#but like nicely plz im sensitive
fuckin-sick-bih · 2 years
"Just" Allergies
Fandom: Stranger Things (I guess Eddie Lives AU?) Summary: The pollen count is high, Eddie forgot his allergy meds, but he just feels... especially bad for some reason. Steve thinks he's caught a spring cold on top of the pollen flare. (Steve lowkey has the kink) CW: Mess Word Count: 2.7k (I tried to keep it short okay? I did...) MINORS DNI
Make sure you take your allergy meds today, kid. News said pollen is high.
Wayne had even reminded him and Eddie, like the damn fool he was, had still forgotten. Now he was paying the price. Even sitting in the stuffy theater, Eddie still felt like his eyes were itchy and swollen and the persistent tickle from his consistently leaking nose was torturous. And his throat felt like something was scratching it. Rubbed by sandpaper and just uncomfortable. Especially torturous while trying to run his campaign.
He brought his hand up to rub subtly at his dripping nose with a sniff, metal rings on his left hand scraping roughly against the rims of his nostrils. His abused nose was bright pink from the day of just such repeated actions but not a single member dared comment least Eddie unfurl his wrath upon them.
Right now, he wanted nothing more than to go home, pop some allergy meds, shower, and maybe  fall asleep watching some movie on the couch. Either that or fall asleep to the radio.
After the whole… Upside Down, Eddie couldn’t do silence anymore. It suffocated him.
A voice started to filter into his congested brain, “Eddie? Eddie!? Earth to Eddie!”
Of course, it was Dustin…
Eddie sniffed thickly and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Yes, oh Gurdis, our folk hero wizard?” he asked dramatically with an attempt at a smile for the freshie. Said smile flickered as the tickle in his sinuses began to work its way down.
“It’s just… we’ve been trying to ask if you wanted to call it here for the night, but you didn’t seem to hear us… You’ve been pretty distracted today. Is everything okay?” Henderson asked softly and Eddie felt his body tense.
Was he that obvious? “I’m f-ihhh” His breathing hitched, and Eddie sat up from where he’d been resting his chin on his hand behind his dungeon master screen. His chest expanding and deflating a few times as he held up a finger to indicate ‘one second’.
“Hiih- ihh! IxXG’HT!” He pinched his nose between his pointer finger and thumb of his opposite hand. “Ugh fuck…” There was pressure mounting in his head with every one of those stifled sneezes he’d done today.
As he turned to look at the rest of the Hellfire club, Eddie saw concerned faces and he pouted slightly. “I’m fine.” He said grumpily and rubbed roughly at his nose again with his ringed fingers. “Just allergies.” Another, thick sniffle punctuated his statement before he continued. “Fine, I guess we’ll wrap up here and continue next time.”
More concerned faces exchanged looks. Eddie never ended Hellfire early. Never. Really, Eddie was starting to feel like utter shit. His nose was running like a faucet now and Eddie really just needed to go home. “I’ll see you guys later.” He began to pack up his things, fumbling slightly in his rush to get moving and get home.
Everyone began to disperse except for the runts it seemed. They only came closer as Eddie was shoving things into his bag at top speed, wrist pressed up against his nose to try and stem the stream. Sniffling could only do so much for him now.
“Eddie? Do you need anything?” Mike asked softly and adjusted his bag on his shoulder, making Eddie stall as he glanced at the kids.
“Yeah, we can bike to the store and drop some things off if-” Dustin started only for Eddie to promptly cut them off before Lucas could join in.
Eddie jerked the zipper closed on his own bag and threw his bag over his shoulder, wincing ever so slightly as it pulled at the still tender and pink scars on his middle. “You runts are cute, but I don’t need anything other than like… a handful of Benadryl, a shower, and a bed.” He joked, ruffling Dustin’s curls much to the younger boy’s distain. “Don’t worry about me, kids. I’ll survive. I always do.”  
It came out more… hollow than Eddie had intended for it to, but he still turned on his heel and left with a wave. “See you freaks Monday!” He called, fighting the urge to cough after the yell.
It wasn’t until he got into his van with a shiver that he thought… That can’t be normal. Shivering and coughing weren’t part of his usual allergy routine. Speaking of allergy routine…
“Ehh- IGH’XTSh! Hah! k’HXXt! Ehh…eh? EPT’SHZXXGHT!  Fugk m’be!” Eddie shouted in utter frustration and despair, slamming the steering wheel with his open palm. He felt like garbage.
Garbage left to rot under the hot sun. Fuck maybe he was warm… The walk from school to van had been a swim through the pollen, but this didn’t even feel like just allergies anymore. He wanted to just lean his head back and cry, but he held back, started the van, cranked the heat, and pulled out of the school parking lot.
When he arrived home, Eddie dragged himself from his van to head inside. Wayne was already out for the night and Eddie had the place to himself, thank god. He was fumbling through the medicine cabinet when a knock at the door startled him and had him dropping the pill bottles in his arms. “Jesus!” He swore loudly, coughing into his elbow afterwards.
Once the pill bottles were set back on the sink’s edge, Eddie went to go see who was at the door. He sniffled and wiped his nose with his wrist, rubbing said wrist against his jeans afterwards. “Hello?” he said, cracking open the door to find none other than Steve Harrington.
“Hey, Eddie, uh- hope this isn’t too weird. Dustin radioed to say you were acting… weird and to bring you some stuff and check on you.” Steve admitted and tilted his head a little as he took in Eddie’s complexion. “You look like shit.”
Eddie let the door swing the rest of the way open and stepped back to invite Steve in. “Wow you really kdow how to charb a guy, Harri’gtod.” He said, cringing at the sound of his own voice.
Steve gave him a genuine smile after that, “Well, I’ve been known to flirt.” He teases but does reach out to grab Eddie’s arm after he’s closed and locked the door. “Talk to me.” His voice is quiet as he directs Eddie to the couch to sit with him.
If Eddie were a stronger man, maybe he wouldn’t have teared up and started crying in front of his crush but god he felt so fucking awful… He falls face first into Steve’s chest and outright sobs.
Steve drops the bag of goodies on the floor to lean forward and wrap his arms around Eddie to comfort him. The crying does nothing to help his congestion and Eddie has to fish the bandana out of his back pocket to blow his nose before he can even attempt talking to Steve.
“Nose won’t stop running, feel so fucking congested though… eyes are itchy and swollen…” Eddie pauses to wipe his nose with the bandana again, sniffling some more as his nostrils twitch. There’s a tickle starting to build and he’s trying to ignore it. “Throat’s sore… not just like itchy but real sore… Makes me cough. A-And I can’t s-stop sn-heeh… eh- ehh-! EhhXXGHT! N’GHXT! XXGHT!” His fingers shot up to pinch his nose to make sure he didn’t sneeze on Steve. “That.” He sniffed.
A frown crossed Steve’s features and he feels Eddie’s forehead with the back of his hand as well as his palm. “You’re maybe a little warm. Think you picked up something and got stuck with early spring allergies, man. That sucks…”
Eddie sniffled thickly and tried to clear his throat without starting a coughing fit. “Fuck. That’s just m’by luck…” His congestion was already starting to return before his hand shot up to pinch his nose without warning. “Ihh’GXHT! Fuck!” He swore and snuffled back some of the mess threatening to slip from his nose.
As Eddie looked up at Steve, he noticed a blush darkening over his features. He wriggled his nose to try and keep the tickle at bay for another few minutes and sniffed. “What’s with the blush, Harri’gtod?” He questioned with and cleared his throat again, raising a suspicious brow at the other.
“What?” Steve choked out, trying his best to sound nonchalant and failing miserably. “Nothing. I’m not blushing. Just worried about you. Shut up.” He insisted and went fishing in the bag for a fresh box of tissues, tearing it open to pull some out before handing them to the darker haired man. “Here. Blow. You can’t even say my name right.” He teased.
This time it was Eddie’s turn to blush, and he snatched the tissues from Steve to valiantly blow his nose into them. He grimaced and wiped his nose, nostrils twitching and flaring as the tickle was fanned into a flame from the blowing.
“Ihhuh… Ih-hih-!” Eddie fumbled desperately for new tissues and felt Steve pressing some into his hands. He immediately collapsed into them with unstifled, gut wrenching sneezes. “HiiiIGSHEW! IISHXEW! Eh… EhhT’XHSEW! Oh fuck- ow…” Both of his arms wrapped around his middle protectively as the scars ached from his sudden jarring movements.
“Bless you,” Steve whispered softly, frowning with worry as he moved forward to gently take Eddie’s arms. “Hey, hey.. what’s wrong, Eds?” Anxiety threaded it’s way through Steve’s tone like a tightly laced boot.
Eddie shook his head and pressed his wrist to his leaky nose again, rubbing his nose against his wrist which he held still. “Guh… s’dothi’g…” He tries to insist.  “Just the bite scars. They’re still te’der sobetibes.”
Something more than concern crosses Steve’s features and Eddie finds himself being pulled into a gentle hug. He tries to push Steve off him and the other quickly lets go.
“What? What?” Steve asked urgently. “What’s wrong?”
With a laugh that turned into a dry cough, Eddie shook his head. “Dod’t do that. You’re godda get sigk too, du’bass.” He teases Steve and snuffles once again before rubbing at his nose with his rings again, eyes fluttering as his nostrils flared. “Argh… Fugks sagke… fugki’g allergies baki’g everythi’g idtchy… Iihh’pxxght! Ugh… Sorry sduck out.”
Steve only rolled his eyes and yanked Eddie back into a hug, trapping his arms so he couldn’t rub his nose anymore. “I won’t get sick. Hanging out with those kids has like- totally boosted my immune system.”
Again, Eddie raised an eyebrow at Steve. “That… sou’ds like total bullshit.” He sniffled thick and gurgling, feeling Steve squirm in the hug as he smirked at him. “Add you sure are a squirber. You sure everythi’g is okay? Oh, shit you’re dot like- a gerbaphobe or sobethi’g are you? Fuck, I’b sorry!” He starts to scramble backwards, falling with a thud off the couch and onto the floor before Steve can catch him.
“No no, Eddie! Relax!” Steve insisted, shaking his head some. “I’m fine. Seriously. It’s cool. Not a germaphobe. Sniffle, sneeze, cough, all you want. It’s- it’s fine.” But his face was coloring up a bright tomato red and Eddie knew something was up. Though he still accepted the hand which helped pull him back up onto the couch.
“Sure, whatever, Harri’gtod. Just dod’t yell at m’be whed you get sick.” Eddie sniffled again and groaned, grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch to wrap up in.
Steve smiled a little and pulled the blanket up over his head to really cocoon him in. “Chilly? You got a hot water bottle? I can fill it up for you?” He offered but Eddie just shook his head some.
“N’do, it popped last year whed I was curled up arou’d it with that flu that went around. Did you get that?” Eddie explains and continues to rub his nose with his hand, rings still abusing his poor red nose despite the freshly opened box of tissues right there.
Thankfully, Steve plucked him a few tissues and pressed them into Eddie’s hands. “Ugh, I did. That was awful. I was stuck in bed for a week. Ended up with a pretty bad sinus infection actually.” He recalls for Eddie and adjusts the blanket for him to keep him all tucked in and cozy. “Anyway, you need meds. I brought meds.”
Eddie blew his nose into the tissues Steve had pressed into his hands and swiped at his leaking nose some more. The blowing caused the tickle to resurge with a vengeance, “Hiihh- Eh? EH-! EhhGXXtsh! Hiii’tGXHTsh! Ngh… uh? Huh… Fugk… HEPT’SHHXXGuh!” A flurry of failed attempts at stifling.
A few more tissues were grabbed before Eddie could question Steve. “Huh? Beds?” He questioned, not quite following until he saw Steve pulling allergy and cold medication from the bag he’d brought with him. “Shit. Stevie, you didd’t have to get all that… I have sobe stuff…”
“Is it still in date?” Steve challenged with a knowing smile, having peeked into the Munson medicine cabinet once before when looking for pain pills for his own demo-bat bites. Not a damn thing in there was still in date.
A soft grumble left the curly haired man, and he shuffled around to rest his head against Steve’s shoulder instead. Steve got him out some allergy medicine first while Eddie pointedly rubbed at his itchy eyes. “Stop that. You’ll make it worse.”
“Itches.” Eddie complained petulantly.
“I know, but this will help. I’ll maybe get you a washcloth to help if you’re good and take your meds.” Steve bargained to which Eddie huffed through his mouth and accepted the allergy pills. “Didn’t know what all to get you. Dustin just said you were sneezy and looked like crap.”
The sniffly Munson managed a chuckle and wriggled his nose at the mention of being sneezy. “Yeah. S’true. I get sdeezy whed I’b sick too… so polled plus cold is just ode fucked up Eddie.” He sniffled, mostly for dramatic effect but it sounded far soupier than he intended, and he grimaced. “Guh..”
Steve seemed to shift in his seat, eyes locked onto Eddie, but he did make a noise of sympathy. “Damn, Eds. I’m sorry. You must feel like shit… and here I am stalling.” He shook his head and got out a dose of cold medicine, a syrup this time.
The sight of the cup of syrup made Eddie wrinkle his nose and whine, “Are you fucki’g serious?” He complained with another sniffle and a rub at his nose with his knuckles, red nostrils starting to twitch again. “I’b dot swallowi’g that.”
“Yes. You are.” Steve said matter-of-factly and held the cup close to Eddie’s lips, making him pull his chin in and mouth away from the cup.
“N’do way- n’dope…” Eddie mumbles but his breathing starts to hitch, his mouth falling open, and Steve takes the opportunity to tip the syrup into his mouth. The surprise taste of the syrup only seems to make his nose tickle worse.
He does the only thing he can think and covers his face with his hands as he pitches forwards with sneezes. “HiiXXTSH! EIXXTHUE! Ihh.. eh-! … IiiHXXTSHhuh!” Eddie groans softly at the mess he can feel on his hands, having flung them up so as not to sneeze on Steve. “You’re a bodster, Harri’gtod… ugh… tissues?”
Steve seems to swallow hard, his face scarlet once again, before he fumbled for the tissues. He plucked out several which he gently pressed into Eddie’s face and hands. “Sorry, didn’t realize you were so sensitive.”
“I’b dot!” Eddie says indignantly.
The blonde just laughs and tucks Eddie back into the blanket again, letting him clean himself up. “Sure, Eds.” Steve says as he grabs the TV remote to put something on for them to watch, thankfully keeping the volume low.
It was only ten minutes later that Eddie was fast asleep with his head in Steve’s lap while they watched Wheel of Fortune. Steve’s fingers idly playing with Eddie’s soft curls as Eddie’s stuffy snores filled any of the lulls in noise from the TV. Like a comforting background hum. And soon Steve was out like a light too.
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almostpoetic0-0 · 1 year
The concept of Damian growing up with a Muslim shower(bidet) as he grew up in a Arabic country and just talia packing him an empty bottle(if yanno , yanno) and telling him to use this to go to the bathroom in his European tour or however he really to the Manor, with a separate Muslim shower attachment (for when he get to the manor for installment) as well and like poor bby dami confused and asks his mother if it is a training exercise and Talia just freaking longs sighs and says that the west doesn't have Muslim showers like us and they u paper to clean there butt and
AND LIKE HES WILLING TO BEG UMMI NOT TO SEND HIM. And then he's like but my FATHER(baba) would not be stupid enough right he must be rich enough to use water to "do the stuff right " and once again he is disappointed
And like in the background Jason had his dip already sneaks into the league to like steal a Muslim shower for himself (he grew up on the street he has to feel clean or ptsd yanno) and Ra's is so proud that ATLEST SOMEONE from the west cherises cleanliness and doesn't even care abt hurting Jason (he's like a scientist showing of his discovery) like HERE U WANT ONE TAKE IT,I HAVE A GOLD PLATED ONE TO TAKE THAT TO. Like just Muslim shower appreciation bro and Eastern culture to but mostly Muslim shower
Also the food don't get me started on that bby used to having whole a** chilies but like he's comes to USA and EVERYTHING IS SO BLAND W H Y. He has to call his mother and ask her with increasing desperation if he can come back and to at least send him a cook he is a prince after all.
Everybody at the Manor is confused abt him not eating food and putting hot sauce on everything because that's what he has been led to THE HORROR. Alfreds British and even after all that colonization BY TRADING FREAKING SPICE through the subcontinent their food is still pretty bland and Dami is so salty abt this to Alfred
Dami: Ummi these people don't even know what seasoning is, Ummi. Plz is this punishment for the time my tiger ate your dress mother. Father(baba) doesn't even know how to install a Muslim shower Ummi
And talia amused on the inside and telling to preservere and think of it as training
And just yeah a biracial person guide to THE WEST
I would like LOVEEEE to read a comic written by a Eastern writer about Damian having to adapt to the west and that being harder then any training cus he like are these people senile or poor to wipe ther butt with paper and to think that mandi (pretty sure there might be veggie options in this to) is just orange friend rice to them like where is the FLAVOUR 🤌
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6irlpet · 1 year
Well, tell us more about how you trained you nipples, sweet little thing...
im sorry this is so late plz forgive my months-long sex repulsed eras BUT
it’s honestly simple and v easy to replicate!!! i don’t have naturally sensitive nipples, which sucks for Sexy Things (actually it’s kind of nice when putting on clamps. they only hurt when removed then) and i wanted them to be super sensitive to the touch.
so for a few months in 2020, i used simple twist pumps (the ones u just twist up and leave on) for ~15 mins a day. that was it! but after just a week they were already more sensitive from the regular pumping. and after a little longer than that…. let’s just say i absolutely had to wear a bra bc i would shiver and immediately be turned on with any friction. like, i’d accidentally brush my nipples on the edge of a desk, and it would be such an immediate pleasurable thrill that i’d go dumb and start grinding them without being able to resist it…… so…… excellent results from that little experiment
i dont upkeep it currently, i havent since 2021, and while im nowhere near as sensitive anymore, i definitely have more sensitivity than before! i actually enjoy playing with my nipples now and will feel pleasure from it vs before i didn’t feel anything. in my future relationship im definitely going to ask that it be something my partner forces me to do at least a few times a week, if not daily, as part of a training regimen for them :3
tldr easy twist up nipple pumps daily for increased sensitivity was a successful experiment, highly recommend
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bazthefirstborn · 2 years
domming itto n ayatao hc pls im in begging
if you beg nicely, you shall receive anon :)
ahem without further ado~
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mr. bull chucker himselfffff
this man has a breeding kink. tell me I'm wrong. TELL ME I AM WRONG
itto has the most fuckable tits known to man (other than kaeya the og) and he is so so so sensitive there
best punishment for him bc he just wants you to breed him or fuck his mouth :((((
l o v e s semi-public if he goes into a rut
bro has oni heats and they just hit him and he needs to be used until he passes out
when he actually wakes up from passing out he will come back to you and ask to be fucked again
he wants to be marked on his chest
he is suuuuper into letting other people know you're his and he's yours
he wears the collar that you got him, and he l o v e s showing off your marks
he wants you to use his horns as grips as you fuck him doggy
he loves getting fucked from the back bc he is so embarrassed of his face
he literally ahegaos. he does. tongue out eyes rolled back pornagraphic looking. without even trying
baby boy is such a whore for praise
he's a lil insecure so he wants to be praised so much
could literally just cum from praise and nipple stimulation
he wants to just pass out afterwards and wants to be the little spoon even if he's bigger than you
huhuhuhuhu puppy play
literally is the most obedient little slut for you
he will DENY DENY DENY that he's a whore but he m e l t s for you when you call him your perfect little slut
please degrade this man. kick him off his high horse.
can be super bratty if he's denied for too long
gets put in subspace so so so fast
he has the PRETTIEST crying face
he's such an elegant sub like he's the bitch that wears those fluffy silk robes around with some pretty lingerie underneath to surprise you when you get home
loves loves loves the idea of you fucking him in front of thoma/in his office bc he wants him to see how slutty he is
he would let him join. THOMAYATO THREESOME <333
ahem that is all on that
whip him. slap him. make him grovel at your fucking feet. he'll do it. make him submit. he can try to playfully say things like "make me" and shit just to get you upset
LIVESSSS for making you angry
will piss you off just so he gets hate fucked
secretly wants to suck you off at a meeting/under you desk or something
he is so thrilled of the idea of getting caught
plzplzplz fuck him against a window so he feels like people are watching him <3
could cum from you spitting in his mouth and calling him a whore
d e g r a d e h i m
do it rn
he is you pretty little slut <33333
that is all plz I love getting requests hope you like it anon~
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sickedfiles · 11 months
haii :3 im nora (just my alias on here) !! 9teen + she/her/any :P
under 18/minors unless i follow u already + bigoted
m vry sensitive, plz b nice! joking around n being fake mean is okay obvz. i will probably rant bc i get annoyed/upset easily. i’ll probably post abt some things not everyone is comfy seeing errmm keep this in mind plz..
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m gonna use this blog 2 talk abt random things i luv + make cool friendz :D follow me if u like any if these things !!
shoegaze, hyperpop, nu-metal, most rock/metal subgenres tbh, japanese rock/shoegaze/pop/electonic, electronic music, noise, ambient , kpop, punk/post-punk/new wave, sigilkore, alt rap, plugg, breakcore, anything weird/experimental
general: horror, psychological horror, drama, arthouse, japanese films/foreign films in general, as well as sadder/depressing movies in general LOL
poptarts, fluttershy, doomscrolling, twitter, neet shit, interweb culture, manga, anime, learning new things (coding, crocheting, doing hair, editing, etc), being insane, being silly, alt stuff, my bf, makin friends :P
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silly-lil-guys · 11 months
❗No dni but will block you if you make us Uncomfortable❗
❤Likes + follows from @rainbow-playhouse
🌼bodily a minor system with autism and bpd, (plz be nice, we're very sensitive)
intros + tags
👑✨: hello ^^ I'm ranboo, factive, my pronouns are he/they, I like drawing and listening to music, idk what else to put here lol (also plz don't ship me and tubbo)
🐝 hiya!! :D I'm tubbo I use he/they/bee pronouns!! Im an ageslider, gay af. I don't think i have any source memories
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cupidstwin333 · 2 years
Hii! Could I plz have a romantic matchup for obey me (and mha if its not a lot ofc)
I have slightly over shoulder length, straight black hair and dark brown eyes. My face is oval shaped. I have tanned medium brown skin. I am around 5'6 and my weight is around 49kg. I have hereditary stretch marks and bruises on my leg. My hair is generally put up in an extremely messy bun or ponytail. My age is around 13-15
I'm normally rlly shy and closed off around strangers. I'm generally secretive around ppl I dont trust. But I am also trustworthy, smart (by my standards lol) and I make an effort to be social. I'd like to say I'm nice to ppl, but thats mostly just ppl I dont rlly know. I am extremely chaotic and loud around ppl I trust and am close to. I am extremely insecure about my body and just myself in general. Im also somewhat sensitive and a hopeless romantic (and a huge simp but anyway)
I'm an intp aquarius. I love cats, reading, listening to music, art and sleeping longer than 6hrs if that counts. I dont like being woken up for no reason except 'oh u have to study,' spiders (especially images), slow music, and jumpscares
Thank you in advance <33
after a long time of thinking 💭 your match is...
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You just finished you’re painting with a lot of effort. You were supposed to hand it in tomorrow in art class. You were exhausted, but it didn’t matter since you were very satisfied with your work, and you actually enjoyed doing it. Suddenly Mammon stormed in and rushed over to your bed to hide under it, but he failed miserably because Beel caught up with him and started to strangle him. “I know it’s you! You stole my custard, I can smell it on you.” Beel said in an angry tone, you felt very uneasy and mad at the same time. You just wanted to rest, but they had to interrupt that. Finally, Lucifer came in and dragged Mammon away. Beel and you were alone in your room now, you could hear his stomach growling “I am so hungry.” He said with a pout, he looked around your room while you sat on your bed frozen by a mixture of fear and anxiety. His eyes landed on your painting, it was a portrait of a fruit bowl. His eyes lit up and before you could do anything he ate it in 2 bites “Ugh…this is gross!” Beelzebub exclaimed and you felt the tears burning in your eyes. All your effort was wasted, you hated him! He walked out of your room and you were left alone after all the damage was done. You didn’t come out of your room for dinner that evening and when the next day arrived you told Lucifer you were sick. And he somehow believed it or he just didn’t care, you remade your portrait since you’d be graded for it. After you finished it and hid it somewhere safe, you walked to the kitchen to grab a snack and put your headphones on the counter, you opened the fridge and grabbed something quick. When you turned around, you saw that your headphone was broken in half and there were teeth marks all over it and they… were slimy. You looked up and saw Beelzebub chewing, did he just eat your headphones?! This time he wasn't going to get away with this you thought. "Why did you do that?! You big airhead, all you do is eat!” You yell out in frustration.
How it started:
You walked around the library. You were looking for a new book preferably a romantic one. You already read so many novels, and you knew all the popular Devildom authors. You found a new book, it just came out! You knew the author and read all their previous work. You cried so much while reading their first book...what was it called "Arbitrary" you said in a whisper tone, it was a tragic love story. It was about a young demon woman who fell in love with a human man because he had something she could never have and that was a fair chance. Because she was a demon and she was supposed to be evil. She was going to hell no matter how she changed, everything was in vain. So she decides to corrupt the human, but in the end, he sacrifices himself for her and makes a wish that lets them swap races. He goes to hell as a demon and she lives on as a human. You felt a bittersweet sensation, but snapped out of it you had your book and went to the demon lord's castle since Lucifer texted you to get there as soon as possible and you didn't want to get scolded or worse...punished. You put the book in your bag and went to the castle. After you had tea and chatted with Asmodeus, there was a bright flash and the next thing you knew you were in a victorian dress sitting on a throne, you saw Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Belphegor in their demon form but they looked different and they were talking to you about how you needed to embrace your inner evil. The way they were dressed reminded you of the outfit description in Arbitrary. But that thought got confirmed by one sentence "Dear Amalthea, you will be sent to hell anyways so you might as well make it count." Amalthea was the main character, someone must've opened your book, it was a limited edition with all the famous works of the author where the fans could reenact it. But it played upon the person's feelings which meant that whoever played the male lead had the hots for you. You got curious, so you decided to play along with it all and besides you knew the whole plot by heart. You traveled to the human world and that is when you saw who the male lead was, it was Beelzebub! Oh no, you thought to yourself he always ruined everything. His eyes lit up when they met yours "Y/n I'm so glad to see you! I don't know what happened. I got hungry and opened a book and now I am here and these humans keep calling me Benjamin." "Calm down, we entered the book you opened!" you said in a sharp tone. "We have to finish the story, or at least that is what I am guessing." You explained what Beel had to do, and seeing him so lost made him look so vulnerable. You felt yourself smiling at that sight...no! You thought to yourself not now! You waited for his response and he nodded. You may or may not have sped up the process by cheating a tiny bit. All he had to do was make the wish and you had to push him off the cliff. That wouldn't be so difficult! You returned to the demon world and had an amazing dinner. The next day you saw Beel again and he informed you of what he did. You two were walking and you hadn't paid attention to your step and tripped. He caught you and had a worried expression. You felt your cheeks heating up. “Thank you.” You said in a shy manner, you offered to pay for lunch and Beel agreed over lunch you explained that you had to push him off a cliff and he told you he didn’t mind, “I am sorry Y/n, I always seem to upset you without it even being my intention. So I’ll do anything I can to make it up to you and if it mean dying in this story I will.” You didn’t know how to respond to that, the way he said it. He sounded so genuine. The day finally came and Benjamin was a demon and Amalthea a human. He was supposed to go to hell and she would live her life as a human. But before that you had to push him off the cliff into the ocean but you couldn’t. You spent the previous 3 week with him and you realized that he wasn’t a bad person he was just incredibly dense and indeed an airhead, but you grew to like that about him.
You walked up to him, before you pushed him you looked at him and said “ I am sorry Beelzebub, but I have to push you off only then can we go back to Devildom.” “I do this to prove my love to you and for your forgiveness.” He responded in a steady voice, your heart skipped a beat and you pretended you didn’t hear the first part “I already forgive you Beel.” You said barely above a whisper. “When all this is over, let’s go to an all-you-can-eat buffet my treat.” He said with rosy cheeks you came closer and pecked his cheek and pushed him off. The next thing the bright flash came back and all of you where sitting in the Lord Diavolo’s living room. Before you could do anything Beelzebub hugs you tightly, and you hugged him back. “When you pushed me I fell in love, so go out with me.”
General headcanon:
💘 You always support him during his (sport) matches
💘 Beelzebub would save foods that he really loves just so you can taste them too
💘 Beelzebub will follow you around like a lost puppy
💘 Beelzebub would give you princess treatment because he thinks that’s what you deserve
Other possible matches: Asmodeus and Solomon
And Izuku Midoriya
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You are a 1A student. You obviously worked hard to get into UA High as the acceptance rate is very low. But recently you’ve been feeling a little insecure and unsure about all of this. Even though your classmates are all amazing and mostly nice, you haven’t made any real friends yet and you feel like no one likes you. But you decided to just wait for another few weeks, maybe it just takes some time before someone will warm up to you. It was lunchtime and you were once again sitting alone everyone seemed to have formed their own small friend groups already, and you didn’t like it. You felt like the odd one out, and you could swear that you’d made a good first impression on them. You tried to be as nice as possible to everyone. What were you doing wrong? You tap your foot against the floor, a habit you developed whenever you were overthinking. “Hey, your name is Y/n right?” You snap out of your thoughts as you hear a rather soft voice speak to you. You look up and you’re met with two green eyes. “Uh yeah.” You answer with an awkward smile, you recognize him, he was the boy that kept breaking his bones. “I’m Izuku Midoriya and I noticed you were sitting alone.” He continues. “Do you mind if I sit with you?” He asks with a heart-melting smile. “No of course you can sit here.” You reply welcoming. “So how do you like it here in UA?” He asks you. Your smile drops slightly, but you quickly pull yourself together. “UA is amazing, isn’t it crazy how all might is teaching us.” You say avoiding eye contact. Suddenly Midoriya gets all excited. “Are you also an All might fan?” Before you could answer his question he keeps rambling on about how amazing All might is and he suddenly takes out a burnt notebook from his bag. “Look- I haven’t shown anyone this yet, but all might signed my notebook after saving my life!” He says with a proud smile. “Wow, that’s so cool.” You say in awe. “What’s this notebook for?” You ask him wondering why it was all burnt and damaged like that. “Did it get like this when All might saved you?” You say touching the burnt pages. You notice that Midoriya isn’t responding and you look at him. He has a sad look on his face but tries to give you a smile. “No this is from something else…” he mumbles embarrassed. “Did something happen?” You ask concerned. He lets out a sigh. “I used to kind of get bullied in middle school, but I’m fine now.” He says the last part with a reassuring smile on his face. You would’ve never guessed. Why would anyone try to bully a sweet tender-hearted guy that was aspiring to be a hero? It made no sense to you. “You know Midoriya, we should be friends!” He looks at you with big eyes. After he told you all that? You still wanted to become friends? You didn’t think he was a loser? “Sure Y/n, I’d love to be your friend.”
How it started:
It had been months since you and Deku became friends. A lot has happened after that. Multiple villains encounters at UA with wounded students and teachers, Bakugo was kidnapped, All might got retired, the students had to move to dorms, you managed to become close friends with some of the other students and Deku told you all about his past where Bakugo would bully him(of course leaving the fact out that he was quirk less). You hated Bakugo after that, how could he even show his face to Midoriya after saying such awful things, and he never apologized. Bakugo of course noticed quickly that you were holding a grudge against him but he didn’t quite know why. You weren’t going to let him know either because you knew that you had nothing to do with it and Midoriya had already forgiven so as the good friend you are you could only hate Bakugo from afar and respect your friend's boundaries. You were sitting in Midoriya’s room bopping your head to some music as you were finishing your English assignment. You suddenly feel a hand tap your shoulder as you take off your headphones. “Izuku, you’re back!” You say with a smile. You have been waiting for him for over thirty minutes now and decided to finish your assignment in the meantime. “I was training I didn’t know you were waiting here for me.” He says with a dumbfounded look. It was then that you started to notice the sweat drops rolling down his face, his red cheeks, and the way his chest was going up and down at a quick pace trying to catch his breath. He looked different to you. He used to look much more fragile and soft. Now he looks a lot more buff and way more confidence. You like how he looks now. It was amusing to see how much he changed over the course of a few months. “Do you want me to leave? You look like you need to rest.” You say as you grab your stuff ready to leave. Izuku grabs a hold of your arm. “No really it’s fine you just caught me by surprise.” He lets go of your arm. “Why did you come in the first place?” He asks as he takes a towel from his closet dabbing the sweat away. “I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me?” It was only 2 PM and you’d been inside all week. You were hoping to visit this new cat cafe that opened not far from UA. “Sure, but I’ll have to shower first. Do you have a place in mind?” He asks with a smile. “Yes, but it’s a surprise, so get ready and meet me downstairs when you’re done!” You say quickly leaving to get ready yourself.
You go to the living area to wait for Izuku. You notice the Bakusquad chilling on the sofa. “Hey Y/n, are you going somewhere?” Kirishima says as he is the first one to notice you. “I like your outfit, you look cute!” Denki compliments with a wide grin. “Thanks, me and Izuku are going out for lunch.” You answer Kiri as you sit down on the sofa next to Mina. “Girl, are you two together? Come on spill!” Mina asks excitedly as she holds you by your shoulders shaking you. “Haha no, we’re not! We’re just close friends is all.” You deny it with a blush on your face. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you. “Awh man, when are we going to get our first couple in class,” Mina whines disappointedly. “And I was totally shipping you and Deku as well.” She says pouting. You let out a chuckle, feeling slightly awkward after that sudden confrontation. “Y/n I’m ready.” You turn your face to see Deku standing at the door waiting for you. You felt a weird sensation in your stomach upon seeing Deku, but decide to ignore it. You quickly get up and wave off the Bakusquad as you both leave. On your way to the cat cafe, you could tell Deku was getting curious, but he trusted you enough to wait. Soon you arrive at the cute cafe. “Tadaa It’s a cat cafe! We’re getting lunch here.” You say with a wide smile. Deku lets out a laugh, his laugh was so damn cute. Izuku holds the door for you as you enter. You both order something to eat and drink. Whilst waiting for your order you were petting a cat with big green eyes. “He looks like you!” You exclaim with a giggle. “You think?” Deku asks with big eyes. “Well, this one reminds me of you.” He says pointing at the black cat sleeping on his lap. You both burst into laughter. You haven’t had this much fun in so long. You try to catch your breath, your stomach hurt from laughing and your food hasn’t even arrived yet. “That one looks like Aoyama!” you laugh pointing at the white cat with blue eyes that’s staring at its own reflection in the mirror. Deku laughs immediately agreeing with you. “I think that’s our order,” he says getting up, “I’ll go and grab it.” You nod at him and watch him walk to the counter. Suddenly you remember what Mina said earlier, that she ships you with Izuku. Now that you were thinking about it this does feel an awful lot like a date. At this point, you should just go out with him. You shake your head embarrassed as you bring your hands up to your face that was heating up. “I got our food,” Deku says placing the tray down on the table. “Is something wrong?” He asks noticing your red face and distressed state. “Uhm no.” You lie blatantly. Izuku frowns and gives you a worried look that makes you want to pinch his freckled cheeks. He was so just so cute and perfect and sweet and- “Just go out with me already!” You blurt out with no control. You slap your hands over your mouth as your eyes grow wide. No way did I just say that. You thought to yourself. You slowly look up at Deku to see his reaction and to your surprise, he turned even redder than you. “Y-you want to go out with me?” He stutters shocked. He suddenly sits back down and looks you in the eyes, a little calmer and more collected than a few seconds ago. “So you’re telling me that it isn’t one-sided?” Izuku asks seriously waiting for your confirmation. “Wait, what?” You ask completely dumbfounded. “Y/n I would love to go out with you!” Izuku exclaims with a shy smile. “Should we plan our second date?” You joke as you still couldn’t believe what was happening. “I think we should make our first one more fun. The day hasn’t ended yet.”
General headcanon:
💘 You and Izuku share your insecurities together late at night (and make sure to remind each other just how perfect you are).
💘 You both share your playlists together.
💘 Izuku liked dogs more at first but because of you he completely adores cats.
💘 Izuku compliments you everyday without fail.
💘 you both give each other cute and creative nicknames
Other possible matches: Shoto Todoroki
I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and i hope you enjoyed reading this <3
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zoinkywoink · 2 years
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ೄྀ࿐ˊˎ- zoinkz 〰︎ 18 〰︎ any prns
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hiya im zoinkz!
18 yrs old, hispanic
masc/male aligned
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may unintentionally spam like
⠀ok maybe not SPAM like but youll get around 3 notifs of me leaving notes..
if insulting as a joke, pls use tone indicators (begging)
⠀sensitive asf (srsly)
love to be moots with anyone (plz just ask im not scary i swear)
⠀i may come off as agressive or mean sometimes,, but overall nice (according to friends)
says kys/die/hope you burn jokes
⠀will stop if you specifically say youre uncomfortable with those kinds of jokes
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Video Games ✪ Minecraft, D4DJ, Project Sekai, Genshin Impact, Roblox, Animal Crossing
Music ♪ Mitski, Laufey, Cigarettes After Sex, Kikuo, Duster, TV Girl, Melanie Martinez, Los Retros
TV shows/Animated Series ✭ Rubí, Teresa, Lo que la vida me robó, Assassination Classroom, Owari no Seraph, Abismo de pasión, etc.
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⠀sexist, anti LGBTQ+, ableist, pedophile/MAP; shotacon/fujoshis,
⠀disrespecting me or going out of your way to make me uncomfortable
⠀trauma dumpers
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thank you for reading ♥︎
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bodyimstuckin · 3 months
DNI + BYF/BYI + About Me!
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dni if ur anti-self diagnosers, some people cant afford it, etc.
I'm ok with 18-19 y/o but no older plz!! (unless i follow you first ofc and plz don't be weird!)
Super chill about people into cutegore just as long as itz fake gore!
Fine with ppl into true crime just don't idolize, glorify, etc. killers. 
I don't support weird ass ships, especially comshippers, proshippers, im alright with ships that are between two ADULT fictional characters that ISNT heavily problematic.
following up on the last part, for eg; sangwoo x yoonbum is heavily problematic for various of reasons. but im okay if you just ship to adults that have a regular relationship in the show or something, oh yeah and only if theyre fictional characters. following up on the last part, for eg; sangwoo x yoonbum is heavily problematic for various of reasons. but im okay if you just ship to adults that have a regular relationship in the show or something, oh yeah and only if theyre fictional characters.
Before you friend/interact + who i want to interact
Im a-okay with neo pronounz I dont quite understand 'em but I fully accept them!
a bit sensitive toward the mha fandom (as a fan of the show) as long as you dont support Horikoshi ur prob ok :)
dreamsmp fandom is okay as long as ur not the toxic side of it.
I'm all for furries/therians, i may not understand it but i accept :)
if I EVER do anything wrong please tell me or dm me and be nice i never mean to hurt anyone.
fictionkins are fine as long as you arent taking it too far (as someone with fictionkins)
I accept ALL religions i genuinely dont care as long as ur a good person
I'm quite triggered by the topic of sh
I vent at times so if ur uncomfy with that yk !I PUT WARNINGS DW!
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More About Me!
I have around 17 animals at my home. My favorite animals, are mice, rats, ferrets, cats, but I also really like marine life like great white sharks, basking sharks, megamouth sharks, tiger sharks, and megalodons. My special interests are, the characters tomura shigaraki and dabi, their lore is fantastic, i also love fyodor, dazai, nikolai, and sigma, i could ramble about these characters all day.
I'm extremely childish and still like childish things and will forever probably look at baby sensory toys in stores. I'm planning to go to college for criminology and criminal psychology, the psychology behind criminals really interests me, again this is something i could forever ramble about, but fuck tcc honestly. I'm homeschooled but i'm going to public school for high school, so i'm basically online all the time.
Despite me being online all the time, I don't make many bulletins, I apologize in advance but I will try my best to interact with my moots! I'm quite triggered by the topic of sh. 
I vent at times so if ur uncomfy with that yk be safe i always give warnings when I do.
I use tone indicators! super chill if you don't, just please don't be rude about it. I have a huge fear of confrontation just be aware of that, I will not argue with people on here unless it is absolutely necessary.
I have an ed and talk about it sometimes.
i slightly age regress (baby talk, acting childish, expressing my love for baby/little kids toys and clothes, etc.) i use a lot of my interests (mostly styles and subcultures) as coping mechanisms, especially yamikawaii, menhera, or gurokawaii. 
I talk about topics that r very mature at times, I grew up at a young age so I'm quite mature, but at the same time, I'm desperately trying to relive my childhood. I have my IMs off because I can't talk to people without having a panic attack, I'm trying my best to socialize. Despite me being mature, I still am a teenager, I'm still gonna be somewhat immature.
I may not respond to comments or I fail to interact, I am HORRIBLE at socialization, and I don't exactly know what to say. But i will always look at peoples post :3
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0 notes
fan-girl-97 · 3 years
Soooo i made dis its my first time doing anything like it... I hope people like it😁
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celestialking · 2 years
im rewatching some old punz vods and the vibe between punz and foolish in overcooked has me brainrotting.
like imagine the three of you poly (sub!reader), and foolish is less experienced and nervous. the first time the three of you fuck together, punz is just guiding foolish through eating reader out or teasing him as reader is sucking him off and punz is pounding into reader. just my absolute rotting at this. can it at least be a blurb plz 🥺😭
A blurb for you ♡
◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI◇ You will be blocked ◇
Warnings: afab, hair tugging (foolish receiving), sir, mentions of orgasm denial
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"Foolish," Punz dug his hand into the ravens hair. "You can do better then that baby,"
Foolish tightened his grip on your legs moaning in between your thighs as Punz tugged his hair.
"Can't- Can't focus when you do that," he whined pulling away.
Punz just grinned pulling his head back down. "Better try to, angel here hasn't cum yet,"
Foolish groaned lapping between your legs. His tongue flicked over your clit.
Your thighs shook as they threatened to close around Foolish's head, but with his grip they weren't going any where.
"Go ahead and add two fingers," Punz murmured guiding Foolish. His whispers of instructions fell deaf on your ears.
When his fingers pushed in curling and stretching slowly as he flicked over your clit once more you cried out. Your back ached and your hand shot down to grasp him.
Punz caught your hand lacing it with his. "Relax angel, Foolish is doing such a good job taking care of you, you better thank him, hm?"
"Thank you," you whined, hips bucking to grind on him.
As that knot of pleasure slowly undid you gasped pulling at Punz's hand. "S-sir i,"
"It's okay angel, go ahead,"
You trembled cumming on Foolishs tongue, he was quick to lap it up, ignoring your cries of sensitive. Punz finally pulled him away bringing Foolish up into a kiss.
"Good boy, now get comfy on the bed. Our sweetheart here will take care of you, don't be afraid to put your hand on their head,"
You and Foolish switched positions, he watched nervously from beneath you.
"Don't tease him," Punz muttered behind you tapping the tip of his cock against your sensitive clit. "He was so nice to you eating that pretty cunt out, it would be a shame if you werent allowed to cum until after he did,"
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dr4cking · 3 years
Hello lovely - Could plz you do draco smut on the hogwarts express with breeding kink? but they keep going after he finishes 😶‍🌫️🤪
Hogwarts Express.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hii bby thank you for requesting, this one is wild i admit and was kinda hard to write but i like it nonetheless 😩💞
the 9 3/4 platform are full of wizards and witches coming back from their home, hagrid already waiting and calling them to come inside the train, but he still waited as he saw the blonde haired guy still standing outside.
“malfoy, you gonna miss the train if you keep standing there!” hagrid shouted at him getting impatient by the time.
“a minute hagrid. i’m waiting for my girlfriend!” hagrid rolled his eyes at him taking a seat on the nearest bench while the train already honking at them.
finally, draco spotted his girlfriend running to him with her belongings, he quickly wrapped the girl in his arms.
“hey my love, how’s your summer?” draco asked taking her stuff in his hand helping her as both of them now entering the train.
“it was good i had so much fun with my parents! what about you?”
“it was nice i guess but it would be better if you were there with me..” y/n chuckles at her boyfriend.
“next time i promise, pinky promise!” he laughs as he opened the empty cabin and motioning y/n to go inside.
“why dont we sit with our friends, dray?” y/n asked him in confusion while draco placing her stuff in the trunk.
“i miss you too much to sit with them today, love” draco sits beside her, cupping her face in his hands as he finally gets the taste of her after being separated from summer break, y/n kissed him right back until they broke the kiss.
draco and y/n talked about how their break, random things for hours as the train still on its way to hogwarts, y/n is currently eating her snacks that she bought from the trolley lady but she stops when she watched draco swished his wand and the window covered instantly. she widen her eyes as one of draco’s hands squeezed her thigh under her skirt and rubbing small circles on it, she looks up at him who now held a lustful gaze in his eyes.
“draco.. not here.” y/n warned him but its only made his hand trailed higher, draco gives her a cheeky smirk.
“cant blame me.. you’re too hot to resist and i cant wait until we get to hogwarts i miss you too much..” draco leans into her face biting and licking her earlobe then kissing her jaw making the girl letting out soft whimpers.
“b-but what if someone comes in, draco? its too risky.”
“and thats what it made this more fun, right?” draco chuckles lowly as he took out his wand from his pocket and casted a locking and silencing spell at the door.
“you’re unbelievable” y/n laughs, her hand removing his blazer and unbuttoning his black shirt and draco does the same to her.
“i can tell you that you wanted this too. i bet you’re thinking of me while touching yourself in your room, wishing it was my fingers instead, hmm?” y/n moaned at his dirty words she hated to admit but it was true.
“use your words and answer me.” draco slapped her thighs making her gasped.
“y-yes” she stutters as he starts to rubbing her from her panties.
“yes what?”
“yes draco.. p-please touch me” y/n begged desperately at him getting more aroused at his touch.
“i’m touching you.”
“no.. you know what i mean, dray..” y/n leaned back to her seat and widen her legs for draco making him chuckles deeply.
“you’re just a needy slut, aren’t you?” y/n nodded eagerly at him, running her hands around his bare chest and abs causing him to rolled his eyes back at her simple touch.
“yes i am, please i need you” draco pulled down her panties throwing it to her side, y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat as his thumb made a contact with her clit.
a moan left her lips as he thrusted his fingers into her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans making draco stop.
“dumb slut, be as loud as you can i’ve casted a muffliato.” draco put her hand off of her mouth and replacing it with his lips instead, he kissed her roughly, their tongue dances together fighting for dominance. draco won of course as y/n moan into the kisses when he inserts his fingers back into her and starts to pumping faster.
y/n’s hand going down to his clothed boner rubbing it causing draco to let out a hiss but he quickly slap her hand away.
“you dont get to touch me. dont be a bad girl or you wont get to cum” draco curls his fingers inside her and thrusting faster hitting her spot making y/n squirmed in her seat.
“draco please i’m so close..” and with that draco pulled out his fingers making y/n whining in frustration.
“not yet little slut” he pulled y/n from her seat and stood her up against the window.
draco quickly unbuckled his belt and and letting his trousers falls onto the floor, he pushed her skirt up to her waist and hooking one of her legs to his waist as he lining his cock up and down her slit.
“beg for it, slut.”
“please dray please please fuck me fill me up with y- ah- yes- oh my god!” y/n screaming out loud instantly as draco gave her no warning and pushed his cock all the way inside of her, he gives her no time to adjust as he starts to rocking his hips against her.
“fuck you’re so tight- wrapping my cock so tight.. such a good girl-” draco pounding into her harder and faster making both of them feeling heavenly. one of his hands squeezing her breast, twirling and pinching her hard nipple making y/n dug her nails deeper on his back.
draco’s thrust getting sloppier as he feels the knot tighten in his stomach, he forced his cock deeper inside her nearly brushing her cervix making y/n screaming louder.
“i’m gonna cum.. please let me cum!” y/n pleaded at him cant hold her high anymore as draco doubled up her pleasure by rubbing her clit with his fingers.
“shit- cum baby, now.” y/n came instantly with loud moan left her lips after he said that, her legs began to shake, her walls clenching and pulsing around him making his cock throbbing inside her.
“thats it- ‘m gonna fill you up baby, stuffing you full with all my hot cum, fucking hell-” draco came to a full stop as he shoots all of his cum into her, spraying his cum inside her filling her up like he promised, he ride out their high.
fuck, he was still hard.
draco made no move to pull out, he captured y/n’s lips back on his as he still rocked in and out of her snapping his hips against her making the girl moaned again.
“im not done yet with you baby, now bend over the seat” y/n obeyed getting into the position, getting all fours, draco gives her a few spanks on her ass making them printed with his hand print.
“safeword?” draco said as he lining his cock back on her cunt, their juices making it slippery and made his tip slipped into her causing y/n to winced.
“no need draco, please just fuck me again.” and with that draco slammed his entire length into her, granting her wishes, profanities left their lips.
“such a greedy girl, only for me”
“yes yes only for you, harder please” draco was surprised that y/n hasnt sensitive yet, he thrusted harder and sped up his pace at inhumanly pace, clapping sounds and moans filling the cabin.
“fuck draco!” y/n couldnt contain her scream anymore she only wanted to screaming his name while she came undone around his cock.
“holyshit- y/n!” draco grabbed her neck pulling her up to his chest as he shoots his cum for the second time inside her, y/n moaned feeling so full. draco lazily ride out their highs and pulling out as he softening. their mixed cums dripped out of her and he quickly pushed it back inside. he reached for her panties and pulling it up.
“keep it there, wanna see you walking around with my cum inside you” y/n blushes madly at his order.
they quickly redressing themselves, their bodies feels so sticky. and to their luck the train has stopped at the same time. they quickly bring their stuff before opening the door.
“merlin it smells like sex in here” theodore nott said as he passed through their cabin.
“thats because we just had sex” draco replied without hesitation making the poor guy scrunched his face in disgust.
“you guys are so gross i dont ever wanna sit there again!”
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysbiitch @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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z3nitsusgf · 3 years
Hello I saw your balls ask and I would like to give you this;
Zhongli's fat breeder balls in your mouth<3 He makes you suck on them while he rests his heavy, thick cock across your face; Shiny precum dripping down onto your face. He loves when you flick your tongue across each one of them and suckle on them so nicely, it makes him shove your face even further into his crotch, making sure his balls are nice and snug in your warm mouth. He loves it when you lap at his balls too, your tongue swiping and brushing over the sensitive skin of his sack.
No bc you’re absolutely correct, he lives off of smothering you with his balls. And they’re huge too, big enough that only one fits in your cupped hand, and gods - they’re so heavy. Hanging with flushed redness that always smack your clit when he fucks you. Zhongli has you on your knees, strong legs trapping underneath him, mean grip on your hair as he slaps his cock across your face, shoving your cheek against his heavy sack.
Smushes you against it and gives you a, “come on baby, suck my balls for me.” And you whine, opening your mouth and lapping the sensitive skin, and he shudders. “There ya go, good little whore, love suckling on my balls huh?” He says with a content smile. His dick is resting on your face, you feel the major vein underneath pulse against your cheekbone and it makes you whimper. All you can smell is his musky scent, all you can feel is him. He’s intoxicating, and you’re drunk off the feeling.
Your slick drooling out of your cunt as you practically deep throat the heavy sack in your mouth. Hands gripping his thighs as he presses you further into the warmness between his legs, jerking his cock with one hand and groaning at the feeling of your wet tongue drooling on his skin. Drips down his thighs and he moans loud when you give a hard suck, cumming all over your face as you lap up his length and suckle the tip of his cock, slurping down his thick cum and licking the slit till he’s panting and yanking your head back. And he does it all over again <3
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renn-pumkin-head · 2 years
Why are there trigger warnings for gender. In fanfics i oftent see TW! Gender nutural or trans, or tws for sexualitys
Im not telling people how to write their fanfics but gender/sexuality dont need to be trigger warnings. Their just how people exist. Maby someone could explain to me why its like this? (I'm really trying not to sound like an asshole im geunily curious)
If you want to let you audience know just write x gn or x ftm/mtf or something like that.
A trigger is not someting that mildly upsets people, its usually something that causes panic attacks. TW- mentions of violence n stuff like that doen below
Trigger warnings are usually for blood and gore sensitive people.
Or in a video flashing lights and colours.
Loud noises
Mentions of sexual assult ad r@pe
Slander of religions. That can be offencive to people.
Self harm and mental health. Though mental health should not be shunned away like its bad, but there can be the domino effect of writing or watching something with a nervous breakdown/panic attack.
In pictures there are phobias. Trypaphobia, fear of clowns or body horror. Those probably need tws.
Its early and im on my phone so non of this makes sense.
Feel free to add stuff or correct me.
But plz be nice
My blog/page/square of the internet is going to try be a page of being nice. Usually when i post its with the best intention
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crowning-art · 2 years
LOL is this in even possible?? Can someone roll their eyes out of anger???
Fu Yao was going to roll his eyes from anger. “THEN WHY DON’T YOU LET ME GO SO I CAN TRY, HUH??”
Lol It looks like Xie Lian unknowingly brought down the three tumors (I mean if it counts that Pei Su brought Pei Ming down), unless Pei Ming has smt else?? That's kinda funny lol
no wait
it's not T-T (Wind master my beloved, I think of you every day)
Wait nooooo, wdym???//
Fu Yao puffed a laugh from exasperation and cut him off. “That’s enough! It’s not like no one knows of the personal grudges between you two. Help him investigate? Would he even have the chance to flip this around then? If you want to use this chance to drag him down and laugh at him, just say so instead of acting all fake.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN? THIS IS SO SAD, WHY WOULD U HAVE A GRUDGE T-T I thought Mu Qing stood by him when Xianle fell qflkfnekfj Im so sad WHY DID HE LEAVE
Lmao, I love this, like just imagine a nicely dressed toddler going off at a heavenly official and the official is LOSING lol
Fu Yao glanced at him and taunted, “‘Kid’?”
Hua Cheng returned his respects and mocked back, “‘Junior Official’?”
Fu Yao’s face dropped slightly.
Lmao This was golden
Someone like Mu Qing, even though he’s narrow-minded, petty, sensitive and skeptical, has a bad personality, constantly guessing, doesn’t say nice things, likes to nag, always offending people and has a lot of people who dislike him, has no friends, can remember small, unimportant details for a long period of time…”
Xie Lian went on in one breath with a straight face, but in the end he concluded with, “...But I’ve known him since we were kids, after all, he’s still got principles.”
Xie Lian continued, “He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn’t like, but he would never poison the water to harm others.”
Hua Cheng commented flatly, “Really? That’s still gross though.”
Fu Yao was popping veins. “NO! He would never spit either!”
“Laxatives then,” Xie Lian said.
ok, at this point, if any big reveal happens, it means someone we already know (AND MAY LOVE) will be brought down. In this case..
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ok in retrospect I should have seen this coming since he had such an aversion to women which means there's obvi some backstory
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what happens to my fengqing ship now :(
Jun Wu, why u being so creepy? Lmao Hualian having a moment and he's just sitting in the corner lol. Plz knock
Xie Lian had long understood that leading people and leading armies wasn’t something he was good at.
Lol why can't Hua Cheng just end the slaughtering himself? Like the final ghost from the 'kiln'. I mean he will be in control once the slaughtering starts, right? and it won't benefit him to have another supreme anyway.
I mean if he does still go out of control, then nvm lol
Xie Lian was amazed watching this. He leapt up lightly, hopping out of the window. As he stood among the field full of little earth mounds, it gave him the illusion of being a giant looking down below.
Wow, ok things are gonna go down so fast now, if Jun Wu does end up going to finish the final ghost and Xie Lian is put in charge. I mean how much more messier can it get?
wait no.
It can get worse -_-
So white-clothed calamity was the worst of the four???? so much so that Jun Wu had to kill him himself???? BRO WHAT DID HE EVEN DO?? AND HOW BAD DID IT GET THAT JU WU HAD TO GET PERSONALLY INVOLVED???
Curious to see what Hua Cheng is gonna recommend as an alternative (and interesting that he's suggesting it, I guess it might be cuz he doesn't want Xie Lian involved with such a messy place as the upper court. Like it was pretty messed before many people were brought down, so who knows how much worse it is)
Also, at this rate, I'm gonna run out of shocked face gifs to add cuz of how many times I need to use them lol
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beomglocks · 3 years
what soobin is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: none i just love him but let’s be honest who doesn’t, this gets cheesy in some parts bc he just gives off stereotypical kdrama bf vibes but guys he’s the one
w/c: round to 1k
ok first off 
sorry if i rant soobin is my baby so ofc i think he’s the perfect boyfriend
he’s so
ok when you meet him he’s a shy boy
like really won’t wanna look you in the eye
ok like super fucking awkward
like painfully and you’re like “hahah ok that’s cute”
that only applies if you look intimidating tho
if you’re one of those people who’s blessed with not having resting bitch face he’ll be flirty
well you know..
he has his own methods of being flirty
he’s charming in his own way
probably does what yeonjun does but more subtle
will stare at you
and when you make eye contact he smiles and rubs his lip with his finger DJSJSKDK PLZ
alternatively: looks away, purses his lips with a smile, ears get red, looks back up to you already looking at him then he waves
youre left like
“omg he’s so fucking cute”
ok but actually like he will reel you in without you even knowing
next thing you know you’re laughing at his lame ass jokes
god forbid you think he’s funny
“you think I’m funny? well we should date” :)
wait im pretty sure he said he doesnt go after someone unless he knows they like him back
tbh he’d probably wait until you make the first move
or wait until you show interest or else he’ll just hide his feelings
you have to bring him out of his shell
once you do...oh boy
100% never leaving you alone
always telling you how much he loves you
he’s the sweetest
teeth rotting sweet
i feel like he would slowly open up to you during the relationship
he’s not like automatically into it if that makes sense
shy to initiate things at first
such as kissing and touching
asks you if it’s ok first
we love consent
free samples kind of guy
dont take him to an ice cream shop or shops in general
he will devour the free samples
next thing you know you’re leaving with goat cheese and the newest ice cream flavour
he gives hopeless romantic vibes
would want to bake with you in the kitchen
and i know this sounds cliche but
flour fight
he’s cute with it at first
just rubs some flour on your nose then next thing you know
“we turned our dog white”
he’s a simple man
he probably spoils you
but not like expensive item type of spoiling he isn’t extravagant
god forbid the price range of any of the items he buys you exceeds his actual paycheck
cute gifts that you’ll actually use and cherish
i dont see many fights happening with him tbh
maybe if you question his leadership choices then i can see a fight happening
for example if you think he couldve handled a situation better in a certain way and you point that out to him he’ll get all defensive
“im the leader of my group dont tell me what you think is best for my group”
then you’re just like “well shit fuck you too i was just tryna help”
i can see him distancing himself after a fight if you’re also feeling a bit aggitated
doesn’t talk to you until it’s literally 2am and neither of you are sleeping bc yall always cuddle and you’re not cuddling him
he’s always the first one to say sorry
my god he makes fun of you so much
not on a beomgyu level though
more of a “if you say something silly i will make you feel so dumb for the rest of the day” kind of clowning
wow jealousy
i feel like he’s not super jealous unless he feels threatened
everything was fine until the fire nation attacked
once he sees you getting a little too buddy buddy with someone else he’s like nah i gotta shut this shit down
he’s humble but once he’s jealous he’s all braggy to make himself seem above who ever was trying to get at you
“yeah i think we ALL-”
boy do you have to comfort this big baby
he’s sensitive :(
hold him and rub his head on his off days
tell him he’s the best boy and it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks screw them
he laughs like 
“shouldnt i be comforting you?” 
soooooooooo sappy
cliche asf boyfriend
buys you flowers
if he could he would be doing the whole radio outside your window thing (side note: yeonjun would too be he’s whipped asf)
college bf (we saw it coming)
see also: college bf who helps you in what he can and tells you to screw math bc you don’t need it anyways
shows up at your school or job after his practice
everyone loves him
you gotta be on guard 24/7
i wouldnt say you’d be insecure per se but soobin definietly lacks awareness when it comes to being flirted with
he recognizes others advances but laughs awkwardly, forgetting to tell the person he already has a partner
~cue mild argument~
at the end of it all he’s like “dont worry i only like you jeez”
if he’s working on a song he asks for your input
or rather how would you interpret a certain emotion that he isn’t able to convey
just to joke around, if he has to write a song about heartbreak but neither of you have been through that he’ll be like
“well there’s a first for everything :)”
soobin 100% takes the time to learn about your culture
he’s invested what can i say
introducing you to the other members isn’t THAT bad
but they definitely clown soobin
txt: “how come your partner is cooler than our own leader”
“maybe they should lead us instead” (joke)
soobin’s like fuck yall i can be cool :(
always send you cute selfies
with messages along the lines of
“i miss you :((((”
“bring ice cream on your way back!”
“be safe tho xxx”
he gives embarassing dad vibes
you can’t introduce him to your friends !
since he has you around he isn’t too shy and once he engages in conversation you better pack your bags
he’s trying to be funny (keyword: trying) but really it’s just your friends laughing to not make the hot idol bf not feel bad
you help him with his script for music bank
speaking of music bank
yes, yes, you are clowning him like the rest of txt and he comes home like
“not you too :(((((((”
my goodness hueningkai
yall tussle over soobin’s attention
sometimes it feels like youre sharing soobin with kai
you love them both but youre like “kai sweetie it’s cold and i wanna be the one to cuddle my bf so please”
speaking of cuddles 
best cuddles
ones where he’s wearing a really comfortable sweater that’s actually nice material and your face gets buried in his chest 
his limbs will be tangled in yours no doubt
but wow he’s so warm you almost never wanna let go
they don’t call him “home” for nothing
tall boy
makes fun of you if you’re shorter than him
yes he does tease you by placing items on higher-than-you-can-reach shelves
kick his shins he’ll give in
you: ”hows the weather up there”
him: “nice actually but you wouldnt know now would you :)”
tell him your problems, tell him anything
he will listen
and i mean let-you-ramble-for-hours kind of listen
but at the end of it his input is always valuable and he isn’t judgemental
he’s a good listener and gives good advice!!!
he’s not the leader for no reason put some damn trust in him!
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