#every choice he made was perfect and i fall in love with that shit every time
Thinking about the closing night audio boot and Marvin laughing when he realises that Whizzer has fallen asleep in his chair and presumably pointing it out to the audience because you can hear all of them laughing as well.  Thinking about how you can hear him asking Whizzer if he’s okay, and telling him to go to bed, and how he yells “it’s so swell, damn it!” so hard that his voice breaks and you can hear him smiling through the line. 
Thinking about how in love Marvin was with Whizzer.
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Date night
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: You make Eddie take you to a haunted house.
Warning: fluff, mention of weed
Prompt: “…You’re cutting off the circulation in my arm.” “Oh? S-sorry. Just… "Got a little tense, is all. I swear I’m not scared, though! Why would I be scared of fake shit like that, anyway? What do you take me as— AHH! FUCKING GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKHOLE—”
A/n: I wanted to try and do a little fall/halloween blurb from this prompt list. Not proofread.
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"JESUS CHRIST!" Eddie shrieked as a scary clown with sharp pointed teeth jumps out from behind a wall.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," he mumbled behind you, clutching his heart.
"Oh, c'mon Ed, it's not that bad they're just people in costumes." You giggle, leading the way through the haunted house.
Eddie had promised to take you out on a date, letting you pick wherever you wanted to go. What he didn't expect was your first and only choice being Hawkins new haunted house. He tried to persuade your mind on going to the pumpkin patch instead, but your mind was already made up. He was taking you to that haunted house.
Eddie pretended like scary stuff didn't bother him much. He could sit down with you and watch scary movies all night long. Only jumping when a masked killer appeared from out of nowhere. He played it off like he was re-adjusting to get more comfortable.
You always knew he was actually more scared than he led on because after your movie night, the lights in his home stayed on. He didn't care if his Uncle Wayne came home and threw a fit. Those lights were not getting shut off until the sun was out.
You, on the other hand, loved any and all things scary. Halloween was your absolute favorite time of year. Which is why Eddie tried his best to enjoy it just as much as you did. He loved seeing you weirdly giddy at the sight of people in zombie costumes. How you jumped for joy and excitement standing in line to see a new horror movie at the theater.
Now, as you both make your way down, different hallways covered in various props. Fake blood splattered on the walls and spooky sounds playing on the speakers, setting the perfect mood. Scare actors chasing or popping out from around different corners.
The sound of others screaming ahead of you, alterting what's about to come next. A giant smile plastered on your face as you make your way through the house while Eddie tagged along behind you very closely. His eyes closed most of the time, and his heart beating a mile a minute.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you owe me big time." He spoke while hesitantly peaking down an empty hallway, making sure no one was lurking.
"Fine, what do I owe you?" You sighed, turning your head to look at him.
He paused, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh, please, as if you didn't get enough already yesterday." You rolled your eyes, taking his hand guiding him around another dark corner. There were fake arms and legs hanging from the ceiling. Every once in a while, his head would bump into one, and you'd hear a quiet "ew" from behind.
"I could never get enough, especially if it's coming from you." He bent down to whisper in your ear.
"I literally made you tomato soup yesterday. Now you want it again?" It's not even cold enough yet for soup."
"I want gold fish to put in it this time and add that green stuff that looks like bad weed," He added proudly as his head bumped yet again into another fake arm dangling from the ceiling.
"Oh, you mean the green stuff that looks like your weed." You teased.
You heard him gasp from behind you, and before he even had a chance to argue back, a girl with long black hair covering her face popped out from a fake mirror on the wall, making him shrill with fear. He gripped your arm so tight you swear it's losing going to go numb.
"…You’re cutting off the circulation in my arm."
"Oh? S-sorry. Just… "Got a little tense, is all. I swear I’m not scared, though! Why would I be scared of fake shit like that, anyway?" He motions around, letting go of you. He's trying to gain his composure as if he hasn't been terrified the entire time. Pretending like he was never scared in the first place, but you know the truth. Those screams were genuine fear coming from within him.
He goes to continue on, "What do you take me as— AHH! FUCKING GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU FUCKHOLE—"
You swear you've never seen him move this fast before. His body probably resembled something of a blur to the others you were sure of it. You couldn't help but chuckle a little as he ran through the entire place until the glowing exit sign was in sight. Maybe you should have picked the pumpkin patch for date night instead.
Before Eddie could finish, a large man with a fake chainsaw creeps up from behind him. The buzz from the saw startling him so bad that he takes you by the hand and bolts through the house. Running down corridors and various small rooms filled with people dressed like grotesque monsters.
They reached for him before they even noticed you. Eddie never stopped screaming and cursing as he made a beeline through the house with your hand tightly in his. You heard him repeatedly reassure that he's going to get you out of here.
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
velvette stressing about a date with reader/getting ready
so stressed, obsessed
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navigation // rules // masterlist
summary: how the getting ready for a date looks from velvette perspective
warnings: NOT PROOF READ; some cursing probably, you can count some parts as suggestive
note: i made headcanons out of this cause it fitted more for me (it just looks like headcanons it’s literally a one shot but let’s skip that) i was having a stressful night and just wanted to get it out:)
note 1.2: i love writing my princess as a mess cause as much as she loves being organised i can’t get messy velvette out of my head:) - it’s about balance yk?
requests: open!!
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ღ | velvette was soo excited about the date and hear me out, so excited. of course, she was going on a lot of dates i mean look at this girl but this time it felt… different
ღ | the time you asked her out (cause we both know she wouldn’t do it if she actually liked someone and was nervous around them) she tried to play it off and it actually worked until you heard her little giggle when she thought you wouldn’t be able to hear it
ღ | the first thing she did after you’ve asked her out was literally stumble through her whole wardrobe to find something to wear that night you two were gonna meet up. she shuffled through all of her clothes and groaned in frustration as nothing was even close to being enough to what she had in mind for that night
ღ | velvette decided she was gonna try and make something to wear and the start of it was really promising, but soon after she got to like half the dress she thrown it out of her hands and groaned loudly not feeling like her skills were enough (which is fucking RARE for this girl)
ღ | she grabbed her phone and looked up some dresses online trying to find *the one* but nothing seemed right to her. she locked her phone and thrown it away on the ground, jumping on her bed and falling with her face right into her pillows. she wanted everything to be perfect and yet it felt like the whole hell was against her
ღ | soon after her mumbling to herself that everything is shit and she shouldn’t even go on this date, she fell asleep her hair getting out of control, as always when she slept without earlier preparation for it
ღ | the next morning she woke up on her own, her eyes opening slightly as she had no clue she had fallen asleep the day before. she sat up on her bed and unwilling stumbled out of it to grab her phone and check the time
ღ | her hair literally straightened out on its own when she saw the time. it was way too late for her usual routine and by now she should’ve been already in her studio preparing her show. she groaned, which was like literally the only noice she was making for the past two days, and send vox a quick message that she won’t be able to make it today so he has to think something out
ღ | she sighed as she thrown her phone away once again and laid back down starring at the ceiling, rethinking every decision she has ever made in her entire life
ღ | after about half an hour she was already in front of her wardrobe looking for something at least decent to wear for tonight. after many and i mean, many difficulties she has finally chosen a dress matching it with some high boots, a silky jacket and a small purse in the same color as that dress. she wasn’t fully proud and happy with the choice but it was the best she could do. she rolled her eyes throwing that outfit on her bed and stormed into her bathroom knowing she’s already way too behind in her daily routine
ღ | because she has fallen asleep yesterday without planning it first, she had no idea what hairstyle should she wear for tonight. i mean sure- she has thought about it a million times already but hasn’t decided on anything yet. she looked herself in the mirror her hands immediately touching her face in all the spots she wanted to change or just get fixed and sighed feeling her anxiety rising up
ღ | velvette shook her head, took out her phone putting on her favourite playlist to get ready, and undressed, getting into the shower and preparing for one of the longest showers of her life. she turned the water on, heat of it hitting her skin immediately as she sighed in pleasure, getting her favourite shampoo and razor from one of the shelves. she bubbled up her hair and rinsed it out almost immediately putting on some conditioner and making sure not to wet her hair for a while. she then get to washing and dolling up all of her body. she quickly shaved her legs, armpits and decided to shave between her legs as well i mean- you never know what can happen right? especially if you’re in hell
ღ | after removing all of that hair from her body, she rinsed herself off and put on body scrub, scrubbing all of her dead skin off and doing it a bit too aggressively for her liking but what you’re not doing for beauty right? she rinsed off the body scrub as well and finally cleaned her whole body with rose soap getting herself all nice and clean. then she rinsed the conditioner from her hair and washed it with shampoo one again
ღ | finally, she stopped the water and get out of the shower shaking her head before getting out. she grabbed her favourite towel and wrapped it around herself, grabbing a special towel for her hair and wrapping it up as well. she looked herself in the mirror once again and smiled, handing for a body cream to get herself even more soft than she already has been
ღ | after doing so, she took out her face cosmetics and washed her face, doing a face mask in the spare time and then putting on milion of her creams and serums to made sure she was perfect for tonight
ღ | she took a deep breath as she looked at the time and realised she had to fasten up the whole process a bit. she unwrapped her hair from the towel and thrown it on the glass of her shower to dry, as she shook her head once again to feel if her hair needs fake drying or not
ღ | velvette whined and walked out of her bathroom still wrapped in her towel, as she walked over to her wardrobe to pick out some underwear. she quickly decided on a red set with pink and blue hearts on it, and panties that didn’t leave much to imagine. she smirked looking down at it, hoping she wouldn’t wear it for nothing tonight as she walked back to her bathroom putting it on
ღ | being in only her underwear she got started on her makeup knowing it’s probably going to take up most of her time. she took out all of her cosmetics and stuff and got to work. she was singing along to her playlist and actually having a good time while putting all of it on, her mind letting her anxiety go down for a few moments. she was doing her usual routine with her makeup, but also added small hearts around her eyes, something she didn’t do normally, every one of them matching her eyeshadow
ღ | when she was done she looked at the time and realised she needed to be ready in about an hour. her eyes widened as she stormed out of the bathroom and grabbed her picked out outfit, walking over to the huge mirror in her room looking herself up and down. she smiled to herself seeing her body, she was never the one to be insecure about it or at least that’s what she was telling herself, and started putting on the dress having a little trouble with it as she was trying not to get it wet with her still wet hair. she let out a sigh as she managed to put on the dress without any unwanted problems and sat down on the floor to put on her boots. she bit her lip, her thoughts going to the planned date again as she felt her nerves rising again. she took a deep breath trying to calm herself but it did nothing. she zipped up one of her boots and looked at it in the mirror smiling and admitting to herself that it didn’t actually look as bad as she thought it did. she quickly put on the other boot and made a little spin in front of her mirror admiring how her look turned out
ღ | she took another deep breath and ran to the bathroom to dry her hair. she looked at the time and tried not to freak out more as the hour of your meeting was getting closer and closer. she took out the hairdryer from one of the cabinets and plugged it in, knowing it’s gonna take her a while to get at least a presentable hairstyle
ღ | she has been drying her hair and drying as finally they become fully dry. she smiled to herself in the mirror and when she glanced at the time she instantly freaked out. if she didn’t leave now, she’d be late. but her hair wasn’t fully done
ღ | velvette bite her lip and grabbed her phone writing you a message that she was gonna be late a bit and trying not to make it sound as nervous as she was feeling at that moment. did it work? you can just imagine how that message look, i mean it was something along the lines of:
hiya babes, i’m gonna be a little bit late, hope you will wait for me xx
i’m running late, so just wait for me and don’t you dare say anything about it when i finally get there, see ya xoxo
ღ | safe to say she was even more stressed out now. she quickly grabbed her hairbrush and started aggressively brushing her hair getting mad at herself more with every second and every brush passing. she let out a whine sounding like she was at the edge of crying and looked at herself in the mirror reminding herself, that she can’t cry now as it would ruin her makeup and she’d need even more time to fix it
ღ | velvette took a deep breath and grabbed another conditioner to style her hair. after a few moments she managed to pull her iconic two ponytails while leaving her bangs curled (like her natural hair, i have ep. 8 in mind)
ღ | she smiled to herself admiring how good she actually looked and quickly grabbed her phone storming out of her bathroom, grabbing her early picked-out jacket along with her purse and immediately left the vee’s building like it was literally on fire
ღ | as she was walking to the spot you two agreed on, she felt like her whole skin was on fire, her heart was pounding in her chest and the biggest lump was forming in her throat. she tried calming down as she started brainlessly scrolling through all of her social media’s but nothing seemed to help. she shoved her phone annoyed into her purse and cursed herself in her mind for choosing such a small one. her thoughts were getting louder and louder with every second, even starting to tell her that this whole date was a huge mistake and she shouldn’t have agreed to it
ღ | she was inside her head the whole time as she finally reached the spot you two chose and saw you standing before it, waiting for her yet not looking mad that she was late. her head became empty in a second and an uncontrollable smile creeped onto her face as she walked over to you with her usual confidence, yet her stomach was starting to fill up with butterflies. she finally reached you and greeted you with a small wave and a simple “hi” to which you immediately responded with another “hi”, wide smile and a wave back
ღ | velvette was sure there and then that no matter what outfit she would’ve picked or whatever hairstyle she pulled or if she even showed up two hours late looking like an old windbag (see what i did here?;) all of her doubts would leave instantly when she saw your beautiful smile that was apparently reserved for her only
ღ | the date, obviously, went amazingly and you guys picked out another day to meet up once again, despite the fact that that night velvette wasn’t alone walking back to the vee’s tower and definitely wasn’t the only one sleeping in her bed
ღ | the hopes she had while picking out the underwear before going out definitely got fulfilled
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Actually now that I'm thinking about it, the people in charge of picking the needle drops in OFMD understood the fucking assignment. Literally every one feels like it could be written into the script. It's genuinely amazing.
"High on a Rocky Ledge" being about taking a leap of faith into a new life, playing after Stede has decided his family is here at sea? Inspired.
"The Empty Boat" perfectly encapsulating Ed's despair at where he is in life and feeling of treading water?
"Perfect Day" is amazing on so many levels; it's nails how Ed's perfect day is falling apart as he's rowing away, it says "you made me think I was someone else, someone good," and if that's not an Ed line I don't know what the fuck is, and then "you're gonna reap just what you sow" demonstrating how Stede feels like going back to his family is a punishment? Fucking incredible.
"Avalanche" just nailing Ed's descent back into the persona he hates; "these crumbs of love that you offer me, they're the ones I've left behind" as he has the crew throw Stede's things he so loved overboard.
"Run From Me" is just...wow. It's all been said before but holy shit wow. It makes Ed's feeling of despair as he looks longingly at the cake toppers and makes the choice to end his life so palpable, and then how we get the "run" repetition at the end of the episode, as the shift from the slow, sad, almost lullaby-esque start of the song to the ending that feels like Ed's desperation for things to be over just pounding through the scene?
"Seabird" is my favorite, probably - "lonely seabird, you've been away from land too long" playing as Ed returns to the ship with Stede after his impossible bird speech is just incredible.
It's honestly incredible. Not a single flop. You can take a selection of any songs used in this show and analyze the fuck out of them and you will find things to echo the themes and what characters are going through. Now whenever I hear needle drops in other shows/movies I'm just like ":/ more effort please"
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rowretro · 4 months
𝐃𝐨𝐠 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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request by @nikipedia07 Jakie jakieeee
✧warnings: violent descriptions, yandere/toxic themes, mentions of blood, slut shaming, drugging
✧synopsis: Jake was your darling boyfriend, whom you loved. He seemed sweet, perfect, loving the problem was... he loved you too much. so you had to break it off with him, but you can't because you know he'll hurt you. However, he had no choice but to break up with you thanks to the police... but what would you do when he returns?
It's been almost 3 months since the incident. Jake was filthy rich so it would be no surprise that he got out of jail early. You couldn't break up with him, you couldn't run nor hide. You always wondered how you fell for him in the first place. At one point you were crushing on Jay, giggling at his compliments, getting so obviously shy every time he was near. Everyone knew you liked him.
Yet, you ended up dating Jake. The male had stolen your heart when you were at your worst, crying over Jay. He made you believe Jay was dating Yena, who was literally Jay's cousin, but it's not like you knew. You didn't know until Jay found you bloodied and bruised, hiding by a tree. That's when you started falling out of love with Jake.
You cheated on him with Jay. How could you stay in a relationship and force yourself to love a man that manipulates you and beats the living hell out of you if you even breath the same air as another man, when the man whom you believed to be your soulmate held you in his arms whisperring sweet nothings?.
Three months. that's how long you and Jay were able to date peacefully. No Jake, no drama, no violence, no nothing. Even if Jake were to be released, he can't kill Jay, if he did, he knows he will be locked up for eternity. Oh but Jake had very different plans. Plans that came to light when he broke into your beautiful home with Jay. Fuck he was so fucking mad at you.
"You little mother fucking whore?!... you left me for this mother fucker?!!! why?! for his money? did he offer you money to suck his mother fucking dick?!!!" Jake yelled, yanking your hair painfully. Beside you, One of Jake's men held a knife to Jay's throat, the male's arms and legs held down. Jake was mad.
It hurt you so bad to hear him speak like that to slut shame you and say such vulgar things. You just wanted to love someone, to be known and loved, to be treated the way you deserve to be treated, to have someone to turn to without being scared. That's all you wanted. Jake gripped your jaw, forcing you to stare at him, all the while, His men injected Jay with a pretty special and extremely expensive drug.
"Fine... stay with him then baby..." he finally said, pushing you toward him as the men untied him. "Y/n? what are you doing here?... why is the house a mess did someone break in? should I call Jake?" Jay asked as you frowned "babe?... w-what do you mean call jake?" you asked as he frowned.
"babe?... gurl- if this is your way of cheating or some shit please stop. Jake's my mate and the last thing I need is for him to think his own gf is cheating with me," he explained as he got up, brushing himself off." You couldn't believe your ears "b-but babe? are you scared he'll hurt us? he just let us be Jay, I fucking love you!" You cried as the male pushed you away, glaring at you.
"Y/n I put this nicely. I don't love you. You're Jake's girlfriend and clearly he deserves better, so please just get out." He warned as he shoved her out of the house. The girl cried, walking through the streets, freezing cold, there she found herself at the last place she thought she'd end up. Jake's doorstep.
"Oh sweetheart... what's wrong? realized that no one can love you the way I do?!" Jake asked as she just rested her head against his chest "s-sorry..." she mumbled, sniffling against his chest, her heart ached from the way Jay acted as if he didn't love her, like those past 3 months were her delusions. She just wanted to disappear there and then.
Now she feels pathetic. She's back where she started in the arms of Sim Jake. "see baby you'll remember we're in a dog eat dog world, where everyone wants to take you from me, You belong with me Sim Y/n..." Jake said with a smirk as the girl grew drowsy.
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pellelavellan · 2 months
@quiisquiliae from here
"There is always a lesser evil." The inquisitor insisted.
He expected backlash for the choices made at the masquerade ball from a number of people: his advisers, the people of Orlais, shit even people who weren't Orlesian. He'd done what he had to, and as far as he was concerned had done nothing he wasn't told to do. He was told to make a decision, and he did. The circumstances were not perfect, but he saw an opportunity fall in front of him and he took it.
He wasn't happy about cozying up to people who would certainly sell him for a crust of bread, doing them favors, smiling and thanking them for backhanded compliments. He hated every second of it. But that was the game had to be played. It was necessary to play people, get them to think he was on uninformed of their political squabble or they'd keep their mouths shut. If he knew anything about the sorts of people that wandered that ballroom, it was that they loved to talk about themselves, and thought their opinions and ambitions were the most interesting thing to be heard. So he let them think whatever they wanted if it got them babbling.
Truth was he had done his research, and he had actually hoped he might meet Briala at the ball. There were questions that needed answers. Some she could tell him herself and some her body language and inflections would tell for her.
He needed to know if somewhere down there she still cared for the Empress, or the Empress for her. He got that answer, and he used that information accordingly.
"I know what you must think. I acted with an agenda to impose. I manipulated two women who have no business together into forgiving each other, one of which as I see it has no right to forgiveness. I put in a precarious situation to prove a point, and used their affections for each other against them. But do you not think it is better this way for them to see that two people, and one who they would otherwise overlook can work together? Do you not see that men who will do anything to seize power are better off removed before they become a deeper problem?" He sighed. Talon wasn't really the person to argue this with.
It wasn't like Talon was deeply involved in the political turmoil that was the Orlesian court, or that he could perchance offer a better solution. He had asked a question, he hadn't accused him or anything.
"Listen, I don't know if I did the right thing. That's kind of the shitty part about all of this isn't it?" He was very stressed, visibly so. Pacing around the war room babbling all his concerns to no one in particular. The feelings he had were somewhere between anger and fear. Angry that he was certain some would see his actions as a threat, or a ploy to force his ideals onto an entire country, and afraid of the consequences those notions would create. "I don't think anyone knows really. We all just do things and hope they don't come back to bite us in the ass. This certainly will, and I know, I fucking know it will!"
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steddiecameraroll · 1 year
It Takes a Muscle to Fall In Love - Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
“Shit, shit, shit, shit.” Eddie runs his hands through his hair in frustration.
He’s anxiously pacing around his bedroom, questioning every life choice he’s ever made.
“You ok, boy?” Wayne pops his head into Eddie’s doorway.
“I fucked up. I fucked up soooooo bad. He’s never gonna talk to me again. Why did I do that? I’m such an idiot.” 
Wayne saunters into Eddie’s room and sits on the edge of his mattress. He pats the space beside him, motioning for Eddie to join him.
“What happened?”
Eddie huffs and sits next to Wayne before falling back on the mattress, his hair flopping around him. “Steve. I lied to Steve. Perfect, gorgeous, beautiful, Steve. I’m an idiot.” Eddie covers his eyes with his arm and groans. “I just…he’s so perfect, and I didn’t think there was any way…what do I do, Wayne?”
“What was the lie?”
“That I had a date this weekend.”
“Wasn’t your D&D thing this weekend?”
“Yeeeesss,” Eddie kicks his legs like a frustrated toddler. “I’m an idiot. I didn’t think it through. I just didn’t want him to regret what happened and not make him nervous or freak out or whatever. I didn’t think about it. I just said it to take the pressure off us, off of him.”
“Did somethin’ happen between you two?”
“Yeah…” Eddie trails off, remembering the feel of Steve’s body against his. “It was good…perfect. Best day of my life, and I fucked it up.” He chuckles with a lack of humor.
“Why’d you tell him you had a date if you didn’t and had such a nice time?”
“I was nervous. I didn’t want him to hate me. I thought he’d freak out and regret it.”
“Did he seem like he was upset?”
Eddie sat up, leaning back against his palms. “N-no, I didn’t want him to get upset, so preventative, more or less.”
“Had he made it clear you two were only friends? Didn’t want more?”
“No, not exactly. Steve’s never…I was…He doesn’t want that.” Wayne has always supported Eddie but doesn’t want to cross a line for Steve and share too much.
“I’ve seen you two together. Has he said that outright? Or are you making decisions for the boy?”
“No…it’s just…” Eddie sits up and leans his elbows on his knees.
“You two should talk. And stop making assumptions and let him tell you what he wants.” Wayne lays his palm against Eddie’s upper back and rubs in comforting circles.
“I didn’t want to lose him,” Eddie says quietly.
“And you won’t if you’re honest and talk to him, but if you keep trying to trick him, boy, you will.”
“Fuck, what if he doesn’t want to talk to me?”
“I’m gonna guess he wants some answers. Sure, he’s probably mad, but he’s also probably confused. He doesn’t know why you did it, so who knows what he’s thinking instead.”
“Oh god,” Eddie lets his head fall, his hair shielding his face. “So stupid.”
“Well, I gotta head to work, but good luck, ok? We can talk tomorrow if you want.”
“Thanks. Hopefully, I won’t have a black eye the next time you see me.”
“You won’t.” Wayne gently pushes Eddie’s shoulder, then stands and heads out of the room.
Eddie falls back onto the mattress with a huff, dreading the idea of facing Steve.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @sunfloweringstories @solalasoforth @blackpanzy @gw3n-st4cy @starman-jpg @sofadofax @goodolefashionedloverboi @stxrcrossed186 @loguine-linguine @vampireinthesun @unclewaynemunson @saganarojanaolt @annoyinglyfanon @vacantwatchers @remuslupinisthevoiceofgod @coffeeshopau69 @bookbinderbitch @lemon-astra @koyislosinghismind @a-gae-af-racoon @booksareportal  @zoeweee @rustypeopleskillz @foolishness-and-confusion @child-of-cthulhu @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @tinynebula  @zelpharnorlee @novelnovella @theystoodandplayedwithsilence @n0-1-important @blisschaoss @ladygrimheart @nerdylocksandthethreebears @suddenlyinlove @shotgunhallelujah @verysadaveragegal @warlordess  @bisexualdisastersworld @my2amgaythoughts @bookworm0690  @thesuninyaface @novacorpsrecruit @lolawonsstuff @angeldreamsoffanfic
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mistyyyy · 6 months
How about a tall black reader who's father is a na'vi and mother is human causing her to have shading of blue on her arms and feet ( not t like vitiligo) and she has the same nerves sistem of na'vi and is taller than the avatar boys and is a super dom
Thinking about you
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I have two versions of this, I couldn't decide what to do but I think I made the right choice. The first one was peepee poopoo. sorry for not updating on this page for mooooonths but yall know how I do lol. It’s kinda meeehhhh, I need to ease my way back into smut lol
small blurb.
jake sully X black hybrid Navi reader
⚠️content:size kink, slightly perve jake, sub jake sully, jake m-wording (Tumblr is being very strict abt smut) abt you, HEAVY CHOKING KINK (creamin), embarrassed jake lol, small text
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Pandoras sex symbol.
Or at least that's what Jake Sully calls you in his head. You were perfect, everything about you was perfect. The way your brown skin faded into the dark forest blue, the stripes in your body covering your strong limbs from head to toe. You were so fascinating. In a way, you reminded him of Earth, the good parts of it at least. From your human features to the way you wore your camo lioncloth. But what got him the most was your height. You were taller than most, maybe the tallest out of the clan, standing at a confident 9ft with the prettiest tight curly hair that mostly stayed in braids, wooden beads always sporting them. Your eyes were a little smaller than the regular Navi, but they were still that pretty amber he grew to love.
And that voice. Good lord above. He couldnt even count on his 10 didgets how many times he had goosebumps from it. It was deeper than the average womens, and he loved it. Especially when you talked in his ear after you pushed him into the floor by his neck. That with the combination of your strong thighs straddling him between your body. "come on sully, do better." it was a gentle scold, your accent causing his sweaty body to spasm under your heavy body, this movement making you drive him more into the dirt, hot bodies pressing into each other. "you're killing me right now.." he grunts, his hips pulling back into the dirt in hopes to not meet yours. "not yet at least." You pulled back, handing coming back from his neck with a cocky grin. You always won these competitions. Being born and raised here, trained by the RDA soldiers and the local navi before they got sent away. You were born to overpower him, even if he's been on the planet for 15 years.
He could never win against you, not that he wanted to, always ending up below you was his favorite part of the day. Every time the two of you would split up to go home, he didn't waste time pulling his matted braids up in a ponytail and stripping from his straining cloth. Dropping to his knees on his bouncy mat bed to grab the base of his thick cock. Impatient movements, he brought his hand back up to spit in his hand and back down to gently fist his tip. Frantic pumps going up and down his length with a drawn-out groan, head falling back as his free hand ran over the burning flesh of his abs, thick pecs until it found its way up the blue collums of his neck, holding it tight, giving him the light headed feeling you gave him a few times a week.
"fuck..aah shit" he cursed lazily in his native langueage, eyes fighting to stay open as his wet hand grips and twists the dripping head of his dick. Your hand around his thoat, tight even if it was a playful fight, you were so rough with him, always saying he could handle it. Fuck ,I can handle it. He squeezes his throat tighter, the pressure causing him to bite his lip, muffling his whimper as his warm seed squirts onto his fist, dripping down his fingers until it reached his tensed thighs.
Slowly grinding into his hand, letting his high settle, his eyes flutter open and looked down at the mess he's made once he came to a stop. Oh god, she'd kill me.
Very not edited
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lovelykhaleesiii · 8 months
Okay, first of all, you are amazing bb! Love ya 💟 Second of all, what about that kind of disturbing idea. So we have Aegon! College Au. He falls for a quiet straight A’s girl. His total opposite. Becomes so obsessed and crazy over her that fucks only girls that look like her and jerks off to her innocent eyes. So let’s say one night he sees her at the party all alone. A perfect opportunity to make her drunk and high enough to fuck and tie up to him. So when he discovers her being a virgin he straight away makes her date him and eventually has her to his own! That’s it! Have free will to make this stalker shit-head chubby! With some real good smut 😋
My Dream Girl...
PAIRING: chubby!FratBoy!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Stark!Reader [MODERN College AU]
WORDS: 2,526.
WARNINGS: possessive!Aegon ii, mentions of virginity/losing virginity, female receiving (fingering), mentions of p in v sexual intercourse, innocence kink, praise kink, slight manipulation, boob play, mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption.
A/N - ahhh bestie, apologies for the delay in responding, but this idea had me frothing. I have such a weakness for the good girl x bad boy trope idc!!! thank you for sending this incredible idea in and trusting me to write it... hope I did it justice!
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She was a comforting sight... An incomparable beauty who was ignorant to her own potential. His audacious mind often wandered of how weak she would feel beneath this bare touch, how warm her panting breath would feel against his flesh, how divine she would taste...
Y/N Stark was unlike any girl he had ever laid eyes on before: not the typical choice for his quick, promiscuous rendezvous', she was a different breed. She was meticulous and studious, barely ever hearing a peep from her in class, with the exception of being spontaneously called upon to answer a question. She diligently did so, and yet with a softness in her voice, he could barely hear her words. She was bright, top of the class in fact, and yet quite reserved. He never truly saw her speak to others willingly nor did she socialise outside of class, often finding her succumbed to the quiet and stillness of the library, buried in dense texts hidden in some desolate corner. And yet, that made him want her even more, an insatiable desire to take her there and then in that corner, or in class, on her desk, or by her locker... The thoughts frequented his mind more often than usual, and more sinful... Aegon often felt feverish if he allowed his mind to dwell for long.
And as revolting as it would be, he could only truly sate himself with females of a similar resemblance to Y/N. Uncanny at the very least, he would often bed with girls, avoiding to stare directly or for too long, as he feared that his mind would soon decipher the difference, and the reality that it still was not her... He was desperate to deceive himself. He even went so far as to gather photographs of Y/N, whatever he could get his measly, pudgy hands on, envisioning her lustful face, her helpless moans begging for more of his, as he would fervently stroke his own hard cock. Pining for her with each devious paw, breathlessly cursing beneath a whisper at his misfortune.
He knew that luck would run out soon: that some fellow, more deserving of Y/N would whisk her away... And who was to say she was not already taken?
No, no... He consumed: he would pursue her still, possess her and keep her safe from harm's way, from the relentless harm of some infirm boy undeserving of even just a mere ounce of her attention.. Aegon truly deserved her: he had been convinced he would be the only rightful man to spoil her with joy, the only man to please her and sate her every need and desire. Only the best treatment for his special, dream girl, and he was certain to uphold that by any means possible...
"Invite her, Aemond... I know she's your closest rival in Anatomy. Invite her and just make sure she attends the party-" "And what would I get in return, exactly? You do realise she's an utter loner? The odds of her even showing up are slim to-" "You either make sure she does, and I won't have to fucking tell everyone about how you really lost that fucking eye, hmm? You know the sore, pathetic way you lost that eye. Lose all your credit with the ladies, you might just end up the freak of the year."
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There she stood, her curves wrapped tightly in a red, velvet fabric, a long-sleeve modest dress. Although her body was frigid, her doe eyes intensely scanning the neon lit, dim room, small hands fidgeting in her lap with not a drink in sight, she was here. Anxious, it made his heart flutter with some warming amusement, a low chuckle escaping him lips, as he skulled a mouthful of the cheap, bitter beer to muffle his spontaneous laugh. Although Lannister had been incessantly yapping away by his, gripping, pulling and leaning towards Aegon's heavier mass, as he defeatedly tried to speak against the overpowering music. Aegon's concentration was fixated elsewhere...
"Excuse me-" Aegon lowly interrupted Jason, before brushing his lanky arm off his broad shoulder: Jason momentarily caught off guard as he witnessed Aegon walking ahead, only spared a few seconds before continuing on his ramble with the group before him.
"That doesn't seem right for a pretty girl to be sitting all alone, by herself at a party-"
His tone deep, yet a chord above a whisper, substantial for you to make sense of his moving mouth. Aegon had never spoken, let alone uttered a word to you before… The sudden change in his behaviour, felt a wave of unease across your body, as your empty stomach churned nauseously. Not that you were the type to catch his eye, nor the type of “partner” he often pursued the needy company of. And yet, here he stood in all his glory before you: his height towered your own menacingly, and his build was much larger, a wider frame than most of the boys across the campus. Mayhaps, he was an ex jock, you couldn’t truly say.
Despite Aegon being widely known around campus, as a vivid party goer, you scarcely knew about him personally, other than whispering, corridor rumours.
You knew more about the ventures and intricate details of his cock, than his interests and hobbies, as most of the female body would often gossip about their run ins with him. Not that you were unimpressed or disgusted… It was all quite, invigorating.
“Earth to Y/N!-” A more grander octave than before, his roar managed to snap you back to reality, drawing your attention solely unto him, as he intently ogled at you, eyeing you from head to toe, with a friendly smile across his face… And yet, the smile made no difference to your unsettled mind.
“You alright? You seem a little… Tense?”
“I-uh- I’m just n-not used to parties, y'know?… A-And I’m certainly not u-used to you s-speaking to me.”
The shy stutter in her voice was enough to make Aegon's heart skip a beat. Adorable, he thought.
"Is that so? Have we really never spoken before?" He lightly chuckled, taking another tasteful swallow of his beverage.
"Not that I can recall... Do you even know my name, Aegon?"
A swirl of his immediate emotions from the pit of his stomach felt conflicting: on one hand it stung that she thought him ignorant and ill-mannered enough to not know her name... And yet, the pleasant sound of his name, uttered from her lips, was plenty to make his cock twitch with sheer excitement.
"Of course I do, Y/N. You don't think I would know the name of the prettiest girl in class?"
The heat of your cheeks was enough for you to know they were reddened by his words. The friendly smile strewed across Aegon's handsome face, stirred about an elating sensation, and yet your self-doubt trampled the feeling.
Was he doing this all as part of some ill-twisted joke? A dare invoked by his fellow frat-boys, in repayment for some meaningless reward? Or was he simply that desperate to get inside your pants, considering he had bedded most of the female body...
"Aegon, stop it. I-I know what you're getting at... Just think outside of yourself, just this once. I'm not up for some stupid game-"
Just as your foot was inclined to take a brave step forward, a large, firm grip around your elbow kept you stationary.
"Hey-Hey, who said this was a game? I-I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now, Y/N... I guess I was just... Afraid."
Your plump mouth fallen agape, as your eyes widened in a titillating disbelief. Instead of taking the step forward, you took one back, taking Aegon's fascinating presence in.
"Y-You're afraid of me? The frat-boy of the campus is afraid of m-me?"
It was amusing on your behalf now: witnessing a grown, monumental figure that Aegon was strolling mindlessly around campus, unable to maintain eye contact as his unmoving gaze now fell to his shuffling feet.
"W-Well I just think you're beautiful, and you're incredibly smart. Definitely, too smart for the likes of me. Just don't think I would ever get a chance with you."
Once again, your meek body felt feverish as you were certain the evidence was plastered across your reddened, grinning face.
"You still think you got a chance, big boy?"
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How the night had escalated in what felt like a mere span of an hour, you could not gather with certainty... Your mind clouded in clear judgement, slightly faint and tipsy, the earliest memory you could reminisce was a blend of pure laughter, gentle touching with Aegon, as he continued to pour your drinks.
You found yourself, in the intimate, privacy of his slightly unkempt dorm. He had adamantly kicked the previous couple out, as he reassuringly held your hand in his, leading you to follow his steps. Charmingly, you ended up comfortably sat atop Aegon's thick, sprawled lap.
"Fuck, you're beautiful-"
Aegon's rough hand reached towards your neck, gently stroking aside your loose strands, his handsome face leaning towards you until his plump lips softly fell onto your tender skin.
"Easy, Aeg-"
Immediately, Aegon pulled himself away, meeting your gaze with a furrowed brow.
"What's wrong, Princess?"
"I-I've just had a few to drink, and don't think this is the right thing to be doing... I-I've never really done this before, either," You reluctantly whisper, your fidgeting hands stopped, as Aegon's fingers entwined with yours, caressing your soft skin.
"As in you've never hooked up with anyone?"
"As in I-I'm-ugh-I'm-"
"It's okay, Y/N. Whatever you say, baby, stays with me."
Your busty chest [thanks to the supportive push-up bra], heaved with a final, deep breath, buying the time to build your final push of courage.
"I'm a virgin, Aeg... I-I've never done this before," Shyly you admit, as you place a loose strand behind your ear, still avoiding any ounce of eye contact with Aegon's piercing gaze: his lilac orbs did wonders.
"Y/N, princess... You have no reason to be ashamed, sweetheart. I find that quite attractive actually. I won't push it, if you don't want to, I can wait-"
"R-Really? You wouldn't think of me outdated?"
The handsome grin that made you somewhat uneasy upon your first encounter, now felt comforting. His plump lips that looked desirable, now you could taste against your own, as Aegon found his way, pummelling down against your lip-gloss stained mouth into a passionate kiss.
"How could I ever? You are the most previous thing I've ever held in these arms... How could I rush to perfection?"
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In the weeks to progress, you often would pinch yourself, inflicting some pain to make certain this was your reality.
Aegon made every humane effort to ensure you knew how infatuated he was with you, how dear you were to him, and how raw his love was towards you.
He never manipulated nor pressured you into sex: taking it slow and steady, easing you into a few heated make-out sessions, although seizing his lust before things escalated.
He admired just how untainted you were, almost saint-like: adding more remarkable value to your rarity. The idea that he would be responsible for taking your virginity, that he would be the one to pop your sweet, sweet cherry, made the suspense of it all, palpable. He could just inhale the sexual tension oozing from your natural scent.
Much to his anticipation, you were ready.
Aegon patiently eased you in, his grasp and motions tender and light, he was intent on not using his own strength to overpower you so carelessly. His worrisome state had him abruptly and persistently asking if you were okay, before caving into his insatiable lust once more.
It was evident, Aegon knew his way around a woman's body: the effortless sway in how he handled your body, guiding it in certain positions before he found the right one. How his large, pudgy hands found their way kneading and squeezing at your sensitive breasts, earning a helpless moan from your behalf. Even flicking at your bare nipple with his teasing thumb, eliciting sensual whimpers, as you tried desperately to muffle your moans, harshly biting at your lip.
Thoughtless, completely succumbed to Aegon's advances, you felt his thick digits grazing over your slick folds.
"Already so wet, baby? Is my pretty girl ready for me, huh? Are you eager for my cock to sate her needs? Is she ready to be a woman?"
"Mhmm, y-yes, Aeg-"
"No, no, Princess. Now that's not what you call me, hmm."
Incoherent and numb to your own thoughts. You had never felt this oblivious, senseless to your own body, weak at Aegon's mercy.
"B-Big boy, m-my big boy."
The echo of his deep, growling chuckle timely reached your ears, making you eager for more.
"That's my good, good girl. Now show me just how perfect you are."
Where his fingers had once teased at your wet entrance, gently pumping in and out of your tight walls, Aegon's pulsating, reddened tip now grazed in its place instead. For a fleeting instance, you caught a quick glimpse of his cock: its naked sight, although overwhelming, was intriguing. You had seen many in textbooks before, or on porn-sites that you had cheekily ventured to. Yet none looked as grand nor as menacing as Aegon's: a moist, reddened tip, dark veins detailed along his length, you could just sense the throbbing ache of it. The length average, his girth was substantially exceptional: there was no doubt it would hurt, regardless.
The slow, steady ease into your folds, having to add some extra push to his shove, vigorously bucking his wide hips forward: did his cock manage to push through the tense fit.
Painful cries etched from your lips, as your face subtly grimaced in pain, the unfamiliar sensation was both agonising yet exhilarating. The feeling of your tight, velvet folds clenching over Aegon's mass, desperate to bury every inch of him deep inside of you.
"That's it, baby. Y-You're doing such a fucking good job, argh- I can just feel how desperate your pussy is for my cock. Made perfect to fit me."
His deep groans in unison to your breathless moans and pleas of his name, was a symphony to your ears. Sweet, jovial music.
"My perfect princess. H-How did I get so lucky, huh? I don't deserve you and yet, you were made just for me... The girl of my dreams, you are. My dream girl."
The soothing appraisal uttered in between Aegon's moans was beyond satisfying. His rough hands glued to your fleshy ass cheeks covering your surface in its entirety, nudging your sweaty, frail body once more in rhythm to his every harsh thrust: encouraging you to sway backwards and forwards, as his cock stretched you keenly out, swallowing him whole.
"I'm going to take good, real care of my dream girl. My dream girl won't need anyone else, when I'm around, not that anyone else can care for you l-like I can, ugh- That is my promise to you."
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general taglist - @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @hightowhxre @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1 @aegonslawyer
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @bucknastysbabe @jawline-of-steel
credit for dividers - @/itbmojojoejo
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Would you mind talking more about Ghost? I dig your interpretation on him so i'm curious if you'd share your thoughts; since i know how COD in general writes these characters and we know romance isn't on the table for them, ESP for someone like Ghost (even confimred by his voice actor too!)
So all that aside, in your opinion, what would it take to win Ghost's heart (or well, Simon's)? :)
It's great to hear you like my interpretation of Ghost! I'll gladly share my thoughts on this, the supposed love life of Simon Riley is one of my favorite subjects 🧐
Thoughts on what would it take to win Simon's heart under the cut ->
To be honest I see it highly unlikely that Ghost would date. I think Samuel Roukin's opinion on this matter was spot on. Simon's traumatic background, trust issues, the need to stay anonymous and his profession as a special ops soldier is just too heavy a combo. His family's murder and multiple betrayals have pushed him on a path of extreme independence and made him evade any kind of attachment.
That being said... I'm a hopeless romantic and love to imagine scenarios just like every other little simp here 🩷💋, and I've pictured (and occasionally written) him to be drawn to someone who is principally the opposite of himself, but who also has a dash of angst in their heart and firsthand experience or at least some basic understanding of complex trauma.
A positive vibes only/sunshine type of person would not resonate well with his darkness, and a carefree joker would only annoy him. Then again, there's Soap – but the thing with John MacTavish is that he shares the same profession and in that way, is not a stranger to the Underworld. Their banter is also evidence enough that Soap is not afraid of Ghost's madness and even looks up to him – actually a perfect way to make someone like Ghost enjoy your company. This man has a terrible praise kink but he can't stand spineless bootlickers. So the adoration should happen in a "I trust you and would follow you to hell & back" kind of way.
However, due to the shit he's been through, I'd say (contrary to popular headcanon, I dunno?) that Simon would likely fall for someone outside the military world. First of all, he's very uncomfortable with the fact that his partner has to fear for his safety. But the fear of losing his partner to the dangers of this profession would be a little too much. It would only trigger a shitload of PTSD stuff. The fear of losing a loved one again would override the mutual experience and bonding through warfare, all the elements which otherwise might be pull factors in a military love interest. On the other hand, people with traumatic backgrounds tend to repeat the pattern, no matter how horrific or unsafe, simply because it's familiar. Still, I'd say someone from the base personnel would be a more alluring option for him. The shared hell, so to say, could make the foundations of this relationship quite dark. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing!
Deep down, Simon would be attracted to softness. Not innocence, per se, just something different from the realm in which he operates. This is why I think he could definitely fall for "a normie". He would appreciate dark humor and a certain kind of fearlessness, however. What ultimately would win his heart is someone who can stand, even cherish, his melancholy and cynicism and life choices and who is not on a quest to change or "fix" him.
I think Simon's ultimate wish is to find a home because he has lost it (or hasn't really had one in the first place). He's a leader and has to provide safety and support on a daily basis to the people under his command. But who offers support and safety to him? He knows how to protect people but doesn't know how to create a safe space, so he would appreciate someone who makes him feel he's finally found his way home. I think he yearns for a small measure of peace and a slice of normal life to wash away the adrenaline and blood and filth, he wants a small corner free from the demons that haunt him, even if he would reluctantly (if ever) admit that he does.
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notiddygxthgf · 9 months
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6. 佐藤 (sato)
★ pairings: rindou haitani x f!reader
★ synopsis: rindou haitani is drawn to your purity, and he's determined to be the one who takes it from you.
★ c.w.: smut, slow burn, corruption kink, obsession, slightly toxic relationship, princess complex, rindou is a huge simp for reader lmao, but he would never admit it, reader is an innocent lil virgin child, ran is the supportive older brother we all need. tw: use of the name y/n (im sorry I had no other choice).
★ a/n: good afternoon people of whoville. I may or may not have downed a Buzzball my roommate got me as a gift on an empty stomach at 10 AM today because I thought my mom would be coming. Idk why I keep underestimating white girl liquor, that shit has me fucked up every time. ANYWAY!! that being said, this chap is obv beta, unedited, virgin. I hope u all enjoy!
★ w.c.; 4k-ish
chapter index
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THE GIRL HAD SOMETHING CLUTCHED tightly in her small hand. It was a crinkled brown baggie. Rindou eyed it up rather dubiously.
“Good morning,” he said, though it sounded rather uncertain.
The two of you were standing beneath the tree where he had met you the last time, the one in front of your apartment. Rindou was wearing a baggy sweater and jeans. You were wearing a similar sweater over your uniform, oddly enough, but it looked a lot cuter on you.
She dropped the little baggie into the palm of his hand. 
“I made it for you,” She said.
He tilted his head. A quick scan down the side of the bag revealed that her statement was true. His name was written in girly lettering on the bottom of it.
The corner of his lip twitched. “What’s this?” He asked.
“Lunch for you!” She answered rather cutely, putting her hand over his and closing his fingers around the bag. 
Rindou paused, glancing down at the bag and then back up at her. Back down at the bag, and back up at her. He felt himself begin to smile.
I want her to fall in love with me .
“I got your text,” she fiddled with the strings of her bag. “Figured I’d make you one more sandwich to eat. It’s not the best, but–”
“Thanks, angel,” He grinned. “Wanna eat together today?”
It became something of a ritual. Every morning, Rindou would wake up an hour and a half earlier than one normally would for school. He would make the trek to her apartment – yes, trek, he had a bike but he didn’t want to use it. Not because he wanted to save gas or anything, he just wanted to stall. He would wait for her beneath the tree outside of her place – usually only for about a few minutes. You were very punctual.
And every morning while you walked down the sidewalk to him, he would make note of the accessories you wore with your uniform. Yesterday, a headband. Today, who knows. It seemed incredibly mundane, but he enjoyed doing it. 
She would hand him his lunch – usually a grilled cheese sandwich, sometimes something else, but always some sort of sandwich – and he would walk her to school. The little baggie almost always had a note of some sort inside of it. 
She didn’t know he had been collecting them at home, of course, but that wasn’t the point.
He liked to think he did a good job of making you feel safe. The people at school parted like the red sea when you strode through the halls. That was because he usually wasn’t too far behind you, but still.
Eventually, word of mouth spread. She began to be known as “Rindou’s Girl”.
Rindou, shockingly enough, did nothing to stop these rumors. He didn’t care if it made people steer clear of her. No, in fact, much of what he did spurred the rumors onward. It was almost too perfect.
He would meet up with her between classes, walking her here and there whenever it aligned with his own schedule. Even if he had gang duties to attend to, he would make sure to be back in time to see his ‘girl’. 
Rindou would have his arm thrown over her shoulder while the two of them bickered down the hall. Nine out of ten times, she would punch him in the side. He didn’t care. It was well worth the (nearly nonexistent) pain.
Again, it was almost too perfect.
“I think you like her,” Ran noted. He stabbed the straw a little deeper into his milkshake, breaking up a few chunks somewhere near the bottom of it. He sucked harshly on the other end of the straw, and when nothing came up, he furrowed his brows.
“I think you might be fuckin’ stupid,” Rindou offered back. He hadn’t bothered to order a milkshake of his own, sticking to a plate of steamed veggies and beef. He had broken his diet for her, and now his stomach pudge was paying the price. “I told you what my intentions were with her.”
“Mmh,” Ran popped one of Rindou’s beef chunks into his mouth. “Your intentions can mean one thing. Don’t matter if what happens is unintentional.”
Rindou took a brief moment to ponder his older brother’s wise words, and very quickly came to the realization that they didn’t make a lick of sense. “Ran, what the fuck does that mean?”
“Means… you can say whatever you want, in theory. Don’t mean that’s what’s actually goin’ on,” Ran picked up his chopsticks and tapped them gently against the side of his ceramic plate. “I could believe I’m, fuckin’... Queen Elizabeth. Don’t mean I actually am. Don’t lie to yourself.”
Rindou leaned back against the leather covering on his booth seat, crossing his arms with a stubborn scowl. “I’m not lyin’ to no one, Ran, It really is not that deep.”
Ran quirked a brow at that, a mischievous glint flashing briefly through his eyes. “Really? So, you’re just casually leaving an hour early every day to walk her to school? Just Buddies? Just casually obsessing over her personal life? Just casually–”
“We are buddies,” Rindou cut his brother short. Technically, that wasn’t a lie. No label, no problem. 
Ran took another sip from his stubborn milkshake and actually succeeded this time. “Sure, yeah,” he teased. “Buddies that just casually make out from time to time, right?”
“Exactly,” Rindou accepted it. At least it was something. “Kinda like the 13 girls you keep on rotation in your phone. Just buddies.”
“Those are fuckbuddies,” Ran rolled his eyes. “Not the same. Unless you’re pipin’ her, in which case–”
Rindou’s frustration seemed to be growing by the second, as seemed to be the trend with Ran. “I’m surprised you’re so invested in my love life – or lack thereof.”
“Woah,” Ran whistled. “ Thereof . That’s a big word for you.”
“You should invest the energy you put towards that into getting a fuckin’ degree,” Rindou snapped back.  
“I’m just saying, for someone who claims to have no emotions attached to this chick, it seems uncharacteristically emotional to go threaten her bullies after school,” The older of the two noted with a pleased hum. “Or how you claim to only wanna use ‘er, but judgin’ by the way you described your little…” Here he paused to wave his hands around, like he was trying to find the words to express his thoughts. “Session… yesterday, I think you’re totally into her.”
The booth the two brothers sat in was small, crammed into a corner in the back of the restaurant. It seemed even smaller now that Rindou was being faced with the daunting possibility of catching feelings for his prey.
“That’s literally not even true,” Rindou tried to defend himself.
Ran raised a brow. “You went through her diary.”
“I was curious,” Rindou replied.
“Why the hell would you be curious if you didn’t give a shit about her?” Ran offered in response, and Rindou hated that he was actually right about something for once. “I think it’s a little more than just a game.”
Rindou knitted his brows together, “I’m just ‘tryna get inside her head.”
“You can barely even get in ‘ya own head half the time, dumbass,” Ran leaned in conspiratorially, his tone dropping to a mock whisper. “You should ask her to the festival if you’re just buddies. I hear the whole town’s goin’.”
Rindou groaned, though his cheeks turned slightly pink. “I’m not goin’ to no fuckin’ fair, bro.”
“Girls love that shit,” Ran pulled his straw out of the shake to point it towards his brother – who tried in vain to ignore the droplet of shake that was flung into his face. “Wanna win her over? Make her feel special.”
Rindou’s chin jutted out defiantly. “I’m gonna win her over. ‘Jus… trying to figure it all out.”
Ran set his milkshake to the side. “Right,” He hummed, sucking the leftover shake off the straw and popping it into the glass. “Well, when you figure things out, extend your girl an invite. Give her a night to remember.”
Rindou sighed, feeling the resistance melt away from his shoulders. “How about I extend my foot up that ass?”
Ran grinned, ruffling his brother’s hair in what would have regularly been considered an affectionate gesture if Rindou weren’t already at his wit’s end with him. 
“Just lookin’ out for you, bro,” he remarked. “Careful playin’ with fire like that. Too close and you can get burnt.”
“Look out for AIDs,” Rindou huffed. “I hear that’s an epidemic these days. You might be in danger.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for you,” Ran’s grin didn’t even falter. “You should go to that fair anyway. ‘M havin’ my girl over that night.”
“Which one?” The blond rolled his eyes.
Ran sat back in his seat, folding his arms over his chest and releasing a content sigh. “Dunno,” he answered. “I’ll find out when she shows up.”
Rindou had decided that he was going to do it today. He was going to walk up to her and ask if she would attend the festival with him tonight. Inevitably, of course, she would say yes. She would say yes, and she would thank Rindou for offering to go with her in the first place.
“I can’t,” The girl lowered her eyes with a frown. “I’m sorry, Rindou.”
His smile dropped. He shook his head. “What?” He asked.
He didn’t think he heard that correctly.
“I already have a date to the festival,” She added, like he was supposed to know that.
He raised a brow at her as she shut her locker behind her. “Who?”
She looked him up and down, gaze climbing over his shirt that most definitely violated the dress code. “Um, a kid who sits behind me in history class… why?”
“You never told me about that,” Rindou pursed his lips, suddenly very angry at this faceless man. 
She shrugged. You know, like it was casual. “Never came up in conversation. I felt bad saying no… so I told him okay.”
On the outside, he was the image of composure. On the inside, he was clawing at the fucking floor. He looked down the now empty hallway, and then back at her. 
“Cancel on him,” He said.
“What?” Her eyes widened at the proposition. “No, why would I do that?”
“What’s his name?” Rindou asked her, leaning down to get a better look at her face. 
Rather than answering his question directly, the girl looked away, tugging on the sleeves of her sweater. “He wants to walk me home today… if that’s okay.”
His eyes shot wide open. In his gut, a deep, rancid feeling began to bubble. It felt as if a hole had opened up somewhere deep within, boiling his blood and making him squirm. 
Is this jealousy?
He thought about the kid walking her home instead of him. He didn’t like it. Not one bit. That was his thing. 
Still, attempting to keep his cool because that’s what Rindou Haitani did in the face of uncertainty, he licked his lips and nodded, “That’s fine, ‘jus figured I’d ask you. My date bailed.”
That was a lie, of course. There was never a date. He was only trying to soften the blow.
Her words were like a knife into his ego. He thought about her showing up with this… this kid, holding his hand. Would he try any funny business with her? Not like he cared, of course, he just didn’t like someone toying around with something he had very clearly called dibs on.
His comment must have missed its mark on her, as she looked at him with all the sorrow of a child that had just been caught stealing a cookie from the jar. 
“I’m really sorry, Rindou. I can’t just flake on him, that’s not right,” She sighed. “But the ladies love you. I’m sure you’ll figure something out!”
I don’t want them, briefly flashed through his mind. I want you.
“Yeah,” He replied, sucking his teeth. His eyes had already wandered down the hallway. “I’ll figure it out.”
The rush in the hallway had died down a bit after the dismissal bell had rung. There were faint echos of chatter and laughter somewhere down the hall, maybe even in a different wing. Rindou leaned casually against the wall, attempting to blend in with the flow. 
The wounds on his ego were still fresh, the sting of jealousy gnawing at him on the inside. So, when the coast was mostly clear, he seized his chance. He slipped through the classroom door that had been left slightly ajar, steps silent as he made his way to the teacher’s desk.
She was an older woman with grey hair and a colorful sweater on. He recognized her as his brother’s old history teacher… and also from the picture he had snapped of the girl from apartment 12A’s schedule.
That’s all she was. Just some chick from apartment 12A. It hurt a little less when he thought about it that way, though it made it a little difficult to justify his actions.
Her back was turned, but she spun around when Rindou knocked twice on the cool surface of her desk. Her eyes went wide as they locked onto his figure. 
“Boo,” Rindou grinned.
“Haitani, what are you doing here?” The woman’s hand fluttered to her chest. Her breath had already gone ragged. “I already told your brother that there was nothing I could have done about him failing– It was administrative, I swea–”
“I’m not here for him,” Rindou sighed, folding his arms and stepping forward. His eyes scanned the room. “You got a ‘[Y/N] [L/N]’ in here during final period, yeah?”
The teacher’s expression shifted from panic to confusion. Slowly, she nodded, still looking at him like a deer in headlights. 
He tried to play it cool. Like he didn’t already know that after practically memorizing her schedule.
“Where does she sit?” Rindou asked, tone hardly veiling his true intentions.
With a trembling hand, she pointed towards a seat by the window. It was empty, of course, but Rindou still nodded, making a mental location of the seat. He could almost picture her there, the sunlight playing in her hair while she absentmindedly twirled a strand around her finger.
His interest shifted, and he inquired further, “Who’s the kid who sits behind ‘er?”
The teacher seemed a little more at ease with this question, but she was still nervous. Poor thing.
“Behind her?” She trailed off. “That would be that quiet kid… what’s his name… Sato, I think. Black hair, big glasses.”
Her vague description painted a vivid image of Sato in Rindou’s mind, glasses perched on his nose, absorbed in his own little world behind her. He probably fantasized about her, little pervert…
He was the only one who was allowed to do that.
“Thanks,” Rindou nodded his gratitude to her. Before he turned to leave, he hesitated. Slowly, he pivoted back towards the teacher, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. “Oh, by the by,” He hummed. “I start this class soon. Figured I should stop by and get to know my teacher-to-be.”
The old woman’s brows shot up in surprise. “Tomorrow?” She thought aloud. “But… you’re not on the roster.”
Rindou’s lips curled up at that. “You should have that fixed,” he replied.
Then he was out the door like nothing had happened.
Rindou’s patience had reached a breaking point. Standing behind the tree he knew far too well – the one he stood before every morning at the same time, his heart pounded. He gazed dutifully at the apartment complex where he knew his target would be around this time.
The school was a 20-30 minute walk. He had left the school around 15 minutes later than the other two had so that he might get there in time to catch the kid coming back.
And there he was, standing no higher than 5’3, exchanging goodbyes with the girl from 12A. His girl from 12A. 
Wait. No, that’s not what he meant.
The door closed. Sato smoothed his hands over the front of his uniform, then stepped away. As the boy returned from her doorstep, an unsuspecting prey. He treaded down the concrete path, turned onto the sidewalk where Rindou was hidden, and approached the tree unknowingly.
Rindou stuck his foot out.
Sato tripped over it, falling to the ground rather unceremoniously, undoubtedly scraping the pale, unblemished skin on his arms and palms. Kid probably never had to defend himself a day in his life.
Today would be a great day for him to start.
Sato’s head jerked to the side, visibly disoriented. Before he could comprehend what had happened to him, Rindou landed his second blow, a kick to his gut that left him gasping for air. 
He was glad he had decided to wear his Doc Martens today.
“The hell are you ‘doin with her, huh?” Rindou’s voice was a low growl, edged with danger. His eyes bored into Sato, aflame with an emotion that bordered on madness.
Once Sato recognized his attacker – and, really, Rindou could see the gears turning in his pretty little head – his eyes went wide. 
“Hait… Haitani?” Sato’s voice was shaky, breathless, words barely forming while he tried to catch his breath. Rindou’s boot struck again, silencing any further attempts at speech.
“How do you know her?” He demanded.
Sato’s glasses now lay a short distance away from him, and he fumbled blindly to retrieve them. Rindou sidestepped, placing his heel on Sato’s wrist and pinning it to the pavement below with a brutality that elicited a yelp from the boy.
“You gone deaf or somethin’?” Rindou tilted his head down at him. “How do you know her?”
He knew exactly how Sato knew her. He would never admit that aloud, though.
“Who?” Sato’s voice quivered with confusion, pain etched over his face.
“The girl whose door you just came from, dumbass,” Rindou’s impatience began to seep through his facade, punctuated by another kick to Sato’s side after he took it off of his wrist. “ How do you know her?”
Sato hurled, arm pressed protectively against the area Rindou had struck. 
“She’s… She’s in my class,” He finally admitted, trembling beneath Rindou in a way that made him feel a lot better about chasing him down. This was always his favorite part. “I thought she was cute, so I…”
Rindou stepped on his back, knocking him back down to earth after he had just gotten onto his hands and knees. “So you asked her out?”
Sato nodded hurriedly.
Rindou’s lips curled up in disbelief. “That was my date, asshole,” He seethed, putting a bit of pressure on his back to keep him down.
He was a squirmy one.
“I’m sorryyyy ,” The kid whined, voice cracking with desperation. “I had no idea, I swear! If I knew I never would have–”
Rindou rolled his eyes at Sato’s excuses. He hated whiners. So much, in fact, that he decided to kick him again. Reaching down, he tugged the boy’s arm up harshly, pressing it against the back of his leg.
One wrong move, and his arm would be broken.
“ Ah –” The nerd grunted, teeth gritted. 
“You’re not going to that festival with her,” Rindou warned him. “You know that, right?”
Sato nodded, peering back at Rindou through pained, teary eyes. “I was stupid, I’m sorry,” he pleaded. “I didn’t know she was your girl– girlfriend.”
Rindou pulled on his arm like a warning. “It’s complicated,” he bit out, control slipping a bit while he gave way to the emotions he felt at the prospect of being claimed as someone’s… boyfriend.
Sato’s breath came in ragged bursts. “I’ll never talk to her again, I swear,” He said.
Rindou’s grip on his arm relented, but only slightly. “You’re gonna stay away from her too. Let me hear you got even three feet close to her–”
“We’re in the same… history class,” Sato noted with a grunt.
Rindou stepped harder on his back in response. 
“Switch classes,” he hissed.
“Okay, Okay!” He cried. “I will! I’ll switch, I swear, please don’t hurt me.”
Finally he dropped Sato’s  shaking arm. “Not a word about this to anyone, got it?” he warned him. “I’ll put you on the side of a milk carton.”
Sato’s head bobbed in frantic compliance. 
The younger Haitani stepped back, and the Sato boy immediately scrambled to his feet. Then, without another word, he fled the scene. Ran as fast as his short legs would take him.
In his absence, Rindou sighed, dusting imaginary residue off of his hands and onto his black zip-up hoodie before going the other way.
Rindou watched the water turn pink as it ran over his battered knuckles. They were a little sore, but it was nothing he wasn’t used to.
Must have hit his glasses, he thought.
He rubbed some soap into the reddened skin and over his palms, rinsing the grime of his sins away beneath the faucet. He turned the current off, shaking his hands dry. Then, after a brief struggle, reached blindly for his glasses and cologne – popping the cap off and spraying a bit on each of his pulse points.
And on his navel. You know, just for good luck.
The sound of Beyonce’s ‘Naughty Girl’ got louder as he walked towards Ran’s bedroom, carelessly leaving the bathroom door open behind him.
He smoothed his hands over his traditional garb – which he had a particular distaste for, although he knew a traditional festival would require traditional attire. It clashed with his usual style, but he was willing to endure it for the sake of his commitment to a cause. 
It flattered the waist he had been working so hard to thin out, though, so that was nice. 
Flexing his arms downward, Rindou hit a pose in the mirror-desk-thing. 
Ran was sprawled out on his stomach behind Rindou, flipping through a glossy magazine from the comfort of his bed. His hair was done up into a messy bun, a few stragglers cascading down the back of his neck and over his plush Walmart robe. He glanced up at the sight of his younger brother’s choice in attire for the evening.
“Is that my Yukata?” He inquired, sucking his teeth and then turning another page.
“Yeah,” Rindou answered. “You said you weren’t going to the festival. Figured you wouldn’t need it.”
Rindou saw his brother’s brow quirk, though he made no effort to tear his eyes away from the page. “You said you weren’t going either,” Ran remarked.
Rather than glorifying him with a response, Rindou pulled out the chair beneath Ran’s… beauty desk? He didn’t really know what those things were called. Anyway, he made himself comfortable on the seat.
“You’re goin’ all out tonight, huh?” Ran teased, rolling onto his back.
Rindou shook his head. Reaching for Ran’s signature eyeshadow pan – the one that he would never, ever admit to using, but for the sake of this story it should be known that he uses a Covergirl single in the shade Onyx  – he popped the case open. He dabbed the little sponge-brush thing into the pan, applying the deep shade to the outer corners of his eyes. He shaped it into a subtle, smokey point, one that added depth to his gaze.
“Don’t get used to it,” he offered, clicking the single shut and setting it off to the side. 
His attention then turned to his damp hair. He reached for a hair tie he had found on the desk and carefully gathered his blond locks into a fistful. With practiced ease, he tied it up and away from the back of his neck. With the side of his pinky finger, he pulled a few strands out to frame his face. 
The Haitani Slut-Strands were making a comeback.
“She say yes to you when you asked ‘er?” Ran asked somewhere behind him.
Rindou smoothed his hands over the semi-slickback ponytail he’d done. “Nah. Some kid beat me to it.”
He could hear Ran turning the page slowly. “You beat his ass?”
“Maybe,” Rindou grinned.
“I feel, like… so proud,” Ran continued anyway. “Like, this is a proud big brother moment for me. ‘Lil bro, going on his first date with his crush… at 17 years old.”
“Not my first date,” Rindou said, even if it technically was. He wasn’t so sure that the random hookups he’d taken on walks to the park counted. 
“Let me have this,” Ran sighed. “What are you waiting on?”
“Her text,” He answered. He knew it was coming. The festival had started an hour and a half ago. It was only a matter of time before she came crying to him about how this kid she had given a chance decided to stand her up and embarrass her in front of the whole town. Only a matter of time before Rindou would swoop in like Superman and save her night.
On cue, his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket, turning it on to read the message he had received.
Just now
Pretty Thing: he stood me up :( can u come get me pls
He glanced at it a second time, his smirk deepening. “Looks like I’m needed,” he said, lifting his phone to show his brother the message.
Ran whistled. “This plan seems awfully well-thought for someone who don’t care about this girl.”
Rindou couldn’t help but reply with a hint of amusement, thumbs already working up a text back, “Worry about the girls in your phone first.”
ME: b there in 15 angel
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a/n: Trying not to think about the fact that bc Rindou wants to be a dj he probably listens to like, dubstep or some shit....... also I used the word Yukata here which is Japanese traditional attire to wear to festivals, I looked into it, but like I said im off a Buzzball so if I misused it or was culturally insensitive in any way shape or form it is purely accidental, please let me know and I'll correct! AS always, comment, inbox, let me know how yall feel! I love u bunches <3
I obviously do not own tokyo revengers or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
@midtwenties-angst, @sleepysnk, @enneadec, @noaabean, @galactict3a, @em1e, @drakensdarling, @wakashawty, @satanlovesusall666, @sin-and-punishment, @mztoman, @sanzuicide, @bontensbabygirl, @strawberrychrome, @scaraphobia, @bertholdts--butt, @xiedoll, @missgab, @keiskyutie, @slvdsjjk , @ilyrmsha , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn, @mikeys-bike-slut, @kzuyii, @menrami, @darlettie, @simpfully-heartbroken
wanna join the 'haitani brothers' taglist? | pretty thing; chapter index
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gargoy-ross · 2 months
You don't need me - Ramattra x reader
Part 2
He's mean in this, it's angsty
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You love him. His innovativeness. His calm and caring nature. Wit, sarcasm and unvavering determination.
Even the poison that festers in his metallic heart.
If you would've just seen it sooner, maybe then things wouldn't have gone this way.
A simple request that he would stop talking down to you is where it started.
"You think you should be paraded around because you're not as horrible as you the rest of your kind, is that it?"
"That's not what I mean and you know it."
The metallic ends of his cable hair click against each other when he turns around to look at you.
His shoulders tense and his fingers twitch. The air around you feels colder.
For someone with no facial expressions Ramattra was easy to read.
"Well that's what it sounds like." The words come out as a hiss, full of venom.
"You humans are always the same. You think you can do whatever you please," He takes a step towards you. "and we have to praise you for every good deed, no matter all the damage you do to everything around you."
Was it so really so wrong of you to ask for some recognition from your partner?
"I get that we've done some bad shit, and that I'm not perfect, but I feel like you don't value or respect me at all."
He makes a sound meant to imitate a scoff. That only fuels your frustration.
"You're being unfair. You know I gave up on everything I had. I left my previous life to help the liberation and to be here with you. You could at least show some gratitude."
For a moment there is silence.
His optics stare down at you. The imposing figure reminds you of why so many fear his kind.
"That was your choice, not mine."
"If you don't have anything meaningful to say, leave. I have work to do."
He turns his back to you. Tears threaten to fall from your eyes and you swallow down the need to cry.
Sure, his hatred for humans is justified, but his anger towards you is not.
He used to be kind and patient. You believe that somewhere underneath all that pain and anger he still is, but the quest of liberation has made him cold and ruthless.
Or maybe that's what he's always been, and you have only looked through it with your rose-tinted glasses.
Deep breath,
in and out.
You're surprised at how calm and leveled your voice comes out.
"If that is what you wish, then I won't be bothering you again."
As you walk out you can hear him grumble something, make out enough words to know it is not something you want to know.
It won't be your responsibility anymore anyway.
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formula1fanfiction · 2 months
Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz
Title: All I need is your love tonight
Pairing: Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz
 Characters: Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz  
Prompt: Charlos (Charles x Carlos) with bottom Carlos please because we do need it 🧡. As for the prompt maybe something along the lines of hope?
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Charles spends a hell of a lot of time in Carlos' room, every race weekend they arrive in a new country, Charles checks into his own room, unpacks his stuff then heads next to find Carlos. Carlos always lets him in with a smile, they aren't lovers exactly but they spend a lot of time together and more often than not, fall in bed together and today is no different.
Carlos is laid spread out on the hotel bed, he's naked from the waist up and looks irresistible, his dark eyes are fixed firmly on the Spanish TV channel. "I want to fuck you Carlos." Carlos head snaps away from the TV to look at Charles. "Excuse me?"
"I want to fuck you?" Charles has been thinking about the perfect way to ask Carlos to top all day and seriously that's all he can manage. Carlos has never specifically said he's only a top but since becoming teammates they fell into that routine Carlos on top, Charles on bottom, he's never had a problem with that, he likes bottoming to Carlos but now he really wants to something different.
"Have you ever topped before?" How cute of Carlos to think Charles just bottoms for everyone. Charles climbs on top of Carlos and pins his hands to the bed, Carlos doesn't even try to fight it, just smiles up at his teammate. "I take that is a yes." Carlos is still smirking, so Charles takes the opportunity to rub their dicks together, there's way too much clothing and little contact but it wipes the smile off Carlos' face.
"Pierre." Charles rubs their dicks together once more, he can feel Carlos' arousal, the Spaniards cock is hardening against his own. "Pierre?" Carlos repeats confused. "I've topped Pierre before." Carlos is fully hard now, the outline of his cock is pressed against his red sweat pants. Carlos nods satisfied. "Okay then, you can top." Charles feels something, disappointment maybe? He didn't expect Carlos to agree so easily.
"Have you ever bottomed before?" Carlos raises his hips and lets Charles remove his sweats and underwear, revealing his hard cock, it springs free and slaps against his stomach. "Not for a long time." Carlos swallows, Charles takes the hard dick into his hand and starts stroking. "I don't blame him at all for this but It started was with Danil in my rookie season when I was with Toro Rossi, he had been promoted to Redbull, we sort of developed a relationship. We were young and stupid and he never prepped me, it was so painful but I thought it was normal I guess? I didn't know sex was supposed to be pleasurable as a bottom."
Charles stops the movement of his hand, Carlos is still rock hard but he looks sad. "We don't have to do this Carlos, you can top or we could just stop all together." Carlos smiles and covers Charles hand with his own and it brings it back to his hard cock. "I want do this with you Charles, I want it be with someone I love and trust."
Carlos didn't I say love you but someone I love and it makes Charles' heart soar. They've never done this before, it sort of feels like crossing a line but right now, it feels right? Charles leans in and presses his lips against Carlos'. There's spark it feels like sunshine, rainbows and full of passion. It feels tingly like a strong bolt of lightning, it feels right. Charles heart is beating fast, he pulls away and Carlos is beaming at him. He's made the right choice and he couldn't be happier.
"I'll make you feel amazing Carlos, I promise." Carlos smiles at him once again. "I know Charles, I trust you." It makes Charles want to kiss him again, so he does. It's soft, it's perfect. Shit Charles is falling hard. "You are being so romantic tonight Charles." Carlos giggles.
Charles removes his own clothing before settling in between Carlos' legs, a bottle of lube in his hands. "We can stop anytime Carlos." Charles says while coating his fingers with lube. "Charles we fuck all the time, it's fine I trust you." That's all the encouragement Charles needs before circling Carlos' entrance with his finger.   
Charles slides his finger in, Carlos is super tight as expected, He stalls for a few moments letting Carlos get used to the sensation. Carlos is laid back into the mountain of pillows, eyes squeezed shut like he's savouring every moment. He looks relaxed so Charles takes that as a good sign. He begins moving his hand, fingering Carlos with gentle, finger thrusts. Carlos sinks his teeth into his lower lip, when Charles starts twisting his finger easily, so he slides a second finger besides the first one and instantly scissoring them. Charles works his way up to four fingers, Carlos is seemingly losing his mind. "Charles i'm ready, i'm not some blushing virgin." Charles rewards Carlos with a quick rub over his prostate before letting his fingers slip out.   
"Fuck Charles, I thought you were maybe going to make me cum from your fingers alone." Charles chuckles, drizzling the remainder of the lube over his cock. "Sorry Carlos, I just didn't want to hurt you." Carlos smiles brushing his lips briefly over Charles' "It's not possible for you to hurt me Charles."
Charles settles in between Carlos' legs, one strong leg wrapped around his waist. Charles has one hand on Carlos' hip the other at the base of his own cock as he pushes inside. Carlos is very tight, despite the magic of Charles fingers, it's almost like his cock is stuck in a vice. Both men moan loudly once Charles reaches the hilt. Carlos feels amazing wrapped around him, almost like it's meant to be.
Charles kisses him again, he doesn't know what's got into him tonight but Carlos' lips are everything. He forces himself to pull away when he feels Carlos visibly relax around him. "Are you ready Carlos?"
Carlos nods, a dopey smile playing on his face. Charles' heart is bursting full of love for this man, there's no words for it, Charles simply can't get enough of him, "I feel so full Charles, so good." Charles starts to move.
It’s nothing short of natural, the rhythm they find. Charles is so used to sitting back and let Carlos do all the work, it's nice hear the little Spanish moans Carlos is letting slip from his mouth as their bodies work together. The pace is slow and it's nice because Charles keeps getting the opportunity to kiss Carlos, muffling his moans.
"I never thought, this would feel so natural." Carlos moans into Charles' mouth, Charles smirks into Carlos' lips and slides a hand between Carlos' legs. Carlos arches his hips off the bed and moan's much louder. "Fuck Charles I don't think i'm going to last long." Charles flicks his thumb. "I wasn't lying when I said i'd make you feel amazing."
Charles can move faster, harder now Carlos has fully opened up around him, the slide is easier now, he angles his thrusts to find Carlos' prostate. "Puta, fuck, Puta." Charles smiles. "There we go." Charles matches his wrist with the intensity of his thrusts. Carlos is falling apart rapidly, luckily Charles can feel his own orgasm building in the pit of his stomach.   
"I think we can come together." Charles speeds up his thrusts, he can't control himself anymore, he's too far gone. "Come on Carlos." Charles barely gets the words out of his mouth, he's coming hard. Charles can see nothing but stars as he spurts his load inside of Carlos. He comes to his senses when he feels Carlos' sticky mess over his finger tips.
Charles crashes on top of Carlos into a messy heap. The room falls quiet for a while, only the sound of heavy breathing fills the room. Carlos pulls Charles into a tight hug and strokes the sweaty nape of his neck. "You weren't lying when you said you'd make me feel good."
"I'm so sorry Carlos." Charles feels horribly guilty when he gets his strength back, he should be the one holding Carlos, cuddling him close. Not the other way round. "Eh?" Carlos looks confused. "I should be the one comforting you." Carlos laughs again. "I don't need comforting Charles, I feel amazing."
Charles rolls off Carlos and lays beside him, he's horribly aware of the messy of cum stuck to their skin. They need to shower but instead Charles leans in and gently kisses Carlos. It feels natural like they are lovers and not just teammates who fuck.
"Thank you Charles, I was really scared after everything before but you made me feel good, made bottoming feel good." Charles beams, he wants to kiss every inch of the tan Spanish skin and whisper I love you over and over again. "I was really worried Carlos, I just wanted you to feel amazing.
"You did make me feel amazing Charles, I love you it had to be with you." Charles risks a look at Carlos, dark Spanish eyes practically burning into his skin. "I love you too." He knows that wasn't the way Carlos meant it, but he's too full of love and emotion to hold it back. Carlos beams at him, he doesn't even look this happy when celebrating a podium.
"I love you like a teammate or I love you like Te Amo." Charles covers Carlos' hand with his own. "I love you in the way I would die for you." Carlos squeezes Charles' hand. "Good, because I feel the same way."
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chasedbyatlantic · 4 months
nightclub love, joel miller
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masterlist summary: IN WHICH — your best friend, maria miller, sets you up with someone she knows you'll fall in love with in no time, despite it being your co-worker.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson!joel, gender neutral!reader, slow burner-ish, maria love, dom-ish!joel, cutesie patootsie dina, drinking, touching-ish, swearing. lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.9k
a/n: should i make a pt 2?? love this one icl! remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for updates!! also make sure to send requests! xoxo.
For weeks, you had been preparing. Maria, your best friend, had begged and begged you to help with her famous (and upcoming) Summer Solstice Party. Every year since Jackson had been up and running (and Maria was in charge), she hosted this party. She had aimed it to be a night of normalcy, a night to remember what had happened before the world went to shit. It was successful, these parties. You had enjoyed the partying aspect of it, not so much the setup.
In your post-apocalyptic life, you were a painter. You had lived and breathed art, you had even got into MIT for the arts program, but the world ended before you were able to start your post-secondary tour. Though, after everything happened in the early two thousands, you discovered your hidden talent for hunting, and being able to operate firearms quite easily. This lead you to many successes in protecting yourself while you were out on your own, and being able to protect others while leading them outside of the Jackson walls.
Maria had appointed you as the co-leader of the "Jackson Protectors" (something Tommy, Maria's husband, had came up with). After Maria had her baby, Tommy had decided to step down from the role to spend time with his family, and make sure he was always there for his newborn baby and his wife. Maria had only thought of you for the person to step up and take on such a big responsibility, so she didn't really give you a choice in co-leading the group. You hadn't minded, though, it was nice to get out of the walls.
Maria's annual party was only a few hours away now, and you had finally brought over the piece she asked you to make. It was an oil and acrylic painting of the beloved town you all had resided in, she wanted to put it behind the bar (in the town's pub, called "The Nightclub"), so that everyone was able to see the beautiful artwork you were able to create so easily.
"Hello?" You called out as you pushed open the wooden door with your foot, your arms were too occupied carrying the canvas that your foot was the next best option to get the door. There wasn't a response, so you had just proceeded in. Glancing around, you had seen that the bar was turned into a nice hall. Tables were pushed to the outskirts of the room, chairs had pieces of colourful string tied on the backs and legs, the stage was decorated, everything felt so warm.
You had moved your way over to the bar, spotting a tool kit sitting on the counter. It was perfect, you could hang this now and have it be a surprise for Maria whenever she went in the room next. Tucking the canvas under your arm for a split second, you went behind the bar and reached into the tool kit. You had gotten a few flat-head nails out, along with a mallet. You had lined up the nails along the middle of the empty space on the wall, gently nailing them in before hanging your painting up.
Before you could double check that it was nailed in straight, you heard an 'eek!' coming from behind you. You could only recognize it as your best friend, Maria Miller. "Oh my god! It's the most beautifulest thing I have ever seen!" You felt the girl embrace you from behind, this made you fold your arms upward and return the hug (without turning).
"Was nervous ya' wouldn't like it." You chuckled as she let go, you turned around. "Wouldn't like it?" Maria had questioned, "Are you kidding me? I love every piece of art you do." She embraced you in a proper hug now, and you hugged her right back with a smile on your face. You were honestly nervous that she wouldn't like it, and you had braced yourself for any feedback she might've given you.
Maria had let go of the hug, now holding your shoulders. "I have a surprise for you." The smile dropped off your face, you didn't like surprises. Surprises before were nice, but not in this hell-bound world. "What?" You were doubly as nervous about this than with the painting. "Okay, so, I've set you up with someone at tonight's part-"
"You what?" You interrupted the woman in front of you. Oh no, no no no. Your facial expression fell even more after this. "Don't worry! He's a good boy, I promise. You'll love him- please, just please cooperate with this." Maria had pled with you. You could only stare at her, like you were dumbfounded by what she was saying. In reality, you were far from dumbfounded, you just didn't know why she would do this without consulting you first.
You waited a moment before you replied, "Am I able to back out?". Maria could only smile at you, indicating that you most definitely would not be able to back out of this. After a moment of silence between the two, you couldn't help but let out a small laugh while shaking your head. "'M not forgiving you for this, woman."
You had walked out from behind the bar, leaving Maria there. You knew she had much more organizing (things she had made clear she wanted to do by herself, otherwise you would've helped her) to do before tonight. "I'll drag you out of your house if you don't show up tonight, mark my words!" She laughed as she called out to you. Right before exiting the bar, you waved her off, a small 'yeah, yeah!' escaping your lips. You knew that Maria had good intentions setting you up with someone she knew, but you didn't think it was going to go well. God, you thought to yourself, if this party doesn't go well, a hole would be dug and that would be your new home.
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You had put on a nice outfit for tonight. The temperature had rose a ton (despite it being dark) since earlier, which had confirmed your questioning of what you should attend the party in. You had showered, fixed your hair, sprayed perfume, and put on some lip products you found inside the bathroom cabinets before making the treacherous walk through hell's half acre to get back to the bar.
You were neighbours with Maria, and she lived in the farthest part of the town. It didn't help when you had events like this, or the long trail to and from work in the early mornings and late nights. Thankfully this was only the third time you made this hike today, earlier going and coming back from dropping the painting off, and now. If Maria and Tommy hadn't given you a few days off of work, you probably wouldn't have went to the party. Work was exhausting, especially when it was hot outside.
You had your hands in your pocket as you were walking, humming to yourself. You were ripped out of your thoughts as you heard someone call your name, you turned immediately to spot a familiar brown-haired girl. "Hey." You nodded over to her, as you slowed your pace so she was able to catch up. This was Talia's (a friend of yours) younger sister, Dina.
"Hi! You're going to the party, right? I'm so excited." You could only bring a smile to your face, nodding your head. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Dina mimicked the smile you had on your face. You two had talked for a while as you approached closer to the bar. You had found out that she was so to-the-moon for this party because someone she had liked asked her out, and they were attending together. You had given Dina the 'make sure you're safe' and whatnot talk, since apparently Talia hadn't.
As soon as you had gotten to the bar, Dina had bid you a goodbye with a tight hug, before running off and finding her date. You couldn't remember when you had been happy like that. Sure, you were happy a lot of the times, but never beaming. There was too much worrying in this world to ever be beaming anymore, as depressing as that sounds. Not getting into it too much, you had finally stepped into the bar.
You were immediately engulfed with the scent of whiskey, sweat, and good food. Despite what had you had just said, this brought a genuine smile to your face. Seeing people just embracing the current moment, and having no worries for just a little while- who couldn't smile at this?
You had glanced around, looking for Maria. Though you didn't see her, you saw the next best thing. "Hey, Tommy! Have you seen your wife?" The man had turned, raising his brow before he had seen you. "Hey- naw', pro'lly runnin' 'round somewhere, being a hostess and whatnot." He passed you a smile before taking a sip from his dark brown bottle. You smiled and nodded.
You shortly found your way over to the bar, ordering the strongest of whatever they had. You had recognized the bartender from around town, but had decided not to make conversation with him. He passed you the drink in a glass cup, before going back to serving others. You had brought the edge of it to your lips, sipping the amber liquid. Holy fuck, you thought to yourself, this was some strong shit.
Before you had muttered a string of swear words under your breath, something- someone had caught your attention. A hand was placed on the bottom of your back, and you shifted your weight a little. Earlier it was mentioned that you were the leader of the "Jackson Protectors", Joel Miller (Tommy's older brother) shared the role with you. He was tall and extremely muscular, and was definitely older than you.
"Sorry, peach. Just gotta squeeze on in 'ere." Joel had muttered, just loud enough for you to hear. He let the nickname roll off his tongue, although you didn't think anything of it. Nobody would hear, as the bar area was packed like a can of sardines and extremely loud from the many different conversations happening. Joel had ordered something on draft, you didn't really hear.
You had never really seen him outside of work, only a handful of times. You wouldn't have taken Joel as a party type of guy, he was extremely closed off and- well, alone. Not in a rude way, no, but in a protective way. "How's it goin'?" He had asked you, "Noticed ya' haven't been in for a few days." Joel's hand was no longer on the low of your back, but gripping the tall, glass cup. He was leaning his elbow against the bar top, as you were leaning your back against it.
"Way too busy, I've sort of- I'dunno, missed it? Work, ya' know." It came out of more of a question rather than a statement. This only earned a laugh from the man across from you. "I get what ya' mean, felt like that when my arm broke-" He let out a small laugh, "-had nothin' to keep me occupied, wishin' I was out'n huntin' things." You nodded your head as you took another sip from the glass in your left hand, keeping your face neutral this time.
"Ya' didn't come across as the type to like- well, things like this." You hinted toward Joel. He shrugged his shoulder, taking another sip from his cup. "'M not, never was." You had an almost concerning look now, why was he here if he didn't like these types of things? "-But," Joel quickly added, "Figured I'd try it out after all these years o'not goin', ya' know?" You could only nod your head. It was true, you've never seen Joel Miller attend anything other than his daily work shift. Maybe he had a change of heart, but you didn't know if you really believed it.
Joel had started to talk about something else, but for some reason, you had zoned out. Your best friend had caught your eye from right behind Joel, so you were now focused on her. It didn't take long for her to notice you staring at her, and her face turned upwards. She was mouthing something to you, but you couldn't make sense of what it was. After squinting your eyes, and Maria repeating it twice more, it hit you. She had mouthed 'that's the one'.
Your expression fell as you snapped back into reality. Really? Your work partner? You weren't saying Joel was ugly, or had an ugly personality (far from that, actually), but you couldn't mess around with someone you worked with. "You alright?" Your eyes moved from just above Joel's shoulders to meet his gaze. You nod your head before almost feeling lightheaded, you were going to kill Maria.
"Do ya' know how to dance?" You spit out before thinking it through. You were pretty sure you didn't have a crush on Joel Miller, but- no buts, you had thought to yourself. You couldn't, if something bad went wrong, you would still have to work with this man every single day. You could slap yourself right about now.
"Drunk words're sober thoughts, eh?" He asked (rhetorically) to you, which had earned a true, dumbfounded look on your face. You only managed to let a "huh?" escape your lips, and Joel shook his head with a small laugh. "Nevermind, c'mon." His hand fell to the bottom of your back once again, and before you knew it, you were walking with him to the packed dance floor. You could feel the eyes of conservative mothers on you, probably spreading lies about how you two did this at work. It wasn't true (not yet at least).
You two got on the floor, and Joel let go of your back. He moved his hands more forward, placing them on either sides of your hips. You looked down, an immediate heat rising to your cheeks. It was the alcohol, you told yourself (only half of that statement was true). Your actions took over your thoughts as your arms wrapped around Joel's neck, the only thing running through your head was if you still smelled like the perfume you put on earlier.
The song had changed, it turned into a slower one- one that you were able to dance to properly. "Now, I'ain' gone dancin' in years, so don't go too hard on me if I mess up, alright peach?" There it was again, peach. The nickname was given to you by Joel a while ago, after you had found a peach tree while out on a run with him. Joel thought it had really fit you and your personality, so he didn't give it up.
You laughed, probably louder than you should have, "Don't worry, I'm not any professional neither." You were following Joel's lead, following where he put his feet. You never learned to dance properly, there was never anybody to teach you. You had managed to step on his toes a few times, but there was no yap from him about it. Joel was- enjoying himself, the first time in a (long) while.
"You didn't have to," You had began, the drunken thoughts taking over you, "I know Maria put y'up to this, it doesn't need to go further than dancin'." You could feel Joel's grip tighten slightly on your waist, something you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't so focused on him. "I wanted to," He quickly reassured you, "Just had to make sure ya' wouldn't- I'dunno, not let me?" You could tell Joel was being genuine, the tone was in his words. This was the first time the man had ever let you in on what he was thinking, what he was feeling.
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You two talked and danced for another while, before the party started to die down into the early hours of the morning. You found out he didn't live too far away from you, so you both accompanied each other on the walk home. You too were far too drunk to be walking alone anyway, despite the town being safe. Joel's house was first on the way back, but he had decided to walk the few extra blocks to make sure you got home okay.
As you got home, you had fumbled with the front gate before stepping in and closing it behind - it was only two feet high, so you could still bid your goodbyes to Joel. You had turned around once the gate was shut, his eyes already down on you. "Had fun tonight, almost too much fun." This brought your face up into a smile, nodding your head. "Guess I better-"
"Can we do this again sometime?" You had interrupted Joel, catching him a bit off. "Only if ya' wanna." You had bit your lip, bracing yourself in case he were to say no. Thankfully, he didn't- far from a no. "Wasn't thinkin' we wouln't go out again, now were ya'?" You two were very close, close enough that he could hear the spike in your breathing pattern. "I'll see ya' tomorrow?" You questioned, your hand on top of the fence post. Joel followed suit, his calloused hand now overtop of yours. "I'll pick 'ya up, bright'n early."
You thought this was going to go horribly earlier, you really believed it was. You didn't want to fall for anyone, because you didn't know how much time everyone had left- you were afraid of loss, afraid of losing the people you got close to. You were scared that one day, you would wake up and they would be gone. Within a span of a day, though, you had gotten over the fear of loss. You had found someone who was just like you, but also the complete opposite in many ways. You knew, for a fact, that you had just found someone else you trusted with so much in you, he wasn't just someone you worked with anymore. Who knows, he could turn into something more with time to come, and you almost hoped he would.
nightclub love, matt maltese
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strlingsav · 1 year
Hi! Congratulations on another wonderful piece, I thoroughly enjoyed Drive and reread it 5 times now🥰🥹
please feel free to ignore this request, but I'm so painfully addicted to your writing style (seriously you are my top favorite creator along with stararchangel) I would love to see your take on this, I have 2 ideas-
1) female reader x Simon Riley, she's civilian, and basically how they meet is somewhere random (like grocery store?) and he, a cold hardened killer, immediately melts and thinks she's the most beautiful piece of art he's ever seen. Now, he doesnt immediately approach her bc he's like, scared or dumbstruck, or maybe just doesn't wanna bother her? But he can either follow her out of the vicinity to find out where she resides/more about her (stalker lowkey ik) or maybe they can meet a second time, same place, but she accidentally bumps into him? Then they get to talking, he wants to pursue her etc AND LOTS OF SMUT OMG YOUR SMUT IS PEAK! I did read something similar from someone else, I think they did könig though, or even just another civilian female x ghost and he is just dumbfounded thinking she's the most beautiful things ever man
2) female reader x ghost, where she's like an insanely skilled killer, perfect sniper executions, can rip dude's faces off per say and is super fast and skilled in some fighting style like jujitsu, easily knock people off their feet ok? And basically she has a reputation for being excellent at her craft and SUPER well known not just within the army or whatever in the US but overseas like in the Middle East and Japan and Russia and shit man idk (honestly I was watching Hunter x Hunter thinking about the flesh collector girl that Kurapika had to bodyguard for, so what if the fReader was known too for like selling shit on the black market? And being the best of the best medic, head Doctor/ surgeon type shit), then she joins task force 141 and they see all her badass-ness in action and how she just fucks dudes up and gets head shots from crazy far sniper locations and fixes up awful injuries like it's nothing and yea then ghost also falls in love w her and LOTS OF SMUT AGAIN pls
Thank you SO MUCH FOR READING! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽😭
Thank you so so much for the kind words and for reading!! (You're so sweet omg) I'm so happy you enjoy it.
This'll have to be a two-parter for both requests, but here's your first!! Second will come later.
Thank you again, I hope you enjoy 🤍
– Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
— Simon's enamoured with you.
Explicit sexual content under the cut. Read at your own risk.
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You were hesitant about your friends' choice to meet for drinks at a dive-bar downtown. You knew the place; a rustic establishment tucked into a quiet corner of the city. It was well known for the crowd it attracted: blue-collar workers, bikers and the like. You'd never stepped foot inside, it's outward appearance alone was daunting. It was a historic monument in the city, given away by the dying neon of the 'open' sign and weathered letters above the entrance.
It was filled with a haze of cigarette smoke and the smell of whiskey and beer. Neon lights plastered on the walls, dated decor with posters of vintage cars and women- it certainly wasn't an obvious choice.
Your eyes shifted around the bar, classic-rock playing softly in the background, the sound of pool balls clacking against each other- it almost made you uncomfortable how much you stood out among the predominantly masculine crowd. You were still dressed in your office attire, and your friend was no different. She insisted it was a great place for drinks after work, and the men never bothered her.
You gave her the benefit of the doubt, sipping your beer slowly while she chatted about the newest developments in her love life. Your eyes met, adding a nod or a smile every so often, but you were on edge; your guard was up just in case.
Simon had seen you walk in.
His hand was clasped around the glass of bourbon, perched at the bar with tense shoulders. Another deployment finished meant he would spend most of his free time there, where people tended to mind their own, and didn't ask any questions. He liked the solitude, liked knowing that no one knew who he was- or cared.
He could drown out the flurry of thoughts and internal conflict with whiskey, focusing solely on the sweet hint of caramel, the bitterness of burning tobacco and melody of classic rock in the background. It was his sanctuary, the place he had no distractions, no obligations, only staring down the amber liquid in his glass, ice cubes pressing against his lips as he took a sip.
His attention was quickly grabbed by the bell above the door, ringing just loud enough to make his head turn. His eyes met yours for a fleeting moment, before you turned back to the woman you were with.
He certainly hadn't expected to find himself giving you a second look. He didn't consider himself to be the kind of man that stared at attractive women. His composure had cracked just a bit though, enough to let his gaze follow you through the bar as you took a seat within his view.
He was quickly enamoured, something that hadn't happened to him before- aside from the early years of puberty, and it terrified him. How you walked in, brushing your hair from your face, the way your hips swayed when you walked- you'd already more than caught his attention.
He swallowed, harshly. He took another sip of his drink, a deep breath in as he finished the last of it. Maybe it was a fleeting attraction, maybe he was just sexually frustrated, gratifying it with the first woman he saw. As he peered over his shoulder, watching you lean forward, smile softly- fuck, if it didn't make his stomach lurch. He wanted to know you.
Your pencil skirt more than complemented your body, and he'd noticed. The silk blouse that fit just right around the peak of your breasts- he stared forward, shutting his eyes as he tried to shake you from his mind.
He couldn't help it, though. Watching you from his periphery, beer in hand as you crossed your legs, he heard you laugh. He forced himself to lean over his drink, tune out your conversation. It wasn't right to listen, wasn't right to think about a woman, a stranger, the way he was.
But the sound of your voice carried, and he could practically taste the shampoo in your hair, the fading scent of perfume. He wondered if all of you was as sweet as you smelled. As an even nastier thought crossed his mind, what he'd do to have your body in his hands, his nostrils flared as he sucked in a deep breath. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket as he slid from his stool, marching outside. He didn't allow himself to look back, didn't want to be the one to make you uncomfortable. He was sure you were used to being leered at- how couldn't you be?
He was transfixed with the shape of your lips, the way your eyes crinkled at the edges when you laughed, how you'd lick your lips after a swig of beer. It was too much- all too much for him to handle while a few drinks in, and he refused to be the asshole that hit on you in a bar. He knew he treasured the peace and quiet, he imagined you did too.
He stepped outside, the cool night air on his skin helped drop his rising temperature, bringing him back to reality. The lit cigarette in his hand glowed as he sucked in a breath, fighting the urge to throw it away and stalk back inside to you. He wondered whether you had a boyfriend, perhaps a husband- someone you'd go home to that would never know just how lucky he is. Who wouldn't worship you the way he knew he could, treat you the way he would. Make you feel the way he would. He clenched his jaw, already despising the bastard.
His thoughts got ahead of him, and his cigarette was already burned to the filter before he realized he'd been stewing outside for at least ten minutes. He flicked it from his fingers, watching it sizzle out on the pavement. He cleared his throat, turning to open the door when you appeared on the other side.
His breath caught in his chest. Up close, he could see the true curves of your cheekbones, the allure of your lips, the sparkle in your eye as he interrupted the conversation with your friend. He could even smell you better, and it hit him like a wall. His heart pounded in his ears, aching to say something-anything, but he refused to fall victim to his inflated desires. He didn't know if you'd reciprocate it, anyway.
You stopped and stared, eyes meeting his as he stepped out of the way, holding the door for the two of you.
"Thank you," You gave him a small smile, your eyes still on his even as you were clear of the door.
He was tall- and big. A mass of muscle that caught your eye. His eyes were dark, plagued with some sort of stress as his brows furrowed. You noticed the way his gaze trailed down your body, and felt the twinge of heat rise up your chest and neck.
He had short hair, brunet, disheveled. He was handsome. A crooked nose, defined cheekbones and jaw, a hint of stubble across his face.
You turned back, taking one last look as the two of you made your way to the taxi, waiting on the curb.
The second time your friend invited you out, you'd had the weekend off. Free time was never a guarantee in your line of work. A demanding boss, deadlines, company meetings; usually your weekends were filled with errands. She'd caught you at a good time, and asked if you liked the bar she took you to.
So you ventured out again, happy to be free of your office clothes, and took a seat in the same booth. This time, you were feeling less on edge, more excited to be out, enjoying yourself. Your friend brought her current girlfriend- one you'd met only once before, and weren't sure how many more times you'd see her.
"I'll get us a round," You said, setting your hands on the table as you stood up.
"If you insist," Your friend grinned, watching you with a smirk, her arm over her girlfriend's shoulders.
You rolled your eyes, "You're paying next."
She didn't say anything, but you kept your eyes on her with a playful glare as you walked off to the bar.
You stopped at the bar, and stood on your toes, trying to catch the attention of the bartender who had his back turned polishing glasses.
Simon couldn't believe he was seeing you again. You'd been on his mind since he last saw you, flashes of your lips, your eyes distracting him from everyday tasks. He even took it a step further to imagine what you felt like beneath him, the way you'd say his name as you came around him. He spent most nights in a sweat, desperately chasing relief. It didn't work. He didn't think it ever would.
He turned his head ever so slightly, and you met his eyes.
"Hi," You said softly, a bashful smile over your face as you realized it was the same good-looking man that held the door for you.
He could feel his heart beat just a bit faster- his eyes trailing over your face.
"Y'alright?" He asked.
His voice was deep, raspy, British. You licked your lips.
"Just trying to order some drinks," You said. "I don't think it'll be happening anytime soon."
He looked over at the bartender.
"Oi, mate," He called, catching his attention.
"Thanks," You said.
You were inches from him, your hip nearly touching his arm, and he noticed. He could feel it, feel the heat emanating off of you, smell that same delicious fucking smell that drove him insane. This time, you were in a shirt that showed a tease of cleavage and tight jeans that clung to every curve and detail of your body. As he leaned back ever so slightly, taking in the sight of your ass, he let out a soft breath.
"You're the guy that held the door for me a couple weekends ago, right?"
You were waiting for the bartender to make your drinks, and couldn't help but strike up a conversation with him. Your eyes moved to his fingers, wrapped around the glass, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
He definitely works with his hands, you thought. He did something that formed callouses along the crown of his palms and helped keep the obvious tone of his arms. Construction, maybe?
"Yeah," He nodded, taking a sip of his drink. You watched intently, his lips plush and inviting, wet with liquor.
"That was my first time being here," You looked away, feeling intimidated by his gaze.
He was staring so intensely, you almost felt suffocated. But you liked it. Liked the way it made you feel, liked how he shifted in his seat to face you, how you could imagine your legs over his broad shoulders.
"You like it?" He asked, raising a brow.
"It's not bad," You smiled. You just couldn't stop fucking smiling. "Company's good and the people seem nice enough."
"You with your friends?"
You nodded. "And you?"
"I like drinkin' alone."
You tried to hide the frown that crossed your face.
"But I don't mind talkin' to you."
He was so damn charming- too charming. He was definitely good at sweet-talking. Your cheeks burned, wondering what else he was good at.
"That's sweet," You grinned, your hand landing on his arm.
He could've fucked you then and there, your hand on his arm lit up his entire body. He felt himself harden under the restraints of his jeans. He'd never gotten hard from a woman touching his arm before, and he wondered when he became so goddamn pathetic. He didn't mind it though, not if you kept talking and smiling like you were.
You introduced yourself, holding your hand out for him to shake. He seemed entertained by the idea, a small smile lifting his lips as his hand engulfed yours. He knew your skin would be soft, knew you'd have a light touch.
"Simon," He nodded. "Don't let me keep you from your friends."
"I think they're more than okay." You looked over your shoulder at the two of them, kissing in the booth, not paying a sliver of attention to anyone else. "Let me just drop these off for them," You took the drinks off the counter.
You came back with a purpose, a new mission for the evening; taking him back to your place, or his- whichever was closest. You had no idea he was thinking the exact same thing.
You and Simon continued your conversation, leading to the revelation that he was in the army, a soldier. If it was even possible, it turned you on even more.
"I work in an office," You said, stirring your drink with the thin, black stir-stick. "Nothing as interesting as that."
"I remember your blouse- that skirt you had on," He looked at you, a grin playing at his lips.
"You remember my outfit?" You giggled.
He nodded, "Couldn't forget it," He admitted, hoping it wouldn't scare you off.
"Didn't know I had that much influence," You raised your brows. "You should've introduced yourself then. We could've been having this conversation weeks ago."
"Didn't want to disturb you," He said, his palm pressing flat along your thigh. Your eyes drifted to the source of warmth on your leg, then looked back at him. "M'alright with where we are now, though."
"That's a shame," You sighed, now two cocktails deep, and undeniably aroused. He waited, brows furrowing at your words. "Think we'd be better off at my place."
He looked shocked, not sure how to proceed- whether it would be okay for him to accept, or make him appear too eager. But Christ, if he wasn't already burning up, desperate to get you undressed, kissing every inch of your body until you begged for him. He couldn't resist.
"Y'might be right," He drawled, his palm trailing further up your thigh, his thumb resting in the crease of your thigh and hip.
"Then what are we waiting for?"
He grinned, standing up from his seat, dropping a wad of cash on the bar.
"'M ready when you are, sweetheart."
He drove a new pickup truck, opening the door for you to step in. You sat comfortably, trying to restrain yourself as much as possible, but as he reached out to turn on the heat and you caught sight of the tattoos that engulfed his arm, you sighed deeply.
You were already aching, dying for a taste, anything to sate the throbbing in your abdomen. You could feel the wetness dripping from you, and you were sure you'd already soaked a spot on your panties.
When he set his palm on your thigh again, you exhaled, setting your hand overtop his. His hands were rough, worn; and you couldn't wait to feel them against your bare skin. You glided his hand carefully, slowly, up your leg, urging him to feel you, touch you.
"You can touch me, Simon," You whispered.
He looked over, his eyes narrowing as you leaned back, spreading your thighs a bit.
"I want you to touch me."
"Christ," He muttered, his fingers pressing against your pussy from over your jeans.
The pressure pushed the seam into your clit, and you let out a soft sigh. He watched with wide eyes, heavy breathing as he moved his fingers in small circles, forcing your jeans against you. You writhed under the pressure, whimpering softly, clinging to his wrist with an iron grip.
He listened to the sounds you made, trying not to close his eyes and savour it, forcing himself to keep his eyes on the road. If that was all it took to have those sounds of pleasure coming from your lips, he couldn't imagine what you'd sound like when he was inside you. He could hardly wait to show you the attention you deserved, make you cum endlessly, beg for his cock.
The trip to your house wasn't long, and when you entered the apartment, he had you pressed against the entryway. His hand on your waist, the other above your head, you stared into his eyes.
"Been dyin' t'get my hands on you since I first saw you," He whispered, goosebumps exploding over the surface of your skin.
"You shouldn't have waited," You said back, your face tilting up to his.
His hand left your waist, his thumb running across your bottom lip as he stood up straight. Letting out a heavy sigh, he grabbed your hips and yanked your pelvis flush with his.
"You're a fuckin' tease," He breathed.
He pressed his lips against yours, already a hungry and devoted action. Your lips felt like velvet, you tasted like a sweet fruit- cranberries, from your vodka-cran. He moaned softly, cherishing the feeling of your mouth against his, your hands coming to his face, delicately holding him in place.
He loved the way he made you look so small, so innocent against his larger frame. He'd have an easy time moulding you into positions, right where he wanted you. You felt so good, pressed against him, your soft little whimpers spurring him on. He introduced his tongue, gliding it against yours with no hesitation, tasting you.
"Show me your room," He said, breathless as he pulled away.
He was slow in his movements, his tall frame circling you like prey. He took a seat on the edge of your bed, thighs spread as he leaned forward. His fingers grabbed the hem of your shirt, rubbing it between his fingers.
"Take it off for me, sweetheart," His raspy voice was low, eyes unflinching as he watched you. "Nice n' slow." His elbows rested on his thighs as he watched you.
Your hands went to the hem, lifting it off your waist and over your shoulders. You unbuttoned your jeans, too, sliding them down your thighs and stepping out of them. You stood in your bra and panties before him, feeling a bit nervous with his unfaltering gaze, his eyes taking in every inch.
He was practically eating you alive. He trailed up and down your form, a strangled sigh coming from him as he watched your breasts push against your bra, thong clinging to you nicely with the wetness between your thighs. He couldn't believe he'd gotten you in his grasp, so willing and ready to do anything he asked. It made his cold heart melt, watching the way your hip shifted nervously.
"C'mere," He said, leaning back.
Your feet pushed forward, standing before him, and he grabbed your hips as he tugged you onto his lap. He let his hands reach around to sit on your ass, exhaling, nearly exploding with how good you felt in his hands. Such silky skin, he couldn't help but let his hands roam.
"Pretty little thing you are," He whispered against your throat, his nose nuzzled against your chin.
Your eyes fluttered shut as he pressed a soft kiss to your neck, his tongue sticking out to lick a short strip over your skin. He took his time, lips exploring your neck.
"Simon," You sighed, hands reaching for his forearms. "Please." You wanted him to touch you already, your pussy was aching from being so aroused.
"I'm takin' my time with you, sweetheart," Was his response.
You shivered, his hands running up and down your back, reaching for your ass. You arched your back, chest flush against his. He wanted to memorize every curve, learn you inside and out until he could blindly please you.
"Take off my shirt for me."
You obeyed, nimble fingers working quickly to unbutton his shirt, eyes widening as you pulled it open. His chest was muscular, and your eyes trailed down to his abs, scars scattered over his torso. There was a trail of coarse hair that disappeared into his jeans. You felt your pussy clench, a fire that was already raging in your womb exploded tenfold.
You tugged the shirt off his shoulders, breath hitting his chest as you sighed, nearly riding his lap.
He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to your lips. You moaned, exhaling harshly through your nose as his tongue slid inside you mouth, gliding against yours. Your head went dizzy- intoxicated, drowning in the taste of his lips. You never wanted to pull away and your fingers reached his jaw as you leaned into him, hunger in your kiss.
Your hands then ran down his chest, over the hard muscles on his torso. He grunted softly, his body jerking as you felt his shoulders and biceps.
His hands reached around, unclasping your bra. He let it drop, watching you pull your arms from the straps. His eyes flashed to your breasts, one hand reaching up to cup your breast. Your head fell back, the ache in your pussy only getting stronger as he massaged your breasts. His thumb grazed your nipple, making you gasp softly.
"So fuckin' beautiful," He groaned.
You lifted your head, eyes boring into his.
He leaned in again, licking your breast before he took your nipple in his mouth, tongue swirling around it before flicking over it. You gasped, fingers lifting to his hair.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," He pulled back, lips finding your neck in a passionate kiss. "Bet your cunt tastes even better."
You sighed aloud, your hips jumping against his crotch. His words sent a shiver of desire straight through you, fingernails digging into his shoulders. He lifted you up with ease, turning to settle you on the bed.
Your legs were still wrapped around his waist, his lips back on yours for a moment before he kissed down your neck. Travelling over your breasts, he left bruises on the soft flesh, moving to your stomach, then hip bones.
His fingers tugged at your panties, parting them from your body with a bit of resistance from your wet core, then slid them down your legs, discarding them on the floor.
"Fuck," He mumbled. "You're soaked," He growled.
His lips attached to your inner thigh, throwing your legs over his shoulders. Your fingers reached into his hair, exhaling as you waited, hardly able to contain the thrumming in your chest, your desperate writhing.
His tongue licked a stripe through your folds and your hips jumped when he ran over your clit. Softly exhaling, you squeezed your thighs together around his ears.
He groaned softly, doing it again to receive the same reaction. His tongue worked a bit harder now, moving in circles over your clit. You were already wet- he knew that well. He wanted to eat your pussy for his own pleasure. He listened intently to the beautiful moans from your lips, his cock hardening even more when your fingers tugged and pulled at his hair.
You let out a soft moan, fingers curling into his hair, tugging as he lapped generously. The sounds of your pussy on his tongue were vulgar- echoing around your room. You were writhing in his grasp, even as his hands came to your hip bones to steady you.
He slid a finger inside you, curling it up against the rough spot inside your pussy. Your chest lifted, panting as he continued the motion, tongue still on your clit.
"God- Simon," You croaked, shivering. He adored the way his name sounded from your mouth.
It didn't take long for your climax to near, having already been turned on for so long, you were just waiting for his touch. You shifted with restlessness, and when he added a second finger, you knew your release would come any moment.
"I'm almost there," You whispered, voice hoarse as your abdomen clenched down.
"Cum for me, sweetheart," He cooed, fingers still coaxing it out of you.
Your eyes rolled shut, pussy squeezing down as you came- hard. He didn't relent, pleasure coursing through you as he continued his movements. He could hardly move his fingers at a certain point, your pussy constricting around him.
"Fuckin' hell," He murmured, eyes watching your body as you came.
You sighed softly, finally recovering from your orgasm, and Simon stood to his feet, face wet with your cum.
He leaned forward, "You wanna taste yourself?"
Your body shivered, meeting him halfway, pressing your lips to his. You made an effort to find his tongue, moaning at the taste of yourself on his tongue; mostly bitter, a hint of sweetness.
He stood up, yanking the belt from his jeans. You gulped, eyes watching with anticipation.
"I want to feel you," You said.
"Go on, love."
You reached out, fingers undoing his button, then his zipper. You yanked his pants down over his thighs. His bulge in his briefs was larger than expected- much larger. You pulled his briefs down, met with his large cock. Your hands immediately reached out to feel him, and his head fell back.
He was so used to fucking his own hand, the skin of yours was like satin on his cock. He choked back a gasp.
"Yeah," He groaned. "Just like that sweetheart," He praised, watching you twist your wrist, hand running up and down his length. You sighed softly, hips rocking as you listened to him, burning desire as he praised you.
You shifted, thighs rubbing together to create friction on your clit.
"Can't wait anymore," He said. "Lie back."
You did as he said, and he crawled over you, kicking his jeans off. He grabbed your thighs, tugging them to his waist as he lined his cock up to your entrance, tip rubbing against your clit.
"Can I?"
"Yes," You breathed. "Please."
"I'll give you just what you deserve, sweetheart," He grunted, his cock sliding slowly into your pussy. He let out a long sigh, basking in the way your walls took him in, how easy it was to glide in against the natural lubrication.
You moaned, your pussy stretching to accommodate his large size. It was uncomfortable for a few moments, before he began thrusting his hips against you. He leaned down, head beside yours as he rounded his hips, nudging his cock deep inside. You were all moans, body no longer able to do anything but obey. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding onto him.
"Takin' this cock so well," He said in your ear. Your eyes nearly rolled in your skull, squeezing shut. "Gonna make you cum for me."
"Keep talking like that, please," You whispered, eyes opening to watch him.
He groaned, "Been wonderin' what you'd sound like on my cock."
"Oh my-" You couldn't even manage to get out another word, another coherent sentence, so you relied on his name. "Simon."
"Fuck," He groaned in your ear. "So fuckin' wet."
"So good," You breathed.
His hips drove into yours, his pelvis hitting your clit repeatedly. His thick cock massaged your walls and it was nearly too much. You arched your back, toes curling, thighs clenching around his waist.
His body pressed against yours, neck craned to look at you from beside your head, watching your lips part as you gasped for air; he wanted to etch the vision behind his eyes. Your skin was flushed, fingers clawing at his back, hand cradling his head against your neck. He was repeatedly burying himself inside you, massaging your clit at the same time, and you couldn't hold back.
"F-fuck," You moaned. "Fuck- Simon," You gasped, pussy clenching around him.
"You gonna cum for me?" He asked, his hand moving back to grip your thigh.
You choked out a 'yes' as he bottomed out inside you, tip pressing against your cervix. You felt the sparks of pleasure level out over your body, enveloping you in a full-fledged fire, every nerve lit up with pleasure.
Your chest met his, tensing as your orgasm made your body rigid. He didn't relent, though the way you held him so tightly and whispered his name made it increasingly difficult not to.
"Simon," You moaned, eyes widening as you looked at him, lips parted with pleasure. "So good, Simon."
He groaned, listening to your swollen lips call his name, his cock twitched inside you. Your small frame, innocent eyes, soft thighs wrapped around him while he stroked his cock in your tight, wet pussy; if he was a lesser man be would've finished inside you immediately without hesitation. But he wanted to experience it all for as long as he could.
"That's right, sweetheart," He rolled his hips again. "Fuck you feel good."
Your fingernails scraped down his back, his muscles flexing as he moved. He exhaled sharply. Your thighs were squeezing his waist, and his fingers were surely bruising the delicate skin, but you didn't care.
He devoured your moans with his lips, relishing the way you still groaned, even with his tongue in your mouth he could hear you. He could still feel you too, your sensitive pussy clenching around him every time he hit your clit.
"I want you to cum again," He said. "Let me make you cum again," He pleaded. He so desperately needed to see it again, needed to see you fall apart for him, call out for him.
"Don't stop," You said, pressing a kiss to his neck. It was desperate, an attempt to make him feel just as good as he had for you, and you kissed up his jaw when you heard a satisfied groan in his throat.
Your eyes rolled back, abdomen and pussy clenching as the tension in your stomach began to build again. It was unraveling quickly, crumbling when he praised you, talked to you, even looked at you.
"I'm-I'm close," You said, clinging to his shoulders. "Again."
He nearly laughed. "Yeah, love. Let it out, give it to me."
"Yes," You moaned, head thrown back. "Fuck yes."
Your climax wasn't far, another wave of pleasure pulling you under. You struggled for breath, your eyes squeezing shut, fingers digging into him.
He let out a short gasp, feeling exactly how tight you could hug his cock, and it sent him over the edge at nearly the same time.
"Where do you want it?" He asked, pulling out.
He was massaging his cock, and you took over, lowering yourself as he released over your breasts, thrusting forward in your hand.
"Fuuck," He drawled, seeing your breasts painted white with his cum.
You sat back, staring up at him. He leaned forward, kissing you softly.
"Definitely should've said something sooner," You teased.
"I've got you here now," He said, a small smile on his glowing face. "That's all I care about."
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hotchfiles · 6 months
finale. damn your love.
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pairing: james x fem!reader.
content warnings: james being kind of an ass, cheating on lily, lily will be probably shit talked (i luv her i'm very sorry !), mistress!reader, uhhh cursing, not totally AU but like... canon divergent i would say. probably hurt/no comfort unless i switch the ending but--
worth mentioning: reader insert with no use of names or “y/n”. paragraphs completely in italic are flashbacks. pro quidditch player!james. muggle born!reader.
word count: 2,1k
previous chapter
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chapter 4, finale.
you spent the whole afternoon with some cousins, talking about the whole france thing, asking questions and trying to understand why they didn't move there when your aunt, their mother, did. stable job, pregnancy... all reasons you certainly didn't have to hold you back. you could ask to be transferred to france's ministry of magic, or just take a muggle job as you thought about sometimes. and you definitely didn't have a baby on the way, nor a husband, or a boyfriend.
still, your heart was full of uncertainty, is the perfect place to fall in love, one of your cousins said, and you laughed as if love wasn't the problem to begin with, as if love wasn't the one thing pushing you away from your home town because you were too weak.
you got home and by instinct started roaming around your apartment, looking at every picture, the place was full of things you loved, things you were dearly attached to and would deeply miss like your friends, the rest of your family, the london weather you could always see from your window... and obviously, james.
you weren't innocent to believe he would even remember you when making a decision like this, you very much knew if the roles were reverse he probably would be in france by now, and that hurt, that cut your hurt deeply, knowing he didn't care was a terrible feeling, but still, you cared, you didn't really want to live away from him, because even after everything he put you through, you loved him.
even when you were angry you couldn't imagina a life without james, it wasn't easy to switch your brain around completely, fact was that for too long you were sure that being close to him, that having him even for a night was the best for you, because you had him. and a life where you wouldn't have him at all seemed... empty. but that emptiness seemed like such a relief if it came with no longer being his second option, not having to hear her name, not being the one he looks for to complain about her while also not doing anything to leave her. that seemed comforting. and the right thing. but you still were confused. it was too big of a decision that you had to make all on your own, anyone you told about it would certainly tell you to move and leave him behind. it was the right choice. so you couldn't.
while looking for a painkiller in your drawers (crying always gave you a headache, and you've been doing it a lot the last few days) you found the worst possible thing you could: a memories book. you and james had made two of those the last year of hogwarts. with pictures and little notes and diary entries. the first page was your first picture together from when you were eleven, it was winter time, you both had your cold clothes on but still your cheeks and noses were extremely red. the picture itself was already a punch to the gut, but alongside there was his handwriting, meaning you probably left something on his as well, "you complete me since i was eleven. back then i didn't know how big that was, but now i do, meeting you was the most important thing to ever happen to me. you're my best friend and i love you. from eleven to forever."
you tried to hold back the tears but it was inevitable, it was terrible to see how much things had changed since then, the person who once said you completed him, now would go months and months without talking to you, and then appear out of nowhere at your door in the middle of the night, it was always like that now.
now the moments where you really felt like he needed you were rare, very different than how he was as a teenager, then there was a constant need to listen to you, to be helped by you, to touch you. and it was the same for you, and it hasn't changed for you, but it has for him.
each picture from that album was a different knife to your chest, each photo causing you a another wave of sobs as you compulsively cried. every memory confused you even more, because in london you had that man, not always, but when you did it was like you were complete again, and when you were away from each other, you felt empty. you didn't want to feel empty forever.
in a moment of pure nostalgia you came to the conclusion that your james, the james from those pictures, still existed, even if just deep down, well in the back of his mind, he did still exist, and if you two could finally talk with honesty without fighting, you could bring that james back and you could work it out.
before you would loose that single string of courage, you took your wand from your nightstand and conjured your patronus, non corporal as always, with time it began to feel humiliating to have yours mirroring his after so many years, your message with it was simple, yet desperate: i really really need you right now, come see me.
you felt relief, knowing he would be there soon and you two would talk. at least that's what you expected him to do. but he never came. nor did he send a response. and truly, you could expect anything coming from him, but not that, you were clearly distraught in your message, and it still didn't matter. just a new way to disappoint you.
then you finally, finally saw the problem for what it was: you romanticized everything about that man, you could find beauty in every disappearance, you saw loving gazes when there was only lust in his eyes. there was no love coming from james, not for you. and you should have noticed that the first time he disappointed you. but you loved him too much and you thought things would be fine one day.
and nothing would ever be fine, not as long as you let him treat you like that, not if you kept answering to his pleads. not if you still opened the door for him.
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you were very nervous, but in the best way. it had been some weeks since the last time you had seen and talked to james, being one of appleby arrows' newest and youngest chasers was very time consuming, and you respected that. but he was home, you knew he was, sirius had told you over letter when he would be back. you wanted to surprise him.
you weren't dating anymore for some time now, for no other reason other than the fact he couldn't be the boyfriend you deserved right now because of the team. you understood that, you thought it was endearing how he was thinking of you that way, and you still missed him when he was gone, you missed his smile, his eyes, his voice, his curls, his blurred glasses you would always have to clean.
you two had an unbreakable bond, best friends who were always there for each other, and even after breaking up you both had spent a few nights together, some just cuddling, some more than that. you didn't mind because you knew james loved you, and that he was just busy right now.
you apparate directly at his door without notice, the perks of being of age, and knocked on the door a few times, not even trying to hide the smile that took half of your face, you were so excited to hear him talk about the games, to see him, to feel his arms around your waist. to just think you were a few steps from feeling his scent... you were glad the torture of being away was over for now.
ms. euphemia is the one to open the door and you try not to notice how her smile simply disappeared as soon as she noticed it was you by the door, it was probably your imagination, she always liked you, actually, she loved you, you were always called for family dinners and vacations, you were part of the family, just as james was a part of yours.
"darling! didn't expect you so soon..." she sounds concerned, her head turning around for a slight second, seemingly checking for something, before giving you room to come in. "come in, sweetheart." you hug her in appreciation, and also because you've missed her almost as much as you missed her son.
"jamie's home, right?"
"yes dear, in the kitchen... but be careful." you don't understand what she means at first and you don't try to hard to, you don't have time to, your steps quick to the kitchen, regret filling your mind and your heart as soon as you did so.
james had a girl by his side, you knew very much who she was even, from hogwarts, gryffindor like the both of you. lily evans. their hands were intertwined, his smile that once was only yours was freely being directed at her, and worse than that, you see him brush his lips, that were also yours, on hers.
your heart shatters. you feel like there's no floor to fall to anymore. you didn't know what to do, how to deal with that. you were so sure he loved you, that he didn't want a serious commitment simply because of his job, and now you saw with your own eyes that he just didn't want to commit to you.
you take the deepest breath you've ever taken, holding your tears back as you try to maintain at least some of your pride. he didn't even notice you were there, too busy completely lovesick for the one in front of him. you turn around and get out of their sight, euphemia looks at you with the saddest eyes and calls you with her hands for a hug, which you gladly take. you can't hold the tears anymore, so you cry.
"i'm messin' up your blouse." you whine, feeling so sorry for that you couldn't even put into words, it was silly.
"dear, my son broke your heart, don't mind the blouse." she hugs you even tighter as you both hear laughter coming from the kitchen, "you'll always be my favorite. my james will see how wrong he is, just wait a little." you slowly agree with a nod, and as you both notice steps approaching, she lets you go from the hug.
you can hear james asking her if it was you just as you close the door and apparated back to your house. that was the last time you saw both of them for... you don't even know how long.
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euphemia told you to wait a little, and unconsciously you followed her advice, but you couldn't wait anymore, that was too much, it had been years, too many years, he made your life hell by taking advantage of the fact you felt in heaven by his side.
you let yourself sob, this time in total and complete rage, taking the book full of memories in your hand and throwing it in a trashcan.
you were going to burn him out if you couldn't ignore the memories. you watched the flames dance as they destroyed the paper, but the feeling in your gut didn't get smaller. and to think he was probably having a nice time with his girlfriend by now made you even more angry. angry at him, resentful at yourself for letting it get this far.
you went back to the room and screamed in fury, throwing every single one of the frames containing pictures of you two on the floor, you desperately wanted him out, you didn't want anything to do with him anymore, you wanted him gone, gone.
you spent the next hours going through everything you had, burning pictures, breaking cds, destroying plushies, ripping clothes apart, you knew for sure your neighbours would call the police at some point because of the breaking sounds and your yelling, but you didn't care anymore.
and then... your eyes fell to your bed, and you realized it didn't matter how much you tried to get him out of your home, james had plastered himself everywhere. everything reminded you of him. you truly couldn't be there anymore. you couldn't sleep in that bed, in that room anymore.
and you knew, there was no confusion. london wasn't your home anymore.
so you left. your apartment. your hometown. your beloved country.
and most importantly. you left james.
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tag: @xcinnamonmalfoyx @dreamsygirl
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