#christian advice and help
c-kiddo · 5 months
(been relistening to cr2 some more) love so much when caduceus has his vry religious very ritualistic moments. its nice. love the slow methodical ritual of it all . love him talking to others like yasha or fjord about it and the extremely slow and careful wording of exactly what he wants to say . love him gently laying a body to rest or growing tea for it . its just niceys
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4him-iwrite · 2 months
Everything the world offers, is a bootleg version of what God offers
Think about it. You’re getting hoodwinked, scammed, and bamboozled when ever you receive the things or the pleasures of this world! Some of you are even paying a high price for something that has NO VALUE, and that high price is your life. The things of this world cannot satisfy, fill up, or make you whole the way God can! All it can do is give you temporary pleasure and satisfaction. Why pay and waist your time for the false version when you can have the real thing from the One who created it! God offers high value, high quality, the purest of the pure for FREE and all you have to do is receive it. When you pay high value for something, you want it be real, 100% authentic, right? When you come to the realization that you have paid a high price for a dupe, for something this world gave you, how embarrassing that will be. How angry you would be with the one who sold it to you. But there is a seller, a provider who GIVES the real thing, that satisfies, that fills up, that makes you whole for FREE and all you have to do is receive it. How awesome is that! Don’t you want the real thing!?! Too often we search for fulfillment in places that cannot provide or give it to us, when all along we should have been looking to God.
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ave-immaculata · 5 months
Why even bother praying for someone else? Their lifestyle, what they do and how they feel do not affect you personally. People are allowed to express themselves in whatever way they want, people are allowed to believe whatever they want. Just grow up and ignore it, not everyone believes the same prudish bullshit as you.
anon are you acknowledging that our prayers may affect what someone else believes or does?? you acknowledging that prayer is efficacious? watch out then, you might end up believing the same prudish bullshit as me 😘
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foggyeyed · 8 months
Be yourself when no one sees you.
Even when they don't recognize your kindness. The ways you've changed. Your trauma. Your personality. Your gender identity. The way you love. Your favorite things. Your hopes. Your faith.
When you mold yourself into whatever someone likes, and when you break yourself into chunks for one person to digest ALL of who you are, you lose those pieces. They crumble and never mold back into the shape you were.
Be yourself because you're meant to be. You don't deserve to be carved into shapes while people squint their eyes, pretending you're a goose when you're a swan. Don't waste your life pretending with them.
Be yourself even if you're the only one who knows.
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casuallycrushing · 2 months
Your person is out there, you just might not be ready for them yet. Pray to God and pray that you are ready for when they come into your life! They are coming, God is just waiting for you both to be ready <3
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just-an-enby-lemon · 4 months
Okay, but like friendly reminder that TMA's Robert Smirke tried to use christianity as a means to convince Jonah to quit the Eye. And he also did this AFTER Jonah had already turned the Institute into Beholder's Temple.
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dopesotherstuff · 9 months
Things you shouldn't teach bullied kids...religion edition
Apologies to Christian friends, but this has to be said:
"Turn the other cheek" is a rancidly bad piece of advice to give young kids who are being bullied or abused. It's right down there in the toilet of bad ideas next to "just ignore them". Especially since kids take such advice literally and will end up defenseless, confused and even more damaged as a result.
Remaining passive in the face of bullying guarantees that the bully will continue, will escalate, and will probably invite others to join the fun. And they will. Because here's a target who doesn't fight back--who thinks GOD HIMSELF doesn't want her to fight back--and bullies never, ever stop once they find a good target.
At least, until they face real consequences. The consequences could be being roasted, humiliating pranks, getting in trouble (if you can find an adult willing to step in), or just straight up getting a punch in the teeth, but whatever they are, they need to happen. Otherwise, the bully will just keep taking pleasure in an innocent kid's suffering.
[Below is a screed about the consequences of expecting kids to act like holy martyrs instead of protecting themselves, and some advice for young folks trying to reconcile religious pacifism with the need to protect themselves. It's not an easy read and wasn't an easy write, but I'm hoping it will help someone.]
Meanwhile, the bullied kid, who just wants to do the right thing and please God, ends up traumatized, beaten down and wondering why God wants her to be so miserable. If she cries, prays, quotes the Bible, or explains her principles while being bullied, she will be bullied even harder. (Do you really believe that those little playground sociopaths care what God thinks?) And by the time they're done with her, she'll be going through religious trauma to go with the emotional and physical stuff, because the advice to endure and pray just made things worse.
After all, God's not going to step in and help or even comfort her. God is not going to grant her unshakeable confidence and strength to shrug off her suffering. God is not going to warn the bully or make them feel bad. God is not going to prick the consciences of lazy, uninvolved teachers, parents, and administrators to make them get off their asses and help.
God is not going to help. That's what other humans are supposed to do. But in a typical bullying situation, anyone with the power to help has already decided not to. Adults will even hobble her further with the warning that they will punish her for fighting back. She will be left on her own, told she's not supposed to defend herself, with no idea what to do or how to make the abuse stop.
That is exactly what "turn the other cheek" sets bullied and abused kids up for. Wrongheaded religious pacifists may even try to say that the child's suffering is somehow normal or even beneficial. Which is, and I really mean this, an incredibly shitty thing to do to a child.
Now I know some zealots think that suffering is Godly for everyone regardless of age, and we should all be prepared to make sacrifices to keep our covenants, et cetera. But the reality is that encouraging children to passively accept bullying and abuse, or respond to it with piety and kindness, is going to destroy their childhoods. And that is way too much of a sacrifice to expect from someone who is young, vulnerable and likely to be scarred for life by the experience.
Kids are not meant to be martyrs. They are not supposed to spend their childhoods going through constant, agonizing, permanently damaging tests of faith. They are too little to even begin to cope with that, and any adult who thinks that kind of ordeal is good for them or just what they should expect as a good Christian shouldn't be allowed around kids.
Discouraging kids from standing up for themselves aids and abets their bullies and pretty much guarantees you'll end up with an anxious, depressed child with low self-esteem and stunted social skills. If they're also very Christian, the experience won't just damage their minds, hearts, self-image, and trust in others. It will also damage their faith.
Do you really think that's right and good? Do you really think that's what God wants?
Don't ever, ever tell bullied kids to turn the other cheek. Get off your ass, put your love into action, and give them real help with the situation. Get involved, help them learn to stand up for themselves, and while you're at it, have a little chat with the "responsible" adults who just stand by with their thumbs up their butts and let this all go on.
If you hide behind "turn the other cheek" instead of actually helping a vulnerable child, in the end, you won't get a wise and resilient kid who is strong in her faith, forgives everyone who hurt or failed her, and believes that her suffering was somehow worth it.
You will get a traumatized kid who very likely has both her faith and her self-esteem in tatters. And all because you gave her a Bible quote and left her to fend for herself instead of actually helping.
Is putting a child through this what you want? No? Then...
...stop failing kids by using a misguided application of a Bible quote to convince them that God doesn't want them to defend themselves!
Whether they are facing childhood bullies, an abusive parent, a lascivious priest, a would-be child trafficker, or a violent "friend", kids need to know that it is okay to stand up for themselves, protect themselves, and defend their own boundaries. Telling them to "turn the other cheek" instead is child abuse, because it sets them up for years of completely unnecessary suffering.
Yeah, I know Jesus said it. But would Jesus say it to a little kid who is suffering with no help? Would Jesus tell that child that it's not okay to protect herself? Do you really believe that? Because I can't. I seriously doubt Jesus was out to recruit ten-year-old schoolyard martyrs.
No real, loving God could possibly want that done to a kid. And no loving, Godly person would give advice that makes things easier for people who victimize kids, by discouraging kids from resisting.
And if making kids more vulnerable to abuse is their actual plan...it ain't God they're working for.
Oh, and if you're young and can relate to this story:
Don't turn the other cheek when someone is victimizing you. Please. It will very likely make things worse.
Stand up for yourself. Do what you have to to keep yourself safe. Be clever, be tough, be sneaky, and be your own best friend, because you do not deserve to suffer.
You absolutely deserve to be happy and safe--yes, even if you're not a perfect person. And even if you have no friends, and none of the adults around care, and you have preachy idiots in your ear telling you to just endure it, you must remember that you deserve defending. Even if you have to do it yourself.
Don't just leave your protection in God's hands. Any adult who tells you to do this when people are hurting you is either deluding themself, or just making a stupid excuse not to give you real help.
Stand up for yourself, whether you're telling that creep on Facebook's mother about what he just sent you, laying a chili-pepper trap for that pig who always steals your lunch, or making your bully cry. Save "turn the other cheek" for conflicts with those who have a working moral compass, not abusers. You can forgive your bully and feel remorse for being a little mean after you have made sure that he never tries to pull his crap again.
It's far better to just be imperfect, and sort things out with God later, than to try to be perfect in horrible circumstances and end up broken, traumatized and struggling with your faith. Especially when you're just a kid.
Oh, and do yourself a favor. If someone is preaching extreme religious pacifism at you after hearing of your situation, they may mean well. But if all they do is preach and lay expectations on you and not help, you may well have to disappoint them. Unless they're actually stepping in to help you resolve the situation without having to retaliate and it works, your priority should be stopping the abuse as safely as possible by whatever means are at your disposal. Not satisfying a sanctimonious, uninvolved person's idea of what God wants.
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estellamiraiauthor · 5 months
Random question for any religious folks out therr (particularly Christians, but I’m open to advice from anyone with a perspective !)
I have a friend who is the type who asks for prayers when someone she loves is going through a hard time, who says “Sending prayers” if someone else posts a sad or worrisome status.
As a non religious person, I appreciate that. I don’t pray, but she does, and so I appreciate her praying for me. But when it’s the other way around, I’m never sure what to say to her. To a non-religious friend, I usually say “sending positive vibes” or “sending happy thoughts,” but I also know that Christians believe specifically in the power of prayer, for me to ask God to help with whatever is wrong rather than just sending happy thoughts through the universe, and that saying something like that could come across as like… IDK, giving someone a coupon when they need cash, or suggesting yoga for their chronic condition? But if I say I’m praying for her that would be a lie, because I DON’T believe in prayer and don’t do it.
Which leaves me with things like “Good luck!” or “I hope you feel better soon!” which probably aren’t going to offend anyone but also feel weak compared to either positive vibes or prayers?
IDK, what do religious people want from their non-religious friends at times like that? Should I just say nothing? But I don’t want her to think I’m not thinking of her or that I just didn’t see her status….☹️
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arrowpunk · 4 months
Hey does any queer person who has/had evangelical parents, and you like came out to them, and even if they weren't super accepting at first they eventually came around to it, have any tips on how to go about coming out while still maintaining that relationship?
I am NOT looking for ppl to tell me to just go no contact with my parents and cut them off completely. Trust me I have thought about it and I will if I absolutely have to, but I would prefer not to if at all possible. But there's nuance to this situation and I don't think my parents are Complete lost causes.
Also if you are Christian/Evangelical and you try to proselytize to me on this post I will immediately block you. I do not want to deal with people telling me my lifestyle is sinful. I grew up with that rhetoric and I am not looking to debate it with anyone but my parents right now.
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thecommonmold · 2 months
The worst thing that happen to a closeted lesbian is happening to me, my parents set me up on a date with a man
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art-tnt · 2 years
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teeheeheehoo · 11 months
my friend is voluntarily turning to mormonism bc some missionaries approached her. we arent living in america idk why theyre here either.
anyways she is kind of getting on my nerves because mormonism is like. known for prejudice and she used to be a fairly progressive person so this feels like a leap in the wrong direction
she desperately wants community which like ok good for her but she is already christian and part of a church surely that provides community? any attempt to reason with her (e.g. she is on birth control for periods and they are generally against birth control) has fallen flat (she said she forgets to take it sometimes anyway).
idk whether to just let her go to that religion and leave me out of it but she keeps talking about it in group chats and honestly i couldnt care less. i have nothing against most forms of religion but when i know they are actively harmful to certain groups its sorta. idk. im so torn. might end up cutting her off which i know won't help her but honestly why is it my responsibility to help her?
could someone give me some advice or something i am so confused about what to do
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treadmilltreats · 4 months
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Where I get my strength from
Sometimes, I even wonder where I get my strength, my faith, and my positive attitude from. Even through the darkest times, I know that I am blessed. I know that if I can hold on to that tiniest bit of faith that I'd be okay.
It's funny that even with all I've been through, all I write about dating and getting my heart broken, I still have hope in finding love.
I still have hope in doing what I love to do, which is this, my writing and turning it into a full-time living.
I have hope that good will overcome bad.
I have faith in the goodness of mankind.
I know who I am and what my purpose is. I know my girls will be okay because I have seen what he's done already with them.
I have all of this because I have my faith in God.
Look, you can believe in anything that gets you through your day, I'm all for it, but God is what gets me through mine.
So many of us have been through hard times. We have loved and lost.
We lost people we loved, taken away too soon. Some of us may have even hit rock bottom more than a few times. This is life…life is hard, it is messy, and yes, it frigging hurts.
But life can also be wonderful, it can bring the best memories, and it can bring you spectacular joy.
I have to take this assignment that I've been given. That God only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldier, so he must know that I can handle it even when sometimes I don't. Somehow, I always "believe" that everything will be alright, so much so that I even had the word "believe" tattooed on my foot.
So today, my friends, I'm begging you to hold on. Things will get better, and I'm living proof. There are so many others that are as well. Never forget that after even the worst storm, the sun will shine again. Just hold on to that tiny mustard seed size of faith, and you will get through it. Just hold on, and you will be the change you want to see.
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hello friends :)
so i’m very very new to the world of witchcraft, but i would like to start a book of shadows/witchy journal. i had gotten a journal dedicated to this a few months ago, but i didn’t do any kind of witchcraft and never knew what to put in it. do any of you have any suggestions of what to put in my book of shadows/witch journal? i would love any and all suggestions/tips. thank you!
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batemanofficial · 9 months
so i haven't talked about this too much on here, but i've been researching conversion to judaism for a while (since early 2022, mostly constrained to tiktok and other, relatively informal online resources) and while my current living situation isn't really stable enough at the moment for me to get into long-term contact with a synagogue or a rabbi (tldr i'm planning to move overseas at the beginning of next year), i've been wanting to get in touch with some more concrete resources about the conversion process. i've been reading living a jewish life by anita diamant, but if anybody knows of any other books or other resources that might be good supplements to that book, i'd love to hear about them! i know there's a lot of information out there and lots of different paths to take, but i'd love to get other people's takes, if you've got any to offer!
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casuallycrushing · 2 months
In case you haven’t been, pray for your future husband/wife! Pray that they are on their way to you and that they are growing in their relationship with God! Pray that they are on the right path and that they are working on their relationship with God so you two can grow together with Him! <3
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