#but then ultron happens the way it does
kittyhazelnut · 1 year
fic talk in the tags don't mind me
#totally gonna rant about the distanty future of loki misses the asgardian prison system rn just as a heads up#this has been your spoiler alert lol#so I'm only on the aftermath of Age of Ultron rn so it's a bit of a ways away#but the last chapter or two i wrote has me thinking about civil war#and how it would almost make more sense for wanda to join tony instead of steve#and I've always thought in the movie it would make more sense for her to do that because she *should* be okay with the accords#regulating her and her powers so she doesn't hurt anybody else. it just kinda makes sense to me#except i was thinking the bomb in civil war might not hurt anybody which would put her safely on team tony#except rn she's kinda closer to tony than steve because Drama and shit so it *would* kinda make sense for her to join team iron man#but then the bomb does kinda have to blow up the building (or maybe a near miss and nobody dies but the building suffers a bit of damage?)#except the whole reaosn I haven't changed too much plot-wise is that i want peter in the fic and obviously its civil war where that happens#and if tony has wanda on his team then he really doesn't need to seek out a teenager for help#and maybe Steve would? especially because they're both New Yorkers so bonding and shit? but would he let a kid on the battlefield with him?#i mean he used Wanda's age as a defense in civil war and she's older than Peter so....#although maybe Nat could be team cap and she could bring him in ig?#and then maybe tony realizes hes just a kid or something and takes him under his wing? so homecoming still works?#man idk i don't wanna change too much but I also don't want to keep everything the same like that's boring y'know#I'm so conflicted 😭#and i have time to figure it out like im just starting The First Big Thing in the aftermath of AoU so it's not like ill be at civil war#any time soon. but ill be there eventually and then I'll need to have sn answer to all these questions and ughhhh fanfics are hard man 😭😭#lmtaps
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 4 months
Let's Talk About That
I saw the end when we began (1)
Psychiatrist!Avenger!Fem!Reader × Wanda Maximoff
Summary: You are the young psychiatrist for the Avengers, and you take your job very seriously, but what happens when Wanda joins the team, turning your life upside down?
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: legal age gap r is 19 w is 25, talks of death and grief, a bit of angst, therapy sessions
A/N: I had this idea for a while and wrote it a while ago, but spruced it up for publishing. I hope you enjoy it!
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May 7th-10th 2015
The only sounds to be heard were the scratches of your pen against paper as you wrote down notes the old fashioned way and the hum of the AC unit installed in your office. Tony let you have a nice corner of the tower where there was sunlight and windows. You had gone with a soft gray for the walls, an L-shaped mahogany desk that had both a desktop computer and your laptop. Across from your desk was two couches and a coffee table between them with an assortment of fidget toys, a succulent, a handful of magazines, and a box of tissues. 
Everyone had been away on an important mission and normally you’d go with, but you'd been recovering from a previous injury, you still are when you hear a knock on your door, 
"Open." You let them know and just from their aura you can tell it's Tasha, but she's with someone else, an aura you don't recognize. You look up to find a girl with chestnut colored hair, and a dark aura around her. "Hey Tash. I'm glad you're all home safe. I'm assuming we'll restart our sessions?" You ask the red head. 
"Yes. We can resume them. Tomorrow. Today I need you to have a talk with this one." Tasha helps her into the room and gestures for her to sit down, Tasha walks over and hands you a large file. "She came from HYDRA, they had a lot of info on her, she had joined us in the fight against Ultron." Tasha tells you before lowering her voice, "She lost her twin brother during the battle. So maybe you can get her to talk." You smile at Tasha and then look past the red head. 
"Yeah of course we shouldn't have any issues Tash. Leave it to me." You tell her as I adjust your glasses, quickly looking over her file as Tasha exits, closing the door behind her, "Wanda Maximoff, 25, born in Sokovia." You say out loud as you walk around your desk to the other couch across from where she's sitting criss-cross. You take notice she's taken her shoes off and smile, taking note of the fact that she’s comfortable enough to do something like that. "I'm Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. I'm 19. I'm also an Avenger. I have a power that allows me to see auras and emotions. I can also influence people's emotions and use my voice to influence others around me." You tell her a little about yourself first to help make her comfortable with talking about herself.
"You're 19? How are you a doctor?" She finally talks and you can hear her thick Sokovian accent which is like music to your ears. 
"I'm very smart. Graduated high school at 12 finished my Doctorate last year for psychiatry and Tony took me in as the Avengers Psychiatrist shortly after that. Everyone here needs a little bit of help and that is what I'm here to provide for you." You smile at her as you open a fresh notebook for her, choosing a red covered one noticing that she was wearing Tasha’s red leather jacket. "So tell me a little about yourself. Anything you want." You ask as you jot down her basic info on the first page. 
"I love American sitcoms." she tells you first. You smile and look at her over your glasses. 
"Why is that?" You ask as you jot down her words. 
"We used to watch them as a family every night so we could learn English." She tells you making a smile appear on your face. 
"When you say we who does that entail?" You question the Sokovian wanting to get to the root of her problems. 
"My Mama, Papa, and Pietro..." She tells you solemnly. 
"Who is Pietro?" You inquire, looking up from your notebook. 
"He is...was...my twin brother." You jot down everything she says during your session and she does open up a little bit with some persuasion on your part, but that isn't unusual for your sessions. 
"Well Wanda thank you for opening up to me. Your aura is looking a little warmer from when you first walked in. How about you come back in three days for another session?" You tilt your head as you grab a little card for her. 
"Why three days?" She asks nervously, tugging at her sleeves attempting to cover her hands, but the jacket doesn't budge. She starts picking at her nails as an alternative, chipping the black nail polish further. 
"I like to have frequent sessions the first month. Then we'll have them weekly just like the others." You let her know and she nods her head as you write the date and time for her to show up on the card for three days from now. Standing up with her, "I offer a high fives, hand shakes, fist bumps, or a hug at the end of sessions. Which would you like?" You ask and she's thrown off a bit by the statement at first but then answers. 
"Hug. I could use a hug right now." You open up your arms and let her come to you. She ends up crying in your arms as you sooth her, letting her know it is okay to cry. 
"I'll always be here for you Wanda. I'm always on your side." You whisper to her and she holds you tighter at the words.
You sat back down at your desk after Wanda left, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within you. Empathy for Wanda's pain, determination to help her heal, and a lingering sense of dread about what HYDRA had done to her. But you pushed those feelings aside, focusing on the task at hand.
As the Avengers' psychiatrist, it was your responsibility to help your teammates navigate the mental and emotional toll of their work. Sometimes that meant delving into painful memories or difficult emotions, but it was a role you took on willingly. After all, you had your own share of struggles, and if you could use your powers to help others, then it was worth it.
You glanced at the clock and realized it was almost time for lunch. You decided to take a break and head to the common area, where you found Tony tinkering with one of his suits.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted you with a grin. "How's it going?"
"Good," you replied, sinking into a nearby chair. "Just had a session with Wanda. She's been through a lot."
Tony nodded solemnly. "Yeah, losing her brother and all that HYDRA stuff... it's rough."
You sighed, running a hand through your Y/H/C hair. "Yeah, but she's strong. I think she'll come through it."
Tony gave you a reassuring smile before returning to his work, and you took a moment to appreciate the camaraderie of the team. Despite your differences and the challenges you guys faced, you were a family, bound together by our shared experiences and our commitment to protecting the world.
After a quick lunch, you headed back to your office to prepare for your next session. As you reviewed your notes from Wanda's session, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to her story, something hidden beneath the surface. But for now, all you could do was continue to offer her support and hope that she would find the strength to confront her demons and emerge stronger on the other side.
With that thought in mind, you square your shoulders and prepare to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As an Avenger, a psychiatrist, and a friend, you were ready to do whatever it took to help your teammates and protect the world from whatever threats may come our way.
Three days passed in a blur of meetings, training sessions, and the occasional emergency mission. But today, you were back in your office, eagerly awaiting Wanda's return for your second session. As you sat at your desk, reviewing your notes from your previous meeting, you couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for her. Losing a loved one in battle was something you could relate to all too well.
Before you could dwell too much on your own past, there was a soft knock on your door, and Wanda stepped into the room. Her aura seemed a bit brighter today, though still tinged with sadness. "Hey, Wanda," you greeted her with a warm smile, motioning for her to take a seat. "How are you feeling today?"
Wanda hesitated for a moment before answering, "Better, I think. Thank you for... everything last time."
You nodded, understandingly. "Of course. It's what I'm here for." You gestured toward the notebook on the table. "Shall we pick up where we left off?"
For the next hour, the two of you delved deeper into Wanda's past, her memories of Sokovia, her time with HYDRA, and her experiences with her brother, Pietro. With each word she spoke, you could feel her emotions swirling around you, and you did your best to guide her through them, offering comfort and support where you could.
As your session came to a close, Wanda seemed visibly lighter, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Y/N," she said softly, wiping away a stray tear. "I didn't realize how much I needed this."
You smiled back, feeling a sense of fulfillment wash over you. "Anytime, Wanda. Remember, I'm always here for you."
Before she left, Wanda surprises you by reaching out and giving you a tight hug. "Thank you," she repeated, her voice thick with emotion.
As you watched her leave your office, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to help someone in need, to make a difference in their life, even if it was just one session at a time. And as you glanced down at the Power Stone embedded in your chest, you couldn't help but wonder if perhaps this was the true source of your ability to connect with others on such a deep level. But for now, all that mattered was that you were making a difference, one session at a time.
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acciopietro · 2 years
Ok so I just read your “Bad Idea” smut and it was amazing! Can you do one where the roles are reversed? Like y/n has the sex pollen infect her?
combining with request #2: Hey 🧍🏻‍♀️ this is my first time ever requesting smut so- I feel super awkward 😅, I was wondering if you could write Pietro maximoff eating (fem?) reader out on a couch (or gn reader, anything you want :)
a week’s isolation - p.m.
pairing: pietro maximoff x fem! reader
summary: the strange plant thor brought to earth from asgard is housed in the lab on the upmost floor of the compound, it’s pollen safely contained; your room, however, is right below it. too bad they forgot to seal the vents.
word count: 3,878
tw: smut smut smut. oral (f receiving). apologizing in advance. both parties are 18+ and consenting adults!!!!
a/n: takes place in between the age of ultron/civil war era. pietro and wanda are adults but still young! i haven’t written smut in such a long time so forgive me for the long time it took to get this posted. i get embarrassed when writing shit like this so it takes me twice as long since after every word i have to close my computer and take a lap around my room. hope u enjoy :)
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“DOES EVERYONE UNDERSTAND?” FINISHED BANNER as he stood before the team, his face flushed and his eyes wide. Pietro had been half-listening for the first portion of the man’s speech, but at the sound of the words “highly dangerous” and “do not go near it”, his interest had been inevitably piqued.
Pietro fiddled with the string bracelet on his wrist, eyes drifting across the long, meeting table. You were sat next to the head of the table, hair daintily curved along the edges of your face, hands folded on the edge of the table, lips pressed together in thought. He blinked before he could get too lost in you; it had happened before and he didn’t feel like getting caught staring again.
A chorus of yes’s and head nods washed over the team, followed by a short moment of awkward silence as they individually considered the strangeness of the situation that was now in their midst. Pietro sent a tired glance to Wanda, who rolled her eyes and mouthed Pay attention!
“I need you all to seriously recognize the dangers this plant might cause,” Banner went on after the group gave their half-assed acknowledgements of their understanding. “Thor brought this here on accident, and it is only he and other Asgardians that are immune to it. We’re only trying to find a proper, safe way of disposing it, maybe even using a way to harness it’s pollen without... well, killing ourselves.”
“Why can’t Thor just bring it back up to Asgard?” Barton asked, scratching his chin. Shifting in his chair, he said, “I feel like that should be discussed.”
“The issue with that, Barton, is that it’s pollen has already begun to cling onto other things. Our plants, here on Earth, need some kind of vector to move their pollen from place to place, like insects or wind. On Asgard, or at least with this plant, it’s very different,” Banner explained. “The pollen acts almost like a virus, one that clings onto surfaces and grows. We don’t know how to kill this virus, so it’s harder to manage than normal pollen.”
Pietro watched you raise your hand; always so quiet, so polite, you were. It was endearing, he thought, watching you always behave so accordingly. The only time he ever saw you lose yourself was in the heat of a fight, when fists would fly and guns were drawn. It was a treat to see you in such a state, a rarity.
“Y/N? You have a question?”
“The pollen isn’t spreading into the compound, is it?” you asked carefully, something in your voice telling Pietro you were nervous. “Should I be worried?”
“No, we’ve done our very best to contain it,” Banner reassured you; Pietro watched your shoulders deflate. “As long as you all stay away from the lab, you’ll be just fine. And anyone who enters the lab will need to wear facial coverings. I’d even go as far as to say we should invest in more hazmat suits.”
“It’s not that extreme, is it?” Steve Rogers asked in disbelief. “I mean, hazmat suits? C’mon, Banner, what’s the big fuss?”
“The big fuss?” Banner gave a dry scoff. “The big fuss, Cap, is that if you’re exposed to the pollen, it’ll make your mind go into such a sex-driven frenzy that you’ll lose touch with goddamn reality! Do you want that? Because I seriously doubt you want that!”
A wave of silence washed over the room. Steve pressed his lips in a thin line, his nose dusted pink, and said nothing in response, only slowly shaking his head.
“We get it,” Natasha Romanoff spoke up after everyone spent a moment of clearing their throats and adjusting their chairs. “Stay away from big, scary plant.”
Bruce opened his mouth to keep going, but Tony Stark placed a hand on his shoulder.
“They get it,” Stark said. “We’ll change the password to the lab, anyways. J.A.R.V.I.S. will make sure no one goes in.”
All the members fizzled off, going their separate ways. Banner, Stark, and Thor ventured up towards the lab, the latter the only one not donned in a white hazmat suit. Wanda scooted her chair closer to yours, nudging your shoulder.
“Interesting, huh?” she commented. “Wonder what they do with them in Asgard.”
“S’probably like a drug,” Pietro chimed in, dragging his chair towards the two girls’ and sitting backwards on it, legs spread, hands dangling on the back of the chair. You crossed your legs, one folded gingerly over the other, the glossy black toe of your Mary Janes brushing his knee. “No doubt they get a shit ton of that pollen stuff and sell it.”
“I thought Asgardians were immune to it?” you said. Pietro paused.
“Well, maybe if they take a lot of it, it’s like that weird stuff you Americans have. Viagra. Helps it stay up, you know,” Pietro joked, to which Wanda whacked him on the shoulder. “What? Just a hypothesis.”
“Don’t be so crude,” Wanda chastised him. You giggled, the apples of your cheeks rose dusted. Pietro’s lips curled up at your reaction; you glanced over at him, matching his smile, before glancing back down at your lap. “Let’s just stay away from the lab for next few weeks or so. Play it safe.”
“I wanna see it,” Pietro ran a hand through the icy blonde tips of his hair. Your eyes widened a bit. “I’m curious now, y’know? I mean, what’s a sex plant supposed to even look like?”
“Curiosity killed the cat, Pietro,” you told him carefully, the sound of his name rolling so easily off your tongue that he almost felt goosebumps trail up his forearms. He smirked, cocking his head to the side.
“But satisfaction brought it back,” he finished the quote for you, raising an eyebrow. Your lips twitched, shaking your head a bit and looking away from him. Wanda rolled her eyes, patting you twice on the knee before standing up, strawberry-blonde hair tucked behind her ears.
“I’m going to find Vis,” she announced, the leather of her red jacket swishing against her waist. “I’m tired of this plant talk.”
“Your loss,” Pietro called after her as she walked off. She turned around and stuck her tongue out childishly before lifting a single hand; with a swirl of red light, the door slammed shut behind her. Glancing back at you, Pietro grinned. “You can’t tell me you’re not just the tiniest bit curious.”
“Of course I’m curious,” you told him, leaning forward a bit in excitement as you shifted around; the scoop neck of your black tee sat low on your chest as you moved, and he fought to keep his sights on your eyes. “But, it’s not worth the risk. Not in my opinion, at least.”
“Yeah, well,” Pietro shrugged. “Maybe I’ll grab ahold of one of those hazmat suits and head in there myself. Just to take a look.”
You sent him a look and sighed, “Just don’t be stupid.”
Pietro gave a toothy grin. “Oh, Y/N. When have I ever been stupid?”
THE NEXT MORNING, PIETRO WAS bewildered to see you absent from the kitchen. Typically, you’d wake up way before he did, and he’d find you sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea or coffee and a book, silently reading. Vision sometimes would join you, or on certain days when Peter Parker would come round, Pietro would find you chatting away with him at the table. This specific morning, however, you were not there. Vision was sitting on his own, a copy of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden in front of him; a cold cup of coffee was sat in front of the empty chair.
“Buna dimineata,” Vision greeted in Sokovian, not looking up from his book. Pietro rubbed the sleep from his pale eyes and glanced at Y/N’s empty chair. “I presume you are curious as to where Y/N is.”
“Where is she?” Pietro asked, retying the white strings of his plaid blue and silver pajama pants. Vision glanced up at the cold cup of coffee, staring at it until it lifted into the air and carried itself towards the sink, dumping itself out and sitting on the chrome interior of the sink.
“I poured that for her, but she had yet to arrive,” Vision explained. Pietro furrowed his brows, crossing his arms over his chest where the white tank top he wore to sleep was wrinkled up. “I sought for Captain Rogers and he revealed to me that she’s been quarantined to her room.”
“Quarantined?” Pietro repeated, the word sounding uncomfortable on his tongue. He cursed under his breath before tentatively asking, “What for?”
Vision closed Walden and set it down on the table, letting out a simple breath and shifting his eyes to meet Pietro’s.
“It seems that the laboratory and Y/N’s room share an air vent,” he said. Pietro said nothing, not following. Vision stood up, tucking the chair back under the table and holding Walden with one hand. “They sealed off that mysterious plant, however they seem to have forgotten the air vent underneath the desk it’s planted on. That air vent just so happened to empty into Y/N’s room.”
“The pollen,” Pietro pinched the bridge of his nose. “O, la naiba...”
“So it’s just wise, according to Banner, that she is confined to her room,” Vision gave Pietro look, bowing his head forward as though he knew something he wasn’t supposed to. “Which means you must leave her alone until she has recovered.”
Pietro let out a sigh before moving his eyes away from version, clenching his jaw and thinking; maybe there was a way he could get into your room without getting infected by the pollen himself, even if it was just to talk with you. The idea of you being all cooped up there by yourself made his heart clench, but he also couldn’t help but let his mind wander to the effects the pollen was having on you. 
“Pietro,” Vision said, and Pietro met his eyes. “Do not try and see her. We don’t know how much pollen is still in that room.”
Pietro rolled his eyes and left the room, not letting Vision interrupt his brainstorming. Banner had been extreme in his warnings about the effects, but how sexually-frustrated could the damn thing make a person? Besides, you were tough. He was sure it wasn’t too bad.
And it wasn’t. But after a week, he started getting anxious. Your room was entirely off limits, the only people going in out being Banner, to asses the situation, and Steve Rogers, to talk to you. You had always been close with Rogers, however, Pietro wished Banner could lend him one of those masks so he could see you. 
One evening, Pietro couldn’t sleep. The more he laid in bed, pale eyes staring blankly at the white ceiling, the more he thought about you, cooped up in your room and probably in an unimaginable amount of pain. It had been a week and change already, and this isolation was sure to be driving you mad. He swung his legs around so he was now sitting on the edge of his bed, and he paused. 
Maybe this is a bad idea, he thought to himself as his legs carried him towards his door, Like, a really bad idea. He hand was still clasping over the doorknob and twisting, despite that little voice in the back of his head asking if this idea of his could potentially end badly.... or, he could end up helping you out. He couldn’t imagine being isolated for so long.
By the time he reached the outside of your bedroom, he paused, his knuckles hovering over the wood, hesitating to knock. He could hear you from outside, moaning and groaning in pain. His heart ached and he knocked.
The moaning stopped and Pietro gulped. “Hey, dragă...”
“Pietro?” you asked from inside. “You shouldn’t...” you paused, and he heard the sound of your bedsheets rustling. “You shouldn’t be near here...”
“I know,” he said. “But I wanted to see you.”
“Banner says it might be contagious,” you replied sadly. He could hear you frown. “I don’t want you to catch it.”
“It’s been over a week,” Pietro rolled his eyes. “I doubt it’s still airborne. Most viruses don’t last in the air for that long.”
“I guess,” you fell silent. More rustling. Pietro sighed and put his hand over the door knob. Taking a deep breath, he twisting and opened it.
You were a sight to see, that’s for sure. Half your body was covered by the white comforter, and the parts of you that weren’t were clad in a small tank top and small pajama shorts. The ceiling fan was on top speed, and there were two other fans propped up in the room, each pointing towards the bed. 
Your face was a bright red, same with your chest, and your hair was pulled back into a low ponytail to keep it out of your face. But your eyes, that had previously been half-lidded, widened considerably when you saw Pietro open the door before you threw the entire blanket over yourself.
“You can’t be in here!” you shrilled. “You’ll catch it!”
You felt a hand grasp onto the blanket, slowly pulling it down and off of you. Pietro, his hair tousled by his hand and his lips curved into a gentle smile, let out a small laugh.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I’m, like, superhuman. I think I’ll be okay. Let’s go get some water.”
You hesitated, letting him slide the blanket off you. You clenched your jaw, cheeks flushing scarlet as your eyes raked him up and down; he was clad in a thin white tank top that was maybe a size too small, and white-and-blue pajama pants that hung low on his waist. Taking a deep breath, you swung your legs over the bed and got to your feet.
You walked behind him, scared to get too close. Pietro could see your hesitation to the leave the room, as well as your hesitation to touch anything. 
“C’mon, dragă,” Pietro laughed at you. “It’s okay. I feel fine. You’re not going to get me sick.”
“We don’t know that,” you took another heavy breath, keeping your eyes off of him. The flushing of your face made it hard to breathe and the twisting in your lower abdomen was making your head whirl. The muscles of his back flexing every five seconds as he reached up in the cabinets for a cup was not helping. You gulped. “I need to sit down...”
“All right,” Pietro glanced back at you, holding the two cups of ice water. “You okay?”
“None of the medicines work,” you mumbled, hesitantly taking the from him. He sat on the coffee table in front of the couch, staring at you. You felt your neck get hotter and glancing down at your lap. “I just gets worse.”
“What does?” Pietro asked curiously. “What’s the issue? Nauseous? Headache?”
“Erm,” you took a shaky breath and squeezed your legs together. “Hard to explain. The plant, the one from Asgard that did this... it’s... it’s kind of odd...”
Pietro raised a brow. You had a death grip on both your cup and the couch cushion. Face beet red, you took a sip from your trembling hand, avoiding his inquisitive stare.
“How so?” Pietro asked.
“I don’t really know,” you mumbled. “Banner said it’s got these, like... coitus pheromones? I don’t really know what that word means, but he refuses to elaborate.”
It was Pietro’s turn to feel his cheeks grow hot. The word was the same in Sokovian, and he knew it was a fancy term for sex, but he was shocked that you didn’t know. You were supposed to be the smart one.
“Y/N... you don’t remember what it means?” he asked carefully. You shook your head.
“Do you?” you asked, finally meeting his eyes for the first time in a few minutes. Pietro bit the inside of his cheek. No wonder you were gripping the couch like a lifeline. This whole time, he had assumed you were moaning and groaning because of pain. His chest felt hot. “What’s it mean?”
“It means sex, Y/N,” he told you slowly. “If Banner says it’s got “coitus pheromones”, that means it’s like... it really is like alien viagra. Like I had joked about before…”
He saw your eyes grow wide, your chest beginning to rise and fall with greater speed. You averted your eyes away from him in almost an instant, pressing your lips together in a thin line and shrinking back as though to pretend he were not there.
“Great,” you mumbled. Pietro shrugged.
“S’not like you didn’t know what it did,” he said honestly. “You’ve been feeling like this for more than a week, you’ve had to have some idea. Probably driving you up a wall, huh?”
You gave a dry chuckle. “Yeah.”
Pietro stared at you, watching the rise and fall of your chest. “I could help you. If you wanted me to.”
You gave him a very odd look, brows furrowing just a bit. The air felt warmer, as though someone had turned off the A/C. “What?”
“You heard me,” Pietro muttered, and now it was his turn to shrink back, his back hunching. “Only if you want...”
“I can’t ask you to do that,” you mumbled. Pietro pursed his lips. 
“You’re not,” Pietro said simply. “I’m asking you if you want me to help you.”
“I...” you bit the inside of your cheek, and he watched you take a deep, steady breath. “Of course I want you to.”
“Well...” Pietro trailed off, staring at you, awaiting your word. His knees were practically touching yours, the head radiating off of him making you grip the couch tighter.
“Well, what?” you asked. His hand left where it had previously rested on his lap and latched onto your knee, sliding upwards at a snail’s pace.
“Can I?” he asked softly. “Help you?”
You glanced down at where his hand rested on your thigh. Back up at his eyes. Jesus christ.
You could’ve sworn you saw his lips twitch upwards, a half-smirk half-smile fighting to curl onto his face. You didn’t bother dwelling on it, though, considering you were too focused on the fact that his other hand was on your other thigh, his hands sliding up and down your leg leisurely before coming back down onto your knees.
He pushed your knees apart, his calloused fingers digging into your bare skin, pale blue eyes never leaving yours. You took another shaky breath, swallowing anxiously. He lowered himself off of the coffee table he had been sitting on, kneeling in between your knees. His fingers crawled up to the fabric of your pajama shorts, tugging on the hem.
“Y’know these gotta go, right?” he asked rhetorically. 
“Mmhm,” you gulped and did nothing for a second, but as he continued to tug on them, you took the top elastic and pulled it down until it reached his hands. He did the rest of the work, discarding them beside where he knelt.
Your underwear was a light blue, which just so happened to be Pietro’s favorite color (this was a coincidence, you swear). He hummed in approval and spread your knees apart wider. His eyes darted down, spotting the darkened patch of fabric right over her sex. He gave a smirk and snapped his eyes back up to yours again.
Saying nothing, he brought his hand closer to you, running his index finger up and down the darkened fabric. You shuddered. He was barely putting pressure on you, but it seemed the pollen was making even the slightest touch feel a million times more intense than it was.
“These also have to go. As much as I like ‘em,” he said, tugging on the azure fabric of your panties. You felt yourself smile a bit. 
“Okay,” you rolled your eyes, but grabbed the hem and pulled down down. Pietro grabbed them off of your ankles, and lifted them up in front of his eyes.
“Can I keep these?” he asked. You kicked him with your foot.
“Creep,” you said. He chuckled and put them on top fo your discarded pajama shorts. “Can you please just...”
“Just do what?”
You huffed and mumbled something unintelligible. He pressed his thumb to your clit rather harshly, moving in small, quick circles.
“What was that?” He asked as you gasped, hands grappling at the edge of the sofa. “What do you want?”
“Everything,” you breathed, your stomach fluttering. Pietro hummed.
“Well, I don’t have time to give you everything, but I can give you a... what do you call it? A taste?"
And then, before she could say anything more, he dove forward and pressed a kiss to your clit, eliciting another gasp from you. He skillfully traced his tongue up and down the length of your slit before returning to your clit, where he wrapped his lips around the bundle of nerves and sucked. You slithered a hand down to tangle in his hair, grasping at the white-blonde locks.
“Christ, Piet,” you breathed. You felt him smile before he lifted his mouth up for a second, licking his lips. Locking eyes with you, he brought himself back down to trace circles around your entrance with his tongue. Without a second to waste, he brought his hand up and plunged his index finger inside, pulling it out to only shove it back in over and over again.
Your head fell back onto the cushion of the couch, back arching, one hand grappling at the back of its foundations while the other grasped onto Pietro’s hair. Pietro’s eyes flickered back and forth between your half-lidded eyes and the finger that was moving in and out of you, and with a rush of adrenaline, he shoved his middle finger inside, too.
Curling his fingers, he brought his mouth to your clit. “Close, huh?”
“Uh-huh,” was all you could find words for, the combination between his fingers and his mouth making your vision go blurry and your mind go blank. “Uh-huh.”
“C’mon, dragă,” he coaxed, his words slightly muffled by his lips being pressed to your clit. “Give it to me.”
Back arching, the coil inside of your lower abdomen finally began to unravel at high speed, body spasming over his long fingers as pretty moans slipped from between your lips. Pietro was grinning as he sucked at your cunt, feeling your velvet walls tighten around his fingers as you orgasmed.
When the noises from you ceased, and your breathing began to slow, he pulled his fingers out and sat upright. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, and just as they locked, he put his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. You shivered.
“Feel better?” he asked casually. You paused.
“Yeah,” you said in shock. “I actually do.”
“Told you,” he smirked. You smiled at him.
“Of course,” he replied, getting off his knees and sitting beside you, handing you your underwear and shorts. “Would’ve done it even without the pollen, y’know.”
“Yeah?” you raised an eyebrow. He gave a firm nod. “I’ll have to take you up on that, then.”
“Buna dimineata.” - Good morning
“O, la naiba.” - Oh, damn it.
“Dragă.” - Darling, Sweetheart, Love
@childishnewt @mcximffs @minbeatriz16 @slvtforfictionalcharacters @kaqua @thorrealgf @pagesbetweensheets @xlucyintheskywithdiamondsx @eichenhouseproperty @niallhoransupremacy @criesinlies @fairydxll @cassiestars777
a/n: this is painfully unedited im sorry. 
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floshoe · 1 year
You Mean Everything To Me
warnings; fluff, angst, talk about death, medical stuff, violence, injuries, bad parents
summary: you save Yelena’s life and in return she becomes your everything.
pairings; Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Pietro Maximoff x Half-Sister! Reader, Avengers x Fem! Reader
a/n: i am IN LOVE with this picture 😍
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It wasn’t until later in life that you found out you were only born because of your moms' infidelity. So, when you looked back on your childhood it made sense. You guess that you were just a reminder of her biggest mistake. (It also didn't help that you looked so much like your father) So instead of getting parents, you got to watch your parents love and cherish your half siblings.
And as a you got to the toddler stage, you started to resent your siblings, and that led to fights and tantrums, which, in turn, lead to punishments.
Wanda and Pietro never got punished, even when they started the fights: they stole your toys, pushed you, teamed up on you, and when they broke something, they blamed it on you. Which meant you spent most of your time sitting in the corner facing the wall.
They were the angels of the house who could do no wrong. Because you weren’t even supposed to be born. They made that fact very clear as you got older.
So, the night that your parents died wasn’t the worst day of your life, you never wished death upon them, but you couldn’t be as upset as your siblings.
But when it came to HYDRA, they wanted you to go with them. You’re still not sure why, but they did and sometimes you’re not completely sure you’re happy they did.
So on and so forth Ultron happens and while you were fighting robots Pietro got killed saving clint’s life. And for some reason Wanda blamed you for it.
“Why didn’t you stop him?!”
“I didn’t know he was going to do that! I wasn’t even near him, why didn’t you?!”
You two didn’t talk for a long time after that. Yes, you were saddened by his death; but you couldn’t be as sad as Wanda because you practically had no relationship with him.
But the Avengers still accepted you as a part of the team. Until once again Wanda poisoned your only friends against you just like when you were kids. You don’t know how she does it, but she always managed to make you look like the bad guy.
And once again you were isolated into a corner, all alone with no one to pull you out. The final straw happened on your last mission as an avenger.
Your job on this mission was basically to just keep the enemies busy while Steve tried to save the undercover agent he was sent to help escape. You were doing well, your powers making it easy to do it. Or so you thought.
You were so caught up on what was in front of you that you didn’t notice some of them coming up from behind you. They made you lose focus, and your powers caused the whole building to collapse.
You killed the undercover agent and all the information they had gathered. And almost killed Captain America.
That was when you swore off using your powers, you had almost killed an avenger. You had killed someone. And your powers got too out of control, so you didn’t trust them anymore.
That was the last straw, after that mission no one ever trusted you again and you were banned from missions. But that night you just packed up and left, you were no good to them otherwise; and it’s not like they’d miss you.
And that leads to you now, in a decent apartment in New York City, currently trying to decide what to do for dinner. Pizza or mac and cheese were your options tonight.
You eventually decided on pizza and made your way out of your apartment. Grabbing your coat on your way out as you decide on where you want your pizza from. You decide to head to your normal place and relax for a while. It’s been a while since you’ve had a relaxing night.
Not too long after you left the avengers you went into nursing school, helping people had always been a passion. Which was why you were so happy to be a part of the avengers. You’ve been a nurse for about a year now and you’ve loved it. You’d given up on friends a long time ago; who would want to be friends with you anyway?
Sure, it got lonely, but you just got to live your life without restrictions.
You were walking home when you heard someone breathing heavily in an alley way. Your nursing instincts pushed you to investigate, so you slowly walked into the alley, but not before grabbing your taser.
You don’t walk too far in before you see a blonde in tactical gear sitting against the wall struggling to breathe. It doesn’t take too long for you to put the pieces together.
She’s Natasha’s sister.
Before Natasha turned on you, she had told you about her sister. The one she had left behind in the Red Room. Which made you nervous about her intentions when it came to her seeing you. But then you remembered that the Red Room had been taken down but the two widows. (You saw it on the news.)
So, you can only assume she was with the avengers now and this had happened due to a mission. You see that she’s not conscious. you worry about her not making it, so you get her to your apartment.
You lay her down on the guest bed and run to your bathroom to grab your things to help her. You felt weird unzipping her suit but when you did you continued without remorse because she had been stabbed more than once and she was probably close to bleeding out.
It took at about 2 hours to stitch her up completely, she had some cuts on her legs and arms too. Along with some bruises, she won’t feel good tomorrow. You help her into some of your clothes and shut the door behind you.
The next morning you wake up early and see she’s still asleep. Which makes you feel better because she could try to kill you in your sleep if she woke up first.
You’re alerted to her waking up when you hear a groan from the guest bedroom. you slowly make your way to the room, knocking on the door.
“Hello?” her accented hoarse voice calls.
You slowly open the doors with your hands up, not knowing how she’ll react.
“Who are you?” her accent heavy in her words.
“My names y/n,” you tell her.
“What am I doing here?”
“I found you in an alley almost dead so I brought you here- to my apartment to help you.”
Her demeanor shifts a little bit before she tries to get up, “you really shouldn’t-”
“Don’t,” she cuts you off. “I don’t know who you are, but I need to leave.” She tries to get up but as soon as she sits up the sharp throb of the wounds shoots through her, and she falls back onto the bed. “What did you do to me?”
“You mean what did I do for you? I saved you from bleeding out in that alley Yelena.”
Her defenses shoot back up, stronger than before, “how do you know my name?” The coldness in her voice almost makes you shiver.
“I used to be friends with your sister, Natasha,” you tell her.
“What? how?” her confusion evident in her features.
“I used to work with the Avenger, I don’t know if they told you about me.”
She shakes her head.
“I’m y/n Maximoff, Wanda’s sister.”
“I thought she only had a brother,” Yelena says.
You scoff, “of course she just completely erased me when I left- anyway you should probably stay here for a little while so you can recover. I don’t want to be the reason that the famous black widow’s sister dies.”
“Why did you work with the Avengers? Did you have powers like Wanda?”
The mention of your powers makes you freeze, “you should eat something. mac and cheese, okay?”
She just stares at you, so you leave the room to make the food.
Yelena got a weird feeling when you checked her wounds, it took a lot of convincing, but she eventually let you.
You used nothing but care when you touched her, touches so soft she almost thought she was imagining them.
“You never answered my question,” Yelena whispers.
“Do you have powers like your sister?” she asks.
“Yeah... yeah I do,” you hesitate.
“Why aren’t you an avenger anymore?” she asks again.
You sigh as you put on new gauze on her wound, “it’s a long story Yelena.”
“I have time,” she motions to her current state.
you sighed again and sat down at the edge of the bed, Yelena looking at you expectantly.
“I was never close to my family; my parents practically abandoned me as soon as I was born except i kept living with them. i honestly don’t know which is worse,” you start.
“To keep it simple I raised myself as I watched my parents raise my siblings. And when they died, we went to HYDRA for their experiments. And then after that we joined the Avengers Pietro died, our brother, and I made a mistake on a mission that got someone killed.”
Yelena’s brows raise, “was it an accident?”
“Yeah, but I killed someone, someone important and I was banned from missions after that, no one trusted me anyway, I wasn’t close to anyone thanks to Wanda, so I left.”
“What do you do now?”
“I’m a nurse, helping people just like I’ve always wanted,” you smile.
Yelena’s lips curve into a small smile, “Did you know who I was when you saw me in the alley?” you nod. “So, you know what I’ve done?”
“You mean what you were forced to do? Yes. But I don’t judge you for that,” you tell her.
“so, you aren’t scared of me?”
“Even if I was I would be able to protect myself, powers or not,” you tease.
“Mhm, I doubt that” she smirks.
“Maybe when you’re better we can test that theory,” you offer.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
The month Yelena spent with you was honestly one of the best months of her life. It was filled with friendly banter, teasing, and her making a new friend. Natasha hadn't tried to contact her because Yelena told her she was at a safe house for now. Natasha was reluctant to leave her be and demanded her location but Yelena being the stubborn woman she is refused to tell her. Only telling her that she'll be back soon.
She found comfort in the way you were able to calm her down if her mind kept her up. She was hesitant at first but the genuine worry in your eyes helped ease her worries.
those nights where she had trouble sleeping; you treated her with the upmost care. You offered to watch tv to help keep her mind off of her nightmares. she would inevitably get tired and fall asleep, and she would let her head fall onto your shoulder.
You honestly didn’t mind, you were just glad she felt comfortable enough with you to fall asleep, let alone on you. You just wrap your arm around her and her head leans onto your chest.
The next morning Yelena woke up on top of you on the couch, she immediately got up and went into the guest bedroom. The sudden movement had woken you up, “Yelena?”
You see her as she shuts the door. You didn’t see her for the rest of the day.
Later you learned that that was the first time she had ‘cuddled’ with someone and she genuinely didn’t know what to think of it. When it came to touch, all she thought was of how she had hurt people and how people had hurt her. So, when she woke up that close to you it had caught her off guard.
That’s you tried to help ease her more slowly into touch. You would sit closer to her on the couch and lean into her when something was funny, your hands would touch when you handed her something. Like your clothes since she had arrived here in her tactical suit.
Wearing your clothes also made it easy to be close to you, smelling your scent in the clothes she wore, on the bed she slept on.
She learned more about you in a month than any of the avengers had in the years you had as an Avenger, more than your own sister. you learned more about her too, her time at the red room, reuniting with Natasha, and even her time in Ohio.
As she got more comfortable with touch, she began to initiate it too, sometimes holding your hand when watching movies, or hugging you in thanks after you help her through some particularly hard nights.
You never expected a thank you, it was something that came easy to you: helping her.
And as she spent more time with you, she started to wonder why you never used your powers if you had them.
“Why don’t you use your powers?” Yelena asks as the two of you eat dinner together.
“Because i don’t trust them anymore.”
“Do you not remember when i told you that i killed someone?”
“It was an accident.”
“Someone’s still dead.”
She never asked about them again after that.
When Yelena was healed enough to leave you were honestly sad. You weren’t sure if she would come back. you were worried that if she asked them about you, they would poison her against you.
“Be careful okay,” you tell her as you part from your goodbye hug.
“I’ll do my best,” she teases. “I’m sort of an avenger so that’s not exactly unavoidable.”
“Oh, I know, just don’t die.”
She nods and looks in your eyes, “I don’t want this to be the last time I see you.”
You sigh in relief, “good, because I don’t want this to be the last time either. I happen to enjoy your company, Belova.
“I also happen to enjoy your company Maximoff,” she smiles.
And that’s when the arrangement started.
After missions, you were the person she went to, not Cho, her sister, or even an Avenger. you.
The way you would take care of her made her heart skip beats. the care you had for her obvious when you would worry over her when she showed up hurt.
And when you weren’t at your apartment, she went to the hospital you worked at praying you weren’t busy. Of course, you were but you were always able to aid her.
“What happened to being careful Lena?”
“Getting hurt isn’t something that is easily avoidable, y/n/n.”
“I know, but it feels like I’m always fixing you up after every mission you have. you know you can come see me when you're not injured, right?” you tease.
she smirks, “I know I just barely have time to.”
“Where do they think you’re going?”
“I honestly don’t know, I just sort of leave and when they ask I do this,” and she shows her glare.
“Okay easy there, I don’t want to have a heart attack before I finish your stitches,” you joke.
She smiles and shakes her head.
This arrangement goes on for about 3 months before Yelena starts to realize her feelings towards you, they felt more than friends, but she didn’t know what that meant. And her only solution was her sister.
“I don’t know what to do about it, I can’t talk to her about it because she’s the one I have feelings for, and I can’t function around her. she thinks there’s something wrong with me when I can’t form a sentence when she looks at me or when she touches me, I don’t know what to do!” Yelena rants as she falls onto Natasha’s bed.
“Sounds like love.”
Yelena’s head snaps up, “what?”
“You love her.”
After that she starts analyzing her interactions with you, thinking about how she would feel doing this like cuddling, kissing, cooking together. She often smiles when she thinks about it.
And she’s not the only one struggling with feelings. You’ve had trouble with them since about a month into you being her personal doctor. You’ve seen the way she looks at you when you’re patching her up, it’s not that hard to notice considering she’s never had to hide this sort of feeling before.
The feelings came into light on accident, she had finally had time to just come see you without getting hurt. You guys decided to sit on the roof of your building and have dinner since the landlord had been able to decorate the roof with lights and furniture.
You sat next to each other on the couch and ate your dinner in a comfortable silence, you both had had long days and just simply being in each other’s company was enough.
And as the night went on, Yelena's mind drifted to what her sister said,
"You love her."
And after a you noticed she wasn't listening to you, you wave your hand in her face, "you okay there?"
She nods but that doesn't really convince you, "what's going on?"
She sighs and puts her bowl down and moves so her body is facing you. You mirror her actions and wait for her to talk.
"Do you ever get the feeling that this could mean more than we think it does?" She asks.
Her question throws you off guard, having not expecting this from her, "I mean, yeah, but I never thought that you would."
She furrows her brows in question, so you clarify, "Being more than friends with someone didn't really seem like something you wanted. You never really talked about anyone like that before."
"Because I've never felt like this before, and plus I wasn't going to talk about my feelings to the girl I like. Especially when I didn't fully understand them."
Oh. Well, that makes sense. Wait- "You like me like that?"
"Yes, isn't that what this whole conversation is about?" She giggles at you.
"Well, yeah, but I guess, I don't-" Yelena can't listen to you ramble any longer so she grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
It's unlike anything you've ever experienced before, the feeling of her soft lips perfectly fitting with yours giving you a feeling of euphoria. Yelena no different, this being the first kiss she's shared with someone she truly cares about.
You both pull away and rest your foreheads on the others', looking into each other's eyes. "We should do that more often," you breathe.
The rest of the night was filled with longing looks, soft touches, kisses, and long talks about the possibilities for the future.
It's about a year after you guys confessed your feelings for one another and it's been great, you’ve been able to see her a little more often since she hasn't been assigned to as many mission recently.
Your relationship. has gotten to a point too where Yelena wants to tell her sister about you. The woman who both saved and changed her life. But that didn't really go over well.
"Why can't you meet her?" Yelena asks.
"I already have remember? It didn't exactly go to plan," you remind her.
"I know but maybe it's okay now, it's been a few years," the ever-stubborn woman that you call your girlfriend points out.
"Please? You've become one of most important people in my life and I want to share that with other people. Show them how much we love each other." She walks over to you and wraps her arms around your neck.
"The last time I saw all of them wasn't pretty Lena, I don't want your relationship with your sister to be impacted by this," you plead with her. "Maybe someday, but I'm also not ready to see all of them again, especially my sister."
This conversation didn't lead to the result Yelena was hoping for, so she dropped it.
It's only a few weeks later when Yelena is sent on a mission that's supposed to last for a little while. As she's getting ready to leave you make sure to give her a good luck kiss. "Be careful, okay?"
"I always am," she gives you another kiss. "I'll see you soon dekta." And she grabs her bags and she's out the door.
It's only two weeks later when you see a distress call from Yelena, saying she's hurt. You immediately use your powers to teleport to where she is so you can help her.
You run around to try and find her, and when you do you see her laying on the ground similar to the way you had found her the first time.
You run over to her and try to figure out what happened. You see she’s awake and hold her face so she looks at you.
“Lena, baby?”
“y/n?” she groans.
“What happened honey?”
“Explosives,” her eyebrows furrow when she looks behind you and that’s when you hear a gun click.
“Get away from her,” the authoritative voice of Natasha Romanoff orders.
“Nat,” Yelena tries to tell her who you are but she’s too weak to do so.
“Get. The hell. Away from her. I won’t ask again.” she demands as she walks closer.
“She needs medical attention-”
“I know she does, now walk away so she can get it.”
Yelena looks you in the eye and slowly nods for you to walk away. “She isn‘t going to listen to you,” she whispers.
You reluctantly set her head gently against the wall and get up and turn around with your hands up per Natasha’s request.
When you turn around and she sees your face you watch as she recognizes you. “What the hell are you doing here?
“She needed help, so I came.”
She shakes her and puts her gun down to run to Yelena, she picks her up and takes her to the quinjet. Taking off without you. Yelena looks around for you but she can’t find you.
“Where is she?” she asks.
“Who Yelena?”
“y/n,” she whispers before she falls unconscious.
The next time she awakes she’s in the medbay with Natasha sitting next to her.
“Are you okay?” she asks her younger sister.
“Fine,” she says even though her head feels like it’s going to explode and her entire body is sore.
“How do you know y/n?”
Yelena looks at her but doesn’t answer. “Where’s my phone?”
“I need to call someone.”
There was really nothing you could do as you waited for hours for Yelena to maybe call you to tell you she’s okay. It’s the next day when you finally here from her. And she’s asking you to come to the compound so she can see you.
You agree. You’re there within a couple minutes but you’ve run into an issue. How do you get past the entrance. You try and teleport to where you think the medbay to be and hope.
You look up and see the room Yelena’s in. You quickly walk to her hoping not to run into anyone. You walk on the room and see Natasha and Yelena talking.
They both look up and Yelena smiles. “So, you’re the person who’s saved my sister life,” Natasha says.
You nod, looking at Yelena who motions with her hand for you to come closer. You walk over and she immediately grabs your hand with hers and you rub your thumb over her hand.
“You okay?”
“Sore, but yeah I’m fine.”
The moment is ruined as the rest of the Avengers walk into the room and see you. You tease and move to let go of Yelena’s hand but she holds yours tighter.
Tony is the first to acknowledge who you are and he doesn’t really react except for a nod. The rest of them do the same except for Wanda. She glares at you and looks down and sees you holding Yelena’s hand.
“You two know each other?” she practically hisses at you.
You nod.
“How?” Wanda asks.
You don’t really know what to say so Yelena tells her. She tells all of them how you guys met, you saved her life, became her person, patched her up after missions, and are now her girlfriend.
“So that’s where you go,” Sam realizes. He wasn’t an Avenger that same time you were so he doesn’t know about the grudge the others held against you.
“Why did you go to her instead of Cho or at least one of us?” Natasha asks.
“I felt safe with her,” Yelena admits. Her response making you smile even though you’re still have a staring contest with your sister.
“Wanda, it’s okay,” Natasha tries to tell her.
“No, there is no world where this is okay,” she growls at you and walks closer to you. “You have done nothing but make everyone’s life harder so do us all a favor and get the hell out of here,” she demands as her eyes start turning red.
“No! I’m tired of you bossing me around. First, you’re younger than me, second, I haven’t done a single thing wrong towards you m my whole life. Third, yes, I was born being our mother cheated on your father, but I have done nothing wrong except for being born. The only reason you hate me is because your parents did and their resentment towards me reflected onto you so you hate me too. I’m not going to be your punching bag anymore. I’m done!” You yell and watch as her expression falls and she leaves the room.
All that’s left is awkward silence left after your outburst but you haven’t felt this kind of relief in so long. You’ve had this pressure on your shoulders tour whole life and now it’s gone. You’ve stood up to someone, not who you really wanted to but this is as close as you’ll get, and let them know that how you were being treated wasn’t okay.
You look down and Yelena and see her proud smile as she squeezes your hand, happy that you stood up to your sister. The rest of the Avengers eventually leave and you sit in a chair next to Yelena’s bed.
You just take a moment to look at her, the strong, beautiful woman you’ve been able to call your girlfriend. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Your cheeks warm from getting caught and say, “I just love you.”
Her smile widens, “I love you too dekta.”
You stand up and cup her face, her hands lightly grasping your wrists as you lean in and kiss her lips. It having been weeks since the last time you were able to kiss the green eyed beauty.
You kiss a couple more times before you lean your forehead against hers.
“You mean everything to me,” and she smiles brightly with rosy cheeks and pulls you in for another kiss. Letting you feel nothing but the love she has for you, and you revel in the fact that you finally have someone who truly loves you.
hope you enjoyed it <3
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Found my way back to you
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A/N: Something for our CACW broken and sad boi Tony? Written for @fandom-free-bingo Here ya go. Special mention to @nicoline1998enilocin for proofreading, love you girl 💛 Leave a heart, comment or reblog if you enjoyed the story.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger! F! Reader (our reader has Falcon-like abilities and Red Wing as well)
Warnings: Angst, hurt comfort.
Word count: 4.3k ish
Square filled: “Please don’t go.”
Fandom Free Bingo Masterlist
“Please don’t go.”
You weren’t sure you heard it at first as the voice seemed fainter than a whisper. Collecting your forgotten phone from the conference table, you were almost out the door when you heard him speak. Tony Stark sat at the far end of the table, nursing a glass of whiskey, his eyes downcast and shoulders drooped. There was a pleading in his voice that you couldn’t turn down.
Ever since Pepper left him for good, Tony had been heading towards a steady downfall of self-destruction. He was never one to talk but the team knew it, you knew it. You silently prayed that he would seek help and not be so stubborn for once. But you knew better than to push your teammate.
“What happened today, Tony?” Grabbing the nearest chair, you slid into it and waited for Tony to speak. You frowned as he took in a deep breath, as if preparing himself to relive whatever he was about to say.
“I met a lady named Miriam Sharpe today at MIT. She had a son, Charles Spencer. Great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia. He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.” he raised his eyes to meet yours finally, guilt and regret swimming in them, almost drowning his soul with it. Pressing your lips in a thin line, you remained silent. How does one process this kind of information anyway?
“He would have been working at Intel come fall. And now…She blames me, Y/N. And she’s right. I blame myself. I created Ultron. It’s my fault.” his voice was so low, you had to strain to hear. You could see his guilty conscience eating him alive, and your heart broke for the man.
“It’s not all your fault, Tony. We all share responsibility for what happened in Sokovia. Could we have done without the blood-thirsty artificial intelligence that threatened an extinction-level genocide? Sure. But you have to stop blaming yourself for Ultron. We got him, he’s gone. The world is safe again, the Avengers made sure of that. You made sure of that, remember?” you reached out to place your hand over his, he didn’t resist, instead he gave you a small nod indicating he understood your point before offering you a small but grateful smile. Your words provided him comfort, temporary though, yet he was battling a world of obsessive thoughts on the inside.
Excusing yourself, you headed out the room once more, only for Tony to grab your attention once again.
“The world is only safe until the next big threat, Y/N. And then what? Another conference where I meet another parent of yet another child that didn’t deserve to die? We need to be kept in check.” he muttered assertively, downing the rest of his glass before heading out the door himself. Leaving you to ponder over his words that somehow rang true the more you gave it a thought.
“So you’re really going to leave huh?” Clint Barton knocked on your door softly before he made his way to your room, followed closely by Natasha Romanov.
“Yep. I’m really leaving.”
You were packing the last of your suitcases, cramming one of the many photo frames that held a picture of you with the team. A Midgardian suit-clad Thor stood tallest brandishing his humongous glass of beer, right next to Steve, Nat and Clint; Tony had decided to go for dramatics as he laid down in front of all of you, his suit jacket discarded as he laughed pointing at Bruce who had just spilled his drink down his shirt - all thanks to Red Wing - your trusted device that you secretly used for a jump scare. It was worth it. Taken at one of Stark’s parties, everybody looked happy, less frown lines, less stress. Good old days, you thought.
“That was a good night.” Clint chuckled, pointing at the picture and making you nod in agreement.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Natasha pulled you in for a hug, making you tear up in the process. She didn’t try and convince you to stay, she was probably the only one who truly understood why you chose to step away, even if she didn’t agree with the decision.
“I’ll miss you too, Nat. More than you know. You too Legolas. Don’t die on us.” you chuckled after hugging Clint. The nickname Tony gave just sort of stuck around, and it irritated Clint the most which is why you always chose to call him that. Both of them were the closest thing to family around here for you.
“I feel like I’m probably gonna be the only one who miraculously survives, Y/L,N.”
“Seriously though, be careful you guys. I have a feeling this is not going to end well.” you added, zipping up the last of your bags. Saying their final goodbyes, they left you alone.
Your room was now empty, all packed up into boxes, the space looked smaller somehow, even though it wasn’t. It was time for you to start a new chapter of your life and close this one. It came with unfinished business but you chose to move on. Whatever moving on from a superhero life meant.
“Please don’t go.”
Those three words rang in your ears months after they were uttered. As much as your heart wrenched, you had to leave, it was time.
The Sokovia Accords lay on the polished oak table, bringing dreadful silence across the room. It was hard to believe what your world had come to, and yet here it was. A choice. A choice that nobody benefitted from, except maybe the government. The accords meant that the Avengers would no longer function as an independent association, instead, the government would control and track their moves and influence their decisions. Not signing them would be considered as retirement, so there was no easy way out of it.
Did you agree with them? Absolutely not. Was it necessary? Probably. What shocked you most was that Tony Stark had agreed to comply, in fact he was coaxing each and every one to sign the papers. You knew what was about to happen. And you knew where you stood.
It didn’t make sense for you to stay anymore.
So you left. Retired as the government had you call it. And Tony tried to stop you, once. He assumed you would fight by his side no matter what. And for a brief moment, so did you. You wanted to be by his side, however, what Thaddeus Ross had asked of you was simply unacceptable. You could never live with your freedom taken away from you like that. It wasn’t regulation, it was manipulation and you couldn’t believe Tony for siding with it. It broke your heart.
And so with that broken heart, you fled town. Bought yourself a country home and a small farm with animals, you made a good life for yourself. A life so distinctly different from the one you previously had. No fights, no aliens dropping from the skies, no threats, but no Avengers either. And more importantly, no Tony.
It came as a huge shock the day King T’Chaka was killed in Vienna, and the terrorist later identified as The Winter Soldier only was going to make matters worse, you knew that.
A part of you felt guilty for leaving, while another part was relieved to be away from it all. The constant tug of war gave you several sleepless nights. The main cause for those was the fact that you left without saying goodbye to Tony. You wondered if he hated you for it. He probably did. The two of you were…complicated to say the least. The nature of your relationship was never clear, it came with baggage, one you were more than willing to carry before you were presented with the Accords. There wasn’t much left to say when Tony Stark became spokesperson for regulating and controlling the Avengers under the government’s shadow. Arguments seemed futile when the man was determined on what needed to be done to keep the team in check.
An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead. Forever. - Helmut Zemo
Tony Stark was a man left wounded by many battles, some he drew upon himself, others he didn’t. The Sokovia Accords had caused a schism in the Avengers, a public feud with Steve Rogers and those he trusted at an airport in Germany. He had now the burden of involving a child in the fight, and the fact that he almost lost his best friend. Rhodey was built an exoskeleton to aid him in walking after he recovered, that was the least Tony could do. Although James never blamed him for anything, deep down it cut him that he was responsible for most of mayhem caused.
And then there was you.
You had left the team, left him without a goodbye. Disappeared one night without a trace. Tony felt abandoned by the one person he had hoped would never leave, and yet you had. He had had many sleepless nights thinking about you, hoping that one day maybe out of the blue you would come back and explain yourself.
And now you were gone.
I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around a mansion all by yourself. We all need family.
The Avengers are yours, maybe even more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith is in people, I guess. Individuals. And, I’m happy to say that for the most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn’t.
I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I’m sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand.
I wish we agreed on the accords, I really do. I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do. That’s all any of us should do.
So no matter what, I promise you, if you need us—if you need me—I’ll be there. The team may be scattered for now but I believe if and when the time comes, we will assemble as one. And it’s probably not my place to say this but, Y/N stepping down certainly does not mean she’s no longer with the team. She is out doing what she always dreamt of, living a normal life. Something all of us wish for every now and then. I hope you guys work it out someday. Take care, Tony.
Tony stared at the letter after reading it for the fourth time, the flip phone that came with it still in his hands. His mind invariably wandered to the last bit of Steve’s message. You.
Over the past few years, Tony had come to realize how integral you were, not just to the team and your contribution but to his life too. He had on many occasions found himself seeking you out for a chat, it always made his heavy heart just a little lighter. From the moment you joined the Avengers, you had intrigued Tony Stark. He admired you for your abilities, you were more capable than you were given credit for, you were compassionate, kind and a team player. You never said much but whenever you did, you always knew the right things to say, especially to Tony.
He recalled many occasions where you had leant a listening ear when he had wanted to rant, provided a logical solution when things seemed to get out of hand. He would never forget the comfort you provided when Pepper left him. You were there, holding his hand, hugging him tight when he asked to be left alone, knowing how much he needed a human touch. He didn’t fight it, instead he had let himself be held by you, by arms that provided safety, touches that soothed him and words that rendered all the uncertainties silent.
And yet you had left the compound without a word, or maybe without a conversation with him. It angered and worried him in equal parts.
The more he thought about it, the clearer the picture became of your possible whereabouts. One particular conversation stood out indicating where he might find you, memories of that evening brought a smile to his face as he recalled.
“Farm animals, definitely. I will get myself an alpaca, call her Ms Brain.”
“Are you serious?” you giggled, looking at Tony incredulously. The man was always full of surprises. You were lying on your backs on the compound lawn, it had been a particularly eventful day. Tony found you out here all by yourself, staring up at the gray sky. Getting him to lie down with you wasn’t easy but you managed, bribing him with his favorite whiskey later.
“What about you, Y/L/N?”
“Hmm..Let’s see. I want a huge backyard where I will grow my veggie garden, make the most delicious foods, and have a cat since I’ve always wanted one. Somewhere peaceful and quiet, away from the city, of course. Some place that’ll show me actual stars instead of these twinkling airplane lights, you know?” you murmured, chuckling as a plane flew right above, its red lights mixing with the gray smoke and clouds before it disappeared, effectively making its point.
Tony remained silent, turning his head towards you so he could see your face, your eyes still focused on the sky, he gazed at you fondly. Admiring you for having the courage to dream of a different life so freely, something he used to be able to do but now it all seemed too far off.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours, Y/N?” Tony murmured, reaching his pinky finger out to entwine with yours.
“I’m just picturing you on a farm with Ms. Brain on a leash.” You smiled looking down at your hands.
“Do you think about running away from it all?”
“All the time.” Tony replied promptly, turning his body to face you as you did the same.
“What stops you from doing it then?”
As if on cue, his phone rang, disturbing the quiet of the moment. He murmured a ‘that’ under his breath before sitting up to answer it, thereby ending your little heart-to-heart.
It was a lovely spring morning when you awoke. Your usual wake up call was meowing his way up your bed, demanding to be fed. Once the cat had his fill, you made yourself a cup of coffee and breakfast and went about your day.
Your life out here was simple, just the way you wanted it to be. Your savings had bought you a decent sized house with a large enough backyard garden for you to grow your veggies - something you always dreamt of having. The difference was so stark, it took you a while to adjust to this new life. But eventually you did. The peace and quiet it brought you was indescribable. But that didn’t mean you didn’t miss your Avenger life. To be more specific you missed the team, mostly Tony Stark.
You felt horrible for leaving without notice, especially after finding out about the fight that took place in Germany. You often found yourself wondering how he was dealing with everything. Did he have anybody by his side? You knew the answer to that. Did he get back with Pepper Potts? You didn’t want to find out the answer to that.
As evening rolled by, you poured yourself a glass of wine and got started on dinner, hearing a sharp knocking sound on your door right after. Frowning, you wiped your hands on a napkin and went to open it. You weren’t expecting anyone.
On the other side of the door stood the man you least expected to find, and yet the same man you were hoping to find all this time.
Tony Stark.
He wasn’t the Tony Stark you recognized. No. He seemed different, and not in a good way. His face was still the same, handsome, striking and yet it lacked the usual charisma. There were several bruises decorated all over his face, some healed, others on their way but definitely promised to leave a permanent mark. Words had escaped your vocabulary as you stood there dumbfounded, until he cleared his throat.
“You’re um, you’re here.”
He gave you a nod, grateful that you stepped out of the way to let him in, still trying to process. Red Wing flew in after him, having scanned him for being a potential threat. It was a habit you couldn’t shake off, even in retirement, you were prepared for the unexpected.
“You turned Red Wing into a bellboy? You should’ve left with Dum-E, he would’ve been the perfect lawn mower.”
He made you chuckle, immediately reminding you of the Tony you had missed all these months. A part of you was relieved to see him, your heart beating with excitement now that there seemed a possibility that he was here to see you.
“Would you like a glass of wine?”
He shook his head in a no, explaining he had had too much coffee before, his trembling fingers spoke for themselves. Wordlessly, you made your way towards the kitchen, putting on a kettle of water to make him a cup of chamomile tea instead.
“Will you stay for dinner? I was only just getting started.” you offered, taking his noncommittal shrug as a yes.
He seemed to be busy digesting your new home, the surroundings that now glowed under the light of the setting sun. Your cat jumped out from his hiding spot, greeting Tony by walking between his legs, rubbing his scent over him, already claiming the man as his.
“He’s never that friendly with anyone.” you pointed out, smiling a little when Tony bent down to scratch him behind his ears, causing a cat to purr in appreciation. You brought him a cup of piping hot tea which he accepted wordlessly, taking a seat on your couch where you joined him. Several moments of silence passed where you watched him blow on the hot liquid before taking a small sip.
“You left without saying goodbye to me.”
Tony’s words fell on your ears but cut right through your heart. You should’ve been prepared for this to come up.
“Would you have stopped me from going, Tony?”
“No. Probably. I–I would’ve wanted you to stay and fight back, Y/N.”
You laughed humorlessly, shaking your head at the thought.
“Fight you, you mean? You know I was never going to sign those Accords. I was not going to fight by your side, Tony. You knew that.” your voice shook as you spoke, getting up from your seat and heading back to your kitchen, you put some distance between the two of you.
“Then you should’ve fought me! Anything was better than leaving unannounced, Y/N.”
His words made you turn around, his eyes shone under the candlelight, burning with embers of unanswered questions. You stood quiet, your breathing shallow now.
“Clearly I didn’t mean anything to you.”
“Is that what you think? You’re wrong, Tony. It’s because you meant the most to me, Tony. I couldn’t say goodbye to you because if I had, I wouldn’t have survived. And I couldn’t stay. So forgive me for running away, alright? I took the easiest choice at hand because the alternative was just too damn difficult.” you had a few tears strayed down your cheek by the time you finished, your heart now pounding wildly against your ears as you stood gripping the dining chair so tight your knuckles had turned white.
Tony sat still for a while, his brain comprehending your words before a hint of a smile made its way on his face, a sense of temporary relief - something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Something inside of him had led him here, the longing to see your face, questions that needed answers, the loneliness he felt that only grew more and more once everything that could go wrong went wrong. And yet, as he sat here after finding you, his heart felt lighter. Like he had made the right choice in what felt like forever.
“You haven’t asked why I am here.” he murmured, turning his attention back to the cup of tea in his hands.
“Wasn’t it to donate Dum-E to be my trusted lawn mower?” you jested, taking a seat on the chair you were previously clutching.
“I found out it wasn’t a car accident that killed my parents. They were murdered. By James Buchanan Barnes.” Tony stared ahead, gripping the cup tightly in his hands as he spoke.
“Oh my God, Tony…”
“And Rogers knew. He knew, Y/N.” he whispered, the anguish and hurt in his voice evident. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. The Avengers having a difference of opinion was one thing, but this piece of information was enough to cause a definitive crack, you knew that.
“It wasn’t Barnes, Tony. It was the Winter Soldier, he was being controlled.”
“They’re still dead.”
That made you understand he wasn’t looking for a logical explanation, at least not now. What he needed was comfort. Without another word, you made your way back over to the couch, placing your hand on Tony’s back to let him know you were there for him.
“I almost lost Rhodey. I saw him fall to his death from the sky, Y/N. I couldn’t make it to him in time. And now our team is scattered. Gone. All because I–”
“Because of the Accords, and a difference of opinion, Tony.” you shifted closer, placing the cup away to grab his hands in yours.
“But I signed them. I failed.” his words broke your heart, unshed tears now made their way into his eyes as he tried his best not to break down in front of you.
“Hey, it’s okay, Tony. We’ll figure it out, like we always do, right? It’s okay, come here.”
Wrapping him in a hug, you held him close to you as he broke down, finally allowing himself to be vulnerable. He held onto the light sweater you wore like you would disappear in his grasp, shoulders burdened heavy now shaking in silent tears as months, maybe years of pent up and unaddressed feelings resurfaced.
“Shh. You’re okay, Tony. Let it out, I’ve got you.” You carded your fingers through his hair softly, blinking your own tears away.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there, Tony. I should have been there for the team, for you. I’m sorry.”
He shook his head slightly, the movement a little difficult with his head safely tucked against your chest. After his tears subsided, you clasped his hand and led him upstairs to draw him a bath.
Tony Stark hadn’t known what it felt to have someone else care for him in a long time. He didn’t allow himself to be vulnerable the way he had now, because for the first time in forever, he knew felt safe. Safe enough to show his scars, his wounds. As you wordlessly undressed him, your eyes scanned the bruises littered across his skin, old scars and new. Your fingers traced them delicately before you nudged him to step inside the tub while you sat out. He needed this more than you at that moment.
The warm water healed his sore muscles, the ache that had settled deep within them slowly slipped out as your hands massaged the knots away. There was no way he could express how thankful he was for you in words. He chose to express it all with a kiss instead.
Right after you were done washing his hair, he held your hand to pull you closer to the edge of the tub, his gaze lowered as his face inched closer to yours.
As your lips met, you felt yourself melt against him. There was still a lot to work through but for now, you let yourself be lost in Tony Stark. All of him. You let him consume your senses. He was all that mattered.
“When was the last time you slept?”
Your question seemed irrelevant, you probably guessed it had been a while since the man got a good night’s rest. Now that you were out in your backyard, lying on a soft blanket you’d brought out to watch the night sky. Tony held on to your hand, placing it right over his chest where his arc reactor once was.
Several stars twinkled in the inky black sky, a visual you had missed in the city life. You remembered the nights you laid out here alone, rethinking past choices. You were content then, but you only understood peace now. There was no one else you would rather be here with than Tony.
His heart was beating steadily against your hand, his breath calm, features relaxed. This was the Tony you knew and loved.
“I’m glad I found my way back to you.”
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last-herondale · 2 months
Almost pt. 4
Bucky Barnes x femreader!
/ Steve Rogers x femreader!
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Angst, heartbreak, fluff
Warnings: bit of swearing
AN: helloooo next part is out! I’m excited to see where this series goes!!! Honestly I love Bucky and Steve so this is fun 😆
Enjoy 🤘🏼
The physical pain took a couple of weeks to heal. Steve was a steady nurse, changing out your bandages every few hours until the cuts seemed healed. Whatever the poison was, it had done deep damage to your body. It took you a week to regain the use of your muscles. Sam checked in now and again as Steve helped you recover. He was keeping recon on the Hydra base, watching for any new movements since your blunder with the trap, but since then there had been nothing new to report. They both agreed that the mission would be on standby until you were back to full health. Steve had nearly had you shipped out back to New York to recover, but a frantic panic of yours seemed to change his mind.
While you were confined to the safehouse, Steve hardly left your side. It was nice to be taken care of for a change. It was something you weren’t used to. Something you didn’t know how to process. He was patient and kind, even though you felt that you didn’t deserve it. You had fucked up. Big time. Nearly blew the mission with your recklessness and now it was being pushed back to accommodate you. While you would have been content to wallow in your pity, Steve would not allow it.
He pushed you to do your physical therapy everyday, cooked for you, helped you in and out of the shower in the most respectful way he possibly could. He made sure you took your medicine when you needed to. He was attentive to your every need.
When you were finally able to speak clear and full sentences again, one day while he was changing out your bandages you felt a sudden burst of emotion escape your lips.
“Why are you doing this?”
Steve ignored you for a moment, finishing off the last bandage on your left arm before he finally looked up at you with an unimpressed look.
“Because you’re injured and need help, now hold still while I-“
You snatched the bandages out of his hands with your other arm and glared at him defiantly.
“Why. Are. You. Doing. This?” You asked again, your voice becoming stern.
“Doing what exactly?” Steve asked, just as irritated, “Making sure you don’t die?”
“Why are you being so… nice to me? I’ve been on missions with you before, and whenever other people get injured-“
“Are you saying I don’t help my team?” Steve challenged.
You looked him square in the eyes and set your jaw tightly. “Not like this.”
There was a flicker of movement in Steve’s mouth. You knew you had hit a nerve there. While Steve was a great leader, the best probably this world would ever see, he never was this attentive to his injured teammates. When Barton had his side blown off during Ultron’s attack, he did not play bedside nurse for him until he was better. So why here? Why now?
He must have seen that you weren’t going to give up so easily. He sighed.
“I’m doing this because of Bucky.”
You felt your chest go cold.
“He told you to—“
“He hasn’t told me to do anything.” Steve interjected quickly, almost to save himself from saying the wrong thing, “He doesn’t even know what’s happened here, no one but Tony does. No, I’m doing this because of what you did for him.”
“Then why–”
“If you’d just keep quiet for a second, I will explain!” he said, oddly flustered. You had never seen Steve Rogers, fucking Captain America, get flustered. You sat back, crossing your arms and mimicking locking your mouth. He sighed again and drew on hand through his hair.
“Look, I’m not clueless, okay? I was there when Bucky and Nat broke up. I know what he went through after that… what he turned into once she walked out of his life. And I know you and Nat are friends, and I know you might take her side on the matter, but Bucky is my best friend, okay? So I saw what went on behind the scenes too from the other side.
“Neither of them were good for each other. What they had wasn’t healthy. It was toxic and strained and fueled by lust. When that fizzled out it was bound to fall apart.”
You were surprised by the information that Steve knew. Not that you thought that he was clueless, but you didn’t think that Bucky had shared that information with him. It made you feel a bit stupid. Of course he would tell his best friend. Maybe the idea of being the only one Bucky confided in had made you feel special, but now your ego deflated a bit.
“I tried to be there for him at first. Admittedly, I know very little about relationships and breakups. I didn’t know how to be there for him, and he wasn’t going to be truthful with his feelings because that’s just Bucky, stubborn as always. So it was easy for me to tell myself that he was okay, and let him handle things the way he needed to. He has been through so much already, who was I to tell him how to live his life?
“But then you started to show up more and more and he began to get better. I couldn’t explain how or why. I thought maybe that you two had been… together as his rebound, which I now know is not the case!” Steve said a bit sheepishly.
“I didn’t do anything,” You mumbled, “I just hung out with the two of you on the weekends.”
“Cut the shit. I know you stayed with him whenever I would tap out early. I know you would go babysit him whenever he got too drunk and in his feelings to distinguish what was real or fake. You were there for him when I wasn’t. You cared for him when he wouldn’t have the decency to care for himself, and you never belittled him for it. You cannot sit there and tell me that was nothing.”
You drew your mouth into a hard line. You remained silent, and Steve just sighed again and continued on.
“Just answer me this, and answer me honestly. Do you think Bucky is a broken man?”
You froze. That was something Bucky had said that night on the balcony. “She is broken, like me.” There were a lot of words that came to mind when you thought about Bucky, but broken was never one of them.
“No,” you whispered, “He is not broken. He is hurting, and he is stupid, and he is so irritably stubborn that it drives me insane… but he isn’t broken. He thinks that there is some part of him that is irredeemable. That he doesn’t deserve good things to happen to him in his life and it breaks my heart…”
You were crying again, but you didn’t care. Trying to hold back everything you felt for so long had taken all the strength you had. And now you were the weakest you had ever been. You looked to Steve, wondering if he saw you as a crying mumbling mess, but instead he pulled you in for a gentle hug. His large muscled arms comforted you in an embrace that seemed to warm you down to your bones.
“I’m sorry,” Steve whispered, “I see how much you love him, how much you care for him. I feared that he would push that love away, that he would hurt you during his time of pain. I wish I could make him see just how special you are.”
Steve’s words hit the tender nerves of your soul and you sobbed against his shoulder. He caressed your hair and held you tighter as you shuddered and cried against him. You felt ridiculous, crying like a helpless baby, but Steve just murmured comforting words and held you securely in place.
“It hurts… I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve lost myself in him… and he doesn’t want me. It’s stupid, it's so stupid… I feel so…empty. I shouldn’t have come on this mission. I’m so…sorry Steve. I’m sorry.”
Raw emotion cut through you as you were a blubbering mess. Steve just held you through it, not judging you or reprimanding you. He was calm, he was gentle, and he was patient. He kept telling you how good you were, how big your heart was. It was strange to be in this position. To be the one being reassured, to be the one being built back up. His words calmed your soul. You don’t remember falling asleep in his arms, but you woke up with him on the couch, his arms still wrapped around you as his head was tilted back on the couch.
You watched him a bit as he slept, not daring to move or stir him awake. You felt warm and safe in his arms. It was nice. He was beautiful, that you could not deny. His features were soft and gentle in his sleep. The rising and falling of his chest was even and steady. You slowly placed your head on his chest, listening to the even beating of his heart as you let yourself fall back asleep. For the first night since you had left New York, you did not dream of James Buchanan Barnes.
The next morning you were up, making sure to carefully untangle yourself from Steve’s embrace. He was still asleep when you started making breakfast. It wasn’t until the bacon started sizzling in the pan that you heard him grumble from the couch and pick his head up.
“Good morning,” you greeted, a soft smile on your face.
“Morning,” Steve said as he rubbed his face, “You look better.”
“I feel great, honestly.”
You fixed him a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and a cup of coffee as he came to sit down at the small wooden table. He gave you an awkward smile as he took a sip of his coffee. You sat down next to him, a cup of coffee in front of you and a slice of toast. The medicine that you were on made you have a low appetite, but you didn’t mind making breakfast for Steve. You thought that it was the least you could do after everything he did for you.
The two of you chatted a bit while he ate his breakfast. He updated you on the situation with Hydra. Sam was able to infiltrate the base on his own, undetected, in the middle of the night. He stole their plans to ship out large quantities of the poison that had afflicted you. The shipment was planned to ship out to the states in a months time. Steve relayed this mission to Tony who suggested sending his own bots in to take care of it. Meaning you would be going home soon.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Steve,” you said softly as he finished his meal. He gave you a soft smile and just shrugged a bit.
You took up his plate and put them in the sink and tidied the kitchen as he went to take a shower. You packed your things, folding up your gear and clothes into your small pack. Steve had done your laundry for you while you had been indisposed. You smiled. It was such a small thing, but so many small things that Steve had done for you over the past few weeks had seemed to heal you in ways that you never thought you would heal from.
You felt a warm sensation in your chest.
You heard him come out of the bathroom. He was shirtless, with a towel draped around his neck as his blonde hair still dripped. “Showers open,” he said as he stepped into the room.
You faced him, gazing at him as you watched a few drops of water fall down his chest. You felt your face grow hot, and stumbled a bit as you tried to step past him. He caught you by the elbow and pulled you up, holding you a bit close to him as he chuckled.
“How many times am I going to have to catch you before we—“
You don’t know what came over you. What made you think that this was okay? All you know is that you leaned forward and kissed Steve gently on the mouth. His eyes widened in surprise, and the shock of it made you immediately pull back.
“I’m sorry— I shouldn’t have—“
But he had put his hand under your chin. His blue eyes searched yours a moment, in an incredibly soft and tender way. It made your stomach jump the way he looked at you now. As he leaned in again, slowly, allowing you to push away at any moment you wanted, you could smell the scent of his shampoo as his lips returned to yours.
He was soft and gentle. His hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you a bit closer to him. He broke off for a second, his eyelids were half closed as he searched your face.
“Tell me to stop,” he murmured, “If you don’t want… if this isn’t something you are comfortable with…”
You raised up on your toes to reach his level and kissed him again. You let your hands wrap around his neck and tangle into his wet hair. Steve let out a pleased sound, and his strong hands lifted you from your waist and held you closer to him.
You thought that this would feel wrong. That kissing Steve would ruin everything between you. You thought maybe he would be angry with you, for kissing him after confessing your love for Bucky just the night before. But here he was, kissing you, murmuring your name as he carried you over to the bed in the room.
Had he really done all he did this week for bucky's sake? Or was there something else? Some other reason why he had been so keen on taking care of you? Your mind tried to process these questions, but the feel of Steve’s mouth on your neck quickly shoved those thoughts away.
He broke apart long enough to lock eyes with you. He was over you on the bed, his eyes a bit wild as he looked at you. Your chests heaved together, his bare and shiny from the water.
“Are you sure?” Steve asked.
The only response you gave, was a gentle nod of your head as you let your hand gently scrape down his bare chest. He gave a shaky breath and shook his head.
“You will be the death of me, you know that?”
All other conversation fell away. All other feelings and thoughts and memories disappeared. There was only you and him. And for the first time in a while, you felt whole.
Part 5
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phaticserpent · 4 months
I wonder if you have any headcanons or dribbles of Ultron with a pregnant reader?
👀 the way I'd be pregnant for this man (I'm terrified of pregnancy and childbirth)
Warning: mentions of pregnancy (?) Child labor
He is the absolute best at everything.....i mean,it's Ultron
He makes sure he does research in every single area for pregnancy; he needs to make sure he stays informed with everything
Handles you gently and carefully; he is at your side whenever you need him
Either will be understanding of your pregnancy cravings and bring them to you, OR makes a healthier alternative option for you. No in-between
"I want chocolate...."
"Chocolate isn't good for you or the baby"
"I want chocolate."
"Okay, I'll get you chocolate" He gets everything in chocolate; chocolate ice cream, chocolate milkshake, chocolate anything for the entire day until you want another craving
Makes sure all the sharp edges in the house/apartment are child proofed, he doesn't want you bumping into them and getting into an accident
Carries you around with no complaint or struggles; heck, you wouldn't even need to get out of bed with him around
Will be putting on Mozart or Beethoven for the fetus to listen to
"It's good for them, they'll be smart like you."
You don't have to worry about any chores: the house? Clean within a blink and no traces of dust. The garbage? Taken care of, you don't even need to ask
Makes sure you're okay and comfortable; whenever you express hints of pain, he'll definitely panic and get into doctor-mode
"I have some great names picked out, if you haven't thought of any yet."
"Babe, I'm only on my second term."
"Can't be too prepared."
Cute dates with him like movie nights but the couch is just as comfortable as a bed; he has soft blankets and pillow all around
When it comes to later in the pregnancy, he's super anxious; he makes double the portion size that he would usually make
Will accompany you to the bathroom in the middle of the night, it doesn't matter, he will start fussing if you don't wake him up
"I don't want to bother you...."
"Nonsense. Bother me, your safety is not a hindrance for me. My system shut down is more insignificant"
"Babe, please."
Obviously he won't go inside and respects your privacy, but he will stand outside the door just in case
If you have work and your boss is being an incompetent fool, I know for sure that Ultron would fight with him via email
Ultron would grumble, ".....pathetic, what kind of nincompoop wouldn't give maternity leave? I hope his business burns and he goes bankrupt....."
You'd snicker at his use of vocabulary
And then the time arrives,
"I think it's happening....."
Immediate panic; he obviously handles everything, he calls his sentries and all that is needed to start the procedure
He doesn't really trust human doctors, plus he wants to be there next to you for the moment. He would be the most attentive doctor/medical personnel - the procedure and labor would be a major success!
He would also treat you to whatever you wanted after. To him, the first priority is your well-being after something so energy inducing/exhausting, then the attention would go to the baby (of course, he would place the baby in your arms before giving you attention you need)
He would definitely take care of the child so you could get the rest you need and deserve
At first, he would be too terrified to handle the baby....even if he knows how and the proper care for it - he's terrified of the idea of rejection from the baby, he doesn't want it to be afraid of him
However, the baby did not care at all. It babbled incoherently and reached out for Ultron, placing its tiny hands on his cheek to feel the coolness of the metal
"......this baby, I would kill for it." Ultron smiled. I only had them for a day and a half, but if anything happened, I would kill everyone and then myself type
He's good with kids, to an extent
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
Ross’s quote about the Avengers ignoring sovereign borders comes up a lot and is often used to accuse Steve of American imperialism, so let’s have a look into it.
You've fought for us. Protected us. Risked your lives. While a great many people see you as heroes. There are some... who would prefer the word "vigilantes". What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals, who routinely ignores sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind them?
Sooo. Civil War was a terrible piece of world-building. The first problem is that it came way too early in the franchise, not just for the fracture between Tony and Steve to be anywhere near meaningful, but also the number of missions preceding this that would actually fit Ross’s accusations.
Let’s look at all the MCU movies so far leading up to Civil War:
Iron Man 1-3
Captain America 1-2
Thor 1-2
Avengers 1-2
(Guardians of the Galaxy)
Cap 1 took place in WW2, Cap 2 took place mostly on US soil, with the exception of the Lemurian Star which was a SHIELD mission. Thor wasn’t part of Civil War but he was dealing with extraterrestrial threats that came to Earth. Avengers 1 similarly - the only time the team was out of US was to confront Loki in Germany, and again that was under the supervision of SHIELD. Ant-Man also happened in US territory.
The only person on the team who “routinely ignores sovereign borders and inflict their will” without any oversight was Tony. He did it in IM1 against the Ten Rings. In IM2 he opens the movie with:
I'm not saying that the world is enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me (...) I’m not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea because I haven’t come across anyone who’s man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day.
It is implied - the showing was done in the first movie - that Tony continued his "peace-keeping" activities which consisted of zipping into other countries and blasting everything with fire.
Never forget that even Rhodey assessed Tony as:
As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.
Operating outside the law was started by Tony, not by Steve or any of the other (original) Avengers, most of whom were working for SHIELD until they had to bring it down themselves to stop Hydra from killing millions of people.
The narrative problem lies in the vacuum between Captain America 2 and Captain America 3. Avengers 2 deftly avoided discussing who was overseeing their operations, and by the time Cap 3 rolls around they're suddenly a privately operated group of vigilantes?
Speaking of Avengers 2, that's the time someone decided to make a “global peacemaking initiative” without involving his team, much less the global community.
Bruce Banner: So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team.
Tony Stark: Right. That's right, you know why, because we don't have time for a city hall debate. I don't want to hear the "man was not meant to meddle" medley. I see a suit of armor around the world.
Tony knew the ethical implications and the risks of this but forged ahead anyway. Said murder-bot went all over the world intent on human extinction while the Avengers tried to chase him down. We can argue over whether it was appropriate for Avengers to intervene with Ultron before waiting for the UN to have their emergency committee hearing in 3 days, but I think the key is the Avengers risked their lives to tidy up Tony's their own mess, which is what accountability and dealing with the consequence is all about.
And that's the crux of Steve's argument, which I think a lot of people gloss over.
We are (giving up) if we're not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blames.
The Accords passes the buck upwards to the UN…this means both the decisions and the responsibility for the decisions go elsewhere. The situation that riled Tony up in the first place was a mother telling him “I blame you” for Sokovia. Assuming we ignore Tony’s role in creating Ultron, how would oversight have changed the situation? They wouldn’t have been able to create Vision off the cuff, nor would they have been allowed to recruit the twins. The people in Sokovia? Would still have died, and likely far more of them because of a slower response.
But what Tony is saying is if they had oversight, the mother wouldn’t have marched up to him and blamed him. Or as Steve points out, he could shift that blame onto the UN.
Steve’s version of accountability is about taking ownership of their mistakes and finding a solution. Tony’s version of accountability is having someone else make the call and take the blame. (* I feel like this is a thing a lot of people - often young - get confused about. Accountability isn’t just about having someone telling you what to do. Some people and some organisations find themselves in the rare position of having no direct oversight, but they still need to have accountability measures in place - look at the UN Charter for example)
Going back to my original point, the only one shown to routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict his will wherever he pleases was Tony. The one operating outside government sanction for the majority of his appearances was Tony. The one actively seeking out “criminals” and trying to “win a war before it starts” has always been Tony. Tony might not be the one wearing the red white and blue but he’s the only one gloating about having done the job for “Uncle Sam”. The greatest advocate for American imperialism was Tony, not Steve.
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where the fuck is my impulse control
Yeah, Avengers AU.
Don't care what you say, I tried to make it work.
Including edited quotes from Avengers and Age of Ultron
I replaced Hulk with the Zillo Beast.
Dave Filoni: Superheroes in New York? Give me a break.
Echo: We won.
Hunter: All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.
Wrecker: We're not finished yet.
Hunter: And then shawarma after.
Echo: Is he breathing?
Tech, in lizard form: *roars in his face*
Hunter: What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.
Hunter: Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you. *a giant Chitauri is following him*
Omega: I don't see how that's a party.
Echo: Tech. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.
Tech: That's my secret, Echo. I'm always angry.
Omega: Just like Budapest all over again.
Crosshair: You and I remember Budapest very differently.
Hunter, to Scorch: Maybe your army comes and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.
Crosshair: Why am I back? How did you get him out?
Omega: Cognitive recalibration. I hit you really hard on the head.
Crosshair: Thanks.
Crosshair: Have you ever had someone take your brain and play? Pull you out and stuff something else in? Do you know what it's like to be unmade?
Omega: You know that I do.
Mace Windu: There was an idea, Hunter knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Cody died still believing in that idea. In heroes.
Echo: Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?
Hunter: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
Mace Windu: I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Scorch used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.
Wrecker: Monkeys? I don't get it.
Echo: I do! I understood that reference!
Hunter: It’s good to meet you, Tech. Your work on antielectron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous Godzilla lizard.
Tech: Thanks.
Hunter: The only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density. Something to kick-start the Cube.
Ahsoka: When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?
Hunter: Last night.
Hunter: Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails. *points to Anakin* That man is playing Galaga. He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. *covers one of his eyes* How does Windu even see these?
Ahsoka: He turns.
Hunter: Sounds exhausting.
Wrecker: Don't talk like that. Scorch is beyond reason, but he's from Asgard. And he's my brother.
Omega: He killed 80 people in two days.
Wrecker: He’s adopted.
Echo: Is this a submarine?
Tech: Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurised, metal container? *walks to the side of the deck* No, no, this is much worse.
Cody: We need you to come in.
Omega: Are you kidding? I'm working.
Cody: This takes precedence.
Omega: I'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything.
Bad guy: I don't... give everything.
Omega: Look, you can't pull me out of this right now.
Cody: Omega... Crosshair's been compromised.
Omega: Let me put you on hold.
Hunter: Shit!
Echo: Language!
*Some chatter and fighting later…*
Hunter: Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Echo just said “Language”?
Echo: I know. Just slipped out.
*Some more chatter and fighting later…*
Wrecker: Find the spear-thingy.
Hunter: And for gosh sake, watch your language!
Echo: That’s not going away any time soon.
Omega: Wrecker, report on the Zillo.
Wrecker: The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims.*Omega gives him a look* But not the screams of the dead, of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.
Echo: The two Enhanced?
Ahsoka: Leia and Luke Skywalker. Twins. Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special, but it's on the way to everywhere special.
Echo: Their abilities?
Ahsoka: He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.
Echo: *confused*
Ahsoka: He's fast and she's weird.
Ahsoka: Lab's all set up, boss.
Hunter: *points to Echo* Actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler.
Tech: How's he doing?
Hunter: Unfortunately, he's still Crosshair.
Tech: That's terrible.
Hunter: Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?
Wrecker: Yes, of course.
Hunter: I will be reinstituting prima nocta. *tries to lift the hammer* I'll be right back.
Hunter: *Tries again with the Iron Man glove, nothing. Makes Rex take his glove too and they both try to lift it.*
Rex: Are you even pulling?
Hunter: Are you on my team?
Rex: Just represent. Pull.
Hunter: All right, let’s go.
*Echo tries next*
Hunter: Come on, Echo.
Echo: *makes it move a tiny bit*
Wrecker, nervously laughing: Nothing.
Echo: Sorry for barging in on you.
Hunter: Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.
Luke, in a police station: We’re under attack! Clear the city! Now! *No one’s doing anything, comes back with a gun and fires in the air* Get off your asses.
Crosshair, to Leia: Hey, look at me. It’s your fault, it’s everyone’s fault. Who cares? Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know. Because the city is flying. Okay. Look, the city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.
Luke: Keep up, old man! *takes Leia and runs off*
Crosshair: Nobody would know. Nobody. “The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard. I miss him already.”
Crosshair: All right, we're all clear here.
Echo: We are not clear! We are very not clear!
Luke: This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Echo: This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be.
Luke: This isn't so bad.
Luke: *Shoves Crosshair and a kid behind cover and gets shot multiple times in the leg* You didn't see that coming?
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It's all part of the same game if you think about it. The audience hates Project Insight because it's Hydra and Hydra are the bad guys. But Ultron was supposed to be a "suit of armour around the world" and Edith has a funny nickname and "oh, isn't Peter such a nice kid". And the Accords only wanted to "hold the heroes accountable", they're not that bad.
What's the difference really? Framing.
Hydra was attacking Steve, Sam and Nat. They hurt Bucky, they almost had Fury killed. They're the bad guys. And...
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They're framed as the enemy. So naturally, everybody sees them as such.
But Tony is not treated this way because we don't know his victims. His time as an arms dealer is completely forgotten like it never happened. The Sokovians are barely a second thought to AoU, not even Pietro's death matters besides a blink-and-you'll-miss-it picture of Clint's son + Wanda losing control for a moment. Not even in CW does she say anything about her own brother and the only discussion is about the death of an American. Tony's guilt doesn't translate into "shit, I made Ultron behind the team's back, this is my fault". It's "let's make this a team issue so that the responsibility is shared. And oh, Steve is so bad, isn't he?".
As for Edith, at no point during FFH is the existence of such a device discussed. Not even once. The drones are only used by the villain and we're supposed to believe that as long as that weapon is in the right hands then it doesn't matter if we sacrifice civil rights for "safety".
Zola's words during TWS apply to Stark and everything he did post-NYC invasion. Does it make sense character-wise? Sure, it does. Stark was unwell, he had been traumatized, etc etc. Cool, I get it. But why the hell does the narrative support everything he does instead of calling him out on it and stopping him?
He was okay pre-AoU but, man... he became insufferable afterwards.
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theconstantsidekick · 11 months
Tony Stark Is Like A Painting
Pairings: Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: I literally have no idea what genre this qualifies as and I personally have a wide range of what I consider genre
Summary:  Tony's being rejected from the Avengers Initiative. FUN!
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Very little Swearing (idk how that happened)
a/n: read Age Of Ultron for more information on Y/n's backstory
sidenote: if ya'll know about the rabbit in a snowstorm, HIT ME UP.
My Greatest Creation Is You (previous part) | Series Masterlist | The Avengers (Ft. Static) | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | Static Verse Masterlist  | Iron Man 1 (ft. Static) | Bucky Barnes, the Boyfriend
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“I don’t think I want you looking at that,” Fury says in a scolding tone as he enters the room and takes a seat opposite Tony. There are guards surrounding them and behind their table are holographic screens lit up showcasing footage of the… let’s call it recent peculiar events. “I’m not sure it pertains to you anymore.” Fury pulls the file titled, “Avengers Initiative” out of Tony’s hands. 
Ooof, she thinks. That’s gotta hurt. 
“Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff’s assessment of you.” Fury hands Tony another file. “Read it,” He urges him.
Tony does as he’s told. “Aaaah—‘Personality overview—Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior.’” Tony looks straight at Fury, “In my own defense, that was last week.” When Fury does nothing but stares at him unimpressed, he realizes his joke has not landed. Moving on, he adds, “‘Prone to self-destructive tendencies.’ I was dying. I mean, please. Aren’t we all? ‘Textbook narcissism’?” He seems a little shocked at the observation. There is a pause. He even looks at Fury… who remains unmoving. So Tony says, “Agreed. Okay, here it is… aaaaah—‘Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.’” He closes the file. “I gotta think about it.”
Fury commands, as unimpressed as ever, “Read on.”
So once again, Tony does as he’s asked, he opens the file and reads, “‘Tony Stark not—? Not recommended’? That doesn’t make any sense. How can you approve—me but not approve me? I got a new ticker.” Fury gets off his seat. “I’m trying to—uh—do right by—uh—Pepper. I—I’m in uh—a stable-ish relationship.”
Fury walks around and rests against the table by Tony’s chair, “Which leads us to believe at this juncture we’d only like to use you as a consultant.”
And you have to know, a man does not dress up in a flashing red suit of armor if he isn’t at least a little bit of an egomaniac. If S.H.I.E.L.D. does not want him, he doesn’t need to pretend to need them. He’s a little petty that way. 
Tony stands and offers his hand. Both men shake hands.
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Clasping his other hand on top of Fury’s, “You can’t afford me.” He smiles. 
He goes to leave, but then he turns around again. “Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor.” Fury looks a little skeptical, so he continues, “Rhodey and I are being honored in Washington and we need a presenter.”
Yeah… see? Real fucking petty that way.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Fury answers.
Tony smiles, triumphant in his upcoming revenge.
Then he whistles, “You coming?”
Y/n steps out of the shadow where she had been leaning on the wall, “You head out, I’ll be right behind you. The Director and I have a few things to square out.” 
Tony rushes over, drops a kiss on her cheek, and heads out.
Both she and Fury take a seat. 
“So?” Fury begins. “What is your assessment of Tony Stark?”
Y/n pushes her chair back so it’s balancing only on the hind legs. “My assessment is that whether you like it or not, he is going to be an Avenger.”
Fury raises an eyebrow, “Is that so?”
His tone is so apprehensive that it makes Y/n smile. “There’s this painting I like. It’s called ‘Rabbit In A Snowstorm’. You heard of it?”
“That all white piece of canvas that you fancy folk like to call art? Yes. I’ve heard of it,” Fury replies, clearly interested.
Y/n smile some more. “You don’t like it, I take it…”
Fury looks at her like it’s the most obvious thing in the world to dislike it. “It is literally all white. Now, I might not be the artsiest fucker out there, but come on, calling that blank canvas a painting is a stretch.”
Nodding in mild assent, Y/n shoves her hands in her pocket and throws her head back. “See, the thing about that ‘blank canvas’ is that it takes time. The more time you spend looking at the painting, the more of yourself that you invest into it, the more you see. You spend a couple minutes you see the texture, a more and you see the different shades of white and a couple hours in you can even see the brush strokes.”
“So, you’re saying Tony is like that painting?” Fury asks, mildly annoyed.
Y/n sits up. “I’m saying all the people around him have stuck around for a reason. And no matter how—unstable you think he might be, you have to admit the people around him are beyond trustworthy.”
“I cannot pick him to be on my team because I like his friends. This is not a game of charades in a shitty little house party,” Fury argues.
Shrugging, Y/n says. “Look, this isn’t me trying to convince you. I don’t really care if you put him on the roster. I just know he’ll find his way there.” Fury looks at her with a challenge in his eye. “What? You think the council will let you call in these so-called ‘Avengers’—” she picks up the file titles, ‘Avengers Initiative’, “—unless the world is on fire?” She scoffs. “No, right? So here’s my follow-up question; if the world is on fire do you think my brother, Tony ‘I am Iron Man’ Stark will just sit on his ass and watch it happen?” 
“So you’re saying it’s inevitable?” Fury questions, brow raised in discontent.
Standing up, Y/n replies in indispensable nonchalance, “No, come on! I’m saying neither of us knows what’s gonna happen in the future.”
“Except for the part where Tony will be on the team,” Fury counters.
“Yeah, except for that,” Y/n answers, fixing her suit.
“How do you know that the rest of them will accept him?”
“I know because of the ‘Rabbit In The Snowstorm’,” she tells him and begins walking out. “It’ll happen sooner than you think. You’ll wake up one day and realize Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark are the best of friends.” She shakes her head, “It’ll be hilarious.”
“You’ve got yourself a bet, Agent Stark,” Fury challenges with a small smile in his voice.
“It’s Ms. Stark.” She puts on her sunglasses. “And you’re on, Nick.” With that she steps out, rushing over to her brother, who’s waiting patiently in his car.
“I’m craving donuts, you want some donuts? I think we should get some donuts,” Tony says as she gets in the car.
“I think Randy’s is open.”
With that, they drive off.
Find the series masterlist here. Find the Static Verse Masterlist here. Read The Avengers (ft. Static) here.
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trikruismybitch · 9 months
This is a prompt i found in my drafts kinda like a really bad put together fic but enjoy lol
Wanda x Reader where they grew up together and went to struckers experience both thankfully surviving, Y/n has shapeshifting abilities like beast-boy & Martian manhunter so she can heal faster then a normal human, that’s why Pietro's alive bc she jumped infront of him.
Anyways, after Ultron Y/n kinda closes in on herself after almost dying (Wanda & Y/n are dating have been for awhile) She’s not smiling as bright or making jokes or pulling pranks like usual. Wanda drifts away from her thinking Y/n needed time by herself and she gets closer to Vision. Y/n sees this and pulls away even more bc she sees the way Wanda looks at him and it breaks her heart.
Pietro notices Y/n pulling away and takes her out to an arcade where they can just mess around and have fun. They’re eating pizza when he brings up that he has been noticing her pulling away from him and when he mentions Wanda she stiffens.
Pietro notices and asks if something happened between them and she says no but that’s the problem.
She tells him how she knows Wanda isn’t in love with her anymore how whenever she has free time she spends it with Vision.
How she does all the things she used to do with Y/n with Vision instead. Pietro’s heart breaks seeing Y/n cry and break down in his arms.
She’s always been like a big sister to him and it makes him angry at Wanda for treating her this way.
Even with Hydra Y/n kept her nonchalant dorky upbeat attitude always trying to bring light on such a dark time in their life’s and to see her break bc of Wanda hurt him.
When they get home Wanda and vision are cooking with them really close to each other Y/n leaves saying she needs to work off steam and Pietro walks toward them and tells Vision he needs to talk to Wanda (is totally rude to him too)
Wanda gets upset at the way he talks to him but pietro just speeds them away to his room confronts her about how she’s been acting with/ Y/n
Wanda realizes it but when Pietro asks Wanda if she still loves Y/n she realizes she doesn’t not in that way anymore.
Pietro looks disappointed in his sister and just leaves Wanda goes to find Y/n cuz they needs talk and she finds her in the gym sparring with Nat (them totaling getting their asses handed to them but Nats teaching her how to fight) she asks if she can talk to her and Nat leaves them.
They talk and Wanda spills how she’s feeling. “Yeah, I kinda figured it out a few weeks ago” she shrugs but inside her hearts shredding into pieces
“Does he make you happy?” Wanda says yes
“That’s all I want Wanda, that’s all I’ve ever wanted. If he makes you happy and treats you right who am I to stand in your way of happiness?”
Wanda tears up and hugs Y/n “Go get him!” y/n says with a strained smile but Wanda doesn't notice
Wanda leaves to tell Vision not noticing how Y/n’s world has just collapsed on top of itself. Pietro finds her that night chugging a bottle of whiskey. With another already empty.
“She doesn’t love me anymore” and then she breaks down, “I can’t stay here Pietro. I got an offer about a month ago from a man named Charles Xavier. They want me to go down and live with them at a mutant school says he can help me with my powers. At first I wasn’t going to take it because of you and Wanda but I don’t think I can be here Peet...I love you like my own brother and if you need me to stay here I will but-"
“No. If you need to leave I support you. You’ve always been here and protected us—me. Now it’s time you do something for yourself.”
Y/n talks to Natasha, Tony, and Steve about it and they agree that the Mutant schools the best.
As Y/n’s getting packed to leave Wanda barges in “You can’t leave!”
“I have to, it’s what’s best for me.”
“Is this because of me? You told me you wanted me to be happy! You leaving isn’t making me happy!”
“It’s not because of you” okay that’s a lie but it also wasn’t fully because of Wanda just mostly “The mutant school is what’s best for me. I have so much I have to learn with my powers and they can help. I do want you to be happy Wanda but what about my happiness?”
“Your right. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do without you.”
“Pietros here and you’ll have Vision you’ll be alright.” Wanda internally flinches but knows you're right
She hugs Y/n “Don’t forget to call me”
“I will.” She never does.
[Not Proof Read]
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jackiequick · 6 months
7 times they were better parents to Tony than Howard was | Agent Carter Fanfic
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~ In other words, Elizabeth Stark and Jason Underwood being an married couple for 5 minutes straight
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Pairing: Jason Underwood & Elizabeth Stark
Character mentioned/included: Tony Stark, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Edwin Jarvis & Ana Jarvis, Hank Pym, The Avengers & Young Avengers, Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce, Justin Hammer and etc
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe -> Agent Carter, Iron Man 1-3, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers Age Of Ultron
Summary: Sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect, such as becoming loving parental figures to a billionaire genius with a cheeky grin.
Note: Jason’s nickname is JJ and Elizabeth’s nickname is Liz
Ship Name: JALIZZY
Slight Warning: A bit of angst but mostly fluff
Click here for the latest fic featuring this family
Click here to see where our leading man fits in the Marvel Universe timeline
Both were asleep in bed, when little 7 year old Tony walked into the bedroom and climbing into their bed.
Jason woke up first rubbing his eyes and sighed, "Bubba what you doing? We built you a new big boy bed last week.."
"Bad dream.." Said little Tony balling up his fist and getting under the covers, "..and Daddy is out."
"Oh right Momma visiting Aunt Peg for the week.."
"I'm sorry..c-can I stay?"
That moment Elizabeth woke up ruffling her nephew's bed head and yawned, "Sure, Bambino. But you wanna talk about the bad dream first?"
Tony looked down holding his teddy bear and mumbled, "I was in a dark and scary cave with a dragon..and I could not fight him, I was running but there no way to go.."
"Aww sweetie, look it's okay not every dream is gonna be a good one but you're okay. Everything is okay, you hear me?"
" I know..it's okay, b-but I was lost and scared..I did not save the princess..I fail.."
"Oh no sweetie, you didn't fail anyone. It was just a bad dream, there are no dragons here to hurt you."
"But the princess?"
"Maybe you will save her in the next dream."
Jason added with a tired smile, "Or maybe the princess already saved herself? Like auntie Lizzie or auntie Peg. And she's now waiting for you in the dream."
"Really?" Tony asked with a small smile.
"Yeah, sometimes it's the little prince that needs to go on journey to find the princess waiting for him in the end."
"Okay, I am ready to sleep now..and meet the princess."
"Out of curiosity, who was the princess?"
"Her name was Molly."
"Ohh nice name."
Elizabeth cut in with a chuckle, "Yeah very nice! Now we can please go to sleep and save the kingdom tonight in this dream?"
The boys nodded with a smile, cuddling up in bed with the lady of the house.
Elizabeth blowing raspberries on Tony's tummy as his giggles filled up the house with laughter. Jason was building up rocking chair in the living room and walked into the kitchen.
Jarvis was making lunch for them.
"Hey babe." He said with a smile, kissing her forehead then gave his nephew one on the cheek.
"Hi dear." She replied with a smile bouncing their nephew in her lap who giggled brightly.
It was a running gag but a sweet one calling each other pet names since the day they met. It went beyond, just them calling each other nicknames Jason called Jarvis's wife, Ana, honey and doll all the time as a term of endearment.
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"JJ!" Tony yelled in glee with a toothy grin, as both adults looked their eyes at his silliness.
Something that would carry on once Tony is older is that silly toothy grin of his, no matter what the situation is. Especially his giggles.
Jarvis set the table for them, as Jason rushed over to help him and cutting Elizabeth's food into smaller sizes. Ana joined them soon enough watching all of this in curiosity. However, it confused the British man, once they all sat down to eat.
"Why does Jason need to cut your food, Miss Stark?" Jarvis asked them as he ate.
"Just watch, dear." Ana added, curious knowing she will get an answer.
With Tony's booster seat resting between them. Ana grabs a glass of wine and sits next to her husband. Looking at the kid who are begin to eat but what caught Jarvis's eye was Tony’s other hand gripping Elizabeth’s left hand in a tight grip.
"Aww how adorable." Ana said with a smile eating her chicken.
"It is indeed but what exactly is happening? I might need an explanation." Jarvis questioned with a smile.
"Tony had this new habit where he only can eat if he holds Elizabeth or Maria’s hand. It started a few days ago." Jason explained chuckling as he ate.
"I don't mind it. It keeps him relaxed and allows me to make sure he's doing alright while eating." Elizabeth replied eating with her other hand.
"What happens if you remove your hand?" Ana asked, in love with the way Tony's happily eating.
Elizabeth lets go of Tony's hand and all of them looking at the youngest Stark who started fusing while chewing a piece of meat, one hand starts waving asking for his auntie’s hand.
Elizabeth just let Tony wrap his fingers with her own in the meantime as Ana chuckled and Jarvis snorted with a smile.
"Howard tried it yesterday, removing Tony's hand away from Maria and he just cried. Not pretty." Jason added chuckling.
"It was hilarious!" Elizabeth told them as she snickered, "My brother promised to let him sleep with their room last night, if he stopped. Howard was third wheeling."
“Will you please go to sleep now? You're a growing boy, come on please do it Uncle JJ.” Jason sighed and rubbed his own face with his palm.
“No way.” Tony runs “I wan Liz…”
“I give up.” Jason buried his face in the kid’s bed
Jason finally gets up and walks to the living room where his best girl is reading something from her notebook. Watching Tony just dive to her lap startling the woman.
“What the-?” Elizabeth jumped out of reflex “I-shouldn’t you be in bed and counting sheep?”
“I’m not sleepy.” Tony shakes his head.
“Well, I am.” Jason sighed and sat next to Elizabeth looking into her eyes hoping she understood the silent help signal, "No more kids, one is enough.."
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That was when Hank Pym called as Elizabeth put him on the speaker and started talking with him as she tried to put her kid to sleep.
"Lizzie is this a bad time?" Hank asked while on the phone, hearing Tony mumbling in the background and Jason's voice muttering something.
"No, Hankie it's fine. Someone's allergic to sleep just like his father, I'll pay you 500 bucks if you can get him to sleep." Elizabeth replied jokingly.
"I'll see what I can do. Do you remember the equation use for invention you and Howard were making?"
"Actually, yeah I do. The one for that android prototype? Yeah I do."
"Good because I thinking we can use for this new formula I was creating."
Both scientists go to work, talking with the equipment and possible new investments they would make that month to present to the others. Laughing and gushing about their week as well.
Jason was napping when he was accidentally smack on the shoulder due to Elizabeth's excitement how on they can improve the formula for the shrink ray.
"Ow!" He shouted softly, being woken up.
"Oh, sorry JJ. I was just, you know." She replied trying to explain with a chuckle.
"I know let me take this little guy off your hands."
Both expected to find Tony still awake on his auntie's lap but he nodding off as they spoke. They chuckled quietly thanking Hank's believing their science talk tired him out or something.
He picked him up as Tony's head rested on his shoulder, his eyes were trying to stay open as he mumbled, "I'm not tired...no sleepy.."
"Oh yes you are, Bubba. Very sleepy." Jason said with a soft chuckle with sighed, "Say night night."
Elizabeth stood up cupping his little face mumbling sweet nothing into his ears as Tony hummed a soft, "..night night."
"Night, my little star." She replied with a soft smile, deciding to help tuck him in.
They tucked in their little boy, turning on the recording on Maria Stark's gentle singing voice as background noise for Tony.
Moments like that, they both wished Howard and Maria were not busy sometimes but they're more than happy to raise the little guy instead.
As much as he is their little boy, he is Howard's son and that being said he was a little rebellious at time. Especially in his early teens and his years as an adult..
"Anthony Edward Stark, where the hell you think your going?" Elizabeth asked with her arms crossed and tapped her foot with a glare.
"Out!" Repiled Tony, who was 12 years old at this point with a classic smirk.
"It's Monday afternoon on a school night!"
"So you're not heading out to whatever your heading off to! I don't care what it is, Friday it's another thing, I allow it. But Monday, hell no!"
"You're not dad, auntie Liz!"
"And thank god I ain't. Be lucky it ain't Peggy either, why do you want to head out anyway? To act cool with your friends?"
Tony sighed in defeat dramatically dropping the smirk and crossed his arms, "Well no shit. All my friends are doing it."
Jason stepped in after returning home from an getting supplies hearing his nephew, "Please tell you didn't just curse in front of your aunt."
"I just said 'shit'! Relax.." Tony replied with a sigh thinking of something knowing who's the softer parent, "And aunt Liz won't let me go out."
"First off no cursing at your aunt. And second, out where?"
"An party..all my friends will be there!"
"Is it on Friday?"
"Yup! It's on Friday, it's a small party."
Elizabeth scoffed, "No! It's tonight, an silly little stupid party with his friends doing god knows what. God knows if the parents will be there!"
"She's lying! She doesn't want me to have fun this week and stay stuck in this house, only invite to Rhodey or something." Tony shouted.
"Enough!" Jason yelled raising his voice, "I know she ain't lying and that you're the one who is actually lying. You know the rules Tony, no parties or anything on school night like Monday. And something tells me those kids parents don't know they're going to that party."
"B-but that's not fair! I should be allow to go." Tony yelled.
"No you shouldn't and it is fair, she’s saving you for tomorrow. She knows that something off is going on if it's on a Monday, simple as that. Doesn't that sound a little weird to you?"
"...yeah..it does."
"We will talk about this later."
A few more words were said before Tony left to the living room. Liz was pissed off and so was Jason.
He sighed and told her, "You were doing the right thing."
"I know.." She sighed, "I know. I'm just trying to protect him. Something tells me this won't be the last argument."
"Cause it won't. But we just try to lead him down the right path.."
"You got that right. Protecting him and all that.."
Road trips with the three of them tend to be something else. Tony always making himself known with questions, annoying them on purpose and snickering afterwards.
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"Where we going?" Tony asked in the backseat, playing with his jacket zipper.
"To meet Peggy and your parents in San Diego." Elizabeth replied like it was obvious with a smile.
"And why are you driving?"
"Because your uncle JJ has a bad history with driving."
Jason perked up, "I'm right here, you know?!
Tony snorted, "Okay what time we get there?"
"Midnight." Elizabeth said with sigh.
"What happens at midnight?"
"You're bedtime."
"Can I drive?"
Both shouted at the same time, "No!"
That resulted in Tony laughing at their response as both parents chuckled at his ridiculous way to make times like that a joke or two.
Sometimes Elizabeth tends to become a mama bear, as if she isn't already. Like when Tony started dating, Howard rolled his eyes chuckling at his sister and Maria gushed hoping her boy enjoys the dating scene.
Elizabeth on the other hand, she was so excited and sat beside Jason one afternoon while he was reading. He was reading a classic children's' book from the shelfs, 'The Giving Tree' when Elizabeth came with a grin.
"Yes my darling?" He asked looking up from the book with a laugh.
"Tony got a date!" She repiled with a smile.
"With who? I mean I'm not surprise our kid has been a cheeky little guy since the age of 3."
"You know that day Howard took Tony down to that event in Chicago? Well there was this nice girl there with her mother, Tony sneaked off to see her and now they met again due to her mother bringing her here for an clothing event. And according to Ana, he has a date."
"That's my boy. If he's not a gentleman, I'll ground him for life. Where to?"
"Ana said that caravel downtown this weekend. She was eavesdropping and I love her for it."
"Not bad for a first actually date with a girl he seems to like."
Elizabeth sigh assuming something, Jason knew that look on her face and ask her what's going on.
"I don't want to sound cheesy but he's growing up so fast, JJ! I mean where did the time go? It felt like I was helping him add 2 + 2 yesterday! Now a date? Damn..he's my baby." Elizabeth admitted with a sigh.
Jason opened his arms pulling her into an tight embrace as she was nuzzling comfortably against his neck. She pouted, it was a rare moment but she did. He chuckled rubbing her shoulder.
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"Aw, Lizzie, darling. He's growing up, I don't like it. Hell I would rather stop time and let him stay the way he is now. But we can't. Before we know it, he's buying his own house or deciding to buy this one off his father." Jason joked with a smile.
Elizabeth chuckled, "He might as well do that. I'm not ready for him to keep growing up, what if he doesn't want hugs from his auntie anymore? What if he grows up hating the idea of living with us? I mean it's a packed a house, i don’t blame him."
"Hahaha no, honey he won't. I think he rather have a packed house than a quieter one. And he will always need his auntie, he's your baby. Tony knows it, hell he might make you an godmother one day."
"Oh god no, don't think that far hahaha! I want him live in the moment now, before he's old and gray. I'm still gonna baby him no matter how old he is! You know that right?"
"Oh I know. And he's gonna be annoyed but love you for it. No matter what you do, you will be there to protect him and stand up for him."
"You too!"
"Oh hell yeah I will!"
And they are right about that. Yeah sure, Lizzie was gone under the ice for years due to a freak accident thinking she was goner. Having Jason and Tony feeling down in the dumps for some time.
But when that girl returned, her mama bird side came with her. And the man who was her right hand was more than happy about that.
"He's insane!" Liz yelled with a sigh, pointing at her nephew, "You're insane."
"Hello?! Have you met me?" Tony replied with a chuckle, "I think Pepper would love a big bunny for an anniversary slash Christmas present."
"Okay I dealt the whole 'I'm Iron Man, I can do whatever the hell I want' thing. But your Tony Stark! My Tony Stark, use that head of yours is a big bunny a good idea?"
"JJ gets you big jewelry and spoils you! I blame him for my actions, the bunny stays."
"Oh jeez. Did you at least get dinner ready?"
"Yeah it's pizza tonight. Why are you acting so uptight lately?"
Elizabeth sighed, "I've been asleep for years in ice and I come back to find you as Iron Man. A superhero. I know it's been an year now, but a part of me is still scared your gonna blow it!"
Tony chuckled pulling his auntie into a hug, "Oh Liz, it's me we're talking about. Hell, JJ is still terrified for my life. And honestly, I've already it blew it last year, in New York. I am stressed but I will be fine.."
"I know about your late night snacking and sleepless night, Tony. I'm worried about you. We all are."
"I know you are..but if anything happens, I will tell you. I promise."
Last forward to Christmas time, once the house blew up and JARVIS announces Tony's anxiety problems to everyone after arriving at the snowy side of the U.S. before shutting off.
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Soon enough, they're dragging themselves across the snow to find a safe house. Rei's suit is being dragged across the snow, as he decide to start helping his godfather.
Liz snaps, "Anything you want to tell me?!"
"Okay in my defense I was gonna tell you soon." Tony winced.
"I was gonna make you an omelette and tell you about it!"
"Oh my god!"
Jason sighed dragging the Iron Man suit with them across with snow as the night fall onto of them.
"You two knew about this?! This whole time and didn't think of telling me?!" Jason yelled.
"I thought you knew about this! Or that he told you!" Liz yelled back.
"Great, now Ma and Pops are fighting." Rei added sarcastically, "Good job, Dad!"
Tony turned look at his son, “I’m sorry, how is this my fault?”
“Isn’t everything?”
“This is unbelievable.”
Other times, Jason and Elizabeth would be protecting themselves or their kids presence even when the guy isn't nearby.
Such as 2014, when they were called by SHIELD when it came to Alexander Pierce wanting their signature onto the new helicarriers.
Jason was tired as he asked, "Okay Pierce, what the hell is this?"
Elizabeth was standing next to him and pressed, "Mr. Secertary, what he meant is there a reason you've asked us to come here?"
"Signature, Mr. Underwood and Miss Stark." Said Pierce holding out pens, "As well, I was hoping you ask your nephew to stop by my niece's birthday party as a favor for Nick."
"He's our nephew, not a party entertainer." Elizabeth said with a raise eyebrow.
"Unless it's for his own children, and at the moment he's not dealing with your favors." Jason added, "What's the favor you're doing for Nick?"
"That's classified information, sir." Pierce replied.
"Of course it is..you know, it was a pretty long day and I don't want to be here. Matter a fact, none of us want to be to here! So good night Alexander." Elizabeth said standing up from her chair.
Jason stood up following her, opening the door for the girl as he gave Pierce an odd look before walking out. However that didn’t stop Elizabeth Stark to get information later on that day, returning to Alexander Pierce’s office after cooling down to get any information needed.
Sometimes due to Jason and Elizabeth being so close to Tony, along with their godchildren they get mistaken for the actual parents. Hell, even for being a couple more than once.
Such as in the early to late 2010s, Justin Hammer once asked, “Are theses your parents, Stark? I thought they were dead..”
Tony would give an sarcastic smile and reply, “Aw Hammer, you’re jealous? Too bad not everyone was given 3 sets of parents.”
“Oh yeah, didn’t you hear? Or were you too busy washing yourself in that horrible 80s cologne?”
Justin scoffed, “Damn. But seriously, are they giving out set of parents for free or what?”
“No. They’re mine, you can’t have them.” Tony added with a smirk.
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Or when Fury called Tony and The Avengers out a few times, he will tend to bring JJ and Liz names into conversation, using the term parents. Such as in 2015, when they are all in Clint’s Barn. Also known as The Safe House.
Everyone was in the kitchen, including the teens and kids. Some were at the table such as Natasha, Bruce, Rick, Ava, Rei and Rochelle. Others were surrounding the area near the sink and fridge across from the kitchen island, such as Tony, Clint and Steve with Liane and Luna.
Clint’s wife Laura was listening in as the younger kids were wondering around.
Elizabeth was drying dishes as Jason washed them, meanwhile Fury was finishing placing some orange slices on a plate.
Nat spoke up, “You know boss, when I was hoping I saw ya, you would have more than that.”
Fury replied, “I do. I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everything, ears everywhere else. You kids have all the things you can dream to use, Stark’s parents didn’t have much to work with beforehand but they made do. Now here we are, back on earth with nothing but our wit and our willingness to do good.”
Jason added, “Just like old times, huh? Rehashing a plan during dinner, then collaborating in the morning to figure out what can be done..”
“Ain’t that the truth. Nothing but our strength to save the world and make a difference for others.” Elizabeth commented with a grin.
Fury gave them a half smile and continued his speech, “Ultron says The Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And weather or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction. All this lay in the grave. So stand, out with the platinum bastard.”
Natasha winked at Rick and Rochelle before saying with a smirk, “Steve doesn’t like that kinda talk.”
Steve gave her a humorous mock glare, “You know what, Romanoff?”
The teens and young adults in the room snorted and chuckled. The group kept talking, figuring out what will they all do next, with the young members of the team chiming into the conversations.
Even Jason mentioned, “You can try Pentagon's firewall, are they open this time?”
“That could work, they are still roughly open this time and hour.” Elizabeth comments.
“Should i know why you know that?”
“I had to message the Pentagon years ago to reach an barrier of systemic risks, for SHIELD’s locating tactics. And Tony did something he wasn’t supposed to..”
“Oh god, what was it this time?”
Fury ate his orange slice answering, “You’re boy cracked into SHIELD systemic burns, but beforehand he cracked their firewall.”
“That’s something, I do think I remember he did!” He replied chuckling, “We got mysterious calls afterwards for weeks.”
Tony chimed in with a grin sounding proud and said, “I cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare and got a sweet deal afterwards.”
Elizabeth grinned brightly, “That’s my boy! Definitely a win in my books.”
“And me? I cracked into SHIELD firewall too multiple times.” Rei added with a sly smile, as you could hear his godfather holding back his laughter in the background.
“I love you too, kiddo!” She replied to her sarcastic godson, “Both of you are the reasons for the facility's cyber-security sub-bar.”
Thanks for reading! Feel free to add any HCs or chat about what you liked about the fic 💻
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galaxythreads · 1 year
i think the big difference between Loki and Wanda to me personally is that no one tries to excuse Loki's actions in MCU. When Loki attacked new york, he was sent to prison. When Loki attacked Jotunheim, Thor tried to stop him and told him it was insane. No one around Loki was being like "bro, it's fine that you tried to invade a planet!!" or "attacking Jotunheim was fine just this one time because you were sad :( " Like Loki attacking Jotunheim was bad. Loki attacking New York was bad and no one tries to say otherwise. (And the thing about New York is that there were extenuating circumstances. Loki was being threatened by the Other and Thanos. The Other hurts loki on screen. Like we know that there will be consequences for Loki if he stops attacking New York and MCU has confirmed that he was under the influence of the scepter by some degree.)
With Wanda things are just...different, and I miss the way that she used to be. Wanda in AoU was a stupid kid who made a stupid choice to get experimented on with her brother because they were angry. They joined a terrorist organization because they thought it was the best way to get back at Tony for inadvertently killing their parents. They were stupid kids. But the thing that a lot of people overlook when they have the "why did they join hydra" question is that that is the point of their arc in AoU. They wanted mass annihilation, so they join hydra, then Ultron, who says they can promise that. But when Wanda sees what that looks like and she sees what Ultron can do AND what the mass destruction would look like, she AND Pietro realize that isn't what they want. Both of them had ALREADY made the stupid choice and they spent the rest of AoU trying to fix it and do better. When Wanda gets up in that building and walks out those doors, she has decided then protecting life is more important than personal vendettas or revenge. And that's what made her a hero. Not that she had glowy hands, but that Wanda decided then that she wanted to use her gifts to help people. Civil War does a good job of carrying this arc forward, especially when we see how much accidentally killing eleven people affected her. After AoU, Wanda values life.
But then WandaVision happens and...wanda is holding an entire town captive, and everyone in the narrative on the "good side" is trying to excuse what she's doing. "She's upset!" "It's okay that she held this town captive this one time because she was having an emotional breakdown and we can let it go :(" or "they won't understand your pain" and it makes me frustrated because Wanda did a horrible thing and she never has to face the consequences for that. She doesn't try to make amends with the town, she doesn't promise to do better. She doesn't go to prison, or get held accountable.
Instead, she takes the dark hold and floats away because everything Wanda did was explained away by grief. And like. Loki is not the same. His actions were never excused by people around him, but he actively tries to do better from TDW on. He helps rescue Jane and protects Thor. He takes care of Asgard, he and Thor move to repair their relationship. Loki puts Asgard's safety first over his own by coming to help Thor with Hela. Loki dies for Thor. He may not verbally accept responsibility for what happened, but his actions show that he did and he's trying to do better.
After the end of WandaVision, Wanda doesn't. She doesn't care about life anymore, it's an inconvenience to her at best. You cannot look me in the eye and say that Wanda in Infinity War would be hunting down a child across the multi-verse to murder her in cold blood.
In MoM, Wanda is actively killing everyone and anyone and she is completely aware of what she's doing. Like people claim corruption by the dark hold, but like...corruption by the darkhold is not explained. If I'm remembering right, Agatha was also corrupted, but she was the only person who was trying to force Wanda to let the town go, even if she did kill the dog. Agatha was trying to help. She didn't really get turned evil, just morally dubious. So arguably the same should be said of Wanda, right? That Wanda's core was still there and these were things she would have done anyway, the dark hold just pushed her over the edge. Wanda is trying to kill a kid.
And i am ALSO aware that this is just poor writing on MoM's part -- because MoM sucks -- but I'm still frustrated because I miss Wanda. I understand that she was grieving, but I still wish that someone would hold her accountable. Killing someone off (even though I still doubt she's dead) is not a redemption arc. You don't get to do one good thing before you die and it erases everything that came before.
And I am still mad that the narrative tried to justify Wanda holding a town hostage for two weeks. Bud. She may be an Avenger, but that doesn't stop her from being capable of doing some really crappy stuff.
Loki was held accountable.
Wanda wasn't.
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citrus-moonlight · 5 months
- a Bringin' Home the Rain Interlude -
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" Master List: [ Part One ] 🌹 [ Part Two: "Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" ] Fandom: MCU - Age of Ultron, Black Panther Pairing: Ulysses Klaue x F Reader Chapters: 1 of 1 Word count: 3.9k Rating: Explicit
Summary: As winter begins to settle in, the darkening days are unexpectedly brightened when you end up with the chance to spend a little more time with Ulysses Klaue.
Summary: Explicit! Rating, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Smut, Public Teasing, Semi-Public Touching, Yes There's a Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, You Have to Be Quiet, Klaue is Still a Menace But He's a Soft Menace, Fingering, Being Held Down, Reference to Edging, Unprotected PIV, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation
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A/N: So I seem to have written some fluff, and holiday fluff, no less. I mean, it's still smutty fluff, and while I did go back and forth a bit with this, I really just wanted soft!Klaue, and finally reminded myself it's my story and I can write what I want (and apparently in whatever order I want 😂).
Also, yes, this this falls between the next two chapters of "Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" that as of this telling haven't been written yet. However it doesn't affect the rest of the story, it's more of a very self-indulgent interlude, and while I may come back to edit in a few details once chapter two is published, it doesn't change the narrative.
As always thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this slightly late holiday fluff. ❤️
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Header by me, banners/dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics. ❤️
[ A03 Link ]
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Shades of early December silver and grey are rapidly setting over the landscape, the dark even faster.
Although the sun doesn’t set much earlier than it would if you were in New York City (ten minutes to be exact), being in the mountains makes it seem as though it does, and as the days tick by you find yourself craving a bit of light.
The holidays are coming, so you take the excuse to drape a strand of lights over your dresser, the soft glow helping to warm the nights a little. 
Still, you’re quickly becoming bored of winter, and it's only exacerbated by the new loneliness that works its way between your ribs when Klaue is gone - which is, of course, most of the time. You can only fill your days with so much work, and now that snow is settling into the mountains your options for distraction are growing limited.
Among your searches for things to occupy you, holiday festivals come up, and after a little more investigation you discover that Bucharest has a Christmas market that happens to be the largest winter festival in Romania, with the opening night and tree lighting ceremony this coming weekend.
Klaue wasn’t supposed to be getting back for a couple more days and while you’d mentioned your plans to him, when you step onto the train platform you nearly trip over your boots when you recognize a familiar form. 
Your stomach flips and something else swirls lower when you see him standing among the other passengers, hands in the pockets of a heavy black wool coat.
He hasn’t seen you yet so you make your way over to him, staying just behind his shoulder.
“Come here often?” 
Klaue turns with a start, appearing as though he’s about to say something but his words falter when his eyes catch on your bundled form.
A coy grin slowly curves your lips at catching him off guard.
“Got in a little early, came here straight from the airport to see if I could catch you.” he finally explains “I’ll still need to make some phone calls, but I’ve freed up the rest of my day. If you’d like some company. But if you- ”
“Of course, yes!” You assure him, a newly familiar warmth in your chest that he met you here, that he’s offering. “How could I not take advantage of you being back early.”
As eager as you are, there’s still a layer of uncertainty. 
It’s the first time you’ve spent any time with Klaue outside of the compound. Not to mention that very little of the time you have spent together has passed while you weren’t desperately wrapped in one another - certainly not a full day.
Though maybe it’s better this way; less time to overthink, less time to anticipate, simply having to adapt to a new situation. You’re good at that, you remind yourself. 
It doesn’t mean that your thoughts aren’t tinged with frustration, because even though he’d only been gone a few days this time your body is already humming with desire as you board the busy train and settle into your seats against the window. 
You manage to watch the scenery for a while, focusing on the mountains and the forests interspersed with other, smaller cities as you approach the capital, but your gaze is steadily drawn back to Klaue while he works across from you. 
Your eyes drift to his mouth, the memory of his growl when you nip and tug at the pouting curve of his lower lip leaving you shifting in your seat.
The motion draws his eyes to your hips before sliding up your body with a knowing look.
The full train douses any chance of much more than heated glances, but as you look around you, you note that the passengers across the aisle seem to be thoroughly engrossed in their own conversations and devices.
And you get an idea.
Appearing to casually adjust your things, you move your coat to your side facing the aisle, bunching it so that it blocks your legs from the view of anyone not standing over you. 
Or sitting across from you.
Klaue’s posture stiffens when he catches the movement of your hand along the seam where your crossed legs meet. 
You keep your arm still so that just your wrist slowly flexes, shivering as your fingers sweep up and over the place between your thighs that’s already warm with arousal, before retracing the path back down again. 
He's utterly still except for the muscles tensing in his jaw, eyes intent on the slow drag of your fingers. 
When he licks his lips your breathing becomes shallower. The gentle tingling in your nerves spreads through your thighs to swirl deep in your core, and you realize you’re rapidly becoming more aroused than you anticipated, and as much as you had thrilled at a chance to tease him you’re going to need to stop.
You hand stills and you take a slow breath to collect yourself, reaching into your bag for your phone hoping to distract yourself for the rest of the ride. But even before you can unlock it a message notification pops up on your screen.
>Who said you could stop?
Your eyes widen, finding Klaue’s gaze sparking blue and expectant when you look up at him. 
Patiently waiting for your phone to disappear back into your bag.
For your fingers return to their activity.
Clearly pleased that your tease has been turned on you, a smug grin on his lips when your eyelids flutter. 
The light touch isn’t enough to get you close, but it’s enough to make you ache, to leave you fighting to suppress the shivers that roll through you with the slick clench of your cunt as you watch his eyes darken.
Glancing down between where his hands rest on his broad thighs you can see the fabric beginning to strain there, the ache deepening at the thought of his stiffening cock, but you’re satisfied at least that he’s not unaffected by your state.
Wrapped up in the haze of sensation you start when the conductor’s voice comes over the speaker to announce that you’ll be coming into Bucharest in less than ten minutes.
Hitching a sigh, the world around you filters back in, and you bite your lip at the realization of what you had been doing, of how easily he once again had you giving in to him, even here.  
Eventually you take your phone back out, trying to calm yourself down before you reach your stop.
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It’s late afternoon by the time the bus drops you off at the outskirts of the market grounds, only a brief glimpse of sun left as it slides between the clouds and the horizon, but you still have plenty of time to explore before the tree lighting.
Making your way through the busy streets you take in the festive decorations, a popular restaurant absolutely dripping with evergreen boughs and giant candy canes, innumerable strings of lights already illuminating the streets as dusk settles over the city
As you make your way through the streets, you begin to think that it might have been a better idea to book a hotel room rather than taking the late train back tonight, but it’s too late now, everything is likely booked solid in the area.
If it had just been you then you would have figured something out, found a cheap place on the outskirts of the city, but since Klaue is with you you’re hesitant to ask. On top of not wanting to be presumptuous of his time, while you’ve spent as much time together as you could since that first night, you haven’t woken up next to him before.
You don’t dwell in your conflicted thoughts for long, though, because you nearly get taken out by a group of Hora dancers as you round the corner of a cobblestone street. 
Klaue quickly maneuvers you out of the way of the oblivious dancers lost in their steps, your arms instinctively reaching to tighten around his waist as you laugh at your lack of awareness.
“I've got you,” he chuckles, not letting you go. “Are you alright, darling?”
“Yeah, no, I’m good.” You assure him. “Apparently I need to pay a bit more attention around here. ” 
Being pressed against his body warms you and your eyes can’t help but flick to his mouth again, startled by how badly you want to kiss him right now. 
But you’ve never kissed him when you weren’t, well, naked - or about to be. A heated press of lips when you have to say goodbye, sure, but although you’ve both opened up a bit you’re aware this isn’t exactly the kind of relationship (not that you’re sure you could call it that, exactly) that allows for moments of casual affection.
So instead you smile and tip your chin down, and both of you take a wide berth around the circling dancers. 
But your heart still races when he doesn’t let you go, keeping you tucked against his side as you approach the bustling Square.
The delicious smells of festival food wafting over you are a quick reminder that you haven’t eaten since breakfast, too distracted on the train to think much about it, so as soon as you arrive you make your way to food cottages. 
Spiced kebabs for him and a steaming vegetable stew for you, followed by plum dumplings and papanasi, a kind of cheese donut that has no right to be as good as it is, and the time you’re standing in the square awaiting the lighting of the tree, you’re warm and satisfied. 
A light dusting of snowflakes begins to swirl as the crowd counts down, one section briefly faltering until with a rousing cheer they all light up with the rest, glittering bright. 
It’s bright and beautiful and exactly what you needed, but when you glance up to see Klaue’s reaction you find yourself wishing for a little less light, your cheeks growing hot against the night air when you see that he’s looking at you instead, the glint in his eyes perhaps not entirely a reflection of the lights that surround you.
Afterwards you peruse the eclectic mix of Christmas ornaments, stoneware and other handmade items, sharing a little about your days as you wander between vendors. 
You describe a type of welding certification you’re thinking about getting, even though you’d really only need it if you were working in aerospace tech, and Klaue mentions to you that he’ll be away for an additional few days next month for a conference in Vienna. 
Disappointment jabs between your shoulder blades at the fact that he’ll be gone for longer than you already expected, but there’s a sense of relief, too, that he’s still letting you know about his plans - as much as he can, at least. 
You hadn’t really planned on making any purchases tonight, but at a cottage selling embroidery and needlecraft a crocheted patchwork blanket catches your eye, the woven pattern making you think of tea and honey, of coming in from the cold and being made warm on a dark winter day.  
After collecting your find, Klaue makes a phone call while you double back one more time to pick up some handmade cards to send to a few friends, pocketing the device as you make your way back towards him.
“Ferris wheel, then?” He asks, tilting his head towards the brightly lit ride.
“Yes! Oh, wait..” Pulling out your own phone you ucheck the time. 
“Oh,” you deflate a little. “Actually we should probably start heading to the train station, it’s getting pretty late. Can’t say I’m looking forward to how busy it’ll be.”
“Well, if you wanted to - everything near the market is full, but there’s a place on the other side of the city that has rooms available.”
You stare at Klaue for a moment. Having already dismissed the idea of staying somewhere in Bucharest tonight you’re unable to hide your surprise that he’s suggesting it. Still fighting the thought that you’d be imposing on his time, you mentally point out that he wouldn’t have bothered finding something if he didn't want to.
He raises an eyebrow.
“You really don’t want to take the train back tonight, huh?” You try to joke in an attempt to disguise your eagerness.
He steps slowly toward you, leaning in until the scruff of his beard brushes your cheek.
“I really don’t want to wait much longer to make you come, darling.” 
He must hear the hitch in your breath as you shudder at his words, pulling back to give you a knowing grin.
“Ferris wheel it is, then.”
The glittering view as you start to rise is stunning but neither of you manages more than a few cursory glances out the window before you’re moaning into his mouth and he’s sliding a hand between your legs. A pleased sound gritted from his throat when you rock eagerly into his touch, his lips tasting of frost and spiced wine when your tongue slips between them. 
Your own fingers tighten around the heavy fabric of his coat to steady yourself, one hand sliding above the collar to brush over the warm skin there, short shorn hair prickling beneath your fingers when they curl around the back of his neck to pull his mouth more firmly against yours.
Unfortunately it feels like no time at all before the wheel is slowing and Klaue is reluctantly removing his hand from your now aching sex, your hips bucking when he gives you one last firm caress as you come to a stop at the bottom once more.
“I’ll call us a taxi, then?” He breathes against your lips.
“God, yes.” 
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A gentle but steady snow is falling by the time you arrive at the small bed and breakfast, the thickening blanket of white softening the glow of multi-coloured lights on the trees outside. 
The owners quickly realize that you have no bags with you, and they’re kind enough to offer some pajamas for you to borrow in the form of sweatpants and shirts.
Unfortunately on the ride over Klaue had received a call about something that requires his attention for a while longer, so you’re currently still clothed and sitting next to him on the bed, your new blanket draped over your legs, 
You’d picked up “Jurassic Park”, the only english book on the small shelf in the common area, and you try to read a bit while he wraps up his business, stealing the occasional glance at him while he works. 
When a hand slides over to squeeze your thigh you shift instinctively into his touch, able to feel the heat of his palm even through the woven fabric.
“Patience, my darling.” He hums, his teasing smile deepening the creases around his eyes.
“Oh, you have no idea how patient I’ve been, Ulysses,” you reply, biting your lip at the soft growl that betrays his own restlessness has you biting your lip. 
As antsy as you are, and while it’s unlikely you would have been able to name it, exactly, you also feel content. Lulled by the shape of him at your side, the sound of Romanian Christmas choir music drifting through the walls, and the electronic tapping from his phone.
Your eyes wander around the room, amused by the volume of kitschy knick knacks and holiday decorations spread across the shelves, including a candle in the form of three Victorian carolers that looks to be many faded years old, yet seemingly never burned. 
While you’re wondering whether the tiny bust paintings hanging by the door are family of the owners or just thrift store finds, Klaue shifts to face you. 
Lifting the edge of the blanket he nudges you over so that you’re both lying on your sides beneath it.
“All done?” You ask as his arms wrap around you, pulling you against him, letting out a pleased sigh when you feel the already stiff ridge of his erection against the swell of your ass.
“Finally.” The word vibrates through you as a hand slides down between your legs, curling around your clothed mound.
You immediately arch into him, reveling in the twin sensations of his fingers pressing damp fabric against your cleft and the slow grind of his hips behind you.
“Even like this I can feel how warm your cunt is.” Klaue rumbles softly. “You’re wet, too, aren’t you?”
“You know I am,” you sigh, trying to keep your voice low. Aware that if you can hear music through the walls it won’t take much to be able to hear you. 
“I should take my time with you. Especially after your...bahaviour on the train.”
HIs hand finds its way under your shirt, and you note the jut of his hips against you when his palm slides over your bra to cup the soft swell of your breast, thumb and forefinger plucking at the stiffening peak of your nipple beneath the fabric.
“Should run my fingers over every inch of your body,” he rasps, an urgency filtering into his movements, into the rough, whispered rush of his words as his fingers reach back down to tug at the waist of your pants. 
Quickly you move to unbutton them, working them down along with your panties as you feel him shifting behind you, and then the hot length of his cock is sliding against your folds, slicking himself with your arousal.
“Should tease this needy little pussy until you're ready to beg.” 
Klaue bites back the last word as he presses the thick head of his cock against your entrance.
“But fuck, I need to feel you come.”
Normally so thorough with you before letting his control slip, Klaue’s bare need has you unraveling and your moan is deep and unexpected when he suddenly sinks into you, a response to the sweet desperation in his voice as much as from the relieving stretch of his cock.  
“I know how much you love to make pretty sounds for me,” he pants in your ear, his large hand kneading the flesh of your hip and thigh. “But you’re going to have to be quiet tonight. Can you do that for me, darling?”
Half-stretched and aching, you somehow manage to swallow your moans, taking a few deep breaths to steady your voice enough to speak.
“Yes.” You finally breathe in a low, half-whisper. ”l’ll be good.”
He nudges deeper and you bite your lip to hold back the sounds that want you to make, that he draws from you so easily now.
“Yes, you will.” Klaue hums against your neck.
The only sounds in the room now are your panted breaths intertwined with the slick sounds of his cock slowly thrusting into you, the gentle creak of the bed frame beneath your shifting bodies.
Suddenly pulling the blanket off of you he grips your ass, pressing you open so that he can see where your tight hole is stretched around him, and while he normally takes his time to relish the sight he only lasts a few more deep strokes before he’s shifting you onto your stomach, his weight and his cock pressing you down into the mattress.
With your pants still bunched around your knees Klaue impatiently nudges your legs apart as best he can before working a hand beneath the curve of your hip and you buck, a squeak slipping from your throat when his fingers find your clit.
His chest heaves against your back, the tight, circling pressure of his fingers firm and insistent as your body swiftly draws taught beneath him. 
Instinctively you try to respond, to roll your hips into his touch as you chase the rough crest of your orgasm but you’re trapped, the broad warmth of Klaue’s body holding you in place as his fingers relentlessly work your clit until your muscles begin to flutter and tighten. 
”There you go” A rough whisper clenched between his teeth. “Let me feel you. Come on, darling, squeeze my cock.”
You try to stay quiet but you can’t help the tremulous whine that escapes your throat as your climax surges through you, Klaue letting more of his weight press into you as your body spasms beneath him, every muscle trembling as you clench hard around his cock.
“Christ you feel so good. Fuck, you’re going to make me come, oh fuck- ”
The tight grip of your cunt seems to be all that he needs tonight because with a sudden hard jerk of his hips you feel the blissful throb as he comes, muffling his own moan against your shoulder as spends himself helplessly inside you.
Klaue continues to grind into you as the pulsing of his cock slows, making sure his cum stays plugged deep in your cunt exactly where he knows you want it, the stroking of his fingers not letting up even as you twitch and gasp beneath him.
“One more, Mot. Please. For me.” 
Your clit flutters at his pleading words, and barely able to hold back your cries, your hand flies up to cover your mouth as he continues to work your swollen bundle of nerves, his hand slippery with your release that leaks out around where he stays buried in you.
Aching and breathless, feeling the muscles of his forearm flexing against your hip, your body finally succumbs to the needy slide of his fingers, muffling your half-swallowed whimpers behind your hand as he expertly coaxes a second, softer orgasm from your oversensitive sex, gravelly praises whispered against your ear as you stiffen and shudder beneath him.
Klaue stays pressed against your back as you both slowly recover, the weight of him warm steady, calming the tremble in your limbs as you float down through the afterglow. 
Eventually you let your fingers fall away from your lips.
“I’m sorry…I couldn’t- I tried to be quiet,” you stammer. “Wanted to be good, I- ” 
“You’re always good for me, darling.” Klaue soothes, pressing his words and lips against your neck, behind your ear. “Always.”
After a quick shower you both change into your makeshift pajamas, then turning off the bedside lamps you settle back under the knit blanket, the lights filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow on the walls of your room.
“Come with me.” Klaue mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You were almost asleep, and it takes a moment to realize that he’d spoken.
“Come with…where?” 
“The conference. Vienna. There’s a gala.”
“Are…are you awake?” 
“If you’re asking whether I’ll remember this in the morning, the answer is yes.” Klaue chuckles softly. “You said you’d never been. Beautiful city. Wear a beautiful dress for me.” His voice drops as he pulls you more firmly against him.
You pause, considering, unable to ignore the soft thrill in your chest that he’s willing to share this with you. 
Another thread of your life intertwining with his, invisible threads looping over one another and knotting tight, tugging together into a pattern you’re still trying to bring into focus.
“Alright.” You sense a notch of tension release from Klaue’s body when you finally give him your answer. “I’d like that.”
It’s difficult for you not to overthink, especially when thoughts of what you’re going to do when your contract ends are becoming more persistent every day.
But knowing that you’re going to have to return to reality tomorrow regardless, right now you allow yourself to relax against him. With the tops of his thighs fitting against the backs of yours, soft music floating at the edge of your consciousness and his hand resting warm against your hip, eventually you find yourself caught in a net of sleep and dreams.
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A/N: I was looking a little wistfully at all the lovely holiday fics that were coming out, and thinking that I didn't really think I had anything that would really work. Then I got to playing around with a mood board and accidentally inspired myself with Christmas market thoughts, and now here we are!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you get through the remainder of the holiday season with as much light and little stress as possible. ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you lovely people!
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
could you do a general concept for Steve Rogers/ Captain America (maybe between Civil War and Infinite War)?
Yeah, sure! I'll do that Cap as he has matured a lot around that time. I hope I get his character right.
Sorry this mostly focuses on how he acts between Infinity War and Endgame- There was more angst ^^;
Spoiler warning for Captain America: Civil War, Avengers Infinity War, and maybe Endgame.
Yandere! Steve Rogers Concept (Civil War - Infinity War Era)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Mass death, Manipulation, Grief, Paranoia, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Fear of death, Guilt-trip, Feeling of helplessness, Steve is a broken man more than anything in this.
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Well, he certainly has a different thought of you in both Civil War and Infinity War.
Between those two movies he's treated as a war criminal and goes into hiding.
He probably met you before Civil War, perhaps around Avengers or Winter Soldier time.
He's adored you ever since and wanted to play hero for you.
He's naturally compassionate and protective towards you.
He's like that the entire time you know him.
Steve feels he's happy as long as you're safe.
Where's a better place than beside him?
Then the events of Civil War shake this fantasy he has with you.
You've been beside him for the events of Ultron, he already expects you to see his side in this.
You do, luckily, as of now he hasn't shown any yandere behavior you can really predict.
When the Avengers split, you promise Steve you'd do whatever you can to help him.
Even if it places you in prison.
Steve is Manipulative, Protective, Obsessive, Dedicated, and Caring prior to Infinity War.
He dedicates himself to seeing you happy, safe, and smiling in his arms.
He tries his hardest to keep you out of the hands of Tony's team.
He doesn't want you hurt because he has beef.
Steve would try to tell you to stay out of the way and help from afar.
He loves that you want to help, but Tony will definitely find you if he drags you with him.
He only returns to you when the events of Civil War settle.
The government sees him as a war criminal, he loses the flashy outfit and goes with something more subtle.
Most of your time with Steve is in hiding.
He knows he shouldn't put you through this... but you stay around because you still do care for him.
Things start getting bad when Infinity War happens.
More specifically, after it but before Endgame.
Infinity War leaves Steve a mess.
He's lost so much.
Perhaps you survive, the gauntlet deciding you'll be spared.
Steve never lets you go.
He doesn't think he could ever.
Bucky and Sam? Gone.
Gone like half of everyone else.
His grip on you when he sees you is tight.
Friend or lover... he doesn't care.
He knows now he can't lose you too.
Infinity War breaks Steve.
Mentally, his heroics are tossed aside and he's ready to do anything to keep you.
Steve is no longer the Steve you knew.
He's a paranoid shell of a man.
Thanos has done his job, yes, but anything could take you away from him.
Whenever he holds you, it's like he's scared to let go.
He's just happy the universe spared your life... if it didn't... well...
He isn't sure what he'd do.
Steve clings to you because you're one of the last things he holds dear.
He forgets personal space and privacy.
To him, it no longer matters.
Which causes him to be suffocating.
He guilts you into staying beside him.
He can't let you go after everything that has happened.
This makes him manipulative, pulling at your heart when he holds onto you.
Tears hit your shoulder and you realize how much he's affected by this.
The feelings of regret... guilt... loss.
Manipulating you becomes easy.
His overprotective behavior was a bit suffocating before.
He might as well be smothering you now.
He trusts no one around you except the remaining Avengers.
Even then, he wants to be the only one around you most of the time.
When he does find somewhere to live again he keeps you there with him.
There's a good chance your family is gone, too.
You might as well stay with him despite his behavior.
He's obsessive over you as you're the last one he has.
He can't connect to the others as much as he does you.
He keeps you to his chest, petting your head, as if you're his only comfort.
Perhaps you are now.
Despite him isolating you, saying he's all you have/need.
He's caring.
Steve still cares deeply for you.
Even if the others say he's obsessive.
Deep down, they can't blame him.
The world has changed.
They've lost.
Steve is just clinging to all he has left and you aren't entirely sure if you can/want to leave him.
Even if they fixed this, if they brought everyone back...
His grip will still be tight, he'll still guilt you into staying...
Steve will probably still never leave your side ever again.
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