#but tim had one foot on the other side so he probably would thought that he was dreaming if he would
mawrjexel · 4 months
I see people say that Damian likes classical music but that gremlin definitely likes R&B, pop and kpop, but he will never admit it, he likes music with strong instrumentals and loves songs with good bridges.
So we all know that Damian is never fully asleep and that he has a lot of nightmares and is always on his guard, sometimes when he can't sleep and is very paranoid he definitely starts listening to music and starts dancing all over his room and goes down. like at 4 am to eat (everyone goes to sleep at 3 am or leaves the manor because if they stay Alfred will force them to go to sleep) while he walks down the normal hallway while singing silently and he goes down the stairs dancing (he's a teenager, let him be)
definitely kiss of life, beyonce, ariana grande, the weekend and chase atlantic are in his 4 am playlist.
On patrol he listens to nmixx, aespa, stray kids and bts (one of his favorite songs is no more dream, fight me)
Cass introduced him in the world of kpop, she definitely knows all of gfriend's choreographies (which are terribly complicated), and she taught them to damian while they were spending charity time together because they are the only members of the "raised by league" club of assassins and later taken in by bruce wayne"
Damian also sings very good but the only ones who know that are Duke (he heard him singing and told him he sang well), Cass because he once snuck into the mansion (there was supposed to be no one there) and heard him, and Alfred because he's alfred
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vechter · 10 days
ao3 for dick grayson fics is such a trying experience, truly bc what do you mean there's not one, not two but an overwhelming abundance of fics where dick is a bad sibling and jason todd is the ideal, supportive, drops-everything-for-your-crisis sibling?
like i can understand the appeal of exploring the lesser of dick's choices and character traits and how those impact his relationships with the rest of the bats but you mean to tell me that any of them- damian, tim, cass- tim, especially- would willingly go to jason for help when they have the option of asking dick?
as much as red robin is a deeply rich, complex story about grief and morality, i'm afraid it did irreparable damage to dick's character, not to mention tim's (that boy does not have an egregiously high body count, comics would never gloss over that kind of mass death or be implicit about it in any way if that had actually happened)
dick's primary character thesis is being a safety net for people who fall- the way bruce and batman were for him after his parents died. it's one of his chief driving forces. there is no world where he doesn't help out a stranger, let alone his siblings if they come to him for help. and despite all of the bats being notoriously bad at asking for help and support, the number of instances where dick is an empathetic listener, doling out advice and emotional support and compassion (even when people are tight-lipped about needing any of those things) far outweighs the times he has been short-sighted or intentionally harsh. no character is perfect but to see how often jason is written favourably whilst simultaneously dragging dick is maddening fr
like, fine you like jason a lot. it can be fun and cathartic to write about him choosing to develop relationships outside of his grief/trauma/revenge with bruce (although i think that the most compelling thing about jason is how much of his character post-resurrection is driven by existing as a dead boy walking so to see him actually care about living and making healthy choices would probably require something beyond therapy with harley quinn lmao) but is it really necessary to do that while putting dick down? both tim and damian have seen dick while he is decidedly not at his best (reeling from the circus burning down in nw '96, grieving bruce, finding his footing as batman) and have come out the other side firm in their belief in him. cass, unfortunately is more removed from dick's immediate circle but that's a whole other tangent about how peripheral dick is to both of the batgirls that come after babs. steph, by virtue of having a parent who is alive, is lucky enough to be removed from more of the complicated dynamics all of them have with each other. and while dick is an ass in her initial batgirl days, he does warm up to her (but that again is a whole other post considering the legitimacy and nuances of characterizations in batgirl- tim never gets the same flak for his treatment of steph despite being much, much closer to her and actually knowing her beyond the second robin to die- and even then, when dick finds out about steph's death, the gist of initial reaction is to blame bruce, perhaps, rightfully so)
like you're falling for his act!!! as readers of a form of media like comics, we are lucky enough to get a glimpse into dick's inner neuroses and thought-processes while simultaneously seeing how he acts on them. ofc we see him make mistakes but a lot of the other characters don't!! and if/when they do, they don't see beyond the performance he delivers. even barring the fucked-up-ness of a high stakes job like vigilantism where trauma and death and adrenaline are linked together messily, no relationship between two people is perfect. people hurt each other, people lash out!! but the most compelling thing about dick is how often he reaches out, how often he swings back even after he has swung away!! that's what makes him such a source of light, hope and positivity for everybody he encounters
and this is not even touching n52 which seems like the most hasty kind of decision making and writing from editorial with no consideration for a lot of the characters' histories, lore and their core characterizations
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minty364 · 24 days
DPXDC Prompt 58 Part 7
The long dining room that held the ornate old dining table that seated way too many people already held  most of the family. Bruce was missing and Damian informed them he was at work, the only other person missing was Jason but it was typical for him to skip out as he didn’t live there and didn’t have the best track record with the rest of the family. That left Damian, Tim, Cass, Duke, and Dick seated.
Damian sat next to the chair that Bruce normally sat in at the head of the table. Tim sat across from Damian followed by Dick, Duke, and Cass. Danny sat next to Damian and Jazz sat next to Danny. 
“So, how was school?” Dick asked his elbows on the table with his head on his hands and a smile. He was the only adult in their life besides Bruce that actually cared about their schooling. 
Danny had actually forgotten that all of this had happened in just one day. The thought was a little jarring if Danny was being honest with himself. He wasn’t sure what to tell Dick, on one hand he was just asking about school on the other… no he wasn’t going to think about what happened right now. Just the thought caused phantom volts to go through his body like he was reliving the accident. He felt a nudge to his foot from the right and looked up to see Damian giving him a quizzical look. He cleared his throat and looked back over to Dick who was giving him the same kind of look. 
“I-I’m, uh… school was fine, didn’t learn much since school just started,” He eventually decided to say after stumbling on his words a little. 
“Dash isn’t picking on you again this year is he?” Dick asked with a concerned look on his face. 
Danny wished it was just Dash, the pain he felt from the portal was a thousand times worse than anything the bullying blond could pull. If it was just Dash, Danny could have just laughed it off and forgotten it probably, but it wasn’t just Dash and Danny couldn’t help but take a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts and calm himself.
He startled as he felt a hand on his knee, he looked to his left to see Jazz giving him a look of sympathy as she rubs her thumb comfortingly on his knee. She then spoke, “Danny you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Okay?”
Danny gave her a small nod, a small smile on his face. 
Before a new topic could be discussed Alfred arrived with their food and began serving them. Danny loved the food the old butler cooked especially since he was able to do so in a kitchen that wasn’t contaminated. Alfred did his best to make sure everyone was served food to their liking, as long as it was a balanced meal at the end of the day the elderly butler would serve just about anything you’d request.
Danny picked up his fork to begin on his salad, however when he tried to push the fork into the lettuce his hand felt a cooling sensation with pins and needles and his fork went through his hand. He stared at his hand for a moment wondering what just happened. He then picked up his fork to try again and was able to get a mouth full, but when he went for a second bite it happened again, his fork clanging against the bowl again.
“Something wrong Danny? You're staring at your hand weird,” Danny heard Dick speaking and looked up to see Dick staring at him giving him an odd look. 
Danny couldn’t help but rub his neck nervously with his other hand, he hoped to get ahold of whatever this was so no one noticed. Though knowing his luck everyone probably did notice, over the years he and Jazz both noticed that the Wayne family was much more observant than their media persona’s showed. 
Dinner continued and Danny struggled to eat anything as anything he tried to hold fell through his hand frustratingly and Danny couldn’t help but get agitated. 
Eventually his glass he was holding slipped through his hand and tumbled onto the floor shattering into a thousand pieces. Danny let out a frustrated sigh as he stared at the mess he made. 
Before he could stand to clean up Alfred appeared by his side with a dustpan and broom and began cleaning it up, “are you still feeling unwell Master Daniel? Perhaps you should retire for the evening, I will attend to this mess.” Danny begrudgingly nodded his head and made his way out of the room.
He wasn’t alone for long as Damian and Jazz tailed him out of the room. 
“What was that? It looked like your spoon was going through your hand,” Jazz asked after they were a ways from the dinning room.
“Jazz, honestly I don’t know, it felt cold and then anything I tried holding fell through my hand.” Danny brushed his bangs away from his forehead and they dropped back into his face as he dropped his hands back down to his side.
The walk went silent after that, although it didn’t stay for long as Danny felt the cooling sensation again but this time through his whole body, he let out a yelp as he felt his body sink into the floor.
Damian and Jazz looked at him with panic but as they grabbed at his arms or his hands to pull him back up they went through him just as the spoon and apparently the ground now. 
He let out a panicked yell as the floor swallowed him whole, so now he was sinking further down further into the earth. What was going to happen to him? Would he ever find his way back up?
Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long as the cooling sensation left and as gravity took hold of him again he fell. Apparently there was a cave under the manor and he was able to turn back into solid as he felt air again. There was no way he was surviving this, even with new weird powers now was when he’d get impaled by spikes right?
The cave was too dark to make out much but Danny thought he might have seen a computer with several monitors. That didn’t matter now as he finally landed, and he grunted as he landed on a person who also grunted as having a teen land on you couldn’t be the most comfortable.
He knew he was in big trouble when he realized who he landed on, “Batman??”
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jjuwuni · 4 months
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shortcut to heaven | yang jungwon x oc
pairings — yang jungwon x reader
genre — fluff, angst, college!au, fake dating trope, drama, occasional smut (minors dni please)
summary —  Two strangers seemingly cross paths, everywhere they go. 
Would they find their heaven among their chaotic lives? 
“ That’s right, I’m talking to you, ” Jungwon, THE Yang Jungwon, with his arm, outstretched, index pointing right at me, “ Do you want to be my girlfriend? Fake girlfriend, that is, so make sure you don't end up falling for me. ” With his right dimple in full view, he smirks at me. 
And that was the day my whole life turned upside down.
warnings — a SOCMED AU but with heavy narrations, fake dating trope with some twist n' turns, compared to my other stuff this one is definitely more on the cute, fluff side hehe so not much warnings in terms of content ! OT7 enha is present, as well as probably other 4th gen idols, will use nwjns minji as the faceclaim for y/n, alcohol, drunken mishaps, profanity, there might be slightly dark themes surrounding family and love, no mnc i assure you, making out, smut etc. will happen so minors 👀 watching you !
[ preview (w/ character list) here ! ]
A/N: this is the first part of the STH series!! hope you like it!! it's quite a jam-packed chapter ^^ do let me know what you think and let me know if you want to be added into the taglist as well.
taglist: @jwnghyuns
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Jungwon fixes his hair in place under his beanie that morning, spraying a good amount of his Dior Sauvage perfume and heading down a long flight of stairs toward the foyer of their estate. Yes, estate. 
Some would describe his life as being born with a silver spoon. Or in the Yang’s case, a diamond-encrusted spoon. His life was everything but normal, with their family being one of the most well-known families belonging to the 1% of society. 
The best part? He was bound to inherit this all. 
Him, Sunghoon, Niki and Heeseung have been friends for as long as they all can remember. Though varying in ages, the four of them have hit it off since they were all in diapers, with their parents being friends since their childhood days as well.
To put it simply, the three other guys’ families were also a part of the same bracket of society. 
Some would also describe Jungwon as having everything in life. 
But one thing was missing. 
The one thing that he’s been working hard for the most. 
Han Sooyoung. Jungwon has had a crush on her since they were classmates back in high school. She was everything he could ever, ever want. If he were to be the king of the world, he would want no one else but her to be his queen. 
Here’s the catch though, she doesn’t want him. 
Or at least, that’s what she says every time. But deep down, Jungwon knew that she was only trying to play hard-to-get, and who was he to deny her of that? If it meant that he would get her in the end, Jungwon was willing to move mountains for her.
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Jinae was fucked, to say the least. After coming back to her dorm at 4am, she didn't realize that she passed out on her bed out of pure exhaustion. As much as she didn’t want to work nights, she knew she needed the extra money for her daily expenses. 
Ever since she set foot into her university journey, she told her parents not to worry about her anymore. She no longer wanted to be a burden to her family. After all, her family was chest-deep in expenses and debts.
Which is why she resorted to becoming a working student - juggling two jobs along with her academics. Hard as it was, Jinae thought this would be for the better.
This is why she studies hard and works hard. She desires to one day give back to her parents, after all the sacrifices they've made for her and her older brother, working tirelessly for them to be able to put food on their plates and a roof over their heads. 
Luckily, she made it in time, just in time, as the second group just finished their presentation. 
When Jinae entered through the back door of the classroom, all she heard were resounding cheers and woooo’s! all around. Sitting next to her best friend Sunoo in the back row, she couldn’t help but scowl. 
YANG JUNGWON was front and center, with a rather cheeky smile on his face, as if taking in all the cheers from their classmates and relishing in the moment. Of course, he would get that kind of reception from their peers. He was well-loved, no, scratch that, worshipped - no matter where he went and no matter what he did. 
But to someone like Jinae, it was all so superficial. Everyone is just being nice to the guy with the money, the guy with the clout, the nepo baby. Even though she was certain that he didn’t know nor even had the slightest inkling of her existence, Jinae abhorred people like him. 
Because people like him come from families who take advantage of people like her parents. 
She’s seen it all firsthand.
She watched as affluent families demolished their houses and told them to move out, she’s seen her dad beg on his knees, wishing they wouldn’t take their house away just so they could build big buildings around the city as a display of wealth. 
And so, no one could blame her for harboring such feelings around people like Jungwon.
Not that she would say it out loud though, because this university is his. He and his friends had everyone wrapped around their fingers. Even their professor, who can currently be seen smiling and clapping for Jungwon’s group.
"Yo, good luck out there." Remember when she just said that Jungwon probably didn't know who she was? Well, maybe she was wrong on that end because she heard him say that next to her ear as they passed each other on the way to the front of the class, coupled with a little tap on the shoulder and the smile he had on earlier still in place.
Jinae could only sneer, it sounded so condescending coming from him.
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Going down from his Audi R8 silver vehicle, Jungwon makes his way toward the back area of the Yang estate. A couple of years ago, this part of the estate was pretty much a forest. But the four friends decided that as they were getting older, they needed their own mancave-slash-hang-out place.
A place where they could all just meet up after their long days, talk, drink, and hang out. 
The entrance to the hideout looked unassuming, you wouldn’t think that there was anything there, just a mound of soil and grass and a cave opening, but as you head down a flight of concrete stairs and walk up to the steel door to open it, you’re greeted by a different world. 
The four of them built this idea from scratch. And no one knows about the passcode to the cave except the four of them (and the people who are tasked to clean it every so often, of course). 
As Jungwon enters the rangers hideout, (yes, it’s what they call it, as the four of them were OBSESSED with power rangers growing up), he spots Ni-ki playing pool in one corner, with a sullen Heeseung standing at the other end - clearly giving us an indication on who was winning.
Sunghoon, on the other hand, was set up in the bar area, laptop and books open, with a glass of scotch in his hand. 
Jungwon decides to join Sunghoon by the bar, grinning at him whilst sitting down on the bar stool next to his, “Are you seriously doing homework? Hyung come on, will you live a little?” 
The older only chuckles in response. With that, Jungwon doesn’t pry, he knows the kind of immense pressure Sunghoon is in. His dad and his family were part of a long line of lawyers and prosecutors, and if he were to aim for Harvard Law School, he needed a flawless transcript. 
“Yo, Jungwon hyung, how'd it go with Sooyoung this morning?” The younger Ni-ki asks, making his way over to the duo by the bar. 
The older between the two had to stop himself from cringing, “Eh, you know. The usual.” Rubbing his nape, he could only shrug his shoulders. “I brought her tulips. Have them flown in from Europe. She took them, said thank you, kissed me on the cheek then left me to go to class.” 
Ni-ki inhaled through his teeth, it was tough seeing his best friend like this. “Bro, seriously, I know we make fun of you a lot but are you ever planning to give up? Clearly, Sooyoung doesn’t like you like that. And you know what? It’s so sad to see THE Yang Jungwon getting rejected over and over.” 
It wasn’t like he wasn’t aware of that, Jungwon knew he looked like a fool at this point after relentlessly pursuing her for years. But he couldn’t help it. “The heart wants what it wants, Niks.” 
“Oh puhlease, save the cringe sayings for someone else, hyung.” The younger replies, his face clearly showing a look of disgust. “I admire your persistence. That's all I have to say.” 
The other two older guys watched on, donning sad smiles, knowing that they both couldn’t talk Jungwon out of it either. The three of them know him well enough to say that once he sets his mind to something, he tunnel visions.
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annalu86 · 1 year
Tim could hear the key in the doorway, Lucy would be walking through the door to her apartment any second and would immediately see all his hard work and he was, honestly, super excited.
He had spent his entire day off running round the city picking up bits and pieces, he’d even been to a stationery store to print and laminate things.
And it was time to see if all his hard work would pay off.
On the kitchen island Tim had placed 2 large boxes and a large glass jar. One box was label ‘Taste’, the other ‘Have’ and the jar was labelled ‘Time’. The boxes were full of a variety of parcels, wrapped as neatly as Tim was capable and the jar was full of brightly coloured, miniature envelopes.
Tim stood proudly behind them, nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waited for his girlfriend to push open the door.
She stopped instantly, not even halfway through the door, as she spotted him and his unusual set up.
“Hey” Lucy said slowly popping her keys on the little table next to the door “you ok there Babe?”
“I’ve got a surprise for you!” The nervous excitement bursting out of him, coming out from behind the counter and taking her hands.
“I see that!” Lucy’s smile brightened instantly to match his. Tim gets Lucy to sit on a stool facing his surprise.
“So, you remember we talked about me helping you study? For the detectives exam” Lucy nodded, eyes not leaving the boxes and jar in front of her. “Well you both know I wouldn’t be much help with the actual studying” Lucy opened her mouth to protest but Tim silenced her, holding his hand up “it’s ok, but I thought there would be something I would be good at.” He paused, for dramatic effect.
“Go on” impatience pouring out of her as she reached her finger tips towards one of the boxes, clearly intrigued.
“During my time as your TO” Lucy’s face shot round to look at him, an appalled expression on her face and tim couldn’t help but laugh “during my time as your TO I became very good at motivating you to do your best”
“Through fear and humiliation!” Lucy wailed and Tim couldn’t help feeling a little smug
“No. Well maybe, sometimes” he conceded “but it worked didn’t it”
“Well I’m not your TO anymore. I’m your boyfriend so I thought maybe I could try some more Lucy friendly methods of motivation” he finished with a flourish, indicating to the items in front of them.
“Babe” Lucy signed, she stood up and raised herself onto her tiptoes. Her hands slid up his chest and round his neck as she pulled him the final few inches into a slow and tender kiss. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me”
“You haven’t seen what’s in them yet!” He joked earning himself a smack on the shoulder for ruining the moment.
“Well? What’s in them!” She let him go and started pulling one of the boxes towards her.
“Hold on, hold on!” He said placing a hand on each of her shoulders and lowing her back on to the stool “so first I thought ‘what motivates Lucy’ and that wasn’t hard. Food” he placed the ‘taste’ box so the label was facing her, followed by the ‘have’ box “‘cute things’ and last but probably most obviously ‘attention’” he said bringing the jar to the front.
At the last one Lucy laughed and swatted at his arm again “I’m not attention seeking!”
“I don’t mean like that” and he leaned forward to take the jar, kissing her forehead as he moved passed her quickly. He opened the jar and took out one a bright green envelope, opening it and pulling out a little laminated card. After reading it himself he turned it to face Lucy.
‘20 minute foot rub’
It said in bold letters across the middle. Underneath in much smaller letters:
(You can tell me all about the true crime podcast you’re listening to)
Tim was busying himself with sliding the little card back into the envelope and popping it back in the jar so he was slightly taken a back when Lucy launched herself at him, flinging her arms around his neck and burying her damp eyes into the side of his face.
“I figure you can choose something from one of the boxes or jar for every hour of studying you get done but that’s up to you. Some of the food for the ‘taste’ box is in the refrigerator so it doesn’t go bad” he wasn’t sure she was really listening as he wrapped his arms around her waist and then placed a series of kisses up her neck.
“This is just so thoughtful” she pulled away to look him in the eye “it must have taken you all day”
“Probably not as long as reading that book!” Tim laughed “so do you want to earn that first one now?”
Tim came home from work the following evening to Lucy sitting at the kitchen island, the same place she been when he left her that morning. He grinned as he took in all the little gifts and envelopes that surrounded the work station she had set up.
The last few bites of her favourite candy bar, a new picture frame that perfectly matched the colour of her sofa, a zesty smelling candle in a beautiful glass jar. The stack of 5 or 6 laminated cards made his stomach flutter, she had picked those over the more immediate rewards far more often. Picked time with him.
“Right” he said, rubbing his hands together, a huge smile on his face. “Let’s make a start on those cards!”
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An awkward smile pt. 2: Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader.
Damian Wayne x reader. Yandere!Damian Wayne x reader/ Yandere Damian Wayne x Reader
Word count: 4834 words
Part 1 HERE
TW: GN reader, Yandere, kidnapping, adult Damian Wayne (inspired and mostly based off of Damian in Batman beyond & Injustice 2: Gods among us), toxic family relations, obsession, someone getting stabbed with a katana, semi-vivid description of death. Other than that, there's no s*x or anything of the like.
It was dark outside, and still, you could hear the persistent chirping of some feathered foe just outside your balcony. You had attempted to fall to rest for over an hour, yet the constant outside noises kept distracting you from your goal.
Closing your eyes tight, you tried to let sleep take its place, but the bird seemed to take offence to this and turned up the volume of its screechy chatter. Giving up on your long-awaited sleep, you slowly sat up. 
A cold breeze blew in from your left, right through the doorless opening to your balcony. The sandy-coloured walls had been darkened with the shadows cast by the moonlight, which shone brightly that night. 
You sat alone in the enormous silken bed. Damian was fulfilling his duties as the Head of the league, overseeing large-scale plans of destruction. 
“Demon Spawn no longer, now a fully-fledged Demon”, you whispered to yourself. Speaking to yourself was a habit you had since you were a child, but after Damian brought you to 'Eth Alth'eban, you started doing it more frequently. There was no one else to talk to except Damian and his mother. The servants either didn’t speak a word of any language you knew, or they were too afraid of conversing with the spouse of the Demon. Both were equally likely possibilities to you. 
Looking at the balcony again, you thought about going out and admiring the moon. Damian would have a fit when he came in, and you weren’t lying in bed, ready for him to tuck you in, but it wouldn’t matter. As long as you stroked his thick hair and kissed his plump lips, it’d all be fine. No one would get hurt.
Crawling on all fours over the green and gold silk blankets, you slowly reached the edge of the bed. Swinging both of your feet over the side, you reconsidered momentarily. Should you really get out of bed, knowing full well that Damian would end up agitated? 
You stood still. 
Then, the bird screeched out again, and you felt a burning desire to see the perpetrator. Letting your foot gently fall on the brown tiles, you carefully made your way out on the balcony. It was high up, at least four or five stories, if you jumped, you’d die. That was probably the only reason why Damian had let you have it. He didn’t believe that you’d rather die than stay with him. He was right, partially. You had no wish for death, at least not such a gruesome one. But you were desperate. Desperate people sometimes do things they wouldn’t have under normal circumstances.
Looking out into the darkened view of 'Eth Alth'eban, you considered its beauty. Large sandstone buildings stretched as far as the eye could see, their doors and windows cut into intricate patterns reminiscent of flowers and plants. Their roofs were inspired by Chinese architecture, their building style Arabic and the city’s layout western. It was a weird combination, but it somehow worked wonderfully. “Like Damian”, a small voice in the back of your head whispered. You ignored how this city perfectly encompassed Damian’s heritage, his strangely frankensteined accent and how, if he hadn’t been so… psychotic, as Tim had put it, he would have been just as wonderful as the city he ruled with an iron fist.
Leaning over the roundly carved railing of the balcony, you spied after the screeching little antagonist who had kept you awake. It was neither on the wonderfully curved roofs around you nor on any of the near-growing palms. You were much too preoccupied with attempting to find the annoying menace to hear as the door to the outside hall unlocked and slowly opened.
“Beloved!” Damian’s brass voice rang out throughout the room and you swallowed hard. “Bullocks…”, you whispered gently, as you turned around and slowly peeped out from the side of the balcony’s entrance. 
Damian hadn’t noticed you yet as he scoured the entire bedroom and adjacent bathroom on the left side of the bed. “I’m here”, you muttered quietly, afraid of his reaction. Turning around fast, Damian stared you down, his green eyes shining like a cat’s, ready to pounce at any moment. 
“What were you doing out there?!” Damian practically hissed. 
“I was just looking for a bird that kept me up”, you tried to keep your voice level, but it was difficult when you had seen what Damian could do if provoked. 
The man in front of you raised one thick eyebrow, a clear sign that he didn’t believe you. Despite the curses you had mentally thrown that damned ball of feathers previously, you now wished deeply that it would call out once again. Damian moved his tongue to the inside of his right cheek as if he was looking for any pieces of food that might’ve gotten stuck there. Slowly one of his feet started tapping the floor impatiently, his head bopping along to the rhythm gently. At first, you were at a loss for what his body language was trying to tell you. But then you realised. He was waiting to see if there really was a bird or not before he took any further action. 
You stayed where you were, on the balcony, holding the side of the entrance tightly as you were only letting your head into view from the inside of the room.
The seconds seemed to pass incredibly slowly, and your fingers and toes turned cold despite the tropical weather. Damian sighed and was about to take a step closer to you when the infernal fowl finally whistled its hellspawn song. 
Damian stopped in his tracks, his jaw slowly losing its tenseness. A gentle “oh” pressed its way through his lips as he stood still, looking awkwardly towards you for no more than a second before regaining his composure. 
“I apologise, my beloved.” It came out more as realisation than as a true apology, but you’d take it. Damian rarely admitted fault when it came to anything.
“It’s okay”, you whispered, but it was not and you knew it. You shouldn’t have to be afraid of the man you married. It was wrong. It never felt like this with Tim… You reprimanded yourself mentally for thinking of your old friend. If you just ignored the bizarreness of Damian’s obsession with you, the fact that he forced you here against your will, that he may or may not have killed Tim, and everything else relating to the darker sides of his love, then your life might have seemed like a movie. You supposed most wouldn’t consider living in gilded luxury as a horrible fate, even if that entailed being locked within the confines of a room or next to your husband’s side for the rest of eternity. You lived in a cage of gold, with yourself being adorned in the finest fabrics and fed the best-made food imaginable. It was all too much. You had never enjoyed this type of excessive opulence and it all felt forced, a useless attempt at covering up the cracks in your relationship with gold.
Damian bowed his head down, just a bit, enough to make him seem less threatening. Opening his arms for you to step into, “Come, beloved. It’s late. You should be asleep”. Your younger self would’ve fought back, spat insults in his face or avoided his gentle caresses. You had been naive to have thought it mattered. 
Tentatively stepping straight into his chest, your face pressed into his silk robes, you let him wrap his strong arms around you. Tightening his grip around you like you were a stuffed toy and he was a child. “I missed you, my love”, Damian gently whispered in your ear, the hairs on your neck standing up straight, you knew that meant nothing good for you. As he guided you towards your shared bed, he stopped just short of the edge, gesturing for you to crawl under the covers, you complied. Damian went over to one of the many intricately carved wooden closets which lined part of the left wall. As he softly pulled open the closet doors, you observed how the muscles in his arms pulled tautly. His arms had gotten more muscular than they had been back in Gotham, you supposed that Bruce’s and Damian’s training styles worked on different areas of the body, not that you knew anything about Batman’s training regiment.
When Damian had pulled out a long and loose silken dress, the same type that you were currently wearing. Undressing and redressing in his nightwear, he took his old clothes and threw them in a woven reeds basket next to the bathroom door. 
Turning to you, he smiled. Striding to the side of the bed, he climbed under the smooth covers as well, pulling you close and kissing the top of your head.
“Did your day go well, beloved?” You nodded, you knew that this was a test. It wasn’t that he didn’t care for your day. He did. But what he really wanted was for you to return the question. To feel that you cared just as much about him as he did you. If you didn’t ask him back, he’d turn agitated and come tomorrow a servant would lose their head. He would never physically hurt you, he worshipped your skin like it was made of diamonds. But, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t punish you by letting you know that your action or inaction was the cause of multiple servants’ deaths.
“What about you, Damia-” You caught yourself, Damian despised it when you used his full name. He’d often cite how you’d called his brother Tim and not Timothy, so it was only fair that you used his nickname, as well. 
“-Dami”, you corrected smoothly. 
He hummed, content. “Thank goodness”, you mused to yourself. 
It didn’t take long for Damian to fall asleep, he had always been a light sleeper, but he was also quick to fall asleep. You supposed that was useful for a soldier. Being able to sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow and wake up at the slightest disturbance. It took you a while to sleep. The thoughts of all your old friends, family and especially Tim flooded your mind. How did you let it all go so wrong?
You sat in the league’s massive library in the early morning. The first time you were alone in months. Damian had been forced to oversee an emergency and you had reassured him that he could simply drop you off in the library and you’d be there when he came back. He decided to trust you. Besides, it wasn’t as if you were really alone, there were guards stationed on the outside of the library doors, ready to capture you and bring you to Damian, should you decide to run. Still, this was the most alone you had been in a while and you had missed being by yourself. Dancing around on the polished wooden floor, with a book in your hands, you laughed loudly.
“What’s so funny?” An unfamiliar voice questioned with an amused lilt.
You stopped immediately, looking in the direction of the voice. A man with bone-white hair and even paler skin stood in front of you. His eyes were covered by green-tinted sunglasses and his age was hard to discern. Younger than Talia, but older than you was your best guess. Then again, from what Damian had told you, Talia was near immortal, so you supposed that most people were younger than her.
“Nothing.” You replied courtly, not wishing to appear rude, nor wishing to get this man killed for interacting with you.
“You were dancing around with a book, laughing like a madman, darling”, the man chuckled. Staring deadpan at the man, you noticed how he wore a deep green cepken. Green was reserved for the Al Ghuls. Either this man had stolen his vest, which was unlikely as he would’ve been killed for such an offence, or something else was going on. “Who are you?” Your voice was much louder than you had intended and your eyes swiftly turned to the library’s door, hoping that the guards hadn’t heard you.
“Ah, interested in the stranger, are we?” The man smirked, he had the same calming yet unidentifiable accent as Damian, although the stranger’s were on the thicker side. Taking a step back, you made sure not to trudge on the long viridescent robes that your husband had made you wear. You were tempted to threaten the pale man by calling the guards but decided to simply turn around and start walking away. The library was large enough for multiple people to be within it and never see or hear each other. Besides, if the man posed a danger, the large floor-to-ceiling bookcases would prove excellent in helping you hide. 
As you walked, you heard the man come running up behind you. “Aw, come on sweetheart, I was just teasing”, he threw his hands into the pocket of his loose trousers, walking alongside you. 
“Please leave me alone or explain who you are”, you spat. Before Damian took you, you might’ve held a more tactful tone, but a combination of getting used to the royal treatment and having lost the naivety you held before your kidnapping, had made you uncaring of others’ perception of you. 
The white-haired stranger didn’t seem to mind though, instead, his smug smile broadened, “Ah, of course! How could I possibly refuse the order of the Demon’s spouse? Dusan Al Ghul is the name.” 
You stopped in your tracks, and so did Dusan. “Al Ghul?” You exclaimed surprised. He looked nothing like Talia or Damian. His hair was as white as snow, theirs was dark, bordering on black. His skin was like ivory, both Damian and Talia held a golden tan, Talia, more than Damian. Something was wrong, you discerned. Yet, when you let your eyes take in his face, you could see the resemblance to Talia. Same roman nose, same high cheekbones and same broad face.
“Albinism”, Dusan offered, his tone amused. Like he had given the same explanation hundreds of times, but never stopped finding others' reactions hilarious.
“Oh, I-I’m sorry”, you stuttered out, your intentions hadn’t been to offend the man.
He waved your concerns off with a limp hand movement, “Don’t worry about it. I’d probably be confused too if some ghost-looking man claimed to be the son of Ra’s Al Ghul.”
Now your confusion was made worse, son of Ra’s? Wouldn’t that make him the true heir of the League of Assassins, not Damian? You wanted to ask, but you were afraid of further insulting the man. You settled on consoling him for the death of his father. Damian had told you that Ra’s died in an attack a few years back, how long ago? You had no idea, but it couldn’t hurt to be polite after the stunt you had pulled earlier.  “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.” It came out as little more than a whisper, and Dusan raised his eyebrows mockingly.
“Don’t apologise for that old idiot’s death. It was well deserved. I certainly felt next to no sorrow over his long-overdue end.” 
“Still. Losing a parent must be hard.” You tried to justify.
Dusan shook his head and raised his shoulders, “Eh, he cast me aside for my appearance, I seldom thought of him as a father.” 
That’s why he isn’t the one sitting on the League throne, you realised. Ra’s had rejected him for his condition. 
“I see, then I’m sorry for you not losing him earlier”. Your eyes widened, that wasn’t how you had meant your words to come out. You had often ended up with quotes like that one when you were around Tim. Too comfortable to think how your overly-analytical thoughts might sound to others. You must’ve gotten too relaxed in Dusan’s company without realising it. You gulped audibly, ready to apologise when the white-haired man let out a burst of roaring laughter.
“Oh wow! I can see why my nephew likes you. Yes. That is exactly what you should console me for! My father passing too late!”
You chuckled quietly as well, your infamous awkward smile pulling on your lips. It felt refreshing to not have to walk on eggshells while conversing, you had almost forgotten what that felt like. Feeling emboldened, you asked a question which had plagued you for a while, “How old was he anyways? I always hear everyone call him immortal, but surely not, right?”
Dusan took a second to think, then grinned sheepishly, “Don’t judge me for not knowing the exact year, but I believe he was around five hundred years old when he passed.” 
If your jaw could’ve dropped to the ground, it would. “Five hundred?!” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, Talia is a hundred and fifty. Guess my age!” Dusan gave your shoulder a push, he was strong and almost drove you into one of the bookcases beside you. 
You stared at him in bewilderment. Talia was a hundred and fifty! She didn’t look a day over thirty-five! You knew of the Lazarus pit’s powers, but still, to the uninitiated, it was astonishing how well it truly worked. Taking a good look at Dusan, you thought he couldn’t be more than twenty-seven, maybe twenty-eight. However, if Talia was a hundred and fifty, he would have to be a hundred and something as well. “A hundred and ten?” Your answer was less of an educated guess and more of a wild shot in the dark.
Dusan looked impressed, “Close, a hundred and five.”
You looked over at him again, debating if it would be appropriate to joke about his non-existent plastic surgeon. Suddenly, Dusan’s face turned even more mischievous, “You really think I look five years older? Wow! Unbelievable! What if I said that about you?!” He dramatically threw a hand to his forehead and held his shirt tightly, posing like a character from a Shakespeare play. He looked absolutely ridiculous, and you laughed loudly. It was hard not to, Dusan seemed like a natural-born entertainer. The first of his kind that you had seen in the League.
Dusan was gone when Damian picked you up again. The green-eyed man had been impressed with how much more energy you had for him that evening, even joking around like you had done back in Gotham. Damian came to the conclusion that perhaps your previous apathetic behaviour was simply a result of you being an introvert, and not getting alone time to recharge. Grayson had once explained the concept of introverts vs extroverts to the youngest Wayne, and if Damian was honest, he had thought it was all a bunch of pseudo-science, not to be taken seriously. Yet, here you were, living proof of the theory presented by his brother. It encouraged Damian to let you stay on your own in the library more often. Every time you returned to him, you’d be more energised than the last. 
What Damian didn’t know was that you weren’t alone in the library. No, every time Damian let you alone in the library, his uncle would know and join you. 
This routine of yours went on for months. A few days every week, you would ask to go to the library. Damian would relent as you initiated deep kisses with him, convincing him to let you stay for hours by appearing overjoyed in his presence. You had even once jumped into his arms, folding your legs around his waist, as he came to pick you up from your “alone time”, as he called it.
One late afternoon, Dusan and you had been joking around in the library. The way the bright sun entered the large windows, hitting the sandy walls, the large bookcases and Dusan’s green-tinted spectacles, it all felt familiar and freeing.
“You’re pretty spry for a hundred-something-year-old, you know?” You teased the man, as Dusan climbed up on one of the bookcases to fetch a book that had caught your eye. “Yeah? How would you know? What other hundred-year-olds do you have to compare me with?” He laughed as he threw the book at your feet, jumping down and sauntering over to your side. As you bent down to pick up the book, you mumbled your response, “Your sister. But she’s even more active than you.” Dusan heard you, despite your attempt to partially hide your answer and he smirked. “Oh yeah? How would you know? You’ve only ever seen me in the library, darling. You don’t know what I get up to on the outside.”
Shaking your head at his silliness, you turned to look directly into his glasses. “What do you get up to, then?” 
Dusan raised his chin, and you knew he was about to come out with a teasing response, “Well, I quite like to train with the katana… and flirt with charming and intelligent individuals. Although, the latter I also do quite often in the library.”
You blushed a little, you knew he was just joking, but you couldn’t help but play along with a challenging smirk. “Oh really? How many people visit the library regularly?”   
Dusan cocked his head to the side, pretending to count, “Two, unless you’re bringing your husband along secretly, which I’d find just a bit awkward.”
“Just a smidge”, you agreed with an awkward grin. Deciding to join in on the teasing, you crossed your arms, your eyebrows drawing upwards in mock disgust as you joked, “Don’t you think you’re a little too old for me?”   
Dusan shrugged as he looked at you from the top of his glasses, his pinkish eyes on full display. You had seen them a few times before, but that didn’t change the fact that they appeared like the most beautiful spinels to ever exist. It was such a shame that he hid them behind the green-tinted lenses. “Don’t they say age is just a number?” You both laughed louder than ever before. Looking to the side, you both realised that you were right in front of the closed library doors. Dusan and you turned to each other, and giggled again, this time more quietly. As you kept your gaze on the white-haired man and he kept his on you, something started to bubble in your stomach. It had been there for a while. Those feelings. Dusan wasn’t really the type of guy you would’ve usually gone for back in Gotham, but here? In a palace where you were trapped by your obsessive husband, who had kidnapped you and maybe even killed your best friend. Dusan was the only good thing you felt like you had left. Dusan felt the same, or at least he very much appreciated your company. You knew it to be true because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have risked getting caught by Damian, just to meet you for a few hours. You would have usually felt bad about having such intense feelings for someone else when you were technically married to Damian. But the circumstances around your wedding made you feel as if the vows exchanged were nullified. You had fought Damian, and anyone else who aided him, all the way up to the altar. It had so clearly been against your will, yet none had stopped it. 
You kept repeating this in your head as you carefully stepped closer to Dusan, reaching up for his glasses, and gently taking them off. Your movements were slowed as much as possible, giving the man ample opportunity to stop you. He didn’t. Instead, he tenderly touched your cheek. This was the closest you had ever been to him physically. You noted how he held the same scent of burned incense as Damian. Leaning towards you steadily, he halted right as his lips were hovering above yours, giving you time to step away. You stood your ground, and Dusan placed a heavy kiss on your lips, closing his eyes.
Just before you leant in to reciprocate the affection, the library doors swung open. Damian stood there. Fuming. He had been informed by the guards of the loud laughter and had immediately sensed something off. He had been correct.
You didn’t know how it happened. It felt as if Damian had suddenly teleported next to you. One second, you stood with Dusan close to you, the next he lay bleeding on the tiled floor.
Your scream echoed throughout the entire library. Guards surrounded you and the two Al Ghuls. You were about to run to Dusan, when he discreetly lifted his hand, stopping you. He knew it was over for him, but he could still save you from Damian’s wrath.
“Nice spouse you got there, nephew. I thought you probably didn’t mind me smooching them a bit. You know, a family shares everything, r-right?” His speech was interrupted by Dusan heaving quietly for breath. Damian had stabbed him straight through the abdomen, and not in any of the safer areas. Of course, he hadn’t, Damian was a professional in the field of killing, he knew exactly how to snuff someone’s life out slowly and painfully.  
“How dare you?! You filth!” Damian roared, and you flinched.
“Ah! I see that the two of you have something in common! T-that’s what t-they said as well!” Dusan attempted to laugh, but it came out more as a wheezing. You were confused by Dusan’s words, you had been the one initiating the kiss. Then it hit you. Dusan was taking full responsibility for the kiss. He was making sure that Damian wouldn’t hurt you. You stared at his pink eyes, they were getting glossy and it frightened you. 
Damian’s nostrils flared, his face heated and his teeth ground each other harshly. He was giving you the same impression as a bull seeing a Matador flailing a red cloth in front of it. “You will pay for touching my beloved”, Damian whispered. Somehow, his quiet tone was more horrifying than his yells. 
“You stabbed me dear nephew, isn’t this payback e-enough?” Dusan uttered in his best attempt at a jovial manner, you knew he was doing this for you. You knew he didn’t want you to realise that he was scared, but his eyes betrayed him, and the worry behind his irises was clear as day. 
You took a step towards the two men, and your eyes travelled to the slim hole through Dusan’s stomach. The red splatters of thick and warm blood were everywhere. It contrasted terribly well with Dusan’s milkwhite skin, a few drops had landed in his long snowy hair. A maroon pool of the thick liquid mixed with the dust of the floor was spreading out from underneath the only friend you had left. You noticed how Dusan’s deep green cepken was stained darker around the pierced flesh, yet it hadn’t turned colour. It was almost calming the way the vest covered the actual wound, it was hiding the actual damage from your sight. That was something Dusan was grateful for as well. 
The man had known that this would happen sooner or later. His nephew kept constant tabs on you, besides, Dusan had never been known for being discreet. He didn’t mind dying like this. He had lived a long life, longer than he had ever wanted, and despite his horror at not knowing what came next, he didn’t mind dying after having kissed the only person who ever cared enough to get to know him. It seemed like a poetic ending for someone as old as him. 
As Dusan’s body turned cold, Damian had turned your head into his shoulder, whispering gentle praises and apologies for not being there before tragedy struck.
His long and thin fingers raked through your scalp, gently scratching the skin in a comfortable rhythm. It would have been nice if the dead body of your only friend didn’t lay behind you.
After Dusan’s death, you lost hope. He had been your only ally in this strange and unwelcoming place. And as much as you hated to admit it, he had reminded you of a more extroverted version of Tim. The way you just clicked instantly, the way he didn’t mind your at times bizarre humour, instead indulging in it. It felt just like when Tim was there. You loathed yourself for his death, entirely your fault. But what was even worse was that it wasn’t just Dusan that you mourned. It was Tim’s possible death as well. 
Somehow, having seen Dusan’s passage from this world to the next gave you a sense of melancholic closure for both him and Tim. It was as if, by seeing Damian’s reaction to Dusan kissing you, you could imagine his reaction to Tim’s friendship with you.
These were the thoughts you contemplated every night as you stared into Damian’s beautifully carved face, born to look perfect. How cruel was the world? To give a monster the magnificence of an angel.
A/N: There was technically a bit of Dusan Al Ghul x reader in this, but it's my horrendously OOC version of Dusan. Dusan is not an OC, I don't really like to use OCs in works based in other universes, other than the reader themselves, of course. Dusan is very much a real character within the Batman extended universe... I urge you guys to search him up, the real version is much cooler than my ESTP/ENTP-ified version. Anyways... I hope you enjoyed it! (And thank you to the anon who requested a part 2).
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batfsm · 10 months
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Jason's "brother" first appears in the digital-first chapter Truth & Justice #10 by Jeff Trammell, Rob Guillory, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Becca Carey. This story focuses on Red Hood's time as a homeless kid. But he isn't alone in this version of his past; one of the people who helps young Jason is Max Dawkins, an older kid who once took care of Jason like a brother. Together, the two survive their childhood. After Jason Todd is taken in by Batman, Jason leaves some money for Max to help him get off the streets. Max turns his life around, even graduating from college — but is unfortunately murdered by Scarecrow. Killing Max off was a huge mis-step on DC's part, and bringing him back could give Jason Todd's character new depth.
So is Max before Nu52 or in New52? Because I never heard of him so I think he is New52.
Almost every member of the Bat-Family still has a powerful connection to their past life. Dick has had old family members reappear, like his uncle and sister — plus he owns the circus he grew up in. Barbara Gordon still has her father, and Cass Cain, for better or worse, still has her mother and father. Damian Wayne has his father, mother, and grandfather. But Jason Todd has no connection to his past life at all. Both of Jason's mothers are dead, and Joker recently killed Jason's father, meaning Jason has no connection left to his pre-Batman childhood. Bringing Max back into continuity would give Jason at least one supporting cast member who knew him before his death as Robin and his revival as Red Hood, which is something Jason desperately needs.
Jason has Crime Alley! He grew up on the streets, he knows the people probably the best than anyone in the family. He has someone on his side, the people of Gotham themselves!
This has to be New52 because I swear Willis was dead around the time Catherine died. Or still in prison. Wait, Catherine dies by the Joker? At least here. I thought it was the drugs who did it.
(This was where I saw it said Joker killed Catherine and Willis.)
Every other Bat-Family member, including Batman, has both a connection to their past and a civilian life with supporting characters. Jason has neither; rarely is he shown in his civilian life, and he has no supporting cast that isn't a fellow superhero. There is no doubt that, out of all the Bat-Family members, Jason is the one who has struggled the most to find his footing outside the team. Every Batgirl and Robin has their own supporting cast, and Red Hood deserves the same. Bringing Max back could be the first step to fixing that.
Who did Tim have before dating Bernard? Unless I’m mistaken, which I might be, didn’t he push Ives, Bernard, Darla(?), and his other school friends away to focus on Robin? Not to mention it seems as if he had no one to hang out with when Jack made him give Robin up...
Oh, I thought it was Dick’s grandfather who reappeared? Or do they not count William as a family member? Plus, isn’t Dick’s sister his parents killers adopted daughter?
Wait, who do they consider Bruce having as his supporting cast? His kids who technically are also his partners? His best friends who are superheroes? Something that ScreenRant seems to hate for Jason? Damian literally has no friends, that they show, besides Jon who is now Tim’s age, since they got rid of Colin and his other friends, including Jon, are superheroes or villains also.
Tim has Bernard and maybe Ives. Duke has his mom, same with Steph, and that’s about it I believe.
I’m surprised they counted Cass’s parents, Ra’s, and Talia in with Damian’s support. Especially since they didn’t put that Ra’s and Talia are as bad as Cass’ s parents…now.
Actually, if you get down to it, the whole family has each other to rely on also. So Jason isn’t alone.
Every other Bat-Family member, including Batman, has both a connection to their past and a civilian life with supporting characters.
Every Batgirl and Robin has their own supporting cast, and Red Hood deserves the same.
ScreenRant really reiterated themselves here.
DC really changed everyones backstory and made them worse didn’t they?
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centralperkchenford · 5 months
I would loveee to see a scene of everyone getting ready for Nolan’s and Bailey’s wedding 😍😍😍. Can you please write one from chenford’s persective?
It’s funny because I had already started this and then I got this prompt! I hope you like this!
Tim & Lucy get ready for Bailey and Nolan’s wedding—privately
Every piece of you it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
Tim puts on his jacket and smoothes out the sleeves. He looks in the mirror and his eyes go to Lucy who is behind him still in her bra and underwear. Her dress is laid out on his bed, and she’s digging through one of his drawers. He looks at the dress, it’s a navy blue and it’s tight fitting on top and flowy at the bottom. He hasn’t seen it on her yet, but he knows he will be blown away.
“You good?” He asks her. She looks up at him and smiles before moving over to him and standing in front of him and straightening his tie and smoothing out his dress shirt underneath his blue jacket.
“You clean up nice Bradford.” She says. He smiles and puts his hands on her waist and holds her in place. Just holding her like this, having her close is all he will ever need.
“I’m almost ready.” She says moving away from him. He turns around and watches her slip on her dress and then holding it together with her hands. She bends over still searching through the drawers, and then comes back up holding a black thick belt.
“Do you need help?” He asks her softly.
She looks at him and chews on her lip. “I wouldn’t say no.” She says. Tim laughs and comes over, taking the belt and wrapping it around her waist. His fingers trail down her side and he kisses her neck. His hands go lower too and it’s probably a bad idea but it feels so good.
“Mmm.” Lucy mutters as she does up the belt. “Don’t start something you can’t finish babe.” Tim sighs but he moves his chin to rest on her shoulder and turns her so they are facing the mirror. His hands trail up and down her body, feeling the soft material of her dress underneath his fingers.
“You look beautiful.” He mumbles.
She turns in his arms to face him, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she does. “Do you want to help me put on my heels?” She asks. He nods and she moves away to go inside his closet and pull out heels that look wildly uncomfortable. She sits down on the bed and holds them out to him.
He takes them and she holds up her foot and he slides it on and then secures it. He does the same with the other one. She stands up and gains her footing and then holds onto his shoulder.
“One more thing.” She says. She goes to the dresser and pulls out a delicate necklace with a black stone. She hands it to him and he smiles, putting it around her neck and securing it into place. She looks up at him and he smiles giving her a kiss.
They stay like that for a minute, swaying in the silence. And then Lucy pulls back, and takes his hand.
“Come on we don’t wanna be late.” She says. He groans but lets her lead him out the door.
He would go anywhere she wanted him to.
To the ends of the earth and even to Nolan and Bailey’s wedding.
Even if all he wanted to do was gather in his arms and take her to bed. And worship her like she deserves all night long. But they are going to go to this wedding and celebrate their friends and then he would take her home.
He takes the lead as they go down the stairs, and he looks at her studying her. She loops her arm in his and he sighs happily. It’s like she’s a piece of his puzzle he never knew was missing, and now that he has her he knows he will never let her go.
He thinks of the road they had taken to get to where they were now and it might of been rough but it was worth it.
She was worth it.
They were worth it.
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chibinightowl · 2 years
Waiting is the worst part. Logically, Tim knows his husband is in the best possible place for the care he needs. But he's also behind doors that not even the name Wayne will open, waiting alone in a place that has caused him so much trauma in the past.
Well, perhaps not this particular hospital, but other medical centers and other medical professionals have all contributed to Jason's PTSD.
Tim can't even sit with him, hold his hand, and field questions so his husband doesn't have to. He can't tell the staff to speak up, that Jason is half deaf on one side and has damage on the other thanks to an accident years before. He can't give him a hug when he goes back for his scans and offer a smile when he returns.
What's worse, what's tearing Tim's guts up inside, is the guilt that he didn't listen when Jason first mentioned he wasn't well. Admittedly, they both thought the nausea was a side effect of the panic attack Jason suffered two days before. He'd spent the morning vomiting before a doctor appointment he couldn't put off any more. They chalked it up to anxiety and that it would pass once the visit was over.
The appointment might be over but the nausea remains. Chills and cold sweats have entered into the mix and Jason has spent the last couple of nights tossing restlessly in the living room where the floor is paneled rather than carpeted. It's not unusual for him to lie there--he runs warm to begin with and has said he enjoys a nap where the flooring is cool on his skin.
This morning when Tim woke up, Jason was still there, whimpering and restless. His eyes cracked open when Tim sat down in the armchair with his coffee. "Babe, I don't feel good," he'd said.
"I know," Tim had soothed. "When did you last take your nausea meds?"
They both know what a vicious cycle Jason's brain can get stuck in, how his body reacts to stressors and how in turn he'll fixate when there's nothing actually wrong. Many a virtual doctor visit has been had for exactly that.
But today, tears welled up in Jason's eyes when Tim brushed him aside. "I took them already," he'd said. "Nothing is working. I can't eat. I can't drink. I'm cold and hot and I fucking hurt. I know this shit is all probably in my head but I want to see a doctor and have them tell me that to my face."
Tim remembers all too well how he'd felt like he was humoring his husband when he snagged his tablet to look for the closest urgent care clinic. It's at the clinic where the PA prods Jason's abdomen and he curls up tight against the pressure.
"I think you might have appendicitis," she'd said and sent them on their merry way to the ER.
The whole drive, Tim felt like a damned tool. He's had appendicitis himself, he knows the symptoms, and has even gone through the surgery. How did he miss this?
At a stop light, Jason had placed a clammy hand over Tim's. "Don't beat yourself up over it, babe."
"I should have known..."
"You should have known shit--your symptoms were different."
This is true but is beside the point. "I'll stay with you," he says in a rush. "For as long as I can."
It ends up not being for very long. So here Tim sits in the cafeteria, nursing a cup of coffee and fucking around on his phone. Jason's maybe 500 feet away in a triage staging area, but it feels like miles. He has an IV for fluids and has been given medication for pain and the nausea. He's NPO in case he'll need surgery.
All of these things Tim knows from his own experience earlier in the year. He'd done it all by himself because Jason's PTSD wouldn't allow him to even set foot in the ER. He'd tried, oh had he tried, but Tim told him it would be okay, that he'd keep in touch by text and to keep his phone on him.
Jason might be able to walk in here now but he shouldn't be alone. But the ER is crowded and there are no extra seats in triage for guests. Jason had squeezed Tim's hand when the nurse told him he needed to wait elsewhere.
"Keep your phone on you, babe."
"I won't put it down."
And so he waits, gnawing on his guilt and feeling like the worst person ever.
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deadpoolgirl23 · 2 years
Scoundrel and princess
Dick grayson x reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,629
Authors note: I don't even know if this is good, I literally just finished watched Empire strikes back and this popped into my head. I'm sorry if this is terrible.
First person pov:
It was a calm night in the tower everyone was in the living room ready for annual movie night that happened every Thursday after Gar made the notion that "we should all should spend more time together" and Dick agreed.
Which leads us back to the living room. Currently me and Rachel are trying to decide what movie to put on. "Why don't we watch Empire strikes back?" I ask Rachel as she's still scrolling through the thousands of titles, " didnt we just watch star wars last week?" "Yeah but that was a new hope! We can't just start the original trilogy without finishing it!" I try to entice her to side with me but all I am met with is silence and a squint in her eyes seeing that she is contemplating. Gar had decided that last Thursday we should watch A New Hope so Konner could quote on quote "be whole". As a advid nerd I immediately said yes and with the whole group not caring that is what we watched.
I normally would have enjoyed watching Star Wars, being able to quote it word for word in my head with the occasional slip, but I wasn't able to out of the corner of my eye all I could focus on was the way that Dick and Kory sat close together as he whispered in her ear what was happening in the movie to make sense to her as she would continously question the movie.
It sucked having to see that and hear the little laughs that would come out of her mouth anytime Dick made a joke or the way that he would run his hand up and down her arm when they quited down. They claim to be just friends, but it just never looked that way and to be stuck not being able to tell him how I feel hurts even worse than any punch or knife thrown at me.
" Okay fine we can continue star wars, but it's just because I want to see more of luke skywalker" Rachel finally states, "really! And I happen to be more of han solo girl myself" I replied back biting my lip to hide the smile threatening to come across my lips. "Of course you are" she replies back winking, Rachel is the only one to know about my crush on Dick. She had read my thoughts one time when I got hit badly while out on a mission, she was trying to see if I was stable but came across all my thoughts about the bird brain. I was just lucky she never said anything about what she saw to anyone, but now she just teases me about it any chance she can get.
"Rachhh, let's just put the movie on and tell the others" I whine while changing the subject getting up to tell Konner, Krypto and Tim what we chose, while goes to get Gar, Dick and Kory.
I head back to the living room but make a quick stop at the kitchen grabbing some soda and popcorn to snack on while the movie plays, "hopefully this can distract me enough to tonight" I say to myself in my head. Carrying all the junk in my arms I place down on the table moving to get settled in my spot on the couch, the corner that's covered in a blue and grey flannel blanket that is only ever used by me when I'm sitting there. I close my eyes at the warm the blanket brings and open then when I hear the sounds of foot steps and voices fill the air.
As everyone takes their place in their normal spots I notice that Dick instant sitting besides Kory but is actually making his way towards me. I look over to the spot he's been sitting in for the past couple of weeks and see that Gar and Rachel have taken it over, Rachel turns her towards me and we make eye contact, she winks at me and shifts her head back towards Gar.
"Hey is it okay if I sit here?" The voice I've grown to love asks me, "Yeah sure go ahead" smiling waiting for him to take the seat. As he sits my heart begins to flutter like crazy, I know that Konner and Krypto can probably hear it and are confused as to why it sounds like I'm gonna have a heart attack but I can't find myself to care. He could have sat on the floor with Kory and Konner but he chose to sit next to me.
"Thanks, I was not going to be able to sit down there and actually enjoy the movie" " I get, that's why I got here first, you can never trust one of them to not take your seat" I reply which earns a playful "hey" from Gar and causes Dick to smile.
We start the movie after that, everyone gets comfortable and entranced into the movie as the opening sequence begins but instead of just reading the words Gar starts to them allowed in a funny voice that you can't help but laugh at. Rachel gets him to quiet down after a few jabs to ribs with elbow.
Everyone is quiet after the movie has been playing for a little bit, and this time I don't have to hear Kory and Dick laughing to eachother the entire time which feels nice. Although I still have to listen to myself repeat the words and the fluttering heart beat that hasn't slowed since Dick sat.
When Han and Leia begin to argue I have to hold myself back from whispering the scene, I did begin to do it without realizing and it earn a glance from Dick which made me stop immediately, but he leaned down to whisper in my ear the line Han said next "afraid i was gonna leave without a goodbye kiss?" . I swear if I hadn't been blushing already I was turned into a tomato right in that moment. I had to shake myself back into reality, but it didn't stop the smiled that appeared on my face.
I decided that instead of him doing it to me first again I was going to, I waited until Han and Leia were in the millennium falcon to say Leias line quiet enough in his ear "when you aren't acting like a scoundrel" and he didn't waste a second to repeat Hans line to me and we went back and forth, but when he got to last line he only looked down at my lips but never made a move. In a more hushed voice than the other lines he says " you like me cause I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life" breaking the entranced look on his face to meet my eyes and we don't move. The sound of the movie eventually snaps our attention back to it, but this time Dick doesn't just go back to sitting normal he puts his arm around me pulling me closer to him.
I've seen him put his arm around Kory multiple times when we watch movies, but this feels different. He's never pulled her close into him like this. I don't let myself over think it to much as I focus back into the movie taking one last look at him before I lay my head on shoulder. I feel a slight jump from him as if he's shocked I actually did it.
None of the others around us have said anything to us either they don't care or they haven't heard us.
We settle back down and continue the movie not saying another line to eachother until the end when he decides to grab my hand. I look up at him to see if he's waiting for my response but his gaze is on the tv. So I turn my head back and squeeze his hand in response
It's the Carbonite scene, it always crushes my heart but also makes me smile widely. Playing with Dicks fingers the scene begins to escalate when Chewie starts to fight the stroom troopers. I know this scene inside and out and I know that if I repeat the line I so desperately want to it will be towards the man holding in his arms.
I can't even catch myself before I say Leias line as she does " I love you", I don't expect any remarks from him but I hear the two little words said back to me everything around me feels to have stopped.
"I know".
This time it's my turn to be shocked, Dick has turned his head towards me eyes looking down at lips and back up to my eyes doing that a couple more times before we both move in at the same time and finally kiss. I thought that when he said Hans line that the room stopped moving but with the way his soft lips are moving against mime I definitely have to say I am on cloud 9.
We break apart after a minute to reclaim oxygen and to look at eachother, but what we don't realize is the yells and "finally's" that come from everyone.
" I've been wanting to do that for a while" Dick states, "me too" I say moving to hide my face into his neck so I don't have to face the others, especially Rachel.
Dick laughs and wraps his arms around me. The others finally go back to the movie but I can't I finally got what I have wanted for so long and now I know he wanted me too.
I hear one final whisper from him as he holds me "I love you princess".
" I love you too scoundrel".
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scintillyyy · 1 year
this week's comics!
gotham knights: gilded city #6
it's finally over!!
entirely unremarkable lmao
vandal savage was involved in this weird fomo virus thing, the virus was actually ancient yadda yadda, yadda
dick calls tim boy genius, which was cute
other than that entirely unremarkable
td: r #7
listen i am on the record as liking rossmo's art because it was dynamic and interesting, even if i did think it had its flaws as far as showing meaningful chemistry, but i also like this new art style and i do think this new art style addresses some of my criticisms re: that
tim fumbling to get out of his costume fast??? ehhhh listen can we please treat him like the more than seasoned vigilante that he is. this continues to be a minor complaint i have with how meghan writes tim. not that i think he should be like uber competent makes no mistake or anything, but i do think that she does tend to write him as a little more bumbling than i prefer to see him at this point in his career. that's just personal opinion though.
listen i have mad respect for bringing bernard back and trying to flesh out his character, but i'm not sure that i would have gone with basically fanon!tim for his backstory. he still feels basically completely unrecognizable to me from the original bernard, which is fine. she's free to make him into her own original character.
(also my one complaint with this art style is bernard is shorter than tim)
okay, so bernard knows. which was obvious. and fine. but. but. this means we're going for the far more boring relationship dynamic of bernard is going to be ever patient and understanding of tim being a total flake on him because of this "don't worry, just leave me alone with my terrible parents, of course you going to the bathroom is more important, do your best!!!". it's just bland to me. sorry.
(okay i'm pretty sure i have seen these exact conversations from fanon jack and janet so this is probably supposed to, like, invoke feelings in me and it's really not, sorry. i am, in fact, a little amused instead because i'm hearing "we're very disappointed in you timothy, things cost money, don't be so selfish" in my head)
so like. i did enjoy bernard's perspective, but i do feel the need to bring this back from some earlier thoughts of mine on this relationship:
"anyways i am thinking of how it's probably never going to be meaningfully explored that bernard being in love with the guy who he feels like "saved him" from the pain cult, from his family (tim&robin--a similarity he specifically brings up) is an interesting, but ultimately unhealthy long-term relationship dynamic that probably shouldn't work out well with someone who is discovering himself. like, that's something that would create a lot of pressure for tim, i think. tim would internalize that a lot, what with his savior complex. like, a little bit of codependency on both sides??? instead it will probably just be played off as cute and romantic to keep in line with dc and what current love interests need to be."
and i felt it super hard in this issue from bernard's pov!!! like the inherent toxicity of "i always feel it when tim's not around. this oozy, sticky feeling. it's stronger right now. i have to get out. life is easier when tim's around. when i'm on my own it's harder and harder to put one foot in front of the other." immediately followed by tim swooping in to check on him and enforcing this.
like. i cannot stress how codependent this makes bernard sound to me. this does not seem like a healthy dynamic. that is not a healthy way to perceive your partner. is this on purpose??? is this going to be addressed??? or is this something that meghan genuinely finds romantic? this is not a good basis for a stable long term relationship. like. idk. i am intrigued.
honestly seeing things through bernard's eyes actually did make me slightly more interested in him. but like. because now i am interested in all of his potential negative traits. that will probably never be explored or seen as potentially negative.
the kiss was cute though.
(zdarsky still has my favorite tim-bernard though)
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attractivemyfoot · 2 years
Well, Nettie is said to be a problematic child, Only Jason and Tim checked her class background when they saw it was almost perfect before Lila but then  Lila Rossi in background check  came it raised red flags cause even a billionaire doesn't travel this much , way too much flaws and loop holes, hell she has criminal records for murder , suicide,  harassment, money laundering and sexual assault etc . 
Other bats treated her terrible than anything even left her to sleep on empty stomach and left her at Gotham Academy and Damian was pissed cause perfect grades and way to good reputation and Jon vouched her for injuries are indeed real but jealousy got best of him, he injured her more and shamed her for no reason who saw this behavior stopped giving him a glance where she was a great help and her organization plans helped school and student council.
 Well, Bat family dismissed his behavior but that didn't got under radar of bat girls , Jason, Tim, they helped her while others just thought that's fair. Then Jon begged his parents to go to Wayne Manor if not Damian will kill an innocent person and would be out of it unchecked. 
Diana and Arthur take Marinette a side and bow to her in recognizing the Miraculous. There were already Constantine, Zatana, Diana and Arthur. As soon as he scanned her  " You call yourself World's greatest detective my foot who can't tell the difference between makeup and bruise ? You're son of a bastard is also one of the reasons as well as you for her physical, mental and emotional scars, no wonder when Diana met Talia she said she is utterly disappointed in Damian. Shame on you Wayne .Are you stupid those bruise and scars are real? '' Clark yelled in his coldest voice and threw them a darkest glare
" That bitch got to your adopted parents , right pls . Do something you're practically the owner of black knights and gates  , official technopath of Europe, MDC, a genius recognised in magic and mechanics, singer named as NYX Night, prodigy of literature, mdc and businesswoman comes 1st place in the world. 
 I am your uncle . I can help hell, even some of your other honorary uncle or aunts like Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Zatana , Diana, Arthur and Me etc  can help you. Those kids are sick as hell as you call mobsters but more worse than monsters and demons whatever shit is that? 
From what I see they are probably the worst people . You're skinnier than usual . And who the hell pushed you down the stairs and around so much. Pack your things you're coming with me .
 Most importantly you believe Joker should stay dead. Even Deadpool, Talia, Taskmaster and Slade are your models even though they wear masks and they would gladly kill them. It was a great relief that your parents never gave you much attention and at least you're away from that creep but still take Cat miraculous from him. Don't know what the guardian saw in that rat.  That Ass-greste boy is the worst and last night you told me  who the hawkmoth is.
 Well, I wonder How much big news it would be to know that a billionaire's son killed a CEO and owner of 1200 companies who has 27 digits in 8 bank accounts  just for jealousy and seriously your daughter who was unknown to his family who outright gave her up?
 Well, we have come to a decision to remove bat fam from JL only Red Robin, Red hood and batgirls are allowed. Can't you see there's less crime since she came here. A true creation soul can remove bad luck and destruction. Anyway we got better detectives and my personal favourite you think why don't we tell you to investigate some cases for us? She is'' said Constantine.
 Just then Akuma alarm was set off.`` Come on, I had only 12 hrs , Gabribitch, that's a lot and mass akumatation looks like I have put more fuel on fire. " "Kalki transform me" " wait, we want to help" other batfam was outright told no . Well Barbara and Cass with Jason not Damian cause he tried to kill her when she tried to help him were healed with magic of Mari as soon as she saw them "okay fine. Deactivate me. Cass- dragon, Steph- Fox, Barbara- Bee , John you need black cat sorry, " " that's okay" " Tim- Horse, Jason- Snake , Diana- Tiger and Arthur- Turtle and Rabbit after using it give it back as a guardian after this fight completing the box , I will officially retire and come to help only in need of pure magic  problems "  
 Clark and Lois  hacked the portal and caught bullshit of Alya" it's totally happening ' Lady noir' after all these years, Lois checked her blog in few minutes full of bullshit man she uploaded Lila Rossi too and ' how to bully a bully .' her credit was gone to drain only other classes saw bullshit and people were crap long before. First bee paralysed as he said M'lady and took away the ring gave it to John . And fought Sandboy as soon as they won. A agony shot through Mari as She casted Miraculous cure as the formation was going off in 4 minutes her injuries were more visible due to the assault of her classmates as she was caught by Liars squad except Alya. 
As soon as Alya saw Lois and Clark and other heroes ready to go home before they rescued her and tikki transformed her back she ran towards them asked for interview and demanded when Rena Rouge is coming back . Darkness cataclysms her phone. She became Lady Wifi. As she was defeated , they made their way back home. Wonder Woman picked Mari up in her arms and Tim made a portal for Medway at Watchtower and helped her heal from her injuries applied by Batfam and her old classmates .
 With the selection of miraculous holders, the hawkmoth was defeated by Storm . It was decided she will use miracles only in an emergency as she can use magic outside. Lila was taken down in a gala at La Garde Hotel were Chloe lives as CO-CEO of black knights and gates was revealed with proof of abuse of classmates and neglect of her problems , the school was sued a lot as Nettie was CEO of no . 1  company in the world. A adoption war broke out between Arthur, Jagged Stone, Batfam, Diana , Bourgeois, Constantine, Zatara, Queen , both Wilsons, Al-Ghul , Allen , Tsurgami ,Kents, Lucifer, Nightingale and Gardener, Jordan was actually smarter than others as he knew who did most of the funding and destroyed Injustice League and Lex Luthor, made a barrier greater than JL scientist can make for earth.
 Well, the possibility for so called greatest detective to be even called detective and to adopt her was out of options and who never supported them saw toxicity of batfam and left to Mansion even bigger than Wayne's and Tim outright switched his job of CEO from Wayne to Black knights and gates settled for co- CEO with Chloe Mari and Jason. Why, Jason do have a degree for it , and broke the contract of merging Drake and Wayne enterprises to merge with Black knights and gates.
 It made Bruce do all the work for Wayne's enterprises which he was serving his hours of torture that he gave to Tim force fully but black knights and gates have a system and most important, most honest employees do most of the work and get a bonus every week. They never slacked off or anything. Jason, Tim and Batgirls left all of their old personas for miraculous and magic.
 But after defeating the hawkmoth putting bitch into Jail with Lila as she was 19 while Mari was 15 and others were 18. Seriously she was older than Damian by 4 yrs  and didn't have strength to push him and that was done by other 12 graders just because she's young doesn't mean she's bullied by her classmates and it saved her alot . 
I mean Tim and Jason were in the same class and saw what Damian does to her in school for no reason. Outright laughed , this caused a shift in school and no one can take his bullshit anymore and saved her by putting themselves and taking her out of there  by either or Jason, Tim and Steph. He was treated like an enemy and even classic bully girls don't do this much one time a knife was launched at her. This proved the doubts of him being a demon being true and then tried to behave nice but outside and home it's another story, he tried to use a knife just because she learned self defense saved her by skin from time to time in 3 months and someone dying in Wayne Manor that's way too important for the Universe.
 It was a call to Constantine that proved everything and he called every person who can defend him against Bruce Wayne but it was wrong decision by which everyone came for adoption war and her parents tried to take her back with force as it  got leaked for being a person with 27 digits in 8 accounts those were highly secure even more than JL computers with her own company cause every hour codes get changed it takes one month to crack one so it was almost impossible that made them as incompetent parents and greedy .
 The behavior of Waynes was so much sore only Dick was put aside cause he was highly unaware and had a line between them and batfam almost killed every criminal. This caused Joker to change his ways to killing to praising miraculous gang only batgirls and Tim and Jason. It fueled their anger. But a problem arises as it was found Jason and Tim both are Black Cat so Plagg made another ring with help of tikki to create his twin. They're also involved in the magic community instead so they had less pressure in time of need and others were found but they still kept horses and snakes.
 Due to some reasons, she became guardian of every lantern too. She was self emancipated due to being but they can hoard her as they're still her aunts and uncles. During this, everyone in JL got modeling as a job at least once it gave them even a bigger cover for identification. They stopped having contact with Wayne in general and the police department actually liked the miraculous team more than batfam. After a week of insults from people in Gotham was a reason to stop Batman altogether. Due to this Damian Wayne was more violent and sent to Judicial custody of a strict man for no violence maybe there was a good  reason for the demon's mother, sisters and brothers to leave him and his dad alone.
 Meanwhile Jason 23, Tim and Marinette 20 started dating and got married at the age of  Jason 25 , Tim and Mari 22. Problems came and were gone. The crime in Gotham got so low that vigilants were not needed. The city of doom became the city of gloom . Well, Steph and Cass were married , Barbara and dick Kori all got married  due to some reasons a billionaire became a millionaire. Had to sell his property and live in a flat. Who knew treating the youngest CEO could cause a load of problems as well as his daughter.
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ofsinnersandsaints · 2 years
A Place to Feel Safe
rating: G word count: 1610 one shot
Tim is woken up from a dead sleep by a phone call from an emotional Lucy. She's had a nightmare and didn't know what else to do, she didn't want to be alone and the first person she thought of was Tim, and he takes care of her.
Tim woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating on his side table. He pried his eyes open and the room was still dark, Kojo snoring in the corner, and when he looked at his phone, it was Lucy’s face on his screen. “Lucy?” he asked, sitting up in bed. “Is everything okay?”
There was a little bit of a sob on the other end of the line which immediately caught Tim’s attention. He reached over to turn on his bedside table as her voice whispered over the phone. “I’m sorry, this is stupid.”
“I bet it’s not,” he instantly tried to sooth. He didn't know what was wrong, but consdering is was dark outside and they'd both talked about how they were going to pass out in bed when they got home, he had a guess. “Why don’t you let me decide?”
There was a moment of silence before she admitted, “I’m outside your place.”
Tim pulled his phone back enough to be able to see the time and was surprised to realize it was only a little after midnight. He’d probably only been asleep an hour or so. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah?”
The answer had been full of held back tears. “Try that again.”
She chuckled, but it was a watery sound. “No. I’m not.”
That’s what he thought. “I’m going to put on some pants, meet me at the door, okay?”
He didn’t wait for her response before hanging up and grabbing a pair of pajama pants. At the sudden movement Kojo woke up and blinked at Tim. As he walked towards the front door, Kojo followed. When he got to the door he opened it to see Lucy on the other side with her fist raised, about to knock.
When she saw him, she didn’t drop her arm but instead reached for him and immediately wrapped her arms around him. “What’s going on?” he asked, closing the door with his foot as he pulled her closer. She didn't give him an answer as she desperately clung to him, and he could hear the sound of her crying against his chest. "It’s okay, I got you.”
She clenched the back of his shirt into her fists, hiccupping when the sobs got to be too much. Tim felt utterly useless at her distress, but did what he could to help. He rubbed his hand up and down her back as he murmured quiet words into her ears. He didn’t think she could understand him, but he thought the sounds might be helping. Kojo sat on the hardwood floor next to them, making quiet whining sounds.
After a minute, though it had felt much longer than that, Lucy was sniffling and breathing normal again. She didn't move away, and we more than happy to keep holding her for as long as she needed. “I’m sorry,” she finally muttered. “I didn’t mean to come over here and water your chest, I just didn't know what else to do.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he assured her, hands running down her spine. “Come sit down.”
When she nodded Tim led her over to the couch and together they sat down close enough their bodies were touching, and even though he knew he wasn’t supposed, Kojo hopped up onto the couch and nuzzled close to Lucy’s hip. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“I had a nightmare.”
“It was pretty bad?” he asked carefully. He couldn't see much of her face, he'd only turned on the hallway light on his way to answer the door, but he was able to see the tears lingering in her eyes.
“One of the worst I’ve ever had,” she admitted and her body stilled for a moment before he felt her arms circle around him. “We’re not going to talk about this ever again, by the way.”
“Of course not,” he promised. Tim wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her tighter against him. They had been close before, he’d attempted to comfort her when her best friend and been killed, but this was a different kind of intimacy. It rocked him, but there would be time to think about it later.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Sex pollen
Tumblr media
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Beginning Dick Tim Jason
Okay we’re going to suspend reality (like the comics) and he’s going to be like 35. I can’t imagine a relationship with anyone older. So yeah, Dick is like 25 and Bruce is 35. That math won’t work unless Bruce adopted him 17 seconds after turning 18 but we’ll ignore that.
Warning: smut. It’s on sex pollen so there is a dub con warning despite the fact that they are willing participants.
Summary: all of the batboys are dusted with Poison Ivy’s sex toxin and think they’ve taken an antidote. It didn’t quite work. This is the story about what happens to Bruce.
You saw Bruce in front of the bay computer. The usual. He was running a chemical analysis an biting his lip. He had taken off his cowl and black hair stuck to his neck with sweat. He didn’t look injured in any way so it must be a good night.
Bruce sighed and stretched his neck as you walked over to him. His brow were creased as always. Alfred was running inventory on the supplies.
You placed a hand on Bruce’s shoulder and he inhaled quickly causing you to jump.
“Sorry! It’s just me,” you said quickly.
“It’s okay. I’m just a little distracted,” he said looking up at you. You ran a hand through his messy hair. He leaned into your touch before turning his chair towards you. You bent down to give him a quick kiss but Bruce did two things. He grasped your chin to hold you still so he could slide his tongue in your mouth and his other hand, that you thought was going to your hair, instead grasped your breast. You pulled away quickly.
“What has gotten into you?” You asked before noting a tingling sensation in your lips. Bruce pulled you by the hips to straddle him in the chair. “Bruce, Alfred is right there,” you hissed but you didn’t move to get off.
“Perhaps, sir, I can continue the chemical analysis and you may retire to bed for the evening,” Alfred said from across the room. He too knew the antidote hadn’t worked.
“Good idea,” Bruce said standing while holding your thighs. He carried you upstairs while staring at you intensely, kissing you every once in a while. He kicked the door to the master bedroom open with his foot and you gasped. Why was that hot? He’s destroying property. Bruce carefully sat you on the bed.
“I’ve been dosed with sex pollen. I should probably go next door,” he growled while panting. He wouldn’t look at you. You could see he had barely contained the urge to touch you. But you too were wanting him.
“Bruce,” you said and he turned to look at you. The blue in his eyes was now almost overtaken by black. You too were panting. “Don’t leave. I want you,” you said and that was it. Bruce grasped the side of your face and kissed you roughly. His hands roamed your body.
Bruce pulled away suddenly. “I shouldn’t,” he breathed.
“You should,” you answered and he pushed you to the bed. His hands shoved up your shirt and flung it across the room. He roughly pushed open your bra to attack your breasts. He nipped and bit at your skin, surely leaving marks all over your flesh.
“Bruce,” you breathed as he took a nipple in his mouth and sucked. Your back arched and you held his head in one hand. He moved over to do the same to the other side. His mouth moved lower to kiss down your stomach to your hips. He pulled your pants down and nipped at the skin of your inner thigh, probably leaving a hickey. You were overwhelmed by his attack on your body.
Just as you thought you were in control of yourself, he licked a long strip up your folds and you moaned loudly. Bruce gripped your thighs to pull himself closer as he licked you thoroughly. Your hand reached and grabbed his hair. His tongue slipped inside you as his nose rubbed against your clit. You couldn’t help but make noises far louder than you usually would. He didn’t live alone.
“Fuck Bruce! There,” you whined. He hummed and continued. You yanked on his hair to keep him in a certain spot. You whimpered out his name on repeat as you came. He didn’t wait for you to come down for him to push down his own pants. He roughly thrust in without any warning. You gripped his shoulders and gasped.
Bruce was usually so gentle, like you were breakable. This was new and exciting. His hips snapped against yours roughly in a pretty quick rhythm. You felt yourself being pushed up the bed and the headboard made a banging noise.
Usually you were far more quiet. He was the father to half a dozen kids that were often home and a full time butler. Plus Bruce was a quite discreet guy anyways. That wasn’t what was happening right now. You tried to hold your sounds back to no avail as he rushed you to an orgasm. You were right on the edge when he fucking bit your shoulder.
“Fuck!” You yelped before cumming. You could feel his rhythm slip as he found his own high. Instead of pulling out like normal, he ran his hands along your body while looking you over before starting to move again.
“Actually,” he said, pulling out. “Flip over,” he said and you rolled on your stomach. He pulled your hips up just enough for him to slide his dick in. He slowly thrust before grinding against you so fucking deep. His pace was almost lazy but rough. Bruce’s body weight leaned over you and he kissed and licked the back of your neck and shoulders. He let out deep grunts on thrusts.
There was a knock at the door that Bruce completely ignored and kept his pace. You weren’t too concerned either. The knocking became more insistent.
“Master Bruce, I have the antidote you both need. Urgently. I will set the tray by the door. Please take them,” Alfred said before moving on.
Bruce didn’t respond but sped up, leaving nips and bites along your shoulder and back. You felt yourself close again and urged him on by reaching back to pull him hip closer. You moaned and he growled as you both finished. Before you could move, Bruce pulled out and moved to the door. He quickly grabbed the tray and downed one grey vial before sitting it on the end table.
His hands went directly between your legs where you continued laying on your stomach to finger you. Bruce grabbed the vial with the other hand and poured it in your mouth. He continued his fingers in your over sensitive core until you clenched around him crying out as you came again. He slowed his fingers before pulling out.
You laid on the bed feeling just about boneless. He sat on the edge of the bed panting before standing up.
“What are you doing?” You asked. Was he really leaving after all that?
“I’ve got to help Alfred,” he answered. “All the boys got dosed. They’ll need antidotes too. I wasn’t... I wasn’t too rough was I?” He asked looking you over guiltily. He noticed the beginnings of hickeys on your neck and shoulder but nothing more.
“No. That was great actually,” you admitted. He raised an eyebrow. You flushed and smiled shyly. “A little rougher than usual isn’t a bad thing.”
He sat silently for a second before his lips formed a tiny smirk. “I’ll remember that next time.”
Bruce went down to the bat cave feeling half past dead. Nothing new for him but for a little different reason. Alfred was working on something.
“Thank you,” Bruce said clearing his throat.
“No. You can go back upstairs. All of the boys and their partners have recieved cures. Though... you might want to talk to Master Timothy in the morning. He was at Wayne Enterprise,” Alfred said, always delicate.
“Oh god. What did he do?” Bruce asked pinching his eyebrow.
“Nothing that can’t wait until the morning. As far as I know, nothing worth a lawsuit or worse. Go back to Y/n, Bruce. She probably feels quite slighted after your affair,” Alfred said going back to his work. “I’m cleaning up and then off to bed. I suggest you do the same.”
Bruce didn’t bother answering but leapt upstairs quickly. Alfred was right. You were probably upset he left. He burst in the room and you jumped from by the shower door.
“What’s wrong,” you asked, bracing for the worse.
“Nothing. Sorry. Do you want to share?” He asked.
“Of course Bruce. Come on,” you said rolling your eyes. You turned on the hot water and you both climbed in. Bruce looked over your body as the water soothed your skin. Little marks littered your chest and back. He frowned as he took in red bite marks on your back. What had he done?
“I’m sorry,” he said tracing his fingers across your skin. “I was far too rough.”
“It was the pollen. Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” you said turning in his arms to look up at him. You gently kissed his lips before pulling back. You grabbed the shampoo and Bruce scrubbed the soap in your hair.
“Tomorrow we will deal with this. Tonight, we’re going to sleep,” you said and he hummed in agreement. He was a step about dead on his feet and when his head hit the pillow and he wrapped you in a cuddle, Bruce was asleep. You quickly followed.
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I am so completely enamored with Danny as jons ex and I would be forever in your debt if you finished that
i wasn't expecting people to like this idea so much, its definitely one of my weirder ones xD since im not sure when i'll get around to actually finishing it (if ever) you can have a very rough chunk of it instead. you'll have to forgive any mistakes, im not up to editing it.
In a surprising show of athleticism, Jon ducks under Sasha’s chair before the specter of his past manages to see him.
Sasha swears at the action, backing up in her chair and peering down at Jon in bafflement. “What on Earth are you doing, Jon?”
Instead of answering her question, he backs up even further, tucking his feet out of sight. He thinks Sasha’s umbrella must be under here, and judging from the sharp point currently jabbing at his thigh, he probably broke it. “Is he still there?” he hisses, tilting his head to avoid bashing it into the desk.
“That- that man!”
A pause. “Tall, dark and handsome?”
Jon’s turn to pause. “I suppose you might call him that,” he replies stiffly. And it’s true. The man, from Jon’s brief, panicked glimpses, is at least six foot, with thick, dark hair and a bright grin.
And he looks exactly like Jon’s ex, Danny Stoker.
He’d done an almost comical double-take after a cursory glance; at first he’d thought Danny was the new hire, but this man was more angular, like a sharper, leaner version of his ex. So no, it couldn’t be him.
That didn’t stop him from diving under the nearest object, ergo Sasha’s desk. Not the wisest of decisions, considering his throbbing side, but he’s never been known for grace under pressure.
He’s not exactly sure why this fight or flight mode’s been activated- he and Danny had parted on fairly good terms, each recognizing that although they cared about the other, they simply weren’t compatible in the long term. They’d dated for a little over six months when Jon was a freshman, and he’d fallen hard.
Danny had been his first real relationship, and Jon was shocked that someone like him even looked his way. Impossibly handsome, incredibly fit, desired and envied in equal measure, and he dated scrawny, shy, insecure Jonathan Sims; the rumor mill went wild. They’d met at a party, and not even a good one. In a brief moment of liquid courage, Jon managed to insert himself into a group and fit in one snarky joke that sent Danny into stitches, the rest of the partygoers following his lead. For one second, Jon felt like he truly fit in, like he was someone worth knowing.
Danny had a way of making someone feel special. Big, romantic gestures, surprising him after class, taking him on little expeditions beyond campus. Jon didn’t drive, still doesn’t, and Danny wanted to show him the world outside of their privileged little campus.
But, like all of Jon’s relationships, it came to an end. Jon wasn’t ready for such overwhelming affection (didn’t think he deserved it, quite frankly), and Danny needed someone who could handle his fast-paced lifestyle. Jon was not that man. They broke up amicably, even if Jon shed a few tears in private, saw each other on campus a few times. Danny tried to reach out more than once, just as friends, but Jon’s never been able to handle more than one relationship at a time, and by then he’d met Georgie.
But now it seems the past is unavoidable, and standing near the circulation desk. Well, now walking in his direction, if the steady footsteps were any indication. Jon’s heart begins to hammer in his chest as it hits him that he is, in fact, hiding under a desk because a man who sort of looks like his ex is in his general vicinity. Coward.
“‘Lo!” God, even the voice is similar, if not as deep. “Tim Stoker. Reporting for duty.”
Stoker. Tim Stoker. Jon startles, slamming his head against the desk with a yelp.
Somewhere in his spiraling thoughts and throbbing head he remembers- Danny had a brother. An older brother that he adored. This must be the famous Tim- Danny made him out to be a saint, and though Jon never met him, he felt some fondness via Danny’s descriptions. But Tim’s going to have no fondness for him, especially considering Jon’s current position, hiding in pain under his coworkers desk.
“Pleased to meet you!” Sasha chirps, very clearly amused by the situation. “I’m Sasha James. And this-” she tugs at one of Jon’s legs, dragging him a few inches into sight. Jon buries his head in his hands and wishes he were invisible. “-is Jonathan Sims. We’ll be training you.”
“Excellent.” Tim’s voice holds the same good humor Danny’s always did, and sends a pang of nostalgia through his chest. “Er, you alright down there?”
“Yes,” Jon responds robotically, scrambling to his feet and standing behind Sasha’s chair, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes, lest he be drawn in. “I- uh, lost a pen. P-Probably left it in the copy room, I’ll just be going...there.” With that incredible performance, he fled.
And only tripped once on the way out.
So Jon’s kind of cute.
Tim doesn’t normally go for tiny disgruntled academics, but Jonathan Sims is an interesting fellow. He’s got a reputation for being the ‘problem child’ of the Research Department, awkward and prickly and always available with a snide word. He wields his books and files like a little suit of armor, and the only person he’s seen him open up to is Sasha. Besides their little conversations, Jon is all work and no play.
Except with Tim.
Sasha says she’s never seen anything like it, with one of her secret little smiles. Jon’s always staring. Usually, the man can’t hold eye contact to save his life, but he’ll spend full minutes looking at Tim when he thinks he can’t see. The first few times, Tim would turn around and smile, but that practically sent the man into convulsions, dropping his papers and jumping out of sight like a spooked cat. It was funny the first few times, but Tim pitied him enough to ignore it now. He hopes Jon enjoys the view.
God forbid he ask the guy a question. Jon will look around the room, as if waiting for someone else to answer, when it’s clearly directed at him. He’ll blush and stammer his way through every explanation, keeping a wide berth of at least two feet between them. Even when Tim wants him to look at his screen, he’ll squint from far away. Tim starting to think he smells bad, or has some sort of communicable disease unbeknownst to him.
“It’s not that,” Sasha assures him, again with that unreadable smile. “Trust me.”
Time to try something else.
He prints out his latest follow up, a rather elaborate statement regarding mistaken identities and absolutely nothing supernatural. He knows Jon prefers to look at things on paper, as screens ‘trigger his migraines’ if Tim understood his mumbles. Maybe if he can engage with him on familiar territory for the both of them, he’ll be able to hold a conversation. Tim specifically requested his help on this one.
“If you could just look it over, make sure everything’s up to snuff, that’d be great,” Tim says to the top of Jon’s head, as the man refuses to lift his own to meet his gaze. “You know how Dr. Walker is. Always-”
“Finding mistakes where there are none? I’m familiar with her methods,” Jon snorts, and Tim feels like he’s getting somewhere. A whole sentence! With classic Jonathan Sims snark! “I-I can give it a look. I’m rather busy, but -”
“Take your time,” Tim says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I finished a bit early, so I don’t need it for a few days yet. Don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not.” Jon meets his eyes for about ten seconds before ducking his head back down.
492 notes · View notes
All Men Have Limits - VIII
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,600+
Warning: Mention of sexual assault 
Previously on…
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“Going along with this plan seems rather unlike you,” Tim finally pointed out to Bruce.
It was the two younger boys and Bruce sitting in the cave. 
“Without her help, we would have never been able to get the evidence we need to take down The Court of Owls,” Bruce sighed as he looked up at the screens.
“Yeah, but like you said before, we never use our own as bait,” Tim countered.
“Y/N knows what she’s doing.”
Tim and Damian shared a look.
“Are you certain things have not gone too personal, father?” Damian finally asked.
The personal question finally forced Bruce to tear his eyes away from the screens and look at his son.
His gaze shifted between Tim and Damian. From their looks alone, Bruce realized that his feelings towards Y/N were not as subtle and secret as he wanted.
But Bruce knew better than to answer Damian. 
The boy had never been invested in his father’s personal relationships before. Why did he have to start now? And with Y/N?
“What happens if things go south?” Tim challenged.
But Damian answered for his father. “You know he has a plan B and C, Drake. He always does, even if he doesn’t share it.”
Bruce was not about to have a conversation about his love and sex life with his two youngest sons. So, he thought of something to escape and he thought of it fast.
He stood up quickly and faced them. “Mandatory family dinner. Tonight.”
“What!?” Damian screamed in outrage.
“I don’t want to,” Tim whined like a baby, even though he was very much a young man standing at the ripe age of 19.
“Mandatory,” Bruce repeated solidly before leaving the cave.
Damian and Tim shared a look.
“This is your fault,” Tim accused.
“How is it my fault?”
“You couldn’t keep your mouth shut about the sexual tension we’re all choking on in this damn mansion!”
“But you don’t disagree. You’ve noticed it as well.”
“I was a little late to the game, but yes,” Tim admitted.
“She’s not like the other ones,” Damian muttered so quietly that Tim almost missed it. 
“No, she’s not,” Tim confirmed. 
Bruce was slightly surprised to find Y/N sitting at the outdoor pool, reading a book.
She wasn’t in a bathing suit – just shorts and a t-shirt.
Bruce walked over with his hands in the pocket of his slacks.
“If I didn’t know better, I would think that you’re starting to like it here.”
She looked up from her book with a smirk. “For the record, I still think we should ‘eat the rich.’”
Bruce smirked. “Right. Of course.”
Y/N eyed him. “Did you need something?”
“Are you sure about this?”
Of course he was coming to try and talk her out of the plan once again.
“Bruce, I’m not changing my mind.”
“Figured you would say that.”
Y/N could see his mind racing. It was obvious he hadn’t stopped thinking about everything that could wrong with. Bruce needed control. And even if he was going into an inevitably dangerous situation, he always had multiple plans to get out alive. Y/N’s involvement made it harder for him to do that. 
“Careful,” she warned him playfully, “It’s starting to look like you’re worried about me.”
“I am,” he retorted.
Her amusement vanished. “I didn’t think you worried. Or got scared.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you had realized by now that both of those things happen when you’re involved.”
She didn’t know how to respond that. She really didn’t.
“I also came out here to tell you we’re having a family dinner tonight.” Yes, Dick and Tim were basically living at the manor while they handled this specific case. But it was rare that the whole family ate together. All the boys would come back from patrol at different times. Alfred usually made something and put each of their meals in the oven or fridge for when they got back.
But Bruce made a habit of having mandatory family dinners. They weren’t frequent. And the boys often viewed them as some sort of punishment. But Bruce saw it as a way to remind them all that they were a family. A chaotic and a strange one, but they were still a family.
“It would be nice if you could join us,” Bruce added politely.  
Y/N smiled at how obvious it was that he was choosing his words carefully. “It was really hard for you to not me tell what to do, wasn’t it?”
He narrowed his gaze at her from being caught.
She never seemed to miss an opportunity to tease him. 
“Yes. I’ll join you.”
Bruce nodded, clearly pleased with her answer.
“Will you miss it?” Bruce surprised her by asking as he looked around at the exterior of the manor, looking almost lost in thought.
“It’s a home,” Y/N sighed. “And even with all the secrets and dark pasts, it’s still filled with happy memories, too. And a family.” 
Then she smirked. “Even if it’s a highly dysfunctional one,” she added teasingly.
“Not sure all the boys would agree with you on that.”
“Are you sure about that?” Y/N challenged.
Y/N walked out of her bedroom right as Dick was dragging Damian down the hallway.
“Come on. It’s never as bad as you think it’s gonna be,” Dick tried to tell the boy.
“Why did Todd come? He never comes to family dinner. He doesn’t even see us as his family.”
Dick smirked. “You and I both know that’s not true, no matter how many times he tries to convince everyone – even himself.”
Then both of them noticed Y/N’s presence in the hallway.
“You look pretty,” Dick complimented.
Y/N looked down at her outfit and shrugged. “Figured I could make a bit more of an effort.”
“Let’s get this over with,” Damian huffed before leaving the two of them behind.
Y/N and Dick both laughed lightly at his attitude.
“I’ve never told you how good you are with him,” she thought aloud.
“I don’t know about that…”
Y/N turned to him with an insistent look. “You are. Sometimes I think he listens to you more than Bruce. He looks up to you. I think it’s because…” her words die out.
“What? What you were going to say?”
Y/N still hesitated, but told him anyway. “I think it’s because you’re more available to him…emotionally, I mean.”
“Sometimes I feel like I have to talk to him the same way I do with Bruce. He’s a younger carbon copy of the guy. Just brattier.” Dick sighed. “Deep down, Damian has a good heart and he cares deeply about the people in his life. He’ll just never admit it.”
Y/N nodded.
It did sound like Bruce.
But Y/N never considered Dick would have a similar impact on Bruce that he also had with Damian. She wondered what Bruce would be like today if he had never taken in an orphaned Richard Grayson.
Sometimes Y/N believed Bruce would be completely devoid of any and all emotions if it hadn’t been for an adolescent Dick. His needs and wants as a child had prevented Bruce from turning completely into a callous vigilante with nothing tying him to his own humanity and life.
Y/N was about to continue her walk to the dining room, but Dick softly grabbed her arm.
“Hey, before we walking into the chaos…” Dick cleared his throat. “I just wanted to make sure we’re okay after the other night.” He shifted his weight and looked at the ground. “If I was too forward or I misread something or–”
“Dick?” Y/N interrupted with a smug look.
His head shot up to look at her. “Yeah?”
She had a wicked gleam in her eyes.
Then she moved into Dick’s space, closing the distance between their bodies and did not stop until they could feel each other’s body heat.
Y/N tipped her head as if she was about to kiss him.
But her lips stopped just a centimeter or two from his.
Dick’s eyes turned menacing once he realized she was messing with him.
“Yes,” Y/N whispered seductively, “we’re okay.”
Then she slipped away quickly and started walking away without him.
“That was cruel!” Dick called after her.
But her only response was her laugher from down the hall.
Dick shook his head, but couldn’t stop his smiling.
Maybe it was avoidance or a distraction from the reality of their relationship. But Y/N couldn’t deny that it was also fun.
Dinner was in the formal dining room of the manor. This was the first time Y/N had even stepped foot in the room. The fireplace was even lit. Even when Wayne Manor was hardly trying, it reminded Y/N how out of place she was.  “If I have to sit through this bullshit, you’re sitting next to me,” Jason said from behind Y/N, making her jump.
To her horror, Jason pulled out a seat at the head of the table. Two at each end and then two chairs in the middle on both sides.
“Oh, I don’t think–” Y/N stuttered out in panic.
“You’re the guest,” Jason cut her off and gently pushed in the chair when he finally got her to sit.
Damian was already sitting to the right, closer to the other head of the table– probably to be closer to his father.
Jason sat down to the left of Y/N. And when Dick finally caught up to her, he didn’t question Y/N sitting at the head and sat to the right of her.
“Perfect. You’re like our future step mom,” Jason declared.
Damian snickered, despite hating to laugh at Jason’s joke.
But Y/N looked horrified. She was about to jump up and take the remaining middle seat on the other side of Jason. But Tim’s timing was absolutely horrendous.
“Please switch spots with me,” Y/N leaned forward and hissed at Dick.
He smirked. “Absolutely not.”
When he saw her obvious panic, he leaned forward as well and whispered, “That’s payback for earlier.”
Y/N glared at him and huffed.
“Oh, I’m so glad I came,” Jason sighed.
Bruce walked into the room with his head held high. “Tim, no phones. You know better.”
Tim sighed in annoyance but slipped his phone into his back pocket.
Dick leaned to Y/N. “Bruce has a strict ‘no electronics’ rule for family dinners. Phones are forbidden.”
Y/N nodded, even though she would never be so rude as to bring a phone to dinner, especially when she was a guest and this was a literal “manor.”
Somehow Jason had pulled a bottle of red wine from nowhere. Or maybe it had been sitting on the table and Y/N had just missed it.
And Jason had already grabbed Y/N’s glass and gave her a heavy pour. “But drinking is highly encouraged,” he added with a crooked smile.
Y/N barely let him finish pouring before she grabbed the wine and chugged. 
When she put the glass back down, Bruce was watching her carefully. She at least had enough shame to sink lower in her chair and give him an apologetic look.
But Bruce was amused more than anything.
He’d never brought a woman to a family dinner like this. And though the situation was not that straightforward, it was still causing him a weird amount of anxiety.
“How are your lessons going, Damian?” Bruce broke the tension with the question.
Damian muttered off what sounded like rehearsed and generic statements about his personal studies.
“I didn’t even know he went to school,” Y/N muttered to Dick as Damian and Bruce talked.
“He doesn’t. He’s technically homeschooled,” Jason answered first. “Which is total bullshit seeing as all of us were forced to go to Gotham Academy with all the spoiled brats of the city.”
“As if it mattered, you died before you were forced to graduate from the stupid establishment,” Damian commented darkly.
Jason beamed and laughed lightly at the comment.
But Dick, Tim, and Y/N all froze and looked to Bruce.
They all knew it was a sensitive topic. 
Bruce was clearly trying his hardest not to scold them all night. So he just took in a deep, shaky breath.
“Why get your GED or drop out of high school when you can just get murdered?” Jason offered with enthusiasm.
“Jason,” Y/N warned lowly when she saw the pained look on Bruce’s face that he was trying so hard to hide.
Jason’s death still haunted Bruce and riddled him with guilt – despite the miracle of him being resurrected. Y/N probably knew that more than any of the boys. Maybe only Dick really shared that understanding.
“You’re right,” Jason agreed. “Tonight’s not about me. You’re the guest, Y/N. Why don’t you tell us about yourself?”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest, but the words got caught in her throat when she felt everyone’s eyes on her.
This was not how she imagined tonight going.
But Alfred – her savior – interrupted with the first course of soup and salad.
Everyone was momentarily distracted with the food.
Y/N hoped it stayed that way.
“Who taught you how to hack?” Damian piped up.
Y/N relaxed at that particular question. “No one. I taught myself.”
“Where’s your family?” Tim asked innocently.
Y/N flipped through all the possible lies she could tell, deciding to go with the one that would lead to the least amount of follow-up questions. And it wasn’t a lie at all.
“We’re estranged,” Y/N mumbled without looking up from her food.
“Parents are overrated,” Jason commented with a smirk.
Dick and Bruce glared at him.
However, Y/N couldn’t help but laugh along with Jason.
Little did she know that Jason could relate to her upbringing far more than anyone else at the table. Their childhood’s were parallel. Ones neither of them deserved. 
Tim instantly felt guilty for asking an uncomfortable question without realizing it.
“Y/N is not here to be interrogated,” Bruce warned the table.
“Well, why don’t you tell us about her, B?” Jason answered. “How exactly did you two meet again?”
Bruce narrowed his gaze. He knew what game this was. The more emotion and reaction he showed, the more it would encourage Jason to continue with such antics. “We worked on a case together a couple years ago,” was all Bruce supplied.
“More like she threatened you into working with her,” Dick mumbled as he tried to hide his smirk by licking his lips.
Y/N kicked him under the table.
“So, Y/N, have you always had a thing for older men?” Jason asked.
She gave him a death glare.
“Jason, come on.” Dick cautioned.
“I mean, you of all people should be curious, Dickie.”
Everyone went quiet.
Jason rolled his eyes and looked around the table. “Oh. Are we all pretending there’s not a weird love triangle going on?”
“I didn’t realize my sex life was up for discussion tonight,” Y/N mumbled.
But it wasn’t just sex was it?
“Why don’t we all go around the table and share!?” Jason suggested loudly. “Dick, you first. What’s your number?”
“Jason that is enough.” Bruce grunted.
But Y/N had it with Jason’s pot stirring and she wasn’t going to let Bruce fight her battles for her.
She snapped her head in Jason’s direction. “I hope you don’t have a sex tape laying around, because I will sell that shit to PornHub faster than you can jerk off,” she threatened.
The words slipped out of Y/N’s mouth so quickly that she had momentarily forgotten that a literal child was also sitting at the dinner table.
Her hand slammed over her mouth and her eyes widened in shock. 
Jason threw his head back with laughter. This was exactly the chaos he was trying to start.
Her eyes whipped to Damian with horror as she blurted out, “I am so sorry!"
“Please, I know what fornication is,” Damian rolled his eyes. “I’m not so innocent. After all, I was conceived from my mother drugging my father and forcing coitus onto him.”
“I also slept with said mother,” Jason chimed in.
Tim made a disgusted gag noise.  
Dick rubbed his face in exhaustion. Y/N’s jaw dropped at this new information. 
But when she looked to Bruce, he wouldn’t meet her stare, only further proving it was all true.
This was no laughing matter. 
Yet the whole family seemed desensitized by the subject.  
Y/N was processing that Bruce had gone through such an assault – and by the mother of his only biological son, nonetheless. “Can Jonathan come over soon for a sleepover, father?” Damian suddenly asked.
The subject change was like whiplash on the entire table.
Y/N couldn’t keep up. She couldn’t just move past what she found out like that. 
“I don’t see why not,” Bruce answered.
Clearly he was grateful for his son’s short attention span and his inability to read the room and realize he’d said something entirely inappropriate for the situation. 
But Y/N could also see the subtle happiness in Bruce’s eyes from his son asking him such a question. And for that split second, this felt like a normal family.
“Who’s Jonathan?” Y/N asked Dick quietly.
She was trying to follow Bruce’s lead and move on. 
“Superman’s son,” Dick provided.
“And literally Damian’s only friend,” Jason added.
“I heard that!” Damian shouted.
“I meant you to!”
“Put that knife down, Damian.” Bruce warned. “What have I told you?”
Damian lowered his head in shame. “The knives at the dinner table are for eating, and are not to be used as weapons under any circumstance.”
The table suddenly erupted into various conversations. Tim started talking Wayne Enterprises business with Bruce. Damian and Jason were shooting insults at each other. Alfred brought in another course.
Dick and Y/N shared a moment.
She sighed, realizing that the worst of it was probably over now.
‘Sorry,’ Dick mouthed to her.
‘It’s OK,’ she mouthed back.
The dinner continue with filet mignon, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, mushroom bordelaise, and – thankfully – more wine. 
Maybe Jason had helped them all in a way by airing out all their dirty laundry immediately and getting it over with so they could move on.
But as Y/N looked around the table, listening to the boys and Bruce talk, she realized that maybe – just maybe – she didn’t want to leave. 
Alfred put all the boys to work cleaning the dishes after dinner.
But he refused to allow Y/N to help. Once a guest always a guest.
Alfred handed Y/N a fresh glass of wine and told her to wait in the drawing room and that he’d bring dessert within the hour.  
Y/N knew better than to argue with him and did as she was told.
There was a roaring fire in the room, pulling her to it.
“Please don’t take anything Jason said personally,” Bruce said from behind her.
Y/N let out a breathy laugh and shook her head. “He loves to start drama. That’s for fucking sure.”
“He’s constantly trying to get back at me. You weren’t his target. I was. But I apologize that you were caught in the crossfire.”
She turned away from the fireplace to face him.
Her eyes were heartbroken and worried.
“You never told me about…” she hesitated, “about Damian’s mother. I-I had no idea.”
“I try not to speak of it. No matter what happened in the past, Talia is still Damian’s mother.”
“But she still–”
“I’m fine,” Bruce cut her off. “Really, Y/N. I came to terms with it long ago.”
He was irritated, but too preoccupied with comforting Y/N to face the dark truth of how Damian was conceived.
“Well, if you need to ta–”
“I know, Y/N. Thank you.”
Their moment was interrupted by the boys trampling in the drawing room.
Dick had Damian thrown over his shoulder as the boy screamed insults at both Tim and Jason. Clearly Dick was preventing a full-on brawl from errupting.
The bickering and teasing continued but wasn’t anywhere near as awkward or stressful as it was at dinner. Perhaps all the glasses of wine Y/N had were helping with that. She decided to simply sit back and watch the Wayne family.
Eventually it hit Damian’s bed time. Bruce insisted on tucking his son into bed. 
Jason took their leave as his cue to leave the manor. 
Tim went up to his own room. Except they all knew it wasn’t to sleep, but to get back to work and not stop until he was utterly exhausted. 
The drawing room turned relaxing as Dick and Y/N were the only two who remained. 
“You survived,” Dick pointed out with a chuckle.
“I did,” Y/N answered with a light laugh.
Dick let a moment pass before he asked,  “Why didn’t you ever tell me about your parents?”
She sighed, knowing Dick was going to bring this up at some point.
“Because I don’t tell anyone about them.”
“You told Bruce,” he countered.
Her brow furrowed. “And how do you know that?”
Dick at least looked guilty for answering, “He told me.”
She glared at him. “So is that what you two do now? You talk about me with each other? Swap notes?”
“Course not. But don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical getting mad about it?”
“Hypocritical?” She shot back.
“Yeah, hypocritical. You did a background check on every single member of this family. You know my entire past. You know every woman I’ve been connected to in my life. But the moment I know something about you, it’s not OK?”
“As if you wouldn’t offer that info freely if I asked…”
“That’s exactly my point, Y/N.” Dick sounded exasperated. “I’m trying to get to know you. I’m really trying. But now I know you’ve done it before. So I’m asking you to trust me enough to do it again.”
“It’s not that simple,” Y/N mumbled before walking out of the room.
Dick let out a groan of frustration and rubbed his face.
That definitely could’ve gone better.
But Y/N’s night wasn’t free of the Wayne men yet.
Just before reaching her bedroom door, Bruce crossed her path.
“Hey!” She snapped at him. “My past isn’t something for you to announce to whoever the fuck you want.”
“Y/N, that’s–”
“Save it,” Y/N snapped before he could get a word in. “Whatever broody and cryptic bullshit you’re about to spew…just…save it, k?”
And with that, Y/N slammed her bedroom door shut.
Part 9
A/N: I know a lot of people really hate the Talia/Bruce sexual assualt storyline. But that was the version of Damian’s conception that I was most familiar with. I didn’t want to make light of it, because we all know male victims of sexual assault are not taken seriously – and that’s fucked up. But I also didn’t want to linger on it too long since it’s such a disliked plot point
Let me know what you thought of this chapter!!! Pretty, pretty please. 😔
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