#bro broke down into tears and started calling himself a monster for hurting you while you were so confused
chosowhore · 5 months
pretty sure choso cried ugly when he saw that he left bruises on you after sex (he doesn't know his own strength but you were def into it )
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Defends Them From Nasty Remarks
Warnings: Explicit language, MC being mildly violent (throwing/kicking things).
Lucifer had just finished some paperwork for Diavolo and was on his way to R.A.D to deliver it.
In the hallway he could hear two demons talking and laughing. As he got closer he heard them say "Lucifer" and instinctively ducked into a nearby alcove.
"Lucifer's such an asshole." "I know, right? He acts like he's so much better than the rest of us when really, he just has a huge stick up his ass. It's no wonder he doesn't have any friends. Even his own brothers don't like him!" "He'll probably spend the rest of his life being Diavolo’s little bitch."
He would be lying if the comments didn't make him angry. But it was far from the worst thing he had heard about himself and would definitely not be the last time someone spoke ill of him.
With a weary sigh, Lucifer turned toward the south entrance where he could walk in order to avoid the demons. He could have strode past and glared at them menacingly. He could have made them grovel on their knees. But he was honestly exhausted and looked forward to this day being over as soon as possible. Plus, it would reflect poorly on Lord Diavolo if he started a fight with some lesser demons over this.
Suddenly, the chatter of the demons was interrupted by a loud thumping sound followed by the sound of one of the demons screeching in pain.
Lucifer quickly turned around to see- Oh no. You were standing in front of the demons, rage clear on your face. The demon who had yelled in pain was crouched on the ground holding his bruised shoulder. A History of the Devildom textbook was open on the ground, pages crumpled.
Did you... did you just throw a textbook at a demon?
Before he could even move, he heard your angry voice. "Listen here you fuckers. How dare you talk about Lucifer like that. He's one of the kindest, most intelligent, most thoughtful beings I've ever met. And you have no right to speak of him like that! I love him!"
Lucifer's heart burst at your declaration, his cheeks warming in pleasure. The two demons however, who had been gaping at you in shock, were now beginning to look murderous. The injured one stood up and slowly inched toward you, a vicious grin on his face. "Oh, is that so? And what the hell is a weak human like you going to do about it?"
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could say anything, Lucifer picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Love, I appreciate how you stood up for me. There's not many people who have done so for me before. But any more would cause trouble. And also, please don't throw textbooks at others, no matter how much you think they deserve it."
With a smug smile on his face, Lucifer began to walk toward the dorms. You, however, were struggling to turn your head around, still yelling and pointing angrily at the demons. "This isn't over! Sleep with your eyes wide open! You'll be hearing from my lawyer!"
He really did love you.
Mammon was at the casino on a Monday night. It was lively as always, crowds of people playing group games and others drinking and mingling.
But for some reason, Mammon felt like being alone. He was in one of the more quiet corners, playing the slot machines.
He honestly should have been back at the dorms doing his homework. He was here because he felt like he had to, but his heart wasn't really in it. Mammon thought about packing it up early and texting you to see if you wanted to hang out.
The sudden sound of glass shattering broke through his thoughts. There was some sort of commotion going on and Mammon could hear angry yelling and cursing, some kind of argument.
Like many of the other customers, Mammon drifted toward the noise wanting to see what had happened. His heart sank when he saw you in the middle of the crowd, still in your R.A.D uniform, arguing with an older demon who Mammon recognized as a regular. They had played some games together before that always ended in angry accusations. The remains of a drinking glass lay shattered on the floor.
Mammon quickly rushed to your side. "MC, what the hell are you doing here?! What happened?" Up close he could see how livid you looked, you were trembling with fury.
The older demon opened his mouth while gesturing at his ruined clothes. "This bitch threw a drink at me! I should have them arrested! Do you know how much this tuxedo costs?" Ignoring him, you turned to face Mammon.
"Mams, Lucifer told me to check up on you and you weren't answering my calls. So I decided to come in person to make sure you were okay. But then I heard this asshole saying terrible things about you to his friends, calling you a liar and a cheater and all kinds of horrible names that you're not!"
Mammon was shocked to see you were struggling to fight off your tears, your lower lip quivering. "I know how caring and genuine and loving you are and I couldn't stand by while he said those things about you! None of it’s true!"
Overcome with emotion Mammon embraced you fiercely, shielding you from the other demon. "Oh, babe. Ya really are a special one.” Mammon gently stroked your hair and whispered in your ear. “I don't care about what he said, but thanks for sticking up for me. I love ya so much."
"Now let's make a run for it so that demon doesn't kill us."
Levi was slowly getting used to being in a relationship with you in public. At first, interactions were limited to the privacy of his room: cuddling and watching movies, gaming together, reading manga together. But now he looked forward to waiting for you after classes and walking home with you while holding hands.
His face got really red and he had a hard time making eye contact with you but still, he thought it was an improvement.
Right now he was waiting for you outside your classroom, scrolling through his D.D.D to kill time. Suddenly, he heard someone call your name.
“MC, you’re dating Levi right?” At the sound of his name he peeked in the window to see you cornered by three demons. He saw you nod. 
The demons began to barrage you with questions. “Why are you with a loser like that? Doesn’t he like never leave his room?” “He’s honestly the ugliest out of his family. I don’t believe that Levi and Asmo are related.” “You don’t actually find him attractive, do you?” “Are you with him ‘cause he’s like the easiest to control?” 
Each word felt like someone was piercing his heart. These were all things that he had thought or wondered himself, days when the darkness seemed to win over his mind. But to have them spoken out loud, especially in front of you, it was unbearable. It was as if his lowest and most shameful thoughts were being justified.
He was afraid to hear what your answers would be. Biting his lower lip, Levi turned to head home by himself but flinched at the loud sound of something slamming into the wall. He peeked inside the window again and saw you standing there, furious, your hands clenched into fists. You had apparently kicked one of the desks into the wall, black scuff marks clearly visible against the white paint.
“Alright, listen here you despicable fucks because I’m only going to say this once. My relationship with Levi is private, meaning all of your questions can be answered with ‘none of your damn business’. But since you’ve gone out of your way to waste my time, I’ll let you know this: Leviathan is more beautiful, inside and out, than any of you will ever be in your entire miserable lives. I honestly don’t think you deserve to breathe the same air as him and I hope Levi summons Lotan to devour the three of you."
Levi’s jaw was on the floor. He had never heard you speak that way. He had never had someone defend him so fiercely. His thoughts were interrupted by the classroom door suddenly slamming open as you walked out."
“Oh Levi, tell me you didn’t hear anything just now.” Your eyes were wide and you looked at him nervously.
Levi grabbed your hand and held it tight between two of his own. “I did, but it’s alright. Thanks for what you said.”
“Anything for my Lord of Shadows.”
Satan was heading to the library, your usual after-school spot. Some days you two spent hours there doing homework, reading, or just chatting quietly about your day before heading to dinner.
As he approached the table he saw you sitting down with a stranger seated opposite you. Leaning closer he was relieved to see it was a classmate you were friendly with, someone he knew you hung out with occasionally.
Satan was about to say hello when he stopped at the mention of his name. "MC, are you sure it's wise to be this involved with Satan?"
He quickly ducked behind a nearby bookshelf. Satan usually wasn't one to eavesdrop like this but the question concerned him.
"MC, I'm asking you for your sake. Satan is dangerous. He's violent and cruel. There are rumors about him beating up other demons and doing horrible things to them. What if he tries to hurt you too?"
Satan flinched. Sure his wrath had led him to do some destructive things before, but it was never without reason. Is this how you saw him as well? His thoughts began to spiral. What if you grew scared of him? Of his wrath? What if you flinched at his touch? That would hurt more than any of the rumors that swirled about him. 
Satan saw you take a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I appreciate you talking to me about this. I know you meant the best and were just thinking about me. But I promise you, you have nothing to be worried about. Satan would never hurt me."
He saw your friend shake their head, exasperated. "But you don't know that! What if one day he can't control himself and has an outburst or something?"
You replied carefully. "Satan is gentle. Incredibly so. He always treats me with nothing but respect and kindness. And Satan's not some kind of monster. He knows how to control himself and his powers. I love him. I really do. And until he decides to stop loving me, I want to be by his side."
He saw your friend huff irritably and get up to walk away. "Suit yourself, MC. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Satan took this as his cue to walk over. Your eyes brightened at the sight of him and you started to ask him about his day, acting as if nothing had happened. Satan played along for a bit, but then reached across the table for your hand and began playing with your fingers.
His hand was shaking. "I'll never stop loving you, you know. For as long as I live you're the only one for me. I love you, MC."
Asmo was thrilled when you said you wanted to go dancing with him because he was usually the one pestering you to do things. He was having so much fun with you tonight, twirling you around on the dance floor and marveling how beautiful you looked under the shimmering lights of the club.
He was beginning to feel a bit hot, however, and excused himself to the bathroom, making sure you were safe on of the couches with a bottle of water in your hand.
Asmo had just finished touching up his makeup and adjusting his outfit when he heard two demons near the entrance of the bathroom gossiping loudly about him.
“Did you see what he was wearing tonight? He might as well have come naked instead of wearing those scraps of fabric he thinks counts as an outfit.” “My friend slept with Asmo once. She said he’s super easy, he’s willing to pretty much sleep with anyone.” “I bet him and that human won’t last another week. Once he’s done with them he’ll trash ‘em and move on to the next one, like he always does.”
Being the Avatar of Lust meant that Asmo had heard these kinds of comments before, whispered in the hallways at R.A.D or the dark hallways of nightclubs. It never really got easier listening to them though, and he realized he was biting down hard on his lower lip, his nails digging into his palm. 
Asmo contemplated what to do. He didn’t want to keep you waiting by yourself outside but he also didn’t want to run into the demons talking about him. Their comments affected him more than he thought they would. Maybe it was because you were involved. He wouldn’t do that to you. You knew that right? He would never treat you like a plaything.
Taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves Asmo schooled his face into an expression of careless indifference. He took a step outside, ready to greet his "fans", but was surprised to see that you had gotten there first.
And what a sight you were. Despite being much shorter than the two demons, it seemed you were the least bit intimidated. Your glare was ice cold as you gestured wildly at the two of them, and moving closer Asmo realized you were screaming.
"How fucking dare you say such vile things? You don't know the first thing about Asmo. You're really going to shame someone for what they wear?! For what they do in the privacy of their bedroom?!"
You pointed angrily at the demons, who seemed too stunned to move or say anything. "People like you make me fucking sick. You're despicable! Talking as if you're so high and mighty when all you do is judge others! How dare you? You cowards!"
Asmo could see you were getting more and more enraged and your hands were beginning to tremble. He leapt forward to stand between you and the demons and put his hands gently on your shoulders. Once he saw that you were okay, he gave you a passionate kiss, his mouth hot and needy against yours.
You kissed him back for a moment but moved away to hiss, "Karens, Asmo! Karens in the fucking Devildom, who would have thought?!"
"I know, darling. Let's head home. We can have a nice, relaxing bubble bath together."
Beel was looking through the menu, deciding between a couple of his favorite dishes. It was your one year anniversary and despite his insistent protests, you had remained firm in your decision to pay for that night’s meal. Ever since you and Beel began dating, he pretty much always paid for your meals together because of how much he ate. But tonight, you wanted to be the one to treat him for once.
Beel knew you had secretly been saving up Grimm and he’d feel so guilty if you spent it all on him. Which was why he was trying to decide between a couple of different things, when normally he would have ordered everything on the page.
“Babe, please order whatever you want. I can practically see the thoughts turning in your head. I told you that I wanted to pay for tonight and I’m going to keep that promise. I want this to be a special night for us, so don’t worry about it.” Before he could protest, you called the waiter over.
Beel sighed and knew there was no changing your mind on this. You were incredibly stubborn when you wanted to be. He rattled off his usual order as the waiter frantically scribbled down notes, struggling to keep up. Once finished, Beel handed over the menus and smiled at how cute you looked, a mixture of pride and smugness on your face.
But your expression soon turned sour as you heard the conversation from a couple sitting a few tables over. Their voices were intentionally loud and they kept sneaking glances at your table as if to watch your reactions.
“Oh my lord, honey did you see how much food that guy just ordered? What an absolute pig!” “I saw, darling. I honestly pity his date right now, they must be soooo embarrassed.” “Is there anyone who wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen in public with such a selfish glutton?”
Beel’s heart felt like it had sunk. Embarrassed? Was MC embarrassed to be seen with him? Panicking, Beel thought back to all of the dates he’d had with MC so far. He realized that they ate out a good majority of the time they hung out, with Beel eating his normal enormous portions each time. Oh no, what had he done?
Head bowed, Beel slowly looked up at you, afraid to see what kind of expression you were making. But to his surprise, you didn’t look embarrassed or ashamed at all. You looked like you were going to murder someone.
Beel felt his lips inch into a smile and he flushed with amusement and happiness. But you weren’t finished just yet. “EXCUSE ME WAITER?” 
Your waiter practically ran to the table and looked between you two nervously, then at the couple glaring daggers in your direction. “COULD YOU PLEASE BRING US ANOTHER MENU? MY BOYFRIEND WASN’T FINISHED WITH ORDERING WHAT HE WANTS. OH BEEL, I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU EAT. HOW COULD SOMEONE BE EMBARRASSED OF A WONDERFUL GUY LIKE YOU?”
Beel took the menu and began listing some more foods at random, not really paying attention. He was too busy thinking about how much he loved you, how nobody aside from Belphie had ever stood up for him like that, had protected him like that. His cheeks felt like they were about to split from how much he was smiling.
When the waiter finally left, looking frazzled, Beel made his way over to your side of the table. He knelt down and nuzzled into your neck before giving you a tender kiss on your forehead. “MC, you’re amazing.”
Belphie had to admit, the gardens were a pretty nice place for a nap. Earlier in the day you had practically dragged him outside claiming that you were bored of sleeping in his room. As if that was even possible.
At first he was pretty annoyed that you were making him get up and move around. But the newly washed picnic blanket, the cool breeze rustling through the trees, and the light smell of flowers in the air all contributed to a very nice environment for a nap.
Belphie rested his head on your lap, already feeling his eyelids growing heavier. Your fingers gently combed through his hair, lightly scratching against his scalp, and he practically purred.
He guessed he had been asleep for about ten minutes when he awoke to the sound of your voice and something prodding against his knee.
Irritated at the disturbance, Belphie looked up to see two R.A.D students he recognized for always causing trouble. He looked over to see you scowling and guessed you had been telling them to leave so they wouldn't wake him up.
One of the students leered down, blocking out the light, and used the tip of his foot to poke Belphie's knee again. "Well the two of you make an odd fucking pair, huh?” He sneered, “Personally, I don’t date people who have MURDERED me in the past but what do I know? Love works in all kinds of mysterious ways.” You flinched as if someone had slapped you and Belphie growled, his hands curling into fists.
The other student leaned down to clap Belphie on the shoulder. “I gotta admit I didn’t know you had it in you, chief! I always thought you were...” He gave Belphie a once-over before adding “Well, everyone thinks you’re a bit fucking useless, eh? But I’m glad to see you’re capable of something.”
Belphie opened his mouth to reply venomously but was interrupted by the most horrifying sound coming from your mouth. It sounded like a combination of wailing and screeching as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. It was difficult to hear what exactly you were saying because of how hard you were crying, but Belphie could make out “How could you say that?!” and “Leave him alone!” among the screams. 
The two students had their hands over their ears, their faces twisted into grimaces of pain. One shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Worried, Belphie put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down but you shrugged it off, continuing to cry and wail. Pretty soon other students began gathering around you, whispering amongst themselves and looking to see what all the noise and commotion was about. It was difficult to ignore you when you kept yelling things like “You’re horrible! Horrible! Leave us alone!” 
The two instigators looked at each other for a brief moment before deciding to run off, not wanting to get involved any further. And as soon as they left, it was like a switch had been turned off. You stopped crying and screaming immediately. If he hadn’t been there from the beginning, Belphie never would have guessed that you had been crying. Your face was perfectly calm and you sat relaxed with your hands folded, the picture of innocence.
“Belphie, don’t worry about what those two idiots said. We’ve talked about it enough and we’ve both worked it out, haven’t we? And you’re not useless. You know how much I love you and care about you. You mean so much to me.” 
Belphie leaned over to take your hand in his trembling one. He reached down to brush a stray leaf out of your hair before whispering, “MC, you’re fucking terrifying sometimes. I love you.”
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Being Peter Parker’s Little Sister Would Include
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Even as a young boy Peter knew to protect you with his life
He hated seeing you upset
So, he always made sure you were happy
Sure, he was the kind of brother that would tease you to no end
But he was also the kind who would hold you when you cried
He’d help you while you studied
Always gave you first pick
And he made sure you’d never feel a lack of love or acceptance
Him along with Uncle Ben and Aunt May made sure your childhood was a happy one
You were lucky enough to be so young that you don’t remember your parents
But you felt guilty for it
That you couldn’t remember the people who gave you life
So, you were always asking to hear stories about them
You and Ben would be curled up on the couch while he told you about your mother and father
You and May would bake and cook and clean together, always trying out new things and forcing the boys to eat it
Even though your life didn’t have such a good start
It was perfect
Until one day
A burglar broke into the house and held you at gun point, telling Ben he’d shoot you if they didn’t show him whatever was in the house
Your uncle Ben tried to reach for you but you heard a shot by your ear
Even though you shut your eyes you still saw the bullet hit Ben and felt his blood on your face and heard his body hit the ground
May and you saying your goodbyes to him, crying on the floor, covered in his blood
When Peter came home you were wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the edge of the ambulance where they were loading Uncle Ben
The next few days passing by in a blur
Crying in Peter’s arms while he tried to stay strong for you
One day after crying your heart out you managed to fall asleep in Peter’s bed
Seeing your face, he just broke down apologizing for doing this
You met Spiderman a few days after the funeral, at Uncle Ben’s grave
“I’m so sorry, if I had stopped the burglar before then this wouldn’t have happened to you. I promise I will find him and make him pay.”
“It was.... horrific. I saw it with my own eyes. That someone wouldn’t need to blink before taking someone’s life. That someone lacked so much humanity that they broke into a home and killed someone’s family. He’s a monster.”
“I’ll make him pay for what he did to your family.”
“If you kill somebody then you’re no better than he was. Don’t blame yourself, Spiderman, Uncle Ben wouldn’t have wanted it. Blame yourself for a very short time, but in turn, remember it forever. Don’t forget about him.”
“I promise.”
Just as Peter was about to leave, you spoke up again
“Uncle Ben always used to say that there wasn’t a point in becoming a new you if you forgot who you were.”
Suddenly Peter felt extremely nervous and sweaty and you turned to him with a small smile
“I’ll get my life together, I have my aunt and my brother, but I won’t forget who I used to be with Uncle Ben. You should do the same.”
He smiled awkwardly under the mask but you obviously didn’t see it before leaving without another word
You watched him shoot a web and swing away, chuckling
“Come back home safe tonight, Peter.”
Things get better after that
The man who killed Uncle Ben was caught and turned over to the police
And you begin to start paying attention to Peter’s alter ego
Being quick to accept his half-baked excuses and even giving better reasons to Aunt May
Sometimes you wonder just how stupid Peter thinks you are though because he expects you to believe these excuses of his
Always coming to the rescue when he forgets to do something because he was so busy
When he left Aunt May and you waiting at a restaurant for him, you conveniently remembered how he had a school project right when you saw Spiderman swing by the window, trying to catch a few criminals
When he forgot to bring Uncle Ben’s cake home, you picked it up saying that you took the reminder off his phone because you were planning to choose the best looking one
When you saw Harry waiting at the library for him, you told him that Peter got sick so he went home early
Keeping the first aid kit always stocked should Peter need anything
Teaching him to sew but telling him it was part of a home ec exercise so he could learn how to stitch up his own suit
Always silently looking after Peter
Whenever the three of you see a news report about him and Aunt May says that he’s awesome
You chuckling and saying
“Behind every amazing man there’s an equally amazing woman.”
Peter totally agreeing and then being nice to the two of you for the rest of the day
Things take a turn however when an Osborn gone crazy trying to get his hands on Peter finally turned his head to see you
And in his twisted goblin brain, he finally gets an idea
Peter’s DNA is too difficult to get his hands on because he has super powers and has been mutated because of the spider bite
But yours?
Blank slate free for him to manipulate
And you couldn’t fight back
It was all too easy to pluck you right out of their hands and bring you to his lair
Peter goes crazy trying to find you
Begging Nick, nearly in tears to help him find you
And Nick is actually kind of worried because he’s never seen Peter this way
Dispatches as many troops as he can afford trying to look for you
And as per Spiderman’s daily routine, he begins blaming himself
If you got hurt because he wasn’t there to protect you again, he’d never forgive himself
When they find you, you’re in a stasis chamber, nearly dead
There were vials of blood all over the place, and you looked severely malnourished
Peter definitely cried when he saw you
The team trying to comfort him, trying to get him to eat something while you’re in the med bay but him not moving
Although one day they notice something weird
Your heart rate suddenly spiked for some reason and you began tensing and struggling in the bed
Peter tried to get you to relax and immediately called a doctor
When they tried injecting you with a tranquilizer however your body was covered with a blue slime before slamming the doctor against the wall
It wasn’t difficult to figure out
You had been infected by a symbiote
It wasn’t long after that you woke up
Peter and Aunt May cried when you opened your eyes
They told you that Spiderman and his team saved you and even though you wanted to meet the team something told you that Peter was reluctant to get back in the suit
So, you continued to pretend you had no idea of his alter ego
Even though regular coma patients have to go through physiotherapy to get back their physical strength
You never had to do anything of the sort
They S.H.I.E.LD. doctors assume it’s because of the symbiote
You noticed how closed off Peter became and one day sat him down
“What’s going on with you?”
“I don’t deserve to be in this family.”
“What?! How can you say that?!”
“All I do is bring bad luck and people end up getting hurt because of me!”
“It wasn’t your fault Peter. How could you have known that the Goblin would have taken me.”
“It is my fault. Because of me, Uncle Ben was killed and because of me, you could have been too. I bring misfortune to everyone I ever loved.”
You see the way his face falls and your heart breaks
To see him blame himself this way and hate himself
To see him questioning his identity
The reason he became Spiderman was to make sure no innocent ever got hurt but because he was Spiderman his baby sister nearly died
So, you gently took his hand in yours
“I already told you, didn’t I? Blame yourself for a short time. But remember it forever.”
His eyes widened, remembering what you told Spiderman nearly a year ago
“You knew?”
“I’ve always known. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Peter. You risk yourself every day to protect other people.”
“And I couldn’t even protect you.”
“I’m okay now. I know how you must feel but I hate seeing you like this. Uncle Ben would’ve hated it too. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m responsible for keeping my family safe.”
You didn’t know how to help him
You knew he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and that it was difficult to live a life like this
‘With great power comes great responsibility’
But sometimes things are out of your control
So, you don’t say anything else and just pull him into your arms
The way he did when Uncle Ben had passed
And gently rubbed his back
“I love you, bro.”
And he just breaks down in your arms, apologizing for everything and you just held him tight and trying to calm him down
And in the middle of his crying he managed to stutter out an ‘I love you too.’
And then the two of you become the Spider Siblings
Dance Parties on the ceiling and swinging around town in the morning because you both slept in and now you’re late
Swining races that he claims to let you win
Talking about life while hanging from the side of a building
Going to Uncle Ben’s grave to keep him updated and tell him not to worry because now there are 2 superheroes there to protect Aunt May
Him training you and being extra hard on you during training because he wants you to be better than him
But also becoming sugary sweet after training and offering to piggyback you home because you’re so tired
Will let you take naps in the corner of the training room while he trains
Hates it when you get along with Sam
Also gets super stressed out when you’re on the field and tries to double the amount of people he fights so you don’t have to
But he knows you can hold your own
And gets really proud when you do but won’t tell you
Always makes sure you’re eating well and sleeping well
Now if you ever brought a boy home you never know what to expect
Sometimes he just teases you to no end 
Or he completely freaks out and goes totally papa bear over you
In conclusion
Peter Parker as a big brother isn’t the type to be completely like a guardian
He has a lot of things going on in his life so he ends up relying on you a lot
But you wouldn’t trade him for the world
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Wanted to ramble about somethings i’ve noticed about the bros from the game, since i’m bored. This will probably be long. 
Might hit a sensitive topic on Mammon, so heads up. 
Very straightforward and prideful (ofc), assumes his role of oldest brother and commands authority from his younger brothers and tends to be aggressive when they do not comply (mostly yelling unless it’s mammon) 
As shown in one of his Devilgrams, when his brothers were passed out at a party and Diavolo & Barbatos were nowhere to be seen, Lucifer showed a more joking a loving side to his brothers. He generally cares, but because of his role and status he most likely sees this as a sign of weakness to show those feelings. Diavolo, however seems to be able to catch his more subtle loving gestures to his brothers, where it would seem to others as nothing more than his usual self. 
He appears to actually hold a lot of anxiety or worry over his brothers, akin to a mother and her children. As Diavolo stated, when the mc started making pacts with his brothers one by one he was panicking from the fear of them “growing up” and not needing him. Which he showed to mc as aggression. 
Is actually really jealous over mc when others are involved and are touching or being close to them. Will start to express this by demanding something of mc (in the case of the race in the paint card, this would be not continuing the race) and he openly expresses his jealousy, though not admitting to it unless called out. His demands can be taken down with acts of affection, to which he’ll calm down and find a common ground. 
Hides any feelings of love he might have behind possessiveness. He can’t seem to admit he loves and wants someone to stay by him, so he shows this by showing possession. (IE: the pact thing) He wants greatly to make that pact with you, but he is unwilling to admit being owned by anyone. This is probably another side effect of his deal with Diavolo, the ultimate blow to his pride. But if you don’t kiss him, he actually shows to be pretty hurt (one probably wouldn’t think much of his question, but since it isn’t in his nature to care over such a thing, you can read it as hurting quite a bit)
Actually knows of the fact he’s basically Satan’s father, but treats him like a brother. Only uses that fact to piss off Satan if he feels like it.  
When he punishes Beel with a “no dinner tonight” he never means it. 
Mammon is shown to actually be very loyal to Lucifer and respect him (i’m just going off a screenshot I saw from “The Rulebook” I haven’t really seen the whole story yet) It’s possible Mammon might have worked closely with Lucifer in the Celestial Realm, keeping him together in a way. Most likely why he’s Lucifer’s “favorite”
Mammon most likely has a form of ptsd or extreme anxiety when it comes to witches and this is mostly due to “Maddi” a very powerful witch that tried to force Diavolo to marry her. 
Maddi tricked Mammon into going home with her and when he returned to the Devildom he was in tears and he had constant nightmares after his return, moaning in his sleep and even stopped spending money for a while. Considering the context of the story it leads me to believe Mammon might have been taken advantage of by this witch.  (The Escorts Devilgram) 
Mammon seems to have abandonment issues, even if he wants to admit it or not. It’s the first time he’s felt that way about someone, the first time someone has actually been kind to him and make him laugh. (Least in the devildom) He’s scared to loose that and scared of the mc becoming bored of him. 
Mammon is a really caring older brother, but because of his greedy nature it is never acknowledged. The same could be said of his brothers, they act like they hate him by being mean to him, but they actually care a lot about him. 
Has a lot of social anxiety and when in large crowds starts to panic or get overwhelmed. 
Actually knows how to dance quite well, even as a duet. 
Enjoys playing games with his brothers, tho his use of gaming secrets tend to piss off Satan if he doesn’t know beforehand. 
Apparently can summon sea monsters. 
Is pretty good when it comes to cliche dating sim based flirting, but when confronted with actual shows of affection he’s red at the face and starts to stutter. 
Showing actual care or affection to him will easily earn you a “i love you so much” 
When sad, use something from TSL to reassure him. 
Almost broke his back trying to lift Beel once
The fact he’s handsome and has a pretty trusting demeanor when he wants to make it easy for him to deceive others.  As belphie said once, his smile had always been a lie until the body switch events happened. 
Daddy Issues (Ongoing, but Lessened) 
Is actually very caring and affectionate when in love. As the opposite of Lucifer, Satan has no problems showing his affections through kind gestures and even being open with what he wants. 
Seems to care more and be more knowledgeable on human traditions than the other brothers. As shown when all the brothers were dismissive of the mc’s sadness over no new years in the devildom, Satan takes mc on a date and organizes a proper New Years meal. 
Possessive like Lucifer, but doesn’t show it. It’s hinted that he would very much like to be mc’s “first” 
Him and Belphie share a common ground of disliking Lucifer and often team up to troll him. 
Hair and eyes are a mirror of Lucifer. Black hair/Red Eyes - Blond Hair/Blue Eyes
Seems to be a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. 
Likes to fuck™️
Most likely has standards as to who he beds, but because of his nature is seen as very promiscuous.
A heavyweight when it comes to alcohol. 
Is an emotional drunk. 
Very confused when it comes to caring about someone over himself. He doesn’t know how to react to it, but is most likely frightened of loosing the one person who cares about them for more than his looks. 
Has a big ass bathroom. 
Has had a pact with Solomon before he came to the Devildom. The two seems to have known each other a while, as Asmo seems to know that Solomon’s food is disgusting, except to Solomon, himself. 
Likes pitch-black shortcake from Hell’s kitchen. 
Despite being the 6th brother he seems to be stronger than any of the others physical wise. (Dunno bout Lucifer) And also has speed that compares to Mammon and Lucifer. 
Is actually really sweet and caring when it comes to those he loves. 
Belphie “being sent to the human world” hurt Beel the most. 
Tends to blame himself when something bad happens that he believe he could have stopped if he would have acted beforehand. 
Is apparently friends with most of the restaurant chefs and knows a good bit of their secret recipes.  
Isn’t allowed to cook much because he “samples” the food to the point it’s all gone, but when under supervision or has his mind set on it he is actually a good cook.
Actually pretty smart. 
Works out a lot and seems to have a checklist of things to work on. 
Arguments between him and Belphie don’t last long. 
As far as the twins of light and darkness goes & based on their beds. Beel is associated with the light & sun. 
Is the more affectionate of the twins. 
Used to really love Lucifer when they first came to the Devildom. 
Has a very flat demeanor most of the time. 
Has a mutual partnership with Satan because of their dislike of Lucifer. 
Is the more “rational” of the twins. He tends to not let things bother him as much as Beel does and if he does have something bothering him he often addresses it eventually. 
Relationship is still estranged with Lucifer
As far as the twins of light and darkness goes & based on their beds. Belphie is associated with darkness & the moon. 
Has no problems openly flirting with the mc
Choke first, ask questions later
Probably a very good cuddler. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Rose and the Thorn: Chapter 5 (Mafia AU)
Summary:   So where was Blue while Rus was off getting kidnapped and how did he end up with Red, anyway?
Tags: Spicyhoney, Mafia AU, Flower Shop AU, Violence, First Meetings
Warnings: Some violence. A wee bit of unwanted touching and some innuendo.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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It was barely afternoon and Blue was already tired. He’d spent the morning coaxing a variety of flowers in their garden into bloom, gently forcing them to quickly travel through their growth cycles until they were ready to be cut and added to a bouquet.
Normally, their garden had a rigid schedule to keep from pushing the plants too much; stimulated growth could only go so far, after all. But losing most of their stock was forcing Blue to abandon it. Using so much magic in such a short amount of time was exhausting and when Blue parked in their assigned spot, the elderly van wheezing to a stop, he took a moment to sit in the sagging driver’s seat, ignoring the spring pushing through the cheap vinyl to poke at his coccyx as he closed his sockets for just a moment.
There really wasn’t time for a rest. Papy was waiting on these flowers, likely working hard since this morning readying the baskets for Blue’s delivery. There were funerary floral arrangements to be made, birthday gifts, romantic gestures, and every one of them added desperately needed profits back into their coffers.
Rest would have to wait. Instead, Blue pawed through the glove box, past the yellowed owner’s manual and an odd collection of fast food napkins to find a granola bar in its depths. Tastelessly stale, the chocolate chips cast in a white haze and Blue ate it anyway, chewing without tasting. It would help revive his magic and he’d be able to paste on his sunniest smile for Papyrus when he got inside.
His little brother was working so terribly hard, so many long hours on his own. Blue’s soul was so tight with pride, it felt as if it were ready to explode and shower his Papy with it, even as he kept the underling guilt hidden away, tucked back where his brother wouldn’t have to deal with it.
This was his fault. Papy shouldn’t have to deal with the brunt of the stress. He’d abandoned his own faint hopes for college to help Blue with the business, worked hard without a fuss. He learned to make flower arrangements from bouquets to corsages, how to run the registers, how to smile and charm their customers into buying more than they intended. This was Blue’s dream, not his, but he’d thrown himself in entirely, and Blue didn’t want him to know about the bills rubberstamped in red ‘past due’ ink. He didn’t want Papy to worry about their dwindling savings.
The insurance money would help, quite a bit if the representative he spoke to yesterday was correct, and they only needed to last the few weeks until it came.
A little hard work hadn’t dusted him yet, Blue told himself as he got out of the van and retrieved the first heavy bucket of cut flowers; lilies, for the funeral arrangements. A few weeks more wasn’t going to do any harm.
When he got to the shop door, for a moment Blue didn’t understand why it wouldn’t push open. Then he realized the open sign was off, the door was locked tight. The shop was closed, on a Friday afternoon when all the lovesick swains got their paychecks and were ready to pick up flowers in hopes of a romantic weekend and they’d be purchasing their bouquets elsewhere because his shop was closed.
Later, Blue would be ashamed his first instinct was largely irritated; had his silly brother forgotten to leave the door open for customers, they did have some stock! But that was not for more than a startled second, long enough for him to see the broken mug scattered across the stoop.
He leaned down to pick up a shard of the plastic, absently noting the tremble in his hand. It had been his brother’s favorite travel mug, a silly thing he’d gotten it at the thrift shop, leftover from some Halloween or another. The skeletons that danced around it would dance no more, the piece Blue held had lost its legs, and he took very little comfort in the fact there was no dust on the broken pieces because there was a single splotch of redness, a near-perfect circle of dried marrow.
Someone had hurt his brother, Humans, perhaps the same ones from yesterday and how had he ever believed in his naiveté that Humans would welcome them to the surface with open arms.
“now thems some pretty flowers you got there.”
Startled, Blue turned towards that voice, ready to tell them with as much forced politeness as he could muster that they were currently closed, and would the police even come if he called them, would they even care, who else could he possibly—
Then he caught sight of who spoke, and his soul felt as if it froze right in his rib cage, icy fingers digging in and oh, his little brother was in far worse trouble than Blue could have ever guessed.
He’d never met the Fells, neither on the Surface or below it. The Underground was a big place and the madscrabble life they’d grown accustomed to in Ebott did not lend itself to making new acquaintances. Not that Blue frequented the sorts of places where one might meet the Fells. No, he’d never met them, but he knew them by reputation. Thugs, whispered along the gossip-line, loan sharks, racketeers, even murderers said the quietest rumors, though not for very long.
This one could only be the older brother, Red. He stood only a bit taller than Blue and nearly twice as broad, with little resemblance past the fact they were both skeleton Monsters. His teeth curved into a jagged, shark grin, unlike Blue’s blunted smile and his eye lights were the burning crimson of an ember. His dark expensive suit with its rich scarlet shirt boasted of handsewn silks, and the fingers holding his cigar were circled with gold rings whose stones were too garishly large to be anything but real. His other hand was tucked into his pocket, oddly threatening for its nonchalance. Flanking him were two large Dog monsters, white on white ties and shirts, and Blue was suddenly struck by the absurdity of it all.
His little flower shop along with his brother had somehow been transported into some ridiculous Godfather-esque alternate, only proved by Red exhaling a billowing cloud of smoke as he said, “but it looks t’me like you’ve got a lil’ trouble bloomin’. lose somethin’? or mebbe someone.”
Inappropriate laughter bubble up, choked away, and Blue heard himself say, “I suppose I did.”
Red nodded as if Blue had offered not a stream of wisdom, but an entire glistening fountain. He started pulling his hand out of his pocket and Blue tensed, angel-only knew what thoughts about guns or knives shooting through his mind. But that hand was empty and Red only plucked one of the lilies from the bucket, running a razor-tipped finger along the satiny petals.
“Are you here to help with that? My…my missing person?” Blue asked at last. Not that he wanted to, he didn’t, but his options were few, any choices dwindled away. There was no one else to ask and with every second that went by, the danger his brother was in could only be growing. This had something to do with yesterday, Blue was sure of it, and he couldn’t even imagine what sort of trouble his sweet, funny brother had gotten into to cause all this.
Rumor had it Red never broke his word, that he had a twisted way of keeping it, a monkey’s paw wish. But for his brother, Blue would have bargained with the devil incarnate.
He wondered if he was.
“could be,” Red said idly. He twirled the flower stem between his fingers. “you got quite the green thumb, dontcha.”
“Yes?” Blue agreed, warily. He’d heard that before when they’d first come to the Surface, and his refusal to grow drugs had been a costly one, losing him possible allies. He wondered dismally what conundrum he was about to be balanced on for his brother’s safety.
“hm.” Red gave the lily a considering sniff, “might have to see if we can drive your posy sales a lil’ better, after we get past this oopsie daisy.”
Blue didn’t know what that meant but he was sure he wouldn’t like it.
“tell ya what,” Red gave him a conspiratorial wink and a finger gun, as if they were close pals and not a known criminal chatting with a simple florist, “me and the neighborhood watchdogs here, we’ll take care of it. you hang tight and we’ll get your bro back to you.”
Blue didn’t ask how they knew it was his brother. He didn’t ask a thing. He simply crossed his arms over his chest and said, “No, I don’t think so. I’m coming with you.”
That earned him a deep frown, “baby blue, i think mebbe you didn’t hear me so good.”
“I heard you perfectly well,” Blue told him and didn’t bother with any astonishment over what this…this person might know or not know about him. Nicknames and whatnot were not important. Papy was. “And I don’t care. I’m coming with you and I’m staying until I see my brother.”
A low growl came from one of the Dogs, silenced instantly when Red held out a hand. Those jagged teeth curved into an unpleasantly wide grin, “you think so, eh. and if i say no?”
It was not particularly difficult to work up some tears, they’d been hovering thickly beneath the surface the moment Blue found that broken coffee mug. He let them loose now, wailing as loudly as he could, “How can you leave me like this!” Fat droplets rolled down his cheeks, huge sobs gasped out, “and with a baby on the way?”
Red froze, his cigar drooping in his teeth as his grin fell away so abruptly Blue half-expected it to shatter on the stoop with the remains of Papy’s coffee mug. All around them the people on the sidewalk who’d been previously been looking discreetly away were abruptly watching with avid interest, aghast and greedily outraged as Blue wept loudly, one hand pressed against his apron to his belly over their nonexistent child. A few people were shuffling their feet as if considering playing the hero, weighing their odds against a cruel wealthy ex-boyfriend and his friends casting aside a tiny pregnant clerk.
“get in the fucking car,” Red muttered. He tossed the lily on the ground, trodding on it as he turned to do the same. Blue tried not to see the mangled flower as a metaphor and followed, hopping through the open door that one of the Dogs closed firmly behind him.
He settled into the enormous leather seat, buckling his seatbelt to at least make it more difficult if Red decided it might well be easier to simply shove him out of the car on the next block.
Not that Red seemed to be considering it. He was rummaging through a small bar installed in the side door, pouring a finger’s worth of what was probably very expensive whiskey into a crystal glass, knocking it back in a single gulp. He poured another then settled back in his seat with it, crimson eye lights targeting Blue.
“you got some balls, kid,” he grumbled. It almost sounded grudgingly admiring but there wasn’t time to worry about that.
“Can you promise me you’ll get my brother back to me? Safe and sound,” Blue hastened to add.
“sure, toots. we’ll get your bro back in mostly one piece,” Red said. He grinned again, all jaggedly sharp teeth as Blue’s gorge rose, purring out, “nah, he’ll be all safe and sound. got someone on it right now, and not one of the usual mutts, neither. he’ll get your bro. meantime, we got some things we can discuss, you and me.”
Blue lifted his chin defiantly. He’d known what he was getting into. If there was a price to be paid for saving his brother, Blue would offer his own soul on a silver platter. But there was no reason for Papy to know. “I’m sure we do, so long as it’s a private discussion between us.”
Those crimson eye lights gleamed and Blue could very nearly hear the invisible chains of fate closing around him. “good boy. now, let’s talk about you, baby blue. how’s business?”
Read Next Chapter
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ninjabobanekokyrie · 4 years
Undertale: No More; Chapter 5-Explanation
Frisk woke up on the bed of flowers with a small groan.
/Welcome back Partner. How do ya feel?/
Frisk frowned. /..Empty./
/Heh. That's normal./
Frisk rubbed at his head. "What exactly happened again, Chara...?" he mumbled.
"You went to the River Person and drowned yourself in a small pool in Waterfall." Chara explained nonchalantly. "Might wanna choose a less painful way this time 'round."
"All of the ways are painful." Frisk pointed out bluntly.
Chara nodded. "True. But some ways are less painful than others."
"I guess."
"Soo..." Chara giggled, lying on her stomach and resting her face in her hand as she kicked her legs back and forward absentmindedly. "Where do ya wanna go this time?"
Frisk hesitated, then said, "I'm thinking Hotland. Snowdin should be last."
"Okay. Might wanna choose a less painful way, again."
"Pills. Pills are less painful and easier."
"Alright," Chara smiled. Her smile suddenly dropped. "Frisk?"
"Be careful."
"I wi-wait, why?" Frisk gave her a perplexed look. "What do you mean?"
Chara sighed heavily. "The others found your body last time."
Frisk's eyes widened. It was quiet between the duo for a few beats. "...I guess we should choose somewhere more hidden from now on, then?" he finally suggested.
Chara's grin reappeared and she nodded eagerly. "Yeah! So let's get a jump on it now! C'mon, Frisk!"
"Okay Chara."
Sans yawned sleepily as he knocked on Toriel's door. Papyrus was beside him, looking very worried. Early this morning around five a.m., Toriel called him up and was sobbing on the other line, causing concern for the skeleton. She wouldn't say what was wrong, only something about Undyne and Alphys over, everyone freaking out and Sans couldn't make out much more than that before she hung up.
After a few minutes of hearing shuffling from inside, the door finally opened. Toriel stood there, tears streaking her face and red eyes puffy and bloodshot. Sans' mouth dropped open. "Tori-hey!" he yelped as he was yanked inside by the goat monster, and Papyrus quickly followed suit.
Sans looked at Alphys and Undyne. Their eyes were red and puffy. A cold dread washed over him as he clearly recalled what happened in the last timeline. There's no way that they could remember...
Toriel was pacing back and forward whilst clutching at her head, sobs escaping her lips as tears continued to stream down her furry face. "S-Sans, I d-do not know what to do...Frisk i-is gone...he is n-not in his r-room-"
"Tori-" Sans tried. "Frisk is probably just-"
"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!" Toriel exclaimed, startling Sans. "I...I HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE!"
Sans' eyes widened in shock. He stood there, breathless.
Undyne stood. "Frisk killed himself..." she choked.
Tears filled Papyrus's eyes. "I REMEMBER THE HUMAN'S DEATH AS WELL..." he whimpered.
Sans swallowed. "No way.." he croaked. "Y-You guys do remember...but...that's impossible!"
Undyne narrowed her eyes. "Remember...? Whaddaya mean by that Sans? Ya better start explaining, and ya better now!"
Sans sighed heavily whilst falling back on the couch. "Frisk isn't dead. At least not right now." Everyone's eyes widened. "He has this crazy power. To save and reset. After Frisk killed himself, he reset. Now we're in a totally different timeline. He's been resetting for the longest time, and for the longest time, I've been the only one able to remember. Now for some reason, you guys are able to remember too." he mumbled with narrowed eyes.
Undyne stood there, fists clenched at her sides. "Then what are we waiting for!? We have to go save him!"
"Undyne," Sans sighed. "First of all, we don't even know where he is. I doubt he's even in Snowdin!"
"That doesn't matter! We'll look for him! His life is in danger, Sans! He's makin' a big mistake!"
"I know that, but-"
"But what!? You're just gonna let him die?!"
"That's not what I'm saying!-"
"That sure sounds like what you're sayin'-"
"It's ain't-"
"Then what-"
"YOU DON'T GET IT!" Sans finally screamed angrily.
"WHAT'S THERE NOT TO GET!?" Undyne screamed back.
"He's not who ya think he is!" Sans exclaimed, silencing Undyne. "Frisk is not that sweet little boy we thought he was! He's a psychotic killer! In the last few timelines, he's been on killing sprees! He's killed all of you! You, Tori, Alphys, even Pap..." Sans choked as a few tears streaked his cheekbones. "I can't go through that again.." he trailed off.
Undyne's fists began to shake. "I won't believe it," she swallowed. "I'm not sayin' you're lying, Sans. I've known ya long enough ta know that ya would never lie about something like that. But I've known Frisk for quite a while too, and I know the kid would never do something like that. He's too sweet and pure to even think about that. There's something more. Something we're missing. I know it."
Everyone looked down silently.
Toriel spoke up next with tears streaking her face. "I believe you Sans, but I am with Undyne on this one. I've lost so many children before Frisk...I can't lose him too...if...if I do..." she buried her face in her hands, sobbing. "I...I won't be able to stand it!" she sniffled. "He is my child and I love him so much. Which is why I'm willing to do anything to protect and keep him safe. I can understand why you are angry, but I know you still care for him, Sans. You would not be so hurt if you did not. You two have become too close to go back on it now. You are basically his best friend and a second guardian to him. Which is why I'm begging you, please give him a second chance and try to see things in a different light. Frisk would never do this. There has to be an explanation. Please Sans, help us save him. I-we can't lose him...please..."
Sans hung his head mutely, looking away with narrowed eyes.
He finally sighed after a few minutes of hesitation. "Fine. Let's go find the kid." Toriel and the others smiled happily. "But I'm not trusting him again yet." Sans stated sternly.
He sighed again, patting his shoulder. "Grab onto me. Let's go."
The others all except Papyrus went over and grabbed onto his shoulder.
Sans gave him a look. "What're ya waitin' for, Pap?"
"You can always just walk everywhere bro."
Papyrus froze before grumbling, "...FINE."
Frisk sighed, taking off his sweater that had a small black tank underneath.
/Chara, it's so hot.../
/They don't call it Hotland for nothing, partner./
/It's pretty though. Hotland is./
/If you say so, then I guess it is./
/Frisk, do you have the pills?/
/Really?!/ Chara gaped. /I thought you forgot like I did./
/How'd you get 'em?/
/Remember the last timeline? When I ran upstairs after my breakdown?/
/I ran to Mom's room before I went to my own and grabbed one of her bottles of pills in her medicine cabinet./
/Wow./ Chara giggled. /My partner's sneaky./
Frisk blushed with a small smile and roll of his eyes. /I'm ready to take them now./
/Are you sure?/
/Yeah. Pills take a while to kick in, remember?/
Frisk went over and sat against one of the walls. Chara appeared beside him in spirit form.
/What was life like before you died?/
/It was okay, I suppose. I mean, it was fun while it lasted./
/If you had the chance to come back, would you take it?/
Chara frowned softly. /I don't know really. Probably not. Life was as painful as it was peaceful and fun./
/What was your relationship with Asriel?/ Frisk asked curiously.
Chara's eyes widened before giggling softly. /Ask a lot of questions, don't cha?/
/You don't have to answer./ Frisk frowned. /I mean, if it's a sensitive topic.../
/Shush Frisk. It's not a sensitive topic./ Chara sighed heavily before continuing with a small smile. /Asriel was my number one very best friend and brother. We pretty much did everything together. We were basically the troublematic duo./ She giggled a little at this. /I got him in quite a bit of trouble. But every time I did, he would always tell me that it was worth it as long as he got to spend time with me./ Tears began to fill her carmine eyes. /God, he was the best brother ever. I mean, he was so sweet and kind despite being a bit of a crybaby. He was so selfless it was stupid. Kinda like you in a way./
A small sob involuntarily escaped her lips. /I-I miss him so much...I just wish I told him how much I loved him and how I never want him to become like me, to never lay a single hand on a knife or kill a single human or monster...I don't want that for him...I want the opposite...I want him to be happy...I-I just wish h-he knew how much I loved h-him.../
Chara broke into sobs, tears streaking her pale cheeks.
Frisk watched in sadness. He gradually reached over and touched her shoulder. /Chara?/ No answer. /Chara./
/What!?/ Chara snapped tearfully.
Frisk frowned, opening his arms. /Do you..um...want a hug...?/
It took a few minutes for Frisk's words to process before she glared. /What?! Are you braindead or something Frisk!?/ She exclaimed harshly.
Frisk flinched gradually beginning to lowe his arms. Before he could, Chara let out a small scoff and dove into them whilst sobbing, causing Frisk's eyes to widen in surprise.
Frisk merely mutely wrapped his arms around Chara whose arms were circled around his waist as she sobbed. A few minutes passed, neither saying anything. After a bit, Chara's sobs slowly died down.
"Frisk?" she muttered into his golden chest.
"Let's take the pills now..."
Chara sniffled, pulling away and blushing profusely as she gazed at Frisk's wet collar. "Sorry...'bout yer shirt..." she mumbled.
"It's okay."
Frisk stood and went over to his bag, pulling out the stolen bottle of pills. He then pulled out a small bottle of water and took the cap off before screwing the cap off the pills.
/Take 'bout six. That should be enough./
Frisk did just that, popping each pill in his moyth before washing it down with water. He carelessly threw the rest in the smoldering lava, watching it melt.
The boy sighed as he sat back down. He could already fill the pills beginning to run their course.
/I'm surprised it's so vacant though..nobody around to see./
/I'd personally consider that lucky, partner./
/You're right./
/You said you wanted to do Snowdin last, right?/
/Uh huh./
/You know where?/
/Good. 'Cause I have a method, but I don't think you'll like where and how to get the material./
/I..I think I can handle it./
/If you say so./
Frisk yawned. He wanted to sleep.
/...Thank you, idiot. For...y'know.../
Frisk smiled a little. /Welcome, Chara.../
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screamfairy1996 · 5 years
Telling Hikari the truth
At the age of five, little Hikari Ayame had came back from a long day at kindergarten . Hikari very much enjoyed kindergarten ; she had Cid, Lars, and Luna with her , a wonderful teacher, and she loved to learn. Despite all the fun she had every day she went, there was still something that didn't feel right. Everyday when her friends' parents came to drop them off at school and pick them up, Hikari noticed that they had had 'a mom and a dad'. Hikari only had 'a daddy ' to do all of that. She wondered where her mommy was, and even if she had one.
“Daddy.” Hikari asked her father as he was trying to cook some cuisine for the both of them.”
“Yes, princess?” Axel asked, focusing on the food.
“When I go to school. Everyone has a mommy and a daddy.” Hikari answered.
Axel`s heart stopped. He knew where this was going
“Where`s my mommy?”
Axel didn`t want to tell her about Roxas. It took him a while to pull himself together after Roxas`s death. He remember when Hikari was three. She asked him about the photo she found in the basement. He told her that his name was Roxas.  Axel turned off the stove and went to get the picture. He came back to show her Roxas`s picture. “Remember I told you about my friend, Roxas and how he made me feel like I had a heart.”  Hikari nodded. “Hikari.... Roxas... is your mother.’’
“Then, where is he? I wanna meet him. Where`s Mommy.” Hikari asked.
Axel fights back tears. “A monster got mommy and mommy never came back. Mommy`s in heaven and Daddy was a coward for leaving him all alone with no backup.”
Hikari sense the sadness in Axel`s tone. “Daddy, do you miss Mommy?” she asked.
Five years ago.
Axel was a huge mess. He wasn`t able to sleep for the past two months. So far, there were no leads on Roxas`s disappearance. No note, no ransom, nothing . Hikari wasn`t doing anything better. She was crying all night and couldn`t accept the formula and gotten very sick. The eight month old baby girl once had to go to the doctors for vomiting  and prescribed medicine  for stomach flu, and coughing. Axel had to take a leave of  family emergency absence from work to care for Hikari. He lost so many sleep due to Hikari`s constant crying and nightmares. Axel also couldn`t deal with the rumors of  that Roxas got tired of them and run off with a another Alpha. Roxas would never do that to him and Hikari.  Axel was in the living room. After 3 hours of constant crying and screaming, he finally managed  to get Hikari to sleep. He walked to the couch and collapsed. Axel was dead inside. His hair lost its shine and is now dull red, his green eyes lacked spark and now empty and soulless. He merely laid sprawled on the couch. Staring into nothing. Axel had cut off contact with his friends and family. Xion tried to talk to him but Axel would not listen.  They weren`t there when Roxas disappeared.  He pulled his phone out and looked at the messages.
“Axel man, You have to let us help you. “ A text from Demyx.
“Please, little bro. Think of Hikari.  She needs you. Don`t shut yourself. “ -Reno.
“Dude, We know you're not okay. Just let us help you.”-Riku
“Is Hikari okay?  She eating well? Did they find Roxas?  It`s been too long. I miss my brother.- Sora
“Axel, this is gone far enough. You`re not answering our calls and texts. You`re not coming out of your house. We are worried about you and Hikari. What would Roxas think if he saw you like this.” -Xion
Axel sighed sadly and puts his phone back in his pocket, He didn`t really want to talk to them. He then realized, he hasn`t checked the mail yet. With an defeated sigh. He got up and went to the door. He opened it and went outside. He went to the mailbox. Axel opens it and rummaged through the mail. Just bills and stuff as usual, then he noticed a videotape. “Weird.” Axel thought. He picks it up along with other mail. He walks back inside. He placed the mail on the drawer stand while staring at the tape. It read “For Axel” Axel hummed as he went to back to the living room and placed the tape into the recorder. He grabs the remote and turns the tv. The tv shows a abandoned grey room and the camera shows a person bound in a chair with a sack over his face. The camera moves closer to the person. A hand comes into shot and removes the sack, revealing a familiar face with blonde hair and blue. Roxas was worse. He had bruises all over his face. Some sick fuck laid a hand on his Angel.
“Roxas!!” Axel cried in shock and fear. “Is that you,Angel?” Axel whimpered with tears rolling down his face. “Baby, tell me where you are and I`ll come find you.” He begged to the screen. It was clear this was not live.  “Please, Angel.” A man covered by his dark hoodie comes in with something in his hand. A whip covered with barb wire!!  ‘’ YOU BASTARD!!! You get the hell away from MY ANGEL, YOU SICK FUCK!!!” Axel yelled in anger, hoping this sick SOB would not touch Roxas.
“Wakey.Wakey,eggs and bakey, Roxy.” The hooded figure taunts.
Axel seethed with anger. How dare he use his nickname for Roxas?
Roxas wakes up. He gets scared and tries to pry his hands out of his bounds. "Hello? Is someone there? Sora? Xion? Axel? Please. Please help me.” The poor boy begged. He looked at the man. “Please let me go home. I have a daughter.  She`s only a baby. I did what you said. You promised.”
The man tsks and wags his finger. “Axel`s not coming for you.”
“He’ll come.” Roxas insist.
It was hell for Axel, for the whole night. He had to watch as his beloved mate was subjected to being tortured and violated in the worst way. Axel actually covered his ears as Roxas was being branded and his screams of agony cut several holes into his hearts. What was actually the worse part was that bastard actually forced himself on Roxas.  He could hear every scream, sob,weep,cry,shout,and begging. There were so much blood.  Axel was crying and weeping, pulling at his hair.
Please. I`ll do anything. I`ll give you cash. Anything. Are you hearing me? Please don't kill my baby boy. He means everything to me.“ Axel begged and cried.  
Roxas gave his speech, telling his friends how much he miss and love them and that he`s sorry. He tells Axel and Hikari that he loves them so much and plead for Axel to give Hikari the life she deserves and tell Hikari that he loves her so much and she`ll always be his princess and sea salt. The video soons ends and Axel starts screaming again.  “ Angel?! NO, ANGEL!” Axel punched the ground in anger and despair. He spent the whole night, crying and screaming for anyone to save Roxas.
Back to present
Axel held the ring to his chest. He finally managed to save enough for this ring. They may be young but Axel was certain that he wants to marry Roxas. He was nervous and anxious. The last time He saw Roxas. He went for a walk with Hikari to clear his head and propose to him later that night. Axel signed. He went under the bed and grabbed the scrapbook. He went downstairs to see Hikari drawing. Hikari noticed his sad face and went to comfort him. Axel smiles sadly and picks her up.  He takes her to the living room. Axel opens the book. “I met your mother back in high school. We`d become friends and after a few months, we got together.  Soon, we had you and we were a happy family. When you were a little baby, Mommy stayed home while you and I took a walk. When we came back, Mommy wasn`t there and I had the police and the heroes look for him everywhere. It was a long time before I found out Mommy`s in heaven.  Your Mommy was the sweetest and loving person who loves you much. He wanted nothing more than to make you happy and keep you safe. “ Axel finished. Axel was shocked to see Hikari whimpering and crying. “I want Mommy to come home.” She whimpered. “I want him with us. Why did he leave us?  I want my Mommy!!  I want to know who my Mommy is!!” Hikari broke down crying and wailing. With tears in his eyes, Axel puts his book inside and pulls his daughter into his arms. “So do I, princess, So do I. I want him back home more than anything and I still do.” Axel choked while rubbing her back and stroking her hair, not wanting to break down in front of Hikari.  She cries herself to sleep. Axel quietly sobs as He brings Hikari to his room. Axel tucks her in and joins her. He has Hikari rest on his chest as he pulls the covers over them. “ I love you, Princess.” Axel pressed a kiss on her forehead. He look up. “Roxas, my angel. I promise to look after our sweet girl. Whatever you are, I love you so much.” He fell asleep with his daughter in his arms. Axel will be damned sure if anyone takes his baby girl away.
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poppyknitt · 6 years
Bio-Bots- A JSE Egos Fanfic
Android!Chase AU
-Post explaining how the hell i came to make this beautiful, blessed, but also cursed au in the first place
-Canon developments in the story as of writing this
[April 11th, 2017, our time]
Schneep and Jackie knew Chase wasn’t going to make it. His head was shot clean through, and his brain was damaged badly. Even if it did heal, he’d be in so much tremendous pain that he’d probably be begging to be “put to sleep”, as they call it in the veterinarian world. They stared hopelessly at the heart monitor next to Chase’s bed, which had a relatively steady pace at the moment, but, on occasion, faltered.
“... What should be done, Jackie..? He only has a little bit of time left. You and I, we-.. we both know this.”
“... I say we work together on blueprints.”
“Blueprints? What-Whatever for?!”
“... An android, of sorts. One that works and looks totally human. It may take a few weeks, but we’ll make it happen.”
“And what would I do? You are the one with the technological know-how; I, on the other hand cannot configure even a Raspberry Pi for the life of me!”
“You’ll help me make him look human. You’ll help me pull this off. We can do this, Henrik. Nothing is holding us back. No one will have to know that he died.”
“... Alright, then. Just give me heads up, yes?”
Jackie smiled sadly, “Will do, ‘doc’.”
[April 24th, 2017, our time]
Chase woke up groggily, his head spinning as his vision flooded with blindingly bright light, and he slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position. The heart monitor on his left beeped steadily, and his head was wrapped in bandages.
“Chase! You- You’re awake!” A voice, similar to his, cried out in joy, and next thing he knew, he was being glomped by a man in a black cape and strangely colored cat mask.
“Wh..Who..?” He slurred, taking a moment to figure out that this was Marvin, “Oh! ...M-Marv..?”
“Yep! That... That’s my name! Don’t.. wear it out!” Marvin said, putting on the best cheerful face he could, thought, Chase knew it wasn’t sincere, even as he laughed wryly in response. He could tell that the magician was distressed greatly by his attempt to kill himself.
“Okay, so, he’s gotta be good at reading people, right? I mean, come on, even if we are just doing this to prevent further heartache, then why not take a few creative liberties that chance making social interaction and stuff like that easier?”
“Is up to you, Jackie. I for one did not know him very well beforehand, so you may wind up on your own for the programming part of this.”
“M’kay. Cool. I’m gonna do it.”
[April 30th, 2017, our time]
“Stacy? Hi... It’s me, Chase... I was just calling to ask when you’re gonna let me see the kids next... I really miss them... S-Sorry for bothering you... I’ll... just go now..” He sighed, and hung up the phone.
“She still being petty?” Marvin asked, his face reading nothing but slightly amused sympathy.
“Damn. Well, cheer up, pal! She’ll have to listen to ya some day!”
“Greetings, Chase. I’m Jackieboyman! But, uh, I’d prefer being called Jackie.”
“... Uh... hey..? Good to meet you!” As the android spoke, his face lit up, as if he were just registering the name, and felt like he recognized it. Or something. Either way, it seemed like a good thing that he showed recognition, because it meant that at least one of the features he’d implemented into the android was working.
Jackie grabbed his clipboard, and checked off “Name recognition” from the list.
“What is that?” Chase asked, peering over his shoulder from behind. Jackie hadn’t even noticed him move! Weird. But cool!
“Um, it’s a list of functions you’re supposed to have. I have to make sure you function like a normal human if we’re gonna get the others to believe there’s nothing wrong.”
“Oh. Is silent footsteps one of them?”
“Not intentionally, no. I think it’s a byproduct of the materials we used.”
“Hey, not to change the subject or anything, but how’re your tricks for the bro average channel going so far?”
“Pretty good! I can do a triple flip now! Wanna see?”
“Heck yeah, man! That sounds epic!”
Chase grinned cheerfully, and, going a fair bit back so he didn’t risk bumping into his older brother. He jumped up several feet, backflipped, landed on one hand, and did it twice more, landing on both hands the second, and on his knees the third. Jackie watched, eyes wide in awe, and applauded him excitedly when he finished.
“Wow! That was awesome!”
“Aw, shucks, Jackieboy! You’re too kind! Too kind!” Chase grinned, bowing humorously.
[Sometime in August, 2017, our time]
“Seán... Please... I-I don’t know if you can hear me, but... please... wake up.. We need you now, more than ever...” His voice broke as he pleaded for his old friend to wake up. Between the loss of Henrik, and Jack’s coma, he didn’t know if he was gonna be able to keep it all together.
Jackie watched Chase from a ways back, his heart breaking at the sight of his youngest brother melting down by the side of their creator’s bed in the hospital. He was about to go hug him and tell him it was gonna be okay, but Marvin ran in, pushed past him, and practically glomped poor Chase. The magician was clearly upset about the loss of Henrik and Jack, but he seemed to understand that the best they could do about it right now was help each other keep it together. Chase seemed shocked by the sudden hug, but he quickly returned it, appearing to be holding back tears.
“Hey! Jackie! Look over there!” Chase exclaimed gleefully, hoping his brother was gullible enough to fall for it.
“What? What am I looking for?” Jackie asked in confusion as he looked where Chase had pointed. Chase grinned mischievously, and ran up to him while he was distracted, grabbing the hero’s goggles and yanking them down so they covered his eyes. Jackie yelped in surprise, and scrambled to adjust the goggles so he could see, as Chase made a break for it, darting away from him as fast as he could. Jackie yelled at him, and gave chase, catching up to him quickly, and tackled him to the pavement.
“Hey! No fair! Let me go!” Chase yelped, surprised by the strength of Jackie’s grip.
Jackie grinned, and stole his hat, letting go of him as he spoke, “Fine! But you’re still gonna pay for that”, and shot up, darting off in the direction of home. Chase laughed, and ran after him, yelling for him to give his hat back.
[October 2018, our time]
Chase clutched onto his abdomen, coughing every now and then, as a strange, orange-ish liquid oozed around his arm. He didn’t understand why his blood looked so unnatural, but he didn’t think about that, as he let himself sink into a blind rage, and ran at the foreign glitch that was attacking Marvin.
“Chase, no!” Jackie screamed at him, desperately trying to drag himself after him, but the hero collapsed, his own wounds making him too weak to hold himself up anymore. Chase’s instincts screamed at him to go back for Jackie and flee this place, but he had to save his other brothers, too. Everything he knew about biology told him he shouldn’t even be able to run right now, but he didn’t care; Obviously, he could, which meant he was the only one able to do anything right now.
He tackled the glitch to the ground, and started throwing punches at his face, glad he was able to take him by surprise, since he probably wouldn’t have been able to pull that off if he hadn’t. The Anti screamed in anger, violently throwing him off, and stood up, as Chase caught himself. The vlogger stood as well, his eyes burning with hatred.
“Chase..! You..! You’re hurt! Wh-What-?!”
“He’s an android, Marvin.” Jackie wheezed.
“W-Wh-?! S-Since when?!”
“Since April...”
“W-Who else knew?!”
“... Henrik knew. He helped me create him...“
“Where- What happened to the Chase we knew?!”
“... He didn’t survive. The day Chase woke up was really just... the day after he had died..”
Chase listened silently, his heart heavy. He’d always had an underlying suspicion that he wasn’t as human as they’d said, but he didn’t realize he wasn’t human at all. He sighed, and opened his mouth, interrupting the conversation, “Marv, take Jem and the doc, and run. Don’t go home. Just... run. Make sure you never look back, and most importantly, don’t stop running until we meet again, okay?” The order came out dry and empty, his hate-filled gaze never leaving the glitch as he spoke.
“B-But what about you and Jackie?!” Marvin yelped, eyes wide, as tears began spilling from his eyes in small streams.
“... We’ll be fine. We’re gonna fight this guy off, and then we’ll run, too. I dunno how, or where, but we’re not stay here. Our world might as well be toast.”
“Chase..” Jameson’s speech slide appeared, and Chase gritted his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut as he, too, began to cry.
“Go, god damn it! Go before I do something really fucking stupid!” He sobbed, not paying any mind to the sadistic grin plastered on the glitch’s face, as his voice cracked and broke. At that, Marvin didn’t take another warning, and, as he helped Schneep up, he cast a spell. Soon enough, it was just him, Jackie, and the monster that had invaded their world.
Speaking of the damned, the glitch began laughing his mentally unstable laugh, and held up his knife, which was stained with orange, “Oh̶,̧ ḩo̧w҉ a͟do͝rable̢!́ You real̴l̷y ́t̀h̨ìnk͜ ͜they̶ ̴c͢a̕n ͠ęsc͟ap͜e̡ me f̨o̵r l҉o̡n̢g͢ ̨j̀ust ̶bec̸ausę ̷y͘o͞u ͢tol͟d́ ̸t͡he̵m to҉ r̷u͏n?! ̨Oh, ҉d͢e͏a͏r͞ ̀r͡ób̶ot̛, ̕I ͞h҉àte to ̡say ̀ít,̢ b͘u͘t́ ̡as͜ ̢s͡o͜on͠ ̢as̵ I͏’m done ͟w̵i҉th̀ ́yo҉u? I’̀m̛ g̷o͏i͡n̴g straight for ͡t͏h̀em̸!̛”
“That’s why you’re not getting a chance to do that.” Chase said, smirking a little. The Anti paused, looking utterly dumbfounded by his statement. They stood there quietly for a moment, until Chase subtly signaled to Jackie, and the hero yelled at the glitch.
“Hey, doofus! You forgetting someone?!” Jackie taunted. The glitch growled in annoyance, and turned to him. Chase took the chance his brother had given him, and used his soundless footsteps to his advantage. He sprinted at the glitch, and withing moments, he was on top of him once more, punching the ever living hell out of him once more. It took until Jackie yelled for him to stop for him to realize he’d knocked the Anti unconscious.
He got off of the demon, and ran to Jackie, picking him up in an almost-bridal style fashion, despite his brother’s adamant protesting, “Shut up, dad. You’re too weak to walk.” He joked, knowing Jackie would be embarrassed by the spontaneous new nickname.
Without looking back even once, he used a little spell Marvin had taught him a while back, and opened a portal to another world.
Help i’ve been writing this story practically nonstop for like 8-9 hours and i’m already attached to Android!ChaseSo, yep! This is basically all of the super major parts in Android!Chase’s story that I’ve made yet! Also, random note, but uh, the Anti that came in at the end was indeed Monitor (the anti from one of my other aus, if this is the first fic of mine that you’ve read), and he most definitely destroyed the universe they came from. Whether Chase & Jackie ever reunited with Marvin, JJ and Henrik is currently unconfirmed, but don’t loose hope, because I’d absolutely love to be able to expand upon their stories later on! Though, I think my favorite part of this au is Jackie and Chase’s QPR father/son dynamic-
@antis-loyal-puppet @tiny-septic-puppet @chaoticcrimsonrose (yes i know you hate the angst but this is only like 50% angst) @rorald-spooks @septic-dr-schneep
Additional tags:
@hotcocoachia @insaneangel18-blog @aquaticember06
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supersleepygoat · 6 years
Finding the Something More
Pairing: Sam x Bi!Reader, Gabriel x Bi!Reader (all platonic)
Requested by Anonymous: Hey can I request an angst fix with a fluffy ending with either Sam or Gabe? Either the reader just came out as Bi to her parents who disowned her or she caught her girlfriend cheating on her??
Summary: You are having the worst week of your life. Your girlfriend broke your heart and your parents kicked you out because of it. To top it off, you get attacked by a supernatural creature. However, the men who save you from the monster may be able to save you in more ways than one.
Word Count: 2,599
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Violence. Language.
Submit your REQUEST here
You are sitting cross-legged on a park bench. The wood is wet from when it rained earlier and it’s making a shiver creep into your bones. You look over your shoulder at the twenty-four-hour diner across the street. You open your wallet. Somehow, fifteen dollars will have to last you until… until who knows when.
You grab your bag and walk over to the diner. You must have been too lost in your thoughts. You failed to notice the large stranger reaching for the door at the same time you had. When you accidently collide with him, you both apologize. He holds the door open wider and gestures for you to go through first, ahead of him and his companion. You offer him a shy smile as thanks and move into the dinner.
While you wait for your take out, the bell above the door rings and it catches your attention. The air in your lungs is all but kicked out of you when you hear an all too familiar laugh come in through the door. Against your better judgment, you look toward the sound.
Your ex-girlfriend is arm-in-arm with another woman, probably the other woman.
“Y/N?” your name falls from her well-known lips. Her voice is hesitant. It is as if she is uncomfortable seeing you so soon after everything happened. That makes two of you. “How are you?” your ex questions you with an awkward half smile.
You let out a humourless laugh. She ruined everything and now she wants to make small talk?
“I’m just great,” you finally gain the nerve to look back up at her.
“I heard about – Did you work things out with your parents?” She asks as if she doesn’t want to know the real answer.
“That’s really none of your business anymore,” is your merciful reply.
The woman draped over your ex tightens her grip on your past lover’s arm. She offers you sly smile. She is reminding you of her claim. It’s a subtle gesture that signifies her victory – and your defeat.
You push yourself off your chair and shake your head in frustration. You push past the two women who took everything from you and head for the door. In your haste, you bump into the same tall stranger from before. You look up at him to apologize, but the words are stuck in your throat. All of the rejection you had faced in the past few days, both from the woman you love and even your own parents, cripples your ability to speak. The man can see the unshed tears in your eyes. In empathy, his face falls and mirrors your own. He is about to say something but you slip away and leave the diner.
“Order up!” the waitress calls for you to pick up your much-needed food. But, you’re already gone.
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Gabriel groans. “Why are we wasting our time looking for this kid, Sam?”
Sam rolls his eyes in response.  
“It’s one measly bag of fries! I think the kid can survive without it,” Gabriel continues. “She probably ran home and got her mommy and daddy to make her a new batch of fries. Let’s just go back and grab our food. The sooner we get back to the room and feed that brother of yours, the less bitchy he will be!” Gabe says remembering how grumpy Dean was when they left him back at the motel to go pick up dinner.
Sam continues to ignore the archangel as he looks to see which way you would have gone.
“Come on, Sam!” Gabriel whines. “I want you and your brother to finish this damn hunt, so we can move on! We don’t have time to go running after a random angsty teen. I mean, a Rugaru hunt is always a fun pit stop. But, we have bigger fish to fry! Or have you forgotten about my big bro and his plan to storm troop his way into our world and-”
“Do you ever stop talking?” Sam finally exclaims when he’s had enough of Gabriel’s ramblings.
“Nope,” Gabe says with a pop. “Admit it, you missed me. You missed this,” Gabe says as he gestures between him and Sam.
Sam only rolls his eyes, again.
Before Gabriel can start in on Sam again, the men hear scuffling and a short yelp come from behind the diner. Sam hands Gabe the bag of your fries and rushes off toward the sound. Now, it is Gabriel’s turn to roll his eyes. He opens the bag and starts munching on the salty treats as he lazily follows Sam into action.
When the men turn the corner, they expect to see the worst. Rugarus always leave a mess. Instead, they see you holding your own against the creature that was once human. A surprised Sam looks over to Gabe. The archangel merely shrugs with an impressed look on his face before eating more of your fries.
You may be a good fighter, but you are still ill-equipped to handle whatever the hell this thing is. Eventually, your attacker gets the upper hand and tackles you to the ground. Your squeak of surprise as the creature bares its teeth and tries to bite you, brings Sam back to reality. Sam lunges forward and pulls the monster off of you. You scramble backwards. You watch as the monster turns its deadly focus onto the tall stranger.
You are frozen in shock. But, it’s more curiosity than fear. You know you should be scared. That thing just tried to eat you. Yet, fighting with that freak was the first time in the past few days in which you weren’t stuck in your dark thoughts. Kicking that guy’s ass was an oddly satisfying distraction from your crumbling world. You were able to let out the pent-up hurt you hadn’t let yourself feel or even acknowledge. Also, you suddenly realize that there may be more important things in this world to worry about.
Sam is still tussling with the Rugaru. “Oh, for crying out loud!” Gabe exclaims with bored irritation. He throws the precious bag of fries onto the ground. Gabriel finally intervenes when Sam struggles to ignite his lighter. Gabriel effortlessly reaches out a hand and smites the creature. You watch as a bright light shines through the monster’s eyes and mouth. When the light fades, the monster crashes to the ground in a lifeless heap.
“Alrighty then! Now, that beastie boy here is taken care of, hows-about we get a move on. The world ain’t going to save itself from my petulant big brother!” the fair-haired man jabbers as he claps his hands together.
“Dude,” Sam whispers as he gets himself off the ground. Sam motions his eyes in your direction and Gabriel follows his gaze. You are still on the ground, sitting there stunned.
“Oh, right… I forgot about the damsel,” Gabe says with guilty eyes.
“I’m not a damsel!” you inform the men as you are broken out of your trance and get up to stand to your full height.
“My bad, doll face! Nice moves by the way, very Buffy-esque,” Gabriel sings with a wink.
“Um thanks,” you hesitate. How are these guys so calm right now?
Sam moves in front of Gabriel and steps toward you. “I know you probably have a lot of questions. But trust me, you’re better off forgetting this ever happened. I’m sorry this happened to you but it’s safer if you don’t ask too many questions.” Sam’s tone is comforting. Plus, the firm hand he places on your shoulder is more reassuring than you thought possible. Despite everything that has happened to you, you feel safe under his touch.
“That thing wasn’t human, was it?” you ask in fear that you already know the answer.
“Winner winner chicken dinner!” Gabe chimes.
“Dude!” Sam warns his friend to shut his mouth. You simply nod your understanding. Unfortunately, learning monsters are real isn’t even the worst news you’ve gotten this week. “Look kid,” Sam continues in a softer tone as he addresses you directly. “Maybe you should head home. Forget this happened,” Sam pleads. He doesn’t want you to know the full extent of what is really out there. Especially since he assumes you have an apple-pie life waiting for you at home.
You huff out a sad laugh. “Yeah, sure thing.” You offer him a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. It’s clear he wants to get rid of you. If these men can so casually kill a real-life monster, then they clearly have bigger things to worry about. They don’t need to know you have no one waiting for you. They don’t need to know that no one would have missed you, had that thing actually killed you. It’s better if you just get out of their hair.
“She doesn’t have a home, Sammy,” Gabe says as he picks up the discarded bag of fries and resumes snacking on its contents.
Your eyes snap up to the shorter man. “How do you-”
“Relax, kiddo. I know all sorts of things,” he winks at you and taps his temple with his forefinger. “I didn’t see it at first… but I hear you loud and clear now, darling,” the man continues. He stares at you as if he is reading you like a book. It is slightly unnerving.
Sam looks at the archangel, then back at you. You meet his gaze for only a moment before casting your eyes to the ground. “Is that true?” Sam asks.
You nod and shrug.
“What happened? Where are you staying?” Sam asks. If you didn’t know any better, you would say he sounds sincerely interested.
You flop your hands down to your side. “My parents, they like to say they are accepting and ‘progressive’,” you add air quotes to emphasize the ridiculousness of the claim. “But, when they found out their precious daughter is bisexual, their true colours shone through. And, their true colours weren’t in favour of the rainbow.”
You were hoping to leave it at that. But, the men only stare at you expectantly. Their eyes urge you to continue. It is oddly comforting to have someone listen to you, to care about your story. So, you continue.  “I came home a few days ago a total mess. I had just found out my girlfriend had cheated on me. I loved her but… yeah.” You trail off.  The idea of the woman you love wrapped in the arms of someone else, clouds your ability to think straight.  
“Anyway, I was too messed up to care that I hadn’t come out to parents yet. I just wanted them to help me feel better. But, when they found out that my heart was broken over a girl, they stopped trying to comfort me. As if non-heterosexual heartache doesn’t count as real heartache,” you scoff.
“Mommy dearest said this is a phase. She said there is no such thing as being ‘bisexual’. And, that I must be gay but am too chicken shit to admit it. My dad,” you voice breaks for moment. “My dad said that over his dead body is his little girl going to be with another woman. Only, he used much more colourful language. So, they gave me an ultimatum. Either I stay and be who they expected me to be or I leave and don’t come back. So, I left,” you try to shrug but the men can tell you are anything but indifferent. “I couldn’t pretend anymore.”
There is a moment of silence before Gabriel speaks up, “What dick bags!”
You cannot stop a small giggle from escaping your lips. “My sentiments exactly,” you agree. “But as it turns out, I may have made a mistake. They may not accept me or see me as having a legitimate identity. But, I don’t think I’m ready to be on my own yet.” You finally admit to both the strangers and to yourself.
“You never answered my other question,” Sam states with a soft voice. “Where are you staying?”
“Around,” you shrug again. Sam’s eyes bear into you. You can all but feel him pull the truth out of you with his pleading hazels. You sigh in defeat. “I found me a mighty nice park bench across the way. Well lit, not too uncomfortable,” you try to maintain a casual tone but shame slips out with your words. You’ve only been on your own for a few days. You are already out of money, have no friends to crash with, and to top it off, you got attacked by actual monster. This is not how you imagined your life turning out. “I thought about swallowing my pride, crawling back to my parents with my tail between my legs. But, that’s not me. I’d rather be on my own then live with people who can’t acknowledge me for who I really am. I know my heart is legitimate. I know I am worthy of something more than what they have to offer me.”
Sam runs a frustrated hand down his face. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Sam and this is Gabriel-”
“How do ya do?” Gabe cuts in. He bows with his greeting and it makes you giggle again.
Sam levels Gabe with a look that tells him to keep quiet. “Look, I’m sorry that happened to you. You don’t deserve that. No one does.” Sam places the comforting hand back on your shoulder.
“Yeah, screw them! Some people just act like dicks when they are forced to face something they can’t wrap their narrow little minds around. Remember kid, I know all sorts of things, and you’re the real deal. And, as for your girl? Her loss!” Gabriel interrupts Sam to speak his mind.
You can’t help but smile at his directness. You have been waiting a long time to hear someone reassure you that none of this was your fault.
“That said,” Sam continues once Gabriel finally stops talking. “You need to be somewhere safe. You can’t keep living outside. It’s too dangerous. We may have taken down this monster but there are always more. Not to mention, there are humans that may try to take advantage of you being out here on your own like this,” Sam says with caution.
“I can take care of myself,” you state firmly.
“Oh, we saw that clear as day, sugar,” Gabe chimes in.
“Being a good fighter isn’t everything,” Sam informs you. “You need people to back you up. Do you have any other family you can stay with?”
“I told you, my parents-”
Sam smiles and shakes his head. “Family doesn’t end in blood, but it doesn’t start there either,” Sam says. His smile grows as he thinks of the man who said first said those words.
“There’s no one. It’s only me,” you whisper.
“No,” Sam says in denial. “Look, I know someone who may be able to help you. She has a habit of taking in strays who need to find their way.”  Sam looks to the Rugaru corpse on the ground behind him. You did put up a good fight. He doesn’t want to throw you into the life if you don’t need to be. But, a roof, proper food, and Jody’s maternal instincts may be exactly what you need, what you deserve. No one will force you into hunting. Maybe you can get a job and help in other ways, like Alex. But, any way Sam thinks about it, he cannot leave you here like this. “You ever been to Sioux Falls, kid?”
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@phonegalhelp @arses21434 @mogaruke @spn-ficfanatic @winchestersister55
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el-ly-bts-ff · 6 years
Like A Boy- Chapter One: Me and My Boys
Hey, friends! El and Ly here!
So, let’s begin with a little story about a girl named Ly, who had an idea when she saw the music video(and heard) Serendipity for the first time. Her plan was just to write a one shot, and because she has no self control, couldn’t stop writing, and I (El) thought she was trying to end my life. If you saw the comments left in Google Docs...
Eventually, El, because she also has no self control, wrote a little drabble based off some characters, and well, here we are. We have logged thousands and thousands, and thousands(like a whole lot!) of words for this story. We are super proud of it, and what better way to share our love for Like a Boy and the saga that follows than with all of you!
Enjoy ^_^
Pairing: Yoongi x Jimin. There’s others, but you gotta read to find out.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Romance, YOONMIN TRASH
Explicit NC-17 content...in literally every chapter. What can we say? We love smutty goodness.
Drug and alcohol use
Ships galore...be prepared
Word count: an amount of 3,956
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Chapter One: Me and My Boys
Volunteer by Kamo Kush
Suga wasn't gay. If he were that would mean he was in hell, right? He didn't fantasize about his friends, especially not his friend Jimin: at least that was what he told himself. Though he couldn't deny that each and every one of his friends were unreasonably hot, none of them made Suga’s heart rate fluctuate and bend at their will... none save one.
Taehyung drove him crazy with his constant lip licking, and Jungkook’s body was unreal. Namjoon was his boy, and Suga didn't have to work to notice the monster Namjoon hid in his pants, it was impossible not to know that his buddy was packing. His friend Hobi was hysterical but his dominant energy butted heads with Suga’s too frequently for comfort and while Jin was handsome, Suga knew better than to mess with Joon’s affections that he struggled to keep hidden under the pretence of his and Jin’s friendship. But Suga knew Joon: he saw the way he looked at him when Jin would tell a dad joke and Namjoon would hold back a wide smile and stare at his feet. He heard the way the two effortlessly flirted with one another, and the late nights spent helping Jin study for his graduate finals. He saw Namjoon’s silence because it mirrored his own: his pain was Suga’s pain, Suga who knew what it meant to love someone from afar. Which brought him to Jimin.
Suga hated the way that Jimin’s raven locks would lay dangerously against his forehead when he would come up from behind and try to wrap his strong arms around his waist. The sensation of Jimin’s hands touching his body made his skin break out in goosebumps and a lump form in his throat while he would push him away and pretend that the feeling of his skin repulsed him, because in truth Suga repulsed himself. Jimin’s smile was bright enough to set the sun on fire, and one glance from him made Suga want to do dark and terrible things to his friend, but Suga wasn’t gay right? He wasn’t in hell, right?
He stood outside of the guys’ apartment as he held his duffle bag behind his back and stared up at their balcony on the third floor. Suga and his friends had decided weeks ago that they all needed a break from life--work, family, obligations that kept them up late and made them tear their hair out: the group knew that their annual cabin trip for the weekend would be their one chance of breaking away for the next six months, and none of them were willing to pass up the opportunity. Suga had moved to the city a couple of years prior, and it was rare that all of them were able to be under the same roof at the same time. Although the others shared the same apartment, save Jungkook and Hobi, their conflicting school and work commitments often kept them from ever actually seeing each other. The only one Suga saw on a daily basis was Namjoon, who commuted to the city every day with Suga in the music studio they both worked for. He talked to Jin nearly twice a day, and had grown impossibly close to the both of them as he watched their quiet romance harken to the surface: the stretched breath before one breaks the surface of the water and is brought to life once more. It was only a matter of time before one of them broke, and Suga prayed he wasn’t there when they did.
He was driving down to the campsite with Namjoon, Hobi, and yes… Jimin. The four of them were heading out a day early to get settled while the others were expected to meet them there the following morning. Every year, the group made a point to get away for three days at a cabin in the mountains: they would go, drink, party, hit up the beach and let themselves go wild in the wilderness. Only as he ascended the stairs outside of the apartment did Suga realize he was definitely screwed in more ways than one: not only would he have to ride with Jimin beside him for the next four hours, but he would have to share a room with Hobi, and neither one of them were thrilled with the idea. Suga loved Hobi like a brother but recently Hoseok had become uncharacteristically aggressive towards him and he had grown fond of picking fights with Suga for what seemed like no reason: it was really starting to piss him off.
Ringing the buzzer to their loft, Suga went upstairs and let himself in: setting his bag down beside the door, he was greeted by a beaming Jimin who knelt next to the kitchen counter as he laced up one of his boots.
“Suga!” He jumped up and tackled Suga in a bone crushing hug as he picked him up from the floor and spun him in circles: the second Jimin’s skin made contact with his, Suga felt his body tense and his heart stop while he focused on controlling his breaths, pretending to push Jimin away as he kicked his feet until Jimin put him back down on the ground. Brushing his fingers through his hair, he smiled at Suga as he wagged his finger at him.
“Don’t pretend you aren’t happy to see me.” He winked at him as he shrugged off Suga’s indifferent stare while he turned to call for Namjoon and Hobi in the other room. He must have forgotten what happened… thank God.
The two returned from the dining room as they roared with laughter at Hobi’s face as he danced around Namjoon and flapped his arms like a lunatic. It made Suga smile to see his friend being he usual, playful self as he went to embrace his friends. Hobi’s copper hair sparkled in the light that poured in from the large windows of their living room as his eyes met Suga’s and he smiled cutely.
“Min Yoongi! Suga Suga! Give me your cheeks you adorable little monster.” He took Suga’s cheek between his fingers and squeezed as Suga pushed his hand away and laughed at his reaction. As the two hugged it out, Jimin came up from behind Hobi and tickled the sides of his waist while he looked up at Suga and bit his lip: his eyes burning into his as Suga felt his chest swell with rage at Jimin’s hand that slipped around Hoseok’s hip and lingered there. The corner of Jimin’s lips twitched as he held back a smile and refused to look away from him. He felt Hobi stiffen against him as Hobi pushed Suga away and frowned: turning to look at Jimin, Hobi smiled weakly as he excused himself to finish gathering his things. What the fuck just happened? Suga wondered as he locked eyes with Jimin, whose narrowed as he stared at him and suddenly licked his lip. Feeling his cheeks redden, Suga turned away from him and went to hug Namjoon who was oblivious to whatever the fuck was going on, and Suga wasn’t far behind.
“What’s up man? You ready to get the hell out of here?” Namjoon clapped his friend on the back as he pulled him to his chest while Suga laughed and e returned the gesture, nodding in anticipation,
“Definitely, it’s been way too long bro.”
“Yeah, bro.” Hoseok returned from the bedroom and rolled his eyes at Suga as he pinched his own cheeks while he mocked him,
“You ready to go Chimi?” Hobi turned to Jimin and motioned towards the door as Jimin bent his head over and nodded quietly as he followed him.
As the two gathered their bags, they left Namjoon and Suga to themselves as the two looked up at each other, equally bewildered and irritated.
“Dude what the hell is his problem? Did I fucking hurt the little girls feelings or something?” Suga crossed his arms as he looked at his friend and waited. Namjoon raised his hand behind his head and scratched at his hair as he furrowed his brow: Suga could feel his hesitation as Namjoon battled over whether or not to answer.
“He’s… dealing with some things right now man… just let him unwind for a while and he’ll be back to himself in no time. Until then, I’m driving and you’re sitting bitch with Chimi so you and Hobes don’t kill each other before we even leave the city.” He smiled as he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder, and Suga just grit his teeth silently and grabbing his bag, followed Namjoon out to the car.
Jimin sat in the seat behind Hobi as the Namjoon and Suga shoved their bags into the trunk and got in beside them. As Suga sat down in the seat beside him, Jimin held out his hand to him and Suga reluctantly slapped it away as he put on his seat belt and rested his head against the window.
Wincing at his touch, Jimin held his hand as he looked out the window and away from Suga. He hated treating him like this, but ever since the last time he saw Jimin, Suga couldn’t go there, he couldn’t break the barrier into the floodgates that weighed so heavily on his chest. He couldn’t think of his hands on him, or his eyes, or his breath… no. Suga couldn’t go there.
It had been three months since all seven of them had been able to get together for a night out, and Suga remembered how excited he had been to see his best friends, especially Jimin. He saw Namjoon everyday at work, but it wasn’t often that all of them were able to get away long enough to get together and go out like they did when they were kids. He longed for the days when he and his friends could stay out late and reek havoc on their neighbors and schoolmates: but those days were long over, and reality set in quickly that they were no longer boys having fun but men with responsibilities. Suga knew it was bullshit but he also knew that life had a way of grinding you down into acceptance, until you wake up and find yourself living a lie that mirrors the mask instead of what’s beneath.
They had decided to meet up at a local bar and then later found themselves thoroughly intoxicated as they raged through the doors of the club down the street: the music thundered on the dance floor as they demanded shots and drinks from the bartenders. Halfway through their night of drunken debauchery, Suga stumbled into the club bathroom and found himself standing in front of a totally and completely wasted Jimin, who sat on the floor and looked up at his friend: a stupidly large smile on his red cheeks, he clapped his hands and held out his arms to embrace Suga from the ground. Bending over beside him, Suga hooked his arms under Jimin’s shoulders and lifted him roughly against the bathroom wall. The impact sent Jimin’s head back into the tile as he looked up at him and bit his lip as he smiled,
“Did Suga come here to find his Chimi?” Sweat dripped down his forehead and neck while he steadied himself against Suga’s chest as he struggled to hold himself up. Suga felt his stomach churn and his heart beat out of his chest as he realized how close they were. When did Jimin become the most beautiful man he had ever seen? It had been months since he had seen his friend, but never before had he looked at him the way he did now: so close after all those years of shy looks and words unspoken as a torrent of lust singed his soul and made him breath fire, his length stirring inside of his jeans. Placing his hand on the back of Suga’s neck, Jimin pulled his face close to his and paused as he focused on his eyes and Jimin held his breath: a deep flush erupting on his cheeks. Leaning back, he undid the top buttons of his gray shirt and opened his collar to reveal his drenched and heaving chest. Suga remembered the choking sensation that gripped his throat when he bent his neck and stared down into his eyes: he could feel Jimin shrinking into the tile under the weight of his gaze as he reached out his hand and touched a hand to his pulsing neck. Suga’s feet practically carried themselves as he stepped toward Jimin and backed him to the wall with his hips, pinning him there. The rush of heat into his member set Suga on edge when he leaned forward and hovered his lips over his skin.
At that moment, some drunken oaf stumbled into the door and went head first into Suga’s back as he tripped over his undone laces. Reacting instantly, Suga braced his hands on either side of Jimin’s head and hovered himself over him like a shield, and took the force of the impact as he was crushed against the ground beside him with a rocking force.
Before Suga could look up from the corner of the room, he heard the sound of crunching as he sat up and watched Jimin’s fist connect with the man’s jaw and sent him flying into the stall behind them. His back to Suga, Jimin stood with his fists balled and his teeth bared as his back arched against his hammering chest. His passion made Suga panic while got to his feet and threw Jimin into the wall beside the stall: pressing his hands against the metal, Suga buried his teeth into the side of his neck as he crushed his pelvis into Jimin’s. Throwing his head back, Jimin’s fingers tore at Suga’s brown locks as he lapped his tongue over his throbbing flesh and Suga kissed his way up the side of Jimin’s neck as he felt himself falling, and for once he didn’t care. His lips traced the edges of his jaw as he made his way to Jimin’s lips and froze when he realized what he was about to do: it was like a light went off in Suga’s mind as he went cold against Jimin and pushed himself away from him. The raven haired boy looked devastated as he stood there silently and held back tears while Suga just looked at him in disgust and turned to leave as Jimin sprang forward and grabbed him around his arm. The contact sent Suga through the roof as he whipped around and slapped Jimin’s hand away, taking his wrist in his hand and crushing it in his palm.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” Was all Suga could say as he growled at Jimin and left the bathroom. Immediately after their encounter, Suga found Namjoon and told his friend that he was leaving: he hadn’t seen him since. And Suga told no one. Not even Namjoon, how could he find the words to tell him what just happened? Yeah bro, you’re never gonna believe this but me and Chimi almost just fucked back there. Oh and by the way I may or may not have been in love with Jimin since freshman year. Good talk, man. The thought alone made him cringe as he felt himself attempting to keep his eyes on anything other than the body beside him. In the corner of his eye, Suga watched Jimin fidget with his hands as he stared out the window and listened to his headphones. The look on his face made Suga’s chest throb as he realized that he had hurt his feelings, again. Why am I such a fucking prick all the time?
Attempting to apologize, Suga dropped his hand beside his slowly and with caution, stretched his fingers across the seat onto Jimin’s knee: his heart pounding, Suga tapped his jeans awkwardly as he glanced over at Jimin and gave him the saddest and sorriest look he could muster. His face was pathetic and Suga knew it, and he really fucking hoped no one could see him in the rearview mirrors or he knew he’d never hear the end of it.
Jimin looked over at him surprised and smiled tenderly as his eyes softened while he took Suga’s hand in his: turning his attention out the window as he went back to listening to his music. About an hour into the trip, Suga had apparently fallen asleep because he woke up three hours later to his head cradled in Jimin’s lap as the boy gently brushed the top of his head. Pretending to still be asleep, Suga breathed quietly as he enjoyed the sensation of Jimin’s finger tips scratching against his scalp while the other pet the side of his face as he fought the urge to arch his back into his abdomen.
Despite his best efforts, Suga couldn't stop himself from releasing a quiet moan that made Jimin’s fingers pause as his hand held the side of his face: he could hear the sound of Jimin's heart thumping in his chest and knowing he was the reason why made Suga blush. Deciding to test something, Suga nuzzled his hair into Jimin's lap and rested the back of his head into his hard abdomen. Jimin's froze solid beneath him as his fingertips graze the edge of his ear and down his lobe as he lightly pinched Suga’s soft skin. Suga felt his lip curl into his mouth as he remained still and held back the groan building in his throat.
He felt Jimin lean forward as he bent his neck over Suga’s hair and inhaled deeply. Was he smelling me? Suga asked himself as he suddenly felt his stomach clench at the shudder that rippled through Jimin’s torso: feeling a twitch against his other ear, Suga turned beet red as he felt Jimin’s length pressed into the fabric of his jeans.
“Fuck.” He heard Jimin whisper under his breath as he attempted to readjust himself under Suga’s head and tried to conceal his growing erection. Suga took the opportunity as a cue for him to “wake up” and lazily stretched his limbs in front of him while he turned his head and looked up at Jimin, a sleepy smile overtaking his features as he rubbed his eyes and remained perched on his friend’s lap. As Jimin looked down at him and grinned, Suga couldn’t decipher the look in his eyes as he tucked a strand of raven hair behind Jimin’s ear and sat up on the seat beside him. His friend’s eyes smoldered as he tightened his jaw and forced the smile that remained plastered on his cheeks. Thinking nothing of it, Suga ruffled his hair and sat forward in his seat as he went to talk to Namjoon behind the wheel.
“How much longer? I gotta piss.” Suga yawned as he turned his attention towards Hobi who sat with his head leaned against the passenger’s seat, fast asleep. How could I pass this up? Suga wondered to himself as he reached his hand over the seat and tickled Hobi beneath his chin: Hobi loved to piss Suga off while he was sleeping and it often took a hovering Jimin to get him to stop, so Suga felt no shame in returning the favor. Pinching the skin beneath his neck, he clucked as he felt Jimin’s eyes lock on his hand.
A feeling of strange guilt swept over him as Suga ignored it and continued to torture his friend, who stirred at the sensation of hands on his face as Suga’s fingers tickled his cheek and ear.
“We should be there any minute, and you can piss all you want. I’m dying up here while the three of you are sleeping like a litter of kittens.” Namjoon laughed as he saw Suga roll his eyes in the mirror as Hobi stirred from his sleep and yipped at the pinch on his neck.
Smacking his hand away, Hobi smiled widely as he realized that Suga was the one torturing him and scrunched his face up as he giggled and tried to hit Suga from the front seat.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Namjoon’s voice rose as he held up his hand in warning.
“Don’t make me come back there Suga, I’ll spank your ass.” Namjoon grinned from the from seat as Suga shook his head at his threat and fell against the backseat, bored now that Hobi wasn’t there for him to play with.
As he turned his head to look at Jimin, he grew curious at his friend’s reaction: his cheeks were bright red and it looked like he was breaking out in a sweat. As Hobi and Namjoon talked in the front, Suga faced them as he felt Jimin’s hand touch the side of his thigh. Lingering there for a moment, Jimin suddenly turned his palm upright and waited for Suga to place his hand in his. Suga debated whether or not it was a good idea as his fingers acted without his permission and rested on Jimin’s forearm. The heat radiating from them drove Suga’s fingers into Jimin’s palm as he traced the folds of his hand against the tips of his fingers. Jimin inhaled sharply as the two silently touched one another and Suga folded his hand into his and looked out the window beside him. The void between them sent an ache through his chest as Suga desperately wanted to look over at him, but he knew what it would mean if he did, so his eyes remained glued to the trees that were sprinkled over the rough terrain of the surrounding forest as the cabin came into view in the distance.
The two sat in a painful silence as Jimin suddenly squeezed his hand and motioned his head towards the cabin: a wide smile on his lips as his excitement grew with childlike wonder that warmed the blood in Suga’s veins. As Namjoon pulled into the driveway Suga went to break his hand away and felt Jimin grip onto his skin for just a second before releasing him and stepping out of the car.
His lungs in his throat, Suga breathed in slowly as he opened the door and went to grab their bags. Stepping up to the large wrap around porch that led to a wide and sprawling cabin with six bedrooms...and seven guys. The group bet on  the best two out of three and Suga and Hobi came in last so that meant the two would be sharing bunks and it made Suga’s head hurt.
Normally he would be thrilled at the idea of rooming with Hoseok because the two always had good times: Hobi had a way of bringing the fun out of any situation. Lately… Suga would have to wait and see. I'm not leaving this cabin without an answer to this fucking riddle so we can get on with their lives. Suga thought to himself as he opened the door to their room and stood in the doorway as he dropped his duffle bag on the floor. His hair was pissing him off today as it fell into his eyes: he should've gotten it cut before the weekend and now Suga was damning his laziness for coming back to bite him in the ass.
Walking to the bed closest to the window, he flipped down on the mattress and covered his face with his forearm as he felt a second wave of sleep roll over him and he closed his eyes, his vision beginning to fade.
Thank you so much for reading! Any comments, likes, and feedback is much appreciated!
We Purple You.
El & Ly
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davidcarner · 6 years
Chuck and Sarah vs The Breakup Ch 7, Beautiful With You
A/N: I didn't realized I hadn't updated this one in awhile, so I began to work on it, and then I realized why…Jill. It's such a shame, I like Jordana Brewster, but this character….yeah. So I'm condensing Fat Lady and Gravitron into one, just to get it over with. I'm beginning to realize I'm really about to leave cannon completely with the changes I've made because obviously there's no Prague, no Shaw, no Hannah, none of that stuff. Bryce's return should be fun….hehehe…okay, on with this chapter before Mojo01 hunts me down. He needs his laugh quota. Today's chapter title is inspired by Halestorm. Ch 7, Beautiful With You
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, or Halestorm, but I do own a guitar…that I can't play…I am beautiful with you…You want me for myself…Look at me like no one else…
Sarah smiled at Ellie as she leaned up against the counter at Carmichael Solutions.
"If you look any happier you might explode," Ellie said. Sarah just beamed. John started into the kitchen when he saw Ellie and paused. "Any more bugs in my house, John?" she asked. John shook his head and scampered off.
"Five bucks says he send Morgan in here to get his coffee," Sarah said.
"Perhaps I should talk with him," Ellie said. Sarah laughed.
"He's not happy with Chuck and I right now," Sarah said, a grin on her face. Ellie perked up. Sarah looked around to make sure Chuck was nowhere nearby. "The last mission, we thought we were poisoned, so we jumped in the shower to wash off whatever we could."
"Makes total sense," Ellie said.
"Chuck took off all his clothes," Sarah began and Ellie's smile lit up. "I asked him last night why, and he said he didn't know he shouldn't. He thought he was doing the right thing, I've seen him naked, so, what the heck."
"Again, perfect sense," Ellie said.
"So, Chuck's thinking we're going to die, he's naked, washing me all over, and…" Sarah trailed off.
"And Bob's your uncle," Chuck said, walking in. "Really you have to tell my sister?" Chuck asked.
"I am the physician of this team," Ellie said.
"Co," Chuck said. "And don't you deal more with brains."
"We both know you weren't using your brain right then," she said. Chuck blinked and went back to his coffee. "Casey walked in?" Ellie asked Sarah. She nodded.
"Yes, he got to see my backside, and yelled something about brain bleach," Chuck said. Ellie was crying she was laughing so hard. "But, it gets worse. My diabolical, sexy girlfriend convinced Beckman that Morgan has to be protected, so he's moving in with Casey. That should also help keep Jill from trying to sleep with him, I hope."
"She's bad news," Ellie said.
"Speaking of protection," Sarah began, and Chuck and Ellie both looked at her a little wide-eyed. "Not like that," she said. "Ellie, I need you to look into seeing about getting Chuck some physical skills loaded into the Intersect. He's not going in the field, but if he could protect himself…" Sarah trailed off. Ellie was nodding.
"That makes sense," Ellie agreed, thinking. "Plus, I want to see you flash while you're hooked up so I can scan your brainwaves. I want to make sure there is no damage and make sure it's as smooth as possible. What about physical training? Knowing how is no good if the muscles can't keep up."
"I'm going to be working with him on that part," Sarah said. "We're going to train and spar. Plus I may get Devon to help us. Part of me thinks we should have opened a gym, but I guess Mr. Computer nerd over here would look out of place."
"Hey, the nerd has feelings," Chuck said.
"We're all quite aware," Ellie replied. Morgan came in to get coffee, and Ellie and Sarah began to laugh. "Hey, why don't you come down to the lab and I run some baseline sequences on you?" Chuck shrugged and followed Ellie. He jumped when something hit his backside.
"Sarah, careful," Chuck said.
"Your sister is aware of what we're doing," Sarah said, smiling.
"Not that, you don't want to damage the Intersect," Chuck said. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Chuck, the Intersect is not in your ass," Sarah said, smirking.
"It would explain a lot if it was," Casey said, walking by.
"How does he do that?" Chuck asked.
Chuck found himself hooked up to a bunch of machines with multiple nodes sticking out of him.
"Did I tell you I once had a dream that you were a modern day Frankenstein?" Chuck said.
"You do mean the doctor, and not Frankenstein's monster?" Sarah replied.
"You know how much I love it when you talk literary nerd to me," Chuck said. Sarah played with the curls that were available to her.
"You mentioned a Fibonacci sequence earlier, what exactly is that?" Sarah asked.
"Tsk, tsk, did you sleep during those classes at Harvard?" Chuck asked.
"I may have been saving the world with the CAT Squad," she said. Chuck flashed. "He's flashing, Ellie!" she yelled.
"Wow!" came Ellie's response watching the monitors.
"Wow!" Chuck said, looking at her. She gave him a wink and leaned down.
"I have that suit at home," she whispered. Chuck's eyes glazed over.
"Sarah, easy," Ellie called. "And don't tell me you didn't do anything, his prefrontal cortex just shut down."
"Sorry, Ellie, I was just playing with my Chuck," she said, grinning.
"Sarah," she said warningly. "Now I know how Chuck feels around me and Devon," she muttered.
"So it was fruit punch?" Jill asked.
"Rootin' Raspberry flavored Hi-C to be exact," Ellie said, still not comfortable with Jill being there. "I had it run on the mass spectrometer just to be safe."
"Guy is very paranoid and always has crazy ways to even open emails," Jill explained. Chuck was looking at the box.
"High C as in a music?" Chuck asked, looking at the box. Casey cocked his head to the side, and let out a perfect note. The box opened.
"That is so impressive, dude," Morgan said. He turned to Jill. "Isn't that impressive?" She just shook her head, looking at him. Morgan had turned back to Casey. "Why don't you sing in the shower?"
"I do, I just haven't since you moved in," Casey said, shrugging. Morgan shook his head.
"No, no, no, John. You don't cage that heavenly voice on my account," Morgan said. Jill leaned in toward Sarah.
"Should I be worried?" she asked. Sarah shrugged.
"I would have said no, but now…" Sarah trailed off. "Don't let Ellie become single is the one thing I can tell you." Jill leaned away. "I hate this assignment," Jill thought to herself.
"I don't like this," Chuck said to Sarah.
"I'm not crazy about you doing all you did today," Sarah said. Chuck nodded.
"They had my little buddy, Sarah," Chuck began. After they had found the USB, Morgan and Jill were captured. Chuck called Sarah, with a plan, and she had approved it. The trade happened with no bloodshed and the assassin was captured. Jill asked Morgan to go out with her, and Morgan, having no good reason not to, did. Casey put a tracker on Morgan. Chuck didn't even want to know where it was.
"I know," Sarah replied. "I just didn't like it. I'm just glad you trusted me to tell me."
"I'm glad you listened," he said. Sarah smiled at him.
"Always, Chuck, always." She started to kiss him, when Casey groaned.
"Do you two have to break in everyplace you are together with your bodily fluids?" Casey asked.
"I'm pretty sure it was in the new agreement Sarah and I signed," Chuck said.
"Common spy problems, Casey," Sarah said. Casey grunted, and then grunted again. The second one got Chuck's attention. He looked up, saw Jill was Fulcrum, then saw her codename, Sandstorm, and flashed. Sarah looked at him, he nodded, and they all dashed out of the room without a word said.
"Don't worry, Jill, it happens to a lot of people," Morgan said. "Everyone just thinks it's easy, but then they try it, and they're so wrong."
"But I can dance!" Jill retorted, hating this assignment.
"But as we can see you can't Dance, Dance Revolution can you," he said smiling. Jill just stared at him. "Yeah, let me go get some ice for that ankle you twisted." Jill waved him off, and was stunned when Chuck crashed into Morgan.
"You're okay!" Chuck said.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Morgan replied, confused. Chuck looked over at Jill.
"Oh, Jill was the one hurt," Chuck said, thinking fast. Casey and Sarah ran up behind Chuck, looking worried. "Calm down, guys," he said turning to them. "It's not that bad."
"Yeah, she only sprained her ankle," Morgan said slowly, trying to figure out what was going on. Sarah looked like she could cry and grabbed Morgan in her best Ellie simulated hug she could muster. When she let go, she looked as thought she was wiping tears from her face.
"But, how did they know I was hurt?" Jill asked.
"Well, you know Casey, he's worried about his little buddy," Chuck said. "You know, the way you broke my heart, he wants to be nearby. The big guy is worried." Casey wanted to throw up in his mouth, but he quickly gave Morgan a hug.
"I'm so glad you're alright," he said, and shot Chuck a death glare where only Sarah and Chuck could see it.
"I can't save you from this," Sarah whispered.
"Totally worth dying for," Chuck whispered back. Casey let Morgan go, and walked off.
"I've got to get some ice," Morgan said, and Chuck walked away with him. When they were out of earshot for Chuck, he pulled out a phone. "This is Jill's phone, it got a text." Chuck looked at it, it said Have you heard from Uncle Tobias? – Mom, and he flashed. The flash let him read the code, Meet Leader, Urgent.
"Jill is Fulcrum," Chuck said, shaking his head.
"We know," Morgan replied.
"No, she's been confirmed," Chuck explained.
"Thank God, there was no way I was sleeping with her, man how did you stand her all those months," Morgan asked. Chuck gave him a look. "Sorry, bro," he said, realizing that was a bit of a shot. "Now I can get out of here." Chuck just looked at him. "NO, Chuck, no!" Chuck gave a tight smile. "You're lucky you're my best friend."
"Sarah said we get a Call of Duty night," Chuck offered. Morgan thought.
"Chance of dying by an enemy organization, or a Call of Duty night," Morgan said.
"On the big TV?"
"Are you okay?" Sarah asked Chuck. They were in their apartment, after Jill had been taken back to her place. Morgan was with Casey, talking about the best way to prune a bonsai tree.
"You mean am I okay, that my former girlfriend works for a terrorist organization and my best friend is having to fake date her, while the tree of us just sit here and watch?" Chuck asked. Sarah gave him a tight smile. "No, I'm not, but you're here with me, and I know you'll watch him, just like you would me. So, that means he's safe." Sarah just stared at him, and Chuck was looking around again. "I swear you don't move anything, so I'm not 100% sure that noise is coming from you."
"Bartowski," she said, making Chuck's eyes go wide. "I'm going to need you to lock it in so I can focus." Chuck gulped. "Unless you can tell me something to stop…this…you need to stay quiet."
"Once this is over, you're going to owe Morgan several Call of Duty night," Chuck said.
"That's a start," she said.
"No, you don't understand, all four of us," Chuck said. Sarah blinked several times.
"You mean, Casey and I have to join you?" she asked. Chuck waited for the explosion, but what happened he wasn't expecting. "You mean," she said, laughing. "I get to watch you and Morgan constantly kill Casey in the game, while you go on about one of your sandwich debates?" Sarah was laughing so hard she was having trouble breathing. She had been sitting on the arm of the couch beside Chuck, but with that, she fell onto the couch, her head on his shoulder, guffawing. Chuck heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" he yelled. Sarah was slapping his leg, while still laughing. Morgan walked in and he saw her. He held you his hand. Chuck leaned forward, Sarah fell behind him, still laughing. Chuck stood, pulled out his wallet and handed Morgan twenty bucks. "I still don't know how you got this right and I didn't."
"Simple," Morgan said. "In the past she has asked me to talk with you about sandwiches to keep you busy. I didn't know why, but at the time she was near tears laughing. Now I understand." Chuck turned to look at her, impressed with her deviousness.
"You are absolutely evil," Chuck said with a grin. Sarah, with tears streaming down her face and still laughing just nodded.
"Wait til April Fool's Day!" she said.
"I feel like your great romance with Casey is over," Chuck said. Sarah snorted and rolled her eyes. Morgan looked confused, so Chuck explained it to him. After he was done, Morgan was laughing, and then remembered why he was there.
"I just came to warn you, Ellie just burst into mine and John's apartment," Morgan said. Chuck looked confused. "The very Awesomes are coming." Chuck groaned. "Something about a cleaning team to your sister's apartment?" Chuck began to laugh.
"Does Ellie realize that you can't just misappropriate a cleaning team like that, and that's not really what one is for?" Sarah asked, sobering up. Chuck looked at her.
"You think John wants to cross Ellie, especially given the past few weeks?" Chuck asked. Sarah smiled.
"This assignment has turned out better than I thought," Sarah said.
"She also told John he needed to have them come up with a perfectly cooked Turkey, or he wasn't invited to Thanksgiving," Morgan said. "Casey tried to get her to uninvite me, but she said I was dealing with Jill, so there was no way." He paused and got a faraway look in his eye. "She still wants me."
"Buddy, you realize her future in-laws are coming," Chuck said. Morgan waved his hand.
"Minor details, Buddy, minor details," Morgan said going away to his Ellie happy place again.
"Doesn't that bother you a little knowing he's thinking of your sister like that?" Sarah asked softly. Chuck turned, gave her a look, and walked away. "I'm sorry," she called after him.
"I feel like this is all I ask you on this mission, but are you okay?" Sarah asked Chuck. Chuck ran his hand through his hair.
"You mean my ex-girlfriend trying to give us the slip and taking Morgan on a Farris Wheel ride the way I did her back at Stanford and then tried to hand her over to Leader, nah…all good," Chuck said.
"Two things, one, good work on figuring out where Morgan and Jill were, two, I know your all good's and that's not an all good," Sarah said. "Chuck, you wouldn't be you if this didn't bother you." Chuck turned to her.
"This is hard, because of what we are," he began. Sarah nodded and Chuck took a deep breath. "Her and I are so over, in fact, I'm not sure we ever were, because I may have been nothing more to her than a mission." Sarah pressed her lips together in silent agreement. "It still bothers me, and that bothers me. I am with the greatest woman I ever met, and yet this woman who has done nothing but cause me pain…." He looked up at her. "You deserve better than this, and I'm sorry."
"Wait, you're apologizing over how Jill is making you feel?" Sarah asked, stunned.
"Yeah, you don't deserve…Sarah? Not again!" Chuck said, hearing the low growl.
"Bartowski, you are hurting and you're worried about me!" she said, slowly walking toward her. Chuck started rolling back in his chair, but the wheel caught on something. He looked down, and by the time he looked back up, she had managed to straddle him. He gulped. "I've got something to make you forget her," she said as sultrily as she could. A minute later a door opened and Ellie walked in.
"Hey, Sarah, Oh! Excuse me!" she said. Sarah shot off her lap, and straightened her clothes. Chuck sat there, his mind gone. "What did he do?"
"He's worried about how it hurts me for him to be upset during this Jill mission," Sarah said. Ellie shook her head.
"Casey and Morgan have a location," she said. "You will be at Thanksgiving, right?"
"Wouldn't miss it for anything," Sarah said, grabbing Chuck's hand, pulling him up, and leading him off. Ellie just watched them go, and headed into the room with Jill.
"Chuck, you need to watch this," Sarah said, bringing up the footage while they were gone. They both watched as Jill, hooked to a lie detector test, told Ellie, that she did love Chuck, that what they had was real, and that she didn't cheat on Chuck with Bryce. Sarah stood there quietly.
"It doesn't matter," Chuck said shrugging.
"I mean she could fool the test, that's true," Sarah said. Chuck turned to her, smiling.
"No, it doesn't matter, I'm with the woman of my dreams, the woman of my future, and the woman I want to spend the rest of my days with," he said, grinning, and putting his hand to his ear. "I swear I-" Sarah pounced. Ellie and John walked in five minutes later.
"Chuck," John began. "Oh what the fresh hell, my eyes!" John screamed.
"I need brain bleach!" Ellie screamed as she and John ran out of the room together.
"Good work, Sarah," Beckman said during their debriefing. "This could have gone horribly wrong at many points." Sarah nodded in agreement.
"Without the relationship of trust and honesty he and I have been working on…" Sarah shook her head and looked away for a minute. "He could have let her go, hell, General, most civilians like him would have."
"Did you ever see a moment where you thought he would?" Beckman asked. Sarah shook her head. "Then I think it's time to take this to the next level." Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Obviously, it would be best if you didn't do seductions any longer, I believe it would impact Chuck negatively, plus it would affect his ability to access the Intersect," she said with a smile. Sarah gave a tight smile and nodded. "You need another female member, and I'm not sure which way to go. There are two candidates, but only one is currently available."
"Is it Carina?" Sarah asked, wincing. "She's my friend, General, but she's…"
"Unreliable?" Beckman offered. Sarah nodded. "No, Sarah, we won't be using her right now. She is unavailable, instead we are going to try a different agent, and she WILL report to you, have no doubt. Agent Alex Forrest will be joining the team. Let's not tell her about the Intersect until you are sure she can be read in with few problems." Sarah nodded. "Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah." And with that the screen went blank. Sarah left her apartment and made her way over to Ellie and Devon's.
"Where's the Very Awesomes?" Sarah asked.
"Couldn't make it," Chuck answered. "Instead we got to add Lester and Jeff."
"Oh, goody," she said. Chuck gave her a light shoulder bump and she chuckled. "We're getting a new member to help with missions, specifically ones that would negatively affect our asset and his special skill." Chuck grinned and pointed toward his head. She smiled and nodded. "Keep that special skill to your self right now, until she's read in." Chuck nodded. "Chuck, seriously, thank you, that mission could have gone wrong so many ways."
"Sarah, thank you, for being there with me every step of the way, because without you…I probably done something stupid," Chuck admitted. Sarah smiled.
"I'm really liking my new permanent assignment," she said.
"I hear the asset is enjoying it himself," Chuck said. He turned to her. "I despise you, Sarah Walker." She gave him a quick kiss.
"I despise you," she replied.
"Break it up, you two," Casey grumbled as he walked by.
"He's jealous," Chuck loud whispered to Sarah. "I heard him tell Morgan he's never been happier with a building in his life." Sarah shook her head.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Nerd." Sarah said, shoulder bumping him.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Sarah," Chuck said, kissing her forehead and pulling her close.
A/N: …Does it make it weak if you're needing someone I'm not hold back and I know what I want…Til next time!
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“Run,baby, run” (Eobard Thawne x reader)
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Hello my little wings!
Here you have a sequel to this (x) one-shot!
Requested by: @bartallenisbae
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could kinda maybe write a sequel to Give her back about the reader ending up pregnant and tells eobard and he goes major protective mode and maybe 6 months or something barry finds them and is not sure if he should take thawne to jail or let him be with his growing family. Ps love your writing
@bartallenisbae i hope you like it!
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19
It’s been 3 years since you and Eobard fled to Europe, he had started working in a high school and you in a (f/j). You two had been happily married for a year now, and you had wonderful news for Eobard.
“Darling, I’m back!” He said as he came in, kissing your lips sweetly. “Had a good day?”
“A wonderful one indeed.” You smiled and kissed him sweetly.
“Aw babe, that’s great. I bought supper in the way here. I knew you would be tired.” He let a bag on the kitchen table from the (f/r) near your house. You kissed him passionately.
He smirked and bought you closer, hugging you from the waist.
“You know what day it is?” He smirked.
“Our four-year anniversary” You smiled at him, your hand caressing his cheek.
“Have a present for you.”
“Oh? And what is it??” You smiled and he let a little box in your hand. You opened it and found a little pendant. “It’s beautiful…thank you Eo.” You kissed him. “I got one for you too.” You let a bigger box in his arms.
“Aw babe…you didn’t have to.” He opened the box and his mouth opened.
Inside was a little black and yellow onesie and a pregnancy test.
“A-it’s-you’re pregnant??!” He smiled at you nod and hugged you tightly, showering your face with kisses. “Thank you!! Thank you!!”
“Eo” You laughed as his lips kissed you over and over again. “I love you”
“I love you too!!” He kissed you passionately and hugged you tight. “I’ll be a good dad for him, I promise.” He smiled and you kissed his nose.
He laid you down on the bed and cuddled you until you feel asleep.
Months passed and your belly had grown, Eobard was in a “papa mood”
And god, was he cute.
“Hello, love! I got your (f/f)!!! how are my favorite persons on earth???” He smiled as he laid your food in front of you.
“We are doing fin, how was work.” You smiled as he kissed your belly and then your lips.
“Miserable.” He looked at your eyes. “Because you weren’t with me.” You snorted and started eating. He got up and kissed your head. “I’m going to shower, be back in reverse flash.”
“Oh, god. Eo that one was so bad.” You snorted again.
“But you love it.” He smirked and winked, while walking to the bathroom.
You smiled as you finished your food, setting the trail in the table next to you.
Eobard came five minutes later, dressed in a pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt.
“Hello babe, baby.” He laid himself in between your legs, his hands around your waist as he kissed your belly. “Hey baby, I can’t wait until I can meet you. I’m sure you’ll be as cute and pretty as your mommy. And, you’ll be safe…so very safe. I love you.” He kissed your belly as you smiled warmly at him, then suddenly, the baby kicked where his dad’s mouth was.
“Was-was that?” Eobard mouth was agape looking at your belly.
“The baby just kicked for the first time.” You smiled as tear clouded your eyes. Eobard smiled and kissed you lovingly, his hands wiped the happy tears of your eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you two, too” He smiled and hugged you. You cuddled in his chest and feel asleep.
“Seriously Barry it’s been 3 years. Let it go.” Cisco said.
“No! (Y/n) can be in trouble! Thawne is a murderer! She’s in danger!” Barry yelled.
“We didn’t receive any metal human activity! He’s laying low! (y/n) makes him better! They are in love, bro let it go! Unless…no.”
Barry glared at him. “no.”
“You’re jealous ... oh my god you are jealous! You liked (y/n)!!”
“Shut up Cisco!” Barry blushed. “I’m just worried she disappear for 3 years with a criminal!” Cisco looked at Barry with a sad look.
“Just..find them..so I can save (y/n). “Barry changed into his suit and ran off to stop a heist in the bank.
Cisco sighed sadly and started typing down.
“Where are you (y/n)...”
A few months passed like seconds, Eobard and you went out to buy baby clothes, a crib and diapers, towels etc.
“Maybe it should be yellow…” Eo mumbled.
“No, the yellow is a very strong color for a baby. I thin pastel blue or green will be great.” You said as you pulled the paint inside your cart.
“Okay baby… When is your new appointment? “He asked as he pulled the cart.
“hum…. Tomorrow. We’ll finally know the babies sex…” you smiled and Eobard hugged your waists.
“Love you.” He smiled.
“I love you more.” You smiled back.
You two paid for the things and Eo drive back home.
The next day, Eobard asked for a day free to go to your appointment with you.
Eobard made breakfast for you and helped you getting ready. Then he held your hand and smiled, leading you to the car.
Once in the doctor, he was chewing his lips in nervousness while waiting for the doctor to call you.
“MISS THAWNE?” The doctor called and Eobard’s hold on your hand tightened.
“Ready?” You smiled at him.
“Yes.” He kissed your lips chastely and the two walked inside the doc’s dispatch.
“Hello, miss. You’re ready to cheek on your baby?” The doctor smiled gently.
“Yes, we are,” You smiled back at her.
“Okay, sit on the chair please.” The doctor smiled as Eobard helped you sit. She raised your shirt over your belly and applied the cold gel. “It’s cold, eh?”
“Yes” You hissed, Eobard hold your hand between his.
“Okay, let’s see…” The doctor started looking for your baby, you smiled at the screen where your baby was going to show. Eobard’s eyes couldn’t tear from it, his hold in your hand tightened when the doctor smiled and you two could see your baby clearly.
“That is your little baby. Do you wish to finally know the sex of the baby?”
“Yes.” You two said, without looking away from the screen.
“…Congratulations it’s a girl.” The doctor smiled at you two, you couldn’t hold back and happy tears fell from your eyes. Eobard smiled big and hugged you, kissing your lips over and over again. “Do you wish to have a photo of the baby?”
“Yes, please.” Eo said, kissing your tears. The doctor nodded and let the two of you alone. Eobard helped you stand and kissed you hard.
“God, I love you so much.” He said, and weld your belly.
“I love you so much too.” You smiled in the kiss.
When the doctor came back, you two were sitting together and smiling at each other. The doctor smiled and gave you the photo.
“We’ll see again next month okay? If you have any troubles come here immediately.”
“We will.” He smiled.
“See you soon, doctor.”
“Be safe Miss Thawne.” She smiled.
The two of your left the clinic holding hands and smiling.
Since then, he never leaves you alone.
He feared someone was going to swipe you away.
He didn’t know yet what was coming.
You were already 8 months pregnant, and while Eo was making dinner you stand in front of the mirror on your room, naked.
Eobard after calling you several times got worried and enetered the room.
“Love what-“
“Am I fat?”
“No, love you’re beautiful.”
“I am fat, you don’t love me anymore.”
“Nonsense! (Y/N) You’re the most beautiful girl on earth! I love you. I love you so much I rather stay here than go back to the future. I’ll love you always, I don’t care for your physical look. I always will love you and this baby” He put his hands above yours in your belly and looked at your reflexes. “This baby, will be the most beautiful, amazing, loved, cherished, perfect baby. Just like her mom.” He kissed you. “I love you, I cherish you, I adore you, you’re perfect, talented, I’ve loved you since I first saw you.”
“Eo…” You smiled and started crying. “I love you too.” She smiled at the image of your hands joined together in your belly. He kissed your naked shoulders and helped you dress in your comfortable yoga pants and his t-shirt.
He holds your hands to the dining room, where your favorite food was ready. Eobard helped you sit in the table and looked at you dreamily as you eat.
“I love you.”
“Me too.”
Everything came undone when you were 9 months pregnant.
You asked Eobard to bring you new baby towels as the first one you had bought got ruined. He smiled and drove to the store to find it closed, the nearest open store was pretty far, he decided he was going to run there, thinking nobody would notice.
He was, oh so very wrong.
“My radar picked a trail of a speedster!!” Cisco said.
“ In-“ Barry looked at the location and ran away more quickly than usual, leaving Cisco mid-sentence. “Aaand he’s gone…huh, I guess this is how Commissioner Gordon feels”
You were sitting in the couch when a red blob whisked you away.
“B-Barry?!” You yelled.
“I’m saving you (y/n)!” He said
“Barry you’re hurting me!!” You yelled- “My baby!!!”
Barry stopped dead in his tacks. “P-pregnant?!”
“Barry why!? Get me to my house right this instant! My husband is about to come!!”
“H-husband?! You married that monster!!!?”
“I love him!!!!”
“Hes a killer!!!!!!!”
“LET HER GO ALLEN!” Zoom materialized himself in front of you.
“Barry, no!! Please! Go back to Central! Let us be!!” You pleaded.
“Sorry, (n/n) but he is coming with me, he’s staying in prison for good”
“Never!, im not leaving my wife alone!”
The two started fighting when suddenly you feel something dripping down your legs and a strong pain in your stomach.
“E-Eobard..my water..” The two stopped fighting when they saw you face. “My water..broke.” Eo’s face froze.
“MY BABY IS COMING!!!!!!!!!” He yelled and a nurse came with a wheelchair wheeling you inside, with Eobard hot in her trail. They put you inside a room and helped you lay with your legs wide open.
A nurse didn’t let Eobard pass inside, but he in the end glared and made his way in. He sat next to you and held your hand tight and kissed your sweaty forehead.
“Miss Thawne, now I’m going to ask you to breath evenly and push, okay?” The doctor said as she put her rubber gloves, she sat in front of your legs and said. “Push! I can see her head.”
You were in labor for a few hours until the final push came.
“Miss, you have it! One final push!!”
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Your scream came followed by two other screams.
“BUAAHHHHHHHHH!” The babies obviously.
Eobard kissed your front as you breathed heavily meanwhile the nurses took the baby girl away to clean her up.
“Wait, where are you taking my baby! They’re stealing my baby!!1” Eo screamed. You put your hand on his face and smiled.
“They are just going to clean her.” You kissed him and he smiled.
“okay, but if they hurt her I’m hunting them down.” The nurses ran to clean her and after a few minutes they came back with your baby girl roped in a soft blanked, they laid her on your arms and she soon clenched her little hand around your gown.
“She’s beautiful…” Eo said, with tears in his eyes, “Hello little one, I’m your daddy...” He smiled softly as her baby hand grabbed his finger. You smiled at him and he kissed you softly. “Thank you.”
“Why?” You smiled.
“For loving me, for being my everything, for giving me this chance, for this precious little girl…. just, thank you. I love you. “He kissed you again as Barry came inside. He saw you face glowing in happiness and Thawne’s loving smile. You smiled at him and signal him closer, he smiled and came closer and looked at the baby, who grabbed his finger and blabbed and suddenly felt like he was the monster.
He’s trying to destroy a family.
He’s trying to let a baby so young fatherless.
He’s going to wreak a family.
Eobard sighs sadly. “I’ll go with you Allen, just let my wife and daughter alone.”
“No, eo..please Barry..” You implored.
Barry sighed. “No. You can stay.”
“What-for real?” Eobard said, confused.
“Yes. Just-If you do something bad again I will throw you in prison forever!” You held his hand and smiled.
“Thank you, Barry.” He blushed a bit and smiled back.
“Now, I’ll go and tell the others you’re safe. Bye (n/n)” He kissed your forehead and left.
You smiled at your baby as she made a sound, Eobard kissed her little forehead and your lips.
“I love you both.” He smiled
“We love you too.” You smiled back.
And you two fond in a sweet kiss.
The end.
“HELLOOOOO (Y/N)!!! “ Cisco said as he stomped in your home.
“Cisco!” You said as you were getting (b/n) asleep. “The baby is sleeping.”
“buaahhhhh!!” She cried
“Guess not anymore.” Caitlin said, entering with Iris and a teddy bear half their size.
“Hello, Iris, Cait. Gigant teddy bear.” You smiled.
“It’s for the baby!” They let the beat in the ground and kissed your cheeks.
“Its my present too!” Cisco said.
“Oh my gosh! She’s so cute!!!” Iris said, looking at the baby girl.
“She’s the cutes baby!” Caitlin smiled. “Congrats (y/n).”
“Thanks, Cait.”
“Hey, (y/n) “Barry kissed your forehead. “I couldn’t stop them, they obliged me to tell them.”
“No problem, I missed them.” You smiled.
“Here, I hope this little (f/a) plushie can compare to their beast of a plushie.” Barry smiled as you took the plushie and gave it to (b/n) who clutched it close.
“She likes it” You smiled.
Bonus! X2
Eobard came home after grocery shopping and freeze in the door.
“Hey love.” You smiled while feeding your baby girl.
“What the hell is doing a real size bear in or living room.”
“It’s our new roommate.”
“Let me guess, Iris Caitlin and Cisco.”
The end
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beepfuckingbeep · 7 years
Is this real? Or just a gazebo? - Eddie Kaspbrak fic
Hey all! This is my first IT fic. I told myself I wasn’t going to write anything until I read the book but then this lil headcannon came about and I was inspired to write. And as i’ve learnt from writing for a few years now, when you are inspired and have an idea just fucking write. 
So this is a little Eddie character fic around his reaction to finding out his medication is bullshit. Let me know what you guys think and if you want to see more from me. I will also be open for requests.
Could be taken as Reddie or just friends being bros. 
He couldn’t believe he had been such an idiot, all these years he had been living lie after lie and it took some sassy chick at the pharmacy telling him the truth for him to actually find out. 
Eddie looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. He looked like absolute shit. But he guessed that was to be expected after you fight off a demon clown monster thing.
It had been a week since they had all defeated it and Eddie still wasn’t able to sleep through the night without waking up screaming. The trauma was still fresh, that was all. He knew the nightmares would become more and more rare until they disappeared altogether. He had faith in that.
What he didn’t have faith in anymore was every single medication his mother tried to give him. She hadn’t taken too kindly to her son calling her out on her crap. She refused to give up and when Eddie got home after his ordeal in the sewers, he found his medicine nicely stacked on his bed side table. Already 110% done with everything, Eddie had simply picked up all the pill bottles, walked into the bathroom and emptied the contents into the toilet before flushing them away. Down into the sewers with the rest of his problems.
But one failed attempt hadn’t slowed down Sonia Kaspbrak. She had replaced all of his medication three times so far that week. Each time Eddie had flushed the pills down the toilet and thrown everything else out in his trash can. Every chance she got she would try and convince him that he needed the medication. That he was sick without it. But he knew she was wrong, the fucking labels on his pills confirmed this. They had no proper name, no instructions, nothing that other pills had. He had seen some while at Bill’s house the other day. It was all so obvious in hindsight.
Eddies watch beeped, drawing his attention away from his thoughts and towards his left wrist. It was 11am, time to meet up with Bill and Richie. 
They were planning on heading over to Stan’s place to try and convince him to hang out with them. He had turned down their last two attempts and the boys were starting to get worried. Sadly Mike and Ben both had thing to do today, Mike had a lot of chores he had been skipping out on to catch up on and Ben had some family thing. 
Shaking his head, Eddie cleared his thoughts and focused on finishing getting ready. He opened the bathroom cupboard behind the mirror and groaned at its contents. All he had wanted was his fucking comb but he was met with the all too familiar pills. He could not be bothered dealing with it all now, so with more force than necessary Eddie slammed the cupboard shut and stormed out of the bathroom and back into his room. 
He sat himself on his bed and quickly put on his sneakers before standing up again and heading out. Just before he left his room he sighed and took the fanny pack off his draws, quickly checking his mum hadn’t snuck in any meds (which she thankfully hadn’t), he then reluctantly clipped it around his waist.
While he was done listening to his mother’s bullshit, he still couldn’t shake his fear of germs that she had drilled into him. And he hated it. He felt so stupid, so weak that he still couldn’t even go outside with his friends without thinking of all the germs out in the world, how he could catch a hundred different things from just a simple outing. He detested the fact he didn’t feel safe leaving his house without the stupid fanny pack around his waist.
But he knew one day, one day he would be able to forget all of his irrational fears his mother had given him. One day he would be free. He had already made some progress down in the sewers, but then he had high off adrenaline. It was different now things were back to what passed as normal. But Eddie knew that day was a long way off. 
It would take him longer to get over his fear of germs than the nightmares.
“Eddie where are you going?”
Eddie completely ignored his mother as he walked through the house and out the front door, slamming it behind him. It hurt him too much to talk to her. He didn’t know how he could ever grow to trust his own mother again so he just ignored her. He knew he couldn’t do it forever but it was a temporary fix.
With too much on his mind for a kid his age, Eddie picked up his bike and headed towards where his friends had agreed to meet.
It had all happened so fast, one minute he was biking peacefully with Bill and Richie, rolling his eyes at one of Richie's jokes, when he suddenly found it hard to breathe.
Eddie shakily inhaled, trying to calm his stupid mind.
‘It was all bullshit. I’m not sick. I can breathe like a fucking normal person!’
But it didn’t work. Each breathe in took more and more effort as Eddie’s chest constricted under the simple effort to breathe.
Soon his arms gave out and he fell with his bike onto the ground in a pile. He felt the skin tear on his arm and legs as he grazed them on the hard asphalt. He didn’t spare the pain a thought, he didn’t even give himself a chance to thank the universe for making sure he didn’t land on his already broken arm. 
He couldn’t think past his own nagging thoughts as he tried and failed to breathe.
‘Fucking loser Eddie Kaspbrak can’t even breathe right. Still can’t get over the stupid bullshit your mother fed you? Just fucking breathe! I can’t believe you can’t fucking breathe. So fucked up you can’t even do something so simple.’
Richie had just been about to ask Eddie if he was okay when the small boy tumbled to the ground with his bike. Both Richie and Bill stopped and jumped off their own bikes in order to try and help their friend. 
Bill was closest and made it to Eddie’s side first, swiftly lifting Eddie’s bike off the poor boy and throwing it to the side.
“What’s wrong with him?”
Richie asked, his voice much too serious for his own liking. He knelt beside Bill and watched as the other boy opened Eddie’s fanny pack.
“H..he’s h..h..having an asthma ah..attack.”
The answer seemed so obvious to Richie, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Eddie to have an asthma attack. But what had him worried was the fact Eddie hadn’t reached for his inhaler or even stopped fucking biking.
“Bill hurry up!”
“It’s n...not he...here.”
Without hesitation, Richie pushed Bill out of the way so he could take up the space directly in front of Eddie. In one swift, fluid motion, Richie pulled an inhaler out of his own pocket and shoved it into Eddie’s mouth.
“Breathe when I tell you to Ed’s okay?”
Eddie gave a weak nod back, giving Richie the okay to start.
“Breathe in....”
After Richie spoke he pushed the top of the inhaler, releasing the medicine into Eddie’s body.
“Breathe out.”
They repeated the process three more times before Eddie’s breathing finally returned to normal.
“You okay Ed’s?”
Eddie looked up into Richie’s eyes and saw just how worried his friend was.
“Yeah. Yeah i’m fine.”
“Good. Now what the fucking is wrong with you, you idiot!”
Eddie was taken back by Richie’s sudden outburst. It wasn’t entirely angry, he could still see the pure look of concern in his eyes.
Richie sighed as he saw how nervous Eddie was and decided then to quiet down a little.
“Where is your inhaler?”
Eddie froze at the question. Quickly he looked at away from Richie’s eyes, only to meet Bill’s equally concerned ones. He drew his attention back to Richie and sighed as he answered.
“I got rid of it. The pills are bullshit… i just thought it was too.”
Eddie looked down at his hands, ashamed. He was still a fucking idiot, he couldn’t do anything right.
“Eddie yu..you should’ve ch...checked before…”
Eddie’s frantic voice quickly cut off Bill.
“How?! The only person who would know is my mother and I can’t trust her anymore. I can’t trust my own fucking mother with my health!”
Eddie choked back a sob.
“Hey Ed’s. ED’S.”
Richie’s yell brought Eddie back out of his thoughts. The look he gave Richie broke the taller boys heart. He looked so lost.
“We will figure this out yeah? Even if we have to pull some super secret spy mission and break into the doctor's office to find your medical records. Actually we should totally do that. We could all have cool code names and I would flip through every doorway..”
Richie completely stopped in his tracks and was left speechless by the single word. Eddie had a soft smile on his lips now and damn was Richie proud he was the one to put it there.
“For now take this.”
Richie handed Eddie the inhaler and Eddie placed it neatly into his fanny pack.
“Why did you have that by the way?”
Richie flicked a hand in the air to indicate it was nothing.
“Don’t you remember back when you gave us your spare asking one of us to hold onto it just in case something happened to your one?”
Eddie gave a soft nod with an raised eyebrow, prompting Richie to continue.
“Well to start off with, Stan, Bill and myself passed it around. But then it just kinda ended up always being with me so I just kept it safe.”
“Richie, I gave you guys that inhaler like three years ago.”
Richie smirked at this.
“And aren’t you glad i’m such a hopeless romantic that I held onto it all these years. It is a token of our love Eddie my boy.”
As he talked, Richie’s voice grew more and more dramatic. Soon he was standing with a hand over his heart and his other on his forehead.
“For I would always know, one day my prince would need me and I would use the magical object to save his life and win his love.”
Bill was trying, and failing, to hide a snicker. Eddie simple rolled his eyes but smiled at Richie nonetheless.
“Just my luck my knight in shining armor would be a dirty trashmouth.”
Richie grinned down at Eddie and reached a hand out to help the smaller boy up. Eddie rolled his eyes fondly and took the hand, brushing himself off once he was finally back on his feet.
“Let’s h...head to St...St...Stans. Yu.. you can fix yourself uh..up there.”
It was as if Bill’s words had finally sparked the part in Eddie’s brain that felt pain and he was now hyper aware of the grazes on his arm and legs. He winced in pain and that did not go unnoticed by Richie.
“Good plan big Bill! It isn’t that much further so we can easily walk.”
Before Eddie could protest and say he was perfectly able to bike the rest of the way to Stan’s, Richie and Bill had both started walking.
“Hurry up Eddie spaghetti!”
Eddie quickly picked up his bike and started to catch up to his friends.
“Don’t call me that!”
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harrish6 · 7 years
Healing What Has Been Broken - Chapter 14 - "i CaN'T EvEN DiE rIGhT!"
I'm also glad that everyone likes my headcannon for SOULS, I just think having just seven SOULS gets a bit repetitive and not very realistic in the long run.
Now on to the chapter!
-Chapter Start-
It was early morning, breakfast almost ready, and all the tired Monsters had a important dissension to make.
"So....Who is going to get Error and his kids?" Ink asked, tired face showing he really didn't think he could face Error without breaking down into tears, begging for forgiveness even if he wasn't the one to hurt him. 'And never will.' Ink narrowed his eyes in anger at his counterpart. 'I really want to give that idiot a piece of my mind.'
All the adults looked at each other, glancing that way or this way, trying to see who would be the one to offer. To tell the truth, none of them got a nice sleep. What had happened the day before had hit them hard, scarring them. To think versions of themselves would do something worse then killing another, no, they broke him without Mercy.
Red sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. 'Fell is not going to like this....I hope he doesn't demand to see Error anytime soon...Or at least until we heal him.' He can still remember his Bro's face when he told him about Error. His eyes screamed with promises of pain, and so much shame. Why shame? Red had no idea, and didn't ask. All he knew was that he did not want to be the only one to tell him about everything that they found out. Red actually liked living, thank you very much.
"I'll go!" Everyone flinched back, all turning sharply to look at the entrance to the kitchen. TK was hopping in place, white T-shirt and blue pajama pants still on, looking more excited then he ever has in the morning. Hop snorted when he saw the blush on the kids cheeks, he had a good idea on why TK wanted to be the one to get their new guests.
"TK, I don't think-" Ink started, only to sigh when TK didn't listen. He turned, running out with the other kids watching after him. Orange just shook his head when Tick followed behind TK, he hoped that this wouldn't end with that Error going all over-protective Papa Monster on them. Gaz just sleepily blinked, dragging a still sleeping Cloud and Peace behind him as he walked into the kitchen. He was too tired for this crap this early in the morning. Cherry just twitched, before shuffling after Orange to go sit down at the kitchen table.
"Well....We'll know if anything bad happens when we hear screaming..." Orange muttered sarcastically to Cherry. Cherry chuckled, knowing that TK and Tick were not the best people to send together. Ink must have figured that out to by his worried face.
Quickly pointing to a out of it Killer, Ink ordered him to go after them. "They might need a adult. And I remember Error not fearing you, or at least not caring that you were there....He might actually come down if you ask." 'Although I'm worried on why he wouldn't fear the more murderous ones....' Ink was not looking forward to finding out all the answers, he really wasn't.
"Uh....Fine..." Killer gave a chuckling Murder his two finger salute as he stumbled up out of his chair and out of the kitchen. "I hate playing babysitter."
"Um....Bruh?" Ink turned to Fresh with a raised brow. "Ya do know that ya just sent the most likely Sans that will try to stab our new bro....With two kids, one of which that is also unfreahly violent. All-in-all, ya just sent a ticking time bomb to pick up a very broken bomb that can go off." Fresh awkwardly cleared his throat. "Even Murder would have been better, he can hold back his hunger."
Murder just smirked, wiggling his fingers to Ink.
Ink's face paled. "Shit."
-With Error-
When Error heard muffled talking, a shirk, then a thud of someone falling - most likely on their face - all he did was close his sockets and almost convinced himself he was having hallucinations via poisoning by Nightmare again. But when the rapid banging on his door started, making the two asleep babybones on each of his side stir, he knew he that it was time to stop lying to himself.
It was only when the banging stopped, and muffled yelling and thuds sounded out did Error decide getting up was a good idea.
Getting up, making the kids whine and stir even more, he quickly went to the door and shoved it open, greeted with the sight of two little kids wrestling on the ground in front of him.
"TICK! I wanted to knock on the-"
"Ha! You should have been faster!"
"You B-rated horror-"
"You goody-little-"
Error just raised a eyebrow, leaned his head out to look around. Seeing Killer slowly making his way to them nearly made Error get ready for a fight, but as no knife was out yet, he held back that urge to start stringing them all up.
"aRE yOU DOnE yEt?" Error couldn't help but question, hearing the babybones in the room waking up from all the commotion. 'It took me hours for me to get them back to sleep!'
Error winced, he sounded like a single parent right there. 'Oh, if only Inky could see me now - or Nightmare and his gang! They would laugh me out of the AU! At least Nightmare wouldn't take the kids though....Inky would do that then kick me in my broken ribs.'
Both kids stopped, slowly turning to look up at Error, gulping. They both stumbled up, Tick trying to trip TK as they did so. When they finally were about to say something, Killer was right behind them, slapping them across their heads.
"HEY!" TK yelped, hands going to the back of his head. Tick just growled, yo-yo out and ready to hit Killer with. Said skeleton just scoffed and looked up to Error, who was just standing in the doorway blank faced.
"It's time for breakfast, we also want to talk about yesterday." Killer just smirked at Error's glare. "We think we figured out what is going on."
"anD THEsE TwO wERe fIGhtIng bEcaUSE?" Error grumbled, looking down at the two kids he was talking about.
"Um....I wanted..." TK mumbled, blush slowly covering his face as he stumbled for words to say.
Tick just shrugged, grin in place. "I wanted to annoy TK....And walk Null and Void down."
For some reason Error wanted to slam the door in Tick's face and lock the door, but he held himself back and just looked at him. "JuST wALk.....RiGHt?" By his tone, it wasn't really a question and more like a 'It better just be walking or else I will show you why I was called the Destroyer of Worlds.' promise.
"Yes." Okay, Error could admit this kid had balls with looking him straight in the face and answering him when others have literally shit themselves unable to do the same. He wasn't sure if he liked that or not.
"I WANTED TO SEE NULL!" TK suddenly yelled out, face glowing light blue and steaming coming off it, twitching violently. Error knew he had nothing to worry about with this one, if only for the fact he can see this one was acting like the Orginal!UT!Papyrus when Mettaton was involved. While he may not understand why he acts like that, or any reason really, he knows that he would never hurt Mettaton - so therefore this one will not hurt Null....Right?
"Wha.....?" Muffled groans and mumbles from behind Error alerted that the little ones were awake. Error opened the door wider for a moment, leaning out a bit further so that he could see farther better. Hearing footsteps, he saw Misery walking up to the room. A glint caught his eye, making he tense, jerking to attention, only to blink when he saw Killer just playing with his knife, not throwing it at him or going to stab him.
"Afraid I was gonna stab you?" Killer smirked, thinking that he finally saw fear for himself, only to freeze when Error snorted and shrugged, looking like he gave zero cares and no shits about getting stabbed or worse. "iT wOUlDn'T BE thE fIRsT TimE a DuST!SaNS dID thAT or WoRsE."
For the first time since coming up to the door, Killer took a good look at Error. In his short-sleeve shirt and baggy pants, he was able to see much more then Error's head. His arms were littered with scares, chips, bite marks, like someone chewed on his arms for hours, and stab marks. On is neck it looked like someone had tried to saw through the bone but failed. His hands looked like they have been broken too many times and just slapped back on, scared and chipped beyond anything. Even his toes were scared and cracked!
To be honest Error looked like he was a POW. Like he was tortured for years, it reminded Killer of the Demon in his own AU. And that made him want to go on another killing spree.
Seeing Killer starting to raise his knife threateningly, Misery nearly ran the rest of the way. Huffing, he put one hand on Killer's arm, making him sharply glare, but Misery didn't care. He did not want a fight of epic proportions here. Nudging the kids back, Misery gave Error a nod. "Are you read for breakfast?"
"NO. GivE mE a FeW mInuTES." Was all they got before the door was slammed in their faces. Misery blinked, before shrugging. 'Fair enough.'
"Now, Killer." Killer smiled as the grip on him grew tighter for a moment. "Do. Not. Stab. Error." Then the grip was gone. Killer just frowned at the other skeleton. "I wanna kill out look-a-likes....Or at least the others."
Sighing, glancing down at the excited, and confused kids right by him, Misery knew what Killer was feeling like. "I think all of us, besides the Time Kids feel the same."
Because if nothing else, he wanted to have a nice talk with them and treating others. He had a feeling if Error did sleep, Misery would get to see memories - horrifying ones - as nightmares. Sometimes being the keeper of nightmares for his Multiverse sucked.
All for jumped when the door was slammed open, with all three dressed like yesterday. Error in his scarf, trench coat, and bag across his shoulders. The kids in their dresses, hats, shoes, socks, and pearls in his arms. "lEt's GET thIS oVER wITh." Error jerked his head, showing that he would follow them.
Null blinked sleepily, Void yawning, before looking down at the other two kids over his Daddy's arms. Giving a smile and wave down at the two as they started to walk, he watched in confusion when TK turned colors and tripped. Tick laughed and waved right back, not even stopping to help TK up. TK shot back up, face sweating, and nearly fell again as he ran to catch up with the others. "Hey! Wait up!"
'Kids are weird.' Error decided. He will never understand them. 'But....I really don't understand anyone....Everyone is weird here.' At least he will find out why that is soon.
-In The Kitchen-
"Oh!" Ink gasped at seeing the seven walk in. "Your just in time! I set up your plates while you were gone."
Error just stood in the door way while the others went off to their seats. Seeing that Error had no idea where to sit, Echo got up and took out the seat at the head of the table. "Here you are."
Now, Error really shouldn't feel so paranoid about Echo being a gentlemonster, but the fact is that he has very good reasons to be. The Virus has pulled this game before when he decided it was time to play with him. One time he pulled the chair just as he was going to sit, another he put something on the chair - such as a whoopee cushion or even glass - just before he sits down. One time he even put a, what he called, 'Fresh Bomb' under the chair. It took days for the colors and smells to go completely away! Error still shivers when he thinks about it, it was worse then when the Virus got his hands on a chemical that could burn bones and decided to throw it into his face for giggles.
So before sitting, Error looked the chair up and down, and kept his eyes on Echo to make sure he tried nothing funny as he sat down, putting Null and Void in his lap. Only when Echo finished pushing him in and was sitting back in his own seat did Error relax.
As soon as he was close enough, Void reached out and grabbed a biscuit. "Mmmm~" Luckily it was too big for him to choke on - as it wouldn't fit in his mouth and took two hands to hold - so Error just let him chew on it. Null just looked at all the plates of food in awe, never having seen so much in one place. Error was just trying to find out what was what, all he was sure was that the whitish yellow things on his plate were eggs.
Seeing that all Error was going to do was feed his kids and none to himself, and having been warned by Ink and Skull that this would most likely happen like it did in Skull's AU, they tried to start eating while trying to see who will break the silence first.
After a few moments, Death decided enough was enough. There was no point in dragging this out, the darker one needed to know what was going on and what they found out. And if no one was going to do it, then might as well let Death handle it.
"We CHECKED your SOUL yesterday." Many flinched at Death's blunt statement. Error just gave a nod, knowing this. Orbit was debating on if he should start hauling the kids out now or not. 'If this turns out worse then yesterday...' Orbit gulped, sharing a glance with a very nervous Red. 'Then I don't think the house will still be standing by the end of it!'
"The wording told us what we needed to know." Error frowned, trying to think about what it could have said as he fed Null more off his plate. Void finally making a small dent in his biscuit. "It said you are the destroyer, helping keep the balance and formed by Fate in your Multiverse."
"...iS tHis GoINg tO bE A pRobLEm?" Error noticed the emphases on 'yours', but he had bigger problems to worry a about. Like them knowing he has killed too many worlds, people, Monsters alike to count. He needed to know if they were planing to get violent with the two still in his hold.
"No." Death was going to keep this simple for now, they could get more details later when this shit storm passes. "What you need to know that this is not your Multiverse Fate-Formed and Destiny-Touched."
'Destiny-Touched!? I've never been touched by Destiny-!' Error choked. Remembering the warm, loving touch as he was slightly scattered, before being put back together. Only a higher being can do such a thing, but why?! Error aimed to finally die, to finally have peace!
Null and Void both started patting Error's arm's and chest, and that is the only reason that he hasn't flipped the table. "i JumPEd INtO tHE vOID TO bE scATTerED, To dIE! BuT THEN deSTiNY jUSt deCIDeS tO scREW mE oVER LIKe FAtE!" Error clawed at the table, leaving marks. "I'Ve TRiEd EVeRyTHInG; DroWNING, eleCTroCutioN, HanGING, aND EvEN reAPer cOUlDN'T DO anYTHiNG alONG wITh ThE oTHEr'S! noW eVEn tHE oNE suRE fiRE wAY To DiE haS fAILD!" Error was honestly feeling a bit cheated and so much annoyed. 'Am I just a plaything for all those above us?! Is my pain funny to them?!'
'Pain does horrible things to another.' Misery paled, hearing Hearts gag on his breakfast. 'It can make one want to die so bad they can't see anything else as a positive.'
This was all the proof Death needed, he could touch Error and he would not die. But to see the other want everlasting death threw him for a loop. 'Man, Life is not going to believe this.'
Scratch that, she'll believe it then go on to send War - RT!Undyne - on those that hurt Error so bad, or better yet, go do it herself and make them wish for him to come and reap their SOULS. Life can hurt others, just not kill them. And sometimes living through the pain is worse. Error makes a fine example of that.
Then two horrible thoughts hit Error. One, they could be lying, or two, he was going to be forced to be the other half of the balance in this new Multiverse.
Shooting up, Error plopped Null and Void onto the ground. He didn't even notice when they latched onto his legs, all he focused on was getting answers. Ignoring the way everyone was flinching at his sudden movements, Error made a portal to UnderTale's Code.
Daze gave a gasp at seeing all the numbers flashing in the dark portal. No one was able to see the AU's code even if they know it was there, it was not their job to. The AU does it all on it's own. But to know that this happens in the other Multiverse, that others can mess with it if they want to, makes Daze shiver. 'That has the makings of a war.'
The numbers were wrong. But stable, so stable in fact that Error could actually mess with it and it would fix itself. Waving a hand, he was hit with a idea. "FErALtALe." Nothing, just a blank portal. That means the AU is gone.....Or doesn't exist. Feeling panic building up, Error went on. "DaNCeFEll." Nothing. "DanCESWaP." Nothing. "FrUItTalE." Nothing. "SuGArTAlE." Nothing. "AlTERtAlE." Nothing. "BeAStTALE." Nothing. "X-TalE." Nothing. "POkETAlE...?" Nothing. "ChEsSTaLE?" Feeling a bit desperate, Error said a few more random ones. "BittyTALE?!" Nothing. "GaSTErtALE?!" Nothing.
Oh God, with a shaky hand Error asked for one more AU. "UnDERnOvELA...?"
Hop straightened when he heard the AU's that had 'Dance' them, making a face at the thought of Red or Blueberry doing his or his brothers dance moves. Blue and Honey were just in awe about how many times they can be so different if one thing was changed. Ink wanted to know just how many AU's his counterpart can create, and where he came up with the idea. Red shivered, wondering how many of those AU's are shit holes like his. Maple and Skull felt...Off, with how many AU's there are. Just how many of them has hurt Error or worse?! Echo sighed, putting his head in his hands, pushing away his food. He wasn't hungry right now, and he could tell Hearts felt the same as he shoved his food away, face turning a off color. Killer and Murder glanced to one another and nodded once. Misery was blankly looking ahead while Daze just watched Error in sadness. Death's sad frown grew all them more. Fresh's fork was snapped in half, and Orbit was trying to distract the other kids, who were wide eyed at what Error was saying and doing.
Hearing all those names really hit home just how many AU's there could be, how many counterparts they could have. It also made them picture the ones that Error had to get rid of, how many lives he had to take because he had no choice to do it. Death would even bet Error's numbers are just as high, or even higher, then his own.
'To think that someone could have made so many different worlds....And for what?' Ink frowned, trying to understand his counterpart. 'Why does he make so many? What is the point in driving Error to destroy? Is there even a point? Or just because he thinks he is above the consequences?'
"i CaN'T EvEN diE rIGhT!" Error's hand slapped the portal, making it go away. "i mAY bE FReE fOR NOW...But FOR hOW lONG UNtIL FaTE fiNDS mE.....DeATH wOULD bE MORe pERmAnEt!"
Slowly sinking to his knees, he didn't notice the others looking at each other in worry. "i WaNTEd TO bE FrEE, BUt aT THE pRicE oF mY liFE....WHaT wIll THE pRicE oF tHIS be? WhAT DO i EvEN dO NOw WiThOuT mY...JoB?"
And in the end he couldn't even watch his favorite AU, what was he going to do with himself now?! Error thought dying was supposed to be simple! But apparently he can't have what he wants!
"Daddy?" Error took in a deep breath before looking down to see Null and Void staring up at him wide eyed. Looking around, he can see everyone looking at him wide eyed, the Time kids the worse of them all. 'I hope I didn't scare them for life....Another thing to add to my list of fuck ups.' Sighing Error just slumped.
"YeS, NULl?"
Null gave a full grin up to him, Void following right after. "Do you need more kisses to make the boo boos better?"
-Original Multiverse-
"What do you mean you haven't seen Error?!" Nightmare demanded, annoyed and frustrated.
They all sat in his dark AU, trying to find out just what is going on in the Multiverse. Seeing Inky and Dream so happy - yet Inky also acting very funny - did not mean good news for them. So Nightmare had sent out his gang to find out information on this. Nightmare also figured he might as well ask Error, but he apparently he's gone MIA.
Slayer - Killer!Sans - shrugged, frowning a bit. "I mean that I haven't seen him for days, and no AU's have been destroyed."
"Inky has been going on a creative streak lately..." Horror muttered. "He has created over a dozen new AU's just in the last few days."
"Where's Cross?" Nightmare asked them, seeing that one of them was missing. "Has he gone missing too?" 'Just what is going on?!'
"No, he went out to spy on the others." Dust answered, fingering his knife with a glazed look in his eyes. "Figured he could get more answers that way."
"...This isn't like Error to just go....Not with the balance in place..." Nightmare could already see the balance tipping even if the others were too blind to see it. For some reason the AU's - or most of them anyway - Sanses and Papyruses were celebrating something, and that worried Nightmare. In fact, some of their brothers had no idea either when Nightmare looked more closely out of the portals. 'Is it a secret then?..But why-?!'
Jolting, everyone turned to see Cross panting and sweating, looking he had ran a mile on high speed.
"Cross?! What is the meaning of-" Nightmare snarled, only for it to drop in shock and horror when Cross finally looked up, horrified shock all over his face.
"I-I heard Inky and Dream talking about how they killed Error!" Cross choked out, feeling numb at what he found out via spying. Weapons clattered to the ground, no one able to even breath. "T-That's impossible right?!"
-End Chapter-
The OM is finally getting information, and soon Inky and the others will learn the truth about Error, about what they did wrong. But that will take a while for them to find Error.
It is safe to say that Nightmare and his group are not going to be happy about Error being gone. Later on we will get some of their memories and thoughts about Error.
Error doesn't know how to feel about being in a new Multiverse. On one hand, he is free from Fate, Inky, the Balance, ect. But he also wants to know the price, how long until Fate drags him back, and what this means for this new and his old Multiverse now that he is here. Never mind the fact he honestly is just confused about Destiny and their reasons. He will eventually feel better about it all, and feel free, but that is going to take a while as it is a process, all healing is.
In the next chapter, we get some Error, Null, and Void fluff. Error also gets some one-on-one time with some of the others. Then they have to figure out just who they are going to get Error to agree to see a healer. Because lets be honest, he needs that the most right now.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 5 – Call Me, Beep Me
In which Neil is introduced to the wonders of modern technology, the battle against heteronormativity continues, Andreil have An Interaction™ and Nicky finally reclaims his status as best person alive.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
We start this chapter off with Neil recapping how he’s super broke, which is already the most fucking relatable thing.
“Broke” here meaning “I am in possession of half a million dollars, however I’ll need it for my entire sad runaway life so I can’t spend it on anything fancy”, not “I’m a poor intern who’s getting paid below minimum wage”, obviously.
The reason we’re evaluating Neil’s financial status is because some unexpected expenses have come up in his life that he is ruthlessly and cruelly forced to :
He’s going shopping with Nicky.
Well, technically the rest of the monsters are there too, but let’s be real, Nicky is the driving force of Operation Let’s Get Neil Into Some Decent Nice Clothes, And Hopefully Also Laid.
The reason they’re venturing into the scary, hostile territory of an American mall is, of course, the fast approach of one particular banquet.
           “I could just not go,”  Neil said.
           “Shut up. You’re going,” Kevin said, like he wasn’t dreading this himself. All fourteen southern Class I teams would be in attendance, and that included Edgar Allan’s Ravens.
Oh, yes. Fun times with That Fucker™ himself. Have I mentioned I’m really, really looking forward to this thing?
           It was a short list of names and numbers in bubbly blue print. Nicky leaned over and made a dismissive noise. “Seriously, Aaron?”
           “Dan asked me to get a list from Katelyn,” Aaron said.
           “Who are these people?” Neil asked.
           “They’re the single Vixens.”
           “They’re all women,” Nicky said. “That doesn’t help us.”
Nicky saying ‘Fuck you’ to heteronormativity will always be my favourite thing <3
Although, as funny as it is, Neil has repeatedly told him he’s not gay. And while I totally understand the frustration of someone insisting they’re not queer while your gaydar shouts otherwise, can Nicky be a little less pushy about it, maybe?
Just a thought.
           “Stop being a bad influence,” Kevin told Nicky. “I am going to make him Court. It’ll be easier if he remains heterosexual. You know more than any of us how prejudiced people can be.”
Guys, he is literally right there.
Neil thinks so too:
           “We aren’t really having this conversation,” Neil said.
           Nicky clapped his hands to either side of Neil’s head as if trying to shield Neil from their argument. It didn’t really work, as he missed Neil’s ears completely.
Bahahaha. I actually had to laugh out at that mental image.
           “Come on, Kevin. Even you have to admit this is really weird.”
           Andrew threw his hands up. “Newsflash, Nicky: Neil isn’t normal!”
           “This is beyond abnormal.”
           “I am standing right here,” Neil said, “and I can hear you.”
You tell ‘em, Neil.
Nicky, has someone explained the concept of demi/asexuality to you? Like, ever?
Deep sigh. Will I have to do it, or does someone enlighten this boy before the series is over?
(Don’t tell me. I want to continue giving sarcastic running commentary to his running commentary on Neil’s sexuality.)
On a more serious note: The subject of Allison is brought up once again.
           “I won’t bring her,” Kevin said, because someone had to break the quiet. “You might have brought Riko’s wrath down on the striker line, but I’m the reason he’s in the south in the first place. Neither of us has the right to speak to Allison now.”
Is that……. Kevin being….. human…….. with a basic scrap of…….. compassion………?
           “I know Riko was behind this. I know what people like him are like. Be glad you’ll never understand the way they think.”
           Any other time, Neil would be relieved to hear such words from Kevin. It meant Andrew hadn’t told Kevin the truth about Neil’s past and that Kevin had yet to recognize him.
Yeah, and I’m still unsure on whether I’m buying that whole ‘Kevin doesn’t recognize Neil’ act.
Like. It still doesn’t make sense to me that you could play hours and hours of little league, not to mention watch a guy get legit murdered with this kid, and be fooled with a bit of hair dye and some contacts? Unless puberty did Neil Josten really, really well, I’m calling bullshit.
On the other hand, that comment did sound genuine and y’know, it would support that even the mighty Kevin Day’s brain makes a mistake or two sometimes.
On the other other hand, the mighty Kevin Day is an excellent actor, trained by years in front of cameras, who could drop comments like these and sound like he’s being entirely 100% genuine.
On the other other other hand, why pretend to not know Neil? Maybe not in front of the rest of the team, alright, but if it’s just the two alone? Why ignore their important shared history?
My brain hurts. I need to stop going in circles over this. All in due time, Nicki.
This is for real one of the questions I’m most excited to have answered by the end of this series.
           Neil looked at the massive bundle of clothes in Nicky’s arms. (…)
           “I have good taste in clothes, right? If you want to try them on you can, but you don’t have to. I know they’ll fit.”
           “Why would I want to try them on?”
           “Oh, because these are yours.”
Can I have my own personal Nicky who takes me to the nearest Topshop and picks out bomb ass outfits for me??? Please and thank you.
Neil, however, is an ungrateful fashion grouch, not thanking Nicky with one word as he obviously does not understand what a service to everyone’s eyeballs Nicky has probably just done.
However, all that fashion banter pales against what happens next – which is where the chapter gets really good.
           “What is that dinosaur?” Nicky asked, dismayed. “No one put money on a flip phone, Andrew. You just ruined a really good pot.”
           Neil idly wondered if there was anything his teammates wouldn’t bet on.
Oh my GOD. You bet on what sort of phone Andrew had? I love this team so, so much.
Wait. Shouldn’t they know his phone? Why are they betting on that.
Wait. It’s not his, is it.
           “You couldn’t even have found him a qwerty?”
           “What for?” Andrew finished what he was doing, snapped the phone shut, and tossed it at Neil. (…) “Who is Neil going to text?” (…)
           “What.” Neil couldn’t even make it a question.
I am loving the FUCK out of this.
Neil, however, is not.
           He didn’t think a small thing like this could hurt so much, but the grief that punched through him left him in pieces. (…) Every time they moved they got new cell phones, prepaid burners they could ditch at the first hint of trouble. He’d wanted to keep hers. (…) He’d thrown them into the waves before leaving the beach.
Today’s Casually Mentioned, Yet Heartbreakingly Sad Neil Fact is: This.
           He’d never gotten a new one for himself. He’d never seen a point; Neil had no one in the world he could call.
Excuse me while I quickly drown in my own tears.
And although Nicky tries to calmly and gently reason with him (“That’s our just-in-case. You’ll make us all feel better if we know we can find you”, brb crying), Neil refuses to accept the damn phone.
That is, until, of course, until #bestboy Andrew shows up with it at their Late Night Kandreil Training Sesh™.
           Andrew took his phone out of his pocket and set it down beside Neil’s. His was black but otherwise seemed to be the same model.
Do I get emotional over the fact that they have matching phones? Maybe.
Is it totally ridiculous as Andrew probably just bought him what he knew worked? Probably.
Will that stop me? Absolutely fucking not.
           He flicked both open and pressed a couple buttons. A few seconds later Andrew’s phone started to ring. Neil expected a generic ringtone, but a man started singing. It didn’t sound like something Andrew would assign to his phone until Neil listened to the lyrics. It was a song about runaways.
Andrew, you wonderful little shit. <3
Also, that song either Run Boy Run by Woodkid or Ghost Towns by Radical Face and no other headcanons shall be accepted.
(I’m totally kidding. PLEASE do send in any other ideas you have, my TFC playlist still needs filling.)
Andrew bugs him about the phone thing (needing to watch his boy’s back and what have you <3), Neil dishes out some BS about how he used to keep the phone his dead parents gave him in hopes they would miraculously call again, bla bla.
Andrew is not taking that bullshit and supplies us with some sassy times instead.
           “Who am I supposed to call?” [Neil said.]
           “Nicky, Coach, the suicide hotline, I don’t care.”
           “I’m remembering why I don’t like you.”
           “I’m surprised you even forgot in the first place.”
           “Maybe I didn’t.”
What a comeback, bro. This is weak af coming from a guy who tore down Riko on national TV, just sayin.
           “There has to be a better way.”
           “You could occasionally grow a spine,” Andrew suggested. “I know it’s a difficult concept for someone whose kneejerk reaction is to run away at the first sign of trouble, but try it sometime. You might actually like it.”
    ��      “What I’d like is to put this phone through your teeth.”
           “See, that’s more interesting.”
           “I’m not here for you entertainment,” Neil said.
           “But, as expected, you are talented enough to multitask.”
I’m loving this so, so damn much. Andrew is destroying your ass with these comebacks, Neil, and I’m on the back waving a styrofoam finger, hollering at everything he says.
I would like to also add that Andrew is entirely sober for these interactions. This is pure, undiluted Minyard sass.
And as always – never a one-on-one Andreil Interaction™ without some feels at the end:
           “I don’t care if you use this phone tomorrow. I don’t care if you never use it again. But you are going to keep it on you because one day you might need it..” Andrew put a finger to the underside of Neil’s chin and forced Neil’s head up until they were looking at each other.
Hombre…………………….….. das v gay.
           “One day you’re not going to run. You’re going to think about what I promised you and you’re going to make the call. Tell me you understand.”
           Neil’s voice had left him, but he managed a nod.
:’)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I’m fine I’m fine leave me here to fucking p e r i s h.
Neil takes this brief honesty hour to try and get back on that weird call from the Oakland PD Andrew got at the start of the book, however that ends honesty hour because Andrew just brushes him off:
           “Children’s Services is opening an investigation into one of my foster fathers. Pig Higgins knew I lived with them, so he called me for testimony. (…) Richard Spear is an uninteresting but relatively harmless human being. They won’t find anything to pin on him.”
Bull-fucking-shit. No way. That was much too shocked a reaction for a little thing like that.
Whatever. All in due time, all in due time.
Onto better and funnier subjects: This is the wonderful, wonderful point where our favourite hobo is finally introduced to the wonders of modern technology.
           By the time Neil made it to the athletes’ dining hall for lunch he had twenty messages. Most of them were from Nicky, idle comments about nothing in particular.
Nicky <33333
Also twenty messages, that is hilarious if you consider that Neil jumps out of his skin like an anxious baby rabbit with an orange bandana every time his phone goes off.
           Neil didn’t know what to make of it. The Foxes spent seven hours together at practices every day and roomed with each other at Fox Tower. How they had anything left to say to each other was beyond him.
It’s called having friends, dude, you should try it some time.
           He wanted to turn the messaging off somehow or tell them this wasn’t why he had a phone. Phones were for emergencies, not running commentary on a teacher’s boring lecture.
Tumblr media
Nicky continues to spam him with texts the next few days, which, honestly, big mood.
If I like you, especially if our friendship is just being newly established, I will fucking blow up your phone with wholesome memes and weird 3am thoughts. Watch me.
This tactic has made some good ass friendships though, so no regrets.
However, for Nicky it’s not just all fun and friendship-making:
           Halfway through [Nicky’s] rant about a current class project Neil’s phone hummed. Neil answered without thinking. It was a smiley face from Nicky. Neil looked up at Nicky, not understanding.
           “See?” Nicky sounded pleased. “That’s much better. That’s how a normal human being looks when they check their phone, Neil.”
Dude. Did you just………….. blow up his phone all week………… just to make sure he’s comfortable using it…………………. I CRY???????
           “Question,” Nicky said. “If I hadn’t been bothering you would you have touched that phone at all this week?” (…)
           “Question again: Do you honestly think you’d have used it if you had an emergency?”
           “Anyway, you’re welcome. I just saved you at least two hundred dollars in intensive therapy.”
MY DUDE <33333333333
Nicky is a wonderful person, Neil knows what an emoji is, all is good in the world again.
Next chapter: Fun banquet times! Sass! Shade! Fashion! And from all I know, possibly murder yet again! Stay tuned!
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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odderancyart · 7 years
”The snowstorm is only getting worse, and the entrance to Snowdin has long since been snowed over. There is now no way of leaving or entering the town. Not even the King’s fire magic was enough to affect it. There is no way of getting food and other necessities into Snowdin and the workers at the Core believes it a possibility that they will loose electricity if it keeps raging. The situation will soon be critical if it does not stop snowing within the next few days.”
Half of Snowdin was huddled together in Grillby’s, savouring the warmth the bartender gave them and watching the news in frightened uncertainty. The snow storm had been raging for days and they all had to dig their way out of their houses every morning – multiple times a day if they wanted to leave, even. Everyone was scared; food transports were blocked and the food would soon run out, if electricity disappeared they would have no other warmth than fire and they would soon get isolated even from each other. For now, Grillby’s was the safest place in town as he had the largest food supplies and did not need electricity for warmth or light.
The denizens of the small town watched the news monster with faces full with dread. It was the worst storm in hundreds of years, and they had no idea when it would stop raging. And if they really run out on food and lost power many risked to dust, especially the children.
”DO WE HAVE ANY IDEA WHEN THE STORM WILL END?” Papyrus was sitting next to his brother, by the bar. He wringled his hands together. He knew the two of them probably would manage; they had lived on little food before and weren’t really affected by the cold, but the fear was still there. Especially for Sans with his low HP.
”i’m ’fraid not, pap.” Sans replied, grabbing his jacket for comfort. ”with the strenght of it, and no signs of it calming down, it could be weeks. even months.”
The last part was said quietly, but most heard it anyway. Nathan the Wolf clutched his daughter closer to his chest, and a couple monsters looked close to tears.
The snow flying by outside the windows made everything feel slightly unreal, and their voices felt hushed despite them speaking normally. It was like they had been transported to another world.
”… I would give you all hot chocolate but we need to save our resources.” Grillby spoke for once, probably wanting to calm everyone down but unable to.
”THANKS, GRILLBY.” Papyrus tried to hold up a brave front, but his voice wavered a little. ”BUT I THINK IT’S TIME TO GO HOME. COME ON, BROTHER.” He picked his brother up, and Sans immediately fell asleep. It was practically a conditioned response by now. In Papyrus’ arms he slept, because there he was safe.
Their fellow monsters muttered agreements, and most went out in the storm to get home to theirs.
It was hell. The snow whipped Papyrus’ face so hard it hurt, and the wind was enough to lift a bunny child from the ground. He quickly caught it with blue magic, and their mother sent him a silent thanks. It was lucky he was carrying his brother, because otherwise the smaller skeleton would likely have drowned in the snow. He himself had trouble getting through it, and he was almost two meters tall.
Wrestling the front door open was a task in itself, but eventually he managed to get it open enough to get in and close it once again. The door mat now held a layer of snow. He should clean it up, but he didn’t actually have the energy to do it. He’d fix that later, once it was water instead.
He put Sans on the couch before sinking down himself, exhausted.
Sans soon woke up again now when he no longer was being held, and his soul almost broke at seeing the tired and worried look on Papyrus’ face. It was not odd, though. They had already been cut off from the rest of the Underground for two weeks. He sighed as he looked out the window. No signs of it getting better. Sans moved closer to his brother, hugging him with one arm.
”don’t worry, papyrus.” He told him, trying to look reassuring. ”we’ll get through this. everyone’ll get through this. i can still take shortcuts, so at least food won’t run out. if it gets bad i’ll get it, okay? we’ll get through this.”
Papyrus sighed as well, but nodded, forcing a smile. He had to believe it.
There had now been four weeks since the entrance to Waterfall was barricaded by the snow. Electricity had disappeared yesterday. The monsters who were strong and courageous enough braved the weather and cut down the town’s firs to get wood so they could all warm up their houses, but otherwise no one left their houses other than for going to Grillby’s – for news, company and food as they all had agreed that the bar was the right place to keep their resources. Also for the warmth. The fire elemental was glowing brighter than ever in an effort to keep his bar in a comfortable temperature despite the weather. Everyone appreciated it, especially as they knew it took a toll on him. Grillby got more and more tired every day, but did not stop even when they told him to.
A thank you was muttered by Tom, the librarian, as he recieved his family’s bi-weekly ration of food from the bartender and Hanna, the inn-keeper, who helped him. Sans watched as it was their turn and Papyrus went to get their food. He held no doubt that he would be forced to eat the majority of it, just like he had forced Pap to eat the majority of their food when they were babybones. His brother was very careful with his fragile health, after all.
If things got much worse he would stop to care about keeping his shortcuts secret. He would teleport Papyrus the heck out of here. Perhaps they could move in with Undyne for a while – she certainly owed them that for all the times she had crashed on their couch when her house was burning down. He could also get out a couple other Snowdin residents, but his magic would not be enough to teleport everybody. He supposed he’d start with the children.
Two days ago Undyne had called. She had called at least once a week to check up on them – mostly on Papyrus, but on him too, and also the rest of Snowdin – and to make sure they were okay. He held no doubt she would be frantic now when there was no power, no signal, no way of reaching them. Nothing to do but hope for the best. He could teleport out to get food when it was starting to run out, but no one but Papyrus and Asgore knew of his teleporting so he could not meet up with her and tell her they were fine. Especially since they were not fine. They could not get sick of cold, per se, but they did most definitely feel it. It found its way deep into their bones, making them feel like they never would be warm again. The food was slowly running out and everyone despaired.
They had taken to sleeping in the same bed, to hope preserve some body warmth. Not that skeletons had much body warmth to begin with, but anything to get a little more comfortable. He knew everyone in the town did the same. They were all basking in the warmth of the bar, for once feeling themselves relax relatively much, but they could not stay. Everyone could not fit, and Grillby would not be able to keep the heat up for such long whiles.
”SANS, THE RATIONS ARE GETTING SMALLER.” Papyrus’ voice woke him up from his train of thought. He nodded.
”i… i’ll figure somethin’ out, bro.” He spoke quiet so only his brother would hear. It wasn’t hard with the storm howling outside, drowning out most of the quieter sounds. ”i’ll shortcut to new home later to ask the king for food, ’kay?”
Grillby hadn’t asked where the food had come from, had simply given him a look that wasn’t quite as worried as earlier and gotten to put everything in it’s rightful places.
Sans was grateful for the little things.
The snowing was getting lighter. They had all been gathered at Grillby’s again when Björn, the bear who thought about running for mayor, commented that ”didn’t it look like there was less snow?” and everyone had rushed to the windows to watch. They had been able to confirm that, yes, indeed was there less snow falling than it had been yesterday. After two months of raging snowstorm, the snowing seemed to be stopping.
No one had dared to say as much, because what if there was just a temporary thing and it would get worse again, but by the next day it had almost stopped entirely. Everyone was celebrating, even though they still had to ration the food as they did not know how long it would take for the snow to melt.
Then, a week later when Sans had moved back to his own room, the skeleton brothers woke to the sound of their door slamming down. Sans hurried out of bed, but apparently not quick enough because the next thing he heard was:
He had to laugh in relief. Undyne. Undyne was here. That meant the entrance to Waterfall was open.
”Don’t you dare frighten me like that again!” The captain of the Royal Guard’s voice came. ”I was so worried, Papyrus!”
Slowly making his way to his brother’s room the sight that met him almost had him coo. Papyrus was swept up in Undyne’s arms, completely off the ground, as she hugged him tightly. It was lucky Pap was such a tough and cool guy, most would’ve not been able to handle her grip on him. As she saw him she let go of him, and before Sans could react he was up in the air as well.
”Sans!” Undyne did not like him nearly as much as she liked his brother – which he could not fault her for, anyone who liked him more than Papyrusmust be mad, his brother was the coolest – but they were kind-of-friends, bonding over their jobs within the kingdom’s Justice and Papyrus. So he got his share of her relief as well.
”undyne,” he wheezed. ”can’t breathe.”
”Oops,” she chuckled and put him down. ”You mollycoddle.”
Together they went out in the snow, Undyne carefully wrapped in multiple layers of clothes as she could not stand the cold, and both brothers couldn’t help but smile as they watched all the activity. Snowdin was filled with guards and emergency workers, with food, warmth, clothes and everything else the people of the town could need. Engineers and technicians were everywhere as well, working on getting the power back on. The streets of Snowdin were once again filled with outsiders and townspeople who talked, helped each other or got help and children who played.
It was beautiful.
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