#but ok what i mean by he didnt do anything with his win is not that he didnt do anything like i just googled him and apparently he
apathyfairy · 1 year
i cant believe american idol was out there making us buy songs on itunes to vote now i just have a dozen random david archuletta covers in my itunes library for the rest of my life
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sunenjoyswriting · 5 months
Hello! How are you? I hope well<3
I thought of something like the boys seeing the MC being VIL's personal maid, you can choose the characters! The ones that are most comfortable for you, ok?
I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language, I hope you are well and you can count on me for anything
Kisses Kisses…⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
Epel, Neige, and Rook reacting to MC/Reader being Vil’s personal maid
Writers note: I hope you don’t mind that I added in a few things… you didn’t give me the most to work with, so I ended up having to add some stuff to make it work nicely. But this was very fun to write!! And there wasn’t any spelling mistakes in your ask, so don’t worry :)
Possible warnings: I think Rook himself classifies as a warning… but other then that, no warnings! (Reader is Yuu in this by the way)
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- He is... not amused, or happy, that Vil has another dedicated follower... Wasn't Rook enough?
- You followed Vil around whenever possible, and cleaned up everything for him... Really, you're just Rook 2.0 at this point.
- And you still had time to make sure you looked perfect as well... Probably because Vil had told you to look better when you're near him (all the time). What? Is your last name Hunt?
- He probably has suggested multiple times for you two to switch places. You get to be in the same dorm as Vil, and he gets to be in a dorm without Vil (even if he has to stay in a safety hazard of a dorm)! It's a win-win situation, isn't it? But you just berate him for his lack of appreciation for Vil whenever he tries to suggest it...
- You'll be the end of Epel at this point...
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(I couldn’t find a better image for him, sorry…)
- He tries to befriend you. You do not like it because he is the enemy, and making friends with the enemy would take your time away from Vil.
- But no matter how direct you are, he continues to attempt to befriend you... Just like with Vil...
- He admires your dedication to Vil! 
- Wouldve added more for him but idk anymore stuff to add for him. I just wanted to add Neige in this.
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- “Dont you not write for him?” Notice how I didnt ask for your input? I can do whatever I want!! I still don’t accept requests for him though.
- He tries to help you. You decline (unless Vil instructs you to let him help) as to make sure everything is done to exact way wanted by Vil.
- You two are practically one in the same (excluding the stalking thing. Probably.)… I think multiple students are convinced you two are related in some way. Perhaps siblings. (“But dont they know Yuu/reader is from another world?” No I have a theory that most the school is unaware of the Isekai thing, in which I am adding here.)
- While Vil is out modeling or something you just. start helping him instead of Vil (after making sure everything is perfect for when Vil is back of course), because you have no idea what else to do. And he’s friends (or perhaps something more homosexual- why am I adding this I don’t even like the ship) with Vil! That means he’s important to Vil, and that means that Vil would be fine (or maybe even happy) if you helped him!
- Teaches you French if you don't already know it. I will not elaborate on this, as I have no idea why. I just know he would.
- His nickname for you is probably Roi du soubrette/Roi du maid (I forgot if his nicknames are fully in french so two versions… I used google translate for the fully french one) or something like that.
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arthurtaylorlester · 7 months
spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️‍🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
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sbk-zgvlt · 11 months
Ok. Here me out. Sebek in Octinavelle. It’s canon that if Sebek had to choose any other dorm to be in, he’d choose Octinavelle on the basis of picking up more people skills for Malleus’ political benefit. Think about it. Sebek, uptight and an adamant rule follower whose not that great with hidden meanings and the like, being stuck with Azul and the Tweels, arguably the sleaziest sons of bitches on campus. It’d be the FUNNIEST shit on this earth bro.
Sebek working in the lounge (playing WAITER of all things; it’s priceless seeing Azul begging Sebek to not accidentally scare the customers off), Azul trying his HARDEST to instill some business sense into Sebek and get him to pick up some habits worthy of a member of Octinavelle (It’s not working) (Sebek has no fucking clue how to do the whole bargaining thing, he’s incapable of lying)
Sebek and the Tweels interacting?? PLEASE. Jade just likes messing with him. Floyd likes to mess with him as well (he says outta pocket shit to try and rule Sebek up) (It works.) They’ve actually gotten to the point of physical altercation because Floyd was still trying to figure Sebek out and didn’t know WHEN exactly to stop pushing so hard.
I'll be honest I thought he would choose Octavinelle because there's a chance that salmon could be there/hj
Just imagining Azul trying to get Sebek to understand business lingo but failing immediately. "Sebek, don't bother boiling the ocean." "???? IM RE-ORGANIZING THESE FILES. WHERE DOES THE OCEAN COME IN."
Sebek scared off the customers at first but the first brave student who decided to give him a shot quickly found out that Sebek...is not fit for social interactions. He asked him what he'd recommend from the menu and Sebek covered his face with it while groaning in pain. They felt so bad for him they took the notepad from him and wrote down their order instead 😭
Azul never made him play waiter ever again
They realized he was incapable of lying when Floyd suddenly ran up to him and told him to not tell Azul where he was or else he'll squeeze him. He hid in a closet. Azul rounded the corner and asks Sebek in an impatient tone where Floyd was. Sebek asked him who Floyd was.
...Floyd was too shocked with how BAD Sebek was at lying he didnt bother going through with his threat
THEY DEFINITELY FOUGHT 😭😭😭 Floyd finds it fun that they have their own prominent freshman of the dorm! Sure, there are other freshmen, but theyre....eh. Nothing too special. Sebek on the other hand BAWLED when he was assigned to Octavinelle and tried to sleep in the courtyard of Diasomnia (It was too cold) (He returned to Octavinelle). This kid is FUCKED UP Floyd wants to shake him around.
Jade meanwhile wants to observe him in a fucking petri dish. Constantly compares Sebek's crocodile form to his, Floyd's and Azul's. Wonders out loud who would win in a fight between a crocodile, octupus, and an eel. Sebek isnt entirely too picky about food because anything better than Lilia's is a GODSEND, so he's the perfect test subject for all of Jade's dishes. Sebek is clueless to how far his mushroom obsession can go.
Azul has to take care of the tweels AND Sebek. He has to make sure that Sebek doesnt get into a fight with another Octavinelle member because Sebek didnt pick up on their sarcasm, tries to jump into any and every body of water, and let his temper get the best of him when the tweels mess around with him.
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Poll 4
Solveig (She/Her) by @spellinwaiting
Why Should Your OC Win?
her life is so fucking hard she needs to win something just once
What is Your OC Like?
solveig is my tes oblivion oc and she has just SO many problems. imagine being severely mentally ill in a medieval fantasy setting with no access to proper mental health care. one time someone tried to mug her but then realized she had nothing and they felt so bad for her and the whole state she was in the mugger was like 'ok you need help' and became her friend. shes blessed to have an orc wife who loves her no matter how many times she sprints off into the woods in the midst of a manic episode. what else? she has a horse named 'horse' because she couldnt come up with anything better. she wants to be a heroic knight but is far better at killing people than saving them. her solution to most of her problems is to lie face down on the floor motionless for a while (also the picture is done by my friend whose url is @symbie not by me, i hope thats alright, also i put that here cause i didnt know where else to)
Chester Wayne Mallory (He/Him) by @liliflower137
Why Should Your OC Win?
Now at first glance Chester seems like he's on top of things. A talented inventor and programmer, a successful streamer, a husband and kids.
But even at the best of times he's an anxiety ridden mess, and while he would never do anything behind his husband's back he's still not immune to swooning over a hothot man
He's terrible at making decisions, his memory is a mess, and his empty nest syndrome is so bad he basically stole a kid once. And on top of everything, his last name means "an unfortunate person"
Plus there was that time he got trapped in a video game while live on twitch and died like 3 times. So embarassing.
Why not give him a win? He could use the self confidence boost!
What is Your OC Like?
Chester Mallory is a kind very family oriented man who gets attacked to people quickly. He tends to show his love through offering food, so his friends often have fridges full of his leftover spicy noodles.
His entire extended family consists of serial adopters, so his family reunions consists of lots and lots of found families
He lost his right arm in a terrible accident but taught himself to build his own prosthetic purely because he thinks the industry around prosthetics is bullshit
His friends tend to get pretty chaotic which usually leads to him playing the straight man and having to go take a nap after, but he still loves them more than anything, and would do anything to protect them all, especially his best buddies Boris and Malcom.
If you'd like to read about him, his story is "Something New" in the Hlvrai tag of ao3! His AU is called eternal stream! (The picture of him was drawn by @year2000electronics)
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monkeymelly · 1 year
Hey!💞 i know you said you’re really bad at writing😭 but i was wondering if you could do a mean!mike wheeler x f!reader i doesn’t have to be very long but could you a reader gets bullied by him she kinda likes it he notices. you can go on with the rest😅 you don't have to reply its just theres like 0 mikey writers
Hiiii ill do what i can doll love your idea
also this was rlly rushed idk wht im doingggg
Warnings:smut oral f receiving fingering lmk if theres more💞
Mike wheeler was different from the others.
you were one of the prettiest most popular girls in the school you could pull the whole basketball team if you wanted you didnt even need to try.
Except for mike. He was the most horribly infuriating person you had ever met.he would have a mean comment mo matter what. you got a good test score? you fucked the teacher. you got a answer wrong? bimbo whore there was no winning with him occasionally he'd pull on the straps of your bra and flick it on your skin to get you attention and compliment your outfit or your stationary. weather he was degrading your intelligence or objectifying you his attention was all you needed.
Your little challenge turned into a tiny crush when allyour older friends would talk about what them and thier boyfriends would do to eachother youd think about doing them with mike his long fingers stroking your hair wrapping your neck or deep inside of you all the other boys were merely play things but in your head mike was already yours.
fortunately you were failing one of your sience classes and mike was assigned your tutor so you invited him over yours, he was surpisingly smart for being such a "badboy outcast"
The doorbell rang and you practically hopped downstairs from your room to open the door leading him into your room.
"ok what are we starting with sir" you say jokinly "sir?" looking quite shocked "you are teaching me arent you?" cocking your head to the side "oh yeah sure" he responds absentmindedly. you guys carry on studying the atmosophere becoming more jokey and comfortable over time talking about popular people in your school -mostly you gossiping about all the shitty things youe friends do to his- untill your ability to never shut the fuck up got the best of you "ya'know you could be pretty popular if u didnt hang out with those guys," which was already a bad start, "probably runs in the family getting in with the wrong crowd i mean look at nancy for examp-" from the moment you said his older sisters name hes mood changed his hand grabbed your jaw and sweezed your cheeks together "watch your fucking mouth stupid bimbo slut." his brows are furrowed and hes got that signature annoyed mike look on his face sending shockwaves directly to your puffy pussy just feeling his presence gets you riled up "yes sir sorry sir-uh-mikey" you mutter he laughs in your face "no way!" his perfect lips spreading into boyish grin "you fucking liked that!" freeing your jaw from his grip "no i didnt stupid" his hand slithers under your skirt and grabs your clothed cunt the hole gapes around his fingers as he rubs a soft sigh escaping your mouth.
He slips his hand under the elastic waist band, tracing circles on your clit. "Is this ok, princess?" he whispers. You nod quickly, letting out what you think was a whimper. He flips your skirt up, pulling your perfect panties to the side, almost hypnotized by your pretty pussy. "Fuck," he groans. "Look at you, you're soaking." His fingers sloppily slide over your slit, making you clench on nothing. "Please," you beg breathlessly. He pauses , halting his movements. "Ah ah ah, baby-" you imterupt him swiftly correcting yourself "sir, please sir touch me need it so bad" He licks a strip im between your folds "anything for my girl" swirling his tounge around your clit sucking and slurping your hand sits in his hair pulling he groans against your cunt sliping a finger your little uh uh's egging him on "please sir just one-one more,fuck its so good, one more finger daddy" he laughs deeply "we switching up our names now slut? thought you'd be looser than this since youve fucked the whole basket ball team." he adds another didget curling his fingers deep into you "nuh uh sir they lie i promise daddy your my first." he can tell shes close buy how tight shes clenching his didgits her words are coming out wrong and her legs start to shake a lil you let out a pornographic cry and mike coerces you through your orgasm sucks hes fingers when hes done making sure to get every last bit of your juices he cleans you up and you snuggle for abit untill he has to go but before he leaves he spins around says "next time im gonna make you squirt, n thats a promise."
lets just say your definitely passing biolgy.
i couldnt b bothered to correct this so srry for the spelling mistakes
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nutzworth · 3 months
its been a whole month. but you know what time it is? thats right.
DAY 6: MARCH 17, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour 20 minutes (WEAK.) pages read: 1359-1592. 233 pgs slur count: 9 + 3 = 12 (dave, john x2. r slur) silly count: 11 + 1 = 12 (wv about his drawings) (i REALLY feel like i missed some... but whatever.) piss count: 2/3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (dave pissed in his shower)
THOUGHTS: ok i didnt think a lot this round cus its like nearing midnight on a school night so im reading for funsies ok
act 4 has the story bouncing around way more than it did in previous acts. i saw a lot of the exiles today. and a lot of TROLLS! the exiles are so fun today i saw some pm and ar lore and wv pm ar all fought and then they had a meal. and wv and ar are trying to win over pm but she dont care. the WOMEN. panel. so good.
somethin else i reaaally noticed this time around is HOW GOOD HUSSIE WRITES! seriously these kids are talking so naturally its insane. i really like it. theyre so cute. they talk like me and my friends and its really good. hussies a really good writer guys
why did dave say that "i should probably text [john] soon. cus. i love him" why did he say that? and rose's "I know." why? what? im sure this has been read into like a million times but it feels so OUT OF POCKET. why did he SAY THAT? why does rose KNOW? what is anything.
today was the introduction to rose's exile and land. the land of light and rain. the combination of the land and the weird cursive exile and the weird loneliness and silence just really... it really creeps me out ok. "A mother does what's best for her children" with the empty dock with a cut rope and the martini. ugh. "There are footprints in the white sand." oh my god. IT CREEPS ME OUT. its SO QUIET it freaks me. augh. i love you rose
DAVE PEED THIS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the next (and last) on the piss counter is in the middle of act 6 so were gonna be sitting pretty for a damn while. daves kind of a freak to be real. he says "voyeurbot" and "little girl" in the same sentence. why did he say this?
PA HARLEY. PA HARLEY ON LAND OF WIND AND SHADE!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!! oh oh aaaalso jade mentioned her penpal (JAKE!!!) and it got me a little excited. teehee. i looove jake english you dont even know
ummm dave entering the game... hes not in yet. but hes toying with his big machines and he got his totem and the object out. his egg. yeah. i didnt realize he was just playing with all this stuff and hes not even in the medium yet. craaaazy
WE SAW TEREZI THREE TIMES TODAY! THATS SO MUCH! SHES SO CUTE! i literally love terezi i always forget but i love her. shes so cool and silly and cute and the best. her convo with rose (her first one?) is so funny and awesome and ahh i love terezi. she says that the two of them were destined to be hatebuddies cus theyre both seers. ahhh
she also mentions some god tiers during that convo which was crazy. seer of mind. page of breath. knight of blood. maid of time. hussie just had this stuff on lock huh. why TAVROS'S classpect? not like vriskas? i dont know man.
karkat was so dumb today i cant even talk about him. he showed up twice and fumbled so bad. girl you havw GOT to stop being mean to people and yes that includes yourself. i really like karkat too i cant lie. hes so dumb so sweet. i love you karkat
jack noir just straight up gives pm a hit list for her king and queen for no reason. i mean yes there is a reason hes like "lol i do this to everyone wouldnt it be crazy if she was the one to get me their crowns lol" why does he do that? does he just have swords and symbols on lock? hes literally crazy
rose does her cool knitting needle in the monster thing. DAVE AND KANAYA CONVERSATION! i love them bad. rose and tavros is also funny but tavros types so much like a tool i can hardly stand it. im gonna be real i dont really like tavros. hes just not my style sorry
thats it sorry for not reading for a month. maybe ill do more this month haha. maybe maybe not. we will see ;-) thanks
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sapphic-agent · 7 months
Ok into the IzuOcha ask: I bet you have come across ships where "this girl deserve better" not sure if you read naruto but sasusaku is canon aka sasuke x sakura. Now, some fans of hers (all of them) say she is a poor thing and deserve better (wont enter here how untrue it is as she got her happy ending, its sasuke who is miserable) and ...I can say Izuocha can be the sasusaku of mha.
Will be canon? Sure.
Will be happy for Izu? NO. Not in canon. Not by Hori.
They had a cute meet. Sure, but it never developed more than that.
1) she calls him deku. Do I know Japanese? No. So I give a pass and maybe deku and dekiru are similar speaking. Ok. The issue here is not that...is how Ochako sees BK calling Izu deku with 100% hostility and ...head empty. Its sus. Its also not cute Izu accept the name deku.
2) she makes no attempt to know him. Grant Izu doesn't either but he does have an excuse as social cues are smth he struggles thanks to 10 years of abuse...amazing how that is smth Hori remembers to give to Izu😒
3) the LN, it paints their relationship so bad. I dont need to point out the obvious.
4) the aftermath of Ixu vs bk. Izu was punished for defending against his abuser, Iida didnt let him see his notes and treated him as a criminal...sure it was to be comical but falls flat as Iida wanted to commited murder (hated he punched Izu) byt Ochako didnt even approach Izu and asks whats up. She also blamed him. "This is a problem of both" and runs with that.
5) Mina and Aoayama have to tell her, and subsequence us, she likes Izu. Otherwise, we wouldn't guess. She made the decision to hide her feelings for Izu...and why? Is not as if she lost a big chance to win money by blushing to Izu.
6) I dont like how the girls in class A1 are taking Ocha's side here in relation to the ship. The movie where Izu meets Melissa...when Izu returns to class A1 the girls seems upset as if he did smth wrong...I find that unfair(I never saw the movie and have 0 desire to do so as BK is there. And sure that scene may have context...)
7) She never even attempt to know Izu. But she is ok in being Toga's blood bank. Togaochako may not be canon and she may have rejected Toga...but the point is not "Ochako wants to kiss Toga" is how Ochako makes no effort for Izu...but we are supposed to see her as this great love interest. In canon, she really isnt. It kills me how she makes 0 effort for Izu...didnt smile when she corned Izu with bk and others...didnt look happy to see him...but is willing to die for Toga. Like....does Izu has a love interest?
8) she called him plain...when she has a plain design. The things she says and does could have land her "mean girl" title
9)"you wont fight quirkless are you?" While I dont subscribe to "quirkless discrimination " as everyone does...I do think it makes sense for only quirked people to be heroes...so with that in mind, Ochako is somewhat saying is ok for Izu to break bones but fight quirkless is wierd? That is intersting to explore but would make her look bad...and by consequence bk and we know who Hori loves.
Not saying Ocha should do anything and everything for Izu...but this story only allows the shallow forms of "love"
Ocha and Izu blushed? Soulmates
Ocha and Izu gifted each other? When is the wedding.
I've answered an IzuOcha asked before so if you wanna take a look at that for more of an insight feel free to.
1. It actually used to irritate me that she called him Deku too BUT someone pointed out to me that Uraraka is from the Mie (?) prefecture and can tend to mix up the pronunciation of "Deku" and "Dekiru" due to her accent. So when she wants to say "Dekiru," it comes out sounding like "Dek'u." This person also said that it gives meaning to their relationship that Izuku decided to keep this name because of this and I actually do somewhat agree. I think Horiloshi's execution of this could have been better (show don't tell Hori), but I don't mind it as much as I used to.
2. I would actually say Uraraka does make a decent attempt to get to know him at least in the beginning. Sure her questions and conversations aren't super deep, but she goes out of her way to make conversation with him and get him to open up. She is only 15/16 too after all so I give her a lot of grace.
3. For my own sanity, I choose to ignore the light novels. If I read them I'll come out disliking 98% of the characters🙂
4. Yes this... Isn't great for either Iida or Uraraka. It actually feels like flat out character regression for Iida (done for a cheap laugh). Uraraka (and all of 1A including All Might and Aizawa) has a kind of warped view on Izuku and Bakugou's relationship. I don't think she's aware that their toxic relationship goes past rivalry, probably because Izuku never says anything bad about Bakugou and doesn't open up. I'm not defending what she says here because it was wrong, but she doesn't have the full story. If she did, her reaction would be very different (she is one of the few characters that will call Bakugou out, even if it isn't as harsh as it should be). I don't even think Horikoshi himself understands the power imbalance between Izuku and Bakugou, so it makes sense that his characters don't either.
5. So Uraraka does this because she doesn't want her feelings to get in the way of becoming a good hero. It's not a bad approach to her character in theory, but Horikoshi's execution of it is horrible (which is true for most of his characters). The problem isn't necessarily that she does this, the problem is a) there was nothing leading up to her having feelings for him past admiration it just... happened, b) there's really no explanation as to how simply having/accepting her feelings would get in the way, and c) it focuses way too much on her avoiding her feelings for Izuku than her actually growing as a hero; in trying to focus her away from Izuku Hori's centering her around him even more. In another author's hands, this could have actually been a decent arc, but oh well.
6. This scene actually isn't too serious. Yaoyorozu and Jirou aren't being malicious to Izuku, they're just teasing him. And they're very nice to Melissa (so is Uraraka) and get along with her well. I don't even think Uraraka was that jealous, maybe a bit envious if anything, and she wasn't upset. The movie doesn't focus on Bakugou too much (unlike that monstrosity of a second movie) so it's not a bad watch. I enjoyed it because we learn more about All Might's time in America and Izuku's friendship with Melissa is super cute🙂
7. I think it's just a different approach to Toga and Izuku as people. I'm not saying it's wrong or right, but I am saying approaching saving them in two different ways isn't outlandish. And she did stand up for him against am angry mob so I don't think it's right to say she didn't put in effort.
8. Plain isn't really an insult. True it's not exactly nice, but I wouldn't call it mean. She also had no idea of knowing he would see that footage.
9. Interesting🤔
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606nox · 1 year
Heartslabyul x subnatica reader
Ace x subnatica reader
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This man when he first met you he looked down on you so much so you probably could see it. And the moment he said anything mean you were like I know your boom fish looking ass isn't talking. And was just like 😀 whats a boom fish. When he tried to bale on cleaning the windows he didn't have a chance to run you caught up in no time you almost had him when grim called out for deuce to restrain him. When you 3 were done cleaning the windows ace was of course complaining and you just mumbled under your breath. "At least it wasn't as bad as there or the creatures there". He was so confused but didnt really care because he had so many windows to clean and was still salty that he got in trouble because of a weasel and a magicless person but he eventually grew to like you and be friends you two would hangout and play video games but strangely you would games that were mainly water. Ace found it weird but wasn't gonna get into it if you felt uncomfy you don't have to play them and he doesn't have to play them when your around. Another thing he took notice of is you don't like loud noises you flinch and if it was loud enough you looked visibly terrified but quickly regain your composer. He remembers the first time he saw you like that he was honestly ready to get you out of the room and try and find a quiet place so you could calm down because he throught you were having a anxiety attack. He acts like he doesn't care but he really does which is why he thinks he needs to ask you but decides against it
The feelings started popping up around after riddles overblot but he ignored them thinking that it was just a magical feeling of defeating a overblot with someone but it doesn't go away so he just kinda is like well what do I do. Spoiler he just acts stupid and gets flustered. Hes kinda like a 5 year old kid like he'll be like. "Yo y/n y/n! Look ". And then he falls off this broom you both laugh it off but he was trying to show off but hes just happy he at least made you laugh. This man is also easy to fluster all you have to is praise him hug him like this dude would get flustered by you just calling his name from across the hall to get his attention and when you ask why hes red hes just like cuz your embarrassing. Not true he just doesn't want to say he blushing
When you guys are finally together ace somehow teases you more if that's even possible. He invites you over for games more now and you guys go so fun activities but sometimes you have to force him to do his homework and keep him out of trouble. He also always invites you to his games. You watching him makes him want to try harder when he wins after he gets a shower he gives you a hug out of happiness. He is also really blunt tho so yeah. After a while of dating you finally told him why you wouldn't play games with lots of water. It was because of what had happened to you.
So ace remember when we first met
Yeah you called me something like boom fish why was that and now that your say it why won't you play under water games.
I was just about to explaine that but I just want you to know you don't have to believe me
Ok? Go on
So for about a year of my life I was stuck on a fully water planet it had good and bad creatures some terrifying and some cute but the things I was there still haunt me to this say and I had to save a whole planet.
Well your safe and the planets safe it's all in the past now
Thanks ace I love you
I love you to you dork
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evilmancer · 10 months
ok just need 2 get this out of my system so. dump. tlaking. chit chat even. uhm frost king is evil wizard's son , made with magic !! i dont have a specific way he got made with magic yet but im kinda thinking on his crown
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maybe his body just formed from that then ykno. tjats that he is snake like-ish like his dad. ok? he got like snake skin but not snake snake super snake skin if that makes sense, its just a bit similar (like evil wizard's snake eyes!!!!) -> then . then painter is necromancer's son i havent made a super huge idea abt it me and my brother were just in vc once and he said "frost king is evil wizard's son then painter is necromancer's son". we laughed from there so thats where dat came from. but i hav no idea rough idea is just that he was a little magic experiment . lik e school project for reference but he wasnt an actual school project obviously
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little idea i had a bit ago is that necromancer is also an artist so both he and painter r artists wow. # father son bond thing. -> cyclops is both evil wizard and necromancer's son!! yay!!!!!!!!!!! ok we didnt wanna leave cyclops out from frost n painter so we were like evilmancer fankid slash j n then it formed from there. he doesnt have any 'origin story' in my mind so thats just the concept - yay relationships. relatthet erelations hip the relastionshi p belo 4 belo industrial prince and frost king are dating. yay. it was originally a joke as most things here were just because me and my brother didnt like them but then we were like! ok wait it kinda makes sense industrial prince for some reason just?? has a telescope that just oh so happens to be right at frost king's castle window like whts up with that AND THEN frost king looks OVER to industrial castle like why!! why! whats ur reason man??? (i mean obviously its just to connect the lvls together plot wise but i think about it too hard)
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i think theyre sweet anyway, loserness togetherness makes luv win forever who agrees! (talking to a wall)
evilmancer my number one. ok # theyre like literally implied anyway, do i have to say much (cough . necromantic pack looks around wide eyed) theyre literally always together i could ramble on and on abt them but ill keep that for another day. another post.
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conehead groom and cycloooppss. ok theyre just bestfriendsin the game but whatever. theyre reallly reallly close under assumption of every painting in cyclops fortress i think theyre really cute i dont rlly have anything else to say about them besides that? ill probably add more abt them in the future but 4 now theyre just silly little guys in mymind
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(heres just a little doodle of them . like the rest. feeling nice.) ok no more relationship section just misc stuff -> painter looks up to orange princess a bit and thinks shes really cool, drawing her often for her silly little behavior and of the like. no crushing really jsut "wow!! shes really cool!! i like her!!" if that makes sense lol -> frost king and blue knight were friends pre-barbarian war (like. the war in general not the level ingame)
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(old doodle showing them off, they were like bffs but they were blocked. # blooxked. so they had 2 stop talking but they were like omg hi during ice castle lvl ok) -> medusa babysat frost king when he was younger , idk if i REALLY wanna make that my headcanon-canon-super canon but the idea is cute 2 me. she taught him abt stuff like flowas. alrhgt. -> conehead groom and painter r like # artists in their own ways n that makes them bffs. painter makes art for ch groom's music and ch groom makes music for painter's art. cyclops is happy that his bf and brother get along its sweet. all nice. uff ok im done i think thanks for reading
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littledragonkana · 11 months
Ok I have reached chapter 17 and I dont know what to do. All three ways are horrible.
Not as in stupid or wrong. I just couldnt fully support any of them. Especially Roland
I get where Roland is coming from. He wants his people or rather everyone in Norzelia to be happy and thus wants to surrender Glenbrock to Heissand so there won't be another war if one country has all the salt. On the expanse of the Rosaile. Which I also understand because there is no other way in his plan to ensure peace for the masses.
But I feel like this goes against what he stood for for most of the story? He wanted to rebuild Glenbrock as its king. He was quick to take the title of ruler from Cordelia when Glenbrock Castle was retaken. And now he just wants to give all of this up?
I really didn't expect Roland to give up so easily. Well easily isn't the right word. So many things happened that were both painful for him and his people and he was disillusioned by it. But I kinda feel like he owes his people to stand strong now and keep going. He did so much to reclaim Glenbrock FOR his people. To free them from Aesfrost and build a better future. He can't just give up now. And surely this plan he makes won't play out the way thinks. Aesfrost still wants the salt and since they have this bomb (idk the English name) Heissand is an easy target for them. If they take Heissand's capital then what was once Glenbrock would also fall into Aesfrost's hands again. So everything Roland fought for was for nothing.
Also I can't agree to this plan on my own morals because we promised the Rosaile to do everything we can to free them when we convinced them to go back to Heissand where they essentially live as Slaves. I just cant do that. We betray them. And Frederica too. The Rosaile trusted us which was the only reason they agreed to this. Its just wrong.
You know a story is well written when it really makes you think deeply about what to do next. I wanted to go for Roland's route but now Idk what to do because I really disagree with him.
And Benedict's plan isn't much better either. After everything that's happened I don't want to cooperate with Aesfrost. We have no reason to trust them. They don't have any reason to trust us. Sure we basically have the same goal here but imo the end doesn't justify the means here. No way in hell am I going to stand on the side of the people who started this whole war. I can't stand the guts of any of the royals. Maybe Svarog isn't half as bad as the others but still. They are all terrible people. We don't know what they will do once we won against Heissand. What is keeping them from betraying us the moment the battle is over? Glenbrock is still weak. They can take over the mine again and then we didnt really win anything either. They want to be the strongest country in Norzelia and they are not afraid to kill to achieve that goal.
Also Benedict saying that Serenoa would be a better king than Roland? Idk. Probably. But I don't want to betray Roland after EVERYTHING we did. Sure Serenoa has the right to claim the throne but that is just a terrible thing to do. We fought so Roland could retake Glenbrock's throne and now we just say: 'Nope. Times up to play King. This is my country now. Bby buddy!' That's just wrong.
Honestly with Frederica's plan there isn't so much that bothers me but the fact that we are essentially running away from the whole geopolitical problems we have take responsibility for. She wants to free the Rosaile and lead them to Centralia where they came from in the beginning. Which is really good. We are keeping our promise to save them from slavery and bring them freedom. But we are pretty much abandoning all our responsibilities as a leader. We caused a lot of the problems. I mean Frederica didn't. I barely ever went with her plans. But she was involved in our doing either way. And Serenoa can't just leave. He is the head of house Wolffort. He is a prefect of Heissand. He is basically the right hand man of Roland. He can't just leave all of this behind and go somewhere else.
This feels like we're giving up on there ever being peace in Norzelia. It feels like we're betraying the trust of pretty much everyone who ever trusted us. Also Serenoa was raised to lead house Wolffort who are pretty much all of the military strength of Glenbrock. No matter what Roland or Glenbrock as a whole would do once we leave he would have no chance in a war.
These options are all horrible. I don't know what to do. I want to play the golden route whatever that may be. It can't be worse than this 🫠
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cheolhub · 1 year
but imagine the aftermath, like you would not know how to fucking act after that and it throws you off your game and he wins the next race and !!!
you're so mad. you're so angry he got to your head that much. and he's so fucking smug about it. but of course, it can only go one way at this point, and at the end of the day you end up in his bed again bc what else are you even supposed to do?
AND HE'D BE SO MEAN ABT IT, all "can't believe you're here begging for my cock again. shouldn't you be out training? or are you just that much of a cockhungry slut?"
and it continues like that. it doesn't even matter who wins or who loses anymore, bc the outcome is the same anyways - you crying on his cock, you on your knees for him, you taking whatever he wants to give you. and you know that if this came out it could ruin your career, but you just can't stop.
(okay but spinning off of that earlier ask. what if you're in a crash, maybe it's one if the last races of the season, and he's THE FIRST ONE THERE bc holy shit he got so worried. like he always worries when someone crashes bc this shit is dangerous, but it's different now, and he doesn't quite want to think about what it means yet. (he's a little less mean the next time, not bc he's gotten soft or anything, he swears)) - ☁️
UR SUCH A FUCKING MENACE LIKE IM GONNA RIP MY HAIR OUT. it’s 1 am so that means this is going to be hot shit (the bad kind 😹) ok but seriously if i dont make sense or it reads bad, im so sorry, ive written like 4k words today and my brains fuzzy
wonwoo is so cruel. he’s so fucking cruel. he’s insulting you while fucking you stupid, rambling on and on about how you’re always crawling back into his bed like a shameless loser. about how you have no self-respect whatsoever. about how you should be out training even though you’re going to lose again. and again. and again.
and you’re just taking it because, fuck him, but he makes you feel so good. he bullies his cock into you and makes you cum countless times and it’s just too fucking good. you’re in this toxic… relationship? would you even call it that? you’re in this toxic situationship and you have no idea how to get out of it… or if you even want out of it.
and, cloudnon, you’re 100% right. it doesn’t matter who wins or loses.
if he wins, he’s fucking you as if he were some type of god with the cockiest smirk on his face. if you wanna cum, you have to beg and tell him how much of a loser you are. (woah humiliation kink popped out again my bad)
if you win, he’d be so fucking pissed. so so angry and he’s taking it out on you, immediately adjusting that cocky attitude of yours. makes you cum over and over till your just in tears babbling his name and incoherent pleas.
no matter what, he’s always going to have you begging for more bc you’re just his a pretty, cockhungry slut.
[oh my god i alrdy know that didnt make any fucking sense, BUT WAIT BC UR LIL SPIN OFF THING IS KINDA CUTE ☺️ ill start with a poorly written post-crash bed scene]
you’re fine. you’ve told him several times, but he keeps asking and it’s starting to get on your nerves. but, like, it’s also starting to freak you out a bit. he hasn’t said anything mean to you and the way he handles you is kind of… soft? something you’re not used to at all when you’re under him like this
he’s still a bit freaked out if he’s being honest. you could’ve been really hurt… and it’s morbid… but you could’ve fucking died and he doesnt think he’d be able to stand it if anything really bad happened to you.
he has no idea what he’s feeling right now. he doesn’t want to know. god forbid he have a crush on the his top competitor and god forbid you don’t feel the same way.
you grow impatient with his gentle touches bc you’re dying to have him manhandle you like he usually does, so you sigh out. “wonwoo, told you i’m fine. just a few cuts and bruises. stop worrying so much. you won’t break me.”
he looks at you nervously and your heart squeezes a bit… he’s kinda cute when he’s not being a complete dick. “you sure?”
“i’m sure.”
“i’ll be nicer today,” he mutters, “y’know, since you obviously don’t know how to ride.”
there he is.
you smirk, “oh? why don’t you show me how then?”
he smirks, voice low when he says, “it’d be my pleasure.”
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undermycoat · 10 months
just need to work this all out
ok so im unemployed fresh college grad atm and ive got job apps sent in and even an interview lined up but that interview is in the town my dad is in so im staying with my dad but in the time ive spent waiting for that date ive been with an employment agency but the job that place sent me to was the absolute worst and my mental health has plummeted to the point that i’m getting physically sick both bc of the job and bc i feel like i have to keep looking over my shoulder with my dad right there.
i skipped work saturday and today which is insanely immature but i cant think im struggling to sleep and eat bc of this and today i emailed the agency saying i wish to end our agreement. they said they wished i gave a notice (tbf i thought i had when i was like “i’m moving away” on saturday.. but whatever. actually not whatever — that shouldntve been discounted and im not entirely at fault here) but that they wish me the best and i said thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
earlier last week when i told dad this job is really bad for me he told me to stay working there until i get another job secured. i did not do that and now im terrified of telling him that i quit bc i dont know what hes going to do plus i dont want to talk about it with him i just want to be left alone
also this interview ive got lined up is for a really great company however i dread working there bc that means i have to stay with dad. i want to go back to where i used to live. also i dont like that one of the high up workers there is friends with my dad. being a nepo baby is great unless the nepo comes from my dad. i dont trust him to not keep tabs on me and i dont want him knowing what ive been doing or where ive been. not that im doing anything illegal i just want him to fuck off, yknow?
all of this leads back to the problem ive always had in that hes a huge control freak who needs to know everything going on in my life and i cant escape. my mom got out through the divorce but im still stuck here and i cant leave either bc even if i cant breathe with him and his wife and their kids i love my paternal grandparents and aunt and uncle. im just so paranoid and anxious and i feel like i cant breathe
im so sick of disappointing people but also the stuff my dad is proud of me about is stuff im not that proud of. its like i just cant win with him.
oh and paranoia aside i dont want to owe him anything bc he used to ignore me for months despite me calling and messaging him constantly (to the point that my mom was like “do you even love me? do you even want to be here do you even care?”) when he took me out for dinner one of the times he decided to acknowledge me he said he’d pay for a field trip (past the time the fee was due so i had to get special permission from the teacher) then the next week he said i only talk to him when i need money so actually no hes not giving me anything. WHAT. and then a couple years later he was like “i never got to be your parent you never let me be your dad :(“ and when i was like “why” he was like “i had to always go have fun with you instead of discipline you bc i didnt want our time together to be all sad and me getting mad at you” like again. WHAT.
he said that bc i was like “i was rly hurt when you said i only come to u for money bc i reached out to u a lot and u never replied”. so. idk what to do with that but i still dont rly understand the argument from him here. but yeah i was like rly hurt and then he started crying talking about how he never got to be my dad even tho i was like 19 when this convo happened so he had 19 years to try and didnt and its rly unfair that im supposed to feel guilty for denying him this even tho i was the child and he had total control he could decide what to do with me and he chose wrong and now hes taking it out on me here in this restaurant. ok.
its so fucked cuz now im like so was i doing something wrong all those times we were tgt? like idk im just scared around him bc i dont ever know if im doing something wrong bc he wont tell me or maybe he will or maybe he . idk i just cant sit still yknow?
also his wife is racist and ive got to deal with microaggressions from her. and hes a pastor
anyway i just needed to get that all out there to feel a bit less crazy. thank you for coming to my ted talk ✌️😗
OH YEAH. and he makes me feel stupid all the fucking time like i dont need a job right now. i Should get one but i dont have a mortgage im not buying groceries i dont need to pay for insurance I DONT NEED A JOB. but he told me to stay in this shitass job bc i need it. dude it had me out in the sun all day (ALL DAY) paying $10/hr and had me coming home genuinely thinking about killing myself. not even bc of the physical labor but bc it was so under-stimulating like i was in my head all day no music no interesting surroundings no conversation nothing for me to solve. and he was all like “well sometimes we have to do work that we don’t like” YEAH I FUCKING KNOW DICKHEAD. my mom said he talked like that to her too and also apparently ok not to brag bc im fr not but im rly smart like im fucking brilliant and my dad always acted like it was bc of him but my mom’s other kids are also brill while my dad’s other kids are… theyre sweet kids and intelligence isnt everything im aware i know but its like “really dickhead?” i just hate how he belittles u and talks like ur dumb. im not dumb. dont piss me off
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trashworldblog · 1 year
alr i have unfortunately not been able to stop thinking about puppet history and i came up with a possible explanation for ryan's "business" with the genie at the end of ep 6. so all we know from the ep is that ryan gets the lamp and uses at least 1 wish to get prof back. there's also the genie's line about doing business with ryan. im assuming for now that it means he used smth other than a wish to get prof back. but what could he have possibly offered the genie in that moment?
[im thinking that ryan offered the genie a chance to undo the wish IF ryan wins an episode of the show. we know from s4 that if the person with the lamp unwishes smth, the genie is able to take the wish away. now, why does it matter that it would come if ryan wins? ryan, according to the algorithm, has never officially won an episode. being 31 episodes into the show without a win, it would definitely seem like a statistical wonder if he won. also smth plot important usually happens when he wins
i think its going to backfire at the end though because has anything good ever happened when ryan has won. now, having no way of possibly knowing what will happen next season, this is all speculation. however, i think that bc prof and ryan are on good terms, ryan is going to win an ep (either the penultimate one or finale) and it's going to serve as the catalyst for the genie's return. i also think it will usher in the substitute's return
i think the genie and the sub are going to team up at the end because they'd benefit from helping each other. the genie hates prof and masterminded a whole deal just to get rid of him (yes i think he was the head of that deal and i could elaborate but not rn). hes def not happy about being forced to resurrect him on a technicality. and then the sub obv hates ryan and probably does even more so now after the finale. its a match made in hell and i think theyd team up to get rid of ryan and prof
oh shoot i think i may have forgotten to mention it (pls ignore this if i did) but literally, what could ryan have offered to the genie other than something bad happening if he won. he just fist fought a hologram that was trying to murder him, i doubt that he wouldve been able to come up with something that has literally no statistical possibilities. besides, wanting to win an ep got him into this whole mess in the first place, it would make sense if he didnt want to win anymore]
hii!! thanks so much for the ask! ive been thinking about the points you've made and i think i finally got my thoughts together so that they'll (hopefully) make sense.
ok! so! im not sure if ryan did have to offer something to the genie. in my understanding of genie lore (which is Very limited) i dont think that genies can outright refuse wishes. so i dont belive that ryan had to offer anything. HOWEVER! genies can interpret and mess around with the wish if they feel like it. unless ryan isnt aware of this, (which is possible) its possible ryan did offer something to convince the genie not to mess around with his wish. the problem is what does ryan have to offer? it could be as simple as if the genie needs a favor, ryan has to help out. I feel like that gives us the most options on where the lore takes us.
i honestly dont know if ryan is going to win in future seasons. my guess is that he wont lmao. listen! its a complex victory algorithm!! the professor probably doesnt have that much control over it!! (although i can see the professor saying that he balanced the victory algorithm and ryan still loses lmao) if ryan DOES win, it will absolutely backfire and it'l be hilarious.
GENIE AND SUB TEAM UP GENIE AND SUB TEAM UP!!! YES YES YES I LOVE IT!! they definitely can help eachother out and it would be incredible to see!! i can see ryan and the professor teaming up after the genie and sub team up! also if ryan has this secret deal with the genie, it would complicate this whole team up thing more becuase if ryan doesnt help thr genie the genie might be able to rekill the professor (or send him back in time, or to the wonderium arena).
i also think theres gonna have to be something that leads to getting the puppets out of the wodnerium arena. im not sure about that yet.
anyways, yeah! thats my thoughts on the direction the lore can be taking. we'll see what happens!
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ze-pie · 2 years
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I'm so excited for the news of a new sk8 season you have no idea 😭 I really thought we'd be getting a movie at best
I scribbled down a bunch of my thoughts and hopes for season 2 so read on if you're interested! (Warning, very long, and half of that is bc i ramble about renga lolol)
My god i can actually make a list of things id love to see in Season 2 and not be like "no dont do that bc then youre gonna get your hopes up that there will even be a s2" but its actually happening holy shit lol ok anyways:
1. ARREST ADAM. IM NOT FUKN PLAYING LOL GET HIS ASS ARRESTED AND CHARGED FOR SUMTHIN JESUS LORD. Literally my only major criticism with the show is that Adam didnt go to prison by the end of the season so it HAS to fuckin happen this time. I want that red haired investigator lady to win so bad please catch his ass.
2. Ever since this idea was planted in my head, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it, but I want the sk8 gang to travel! Like not just to a hot springs like I want them to travel and skate across Japan and even elsewhere (bonus points if we somehow get Renga in Canada), I think the change of scenery would be really interesting, especially if they went somewhere like Tokyo. I'm just a sucker for friends traveling arcs in general, and this also could go hand in hand with my next point:
3. I think it would be interesting if "S" died out at some point this season, whether through Adam arrest (🤞) or bc of the aforementioned traveling we just dont see much of "S" this series, or if the characters simply grow out of "S" naturally (honestly the one I'd most prefer.) I think it would be another good ride home to the central theme of the show about doing things you like bc they're fun and not bc of any clout or approval ranking. 
And honestly, I think we've explored as much of "S" as we could while keeping it interesting. Not to say there shouldn't be more competing, that's like half the show lol, but i think the location of "S" will start to get a little repetitive after a while. This is why going somewhere like Tokyo would be a perfect refresh of the format, bc you can skate in new locations with different types of people than the typical underground flamboyancy of "S" (as wonderful as it is.)
4. Matchablossom past!🍵🌸 I'd love to see it, this is definitely not the ship that receives the most of my love in the show but I do still enjoy watching them, so id love to get some nice meat to their relationship for me to keep sinking into (〃^∇^)ノ
5. It was hinted that Koyomi would become a great skater in due time and I'd love to see that realized! I think she'd make a fun addition to the sk8 gang and personally I think Koyomi and Miyas personalities and snark levels would make for the funniest fucking comedy I just, I can hear their mean spirited chaotic banter from back here.
I know some people like to think they'd be wholesome friends but like,,,,, they're both little shits,, what you think you put them together and they'll just. Get along?? I mean maybe, but for me it sounds funnier if they just cant stand each others guts but are also, hilariously enough, inseparable (which maybe is too similar to matchablossoms shtick but I feel like that's more married couple bickering than anything so I feel like it'd be different enough.) Like they're both little shits but they're little shits in different fonts so they're still little shits to eachother god give it to me.
7. I also want to know more about Reki's friend that stopped skating (and Reki's past in general), and I wouldn't even mind that skate friend temporarily returning to Reki's life and giving Langa certain... complicated feelings >:)
8. Obviously wanna know more about Langa's past as well. Did he have any family on his dad's side? How did his dad die? Are we gonna see more flashbacks/scenes where the Japanese voice actor is trying his damndest to sound like he's fluent in English? Will I have to be subject to hearing that once more? Who's to say.
(ok, wouldn't it be so cool tho if they did have full scenes where langa is speaking english, but they went and got the english voice actor to do the lines??? I feel like that would be so cool and his voice is so similar to the japanese va that it wouldn't even be jarring switching back and forth)
((i dont know anything about how voice actor laws work or if this is at all possible but a girl can dream lolol))
9. i cant fucking believe theres a season 2 i m justbrbeshagw i cant do itmmtgus
i was gonna say i can die happy but thats a lie if i die i cant watch season 2 and it might not be out till at least late next year oh god i have to NOT DIE TILL THEN OMG ILL BE SO MAD
renga renga renga RENGA RENGAAAAA,
OKAY actually on that topic, last note, hopes for Renga:
10. I don't want Reki and Langa to get in another big fight again like last season. Not that there was anything wrong with their s1 fight as a story device, bc I reaaally liked that conflict. It made sense with their characters and gave them both a bit of introspection on who they are as people, and who they are to eachother, and what the other truly means to them, and it ultimately brought them closer together. I just want that to stay true this season.
And I guess I shouldn't say fight, they're totally allowed to get into arguments and maybe even intense ones (as cute as their reunion was, they clearly didn't actually talk about everything that was bothering them, and I couldn't tell if that was anime being anime or teenagers being teenagers. Maybe both?)
I just don't want them to be made to break up again. Conflict between them is fine (it could even be spicy depending on the context >:3c) but I don't want it to drastically sever their connection like last time. It would be nice if it's like: "Okay, this is clearly a problem, and I am upset, but I now know that ghosting you isn't the answer, we have a true bond somewhere here, and I think we can get through this" I am not a script writer lol but you know, show a bit of growth! It would be lovely to see.
And hehe definitely self-indulgent but this point could actually be swayed for me if the situation is an explosion of jealousy and unacknowledged more-than-platonic feelings, creating a different kind of emotional tension than last conflict, where its less about self esteem issues, inadequacy and betrayal, and more of: "I might be in love with him, but I cant tell him bc I honestly don't even understand my feelings myself, and that stresses me out, and now were both stressed out and we don't know why bc were dumb teenagers who don't know how to communicate our feelings.😭"
lol obviously this^ is very dependent on of course there actually being a romantic storyline between the two, which like, actually it typing out with words as if its a possibility.... i can practically see the clown nose and wig materializing on my desk ready for me to put on lol i refuse to entertain that it's a possibility for my own sanity.
If there's anything I for sure want to see as their relationship develops, it's learning how to communicate, cause I still think there's a few things left unsaid between them (esp on Rekis part, things that Langa might like to at least be aware of?)
Overall I will simply be happy just,,, seeing my boys doing things again, hanging out together, new canon adventures 🥲🥺 I'm so happy, another full season of my babies ❤💙❤💙❤💙
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isabelguerra · 1 year
You've gotta tell us more about your Wizard AU, it is amazing
pandoras box anon you just ripped it in half
paranatural hogwarts is an au ive had for roughly 6 years now. it’s been posted about on ~7 blogs, 2.5 of them mine, with a good amount of it deleted/orphaned bc i get very cold feet talking about things unless theyre with specific people. but despite my efforts to kill it she keeps coming back so you know what. whatever. fine. it wins. let me tell you about wizard au. this is gonna be a long post
pnat hogwarts follows the cast of paranatural in a wizard setting, with a lot (i mean a LOT) of my own spins on things. there’s an overarching plot with the main cast, but it’s less important to the real reason i made it, which was a 6 year long izjo slowburn. thats right. wizard au is my own personal excuse to write as much izjo as i want and make them fall for each other over the torturous span of 6 years. and they cant do anything about it. but i put a lot of non-ship stuff in there too bc as much as its my indulgence au i still want people who are indifferent to the ship to enjoy it if they want. so here’s some overarching lowdowns:
- isabel is a gryffindor from a super old school magic family
- the guerra name is a GIGANTIC in this au. super old family, super old money, super old power. francisco is much, much older than he is in canon and is hailed as one of the most powerful wizards in history, known for pioneering an entire art form of wandless magic. wizards from all corners of the globe come to train with him to learn the honed technique. but he’s dead, and his son is nowhere to be found, and isabel is the heiress to the guerra family name as soon as she turns 18. so she has a lot riding on her shoulders and is expected to take over and ‘grow out’ of using her wand. francisco allows it while she learns at hogwarts because he considers it a frivolous childs play technique, but will not tolerate any thing less from her studies than excellence.
- isabel, however, just wants to play quidditch and sneak around with her friends and read books and learn spells.
- her best subjects are charms, care for magical creatures, and DatDA. she sucks at potions and herbology.
- in their second year she joins the quidditch team and becomes one of gryffindor’s beaters with johnny. in their fifth year she makes team captain, which he pokes fun at her for for the rest of their school days. they butt heads a lot in their earlier years but are solidly friends by the time theyre both 15. but more on that later
- when she was 6 isabel befriended a baby acromantula, which she named eightfold. after bringing eightfold with her to hogwarts for 2 years, eventually she becomes too big to keep in her dorm and isabel hides her in the library were she can eat as many dusty old books as she likes. but when rumors of a monster among the stacks begins circulating the student body, she has to sneak eightfold out to the forbidden forest in the middle of the night and say goodbye to her friend at the risk of her safety. she still visits when she can
- max is a slytherin halfblood who didnt know his mom was a witch. in his first year he falls into an acromantula pit and hates spiders ever since, even though isabel tells him theyre actually very sweet. on their way out of the forbidden forest, he catches the attention of a blind basalisk, which he keeps running into for years to come.
- when theyre 16, max is chosen as hogwarts’ triwizard champion. he does not win. his friends love him very much for it
- him and isabel go to the yule ball together because isabel got a lot of people asking her out but none of them were anyone she actually liked (cough) and max is as much of a homebody as he is a chad. its very much a ‘okay i’ll do the first dance with you so you dont get laughed at and then we can do whatever we want the rest of the night so go have fun with whoever you wanna ok?’ situation
- max’s boggart is an acromantula
- he cannot fly and the one time isabel tried to get him to play quidditch in their 2nd year he broke his arm
- max , having grown up in the human world, likes to sneak in laptops and dvd players and show the wizard friends movies.
- theyll all do movie nights in the gryffindor common room at isabels invitation, which johnny will crash, which ollie will also crash. then they all end up on different areas of the couch floor and surrounding armchairs covered in blankets and watching the human wonders of Home Alone 2 and Megamind
- in their 1st year, max finds a compass hidden in a locked room. after lugging it around and thinking it useless for a couple weeks, he realizes this thing doesnt point north, but shows you the exact direction you need to get wherever you need to go most. this helps an INCREDIBLE amount to show him, and therefore the rest of the activity club, direct pathways to secret passages and routes to avoid teachers when sneaking around at night. the compass has no identifying marks on it aside from the name Smith elegantly seared into its side
- the AC and the jang steal Smith’s compass back and forth from each other literally the entirety of their school life. johnny will grab it from isabels robe when she’s in the quidditch changing room, max will grab it from stephen when hes napping in the slytherin commonroom, isabel jinxes johnny to get it back, ed and rj play rock paper kick-your-knees-in to decide who gets it, etc
- suzy has been trying to get her hands on it for years. YEARS. but each time she cooks up a plan to figure out how the eight of those guys can get from one side of the castle to another so quick, theyre already gone
- is a year ahead of them, ravenclaw, with both wizard parents. i know blair just wrote a whole post about why isaac is a gryffindor and i thought that her reasoning was super cool but i stand by my placement that hes a ravenclaw he’s too flashy
- isaac doesnt have too much plot relevance, which i kinda feel bad about now that i like him more. he became a prefect in his 5th year and worked as defence against the dark arts teaching assistant in his 7th year, when the rest of his friends went up against their 6th year boggarts.
- for the record isaacs boggart is sasuke breaking up with him
- isabel and isaacs relationship is better in this, i tried to interpret isaac as less of an Insufferable Tortured Sadboy more of a Teenager Who Is Just Kind Of A Dramatic Dick Sometimes And Thats Fine
- isabel becomes a gryffindor prefect in her 5th year, so she and isaac sometimes hang out during patrols or meetings and chat about it
- can fly ok but isnt great at it and doesnt play quidditch. best subjects are potions and transfiguration, but he kinda sucks at history of magic and astronomy
- hufflepuff adopted member of the guerra family. parents worked for the ministry and disappeared mysteriously
- i made ed nb here so just putting that out there. canon nb ed
- befriends johnnys gang later on than canon, around 3rd year. him and rj i think ended up dating? they go to yule together in their 6th year
- one time jinxed himself to only speak in puns. max hounded him for the countercurse but he never got it until 2 weeks had passed
- loves and GREAT at charms. bad at DatDA and history of magic
johnny (+ the gang)
- johnnys a muggleborn gryffindor and the other beater on gryffindors quidditch team w/ isabel
- worst wizard you will ever meet. not in the ‘bad with magic’ way, but in the ‘oh god why did this guy have to get magic’ way
- you think REGULAR bullyings bad??? imagine WIZARD BULLYING. with SPELLS
- johnny finds out hes a wizard and immediately thinks Ah How Can I Use This Information To Torment People and then does exactly that until like their 4th year when he gets some sense knocked into him
- literally knocked into him. he gets a concussion from from taunting a hippogryff.
- hes particularly attuned to heat magic, has a higher body temperature than normal people, and sometimes catches fire if really wound up about something. has been known to occasionally blow steam out his ears
- remember how isabel hides eightfold until their 2nd year? johnny catches isabel speaking with her in the library and nearly freaks out before she pushes him against a bookcase and swears him to secrecy “or else my spider will eat you”
- he catches isabel sneaking out of the gryffindor commonroom at night a week later and gets roped into helping her sneak eightfold out. theyre sortof friends at this point but theres a lot of perilous bickering. which is ridiculous because theire sneaking a 3ft tall spider out into the woods at 1am underneath a blanket and trying not to get caught. look at yourselves
- it works though and they chase each other the whole way back laughing and trying to avoid ghosts and teachers, snatching smith’s compass back nd forth
- theyre super tired by the time theyre safe in the commonroom. they both collapse in front of the fire and isabel kinda clears her throat like hey so. thanks for helping tonight. dont you ever tell anyone but it was scary letting her go and having someone else there really um. you helped. so thanks.
- johnny who does not know how to deal with genuinity even from the gang is sitting there like. hm ?
- nd shes like DONT let this get to your head idiot i just. yeah i had a lot more fun than i thought i wouldve. i thought it was gonna just be me walking my best friend somewhere id never see her again. but it wasnt, it was fun and got my adrenaline going and that wouldntve happened if i did it alone so.. yeah. i had a really fun night. thanks. for being there with me. i mean it.
- and if johnny didnt know how to deal with earnesty he DEFINITELY doesnt know how to deal with the girl he fight with all the time giving him an ACTUAL REAL SMILE and laughing all out of breath and looking at him earnestly in the light of the fire and. and he needs to leave. right now. oh he needs to get out of here
- haha that was a weird feeling! good thing it wont happen again!
- anyway thats how johnnys crush on isabel starts. it lasts 5 years.
- aside from that though he’s an AWESOME quidditch player and duellist, great at DatDA, and is the best jinxer you’ll ever meet.
- he dorms with ollie, who is the only other gryffindor in the cast aside from isabel. theyre roommates (:
- FORGE!!!!! in johnnys second year he finds a creepy old knights helmet in the woods and brings it back to his dorm in secret. turns out the helmet talks, and tries to get johnny to help him with some kind of mission. from then on forge lives under johnnys bed and does everything from giving him advice to giving him fully fledged lectures. forge likes to talk to the paintings when johnny isnt around
- when 5th year rolls around and isabel’s appointed quidditch captain by their old leader, he jokingly calls her ‘captain’ in every opportunity he can find. (it’s only half joking but he’d never admit to that)
- by 5th year he genuinely respects her leadership but WOULD LIKE FOR REAL die (and kill) if anyone ever found that out so it’s still all friendly teasing and rivalry. but it’s a HUGE step from where they were 2nd year though, where one time in a match against ravenclaw they got in a fight mid game. in the air. the match had to be stopped bc the 2 gryffindor beaters kept trying to shove each other Off Of Their Brooms While 100 Feet In The Sky
- stephen is born to wizard parents and is completely wholly undividedly obsessed with the human world. he’s INCREDIBLE at divination but he doesnt think its real. every prediction he makes comes true but ONLY the ones he says as jokes or doesnt take seriously. every single one.
- stephens a slytherin and heckles max in their commonroom every chance he gets. steals his slippers. etc.
- ollie is the only other gryffindor with isabel and johnny. him and johnny bunk together their entire school careers
- he’s great at care for magical creatures. awful on a broom. came from a half magic family, hes known johnny since they both were little. they found out they were both magic users around the same time.
- johnny goes to ollie about his Not Feelings sometime around the start of their 6th year and ollies like are you kidding me do you not think i have eyes. youve been sighing over guerra since like 2nd year and johnny goes WHAT
- rj is a hufflepuff with the others (“WE wouldnt ditch you johnny”) and i dont have as much on them as i’d like. but its also 6:30am so what can you do ig
supernormals+ journalism club!
- cody and lisa are twins. if i cant have it in canon im going to have it in my au. cody and lisa are twins and also fillipino. cody is a hufflepuff, lisa is a slytherin.
- cody is a great flier! he joined the hufflepuff quidditch team in their 3rd year as a seeker, hes a cool guy
- lisa is a potions MASTER and loves to make magic drinks with them. these are usually super popular around wizard finals, but she makes a hot chocolate that’ll keep you warm for hours, an apple juice to turn your tongue green, truth potions that she sells under the table for a pretty dime, etc etc.
- lisa ABSOLUTELY knows about johnnys crush on isabel. not through dark blackmail, shes just a weird girl who has an uncanny knack for knowing things. she doesnt use it against him but she DOES know and he DOES know she knows and they do NOT talk about it
- and when isabel gets it back. well. maybe they talk about it a little
- shes often found in the slytherin commonroom talking to the merfolk, or walking the grounds/herbology cabinets for potions ingredients with violet
- speaking of which! violets a hufflepuff. shes pretty well rounded in terms of magic, but in a lowkey way. i honestly dont have much for violet but she does go to yule with lisa
- jeff is also a hufflepuff, bc he loves his friends and values working hard. him and ed have hangouts a lot and its a pretty social group.
- dimitri is both the best and worst ravenclaw you’ll ever meet. if he ever cant figure out the commonroom riddle he HAS been known to just sleep right there outside the door
- collin was a hufflepuff when i first made this au, but i think i wanna reconsider that. i dont have much more for him atm sorry lol
- suzy is a slytherin and runs hogwarts’ newspaper. i’ll write more on her someday sorry AGAIN i just got hit with a wave of Tired
- spender teaches history of magic bc duh. he’s also head of ravenclaw house
- lucifer is a painting in his office which he talks to frequently
- garcia teaches defence against the dark arts. he is NOT a werewolf in this au bc i like him better when hes just some guy. he does however have some weird relationship with the giant squid in the lake
- when i wrote this originally zarei taught potions, but now im thinking maybe she teaches transfiguration? patchworm is a boa constrictor she speaks to and has hang around for companionship. the students joke that theyre a teachers aide. zarei is head of slytherin house
- starchman is the charms professor and head of gryffindor house. he teaches magic very, very enthusiastically.
- agent day teaches herbology and runs hufflepuff house! venus guytrap is an audrey 2-esque 7ft tall magic talking flytrap that lives in the greenhouse
- boss leader. i. okay. i made boss leader so unbelievably ridiculous that i still get a headache over it. boss leader started off as being hogwarts headmaster. but then i thought ‘huh if she runs the consortium, wouldnt that be more akin to the ministry? but i really like her as headmaster, what do i do here’
- the answer is to make her Headmistress Boss Leader, Minister of Magic
- i dont know if ill keep that last part but even the phrase Headmistress Leader puts me into a fucking coma
- i said some of these already but ill say them again
- eightfold: baby acromantula living in the library. isabel and johnny sneak her out of the castle in their 2nd year
- scrapdragon: a blind basilisk who max meets in the forbidden forest
- muse: a painting in ed’s dorm (i think)
- king C: a wind spirit that has taken a particular liking to isaac and now doesnt leave him alone
- forge: a severed knights head johnny found in the forbidden forest and took home. has some hidden agenda and business inside the school. gives johnny advice. lives under his bed
- lucifer: much like muse and ed, lucifer is a painting in spenders office
- patchworm: boa constrictor doubling as minas animal companion. minas a parseltongue so they chat
- venus guytrap: a huge flytrap grown in the herbology greenhouses. professor day keeps him in her office mostly
- Big Scary Shadow Spirit: this one is fun. i love this one. the shadow in this AU is a basilisk king living underneath the school. i say ‘basilisk king’- like a rat king but snakes, a bunch of them all knotted together at the tails. if you dont know what a rat king is, dont google it it’s disgusting and horrible. great for writing though. since basilisks are immune to each others gazes, this just leaves a terrifying writhing mass of snakes entangled in each other forever. ironically, the blind snake max has made himself known to used to be part of its masses.
OKAY. okay. okay i cant write any more for this ask. oh my god i love this stupid au so much. i love wizards. please ask me more about it. i couldnt get too specific here bc theres so much and i wanted to give more of an overview- but if you want to know about any particular character/year/plot moment/ship (cough) id be HAPPY to go into detail. tysm for asking abt my au this made me really happy !!!! i hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as i did writing about it
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