#you can see it if pay a lot of attetion
mawrjexel · 4 months
I see people say that Damian likes classical music but that gremlin definitely likes R&B, pop and kpop, but he will never admit it, he likes music with strong instrumentals and loves songs with good bridges.
So we all know that Damian is never fully asleep and that he has a lot of nightmares and is always on his guard, sometimes when he can't sleep and is very paranoid he definitely starts listening to music and starts dancing all over his room and goes down. like at 4 am to eat (everyone goes to sleep at 3 am or leaves the manor because if they stay Alfred will force them to go to sleep) while he walks down the normal hallway while singing silently and he goes down the stairs dancing (he's a teenager, let him be)
definitely kiss of life, beyonce, ariana grande, the weekend and chase atlantic are in his 4 am playlist.
On patrol he listens to nmixx, aespa, stray kids and bts (one of his favorite songs is no more dream, fight me)
Cass introduced him in the world of kpop, she definitely knows all of gfriend's choreographies (which are terribly complicated), and she taught them to damian while they were spending charity time together because they are the only members of the "raised by league" club of assassins and later taken in by bruce wayne"
Damian also sings very good but the only ones who know that are Duke (he heard him singing and told him he sang well), Cass because he once snuck into the mansion (there was supposed to be no one there) and heard him, and Alfred because he's alfred
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Dating Gareth Emerson Headcanons
I love this man. So. Much. SO HERE!
Gareth is a bean
A bean with anger issues but anyways--
He has ADHD but nothing can distract him from you
Except for squirrels
He's like a puppy!
He curls up on your lap like a cat tho
Is touching you constantly
Holding your hand, kissing your cheek, hugging you from behind, playing with your hair
Gareth really, really loves when you ask him to teach you to play his drums?
He'll sit you on his lap
Or on the side of the stool (cough cough, Heartstopper--)
And he'll direct your hands
It's the softest thing ever
One time you got really mad and he let you take it out on his drums
You may have busted through one--
It sounded absolutely terrible but it helped you a lot
Gareth was watching in awe the whole time
"How did I get so lucky to get you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just look so beautiful."
He doesn't really like those typical pet names like babe or baby
He hates them, actually (or he claims to, he thinks they'll make him seem less tough, so he calls you babe and baby and sweetheart when none of the Hellfire guys are around)
So he'll call you something like fruit loop or chick flick
It doesn't make any sense to anyone but you guys
It's so stupid
Specifically loves calling you the one thing that makes you blush in front of the Hellfire Club
Because they'll ask you about it and tease you about it for the rest of lunch/the campaign
He's always telling them to shut up but he loves it because it means you'll sit on his lap and bury your face in his neck
"Gareth, make them stop," You'll whine.
"I don't think I will," Gareth will whisper in your ear and rub up and down your back.
Gareth will either pay 100% attetion to you or the campaign there is no in between
He gets super invested and won't take his eyes off the dice or his character sheet
But when you're at his house, he will not take his eyes off you for a second
Unless you're in the bathroom
He's respectful
And random kisses?
Hard kisses, too
It's stupid, he knows, but he sees those couples making out against lockers and wishes it was you and him
And you've done it once or twice
Not in a crowded hallway though
Gareth likes showing you off but your kisses are private
Well, not all of them
Just like... the rough ones
Which is 90% of them
(I'm not even half done, hang on to your butts, brochacos)
Gareth gets jealous so easily
If he sees you talking to Eddie or Jeff or Mike or Dustin or Lucas or (Freak 1, as he's known--)
He will freak the fuck out
Hugging you from behind, tugging on your hair, pulling you away, distracting you
"Gareth, babe, stop it!"
"Yeah, but we're gonna be late!"
"... late for what?"
Gareth Emerson cannot lie for shit
So you always know when he's just jealous and wants you all to himself
But like... you have a life.
He likes to smell your hair...
Don't take that the wrong way he just really loves the way it smells
The coconut or strawberry or whatever
And he likes running his hands through your hair
Short or long, he doesn't give a flying fuck as long as you like it
He kind of likes it long though because you taught him how to braid
He's not good at it but he likes doing it because it's rythmic and gives him something to do
"I didn't do it!"
"Yes, you did!"
He acts like a toddler and has the anger issues of one
Which is super adorable but you also hate it--
It's like babysitting for free
But you love him so it doesn't matter
He's so sweet, too
Gareth will do anything for you
Jump off a bridge? Of course! Stick his drumsticks in his ears and make stupid faces? Sure! Kiss you in the rain? ~Chick flick~ Put on heels and take a polaroid photo? ...*questioning your relationship* Yes.
He's a lil stupid but it's okay
"Gareth, can we go home now? I just wanna spend time with you."
"Oh, come on, we just got here! What's the rush?"
"Babe. Can we go, please?"
"Y/n, can we please stay here?"
"I want you."
"I want you, too, you're my girl/boy/theyfriend."
"You're an idiot."
Gareth loves when you play with his hair
Carding your fingers through it, fiddling with the ends of it, braiding it a lil bit because it looks so cute--
He's easily overwhelmed, probably
Only at like parties and shit, not that you go to a lot of those
But the few you do go to?
He's begging to get the fuck out of there
"Y/n, can we just go, I don't like this, there's too many people here--"
"Just a few more minutes, okay? Then I promise we can leave, baby."
Melts like butter under your fingers if you call him baby
Gareth absolutely adores being called baby
But not around his friends
He has a reputation to keep up!
Gareth will be tough around them and again, like a puppy with you
I present to you...
✨Gareth Emerson✨, the most underrated side character in Stranger Things
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biribaa · 1 year
Make a wish
Employee 432/Timekeeper x reader
TW/CW: Some bad words
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Please choose a Screen and Subtitle Language.
Then you chose.
Have you played The Stanley Parable before?
Then you answered.
Please adjust the slider until the computer is barely visible.
Then you confirmed.
Please enter the current time.
Then, you chose.
Timekeeper cautiously watched all of your choices, trying to gather as much information as they could. Especially at the time part, where it was usually when they gets the most irritated. People always just leave and let at 12:00 PM, but not you. You, in fact, took the time to look at the time on your cell phone, and correctly enter the time, as requested.
Timekeeper secretly took pleasure in it, having a shred of hope that you really will get the time right next time too.
And they waited in the dark.
A few hours passed, and they noticed your presence coming back.
Please enter the current time.
Then, you did. Again, picking up your phone from the table and entering the time.
Hang on, hang on
Your eyebrows went up, you weren't expecting this.
Before we get started, can I just say something?
Your fingers moved away from the keyboard, and with a mixture of curiosity and hesitation, your hand slowly settled on the mouse, clicking in the black screen.
Thank you for actually setting the clock both times you've booted up the game.
Oh, sweet. With that, you grown a smile.
You were used to the Narrator always saying that you always do everything wrong and that you are always ruining his story. Even when you want to do something good, not the Narrator, but the game forces you to let him down once again with you. Seriously, when was the last time the Narrator said a "thank you" or even an "I'm proud"? Even if he was mad at Stanley, you were hurted because of Stanley's mistakes.
But then, you finally get a "thank you" for doing something good. And, and... You felt happy, you felt good.
"Thanks..." You muttered quietly, even knowing that whoever was that white text was, will not listen to you, just like Narrator.
Then, you clicked again.
A lot of people don't take that step seriously. They just leave the clock set at 12:00 and call it a day.
You're not impressed by this, you know how the vast majority of The Stanley Parable players are, always wanting to be entertained even if that means making someone genuinely mad.
You clicked again.
But you're actually taking the time to set the clock, and I appreciate that.
They appreciate you, unlike Narrator, and that just made you smile slightly more.
You clicked.
That's how I know that you care about this experience, you're paying attetion.
"Thanks." You said once again, more happily. And you clicked again.
I don't even have any way of knowing if the times you're setting are correct!
You clicked.
Tell you what, I'll make you a deal.
Oh? You got interessed.
You straightened your posture and moved your chair closer to the computer desk. And clicked
Since you've been so cooperative, next time you boot up the game and see this screen, just set the clock to your FAVORITE time.
You gasped.
Finally! A reward for doing something good! Something that Narrator never ever thought, in your vision. This just made your smile and interess in whoever was that setting person more bigger.
You clicked enthusiastically.
Go ahead, pick whinchever time you want! Even if it's not the correct time! You've earned it.
Yes, you have earned it. After enduring so many, many Narrator's rants for something you didn't even did and didn't want to do, you deserved it. Something that not even the Narrator, someone you've spent over and over again with endings together, notices. But this stranger did. They did.
Your heart softened and your eyes filled with hope. You cupped your head in the palm of your own hand and clicked again on the black screen.
Alright, I'll let you get back to the video game now.
Wait, already?
You clicked again after reading, just to come across the big title of the game and the options in white color. But no black background.
You stared at your own screen for a few seconds with your face expressionless, and your head slowly pulling out of your hand. Wait, you're going to see that person again, right?
You went back to playing the game, but you'd be lying if you didn't admit that for certain moments, you were thinking about that person, whoever they are.
You are going to see they again, right?
Timekeeper, too, was thinking about you, there's not much they could do in a black void. You sounded like a player, not another proctor making fun of their face that they can't do things a proctor can do. And, well, you set the time, unlike other players.
You were a nice one, that's is Timekeeper's first impression of you. And because of that, Timekeeper wishes to know more about you, but they can't talk, nor do something more than set the time, make sliders and give you options of "yes" or "no". Stupid. They want to be free. Some type of help, any.
But no, they're stuck now.
They at least got you. Finally, something that isn't the Narrator or the black void.
So, Timekeeper made a promise to themself: They will collect as much information about you as possible so they can get to know you better. They need to get to know you better.
They just want a friend, but apparently that's asking too much to the universe.
Hours passed -at least, Timekeeper thinks the hours passed- and they once again felt your presence return to the dark infinity of theirs.
Please enter the current time.
And once again, you checked your phone, and entered the current time. But in the middle of the process, you froze, remembering the last few texts from the settings person, as you like to call they now.
"Oh, yeah, favorite time. Sorry" So, you set your favorite time and pressed "confirm".
Ahhh, __:__ __. Your favorite time of day.
You smiled once again, happy to see they again. You clicked.
Or... could you simply not resist giving me the correct time again?
You let out a chuckle. "What a charming mate", you thought, clicking again in the screen.
After all, I know how much you enjoy setting the time correctly.
You laid your head on your hand, just like the last time, smiling. You clicked after reading.
Okay now I'm curious how accurate __:__ __ is. Let's use another slider to find out.
And when you clicked in the screen, a white slider appeared, with a question, How accurate is __:__ __?
So, you pushed the slider to the position you thought defined your opinion better, and pressed the confirm button.
You know, can I just say, regardless of the accuracy of the clock, I'm having a great time adjusting these settings.
"Hey, me too." You spoke, even if you know they couldn't hear you, you chiped happily. Then, you clicked.
It's good to collect data.
You clicked.
I wish we had more sliders! But we've gone through all the sliders I have.
"Aw...Same" Then you clicked again.
Hmm... perhaps I can invent some new sliders to gather new data on you.
On you? You are moving closer to the table with your chair, but at the same time relaxing more in the chair. You clicked.
And then, you came across several sliders, one with a dog and a cat becoming friends, one with the numbers 5 and 9, and so on. You had fun, and it was cute that the settings person cared about you having fun.
And there was also-
You clicked "Yes".
What time is it?
Does anyone really, truly know?
Of course they don't. Nobody knows anything.
You and I don't even know each other. We're like stranger.
"...Don't say that..." You quietly said. Reading the white words with caution. You didn't saw they as a stranger, but yes as a friend.
Sure, I've adjusted all of the game's setting to your exact specifications, but who hasn't?
It's just what I do, like a day job.
And now... the job is over.
You stared at the screen in confusion, they aren't coming back? Will you ever see them again? What does they mean by that? You kept clicking, reading all the texts that appeared in the void, your happiness slowly turning into a degrading panic and sadness.
And I still don't really know you.
And you don't know me.
"...Not true..." You wished they could listen to you.
You won't have me here when the game starts next time, but that's okay.
"What? No, no it's not!" You tensed. No, no, you don't want to lost they.
Perhaps you'll see me again, if you can find me.
Talk soon.
You stared at the screen, and if you could protest, you would. And the game menu appeared, but the last words they said were still running through your head.
"If you can find me"
And you did. You did the effort to find them.
Stanley, the puppet you control, stared at the computer in the empty room. Your curiosity bubbled as the screen zoomed in on the computer.
Hello again.
It's nice to see you.
But they were not talking with Stanley, someone empty, they were talking with you.
"Same." And you smiled.
They offered a deal, a union. Make more, and more The Stanley Parable games until the sun explodes. It was quite wrong, but it's not like just changing the title will destroy eveything, right? And you even got the broken achievement! What a nice person.
And again, everytime you open the game, you see that same black void again, asking for a new game title, again, and again.
Normally you would think they would just ask for a new title and leave, but quite the contrary, Timekeeper wanted to spend time with you. Screw the game, or the Narrator, or the other proctors, they got you! A friend, a real one!
Your first conversations started in the seventh title, when you came across another white text.
Wait, wait, wait! Can I have a chat with you? It's been a while, so.
And that's where you two never stopped.
Timekeeper has never been happier. They have been exclued so many times in the office by others, but not you! You were more excited to talk to them than the Narrator, who was supposed to be the main star of the game. How privileged were they to have a friend as loyal as you?
Timekeeper couldn't wait to talk to you in the hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades to come! You don't get out of Timekeeper's head, always causing a warm feeling in their chest.
You, too, couldn't stop talking and thinking of Timekeeper. Maybe you were lonely or not, but still, something as simple as plain white text could interest you so easily.
And right now, this was already the The Stanley Parable sequel number 146 you created with Timekeeper. And again, you two spend minutes talking and laughing, with the game not even started
-It was because she had no limbs! Hahaha!
It was a rather strange joke with decapitation, but you laughed. You deeply wanted Timekeeper to be able to hear you, and so did they.
You laughed, right?
You pressed the "Yes" button without any hesitation.
Great! I'm glad you liked my joke.
You smiled with genuine happiness, and laid your head in your arms at your desk.
Oh. Hey, I almost forgot.
Please enter the current time.
And the big 12:00 PM popped up. And with pleasure, you grabbed your phone to check the time and put it on.
11:11 PM, nice. You moved your mouse to the time settings, and entered the time of right now, 11:11 PM.
Oh? 11:11 PM?
As I recall, you can make a wish at that time. I don't really know why, but they say to just make a wish.
Quick! Make a wish!
"Oh! Okay!"
You lifted your head and closed your eyes, bringing your palms together. And you started thinking about your wish. Starting to focus, on the wish.
What is something you really want that's been stuck in your chest for a long time?
Wait, why are you thinking so much about a wish? no offense but it's just something fun not to be taken seriously.
So, you just thought about something you wished to happen.
"I wish... For you to stay with me and be free. Be together." You murmured, a peak of hope could be heard in your voice.
You opened your eyes, putting your arms on the table. And you already found them waiting for you.
You already made your wish?
At the bottom there was another option of "Yes" and "No". You pressed "Yes"
My turn!
I wish...
Timekeeper took a few seconds, thinking about their next words, about how much you meant to them, and about everything the two of you had been through. How loyal and honest you were, and the only person who really cared for them, unlike the other co-workers.
And you easily made them happy, Timekeeper didn't depend on their own happiness on you, but even so, you managed to make their day much happier.
You were extremely important to them.
And they really wants the best for you.
And they would love to know your voice, your appearance, your smile...
But without even noticing it, Timekeeper found a big smile sprouting on their own face, and a warm feeling in their chest.
Timekeeper was in love with you.
"Fuck, shit!" They though, screaming silently. This has never happened to them, and they don't know how to react. But... It felt good. It is good, right? Because... They feel very well that it is. But what prevented all this from going wrong? Of you abandoning them? Of you going back to the Narrator?
The feeling was fuzzy, and now it did their face warm, they hated It. Timekeeper growled in rage, thinking of all the possibilities to get out of the situation, to go back to being alone and not face any more disappointments.
...But Timekeeper never thought of just letting the feeling flow. What would happen if they just... Let it in? Admit it that they are deeply in love with you? Simply try having a actual relationship with you, and try to be happy?
They thought. You waited.
...I hope all the best for you and... I hope we can meet, maybe outside the game, someday, who knows, haha.
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
"Hey, Raph? What do you & your friends do in that club of yours?" He's fiddling with his hands, not really looking at his brother yet. "I mean, do you talk about things like what dad & mom do?" He doesn't want to weird him out or anything & hopefully he isn't. "Just curious, that's all!" ( mm verse LeoRaph :33 look you inspired me xP )
| muse interaction
Raphael chuckled a little when a picture was posted in the group chat he was part of with his teammate from the wrestling team he had joined. It was a slightly sexual joke honestly Raphael didn't realize that was part of human humor. Or in the least it was the humor of him and his friend on the team. Often they would tease over how overly sexual a lot of their practices could come off and how awarkwd the same moments were at times. Eh to be fair when your whole sport was pinning guys down to a mat though having a sense of humor over it seemed pretty normal. Raphael fell right in throwing in the same kind of jokes with them. Maybe it was pree pressure from hanging around a bunch of rowdy teens. But well it did make him grow curious.
Which is why he had gotten to be a tad protective over his need of privacy when it came to his texting. It's not like he was doing anything wrong of course, but he also didn't need everyone in his bussniess. Besides he didn't need anyone thinking he was thinking about all that stuff. Well okay maybe his searches weren't all thar innocent either but no one needed to know about that either.
He was of course but they didn't need to know who he pictured in his own mind when the topic would rise up. Said person happened to be next to him right now seeming to be texting. April likely. Look Raphael liked April he did she was cool but at the same time? He didn't see what Leo was so hooked over. So he turned back to the group chat. The guys were being horn dogs right now talking about who they found attractive and what not. And now Raph found himself turning his thoughts to Leo again. When remarks about doing things in the band room, or back behind the bleachers when no one else was around.
"Hey, Raph? What do you & your friends do in that club of yours?"
Raph hadn't noticed Leo's attetion was on him now only offer a faint 'uh' in response to his brother needing to replace the current thought in his head woth the fact he needed to pay attention right now. Watching how Leo's habit of fiddling with thier fingers helps him to draw his attetion on to his brother instead. They seem nervous?
"I mean, do you talk about things like what dad & mom do?"
"Like dad and mom?" He offers a slight tilt of his head trying to piece it together "Oh ew don't mention them with that gross." A very mature response clearly from Raphael. Till it hints him to ask "wait why?"
"Just curious, that's all!"
Raphael has to admit when Leo gets clearly flustered and nervous ots adorable, but thst makes him wanna push she them do it more slightly smirking he sets his phone away now. Uncaring about the conversation his teammates were having now. "Jus' curious uh?"
Sliding over to sit closer to Leo, letting his thigh press aginst thier own as he rested his elbow to thier shoulder. Always taking advantage of his much larger body shape when it came to Leo. Where Rpah was bulky, Leo was slim. So it made it easy to shift his weight on to them. "Curious 'bout what excatly?" He muses he already knew he just loved making Leo be clear especially when they felt nervous. Even if it slightly came with the idea this might also be about April.
That fromed a sour pit in his stomach. He'd ignore it for now.
"Oh what's 'his? Dose Nardo have impure thoughts?" He asks fixing his brother with a knowing look. "I mean hey, I can only guess with ya ain't bein' clear Leo. Might need to make it more clear for me? If ya lookin' for help or somethin' ?" That came out mkre suggestive than even Raph had meant for it but damn he was curious now.
Besides, maybe this could work in his own favor?
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uponrightful · 3 years
You brought this on yourself 🤣 I love how you give Crosshairs point of view so often, but I gotta admit, I was wondering what Dutch was thinking here…it’s all about the spicy longing for me… so
Carefully he wrapped his arms around her, and covered her hands with his own; Caging in her upper body to stabilize the little shake of the gun by taking some of the weight off her arms.
“Confident?” He asked with a hint of mockery to hide his weakening resolve.
She settled back against him tighter, and with a resolved breath she answered;
“With you…? Definitely.”
Such a good fucking girl. He sprawled over her hips with his own, and pulled himself tight against her. Steadying his breathing just long enough to make sure she could follow it easily enough.
“Then take your shot.” He ground out heavily against the shell of her ear.
Crosshair watched the shot leave his rifle, and could already tell she’d made a direct hit. It was actually perfect, and he couldn’t help but loose his concentration from the sensation of her body jolting back against him. She’d handled it flawlessly, but he didn’t miss the little whimper that escaped her when the gun rocked back into her shoulder once again. He wanted her to take one more shot, begging for another just one more excuse to feel her underneath him. To Cross’ utter shock, Duchess began laughing happily at the mere sight of finally hitting her target.
Commentary Track for Coriolis Effect
Copy 500 words -or more- of any of my fics and I'll give you my thoughts/rambles on what was going through my head -or the character's- when I wrote it!
* send one in here *
*cracks my knuckles* "Ask and you shall recieve my loveley" I say as I chuckle deviously. In no way does my fianceé send a worried look in my direction as I start typing furiously.
To begin, Dutch chose to lay prone for a reason. It's actually not the best position for herself -fundementally- and she chooses to ignore that because it's how she pictures Crosshair doing it. That mental image of his shooting like this is ingrained in her mind, and Dutch has too much interest in him to try and position herself any differently. His rilfe is longer than standard, weighs at least six pounds more, his trigger is softer, and the scope sits a little too high to see from it clearly at this angle. All of that comes within seconds of holding it, but Duchess ignores all of that against her better judgement. It's a taunt, as much as it is an impulse to put herself in his preverbial shoes. She can literally feel Crosshair watching her, and althought that's a very distracting thought, Dutch is set on impressing him.
Note: This choice -of positioning- was made not just for logistics, but also because it fits her personality. Duchess isn't shy, and she is certainly not inexpereinced. I thought about this being a "standing" scene but Dutch wouldn't let me. 😅 Although she is extremely independent, her character's biggest weakness is a strong desire to impress -or be accepted. This stems not only from her time with Phantom Squad, but also from the lack of times in her life that someone has told her "good job". When she chooses to lay down, she's literally opting out of the security she would have of making an accurate shot, just to take a chance on impressing Crosshair. That's a risk/guess... But Duchess isn't afraid to try anyways.
The whole time she's actually a lot more concerned with making her shots than anything else. Constantly checking her form and doing anything she's learned in the past to prove that her size isn't a limiting factor like Crosshair says it is. Her shoulder hurts, and although it would otherwise be enough to make her stop -she has her own career effectiveness to worry about- Dutch isn't leaving until dominates this gun. It's not until she hears Crosshair's sigh that it clicks in her mind that he's still watching her struggle, but not taken the oppertunity to stop her from continuing.
Note: Weapons mirror their users. And when I created Duchess, I made the serious decision that a lot of her ability to characterize others would come from their armor and weapons. That's just who she is, and what she knows best. So, in this scene... Dutch is literally equating Crosshair's rilfe, as to a part of him. If it's harsh, that means he is as well... If it's a sensitive model, that says something about Cross. If she can't control it easily, that's an indicator of the man who wields it. Really pay attetion to the way I compare Crosshair to his 'Puncher throughout the fic. I do it with extreme purpose, and although it's not always easy to spot, there are many times I allude to their symbiotic nature.
The moment Crosshair is close enough to touch, all of that subtle teasing about his weapon from earlier is gone. Ultimatley, Duchess can have a smart mouth, and know how exactly how to use it. But Cross presents a whole new kind of intimidation that she doesn't know how to handle. For Duchess, power only comes in two ways: Physical Prowess, or Rank -wheather that by government facilitated, or sibling rank due to the Phantoms. She's never experienced the way Crosshair acts twoards her. Duchess knows he respects her -because of he he listens to her seriously- but he also challenges her to do things she'd be otherwise criticized for with a hint of disbelief. (Like mouthing off, or betting that she couldn't shoot his rifle, despite that being against regulation.)
The moment he puts his leg between hers, Dutch is a ball of nervousness. Sex is nothing new to her, but that kind of confidence in particular, is completely foreign. Normally she's the one who initiates things like physical dominance in personal space. Dutch is so caught off guard, and her whole body freezes up, because she's realising that she likes Crosshair doing that. It's a release of power that she's constantly holding up, and that kind of vulnerability is hard to let go of after making such a habit of about being the strong one. After all, since Phantom Squad, she's had to depend on herself alone.
It's when he grabs ahold of her jaw and tells her to relax that she's really down bad. 🥵 She knows it should be nothing but a technical comment on her form, but he's commanding about it . Literally ordering her to let go, and release that tension. That feels fucking amazing to hear and feel, coming from a stoic guy like Crosshair. She knows his rifle is harsh, and occasionally he is as well; But that's becoming all the more desirable the more he directs her. Pushing her down against the floor, guiding her back against him... Doing simple things, but silently demanding she follow his orders. Duchess doesn't have to do anything -or think about anything- other than letting him take the lead, and she's daydreaming about if he's like that in other areas.
Note: Duchess takes a fully submissive role here. She's fully receptive to Crosshair's leadership, and it's because she enjoys being thought of as weak -or little- on occasion. Her background is full of war accolades, and confidential missions she knows to be successful. All of it culminating in this unspoken war register of a badass woman who fights like a clone trooper. But that's not realistic to uphold all of the time. Everyone likes to be taken care of sometimes, and Duchess just happens to really like someone taking control every once and a while. And with Crosshair, she feels safe enough to let that happen, and also enjoy the sexual aspect she's been thinking about all this time as well.
Duchess admits to feeling confident with him here for two reasons. Number one, she's still trying to be a little teasing. It's natural to have a little fight in her all the time, and with Crosshair, she thinks that flusters him. (She's right by the way...) But secondly, it's her desire to show trust. Crosshair might be fit right up against her, whispering sexual innuendos in her ear, but Dutch ultimately feels safe like this . The rifle isn't going to hurt as bad, she's going to hit the target, and Crosshair's weight is emotionally grounding. They might be attempting to do some target practice, but Duchess is literally getting the equivalent of a weighted blanket and reassurance that her true self isn't unworthy of attention. Plus, it's coming from a man who otherwise appears completely disregarding of anything with a noticable flaw... That's something Dutch will never forget. The best sniper in the GAR is helping her... And he's happy to do so, by getting as up-close and personal as a man could get.
His hands cover her own, rough and calloused, but they're unbelievably gentle. Cross is almost hesitant, and Duchess can tell he's actively trying to ease her tension. The way he speaks is soft, and quiet... Making her feel like jelly. Being asked to follow his breathing pattern, his arms tight around her, legs somewhat twisted into hers, his thigh tight against her core... It's all seductive, and essentially surrounding her body with him. And Dutch can't help but eat it up. She wants more. No one has ever done something so simple, but effective in drawing out her desire to think of herself as something worth coddling -in a sense.
Duchess might hit that target in the end... But the only reason she did was because Crosshair had relaxed her enough so he could aim . (She didn't make that shot. Crosshair did all the work, she just pulled the trigger.) It was the first time Duchess felt like she was being tended to fully, and that's that had her acting so lighthearted at the end.
I fucking love writing these. Please don't ever stop sending them in!😅🤍
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ashthewaterghoul · 3 years
“My Dear- A Obitine One Shot”
Obi-Wan stood in the Mandalorian throne room, two Mandalorian soldiers behind him, another two in front. Also in the room was Prime Minister Almec, Kenobi’s long time enemy Maul and his brother Savage. Forced to her knees by the throne was Obi-Wan’s love, Satine. She was scared, it was obvious, but her blond hair against her pale complexion couldn’t be described by Kenobi as anything other than beautiful.
“Your noble flaw is a weakness shared by you, and your duchess.” He used the force the raise Satine off the ground, making the force tighten around her neck, she grasped to release the non-existent hands choking her. Obi-Wan could barely bring himself to watch. “You should have chosen the dark side, Master Jedi. Your emotions betray you. Your fear, and yes, your anger. Let your anger deepen your hatred.” Though Kenobi didn’t like to admit it, Maul was a highly skilled dark side user, Obi-Wan lived his life strictly by the Jedi code, but whenever he saw Satine…
“Don’t listen to him, Obi-“ Satine managed to gasp to him
“Quiet.” Savage cut across her.
Although Obi-Wan may not have access currently to his lightsaber, there was a perfectly good one just a few feet from him, the legendary darksaber. He could grab it with the force, get Satine and run, run from the people who wanted her dead, just like old times. He just needed to stall him long enough.
“You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it, and it’s lust for revenge!”
He reached out and the darksaber was in his hand. He ignited it and ran in front of Satine. The Mandalorians started firing but Kenobi deflected each bolt back, when he had enough time, he used the force to push everyone in the room back. He grabbed Satine and the both crashed through one of the tall windows behind.
It was a long fall ahead, Obi-Wan tightly pulled Satine against him and the other hand was outstreched ready to call upon the force to lighten the blow of their landing.
Kenobi managed to let them both gently glide the last few metres of the fall. They landed far down into the city. No red and black clad soldiers to be seen, thankfully.
Satine still had her arms tightly around Obi-Wan’s neck.
“Satine, we really must move.”
“Oh, yes, of course. There are old mining tunnels under the city, we can use them to get to a private hangar.”
“You know best, my dear, please lead the way!”
After some precarious navigation, they reached a slimy entrance to the tunnels.
“It would’ve been good if you managed to keep the helmet.” She said
“Why? So no one would see us?”
“No, it would block out the smell.”
Satine had failed to mention these tunnels had been repurposed as garbage disposal.
They went through the tunnels until Satine pointed up towards a grate.
“Here.” She said trying to lift it, Obi-Wan helped her and they got up to a bright hangar with state-of-the-art ships.
“Right, we need a hyperdrive, a good comms system and one that’s not easily tracked or detectable.”
“This one!” Satine pointed towards a small white freighter, they both ran on board.
“I suspect that as soon as we take off, we will be fired at, so lets programme the navi-computer now.” Kenobi said.
“Yes, definately a General.” She said “Coruscant?”
“You’ll definately be safe there.”
After a few tense moments, the ship beeped to indicate it had finished programming their flight path. They engaged the engines, the deflector shield and weapons system and took off. As soon as the hangar doors opened, their eyes and ears were bombarded with battle. Obi-Wan swerved and snaked through the oncoming blaster fire, the occasional hit would jolt the two but they managed to regain their composure quick. When they were finally clear, Satine pushed the leaver forward to jump to hyperspce. The two let out a sigh of relief as they looked at the blue space swirling in front of the cockpit.
“Obi.” Satine said turning to face him. “I truly am grateful to you for going against the council and coming for me, I know it couldn’t have been an easy decision for you.”
“Satine, it doesn’t matter what the council said, for you, I would practically do anything.”
“How much trouble will this get you in?”
“A lot, I imagine. But as a Jedi, I have a duty to help and protect those who need it.”
“And as duchess, I have a duty to my people, and I’ve abadoned them.”
“No you haven’t, if you stayed, you would’ve been killed, then you could do no more.”
“Do you think the senate could help?”
“They would most likely have you swear your loyalty to the Republic for that.”
Satine hung her head, silently letting tears run down her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, my dear, I’m sure somthing can be figured out.”
Satine flung her arms around Obi-Wan’s neck and held him tightly, having almost lost her, he savoured the affection they could show for eachother, without anyone seeing.
After they had emerged from hyperspace and landed, they immediately had to go their seprate ways once more, Satine to the senate and Obi-Wan to the council. A fews hours of beration had no affect on Obi-Wan, he could not and would not regret saving Satine. He was sitting in his quarters, meditating on his bed searching for clarity when the door opened to welcome Obi-Wan’s old padawan and his own padawan, Anakin and Ahsoka.
“Master, rather bold move you made. I think we’re rubbing off on you.” He said
“Yes, well what would you have done if it were Padmé?”
Anakin’s eyes widened but he sighed, hung his head and said “The exact same.”
“I thought as much.”
“This was at the visitor’s entrance of the temple, by the way.” Ahsoka said handing a box to him.
“Thank you, Ahsoka.”
He opened it to reveal his lightsaber, no notes or name, just his saber.
“You lost it?” Anakin said
“Yes, and you might as well get it out of your system.”
“That weapon is your life, Master.” Anakin and Ahsoka said in unison.
“Obi?” said a familar voice from the door.
“Satine? How did you get in here?”
“Skyguy, I think it might be best if we left right now.” Ahsoka said
“Yeah.” They both turned and left.
Kenobi ran to Satine and hugged her, taking in everything he could about her, the softness of her hair against his face, the texture of her clothes, the scent of her perfume. When Obi-Wan saw her face fully she was talking about what happened in the senate, but he could only pay attetion to her face, her piercing eyes, her defined cheeks and small, slender nose. He came out of his daze.
“Obi, I-”
Satine was cut off by Obi-Wan pulling his love towards him and meeting his lips to hers, the clarity he recived was that he should take a page out of Anakin’s book. When the two parted, Satine said:
“You really mean it?”
“Yes, really.”
“But you’re a Jedi.”
“They need not know, my dear.”
View all my one shots here
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shsl-idol-imagines · 4 years
Can I request Peko, Shuichi and Kokichi having to watch their s/o get executed because they killed someone in self defense?
coming right up! These are very long,oops, so their under the cut!
 (also i wrote like half/most of this in geometry when i was supposed to be paying attetion so asbdhbdahd rip me) ~ Mod Sayaka
- This was wrong. Incorrect. a lie.
- you would never hurt someone. you were appalled at the idea of her hurting anyone. 
-much less kill a person! 
- but, here you were, quietly admitting that you had indeed killed someone. 
- But it was in self defense!! It was justified! you,,, you should be fine. Is what she told herself as the debate went on. 
- but soon enough, she heard that horrid bears voice , cheering that “Its Punishment Time !!” 
-No. you couldn't die. not like this. you two were supposed to make it out together. 
- Within moments, the usually quiet,soft spoken Peko, was almost sobbing. 
-Trying anything to get monokuma to stop. To stop him from killing you. From making terrible theories that could not be true in anyway, to saying she did it, and many other things
 - just to stop him from executing you. 
- She didnt stop, not when everyone else was yelling at her, trying to calm her down. 
- until you spoke up.
- “Its okay, Peko,,” But it wasnt. She was almost crying, a few stray tears falling down her cheeks as she voiced her disagreement. 
- “Its okay,,,i killed them,, i broke the rules.. “ But it was self defense!it wasnt murder,, you didnt want to kill them.. they wanted to kill you,,
- “ A murder is a Murder Peko,, the reason doesnt matter,, not here” 
- This shut her up. She didnt want your last words to her to be this.. So, i a quavering voice, she spoke, “ I love you [Name]” 
-”I love you too, Peko,,” and you were gone. taken away. 
- She sat through your execution with a stone face. Everyone gave her sypathetic looks. Even Hajime. She knew it wasnt his fault. He just didnt wanna die. 
- But, for the rest of the afternoon, she loathed him. Only after that night, once she had gotten all her feelings out throught crying on and beating up pillows, she came to her senses, and ignored her anger.
- Not again,, please not again. 
- Was this really a repeat of the first class trial? Were you gonna get taken away from him too?
- it seemed like it, as he looked over the evidence. 
- It was obvious to the detective that the murder had been an accident.Self Defense. 
 - but, as he was painfully aware, that was still murder. 
- As he explained the real murder, he didnt look you in the eyes. Not until he told everyone it was you who did it. 
- he hoped you would prove him wrong. Tell him another piece of evidence, that changed the case
- he didnt care if this trial had gone on for hours, and that he was exhausted. He just didnt want the blacked to the person he cared about the most.
- but you were silent. 
- And then you nodded. “Thats right.. i killed them in self defense.. nothing gets past you, huh Mr. Detective” 
- Shuichi heard your voice wobble.and he could see the tears in your eyes. 
- You were terrified. Probably terrified of the gruesome, torture-like death Monokuma had prepared for you
  - and, instead of some tragic cry of how you were innocent, he gave you one last hug, and told you that is okay, and that you were gonna be fine.
- As they watched your execution, Shuichi silently cried. No loud sobs. just tears quicly making their way down his cheeks.
- Kokichi knew before the trial started. 
- You had ran to him, crying, with blood literally on your hands telling him that you had killed someone. In self defense, but still
-  So he had a plan. it included a lot of lying, obviously. 
- but, he realized now. that the plan was failing. 
- failing miserably. actually.
- you were panicking, the guilt was too much. You were too nice all the time, and the guilt would crush you. 
- Shuichi was finding out who the true culprit was, much to kokichi’s dimay.
- so he started making any noise he could, trying to distract shuichi in any way he could.
- But you spoke to Kokichi quietly from beside him. 
- “stop. dont make this a big deal. i did it, okay? he knows now, theres no point.” 
- he could tell you were mad. At yourself. 
- so the last few minutes of the trial, he was quitely talking to you, about anything he could think to talk to you about before you were taken from him, ripped from his grasp. 
- He had his back turned to your execution, refusing to watch it
- maybe he could lie to him self, and believe you were still with him,,
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princess-grim · 4 years
I’m taking a break again.
Hey, so as you can see on the title, i’m taking a break. Ya know, some stuff happened what made me feel unsave here and on other places.  Some of you can probably remember how i was aggressive, uncool, awful etc. I was attetion seeker in 2018 to 2019. But these old times was passed, i’m not trying to make people pay attetion at me, i’m trying to be calm and people seen this, they started to saying that i really change, i improved, i’m now okay, and i was in beggining happy that i’m not like in the past, but after, some people started to saying i “haven’t change”, “i’m attetion seeker”, “i’m childish”, “i’m weird” etc. I was in the beggining thinks they just lying, and they don’t have right. Some people tell me that they don’t have the right, so i more believed this is a 100% lie. Everything was alright before people again started to saying i’m toxic, i’m attetion seeker, and i was again thinks they aren’t saying the truth but one thing was in my thoughts: Did i REALLY change? I started to think about more and more, people started to saying these stuff that “i wasn’t change” more, it was killing me inside and i was so confused, i didn’t know if i changed or not. I started to make vents where i’m killing myself or hurting myself, and i was happy seeing how i am suffering and dying, i was even thinking about suicide and i was thinking “if i haven’t changed so why should i be alive? Everyone will be happy if i’ll be gone”, i started to thinking about people who hurted me so much, about the people who doesn’t leaving me alone and texting to me every month. I was started to having panic attacks, i was thinking about them every nights with pain inside, these all thoughts, this all stress, this whole overthinking was killing me inside more and more, i was venting more and more and it wasn’t helps. Maybe if i’ll gonna overthink about if i changed or not without any hating people will help. So i’m taking a break to ovethink about everything without hate.  If you want to hate me and write on my askbox some hate, go ahead. It will just show your real mature, but if you want to give me advice, i will really thankfull and i’m gonna listen when i’ll be back.  I’m even wondering if i should move from Tumblr, this place seems to having a lot bad and toxic people. But i’ll try to give this place a chance. So, see ya. I’m not sure when i’ll be back.
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6 with losleep?
6. “I Don’t Know How To Form It Into Words, But.. I Think I’m In Love With You.”  
[Written on the spot so not editted and sloppy lol Hope you like!]
Human Au (Almost put haman lol), Highschool Au, Best Friends to Lovers,Confessions,Short!Logan,Strong!Logan Needs Agenda!!!(Mentioned), Losleep. Tw: slight cussing and abit of doubt As Law of Losleep states I Have to Tag Lia so @sleepless-in-starbucks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary:  Logan was usually the one having problems with conveying his feelings to words. But his Best Friend Remy Nightingale could always understand him completely but this one time Remy was the one having a hard time conveying his emotions into words. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Logan Berry and Remy Nightingale had met in middle school for a project they were paired together, the smartest boy in school with the most like gay boy who was rather popular. An odd combination of people , honestly they clashed a lot at first but that was the very start of there friendship. Many years went by they were fastly approaching the end of there third year of of highschool about five years of friendship between the two boys. No matter how different they were , they were stuck like glue. Through thick and thin but you see Remy has this small. Well big. Problem on his hands which has been plaguing him since last year. What was this problem? Well Logan. Not in a terrible way but every time Remy made eye contact with the other, Logan talking about something he adores and Logan’s eyes just light up brighter then the stars. How cute Logan was when he was sleepy and Remy has to force him to sleep with platonic cuddles and tea. Logan just showing his true colors to Remy smiling and laughing along when it’s just them and no one else around. Remy could understand whatever the glasses nerd would wanna say but couldn’t cause explaining stuff in words was hard and tricky. Though Remy grew queasy and cheeks red along with sweaty palms when he saw Logan some days he blames it on the lack of sleep that was making him like this. But no Remy was just and had fallen hard for the blonde haired with flowy golden locks. Was defiently tiny in size but could sweep and pick him off his feet and all his freckles look like stars on the others pale skin. As Remy noticed being picked up by Logan who picked him up for either wearing terrible shoes in not so good weather or Remy falling over all that. Damn Remy was Gay and for once. He was the one who didn’t know how to Convey his feelings into the words he wants to Tell Logan. As Remy had been laying on Logan’s bed sprawled out as Logan was at a desk Just talking about what Remy didn’t know he was to lost in his mind to even pay attention where he couldn’t remember how long he was there, cause Logan could honestly ramble for hours. Another thing Remy Adored about Logan. “The combination of its simple 'w' shape and the brightness of its stars makes Cassiopeia one of the most easily recognizable-”  Remy somewhat snapped back into reality as he was catching the end of a star fact Logan was talking about but Remy had to cut the other off. “Lo, Babes? Sorry to cut you off but....” “What is it Remy?”  Logan had seemed confused sure he noticed Remy wasn’t fully paying attetion how he usually does but the male presumed it was from a lack of sleep from when they binged Doctor Who together last night as a near end of Junior year of there highschool year. As Logan watch Remy fumble around with words trying to say something that would make sense Logan couldn’t help but blush lightly watching the other. Which he may have had a small Crush on since the start of this year, if he was being honest with himself, but there would be no way Remy would love someone like him. Remy was charismatic ,charming, alluring. His nicknames never fail to make the other blush and it was amusing how he got the exact same order from starbucks every time. How bold he was in what he chose to wear from crop tops to dresses, Logan was head over heels and oblivious as all damn to his friend’s feelings for him. Two minutes. Of Remy babbling trying to find his words. Cute. But Logan had to pipe up. “Remington You know you can tell me anything correct?” “I know Lo, Also shut up, I told you my real name is Blehhhhhhh” Causing a chuckle to escape from the two of them the small bit of tension lifting from the air. As Remy took in a deep breath it was now or never but the words left his lips as he adverted his gaze. “I Don’t Know How To Form It Into Words, But.. I Think I’m In Love With You.”   Cheeks red as he watches Logan’s face burst into a cherry red. “Remy...” “it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, it’s just i dunno how to say it. it’s just that i kind of wanted it be more romantic and words are shit and -” “Remy....I Think I’m In Love With You Too...”
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suhnnyskiess · 4 years
Life is really complicated sometimes. With recent events going around (health crisis, human rights activism, feminist activism too, etc) Idk i feel with a whole lot of mixed feelings.
When i was still in school (15-16 y/o at best) i was SO blinded by my privilege lmao, i used to believe everyone grew up in a big house with TV and cable, WiFi and had takeout at least once a week. I am not ashamed of who i was, because it was part of me and i can’t just pretend it did not exist, but i gre out of that pahse and now as a 19 y/o going on 20 i feel really confused. I’m sorry if i make typos, this is a self indulgent post bc i never post stuff here and its too long to be a tweet lmao.
For example, Capitalism. 
In school i finally paid some attention in my hs senior year and i grew aware of how awful the system we live in is. Which now makes me have mixed feelings with the music i lisent to, like take KPOP idols for example, the kpop industry is such a wasteful in materials and non sustainable for the planet its such a peak of capitalism and how they exploit their idols just because most of them genuinly want to make music so they go and sell their souls to the capitalism world we live in. Which makes me sometimes feel bad about supporting them, becuase me supporting them (by buying things that are one use only for example: posters, stickers, photocards, etc)
So i always end up rethinking if i should really be supporting them, bc if i do it means i support the system when in reality i just want to support them alone bc i like them as artist, i like the persona they portray (bc lets be real Korea would never let them be as truthfull as they want to be) 
Korea is such a conservative country i can’t believe i wanted to study there, i would just be stared @ by old ladies bc i’m brown and latina. Like Korea is so full of male chauvinism and so homophobic too like ??? Capitalism gave birth to male chauvisnm and you cant change my mind.  Which leads to the next point.
Feminist movement
I actually am thankfull of paying attetion in my senior year, learned so much more of the feminist movement and even started to actually speak up sometimes. So, having to deconstruct myself these past years haven’t been easy but i’m still conflicted.
I have friends that are way into the privilege bubble or in their micro male chauvinism bubble, bc they sometimes make some “jokes” about womans bodies or how girls “are such aslut for doing ____” and i’m still scared to speak up.
Shouldn’t i be able to speak up? Knowing what they are saying is wrong? Because the times i have done it they always and up with the “You take everything so seriously” or how can we forget the “You can’t take a joke” 
Luckly, my closest friends were never that kind of way, but some of them still live in their bubble and i try to leave hints like “Hi ur dad is a jack ass, you should know that” with a lowkey tone because i do understand they grew up in adifferent enviroment BUT thats not an excuse to be a jackass lmao we are in the 21th century FFS
Technically speaking my country is not neccesarry into the criteria of racism (completly) because what i see more here is the clacism. 
People feel entitled to be superior to tohers just bc their families live in the richer areas or have more money than others or whatever.
I feel kinda sad i wanted to fit in in that kind of world when i was a kid, i saw many others with new phones or brand new clothes and i wanted that so bad, i was so envious for material objects lmao clown
Ofc now i am ware that no matter where i come from and what i have im not either superior nor inferior to anyone, bc we all are equal.
MY POINT HERE IS THAT, even in 2020 i see many being classist, saying white wome are prettier (becuase if you are tan it means you work in the sun, you are poor) or how someone “Could never use public transportation bc its disgusting” (and yes i heard that from a classmate) and it makes me think y’know, how many people are out there being judged just bc of their income, their job, their neighborhood, etc. Its just DUMB
In conclusion:
I’m still lost and i never know what should i believe in or even if the things i believe in are okay or things i support, we all are equal, we all deserve the same things and please remember that.
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saebaragi · 4 years
answering questions i make for people i just met to see if i get to know me better
1 - what kind of music you listen?
i like pretty much everything, i really mean it, i just feel like music is one of the purest form of art and every artist cwork so hard and they all deserve love and aprecciation so i just listen to every type of music i can with an open mind and i love everyone in their own different way 
2 - do you know how beautiful you are?
On the outside? Yeah, i know i’m pretty and i’m always looking great; but on the inside? No, i have a lot of problems with my personality and i hate me for so many reasons. But is okay, at least i’m cute and people buy me candies
3 - whats your sun sign, moon sign and rising?
i’m a sagittarius sun, scorpio moon and leo rising. I’m really proud of my astrology chart, stars always make me feel happy and special smh
4 - whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
i guess is strawberry cuz taste like pink ? Do that make any sense? I dont think so
5 - how do you define your aesthetic?
vsco things, car trips, vinyl discs, 60′s hippies, motorhomes, cats, stars, glitter, dawn talks, coffee, sun rising, sky in pretty colors, vintage radios, girly tv showns, arcades, pastel colors, messy songs, rainbow candies, shine makeup, fire, sunflowers, planets, beaches, sea, shells, ducks, stones and litteraly everything that shines
6 - do you have a ideal type of lover?
if we talk about apparence, girls are so pretty, i never found one girl who don’t make my heart flutter, but black eyes, cute smiles and smaller than me would always attrack my attetion faster. About personality, i just want someone who loves me and accept me with all my many many flaws
7 - whats the best present you ever get?
letters and drawings from my friends; i met a lot of talented people in my life so far and i’m so grateful for them to share their art with me and express their feelings with their gifts
8 - whats your hogwartts house?
ravenclaw. I get a lot of tests and reflected a lot about that, and i feel comfortable with this house, it helps me to feel like myself
9 - whats your biggest fear?
i could say something deep like lost myself or die without doing something useful; but my biggest fear are bugs, i can not lie about this, i cry and scream everytime i see a bug, dont matter what bug is it, i hate and i’m gonna cry about
10 - what would you say is your talent?
idk, i mean, i think i can sing, i love to sing and some people who heard told me is not bad, but i dont think is nothing special tho; i also write some stuff, i do it as a hobbie, but sometimes it makes me proud; i’m good with advices, i guess, people look for me a lot when they are with problems
11 - whats your favorite movie, serie, reallity show and tv show in general?
i don’t watch a lot of movies, so i would just say every dc movie is my favorite and i also enjoyed carol; i love gossip girl and brooklyn nine-nine; my favorite kdrama ever is reply 1997, i watched it so many times, i love everything about it; i watch next in fashion more often, but i literaly live for reallity shows
12 - top 5 favorite colors
(5)purple, (4)orange, (3)pink, (2)yellow, (1)green
13 - any celebritie you would like to have a conversaton with?
theres a lot, but if i had o choose only one it would be mark lee from nct, i mean, this boy inspire me so much and i’m so proud of him, it would be great to listen him speak his mind in a long and comfortable conversation
14 - whats on your mind rigth now?
tbh, i dont really know, i’m feeling something weird, i’m easly boreed and thats sucks while we are in quarentine, i dont know how to keep myself busy adn all i do is eat, cry and complain; i dont think i’m doing okay these days, i’m trying to take care of myself but i’m doing a terrible work
15 - if i was a genious and gave you three wishes now, what it would be?
i want corona virus to disapeer, my cat allerg to be cured and money on my parents bank account so we can stop paying rent
okay, thanks for handling my questions, i hope we became friends so i can ask you more random stuff!
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coloured-crimson · 5 years
watching you pt.2
pairing: Peter Parker x reader word count: 1108 summary: you are one succesful experiment made by HYDRA and Peter Parker is your mission. mood: Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots. masterlist
gif is not mine.
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god, I’m so tired my eyes won’t even open. but i need to wake up, i need to go see Peter, i want to see what he’s doing... wait, want? no, i don’t want to see what he’s doing, i have to, what is wrong with you? wake up already! wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!
“good morning, Y/N.” a blurry face above yours greets you. slowly, your sight becomes clear and you are able to see who is it. Tony Stark. oh, shit... you had totally forgotten about last night events, you fucked it up and here you are, paying for it.
“what...” your first reaction is getting up quickly, but your hands and legs are tied up, so you end up sitting abruptly. “shit. am i this threatening? please, untie me.”  you notice that behind Mr. Stark there is no door or bars, it has to be a glass, though, and not an innocent one.
“are you hungry? you’ve slept like a bear.” he takes out his phone and types something, then puts it in his pocket again. “okay, so, let’s talk.” he grabs the chair that was next him and places it in front of you, then sits. he keeps focusing on you, looking right into your eyes and you do exactly the same. You seize the opportunity to bilocate, the other you takes quietly a good look to the cell your in, white walls, white floor and ceiling, except for the panel that’s next to the glass, there is nothing else. then you focus on the outside, only to see cells just like yours.
“how you know my name?” he puts his hand on his chest looking offended by your question.
“i know everything about you, sweetheart and, let me say, i’m really sorry for what happened to you, it had to be diff-” the you that was behind him didn’t let him end that sentence, you grab him by his hair and pull it back until he’s facing you. suddenly, his right hand turns into metal and catches yours, he stands up, turns around and puts your arm on your back to stop you, it all happens in seconds. meanwhile, you’re sitting there watching the whole thing. when he pulls your arm too hard, you become one again and he stays there, a bit shocked.
“we’re not talking about my past, Mr. Stark.” his head turns quick, still surprised about your abilities, then he sits again, his hand comes back to normal.
“that was... quite the show. you have to teach me how to do that.” a knock on the glass keeps you from saying the awful things you were about to spit to his face. you bilocate again to see who’s there, and, to be honest, you didn’t expect him to be there. anyway, there he is, Peter Parker, with his beautiful hair perfectly done, his clothes you’ve seen a lot of times in school, his terrible shoes he always wears and a tray on his hands which you asume is the breakfast Tony mentioned earlier. he was not expecting you to appear right in front him either, his face shows, “Peter! what took you so long?” Tony walks towards you and places his arm on your shoulder, sorrouding you. well, not exactly, he’s actually protecting Peter from you.
“yeah, Peter, what took you so long?” with a mischievous look, you say as the glass opens and he doesn’t say anything, he just focuses on your eyes. Tony clears his throat, calling Peter’s attetion, and beckons him to leave the tray on the chair, which he does. “aren’t you two gonna join me?” the you that is in Tony’s arms play innocent.
“actually, Peter is going to stay, i think you two... or three, have a lot to talk about.” Tony let’s you go. he gets a gets a little device out of his pocket and hands it to Peter, who still doesn’t believe he’s gonna leave you two alone. “okay, this is how we’re doing this. you,” he says pointing down at you “can multiply all you want but if you get this close to that boy, he’ll fry your ass. as much as he wants.” with that being said, he goes.
“relax, i’m not gonna hurt you.” you say as you pick up the tray and start feeding yourself. he stays in the corner a bit nervous, it reminds you of a little scared puppy.
“i never thought i was gonna see something like that in my entire life.” he’s obviously talking about how you’re feeding. “well, you didn’t offer, so...” you keep stuffing your mouth with food.
“are you gonna tell me why you did that to me?” he crosses his arms. you don’t say anything until the food is gone and there is only the two of you again. “telling you everything would mean i accepted my dead sentence and i haven’t, spidey.”
“but you’re not getting out of here any time soon.” you know he’s right. no one is coming to rescue you and, as good as you may be, you can’t beat the fucking avengers alone. “so, tell me.” he sits on the floor. “sit here, i don’t bite.” you point to the chair. he hesitates but ends up doing it. “you are my mission, Peter Parker. and i’m still planning to fulfill it.” you look at him in the eyes. “your mission? as if killing me or what?”
“no, i have to deliver you. alive.” he keeps quiet for a while, thinking about what you just said. HYDRA wanted him, maybe they want to do with to the same they did to you. that’s crazy. “cool,” he takes a deep breath. “so, Mr. Stark said... ermm... they did things to you, like, experimented on you?” oh no...
“i think you should go.” your mood changes completely. it is not a subject you like to talk about. “is that what they want to do with me?” he can feel the tension, he knows how uncomfortable you are, but he just doesn’t know why he keeps on pushing you. “get out.” you approach to him as much as you can. “you can talk to me, you know?” he feels the other you behind him before you could even touch him. the boy doesn’t hesitate and presses the button on the device Tony gave him. 
you black out in front of him one more time.
if you want the third part let me know!!
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sylles-sylles · 3 years
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Yeah, one moth late. originally intended to be uploaded on Dec 31st but the computer stopped working on that day but anyways, I leave this thing. 2020 was a good year at the beginning (which I started focusing on my socialization ana mental health) but later it became worse. But at least my animation skills have improved a bit (even if I haven’t animated a lot) and I became a bit able to show some concepts about some of my character (specially Skyler). and well, I haven’t made illustrations with complex shading but I didn’t have time even for flat drawing but I hope this new year I get able to do complex shading illutrations again. Plans for 2021 (I probably can do them during or after summer, I don’t think I can make them before summer due my current personal situation): - start doing storydriven memes, AMVs and Animatics - I want to revive some old characters and stories that I made when I was younger and have them as my other projects apart from the one where Skyler, Jake, Vicky, etc. are in (which it has now a name: What’s behind the imbroglio?) - I want to start making commissions, YCHs and adopts to earn more points to get core on DA (because I want to change my username there because I’m now “Sylles-Sylles”) - I want to dedicate to more things like playing some videogames, go skating;skateboarding or cycling, praticing the guitar (which it’s also my hobby in some occasions) - focus on my preparation to become an adult - focus on my socialization a bit more (I’m not sure about this one because I use to get distracted easily when I hear everyone talking about something that doesn’t interest me but I might try my best to pay attetion) - test the premium thing on DA - I want to do more drawing challenge and then, characters REFs and BIOs What I’m waiting/hoping for 2021: - the upcoming interesting movies (in my opinion): Tom & Jerry live-action movie, Space Jam: a new legacy, Sing 2, Boss Baby 2 and Suicide Squad 2 - Doll eye Chapter 2 (even if not a big fan of Twisted-doctor anymore, but he is still one of my favorites) - Be able to go out from home more often and see my irl friends again and meet my new classmate from high school in person - The new season of Gorillaz’s album: song machine. Well, that’s all I want to say, I hope all you have a great 2021. see ya!
🚫Notice: please, do not trace, re-upload. edit or use in your videos without crediting me. Please, do not use this picture in your icon or banner without my permission. Only I can use this without crediting me. Agree with the notice!! ⚠️ If you don’t like this, please, don’t comment with strong language, just comment respectfully what you dislike about this picture.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
we lost all our men no half and more and it is ridiculous theypush for more to go ad it is the ifirm...we call them that here no but it is them..they are rude hard ad funny asty ad really gone are not survivors lack intelligence do harmful things to themselves ad othres arepests....they lost te day for us and possibly the war.. walkeens wife  i second it...she is buetiful but is under duress ad by so many we tried to get her out succeeded but used brute force no he did...let himlive ad they thankedhim sent tons here so we se eit..out and die and no bunkers for you sowe see th reload,,go iin soon, try making now so we do it again..and less and less risk so we hit them. and we stalk trump as he does us and him. walkeen they are there hear it trump we aremany and macs too hityou ad your imp walkeen for your sake stop trump stop what we all do it walkeen stop talking about it trump wehit you now walkeen oh. ok the movie trump we see it true your not messed up they thinkso sits waits for me ok walkeen slow dim wittednot paying attetion caused a mess our threats ignored. trump fromwhat mac says you did ont iform himproperly of the threat. Zues we did he left it there as we leave your delcaratiosn or demons...we see it we dont know trump we war on you trump you slob it was you who tried a coupe of your own leadership so damned stupid you idiot...you tried it..to oust your own ad they were saying it out you frigin idiot...and were protesting..who the hell are you anyways your stupid..thisshit is nasty and dumb ad we laugh at it.  what are you doingn...lol mac was goig to be close i heard or no. trump early not one vote in. tons checked about 100m nonillionnonlie slowed th eitnernet,no votes why then  your an assholeand moron and mean idiot. and a staging for your next trick meawhile your ships are not under yourcommand your areas raided we saw your reactions.  adn this was it can i see it..no, why your a moronn thats why...and it is dave.  he sounds likehim duh ok are brothers..he is not into it ok you oaf you will be o the run now you fn asshole and yeh hands ittome that is it this is how it is true.  you fn fag joel...wow man joel what a nonn surprise non climactic. caa...haha true this storysucks as your short stories do. lousy...read  bad.  you did it for grandma no hers are torrid too.hard to follow probably beter now yeh they are for oldre ppl.true too  and she suggests you re read it has juicy stuf ad lots about this period.  time ther ewas slow snow...food in now ad wait...watch it fall newspaper and tv and phone...laugh andgigle like imbiciles as he is a bit daft crazy irish...calls me names i say youare then he smiles your not then starts up again he was  abit senile yes.  he always looked back jimhe nver backs down is superman but wow he is way way out there..or we have an issue like you are one.  ad her on theline hhaha on the phone againn...lol   well you were a lot...tons of tmes...ok daddy2 you are back no. but we see..a mountain or museum. he doesnt know.  we follow it though...they looked and hot and wow. why there is evidnece adn o antarctica we go no no not you dummy...dont call me that ok Maam no...qe yes and caps.  QE and abbrviated as it is loong ok  too dangerous and very dangerous....gonzo.  not even the right one ok okfunny..i see.  let hal go he is looking for a palce as he is after him. collects his data intel.i see it hal says wow we go ad bja your not director aymore ad i couldnt hadle it have too muchfun watching him and blah blah ok your on then we go see real realy glyphs ..justin, i cant stop them...we know oe was here puckedup joe and was in his room he sat watching...she left then he slept.  herd her  a bit we did too...horrid though...smoked a bit...sw it...wow smoked.  wethink her gear... i checked ad yes dear it was i left...too bad i was watching over you...ok but tryi better batteries yeh ok... Thor
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esseessa · 4 years
bruh i been feel horrible. far too many bitter thoughts, awful thoughts. i hate this. i want to live in the moment and i can’t let my negativity to stop me from enjoying things, fun moments. but it’s so hard. bruh... i don’t want to complain because i am, i am!, happy, i feel joy and am grateful for the things and moments and people i have. but.... god i am a sad person. i can usually ignore my sad nature, my smallness, and lonely and plain and usually... mirthless little life, but the moment i am shown that this is not the standart way of living... the moment i am show that people usually feel at home in their bodies and have control over them to... just enjoy theselves, and have pleasure and be open to other people... it’s hard. it’s hard because there’s nothing i can do except forget again that not everyone has to put a constant fight against their bodies, and feel uncomfortable all the time, at every moment, and not everybody is lonely. and even when i forget, the things i try not to think of surface in other ways. i can’t stop picking at my skin, i can’t stop scratching my head, from anxiety, from loneliness. i’ve been paying more attetion lately, to how i’m always trying to make myself be as small as possible, to fit in, and be accommodating and useful. in terms of friendship, my inner monologue treats myself almost like a product being advertised. “I’m such a good friend, i do this and this and this. I care, I pay attention, I love. And yet I have no friends.” dehumanizing myself, and i can’t let myself make mistakes, and am always trying, though subtly, to be special. it’s a silent, but torturing endeavor. i’m always doing it, subconciously. sometimes i feel like a worm, trying to get under people’s skin, trying to be needed because... i crave this intimacy, i crave... conection. and the only way i can do this is... having a purpose to people, being useful to them, not unlike an object. and i think that is because i don’t really think i have any worth. a worm doesn’t have any worth. i feel like a parasite. i think a lot about the phantom of the opera. the way i interpret it is that... (and I know it's a shitty thing to say, and also not a rule, sometimes ppl just r lonely, but I feel almost as if) if you have the basic requirements of a normal person, you can be the most mediocre, uninteresting person to have walked this planet and it wouldn’t matter a thing, there would still be someone that would love you. but if you fail the basic requirements, it doesn’t matter if you’re a genius of music, martial arts, architecture. it’s all useless. it’s a cycle really. i do recognize my talents, but i don’t think they have any value to anyone, and yet, having no inherent value either, i keep trying to have it through my talents. a lose lose situation. trying or giving up having friends, even just... being a person, either way i end up lonely. i was gonna ask why i keep trying, but i remembered that i do it so i can at least.. keep moving forward in my life. i can’t progress without contacts, even if they’re superficial. oh having to skin my spirit in orther to have ordinary things. this hurts. knowing i’ll go through my life half awake hurts. seeing my limits hurts. being the stranger hurts. and no one wants anything to do with this.
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stef-mad-arts · 6 years
Why i left for so long
For those who are interested to know what happened you can go check it out
Life Update.
I will do my best to keep it straight, now i know i owe you some explenation for why i left without any damn warning, i first have to say i was off almost from the begining of the summer because of finals until christmas when i finished my finals i was about to do a trip around Europe ( not really) i went to germany and italy with my class to vist some of their art musiems and buildings with old friends that i know from high school junior.  it was kinda rough trip siting for a half day inside of a buss but it was worth anyways. when we came back my friends i mentioned had many arguments (even before we leave but worse) and they end up break their friendship while me being in the middle doing my best to calm both down and i was doing this for almost a year now, of course i had to swallow it and hang out with them separately from now on (you can see the irony here) after that trying to get use to i had to keep my self full work to fine arts and drained me alot of time. Going like this for a few months i had some awkward behavors from ppl online that made me not willing to go back to tumblr, i had to deal with them and move on. After a huge break of all the shit i went through somewhere around October i was rethinking to return and i decided to start making something big with a haloween theme video on gmod, i never done a video before so it was a big challenge and the idea was scrapped so i had to do something else. Christmas around the concer i went full work on making the comic you see today about Suramar after playing lot of wow to make it happen. Just when i was about finish it, just recently my grandafther had a small axcident with his eye and i had to go see him and pretty much encourage him he will be fine and i left for few days my comic project. Nevertheless i did my best not to lose my hope for my goals, i made the comic and here i am now telling you the story.
In short i had lot of events happening really fast and hitted hard, there were of course a few breaks and posstive moments in between that kept me up. I hope this life Update gave you the answers and what was happening while i was out of Tumblr  now i’m gonna go and make more art shit and maybe finish my gmod video, I wanna say a big thank you to the folk who msged me i may didn’t answer them all but you need to know that i was paying attetion you know who you are and i thank you  alot, wish you all a happy new year.
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