#i just needed to get my frustruations out
Hot Take
Also side note, if you really are super into nge, like its a major hyperfixation for you and you cannot handle critiques of the show, this post is not for you.
I hate eva. There. I said it. I finished watching NGE a few nights ago and i hate it. It had so much potential. But. I just. I hate it. I’m sorry. I wanted to understand, I wanted to finally say I had been lainpilled and become a shinnie but i hate shinji. with all my heart.
I just need to let this out.
I described how i felt about the show to a friend. I shall now come and describe it for ya’ll as well.
Imagine Neon Genesis Evangelion is a soup. A bisque, if you will. A big pot of gumbo. And the creator is in the kitchen, boiling the water, adding salt (the cicada noises). And sure, it doesn’t seem like anything right now, but you know this is only the beginning, you’re willing to wait. And so you do. And the creator begins to wash and cut the vegetables (introducing Rei, Asuka, Shinji, and Misato), and you start to feel the inkling of your stomach growling. Not yet. But soon. And so he adds the vegetables. The sauces. The spice. The flavor. The broth (the tragic backstories). Everything, mixing together, beautiful, but cooked slow on a simmer. The creator is teasing you.
Your stomach gets more impatient, you can start to make out what he is brewing on the stove, but it’s not quite finished yet. Finally, towards the end, after your long wait, a wonderful smell fills the atmosphere (The incredible visuals, Kaworu, Rei’s clone reveal, the hint of an actual plot). It wafts into your nose. You can’t take it anymore, your stomach is now rumbling and roaring for a taste.
“Now?” you ask the creator.
He smiles. He turns down the heat. You grab a bowl, a napkin, a spoon in hand. You have never been more ready.
The smell is so decadent, you can taste it. The creator begins to bring the pot over. He has a ladle in his hands. And you hold out your bowl, your tongue falling lopsided out of your mouth and drooling. You are no better than a cartoon dog.
You raise your bowl up. As if raising your hands to heaven in the sky. The chef is now god to you. You’ve waited so long to see what everyone has been raving about. To taste what everyone else has been tasting. To see the world through a new lense.
But alas. It wasn’t meant to be.
The creator holds the pot in front of you, and laughs, before dropping the pot, kicking it across the room. It hits the floor with a klang, and the rich creamy goodness spills around you. It becomes a puddle at your feet. You can still smell it, still see it, and you know it was going to be good. You know it could’ve been so good.
You look the creator in the eyes, tears of sorrow and frustration welling up, threatening to burst out. But your throat stops up, and all you can croak out is a soft whisper. . .”why?”
And he stares at you, deep in your soul, before answering “That was an allegory for depression.” and then he slaps you across the face.
Anyways lmao, I just feel like if i were in the writing room I could’ve definitely improved a lot of things and made the story 100x more enjoyable. Thanks for listening to my vent.
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angelroute · 10 months
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These two funky games!!!!!!
So, MN ("Mirai Nikki" acronym I'll use) was a pretty successful manga, at least, successful enough they got a Visual Novel!!!
This came out about right after the manga ended, so it is based off the manga art style, and might have some contradictory characterisation between this and the anime adaptation. (It's nothing too bad it's just Takao being inconsistent and no one cares about Takao eheheh)
This game being titled, Mirai Nikki 13 Ninme No Nikki Shoyuusha, or, Future Diary the 13th Diary Keeper.
As you see, there are two covers! One with an added "Re:Write". That's because it's a remake, made after the anime!
There's a few changes with the UI, and added mildly spicy scene of a character changing her clothes, an added 5.5 chapter to explain a character's origins more clearly, but most importantly!!
They has the VAs who worked on the anime also voice for this game! Which means you do get to hear your favourite character's lovely voice more :)
So yea I think it'd be a better experience for you to play the remake.
It's a very fun VN! (This is a lie)
I mean, in general, I think it is a pretty fun experience. You don't need to know the material before hand, but of course, if you do, you get to see more of your blorbos! (And also get utterly dissapointed, just like the manga and anime!)
The only drawback of this I see in my viewpoint as a MN fan is that. Well. It suffers because. It's apart of the MN series. So it suffers. Sort of. Similar problems as the original story, with how they handle the characters. And. Their. Importance. Ahah.
Oh, the VN story itself! It's a brand new story, taking place about right in the middle of the Survival Game! (Right after someone's death) but no worry, they revived! All the Diary Keepers Yukiteru and Yuno killed revived. For reasons unknown! And guess what, by the title! Yep! New Diary Keeper baby!!! (And also another character along with that new player! She's a sweetie)
Idk if I can convince you to play, I mean, compared to the OG story of MN, it. I mean. It's not as uh dissapointing. Lesser dissapointment, but still there. But I'd reccomend this to get to know the characters to a newbie rather than the manga/anime tbh.
The playtime! I have no idea. Each chapter for me 100%-ing it took around. 3 hours.? And it has 6 chapters + the bonus Re: write 5.5 chapter for backstory. The last chapter (for me at least) was exceptionally frustruating but that's most likely because I lost the will to play bc I'm a piss baby and my blorbos died.
Okay, so. A few more things.
The side stories!! After you unlock some things abt a chapter you can get side stories for every Diary Keeper (except Yukiteru) plus Murmur! So extra lore! But he warned! Some of them are uh. *Checks notes* God damn the writers of this game did not characterise my blorbos well. Frustruating for me, but oh well, perhaps you have other characters you like instead that are. Not them. Still, even with these, and the characters being revived, some still get pretty shitty screen time and not much added lore. (Oh Kamado ....) Basically, you get to see what they were doing while being away from the protags.
There's I think 3 different endings, the translator of the game gives them names of Normal Ending 1, 2, and True Ending iirc. The story isn't. That? Changing with your choices. I mean you get to see some extra dialogue if you choose "this dialogue option" and "staying at this place" but not really changing the story. No bad ending either, unless you wanna count your game overs lol.
Differing POVs! Okay, so, starting with the 2nd chapter, you get to pick different protags to play from! There are a total of 6 characters you can play as, within their respective chapters. It's not like they're all playable at the same time, it's more of you get to see what this character was doing at this time while other characters did other things. Unlike the side stories, you can choose options, and things can make you die eheh.
So idk! Play it if you wanna! There is no ENG translated version, only a translation document for you to refer to when playing the game, if you that matters to you. The translation doc is provided by @/sunniedesi here on Tumblr.
Rambling over um one last thing
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The VN artists decided to give Yomotsu a buldge. 👍 One positive from this game :]
OMG MIRAI NIKKI IT WAS ONE OF MY FIRST ANIMES i never even heard it had a visual novel tho. i never got into the anime that much but if i see the vn maybe that would change :3 i heard the anime has some Issues but. people who ignore the flaws their fave media has (without like. excusing them) and rewriting in their head to obsess over are gods strongest soldiers 👍
i dont own a pc but one day i might rewatch the anime and play the vn i think. ehehehe
also HELP?????? i vaguely remember that guy being an one ep side character or whatever from the time i watched mn in middle school and every time i saw you on the dash i thought it was funny that you made a character with one ep of screentime your blorbo. the fact that he has more content in the vns explains that though 👍 have fun with your weirdo fave he seems funny
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z99jsprk · 3 years
aizawa as a dad
headcanons and drabble under the cut
domestic au, aizawa shota x reader
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cw // cursing/profanities
pronouns :: they/them [gender neutral]
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seems like he doesnt care for his kiddo
but he rlly does
u get bullied in school? daddyzawa on d rescue
having troubles wt ur quirk? he'll take time to train and help u control them
lowkey likes eri more than you
hates to admit it but
he enjoys seeing u get along wt his class
okok hear me out
ur prolly bsfs wt shinsou
he don like making friends BUT
bc ur daddyzawa's kiddo and shinsou's like his secret adopted kid
u always hang out tgthr
nd eventually got close wt eachother
back to papazawa
he actually helps you study when u need it
like ,,
he just finished grading papers and checks up on u
only to see u still studying he goes >:||
goes into papa mode and makes sumn for u to eat
and then puts u to bed wether u like it or not
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ii. DRABBLE ::
it was a homework due the next day that kept you up all night. no matter how hard you tried to read the contents of the text book layed infront of you, nothing seemed to settle inside your head.
groaning out of frustruation, you pushed yourself back a little, leaning back onto your swivel chair with your eyes closed, the stress visible in the way your eyebrows creased and met in the middle. with out much thought, you let out another groan, louder than the last, before pulling yourself back closer to your desk in attempt to try and study once again.
while you were in your room trying your best to get something inside your brain, on the other hand, aizawa, in his own room, had f i n a l l y finished grading 'em papers and decided to be a great father😃👍🏻 and check up on you, expecting you to be asleep.
but nO, he quietly enters your room without you noticing only to see you hunched over your desk, studying💀
so being the great father he is🤠 he leaves your room and heads to the kitchen to whip you and himself something to eat. after he made whatever shit he made in the kitchen, he then made his way back into your room still in the same position from when he left.
ofc, being the oh so amazing dad he is, he abruply but carefully closed your textbook shut, surprising the shit out of you before setting the tray of food he made for you.
right after you finished your midnight meal, as you were about to reach out for your textbook in attempt to continue studying, aizawa had already swooped you over his shoulder then throwing you on your bed. a low grunt followed after a "fucking sleep, problem child"
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tis my first time making this shit and also my first post/blog so hi 🤠👍🏻 JAHJDHXJE BYE
— 明治さん、あなたのサービスで。
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mindofhills · 7 years
Shopping / Theo Raeken Fluff
Pairing: Theo Raeken x reader
Requested: yes “ lol okay but can u write something where you go shopping 4 urself and ur bf Theo comes and you keep going back to a pair of jeans, but you think they might make you look fat and you ask "do these jeans make me look fat" and he says "yes" and you turn around and are pissed and u say "why would u say that" and he says "you never asked what it makes look fat" and you say like "my stomach obviously" and he says "nah ur ass" “ -unknown
Plot: Request is literally the plot tbh haha :)
Word Count: 447 (short one)
Warning: nothing
A/N: I’m back with my writing and as it’s raining all day today I’m just writing so here ya go :D
“I’m literally not going find anything.” I said. I was so damn frustruated. I’ve been shopping with Theo for like four hours now. I found a pair of jeans that I loved, but I don’t know if I like them. Well, I do, but I mean like. I think that they make my look fat.
“Babe!” I shouted for the dressing room. “Yeah?” I heard from the outside. “Come look if they make me look fat,” I said and he opened the curtain and stepped in. “What’ the problem?” he asked me smiling. I giggled a little and turned around so I was facing the mirror again.
I turned my self so I could see my butt, my back and then again my stomach from every angle possible. “Do these jeans make me look fat?” I asked him.
I took a step back and looked at my legs, my ass. “Turn around,” he said seriously. I did as told and lookad at him. “Well?” I asked.
“Well, what?” he asked me with a smirk. I sighed “Do these jeans make me look fat or not?” I asked him again. He nodds “Yes,” he said and my heart skipped a beat.
My cheeks blushed and I quickly turned around. “Next time say it a little nicely.” I said and he could for sure hear from my voice that I was kinda sad. “Now get out, I need to change”, but he didn’t even move a muscle.
He wrapped his arms around ma waist and pulled me closer. “You never asked what part of your body it makes look fat,” he whispered in my ear.
“Isn’t that obvious?” I asked him and he giggles. “It makes your..” I turn around and cut him off saying “..my belly look like I have a ton of tacos inside of me,” He laughes. I get a little mad at him and playfully punch him telling to stop.
“It makes you have a fat ass.” he said and hugged me tightly. “You’re so fucking annoying, Theo!” I whined and giggled at the same time. “Are you being serious?” I asked him. He threw his hands up in the air and nodded. “100%” he said.
He sat down on the floor as he refused to leave. “This is the best part of shopping with you, why would I get out?” he said and I laughed. I took my jeans off, put my skirt back on and we got out.
“I’m paying” he said and crabbed my jeans. “No, why?” I asked him. He looked at me his brows narrowed. “Because you’re my girlfriend and those jeans are a blessing,” he said and I laughed. 
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A Constant Table talk
So it seems that whenever I start to get into my own thoughts and such There are two of me that sit down at the table in my head, they start to have a talk
one of the me’s is my rational thought, the one who always makes sense and takes things at their logical standpoint.  This doesn’t make sense because of that, takes it slow and thinks things through (We’ll call him R-Me, He’ll be bold) The other me is essentially my Irrational thought, the one who is ready to question everything.  “You see the look on their face? they fucking hate us, they are trying to get as far away as possible” theres always a hidden meaning for him (We’ll call him IR-Me, He’ll be Italic)
So they have their back and forth for a while, and they duke it out.  R-Me is always shutting down IR-Me’s crazy tangents “No, that doesn’t make sense.  You’re creating crazy scenarios in your head again” but still he yells back in protest “but you saw the way she looked at us man, thats all we needed to see.  She’s gonna dip out and We won’t see her again. We always do this man, we fuck things up.  We don’t do things right and we just keep...!”  but hes done listening to him ramble about shit that doesn’t make sense “Calm down, you’re being ridiculous and shit like this is just gonna make things worse for us.  You’re gonna act like this and its gonna pour over to me and we are gonna act weird and then that’s really gonna be it!” 
It goes on like this for a little while, just constant back forth.  Fluctuating between content and sad and angry and upset and shitty and its frustruating.  Everybody asks whats wrong but deep down I don’t wanna seem like im whining, my own thoughts don’t make sense to me but I can’t stop myself from thinking them.  I realize that its not that real and its not that big of a deal but I can’t help feeling “What if it is like this” and then Im spinning all over again.  I just need quell my thoughts and keep my mind at bay. 
But i know for a fact that I’ll end up back at the table again, having the same conversation over and over again
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