#coming soon maybe: adventure!c and adventure!k
sparkycinnamon · 1 year
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aaand here's adventure!b! not sure what i'm going to do with them yet but i'm thinking they'll be a member of the forest kingdom
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the-moon-files · 6 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (ur here!)
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (you/they/them), Guide Reader!
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Scenarios?
Stars: Wind, Wild, Sage, C*urage, K*ridai
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: i included the link from K*oridai (faces of evil), and the brunette Link from that old cartoon tv show,
& Trigger Warnings: none known.
Wind (Wind Waker):
Misses being a big brother
ok chill chill he's doing okay
He's just not used to being the youngest in any given group, he used to be the oldest kid in charge of the younger ones and his little sister too
But dont get him wrong! He rlly does love the advantages that come with it,
and when he's feeling down abt not being older u usually cheer him up by reminding him he can be the biggest little shit he wants and every single Link will forgive him once he pulls out his baby seal eyes lmao
Ur the easiest to rope into horse playing/goofing off and he's very happy abt that
The others can be too serious for too long so he appreciates how u and him lighten them up by trying to give each other noogies (he loses most of the time)
As soon as Wind found out the others could play instruments, he immediately demanded they do campfire songs every night lol
(Most of the time one person caves, even just to idly play smth)
Likes inventing weird new games to play that'll convince as many other people to particpate, he used to do it back home too, like finding the prettiest rock on the island, that way his grandma and even adults could play too :)
Needs to sleep beside someone at night, bc he secretly likes it, back on his adventure going to sleep all by himself (unlike living with his grandma/sister) always was a little hard for him
Very hard to wake up in the morning, sleeps in the latest out of all the Links
("I'm a growing boy? Ofc i need my sleep, whats ur excuse??" @ the other Links who sleep in late lol)
Likes to sew! He's still learning, but his grandma used to teach him how so he could help her keep up with his growth spurts/recklessness tearing his clothes up
Idolizes u forever if you embroider, and will watch u like those videos of someone's cat who's fascinated by watching owner craft smth lol (like this ⚫️v⚫️)
Enjoys making stoic people crack their persona and laugh
Also has the wheeziest laugh youve ever heard, it makes u laugh every time, even when he started laughing over a dumb pun
Oh yeah, makes a foul amount of dad jokes for someone whos only like 14 💀
(He once managed to break Time and Legend, which then broke Wars and Twi, and it just continued down the Chain until everyone was crying or on the ground, he wears that shit like a badge and it literally made his confidence go 📈 puffed his chest out and everything lol)
Wild (Breath of the Wild):
U already know everything there is to know abt him??
I dont even have to say it, and it shows when ur around him lol
Like he'll go to do smth stupid like shield surf down death mountain in a unknown Hyrule, and before anyone can even realize thats what he's planning to do you've caught and stopped him and made a compromise to shield surf down some snow bluffs later instead
Or when u know he's gotten new ingredients in some other Link's Hyrule and is going to try and cook with them tonight, so u help him make a regular meal of smth else along with so the boys dont suffer stomaches
Like u can absolutely predict his bullshit all the time, just imagine the most adrenaline junkie thing he could do in that moment with the combination of things around him and you always know what tf he's up to, ur always right lol
Ur the only one who can get him to stop the chaos (besides maybe Time, weirdly enough Sky/Hyrule/Four bc they are the least likely to tell him to stop, so when they do, its usually a very, very bad idea)
Likes hair ornaments, he's got long hair for a reason after all
Likes u to style his hair, and esp if u teach him how to braid or do diff styles <333
He loves that u help cook/at least prep, and u make sure another Link helps too, bc thats a lot of ppl to make food for with little to no help 💀
(Makes u ur fav foods at even the slightest mention of them, like u wont even have to say ur craving Link's already whipped the pan out best housewife fr)
One of the few Links who's adventurous with his clothing, and trying new stuff
Wild was worried abt his Champion tunic getting messed up but was sad he couldn't wear it as much anymore
So u handmade him a new shirt that imitates the old one but with some new designs to represent the Chain! :)
He started crying.
He either hugs so lightly he seems like he's not enjoying it (no true, he's just trying to be polite)
Or he squeezes so hard be pops ur back and nearly breaks a rib
U got the latter for that shirt lol
Any new thing he doesnt remember how to deal with, like how to sew (he knows 1 stitch help), how to wash clothes (dont mix whites and blacks, and colors), how to soothe headaches/muscle aches etc.
He just wanders pitifully over to ur side and looks pitiful lol
Like he's a confused and saddened puppy
And just holds up whatever mess he's made like, "im so sorry, i dont know how to do this pls"
Bc he trusts u to know (the other Links may be hit or miss too tbh lmao)
And ur the least likely to clown him for it too, at least nothing he doesnt also find funny
Sage (Tears of the Kingdom):
So sue me, i enjoy this stupid-definitely-not-canon-unhinged-Link thats done with everyones bullshit and wants to be a hermit
The first time u saw his hair nest and immediately clapped ur hand over u mouth in shock and tried to take a brush to it on sight
He fucking hissed at you.
Feral bitch.
Sage isnt like that all the time, but he was certainly the most distrustful and prickly out of all the Links
(U could smell it was like a defense mechanism from his adventure/past from a mile away, and knew with time that it'd fade away into his true self... like how u just knew Wild that well too)
U are the only person allowed to casually touch him, he shys away from the other Links, let alone strangers,and the first he allowed to help him with his hair
Tbh after u washed it out and got tangles and mats out and cut split ends off etc.
He almost teared up, and was extremely confused why
Def the type to not have realized he felt insecure lowkey abt it until it was fixed (he also was embarrassed to say he didnt rlly know how to take care of it)
Energy of a stray feral cat that leaves dead birds on ur doorstep without fail every morning and u leave a food bowl out in hopes he'll actually be your cat 💀
Extremely protective of you, and eventually the Chain, to the point where he might set someone's hair on fire or use runes on them
Like not enough to seriously injure but enough to scare tf out of ppl and have them running for their lives
(Did he literally growl at someone when they tried to flirt with you?? ... why is Twi encouraging him.)
Was unnerved by Wild at first but slowly got used to him and often butts into whatever private convo u two are having
Like just casually struts up and plops his head on ur shoulder and waits for attention, may complain loudly depending on how grumpy he is that day
(Wild's not getting jealous and constantly hogging u for cooking to get even more time with you what-)
Okay but unfortunately
Once those 2 got comfy with each other, they started tag teaming everyone
Like u can now bet that if an explosion happens in the distance, Sage definitely caused it, and if he's there, then Wild's there making him the explosives
(Same for if Wild's there, then Sage's there)
Def the Link that likes showing the most skin, he "gets overheated easily" - local half naked man justifies his nakedness
Absolutely grievous clowning on the other Links, like its getting into bullyinggg 😭
His words are E rated for Everyone, no ones safe not even you
Sage: "wait, all those rings and nobody's ever put one on you? And you've never put on one someone else??🤔🤔"
Legend: ...😦
The rest of the Chain: 💀😭😶
Time, trying to hide he's choking on laughter so hard he's abt to fall into the firepit
Will occasionally team up with Wild to make a protective little border on either side of you while in towns/new Hyrules
U once offered to sing/hum for him after a nightmare while it was ur turn on watch (he sleeps up trees btw) and after u switched off w/other Link, u both went to edge of camp to sleep next to each other and he had the best sleep of his life like that
Now demands begs u to sing him to sleep every night, wont take "i dont sound that good tho" for an answer
Courage (The Legend of Zelda, 1989 Cartoon TV show):
Yeah... he's here too.
Just dont read this tbh
Enjoys being ✨️special✨️ by being the only hero twink out here with brunette hair
Was insecure abt it being curly/wavy until u slowly built his confidence
Bc he's got the most confidence in his strength, but not in much else tbh 😭
Actually will randomly have moments of responsibility or capability you didnt expect out of him bc he can be so silly and jokey all the time
Youll be lost as hell and he just "hey its ok the stars look like this so we go this way" and it works
Like the type of person u sort of avoid relying on bc he's like a playful jock type and then they randomly show theyre the captain of the team for a reason
Dont ask why, but hes good at knitting, shhhh no, no, no explanation he just secretly is he wont even tell u why or how or when he learned this he just "hehe, wouldnt u like to know princeyyy/princesssss/your majestyyyy"
Hyrule, and rest of Chain standing by, went to talk to one of the Great Fairies in a Hyrule once to try and get some info abt where to camp tonight or where nearest town was and before he could get close enough to ask,
Courage was already yelling like "YOOOO BIGGEST FAIRY WHATS UP?! u mind giving some poor lost fellas like us somewhere to go with ourselves tonight??"
They kept talking super casually and she laughed so hard that she let u guys stay near her that night to camp and be under fairy protection like no fairy boy Link needed 💀
Everyone was shocked, and thats how u all found out Courage is rlly good with fairies/their best friend no matter the Hyrule
Every time u guys learn smth new abt him it feels so unexpected, like out of left field or smth
It just never seems to fit his usual persona, or at least not what youd expect from him
So needless to say the first time u guys learned he could talk to magical objects that were powerful enough (like the fucking triforce)-
(this was apparently so normal he literally lived with a piece of it just in his room all the time????)
Has weird mixture of country boy vs. royal prince sensibilities?
It alarmed several Links. 💀
He can talk to Fi.
(Sky and you nearly cried)
Like he lived in the castle alongside Zelda so he inherited some spoiled/etiquette stuff, but he still would absolutely go splash in mud puddles in the rain
Would literally do fucking anything if it meant youd give him a kiss on the cheek
Likes to hug you a lot too, with his huge ass arms lifting u up (no he does not care how much u weigh ur going UP) and spinning u around
Its his favorite, almost as much as kisses
No but he's slay fucking Majora to get a kiss, like it's actually unbelievable and kinda endearing how excited he gets if u promise him one lmao
Koridai (Link: The Faces of Evil):
Omg not them putting Link's name in the title of the gameee i didnt know that 😭😭
Geezzz,, i dont know what im on
But ig heres that other silly ass Link if anyone feels like reading it
Will also fight any god, including Hylia, for a kiss
Actually astoundingly good at strategizing
Like after a few times in heat of battle him organizing Links, Time and Wars practically jumped him to include him in planning shit
He was similar to Courage to in that he just was cracking jokes all the time u didnt expect it, also he's significantly more sarcastic than Courage
U introduced him to dark humor and the laugh he laughed practically burst out of him, he looked shocked by his own laugh lmao
So he also now has a streak of dark humor he shows when u talk for while/sees someone also enjoys it
Its like his not-so-guilty-pleasure
Really good at baking? He apparently learned a lot of miscellaneous skills to better court someone and he now uses them fully to seduce you,
thru gift giving mostly, its is love language besides acts of service :)
(All Links do some amount of acts of service tho <3)
Rlly good at styling hair surprisingly, and at shield surfing??? What
Actually down to try Wild's experimental dishes...
And by that i mean he pranks the rest of you by sneaking the inedible bits into ur food
U may or may not have nearly choked him out for it and now he doesnt do it to you, and even was trying to act all pitiful abt it like "sorry lovely, but i just wanted to tease u bc ur so cute!! 🥺👉👈"
Like,, stfu u little shit 💀
He has the energy of a male orange cat, dont ask why he just is, and specifically the orange cat getting on top of the fridge or stuck between the the screen door and glasss door comically or smth 😭
Hes also loud as hell
One of the worst at stealth unless he just keeps his mouth shut completely, like his whispering is loud
He proclaims his affections very loudly too, like gettin u flowers and chatting ur ear off with what he likes abt u lol
No, like he can go for 20 minutes or more if u let him, u better stop him before he gets into the personality based compliments
Bc those sound wayyy too personal to be aired out in public ngl, like its so soft and domestic itll kill u lol
And he means every word too 👀
God fuck this hellsite stop doing this meee
Thats it im just do what i do for the other blog and write it smwhere else and then copy paste onto the post this is ridiculoussss 😒😒
Well anyway, i hope if u read this before i updated and actually FINISHED THIS u come back and read it again!! :(
Sorry guys, but blame tumblr pls before u blame me 😔
(Yeah theres a lot of emojis leave me alone i feel strongly abt this)
Peace out,
🐤 Peep
I think ill start signing off my name ig, unless u guys wanna call me Moon that works too
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
eddie munson fluffy alphabet?
only if you’re comfortable with writing ofc!
hope you’re having an amazing day:)
Of course. I love my alphabets, they're so fun to me.
I used a different template off of google for this one to switch it up a bit😭😂
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Man, he's like the most needy person in the whole world. He's very touchy feely, even in public and loves to be all close to you. He just loves holding your hand or wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's a goofball. He's rope you into slightly illegal activities and bail you out of trouble whenever you need it. He's the type to just show up at your house out of nowhere and kidnap you to take you on some adventure.
I think that your friendship would randomly begin accidentally in a shared class or maybe bumping into each other in the woods while he was selling and you on a walk.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Keeping this simple, he will literally flop down on top of you and just lay on top of you for hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He really wants to settle down in a simple life with you and just play his music. He would do anything you asked of him, learning chores and the way you like to make the bed so he could please you. He would make dinner so you could come home to a fresh meal, loving the smile that would spread across your lips.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Fuck no, he's not ending it. He gets into relationships with the intent to stay with the person he loves. I think that after seeing his parents have a shitty relationship, any relationship he'd start would be successful because he would make sure it would be.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He'd be very nervous for commitment after seeing his parents relationship crumble but he wouldn't start a relationship without knowing it would be successful. He would want to get married as soon as he graduates, let's be honest.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's such a softie for his significant other. Like he would just genuinely want nothing more than to be everything you need, fulfilling every need and want that you have.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves loves loves hugs. I think that he would give the best hugs, the types of hugs that you can just stay in for hours without needing air or to stretch.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I think that he would accidentally say it fast. Like you'd be joking about something and he would playfully say 'god I love you' and then he would immediately go on a ramble about how he slipped up.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's very jealous and he almost always takes it out on the other person rather than you. He's the type to yell 'take a picture' or full on make out with you in front of the person who's overstepping.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He loves to kiss your cheeks quickly and playfully but he loves to leave lingering kisses on your lips, taking your breath away and distracting you from everything and anything around you guys.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Have you seen him with all of the kiddos in the group? How playful he is and protective? Like, he'd be an amazing dad even if he didn't have a good one to begin with.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Slow lol. Eddie hates getting out of bed without some, uh, motivation. So most of the time it would be spent in bed, wrapped in each other and blankets and you'd end up talking about anything and everything.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Very smoky and very sleepy. Y'all would eat and smoke and relax and he would play music. Nights are full of giggles and snores for sure.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think that sometimes he would just spew things about himself and then realize like 'oh shit I just said that' and I think that's hilarious. I think that the more deep things would come out eventually but he would always preface it by saying 'I have something to tell you and it's a big deal'.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Very. Sometimes his patience is worn a little thin but never with you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He's kind of a scatter brain but I think that he would remember everything about you just because he's so used to people leaving. He would want to remember everything about you just in case he doesn't have the chance to make anymore memories of you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He loves the moments that he forgets about until he has a deja vu moment. I'm not talking about anything specific but sometimes, lets say, you'll be laying in bed and you'll say something and a memory will just pop in his head and then he'll just end up smiling and gawking at you for twenty minutes as he remembers.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He's VERY protective. I think of him like a really big dog. Like scary dog but he's actually a sweetheart. He's very intimidating to look at before you get to know him with his height and his tattoos and his stance. He looks very confident and I think that he's the type to just wrap an arm around you and hold you tight in the face of a creepy guy or someone being rude to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He's the type of guy to never stop trying to 'get' his partner. He wants to constantly impress you and sweep you off of your feet just to keep you happy but to also ensure that you want to be with him. He sees a bunch of guys neglecting their partners and giving them every reason to leave and he doesn't want to be like that.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The man leaves joints everywhere, I'm sorry. He really does. I also think that he forgets that he smells like weed and sometimes smells toooooo strongly of weed when he's out and about places.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I definitely think that he gets a bit self conscious. I'm not sure if I could give specifics as to what he worries about but I think with all of the people he knows and the people he looks up to, he'd bounce around from insecurity to insecurity.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think that he's like a lost puppy once he attaches himself to someone. He worries constantly if he's being too clingy because he genuinely just likes to be close to the people he loves. He'd definitely be the 'count down the days' type of dude when it comes to being away from his significant other for too long.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I think that his love language is truly acts of service. I think a partner who just does things for him without him asking, it's like tying the knot with him before he's even asked you to marry him. On the other hand, I think he's big with words of affirmation. I know that his uncle is a good caregiver, but I think he needs more words of 'I love you', 'I appreciate you', 'I'm proud of you' from his partners to heal issues his parents left on him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think that he would not be with someone who's overly judgmental. Like if him and his partner are going to mutually judge someone else, sure, but if his partner is judgmental and closed minded about things people can't control- sexual orientation, health issues, race, etc.- he'd be running for the hills.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Honestly, I think Eddie is up for a while at night unless it's after hardcore nsfw time or if he's smoked a ton. I think of him as being really fidgety and that he takes a bit to relax because he's fussy. Like a baby.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee
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lunarcovehq · 2 months
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M-I-C- See You Real Soon K-E-Y Why? Because We Love You. M-O-U-S-E.
Perhaps presumption or hubris alone had allowed Rohan Persaud to consider himself a beacon—a torch for wayward spirits to follow home. But Lunar Cove needed more light, he had, by now, decided, and emerging from the shadows of the New Year, the witch had resolved that light was the very thing on which he would focus in 2024. Maybe, then, he could strive to follow it himself toward brighter days, toward celebrations of the mundane, toward genuine friendship, toward love, toward happiness, and most of all, toward forgiveness, a true letting go of anger, of fear, and of bitterness. He was only having intermittent success at this endeavor, but as he sat that night at his dining table, surrounded by candlelight, casting flickering orange slats on a faded Mickey Mouse hat, he tried, even now, to focus on this resolution. He could forgive Todd Miller for taking up residence temporarily in his body; it was, after all, not the guy’s fault. And being bound to a Halloween costume for eternity was a more hellish fate than anyone deserved. At the very least, Rohan supposed, he could try to undo those bindings rather than add the ghost to the array of other haunted objects sitting on his shelves. He might not be able to free Todd from this earth, but he could let him experience the adventure that was the astral plane. The raising of spirits was not a complicated matter. But this spell was. It was new. It was different. It was unpracticed, foolish, reckless in all its good intentions, as though he could really simply order Todd to be free the way he had ordered the Crackling Man to freeze and do no harm that Halloween night. But Rohan had found it in his own research, hidden in a dusty old book, an untying of undead knots. But such tethers were strong, he was realizing, stronger still surrounding an object worn at a death itself. It was not until Bustopher yowled, it was not until he could smell the familiar hint of ashes at his nostrils, a tell-tale sign of a more a vile ghost always watching, it was not until he felt a rush with which he was too familiar and strove to never attempt again that Rohan wished he had approached Poppy first. Everything was quiet. He stumbled through his apartment, overwhelmed, landing in the coat closet he had fashioned into a mirrored psychomanteum to see, in the dark, that his eyes were blackened. Bells chimed somewhere in his apartment, a telltale sign of a door opening on its own. And all at once, standing there was another young man, frazzled, wide-eyed: Todd Miller himself, back from the dead.
Hot off the presses- Rohan Persaud, a Lunar Cove coven member, used dark magic without having any of the coven members consent to bring Todd Miller back from the dead. As you all know by now, dark magic requires a cost and, for a coven member to bring the dead back to life, a life must be paid in return. You won't know when or how, but at some point, one of the existing coven members will die. Leaving the coven will not exempt you from this fate. New members who join the coven will also be safe. This will ONLY affect current members who were in the coven at the time of the spell.
In anticipation of our next event, we will be dropping plot drops like these every other week or every week.
These plot drops are completely optional for your character to react to, but will be dropping crucial tidbits that will be building up to the event to come. We also hope this new series of plot drops will inspire starters and different threads to be had between your characters.
Calling All Witches: Your magic has temporarily gone out once again. For the next 24 hours, you will be unable to perform any spells or magic and will be unsure why. Poppy Reed, the supreme, will need to deliberate Rohan's fate with our new Coven advisor, Royce Van Doren III. If you are part of the coven, be prepared. A meeting will likely be held to decide/announce Rohan's fate (plot drop for this to come).
Calling The Council: A member of the dead has been brought back to life. In turn, the accord #1, no killing of any supernatural creatures or humans unless proven without a reasonable doubt of being in an act of self defense, will be broken. A meeting will be held to discuss (plot drop for this to come).
For everyone else: Your characters may or may not be directly affected if they happen to have interacted with Todd in the past or have interacted with Rohan. For now, we ask that your characters are unaware of what happened until informed as such IC, though a plot drop will occur in a week where it will become public knowledge so please hold off on having your characters find out till then. The other species aren't affected as of yet given that their lives are not on the line or at risk, but feel free to react and interact with threads as they unfold.
If you have any questions on the above please feel free to reach out.
Last by not least, we hope you have fun!
(Also, shoutout to Ted who wrote the top two paragraphs - the unbold part - of this plot drop. You're an MVP and we look forward to seeing how this plot you brought to us plays out).
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blu-joons · 2 years
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The protective side of Minhyuk couldn’t help but pay attention to you quite a lot of the time. Everyone knows that if you’re nearby there’s no point talking to him as he’ll never quite pay attention to them.
Not many people expected the two of you to bicker together, but you definitely did. You usually did it behind closed doors where no one could see you with things like what film you’d watch or where you’d order dinner from being one of the common things that you’d bicker about to try and make your minds up.
Everything would be dropped by Minhyuk whenever he picked up on the fact that you needed comforting. He didn’t care how busy he was, none of it was ever as important to him as being with you and making sure that he was with you either to vent, cry, or do whatever else it was that you needed to do.
Both of you argued over pretty pathetic things most of the time as you tried to please the other person. Things like who would drive or who would pay when the two of you went out were two of the most common things that the two of you argued over as you tried to do more, and Minhyuk tried to do more. You knew it was petty, and stupid too, but you could never quite stop yourselves arguing over it.
You were quite taken aback by how much you warmed to Minhyuk when you first met him, something about him just made you feel safe. He had a calmness about him that just seemed to make you trust him and feel as if you could talk to him and know that he would help you and try to understand you. Minhyuk supported you from the get-go and soon found himself wanting to stick right by your side.
Minhyuk’s family always took the best care of you, whenever you needed any help, they were there for you. If Minhyuk mentioned to them that you were in a bit of a pickle, then they’d be in contact with you and making sure that you were alright. His mum would help you more if you were struggling emotionally, but if you were struggling physically, like building, his dad would help you out with Minhyuk.
Quite often the two of you would adventure when you hung out, walks were a particular favourite for the two of you. The river gave the two of you a great space nearby that you could walk along which was particularly good for you both when you hadn’t caught up for a while, with plenty to talk about.
The two of you had a habit of working pretty independently before coming back together again. Whilst Minhyuk went to the gym, you’d go to the store and maybe get food so then you could both meet back up and head back to Minhyuk’s apartment to cook dinner and spend the evening together.
You shared plenty of inside jokes together, and they were things that you kept very private too. You never talked about your inside jokes with other people, they were things that you kept to yourselves and stories, sometimes embarrassing, that you decided would always be funnier if you just kept them to you two.
There were definitely times when he would find himself getting a little bit jealous, Minhyuk hated feeling threatened by anyone. He was pretty confident at the best of times, but that confidence would disappear when he felt as if someone was trying to push him aside. Minhyuk liked being your priority and your best friend and definitely didn’t enjoy when someone tried to seem more important than him.
Minhyuk got a kick out of helping you out, he loved being the friend that you depended on. If you asked him if he had a moment or asked if he would mind stopping by at your apartment then Minhyuk would reply in an instant, whether it was helping you build something in your home, or just some advice.
He loved how well you both worked together, how your faults were fixed by Minhyuk, and his fixed by you. There was a great balance between the two of you, your strengths equalled out Minhyuk, as his did yours. It was great for you both as your differences somehow still seemed to work together, and your similarities were what had brought the two of you closer together at the start of your friendship too.
The two of you first met at the coffee shop which was just beside the gym that Minhyuk went to. You couldn’t help but stare at him as he walked in, as did many other people in the coffee shop too, but Minhyuk was drawn to you as he placed his order, offering you a weak smile as you quickly looked away again.
There was a charm to Minhyuk at the best of times, but his cheeky nature came to the forefront especially whenever Minhyuk was around you. You brought out his charm and made him the most at ease too.
Minhyuk was obsessed with your jokes and how frequently you made him laugh. Quite often you’d just hear his little giggle from behind you when you said something, glancing back at his innocent smile.
There was very little that Minhyuk enjoyed more with you than just being able to sit back and relax. Home comforts with you were definitely the moments that Minhyuk seemed to enjoy the most, he was on his feet for so much of the day, but you were the one that encouraged him to sit back and just chill for a while.
Most of the time Minhyuk would ask you questions about you, asking about how your day was a personal favourite of his as he loved to find out as much as possible about how you were and how things were too.
A section of your fridge at home was saved for Minhyuk whenever he visited your home. You had plenty of chicken breasts and vegetables especially as he liked to have everything that he needed there, with a box of energy drinks and several bags of protein thrown into your storage cupboard too.
Every time you did something to support Minhyuk, he always let you know just how thankful he was. Just saying thank you to you wasn’t enough for him either, if you showed up then he’d take you out for dinner after or put you in the best seats in the house to be able to show you just how appreciative he was.
He loved to bring you along whenever Minhyuk planned a trip for himself. As much as he loved going away with the boys too, it was nice for him to not have to worry about work when he went away with you instead.
The two of you were inseparable, everyone knew that you were one another’s best friend because of how close you were.
He visited your place often, Minhyuk would stop by quite often as your home was on the way to the studio, but if you had seemed off in your messages or weren’t replying to him especially then he’d be at your door.
Trying his best was all that Minhyuk could do when trying to give you advice, it wasn’t always perfect, but it was heartfelt.
He was incredibly cuddly around you, Minhyuk loved to have you nearby to him. There were never any other intentions behind it when he hugged you other than the fact that he knew that it made you smile.
You were his best friend; it was never just a saying as far as Minhyuk was concerned.
He loved having you at his place more than anywhere else, having you with him where he could take care of you, especially when you weren’t quite feeling like yourself was hugely important for Minhyuk.
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Hi, can you please write a general yandere alphabet for Karl Jacobs from dream smp?
Author's Note- This has been just sitting here.
Warnings- Murder, Sadism, Panic Attacks, Mental Breakdowns, Gore, Breaching Personal Space
Yandere Karl Jacobs Alphabet
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Karl in game (And in real life) is very cuddly, so of course his way of showing love and affection would be physical touch, hugging, cuddling, kissing, pretty much any form of touch
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He can be pretty messy, but Karl doesn't really do killing, he just prevents that person from being born
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Karl will treat you with love and care, cuddling you, checking up on you, making you food, making sure your taking care of yourself, the whole 9 yards
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Definitely going back in time and changing stuff from the past, like making sure you didn't meet one person or preventing someone's life
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Karl really wants to trust you, but Karl is smart enough to know that you'll have to earn it, since if he trusted you immediately, you can run off since he trusted you too soon
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Karl would be disappointed yet ashamed, ashamed of his himself for making you have to fight back as a defense, and with his memory it definitely doesn't help at all
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This isn't a game to him, he would panic and look everywhere, he'll even go back in time to see when you eescaped and where you went.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Dark Karl. Karl has a side he rarely shows, and it mainly shows if he finds out you're taking advantage of him, taking advantage of his memory issues, taking advantage of his kindness. Karl could NEVER hit you, but, he will lock you in a blood room with blood covering the walls, organs pined to said walls with rusty nails, and dead bodies everywhere. You'll be left in their for days if not weeks, he won't feed you nor will he give you water, he told you if you got hungry, just eat the bodies or if you got thirsty, drink their blood.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Living together in peace, time traveling together, and maybe even adopting a kid
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Karl doesn't really get jealous, since he will most likely forget the encounter
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's very kind, caring and loving, yet also very touch starved and clingy. He loves hugging, cuddling and kissing you. He would even hold hands with you if you don't like hugs
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He would invite you to picnics, time traveling trips, and sleepovers. He would want to become your friend first so you know who he is and you trust him
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Dark Karl is a completely different thing, if you've seen my college AU Karl, College AU Dark Karl isn't like DSMP Dark Karl, DSMP Dark Karl is a demon Karl got from time traveling, while College AU Dark Karl is a different personality, that was originally a coping mechanism, but it just got out of hand
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Karl doesn't like hurting you, cause when your hurt, Karl's hurt. He would punish you by locking you in a room for a few days, not getting much food, only some salty crackers and water, and some juice if you were doing well
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He barely takes any, cause he wants you to feel comfortable and safe with him, and he doesn't want to break you
The only right he would take away from you is leaving him and personal space
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Karl is extremely patient. He could wait millions of years for you to love him, and he won't be mad about it
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Karl would have mental breakdowns to the point he'd be so mentally and physically tired that he wouldn't be able to breath, leading to Dark Karl taking over, and he's going to hunt you down if you escaped
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
If you're not happy or extremely depressed he will, DSMP Karl loves you and wants you to be happy and healthy, but if you're not, he'll let you go and just watch you from a far, seeing you smile and laugh is much better than you cuddling him even though you're depressed.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Quackity leaving.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'd try and get you out so he'd can spend time with you. He'd good around to see you smile and tell you stories from his adventures
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Him actually taking you places.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His kindness, this'll be very risky, but you can do it if you're smart about it
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not on purpose.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Extreme lengths, he'd try everything, Yandere DSMP Karl is the actual definition of a simp.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
9 months, man gets too excited
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
fluff alphabet with judy bellingham ? <3
Fluff Alphabet- Jude Bellingham
A- Activities Jude has a soft spot for doing jigsaw puzzles with you, like the huge massive ones. They may sound boring but boy does Jude make them fun. You like to hide the last few pieces from him just to see him get frustrated about loosing them.
B- Beauty Your optimism and ability to see past his mistakes is beautiful.- He makes a mistake in a match? No problem, you didn't even notice. Besides, he will still succeed.- You always look forward no matter what and he really loves that.
C- Comfort He's a good listener, so he always lets you speak before he tries to give any sort of advice. If that doesn't work, he will put you in the car and you will go on a drive to clear your head.
D- Dreams Of course he wants you in his future, but he's still very young so he doesn't really want to think about it right now.
E- Equal At the beginning of the relationship he was way more dominant, but as he trusts your judgement more, he loosened off a tad.
F- Fight He can be tough when he's mad, he doesn't hold back. But soon after he will regret it and apologise right away. He never thinks about what he says in the moment. Even though you know he doesn't mean the nasty things he says at times but they still hurt.
G- Gratitude He appreciates the fact that he's met someone so amazing at such a young age. Everything you do for him, he is extremely grateful for. At times, he doesn't know how to show it but when he does he absolutely means it.
H- Honesty He either tells you everything, or nothing. There's times where he will be talking about something that he thought he already told you about but really he didn't. He was worse with that at the beginning of the relationship but he's slowly getting better at talking to you.
I- Inspiration Jude is wayyyy more open now. He's much better at talking. As I said, he's trying to get better at talking to you but you definitely see a difference in him. You helped him with this because of the way you talk to him, you're very confident in the way you talk and will tell him anything.
J- Jealous Jude? Jealous? Never. Well, maybe sometimes... Only when he's had a drink...
K- Kiss He was this little shy thing when it came to your first kiss, but now he kisses you like they kiss in the movies. He loves kissing you and he always does it like there's no tomorrow. A peck is never enough.
L- Love Well, you see, he's never actually said it. Numerous times he has tried to but the words don't come out. He does plan on saying it soon though...
M- Marriage As we know, Jude is still very young and hasn't thought about the future. It's a bit scary to him. But he definitely wants to marry you in the future.
N- Nickname He likes to call you butter cup, 'My little buttercup'. Or Sugar is another, Come on sugar lets go'. If it's a matchday and you're wearing your Dortmund kit he will call you his bumble bee.
O- On Cloud Nine He's quite shy when it comes to talking about your relationship. When Jadon was still at Dortmund, he would tease him about you or tell him that 'the young love is clear'.
P- PDA He's shy about showing love in public. Not many people know about the relationship anyway so you're both happy to keep the PDA to a minimum. Maybe he will chuck an arm over your shoulder every now and then or let you link arms with him but that's it.
Q- Quirk I've mentioned that he's not great at talking about things, but he translates a lot of emotion through touch. The way he squeezes his leg when he feels anxious or the way he rests his head on your chest when he's upset.
R- Romance He's a master at romance. Dates are always perfection. The most romantic always. Whether it's a big fancy restaurant, or if he's decorated the dining room. Either way, it will always be made special for you.
S- Support He always supports you, of course. But he doesn't try to get too involved. Of course if you need advice he will help as much as he can but he doesn't like to just in case he fucks up.
T- Thrill He doesn't want to be locked into one thing forever, so change isn't that scary for him. Although, he does need some aspect of routine for him to feel balanced. New places to eat, new adventures etc.
U- Understanding He's good at knowing what sends you in a mood. He try's to avoid it but if he's bored then why not make you grumpy and then go on the mission to make you happy again? He's always finding new things that tick you off and he makes mental notes whenever he finds a new one.
V- Value The relationship is so so important to Jude. He's unsure of how to show you this, but it certainly is important. You help him to live a somewhat 'normal' life. You're the only thing that he has away from football and the media.
W- Wild Card When he's stressed, he likes you to give him a massage. Afterwards you can always see a difference. He seems so much more relaxed and recharged.
X- XOXO He's more affectionate than he thinks. He doesn't realise how much he asks for kisses or cuddles, or how much he just does it. So yes, he is very affectionate.
Y- Yearning He doesn't like to dwell on your absence. He will always find something to distract himself with. That could be going to the gym, playing games with the boys or watching tv. Whatever it is, he will make it work.
Z- Zoo Deep down, he wants a bunny rabbit. I don't think he'd ever tell you but he definitely wants one.
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hi! If you have the time could you maybe do an A-Z with Chenle? SFW or NSFW you decide what you are most comfortable with I would be super happy with either! :)
Note: I will do it SFW since it would be the first one in the page <3 And Lele, is still baby in my mind
Chenle A To Z Analysis : SFW
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A = Affection
Chenle isn't the most affectionated person ever and that because his way to show affection would be through teasing and playful fights. Sometimes he might say a gentle word
B = Best friend
As as best friend Chenle, would be such a confident and a good secret keeper. He listens and he tries his best to help out. Loves to go on adventurous and play games and mostly to just spend time with you
C = Cuddles
Not a cuddler he really only does it if you beg him for like 10 minutes straight
D = Domestic
He would like to settle down one day even if he knows that it won't happen like he has imagined it. He would suck at cleaning tho, don't expect him to be a cleaning freak
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with his partner, Chenle would do it through social media or text or a call because he would be unable to di it directly. It's maybe cowardly, but it would be the easiness option
F = Fiance(e)
Committing is something that scares him, because he knows there's standards on his family and he really wonders if he will ever be happy with that
G = Gentle
Chenle is a Huricane, is love comes with hate. To love, he needs also to be a little dick sometimes, but that's his way to show love.
H = Hugs
As indicated, Chenle doesn't like to hug much but there will be times where he will come up behind you and hug you just for the pleasure of it
I = I love you
He probably says it first without even noticing it and then he would totally deny it
J = Jealousy
He can get extremely jealous over the smallest things and when he does , he gets pretty upset and usually gives you the cold shoulder for days before he will actually sit down and listen to you
K = Kisses
His kisses are gentle and wet, and he loves to kiss you while his hands are on your waist. He also love when you give him navel and nose kisses
L = Little ones
Children makes him panic even though he is curious and low-key enjoys to be around them
M = Morning
If possible, Chenle would like to spend the morning in bed with you, while watching a movie or playing some silly games
N = Night
He will snore and take all the blanket away from your body but hey he would also let you cuddle with him during all night
O = Open
He isn't a very open person and he would need several months of relationship and trust before he starts to reveal his feelings and emotions and even his past and problems to you.
P = Patience 
He is easily angered by stupid things where serious things usually don't get him too soon.
Q = Quizzes
Honestly he isn't the best at remembering the things you have asked for your birthday or the dates that are important. Chenle tend to forget details easily even if he remembers the top topic of the discussion
R = Remember His favorite moments with you are the ones where you two are alone, here you are laughing and probably playing Mario Kart and he lets you win just so he can see your smile over your face.
S = Security
Very protective and jealous, Chenle would always make sure you are safe and sound, and happy with the situation. he usually protects you by glaring to the other person while keeping his hand on your waist
T = Try
He keeps his efforts minimalist, simply because he sucks at it so it makes him frustrated and thus so he doesn't get angry, does minimalist things.
U = Ugly
He has this bad habit to get into bed with dirty socks and then touch your legs with it
V = Vanity
Since he is an idol of course looks are important but when he is with you he won't even bother, he basically is always barefaced without his hair brushed
W = Whole
He would feel incomplete after 2 weeks without you but he would never admit it
X = Xtra
Chenle would be a loyal boyfriend, who would never cheat on you and would have a very serous deep commitment with you
Y = Yuck
He wouldn't like when his partner nags him about how much time he spends on his phone or working, on when they complain about his parents, family and culture
Z = Zzz
He sleeps with all the duvet on his body and one foot out of the bed
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Maybe a Theo imagine? (From YOU) that would be lovely I don’t think I’ve seen anything for him
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A - Affection (how do they show affection)
Theo shows affection by bringing you flowers or jewelry he made. His love language is 100% gift-giving.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
Theo likes to study with you via cafes and bookstores.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
He's the tiny spoon. Can't change my mind. Sorry Not Sorry.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
I feel like he's super adventurous and your first date would be like that. Breaking into his old high school and going up to the roof to watch the stars.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
He gives me golden retriever vibes. As soon as he wakes up, he texts you. He wants to be with you (not in a joe way)
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
Theo would laugh during fights which would lead to a bigger fight.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
Him- My fair lady, Lamb, and sunshine
You- Sir, Sly Fox, and baby.
H - Hi (first time meeting)
You're Henry's babysitter (yay....) Theo saw you walking out with Henry in the stroller and was hooked.
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
Candlelights and roses. *Chef's kiss*
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
He doesn't get jealous because he knows at the end of the day he gets to take you home.
He finds it cute when you get jealous over Love.
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
He loves to kiss your nose/neck. He does it every chance he can get.
L - Love (when was the first time they said I love you or realized it?)
He realized he loved you when the two of you were playing 'I Spy". He couldn't help but think how gorgeous the moonlight makes you look.
"Hmmm I spy a-"
"I love you" he'll interrupt.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
Six months after dating the two of you would move in together.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
He's bouncing off the walls. "I'm going to be a dad" he screams. He'll ask Joe for some pointers (yikes)
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
Open book on both sides.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
Theo loves taking photos of you just point blank. You love photos where Theo is reading.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
Theo hates when you tap your nails. It makes him antsy.
You hate when Theo makes "Hmmmm" sounds too basic questions like "How was your day"
"Hmmm It was good"
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
The two of you are each other's, personal nurses
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
Theo gets all serious and the two of you talk for hours.
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
Theo would come up from behind and start kissing your neck.
U- Waking Up With Them
Is eventful. Sometimes he wakes up earlier or sometimes it's a struggle to get him out of bed.
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
Anywhere. His dad has the money.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
He proposes to you under the stars and you two have a private wedding. You'll have a beautiful honeymoon in France (Did you catch that?)
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
He won't lie, your ass did.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
He'll snuggle up to you and murmur random shit.
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
Tangled up and cuddles.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Hiiiii, can I request of Ace survived b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ f̶u̶c̶k̶ A̶k̶a̶i̶n̶u̶ and his s/o was pregnant with his child then after 2 years of time skip (they don't know Ace survived) can please Luffy & Sabo reunited with Ace, to his s/o and child and having family moments 🥺🥺🥺 👉👈
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summary- requested ^^
word count - 2.9 k, i honeslty could write a whole book 
song inspo- i love you - billie eilish
characters - Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy
warnings - None :)
a/n- my sense of time is fucked. I could’ve swore it was Tuesday...but i still had a lot of fun writing this. I cried half the time but Ace 🥺🥺 so I hope you enjoy
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“The weeds!! The weeds Luffy!! Not the flowers!” (Y/n) shouted as she leaned out the kitchen window. Even then Luffy still began to yank out the barely budding roses. For as much as he wanted to do the garden, Luffy sucks at it. (Y/n) eyes trailed over to the small pile of weeds and roses, where Luffy continued to toss the roses in. Let out a heavy sigh, (Y/n) called out to him again, “Luffy! Not the roses!”
“Huh?” Luffy hummed as he looked up and around before finally making eye contact with (Y/n). She scoffed at her absent-minded brother-in-law as she stated again,
“Your weeding the weeds, not the roses.”
“Eh? But they all look the same?” Luffy hummed as he looked back to the pile of weeds and roses then back to the rosebuds in his hands.
“See the little green ball on top of that the stem, those are roses that have yet to bloom. Those need to stay in the ground so they can bloom, what your getting is the other green plants.” (Y/n) explained as she pointed down the weeds that surrounded the roses. Luffy’s eyes followed as he began to finally see the difference between the 2. And with a chuckle, Luffy had gone back to work pulling out only the weeds this time. (Y/n) scoffed once again as she leaned back from the window and turned around on her heel and looked back at her blonde brother-in-law. She was so grateful for Sabo and Luffy. They sat through everything with her and supported her throughout it too.  Keeping her safe and healthy when she found out about Ace’s death, being there to help her through her pregnancy even sitting with her through her labor, and even now they still come and visit her regularly, checking up on her and her family. The trio of brothers are the best people she has ever met. Brightening her smile, she shook her head and began to walk past them.
“Ya’know for as much as Luffy wanted to do the garden, you’d think he’s at least how to do it.” (Y/n) sighed as she made her way next to Sabo at the table. She had taken a spot right next to him and picked up the pair of pants she was stitching back together. Sabo continued to shuffle through some paper as he glanced over at (Y/n) and chuckled.
“Well, you pretty much banned him from doing anything else. The garden is the only thing Luffy can do now.” Sabo pointed out, taking the pile of papers in his hands and setting them to the side, then began working on the other pile.
“...It’s his fault for being so reckless. If he’s your brother you should’ve raised him better.” (Y/n) huffed, cutting the string off the pants and tying them up. (Y/n) was currently fixing a pair of Estelle’s pants that were destroyed when he and Luffy were playing. It wouldn’t be a big of a problem if it wasn’t one of Estelle’s good pants. It was one of the best days Estelle had though, so it was easy for (Y/n) not to get too mad.
“Ace was the one who was the closest to him. I lost my memories although that time.” Sabo answered, as his gaze shifted down to the paperwork
“Looks like Imma have to call Ace out on that then-”
“Mama!!” A loud voice had shouted as the door to the small house swung open and a small (h/c) colored child had rushed in. (Y/n) was quick to drop the pants and open her arms to greet home her child.
“Estelle! Welcome back, baby.” (Y/n) smiled brightly as she gave a huge hug to her child. Estelle giggled and happily hugged back. Estelle wasn’t gone for long, only about 3 hours but it was easy to tell that he missed his mom. He definitely takes after his dad, being a very family-orientated person. Standing up from her chair, she pulled away from Estelle yet keeping him on her hip, she smiled, “We’re you nice to Doctor Cherry?”
“Yeah, she even gave me a candy.” Estelle proudly shouted as he stuck out his tongue and showed (Y/n) its blue color.
“Wow, You must’ve been such a good boy. I bet Dcotor Cherry was happy to spend the day with you.” (Y/n) smiled, as she set Estelle back on the floor and looked up at the red-haired lady that stood at the door.
“Of course, Estelle’s one of my best patients.” Cherry smiled as she looked down at Estelle. Estelle giggled loudly as grinned up from his mother's side. Cherry was another person who stood by (Y/n) when she was going through such a hard time, helping (Y/n) nurse back to health and helped a lot with the pregnancy. She was another that was close like family. As Cherry took a step into the house, she had opened her mouth to speak again but Sabo and Luffy were quick to interrupt.
“You’re not even gonna say hi to your uncles. Estelle, you make us so sad.” Sabo teased as he and Luffy walked up to join (Y/n). Quickly turning around to the sound of the voices, Estelle smiled brightly again.
“Uncle Sabo, Uncle Luffy!!” Estelle shouted as he jumped into their arms. The boys were quick to hug back and spoil Estelle in all types of affections. (Y/n) smiled at the view, that's one of the many things that she wants Estelle to learn that no matter what family is always important. With Estelle already being a very family-oriented person, it seemed that (Y/n) didn’t have much of a lesson to teach. Giggling to herself, (Y/n) turned back to Cherry to see what she was gonna say early. Once Cherry had seen that (Y/n) was back on her, she began again,
“Someone was asking around for you early today. I’m not sure who, but he seemed almost desperate.” Cherry explained as she watched (Y/n) face twist into shock and just for a moment, there was a huge flash of hope in her eyes that seemed to cloud her judgment for a moment. It was for a brief moment, but even with that flash of hope Cherry could tell that (Y/n) wants, more like needs, to see who it is.
“Asking for (Y/- Ow!!” Sabo hisses as he quickly pulled his arm towards him and began to rub the red spot that Estelle pinched, “He’s still in his pinching phase? I thought we were over that.”
“With Estelle? Of course not, he still goes around pinching everything and everyone. I’ve been trying to get him to stop but he doesn’t want to. I’m surprised that you thought he grew ou-”
“Ow, ow, ow, ow!! My nipples!!” Luffy cried as he pushed Estelle away from him. With the pain still written over his face, Luffy cupped his nipples and hissed. (Y/n) laughed as she watched Luffy sit there trying to soothe the pain running through him.
“Yeah no, he’s still pinching.” (Y/n) laughed before her, and Sabo, both turned back to Cherry and continued to question her.
“Who’s looking for (Y/n)?” Sabo questioned. It was easy to tell that his overprotectiveness was kicking him. The only response that Sabo got from Cherry was a shrug and then slowly walking out of the house as if to lead the others. Sabo then turned to look at (Y/n) asking the same question to which (Y/n) only ended up shrugging too.
“I’m not sure. Sail with Ace and Whitebeard-san I’ve met a lot of people, so I don’t know.”
Sabo hummed in response as he began to follow Cherry outside. Something inside of (Y/n) made her so anxious, but something has her heart racing, palms sweating, and her legs aching. Something about this guest just had her body aching, as if she couldn’t sit still. In the back of her mind, a small voice continued to echo, but there was no way it could be true. He’s dead, he passed away 2 years ago. Last time (Y/n) you can’t raise the dead either. So with one last shaky sigh, (Y/n) began to make her way out the door and towards Sabo and Cherry. Trying to push back her feelings, it’s like this every time, always getting her hopes up only for them to come crashing down. She tries to keep her cool.
“So, does it look like anyone we know?” (Y/n) questioned, as she took a spot next to Sabo’s side. Sabo let out a small grunt as he squinted his eyes to see the figure. (Y/n) had followed suit. Just at the bottom of the hill stood a man with broad shoulders. He looked around confused as he stumbled around the bottom of the hill. A soft laugh left her lips as she watched him, he looks so out of place.
“I-I-I….I don’t wanna jump to conclusions here, (Y/n), but doesn’t that look like-“
It didn’t take long for the man to make eye contact with the 2 at the top of the hill. He starred for a moment as if he was taking in the view before he smiles brightly and slowly began to make his way up. As if the world has stopped around (Y/n). That smile. That was the same smile that started this whole adventure, that made her happy even on the saddest days, that was the same smile that she fell in love with.  It was hard to believe. As if time itself has stopped, (Y/n) stood there speechless. She couldn’t even muster a sound or a reaction. Something like this never happens, maybe one in a million but last time she checked the skeleton on Luffy’s crew was the one. This was impossible, it had to be a prank or something. This couldn’t be happening and just as (Y/n) had open her mouth and rat at the person standing below them a laugh echoed through the field. It was real, this is all real. That laugh was one she couldn’t and wouldn’t forget. That laugh belongs to her later lover,
“Ace.” Breathlessly and barely above a whisper was all she could do. She was scared if she said it any loud she would have started to cry right there. (Y/n) began to inch forwards slowly trying to wake her body up and tell it to move. God, if only she could wake it up faster. Soon enough those baby steps turn into bigger ones then fast ones, then finally she was running. She was running as fast as her feet could carry her down the hill. Tears swiftly fell from her eyes as she made her way to her lover. Maybe dreams do come true. After all these days, weeks, months of wishing, her wish came true. And even now it’s better than what she wished for.
Not being able to stop herself and not even trying to, (Y/n) jumped straight into Ace’s warm embrace for the first time in years. Automatically (Y/n) inhales deeply taking in Ace’s smell of burnt ambers and sunk deeper into his strong and warm embrace. By now she couldn’t help the waterworks from coming. Neither could Ace, the 2 of them held each other close, taking in each other scent and loving embrace. As if this moment latest forever, the 2 of them didn’t let go for as long as they could. However, (Y/n) can only cry so much into his shoulder before taking a deep breath. So barely pulling away and with a red-eyed and snot-filled face, (Y/n) smiled as she tried to speak up the loudest and clearest she could.
“Y-y-y-your… you’re alive!! Ace is alive. Your alive!!” (Y/n) cried as she tried to call out to the others however your attention was all on Ace. She was scared that if she looked away he would disappear, so she kept her around him and locked her eyes with his.
“I’m alive. I’m really alive.” Ace sobbed back keeping his eyes locked with (Y/n)’s. She didn’t even care if his voice has reached them, she doesn’t want it to reach them. All she wants is to be with Ace now. Smiling through her tears, she pulled her hand up to Ace’s cheeks and began to rub her thumb against his freckled cheeks feeling his rough skin against hers. Ace, still through his tears, smiled and hummed as he leads into her hand, enjoying the softness and warmth her hands had provided. This moment should last forever, they both wished. Just as (Y/n) has dropped her hand to his chest and was able to lean in to kiss his lips that she wanted to feel and taste once again, 2 pairs of very loud footsteps came behind them. Before the 2 of them could even react, 2 bodies came crashing down onto them.
“Ace!!” The 2 of them sobbed as all of the 4 bodies fell over in the grass. Both Luffy’s and Sabo’s sobs could be heard for miles, like (Y/n) and Ace, they couldn’t hold back their tears. So all 4 of them laid on the ground and just sobbed, they couldn’t do anything else. Each one of them held onto the other with such an iron grip, it was hard to breathe but nobody wanted to move. The only time they moved was when Ace pulled back and started at Sabo for a while trying to figure out who it was.
“S-s...sabo. Y-you’re alive too?!!” Ace gasped as he could feel more tears falling. Sabo looked up and smile at him, nodding. And Just with that simple nod both of the boys began to cry even harder and the hug got tighter. This whole hug was a mess, they were all crying loudly. People in the village soon came to even check on them but none of them cared. After 2 years each of their dreams had come true and nothing else mattered.
“Welcome home, Ace.”
“Luffy don’t-!” (Y/n) tried to protest all she wanted, but as soon as she had put down the food, Luffy was all over it. And taking after his uncle, Estelle was right there digging into the food with Luffy. Let a heavy sigh past her lips as she walked back into the kitchen to get the rest of the food.
“Oi! Luffy save some for us!!” Ace’s voice rang through the house as a loud thump followed along with Luffy groaning in pain. Like music to her ears, hearing Ace’s voice once again causes (Y/n) so much happiness and relief. Having her black-haired lover back is the best feeling in the world.
After all 4 of them had somehow managed to stop the tears, they didn’t spend a moment from each other. Where ever one went the others always followed because they were all scared that if they left then Ace would disappear. Although, out of the whole reunion, being able to reunite Estelle with his father was the best part. Luckily he’s only 2 so things weren’t awkward and he was able to quickly adapt to Ace. Being again to finally introduce Ace to his son and Estelle to his father was by far the best part. It only made (Y/n) cry even more.
“Hey, Daddy you can’t hit Uncle Luffy. Mama will get mad at you.” Estelle laughed as he waved around the bone. Even the word was foreign to Ace, it still took him a while to get used to even being a dad. But after staring at Estelle for a moment, just taking in the fact that Estelle’s actually his kid. Ace chuckled and smiled.
“Oh, will she now? Last time I check, I think I can handle your mother when she’s angry.” Ace chuckled as he leads back in his chair and crossed his arms. She could cry just looking at him. After all these years he hasn’t changed a bit. Messy black hair, freckled skin, a huge smile that could light up the room. The only thing that had changed, was the giant burn mark on his stomach. It was huge and very upsetting but it’s not like Ace didn’t have scars from before. With one last shaky breath, (Y/n) pushed back any sadness she had and quickly replaced it with joy. There is no way (Y/n) was gonna be sad.
“You better think again fire boy.” (Y/n) had stated as she hit the back of his head while she took a seat next to him at the table. Ace hissed at the pain while Estelle laughed in response. Sabo and Luffy were quick to follow in suit. All their laughter sounded like music to her ear. There really wasn’t anything else she could wish for. Ace was back, she’s having dinner with her family, and she was happy. It was all too perfect, it was almost like this whole thing was a dream. God, (Y/n) was terrified that it was all just a dream. The thought of having them go back to a time where Ace was gone and that-
“Ouch.” (Y/n) hissed as she grabbed her arm. Looking over next to her, she saw Estelle gigging up at her. Estelle and his pinches are gonna be the death of her.
“You so deserve that for early. Good job, Estelle, you’re learning quickly.” Ace laughed out loud as he looked over at his son. Estelle smiled bright and laughed along with him. (Y/n) couldn’t even be mad, but she wasn’t about to let Ace get away with it.
“Oh, you watch it, because last time I checked Estelle was still a mommy’s boy just like his father.”
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
Hi there!
I hope you're doing great. Ehm... May I requests Law for either the romantic or the Angst alphabet? I just can't decide that and would like you to choose from it.
I'm really looking forward to your work. Other than that have a nice day/eve. ♡
Fluff Alphabet - Trafalgar Law
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a/n: hi there!!! thank you for requesting and for your kind words 💓 I chose the fluff alphabet because our man has suffered enough and I couldn’t handle writing out angst for him 🙃 ANWAYSSSS pls enjoy x
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
During the little free time he has, Law loves to spend it with you doing anything lowkey. He’s usually pretty exhausted from everything going on, so taking some time to wind down and read a good book with you tucked him next to him reading you’re a book of your own is his ideal way to spend time with you.
That being said, if you are a person who prefers to do something active, Law won’t say no to that (so long as it’s not Luffy level active).
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Law admires your way of thinking. You always seem to bring a fresh, unique perspective and now he can’t help but ask for your input on everything. This is also what he finds the most beautiful about you. He’s never been one to care that much about what is on the outside. To Law, it’s what is on the inside that counts (who knew law was so cliché;)). Your mind and the way it works is a wonder to behold and Law counts himself very lucky that he is the one that gets to see you in action the most.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
Law takes a very pragmatic approach when it comes to comforting his s/o. He’s a doctor, so its only natural for him to think in this way. He asks you directly what’s wrong and how he could help – it’s the most logical thing to do and the quickest way to ensure you are feeling comforted.
D-Dreams (how do they picture the future with their s/o?)
In the future Law wants to live a simple, quiet life with you. Somewhere secluded and far away from all the noise and chaos of the world. You’ll live in a nice house (nothing too fancy), with a child or two running around acting out their parents’ infamous pirate adventures.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
He tends to take the more dominant role in the relationship. For the sake of your safety and his sanity, he prefers to be the one to take charge with you following his lead. But, he does still value your input in almost all decisions.
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
Your fights tend to be pretty short lived resulting in forgiveness and apologies from both sides relatively quickly. He really doesn’t like to stay mad at you for too long – he’d much rather have you two on the same page.
Most fights are caused by stress and concerns of health and safety, so Law does a lot of eye rolling and using his title as a ‘doctor’ as justification that he knows what he’s doing so you just need to chill – but like I said these fights are very short lived.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Before he met you, Law’s life was very dull. Yes, he has his fair share of adventures and fun with his crew, but there was something missing from his life. But then you came along, bringing a little more colour into his life. Instead of being exhausted and tense from dealing with everything alone, you forced your way in and pried him open, allowing him to share his burdens. For that, Law is eternally grateful.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
Initially, Law tried to hide quite a lot. He was very selective about the information he shared with you. It’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just struggled to share things with others – his past has made him very closed off. But, before he knew it you managed to weasel your way in, and soon he found himself confiding in you about everything. The only time he ever keeps a secret is if knowing it will jeopardize your safety.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
I touched on this a little bit before, but you were able to teach Law the relief and comfort that comes with trusting and relying on others. Because of you, he was able to learn that its important to not deal with everything on your own.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?).
It’s not often that Law gets jealous. It’s an ugly emotion, plus he feels no need to be jealous since he trust you with his whole heart. However, if he was to get jealous, he is definitely the quiet jealous type. His fists clench a little tighter, his frown deepens ever so slightly, and he just doesn’t speak. He doesn’t ignore you though, rather he chooses to curt replies until he eventually gets over it or if it’s really bothering him he may bring it up with you.
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?).
He is a very inexperienced kisser, not having (or wanting) many romantic relationships in his past. Even so, he’s surprisingly not horrible (but not great either) at kissing. Maybe it has something to do with his deep knowledge and understanding of the way the human body works. Unfortunately, during your first kiss he tried to rely a little too much on his ‘knowledge’ rather than melting in to it. It wasn’t a horrible first kiss, it just felt a little stiff. The desire was there, but it was as if he were afraid to give in to the emotions he was feeling and reading your signals. However, after a little communication and guidance he’s now an expert.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
It was in the heat of the moment after you had done something completely and utterly stupid, that almost cost you your life. He wasn’t intending on doing it right then and there, in fact he actually had a whole plan of how and when he was going to tell you how he felt. But seeing you lying in the infirmary after having to operate on you was more than he could handle and before he knew it the words just slipped out.
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Marriage is indeed something Law wants. You wouldn’t expect it but after you two officially got together, it wasn’t more than a month before Law started thinking about marriage. He knows now isn’t the time for marriage, but it’s definitely in his plans for the next few years or so.
His proposal is going to be low key. The two of you would have to be alone with no other people around – maybe while you two are lying in bed one night, he just pops the question. And as with the proposal, your wedding would also be low key. No big party or ceremony, just you two and the people closest to you (bepo definitely officiates).
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
‘Babe’ or your name are his usual choices for when you are around other people. But occasionally when he’s on the verge of falling asleep he’ll let out a yawn followed by a sleepy “babyyyy”.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
When Law is in love he tends to keep his cool and collected façade. But on the inside he’s a babbling, nervous mess. He doesn’t do anything particularly out of the ordinary other than making a bit more of an attempt at conversing with you. He loves hearing you talk and rambling on about things you’re passionate about so he does try to find any excuse to talk to you.
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
PDA is something Law isn’t the biggest fan of. He’ll stand next to you and be in close proximity while sharing a few glances, but other than that he won’t engage in PDA. Law considers that sort of thing to be private and intimate so he likes to keep it between the two of you. Occasionally, if you are feeling a little extra needy he may give in to a quick hug or forehead kiss.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
It may not come as that much of a surprise but, Law can make one hell of a cup of coffee (actually any hot drink really). His perfect brew definitely comes in handy.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Oh boy, he is way more romantic than anyone would ever realize. He loves doing little things for you just to see that sweet smile on your face. It makes his heart swell with happiness.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals do they believe in them?)
Rather than being the consistently positive support, Law provides you with constructive criticism and things that can actively help you achieve your goals. He’s a realist, so doesn’t think only saying “you can do it” or “it’s only a minor setback” is the way to go. He still says those things because they are true – Law honestly believes you can do whatever you set your mind to, however, constructive criticism is needed in addition to this.
The key take away here is: YES. Law believes you can achieve all your hopes and dreams.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
Law needs routine, especially in your relationship. You have continued doing the same things in your relationship since you first got together because it works. Why would he want to change what works? It’s safe, it’s familiar, and it’s comfortable.
That being said, he’s not opposed to the idea of spicing things up. If you ever felt like trying something new (or even if he starts to feel bored about something), he would be open to the idea. Who knows, maybe the new thing you try could even become a part of your routine.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
It’s no surprise that he is very adept at reading people, he’s on to it and has exceptional observation skills. He uses these skills with you as well.
He knows what it’s like to be consumed by emotions (in fact he knows that too well), and while with most, he’s the type to keep his emotions hidden, when it comes to you he shares his emotions to help you realize that he also knows how it feels and that you are not alone.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?).
Your relationship is a top priority in his life. He’s lost everyone he ever cares about (other than his crew) and there is no way he is going to lose you too. The only thing that may potentially rival your relationship is his goal of taking revenge on Doflamingo.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
There’s nothing he loves more than you running your hands through his hair while his head is on your chest or stomach. He automatically leans into your hand every time. He feels the safest in this position.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
Like I said before, he is affectionate but it’s mainly when the two of you are alone. Those displays of affection are for the two of you and no one else. But, when the two of you are alone he absolutely loves cuddles (especially lying with his head on your lap or chest).
Y- Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
He gets stressed when you’re not around for more than one reason. Firstly, you can’t help to calm him down and force him to take a breather. Secondly, he’s constantly worried about your safety and wellbeing.
Honestly, the only way he copes with it is by stressing (I know it’s not coping at all but I mean that’s Law for you LMAO).
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
Law would put his life on the line for your relationship. He doesn’t want to lose someone he cares about – not again. He can’t handle that sort of pain, so if it was required of him, he would gladly give his life.
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himbo-only-zone · 3 years
Can you do Rantaro fluff alphabet?
rantaro amami || fluff alphabet
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Me? Getting a post out? Woah- /lh. Anyway, of course I can! Here ya go! Sorry if it's out of character, I've never written for him before! I'm glad I was able to, though!
- Mod Anna
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a. attractive. what does he find attractive about you? he loves your hands, they fit perfectly in his. he'll kiss you knuckles happily before dragging you on, another adventure to pursue. he's excited to be anywhere with you, and knowing that you're holding his hand, by his side? that's amazing.
b. baby. would he like a family? he would! i can see him wanting to show a kid the world, point out cool things in pictures, telling wild stories about what happened while he was there. he wouldn't mind taking them on trips as well!
c. cuddle. how does he cuddle? he's usually the big spoon, and he loves you facing him. he's pretty protective, a hand usually pressed against your lower back and a soft kiss on your forehead. he's very gentle and loving with this sort of thing.
d. dates. what are dates with him like? usually you're doing something different that you haven't done before, dates are never the same. he likes to be spontaneous, but also have a little bit of an idea of what's going to happen. he likes to keep you completely in the dark, though, having you play guessing games, although he wouldn't tell you even if they're correct.
e. everything. what are you to him? (ex. you are my _____) you're his favorite adventure. out of everything he's done, everywhere he's been, the greatest adventure of all was finding out about you and learning every little thing that he's come to love.
f. feelings. when did he know he was in love? you two were on an adventure, and you were a bit scared of something, whether it be the bugs or the night. he held you close and said that you didn't have to do this for him, but you shook your head. you were dedicated, and wanted to be with him no matter what, even during a small adventure. that was enough.
g. gentle. is he gentle with you? he's pretty gentle, holding your hand with a tight enough grip not to hurt you, kisses just firm enough, and hugs just warm enough. he's very careful. he loves you more than anything, and he thinks about your well-being all the time.
h. hands. how does he like to hold hands? he likes your fingers interlocked. it doesn't have to be tight, it can even super loose. just as long as your hands are touching, he knows you're safe, and that's all he wants to know. he loves pressing kisses to your knuckles.
i. impression. what was his first impression of you? he saw that you had an interesting personality, that would match well with his own. he saw a possible future, and wanted to pursue it. he didn't waste too much time asking you out, but he did get to know you a little first.
j. jealousy. how often does he get jealous? he is a very chill person in general, so it's very unlikely that he'd get jealous. there is the occasional moment, but it's far from often. he refuses to show it, not wanting it to interrupt your relationships with other people. he wants you happy. you'll notice the little things soon, however.
k. kiss. how does he kiss? who initiated the first kiss? he's an amazing kisser. the kisses are firm, yet soft and sweet. they show his passion for you. it's always accompanied by a hand on your lower back, and the other gently cupping your cheek. to break it, he often smiles into it and stares into your eyes.
l. love. who says "i love you" first? he does. it's done when you two are on the way home from some date, his hand on your knee as he drives. at a stop light, he looks over at you and just smiles. “damn, i love you. a lot,” he says, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles.
m. memory. what's his favorite memory with you? every one. he takes pictures of every date, every little thing you two do together. he loves every moment he spends with you, and he cherishes it more than anything. all the memories with you fill him with more joy that you'd expect.
n. nickel. how much does he spend on you? well, you two share most of your money so it can go towards trips and stuff, but he makes sure to spend more than you do. you don't deserve to pay that much, he was the one who took you on all of this. he also buys you surprise souvenirs.
o. orange. what color reminds him of you? purple. it represents mystery in his eyes, and he likes to explore mystery with you. hand in hand, exploring the world together.
p. pet names. what pet names does he use? more often than not, he uses babe. it's classic, and it gets the point across. but he loves throwing in the occasional love, dear, or prince/princess. he loves seeing your reaction, it's his favorite.
q. quaint. what's a non-modern thing he does? he scrapbooks. y'know how all of his moments with you are special, and he takes pictures? all of those pictures are in a scrapbook. all of those little details are put in there, journal entries of the fun things, little pieces of leaves found where you were ... it's beautiful.
r. rainy days. what does he do with you on a rainy day? you two aren't able to get out, so the day is mostly spent laying on the couch and watching tv. you two need to rest sometimes, all of the adventuring gets tiring after a while. he has an arm tightly wrapped around you, pressing a kiss against your temple.
s. sad. how does he cheer you up? he insists on laying down with you and letting you vent about what's going on. he's stroke your cheek with one hand and hold your other one tight, listening to your every word. he wants to see you happy. you're amazing to him.
t. talking. what does he like to talk about? he likes learning about what makes you you. like your childhood, your parents, siblings if you have any. it makes him smile, knowing that you had an interesting past, no matter what it will be. and yes, he will be asking your parents for baby pictures.
u. unencumbered. what makes him relax? he likes taking soothing nature walks. he wants a house near the woods so that he can go out and relax if needed. he likes taking you with him, enjoying a comfortable silence together. it makes him feel a lot better.
v. vaunt. does he show you off? you two are a pretty loving couple in general, so yes? he doesn't really do it intentionally, but if he catches someone staring, he'll smirk happily and pull you a little closer. a quick kiss to the forehead, and he'll walk away with you in his arms. he's so happy with you.
w. wedding. when, how, and where does he propose? he would want something simple, but at a really nice place. on the top of a mountain, the view absolutely beautiful. he pulls out a ring with is extremely simple, maybe one small diamond, but it holds so much meaning. “s/o ... you know i love you. most of what i would say would be me repeating myself over and over again, but ... being your husband would be the best adventure of my life. will you marry me?”
x. xylophone. what song reminds him of you? what's your theme song? honeypie by jawny reminds him of you! your them song is desert island disk by radiohead!
y. yes. does he think about proposing to and marrying you? he would love that! going on adventures with his wife/husband/life partner? being able to call you that to people when asked? god, it'd make him feel like the best man in the world. he loves you more than anything.
z. zebra. if he could have a pet, what would he get? from such an adventurous man, you'd expect something exotic, right? hell no, he would be insistent on getting a big dog. he loves big dogs. and they're his best friend. no questions asked.
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Love Us Not Him | Shoto Todoroki x Reader x Momo Yaoyorozu
Warnings: TodoMomo x Reader, angst, long Pronouns used; She/her Length: 8.2k
Summary: You find out Todoroki and Momo are dating and do your best to avoid them. But they just won't leave you alone... and how can you say no to the people you're in love with.
Full Name: (y/f/n) Quirk: (y/q) Age: 17 Hero Name: (h/n)
Shoto Todoroki and Momo Yaoyorozu seemed like they were made for each other. Both were respectful, intelligent, wealthy, reserved, attractive, had powerful quirks, and shared the same personality. All of their classmates were overjoyed when they found out the two had made it official. Well... almost all.
(y/f/n) wasn't happy at all when she found out both of the people she liked were now in a relationship. However, she put on her best act and pretended to be just as happy as her classmates.
What luck, how brutal could the world get? She was already sure that Momo was into guys and that Shoto didn't like her that way, but for them to be with each other? It just seemed like some cruel punishment.
But, it made sense. (f/n) wasn't the richest, she wasn't the smartest, she wasn't the strongest, and she was nothing like Momo and Shoto's friend groups. Shoto often hung out with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. Similarly, Momo spent quite a bit of time with them, along with Hagakure, Jirou, and Tsuyu. However, (f/n) spent most of her time with Bakugou and his friends. Kirishima and Kaminari's personality just melded well with hers. They were cheerful and so was she, to an extent.
So most of her time was spent away from Shoto and Momo, while they were constantly around each other. They often paired up together for projects or sparring practice, they even trained together outside of school. (f/n) would often see them and feel that twinge of jealousy but she always hid it, not like she had another choice. If they knew how she'd felt, they'd probably avoid her. They were already happy with each other, so who was she to try to wreck their relationship?
Shoto and Momo were in his dorm room, cuddling on his bed just talking about random things after a long day of training. Somehow, their conversation went from talking about weird quirks to (f/n). She had a rather odd quirk which was (y/q). Something they both actually liked.
"You know..." Momo said, looking up at Shoto. "She's really pretty. Maybe... it's because we can only watch from a distance, but she's always got this glow around her." Shoto nodded. They weren't insecure about their relationship, and they trusted and loved each other fully. So, if one of them found someone attractive, they'd point it out instead of hiding or lying about it.
"That's true," Shoto said, as his arms tightened around Momo. "She's always so... cheerful. We should try to talk to her more often."
"We should. If she'd like to. She's usually with Bakugou and his friends and doesn't really ever seem to hang out with our group." The ravenette answered.
"That's true. Momo?" Shoto started, letting go of her and sitting up, making his girlfriend do the same. He looked down, unsure of how to bring the topic up to her.
"What's wrong, Sho?" She asked, her voice gentle and sweet. Sure, they didn't mind pointing out who was attractive in their relationship, but that didn't mean it would be ok to tell each other they'd fallen for someone else.
"I... like her. A lot." He said, his voice wavering, uncertain and scared. Momo was silent, which prompted him to think she'd gotten upset. His mismatched eyes met hers, which were wide with shock. "Momo?"
"Y-You too?" Now it was his turn to be shocked.
"Wait, what?"
"I like her too!" Momo said, taking his hands. "I-I just didn't know how to bring it up to you." Shoto sighed, feeling a weight lift off his chest as he took Momo's hands and kissed her knuckles.
"You think... she'd want to be a part of our relationship?" He asked, softly.
"Like all of us?" Shoto nodded. "Hmm... I-I don't know. I'm not even sure if she likes us that way." The two laid back down, feeling so much more comfortable with each other now. This time talking about (f/n) for the rest of the night, until they fell asleep.
(f/n) walked into the common room, seeing her friends sitting on the couch, talking. She smiled, skipping over to Kaminari and held out her charger.
"Can I get a charge, Denki?" He nodded, moving aside so she could sit in between him and Kirishima.
"Weren't you in your room before this?" Kirishima asked, earning a nod from his (h/c) haired friend. "Then why didn't you just charge your phone there?"
"Because!" (f/n) giggled as Kaminari laid his head on her lap. "It's so cool that Denki can do it! Don't you think?" Both Kaminari and Kirishima laughed at her words.
"Well thanks, love!" Kaminari winked, making her fan her face.
"Oh, did you see that? Chargebolt just winked at me." Kirishima touched the back of his hand to his head and closed his eyes.
"What a lucky girl! If only I, Eijiro Kirishima, was a beautiful girl like you, (f/n)! He'd wink at me too!"
"I thought you wanted to be a manly man." (f/n) said, through her giggles.
"Well, I can be a manly woman!" Kirishima defended, crossing his arms.
"The manliest of them all." Kaminari commented as the trio got comfortable with each other.
Shoto, and Momo walked into the common room with Midoriya and Uraraka right behind them. The couple's eyes landed on (f/n), who seemed to be having a great time with Kaminari and Kirishima. They frowned a little before heading to the kitchen with their friends. They'd come downstairs to get some food and hadn't expected to run into (f/n).
A few nights ago, Momo and Shoto had admitted to each other that they were romantically attracted to their classmate, (f/n). Since then, Momo and Shoto would get flustered at the mere mention of her name. When they saw her, their hearts would speed up, their hands would get clammy, their minds would become fuzzy, not to mention the furious blushes on their cheeks.
After admitting they liked her and wanted her in their relationship, they came up with different ways they could ask her out. Or at least get to know her more, since they weren't super great friends. The only problem was, they could never find (f/n) alone. She was always around Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Sero, or Ashido.
During their little adventure to the kitchen, (f/n) had joined them, but neither Momo nor Shoto knew. So, Midoriya took his chance since he and Uraraka knew about their little crush on (f/n). Something they found out a couple of days ago when both Momo and Shoto came to them for help.
"Oh by the way," He called, earning everyone's attention. "I don't think I'll be able to train with you guys tomorrow, something came up! However, (l/n), why don't you train with them?" Momo's face erupted in red and Shoto's eyes widened a bit at their shy friend taking control of the situation. (f/n) looked conflicted and tried to reject the idea, since being around them only hurt her more.
"O-Oh, I c-can't, I'm not sure-"
"Come on, (l/n)!" Uraraka smiled. "It'll be fun and they don't train for too long. Just two hours. Plus, training is super important!" Figuring it would be rude to say no now, (f/n) quietly sighed in defeat.
"Sure, what time?"
"7? We usually train later at night," Shoto said, even though they had no plans to train for the next few days. "Is that alright with you?" (f/n) nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good." Before anyone could say anything, Kaminari ran into the kitchen.
"(f/n)! Kirishima's gonna go steal and hide Bakugou's homework. Wanna come watch?" (f/n)'s face lit up and she laughed nodding.
"Absolutely! See you two tomorrow!" She called before running away with Kaminari. As they turned a corner, Kaminari grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"Wh-what?" She asked, looking at him.
"You like them. Both of them, right?" (f/n)'s eyes widened as she tried to shake her head.
"W-we should go to K-Kiri-" Kaminari shook his head.
"I lied. Kirishima went to go find Sero and Ashido. You like Todoroki and Yaoyorozu right?" (f/n) looked away, a small frown forming on her face, before she nodded. "I'm sorry... that it didn't work out."
"H-how did you know?"
"I saw the way you looked at them." He answered. "You get flustered every time one of them talks to you, but when you see them together, you get angry. You get that glint in your eyes." (f/n) sniffled as the emotional barrier she tried to keep closed burst open. Tears slid down her cheeks, slowly at first, but soon became a waterfall.
"Y-You're s-supposed to b-be the du-dumb one." She sobbed out, making him wrap his arms around her, rubbing her back.
"It'll be ok, (f/n)." He whispered, trying to soothe his friend. Her arms wrapped around his waist, her hands clutching his shirt as she tried to stop herself.
"E-easy f-for yo-you to s-say. Ji-Jirou's single." Kaminari didn't say anything, just tightening his arms around her.
After about five minutes, Kaminari took (f/n) back to her dorm room, where he stayed with her, rubbing her back as she cried, until she was much calmer.
"It hurts every time I see them together," (f/n) started, taking the tissue Kaminari held out to her. "I... don't know how, since I don't know them too well, but from what we've seen since the beginning, they've always amazed me. I've always wanted to be near them and before I knew it... I wanted to be with them. You know, just before we found out they were together... I was thinking about confessing to one of them." She laughed bitterly. "I should've known... they're so far outta my league." Kaminari shook his head.
"Don't say that. You're totally outta their league! You're outta everyone's league!" He smiled, making her scoff.
"That's no-"
"Yes, it is. Ask Bakugou, even he'll tell you that's true." Now, it was just funny.
"Now you're reaching."
"Like I said, ask him." (f/n) rolled her eyes, but was ready to prove Kaminari wrong. Besides, she needed a distraction. "You owe me after he agrees with me."
"Let's make a bet then," Kaminari said. "If I'm right, you owe me a favor. If you're right, I'll owe you a favor?" (f/n) nodded.
"Deal." (f/n) took her phone out, going into her contacts and finding Bakugou's number. She sniffled and put the call on speaker, while the two waited.
"What, dumbass?" He asked in his usual grumpy tone.
"Um, hey Bakugou." He could immediately tell she'd been crying. "Kaminari says I'm out of everyone's league."
"Isn't she?" Kaminari asked.
"She's definitely outta your league, Pikachu." He answered, gruffly.
"I told you-"
"No," (f/n) interrupted, sniffling. "He said I was out of your league. So you owe me."
"Bakugou, tell her she's out of everyone's league."
"That's cheating!" (f/n) said.
"No, it's not, because Bakugou would never say it unless it was true. He doesn't listen to me anyway-" They were interrupted by knocking on the door, both looking at each other. Handing Kaminari her phone, (f/n) walked to the door and opened it up. There stood Sero, Kirishima, Ashido, and Bakugou, the blond hanging up on the call and stuffing his phone in his pocket.
"You're crying!" Ashido said, as she hugged (f/n) who hugged her back. The group moved into her room, finding a spot for themselves.
"Who did it?" Bakugou asked.
"No one made me cry," (f/n) sniffled as the tears returned. "It's just..." She looked down, sitting next to Kaminari, who rubbed her back.
"We're not gonna judge." He reassured, handing her another piece of tissue. (f/n) wiped her tears, sniffling and looking up in an attempt to stop them.
"I think I love both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu," Everyone's eyes widened before they looked down, understanding the reason she was crying. "And it hurts every time I see them together. Then Uraraka talked me into going to train with them tomorrow. I felt bad saying no so I just said yes."
"Yeah," Bakugou said, making everyone look at him. "Yeah, you're out of everyone's league." (f/n) smiled a bit as her eyes returned to her lap.
"No buts," Bakugou interrupted. "What? Calling me a liar?" (f/n) frantically shook her head but her tears finally stopped.
(f/n) frowned as she looked at the clock on her nightstand. 6:40. She had 20 minutes before she had to meet Momo and Shoto for training. She was currently sitting with the Bakusquad, dreading going.
"Why don't you just cancel? If you're getting this worked up, what's the point?" Bakugou asked.
"Well, I already said yes."
"So? Who cares about those two dumbasses." Kirishima smacked his arm.
"She does, come on, Bakugou."
"Well, kick their asses for making you cry! I'd do it but-"
"You're not allowed." (f/n) smiled, making him huff and look away. He pretended to be angry, but he couldn't. She was one of the few people he was ok being around and he was rather protective of her. He was furious at ponytail and icy hot for making his friend cry. He already hated Todoroki, but this just fueled the hatred even more.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, princess." He rolled his eyes, taking out his phone. (f/n) found some workout clothes and went into her bathroom, getting changed into it. She came back out and sighed, looking at her friends.
"Here I go!"
"You better kick their ass, I swear to god, (l/n)!" Bakugou yelled, making (f/n) smile.
"I'll make you proud!"
"Good luck!" The others yelled as she left. She trusted them but after about five minutes, they moved to Kirishima's dorm, which was down the hall.
(f/n) exited the elevator and walked into the common room and sat down on the couch. She checked her phone, noting she only had ten minutes before her training session. She heard voices and looked up to see her two favorite people...
"Oh, you're early. Great!" Momo smiled to which (f/n) nodded and forced a smile on her face.
"I didn't want to be late."
"We're just heading up to Momo's dorm to get changed, we'll be back in a few minutes." Well, they were dating so, of course, his clothes were in her room. (f/n) kept her smile up and nodded.
"Sure thing!" The two walked towards the elevator and (f/n) huffed, taking out her phone as she scrolled through it while waiting. As promised, the duo returned after a few minutes, ready for training.
"Ready?" Shoto asked, making (f/n) nod as she stood up. Together, they walked to the training room, asking (f/n) some questions, which she did her best to answer without being awkward. At one point, she had gotten a text from Kirishima, so while she was texting him, she'd slowed down a bit, letting them walk ahead.
However, her eyes then looked at Momo's back, slowly trailing down her body. (f/n)'s face turned as red as Kirishima's hair and she immediately looked away, mentally cursing at herself. What the hell was she thinking?! Was this really the best time for this?! She had to restrain herself from slapping her own face as the embarrassment started to consume her.
When they were ready, they placed their belongings to the side and walked to the middle.
"We decided not to use our quirks for this one, simple hand to hand," Momo said. "Oh! You're great at it, right? Why don't you teach us some things?" (f/n) blushed at the compliment and looked down in an attempt to hide her red cheeks.
"Sure. I don't mind."
"We'll spar first." Momo stated, fixing her hair.
"Me against both of you?"
"Yeah, you're better at this than us anyway." Shoto added, to which (f/n) nodded again. Ok, this was a good way to release her anger. As long as she didn't hurt them... too much.
"Alright then. I'm ready." (f/n) declared.
Throughout their little session, (f/n) felt herself getting angrier. Every time she'd try to hit them, her stupid emotions got in the way, so she just stuck to defense. She could feel herself getting more and more frustrated.
Why did she have to feel this way? Why did she have to like them both? Why couldn't she like someone who wasn't taken? Why did they have to date each other? Wasn't she good enough? Fine, she wasn't as pretty as Momo. She wasn't as rich as them. She wasn't the smartest. She wasn't the strongest. But she had a good heart! She cared for them! She would never hurt them. She'd always be there to ease their burdens. She'd always love them. So why? Why didn't they want her?
Why couldn't she just be normal?!
"Momo!" Shoto yelled, making (f/n) blink. Wait... what happened? (e/c) scanned her surroundings and widened when she saw Momo laying on the ground in front of her, curling up. The (h/c) haired girl backed up a few steps.
Shoto helped Momo sit up, who groaned due to being disoriented. After a few moments, they both looked at (f/n), who seemed more confused than Momo.
"A-are you ok?" She asked, approaching her slowly and the raven-haired girl nodded.
"Th-that was good." Momo complimented as Shoto helped her stand up. (f/n) watched how concerned her boyfriend was for her... and it hurt. She wanted Shoto to look at her like that. "H-How did you do that?"
"Oh..." (f/n) stuttered, looking away as her cheeks turned red. "I-It's easy. I-I just flipped out over my hip."
"Could you show me how to do that?" Shoto asked with a light smile, almost making (f/n) melt.
"That was pretty helpful," Momo started, placing a hand on (f/n)'s shoulder. The girl tensed and looked away. "We should train again! Right, Sho?" (f/n) looked up at them and saw their hopeful smiles and felt her heart beat faster.
"O-Ok." Almost instantly, (f/n) regretted her words, knowing she'd have to go through that again. "I'm sorry again, I-" Momo shook her head, taking (f/n)'s hands in her own. Why was she so touchy-feely? But they were so warm and soft, all (f/n) wanted to do was hold them. She'd always wonder what their hands felt like. But now that she had gotten the chance to find out, it hurt.
"That was great! I learned so much! A couple of bruises never hurt! Besides, I always have Sho to ease any of my aching muscles." (f/n) nodded.
"Right, good for you."
"(l/n), are you alright?" Shoto asked, noting her discomfort.
"Yeah. Wh-why would you ask that?" (f/n) answered, her hands still being held captive by Momo.
"You've seemed... uncomfortable all throughout our training session. Are we making you upset?"
"No, not at all. I'm just... dealing with stuff."
"Are you sure? If we're bothering you, we can stop." Shoto suggested, making (f/n) shake her head.
Stop hurting me.
"No, please. I've just been a bit distracted is all."
"About what?" Momo asked, still not letting go of (f/n)'s hands. What if she told them a bit about her troubles? Maybe they'd drop the subject? (f/n) slowly pulled her hands away from Momo, unable to handle it anymore. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes looked away.
"I... like someone. And they don't like me back. It just hurts to deal with it, you know." Both Momo and Shoto looked at each other, before frowning.
"H-How are you sure this p-person doesn't like you back?" Momo stuttered, trying to mask her disappointment. Ok, so she didn't really think this through. In her class, the only couples were Momo and Shoto, then Uraraka and Midoriya. So, she couldn't say that.
"He likes someone else." (f/n) answered, fidgeting with her fingers. Shoto didn't want to push her too far, but he needed to know.
"Who is he?" In a panic... (f/n) just blurted out a name.
"Kaminari." Regret hit her like a barreling truck, she could feel her the weight of her embarrassment starting to crush her and the tears were almost instantaneous. She blinked repeatedly, looking everywhere but at the two people she was so desperately yearning for.
"I-I'm sorry. P-Please don't cry." Momo whispered, making (f/n) shake her head as she backed up a bit.
"It's fine, really. Why would someone like him even like me? I-I'm not that special." Why would Shoto like her? "B-Besides, he and J-Jirou are practically made for each other." He and Momo were made for each other. "They fit like puzzle pieces." Shoto and Momo did fit like puzzle pieces. "I'm not supposed to feel like this." Momo and Shoto were in love. Who was she to try and mess with that?
"(l/n)." Shoto softly called out, wiping her tears. Momo rubbed her back while Shoto repeatedly wiped the tears that escaped her beautiful (e/c) eyes. They hated that Kaminari would be the reason for her crying like this, shaking and unable to breathe. If only they knew Kaminari had nothing to do with it.
Almost as if she'd been ripped back into reality, she pushed them away and backed up.
"I-I gotta go, see you guys later." Without letting them speak, she practically ran away, leaving them heartbroken.
"I guess... she doesn't like us." Momo whimpered, hugging Shoto's arm.
(f/n) shut her door and locked it, covering her mouth as the tears poured out of her eyes. That was the most embarrassing thing she'd ever dealt with! Why couldn't she have just walked away?! Why was she so fucking stupid?! They were both so cool and collected and she'd become some embarrassing ball of anxiety and there was no saving her now. How could she screw up like that?! That shit took some real skill.
(f/n) walked to her bed, stuffing her face into a pillow and letting out a loud scream. The embarrassment was enough to kill her.
Meanwhile, Momo collapsed on Shoto's bed covering her face as the tears welled up in her eyes. Shoto sat next to her and pulled her into his lap, letting her cling to him. It was hard to keep his emotions down, but he gave it his all. (f/n) had practically rejected them and it hurt. It hurt to know that she was in love with someone else.
"I wish..." Shoto started. "I wish she didn't like Kaminari. I hated seeing her cry." Momo nodded. "We wouldn't... make her cry like that."
"We'd love her, cherish her, keep her smiling at all times," Momo said, sniffling. "She looked so broken... so broken, Sho." His arms tightened around her as he tried to keep his composure.
"She did."
It had been about two hours since the incident and (f/n) still hadn't stopped crying. So she called her best friend. It didn't take long before he was knocking at her door.
Opening the door, (f/n) moved aside and let Kaminari walk in. He was immediately worried.
"I messed up." (f/n) cried as she sat on her bed. "I messed up so bad because I was too scared to leave earlier."
"What happened?" Kaminari grabbed a piece of tissue, holding it out to (f/n), who took it from him. His hands rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her crying.
"I kept getting distracted during training. God, they looked so good when they fought. But I knew they liked each other so I kept getting frustrated. After training, they asked what was wrong and I ended up telling them I was distracted because I liked someone and he didn't like me back." Looking up at the wall, she scoffed. "They asked who, I panicked and said you." Kaminari frowned.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered as she turned and clung to him.
"I made it so much worse! I made it worse..." He didn't say anything and just hugged her tightly. "Wh-what do I do?"
"I don't know."
Kaminari stayed with (f/n), rubbing her arm or running his fingers through her hair until she fell asleep. He racked his mind for some sort of plan to help her fix this, but there wasn't much he could think of. Sure, it was bad that (f/n) lied about who she really liked, but at the end of the day, did it matter? Shoto and Momo were together and just because they thought (f/n) liked Kaminari didn't mean they would break up. Why would they? They were happy together and sure, they probably felt bad that he didn't return her feelings, but... what would change? There was no point in trying to prove (f/n) didn't like him.
Both Momo and Shoto were in a similar situation, dealing with a heartbreak that didn't make much sense. Sure, they admitted to liking (f/n), but... why did they feel like their hearts had been torn out and stomped on? They had a crush on her, right? Crushes don't hurt this bad. This almost felt like... love.
"You don't think..." Momo sniffled, her obsidian eyes meeting Shoto's mismatched ones.
"I-I... no," Shoto said. "It can't be. We barely know her."
"Then why does it hurt so much?" Momo whispered, stuffing her face into Shoto's chest.
"I don't know." They were silent and all that could be heard was their quiet sniffles. They laid there for what felt like hours, but in reality had only been twenty minutes, until Shoto broke the silence. "What if... we make her forget?"
"What do you mean?" Momo asked, looking up at him. Shoto's eyes were still trained on the ceiling above him as the gears in his head turned.
"What if we make her forget about him and fall for us instead? Would that... be so wrong?"
"I don't think so... our intentions are to love her, so no." That seemed to mark a silent plan of theirs. The plan to make (f/n) fall for them and help her forget Kaminari.
(f/n)'s eyes moved back and forth from the board and her notebook as she silently took notes while Midnight droned on and on about Modern Arts. (f/n) would've been able to pay attention, if it wasn't for the stupid mistake she'd made two days ago. She had a tendency to hold onto all the embarrassing moments in her life, they'd plague her at the worst of times. Such as now. Her dumbass just had to go out and blurt that she liked Kaminari, even though she didn't. What would they think now?
For some odd reason, it dawned on her in class, just now. What did it matter? Shoto and Momo were a happy couple that everyone rooted for. So what if they thought she liked Kaminari? Not like it would bother them. She wished she liked Kaminari or literally anyone else. Anyone that was single and not taken like Momo or Shoto. Hell, even that Monoma kid from class 1B would've been a better option.
Great. Now she was getting desperate.
"Hey, (l/n)?" (f/n) looked up at the mention of her name and clutched her pen tightly.
"Ye-yes, Todoroki?"
"I was wondering if you could help me out with something after school today. Will you be free?" No. Deny. Say no. (f/n)! Say no!
"Sure, what do you need help with?"
"You'll see. Thank you. I'll meet you in the common room?" (f/n) could only nod as he left, making her slam her head on the desk. That look in his eyes, that soft, gentle, look in his gorgeous hetero chromatic eyes. How could she say no?
"I hate myself." She muttered as she started packing up her stuff. Now, she had to mentally prepare herself for whatever reason he needed her help. Bakugou was right every time he called her a dumbass. She was truly an idiot.
(f/n) changed out of her school uniform, slipping into something more casual. Fixing her hair and reapplying her body spray, she grabbed her (bag/purse) and stuffed her phone in it as she made her way to the elevator.
This was a bad idea and she was more than positive she was going to regret it. Yet, here she was, helping her crush out with whatever the hell it was he needed. Although it hurt to be around it, it was also somewhat easing. Just being near either Momo or Shoto eased her heart but made it ache at the same time. It was an odd mix and, most of the time, didn't make sense. But it didn't matter. That little bit of ease always helped.
(f/n) walked into the common room, looking around. It was completely empty, so she found a seat on the couch and took her phone out. It had only been a few minutes before she heard footsteps. Her bright (e/c) eyes looked up and widened. Shoto waved at her, he'd just changed into some casual clothing and boy... he looked so good.
"Ready?" He asked, making her nod as she stood up. "Come on." The two left the dorm building, walking down the road as he led her to their destination.
"Wh-where are we going?" She inquired, quietly.
"You'll see. It's... a bit of a surprise."
"But you said you needed my help."
"I do, don't worry, (l/n)." (f/n) only nodded as she quietly followed him. They made small talk, asking each other about classes and whatnot. A pretty weak conversation, nothing special.
The two arrived at a small cafe, one (f/n) didn't recognize. She followed Shoto inside and to a seat, sitting down across from him.
"So... what did you need help with?" (f/n) asked, desperately needing to know what was going on. Shoto never just invited her out like this, in fact, they barely spent time together. She didn't even have his number and she had almost everyone's number in class. Well, to be fair, she actively went out of her way to NOT get his or Momo's number. She didn't need them asking her for favors, just like this, because she wouldn't be able to say no and would feel even more heartbroken. Just like now.
"Do you recognize this place?" Shoto asked, making the (h/c) haired girl shake her head. "That's because it just opened up, about three weeks ago. I've wanted to come here since I heard about its opening, but I've been too busy. It's a quaint little place isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's actually really cute. I'm surprised I didn't hear about it at all. It's not that far away from the school, either." (f/n) smiled, her eyes scanning her surroundings. The cafe was adorable, it was bathed with different decorations all relating to coffee and sweets such as cakes and whatnot. The seats, booths, and tables all matched their desserts they offered. Almost as if it was dessert-themed.
"That's what drew me in. I saw the flyer a couple of months ago and made it a goal to come here at some point." (f/n)'s eyes finally met his, a sense of ease washing over her. "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked for you to come with me." The girl nodded, almost jumping out of her seat due to the anticipation. "I need you to help me find the perfect dessert and drink."
"For... Yaoyorozu?" There went that bit of ease she felt. However, to her surprise, Shoto shook his head.
"No. For us. We're here right now, aren't we?"
"Well yeah, but... why?"
"Why not?" Well, she didn't have an argument for that so she shrugged, agreeing to help him. (f/n) moved to sit next to him as they looked over the menu together. At first, she could feel her heart beating out of her chest at how close they were, but after a few moments, they were so engrossed in the topic of cakes, she'd forgotten all about it.
"What about the red velvet cake with the vanilla frosting?" Shoto asked, pointing to the picture of a slice of red velvet cake.
"Well yeah, but that's such a simple choice. However, if I may," (f/n) turned the page and pointed. "Direct you to this beauty over here. This adorable little shortcake. The strawberries look absolutely enticing, do they not?"
"Hmm, you pose a compelling argument. But, what about," Shoto pointed to another cake, on the same page. "This delicious Battenberg cake? I think the vanilla and strawberry checkered design looks adorable."
"There's also the classic chocolate cake with extra fudge." (f/n) pointed out.
"Now looks who's talking simple." He teased, which made her giggle and shake her head. He turned the page, partially admiring her beauty until his eyes landed on another choice. "What about this avocado cake?" (f/n) scrunched up her nose, almost sending Shoto to heaven with such an adorable face.
"That doesn't even sound good."
"Well, let's not judge now. It... could be... great." Shoto muttered, which made (f/n) laugh.
"That's not convincing. Not even a little bit. Nice try, A for effort."
"Why thank you." He smiled and the two paused, gazing into each other's eyes. Were... his eyes always so beautiful? One was a dark grey, the other a bright turquoise blue. They... almost shimmered in the rays of the sun that were invading the small cafe, lighting it up. (f/n) blinked, slowly tearing her gaze away from his and looking back down at the menu, not bothering to move. As far as he knew, she liked Kaminari. What did it matter?
But it did matter. As Shoto gazed into her glimmering (e/c) eyes, he could feel himself get pulled into her. The world slowly started to melt away and all he could see was her. Her (h/l) (h/c) framed her face perfectly, her lashes accentuated her gorgeous (e/c) eyes, those soft and alluring (pink/red) lips. He'd never been this close to her before, and he had to admit, it was almost surreal. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, the same way it did for Momo. Almost as if, there was no difference between his feelings for Momo and his feelings for (f/n). Momo was right. He was in love. But (f/n) wasn't.
He blinked back into reality when she looked away, a sad smile on her face as she pointed at another picture on the menu.
"What about this? The Esterhazy Torte?" Shoto- albeit reluctantly- looked down at the menu, where (f/n) was pointing.
"Looks delicious."
"Ah, who are we kidding," (f/n) giggled. "They all look amazing. Well, except that avocado one."
"I still have hope for it." Shoto declared, however, both of them knew that was a complete lie.
"This is a battle you will lose, Shoto." Almost immediately, both of them froze and (f/n) opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out for a second. "I-I meant... to use your hero name. But... your first name is your hero name. I didn't th-think that through." Her cheeks turned red and Shoto almost melted at the sight.
"It's alright, you can call me Shoto if you want. I don't mind." That wasn't a good idea, that would be passing a boundary (f/n) didn't want to. That meant they were getting closer and there's no way in hell would (f/n) get close to him or Momo. That was just... stupid. She needed to come up with an excuse.
"Maybe." (f/n) said, with a smirk making Shoto raise a brow.
"You heard me. It's a special privilege to have me use your first name. Let's see if you can earn it." He smiled at the challenge.
"Oh, I'll give it my all, (h/n)."
"Hey, (l/n)." (f/n) almost jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder, making her turn around abruptly only to see Momo standing behind her.
"I was wondering. Could you help me with my hand to hand? I've got a couple of hours before Sho gets back and you helped me so much last time!" Of course, she had that same hopeful look in her eyes that Shoto did, making it impossible to say no. God, they pretty much had her wrapped around their fingers.
"Y-yeah, sure." (f/n) answered, quietly, looking down.
"Great! Should we go to your dorm so you can get changed?" (f/n) only nodded as the two walked toward the elevator in silence.
Now, this wasn't the first time she'd been approached by Momo. She'd already asked (f/n) to study with her about three times now, asked her to go shopping with her a few times, and asked for help with training a couple of times. Shoto had asked her to go to that cafe multiple times, he'd also asked for help with training and studying, as well as "running into her" at the mall a few times. It was odd that they suddenly wanted to be around her and as much as it hurt, (f/n) accepted it. It was the only time she got to spend with the two and it was always alone. Alone meaning it was either Shoto or Momo, not them together, so it hurt less.
(f/n) grabbed her work out outfit and walked into her bathroom, quickly getting changed into it. Once she was ready, she stepped out and gave Momo a small smile.
"Ready." Both girls walked to their usual training area, ready for a little bit of sparring. (f/n) still had the same problem, she found herself unable to hurt them so she usually just deflected their attacks. On rare occasions, she'd be able to attack, but not too much. She'd usually just drop them to the ground until they surrendered, marking the end of the sparring session.
"Thanks for helping me by the way," Momo started as they got to the training area. "I've always admired your combat abilities and I'm so glad I finally had the courage to ask." (f/n)'s face turned red at her words.
"A-admired?" Momo nodded. "That's not... n-no way."
"I have! You're so beautiful and strong, your quirk is amazing and you don't rely on it! You're such a great fighter and I know you'll become a hero in no time! You'll easily become one of the top, if not number 1." (f/n) looked away, covering her cheeks.
"Thanks." She whispered. Beautiful? Momo thought she was beautiful? Shutting her eyes tightly, she took a few deep breaths trying to calm her heart. When she opened her eyes, she let out a shriek. Momo's face was inches away from hers. "Wh-what a-are you do-doing?!"
"You're so pretty, (l/n)." Momo grabbed her hands and pulled the flustered girl towards her, making (f/n)'s entire body rigid. One of Momo's hands landed on (f/n)'s waist, while the other held her wrist. "What's wrong?" She asked innocently. (f/n) opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Her cheeks were bright red, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and her body was frozen as if Shoto had used his ice. She watched in pure fear as Momo's face got closer and closer to hers. She felt Momo let go of her wrist, her hand sliding up her arm, shoulder, and all the way up to her face. Momo gently tilted (f/n)'s face upwards a bit, her thumb caressing her cheek.
They were going to kiss. (f/n) knew it. Her heart was about to explode and panic surged through her. She wanted to kiss Momo, she really did. But that was wrong! Momo wasn't with her, Momo... wasn't hers. She was dating Shoto and this wasn't ok. This was wrong, it was considered cheating. (f/n) wouldn't want Shoto or Momo to cheat on her, so how could she allow this?
In a blind panic, (f/n) ripped her wrist out of Momo's grip, grabbed her wrist, then spun, to flip the ravenette over her hip. Momo grunted as she felt her body get slammed on the ground. After a few seconds, she sat up and saw (f/n) standing at least twenty feet away from her.
"I-I'm sorry!" She yelled. "B-But we should start training. That's all we're doing here." Momo nodded, standing up with a groan, but ready to fight regardless.
Momo laid on her stomach on her bed, while Shoto massaged her aching muscles. Every training session with (f/n) was grueling and always left her with bruises.
"Her skin is soft." Momo said, breaking the comfortable silence.
"(f/n)'s. Her... her skin is soft. Her eyes look like (another way to describe your eye color [e.g. pools of honey/ glimmering rubies]). She smells like (a scent you like)." Shoto was silent, his hands still massaging Momo's back.
"She's... even more amazing than I thought. I remember when all I could do was watch her from a distance, wondering what she was like. I always thought... she'd be more like Bakugou, they get along so well."
"She's pretty quiet, but she has her moments." Momo smiled, her mind returning to the beautiful girl. "Her blush... it's so cute."
"I wish she was here right now. I just want..." Shoto trailed off, but his girlfriend knew exactly what he was thinking.
"You want to hold her too, right? Just have her laying in between us."
"Exactly." Shoto smiled sadly, as he warmed up his hand to continue massaging his girlfriend's back.
Momo and Shoto had been pinning for (f/n) for about three months now. They didn't hang out all the time, (f/n) was still very reserved, but at this point, Momo and Shoto were positive they were madly in love with her.
It was to the point where it would hurt to see her around Kaminari, who she was so comfortable with. For example, they'd often find (f/n) with her head on his lap or vice versa, they would always be together, they'd always be laughing or something. Aside from that, Kaminari and (f/n) were also on a first-name basis, as opposed to them. They'd told her she could use their first names, but she always denied them, in some way, shape, or form.
It was frustrating. If she liked Kaminari but he liked someone else, why was she always around him? It was clear from the first time they asked her it hurt her so much. So, why would she do that to herself?
Well, Shoto and Momo were determined to find out but separately. One thing they'd noted was that (f/n) was much more comfortable with them if they were alone with her without the other.
So, Shoto was currently waiting on (f/n) to basically ambush her. She'd been quite busy for a few days and he hadn't gotten a chance to talk to her, and the times she wasn't busy she was around Kaminari and Sero.
(f/n) left the elevator on the way to her dorm when she felt someone grab her arm. She turned her head and came face to face with a familiar dual haired male.
"Y-Yes, Todoroki?" She asked, turning to him, trying to pull her arm out of his grasp. Instead, he tightened his grip.
"Why are you always around Kaminari?" He asked and pushed her until she hit the wall. (f/n) was good at hand to hand, but in moments like these, she'd freeze up and forget what to do. So all she did was follow his lead until he'd trapped her against the wall.
"W-what? H-he's my f-friend." Panic set in as he got closer and closer to her, with her unable to escape. Her cheeks flushed a deep red as her eyes met his. She felt the same thing she did when they first went out to that cafe. His mismatched eyes were so beautiful and the longer she stared, the more the world around them disappeared.
Shoto felt the same, as he gazed into her enticing (e/c) eyes. He couldn't help it, and his body moved without his permission. Slowly, his face got closer and closer, with (f/n) closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards him.
Their lips finally met, slowly moving against each other. He could tell that she had no experience, but Shoto didn't mind, he'd teach her. He was gentle, letting his hands slid down from the wall to circle around her waist. She shakily placed her on his arms as the world dissolved away completely. She melted against him, letting him press her against the wall as his lips took hers.
After a few moments, the two pulled away, having forgotten what they were doing and where they were. Shoto leaned in again and (f/n) tilted her head upward for him, their lips moving against each other.
"Shoto?" Both (f/n) and Shoto pulled away from each other abruptly at the voice. They saw Momo standing in the distance, staring at them. (f/n)'s eyes widened, and her body went rigid.
"Oh, hello Momo." Shoto greeted, rather calmly. Momo approached them, no hostility in her movements. At this point, (f/n) was extremely defensive, not feeling safe with either of them.
"What the hell is going on?" (f/n) asked, backing away from the couple.
"We can explain," Momo said, making (f/n) stare at her. "D-do you love Kaminari?"
"What does it matter?" (f/n) asked, unsure of what to do.
"Because," Shoto started. "We're... in love with you."
"What?" She'd gone from defensive to confused within seconds. This couldn't be her reality. It must've been another dream, just a small hallucination to torment her the next day. She was gonna wake up in a little bit and she'd still be in the same situation.
"We know you like Kaminari, maybe you're in love with him. But... we're in love with you. We... want you," Momo started, determination and uncertainty in her eyes. "We wouldn't make you cry like he did, we wouldn't make you look so broken, so hurt, and alone. We'd treat your right. We'd give you all the love and support you'd ever need or want. We'd hold you tightly at night so you wouldn't feel alone, we'd be there to take care of you and love you." (f/n)'s eyes widened, it almost felt surreal. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, the butterflies in her stomach were going crazy, and her mind was in shambles.
"W-wait." (f/n)'s hands went up to her head, her fingers sliding through her hair as she took her words in. They loved her? They were with each other. "Th-this isn't happening." She mumbled, looking everywhere except at the couple.
"We know it's a bit to take in," Shoto said. "But it's true. We'll wait for you, (f/n). We'll wait for you, until you're able to let go of Kaminari." (f/n) shook her head, finally finding the right words to say.
"I don't like Kaminari," Their eyes widened at her words. "I never did. I panicked that day and accidentally told you I liked him..."
"So... you don't love Kaminari?" Momo asked, making (f/n) shake her head.
"I don't."
"Th-then who? You were so upset that day." Shoto stated, making the girl look away, her (e/c) staring at the wall beside them.
"... you two."
"What?" Momo called out, moving closer to (f/n), who stayed still.
"Kaminari never made me cry. It... was always you two. The day you announced that you were officially a couple, I was thinking about confessing to one of you. It broke my heart and you've been breaking my heart ever since."
"We want you," Shoto declared. "We want you to be part of our relationship. We'll make up for all that pain you've gone through because of us. We'll make up for all of it and make you happier than ever... if you'll still have us."
"All 3 of us... that's so... uncommon."
"So what?" Momo smiled weakly. "We love us."
"I've never been in a relationship before, least of all with two other people."
"This is our first relationship too," Shoto said. "We'll learn together. Figure this out as we go."
"What do you say, (f/n)?" Momo asked. (f/n) was silent for a moment, thinking over all of the information provided. They felt the same about her... this was a dream come true. Why would she say no?
"Ok." She answered, making them both smile and breathe in relief. Shoto and Momo approached her, wrapping their arms around her, giving her a warm hug. For once, (f/n) felt happy with both of them with her. She melted against their touch, feeling both of them kiss her cheeks.
"I love you, (f/n)." They said in unison.
"I love you both, too." She answered, quietly before they led her towards her dorm room and went inside. The trio laid down with (f/n) in the middle. Both Momo and Shoto held the girl tightly, almost scared that they'd lose her if they let go. They were finally able to hold her, as they'd wished and hoped for all this time. That feeling of relief and happiness flooded Momo and Shoto and the two could've almost cried.
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kikyan · 3 years
Stuck With You (Shizuo Ending)
Disclaimer!! I wrote this back in 2018/2019, like literally 2 years after I started writing fanfic so if this sucks yeah. . .that’s why. It’s also not really that inclusive at all so I apologize. This upload is really meant for those who were curious with the fanfic I wrote and I promise I will right a more inclusive fanfiction later on in the future with these characters to make it up!! 
“ Oh? It seems he even has the Dollars searching for you!” 
“ Izaya, please I apologize for anything that I did that caused you to do this, but I need to get back to Shizuo!” 
“ And do what? Apologize for my actions and say everything is fine? You truly are different than other humans (Y/N)! Besides, does Shizu-chan know?” 
“ K-know what?” 
“You can drop the act. I know who you are (Y/N) or should I sa-?!” 
“ Izaya, I won’t ask you again. Please, I apologize for what I said or did but I must return to my fiance.” 
“ I can’t do that (Y/N). You thought you had me fool, no you thought you had the whole world fooled, but unlike Shizu-chan, I know the real you. You are far too unique, too precious to be in the hands of that brute, that damned monster!” 
“ Speak of the Devil, he really did arrive, didn’t he? (Y/N) it’s better if you stay, wait no- I want you to see God punish his worthless creation, than have his Goddess forgive him and the cycle continues!” 
Grabbing her arm, (Y/N) was dragged to the door where Shizuo lay in waiting/ Shizuo’s eyes lit up with hope as (Y/N) arrived, quickly scanning her to ensure that she was not harmed by Izaya. 
“ This is low, even for you Izaya. What the hell do you want anyways?” 
“ I want (Y/N) of course! How rude of you to keep her from society, from me! She is too perfect, in fact, she is perfection! I can’t stand you of all people, a damn monster near her!” 
“ If I am a monster, what the hell does that make you?” 
“ That hurt Shizu-chan, but I’m sure my goddess, (Y/N) would forgive you nonetheless!” 
Grabbing a stop sign Shizuo prepared to swing at Izaya before seeing (Y/N) duck down. 
‘This is too dangerous for (Y/N)! I have to lead him away. . .’ 
“ You see (Y/N)! This monster swung at you! I told you, he would only hurt you! Stay with me, my Goddess!” 
Taking his knife out, he swung it at Shizuo cutting him horizontally across his chest. As Shizuo remained unfazed he swung the sign hitting Izaya as well sending him flying back inside the apartment complex. As Izaya got up and grabbed the knife and (Y/N), before placing the knife under (Y/N)’s throat causing her to panic slightly. 
“ (Y/N)! Izaya you damned bastard! Let her go, that’s low. . .” 
“ It’s fine! Besides, my Goddess is so forgiving, I'm sure she will let this slide! In fact, I feel as if instead of the way I initially thought, it was you Shizuo who used (Y/N)!” 
Shizuo looked down before clenching his fist and looking at Izaya with a crazed expression. 
“ So you’re a leech, a filthy parasite-” 
“ (Y/N) NOW!” 
Izaya was dumbfounded as he turned to see (Y/N) duck down and Izaya was met with Shizuo’s fist. As Izaya grunted in pain, he turned to see (Y/N) looking at him in horror before turning to see Shizuo waltz up with a sturdy bookshelf and smiling at Izaya. 
“ So I guess today is the day I squash this damn cockroach! That has been infesting not only the city but our lives!” 
As Shizuo began to throw the bookshelf at Izaya he proceeded on hitting him repeatedly with immense force, causing Izaya to cough up blood and other fluids. 
“ If you kill me. . . Shizu-chan. . . w-will. . she forgive you. . . ?” 
Showing no sign of stopping, Shizuo proceeded to mercilessly hit Izaya while explaining, “ It doesn’t matter if she forgives me anymore. . . because I don’t plan on letting her go either way!” 
Letting out the last punch Shizuo looked to admire his work, a beaten and bruised Izaya no longer breathing. As Shizuo turned around he was met with (Y/N) looking in horror at the state Izaya was in before looking back up at Shizuo. 
“ No, I won’t. I am sorry Shizuo, I wasn’t able to stop Izaya and you had to get your hands dirty! O-on the bright side. . . well. . . you can start your life violence free now peacefully!” 
“ Honestly. . .how did I. . .eVeR gEt StUcK wItH yOu?” 
After the whole incident, Shizuo was more protective of (Y/N). He rarely let her be by herself so whenever she would want to go anywhere he would go with her or sometimes even ask Celty to go with her as he feared she would get hurt or taken away from him. Currently, Shizuo is working as (Y/N) was at the park with Celty discussing certain things. 
“You’re quite pale. . . is everything alright? Are you feeling okay?” 
“ Of course, my pale complexion is because Shizuo didn’t let me leave for a week until after the whole Izaya incident. I do feel a little sick but that’s what I wanted to talk to you about!” 
“Sick? That doesn’t sound good. How sick are we talking about? If you need to see someone for it, I’m sure Shinra would be glad to see you.”
“ W-well. . . I wouldn’t say I'm that sick it’s just I wanted to know if these are possible symptoms of. . . well, how about I just explain it! I get these sudden food urges and most of the time I tend to throw up certain foods! I think, well what do you think Celty?” 
“Hm. . . You know, Y/N, I think I’ve heard of these exact symptoms before. Is it possible that  you’re pregnant?”
“Well, the first thing you should do is to confirm our suspicions. Then, I think you and Shizuo have a big conversation to have.”
“C-c-could you come with me to the store to buy a test? I... I don’t want to go alone. . .” 
“Of course, Y/N. But I think we should walk to a nearby store, I don’t think my motorcycle would be good for the possible baby.”
“ Aww, I wanted to go on your motorcycle. . . okay! So onward this great adventure!” 
“U-um Celty, I could be reading this wrong but if it’s pink. . . does that mean. . .” 
Celty jumped at (Y/N) as you could see her jumping in glee before taking a picture of the test and rapidly writing on her phone. 
“You did read what pink means, right? I may be wrong. . . But it would appear that you’re pregnant! I’m so happy for you two!”
“Don’t freak out! Let me send the photo to Shinra just to confirm our suspicions. Afterward, we can make a plan for how you’ll tell him.”
To: Shinra 
From: Celty
*image of the test* 
Big Emergency: Is the test positive or negative? It looks like Shizuo and Y/N might be expecting.
To: Love of my life
From: Shinra
Hm. . . well, it seems they are expecting! Tell them I congratulate them! Does Shizuo know? 
To: Shinra
From: Celty 
Now that we know, how should Y/N approach this with Shizuo?
To: Love of my life 
From: Shinra 
Leave that to me! Just tell (Y/N) to prepare his favorite meal. I’ll tell Shizuo that he has a surprise at home and to hurry home! I’ll see you soon as I need to help someone right now but take care Celty!
“ So he is going to tell him... .? I hope this goes well! I don’t know what to say or do...Celty want to go shopping with me for ingredients?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it will go great. Both of you love each other and will be great parents if you decide to keep it. Now, let’s go shopping!” 
Soon leaving the store they headed out to purchase the ingredients needed to make Shizuo’s meal and discussed among themselves how to approach the situation. 
Tom looked down at this phone as he smiled in glee before telling Shizuo that there were no more clients and that they should head home. 
“ Are you sure? I don’t want to leave (Y/N) alone but if you still need me I could stay longer-!?” 
“ You, my friend do not understand, (Y/N) is waiting for you so go home. Besides she has a surprise for you, Shinra told me! Now head home!” 
“ A surprise? Well if you say so, Tom. . . see you tomorrow!” 
“ Also Shizuo, congrats!” 
“ On what?” 
“ Just go home and you’ll see!” 
As Shizuo was walking home he pondered about this so-called surprise as he noticed that Celty’s bike was parked outside their home. As he went inside he looked to see his favorite meal scattered along with the table as both Celty and (Y/N) were cooking and talking. 
“ Oh, Shizuo! Good afternoon! Dinner is almost ready and Shinra is almost here! He said that our close friends should be here today!” 
“ That’s cool but what’s this surprise I keep hearing about?” 
“ Silly it’s not a surprise if I tell you! Wait till Shinra gets here!” 
Soon after Shinra arrived and that’s when they all were in the living room in silence before (Y/N) pulled out the test she had and Celty pulling the message in case of a confirmation. 
“ S-shizuo. . . remember what you told me the day before the incident with Izaya... .?” 
Blushing slightly he nodded before letting his mind run loose, could she be-?! 
“ Well, it seems you might get the chance to be a father and I a mother!” 
Holding the test out for Shizuo to see the pink line indicating that (Y/N) was pregnant, he grabbed it before setting it down and jumping to hold his fiance. 
“ I won’t let you down, I won’t let us down. I promise I'll change to be the best father I can be, I swear (Y/N)!” 
“ Silly, you are already the best person you can be! I’m sure we will be the best of parents!” 
Exchanging a kiss, they all laughed and gathered around the dinner table to consume the food made by both (Y/N) and Celty. (Y/N) was with child, Shizuo’s child and he vowed to protect you both no matter the cost. He didn’t care if you looked at him like a monster in the near future because he wasn’t letting you or the child leave him, after all, it was possible for a monster like him to be happy, but he wasn’t going to let this happiness leave and be destroyed. The child was born healthy, it was a boy named Izaya, ironically. Izaya was gifted with many things such as friends for his kind behavior and kind mother. He never had problems and if he did well they would disappear the next day, like his principal when he chose to falsely accuse him of attacking someone using his father as an excuse. Well, let’s just say he isn’t alive anymore. Any friend that double-crossed him would immediately come back and apologize saying how their mother told them that what they did was wrong. It didn’t matter if Shizuo was a monster because he had (Y/N) and his child was the red string that binds them together. Seriously, how did Shizuo get to be so lucky and get stuck with you? 
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blu-joons · 3 years
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He loves using his height to wrap you up nice and tightly in his arms. He often can’t help but rest his head on top of yours or pick you up so that you’re at the same height as he is so that your lips are much more accessible to him.
You noticed at the event that you met Johnny, that he talked to most people. You were sure he was just being friendly when he spoke to you too, he was getting along with everything, but he definitely found himself drawn to you that night, even if you weren’t too sure whether he was nice, or coming onto you.
For the next few occasions that you met, you weren’t sure if Johnny was really into you, or if he was just a complete sweetheart. However, at the end of one event, when he asked you if you were free to head out with him to maybe get dinner together, all of your questions were answered. Words completely failed you when you realised what was happening, all you could manage was a nod of your head to give him an answer.
He loved physical dates, he loved to be able to show off how strong he was, usually taking you bowling or down to the arcade. The one good thing about Johnny though was that he wasn’t too competitive, he loved to let you win and give your ego a bit of a boost. And as the rules usually were between the two of you, whoever lost paid for dinner, and he much preferred treating you to a meal rather than the other way around. He wasn’t someone who liked to dress up and sit to dinner, he much preferred adventuring and exploring the city with you.
Johnny was yet to date since he moved to Korea many years ago, so his first relationship felt like a long time coming. He was very protective of your relationship from the start, whilst he didn’t want anything to get in the way of his happiness, he also knew that there were rules in place, and he was very respectful of that. He spoke to management a lot about your relationship, he didn’t want to put a foot out of line, but he was also incredibly keen on making sure that you were happy and well looked after. At times, he didn’t quite know how he found the balance.
Some people mistook Johnny for a bit of an intimidating man as he was one of the tallest members, but you knew he was anything but. Johnny very rarely fought with you, he doesn’t like conflict, but he does acknowledge that sometimes the two of you can disagree on things. He’s very good at talking things out with you, he refuses to let the two of you make an argument cause too big of a deal. If you want space, Johnny will give it to you, but as soon as he’s back with you, he’ll throw his arms around you and refuse to let you go for a very long time until you promise not to argue about the same thing ever again.
With his family in America, it took a very long time for you to get the chance to meet them in person. So, you and Johnny dedicated a couple of hours each week to call his family so they could get to know you. They appreciated the effort you went to in order to get to know them, which meant they fell in love with you very quickly.
Johnny loved being in the dorm, but he was also quite keen to move on quite quickly and find a place with you. The one good thing about rooming with Haechan was that he was the youngest, so if Johnny wanted him to leave the dorm room for a while, he would do in an instant, and usually bunk in with Taeyong for the night.
When you heard rumour that the boys had a week free from their schedule, you arranged for the two of you to fly back to Chicago. As soon as Johnny found out what you were up to, he couldn’t help but be the first person to say, ‘I love you.’ He was overwhelmed, and not really thinking straight, but one thing he was sure of was that he really loved you.
It was a feeling that Johnny didn’t tend to feel too often, he trusted you, and he trusted all the people that the two of you were friends with. If he was feeling jealous, then he would usually stay pretty silent and move his arm so that it rested around him. A tight grip around you was usually a strong sign to you that Johnny was feeling a little bit insecure, so you’d work hard to make sure that he felt safe around you and reassure his mind that he had nothing to worry about and that the two of you were absolutely fine.
He already was the dad of the group, so it only really felt like a natural step for him to become a proper dad one day. Whilst he knew having a family was a little way off just yet, Johnny had certainly discussed the matter with you. He was lucky that he didn’t have to enlist at some point in his career, highlighting when many of his members would go away as a possible chance for the two of you to really start settling down.
Johnny’s jokes were one of the first things that attracted you to him, he loved to make people laugh with his humour, but also his clumsiness. You were forever reaching out to catch him when he tripped up a step or banged his body against an object that he paid no attention to. As much as you knew you shouldn’t laugh at him, you struggled to believe how one person really could be so clumsy. It hurt Johnny, a lot, but knowing that his misfortune helped to put a smile on your face certainly softened the blow for him a little bit.
Having spent so long away from home, Johnny never thought that homesickness would be something that bothered him again, until he met you. He felt like he was a teenager all over again the first time he was without you, it was impossible for him to describe how hard he found it without you. It hurt the other members too, Johnny was usually such a sunshine in the group, to see him struggle without you being around was a struggle for them all, but they’d always make sure to rally around him and make him feel better, reminding him every day that it was another step closer to being able to be back with you.
His nicknames for you were definitely when his Americanisms would come out. ‘Babe’ or ‘baby’ were usually the two that he’d call you, leaving the rest of the members confused from where that had ever come from.
Johnny was obsessed with your height, you were the perfect height for him to be able to rest against, but also curl up tightly into his chest.
He was very protective of you, especially in public, and his affection definitely showed that off. He’d always have an arm around you, he didn’t care where the two of you were, just a small hold against your body was enough to reassure him that you were by his side and safe, which was all that he ever wanted.
Whenever he does anything, he loves to ask for your opinion on it. It could be something as simple as deciding what flavour ice cream he wants; he’ll still ask you what you think and which one he’d end up enjoying the most.
Johnny loves taking photographs, especially of you. He has a whole album on his phone dedicated to you, which is all hidden so that no one else can see them. The album certainly makes being away from you a little bit easier, when he’s feeling down, he’ll soon finding himself smiling again when he looks through all the photos of you that he’s taken, the more candid, the better, as far as Johnny was concerned.
He loves to be the dominate one, he loves to show off to you how strong and powerful he is and keep you wrapped up tightly in his arms. Whilst he might be dominate, he’s also very gentle, he always makes sure to take the best care of you and will always put your needs above any of his. He prides himself on knowing exactly what you like from him and will make sure that he delivers every single time.
The two of you don’t tend to text each other too often, you’ll usually call instead so that you can hear each other’s voices. Texts are usually reserved for when you’re in a rush and left with no time to pick up the phone.
He’d spent so long at the company, and away from home, you were the perfect in between. He loved that you were a distraction for him away from work, but he loved that with you, he felt like he was back home again.
The moment he had the chance to go on holiday, he was desperate to take you and introduce you to his family. He’d told them practically everything there was to know about you, except for meeting you in person. So, when he finally had the chance to introduce you to them, Johnny jumped at the chance to take you there.
He doesn’t usually whine a lot; he’s very understanding and only takes up your time when you have it available to spend with him.
The favourite place to kiss on you for Johnny is definitely the top of your head. He loves to emphasise that he’s taller than you and make you feel small. He loves looking down at you and seeing how cute you look whenever your cheeks turn red as a result of a kiss from him. He knows that his kisses are your weakness and will definitely use that against you to get whatever he wants from you, with a big smile on his face.
You were his home away from home, the one that filled the hole in his heart.
He loved to be the big spoon whenever the two of you slept and wrap his arms around you. He’d pull you so tight that you’d usually have to beg for him to let you go a little bit so that you could fall asleep as well.
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passable-talent · 4 years
part 4 was so so good!!!!! can you make a part 5? i’m in love with your writing and that series!!! you’re feeding my need for zuko content and i love u for that.
it literally took exactly 19 minutes to get a request for part 5
been excited to get back to this one, y’all aren’t ready 😏
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |
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For chapter five, and my five hundred follower special, we will go back to spring of the year 100 AG, right before Azula’s coup succeeded in their destruction of Ba Sing Se . . .
“So what’s happening?” You asked Mushi as the two of you hurried through the streets of the upper ring.
“Come close,” Mushi answered, and your footsteps brought you beside him.
“My nephew and I are more than refugees,” he began, “my name is Iroh, and I am the brother of the Fire Lord. My nephew, Zuko, is the banished prince of the Fire Nation. I’m sorry we lied to you, but we needed to, in order to stay in Ba Sing Se where we were safe from our family.” Your head reeled, but you kept beside him, because still you trusted this man. You were trained to react and to think, thanks to the Dai Li, so you analyzed his words.
“Were?” you questioned, wondering why he seemed to suggest that he was no longer safe.
“My niece, Princess Azula, has infiltrated the city. She tried to capture me- she did capture Zuko.” Your eyes widened, and your speed increased beside Iroh. “I need your help to retrieve him, and the Avatar’s. That’s where we’re headed.” You looked up at the house you were approaching, half caved in from some sort of destruction. What had happened here?
“The Avatar?” you asked, and Iroh nodded, pausing in front of the door to knock politely. You waited beside him, but held your forehead- you were so shocked about everything you were finding out.
Zuko- not Lee. The banished prince of the Fire Nation. You hadn’t even known that the prince of the Fire Nation had been banished! What else didn’t you know about the other nations of the world beyond the walls of Ba Sing Se?
Why had this information been kept from you? You were training to be in the Dai Li, one of the best and most important police forces of the Earth Kingdom, shouldn’t this information be privy to you? Why wasn’t it?
You were pulled from your thoughts as a girl opened the door, and regarded Iroh with friendliness.
“I need your help,” he began, and you watched the reactions of the other two at the door. They seemed frightened by Iroh- what kind of history had they that you weren’t aware of?
Why were you kept in the dark about everything?
“You guys know each other?” demanded the boy you had to assume was the avatar, who didn’t seem much concerned with your presence. Maybe it was the earth kingdom robes?
“I met him in the woods once, and knocked him down,” answered the girl, and with her gaze that didn’t seem focused on the avatar you wondered if maybe she was blind. She, however, seemed like a strong earthbender. It was one of the things you were trained to pick up on in the Dai Li, and relied entirely on how a person carried herself. “Then he gave me tea and some very good advice.”
“May we come in?” Iroh asked sheepishly, and you wondered why there wasn’t more urgency to his tone.
“Who’s your friend?” the clearly water tribe boy demanded, and you lifted your chin, being acknowledged.
“I’m Y/N, a soon-to-be member of the Dai Li,” you answered, “You can trust me.”
“The Dai Li?” Avatar Aang responded, more shock in his face than before.
“That makes us even less likely to trust you!!” the water tribe boy shouted, and your eyebrows knitted together.
“The Dai Li are the protectors of the city!” you said, though you felt doubt gnaw at your spine- they had kept so much from you, their own cadet.
Iroh turned his eyes to you, and something in his gaze told you to hush up.
“Princess Azula is here, in Ba Sing Se,” Iroh told them, his tone stern and serious.
“She must have Katara!” Aang said, and you looked to Iroh. You didn’t know these people- but that Azula would capture both Zuko and a friend of the avatar meant that she was one of two things: insanely brave or insanely stupid.
“She has captured my nephew, as well,” Iroh said.
“Then we’ll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko,” the avatar said, and you felt a little lightness crawl into your heart. You’d be able to help save Zuko, and a friend of the avatar? You were about to go on a crazy adventure.
“Whoa there,” said the water tribe boy, walking back into the conversation, “you lost me at ‘Zuko.’ “
“I know how you must feel about my nephew,” Iroh began, and your expression softened. There was definitely history here, and you’d be interested to learn it. “But believe me when I tell you, there is good inside him.” You brought your eyes to the avatar’s, and nodded, trying to fathom something to say that they’d believe. They didn’t know you, didn’t know what you stood for, and it seemed that you didn’t know much of that yourself.
“I’ve known Zuko for a while,” you said, “and he’s never been anything other than a scared and polite refugee.”
“Good inside him isn’t enough!” The water tribe boy insisted, “Why don’t you come back when it’s outside him too, okay?” Your chest deflated further, and you had to wonder: what had Zuko done, what had Zuko been, that they had this strong of a hatred for him?
Did you want to know?
“Katara’s in trouble,” Aang said to his friend, “All of Ba Sing Se’s in trouble. Working together is our best chance.”
On the way toward the catacombs of the city underneath the palace, you learned Sokka and Toph’s names, as well as the true treachery of the Dai Lee. You learned about the war with the Fire Nation, and had a smile on your face as you took in how lucky you were that the two firebenders whom you had come to love were the only two on the right side of this war.
“Well, whaddaya know, there is an ancient city down there,” Toph said, her hand pressed to the stone courtyard, “but it’s deep.” She opened up a large hole in the stone, heading downward.
“How can you tell?” You asked, and she cracked her knuckles in your direction.
“Right, you’re classically trained,” she mocked with a rude laugh, which made you smile. “I can sense seismic activity through stone. Maybe I’ll teach you, when this is over.” You nodded, intrigued, before Sokka grabbed your attention.
“We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and Y/N to look for Katara and the angry jerk,” he said. “No offense,” he added in Iroh’s direction, and once again you found yourself confused on the nature of their shared past when Iroh said “none taken.”
“And I’ll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula’s Coup.”
Aang, Iroh, and you began heading down into the tunnel, Iroh holding up fire for light while you and Aang took turns lengthening the tunnel downwards.
“So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice,” Aang said, seeming to try to make conversation. “And great tea.” A smile came to your face- Iroh’s tea was the reason that you were, apparently, romantically involved with the prince of the Fire Nation.
Imagine that.
“The key to both is proper aging,” Iroh said, and you laughed under your breath. “What’s on your mind?” Aang paused, and took his turn lengthening the tunnel.
“Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the avatar state and control this great power.” You turned to look at the avatar as you walked, amazed at both his story and his mere stature. You never thought that you’d get to meet the avatar.
“But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love, and I just couldn’t.” You reached the end of the tunnel, and took stance beside Iroh to take your turn lengthening it. However, Iroh began speaking, and you figured it rude to interrupt him.
“Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness, and love.” With a smile on your face you earthbent and opened up the tunnel further, deciding then and there that you would stick with Iroh. Surely you weren’t to stay and train with the Dai Li, and as it seemed he was teaming up with the avatar, maybe you’d get to help fight in the war!
“But what happens if we can’t save everyone and beat Azula?” You didn’t answer, and let Iroh, both because you didn’t know the answer, and because you felt that the scope of your knowledge and importance wasn’t what it needed to be to even participate in this conversation.
“Without the avatar state, what if I’m not powerful enough?”
“I don’t know the answer,” Iroh said, making you gaze to the side at him. “Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving...” Iroh paused as Aang took his turn to break through the stone in front of you, revealing light and a wide open new space, “...you will come to a better place.” You paused, standing on the edge of a cliff, to look out over the ancient city. There was a fountain in front of you, making the air smell fresh even though you were so far below ground. It was amazing, and part of you wished you could have stayed. However, you knew that there was much more pressing matters, and so you quickly moved along with Iroh and Aang into another chamber to hopefully find the prisoners you were looking for.
Aang burst through another wall of stone, and quickly disappeared through the hole as you and Iroh followed.
“Aang!” A girl shouted before embracing him, and you barely put it together that this must be ‘Katara’ before your feet had carried you to Zuko, and hugged him tightly. You yielded this, however, to Iroh, who hugged him with just as much relief as you felt in your heart.
“Uncle, I don’t understand,” Zuko said, a malice you didn’t recognize glinting in his eyes. “What are you doing with the avatar?”
“Saving you, that’s what,” Aang said, and Zuko began to lunge before Iroh caught his chest. You flinched- this wasn’t the boy you knew at all.
“Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh told him, then looking at Aang and Katara. “Go help your other friends. We’ll catch up with you.” Aang and Katara turned away while you stood still, but Iroh turned to you. “You as well. It’ll be alright.” You nodded, and raced down the tunnel after Katara.
“We’ve gotta find Sokka and Toph!” Katara shouted, but you couldn’t answer her before you heard roaring behind you. You didn’t recognize the sound, but when you turned and saw blue fire, nothing could’ve prepared you.
This wasn’t in your training. It wasn’t in your index of attacks to react to. You had no idea what to do- if it wasn’t for Aang and the wall that he raised, you would’ve surely been charred on the spot.
You didn’t recognize the girl that had shot it, but you felt that it was safe to assume it must’ve been Azula.
Katara raced around the wall and picked up water, revealing herself as a powerful water bender before your eyes. The fight between her and Azula created a cloud of steam, and you staggered back even further from Aang’s wall, your chest rising and falling quickly.
You were panicking.
All of that training, everything that your instructors had ever done to harden your will and sharpen your reaction time, it stood nothing against this. This, with the sister of the guy you were crushing on shooting blue fire at the avatar, and you weren’t even sure who’s side you should be on.
That was stupid, of course you knew you should be on the avatar’s side. But something in your head whispered doubts- she was Zuko’s sister. She was the leader of the Dai Li, who you belonged to.
Azula appeared from the steam and shot two fireballs at Aang and Katara, who were forty or so feet in front of you. You just watched, dumbfounded, and realized quickly that she wasn’t aiming at you. She wasn’t targeting you at all.
She landed on a column, which Aang rocked beneath her, and she fell down to stand between Aang and Katara, her back to you. She kept her hands pointed at both of them, but suddenly, her attention turned toward you.
“You’re Y/N, right?” She asked, and your eyes widened. “I remember you. You’re a very impressive cadet, you could be an asset to me. I control the Dai Li, now, and so your allegiance is to me.”
Just for a moment, Katara’s gaze turned to you, wondering if there was any truth to that statement.
Was there?
A fireball impacted the ground between Aang and Azula and you staggered backward, looking up for the source of the flame.
Zuko. Relief filled your chest- at least you knew for sure you were on his side.
As though time was frozen, you watched as he turned his ready stance from aiming at Aang, to aiming at Azula, and your tension melted away. You could fight beside Zuko and the avatar and Katara, and surely between the four of you the princess would be defeated.
Then, from your position fifty feet behind Aang, you saw Zuko’s eyes land on the avatar.
The calmness drifted away, and all you saw was rage.
Fire blasted toward Aang, and he couldn’t avoid the plume, his air bending keeping him from harm but also sending him back beside you. Zuko’s fire kept coming, and you threw up a wall in front of you, turning to the side with your body made into a smaller target out of pure fear.
Zuko had turned on Aang. He’d shot fire at Aang- he’d shot fire at you.
Aang leapt away to continue his battle, which left you behind your wall of stone, paralyzed with fear and indecision and betrayal and anger and sadness.
Didn’t you know Zuko at all? That look in his eye... you had never seen that before. There was pure rage inside him, and you couldn’t understand it, you couldn’t comprehend how this was the boy you’d cared for.
You heard fire roaring throughout the cave, and the whooshing of the wind that Aang sent back. Rocks clattered to the floor and water shot around the cavern, and it was all too much, the sounds of martial arts and groaning and impacts, you couldn’t get a clear thought through your mind.
“I thought you had changed!” Katara’s yell echoed off the rocks, and just for a moment your hands lifted from your temple. Was she talking to Zuko?
“I have changed,” he answered, and it was in the silence that followed that you made up your mind, finally.
Zuko was on the wrong side of this war. Not as you’d thought.
You heard a yelp from Katara and brought up a hunk of earth underneath you, launching you across the cave and into a defensive position in front of her with a battle cry. Both Azula and Zuko seemed surprised by this decision, but before any of you could react, the rumbling of Aang’s reemergence interrupted the fight. They turned their attention to him, which gave you the moment to send a hunk of stone into both of their abdomens, knocking them backward. However, your eyes turned up with the sound of Dai Li stone chains, and you couldn’t pull your limbs in tight enough to avoid their sudden grip on you.
“No,” you snarled as Katara woke, and brought a ring of water around the both of you. You stood back to back with her, small finger movements slowly dissembling the stone chains around your wrists so you could help her in the fight.
But there were too many agents- you knew you couldn’t take them all on. Not even with a master waterbender at your back.
A gust of wind surprised you, and you broke free in time to see Aang rise from shattered crystal inside a beam of light. It was amazing- and you were stunned into awe.
Lightning struck the avatar.
Katara nearly drowned you in the wave she created, but you pulled up a slab of stone just in time to surf on it behind her, just like you had on summer days in Lake Laogai. Mowing down Dai Li agents, and the royal siblings, the two of you raced toward the falling avatar, before he was caught by Katara. Soaked, exhausted, and tears blurring your vision, you stood between her and the siblings, who walked toward her, as though they were predators, and she an easy meal.
Though you knew you should be watching them both, your eyes were on Zuko. Maybe, there was some of Lee left in him, and seeing you would bring it back. But his eyes were firmly on the dead-or-dying avatar, hungry, predatory, and your heart shattered.
Fire cut off their path and you looked up to see Iroh, who leapt down in front of even you.
“You’ve got to get out of here!” He shouted, looking back at you. “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!” Katara stood and you joined her on Aang’s other side, carrying the avatar toward a waterfall, the sound of fire roaring behind you.
It was terrifying.
“Hold onto him!” Katara shouted, her grip tight on the avatar as she used her other hand to bend an upward spiral around the three of you.
You watched Iroh face Zuko until the rock covered your vision, and you closed your eyes.
Back on Appa, you kneeled behind Sokka, one eye keeping a watch on Katara as she attempted to heal Aang. But mostly, you gripped Appa’s fur, and cried.
The Dai Li had lied to you. Zuko and Iroh had lied to you. The Dia Li turned on you. Zuko turned on you. Zuko turned on Iroh, Azula killed the avatar. Everything was so messed up, beyond proportion, skewed beyond belief. The boy you thought you might’ve loved...
He’d never existed in the first place.
And though the avatar lived, you laid your forehead to the bison’s back, and sobbed.
tag list for this series- @furblrwurblr @eridanuswave
oh yeah request for pt 6 /// already been requested y’all are fine
edit: | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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