#endos are harmful
wxrmeaterz · 25 days
"The future is plural" movement from endos is CONCERNING
regardless of the fact they do not believe you require trauma to be a system (medically impossible) this proves they want to groom kids into identifying as endo and spread their medical misinformation further.
as well as causing real systems to believe they dont have it bad enough to be "traumagenic" (the only "genic you can be. this language is bullshit im just using these terms to explain their shit), preventing them from getting real help. they are WIDELY anti-recovery.
their misinformation has ALREADY endangered real systems medically as they have made professionals skeptical of a medically proven disorder, a disorder that is already very stigmatised.
outside of just endogenic misinformation, this statement leads to the idea that they want to traumatise kids to make more systems.
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antiendovents · 3 months
Saying this as a trans system:
It's very insulting how endos will compare being a system to being trans.
And it's disgusting how they've made up terms like "sysmed" and "traumascum" in an attempt to make people with DID/OSDD look bad for standing up for themselves and not wanting misinformation to be spread. I also think it's an attempt to make outsiders/people new to syscourse go "Oh, these words look like words used by transphobes/exclusionists. I don't think I'll side with those people."
It's revolting as hell. Leave childhood trauma survivors alone for once. It's really not that hard.
yeah. being a system and being trans are two completely different things and cannot be compared. endos have done this on purpose and its clear, they're not safe for trauma survivors, they're taking over our community and then they're trying to push us out of it by calling us things like "sysmed" or "traumascum" (as if we're scum for being traumatised??) and acting as if us wanting them to stop pretending to have a serious disorder is bigotry.
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sysboxes · 10 months
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[Text: This alter looks up triggering content as a way to self harm.]
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sirenium · 2 months
I wish every 'endo free traumagenic blog' a very realize mixed origin systems exist
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interstellarsystem · 2 months
As a psychotic system who is quoigenic, please do not use psychosis as a scapegoat for your anti-endo sentiments. You do not get to sit there and say "endos are just psychotic, not actual systems". Our system experiences do not come from our psychosis, but even if they did, would that mean we deserve to be harrassed?
Delusions and hallucinations are worsened for a lot of psychotic people by active harrassment and/or denial. If someone actually is a system due to a delusion, they are just as real as anyone else because you know what? They feel like they are, and that will not be changed with any amount of yelling at them or putting horrible asks in their inbox. Their percieved reality is altered but they feel the experiences of being plural and we are not qualified to go around accusing people of being less real. Feeding into delusions can also cause harm and every psychotic person is different, but harrassment will not help anyone.
You let your hatred of a community of plurals just trying to exist bleed into ableism toward others who are already so stigmatised. You do not care about psychotic people or disabled people at large, you only care about pushing your hate forward. We are not your "gotcha" card.
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antiendosystemterms · 23 days
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Harmful viewer (alter)
A term for an alter who seeks out harmful or triggering content, topics, ect. This may be a way to self harm or they may enjoy doing this.
((this term is made by us. The flag is made by us.))
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theotherhappyplace · 1 year
chronic pain rant/endometriosis
Fair warning I am discussing suicide ideation extreme physical pain described in terms of torture. I am having a pain flare and just want to express my sadness and distress. Feel free to ignore this sick girl rant.
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pluralcultureis · 2 months
I know it's not an ask but I feel like people often ask why people don't support endos. At least to me being non-traumagenic is like saying you have SH scars but that you never SH-ed. Like where'd it come from then?!?
It's a very similar vibe
I've seen it described as "trans-abled in a different font" and honestly that's what it feels like to me
*I don't speak for our whole system, we have varying opinions (all that lean anti-endo, just different opinions within that side of syscourse)
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Hate having to block some of anti-endo tags sucks but on certain ones (especially used by those who are more harsh in their beliefs) just end up being straight up harmful and ableist
We don't get into sys course much so please don't bring that here, we don't want to be involved, it just sucks seeing these people that are against misinformation (aka misinfo spread by endos) and yet are spreading so much misinformation by saying shit like
"endos are delusional" "they need to be checked into a mental hospital"
Like yes we know that endos spread harmful misinformation, but being so harsh about it only causes more problems because they will get defensive and more set in their belief that they are right because you are telling them that they are wrong
Just stop being so harsh on them and stop being fucking ableist about it, you're allowed to be upset and angry at endos but don't be ableist and harmful about it...
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gipzisays209 · 4 months
No way! I feel flattered!!!
Remember what I said before? About the sysmed server not knowing I exist? Well! It appears as though that would now be an incorrect statement! (More under the cut)
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Let's go at this like it's English class, shall we? Dissect this post for it's contents?
"If you get this server taken down, we'll just make another server. ... If it comes to that, we'll just share the links in private GCs ..."
Well. Ain't that a kick in the head! If one server gets taken down, it's entirely possible to take another one down for the exact same reason! And saying you'll only hand out links privately... hate to break it to ya, but I, the host, am a Theatre kid. Acting is a hobby, and one I'm damn good at. You hand out links privately, only to people you deem trustworthy? Honey, that is my forte. ;)
"You're getting mad and defensive over us calling you out ... Instead of wasting your time reporting our server, maybe focus your energy on reporting servers that are actually harming people?"
Whoa, slow down there, hoss. Take a breather. You ever thought about why we're here? In your Discord? Taking screenshots and leaking them?
It's because, surprise surprise, fakeclaiming is harmful. It doesn't matter what it is, if you're getting fakeclaimed over a unique and individual experience/identity, that can (and sometimes will, sadly) cause a spiral that can lead to some nasty places. Depression. Isolation.
Even places like self-harm and suicide.
We are here because your server is harmful. We are here because you present an active threat to the community. But of course your HIGHNESS can't bear to think they're the problem!
"Addressing the ban claims, at one point we did ban a lot of faker systems from our server while rooting out a mole. Everyone from that event has since been unbanned. If you are still banned, its for a reason. Claims of us 'banning just because we can' are false. I could take a screenshot of our ban list and give a reason for every single one."
*Sips cup*
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Yeah, I think we can move on from this one.
And now, the quote I've been so desperately wanting to address...
"Gip, because I know you’re in here, kindly stop sucking Ghost’s dick and get your own opinions, it would do everyone good. That goes for all of his little zombie followers. If your lives revolve around people on an online messaging app screwing around, re-evaluate your life choices."
Wow, where do I start with this one?
Blatant misgendering, bordeline going against their own rules when it comes to naming people on the server- I have 20 followers! And even then, you're still going to drop a version of my username? Just like that? Mmmmm...
I have my own opinions, thanks. I don't need a circlejerk discord to make me feel better about my own shitty fucking existence, cuz I have the balls to outright admit I'm a petty asshole with no fucking life. And my opinion is that people like Sophie, people like Cambrian and Lunastas and Guardian- all of them are fucking right. They have all proven they do their goddamn research, they actually give back to the communities they inhabit, and most of all, they aren't leeching off of people just by fucking existing, as hard as it is for you guys to believe.
(Also, if you're gonna insult someone, get it fucking right lmfao. Ghost is the goddamn host, Sophie is not Ghost. Two different people. Also, I'm fucking Asexual, so um, projecting much?)
Wow. As of writing this, they literally just got worse!
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Well. You see, while I personally choose to censor Discord usernames to close loopholes like this, it's actually not the same as if you sent a Tumblr handle. What you're seeing in those screenshots are not identifiers, they are server nicknames. Which are specific to THAT SERVER ONLY. Unlike places like Tumblr and Twitter, where seeing your name automatically means someone can find you, on Discord it's actually not possible (that I know of) to doxx someone through a server nickname alone. So no, actually, Sophie didn't leave your username out there, only a server nickname, and the two are not the same. So yes, actually. Because Discord is it's own site with it's own way of handling usernames, it is perfectly acceptable what Sophie did (although not perfectly ideal), because nobody is going to be able to use those names alone to doxx and/or harass.
And finally, the final update as of writing this post... the almighty @ everyone ping...
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Damn. I don't even have to AP English IV this shit, they already did it for me!
To sum it all up, phew... I guess I'm a target now! Which I'm honestly pretty damn fine with! But just know, I don't fuckin hold back. I will be a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, because I don't care how petty I am. I don't care about what people think of me, or whatever the fuck you could ever do to me.
I care about defending people from the likes of you.
So go on. Give me your best shot, then. You have the balls to call me out in front of your entire Discord server?
Challenge accepted, motherfucker.
Challenge accepted, motherfucker.
Challenge accepted.
Let's get 'em, bitches!
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belinhagamer999 · 5 months
Alt flag for problematic factives
[PT: Alt flag for problematic factives /END PT]
Inspired by the first problematic factives flag made by @problematicfactive
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[IMAGE ID: The image features an abstract geometric composition with a central black rectangle containing a bicolor yellow circle. This square is enclosed in a surrounding border, with the gold circle. The background which is composed of the retangles border mentioned above is segmented into four distinct quadrants, each displaying a different color; dark maroon on the top left, dark purple on the top right, dark blue on the bottom right, and dark magenta on the bottom left. /END ID]
It has the same meaning they applied to the flag, just other design and more darker colors.
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antiendovents · 3 months
some (pro-)endos try to look inclusive, look harmless. they make work to look harmless in eyes of strangers/newcomers. they do it on purpose. but it's not my main point.
when was a newcomer in osddid community, one of the first things i got to know was "endogenic" systems. and because lack of knowledge abt forming systems n how osddid works, i thought: hmm, sounds reasonable. (there weren't info abt "willowgenic" n "tulpagenic" n other really weird n obviously illogical shit, so that info could really look reasonable for newcomer who don't know much abt these disorders). i was lucky. soon got a good friend who told me actual scientific info abt osddid n why endos are harmful. because before that talk i thought: no matter whether endos real or not, there could be actual traumagenic systems who don't remember their trauma n if we exclude endos, we will exclude them too. and this was the most important argument for me. still had some critical thinking so found the idea of non-traumagenic systems doubtful, but thought: they are harmless, n there can be actual systems who still need support. better if include them, then if exclude someone who need help n resources. but was wrong.
when said: "but if endos really can't exist, there still can be systems who don't remember their trauma or are in denial! they need to be included!"
my friend answered: "if there weren't endos, systems who don't remember their trauma or are in denial wouldn't be misinformed. they would recognize they have trauma and it's real, they just can't remember or underestimate it."
and it's true. they were absolutely right. n i understood that n stopped support endos n their ideas. am really glad now that wasn't active endo supporter/promoter. never spread their ideas, never was in their communities, never talk abt it with anyone except said friend.
because they're harmful. they encourage denial, they promote anti-recovery. later get to know abt more harmful things like cultural appropriation, glorification, actual faking, invalidation of others' traumas to convince them they are actually endos, n so on. but even the first two are enough for them to be harmful.
they are inherently harmful. because the idea of "endogenic" systems hinders recovery. (n have no scientific proofs).
n the worst part? it wasn't tumblr or tiktok or instagram. i found this info in local social media of my country in my native language. where info abt osddid is really rare. where awareness abt these disorders is incredibly low. n endos are already there, spread their misinfo.
so. "endogenic" system is harmful idea by itself. n the community is dangerous because it's large, it spreads misinfo, n they promote themself all over the world.
yeah, as much as I do feel bad for systems that are only confused and in denial calling themselves endogenic, they're harmful. They spread so much misinformation, which only causes more systems to be confused, to feel fake, ect. They also stop recovery, as you mentioned. Some of it has probably given singlets an excuse to pretend to be systems too ((willowgenics for an example)) and not to mention how much they steal from us. Our terms, our spaces, ect.
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disabled-sysboxes · 1 month
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[TEXT ID: this system has harm OCD]
[IMG ID: a teal rectangular box with the ocd flag - a flag with 4 stripes, teal, white, light yellow, orange - with an icon of a knife to the left, with the text 'this system has harm OCD' on the right.]
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systemtermz · 6 months
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A headmate who inflicts self harm on themselves or the body. This can be an unhealthy coping mechanism, an addiction, etc.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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cdd-system-terms · 1 month
[pt: involunharm. end pt]
not requested by anyone
Involunharm [In-vol-un-harm]
Involun: involuntary
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A term for alters that hold trauma related to being forced to harm someone (for RAMCOA/OEA/TBMC/programmed systems only), regardless of how much or how bad. This can include any sort of harm or abuse, regardless of how minor or how major you consider it to be. This includes failed attempts to harm someone. This can also include being forced to harm or attempt to harm animals, not just people. Some examples would be physical abuse, verbal abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, rape, animal abuse, mental abuse, pyschological abuse, emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, religious abuse, grooming, bullying or cyberbullying, sextortion, etc. It can also include abusing someone into developing or fully developing a disorder, worsening their existing disorder symptoms (regardless of if they have the "full-blown" disorder or if they are only showing some traits), and/or intentionally triggering their disorders. Disorder examples are dissociative disorders, addictions, eating disorders, personality disorders, etc. It can also include worsening physical issues.
The harm can be done to anyone or anything (such as animals) of any age, sex, gender, etc.
The syskid version would be Involunharmkid and the same flag is used for both terms.
*-someone can coin a similar term for non-programmed systems, I don’t mind ^^ But I am using the involun- prefix for programmed systems exclusively
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pluralcultureis · 29 days
tw// an alter harming the body
Plural culture is finding little remnants of their existence everywhere and finding it beautiful, until you remember those scars aren't mine but I have to deal with them and I hate the person who purposely put them there and almost everyday I have to remember that person exists and could do it again any time he wants
side now i love you protector/gatekeeper who protects the body and other alters from the genuinely shitty persecutor youre doing great and ily
(also i have to include this not all persecutors are horrible and evil and like everyone else didn't choose to be here and have that role)
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