#flightless photos
arielkrupnik · 1 year
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Meet the ghost of the forest: the rare, flightless kagu
Image credit: Auscape International Pty Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo
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mudandvodka · 9 months
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can’t sleep
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sobfultoast · 2 months
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•~°◇ Just the Little Human Things ◇°~•
Prompt: Humans and demons are different, no duh. There are some things that we do naturally that shocked and freak out the brothers. Here are some random few (each linked to a specific brother, like 1 means Lucifer, etc).
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1. Cracking bones.
You spent a long day dealing with your studies. Your fingers cramped. So you cracked them. Lucifer was appalled. He thought you just broke yourself. Lucifer goes straight to you and asks if you just broke your finger or something along those lines. After calming him down and just explaining that you were popping the air bubbles in your joints because they ached, he was more appalled.
Humans can get air bubbles in between their bones?! That's so weird. Demons can't crack their joints. If they make any cracking noise, they probably cracked their bones.
At least you're not hurt. That is all that matters to him.
2. Adrenaline.
Demons have instincts like humans, but they don't have adrenaline. They have the same amount of strength and power, no matter the situation. No amount of tension will give them a random boost in a fight. Humans do. It's called adrenaline (SHOCKING). Boosting our stamina, pain tolerance, reaction time, and strength. It's like a superpower! A superpower that Mamon was unaware of at the time.
You both were running from trouble, as normal. Even though your body was in its flight or fight, no amount of adrenaline will make you run as fast as the fastest demon in hell! So how was he supposed to know! It was until there was a dead end. The door was locked. Mammon was about to use some magic to open it because the angry demons were very close behind you guys. before he could, BAM! You ram right into it and smash it open
What. The. Hell??? Are you on steroids or something?!
Once you escape, Mammon has so many questions. He now thinks adrenaline is so cool.
3. Being social animals.
Demons aren't necessarily social creatures. Some will go millennias without talking to anything, and they don't go insane. It's just a lot of demons like socialising. Levi is not one of those demons, though. Levi will go some months without speaking to anyone, even some days without speaking to his brothers. He thought humans were the same. He didn't know that it could cause mental issues like insanity or depression.
Levi only found out because he was watching a horror anime, where a human character was isolated for months and went insane. He thought it was fiction, but then he asked you. As soon as yes leaves your mouth, he is in utter disbelief.
Now he feels bad whenever he has you holed up in his room. Don't you want to socialise? He wouldn't mind if you went to party with Asmo and Mammon... At least he'd try not to mind. Are you sure you're okay with just him? Yeah? ... He thinks he is okay with just you, too.
4. Humans on the moon?
When you came to devildom, even though Satan wasn't that close to you, he did research about humans out of curiosity. Satan learnt about human history, myths & legends, science (a.k.a human magic), medicine, and even decided to research human technology.
The only thing he didn't know was that humans went to the moon. When he was doing human history, he was doing ancient human history. Being a demon who was immortal, Satan classed anything from the last 100 years as morden to him. He was alive during it. He should know when it happens. But somehow, no one talked about the humans landing on the moon.
You wanted to know if demons had also gone to space, and he answered with, "No. Some of angels have... What do you mean also?" Humans, flightless and magicless fleshbags, have gone to the stars?!
5. Baby teeth falling out.
Asmodeus wanted to see childhood pictures of you! He was going on about how cute you were until he saw that in one of your photos that you were missing a tooth?! Asmo didn't know you were missing a tooth! He immediately tried to look in your mouth for that missing tooth, but there was a tooth there?! What?! Did you get some sort of tooth surgery?
Demons and angels don't have baby teeth. They are made not to naturally lose any of their teeth, and if they lose a tooth, they have to get a surjery to get it back. So, this concept is crazy to them.
Asmo was thankful it was natural. You made him panic!
6. Stretch marks.
Demons have rapid regeneration, so they don't get stretch marks. The scars just heal immediately as it isn't a deep wound to them.
Beelzebub had no idea humans could get them. He thought some demon attacked or tried to put a hex on you, but once you explained it to him, it blew his mind. Losing or gaining weight causes these marks? Humans are stretchy??? That's cute.
Beelzebub likes running his hand over the marks. It's fascinating to him.
7. Modern medicine.
Belphegor knew a lot about humans due to his human phase when he was an angel. There isn't anything that you do that surprises him. Belphie even knows humans went to the moon because he is an astrology girlie. But he is clueless about morden medicine.
Belphie lost interest in humans when he fell, obviously. He didn't want to interact with humans after his hatred for them developed. So he has no idea about morden human medicine.
Humans don't use frog eggs anymore? They were unsafe? Really? Belphie thought they worked. He did not know humans were just as unknowledgable as he was back then. Belphie learnt after you accidentally got a paper cut, and Belphie said he'd go get the plasters and leeches.
You had to tell him that the leaches were outdated by a few decades.
•~°◇ Have a kind day! ◇°~•
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uncharismatic-fauna · 5 months
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Access Denied: The Inaccessible Island Rail
The Inaccessible Island rail (Laterallus rogersi) is a rarely seen member of the rail family, Rallidae. Part of the reason for its obscurity is the place in which it resides: Inaccessible Island, part of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago in the southern Atlantic Ocean. These islands are extremely remote, and until 2019 it was unclear how L. rogersi even came to be there. We now know that the species colonized the island some 1.5 million years ago, originally coming in from South America and subsequently losing its ability to fly.
In addition to its unique evolutionary history, the Inaccessible Island rail's greatest claim is that it is the smallest flightless bird in the world. Individuals weigh between 35 to 49 g (1.2–1.7 oz) and can be 13 to 15.5 cm (5.1–6.1 in) long from beak to tail. Members of both sexes are dark brown with red eyes; some may have white striping along the underbelly or wings. Females tend to be slightly smaller and lighter in color than males.
The Inaccesible Island rail can be found on all habitats on the island in which it inhabits; these include low mountains and fern brush though the species is most abundant in the grasslands that grow close to the rocky shore. Within these habitats, L. rogersi is largely diurnal. They freely forage for invertebrates, including earthworms, beetles, and moths, as well as seeds and berries; as they have no natural predators they have few defenses against potential threats, although they can run extremely fast when alarmed.
Adults are highly territorial, and when two rivals of either sex encounter each other they will display by lowering their heads, circling each other, and calling loudly until one of them concedes. Males and females mate for life, and build nests in the tall grass. The breeding season is between October and January, in late summer, and females lay a clutch of 2 eggs. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs until they hatch. Chicks can be vulnerable to predation by the migratory brown skua, so parents guard the nest fiercely. The time it takes for chicks to fully mature is unknown, as is the average lifespan in the wild.
Conservation status: The Inaccessible Island rail is considered Vulnerable by the IUCN. The island's population is believed to stand at about 5,600 adult birds. While the island's ecology is currently stable, researchers believe the species would be seriously imperaled if invasive species such as house mice, feral cats and brown rats were introduced. Access to the island is currently restricted, and the island has been declared a nature reserve by the Tristan da Cunha Island Council.
If you like what I do, consider leaving a tip or buying me a kofi!
Peter G. Ryan
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onenicebugperday · 11 months
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Sandgropers in the family Cylindrachetidae, Orthoptera
Sandgropers are flightless, subterranean insects related to pygmy mole crickets and, more distantly, to grasshoppers. They are found only in Australia, New Guinea, and Argentina.
Photo 1 by cheloderus, 2-3 by abritton, 4-5 by ezattara, 6 by mreissig, and 7 by strongie
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Remember to read about the contestants before voting!
Ah, the Kiwi. Yet again another flightless bird from New Zealand, who is still recovering from the introduction of predators to its homeland. They are the smallest living ratites (which includes emus and cassowaries), and true to their name they are New Zealand's response to the lack of rats on the island. This niche was filled in by the kiwi. They are nocturnal and lay very large eggs compared to their body size. Learn More!
Atlantic Puffin
These lovely little bright beaked birds are real charmers. With their faces that always seem to be smiling and they clank their little bills together with their mates. They carry a large amount of fish in their mouths, and nest on large islands with little predators although the skua will still attack the puffins. Although there are still a large number of them, the puffin is considered vulnerable due to high density population loss. Learn More!
(Kiwi photo by Edward Smith)
(Atlantic Puffin photo by Dorian Anderson)
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
au masterlist
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liked by jesperbratt, tofff73, and 383,624 others
y/ndevils00 WE ARE SO BACK, BABIES!!
your mighty lil hell raisers won 5-2 tonight against the flightless birds, and SURPRISE!! I WAS THERE!!
what a happy “welcome back to Pitt” to my lovely former-bumblebee-color-wearing bestie, Johnny Rockets!
i’m so proud of all of our goal scorers tonight, one of which is not pictured because he wouldn’t let me order a drink at dinner last night (*cough* Bratter *cough*)!
it was also AMAZING to see my sweet Edward Cullen again, you can see in the fourth photo how much he missed me! doesn’t he look positively overjoyed?!
oh, and: p.s. that one player, number 87 on the penguins? yeah he got a penalty. HA! don’t trip my boys, Sidney. i know where you sleep.
tagged curtislazar95, naterbastian, john.marino97, ryangraves27, dawson1417, holtz_10, tofff73
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naterbastian that’s a blurry pic
y/ndevils00 hop off my dick, nathan
naterbastian no
y/ndevils00 NO?!
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 how do i solve this?
dawson1417 maybe you could take less blurry pictures? i’m not sure about this one tbh
y/ndevils00 @/dawson1417 USELESS!
dawson1417 oh :(
john.marino97 HELLO?! I’M RIGHT HERE?!
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 oh hi John!
holtz_10 why is Crosby pictured?
ryangraves27 what i look is terrified because i didn’t even know you were in town
y/ndevils00 it was a surprise!! were you surprised?!
ryangraves27 did he know you were coming?
y/ndevils00 nope! showed up at his house like “BOO!”
user01 who the hell are they talking about?
jackhughes i’m glad the team won and i’m glad you’ve had fun, can you come home now?
y/ndevils00 aww you miss me 🥹
jackhughes yeah, sure, but also, LSH has chewed through my phone charger, has been scratching at the couch, and bit Nico’s hand
y/ndevils00 i put her in charge of keeping the house in order while i’m gone. sounds like she’s doing great!
jackhughes i’m a human and she’s a cat??
y/ndevils00 she’s also smarter than you, my love
jackhughes did you just call me dumb?
y/ndevils00 oh my sweet, sweet himbo, i love you to pluto and back
jackhughes um, yeah, i love you too, dove
holtz_10 hello??? why is Crosby pictured??
y/ndevils00 shhh i ignore stupid questions
jesperbratt i didn’t want you to get drunk, please don’t hold it against me
y/ndevils00 aww okay 🥺 i’m sorry for leaving you out of the post, thank you for looking out for me!
jackhughes how do you do it?!
jesperbratt @/jackhughes i’m cute 🤷🏼‍♂️
jackhughes oh fuck off Bratter, obviously i’m cute too, i’m her boyfriend
curtislazar95 WE WON
curtislazar95 thank you?? i think??
y/ndevils00 YOU’RE WELCOME!!
y/ndevils00 notice how we win when @/tmeier96 isn’t playing… it’s cause he called me a bitch and the universe has my back
tmeier96 if i could insult you, you would be so sad right now
y/ndevils00 hmm but you CAN’T insult me! because i’m perfect!
tmeier96 actually it’s because after tuesday nights comments, Jack threatened to slap-shot a puck to my face if i insult you again
y/ndevils00 awww @/jackhughes that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever threatened for me 🥹🫶
jackhughes do people often threaten others for you?
y/ndevils00 of course?? i’m lovable and everyone i know wants me to be protected and loved!
tmeier96 well… i highly doubt EVERYONE you know…
y/ndevils00 watch it, Meier!
user56 idk, thats two posts in a row with Sidney Crosby… i’m starting to get suspicious
user13 i wanna know who the mysterious “he” is that they keep discussing!
user07 same! like, is it the same “he” every time?! and if so, if she showed up at his house, does that mean he lives in Pitt?
user22 all i’m saying is it’s suspicious and she better not be cheating on Jack
user91 @/user22 oh please! not only is she obviously head over heels for Jack, but if she were to cheat, i highly doubt everyone on the team, including Jack, would know and openly discuss him on a public platform
liked by @/y/ndevils00
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cypherdecypher · 8 months
Animal of the Day!
Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
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(Photo from Smithsonian Magazine)
Extinction Date- 1681
Habitat- Island of Mauritius
Size (Weight/Length)- 22 kg; 90 cm tall
Diet- Fruits; Nuts; Roots; Seeds
Cool Facts- As dodos went extinct in the 1600’s, we only know what they look like from incomplete skeletons and illustrations. These large birds were found only on the tiny Island of Mauritius off the coast of Madagascar. Little is known about their behavior but their skeletons imply they could run extremely fast despite being unable to fly. Their large beak may have been used in territorial displays due to the Island’s limited resources. They were primarily vegetarians but would occasionally eat a crab or shellfish. People first visited the Island of Mauritius in 1507 and the dodos were quickly hunted by people and invasive species alike due to their flightless and fearless behavior. Today, the near threatened Nicobar pigeon is their closest relative. Cracking down on the illegal pet trade and their illegal poaching has resulted in the Nicobar pigeon doing much better than their long since passed relative.
Rating- 13/10 (Dodos were originally thought to be a myth and extinction to be propaganda.)
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crevicedwelling · 8 months
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hello do you know if this is a cricket by chance? (Bug ID)
Was very small, smaller then pinky fingernail
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you’ve got an ant cricket (Myrmecophilus) there! these are tiny, flightless orthopterans (not true crickets, their closest relatives are mole crickets) that exclusively dwell in ant nests where they eat debris and some species actually solicit ants to feed them mouth-to-mouth, probably through some sort of pheromone shenanigans. it’s not really what’s going on, but you can think of them like ants’ dogs :)
I’m not sure what yours is doing outside of an ant nest, although sometimes they’re known to travel with ants if they’re moving a colony.
(the springtail in my photo is also a myrmecophile species)
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angelinasnotebooks · 7 months
Hate that my form of hyperfixation is consuming and not creating.
I think I've been falling in love with ideas my whole life. I see colors and concepts and characters, and I want every part of the illusion to play around my body and immerse my mind and soul. I thought growing up I would be an artist. When that mentally shattered, I moved on to thinking I would become an author. Now, however, I don't know what or who I'll be. All I know is that my brain never stops coming up with ideas. 
Yet, with all these ideas comes the possibility of creation. It's what I want, isn't it? I want to create these pictures and stories and share them with the world. So, why am I motionless in my pursuit to bring my mind to life? I have a library in my head. There's a girl in there. Her favorite color is blue. She doesn't know if life is worth living. I have an art museum there too. There's a portrait of a dying renegade, and a demon alter ego desiring joy. Then there's the realm of fandoms. The endless multiverse of continuations and alternatives.  
There's a lot going on inside my brain and imagination. Chemicals I do not understand and signals I cannot control. An abundance of beauty only an individual can conjure with their subjectivity. With no outlet for these thoughts and images, I find it all to be too much at times. Wings heavy on my back and flightless under the pressure. The ability to soar is there, but the weight within is burdensome.  
Every day I come up with something new. Some ideas are fresh while others are another line on the loom, but that is all they are. Thoughts. Ideas. Invisible whisps, webs, and wishes. It's as if the only part of my frontal lobe that works is that of imagination and complex thinking. I attempt short stories, painting, studying, chores, school projects, craft projects and I never get them done. Planning, time management, logical reasoning, and decision-making have all taken a backseat. I can't get any of them done, so I turn to what has already been done. 
I rewatch a favorite show. I read another fanfic. I click on a YouTube video and another. I scroll Tumblr. I read character analysis. I try on the clothes in my closet. I add shit to my wish list. I post photos from two months ago on my Instagram. I relate to autistic ADHD tiktokers. I pretend Pinterest will help me get my life together. I think about the MCU. I watch another comfort, crime, haunted, mythical series. I visit my AO3 bookmarks. I doom scroll whatever app I can get my eyes on. I turn thirteen again and either spiral into a depressive state or become infatuated with the Hunger Games--again.
The point is, I can't force my brain to work on the original ideas. Sitting at a desk with supplies doesn't get my hands moving. I fall numb waiting for my body and mind to comply with my intentions. So, I end up here again. Hitting a heart button to let other people know that their commentary and hard work have reached me, and I liked it.  
I don’t want all my ideas and universes to end where they are. I don’t want to minimize or invalidate my existence, or the experiences of others like me, by remaining artistically stagnant. I want my mind to be a visual tangible galaxy free to be roamed and explored. I want to have my heart in my hands, and I want to give it to every single person that I can. I want these thoughts, these precious ideas out of my head and into yours, dear reader. I don't want to consume; I want to create. If I'm going to go down the rabbit hole, I want to be the rabbit. The entrance maker. Not the lost girl I am right now. 
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sitting-on-me-bum · 23 days
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Photo © Jake Osborne
Meet the Kākāpō, an Endangered Flightless Parrot That Smells Good, and Looks Like a Muppet
The Kākāpō, a large flightless parrot, which is also called the Owl Parrot and is found in New Zealand.
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Photo: Andrew Digby/New Zealand Department Of Conservation
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Photo By Jake Osborne
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persephoneshellhounds · 4 months
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my heart flutters like moth wings, once caught flightless on ice cold fire it’s forever looking for the kiss of the flames, the softest, kindest, slowest way of dying so that i may rest in a chest that’s not my own — yours, would you leave flowers on my tomb, once more? virginal white jasmines, if you remember — the color and predisposition of a ghost. would you kiss my resting ground, softening under torrential poems? would you say a made-up prayer? (my lover, who art in heaven) would you love me again if death is my rebirth, my second coming, how angels weep right next to me, how they break over my sorrows — pathetic bodies made of light, but they never burn, they never crash like fading embers. my heart’s still caught on ice cold fire, it flutters, wingless i arch in my quiet aching, godless, limbless — i’m sorry i’m made this way. in heaven, god fucked up for the first time twenty five years ago, he can take me back tomorrow for all i care but would you pick me, take me back and kiss me, bathe me in biblical oil (even if it kills me once more?) if i promise not to die once more?
— fray narte, "going insane in october" | written november 1, 2023, 5:11 PM
photo screencapped from: saltburn (2023) // dir. emerald fennell
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evangelifloss · 7 months
Please tell me about the great emu war of 1932 :3
"Haha Australia lost a war to emus twice"
Here's why:
First, I don't believe foreigners know how BIG emus are, and how much of their stocky main body is just layers and layers of feathers
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This is Peck. He doesn't actually Peck but he LOVES the LADIES and for reference, that's me as he's uh... trying to woo me. I'm 4'11 / 149cm tall and in that photo he's not standing at full height either because he's preparing to get lower and ahem, grind. He is also a juvenile.
Emus are typically 5.7 feet/1.75 meters tall, but they have been recorded to get up to 6.2 feet/1.9 meters.
So imagine you've got this big ass dinosaur bird with the most t-rex looking feet perfectly designed for running. Yeeting. Skeeting. Killing you maybe. And now take into account these flightless fucks can run up to 62 Kilometers per hour. THATS 39 MILES PER HOUR TOP SPEED.
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Now add 20,000 emus.
So 20,000 emus against poverty-stricken farmers with failing crops, farmers WHO WERE MOSTLY WW1 VETERANS BY THE WAY. Yeah nah.
Here's a visual to help y'all understand how insanely large emu groups get.
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Onto why the hell were there so many emus on the farmlands (even tho... yknow... the emus and the local indigenous were there first but we won't get into that.)
Basically a big drought made the horde of emus move away from their usual dwindling territory, onto the sprawling Australian "farm lands" and remember I mentioned their feet before? BIG STOMPY. Whatever crops that had somehow managed to survive the severely vitamin-deficient soil and grow, did not in fact, survive the dinosaur feet as the emus strolled through, pecking and foraging the ground along the way.
The plight of the veteran farmers didn't fall on deaf ears, but the Australian government severely underestimated the power of 20,000 emus by a LONG shot. Plus they weren't all that interested either, until at least it was reported that the emus were destroying the Rabbit Proof Fence. What legends.
For the first "war" the government sent 3 men.
Yep. You heard me. Three guys. Major Meredith, Sargeant McMurray and a soldier by the name of O'Halloran.
They had one truck with a machine gun, and probably other guns, but between them roughly 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
So off they went. To wage war against the progressive emus breaking the symbol of "White Australia" AKA the Fence. Oh and also I guess the starving vets.
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This is it. This is what they had.
Locals from all around joined in the fight and tried to herd the roaming groups of emus into the murder range but the emus had a tactic. One that us Aussies use at bush doofs when you hear police sirens- and that is to SCATTER.
They only killed "a dozen birds" from a group estimated to be around 1000. It didn't help that the machine gun jammed during this organised ambush.
And by then, the Emus clicked onto what was happening. They split up into smaller groups, observed to be led by the largest sized male who kept an eye out for the enemy. Never again did they risk coming together as seen before.
The war was lost. Only a few more attempts were made that had little success and Ornithologist Dom Serventy concisely summarised the whole operation.
I want to remind you all that this is a recorded statement, kept on file in legal military documentation
"The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month."
Let's move onto Emu War Part Two: Unsuccessful Boogaloo
Heads up by the way, TW below.
Emus were still, y'know, Emu-ing about and the drought didn't let up either. People were still dying of starvation, becoming homeless and committing suicide. It took the Premier of Western Australia, and a Base Commander in the military penning letters and using media pressure to finally convince the government to give it another go.
Major Meridith returns to the War and having learnt from practically everyone's past assumptions of the highly intelligent sonic-speed bird, brought success. And by that I mean, more success than the previous war.
Ultimately only 5% of the 20k Emu Army were ever killed, and even that is debated since it is more than likely they inflated numbers of kills to lessen the damage of being completely inferior to the superb qualities of the Emu.
A Federal parliamentarian (like a senator) when asked about whether there should be a medal made for the conflict, he replied with:
"Any medals should go to the emus who had won every round so far."
And of course in true Aussie fashion, the Defence Minister who supported and approved for the Emu War 1 and 2, was given the title by the Australian public, and international conservationists of ‘Minister for the Emu War’.
Ouch, but also, Not Every Problem Has To Be Solved With Guns.
Ironically what worked far better was the implementation of fences to keep the Emus OUT and unfortunately, a bounty system that saw many locals and professional hunters alike have FAR more success than an entire military operation. 57,000 bounties were claimed in a six month period after it being introduced in 1934.
Thus concludes the Great Emu War of 1932.
If you're asking why I know this, I studied it when I was 16, and made an entire poster to which I gave it to my Japanese Teacher. For context: I was living in Japan. Going to a Japanese School. And teaching my poor English teacher about this Emu War that he only believed once he looked it up. As a parting gift I gave him a poster. Shout out to Kawamura-Sensei you tried so hard not to laugh at the poster but I won that war.
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Here it is. All the quotes on there are real too!
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masculinepeacock · 7 months
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the arc of regression
My Father’s Son, Blake Rouse // Scott Carroll // Narcissus, Delmore Schwartz // @creacherkeeper // The Waves, Virginia Woolf // Field Dressing, J.L. // @miseria-fortes-viros // Prayer Can Be Anything, Karen Elizabeth Sharpe // Phillip Pilz (crop by me) // My Father’s Son, Blake Rouse
[ID: (1) handwritten cursive that reads, “i’m so fucking scared that i’m just you”. (2) a photo of a white tailed deer in the woods. (3) “THE FEAR AND DREAD OF THE MIND OF OTHERS”. (4) “in this case the toughest battle is talking to divine”. (5) “‘For this moment, this one moment, we are together. I press you to me. Come, pain, feed on me. Bury your fangs in my flesh. Tear me asunder. I sob, I sob.’”. (6) my father takes me hunting to show me that he loves me // as if trying to kill things together will prevent us from killing each other”. (7) “the gods will not save me. i suppose this is a lesson in hubris. i am forever a flightless thing”. (8) “the clean dispatch of a blunt tool some call the priest”. (9) A photo of a wolf snarling. (10) handwritten cursive that reads, “i’m only my father’s son”. /end id]
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onenicebugperday · 10 months
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Cas (c******[email protected]) submitted: I think I’m looking at a lesser yellow underwing moth found in Perth, WA This guy was super small, about 1cm long and 2cm wide, and had beautiful wings when flying
What a tiny cutie! Looks to me like a male clouded footman, Anestia ombrophanes. Females are flightless! Here’s a woman...
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I love her :)
Photo by johneichler
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