#deku is part of the help too which is why i love to draw them hugging
beybuniki · 26 days
I’m sorry people are being weird about you not feeling the need to have specific ideas and desire to read about two 15-17 year olds being in a relationship/fucking.
Not everyone feels the need to obsess over this.
And honestly after a certain point in your 20’s (I’m 25) being so deeply obsessed with the sec lives of teenagers feels weird. Like teens can do what they want (please be safe) but at this point I do not need to hear/read explicit details.
all good i just block the weird ones and answer the funny ones, and yeah while i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with shipping as an adult, it's sth you naturally grow out of in my experience and, as you say, you kind of don't care about it like that sjdhcbsdcsd.
those teen ships can still be really enjoyable, but im at an age and place in my life where im usually more interested in other aspects / the angle from which you engage with media shifts im(esp when it's shonen), which is why i've been enjoying twyutd so far because seeing bakugo bond with his therapist and deku's mom is so interesting to meeeeee, like there's sm more to explore let's unpack!!!
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So my man what do you think of how bnha act 3 has treated the villains so far?
I think it's going exactly the way the story hinted it would. No surprises there.
In terms of narrative, people should give Horikoshi his flowers. MHA might not be as flashy as other mangas, but Horikoshi keeps it consistent and to the point. I'm glad that he doesn't sacrifice the writing of a plotline in order to create flashier or more action based fights. I'm also glad he's been with the villains' ideologies and their reasons to do what they do.
It's funny, the hero side might be the one who's more surprised with the current outcome of the final showdown. You have moments like Ochako risking it all for Toga, which is a dream come true for villain fans yet might be hard to process for other people. I'm personally satisfied with how the author treated the Enji and Dabi plotline, because in the end it was not Shoto who alone could do a miracle. A bit of a "family issues must be solved by the whole family" opinion, but I'm glad to see Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi getting involved. They all had the spotlight in a heartwarming moment to stop and help Touya. They all took responsibility for their role in what happened to their family.
So far, so good.
To be honest, my perception is that Horikoshi has great respect for some of his villain characters. He has so far dedicated a lot of the story to Tomura alone, to his connection with Izuku. At least when it comes to the League, sacrifices are not simply plot twists, you know? They held meaning, they're respectful to the character.
I can't say the same for other antagonists and villains, tho. It's understandable, those secondary characters won't receive as much screen time and that's okay. It's just a bit sad to think that some of them have a lot of potential, but the story keeps them backstage. I certainly miss seeing some of the members of the Meta Liberation Army, for example. I loved the implications of corruption of power in the hero society. I miss Lady Nagant too, I can't wait to see her reaction to knowing that AFO is finally dead. Right now I wonder what the hell Horikoshi had planned for Hawks, lol. Every time I think his plotline is getting kickstarted, it runs for a second before stopping again. If he's there it's because there are unfinished businesses with him, maybe we will finally get a resolution on his connection with Toga and his past with Twice, but that's for later.
I have faith in Horikoshi, I guess. He has shown us that he does what the story demands and doesn't change the course of it for the public as much as other mangakas do. That is what movies are for.
I'm sure we'll see Spinner and Compress again, but most of all I'm curious worried about Kurogiri. I insist that the resolution between Kurogiri and Aizawa and Yamada will wreck me. In my wildest dreams I see Kurogiri begin for Tomura's life aka to save him, to give him a chance. I saw Aizawa's face when he heard Kurogiri talk about Tomura. He knew it was not only an order, but also a part of Oboro still alive. Oboro would do anything to help someone in danger, he'd pick any stray cat, give his life for anyone. I'm on the edge of my seat with that trio. Teachers on opposite sides of the war, once friends. Don't even get me going about Yamada and Kurogiri. Whenever I think of Mic and his role in that situation, it's pure torture.
If you ask me, I'm getting what I wanted. Act 3 has been great. It got a little boring for me when the whole focus was fighting AFO (I don't know why, maybe AFO is just not my favorite character to focus on). The rest? Amazing. Beautiful panels and drawing style, emotional instances that reveal the heart of the villains, their determination and dreams were respected, they got treated for once as real humans and not just villains... I'm behaving like a total kid with what is happening with Deku and Tomura in the 415 chapter.
Now, post-battle is another matter. We will cross that bridge when we get there, but they must be all alive and well or I'm ending what the League started and taking this whole world down with me (I'm not exaggerating at all haha why you ask?)
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♥️ Zelink Sketch + Headcanon Dump ♥️
(Part 1)
Yes. I know I have already posted something for Valentine's Day. No one can stop me. So here's some sloppy sketches!
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BoTW/ToTK Zelink is one of my favorite versions of the ship. They and SS Zelink are the most likely to have gotten together after the story, and they just have been through so much together! Not to mention a certain lyric in Kass's song regarding Zelda's power... Here are some little headcanons I have for them. :)
• Considering the state of Hyrule Castle, Link has let Zelda stay in his home in Hateno Village. She reveals it was his house to begin with, which likely resulted in a lot of frustrated rambling from Link that he had to buy his own house back...
• Zelda has frequent night terrors that she is still with the Calamity, holding it back as she replays the deaths of her loved ones in the back of her mind. When this occurs, Link usually is awake anyway and goes to comfort her. Although he has his memories returned, sometimes he finds it difficult to find the right words since he feels like a different person entirely.
• Despite Link's outward change in demeanor and the worry it initially would bring to her, Zelda realizes he's still the same Link that died in her arms. The only difference now is he no longer has such a heavy burden on his shoulders. And with that being the case, she's quite happy for him.
• Zelda spent a lot of time thinking about what the Deku Tree told her when she returned the Master Sword to its pedestal. Perhaps she's waiting for the right time to say what was on her mind... Or perhaps she already has?
• Zelda is a bit too... Experimental with cooking elixirs. Link encourages this, even if it makes him die a little inside whenever she makes dubious food instead. He'll eat it anyway.
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The duo that accidentally got themselves for eternity. Whether they realize it or not, they doomed themselves to always meet again regardless of how they may part. This would probably make them overjoyed, though, if it weren't for all the suffering their new destinies may come with. Some more headcanons:
• Link likes to carve little wooden statuettes for Zelda on special occasions, and she likes to sew things for him. Perhaps she's made him a crimson cloak like the Chosen Hero in the manga by Akira Himekawa?
• Zelda may sometimes have trouble keeping a grasp on herself with suddenly having all of Hylia's lifetime in the depths of her memories. Link never says it directly, but he takes every action to remind her that she's still their Zelda.
• Link confessed his love to Zelda on the statue after they decided to remain in the surface, using a similar buildup that she did while they were riding on their loftwings at the beginning of SS.
• All of the Links and Zeldas after them are reincarnated forms of them in some way. This headcanon is also why I ship these two at every given opportunity. They will always reunite to save Hyrule, no matter what- but they will also reunite to find each other once again.
• Groose accidentally third-wheels a lot but they just allow it and let him hang around. They're all buddies, after all.
• Sometimes, they'll just sit outside and Link will listen to Zelda sing. Occasionally, he'll borrow her harp and play along with her song.
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I know they aren't canon in the Child Timeline, but I can't help but love OoT Zelink. I like to imagine that somewhere in the LoZ universe, there's a timeline where Link refuses to be sent back in time and rather chooses to help restore Hyrule without leaving the one he saved behind. Usually, when I draw OoT Zelink, it's under this context. HCs:
• Link actually had a minor crush on Zelda during the events of OoT. They were just little kids, after all, so of course he found himself wanting to impress the princess when they met.
• After losing her own father to Ganondorf, Zelda is quick to comfort Link when he finally confides in her that the Deku Tree was like a father to him and the Kokiri before he withered. Some days, it is easy to think about what they lost and feel remorseful. But even so, they know they must carry on in hopes that the future for those after them is a brighter one.
• Link was going to return the Ocarina of Time, but Zelda let him keep it. Some days, when they aren't busy with restoration efforts, they'll play a duet. Zelda has even taught him some more songs.
• Zelda will occasionally teach Link the combat that was taught to her by Impa, usually techniques unique to the Sheikah Tribe. He finds himself struggling to be as agile, but he's trying. He thinks her skill is pretty admirable, at least.
• Neither is exactly talkative, but they aren't silent either. They balance each other out well in that way.
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The children!!! Telink is adorable in my opinion, even if the pair may not be as outwardly affectionate as some of their counterparts. These little pirates are also super fun to draw! I already have a ton of headcanons with these two mentioned in a previous post, but here are some others:
• After the events of Phantom Hourglass, Link is a bit more cautious with going to explore random stuff they find. He respects Tetra's leadership, but he doesn't want to get her hurt (or turned to stone) again.
• Tetra tends to pick on Link, but every so often will soften up. Link hardly ever notices the shift, as this is just how the two are. They bug each other, sure, but they're the other's closest friend and trust each other more than anything.
• Link has convinced Tetra to stop stealing from innocent people, since it's a bad influence on Aryll when she's around. Tetra sort of made fun of him for it, at first, poking at him for not wanting to upset his grandma. However, she... Went with it, anyway, since he sort of had a point. They only steal from their enemies now!
• They have an ongoing arm-wrestling competition and rematches will start spontaneously and without warning. The victor changes so often that the rest of the crew has started betting on who will win at a given time.
• Tetra and the crew increasingly visits Outset Island more and more because they all think Link's grandma is really nice and they're all deprived of parental figures. This is nice and all, but every time they leave they find out Tetra has helped Aryll sneak into the ship (at Aryll's request) and they have to turn back around so nobody gets worried that she vanished. Tetra doesn't intend for Aryll to stick around, she just finds it funny.
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Another personal favorite of mine, Spirit Tracks! These two are hard NOT to ship, with how much you can see them bonding over the course of the game. And the fact Link blushes almost every time she makes contact with him.
• These two are one of those pairs who very clearly have mutual feelings for each other, but no one can ever tell if they're actually together or even aware of these feelings.
• Link, while conducting, will occasionally drift off into daydreams about the next time him and Zelda will get to go on their own little adventure (although preferably not one with the world at stake this time). Alfonzo usually has to make him snap out of it and pay attention to the railroad.
• They like to make time to see each other, but if they can't in a given week for any reason they'll send letters to one another. Link's a little less literate than Zelda, but she manages to read his handwriting decently enough.
• Zelda is really affectionate. She's quick to high-fives, hugs, that sort of thing. Link doesn't mind, but he gets as pink as a rose quite often. Everyone finds him to be rather see-through.
• At Zelda's request, Link has begun teaching her to properly use a sword like she did as a Phantom.
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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pikahlua · 2 years
Reading some of your comments, I've been thinking about why I dropped MHA a while a go as a Bakguou fan. I'm not sure if you want to hear it but you were asking anon to tell you the reasons why they think Bakugou's character arc isn't working for them so I'll say what I think. I think it's Deku. I personally always liked Bakugou and despised Deku from start. I liked Bakugou when he was bad and didn't even want development. If Horikoshi could separate them instead I would've loved MHA a lot more.
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First of all, let me point out what an immaculate ask this is. I love it. This is exactly what I was asking for. You have perfectly expressed your feelings without saying anything to provoke or upset me. I have every respect for your opinion despite not sharing the same opinion, and I would have this ask stand as a monument and example of perfection to the world. Kudos, friend.
Now, since you offered your opinion, I will respond to it with my thoughts. I hope to do so just as respectfully as you have.
So I feel for you. I did not “despise Izuku from the start” as you have, but I have come to a point in the story where I’m feeling that frustration with how slowly his character is developing, so I understand where a lot of the negative feelings aimed at Izuku particularly lately have been coming from. Even though I like him, I don’t like him nearly as much as I love Katsuki (I think that’s obvious), and while my frustrations haven’t made me STOP liking Izuku, they are still frustrations that can annoy me at times. Additionally, my perspective on the story has changed since I first started watching/reading MHA, and these perspective changes put early story arcs in a new light that highlight Izuku’s character flaws when before I may have missed them. That said, I do love me some character flaws, so I wouldn’t say that made me dislike Izuku either.
And this is such a weird thing to say, but I kinda like that you despise Izuku. XD I don’t know what it is exactly about Izuku that you dislike, but if it’s anything other than “he’s just too whiny” like I’ve had to deal with in every fandom for decades, I have even more respect for you. Aside from character flaws, Izuku does have a few traits that can be gratingly annoying on occasion, and while they’re not bad enough to make me feel the need to air my grievances, I won’t deny that they exist. I think some of that is just by virtue of him being a shounen protagonist--some tropes are unavoidable.
Now, here’s the part where I have to speculate, because I don’t fully know what you mean by how you “liked Bakugou when he was bad and didn’t even want development.” To me, Bakugou “was bad” in two ways during the early parts of the story. One of those ways was how he plainly rejected norms and acted confrontational with everyone regardless of the situation (season 1 and season 2, basically), and I can absolutely understand why you would want more of that. But then there’s the plainly unhero-like behavior from, say, episode 1, which is a moment I treasure for what it means in his story but is not behavior I would want to see continued from that point because that would leave Katsuki stagnant and unable to demonstrate his actual heroism.
Now, that said, you claim to not want any “development” from Katsuki, which...I also don’t know exactly what you mean. Do you want his character PERSONALITY not to change? Or do you want his story character to remain static. I’m not sure. I can understand (but don’t necessarily agree with) the former feeling, but I definitely don’t agree with the latter. Katsuki’s character development, especially as begun in his Starting Line episode, was exactly the initial draw to Katsuki for me. I have already alluded to how sick I’ve become of lancer rival characters regressing after learning a lesson in other posts.
I can’t help but laugh (respectfully) at what I perceive to be the potential result of your desire to have Izuku and Katsuki separated. What you’re expressing sounds to me like you would actually prefer a story in which Katsuki is the main character. That’s the major effect of splitting these two characters up like you’re suggesting. And I can totally understand THAT desire, because Katsuki is the main character of my heart (looool). But I also have enough experience with narratives to know that one of the reasons I love Katsuki as much as I do, the reason Katsuki is allowed to be the character he is in so many ways, is precisely because he’s NOT the main character. Remember what I said earlier about some of Izuku’s annoying traits stemming from the fact that he’s the protagonist? Yeah, I don’t want any of that crap getting on my precious Katsuki Bakugou. Izuku is a shield protecting Katsuki’s character from getting bogged down in that protagonist bullshit, because Katsuki IS the formulaic main character of a shounen anime who doesn’t have to do any of that shounen anime protagonist bullshit because someone else is doing it for him. That’s a little too detailed of a discussion for me to go into right now, but that’s the summation of my feelings for that.
You say some things about wanting to watch Katsuki struggle and win as the underdog and fight and earn respect, and I think you’re justified in wanting those things for him. In my opinion, that’s exactly what we get from MHA. He hasn’t been given any help in those regards--everything he’s achieved he did so on his own. The ways in which Izuku has been involved have been as Katsuki’s inspiration in some situations. But that seems to be your sticking point, which I certainly can’t help you with or would even want to try to talk you out of. You don’t like Izuku, so your feelings make sense. For me, it’s more like the Izuku that inspires Katsuki is a symbol more than Izuku the person. Katsuki is seeing the things he needs to see in Izuku (not the full picture of Izuku) in order to push him in the areas he needs to improve. And when it comes to Katsuki’s fights and whatnot, I’ve said before I don’t think people should ONLY want him to have cool fights, but I do understand the desire to want to see one on occasion. It’s just that that feeling in me gets squashed every time I think about what Katsuki is in this story. He’s already a top fighter. No fight he wins will ever look like an underdog overcoming the odds because he’s been a combat savant from the beginning. The underdog aspect comes into play when he’s rescuing someone. It would be a far more amazing underdog moment for Katsuki to save someone like Tenko Shimura when it feels like that’s something Izuku, the rescue savant, wants to do, especially when the story seems to imply Izuku is destined to do so. So I guess in this way I’m getting those things fulfilled for me that you feel aren’t being fulfilled for you. And it’s gonna make sense then why I’m still into the story where you’re not. I hope you do get those feelings fulfilled in some other part of the story or in another story altogether then.
I do think Katsuki interacts with other characters, but I can understand why many people feel like it’s not enough. (That said, I think ALL the characters could stand to interact a bit more than they do, but at least we don’t feel like it’s TOO MUCH instead I guess.) It does seem like that’s an unfortunate consequence of the story coming to an end when Horikoshi seems to be running out of steam. I hope he gets to have all the scenes and moments he wanted in his story at least. And we will always have fanfic for those moments we didn’t get in the story proper.
Your not wanting Izuku to gain from Katsuki’s victories is...a very individualistic perspective (no, I do NOT mean you are being selfish). Like, there are individualistic- vs communal-focused societies, and many western countries tend to skew more individualistic whereas many eastern countries skew communal. Japan for sure is one of those communal-focused societies, and many of their stories will reflect this, such as in themes where “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Shounen loves its themes of friendship, comradery, and teamwork, so MHA was always destined to have a fair bit of that in it. I’d warn you a lot of Japanese stories will be like that, but I do wonder if you’ve had an anime you felt did give you want you want before. I personally don’t see Izuku’s wins as Katsuki’s losses--Katsuki has always in some fashion desired Izuku, which may have manifested as jealousy or yearning for friendship or comradery (or whatever, depending on who all you readers are). If you didn’t like that about him from the outset, I’m afraid you were long doomed for latter parts of the story. I’m not gonna say anything that will make you feel better about the likely ending to MHA in that regard. I happen to like where things are going (at least the things I can TELL about it, since I’m guessing as much as anyone else about it).
(And I mean, calling what Katsuki did to Izuku “mellow for an anime character” is its own can of worms. We don’t even really know enough about their childhood and middle school years prior to 9th grade to be able to comment definitively on any of that, I would think. I will say though it’s not anyone’s job to attack or defend Katsuki for any of that in a conversation with anyone else. You can take what you need to from that situation.)
Again, thank you for your thoughts! I really appreciate them, especially because they actually provided me a constructive point of discussion and some meaningful insight into opinions like yours. You’re always welcome to send more asks! A+ Anon Award!
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faulty-writes · 2 years
You’re such an angeeeellll, can you write for the second idea you mentioned to me? The Yule ball one? I totally loved it and since I’m feeling really emotional (my eyes watered when I read about the reader because I found myself on her soooo muuuchhh) I just got giggly imagining myself with Shoto in that situation (I even have my own OC for bnha but I don’t know how to draw and did t find a way to so I don’t have an image of her) Have a nice day ☺️💜
[ I get to use my cute banner again, why is Shoto so cute? I don't understand, haha. So for those who may not have seen, this request is part of one I had suggested in response to the lovely todoroki-vivian's ask. To summarize, this story is about Shoto comforting the reader during a dance-related celebration of heroes. The reader happens to be a low-ranking hero and is a wallflower at the event until Shoto decides to ask them for a dance. I might have made this slightly longer than my other requests, but once I started writing I couldn't stop. ]
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Soft music continued to fill the air and the shadows of dancing silhouettes just barely reached you. A sigh passed your lips as you continued to press your back against the wall, somewhat grateful you were hidden away from everyone else.
You were somewhat "forced" to attend the Hero Throwback Ball which was created to celebrate how far heroes have come over the centuries and honor the individuals who made powerful impacts or movements that paved the way for hero society.
Unfortunately, despite being a graduate of Yuuei. You were a piss poor hero who ranked low on the hero board. Many didn't even know your name or worse, made fun of you despite the fact you really tried doing some good in the world.
But villains always escaped your grasp somehow and recently you found yourself slipping up more than usual, this always seemed to happen during your confrontations with said villains. Of course, you could thank your anxiety for that.
Negative thoughts and doubts would begin to take over your mind as you attempted to fight off whatever villain. Eventually, you'd end up injuring yourself or you'd try to use your quirk, only for it to "backfire" and for the villain to escape.
It was no wonder you were referred to as the "villain helper" rather than an actual hero. Maybe it was just your paranoia, but you swore you only received the event invitation as a form of mockery. So maybe it was better that you were out of sight.
'It's not like anyone would ask the lowest ranking hero to dance...' you thought bitterly, crossing your arms. Yet you couldn't help but wonder if your old classmates would try looking for you. "Mm..." maybe that was hoping for too much.
"Todoroki-kun!" Izuku said cheerfully, "y-you're here too, that's great!" Shoto hummed before turning to face Izuku aka 'Deku' the number one hero. Katsuki was number two, and Shoto took his place as the number three hero in Japan.
He knew that his ranking somewhat disappointed his father and that people expected more from the former number one hero's son. But Shoto could care less about ranking, his main goal was to use his quirks to help others, not to capture all the fame.
"Midoriya..." he replied, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Todoroki!" came Uraraka's voice seconds later and Shoto immediately noticed she was dragging Tenya along with her. "Ah..." he replied, raising one hand to greet the two of them.
"Apologies, Ochako was rather eager to say hello before we departed to the dance floor," Tenya explained in his normal matter-of-fact tone. "Mmhm!" she confirmed with a nod, tightening her grip on his arm. "Heh..." Izuku gave a pity smile and scratched the side of his head.
"I'm n-not much of a dancer so Iida volunteered," he explained half-heartedly. "I'm afraid even if that were not the present circumstance, I could not refuse one's invitation to dance," Tenya added before pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.
"Are you going to dance too Todoroki-kun?" Uraraka questioned with a smile. "After all," she said tilting her head, "it is a celebration and you can't just hide away like you usually do," she knew Shoto tended to be quiet and reserved in social situations.
"Mm," he replied, not exactly one to start arguments. "I'll be watching you!" she warned with a pointed finger before turning to Tenya. "Let's go!" she said cheerfully. "Ah, yes," he replied before looking back at Shoto.
"I do hope we can speak later," he said as Uraraka guided him to the dance floor. Izuku and Shoto watched as they disappeared, the dance floor itself looked rather crowded but Shoto found an odd comfort in the gentle melody that echoed through the air.
He took an extra moment to observe the way others were dancing, how close they were and how they embraced each other. Keeping their hands together or their arms wrapped around their dance partner. 'I wonder...' he thought before his attention shifted to Izuku.
"Who else is here?" he questioned bluntly, somewhat catching the green-haired man off guard. "Huh, oh well..." he paused, lightly tapping his chin as he thought. "Kacchan, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, uh...m-most of our old class," he answered, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
Shoto narrowed his eyes. "What about Y/n?" he asked. "Uh..." Izuku looked dumbfounded and took a moment to recall if he had seen you or not. He knew the trouble you had found yourself in lately and frowned as he replied, "I...I don't know if they're here..." before glancing around.
"I...I know they h-haven't had the best ranking lately and...m-maybe they thought it best to...decline the i-invitation?" he suggested despite knowing that the answer wouldn't satisfy Shoto. "I'll find them, thank you...Midoriya," he said leaving a baffled Izuku behind as he walked away.
"I wonder why Todoroki-kun wants to find Y/n..." he muttered to himself. You slumped your shoulders, continuing to stare at the floor with a frown. 'I should have stayed home...' you thought, somewhat feeling sorry for yourself.
Your eyes began to water causing you to furiously wipe them with the back of your hand. The last thing you needed was more negative attention, yet you couldn't help but feel utterly useless. Before you could dive too far into this wave of self-pity, you heard someone speak your name.
It seemed so out of the blue and your head snapped up at attention. Your breath hitched when you saw two different colored eyes staring at you and there was only one person they could possibly belong to. "S-Shoto!?" you exclaimed, feeling your face immediately flush.
However, you quickly came back to your senses and frantically wiped your eyes, hoping he didn't notice that you had almost cried. "W-what are you doing here, or uh...h-how did you see me?" you questioned, moving your hands about nervously.
But this didn't seem to bother Shoto who merely replied with a "Hm?" and continued to keep his eyes locked on yours. He noticed that they looked moist, and though it was possible that there was something in the air, no one else seemed to have irritated eyes.
'I know they h-haven't had the best ranking lately' Izuku's words rang through his head, 'maybe they thought it best to...decline the i-invitation' well at least that part wasn't true, but he wasn't sure if that put him at ease because something was clearly bothering you.
The fact that you tried hiding in the shadows was enough of a red flag, but as Uraraka mentioned, he too had a tendency to isolate himself from others. "Uh..." you blinked, wondering why he hadn't said anything. Luckily the music filled the space of awkward silence.
"Dance?" he suddenly said, making your eyes go wide. "W-what?" you replied with your mouth hanging agape and a confessed expression on your features. "Dance?" he repeated in a robotic-like fashion, not knowing how to properly ask someone such a thing.
Panic washed over you causing your hands to press against your stomach which twisted into knots. Dance?! With Shoto!? Oh no, no, no! Just the thought of how you would mess up cemented your response.
"No!" you exclaimed before clasping your hands over your eyes, feeling your heart begin to race, and the urge to go and find another safe spot grew. "Hm..." Shoto leaned back, pressing his lips into a thin line.
"Is something wrong?" he questioned, he thought you would be happy to dance. Maybe it would make you feel better and forget your troubles, at least that's what he had learned since forming bonds and friendships with those at Yuuei.
"W-why..." you lowered your hands which were trembling furiously, "why do you want to dance with me!?" you squeaked out, feeling yourself growing short of breath due to the anxiety that now riddled your body.
Shoto noticed this but answered your question first. "I'm a wallflower too..." he replied, confusing you all the more. You violently shook your head, balling your shaky hands into fists. "No, no, no!" you replied once again.
"I-I'll only mess up again and...t-trip all over the place and then people will laugh and I m-might hurt you a-and..." you glanced to the side, continuing to breathe rapidly. Your mind was racing with a million more ways you could continue to deny Shoto.
Then a loud sound echoed next to your ear and you turned your head only to notice Shoto had firmly pressed his hand against the wall. "W-wha..." your breathing came to a halt as you turned back only to feel your heart accelerate at how close Shoto's face was to yours now.
You knew Shoto didn't have the best social skills, and neither did you, but didn't he know about personal space? "You won't hurt me," he assured before leaning back and moving the hand that was pressed against the wall to once again hold it out in front of you.
You latched onto your bottom lip noticing that the music almost seemed to be getting louder, like it was taunting you just as the dancing silhouettes did earlier. "Mm..." you looked at Shoto before leaning to the side.
The couples on the dance floor looked so happy, and you felt a sting of jealousy knowing they could so easily engage with others socially and that they had someone to be so physically close with. You frowned and slowly pressed yourself back against the wall.
'Can I really...be as confident as them...being who I am?' you thought before noticing that Shoto had moved his hand closer which caused you to look up at him once more. His facial expression held no judgment, not even the slightest hint of anger that you were taking far too long to accept his dance.
'It's not like anyone would ask the lowest ranking hero to dance...' your own words echoed in your head and your hand slowly began to move. 'But...' you laid your palm in his and watched as his fingers so gently closed over the top of your hand.
'Shoto did,' your stomach was still in knots and you tightened your grip when he guided the two of you onto the dance floor. You wiggled your body this way and that, not exactly thrilled about brushing against anyone else.
When the two of you reached the center, he turned to face you and tried to replicate what he saw earlier. He stepped close, pressing his chest against yours which didn't help your already nervous state. "Eep!" you squeaked out when he guided your free hand to his shoulder.
Your face grew hot when his hand came to press itself against the side of your hip, this was accompanied by a tremble that violently coursed through your body. "Are you cold?" he questioned, feeling the way you dug your fingers into his shoulder.
Your throat felt tight and you were almost certain you'd pass out at any moment. You somehow managed to shake your head in response, but he continued to look at you with a blank expression, the same one you had seen for years.
"This is what I saw others doing earlier," he noted and you couldn't help but question the reality of what was happening. Was this real? Were you really cradled so close to Shoto, the number three hero? "U-uh huh..." you managed to say, focusing your attention on his chest rather than his face.
"Do you like it?" he questioned making you yet again tremble which caused him to ask, "Are you sure you are not cold?" seconds later. You nodded before swallowing hard. "I...I uh...i-it's fine!" you somewhat hoped no one heard the panic in your voice over the music.
"Okay," Shoto replied as he began to sway gently back and forth, but your feet barely moved. In fact, your upper body did most of the work following along with his motions. You squeezed your eyes shut, hearing those doubtful thoughts once again plague your mind.
How did the two of you look to others? Were you making Shoto look silly? After all, he could be dancing with someone who actually knew what they were doing. Someone that would make him look good. Not you, not a hero ranked so low you were considered a waste of space.
Once again your eyes began to water and though you didn't want to, you buried your face into his chest seeing as it was the only place you could hide away from the crowd. He came to a brief pause and looked down, slightly confused about what you were doing before he heard a soft sniffle.
He resumed swaying back and forth, being careful not to bump into the other couples that were around. "Why..." you squeaked out, almost feeling bad that the few tears that ran down your cheeks soaked into the front of Shoto's tux.
"Hm?" he tilted his head, continuing to look at the top of your head. "W-why did you ask me to dance with you?" the words left your mouth in a soft and slightly broken tone. "Because I wanted to," came his immediate response.
You frowned and slowly lifted your head to look at him, bringing your hand from his shoulder to his chest. "Why would you w-want to dance with...a l-low ranking hero? I-I'm not even a hero I'm just..." a sigh escaped you.
"Just a...screw up," it was Shoto's turn to frown. You thought so little of yourself because of your ranking? If that were true, then why did you accept the invitation? He couldn't seem to come up with the answer, but you needed to see how important you truly were.
"Hm?" Uraraka lifted her head from Tenya's shoulder. "Hey is that Shoto and Y/n?" she asked with a pointed finger which caused Tenya to turn his head briefly. "Ah, I believe so," he replied, turning back to look at her.
Uraraka smiled and began to wave her hand, trying to catch Shoto's attention seeing as you had buried your face into his chest for the second time. Shoto immediately noticed the movement from the corner of his eye and tore his attention away from you momentarily.
He returned Uraraka's smile before once again looking at you, furrowing his brow. He then looked back at his friends before gently guiding the two of you over to them. Your face remained buried in his chest the whole while.
He brushed against Tenya before leaning over to whisper something into his ear. "That's quite an extensive request," Tenya replied as Uraraka looked at him with a confused expression, but then her eyes settled on you and a frown came to her face.
It wasn't that hard to tell something was wrong, but she assumed whatever Shoto had whispered to Tenya was going to solve the dilemma you were going through. "Huh?" she looked back when Tenya came to a stop and released his hold on her.
"However, it would be an honor to help you," he said to Shoto. "Iida, what's going on?" she questioned. "Please allow me a moment, I believe what I am about to announce will answer your question," he replied before raising one hand.
"Attention!" he exclaimed, his voice easily being heard over the music and causing your head to snap back up like it had moments prior. "What's going on!?" you questioned, looking at Shoto however his attention was focused on Tenya and you followed his gaze to the man in question.
"Please clear the dance floor, Shoto would like to perform a dance with his fellow hero Y/n!" under normal circumstances everyone would have remained where they were, but considering most of them respected Shoto they followed through with what he wanted.
You watched everyone begin to evacuate the dance floor and trembled yet again. Your face grew hot knowing there were now multiple sets of eyes on you, why would Shoto do this? Part of you was angry and quick to assume he was only doing this for one reason.
So everyone had a front-row seat to watch you screw something else up. However, your assumptions were proved wrong when Shoto leaned down and whispered, "You deserve to be in the spotlight too," into your ear causing your jaw to drop.
He then reached down to grab your hand which was still fisted into the front of his tux. "Follow my lead," he instructed, and though you didn't quite understand what he meant before you could even blink he took off running.
"Ah!" you couldn't help but holler as your feet desperately tried to keep up with him. "Shoto!" you cried out when you suddenly found yourself being twirled multiple times all while continuing to move around the dance floor.
Your vision was spinning by the time he wrapped one arm around your waist and the other around your legs, lifting you just enough to see the crowd and their eyes. The very same ones that were causing you anxiety just moments before.
They looked fascinated, intrigued even at this strange dance Shoto was performing with you. Another cry came when you felt him let go causing you to panic for a few seconds before he once again caught you. His arm still remained around your waist and the one he had used to wrap around your legs was now holding them apart.
It was a tad awkward to be facing sideways, especially as he proceeded to spin around as if he were a figure skater. But despite this and the fact that you were getting a little nauseous, a nervous chuckle left your mouth just seconds before he let go of your legs.
You instantly turned your body, grasping onto his shoulder which slightly cushioned the impact your feet had once they reached the floor again. Then Shoto resumed running, pulling you along with him as the two of you rounded the perimeter of the dance floor.
You found yourself laughing as he guided you into another spin, the two of you interlocking your hands and fingers as the world around you grew blurry. Yet, you could still hear the slightly distorted cheering and music that filled the air.
For a brief moment, you seemed to forget your troubles. Your anxiety was completely pulled from your mind and your stomach seemed to settle though you noticed an odd feeling of warmth growing from deep within. Was this what everyday heroes felt like?
Since becoming a hero, no one really cheered for you. No one ever said 'thanks for saving me' or 'you're my hero' to you. But now, they were cheering and maybe it was partly due to Shoto. Still, the feeling was intoxicating and you wouldn't mind if you got more of it.
You continued to follow Shoto, leaping and twirling around every inch of the empty space laid before you. When you reached the center, the rest of the dance floor was cast in darkness and the only source of light was the circle that illuminated yourself and Shoto.
Of course, you didn't have much time to question who was responsible for working the lights. But you swore you saw a few sparks in the distance beyond the dance floor which illuminated a certain blond headed-boy who was known for his electricity quirk.
Your lips parted, and you briefly wondered how many of your past classmates were in on this. "Whoa!" you cried out when Shoto grasped your hips causing your hands to naturally grab onto his shoulders as you were once again lifted into the air.
You looked at him in shock, though you didn't miss the fact that he was wearing a smile and the way he looked at you was as if he were witnessing a star in the making. But you didn't have much time to appreciate his gaze as you cast in total darkness for a few seconds.
He lowered you back onto your feet and you hissed as the dance floor suddenly lit up again. The crowd's clapping, whistling, and cheering grew louder. "Whoo! Go Shoto and Y/n!" Uraraka screamed as she continued to jump and down.
"That was quite an unusual but impressive dance routine," Tenya commented as he grasped his chin, ignoring the ringing in his ears due to the continued noise around him. You briefly glanced over the fellow heroes who seemed to now be looking at you with amazement.
"Heh..." your heart was still racing and that tinge of nerves still coursed through your body. Yet, despite this, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around Shoto. Embracing him in a hug, though his body stiffened at the contact.
You ignored this reaction and uttered a quiet, "Thank you," which made him look at you confused. But then a smile came to his face and his body seemed to relax once again. "You're welcome," he replied before returning the hug.
He'd have to remember to thank Tenya and whoever else happened to help him accomplish giving you the confidence you needed to believe in yourself because no matter how low or high the hero board claimed you to be, you would always be an incredible person to him.
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oshiawaseni · 3 years
That Twitter thread about how bkdk have different kanji for “saving” hitting me different today
One boy implies saving the helpless, relieving them of their suffering:
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While the other thinks of assisting and lifting/supporting people up:
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I feel like there’s a little love language going on between them in the subtext we don’t know about because we don’t read the japanese kanjified version and that is: that they both save each other in the way they each view what saving someone means.
We’ve gotten Kacchan mentally supporting Izuku and then reassurance combined with dashing to ‘lift him up’ in the physical sense too and I truly believe that’s related to how his “save” is spelled, so I think Izuku still needs to relieve Kacchan of his mental angst too to come full circle with this theme of how they save each other. Because whereas it was Izuku needing support not long ago, Kacchan’s mind has also been suffering from their past for a long time and will need more of Izuku’s assurance.
Izuku hasn’t said anything to him other than ‘you don’t have to force yourself to call me Izuku (you can use Deku)’ and that’s not really helpful or what Kacchan wants, because Kacchan wants to be closer to Izuku which is (in large part) why he’s started saying his name in the first place. So I’m waiting in limbo for what’s next that will draw them closer again.
In summary if Horikoshi-sensei don’t feed my bkdk brain with some more comfort fic soon (and give Katsuki more comfort) I will just have to write the Kacchan comfort fic myself haha. 
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linkspooky · 3 years
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The Hands that Will Save the League
In chapter 321 we're reminded once again of the reoccurring motif of hands reaching out to save someone in need, especially with the double spread close-up of Iida's hands reaching for Deku's hands. I couldn't help but think how this could apply to the league of villains. Hand symbolism has always been associated with Shigaraki (duh), both in the fact that his hands destroy everything they touched, and also his reason for being a villain stems from the fact that not a single hand reached out to save him that day. However, we've also had another character in the league with hands drawn up close and personal reaching out to save the others: spinner.
1. Just an Empty Cosplayer
I'm not the first one to make this observation. @codenamesazanka pointed this out long before me, especially in regards to Spinner's importance to the league, but basically, Spinner's role is that despite being a teenage mutant ninja turtle he's also the everyman of the league. He's not connected to the main conflict of the story by bloodline or legacy, the way Shigaraki, Dabi, and Compress are. He's not someone with an incredibly powerful or deviant quirk like Twice or Toga. He is a victim, but he doesn't have the elaborate villain backstories of Twice, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga.
He literally is just some guy with a lizard quirk. He has the weakest quirk in the league and the weakest reason for why he joined the league. Spinner faces societal abuse because of his quirk, but what spurred him to action was seeing Stain appear on TV, and a desire to be a less empty person than he was before. Spinner was pushed, he was rejected by society, but I would say as an inverse to the league who are driven by extraordinary circumstances, Spinner is basically an every man who drives himself to keep up with the rest of the league despite seemingly lacking everything "special" they have.
And I believe this every man quality, and this drive Spinner has is what's going to be the key to piecing the league back together. It's because Spinner sees himself as so far behind the rest of the league, and so much less special than they are, that he's driven to try to understand them.
Not only is Spinner a member who has tried to understand every member of the league in one way or another, Spinner is also someone who similiar to Sihgaraki foils every single character in the league despite just being an everyman.
2. Spinner and Toga
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While Spinner and Toga may not have the same level of development to their interactions as Twice and Toga, Spinner reaches out to her once but not twice, and there are a lot of parallels you can draw between the characters.
Both Spinner and Toga joined the league for the same reason, an empty admiration for Stain, without really caring about Stain's ideals. Toga admires Stain because he's covered in blood and fighting for something and she wants to become more like the people she admires, Spinner because he saw himself as pathetic for hiding in his room all day and when he saw Stain taking a stand trying to change the whole world on his own he wanted to become that way too. Which means both of them have a tendency to want to become more like the people they admire, because their own sense of personal identity is so weak.
Himiko and Spinner both define themselves by the way society has rejected them. Spinner has internalized the idea that he's an empty person who can't accomplish anything on his own, every terrible thing other people said about him due to his heteromorph quirk he accepted it. At the same time, Toga was somebody born with a "dangerous quirk" who was told to repress it and then did that living under a fake identity as a normal school girl that would please her parents and the people around her for as long as she could. Both Toga and Spinner are taught by the society around them to be self-loathing and to repress themselves because of their quirks. They're also characters who are both defined by a desire for release.
When Spinner asks if Toga still wants to be in the league because of Stain and she responds, Now I wanna become everyone I love. Spinner comments, "You're so free."
Spinner and Toga both claim they joined the league because of love for another person, they both loved and admired some aspect of Stain, but their real reason for joining, or at least the reason they stay is that deep down both of them desire the freedom to be themselves. Toga wrapping her desires up in language like love for other people, and wanting to become them, is because deep down she believes because of her quirk there's no one who would accept her for herself, as the normal girl she believes she is, no one will let her live as Toga thus she tries to become other people. It's the same for Spinner, who believes he can't be anything other than the Lizard Freak, so he too tries to dress himself up and become a Stain Cosplayer. It's only through the league's acceptance that Toga and Spinner slowly begin to learn that they are good enough on their own, just as themselves, and their priorities begin to shift.
3. Spinner and Twice
Twice and Spinner have several backstory parallels already. They are both characters affected by poverty, Spinner lived in a backwater town plagued by old views of heteromorph quirks, Twice lost his parents and began working to support himself at a young age before becoming homeless. Spinner and Twice were also both labeled in a way that stuck with them, after Twice got a criminal charge in an accident on his permanent record he couldn't find another job after being labeled deviant. Spinner was labeled as a deviant because of his quirk and the idea that he's a lizard freak has always stuck with him the same way that Twice has internalized the idea that "bad people don't get saved."
They also both chose to isolate themselves because of the circumstances they faced. Twice's first response to homelessness was to decide to never trust anybody but himself, and he became a criminal who pulled off heists with only clones of himself as team members until that stopped working for him. Spinner's response was also to shut himself away in his room and become a NEET. They both cut themselves off to the society that labeled them as unacceptable, but in the process they also cut themselves off from other people and became unable to trust others.
While they have major backstory parallels, I believe the greatest parallel between them is going to be that Spinner will inherit that role that Twice had for the league. While Shigaraki is the leader, Twice more than anybody else believed the League to be a family, and encouraged everyone to be friendly with one another.
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It's Twice more than anyone else who emphasizes the bond of the league, that they're all strays, that they need to take care of each other and save each other. It's Twice who urges Shigaraki to save Giran because he's one of them. He makes the unspoken bond of the league as a group of miscreants into a spoken one, because Twice wants those things, he's well aware of the fact that he wants trust and acceptance and came to the league to find those things. This is the greatest thing that ties Spinner and Twice's characters together, because they both view themselves as worthless, they define themselves by how they help the other members of the league.
Twice's death so far isn't something that has been really capitalized on by the plot, Hawks has yet to face consequences, we haven't gotten to see much of the league's reaction because they were scattered soon afterwards. However, if Twice's death is going to cause development eventually I believe it will be in the vacuum in the league created now that Twice is gone. There is no longer someone who is urging all of them to be together. Twice's death causes most of the league to become less stable. Toga goes on a killing spree, Dabi attacks Hawks, Compress tries to kill himself in a heroic sacrifice, Shigaraki hasn't gotten the chance to react yet but he's also gotten worse considering he's currently possessed. You could even say that Twice's death has caused other characters to double down on their worst habits.
Dabi's worst habit is that he acts separately from the league and refuses to participate in the group dynamic, believing himself to be a solo avenger. Dabi not trusting or telling the league what he was planning on doing with Hawks, as a consequence of his decision to play solo avenger, caused Twice to trust Hawks which led to his death. Hawks was the one who killed him but Dabi played a part, and when Twice dies Dabi obviously reacts to it, but also his decision is to double down on his bad habit, insisting he's only using the league and he doesn't care about the rest of the group. Toga also doubles down on her bad habit, she runs away from the rest of the league and insists she's only doing this for the freedom to do whatever she pleases, not because you know Twice got killed right in front of her. Compress's arc is less pronounced, but he also does, in fact, try to kill himself in a grand heroic sacrifice for the rest of the league.
When twice dies the league begins to fall apart and everyone acts on their individual worst flaws, ignoring that they were always stronger together as a group. However, there is still one person who wanted the exact same thing Twice did, to be trusted, to belong to a group. This is most likely the role that Spinner is going to grow to, someone who is trusted by everyone in the group.
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Notably, when Toga is about to run away it's Spinner who reminds her that the league is a place for them to come back to. Toga who was probably the closest to Twice and spiraling the worst because of his death, and Toga and Twice's friendship was the first time we really saw how much of a "bond" the league had formed with one another, because in the camp arc they barely cooperated, only begrudgingly. It's Spinner who who emphasizes that even though everyone in the league is doing this for individualism "doing what they want" that they are also together as a group. Spinner is set to inherit Twice's role as the heart, because one he tries to understand other people in the league making the effort to reach out, and two Spinner is aware of what he wants just like Twice he wants to be trusted by the rest of the group.
4. Spinner and Dabi
This one is a little bit harder because Dabi's character arc really hasn't started yet. We have just now gotten to the reveal of who he is and what his motivations are, after it being a mystery for so long. However unlike the rest of the league, we haven't really seen how Dabi has reacted and changed by becoming a part of the group. Even if his motivation isn't "I'm only using them" and deep down he really does care, I don't think he's even realized yet that he does care or that he's not just using them. Dabi still believes himself to be alone, and therefore he's still isolated from the rest of the league and flying his revenge quest solo even though he's really not.
In that case, the biggest parallel between Spinner and Dabi is that they both had to be won over by the league. They both joined because of admiration for Stain, probably because Dabi genuinely believed in Stain's ideals of taking down impure heroes because it fit his own agenda so well, whereas Spinner is a self-proclaimed empty cosplayer.
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Spinner, however, has already gone through an arc where he was dissatisfied with his reasons for joining the league and didn't believe he belonged with the rest of the group. He didn't have anything to love like Toga. He didn't know yet he wanted friends he could trust like Twice already did. He doesn't have a strong backstory motivation like Compress, or Dabi or even knows what he wants out of society. However, the entirety of MVA is Spinner letting himself be changed because of his interaction with the group.
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Spinner failed at life, his quirk is worthless and only good for sticking to walls. He also internalized the idea that he himself was a failure, and locked himself inside believing he couldn't accomplish anything on his own. Spinner says he has nothing he loves, and nothing he wants to do. Not only that he feels unloved and unwanted. However, Spinner finds something to love in Shigaraki, even if he can't find a strong sense of individualism and still believes himself to be worthless he becomes motivated to help others. Spinner, the most normal person in the group with the most worthless quirk, becomes the greatest help to Shigaraki, basically once he gets over himself and his preconceived notions of himself. Because, you don't actually have to be a special person or have a strong quirk to be a hero, you have to reach out a hand.
The same way Spinner was won over by the League, Dabi has yet to be won over. However, if that does happen, it's probably going to look like Spinner's arc. Dabi antagonizes Spinner a lot, but they actually have more in common than they do differences. They both have failure quirks, while Dabi has an overwhelming fire quirk he wasn't allowed to use, Spinner is literally just a gecko. They both also were labeled as disappointments and given up on, Enji gave up on Touya, Spinner never had any potential from the start and locked himself away in his room. However, their paths so far have been opposites, Spinner let Shigaraki reach him and became a part of the group, Dabi at every possible opportunity insists he's doing this all alone. He takes every chance he can to separate himself from others. If Dabi's arc is going to be a mirror to Shoto's arc eventually, then someone has to reach him and convince him he can't do this all on his own, and Dabi can only truly find himself when he's part of the group once more. After all, so far Dabi is the one most resistant to change. Toga's goal has changed, Shigaraki's changed, Spinner has changed, even Compress now admits that while they're just a gang of thieves that he cares more about everyone else's dreams than his own. Dabi is still nursing a ten-year grudge against Endeavor and doing everything he can to take him down on his own because he hasn't let the group in. And he won't improve or change until he does let others in.
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5. Spinner and Shigaraki
I love Compress but I'm skipping over him because his arc hasn't been elaborated on yet. If you want a quick summary though, both Spinner and Compress didn't believe the group to be anything more than a gathering of selfish criminals, however, both of them changed because they wanted to see Shigaraki's dream come true. Not only was Shigaraki the one who inspired both of them to change, but also Compress is the one who first sees how close Spinner is to Shigaraki more than anyone else in the group was.
He also sacrifices himself BECAUSE he's come to realize that what he wants more than his own dreams is to see everyone else's dreams come true. I know Compress's backstory is rushed as all hell, but it almost... almost... works because Compress isn't actually doing this because he's Oji Harima's grandson. His motivation changed a long time ago, he just didn't realize it until he was about to lose the league.
There are a few more parallels, they're both dropouts. It's implied that Compress was literally just a retired and failed stage magician before he decided to become a villain. Hopefully we'll become more on that later because the idea of Compress sucking in showbiz so he decided to follow his grandfather's legacy is really awesome. Spinner was a Neet before he saw Stain on television. They also both have more minor quirks, Compress just shrinks people, Spinner sticks to things. They both also are characters who don't seem important at first, but consistently hover around in the background constantly making sure everyone in the group is okay. Compress calls to check up on people, he talks to Dabi a lot, he tries to keep up with everybody in a melee, it's the little things he does that make Compress same for Spinner. They're both cosplaying as legendary villains who are greater than they are, Stein is cosplaying his grandfather, Spinner is cosplaying Stain, but it's unknown whether Compress really cares that much about his grandfather's ideals, I think he cares about the league more. Compress and Spinner are also people who question and try to understand things, Compress lectures the kids that they had their ideals handed down to them for adult, Compress realizes Spinner's importance to Shigaraki before Spinner even did, Compress and Spinner also both try to understand other people's dreams because they're lacking in their own. Spinner doesn't even have a dream, but he's the one who listened to Shigaraki's dream first.
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Now it's been directly said by canon that Spinner and Shigaraki's connection is the most developed, and they are the closest to one another. By developed I mean, it changed over time, when it started out they had almost nothing to do with one another. Spinner was just a rank and file league member that Shigaraki used on the hideout raid. They didn't even get a character introduction scene like Shigarki did with Dabi and Toga.
However, Spinner and Shigaraki's characters are extremely closely tied together. Shigaraki's like the main character of the league, his backstories parallel everyone else's, including the main character of the entire story Deku. He's the one who makes the plans, goes through training arcs, he's the one who the league unites around. However, Spinner actually has all of that too. I just spent a very long time showing how Spinner despite not having an overly complicated backstory has strong parallels to everyone in the league. If Shigaraki is the main character, then Spinner is the everyman / the perspective character, hence why he's the narrator of MVA. Shigaraki is a person of extraordinary circumstance, the symbol of society's oppression who everyone in the league deepy relates to because he's suffered the same way that they have and he accepts them. Whereas, Spinner has suffered because of Hero Society too, he's more like a normal guy who makes an effort to understand everyone around him.
However, Deku wasn't saved by his love interest, or even his childhood friend who is apparently his destined rival, he was saved by Iida trying his best to keep up with him.
Spinner and Shigaraki are both the emotional core of the league in different ways. The league all respects Shigaraki, they rally around his ideas, his dreams are what inspire everybody. However, more and more it's looking like Spinner, ordinary, average, Spinner is working to build emotional connections to everyone in a much more normal way. He talks to Toga and tries to understand her love. He even consoles Toga when twice is gone. He challenges Shigaraki directly to his face. Compress who is always sort of watching the league in the background and checking up on them in little ways notices how hard that Spinner is trying to take care of Shigaraki.
Shigaraki accepts people at their worst and gives them a place to belong, but I think by Spinner's efforts to get to know and understand others, we as an audience are shown how humanizing of a presence that Spinner is on everyone else. Spinner, just being a normal guy, brings out the fact that the rest of the league despite their extraordinary circumstances are deep down just normal people to, who want to be loved normally, and live normally. Spinner literally wakes up Shigaraki, because he remembered the one time that he opened up in front of all of them, and cares enough to try to understand Shigaraki's hurt feelings and what he cares about.
If anything from the last arc in the manga, we're shown at great length, how understanding, reaching out, it all takes effort and it's not as flashy as defeating a villain or rescuing someone from a natural disaster.
Spinner is so important to Shigaraki, because while Shigaraki has given everyone in the group a place where they can be individuals, Shigaraki hasn't realized he himself can be an individual yet. He ultimately, shares the same character flaw as Deku. It's because he's decided that he's going to carry out his dreams for the sake of the league and to create a better future for them, that Shigaraki no longer cares what happens to himself, or about his own future. Everyone talks about Dabi's suicidal nature, but this is something that Shigaraki is challenged on over and over again. What are your motivations. What are your reasons. What do you want to accomplish. He always responds with nothing. There's nothing that he wants, there's nothing worth living for, he only wants to destroy and make a better world for the people who are around him. Shigaraki is the most thoroughly dehumanized character, to the point where he just straight up accepts "god of destruction" because that is at least an identity. Shigaraki needs Spinner and his normalizing influence, because Shigaraki can't see himself as a normal person.
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Shigaraki shares the same character flaw as Deku, he does everything for the sake of others, with no regard to himself, which leads to extreme bouts of self-harming and fighting alone. Shigaraki faced off against Endeavor, and basically all the heroes alone even though he did call for backup. However, even before that Shigaraki made the decision to get dangerous risky surgery that would be like hell, because he believed deep down he wasn't good enough alone. Shigaraki just does not care about himself and is unable to see himself as an individual, which is exactly why he needs someone to care for him and see him that way.
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Shigaraki's greatest challenge to date is that he's been dehumanized so thoroughly, and lost sight of himself to the point where he's lost even his own body autonomy. When Shigaraki is battling for possession of his body as AFO attempts to take total control and make him into a symbol again, denying him his personhood, we're set up directly with Spinner being the one who reminds us that Shigaraki is just a person, who likes video games, and gets along with his friends. It's Spinner who notices right away that AFO is different from Shigaraki and challenges him the same way that he challenged Shigaraki directly in the My VIllain Academia arc. This is all set up most likely, for Spinner being the one to reach out a hand the same way IIDA did, because what Shigaraki needs the most right now, is not a hero who will save him, but rather a normal person who will understand him and remind him that deep down he was just a normal kid too before all of this happened. What Shigaraki is most in need of is a hand that will reach out to him, and Spinner has already done this once putting Nana's hand back on his face when he couldn't wake up, but what he's failed to realize is that it's his own scaly lizard hands that should be doing the reaching out.
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makeste · 3 years
have you noticed in the latest chapter the light is gone from Izuku's eyes? The same way it was gone from Katsuki's between his rescue and Deku vs Kacchan 2 fight. Izuku is hurting inside and im sitting here wondering how long will it be til he hits breaking point
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so I’m late in answering these two asks (got them last week after 309 came out) because a certain someone had his birthday and so I was busy reading fanfic and hunting down gremlin faces, and then 310 came along and so I got distracted with that, and also I just suck at answering asks. but anyways, yes. yes to all of this, and thank you both for pointing this out. like, let’s talk about this. because this is how Deku’s eyes look normally,
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and this is him in the latest chapter.
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first of all, this is really well-played imo, because it’s all about consistency. it’s a very subtle change (or at least I thought it was lol), and the reason it’s so effective is because Horikoshi is so consistent in drawing the “normal” bright-eyed Deku look that you can’t help but notice the change when he suddenly stops. even if you can’t necessarily put your finger on exactly what’s off at first, I think most people definitely got that feeling of something being wrong. and that’s very deliberate.
so why is this important? well because a lot of people’s big fear right now is that the story is tacitly endorsing Deku’s recent choices and painting them as right/correct. namely, people are worried that this whole thing with Deku striking off on his own (because let’s be real, that’s exactly what he’s done; it doesn’t matter that All Might and the Hawksquad are accompanying him, because he’s clearly keeping his distance from them and is ready to give them the slip the moment things get bad) is going to be framed as The Right Decision Which Is Best For Everyone. and for a lot of people, that comes as a betrayal, because up until this point the series has espoused teamwork and trust as core virtues, and what Deku is doing right now is basically the opposite of that.
and this is why little details like the Despondent Eyes of Angst and Despair (or D.E.A.D. eyes for short) are so important -- because they signal to us that this is not the case. they are a very clear visual indicator that in spite of him appearing to have his shit together, Deku is very much not okay right now. like, let me just repeat that one more time: Deku is not fine. Deku is very much not fine here at all. Despondent Eyes of Angst and Despair are not just a little thing to be ignored. D.E.A.D. eyes are a dead giveaway that a character is Going Through It and is not in the right state of mind right now and needs help. but before I start spamming this post with images, let me add a read more cut.
okay, so! case in point,
Nana’s eyes normally:
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vs. Nana’s eyes when she’s talking about potentially killing her grandson in order to defeat AFO:
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Iida’s eyes normally:
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vs. Iida’s eyes when he’s plotting premeditated murder to avenge his brother:
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and again, Deku’s eyes normally:
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vs. Deku’s eyes in chapters 306 through 310:
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Deku’s eyes were still clear all the way up through chapter 305 when he was talking to the Vestiges about wanting to save Tomura. in fact, they were clear af when he was giving his speeches about that, because that light in his eyes always shines brightest when he’s speaking and acting with true conviction. it’s one of the ways the art shows us how determined he is. when Deku talks about saving people no matter what, he’s speaking straight from the heart about one of the core principles of his character, and the look in his eyes reflects that.
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now contrast that against the look in his eyes when he talks about not wanting anyone else to get hurt:
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once you see it, you can’t not see it. it’s Horikoshi’s way of showing that even though it may sound like the Same Old Deku on the surface, it absolutely is not the Deku we’ve come to know and love. something is deeply wrong. even though these might appear to be the same old convictions he’s always had -- protect everyone at all costs -- he’s gone from acting out of belief and principle to acting out of fear. he’s afraid of someone else getting hurt because of him. he’s so afraid that he’s pushing people away left and right to stop it from happening again. and that fear is holding him back, because as long as he’s holding himself apart from everyone else and trying to do it all solo, he’s making the same mistake that All Might once did. no one can bear all of that weight on their shoulders alone. AFO isn’t someone who can be defeated by any one person alone. the only way he’s ever going to be defeated is if the characters hold true to the one ideal that’s at the very core of the series: one for all. the combined strength of many, working together to overcome the selfish, arrogant, limited strength of one.
basically, this right here is why I haven’t been concerned about the story suddenly veering off the rails with this latest development. like, this isn’t Our Lord And Savior Deku being put on a pedestal and worshipped while all the other characters are shoved aside. this is Literally-Still-Just-A-Child Deku having an angst spiral while the distracted adults around him try their best to keep an eye on him but kind of suck at it because there’s too much other stuff going on that they’re also trying to deal with. All Might could be the one to help him in theory, but in practice he’s too accommodating and doesn’t really know how to say ‘no’ to this kid he loves like his own son, and right now he’s basically letting Deku walk all over him. as for the Vestiges, they’re great for helping Deku in battle, but well, how do I put this lol. basically I’m not fully sold on trusting Deku’s mental health to a bunch of angst-ridden martyrs who all died willingly in order to further the cause of taking AFO down. not really the best life coaches, there.
but you know who I do trust to finally get through to Deku and get him to see reason and start having faith in others again?
these guys.
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so yeah. tl;dr, Deku isn’t okay right now and we’re not meant to think he is. and unless I’m way off base, this is going to be a very temporary arrangement. I don’t think Deku can continue as he is right now indefinitely. saving others has been his whole thing since the very start of the manga, but like everything else, eventually it has to come full circle. and I think that very soon, it’s finally going to be his turn to be saved. luckily for him, he’s got some good (and determined) friends. and as they say, giving help that’s not asked for is part of what makes a true hero.
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Of o were to give you a lee Deku fic, I’d say something where Todoroki is obsessed with giving Deku raspberries especially on his tummy. He’s super ticklish there and Todoroki thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. 💖💖
A/N : okay while i was writing this i got carried away and wrote lee!todoroki instead bc i completely forgot that i LITERALLY ASKED FOR LEE!DEKU PROMPTS...i’m an idiot and i sincerely apologize LMAOO i hope you enjoy it anyways but i WILL be writing a lee!deku in the very near future so don’t you worry lol
So Comfortable (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Todoroki / Ler!Midoriya
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Summary : Todoroki and Midoriya are cuddling in bed when Midoriya decides he wants to feel Todoroki’s heartbeat under his hoodie. When he realizes his boyfriend is a little sensitive, he can’t help but take advantage of it.
Word Count :  1905
Todoroki breathed in the comforting scent of green apple shampoo, his nose nuzzling into the mess of curls snuggled underneath him. The boy with the power to control fire had never felt a cozier warmth in his life, the back lying against his chest substituting as the best blanket in the entire world. One of his hands held onto Midoryia’s front protectively, while the other was laced with the green-haired boy’s own scarred and calloused fingers, though to Todoroki, nothing had ever felt softer.
Everything felt so right. So perfect. So comfortable. The bi-colored boy hadn’t known real comfort in so long, and somehow this shorter, timid kid he had only met a little over a year ago now had brought more comfort into his life than he had ever truly known. He felt safe close to him, which to most people wouldn’t mean that much. But to Todoroki, closeness meant everything. He wasn’t going to let just anybody be this close to him, and he wasn’t going to be this close to just anyone. Midoriya had managed to wiggle his way into Todoroki’s comfort zone, and the previously-thought cold-hearted boy hoped he never, ever made his way out.
Todoroki felt the mess of hair under his nose move, tickling his face slightly, and he looked down to be greeted by Midoriya looking right back up at him with a small, relaxed smile.
“Hey,” Midoriya spoke gently, his thumb caressing the top of Todoroki’s hand.
“Hello,” Todoroki smiled a little awkwardly, but Midoriya knew he was sincere either way. Midoriya shuffled a bit under Todoroki’s protective hold, repositioning himself on top of the boy’s body completely, but this time with his stomach down on the other’s so he could look right up at him.
“You’re nice to look at,” Midoriya smiled dopily, his head tilted slightly. Todoroki chuckled, not being able to help the small blush on his cheek from the most endearing compliment. He looked at his partner with the utmost fondness in his eyes, bringing his hand up to stroke a thumb over his cheek.
“Right back at you,” Todoroki’s words were laced with a smile, Midoriya humming in response. The green haired boy leaned down to nuzzle his face into Todoroki’s warm chest, his cheeks smushing against the firmness of his muscles created by years of training.
“I can feel your heartbeat,” Midoriya’s words were muffled by the fabric of Todoroki’s hoodie. He brought his face down lower towards the boy’s stomach, Todoroki gasping slightly when he felt Midoriya’s hands creep underneath the fabric and onto his sides, worming their way upwards towards his chest. “Wanna feel it with my hands.”
His hoodie was now pushed up towards his lower ribs, pale tummy on display as both of Midoriya’s hands rested over the spot on Todoroki’s chest that concealed his heart, which at this point was beating harder than it had the whole afternoon. Midoriya smiled down at his belly, nuzzling his face into it’s pale, taut expanse. Todoroki let out another small gasp at the strange feeling, his hands moving up to gently tangle into the mess of green hair.
“Midoriya, what are you doing..?” Todoroki’s words were soft from fluster, his eyes a little wide at the odd display of affection. He couldn’t help the small tinge of smile on the corners of his lips, however, as the boy’s nose felt just ticklish enough to ignite that nervous flame in the pit of his stomach.
“You’re just so cuteee,” Mirodiya cooed into his belly, bringing his hands down to hold firmly onto Todoroki’s sides to make it easier for him to continue his playful nuzzling. The dual-haired boy choked on a small giggle, squeezing a little harder on the boy’s hair. He could feel Midoriya’s lips smile against his tummy, a blush creeping up from Todoroki’s neck to paint over his cheeks and ears. “Does this tickle?”
Todoroki let out a huff of air, embarrassed and oh, oh so flustered. “Um, a-a little, yes,” he mumbled out in a stutter, his partner chuckling in response.
“That’s adorable,” Mirdoriya hummed, kissing right above the boy’s belly button with an intensely gentle softness that made Todoroki feel like he could combust at any given second. The freckled boy didn’t just stop at his one kiss however, oh no. He started peppering them with that same softness all over the boy’s tummy, and Todoroki was helpless to the small and obviously flustered titters that escaped from the softest parts of himself he didn’t even know he had before meeting the boy.
“Ah- M-Midoriyahaha-” Todoroki breathed out the smallest of giggles, which only pressed his partner on further, his gentle lips now journeying over towards his left side, the ticklish feeling making Todoroki choke out a real giggle this time. “It tihihickles!”
“You’re so ticklish, it’s too precious,” Midoriya smiled brightly against the boy’s skin before lifting his head up to gaze at his face. Todoroki’s cheeks were painted with the most delightful blush, a dopey smile taking over his features,making Midoriya genuinely feel like the single luckiest person on the planet to be able to see such a stoic boy from this perspective. 
“Have you ever had a raspberry, Shoto?” Izuku asked with a tilt of the head and a mischievous smirk. Todoroki blinked.
“Like...like the fruit?” Shoto asked, his brows a little furrowed in confusion, Midoriya just chuckling at his response. “I don’t understand, why are you laughing?”
“You’re just cute,” Izuku said, enjoying the blush and pout Shoto gave him. “I’m not talking about the fruit, Sho. Here, I’ll just show you.”
With that Midoriya leaned back down towards his partner’s tummy, drawing in a rather large breath, expanding his lungs as much as he could, before pressing his lips back down on the soft skin of Shoto’s belly and-
“PPPBBBTTTHHH~!” Midoriya blew hard onto his tummy, his partner letting out the loudest surprised squeal he had ever heard before cackling as Izuku continued placing smaller raspberries all over the expanse of Shoto’s sensitive tummy.
“GAHAHAHA! IZUHUHUKUHUHU! NAHAHA! WHAHAT IHIHIS THIHIS?!” Todoroki screamed, kicking his legs out behind Midoriya as the mischievous boy began kneading at his oh so sensitive sides, throwing Shoto into an entirely new wave of cackles as he now gripped tightly onto the boys shoulders (though he wasn’t pushing him away, much to Midoriya’s amusement).
“Raspberries, silly! Do they tickle?~” Izuku asked, blowing more ticklish raspberries all over his sensitive tummy and sides, even travelling just far enough upwards to blow one right on his bottom ribs, making the writhing boy underneath him jerk hard with a scream.
“YEHEHES! IT TIHIHICKLES!” Shoto cackled, squeezing his eyes shut tight. His body instinctively tried curling in on itself, folding forward until his own nose was nuzzling unintentionally into Izuku’s messy curls. “PLEHEHEHEASE!”
Midoriya chuckled. “Please what, Sho?”
“I DOHOHON’T KNOHOHOW!” Shoto shook his head frantically through his laughs as Izuku moved his hands downward to squeeze and knead into the boy’s hips. Shoto bucked at the sensation, throwing his head back against the pillow in mirth, digging his heels into the bedsheets behind Izuku.
“Aw, you don’t know? Does that mean you like it? You don’t want me to stop?~” Izuku teased, before inhaling sharply and blowing another torturous raspberry into Todoroki’s tummy, making the boy scream out another fit of high-pitched cackles.
“NAHAHAHA! NO TEHEHEASES! YOU’RE SO MEHEHEAN!” Todoroki babbled around his laughs, his giggles becoming more frantic. Midoriya thought it might be time to give the boy a breather, slowing his tickles down to just his nails tracing teasing little shapes into Shoto’s sides and on the bottoms of his ribs. Todoroki absolutely melted into a puddle of breathy giggles, his grip on Izuku’s shoulders still just as tight. Izuku rested his cheek onto Shoto’s tummy, looking up at his partner’s ever-flushing face with the utmost love in his eyes. 
Todoroki finally calmed down enough to open his eyes and look down at his partner, who was still lightly tickling at his sides enough to keep him on a giggly edge.
“Sohoho that’s a raspbeheherry?” Todoroki asked, his face suddenly scrunching up in a clenched smile, his eyes squeezing shut as Izuku found a particularly sensitive spot right on the backs of Shoto’s lower ribs. Todoroki arched his back a bit, frantic breathy giggles escaping his throat as Izuku’s fingers stayed on that one torturous spot. He teasingly traced shapes into the area, smiling as he realized just how sensitive the boy under him truly was. “Izuhuhukuhu! Nohohot thehehere, ihihit-”
“-Tickles?” Midoriya asked, Shoto just nodding his head through his snickers and titters. Izuku just chuckled, moving his fingers back down a little to tickle at a less sensitive area and calm his partner down a little. “So sensitive. I could do this all day.”
“I don’t thihink I could survihihive,” Todoroki snickered before finally bringing his hands down to stop his partner’s torturous and wiggly ones at his sides. Izuku pouted a little as he was forced to stop tickling until Shoto laced their fingers together and looked the boy in his eyes. “Kiss me? Please?”
Izuku just smiled, his heart overflowing before melting through his ribs. He nodded, bringing his face up to meet Shoto’s lips in the middle. He dissolved into the kiss, feeling as if he was melting into Shoto’s face with how jelly-like he felt. He unlaced his fingers with Shoto’s to cup at the dual-haired boy’s cheeks, his thumb caressing at the scar he thought brought out Todoroki's eyes. 
Once their interlocked lips parted, they both looked into each other’s hazed over eyes. Midoriya brought his face down to gently nuzzle into Todoroki’s neck, leaving tiny kisses wherever his lips could reach. Todoroki’s shoulders instinctively tried bunching up at the ticklish sensation, his giggle fit coming back, this time much softer and much breathier. 
“Really? Ticklish here too?” Izuku smiled into his neck, leaving peppered kisses again on purpose this time just to hear the boy giggle. He felt him nod, and he knew they boy had to be blushing.
“Cahahan’t help ihihit,” he giggled, scrunching up so much his cheek smushed into Izuku’s head. Then he felt Midoriya draw in another big breath, and before he had the chance to do anything about it, Izuku blew another fat raspberry, this time into the boy’s sensitive neck.
Todoroki screeched, shoving his heels into the bedsheets and grabbing at the boy’s shirt for anything to brace himself with. “GYAHAHA! QUHUHIT! YOU’VE MAHAHADE YOUR POHOHOHINT! I’M TICKLIHIHIHISH!”
Izuku pulled himself out of Shoto’s neck with a wide grin, kissing Todoroki’s nose before laying his head back down onto the boy’s chest, nuzzling into the fabric of his shirt. “M’sleepy…”
Shoto chuckled with a shake of his head. “Oh yeah, I’m sure you’re just so wiped out from nearly killing me just moments ago,” He snickered before placing a kiss on top of the boy’s head. Izuku giggled with a nod.
“You know it,” Izuku yawned, and before Shoto knew it, the boy was snoring on top of him. Todoroki just smiled down at the boy, thumb caressing over his freckled cheek. 
“I love you,” Todoroki whispered to the sleeping boy he knew couldn’t hear him, gently laying the blanket beside him over him and his partner’s sleeping frame.
Todoroki was finally truly comfortable, and he only had one person to thank.
A/N : thanks for all the support i’ve been getting recently! sorry this is kinda short, i’ve been having a lot of migraines recently so i haven’t felt like writing much, but i’ll be getting to more of those prompts soon! hope you enjoyed! much love <33
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alroma1 · 3 years
Everything that... not exactly right with Uraraka Ochako. Part 3
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Mangaka can do a lot with their art. And I dont mean just drawings itself. Paneling, shading, bubbles placement and their form, screentones - all this helps to tell a story. But from time to time its used to tell parallel story. 
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Red point. Hidden side here is omoteura ( 表裏) - outside and inside, being two faced, having public and private face.Second kanji( back cover, hidden side) main reading is the same as in first kanji in Uraraka - ura.
 So Kohei told us that she isnt two faced and then gave us this
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But speaking a truth its pretty common for Kohei use  half-face shading. You can find those at every corner if you search for it. Thats to say Ochakos version on these two panels is unusual since its practically exactly half and half.
The closed I find was this one
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If I understood right this means that character has conflicted feelings over something. Its pretty clear over what Bakugou has inner conflict here. But its not clear with those two Urarakas panel. On second one even background is half-half. I remember there was similar page during her second fight with Toga. Speaking of which...
                                          Ochako and Toga 
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At this point (323) chapter we have three established villain-young hero parallels. Deku-Shigaraki, Shoto-Dabi, Ochako-Toga. And the thing is that last one is just... creepy. In my option. Why? Because as a reader I cant grasp whats this parallel is about.
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For someone like Toga, for whom affection is the most important thing, the fact that they both has a crush on the same guy is enough to say that they are the same. But for plot,for readers its not. For making parallel between two characters its not enough in my option. There has to be at least one more something they have in common. 
( Side note - even them both having crush on Izuku as a point of parallel is kinda problematic to me. Personally I wouldnt call too individuals who have feelings for same person similar if one of those has their feelings answered. For them to be called similar both has to have one-sided crush. But that just personal impression.)
Lets see. Their quirks? Totally different. Their upbringing? Togas parents rejected her while Ochako`s feel like loving ones. Even more. Ochako comes from kinda broke family while Mva flashback gave me impression Toga in fact come from wealthy household. Not super rich but about Bakugou family level.So strictly speaking nothing add to this parallel from what we have seen. I mean without going deeper. So lets go deeper.
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Here we probably have panel that may hints an answer. In this position both girls ended up with background of black and white stripes. This is pretty clear symbolism here. I really doubt Kohei drew this on a whim. I suspect its pretty straight forward says that both girls have light (good) side and dark(bad) side. With Toga you can get where this coming from. She is a crazy killer but she did have genuine feeling towards Twice and whole League I think.But with Ochako it feels like revelation. We have only seen her good side. However thats the point. If you ask me it has always been hinted that Ochako has another side to her.
Even her surname,Uraraka ( bright day) if one play with japanese a bit  can turn  into “being two faced”, “having hidden side”
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This is another curious moment from their fight. Ochako was thrown back and accidently broke tv that was in her way. Poor guy last words were “At present...” and then she told Toga she would never feel happy about dropping someone to their death. ( One thing is that original japanese doesnt have the sky part. Just dropping people. Obviously Ochako meant dropping from height to their death. But there were no such concrete thing as sky) But heres the thing  - tv`s last word feels like start of her speech. If you put two together it would be “At present... I would never feel happy about dropping a person from height to their death” At present, not past or future. We shall see what will be in the future but past part... I would like to remind of last point about Aoyama in part 2.
I might overthink this a lot but... its strange that broken tv make so much sense if you add Ochako words. 
Mangakas tend to make retouches\corrections for volume realises. Kohei did it for 30 volume too of course. First is weekly, second volume
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Half-half background again. Its interesting that all those things Ochako picked using her quirk ended up on black side. It sorta feels that what she saying here doesnt go only for her crush. If that All Might keychan she won at Christmas is symbol of her feelings for Deku then maybe all these stuff are symbols too? Could it be the hint that she has shut down, tries to hide other things? And her feelings for Deku is part of larger group? 
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Toga really tried to be super good girl but eventually it never worked. Because she tried shut down too much. Could it be Ochako is the same? That during her life she tried reject a lot things about herself? And with time this baggage have grown too big?  
                                                  Class 1-A
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I remember back in the day there were lots of theories about this spread. People were saying that characters with dark background are going end up as villains or dead... Anyway I suspect thats not a trick here. But before I give my explanation lets me say one thing. 
If this double spread give you impression that theres in fact 21 persons in class A... then you should remember this feeling.
So we have class A characters in something like puzzle with white and dark background. With TWO empty slots. One is very obviously for Hagakure but another? Right now ( with 324) chapters there can be two explanations.
1) It foreshadows Deku leaving.
2) Its for Shinso.
But I think while those two might be the case thats not it. This is an earliest hint about traitor. 
One of those spots goes to one of the students thus making his or her background hald and half, hinting that one of the students has another side to him or to her. Thats might be a reason why Kohei didnt show in which spot Tooru is. White spot might go to characters with dark background and dark one to characters with white. 
 Lets see another interesting double spread, this time from SF. Can you say what weird here?
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15th place that what weird. Sato panel has enough place for two characters.To make matter worse Kohei even drew Sato in profile. Theres literally empty space in this spread. But I think that latter there come hint of why it is this way. But make a note how Ochako right after Sato at 16th place. 
83 chapter was where Mic officially announced they have a mole. I think it would make sense if Kohei gave a small hint about traitor in it. And I believe he did. Very thin, very-very subtle but there was one hint. 
On 13th page of that chapter we got Ochako and Sato sharing panel.  
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What Ochako says in original japanese if more ambitious. It can mean both 15 humans or 15th human. Thinking about it Kohei could easily made Jiro and Hagakure get well already by that time so more classmates could visit Deku. But I suspect he didnt so he could insert this hint. And I think her panel with Sato is that hint. She is the one that shared 15th place with him at SF race. 
But how could it be if she was on 16th place? 
And heres come one of the main reasons why I am writing these posts. I dont insist on it in any way but I think its worth sharing. I suspect that either its comes together with her quirk itself ( like Twice ) or because during her whole life Ochako desperately tried to shut down everything she didnt like about herself ( like Toga ) but the girl ended up with double split personality. And that... shadow Ochako symbolically shared 15th place with Sato, right after the real one. 
I know it sounds crazy but admit it feels that way because of what character we are talking about not because it would be all that strange in Bnha universe. 
It would explain quite a lot. It would explain one more empty spot on first double spread. It would make All Might words about how all kids at hero course have heroic heart true and not true at the same time. They are in fact true because on the hero course as Toshinori knows it theres no traitor. But he doesnt know that theres one more person since Ochako counted as two.
It would also make clear strangeness in this sketch Kohei drew for the start of 5th season.
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Two girls enjoying meal but the problem is that there THREE set of dishes. 
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If we return to that moment and look at it with theory of shadow Ochako in mind then maybe there should be another hint of that? Lets see. 
(On different note Sato being on 15t place probably a pin since 15 can be read as ichi-go which is also strawberry in japanese. It fits Sato who is Sugarman.)
  Even if we say that symbolically theres another person in this panel theres still only Sato name here. But kanji can be read differently so maybe if we read his name differently there will be surprise? ( Make a note I am pretty sure theres no way Sato is traitor. If anything Kohei probably construct his name that way so he can make a hidden hint latter.) 
His full name ( surname first ) is Sato( 砂藤 ) Rikido ( 力道 ) If you use different reading of kanjis in his surname you can get  シャ ドウ  and doing the same for personal name you can get か ど. With very little stretch this how one would write ( not translate) using japanese alphabets two english words - Shadow Card. 
I didnt know what it might means except literal meaning so I searched it.Turned out its a term in Tarot reading. 
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A shadow card is the card at the bottom of your tarot deck. The shadow card represents your innermost emotions and fears.
I think its fits the theme of repressed negative emotions?  Though I am not into Tarot and might miss a lot of nuances. But still I think it fits.
If we continue Tarot theme and use number 15 as a hint? If we go for Major Arcanas we would get the devil.
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Of course it has wild range of meanings but among others things its 
experiencing bondage accepting an unwanted situation being obsessed feeling tied down against your will losing independence allowing yourself to be controlled being addicted and enslaved submitting to another
I think it makes sense with Ochako having dark side she doesnt want to admit and thus tries ignore it. Tries to shut it down. But one day this wouldnt be enough.
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I have little idea how much Ochako we know is aware of darkness within her. If this all is true I mean. My guess she tries suffocate it. Or maybe its reverse? And she tries to hide it because it might ruin her plan? I think the first guess is more right.But this all hard to predict. IF this true. 
                                                Some moments 
Here I am going to point some moments in manga that felt suspicious\possibly having a hint about Ochako to me.
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This panel is from Deku vs Shoto during SF. I think its curious how words about using half of power placed on Ochako panel. Because it would make interesting point. If she really has another personality which she tries to hide could it be that because of that she cant use her quirk fully? Then she would be the same as Shoto at the start - someone who try to win using only half of her powers. 
In some way it would explain how her name doesnt have a hint about her quirk. As I said prior her surname can means “having another\hidden side” if one uses different construction. Maybe this also makes a point about her quirk having another, hidden ability?
Her quirk,Zero Gravity, makes objects weightless, erasing their gravitation power if she touches it with all her five fingers.( kinda similar to Shigaraki). Opposite of that would be something like... Extra Gravity? Ability to add extra weight to objects. 
 In one chapter of Smash spinoff the encountered villain that could reverse both genders and quirk and thats exactly what Ochako quirk turned out to be
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During Sport Festival Iida had battle with Hatsume. But Mei didnt care for winning. She tricked Tenya into being walking advertising for her creations. During it we got this panel
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 Its caught my attention because all thats written here can fit to Ochako too is she is traitor. It would means one way or another she used Iida`s honesty against him. And thats  one of the reasons why she makes this face here, not just because of her incoming match with Bakugou.
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This is the last moment I would like to mention. There are some else but I think overall this is enough. Narrator here is Deku from future. So its a bit strange why he is saying this if everything ended relatively well. But I suspect its because of Ochako. What future Deku might means here is that if at that moment he had been able to persuade Iida to open up to them there was a chance that she would be moved and shared her problems as well. 
So that the end of my theory on why I suspect theres something off with Ochako and she might be a traitor after all. I dont insist on any of this though. But I think its worth sharing
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class1akids · 3 years
BNHA 320 - Thoughts
How do you have a fight between people who don’t want to hurt each other? 
The answer is to turn it into a giant Catch-a-Deku and shower him with a plus ultra dose of friendship. 
Kacchan proves right at the bat that they’ve predicted Deku’s likely course of action. He had a move ready to counter smoke-screen, which does not surprise me at all. I bet he’s been thinking up ways to match / counter Deku’s new quirks as soon as he laid eyes on All Might’s notebook. 
Also, all the discussion from last week can be laid to rest on whether Kacchan told the others that he was part of team OFA - he obviously prepared them - they all recognized Smokescreen. 
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What is even more interesting is that he calls out Deku (and by implication his younger self) about how once someone is able to do everything alone, everyone else starts to look like extras. That it’s easy to lose perspective. I guess Kacchan is saying that from experience, knowing how screwed up that is. 
Deku doesn’t want to hear this, so he bolt.  Then the action is rather cool - we get Kouda sending in a flock of pigeons, a Sero-Midoriya spiderman vs spiderman tug of war, Jirou having a totally new move (let my girl fight, she looks badass), 
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Ojirou catching Deku with his tail, Dark Shadow pushing Deku into Momo’s sleep machine. So I guess with was Plan A (probably the Momo-plan). It would also make a pretty cool theme park ride if anyone would ever want to make one. 
They are not trying to hurt Deku, only get him in Momo’s sleepy-time machine, which Deku resists like an angry toddler, all the while talking about their bonding moments - Jirou about Deku helping her to organize her notes, Ojirou about how Deku got angry on his behalf.
They all appreciate Deku for just normal friends stuff - nothing to do with Deku’s quirk or his self-sacrifices, but simply his caring, decent nature. For things that are totally unrelated to OFA or breaking himself for the sake of others. 
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Satou is going for the jugular mentioning Eri and her candied apples. And it’s so heart-breaking that even at the mention of Eri, Deku thinks that she would be all right with anyone. (Deku, you total dumbass). He also asks his classmates not to care about him anymore (hahahaha) as he breaks the sleep-machine. Love Dark Shadow’s little exasperated look. 
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..only to be caught by Kaminari giving him a bro-hug, telling him that even if they never interacted that much, he thinks of Deku as his pal. I adore Kaminari - he doesn’t even use his quirk, he uses his superpower as official whisperer of all the beasts of class A. 
Shoji is next in restraining Deku and reminding him back when Deku thought that Shoji, Tokoyami, Shouto, Bakugou and himself were awesome enough to go up against All Might even. I love this reminder, not only how much his classmates also been through and handled, but that back before OFA-Sixquirks, Deku used to see them differently. And it’s not like they’ve become any weaker since then - rather the opposite...
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Tokoyami is back with Ragnarok - Womb that looks like a pretty awesome cocoon - I adore the design and all of Tokoyami’s moves, putting Kaminari in there with him, who finally says the most important thing to Deku.
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Yes. Please. For the love of All Might, go, take a shower, Deku.  Shoji at the same time asking him if he only sees them as people to protect now - and it’s a very pertinent question - hits very hard - it’s something I’ve been asking since the beginning of the arc, and I’m glad someone asked him that. Even if Deku doesn’t think like that, it’s important he understands what it FEELS like to his friends.
Deku breaks out from the cocoon, but finally the mask falls and he’s holding back tears now, gritting his teeth, saying yet again, how he’s fine. Sure Deku, you look “just fine”. I guess it’s another one for the list... 
He also notes how Danger Sense didn’t activate this whole time (which the scanlation totally mistranslated btw), because the class has no ill intent. Cue my UA traitor theory. 
So as Deku breaks free, he yeets himself head-first into a Heaven Piercing Ice Wall - nice throwback to the first Kamino rescue - and damn, Shouto made it go straight up in an instant, and you can see how high it is. 
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But even more devastating is Shouto’s deeply disappointed face, as he questions if Deku can even cry anymore - a nice throwback to their heroes cry too conversation. 
Deku’s resolve is really weakening now and Tsuyu still comes to give her two cents - about comic-book heroes and turning fiction into reality, and why does she talk like AFO suddenly.  
Interestingly, there is a car approaching - it’s either Hercules or Jeanist Mobile, so we may have an interruption soon. I hope it’s All Might - he should really say something about this lone pillar thing. 
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We’ll know in two weeks, but other than some of the big guns in terms of closeness to Deku - Iida, Uraraka and of course, Professor Kacchan, with a PhD in Dekulogy - we still have some of the less significant and mid-tier characters who haven’t spoken: Aoyama, Hagakure, Mina and Kirishima.  I’m guessing the UA traitor will be one of them and may end up pinging Danger Sense. 
I guess Iida and Uraraka will be the real heart-breakers, and Kacchan (if we’ll segue now into DvK3) will be the nuclear explosion in the end. 
Or maybe Deku gets his bath before that happens. 
In any case, so far - I think the “fight” is handled in a balanced way. Nobody tries to hurt the other, the class is showing some new moves, a bit of clever combos, Deku can show off his growth to them, but ultimately it’s a fight for his heart. They are talking to him like to a friend - they are not putting him on All Might’s pedestal, but try to draw out the human side of him and try to get it through to him that he’s appreciated exactly for that. 
The class is not approaching Deku, the hero, they try to get through to their dumbass friend who is hurting and is in need of help. They are breaking him with friendship and the no-jutsu has more punch when it’s stuff that’s been built for a long time. 
It also shows that the more gut-wrenching moments are the ones with classmates who he has a longer or closer history with. So I’m getting my tissue box ready for 321. 
Also, check out the trivia in HK’s author comment about the origin of Deku’s name. It’s pretty cool. 
All the dude-bros frothing at the mouth about how Deku didn’t get to beat class A to a pulp makes this chapter extra delicious.
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hunni-pen · 3 years
All the Time in the World| DEKU
Genre: Smut, nsfw, 18+ content
Content warning: Thigh highs, choking, size kink, hand kink, ruined orgasm, Dom!Deku, Praise(??)
Notes: I wanted to try writing a playful top Deku. Sorry I’m experimenting. This took WAY longer than it should’ve and I still don’t like it tbh.
Thank you to everyone who’s waited so patiently for it❤️
Any person, place, actions, or events that have been written similar to other works are purely coincidental, and not related to any fics.
Asks open
Word Count: 2.2k
Taglist: @fandomgirllover @ilikemaruchan @carrrloss @call-me-koi @galaxygoddess1412 (hope these tags work)
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— Part 1 —
Izuku ever the gentleman escorted you out of his agency, and you hoped that the rip he’d put in your tights couldn’t be seen from your skirt. You also hoped that you didn’t look too riled up. You felt too riled up.
Heat still pooling between your wet thighs, and cheeks warm with embarrassment. Midway through Izuku practically fucking you into his desk, his PR agent had knocked on his office door, stating he was needed in the meeting room.
He’d pulled out of you with a disappointed sigh. Smiling down at your fucked out face. “Guess we’ll have to wait till we get home huh?”
You’d tried to pull yourself together enough while he was finishing up his meeting. Then he was walking you down to catch your taxi back to your job.
Before he closed your door to the taxi, he kissed the top of your head, whispering, “be ready for me when I get there. I expect to see some thigh highs.”
So of course you were looking forward to getting off work, eyes glancing at the clock every so often as if that would make time speed up. Although it didn’t really matter anyways. Izuku had a small habit of working overtime so you knew you’d be home before him, and still have some time to kick back before he did.
You took your time showering and picking out a set of underwear, before covering them in some oversized sweater from the floor of your closet, and taking some time to watch your show. One hour turned to two, and before you knew it, you heard his key click into the door. You gasped, surprised that he was actually home earlier than normal.
You didn’t even think to turn the TV off as you sprang up and dashed to the room. Tearing the draws open and finding the first pair of sheer socks you saw, successfully pulling one on and starting to put in the other, when his heavy footsteps began to start down the hallways.
You threw off your sweater and jumped to sit on your knees on the bed. Smiling innocently as possible. Izuku stopped at the door to the room, shirt already balled up in his hands.
“Someone was in a rush,” he commented looking over your frazzled state.
“No, I was waiting for you,” you lied through your teeth.
“Were you?” You nodded, watching Izuku approach you with slow steady steps, his green eyes roaming your figure. “Cause I don’t think you were.”
He pushed you to lay on your back, pulling your feet out from underneath you, and looking up your legs. He tucked his fingers under the fabric of the thigh high you’d failed to pull up all the way. He slid it up your leg, slowly, maintaining his eye contact.
“I think you didn’t listen to me. Which is such a shame, cause I was gonna treat you so well tonight.”
You pouted, “no, I was listening, I really was. I just thought you were gonna be late tonight.”
“It seems we both had a misunderstanding then, cause I thought my good little girl was gonna be waiting for me all wet and ready.” You squirmed under his gaze, feeling embarrassed that you’d been so obviously caught.
Your eyes shifted to look around the room as you tried to come up with something, to prove your innocence. “I was gonna be but-“
“But you weren’t,” Izuku signed dramatically, causing you to look at him once more. “I guess, you don’t wanna have any fun then, and that’s okay. I’ll just go get started on dinner.”
You racked your brain to try and find any reasoning for him to be teasing you so rudely, finally coming to the conclusion that he was playing a mean game to mess with you, as he’d been prone to doing that before.
He pulled away and you scrambled up to grab his arm, frowning up at him. “I don’t like this game Izuku.”
You didn’t sit through the rest of your work day with an uncomfortable ache between your legs only to be denied what you’ve been waiting for cause he decided to tease you. You had no patience for games and jokes today. You were gonna be fucked and that was that.
“I’m not playing,” he laughed. You pulled him back to hover over you, looking at him with your best puppy eyes. His smile disappeared, “fine, but you gotta do everything I say.”
You nodded enthusiastically as he climbed to straddle your waist. Leaning in for a kiss, you expected Izuku's lips to press to yours. Instead you were met with a finger to your lips.
“Open up, I’m not being nice.”
You hesitated, Izuku wasn’t normally so mean, yet you couldn’t help but like it. Dropping your jaw and letting him slide his pointer finger in your mouth, gliding over your tongue.
You loved his hands. His fingers were wide and calloused, they filled you up quick, and he was so good with them. Equally, he loved the way your lips, your mouth and your pussy, wrapped around them. Clenching and soaking them. He could have you shaking and crying on them all night.
He wanted to push you to the point where you were moaning and crying from the pleasure. His plan tonight wasn’t to make you feel good. He wanted you to writhe underneath him and beg. He wanted to make you scream in frustration.
He sucked in a breath as you opened your mouth further to allow him to add a second finger. His knee pressed to your dampening core, the pressure causing a broken whine to slip through your open lips.
“Getting so wet and I’ve barely even touched you. Too bad. I said we’re taking our time now. There’s no one to interrupt me.”
You gagged around his fingers as he thrust them deeper down your throat. Your own hand wrapping around his wrist, to pull his fingers out of your mouth to direct them down in between your legs.
“At least fuck me please, just a little bit,” you whined brow furrowing.
“Begging? So soon? Lemme me hear more.” He nudged your underwater to the side, not daring to move another inch.
With hot cheeks and averted eyes, you asked again. Your voice lowered to an embarrassed whine. “Fuck me please, with your fingers please.”
He raised his eyebrows, amused at your use of please twice in one sentence. “You must really want me huh?” His index finger rubbed your clit.
You bit your lip and nodded, “yes. I lo- I love how you make me feel.”
His fingertips teased your entrance as a sickly sweet smile grew on his face. “Only I can make you feel good, right?”
You nodded again, your desperate expression made his heart squeeze; he almost couldn’t keep up his teasing act, you just looked so cute, begging for his fingers. He plunged his two fingers into your wet cunt, curling them up against your g-spot, in a way that had your legs shaking. A long drawn out moan in the sound of his name fell from your lips.
“Awww say my name again,” he cooed.
His fingers pumped in and out of you while his thumb rubbed your clit. He leaned forward, lips pressing to yours in a soft lingering kiss. He added a third finger, your jaw dropping from the stretch, nails digging into his shoulder. The hot pain from your nails scratching his skin pulled a grunt from Izuku's throat.
As your orgasm built up, your whimpers turned to moans, legs shaking from the pleasure Izuku's fingers were giving you. His fingers hit all the right places inside you with practiced precision. He didn’t stop or slow down, even as you were telling him that you were cumming.
For a second you were there. The ultimate high was within your grasp. You were spilling over the edge, slowly, bit by bit. Hot waves of arousal pushing you further over. All at once, you felt everything, then nothing.
You sucked a breath in, the lack of friction yanked you forcefully out of your daze. Izuku had pulled away completely, hands up as you reeled back down from your ruined orgasm.
“Fuck, why did you do that?” you whined.
He smiled, that stupid innocent smile. Something sinister gleaming in his eyes. “I changed my mind. I didn't want you to cum.”
Your breath shook and your eyes watered, “that’s- that’s not nice.”
“Do you know what else isn’t nice? When I tell you to be ready for me, and you're not.” He scolded and wiped your tears away. “Do you wanna cum pretty girl?”
You nodded, “please Izuku?”
“Come sit on my cock, and earn it.”
He sat back, allowing you to move on his lap, hovering over him, he brought you closer to him. Taking his thick length into his fist, and pumping it a few times, small gasps falling from his lips. He guided the tip to your entrance, teasing your wet folds.
“Do you want this?”
“Yes,” you sighed, closing your eyes in anticipation.
Your bottom lip tucked under your teeth as you expectantly awaited the painful stretch of Izuku's cock filling you up. But it never came, at least not when you were expecting it too. Right as you opened your mouth to complain, he thrust up into you, causing your grip in him to tighten and a pained squeak to fall from your lips.
Izuku threw his head back, biting back his own moans. “Fuck you’re so tight baby.” He peeked an eye open and looked down to where you took him in. “I’m not even all the way yet.”
“You’re just so big.” Your nails dug into his skin, and you tried to push yourself further down on him.
He rolled his hips up to meet yours, the rest of his length sliding into you. Your jaw dropped and you shut your eyes tight, legs shaking as you felt yourself come up on the cusp of another orgasm. He just hit you in all the right places. Even the steering pain of the head of his cock kissing your cervix was easy to ignore when you felt so good.
You began to bounce slightly, craving that friction that you so desperately needed to get off. Pulling off him entirely before sinking back on with a breath of relief. You wanted more of him. All of him. This is what you’ve been waiting for all day. For him to fuck you. You didn’t mind the pain or the stretch, you loved it.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my dick. You take me so well baby.” His hands slid down your waist, where he’d been guiding your hips down, to grip your thighs, fingers curling into the lace of the thigh highs you wore. He pulled the band and let them snap back into place, before rubbing your skin.
“So pretty,” he murmured.
Your frantic bouncing slowed to a grind, as you tried to give your clit the attention it deserved. Izuku tucked his head into the crook of your neck, hot breath fanning against your skin.
“C’mon don’t slow down now, you were doing so well. Keep going,” he begged, his own hips rutting up into yours. His demanding facade from earlier completely depleted. Now, he just wanted you. “Or do you want me to fuck you?”
You hummed, nodding, your legs were aching, even with Izukus help, it was hard for you to keep a steady pace on top of him. You let him pull out of you, and didn’t complain or whine about how empty you felt without him filling you up. Instead letting him lay you back on the bed, lining his tip up with your entrance.
He pushed himself back into you, not taking any time to let you grow accustomed to his size before he began fucking into you. His hands on either side of your head, his green eyes bore down into yours.
“You’re so pretty underneath me. You never fail to take my breath away,” he panted.
“You make me feel so good,” you moaned, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. He let you pull him down and take his lips in a short kiss.
“Yeah? Well you make me feel good too,” he laughed lightly. His thrusts became sloppy and his fingers gripped the sheets, as he neared his own orgasm. “Wanna cum with me?”
“Yeah,” you gasped, reaching a hand down to circle your clit. “Let’s cum together Izuku.”
He bit his lip and nodded, eyes screwed shut to blink back tears. He was always so sensitive. With one last thrust he was spilling into you. Hot white spurts of cum coating your inner walls. The frantic twitching of his cock sending you over the edge.
Your legs wrapped around his waist in a poor attempt to pull him impossibly closer as your walls spasmed and gushed around him. His name falling from your lips in short breaths.
“Good job,” he whispered, pulling out of you.
Izuku much preferred fucking you at home than at work. Sure, there was always the thrill that came with taking you on his desk in his office. But nothing beat this. Alone with you, uninterrupted, with all the time in the world.
Thank god I can get this out of my drafts. I hope I never have to see this fic again.
This is my longest fic
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
then they laughed | s.todoroki.
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⇝ pairing: shoto todoroki x fem!reader.
⇝ word count: 1.7K
⇝ rating: suitable for everyone.
⇝ genre: fluff.
⇝ summary: you’d never been ashamed of your quote on quote ‘ugly’ laugh but you’re not quite sure what to make of it when your crush mistakes it for mild choking or the one in which shoto todoroki mistakes your laugh for choking in the middle of the school cafetria. 
⇝ warning(s): please read ! fluffy, angst if you squint,  clueless todoroki and mentions of choking ( non-sexual ).
⇝ author’s note(s): why hello there darlings, here’s a little drabble requested by @patricia-ceballos​, i thought this idea was super cute, i’m not sure how i feel about the ending but i had a lot of fun writing. oh and thank you so much for 600+ follows, i love you all. :( <3
⇝ masterlist | requests
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you’d always thought that you had an ugly laugh.
it’s not that you were ashamed of it, never that, but you knew the twisted high pitch stream of giggles that passed your sweet unsuspecting lips could be kind of off putting to others. even so, that never put you off from laughing and joking about with your friends— if they truly cared for you, then having a slightly maniac-like laugh wouldn’t be a problem for them.
your classmates at U.A seemed to be those types of people. the good kind that you could trust wholeheartedly— the first time they’d heard you laugh, ochako had chuckled along with you, izuku had thought it was part of your quirk and bakugou had simply asked if you needed a ‘fucking throat lozenge?’  which only made you burst out into more streams of unintelligible giggles.
right now though, you try your best to stifle your giggles while you watch ochako and deku helplessly try to avoid admitting their feelings for one another over lunch. “what’s wrong deku? are you feeling sick?” the sweet brunette asks, almost impossibly close to the latter’s now beet red face. you can tell that he’s flustered by her proximity; the words he wants to say falling flat on his tongue.
ochako blinks for a second— as if to realise her mistake and quickly backs up, drowning in embarrassment and her silly crush on izuku midoriya. the girl stumbles back into iida, giving him only moments to process his now dropped food before he’s scolding them into next week— hands flying through the air while he barks out his complaints. trying not to laugh is becoming unbearably harder by the second, even asui is falling victim to the scene of comedy displayed right in front of your eyes and its not until you look up and meet the confused gaze of shoto todoroki that the dam finally breaks.
“what’s so funny?” the dual eyed boy says so blankly that even he is comical to you. you break out into fits of hysteria, slamming a hand over your mouth as your snorts launch their way across the table. shoto blinks, brows pinching in the centre of his forehead— is there a joke he’s missing? something he said?
the cluelessness of the half hot, half cold boy before you only sends you spiralling into more bursts of laughter— easing the embarrassment off of the two helpless flirters and effectively calming iida down while they join you in your chuckling session. “its...it’s just that—!” you can barely explain yourself, bold snickers punctuating each of your words as humoured tears begin to form in the corners of your dazzling eyes.
todoroki’s mood now shifts from bewildered to concerned, the short wheezes that pass from your pretty lips send shivers of worry down his spine. why is everyone laughing? can no one at the table see what’s happening? standing from his seat, the number one’s son brushes past tsuyu to get to your side— when he reaches you, your eyes sparkle with amusement despite the horrid sounds that leave you and a frown takes over his angekic face.
“don’t worry yn, i’ll help you.”
still trembling with a case of the giggles you have little time to process the dual haired boy’s words before he’s hoisting you from your seat, you think he’s trying to calm you down from the way his heated hand pats on your back ( five times to be exact ) but when his strong arms wrap around you— suddenly pumping your stomach, you realise.
todoroki is performing the heimlich manoeuvre on you.
shoto todoroki thinks your laughter is choking.
heat flushes to your cheeks as shoto moves to pump your stomach again, his broad chest pressed intimately against your back. the snickers from your friends at your lunch table stop— silence sweeping over them and you’re suddenly hyper aware of the stares you draw from other u.a students in the canteen. their judging eyes tear you down and crawl over you, leaving an uneasy feeling to settle in your bones but you’re too paralysed by embarrassment— too frozen to tell todoroki to stop.
you know he only means well, he didn’t know any better and he was only trying to help a friend in need but did he really mistake your laughter for choking? was it really that ugly?  
a fresh set of tears prickle in your eyes, this time however, they’re not laced with the happiness you gain from being around your friends. before shoto has another chance, you pull away from him slightly with a small whimper pours from your flustered form. “stop... todoroki, please— stop...”
the boy’s hold on you loosens, he recognises the broken tone laced with your usually jubilant voice which gives you enough room to make a dash for it. blinking, todoroki turns to his group of friends, confused  as escape the cafeteria and wolfish stares from your fellow students.
“s-she wasn’t choking, todoroki— she was laughing with us.” izuku explains carefully, fidgeting underneath his classmates strict gaze. the shorter feels almost bad for shoto, knowing he’s probably kicking himself for upsetting you even as you flee.
but his worries are soon eased as todoroki races after you.
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launching yourself down the corridor, you use the sleeve of your grey blazer to run away the remaining tears that sting at your eyes. students from across all years watch you go by with looks of either annoyance or concern, but you move to quickly to care— throwing yourself into an empty hall and sinking to your knees. the heat of embarrassment blistering underneath the skin of your cheeks doesn’t ease up as you desperately paw at them, frustration intertwining with the air in your lungs… because, because it had been years since you last felt ashamed of your unconventional laughter, because you thought that enough time had gone by for you to no longer feel insecure about it.
you had good friends here at u.a, ones that didn’t judge you for your unusual habit but the scene yourself and todoroki had created back in the canteen only brought on bad memories reminding you of all of your insecurities from the past.  
sighing heavily; you brace yourself to return to lunch with your friends, tripping over flimsy excuses in your mind for your sudden disappearence when a pair of well polished, brown school shoes come into view from over the tops of your knees.
“there you are, ln.” shoto’s voice is warm while he speaks to you, you’d always thought that. its deep like melted chocolate ready to be tempered and somewhat soothes your nervously thumping heart. you can’t bring yourself to look at him, knowing that there’s probably a pink tint to your eyes from where you’ve been crying but the boy with the two-toned hair persists, still wanting your attention. “the others…the others and i, were worried about you.”
you shake your head, fixing your gaze on a lose thread on the hem of your skirt that sits above your knees. “ah!, todoroki! you shouldn’t worry about me…just head back to the cafeteria before your cold soba gets… well, colder!” a frown pinches at the corner of your lips, settling heavily on your face. you don’t even find yourself convincing but hope todoroki believes your hopeless words anyways. “i’ll be with you guys in just a moment.”
but to your dismay, the youngest son of endeavour slides his back down the wall to sit next to you instead.  “did i hurt you?” he mumbles awkwardly. todoroki itches to reach out and comfort you— it seems like something you would do for him but he’s never been good with situations like these.
“no! no shoto,” this makes you look up, catching the light in the cyan of his eyes. the pair of you blush, flicking your gazes away from one another. “i’m fine!”
“were you crying?”
“certainly not!”
“but your face—“
“shut up!”
“not until you tell me why you ran.” god, was he persistent. blunt and straight to the point, was shoto todoroki.
suddenly your feet become more interesting that the boy beside you, a silence sweeping over you both. “because,” you pause, trying to taste the words on the tip of your tongue before you say them. “i was embarrassed! the whole cafeteria heard my ugly laugh and thought i was—“
“choking,” todoroki finishes for you, finally finding the courage to rest an icy hand on your shoulder. “i’m sorry yn, i didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed about your laugh,” sorrow litters the tail end of the half hot, half cold boy’s words— making them sit heavily in the air. “midoriya explained to me, i really didn’t mean to make you feel that way, i was just worried about you.”
you soften up, finally meeting his gaze once more and sniffle a little— chest warming at his concern for you. “shoto, it’s okay...” you’re quiet in your response, leaning into his cold touch but the dual eyed boy only shakes his head.
todoroki turns to face you fully, shrinking the space between you. he’s so close that you can see the flecks of grey in each of his eyes and feel the warmth from his breath fanning across your cheeks. “even if i can be...socially unaware sometimes, i still don’t want to hurt your feelings. they’re important to me,” he tilts his head, offering you a small smile enough to make a million hearts melt. “and for what it’s worth, i think your laugh is quite cute. not ugly.”
you blink, wondering if you heard him correctly and press a hand to your cheeks that now hear you’ll, as if you’ll be able to cool them down. “y-you think my laugh is cute?”
“yes, and i’d love to hear more of it over dinner sometime.”
his face is as serious as ever while he speaks, but the shine to his eyes tells you a different story as todoroki offers you a hand to stand up. “was that a pick up line, shoto?” you ask, barely being able to keep it together as little shots of laughter litter themselves through your sentences.
“i’m not sure...what’s a pick up line again?” you burst into joyful tears, obnoxious laughter filling the corridors as the boy on your arm guides you to your next class. you care little for the stares that your ugly laugh attracts, just happy that it puts a little smile on shoto todoroki’s face.
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beann-e · 3 years
Mha Characters reacting to being hugged randomly by their s/o
-shinso would welcome you & your hug & words & then fight you to see who’s better with their words
-i take from his character that he loves winning — no matter if it’s something small or not he’ll act like he doesn’t care for it but won’t stop until he wins
It’s been a hard day he’ll admit.
Today was his first day being around class 1-A — and he could honestly say
they were just as annoying as he thought
Everyone was too quick to welcome him and surround him which just pissed him off
well, apart from the asshole with the red eyes who he refused to keep eye contact with
just bakugous mere presence or even his mouth opening pissed him off
Knowing deku and going off of how they first met when he shoved him out of the arena
showing him yet again that the hero course was not to be messed with
he thought he was prepared to meet the same person only for him to be wrong and walk in to see hero deku and class deku were two different people he was not yet ready to meet
To him hero deku was hardcore and fight fight fight
class deku was a loser
a loser who got bullied , fell on the stairs flat on his face, and got embarrassed by aizawa when he for the 4th time yet again in one class started staring at shinso with wide eyes like a tiny pervert and writing like a stalker his notebook
He took a deep breath before he grabbed the handle to your door just knowing that being by your side he may feel a little better
he silently prayed that today you weren’t doing something weird in your room like he often’d find you.
Thanking god when he saw you at your desk a small wave coming from you at his entrance
“ drawing — give me a sec “
he grunted as he sat on your bed hands holding him up while he flicked through his phones many apps — well not many seeing as though he rarely had time to get on his phone
Which is why he was confused when he found himself actually going through it pausing when he noticed he’d ended up on google trying to figure out different dog barks and their meanings hoping he could find a way to talk to bakugou and tell him to shut the hell up
“ you uh — “ he threw his phone behind him on your bed propping himself up to lay back “ you still drawing “
“ mmhm “ you said softly as you traced on the paper in front of you attention focused on your new hero design
“ oh “ his voice was soft you knew something was wrong he wasn’t a man of many words but he would always try to string a sentence along for you
“ hey shin you good “ you put the pencil in your mouth as you erased a line you’d messed up on
“ yeah “ he moved to stand up “ yeah “ he let out while looking around your room “ just tired baby “
your eyes creased as you ran the words through your mind until you both sat in silence the room growing cold
‘ somethings off ‘
“ well my uh — my girlfriends too bus— “
his mouth fell open in a wide o as he looked down to see your face pressed into his chest hands tied around his back your feet planted right in between his as you two stood in the middle of the room
His heart beating out of his chest when he noticed what you were drawing
“ y/— “
“ shh “
you pushed yourself further in his chest “ hug me back please babe “
he jumped forgetting that sometimes he had to return your affection and couldn’t just accept it.
That was hard for him to let himself do the things you do so freely.
His arms hung loosely around your back making you smile “ your getting there “ your voice came out muffled “ I’m so proud of you pretty boy “
he shook at your praise “ p-pretty boy “
“ yeah — your fucking hot babe “ he felt himself sinking into you
“ h-how — how am I hot ? “ the word fell foreign on his lips
“ your quirks so amazing — you look so good when your trying your best it makes me feel warm inside — and I especially like when you use your voice mask “
he found himself smiling
“ don’t get me started on your looks who can pull off purple hair like you shin “
“ you — you could “
“ oh god see and your an amazing liar — your all around awesome shin “
“ t-thank you but I don’t des—“
“ you deserve it “
you two fell quiet as he gripped you harder finally giving in to your affection
‘ he’s ok now ‘
“ how did you know something was “ he sighed out as he pressed his head in your hair “ off “
“ your always tired shin — always — you’ve never actually voiced it though so I was — I felt off myself when you said it —it felt weird “
“ you knew off of one phrase “
“ one phrase “
he smiled into your hair pulling your face back to plant a kiss to your forehead
“ see so fucking beautiful baby “
your thumb traced his face making sure to run under his eyes feeling just how tired he actually was when you felt his eye bags
“ no after school rant today “ he laughed mocking you in your own voice
“ get to sleep baby you have class tomorrow— shin if I see any new eyebags i’m kicking your ass — bab— “
you pushed him away as he fell back on your bed
“ what ? what I was just saying — i mean am i wrong you do say all of those things “
“ get out “ you protested sitting back in your chair continuing your drawing “ come look at this “
he sat confused as he blinked “ I uh “
“ choose the latter “
he smiled as he walked over to your chair draping himself over your shoulder “ your so talented “
“ no I just — i draw “ you said softly
“ oh she just draws “ he copied “ the beautiful lady just draws as she proceeds to draw a portrait of my new hero costume “
he pouted “ you couldn’t have possibly done this all right now how long did this take you “
you looked away
“ I told you I knew you were sad “ sighing as you looked up at him neck bent backwards
“ so I started drawing it when I walked past you in the hallway like I said your always tired but today you were wiping at your eyes constantly — yawning and just then you confirmed it saying you were tired so I “
you looked away “ I drew what you’d been trying to “
he moved to place his lips on yours not letting up until the both of you had to tap out at the lack of oxygen “ your so fucking beau— “
“ Beautiful “ you cut him off words syncing with his up as you two continued the rest of the night with you yelling at him about how he had to open up to his classmates and accept their flaws first before he came to talk badly about them to you
except for bakugou he could talk badly about him
“ thank you for the hug “
“thank you for the acceptance on my drawing “
“ thank you for the praise “
“ thank you for being with me“
he scoffed as his face grew hard before relaxing into a smirk “ thank you for loving me “
“ y-you win “
he laughed as he met your face with one more kiss smiling down on you “ I win “
-you only know because he doesn’t get upset at your actions and your in total surprise
You moved your hand to poke at your boyfriend for the 7th time in a row
your body ducking under his bed in fear of his screams everytime you poked
you frowned when he didn’t acknowledge you
you were only doing it because you wanted to hear some kind of response from him most times when you annoyed him like this he would pick you up and plop you on his bed and tickle the life out of you until you both fell asleep
For some reason he was barely even moving from the spot he came in and laid himself down in
After class the both of you walked to his dorm and he unlocked it holding it open for you and walking in after throwing his backpack to the corner as he ripped off his uniform blazer hand outstretched for yours as he laid them over the back of the desk chair
squatting down to help you take off your shoes and then grabbing them to place at the door his own falling right off his feet with a loud thump.
Him moving to his bed grabbing you and sitting you down on the floor in front of him your legs crossed in front of you as he laid on the bed looking at your sitting figure on the floor
His eyes never leaving yours the whole time until he finally shook his head and turned away from you causing your body to fall
thus leading to your endless pokes
‘ wait now that I think about it ‘
“ babe— have you talked at all today “
you looked to the floor “ I— I don’t think you’ve talked all day “ holding out your hand counting off your fingers
“ at lunch you didn’t even ask me what I wanted you just “
your hands moved up with your shoulders in a shrug “ got it “
you played with the hem on your pants
“ at practice you didn’t partner with kiri you just stayed near me and when we got in your room you“
you looked to your feet voice soft trying to sort through your mind
“ you took my shoes off for me “
you sat for a moment moving to poke him again his body never moving no answer being given to you
“ I know your not sleeping kats —you breathe heavy as shit when you are so “
he didn’t laugh or even grunt nothing falling from his lips as your eyebrows quirked into a knowing furrow
Hands and body leaving the floor as you climbed on his bed to lay on top of his body
your chest draped over his right side
legs straddling his own and your mouth pressed right into his ear
“ I swear i’m not going anywhere baby “
you watched as his eyes moved from the wall across from you two to the pillow right next to him
in hopes of conserving his feelings
“ your doing great — your the coolest and strongest guy I know “
you kissed the outer shell of his ear
“ your so respectful and understanding of my needs“
you placed a kiss to his jaw “ your cuddles are amazing and you make me feel loved when you finally give in and let me win our fights — snuggling up to me on the couch “
you moved to kiss the end of his eyebrow
“ your so hot when you talk to me —that’s when I find you the hottest “
your eyes fell to his lips as you stared down on him
“ when you answer me — and acknowledge me “
he grunted a little in response
his eyes closing when your mouth found his neck kissing softly as you smiled
“ there you go pretty boy“
he groaned as you hugged him arms wrapping around whatever part of his body you could find
“ your kissing everywhere but where I want you to “
“ and where’s that “
“ you know babe “
his face flashed a look you weren’t fast enough to catch as you laughed at him
“ fine fine “
you let your lips hover over his as he turned his body so you were now laying directly on top of him
his hands coming to rest on your lower back
“ before I give you this kiss “
“ fuck—seriously y/n — you can’t just talk after—you worked me up expecting a kiss “
he shook his head in annoyance “ fucking tease — I knew I should’ve kept my mood “
“ but why “ your face dropped as you looked around his “ why did you have a mood katsuki “
he grunted “ because I “
he sighed as he looked directly into your eyes “ sometimes I feel like i’m not doing enough like I could do more for you and sometimes I feel like I treat you like an asshole and what — what girl wants to date an asshole “
he shook his head “ I don’t know if I tell you I love you enough or if I— if I show you that I can protect you if I wanted to or even that I can supply all your needs “
he mumbled under his breath “ I don’t even know if i talk to you enough “
you smiled as you ran your hand through the top of his hair “ you do — you do it all “
you laughed “ and your just fine “
he looked away as you pulled his face back
“ no kats look at me “ his eyes darted away hating how he just opened up to you and now you were begging for eye contact he felt stupid and way too open
“ kats look “ he slowly found his eyes moving to yours at your tone
he knew not to mess around when your praising him it pisses you off and one thing he knows he doesn’t feel like dealing with is a pissed off girlfriend
especially after he just cleaned up his room from your last outburst of firing off his gauntlet at his negligence to answer you
luckily he fell submissive right after mind racing at your attempt to kill him over a small eyeroll and scoff at your praise
Only sucking up his attitude so he didn’t have to run into another problem like that where aizawa flat out kicked his ass for the hole you created in the wall that he somehow took the blame for when he felt your stone cold stare on his back in the office
he was not about to risk his good moment with you right now
“ your amazing , Beautiful , smart and talented “ he shook at the praise body growing hot
“ your doing so good for me and I couldn’t ask for anymore “ you smiled slightly “ keep doing what your doing “
his heart thumped hoping you couldn’t hear it
“ and also i’m not complaining —if you y’know ever wanted to take off my shoes for me again “
he scoffed as he looked away from you and back “ how’d you know “
“ you always tickle me when I poke and annoy you “
you pouted as he spoke “ huh always ? “
“ always “
“ you know my routine that much “ you shook your head in a yes
“ so now that I know why your always pissing me off and what you want I doubt I feel like giving it to you anymore “
you moved to get off of him “ ok well i’m sure it’s a bit more fun with kirish—“
your loud laugh ripped through the room as you fell to his floor with a loud boom
his mouth curling up into a smile as he dragged you back on the bed your protest falling on deaf ears as he continued until he finally stopped speaking into your ear softly
“ I lov—“ he shook his head burying himself into your chest “ fuck you shitty woman “
you smiled at his words hand raking up the back of his neck and into his hair “ I love you katsuki “
-the only way I can see you understanding somethings off with kirishima is if he just hasn’t been smiling or making comments all day
-then your like :0 uh woah dude my boyfriend hasn’t smiled all day
“ how about ice cream and a movie ? “ you turned to the red head sitting on the couch beside you then shaking you head at your question “ nah sounds lame right “
you laughed “ I knew you would say that “
you pouted when your thoughts finally connected “ oh — nevermind babe i’m sorry I forgot I didn’t do my homework it’s the one midnight gave us I should probably get started—“
Your mouth moving so fast you missed the way the speed in his leg increased in its shakes , the puff of air he let out at your continued talking when he just wanted silence.
Sometimes he enjoyed being around bakugou because at least he had silence for a moment just a moment until he would scream his head off only to return back to the quiet environment he’d created before
“ so yeah it’s a lot and if I don’t get it turned in today I may just fail her clas -“
“ then get it done “ his voice was low and quick to snap at you which had your mind stalling
you laughed uncomfortable with the way he spoke to you “ aw uh where’s my happy guy “
he scoffed as he shifted on the couch his leg speeding up its pace “ where’s my annoying girlfriend “
he snapped his fingers pointing it to you “ oh I spy with my little eye “
his voice was dead as he spoke
“ she’s right next to me “
your eyebrows furrowed as you jumped back a bit
you couldn’t even make out words after his comments
you knew for your few months of dating kirishima that it couldn’t be possible for him to be happy and care about people’s feelings all the time
he had to open up and let you see him pissed off at least once to seal the deal on your relationship
this was it
this was the seal but for some reason you didn’t know if you could close it —much less address it and find the problem
“ kirishima what’s wrong with you “
“ you’ve just been talking all day baby i’m a bit tired of just— “
he felt his body growing a bit hotter than normal , you feeling the heat from his words make their way over to you everytime he spit them out
“just hearing you — I know I can go on and on for hours but if I can go hours you can go days and I just never noticed until now “
“ oh “
“ yeah I need some silence right now babe and your—your not helping” his voice was low even upset he was still trying to save your feelings not that it worked
“ no ones helping “
you looked from your boyfriend to everyone around the room
their voices echoing with laughter everyone spread out around the room as they spoke about what they all did today.
The kitchen full of people
bakugous yelling moving its way down the dorm halls
your face dropping as you stood and grabbed his hand that he snatched back quickly
“ I don’t want to leave “
you pouted settling yourself back on the couch you didn’t know how to deal with him like this and his best friend wasn’t here and almost everyone else he said was adding to his anger would just make him angrier right ? if you called them over
so who could you get to help ?
“ I may be pissed off by them but I — I still want to be around people I don’t want to be upset and alon— “
Time slowed as he felt his body weigh down almost as if he felt the weight of himself when he used his quirk.
Eyes widened before they closed basking in the heat your body supplied as you crawled in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck legs around his own in a straddle
his body just relaxing into your hold not making any movements the occasional jump to follow you whenever you would move
“ come on tell me what’s wrong baby “
your voice was soft in his ear not wanting to draw attention over seeing as though he wasn’t in the best of moods “ who do you want me to fight “
you looked closely at his face as he was just quiet hands finally moving to push both your legs up so that he could get you as close as possible his mouth moving to kiss yours
happiness of the moment overflowing within you as you let him guide you in the kiss surrendering all control to him and letting him lead
“ just feeling a little background today ? “ you said smiling hands cupping his face
“ I understand it gets to someone after a whil— “
“and everyone acts totally brand new when they see i’m not happy for one day —baby one literal day —why am i just expected to be happy all the time “
he dropped his head to your chest “ i’m not no one is”
“ so then tell me what’s wrong why aren’t you happy today “
“ nothings wrong y/n “
his voice boomed loud through your chest
“ nothing is wrong I just feel like having quiet today but because of that —here everyone is —in my face asking me what’s wrong telling me i’m not myself “
he tried to bury his head further in your chest
“ when I want quiet everyones loud and I —I never noticed how loud i am —how loud everything is until I stopped talking and I hate it —I hate how loud everything is “
you sighed as his fingers ran along your thigh “ I thought if I followed you out here to watch a movie I would be comfortable “
his voice was sad “ I just wanted to come out here and watch a movie with my girlfriend but “
your hand running over his shoulders and back up finding a hold in his hair
“ I just got more pissed off when you actually started talking I just expected —if no one else could be quiet then you would “
“ well i’m sorry I wasn’t quiet “
“ you shouldn’t have to be not cause I want you to be“
“ that’s right “
“ I know “ he took a deep breath looking up at
“ I know you think i’m an asshole now because you’ve seen this side of me—the angry one but “
“ I don’t think your an asshole or you’d be sitting in bakugous room right now crying that there’s lemon juice in your eyes “
his mouth shut instantly as he stared at you in fear your thumb running circles over his cheek
“ h-how can say something like that and “ he shook his head “ that’s so manly god I love you so much “
“ I love you too but —you have to tell me things kiri I can’t just “
you flicked his forehead as he crinkled his nose in pain “ I can’t just read your big brain”
“ but you did it just now “
“ huh “
“ all I wanted was for you to hug me and like shower me in kisses to calm me down and you “
he kissed your forehead “ you did it —which kinda had me confused on how you knew me so well “
you laughed “ you looked sad —upset and I wanted to remind you that I was still here regardless of how you feel —you cat push me away that easily “
he smiled widely as you two felt heat radiate through your bodies
“ I really do love you baby months or years or days I love how well you know me”
your mouth opening to laugh as you cuddled into his neck
“ guys kirishimas fine “ denkis voice made the both of you shake
“ I told you he just wanted some attention from y/n —guys he just has a small case of simptitis “
your head turned quickly as you seen the shaking boy beneath you “ uh your room “
“ my room “
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Karaoke (My Hero Academia)
One Shot
Shipping: Kaminari x Deku (KamiDeku)
Summary: Kaminari isn't the best at karaoke, but when he gets his feelings hurt by Deku giggling at his efforts, Deku does everything in his power to make him feel better. ^^
A/N: I wrote this one especially for @kiyachi-tickles! While browsing through her blog a while back I saw that she really liked the KamiDeku shipping (although of course now I can't find that post for reference), so I set out to write one, since I don't see much of this pairing. I hope you like it! <3
Word Count: 1,197
Deku had learned a lot of things about Kaminari lately. He had a thing for keeping his hands and nails clean as much as possible. He enjoyed getting manicures, though he made Deku swear never to tell anyone else. He liked romance anime. Coffee was his favorite ice cream flavor.
But – above all else – Deku had learned that Kaminari was really, really bad at karaoke.
It wasn’t that he was bad at singing; he could hold a tune, and of course Deku thought he had a wonderful singing voice. But karaoke set the pace and tempo of the song for you, and that was the part Kaminari was bad at. He liked to improv his way through a song, setting his own tempo at random. But karaoke was unforgiving in that domain, and so when they played the instrumentals to some of their favorite songs while hanging out one night, Deku couldn’t help but laugh at how Kaminari struggled to keep up with the tempo that was set for him. To anyone else it would have sounded like he was just as good or bad as the next person, but to Deku, it was the funniest thing in the world.
Kaminari, however, took it personally.
“Let’s just shut it off,” he muttered, reaching for the laptop on his desk.
Deku grabbed his arm. “But why? Aren’t you having fun?”
“I was until I tried singing along. Now you’re laughing at me.”
“I’m not – okay, well, I am laughing at you, but not in a bad way! I’m not trying to be mean, I promise.” Deku tugged on his arm, drawing him closer. “I’m sorry. You sound great, Denks.”
“You don’t have to sugarcoat it just to make me feel better.”
“I’m not.” Deku shifted so he was facing his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around Kaminari’s neck. “Your singing voice is lovely. I mean it.”
Kaminari sighed, but there was a light pink flush to his cheeks now. “Can we just shut it off?”
Deku paused, then nodded. “If you really want to.”
Kami stopped the YouTube queue, and the room went silent.
“I hate karaoke,” the blonde muttered after a long moment.
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Deku smiled. “You just like to set your own pace, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“You were laughing at me. It must have been bad.”
“I’m really sorry, Denki. I wasn’t trying to be mean about it. I just thought it was cute that you were having trouble keeping tempo, and I got the giggles. That’s all.”
“Hmph.” Kami grunted, slouching back down onto the floor. “Whatever.”
Deku grinned, poking his side. “Come on, I said I’m sorry. Can’t you forgive me?”
“Leave me alone.”
“Pleeeeease?” Deku mock-whined, poking him again, then again and again. With each poke Kami scooted further and further away until he was practically falling onto the floor. “Please forgive me, Denks? I’m sorry~”
“S-Stop it, Izuku,” Kami sputtered, doing his best to stay upset despite the ticklish shocks running through his nervous system. He reached to push his boyfriend away, but when he did so he lost his balance and fell onto his back on the floor.
Deku was on him in an instant, straddling his hips and poking up and down his sides. “Forgive me, Denki~ I’m so sorry for laughing at you~” Every word the green-haired boy spoke sounded teasy, and he knew it was driving Kaminari insane. “Please, Denki?”
“Stohohohop it,” Kami giggled, quickly losing his willpower to remain pouty. He tried to block Deku’s hands, but whenever he tried to protect one spot it only opened up another, and he was flustered and embarrassed and desperately trying to keep his laughter at bay. “Izuku, stohohohohohop!”
“Forgive meeeee,” Deku whined, jamming his hands underneath Kami’s arms and tickling harshly. “Denkiiiii~”
“Nahahahahahahahahaha!” Kami squealed, clamping his arms to his sides too late to actually protect himself. He squirmed on the ground at his boyfriend’s mercy, giggling hysterically. “Stahahahahahahahahap!”
“If you won’t forgive me, I’ll just keep tickling you~” Deku giggled too, unable to help himself. This was all so silly, but he loved it, and he knew Kaminari did, too. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“D-Dohohohohon’t – don’t tehehehehease me, Izuku! Stahahahahahahahap!”
Deku decided to be a little bit mean, and he reached behind him to blindly grasp at Kaminari’s knees – his weakest spot. “Oh, Denki~ Your singing voice is so lovely~ I looooove you~”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Kami screeched, giggles bursting into laughter when his boyfriend successfully grabbed his kneecap and squeezed it, hard. “NOHOHOHOHOHO, IZUKU!!”
“I looooooove you!”
Kaminari squealed with laughter, allowing himself a couple of moments to indulge before he mustered up the strength to sit up and grab Deku around his waist, finding his hips with ease and kneading there.
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Deku cried, instantly ceasing his own tickle attack to defend himself, a genuine smile replacing his teasy one. “DENKIHIHIEHEHEHEHE!!”
Denki chuckled, wrestling Deku onto his back on the floor and straddling him the way he’d been just seconds ago, slipping his fingers just underneath the waistband of Deku’s shorts to get at the really, really ticklish spots. Deku howled with laughter.
“Still think it’s funny, huh, Izuku?” Kami teased relentlessly, beaming at the way the freckled boy’s face lit up like a fireworks show at the teasing, his legs kicking frantically behind him, absolute hysterics flying from his lips. “If it’s so funny, then go ahead and laugh!”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Deku screamed, grabbing Kami’s wrists but too weak to do anything more than hold them. “NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! I’M SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!”
“What are you sorry for exactly, hmm?” Kami teased, leaning down to murmur directly in Deku’s ear, his breath tickling his neck. “For laughing at me? For tickling me? Which is it, Izuku?”
Deku squealed, throwing his head back with a shriek when Kami kneaded into a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves. He kicked his legs for a few more seconds before it registered how close Kami was now, and he released his wrists in favor of grabbing his sides and tickling.
Kaminari yelped, but didn’t move, determined to stay right where he was. He had Deku right where he wanted him, and he was not about to give that up because of a little tickling. “Sahahahahahay it, Izuku! Tehehehehell me why you’re sohohohohorry!”
“That’s it?”
“Yohohohohou’re not sohohohohorry for tickling mehehehe?”
Kami kneaded just right into the hollows of Deku’s hips, and Deku tossed his head back with a scream of laughter, gripping Kami’s sides harder, making the blonde giggle even more.
“You’re nohohohohohot?”
Kaminari let out a few more giggles before capturing Deku’s mouth with his, effectively muffling both of their ticklish cries at once. For a few more moments, he kept kneading that death spot on his boyfriend’s hips, but gradually he let up, sliding his hands further up Deku’s body, up to his chest, and Deku responded by sliding his hands up Kaminari’s back, and soon they had forgotten all about tickling entirely. All that mattered was each other, and the rest of the night was filled with kisses and cuddles and lots and lots of love.
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spactcle · 3 years
you say it first
Archive of Our Own Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Language: English
Summary: “I can’t tell him.” “Why not?” “Because then he’d know.” Kirishima and Bakugou seek advice from their friends about UA's worst-kept secret (except, apparently, from them).
“I think I’m in love with Bakugou.”
Kaminari is bent over his homework, cheek resting on his fist. His shoulders freeze, he doesn’t look up from his workbook, but his pen stops scrawling across the page. After a few beats, he lifts his chin and plops it on his fist instead.
“I mean… obviously.”
“Dude, c’mon. I know I’m me and this will sound weird but let’s get serious and study, please? My grades don’t have time for you to state the obvious.”
“The obvious?” Kirishima pops up from where he's sprawled out on the ground, looking at Kaminari in disbelief. “How did you know?”
“Everyone knows, slick,” Kaminari retorts, sarcasm dripping from the nickname. “Now we have finals next week, can we please focus?”
“Okay.” Kaminari’s hands clap together and he snaps his workbook closed. “Clearly we are focusing on the wrong thing. Why are you bringing this up,” the tip of his finger jabs as his closed workbook, tapping at it for effect, “now?”
“Why have you not brought it up?” Kirishima accuses, arms gesturing widely.
“Because I thought you knew!”
“How would I know?”
Kaminari jabs his finger accusingly at Kirishima instead now. “They’re your feelings, Kiri!” His finger curls back into a fist and he brings it to his lips, brow drawing in with concern as he thinks. “Your weird, weird feelings. But still.”
Kirishima blows a raspberry at him, leaving his lips out in a pout with the gall to look offended. “How are my feelings weird?”
“Bakugou is an emotionally constipated trash can,” Kaminari deadpans. “And you’re… I don’t know? Whatever the opposite of that would be.”
“Diarrhea recycling bin.”
A beat. Kaminari’s face pulls back into a disgusted grimace. “Really could have done without that mental image.”
Kirishima shrugs and starts to nervously pull at his hair. It’s a Saturday and he didn’t style it today, just has his bangs pulled into a half ponytail behind his head. Kaminari has told him to just chop it off but Kirishima insists that it’s part of my brand, and besides how is Blasty going to call me shitty-hair if I don’t have any?
His confusion is what’s most baffling to Kaminari. They’re in their third year and it feels like Bakugou and Kirishima should have figured each other out by now – they know one another better than anyone else could, so how are they so bad at this? Kaminari figured out his feelings for Jirou the previous year, Midoriya and Uraraka got together just a few months later, and even Kendou and Tetsu finally stopped beating around the bush. Now that he thinks about it, a lot of people more emotionally dense than Kirishima have confessed to their respective partners, like Todoroki and Tokoyami.
One of Kirishima’s sharp teeth hangs over his bottom lip as he chews at the skin. It makes Kaminari feel a little bit bad. But only a little. He really should have joined Jirou and Momo for studying instead.
“Why are you bringing this up now?” he repeats his previous question but without the edge to his voice, trying to exercise patience for his friend.
Kirishima collapses on the table, voice muffled by his arm. “Because I don’t know what to do.”
“Tell him.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I.”
Kirishima lifts turns his head up slightly to glare at him from over his arm. “I can’t tell him.”
“Why not?”
“Because then he’d know.” He hides his face again.
Kaminari rolls his eyes so far back he’s surprised he doesn’t see the inside of his skull. “That’s usually the idea.” Kirishima’s answer is a wordless scoff, tongue sputtering around words he can’t form. “Just tell him. There’s no way he doesn’t feel the same.” The sputtering worsens and Kirishima snaps his head up from the table, gawking at Kaminari as his face turns as red as his hair.
“I said I was serious!”
“Yeah, seriously blind.”
This time Kaminari is almost positive he sees his skull, but that could just be his vision whiting as he strains his eyes. “Kirishima Eijirou,” the full name absolutely required to get his full and undivided attention. “The fact that you and Bakugou have got it bad for each other is the worst kept secret in the entire school – except, apparently, from the both of you. I’m almost positive that there’s some kind of bet going around about when you two will stop being complete boneheads and make it official.”
Kirishima’s eyes wandered around the room as if searching for a cosmic answer to all his problems. “We… bet? Bakugou… I’m…”
“Yes. Now can we please study? And you can deal with your love life later?”
Kirishima’s cheeks grow big as he puffs them up with air and stares blankly at their workbooks. Kaminari gives him a full minute then clicks his tongue and starts to pack up. “Alright. I’m going to leave you here to process. Good luck, bro.” He sets a hand on Kirishima’s shoulder as he wraps his other arm around his schoolwork. “I know I said it was weird and all – and in my defense, it is – but I think we’re all rooting for you two.”
Lips formed around words that didn’t seem to want to come out of Kirishima’s mouth and Kaminari just sighed, patting him on the back before making his exit. He really should have just studied with Jirou and Momo.
- - -
“I think Kirishima is in love with me.”
Uraraka looks up from her place at the desk. She spins in her chair to find Bakugou collapsing on her bed, then she looks to find the hidden camera that someone must have hidden in her room. No one pops out of her closet laughing, and Bakugou is laying on his back staring at the ceiling, arms lying limp at his sides. He’s frowning in the way that he only does when he’s encountered an obstacle that he can’t quite figure out. So, this isn’t a prank.
“Why are you telling me this?”
He snaps up, rage normalizing his expression again, and argues, “Who the fuck else am I supposed to tell?”
Uraraka frowns at him pointedly and his lips fall out of the snarl and into a resigned grimace, a sign that she has come to recognize as his apology. “Kirishima, for starters.”
“Fuck that.” Bakugou flops back onto her bed. “Why should I have to do anything when he’s the one in love with me?” He gestures wildly at the ceiling like it’s the one that he came to for advice on his love life.
“Are you in love with him too?”
Instantly, his expression closes off. He turns his face away from her and lets his arms fall back to his sides.
“Shut up. The hell are you asking for anyway?”
Uraraka’s cheeks blow up with air before she huffs at him. “It’s the obvious question.”
“The fuck it is.”
“If Kirishima burst in here, just as rudely as you did, and declared his love for you – what would you do about it?”
Bakugou’s head turns away from her, but she can see the back of his neck redden and she isn’t big enough to not feel satisfied by that. He’s treating his and Kirishima’s feelings as if it’s some huge secret and revelation – but she, Deku, Todoroki, and Tsu have a bet about how long it will go before one of them does something about it. Iida disapproves.
If it happens in the next week, the pot goes to Todoroki.
Her bet starts the week after.
He’s lucky that Uraraka is at least a big enough person to help him now instead of waiting.
“Probably something along the lines of,” she clears her throat, bringing her hands together and resting them against her cheek, then continues in a high pitch, “oh, Kirishima, I love you too! Sweep me off my feet!”
Bakugou sits back up before she’s even finished, hands poised to attack, and face screwed into a scowl, but the effect is decidedly lessened considering the deep blush coloring his cheeks. “Shut the fuck up if you want to graduate, round face!”
She leans back in her chair, lifting an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Bakugou, you obviously have feelings for him. This wouldn’t bother you so much if you didn’t.”
“It doesn’t fucking bother me.”
“It bothers you that he hasn’t said anything.”
“It—” His mouth snaps shut and his eyes dart away from her. His ears also start to turn pink and then he zeroes in on her with a sharp glare. “You bother me.”
Uraraka rolls her eyes and waves him off. “Everything but Kirishima bothers you.”
“He bothers me too.”
“Because he hasn’t told you that he loves you.”
“Fuck off.” He throws himself backward on the bed, again, arms crossed over his chest as he glares are the ceiling instead of her.
She observes him. Over the years, she’s learned to read Bakugou – being one of the few to earn his respect early on had those perks, if it could be called that. But she knows when he’s thinking too much – which is what he’s doing right now.
“Bakugou, why are you here?”
He doesn’t answer.
“Do you need me to tell you that you need to tell him?”
“I don’t need you at all,” he snaps, but there’s no heat behind it.
She ignores him. “You should tell him.”
Bakugou makes a frustrated noise in the back of his throat. “He’s the one that always goes on about manliness. What the fuck is manly about keeping shit to yourself?” His arms uncurl from his chest and his fingers make a fist. “Fucking own up to it.”
“Well, you’re the one that always says you do what you want,” she points out, tilting her head to the side. “So… if you want Kirishima, then shouldn’t you say something?”
He doesn’t reply, and his arms fall back onto the bed. Uraraka shrugs and turns back to her desk. Their finals are coming up after all and he interrupted her studies.
“I’m fucking going to sleep,” he says finally, pushing himself off the bed.
“Or you could help me study,” she offers without turning around, voice airy. She knows the answer to that.
“Fuck no.”
“Oh, that’s right. You only ever help Kirishima.”
There’s a small explosion as the door slams behind him, but Uraraka smirks and isn’t big enough to not feel satisfied.
- - -
What the fuck does Uraraka know anyway? She’d shacked up with Deku a year ago, so Bakugou clearly overestimated her judgment and overall sense.
Truthfully, not that he would ever say this out loud, Bakugou doesn’t know why he went to her room. He doesn’t know why he was so tracked on this when his main objective should be elbowing his way to the top of his class. Finals were soon for fuck’s sake. What the fuck was he worrying about Kirishima or feelings for, anyway? He is Bakugou fucking Katsuki, and he is going to be the undeniable number one.
Hands clenched into fists, the right one still steaming from his outburst at Uraraka’s last words, he takes the girl’s elevator down to the common area. Water first, then he’ll take another practice exam before sleeping. He shoves his clenched hands into his pockets and stalks across the common area.
It’s dark outside and the rooms here are empty, everyone already separated into studying groups or gone to bed. If this was two years ago, Bakugou would already likely have been asleep. He didn’t normally stay or socialize in the common room, and if he did it was only for a few minutes or maybe an hour. But Kirishima persisted and it was annoying. He wouldn’t fucking leave Bakugou alone or stop nagging him about hanging out with his peers more (Your friends, Kirishima would correct him, but Bakugou only started calling them peers in their second year). How was he ever going to connect more with their classmates if he just holed himself up in his room to study?
Fuck you. I fucking help you, don’t I?
Exactly! And now we’re best bros!
When the hell had Bakugou asked for more friends? He hadn’t even asked for the one!
But, honestly, he’s quietly glad he’d been forced out of his room, even if he won't admit it out loud or say it in so many words. Some – and only some – of his classmates were actually pretty cool. His friends from before hadn’t really been friends. Lackeys, maybe… Kids that were taken with the boy with a great quirk and a domineering personality. Other bullies, he reminds himself. And he’d been fine with that at the time. He hadn’t needed anyone else, and he hadn’t wanted them. He would think that other people would hold him back, ask for things, for compromises – or worse, look down on him.
Then Kirishima decided they were friends and Bakugou hadn’t really done anything to stop that from happening. It changed him… for the better.
Fuck. He needs to stop thinking about it. He’s got more control than this.
Bakugou gnaws at his lower lip, glaring at the bouquet of flowers sitting on the coffee table. Blue bell-shaped flowers that he couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. What he does remember is everyone’s look of surprise when it had been Todoroki carrying those flowers, and with the confidence that he always seemed to possess, walked right up to Iida and asked him on a date. Four-Eyes turned redder than Todoroki’s left side and started sweating so badly that his glasses wouldn’t stay on his face. But the takeaway from the story for Bakugou was seeing Kirishima’s soft, almost sad smile and the awkward way he laughed it off when Bakugou asked him what was wrong.
Well, more specifically Bakugou asked, What the fuck is wrong with your face?
The petals were starting to wither at the edges, but Class 1A had really come together to keep them alive for this long, though he’s pretty sure it was the girl with the vines in 1B that was doing most of the work. The two classes met and hung out a lot more than they used to. It was always so damn loud now.
Scowling, Bakugou keeps moving toward the kitchen. Yeah, maybe it had been the wrong thing to say. Maybe. Like he doesn’t already know it was the wrong thing to say.
Are you in love with him too?
“Fuck,” he swears, throwing open the fridge. The water bottles were running low, and he frowns, taking one of the last four after a moment of consideration.
When he rights himself, he starts to close the door when Kirishima comes around the corner. Because of course he does, and of course he has his shitty hair down and not styled since Bakugou always thinks he looks so goddamn pretty like that. He looks just as caught off guard to see Bakugou. “Oh, hey man, what’s up?” He asks, his hand going to the back of his head and that fucking adorably shy, little smile on his lips – the one where Bakugou can only see his top teeth and his eyes crinkle a little.
You should tell him.
Bakugou grits his teeth at the thought and wills away the blush that threatens to dust his cheeks as he remembers what Uraraka said. “Water,” he grunts, the fridge door standing awkwardly open as a physical barrier between them. “What are you doing down here?”
“Snack,” Kirishima replies, with a small shrug as he moves closer and further into the kitchen. “Kaminari abandoned me to go study with Jirou and Momo, I think.”
“You think?”
And dammit the huffy little laugh Kirishima lets out, the one that Bakugou recognizes as him being embarrassed makes his heart stutter in his chest. “Yeah. I was distracted…” He starts absentmindedly looking through the cabinets as he speaks. “Thought some food might help, though.”
Bakugou shakes his head at Kirishima. “You’re always getting distracted. You need me there to keep you on track.”
Kirishima glances at him with that smile. “You study by yourself on Thursdays,” he replies with good nature as he moves to the next cabinet, the one full of nothing but dishes. When his eyes return to see the contents, he still stares into it like he’s looking for something, clearly feigning interest and clearly still distracted.
“You could’ve asked if you were having trouble,” Bakugou grumbles, his brow wrinkling as he watches.
Kirishima lets out another awkward laugh. “Yeah, I guess I could,” he agrees. He doesn’t move from the dish cabinet.
Is he pointedly avoiding looking at Bakugou now? A frown lowers on Bakugou’s lips and he stares at Kirishima’s profile for a long moment, waiting for him to say something else. Kirishima fills silences, not Bakugou. Kirishima doesn’t avoid eye contact, Bakugou does. Kirishima doesn’t stare into dish cabinets when he’s hungry and looking for a snack, Bakugou—well, no, he doesn’t. He shakes his head, annoyed with where this thought process is leading.
Bakugou doesn’t shy away from conflict. And neither does Kirishima. So…
“What the fuck are you doing, shitty hair?”
That seems to startle him, and his eyes tear away from the dishes. “Oh! There’s no food in here.” His sheepish laugh returns, but this time it’s annoying because that's the one he uses when he's trying to brush something off. “Guess I’m still distracted.”
“No. You’ve been acting weird all day.” Ever since the Todoroki-Flowers incident, but Bakugou doesn’t say that.
“Have I?” Kirishima asks, closing the cabinet as his eyes dart around the room and look anywhere but Bakugou.
That makes him grind his teeth. He knows Bakugou hates being answered with questions. He was going to wring this shitty-haired, perfect piece of shit’s neck. His gaze zeroes in on Kirishima and he narrows his eyes. “Kirishima.”
At the sound of his name, ruby-red eyes find Bakugou’s own, and he blinks rapidly. “Uh…” He stutters as sharp teeth worry at this bottom lip and Bakugou hates the way he can’t help but follow that movement. Pink dusts Kirishima’s cheeks and Bakugou’s hand clenches into a fist as he tries to avoid moving over there to touch and see if his cheeks are warming with the color. The bottle crackles in his hand as he squeezes it. “Sorry, Bakugou. I’m really just a little distracted, honest.”
Bakugou looks at him, his expression gradually easing out of irritation. He feels like there’s something in his throat and he still hates it. “Tch. Just come get your damn food,” he says, stepping away from the fridge like an offering. And he hates that he knows that Kirishima will recognize that as Bakugou looking out for him in his own way – that it’s his way of saying eat something and maybe that will help.
He hates it even more that it works.
A knowing smile flits across Kirishima’s lips and he nods. He says something that Bakugou doesn’t register because all he can think about is that Kirishima is moving closer and stepping around him to take a look in the fridge. He stands back, watching the back of Kirishima’s head as he looks through what he could eat, and the proximity makes Bakugou’s chest feel full, and his hands sweat, and he hates it.
No. Fuck. He doesn’t hate it.
Bakugou, you obviously have feelings for him. This wouldn’t bother you so much if you didn’t.
Uraraka really got in his head. Because she was right. It did bother him. Kirishima was good with feelings. He was the one that was always encouraging Bakugou to embrace his emotions – shit, all the nights they’d spent staying up talking after Bakugou woke from nightmares to a panic attack and Kirishima could hear him through the walls. Kirishima vocalized his worries and his anxieties, he used them to talk and relate to their classmates and lower classmen, hell, even villains. Because Kirishima was good.
It bothers you that he hasn’t said anything.
Of course, it bothers him! Why should Bakugou have to take the initiative here? He was never the one who had to take the initiative before. Kirishima brought him into a friendship kicking and screaming, but that didn’t deter him. Even on Bakugou’s worst day, he knew Kirishima would still be there.
Are you in love with him too?
Kirishima rights himself and looks back at Bakugou like he’s surprised to hear his name again. He turns around and he’s backlit by the light from the fridge like a goddamn angel and fuck if he isn’t the prettiest thing Bakugou’s ever seen. Bakugou’s brain feels like mush for the first time in his life and all he can do is glare at Kirishima’s confused face while he tries to decipher what exactly possessed him to say this stupid, wonderful, infuriating, amazing boy’s name.
Well, you’re the one that always says you do what you want.
Before he manages to catch up with himself, Bakugou finds himself stepping into Kirishima’s space and reaching up to hold the sides of his neck. He's never done this before because no one has ever caught his attention like this, no one has ever felt so close to him as Kirishima, but fuck if it isn’t perfect when he presses his lips to Kirishima’s, swallowing the small gasp that passes his lips.
Kirishima is still for a few beats, but he moves just before Bakugou begins to worry that he made a mistake. His hands find Bakugou’s hips, and he presses back, tilting his head into the kiss.
Bakugou might not know what he’s doing, but even to him, it’s clear that Kirishima does. The hands at his hips don’t stay there for long as they wind behind him to lie flat against his back, just under his shoulder blades as Kirishima bends and pulls Bakugou up into him – when did he get so damn tall? And he will never admit to the noise that he makes into Kirishima’s mouth when his tongue pushes gently into his mouth, or to the way his arms secure around solid shoulders as his fingers twist gently into red hair. He’ll die before he ever says he feels lighter and over the moon and like he’s having a moment straight out of those stupid American movies that Ashido likes so much.
The kiss is slow and sweet and everything like what he thought a kiss from Kirishima would be, because now that he’s actually kissing him, he will admit to thinking about it before. He lets Kirishima explore his mouth with his tongue, letting him lead and he’s never been so happy to follow.
As it slows to a stop, their lips press together in a lingering way and it’s Kirishima that finally pulls away. Despite the way he’d been so confidently and thoroughly kissing Bakugou, his eyes are completely full of questions and some uncertainty, wide and staring at him.
Bakugou looks back at him and realizes they’re still wrapped around each other and he’s a little out of breath. He doesn't know what he did with the water bottle he had in his hand, but it's gone too. No, right now, nothing else matters. So, he sets his jaw and tightens his hold slightly on Kirishima’s shoulders. Resolve. He’s full of resolve. He’s Bakugou fucking Katsuki, and he goes after what he wants.
“I do what I want,” he says, his voice sure even if a bit winded. “And I want you.”
The way Kirishima’s eyes light up and a slow, blindingly happy smile creeps onto his lips sends Bakugou’s heart into fits and his stomach turns upside down with fucking butterflies.
“You want to do me?” Kirishima asks, a laugh tinging the back of his throat.
Moment ruined.
Bakugou’s cheeks warm faster than his quirk and he knows he’s turned the shade of Kirishima’s hair. “Fuck you,” he says, putting a hand on Kirishima’s face and shoving him away as that piece of shit laughs – and goddammit if it’s not Bakugou's favorite sound.
He pulls away, pushing off of Kirishima’s face as he goes and extracting himself from his arms. He storms away, hands balled into fists at his sides as he swears at himself because he doesn’t know how to fucking do this. The door to the fridge closes somewhere behind him and Kirishima’s laughter follows him to the elevator.
“Oh, come on, that was funny and you know it!” He says, catching Bakugou’s upper arm and letting himself get dragged onto the elevator as the doors pull open.
“No, it wasn’t,” Bakugou snaps, but all the fire there is just to mask his embarrassment. “I take it back. I hate you.” He shrugs off Kirishima’s hand and jams his finger against the button to their floor.
It doesn’t deter Kirishima in the slightest. It never does. “No, you don’t,” he laughs brightly. He takes his hand back, but steps back into Bakugou’s space as the doors close. “You like me.” His hands find Bakugou’s waist, and he turns Bakugou to face him, his lips pressing warm against flushed cheeks.
Bakugou turns his head slightly away, his hands grasping Kirishima’s forearms, but he can’t find it in him to pull away. “The worst,” he mutters, but still leans into the kisses pressed along his cheekbone.
A low chuckle rumbles through Kirishima’s chest – oh, oh that’s a new one and Bakugou doesn’t know what it means and he’s a second away from worrying about it because he’s gotten to the point where he can recognize Kirishima’s laughs or nonverbal cues and that’s new, but then Kirishima is stepping forward and pushing him back slowly. He presses against the wall of the elevator and it’s cold through his shirt but Kirishima is warm at his front and oh okay, fuck. There’s a little huff that works its way unbidden from his throat and his arms are moving without thinking as he clings to Kirishima.
“The worst, huh?” Kirishima grins, nudging his nose against Bakugou’s cheek for his attention.
And he gives it to him, turning his head back and letting Kirishima kiss him silly again. He feels hot all over, in a way that doesn’t have anything to do with his quirk. The cold at his back is exhilarating, somehow, as Kirishima presses him against the wall. He’s vaguely aware that the elevator has stopped moving and the doors are opening but he doesn’t care because Kirishima’s tongue is in his mouth again and it’s such a weird feeling but so, so right when it’s Kirishima.
Those lips trail away from Bakugou’s and he grunts at the loss, but then bites down on his bottom lip as Kirishima makes his way over his jaw and mouths at this throat. That’s when a whine – a fucking whine – forces its way past Bakugou’s tongue. His hands drop to Kirishima’s shoulders and he grits his teeth. “Fuck,” he growls, forcing his voice lower.
Then this mother fucker giggles and pulls away – and Bakugou honestly doesn’t know which one he’s more pissed off at – smiling at him. It’s blinding. “You’re so cute,” he exclaims. “I like you so much.”
“Shut up,” Bakugou groans, digging his fingers into Kirishima’s shoulder and ducking his head as he feels his cheeks redden again.
“Say you do what you want again! Say that you like me!” Kirishima pleads, laughing the whole time.
“Fucking—” Bakugou cuts himself off, not even sure what he wants to say. “You—” He growls unintelligibly again, and pushes Kirishima away from him, even if it is the gentlest push he thinks he’s ever given in his life. He slams his finger on their floor again, and the doors open immediately. He stalks around this laughing, amazing mother fucker and into the hallway, making a straight line to his room.
As always, ever since they were first-years, Kirishima follows. And he’s still laughing like an idiot, and there’s a section of Bakugou’s chest and stomach that is absolutely giddy, and he grinds his teeth instead of smiling. “Bakugou,” Kirishima calls, elongating his name and fuck it’s cute and he’s going to wake the entire floor up and if that happens Bakugou knows that he’ll die.
The door recognizes his fingerprint – a security measure that the school added in last year, but Bakugou knows it’s because some people just couldn’t ever keep track of their damn keys – and the door opens. Kirishima still follows him, stopping the door with his foot and a hand flat on the door. Damn, he is so lucky that Bakugou wasn’t slamming it because he didn’t even harden.
“I just want to talk,” Kirishima says, smiling sweetly at him. The laughter has mostly subsided, but it still shines in his eyes.
Bakugou’s heart thumps loudly in his chest, and he softens. He loves this boy and it’s so weird to think that so openly to himself now, but he likes it.
“And then, maybe you can cross a few things off your to-do list.” Kirishima waggles his eyebrows, that sweet smile turning into a knowing smirk.
Nope, nevermind, Bakugou hates him.
“You shithead,” he groans. But despite that, he walks away from his door and makes no move to close it again. A silent invitation for Kirishima to enter which is wholeheartedly taken.
It amazes Bakugou how relaxed Kirishima is in his room. He treats it like his own, acting perfectly at home and comfortable as he collapses on Bakugou’s bed. Meanwhile, Bakugou’s brain is reeling. It’s like there are red flashing lights in his head that are screaming at him, Kirishima is in your room and on your bed, as if Kirishima hadn’t ever been here before.
But it’s different now because he just had his tongue down your throat in the elevator and you’re hoping that he does that again, his brain points out.
And it’s fucking right, and Bakugou doesn’t remember the last time he’s felt this unsure in his own space. At least not about something this stupid. Sure, there had been his first year where he was the reason that his childhood role model and reason he decided to become a hero had to retire because of him. And the fact that, at the same time, his childhood rival was starting to rise to his level and surpass him. Kirishima had been by his side then, though, and that made things just a little better. And it made him want to be better. But now Kirishima was in his bed and laid out like a fucking angel—
“I can hear you thinking, babe,” Kirishima said, looking up at him with that smile again. The soft one that Bakugou thinks is probably the reason he fell in love in the first place.
Wait. Babe.
Fuck, he’s on fire, he knows it.
Kirishima laughs and holds out his hand, gesturing for Bakugou to take it. “Come sit down. Don’t worry, I promise I just want to talk.”
Bakugou feels so tense. His shoulders feel like they have rocks on them, but he takes Kirishima’s hand and the sweat that’s layering his palm doesn’t seem to be a bother as he’s tugged forward and onto the bed. “I’m not worried,” he grumbles, crossing his legs under himself, sitting across from Kirishima and he knows that his lie is utterly unconvincing in his presence.
The reassuring look on Kirishima’s face is almost enough to make him actually not worry. “Yeah, okay, tough guy,” he chuckles, looking down at their hands and rubbing his thumb over the top of Bakugou’s. It feels nice. Really nice. Bakugou didn’t know he could like physical touch this much, but it feels so genuine coming from Kirishima, who’s one of the only people who’s never been afraid to touch him. And now he’s holding dangerous hands so gently and, fuck, lovingly.
Bakugou can’t decide if he wants to pull away because it’s overwhelming, or dive in headfirst and drown in it.
“I’ve liked you for so long,” Kirishima tells him quietly.
Bakugou wants to say I know or That’s because you have good taste or something confident but instead, his throat feels too dry and he swallows, watching Kirishima’s hands stroke his own.
“I kinda… love you, actually.”
Bakugou dives. Kirishima’s not going to let him drown.
“Me…” He clears his throat when his voice comes out scratchy. Kirishima looks up at him and he looks hopeful, which Bakugou thinks is stupid. He doesn’t need to look hopeful, he should already know. Kirishima knows him better than anyone. For fuck’s sake, Bakugou had been the one to move first – for the first time in their friendship. Relationship? Shit.
“You?” Kirishima prompts him, and Bakugou realizes he’s just been staring at him like a dumbass.
“I love you,” he finishes because Kirishima deserves for him to actually say it, even if his voice is an embarrassed, low grumble. Not just say me too or yeah or some kind of quick exchange where Bakugou gets to leave it unsaid while Kirishima keeps carrying the burden of initiating everything. He doesn’t need Kirishima to initiate everything. He’s Bakugou fucking Katsuki.
Kirishima’s smile puts every other smile in his arsenal to shame. This one is Bakugou’s new favorite. This is the one he’s going to think about every waking second. The one that’s going to get him to do whatever Kirishima wants, and he’ll do it happily behind a mask of annoyance because that’s just how he is and Kirishima accepts that about him.
He’s Kirishima fucking Eijirou and Bakugou is so damn in love with him.
It is weird to say, though. Bakugou has never said those three words together before. But it’s not a bad weird, and he still feels like himself. That’s how he knows that it’s true.
“I love you, too!” Kirishima exclaims, reaching for him and cupping his face gently at the jaw.
“Yeah, you said that already,” Bakugou replies, averting his gaze for a few moments for his own sanity before inevitably being pulled back in by the magnet of Kirishima’s pure joy.
“And I’ll keep saying it,” Kirishima insists. “Can I kiss you again?”
“I’ll be fucking pissed if you don’t.”
Kirishima’s lips are already on his by the end of his sentence, because he already knew the answer would be yes. It’s just as good as the last three kisses, and Bakugou wonders when he’ll stop keeping count.
This one is different though because Kirishima is pulling Bakugou closer but they’re sitting down. But he wants to be closer, too, so he moves and it’s strange. But this is clearly not the first time for Kirishima, because his hands are on Bakugou’s waist to help him move and arrange them in a mess of limbs where Bakugou sits on Kirishima’s lap. Now his hands are on Kirishima’s neck and he’s above him for the first time. Hand spread over his back and the tension in his shoulders melts away. His eyebrows are scrunched together, and he feels so helpless but safe like this.
Then laughter once again bubbles up from Kirishima but this time Bakugou ignores him. He’s just happy. That has to be all it is. But it doesn’t stop and increases a little when Bakugou experiments with his own tongue, sliding it over Kirishima’s lips.
Bakugou pulls back and glares down at him. The tips of his ears are red. It’s not like he’s ever kissed anyone before so, of course, he doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do it confidently. “The fuck are you laughing for?” He frowns.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kirishima says. One of his hands leaves Bakugou’s back and covers his face, pressing the pad of his finger under his eye, tears leaking out of the corner. “This is just crazy. I just went to get a snack.” He pauses, wiping at his eye and looking up at Bakugou with consideration. “Well, actually. I mean, I guess I did kind of get one.” He grins and his hands go back to Bakugou’s sides, looking him over appreciatively.
“Shut the fuck up,” Bakugou groans, dropping his head onto Kirishima’s shoulder. It takes him a moment to realize how natural that was, so he doesn’t move, turning his head into Kirishima’s neck.
“Does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?”
“Fuck off.” His voice is muffled on Kirishima’s skin and he fists his hands in the back of Kirishima’s shirt.
“You would miss me too much.” And fuck, if he isn’t right about that.
“Maybe,” Bakugou concedes, a little huffy.
Another bright laugh and this time Bakugou doesn’t try to stop the smile that creeps onto his face. “Alright, so now we can hold hands walking to class. I want to cuddle in the common room on movie nights too, okay?” Bakugou scoffs indignantly, but he’s ignored as Kirishima continues with his list, “You have to kiss me good luck before the big exams, too. And before we go on patrol. Oh! I wonder if Fat Gum would let you patrol with us, sometime!”
“You wanna be the one to ask Endeavor?” Bakugou retorts.
“Oh. No.” He feels Kirishima shake his head before he turns down and kisses Bakugou’s forehead. It’s so sweet and domestic and it’s a gesture that Bakugou doesn’t recall ever experiencing before. It makes him feel warm and he picks his head up to press a lingering kiss to Kirishima’s lips instead.
“I will, maybe, do some of that,” he says, knowing full well that he will do all of it if it means Kirishima will keep smiling like this at him, about him, for him, because of him.
“Can I tell everyone that you’re my boyfriend?” Kirishima asks, brushing a gentle hand through Bakugou’s spikes.
Wow. He really likes the sound of that. Kirishima’s. His. Boyfriend. Which also means, Bakugou’s, mine. It means he’s Kirishima’s and Kirishima is Bakugou’s. He doesn't mind being someone's if that someone is Kirishima.
“…yeah,” he agrees, nodding.
The smile. Yeah, that’s what he wanted to see.
“Can I call you Katsuki now?”
“You’re a menace.”
“You can call me Eijirou.”
“Get out.”
Bakugou isn’t sure how long they stay in his bed. They switch between kissing and talking for hours, and he knows it’s getting late because he’s exhausted and falling asleep on Kirishima’s shoulder. He vaguely realizes that he never studied more, which means Kirishima didn’t either. But they were distracted. He’ll make them study tomorrow and hold kissing hostage until Kirishima passes his practice exams.
To avoid Aizawa’s wrath, Kirishima eventually picks himself up to leave and Bakugou finds himself following him to the door. More lingering kisses by the door and Kirishima complains that he doesn’t want to leave and makes another joke about a to-do list. Bakugou pushes him out by his shoulders, Kirishima cackling and holding up his hands in surrender.
“Goodnight Katsuki,” he smiles, kissing him one more time as he leans back in the doorway.
“Goodnight,” Bakugou insists, mostly closing the door.
“Hm?” Kirishima hums, followed by another peck on the lips.
“Goodnight Eijirou,” he says again and receives a very triumphant look from his boyfriend. Fuck, he really likes that. Kirishima’s beaming like he’s won, but Bakugou doesn’t feel like he lost.
“I love you!”
“…yeah, yeah, you too. Go to sleep!”
It takes a few more tries, but he finally gets his door to close. He can practically see the heart emojis coming off of Kirishima as he leaves.
Finally, he collapses in bed, curling up under his blanket. He stares up at his ceiling blankly for a few minutes before he smiles, biting down on his lips to try to stop it. Then he finds himself laughing quietly, barely a breath and mostly out of his nose, but he’s laughing and he’s so happy.
No. No, he doesn’t hate this at all.
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