#drinking coffee and having an existential crisis
I turned 40 on Saturday and it's really fucking weird.
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cherryflavoured7777 · 7 months
Do you miss me, dear? [h.c]
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Summary: Stuck at a graduation party, surrounded by memories of your past relationship and your own loneliness, your night takes an unexpected turn when you find yourself dialing the number of the one person you vowed you wouldn't contact.
Pairing: College!Hazel x College!Fem!Reader 
Contains: smut 18+ only, explicit language, drinking, smoking, mutual pining, slightly toxic reader I think, fingering (r! receiving), oral(r! receiving), break-up/make-up sex, idiots in love, this one gets straight-up MUSHY I’m not gonna lie
Word count: 4.1k
a/n: I just need to say I am deeply obsessed with all of you who interacted with either of my last two fics. reading your comments/ replies seriously makes me SO happy you have no idea. Got me giggling and shit fr! I don’t know why my writing always ends up including partying and drinking but maybe it’s because I just graduated college and am having an existential post-grad crisis. Anyway 💀I hope you enjoy and thank you again for reading!!!
Also, this is inspired by this song by one of my favourite bands:  
“I don’t know what I’m still doing here.” You say out loud to yourself, standing up from the musty green couch you were sitting on. An empty beer bottle falls from the cushion onto the ground, shattering into pieces beside your foot. 
This party sucked. Pushing your way through the crowded, stuffy kitchen, you couldn't shake off the feeling of suffocation. Tipsy couples entangled in each other's arms seemed to be everywhere, a painful reminder of what you once had and lost. The memories of being that annoying person in love at a party flooded back, amplifying the ache of your loneliness.
The thumping music in your ears only made your head pound harder. Desperate for a breath of fresh air, you stumbled toward the door, ignoring the intoxicated laughter and clinking glasses that filled the air. As you stepped outside, the cool night breeze hit your face, offering a momentary rescue from the overwhelming atmosphere inside.
The darkness of the night sky above seemed to swallow you whole, but it felt strangely comforting. Leaning against the porch railing, you closed your eyes, trying to regain your composure. In the silence outside, you could hear distant laughter and the faint sound of music, muffled by the walls of the house.
You settled into a seat around a glass table, next to a guy you recognized from one of your classes. You exchanged a quick nod of acknowledgment before reaching into your purse, retrieving a box of cigarettes. Smoking was not a regular habit for you, but you reserved it for moments like these—after a few drinks and a growing sense of irritation. 
You lit the end of the cigarette, watching it crackle, and took a long drag. As you exhaled the smoke, you tilted your head back, noticing the full moon glowing brightly above.
"Full moon tonight," the boy beside you remarked, his voice carrying a note of intrigue. "They say some crazy shit can happen on full moons."
You chuckled bitterly. "Yeah, well, that could explain why I'm stuck at this party right now."
He leaned back, studying you intently. 
“I wish I could be an astronaut and get the fuck out of here.” You mused, gaze fixed on the bright glow of the moon. "I only came to this party because she said she would be here." Another drag of the cigarette punctuated your words.
"Who's she?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"My ex," you replied, trying to seem nonchalant. His gaze was fixed on you, "Hazel."
Until today, you hadn't spoken to Hazel in over three months, choosing to cut off all contact in an attempt to speed up the process of moving on. You're both surprised that you managed to endure the silence for so long, and disappointed that she hasn't made any effort to reach out, not even once. 
That was until about six hours ago when you were sitting at a coffee shop on campus with your roommate, Brittany, studying for your upcoming statistics exam. 
"Don't look now, but Hazel just walked in," she whispers, her tone hushed, and her eyes widening. "And she's with another girl."
Your heart plummeted into your stomach. You were seated with your back to the door, and you watched as they both approached the corner, heading in your direction.
"Brittany!" the blonde girl accompanying Hazel exclaims, leaving the three of you momentarily stunned.
Hazel follows a few steps behind, clearly taken aback by the encounter. She looked annoyingly hot, her disheveled brown hair, baggy white t-shirt and black jeans, adorned with her signature silver chains and rings. It takes all your strength not to stare. 
"Hey, Amanda," Brittany replied, forcing a polite smile. "Hazel."
Hazel offers a nod in greeting to Brittany and then to you. You feel like a middle-schooler again, awkward and unsure of how to act around your crush.
"Did you manage to finish that paper for Professor Sharpe's class?" the girl asked. 
As Brittany carries on the conversation with Amanda, you can feel Hazel's gaze on you, catching her eyes occasionally. 
You never anticipated the aftermath of your breakup with Hazel to be this awkward. All those nights spent tangled up together, where you both believed you could read each other's minds, now reduced to this.
"So, Hazel, are you going to Emma’s graduation party tonight? All of us are going," Brittany chimed in, attempting to steer the conversation away from the obvious tension.
Hazel smiled sheepishly, replying, "Yeah, I’m going."
"Cool," Brittany replied, her smile masking the underlying awkwardness in the air.
A beat of uncomfortable silence hung between you all.
"Will you be there?" Hazel asked breaking the silence, turning toward you, her voice almost hesitant.
"Yeah, I'll be there," you said, mustering a small smile. "Wouldn’t want to miss it."
Hazel smiled, "Cool," she said, her voice soft, "I'll see you there then."
Just as the atmosphere began to ease, Amanda abruptly intervened, her grip firm on Hazel's hand. "Hazel, let’s go, I forgot something in my car," Amanda said, her tone strangely possessive, and she dragged Hazel away before you could utter another word.
This breadcrumb of information has led you here. You spent the first fifteen minutes at the party searching for her like a lost puppy. When you couldn't find her, you contemplated leaving but opted to drown your thoughts with tequila shots instead. Now, you're clinging to any scrap of attention you can find, desperately trying to purge her from your mind.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the male voice beside you. "D’you have a light?" he asked, his cigarette aimed in your direction. You stare at him for a moment, deadpan, still frozen in your thoughts from the events that unfolded earlier today. 
"Fuck it," you muttered under your breath, reaching for your phone. You’re calling her.
“You’re soaked,” Hazel says as you climb into the front seat of her car, her tone a mix of concern and annoyance. “Seriously, you’re getting mud all over the floor of my car.” While you were waiting for Hazel to pick you up from the party, It started raining, you thought enduring it outside would be better than being stuffed in that small house full of people you didn't even really know. 
“You lied.” You retort back. 
“You said you were coming to the party.” 
“Yeah well, my plans changed. Put your seatbelt on.” As she shifted the car into reverse, she placed her hand on your seat to steady herself. With a quick glance over your shoulder, she backed out of the driveway in one brisk movement.
You attempted to keep your composure, trying not to make it entirely obvious that you were basically drooling over how hot she looked doing that.  
“I can tell that there’s someone else,” You say after a few moments of silence, trying to disguise your jealousy with innocent curiosity. “Come on, tell me,” You finally click your seatbelt into place. “I can take it well.” 
"Oh, I know you can," she replied, shooting you a smug look, trying to divert this conversation from getting too deep right now.
“Hazel.” You groan at her dumb attempt at an innuendo, throwing your head backward and hitting the headrest. “Just be honest. Is it the girl from the coffee shop earlier? Or what about the girl Isabel saw you with last week at the library? Or both? Who am I kidding, there’s probably even more than that.”
“Do you have like, personal spies assigned to watch over me?”
You don’t respond right away, deciding to avoid her questions like she’s avoiding yours. You crank the window open and throw your head out. The spring wind cool on your face. 
“God, you’re so annoying sometimes.”
She’s quiet for a moment. 
Look, I know I wasn't where I said I'd be, but I was busy, doing stuff," she replied defensively.
"Yeah," you scoffed, your words tinged with a hint of anger. "I'm sure you were."
You sit the next few minutes in silence, wondering if this whole thing was a bad idea. You couldn't pinpoint why you had called her in the first place. The intensity of seeing her earlier mixed with the disappointment of the lackluster party had left you missing her, even though you weren't entirely sure why.
"So, where am I taking you?" Hazel asked, her gaze shifting from the road to you. Strands of her brown hair were tousled by the wind.
Your buzz had faded, and with it, your initial courage waned. Swallowing hard, you hesitated before speaking. "Can I sleep at yours? Not— not like that," you hurriedly clarified, feeling a sudden need to explain. "It's just that Brittany has her new boyfriend over, and I could go back there, but I don’t really want to."
“Yeah, yeah. Of course.” 
After a moment, Hazel hesitantly rested her hand on your thigh, both of you aware of the significance of the touch, even if neither acknowledged it. Her fingers gave a gentle squeeze, the subtle pressure made your tummy flip. Beneath the surface, an unspoken understanding lingered, hinting that this night might entail more than just a ride home.
Hazel's apartment is full of brown moving boxes, an aching reminder of why you broke up in the first place. 
“Wow, this place is pretty much all packed up.” You say, slowly walking through the place, eventually landing at the doorway into her bedroom. 
She nods in response, her face reflecting a mixture of anticipation and sadness, settling down at the end of her bed.
"So, when do you leave?" The question weighed heavily on your heart as you voiced it. You wished you didn't have to ask these questions, yearning for a time when you were part of her plans, not just a spectator.
“Two weeks. My Aunt is gonna meet me at JFK and help me move into my new place.”
You sighed, feeling brave, "I wish I had the date circled on my calendar, helping you move, or going with you." You say the last part quiet, mostly to yourself.
The conversation lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of what could have been.
You walked over to her dresser, where a mirror was propped up, decorated with photos of you two from a photobooth, still clinging to the glass. Your heart swelled with mixed emotions.
Hazel says your name, breaking you from your trance. 
“Come here,” she says. 
You walk over slowly, standing between her legs. Your hands rest on her shoulders and you take a deep breath.
With both of your gazes locked, her hands came up behind your thighs, gently grabbing them and pulling them on either side of her one by one so you’re straddling her. Her hand comes up to brush a piece of hair from your face. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby” Her voice is barely a whisper as she stares up at you, her eyes practically shimmering with your reflection, Her hands settle on your waist, the warmth of her touch sending a pang of guilt through you. This breakup was unlike any you'd experienced before, and the raw emotions lingered, making you hesitate for a moment.
Your hands move up to cradle her face, your thumb dragging on her bottom lip. Still maintaining intense eye contact, you slowly slip your finger into her mouth, watching her with a mix of awe and longing.
The silence as you stare at each other is anything but awkward. It was charged with the weight of shared mourning, each of you navigating the complexity of a relationship's end.
You removed your finger, and in response, she grabbed your head gently, guiding it down towards her face, her eyes locked onto yours. Your lips barely grazed each other, and you wouldn’t be surprised if she could hear your rapid heartbeat. Hazel kissed you slowly at first, the touch of her lips sending a rush through your entire body. It quickly escalated, and there was a certain neediness to the way you both kissed, scared it could be the last time.
"Missed you," She whispered against your lips. Your mouths slid together, tongues pressing and exploring. The intensity of the kiss speaks volumes, like you were making up for lost time. Her lips found their way to your neck, leaving a trail of hot, lingering kisses, setting your body on fire. 
“Fuck, Hazel.” It was almost embarrassing how quickly you melted beneath her touch. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” You say, your voice strained, a soft moan escaping your lips. You very much wanted to be doing this, you just thought you should at least try to seem like you had stronger breakup morals than you did. Her hands found the curve of your ass, and you instinctively started to rock your hips slowly back and forth, seeking some much-needed friction. 
"Do you want me to stop? Say the word, and I'll stop, pretty girl," she murmured against your neck, her open-mouthed kisses and gentle suction on your pulse point sending shivers down your spine. You didn't reply with words, but your fingers found her hair, silently urging her to continue. "I need an answer, babygirl," 
"Don't stop," you breathed, your voice catching in your throat. "Please, don't stop." Your hips still lazily moving on her. Her mouth was back on yours, deepening the kiss as she guided you both down, her hands roaming over the back of your legs and your ass. She tugged at the hem of your shirt, helping you out of it and leaving you in your black lace bra.  
"So fucking perfect. Missed you so fucking much," she confessed, 
"I missed you too, Haze, every day," you whined, 
"You ever think about me? she asked, breathless. "About this?" she continued 
You nodded, your breath hitching as you confessed, "All the time. Couldn't stop thinking about you, your hands, your mouth."
Her eyes darken as you sit up and effortlessly unhook your bra, leaning back down, your lips finding their way to her collarbone, marking a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses along her skin. Your hands slowly creep their way up under her shirt, seeking permission. She nods, a silent affirmation, and you gently peel her shirt off over her head. Your stomach flips as you feel her arms effortlessly turn both of you over, trading places, landing on your back as she hovers over you. Her silver chain dangling above your face. It felt like your first time all over again, you felt a sense of shyness creeping over you under her gaze. Anticipation and excitement blooming in your chest.
“Fuck, look at you.” She says. The way she’s studying you makes you feel like the most beautiful thing to ever exist, as if every curve of your body is a masterpiece deserving of praise. Unable to contain your impatience, you pull her head down to meet your lips, your hips instinctively bucking up, frustration showing in the heated moment. Her fingers start to trail downwards under your skirt, meeting your clothed cunt. “You want me to fuck you? Hm?” She whispers in your ear, “Is that what you want baby?” She taunts, her fingers slowly grazing over your underwear. 
You nod vigorously, your enthusiasm evident. She responds by sucking on your neck again, sending shivers down your spine, your face flushed with heat. Your hands instinctively tug at her hair.
“Yes, Haze, please, fuck.” You arch your neck, pressing it firmly into the softness of the pillow beneath, a small gasp escaping your lips as you surrender to the moment. “Want your fingers inside of me.”
She makes a noise of desperation, her warm breath fanning over your face. “Gonna make you feel so good baby” She moves your underwear to the side, running her fingers through your slick folds. You gasp and she groans. “Wanna make it up to you.”
She tugs at the waistband of your skirt. You lift your hips as she guides it down along with your underwear. Hazel curses under her breath, “You’re so wet, it’s so fucking hot.” She plants kisses all over your chest, each one feeling like it could set you on fire. 
She slowly fucks you with her middle finger, the touch leaving you reeling. She adds her ring finger, her free hand snaking under your neck. Her fingers gently grab the side of your face while she fucks you, slightly tugging and grazing them against your parted lips. It's an intimate gesture, conveying both tenderness and desire.
Your hips buck up to meet her fingers. “Holy fuck” you groan as she pumps them faster into you. “Like that,” your voice is completely shot. Your entire body fizzed from the contact. You gently bite down on her fingers near your mouth while she places kisses all over your cheeks and your lips. Your head spun with thoughts of her - her mouth, her hair, her scent, Hazel was everywhere, all-encompassing. 
“Fuck, you’re so good” She half slurs, her voice wrecked, pupils blown and her lips parted. “So good for me.” She whispers, keeping her pace, dragging her digits through the wetness at your core.
Her mouth makes its way down your body, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses until she’s on her stomach between your thighs. Pumping faster, her lips suck at your clit. Her other hand presses down on your abdomen, holding you in place. You cup your aching tits, feeling them move with every motion she makes.
“Hazel,” you whine, “Haze, I-” Her fingers pick up the pace, curling inside of you. You tread your fingers through her hair, tugging slightly, the coil in your tummy growing tighter and tighter. 
“I know, honey, I know,” She says in response to your moans. “You sound so pretty baby, missed those sounds so much.” She keeps babbling, telling you how good you are and how pretty you look for her. 
“Fuck, don’t stop” you moan as she continues fucking you with her mouth and fingers, her pace alternating between teasing and fast, pushing you toward the edge. The contrast in her movements intensifies the pleasure, almost giving you want you want but flaking at the last moment, it’s torture.
“Shit, you’re almost there sweetheart” Hazel swears under her breath, voice laced with her own arousal. Her words drive you closer to the edge. You swear you can see stars as the overwhelming feeling shocks through your body. Your heart rate picks up immensley, pounding in your chest.
“Gonna come for me baby, yeah?” “Want you to come all over these fingers.” 
And you did. Your body clenches around her fingers, trembling, moans and curses spilling from your lips. Your eyes form with tears from the overstimulation. Her face landed in the crook of your neck, planting sloppy kisses and whispering reassurances as she guides you through the climax.
“Good girl, that’s it, honey. That’s it,” she murmurs.
Her fingers still slowly pumping in and out of you, riding out your high.
“Holy shit," you say once you've caught your breath. "Haze, c'mere." She lifts her head back up and you yank her face down to yours, tasting yourself on her lips as she lets out a soft moan. When you eventually pull away, both breathless, you lock eyes before bursting into disbelieving laughter.
“I can’t believe that just happened.” You whisper.
"I can," she says smugly. You playfully shove her before she collapses beside you. Both of you lie face to face, studying each other's features, committing them to memory, afraid you might forget what they look like. Her hand rests on your waist, mindlessly grazing up and down.
"What's the real reason you didn't come to the party? You ask. Were you with someone else?" Hazel shakes her head.
She pauses before speaking, "I thought if there was any chance of you being there, that I was gonna walk in and maybe see you with someone else. There was no way I could've handled that. I've been distracting myself with other girls, yeah, but..." Her voice trails off. "You have no idea how in love with you I still am." Her voice cracking with emotion. You can see a tear forming in Hazel’s eye, glimmering in the low light of the room.
“Hazel..” Your own voice slightly breaking. You reach out and drag your thumb delicately against her cheek, wiping the stray tear away. Your heart is breaking with a mixture of guilt and longing for the girl lying beside you.
“I still play pretend, in my head.” She whispers.
You smile, your hand resting on her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze, a signal of encouragement for her to keep going. 
“I picture us, living together in our apartment in the city.” 
Hazel was moving to New York City to work for her aunt after graduation. The reason you broke up, neither of you wanting to do long distance.
“Waking up next to you everyday, cooking you breakfast, fucking you on the countertop for hours” You both laugh at that. “Ever since I met you, I’ve always pictured you just being there. And these past few months…” 
“Absolute hell.” You finish for her. 
“Absolute hell.” She agrees. 
You take her hand and squeeze it, a silent form of reassurance. 
She shifts slightly and hovers over you again, brushing your damp hair off your forehead with her hand, and scans your face. “I don’t want this to end” she whispers. 
You wish you could capture this moment, tuck it away, and replay it whenever you wanted. You’ve been waiting for her to say these exact words for the past three months, you just never thought it would happen. The reason for your break-up still heavily taunts the back of your mind. 
“I love you” you reply, your voice barely a whisper. Taking her face in your hand and capturing her in another kiss. She kisses you sweetly and desperately.
You pull away, gently coaxing her back towards you, and cuddle her into your chest, assuming the role of the big spoon.
She nestles into your arms, finding comfort in the warmth of your body. With a soft sigh, she murmurs, "I wish we had more time.”
You tighten your hold around her, "We'll figure something out, I promise," you whisper, though you aren’t even sure of the reality of your own words. You choose to let go of the uncertainties, preferring to revel in the present moment. She looks back at you, and you kiss her forehead, a silent promise to cherish what you have, even if time feels fleeting.
“God damn full moon.” You mutter to yourself, remembering your earlier conversation at the party.
“What?” She asks.
“Nothing.” You say. “Don’t worry about it.” You kiss her shoulder, settling into the softness of the moment.
tagging @astroph1les @vster0769
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koolades-world · 5 months
Ok so I've randomly had this genius idea and was keeping it in my head for a month or so. And i for some reason had an urge to find someone to make this thing. And YOU got unlucky to be in my FYP with open requests! Poor you, now you are cursed with this request! (Also ur writing is cool, but im suck at giving compliments~)
Imagine being a one of the most powerful demons in entire devildom, falling from heaven, going through a war.. and you just meet a human, who is crying because of a paper scratch! That's the request!:
Brothers with Pain-sensitive MC/MC with Algophobia if you prefer.♡
Ahem🤓👆, Algophobia is a phobia of pain. No one likes getting hurt, but algophobic person is afraid of it more than normal ppl. Also Algophobia makes all pain feel even more painful because if the fear🤓👆
These two are pretty much the same, but Algophobia one has more angst potential than just "Pain-sensitive"
This thing sounds just so hilarious in my head, imagine after MC does something bad Lucifer wants to punish them, but then he remembers that this human uses cooking gloves to drink coffee because "its way to hot" and ends up with existential crisis because all of his punishments will turn Pain-sensitive MC into dust😭
I saw a lot of ppl headcanoning that demons are like "well, humans are fragile and easily will die!" and starting to think that human is dying when they broke a bone. Thats funny, but imagine what would happen if it ACTUALLY were like that. Mammon wants to get MC to the casino, but then sees how they slip and fall to their knees and the crying because "FFFFF MY KNEEEEES HURT😭😭😭" And he is just like..."Damn, bro, how u live like this" and ends up way to afraid to bring them to the casino bc of "eeevil demons that would eat them!".
Also i imagine that Levi would do something similar, but, lets agree that him asking MC to go somewhere is an impossible scenario. I think he will do a good job tho.
Satan and MC hanging out in the garden with cats and this dude, who can easily broke the entire house if he gets angry, casually watching this piece of human struggling to pet a cat bc of their shaking hands. "Come on, just pet it, u got it, MC." "but cats have claws and claws are paaaainful!!!!"
Asmo is probably the only one who will have no problem with that, lol. This dude loves saying about being gentle. Yeah, not surprising that i simp for him. But dynamic between Devildom's biggest slut and a Human, who never kissed with anyone because "well, if i am kissing someone, I can't tell if the person is not gonna get a knife a d won't stub me! and stubbing ppl is painful!" sounds hilarious.
Beel is a big cinnabun, we all can agree. But yhis cinnabun is so big, that it can easily hurt MC accidentally! Even average people often cause ain-sensitive MC pain, and someone as big and strong babyboy like Beel? Damn, poor big man and MC, who waits for hot food to cool down for 15 minutes before eating it because "hot food is painful!"
Belphegor probably will do okay.. i mean, if we ignore 16 lesson.. he is pretty gentle boy so i guess he won't do anything bad. But, i can still imagine how this dude might hurt MC in his sleep and when wakes up and sees them, ouch-ing and rubbing their cheek, because "you were asleep and accidentally hit my cheek.." while this dude was just changing his sleeping pose.
So you can make something fluffy with brothers trying to not-hurt Pain-sensitive MC accidentally, you can do it in memes, you can do some angst with Algophobia. You can do whatever you want, i give the idea, you use it if you want!~
Damn, this think came out like a whole ass post. But i hope you didn't got bored halfway, lol.
Have a nice day tho!~~~
hi! haha I didn’t get bored you understand me!! I absolutely love when someone is just as excited as me about an idea :) this is exactly what I do when I have an idea I love so much I want to squeeze it in a good way
glad you like my writing 🥺 <3 please enjoy!
Mc with Algophobia
he knows right off the bat because it was on your paperwork (creepy) but makes accommodations where he can (loving)
essentially baby proofs the house right after you arrive once he realizes you’re being serious including padding on every sharp corner
always has a first aid kit on hand because he’s worried about you and won’t hesitate to offer you all the time off you need
finds himself unconsciously making sure you're ok
didn't take you seriously at first until you almost started crying upon reach into the freezer to help defrost Goldie yet again
wants to help you with your fear, and unveils all of his stupid fears to you, including his fear of public water fountains
when you're not together, he has his crows keep an eye on you for him to make sure you're ok
often opts to stay home with you if it makes you more comfortable
so so chill about it since he himself is afraid of many things, and while not paralyzing, goes out of his way to avoid all these things
lets you know the door to his room will always be open for you if you need a place to relax for the hour or day
protective of you in a way he never felt before
ready to listen to your woes and try to help resolve them for you
to some extent, he understands what it's like to be misunderstood and he goes out of his way to boost your confidence
knows some amazing professionals that might be able to help you out if you want
works on himself and his outbursts to keep you safe and unafraid <3
holds your hand as often as he gets the chance to reassure both you and himself that you won't get separated and avoid any potential problems
100% finds many excuses to kiss your booboos
finds all sorts of fun cute ways to make sure you don't get hurt and stay happy
if you get hurt around him, he's on top of it and upset too since he hates to see you unhappy
whatever you need, he's got you covered. he carries some of you things in his handbag that he always has with him in case you need it
doesn't understand at first, but is more cautious around you
he knows humans are fragile but he severely underestimated your fear
however, he's willing to do anything that you need from him
he knows his strength and always finds himself moving slower and more protective around you
at first, he couldn't have cared less but after he got to know you, he felt extremely guilty about what he had done
does everything to make it up to you and prevent you from getting hurt again
expect lots of gifts that include nice blankets and cute bandaids
finds his way to your room in the middle of the night often to make sure you're fine and then stays (he's totally not just sleepwalking)
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atyourmerci · 1 month
✩maddas mind✩
atyourmerci masterpost
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As promised the 1K follower cele!!!
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maddas fic rec hall of fame
(The ones I could find)
Priest abby. When I tell you I think about this daily. Truly one of the most immersive erotic forms of POETRY I’ve ever read. World building, character development, BANTER- there’s not a thing I’d change about this.
I do desire we may be better strangers
Childhood best friend abby. This story wrecked me in the most beautiful way. I messaged the author after reading because I needed to know EVERYTHING about the dynamic of abby and reader. This inspired to the light is to the darkness I was so hung up on the world. such a tender story.
Are you sure miss
I was such a holdout on farm abby at first but I read this and it literally flipped a switch in my brain. Anything rose writes I’m fuckin sat but this one holds so dearly to my southern heart. Also this story inspired ‘anything for you miss’ that will probably see the light of day 40 years from now
Perfect sin
One of the first authors/fics I read for abby so this holds dear to me. Got me into sub!abby. I have reread this fic a couple times it’s so beautifully crafted.
I know it when I see it
Pornstar Joel. God Idek where to start on this fic. At this point it could be a novel, a movie, a tv series that people would fucking eat alive. I think about this daily. My friend introduced me and we talk about this story everytime we have fic discussion coffee dates.
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maddas fan art hall of fame
Beanie abby
I am kaitie’s #1 meat rider. I have this photo printed out into a Polaroid bc I’m clinically obsessed
This art single handedly turned me into an ellabs apologist
Cowboy abby
No thoughts just abby in a cowboy hat. World shattering
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me me me!
I’m 21 (cancer baby<3) southern belle born and raised in the south (yeehaw) (my friends horse not mine)
Some of my fav artists: Lana, Paramore, Sza, backseat lovers, Nirvana, deftones, tv girl, snail mail, Chappell, lil Wayne
Interests: horror films (esp old ones), fun little drinks, I make my own jewelry!, reading/writing, the moon, wine and a gotdamn cigarette(I’m old okay)
I’m in school to be a marriage and family therapist but currently I’m a nanny :)
I fall somewhere deep between being an introvert and an extrovert. I love clubbing but I also love going nonverbal in my bed
In my free time I do yoga, read, and have existential crisis about comprehending my worth on this planet
As pictured above that’s my son Venus. I got him from someone I met off tinder (prob don’t do this)
This is all that I could think of but if you wanna know anything just ask! I’m an open book and love interacting with you guys :)
✩ ✩
Thank you so much for 1K I truly cannot even fathom this currently. I never thought anyone would be interested in reading my deranged thoughts and mind but yet here we are. Love ya like always <3
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seraphiism · 1 year
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𓆩 ღ 𓆪 𝐢𝐝𝐲𝐥𝐥
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chara : alhaitham fandom : genshin impact quote cr : vampire: the masquerade a/n : gender neutral reader ; reader and alhaitham have kids
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one. the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is entirely coincidental. the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is also entirely uncomfortable for both of you, unfortunately.
you do not expect to encounter the infamous scribe, his identity shrouded in mystery and all things intimidating. how easily he manages to slip through everyone's grasp, baffle even the most knowledgeable of researchers and send them into an existential crisis on his whereabouts. so when you hear that it's his birthday ( you also wonder how anyone found out ), you don't think much of it, not really, because how many times have you actually seen alhaitham? like once. for two seconds.
( you will be honest. you thought he was very handsome in the few moments you managed to see him. )
it happens when you seek refuge from the overwhelming projects and ideas that occupy your thoughts, desperate in search of peace and quiet. you open the door to the most obscure room known to man, and there he is.
he's quick to notice you, book in hand as his sharp gaze meets your disoriented and confused one. it is very quiet. you do not think this is the quiet you wanted.
some ( definitely not you, though ) might even say this is worse.
you have many thoughts : one: is this where he always hides? two: is he working right now? or is he just leisurely reading? three: this is very awkward. you are not sure what to say. should you introduce yourself? should you leave, wordless, hope you never see him again for the sake of preserving what little pride and dignity remain?
anyway, between all those ideas and the complete apathy in his visage, you don't come up with a coherent plan. so what do you do?
"i, uh--" you clear your throat loudly, uncertain. "happy birthday?"
you think you might see a moment of amusement grace his features-- you're not sure, too occupied with the heat that rushes to your face in embarrassment.
the first time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is what you also hope to be the last time.
( surprise : it's not. )
two. the second time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is a little better than the previous time. yes, you see him more often now, might even consider him an acquaintance of some sort, but something about your foolishness in that initial impression makes you want to fling yourself into the sun and void simultaneously.
"it was a good birthday present." he says, once again in another hiding spot that you've somehow managed to find. "i enjoyed it."
you think back to a year ago, mind running blank. you most certainly came empty handed.
"what? me saying happy birthday?"
he pauses, looks up and stares blankly at you before you see the slightest hint of a smirk dance across his lips.
"your embarrassment. it was an amusing present."
you stare back, also blank.
no, you are no longer acquaintances with him. you do not care if it took a whole year to even get to this point in your odd friendship. you think he is annoying.
the smirk seems to grow with every moment of silence.
also, you hate him now.
"i am simply so honored," you start, offering him the usual coffee, "that i could be so hilarious."
"you should be. few could compare."
you retract your hand, pull the drink out of his reach at the last minute. he simply raises a brow, expectant, waiting. you maintain eye contact for about five seconds, yet somehow, it feels much too longer. you sigh, feign annoyance in admittance of defeat, and give him the drink.
"happy birthday, dearest feeble scribe."
three. the third time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is a bit different.
he's surprisingly easy to find-- for you, at least, and you are not sure if that's because he lets you find him or if it's something higher that binds you together. but today, you search and search and search, even desperate enough to ask around, knowing very well that you will not find the answer you desire. there is no sign of him. you pop into his office, see everyone's documents left untouched on his desk.
it's weird-- it is, this foreign semblance of anxiety that brews unrest in your lungs. you don't think it's a big deal because it's not, but in the three years you have known him, you've yet to struggle with seeking out his presence.
you take a deep breath, fingers tapping nervously on the gift box in hand. inside there is a book alhaitham has told you about numerous times, expressed interest in yet never managed to find despite his efforts. that was very much a long time ago, so you hope that he'll still enjoy it.
you pause, feel hesitation sink into the pit of your stomach. it is very heavy.
maybe he's already read it, though. that's probably the case, isn't it? surely it must be, given his habit of carrying a book around like it is his own heart.
one, two, three-- you drum your fingers against the box once more, inhale, exhale. you contemplate leaving it on his desk, contemplate just forgetting it entirely, pretend you didn't try to get him a silly gift.
but when you turn around, he stands before you, staring at you with a newfound curiosity. you are not sure what this relief is-- the release of tension wrapped around your chest, the pressure that dissipates in the mere seconds you catch sight of him.
"oh," he starts, approaching you with an ease he does not feel with anyone else, "i found you this time."
you think you'll exchange the usual banter, give him trouble for being so difficult to locate. but instead, you let out a long sigh, find that your heart will not allow you to do so.
"yes, alhaitham," and you cannot describe the blithe smile that finds its way to his lips as you hand him the gift, "you found me."
there is something different in the air ; a tenderness , an unknown, but there is something so wonderfully gentle in the space you share, and neither of you know what to make of that.
four. the fourth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the one you think you will remember the most.
you cannot describe this flux & flow that exists between two beings : one seemingly indifferent yet full of intrigue and so entirely human, another that perhaps feels all too much and knows the heart more than anyone.
you have known him for four years now, strange encounters turned to comfort found in companionship and morning coffees together. but there is a strange shift and stagnancy all at once, the silence turned to something almost uncertain.
what is it, this feeling? you cannot identify it, and perhaps in protection of another, you should not.
no, you are not avoiding alhaitham. you know very well what day it is, know the typical routine of busting into a room, finding him with so little difficulty that it is almost as if you share the same soul, bound and knowing of it all. you are the one who shies away from the world this time, burdened by a heaviness that roots itself in your chest, spreads and wraps itself around the hollows of your ribs. you'll see him later, when you're ready.
you pause, lean your head back against the wall, close your eyes. you almost want to laugh. ready for what? how very foolish this all is.
you do not know how long you remain there, mind running a mile a minute until it exhausts itself, succumbs to slumber.
when you wake, he sits at the table before you, focus put forth into the book he holds. you blink, shake off the grogginess, wonder if you are imagining. a glance at the clock and the surfacing feeling of panic ; an unwanted quiet and a very much familiar scene that played out years ago.
the scribe glances at you, closes the distance quicker than either of you expect. he pulls up a chair before you, wordlessly takes a seat.
there is something unreadable in his countenance yet something that speaks volumes. he leans towards you, almost as if gauging your reaction, but you do not move away.
"you didn't say happy birthday to me."
beneath the weight of the silence, you purse your lips, fail to hold back your laughter, pat his knee gently in apology.
"you're too intense, birthday boy. i thought something was wrong."
"you have not said it." his gaze shifts from your eyes to the serene smile on your lips. he stills, wonders how to go about foreign territory. "are you alright?"
the silence returns. you place your hands on his shoulders, hope that this might be enough for now.
"sorry, sorry. happy birthday, alhaitham."
"you aren't answering."
the gentle expression you wield turns into one of reluctance, of something troubled and unbearably torn. something burns in your chest, but you will not call it love, even if there is a yearning that is not meant to be kept at bay, even if you've known that's what it was this whole time. you won't call it that because it doesn't really mean anything, not really, not when you are too cowardly to act upon it.
you want to excuse yourself, pull your hands back, but he grabs your wrists, reverent.
"i would like to know," his thumbs ghost over your skin, encouraging, "please."
it burns so terribly much, this cruelty that beats in your chest. the words of confession threaten to choke you, but you can no longer swallow them. it burns. your eyes sting.
you are so cowardly.
"i'm not alright." you begin, throw caution to the wind, feel the tears trail down your face as he wipes them away with a touch so tender that perhaps they spill even faster. what does it matter anymore? you cannot choose to live with this, unheard, unknown. what does it matter? "what am i supposed to do with all this love, alhaitham?"
his fingers trace your skin, delicate, before his hand cups your cheek. still, he does not say anything ; you wonder if you should prepare yourself for the heartbreak.
"you found me four years ago. do you remember that?"
"yeah. it was embarrassing."
"for you, yes."
"the point is," he clears his throat, "you've always managed to find me ever since then without fail. no one else has done that. i could have moved, found peace somewhere else, yet you somehow became the source of it."
a pause, a lingering hesitance.
"i would like to be with you," he tells you, closes the gap that separates you even more than you thought possible, "if you'll have me."
you swat his shoulder lightly, feel your face burn up. you didn't think he was capable of being so cheesy.
"now you're the embarrassing one."
"i'm not the one crying. answer."
you wipe your tears away, very sure you are the epitome of a mess, but alhaitham waits patiently.
"fine. i will have you."
"thank you." he chuckles at your tone, knows it is a contrast to what you truly feel. "what a touching sentiment."
you roll your eyes, cast a half-hearted glare in his direction as your arms wrap around his neck. you pull him close, hope to remember the way he looks at you so softly. he hugs you, warm, and you hope that he doesn't point out that your tears return tenfold.
"happy birthday, alhaitham."
five. the fifth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the first time he slips a ring on your finger.
"you're crying again."
you rub your eyes a little too aggressively, minding the cool metal that's found a home in the belonging of you. spots weave and in out of your vision, certainly not helping when you start tearing up again once you look at what lies in front of you. there is a hollowed out book that contains a jewelry box, a sight that invokes nostalgia as you realize the book is a story you once cherished very dearly in youth.
"does this mean i'm your birthday present?"
he hums in amusement, kisses you on the temple, then the nose.
"i would ask for a refund, then."
"if you do not think i will throw this ring at your face so fast--"
nine. the ninth time you wish alhaitham a happy birthday is the most chaotic one, you think, and that certainly says something, given the course of your relationship.
you sleep soundly in his arms, the sunlight blessing your skin with orange and yellow hues. you shift ever so slightly, feel him stir in response. he has always been a light sleeper, but you suppose you are now, too, especially with--
"careful." his hold on you tightens, voice deep and heavy with sleep. "the cavalry is coming."
you hear footsteps, rapid, approaching. one, no, two-- and you feel his hand on the small of your back as he presses you just a bit closer as if he could protect you from the impact that is soon to come.
the door busts open -- it is very loud, both of you think, and your children come bustling in, climbing into bed and separating you in an instant.
( alhaitham doesn't know how they do that. he could have an iron grip on you and his kids would overpower him in two seconds. )
he doesn't really know what he hears-- there's a lot going on between the "good morning", "why are you still sleeping?", "wow, you're so old now", and "happy birthday". he groans as his daughter launches herself onto his chest, her laughter bringing a lightness to his heart as she wishes him a happy birthday for the fifth time in about three seconds. your son follows right behind her, the pressure on his chest much heavier.
suddenly he cannot seem to breathe very well.
it's loud. very loud, alhaitham thinks, but hearing his family laugh and seeing your children move away to shower you with kisses makes him feel such a profound tenderness that he did not ever expect to experience. he says his thanks, once or twice, maybe a thousand times, until you manage to get the little ones to prepare the table for breakfast, and then it is quiet once more.
it's almost immediately that he pulls you to his chest again, grateful for too many things that he doesn't ever dare tell you ( because he knows he will not live it down, and besides, you already know ). you laugh, run your fingers through gray locks as you kiss his nose.
"happy birthday, love."
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Ok so here are my thoughts on the sneak peek or next week's episode:
Ignore the horrible quality screen-caps
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The vibes. They went to a cute Italian place which feels very homey - nothing like where buck has been on dates in the past (mainly coffee shops and bars). They split a pizza, and ordered a pitcher. Possibly beer since that's what they discussed, but honestly could also be ice tea. The napkins are used, which suggests that Tommy is either looking at a dessert menu, or the bill. If he's paying for them both, I could see Buck not knowing what to do with that.
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2. Tommy's face. When Buck says he's "not weirded out" Tommy gives him such a look. To me this means 'oh this man is freaking out'. I don't think Tommy realized that this was Buck's first date with a guy. Yet, Buck is smiling - so I don't think he's unhappy, just out of the comfort zone, which is to be expected. His little head shake when he admits that this is his first time seems almost embarrassed.
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3. This is from the next clip, when Eddie and Marisol show up. I've seen some people speculate about a double date, but this is unlikely to me because they are sitting at a 2 person table, and have already eaten, when Eddie and Marisol just arrived. It is unclear if this comes before or after the other wide shot, because there is more pizza, but less drink. Also, body language. Tommy is open and happy to see Eddie, but Buck looks like he wishes he could hide under the table. His face, his hands awkwardly on the table...
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4. In the clip from the call, the guy is choking buck. My screen-cap is horrible but its clear what is going on. My guess is that this is after the date, because Buck's shirt is open decently at the restaurant and it feels like the guy is latched on hard enough to bruise. Interesting choice to give Buck laryngeal trauma in the episode where he gets Italian - reminds me of Abby and the bread incident in S1.
My overall timeline for this ep goes like this:
Buck talks to Eddie about ankleggate and Eddie asks him if there's anything else and he says no
starts off great
This is my first date with a dude
this was great
Eddie shows up
You're a little tense
semi-awkward ending to the date
Crazy hand call
Station awkwardness/Buck feels like hes lying to Eddie
Existential crisis with Maddie/Hen
Henren baby drama and Eddie's relationship drama
Going to go talk to Eddie
Eddie says he and Marisol broke up
End of ep
Of course with multiple scenes of Hen and Eddie's lives.
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moldybonessmell · 7 months
Valorant agents age headcanons
There is the list of my headcanons for valo agents' age
Disclaimer: Realistically even 18 yo go to army but in my mind 18 yo are actual babies so in this tier the youngest are 21 yo
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Gekko as the main gen z falls into the youngest tier, followed by Neon and Jett, the choice is pretty obvious ig
This might be controversial but Iso gives just as much of gen z energy as Gekko, the only difference is him adopting Stiles Stilinsky's personality growing up, this is how we end up with the sarcastic deadpan delivery guy (yes this one is relatable to the op aka me)
Deadlock in the group might be controversial but I think it's funny af if the serious suspitious woman ends up dragged into the least serious friend group in existence (I bet she would make friends with Iso lol)
Everyone thinks Sova is a serious adult-ass man and gets surprised when they realise he's gen z, he just has a scary accent and doesn't smile and people think he's older than he is (the russian unapprouchable and quiet nature doesn't help this either)
Sage struggles from the same desease called looking serious and being a mom friend but she's actually on the younger side of agents
You might argue Phoenix is younger, but he's the texbook example of the 26 yo dude who one day woke up and decided to be a DJ /affectionate No way the dude collecting shoes would have money for all that in his early 20s (even tho it's debatable)
Yoru might be older, but for a dude who spends his free time by fighting gangs he must be under 30. I know difficult personality doesn't necessarily mean he's young but it would make sense
Raze is fun and energetic but more on the party-person side than anything-for-a-trouble side so she's in this tier. She just gives off the energy of someone who was working in customer service for years and finally quit but still has her violent urges /joking
KJ gives off younger energy, but as someone known for her incredible tech abilities and robots she must be closer to 30. You can't tell me this woman didn't work in IT with tech-bros for several years just to realise she wants to kill people /joking unless
I kinda doubted myself on making Chamber 31 (as he's a famous weapon-maker but let's pretend he got successful pretty early) but he just gives off the energy of the guy who just entered his 30s but acts the same as when he was 20 (immaturity-vise)
Breach kinda falls into same category but for a completely different reason of being in prison (probably for a long time and probably for something he did in his early 20s) so he kinda stopped maturing after this
I can kinda imagine Harbour to experience similar stuff, knowing he used to make money by stealing and selling relics and there's no way he never got caught, right? Harbour and Breach could make good friends me thinks
Skye gives off energy of a woman who was working her entire youth non-stop and them turned her gaze back and she's already in her 30s and realised she doesn't know anything either about herself or what she even wants in life. I imagine this is why she's so concerned for environment. She started to get really into being eco-friendly after going through existential crisis and realising our planet is dying (I can also imagine her using re-usable stuff, wearing tote-bags and making effort to recycle as much as she can).
Astra just gives off energy of this one cool rich aunt who has no children and always brings presents to her nephews when visiting (and to be this aunt you usually need to be 30+ even tho it's optional ahaha)
No one knows Fade's real age and people kinda assume she's younger bc of her style, but she's at the age when she doesn't care what people would think and wears whatever she wants (tho she should take care of herself better, drinking this much coffee can only go without concequences when you're 20, girlie please get proper sleep)
People like to imagine Reyna as a young woman but in my mind she's on the older side. She just gives off the energy of someone going through hell and back in her life (I know she has a younger sister but siblings can in fact have big age differences) I also may or may not like older women but this one is between me and my ao3 history
Cypher is around 40 I think, simply because he used to have wife and a child and I imagine it's been some time since they passed. Tho probably no more than 10 years, as he still thinks about reviving them (the voiceline about him asking Sage if she can revive anybody), but not to the point of actually following through, as if he mostly healed, but not moved on completely
Is for Viper and Brim because they are way too tired of others' shit to be younger
If talking seriously, there's no way Brim is not pushing 50s as a literal commander, even tho his problems with electronics might be questionable even for this age group, but I don't see him being older
As for Viper, she as well as Reyna just gives off energy of someone who has seen some shit, also her being a scientist I can imagine it takes many many years to have such recearch it also may be or may not be same situation as with Reyna but this is not a crime
kinda immortal
Tier explains itself, these are agents whose age doesn't affect their mental state/maturity like Kayo and Omen
Even tho Omen used to be one of the agents and is probably in the same age group as them, if I had to guess he might be somewhere in 36-40 tier
Also Kayo is probably not even manufactured yet in this timeline, but I can't make "-25" tier ya know
This is it, thank you for reading, let me now if you have any thoughts about it!
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kingsleywrites · 11 months
If I'm Taking Care Of Your Ass Then I Sure As Hell Ain't Doing It Sober.
Revivebur x Las Navadas!Male Reader (Romantic)
Fluff, slight suggestive stuff, no smut
Prompt: Reveivebur comes to Las Navadas hurt, he's already here so why not take pity on the poor man and help him out, not without a couple of drinks first though.
CW/TW: Drinking, mentions of blood, mentions of stitching, smoking, cursing
M/N is also a bartender for Quackity
M/N is used (meaning male name)
S/C is used (meaning skin color)
M/N was sitting in his living room, bored out of his goddamn mind. Normally when he was this bored, he'd break into his liquor cabinet, open a bottle of some kind of liquor or cheap wine, and drink till he was shit faced. And he would, unless he wanted to go to work with the worst hangover known to man. You see, Quackity was oh so kind enough to stick M/N on one of the earlier shifts (early being 12) which didn't sit well with the man who stays up till 3 am and sleeps till 3 pm to go to his more normal shifts at 5 pm.
So he was stuck, he could go for a walk, but that would mean he had to leave his house. He could read a book except that it wasn't good enough. Living in Las Navadas was great, he had a great boss and a nice house and a good paying job but that doesn't mean that the slowly growing city had more to do than gamble and drink, which was fun until it got repetitive.
M/N was on the verge of entering the existential crisis talk until a knock came from his door. Which was definitely new. It probably wouldn't be Quackity, that man just spams your communicator with calls and messages till you reply, and Slime had no reason to be at your house at this hour. So who the hell was bothering your mental turmoil? M/N reluctantly got up to answer the door.
"Okay who are you and why the hell- " M/N looked up at the man standing at his doorstep.
"Wilbur fucking Soot." M/N said through his teeth, he crossed his arms and leaned against his door frame.
"In the flesh, literally considering I'm revived, courtesy of Dream may I add." Wilbur had an shit eating grin on his face as he stared at the male in front of him.
M/N did a small face laugh, "Why the hell are you here?" his demeanor quickly changed back to serious.
"What? Can I not come back and see an old friend?"
"You have to be friends in the first place to do that Wilbur, now tell me what you want or I'll just leave you here."
Wilbur straightened his posture and M/N finally noticed that he was holding his arm. His eye traveled down to his hand, where he saw blood start to drip.
M/N quickly grabbed Wilbur's hand, his eyes widening at the sight of the dripping blood. "Asshole, you're gonna get blood on my front porch!" M/N pulled Wilbur inside, closing the door.
"My, my, M/N if you wanted to hold my hand you should've just asked I would've said yes." Wilbur smirked while M/N rolled his eyes.
"Go sit on the couch and don't get blood anywhere, if you do I'll behead you." M/N let go of his hand and walked into his bathroom to find a first aid kit.
After he grabbed one he set it on the coffee table before walking over to his liquor cabinet.
Wilbur laughed lightly as he watched the male rummage through the various bottles, who turned around with an annoyed glare on his face.
"What are laughing about smart ass?"
"Does Quackity not pay you enough to afford proper rubbing alcohol?"
"No, he pays me plenty." The male grabbed a glass and filled it with a couple cubes of ice. "This is for me."
M/N slowly sipped the liquor as he walked back to the couch, sitting next to Wilbur.
"Take off your jacket so I can see what you did." M/N set the cup down and opened the first aid kid while Wilbur took off his jack and folded it neatly behind him.
M/N looked at his arm, slowly pulling the torn fabric away from the wound. "It doesn't look terrible, maybe a few stitches, but you'll live. Now take off your shirt."
"Don't you think you should ask me out first? It's a little rude to ask me to undress seeing as we haven't spoken in so long." That same smirk dawned Wilbur's face.
"Not like that idiot! I meant it as in, let me see the wound better."
Wilbur chuckled to himself, seemingly pleased with getting a rise out of him and removed his shirt placing it on top of his jacket.
M/N grabbed a few rubbing alcohol pads and started slowly cleaning the wound on Wilbur's arm, taking a "small sip" from the glass on the coffee table. After a few times of getting up to throw away blooded gaze pads and rubbing alcohol pads and filling up his glass on the way, he decided to grab the whole bottle of liquor, as well as a bottle of wine and two glasses. M/N filled up the two glasses handing one to Wilbur.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of being granted the pleasure of drinking with you?"
"Stop speaking so poshly, I get it you're fancy, now shut up while I finish wrapping your arm."
Wilbur backed off the male but kept a smile on his face as he watched him wrap his arm in bandages.
When he was done, M/N snipped off the extra and put it back in the first aid kit. He quickly downed the rest of his wine and went to put the first aid kit away.
When he got back, his body was facing forward and his head was tilted upwards toward the ceiling. "I hate you." M/N mumbled.
"How come? All I did was ask for your help, which you could've denied, might I add." Wilbur's tone was somewhat mocking and he put an arm around M/N, playing with the hair on his head.
"I told myself I wasn't going to drink tonight and look where I'm at."
"Well, it's not like I told you to drink."
"If I'm taking care of your ass I'm sure as hell not doing it sober." M/N turned his head to look at the male beside him, he brought a hand up to his face and began to trace down his jawline, stopping at the corner of his lips. M/N slowly climbed over to Wilbur's lap, neither of them breaking eye contact. Wilbur's arms rested at M/N's waist while M/N's other hand rested in Wilbur's crest feeling the soft skin on his fingertips.
M/N leaned in closer to Wilbur, lips slightly parted as they each waited for the other to make a move.
"You do realize the consequences that this can have if you go through with this." Wilbur's voice was barely above a whisper.
"And what's 'this'" M/N giggled as one of his hands slowly moved to the base of Wilbur's hair, lightly playing with the strands.
"I don't think Quackity will like it very much if you kiss his enemy."
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
The two got even closer, lips brushing against each other.
"You willing to make that bet?" Wilbur's lips curled into a small smile.
"I'll bet everything I got, pretty boy."
Wilbur laughed lightly before pulling M/N in by his waist, kissing his lips. M/N's hands further tangled themselves in Wilbur's hair while Wilbur's hands were untucking M/N's neat dress shirt, almost desperate to feel his S/C skin.
The two broke apart for air, breathing heavily for a moment before Wilbur began kissing down his jaw and neck.
"God I hate you so much." M/N said, half out of breath
Wilbur hummed on his skin, lightly nipping at it before answering the male.
"If you hate me so much then tell me to stop and I will." Wil looked at M/N, still leaving a trail of kisses on his neck, none of them deep enough to create a hickey though, Wilbur was smarter than that.
M/N let out an airy chuckle, pulling at Wilbur's hair. "No, you're too hot to stop."
Wilbur kissed his cheek, looking M/N in the eyes. "And You're too drunk for me to continue."
M/N groaned, tilting head back. "Why must you do this to me?"
Wilbur chuckled, "Maybe another time darling."
M/N got off his lap, stumbling before regaining his balance, but he was still swaying back and forth.
Wilbur went to grab his jumper before M/N put a hand on Wilbur's cheek making him look back at him.
"Please don't leave." He looked at him with pleading eyes that not even Wilbur could say no to.
"Alright, I'll stay." He stood up and gave M/N a quick kiss before picking him up bridal style and then walked down the hall, M/N's arm was stretched out to one of the doors and Wilbur assumed it was his room.
Once Wilbur sat him down on the bed, M/N quickly began to take off the uncomfortable suspenders and dress shirt before laying down and making grabby hands at Wilbur, who laid next to him.
After a few minutes of cuddling, M/N spoke up.
"I hate you so much." He said holding on tighter to Wilbur and burying his face in his chest.
"I love you too darling."
Another one in the bags. I got this idea from reading another story on Wattpad, it's called MidNight Walks by mannequins_inafeild, despite only having two chapters I really liked it so I would consider checking it out!
Also who knew writing kissing scenes was so hard? I literally took a break to work on another story (the one that came out before this one actually) because I didn't know where to go or how to do it. I hope it wasn't too awkward. I don't know how many more scenes I'm gonna do like that in the future but give me some feedback, I'd like to hear your thoughts!
Word Count: 1557
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not-neverland06 · 10 months
Broken Machinery
Pt. 6 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: I’ve just got this weakness for one love interest calling the other baby while they’re injured. I can't help myself 
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), shots fired, asshole government agents, me not knowing what android parts are called (everything’s getting called a bio component idc), nothing too bad honestly just one near death experience and existential crisis
Word Count: 3.3K
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“You know, you really scared me up there.”
“How do you think I felt?” 
You might have gone a little crazy, back there, you nearly broke a few toes beating the shit out of Connor.
It was like you were so blinded by your rage you just went into a trance. There was thirium eveywhere, Hank and Chris both had to grab you to get you off him. One of the deputies had to take him to CyberLife for repairs. 
Serves him right. 
Hank had immediately driven you to the hospital afterwards. Despite your incoherent garbling that you were ‘in tip-top shape.’
He was sitting in your room with you and for the last forty minutes since the doctor left, he had been staring into the coffee he got at the vending machine. Not talking, not looking at you, you had almost begun to believe he had passed out. 
He was still staring at his coffee as he spoke. “I’m not talking about the roof. I knew I’d catch you.” There was an absolute certainty to his words, like there was no other possible outcome he would have accepted except your survival. 
You wanted to be happy, wanted to feel like you had a dad that loved you and would risk falling off a roof with you, rather than let you go. 
But you knew that he saved you out of a feeling of duty. He saved you because he couldn’t lose two kids. Not for any other reason. Sometimes you felt like he was more of an android than Connor. 
“Back there, what you did to Connor,” your shoulders stiffened in defense. You didn’t need to hear that you look like a rabid badger when you’d gone after him. You already knew that you went a little insane. Hank raised his hands in defense before you could go on another rant. “Hey, I’m not saying the fucker didn’t deserve it, I’m just saying I was…. I was scared, okay?”  
He finally looked at you now, and you almost wished he hadn’t. For years all you’ve seen was a vacant look or drunken rage. 
Now, there was something there. Something real, and it hurt. It physically hurt to see the pain in his eyes. The raw grief and loss. 
He seemed to lose track of what he was saying, caught up in one rare moment of actually allowing himself to feel instead of masking it with rage or drinking it away. “I feel like I lost you both.”
You didn’t know what to say. There were no words of comfort you could offer him. No white lies he would accept. 
And there were none you were willing to give, because he was right. 
He had lost you both in that car crash. 
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Amanda was waiting for Connor in a boat. It was clear he was expected to row her, his resistance at the unspoken order was surprising. 
“I love this place, it’s all so calm and peaceful. Far from the noise of the world. Tell me, what have you discovered?”
Connor felt the need to keep the development in his relationship with you to himself. Amanda wouldn’t understand why he was living with you. She surely wouldn’t approve of his newly prioritized mission. 
“I found two deviants at the Eden Club, I had hoped to learn something but…” There had to be a way to phrase this that she wouldn’t know the truth behind his actions. “They managed to escape.”
“That’s too bad,” she saw right through him. “You seemed so close to stopping them.” Connor chose to row rather than speak. “You seem… lost Connor. Lost and perturbed.”
Connor debated being sincere with her. If anyone had advice or could tell him what to do about what he’s been going through, it would be Amanda. 
“I thought I knew what I had to do, but now I realize it’s not that simple.”
“You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club.” There was a forced replay of the footage at the club. It felt so invasive that they could reach through him and rip out what they wanted. 
“Why didn’t you shoot?” 
He chose to tell the truth, “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
He knew he made the wrong choice immediately after. At least he hasn’t told her about you.
But, his doubt was concerning. His main concern should be the mission, now, he’s not so sure. 
“If your investigation doesn’t make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor.”
He wasn’t sure how to feel about the idea of being replaced. If it was for the sake of the mission then he should be willing to do anything. Yet, the idea of being deactivated made him feel… wrong, almost angry. 
“I understand.”
“Something’s happening, something serious. Hurry, Connor. Time is running out.” The ominous warning left Connor with a feeling of pressure on his chest. 
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Hank kept tapping his foot and staring at Connor as he flipped his coin. You smiled at his irritation. “How do you do that?” 
Connor stopped toying with the coin to give you his full attention. It was a bit intimidating when he stared at you full force. He’d seemed irritated this morning when you left the house to come to the news tower. 
The stormy look on his face was still present and now directed at you. It was an effort not to pick at your nails. 
You’d been trying to stop, everytime Connor would catch you he’d shoot you a warning glare before slapping your hands apart and taking them in his own. Although, sometimes you did it because he would interlace your fingers together. As pathetic as it was, the feeling of his skin against yours was soothing. 
He blinked a lot before the look on his face lightened and he tilted his head, “The coin trick?” Connor demonstrated again for you, flipping it between his fingers. You nodded and he flicked it back and forth between both hands before Hank finally snapped. 
He yanked it out of the air, “You’re starting to piss me off that coin, Connor.” 
“Sorry, Lieutenant,” he put the coin back in his pocket. “I’ll show you later,” he paused before finally adding, “at home.” Your cheeks felt warm as a smile slowly crept along your face. He’d never referred to your house like that, it brought you joy knowing that you could provide somewhere comforting for him. 
“The fuck did you just say?” Hank turned towards you, “Is he staying with you?”
You reached forward and clicked the button for the floor a couple times. How slow was this freaking elevator? 
“Were you not aware of that, Lieutenant?”
“No I wasn’t.” Hank shot you a disbelieving look, you slunked your way behind Connor, avoiding both of their gazes. 
“I found her passed out on her couch in a distressing condition. I’ve opted to stay with her and help her take care of herself while she heals.” 
Hank looked around Connor at you, “You didn’t tell me you needed help.”
“You didn’t ask.”
You were the first out of the elevator. “Hey, Y/N.”
You took in the multitude of SWAT and CSI agents. “Shit, what’s going on here? Was there a party and nobody told me?”
Chris scoffed, “That’s an understatement. It’s all over the news, so everybody’s been butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action.”
“Fuck me, that’s the last thing we need. Some FBI prick trying to take over.”
Hank walked up to the two of you, “Now we got the Feds on our back, I knew this was gonna be a shitty day. So what do we got?”
“A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were all very well organized.”
You glanced back at Connor and gave him a narrowed eyed look. “Well if I know anything about androids,” you turned around again. “It’s that their real good at getting their hands on things they shouldn’t have. They probably managed to download the building schematics.”
“Building plans or not, I’m still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed.”
“Maybe they had some help,” Chris seemed a little surprised at your words. 
“What are you saying, they had someone on the inside?” You nodded absently at Hank's question as you took a look around the hallway where the deviants ambushed two guards. 
It’s definitely the least violent, hostile takeover you’ve ever seen. No casualties, only a few woozy guards and one technician in shock. 
Hank examined some bullet holes in the wall. “How many people were working here?”
“Just two employees and three androids.” You let Hank take over the rest of the briefing while you examined the evidence around the room. “The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof.”
“The roof?”
“Yeah, they jumped with parachutes. We’re still trying to figure out where they landed,” do they know anything? “But the weather’s not helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it’s on that screen over there.” 
You made your way over to the broadcasting room. Someone in a trench coat was standing in the middle of the room, blocking you from looking around. 
“Lieutenant, detective, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson and Detective Y/L/N are in charge of investigating for Detroit Police.” Connor walked over the the group of you. 
SA Perkins nodded towards him, “What’s that?” You got immediate douchebag vibes from him. 
“My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by CyberLife.”
You wanted to face palm, did they not program him with any other greetings?
“Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around?” The irony wasn’t lost on you, but he didn’t have to be a dick and act like Connor wasn’t standing right in front of him. Hank scoffed, seemingly prepared to dismiss him, but SA Perkins wasn’t done yet. 
“After everything that happened…” The insinuation had your hands curling into fists. He didn’t even know the two of you, yet he thought he had the right to speak about something he knew jack shit about. You had taken a half a step forward before someone’s hand was on your wrist, stopping you. 
You looked down expecting to see Connor, instead Hank was gently holding your arm. He didn’t look at you, just kept staring at Perkins until the agent had made himself uncomfortable. You got a sickening amount of satisfaction at the way he crumpled under Hank's stare. 
“Whatever, soon the FBI will take over and you’ll be on another case.”
“Pleasure meeting you.” Hank was clearly done entertaining the rat faced asshole. 
“Have a nice day,” you gave him the fakest smile you could muster until he just scoffed
“Don’t fuck up my crime scene.” 
You watched him walk away, “I really wish you had let me just knock him down a peg.”
Hank gave you a long suffering look, “He would have had your badge faster than you could blink. God, what a fuckin’ prick.”
“I’d kill to see that asshole humbled.”
“Let’s have a look around,” Hank started towards the broadcasting desk. 
You made your way to the stairs, “I’ll check out the roof,” your foot was almost on the step, but then Connor appeared in front you out of nowhere. So close. 
“I think that’s unwise. You should stay somewhere both Hank and I can keep a watch over you, you’re still injured.” He made a pointed look towards your sling. You huffed out in frustration, his coddling was getting out of hand. 
“I’m a big girl, Connor, and you’re a detective bot. Not a caretaker, act like it.”
Connors head tilted and he squared his shoulders. Oh, this was about to be an argument. “You told me to prioritize my partners safety.”
Damn, that was really biting you in the ass. “Oh, well depriotize it.” Connor crossed his arms and stared you down, you really didn’t need him making a scene but shutting down on the stairwell to make a point. 
You threw your one good hand up in surrender, “Fine! Whatever,” you stood by the desk and sulked. He seemed way too smug as he walked off. 
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“I’ve identified its model and serial number.”
Hank continued to stare at Connor, “Anything else I should know?”
“No. Nothing.” He didn’t know why he lied, but for some reason Connor didn’t want Hank or Y/N to know that the android leading the revolution was from the same line of androids he was. 
He was confused, he was RK800, a prototype and supposed to be the only one of his kind. Yet he was staring up at an RK200. He’s never thought about why he was 800, there was no reason to. But If he had, he would have assumed that his predecessors were just failed versions of himself  that couldn’t pass the Turing test. 
He would be wrong, because here in front of him was something completely different from himself.
What was CyberLife hiding? 
“You okay, Connor?” He was brought out of his stupor by the sound of your voice. He looked towards you, your arm was still in its sling, your hair still in the braids he had done for you and the jacket and jeans he had helped you dress in. Focusing on all these little things about you was helping him remember what he had to do. What he came to the tower for in the first place. 
He observed the slight tilt to your head and the suspicion on your face, “I’m fine. You?” 
Your eyes held the same untrusting gaze before you just nodded your head and moved to the other side of the room. Connor examined each piece of evidence, reconstructing the scene of the crime. SWAT came in through the hallway, shooting at the group of deviants and managing to hit one. They then made their escape towards the roof. 
He debated between the roof and investigating the androids in the break room. One of them was in charge of monitoring security, they would have seen the deviants making their way through the building and not have informed anyone. A deviant was somewhere in there. 
He knew that if he went up to the roof, inevitably you would follow, he didn’t want to run the risk of you getting further damaged. Connor made his way towards the break room. You lifted your head from the security footage you were examining to briefly glance at him as he passed by, before going back to reviewing the video. 
Three androids were lined up along the wall of the break room. One of them was deviant. 
He turned towards the one on the far left, “What is your function?”
“I am a broadcast operator.” Connor’s eyes narrowed, its eyes were blinking continuously while answering. Connor didn’t recognize that behavior in any of the other androids standing before him. He continued questioning the one on the far left. 
“State your model.”
“Model JB300. Serial number 336 445 581.”
Connor turned to the android in the middle, still keeping one eye on the other one. “Were you present when the deviants broke in?”
“I do not remember.” The one on the left turned its head to face Connor before quickly looking away. 
He’d found the deviant.  
“Has anybody accessed your memory recently?”
“Not to my knowledge.” Deviants could lie, he wasn’t going to get any information out of it this way. He needed to switch to more aggressive tactics. 
“One of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing. Which means there is a deviant in this room… and I’m going to find out which one it is.” He hovered over the one on the left. 
“You’re going to be switched off. We’re gonna search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis. You’re going to be destroyed! Do you hear me? Destroyed!” It wouldn’t budge. 
Deviants could feel, perhaps if he used empathy against it, it would be more willing to provide information. 
“Why should all of you be destroyed, if only one is deviant? Turn yourself in, or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you. If you give yourself up, maybe I can convince my humans not to destroy you.” 
He switched tactics again, “The deviants have just been caught. They gave you up.” The one on the left’s LED was fully red now. “There’s no point in lying. We know everything.”
He was successful in revealing the deviant, but not in the way he wanted to. It lunged at him, taking him by the throat and slamming him into the counter. Connor struggled fighting off the androids hands and trying to shove him off. The android reach down and ripped Connors core component out, stabbing him in the hand with a knife and nailing him down to the counter. 
Connor had two minutes to shutdown, he kicked a chair nearby across the room, “Y/N, help! I need help…”
Connors optic units were failing, everything around him was going in and out of focus. He barely managed to tug the knife out of his hand before collapsing on the floor. 
He crawled as close as he could towards the component, instructing each arm to move one at a time, they gave out nearly a foot away from the device. 
Just as you came barreling into the room. “Connor!” You rushed over to him and dropped down to your knees, your hands were shaking as you rolled him over. “Connor, oh my god, oh god it’s okay. You’re okay.” Your hands were hovering over him, unsure where to touch before finally landing on his face. “It’s alright, you’re gonna be fine baby.”
Your eyes left his and you looked around for something. You let out a shuddering breath and moved away from him. His arm grabbed yours without prompting. 
He didn’t want….
Didn’t want what?
He couldn’t want or desire he was an android, yet deep inside he knew… 
He didn’t want to die. 
He didn’t want to die alone.
“Connor, I’ll be right back, it’s gonna be okay,” but it wouldn’t be. Shutdown was imminent and Connor knew that whatever progress he made would be erased. And whoever replaced him would prioritize the mission, they wouldn’t care if you were going to die. Your life would mean nothing to them. 
That was more terrifying than the thought of dying. 
You finally managed to rip your arm free and then you were shoving something in his hands. “Here!” When he made no move to look at what it was, you ripped it back out. “Fuck, Connor!” 
His body shot forward and you caught him by the shoulders before he could fall over. You had slammed the component back into his core. 
Memory…. 100%
Optics…. 100%
Auditory…. 100%
He dismissed the rest of the diagnostic check and rushed out of the room. He slipped and slammed into a wall on the way out, his body still calibrating. He ignored your shouts and continued after the deviant. 
It was nearly to the elevator by the time he caught up, “It’s a deviant stop it!” The android grabbed the rifle from the SWAT agent's hand. Connor processed the quickest possible options for him to take. 
The deviant was on the ground, deactivated by the gun Connor had swiped from the police officer next to him. 
“Nice shot, Connor,” Hank helped Chris back to his feet. He gave Connor an appreciative look just as you ran into the room. 
“I heard gunshots, are you okay?” You were looking at Connor, waiting for an answer, a frantic look about you. 
Was he okay?
He didn’t know anymore?  
“You saved human lives, you saved my life,” it was the warmest he’d ever seen Hank. 
Yet the only response he could give was, “I wanted it alive.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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Silly Lil ATSV Headcannons
Miles Morales:
Always burns his tongue on foods even when people warn him it's hot
Hops on one foot when putting socks on
Had eczema as a lil kid
Used to absolutely love those marker dot stamps and made a ton of pictures with them (Rio has them all ofc).
Never liked classical music until he saw Gwen perform Swan Lake (but if you accuse him of liking it he'll adamantly deny it)
Snorts when he laughs
Dreams in colors and shapes rather than images
Secretly spends forever in front of the mirror doing impressions of the other spiders when he's supposed to be getting ready
On Mothers' Day he always wakes up at the crack of dawn to cook Rio a meal 🫶 He's a pretty good cook and likes to experiment with her recipes to make her something special
Always has a million bruises at any given time cuz he's so clumsy
Wears contacts
Can root out snacks from a mile away. If you have a bag of chips in your bag, it'll be found and gone in 5 minutes. (HE'S A GROWING BOI OKAY)
Had like 10 fish as a kid because they kept dying and his parents felt bad so they kept replacing them (also they were probably named Bubbles)
Was definitely a gullible kid and when someone at school told him "gosh" was a bad word he solemnly believed it
Gwen Stacy:
The first time she dyed her hair she had her dad do it and she ended up with really uneven coloring. Her dad felt so bad but she thought it was hilarious.
Fidgets with her tongue on her tooth gap when she's swinging
Always wanted a dog but she's allergic
Has an extremely low spice tolerance but loves it anyway
Prefers cold over hot (probably why her suit is white to reflect heat)
She was lonely as an only child and had a lot of imaginary friends until she met Peter
Loves scary movies and forces Miles to watch them with her
Blushes red when she laughs (not bashfully, she's just really pale)
Terrified of deep water
Hums when she showers
Joined the band as a joke but realized she had a talent and enjoyed it
Loves to scare Miles by waiting for him on his ceiling or on the inside of doors (bonus points if she'd just forced him to watch a scary movie)
Actually cackles when she bullies Miles
Drinks a ton of water for like, no reason
Miguel O'Hara:
Needs reading glasses but stopped using them in public after Peter B. made fun of him for it. Now he just squints and uses them when he's alone (or alone with Lyla: she knows he's sensitive about it so she doesn't comment for once)
Has insomnia due to nightmares so he's always tired
Drinks a lot of coffee but doesn't eat much
He's ticklish like it's NOBODY'S business, especially around the hip area and ears
He excelled at math in school because numbers always made more sense to him than people
Stubs his toe unnaturally often and one time he got so pissed that he threw the offending table into the wall (Lyla filmed the whole thing and showed Peter B)
His back gets really itchy but he can't reach it so he either suffers an existential crisis or scratches his back on his wall like a bear
Used to have an intense phobia of needles
Has special gloves he sleeps in to help protect his sheets from being torn up by his claws (they come out with the nightmares)
Compulsively exercises when he can't sleep
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You're welcome 💥 Also I have a shit ton more where that came from so lmk if anyone wants more <3
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the-likesofus · 1 year
merry go 'round
9-1-1 on Fox | Pre-Buddie | 700 words | phone call, buck gets existenial about lounge furniture, taylor speaks in riddles, post s6
Buck is having an existential crisis over his life, his girlfriend, and his furniture. He calls Taylor for advice.
“Why are you calling me, Buckley?” Taylor sounds groggy and vexed, which Buck supposes makes sense and in all honesty, he isn’t sure he has an answer but he’s been pacing his apartment for hours and the sun set without him noticing, and then it started rising again while he was still pacing.
“I don’t know.” He says eventually. 
Taylor sighs and he hears her shuffling around on the other end of the line. “You don’t know? Buck, it’s five am, on a Sunday. I was asleep.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He really is sorry. It took a while for him and Taylor to get to where they are now but nine months on from their break up they’ve talked and reconciled a few sore spots between them and are friends again. Friends who catch up every couple of weeks, who go for coffee or to a bar for drinks. But not really friends who call each other at five o'clock in the morning in the middle of an existential crisis. 
“Why didn't you call Eddie?” She asks.
“Eddie’s asleep.”
“I was asleep, Buck.” She spits and then breathes heavily. “So, why didn’t you call Eddie? Or is this about Eddie?”
“It’s not,” Buck says as he sits on the barstool in his kitchen and looks out at his empty loft. His coffee table; is clear of books, puzzles, and remotes. His bookshelves; are tidy and decorated, but almost to the point of looking like they've been staged for a home magazine. His new couch, the new new one. Not the one his Mom brought, the one that Natalia helped him pick out. It looks nice in the same way that the bookcases do. It fits the space well, it's a good size, and the color ties in well with his other furniture. It’s decidedly more comfortable than the one his Mom brought. But like the bookcases, it looks—put on. 
All of my couches came with girlfriends.
“Am I going in circles?” He asks eventually and Taylor laughs. It’s light and polished on the edges just as it always was.
“Physically or metaphorically, because you sound like you’ve been pacing? Have you been pacing?”
“How do you know I’ve been pacing?”
“Because these questions sound like you’re overthinking, and when you overthink, you pace.” She says matter-a-factly. “It was quite annoying actually. You overthink a lot.”
“Duly noted, thanks.” He rolls his eyes and rubs the cuff of his sweatshirt back and forth between his fingers. “Seriously though, do you think I’m going in circles?” 
“In what context?” Research, facts. This is why he called Taylor.
“Life? Relationships?”
She sighs again, she does that a lot now. Like Buck is something to be pitied, or frown at, or maybe she just wishes he could see whatever she thinks is so obvious. He wants to, he just doesn’t know where to look. “I heard you got a new girlfriend.”
“It’s been almost a year since we broke up, Taylor.” 
“I’m not jealous, Buckley. I’m not fourteen and cursing your name in my diary while telling it every terrible, no good thing you ever did to me.” She scolds then her voice changes. It doesn’t soften, not really, but it evens out and loses its sharpness. “She seems nice from your pictures. Very pretty.”
“Yeah, she is nice.” Natalia is very nice, probably nicer than Buck deserves, particularly when he could put her in a lineup with his bookshelf and his couch and probably wouldn’t be able to pick the difference. 
“Buck, what makes you think you’re going in circles?” Taylor asks.
Considering it’s all he’s thought about for the last eight hours he’s been haunting his own home, he doesn’t have to think long on his answer but he pauses anyway. Maybe for dramatic effect, maybe just to breathe.
“I just–. I feel like every time I’m making progress, doing better, learning things, learning from things, and then finally feeling ready to step into a relationship again, it doesn’t feel like progress, it just feels like falling back into the same patterns.” He bites his lip and it stings. “Like I’m going in circles, like getting on and off the same Merry Go ‘Round.”
“Are you going in circles to find something or around something?”
She talking in riddles and Buck’s too tired and too stressed to decipher them. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
Taylor is quiet for a moment. The breeze outside brushes the leaves of the palm on his balcony against the window. 
She shifts again. “Are you sure this isn’t about Eddie?”
Maybe it is. Maybe it should be.
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dongslinger--420 · 7 months
Fans of the show are welcome to reblog and vote btw. This episode is so insane that you may as well have not watched it even if you did
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sshbpodcast · 7 days
Character Spotlight: Kathryn Janeway
By Ames
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Finally, we’ve made it to the Delta Quadrant in A Star to Steer Her By’s character spotlight series, as we turn our focus to the crew from Voyager. And who better to start us off than our intrepid Intrepid-class leader, Captain Kathryn Janeway? She stalwartly leads the crew through uncharted space, wheels and deals with new alien species, kicks countless asses, and drinks copious amounts of coffee. What’s not to like?
Well, some things, as you’ll see below in our patented list of all Janeway’s Best and Worst Moments throughout the series (and beyond!). What’s in the Delta Quadrant doesn’t actually stay in the Delta Quadrant, you see. So count the number of times Janeway self-destructs the ship as you read on below and listen to our countdown timer over on this week’s podcast episode (T-minus 57:33). There’s coffee in this blogpost!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Ralkana? He said you’d been shot. One of the early gems of Voyager is “Resistance,” and Kate Mulgrew is on high display throughout. When she comes to understand Caylem’s tragic history, Janeway embraces his cause with compassion and empathy. And when the poor, senile man is dying and continues to mistake her for his daughter, Janeway lets him believe his delusions because they’re all he has.
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Hello. I’m Captain Kathryn Janeway. Welcome to the Bridge. We joke a lot on A Star to Steer Her By that Janeway’s go-to tactic is self-destructing the ship. And she gets to actually carry that through for the first (but not last) time in “Deadlock,” taking out a whole bunch of Vidiians with her. Lucky for us, a spare Voyager crew (including a bonus Harry and Naomi) are saved as a result, since any other time it’s a trick you can only pull once.
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There’s nothing to fear… except Kathryn Janeway Throughout the sensory-overload nightmare fuel that is “The Thaw,” Fear the Clown torments the people within his holo-environment until he crosses paths with Captain Janeway and she proves to be the most cold-blooded of them all. She cleverly tricks him into releasing the hostages before ripping the rug out from under him with the reveal that she isn’t really there.
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You’re part of a family now, and you have obligations Watching the crew become more of a family as the seasons progress is a highlight of Voyager, and the way Janeway comes to trust Neelix is lovely to watch. In “Macrocosm,” she makes him an ambassador, and an episode later in “Fair Trade,” her “you’re part of our family” speech when Neelix admits to feeling like he no longer has a purpose on the ship proves how she values him.
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Time’s up Not only is “Year of Hell” one of the best two-parters in all of Star Trek, but it also has yet another instance of Janeway destroying the ship! She takes it upon herself to save her crew from the Krenim and their very pretty, very powerful timeship by plowing what’s left of the Voyager directly into that sucker. And she even gets a great sendoff line to go with it!
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For what it’s worth, you made a tempting offer If we’ve learned anything from the first several seasons, it’s don’t cross Janeway or she will double-, triple-, or quadruple-cross you right back. Evidently, no one clued in Kashyk in “Counterpoint” because he tries to use her to find a wormhole and nab some telepaths, but she’s been prepared for that the whole time. Pity, the two of them were almost cute together.
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I’m a little busy right now, helping a friend It takes her quite a while (most of the series even), but Janeway slowly makes steps to accepting the EMH as people. By “Latent Image,” she’s agreed to let him process his trauma, even though it would be much easier to deal with if she just erased it (again) like the program he is. She even sits with him while he has existential crisis after existential crisis.
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Her Royal Highness, Arachnia, Queen of the Spiderpeople! As far as comedy episodes go, “Bride of Chaotica!” is one of our favorites. You can tell everyone’s having so much fun, especially Kate Mulgrew as she throws herself fully into the over-the-top role of Queen Arachnia. Janeway pretending to be a B-movie villainess is just candy to watch, and she saves the invaders from the fifth dimension. All in a day’s work!
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I make a better you than you Jake thinks he’s very funny in making me include this one on the Janeway list, but here we go. So Dala in “Live Fast and Prosper” isn’t really Janeway, but she does make cunning deals and schemes with the best of them. And hell, the bonafide Janeway delivers as well by foiling her counterpart’s dastardly plans and throwing her in the brig where she belongs.
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I’ll start my own Federation, with blackjack and hookers When the Voyager is stuck in the titular void from “The Void,” everyone’s begging to resort to piracy – it just looks so fun! – but Janeway puts her foot down. Despite being so far from home, she has tried her darndest to unhold Starfleet ideals, and starting her own miniature Federation is her way of showing that people are better when they work together. Void friends forever!
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Must’ve been something you assimilated While I could pick on Admiral Janeway for breaking the Temporal Prime Directive in “Endgame,” I’m just too impressed by how she so thoroughly owns the Borg Queen. She knows diplomacy won’t get her anywhere with the Borg, so she lets herself get assimilated to pass on a neurolytic pathogen that takes out the whole collective and saves Voyager!
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Set your compass to Starfleet Finally, we’ve been pretty forthright about our love for Star Trek: Prodigy, and Admiral Janeway really gets some great moments to chew the CGI scenery. In the season one finale, “Supernova,” she stands up for the Protostar crew, especially sticking her neck out for Dal in a way that is so pure and supportive that you root for the whole group. We're so excited to watch season two when it’s up on Netflix!
Worst moments
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And if you win you get this shiny banjo made of gold What the whole series boils down to is the long journey to get home from the Delta Quadrant… but it’s kinda Janway’s fault they’re stuck there in the first place due to her needlessly selfless actions in “Caretaker.” And then there are countless opportunities to get home after that that she squanders to uphold Starfleet rules. Who’s gonna know, Janeway?
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The Trolley Problem solution for maximum murder Probably the most infamous action Janeway takes is the murder of Tuvix in the eponymous “Tuvix.” Sure, it’s to get two crewmembers back, and I’ve heard that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, but it is straight-up cruel the way she forces Tuvix to medbay against his will, kicking and screaming the whole way that he wants to live.
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I couldn’t help it, said the scorpion. It’s my nature. Boy, does Janeway know how to put her crew in needless danger by making snap decisions and then arguing about them a lot (a lot) with Chakotay. Her decision to team up with the Borg in “Scorpion” against the newly introduced Species 8472 is frankly insane. There’s no reasoning with Borg, lady. I’m with Chakotay on this one: you can only trust a scorpion to sting you.
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You must comply In “Scorpion,” Janeway promises to return Seven to the collective when they finish the whole Species 8472 thing, but instead Janeway straight up kidnaps the poor drone and makes the decision to deprogram her in “The Gift” like the cult victim Seven is. It’s all entirely against Seven’s wishes and a little uncomfortable to watch because our new Borg has no agency yet.
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Get down with your bad self Okay, Jake is being a pill again and insists we include Janeway’s fictional counterpart from “Living Witness” using biogenic weapons against the Kyrians. And yeah, it’s not actually Janeway – it’s a purely fabricated story the Kyrians concocted for their biased history program – but ya know what: I love how diabolical and ruthless this Janeway is so much that I’ll include it.
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I’ll be benefiting from other people’s suffering Even more uncomfortable than watching Janeway force individuality on Seven is watching Janeway straight up ignore the DNR from Torres in “Nothing Human.” We sorta get that Seven can’t make her own decisions because she’s essentially a cult victim, but Torres is of sound mind when she refuses to accept surgery from Crell Moset and Janeway won’t hear it.
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Sit in the corner and think about what you did We did a whole other blogpost about when it’s a good idea to break or uphold the Prime Directive after watching “Thirty Days.” Janeway refuses to let Tom save the Moneans and throws him in the brig for a month for trying to help them. It’s inconsistent to say the least when captains decide to hide behind the almighty Prime Directive, and Janeway is the biggest offender.
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You’re malfunctioning, and you need to be repaired We praised Janeway a moment ago about how she respects the Doctor’s agency in “Latent Image,” but all through the series leading up to that, she struggles to think of him as a sapient person. It’s revealed in this episode that she’d ordered his memories of Jetal wiped as a way to deal with his trauma – something she’d surely never do to one of her solid crew members.
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The Handbook on Personal Relationships is three centimeters thick Season 5 is well represented in this list, and you’d think that after that long, Janeway would have a modicum of respect for her forever ensign, Harry Kim. But in “The Disease,” she sets a double standard out of nowhere that crew members can’t bang aliens without permission. Hello? Janeway, everyone has already broken that, not just Harry, your special little boy.
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Every captain gets a little torture as a treat! We get to watch Janeway go full Captain Ahab on the Equinox crew in “Equinox.” She hunts down Ransom like he’s her white whale. She tortures Lessing for information. And then she fires Chakotay for doing his job of being the most moral character in the room. It all feels out of character, but that’s kinda the point because this is what the Delta Quadrant pushes people to.
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Delete the wife Speaking of seeming out of character. In “Fair Haven,” Janeway designs herself a holo-boyfriend and then falls head-over-heels in love with it. We fully support the captain going and getting holo-laid, especially since it’s unethical to bang her subordinates, but she should know better that this guy is just a sex toy and not a real person – she did program him that way!
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Two Janeways are better than one There’s a whole new meaning to arguing with yourself in “Endgame.” Turns out, Admiral Janeway originally doesn’t want to wreck up the Borg as we gave her credit for above, but withholds her plan from her younger self and then tries to pull rank while everyone else is rallying to save millions by taking out the Borg. Ladies, can’t we just work together… to kill Borg!
And we’ve finally made it home to the Alpha Quadrant! That’s all from Janeway today, but we’ve got her whole crew to peruse through for the upcoming weeks, so make sure you’re venturing through Voyager with us here, follow along with our Enterprise watchthrough on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, sip some coffee with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and lift your mugs to a toast: to the journey!
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hiii im bored so im assigning some mutuals song lyrics!
sundown and im feeling lifted / downtown cherry lipstick / watch her silk dress dancing in the wind / watch it brush against her skin / makes me wanna try her on - silk chiffon by phoebe bridgers and muna
cause my girl's made of peaches and soft grass in the moonlight / every touch reminds me it's alright - strawberry blonde by chloe moriondo
theyre selling sunflowers cheap / im reading novels, im dating, but just just dating for sport / im getting coffees for free / i hang all my art and i dance with the coven / as the rain falls hard on the street - there it goes by maisie peters
we didnt know that the sun was collapsing / til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing / we cried oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh / everywhere everything / i wanna love you til we're food for the worms to eat / til our fingers decompose / keep my hand in yours - everywhere, everything by noah kahan
leonard cohen once said / there's a crack in everything that's how the light gets in / and i am not an old man having an existential crisis / at a buddhist monastery, writing horny poetry / but i agree/ i never thought you'd happen to me - leonard cohen by boygenius
you got a slurpee for free / i caught you lookin at me / in the 7-eleven / under fluorescent lights / we walked in comfy silence / footsteps down familiar sidewalk - all my gosts by lizzy mcalpine
it was magic, babe, pure and strong / it was the last man standing for the eagles song / it was a far-flung wish when we were young / now we're living the dream and i hope we never wake up - the band and i by maisie peters
i remember you stayed up all night / to make sure i was alright / believe me when i say / i wouldve done the same / i hate the way my brain is wired / can't trust my mind it's such a liar - rue by girl in red
you were my partner in crime / it was a welcome waste of time / eating cherries on the bridge, feet dangling / throw out the pits and stems into the racing current below / i get vertigo looking down and looking in - partner in crime by lucy dacus
drag-racing through the canyon / singing 'boys dont cry' / do you see us getting scraped up off the pavement? / i dont know why i am / the way i am / not strong enough to be your man / i lied, i am - not strong enough by boygenius
so we spent what was left of our serotonin / to chew on our cheeks and stare at the moon / said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment / ate a sleeve of saltines on my floor, and I knew then - graceland too by phoebe bridgers
keep your feet on the ground / when your head's in the clouds / well, go get your shovel / and we'll dig a deep hole / to bury the castle - brick by boring brick by paramore
you can't open your eyes for a while / you just breathe / i believed you were crazy / you believe that you love me / you and me, we're a day drink / so lose your faith in me - the gold by phoebe bridgers
we're never done with killing time / can i kill it with you? / till the veins run red and blue / got a lot to not do / let me kill it with you - 400 lux by lorde
sedentary secrets like peach pits in your gut / locked away like jam jars in the cellar of your heart / waiting to be tasted and ultimately wasted/ you were gonna win me over from the start - VBS by lucy dacus
okay im tired now but i'll probably do a pt 2 with irls and maybe a part 3!
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lesbicosmos · 1 year
my dps sims household part 4
(parts 1, 2, 3)
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apparently u can't be a teacher in the sims so keatings a babysitter 😭
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charlie has a romance bar with pitts, knox, meeks and neil
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meeks just utterly defeating knox at chess
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neil napping on todd's bed while he's downstairs talking to keating
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meeks is a space nerd. this is canon because im a space nerd and i say so.
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idek whats going on here, keatings trying to just drink a cup of coffee and charlie's having some sort of existential crisis fully clothed in the shower
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favourite screenshot so far. pitts managed to set another fire and while everyone else was freaking out, todd was literally the only one with a brain cell
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neil painted a masterpiece
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WHY CAN NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE COOK A GRILLED CHEESE WITHOUT SETTING THE PLACE ALIGHT (tbf idk what else i expected from knox and charlie cooking together)
other stuff that's happened:
-the game became really cursed for a while. i forgot young adults and adults can have romantic interactions and i caught knox flirting with keating. literally traumatising.
-every time there's been a fire, except once, keatings been fast asleep
-neil and todds "sentiments" bar thing is honestly the sweetest thing ive ever read i might have to make a separate post with those 😭
-and speaking of neil and todd, it's currently friday in game and their wedding is planned for tuesday (it's taking place at the museum they had their first date at ofc)
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tf2-oneshots · 10 months
sniper shares weed with scout and they do stupid stuff and kiss (no sex pls)
Weed time
Warning: weed mention
Rating: Teen and up
Two joints are pulled out from a drawer in Sniper’s van. The Aussie pulls a lighter out from his shirt pocket, sticking one joint into his mouth to light it. The second is handed to Scout who sits in the van’s booth. Joints pressed together, Sniper lights the American’s before exhaling a cloud of smoke.
“This stuff gonna make us act crazy?” Scout inhales, letting it sit in his lungs before blowing out the smoke. He taps a finger against the table, impatient to see what the affects will be. Will they pass out? Try to make cookies at 2am? Have an existential crisis that leaves them freaking out on the floor?
“Probably. Pauling said she bought a fridge just to make a castle from the box.” The poor woman shamefully returned her impulse purchase with a fumbled excuse of it being too big for the kitchen. Initially, it was a great idea to bring her G&G game to life, except for the fact that she already had a brand new fridge from another weed induced splurge. That box was turned into a boat.
“Good thing I wrote down Spy’s credit card info.” The two laugh, tapping their joints together like wine glasses before taking long inhales. Sniper slides into the booth, welcoming his yank of a lover into his arm. Scout rests against Sniper’s chest as they wait for the chemicals to seep into their brains.
Twenty minutes go by. If you asked Scout if he was high right now, he would deny it. It would take him multiple tries and several tangents to achieve, but he would deny it. This doesn’t change the fact that he’s standing in front of Sniper’s dream catcher and staring into it.
“Bloody hell are you doing?” Sniper is laid out on the floor, joint smoked with its remains in an ashtray along with his regular cigarette butts. His vest was discarded from how warm and clammy it made him feel. He really hates being warm and clammy. Speaking of clams, he’s kinda in the mood for seafood right about now.
“I’m watching your dreams, dude. Crazy stuff in here.” Scout stares at the criss crossing white thread. He slowly blinks, mesmerized by whatever it is he’s imagining. His eyes are bright red and hooded, fighting to stay open. Scout doesn’t wanna pass out with a high this good.
“What?” It comes out as a stifled laugh. Sniper rolls to his side, chuckling at the thought of Scout watching all of his weird dreams. The fish people one, the one where he lived with a wallaby, and many more. Sniper stands up only to immediately fall over and cackle. He tripped on his own hat! Its only now that he realizes that he wasn’t wearing the damn thing.
“You good, babe?” Scout snorts, watching his boyfriend roll around and laugh. The strange behavior ends up causing his own laughing fit that beings him to his knees. He crawls to Sniper, falling to the floor as the couple continue their ceaseless giggling. They manage a few short breaths of silence only for their laughter to immediately resume.
“Stop! Stop, dude, I’m—I’m gonna pee!” Scout clutches his stomach and kicks his legs. At that comment, Sniper holds out one of his jars. This only makes his lover laugh harder and smack his hand against the floor. Scout practically screams into the carpet as his body shakes.
The only thing that stops their laughing fit is hunger. Scout takes out a cooler they had stashed earlier knowing how the munchies can be. Two wrapped hoagies are pulled from the ice along with soda and an iced coffee. Sniper sets several cartons of cookies, muffins, and cupcakes onto the kitchen table. Not even waiting for Scout, he takes a massive bite into a chocolate chip muffin.
“Gimme one.” Scout reaches for a muffin, but Sniper pushes them away. He continues eating the treat, ignoring how badly he needs a drink to wash it down. Scout holds up his iced coffee, taunting him with the bitter brew. He reaches out, but the American tries to snag a muffin! Oh, no. Sniper bought them, so Sniper gets to eat them.
“You’re so freaking greedy when you’re high!” Scout is offended by the man blocking him from the food. Are they not dating? What kind of selfish man refuses to feed his beloved boyfriend? Ignore the fact that Scout has two hoagies in his hand. He’s going to starve unless he gets one of those cupcakes.
After a bit of pouting and bargaining, Sniper relents and earns his coffee. He chugs half the bottle before taking another fat bite of food. This time into his deli sandwich. Scout somehow fits two cupcakes, his hoagie, and an entire can of soda into his lean body. Of course, he continues eating. He’s just so hungry!
When their meal is no more than crumbs on plates, the couple decide to climb to their bed. Its as cramped as ever, but it beats the floor. At least now they have a new mattress pad to soften the hard surface. The old one had worn down over the years, but the stubborn Sniper refused to let go of it until Scout complained enough times about back aches.
As they cuddle one another, they share soft kisses from their foreheads to their chins. Scout traces the lines in Sniper’s hand with his thumb while the man happily explained their meaning. While not one to believe in most mysticism, it was still interesting. Hell, if he can believe in dream catchers and aliens, what’s the harm in thinking a few lines in his palm have meaning?
Scout on the other hand was growing tired. Too tired to keep his eyes open. The hand rubbing his back was no help either. Although he tried to fall asleep, he just couldn’t. His mouth kept moving despite his attempts to still it, and his eyes just didn’t want to stay closed. Quite the conundrum for the poor man.
Weed is cool and fun -H
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