#but alas I’m a slow cook
in-the-multiverse · 2 months
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HotGuy and CuteGuy as memes in my au
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swamiiyasssss · 4 months
Enemies AND Lovers w/ Vox
A/N: RAHHH im on this lovely LOVLEY show by Viv. So glad HH is popular AGAINN. Been here since the OG days. Real ones know fr. Anyways. Need Vox biblically, and im sure all of u do too.
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- Youre such a fucking prick. Its like you and Alastor are PERSONAL heaven-sent punishment for the tv demon. Fuck his life.
- Ngl, he has some hatefuck fantasies about Alastor….BUT YOU??? He doesnt know whether to livestream both of you getting it on, or just keep you all to himself, letting him edge you, torture you, maybe beat you up as he fucks you raw.
- But! You both know who’s really the Dom in the relationship.
- “Going all static on me, Vox? Knew your twink ass couldnt keep up.” You snicker.
- His left eye bursts a red glare. “Im gonna show that tight mouth of yours on how to really keep up.” He seethes
- In public, both of you play the obvious cat-and-mouse act. He starts the fight, and you cook him every. single. time.
- Hell, you sometimes contemplate teaming up with Alastor to genuinely fuck him over. An enemy of an enemy is a friend, after all.
- Alas, however charming friend and associate the Radio Demon is, he has bigger…’opps’ ( LUCIFER…LILLITH? ). So, youre left to humiliate Vox all by yourself.
- He’s such an adorable tv munchkin to u, always yapping and yapping on….How CUTE.
- “I am not cute, you fuckin’ slut.” His voice switches to all gutteral and static.
- You slide a hand dangerously slow down his chest. He genuinely starts fucking tweaking, a neon blue blush blooming all over his screen. “ How abt now???”
- Gun kink. BLOOD KINK…. Both of you regularly have turf wars, fights in respective buildings. Your divine guns against his throat, straddling him. His claws digging into your hips, blood oozing out. A nosebleed on your face.
- Perhaps, youre everything he needs. Youre perfect. Youre perfect like this he realizes, as you swat your gun away, and you bite and gnaw at his lips, furiously kissing him all rabid and animalistic.
- He hates you. He needs to hate you. Youre everything he goes against. Calm demeanor, perfect principles, a private, closed-off life.
- Nothing to broadcast. Nothing to brag about. And yet, youre Wrath incarnate in this ungodly realm of Hell.
- Vox realises, but you don’t, that you really are Heaven-sent. Except, youre his retribution.
- “F-Fuck you.” You drag out, when he runs a claw barely against your lower stomach as he mercilessly thrusts into you.
“Exactly what I’m doing, baby.” He glitches. Again.
- And when you two are done, and if its your place or his, just know the bed will be empty the next morning. Youre still sworn enemies. You’d still cut him down given the smallest chance.
Vox cherishes the vague warmth on the other side of the bed. He dares to smell the sheets, your scent clinging to it with some life. He feels filthy.
Youre back in the Wrath Ring before you know it, your own realm. The heat of the desert won’t compare to the fire in your heart, if you even have one.
Vox and you? Youre anything but for eachother.
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fraugwinska · 2 months
I LOVED IT AAAAAA COULD U DO A PART TWO THATS A LITTLE SMUTTY??? (I’m the anon who asked about the brat reader! :3)
Since not only you, but also the wonderful @sybilsmelodyonthewireless asked for it - who am I to deny you? ;>
(Un)Holy Tease
Ah, you loved the feeling of claws in your hair. A good night always started with claws in your hair. True, you had been especially annoying today – It had just been too long since Alastor had pulled you into his bed with this dominating, smug smile you craved, but you knew he denied you on purpose, finding wicked glee in your growing desperation. But two could play that game.
What tipped the scale – you weren't sure. If you had to chose, you'd say it was when you refused to eat his freshly cooked dinner, his mom's prized Jambalaya of all things, because you ''didn't feel like it''. You knew that it would drive him mad, and you would've maybe felt bad if it wasn't the quickest - and safest - way into his sheets.
Alastor caged your mostly undressed self under him, his dress shirt open and with a dark smile on his lips.
„I said: Look at me, darling.“
You rose your chin a bit higher, as much as his firm grip in your hair allowed – the slight pain from it sent shivers down your spine. „I'm good, thank you.“
Your smile quickly turned into a gasp as he tugged hard on your scalp, forcing your face to turn to him.
„A little mouthy today, are we?“, he purred, slowly scraping the inside of your thighs with his free hand. You felt the inhuman urge to tilt your hips, to guide his traveling finger to where you wanted them to be, but you refused to give in that easily. „Do you really think you get what you so clearly want with that little attitude of yours?“
You gripped the sheets beneath you, just to stop yourself from grabbing his shoulders and pull him onto you. Patience, you reminded yourself, work him until he's ready.
„Who says I want anything from you?“, you say decidedly casual, blinking up to him, registering with delight his little snarl and the glimmer of frustration in his eyes. He lowered himself, you could feel his hot breath on your collarbone as his hand traveled up, up, up to your heated core, just halting before actually touching the already wet fabric.
„Your body betrays you, pet.“, he chuckled, tilting his head to inhale your scent. You almost slip, letting your hands free from the grip on the bed sheets to touch him just a bit, but he is quicker than you, catching your wrists and pinning them above your head with the help of his shadow companions. „You were most unruly today, but I'll overlook your little tantrums... if you beg for it.“
Your body bent and tensed like a hunters bow, you forced yourself to not moan at his words. The tightrope you walked on got thinner and thinner. Just a bit more.
„Make me.“
A low growl accompanied the tear of your lace panties, before his arm snaked to your back and around your waist, flipping you on all fours. He pressed your shoulders down into the mattress, keeping your ass up in the air. One of his long digits swiped violently through your soaked slit, flicking your clit in the most cruel, delicious way. You bit your tongue, quieting the whine that wanted to escape. Almost there.
“So defiant. What a naughty girl you are.” Another swipe, another flick, slower this time, agonizingly slow. Thank god you could bury your face in the fabric, because this time a moan was unpreventable. But he heard it, as he always did, and it encouraged him, his sharp tip rounding your pearl, once, twice, three times, with just the right intensity. Then he stopped.
The pressure disappeared, and so did his finger.
Even though you were prepared, it still left you cold and empty, making you draw a heavy sigh of frustration.
“I do hate to repeat myself, dear. But alas, once more: If you want me to continue... beg.”
“Please...” you pressed through your teeth, shaking from the loss of contact, the anticipation setting your skin on fire.
“Hm? What was that? Use your pretty, little mouth, darling, and speak up.”
The cocky, saturated tone of his voice made you almost come on the spot. You took a deep, trembling breath, your lungs burned with impatience.
“Please, Alastor, please with sugar on top. Just fuck me already.”
The touches returned, oh so sweetly and forcefully, it made you choke on your own breath. His thumb swirled around your sensitive bud while two of his fingers pumped, in and out, filling the humming room with unholy, squelching sounds. Your face, still pressed into the covers of his bed, flushed as you started to pant softly, keeping your mewls to a minimum. You still had a little fight in you.
His hand raked from your shoulders down your spine, sharp tips drawing prickling lines on your back. He tuttet at you, but you heard the growing lust when he spoke. “Such filthy words. Since you decided to behave like such a spoiled brat today, I shall treat you just as one.”
Fuck yes. You heard the ruffle of fabric, the clatter of a belt buckle. To seal the deal, you put everything what was left of your smug confidence in your next words, knowing you wouldn't be able to speak coherently in the foreseeable future either way.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
The answer was a single thrust, deep and without mercy. Your breath hitched in your throat, he filled you to the brim, making your eyes water and your mind ecstatic. With no time to adjust, he started to move, quick, assaulting snaps of his hips, pushing deeper and deeper into you. His hands with firm grip on your waist, he pushed you to and away from him, while his shadows, wicked things that they were, pulled your constricted wrists up over your head so far your upper body rose from the bed and hung in mid-air.
“You'll take everything I give you, and you'll thank me for it, darling.” His husky voice was filled with buzzing white noise. You tried to answer, but the new position made him hit all the right spots, the only thing audible were your mindless moans.
A loud clap and the instant burn on your ass made you yelp in pain and pleasure.
“Come on, darling, say it.”
In between the heavy panting, you managed to breathe a strained “t-thank you...”, just before another smack hit your already sore cheek. Combined with his unrelenting thrusts, this was the most delectable torture. “T-thank y-you.”, you sobbed, feeling the familiar tightening, that sweet pressure in your midst rising, ready to pop.
“There's my good girl...” Alastor purred, picking up speed, his claws deep in the flesh of your hips. “Now cum, darling.”
Everything happened at once – stars before your eyes, walls clenching around his still throbbing member, a long, loud, relieved cry that sounded like his name, a kiss on your sweat-covered neck. You felt him thrusting a few times more before warmth coated your insides, and you felt his weight slumping on your back. Together, you fell forward into the messed up sheets as the shadows tenderly let your wrists go, the only sounds your quiet humms of pleasure – like echoes of your moans – and his fizzzing and popping static noises.
He rolled off you onto his back and pulled you up his chest, his fingers raking through your ruffled hair. You felt happy, fulfilled and so deeply in love with this demon, taking a moment to lean into his soft caresses. But the night was still young, and – as you know – a good night always starts with claws in your hair.
“Mhh... is that all you got?”
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secondhandsorrows · 5 months
3 Quick Tips on Writing Dialogue
Okay… so one of the biggest writing hurdles I often face is writing dialogue. Good dialogue. I know such a statement can be pretty subjective, but there’s something to dialogue that demands attention. There’s things involved like subtext, purpose, characterization, and sense of realism. On the other hand, there’s also character voice, expression, body language, and dialogue tags (sparingly, if you can)… all of which can be important, too. Sometimes it’s tricky for me to get a handle on writing dialogue that sounds natural, less stilted, and more as though the characters are real and conversing like we humans would (not to say dialogue should include unnecessary filler-words and repetitions we tend to overuse in our day-to-day conversations). 
Today, I’m going to share three quick tips I’ve accumulated from research and from my own experiences in creative fiction workshops on improving your dialogue. 
1. Avoid needless filler-words and phrases.
Let’s just get this one out of the way. I know this was already mentioned a few sentences ago, but it needs to be further cemented. This is the kind of fluff that we use in day-to-day chatter, like misused grammar, useless small talk, and talking in circles that, more often than not, comes across as boring and trivial. We may think this is a good way to create realistic dialogue, but alas, there is such thing as too-realistic dialogue. Focus instead on crafting dialogue that sounds as natural as possible. At least, try to get rid of the fluff, or use it with caution, as it may bog down your pacing and slow down your readers. 
This doesn’t mean you can’t utilize some small talk, repetitions, filler words, or speech patterns like stammering. Rules are sometimes meant to be bent, just a little. It can be used to create distinctions between unique character voices, lighten the mood, express an emotion that is being felt, if you know where to put them. Dialogue can — and should — be personalized to each character. 
This brings me to the next point:
2. Refrain from revealing too much information at once. 
Not only is this considered info-dumping, but giving away a ton of detail in a piece of dialogue can come across as stiff and out-of-place.  Though it may seem convenient to utilize dialogue as a way to pass information to the reader without getting all repetitive or boring within the narrative, it tends to break away from what the character (or a real person) might actually say. Especially when it’s given to a character that has no reason or incentive to recite drawn-out exposition to give the reader some background. This can be attributed to being uncharacteristic. 
Try tweaking it as to fit your character’s voice: their mood, how they communicate their values, which aspects they find more important to discuss, which topics they actively avoid or tend to overlook. Also keep in mind who they’re speaking to, and whether or not they need to hear the information, as well. 
3. Think about what is being left un-said.
Now, I’ve mentioned subtext quite a bit, already. Subtext, as the definition goes from Literaryterms.net, is “the unspoken or less obvious meaning or message in a literary composition, drama, speech, or conversation.” Knowing this, we can implicitly communicate to the reader covertly a truer meaning or mood within a conversation or interaction between characters: that a character is smiling through a grimace trying to look as if he’s enjoying what his friend had cooked for him when in reality he’s forcing it to spare their feelings. Or, when a woman says “she’s fine” when actually she’s not fine (real). Her answer is forced, her tone clipped, her arms are firmly crossed and she’s angling herself away. How about when a character is pining for another? They might stammer over their words and are prone to blushing whenever they’re around. 
There’s a lot of different ways you can go about using subtext. I probably could’ve added a lot more, but all I want to say for now is that the beauty of subtext allows to stir interest and to further character examination, especially in dialogue. There is more that can be said, but the characters may choose not to. It could also be used to hint at the reader, to foreshadow, facilitate themes, make contradictions, to build tension and emotion… there’s internal conflict that can be explored here. Let your characters tell their own stories in their own, unique ways.  
That’s all, for now. Hope this helped!
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
id like to request sir pentious x reader headcanons where the reader is sir pentious’ and of course went with him to the hotel to spy on the hotel crew for the vees (let’s just say he wasn’t caught on day one for this..) and the reader starts feeling bad so they take down all of the cameras set up. once pen finds out, he’s absolutely pissed and upset, so he refuses to talk to the reader for about a few weeks, and ends with the reader apologizing (or at least attempting to) and some fluff?
thanks a bunch!!
(I swear I love sir pentious more than life itself he’s such a silly lil thing)
OMG YESSS! Sir Pentious was such a comfort character for me; he deserves the world. Most of my friend group hasn't watched Hazbin yet, and I always get caught lacking because of my "It Starts with Sorry" mini-phase. His parts are actual pieces of heaven to me-
(Post-writing process note: I wrote the best parts while listening to "Christmas Kids" and every time that one pops up on my playlist, I cook really hard with whatever it is I'm writing-)
Enough said, I'm gonna make this a tiny bit of a slow burn. Because... yeah :>
Reader is gn! due to no specification of gender being made in the request.
Sir Pentious X gn!Reader Fluff
Here are your headcanons!
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You had found work under Sir Pentious some decades ago. He wasn’t exactly the most successful overlord, but you were happy to not be part of the lower end of the food chain.
He didn’t own your soul and truly had no interest in such a thing. But you were like an assistant of sorts. Not quite an egg boy, not quite an equal to the man himself. 
Despite this, you thought he was quite charming. While he was not destroying half of Pentagram City, he was sitting in the main hall of his steampunk zeppelin drinking tea and conversing with you. It was a very comfortable life.
And thus, as it was routine for the both of you, he began to pick a fight with Alastor again (a sort of fight which he always lost, but when did that stop The Great Sir Pentious). You stood ready to shoot. Your hand on the only lever the egg boys could not reach.
Pulling that lever was literally your only job. The only reason Sir Pentious had hired you in the first place. That’s just how enjoyable your company was to him.
Alas, the fight with Alastor was another failure, but he didn’t go down without ripping a piece of his coat. Action that Alstor didn’t seem to take kindly. The whole ordeal ended in Sir Pentious being flung out across the Pentagram. Of course, you ran off to find him.
Once you found him, you checked if he was alright. “Sir! Are you alright? That was quite the hit the Radio Demon gave you…” you mumbled at him, checking his person to make sure he was alright. He’d put himself together quite well, so you let him be. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine Y/n. I must persist in this endeavor! We mustn’t flail in our pursuit of power.” He called out, a statement at which you nodded. 
You two tried to walk back to where the zeppelin had landed, but before you could make it there, in front of an electronics store, the both of you saw a TV light up with a very recognizable face. 
Through that TV, Vox (one of the overlords Sir Pentious was trying to catch the attention of by attacking Alastor) explained to both of you that he had a mission for them. To infiltrate into the hotel, blend in, and spy on Alastor and Charlie.
(Valentino butted in to ask that they spy on Angel too-)
The both of you were thrilled to accept this mission. Immediately finding the Zeppelin and making your way back to the Hotel (this time in conditional peace).
Sir Pentious knocked on the Hotel’s main entrance and you waited beside him. 
When Vaggie opened the door, you did NOT get punched. Sir Pentious however, did not get the same luck. 
You both pleaded your cases. Saying that you’d spoken about the possibility of redemption and had considered it the best idea.
Of course, Charlie just couldn’t resist taking you two into the hotel (much to Angel and Vaggie’s dismay). 
That same night, both you and Sir Pentious began to set up Vox’s cameras. You almost got caught, but thanks to your amazing deception skills, you two got away with it (Angel saw you guys, and you pretended you’d lost something).
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As the days passed, you seemed to get more used to the way things were. The egg boys, Sir Pentious and you loved it at the hotel. 
You became friends with Angel Dust and found Niffty oddly endearing despite her psychotic tendencies. Vaggie’s protective nature made you feel safe, Alastor was good company, Husk was very interesting to talk to and Charlie was the sweetest person you’d met!
And after speaking to Charlie a couple of times on the subject of your dynamic with Sir Pentious, you realized that you were very much in love with him. 
After such a revelation, your mindset completely changed. Charlie had helped you realize that truly, you didn’t just follow and care for Sir Pentious because he was the overlord you worked for, but because you genuinely cared about him. How could you live with the guilt of betraying, spying, and intruding on the privacy of such a sweet person as well as her friends? Yes, this mission meant a lot to Sir Pentious, but you… you couldn’t do it anymore.
One night, you snuck down to the lobby. You knew exactly where all the cameras were, and you began to carefully take every single one of them down. And just as you were on the last one, you were faced with the last person you wanted to see: Sir Pentious.
He stood in front of the last camera, looking at you in disbelief. “What are you doing messsssssing wissss the camerasssss?” He whisper-yelled at you. Demanding an explanation.
“Sir… I… I can’t with this anymore… They’ve treated us so well… and we’re betraying them.” You argued, trying to keep it as quiet as he was.
“What? Why would you do that? I’m not letting you back out of thissssss. You’re not acting with ssssensssse.” He hissed back.
“Sir Pentious, please… I… We are gaining nothing from this.” You argued.
“Nossssing? Y/n, we are working for Voxssss. That’ssss exsssactly where we’ve been trying to be for the passssst five decadessss. You’re not gonna throw all of that away, are you?” He frowned. He felt so offended that you would even suggest you both ditch the plan.
“No that’s not what I-, Sir… I… hand me the camera, please...” 
“Absssssolutely not.” He spat back. 
“Stop being so loud, we’re going to get caught.” You responded, “Please… let’s talk this over, Penty…” You mumbled. An old nickname you hadn’t called him in ages. It was more of an inside joke between the both of you, but you definitely meant it as a term of absolute endearment.
“No. I don’t care what you call me. I’m not going to fall for it. I don’t know what they told you, but I sssssee now that I’ve losssssst your pledged loyalty. Do not ssssspeak to me, ever again, you traitor.” He responded bluntly.
Normally you would find his melodramaticism funny. But this. This one he meant it. You looked at him, a tear rolling down your cheek. You couldn’t take the pain of the wound his words inflicted on your heart. You loved him, and he hated you now. He deemed you as a traitor. So you ran away in an attempt to spare yourself from him seeing you cry. Running up the stairs, you stumbled into your room. Crying in a corner as you looked at the (now deactivated) cameras that you’d taken down. You sobbed bitterly on the floor until you eventually were too tired to remain awake.
The next morning, you crawled into your bed. You didn’t want to leave it. Perhaps it was a bit dramatic of you, but you’d been around Sir Pentious for so long that you didn’t know if it even was far-fetched. But all of that aside, you couldn’t bear to show your face. You felt that if you saw him, you’d start sobbing on the spot. So you simply stayed tucked below your blankets. 
Charlie came in to check why you hadn’t left your room, and you simply told her you felt sick. 
She had Niffty bring you some stew.
The egg boys went to check on you. You didn’t tell them about the argument you had with Sir Pentious.
They offered to bring you the next bowl of stew. They really cared about you 
(Carl has definitely accidentally called you his parent-)
After three days of moping around, you decided you would go downstairs and sit in the lobby. 
Once she saw you, Charlie asked you if you felt better now and you told her you felt much better.
However, at some point, you were left alone with Sir Pentious. You knew that you had to approach him. From the very depths of your heart you knew that you loved him and that if you stopped talking to him, you would live in misery for the rest of your eternal existence. 
So the second you felt ready, you walked up to him with an apologetic look.
The second he saw you in his field of view, he turned away from you. Letting out a resentful huff, he tried to ignore you. However, you were determined to fix things.
“Sir Pentious… I… I didn’t mean to upset you. I know Vox’s attention means a lot to you… but this place made me realize that… you can be happy without him. We can be happy without him. Here in the hotel! In Heaven!” You exclaimed, begging him to listen.
“We? What do you mean by we? You’ve never sssspoken to me like this before.” He asked, still a bit undignified but still turning to you, confused by your choice of words.
You paused, thinking of how to come clean to him. “The reason why I took down the cameras was… because I felt bad. Charlie and I have been talking about feelings and things of the sort… and she made me realize that… That I love you… And, I’m so thankful for the clarity she brought me that it felt like betrayal. But I guess I… I didn’t stop to think how that would make you feel…” You mumbled. 
He gave you a look of bewilderment. He had no words; he was flattered. And suddenly, it all made sense to him as well. The reason why he’d felt so betrayed was because of how he valued you. 
“The last thing I wanted was for you to detest me…” You mumbled at him, feeling tears build up in your eyes.
He gave you a look of sympathy. It clicked in his mind that you did it out of love for him. He didn’t know how to feel about your affection towards him, but he was sure he cared about you and that the feeling was at the very least partially reciprocated. But right now, the feeling of betrayal was still fresh on his mind. 
“I… I forgive you, I sssssuppose… I can’t stay mad at you after such a heartfelt confessssssion…” He mumbled, blushing, turning away. This time, not out of grudge, but out of embarrassment. 
It wasn’t quite long until you two decided to take all the cameras down for good (after you two were discovered by Angel Dust about a week later) and dedicate yourselves to redemption. 
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whumpsoda · 2 months
Small Talk - Nevan & Adrastus
WOHEO Masterlist Just a little more of Nevan and Ad talking together because I love these twos relationship sooo much
cw: hypnosis, captivity, minor negative self talk
“What’s that?”
“Hm?” Nevan responded, stirring a pot of boiling hot noodles with one hand, the other flipping the page of a worn cookbook.
Adrastus' face was pure curiosity as they stood behind him, carefully watching their thrall work. “What are you humming?”
Nevan stopped his motions for a beat, surprised. He searched his mind for an adequate answer, evidently coming up with squat. “Oh, um… I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“Some… times music just, just pops into my head…” he stumbled, brain heavy with a mixture of their natural hypnotic aura and genuine puzzlement. His brows furrowed, face contorting. He’d never really thought about it, but now that he was it appeared odd.  Where did the music come from…?  “‘N it’s always nice… dunno… dunno where it comes from, though…”
“How silly.” They cooed, ruffling his hair sweetly and scattering his thoughts with their touch. “Silly Nevan. What is silly Nevan making for dinner?”
His expression lit up. “Oh, Master… I’m, I’m preparing some pasta for me and Malak!”
They grinned, tenderly running their fingers through his flowing hair. “How delightful! And it of course smells no short of delicious. No surprise there.”
“Thank you, Master.” Nevan’s face flushed with the warmth of praise, glee stirring inside of his chest. His second master always gave the best of compliments, always beating bubbly joy inside of him.
“You do have wonderful cooking skills, dear. Have you always enjoyed it?”
“Oh, yes, Master. I’ve always loved making my own food so my master doesn’t have to. I get all warm and fuzzy inside when I remember I’m taking off responsibilities of my master.” His eyes glazed over at the flick of a switch, shoulders drooping at the thought of such subservience.
They chuckled, patting his head. “That’s so kind, dear, but I meant before.”
“Be… before what, sir?” He stumbled, brain gradually slowing with confusion once again. He had no idea what they could’ve been referring to, before a familiar mantra floated to mind. “I’ve… I’ve always been Master’s thrall… always… always… Master’s thrall…”
“Nevermind, love, Master was just confusing themself. No need to worry your pretty little head about it.” They were quick to jump in, a honeydew smile drifting his attention back to them. “Say, may I ask what else you like about cooking?”
Easily distracted he was, face draining of difficult thoughts. “Yes, Master! I love everything about it! Most of all, um,  I love seeing Malak get all, all smiley and giggly when he eats something I made, ‘cause then I know it’s good… and I like seeing him all sleepy after he eats ‘cause it means he’s happy… ‘n I like seeing Malak happy…”
“You are just a cutie patootie, aren’t you?” The vampire exclaimed, pinching his cheek like putty, an action that elicited an airy giggle from Nevan. “This meal smells magnificent, by the way. Sometimes I do wish I could eat a full meal prepared by you. Alas, my body is sadly not built for it. I can always take a tad bit, though. It’ll have to be enough.” 
“You’re… I love you Master… You’re so very kind to a meager thrall like me.” He mumbled, melting to a puddle by their lingering touch.
They gave him a caring smile, a smidge saddened by his words. “How could I not want to smother you with my affections, sweet? How in the world could I not?”
Nevan chuckled, accompanied a dopey smile and draped eyelids. “I wanna… smother you in my affection, Master.”
They shook their head with a knowing, but gentle look, cupping his chin. “Of course you do, dear. Thank you for your benevolence.”
Taglist- @softvampirewhump @iys-cloud @battyfantasy @xx-adam-xx @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @mylifeisonthebookshelf @mis-graves @3-2-whump
If anyone wants to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know! :)
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samptlay · 4 months
To My Sweetheart Who Carries A Wounded Heart Ch. 7
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A/N: Hi, so I've recovered almost completely though I'm still a bit congested and my bodies weaker. I will say that updates will be slower from now on, my apologies. It's hard to keep up with studies as well as this. I think I was pushing myself too hard as well since I was uploading 2-3 times a week in the first place which wasn’t giving me time to do the rest of my studies. Sorry for the inconvenience and being gone (not uploading work) for almost a month 😭. But I’m back so enjoy~!
Series Masterlist, Chapter 1 🤍, Chapter 2 🖤, Chapter 3 🤍, Chapter 4🖤, Chapter 5🤍, Chapter 6🖤
Automatic Taglist: @msun1c0rn @anime1fan2 @skyl8ver, @umi-adxhira, @lovingnahida @immahuman @faellell @uhfhfhfhf @ssecylia @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3
Just ask if you'd like to be added as well.
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You had lots of time to think while steaming hot droplets of water repeatedly hit your skin. There was a lot to process, a lot to move on from yet it hadn't even been 24 hours. Using your sponge after pouring soup on it, a lavender scent fills your senses. 
You knew that no matter what occurred, this one thing could never be taken away from you as your comforting favorite flower. The fact won't change, unlike the rest of the world that moves on day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute.
Ah, how long had you been scrubbing your arm alone? It stings, but you bask in it. It's the only feeling that's made you feel so human in the last few hours, though the skin would be at least a little flush because of this. You finished with the rest of your body already and you can feel the water getting colder, were you really in here for that long?
Watching your hand rise to turn off the shower felt like slow motion, which you hated. You don't remember ever being slow in anything that you did. But alas, things change, don't they?
You went through all the motions of drying, putting on lotion, and so on. You didn't feel like blow-drying your hair, so after using a separate towel and stepping into your bedroom, it was still damp. The hair dryer would be too noisy.
Since when did you care about trivial things such as sound?
Walking into your closet, you contemplated on wearing all black today. For the loss? To show your grief? To let people know that you were not okay? It's not necessary, if anything you're practically asking for attention when you don't even want company.
Okay, that's a lie. Right now you'd love to have the comfort of another human being. But wearing black shows that you care, no? Cared for your child, one who you never knew the gender of, one who you never even got a proper ultrasound of, one who you'll never be able to hold.
At that moment, you feel something cold running down your cheek, it feels a bit ticklish as well.
You're crying again.
Sometimes you don't understand the human body. Though your face remains neutral as you choose your outfit for the day, the tears don't stop. You predict it'll at least take a minute before your heart can calm down. However, you go to your bathroom and open your drawer full of accessories until you find a black ribbon. 
It’s a change since you don't usually hold your hair, but you love how the wind blows through it since it makes you feel calm. But today you wanted to wear at least something that represents your love, and what better than a pretty little bow?
You put your hair in a low ponytail with a few strands loose at the front. Looking at yourself in the mirror, your eyes were a little pink with bags underneath. It was a sight you would never let anyone see you in, one that would strip you of all your pride. So thank the Aeons for make-up.
Leaving your bedroom and walking out into the hallway, the house seemed oddly quiet. Sighing and picking up your feet, you make your way to the guest room and knock on the door.
“Baby…  Are you up? Would you want to make breakfast with me this morning?”
This is a hard time for both of you and what would be better than cooking together to bond in hard times? Sure you two had been going through a… “rough patch” for the last few months and you couldn’t say you were happy, but it’s just a phase and all couples go through this. 
After 10 seconds of silence, you assumed he was still asleep and knocked quietly once more before opening the door and making your way inside. But you stopped halfway through the doorway when you saw an empty bed, not even lying. Did he go out? He didn’t text you that he was leaving the apartment, and you felt uneasy.
How could he abandon you when you both needed to stick together during this?
No, he wouldn't do anything to make you feel worse.
He most likely just went out to run an errand.
The news was unexpected and the world continues.
It's not like we have to drop everything we're doing to grieve.
But then why didn't he tell you?
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steddietogo · 1 year
Made With Love
Part 3 of Steddie Tik Tok au: The Halloween Vlog
Read part 2 <<here
Robin is in a pinstriped three-piece suit, her short brown hair dyed black and slicked back, with a badly drawn moustache on her face. “Unhapphy, darphling?” She speaks around a rose stem she’s holding between her teeth.
“Oh yes,” The camera pans to Eddie lounging on an armchair. He’s ditched his usual band tee and ripped jeans combo for a tight black dress with the deepest neckline known to man, the long black fabric pooling around his feet. He raises his arm, bell sleeve flaring, and flips his straightened hair behind his shoulders with red painted nails. “Yes completely,” deep red lips curve into smile and he bats his eyes, heavily lined and dusted in smokey grey eyeshadow.
“Originally, we were supposed to be the Sanderson sisters for Halloween but someone—” Robin looks at something pointedly off camera, “—decided to go off and commit to a group costume with his long-distance babysitting wards without consulting us,”
“This—” Eddie strikes a pose as Robin gestures to them, “—was supposed to be a revenge costume but now we feel kinda bad because—” the camera flips around to show a pile of blankets on the couch, “Dingus is now down with the flu,” A hand emerges from its depths and flips them off.
“I think he’s going as The Thing,” Eddie says and they both snicker.
Eddie is in the kitchen using Steve’s recording set up. “My darling Gomez has gone off to party, it’s just me and Steve at home now,” he sighs dramatically, “Alas, I knocked him out with cough syrup so he won’t be up for a couple hours,”
“And I found this recipe for chicken noodle soup and I, Eddie Munson who cannot cook to save my own life, am going to put it to test since Steve keeps saying ‘anyone can make it’. Were gonna find out today baby,”. Eddie’s reading off of a book as he lays out everything he would need on the counter, announcing each item as he takes them out. “I hope I’m using the right pot and Steve won’t kill me,”
Eddie is slow dancing to Lady Gaga with a plastic skeleton meant for decoration, his dress swishing around him as he twirls with his inanimate dance partner. During a particularly enthusiastic dip, the skeleton’s skull breaks off from the rest of the body and rolls away.
“Betty! Noooo!” Eddie cries, falling to his knees.
“No one told me how sweaty cooking can make you,” Eddie’s twisting his hair up in a bun, “But I’m committed to it now, I will not be bested by soup,”
“Look at this, my make up isn’t the only thing melting in the heat,” He holds up a bent looking plastic spatula to the camera. “Its totally not because I put it too close to the stove but we’re going to hide the evidence so Steve doesn’t find out,”
“I accidentally added too much salt, went to the Internet for help and a lot of people say that adding a potato will help fix it,” Eddie explains as he is chopping one. “There are no potatoes in this recipe, so if Steve asks, I’m gonna tell him I have no idea how they got in there,”
“Here goes nothing,” Eddie shoves both sleeves all the way up his arms before dropping all of the potato pieces in at once, making a little bit of the boiling soup splash out of the pot missing him by inches. “Oh shit, that was close. Don’t try this at home kids,”
“Moment of truth people,” He’s ladling soup into a bowl. “Personally, I’m just surprised this came out edible, but let’s see what the chef has to say about it,”
The clip cuts to Eddie shuffling away from the camera that’s now facing the sofa where Steve is taking a nap. Eddie kneels before him, a gentle hand on Steve’s face as he nudges him wake. Cut to a bleary-eyed Steve sitting up and waving at the camera.
“Just know that if you give me food poisoning on top of the flu, I’ll never forgive you,” he says as Eddie is handing him the bowl. “Why’re there potatoes in here?”
“No reason,” Eddie smiles back innocently at the look Steve gives him before he takes a bite, and then another. Eddie watches, nibbling in his fingernails.
“Oh shit,”
“The potato actually makes it better,” he looks like he’s trying to sound annoyed but the smile on his face gives him away. “I’m gonna have to add potatoes to the recipe,”
“Wait. Does that mean my soup is better than yours?”
“It’s still my recipe, Munson,”
“You’re avoiding the question, Harrington,”
Eddie throws his hands up whopping and his sleeve smacks Steve in the face.
“I was standing there, Morticia-less,” Robin is back and the three of them huddle in the sofa in the darkness of the living room, the only source of light is the movie no one is actually watching.
“—and she’s was wearing that Kate Bush bat dress and we were like ‘that’s close enough’ and then we completely winged a little dance and I only tripped on my own shoe once, you should be proud of me,” Robin is wearing a sash that says ‘Hideout King’ and is going a mile a minute about the party she came back from.
“And then she kissed me when they announced us as the winners, she kissed me Steve!” Robin shakes Steve and then high-fives Eddie so hard he almost falls off the couch.
Robin is filming Steve launching candy corn from the couch and Eddie, now in his jammies, is on the other side of the coffee table trying to catch them in his mouth. Steve’s laughter is getting increasingly hysterical and his aim is getting poorer while Eddie practically dives left and right trying catch the candy. Steve looks like he’s going to fall off the couch in stitches. The video ends as three are celebrating a complicated twist dive Eddie executed and successfully caught the candy with in mouth.
Caption says:
@_eddie_munson who do you think edits all the footage?
user80085: who else questioning their sexuality rn?
Dustin H: RIP Betty, you will be missed 😔
Reefing Rick: Why tf don’t I have an Eddie Munson in a Morticia Addams costume cooking in my kitchen? God really has favorites huh
spring roll: So no ones going to talk about how Robin basically came out?
Gayby replying to spring roll: good for her
Part 4
A/n: it’s so funny to imagine Steve sitting in his room alone and reviewing an hour-long footage of Eddie messing around in the kitchen. And it cracks him up that every time Eddie messes something up he walks up to the camera and whispers ‘don’t tell Steve’
Steddie tag list: @deehellcat @eddiemunsonswife @missarte-beltane @grtwdsmwhr @kit-means-death
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captainsimagines · 1 year
pretty woman, this is me trying || nine
Summary: Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female SexWorker!Reader
Trope(s): Holiday Fanfic ; Slow-Burn ; Friends to Lovers
Based on the Song(s): sweet nothing by Taylor Swift and Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
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Warnings: dry humping; CONSENT CONSENT CONSENT; references to past SA
Word Count: 2,200+
Author’s Note: Smut is not incredibly heavy in this series. Only 3 chapters include it. Alas, I wrote it all in 3 days so.... Sorry lol xxMoni
     Bucky had pulled you from bed at the crack of dawn. Granted, you had told him the code to the building and said unexpected visits were welcome, but the sight of your distressed face as he physically pulled you from bed was classic.
You had left a little after his breakdown in the shower because Bucky, honest to God, needed to be alone.
Alone with his thoughts.
He had saved Natalia yesterday. He encountered a scary figure from his past, felt degraded, and still he pulled her from the rumble and carried her out. He was proud of himself, truly, but the sight of Steve’s sorrow from being unable to touch his best friend broke Bucky a little bit.
Hydra had reentered his life and he shot it directly in the face. He had carried Natalia out even as his body begged him not to touch another human being. But the soft touch from Steve that was promised, he rejected.
And that hurt more than his memories nowadays.
It hurt that he was able to sit with you, dine with you, hold you—and not be able to hold Steve.
Or Sam or Clint, for that matter.
Steve has been his best friend since childhood. Bucky had held Steve as his body was wracked with pneumonia. Had held the spoonful of honey and whiskey to his mouth. Took punches to his torso whenever he broke up one of Steve’s fights.
Working with you… Bucky was fighting to get those things back.
“Is this our spot?” he asked, lifting his head to the sun in hopes that when the cloud passed it would warm his face.
“We could make it our spot if you’d like,” you said, uncapping your hot chocolate and blowing to cool it down. Your little picnic was bare today. You only had warm drinks and water for Axel. It seemed even the world was running slow. Or, the city of New York abandoned nature because Christmas shopping was nearing its deadline.
That reminded Bucky—He had to get you a gift. What do you give someone who is in the process of giving you back everything?
“I wonder what the tree looks like with leaves.”
You pursed your lips, squinting as if in deep thought. “Big.”
Bucky chuckled, staring at you for longer than intended. You didn’t comment, though. You seemed to welcome his looks, his constant analysis. Did you think he was judging? Did you think he was ogling? Did you think he was admiring?
In truth, Bucky was just trying to figure you out. You were an amazing person—amazing jokes, amazing laugh, amazing cooking, amazing view of the world. How was it that you had no friends? Or, why weren’t there any friends around for him to meet? Was Lainey your only friend in the city? It damn near broke Bucky in two to imagine you lonely in that apartment, cooking for yourself, watching television by yourself. It’s the goddamned holidays and you were just going to… Spend it alone?
Or maybe, you would have had a date. You would have spent the night with someone who was not him. Your caress, your mouth, your body would have never known him at all.
“I want to try dry humping.”
You opened your eyes from the calm daze you occupied, slowly turning your head to him. An undisturbed reaction, Bucky dare say. As if his words weren’t so sudden.
“I bet you do,” you teased as your mouth widened into a grin.
“I’m serious. I’m comfortable holding you now.”
“Then I think the word you’re looking for is cuddle.”
Bucky shook his head. “Dry hump.”
You studied him, probably deciding whether he was ready or not. It was your decision to agree, but it wasn’t your decision if he was ready or not. But he let you watch him. He liked your eyes on him.
“Well, okay,” you determined, sipping your hot chocolate casually. “I’m cool with that.”
“You’re not just saying that because—”
Because you were being paid for it.
Oh, God. You were technically being paid for it.
“I’m not trying to take advantage of our situation.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thank you for caring. But I want to do this.”
He nodded, still unsure if he was even in the position to ask. You two had spoken about graduating levels on the pyramid. But to skip about five of those levels was where things got jumbled.
“Is there anything I should know beforehand?”
“Don’t you want to kiss me first?” you asked, eyebrows furrowing to the point Bucky thought the crease would be permanent.
“Fuck.” He fucked up. “Yes, that first. Then—”
“Dry hump. I got that.”
Bucky awkwardly shimmied until he was lying on the blanket, face buried in Axel’s chest. The dog made no movement to remove him. He was too deep in his sleep to care.
“Was that too straightforward?” he asked, his voice muffled.
“It was certainly cute, but horribly executed.”
He peeked one eye open from his position, embarrassment painting his T-line red.
You smiled down at him, equally as flushed, and giggled into your cup. “Don’t apologize. I’m happy to dry hump you, Bucky Barnes.”
     The only other time your body had been wracked with this many nerves had been during your first week on the job. And though those were entirely negative, your toes still curled with the same anticipation. Your first experience was shit, but the fourth had been enjoyable. More than enjoyable, actually. Being chosen, feeling appreciated, wanted for both an outing and sex—It was intoxicating. Here, Bucky wanted you for real. For his own pleasure, your pleasure, for educational purposes.
Only once did you roleplay a professor-student dynamic, and you were the student.
Now, you’re the professor. Bucky’s trusted guide, his friend. You would do anything to ensure Bucky enjoyed his first kiss in nearly eighty years. It was a lot of pressure, but who better to give him this, ease him into this, than you?
“Whenever you’re ready,” you instructed, balancing more on your left foot than your right as you stood at the edge of the bed. Bucky was chilling against the wall, breathing in a repeated pattern.
He hummed lowly, his face falling peacefully. A good sign. He pushed off the wall and stalked toward you, leaving you with no time to prepare for his sudden closeness. He gripped your cheeks in both hands, one cold and one warm.
“Hi,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning your face. Intoxicating, indeed.
“Hi,” you responded, looking up at him. His massive build dwarfed yours, yet you were equal somehow. At this moment. Perhaps you were both students.
“You smell like your cookies.”
“Thank fuck for that.”
His smile widened, pure glee flooding not just that, but his shining blue eyes as well. The image of a man about to relearn the simplicities of life, of soft touch.
Slowly, he bent his head, drawing you into him. Taking charge, effectively deciding how he wanted this to happen. Completely fine, you thought. You were here for questions and to enjoy this, too.
Bucky smelled like snow and what you imagined Van Gogh’s Starry Night smelled like. All those swirls replicated in his eyes. All those colors laying a picnic and lighting a calm fire in your stomach. How anybody could torture this man… To steal his light, to mangle his dignity.  They were soulless.
The last thing you saw before Bucky’s lips finally touched yours and your eyes shut was the blurred cluster of Christmas tree lights in your living room. The press of his lips overwhelmed your senses, somehow rewriting the way you saw Bucky.
Because there was no coming back from this. No possibility of ignoring what you were feeling. Bucky Barnes was no longer just a friend. You wanted him by your side after this. You needed him to grow frantic with the need to kiss you. To have you.
The rational section of your brain reminded you that he was setting the pace and it could be ages before he wanted to take you entirely. To allow you to take him right back.
Then Bucky applied even more pressure to the kiss, slipping the tip of his tongue out to test the waters, and it was written in ancient stone that you had turned into the most patient person alive. And fuck, you would wait thousands of years to have Bucky Barnes.
In any way he offered.
You fell backward, opening your legs to allow space for him. Bucky reacted on instinct, crawling forward as you pushed backward, then settled comfortably in the space you provided. He made sure not to crush you under his weight, yet his enthusiasm pressed you into the mattress hard enough. Using his core to balance, Bucky used both hands to grip your thighs, his fingers leaving indents.
“You’re wearing pants,” he breathed, kissing alongside your chin and down your neck.
“Uh huh.”
“I want you to come. It’ll be difficult to stimulate you with jeans in the way.”
You opened your neck to him, whining when he pulled away. He met your eyes, the blue of his almost entirely gone. You figured yours were suffering the same effect.
“Can I remove them?” he asked, his fingers gripping your thighs harder. To be honest, he probably didn’t even need to remove your jeans. Massaging your thighs the way he was currently doing, even with the layers, was probably stimulation enough.
“Sure,” you agreed, lifting your hips to help him. He chucked them to the other side of your bedroom, lowering you back down. He was wearing sweatpants, those wonderful gray sweatpants men wore during the cold months. You were left in granny panties and your shirt, but you couldn’t care less.
“Do you want to be on top?” you asked.
You nodded against him, your face tucked between his collar and shoulder. You prepared yourself mentally for the feeling of Bucky Barnes, of possibly stopping before you got to come.
This was about him. Of course, he wanted you to enjoy it, too. There was absolutely no way he would be doing this if you didn’t voice your fervor for his touch.
He pressed his lower half to yours, and that was that.
He was larger than anyone you had ever been with. Pressed perfectly against your heat, his hands still pushing your thighs up and apart. Cramps a foreign concept.
“Bucky,” you sighed, stopping yourself from pushing your hips upward. This was at his pace, not yours.
Bucky whispered your name before he lowered his hips again, rolling them against you. The angle wasn’t exactly perfect, but it was too early to voice it. He was finding a rhythm, learning both your body and his. You’d let him experiment for however long he wanted.
He groaned when one particular roll positively turned his stomach. His body fell a little, the pleasure too overpowering. “It’s been years since I’ve felt this.”
You bit your lip, opting to forego a verbal response. Felt like this.
He meant pleasure. He didn’t say since I’ve had an orgasm for a reason.
“Keep going,” you urged, laying your palms on his hips. He seemed to equate your touch as a helpful influence, but he reached for your left hand to bring it back up toward the pillows. There, he intertwined his flesh fingers within yours.
His cock brushed against your clit in perfected motion, over and over and over. His hot breath fanned your neck and shoulder, warming you from every angle. You gripped his ass next, moaning your praise.
“Yes, yes, yes!”
Bucky picked up the pace, his moans turning into short and delicious whimpers. He struggled to lift his face to watch yours, but he succeeded. With his cock pressed deep against you, stilling, he huffed, “Tell me you like it.”
“I like it,” you said honestly, moving your hips against him. He stayed still, watching you rub yourself against his covered erection.
“Tell me I can like it, too.”
In the midst of your pleasure, your heart cracked. Meeting his gaze, you insisted, “You can like this too, Bucky.”
He spread you wider with his metal arm, his flesh hand clutching at your own. Chest to chest, sharing breath. He kissed you with everything he had. All his strength, all his momentum, all his control. He rolled his hips right where you needed him.  
You knew what it meant. So you matched his movements, angling your own hips, hugging his body to yours. Repeated chants of yes, yes, yes spilled from your mouth. They were honest and true as the pleasure was near full bloom in your lower stomach, but they were also meant to encourage him. Encourage him to slide off that ledge with you. That it was safe to do so.
Bucky’s upper half fell forward, his mouth resting against your cheek, as his pleasure took over. He didn’t stop moving, making sure you reached your end as well. Your free hand came up to his metal arm, acrylics scratching, your grip tough. You came with a prolonged shout, and Bucky came with a low and satisfied groan.
He immediately rolled off, laying beside you. He panted heavily, eyes closed.
“You good?” you asked, trying your best to catch your breath.
Bucky said nothing. He reached down between you and found your hand, holding it tightly.
“I had forgotten how fun it was when both people wanted it.”
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p-paradoxa · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better!
a little late but thank you for the tag @bright-thorn :)
Last song: I think Two-Way Mirror by Loathe, I’ve been re-listening to all of I Let It In and It Took Everything, great genre bending album for fans of shoegaze and metalcore. reminds me a bit of Deftones with some ambience and nu-metal mixed in 👍
Currently reading: Making my way through Dungeon Meshi which I am recommending to anyone with even a passing interest in manga. very fun, thematically intriguing in a variety of ways I won’t fully get into here, overall a great take on the fantasy dungeon setting. told through the lens of cooking and eating. And because I can’t focus on only one thing at a time I also just started README.txt, Chelsea Manning’s memoir, along with All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) ;)
Currently watching: I haven’t committed to binging any series in a while although I’m slowly but surely getting through TCW, as well as Gundam ZZ… both series started off kinda slow but alas I have franchise brain rot and must get through them
Current obsession: i’m not even outside as much as I want to be, but, identifying local wildlife. took that iNaturalist pill. recently helped ID a population of invasive beetles in my area and some paper wasp nests, and joined some local citizen biodiversity projects to contribute the fauna i’ve sighted over the years. highly recommend it as a casual way to understand the natural world around you
on the other hand the reason i’m not outside as much lately is because i’ve also been very into Slime Rancher. can’t stop ranching those slimes
tagging (if you want): @ireallyamabear @grimm-lynn @kaiiman @laz-laz-ace-pilot @bizarrobrain @regret-breathing @oatshow @crown-and-stallion @kassandors
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seek--rest · 16 days
Talk Shop Tuesday: If you could immediately pluck one story/concept/idea from your brain and have it fully formed in front of you, exactly as you would want, what would that idea be? Can you describe it to us, along with any potential factors that are slowing you down/blocking you from creating it in the first place? Thanks! <3 -@fieldsofview
I feel like it’s cheating because I did end up starting it but the last of us AU is one that I’ve spent five years rattling around my brain. The biggest issue to me is that it’s effectively no powers and trying to reconcile how that would work with my own interests has been difficult. Once I settled that, it really was just the combination of the worlds together and recreating the plot. There have been plenty of irondad the last of us AUs that existed before but none of them really hit the mark because to me, this is very much a girl dad scenario (and Ellie is also completely antithetical to Peter).
Irondad but make it MJ the last of us is an easy fit that I had hoped for years someone else would finally do so I could just read it but alas. My endgame really is to want to get to the second game, which I think would be a really moving story with MJ at the center.
It’s been a year since I’ve updated the first AU but to me, it’s still cooking. I’ve spent years thinking about it— I’m not gonna give up on it so easily.
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2309analysis · 9 months
This is a one-shot of Robin having a regular day on the Sunny.
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“ I acquaint thee ”
I push my back my hair against my ear, I sit up to put back the lovely book I have just finished back on it’s shelf. I return to my desk and write down the book I have read onto my chart of “finished books.” (Have a hc she keeps track of the books she finishes)
I go down to my room and look through the small window, I see Nami asleep, but her bed’s a mess. Poor girl. She always has a hard time falling asleep, but alas, I can’t blame her. I turn around to peer into the boys’ room.
I see them all sleeping in their own ways on top of bunk beds’. Of course, the first person I look to is Luffy, my beloved friend and captain. As I smile, I start to see Franky, who’s just now starting to get up. He slowly rises out of bed, and looks around for his daily cola. Before he could finish getting them, I back away.
I walk to my usual spot on the mast. I sit down quietly and lean my head against the swaying ship. I close my eyes to listen carefully to all the sounds I hear; the calm seas drifting us to out to our next destination. The yawns and groans of my crew slowly getting up. The wind brushing itself against my hair. The seagulls gawking in the distance passing by the Sunny. The doors of my crew-mates rooms’ being opened by them. I slowly lift up my eyes as I see the slow rising sun.
“Mornin’, Robin-chwan!” I turn my head over to the cook of the crew, Sanji. “Good morning, cook. How was your sleep?” He swiftly flawns his arms up to his chest and starts to dance around with pure joy. “It’s was amazing! I didn’t want to wake up from my beautiful dream. It was amaz— …” As usual, he excitedly describes his dreams to me. While I listen quietly, I catch at the corner of my eye my captain claiming his usual spot.
On the other side I see Nami re-checking her three posts on her wrist. “Seems we’re still heading in the right direction. phew..” As she reassured herself, she comes up near me and Sanji and politely asks for some breakfast.
“BREAKFAST!!!!” My captain shouts at the top of his lungs. “Sanji, hurry! I’m hungry! Get me some meat!” He demands out of our cook who becomes quickly annoyed by him. “Alight, alright! I heard you the first time. Now shut up and go to the kitchen and wait there. I’ll whiff up something for you.”
On dot, the rest, including me gets up and make our way to the kitchen. We all sit in our usual spots and silently wait for Sanji to finish the meal preparations. Luffy waits anxiously, practically drooling at the mouth, waiting to dig his teeth into the preparing food.
I bring out another book from the ship’s self-library. As I patiently wait for my meal, I decide to start another book. The crew’s’ inconsistent chatter becomes muffled. I fall into the world of the book’s imagery; I start to imagine the words through my mind. As if I’m in the book itself. A few minutes later, I return back to reality, the words “here’s your breakfast, my dear Robin~.”
I set down my book and thank the dear chef for cooking such a lovely meal. I began to grab my fork and start by cutting up my sausages. Eggs, sausages, two pieces of toast, and a glass of coffee to fit my routine. It may not sound like much, but the way we eat our meals it’s 3x bigger than your average food.
After we got done eating our food’s and put our plates and glasses aside for Sanji to clean, we all went to our “spots” of the boat. Usopp and Franky go straight to the engineering department. Chopper goes back tand his doctor’s office. Nami goes back to our room to draw out more of her “world-map,” which I’ll admit, I admire her dedication. Brook goes wonders around the ship in hopes to help some of us out. I go back into the library to read my book, as I sit down I noticed Zoro is training. Like usual, I can’t tell if he’s overexerting himself or not.
I don’t usually know what Luffy’s up to. He mainly hangs around Brook or Usopp, but since Usopp’s busy with Franky he’s most likely going to be left alone. Suddenly I hear the door slam open. My question has been answered; it was Luffy. Shockingly he seems interested in looking into a book. “How may I help you, Captain?”
“Comic books.” He replies simply. I’m not entirely surprised, his reading comprehension isn’t the best out of all. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but definitely a peculiar one. “They’re over there near the right of you. Feel free to choose as many as you like. Remember, to return them after you’re done. You have a habit of just leaving them and going somewhere when you’re uninterested anymore. Leaving me to pick them up. Please be more responsible with them, okay, Captain?”
I don’t mean to scold him, but you can imagine the frustration of having to pick up after others. Alas, I don’t think he heard me, he was plopped onto the floor head down in the comic books. Even more so than me, and I’m considered the book worm. “Sorry, Robin. I’ll be more careful with the books. But I wanna sit here and read. I like hanging out with you, but you’re always in here reading the days away. So I want to come to you, instead! Hehe”
He gives me those big idiot smiles. I can’t help to feel touched, though. I smile and return to my reading. We both quietly read almost until lunch-time. I couldn’t help but to look up at Luffy and watch he read intently, if it’s comic books, then fine. It was still a rare sight. It a cute and funny thing. I sense that somebody was watching us though, I angle my head towards the door and I see everyone staring shocked at us.
“Luffy’s reading a book?! And actually being quiet and focused?! Holy moly. Is today Opposite Day or something?” Usopp whispers to Nami and Franky. I use Cien Fleur and pull out a hand and mouth to tell them it wasn’t Opposite Day, but he was only wanting to hang out with me.
“Oh. Okay, but I’m shocked he’s not annoying you or anything. If he were with me, I would’ve kicked him out by now.” Nami commented. I chuckle. I take a minute to put a book mark down and I close the book. I see Luffy eyeing the crew sourly. “Who said I can’t be calm?!”
“Nobody. It’s just… you’re not the best self-contained guy.” Franky chuckles. Luffy shoots up and runs towards them yelling at them to go away if they’re going to bother me and him. Obviously a little embarrassed he returns back to reading. I still walk toward the door, “huh? Are you okay, Robin?” I turn around, “oh yes. I’m just going out to get some fresh air, I haven’t been able to fully concentrate for the past few minutes. I’ll be back before lunch.”
“Okay! Awww man, I lost my place. Damn..” I turn back around to grab a view of the Sunny in all her glory; amongst the vast ocean. I breathe into a slow breathe to inhale all of the smell of the sea. I lay my hand down on my head and rest it on the railing. I observe the crew doing their daily routines. I smile.
“Lunch is ready! Everyone gather in the kitchen. Especially you, Zoro. Just because you can sleep all day doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat. Jesus..” Zoro sourly snaps a stare at Sanji. “You wanna start something, cook?! I can take you on in my sleep.” “Oh yeah?! Let’s see this newfound confidence, Moss head!”
Suddenly Nami clams them on the head. “Shut up! Both of you calm down and just eat. Do this somewhere else, or not at all, BUT NOT ON THE SHIP!” She drags them into the kitchen. Plops them onto the floor near their seats, and sits down at her seat. Luffy laughs in the background.
I slowly walk towards the kitchen. I come around to my seat and quietly sit down. While still smiling I continue to observe my friends. It’s never a dull moment with them. The speciality of them. I was soon served my plate filled with wonderful colors of food.
Each time, the cook seems to impress us once more. The food always is appealing to the eye, and filling to the stomach. It tastes like heaven too. I wouldn’t trade any other food for these meals. Regardless of how unimportant it is.
I decided to ask for some tea this time. I think it would compliment better with the food he gave to us other than coffee. Which, won’t say much, because it’s Alfredo. We all quickly eat up the Alfredo and ask for more. Before we knew it, it was all gone. It was a wonderful meal, as always. I thank Sanji for the meal and head about outside.
Nami follows asking me for a navigational book. One thar she hasn’t read yet, of course. “I’m running out of books to give you, navigator. Soon, you’ll just be rereading things you already knew.” She chuckles. “Let’s me honest, I know enough to put the world government to shame. Maybe even the creators of navigating. Just kidding! Although, it’s be a dream to meet the creator of it.”
I walk up to the library to check what books Nami hasn’t looked at yet. (Another hc, he keeps “read” and “unread” for each crew member and herself. Of course, in a notebook or tabs) I noticed that there’s only two comic books on the floor and the rest was put away. I want to assume Luffy did what I asked and put the ones he read away and the two he didn’t still around. I’ll ask him later, I don’t want to put false information into my notes.
I choose two books for Nami. Regardless of her only asking for one, she always ends up coming back for me after I given her one. Usually in the same day. I admire her dedication to learn more and more about it. Like how I am with archeology. We’re all committed to something.
Soon, I heard the door burst open. It was Luffy. “Coming back so I can finish reading these comics. I’ll be done soon, I read fast!” I smirk. “Is that so? Then, Captain, could you tell me what they were about?” He stares blankly and thinks for a couple moments. “Well… they’re mostly about super-hero’s. They save the city from destruction and they capture the bad guys and send them off to jail. Isn’t that the usual plot of comic books?”
While he’s not wrong, he didn’t explain to me why. I laugh, “yes, but sometimes comic books have cliffhangers or the villains win for the moment. Did any of the computer books you’ve read have any of those moments?” He ponders again. “Well.. I don’t remember exactly, but I think.. this one did.”
I grab the comic book from him, and I scroll through a few pages of it. “It does seem like for the majority of the comic that the villain is winning. Although, in the end the hero saves the day. You found the second part to the cliffhanger. Good job though, next time pay a little more attention to what you’re reading. You’re more than welcome to take a few short books and read them in your free-time.”
He smiles and thanks me. Then randomly takes three books off of the selves. Unfortunately they’re out of order, but I don’t think he’ll notice. I get back to what I was doing before and head to the door. I open it up to Usopp. “Heya, Robin! Can I barrow a few boos about mechanics? I promise it’ll only take a few seconds!” I gesture out of the way, “of course, take as many as you like.” He rushes in just as he got in, he was out. Like the wind.
I walk towards the stairwell to give the books to Nami. Who was obsessing over her log-posts. I softly walk up to her and gently pat her on the shoulder. “Here’s your books. I’m sorry for the delay.” She instantly raises her hands and grabs the books excitedly. “Thank you, again, Robin! I’ll enjoy every moment of them. Maybe we should buy some more. Or I just make one myself, hah! Nah, I’m not a writer.”
“That’s okay. We’re all good at something and I don’t mind buying more. Even I enjoy reading the navigational literature. It’s a real treat. It’s even more treasurable to see someone who can easily navigate through these waters like you can, Nami.” She smiles happily. She thanks me again and proceeds to walk towards our room for some quiet to read the books.
I sit down onto the mast again for today. I listen to all my friends having a good time. With the wind riding in the back of my hair. I smile more, I’ve never smiled this much in my life. It’s a good feeling, a warm, comfortable feeling. A feeling that reassures yourself that you belong. This is your home. You’re home. At least, that’s what it gives me.
I mean, I’m sure it’s different for everyone. Especially for those who can smile easily. Than those who can barely pull a genuine smile. Than those who don’t. Everyone’s “reassurance” is different. Regardless it all means the same.
Brook leans over to me and sat beside me. “How is your day going, Robin? Anything you would like me to help you with?” I shake my head no. “My day is going well. Everything’s peacefully settled, but I will admit, it’s kinda boring. But, how’s your doing been going?” He yohohoho’s “Splendidly! I made sure I did everything correct today! I even helped Sanji with his cooking. I hoped that effort was seen in his eyes. We all know how highly expected he his about himself.”
“That is true.. I’m not sure if he knows it yet, but he exceeds them every time. None of us can ever get enough of it. We’re all so excited for his meals. I hope he sees that through his own efforts.” Brook nods in agreement. “Absolutely right, indeed, Robin! Glad that you’re so thoughtful of others. Really makes you easy to talk with.”
I become a little flustered “really? You think so? Hmm.. I only thought I was just being realistic and non-accusatory.” Brook looks at me throughly and laughs again. “My, you’re so modest! Too bad I can’t be that modest, get it? Because I’m a Skeleton! YOHOHOHO!” I chuckle aside him.
We talk a little more (I’m sorry, but I’m not about to make four more paragraphs of desperate attempt to move it along) then Brook was called over by Franky and Usopp. I tell him “good luck, see you later.” He frantically waves back at him gesturing the same thing. I go back to me and Nami’s room.
Nami is drawing her map. I put a jacket on her shoulders so she doesn’t get cold. She smiles at me and returns to her drawing. I walk over to my side of the room, and decided to take a small power-nap. (What?! Robin sleeping?! Rare.)
A couple hours later, I was being nudged to get up by Nami. “Hey, it’s time for dinner. You slept pretty well back there. Feeling refreshed?” She replies with a wide smile on her face. “Yes.. I’m well-refreshed. Thank you for the concern. Also, we should hurry, it’s now dinner time. Shall we go together?”
“Sure! I was actually about to ask the same thing. I’m glad we had the same thought in mind. I guess we’re either hanging out too much or know each other more than we thought? Hehe I know it was just a small coincidence. Regardless. We really should get going…” “Agreed.”
We both walk and talk until we reached the kitchen. “NAMI-SWAAAAAN! ROBIN-CHAAWWN! YOU’RE HERE!” Sanji practically jumps at us just barely entering into the kitchen. “Shut up, and get off of them and give them space, curly brows. Sheesh, I wonder how they can tolerate such an ignorant man.” “What you say?! You wanna talk about that last comment out-loud? I don’t remember you being perfect either! Mr. Serious 24/7! Like, c’mon, lighten up! Good god, you never smile anymore. It’s a real turn-offer.”
I sit down while their bickering continues. Jimbe yells at them to knock it off and continue with dinner. Luffy while laughing agrees, but because it’s only food in the context. Sanji scoffs and hurries to get our food. He, of course, serves the girls first. Then goes on to subtly passive aggressively serve the boys’. Then just slams Zoro’s plate down in-front if them. Boy, do they ever change. Most likely never. It’s good though. I love them just the way they are.
After we all got done with our foods, Luffy wanted us to watch the stars with him. “Oh right, there was going a meteor shower tonight! I completely forgot to say anything.” Nami stated. “There was?? I was only wanting to watch the straws with everyone.” Luffy shouted back.
We all gathered around where Luffy was standing. We all sat down in our places, “look, I already see one!” Chopper shouted to all of us, specifically Usopp and me though. Then we all owed and ooed in delight a few seconds later. I could sense the ease and excitement from the rest of the crew as we silently watched the beautiful nightsky.
“Aren’t they a sight? Look how amazing they are.” Brook softly said to us. “Yeah. They’re really breathtaking.” Usopp replied just as softly. “Shhh we can give our feedbacks after the show’s over.” Nami softly but sternly scolded them. “Fufufu..” I chuckle. Which caused a chain reaction to luffy snickering quietly to himself.
After the beautiful scene that we witnessed, we all decided to head back to the rooms’ and sleep for the night. Today wasn’t as eventful as I was expecting it to be, but it certainly did end on a marvelous note. A positive result for a chill day. I wonder what tomorrow will be like.
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Bound, Epilogue
Previous part
Marinette and Tim had been having an average day. A slow, quiet day, if you will. It was the middle of summer, and therefore the bakery was getting less customers than usual – no one wants a hot meal when they’re already being roasted alive by the sun. They had decided to close up shop an hour early, since no one was coming in anyway, and spend a little extra time resting before they went to bed at the completely normal and average time of 5pm.
Alas, they had one more job before they could officially turn the sign in front of the door from Open to Closed: delivering a birthday cake.
How dare that child be born seven years ago. How rude of them. Didn’t they know Marinette and Tim wanted to sleep?
But fine, whatever, they supposed they could do their job.
Frankly, it wasn’t that big of a deal. The house they were taking it to wasn’t even that far away. Neither of them would have minded it at all… if it were not for the walk back.
It had started drizzling. Honestly, they had thought it was a godsend on such a horrible day, but perhaps it had been a literal godsend. A sign.
“So, what’s for dinner?” Tim asked, looping his arm around her shoulders lazily, dragging her into his side so he could hold the delivery bag over their heads like a makeshift umbrella. If they tracked too much rainwater into the bakery, they’d have to clean it up, and they did not want to bother with that.
“I was thinking we should just buy some ice cream and not tell my parents.” Marinette sent him a teasing grin. “You know, one day you’re going to have to learn how to cook.”
“You don’t want that,” he said, his nose wrinkling.
“Mmmmmaybe not. You’re lucky you’re pretty.”
Tim rolled his eyes at her. “No, I’m lucky your parents took one look at me and said ‘I do not care whether you two get married or I have to adopt him myself, that is now my son’.”
“Yeah! Because you’re pretty.”
He snickered. “That is definitely not why.”
“True, I guess.”
He narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. If she was agreeing this easily, then she definitely had another idea lined up. And, lo and behold, her eyes were gleaming with mirth.
“It’s because you’re a wet cat of a man.”
“Well, aren’t I lucky you’re a cat person, then,” he said, grinning cheekily.
Clearly, she had not been expecting that one, because her face gained a red tint and she snatched the delivery bag out of his hands to use as a fearsome weapon. Tim only laughed as she swatted him with the plastic bag. In his eyes, it was still worth it.
They were snapped out of their own little world thanks to the screeching of tires.
Their heads snapped to a nearby intersection.
The rain, though relatively light, had been enough to make the roads more slippery than expected, and a car had skidded far too close to hitting an old man. Thankfully, some blond guy had reacted in time to get him out of the way.
Tim and Marinette had, as nosy people often do, tried to get a good look at what was going on as they passed. Nothing interesting, really. The younger of the two was worrying over the man’s health, which seemed fine other than slightly scraped up knees and hands, certainly better than it could have been. The old man was assuring him he was fine and trying to collect all of the things that had fallen out of the blond’s bag when he had half-tackled him out of the way.
It was because Marinette’s head was turned towards the pair that Tim almost missed the horrified expression that stole across her face.
“Fucking – you!” she said, pointing at the old man.
The old man didn’t seem all that abnormal to look at. Stringy, gray and white hair and beard. A myriad of smile lines and age spots. His cane looked as if it had been fashioned out of an actual stick, probably custom-made, which was not surprising considering his height. The most interesting thing about him was the Hawaiian tee, which was remarkably loud.
But the old man seemed to recognize Marinette, too. He didn’t look confused at having been called out, he looked wary.
Marinette tugged the bag out of the old man’s hands and started sifting through it, her expression… well, Tim hadn’t seen that kind of existential terror since they had cut their String. He couldn’t say he had missed seeing it on her face.
“Mari?” he asked, resting a hand on her shoulder gently.
She didn’t even seem to notice. She pulled out a small, black box with a strange red design. Her lips pressed into a thin line.
“Do you recognize this?” she asked the blond.
Said blond had gone remarkably pale. He shook his head slowly, and Tim thought, vaguely, that he looked kind of unsure.
Marinette didn’t seem to notice. She scowled and shoved the box into the old man’s hands.
His hands closed around it quickly – not in the way people instinctively took things you pushed into their chest, but instead as if he had been expecting to take it back.
“What – what is that?” the blond asked.
Marinette hesitated here, her gaze darting up to meet his. And then she blinked. “Holy shit, aren’t you that guy from the perfume ads?”
The blond blushed and tugged his baseball cap lower over his face, a blush creeping up his neck.
A flicker of movement out of the corner of Tim’s eyes drew his attention away from the pair, and instead to the atrociously bright red of a Hawaiian shirt turning the corner. He hissed a curse and took up the chase.
The old man was surprisingly fast, for someone supposedly in need of a cane. Tim wasn’t a vigilante anymore, but he was by no means out of shape, and yet his feet pounded against the pavement, his eyes constantly flicking around in search of the flashes of too-bright red, always just barely catching sight of it in time to watch it turn a corner.
And then he saw the man disappear into an alleyway. One which, unless Tim remembered wrong, was a dead end.
He wasn’t wrong.
He swung around a pipe to get inside faster, and found the old man at the end of the alley, not the least bit out of breath.
Tim, however, was exhausted. So, forgive him for being slightly rough with the elderly when he grabbed him by the collar, shoving him against the wall. The old man’s smile hadn’t disappeared in the slightest, and Tim’s hands balled tighter in his shirt, frustration eating at him.
Despite the rain, the man wasn’t wet in the slightest.
“Who – what are you?” he hissed.
"Just someone who wants to right a wrong."
"That makes no sense."
The Old Man tipped his head back and laughed. Too far. Slowly, he unraveled before Tim’s eyes, his form spilling away into red fucking string that slipped between his fingers no matter how hard he tried to get a hold on it.
Tim stared at the only thing that remained of the man. A tiny bow tied around his thumb.
He swallowed thickly.
It wasn’t connecting him to anything, so he was probably safe to assume that this was what was left of the original String, and yet the fact that he could suddenly see it did not bode well.
He rushed back the way he’d come.
Marinette and the blond were backed up against a random building, people clamoring for the blond’s attention. Apparently, Marinette was right about him being a minor celebrity – perfume ad guy, Marinette had shown the video to him a while back because apparently he, as a Parisian, had to see it at least once or else he was a ‘fake’.
He was pretty sure the guy’s name was –
“Adrien!” someone squealed. “Can I have an autograph?!”
Adrien looked a little overwhelmed. Understandable, really.
Tim glanced around, and realized they weren’t backed up against just any building.
He clambered up the fire escape and then let himself in via the skylight. A few flights of stairs later, he was fiddling with the lock on the door.
Marinette dragged Adrien inside by the wrist, and Tim slammed the door shut behind them, triple-locking it. Usually, they only bothered with one or two, but considering the crowd… well, it was best to be safe.
Marinette reached up and turned the sign over the door to ‘Closed’.
Adrien sunk to the ground, groaning. He took off his hat so he could run his hands through his already messy hair.
Tim took the moment to look at Marinette’s pinky. She, too, had a tiny bow wrapped around her finger, but she wasn’t bound to anyone. Not to Tim, and certainly not to the random blond guy beside her.
The lack of a Red String of Fate didn’t quite put him at ease. If it wasn’t that that had been 'righted', then what was going on?
“Sorry about that,” Marinette mumbled, sitting beside Adrien.
“Well, you did save me from – I don’t know – a bomb? A tracker? Whatever that guy put in my bag. So I did owe you. Now, I think it’s evened back out.”
Marinette snickered. “I guess that’s fair.”
“We can make you owe us again,” Tim said, walking to tap his knuckles against the glass case containing everything that hadn’t been sold that day. Usually, they’d eat some and donate the rest, but hey, they had company for the foreseeable future. Might as well pawn some food off on him. “What’re you in the mood for?”
Adrien smiled faintly. “Got anything with passionfruit in it?”
“Don’t think so.”
Marinette was watching Adrien out of the corner of her eyes, something inscrutable on her face.
She jolted to attention, something soft stealing over her face. “I could make some passionfruit macarons, if you’d like that.”
Adrien’s eyes lit up, but he was quick to shake his head. “No, I can’t make you do all that…”
“We’re going to be stuck here for a while,” she said, pointing at the crowd still standing outside the door. “We might as well have something to do.”
Adrien nodded hesitantly. “I guess…”
“Great!” she said, hopping to her feet smoothly.
She held a hand out to help him up.
Adrien smiled as he took it.
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Hot Take
Also side note, if you really are super into nge, like its a major hyperfixation for you and you cannot handle critiques of the show, this post is not for you.
I hate eva. There. I said it. I finished watching NGE a few nights ago and i hate it. It had so much potential. But. I just. I hate it. I’m sorry. I wanted to understand, I wanted to finally say I had been lainpilled and become a shinnie but i hate shinji. with all my heart.
I just need to let this out.
I described how i felt about the show to a friend. I shall now come and describe it for ya’ll as well.
Imagine Neon Genesis Evangelion is a soup. A bisque, if you will. A big pot of gumbo. And the creator is in the kitchen, boiling the water, adding salt (the cicada noises). And sure, it doesn’t seem like anything right now, but you know this is only the beginning, you’re willing to wait. And so you do. And the creator begins to wash and cut the vegetables (introducing Rei, Asuka, Shinji, and Misato), and you start to feel the inkling of your stomach growling. Not yet. But soon. And so he adds the vegetables. The sauces. The spice. The flavor. The broth (the tragic backstories). Everything, mixing together, beautiful, but cooked slow on a simmer. The creator is teasing you.
Your stomach gets more impatient, you can start to make out what he is brewing on the stove, but it’s not quite finished yet. Finally, towards the end, after your long wait, a wonderful smell fills the atmosphere (The incredible visuals, Kaworu, Rei’s clone reveal, the hint of an actual plot). It wafts into your nose. You can’t take it anymore, your stomach is now rumbling and roaring for a taste.
“Now?” you ask the creator.
He smiles. He turns down the heat. You grab a bowl, a napkin, a spoon in hand. You have never been more ready.
The smell is so decadent, you can taste it. The creator begins to bring the pot over. He has a ladle in his hands. And you hold out your bowl, your tongue falling lopsided out of your mouth and drooling. You are no better than a cartoon dog.
You raise your bowl up. As if raising your hands to heaven in the sky. The chef is now god to you. You’ve waited so long to see what everyone has been raving about. To taste what everyone else has been tasting. To see the world through a new lense.
But alas. It wasn’t meant to be.
The creator holds the pot in front of you, and laughs, before dropping the pot, kicking it across the room. It hits the floor with a klang, and the rich creamy goodness spills around you. It becomes a puddle at your feet. You can still smell it, still see it, and you know it was going to be good. You know it could’ve been so good.
You look the creator in the eyes, tears of sorrow and frustration welling up, threatening to burst out. But your throat stops up, and all you can croak out is a soft whisper. . .”why?”
And he stares at you, deep in your soul, before answering “That was an allegory for depression.” and then he slaps you across the face.
Anyways lmao, I just feel like if i were in the writing room I could’ve definitely improved a lot of things and made the story 100x more enjoyable. Thanks for listening to my vent.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
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   favourite colour(s): i don’t think i really have a favourite colour, per say, but i do prefer softer hues that are less glaringly bright on my eyes (hence why the theme for my multi has such a soothing colour scheme).
   favourite flavour(s): well, i do tend to really hate flavours that are bland (ie: cucumbers, pasta in tasteless soup my grandma makes, etc), so i guess flavors-wise, i really like spicy things (like some sauces you would put on chicken), foods with a creamy texture (think butter chicken or cream of mushroom soup), and anything with caramelized onions in it. seriously, i could probably eat a whole plate of cooked or fried onions, so if something tastes like onions? i’d probably enjoy it.
   favourite genre(s): I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS COULD POSSIBLY BE REFERRING TO, but when it comes to roleplay, i do prefer fluff, angst with a happy ending, and slice-of-life oriented threads, especially since most of my muses happen to be human, so its very interesting for me to delve into the daily going-ons of their lives in a more modern sense. video-games wise, though, i do tend to notice i favour horror games or jrpgs the most.
   favourite music: honestly, i mostly like EDM or music that’s fast and upbeat, but overall, my playlist really varies because i happen to enjoy a lot of things. seriously, on one hand, i’d listen to Loreen, but i’d also listen to songs by TeZATalks, NEFFEX, or bubbly j pop artists like CHIHIRO or Maiko Nakamura, so people at my workplace would randomly hear ‘Bye-Bad-Bye’ or ‘Endless Tears’ randomly playing from the speakers.
   favourite movie: maybe ‘A Silent Voice’? i honestly don’t watch a lot of movies, but i did remember it leaving a very lasting impression on me.
   favourite series: The Caligula Effect series... hands down! i also like the Trails of/Kiseki series for having the most rich, engrossing lore and interconnected world building i’ve ever seen with more than one character i’ve wanted to take on as a muse at one point, but alas, aside from Gaius Worzel, i sadly never got the chance to write more than one. i’m also fond of Fairy Fencer F and the Spirit Hunter series, because the universe, lore, and characters is also pretty interesting to me.
   last song: ‘Nobody can Hear You’ by ALIUS feat. Ariela Jacobs
   last series: uhhh...if we’re talking about series that have more than one instalment, it would have to be Soul Hackers (specifically Soul Hackers 2).
   last movie: it was probably something on netflix, but i can’t exactly remember, otl.
   currently reading: does Umineko count, considering it’s a visual novel?? it’s been rather slow going, though, because i have the attention span of a goldfish and the lets player who i’m watching tends to go on long tangents, that it’s hard for me to consistently pay attention for long enough before i’m pausing the video, otl.
   currently watching: someone’s playthrough of Umineko.
   currently working on: a headcanon post and various different open starters for my oc, because i happen to have lot of muse for her at the moment!
TAGGED BY: @paenseo​ ( thank you, veena! <333 )
TAGGING: @spiritpyro, @reevateiru, @ofliminalities, @pyreign​ and whoever else would like to do this!
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soranihimawari · 1 year
A surprise Tokyo Revengers thought from me (who finally got around to reading it):
🔞—mdni: mentions of drug withdrawal, sex, suicidal thoughts from major character
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Yn’s been thru it.
The music is loud, so loud in fact that your job as a cigar box girl has you practically yelling at your clients. It’s been almost a seven months since Akkun stepped off the roof. The business suffered for a bit, however when you started learning the bar, his old companions would frequently visit. You were friends and a fresh familiar face for the lot of the scum you service every day, but you did have a fan. A dangerous, handsome, rich young man with hair of black licorice, who requests you on days he wants to take you home; whom fucks you hard, fast, then slow; who cups your face and makes empty promises to buy your contract so you can play wifey for—Keisuki Baji’s life was never the same when he saw you behind the glass of the bar at the club.
Keisuki Baji, since adolescence, has always been a pretty boy. He’s been told this by the old madam’s of the whorehouses under his jurisdiction. Baji climbed the ranks and soon earned his title in the underground of the city as a demon lover of the unholy harpys that scour the city for a cheap fuck. Honestly, that’s how he met you—your pimp bad mouthed the gang he was a part of and during a raid blessed by both haitani brothers, baji executed his orders perfectly. Until you, with withdrawal shakes from the drugs you were forced to ingest, comes out shaking like a leaf on tattered lingerie. A blank expression of yours meets Baji’s shocked one’s because who knew an angel exists in this hellscape?
Three weeks, three long weeks, does it take for you to kick the habit. Three weeks, Baji stays by your side, making sure he’s there for you and the other girls were ok before shipping them around the city at legitimate (read as store fronts for illegal money laundering businesses) call girl motels. In that time, in between feeding and cooking for you, Baji treats you with care; he’s lost so many good people in his youth, but now he’s older, he’s learning to give his heart a chance. You think he develops a savior complex because in a violent relapse haze, you punch his face, almost breaking his nose when you freak out. He calms you by gripping your wrists and forcefully kissing you to calm down. You are heaving before your panic driven heart calms down the longer his lips stay on yours. You surrender to the power of how he makes you wet the further he pushes you back on the mattress. His chest tumbled when he tells you how hard you make him; it’s a broken gasp when your hands brush against his clothed member.
You’re shocked he’s kissing your neck with his hands halfway teasing your clothed entrance right now; Baji’s even tempered head has irresistible vulgar thoughts of you right now when you whisper a soft, “please fuck me...I don’t care how, just~ah!~ do it.” Your hips buck up to encourage him sliding off the pajama shorts you claim are yours. His hand cups your mound with a chuckle tickling your half exposed underboob.
“Patience pretty one,” is all his says before kissing your brow. He preps you as best he can with his hands and mouth before slipping off the rest of your clothes and his by default. You had already lost count of how many times he made you climax whilst still acting has his cock sleeve when the sun breaks through the windows. Strong hands on either side left marks on each other’s neck, thighs, and backs. Your nails had dug deep into his scarred lightly shoulders. It’s the same arm you don’t ask about when you became his regular fuck.
Keisuki Baji treats you well. He and his friends before Akkun’s suicide tipped you over thirty percent, minimum, always. Yet on nights where his past misdeeds causes him to have no sleep, you pledge unyielding fielty to Baji only when he sees you in his kitchen.
“We closed early because I’m because I’m edited about you,” your voice is calm though Baji seemed alarmed you were there. “Give me the keys to your gun box.” He doesn’t. “Now.”
The keys slide on the kitchen counter before you chuck it in your bag for later return.
“I already lost Akkun and you know he was a dear friend,” you touch your hair. “Can’t lose you.”
Three words that held the weight of love and forgiveness confuses Keisuki Baji. He’s worse for wear right now, five o clock shadow builds on his immaculate jawline; his hair is in a messy half- ponytail, why he keeps his hair long you’ll never know, you him to not cut it because you know he loves it when you braid his hair for meetings. He wears a tank top and long satin navy sleep pants, and you come over in the navy bodycon jumpsuit he bought you ages ago.
You don’t ask for permission to hold him, but he allowed you to. Baji’s arms and hands envelop you as his head rests against the crook in your neck. His nose exhales shakey breaths and a short lived, “h-how?”
“You never answered my text about dinner tonight love,” you run a consoling hand hit tresses as you continue. “And you almost immediately do, so I stopped by before you did something insane.”
You stop your ministrations as you ask him to look at you, when he didn’t, you pry himself away from your back for a moment.
“Don’t go offing yourself Romeo,” you warn. M time was annoyed, but righteous in anger. “Don’t want to lose you too early.”
At this admission, Baji’s never known live until it stares at him in the face. He realizes he loves you the moment you ask for the keys to the safe; you were that important to the young man. So lord help the rival members of a western clan who thought it would be fun to kidnap you for a high ransom while you’re on break at the bar.
Keisuki Baji receives a call from one of the girls at the bar and his heart drops as he thanks her for informing him of the assailants. Baji makes a call or several to round up his subordinates to break the hands of those who dared to think to take away the one thing that makes him feel whole. The person in the room with him had a wicked smile on his face:
“It’s been a while, but,” a flash of a deadly smile from one former blonder vice captain to another reflects in the lightning storm above. “We should get your lady back home before they think of killing her.”
Baji’s already at the door being good armoire. He punches a code on the key pad of the door as several guns are hung on the wall; he picks the 35 & 9mm.
If you truly were worth dying for, then you just needed to stay alive. Hell’s favorite demon is coming to free you. 🔁
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