#charlie di Angelo
goldenlilium-ocs · 2 years
Julie: And now for a gay update with Charlie and Kate. Charlie: Getting gayer. Julie: Thank you, Charlie.
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demigods-posts · 5 months
say what u want but the last olympian was the fucking book!! the end of the world starting at the first line!! the reintroducing of our character faves!! the reading of the great prophecy!! the percabeth angst!! the sally jackson and may castellan parallel!! the percy jackson power up (with a dash of percabeth)!! the point of no return once the city falls into an endless sleep!! the actual war that took four books to set up taking place!! the percabeth!! the cursed blade!! the percabeth!! the payoffs!! the percabeth!! the setup for the next book series!! no book will ever hit as hard for me as that one!!
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fxiryeon · 1 month
*near the strawberry fields*
Will: Where’s Nico ?
Annabeth: Idk Percy is trying to find him though
Will: By drawing a pentagram in the soil ??
Grover: Yep !!
*thirty seconds later*
Nico, showing up out of nowhere: Hey guys !!
Will: … tf ??
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kirkslver · 2 months
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“the rust that grew between telephones.”
real/people celebrities
matt sturniolo
chris sturniolo
nick sturniolo
nathan doe
milo manheim
charlie bushnell
jack hughes
luke hughes
quinn hughes
nico hischier
jamie drysdale
trevor zegras
mat barzal
matt olson
dansby swanson
anthony volpe
anthony rizzo
cody bellinger
nico hoerner
fictional characters
percy jackson universe
percy jackson
annabeth chase
leo valdez
jason grace
thalia grace (platonic only)
luke castellan
clarisse la rue
nico di angelo (platonic only)
criminal minds
spencer reid
aaron hotchner
emily prentiss
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raphael-angele · 4 months
Ships that I think perfectly coincide with PJO Ships
1. Percy and Annabeth - Jake and Amy (B99)
2. Will and Nico - Nick and Charlie (Heartstopper)
3. Frank and Hazel - Beast Boy and Raven but also Beast Boy and Terra (TT)
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Thank you
Q: What is Jaune Arc to you?
Percy: *Sitting on the beach and smiling* A friend for life and the best teacher! If it wasn't for him, me and my friends would be dead!
Clarisse: *Sharpening her spear* Honestly, I don't know much about the guy, but I can say this though-
Annabeth: *reading a book in her cabin* -He's brave, caring to us all, and he's got a good heart.
Will: *Sitting next to Nico* He's saved my boyfriend's life!
Nico: *nods* Yeah... I guess I owe him my life, and I'm not the only one, but-
Katie: *Giggles* -He can be a bit of an Idiot
Travis: Yep, definitely an Idiot!
Connor: Oh yeah, big ol' idiot sometimes! And yet-
Drew: *Training with Selina and Charlie* He's the best leader we've ever had!
Charlie: Need I even say more?
Silena: Charlies right! He's Jaune Arc! He is-
Thalia: *Looking out to the sky with a smile and a blush* The strongest guy I know
Zoe: *looking away to hide her blush* He's got the most heroic heart I have ever seen
Hestia: *tending to the flames with a soft smile* His flame of love burns the brightest, and he is-
Penny: *Wearing a green sundress with a straw hat looking out to a nice field filled with flowers and trees, as she places a hand over her heart* My Hero...
Jaune: *Smiling covered in dirt and cuts as he looked up to the sky with one hand raised to it as Backbiter has impaled his side* Thank you...
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percesdead · 13 days
me, crying over my own writing: this guy's a fucking bitch
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eveaii · 8 months
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lvckyyz · 3 months
hiiii ! could i request psyche cabin hcs?
psyche cabin headcanons
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cabin’s song: sweet creature - harry styles
psyche is the goddess of soul
her children really spiritualized, they might believe in energies and signs, all that kind of stuff
they have a thing for butterflies
i think their eyes would look a bit blurry, not in a sad way like they’ve been crying, but it would look like there’s a mist in front of them
good song-writers, poets and artists
usually really calm and kind
would do anything to protect who they love or to defend their beliefs
but they are afraid of falling in love because of what happened to their mother
friends with cabin 4, 6, 8, 13, 15 (they are really close to hypnos children) and maybe cabin 18
they are extremely beautiful
unfortunately they usually are not into cabin 10
they get distracted easily
always thinking about something, especially at night
might be one of the people who have trouble to get to sleep because they are thinking of the deepest things possible
have their own theories about life and are really proud of it
low social battery
are good at reading other people’s emotions
their powers would be so cool👀
like i can imagine their soul “leaving their bodies” and fighting with their enemies in a spiritual world
psyche’s kids teamed up with cabin 13😮‍💨
but i think they’d avoid conflict as much as they can
probably too innocent for this world
they don’t usually see evilness on others, and prefer to believe in people’s kindness
they are adorable😔
⤷ author’s note:
thank you for 260 followers!!
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caleohateclub · 2 months
percy jackson characters last words !!
No names attached, just in case ppl who haven't finished PJO sees this.
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goldenlilium-ocs · 2 years
Using tumblr incorrect quotes to make oc headcanons: 🙄
Using tiktok videos to make oc headcanons: 😏
@oceans-forms and I are superior because we do both
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creepylittlebookworm · 4 months
im so obsessed with hazbin hotel..help
"bow now now now now guitar solo- f yeah!"
"charlie said stab, so I did."
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fxiryeon · 2 days
Nico: I just slept for 12 hours
Nico: And now, I’m about to sleep for 12 more hours
Will: That’s a coma-
Nico: Sounds festive. Goodnight.
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peachtarto · 3 months
A Hundred Golden Urns - part iii
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x unclaimed demigod (Alexandria)
Summary: Luke takes it upon himself to mentor an unclaimed camper
Warnings: none I think, if you find any please do let me know!
Part 1 here! Part 2 here!
Summer faded quickly, replaced by a brisk orange autumn. The camp stayed temperate, much to Alex’s surprise; the only hint that winter was on its way was the view of the forest beyond the camp boundary, turning more brown each day. She was grateful for the good weather, sparring would have been even harder in the rain and snow.
Luke had stayed true to his word; they’d trained every day from sun up to sun down, until they were both exhausted and cramping in every possible muscle. They’d do their chores in the evening, whilst the other remaining campers had their down time. He would keep her occupied with stories from his first years at camp, or tell her about the quests he hoped to go on one day. Most of his stories involved him narrowly escaping something thrown by Clarisse, or him just making it back into camp before the harpies found out he’d snuck off to the city.
The campers that remained had teased him endlessly at first. He’d been spending every hour of the day with her; Chris had even complained that he’d hear them talking way into the night on the steps of cabin 11, ruining his ‘beauty sleep’. He knew they were confused as to why he was putting in so much effort for an unclaimed camper who may not stick around and he’d tried not to let it bother him.
But it had stopped bothering him after two weeks.
Luke had risen early and realised he’d slept through the night. With a start he’d leaped from bed and out into camp, noting her bed laying empty in the cabin. He’d been about to call for Chiron and report a missing camper when he heard the sound of laughter, her laughter, from the pavilion.
There she was. Sat at table 11 peeling an orange, like it was something she did every morning. The Stoll brothers sat beside her, telling her some outrageous tale from their childhood that had her giggling into her peel. She looked up and caught his eye, and he tried not to let the surprise show on his face when she beckoned him over. He’d sat down on the bench to her right and they’d shared her orange for breakfast.
They did the same the next day, and the next, and the next. His worries about her not settling in seemed to disappear in an instant. Alex appeared at every breakfast, lunch and dinner; except for the rare times he found her asleep in the cabin after practice. He never woke her, just covered her with her blanket and slipped some bread rolls onto her nightstand.
The following week she started spear training with Clarisse, who had taken a liking to her at once when she’d realised she could teach another camper everything she knew from scratch, without that camper ever arguing back. She also took up archery with the Connor, who had come to Luke to make sure it was okay for him to ‘steal his girl’ in the afternoons. He found himself finding it hard to say yes, but had anyway; which is how he found himself as a spectator at the edge of the shooting range almost every day, trying to stay out of sight.
When he watched her train with the other campers he’d think on the little things she’d revealed in their weeks of conversations. He knew her favourite books, the music she liked to listen to, what dinners she preferred and which she’d happily chuck in the fire. He’d snatched up each bit of information and tucked it away for safe keeping. He’d tried to press for more useful things, things that might reveal where she’d come from. Things that might reveal who she might’ve come from. But she was still holding those cards close to her chest; when he asked a more probing question she’d shut him down instantly, or suddenly have somewhere else to be. The days he’d press too much were the days he’d hear her up in the middle of the night again, and he’d lay awake in his guilt until the morning.
Alex had seen Luke watching her practice sessions each day. Though he tried to stay out of sight, he wasn’t exactly subtle. He’d eye her footwork with such scrutiny during her sparring with Clarisse that it was almost impossible to ignore. She could sense him itching to get down into the ring and point out all her wrong moves.
Archery practice was no better. She could practically see the holes he bore into the side of Connor’s head, and she could feel them in the back of her own.
‘Don’t let him distract you.’ Connor had whispered in her ear when he noticed her lack of concentration. ‘He’s no good at archery, he’s coming down hear to see how badly you’ve got him beat.’
She’d laughed at that, loud and unrestrained; and Luke had found himself wishing that Connor didn’t exist.
October came and went, and though Alex showed promise of becoming an excellent camper, there had been no signs of her being claimed. Not that Luke really even knew what he should be looking out for. The gods tended to act on impulse, with little regard for the feelings of their children. He’d tried to tell her as much, but he knew it was hard to hear. She’d nodded and given a little ‘sure’, then taken herself off to the lake.
He rarely followed. He tried to give her space unless she’d made it clear she wouldn’t mind his company. On the days he did accompany her to the jetty, they’d sit in comfortable silence ; or at least she would, whilst he talked about his day or counselling duties. More often than not he’d just stay in the cabin, lying awake until he heard the door creak open and her feet tiptoeing in. That day however, he’d found it impossible not to go after her.
‘It’s normal you know,’ he said, plopping himself down beside her. ‘This stuff can take years. There’s no rush to become a Hercules. Most hero’s meet tragic ends anyway, you’re safer staying as you are. At least no one can send you on some doomed quest.’
She didn’t take her eyes off the lake, just replied, ‘And how do you know that’s what I’m thinking about?’
‘I don’t, just a wild guess. I know if I was unclaimed I’d be thinking about it everyday- hell, I did. But if not, then do enlighten me, what’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours?’
She kicked water at him from where her legs dangled, sending a shower of droplets onto his lap. He couldn’t help but notice the water had travelled in a perfect arc, when she’d barely skimmed the surface.
‘Flattery will get you nowhere Castellan.’
‘Is it flattery if it’s true?’ He grinned, kicking water back at her. His splash went nowhere, landing harmlessly on the wood of the jetty. He edged slightly closer, hoping she wouldn’t notice his movements.
She caught them immediately, and he was relieved to see a little smile on her face. He lifted one leg from the water so he could turn and face her fully.
‘What are you thinking about, really?’ Luke dared.
He didn’t think she’d reply as she pulled her legs up and tucked them beneath her; he had his arm ready to reach out and grab her ankle in case she tried to get up. But she just tucked some hair behind her ear and sighed, ‘I’m thinking, this might be my home for a long time.’
Her Home. He hadn’t expected that, and it must’ve shown on his face because she was looking at him strangely. He righted himself quickly. ‘And would that be so bad?’
She let her body turn so she was facing him, and he had to hold his breath at the look she was giving him, assessing. ‘No, not bad.’ She smiled, and he hoped it was him she’d thought of when she came the that conclusion. ‘It’s just different, I miss things from my old life.’
‘Like what? Tell me something you miss and I bet you we can get it in here. I’m a very good smuggler.’
She laughed, ‘I don’t mean things in that sense Castellan, though I don’t doubt you could smuggle a giraffe in here if you tried. I mean I miss things I’d do or places I could go, I even miss the bad weather, I miss seeing normal people doing normal things.’
He understood her more than he’d like to admit. Camp was wonderful, it was his home and it had protected him at a time when he thought everything was lost for good; but he also knew it could grow stuffy if you never left, it was hard not to get restless when you saw the same people everyday for years. Every now and then he’d reach boiling point and would beg Chiron to let him leave for an hour, or two. He’d never go far; just far enough to stop hearing Mr D’s voice ringing in his ears.
He turned a gave her one of his signature smirks, a true son of Hermes smirk. ‘I have an idea.’
‘We should prepare some funeral pyres then, if you’re thinking at least 3 campers are going to die.’
‘Oh very funny,’ Luke mocked, and reached down into the lake far enough to send an entire handful of water at her. It didn’t hit the jetty this time. ‘Would you like to hear it or not?’
Alex brushed water droplets off her cheeks, laughing, ‘okay I’m sorry, go ahead.’
‘Me. You. The big city. Tomorrow. I’ll ask Chiron tonight, I’ll say I’m picking up some camp supplies for Christmas.’
‘Don’t we just get everything magically delivered anyway?’ She interjected.
‘And this is why you make a terrible accomplice, much too honest.’ He sighed, ‘live a little pretty girl, try not to be such a good person for just one day, I promise it’ll be worth it.’
She blushed at his words but replied, ‘alright pretty boy, let’s get out of here.’
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matxhstixkers · 5 months
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
Percy jackson au
And the the kids being kid would go crazy over the fact he road an actual hover bike
Jaune: You guys have been to space!?
Annabeth: Yeah, do they not have space travel in your world?
Jaune: NO! Dust stops working before it can actually enter space! Hey! If you guys can travel into space why don't you have hover tech?
Thalia/Percy/Nico/Will/Charlie: You have hover tech!?
Jaune: *Nods* Yeah! We've got hoverboards, planes, cars, motorcycles, hell we even had a city that floated! but that was more magic than science...
Percy: Jaune! If we find a way to go to your world can I come with you!? I need to ride a hoverboard!
Thalia: I need to ride a damn hoverbike! That would be the sickest thing ever!
Charlie: I definitely need to know how it works!
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