#chairman rose x reader
multihc · 1 year
Chairman Rose x Gn!Reader
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¡Me permití un capricho! Amo a este hombre con todo mi ser. ♡ También decir que amo la teoría de que Noa/Penny (para mí es Penny, me gusta más como suena) sea hija de Peony, asi que formará parte del headcanon. ¡Espero les guste tanto como a mí!
☆ Rose aunque parece ser muy fácil de leer, realmente no lo es tanto. De hecho, a veces es increíblemente complicado saber en qué está pensando... Pero de algo estabas seguro y es que Rose amaba con todo su corazón la región de Galar. Tal vez lo demostraba de las peores formas pero no por ello su amor o su aprecio por su hogar eran menos... Si llegaba a hacer tanto por su ciudad, por su hogar, ¿cómo podrías odiarlo?
☆ Aun así, tu tarea como su pareja en gran medida es... Guiarlo. Lo amas y adoras su deseo de proteger Galar pero también sabes lo peligroso que es lo que hace, asi que siempre le ofreces una mano amiga y cuando se preocupa en esceso te aseguras de recordarle que Galar no necesita tanto... Que aún teníais tiempo de sobra hasta que sus pesadillas se hicieran realidad y estaban rodeados de buenas personas que los ayudarían.
☆ Rose suele ser un hombre ocupado generalmente y a veces es complicado poder verlo o si quiera hablar con él asi que tiene un horario preparado meticulosamente para al menos permitirse poder hablar contigo mínimo una hora y media al día, por lo que siempre tendrá su teléfono cargado al máximo para poder marcar el botón de videollamada alrededor de las 5 de la tarde, cuando ya estás en la casa que compartís actualmente.
☆ Generalmente la llamada se trata más que nada de ti hablando... Tú eres la que más cosas variadas hace en el día como líder de gimnasio. Y aunque generalmente rondas las mismas actividades, de algún modo lograbas realizarlas de formas diferentes para que ninguno de gus Pokémon o tú mismo se cansaran de hacer lo mismo siempre. Por ello, Rose admira tus expresiones mientras exclamas cómo has estado mejorando con tus chicos, cómo han sido tus enfrentamientos con los nuevos entrenadores Pokémon registrados en la liga, etc.
☆ A veces tienes días de descanso, evidentemente. Como líder de gimnasio, tu trabajo era casi constante pero tienes fechas para poder relajar tu cuerpo y mente ya que es un trabajo muy pesado y a veces agotador. Por ello, en esos momentos Rose se encarga más que nunca de alargar su tiempo de hablar por teléfono contigo ¡incluso ha llegado a escaquearse en multitud de ocasiones para tener una cita! Asi que, espero que estés preparado para aceptar ese atuendo de Rose tan llamativo. Aunque de algún modo le hace ver adorable, piensas.
☆ Por supuesto no es nada nuevo el tema que Rose es adinerado. Aunque comenzó con un trabajo humilde, llegó hasta la cima con gran esfuerzo y dedicación... Asi que el dinero para él ahora es casi igual que un montón de papel casi sin uso. Tiene todos sus caprichos y más, asi que a veces no le ve uso a su dinero... Por ello, gran parte de su fortuna acaba yendo a ti. ¿Has visto algo en una tienda de ropa que te ha gustado? Es tuyo con solo mirarlo. ¿Pensaste en voz alta que se te antojaba comer algo en concreto? En cuestión de minutos, quizá unas horas o si acaso y mucho unos días si es alguna comida en concreto extranjera, la tienes en la cocina con una nota encima diciéndote lo mucho que te ama. En serio, ese hombre no dudará en mimarte, aun si realmente te niegas a todos sus regalos porque eres sumamente humilde y no necesitas tanto, él lo hará igualmente.
☆ Cuando su relación se formalizó, pasó un tiempo hasta que conociste a los pocos familiares que Rose tiene. Fue en una cena en su casa, él te comentó que había invitado a su hermano menor y a sus sobrinas a comer a casa ya que había pasado una larga temporada desde que no los veía. Por supuesto, aceptaste. Es más, tan pronto como te despertaste te preparaste y fuiste corriendo a casa de Rose (ya que esto fue antes de mudarte con él) para ayudarle con las preparaciones. Pasasteis una muy agradable mañana juntos, incluso os permitisteis una sesión de besos, caricias y abrazos entre tarea y tarea.
☆ Conocer a Peony y sus hijas fue... ¡Increíble! Te pareció increíblemente graciosa la diferencia de personalidades de ambos hermanos. Rose era un hombre más serio (y aunque también tenía una faceta más tonta no era tan notoria ni presente como la de su hermano menor). Él es inmensamente amoroso, especialmente con sus dos hijas, sus princesas a las que constantemente trata con amor, llenandolas de apodo... ¡Pero es inmensamente más divertido ver cómo ambas rechazan su amor con irritación, destrozando el corazoncito de tan puro y adorable hombre!
☆ Por supuesto... Ser pareja de Rose conlleva adorar a su hermano y sus sobrinas y así haces. Incluso los amas más que el propio Rose ¡y eso es mucho decir!
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bluemoondust · 2 years
How do you think the pokevillains would handle having a famous darling? I’m thinking she could be a singer songwriter or something with a bunch of fans.
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✧Famous!Darling✧ — Pokevillains
cw: fem!reader (no pronouns)
Warning(s): Hints of Fake Death, Stalking, Blackmail, Abuse of Power, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Kidnapping, Slight Infantilization/Belittling
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Giovanni: Uh... You kinda died. Sorry folks, your precious little idol has been wiped off the census. Oops. Though, that's only a thought put into the back burner until he goes back to it. Beforehand, the Team Rocket boss gives generous tips to your performances, while grunts attend them to keep a close eye on you. At some point in time, Giovanni will offer more to you (anonymous to the public), just as long as you comply to him fully. If you don't, well, the people will certainly mourn the loss of an important figure as they're none the wiser to your kidnapping. It wouldn't come as a surprise if he decides to ruin your career a bit in between that time so he can make sure you come crawling back to him. However, that last resort comes up if you're extremely stubborn and still refuse.
Maxie: Like Giovanni, he offers you wondrous tips. It's his way of letting you know that he can provide you with so much. It'd be foolish not to accept his offers, especially with how easy one's reputation can be tainted with such fame. Maxie has planned this all out carefully, not wanting to come off too strong yet, but his eyebrow twitches when you reject his offer. You aren't rude about it, but he still finds it... Unappealing. The next best thing it is then. Courtney is better at these thing than he is, especially so with her knack for analysis on people. You'll definitely come back.
Archie: There's a game of tug of war going on in this man's head. On one hand, he's supportive of you since he loves you so much, but on the other he is extremely possessive with how many people fawn over you. Sure, they have absolutely no idea who you are behind closed doors, but he doesn't like the idea of one of them getting too comfortable. Archie can sometimes be impulsive and that leads to him making choices without thinking too much on the consequences. However, it's reassuring to know he has a whole crew to assist in cleaning up the mess.
Cyrus: He cannot fathom why he would fall for you of all people (it can be said for any type of career/position you're in, honestly). You bring out too much unnecessary emotions from people which annoys, but even more so when he catches sight of how much those people adore you. Cyrus assumes at first that you're putting up a front, mostly so he can crush his obsession towards you. Noticing that this method wasn't working, he just goes for kidnapping you. As mentioned in his general hcs, it would mostly be to make sure you take responsibility for what you've done.
Ghetsis: Anger boils within him. He's already had every bit of knowledge he has on you thanks to the Shadow Triad, but ugh, does it greatly piss him off to see the unworthy adore you. It has been mentioned before that Ghetsis will not take too long in kidnapping you, but the amount of time is much shorter with the occupation you have. Given he is a very possessive and selfish yandere who completely believes you are made for him, it is no surprise. The kicker is that when you go missing, he gives a speech to the people about how unfortunate that is; commenting on how you were such a wonderful figure in the industry. The sympathetic words he shares as he gives his condolences are utterly empty.
Lysandre: He basically now provides assets for your career now. Problem solved. All your staff are people from Team Flare, but you wouldn't know unless you looked deeper into it. Your manager? They report everything to Malva. It's so bizarre that all this happened after some frequent meetings with Lysandre, who had always admired your talents. He gives you praise for your work and is always there to greet you when a performance is done. All the grunts make sure none of the fans get too suffocating when speaking to you.
Lusamine: Oh, aren't you the cutest thing she'd ever laid her eyes on! Lusamine adores the work you do and even helps out with your sponsors. She may seem like she's completely okay with all the attention you receive, but deep down she wishes for only her to be able to look at you. It's a shame to watch as you share your radiance to others, but Lusamine is a patient woman. She eventually will have control over everything in your life, including your work. Why would you question her? You really do need to understand that listening to her is more beneficial. Let someone more experienced take the wheel, for you are only just a stumbling Deerling trying to make it in the world.
Guzma: It's a bit of a hassle. One that gets on Guzma's nerves sometimes. Don't get him wrong, he does enjoy seeing your performances—some of the grunts are even fans of you. However, with the rep he has, it will be difficult to get close to you, but it certainly does make the reward all the more sweeter in the end. That is only if he works up the nerve to do anything. Besides his rep, there are more pressing reasons why he hasn't done anything yet. It's even worse when you are a person under the limelight while he stays in the shadows, watching. You always get this feeling you're being watched when you're going home.
Chairman Rose: Similar to Lysandre, except his grunts are constantly checking up on you while the Chairman tries to make time to have dinner with you any chance he can get. It's not that hard with his position. There's some blackmail towards your staff and manager sprinkled in here and there. Oleana can be quite the negotiator as they all comply to the Chairman's "proposition". Now he knows where you'll be and constantly voices out his support for you. After all, he would do so much for you... And you'd give back as much in return, yes? Of course you would, darling.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Big girls don't cry (2)
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Summary: You are no stranger to heartbreak.
Pairing: CEO!Steve Rogers x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: angst, strong reader, mentions of former heartbreak, arguments, heartbreak, almost violence
Big girls don’t cry masterlist
<< Part 1
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Steve’s whole world just exploded. His life lies in shambles because of one stupid mistake.
After he lied to his friends to make them shut up, he lost you. And now, the chairman of his company is yelling at him. But Steve doesn’t care.
He can only think of you, the only woman he ever truly loved. You didn’t answer his calls and sent the roses he ordered for you right back.
“I told you that I don’t want to use my girlfriend to get closer to Harlan Thrombey,” Steve yells back. “You pressured me into meeting her grandmother to charm her. Now my girlfriend hates me, and Harlan Thrombey will never agree to sell his company to you.”
“Mr. Rogers, must I remind you that your position and fate are in my hands?” Alexander Pierce sneers at Steve. He cannot employ someone weak who puts feelings first. “Do still want your job, or is some pussy more important to you? Did that chubby bitch cloud your mind—”
Alexander Pierce doesn’t know what hit him when he ends up on the ground. His nose was broken, and more so his pride.
“Fuck this job,” Steve looks down at Alexander, the man he used to admire. “I can’t do this job anymore. And I won’t. I hate my job, and I hate what you made me do. So many jobs…no not only jobs but lives ruined because of your greed. I’m out of this!”
Steve storms out of the office, cursing himself for ever wanting to follow in Pierce’s footsteps. He’s not the same man he was six months ago. No. You’ve changed his whole life for the better.
“I need to get her back,” he decides there and then to not give up until you are back in his arms.
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“Babydoll, I know you are in there!” Steve rams his fist into your door. “Please, I fucked up big time. But I love you, Y/N. Please…I need you.”
“Eat shit,” you yell from inside your penthouse. He can rot in hell for what he did to you. “Get away from my door or I swear you will taste my baseball bat today.”
“I won’t go. If I must, I’ll camp outside your home. It’s cozy out here,” Steve tries to sound confident. “I got food, and sweets, and a soft blanket.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you open the door size Steve up. He looks like he hasn’t slept for days. His hair is a mess, and the suit he’s wearing has seen better days. “Get away from me and my home. There is nothing left to say.”
“I didn’t go out with you to get in your grandma’s good graces. I swear, until my boss brought it up, I didn’t know she was friends with Harlan Thrombey. I refused to use my relationship to get the deal.”
“You know, out of all the shitty guys I met in my life, you are the worst. At least the others had the guts to tell me that they only used me. They never spoke about love,” you huff when Steve dares to take one step toward you. 
“I love you, please,” he tries but you shove him away. “Y/N, it was stupid of me to say those things to get Bucky to leave. I swear on my mom’s grave, it’s not true. You mean the world to me.”
“If you don’t want me to break your dick with my baseball bat, you get out of my sight Rogers,” you point at his crotch. “It’s a nice dick, and it’d be a shame if he gets damaged because of the asshole carrying him between his legs.”
Steve would laugh about the way you talk about his cock. Sadly, you are dead serious about hurting him. “Please give me five minutes, baby doll.”
“The fuck no,” you shake your head. “I’ve got no time to waste on a man using me to make even more money. Where everyone has a heart, you’ve got a cold and rotten lump in your chest.”
“I quit my job.” Steve reaches out for you. “I never wanted to hurt you or use you. I swear this is all a misunderstanding. Bucky was nagging, and I wanted him to stop making fun of me for being in love.”
“You mean for being in love with the fat girl,” you snap at Steve. “I heard all of this before. You’re nice, and your face is pretty for a fat girl. If only you’d lose some weight we could be more than friends.”
“Whoa, baby! Where is this coming from?” Steve raises his hands in surrender. “Bucky is not that kind of guy, neither am I. I love you for yourself. Your size never mattered to me…or it does because damn, do you know how I love burying my face between your tits? You are perfect the way you are.”
How you wish Steve’s words were true. You know better than trusting a man with your heart. “No, I’m not. Not to you and the likes of you.” You shrug. “It’s fine. Not everyone can handle a woman like me. The difference is, you pretend to like, no love me, for a deal.”
“No-“ he sniffs. “Can we not talk, doll? Did you even listen? I quit my job and hit my boss for you.”
“Sure,” you sneer. “I want you to leave and never come back. If I see your face around here ever again, you will regret your birth.”
You slam the door in his face, locking it. No man breaks your heart and gets away with it. If he won’t leave you alone, you’ll make sure that he regrets messing with you…
>> Part 3
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ellssbellss · 24 days
(NEW! pt.2) Lavender Roses ~ Kyoya Ootori x Reader
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pairing ~ Kyoya Ootori x Reader
In which a rational head hides a generous heart, but you have always known how to see past his walls and help him bloom into the gorgeous rose he is. Enjoy a slow burn between an honor student and our beloved glasses character!
here is part two!
see masterlist! masterlist
taglist! @abbysblogsstuff @sunukissed @kisskissshutmydoor @idonia-dovahkiin @greensnakegoblep @vervainnnn @desert-fern @delievia @obeythemasters @luca-nightshade @sweetandsourwrites @wrzloyd @1234567890nono @inactivecrofters @katiebwalczak03 @reader3 @radical-bunny @stevexbucky404 @localgaytrainwreck @jade-digital @eleventhdoctorsangel @ozdramaqueen @httpzace @wrzloyd @localgaytrainwreck @kawaii-onikuma113 @httpswilloww @pest-ill-ence @akumakitsune21 @britty-yk @daniels2003 @jade-digital @eleventhdoctorsangel @ozdramaqueen @sadpotatoondrugs @name1nonexistent2 @jstanaxx @yikesarooni 
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A Challenge from Lobelia Girl's Academy!
The collar of your white button down carved into the skin of your neck, only cutting deeper each time you swallowed. The (s/c) of your suit set seemed like a good idea this morning, but now it blared at you from your peripheral, a warning of possible danger ahead. 
Room A326 was a bland one, only consisting of a podium, a projector, and your teacher perched neatly on a chair in the back. In the middle of the room, a long table sits three of your high school's most influential people, one of them being Chairman Suoh. The man’s blonde lashes flickered over you and Kyoya as each of you ran through your practiced dialogue, the presentation not suffering at all from your time apart. 
It was almost eerie, in fact, how easily the both of you fell into the groove of working together again, as if it was second nature. 
But the thing that made your nerves stand on end wasn’t the investors watching your every single move. It wasn’t the fact that you and Kyoya had barely gotten together maybe an hour or so before one of the biggest presentations of your life. And it wasn’t that that hadn’t gone very well. 
It was the fact that if you were shaken by just how natural this whole thing felt, working so fluidly together without so much as a word to each other in days, Kyoya was knocked off his feet. 
People who hadn’t known him for years wouldn’t have caught the tick in his jaw, or the long looks behind his frames when it was your turn to present a slide. He gripped his index cards a little too tightly, and his tie rose too high up on his neck, the material crinkling the fabric of his shirt. 
It appeared that you weren’t the only one about to burst at the seams because of how unfair it was. That the both of you had finally found someone that understood you both inside and out, made you feel comfortable in your own skin, supported you, brought you back to earth, and shared your ambitions and secrets. All for one petty, rotten, evil argument to bring it down like a gust of wind on a tower of cards. 
As you fixed the lapel on your blazer, you caught eyes with him again while he spoke. His gray irises quickly flitted to look somewhere else as he swallowed thickly, and you huffed through your nose. 
Rolling your eyes internally, you turn back to the projector, smiling for the investors while a million thoughts ran through your head. 
Why was he acting like this? He was the one that broke your heart, and he was too stubborn to apologize for it. He had only spoken to you when absolutely necessary, and ignored you after one of the most traumatic events of your life. You knew that that day on the cliff had been a shock to everyone, but everyone else had gotten over themselves.
You knew he had an ego bigger than Mount Fuji, but you had hoped you meant more to him than his reputation. 
Such a stupid thing, hope. 
“And that’s why this product should be dispersed globally.” You hear yourself saying, walking in a synchronized motion to the front of the podium alongside Kyoya. “It could change the lives of millions globally, and redefine what we label technology today.”
“Thank you for your time.” Kyoya’s voice resonates in the beige room, and as you both bow deeply, your presentation ends with a period written in black ink. 
Applause scatters throughout the room, but you swallow. The presentation was easy, planned. The hard part is what follows, answering questions. 
“Nicely done.” One of the investors says, a woman with streaks of gray in her black hair. “Your charts were extremely easy to digest, and very well organized.”
“Agreed.” The investor to Chairman Suoh’s left nods, fixing the glasses on top of his nose. “And your idea to use rising social media as a way to advertise your product is smart. Effective.” His voice is grumbling, barely audible behind his dangling jowls. 
You hitch your breath as Suoh hums, fixing his hands into a pyramid on the table, like a god about to give judgment. “The two of you have created something that could truly sell itself, and maybe become a staple in a household’s everyday life. It really could change the market for products like this.”
Kyoya’s lips stretch into his business smile. No dimples, no teeth, just kind, practiced eyes. “Thank you, Sensei, that means a great deal coming from –”
“...in theory.”
The smile drops. 
“Sir?” You ask, trying to drag your heart out of your stomach. 
Both of you turn to look at the Chairman as he reaches for his reading glasses, perching them on his face before glancing back down to his notes. “Isn’t that what this all is? Theory?”
“Absolutely not, Sensei.” Kyoya says, briskly walking back to his computer and bringing up the slides of the detailed plan he made to put this idea into production. “As stated previously, it would all start with the investments from–”
“Oh, please.” The Chairman dismisses Kyoya with a wave of his hand, almost laughing. “I admire the to-do list you have here, son, but it takes more than a checklist to get things off the ground. It takes research. It takes money.”
“The research is in production as we speak, sir.” You say, joining Kyoya at the computer to access your resources that you cited at the end of your slides. “While it is in the newer stages, the results have been consistent, even leading to brand new–”
“How many patented technologies have been made with this research?”
You swallow, the blue light from your screen being projected into your irises as you look up your friend’s father. “None, sir. This would be the first.”
“So it’s a risk.”
“It is.” Kyoya confirmed next to you, his lengthy form crossing to the side of the podium. “But what is reward without the risk?”
“A guaranteed one, Ootori.” Suoh clips, and he rests his reading glasses on the table.
“It might take some trials, Chairman Suoh, but you said it yourself.” You say, taking center stage. This could help millions, possibly even billions of people across the globe.”
“And how expensive is one of those trials?” He asks, his ego spilling from his chair. 
You swallow, and Kyoya meets your gaze before answering in a cold tone. “Seventy-five billion yen, Sensei. As stated.”
“I know. I just wanted to hear you say it again.” The billionaire chuckles, along with the two other investors as they shake their heads, as if that amount of money could even put a dent in their personal checking accounts, let alone their savings. 
Then, his face falls gently, and Suoh’s violet eyes pierce into yours, but they don’t hold the same warmth that Tamaki’s do. Just the judgment. Just the cold. 
“(L/n)-san. Would you spend seventy-five billion yen on a risk?”
The collar of your shirt suddenly isn’t a smooth blade. It’s a jagged knife, tearing your skin and cutting through your windpipe as you force yourself to think. How could you be so smart and not be able to defend this project that you had poured your blood sweat and tears into?
Can you even recover from this? From the doubt that is clearly in the scowls of the investors in front of you, the disappointed frown from your teacher in the back. How could you show your face to Tamaki again, after his father had humiliated you so thoroughly? And Kyoya, god knows Kyoya is raging inside his ice-cold demeanor. 
If there was ever a chance that your relationship would go back to the way it was, it was drowning in whatever vengeful emotion the Shadow King was feeling. You’re sure you’d make it back to the club room tonight and see your uniform folded neatly on a table, a note written in perfect cursive telling you, curtly, to get the hell out of his sight. 
“Respectfully, Sensei. If I may.”  Kyoya’s voice rings amongst your spiraling, and you’re pulled back into reality as he places a hand on your shoulder. You even feel him give you a gentle squeeze, causing you to let out the breath you have been holding. 
“We can agree that seventy-five billion yen does sound like a large sum. And, yes, it is risky to bet on a product that is based on theory and predictions, therefore leaving the end result undetermined.”
Kyoya paused, and you watched as Suoh’s smirk just grew larger, nearly showing his canines in the process. “But hasn’t that been the start of all revolutionary businesses around the world? We all know that Apple Inc. started in a garage, but did you know the same was true for Amazon? Google?”
Kyoya’s back was turned to you as he began to speak to these investors like equals, his potential lighting up the room like an upcoming star. 
“The same can be said for Blockbuster.” The woman said, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear. “Or MySpace. Blackberry.”
“All startups that ultimately failed in the long run.” The man added on, a permanent frown on his face as he analyzed the straight-A student in front of him. 
“Because they couldn’t adapt.” Kyoya emphasized. “Our product is not only revolutionary, it’s evolutionary, and will change with the ages.” 
“It may be a large investment, but it’s a worthy one.” You speak up, feeling supported under the confidence of the Ootori son’s words. 
“I believe in this product. I believe in us as spearheads for this technology. This project will not fail with the two of us overseeing the development.” You say, gesturing between yourself and the suited host next to you. 
“You two do work well together…” Suoh surmised, his cocky grin twisted into a slight frown. 
You swallow the emotion you feel, playing the angle that you know will get the best response. “In the years I have come to know Kyoya, he has never once gave up on something he believes in. He is always going after what he wants with the finesse and ambition that anyone would want to have on their team.” 
Kyoya brings his fist up to his throat, clearing it before fixing his lenses. “And I could say the same for (Y/n). Her creative intelligence and determination in her work is unmatched, making her not only an asset to this product, but also to Ouran as a whole.” 
You look at him then, catching the way the veins in his jaw pulsed under the stress. His posture was straight, hands clasped in front of him maybe a little too tightly as he finished his praise. 
He’s practically shaking, breaking his own pride to admit that he needs you. Believes in you, just as he always had. And that breaks something in you as well. 
“Fine then, you two can talk to the investor panel at the end of this year.” Suoh grunts, earning the slow nods of the other two judges. 
You whip your head around and smile brightly, taking a deep breath to thank him before he holds up a finger. 
“However, there will be conditions. Find solid research that dilutes the risk of getting it produced.” He stands, the rest of them following suit as they begin to pack their things. 
“Yes sir.” You say, vowing to do whatever you can to get your idea off the ground. 
“And find a way to lessen the price. No matter how much you believe in something, it doesn’t change the price tag.” 
“Of course.” Kyoya acquiesces. 
Sighing with his briefcase in hand, Suoh is the last one out the door, on his way back to his office for the rest of the school day. He looks back at the two of you with his mouth in a straight line, but you can see a little bit of pride in his violet eyes. 
“Congratulations, you two. We will be in touch.” 
With that, he closed the door behind him, leaving both you and Kyoya with bewildered stares as his disappearing form. 
“So…” You start, creasing your brows. “That went well. Right?”
The megane’s eyes shot to yours, before shaking his head once. “Not even close.”
“I mean, maybe it started out rocky, but we got the deal!” 
“Barely.” Kyoya cuts your excitement in half. “We barely were able to pass through to the investor panel because our project was flawed.”
“It couldn’t have been perfect the first try.”
“It would’ve been better if you had answered the question decently, instead of standing there frozen.”
You stand there, shocked. “If I had answered honestly, the panel would’ve been discouraged against production. I was trying to find a way to-”
“Saying anything at all would’ve been better than letting the Chairman’s question hang in the air.” 
Scoffing, you turn your back to him, shoving your laptop back into its case. “Well, everything turned out okay. You saved it with the connections to some of the biggest companies in the world, you should be proud.” Distaste leaked from your tone.
You hear the click of his briefcase echo as he packs his things, the lifeless room surrounding you. “I can’t save you everytime.”
Your hands pause, hovering over the zipper of your purse. The room is silent then, only the ruffling of clothes and the pounding of your heart making any noise. Your mouth is dry as you close your eyes, willing the rage and sadness that you feel to go away, just go away as a dark voice plays in your mind. 
Stop it. Stop it, (Y/n). Don’t do this to me. 
A briefcase clicks shut right as your zipper closes your purse, and you curse whoever made you and Kyoya forever in sync. 
“Is that what this is about?” The tension strains your vocal chords as you ask, but you don’t turn to face him.
He isn’t looking at you either when he swallows. “It’s complicated.”
Nodding, you pull your purse onto your shoulder, and Kyoya barely has time to react before you’re furiously brushing past him. 
“Let me make it less complicated for you, then. Since everything else is.” Your voice is cold as you push open the exit, still avoiding eye-contact. “You won’t have to save me anymore.”
Your shoes clack as you fly out the door. 
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Kyoya heaved off his glasses slowly, rubbing his eyes and the indentions that his frames had made on his nose. 
“Christ, Ootori.” He mumbled to himself, running his hand down his face. 
Why couldn’t he let you go?
Multiple people had made him angry to the point that he had cut off all contact with him, but it had never left him feeling so empty, so desperate for what was lost. 
The director justified that it was because you were everywhere. He couldn’t get over your relationship because he saw you everytime he stepped into school, into the club he built. You were in his classes, his extracurriculars, your contact was pinned to the top of his messaging app (purely for easier access, of course). Your name was even signed on the same documents he had to fill out for his father because of the damned partnership between your two families. 
He just couldn’t get rid of you. Physically or mentally. 
Not only were you an active presence on campus grounds, but in the late hours of the night he saw your face smiling down at him in the sunlight, your laugh rang in his ears when he made a sarcastic comment. 
He saw you disappear over a cliff’s edge. 
His heart spiked and he threw on his glasses once more, sharply exiting the presentation room. He willed himself not to dwell on how things used to be, just what they were now. You had been reckless, so reckless that you could’ve been seriously injured. The pain he would’ve felt if somehow you hadn’t come back from that, or if your injuries were greater…it scared him.
All that feeling, the attachment, the wanting. It terrified him. 
“No, Mom, I just–I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Your voice trailed along the empty hallways of the business building. School was still in session, but it was between periods. Everyone was in their classes. 
Kyoya froze and expected you to be around the corner, fully prepared to turn the other way. But when you weren’t there, he listened again.
“I don’t think I want to stay here.” Dark eyebrows furrowed as he followed the echo to the women’s bathroom. Hearing you stutter and interrupt your mother made him lean against the wall outside the door. 
“No, I know Ouran's the best, I know. And I really like it here. It’s just…” He heard you take in a breath while he held his own. “It’s getting too difficult. Were you able to send over the blank transfer application? To Lobelia?”
Kyoya’s head dropped against the wall as he suppressed a groan. Immediately, his body pushed off the wall, and soon he was walking quickly down the hallway. The afternoon sun traced his body through the exposed windows as he took tight turns, his long legs putting in their work as he jogged up the carpeted steps. 
His head and his heart were at war as they both pounded on his way to Music Room #3. Just let her go, his mind yelled, then you can be free from whatever feeling she is holding over you.
But what would your life be, his heart cried, without her?
Kyoya busted through the pink doors, alight and tie slightly askew.
He clears his throat as he adjusts the tie, storming up to a surprised Tamaki. 
“Kyo, hey. Is your presentation over? How did it g-”
“Will it work?”
“Will what work?” The blonde stands at his full height. 
“Your plan to keep Haruhi and (Y/n) here at Ouran. Will it work?”
“Of course it will.” Tamaki gets a knightly gleam in his eye, pounding his fist into his palm. “We just need to do a few more things.”
“Leave it to me.” Kyoya states, his lenses flashing. “How can I be of service?”
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The crowd around you cheers as you hug your middle. The Zuka Club performs gloriously on the stage in front of you, your front seat perspective making them seem larger than they actually are. And, you have to admit, their pompous, look-at-me attitudes are really helping their cause here. They are great actors. 
Benio, Chizuru, and Hinako all move fluidly to their final positions, getting ready to set off the performance's grand finale. 
The cheers get even louder, and you wince at the noise. Sighing, you look around at the crazed fans with hearts for eyes, wondering if this will really be the kind of people you will go to school with. 
Not like they are any different from the fan girls at Ouran.
As the Zuka Club descends from the stage, a fan bumps into you as they try to get closer to the stage, knocking the enclosed letter out of your hand. You scurry to pick it up, praying that nobody steps on it as the crowd disperses. Your fingers are just about to wrap around the cream-colored paper before a lithe, manicured palm picks it up. 
“What’s this?” Benibara’s smooth voice rings in your ears as you watch her read the front. 
“Hey, wait, that’s not for you-” You scramble, but the squeal of Hinako’s excitement stops you from speaking. 
“Oh my god! You’re transferring to Lobelia?!” She jumps, hands over her mouth.
“No!” Your voice cracks at the volume, and you bring it down as you clear your throat. “I was just…thinking about it. The forms are blank.”
“Well, thinking is over, maiden.” Chizuru smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, giving you a squeeze. “You are wanting to become one of us! Isn’t that great, girls?”
“Don’t get too excited,” A warning laces your tone as you pull away from the blonde. “I was just thinking about it. I’m not sure I’ll even get in.”
“Please, beauty.” Beni says, spinning you as she and her gang begin to walk back into the halls of Ouran. “If you were intelligent enough to be accepted into Ouran High School, then you will be just as openly invited to join Lobelia Academy.” 
“Are you saying that Ouran has better academics?” You say, raising an eyebrow at the hand on the small of your back.
“Absolutely not!” Hinako scoffs. “Lobelia is the best in every wa-”
“Admittedly, yes.” The leader’s voice dips, and you can tell it pains her to have Ouran be the best at something. “But our grades have always placed second.”
And isn’t that where you should be?, you think as you pace back to the Music Room, somewhere that accepts second place? 
“Oh, hello there, young maiden.” Snapping yourself out of your thoughts, Benio calls to a figure that rounded a corner, unfortunately crossing the path of you and the Zuka Club. 
You see Haruhi whip her short hair around, eyes widening as she makes eye contact with the three girls in maroon skirts, before meeting yours. 
“Oh, hi ladies. Hey, (Y/n).” She waves, waiting for you to catch up to her. She eyes the way Benio’s hand guides your back. 
“You shouldn’t call her a maiden in public.” You hiss at the girls, pulling away from them for a second time. “It could raise the wrong idea.”
“Not for long.” Beni smiles, a song of victory in her inflection. “Are you prepared to leave, Haruhi?”
A confused look crosses over her visage. “Leave?”
Chizuru nods. “Yes! With (Y/n) on our side, we are prepared to confront those boys and set things straight once and for all.”
“What do you mean ‘set things straight’? (Y/n)? What are they talking about?”
“This, beauty.” Benio says, and to your horror, hands her the transfer forms she had stolen from you.  Haruhi’s brown eyes go wide, her intelligence making it so she connects the dots at a lightning speed. 
“No, no Haruhi, I promise, it’s not what you think.”
That makes her even more perplexed. “So, you’re not transferring to Lobelia?”
“She sure is.” Hinako nods, a smirk coming onto her face.
“All she has to do is sign, and we will-”
“Stop. Just, stop for a second and listen to me.” You’re begging at this point, already seeing the hurt sink into Haruhi’s eyes. 
“You three, shut up.” Pointing at the Zuka Club, you drag them to the otherside of the hallway. “Stay here while I talk to Haruhi.” 
You begin to move before you hear shuffling behind you, so you whip around, glaring. “In private.”
The Zuka Club just roll their eyes, but they turn anyway.
Turning back, you swallow when you see Haruhi has her mouth in a thin line, but you’re so grateful that she is reasonable enough to let you explain. 
“Haruhi, I’m not transferring.” You pause, taking a breath. “Yet.”
Taking the letter out of her hands, you straighten out the crinkled paper. “I was going to bring this to the meeting today to let everyone know that I was going to apply. I didn’t want you all to be blindsided.”
“Yeah, well. I feel pretty blindsided right now.” Haruhi scoffs, crossing her arms. “(Y/n), what are you thinking?”
“I don’t know! I just, I’m trying to fix things. And I keep making it worse. I thought that if I just left, things would get better on their own.”
“With us?”
You almost whine at the hurt look she gives you, like a hesitant deer coming out into the sun. “No, no, that’s not it. I love you, I love being your friend.”
And you realized you did. You had missed the silent support she gives you through your times of anxiety and stress, but you had been pushing her away because you were sad and angry. 
“I-I know I haven’t been around recently, and I really don’t want to talk about why.” You bite the inside of your lip again. “But I know that I want to be better, so I thought…”
“You thought leaving would help you be around more?” Haruhi asks, an exasperated smile highlighting her cheekbones. 
“...Yes? When you put it like that, it sounds stupid.” You chuckle. 
Haruhi shakes her head, punching you lightly in the shoulder. “That’s because it is.”
You stare at the ground for a minute before see her shift her weight. “Look, I don’t know what’s bothering you. But I won’t press.” The honor student holds her hands in a mock-surrender. “But I do want to be here for you. Just like you are for me.” 
Your eyes meet hers again, brown crashing with (e/c), and it’s warm and sisterly. “Let me do that for you.”
A stuttering breath keeps your tears of joy at bay. “Yeah, yeah. I will.” You smile wetly. “I’m sorry.”
Haruhi just hums, taking the envelope in her hands and ripping it in half. “Yeah, you should be.” She finishes with a smile. 
A disappointed Zuka Club meets you back at the clubroom’s entrance. 
You quirk an eyebrow at them. “You eavesdropped, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but we still haven’t heard Haruhi’s answer!” Chizuru exclaims.
Haruhi rolls her eyes. “Actually-”
“Nope! No time!” Benio rushes, pushing Haruhi through the doors as you follow behind. “Let’s show them that you, maiden, should come to school with us and be with your own kind!”
But all of them freeze. 
Stepping around them, you see their pale faces. Confused brows scrunching, you follow their eyeline to see colors and makeup, wigs and dresses and then-
Holy shit. 
Kyoya’s wearing a corset. 
Off-key harmonization rings throughout the room, making sure to dampen the name Music Room #3. A bright light suddenly comes up on Tamaki, draped in a red gown with blonde extensions wrapped into a high ponytail. Red lipstick floods his mouth as he sings, posing in his very own spotlight. 
“Host Club welcomes you~!”
There’s silence as you scan each and every one of your hosts. The twins look elegant, Honey is just darling, and Mori is dashing in his blue suit. Kyoya is perched on the couch, a fan in one hand as his purple dress cascades over his long legs. 
Their makeup is terrible, their hair is hanging by a bobby pin on their heads, and once you and Haruhi meet eyes, it’s all over. The two of you double over laughing, clutching your sides as you collapse to the ground. 
Benio is raging, smoke practically coming out of her ears. “What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to make fun of womenkind?!”
Tamaki gasps dramatically. “Absolutely not.” He begins to make his way over to you, his ankles bending as he fails to walk in heels, making you laugh even harder. “My dears, you all have lived sheltered lives, and may not know that Haruhi and (Y/n) like free things.”
In the midst of your tears, Tamaki gathers his voice, raising his voice a few octaves which makes you wheeze. “You ladies may be distracted by the Zuka Club, but choose us! And you will not only gain a club of brothers, but sisters as well! See?”
He bats his false eyelashes, the glue coming off the edge of his eyelid. “Aren’t I pretty?”
The Hitachiin Twins pop out, and you and Haruhi can finally stand. “We’re the Hitachiian sisters! We’re just teasing you.” They giggle like girls, a hand over their lips. 
Honey-senpai prances about. “Listen, (N/n)-chan, Haru-chan, call me big sis, okay?” He asks, big eyes staring up at you as Mori taps his tambourine. 
You looked expectantly at Kyoya to pose, flounce, do something, but you smirk when he just rolls his purple-shadowed eyes, his fan covering his face. 
“Do you idiots really think you can win them over like this? I mean–”
But Tamaki’s head piece tilted off his head, floating to the ground, and it made both the honor students crack up again.
“Oh my god, I can’t breathe. I’m dying!” You cry, trying to catch your breath. 
“This is too much! I don’t even know what you are trying to do?” Haruhi adds, and your laughter sings across the pink walls. 
“You really think we’re that funny?” The twins come up to the both of you, purposefully swaying their hips. It breaks you down, and your cheeks hurt from smiling. The twins lunge at you and start chasing you, only for them to stumble as they run in heels. They try to catch you around your middle, your tears of joy flying back behind you.
“Maiden, what is your decision?” Benio gets Haruhi’s attention as they watch you three run around, and Haruhi just shakes her head. 
“I’m sorry, but your club’s not for me. I think your school is great, but I came to Ouran with a goal and a plan for my future. I don’t think I was ever going to really leave Ouran.”
“Haruhi~!” Tamaki practically melts, violet eyes glistening as he twirls over to her. But then, he stops suddenly, pointing at her with an accusatory grimace. It was hard to take seriously. 
“Wait, if you knew you weren’t going to leave, then why did you act all angry yesterday?”
Haruhi put her hands on her hips. “How would you feel if I took something of yours without asking? I really liked that pencil!”
“But I asked if you wanted my teddy bear pencil in return and you refused!” The prince whined, bringing the pencil back out from the confines of his skirt. 
“That’s right, and I still don’t want it.” She says blandly, causing Tamaki to whimper. 
Throughout the chaos, the Zuka Club stands.
“Um, Benio…” Chizuru starts. “Maybe we should-”
“Yes, I know.” The leader of the Zuka Club sighs, a frown creasing her handsome features. “We are not going to give up on you maidens! I swear, someday, we will come and rescue you from this place!”
No one is paying attention. Benio growls, spinning around and mumbling to herself as they walk out of the clubroom. 
“And when we do, we will abolish the host club.”
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The afternoon’s session ends with a bang. The guests loved the get-ups and the dresses, absolutely swooning over every host in the room. But now, as the chaos dies down and things are being cleaned up, you square your shoulders. 
I deserve to be here. You think over and over, and it lightens the weight on your chest. I deserve to be here, to be happy and to get answers. I deserve to try. 
Taking a sharp breath, you find a tall form, black hair a little messy from the absence of a wig as Kyoya reaches behind his back, struggling with the strings on his corset. 
“Need help?” You ask gently, but he still jumps, his head turning ever-so-slightly to look over his shoulder. 
A deep sigh rumbles through his chest, and you see the tips of red that color his ears. “Unfortunately.” He admits.
A small chuckle breaks through your lips, and your fingers begin to work the strings of the corset off of him, brushing against the button-up shirt he kept underneath. 
Looking up, you realize that he is impossibly taller than usual. “You’re still wearing the heels?” He is standing straight, perfectly balanced as if he immediately mastered the art of wearing them.
“I couldn’t bend over to take them off with this corset suffocating me. I don’t know how women ever wore these monstrosities.”
“It’s an acquired taste.” You laugh, and the tension eases slightly, both in the air and on the straps of his corset as the piece comes undone, and you step away. 
He steps out of it and sighs into a chair, pulling his ankle onto his knee to work on the strap on the shoe. You bite the inside of your lip, shifting your weight on your feet a little-
“You need to stop doing that at some point. It’s a bad habit. ” Kyoya’s voice interrupts your awkward shuffling and you stand straighter, looking up at him.
“Doing what?”
“The lip-biting.” He says, not even looking at you as he ties his own dress shoes into place. “If you have something to say, then say it. Don’t sacrifice the integrity of your lips just because your anxious.”
“Right.” You release your lip from between your teeth, a small smile being placed on them instead. “I just wanted to say thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trying to keep me here at Ouran.”
His gray eyes flick up at you as he works his laces for a brief moment before he nods. “I think everyone would agree that you are an asset to this organization.”
“And for speaking to me again.”
This time his foot drops off his knee, and he is looking up at you from his seat. It’s as if he’s realizing he has subtly lifted his cold shoulder. 
“Yes, well, I thought that maybe, if you weren’t going to apologize, it was time.”
“Uh huh.” You tease, crossing your arms. “Because my pestering did nothing to push that along?”
He simply pushes up his glasses. “Your presence is quite grating.”
A smile pushes it way to your mouth before you can stop it, and soon you are pulling it back, remembering why you came over here. 
“Look, I know you’re mad at me.”
“Because you were unsafe, reck–”
“Reckless, stupid, yes I know.” You finish for him before he can repeat what he berated you for on the beach. “But, I’m mad at you, too.”
His shoulder straighten at that. “Wh–”
“I,” You sigh, holding up a finger. “I can’t tell you why. Not yet. But I just wanted to say, if we are going to be mad at each other without trying to fix it, then we need to set some ground rules.”
His sharp features deadpanned. “And what, (Y/n), would those be?”
“You can’t call me stupid. We both know that I’m not” Assertiveness races through your voice, and you see him wince at the memory of him doing just that.
“We have to talk to each other. It doesn’t have to be as…constant, as it was.” You swallow, and the atmosphere depresses just a little. “But we have to be communicative.”
“Except when you don’t want to talk about something? How is that fair?” The businessman pushes, leaning his elbows onto his bent knees. 
“I told you I will. When I’m ready. I know you might not think so, but I deserve that.” You can tell that Kyoya wants to retort, but one look from you, and it dies in his throat.
“And lastly,” Your voice loses that harsh, dictatorial tone, growing softer as you watch him intently. “I want you to know that I’m thankful you took that dive for me.”
Kyoya stops blinking, those calm gray clouds switching between each of your pupils. 
“I don’t know what it ruined, but I’m sad that what I did broke whatever was, or what I thought was possibly…growing between us. But I will forever be grateful that I had a friend like you who would jump off a cliff for me.” You take a beat, grasping at your hands. 
“That’s it.” Looking back up, you see Kyoya looking at you with the warmth that you thought you had lost, but then it’s gone as he shakes his head. “I’ll see you around.”
Spinning on your heel, your shoes clack across the tile before you hear Kyoya’s voice call out behind you. “(Y/n).”
Turning, you look at him, standing with a loosely buttoned shirt, his voice floating through the air. 
“You’re welcome.”
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Next Time on Lavender Roses
“Is Haruhi really suffering in poverty? I have to see for myself!”
“She is probably fine, we don’t need to go over.” 
“Wait, (Y/n), how did you know about that?”
Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!
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thank you again for being patient! let me know what you think in the comments!
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love you :)
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sweetanidreams · 11 months
Lost With You | Leon x Reader (Part I)
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Rating: Mature (probably, eventually NSFW - this part is just language, I think?)
You were only doing this to begin with because you respected Professor Magnolia a great deal and because she was an old friend of your dad’s. It had been ages since you’d been back to Galar, so the region was already strange enough to acclimate to. But this… this was pushing it.
After having met the professor at her lab in Wedgehurst for “tea and a chat,” you were regaled with her findings around the Dynamax phenomenon and given a condensed, but impassioned recap of the most recent events surrounding Leon, the former chairman Rose and the newly crowned champion. You’d been traveling with your team for so long that most of this was lost to you — outside of a few rumblings here and there because of the widely televised Champion Cup. You knew of the former champion’s reputation as being undefeated, up until recently, of course, but never paid much mind. Titles and fame didn’t hold much weight for you. What really mattered were the bonds you built with your Pokémon and putting your all into your training; mind, body and soul.
You were still processing Professor Magnolia’s disclosures, absently sipping on your wonderfully fragrant pecha lavender tea, when her sage green eyes focused on you from behind her inverted triangular glasses. “So, my dear, the reason I’ve asked you here today is that I’d like you to do some field research for me,” the ivory-haired woman stated, producing from her lab coat a thick white wristband with blue and red trim, and a shiny black plate embedded front and center. “With your skills as a trainer and knowledge of Pokémon from so many regions, I couldn’t imagine anyone better to study the effects of Dynamaxing on Pokémon firsthand,” she continued. You stilled, fingers tracing the sides of your teacup as you searched your mind for the words to respond. Finally taking a soft inhale, you spoke. “I- Are you sure, professor? I don’t even entirely know how all this Dynamaxing business works.”
You could see the subtlest smile at the corners of the professor’s lips as she affirmed her certainty, a hand reaching out to grasp your wrist and squeeze it. “I’m positive. Your and your Pokémon’s lack of exposure to it is largely beneficial in this case, it allows us to establish a ground zero.”
“Besides, I would never be callous enough to send you out on your own to the Wild Area. I’ve arranged an escort for you— who…” she trailed off, checking her wristwatch, “should’ve been here some time ago.” Before you even had the moment to properly ponder the implications of the request or who on earth you were suddenly going to be sent out on this mission with, your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lab door opening and shutting, followed by heavy, hurried footsteps that seemed to be headed towards the two of you.
"Sorry, professor! I could've sworn I was on my way here, but I somehow ended up in Hammerlocke," a breathy voice called out, the hint of a chuckle beneath it. Just a moment after, you see someone rounding the corner and the first thing you notice is a head of wild, violet hair, just barely tucked beneath a black snapback hat. Professor Magnolia propped herself up on her cane and rose from her seat, her expression flat and unsurprised. In resignation, she sighs, "Well, I suppose I should be worried were you to not have gotten lost." You instinctively follow suit and stand, feeling the older woman's hand behind your arm, nudging you towards the new arrival. "This is Leon, and while I know this likely isn't the most promising of first impressions," the researcher sent a serious look in the man's direction, before looking back to you, "I feel much more at peace with him accompanying you to the Wild Area." All the chairman could offer in response was a nervous grin, his hand rising to rub at the back of his neck. Somehow it felt like this wasn't a rare occurrence.
Your futile attempts at protesting completely and utterly failed. So here you were, sitting on the train from Wedgehurst to the Wild Area next to this man you didn't know anything about other than his having been the longest reigning champion. There had been an awkward silence between the two of you since Professor Magnolia saw you off at that station, but you were pretty sure you heard Leon begin to speak a couple times and maybe deciding against it. If it were up to you, you wouldn't mind it staying that way because you had always traveled on your own anyway. The silence gave you time to reflect and plan out your next move.
After clearing his throat as quietly as possible, you hear your appointed escort's voice over the hum of the train moving along the tracks. "I heard from the professor you've got a pretty incredible shiny Ninetales as your companion?" Your brow quirks as you shift to face Leon and pause, halting your initial sarcastic inclinations in lieu of a more neutral one. "I do," you respond with with a nod, "Ninetales has been with me since I was a kid and it was a Vulpix." A smile playing on the former champion's features, he leaned in slightly. "Sounds like you two have a pretty strong connection. Makes me think of me and Charizard; we've been through a lot," Leon remarks. You weren't really sure how to react to the sudden depth in his reflections, so you opted for the safe route and went for an "Mm. I get that."
By the time the two of you had made it to the Meetup Spot outside of the Wild Area, Leon had become entirely too comfortable and had begun spouting off about his time as champion, the legacy of the Battle Tower and, in such grandiose terms, the future of Galar. Outside of a 'gentle' reminder (lest he get sidetracked) that you had to make it to the Lake of Outrage soon, you endured his long-winded explanations, much to your own surprise. He assured you that he'd taken this route a million times before. You were skeptical, but ended up going against your better instincts and letting him take the lead with the rationale that this was his home region. Along the way, you had been charged by a handful of wild Pokémon, but between your Ninetales and Dragonite, and his Charizard and Aegislash, you were able to get the situations in hand rather quickly. You quickly shoveled down the roaming thought that Leon might've actually been a shockingly skilled trainer - which, yes, obviously he had to have been to some extent, all things considered but... you'd been around enough to know that sometimes one's standing isn't always deserved. You had to see it with your own eyes.
It eventually became evident that you had been walking for ages and it didn't seem like you were getting anywhere close to your destination, so you stop dead in your tracks. Leon notices and stops his ongoing dialogue to ask if "everything's okay." You look directly at him, your deep brown hues making contact with his amber ones, the restraint in your voice palpable as you finally speak, ".... There's absolutely no way we've been going in the right direction, Leon. According to my Rotomphone, we should've gotten there hours ago." The much taller man tilts his head, framing his chin with the joint of his thumb and index finger as he moves beside you, gaze roving over the digital map projected on your device. "Huh," he muses before shifting his weight back into his heels, hands falling to his hips. "Yeah, you're right... we're definitely on the opposite side of the Wild Area," Leon laughed loudly, the painfully nonchalant manner of his reaction shooting needles all down your spine.
"Okay, that's it. You have got to be kidding me." Your hands balled into fists at your sides, you square your shoulders and glare up at Leon, your anger practically coming off of you in waves. "It's one thing that Professor Magnolia has me out here testing out this whole Dynamaxing thing, but with you??," you groaned, all of the day's pent up frustration suddenly seeping through the cracks. Leon, clearly caught off guard by this, raised his hands in front of him and tried to interject. "H-hey, it's oka---" "No, it's a joke. You and all this fanfare and promotions and "champion this and that," like what the hell. Do you even actually care about Pokémon or is this all just for show?"
That struck a nerve. Leon at this point is towering over you, the casual expression he wore replaced by a sudden sense of seriousness, a wrinkle working its way between his brows. "How can you say that? I was the undefeated champion for god knows how long - you think that comes from not caring?," the Galarian shot back, his tone noticeably deeper than it was before. You could feel the shift in his aura and although you couldn't pretend to know all of his sides, this felt... different. You weren't going to back down though, that wasn't an option. The next words left your mouth before you even knew they were coming, you could feel the preemptive regret but your voice held firm. "Again with the 'undefeated.' You never questioned whether Rose shifted the odds in your favor? Convenient how that streak was broken once he was go--"
The wind was swiftly knocked out of you as you found yourself backed up against a tree, one of Leon's large hands gripping you by the jawline and his other one pressed beside you, caging you in. His eyes glowed a dangerous gold, his visage dark. He all but closed the gap between your bodies as he came within inches of your face, his breath ghosting over your skin. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up," he growled, a certain warning tone presenting itself in his words. You winced at the sudden onslaught of sensations - between the roughness of the bark against your back, the heat emanating from the proximity and the rough grasp preventing you from moving your head, it took you a minute to process what exactly just happened. "You have no idea what it was like all of those years, devoting myself to making this place all that I knew it could be," Leon continued, his gaze lowering as he spoke, "just to find out the man who sponsored you, who made it possible to get to where you were -- that it was all a sham. All a bloody part of a madman's crazed ambitions."
Taking a deep, recentering breath, you wrapped your hand around the one Leon had against the side your face, making sure you had his attention. "Sounds like you've been carrying a lot of pain over this all on your own. It must have been lonely," you acknowledged, allowing your voice to soften just a touch. Leon's eyes met yours again, a hint of surprise painted over the once burning amber. If it weren't for this sudden show of vulnerability, you were probably just moments away from taking a knee to the man's groin, but - you understood there were some scars that ran deep. "And look, I don't really know you and shouldn't have said what I did but... you can't let that shit taint all that you worked for, and what it meant to you. You inspired people. None of what happened takes that away." Feeling the former champion's grip loosen, you draw it away from your face and place your other hand on his chest, almost as if to brace him. "I just wish you weren't so loud about it," you sighed, briefly closing your eyes in that moment to avoid seeing whatever Leon's expression might've been right then. This was exactly the type of messy situation you didn't want to get caught up in, it's just too much baggage.
Sliding his hand from your grasp, you felt him bring it back to your face again, this time, much more tenderly. Leon's free arm snaked around your waist and pulled you against him, sending your lips crashing into one other's and causing your breath to hitch sharply in the back of your throat. The kiss was needy, filled with raw emotion. Your body betrayed you, giving way to a slight shudder before leaning deeper into his touch. Maybe it was just the adrenaline rush, but you could've sworn his pulse was racing against your skin. Pulling back, Leon runs his thumb across your cheek, whispering almost inaudibly. "Thank you."
(to be continued)
A/N: Oops, this was originally intended to be a oneshot ngl. It ended up so much longer lol.
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captain-kelli · 1 year
Hot & Cold
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Title: Hot & Cold
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Type: One-Shot 
Word Count: 1,741
Summary: There’s something about an old flame that keeps Bucky warm in December. 
Warnings: angst-lite, language, alcohol, implied smut
A/N: Not my first piece of writing in almost a year!! Let’s see if I’ve still got it…
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The windows stretched from the floor to the ceiling of Bucky’s Manhattan office, giving a view of the snow that poured down. It was the first storm of the season, early by Bucky’s judgment, and he wondered how it’d affect holiday travelers. How it’d affect you. If maybe, just maybe, you were in town.
Not that he’d know, he hadn’t spoken to you in years, but his thoughts always drifted to you when winter arrived in New York. He loved to reminisce of that time the two of you hurried through the city in the freezing cold on your way back to his apartment only to strip off every piece of clothing to fuck on the floor by the fireplace. 
That memory would stay on repeat in his mind throughout December. 
Even in the conference room of his office during his quarterly board meeting. While the chairman discussed profit margins and next year’s growth strategy. While the rest of his executive team demonstrated plan after plan for each of their departments. While the snow started to fall outside.
Even then. Especially then.
He remembered how the temperature of your body warmed under his own while the two of you lied next to the fire. How you whimpered softly while his lips roamed over every part of you. How you lied in his arms for hours afterward, revealing every secret you had.
It had been years and still - it was still you that he thought of in December. Dreaming of what could’ve been.
The office cleared out hours ago, but Bucky didn’t have a reason to go home. No one was waiting for him. Instead, he stayed and watched the snowstorm from his executive suite. Work had consumed everything these last few years - his time, his attention, his love. He decided then that he had earned a night off and picked up his phone.
Scrolling through a list of contacts, his thumb hovered over your name and he hesitated. Did you want to hear from him? Would you laugh it off with your friends? Show it to a new man you were with?
Fuck it, he didn’t get this far in life by playing it safe.
“You in town?” It was short, no need for appearing desperate.
He tossed the phone onto the desk and turned back to the window. He wouldn’t wait around to see if your read receipts were still on or if you started typing the minute his name came across your screen. No second-guessing the decision. He could wait. He waited this long.
Minutes went by while he watched cabs pile up behind a light and shoppers rush on the sidewalk with bags hanging on their arms. He considered just getting back to work, maybe scope out a high-level budget for the next fiscal year.
Then Bucky heard the phone vibrate on the desk.
“For the night. Flight delayed out of JFK until morning.”  He noticed you kept the reply to the point, but you did reply. If there was any hope for a reunion, it was on him. Deservingly so, he supposed. He was the one that let you go. 
In the beginning, the two of you were on fire, chemistry that could burn down entire worlds. And for reasons Bucky couldn’t quite remember, things turned to ice. Time passed and you found someone else, but he heard that it didn’t last.
“Let’s meet up…for old time’s sake.”
His energy rose with the anticipation of seeing you - he paced the length of his office while loosening his tie, tossed his suit jacket over an armchair, threw the phone back on the desk after checking it one too many times.
“I’m close to your office, I’ll swing by… if you’re there like I expect you to be.”
Bucky ignored the sting of your guess and called the doorman downstairs to prepare him for your arrival. While he waited, he found a bottle of scotch in a cabinet and poured two glasses, figuring it couldn’t hurt. He was back at the window when he heard the knock.
“Hey, stranger.” When he spun around, he found you leaning on the door of his office, snug in a camel coat and cashmere scarf. It nearly transported him in time, but he snapped himself out of it.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Bucky kept it casual as he strode across the room to hug you and brush a kiss across your cheek. The perfume you were wearing was one he didn’t recognize, but the scent was intoxicating all the same.
“You don’t look so bad yourself. The CEO suite suits you.” You tugged at his loosened tie before strolling to the window he’s looked out all day. “Has quite the view.”
The view and the title were nothing compared to you - something he wished he would’ve realized years ago. Bucky resisted the regret and dragged the drink glasses from the table, handing one to you.
“Never really gets old,” he lied.
The two of you stood side-by-side in front of the window pane, close enough where Bucky could see the twinkle in your eyes that always came ‘round whenever it snowed. Comfortable in the silence, minutes went by before Bucky asked to take your coat.
“Oh, no. That’s okay - I can’t stay long. I’ve got to find somewhere to pull in for the night. Every hotel I’ve called has been booked solid,” you said after handing him your glass. 
“Stay with me.”
It wasn’t a question.
And it wasn’t exactly a demand.
It was an obvious conclusion from a man who had grown accustomed to getting what he wanted without protest. So when you declined his offer, it was as if someone had thrown ice atop his head.
“C’mon…you said it yourself, you have nowhere to stay and we both know there aren’t going to be any more flights out tonight. Just stay with me…”
He grabbed your hand then and you quickly pulled it away. “Bucky…don’t…”
You were headed out the door and Bucky had to think fast.
“One glass of an Italian red. Your pick. And then you can go - I swear. Just one glass of red to have the conversation you know we need to have.”
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Bucky’s apartment was only a few blocks from his office in the Financial District. The short walk there was a cold one. The wind whipped between the buildings and snow dampened your coat, yet you refused to reach for his arm - despite the warmth and comfort it offered. You could withstand the cold for a few minutes.
When you arrived, you were stunned by his place. The new condo was palatial compared to the old studio you remembered in Brooklyn… 
The studio had brick walls and cracked ceilings while the condo was pristine and monochromatic. The studio's landlord hung up on Bucky that time the heat went out in the dead of winter while the condo’s landlord, you suspected, kissed Bucky’s ass whenever given the chance. The view out of the studio’s lone window was of the back alley’s dumpster while the condo overlooked Wall Street.
Sure, the penthouse condo was nice. You could see the allure. 
But the Brooklyn studio held all of the happy memories you clung on to for dear life for so long.
And it wasn’t just the apartment. His hairstyle was different, he grew a beard, drank pretentious liquor, and even talked differently.
You never expected Bucky to be the same man you loved all those seasons ago, but you did expect to see some resemblance there. The differences had you wondering if it was a mistake to go to his place at all.
“A Tuscan blend…should’ve known this would be the one,” Bucky interrupted your thoughts when handing you the glass of wine. Your eyebrows arched at the sight of the generous pour and you made a note to take small sips.
However, the small sips turned into a second glass that was just as full. And then he opened another bottle. 
Somewhere around your fourth glass, you found yourself on Bucky’s living room floor next to what could’ve been a mini Rockefeller Christmas tree with all of its lights and a fireplace he lit with a remote. 
As it turned out, Bucky kept something from the life you had together - a vintage record player you gave him for his birthday with a handful of vinyls. His album collection grew in your absence, so you flipped through the new additions, noticing sentimental nods to your past together. Finding one of your shared favorites, you put it on.
“Are you ready for that talk now?” he asked. 
He was lounging comfortably on the couch, looking every bit the part of a confident, patient man in love and it startled you. Among all the changes, the way he looked at you was the same. 
“No, I rather feel like dancing,” was your response. And you did. You placed your empty glass on the table and stood to sway alone alongside the tree. Bucky considered you silently for a brief time before standing to take your hand. This time, you allowed him to.
The two of you quietly twirled around the living room to a lullaby written a lifetime ago. The defenses you built against the man holding you in his arms melted a little more with every note, even more so when he hummed the words.
It was then you admitted the wine was absolutely a mistake.
After the song finished, the record’s needle spun over the vinyl and you slowly backed away from Bucky. “What talk?”
At first, he hung his head as if ashamed. Then he looked up at you with hooded eyes in quiet consideration of the words he’d choose next. He finally broke the silence with, “I never stopped loving you.”
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His second chance unraveled in minutes. Sobriety came fast for you both once you delivered a blunt refusal and made a swift exit. No amount of begging or clarification could have convinced you to stay. 
In solitude again, this time it wasn’t his choice and he struggled to understand how that came to be.
“I’ll always love you, Bucky, just not this version of you. I’m sorry…”
He chased the money and the status and the success for a long time. What woman wouldn’t want that?
“Her,” he thought.
A chill colder than the December night’s air ran down his back at the realization.
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Company Party
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SUMMARY: Now secretly married in the eyes of the law and of the state, but only engaged in the eyes of the public, it was during one of his company's many parties that he has finally introduced you to the much safer and more legal part of his business. But it didn't mean there weren't a few pest along the way. CHARACTERS: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader (Established Relationship); Darcy Lewis; Sylvie Laufeydottir; Thor Odinson. WARNINGS: Alcohol Consumption; Explicit Sexual Content; Public Sex; Bathroom Sex; Oral Sex (F! Receiving) Unprotected P in V; Dirty talks; Creampie; Bitchy Workers. WORDS: 5,735
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"You look beautiful, Wife." Loki purred against your ears as you continued to get ready for the party the company had set up to celebrate a great quarter.
It was also, the very first time you would actually be officially introduced as Loki's fiancé--instead of the café owner that would frequent the boss' office as random times of the day. You had always heard several rumors about you, more often than not there were never true but it always did give you a good laugh whenever you would see the gossipers making their way to the café and even more surprising was the fact their boss was also in the café acting like a complete goof for you.
But now things were different, you were now a Laufeyson, at least by the government standards you were. The big ass engagement ring and the slightly more discreet wedding ring made it evident. You were just hoping it wouldn't be something you had to be dealing in anything more than for social gatherings. You had made it perfectly clear with your husband that you did not want to change anything about your work now that you were married to him, things would remain the same and he was fine with it for as long as you would allow the watchful eyes of your guards be in the confinements of the café when he wasn't there with you. You agreed knowing your husband has his fair share of enemies.
"And you don't look too bad yourself, Laufeyson." You smiled turning to face your husband, eyes lingering at his darkening looks resting towards you. "How do I look?" You wondered shyly.
He never said a word, but instead allowed his hands to do all of the talking. Cupping your ass and pulling you closer to him, the steely erection digging through his pants was enough of an indicator of how much your husband loved the sight of you in green. His hand rose, the prickle on your skin grew evident as his hands now rested on the exposed part of your back. You had been cheeky this time around with your choice of dress, something that covered your neck to your chest, but exposed far too much of your back. It was enough to drive men crazy, but it was all of the sake of the man in front of you.
"Good enough to eat, My Love." He growled, leaning in closer to you. his breath fanning against your cheeks.
"Behave." You playfully pushed him away, knowing where his train of thoughts was heading and it was not the route you wanted to deal with after all the preparation you had to make to look even decently presentable for what was to come for tonight.
"You can't just leave me hanging like this." He spoke playfully, hands still very much resting on your exposed back.
"If you're a good boy, you'll get your reward." You incentivize seeing the sparkle in his blue eyes. "Deal?"
"I have you for two days and neither of us are leaving the confinements of the bed?"
"Maybe." You spoke coyly, finally giving in to your uncle's request of taking the month off to enjoy being newly weds for once with your husband. But that will be something you'll tell him after dealing with the party.
"Deal." He sealed the agreement with a kiss that had taken your breath away, like always when it comes to the man.
Eventually the two of you had made your way to the car that would drive you to the hotel where the party was to be held in. It had started hours ago, but being the Chairman and CEO, Loki loved to be fashionably late to said parties. All throughout the ride, your husband has been nothing but touched starved for you and for good reason. Having to be in the café and bakery for longer hours in preparation for your month off, it was only during this party that you and your husband would be together in a much more extended time than usual. You continually kept him in check when his hand slid far too high on your thighs, and every little filth that would come out of his mouth was momentarily ignored knowing what was to come tonight.
Eventually halting by the valet, your husband had slipped out first and opened your side of the car door to help you out. A smile on your face seeing how far he had come along since you had first met him. You didn't believe his family when they said it was your doing seeing the changes in him, if he truly wanted to change he will with or without you in the equation.
At the first sight of the flashing lights had you in a whirlwind as you were quickly guided by your husband inside, ignoring the numerous reporters that were hellbent in finding out who you were and what was the big ass ring around your fingers. This number of reporters took you by surprise, you know your husband was knowing throughout his business, but never to this extent knowing what he does behind the scenes.
"Should I even ask what that was about?" You playfully inquired your husband as soon as you were both in the safety of the reception. A few wandering eyes had been on the both of you.
"The Curse of the Odinson-Laufeyson name." He muttered. "It's become tamer over the years, that much I can assure you." He smiled before his face fell into a far too familiar cold mask that you had learned early on he uses to continue this façade in front of his employees and would-be enemies that would do anything and everything to see his downfall.
"Good thing I can share your burden with a glorious purpose." You smiled allowing the usher to finally escort you the banquet hall for the party.
Darcy was the first to greet the both of you, finally pulling away from your husband's grasp since your arrival, you had hugged your friend and complimented her for the black number she had on. Quick to inquire about how things had been going between her and your sister-in-law, Sylvie. A smile growing bigger on your face as she tried her best to ignore your question and instead focus her attention of Loki that was slightly amused by your line of question, probably doing the same to his younger sister when he comes to visit her.
"You're speech will be in a few hours, still can't convince you about the script we have written?" Darcy inquired.
"It's not needed." Loki brushed off before his attention return right back to you. "Drinks?"
"Champagne if they have it." You smiled and watched as your husband kissed you square on the lips for everyone in the party to see before leaving you with Darcy to continue with your conversation. "Well?"
"We're taking things slow." Darcy muttered. "I'm still preparing for the shit people around could throw at me for dating the boss' sister who was also to some degree is also my boss." She muttered.
You felt for Darcy, even without having worked in company yourself. You had always and constantly been called names after constantly being seen in the office without the boss truly confirming or denying your relationship with each other until now. Their words could be vicious, you don't doubt that Darcy would feel much worse being in the office in a much more extended time on a day to day basis.
"Me and Jane are always here if you need anyone to talk to. If you want why don't we schedule a mini-vacation for all three of us." You suggested, it would need a lot of convincing on Loki's part, but if it means reassuring your friend, you would do any means necessary to make it happen.
"Depends on your hubby's mood after the party." Darcy pointed out winking and you could only roll your eyes at the fact that her and your husband had once conspired to a surprise wedding for you a few weeks back. Now married without anyone knowing and planning for an actual wedding by next year, you were sure to make thing less complicated for anyone involved, expensive, but less complicated for everyone involved. "Come on you're still mad at me? Boss promised me I'd be your maid-of-honor if it was a success and I've got a killer dress just for the wedding too."
"Did you know that Loki also promised Sylvie that she will be the maid-of-honor while they were shopping for rings?" You pointed out making her mouth gape wide open earning a giggle out of you.
"That son of a bitch." She muttered and halted whatever else she was about to say when Loki returned with flute of champagne for you and for Darcy.
"Not drinking?" You had inquired seeing he was empty handed.
"I'll drink after the bloody speech is over." He muttered arm quick to wrap around your waist before turning his attention back to Darcy. "Keep me posted when it's time." He reminded.
"Yes, Boss." Darcy mock saluted before making her way rounds to socialize.
"Not in the mood to socialize yourself?" You teased your husband, taking measured sips not knowing who you would be encountering in the party and it was better to be as sober as you could with a little ounce of liquid courage to keep a straight face when needed.
"I much prefer to keep you away from the wandering eyes of the pigs in my company." he muttered and the giggle escaped your lips before you could even stop it. Him and his jealousy--possessiveness knows no bounds.
"Stop being a spoil-sport, Laufeyson." You teased, cupping his cheeks. "Here I thought you'd show me around and make me feel special." You teased knowing this had been the exact words he had initially stated when he told you he wanted you to be his plus one to the party.
He couldn't give his own quip at the booming voice of Thor and Sylvie took everyone's attention.
"You're fashionable late as always, Loki." Sylvie pointed out, pushing her brother away and wrapping you into a far too tight hug that took your breath away before you were pulled into another hug by Thor which was cut short by Loki that was quick to pull you right back into his arms. Again, possessive and jealous was the man's mood in this moment.
"Where is Jane?" You had found yourself asking, seeing no sign of your friend.
"Home, she is not feeling well." Thor looked far too happy to not have his wife with him. "Oh it's nothing bad, just some good news we hope to talk about tomorrow during lunch with Mother." he was quick to explain as you glared at him.
"Then a celebration is in order?" Loki quipped and your overprotectiveness over your friend had only made you realize exactly why the sudden absence. Loki quick to cover your mouth before you burst out the realization about Jane's pregnancy to the world. "I think it's best to keep it a secret from the people not part of the family." He points out playfully before finally pulling his hand away from your mouth.
"You two should start to socialize, I'm sure me and Y/N could have some time for ourselves for now." Sylvie smiled and before Loki could protest, you were pulled away by your sister-in-law and Thor was quick to drag him along with whoever would be keen on having a conversation with him.
Eventually losing sight of your husband, Sylvie was all smile as she continued to inquire about the wedding plans, at least the second wedding. It took a while for everyone to get around to the fact that you and Loki got married in your shared apartment without any of them present. But it was for the both of you at the time, you loved each other well enough to care less about the silly planning and elaborate designs that came with it. The second wedding would come eventually and you wanted your uncle to walk you down and your brothers to also be present for the wedding.
"Got plans for who will be your maid-of-honor?" Sylvie inquired.
You smiled and realize what this was about.
"If it's fine with you, I want you and Darcy to both be my maid-of-honor." You answered far to easily, amused with the blush that plastered her cheeks and it was better to compromised with the both of them. "Unless you don't want to help me and Darcy out."
"I'd love to!" She protest far too excitedly before slamming her hands on top of her mouth. "I mean, it's fine if Darcy is game with the arrangement." She backtracked to which you smirked about and a plan already forming in the back of your head for them.
"I've got a dress so most of the hard parts of the wedding is out of the way, why don't you and Darcy plan the Bachelorette party." You suggested. "Just not with the strippers like Jane's party, I don't want bloodshed on my party." You added playfully earning a giggle from the younger Laufeyson.
"I think I have something in mind and I'll talk to Ms. Lewis about it when I catch sight of her."
"I'm sure you will." You smirked and your eyes lingered on two women talking amongst themselves, but their eyes had been viciously glaring at your all throughout. It brought a sudden shiver down your spine at the sight of it. It was as if they were stabbing you with just their gazes.
They were typically the pretty types, taller-model like features and more of a display than a productive member of the company. You know their type, watching far too much rom-coms and series, you were wondering more if they actually worked for the company or if they were the plus ones that envied you for catching a bigger fish than they did.
"You okay?" Sylvie inquired following your gaze and the women now looking anywhere else but the both of you. "Ignore those two, they mean trouble, have been to Jane for a while before me and Hela had put a stop to it." She points out.
You blinked and this was even worse than you thought. They were always within your husband's time in the office. What would they do without you to see their antics. You know perfectly well the power and wealth your husband held, but it was nothing to the handsome face he was graced with. Everyone fawned over him and you could understand perfectly why, your jealousy for the women that would practically glue themselves to him made it evident. You trusted your husband that he will not be unfaithful to you, but it didn't stop the underlying possibility they would do any and every tactic to have their claws at him. A part of you has this feeling that they were the ones that had been spreading rumors about you in the office in your rare visits to his office for 'lunch' with him.
Before you know it, Sylvie had dragged you around, introducing you to everyone as Loki's girlfriend and fiancé, and proudly stating she was the favorite sister-in-law between the two sisters which you neither confirmed nor denied without facing the wrath of Hela if you catch sight of her.
It was refreshing to see everyone you've come into conversation with know you as the café and bakery owner and how they had often stopped by to sample your uncle's treats. It was a good conversation starter with a playful promise of discount if they showed their company id to the café. Eventually from the employees, you found yourself meeting some of your husband's higher executives you've also known had been involved with the other business. Conversation with them had been more civil and a little tense to your liking, as they know perfectly well that you know about your husband's other endeavors but were to afraid of scaring you off knowing about your husband's wrath if he catches wind of it.
Eventually when all of the important honchos and employees were done with, Sylvie had made it a point to introduce you last to the two women that had been eyeing you all night.
"Stacy, Lisa. Good to see the both of you in the party--uninvited." Sylvie snide and you tried your best to hide the smile from your lips. Sylvie can be terrible if she wants to be, to anyone that doesn't treat her family right--you were now part of that family it seems. "This is Y/N, Loki's fiancé." She introduced, pulling your hand closer to the two to see the giant rock around your finger.
"It's nice to meet you." The taller one, Stacy had spoke, but it was anything but nice from the fake smile she wore on her lips.
"We never thought you and Mr. Laufeyson would be serious." Lisa, the shorter bob-cut one pointed out.
"Nearly a decade together, I'm sure it was serious." You quipped downing the last of your champagne before returning the glass to the waiter roaming around. "He wouldn't have placed a ring on it, if it wasn't." You added, gaining much more confidence in front of the envious duo.
"But you know, things could change. Until there is a wedding, he can still change his mind." Stacy spoke offhandedly. "You never know, someone better might just pop and throw away the decade for the right reason." She smirked and that was enough to bring all the doubts and fear back in full force.
Loki could have any and every single woman he could have and yet she settled for someone like you. Someone with so much issues that you were yet to truly resolve all on your own, someone prettier, and a much more better background than yourself that would forever be stuck to being the owner of the café and the bakery.
"I think you went too far." It was Sylvie that had snapped at the woman's words. "How dare you say that to Loki's w--" You halted Sylvie's words. You and Loki had agreed to not yet tell the world about your marriage to prevent unnecessary hassle from everyone.
"It's fine. I trust Loki more than anything and he would rather kill himself that ever hurt me." You assured your sister-in-law, constantly hearing those words from your husband and was reassured as much, it was simply your own demons coming to haunt you in this moment and you needed a breather from everything, from the people that could and would possibly come between you and your husband if you weren't too careful.
Before Sylvie could say anything else, you had made you excuse to the bathroom to freshen up--when in reality did not want anyone to see you in the brink of tears in this very moment.
In your journey to the bathroom, what you don't realize was your husband seeing the entire interaction and was quick to follow you in your retreat, ignoring the conversation he was in at the moment. ~ It didn't take long for Loki to find your whereabout. The soft sobs echoing the female restroom was enough indicator to know where you were. Without an ounce of hesitation he had made his way inside and closing the door behind him. Anger coursed through his veins and he was contemplating with shooting the perpetrator's brains out would be a better way to get back or to simply embarrass them before firing them on the spot. But for this moment, his focus was on you, ensuring that you were alright before anything else. A part of him already wanting to ditch the party and just head home for takeout instead.
He pushed each of the cubicle until the last cubicle was locked and that was where you were. He knocked to which you gently pointed out that it was occupied--far too politely even in your tears.
"My Love, who do I need to kill?" He asked knowing it was enough to pull you out of the confinement of the cubicle. You did.
"I'm fine. No one needs to be killed." You pointed out, trying your best to wipe the last of your tears with the toilet paper you still held onto but with the tears still flowing it was hard to believe. It angered Loki more than he already was. He tried his best never to make you cry and someone of no significance to his life or to his company would do this to you. "I'm fine, it's just allergies." You lied.
"You are such a horrible liar, My Love." Loki pointed out with a smile. Hands have now come to cup your cheeks, thumbs slowly wiping away the remnant of your tears with his thumb. "Tell me what is bothering you, My Love."
"It's stupid." You muttered never once meeting his gaze and that alone had worried Loki even more.
"Nothing is stupid when it comes to you and the tears." He continues to urge you. "Do not make me ask my own sister, because you and I both know she will tell me what I need to know when it comes to you and your wellbeing."
"You and your fucking power trips, Laufeyson." You snapped a semblance to the fiery woman he knows and loves. "It's nothing that you need to concern about, just some of the bitches that work for you thinking they have a chance with you."
"And you believe they do?" He snapped, annoyed that they had gotten to you like they did in this moment. "Do I need to remind you whose name you are you now? Or do I need to fuck you senseless all over again for you to understand that there will be no other woman for me but you?"
"I know that. Every single fucking day of my life with you, you remind me of the fact. I married you didn't I?" You snapped now shoving him away from you. "But that doesn't stop the fact that I wonder why you did marry someone like me. I'm a fucking hothead on a good day and a psychopath on the bad days yet you still want me when you can have any prettier models to your disposal that will never contradict you and never get on your nerves but you still chose me, planning a wedding behind my back even."
He sighed, throughout the years this was something Loki had learned was the baggage that came with his wife. You had your own issues, he had learned to live with it. Constantly assure you about his choices, about loving you. He had constantly believed it was the other way around when it comes to you. How it made him wonder why you would choose someone like him, the ghost of his past, the sins he was forever to do because of his line of work, the coldness that will never leave his very being, and darkness that will never see the light of day--all of his issue and yet you still chose him. Even after knowing his secret, you remained even when the opportunity to finally leave was already open for you--you stayed and you loved someone like him.
"My Love, nothing in this world would ever make me choose anyone else but you. After everything we have been through, the ups and downs, and all the trials and tribulation our relationship had been in, I would want no one else but you to be part of my life. I never wanted a wife or a child in my life until I met you. I never thought I would ever deserve the life that I want to have with you until now. You give this stone cold bastard a chance of a life away from what was presented upon me and I owe my life to you because of it. You make me the happiest, and with you I can become more human than the monster everyone paints me to be."
He had made his vows all those weeks ago, forever he will assure you of the love only you were capable of giving someone like him and he was not gonna stop now, more than ever you needed him and he will give you everything you would need to reassure you and to reassure of the relationship the both of you had throughout the years.
"I hate it when you get sappy on me like this." You muttered wiping the tears that started to fall from your eyes all over again. "You make me cry even harder."
He smiled pulling you back into his arms. He cared less at this point if you were ruining his shirt, he could buy a hundreds more, but it was in this rare moments together that he could truly ensure his devotion to you and to only you. ~ "No more, Loki." You whimpered against the cold tiles of the bathroom. Your skirt was practically bunched up around your waist and one of your legs had now rested on your husband's shoulder as he continued to eat you out for the better part of the hour.
But your husband wouldn't let up, kneeling in front of you and his lips and tongue had done anything and everything to bring you into the brink of cumming but never truly giving you your release. He was torturing you until you give in to him. The games that he plays and only he could win as soon as you relent and give in to him.
"Tell me who I belong to, My Love?" He demanded in between every lap his tongue had made.
"To me." You whimpered, muscles tightening as the climb to another unforgiving release you were uncertain if it would be given to you. "You're mine and only mine, Loki." You gave in, chanting the words you husband wanted from you before you know it he had stood back up into his full height, erection out and ready.
"Look at me, Y/N." He demands and you did, even as your legs were growing weak, you listened to him. Your eyes solely focused on the man and that was all you needed in the momentary lapse of doubt that swam in your mind. "Jump." He orders and you did.
Arms wrapped around his neck and your weaken legs wrapped around his waist as he finally impaled you with his cock. The fullness took you a moment to full adjust but as soon as you did, you pulled your husband into the much needed kiss. He rested your back onto the wall as he began to move his hips, hands held onto your waist for support as he fucked you like you were always meant to be fucked.
You could taste yourself against his lips. The taste of mint and Tabaco came after. Your hands dug onto his shoulder as he continued to hammer into your core. Even through the coat and shirt he had one, you were certain that you were breaking skin at how deep your nails were digging. He thrusted harder and you could do nothing at this point but to brace yourself in both the support of your arms around his neck and the cold title on your naked back--only now did you realize the mistake of choosing the backless dress.
"How could I ever want any other woman, when you are all I would want to pound into, My Love?" His filth had began, further bringing you closer to the brink.
"Don't stop." You demanded at this point, no longer caring at the possibility of anyone hearing you. All that mattered at this point was that your husband fucked you like his life depended on it, you can take care of the mess after. He pounded over and over, and your back had slid over and over the tiles without a care to the world. "I'm close." You announced already feeling the familiar coil begin to tighten at this point.
A rush had came as Loki chased his release alongside you own. Cum filling you in multiple spurt triggering your own release. Clamping yourself onto him as he slowed his movement and both of you were left sated. A smile, a genuine smile played on both of your faces. This was the last thing you had hoped to happen in the party, but your husband always has his ways.
"Better?" He asked placing numerous pecked all over your face. At this point you were certain your make up was ruined.
"Yup." You nodded, bracing against your husband's chest as he finally placed you back down, legs still jelly from his ministration of your body. "But I'm fairly certain your employees know we've been fucking in the Women's restroom." You pointed out making your way to the mirror and generally surprised that the only thing out of place was your lips stick.
Pulling out your lipstick from the inner pocket of your husband's coat, you tried your best to salvage it while your husband did his best to tuck himself back and help you out in slipping your panties on. His cum noticeable untouched as they dripped down your legs.
"We should get going, before Darcy starts looking for you." You finally point out slipping your lip stick back into his pocket and helping him in straightening his crocked bowtie. "Why the hell do you still look so taste even after fucking you in the bathroom?" You groaned earning a chuckle from him.
"Touché, My Love, touché."
The momentary silent between the both of you post-coitus was rudely interrupted at the sight of Darcy making her way to inside, panicking.
"There you two are! You're up in five minutes. Stop with the quickie!" Darcy snapped.
You chuckled and caught sight of the same women that had been the reason for the mess in the bathroom to begin with. You turned to your husband, pulling him by his bow tie and pulling him into a far too scandalous kiss for the two snakes to see.
"Knock them dead, Laufeyson." You teased patting him against his chest before following both him and Darcy out of the bathroom.
Only at the sight of numerous women waiting for the bathroom vacancy did it finally dawn to you what you and your husband had done.
"Before I forget." Loki had halted in front of Stacy and Lisa. "I do not want to see you in the company ever again. I will make sure the both of you will be blacklisted from every company in New York from now on." No longer was the humor and warmth in your husband's voice as he spoke directly to the two. It scared even you at this point, what your husband could be if truly provoked. "You would dare disrespect my wife in my own party?!" His voice grew dangerously loud at this point that you had to hold onto him before he does anything too rash.
"Loki, it's okay. I'm okay. We're okay." You reassured him but his focus was still on the two that were begging him not to make true of his words.
"You two are fired, I should have done this years now for what you have done to Ms. Foster and Ms. Lewis." He spat ordering his security to escort the two away as Darcy now had to drag the both of you back to the reception hall where Loki pulled you back into a kiss before making a jog to the stage just in time for his name to be called for the closing speech.
"I swear to God, Loki still has the antics of a teenager." You jumped at the sight of Sylvie now joining you and Darcy as the MC continued on with the introduction.
"You tell me, I had to wait before the coast was clear." Darcy agreed making you simply shrug at this point. No longer capable of defending yourself being caught in the act and having the both of them on your case.
You had to shush the two love birds when your husband was finally given the microphone and wanted so bad to know what his words would be for the success of the company in the quarter.
"The success of not only this quarter but the few years had been nothing short of astounding, not just to me but as well as the investors and each and every single employee. Constantly I was inquired what had changed, but all I could say is I have been thankful and took life in a much different perspective, different from what my father had made for this company, different from what his father before him had done. I am thankful for the employees that do their best for the company. To my family that had been working alongside me into moving the company into a far more different direction that what it was once known for and lastly, to my wife, Y/N Y/L/N, that had been with me all throughout this transition and had been someone I could confine with in nothing but our pajama about the numerous growing pains of the company and she would simply encourage me even in my growing frustration, but constantly made sure that what I did would also benefit the people working for the company. Thank you, My Love."
As he said the last sentence his gaze had been focused on you, and literally everyone else also did.
"Did he just--" Sylvie was left speechless just as much as you were.
Nothing else of his words were getting to you at this point, your idiotic but far too possessive husband had done the very thing that you did not want him to do. You were going to kill him, as soon as he got off the stage, you will kill him for the mess he was about to make out of your life in this moment.
"I'm gonna kick his ass for this." Darcy muttered, panicked for the PR team she would need to assemble because of your husband's words.
"Get in line, I got first dibs." You muttered.
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kittenmey-rin · 11 months
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Yandere Milo x Female Psychic & Dark Pokemon Singer Reader
You are running from Milo because he killed Hop, Nessa, Kabu, Bede, and Chairman Rose, you can't believe that the nice, gentle, caring, loving, Grass type would become a monster. "N/n, where are you, come out, come out, come out wherever you." Milo said while walking down the hall of the Basement, you are hiding in the largest, longer boxes, you have been planing of being the bait once Milo's guard is down, you are done calling the cops and told them full proof plans, once you come out of your hiding place, you made a sound of a loving voice. "Milo, I am going to the office room, come and get me." You said, while giggling and running to the office, Milo heard your voice from a mile away, he smiled psychoticlly, and followed you. When Milo went into the office, the office lights went out, but the candles are lighting up, he sees you wearing a (Short/Middle/Long) (F/c) Dress, beautiful make-up on your face, he walked to you and asked "Did you make this for me, N/n??" You nodded while looking at Milo "Hey Milo, can I put this blindfold fabric on your face??" You asked while your mind is according to plan into crime action of Milo's fault. "Sure N/n." Milo said while smiling. After you cover Milo's ears with earplugs and putted an fabric blindfold on Milo's face, you whispered away from Milo and said "Goodbye forever Milo." After the police arresting Milo, Milo is sentence to 24 years in prison before death, and you never ever heard of Milo the Grass type gym leader again, you visit Hop, Nessa, Kabu, Chairman Rose, and Bede's gravestones every afternoon while giving them goodbye gifts, 15 years later, you are the new Chairman.
The End.
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microwave-core · 1 year
Give and Take
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Oleana x Fem! Reader
After a long day of work, Oleana looks forward to stumbling into bed with you, who is all too happy to help her unwind. All it takes is some good ol’ TLC to help her forget about the day and put off thinking about tomorrow.
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Oleana loves her job. She worked hard when researching dynamax, enough to get the chairman's attention, and she’d be damned if she let him down. But even a workaholic of her nature gets tired. Even she feels the desire to lay down in bed and never get back up, free to revel in the warmth and softness of one of Arceus’s finest creations. 
Of course, it helped that you were waiting there, too. Given how much she loves her work, Oleana stays at work until the moon is high in the sky. Everyday she stumbles home, only to be greeted by you, all happy and sleepy. Your soft smile never fails to melt her heart.
The minute she is able to leave, she gathers her things and bolts (not before saying goodbye to the chairman and ensuring he will get home safely, obviously). She doesn’t even bother calling a taxi to get her home. She has no desire to wait, even if she would technically get home faster. 
Her quick strides slow down as she approaches your shared humble apartment. She’s desperate to see you, to unwind, but she would hate to accidentally wake you up. She cracks the door open, carefully stepping inside and removing her shoes. She doesn’t get far before you walk up to the door, clad in pajamas, to greet her.
“Welcome home!” Your tone is caked in sleep. Like most nights, you were tottering on the verge of sleep when she arrived home. But Oleana didn’t care. She was just happy to see you there at all.
“Mmmhm…” She, similarly, was all too tired, to the point that her attempted ‘Welcome home’ came out as a garbled mess. It was all you needed to know how long her day was. She sheds her lab coat before grabbing your hand and dragging you off to bed, bringing you both crashing down onto the soft mattress.
Oleana holds you close, laying your head onto her chest while stroking a hand through your hair. Her nails scratch over your scalp in the best way possible. But, as much as you loved her embrace and attention, you pulled away from her, much to her protest.
She, begrudgingly, opens her eyes to see you sitting over her, brush in hand, smile still painted on your face. She’ll never understand how you can maintain such a cheerful expression all the time. Slowly, she repositions herself so her head lies in your lap, free to close her eyes again.
Brush in hand, you run it through her sea of blonde hair, silky strands parting like swaying tides, careful to avoid her dangly earrings. While busy, Oleana takes good care of herself, and so her hair is always free from tangles and knots, and it always smells so wonderfully of freshly cut roses, even if it does remind you of a certain someone. You love to tease her over her love for the chairman, and yet you're somewhat afraid that, if asked to choose between you and him, she would choose the former.
She sighs in content. She remains stoic, but she’s relaxed. Happy. In her lane. Her zone, even. The stress and anxiety of the day melts away. Her shoulders relax now that they don’t have to carry the entirety of Macro Cosmos. Her mind can go blank, thinking only of you, only of the moment, of your hands in her hair.
She’ll commit your warmth to memory, so she can recall it tomorrow, to keep her going through the day, to have something to look forward to as her clocking out time approaches. She focuses on the moment because, if she doesn’t, she’ll get lost thinking about tomorrow, about the struggles and hardships and the stress and everything that comes along with being a vice-president. And she loves her job, but she’s only human.
But that doesn’t matter, not right now. It doesn’t matter that she’ll have to goad chairman Rose away from a rampant sea of fans. It doesn’t matter that Champion Leon will inevitably be late for an important exhibition match. And it doesn’t matter that she’ll have to deal with near-useless Marco Cosmos employees who are completely hopeless when it comes to getting jobs done.
But all good things must come to an end. Eventually, she’ll have to break away from your soft hands, delicately caring for her hair, to get ready for bed. She’ll remove her makeup and earrings, and change into comfier clothes, and get cleaned up. She’ll let her pokemon out and give them enough attention before sinking back into bed, into your side. Maybe she’ll get a snack while she’s at it, preferably with you, talking about your day if you were up to it.
But for right now, she’ll simply bask in your caring hands, allow you to spoil her in your love in the same way she loves to do to you. Oleana has changed immensely, coming far from where she’s started, but, deep down, she is still hopeless. Yet, for whatever reason, you choose to disregard that fact. You choose to shower her in love and praise even with her faults. And that alone is enough to get her through the stress of the day. 
“Oleana, you’ve got to stay awake…” She cracks her eyes open, content this time. “You’ve got to get up, dear.”
“Understood, I will not keep you waiting for long.“ She stumbles a bit to stand up, but quickly reverts to her graceful posture. Although, she falters slightly when planting her feet on the ground, not quite used to walking around without her heels. 
Her professional and stoic nature waits for no one, not even you. But her workaholic nature, her devotion to her career, is an innate part of herself. It is why you love her. And for that alone, she’ll forever love you.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Why is all my smut like 7 pages long? I know the lines between paragraphs helps but still, let me sleep. Stupid horny brain. Also, Hi Ro, as per the discord submitting this for final horny judgement, if it sucks don’t post it cause it has not been proof read and I know I fucked up like 3 times somewhere but cba to fix it. Also, I would like praise cause I managed to spell synchronised correctly at 02:20 am, at the cost of old lady 2 finger typing cause I cant see letters anymore lol night night – Avena [♡] 
p.s. forgot to say Leon x reader fic don’t think theres trigger warnings needed but honestly I cant remember – tried to be gender neutral lmk if I fucked up anywhere 
To the outside world it seemed that Champion Leon had started to battle with newfound vigour, the previous tabloid rumours of his exhaustion of being champion were put to rest. In truth however, battling was the only thing he could focus on that kept you off his mind. The only problem was that it never lasted. 
The heat of the stadium lights, the roar of the crowd and the way Raihan kept him on his toes was making the aftermath almost too much to handle. Leon’s heart rate was sky high and he was shaking with the adrenaline, but seeing you in the stands with Hop and Sonia was the final straw. Standing naked under the shower in the sanctuary of the locker room he couldn’t stop himself, hand on his stiff cock and biting down on his knuckles to stop his sounds, he pumped himself hard and fast to the thought of you. Picturing your face as he had just seen it, a little purple crown face painted on your cheek and holding a clearly Hop-made sign with his name on it, desperately trying to cum before he had to go back out there and see you again, praying that this one would be enough so as he wouldn’t get hard again around you. 
He was lucky that you weren’t sitting with Hop before the match or the it’s likely that the whole battle would have gone a lot differently, he had thought the empty chair was odd but just assumed Mom couldn’t make it again. Besides, last time he had seen you at one of his matches was the last time he had battled Raihan, almost a year ago. The dragon type gym leader knew how Leon felt about you and decided to play dirty by personally inviting you to sit in the VIP section, Leon will admit though that however under handed it was the tactic still worked, he damn near lost that match. Chairman Rose had commended them both for such a dramatic match, talking about how inspiring it must have been for young trainers to see the undefeatable Leon so close to having no usable Pokémon, but all Leon remembered about that match was how good you looked in that outfit, how kissable your lips looked even from that distance. 
Needless to say, he was down bad. Frantically thrusting his hips in time with his hand, he imagined those lips again, plump and perfect, how soft they must feel and how good they would look wrapped around his thick length, picturing saliva dribbling down your chin uncontrollably as he uses a fistful of your hair to force you to take him deep, again and again. Finally hitting his peak, Leon stood motionless for a few seconds, eyes closed and panting, letting the water wash away all traces of his sin. 
Spending the rest of the evening with you, Hop and Sonia was fun but Arceus he was glad to be home. As much as he loved that you and Hop got along and as much as he loved Hop, Leon wished he would stop inviting you places where he knew Leon would be. Damn, maybe Hop wasn’t as clueless about Leon’s crush on you as he thought? Flopping onto his bed, exhausted from the day’s events he fell asleep quickly, hoping just once for dreamless sleep. 
Holding your wrists above your head with one hand he grabbed your thigh with the other, digging in his fingers and pulling you so your leg rested on his hip. Moaning at his actions you let your head fall back and he seized the opportunity to suck small hickeys onto your neck, nibbling as he went, all the time grinding his clothed cock against you. Your naked form shuddering underneath him as you called his name. 
“Please. Leon please.” Your voice like music to his ears. 
Growling and feeling his cock throb from within its confines he grabbed the lube from the bedside table, cracking the lid open with his teeth so as not to loosen his grip on your wrists. Smirking at your expression as he squeezed the bottle, angling it so the lube dripped directly onto your entrance, watching your hips flinch at every drip. Dropping the bottle onto an unoccupied section of the bed he let his fingers glide through the liquid coating them and making sure you were fully ready to take this one step further. 
Pushing the tip of one finger into you, he chuckled as he met little resistance, you were aching for him to go deeper and he was more than happy to indulge you. In little to no time, he was scissoring his fingers inside you, stretching you out wide and basking in all of your lewd sounds. On a split-second decision, without warning you, he pulled his fingers out of you to turn and find the lube again. Tutting at your impatience as you let out a loud whine at the loss of feeling. 
“Now, Now, Darling. Don’t be too upset, I’ll give you something better real soon. All you have do to is say the magic words for me. Can you do that?” Freeing his cock from his pants and squeezing out more lube, he began to pump his hand over his shaft making sure you could see. Slowly dragging his hand up and down making his length shiny with the slick liquid and watching your mouth water in anticipation. 
“Please, my Champion. Please. Fuck me! Let me take your cock!” 
Content with the answer given, he lined up his shaft with your entrance and plunged himself in, all the way until his hips met your warm thighs. Not expecting to take all of him so fast your head fell back mouth opened wide in a silent scream, before... 
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! 
Leon woke with a start to the sound of his rotom phone’s alarm. Swinging his arm out from under the covers with a little more force than was needed he tapped the screen to silence the alarm. Frustrated with having another dirty dream about you, and even more frustrated that it ended so abruptly, Leon shifted to sit over the side of his bed. Not needing to look to know he was rock hard once more. Sighing, he moved over to start the shower to rinse and repeat his usual process of fucking into his hand and pretending he was cumming on your face and not his bathroom wall. 
It had been a month since you came to his match and his thoughts about you still hadn’t changed, he dare say he’d gotten worse. Today he was due to meet Hop and, much to his chagrin, you for lunch at a café close to your apartment but neither of you were there yet and so he was left alone with his thoughts again. He had pulled up some old battle videos to watch while he waited, trying to look for things he could incorporate into a new strategy, but he was having trouble concentrating. He had woken up mid-dream again this morning and he was starting to feel a little bitter. They always stop right when he gets to fuck you properly and I was getting harder and harder to pretend his fist feels half as good as you would. 
Losing himself again in last night’s dream, you under the table of a booth in a café that looked eerily similar to the one he was in now, his cock in your mouth, you taking him deeper and deeper until he pulled you up by your hair, letting you go only to grab you by the hand to the café bathroom to fuck you against the closed door. 
Jolting back to reality as he hears the chair move beside him, wincing internally as he feels his cock strain against his pants, he looks up to see you smile at him as you sit. 
“Morning! You look like you had a rough night.” Looking around you puzzled, you spoke before he could deny your statement. “Where’s Hop, he said he was with you already?” 
“Huh?” Panicking that he’d forgotten Hop, Leon looked around before realising, he had a text from Hop saying he was with you.  
Telling you as such, you both began to panic slightly. The both of you calling Hop alternately only for him to send you both to voicemail. One cheeky text to Leon told you both all you needed to know, Hop wasn’t coming and likely never was. 
“Sorry, Big Bro. I forgot to tell you, I’m hanging out with Gloria and Victor today! I hope you and ___ have a great time on your date!” He read aloud to you, blushing and mentally preparing Hop’s untimely demise. 
Upon hearing this you laughed and Leon looked up to see you blushing too. 
“I’m so sorry, I can’t help but feel this is my fault” You started quietly giggling. “Hop has been trying to set me up with you for a few weeks now, I don’t know what’s gotten into him. I told him to stop watching trashy soap TV with Sonia but then I messed up and called you cute, which I should’ve known he’d take as a challenge” 
Listening to you wide eyed, you kept apologising but after a while all he heard was the fact that you thought he was cute. Maybe, he had a shot? 
“You think I’m cute!” Oh Arceus, he said that out loud.  
Panic rising as you giggled and hid your head in your hands. Your reply of “Yes” muffled in your embarrassment.  
After finally settling down from bouts of random giggles and texting Hop a very abrupt “You’re dead!” you both arranged his imaginary funeral and argued about how to divide his assets, agreeing finally that Leon could keep his games consoles as long as you could have that one game you liked and Gloria and Victor can fight over all the Leon merch and Pokémon plushies. You made plans for game night at Leon’s the next week, Hop was invited but neither of you were under the illusion he would actually show up.  
He laughed with you after that and the rest of your date passed by “normally”, you were friends after all. It was awkward to start but you both soon fell back into regular conversation, eating cake and drinking tea even if still blushing lightly. Though all the while, Leon was painfully aware of how oh so hard he was under the table, eyes glancing to the small piece of white cake icing stuck to the corner of your mouth, thinking how hot you would look if it were something else. 
Game night had arrived and Leon was nervous. He’d been texting you all week, just chatting. Both of you had seen Hop and spared his life for being so adorable. However, he couldn’t help but feel like it was only a matter of time before he fucked up and said something out loud that he shouldn’t. Although his thoughts about you got worse when you were gone, they were very much still present when he was with you.  
Answering the door, you exchanged pleasantries and opened the bottle of wine you brought with you as you sat on the couch waiting for Hop to text and bail on game night. Which he did promptly. Laughing again at his brother’s antics you both settled in for another bizarre date night, neither of you aware of the other’s feelings. 
Timing his joke just right, he made you laugh so hard you accidentally let your wine spill out of your mouth, laughing it off with you despite the fact seeing you like that made his cock jump. Not being able to stop himself he made a comment along the lines of too bad you didn’t do that last week, you could have gotten the icing that was stuck to your mouth, which got him lightly smacked as you realised embarrassed that it was there almost the whole time. 
“For Arceus’ sake Lee, do you know how embarrassed I was?! I went to the gym after our date to train my Dragonite with Rai and told him what Hop did and he spent the whole time laughing at me. Which by the way, still makes him a better friend than you because he told me I had something on my face!” Your pretend angry ranting dissolved into a blush and a small stutter as you carried on “Granted, the way he told me was rude but still!” 
Noticing the blush, he knew damn well what Raihan had said, but he had to play dumb. The glass of wine, while you both knew did nothing sobriety wise, giving him an excuse to be bold, he asked you to explain, desperate to hear you say it. 
“I’m pretty sure you can guess what he said, you don’t need me to say it” Your face bright red now, as you looked at him. 
“I’m afraid I don’t, I’ll have to hear it” grinning like a fool, not even attempting a poker face, he pressed you to say it. 
Giving in and half hiding your face, you muttered it, knowing Leon wouldn’t give in and just getting it over with. 
“He said ‘Well you must have had a fun time because there’s cum on your face’ there are you happy?” 
“Very” He laughed, deciding to be even bolder. Fuck it, if he lost you how would it be any worse that what he was going through anyway. If you felt the same then perfect. “You know, if you wanted I can always cum somewhere else this time” 
Snorting into your glass as you tried to take another sip of wine you flushed deeper; looking into his eyes. He caught you flick your eyes down to his lips before blinking to snap yourself out of your thoughts and looking back into his eyes. Smiling at you, he let you know that he saw. 
“You gonna just stare?” Fortune favours the bold he thought and winked. 
In a second, your lips crashed into his, hard as he fell back against the couch. Letting his empty wine glass fall to the floor he pulled you to straddle him, kissing you back just as forcefully. Letting his hands roam over your thighs to grab your ass, he bucked his hips into you, letting you finally see just how hard you made him.  
You broke the kiss to moan and he used the opportunity to kiss you again letting his tongue find its way into your mouth, dancing with yours. With your own wine glass forgotten, he felt you card a hand through his hair and tug lightly as his teeth nip your bottom lip. 
Gripping you firmly he stood, lifting you up with him to move you only for you to let go. Guiding you to the floor gently he pulls back, not sure what he’s expecting. 
“No. Here” Was your only reply as you push him back down onto the couch. Kneeling in front of him you reach to undo his pants, hesitating and looking to him for permission. He nods and you move to take him into your mouth.  
He pants as he finally feels you where he wants you, taking his length into your throat inch by inch until your nose is flush with his body. Feeling you grab his wrist he lets you guide his hand to your head and grasps your hair as instructed, controlling your movements. Bobbing your head at a speed he liked and hoping it wasn’t too rough. He felt you moan against him when he guided you to take him deeper and felt the pre-cum leak from his tip. Yanking you off him harsher than he meant to you looked into your eyes, hesitating for a second as he saw you stick out your tongue, some of his fluid resting there before you swallowed and it was gone.  
“I want to fuck you properly, that ok?” His voice quiet but thick with lust 
“Undress” At his command you removed your clothes at a slower speed than he would like but he watched patiently, cock standing proud against his abdomen as his gaze raked over you.  
When you had finished, he stood and walked over to get the lube from his drawer, just like in his dreams. Sitting back in front of you, still clothed with his cock free, he lubed his fingers and began to fist his length coating it well so it would still be wet when he’d prepped you. Beckoning you to straddle him again he put more lube on his fingers and set the bottle down. 
Playing with your opening, massaging the area, he began to push a finger slowly inside you, relishing in how tight you were compared to his fantasies. The first finger was inside quickly followed by the second as Leon fingered your hole open slowly. Kissing your neck and chest, and taking a nipple into his mouth to suck as he tried to get you as open as he could. 
Removing his mouth first then his fingers he grabbed both of your thighs again. Looking into your eyes and finding the permission he finally pulled you down onto his cock. Going slowly at first until, in your impatience, you dropped yourself down, taking as much of him as you could. Both of you stilled as you moaned aloud, focusing on breathing. Trying to get you to adjust quicker he took your other nipple into his mouth and began sucking and nibbling until you began to lift yourself off and back onto him gently. Moving a hand to your face he brought you in for a kiss, hips moving in tandem with yours. 
You move like this for a while picking up the pace as needed, him finding the spot inside you that made you see stars, both your kisses getting sloppier and hands wandering until finally you reach your high, fucking you through it until you’re done and almost overstimulated. 
“Where can I cum?” He asked, voice shaky as he drew closer to his own orgasm. 
“Inside?” You asked, in case he had other places he’d prefer. 
Not necessary it seemed as Leon didn’t need to be told twice. With his head laid back on the couch, trying to keep his eyes open to look at you and failing, he came. Painting your insides with his seed as you bounced on him for as long as it took him to come back down from his high. 
At last, you were both spent and collapsed on the couch in each other’s arms. A few more brief kisses exchanged before falling asleep to the sounds of your synchronised heartbeats. 
The next morning you see a text from the Dragon type leader which when opened read: 
“Hop said it was game night yesterday, where’d the champ cum this time ;)" 
Whatever you're taking can I please have some because I need whatever you did having to Crank out something like that.
Everything was amazing beautiful and unforgettable
And the pining is just *chefs kiss*
Do you have an AO3 or something that I can check out👀👀
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costons · 1 year
CHAPTER 1 ABOVE! ^^^^^^^^^
Egghead - The Island of the Future. | Monkey D. Luffy x Reader.
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Chapter 2
~ Cross-Guild Organization ~
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Meanwhile in another part of the New World...
"Did you see him?"
"I sure did! Can't believe I just saw the real thing! That was the world's strongest swordsman. Yikes! When they announced the seven warlords were no more...the entire idea of the cross guild organization...and all those battleships surrounding us, I thought we were goners. However, I should have had more faith in Buggy's leadership! Just look at him now."
"Wait! Wait! Have mercy! Spare me the misery of my miserable life! I'll do anything! I'll lick the mud from your boots!" The genius Jester calls out, begging. While the two Warlords stared calmly at the Jester, they were wailing ugly away.
"The humiliation..." Sir Crocodile is uninterested and displeased with the Jesters Comments.
"I don't know what to say, except.. I'm sorry! Or maybe. Better luck next time?" Anger rose in him like a tide, he breathed ragged gasps, trying to catch his breath. Catching the glimpse of the two warlords, one pulling at his tangled hair. The sharp hook glimmering away on one side and the other, a long thin blade that is capable of defeating anything that crosses its path.
"You're the first man to rise in the ranks of emperors by saying, "I'm sorry"....and by my blade, it will be the last." Dracule Mihawk retorts, bringing the shining sword closer to the whaling clown. His yellow gleamy eyes narrowed, piercing Buggy's head as if he was translucent. "Only death can right this wrong."
"Please don't kill me..." Buggy - The Clown pleads as his eyes flood with tears, his brows snapping together. A gaze darting towards the two other carriers, Crocodile and Mihawk, hoping to be spared; hoping to flee this situation without harm.
"That is not an option!" The greatest Swordsman shouts temperamentally - gripping the sword. Jaws tighten in frustration and disbelief wanting to finish this meeting.
Hearing the patter of loud, heavy feet pound against the wooden floor directs everyone's attention towards the source of the sound. A Man with the Letter 3 steps out of the shadows, making his presence clear. As he approached the clown, whose hair may have become overgrown, the floorboards creaked. The foolish man with three on his head clapped his hands together. The noise bounced off the walls...before speaking up.
"May I just say boss... that it is so...delightful to be in your service again!" Galdino shouts, loud enough to get the point across. Staring up at MR. Crocodile, awaiting his acknowledgment.
(Galdino is Mr.3, the former baroque work - crocodile henchman)
"Galdino! Are you backstabbing me?! After all this time?!?" In response to the news, under the influence of indignation and resentment, the Emperor looked down at Galdino. Yet it still retains that gallery ambience with an ambiguous sense of the embitterment in the political ways that he and Galdino's been involved in the past.
"I never worked for you, Buggy!" Galdino smirked fiercely. Getting closer to the Infuriated Jester, hoping to push more buttons.
"Poor chairman... R.I.P. What do we do now?"
"We follow crocodiles! Revolutionary messianism, fanaticism, is the only way to disrupt one's embedment in a system whose hegemony is so thoroughly entrenched!"
"It's a cold world out there..." The person hesitated for a moment, and then returned gravely to the metal door and opened it, leaving the premises for a brief moment.
There's a moment of freezing silence while everyone's eyebrows contract like thunder. No sound...just silence. It is a policy that must be pursued in the quiet not to spook the country's growing legion of foreign emperors.
- - -
Somewhere on the Grand Line
Kambakka Queendom, Grand Line.
"Hello? Koala speaking!" Koala says. Her face was worn and wrinkled, but creased into a smile.
"It's me... Sabo."
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distinguishedfanqueen · 11 months
Human female eternatus x female reader (PT.1)
She ran upstairs after beating Chairman rose. She saw hop and Leon unconscious and she saw who she assumed was eternatus. But was a human and a girl?! she had brown skin of a vizer on her head a black dress with red highlights black hair in ponytails with red highlights with black ballet shoes and black fingerless gloves.
eternatus: and what do you expect to do young girl?
Y\N: stopping you!
eternatus: i’m afraid I just can’t allow that, so how about this if I when we fix every single thing, but you have to come with me back to my home, but if you want, you can catch me and everything was still be fixed Do we have a deal? Y\N:Deal!
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ellssbellss · 2 years
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pairing- Kyoya Ootori x Reader
In which a rational head hides a generous heart, but you have always known how to see past his walls and help him bloom into the gorgeous rose he is.
Enjoy a slow burn between an honor student and our beloved glasses character!
-> word count: 4.8k
-> summary: Kyoya gives you a once over. You’re going to be the death of him. 
see masterlist! : masterlist
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Starting Today, You are a Host! pt. 1
A (h/c) haired girl walks quickly through the halls of Ouran Academy. You check the time, and your uniform sways with your movements as you increase your pace down the pristine halls of your high school. 
Not unusually, you were late. 
You had characteristically overslept this morning, earning you an urgent call from one of your best friends, Kyoya Ootori. Kyoya was also not a morning person, but on school mornings he had a set routine, and making sure you woke up on time to get to school had begrudgingly become a part of it. Because you were both a part of the same club, Kyoya had to make sure you would show up on time. If a member was late, the entire operation was unbalanced until they started their shift. Also, Kyoya had a short patience for lateness. 
You were particularly grateful for his call this morning. As nice as it was to hear the voice of someone so special to you, you had completely forgotten your arrangement with Chairman Suoh, which required you to be at school earlier than normal. 
You had rushed around your room, respectfully declining the maids and butlers attempting to assist you with your daily routine, knowing that it would be done faster if you did it yourself. You threw your hair together, then your makeup. It was minimal, but considering you usually didn’t put much on anyway, it was easy and quick for you to finish. Kyoya’s voice could still be heard in the background of your bathroom, where you had left him on speaker.
“I cannot believe you forgot (Y/n). Especially after Suoh-sensei sought you out himself.” You could practically feel the smirk after a disapproving sigh escaped him. 
“Not helping.” You said as you reached for your bag and rushed out of the bedroom, only to return quickly to get your phone. 
“I am very helpful. Without me, you definitely would’ve slept through every alarm you set.”
“Uh huh, I owe my life to you Kyo, thank you.” Rolling your eyes, you got in your car, needing to say goodbye so that you can drive.
Kyoya felt the eye-roll and heard the door to your car shut, signaling your need to leave.
“A favor will do just fine.” You cursed him in the back of your mind. That’s what I get for being friends with the Shadow King. Kyoya’s voice came back through the phone, “I assume you need to go?”
“Yes,” you sighed, setting your bag down into the passenger seat of your (d/c), “I have to drive away now if I’m ever going to have a chance at being on time. Thank you for looking out for me and waking me up, Kyo. It means a lot.”
On the other end, Kyoya fixed his glasses. “Of course, (Y/n), drive safe. Goodbye.”
“I will, see ya.” You hung up the phone and sped down the interstate.
Now, as you glance at the clock once more down the hallway, you’re nearly jogging when you stop to find a brown-haired student sitting outside of the Chairman’s office. When they look up, an imaginary light bulb sparks on when you see the eyes of the person you’ve been looking for.
“Are you Fujioka-san?” You ask, recognizing her from her profile the Chairman showed you, although her hair looks shorter than it did on the photo. 
“Yes, I am! Are you (L/n)-senpai?” She stands up from her chair, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. 
“Yes! You can call me (Y/n), Fujioka-san, no need for honorifics. I’m from (C/n) so it’s still rather unfamiliar when people call me that.” You sheepishly laugh, a light blush on your face. 
“Oh, wow! Your Japanese is really good, (Y/n). In that case, you can call me Haruhi.” She sticks out her hand for you to shake. “Isn’t this how most (n) people greet each other?”
You reach out and take it, smiling at the inclusion of your culture. “That’s perfect!” You let go of the handshake, turning to walk down the hallway. 
“Thank you for showing me around the school, (Y/n). It’s so big here, it is completely different from the high school my old friends are attending. It’s such a relief to have a tour by a fellow honor student.”
You giggle at her as she nearly trips over her own feet from being distracted by the large chandeliers that hang above you. “Haha, yes, well that was the Chairman’s exact thought process when he asked me to lead you to your first class. Just to ensure that you would be comfortable! If you have any questions, you can definitely let me know.”
“Um, well there was this one question I was thinking about…”
“Sure thing! What is it?”
“I was just wondering how you were able to apply as an honor student to Ouran Academy? Aren’t you the heir to (L/n) Tech?”
You chuckled again, smiling at her. “I can see how that could be confusing.” You take a moment to collect your story, even though you’ve had to explain yourself many times before. 
“I am the heir to my mother’s company, yes. But when my father told me that we were moving to Japan in order to expand our market, he reminded me that people may not respect me because of where I came from, in school, work, or otherwise.” Haruhi frowned at this. “I wanted to enter this new chapter in my life with a new confidence and a strong reputation. I knew that I was smarter than most– I’m sure you know what that’s like– and decided that if I was going to go to one of the best high schools in the academic world, I was going to earn it.”
“Did it work?” Haruhi asked, seemingly impressed with your determination. She noticed how beautiful you were when you talked passionately. Surely, I’m not the first to notice, Haruhi thought. 
“For the most part, yeah!” You looked ahead, reminding yourself how proud you are to be where you are today, “People saw that I wasn’t just another rich person going to school to have a good time and live off of Mommy’s money. I was here to become successful and happy with the life that I was able to build myself. And, also, to have a good time.”
The two of you laugh together, after rounding a corner. Since you were able to share your story, you asked Haruhi about her own life. You were sad to hear that her mother died 10 years ago, but touched to hear that she wanted to become a lawyer just like her. You gasped at the comparisons she made between her old middle school and here, because even if you were independent, you were still a higher-class citizen, and thankfully never experienced the middle-school bathroom horrors she was retelling. You walked her down the hall to her first class, satisfied with your job of making her comfortable on her first day here. 
“Thank you so much for showing me around, (Y/n)-senp-, uh, I mean, (Y/n).” Haruhi smiled at you again to show her gratitude. 
“Of course! Here is my number if you ever need anything else. Sorry I have to leave you here so early before class starts because of my club, but maybe we could meet up for lunch? If you’re not already too popular by then.” You joke as you hand her one of your business cards your mom had made. You then wave at her and turn to leave, hurriedly preparing yourself to face the wrath of your friends for being late as you make your way to a certain music room. 
Haruhi was beginning to get frustrated as she looked at her watch, only having a certain amount of time to find a study room that was quiet enough to finish her Japanese literature essay. It had been a couple weeks since her first day, but she was still not at all familiar with the layout of this school. You had walked her everyday to her classes for the first week, but you had told that everywhere outside of your usual class schedule was an adventure in itself, and she would help you find them another time. Haruhi knew she didn’t wanna bother you during club hours, so she settled on trying to find a room herself. 
She walked towards the last music room she would be searching for, because if this place was busy too, she would just give up and finish the essay at home, which made her even more stressed considering the work she had to get done. 
Haruhi opened the doors, and was immediately swarmed with rose petals, confusing her on how the defied the laws of physics. 
Willing her eyes to get used to the blinding light that emitted from the room, she took a step inside to see seven figures grouped in the center. Two ravenettes stood to the left, one with his back turned and the other with a black notebook in his hand. Two gingered twins stood to the right, hanging on one another with a mischievous smile on their faces that unsettled Haruhi to her core. A smaller blonde stood in front of them, with big gleaming brown eyes and a pink stuffed rabbit hanging from one of his arms. Then sitting in the center was a prince-like blonde, who was already looking at her in surprise. She was the one to gape when she saw you, standing even more to the left, near the one with the glasses. 
“Haruhi?” You asked, but just as you took a step forward, the twins sauntered up to Haruhi before you got the chance. Oh god. 
“Oh wow, its a boy!”
“Huh? No, act-” As you were about to correct them, Kyoya put a hand on your shoulder to stop you. 
“What?” You said turning to him.
“Don’t say anything. I want to see how this plays out.”
You deadpan, “You’re kidding me.”
“Oh (Y/n), I’ve never been one for humor.”
Poor Haruhi, you think, but keep your mouth shut, secretly wondering the outcome as well. 
“Hikaru. Kaoru. I believe this man is in the same class as you?” Kyoya turns back to your friends, pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. 
“Yeah but he doesn’t talk much-” Hikaru started.
“- we don’t really know much about him.” Kaoru finished.
“Well, that wasn't very polite. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Student.” Kyoya says, taking a step forward and writing something down in his notebook.
Tamaki takes another step forward, but seemingly something clicks in his head. “What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka! You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to say this whole time.” You mutter under your breath, Kyoya smirking next to you.
“How did you know my name?” Haruhi asks, nervously taking a step back, clearly wanting to leave.
“You’re famous, Haruhi!” You say, finally speaking loud enough to where the others can hear you, “It’s not everyday a commoner like you gets into a school like this. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy.”
“It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others.” Tamaki pouts. 
Haruhi frowns. “I think you're taking this poor thing too far.” 
Tamaki rushes to Haruhi’s side, taking her hand, dramatic sympathy in his eyes. “Spurned! Neglected! But that doesn't matter now. We welcome you, poor man, to our world of beauty!” 
Haruhi has become even more bewildered than when she walked in, trying to exit with a respectful, “I’m outta here.”
Just as she is trying to leave, the small blonde boy rushes over to her, stopping her slightly in front of a vase that you had always admired. He grabs her hand, and looks up at her with a beaming smile that melts the coldest of hearts. 
“Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!” Honey-senpai smiles at her even more, dazzling at his new found discovery.
“I'm not a hero, I'm an honor student. And who are you calling Haru-chan?!”
Tamaki puts a finger to his chin, “I never would have imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay.” 
You put your head in your hands, “Oh my god.” 
Tamaki strides over to Harhui, earning more sympathy from you as she backs up even more. He doesn’t give her personal space still, of course, and grabs her hand again, turning on his charm, “So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong silent type?” Tamaki gestures to Mori, who gives a slight nod. “The boy lolita?” Honey-senpai beams up at her once more. “How about the mischievous type?” Hikaru and Kaoru are still analyzing her with their eyes, and they give lazy salutes. “Or the cool type?” Kyoya gives her a flash of his glasses and a signature smirk.
Haruhi’s face contorts into a more horrified expression when she realizes that they are suggesting that she sought them out to flirt.
“I uh... I-It's not like that! I was just looking for a quiet place to study.” She backs up even more, not noticing the vase behind her. 
Your eyes widen, “Wait, Tamaki-”.
Tamaki continues to walk towards her, charm seeping through him as roses seem to circle him, “Or maybe you're into a guy like me.” He poses, another step forward, “What do you say?”
A flustered Haruhi stutters and takes another hasty step back, knocking your favorite vase off its mount. Haruhi turns quickly and watches it begin to fall, hastily reaching out for it in desperation. Her hand nearly grazes the handle, but it slips through her fingers and falls to the floor.
You and Haruhi both stare at the vase in mortified terror. You look over at Kyoya, who has lost the smirk and now sighs displeasingly at the words he writes into his notebook. You frown too, knowing how this is going to end. 
The twins step forward to look down onto the broken porcelain, already knowing how to create another hell. 
Kaoru tsks, shaking his head, “Oh, now you've done it, commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at eight million yen.”
Haruhi chokes on air, ”What, eight million yen? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in eight million? I'm gonna have to pay you back.” She starts to count on as many fingers and toes as she can. The twins begin teasing her on how she couldn’t even afford a uniform, let alone 8 million yen. 
You take pity on her, and in her trance, you lead her away from the broken glass in order to start cleaning it up. You were able to join the host club as an errand girl, cleaning and cooking and serving for the boys when they needed you. At the beginning, you had entered the Music Room looking for the host club because you needed an extracurricular that wasn’t a performing arts, since you had enough of those credits already. Plus, it put you in good standing with the chairman’s son and the third son of the Ootori’s, a family your mother deals with often, considering her development of medical technologies. 
Kyoya later admitted to letting you join because you intrigued him with your ambition to prove yourself, something he could relate to in his own way. You didn’t know that you had also caught his attention in other forms as well. To be fair, he didn’t either. 
You knelt down on your knees to begin picking up the largest pieces of glass, not bothering yourself with a broom due to the fact that it was in the closet across the room span, and you didn’t want anyone falling and cutting themselves immediately, considering how dense and clumsy the entire club was. 
Kyoya turns to look at you, ignoring the chaos caused by the first year trio, now fully focused on the broken pieces in your delicate palm.
“(Y/n), we have a broom in the closet just over there, why are you picking those up with your bare hands? You’re going to cut yourself. Someone else can pick those up.” Kyoya walks over to you and stops in front of you.
You look up at him, smirking at his concern. “I just don’t want anyone to fall on these big pieces, so I’m picking them up right away. This is what you hired me to do Kyoya, I’ll get the broom in a minute.” You carefully place another big piece of porcelain, balancing it on top of the small pile in your hand, when you feel a shadow over you.
Mori has retrieved the broom for you, and holds it out for you to grab.
“Oh wow, thank you Mori-senpai!” You look away from your hand for a moment and shift your balance to reach out and grab the broom, scooching your knees forward slightly to get closer to Mori’s grip. As you move your knee, it glides over one of the pieces of glass, cutting into your skin. 
“Ow!” You flinch, accidentally putting more weight on it, pressing the vase even further into your knee. Mori’s eyes widen and he goes to help you, but Kyoya is already beside you, grabbing onto your unoccupied hand and hoisting you up, pulling you close to him. The movement causes you to drop the pieces of vase you picked up previously, making them shatter into  smaller shards.
“(Y/n) are you alright?” Kyoya turns you around to face him to find a blush on your cheeks and small tears forming from the initial pain.
“It’s my knee, I-ow.” You laugh wetly in disbelief at how quickly karma came to bite you in the ass, and you look down to see a trail of blood making its way down your calf. Kyoya follows your eye-line and tightens the muscles in his jaw. He grasps your hand again and leads you to the front door with the intention of finding a bathroom. The trio comes back into earshot as you pass.
“So boss, what should we do?” The twins ask, as Haruhi still freaks out.
Tamaki flourishes, a smug look imprinted on his face, “ There's a famous saying you may have heard, Fujioka. When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do. Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means, starting today, you're the host club's dog.”
You stall, whipping your head to Tamaki, causing Kyoya to pause as well.
“Tamaki, Haruhi can’t be the errand gi-boy, that’s my job.” You look at him with confusion in your eyes.
Tamaki turns to face you and sees the blood dripping down your knee. He rushes over to you
“It doesn’t matter,” You brush him off, feeling another tug from Kyoya, but you don’t budge, “you can’t just go giving my position away like that, Tamaki, what am I supposed to do now?” 
Tamaki puts his chin back to his face, thinking as hard as he can. The twins look over to him, worried that he might sprain his brain. 
After sometime, Tamaki shoots up, an accomplished look on his face. 
“(Y/n) could become a host!”
The Music Room is quiet at first, but suddenly the hosts start crowding around you, minding your knee, and flood you with encouragement. A blush forms across your face at the thought of entertaining guests. Sure, it is definitely something you have wanted to try out, and you think that you could be good at it. You could be the “Sweet” type, or the “Beautiful” type, and you could definitely bring in more business, considering boys is a whole other audience to cater towards, and-
“Absolutely not.” Kyoya states, trying to pull you out once again to tend to your injury. 
“What?” The hosts exclaim as you turn to look at your friend in disbelief.
“But Kyo-chan, (N/n)-chan is so cute! She would do such a great job!” Honey said, using his puppy dog eyes on the Shadow King. 
“We can’t have two errand people-” Kaoru started.
“-but we can’t fire (Y/n) either.” Hikaru joined.
“I’ll think of some other way, no one is getting fired and debts will be paid. Right now, (Y/n) is bleeding and needs to be taken care of. She doesn’t need to be worried about entertaining crowds of men when she is the one that needs to be attended too. Excuse us, please.” Kyoya glares at the other hosts as they quickly make room, the aspect of a new opportunity for you making them space on the fact that you cut yourself just minutes ago. 
You and Kyoya exit the music room, Kyoya still holding your hand as he leads you into the women’s bathroom. During your walk you try to study his back, searching for any expression, but it’s hard to do so without seeing his eyes. Kyoya always prides himself on the mask he puts on for his guests, and he is confident that his emotions are well hidden. They are, but anyone who is as close to him as you are fail to tell him that his eyes give him away at a moment's glance. 
He walks into the women’s bathroom with you despite your protests, telling you sharply that the guests and students made their way back home, as it is after-school hours. 
He leads you to the counter of the sink and asks you to jump up on it. You do so, and now you are facing him, trying to scan his face for any sign. Kyoya reaches into his coat pocket and takes out a mini first aid kit, something you knew he always carried around.
“For emergencies.” He said, holding it up and gesturing to your knee. 
He opens the kit and finds the mini bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a small patch of gauze.
“Uh, Kyoya, is that really necessary?” You sweatdrop, not wanting to suffer anymore today.
“Yes, (Y/n), this is necessary so you don’t get an infection. Or would you like me to remind you that you cut yourself on broken pottery that sat in dust from the floor?” His tone was sharper than the tone he usually used with you. He was mad. 
“Look Kyoya, I’m sorry about this, I know it’s inconvenient to take you out of club duties and everything.” Kyoya met his eyes with yours and then back to the task at hand, but in that flash you saw something akin to annoyance. 
“It’s not inconvenient to take care of you, (Y/n), it’s inconvenient when you go against your better judgment to use a broom. I know you’re smarter than that.” He puts the liquid on the gauze. One of his hands holds the back of your calf, and after cleaning the blood that ran down your leg, making your cheeks a slight pink from the touch and the compliment he just gave you, he hovers it over your cut, moving the unoccupied hand to a respectful place on your outer thigh. 
“It’s going to sting.” Kyoya said, prompting you to give him an oh really? I never would have guessed look.
“On three?” He asks, meeting your eyes again. This time the annoyance has mixed with concern.
“On three.” You say, moving a hand over his on your leg, preparing for the feeling. 
Kyoya nods and counts. “One…” and on two there is a cold, sizzling, stinging feeling on your knee, making you gasp and tighten your grip on his hand. Kyoya shifts his hand to hold yours as he presses the gauze into your cut. 
“You son of a bitch”, you say, trying to crack a smile through the discomfort. Kyoya watches you with a smirk of his own, and while the concern is still there, you find the annoyance has disappeared. He lifts the gauze much to your enjoyment, and goes to rummage through the med kit to find ointment and a band-aid, letting go of your hand. 
“So what do you really think of me being a host?” You say, trying to gauge his reaction once more.
Kyoya gives you a side eye, his mouth drooping into something disapproving. You find yourself missing the smirk. “It’s unnecessary”, he says and he moves towards you again to put an antioxidant ointment on your cut, “Tamaki doesn’t know the numbers like I do, so he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“So, what, you’re going to be paying the salary for two errand people? A salary that I know we don’t have the budget for?” You ask, reaching over to grab the bandaid from the box and putting it on yourself so you feel like your helping.
“No, obviously not, that wouldn’t work.” Kyoya walks to the entrance of the bathroom with you, turning and waiting for you to adjust your skirt.
“Then I have to quit?” You say, walking up behind him, “I really like this club Kyoya, I-”
He turns around, and puts a hand on your shoulder, you two suddenly being very close, “You do not have to quit either, (Y/n), that’s never going to be a part of the solution. We all want you to stay.” He looks at you for a long enough moment to notice another shade of gray in his eye, then ducks his head and pulls out his book, opening it to a page and studying it, putting some space between you.
You blink and put on a soft smile, “Then just hear me out.”
Kyoya raises an eyebrow and looks at you, giving you his attention. 
“If I were to be a host, I would be marketing towards a whole other demographic of students. Around 57% of the student population at Ouran Academy is male. Not saying that we have never had male guests, as we always support the LGBTQ+ community, but even they are a small recorded percentage. That’s nearly half of a market that we aren’t utilizing to our advantage. Think of the money that could go towards the host club, and the kind of budget you would have in order to grow this place,” you take another step towards him, “and I think that I could be really good at it. At the tea party tomorrow, just let me go for a trial run. If I fail, I fail, but if I succeed, then you need to seriously consider me as a permanent host. Deal?”
Kyoya gives you a once over. You’re going to be the death of him. 
It has always been obvious to him that you wish that you were a host. You love being around them and helping the club in anyway that you can, and you always felt that being a host was the most influential position, meaning you could help the most. And he knows that you would be good at it. Damn good at it. You’re beautiful, kind, smart, talented, and incredibly out of their league, which would only make them want you more. You would have an audience of guests in no time, bringing in publicity and money that would almost rival Tamaki. 
But Kyoya for some reason has always clenched his teeth at the thought of the boys that would get to surround you, have you flirt with them and whisper sweet nothings into their ears. They would buy you gifts and sweets, while you flashed them your signature smile. You wouldn’t be able to sit with him anymore due to your busy scheduling of clients. The image gives him a pit in his stomach. 
He studies your face and realizes that for him to deny you with absolutely no reason other than a selfish one would be against something you stood for, and he was smart enough to know to always stand behind something you were passionate towards. You had even studied the stable numbers, something you knew he was appreciative of. 
Kyoya sighs, “Okay. One session. We will advertise you as a new limited time host, and we will see how it goes from there. But you must teach Haruhi what you can so that he-she doesn’t do the wrong thing.” He looks down at your knee. “I suppose though, it doesn't matter how much training she gets.”
He looked back up to your face to see a shocked look. He waits for your reply, knitting his brows together.
“Did you hear what-oof!” Kyoya was cut off as you hugged him, thanking him repeatedly, clearly excited. He chuckles and wraps his arms around you for a moment before pulling back. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”, you exclaimed, pumping your fists in victory, and dancing with excitement while Kyoya looks at you with feigned annoyance. 
“Please stop that, you’re embarrassing me.” 
“Mmmmm…no.” You laugh, and continue celebrating.
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lovelieajax · 2 years
♡ :: romance tropes with them
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synopsis :: romance tropes + scenarios with the genshin men. (modern!au)
ft. ayato, diluc, childe x gn!reader (separate)
wc :: 541 (ayato), 498 (diluc), 797 (childe)
cw. n/a
a/n :: childe's is a little unrealistic but i got carried away haha
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ayato + childhood friends to lovers
- I’d like to bet he didn’t have a childhood any other kid would typically experience like playing in mud, not having a care in the world.
- The way he acts as is pretty much how he would act now (sophisticated, collected, polite).
- So I’m thinking his schedule was jam-packed with studies all day long, learning from private tutors and playing with his sister.
- Until he met you at school one day playing with your friends! He’s very competitive even at a very young age, so when he sees you and your friends playing tag, sparkles immediately burst in his eyes.
- He’s so ecstatic about it too :(( like he’s so dedicated to winning whatever it is so his parents or even someone he doesn't know would be proud of him.
- And so you befriended him, putting up with his antics throughout high school until you both unfortunately parted ways to pursue different careers. He wanted to study business to further prepare himself as the next chairman of his father's company whereas you wanted to do something different.
- As best friends, you tried to make your friendship work out but with Ayato being so busy and drowned in work, the connection between the both of you vanished.
- His father’s company rose rather rapidly, spreading to other parts of the world. Taking note of seeing it on the news, you think back to the little Ayato you knew and decided to pay him a visit.
- Asking if Kamisato Ayato was there at the front desk, the receptionist worker looked you up and down and asked if you had a reservation or an appointment.
- Unfortunately, you didn’t. The wait list was a week or two, and you couldn’t wait that long. Just as you were about to leave, a hand gets placed on your shoulder, making you turn.
- To your surprise, it was Ayato! He’s breathless, panting, and at a loss for words after spotting you at the front desk. He offers to catch up the next day for lunch or dinner, and of course you accept.
- So much and so little had happened since the day both of you parted. He was still the same old Ayato you knew.
- He would frequently visit your workplace on your lunch break no matter how busy or how much work he needed to do just so he could see you. He would buy fresh flower bouquets with various types of snacks within them and leave it at your doorstep if you were busy.
- How he confesses his love for you is adorable! It’s night, and you’re both in a secluded place with a lot of greenery surrounding you, beautiful bridges leading from one to another over koi ponds. He’d grab your wrist gently, stopping under a dimly lit lamp abruptly and kiss you, hands cupping your face.
- “I’ve loved you for quite some time, Y/N. I can’t help but wonder where or what you've been doing ever since we reconnected.” He’d pull away from your teary face, eyes softening at the sight of your disoriented state. Pulling you into a tight embrace, he whispered sweet nothings as he patted your back.
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diluc + roomates
- I don’t think he’d be around a lot because of his ever-growing wine business, but to think you're roommates with the Diluc Ragnvindr in a small, compact apartment is pretty crazy.
- And you’ve even talked about it with him before on one of his “off” days. He says he doesn’t want to move to save money, but his actions show that he just wants to stay with you no matter where.
- Years ago, he looked for a cheap but comfortable apartment because with a roommate because back then (still now), all he did was stay home and work on documents. And then you came along! You, too, had wanted a roommate for your own reasons.
- So the both of you talked a lot about random stuff happening in life, about work, family, etc.
- From the moment you met him, his demeanor appeared to be cold and ruthless, but on the inside he’s really just a goof who loves his pet tortoise dearly and pampers it to the best of his ability.
- The two of you got closer and closer over time, eventually talking about more personal matters.
- He gives his full attention to you whenever you’re feeling down or need to talk with someone, regardless of how much work he needs to get done. His presence and his endearing eyes gave you a sense of safety, warmth, trust, someone to lean on to.
- So when the pattern of him not being home often starts, knick-knacks and gifts would be sent to your doorstep. The first gift he ever gave you was a handmade wooden checkered pink and white basket filled with chocolate-covered strawberries, pretzels, roses, brownies, roses, and more small items you like tucked away.
- Each gift will also come with a personalized note. Diluc is an old-fashioned man, so instead of texting, he sends letters with a special seal that he uses just for you.
- If you had been oblivious to all the signs he gave that he likes you, he confesses his love somewhere secluded and has a special meaning to either you (he cares about your happiness and well-being much more than his) or the both of you together.
- He’d hold both of your hands in his, avoiding eye contact as his cheeks would flush a bright red, much like his hair color. You’re confused, asking if he’s okay until he suddenly cupped your face with one hand, the other still holding onto yours, and put his lips on yours.
- It’s quite invigorating, seeing him all riled up and flustered because of you.
- “Y/N…” he’d breathe out between panting breaths. “I’ve waited so long for this… wondering if you liked me back or not.” A small chuckle escaped his lips, hands caressing your cheeks. “Now I don’t have to wonder anymore. As long as you’re with me-by my side, no matter what goes wrong- I feel as if I can do anything.”
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childe + love at first sight
- He first encounters you walking down the street towards a café when he’s out with his friends, and the only thing on his mind right there and then is you.
- He stays behind his group of friends and starts to go towards the café. He walks but immediately starts running when he thinks of you again.
- Fixes his composure a couple feet away from the shop, fixing his hair and making sure his jacket is on correctly.
- Approaches you after you have taken a seat, waits for your order, and says hi sheepishly.
- He has a lot of things to say about you at first sight, but restrains himself, for that would be strange and uncomfortable for you.
- Just as he thought, you smile and say hi back, putting your phone in your pocket and giving him your attention.
- You get your order and start having small, short conversations with him about random things. Though he is paying attention, his thoughts are more focused on other things, like how elegant and smooth your voice is or the way you laugh and smile whenever he tells a lame joke.
- He’d ask if you’re busy, and if not, he’d offer to walk you around the city to get to know one another better. (Of course you say yes)
- Would walk you around the city and introduce you to some places if you’re new (and vice versa) and definitely would go into shops you look at for more than a few seconds, buying you whatever you seem interested in.
- (You think he's going overboard but he insists).
- His phone blows up with messages from his friends asking him where he went. He excused himself and went off to a different part of the shop to call one of them.
- Comes back and sees you with another person, one who couldn’t take the hint of you being uncomfortable.
- So he storms in between the both of you in almost a t-pose to separate the distance. He gets really jealous and a little possessive easily and is quick to leave the store with you.
- If you didn’t have anywhere to go or needed to go back home, he’ll either walk you there or walk you to wherever you’re getting your ride.
- If not, he’ll most likely buy you dinner and get dessert afterwards. (And do the above once you need to go).
- Is sad about it, but super pumped he got to meet and hang out with you for the whole day. (He slyly asked for your number by making a deal that if he won a stuffed animal from the claw machine, you'd give him your number. Even though it took him many tries, he still got you a really adorable stuffed animal).
- A couple more days like this happen, except it’s exploring or eating at newer places you guys haven’t been, getting to know each other more along the way.
- He always knew his relationship with you was unlike any other. It was something he felt months ago when he first saw you walking down the street. Fireworks went off in his brain; heart rapidly beating when he saw you up close. Your soft eyes glimmering in the sun, the way they looked at him when speaking, and your infectious smile, which lit up the whole room.
- He was up really late and sleep deprived when he had the sudden urge to call you ‘his’ or ‘mine’. Would definitely text or call you, spamming your notifications to make sure you were awake.
- You pick up groggily, mumbling into the phone. He says to meet you at this location and nothing else. (It's really early, and he doesn't realize how eerie it sounds).
- Hesitantly getting out of bed and getting ready for the morning, you decide to go to the location he sent you to because, well, you trust him.
- -He'd confess his love to you when it’s dark and silent, not a single car in sight. It’s just you and him under the streetlamp, hand in hand.
- He’s more than ecstatic to see you running up to him, surprising him with a big hug. He’s unquestionably nervous, but the way you look up at him with such awe, innocence, and admiration gives him the last bit of confidence he needed.
- “I love you… everything about you sends shivers down my spine. I stay up all night thinking about you-hell, even when I'm conscious I still only think about you. Even the little things you subconsciously do get me so riled up…” He cups your face, watching tears stream down your eyes as he kisses them away.
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© lovelieajax all rights reserved; please do not copy, translate, or edit/repost my works.
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chiffiorra · 2 years
i. keep away from my blog if you are within the typical DNI criteria. same goes for: no age anywhere in your bio, minors, porn blogs, pro-ana/thinspo blogs, blank blogs, gore blogs, polyphobic, and sending hate on/off anon. do not get me involved in any discourse or drama. it's not my thing, homie. silent readers are also irking, at least don't admit you are one when all you have to do is like and reblog from your account lmao.
ii. i do dabble in/write dark content. if that is not your thing, do block my "#after dark 🌩" tag. keep yourself safe.
iii. i mainly write for fem!reader UNLESS you request otherwise. i have no issue writing for a male!reader or gender neutral/nb!reader, i'll do my best!
iv. i write for the following fandoms: pokémon, jojo's bizzare adventure, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, tokyo revengers, bleach, one piece, demon slayer, blue lock, and haikyuu. more will come up soon.
v. please do not request the following topics: watersports, scat, vomit, necrophilia, zoophilia, incest, adult × minor, guro/ero-guro, loli/shotacon, daddy kink (i'll make jokes but that's it), raceplay, bully x victim (personal reasons sorry), and hard drugs.
vi. underage characters that have not aged up in canon will only get sfw fluff or angst. some people can do more, but i personally can't. it's nothing bad or any form of beliefs (i do not align with either side), i just want to avoid potential unneeded discourse. i hope you understand and don't see me any differently.
vii. i also do not consent to my work being shared onto other platforms. unless it's under dragons-and-skulls/hanmaesthetic on tumblr or ao3, it's not me.
viii. no spam liking unless reblogging is involved. appreciate the thought but i really prefer to not get shadowbanned pretty please. plus, that's insulting.
ix. there are characters that i will not write for. my hat's off to those who can write for them/love them, but i can't lol.
x. no requests for in pokémon: lusamine, chairman rose, and lysandre (more may show up soon).
xi. no requests for in JJBA: dario brando, rudol von stroheim, enya, j. geil, alessi, nena, anjuro katagiri, and cioccolata.
xii. no requests for in jujutsu kaisen: mahito and naoya zenin.
xiii. no requests for in my hero academia: all for one, daruma ujiko/kyudai garaki, overhaul/kai chisaki, and endeavor/enji todoroki.
xiv. no requests for in tokyo revengers: tetta kisaki and taiju shiba.
xv. no requests for in one piece: blackbeard crew (lafitte is an exception), gekko moria, oars, and edward weevil.
xvi. no requests for in bleach: mayuri kurotsuchi and szayelaporro granz.
xvii. no requests for in demon slayer: douma and gyokko.
xviii. no requests for in blue lock: wataru kuon.
xix. no requests for in haikyuu: suguru daishou.
♡~ that is all for now, talk to me anytime! ~♡
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aratakiis · 3 years
nsfw headcanons for chairman rose? T w T he needs more love
yes rose does need more love.
nsfw under the cut, please enjoy anon!
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-Rose may or may not be a voyeurist ;)
-Would definitely whip you with his belt. He's into telling you how bad you've been, how needy you are for him, how much of a whiny little bitch you are for him. He's a bit mean.
-Hard dom. Very hard dom.
-He would choke you out, hearing your whines and cries as you take him more and more. Slapping you when you plead for him to stop. He isn't that mean though, he uses a safeword so he can take care of you when it really is too much.
-Huge sucker for blow jobs. He loves it when you suck his dick underneath his desk.
-Puts his belt/tie around your neck or hands while he roughly fucks you on top of his desk.
-Rose is a very observant and intelligent man, he knows what you like and he puts it to use. He knows just how to achieve it, too.
-Rose isn't always mean though. If you're a bit gentle he make sure he's less rough with you, he only goes hard when you desperately beg him to.
-Speaking of begging, he loves it when you beg him to fuck you. Whining for him to just glaze over a sensitive spot with his hands or kiss another inch of your skin.
-He likes to show you off like a prized trophy. You're all his, and everyone has to know that.
-Oh, he's definitely into CNC.
-Likes to cum inside, he makes sure of it.
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