#sora thoughts: Tokyo Revengers
soranihimawari · 1 year
A surprise Tokyo Revengers thought from me (who finally got around to reading it):
🔞—mdni: mentions of drug withdrawal, sex, suicidal thoughts from major character
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Yn’s been thru it.
The music is loud, so loud in fact that your job as a cigar box girl has you practically yelling at your clients. It’s been almost a seven months since Akkun stepped off the roof. The business suffered for a bit, however when you started learning the bar, his old companions would frequently visit. You were friends and a fresh familiar face for the lot of the scum you service every day, but you did have a fan. A dangerous, handsome, rich young man with hair of black licorice, who requests you on days he wants to take you home; whom fucks you hard, fast, then slow; who cups your face and makes empty promises to buy your contract so you can play wifey for—Keisuki Baji’s life was never the same when he saw you behind the glass of the bar at the club.
Keisuki Baji, since adolescence, has always been a pretty boy. He’s been told this by the old madam’s of the whorehouses under his jurisdiction. Baji climbed the ranks and soon earned his title in the underground of the city as a demon lover of the unholy harpys that scour the city for a cheap fuck. Honestly, that’s how he met you—your pimp bad mouthed the gang he was a part of and during a raid blessed by both haitani brothers, baji executed his orders perfectly. Until you, with withdrawal shakes from the drugs you were forced to ingest, comes out shaking like a leaf on tattered lingerie. A blank expression of yours meets Baji’s shocked one’s because who knew an angel exists in this hellscape?
Three weeks, three long weeks, does it take for you to kick the habit. Three weeks, Baji stays by your side, making sure he’s there for you and the other girls were ok before shipping them around the city at legitimate (read as store fronts for illegal money laundering businesses) call girl motels. In that time, in between feeding and cooking for you, Baji treats you with care; he’s lost so many good people in his youth, but now he’s older, he’s learning to give his heart a chance. You think he develops a savior complex because in a violent relapse haze, you punch his face, almost breaking his nose when you freak out. He calms you by gripping your wrists and forcefully kissing you to calm down. You are heaving before your panic driven heart calms down the longer his lips stay on yours. You surrender to the power of how he makes you wet the further he pushes you back on the mattress. His chest tumbled when he tells you how hard you make him; it’s a broken gasp when your hands brush against his clothed member.
You’re shocked he’s kissing your neck with his hands halfway teasing your clothed entrance right now; Baji’s even tempered head has irresistible vulgar thoughts of you right now when you whisper a soft, “please fuck me...I don’t care how, just~ah!~ do it.” Your hips buck up to encourage him sliding off the pajama shorts you claim are yours. His hand cups your mound with a chuckle tickling your half exposed underboob.
“Patience pretty one,” is all his says before kissing your brow. He preps you as best he can with his hands and mouth before slipping off the rest of your clothes and his by default. You had already lost count of how many times he made you climax whilst still acting has his cock sleeve when the sun breaks through the windows. Strong hands on either side left marks on each other’s neck, thighs, and backs. Your nails had dug deep into his scarred lightly shoulders. It’s the same arm you don’t ask about when you became his regular fuck.
Keisuki Baji treats you well. He and his friends before Akkun’s suicide tipped you over thirty percent, minimum, always. Yet on nights where his past misdeeds causes him to have no sleep, you pledge unyielding fielty to Baji only when he sees you in his kitchen.
“We closed early because I’m because I’m edited about you,” your voice is calm though Baji seemed alarmed you were there. “Give me the keys to your gun box.” He doesn’t. “Now.”
The keys slide on the kitchen counter before you chuck it in your bag for later return.
“I already lost Akkun and you know he was a dear friend,” you touch your hair. “Can’t lose you.”
Three words that held the weight of love and forgiveness confuses Keisuki Baji. He’s worse for wear right now, five o clock shadow builds on his immaculate jawline; his hair is in a messy half- ponytail, why he keeps his hair long you’ll never know, you him to not cut it because you know he loves it when you braid his hair for meetings. He wears a tank top and long satin navy sleep pants, and you come over in the navy bodycon jumpsuit he bought you ages ago.
You don’t ask for permission to hold him, but he allowed you to. Baji’s arms and hands envelop you as his head rests against the crook in your neck. His nose exhales shakey breaths and a short lived, “h-how?”
“You never answered my text about dinner tonight love,” you run a consoling hand hit tresses as you continue. “And you almost immediately do, so I stopped by before you did something insane.”
You stop your ministrations as you ask him to look at you, when he didn’t, you pry himself away from your back for a moment.
“Don’t go offing yourself Romeo,” you warn. M time was annoyed, but righteous in anger. “Don’t want to lose you too early.”
At this admission, Baji’s never known live until it stares at him in the face. He realizes he loves you the moment you ask for the keys to the safe; you were that important to the young man. So lord help the rival members of a western clan who thought it would be fun to kidnap you for a high ransom while you’re on break at the bar.
Keisuki Baji receives a call from one of the girls at the bar and his heart drops as he thanks her for informing him of the assailants. Baji makes a call or several to round up his subordinates to break the hands of those who dared to think to take away the one thing that makes him feel whole. The person in the room with him had a wicked smile on his face:
“It’s been a while, but,” a flash of a deadly smile from one former blonder vice captain to another reflects in the lightning storm above. “We should get your lady back home before they think of killing her.”
Baji’s already at the door being good armoire. He punches a code on the key pad of the door as several guns are hung on the wall; he picks the 35 & 9mm.
If you truly were worth dying for, then you just needed to stay alive. Hell’s favorite demon is coming to free you. 🔁
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon
Wow...somehow this one just completely fell off my radar, otherwise I would have watched it a long time ago lol. I seriously thought I was all caught up with pre-Tamers anime until I saw this on the 02 TV Tropes and was like "oop..." It was a good surprise though, I can never get enough of these Mamoru Hosoda style shorts! (Looks like he didn't actually work on this one though).
I watched this dubbed first to take screenshots and then subbed. It's hard to find a non-crunchy version of the subbed short. The OG Japanese was a lot stronger imo because, as usual, the dub ruined some stuff with it's jokey tone and music choices. Still decently faithful though. Full thoughts below.
So this is like a midquel, I guess. I don't know if there's an exact place within 02 I was supposed to watch this, but I didn't feel like my immersion was wrecked or anything haha.
While the aesthetic of the short was great, I felt the story was pretty redundant and eye-roll worthy. "Oh Omegamon/Omnimon is back for some contrived reason and the OG chosen children's digimon can't defeat him like they did last time...for some contrived reason. This looks like a job for the 02 protagonists!" Whatever, it doesn't have to be deep to be fun.
The early 2000s CG looked pretty good actually. I thought it added a fun otherworldliness to the Kuramon.
Kuramon look a lot like Takodachi (Hololive fans know what's up). I wonder if there was some inspiration there on a subliminal level.
I wonder if Daisuke's character designer intended him to be from a southern part of Japan. His tan skin sticks out more in this art style.
I feel like Diaboromon got uglier somehow compared to Our War Game lol. Armagemon's design was deliciously creepy though. He looked like something out of an Alien movie. His entrance was epic and probably would have freaked me out a lot as a kid. Weirdly, they never actually said Armagemon's name so I just assumed it was Diaboromon until I googled it just now lol
Sora and Mimi were like two sides of the same coin in this. Mimi was useless, but in a delightful way. Sora was useless, but in a boring way lol. Seriously, she didn't need to come all the way home from her tennis club trip to just go "I'm here!" and then do nothing. I'm not saying there was much she could do anyway, but I get really pissed that they never gave her character a real point aside from "bland love interest" in any Digimon show/movie.
Loved Mimi's interactions with Koushiro. Their awkward "we're in the same friend group but have nothing in common" chemistry is so fun.
Yamato seemed extra cool with his rings and stoicism. I do kind of wish he and Taichi got a little more dialogue though.
Really didn't like the direction of the fights inside the internet. They were either animated too up close or too distant so I felt like I couldn't really follow what was going on half the time. Also, the choreography wasn't that inspired. The IRL fight at least had a cool Evangelion vibe going for it. The harbor was a really aesthetic setting for a final fight.
I've started shipping DaiKen for funsies (there's some really cute fanart) so it was nice seeing them together in the elevated art style hehe.
Daisuke has a Yamato phone strap! So cute and supportive
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It's funny how the digimon sizing suddenly changes when we're in movie-mode. Angemon and Angewomon were huge in this! I was excited to see the 02 digimon, but they mostly looked the same as they looked in the show tbh.
The Shibuya vibes, complete with Hachiko statue, were fun. Was 02 set in Tokyo? I honestly don't remember...
Seeing all those children running around at night without any worries about safety...must be nice, Japan.
When Omegamon "ran out of energy," I had the thought of like "can a jogress digimon die in the real world or would they always just de-digivolve??" I guess they'd never go that far for plot reasons anyways
Imperialdramon gets a new mode! Paladin mode, according to Google. Were these names in the credits or did they just decide things later for the TCG or something...?
We got the 02 theme inserted towards the end and even the OG show's theme as a ring tone. Really cute touch. (I was a little triggered to hear Bolero again for the millionth time though).
All in all I'm glad the 02 kids got their due in this style. Was it groundbreaking? No. Was it worth 30 minutes of my time? Absolutely!
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braveryhearted · 11 months
More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: Dot Hack GU.
Muse #1- Haseo / Ryou Misaki ( also known as Sora during Dot Hack IMOQ which took years prior to all GU events ).
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Age: 17-19 ( anime, manga, light novels and games )
The main protagonist of the Dot Hack GU games and other forms of the GU media. Haseo initially was very friendly when joining The World R:2, until being tricked by a group a PKers who took advantage of his naivety. After this event, he becomes cold and self-centered, although he holds a soft spot for Shino. He finds it hard to get close to people, as his previous experience with the PKers resulted in him being betrayed.
When Shino was attacked by Tri-Edge, he stopped at nothing to find out what happened to her and tried get his revenge. As he progressed, Haseo learned to trust his new friends and grew as a person. Though not as warm, he is a great leader and is willing to risk everything for those he hold dear. Also, despite his profession as the PKKer "Terror of Death" in Roots, Haseo hates rumors and forums, disdainfully calling it "idle chatter". His preferred sources for information are PKs and "professional victims" like Bordeaux and Midori, respectively, as they are far more likely to encounter the mysterious PKer, Tri-Edge, than the rumor-mills on the BBS.
Ovan mysteriously vanished during a major fight before the events of the games. Without its leader the guild that Haseo belonged to, Brigade, soon collapsed. Haseo decided to remain with Shino as not to abandon her like the leader did. However, without warning Shino was forcibly taken away from him. The culprit was an infamous PKer named Tri-Edge. He had PKed Shino while she was alone at the Hulle Granz Cathedral and somehow had placed her into a coma in reality. With only his name and a short description to go on, Haseo began to hunt Tri-Edge, hoping to find a way to bring Shino back.
Wanting more power, Haseo entered an event known as the Forest of Pain. At the center, a brief encounter with Harald Hoerwick gave his character tremendous power. With this power he began ruthlessly hunting PKers, acquiring the title "The Terror of Death" after killing 100 PKers at once. Eventually he succeeded in finding Azure Kite, who he thought to be Tri-Edge, but was defeated by his Data Drain attack. His character was reformatted and sent back to level 1, forcing Haseo to start all over again.
"Haseo" is an alternate reading of the characters in a Japanese poet's, Matsuo Bashou's, name. His disciple, Kawai Sora, was the inspiration for Sora's name. Haseo's player, Ryou Misaki, is a sophomore student attending a famous private high school. He lives alone in Tokyo, and his dad owns a major company. He visits Shino, who is in a coma, at the hospital everyday. He decided to play The World R:2 after talking to a friend who used to play its previous version, The World.
He was once the player behind Sora, but lost all memory of it and The World after being Data Drained by Skeith. Meanwhile, Sora's data continued on as a vagrant AI and eventually reunited him as Skeith. Being an Epitaph User, Haseo acquires a Lost Weapon as part of the main storyline: a rare Scythe called "Ticking Death", which is renamed to "Shadowy Death" once evolved to its final form.
Fun facts: Haseo's Japanese voice actor, Takahiro Sakurai, is also known for voicing Cloud Strife, from Final Fantasy VII. Both of Haseo's game voices are the same as Suzaku Kururugi from Code Geass. Takahiro Sakurai in Japanese and Yuri Lowenthal in English.
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k3ntarou · 1 year
Take your time coming back to us Z! Love you & miss you mucho!
P.S. I finally finished season 1 of Tokyo Revengers & can’t wait to talk about it again with you.
P.P.S. Don’t forget to drink water and take care of yourself! ✌🏼
thank you sm my sweet sora, you know youve got my heart 🫶🏼 can't wait to talk to you about all those pretty tokyorev boys, i bet your pretty brain's full of amazing thoughts 💞 take care my love
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babyboyxiao · 2 years
sora's masterlist!
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hello! sora here! welcome to my masterlist! this is an 18+ nsfw side blog! minors and ageless blogs, please do not interact! please check my rules and guidelines before requesting!
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Blue Period
Yellow is the Colour of His Eyes | Yaguchi Yatora x Reader
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
A Winter Waltz | Dimitri x Reader
Genshin Impact
Melt | Albedo x Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer
Obey Me!
Chubby MC Headcanons | Dateables x Reader
Eating You Out Headcanons | Belphegor x Reader
Praise + Breeding Headcanons | Diavolo x Reader
Only Me | Lucifer x Reader
Secretly Horny MC Headcanons | Lucifer x Reader
Tokyo Revengers
Tougen Anki
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
okay. i just pulled an allnighter and read all 234 chapters of the tokyorev manga. i have many thoughts, here they are and then i will go to sleep 
major tokyo revengers spoilers!!!!
- while i take absolutely 0 interest in him in a simp way, im absolutely fascinated by both kisaki and hanma as characters and am deeply excited to see their motivations in relation to not only each other. i think hanma is really funny lol 
- i love mikey so much and can only be filled with immeasurable heartbreak about what’s happened to him so far and what’s led him down his path and i hope he gets rehabilitation or something. i hope there’s some way to fix things 
- seeing takemichi so wholly accept when chifuyu breaks and blames him for coming back absolutely broke my fucking heart and spirit and seeing chifuyu of all people lose his cool after everything that happened was so gut-wrenching 
- i miss baji and i wish he was okay. i miss draken and i hope he and emma are happy together. i think wakasa is so fascinating also. 
- izana :( 
- i love hakkai to fucking death literally he is everything to me im gonna put him in terrarium and i want to write for him. my simp list is undecided other than him and chifuyu 
- i cannot imagine an ending that doesnt end in heartbreak and misery. also i literally sent sora 60 texts last night losing my mind over this manga only to catch w the most depressing arc. 
anyways. thats all 
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noctilucentstorm · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Review
Episode 9: The Ultimate Digimon Attacks
The Chosen have successfully taken the fort, but their victory is short-lived as Ogremon returns for revenge.
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Massive disclaimer: this review is going to have some fairly negative comments towards the end.  However, I don’t want to make anyone enjoy this series less because of my review, so please don’t continue reading if you’re happy watching the series as is.  My thoughts are my own and I’d hate to think I influenced someone into looking at the series more negatively.  
Despite the above there were still things I liked in this episode.  We finally got a new intro with Koushiro talking through evolution with his digimon encyclopaedia.  Makes me wonder if he is going to take over introducing digimon now he’s back with the team.
The ‘last’ Tokyo update is given and I’m wondering if this is because Koushiro is now in the Digital World? We haven’t been given a good idea what the time difference is between the two, but it seems a little strange not even 24 hours has happened in the Digital World and we’ve already reached the end of the first day in the human world.  I suppose we don’t know what time the kids left their world or arrived in the Digital World, but it feels a bit strange if the Digital World is only moving twice as fast or something.  I’m looking forward to finding out more about this.
Devimon admonishes Ogremon for what happened… 3 episodes ago and basically says he’s sending stronger back up because Ogremon isn’t strong enough.  By the subtle shaking we’re given the impression that rather than willingly taking orders from Devimon, Ogremon is most-likely doing so because he’s scared… unless he’s angry in this scene instead?  If the latter was the case I would’ve expected him to argue, but I’m curious how others interpreted this.  Either way he definitely wants to fight the Chosen (and one digimon in particular).
I noticed the sentences looked a little cut-off on the slab of digicode last episode and it seems it’s causing Taichi to struggle a little with the translation.  Luckily the kids still seem to understand the important part, which is that the Holy Digimon have been captured.  Makes me wonder how the slabs came to being in the first place. Is a digimon going around writing this stuff down or is there a more divine way the information ends up where it does?  At least the kids are given a clue of what to do, even if they’re not sure where to go.
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Before the Chosen can figure out a real plan of action, they’re attacked by Ogremon.  There’s a flashback to remind us why he’s upset, but it feels like something that could’ve easily been covered in the recap?  Ogremon finally speaks only to order them to evolve. The kids actually look scared which is a contrast to earlier episodes.  Maybe it’s because of their close call in the previous episode?
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…Apparently we’re just supposed to ignore Taichi and Agumon’s casual jump off a height of several stories.
The fight between Taichi and Greymon begins and the other Chosen watch on.  Unfortunately, it’s not long before Coredramon attack and… somehow… miss… everyone?!
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At least it gives Yamato and Gabumon time to look cool.
The others try and get their digimon to evolve, but are stopped by the barrage of Coremon attacks.
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Kinda wish I was more read up on Japanese culture, but is this pose from kabuki theatre… or something similar?  I’ve definitely seen it somewhere before.  Edit: it’s sumo! Thanks @gwydionae​ :) Regardless, Kabuterimon is ridiculous in the best possible way!  With the Coredramon dealt with, we get a brief exchange of introductions, which is probably my favourite bit of the episode.
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Gomamon remains the cutest!
Except it seems the Coredramon were just regrouping and they charge up a stronger attack to aim at the Chosen.  Tentomon admits he’s too tired to evolve, but I’m not quite sure why Piyomon doesn’t given Sora was more than ready to jump into the fight only minutes before.  Personally, it pulled me out of what should’ve been a cute comedy moment.  Instead, Ogremon surprises everyone by unleashing his attack and causing the Coredramon to retreat.  Taichi at least seems to understand how serious Ogremon is about this fight.
Not much to say about the fight itself other than it carried on the dynamic theme we’ve seen in previous fights.  I’ll admit I didn’t realise they were supposedly enjoying it until Mimi made her comment.  I’m not sure how to feel about that, especially since it would’ve been easy to show their enjoyment without any extra animation.  It just felt a little weird.
The fight is interrupted again, this time by MetalTyranomon.  This was really well done!  Between the music and animation the audience could easily understand that the stakes just got a lot higher.  How could you not feel at least a little fear seeing this coming towards you:
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Similar to the original series, Devimon can control a Perfect/Ultimate, however this series does a much better job communicating what that actually means.  I suppose some of that is because Monzaemon was supposed to be ‘good,’ but it’s an improvement I really appreciate.  I think it was a bit easier to miss the importance of the levels at points in the original, even though they mentioned the levels in each digimon’s introduction.
Unfortunately, this is where the episode then starts falling down and fast.  Ogremon gets stomped on, which is horrifying, but honestly?  He’s been targeting the kids since episode 5 and I’m not quite sure why we’re suddenly supposed to feel sorry for him other than the fact he gets completely outclassed by MetalTyranomon.  Greymon valiantly takes on MetalTyranomon (and for a moment I thought he was going to evolve in this episode!) while Yamato and Garurumon… do nothing!  This is supposed to be the guy with the crest of friendship.  What happened since the last episode?! He clearly knows about the Perfect/Ultimate level and has taken on an Ultimate/Mega without flinching so this feels completely out of character.
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Hey, Yamato? Now would be a really good time to get your friend out of there.
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I know everyone is talking about Ogremon losing an eye and that’s what I wondered at first, but now I’m genuinely confused?  When his horn was broken we saw bits of data flying with it and if you compare it to the shot when he was with Devimon:
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There’s literally no difference?  I promise this isn’t me trying to nit-pick, it was just another small thing that pulled me out of the scene while I was trying to make sense of it.  He did lose his other horn without any data coming off it though, so I guess that isn’t really an indicator.  
Ugh, I really hope Ogremon gets more than that.
Final thoughts:
While the final scene did feel emotional because someone the kids thought was a villain ended up sacrificing (?) himself to save them, it felt to me as if the series was relying on us being returning viewers.  Ogremon’s arc in the original series went from terrifying villain (he threatened a baby!) to reluctant, then willing, ally and he’s my favourite non-partnered digimon for a reason.  
I’ll admit I enjoyed this episode more the second time around, but I shouldn’t have to go in with expectations of hating it in order to find it passable.  This episode was glaringly ‘The Taichi Show,’ throwing what little characterisation we have on the rest of the cast under the bus.  Where was ‘jumping headfirst into action’ Sora? Or ‘cool under fire’ Koushiro?  Only Mimi and Jou’s reactions actually felt within their established character.  I’d like to hope we’d stop to get a character-driven episode soon (I was honestly hoping this would be one), but based on the preview I know it’s not going to be the case for at least another week.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The Day I Became a God – 06 – Magical Festival Dream Team
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How does The Day I Became a God follow up its most emotionally effective episode to date? The same way it’s followed up every episode: with Something Completely Different. In this case, it goes full Slice-of-Life with a Festival Episode, something Hina has never experienced but is eager to do so. Youta was going to study, but if the world is going to end, what’s the point of that?
No, this Last Summer should be all about having fun with others, and the episode delivers that in spades, while serving as a kind of reunion episode for most of the ensemble cast (the hacker Suzuki excepted). Hina suggests Youta even call Tengan Kakou, and sure enough she arrives in traditional dress along with Jinguugi, and Kyouko. Sora accompanies Youta and Hina, and Youta’s best mate Ashura also attends.
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From collectively tasting and enjoying Tamasen to fish scooping, prize-shooting, haunted housing and “cookie dislocation”, the group has a ton of fun together, even if characters like Tengan and Jinguuji are mostly background.
Hina certainly has a blast…until she turns to find that Youta isn’t by her side. She spots him being friendly with Kyouko (a nice follow-up to last week for once, as they mingle swimmingly here) and gets jealous, suddenly overriding the fun she had been having.
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Her efforts to snag a lolicon pretty boy are unsuccessful, as the men she approaches are either put off by her old-fashioned manner of speaking, already have a girlfriend, or assume she’s a lost child. That last bit ends up being most apropos, as Hina finds refuge from the summer heat only to be shut inside a departing refrigerated van.
When the others regroup to find Hina nowhere to be found, they split up to look for her. Youta and Ashura find her candy apple, penguin doll, and tire tracks, and another truck driver mentions the truck being bound for Tokyo, so the BFFs hop on Ashura’s Yamaha to give chase.
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After the cold open I thought we’d be in for a basketball-themed episode, but instead Hina ends up in a spot and best friends Youta and Ashura, former basketball teammates, team up one more time to save her. Ashura lost the ability to jump after a truck similar to the one carrying Hina hit him and injured his leg. Youta was there during his recovery, and they eventually played basketball together again.
Here in the present, Ashura wants “revenge” on trucks everywhere by getting Youta close enough to jump onto it (don’t try this at home kids!) and alert the driver to stop. The motorcycle chase is as well-executed and exciting as it was totally unexpected—a recurring quality of this show! They rescue Hina before she and her fish freeze, and make it back to the festival in time to join the others to watch the fireworks.
Notably, Youta doesn’t use the fireworks to confess to Kyouko, or anyone else. He simply takes them in with everyone else; sharing in the fun and the joy of the perfect capper to a summer festival. As he watches the fireworks, he can’t imagine that the world will really end in nine days…and yet that’s what the countdown indicates. Can the world still be saved by a fourth-quarter comeback? It’s too soon to say, but for now, Youta and his diverse array of friends can’t say they haven’t lived these final days to the absolute fullest.
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By: magicalchurlsukui
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