#derek morgan fan fic
Poor Competition
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: fluff, minor angst
Summary: You and Derek have butted heads ever since you started at the BAU. Your team sets both of you up so that you're forced to confront your problems instead of running from it.
Square Filled: team dinner (2022) for @cmbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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No one wants to say it out loud but they’re so sick and tired of your and Derek’s behavior lately. All everyone wanted to do was have a nice dinner together to celebrate the success of the most recent case, but you two are ruining it by bickering every five minutes. If it’s not about the food, it’s about each other's clothes. If it’s not about where the other lives, it’s about your work success.
You hate doing this to your friends but nothing you say will make Derek see that he is the one in the wrong. Every time you try to put your two cents in, Derek just has to comment about why he’s better than you. Derek did this, Derek did that. Derek is the one who caught the unsub even though it was your idea on how. Derek is the one who figured out where the unsub was even though it was based on your profile. It doesn’t seem to matter what you do, Derek just has to do it better in one way shape, or form.
It’s really pissing you off.
He’s been your rival ever since you started with the BAU. Things were civil in the beginning until he started to outshine you in everything. It didn’t matter what you did, he just had to do it better. He made you feel stupid so you gave him a taste of his own medicine. It’s been a battle that has never been settled between you. If he decides to hate you then you’ll hate him right back.
“I was given an office and moved out of the bullpen. It’s been amazing to have my own personal space.”
“You only got that office because Penelope felt sorry for you.”
“At least she was thinking of me.”
“I’m glad you moved out of the bullpen so I don’t have to hear every story begin with ‘So I hooked up with this one girl’.”
“Hey, that was one time!”
“Will you two stop?” Emily explodes with annoyance. “I’m going to speak for everyone here that we’re tired of your bullshit. Work it out or you’re not invited to anything anymore.”
You feel bad that this bickering is affecting the rest of the team. You and Derek lower your heads in shame as the rest of the conversation continues.
“We’re sorry,” Derek sighs and shovels a fork-full of food into his mouth.
After the dinner is over and you’re back home in the sanctuary of your home, you get a message from JJ.
Hey, do you want to go with me to the carnival in town this weekend? I think it could be good to go with Will and the kids.
Sure! Sounds like fun.
Cool. I’ll text you the time later when we figure it out.
The rest of the work week went by slowly because you and Derek were always fighting. The only thing you’re looking forward to is spending time with JJ, Will, and the kids. You show up at the carnival twenty minutes early just in case there is a long line to get in.
Hey, I’m here. Where are you?
By the ticket line.
You push through the crowd to get to the ticket line but you don’t see her. Usually, Henry runs into your arms as soon as he sees you but you don’t get that greeting. You turn to check out another place when you run into a hard chest. You look up to apologize to the person but see it’s Derek.
“Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?”
“Reid asked to hang out here. What are you doing here?”
“JJ asked me to hang with her and the kids.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you two have been set up. Everything has been paid for but if Derek is the only one who is going to be here, you’re not staying. “Let’s just leave.”
You turn to leave when Derek scoffs loudly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He points to the gate entrance where Hotch and Rossi are standing on either side of it to prevent you two from leaving. “Looks like we’re stuck here.”
“Yeah, we’re stuck but we don’t have to be stuck together. Let’s stay a few hours separately and then leave together.”
“That’s the first smart idea you’ve had,” he says sarcastically and leaves your side.
You mock him in a deep voice before going off on your own. It’s fun going on rides by yourself without having to worry about another person but that gets old very quickly. You hate going to these things alone because you want to enjoy it with someone who gets excited to be here. You love rides and carnivals but it’s not as fun without someone to enjoy it with. The games get boring and meaningless without someone to impress.
You stop to grab some cotton candy, your favorite carnival snack. The only thing you’re looking forward to is riding the Ferris Wheel alone. The sun is setting which makes getting on the ride the perfect time. There is already a long line by the time you get there but you wait patiently for your turn. Someone bumps into you from behind causing you to smack into the person in front of you.
“I’m so sor--oh, it’s you,” you sigh.
“Why are you following me?”
“I’m not. You just happened to be in the same line as me at this exact time. It means nothing.”
You go back to eating your cotton candy and minding your own business when you feel eyes on you. You look around and lock eyes with a much older man by the bathrooms. He is leaning against the wall right by the women’s restrooms. He might be waiting for someone but with the way he’s looking at you, you doubt it. 
He smiles creepily so you move to the left and out of view of him. However, he moves to the right so he can look at you some more. You shift closer to Derek until you’re practically touching him.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asks and looks at you.
“Sorry,” you sigh and move back into the man’s view.
You peek over at the man who is still staring at you. Derek looks over to see what you’re looking at and sees the man. He immediately steps out of line and approaches the man calmly. Derek leans close to the man and says something that causes the man to look back at him in fear. Before Derek is done talking to him, the man scurries off and disappears into the crowd. Derek smirks slightly and walks back to his place in line. You hide your smile behind your cotton candy but Derek sees.
“Shut up and eat your cotton candy before I pour water on it.”
That makes you smile even more. You two get to the front of the line, but fate has it that you’re stuck sitting in the same car. Derek sits on one side of the car and you on the other and no words are being said. The Ferris Wheel lifts you higher so you can get a better view of the beautiful sunset. The light hits your face at the right angle making your skin glow.
“What?” you sigh, feeling his eyes on you.
“Why do you hate me?”
That question shocks you from how sudden it is.
“That’s not the question you should be asking. The question is why you you hate me?”
“What? I don’t hate you. Why would you think that?”
“Are you serious? Ever since I started at the BAU, you’ve always had to one-up me. You just had to be better than me. You did it the first chance you got. You embarrassed me in front of everyone, and it doesn't matter what I seem to do, it’s not good enough for you.”
Derek never realized what he was doing to you. You were only like this way toward him because he was doing it to you. He feels really bad once he realizes how much this affects you.
“I thought you were trying to one-up me all the time.”
“Wow, what a couple of idiots we are,” you chuckle. “So, we’ve been fighting for nothing?”
“Seems like it.”
“Wow,” you nod and look down.
Derek slides from his side of the car to yours.
“Can we start over? You’ve done some pretty amazing things for the team. I’d like a chance to get to know that part of you.”
You look up and notice the way the sunlight is making his dark brown eyes shine.
“I’d like that,” you smile.
Funny how all it took is a conversation for you and Derek to become the best of friends.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 8 months
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∞ Fluff     Ω Angst    ✤Smut  ➳ Join Taglist
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▻Spencer Reid◅
I'd Find You Anywhere Ω∞ [k] *wip coming soon
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▻Derek Morgan◅
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▻Luke Alvez◅
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constantlyembarrassed · 11 months
Just Some Light Stalking
Summary: Penelope has been pushing Spencer Reid to get some form of social media for years. Suddenly, he has an Instagram acount? 
Paring: Spencer Reid x Reader
Authors Note: Hi! This is my first post! If you see this please interact :) I would love to meet more people in this community! Oh and the "..." show the change to the alternating story or time.
Warnings: None
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Spencer had never been one for cell phones. Let alone social media. Despite Penelope's constant insistence, Spencer only used his cell for the occasional work call.
Yet, there it was. Spencer Reid's Instagram account. The profile wasn't blank. Minimal, yes, but not blank. The account had a profile picture, name, and, pronouns. But just one. One tagged post from its only follower.
. . .
"Pleaseeee," you begged. Your arms were tightly wrapped around his bisep, leaning all your body weight on Spencer. His opposite hand held your white heels and clutch from the night as you walked home. "It won't kill you, Spence."
"Actually, Mobile phones release radiofrequency energy, or radio waves, that can be absorbed by bodily tissues. In the past, studies have linked heavy mobile phone use to certain brain tumors. Not to mention the chemical effects-," Spencer began. Somehow, he still managed to use his hands (though full) while speaking.
"Spencer," you loudly interjected. Dragging out the "r" in his name as you spoke.
"Why is using social media so important?" He said, furrowing his eye brows.
"Y/n, because, is the worst explanation you could possibly provide," Spencer chuckled.
. . .
Why would Spencer Reid have an Instagram account. More importantly, why was he not following his favorite tech analyst ... or JJ, Emily, Morgan, Rossi, even Hotch. His only Follower was someone named, y/n? Who was y/n? Why didn't Garcia know y/n?
Y/n. A college girl in Virginia. Class of 2025. Recent posts for the school rivalry game, her cat, her birthda- .
"Oh. My. God" Garcia said out loud. Her fingers had stopped typing to stare blankly at the screen. "Oh my god," she repeated. "Oh my god, oh my god!" Now she fully stood up, frantically shaking her hands.
The cover photo was your favorite of the night. The club lighting was dark, almost black. Purely lit by the disposable flash. Your dress was white, covered with blue and green flowers. You were blowing out the "21" cake candles. Spencer sat to the left, his arm resting on the back of your chair. A smile of pure adoration across his face as he watched you. The only post Spencer Reid's Instagram account was tagged in. Posted by y/n. His only follower.
Almost immediately, the line boomed,"DEREK MORGAN!"
"Whoa-Whoa, baby girl, what's wrong?" He said in a concerned tone.
"Did you know?" She spoke accusingly. "Did you know about her. How could you not tell me. Me of all people. I love love. I -" She said overdramatically.
"Garcia, you know I love you, but I have no idea what you're talking about." He replied, smirking.
"How, Derek Morgan, could you not tell me about boy wonder's girlfriend!"
. . .
"My man!" Derek exclaimed. He walked through the bull pen with an extra pep in his step the next mroning. Spencer grimaced at the call while sipping his coffee. "A little birdy told me something," he followed with a rythem in his voice. A large grin was spread on his face.
"Oh, Do tell." Prentiss said comming from the kitchen with a fresh cup.
"Pretty Ricky here, has been holding out on us." Derek said, gesturing to Spencer.
"Holding out?" An anoyed Spencer replied.
"Spencer Reid's got a girlfriend." Derek declared.
Spencer's shock manifested as he almost spit out the coffee he was drinking, clumsily fumbling with the cup.
Once Spencer finally regained a shred of composure, he swolowed hard, licking his lips before frantically asking,"h-how did you even?".
"You may be the genius, but I know all." Garcia said, smirking at the good doctor as she headed to the round table.
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yuly · 1 year
↬ To Be Loved and To Be in Love ↫
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Aaron Hotchner x chef female reader
Summary: You drop by the BAU to bring the team a homemade lunch while Beth returns from Beijing to visit Hotch
Warnings: none, angst and fluff, Beth and Hailey are mentioned.
WC: 2K
Pic credit: Pinterest
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚
Five months ago, your dear neighbour David Rossi asked for a favour, he was having his friends over and wanted your help to cook for them. Dave is not known for sharing his kitchen, but this is something you and him did regularly. Living next door to a pro chef with a successful catering business was a win for Dave. You obliged, with more than a few ideas in mind to try out. 
He invites you to stay, you decline, not wanting to intrude and be the odd one out. But Rossi is a man with a plan, he invites them earlier than previously stated, effectively forcing you to meet the team he speaks so fondly of.
You’re a person who often needs at least a couple of interactions to accurately recall a face. This evening was no different. You fell into easy conversation with the team, they were interested to get to know you, listening eagerly about your work as a chef, a welcomed distraction from their own line of work. You indulge them graciously, careful not to press them about the details of their own work in return. 
One person in the group does not contribute much. Dave enthusiastically introduces him to you as, “Aaron, the boss man,” he was quiet, face mostly unreadable but outrageously handsome. The few times he does speak, you nearly melt at his soft yet dominating voice. He is a man of few words, that much is clear. He smirks a handful of times throughout the evening. You were dying to get a better look at his beautiful face, but too intimidated to ogle at the older man. At the end of the night when everyone said their goodbyes, he came up to you on the balcony, thanking you for the delicious meal. His tone while speaking to you was different, good different. It was softer, more gentle, he was warm and kind, the epitome of a gentleman. He had called you beautiful before he knew what he was doing and began to fluster, tripping over his words as a soft blush graced his cheeks. That did you in, seeing the ‘boss man’ get all blushy and shy, and for you no less. You exchanged numbers that night and went home with a clear image of his face imprinted on your mind.  
The two of you have been inseparable since. He loves everything last thing about you. Your aura, the way you speak, the way you carry yourself, the way your eyes twinkle when you’re trying to concentrate, the small adjustments you’ve made in the kitchen to allow for Jack, your self appointed sous chef, to maneuver safely. 
And you love everything last thing about him. His beautiful face, his kind gestures, his ability to know exactly what to say to comfort you, his pure heart, his eagerness to learn everything about you, the love he has for his son. 
You learned that his two love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He craves your touch, always reaching out to hold onto you in any way he can. It brings him a sense of comfort he can’t quite find elsewhere. And your words mean more to him than you’ll ever know. The words of encouragement you offer him every morning, whenever you stop to tell him how proud of him you are, when you make it a point to verbalize your appreciation for the things he does for you. It’s hard to miss the effect this has on him. It blankets him with a sense of warmth and belonging, making his heart skip a beat. It makes him smile, a real smile and not a sly grin. Your words make him feel loved, wanted, heard, and appreciated. Your love slowly brings the colour back to Aaron’s life. 
Acts of service are your love language. You often take some time out of your day to bring the team something to eat. You can't help yourself, you’ve grown fond of them. Truth be told, you're putty in their hands. It was a surprise each time, southern style banana pudding that Spencer literally went bananas over, mango salsa chicken tacos with homemade fries that made Garcia shed a tear, afghan rice and beef kebabs skewered to perfection that had even Strauss drooling. They were blown away every time. Derek and Emily were quick to accuse Dave of purposely hiding you from them all this time. Hotch laughed at that.
Today, you made beef gyros with homemade tzatziki that you were very proud of. You even brought a complementary raspberry lemonade. Feeling content, you walk into the BAU excited for their reviews. 
“Our saving grace, and she comes bearing gifts!” Garcia squeaks excitedly, rushing to help you with the containers. Spencer launches into a speech about the value and history of food sharing in various cultures around the globe, eliciting a loud groan from Derek.
You shake your head at them and laugh, turning to ask Emily where Aaron was when you notice her smile start to fade. You follow her gaze to a brunette that hops out of the elevator. 
“Hello! How is everybody doing?” she chirps, quickly joining the rest of you. The team looks surprised to see her, muttering pleasantries and stealing awkward glances at one another. You feel lost, something is up and you are the odd one out.
She could be Emily’s girl, but she’s barely acknowledging her, and besides, I swear Em likes blondes….
“I don't think we’ve met! Hi, I’m Beth!” she gushes, extending her hand. You politely introduce yourself, “Very nice to meet you agent Y/N!” you don't have time to correct her as her next words strike something in you.
“How's Aaron? I came to say hi, God it's been so long, is he in his office?” her bubbly tone and never fading smile were starting to get on your nerves by now.
Woah hold on, Aaron? Who is this and how is she on a first name basis with him? And why have I not heard of her?
You stand still, lost in thought as someone responds and she all but skips over to his office. 
“Hey, are you ok?” JJ sits you down, Emily close behind. The two of them fill you in on this Beth character. She’s his ex, they had broken up about a year ago when she took a job in Beijing. 
That hurt, you tried not to let it, but it hurt. His ex who you never knew about. His ex who he only broke up with out of necessity. The one that got away… 
“Listen, honestly Y/N, I wouldn't worry about it too much, she was his first anything after Hailey and he loves you. I mean, the man worships the ground you walk on, you have nothing to worry about,” Emily sounds sure of herself, you don’t share that sentiment. JJ hands you a water bottle that you graciously accept as you excuse yourself, gyros and lemonade long forgotten. 
You ignore Aaron’s calls for the rest of the day, burying yourself in your work and falling down a rabbit hole of self doubt. You are not all the way present as your assistant goes over the details for an upcoming catering event in New York. Your thoughts are all consuming. If Beth didn’t have to move away, he would’ve never broken up with her, that much was clear. They broke up out of necessity, and you suspected that Aaron had encouraged her to go forth and pursue her dreams. He did it out of love, so surely he still has some feelings for her. You convince yourself that you’ve been nothing but a placeholder all this time. That hurt like hell. You’ve never been one to compete with another woman for a man to pick you, so you would make it easy for him. 
A few hours later, Aaron shows up to your workplace, clearly flustered. He looks out of place in his ultra-formal black suit and tie, a stark contrast to the soft pastel coloured walls and the lilac flowers that welcome him at the front desk. A frown is etched onto his face as he searches for you, “Y/N, hi, I’ve been trying to reach you all day angel, are you ok?” you look up at him with a blank expression, the endearing pet name does nothing for you at that moment. 
You excuse yourself, allowing him to follow you into a small room for privacy, the two of you sit across from each other. A small coffee table sits between you.
“I know you came by the office today,” he begins softly, “I heard that you ran into Beth, I’ll explain everything sweetheart, but please know that I love you, you mean everything to me Y/N.” You let him hold your hand but stay silent.
“Please say something, please talk to me Y/N,” he pleads, eagerly trying to reach your eyes. “You go first” you croak, your voice giving you away. He sighs, his heart feels heavy, he’s afraid what this conversation might lead to, what it could mean for your relationship.
“Beth and I dated for a little over a year, she was my first relationship after being married. I was alone for a long time, even in my marriage. I didn’t expect to meet a woman, to take her out on dates, all of it was foreign to me, the last time I had done anything remotely similar, Jack wasn’t born,” he pauses, taking in a deep breath. Your eyes finally meet his and you see each other’s pain, you will yourself to hold it in, to hear him out.
“Our relationship was unexpected but nice. I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, but I decided to give happiness a chance, for my own sake and for Jack. After a while, it felt easy, and comfortable.” 
In that moment, you desperately want to reach out and hold him. Despite everything, you're proud of him for choosing happiness. 
“When she got the job in Beijing, I was sad to see her go but ending it was not a difficult decision. I was not willing to uproot my life and my son for her dreams. I just wasn’t ready to compromise on that level for what we had. And she understood, she wasn’t willing to compromise her dreams for what we had either. And that was ok.” 
He gives you a wobbly smile, soft brown eyes trained on yours as he continues, his hands never leaving yours.  
“Sometimes people come into your life only for a season and that's ok. She came in today asking if we could rekindle things, I said no because I’ve found my forever person,” he looks up at you with teary eyes now, clinging onto your hands, silently begging you to accept him, to stay.
You let out the breath you've been holding in since he walked in, shoulders finally relaxing. Out of everything he had to say, the most important thing to you was that he did not try to discredit her or their relationship in an effort to defend himself. Instead, he was honest with you and allowed himself to be vulnerable in the moment. It makes a world of a difference to you. You respect him for it.
You pull him into a deep embrace, it's your response to him pouring his heart out. It's a warm, tight hug, one that screams relief. 
You pull away to stare up at him, “I’ve found my forever person too.” You sit there for a while, foreheads touching, arms around each other. It feels nice. He apologizes for not telling you about her, but you’re past that. You know him, it always works best when you allow him to share at his own pace. You understand him, you accept him, and he loves you for it.
Being with Aaron has shown you the beauty of being in love, and how equally beautiful it is to be loved. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
I really hope you enjoyed!! Your support & feedback is greatly appreciated ♡
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hotchsreader · 28 days
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Small Things
Word Count: 1.5k
Quick little fic about jjxreader
You're having a bad day, and JJ notices. She brings you into her office for a quick talk, a talk happens but so does a kiss...
Link on ao3
Today had been a clusterfuck. Everything you thought you had all planned out for the day started unraveling the minute you stepped through the doors of the BAU. JJ had gone over the case you guys were taking the night before, but since the need to travel wasn't needed due to the case taking place so close to home, the team was able to go home to sleep and get there early to plan the way they were going to handle everything. The problem arose when a new victim had turned up, even though they had gone over everything related to the case and never saw something like this happening. you started to feel like there was something you had missed, and that this girl dying had somehow been your fault. 
“Are you okay?” You heard Spencer behind you, not getting too close to protect you from the others noticing something was wrong.
“Yeah… yeah I’ll be fine Spence. Thanks for asking.” You didn’t even look up at him, you just rearranged a few things on your desk hoping that he would get the hint and leave you alone. You wanted to desperately to be left alone and to deal with things on your own. You were never one to ask for help, and today was not the day you were going to start. 
“Hey.” You heard a softer voice speak behind you. You wanted to turn around and yell in anger but you knew who was there, and you never wanted to hurt her. She meant well and was just checking on you. 
You turned around, with tears in your eyes, and looked at her. She didn’t say another word. She came up to you, grabbed your hand, and led you up the stairs to her office. That was how the two of you worked most of the time, words were no longer needed, and all it took was a second to see how the other was acting to gauge what was needed. JJ knew if you were out there for any longer, you would have a meltdown, and it would absolutely embarrass you to the point of no return if that were to happen. 
As soon as you both entered her office, she set you down in a chair and she sat in the one opposite you. She held your hand and looked up at you, her face a mix of concern and empathy. You hated when people looked at you with concern, you wanted to be the person no one had to worry about, you could handle everything on your own, and JJ knew that. But here she was, worrying about you because no matter how hard you tried to prove to her that you didn’t need anyone to care about you, she refused to listen to you. You wanted to keep your head down and to look at your legs instead of up at JJ but you knew she wouldn’t let you do that. You forced yourself to crane your neck up and look at her, and as soon as you did a tear rolled out of your eye and you flung your hand up to stop it from going any further. 
“What is going on?” She asked, not in a harsh tone, but in one that you knew meant she wanted the truth and not some half-assed answer you would give anyone else. 
“Today didn’t go how it was supposed to JJ, we were supposed to find the Unsub before anything bad happened again. This all feels like I failed somehow. I feel like I was supposed to stop this from happening, I had it all planned out how we were going to catch him but he still managed to take another girl's life before we could.” The last few words came out broken through the sobs that were tearing their way out of your body. You had tried so hard to keep them in, but in front of JJ, it didn’t matter how hard you tried. She had this way about her that made you feel comforted and safe, and your emotions knew you didn’t have to hide around her. She was the type of person who could break down walls you or she didn’t know were there. She was herself, and it brought out the best in everyone around her.
“What happened today was not your fault. It was no one's fault. We cannot fully predict another person’s actions no matter how hard we try. We can try our damnedest but sometimes people act irrationally under pressure and they do things that even we as profilers cannot see happening.” She rubbed her thumb over your knuckles to keep you grounded in what she was saying, to keep you present. You knew from the moment you stepped foot in this office that she would be able to make you combat the hard feelings that were swirling around in your head. 
“Also, asking for help does not make you weak. You are the strongest person I know, even now with tears running down your face, actually especially now.” 
You sighed, “You’re just saying that to make me feel better aren't you?” 
She didn’t smile. She looked stone-faced, which made you a bit nervous, scared that you somehow had made her mad at you, which was the absolute last thing you wanted.
“I am completely serious here. You are a strong person, and your being upset right now shows how much you care about your job and the people you help. That is something that no one can take away from you and something that shows the amount of strength you have to be able to continue to do this job every single day.” She didn’t break eye contact with you the entire time she spoke. Her face had begun to get softer the more she spoke to you, showing how genuine she was about how she felt, about how strong and caring you were.  
You both just sat there for a few moments, you soaking in what she said, and her letting you deal with whatever was going on in your mind. You never really understood why it was so hard for you to ask for help, or why you held yourself to such a high standard. You would never think poorly of one of your teammates for crying or even just having a hard time on a case. You would think they just simply cared about their job enough to still be human and have strong emotions. 
“I know you’re going through your feelings right now, and just know whenever you’re ready to talk, or even if you just want to sit here and be together I can do whatever. I also have some cheese puffs in my drawer over there if you want some.” 
This made you smile, “JJ, you have my favorite snacks in your drawer?”
A blush passed over her cheeks, which filled you almost with a sense of pride that you made her happy. 
“I maybe have your favorite snack in my drawer, and I maybe bought them when you told me what your favorite snack was. I wanted them in case you ever needed or wanted them.” She turned her head away from you for a second and you just sat there and smiled at her.
JJ was the first person on this team to make you feel appreciated and that made you feel a part of the team. She was the type of person who would make every single person in the room with her feel comfortable and allow them to have time to speak. If someone talked over someone around her she would make the point to make sure they got the chance to speak about whatever they were trying to say. She was just simply put, a good person. Of course, she had your favorite snack in her drawer, only she would. 
When she turned her head back to you, you leaned forward and kissed her. It was a soft kiss at first, allowing her to back away if she didn’t feel the same way about you. Once she pressed harder into you and deepened the kiss you knew it was over for you both. The kiss quickly became more passionate. You pressed your hand against her cheek and she ran her fingers through your hand, pulling a bit which made a moan escape your lips. You could feel her smile against your mouth. You went to reach to move her top off of her shoulder when you both heard someone walk by her office and Hotch, your boss, began talking. 
You quickly stood up, began to rearrange your clothes, and fix your hair. You smiled down at JJ who was looking up at you with stars in her eyes. She started laughing a mix of panic and just pure amusement. Neither of you planned for this to happen. It was just a friend helping a friend in need, and then it progressed to what felt like two school girls doing something while the principal was doing his rounds. It honestly was the best thing that came out of this terrible day. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better to make everything feel right again. 
You reached down and kissed JJ on the forehead, “That was…”
JJ didn’t hesitate to finish your sentence, “Yeah.” With a quick smile, you both walked out of her office, knowing you were going to finish that later.
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kakashiislut · 10 months
Criminal Minds
Inspired by Heartbeat By childish Gambino cause that song makes me dance wildly like no one is watching. ❤️
“So what you’re saying…The Unsub is attracted to women like…Y/N.” Hotch Puckered his lips a bit, everyone’s eyes where suddenly on you. “M-Me?!” You raised your eyebrows. “I mean, look at them. They have the exact same qualities as you do” JJ shifted her focus to the 4 victims stuck on the dry erase Board. You grew quiet for a second, it’s true, all the women have the same features as you do. The hair, the eyes, the lips, the personality and face shape too. “And with this note…” Spence cleared his throat, “seems like he’ll be at XXX club, wearing a red tie…looking for fresh victims…”
“He’s playing games with us. He’s growing angry, wants us to know what he’s doing…he wants to spite us for ignoring him in the media” Morgan lifted himself up and off the table and played with the pen between his fingers. “He wants a victim, give him Y/N then.” Woah woah. WOAH. “Woahhhhh, who said I would do that?!” Gideon shook his head slowly, “I have a plan already” His eyes seemed to bore into something nonexistent and you cleared your throat hesitantly. “Ok.”
“Ugh, This Dress won’t zip- JJ!” Sticking your back out from the dressing room door, JJ came rushing over to help zip up your dress. “Okay…let’s see!!!” She seemed so giddy for something so dangerous. As she backed up to stand with everyone, you fixed your hair, before walking out of the room. There was a silence, before Morgan whistled loudly. You giggled softly and everyone bursted into chatter about how you looked. “Spencer keep staring or take a picture” Elle laughed gently, causing the boy to turn red and look away.
“Okay, let’s go over the plan again. Y/N, we will filter in the club and go separately in different ways. Hotch will take the upper decks, Reid and Morgan will stay in the back, JJ will nurse the bar and Elle will wait by the women’s bathrooms. You, My dear, will make a scene on the dance floor and wait for our unsub to approach you. REMEMBER! He has to notice you, not anyone else, once he has you, Lead him away and we got him.” Gideon gave you a soft smile “we’ll be close, don’t worry. Lemme have your gun”
Groaning, you handed him your holster and gun, mumbling something about how dangerous this could be. At least the police are hiding around the clubs entrance.
When you arrived, the loud sound of music and cheering distracted you for a moment, before you existed the car and made your way inside the club. You tried to find some sort of song that could get you going, but nothing seemed to work. “You okay?” Hotch’s voice filtered into your ear “fine..gonna talk to the DJ real quick.”
Making your way to the DJ, you leaned in and suggested a song, to which he nodded his head and in second’s the music switched up. The crowed cheered, so you made your way into the middle and started moving your body to the beat. The words “make a scene” kept bothering you, so you did. A big scene. You danced wildly to the music, hips swaying, arms in the air, you listened to the way the crowd cheered for you, making space. In the moment you felt silly, but…it’s not so bad. You added a bit of sultry dance moves, giving the crowd “fuck me eyes” as you tried to pinpoint any men wearing red ties.
Running your hands up and down your body, you swished your hair around and…bingo. A tall, scary looking, but handsome man was making his way to you. He watched you like he was trying to profile you. Ironic. Once the song ended, you breathed harshly, making your way to the bar, you sat a couple seats away from JJ and simply…waited.
“Hey…I seen you dancing up there and wow…you where amazing…and beautiful” fluttering your eyelashes up, there he was. Your possible unsub. You gave him a pretty smile and offered him a seat. In an instance, the man was touching up on you, breathing in your scent and flirting. “Pull him in more.” Hotch whispered in your ear and you turned to the man, holding his tie “wanna go somewhere private?” You teased.
“Fuck, stay still pretty girl” he groaned into your neck. You where currently pressed up aganist his black SUV, the windows tinted, he was laying harsh, gross and sloppy kisses and bites to your neck. Come on…just need some DNA.
Your eyes fluttered up and…Reid. You locked eyes with reid, he gave you a sad look, face a bit red, before Gideon came up behind him. “FBI! Get off the girl!”
“Holy shit!! I can’t believe we caught him!!!” Morgan laughed loudly on the plane ride home, “it was just Chance…the DNA on Y/Ns necked matched the DNA left on the women.” You sighed, covering your eyes a bit, before the sudden sound of the song filled your ears. “What?” Lifting your head up, Hotch had everyone around him staring at his phone. Getting up, you walked right over and your heart dropped. “HOTCH!” You screamed, the video was of you dancing wildly to the music.
“What kind of dance moves even are these?!” Elle laughed, holding her tummy. “THEYRE GOTHIC, ITS ALL I COULD COME UP WITH! PLUS! I was a goth/punk kid in highschool OMGG” You covered your face in embarrassment “I-I think it’s cute! I mean like, the gothic style match’s Y/N so well! Ya know, it was a pretty common dance style in the 1850s and the 80s-90s! It’s just amazing she knows these!” Spencer tried to protect you from the teams teasing and you smiled a bit at him “thank you” leaning in, you pressed a sweet kiss to his temple. “NOW DELETE IT! BEFORE I BECOME THE UNSUB!”
“Technically, since we know who you are, you wouldn’t- OWW OWW OKAY ILL DELETE IT-“
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dearwriterciera · 4 months
I’ve got big things coming for 2024!!!
A new Spencer Fanfic is in the works!!
LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO - Spencer Reid Fanfic
Hannah Meyers is dating Spencer Reid, BAU Agent and Genius. Hannah isn’t one for PDA, she doesn’t mind not knowing any of Spencer’s friends or co-workers. It’s like their own little secret. Their own little paradise where when they’re together everything is just them two.
Until it isn’t, work is getting to Spencer more recently, he’s moodier, shorter tempered, and starting more fights with Hannah.
They break up and as quickly as they became apart of each other, they became strangers.
It’s a year later and there’s a new serial killer on the BAU’s radar. Unfortunately for them the killer always seems to be on set ahead of them. Spencer particularly is fixated on this case and why it feels … off.
As the BAU gets closer and closer to finding the killer the stakes are higher, and tension is high. Hannah slips back into Spencer’s life unexpectedly and without asking.
Will Hannah serve as a distraction to Spencer? Or will it help him solve the case he’s been so desperate to solve?
Look What You Made Me Do
First part: February 9, 2024
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A year ago, Oops was posted to Ao3. It's my only 4+1 things. 5,932 words of Garvez, humor, feelings denial, the whole cast, all while accidentally injuring Kevin Lynch, it's easy to see why this was a much enjoyed fic.
"I’m sorry, he did what? He said what? After she was shot by a date he broke into her apartment, shut off the breaker, lurked in the dark, and then told her she was overreacting?! And you all didn’t murder him? Morgan didn’t break his face pushing him down the stairs?”
Luke's feeling on Battle's fate was undeniable when told, but hearing what she was made to put up with after, from someone who purported to love her, awashed him with new bitterness.
“She didn’t tell us until a lot later. I think she knew some of us would have come close to losing our jobs.”
“...the way she’s THEE soundbite for work-place sexual harassment.”
Luke laughed, ducking his head. Catch. Throw.
“It cooled off after you left, and I was definitely never a recipient.”
Catch. Morgan’s eyebrows raised. “Huh.” Throw.
They were in the empty gym tossing a baseball back and forth. Morgan was in town doing some consulting work for the FBI. They had started the game up in the BAU office, but were quickly pushed down to “a more appropriate place” as Prentiss put it. One close call too many and “other people trying to work”. The two men had some familiarity before Morgan left and Luke joined, but grew closer through the group chat Garcia resistantly added Luke to and refused to take Morgan from.
“She slipped up once though, and started to” a lopsided smile appearing at the memory.
“then caught herself and told me: That sounded like flirting. I don’t do that with you. It’s in my mission statement.”
Catch. Morgan shook his head. “Baby Giiiiirl”
They were moving back and forth, throws alternating from hard to soft. Conversation had gone from family life, to the job, to reminiscing. It was an easy flow of comparison, no pissing contest, neither needing to prove anything to the other. They respected each other, liked one another, understood the stresses of the job they each faced, loved the same people...
“I told her to try being a little more friendly with you.”
“Yeah, maybe remind her. Daily.” More laughing.
Morgan caught the ball with one hand and twisted his wrist looking at his watch. “It’s Friday night and almost quitting’ time. You think those pencil pushers are gone yet?”
“Only one way to find out.” Luke grinned, "Head up?”
They hadn’t bothered to stop the game, toss, catch, toss, catch. Through the hall and up the elevator, seeing the room all clear they continued in throwing.
“Eaaay, Pretty Boy, wanna join in? Jayge?” Rossi and Prentiss watched from the catwalk as the team spread out across the room, ball flying and fumbling.
“So we all goin’ out tonight? Or is it just me and my girl?”
Penelope appeared, all packed up, from around the corner joining Rossi and Emily in watching. “Aww, Sugar, it’s your last night. I thought we were gonna stay in bed and watch a movie.” she simpered.
Catch. The game continued around the room.
“Woman, you can’t keep me there all the time. And anyway, I hear you still need bonding practice with my boy here.”
Penelope looked from Derek to Luke, Luke making a mocking “told you so” face in return. Catch.
Her eyes narrowed, “We just went out. Fine. Are you all done? Let’s go!” and swept her hand for emphasis, everyone else making for the door.
Spencer had the ball, so took the opportunity for one last toss. He threw it hard, but off center. Luke lunged sideways to catch it, not noticing the scrunched and wide-eyed faces ranging from shock to amusement, only hearing the words “oh shit” and “oh no” too late, his body colliding forcefully into another as he leapt diagonally tackling something large, and soft, and meaty. Another person. They tumbled to the ground Luke on top of Kevin, hand with ball having clocked him directly on the side of his head. Luke looked down hand still gripping ball. “Oooh.” Sorry?”
“That’s why I said GYM!” Emily threw her hands up, vindicated.
What was Kevin doing here so late?
Kevin huffed a laugh, “Can you get off me, Alvez?”
“Right, yeah.” Luke pushed up, stifled laughter and coughs falling around them.
Instinctually, he grabbed the other man and pulled him to his feet, steadying him. He may not like him, but it was a genuine accident and he felt bad.
Alvez, that pretty boy neanderthal from Fugitives Task Force. Kevin didn't like him on principal, hated him now that he'd punched him and then righted him like some child. Completely embarrassing.
Fucking asshole
Everyone liked him, his smug face, his need to be better than everyone else, prove how much stronger and smarter he was. His constant doubting of the information Kevin had given him. It wasn’t his fault a fugitive moved, that’s what they do, that’s why they’re fugitives! He never had a steady girlfriend, he was definitely one of those guys who used a new girl every weekend. And now he was here working with Penelope. His Penelope. He could only imagine what that was like. He knew how she was with Morgan, he could see how easy it would be for her to slip right into that pattern with this one.
Morgan moved closer, arms folded tight across his chest. “Kevin.”
Morgan never did like Kevin for Penelope, found it unbelievable how quickly he moved in on her, felt he was taking advantage of someone who had just experienced serious trauma. Emotions run high during times like that and people form weird bonds. It was the only explanation he could come up with for why Penelope Garcia, brilliant goddess, would forgive him and put up with his bullshit time and time again. But now that they’d been through for a while, years, he wasn’t about to let him slip back in.
“Hey, Morgan.” the man shied away, but straightened up.
“Kevin,” Penelope rushed, “ we were all just leaving. Whatever it is it’ll have to wait until Monday.”
Rossi stepped off the catwalk, tagging team members as he walked, “You heard the Kitten, team. My house for Morgan’s last night.”
Kevin was left standing alone.
Luke had run into Kevin in the previous divisions he worked in before settling in with BAU. And though he generally liked everyone, he hated Kevin Lynch. Growing up he was aware that his athletic build could be imposing and that his looks could be alienating, so he really did try to be as friendly and open with everyone as possible, let them know he wasn’t an asshole. But not with Kevin Lynch. The stories just added to his dislike, one more piece of evidence tipping the scale out of Kevin’s favor. One more thing that highlighted how self-centered, manipulative, and incompassionate he really was. But he was a professional, so until Kevin showed up on a list somewhere, he wasn’t going to do anything. Kevin wasn’t really his problem, he just tried to stay clear of him as much as possible. Weirdly, that wasn't working out lately.
He rolled over looking at the clock. Fuck. 10 am. He was in so much shit. He had to go. He was late. Why hadn’t his alarm gone off?! Where was Roxie?! Oh, yeah, still at the sitters. Thank god. Luke tore off the blanket, jumped in the ice cold shower, quickly washing down like he’d learned in the military and hopped out. He grabbed a clean gray shirt and jeans, ripped a navy button-up off the hanger, pulled on his boots, and brushed his teeth at the kitchen sink while a cup of instant coffee heated in the microwave. In 5 minutes he was out the door and attempting to avoid mid-morning traffic and collisions.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Thankfully, Emily was pretty understanding, but he really needed to finish up those reports and get them turned in. Like he had planned on doing this morning.
His phone rang while he was driving. He answered, hands-free. “Alvez? Where are you?” came the clipped voice on the other end.
“Sorry, Prentiss, I’m on the highway now… unexpected late start. I’ll be there in 20.”
“As soon as you can. We’re briefing. New case.”
She sounded pissed.
A sick anxiety flooded him. Of course this would happen the one time he woke up late. The one time his alarm didn’t go off or he hadn’t heard it…No time to inspect what really happened there. And now he had to try and fight his way though this traffic and get to work and he couldn’t finish up his paperwork and he would end up getting even more because of the new case. God damn it. He couldn’t catch a break. He swooped into the FBI parking structure, tires squealing as he took turns around poles and pulled into a spot at the far end of the lot. He grabbed his bag and rushed towards the elevator.
Pushing the button, he bounced on his toes.
Come on, come on, come on. Hurry up.
That’s when he noticed the note, the lack of light at the top. Elevator was down for maintenance. He had to take the stairs and use the lobby entrance. As he darted up the stairs taking steps three at a time he couldn’t help but laugh thinking about Garcia in her platform heels climbing these same stairs this morning, coffee and computer in hand. Struggling. Fussing. If he had been on time he might have been able to offer her help in carrying something. Walked up with her. But here he was darting up the dirty cement blocks alone and late. And holding everyone else up.
Light shone through the walls, ground level. He’d made it. Just a few more steps. Luke burst through the stairwell doors, running across the front of the building, reminding himself to walk when he got to the main lobby entrance. Didn’t want to set off alarm bells. Though he was sure they had lots of irritated agents passing through, frustrated at having been inconvenienced.
Luke opened the large glass door, cool air-conditioning hitting him instantly. “Luke Alvez?”
His access badge. “Morning, Gina…I..”
She threw her hands up knowing exactly what he was going to say. “Downed elevator’s bringing in all the old faces this morning. Go through the scanners and come see me.” The elevator was adding more time already, he really didn’t have time for pleasantries, but it would take longer to run back down the stairs and then back up again. And it might offend Gina. He quickly offloaded his weapons into the tray and walked through the scanners. All clear. One thing going his way this morning. He collected his stuff and was putting it all back in place while walking over to the older lady.
“I could see you were in a bit of a rush, BAU now huh?” she handed him something to sign. “I cleared you. Sign it and go. But make sure to bring me a coffee some time, yeah?”
Luke beamed at the woman. “Thank you. “
“Oh, hey, Alvez, elevator inside’s down for the next hour too. Gotta take the stairs.” she gave him a tight lipped frown pointing off to the side.
“Fffffuh-“ he sighed, and took long strides towards the stairs, rubber soles of boots gripping and propelling him along the slick tile floor. Shortly he found himself racing up another set of steps, and another, and another until he’d hit the BAU’s level. At this point he gave up all pretense and ran. God, they were going to give him so much crap. He wouldn’t blame them if they had briefed without him and just made him catch up on the jet. There was the door! Luke grabbed it, but something bright and blonde racing along the catwalk on the other side caught his eye and his breath as he was opening it.
He thrust the door inward watching her disappear around the corner, the door meeting a heavy resistance, a loud thunk, and an even louder “OW! What the FUCK!? Alvez?! ”
And there he was.
Kevin Lynch. Gaslighting asshole.
Laying on the floor of the BAU office.
And there she was, head popping back around the corner to investigate.
Luke leaned over, extending a hand as everyone in the office watched in dead silence. “Oh, Lynch. Sorry about that, I didn’t see you...” He was kind of embarrassed, if he hadn’t been watching Penelope he’d have definitely seen Lynch. And though he had new reasons to leave this monster on the floor and walk over him, he was in a governemnt building with lots of on-lookers. Best to make nice and move on.
Kevin ignored the proffered hand getting up on his own, hands going from forehead to nose rubbing, feeling, checking for the blood that was definitely oozing. “The doors are glass, Alvez." he spat “Clear. How could you not?”
Luke bounced from the injured man to Penelope, still peaking out from the corner covering her mouth, eyes squinted … was she laughing? He made sure that her eyes were on his when he made his apology, “Sorry. Distracted.” and brushed past Kevin.
What was he doing up here any way?
Fuck Lynch.
He had a rainbow to catch.
Luke wasn’t normally accident prone, so she found it pretty suspicious that he kept accidentally injuring Kevin. After JJ recounted the lows in her relationship to him over drinks one night. She thought he sounded a little jealous, looked a little hostile… like she’d been told Derek had when Kevin announced to the whole team they were dating while stepping up to Rossi…after she told him not to. Whatever. But, she shook it off, no reason Luke should be jealous, they were teammates, nothing more.
"You know, if you had a system of organization, you would be less likely to lose things.”
"Spencer, I love you like a brother, but I will hurt you.”
Luke was franticly shuffling manilla files, gray folders, stacking, restacking, unstacking. Desk. Chair. Floor. Open desk drawer, slam it closed.
“What he means is, if you didn’t keep your desk looking like the under side of your teenage bed, you’d know where you put it.”
Luke ran his fingers through his hair pulling, “TARA- Not. Helping.” he gritted out and broke into a strained laugh thinking about the very neat room he kept as a kid, continuing to grab at files, read and toss, read and toss.
“Even now, you’re mixing up stacks! Do you know what you’ve looked at and what you haven’t at this point?” Spencer continued safely from the other side of the cubicle.
Luke broke down collapsing into the chair, head falling into his hands, reports slipping onto the floor, more stressed laughter floating around them. “No. Guys, help me. Or don’t, but I need to find this file, I have to be in court tomorrow.” He wasn’t normally messy, his house was spotless, everything in it’s place. Efficiency. But work had gotten away from him, case after case, file after file, paperwork mounting and more frequent trips away for longer…Things had gotten a bit out of hand at his station. Normally he liked to have everything cleaned up, finished and put away before he left, but they’d been busy so much lately…and now it was missing. And it should have been near the top, if not on the top. He was JUST looking at it yesterday. In this very building.
Tara frowned sipping her coffee, “Alright, just calm down. Relax, close your eyes. Let’s walk through it. Go back to what you last read.”
"You wanna do a cognitive?" he asked, looking at her incredulously.
“Just, go with it. Think about what it said. What you were thinking about. Notice the feel of it in your hands, the object under you. Where are you?”
Luke leaned back in the chair, trying to focus as much as possible, eyes closed, going back. “I’m in the BAU. I know that. Tara, I had it with me yesterday, here. But now it’s not.” He threw his head back frustrated.
“Ok.” Spencer removed his bag, storing it under his desk, “How about we each take a stack. We’ll go through things together. But after, you really need to figure out a system. In box and out box or something.” he suggested.
Tara took a stack of gray files, Spencer took a stack of manilla, and after he’d read and confirmed each was not the right one, he put all of his in chronological order, earliest to latest. And then the ones Tara had gone through, and then the ones Luke was going through. By the end all of Luke’s reports were tidily together, organized and in a manageable order. But that file was still missing. He slumped into the black leather, defeated. “I don’t understand. It should be here. Fuck.”
Tara leaned against the desk, thinking about possible scenarios. They worked in a secure building, it’s not like someone would come take it off his desk. “-Hey…Alvez, did you, maybe, take it home last night?”
“I-.” He didn’t think so, but anything was possible. “I’ll be back, if anyone asks.” and out he raced down the elevator, into the parking lot, and out to his truck.
“So… is he going home?" asked Spencer. Tara clapped him on the back, “Don’t worry about it.”
He rummaged through the center console, felt around and peeked under all his seats, shoved his hands between the cushions, and checked in the seat pockets. Nothing. Of course. Locking the vehicle, he sighed heading back in.
Where could he have left it?
Backpack. If he did bring it home, maybe it was in his bag.
Nervous energy mounted as the elevator slowly climbed higher. He dodged under his desk frantically grabbing at his backpack. His last hope, it had to be there whether he remembered packing it or not.
Please be there Please be there Please be there
Feeling the weight, he knew the answer before ever unzipping it. He squeezed his eyes shut tight willing it by some magic to Mary Poppins itself into life. He thrust his hand in, dug around the familiar textures and shapes. Opened them, pulled it wide and tossed it to the floor.
“FUUU-“ A loud, warbling yell boomed behind him, he turned to see hands grasping wildly at his desk as a large body fell forward, feet tangled in straps. Lynch. Shit. First he punches him, then he plows him down with a glass door, now he trips him with a backpack.
Why was he up here anyway? Wasn’t he supposed to be on level 2?
“Newbie! What are you doing? I mean besides setting up tripping hazards for other employees?” A high, anxious, familiar nagging.
Luke turned his head from the man on the floor to the woman standing feet away, shock and guilt evident on his face. And he couldn’t help it, he started to laugh. It was a little funny, it was kind of like karma. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking I didn’t mean to….I was just… I’m trying to find a file!” He wiped the smile off his face turning back to the man, “Lynch, I’m sorry. Here, let me.” He may hate him, but he could be nice for Garcia’s sake. Just because he didn’t like the guy didn’t mean he couldn’t be civil. He reached for Kevin, now on all fours scowling.
“Don’t touch me. Just be more careful.” He reached stinging hands up to the desk pulling himself upright facing Luke.
Penelope cut in, newly annoyed, “You mean the one you LEFT in my cave yesterday?! Here.” She gave him a pointed look and slammed the report to his chest, walking briskly past the two men into the kitchenette.
They both watched her go, Luke wondering what he’d done to make her so mad all of a sudden, then faced one another again. Luke’s unoccupied hand came out in apology, “Really, Lynch, it was an accident”, a peace-offering shake extended between them. Kevin's jaw flexed looking Luke up and down. “Don’t worry about it.” he grumbled, and walked off.
Penelope’s office. That’s right. He was holding it when he came to say good night.
He wasn’t jealous. Really. There was no reason to be jealous. If anything, Kevin should be jealous. After all, he got to work with her every day, have her talk to him, on the rare occasion when she slipped up, flirt with him. He got to hug her, and touch her, and hear her laughter, hangout with her and see her at parties, cook dinner at Rossi's. Kevin would never have that again, had he ever. No, he wasn’t jealous Kevin Lynch, that awful no-bounderies slimy tech analyst he had history with had been with Penelope. Their Penelope. They were accidents…mostly. Really.
It had been a long, bad case. They all needed to decompress before heading to their homes, to their families, to the people around them who simply would never understand. They would not wish for them to understand. Even Matt, who found the greatest comfort in being with his kids and Kristy, couldn’t muster the courage to face them just yet. And Penelope needed her people. Needed to be around them, hear them, see them, feel them, know they were real and ok and uninjured. That they were all safe and home. And so tonight, though they were all exhausted, they were going out after work, going to the bar, going to drink shitty well drinks (not Tara or Rossi) and listen to music on a buzzing sound system. Play pool, play darts, inhale the stale smoke that permeated the plaster walls and booth leather decades ago, and know they had all survived and would continue to.
After a few drinks everyone split off into little groups around the space. Spencer was talking with Emily at the table, JJ and Matt were playing pool, Tara inserted herself into a conversation about the legitimacy of Shelby mod kits (not legitimate, obviously), and Rossi was at the bar keeping tabs on everyone around him.
“You wanna play?” Luke nodded to the vacant dartboard.
“Oh, no, i’m terrible.” Penelope laughed, “JJ, though she’s great, used to hustle guys out of money all the time.”
“JJ’s busy at the pool table. I thought those fingers were magic. Come on Garcia, show me what ya got. Maybe I can give you some pointers…” he grinned.
Luke stood up, leading a smiling, protesting Penelope by the hands to the game space. They were laughing and joking, Penelope fully enjoying herself. Luke showed her where to stand, and stood behind her, hand on hand guiding her movements but quickly found she must have been snowing him. Penelope Garcia was a ringer at darts. She shrugged all coy, “Maybe JJ rubbed off on me…”
Something about tonight, right now, felt different between them. She was opening up, being silly and playful, just the two of them. Maybe it was how awful this case had been that had pushed her towards him, maybe she was just finally accepting him. It was Luke’s turn and Penelope's arm slid around his back trying to tickle him, fingers coming to ribs as he raised his hand to throw.
“Penelope, STOP, you're cheating!” He laughed, resisting the convulsions his body wanted to make at her touch. Her face was pure joy watching his until she glanced past him, stilling.
“-Kevin” It was breathless, and quiet and filled with frustration and if she hadn’t been right next to him he was sure he wouldn't have heard it. But he did…just as his fingers let go and his arm had flown, his body jerked away from her instinctively because of the tickling, and well…
"AHHH!” Kevin Lynch was standing off to the side, dart plunged neatly into the soft, front round of his shoulder joint, staring in disbelief clutching at the top of his chest.
“Luke!” Penelope immediately reprimanded brows knit and mouth dropped open in a wide “O” She let go of his flannel, hands flying to her mouth.
“I didn’t- It was an accident!” He wasn’t really concerned with Kevin, it was superficial, he’d live. Dart tips were like, what? An inch? He was, however, concerned Penelope might start thinking this was intentional…
Penelope found her legs, scurrying over. “Kevin, what are you doing here?!” Her hand hovered back and forth over the injury, unsure of touching it. Tara grabbed a couple of napkins from a table near by and passed them off. Penelope plucked the dart out and replaced it with the napkins “Here, hold it, apply pressure. Hold it!” She shrilly commanded, letting go and stepping back. Her body language said everything, arms folded, high shoulders, hunching forward, foot turned out, and she was tapping. Luke looked to Rossi across the room, to JJ near by, and Emily talking with Spenser who gave a slight shake of her head “no”. Luke stepped back to JJ and Matt at the pool table.
“So what is this, he stalking her now?” he whispered.
“He couldn’t be so stupid. He has to know we’re here…” JJ answered back.
It was at that point Kevin’s pain turned to rage, “I’m gonna fucking kill him!” he lunged forward, snarling face pointed towards where Luke, JJ, and Matt stood, but he found he wasn’t moving. “AHHHH! he yelled again in pain, noticing the finely manicured hands of Tara and Rossi holding him back, Tara’s placed just so, directly over the wound digging in as he pushed away from them.
Penelope didn’t move, didn’t flinch, “Why are you here, Kevin?” she demanded again.
He glanced from her friends back to her, glaring at Luke “… I heard it was a bad case… I tried to catch you at work,” he looked down hissing in pain and jerked, shaking off the hands restraining him. “I wanted to check on you, to see if you…wanted some company. But they said you’d gone, so I don’t know. It was stupid, I just wanted to come see you, that’s all.” he finished, looking back up softly at Penelope, then coldly at Luke, “I know how these things affect you.”
“That’s nice, but you can see i’m with the team, i’m in good hands, and we’re all fine. You’re free to go, have a good night.” She turned away heading to JJ and Matt.
“Penelope, wait.” And there he was again not willing to listen, serving his own needs. She didn’t even bother to face him.
“Kevin, please leave. I want to be with my team tonight.” JJ and Matt wrapped her in a hug. Everyone else stood watching him, daring him to make a move beyond what she’d just requested. He didn’t and walked back out.
Leave it to Kevin Lynch to ruin the night.
Luke remembered hearing Kevin whine to various co-workers about his girlfriend turning down his proposal before. He’d say her job was too stressful and he told her she should just quit and move out to the country, relax. Luke didn’t feel especially bad for the guy, something about Kevin always rubbed him the wrong way. Why would you be spreading gossip about your own girlfriend all over the building you both worked in if you supposedly loved her? The big thing Luke remembered though, why he really didn’t like Kevin, was Lynch puffed up around the office one day going on about how his girlfriend asked him not to talk to her boss about them, but he was "gonna show her how much of a man he was, he wasn’t scared of David Rossi” whoever that was...Why would you go against the explicit wishes of your girlfriend and jeopardize her position? Kevin was a dick. You don’t respect someone’s wishes, you don’t respect them. And now knowing Penelope was that girlfriend, he hated him. Knowing that he hurt Penelope, intentionally brought another woman to JJ’s wedding, knowing that he manipulated her and complained about her all over the office, how on and off they were, he wanted to wipe the floor with Kevin Lynch.
Since that night out, she really had been nicer, friendlier towards him. He would bring her coffee from Lunacorn most mornings, and she’d pretend to be surprised, small hand coming up to push at his chest, “For moi?”, or “Luke Alvez, stop making me like you!” grinning and walking away. He wanted to chase after her in those moments. They had turned a corner, and he loved every minute of it, he couldn’t get enough of her. Dancing with her at parties, standing next to her at Rossi’s cooking nights, hip bumping into his, her greetings becoming more flirtatious over the phone, but still just a little bit mean, a tart sweetness. She would never be completely nice to him and truthfully he liked it that way. He didn’t need someone to stroke his ego, he needed someone to keep him on his toes. He needed Penelope Garcia.
And so it was her he was thinking about on this very slow work day. Thankful for the chance to finally finish filling out his reports and get them turned in, but wishing for a technicolor-tech distraction. Prentiss had been very understanding about the paperwork, but the bureau was less so. They were breathing down her neck, so she had passed along the note. The paperwork was always the hardest part for him, recounting events, writing it all down, making sure nothing got left out, that everything was objective and nothing was bias, just the facts and their profile. It was very analytical, monotonous, and tedious work. And under the fluorescent lights it was awful. He sat up stretching, taking in the pile of to-do he’d gotten through and felt he earned himself a coffee break. Plus a walk around the office was good for you, kept your joints lubricated, blood flowing, your mind sharp, and it stopped his ass from going numb. And maybe, if he was lucky, he’d bump into his favorite display of hue. He knew where to find her, but he didn’t want to bother her if she was working on something. He made a lap around the bullpen, and then a lap around the catwalk, crossing near her office, door closed. His smile faltering the slightest bit. Emily’s head popped out of her office.
“Alvez, you need something?”
“Huh, uh, no. Just stretch break.” he pointed to the stack of files his desk, “Almost done. I’ll have um all for you by tonight.”
She gave a tight smile, “Ok” and disappeared again.
Deciding to get back on it, he walked to the break room to make a quick cup of coffee before diving back in. No Penelope distraction, it would seem. He was head deep in the cupboard looking for a clean mug when he felt a familiar soft hip check his.
“Tea, for me Newbie? You shouldn’t have...” she purred.
He closed the door, pulling out the last remaining clean mug and smiled wide, “In your dreams, Chica, there’s only one cup left.”
Penelope pouted, invading his personal space, “I thought you worshiped me”, her fingers closing around the cup.
His cheeks flushed, she was so close, so very close. “Even dutiful servants need their energy. Go get me one of the five I know are in that cave of wonders, and I’ll show you how devoted I am.”
She smirked, turning around, orange and vanilla smacking him in the face, “Come get it yourself.” and left him standing there. He looked from Penelope to his desk, he really did need to finish that stack of work before the day ended, couldn’t let feelings get in the way of work. He finished making the coffee and headed back to his desk, the light blue mug of daisy-cats mocking him and urging him to work faster from where it sat safely on the back of his desk.
He had two more reports left to do, small victories. Coffee drained from the cup, and unable to get her out of his mind, he got up, washed the mug, and brewed her favorite tea stashed in the back of the far drawer. It was only fair, she did a lot, she needed the boost too. Luke walked from the kitchenette, up the stairs across the cat walk and around the corner, head down ignoring the very pointed looks he could feel JJ, Matt, and Tara trading. He could do nice things for people. It didn’t mean anything.
"Kevin you can’t file a complaint. I won’t let you."
"He’s doing it on purpose!"
"No he isn't! What reason would he have? Luke is one of the sweetest people! He’s not some school yard bully!”
Luke stopped short, they were fighting. About him. Kevin wanted to file a complaint? Nice. So much for interoffice relations. Baby.
“Penelope, it’s not up to you, I came here out of courtesy, nothing more.”
“AND I TOLD YOU I won’t let you. I will delete it Kevin. Like it never even existed. I’ll write code that deletes it every time you file just to save me time if i have to. I don’t care.”
"Ooooh! Oh, I see.”
"What does that mean? What do you “see” ?!”
"That face. It was the same with Morgan! Some big, strong, handsome, fatheaded asshole walks in the door and you can’t help but fall all over yourself for them. He’s playing you! He’s using you.”
She was quite. He knew what that meant, there was either a furious Penelope on the other side or a broken one. He worried his lip, unsure what to do. How could he convince her it wasn’t true?
When she spoke again her voice was like steel. “You don’t talk about Derek. You are the only person here who ever thought I was being used.” Furious. Good.
Just because he was awful, didn’t mean everyone else was too. He was sick of this, tired of this guy showing up, tired of hearing him tear her down, hearing about how he belittled her, and tried to make her be less than she was. She deserved so much, so so much. Right now all he had was tea, but he could try for more. Luke took a deep breath, and moved forward, he knocked briefly and opened the door, not waiting for a response. He put on his brightest smile, because truthfully, he couldn’t not when she looked at him, and stepped into the room cup extended.
“Oh, great it’s you.” Was the first sound he was met with,"Get out, Alvez. Or have you come to spill that boiling bog water on me?” Luke kept his eyes on Penelope, but his smile flickered at the thought.
No, Lynch, I have something better in mind.
Luke ignored the man, speaking to her, voice low and soft, filling the space as only he could. "Hey, Garcia. Penelope…. I brought you that tea, but…” He glanced to the deep brown liquid and back to the same brown in her eyes, his head falling to the side, "I’d like to take you out. Can I take you to dinner?”
He could hear Kevin sputter as he watched Penelope’s eyes light up, rapidly nodding her head.
Fuck Kevin lynch, he hoped that hurt.
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drreidsphds · 2 years
I'm genuinely curious as to what your guys' writing skills are, below are some writing prompts for criminal minds fic, if you choose to do one or more, feel free to @ me or reblog this post with your fic!!
"It was never supposed to end this way.."
"It was just one night."
"This isn't you."
"I think I made a mistake."
"Did you ever love me?"
"I almost died for you."
"I didn't mean for this to happen."
I know these are super angsty, which if you can turn it around, I'd honestly be impressed. Have fun with these!!
(p.s, make sure to keep it appropiate. smut is allowed.)
28 notes · View notes
andreafmn · 2 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 8
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Word Count: 4.2K
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network.
The only thing I own is (Y/N) Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 9/?
WARNINGS: mentions of blood and death
A/N: Welp, this was long overdue. I can't believe I haven't updated since November last year. I love this story and I have a couple of chapters written but I need to get through this middle part to get to them and I've been struggling 😅 I've also found it hard to find the time to write due to personal circumstances but I'm on break for a month and hopefully the creative juices start running.
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Two mornings had come and gone before Friday rolled around and it was time to go back to work. I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking. I couldn’t decipher whether I was still asleep or Hotch had woken up to cook. Considering the latter, I took my time getting dressed and ready before heading downstairs. I was already heading into work later than usual, wanting to at least have one last breakfast with the Hotchner boys.
“Morning, Hotch,” I announced my presence to the back-turned agent. “Having fun there?”
“Hey, good morning,” he laughed. “Figured I could make your morning easier today.”
“Sounds good. What’s on the menu?” 
“French toast and fruits?”
“Coffee too?”
“Always,” he chuckled. Hotch placed a plate in front of my seat and one next to it for himself as I served two mugs of coffee. “Jack’s gonna be mad I didn’t wake him up to eat with us. That boy really loves you.”
“I mean, I am quite lovable.” My mind quickly registered the scene that unfolded before me. Whoever looked through my window would think we were a couple with years on our backs, a steady routine implemented into our daily lives. I knew there wasn’t a person that saw us that wouldn’t believe we weren’t a family — that between us only friendship was capable of brewing. “But it’s better if he sleeps in. Yesterday was a lot. He must be pretty tired.”
“Yeah. He was out like a light since I put him down.” 
“How did you sleep?” 
“Good enough,” he sighed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat next to me, sipping on the piping hot coffee in his hand. “Still feel guilty that I’m not as sad as I should be for someone that lost his wife a year ago.” 
“Hotch, there are no rules to grief. There is no way to measure how much or how little you should feel.” I put a comforting hand on his forearm, rubbing circles on it with my thumb. “Don’t punish yourself for not behaving in the way you think you should — no one is judging.” 
 “We do, (Y/N). We judge people who don’t grieve normally.”
“I don’t know about you, but I normally don’t keep tabs on a killer’s grieving process a year after.”
“No, I guess not,” he laughed dryly. “I guess I’m just being hard on myself.”
“The best thing you can do is be there for Jack and feel whatever you feel when it comes.” We shared a smile between us. A quiet stare into each other’s eyes. Moments like these were the ones I fooled myself into thinking there was a glimmer of love behind his eyes — that maybe, just maybe, he shared the sentiment.
But it never lasted long enough. My phone buzzed inside my pocket, bringing my attention to the fact that I was late for work. The screen flashed Derek’s name, and I knew I was in for an earful.
“Hey, Der. I know I’m late. I’m on my way to the office now. I’m…”
“I need you to meet me somewhere else,” he interrupted. “It’s Sanderson.”
“What happened?”
“He killed someone.”    
“Send me the address, I’ll see you there,” I hung up. “I-I’ve gotta go.”
“Is everything okay?” 
“Don Sanderson, the man Derek advocated for to be released, just killed someone. I’ve gotta go meet him there.”  I rambled as I gathered my things, my head spinning from the news I had just received.
“You’re feeling guilty.” The sentence sounded like it was meant to be a question, but it came out as an observation. “You shouldn’t, and neither should Morgan. You both made an informed decision based on the facts you had at hand.”
“Would you have vouched for him?”
 “Exactly.” I grabbed my things and headed out the door, speeding to the location Derek sent.
The house was riddled with police. The haunting yellow tape separating the living from the dead. I got there at the same time the team and Morgan were exiting their van, their sights set on a handcuffed Sanderson being taken into a police car. Reid, Prentiss, and Seaver entered the crime scene as I made a beeline for Derek.
“Hey, do we know what happened?”
“They think he did this to go back to jail,” he sighed.
“He didn’t?”
“Claims it was self-defense.” Derek crossed his arms and leaned on the hood of a car. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes trained on the car that Don was in. “I mean, he called the paramedics. Even performed CPR on the guy. He’s looking for something.”
“Alright, then. Call Strauss,” I recommended. “Let’s get this case and find out what he really wants.”
Words of encouragement wouldn’t work at this moment. The sooner we could get answers, the quicker Derek could determine is his decision had been the right one. Anyone that looked at the angered mask he wore could understand the guilt he was carrying. The ‘what if’s plaguing his mind had to grab hold of his deepest insecurities. I knew because that is how I was feeling, and I had merely lent an understanding ear and endorsed that he’d be let out.
A call of a few seconds and Don was released to our custody. I decided to stay with my father and Derek, giving the keys to my own car to Reid before leaving the scene.
“You woke up a free man and decided to kill Tom Whittman,” my father spoke. “You gotta help us out here. It doesn’t look good for you.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like that,” Don defended. As he spoke, I studied his face. It was clear there was no deception. The man had been free for fifty-one hours and rushed to find Wittman – why? “He came at me.”
“I get it that you don’t trust anyone right now. But this man is the reason you’re free.”
Derek stopped the car abruptly, turning to face Sanderson. “Did you find your son?”
“Did you even look?” Derek seethed as Don remained quiet. The one thing Sanderson had claimed he wanted more than anything was to reconnect with his son. If he hadn’t done it yet – instead went to find this man – the reason to see Whittman had to be with his case.
“Der,” I called his attention. “Drive.”
Driving back to the office, the air was choking. The anger and disappointment filled the car with pressure, and I was sure everyone felt it. Occasionally, Derek would glare at Don through the rearview mirror, and all the man could do was stare sadly back. The man looked truly distraught – if he was pretending, he was a damn good actor.
In the briefing room, the rest of the team had set out the details of the Sanderson case looking for a clue as to why this attack. Derek didn’t spend much time in the room before being called away Strauss. Everyone kept talking, but my brain felt scrambled, and I couldn’t focus right. I stood up suddenly and left the room, trying to escape the stuffiness from those four walls. ‘
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Spencer asked, placing a hand on my back.
“I can’t think straight, Spence.”
“Why? If anything, I understand why Derek would feel like this, but not you.”
“Monday night, Derek called me asking for advice on the Sanderson release. He was leaning into not releasing him, going against his gut feeling just in case. And I told him that Sanderson had done the work, proved that he had changed during his time in prison and was no longer a threat to society. The man’s blood is in our hands, Spence.”
“Future telling is not part of your resume, (Y/N),” he chuckled softly. “Given the evidence and the interview Derek made, anyone would have been fooled by him.”
“But we’re not anyone, Reid,” I exasperated. “Our job is literally – and I’m correctly using the word here – to judge people’s behavior and make the right decision so no one else gets hurt. Today someone died because we chose the wrong one. I helped Derek advocate for a killer.”
“No, you didn’t. (Y/N), you and Derek made an informed decision from the pattern of behavior Sanderson exhibited from years in prison,” Spencer comforted. “What we have to do now is determine the reason as to why this is all happening and how it’s connected to the Sanderson case.” 
“I guess,” I sighed. “I’m gonna go with Derek. Make sure he doesn’t blow up during the interrogation.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay, (Y/N)?”
“I’ll be fine, Spence.”
I followed the trail Derek had taken and slowly entered the interrogation room. From behind the glass, I could sense the irritability and despair that filled the small space. Sanderson was spilling every bit of his story – Wittman’s possible connection to his case, what he recalled from that night.
“So Tom Wittman was the only link you had to figure out who was in your house that night?”
“And now I’m back to nothing,” Don affirmed.
“Not necessarily.” Derek stood, excusing himself as he exited the door. “(Y/N), hey.”
“You want to take him back to his house, right? See if he can recall any more memories from that night.”
“When did you add mind reader to your list of talents?” Derek chuckled. “He needs to figure out who else was there that night.”
“It’s the only way we can corroborate his story,” I finished. “Let’s get him cleaned up first.”
We didn’t spend much time in the house. Don Sanderson remembered the night vividly as soon as his foot passed the threshold. He recanted the cold and rainy night, the screams from his wife and daughter, the helplessness as he lay on the floor after he was bashed on the head. And he remembered the woman – she wanted to keep his son. Although he couldn’t describe her face, we were sure if we found out who she was Don would be able to recognize her.
“That’s her,” Don answered as we presented him the possible suspect Garcia, Prentiss, and Seaver were able to draw out back at the office. She was the key to unlocking this puzzle of a case, and hopefully the thing that subsided my guilt.
“Go,” my father instructed Morgan and me. He could tell there was desperation behind our eyes – the need to maintain our reputation as agents. And if the guilt I was feeling was gut-wrenching, I could only imagine how Derek was feeling.
A quick and quiet car ride and we were at the address for Mary Rutka.’
But we weren’t the only ones looking for her. Rutka’s front door was open, and the apartment had been ransacked. With our guns in hand, Morgan and I scanned the room, our eyes quickly falling to Mary’s body on the floor.
As I checked that she was alive and startling her, stumbling resounded from behind the fire escape behind us.
“Derek, go,” I spoke as he sprung to action, running for whoever had beat us to Mary’s home and wanted her to keep quiet.  “I need an ambulance and backup at 751 Hindry Street, Northeast, Apartment 402.”
I stayed behind and kept the woman company as her panic-filled eyes looked up at me. I put pressure on her wound, trying to stop the bleeding that was coming from her throat.
But it was too much. Her eyes had begun to flutter closed. And no matter how much insisting I did to get her to keep her eyes open, she succumbed to the wound, dying before the paramedics had a chance to do anything.
Soon thereafter, the apartment was swarmed with police and forensic staff, doing everything they could to preserve the scene and any evidence Mary had on her person. I quickly shook away the nerves that coursed through my veins after holding the woman’s hand and throat as she died. There were certain things that I had yet grown used to – one thing was looking at a dead body, it was a completely different thing to be with a person as they passed away.
In the floodgate of people coming in and out of the apartment, Detective Bill Codwin joined my side. Noticing my bloodied hands, he handed me a white handkerchief to use whilst he painted the picture of what had gone down in apartment 402.
As I spoke with the detective, Derek walked back in, and I was sure that he noted the anxious chills in my hands – his eyes fell directly on the over-wiped digits. Thankfully, he didn’t mention anything while we were still inside the place and we were able to go through it, finding an integral piece of the puzzle. A dusty videotape hidden on top of the kitchen cabinets. There was no doubt that was the reason Mary Rutka was killed, what she was using to blackmail whoever it was she had done that horrible crime with over twenty years back.
“Hey, Rossi, you okay?” Derek broke the silence in the van as we rode back to the office.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re still rubbing your hands, (Y/N),” Morgan pointed out. “There’s only so much hand sanitizer in that little bottle. Talk to me, kid.”
“I know what she did,” I started. “But she was still a person, you know? And I watched her eyes full of panic as she succumbed to her injuries.”
“You know there was nothing else you could do, right? The guy came to get a job done, and he did.”
“It’s just such a devastating feeling of uselessness,” I sighed. “I’m so used to dead bodies that when I witness someone actively dying in front of me, I just get this weird feeling that I can’t shake off.”
“I can’t tell you that you will get used to it, but you learn to manage it. But you’ll get through it, baby girl. You’ve got us.”
“What about you, Der?”
“What about me?”
“Don’t play coy,” I chuckled slightly. “We’re gonna catch this guy. You made the right decision, Morgan. And now we’re gonna catch the guy that’s been able to elude the law all these years and took so much time from an innocent man. You’re doing that.”
“This day sure didn’t start with me believing that,” he sighed. “I just want to get this over with. This guy can’t continue getting away with this bull.”
“We’ll get him, Derek.” I gave his free hand a comforting squeeze, providing as genuine a smile as I could. “We’ll get him.”
Before we knew it, we were in Penelope’s office dishing out a VCR player to see what was on there that cost a woman her life.
The first image that appeared was Carrie, Abbie, and little Tom Sanderson in bed during Mother’s Day, a breakfast tray across the mom’s lap. It was a beautiful home video that was suddenly cut off by an over-taped recording of the night of the crime. As the image distorted, Penny turned covering her ears and closing her eyes. If there was anyone that deserved to keep her sanity, it was her.
But the video didn’t narrow our search down. The man was wearing a cap and a hoodie, his face completely hidden from the camera. Only the people there would know who it was. All we could do was continue to theorize as a group to restrict the massive list we had.
“Start with men who grew up in the district, came from nothing,” Emily suggested to Penelope.
“His ambition will define him,” Spencer added.
“Whoever did this enjoys taking power away,” Derek pointed out. “He’s been way too smart to keep on killing. So what would satisfy a guy like this?”
“Well, he’s manipulative but trustworthy,” I commented. “Two other people witnessed that murder and they never turned on him.”
“Guys, so we have to think of this city as the unsub’s comfort zone. He didn’t leave for a reason.” 
“A target-rich environment,”  my father stated. “ The damage he’s done and continues to do is right here in D.C.
“I think it’s more intimate than that, (Y/N),” Morgan retorted. “He needs victims who suffer directly from what he’s doing.” 
“Ok, I’ll cross the politicians off my list,” Penny commented.
“Look into asset-based lenders,” Emily listed. “Uh, big money-making ventures where people would be left in his wake.” 
“Corporate takeovers.” 
“Businessman as psychopath?” Seaver questioned.
“They have the same characteristics,” Emily explained to the younger agent. “They just use their skills differently.”
“They both have narcissistic traits such as a grandiose sense of self-importance, deceptiveness, lack of remorse.” 
“Hard-core businessmen,” Penny spoke. “36 and counting.”
“That’s way too many,” Derek complained.
“We can each take six and look for connections.”
“No, no. Wait a minute.” I could tell Morgan was putting his brain to work on overtime. The more time we spent in the office, the farther our unsub would slip away. “If we had this case 25 years ago, what would we have seen? How would we fight the physical evidence.”
“We’d look at what the unsub did the moment he arrived at the house,” Ashley perked.
“They broke into the basement.”
Spencer quickly added, “Through a window with rusted-out bars.”
“Garcia, who lived at the house before the Sandersons?” I questioned, instantly knowing the others would follow in my line of thought.
Penny then cross-referenced the few owners to the 36-person long list, hitting a dead-end. Until she looked at the longer list. And bingo. The family of James Stanworth had lived in the house just before the Sandersons before they lost it and had to move to the outskirts of town. The story made sense. In the video, he sounded jealous. He knew the house inside and out, and he knew the family that had moved in. The icing on the cake, a native Washingtonian running for congress.
Now, all we had to do was convince Erin Strauss to allow the arrest of a possible future congressman for Washington D.C.
We were talking about taking into custody someone that was part of the government body to someone that worked closely with people from the government. And I hoped that after we made the compelling case, we’d get the approval.
We didn’t.
But that wasn’t at all surprising.
What struck me odd was the energy exchanged between my father and Strauss. As he and Derek presented their case, my dad pushed the boundaries. Granted, he’d always been this way, but her physical reactions were different. There was a glint in their eyes that had not been there before. Maybe I was reading too much into this because it was my father, but if nothing had happened, something probably would.
“So, there’s nothing we can do?” Penny asked. “This guy’s gonna get away with it?”
“Absolutely not!” I exclaimed, my gaze falling onto Derek’s pacing form. One thing I was sure of was that Morgan would rather lose his job than let someone like Stanworth continue to walk free.
“Garcia, find me James Stanworth right now,” he commanded. “Another hour passes, he’s that much closer to hiding his true self.” 
“Mary Rutka is his third murder,” I added. “He’s now officially a serial killer. What do you wanna do?”
“I wanna expose that son of a bitch,” Morgan gritted. “If he did kill Mary Rutka, he’s gonna have cuts on him somewhere. We match that DNA, we’ve got him.” 
“Guys, he’s having a fund-raiser at his house in McLean,” Penelope interjected.
“It started an hour ago.”
Derek quickly turned and headed to the van knowing that at the very least I would follow him.
“What is we’re wrong?” Emily stopped me.
I could see doubt clouding everyone’s faces. We had motive, we had a fitting profile, and we had enough circumstantial evidence that this was our unsub. “We can’t be.” 
After hearing my dad ask Emily to accompany us, I took off on a small run to catch up to Derek who was almost at the elevators. As I reached him, he gave me an appreciative smile. Derek knew that we were both putting our jobs on the line by going after this man, but we needed to take him down.
The four of us piled into a van and sped off to Stanworth’s mansion. We called Detective Codwin to meet us at the house to crash the party and have our killer arrested.
We entered right as Stanworth was finishing his speech, the room full of influential and wealthy people erupting in applause.
“Ladies and gentlemen, congressman, Mr. James Stanworth,” Derek led us through the crowd, calling the attention of the room by slow clapping and using his booming voice. “You sure have a way with words. It’s mighty impressive.”
“Thank you. May I help you?”
“My name’s Derek Morgan. I’m with the FBI.” He walked closer to the man, continuing to close the gap between them. “Do your friends here know that you’re a closet psychopath?” 
“Excuse me?” James questioned offended as murmurs resounded through the room.
“Don Sanderson knows,” he jabbed. “Do you remember him? I’m sure you do. You murdered his entire family and got him put away for twenty-five years.”
“Well, agent, if you’ve got anything on me…” James walked forward, holding his hands out to be cuffed.
The man was cocky, indicative of his personality. James knew there was little to no evidence against him. He was an important man and nailing him almost seemed like an impossible task.  
“No,” Derek didn’t back down. “James, it’s not on you. It’s inside you.”
“Killing Mary Rutka really got you going, didn’t it?” I spoke up.
“I’m afraid I don’t know who that is.”
“Jim, what’s going on?” Mrs. Stanworth asked her husband, just as confused as the rest of the partygoers. But was shut down by her husband. “But I don’t understand…”
“Don’t worry,” he exasperated.
“He’s good at that. Anger,” Derek kept poking. “He’s dismissive by nature. Can’t show affection, though, can he?” 
“You walk on eggshells, you and the children,” my father chimed in.
“Jim…” the woman continued meekly.
“Shut up!” James’s mask was breaking, all in front of his constituents. That perfectly crafted façade was shattering quickly.
“Here it comes,” Morgan taunted.
I joined in his game saying, “Where was your husband today at 3 o’clock?”  
“These are ridiculous fabrications.”
“It doesn’t matter,” I continued. “We know where he was. I held the hand of the woman he murdered.”
“James, whoever did kill Mary left some DNA behind, under her fingernails.” Another crack to the mask. “What’s that?”
Derek held James’s right hand up, revealing red slashes on the top of his hand. “Well,” James answered. “That would be a cut. I cut myself on broken glass.”
“No. Mary Rutka did that to you trying to defend herself,” Morgan corrected. “You knew Don Sanderson was out after twenty-five years. He got to Tom Wittman, and you were afraid that if he got to Mary, he might find you and bring you down for what you did to his family all those years ago.”
“You’re delusional, agent,” he stammered.
But Derek continued. “You panicked and you killed Mary.”
“I don’t panic,” he stated.
“You did panic. You’re a killer. It’s what you do. You destroy people’s lives.”
“I destroyed no one.”
The back and forth went on for a couple of more seconds with Derek stating the facts of the case and pressing the open wound of panic in James’s head with the man continuingly denying it. Until an outburst made it evident that he’d been caught.
“They’ve got nothing,” he presented as a last resort of salvation.
“We found the tape,” I mentioned.
That sentence had the man’s face completely fall. Codwin took him under arrest, and we were back to the office, to finally give a tortured man his first day of peace.
I didn’t stay long at the office afterward deciding to finally head home and wash away the pains of the day – probably drink them down too. It had been a stressful day and at the very end, I was sure we would have had a killer walking free due to governmental bureaucracy. It was a part of this job that made me feel completely useless.
The house was empty when I got there. No sign of the Hotchner boys in sight. I could tell Hotch had cleaned up, the smell of sweet lavender danced into my nostrils as soon as I walked through the doors. In the kitchen, a glass container rested on the island with a note that read,
Hope you don’t mind I took the liberty of cleaning up a bit. Also made you some dinner since I’m sure you’ll forget to eat. Heat it up at 350 for around twenty minutes and enjoy. Let me know how the case went. And, again, thank you for everything you’ve done for me and Jack.
I was sure that Hotch only cared for me as nothing more than a friend, but it was moments such as these that my heart could not determine where the line between care and love was. And I wondered if Hotchner had those doubts too.
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Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Spencer Reid/Reader Characters: Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds), Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Reader Additional Tags: Gender-neutral Reader, GN!READER, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Drinking, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Spencer doesn't know how to handle emotions but neither do you so Summary:
You cannot stop thinking about Spencer Reid. He's everywhere you look. He's perfect from head to toe. And, when you decided to shoot your shot, he became the source of all your pain. Did you just ruin your relationship with your best friend (and crush)? ...Oops.
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yuly · 1 year
angst idea: bau!reader and hotch have a secret relationship but he breaks it up (bonus: he regrets it but thinks she's now dating morgan or reid because they're always together when truly he is just trying to cheer her up after noticing how sad she has been lately) just regret, jealousy and P A I N (hahaha sorry)
-> hi lovely! not sure if I did this amazing idea any justice but it was fun to write ♡ 
cw: none really, just angst, both reader and hotch are toxic
Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
No Second Chances
Your relationship with Aaron was short-lived, you had loved and admired your unit chief for years. You cared about him and found him to be an incredible agent and a strikingly handsome man. 
Aaron was surprised at your interest in him. He adored you and felt warm on the inside with every kind gesture you made toward him. On a professional level, he respected you greatly, in fact, he sought you out to join his team, and your reputation preceded you. He knew he wanted, no needed, you on the team. Your skills, work ethic and professionalism were unmatched. But he was slowly drawn to the other side of you, the sweet and caring side
But looking at the optics, it didn't look good, Aaron sought you out, and now he was sleeping with you. He didn't want that stain on either of your reputations. His fear of being vulnerable and allowing someone to love him again was another contributing factor. Ultimately, he decided it was too messy, too hectic, and simply not worth the headache.
You just returned from a 72-hour-long case, and the two of you had a special date night planned. His tense body language and nervous behaviour throughout the evening gave you goosebumps. You let your tired mind run wild, thinking he might finally want to take your relationship to the next level. So far, the two of you were unlabelled, and Aaron insisted on keeping everything hush-hush. Anyone would think you were just friends with benefits. You were hopeful that Aaron would man up and officially ask you to be his girlfriend.
He cleared his throat, leaning forward and resting both arms on the table.
“Y/N, I care about you, but I don’t think this is going to work out.”
You look at him, startled, “what are you talking about Aaron?”
He sighs, “ It doesn't look right, I don't want us to regret this someday.”
“So what have we been doing for the past 5 months, Aaron? First, you want to keep me a secret, and now you're dumping me for optics?” 
Your heart is thumping wildly in your chest, and you can feel the burn of tears forming in your eyes.
“Y/N, one of us has to operate with a clear mind. This is what's best for both of us.” 
The rest of the night was a painful blur. You felt like a toy he grew bored of, and it was time to put you away. 
After a weekend of moping, your toxic side comes in full force, and you were going to make him regret his decision. 
The next day, you come into work looking your absolute best and pay him dust.
“Damn momma, what's the occasion?” Morgan smirked, sending you a flirty smile. 
“Nothing Derek, just the usual, y’know” you giggle and offer him a wink.
Truthfully, Derek has been your rock for the past few days. He had no idea who broke your heart, but he was there for you regardless. Knowing how vulnerable you were at the moment, Derek was attached to your hip. He made it a point to constantly check in on you and crack jokes to distract your wandering mind.
Aaron felt betrayed and angry to see you so close to Derek. When you first joined the BAU, Derek had been the biggest flirt towards you and now, in Aaron’s mind, he finally had his shot. Although he was the one that initiated the breakup, Aaron’s ego was bruised at the thought that you moved on so quickly. From his perspective, you hadn’t even mourned the relationship.
Aaron decided to bring a date to the next BAU dinner to patch up his ego, a bubbly brunette named Beth who had the hots for him for nearly a year. Aaron brought her along solely to get a reaction out of you, to see you flinch, but to no avail. You were very pleasant towards Beth but did not show any further emotion or interest in their relationship. In your mind, she was not a threat by any means. You saw right through his pitiful attempt to make you jealous. You enjoyed yourself, laughing and looking stunning all the while. 
“I’m here to apologize for taking you for granted. I’m sorry for how things ended, I want to make it right.” Aaron was at your doorstep looking like a wounded puppy holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers.
And for a moment, you considered it because your love for this man ran so deep. But he disrespected you and broke your heart without a care in the world. He reaped the benefits of having you buy his side but was unwilling to make a single sacrifice to make you happy. He broke up with you claiming it for the greater good, then had the nerve to parade his new arm candy in your face. His cruel actions were a stark contrast to the sweet gentleman you initially fell for. 
“Sorry Aaron, but I don’t believe in second chances.”
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Currently I write for both HP Eras, criminal minds, stranger things, supernatural, marvel (not all characters so just ask). I'm also willing to try writing for other fandoms, twilight, divergent, the maze runner, really just ask and I'll let you know!
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unequivocallyreid · 5 months
Stay With Me Till Morning
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hi guys! another fic for you :) i got a little carried away at the end, but you know how it goes. this is for any munch!spencer fans 🤗
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
Spencer and you are co-workers, strictly co-workers, despite your feelings for him. A few nights sharing a room won’t change that, right?
warnings: mentions of body-specific insecurity, fluff, smut, oral sex (fem receiving)
wc: 3.2k
if i missed anything let me know!
One of the worst things about being a newbie, at any job, is coming into a place where connections have already been made. Working at the FBI, more specifically the BAU, was no different.
Now don’t get the wrong idea, working there was a dream for you, but there was no doubt that you were severely lacking in personal relationships compared to others. Derek and Reid had a sort of brotherly bond, JJ and Emily’s like sisters, and Hotch and Rossi’s went unspoken but still glaringly obvious. You existed in their orbit, and while you had all grown to love each other, you still felt a bit like an outsider sometimes.
Unfortunately for you, this feeling intensified whenever the topic of room sharing came up. Sure there were benefits, like having a room to yourself on occasion, but usually it just served to worsen your imposter syndrome.
The case that you were working currently, sans Rossi (he was on a book tour following his latest release), pushed this feeling to surface even more.
You all were in Upstate New York investigating a series of homicides that seemed to mimic a string of murders that had occurred 20 years ago. The town you were in was on the smaller side, so the only place you could find accommodations was a small bed and breakfast.
Said BnB did not have enough rooms available for anyone to ride solo, and with Rossi gone, Hotch and Morgan were buddied up, leaving Emily and JJ and Reid and you. Naturally, Emily and JJ bunked up together, leaving you to share a room with the boy wonder.
It’s not that you didn’t like Reid, quite the opposite actually, you liked him too much. You’ve always had a propensity for falling incredibly deeply incredibly fast, and when you met Spencer for the first time you proved you reputation correct.
Your first impression probably put him off slightly, but he was gracious enough not to show it. When Hotch introduced you, the first thing you thought was how ridiculous attractive the man in front of you was. His high cheekbones and big, brown eyes drew you in immediately. To make matters worse, he was fucking adorable. After snapping back to reality, you offered Spencer your hand, which he declined citing the pathogens and it being safer to kiss.
In one of your more impressive displays of cluelessness you said, “I think we could make that happen.”
This caused Spencer to flush and a ghost of a smile to grace Hotch’s face. Thankfully, in the last few months you had redeemed yourself slightly, developed a rapport with the doctor, and stood by hopelessly as you crush developed into a nasty little monster.
So, no sharing a room with Spencer wasn’t really an issue, but still, might just be the thing that breaks you.
“There’s only one fucking bed?”
You’d spoke far too soon.
After assuring Spencer you were completely fine and not at all uncomfortable with sharing a room with him, you and him walked together to your room, only to find a scene straight out of a shitty romance novel.
When Spencer heard you and noticed that there was in fact, only one bed, he immediately said, “I can sleep on the couch.”
Maybe you should’ve just agreed and saved yourself from a week of sexual frustration, but you couldn’t.
“Spence, that couch is maybe five feet long. I don’t even think I could sleep on it.”
You looked at him then to muster up some courage, “We can share the bed. We’re both adults.”
He looked slightly pained, which panicked you a bit. God, how fucking embarrassing.
“Or I can take the couch. I wont let you, but if you’re uncomfortable I can. I’m a bit shorter.”
Spencer hurried to speak, “No!”
His outburst took you by surprise but he quickly went on.
“I mean, no. I’m not uncomfortable. I just don’t want you to be at all or feel like I’m forcing you to sleep with me. Fuck, or I mean next to me-“
You cut him off before he could fall into a tailspin.
“We’ll share then.”
Sharing the bed had actually not been that bad for you at first. You were on your third day in New York, and you were making steady progress on the case. Hopefully, it would be wrapped up in a day or two.
Aside from the fact that you barely spent any time in the room, you had managed to stay on your side bed. The only spot of trouble was the dreams you were having, dreams about the person next to you that would turn even the worst sinner’s cheeks red. Still, Reid was acting no different, so at least you were confident you weren’t talking, or, god-forbid, moaning, in your sleep.
It had been an incredibly hard day. Not only was it freezing, but you had been outside and away from temperature controlled environments for far too long. Immediately once you got back to the Inn you were staying at, you asked Spencer if he’d mind you taking the shower first.
“I’m freezing my ass of right now. You don’t mind do you?”
“No, of course not. You know it’s kind of a superstition, but there’s some actual evidence that being cold can make you sick. I just read a study which showed 10% of people exposed to-“
You cut him off before he could finish.
“Spence, I’d love to hear about all that, but please just wait till I’m out of the shower.”
“Oh! Yeah, of course. Sorry.”
You shook off his apology as it wasn’t needed. That was one thing you didn’t get about the rest of the team; you loved hearing all the little tid bits of information that Reid let out. Yeah, he was like a literal encyclopedia at times, but it was never annoying. If anything it made you like him more. You loved the way he lit up when he told you about something he’d just read about, or read about 15 years ago. It was cute.
Getting into the shower was like a blessing. The water rolled over your cold skin and helped to loosen the muscles you’d been stressing all day. If you were bolder, or clueless to Spencer’s aversion to touch, you’d ask him to give you a shoulder rub. Your mind wondered off to where else he might touch you, but that was just wishful thinking.
After spending a near gratuitous amount of time in the shower, you shut off the water and reached for a towel. Only once you’d started drying off did you realize in you haste to warm up you’d forgotten to bring your sleep clothes into the bathroom with you. Now, you had to walk out in a tiny, hotel towel right in front of Reid. Sure, it was the start of a few of your fantasies, but in real life the idea seemed mortifying.
As quietly as possible, to not draw attention to yourself, you opened the bathroom door. With one hand gripping the point where the towel connected with itself, you tried to tiptoe unnoticed to your suitcase.
You looked up to see Spencer watching your frame like a hawk. As he took in your damp, barely covered figure, you wished to yourself that the lights in the room weren’t so fucking bright.
“I, uh, forgot to bring my clothes in,” and with that, you raced back into the bathroom to change.
After taking a minute to collect yourself, you make your way out of the bathroom again. The room is, thankfully, much darker and you see Reid tucked into his side of the bed. You climb in next to him.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. That was weird. I, I won’t forget my clothes again.”
“It didn’t, Y/n, don’t worry.”
With that, you both tried your best to fall asleep and put the day behind you.
When you wake up, it’s decidedly not light out and you are decidedly not alone on your side of the bed. One of Spencer’s arms is over your waist, holding you against his body. Still, you don’t know why you’ve woken up.
You tend to be a pretty heavy sleeper, and you know that some light spooning wasn’t enough to wake you up. As you lay awake, trying to figure out why you are up and what to do next you feel Spencer move behind you.
Now, you definitely know what woke you. Spencer, who could barely look you in the eye after seeing you in a towel, was grinding into while you slept. Obviously, he was asleep too, but that didn’t stop the shock of it all from hitting you like a fucking bus. He was silent aside from the occasional whimper, which sent shockwaves straight to your core each time he let one slip.
Despite this, again, being the start to a few of your own wet dreams, you were pretty literally stuck between a rock and a hard place. You felt like you’d be taking advantage of Reid if you didn’t wake him, but if you did you know he’d just about die from embarrassment. Or, worse, he’d think that you somehow executed all of this in a sick ploy. Not likely, but still a source of anxiety.
It took you a few minutes to get your head on straight, what with the burning feeling brewing in your abdomen, but eventually you realized that waking him up was pretty much the only thing you could do.
“Spence,” you said while gently shaking his shoulder.
“Spence, love, you gotta wake up.”
You were turned toward him now and saw his eyes open a crack, “Y/n? What’s wrong what’s goin-“
The realization of your situation also hit him like a truck, which was sort of comforting because at least you weren’t alone in the feeling.
“Oh my god, Y/n. Fuck, I’m so sorry. Jesus, I, I can’t- Fuck I’m so sorry.”
He went to spring out of bed, but your hand grabbed his arm before he could.
“Spence, it’s okay I promise. Honestly I’m surprised it didn’t happen earlier.”
“No, no it’s not. You don’t even like me that way and I was all over you-“
You cut him off when you heard this, “Spence, what do you mean I don’t like you like that?”
“You heard me right? I said your name?”
The world stops spinning, “What?”
“Oh, oh no. Look, I’m so sorry. I’ll go sleep in one of the cars. Fuck, I’m so-”
“Spencer stop. Please stop apologizing.”
It’s like an old Western showdown for a moment, the two of you staring at each other without making a move.
“Were you dreaming about me?”
He nodded, about to speak and likely offer more apologies. But, before he gets the chance you push your lips to meet his.
The kiss is soft and gentle. At first, his lips don’t move against yours, and you start to pull back, worried you read the situation wrong. Fortunately, before your lips could even part from his, he’s pulled you back in. His hands find the side of your face and his lips pressed into yours with a bruising intensity. Slowly, his hands moved to your waist, holding you in place.
The feeling rushing through you was unlike any you’d ever experienced. His lips molded to yours so perfectly it was almost unbelievable. If you’re hands weren’t so preoccupied by his hair, you’d pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. With a move you didn’t think he’d possibly pull, Spencer bit into your lip, making you gasp. He took the opportunity to press further into the kiss, tracing your tongue with his.
Before you could fall completely into the kiss you pulled away to ask, “Spence, are you sure this is what you want?”
“I’ve been thinking about it since the day we met, Y/n.”
With that, he pulled you back in. His hands moved more surely on you, dipping below your shirt. The feeling of his skin on yours sent shockwaves through your body. You moved to take off his shirt in turn, desperate to feel even more of him. He was relentless, breaking free from your lips to drag his mouth down your neck and over your exposed collar bone.
You felt needier than ever, and evidently so did he. In another move you didn’t expect (maybe you should throw your expectations out the window at this point) he grabbed your hips and pulled you into his lap. With you straddling him, he moved to take your shirt off. Insecurity grabbed hold of you before you could push it away.
You stilled his hands in yours, “I haven’t let anyone see me like this in a long time. Just, please don’t be disappointed by what you see.”
His face morphed into one so full of love that it made your teeth ache.
“You’re my dream, Y/n. You’ll never, ever disappoint me.”
You let go of his hands and they resumed their previous journey, pushing up your shirt and letting that part of you be bare to him. Admittedly, you had to fight the urge to cover yourself, but when you saw his face you knew it was pointless. He was ogling you, not offensively, but more like he couldn’t believe you were actually in front of him.
“You’re so, so beautiful.”
His words didn’t erase the thoughts you had, but they certainly made them easier to ignore. Moving up from your waist, he went to cup your breast, fingers playing with your nipple which made your back arch into him. He took the opportunity to flip you over so you were laying underneath him. The weight of his body over you was heavenly. You felt him press himself into your center through his sweatpants. There were just thin layers of clothes between you now.
“Will you let me taste you? I’ve been dying to.”
You’re stunned from words but you manage to nod your head. As he moved down your body, he took your shorts and panties with you, leaving you completely exposed. For the first time in a long time, you didn’t feel scared of the feeling or his reaction to you. With Spencer, you felt completely at home.
You felt him kiss down your things, teasing you in a way that made you feel completely crazy. His breath ghosted over your core, but he still hadn’t made contact with where you needed him most.
“Spencer, please.”
Hearing your voice must have broken his resolve. He dove in like a man starved. In the past, you hadn’t found yourself enjoying the presence on a man’s head between your legs. Not that you had much experience, but the men who had you in that way always seemed to treat it as a means to an end. One of the two boyfriends you’d had refused to go down on you at all, and the other wouldn’t unless you were completely shaved. Safe to say you didn’t feel like you were missing much.
Everything was different with Spencer. He licked into you there was no place he’d rather be. His tongue over traced over your cunt as he tried to find all the places that drove you wild, and god did he. The noises in the room were obscene, from the moans falling from your lips to the sound of his driving you to an orgasm.
You locked your hands in his hair, grinding into his face without even noticing that you were. You were so close, and you found the final push in his fingers. God, his beautiful fingers.
His mouth was on your clit as he pushed two digits into you, curling in before pulling out, over and over until your legs begin to shake. His unoccupied hand pressed on your lower stomach, building up the feeling until you burst.
You repeated a mantra of his name as you came harder than you can ever remember coming before. The sensation took you out for a minute, but when you came back down and looked down at Spencer, you saw him staring at you in awe and completely soaked.
“Fuck, Y/n. Have you, have you done that before? I think that was the sexist thing I’ve ever seen.”
You were confused for a moment, wondering why he’d think you hadn’t orgasmed before. That was before you felt the damp fabric of the bed beneath you.
“Oh! Oh god, uh, no I haven’t. I’m sorry I didn’t-“
“Don’t apologize for that, Y/n. Fuck, I’d spend the rest of my life between your legs if it meant I could see that again.”
The constat praise falling from him had you noticeably riled up, and you pulled him up, back on top of you.
“Spencer, please. I want you. I want you inside me.”
“Fuck, Y/n.”
He made incredibly quick work of his own pants, freeing himself. Your mouth dropped open as you took him in. He was big, the biggest you’d been with, and he was pretty. You would have drooled if it wasn’t for his lips pressing into yours. He ran his middle finger through your folds before grasping himself. He followed his own path and ran his member through your dripping cunt.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so perfect.”
The pet name made you even more desperate, “Please, Spence. Fuck, please.”
He put you out of your misery, sinking into you in one motion. You had to adjust to his size, but the feeling of him inside you, as close to you as possible had you reeling. You bucked your hips up, urging him to move.
He gave you exactly what you wanted, pushing into you at a perfect pace as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
You were overcome and all you could mutter was “thank you, thank you, thank you” in time with each of his thrusts. When he started to push into you harder, you couldn’t help but squeeze down on him.
His hips stalled, “You’re gonna make me come, Y/n. You’re so fucking tight”
You let your hands take down his back, “Please, Spence. Want you to, want to feel you come in me.”
His pace picked up, and you could feel how close he was. Still he wasn’t done. His fingers again found your clit and rubbed circles on it.
“Need to feel you come on me first baby. Need you to come.”
His words made your head spin. It only took a few more thrusts before you were coming again, just as intense as the first time. You pulsed around him and it pushed him over the edge. You felt him come inside you, filling you completely.
“I love you.”
You couldn’t stop the words from spilling out, but you froze immediately after saying them, worried that you had ruined everything. But, just as he had done before, Spencer quelled your worries.
“I love you too. God, I love you.”
The next morning was bliss. You woke in Spencer’s arms, and let him into you again. The sex was slow and you each let the three words spill uninhibited.
When you went downstairs, ready to finish the case, you were met with the sheepish faces of your team.
Derek spoke first, “I’d say congratulations if you both weren’t so loud last night.”
While you were mortified, watching the rest of the team hold back their chuckles, you couldn’t help but agree that this was all a moment to celebrate.
let me know what you think!!
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spideyswebhead · 1 year
hi indie, can you write a derek morgan fic where they meet at the bau for the first time and the team finds out she used to be a model who was semi famous but she only did it to get herself through school, maybe their on a case and someone recognizes her at the police station? (she/her pronouns please and thank you)
Another Life | Derek Morgan
I love this prompt and it's been so fun to write about! I hope you enjoy it and I did the prompt right. And first time really writing Derek so I hoped I did that right too lol
I did randomize the fake name for (Y/N), so if that happens to be your name I will be impressed and also apologize.
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If you want (Y/N) to have your name instead, on laptop/pc download "interactive fic" and change (Y/N) to your name instead.
Pairing | Derek Morgan x Reader
Summary | An officer revealed a different side of (Y/N)'s like and she becomes nervous for everyone's reaction and teasing that could come her way. Especially Derek's opinion of her.
Content | Reader being nervous Derek will think less of her for modeling, it's brief.
Word Count | 1.0K
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(Y/N) followed everyone else into the police office, listening as Hotch introduced all of them until he got to her, gesturing to (Y/N) for the detective. “This is agent (L/N),” Hotch tells her, (Y/N) put on a friendly smile as she shook the detective’s hand. Barely seeing one head snap up from one of the desks and look at her, she glanced at them, seeing a look in their eye she couldn’t identify, but decided to ignore it and put her full focus on the detective in front of her. “Nice to meet you.”
“Thank you for coming, we have you set up over here.”
Throughout the day (Y/N) felt like she had more eyes on her. A curious look at first, like they were trying to figure something out, but it would disappear when she would catch one officer looking at her. Then she noticed the looks had become whispers when her back was turned but when she would turn around they would immediately stop, it was becoming really annoying. Why the hell were they looking at her?
“Is there a problem?” (Y/N) finally just said to one officer who tried to look busy after whispering to his co-worker.
He seemed to jump when (Y/N) called him out, looking like a kid caught red handed in a cookie jar as he stared at (Y/N). “I’m sorry,” He squeaked finally after trying to find his words. “But are you Elizabeth Bird?”
The officer started rummaging at a desk and pulled out a glossed magazine page, (Y/N) eyes widened in horror as she immediately recognized the cover. A similar one stuffed in a box hiding somewhere in her closet. “I heard your name and I immediately recognized you, I’ve been trying to figure out if it is you! Because I’m such a huge fan of your work.” He held out the photo of (Y/N), years younger and barely dressed in the photo. Horror washed over her body and completely froze.
“Now what is this?” Derek took the photo from the officer as he looked at the old photo, Emily coming over to peer over his shoulder to examine the photo. “Sugar, when did you do this?”
“Oh God, please stop looking.” (Y/N) whines as she tries to snatch the photo from Derek’s hands, but he just lifted it higher and stepped away from (Y/N) grasp. “C’mon, Derek! Please!”
“You look amazing!” Emily exclaimed as she got a better look and (Y/N) groaned in response.
“C’mon, when did you do this?”
“It doesn’t matter, give it back, Morgan!” (Y/N) was able to grab the page and she balled it up and tossed it at the officer, who jumped and tried to catch the crinkled page. Looking disappointed on his page being ruined, but (Y/N) could care less about the officer's feelings. She took a breath and turned away from Morgan and Emily, who seemed to be trying to make light of the situation. And saved by the bell, Garcia called Emily and the attention was off her and back to the case.
She had hoped everyone would forget about the little information that had come out about her past. It’s not like (Y/N) was ashamed of it, she loved that little moment of her life and she did. She loved looking at those old photos she had kept all these years, glad to have some photos of herself back then and it was a crazy confidence booster too sometimes. The toxic environment wasn’t worth it and not something she missed. But it was the view of all her co-workers, especially Derek. She didn’t want him to think of her less because she posed for magazine’s when previous relationship’s have judged her on some level for doing what she had to to get herself through school. And their relationship was going so well, she didn’t want this to get in the way of their relationship.
She was surprised when Derek sat with her on the plane and she prepared herself for the jokes going to be thrown her way. Nothing happened though. “Really, nothing?”
Derek looked at (Y/N) and raised his eyebrow to her, holding back a smile to her. “What, sugar?”
“C’mon, I know you have something to say. Someone always does.”
“About what? The picture?”
“What else would I be talking about, Derek?”
“I have nothing to say, sugar.” It was quiet for a moment before he continued. “Well, mainly. Why?”
“I needed money for college, saw an ad and got into the work. Got a whole agent and everything. It paid for all my debt too so that was a bonus.” She grinned at that fact and Derek's eyes widened at that.
“Damn, sugar.” Derek laughed, impressed. “You gotta get me into the business.”
(Y/N) smiles and leans forward. “If you want to get into the business, you need to figure out how to pose first.” 
“What do you mean “figure out how to pose”? I am great at posing!”
“Are you?”
The look of how offended Derek was caused (Y/N) to start laughing, feeling more at ease that her team knows about that little side of her life. Maybe she could show more of her life without worry of judgment for once in her life, showing how proud she is of her work.
“So you aren’t offended I did this work?”
Derek almost laughed at that comment, holding back when he saw how serious (Y/N) was about this. “Sugar, I could care less. I’m more surprised you never told me about Elizabeth Bird!”
“It’s cause-” She faltered, beginning to wonder if she should get into this now. “Some people haven’t in the past. I worried you would be the same.”
Derek softened at that and placed his hand on her own, giving a little squeeze. “I don’t mind. And I get to see those photos now instead of all those people. Their lost.”
“What makes you think you’ll be seeing my photos?” She raised an eyebrow up to him.
“I saw one photo. I gotta see the rest of them now, you can’t hide them from me anymore, sugar.”
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angelicpassion · 4 months
official introduction/requests post!🎀
hello everyone! welcome to my page🤗
my name is lilah and i just recently started getting back into writing more! i will be writing a couple random fics to start off but feel free to request anything along the lines of people i’m okay with writing about!!
i don’t regularly write smut and probably won’t unless it’s requested but if you have any ideas you would like me to write out for you feel free to tell me them!
people that i will write about:
• dave lizewski (kickass)
•tangerine (bullet train)
•(basically any atj character)
•peter parker (marvel)
•captain america (marvel)
•bucky barnes (marvel)
•black widow (marvel)
•loki (marvel)
•thor (marvel)
•batman (dc)
•poison ivy (dc)
•harley quinn (dc)
•nick (new girl)
•jess (new girl)
•cece (new girl)
•schmidt (new girl)
(i’ve never written a new girl fan fiction but someone request one so i can PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!)
•fiona (shameless)
•carl (shameless)
•veronica (shameless)
•kevin (shameless)
•dean (supernatural)
•sam (supernatural)
•elle (criminal minds)
•spencer reid (criminal minds)
•aaron hotchner (criminal minds)
•derek morgan (criminal minds)
(i know this is a lot but i basically just listed any character i could think of that i liked..😞)
ANYWAYS feel free to request and i will try to respond asap!!
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