery, leaving their bed for him. His hard demeanor nearly cracked at the nonverbal act of care for his well being, even while their marriage was on the rocks. Then her baby bump began to show and his frustration was reinvigorated, his stubbornness winning out.
He found himself falling back into old habits of drugs and alcohol but try as he might, he couldn’t bring himself to revert into his manwhore ways. The thought of him sleeping with someone who wasn’t his wife was unappealing which left him unable to perform even while indulging in porn. Which was probably for the best, if their current estrangement could be overcome cheating would have ultimately been the straw to fully break their marriage. 
Throughout Tori’s pregnancy his brothers and their partners were the ones to support and care for Tori, even trying to reason with Ransom but he was unphased. 
It was during the third trimester he decided he didn’t want to lose Tori, he still wasn’t sure how to handle the baby situation but he decided to take things one step at a time. To get back into his wife's food graces he had Curtis assist him in preparing the nursery and building all the furniture Tori had ordered. In doing so, Ransom discovered he was having twin daughters. For the first time in his life, Ransom pushed past his anger and continued the task listening to his older brother for how Tori had wanted the nursery painted. Apparently the twins would be identical so in an effort to not confuse the two Tori had a set color scheme: baby 1 would be pink and green while baby 2 would be purple and yellow. Combinations he wouldn’t have personally chosen but then he saw the linens of soft yellows with lavender and then bubble gum pink with blue-green linens and found it worked. 
The happiness on his huge wifes face as she waddled toward him and threw her arms around him have been the reward for his efforts. The night they resumed sleeping in their bed together, things weren’t as tense, their relationship was being repaired but Tori was mindful of his continued hesitance and tried to avoid discussing the topics. Ransom tried to be better, not able to stomach the idea of losing her. He would check in with her, rub her back, and assist her in shaving as she’d grown too big to do so herself. 
It wasn’t until Tori finally gave birth and Ransom was holding one of his two daughters while Tori breastfed the other that a switch flipped within him. He suddenly found himself fully devoted to Sophia and Penelope Drysdale, the surge of bliss that filled his heart as he held his daughter brought tears to his eyes. Holding his daughter to his bare chest as Tori’s audio book had advised he felt the bond forming that it had said would, he knew he’d protect them even over his wife and himself. All it took was one look and one touch and he was at the mercy of the two girls who couldn’t even feed themselves. He was ready and willing to be the stay-at-home dad that Tori had initially wanted but now he was ready to be all in. So much that Tori couldn’t help smirking when Ransom had to hand Sophie over to be fed and instantly started pouting. 
“All those months of animosity and all I had to do was put a baby in your hands.” Tori said softly as she positioned Sophie to feed and Ransom got Penny comfortable in his arms. 
“No, I think it would have made things worse but these girls ….” he trailed off.
“They have your beautiful blues.”
“I think they are going to take after you though.” 
Penny fell asleep easily in his arms, he was content to hold her there but when Sophie fell asleep and he registered the exhaustion on his wifes face he resigned himself to tucking both babies into the bassinets. 
Tori gave him a goofy smile, eyes closed. “Ran?” her voice only contributes to her tired state. “I love you.” 
It was the first time either had said those words and he wasn’t even sure she was fully awake, he didn’t want to diminish the moment so he simply kissed her forehead with a personal vow to tell her first thing when she woke up. Adding on that none of his girls would ever go to bed again without hearing those words, nor would they ever be separated without knowing how much they were cared for.
Ransom was reformed. He was a dad now and nothing had ever been so appealing as taking on the responsibility of raising and showing his daughter how loved they were so they would never have the family discord he had with his own mother. 
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inazumaeveryday · 1 year
Day 16
At home
Kidou: Good morning, mar.
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Kidou: I thought I might feel a little better after sleeping, but I guess it’s not that easy…
mar: (Doesn’t look like he feels good today either…)
Option 1
mar: You’ll feel better after getting some exercise in!
Kidou: Yeah, I suppose.
Option 2
mar: You could take the day off if it’s that bad?
Kidou: No, I can’t do that. I don’t want to worry the team.
Kidou: I just tend to overthink things, I guess. But that’s my own problem to deal with, so you don’t need to worry about it.
Anyway, we’re all planning to focus only on practice today, since tomorrow’s the finals against Raimon.
Kidou: The night was over before I knew it…
Kidou: I’ve got a full day of practice ahead, so I have to eat a proper breakfast.
Kidou’s room
Kidou: Okay, I’m all set.
Right, we’re going to practice all day, so we can just wear our tracksuit…
In the car
Kidou: We’re going to practice all day…
Kidou: We’ll finally play the finals of the regional qualifiers tomorrow.
Sakuma: Meaning we can finally show off our Koutei Penguin no.2!
Kidou: Exactly. Let’s show Raimon the power of our new special move!
We’ll all practice together this morning until 14:00, and then do some individual training.
This afternoon, I want all of you to focus on preparing yourselves and making sure you’re in top condition for the match tomorrow.
Now, let’s start practicing!
Team: Yes!!
Kidou: I have no time to spare…
I’ve got to get this team ready for the finals tomorrow!
Kidou: Okay, everyone take a break! We’ll start again at 9:00.
Henmi: Say, Kidou-san, do you have a minute?
Kidou: What is it?
Henmi: Kidou-san, I just wanted to say… if you ever need someone to talk to about love and stuff, I’m here for you, you know? I’ll do my best to help you out, so feel free to consult me whenever you need it~
I also think Teikoku’s rule against dating is a little too strict, if you know what I’m saying~
Kidou: …No, what are you talking about?
Why don’t you use all that free time you’ve got to practice instead of joking around?
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Kidou: Go run 100 more sprints!
Kidou: There’s some kind of weird rumor going around and I had no idea about it…
Gasp! No way, the commander couldn’t have…?!
Jimon: Kidou’s pretty fired up today, isn’t he.
Genda: Well, he is really looking forward to our showdown against Raimon, so it makes sense that he’d be more into it than usual.
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Sakuma: …But don’t you think he’s acting a little weird? He looks like he’s pushing himself too hard to me…
Kidou: What’s up, you three?
Sakuma: Kidou, did something happen?
Kidou: What do you mean?
Sakuma: It’s just… I don’t know, I just feel like you’re more passionate than usual today. Like, a lot more…
Kidou: I guess I can’t help putting in extra effort when I think of the match tomorrow. I mean, it’s the finals. Don’t you guys feel the same?
Sakuma: Yeah, I do… So that’s all it was! Nevermind then!
Kidou: We’ll definitely crush Raimon… And victory will be Teikoku’s…!
Genda & Sakuma & Jimon: Yeah!!
Kidou: I should’ve known Sakuma would notice. He’s always watching me so closely…
But I just don’t want them to worry…
Lunch break
Kidou: I tried contacting Domon, but he never replied…
Did he choose to stay in Raimon instead of coming back to Teikoku…?
Well, of course he did…
And I don’t blame him, what with the way the commander used… No, it was me, wasn’t it…? I’m the one who used Domon like a tool…
Back to practice
Kidou: mar, I’ve finally made up my mind.
All thanks to how much I sweated during practice this morning, like you said.
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Kidou: About Domon and Fuyukai… I think I’ll go apologize to Raimon.
I can’t fight with my head up high in the finals while still feeling like this, so…
Let’s go see Endou and the others, mar.
In the car
Kidou: Those guys… I mean, Endou and the rest of the team.
They’re probably doing some kind of crazy training again, like always…
In town
At the riverbank
Kidou: So that’s where they practice…?
Well then, let’s go.
Kidou: I wanted to apologize about what happened with Fuyukai. And also, about Domon…
Endou: Ah, it’s fine, don’t worry!
You know, Domon… That guy’s skills are incredible! He’s an amazing player!
Kidou: I’m really envious of you guys.
Endou: …Huh?
Kidou: Compared to you, we’re just…
The only reason Teikoku’s been able to stand at the top for so long…
Is because of our commander’s strategies, not our abilities.
Endou: No way, that’s not true!
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Kidou: And what would you know about it?!
Endou: I know a lot, actually!
I’ve taken a ton of your shots, if you forgot! My body knows all about Teikoku’s strength!
Kidou: …………
I’m really looking forward to our match.
Endou: Same here! We’re gonna show you we’re a totally different team than before!
Kidou: But do you think you’ll be able to play?
Endou: Oh, if it’s about our coach… Well, we’ll figure that out before tomorrow, somehow!
…Say, do you wanna come practice with us for a bit?
Kidou: Wha… I’m your enemy, remember?
Endou: I don’t think it really matters? The match’s only tomorrow, so isn’t it fine to be comrades just for today?
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Kidou: …Haha. Some other time, maybe.
Endou: I’ll hold you to that! See you on the field!
Kidou: …………
Endou Mamoru, huh…
Streets of Inazuma Town
Kidou: I feel a little better after apologizing about Fuyukai.
But to think Endou would end up cheering me up, of all things…
And he even invited me to play with them…
Haha. But that’s just like him.
Looks like Domon found himself a great friend.
In the car
Kidou: I’m glad I got that off my chest.
Now I can start focusing on other things…
At home
Kidou: I’m exhausted after today, but I’m feeling really refreshed now.
Hehe… And I’m starving too.
In the bath
Kidou: I can’t lie to myself, or to my dad…
I’ll take responsibility for everything and make it clear tonight.
Kidou: Hakamada, is dad coming home today?
Hakamada: Yes. I have been told the master would be home by 19:30.
Kidou: Okay, thank you.
Kidou’s room
Kidou: I’m glad I got to talk to Endou today.
And… I have to take responsibility for my failings too.
mar, I’m going to talk to my dad.
mar: (What is he planning to tell him…?)
Option 1
mar: Don’t worry your dad too much, okay?
Kidou: ............
Option 2
mar: Okay, good luck!
Kidou: Thanks.
Kidou: I’ll go now.
Father: Yuuto, come back here!
You have no right to call yourself a Kidou? Just what on Earth do you mean by that?
Kidou: …Exactly what I said.
Father: Yuuto. Please explain it to me in a way I can understand.
Kidou: I can’t tell you right now…
But… I just wanted to apologize to you…
Father: mar-kun, do you know anything about this…?
Kidou: Dad, mar has nothing to do with this.
Father: Yuuto…
Kidou: I’m really sorry, dad.
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Kidou: …………
Kidou: I couldn’t get through to my dad…
I don’t deserve to call myself a Kidou…
I really don’t.
Some time later
Kageyama: It’s me. I’m coming in.
Kidou: …………
Kageyama: Hm? You’re mar, right?
Sorry, but do you mind going outside for a moment?
Kidou: No, mar can stay.
Kageyama: …………
Kidou: …Who am I, really?
Kageyama: Don’t think about it.
You don’t want to disappoint me or your father, do you?
Kidou: …………
Kageyama: You can be of use to me. That’s why I recommended you to the Kidou Zaibatsu.
It’s your duty as well as your mission to rise to the top.
What else could you possibly want?
Kidou: To play soccer.
Kageyama: Did you think I’d let you play any way you wish? Even your role as a playmaker…
It’s a simulation of what your father does, meant to prepare you to run multiple companies.
Thinking up strategies, leading your player’s movements… It’s all part of that training.
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Kageyama: You’ll grow to be worthy of the Kidou name by continuing to win.
Kidou: But your definition of victory isn’t founded on true ability, commander.
You aren’t just insulting me with the way you do things, but the entire team as well!
Kageyama: Defeat is unsightly. Or do you want to become like the opponents you’ve beaten?
Kidou: Ugh…!
Kageyama: Hm…?
Kageyama reaches for Kidou’s old magazine.
Kidou: Don’t touch that!
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Kageyama: Clinging to old memories will only make you weaker. Throw it away.
Kidou: Even if I lose, as long as I did my best…
Then I have no regrets!
Kageyama: …I just realized that I never answered your question.
Kidou: …………
Kageyama: You are Kidou Yuuto. Is that clear?
Kageyama leaves.
Kidou: mar… I’m sorry for putting you in such an awkward position.
But… Please don’t say anything.
Kidou: Even if I end up losing…
As long as I gave my all… Then I would have no regrets.
I just want… I just want to play soccer using my own abilities.
Kidou: …………
I’m going to sleep…
At night
Kidou: …………
Ugh… I’m…
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purplesurveys · 10 months
What was the last heavy thing you lifted?  10 gift bags all bundled/knotted together to make them easier to carry at once. They were 20 of those bundles in total and I had to carry them one by one; such is a normal day in PR.
Is July an important month for you?  Not really.
If someone looked inside your mind right now, what would they find?  The colors of Hobi's Jack in the Box album as I'm listening to it.
Are you good at reading body language?  Too good for my own good. Being sensitive about my mom's outbursts from the second I was born does that.
Do you have an anchor tattoo?  Nope.
What is something that is creepy to you?  People I deal with at work (outside of my immediate team) who try to be close with me by joking around, asking for favors, etc. I like keeping things strictly professional and never hesitate with my own boundaries, so anyone who crosses that line is bound to get a bit of a standoffish reaction from me.
What do you need right now?  A two-week vacation.
What do you consider to be cruel?  I'm very sensitive about anything animal neglect/abuse.
Do you love to daydream?  Yeah, but there's a time and place for it. I don't daydream while working, but I'll zone out if I'm in a passenger in a car or something.
What’s your favorite shade of yellow?  Mustard.
Has anyone told you to calm down recently?  Not recently but a few months back. I was panicking over something at work and my boss just looked at me amusedly and told me to relax presumably because she's been through the same thing a million times now lol.
Normally being told to relax would piss me off, but I kind of rely on my boss to talk me down so if she's not already freaking out over the same thing, it only means that I am unnecessarily panicking and that everything is going to be fine.
When did you last panic?  I was paying for my family's lunch bill earlier but my phone was at 2% and needed to get the receipt asap. Ultimately my phone didn't make it LOL so my sister covered for me first, then I just paid her back when we got home and I got a hold of my charger again.
Are you currently tired?  A little bit, but mostly because it's nearing midnight. I should be preparing for bed soon.
What helps you get by?  BTS.
When did you last wear a mask?  At a work event two Thursdays ago.
Does it hurt you when others are rude for no reason?  Depends on the person being rude – I can either be hurt or irritated.
If you could say anything to your father right now, what would it be?  Be safe, and see you soon!
What’s the fastest you’ve ever driven?  Just 100 kph. I never go any faster than that.
When did it last rain?  Friday night. OMG this was so annoying too! So it was after work and my Grab driver dropped me off at the village gate where I parked my car earlier that day, but I wanted some me time in the car first before heading home so I used some of that alone time to order pick-up at the nearby McDonald's – essentially so I can chill in the car first then just pick my order up once it's ready.
Everything was relaxing and peaceful...until it rained and IT WOULDN'T STOP RAINING :(((((( I was stuck in the car for like 45 minutes but only had an hour to pick up the food, and in the end the rain never stopped so I just drove out to get the damn food.
Have you ever been admitted to a hospital?  Just once for low platelet count.
Has anyone blamed you for something you didn’t do?  Sure.
How much is gasoline where you are?  No idea. 60? 70? I never pay attention tbh.
How are you doing today?  I'm okay. Excited to sleep but not excited for what I'm going to be waking up for.
What is the last song you listened to in a car?  Something from D-Day as I was listening to the album driving home.
Do you currently feel calm?  Quite.
Are you good at making new friends?  I mean I'm good at making conversation, but not at making friends. I do that purposely though as I like to keep my circle small.
Are there any important things happening this week?  Not really. Work is feeling a bit business as usual this week.
If comfortable answering, have you or would you ever be admitted into a mental hospital?  I haven't been but if it ever gets to that point I don't think I'd have a choice anyway.
What’s a color you think is underrated?  Olive green.
Would you rather never be sick again or be rich?  Be rich.
When did you last hear thunder?  Last Friday.
What all have you put in the trash today?  Used tissues, the plastic from my chopsticks, and a leftover brownie from yesterday that I never got to finish.
Do you enjoy blueberry muffins?  Nope.
What’s something you will never forget?  The moment I decided I was going to love BTS and stick with them til the end. I was working that day, I encountered Life Goes On for the first time, and even without knowing the lyrics I just broke down into tears. Both happy and sad ones.
What’s the most bitter pill you’ve ever taken?  Biogesic. Only because I stupidly chewed on it. I was in Grade 6 and was sent to the school clinic because of a fever, and I was given that pill to take. The nurse asked me if I already knew how to take a tablet and said yes only because I was too shy to say no...anyway, I chewed it and my lie was instantly caught because I kept coughing and frantically asked for water LOL.
What is a popular TV show or movie that you do not like?  Grey's Anatomy for TV; Mean Girls for movie.
When was the last time you felt like “getting into someone’s pants”?  Agessssss ago.
What is your favorite energy drink, if you have a favorite at all?  I don't take energy drinks.
Would you have kids with the last person you kissed?  No.
Would you mind living near large predatory animals?  No.
What’s your biggest priority right now?  Figuring out if I want to stay in this company or start looking for new opportunities.
If you’ve stayed overnight in a hospital, how did you entertain yourself?  I just slept. This was 2010 when wifi wasn't really a thing yet, and the room didn't have a TV either, so I literally didn't really have any choice.
Are your hands unsteady?  I wouldn't say they're characteristically steady, but I don't have the hands of a surgeon either.
Do you think you’re pretty?  You wouldn't find my face anywhere near a magazine cover or anything like that, but I think I'm alright.
Have you ever added someone you don’t know on Facebook?  Never.
Who’s the last guy you texted?  Hans.
Who do you know that wears the most makeup?  Jo.
Have you ever been tied up?  Sure.
Are you anyone’s first love?  I'm not sure. I may have been.
If you could find one long-lost friend of the past, who would it be?  Chrissy.
Was your sixth grade teacher a man or a woman?  Woman.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?  Trina.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you?  Yes.
Do you prefer boys to shave down there?  I've never been with a guy so idk how I prefer it tbh.
How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)?  Nothing about it.
Do you enjoy watching cooking shows?  Just certain ones like Masterchef.
Did you lose friends when you started dating someone?  Not necessarily lose friends; I just saw certain friends less.
When was the last time you went to an ice cream parlor? What kind of ice cream did you get?  Couple of Sundays ago. I took my cousins and uncle out to Kurimu and I got shoyu caramel and black sesame.
Did you go to school with anyone named Ashley? What was that person like?  There were zero Ashleys in my batch.
What color is the vehicle that you travel in most often?  White.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? When was the last time you saw them?  Nope, but I have a godson who is actually my cousin. Last time I saw them...not very sure, there's been some sort of rift with that side of the family recently. Maybe 2-3 years ago?
Do you know the story of how your grandparents met?  I don't, actually. I should ask both sets that.
Do you have a relative or close friend named Peter? When was the last time you saw that person?  I'm not close to any Peter. I have a media contact with that name though and I last saw them two Thursdays ago during an event.
Have you ever had an ex who wanted to get back together? What did you say to them?  I was that ex but I backed off when I realized they wanted nothing to do with me anymore, and just focused on myself from there.
0 notes