#draco and the others are all angry glares
siriuslynutswrites · 1 month
before you and fwb!mattheo started dating, he was quiet with his possession.
when the two of you were alone, he'd kiss marks up the seam of your ribs, all while his hand would make you lose your mind. he would always somehow manage to get you to sit next to him during parties, so his hand would be able to wander up your spine, a constant reminder that he's there. nobody would even attempt to try and pair up with you during assignments, because mattheo would be there, dark eyes drilling into the side of your head until you would turn and smile at him. on trips to hogsmeade, he'd always be between you and the other people, even if it's just by half a step.
nobody would know why, but there'd be an underlying sense that you're his. like an instinct, like a born knowledge. he'd never outright place his hand on your thigh, or leaves marks where others would see them. but the way he conducted himself around you, the way you seemed to rotate around him like a planet in orbit... people knew.
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luvvyouforever · 5 months
headcanons : harry potter boys x keeper!reader
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↳ harry, ron, draco, neville, fred, george, remus, and sirius with a partner who can wield ancient magic (hogwarts legacy style).
↳ requests are open! submit ideas, drabbles, headcanons, or one shots to the link in my bio! don’t be shy <3
harry potter:
-thinks it is the coolest shit ever! when you're in a fight together and you protect him by shooting a powerful blue bolt towards the enemy that disintegrates their very beginning, he feels so proud to be your partner!
-on the other side, he also knows it feels like to have a lot of pressure and power on your side. he worries about what it must feel like to wield ancient magic and be the only living person who can see it. every time you use it, he checks on you after, ensuring that you don't feel too exhausted and can continue fighting.
-supported you so much through the trials. he didn't need to know every detail of what you did and went through but he would hold you so tight when you came back, praising you over and over for being so strong and brave.
ron weasley:
-he's a little jealous, ngl. like his partner can use this sick magic and is responsible for keeping the magic safe and alive out of the wrong hands?? why can't he do that???
-i also feel like ron would be confused, if not a little angry, that you refuse to share the power and attempt what others have before (such as isidora using the magic to remove pain). he doesn't really understand the problem and feels like the keepers are suspicious.
-he'd brag about you alllllll the time though! like oh my god every second he would find some way to bring up the fact that you can do really awesome things and that you are his awesome partner forever!
draco malfoy:
-draco loves you a lot and finds your magic incredibly cool, don't get me wrong, but i think his family swayed his pursuit of you because wouldn't it be so grand if the malfoys had a keeper in their family? someone so powerful and knowledgeable? who would pass down the truth and their magic? yes please! (every time narcissa brings it up, it irks draco but also he pats himself on the shoulder for choosing you)
-wants to know every detail about the trials and the past and the memories you're viewing! you'll come back from a trial, sweaty and tired, maybe bleeding, and he'd help you first then ask hundreds of questions after.
-your use of ancient magic is not necessarily unknown and makes you quite popular among the students of hogwarts. this, however, makes draco really jealous. if he could, he would follow you everywhere, glaring down anyone who tries to make a move on you. before you go on adventures, classes, or just to the common room, he'll drape you in his slytherin scarf as if he was marking you.
neville longbottom:
-poor thing gets so nervous when you have to complete the trials or do something incredibly important for the sake of keeping the magic safe. he knows he can't go along with you but he'd stay by your side until the very moment you enter the map chamber, whispering praises and support the whole time.
-would heal up all your wounds and take care of you if you exerted too much during a fight. he knows how much everyone depends on you and the least he can do is take care of you properly! he would run you a bath, apply soothing balms to your skin or use his plants to heal you up, and cuddle you tightly!
-tries his hardest to not feel useless but sometimes it's hard when you're so strong and he's so...not. of course you'll always reassure him and give him the confidence he needs but very frequently, he gets really down on himself about it.
fred weasley:
-every day he comes to you with a new scheme that involves your magic. could you make a portal that leads from the dungeons of hogwarts to the top of the astronomy tower? it's important. snape is gonna get really mad when he goes into his office? can your magic fix that?
-begs, and i mean BEGS, you to let him come along on your adventures and battles. he wants nothing more than to support you and fight along your side! as long it's not a trial, you can't help but let him come along. you usually end up saving him after he pays a little more attention to the way your whip around the battle, taking down everyone effortlessly.
-speaking of paying too much attention to you, he thinks it is so attractive than you can do what you do! he gives you some time after fighting to recuperate but then immediately he is ON you. he's kissing you and telling you how hot it is when you turn someone to just particles.
george weasley:
-he wants you to teach him everything you can. there are some things that are just simply innate and can not be taught but all your tips and tricks when it comes to fighting will now be all of his tips and tricks. you two would just find some field away from the burrow and go at it, sending spell after spell at each other. georgie is just overflowing with adrenaline and it's a great way to get it out.
-deep down, a part of him wants to be protective of you. he wants to keep you from going out into danger and taking on dangerous tasks all for magic and some old people telling you what to do. but he knows better, trust me. he knows you can defend yourself just fine but he just wants to put you in a little bubble and never let anything hurt you.
-just like ron, he will brag about you whenever he can. everyone is sitting around the great hall table, talking about how it's so cool that you defeated a troll in one fell swoop and he just wraps his arm around your shoulders, a glimmer in his eye as he proceeds to say "yeah, aren't they just so amazing?"
remus lupin:
-fears for your health and safety so much! when you come back from a trial, he's hushing you and putting you in bed, feeding you chocolate and brewing tea until you feel better!! you are bearing the weight of centuries old magic all alone. the least he can do is take care of you!
-supports your decisions throughout your entire journey as a keeper. if you truly believe that releasing ancient magic to the world and using it for more than the original keepers intended, then he understands. if you want to continue to keep it hidden, he will not question your judgement.
-this is so fluffy but i feel like you figured out how to manipulate your ancient magic to floating, bright blue scenes and pictures. around remus's time of the month (said lovingly), you'll lay in bed with him and use your wand to paint pictures of animals, lakes, waves, stars, or, in more sappy moments, your future.
sirius black:
-he thinks it is SO hot that you can take someone down without barely blinking an eye. his favorite move you do is when you lift someone into the air and slam them down repeatedly. gets blushy and turned on excited every time.
-once followed you down into the map chamber only to be very harshly yelled at by one of the keeper's portraits. he just wanted to see what it looked like and to know where you go on dangerous missions!! who can blame him, truly? definitely grumbled the whole rest of the day.
-when you two get married, he refuses to let you take his last name and instead will either take yours or say screw it and come up with one! he doesn't want his family to have the gratification of having a keeper with the black family name. he wants you to shine for who you are and in another century, he wants your name to be yours, not his.
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blondwhowrites · 4 months
✨My Mattheo Riddle Headcanons✨
Absolutely a playboy and has a high body count manwhore
Despite that, he would never cheat because my boy is EXTREMELY loyal. Once he's locked in he's locked in for life especially since he knows he loves you
You're the one for him
Princess treatment to the max 💅
Would beat up anyone that tries to flirt with you or looks at you badly
He makes sure the boys treat you with absolute respect and though he would never admit it he would love seeing you grow close to his friends
Wouldn't give up smoking for you early in the relationship but after a year or two if you asked him to try quitting he would
Likes to show you off because GODDAMN ARE YOU HOT
He doesn't know how he managed to bag you 😩🙏
Leaves hickeys on your thighs and neck and pouts whenever you try to hide them in public
Doberman energy to the max
He is your guard dog and will follow you around glaring at everyone especially if he knows you're not in the mood to talk to people
Usually is the big spoon but after his father comes back he would want you to hold him since you're one of the few people he truly feels safe with (Draco and Theo are on that list of people he feels safe with along with Narcissa since I headcanon he grew up with the Malfoys)
Has a notebook that he draws in and half of it is just filled with pictures of you that he drew yes some of them are of you nude
Can be aggressive but never with you, and he really only gets aggressive when he's frustrated or mad
He's subtle in his softness towards you in public. He isn't an easy person to read and can come off cold to other people, but he's less rigid when he is with you.
Motherfucker looks at you as if you created this world. To him, you're a goddess
Would be uncomfortable with physical touch at first (he's not used to touch that isn't either platonic or sexual)
Once he does get used to it he will actively seek it out though he wouldn't outright ask for it more like tap your hand when he wants to hold it, or place his hand on your thigh just so he can feel you
Early in the relationship, the arguments would be bad because he doesn't really know how to channel his anger into something healthy
He ends up going to Draco and Theo asking for advice and they just immediately send him to Blaise
He ends up drawing to help cope whenever he is angry and he also grows close to Blaise who had been the one to give him the advice
After that, the arguments get increasingly better along with communication too
Steals your food that little shit
Loves when you wear his clothes
Would absolutely wear anything that you gift him
He doesn't cry a lot and he prefers to be alone when he does cry but he'll let you comfort him even if it is just sitting with him and holding his hand as he lets out his emotions
He enjoys partying but he's not a party animal like others. He just stays with you and the others, drinking and making sure nobody tries anything with you
Is extremely protective of you, especially around anyone that he doesn't know or trust
Despite what everyone thinks he doesn't hate Harry Potter, I mean he doesn't like him, but it's not a mortal enemy type situation
Kinda just stays away from him and his little quartet
Does has some prejudice against muggle-borns because that's just how he was raised but after the war his views would drastically change
Is a dom and that's all I'm gonna say on that 😏
Overall not the worst boyfriend but not the best either. Your relationship with him has its ups and downs, but he truly does love you and tries his best to be good for you.
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Severus Snape daughter headcanons
Slytherin all the way.
There was a debate with the sorting hat between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but the hat landed on Slytherin
Severus taught her German and Russian
Has a pet cat
Was taught how to brew potions as a child
Skilled in occlumency and legilimens
Severus would've definitely taught her some fight moves he learned from Tobias to defend herself along with defense spells to protect herself if necessary (one of the rare good things Tobias did for Severus)
I feel his daughter would have a photographic memory
If his daughter was born before the war, then she would've met Regulus as a baby but didn't know a lot about him other than what Narcissa, Lucius, and her father told her (all good things)
Growing up, Severus didn't tell her a lot of his past, but every time she was in the Malfoy's care or Charity and Aurora's care, they would tell her all the embarrassing school stories of Severus (Severus would neither confirm or deny the stories) but they leave out the marauders of their stories (she knows about them, they always let it slip during their stories)
Educated in both the wizarding and muggle world
She definitely inherited the famous Severus glare and sharp tongue
Middle is Eileen, and Severus talks about his mother sometimes but not much
She would definitely be a bookworm
Similar to Severus, she would have an interest in potions and DADA
She and Draco would have definitely seen each other as siblings from their parents
I feel like she would be respectful and nice to house elves and would hate the abuse they face (she scolds her uncle Lucius about hurting Dobby every time she sees it)
Her and Hermione would have a school rivalry since they are both the smartest girls in their houses. But they respect each other and their intellect
If wolfstar had a child or children, then you can count on some bad blood between them (who knows... maybe an enemies to lovers)
Severus and McGonagall taught her how to dance (quite fabulously, if I may add 👌💃)
Sees Minerva as a grandmother figure (you can't tell me that McGonagall wouldn't lover her as her own)
If she had an Animagus form, it would be a cat or Raven
Her Patronus would be a bat or a cat
Has respect for the Weasley twins but will not hesitate to turn their pranks against them if it's aimed at her father, Draco, or herself
Likes Molly and Arthur but has notes on their parenting
She and Ron like playing wizard chess with each other (she beats him every time, and Ron always wants a rematch)
I feel like she would be a bit relatable to Stiles Stilinski (has ADHD, OCD, A LOT of sarcasm, and is stubborn. Wonder where she gets that from) "I mean no. Do you want to hear it in German? Nein". "I'm 140 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, ok? Sarcasm and magic are my ONLY defense."
I feel like a lot of people would be afraid of her because she is Severus's daughter
She and Luna, I feel would get along because of her creative mind and unique way of seeing the world (she would also scare off Luna's bullies)
She makes her own spells, potions, and magical objects (mad scientist mode)
Not a big fan of quidditch but supports Draco
Brains of the operation
Hates Sirius on sight and is OK Remus.
She will not hesitate to hex or murder Sirius if he continues to insult her family (she is very difficult to restrain)
Feels like Harry's babysitter for always helping him survive on his adventures
She knows Remus when she was young due to his visits to her home to pick up his supply of wolfsbane from her father (so she knows he's a werewolf)
Often scold Draco if his insults go too far.
If her dad was a part of the death eaters and she was told, she would be shocked, upset, and angry but if he told her about the double agent part then she would be more worried for him
All I got so far. Enjoy my lovelies
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dr3amlab · 1 year
wicked games, dm.
SUMMARY — Y/N Gorgon and Draco Malfoy have a long history of mutual hatred. You see, the two of them have been pulling pranks on each other since their 1st year at Hogwarts, to the dismay of their close friends and supervisors. However, after a prank left Y/N completely out of her mind, she decides that she'll pull her cruelest prank yet on Draco by pretending to be his secret admirer.
PAIRING — Draco Malfoy x reader
GENRE — series, enemies to lovers, rival, comedy (?)
WORD COUNT — 1631 words.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I tried a new format of writing, I kinda want to try narrating like a movie ? idk if you caught that. tell me what you think, I'd really love that. Let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
PARTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 finale
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“Really handsome, blond, tall and a son of a bitch.” These are the words you would use to describe Draco Malfoy if somebody ever asked you. Of course, you are not worried of ever saying the first four words of that sentence to anyone because, well, nobody would ever ask you.
It’s not that your opinion of the blond boy doesn’t matter, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just that your judgement of Malfoy is well known all across Hogwarts : you hate Draco, with a passion. Matter fact, if you had a gun with two bullets and you were in a room with Voldemort, Umbridge , and Draco, you would shoot draco, twice.
You must be curious on why you both hate each other so much ; Well for starters, it all started on the first ever day of Hogwarts when⎯
“Draco fucking Malfoy.”you yelled at the top of your lungs as soon as you felt a translucent-gooey-textured liquid being poured on the top of your head, slowly making its way on your shoulders. For the matter that drenched your upper body was unknown, you closed your eyes instantly, preventing whatever-that-was from infecting your eyes.
(I guess we’ll tell that story another day)
You quickly wiped your eyes with your fingers, wanting to see the culprit so you could give them a piece of your mind. But, of course, you knew damn well who would dare to pull this type of pranks at eight am.
There he was, right in front of you, Draco Malfoy, with his stupid platinum blond hair, laughing stupidly with his stupider friends. Oh, how his laugh was aggravating to your ears.
“What the fuck did you just pour on me Malfoy?”You gritted your teeth, angry as ever. Who in their right state of mind would be this bored to pull a prank this early in the morning?  
A smirk grazed his lips as he looked down on you. “What I just poured on you is troll snot.” His response earned a roar of laughter from not only his little clique, but the entire hallway which was, conveniently for Draco, busy at this time of the day. “And you think it's bloody funny you fucking tosser?” You said, disgusted as you helplessly tried to clean your hands on your skirt.
“Geez, Gorgon.” He chuckled as if you said the silliest thing ever. “Who shat in your cereals?” This statement made Crabbe and Goyle slap their knees and grab their stomach as it hurt with laughter. “Stop laughing! What's so funny you idiots?” You glared at them which made them stop at once.
You took a step towards the blond boy while looking at him straight into his eyes. “You're satisfied of yourself right now, aren't you Malfoy?” He took a step back, not sure of what's going to be your next move. “Are you du—” You were interrupted by a stern voice that silenced the entire hallway in a matter of seconds.
“What in Merlin's name is going on over here?” You didn't even need to turn around to see whose voice it is as you know it too damn well. Plus, the look on Malfoy only confirmed your suspicion. “Fuck, it's Snape.” He muttered shakily under his breath. “You are little coward, aren't you Malfoy?” You giggled bitterly finding his reaction way too funny. “Everybody go to class.” The professor continued. “NOW.”He demanded making every student watching the scene scurry to their first class of the day.
“Y/N Gorgon. Draco Malfoy.” Snape said in a severe voice. “What did you two scheme this time?” You turned around to look at the professor's face filled of exasperation. Well, can you blame him? There's not a single person in the world that wouldn't be tired of giving the same two students detention almost every day for the past six years. Yes, every day for the past SIX years.
Snape's presence didn't even bother you at this point, the man has seen you in all the possible situations and emotional states since the day you stepped foot into Hogwarts. So, unbothered, you continued talking to Draco as if Snape wasn't even in the room. “You will not get away with this Malfoy”you said through gritted teeth. “Trust, you will be dealt with.” You poked your index finger at his chest. “You didn't win yet, you fucking twat." The last statement earned you a smack in the back of your head from Snape.
“10 points out for Slytherin for your foolishness.” he said, disappointed. “I think you two already know the drill by now.” He sighed looking at the two of you in front of him. “Potions classroom. Cauldrons.” He said lifelessly, as usual.
“I think you are mistaken professor, we cleaned the cauldrons yesterday.” Draco said hurriedly. You quickly nudged Draco with your elbow. “Shut up Malfoy.” you mouthed.
“Would you rather help Filch on his cleaning duties?” Snape said already knowing your reaction. “No, sir.” You said quickly.
“Good.”He said before turning his back and leaving to Merlin knows where, but, then, he stopped his motions before turning back towards you and Draco. “Oh and Y/N.” You gulped. “Clean yourself before going to detention.” He brought his hand to his nose, waving it up and down as if to eliminate a bad odour. “The stench of troll snot isn't really pleasant for my nose. I think I speak for all of us” He turned back and disappeared quickly from the hallways which were empty by now, leaving only you and Draco who was currently laughing uncontrollably.
Of course, you didn't hesitate to kick him where the sun doesn't shine to make him shut up. And it did work.
"And he got me fucked up if he thinks that he'll get away with this easily." You stormed into your room, muttering like a mad woman. "He really thinks" you sat yourself on your desk, slamming a piece of paper on it. "that I'm going to let this slide, huh?" you picked up your quill and started writing on the paper. "Malfoy, you don't know what's coming for your right now." you chuckled maniacally.
"What the fuck Y/N?" Athena, your roommate, said as she got out of your shared bathroom, looking like she just got out of the shower. "Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" she questioned while looking at you curiously and leaning her body on the door frame of the bathroom. "By the way⎯ What in Merlin's beard is this horrid smell?" she scrunched her nose "And it's definitely not me cause I just hopped out of the shower." You glared at her. "Well, what about you?" you said, "aren't you supposed to be in transfiguration right now?" you looked back at your paper. "If you are wondering about the smell," you stopped writing your sentence and met her eyes, "Draco Malfoy poured troll snot on me this morning." you explained.
A look of horror displayed on Athena's face "Troll snot?" you nodded. "Yes troll snot." for a moment she looked like she was suppressing a laugh, but then she couldn't control it anymore and had a fit of laughter. "What are you laughing for you git?" You were utterly offended, why would your dearest friend laugh of your misery?
"I'm sorry love, it's just that it's kind of a good come back for your last prank." she put her hand in front of her mouth as an attempt to hide her smile. "I didn't think that he could top you putting green hair dye in his shampoo." she continued. "Sure." you said smiling as Athena reminded you of your last accomplishment. "So I suppose that you are planning your next prank, aren't you?" she pointed at the piece of paper you were writing. "You know, I think you guys should just kiss at this point." you pretended to gag at her last statement. "Don’t ever say that again Athena. It’s never going to happen." she leaned back from her previous position and started to walk towards you.
"And, yeah, I am." a huge smirk displayed on your face. "And what is it?" she said as she stood next to you. "Nothing." you said simply. "Nothing?" Athena confusedly said as she picked up your piece of paper. "Yeah, I'm just gonna take a step back and watch things unfold." You said while leaning back in your chair, your arms behind your head.
You watched Athena's reaction at your next prank with amusement. "Y/N! You are insane." she exclaimed with her eyes as wide as saucers. "I truly don't know how to feel about this one, it's really risky." she waved the paper in front of your face. "Don't worry about it, it's all fun." you snatched the paper out of her hand. "Besides, that's the adequate payback for what he did today." you smiled mischievously while reading at the words written in the piece of parchment."
Dear Draco,
You filled up my heart for the past years, and I can not thank you enough for bringing me so much joy.
You see, I'm always looking at you secretly and it's creepy, I know, but I can't stop my eyes for prying for every trace of you. You are the highlight of my every day, hour and second.
I feel butterflies in my stomach every time our eyes meet by accident, I feel happy when you laugh but sadness when I see a frown on your face. Oh, how I'm infatuated by you.
But see, pretty boy, a wave of sadness can't help but to wash all over me when I wonder if you even know my existence.
Darling, do you even know my name? do you know I exist?
yours truly,
your secret admirer.
"This is perfect." you folded the letter and put it in a pink envelope. "I don't know about this Y/N." Athena sounded genuinely worried. "It's all he deserves for ruining my day by pouring troll snot on me." you said nonchalantly.
"Yeah, speaking of troll snot." Athena scrunched her nose in disgust. "you should really take a shower."
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
something about !forced proximity! hits really hard! aaannnnnddd what if they’re not fond of each other toooo…
lots of angst..lots of guilt and then ofc fluff😘
Can't stand being away from you
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Pairing: draco x female reader, husband draco x wife reader
Summary: you and draco were always meant to be in each other's space you just didn't know it yet...
Word count: 1'104
Warning: mean draco, annoying draco, fat shaming, forced proximity, chubby reader, plot twist
Universe: harry Potter
A/n: I don't how I feel about this tbh but it's got the key things in the request. Tell me what you think in the comments ♡
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Trip's aren't ideal for Hogwarts but they decide to do one and of course you get partnered with draco. A part of you wanted to say there was nothing wrong with him, but there was…
He lived rent free in your mind and not in a good way. That stupid airy laugh he'd do to get his friends to laugh with him, the dumb hairstyles that never stayed the same, and his unnecessary obsession with bullying the trio; I mean you were the muggle born with old clothes you were a perfect target but he didn't bother you! not that you wanted him too or anything…
"Anything but that," Draco whined, pulling his luggage behind him. He stared with fascinati- angry as he looked you over. He could smell the lavender from your hair, see the redness from your chapstick, and worst of all he was near you and your weirdly styled clothes.
"It's only for the night, stop your whining," Snape snapped at him walking towards his room. Draco pushed the door open, eyes widening with a distasteful look on his face.
"This cannot be happening."
You blinked rapidly trying to make your mind process this. One bed, one bathroom, one tv, and well one everything. You inhaled, exhaling as you said
"it's only for one night." Not missing the loud sigh Draco let out. The hours consistented of you unpacking and looking over the map for the hotel, It wasn't long before you decided you wanted to shower but it seemed Draco had the same idea.
"Don't you dare," you warned but Draco smirked, turning towards you.
The two of you locked eyes that soon turned to thin slits then it was on…
you and draco ran for the small doorway, both of you pushing on another till the other fell. You looked like fools grunting and shoving like it was the last shower you'd ever take. He made it inside with a chuckle but as they always say, never turn your back on your enemies…
you came running for his side causing him to let out a squeal as you pushed at his firm waist. He tripped on the door lining falling onto the hotel carpet as he shot you a glare. luckily you made it inside, pushing the door shut as you slid down catching your breath.
"You clearly need it more, you smell like you roll in flower fields!" Draco called, but he wasn't sure why that didn't sound like an insult.
He rolled his eyes, still pissed that a girl had beat him at something.
She didn't beat me, this isn't a competition, I'm clearly stronger!
You emerge from the shower, waffering the room with the smell of your body wash and shampoo. Draco took in your appearance with a slight hum before facing the screen. You hadn't paid any mind to what he was watching, grabbing a book from your bag and taking a seat in a chair nearby. You didn't bother thinking about the sleeping arrangement, it was better not to yet anyway.
The procrastinator in you couldn't be bothered to fight Malfoy about it. You sighed, fixing your legs up on the table, head resting against the wall as you opened your book to the chapter your book mark held when all of a sudden the volume of the TV seemed to be easing its way up. You shut your book looking over at Draco in his PJs.
When did he change?
"Do you need the TV up that loud?" You asked as politely as you could. He shot you a smug smile, pink lips tugging at the sides mischievously.
"Yes, I hope you do understand. I'm hard of hearing. It sounds so quiet." His voice rang with fake panic matching the act on his face.
You hummed. "Funny. I don't remember you struggling to hear at school," you said smirking.
"What was that? I can't hear you, you sound so far away." he looked around like he'd lost a small child.
"But you just responded?" You stated, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry darling will have to continue this conversation when the show quiets down," he pouted.
You opened your mouth before closing it. You hated how he got under your skin and made you feel as though you needed to reply. You only hoped the night passed quickly.
And just like that the sky was dark blue. You yawned, closing your book standing as you walked towards the bed. Draco shot you a dirty look and pulled the blanket up. You stood blinking, waiting for him to move but he didn't, he just Chuckled.
"You don't exactly expect me to lay next to you do you?" He asked, sitting upwards. You look puzzled.
"Where do you think I'll be laying then?" You snapped.
"make a mat on the floor. Besides, you couldn't fit next to me anyway, you're far too big for that."
You sighed taming the unwanted tears trying to leave your eyes. You grabbed your sweater, bunching it into a ball. You gently laid on the floor, the wood like ice against your skin. The heater wasn't even working properly as the night grew darker. You were pretty sure your teeth were chitting loudly as goosebumps from the cold covered your skin.
Your body shivered as you tried to breathe steadily to stop the slight shaking.
You curled tightly cursing the hate that was filling your head. You tried not to cry but everything was against you like you'd lost control. The tears ran down your face like rocks on a hill that you were chasing. It was impossible. The tears dried fast staining your cheeks with the reminder.
You weren't sure if Draco was asleep or awake because it was quiet minus the occasional feet moving through the hall.
He wasn't asleep.
His mind was stuck on what he said to you. He knew it was cruel to say but he couldn't have you think he liked you because truthfully he did. so he had to make every lit insult he could to cover the chance of you realizing it. You were sadly suffering which made him suffer having to hear and cause it. He was being stubborn.
What was the harm in you knowing how he felt?! There really wasn't one, he was just afraid of what it would cause if his father and friends knew he fell for a girl who was not only muggle but also was a person in the shadows, with no popularity, no family business, just a girl with two parents scraping together what they could.
He admired it really, how you grew up with only books as company and barely had a change of clothes. It was refreshing compared to the girls he usually was around. No appreciation, no care or kindness because everything was replaceable for them, money was there and people who would give up family for their places in high class; but then there was you.
Worrying about spills and splashes on your clothes despite the smallness and holes they had, book bags on both shoulders, hair a bit messy because you couldn't afford the products in the stores that fixed it. everything about you was something that stood out and made everyone in a world of riches look poor.
You turned a bit sighing as darkness finally whisked away the nightmare.
When morning came you were in bed. A blonde haired boy snuggled into your chest, an arm around you, hand resting comfortably on the extra of your belly. He sighed dreamily before pressing a kiss to your exposed skin.
"When you're done staring at me will you lay back down completely so I can pull you closer," he groaned and you let out a Chuckle.
"Sorry, I was dreaming about the first time you and I shared a room like this," you muttered, making Draco frown in his sleep. He opened his eyes, blue oceans in your view. "I'm sorry, my love, I never meant it. I was just…"
"I know, I know you say it all the time," you run your fingers in his Bright blonde hair. "So in love you that you tried to hide it" you finished, laying back down.
"I couldn't not share a bed with you. you're so much more comfortable than the bed itself," he whispered and you smiled closing your eyes.
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Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa, @lovelycassy
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jlepixie · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ she sinks in holy sadness ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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╰ ୨ Draco in a relationship ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
☆ your first ever friend at Hogwarts was Pansy, when she suggested that you should meet her friend group you got a little nervous because you knew about Draco and his mean personality. At first, as expected, he was brutally mean to you, almost knocking you down every time he passed by, or just verbally bullying you. That was until you got the guts to confront him, it was late at night in the library where he would spend most of his time. When he heard everything you had to say, and seeing the tears struggling not to come out of your eyes, he had a shocked looked on his face. Leaving him alone made Draco to rethink his actions and try to be more open minded with you.
☆ After the thought of him liking you popped in his mind, he tried to deny it and convince himself that this couldn't be true. But after some time passed he finally accepted his feelings. He wouldn't confess immediately because more or less he is scared of you rejecting him, but he would definitely scare all the guys who even try to look at you, that act mostly annoyed you. At some point he brought you to the astronomy tower, apologised for his behaviour, and told you he really just has a major crush on you.
☆ The first few weeks he would try his best to keep your relationship a secret, because mostly he wouldn't want his parents to find out about you, scared that they might do or say something to you. But eventually you couldn't hold it any longer and confronted him about the situation. That act led to not hide it anymore, and surprisingly when his parents found at, Narcissa was actually really happy for his son, seeing how nice you were treating him.
☆ Draco is way too much protective than you thought. He would give death glares to does who even try to talk with you. Let's just say that he wants you all to himself. If was someone who tried to talk bad about you behind your back, or just insults you straight to your face he would literally fight them. He is also the jealous type, he would probably get really angry and give the silent treatment. Draco threatens everyone he thinks are trying to steal you or hurt you.
☆ He sometimes had difficulty showing his true emotions to others but especially to you. This can get really frustrating for both of you, especially at the beginning of the relationship however, the longer you two are together, the easier it gets for him. Felling comfortable around others was always a problem to him but he found out that he can relax when you are around him, and that always puts a smile on him. Draco is at the point where he feels that he is capable to show his real self around you, which is even better than you could've imagined. You are also the only one that is allowed to see him braking down and he is really comfortable with it because he finds your affection towards him comforting.
☆ Him not being used with having a partner, makes it a little harder to treat you the way you deserve, even if he knows it's wrong but can't control it yet. You have to be there for him, to be patient and to show him what you do and don't like to do, or to be done to you.
☆ Draco loves taking you on dates, especially if its somewhere privet, not because he is ashamed of you or doesn't want to show you of, he defiantly wants that. But how he wants you all to himself, he enjoys time with you alone where you two can grow together as a couple, to learn and do things you like.
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© 2023 jlepixie.  ─  please do not copy,  repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission. 
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honey-badger-fics · 2 years
George Weasley x Reader
Summary - The aftermath of the fight between George, Harry, and Draco in Order of the Phoenix, where Draco says something about you, George’s best friend and crush. 
Warnings - Mentions of fighting, very minor injury, small mention of blood, making out, swearing
Words - 1.4K
A/N - My first ever fanfic! Hopefully you enjoy it!
You slowly make your way down the stands to meet George, Harry, and Fred. The match replays in your head–the tense silences with each attempted shot, the underhanded plays by Slytherin, and the final play of the game when Harry caught the snitch. 
It takes you longer than usual to make your way down to the grass, multiple people stopping you and requesting that you congratulate Harry for them.
Your steps quiet as you move from the wooden boards of the stands to the soft grass of the quidditch pitch, immediately scanning for the boys.
When you finally find them, your steps falter before quickening. George, who looks ready to hex Malfoy to tomorrow and back, is held back by Harry, who too looks ready to fly at Draco, Fred being held back by a few of the others on the team. 
“George! Harry! Fred!” you shout, hoping to gain their attention and diffuse the situation by distracting them. George whips his head towards you, his stance relaxing slightly upon seeing your figure, but before anything else can be done, Malfoy opens his mouth. You watch his mouth, straining your ears, still unable to make out what he says. You are, however, able to see George’s reaction. His posture coils up again and his eyes, which are still on you, seemingly see through you before turning towards Draco with a fiery glare and lunging at him with Harry by his side.
You quickly rise to your feet outside the Gryffindor common room as George and Harry approach, finally returning from McGonagall’s office. George reaches the portrait first, leaving a slumping Harry behind as he spits out the password and marches into the common room. Your eyes widen and you look helplessly to Harry, not used to the anger rolling off of George. 
“What happened,” you whisper, wide eyed as Harry reaches you. 
“Umbridge banned us from playing.” His voice is exhausted, yet sharp with frustration. 
“That bitch,” you breathe, managing to make Harry crack a small smile at your choice of words before he too uses the password to enter Gryffindor common room, holding the portrait open for you to climb through as well. 
Your mouth opens to thank him once in the common room, but instead you find yourself jumping at the slightly muffled sound of cursing and a loud crash that comes from George, Fred, and Lee’s room. 
Fred looks at Harry, the concern easy to read on his face, “What the hell happened.” 
Harry tells the room, the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team, Hermione, and Lee all waiting to hear the news. You, Lee, and Fred all share a glance as another crash comes from their room. 
“I’m going to go check on him,” you say, though hesitantly. You had never seen, nor heard the usually good natured man so livid. 
“You can try,” Fred starts, shaking his head. “He usually likes to be alone when he’s angry.” 
You stare at the door to their room unsure of what to do, “Though if anyone could get through to him in this state, it’s definitely you, Y/N.” 
You nod, resolve washing over you, and make your way up the stairs, or really the railing and hidden footholds created by you and the twins for people other than them to enter the room. 
When you get to the top you stretch your arm out and tap your knuckles against the door. Pacing steps can be heard in the room, now made audible by your proximity to the door. 
“Please, just leave me alone.” George’s voice is a strained mixture of anger and pain, obviously struggling to keep his composure for the person knocking. 
“George? It’s me. Can I please come in?” 
The pacing stops and slow hesitant footsteps approach the door, cracking it open. His red-rimmed eyes meet yours and a small sympathetic smile graces your features. He opens the door all the way and helps you off the wall and into the room before abruptly moving away and sitting on his bed with his back turned. 
You lightly close the door behind you and approach his figure, stopping a few feet behind him, “I heard what she did.” He says nothing, but his hands clench into fists and his jaw clenches.
You finally move closer and sit on the bed. After a few more moments of silence from the boy, you cross your legs, face him fully and study him. His face is still red with anger and he’s staring stonily out the window. 
“You can still yell if you want.” 
He turns towards you, face scrunching in confusion, “You don’t like yelling.”
 “I’ll be fine.” 
He shakes his head before dropping it into his hands. 
“Fuck,” the word is sharp coming from his mouth, though he does not yell it. “I’m so fucking furious.” 
You move closer, gently resting your bent legs against his. His eyes slide over to you and something unfamiliar flashes in them before he lowers one of his hands and rests it on your knee. 
“And it’s not even really because Umbridge said I can’t play quidditch, it’s because of what Malfoy–” his grip on your knee tightens slightly, “–fucking said.” 
You hum in acknowledgement, resting a hand over his. He glances at you again and cracks a smirk. 
“You want to ask what he said so badly, don’t you.” 
“Mhmm,” You hum and nod at him, a desperate look on your face. 
He looks towards the window again, “He started by insulting Ron, then mum and dad, then my general family and the burrow—and, all of that, I can handle. S’nothing I haven’t heard before, y’know?” You huff but nod. “Then he starts insulting Harry’s parents, which almost got me, but Harry held me back. Then,” he turns towards you, fire burning in his gaze, “he started going after you. And–” George stops and runs his hand roughly through his hair. “The foul thing he said. He deserved more than a few punches.” 
You tilt your head, absentmindedly playing with his fingers, for whose sake you're unsure. 
“Don’t ask me to repeat it because I won’t.” 
Your fingers pause their movement, the emotion behind his sharp tone drawing all of your focus. 
He sighs and turns his hand around to now play with your fingers, feeling guilty about his tone, “I didn’t—I just mean that I think I’d have to punch myself if I said it, ask Fred, or Harry, or Angelina. Just—I can’t have such horrible words about you coming out of my mouth.” 
Your cheeks burn and you’re sure they’ve turned a deep shade of red. “Thanks, George…even if you’re a bloody idiot” You squeeze his hand to let him know you’re joking and a quiet laugh leaves his lips, then a sharp hiss of pain. 
Your head snaps up to see him gently touching his lip, blood coming away with his fingers as he moves them away. “George!” Your voice is concerned and scolding, “Why didn’t you say you got hurt earlier?” 
Gently, you take his face in your hands and turn it towards you, now able to see his split and slightly swollen lip. 
“It’s not–” 
You grab your wand and point it at his lip, muttering ‘episkey’ under your breath.
 “–that bad.”
His eyes look to yours, seemingly beseeching you to meet his gaze, a tether connecting them when they finally meet. 
“There,” you breathe as he mutters out a thank you.
Your faces slowly inch closer, eyes moving from each other’s eyes to lips. 
“George?” Your words are airy, barely audible.
“Kiss me?” 
Your eyes leave the others’ lips and connect again, before George’s hands rest on your face and he places his lips on yours. 
Your lips move in tandem, starting gently before deepening. George’s hands move, one travels into your hair, the other to your waist and he effectively pulls you from beside him to on top of him, straddling his lap. Your own hands travel to his shoulders, resting one of your hands there to brace yourself, the other moving to his neck, playing with the hair at his hairline. 
George’s tongue gently brushes against your bottom lip, your mouth opening and returning the favour. His grip tightens on your waist and he pulls you closer prompting a quiet, airy, gasp to escape you. 
He pulls away in surprise, meeting your blown pupils with his own. Heaving chests pressed together, breaths mingling as he grins, “Wicked.”
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
I love you (accusatory) 😡🫵🏻
WELL @l0vegl0wsinthedark I LOVE YOU TOO!! SO THERE!! And to show it, I wrote you this, because after the giddy little giggle I did at reading this ask, I got an idea.
Draco bursts through the door to their flat, making Harry startle where he sits on the couch. He’s about to ask Draco why the hell he’s nearly blown their door off the hinges when he sees the wild look in his boyfriend’s eyes.
Harry raises his eyebrows. “Wha—”
“You,” Draco growls.
Harry sputters. “What did I do!?”
Draco glares at him and slams the door behind him. “You!” He points an accusatory finger at Harry. “I love you!! And it’s all your fault!!”
Harry blinks, his mouth agape, processing. “I—you love me? And you’re angry about it?”
Draco crosses his arms. “Well it is rather inconvenient. It’s entirely distracting throughout the day, even when we’re apart! It inhibits my productivity, Potter! I think about you and your stupid smile and your stupid eyes and your stupid laugh and the stupid way you make me feel—” Draco glares at him again. “And it’s bloody ridiculous!! Because all I want to do is spend every day with you, and care for you, and keep you safe! And just love you!!”
Harry’s so caught off guard, so stunned at this ridiculous, infuriatingly adorable man, that he can’t help the shocked laugh he lets out. When he sees Draco’s eyes flash, he quickly gets up, moving to stand in front of him.
“Well guess what??”
“I love you too!!”
“Oh really?” Draco scoffs.
“Yes! I do! It’s all-consuming!” Harry lets his voice rise to Draco’s level. “You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me! I’ve fallen head over heels for you! I love your wit! And your generosity! And how bloody gorgeous you are—it should be illegal!!”
“Well! Then I guess we love each other!” Draco huffs.
“I guess we do!” Harry retorts.
“I love you!”
“I love you more!”
“I love you most!”
“I love you most-est!”
“Oh yeah!?”
“Then prove it, Potter!”
Harry strides across the room—and proves it.
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bp4545 · 7 months
When were you going to tell me? (Angst)
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Word count: 800
Warnings: Cheating, crying, fighting, upset reader, toxic relationship, swearing. It's not a happy ending, let me know if you want me to make a part two though.
Summary: You and Draco have been in a relationship for 4 months now, and you hear a rumor about him sleeping with another girl. You ask him about it and he confirms your suspicions, leading you to wonder when he was eve going to tell you...
Three weeks.
It had been three weeks, and each day you hear the rumor from a different person.
"Did you hear that Malfoy slept with that other girl, I feel bad for y/n"
"Poor girl, she doesn't even know she's dating a snake."
"Do you think she knows by now? Maybe she's just in denial."
There had been a 'rumor' going around school that your boyfriend slept with another girl, multiple times. You didn't want to believe it, but with each day your suspicions grow further.
Maybe it was because he had cancelled your last few dates, without any warning, or any reason. Maybe it's because he didn't stay overnight like he usually did, and you were left alone in the cold empty sheets by yourself. Maybe you knew he was cheating, but you just didn't want it to be real.
You only ever experienced 'love' with Draco, he was your first everything. 
It felt weird, wrong, to ever think that you could love anyone else, and stop loving him. 
You were a kind girl, rational at best. But you felt yourself succumbing to this rumor every leading day, like when you tell a lie so much you start believing that it's true.
Maybe part of you knew it was true.
The next day you decided you were going to confront Draco about it. Ask him, because you trusted him to tell the truth.
You found him in the corridors, seemingly alone in the dark, whispering to himself.
"Draco" you whispered, meeting his wide eyed expression and flustered face. "I need to talk to you."
"O-oh of course love" he answered nodding his head.
"Draco... are you cheating on me?" you asked in a small voice, but wanting to get right to the point.
You didn't get an answer for what felt like forever.
"Y/n, I promise I never meant to hurt you... I think we need to break up." Those words sparked something in your heart, the fact that he didn't even fight back. Didn't beg for you to stay, beg for your forgiveness. 
"When were you going to tell me?" you said, your voice breaking. "Were you going to tell me after I gave my everything to you? Were you going to tell me once I had given up all I had just to be with you?" He looked at you with a pitiful expression, it was almost pathetic.
There was a long silence before you heard a shuffle from behind the pillar next to you.
"Just come out" Draco says, clearly irritated at the situation. 
You give a confused look, before your eyes widen seeing a girl emerge from behind the pillar, top buttons undone, and hair ruffled. It hurt more to see it than to hear it.
You felt every emotion and hint of sadness turn into anger. Sure, you were angry at him for cheating, but you were angry at yourself for not seeing it sooner. The red flags, and the deceitful lies. 
How dare he cheat on you, and then he gets the satisfaction of breaking up with you, when really you should be the one tearing him to pieces for being disloyal.
"No." you simply state. "No Draco, you have no right to break up with me" your tone is warning, heavy with emphasis and anger, yet you keep your calm as you strike the palm of your hand against his face.
He stutters as he hold his left cheek, the girl next to him gasps and gives you a glare before you whack her in the face too. There's no protest. No argument. They both know they deserve it, they both know what they've done wrong.
"I'm breaking up with you" you say in a low voice, it's enough to send shivers down Draco's spine as he watches your face flare in anger. "You have no right! To break up with me when you were the one to cheat in the first place. You know what I gave for you! You know how much I had to go through when I heard people saying that you deserved better? I used to feel like shit, but now I feel a little bit better knowing that all along, I was the one who deserved better."
You studied his face, a soft expression evident, and a heavy heart.
"No. Don't go gentle with me, it won't work anymore Draco." you warned.
"And if anyone asks. I broke up with you"
a/n: this was fun to write let me know if you guys want a next part?
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elliebyrrdwrites · 1 month
Dramione Blurb 8
Where it begins.
Theo had to drag Hermione Granger through the communal Floo in Diagon Alley. Literally drag her, with an arm bound around her torso, Theo managed to drag her heels against the pavement and managed to call out Harry Potters home before she managed to grab a handful of powder herself.
When they landed in Gimmauld Place, with Hermione’s teeth sinking into the skin on his hand, Theo tipped over and rolled into the parlor, his hold on her unrelenting.
“You bit me!” He shouted when they landed, still holding her against her will atop of him, his back on the floor.
“You kidnapped me!”
“I’m following orders, Granger!”
“This is illegal! It’s against my will! Harry!” She was now kicking and squirming and Theo had to roll them onto their sides so that he could wrap his legs around hers, in an attempt to save his male anatomy.
He wrapped his other arm under and around her arm, essentially pinning her like a wrestler would.
“Theo, you’re hurting me!” Her only free limb was pawing and scratching at the hand she had previously bitten.
“You are,” Theo huffed and tightened his hold on her other arm, causing her to cry out in pain. “Quite possibly, the most infuriating subject I have ever protected.”
“Then quit! I just want to go home.” Hermione was practically whimpering in pain and frustration.
“I don’t quit.” He sighed. “My orders were to bring you here.”
“I’m going to.” She tried again to break free, only causing her arm to bend back further behind her head. “Kill Malfoy!”
Theo briefly shared the sentiment, secretly wishing harm upon his best friend for asking him to guard this insufferable witch.
Just then, the Floo flared to life and both Theo and Hermione froze to look over their shoulders, collectively, to find Harry and Draco stepping out.
“Ah, I see Theo got our message.” Harry said, clearing his throat.
“Theo,” Draco took a step forward. “Can you please tell me why you’re on the verge of breaking Granger’s arm?” His voice was calm, but Theo knew Draco well enough. He was amused.
“He kidnapped me on your orders!”
“She bit me!”
Harry snorted causing both Theo and Hermione to pause their struggles to glare over their shoulders at the wizard.
“Sorry, it’s just. No, nevermind.” Harry shook his head and moved to settle onto a couch in the corner of the room. “This is not Theo’s fault, Hermione.”
“Should I sink my teeth into you, Harry James Potter?”
“Uh, no?”
Theo snorted and slowly untangled his body from hers. She didn’t hesitate to jump to her feet, appearing incredibly lithe and agile, which shouldn’t have been a surprise to him, really. Considering all that had gone down between the two of them. It also didn’t stop him from being able to predict nor roll out of the way of a hex shot by the witch.
Draco chuckled under his breath and Theo was thankful for the distraction it gave him. Granger’s angry glare jumped to land on Draco and it was more menacing than the way she had appeared before.
Theo pulled his want from his holster and shot an Incarcerous at her. Hermione screeched as the thick ropes wrapped around her body, before she toppled over. Theo managed to catch her with one arm and hauled her over his shoulder.
Harry watched, dumbfounded, as he placed her onto a chair.
Draco’s eyebrow was raised as he watched Theo brush off his suit and shake his hair back from his face.
Leveling his best friend with a bland look, Theo sighed, “I believe you’ll pay me double for this one.” He chin jerked in Hermione’s direction.
Draco laughed openly at that before settling into the chair besides Hermione’s.
Theo stood in front of the Floo, as if to block it should she choose to run.
“I’m going to hex you all, for this.” Hermione stated, dryly.
Harry had the audacity to gulp.
Theo merely shrugged and shot her a grin.
But Draco, he was staring at her with something like admiration. Like whatever she had said or done was only working to cause his friend to fall even more in love with the damn witch.
She avoided Draco’s gaze and pointedly looked at Harry. “Why am I here, then?”
Theo was glad to have this question asked. He wasn’t in the position to ask questions, really. His job was to protect. And he would, at all costs. However, Draco had never explained what, exactly, he was protecting the witch from.
Harry rubbed at his brow. “Remember those files I was looking at this morning?”
“The witch killer?”
“Yeah,” Harry nodded and glanced over at Draco.
“He isn’t just targeting witches, Granger.”
She looked over at him, finally. “Muggles, as well.” She said, recollection flashing in her eyes.
“Yes...” Draco dragged the word out. He paused and considered her again, his eyes roaming her face. There was something alarmingly intimate in his eyes and it made Theo uncomfortable.
Hermione blushed and looked away, opting instead to stare into the Floo.
“But?” Theo prompted for her.
Draco cleared his throat, running a hand over his jaw. “They are targeting witches that fit a certain profile.”
“Typically,” Harry added. “They are half muggle, or muggle born.”
“Oh.” Hermione’s response was underwhelming but the look in her eyes was anything but. Fear and fury seemed to meet and mix into something that caused her eyes to brighten and darken all at once. It was really quite fascinating.
But now, Theo understood why Draco had been so obsessed with those Muggle women being murdered over the years.
Now, he realized why Draco had arrived at his home in a flurry of frenetic energy this morning. Now, he understood what kind of a threat he was protecting her from.
“I fit the profile.” She finally said, her eyebrows knitting together.
She was still bound, her body limp against the back of the chair, her feet barely touching the floor.
“You do.” Draco responded, and his voice was rough, strained.
She turned to look at him and for a moment, their eyes locked. Theo had to force himself to look away.
Harry cleared his throat. “There was another victim today.”
Hermione pulled her eyes away from Draco to look at her best friend.
“Typically, according to Draco’s research, the killer has put greater gaps of time in between each victim. He seems to be growing more...” Harry looked to Draco for assistance. “Eager?”
“He’s getting sloppy and he’s growing desperate.” Draco supplied. “I don’t think he fully immobilized this victim and she managed to fight back.”
Tears suddenly filled Hermione’s eyes and ran down her cheek. The reality of the situation seeming to dawn on her. “Who was the victim? Do we know her?”
“I don’t think so.” Harry said, quietly. “Forensics is working on identifying her now.”
Fear and sorrow were heavy in the air and Theo found himself feeling something different. Something angry and seering. He had never cared for any of the principals he had been assigned before. He protected them, sure. But Hermione Granger was different. He knew her. Had always secretly admired her brilliance in school and had always felt rather poorly for his family’s part in her pain.
And so it was with a new sort of reinvigorating sense of resolve that Theo silently swore an oath to himself. That he would help protect Hermione Granger at all costs.
Even if it means experiencing the wrath of her fury.
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livinamity · 1 year
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Only a Lifetime
Song here
You were sitting in the library late one evening, studying for your final exams, when there's a knock on your study door. You open it to find Draco Malfoy, the smug boy from Slytherin, standing there looking like an angry storm cloud.
"What do you want?" you ask, your heart rate increasing as you take in his intense gaze.
Draco looks at you with his characteristic sneer, his blond hair falling across his forehead.
"Don't feel too special," he says, his voice dripping with condescension. "I only asked to be in here because all the other rooms were taken. It wasn't like I had a choice."
His words are harsh in your face, but you step aside anyway, opening the door for him to enter the room.
He raises an eyebrow as he walks in. The light from the candles cast a golden glow on his pale skin. "But I'll admit, you are... somewhat tolerable. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This is just a matter of convenience."
You raise a brow at this and sit down at your spot; at a table littered with endless books about magical creatures. He glares at you, a look of confidence and arrogance is etched on his face, before he closes the door behind him and sits across from you.
A dark, emerald-coloured book is in his hands, along with his quill and parchment paper. With a seriousness on his face, he begins to read, and a silence falls onto the room. The stillness is broken only by the sound of his quill scratching against his parchment.
You don’t even spare a glance at your own paper and instead, watch his. His gaze remains fixed on the pages in front of him, his expression stoic. He seems almost in a trance as he jots down notes.
“What are you reading?” Your voice is soft and blends with the sizzle of the fireplace.
Draco ignores you at first, but eventually turns his head toward you. His gaze is cold, calculated, and intense. His eyes seem to pierce right through you, as if he can see your every insecurity and weakness.
Still, your mouth moves before you can think. “Is that the Dark Arts?”
Draco’s expression darkens further, his stare growing even more intense. You feel like he’s looking right through you, as if he knows every secret you’ve ever kept. It’s a chilling feeling, but you’re captivated by the intensity of the moment.
He says nothing, but the silence between you is fraught with tension. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he speaks, his voice barely more than a whisper.
The word hangs in the air, a silent and mysterious promise. But then, Draco's eyes turn to fix on his book and the quill in his hand writes furiously across the page. The silence feels heavy, like it could be sliced through with a sword.
Draco shifts in his seat. His book is clutched tightly in his hand. He seems more focused than ever, as if he’s trying to block out everything else in the world in favour of the words written on the page.
“Draco,” your voice is softer than before, and this time, he doesn’t hesitate to lift his eyes from his book.
“How are you?” You ask, hopeful. He looks more composed than he was moments ago, like the weight of the world has been lifted off of his shoulders at the sound of your voice.
In your eyes, he sees a softness that he has only ever seen in the gentlest of creatures. He can't remember the last time someone asked him how he was, and the fact that you did fills him with a sense of happiness and relief.
“A bit tired,” he admits. "I was up most of the night working on an essay for DADA class. But I think I've figured it out. It’s not much, but I think I've got it.”
You smile, and for the first time since you’ve known Draco, he seems to offer an attempt of his own. When his lips lift, the darkness beneath his eyes crinkle. The tension in his shoulders relaxes, and he looks at you in a way that makes you feel like he hasn’t really hated you all this time.
“Maybe I can help you,” you propose.
Draco lifts his head, eyes locking harder on yours. His look is serious yet tender—almost like he's asking you if you're really sure you want to do this. You're not sure how to articulate it, but something deep inside you urges you to say yes.
“I mean,” you pause. Your eyes scan his face for a reaction, “Professor Snape gave me some private lessons, I can tell you what he told me.”
He nods thankfully and releases the tight grip he had on his book. He lets the leather fall onto the wooden table as he guides you to the page where he left off. You both sit in silence for a moment, the only sound: the ruffling of papers as he flips through the book.
You take a deep breath and begin summarising the information your professor had taught you, keeping an eye on his reactions as you go. He listens intently, occasionally nodding or asking a question to clarify a point.
After a few minutes, he leans back in his chair and smiles, “thank you."
The words were simple yet carried the weight of gratitude and sincerity. It was a rare thing for Draco to express his gratitude - he was usually the one receiving the thanks. Nevertheless, he meant it. He meant every word.
With a sincere smile, he meets your gaze and nods once more. "Really, I mean it," he reiterates. "And if there's anything I can do in return, just let me know."
Your voice is gentle when you speak, “you don’t have to do anything, it’s fine really.” Draco’s heart warms. “I’m glad to help out a friend.”
As he looks at you, he begins to realise that he’s never truly looked at you before. Your facial features are soft and your eyes sparkle with a sense of kindness. The delicate curves of your nose, the way your eyelashes dance against your cheeks and the warmth in your eyes; he had never payed it much mind before. For a moment, he’s lost in your beauty.
He feels a twinge of guilt rise in his heart. It feels as if he’s seeing you for the first time and he can’t help but feel a mix of adoration and awe. How he could’ve treated you so heartlessly in the past is beyond him. Perhaps he had judged you too harshly — perhaps you were worth getting to know after all.
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mastermindmiko · 10 months
The Malfoy Sister (Part 5)
Pairing: Harry Potter + fem!reader
Word count: 4337
Summary: Harry tries to reconcile your relationship
Trigger warnings: Fighting, kissing, getting caught, smut
Part 6 and my masterlist
Requests are open
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It only took Harry seven hours and twelve minutes and fourteen seconds to come try to talk to you again. He tried before but every time he came near you, you were with Draco and he gave him a glare that would’ve sent him six feet into the ground. He tried again and again, but you had Draco or Theo. He tried to talk to you in your compartment but you had the entire Slytherin trolley locked, Draco’s doing. He tried to talk to you in one of the toilets but you had the door locked. He knocked on the door, but he didn’t get a reply just the sound of the sink running.
He thought of sending you a hundred letters, but due to previous experience he knew it would only make you more angry. He decided to apologize and make it up to you after break. He would have two weeks to come up with a brilliant plan. The burrow burned down, and so did the paper that had his speech. He was stressed, he couldn’t remember the words that he wanted to say that’s why he wrote it down in the first place. He didn’t come out of Ron’s room almost the entire time. Mrs. Weasley and everyone else was worried about him, but he couldn’t focus on anything other than winning you back. When anyone asked him what was up with him, he would just shrug his shoulders. Ron and Hermione did all the explaining.
Remus asked Harry if he would be in need of some flowers and Harry nodded feverishly. He sent a letter to Neville asking him for flower recommendations. Harry told him he needed something romantic. Neville said Camellias. Remus and Harry went out to get a large amount of flowers. They were exactly a hundred different colors for different meanings.
The train ride back was spent searching for you, but he couldn’t find you. The male Malfoy was on the platform so naturally you didn’t miss the train, but he couldn’t find you. It was as if you were invisible, to the point where he had to check if he still had his invisibility cloak with him. He entered the Slytherin Trolley and he was pulled into a wall with a wand under his throat. He thought it was you because of how this had happened to him before, but the angry “Potter” alerted him that it wasn’t you. Everyone else was in their own compartment, no one was watching this scene unfold.
“Where’s Y/n?” He asked Draco, paying no mind to the wand up his throat. A fist slammed into his face. He was punched again until Draco let go of him and he stepped back. Both of them knew regardless of what the situation was that if one of them hurt the other, you’d go feral. Draco took a deep breath and he said, “Don’t fucking talk to her.”
“That’s not your choice, she’s not your puppet.” Harry said angrily. Draco wasn’t going to ruin his chances of getting you back with threats. Draco scoffed and folded his arms, “Yes, but unlike you Potter I don’t want her hurt. Not everyone is Dumbledore’s puppet.”
Harry was shocked by his statement. Of course you would tell your brother, he wasn’t mad. You weren’t going to leave him even with the tempting promise of being with Harry. He felt so stupid for telling you that. It was true that Dumbledore told him, but it was never his intention. He lost his virginity to you, he wouldn’t go that far for an order. “I didn’t do what Dumbledore told me to do.”
Draco rolled his eyes and Harry knew that of all people Draco wasn’t going to believe him. Draco poked his finger into Harry’s chest and said “Don’t come near her.” He said, slowly. “I know some spells that could turn you inside out.” He turned around and walked into a compartment, but not before checking that Harry was out of the Slytherin trolley.
Harry needed to know what was up with Malfoys threatening to turn him inside out, but first, he needed to find you. Just as he closed the door to the trolley, he was met face to face with you. His eyes were wide and he fumbled with his clothes to try to take out his paper to start the speech, but you hit his shoulder with yours and entered the trolley. Before you were completely out of sight he slipped a Primrose into your bag, he had a protection charm around it so it wouldn’t lose a petal or get bent. “I can’t live without you.” That’s what a Primrose means and Harry meant it.
The Great Hall was loud as it always was and you were busy chatting with Theo about your breaks. You saw each other at Christmas multiple times, but you wanted every detail since when you meet, you both just sit in silence and let the adults talk. He was talking vividly about how boring his break was and how much his father hates him. It was weird how he can make describing something boring interesting. You had your bag beside you, the one that you always had with you. You were about to show him the gift that Draco got for you, but something else caught your eye.
It was a Primrose and you heard Theo say, “I can’t live without you.” Your face turned into a smile at his words even though you weren’t sure what brought it up. “Aww Theo-” You were caught off by him saying “No that’s not what I meant-” He shook his head as your face started to turn into confusion and a slight scowl. He shook his head again as he waved frantically, “No, of course I can’t live without you. That’s just not what I’m saying-” Your expression turned into one filled with confusion. Theo stopped talking and put his hands down, he took a deep breath before saying, “The flower, It means ‘I can’t live without you.’ That’s what I meant.”
Your mouth turned into an O shape in understanding. You tilted your head towards him as a way to ask if he got this for you and he snuck it into your bag during the train ride. He shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders. You turned to Draco and asked him if he gave this to you. He said no. So your eyes trailed to the only person in this Hall that would give you a flower without being scared of having his head ripped off. He was sitting across the Hall looking at you with a kind smile and you gave him a sarcastic, rough one as you whispered, “Incendio.” You turned back to Theo and you continued chatting as if nothing had happened.
Harry watched, mouth open as the beautiful flower turned into flames. He heard Ron snicker but he gave him a sharp look that made him stop immediately and stuff food in his mouth. He was hurt but he knew he hurt you a lot more. He wasn’t going to give him. He had that Gryffindor determination after all. He just had to try harder, and he will. Hermione tapped his shoulder and said “I don’t know If I should tell you this especially now-” Her eyes trailed to the flower’s flame that was just beginning to die down. “But uh she sent me a letter on boxing day. She asked if you were okay after the burrow situation. She said that her aunt came back very jolly, but said that you unfortunately haven’t been maimed or anything. She wanted to make sure. She told me not to tell you.”
He didn’t deserve you. He really didn’t deserve you. He had broken your heart and stomped on it, but you still had to know if he was okay. He’s an idiot. A big idiot that didn’t cherish the wonderful thing in front of him when he had it. An idiot who has anger issues and can’t control what he says to the person he loves the most. He was supposed to be the person who loved you the most but he hurt you the most. He left the Great Hall and went to his dorm. Where 99 flowers were left. His dorm mates complained about the flowery smell that was all over the dorm except Neville who just admired them. He held his wand and he contemplated setting them on fire, but he decided to have them there as a punishment for himself. He needed to feel pain at least a fraction of what he caused you to feel. He scratched his forehead and he decided on two things. That he never hated himself more than he does now, and how losing someone to death hurts less than losing someone while having them in front of you.
He looked at the large bouquet and he noticed the twenty seven purple hyacinth. He plucked one out of the bouquet and he put his hands in his pocket to make sure that the paper was still there. He headed out of the common room. He couldn’t have you, he doesn’t deserve you, but you deserve an apology so he was going to give it to you.
He walked towards the dungeons, dinner would be probably over by now. He knew you’d walk through here because that was the place you always walked through. He knew it from the countless times he walked you to your common room after dark. He sat on the floor, back rested against a wall and he waited for you to walk past. He heard your voice and he jumped to his feet. You walked with Theo and as soon as you laid eyes on him you stopped talking. Nott was glaring at him and he couldn’t say he was offended. He would glare at himself too.
He walked closer to you and he could see Nott straighten up beside you. You looked at him with your face blank. He kept a few spaces away from you and he was very conscious of Nott fisting his hands. “I know you don’t want to talk to me, and you have every right. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either, and you’re probably sick of how much I ramble but I just have one last one. It’s long and I’m sorry if it will annoy you.” He took the paper out of his pocket and he was reminded of the flower. He took it out of his pocket and he held it in front of him. “I got you this too. I’m sorry if it’s cheesy and you don’t like it. Someone told me that it’s the best way to win back a girl and I’m grasping onto anything really.”
He had a slightly embarrassed, shy, sheepish expression on his face and you didn’t like how much you like that face he made. You took the flower from his fingers and you were sure not to touch him. You weren’t sure what would happen then. His face brightened when you did. Harry then looked at the paper and he was shocked to find holes all through the paper. The flower poked holes through his paper and he couldn’t read a single thing. From the amount of times he practiced it, you’d think he would have memorized it but with the nervousness he had, he wouldn’t remember a single thing.
He took a deep breath, he was going to have to make it up. You accepted his flower and that was major progress, he couldn’t mess it up. However your facial expression hasn’t shown any signs whether negative or positive, so he didn’t really know. He opened his mouth but he heard your voice, “Tell me Potter-” He was hurt by the usage of his last name, but he deserved it. “You’re apologizing and that’s good, but did Dumbledore actually tell you to do that?” Dumbledore did tell him to do that, but that wasn’t the case at all. “Yes but-”
“Then I don’t see a reason why you should keep talking and waste my time.” You said, sternly. You kept your emotions at bay. You walked away with Theo walking beside you. The flower was still in your hand and you heard Harry shout, “I didn’t mean to-”
You turn around as you halted with your steps. “But you did!” You screamed at him. You continued to walk and Theo leaned in closer to you. He tapped one of the flower’s petals and said, “I’m sorry and regretful.” You looked at it again and you threw it on the floor. You weren’t going to forgive him anytime soon, you knew you would eventually. You loved him and that’s the way love works, but even then every moment you’ll spend together will be overshadowed by the fear of having that look of pure hate again on his face.
If there was one thing you knew how to do, it would be holding a grudge, especially with Harry. You’ve had years of practice after all. He would try to talk to you and you would leave him without even sparing him a glance. As he said, you had every right to. You had almost cracked once you received a grand total of twelve flowers.
Three purple hyacinths. One during class, one at the great hall and the one he gave you. One was on the ground and the other two were in the trash.
One sunflower. You got it after class when you had received the top mark in a potions test. Harry didn’t use the book, and you knew that. Theo told you it meant adoration and you threw it in a bubbling cauldron.
One Camillia. It seemed like Harry was following you around because he had a flower for every occasion that could fit in the event that had just happened. You were out with Theo and Draco near the black lake. You were avoiding looking at the tree. You had sneezed and then you scrunched up your nose. You giggled and as soon as you finished laughing, a flower landed in your hand. “You’re adorable.” That’s what it meant. You ‘accidentally’ dropped it on the ground and you stepped on it. It felt like a huge resemblance to how Harry stepped on your heart.
One stock. You had a history of magic quiz, and due to conflicts with your feelings you hadn’t been able to study well. You stayed up all night and you woke up with dark circles under your eyes while your hair was a mess. You felt ugly and Harry knew you would. Last term you couldn’t count the amount of times you stayed up studying and Harry had to tell you how gorgeous you were either way. “You’ll always be beautiful to me.” That’s what it meant, and you hated how you felt because he remembered. You whispered, “Confringo.” The flower exploded on your desk.
Six red Chrysanthemums. Theo didn’t need to tell you what they meant because each of them had a note attached to it. “You’re so much smarter than me and I love that about you.”
“You’re the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met. I love that.”
“You’re very dedicated and stubborn. It makes me more attracted to you and love you.”
“I didn’t want to tell you because you’d make fun of me, but during break, I searched for houses in Mrs. Weasley’s magazines. I love you, please talk to me.”
“What can I do to make you believe that I love you?”
The other two were short and simple. “I love you.” You looked at what was in common with all of them and you knew what the flowers meant. You kept the notes without anyone noticing but each time you received the flower, you’d pick off each of its petals. You wanted him to stop with all the flowers, but Theo told you not to because he wanted to brush on his flower knowledge. You rolled your eyes and you agreed. You were a bit curious on how he got all that flower knowledge. You kept receiving more and more flowers. You didn’t keep a single one of them. You received the same group of flowers repeatedly along with Lilies that meant first love. You never thought much of them. You know if you did, you’d start crying.
One day, you were walking and then Harry was behind you. He was crying and you hated how you couldn’t change your habits. You cupped his face and you asked him what’s wrong. He kept apologizing saying that he didn’t know. He kept saying that he loves you and he knows you’ll never forgive him after this. He told you that you should go to the hospital wing. You furrowed your eyebrows, and you acknowledged the blood stains on his hands. You wondered what he could’ve possibly done now. You went to the hospital wing, and with the sight that you saw. You couldn’t see anything after that.
“I’m sorry.”
“You should be.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“You’re too heroic for that, I know.”
“Can you talk to her about forgiving me?”
“You’d think I’d do that after you killed me.”
“You’re still breathing.”
“So, I take it you won’t talk to her.”
“Go to your classes Potter. You’ve been here for three days. I don’t think she’ll want to see you when she wakes up.”
You heard this muffled conversation around you as you started to gain consciousness once again. You groaned loudly and you heard the voices stop. You heard a sound of footsteps rushing towards you then you heard a shout, “I told you to get away from her you idiot. Pomfrey said that she won’t be in her right mind.”
You shifted slightly and your eyes focused on beautiful green eyes. You smiled softly. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept for days. He had a worried expression on his face. He placed a hand to your forehead to check if you had your temperature up. You grabbed his wrist slowly and you placed a kiss on his hand. You looked to the side of your bed and you saw over twenty flowers. Several Purple hyacinths along with even more red chrysanthemums. You plucked a stock from the big bouquet and you handed it to him. He walked away from you slightly and you finally registered the fact that you were in the hospital wing. The smile dropped off of your face when you caught sight of Draco in his bandages. Your brain started to remember the past events and your eyes landed on Harry. “You! You foul git! You almost killed my brother! I swear I will hex you-” You started to get up in search of your wand and even to punch him a few times.
Harry rushed towards you and he placed you back on the bed. “Madame Pomfrey said that you shouldn’t be out of bed.” You punched his face as soon as he sat you back down on the bed. “I think she’ll understand wanting to kill you for doing the same to my brother.” You started to squirm in his hold as you started hitting his back repeatedly. Your body started to grow tired because of how you’ve been unconscious for three days. You started to relax your arms a bit and he leaned you back against the pillow.
You were still furious. Your expression was filled with anger as you looked at him. He fiddled with his ring and you noticed which ring it was. Your eyes softened slightly. He held both his hands into yours and he rubbed his thumb over your hand. Even in your weak state you could still feel butterflies. You haven’t touched him in so long. You were about to pull away until he said “Please, please-” the second was more desperate than the third. His voice even cracked. “Listen to me.”
You stayed silent and Harry took that as a sign to start talking. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for everything. All I do is hurt and I don’t deserve you. I’m sorry. For your father. For Malfoy. For hurting you. For everything. I didn’t mean what I said, I swear I didn’t. I was just so jealous of Nott and how you didn’t want to leave with me. You just said his name and everything went red. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt, and I regret every second of it. Dumbledore did tell me to do it, but I never did it because he told me to. I swear. I haven’t even thought of what he said when I’m with you. Honestly, I don’t think of anything when I’m with you except how much I love you, and I do. I really really do-” Tears started to fill his eyes and you cupped his face brushing away the tears that fell onto his cheeks. “I had this entire monologue planned for you and fireworks. I just didn’t have the chance to show them to you. I even bought you a hundred flowers. I just really want you back-” Your eyes started to water too. “But I don’t deserve you. I know I don’t. You don’t even have to say anything, I just want you to know all this-”
You cut him off with your lips on his and you could feel more tears fall on his cheeks. The kiss was salty and desperate. Draco was watching the scene unfold and just as the kiss deepened he was about to shout when madame pomfrey entered. “Alright, pack it up Mr. Potter. She’ll need to gain back her strength.”
She handed Draco a sleeping draught and he was out cold. She gave you a calming draught and told Harry to leave you to relax for a bit. He laid on the bed beside you, and you laid on his chest. “Does that mean you’re not mad at me about your brother?”
“Don’t push it. I’ll punish you as soon as madam Pomfrey lets me out.” You said and you could feel him tense under you. You looked up to find his cheeks red, and you asked him, “Did you do anything with anyone else?”
He shook his head and you mumbled, “Good boy.” You trailed your hand down his chest and were grateful that you were both covered with the white blanket. “Did you touch yourself?” You asked and he shook his head again. You reached his pants and you put your hand down his boxers. “Why?” You asked as you teased him with your hand.
“I was a bad boy and I didn’t deserve to feel good while thinking about you. I hurt you and I deserve a punishment.” He whimpered and your panties started to feel wet. You nodded your head as you started to climb over him, “You’re right you do deserve a punishment.” you took your hand out of his pants and he whimpered again. You pulled down his pants and his boxers. He ran his hands up and down his length. You pushed your underwear aside, and you sank down on his length. Harry moaned too loudly and you pressed a palm to his mouth. You looked over to check that Draco wasn’t awake, with that draught you were sure that he wouldn’t be awake for a while.
“Mommy, I don’t deserve to feel your tight pussy.” he whined and he tried to pull out of you, but he couldn’t stop feeling that amount of pleasure after such a long time. “You’re right Harry, you don’t.” You whimpered his name specifically and you felt him twitch inside you. “But you want to please me don’t you?” He nodded his head feverishly. You stayed on top of him for a while and you laid flat on his chest. You heard his breaths getting heavy. You didn’t even move! “Harry. Don’t cum I want you to stay inside me.” You said sternly and he whined loudly. You pulled his hair and you hissed at him. “Don’t be a bad boy. People could hear us.”
He nodded and he tried to hold in his cum. He started to regulate his breathing and as soon as he relaxed inside you. He fell asleep and you fell asleep on top of him for a quick nap. After thirty minutes, Madame Pomfrey came back and she saw you laying on top of Harry. “Mr. Potter, I told you to leave her to rest alone!” She shouted and both of you started to wake up. She was marching towards you and you both acknowledged the situation. Her hand was aiming for the blanket and you both started shouting “No! No! No! No! No!” You both tried to fix yourselves but him being inside you made it much harder. She took off the blanket and she screamed loudly.
a/n: the amount of flower research that I did for this
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
1.4k (gasp) for dear anon, AU full of - family, friends to lovers, and of course pining
It was cute when they were in school, the whole rivalry thing. Draco’s “I got an E in potions” versus Harry’s “my mum sends the best parcels”, Draco’s “Padfoot let me ride his bike” to Harry’s “I’m still faster on a broom”. It was fine. Fun, even, rolling around the Gryffindor common room, teasing and screaming and laughing, endless nights of sneaking around and annoying the shit out of everyone.
(Draco told him once, hiding underneath a desk in an abandoned classroom, waiting for Filch to leave the library. How his Father always said he’s meant to be in Slytherin. Father, with that look in his eyes, detesting and sneering and a little hungry. But then he got Moony and Padfoot, and can you imagine the look on Pads’s face if he got sorted there? Mental. Besides, who would want to anyway. It was better to be here with Harry, making sure his stupidity didn’t get him killed.)
It was still a little cute after graduation, when Harry came to stay with them for three months. Draco’s “I know the best restaurants” to Harry’s “I made your favourite pasta”, Harry’s “early registration” to Draco’s “already have a job”. Moony and Padfoot let them do whatever, almost, treated them like adults, in a way Harry’s parents never really would. Although Sirius got so angry one morning, when Draco came back from a night shift he wasn’t meant to do. He hasn’t told anyone about it, and Pads was worried about him, wanker. Draco had tears in his eyes when he shouted back, about back off and shut up and this isn’t even, a lot of “you don’t understand”s that Remus actually laughed at.
(Harry never had shouting matches like that with his parents. His mum would usually storm off to cool down, and his dad never raised his voice. But Draco and Padfoot made up before breakfast was finished, frowning around their toast and glaring at Moony, who was still laughing, and it was okay. Then at the end of summer when Draco handed them the envelope with all the money he’s saved—“I just wanted—to give you something back—” Harry was glad he’d be leaving soon, because it was terrifying, watching Remus and Sirius cry so fucking much).
It was less fun during Uni, because Draco never went, and Harry had no one to compete with. Draco got a better job than his crappy summer one, and Moony got him his own bike, which was really unfair. Harry’s shitty old car used to be his gran’s and it didn’t go thirteen miles without falling apart. Whatever. They met every break, sometimes during the semester too. Often as they could travel. But it wasn’t the same, because their lives were so different now. “Submitted my essay on the very last minute” didn’t really compare with “getting an actual office here!”. And Draco looked so grown up in his black jacket and that annoying new eyeliner-habit, so good and—far away, and it hurt, a bit. To not be a part of it all. Of his life.
(He went to see Father, he said, a rare three AM phone call the night before Harry’s organic chem exam. In prison. He went to visit him, mostly because—well, he didn’t really know why. And it was awful. Which Harry was a little happy about, because he always hated the man, and it was easier, he imagined, not to be so torn up. But Draco sounded so sad. Heart-breakingly so. There were lots  of pauses on the phone, like Draco was smoking fifteen cigarettes one after the other. “Anyway,” he said in the end, sighed again. “Don’t tell Pads or Moony. They’ll break that man’s face, and I can’t have my real dads in prison, right?”)
It got infinitely better when Harry moved to the city in work placement. Draco got his own flat—a horrible, dingy little place he was endlessly proud of, and Sirius and Remus came by every weekend. Harry loved it and hated it and decided he was moving in too, to which Draco laughed and said, I already have a room for you. Supposing he won that round.
(it was messy, and gross, and wonderful. They found the best-worst pubs in the neighbourhood and became friends with the old queer couple the floor above. A lot of things became—clearer, and more confusing, and his mum almost got a stroke when she came to visit the first time, and dad and Sirius warded the entire place like it was a national security issue. It was amazing, and Harry was a little bit in love. Oops.)
It got worse again, because being in love (oops) meant Harry lost every single argument, seeing as he couldn’t think straight anymore. He forgot to tell Draco about his big findings because the bastard wore the tightest trousers. Draco’s ‘hilarious’ stories about his ‘hilarious’ ‘’handsome’’ (!) colleague made Harry green with nausea, which meant he couldn’t form any good rebuttals with his co-researchers. It was a disaster, and Harry hated losing, and losing to Draco all the more—then Draco got that promotion offer in Italy, and—it was getting worse and worse by the minute, because he was actually thinking of going—
(“I have to be my own man,” he said, with that face he makes when he’s hurt, like Harry’s betrayed him. “I need to find—it’s not that easy, not like it is for you, it has nothing to do with—” and Harry didn’t know how to ask him not to leave, how to make him understand he’ll be taking Harry’s heart with him too, how to keep Draco from doing what might be the best thing for him. So he only nodded and said, “You should go.” And Draco turned around, still shaking, and left.)
Then it was the worst, because Draco was in fucking Italy, and the flat was so empty it made him sick. His mum and dad came over, and when it wasn’t enough they brought Moony and Padfoot too, so his whole family was there, and they had nothing to tell him. Harry hated his job, hated his life, hated everything and everyone—and no, even if it wasn’t true, it felt like it, because Draco wasn’t there. Sirius patted his arm, and mum hugged him so tight, and Moony sighed, but dad was the brightest, because he said, “Why don’t you go too?”
(It took three Floo calls, a month of preparation, and five job interviews. Dad bought him a new suit, mum rewrote his resume, and with some of Pads and Moony’s contacts, they got him this magical-researcher position in Verona. Booked the portkey and everything, and didn’t tell Draco he was coming. And then, suddenly, they were all coming: always wanted to see Italy, apparently, and hey, they missed Draco too, he was basically all of theirs son, and—butt off, mum—didn’t help. They all got tickets on the same key, and ambushed Draco outside his new, fucking-gorgeous building.
He came down the street around half five, laughing with this handsome Italian bloke, and Harry wanted to die. But then he saw them all and stopped still in his tracks. Blinked and blinked for an impossibly long time. Tilted his head, blinked again, then said, out loud, “What the actual fuck?”
The others waited, thank god. Harry ran forward, so nervous he was choking, and said, without a single thought in his head, “I missed you so much. You’re so fucking beautiful, I missed you, who’s this guy, I missed you I missed you I—”
Draco smiled, that lopsided thing with the eyeroll and said, “I missed you too, but why did you have to bring my parents?”
And then he kissed him, and Harry felt like he’s floating, like fireworks went off—no, it was just the others, cheering like bloody idiots. Harry’s grin was so wide it hurt.
“I know the best ice cream place in town,” Draco whispered, conspiratorial, still smiling. “Fabio’s wife owns it, right around the corner. Want to go, catch up a bit? Just the two of us? Before we… with everyone else? I just. I really missed you.”
And maybe it wasn’t a competition, not exactly, but Harry still felt like he won.)
It got even better after that. Pretty-fucking-great, actually.
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midday-clouds · 2 years
Full Attention
Pair 》Yandere/Dark?Tom Riddle x Gender Neutrual!Charms Professor!Reader [Platonic]
Warning 》N/A
Summary 》Riddle wants all your praise and attention
Note 》I was going to write a Draco fic, but uhhh— At least this is more of a yandere fic then my last one?
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"Thank you so much, Riddle! I don't know what I would've done without you!" you say with a smile after your students left your classroom. "It's no problem. I'm happy to help however I can." Riddle says why showing off that charming smile. He helps put away books that were left on a few desks.
A couple of hours earlier, you requested for Riddle's presence to help tutor some students. Your students have been having a hard time getting a hold of the recent assignment. You thought that you can have Riddle give some pointers, considering that he was a student himself and also had the best grades in your class.
"You're too kind, Riddle" you say while picking up some stray parchments. Looking out of your classroom's window, you realize how long that tutoring session took. "Lunch is about to end, you should start heading off to your next class. I'll see you later today, though." Looking over at the only student currently in your room, you see him nod to your words before collecting his belongings. Once he was done, you both exchange goodbyes before the door closes shut behind him.
After stepping through the door, Riddle expressions shifts to something of slight annoyance. At the sides of your classroom's door, is the two students that you were just teaching during lunch. "Avery, Lestrange, you're both free to leave. This will be repeated 5 days from now." Hearing the sound of footsteps of students, Riddle begins walking to his next class.
"Riddle, can I see you at my desk for a moment." Majority of your students had already packed up and left your class room, so you took the moment to ask your star student something. It doesn't take before you're sitting at your desk with Riddle on the other side.
"I'd like to request your help with tutoring again. Tomorrow at lunch. You were a big help last time, so I'd be very thankful if you can come help again." You watch as the other party nods his head before giving you a kind smile. "I'd be happy to, professor."
Clapping your hands with joy before gesturing hand to brings a fee folders to your desk. "Thank you so much! That's all I wanted to talk to you about, I'll see you at lunch tomorrow!" Just like a few days ago, Riddle heads to the door with his belongings.
Your student raises their wand and moves it as instructed. They begin to say the spell but is cut off by the wand suddenly making a burst, pushing the back and dropping their wand in the process. You gasp is surprise before quickly going over to the student to see if they're alright.
Distracted by your student, you don't notice Riddle glaring at the entrance door to your classroom. Clearly angry with his "friends'" careless mistake in making you give your other student more attention then him. Riddle takes note of the disloyal follower before stepping closer to you and the student your were tutoring.
"How are they?" Riddle asks, a hint of worry in his voice. "Mm, they'll be fine. Let me just...." Picking up your wand, you point it to the injury before casting a spell. "That will have to do, but maybe you should stop by the hospital wing just in case." You help the student stand up before looking at Riddle. "I think that'll be it for this lesson, we'll tutor again tomorrow. Is that okay with you, Riddle?" The young wizard nods, accepting your request. "No worries, professor. I'll be here tomorrow during lunch break."
You release a small laugh as you walk towards your classroom's door with your injured student. "Thank you again, Riddle. I'll be helping this student to the hospital wing, thank you again for your help." Opening the door, you can hear the sound of students' footsteps in the corridors more clearly. You hold the door open for Riddle as he leaves your classroom before walking off in opposite directions.
After turning a corner with your student, Riddle raises his hand and makes a gesture. Lestrange is suddenly dragged to the star student, having hid after hearing you get close to the classroom's door earlier. He shivers under Riddle's dark gaze, quickly made aware of the mistake he made.
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Year Two: Secret Admirer
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Chapter List WC: 2,092
Violet had two choices: die a painful, humiliating death, or deal with the Cupid that was staring her down across the hallway.
She was standing at the top of the stairs, heading towards the library at the other end of the hall. There were students behind her and in front of her, all watching her stare at the Cupid, who was slowly making his way towards her. She knew it was for her because he had shouted her name several times to catch her attention.
She couldn't believe it. It was a prank, right? Aimee, or maybe Hannah? Who else would do this to her?
She wanted to find the humour in it. She wanted to find it sweet. But she was mortified, because she'd spent all day watching the cupids tackle, scream, and sing out of tune. So there was no possible way this would be pleasant.
So, back to her options. Tumble down the stairs behind her and die a painful, humiliating death, or stay and embrace the horror that was coming.
Violet's entire body was hot. She knew her face was as red as the Gryffindor emblem, and that there was no way her fellow students would let her live this down. In the end, she decided that facing it head on was the best choice.
She refused to move a metre as the Cupid stopped in front of her, his withering gaze a stark contrast to the wings and harp he carried.
He cleared his throat, rather loudly, and began,
"With eyes as green as sage, And a name as soft as the flower, A heart so kind and loyal, With a smile that empowers, There's no doubt that you're the one I admire"
Violet changed her mind. Falling down the stairs would've been a kinder way to die. Instead, she had to listen to the students around her giggling and laughing, making jokes about the poem.
"Woah, that was... something." Hannah's voice pulled Violet out of her mental breakdown.
"Ha-ha." Violet glared at the other girl, "Very funny. Was it you?"
Hannah genuinely looked hurt by the accusation, "No! Why would you think it was me?"
Violet rolled her eyes, "Who else would send me a Cupid?"
Hannah stared at Violet for a very long moment, "You're kidding, right?"
Okay, now Violet would throw herself down the stairs. She looked around the hall, most students having departed, except for a few that were watching her from an alcove. A few of the Slytherins from earlier, she realised.
She took off towards them, pulling her wand out as she started to shout, "Think you're funny, do you?!"
The Slytherins ran in the other direction, laughing hysterically. Violet pulled to a stop in front of the library doors, huffing as she shoved her wand back in her robes.
"What'd you plan to do with that?" Draco's voice caught her attention as she crossed her arms.
"I don't know, maybe throw it at them?" She expected a chuckle, but Draco only shook his head and turned, walking into the library. She frowned, following after him. He wouldn't look at her, even after they'd been sitting in silence for several minutes. She couldn't get a read on him, on whether he was angry, upset, or just being moody.
"What's wrong?" She finally asked.
"Nothing." He answered quickly. Violet rolled her eyes. She turned fully in her seat to face him, wanting to reach out and grab his face so he'd look at her, but she knew better than to try. Instead, she waited.
After another five minutes, she couldn't take the silence anymore, so she started thinking aloud, "You were fine earlier. Did something happen since lunch?" He shook his head no, "Okay, then what- Oh, don't tell me it was the cupid." The way he tensed up told her she was on the right path, "The cupid is what's upset you? I'm sure someone only sent him as a prank, Draco."
She knew this was the wrong thing to say when he shoved his chair back from the table and stormed off. Violet didn't hesitate to chase after him. She didn't risk shouting, as she'd heard from the librarian enough about being too loud, so she simply jogged until she caught up. They were back in the hall, and she acted on instinct. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into an alcove.
"It was you that sent the cupid," She stated, "It wasn't a prank."
He was staring at her hand that was still on his arm, his expression carefully blank. She pulled her hand back, an apology on her lips as he sighed, "No."
"I didn't send the cupid."
Now she was confused, "Then why are you so upset about it?"
Draco didn't want to answer. His entire body had tensed up and his hands shoved in his pockets, "I didn't send the cupid."
Violet huffed out an exasperated sigh, "Yes, you've said that."
Draco looked at her then, his expression almost pleading, but she couldn't figure out what for. She tried to figure it out, she really did. First she thought maybe he was upset that someone he knew had sent the cupid as a prank, but if that were the case, why not say so? Then she thought maybe he had sent it, but just refused to admit it.
"Merlin, girl!" He shouted, reaching up to run a hand through his perfectly styled hair. Violet jumped back in surprise, "I didn't send the cupid, but that poem, it was mine."
Whatever she'd expected him to say, that wasn't it. For whatever reason, her only response was, "You write poetry?"
He was blushing and wouldn't meet her eyes again, only nodded in response. Violet took a small step forward, just enough that it forced Draco to look at her, "You write poetry, but you didn't send the cupid. Someone else did?"
He shrugged, "I don't know how they found it. I'm sorry. I never meant for you to hear that."
It was Violet's turn to blush, "It was really sweet. I'd like to hear more, if you're ever comfortable with it."
His eyes widened, "What?"
"Your poetry. It was really good. Not that I know much about poetry, but still, if you'd ever been willing to share it with me, I'd love to read it." She wouldn't tell him she secretly hoped there was more about her, or that she found it sweet he'd written such kind words about her.
Now it was Draco's turn to be surprised. He didn't think he could ever deny her something she asked for, not even this, something he had hidden so carefully to protect himself. But she was asking, and she seemed so genuine, that he nodded once. It wasn't a 'yes you can read my writings', but a confirmation that perhaps some day he'd share them. Assuming he didn't find his journal from whomever had stolen it and burned it immediately after.
Violet walks backwards out of the alcove, "Let's go."
He frowned but followed after her, "Go where?"
"Go find those Slytherins who obviously stole something of yours and get it back." She spoke with such conviction that he couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Who said it was a Slytherin?"
She rolled her eyes, "I know you, Draco. If that poem was written down, you had it hidden away in a place only someone you know could find it. And considering your social group is limited to me and Slytherins, it's fairly easy to determine who it was.
She wasn't wrong. In fact, he had an idea who had taken it, after the incident this afternoon with Pansy, Blaise, and the others. Still, Draco didn't like the idea that one of his friends had breached his trust so readily. He wasn't surprised by any means, he'd learned long ago to never place his whole heart and trust into someone else's hands. Still, he wished it wasn't true.
Violet had expected the Slytherin common room to be dark, cold and evil. She was partly right.
The Slytherin common room was in the dungeons, not unlike the Hufflepuff common room, but it was different in every other way. It was dark, with pale green lamps sat around the room, and there were only a few windows, which were heavily decorated in black designs that prevented anyone from seeing out. Though, Violet realised, the light coming in from the windows was also tinted green, so perhaps the windows were green and didn't allow much light through.
Several tapestries hung around the walls, with portraits of famous Slytherins. Violet didn't recognize any of them, except for the largest portrait, which was Salavar Slytherin.
To the left was a rather large stone fireplace, to the right a hallway, and straight ahead appeared to be the sitting area. There were several tables, desks, and couches, all dark brown or black.
Draco stood awkwardly beside her as she looked around. It wasn't particularly inviting, not that she had expected it to be. Still, she was only here for one purpose, and she wasn't likely to ever come back.
She glanced to Draco, apologetic as she realised she'd spent so long looking around the space.
He didn't need to look around to know where his target was sitting. He stormed across the common room, Violet right on his heel, as he stared directly at her.
Pansy Parkinson barely had time to jump to her feet before Draco was in her face, practically growling, "Where is it?"
Her eyes widen, slightly fearful as she muttered, "Where's what?"
"Don't play coy with me, Parkinson. Where is it?" His hands were fisted at his sides, and Violet was starting to worry he might get violent. But he wouldn't hit a girl, she knew that.
When Pansy didn't answer right away, Draco took a menacing step forward, forcing the girl back several steps. Violet risked a glance around the room, noticing that most students were pointedly not looking in their direction. The few that were, were more focused on her than the other two. It was probably the first time a Hufflepuff had ever been in the Slytherin common room.
Draco whipped out his wand, shoving it under Pansy's chin before shouting, "Where?!"
Violet rushed forward, "Godric's beard, Draco, don't hurt yourself."
He didn't look at her, but Pansy did. Her expression turned loathing, "You brought a mudblood here?!"
Draco shoved the tip of his wand into Pansy's throat, and for the second time that day, Violet took hold of his hand and pulled it back. She didn't care what happened to the other girl, but she didn't want Draco to hurt someone, anyone.
He refused to drop his wand, though. "You best watch what you say, Parkinson."
"Or what?" She spat, "You want to filthy yourself with her, fine, but don't bring her around the rest of us. Some of us actually care about keeping ourselves clean."
Violet tried not to let the words bother her. Really, she did. It wasn't the first time a Slytherin spoke ill about her heritage or blood status, but the way she was so vicious about it had Violet's eyes pricking with tears.
Pansy scoffed, but looked at Draco as she took a leather bound notebook out of her robes and shoved it into his chest. He grasped it tightly, finally dropping his hand and replacing it in his robes, to skim through the journal. Once he was satisfied that nothing had been removed or messed with, he held it tightly against his chest.
"Go through my things again, Parkinson, and I won't be the one you should be afraid of."
He turned and stalked off, only glancing back to make sure Violet was following. They made it out of the common room and up the stairs before the fight drained out of Draco. He sat on the top step, turning his body so he could lean against the wall and stretch his legs out. Violet sat on the step below him, copying his position.
He spoke quietly, as if he were suddenly exhausted, "I wouldn't have hurt her."
Violet matched his tone, "I know."
"Then why?"
She knew what he was asking. Why grab him? Why touch him, when she knew how much he hated it? Why pull him back, when he was never a threat?
She didn't have an answer. She told herself she'd acted on instinct, but she wasn't convinced that was the whole truth. She didn't want to think too hard about what the truth was, though. So she simply shrugged and let the question hang between them.
Draco was just as willing to let the conversation drop. He was afraid of her answer, of what it could mean. So he changed the subject, and pretended that nothing had changed between them.
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@stellarlune-love @helendeath @skz-xii @cherriesfine
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