#but i can’t because i constantly have to do fucking chores
omtai · 5 months
girl help i have to do everything around here and if i stop then the whole house falls apart :’3 ahhhhhhh
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readychilledwine · 30 days
Pleaseee please could you do obsessive acotar boys who can’t get enough of reader please?
Clingy ACOTAR boys headcanons
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Warnings- suggestive themes, mentions of abuse, possessive vibes, death, different ideas I either tossed out or was too insecure to post in short form (including an AU where Feyre doesn't destroy Spring and Tamlin isn't turned into what he's turned into), Beron, abuse, the Weaver, Ianthe, pregnancy
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The bond snapped after Feyre freed them from the mountain. You were walking with her, giggling about heading home to Spring.
Of course, his mate was his enemy's little sister, and of course that only further the obsession.
Rhys wanted to free you from under Tamlin's grasp, and it became his mission.
It started with daily letters that you ignored.
Then gifts brought to you by shadows.
Then he'd show up in your room. Smiling as he leaned back against your headboard. "Hello y/n Darling."
You caved after 2 weeks of his nightly visits. Allowing him to plan your "kidnapping"
He rips you from Spring with Feyre. Having convinced Tamlin that if he was so worried about his bride to be, he should send his baby sister as a chaperone.
Once he has you in his home, in your home, those soft touches you two shared at night were no longer enough
His lips were on your body constantly. Your hands, your neck, your own soft lips.
Speaking of hands, I hope you like physical contact, because he has to constantly touch you.
In public, the placement is so respectful. Lower back to the lower side, resting just about your hips, guiding you as you shop and spend his money.
When you finally warm his bed, he cancels all plans the next day to ensure he has proper time to explore your body.
He memorized every freckle, every stretch mark, every scar. He doesn't stop until he knows every ticklish spot, every spot that makes your toes curl.
His love languages are gifts and physical touch, so once you opened that box, you opened a whole can of worms.
You are pulled into unused bedrooms, his office, Azriel and Cassian's offices when they're away, supply closets. He doesn't stop until he's tasted you on every surface and in every room.
I wish you luck during the frenzy. He won't stop until you are throughly spent and bred. How else will he ensure you never leave him?
He had admired you while you two were growing up together in Windhaven.
He watched you do your chores and got his ass kicked for it more than he wants to admit.
Even at a young age, Cassian courted you. He didn't care that the flowers he was pulling were weeds. He still turned them into a bouquet or had Rhysand's mother weave them into your hair.
That didn't change as you two grew older together. By 18, it was known you were his, and by that point, everyone knew not to fuck with what's Cassian's.
He wouldn't touch you until your chores were done, wanting to spare you what little pain he could from your father's heavy hand.
Cassian wasn't respectful with his hand placement. The male has always had high sex drive, and he found his match in you.
You and Cassian shamelessly fucked in places that had your dear mother crying. The weapon storage shed. The forest. The mess hall once it was empty.
It was no shock to anyone, especially not you and Cassian, when the bond snapped right as he was leaving for the first war with Hybern.
When he came home to you and took you to Velaris, all bets were off. Rhys settled you two into the House of Wind, Azriel into the Riverhouse, and he took the townhouse.
The two of them never flew to the House of Wind without warning you or Cassian first. To do so had them risking walking in on you riding or Cassian with his head thrown back as you screamed for him.
Cassian can't stop touching you. He can't stop talking about you. He can't stop being in love with you. Even if the only way he knows how to show it is physically.
Not that you're complaining. You didn't need to walk anywhere today.
Azriel worshipped you the second Rhysand's mother brought you back to the cabin.
Your voice became salvation, your scent became home, and your hands healed part of him he did not even know was broken.
The bond snapped young for you two. He had just turned 18, and you were still 16. He took his distance then, allowing you to explore the world much to your own protests. You understood why after two years.
It was the most selfless thing anyone had ever done for you. He allowed you to grow without his influence, despite how painful it had to have been watching you with other males.
Your father sees this whole relationship and mateship as a benefit to him alone. He takes you and Azriel to Velaris during the war.
He unknowingly allowed the relationship to go to heights he had already said were off limits to Azriel.
The number of times you had to mask your scent during dinner because a shadow was all too happily playing in your skirts was almost comical.
The relationship between you two is never able to go beyond heated kisses, stolen touches, and lingering glances.
Even in death, Azriel comes to you, speaking to you when he's lost and lonely.
He still obsessed over you, wishing he had more time, wishing he was with you. But the pain lessened.
Being ripped from the Cauldron by Amren was painful and terrifying.
You had a new body, modeled after your old one. You were slightly taller this time, and your face was still able to send males to war.
As much as it pained Azriel, he allowed Rhysand to be the first to you. He allowed your brother to be the one to hold you as you cried, confused and asking where you were. He let Mor go next, then Amren listening as the ancient being told you it was okay and that your purpose was not finished, so she was told to bring you back. Cassian dropped to his knees before you. Holding you as he apologized.
But Azriel waited. He walked beside you in silence as you were taken to the warcamp.
All bets were off once you were in his tent.
You don't know if you rushed to him first or if he came to you, but that reunion kiss was rough. Too much teeth and tongue. Tears falling down both of your faces.
He took things slowly with you. Your first life granted you powers like the world had never seen before, and this time was no different. You could move the stars at will, silence the connect other fae shared with their magic without even having to loosen a breath.
It was final confirmation of what many already knew. Rhysand was high lord due to his cock, not his power, and that sheer fact had Azriel on his knees for you once you were ready.
You are his living goddess, and Azriel is always ready to worship.
Eris saved both of you. He had sent you to Spring long before you could be ripped from the market in autumn.
Lucien joined you soon after. Crying to the Mother in gratitude the second you came out from hiding behind Tamlin.
You were a rare breed of lesser fae. Your kind looked similar to the high fae by all means, but your kind had the ability to communicate with every living being.
You knew the names of each tree, of each flower, every critter. You could hear the winds whispers, see the colors he asked you to, and tell them all the meaning.
Your kind had been hunted for years, much like the shadowsingers.
It made Lucien almost unbearable when it came to his protective streak. But so did this new freedom.
Lucien is shamelessly in love with you. As an emissary, he gets to travel places you will never see. But he always brings you something back because you are always on his mind.
He brings you ornaments from Winter, jewelry from Day, sea shells from Summer, clothing from Dawn.
Lucien will speak about you for hours on end. It makes Tamlin crazy at times, but seeing how naturally you two fit together quickly makes the sting of jealousy fade.
Lucien purposes under a willow tree. Your absolute favorite one that you go to for guidance. Even if the bond does not snap, he wants you as his wife.
And boy does being his wife make things interesting.
He is suddenly growling at any male who studies your body for too long. Holding you from behind at all times. Showering you with even more things.
The bond snaps after Amarantha mutilated him. It snapped as you were nursing him back to health. Reminding him his beauty has nothing to do with why you love him, but instead it is his kindness and his soul.
You two become mutually obsessed from that point forward. More often than not, you will send a bird to shit on someone if they harm Lucien in any sense.
You both can not keep your hands to yourself anymore. It was as if that scar actually sealed his place as the most handsome male you had ever laid eyes on.
He sends you away to the forest when the 50 years is coming to a close. Not caring if he dies for it.
You would be his last thought if he did. And during that second trial, you were his only thought.
Everything he had done was for your safety, and if he ever saw you again, he would whisper those one thousand words he wanted to say as he laid between your legs, and he would never let go again.
Childhood best friends to lovers? Anyone? Anyone?
Well... kind of childhood best friends.
You met Eris when he was 6 and you were 5.
Your parents were one of two shadow hound breeders, and Beron was desperate to get his hands on one of your family's pups specifically.
You had this special talent that you could use from the moment you were able to. You seemed to know which hounds needed to be bred together to create the most powerful litters. And you did it all without inbreeding.
Your family quickly took hold of the other breeder's dogs, and you, your father's pride and joy, made their lives better.
Eris becomes obsessed with you from that day forward, and Beron knows it. Hence why you two are married at the young ages of 18 and 17.
Eris is madly in love and in private is very expressive of that.
He shows his love through praise.
"You look absolutely stunning today, little fox," is a common greeting as he brings you a tray of fresh fruits, eggs, breakfast meat of choice, and toast.
The sap cuts your toast into a heart.
He's a hopeless romantic, and it kills you that no one is able to see how he is with you outside of his mother amd your parents who are waiting for the day they get to go to war for him.
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The second you end up pregnant, Eris's love turned into true obsession and not the healthy normal kind between partners.
He becomes possessive and overprotective. Your suddenly moved to one of his private hunting cabins with a guard detail and private healer assigned to you and you only.
He has to have his hands on you at all times. The only exception is when he is at the Forest House.
It is love. You know that deep down, but Gods, you are lonely.
You understand why this is happening, though, when he shows up beaten and bruised, limping into your arms for any sense of comfort.
His obsession is your safety. The safety of the lives you carry.
Once you birth his twins, the game changes. The obsession is now on him not being able to get enough of your new body.
Your mom body lives rent-free in Eris's mind. He's stroked himself in his office to the thought of your fuller breasts and supple hips more times than he'd like to admit.
He loves to squeeze your hips, loving the soft feel of them.
He would have gone to war for you beforehand. He does it now.
He wants to see a crown of leaves and berries on your head, sparkling but failing in comparison to the gem he has in his bed.
He crowns you high lady during his coronation.
You are his, and he is yours, regardless of that bond never snapping. You two do not need the Mother nor the Cauldron to decide you are each other's equal and other halves. You already know.
You knew you were Tamlin's mate long before Amarantha. You were a well kept secret, hidden out of fear of Rhysand coming to take you as well.
You made home in The Middle. Becoming friends with the Weaver was interesting, but you two forged a relationship. You bring her food, she offers protection, so yes. You kept her fed.
Tamlin comes back for the second he allows Rhysand to take Feyre.
You two spend the week she is there in bed, fucking like rabbits until he was content.
It's dead silence when Feyre comes back. He had expected Rhysand to keep her, not hold up his end of the bargain, and he also believed their relationship to be over.
Rhys was an idiot if he thought Tamlin couldn't scent the mating bond. He was willingly handing her over, and the High Lord had to aggressively whisper that to Rhys one night in his office to get it through the other male's thick skull.
It took Tamlin tugging the bond for you for Rhysand to understand.
The Lord of Night was almost disgusted by the love and mutual need you and Tamlin shared. He felt the two of you marked him in the scent of roses and petrichor.
The two of them sat Feyre down 3 days later, and she eagerly went to Night after Tamlin finally got her to understand that while he loves her, he cannot help her and love her the way Rhys will be able to.
That freed you two up, much to Ianthe's anger, to make up for lost time all over again.
He lives between your thighs. No one can change my mind, but Tamlin is a munch, and he cannot get enough of the taste of you.
When you find out Ianthe put her hands on him, on Rhysand, on Lucien you and Feyre become a force. Ianthe selling Feyre's sisters to Hybern had been enough for you and Tamlin to begin the process of banishing her. But much to Tamlin's delight, this made you feral.
Feyre crippled the priestess, and you dragged her by her bleach and tone blonde hair to the Weaver, smiling to Stryga.
"Feyre's apology present for stealing the ring, dear friend." Feyre held a breath, fingers squeezing your wrist as the Weaver moved, scenting Ianthe's fear, blood, and tears.
"And what is this?"
The two of you look at each other, mirrored cruel smiles before speaking in unison, "Dinner."
Tamlin, Lucien, and Rhysand watched from a distance as Feyre retreated to them, and you stayed to ensure the priestess did not somehow escape. "I can see why you love her," Rhysand started slowly. "She's-"
"Everything," Tamlin stated softly. "She is everything."
General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects
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theveryworstthing · 11 months
life has been lifein’ haven’t been posting for a while but hopefully i’ll have stuff to post soon. 
without getting into the full rollercoaster of misery, health problems abound in my loved ones and every year for the last 3 years we’ve lost at least one family member. my gramma Rosezina died on July 1st after 83 years of being A Problem. her funeral was on the 8th during a day so hot that we couldn’t be at the graveside for more than a few minutes, fitting weather for a woman nicknamed Hot for her good looks and spicy temper. i loved her very much, i love her very much, and the emotional strain of everything that came after the Big Stroke fucked me up a little bit.
here’s one of my favorite stories about her, stop me if you’ve heard this one:
my gramma was schizophrenic, a fact i didn’t figure out until i was told by a family member at some time during my preteen or early teen years because the way schizophrenia was depicted on tv or movies was so different from what she was. she was an amazing quilter, gardener, cook, baker (i’ll never have a caramel cake that rivals hers), and general gold star deep country grandmother who was always sweet to me, her first born granddaughter, even when she stopped remembering who i was exactly in her later years. 
also, she never liked being told what to do.
also, also, she hung out with the devil for a while.
she said he’d just show up sometimes, the most beautiful, angelic, enchanting man you ever did see. he’d come to her when she was feeling overwhelmed, upset, or lonely, and offered words of comfort and a gentle listening ear. she had a hard life, and that comfort was very valuable to her even if it was coming from the devil, so over time he became her friend and she trusted him right up until the day he told her to kill her kids and free herself from all the problems constantly weighing her down. 
need i remind you, she did. not. like. being told what to do. (especially when the thing she’s being told to do is murdering her own children)
so of course, she told all her kids to walk up the road to my great gramma’s house, and when they were gone Hot dragged the couch the devil was sitting on outside into the front yard and set it on fire with him sitting on it. 
from what i was told he seemed very irritated but didn’t get up as she stared him down and watched him burn. 
afterwards some other family members put the fire out and she returned to her chores like nothing happened. as far as i know the devil never talked to her again.
and that’s why i grew up knowing that the, ‘the devil made me do it’ defense is some bullshit. if the devil is real he can’t make you do shit. he flounces off if told no (and set on fire) once. 
weak bitch. 
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merrilinie · 5 months
Things I like to think would happen if the Knights and co knew about Merlin’s magic (and merthur):
• “Merlin, can you do the fire trick with the dragon again?”
• “I’m not drying your clothes, Gwaine. You chose to go in the river fully clothed, you pay the price.”
• Merlin making them flower crowns and them bullying Arthur into wearing his
• Everyone asking him if he can make them fly
• Merlin pretending he can talk to the horses and making them think him and the horses are shit talking
• Him and Gwen pretending to do chores together but really he magicked it and they’re just having a nice evening
• Merlin and Morgana having lessons in the forest while the knights what over so none one spits them
• “No, I can’t read minds.” One of the knights, “oh, okay.” *realises they didn’t ask that out loud.* “WAIT-“
• Merlin and Arthur cuddling together at night accidentally and everyone knows because Merlin’s magic is safe now and leaves a patch of flowers under him when he sleeps
• Merlin creating plants with his magic so he doesn’t have to spend so much time gathering herbs for Gaius
• the Knights and Gwen taking this a step further and making a garden of herbs for him and Gaius
• Arthur realising they should have done that years ago and putting the royal funds into it despite Uthers annoyance
• Morgana and Merlin being taught how to fight with swords (even if she already knows a fair bit) so they can protect themselves with something other than magic
• the two of them then teaching Gwen because they both think she’d be an amazing knight
• Gaius having a mini heart attack whenever he hears Merlin and the Knights talking about magic
• them realising he’s insecure about his healing magic because it’s the hardest form of magic and being sure to praise him whenever he does it or any other form of healing
• After Merlin and Arthur finally get together, his magic doesn’t want to leave him alone and so when he does his little fire show for them it instantly goes to Arthur and the others get jealous
• after an attack and Merlin nearly gets hurt, Arthur ‘forces’ his Knights to be sworn to Merlin with Merlin’s staff and so technically, they’re also his Knights and Merlin is a royal
• The druids instantly knowing this and calling him a prince
• the knights going along with it
• After a while the Knights (who know how) begin to teach the Druids things like reading and currency
• everyone teasing Merlin by saying his magic has a crush on Arthur despite the two being together already
• he blushes every time
• Merlin openly enchanting their amour to be stronger and magic proof
• him giving Gwen and Morgana matching necklaces that are also enchanted that they keep hidden
• all of them are so impressed with his power but then they are just straight dumfounded because like… how the fuck did he keep this hidden for so long?
• Growing strawberries once he sees how much Gwen loves them and they are really rare
• tricking the Knights into thinking he can talk to ghost just to laugh at their faces
• Just constantly embarrassed by the Druids cause they see him as a god or, as the knights point out, as a king and the Knights decide that means he’s Arthur’s wife and Queen of Camelot
• Arthur making this worse by saying, “Queen or Consort?”
• Merlin flicking water in his face despite none being near them
I’ll add more as I think of them :)
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mobbu-min · 1 year
☆ bragging rights ☆
(ft. the vice housewardens + ruggie)
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After reading this fic where reader brags about the dorm leaders, could I request a version with the vice dorm leaders? And maybe the first years in the future? requested by anon PLEASE!! I LOVE YOUR FIC ABOUT BRAGGING THE DORMLEADER SIMPING RANT TO THE FIRST YEARS SHSBSJS MAKES ME ALL FLUFF 😭 Could you perhaps one day make the vice dorm vers, please?? no pressure of course— i just need all those fluff making me giggling at midnight on my bed because of the fluff its so CUTE!! requested by anon This https://at.tumblr.com/mobbu-min/request-what-if-the-dorm-leaders-had-an-so/qt4e3a02k8z8 this right here was the cutest shit I've ever read. If it's not too much to ask of you, is it alright if we had a version with the Vice Dorm Leaders? Jamil's either gon be smug as fuck or shocked. requested by anon
a/n i decided to put Ortho in the first year part which is probably going to be posted tomorrow tbh
tw cursing and reader is horny for a lot of them
want more? here is part one: bragging rights
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Trey + Ace/Deuce <3
⋆ Ace can understand why you’d brag about Trey. I mean it’s Trey Clover. Literally the most husband material of the husbands. He’s good looking, can bake, smells nice, cleans well, can bake, is good with kids (at least what Ace has heard), is perfect at dealing with Riddle. Did he mention that Trey can bake? Anyways, Ace actually doesn’t have anything bad to say. Sure you’re annoying and Ace can’t seem to look Trey in the eyes after all the filth that comes out of your mouth. He can’t delete the memory of you ogling Trey while he was bending down to get something out of the oven and drooling, ‘man, what I would do to get a bite out of that ass’. He legit considered drowning his eardrums in bleach, yuck.
⋆ Same as Ace, but he gets so flustered everytime you say anything remotely dirty. But anyways, Deuce actually really loves the way you talk so highly and lovingly of Trey. Like yeah, it’s a little much and kinda makes Deuce feel like a third wheel despite the fact Trey is very much not present, but Deuce can’t help but want someone that would talk about him so highly as well. Also, he knows that Trey would take wonderful care of you and that’s all he could ask for. 
⋆ Trey is both shocked and happy. He’s pretty much used to people overlooking him because let's be honest, out of everyone in the dorm (hell probably the school), he’s the most normal one out there. But knowing that you’re willing to talk anyone’s ears off just about him makes him chuckle. You sure are something else, huh? Well, Trey doesn’t mind, actually he’ll probably show up at Ramshackle with your favorite sweet and show you what these hands can do~
He’s going to give you a massage, nasties
Ruggie + Jack <3
⋆ A respecter of his elders, Jack feels a sense of pride when you talk so highly of Ruggie. Though at first, he mistakes it as admiration and respect just like Jack feels for Ruggie, but something about the way your eyes light up and cheeks brighten quickly gives him another impression. Listen, Jack adores you and wants what's best for, however, that doesn’t mean Jacks wants to listen to your hour long rants about Ruggie. Again, Jack’s a chill guy, so he’ll water his plants and do other chores while you trail after him like a little duckling. It’s cute really
⋆Ruggle like ‘are they talking about me? You’re joking, nu-uh….oh shit!’ He gets so smug about it. His tail literally wags back and forth so fast he considers taping it to his side. Ruggie definitely wasn’t expecting it, because one, you hang out with a ton of cool people, and two, Ruggie is constantly messing with you (affectionately ofc). He definitely sees your relationship in a new light. Maybe he wouldn’t mind sharing some food sometime, just a thought.
Jade + Grim <3
⋆ Grim is so fuckin scared. He doesn’t know if it’s for you, or for him, all he knows is that he’s running for the hills anytime he sees that tall ass fucker. Like literally, you just had to choose the scariest person ever to simp for huh? You know that tiktok sound where it’s all like “Shut the fuck up! I’m so fuckin scared rn!”, yeah that’s Grim. Always on the verge of shitting himself or fighting Jade. Grim has not known peace.
⋆Jade is pleasantly surprised. Originally, he’s all like ‘I can totally get something out of this’ but eventually you wormed your way into his heart. Does he protest? No, because you’re genuinely the most interesting creature he’s ever met. Jade considers you one the most precious pearls in the world. So knowing you consider him a worth enough person to brag about makes him beyond happy. However, don’t expect that this relieves you of his teasing, because he finds this a perfect opportunity to amp it up.
Jamil + Grim <3
⋆ There’s two things that run through Grim mind when you ‘shockingly’ confess that you have the hots for Jamil. One, didn’t he literally kidnap us?! And two, hell yeah! Food! Grim walks a thin line between wanting to be mad at Jamil for what he did during winter break and falling in love with him instead, because damn, when Grim heard the saying ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ he didn’t realize how true it was until Jamil became a recurring face in his life. 
⋆ Jamil is both shocked and smug. Like, he expected you to fall for Kalim, because he has money and is emotionally available. But! The fact that you didn’t fall for Kalim makes him 100x more smug! Like for once, Jamil beats Kalim and doesn’t have to a) feel burdened by it or 2) feel guilty. So it's a win-win situation! Jamil is calculating and observant, so he decided to go a safe route and cook you all your favorite food as a confession. And damn, he did not expect you to cry and wipe your boogers all over your sleeve because you were so happy. Maybe he can get used to it.
Rook + Epel <3
⋆ You really know how to choose ‘em huh? Epel is literally at his wit's end. All you talk about is Rook and all Rook talks about is you. And both you have a very weird and honestly, freaky, way of saying how much you love each other. Out of the two, Epel would much rather listen to Rook, because at least Epel doesn’t understand a word that comes out of his baguette loving mouth. But you? Epel swears that once he gets home he’s going to get his meemaw to wash out all the filthy things you said about Rook and what you wanted him to do to you. He realizes he’d much rather listen to Vil nag him. Just give the poor boy a break!
⋆ Okay okay okay, he’s known since the beginning. He knows it all! It’s so fuckin creepy, but damn does that make things ten times easier. Rook is instantly sweeping you off your feet and into bed to make all the things you said come true. He’s a gentleman, what can he say? Rook loves that you like to brag about him, it’s just so beautiful knowing that you both want each other. He can just explode at the thought. 
And he does…please interpret that however you like…
Lilia + Sebek <3
⋆ YOU TRULY ARE STUBBORN HUMAN!??!?!? Sebek is so fucking stingy about it. Like damn, okay you damn overgrown cucumber! Be stingy! Like that’s not going to stop you from getting laid. Does Sebek care though? No! Because he’s mean! Or more like, he doesn’t understand. But that's beside the point! Sebek will not let you get close to Lilia, not in his presence! What if you want to consume his mind and eat his brains?! Sebek can’t even imagine! Will fight you anytime and anywhere! Name the place, and he swears your ass is grass!
⋆ Okay, but alternatively, Sebek is a lot like how he was with Malleus and is all like ‘Yeah! Master Lilia is truly amazing! Human, you might actually be smart!��� and you’re just there with the widest grin because Sebek is your way to getting what you want(that being getting your guts rearranged). And everytime you come to him with the weirdest questions, Sebek merely bats his eyes and answers it without a second thought. Like ‘Of course, it’s big! It’s huge actually! Ginormous!...Eh, Human!? Why do you look ill?...Human, I haven't the slightest idea of what you could be referring to, but I was talking about his generosity. What else could there be that’s as big as his heart and wisdom?...tch, you better not get My Great Lord ill!”
⋆ Oh! How scandalous! You’re making him blush! Don’t you know it’s rude to make an old man’s heart want to burst? Literally cackles and gives you a big ass kiss. The things you do to this old man, like damn, he feels young again. Lilia is actually so funny about it because he wants to see you duel it out with Sebek for his hand, how lovely would that be? But also wants to whisk you away so you both can ‘game’ instead. Ugh, so many choices. Maybe he’ll let you both fight, so he can kiss your boo-boo’s away. How romantic!
Sebek do not question why I'm wobbling out of lilia’s room. Memories were made last night!
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marvelsmylife · 10 days
Mr. Pouty face
Pairing: Liam Mairi x reader
Plot: Liam gets pouty when you don’t say I love you back to him.
a/n I am accepting fourth wing requests.
Fourth Wing Masterlist
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Everyone in Basgiath knew how sickeningly in love you and Liam were with each other. They constantly heard you exchange ‘I love you' throughout the day and all but fuck out in the open. That’s why Imogen had dared you not to say I love you to Liam the following day during a girl's night in. She knew you wouldn’t last and bet you wouldn’t even last half a day.
“I can so last more than half the day” you argued back “I can go two weeks even.”
Imogen had an amused look on her face at your claims, “Yeah? Let’s make a bet then. No saying I love you to Liam. If you win I’ll do your chores for a month and you’ll do mine if I win. Deal?”
“Deal,” you shook Imogen’s hand to make it official.
You regretted agreeing to the bet the following day when Liam showed up at your door with a smile on his face. “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep last night?”
“Great, but I missed having you in my bed last night,” you replied, lacing your fingers with his as you made your way to the dining hall.
You didn’t miss the confused look on Liam’s face when you didn’t call him love when he greeted you this morning. You also didn’t miss the pouty expression on his face when he repeatedly told you that he loved you in front of your friends, and you either hummed or said thank you instead.
Throughout the day, your friends would pull you aside and ask if everything was alright between you and Liam. “Is everything ok between you and Liam? You never blatantly ignore his affection like you’ve been all day today,” Rhiannon asked, concern laced in her tone.
“It’s a bet,” you whispered while looking over at Liam, who was pouting in the corner with Bodhi, Ridoc, and Sawyer, “I bet Imogen that I could go two weeks without saying I love you to Liam. It was originally only a day, but I needed to prove myself, so I upped it to two weeks. I immediately regretted making this bet this morning, but I can’t lose, so I’ve been distant and short with Liam.”
Rhiannon couldn’t help but laugh at your explanation and drew the attention of all of your friends. That included Liam, who was both pouting and staring at you like a lost puppy, “Sorry, y/n just told me a funny joke.”
Imogen sent you a smirk because she knew what you were talking about. You, in return, just flipped her off and brought your attention back to Rhiannon, who was still laughing. “Rhi stop” you complained, “This isn’t funny. How am I supposed to last two weeks?”
“I honestly don’t know. You two are worse than Violet and Xaden when it comes to PDA, but you better think of something fast; Liam is headed our way,” Rhiannon lightly squeezed your shoulder and motioned for all of your friends to follow her so they could give you privacy.
Taking a deep breath, you looked up at Liam and smiled at him, “Hey babe, what’s up?”
“Are you breaking up with me?” Liam just blurted out and caused your throat to close.
“No ! ! !” you answered immediately, “What makes you think that?”
Liam began to explain how he felt throughout the day and thought that you not saying you loved him all day made him think you didn’t want to be with him anymore. “Fuck” you cursed under your breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I loved you all day,” you apologized, “I had a stupid bet with Imogen that I could go two weeks without saying I love you to you, but I didn’t realize how hurt you would get by me not telling you I love you. Do you think you can forgive me?”
Liam let out an audible sigh at your words and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Of course I forgive you,” Liam wraps his arms around your body, “But you’re going to have to make up for not saying I love you to me.”
“I’ll do anything just to make you smile,” you smiled up at Liam, “I love you.”
“I love you-”
Liam was cut off by Imogen, who yelled out, “Yes, I won the bet. You have to do my chores for a month.”
All your friends let out ohs at Imogen explaining your behavior all day. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you do her chores. You just have to continue saying I love you to me,” Liam reassured you.
“Deal,” you smiled before pulling Liam into a kiss.
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sigmoon · 6 months
About BSD characters reacting to Reader's pregnancy, could you make a second part where Sigma and some other character that interests you is, please?
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Pregnancy headcanons [Pt. 2] || [Pt. 1]
⤷ Sigma, Shibusawa
CW: pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, mentions of childbirth
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He would love to start a family with you someday, but never seems to feel ready, so you’d either have to beg him on your knees to finally knock you up or get pregnant on accident because you forgot to take the pill or the condom broke (this shouldn’t happen, please be responsible with using protection).
Sigma would be another dad who panics when he hears the news; because it’s all so overwhelming and he doesn’t think he’d be a good father. He’s scared to disappoint you, scared to accidentally hurt the baby, scared to fail. But besides that, he’s really happy and excited. Having a child with you was something he’s been dreaming about for so long, and now it’s finally happening.
He’s a little clueless at first, he doesn’t understand all the complex changes your body is going through besides creating a new life, but he learns quickly; he stays up late to read multiple books on pregnancy and childcare, and very soon knows everything about your cravings, what affects your mood, and how to keep you relaxed, what helps with your uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms like the morning sickness, and he’s an expert at taking care of you during this difficult time.
The same goes for childcare; as lost as he feels in the beginning, he’s willing to do a good job as a father and learn to take good care of his little one, and he wants to support you as well as he can.
He’s a little taken aback when you’re moody and snap at him for seemingly no reason, but he doesn’t hold it against you.
Loves to serve and pamper you. He cooks for you, does all the chores, and makes your comfort his top priority.
Fascinated by how your baby bump grows larger every month, he still can’t believe that his child is in there.
Always scared to hurt you, and an overall anxious wreck. He gets super nervous when he feels the first little kicks, he’s scared to touch the bump, and it’s unlikely that he’ll have sex with you after the first few months, when your pregnancy isn’t that visible yet. It’s not like he doesn’t want to, he’s just a firm believer that the baby will somehow be able to feel it if he fucks you while pregnant.
His anxiety gets worse as your pregnancy progresses; during your last months, he’s constantly on the edge because he fears the baby will arrive any minute.
He apologizes for getting you pregnant when you go into labor; he feels so sorry that you’re suffering so much because of him. Stays with you the entire time, squeezes your hand, and doesn’t get angry when you yell or curse at him, he knows you don’t mean it.
Once you let him hold his child, he’s head over heels for it and never wants to give it back again. He genuinely loves to take care of and bond with it.
Dad!Sigma is a busy man, scurrying around the house all day to take care of both you and the baby as you recover from the birth, and to keep his long hair out of the way, he puts it into a bun or ponytail, or he lets you try all sorts of hairstyles on him if you get bored.
He would start shopping for cute baby clothes immediately after you’ve told him that you’re expecting. Or even better, he designs them himself, and I know for certain that they’ll look super pretty and adorable (he put together the dead apple outfits for Fyodor and Dazai, he knows what he’s doing).
He’s caring, overall, but tends to have a “you’ll be fine” attitude and underestimates how demanding a pregnancy is, and often assumes you’re just being dramatic about it. That being said, you need to kick his ass sometimes to get him to be more empathetic and to take you seriously.
Pregnancy photo shootings. Whether you want to have one or not, you will get dressed up in the cutest little outfits or no clothes at all and pose for the pictures with your bump, Shibu will make you do it if he needs to. He wants a lot of pictures of you during that time, and he will keep them forever; he hangs them up on the walls of your home, he make photo books, etc. He finds you absolutely stunning pregnant and needs everyone to know with those professionally-made over-the-top pictures.
He’s okay with pregnancy sex; he doesn’t desire you any less despite your body changing, and he knows that it won’t hurt the baby in your womb. However, he’ll be more gentle with you, and makes sure to avoid positions that could cause you discomfort or are simply difficult with your baby bump.
Shibusawa is completely laidback and calm about the fact that you’re expecting and doesn’t lose his cool ever, but as soon as the baby arrives, he panics. A lot. He cries, hyperventilates, perhaps he faints, and chances are that he’s gonna get kicked out of the delivery room because he’s feeling even worse than you are, and is making a huge fuss about it. He’s super embarrassed about it after and begs you on his knees to not tell anyone.
He seems like someone who would complain to the manager in stores and restaurant about the lack of baby changing tables in the men’s changing and restrooms (as he should! Fathers who take care of their kids exist!)
I feel like generally, he would change a lot after becoming a parent. Less arrogant, less stoic and pretentious. He’s still into dressing his child up in the fanciest things - he’s kind of a show-off - but he will also play tag, hide and seek with the kid and be very keen on being an active part of their life.
And he spoils the child rotten. Seriously, you need to stop him, because he’s unable to say no to anything his little one asks for. As his child grows older, he loves to gossip with them and talk shit about other kids they don’t like.
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lesinquietes · 8 months
P-possessive Reiner smut for your consumption, kind patron? 🥺
Tw; domestic dubcon yandere smut // Yandere!Reiner x reader
“Hey sweetheart. I missed you today.”
Reiner is a kind boyfriend when you two are out and about. Your home life is calm, too. It consists of him going to work and you staying at home. The life of a warrior isn’t easy, so your duty is to ensure he can keep a peaceful mind on his off time.
Although initially intimidated, by now, you’ve fallen into your tasks. You cook. You clean. You do his laundry, washing his blood-stained and ripped clothes so he doesn’t have to relive his battles. And he appreciates the work you do. He likes coming home to a kept house. On occasion, he even helps you with the chores — if he’s not too exhausted.
“Hey… lemme help with those.”
When you find yourself with little to do, you sit by the window with a book. As soon as you moved in, he bought you a whole shelf full of them. He likes it when you exercise your brain. Being cooped up all the time can’t be good for you. He wishes that he could let you out for a bit of fresh air — that he could trust you to be safe on your own. He can’t, though; not with the state of Marley. Your existence here is tranquil, especially when compared to the lives of others Eldians. He wants to keep you protected.
But that’s the downside of Reiner. He’s too goddamn possessive. You grew up in Marley all your life. You were good and keeping your head down and hovering beneath the radar. Since Reiner took you as his, you understand there are more challenges to your survival. There are people here who want to hurt your boyfriend and his colleagues; you’re positive they would harm you to get to him if they had to. You don’t think that doesn’t mean you should have to compromise your way of being.
“Please don’t be upset with me, baby. I’m doing this for you — for us. I couldn’t keep living if something happened to you.”
The hulking blonde does take you out of the house on occasion. It’s usually when you’ve cried and begged for long enough, or dropped the “u” word — unhappy. He gets frantic when he hears that. He knows you don’t have the capacity to leave; nonetheless, he doesn’t want you to feel forced to be with him, either. He wants your organic love, even though it was never natural to begin with. You two were newly acquainted when the government announced his request and had you move in.
When he brings you into the public sphere, people understandably stare. It’s not necessarily because they’re attracted to you; it could also be due to you being a novelty appearance. Unfortunately, he doesn’t see it like that. He inevitably sees it as others trying to steal what’s his.
“Keep close to me. Less stares that way. And don’t leave my arm. I don’t trust those fuckers by the store.”
Everyone is a threat to his happiness. He’s never at ease. He’s constantly on edge from having to defend you from opponents that don’t exist. You feel his fist tighten around your smaller hand when he stops to chat with a colleague and they gawk at you for a bit too long. Porco is a fine example of this. You suppose he only does it to get under Reiner’s skin, but he tends to make you uncomfortable with his prying eyes, too. The blonde actively tries to avoid the shorter male when he brings you around these days.
And no matter how many times you tell your possessive boyfriend that you’re not a trophy to be won, or goods to be accumulated, he reacts the same way.
“You know I don’t mean it like that, sweetheart. You’re just so fucking special to me.”
That’s why he fucks you so hard when you two get home, pent up and frustrated that people have the audacity to ogle his piece of heaven. He’s a soldier, for fuck’s safe; he puts his life on the line for these bastards, and they dare trace their hungry glares up and down your figure. He wants to teach them a thing or two, and he fucking hates it. He shouldn’t be so brazen with his protectiveness — you shouldn’t make him want to maim everyone who looks at you.
His teeth sink into your flesh, leaving marks on your neck, shoulders, and breasts. It doesn’t matter how light or dark your skin is, he finds a way to leave the deepest, darkest blemishes on your body. Subtle, perhaps; but not to those exploring what you have to offer. The next time he takes you out, he’ll make you wear outfits that show them off. With his arm around your waist, keeping you glued firmly to his side, there’s no room for ambiguity. You’re very much his, and that will never change.
“Want you forever honey… oh fuck… wanna stay inside you forever.”
You claw his back as he slides deeper into your hole. He doesn’t slow his pace. He doesn’t retreat to a shallower length. He continues to pound you until you’re begging him to have mercy. And he does; he does! It just takes him a moment to process what you said.
He doesn’t intend to harm you, he merely gets lost in his mind sometimes, when he’s super stressed. You understand, right? Of course you do. He kisses and licks on you until it makes sense, until you recognize that he loves you, until you know — without a shadow of a doubt — how much you mean to him. Even if you had concerns prior to him making you cum, you don’t after.
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gilverrwrites · 5 days
Can you write some more Captain boomerang, fluff head cannons I loved your last one, and really would love some more 🥺🥺🥺
Abso-friggin-loutly! Fluffy/domestic HCs P2 [P1 Here]
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CWs: Jealousy, guilt tripping. None graphic mentions of unrination. Rating: General
On days off from work (I use the term work, lightly) he is such a lazy git. He’s lounging on your couch in nothing but his undies and socks, both of which are ridden with holes and thoroughly stained ‘but they’re still good tho, here, have a whiff of that’ drinking beer and watching mindless action films or guilty pleasure sit-coms. 
If you join him, he will happily spend the whole day there, unmoving until one of you has to eat or pee. 
I hope you like physical touch because he will not keep his hand off you the whole time either. Playing with your hair, stroking your skin, sneakily trying to tickle you in order to force you into a more provocative position. 
He also loves to be touched in return. Likes it when you trace your fingers over his tattoos, play with his hair. Scratch his scalp and he’ll start twitching his leg like a dog when you hit just the right spot. 
Use a pen to play dot-to-dot with his freckles and he’ll get the result tattooed permanently.
Absolutely hates doing chores, and will try just about any underhanded tactic to get out of them. 
Oh sorry, love, I forgot. I know you did ‘em yesterday, and the day before that, but I swear if you do them tonight we can do that thing you like. But you’re just soooo much better at it than I am, I always do it wrong.
No weaponised incompetence, I swear down if he fucks it up, it's because he genuinely is that dumb/has never been shown how to do it. 
Claims to be outdoorsy, but if you ever take him camping or hiking he will complain the whole time that his feet hurt (because he’s wearing inappropriate footwear) and there’s dirt on his (already filthy) coat. 
He would never admit it but he’s more reliant on his creature comforts than he lets on. 
Does, however, genuinely enjoy playing sports together, mainly footie or frisbee boomerangs. 
Can say some pretty nasty stuff during an argument. He will almost instantly regret it but is too stubborn to be the first one to apologise. Instead, he’ll do everything but say sorry until you say it first or you come to an unspoken agreement that you’ve both moved past it. 
I did the dishes, an’ I went down to that food place you like and bought back dinner. Come on babe, don’t be like that, you can’t stay mad at this face, I know ya’ can’t.
Is very much the petty jealous type, doesn’t mind you having friends/being close with people, but takes it as a personal insult when you compliment them.
Funniest person you know, I thought I was the funniest bloke you know, remember that time I made you laugh so hard your drink came out of yer nose?
I’ve got a shirt like that, you never say I look good in it. Yes, I did, I said… Oh, well I don’t remember that.
But when the shoe is on the other foot, he’s such a hypocrite, he loves it when you get jealous. Especially if he’s still stinging from his own envy, he will actively try to make you jealous. 
Loves kissing you, all the time. Got his arms wrapped around you while you’re trying to get stuff done, planting kisses up and down your neck, on any piece of skin he can reach. 
You’re not allowed to go to a different room without giving him a quick kiss before you go. Even if he isn’t in either of the rooms. 
Oi, I’ve got a bone to pick with you, you left the bedroom to get a drink and you didn’t kiss me on your way. You weren’t in the bedroom or the kitchen. Yeah, and?
He’ll take whatever kisses he can get but his favourite are the sloppy ones, tongue halfway down your throat, saliva leaking, noisy kisses. 
Brags about you constantly. Every criminal, law enforcement officer, cashier, random lady at the bus stop way more about you than they ever should. Stories are often accompanied by many candid photos of you, photos you would cringe to see if he ever revealed them to you. Man wonders why he’s so easy to find by the law, when everyone from here to Sydney knows what you look like, what you do for a living, your favourite places to eat etc. 
He also keeps polaroid pictures of you, they’re always either loose in his pockets (cause he never carries a wallet) or pinned to the wall of whatever prison cell he’s locked up in. Many of which he’s drawn on. Some doodles are pornographic but most hearts, stars, halos, and speech bubbles with illegible writing that’s supposed to say things like ‘I love you Digger’ or ‘Miss you every day’.
He doesn’t really know how to convey it but he really does cherish you.  
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a-hobit · 6 months
[Puts on pillows with duct tape and bicycle helmet]
You got any bkdk headcanons?
SO Izuku is a morning person that can’t wake up vs Kacchan being a night owl who won’t allow himself to waste the daytime.
Katsuki has a full skincare routine he shares with Deku because he says he has bad skin but really because he likes taking care of Izuku.
Izuku is…possessive. That’s not new but he’s always the more jealous one of both of them. He’s still a little touchy about their relationship breaking down again and has no trouble politely telling people to screw off when they make a slight at their relationship or Katsuki himself. Katsuki has no problem letting him and preens at the attention.
Izuku and Kacchan spend a lot of time sparring and then going to bed together just to hold and be held.
Whenever Izuku lands in the hospital Kacchan is always there on his right side with a book in one hand and thumbing over Izuku’s scars with the other.
Katsuki is a seriously attentive partner. He wants to be sure that Izuku is secure in their relationship so he’s usually the one who plans dates, dinners, or goes all out on birthdays.
Katsuki’s safe place is with Izuku. After the war he always finds himself more at ease around him. He’ll usually have a hand in his at all times and tends to smile more and more often around him.
Katsuki confesses first (not a hc i just seriously think that’s going to happen)
Izuku is highly oblivious and even after becoming boyfriends has trouble understanding some of the simpler forms of Katsuki’s love for him.
Katsuki might be a little obsessed with Izuku’s right hand. If he’s holding Izuku’s hand it’s going to be the right one. If only he knows that’s the hand he refused to take years ago he’s okay with that. Izuku finds this sweet and always thought his hand must be rough to look at — let alone hold — but Katsuki tells him that’s stupid while holding that same hand to his cheek.
They get those fucking All Might cards signed at the same time.
Katsuki is gay/Demi and Izuku is pansexual. They both don’t really like casual relationships. Katsuki hates wasting time and Izuku is too heartfelt to have something so impersonal.
Game night is taken deadly seriously at their apartment. They pin chores on the loser. (Usually Izuku haha)
Izuku rarely wakes up before Katsuki but when he does he just lays there watching him until they both get up.
They visit All Might together often to ask him advice. He finds them very sweet together and lets them know to their endless embarrassment.
They tease each other constantly.
They often stay in at home together rather than go on dates too often. They do most of their outings with their friends.
God they just love each other so much it’s disgusting.
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thecuriousquest · 8 months
Hello! I love your writing so much 😭
Can I please request a part 2 of the Levi arranged marriage fic, maybe a time skip to 1-2 months later? Like what her life looks like from now on, how she is adjusting, things she goes through, stuff like that. It could be SFW or NSFW I don't mind either.
Thank you!
The Captain and the Duchess Part Two
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs
Warnings: Yandere themes, abusive relationship, reader is trapped in a loveless marriage, injured reader, kind of NSFW at the end
The Captain and the Duchess here.
Checkout my Master List here.
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You find yourself needing to constantly be preoccupied with something, anything because when that front door opens and shuts…And God forbid he sees you doing nothing.
“What? You’re sulking now like a child?” he had reprimanded you the last time he caught you staring into the fireplace.
It rips you to pieces. You can’t even be reading when he gets home. He says that’s not a “wifely chore”. It propels you into a dimension of anxiety as your heart beat grows rapid in your chest.
So, you sweep all of the downstairs and upstairs before hearing the closing of the door and footsteps making their way around the house. You forget to release the pent up breath in your lungs as you step out of the room.
“Husband?” Thankfully, you didn’t stutter his title this time.
“Yes, Wife? Do you need something?”
Husband…Wife…yet you use these words without affection. The terms are supposed to be endearing, yet they feel like plastic in your mouth.
“No, I was just coming down to greet you.”
You force your feet to move down the steps and towards the revered captain. You set the broom aside and regard him momentarily before speaking.
“How was your day?”
He pulls out a chair. “Make me some tea. My day was filled with paperwork and training a bunch of brats. I don’t think any of them will make a good soldier. They’ll probably be eaten by the end of the first mission.”
“How tragic,” you interject mindlessly as you ready his tea.
A scream comes from the kettle of boiling water, and you fumble with it to prepare the relaxing drink. Giving the cup to him, you sit down at the far end of the table.
“Why do you always sit there? You never sit close to me,” Levi voices his concerns. “As my wife, you should be sitting by my side.”
You didn’t want to make him mad. That’s never your intention. How could you have fucked up already? What do you say to calm him?
“I just…like this spot. I can see the garden from here.” It’s a lie, but you hope he will believe it.
He tsks at you, turning his head to look at your newest project in the backyard where a large patch of dirt covers up seeds of an unknown flower to him.
“You can see the garden from here too, so get up and sit next to me.”
You make haste, and with trembling fingers, you pull out the wooden chair and sit down so that you’re next to him and facing the window.
“There, see? You have a nice view of the garden and your husband.”
Silence stretches between the two of you as he takes a sip of his tea while you worry your bottom lip.
“Husband, Levi, please, can we stop this pretense for a moment? I need to say something to you.”
He eyes you wearily and sighs, gesturing with his hand for you to speak.
“I’d like to live in another house. We can still stay married, but I feel so trapped here. I feel like all I do is walk on eggshells around you.”
Turning to you, he puts a hand over yours. “My love, MY wife, you’re simply learning your place. Right now, you fear me, which is a good thing.”
His hand around yours tightens, and you wince in pain as you stifle a sharp breath.
“Fearing your husband is good. Say it.”
He squeezes your hand even harder.
“Fearing your husband is good! Husband, please, stop it! You’re hurting me!”
“When you fear your husband, you begin to understand your place as a wife. If you didn’t, you’d say anything you wanted to, you’d do anything you wanted to. No, I have to discipline you to make sure you understand who runs things around here.”
His grip becomes crushing. You can feel the bones shifting in your hand as he clutches the tendons. You grab his wrist, attempting to pry him off of you, but he’s not giving any leeway for you.
“Your question just proved to me that you’re lacking in certain areas of domesticity.”
You hear a crunch beneath the weight of Levi’s hand, and with a heart wrenching sob, you pull your limb out of Levi’s grip and cradle your broken hand against your chest. He leans back against his chair, looking at you with curiosity as he sips his tea like nothing just happened.
You never imagined this would be your life. You’re always scared, trapped in a loveless marriage, even in fear of having children because you don’t want them to be subject to the same abuse as you. Crying out desperately, you look at Levi with bewilderment and glassy eyes.
“I should get a doctor to come and take a look at that so that it heals right. I wouldn’t want to have to look at your shitty hand for the rest of my life.”
The pain is so strong that you feel your stomach bounce with agony. How could he do this to me?! How could he be such a monster?
And then you’re taken back to your wedding night. You know exactly how much of a monster he can be. To you, this isn’t even the worst you’ve seen from the vile soldier.
The captain takes your jaw between his fingers. “Stop saying ridiculous things unless you want to wash the floors with two broken hands tomorrow, Wife.”
You nod and wipe your tears with the back of your non-mangled hand. “I’m so sorry, Husband. I won’t say anything about it anymore. Please, please, it hurts! I need a doctor!”
You feel so pathetic begging for anything from him, but you are at his mercy. He has you in the palm of his hand, and while you’re crying and begging, he feels something sinister stirring the depths of his core.
He strokes your hair with calloused hands, petting you as if one would do to a dog they cherish. “Shhh, shhh, now, my loving wife. Your question put me in a really bad mood after an already stressful day. I’ll consider calling a doctor if you can make it up to me.”
Your sob hitches, becoming trapped in your throat. You know exactly what he wants, and while you don’t want to, you know you have to if you want the pain to go away.
With your good hand, you reach out and undo the button and zipper on his pants swiftly before tugging his length free from the white fabric.
Levi closes his eyes and leans his head back. You both know he has won this round just as he has won many in your time here, but you’ll be damned if you give up.
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bitchapalooza · 6 months
It’s kind of rare to find(at least from what I’ve looked?) but I love those aus where both canon and Nyos coexist and they’re like brother and sister or something representing the populous together and yeah I wanna make my own bc they’re so fun akjdks
Arthur and Alice would NOT get along at all, they’d be terrible to each other for reasons unrelated to like history and shit(the patriarchy and misogyny, ect.). I just don’t think they’d mesh well. They’d think one is more stuck up than the other when they both are equally as stuck up and horrible to be around sometimes.
Alfred and Amelia would probably have to live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere because if they roomed together in the city or even just a small town they’d have police constantly at their door because of noise complaints— from video games, music, the tv, or karaoke, whatever they’re doing is playing simultaneously and it’s VERY LOUD.
I’m gonna flat out be honest with y’all— I think Sakura would kill Kiku if she had to live with him💀 IM SORRY BUT I JUST GET THE IMPRESSION THEY WOULDN’T BE THE BEST ROOMMATES????? Idk I just think they’d bicker about things like where to put This and That and would have strong opinions about it. They both give the impression of being better off alone in their own element than living with someone else— even that other person is technically themselves??
Monika and Ludwig and Gilbert and Julchen(Julia?)… a chaotic yet actually very healthy living environment??? There’s communication and everyone follows the chore chart to a perfect T. It’s pretty tame despite being fairly crowded at times. I can’t see them really living separately unlike others who should and currently do.
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kibblbread · 2 months
Fuckity Fuck. This’ll be a long one girlies!
AK!Jason & Pizza gorl have an unconventional romantic relationship! I headcanon JT as disabled since he realistically should be. He’s canonically able bodied & can most definitely still kick some serious ass, but mentally, he’s absolutely spent. Suspension of disbelief for the sake of this being based on a literal video-game BUT also I want to world build in my little delulu arkham verse!
As always credit to my favorite fic writer @morverenmaybewrites because she made the pizza gorl fic 🤭🍕
Please read! If you have read it, reread it!
In my world these two basically obsessed with each other but PG is extremely accommodating to JT’s mental & physical traumas. She strongly encourages him to do what’s comfortable for him in their home, as she wants it to be a safe space for them both. Jason does his very best to accommodate PG as well as he possibly can to return the favor.
J prefers to sleep alone most nights.
He sleeps on the pullout couch a lot of the time don’t worry he’s not cramped because of his nightmares and general anxiety/paranoia. Despite it though, he still desires the presence of you constantly, it brings him an immense amount of comfort. The doors in the apartment normally stay open. Even during showers. He can hear you sketching, typing, reading, or even occasionally snoring depending on how quiet the night is. It’s the perfect white noise in his opinion! The gentle presence of a loved one goes a long way for JT, he doesn’t feel alone nor watched or out of place. It’s the epitome of a happy medium for him.
When you two are actually sleeping together, it’s usually really cold out. The bed is extra toasty with your XL heating pad and fluffy duvet. JT makes a habit of burying himself underneath the comforter and tucking himself into your embrace, he sleeps the heaviest on these nights. He rarely overheats. Typically these are dreamless nights for him. During the peak of Gothams harsh winter, Jason is the most consistent with sleeping in bed with the exception of a couple random nights he gets horrible night terrors. He just can’t get enough of the encompassing warmth 🤭 Not to mention it’s much harder for his mind to construct nightmares when all he’s thinking about is getting warm.
PG obviously prefers to sleep with her significant other most nights but makes it a point to respect his boundaries. As much as she wants Jason to be guilt free when sleeping alone, he still feels no better than a bag of shit when leaving her to her own devices nearly every night after all this time together; especially during holidays like valentines or something similar. To combat this they’ll usually do an activity together before sleeping—like reading aloud to one another or crocheting or even a coloring book.
PG loves to eat but couldn’t be more indifferent to cooking, it’s not a hobby or particularly fun experience for her. She does it simply because Jason doesn’t like to mix things up when he cooks. Not because he doesn’t want to either, he’s just good at a handful of dishes and hasn’t ventured beyond them. They’re both average but PG is marginally better since she cooks more.
Jason’s skin looks considerably better due to him eating more homemade food. He’s not nearly as greasy now.
JT having someone hounding him to hydrate and eat on routine gives him more energy… he’s lowkey shocked at how much more energy he actually has. PG is indefinitely annoyed at his antics but continues to nag JT to keep up with himself. He usually returns the favor by doing most of the chores, he seems to get some enjoyment from cleaning. It’s so easy for him to focus while simultaneously not actually think about anything. Head completely empty… only the sound of himself scrubbing away at grime.
Pure peace.
Sometimes when Jason runs out of things to clean it will lead to him stressing out unnecessarily. Unfortunately, it’s the only activity that helps alleviate stress at a rapid rate. The second best self soothing method is counting down from 10 thousand in increments 7 or something akin to that. But it doesn’t work nearly as well though..
As helpful PG finds this behavior, they’re both brainstorming better measures for calming him down.
Pizza can’t really go more than 24 without a shower, she hates smelling like greasy fast food! She has a lot of scented products that help get rid of the stench pretty effectively. Jason only uses them when he needs to erase the scent of blood, otherwise he opts for the simple cleansers and shampoos.
PG loves to feel just as pretty as she smells so her hoard of hygienic products is never lacking. Jason is still genuinely curious how any girl could need so many oils, body butters, & moisturizers. It’s never ending. JT never comments or judges his significant other on her affinity for skincare. Something that makes PG so clearly happy makes him happier too. Not to mention, Jason also reaps some small benefits from her extensive collection; although he usually just uses what Pizza seems to ignore the most, some of his smaller scars have evened out and much of his hyperpigmentation has lessened. Jason himself hasn’t noticed this development in the slightest, but PG most definitely has.
He’s very bashful when you compliment him and most of the time, Jason doesn’t believe you.. sometimes though, he can’t help but let his heart flutter at the directness of your attraction.
Every once in awhile, Jason will roll up his sleeves and ask you rub cream on his forearms. As tense and anxious JT will become while being touched, he wants to heal. He wants Joker to stop haunting him. Freedom is all Jason has ever wanted since the asylum. Becoming whole again is his ultimate goal; so he’ll sit through the discomfort, the self hatred and disgust of his mangled body, to exist as he sees fit. Not by what Joker had planned for him. PG doesn’t always do it as long as he’d like if she feels he’s on the verge of panic or an episode, but occasionally, Jason can beat personal records.
JT gets loads of praise from his partner either way.
Anything to do with prolonged touch is done in complete darkness 🙃 what kind of touch is up to y’alls discretion lol
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
Can i request zhongli thoma and kazuha with reader that gets sick easily and often nose bleed cos of over working?
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YES AAAA KAZUHA I get to write my maple prince!! TvT
Ya’ll are being awesome with the requests thank you :P I have three more to do after this and then I’m finally caught up aaaa!
Warnings: Fluff, very caring boys, Gn! Reader, swearing, mentions of blood, not proof-read.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Kazuha.
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For someone so calm and collected 24/7 he’s still unsure of how he managed to fall for someone that’s constantly overworking theirselves into a trembling mess at least once a week.
When you first came home one day with a bloody nose he was prepared to commence with the wrath of the rock istg
When you told him that it just happens sometimes with the most causal attitude you could muster without passing out he just kinda stopped and was like
Deadass just stopped and looked at you with the most deadpan expression ever and was like:
“My dear, I don’t quite believe that’s as ordinary as you try to make it out to be”
After this happens a couple more times he starts to become very good at taking care of you!
As soon as he picks up signs that you’re overworking he’ll immediately make sure to get some tissues and force you to stop whatever you’re doing and pin you to the bed in the most innocent way possible.
If he doesn’t pick up on you destroying your physical and mental state then be prepared for a hour long lecture about how you should take care of yourself!
He just wants you to be safe. He’s already lost so many people he’s loved and wants to make sure you’re ok!
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The panic attacks you give to is poor man-
Genuinely thinks you’re about to die every time you show up with blood spurtin’ out your nose.
Has medical supplies at all times
When you told him it happens when you push yourself too much he makes sure to do everything for you when he can!
Makes you food and does chores like the precious housewife he is.
When you’ve been working too long he’ll force you to take a break and give you a nice massage even if you don’t ask for one!
He’ll ask Ayato to put a word in with your boss or teacher to take it a little more easy on you.
It’s not that he thinks you can’t handle the work
Which you can’t you dumbass
He just doesn’t like seeing how much of a toll it takes on your body
He just loves you so much and wants to make sure you’re ok~
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He’s like a concerned parent who also loves you too much to be angry
He understands how important the work you have is but really doesn’t like how you push yourself to literal destruction.
When you first start getting a nose bleed he’d act very calm and do his best to make sure you were ok while sitting you down to rest
But you can bet your ass his poor little heart was terrified something bad had happened ;-;
He has trauma ok! Who fucking doesn’t in this game
Doesn’t have the heart to tell you to stop what you’re doing but does do everything in his power to distract you
Oh look. He found a pretty view and needs you to come and see it with him
It’s life or death
Trust him.
He found these fruits he found and thought you’d like to try them but he needs you to eat them with him so he knows your opinion.
Such a sneaky boy.
If you refuse to peel your eyes away from whatever you’ve been torturing yourself with the last who knows how long-
He’ll finally voice his opinions and tell you to stop.
He never has a harsh or demanding tone
It’s always sounds so soft and caring
Because he is!
You’re like a beautiful flower that even though he knows you can withstand harsh conditions he still wants to protect and care for you!
It’s also impossible to say no to him he gives you his pretty smile and puppy eyes
He’s a beautiful boy with a beautiful heart
And it belongs to you completely~
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Thoma’s was kinda short because I’m running out of brain juice for him today ;-;
I’ll be catching up with the other requests in a few days I’m just going through some stuff with my mom not accepting me being no-binary which is really disheartening just randomly inserts a rant wtf but I assure I will get to all the requests sent in :P
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darnell-la · 10 months
Could I request a non-con Rafe Cameron? He’s obsessed with Pope’s older female cousin who comes to visit/help Heyward since Pope is constantly AWOL. Rafe flirts her without making any commitment until she’s set to leave OBX and does everything he can to lock her down.
Acting fast
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Y/n’s pov
Doing Popes work while he’s AWAL is the worst. He’s a very heavy duty and fast man but ever since he’s been doing this treasure hunt, he’s lacked in all of his chores. Now I’m here to pick up where he left off at.
I’m currently walking up to Sarah Cameron’s house after getting an anonymous letter, inviting me tonight. I figured it must be some random dude who might of flirted with me a few weeks ago so accepted and came.
I honestly think Rafe invited me. He alway does but I usually never go unless I’m with JJ or Pope. They hate the thought of me alone around Rafe. They say he’s bad news but I can’t see him killing me if anything like that. I think I’ll be fine with one night alone.
“Aye, y/n!” A dude who always flirts with me, said as I walked by him and his friends. “Hey, conner,” I smiled back as I walked through the back doors of the Cameron’s house.
As soon as I walked through the doors, I smelled weed, alcohol and alcohol other things that I couldn’t figure out. I heard a few women whisper things about me but I ignored them as always.
“Joint!” The dude at the mini bar asked me. I usually have JJ get me one because I don’t know what these men do to the ones they give out to women but hey, it’s only this one time. I hope. I Hope he gets back soon…
“How much?” I asked. “For you? Free,” he smirked at me. “Oh,” I said with a slight smile as i took the joint from his hand then a lighter. “Have fun. You know where to find me,” he winked then went to serve other people.
I ended up sitting downs somewhere outside after getting myself a cup of punch mixed alcohol. After smoking the whole joint, I flicked the rest somewhere in the grass then got up to go to the bathroom.
I pushed through people, stumbling and mumbling as I felt myself about to piss on myself. I angrily pushed people until someone pushed me back. Rafe Cameron.
“Ah, look who made it! Little miss I’m to good for the Kooks,” Rafe said, making Emma scoff and roll my eyes. “Or maybe I’m just to good for you,” i said, making his friends oouu throughout the party.
“We’ll see about that, princess,” Rafe said. I rolled my eyes again as I pushed passed him and made my way upstairs to finally use the bathroom. I rushed through the hallway until I finally found the bathroom to relieve myself.
I’ve noticed that even after relieving myself, i didn’t feel better. My stomach still turned and twisted as my head pounded. Usually after doing this, I’ll feel way better but it’s like I’m getting worse every seconds. I can barley see.
“Fuck,” I cussed as I stumbled out of the bathroom. The halls seem longer then they were when I came up here. “That worked fast,” someone said behind me, making me turn slowly and carefully. It’s Rafe.
“What? I had to piss,” I slurred. “Maybe it’s cause you’re a stoner whore but that’s fine. As long as I’ll always have you so cute and helpless,” he said as he walked towards me, causing me to back up.
“What? What are you talking about?” I asked, backing up and hoping to get to the stares until tripped. I almost fell to the ground until Rafe caught me. Rafe then threw me over his shoulder and began walking the opposite way to the stairs.
“Hey, put me down!” I demanded but he didn’t listen. He continued walking until he made it into a room, closed and locked the doors before throwing me on a very comfortable bed.
“I did what you asked, now you do what I ask,” Rafe said as he unbuttoned and ripped his shirt off and began fondling with his beltbuckle. “I- What? What do you want?” I asked, having a hard time focusing.
“Spread your legs so I can pump that sweet pussy of yours,” he said, shocking me. “What!? Wait- No! I’m not doing- Rafe, get off! Get off of me!” I yelled at him as he started forcing my skirt off. “Resist and I’ll make your life harder than it’ll already get,” he threatened.
I kept fighting, hoping he’d stop but he didn’t. He proceeded to rip my panties clean off. I can tell he did a line of coke before he brought hisself upstairs. It’s like he powered up.
“Get off of me you dick!” I yelled at him with cracks in my voice as he forced himself in between my legs. “I’m gonna fuck you so good tonight,” he growled under his breath as he began to force his tip into me.
“Rafe, no! No!” I screamed, feeling every percent of alcohol and weed get to me. “Fuuck!” Rafe groaned as he pushed deep inside me. “No!” I cried as my head began to pound harder.
“Cmon, princess. Don’t tell me you hate it,” Rafe fake pouted as he pushed my waist into the bed. He slammed into me with no mercy, ignoring and taunting my begs and cries. He won’t stop.
“Just relax. You’re not getting out of this, baby,” Rafe whispered as my eyes started feeling heavy. It’s not hard to tell I was probably laced. “I made sure you’d have a good relaxing night,” he said as he kept his ruthless pounding.
“P-Please,” I tried pushing at his chest but I’m getting weaker by the second. “Sure, I’ll go faster,” he said and did. “N-No, no,” I cried low as my cervix began to hurt. “Mhm, fuck, I’m close,” he groaned. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.
As soon as I woke up, I smelled bacon, egg and a pancakes. I smiled for a split second until I remembered last night. I quickly jumped out of bed but feel on my ass, as my legs were to weak.
I stayed overnight here. At the Cameron’s house. I’m Rafe Cameron’s bsf. After he raped me. I habe do get out of here. I can’t be seen here.
I slowly got up and limped over towards the door, still feeling pounding in my head. “You up?” Rafe asked as he opened the door, causing me to step back a few steps. Why does he look happy? Does he not remember what he did to me?
“Why, Rafe?” I asked, feeling my eyes burn at the tears being held back. “Why what?” He asked. “Why did you rape me?” I asked him, hoping he’d apologize and let me leave in peace.
“I didn’t rape you,” he said, causing my heart to drop. “It’s not rape if most of the time you were moaning and whining. And also cumming in me all night,” he said, making me feel sick.
“I-I gotta go,” I said, feeling my heart ache. “Nah, you’re staying here,” Rafe pushed me back. “No, I’m leaving!” I yelled at him which gained my a hard slap to my face, causing me to fall to the ground. He quickly hovered over me and grabbed my neck, forcing me to look at him.
“Yell at me again, y/n, and I’ll fuck you in your ass,” he threatened as tears streamed down my face. “Now come downstairs to eat,” he said as he got up. That’s when I quickly kicked his crotch, causing him to instantly fall to the ground in pain.
“Fuck!” He yelled as I got up and limped over to my shorts I was going to leave. I grabbed my phone and keys that were on his desk then ran out of his room to get away from him.
I safely got home and ran into my house quickly to take a shower, hoping I can get him out of my mind and off of my body. I’ve always known he was bad but not like this. I didn’t know he was evil. This is why JJ never wanted me around him.
I’m currently in front of Mr. Wards house after he send an email, telling me to drop off the paint he ordered, today. I never wanted to come back here but I don’t see Rafe’s motorcycle in sight. Maybe he’s gone. I hope he is.
I took a deep breath before getting out of my car and grabbing the paint, Mr. Ward ordered. I made my way to the front of the house and knocked a few times until I read a note telling me to place the paint in their living room.
I sighed as I slowly opened the front door. Of course it was unlocked. He might be out. Maybe that’s why Rafe isn’t here. I quickly made my way to their living room and placed the pant down.
I pulled out my phone and emailed Me. Ward back, telling him I left the paint right next to their couch with all the painting towels he needs.
I turned around and went to head out until I saw Rafe leaned up against the wall. “That was to easy,” he said. “You- You planned this days ago,” I said, feeling my heart pound. “And it worked,” he said after he pushed himself off of the wall.
He took a hard step towards me, making me jump in fear. He’s playing with me. He’s even laughing to himself because he knows I’m scared and helpless. It’s like he’s the cat and I’m the mouse.
“Rafe, don’t do this. Just let me go and I won’t tell. I-I promise,” I said. “Who’s going to believe a Pogue anyways?” He asked and right after dashed after me. I quick turned around but couldn’t get away.
Rafe grabbed my hair and pulled me over to the back of a couch. “No!” I screamed and fought but he liked it. How can I tell? He’s grinding his cock on my ass. “That’s it. Cry for me. Makes me rock hard,” he whispered in my ear.
“No, no, no!” I cried, hoping he’d lay me go but I need to stop trying to see the hood in him. He’s evil. “I made love to you the other night and you called it rape,” Rafe spoke as he pulled my shorts and panties down.
“I’ll show you rape,” Rafe said as he pulled himself out of his shorts. “No!” I tried pushing myself off of the couch but I was to late. He slammed into me roughly as he grabbed my hair and waist.
“You’re just so irresistible. I should have started earlier,” he groaned in my ear as I cried. I feel myself growing wet, but I don’t like this. “You’re so fuckin’ tight, baby,” he whispered in my ear.
“Fuck, I need to see your face,” he cussed as he pulled me off of the couch then pushed me to the ground. “Wait, Rafe, please!” I begged, trying to crawl backwards but he hovered over me and wasted no time to push into me.
“Fuuuck! Look at this. Look at how much she needs me,” Rafe watched as his cock slipped in and out of my cunt with ease. “You’re sucking me in. You want me, don’t you, y/n? I’ve always known,” he said, now inches away from my face.
“The way you dress around me, you must have been asking for it. I’d think Pope would have spoke to you about me and how I am. Especially JJ. I get what I want and it’s not hard to see I wanted you. Now I have your,” he growled in my ear as he picked up his paste.
“N-No! Get off of my you bastard!” I tried screaming, praying people would hear me and save but this only made him laugh more. “You’re so pathetic without your boys, aren’t you?” Rafe said as he gripped my neck tightly with both hands and leaned up to watch my body.
He knows I’m weak and he loves it. I can tell by the way he’s looking at me. I’m like his prey. He’s wanted me for awhile and now he finally has me. He took me. I didn’t have a choice.
“Yeah, I’ll be at the pool party. I just have to take care of business real quick,” I spoke on the phone with JJ. I told him that I’ve recently been assaulted and that my pregnancy test came up positive. I didn’t want to tell Pope but I felt like I had to tell JJ.
He was angry the day I told him. He wanted to know who did it. He even went as far as getting his gun and trying h to pull me to his car so I can drive him to the person but I broke down and cried. He clammed down and took care of me that day. He also convinced me to tell the group everything if this test comes out positive.
“Okay, don’t be late and wear my favorite suit. You know, for pictures,” he joked making me laugh. We said a few more things then hung up. I took a deep breath and made my way towards the Cameron’s house again.
I came here to confront Rafe amd catch his reaction on video when I tell him I’m pregnant. I should have came here with JJ but he probably would kill Rafe once he sees him. He would.
I rang the doorbell of the Cameron’s house ams stood outside for a couple of minutes before Rafe opened up the door in anger. He went to say something, probably in anger until he realized it was me. I hate the way his face lights up when he sees me.
“I told you, you’d be back. Only took a month, huh? Thought it was gonna be faster,” he chuckled to himself, making me slap me across his face. He grabbed his face, shocked at my actions as I began to cuss him out.
“You tried ruining my life, but it didn’t work! You’ve only brought me closer to the man I love, I’ve been focusing on myself more and now I’m- I’m way more confident in myself. Fuck you! You’ll never see me or this baby again,” I said.
I turned around to walk away but stopped after Rafe spoke. “So I succeeded?” He asked. “What?” I asked as I slowly turned around. “I mean, I did tell you you’ll be back and look at you. Back right?” He said in his cocky little voice.
“You fucking planned this!?” I yelled, feeling my stomach curl up. He’s sick. He’s so sick! “After hearing the news about you moving, I had to act fast. So I did,” he said as he took a step out of his house, causing me to take a step back.
“Rafe… What the fuck!” I yelled at him as tears ran down my cheek. All he did was smirk and scan me. It’s like he’s turned on by how shocked and scared I am. Sarah was right about him.
“You’ll be hearing from the cops soon,” I said as I slowly backed away then quickly turned around. I heard him move so I sped down the stared, trying not to seem like I was running away from him so he wouldn’t think I was to frighten of him but he knew. He was very much aware.
“Who’s going to tell them,” he said, right behind me. I sent my feet to take off but he grabbed me and picked me up. “No! Help! Help me-“ I screamed until he covered my mouth.
I kicked, punched, slapped, yelled. I tried everything to prevent him from dragging me into his house but he succeeded.
“Keep screaming. You know how much I like it by now,” he whispered in my ear, giving me time to throw my head back. He quickly let me go and yelled in pain. I sadly didn’t break his nose but at least he’s bleeding and hurt.
I quickly got up and ran to the back of his house as he followed me. I can hear how angry he is by his breathing and the things he’s saying as he’s chasing me around his house.
“You fucking bitch, broke my nose,” he cussed at me. I guess I did break it. It’s well deserved. “When I get my hands on you I’ll- God! You better be fucking glad you’re carrying my baby,” he angrily said, getting closer.
Him reminding me that I’m carrying his baby, instantly caused me to cry harder then I am. He’s my nightmare. I can’t escape him.
“Gotcha,” Rafe said as he picked me up. I kicked and screamed again, trying to fight against his hold but he’s way to strong. “I’ll have to tie you down this time. Don’t wanna hurt the baby,” he said in my ear.
He dragged me to a door right by the stares, scaring me. When Sarah had a party, she strictly warns people not to go down there because her brother would kill them. She told us and the gang that he’s been working on it for awhile now.
“Rafe, no!” I yelled as I tried grabbing onto the door frame but he ripped me away. “Cmon, baby. You’ll love it here!” He said like he was exited to show me what he has down here.
“No, I won’t, just- Rafe, please let me go. Please!” I cried as we made it downstairs. “Cmon! You don’t like this!? I spend months on this just for you,” he said as he dropped me to the ground after turning the lights on.
Rafe spent months on creating a huge room. I can see the chains in the bed to keep me there. The bathroom looks like it just got finished. The room style is close to what I like. He made this specifically for me.
“No, this can’t actually be happening,” I said to myself as I slowly got up and rubbed my face. “No, I can’t- I have to get out of here,” I said as I tried passing Rage with my head down, stressed and frightened but he kept getting in my way.
“You’re not going anywhere. Ever. At least not until me and you move to my family’s second house that’ll be ours. We’ll raise our family there,” he said. “No,” I kept repeating.
“Yes, y/n, and it’s time to celebrate,” he said as he touched me, trying to pull me into him by my waist but I pushed him away. “Fuck you!” I yelled at him. I instantly got slapped. Hard.
“I’ve been fucking you, so yelling it out loud won’t make it stop,” he growled as I stepped back and he stepped closer. “You’re such a- a rich son of a bitch! You think everyone wants you. I don’t want you! Let me go!” I yelled as he charged at me.
I screamed right before he picked me up and threw me onto the bed in the room. He quickly grabbed the chains connected to the bed and chained me up how he liked.
“Wearing this summer dress only made it worse for you,” Rafe said as he reached next to the bed into a drawer, pulling out scissors. He wasted no time to cut my sundress right down the middle.
“What kinda whore are you? Going out to swim in a bikini when you’re pregnant. I should punish you but I have to take it easy,” he said as he cut my bikini. “You’re so lucky,” he whispered in my ear before assaulting my neck.
I begged over and over, hoping he’d finally let this go. Let me got. But, he didn’t. It got worse every second and I can’t stop it. I have no help. “You’re trapped with me, and I’ll never let you go,” he said. Rafe Cameron kidnapped me…
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comradekatara · 1 year
I rewatched “the boy in the iceberg” the other day, and it’s not an episode I revisit often, but when I do, I’m always kind of amazed by the level of insight it provides into katara and sokka’s upbringing, but only when you watch it through the lens of having already seen the entire show.
for example, kanna as a character does not register for the viewer unless you already know her backstory as it’s revealed to us in “the waterbending master,” at which point the fact that she is shown to be unflinchingly harsh and stern and keeps preventing katara from the fun and adventure she clearly yearns for actively signals to us what kind of toll the war must’ve taken on her and the responsibility she feels towards keeping katara out of trouble. the fact that we see kanna push katara from aang, warning her to not pin her hopes on this boy and telling her she needs to do her chores, is really interesting because it frames the fact that katara does a lot of chores not as something she might have volunteered to do, or even is expected to as a girl, but rather something that kanna forces her to do as a distraction method (both from her grief and from her impulsiveness).
it’s clear that kanna sees far more of herself in katara than she does in sokka, but that comes with the acknowledgment that katara has the capacity to be just as adventurous, reckless and impulsive as kanna was at her age, and that means keeping a close eye on her at all times. I’m convinced that if kanna had ever said “sokka, be a man and wash your dirty socks,” sokka would’ve done that shit without question, but instead kanna made katara do all of the laundry because it meant keeping her in their house for longer, where she can keep an eye on her granddaughter and make sure she isn’t running off to go penguin sledding or exploring the ruins of an old fire nation ship (two things she immediately does the second she makes a friend her age) or god knows what else. kanna has no need to keep an eye on sokka because he is extremely cautious, takes his duties very seriously, and refuses to entertain the notion of having fun of any kind, so there’s no chance of him wandering off and getting into trouble.
when sokka says “I knew I shouldn’t have taken you fishing,” because of what he says next (“leave it to a girl to screw things up”) he makes it sound like it’s because he believes that women can’t fish because their tits get in the way or whatever, but I bet that katara begged him to take her because she was bored and was clawing at the walls desperate to go outside and explore, even if it meant putting up with her annoying ass brother (not like she has any other friends her age). she probably went through all her chores really fast and then caught sokka on his way out and did adorable puppy dog eyes and had a whole numbered list ready with reasons she should go until sokka relented (only to immediately realize that fishing is just as boring as doing laundry).
kanna did not approve of the idea of katara going alone with aang to the north pole, but once it was sokka’s idea to go rescue aang and travel the world, (and it was clear he had packed the necessary provisions, unlike katara, whose decision to leave with aang was a spur of the moment thing,) kanna gave them her blessing. and her respective farewells to both of them are also so telling in that regard, because she is giving katara permission to be hopeful, to finally live up to her heroic potential, whereas she tells sokka to look after katara. on their travels, katara does have some practical skills sokka doesn’t (sewing and midwifery being the primary two things sokka is fucking useless at) that she acquired from spending every waking second since kya’s death doing chores with kanna, but she is also constantly getting herself into trouble, with or without aang (or toph) as her accomplice. and every time sokka is just like “yup, classic katara shenanigans. just so you know i disapprove but also will do everything in my power to help you out of this mess.”
watching out for katara, making sure that she doesn’t get herself into trouble, and then helping her out of said trouble, is the exact kind of thing both hakoda and kanna told sokka his primary responsibility was, and it’s clear he takes that responsibility very seriously. it’s also probably why he was way more chill about the consequences of toph’s scamming. like, he told her to be careful after noticing her wanted poster, but he wasn’t mad about it the way he was when katara attracted the wrath of pirates, because he didn’t spend his whole life being shown and told that toph needs someone responsible to keep her in line. and he does feel a level of responsibility and protectiveness towards toph, that much is clear, but he also trusts her judgment because he’s never actually seen her make an actively bad judgment call (excluding katara from the scams was mean and wrong of her, granted, but it’s clear he doesn’t wanna involve himself in their beef).
“never turning his back on katara” is always sokka’s first priority, above anything else, and that shows even when he’s being a dick to her, saying inflammatory shit like “leave it to a girl to screw things up.” again, once you've seen the show in full, it’s pretty clear that sokka is just saying that because he’s insecure that all the warriors left him behind, so he’s projecting his insecurities onto her, but if you don’t have the context to understand how much the idea of “not being a true warrior” means to sokka, it just seems like he thinks boys rule girls drool. and if you don’t realize that kanna is actively making katara do more chores on purpose, whereas she trusts sokka to be responsible for himself, it does seem like katara is taking on an unfair amount of responsibility, in a gendered way. you take that conversation at face value, because you don’t realize (at first) that they’re both projecting their insecurities and blaming their personal frustrations on each other. you don’t realize that sokka is minimizing katara because he sees her as his annoying little sister who always gets into trouble, and you don’t realize that katara is telling herself stories of grand adventure because she feels cooped up at home, because this is the inciting incident where adventure does await, so sokka’s suspicion and exasperation seems out of pocket, whereas katara’s wonder and eagerness seems totally justified.
it’s similar to how when zuko sees the light from the iceberg opening iroh warns them that they’ve gone down this road before and not to have too much hope. kanna tells katara the same thing. both zuko and katara believe in the avatar as their salvation, and are so eager to put their faith in this narrative that they accept it without question. of course, we as the audience know that they’re right, but it’s also perfectly reasonable for sokka and iroh to warn them not to get their hopes up, to be careful and patient. it makes you wonder how many times not only zuko, but also katara have gone looking for the avatar before, firm in their belief that he’s still out their somewhere, and they will be the Chosen One to finally find him (of course, they’re right, but no one had any way of possibly knowing that). katara and zuko are obvious foils whose journeys mirror and intersect, but iroh and sokka are too, and they’re both there to support and guide their younger, less jaded family member, both in giving them the space and encouragement to be the best versions of themselves they can be, and also cautioning them or saving them once they get themselves into trouble due to their shortsighted impulsiveness.
the same way that zuko’s always yelling at iroh that he’s just a lazy old man who doesn’t understand the importance of honor is how i view katara’s rant to sokka that he “doesn’t do anything around camp” and “from now on, he’s on his own.” like, what does she even mean by him “being on his own”? his primary priority at all times is literally protecting her. he’s not the one making her do his laundry, their grandmother is. blame her, katara! (actually ykw i bet she does but just yells at whichever family member is in vicinity in that moment.) katara has every right to be bored and frustrated, but her anger is mostly misplaced (other than calling sokka sexist, that’s fair). and it’s clear that sokka doesn’t take any of what she says to heart anyway, because the entire time she’s ranting he’s just sitting there thinking about how they’re gonna get home without a boat.
what makes kanna so fascinating is that we only ever see her agreeing with sokka, but it’s clear she’s secretly rooting for katara, for her naive, impossible worldview to be somehow, against all odds, right. and when she is, when the avatar is revealed to be alive, kanna thanks her for bringing back the dormant hope she long thought gone for good. sokka, like kanna, has been utterly jaded, all and any sense of wonder pulverized by the war. but aang and katara bring it back, through their sheer optimism against all odds, their sense of adventure, their commitment to justice, and their dedication to preserving their childhoods amidst all the grief and violence they’ve had to suffer.
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