#genuinely unsettling tho I get what you mean
books-and-catears · 2 years
First of all, I'd like to say I'm absolutely loving this new event. Because so. many. absolutely hilarious. moments.
Spoilers below 👇
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Satan's trigger happiness:
This dude isn't kidding when he says he's gonna kill. Honestly tho, it makes sense because he is MOST likely to ditch family for MC. Hell, he'd ditch them to live with a bunch of cats in the wild. And it SHOWS.
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Boomer Simeon:
Just one question for you, sir - how? Also Simeon with tech 🤝 Sol with Food. Meanwhile Luke dealing with both 😭 can we please go to purgatory Hall and provide some assistance to the baby?!!! please?!!!
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Solomon Avenges his Apprentice:
The utter hapiness I felt during this. As a Solomon simp, there is nothing more rewarding.
I've never stopped being salty about Belphie killing MC. And over and over, I wished we could get some sort of retribution. And this is it.
I know it's just acting and none of it is real. It's just a script and a movie. But I don't care. This is my shit post and I'm going all out with my little self indulgent theory.
Simeon wrote this script. Solomon immediately takes the part of the villain, in charge of killing Belphie. Somehow, they've finally come to know what happened to MC. What Belphie did.
But it's been so long and MC seems to have forgiven everything but they are unsettled. They can't have direct confrontation. But they can have this. Especially Solomon.
The fact that he plays this part so convincingly gives insight that he genuinely and eagerly would kill anyone, and I mean ANYONE, for MC.
Also isn't it odd that instead of Satan, who is known for his love of Mystery, is not in this film? And it's Lucifer instead?!!
Well, Lucifer had to be there. Noone else except him can face up against Solomon. He's there to protect Belphie, just in case.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
hi hi! since you blessed us with some nothing happens headcanons would you maybe be able to give us some possessive insane nothing happens james headcanons too? i’m so obsessed with him
hi darling!! and yes, ofc i can!! i feel a lil repetitive bc . u guys already are more than aware of how unhinged he is but . here we go
there have been a few instances of . boys trying to bully reg or be mean to him bc he's, objectively, a bit of a freak. kinda has some unsettling vibes, and he's . very shy very quiet . but this never really turned into anything bc james always found out (thanks to evan) and then cornered the little shits and threatened them. one time he even actually kicked their asses a lil. reg doesn't know about this
james checks reg's social media accs semi-regularly. and i mean, he uses reg's password to get into his accs and check . chats or comments and shit like that . not so much when they're young but after reg starts dating yk
he physically fights two of reg's bfs, and the other one he comes close to, but others hold him back before he can get far
when they go out clubbing, james never loses sight of reg, not even when he's in the mood to flirt or get laid, and the second he sees someone asking to buy reg a drink or getting a lil too close, he interrupts and gets super touchy, straight up says he's reg's bf if the guy is too insistent
offers to drive reg absolutely everywhere as soon as he gets his license
actually gets mad when pandora or evan or even sirius know something about reg that he doesn't, and makes reg feel guilty for not telling him/not telling him first
already mentioned this one but . one of the times he's fucking reg he forces him to call his current bf and keep a conversation with him while he's litelly . inside him . fucking him into the mattress
covers reg in hickeys when they make out or fool around and gets all pouty if reg decides to cover them up afterwards
calls reg or comes up with fake emergencies or excuses to text reg when he knows he's out on a date or hanging out with his current bf
coaxes reg into sleeping with him the first time while he's still with barty even tho reg is . a bit reluctant at the beginning bc he really doesn't want to cheat on barty since they're friends. with his other bfs, reg's the one who initiates the cheating quite often, but james had to . do some convincing the first time they had sex simply bc reg was with barty
barty finds out about the cheating bc james can't keep his fucking mouth shut and can't stand barty saying that reg is his etc etc
genuinely can't go more than a couple of days without seeing reg
when he knows reg is interested in someone, or finds someone pretty, he always finds something wrong with them and talks reg into not giving them a chance (this doesn't always work ofc, since reg ends up having 3 bfs before he and james get together)
even after shit hits the fan, james can't keep his distance from reg (although it's definitely what they both need after what happens)
he chooses reg over pretty much everyone else in his life
he's so fucking insane about him that even tho there was a brief time when he was interested in lily and lily was also interested in him . she decided to reject him bc she did NOT want to be involved in what was bound to be an absolute trainwreck of a relationship. james doesn't find out about this until a few years later, when lily confirms what she already suspected back then
and that's enough for now i think !!
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villainessprefect · 1 year
title: when you wish upon a star
summary: Ortho asks you what you would wish for during the Starsending. Your answer is unexpected, but makes him even more excited for this event.
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 1,712
note: written bcuz I joined in this twisted hell too late and missed this event :’) I totally love this event tho and hope we get a rerun plz I want the bros!
Read on AO3!
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"Prefect, what are you going to wish for?"
Out of everyone to ask you this popular question, it's Ortho. You expected Deuce to at some point, but with him running around the school and trying to be the best Stargazer around, you doubt he'd have the time. Hell, you even thought Trey might humor you and ask. Neither had.
"I let Grim take the wish," you answer.
"Oh, you share a Wishing Star?" You nod. He hums. "But if you could wish for something, what would it be?"
It's such an obvious answer, you think. Anyone who knows you (which may as well be everyone at this point) would know your number one wish.
'I wish I could find a way back home.'
Perhaps that's why the other two hadn't bothered asking you the question.
Yet, you find yourself hesitating to utter those simple words. Those same ones you chanted relentlessly during your first night here. Oh, how they had slipped from your lips daily back then.
You want to go home, that is your goal...or so you've been telling yourself. Lately, the thought hasn't crossed your mind. It made you wonder- did you even want to go home? Back to that familiarity, the comfort of your home, your family. A part of you does. It's a little unsettling how weak that 'wish' of yours is considering you couldn't even voice it.
"My wish isn't that important," you answer.
"Afraid it won't be granted?" This time it's Idia who chimes in, his voice coming loud and clear from his tablet. For a second, you thought he'd been preoccupied with a game with how silent he'd been. "This is all just for fun if you can call it that..." You can hear a long sigh come from the tablet. "'Sides, bet your wish can't be as lame as new shoes."
"That isn't lame!" Ortho rebuttals and huffs. "I think all wishes are worthwhile. Especially since they all come from the wisher's heart. The Wishing Star hears what they truly want as they put all their hopes and dreams to make it come true."
"...and magic," Idia mumbles, his volume a lower setting than earlier.
"Even I have one!" Ortho then returns his gaze to you. He doesn't need to repeat his question. The bright-eyed and curious look in his eyes is enough to know that he is waiting for your answer.
And boy, is it hard to turn him down. Especially when he's looking at you like that.
The thing is, you really hate how seriously you're taking this question. It's meant for fun, but you've heard a couple of wishes already. Even if their wishes are forced out of them, they're genuine enough that they want them to be true.
You consider an easy way out. Wishing for Grim's wish to come true or perhaps your friends to stay out of trouble for at least a week. Better housing would be nice and so would some extra thaumarks.
But is that what your heart really wants?
"I know your wish already," Idia says, monotone. "You wana go home, right?"
"And what if I say it's not?" You challenge, a little too quickly for your own benefit. You didn't mean to blurt that out, but now you've caught both of their attention. At least, you assume so from Ortho's gaze and the 'oh' that came from the tablet.
Damn it. Now you have to think of one- and quick! Wishing for a wish might work at this point.
That is, until something sparks from your chest. A wish that lay deep in your heart and lingers whenever you're around a certain housewarden who'd been forced to become a Stargazer against his will. It causes your cheeks to warm, and your gaze to shift elsewhere from the two hovering beside you.
"Well..." You raise a hand and scratch at your cheek. Now you wish that Deuce or Trey had asked. Neither would make fun of you for it, maybe question your decision, but in the end, they would encourage it. To say it in front of him, though...that is out of the question!
"I'll only tell Ortho."
"Huh?! B-But I'm the Stargazer here?!"
"And you're not here in person." Despite your blush, you wear a proud grin. "Besides, it's an unofficial wish. You technically don't need to hear it."
Grumbling comes from the tablet and you feel a little bad for excluding him. Although, he could always get it from his brother if he really wanted to hear it. And if he finds out...well, what could you do?
For now, you gesture for Ortho to come closer. The boy hovers with a hop in his...floating steps. When he's close enough you lean towards him. Your lips close to where his ears would be and a hand raises to conceal them from the tablet's lens.
"I wish...to play the sequel to Star Rogue with Idia when it comes out."
Ortho lets out a gasp as he hovers away from you as if you had just sent a shock through his system. His eyes are brighter than ever, almost like a Wishing Star. His hovering seems bouncier as his gaze drifts between you and the floating tablet. For a second you think he's going to blurt something out to give away what you wished for, but he only smiles behind his mask.
"I'm sure your wish will come true!"
"H-Hey, you can tell me your wish now, can't you?" Idia asks, almost pleading.
"It's a secret!" You shout before Ortho could respond. "Please, don't tell him."
"I won't." Ortho declares right in front of Idia. "I'll even keep the recording safe from him." He chuckles. "I'm so happy to hear a wish like that. It makes me very happy."
"Ortho," Idia whines, but his brother doesn't budge. "Ugh. Whatever. I don't want to hear a normie wish anyway..."
"What's up, Ortho?" Idia asks, taking his eyes away from the screen for a moment. His brother had been in a cheerful mood lately. He figured it was thanks to the festival, but lately, he seemed...happier. If that is even possible. It could be due to the fact that the final event, aka Idia's doomsday, is upon them.
"I just can't wait until we send off all the wishes," he chirps. His gaze drifts upwards as his mind creates an image of the perfect setting for their hard work. Despite the news about the weather, Ortho still has his hopes up.
"That makes one of us..." he mumbles. He does his best not to rain on his brother's parade, but could you blame him? Just thinking about what he has to do sends a cold chill down his spine. He needs to get his mind off his cursed role. "You wana tell me what the Prefect's wish is?"
Ortho doesn't respond, only giving his brother an angry look. "As they said, it's a secret!"
Couldn't blame him for trying, right?
"I guess it really was to go home. What else would they want?"
"Nope! They weren't lying about that." Ortho was serious when he said he wouldn't tell him your wish. It made him feel lighter, and happier, to know that someone else has a place for Idia in their heart. Of course, he wanted to tell Idia your wish. He was certain it would make his brother happy, even if he may deny it.
"Can I at least get a hint?"
Ortho pauses.
"I suppose a hint wouldn't hurt." It's not like his brother would guess it correctly anyway. So, your secret wish is definitely safe with him! "The Prefect and I have a similar wish."
Idia...isn't sure what he means by that. Sure, he overheard Ortho's wish, but it couldn't be the same, could it? The Prefect, as overly kind as they were, wouldn't dare to waste something like that on him...would they? This is a wish! They could literally wish for anything!
And yet, it wasn't to go home...what could be more important to you than that? To think it could relate to him in some way...was he that important to you? He could feel his face burning up already. Hopeful thoughts begin to form and he has to push them away before they decide to stay.
"N-No way they'd wish for anything like that..." He breathes out, not caring if his brother hears him. "It has to be something more basic. Definitely."
Idia nods, agreeing with himself. While his curiosity concerning your wish will linger in his mind, for now, he decides to focus on his current game. Star Rogue.
"Brother," Ortho starts as he resumes watching him play. "Do you think the Prefect could play Star Rogue with us sometime?"
"Eh?" He blinks, caught off guard by the question, and actually has to pause the game to look at his brother. "Wh-Why would they want to? I mean, I know why. Star Rogue is a top-tier game and any true gamer has to 100% it at least twice in their life. But...why with us?"
"I think it would be fun! Don't you?"
Idia bites down on his lips. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been wanting to play games with you. You manage to hold yourself in gamer talk despite not knowing this world's games. Which is startling to him. And the games you spoke of from your home? Some sounded like rip-offs from his world while others sounded like they could rival his favorite game. Or at least you made it sound like they could with how you spoke of them.
The only problem was initiating a conversation and finding the perfect dialogue options to lead him on that route.
"Could be fun, I guess..." He answers. "B-But not right now! After this stargazing nonsense is over...I don't need two big events back to back right now."
"I can't wait! I'm sure they'll be happy to hear it!" Ortho chuckles. Even if you didn't have a Wishing Star and your wish didn't count, Ortho would do his best to ensure it comes true.
For you and his brother, he'll make sure that this year's Starsending is 100% successful.
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spacedlexi · 4 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
what do you think it'd take for barbie to show all those restrained emotions tho? surely theres a breaking point even for him. give the poor guy a hug and massage yknow
Well, anon, I have thought about this quite a bit! I even wrote a little fic based around this idea.
I definitely think there’s a breaking point, but I think there are a couple of ways that he might open up more.
The suggestion of a hug and massage is a good one because I think this guy spends so much time taking care of other people that he wouldn’t know what to do if someone was taking care of him. It’s too unsettling for him if it’s a big deal. In his birthday events I always felt like he was just going along with things for the sake of everyone else. But I think that if someone he loves, like MC, just did something sweet and simple for him in private - like a massage or even just a hug - that he would reveal some of his feelings in that moment. He would finally allow that person to care for him and maybe show the depth of his own weariness.
Kind of similar, but I think he would slowly but surely open up to someone he trusts. Again it feels like something he would only do in quiet moments with MC. When they’re alone and he doesn’t feel like he has to maintain his butler persona quite so much.
And if MC really made the effort to show him that they want to take care of him, too, that they want him to confide in them, to be his full genuine self with them, I think he’d meet them there. I think he would then make the effort to hold back less when he’s with them. Just because he can see how much it means to them.
In the end I suppose I think Barbatos would open up to someone he loves, but who doesn’t need him to take care of them. Sure he likes to take care of MC, but MC is not dependent on him. Because I think Barbatos loves Diavolo too but isn’t as open with him as he might be because Dia needs him. And Barbatos very much indicates that he considers himself to be in Diavolo’s service. But he isn’t MC’s butler. So that dependence isn’t there.
I would say it’s also possible that he might lose some of his control if the people he cared about were in danger. I have no doubt that we’d see how angry he can get if that was the case. But I think even in the face of such anger he’d be able to keep his calm and come to everybody’s rescue.
So I definitely think it’s the soft sweet moments that would make him finally reveal some truths about his feelings. When it’s just him and MC and he doesn’t have to be anything other than who he is. When he trusts that it’s okay to let go a little. When he realizes that MC just wants him to be happy, whatever that means for him. When MC tells him that he’s safe, that they aren’t concerned about whatever reason he has for holding himself back so much. That they trust him. That’s when I think he would show those emotions he’s always hiding.
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spacexseven · 2 years
mmmmm thought dump about what the bsd mers look/act like ahead.
I think DAZAI is an eel type thing. fitting, in my opinion. slippery bastard. some of the most AWFUL looking teeth you have EVER seen in your ENTIRE LIFE. super long tail, much longer than you think he really has any right to have, and certainly long enough to wrap neatly around your little vessel, the strength of the appendage bringing you to a full stop. what? did you think you had permission to cross over HIS waters without paying the toll? silly, he'll have to teach you how show some proper respect to a creature such as him. (the toll is kisses and attention for as long as he decides he wants to hold you there) he's also a LAZY fishy. just kinda sits around on the bottom of the sea, hidden in his little cave dwelling, waiting for his food to come to him. hes the same way with you, as well. just kinda lays around bored on the rocks until he spots you. after that is kinda up to his whims. he might be nice and just wanna snuggle up (insert cuddlefish pun) or he could want to use his giant tail to fling you full force into the water and use you like a pool toy for the day. who knows. CHUUYA is a pretty standard Pretty Mermaid (I think hes got a green tail), at least on the surface. unlike dazais permanent monsters state, chuuyas horrible sharp teeth and claws and actually either retractable or entirely unnoticeable if hes got you stuck in one of his songs. despite his elegant appearance, he's an AGGRESSIVE hunter among sirens, only really outclassed by his sharky friend akutagawa (who mostly just hunts any creature that he sees, when chuuya and his ilk will opt for humans). speaking of AKUTAGAWA. shark! SHARP teeth. absolutely COVERED in scars from fights with other merpeople (that he ALWAYS WINS thank you very much) and overall is really only outdone by dazai in terms of how unsettling he looks. but also like sharks, he can actually be pretty docile when hes in the mood, even willing to let you pet his head if you bribe him with enough fish. I keep trying to come up with something interesting for FYODOR but my brain just screams FYODOR AS URSULA THE SEA WITCH and now I can't unsee it. imagine it. you see this outwardly beautiful merperson perched on the rocks with his many tentacles, beckoning you over (maybe even using his own singing spell to get you nice and relaxed). oh, dont mind all the appendages dear, sure he might look a bit frightening, but hes a nice fish, really! who could ever harm a poor little downtrodden human like you :( so soft and squishy and vulnerable like that, not him that's for sure! certainly, you have something you wish for? well he can help you! for a small fee.
- 🩹
oh my god i really wanted to get to this sooner but classes were So hectic im here now tho and ready to feast
cw: yandere characters, obsessive behavior, general mentions of consuming humans, sharp teeth/fangs/claws, mention of tentacles, jealousy
eel dazai agreed!! something. Not very appealing probably i'm thinking very beautiful colored scales though !!! actually about the lazing around thing dazai just doesn't need to put effort into hunting for food, there's always just some silly little something floating right into his waters and he can just eat away. he's not picky. now normally a human in his waters just means another meal, but you kind of grow on him, with your fascination and gullibility and sympathy. it helps that you're a lot smaller (he's huge okay) than him and you've got that strange sort of fragility humans have. something about the way you show your emotions so easily, the lack of claws and fangs, the soft grip when you touch him. you're too easy to like. he's super super super clingy and whiny (after the whole i-will-eat-you thing dies off a little. he doesn't stop threatening you but the chances of him acting on his impulses lessen considerably and he genuinely likes you by now) and gets jealous over everything. ask him about other mers and he might blow a fuse. if he had things his way (and if humans weren't so useless) he would just drag you down to his cave and happily stay there forever, but he needs to let you go back to your land-home and wait for you to return every day, for now. until he figures out a solution for that.
chuuya is not standard mermaid excuse you, he's gorgeous and the best in every aspect of his life. a green tail would go great with his hair right hmm i'll leave that up to your interpretation for now. but the thing about his claws being retractable! yes! he's good at hiding things like that, but not with his fangs. there was to be something that gives away his appearance, right? he's usually careful about his mouth when charming humans, but to his surprise, you're not at all taken by his appearance. even when he snarls, frustrated by your lack of reaction, you don't look disgusted, or frightened. just...unbothered. so you don't find him irresistible or terrifying? he'll disappear, swearing to win you over somehow.
i don't really have anything to add on to the akutagawa part i think you've got him spot on with the scars and the fighting everything he sees. he's actually really easy to handle if you just earn his trust with a lot of patience and resolve!! he's only super aggressive because he has to be to survive, but if you don't pose a threat, he'll have no reason to be like that with you.
uhm. so tentacles. i have a weird relationship with them in general so i won't be elaborating here!! i just don't see the appeal unfortunately they really. gross me out (i'm sorry i really can't even picture that without wanting to die) but sea witch fyodor sounds great he's kinda flexible like that he can really be anything i think siren, witch, sailor you name it he can do it
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openedmaw · 10 months
I'm suspecting that I may be a clinical lycanthrope. I have a history of delusions and psychotic episodes and this just feels... So real?
I've always heavily identified with werewolves and recently realized I was werewolfkin (about a year ago?) But lately I've been suspecting it's more than kin.
Sometimes I can feel fur sprouting from my skin. My face feels like it's pulling forward, I can feel a tail, my eyes dilate, my mouth salivates. I'll get into this weird "hunting mode" where I genuinely feel I could strike at others any moment... The uncontrollable growling then starts. I lock myself in my room in the dark, the tension in my body gets so bad I feel like I'll explode, my brain gets so lost in it and then... nothing?
I'll look in the mirror and all these changes that FEEL SO REAL are just... non-existent and it's so jarring and confusing and awful and it scares me so bad...
Are these just really strong kinshifts or CL? I genuinely do not know and I'm having trouble finding resources that aren't just vague reports from apathetic doctors.
Whether the answer is yes or no, I don't have the means to seek professional diagnosis, but I just want comfort in all of this, I feel so unsettled by it. I don't want to self diagnose at all, and if anything I really just want this to be weird shifts but I can't help but shake the feeling that something is deeply wrong.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this/answer...
okay so before i even start i gotta disclaimer: im not a professional by any means. i am literally just some dog with a special interest in abnormal psych and lived experience as a schizophrenic with CL.
with that, im not entirely sure what youre wanting out of this ask. you dont want to self dx at all but i cannot provide you a professional dx. i can tell you that what youre experiencing sounds like psychotic symptoms over kinshifts, they track more with hallucinations and delusions, especially when it seems to be causing significant distress (plus your history of psychosis).
clinical zoanthropy specifically requires a belief that you are physically changing into a animal. youve described experiences that might lead one to believe that is happening but havent explicitly expressed that sentiment. cause like, theres a difference between "i am growing fur" and "im growing fur in the process of turning into something", if that makes sense? so i cant really tell you if its CL specifically or a related delusion.
i hope this was helpful to you in some way, im not the Most qualified to talk abt it and i don't really have resources but im pretty sure ive seen @scarsmood + @strawberrybabydog + @wilczak all either provide resources or talk in depth about the subject so maybe they can provide other insight (no pressure tho :°])
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
allie💖💖💖thanks to your blog and posts I finally understand Harry's situation a little bit, but I have one more question. I understand now that the azoff's work FOR harry and harry can fire them if he's done with them. Same with louis; he can fire matt vines (something he should absolutely do). But is it possible that the CEO of the label (Rob stringer) forces Harry to do PR stunts/ fake relationships and Jeff arranges it for them? Also, this might be out of the blue but do you think Harry was groomed by jeff?
Finally (last one, I swear) why do you think louis doesn't fire Matt Vines? Because in harry's situation I get it; his team gets him places even tho he has to participate in stunts (they might have a deal yk, harry gets to express himself in his gay way and has to do stunts on the side to appeal to women). But for louis it's the complete opposite: his team doesn't do ANYTHING good, they only rely on his fanbase. But no good promo, only stunt talk, babygate and all that crap. (His clostet is indeed different, but louis must be hella gay in real life if they needed babygate, elounor and continiously stunt talk in order to make him seem straight.)
I think the word forcing sometimes can sound a bit extreme like he’s doing things completely against his will and being given absolutely no choices. I don’t think it’s like that, I don't think he's oblivious to the situation and he has given plenty of signs of that. But we can certainly call it some sort of abuse of power. IMO Harry has contractual obligations and he's strongly advised to do or not to do something by his label, which leaves him in situations that can be quite unpleasant for him, in order to keep doing other stuff that he wants or in benefit of a bigger picture.
Unfortunately, a lot of artists end up cornered like that and in an extremely unfair position. And the bigger they get, and the more money is involved, the worse it gets. It's a cruel industry. And it's also a domino effect, so if he's not out he's going to need to have fake girlfriends etc etc one thing leads to another. I think his friendship with Jeff sounds genuine and Jeff actually did a lot of good stuff for him, and he cares about Harry, but this doesn't mean he wasn't groomed by the Azoffs. A LOT of people were just hanging around Harry for when he decided to go solo they could be involved and that's no secret.
As for Louis, I actually quite like Matt Vines. I think he's doing a great job with Louis, especially compared to all the previous AWFUL managers he had. I understand the lack of promo is a bit unsettling and confusing, but I'm sure the fact he was sabotaged by Syco for years, and maybe he's still blacklisted, has a lot to do with that. And I also assume none of the stunts has anything to do with his current management, this is old stuff. I think they're just working with what they have....
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I write too many series’s and don’t follow through but I woke up thinking about a hitchhiker AU and I’ve been stuck on it all day!!!! I know I won’t get it out of my system until i write it but omg????
like imagine being a hitchhiker bc your car broke down in like the middle of nowhere and you see this pretty sleek and nice car. and you go up asking for help and they pull over and it’s Hawks driving and Dabi leaning out the passenger side window, smirking and eyeing you up and down the entire time as Hawks asks you if you need help, if that was your car back there that he spotted, smoking? and it’s so dark but you can see Dabi staring at where your shorts had torn from tripping over some dumb tree root sticking out that you couldn’t see. and even tho he makes you kinda nervous, Hawks is so nice so you accept their invitation for help and get in the car w them. but it turns out Dabi isn’t the one you should be afraid of!!!
OR Izuku picks you up, all sweet smiles and kind eyes and a helping hand. you know you should be wary of nice guys—they’re always anything but that—but he just seems so genuine. so you accept his offer, awe over how effortlessly he picks up the bags you’ve been dragging behind you and hoists them into the trunk with no problem. you don’t expect it when he offers you a bottle of unopened water, but when you wake up in an unfamiliar bed, groggy and disoriented, he’s there above you. that same grin, but this time, it’s unsettling. too big on his handsome face as he tells you that you shouldn’t ever turn your back on strangers, even if it is to use his phone and take a call, not when you don’t know what kind of drugs he might be hiding in his glove compartment, what kind of needles he stuck in the bottle cap, tiny and unnoticeable. but you’ll learn, he’ll tell you, he just needs to teach a pretty thing like you first.
OR OR Bakugou (bc my bias is jumping out ofc) who only does it bc you just look so damn miserable standing out there in the rain w a shaking thumb. he’s snappy and a little mean and intimidating, but you haven’t seen a car in miles and he’s your only hope. so you hop in, try to stay as far away from him in the car as you can, and even though it makes him huffy, he doesn’t press you. the only one who isn’t an actual creep and is sweet to you unexpectedly, which makes you invite him back to your motel for breakfast as a thanks, and then later on to your room when you realize that he’s a gentleman and cute as fuck with a to die for body.
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arklayraven · 7 months
Spoilers for Asmo-Chan Overindulges card
I gotta kinda vent/rant about this...And yes I will be mentioning Solomon in this. So you have been warned.
Also keeping properly untagged and reblogs off for obvious reasons...
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Won't lie, I dislike seeing Asmo drink a lot and becoming like this...I love him to bits. He's my everything and I just want him happy and doing what he loves. But I sadly have a line I don't like crossed, and that's people drinking a lot and getting drunk, especially around me.
I know this is just part of Asmo's character, hell even Lucifer indulges a little(okay a lot) on drinking too much until he's just a blabbering love fool desperate for MC's love and attention. But even that side of Lucifer, I don't like much...
I mean when Luci said he loved me while drunk...It triggered me, and made me really upset. because I had someone do same to me in the past but that love to me ended up not being genuine in the end...
As stated before, I don't like it because of personal bad experiences...But guess I'll add more to my reasons...I don't like dealing with people who are drunk, and get too emotional too from it, because it honestly puts me on edge and all...Like some can be total drunk sweethearts yeah, but others...Like Solomon for example from that one time in NB...can come off so unsettling, hurtful, scary and controlling.
Like I don't like this side to Asmo much...I won't deny it, but I'll take this any day than dealing with what I had to deal with from Solomon again. Like that moment with Solomon triggered me, lol, and I don't want to deal with that again...
Then there's more to say, when it comes to Asmo...I'm gonna make some guesses here and all. But here's what I just thought of...
Asmo seems to drink more if the option is there, when he starts to feel self conscious of himself, and possibly of his relationship with MC. (as shown after he increased his drinking after he thought Mammon was flirting with MC) If he feels things aren't going his way or is fearful of possible hurt, rejection or all coming soon. Then he'll resort to drinking to run away from the feelings and all. What better way to numb the pain or ignore your feelings than drinking right?
Well...sadly its not the answer obviously, and I do appreciate we get the options in the devilgram here shown, to tell Asmo he's drinking too much. Or he's had enough, etc. Like that's love to me, to be there to take care of your dear one, when you know they've clearly reached their limit or went beyond it, and to be there to stop them and take care of them.
I can't blame Asmo for going to just lengths when he starts to feel those negative emotions though. I don't drink alcohol, will never will for clear reasons. But I don't deny I do resort to drinking more coffee than I should, when I start to feel too upset and all. Does it do anything to help? No. But I like to fool myself I guess into thinking its comforting me, when in reality I know I'm just hurting myself more than helping myself... (honestly shout out to Asmo for telling me i'm drinking too much coffee and he's been growing concern...been trying to learn to cut it down now.)
...I gotta talk about Solomon again, lol, its just bothering me...
I'm just thinking about that night he and Asmo made a pact together. He knew Asmo wasn't okay, and was drinking too much. Yet instead of showing care and concern over him. He just was first annoyed by Asmo just seeking out some comfort and someone to listen to him vent/rant. But then started to have interest in Asmo after he learned Asmo was Lucifer's brother...and well...we know what happens after that...
I just hate it...Asmo deserved better...Deserved someone who showed much concern and love to him when he was getting in that state or found like that. Thankfully, MC, if you choose it that is, can be that person finally Asmo deserves in his life. I'm grateful for that from the writers at least...
There's more I'm sure I want to talk about but lost my train of thoughts. So stopping here. lol
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emolooswrld · 2 years
The Hate You Give
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: slight angst, a hint of unrequited love (not for long tho), mature language, slight mention of bullying, mean!Eddie (don’t worry he fixes himself), that’s pretty much it lmk if i forgot anything!
Note: ahhhhh! this is my first time posting a fan fic. im really insecure about it so please be nice! but also feel free to leave any critiques! i will write a part two if you guys like this one. it’s really short, i know. also this is not proof read.
Eddie Munson. The sour tang that fills ur mouth when his voice registers through ur ears, is unsettling. Eddie Munson had been nothing but cruel to you for the past 3 years. You had no idea why. You had even tried to be his friend, but that was three years ago and you didn’t want to relive that moment.
You could sense his hateful stare on your back from across the cafeteria, something that wasn’t foreign to you. Ever since you moved to Hawkins, Eddie had hated your guts. Why? You had no clue. You had never called him any mean names, only approached him once.
It was sophomore year and your first day at Hawkins High. You had no friends and you were feeling particularly lonely. You watched the boy from your corner of the cafeteria. The way his chocolate brown curls bounced as he got up from his seat. The way his usual puppy dog, doe eyes turned into one’s full of pure anger and hate as he stared down one of the jocks. The way he climbed up on top of his table and screamed at that same jock from across the room. Watching as he made devil horns and stuck out his tongue and made devilish noises. It had made you giggle, you thought he was brave for that.
You hadn’t even realized you had ended up at his table. Your feet had almost carried you there before your brain could process anything. “What do you want?” he barked at you, braking you from your trance. “I-I” you couldn’t even get the right words out. He was so intimidating, but you liked it. “If you came here to make fun of me, you should save your breath.” He looked at you with his big brown eyes, something was behind them but you couldn’t quite tell what it was. “No! I just wanted to say what you did back there was really brave and really cool of you” you finally managed to get out. There was a beat of silence before Eddie was back on his feet, staring you down only inches away from your face. “Yeah well I didn’t do it for you so you can fuck off” the pure hatred in his eyes had caused you to back up and almost run out of the cafeteria, tears welling up in your eyes.
Little did you know, after you left the cafeteria one of the boys at his table had spoken up. “That was really harsh Eddie” it had been Dustin Henderson who had dared to speak up against the dungeon master. “Yeah” Mike Wheeler had agreed, along with all the other boys who sat at Eddie’s table. “She was probably just like the rest of them, if I had indulged she would have just played some stupid fucking joke on me” Eddie had replied with a tint of sadness and regret behind his eyes. “Had she been genuine?” He thought to himself. He was soon filled with nothing but guilt and regret.
Ever since that day, it seemed as though Eddie felt nothing but hatred towards you. Always burning holes in your back with hate-filled daggers from across the room, always whispering hateful things in your ear whenever he could. It had been three years and you had had enough. Usually you returned his snarky comments, giving the same energy back to him. But today was different.
You had already been having a rough day. First, you had gotten in a fight with your parents, over nothing particular, just them being complete and utter assholes to you for no reason. It didn’t end there. Once you got to school, you had over heard some cheerleaders talking about you. Normally, their cruel words wouldn’t have effected you, but today it left you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a heavy heart.
You had made your way to the girls bathroom, only to end up sobbing against the bathroom floor with your head in your hands. God knows how long you were in there before finally getting up and trying your best to fix yourself up in the bathroom mirror. By the time you got to class, you could feel the tears you had tried so hard to push away trying to escape your eyes once more. You hadn’t even realized someone was talking to you until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You turned to look at whoever was attempting to talk to you. There he was, the last person you wanted to deal with today. Your glossy, red eyes met Eddie’s hate-filled, brown ones. “Damn y/n who’s got you looking like such a mess today?” You only glared at him in response. “Was it Jason? Or was it Andy? Or maybe it was Patrick? Too hard to keep up with all the guys you let between your legs.” Normally, it wouldn’t have bothered you, but the effect his words had on you today was so strong you felt the tears you had tried so hardly to conceal, making their way out of your eyes and down your cheeks. “Fuck you Munson” you had said, grabbing your bag and making your way out of the classroom, completely ignoring your teacher calling your name.
To say Eddie felt bad was an understatement. He felt absolutely horrible. The second he saw the tears in your eyes, his heart sank. Truth is, Eddie didn’t hate you. He actually really liked you, he just didn’t know how to express it. He had never been shown love as a kid, giving that his mother left when he was just a baby and his father never even cared about him in the first place. Wayne had been the only person to ever show him affection. Even then, Eddie had never been able to reciprocate it.
Eddie had thought about you every single day since your first encounter is the cafeteria. He wanted so badly to go back in time and change the way he had acted towards you. But it was too late. So Eddie did the only thing he knew how to. It was easier for him to pretend he hated you than to face the feelings he really felt towards you. But seeing you cry because of him filled Eddie with nothing but regret, guilt, and sadness.
After class was over, Eddie had made it his mission to find you and apologize. It was the least he could do, he thought to himself. After what felt like hours of searching the school with no luck, he was about to give up. Until he heard a door open. He turned around only to be met with the saddest pair of eyes he’d ever seen. Your hair was up in a messy bun with stray strands framing your face. Your cheeks were bright pink while the rest of your face was pale like a ghost. Your eyes were completely bloodshot from crying with bags underneath. Still, Eddie thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
The second you saw Eddie, you turned on your heels and made your way to exit the school. “Y/N wait!” he called after you. You continued to make your way towards the door, his footsteps getting closer and closer behind you. You were halfway to your car before you felt his hand on your shoulder, spinning you around in one swift movement. “What Eddie? If you’re just going to call me a slut or a whore or some other mean name just save it! I’m not dealing with this today.” The genuine pain behind your eyes left Eddie feeling even worse than he did before. “No, you’re not a whore or a slut. I just came to apologize for what I said back there. I crossed the line and I’m really fucking sorry.”
You were taken aback by his sudden apology. Eddie had never apologized for anything he said to you before. The usual hate in his eyes was replaced with worry and concern. His hand was still on your shoulder and you swore it was burning a whole into your skin. After what seemed like hours, you shook his hand off your shoulder and turned to walk away from him. But just like that day in sophomore year, in the cafeteria, your feet had carried you back right in front of him before your brain could even process what was happening. “I have never done anything to you Eddie. I have been nothing but kind to you even though you make my life a living hell every single day! Why? What have I done to make you hate me so much? All I ever wanted was to be friends with you. But you fucked that up just like you fuck up everything else in your life!” The words left your mouth faster than your brain could keep up.
Instant regret filled your head and you were about to walk away until you felt Eddie’s strong hands on your waist, pulling you close to him. Your eyes met his and before you knew it his lips were on yours. You were stunned at first, but eventually you returned the kiss. He tasted like cigarettes and weed, but you didn’t mind. His lips were soft against yours. As cliché as it sounds, it felt as though his lips matched perfectly with yours, like they were meant to meet. The kiss had your toes curling and your brain foggy. You didn’t even realized he had pulled away until you heard him speak.
“I never hated you and I never will. I’m so sorry for everything. I’ve liked you ever since that day you came up to me in the cafeteria. I’m just an idiot and I convinced myself you were playing a joke on me. I couldn’t believe a girl like you could ever possibly like someone like me. I’m so sorry y/n.” You looked up at him in complete and utter shock. Silence filled the parking lot. It wasn’t until you heard birds chirping in the distance that you were brought back into reality. You digested his words and spoke your own.
“I’ve liked you ever since I first saw you in the cafeteria that day in sophomore year Eddie.” You looked up at him, trying to read the look in his eyes. He responded by pulling you close to his chest. One hand on the back of your head and the other placed firmly against your back. He held you like that before speaking again. “I’m so sorry y/n. For everything.” He whispered in your ear. “I forgive you.” You said, pulling away to look him in the eyes. “Can we get out of here and do something? Just us.” You asked, without even thinking. “Of course, I have a few ideas in mind.” Eddie had said with his signature shit-eating grin. And with that, you both made your way to his van, hands intertwined.
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what kinda problems does tma have? i haven’t finished listening to the whole thing yet but i don’t mind spoilers. asking because i wanted to gauge if it’s something i haven’t gotten to yet or something i’ve missed!
oh yeehaw i will gladly tell you!
full disclosure i haven't actually finished listening to it, I still need to pick up again after s3 but I've listened up till then
also spoilers below for anyone planning on listening to it!
anyway, tma is overall a VERY good podcast and especially in the horror genre, its incredibly well written and effective and genuinely fucking scary and unsettling, and manages to do that without using misogyny or homophobia/transphobia as a device to achieve the sense of dread you get in pretty much every episode. that being said there's a few instances of casual (unintended) racism, such as episode 72 which has a case of anti-chinese racism where the villain is a Chinese cannibal that owns a takeaway shop. that is the most blatant example I remember, there are likely others I have missed because I am white and these things go over my head, but if other people remember better than I do I encourage them to respond to this!
in terms of other problems, to be honest I think what I'm talking about is just my engagement with the show - namely Daisy Tonner. she's a police detective who gets involved with the main cast during s2 and is an avatar of the hunt, sometimes headcanoned by fans as being werewolf like in nature. she's not a nice person, nasty and blunt and rude and brutal, and there are several instances in the show where she kills others and justifies it with reasoning ranging from 'suspected to be a vampire' to 'my boss told me to'. she's violent and cruel and her morality is tied to the law, in that she takes the orders she's given and works to uphold an unjust system based on her perception of other people as a threat, and this comes out in almost every interaction she has with anyone, especially jon, the main character. at one point she kidnaps him and holds him at knifepoint in the woods, fully intending to kill him, before something stops her (its been a while since I've listened to it I can't quite remember what gfjkds).
as a character i fucking adore her. i love female characters who are actually seriously vicious and cruel and horrible people and allowed to be awful, the narrative doesn't shame them for their personality. to me daisy means a lot and I see a lot of myself in her horrible attitude and nasty demeanour (take that as you will ghjfdksl).
but i can't deny that she's a cop and comes with everything that entails. she's suspicious of everyone, she threatens legal action that she can take, and failing that threatens violent action instead, sometimes acting on it. she's part of a group that works to protect their own and target suspects for their own personal agenda rather than any actual sense of 'justice'. as much as I love her for being a female character with bite and attitude, she is like that for a reason. she's also incredibly emotionally dependent on Basira, her coworker-turned-magnus-archives-employee. their relationship is quite homoromantic but its never confirmed as actually romantic or anything because fuck cops, lesbians or not.
(if you're worried about queerbaiting in the show tho, don't, I promise there's none, because no one ever advertised the show as being queer friendly/having canon queer relationships so they literally didn't bait anyone at all, and people who say that don't actually know what queerbaiting means)
i love daisy as a character and I do think she is a very interesting exploration of police institutions, especially with the lens of the hunt and the horror that all that entails, I think its very well done as horror literature. but there's a reason people hate her and it'd be unfair of me to not warn you of the kinds of things she does in the show, in case that's upsetting for you.
in terms of the actual show content, trigger warnings range from gore, body horror, insects, depression, mental health, paranoia, unreality, and many more, and various times they intersect with instances of marginalised characters that don't come across as well-intentioned as the creators probably wanted.
this is a list of trigger warnings by episode (all 200 of 'em) and is generally good for checking if you can listen to the episode, especially the earlier seasons, because it wasn't until about s4ish that they started including trigger warnings for really graphic things in the episode introductions.
this is a folder of transcripts of all the episodes, which I personally found helpful when starting the show. i'd often read transcripts and if I could handle that, id listen to the episode (until I binged half of s1 in a week and got used to the general sense of dread the show gave me and after that I just dived in lmao).
thats mostly what i talk about in terms of bad - the show is good, so good, but it is a tragedy and it is horror and it has some horrendous people, some of which will be worse than others, and being horror it's gonna upset you in some areas. tread with caution, look at the trigger warnings and transcripts if you need to, and maybe avoid the fandom for the most part, it was not very pleasant when the show was airing, but overall, this series is so good and I do gladly recommend it to anyone looking to branch into horror. i think if you follow me and enjoy the same things I do you won't regret giving tma a shot ^^
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literaphobe · 2 years
ngl it's wild to me people want drotices (dream notices) maybe cuz I'm the type of fan that is fearful of joining the merch discord or having my fanwork discovered or blown up like
Admiring from afar n being relatively anonymous is way more my style. getting droticed (or plain ol noticed) seems Hella Stressful. And yes I know it's funny I'm saying this to Mich Dreamquackity author of critically acclaimed SADF but idk I feel like you might understand considering what you told us about weird drama and asks you get.
honestly i wanna be in the merch discord bc i don’t wanna have to search the internet whenever he does a podcast and its weird that im still not in it and im like do i need to resubmit proof?? whats going on
anyway yeah i get what you mean. don’t meet ur heroes etc. i bounce between thinking itd be cool to talk to dream and that i hope i never meet him. and the time i got like. that dream essay reply on a reddit post i genuinely had like. Heart palpitations? like i was catching my breath and shit it was insane my hands were shaking like it was 😭😭😭😭 also no one outside of some of my tumblr followers even knew so it wasn’t like a twitter situation where people like usually know if u get droticed
also i feel like. i am pretty anonymous. like i stream so rarely to begin with. i just post from the void. i highly doubt dream knows about sadf and if he did in all honesty it wouldn’t matter to me. like it would not affect my personal irl life. i don’t like conflict tho, that’s true like. it is very stressful to me and greatly unsettling etc etc
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
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...What do you mean you didn't come here to see cryptids in the woods?
Welcome to my side hobby of: Every once in a while I'll get sick of drawing cartoony characters and decide to summon the creatures of my darkest mind instead!
Genuinely tho, @neonsix67 had this epic Wendigo enemy show up for a bit in our last DnD session, and I was ✨️inspired✨️. It's not at all what the wendigo actually was meant to look like, but I took some liberties for the sake of my sanity and the limit of my abilities.
Hope this unsettled someone. Maybe a bit of a jumpscare even? Either way, this feels like a good shift from my normal art! Proof I'm capable of more than clean lines and cell shading :D
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ohlovxr · 3 years
special spells || poly!marauders x fem!reader
Being the girlfriend of three out of four Marauders doesn’t make you any exception to their wicked schemes. If anything, it makes you prime target to them.
words: 3.5k
warnings: fem!reader, dom/sub dynamics, overstimulation, public humiliation/exhibitionism (in a way - it’s in public, no one actually sees anything tho), degradation, praise, unedited smut/fic, sirius being a little shit **safe words are put in place**, got really james-centric near the end because i’m a simp, overprotective james because literally why not, weird titles because i literally couldn’t come up with anything else lol sorry
note: this is a little fic inspired by this headcanon from @pinkandblueblurbs that i thought was just - muah - chef’s kiss. so thank you to her for allowing me to use the idea/prompt - and also to the person that sent it in! again, we’re pretending like peter literally doesn’t exist lmfao, he’s mentioned literally not even by name but just for effect. like that’s it, sorry i don’t fuck with rats. i hope you all enjoy!
Dating three fourths of the self proclaimed Marauders came about as easy as anyone would expect. That, of course, means not at all.
It had been wishful thinking to have assumed at the beginning of your relationship with the three boys that you would have been spared being a victim to their mischievous ways. If anything, it made you the victim.
As their girlfriend, you were their favourite target. It was never really harmful, like the grand schemes they cooked up for the students in Slytherin house, but they were frequent and a variety.
The games they played ranged from innocent, yet very much able to get you into trouble, pranks such as using a spell to unwillingly turn you into your animagus form - making it appear to others as though James had simply put his transfiguration skills to a hilarious test - all the way to less innocent pranks, such as slipping you the odd love potion every now and then for laughs, giggles, and ego inflation.
They never took it too far, of course, but you absolutely could not stand Sirius’ big head after the effects had worn off.
Up until today, one thing you could have noted was that their little games had never taken a… sexual turn.
Whether it be because the four of you were already heavily active or the fact that those activities ranged thoroughly across any sexual board you could find, you couldn’t imagine your boys could find anything that would catch you by surprise or leave you disgruntled -  as they found it “So very cute, sweetheart,” when you pouted - in any sort of way.
Evidently, you were wrong. You found so much out when two out of three boyfriends came sliding in on either side of you during breakfast in the Great Hall wearing their matching signature wide, and rather unsettling, grins.
Their gazes were settled on you as you continued to butter the slice of toast in your hand. Instead of a greeting, you opted for a, “What did Remus let the two of you do this time?”
A yelp interrupted from you suddenly at the feeling of a sharp pinch to your left thigh. Your head turned to face Sirius with an offended look on your face and a defense about to roll off your tongue before he beat you to it, with a brow raised and his voice quiet and low, filled with authority. “Try again. Proper greeting this time.”
Ignoring the urge to roll your eyes in the wake of a punishment later into the day, you sighed softly before turning to James. The smile still planted on the bespectacled boy’s face made the corners of your lips lift up into a small smile before you offered him your sweetest sounding, “Goodmornin’ Jamie,” and placed a brief peck onto his lips to which made his smile grow more genuine in return.
You turned back to Sirius, this time a pout forming onto your lips as you looked at him with hopeful eyes. “Mornin’ Sirius.”
He hummed in return, “Better. Could still use a little work, pup.”
The pout on your lips didn’t leave as your brows furrowed in dissatisfaction. It prompted Sirius to roll his eyes and feign an exasperated sigh. “C’mere.”
Your little smile returned as he pecked the pout off your lips.
“So,” you said as soon as Sirius pulled away, “What did Remus let you two do this time?”
You heard the clicking of James’ tongue behind you as Sirius’ face contorted to one of irritation. “Remus does not let us do anything.”
“In fact,” James threw an arm around you as he spoke boldly, “I’d like to see him try and stop us from doing something.”
Your brows raised at the bold statement as you stifled a laugh when you said, “Really?” knowing fully well how the little hierarchy the four of you have works - and how Remus happens to be at the very top.
Both boys hummed, to which you shook your head. “So,” you picked your slice of toast back up and took a bite before continuing, “I take it Remus must be one of the masterminds behind this one, then.”
“And that you’re right, sweetheart.”
Remus’ voice came from behind you, hands planting on either shoulder as he leant down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Whilst the boys at your sides looked disgruntled at the statement, your brows furrowed in question as you tilted your head to look at the tallest boy. “What are you three up to?”
The pads of his thumbs swiped across your shoulders, which would have been comforting despite the fact that Remus now donned one of James and Sirius’ “I’m up to no good” smirks with a perfected ease as he looked down at you. His voice was filled with amusement as were the glints in his eyes. “It’s a surprise, bun. I’d hate to ruin it.”
The interaction had left you on edge all throughout your first period, where you were stuck in Divination all alone to stew in your thoughts. 
Usually, you wouldn’t know the fact that your boyfriends had the odd prank cooked up for you, so you’d typically be pretty excited to see what they had to dish out next and to whom. Remus, however, made it abundantly clear that it had little to do with any Slytherin or Filch and everything to do with you.
So, when the second period came around, you found yourself sitting next to Sirius in History of Magic.
The raven haired boy still wore that arrogant smirk of his that you just wanted to wipe clean off his face as it was directed at you.
“Hello, love.”
You only grunted in return, crossing your arms and leaning back into your chair as your eyes surveyed the room for any oncoming threats. It was times like this you found yourself appreciating the corner back row seat that Sirius had shoved you into at the beginning of term.
“On edge, are we?”
You turned to glare at the boy as Professor Binns began onto his droning. “And why do you think that is?” You whispered harshly in response.
When Sirius’ smirk only widened, you went on. “You know it’s only a Tuesday? Tuesdays are the worst, Sirius. You three really couldn’t have chosen some other day to be a lot of pricks?”
“First off,” Sirius’ voice was hushed as he leaned further into your proximity, eyeing the front of room carefully as to not get caught, “Watch your fucking tongue. I am the last person you want to be talking like that to today. Second, I think you’ll find we chose the perfect day to do this. Maybe now, you’ll come-”
Sirius was cut off by a sharp gasp escaping your lips before your hand clamped over your mouth, eyes squeezing shut as you almost collapsed forward into him.
Sirius quickly told off a Ravenclaw that twisted around in concern at the sound of your gasp before he turned back to watch your thighs shake as they clenched against the force of the sudden pleasure shooting through your cunt.
His expression became one less of arrogance and more of awe at the sight before him. Once you recovered, looking at him through the hair that had fallen into your face, he had just barely found it in himself to finish. “-around to Tuesdays.”
Shock painted your face as you tried to control your breath. “What the fuck was that.”
Sirius’ brows furrowed. “Tongue.”
Your eyes widened incredulously. “Tongue?” It was taking everything in you not to shout and keep your voice at a whisper. “Are you three insane? I just ca- finished in the middle of History of bloody Magic!”
“It doesn’t work when you say it, firstly.” Sirius leant over to grab your hand, squeezing as he looked at you with mock sympathy. “Secondly, I told you to watch your tongue. So now, you’re going to cum.”
A second wave hit you. Your eyes squeezed shut once more as you gripped Sirius hand so tight your knuckles burned white. Your clit throbbed with pleasure, a quiet whimper only your boyfriend could pick up on escaping your lips.
“Is it humiliating, puppy?” You refused to open your eyes as he whispered next to you. “What? Refusing to open those pretty eyes because you’re afraid someone saw you? What would you do, hm? Knowing someone saw you for the selfish little whore you are.”
Sirius’ hand came up and gripped your chin, pulling your face to his and urging you to open your eyes. His demeanour changed. “Do you want to use your safe word?”
A beat passed before you shook your head. “No, sir.”
Sirius had taken mercy in knowledge of the fact that the day was only beginning, and so was their torment, and settled on forcing one more orgasm from your already sensitive body.
Your heart was racing as Sirius walked you to your next class even after being twenty minutes since the last one he’d given you.
You couldn’t help the arousal that left you soaking and your mind hazy when Sirius pressed a kiss to your lips before he pushed you gently into your Ancient Runes class and dismissed himself to Transfiguration.
Although, just as you were making your way to your seat, a hand had wrapped around your arm and pulled you out of the class with ease and without a word.
Words died on your tongue when you realized through your haze that it was Remus hauling you through the halls with an unbreakable determination.
“Remus,” you whined as he practically dragged you to the left, “We’re going to miss Ancient Runes. You know I can’t miss classes.”
“With me, you can,” Remus grunted, eyes still poised ahead of him, “Think you’re forgetting I implemented that rule.”
With a sigh of relief, he stopped in front of a door. You barely had time to read the words “Prefect Bathroom” before you were dragged inside. 
The interior never failed to amaze you. You didn’t have time to bask on it, however, as Remus was immediate with his demands.
“Take off your underwear and get on top of that counter.” The hard look in his eyes was mixed with a hunger you only saw when the full moon was close. “Now.”
Like a second nature, you rid yourself of the offending piece of clothing and hauled yourself on top of the counter, bringing your hands back to lean on them as you brought your legs up to rest your feet at the very edge. Your legs were spread, leaving your cunt on display.
Remus couldn’t hold back a groan at the sight of you on display for him, lips puffy and glistening with arousal.
You whimpered as he came forward and used his thumbs to part your lips further. He growled at the sight of your clit, swollen from overstimulation. “Sirius has been having his fun with that spell, hm? Fuck.”
You didn’t have time to respond before he crouched down, licking a strip over your cunt that had you crying out.
“You know I can smell you, bunny?” Remus said when he pulled away briefly before sucking your clit into his mouth.
The action left your mouth hanging open and long awaited tears slipping from your eyes, pleading cries for mercy falling out as he stayed relentless. “Please, ‘s too much, Remmy.”
“I know, baby,” his words were muffled before he pulled away, watching as your cunt clenched from the attention. He looked up at you. “Just had to get a taste of that pretty pussy.”
His attention quickly went back down to your cunt, leaving you flushing at both his words and the way he opted to stare at your bare sex. You squirmed under the attention. “Stop it, Remmy.”
“Stop what, hm?” A smirk formed on his face as his eyes flitted to your face and back. “I just want to watch you cum.”
With that, familiar pressure shot through you. Back arching as you came undone, your head thudding gently against the mirror behind you as it threw back. A groan escaped your lips at the sudden emptiness you felt as you came around nothing.
Remus watched, entranced as your cunt repeatedly clenched around nothing, bringing his hands to grip onto your waist and hold your lower body down as you rode through your high.
The kiss he landed on your clit post-orgasm made you jolt in surprise. A chuckle escaped his lips at the reaction as he made his way up your body. His arms wrapped around you to bury your head into his neck as your legs wrapped around his waist, mindful of your sensitive cunt as he refrained from pressing against you too much.
“How do you like the surprise?”
Although your original dismay was hardly lost, endorphins swarming your body had a giggle escaping your lips. You left the question unanswered as you felt Remus’ chest vibrate with his own soft laughter.
Ironically, Remus was the one who insisted on not going back to class.
Instead, he opted to keep you to himself for the rest of the hour. The majority of it was spent at his mercy, on your knees with his cock heavy in your mouth, as he pulled another orgasm from your overworked - and painfully empty - body with a single word.
The vibrations of your moans and whimpers around his shaft is what had him shooting his cum down your throat.
By the time lunch rolled around, you had lost count of the amount of time you’d cum. All you knew was the lethargic feeling your body took on as Remus guided you with a gentle hand on your back to the Great Hall.
Now, you sat across a smirking Sirius with Remus by your side. “Did a number on her, didn’t you, Moony?”
Remus shot him a stern look before turning his head to you, bringing a hand up to push your hair behind your ear as he took in your state. “You feeling alright, bun?”
You returned a weak smile. “Yea-”
“What did you two wankers do to the poor thing!”
James had finally arrived, plopping down next to Sirius with concern evident in the way his brows furrowed as he noticed your hazy state from the second he saw you. “Baby?”
You smiled, still weak but genuine, at your boyfriend’s concern. “‘M fine, Jamie. Just a little fuzzy ‘s all.”
“Well, then,” your attention turned to Sirius, who’s smirk had yet to wipe off his face, as he leant over the table and spoke hushed to you, “you wouldn’t mind if I asked you to cum?”
James’ response came just as you collapsed into Remus’ side, hand shooting up to muffle the small cry that left your lips as your eyes squeezed shut. Remus’ arm came around your shoulders to hold you to him just as James fist came in contact with Sirius’ arm.
“Oi!” Sirius rubbed his arm, albeit the punch doing nothing to wipe the mischievous look on his face. “Seems ungrateful of you, Prongs. Weren’t you the one saying that her face like that was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen?”
James looked sheepish before he recovered. “You’re the definition of a wanker, Sirius.”
“He’s mean.” You added with a pout from the pseudo-safety of Remus’ chest.
With a wicked smile, Sirius leant over and his eyes connected with yours. “I can be meaner.”
You rolled your eyes, although smiling fondly at Sirius’ want of riling James up. There was really only one way to rile James up when you were his best friend and partner in crime, with the same sense of humour and values - when you were Sirius Black - and that’s through his baby.
Torment a few Slytherins? Sure. Drive Minnie up the wall? He’s all for it. Relentlessly teasing and torturing his princess, even in the best of ways? His heart would beat out of his chest with guilt and wanting to make his girl feel as good as he possibly can.
It really is why Remus and Sirius have to be the ones to deliver punishments when you’ve broken a rule.
Sirius’ smile only widened as James rolled his eyes and pushed himself up, knowing he’d accomplished his mission.
“Come on, baby.” James gestured for you. “Let me walk you to class.”
Remus hummed. “And you’re sure that’s all you’ll be doing?”
To which Sirius bursted into laughter, James flipped him off as you heard him uttering something along the lines of, “… was supposed to be harmless fun, not torturing the girl.”
You couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped your lips at James’ endearing defensiveness over you.
As he was finally able to put his arm around you once you’d connected at the end of the long table, James guided you out of the Great Hall before you found that the aftershocks of your latest orgasm made you more desperate for something more than you thought.
The sound of your voice, a bit weak, made James’ heart melt as his steps faltered for a moment. “Yeah, love?”
“Do you think you could take me to that classroom on the fourth floor?”
James stopped entirely, thankful for the fact that the hallway had been entirely empty, with his brows furrowed as he looked down at you. “Baby, you’ve had a lot today. I don’t want you thinking-”
“I know! I know,” you interrupted, although flushing at the stern look you received in turn for it. He raised a brow for you to continue, nonetheless. “‘S not for you, Jamie.”
You bit your lip as your cheeks burned hotter than before. “Just been coming around nothing all day. Feels so empty.”
James let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in, pants tightening painfully at your confession and the way your eyes, filled with lust, bore into his. “Yeah?”
It didn’t take long for James to take you up to the abandoned classroom on the fourth floor, charming the door locked before pushing your front up against one of the desks.
Your hands came down to support you as James ground himself against you before you whimpered. “Please, Jamie, I can’t - Need your cock.”
“I know,” James cooed, pulling away from you to flip your skirt up and groaning at the sight of you bare - panties stolen by Remus. He traced your lips, wet with arousal, with his finger and shushing you as you whined. “It’s alright, sweetheart. I’m going to fill you up, yeah?”
He pulled his hands away from you to release himself from his confines, pulling out his cock and relishing in the gasp that escaped your lips when he ran the tip through your folds. “Gonna make my girl feel all better, hm?”
You pushed back against him with a cry, urging him to hurry up, to which he complied. You groaned at the feeling of the boy slowly filling your cunt for the first time that day.
“Fuck.” James’ hands gripped tightly at your waist as he bottomed out, panting as he took a moment to rest inside you and allow you to adjust. “That feel better, princess?”
You mustered enough strength to nod your head weakly, uttering incoherent words of gratitude as your cunt clenched around the boy’s cock. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much-”
James shushed you as one of his hands came up to grip your jaw, bringing you up to have your back flush against his chest and connect your lips with his.
“Never have to thank me,” he mumbled against your lips, “‘D do anything for my princess.”
His hips began to move, thrusting at a slow rhythm. “You my princess?”
“Yeah,” you cried against his lips as his cock began to hit a sensitive spot inside of you, “‘M your princess, Jamie.”
James’ thrusts began to pick up, the feeling of your cunt tightening around him becoming too much. The lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin and your moans echoing in the room increased with the quickening of his pace.
“I’m so close, baby,” James grunted into your ear, “Want you to cum.”
With that, another coil in your belly snapped and sent you over the edge. The feeling of your cunt spasming around his cock sent James to his end not long after, painting your walls white as he buried himself into you.
Your pants filled the room, coupled with James’, as the two of you refused to move before a thought hit you. “Did you three really learn how to manufacture a spell and put that knowledge to use by creating a… cum charm?”
You turned your head back only to be met with a sheepish smile on the bespectacled boy’s face. “To be fair, Pads was telling the truth about how pretty your orgasm face is, princess.”
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Astrology Notes: Followers Choice
Hi my peoples, so as you all know I asked some of you what placements or aspects you would want to see in a post and now time has come to deliver on that promise. This took quite a bit of research and I gently want to remind you that I am not an expert, but regardless please enjoy.
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When I tell you I got jealous researching Composite Moon Conjunct Jupiter, you better believe I would give this couple the finger irl (as a coping mechanism for my jealous ass). Not only do you guys enjoy spending time with each other,but you two genuinely like each other thanks to an emotional bond. You feel better emotionally when together and feel the happiest in this relationship. Your basically each others feel good person. However you should be careful not to invest so much into this relationship that you neglect your responsibilities and other meaningful relationships. Just couple goals over all.
Psyche Conjunct MC is a really interesting aspect as it could mean entrance to the self and understanding of your soul and mind through your career path, goals, achievements and reputation. This realization could happen around the time of young adulthood or late teens. It's almost as if you see the the understanding of yourself as indistinguishable from your reputation and what success and status you achieve in your career and social circles.
Neptune Opposite Lilith...there is a lot to unpack here. First of you might have difficulty connecting to your emotions and as a result it could feel like you have this raging fire deep within you that needs to be suppressed as it might consume you and you do so by turning to escapism. You are torn between wanting to be independent and wanting to feel needed which creates an intense need for intimacy. You should be careful as not to continue believing you have love in places reality as proven to you that there is none. You could experience bouts of self pity because you feel emotionally misunderstood or neglected. By accepting your emotions and allowing yourself to be vulnerable you can accept yourself and open yourself up to healing and a powerful transformation.
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Ascendant Quincunx Chiron could struggle to accept the limitations their inner wounds have on their appearance, attitude and identity in general. You try to put up a facade to hide and dent your past wounds, but others will easily see this. It's possible that you feel ashamed for being vulnerable and believe you shouldn't show the cracks in your walls. You just want a sense of normalcy and to gain that you would rather have everyone believe things are fine when you are in fact, obviously wounded.
Lilith in the 11th House: With this placement you feel like an outsider, unwanted and unaccepted. You have faced rejection from groups and feel like you just don't fit in. You might even feel ashamed that you fail to fit in with the crowd even tho you desperately want to. However you should know that this is not your fault, but that of the very groups you try to be a part of. They fear your gifts, they are unsettled that you think and behave differently from what society has teached. Embrace you difference and in doing so you will learn to accept yourself and your position in the masses. Don't look elsewhere for acceptance, it will come when you stand in your own power.
Venus in Libra degrees (7°,19°) in my opinion would sort of amplify the effects of Venus as Libra is ruled by her. These degrees would bring Libra traits into the way you give and receive love. This means you could value loyalty and an equal amount of give and take in a relationship. Traits that you display or attract in love could be as follows: grace, sensuality, seduction, romanticism, harmony, balance, vanity, materialism and shallowness. Additionally you could be excessively needy and have unrealistic, almost idealistic expectations in love. I however view this as a minor influence and you should focus on the entirety of your Venus influences to get a bigger picture of that influence.
As a side note, I think you all should go take a look at @saintzjenx posts on degree theory and even her Lilith posts since she is pretty much an expert here 🙈🙈. I low-key think she might even be Lilith herself at this point.🙈
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Moon Trine Lilith is such a powerful aspect. You are hell-bent on getting what you want as your desires are fueled by your emotions and instincts. You naturally listen to your intuition and follow it wherever it takes you. You are unapologetic about showing your vulnerability, sensitive sides, emotions and intuitive desires, even if taboo, and could be a real rebel in doing so. As a result the people in your life will see you as a symbol of strength and you won't hesitate to show said strength.
Sun Conjunct Pluto, light and dark collide with this aspect. And the result? An intensity on par with that of Scorpio Rising and Pluto in 1st. You could wield great power over others or be subject to power greater than your own. Your stong drive and ambition, your intense willpower is sure to leave a mark in the lives of the people touched by it, whether it be amazement or intimidation. You are naturally more attuned to the darker areas of life, unfazed by it. This along with your mysterious, darker presence and love of privacy could have people become suspicious of you and you might even face false accusations from others in your lifetime.
Lilith in the 11th House Synastry immediately made me think of a rebel and activist relationship. When you two direct your energies towards a cause the two could really compliment each other in that regard. On the flip side tho, the Lilith person wants freedom, independence and is always putting themselves first whereas the House person is continuously involved with the community which could give rise to conflicts in the relationship. Both would be extremely open to indulging and exploring the others sexual fantasies and desires, thus spicy time is always fun, exciting and exhilarating. Bluntly put, the sex is bomb and that's about it. A real fwb placement.
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This was very research intense so I hope I was able to deliver. To the followers that asked for this, I love you and thank you so much for trusting me to handle these. Let me know what you think and if I could do better. Love y'all my peoples.
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