#bnha dating sim
plush-rabbit · 1 year
Selfish Moments
Summary: I wanted to write something soft and this has been in the docs for a while, so here it is!! 
Characters: Dabi and Shigaraki 
Word Count: 1.4K each -
It's become a routine for him to invade your home and make a mess of things. To have dirt and grime in the shape of his shoe stain the floor, to have picture frames bumped and knocked over when he stumbles into a room. It’s become addictive with the way that you allow him to do this, smiling softly and setting him down on the couch. And you clean him; you dab a white towel that has turned dirty with blood and ash. And when you smile and touch his face, wiping away at the dried blood that streaks down and falls to the floor, you lean over, and you kiss him sweetly. You tell him that he’s making a mess of things, and kiss his lips again, hands clutching at his shirt, desperate to keep him here, and he’s reminded how vile he is for having invaded your life. 
You’ve reminded him countless times how he’s always welcomed in your home, how you’ll have  a meal ready for him, warm and ready, made to perfection. You’ll shower him in love and care, in tenderness he’s only ever known in memories, and he’ll wonder if he could ever do the same for you. 
A part of him wants to. He wants to return the tenderness, the comfort and care that you’ve given him. He wants to be without debt, without having to lay awake and wish that he would have kissed you more, would have kissed you again and again if it meant that he didn’t have to guilt bleed through his lips and have his body aflame in wishing and wanting.
He doesn't need to hear you say an "I love you", doesn't even need for any words to be said out loud or whispered when he's asleep. He just wants to know that you do. And in these soft moments, when he's sitting on your couch, the smell of smoke and cheap cologne seeping into the fabric of your couch, he can pretend that you do. That you feel the same way that he feels for you. 
Loving you comes so easy to him. It's nice, and warm. It's welcoming, and it's you cleaning him up and making him a space in your home. It's him ruining you. It's him leaving scorched handprints on random pieces of furniture. Stealing hair ties and scarves. Leaving shirts for you to wash and for him to return to, his scent gone and replaced by yours. 
"Dabi." He can feel his heart race when you call his name. 
If you were to call him anything else, he thinks he would combust, explode into himself and scar you beyond belief. 
And yet, he wants to tell you to call him by his given name. He wants to know how that would sound, if it would sound as soft and adored as his chosen one does. And of course, he knows the answer. He knows that you’d cherish that name, that you’d whisper it to him, and never grow tired of it. If he were to tell you what his given name was, he’s positive that you’d hold it gently on your tongue, and you’d only tell it to him, and you’d never dare to whisper it anywhere else but in your room. 
He hums in response. His eyes haven’t left yours. 
"I asked if you wanted to spend the night." Your hands brush at the side of his head, pinching two fingers between a lock of hair and pulling at it, letting the soot fall to the floor. "It’s late and you look like you need sleep.”
His stomach churns at the thought of spending the night, twists and flips violently, and he hates how his heart sputters and jumps at the thought of sleeping in your bed. He wishes he could stare at you forever. He gives a crooked grin and stands up, watching as your hand falls and returns to you. "Lead the way," he says. 
You hand him clothes that are too pristine for him to wear. He knows that if he changed in front of you, he’d ruin it all, ruin your perception, ruin your floors, ruin the clothes that you’ve cared for. There’s no need for him to talk and explain himself as he walks into the bathroom and lets steam fog the mirror and he bites the insides of his cheeks when the water stings his back. He stands underneath it, watching the blood and grime swirl down the drain, gone forever, but the tile stays dirty, and he smells like milk and honey when he stands at the doorway, watching you read something.
It doesn’t take long for you to notice him, and when you do, you make space for him beside you.
In the night, through the blinds where moonlight comes in pieces, he watches you sleep. You've dropped all your defenses around him- there's no need for you to feel unsafe around him. And sometimes, he thinks that you're an idiot for that. Sometimes he wants to wrap his hands around your throat and have you wake up to him with blood painting at his cheeks and dripping onto you. He wants to be violent and bare his teeth at you, and spit fly when he yells. He wants you to cry and hate him. He wants all of the ugliness to show itself fully to you. 
But then you twitch and your hand finds his, even in slumber, you reach for him. And he hates himself for all he is is death and war. He wants to be soft. He wants to wake up in the morning with birds singing at the window sill, and the morning news muffled between the walls. He wants life to be with you where he doesn't have to part ways and sneak out through the window and be trapped in a box. He wants to lie down and kiss at your face and your hands and feel safe. He wants you to care for him, to ignore the blood on his hands.
He needs you to feel the same way- to want the same as he does.
“What are you thinking about?” You murmur with your eyes still closed and with sleep heavily laced into your words. 
“How’d you know I was awake?” He asks, desperate to keep his hand limp and not grip at you with ferocity.
“I can just tell.” A yawn interrupts your words, and you don’t speak again, but a light squeeze of your hand tells him that you’re waiting for his response.
He’s going to lie to you and even if you do know it’s a lie, you’re far too polite to confront him. “I was thinking about how I’m going to sneak out.” 
“You don’t have to,” you add. “You can spend the day and leave at night.” 
“Do you want me to stay?”
“I always want you to stay.” You say it without pausing, and it’s honest, and it makes him scowl. 
He hates how he needs to ask you if you want him to stay, and he hates it even more that you’ll never say no. “Okay,” he says without a fight. He hates himself for wanting your acceptance. You hum, and press yourself closer to him, your breathing soft and steady. “Only cause you’d twist my arm if I said no,” he adds, trying to save face, trying to ignore how tight his chest feels when you’re beside him.
When he's gone from your life, he needs you to cry. He needs to know that you sobbed and heaved and begged to be taken with him. He never wants you to heal from him. He wants to run you through the ground, leaving you too messed up for anyone else, the hole that he would leave too big and too great to ever be filled. He wants you to claw at the dirt and grass and beg for the world to swallow you whole- to search for a corpse that was never buried and never loved. 
All he wants is to sit at the table with you and share breakfast. He needs you to want and crave every part of him, the ugly and the wretched, the soft parts of him that only reveal themselves when you’ve turned a blind eye. 
Dabi is a tragedy at heart. It’s his birthright, the only one given to him.
Shigaraki Tomura:
The itching only stops for a moment. For a minute, he’s left without pain, left without having to claw at his neck and chest, the need and want to tear himself open, to rip out his skin and have his bones bare and bloody, can only disappear for so long. For a moment, he’s at peace, the nerves that have clawed and had bile pool under his tongue thinned and nothing more than a reminder of just moments ago. 
You’re on his lap, arms wrapped tight, and face hidden where his shoulder and neck meet. He can feel your breath, steady and warm, fan across him, and the only reason that he knows that you aren’t asleep, is because of the shapes that you trace over his forearm. 
Your fingertips are soft compared to his. 
He stares blankly into space, and he wants to speak. He wants to tell it all to you. All of his life, all of his day, all of thoughts; only if it meant that he could hear you speak to him, to know that you are real, and that he is loved. He thinks about the countless times that you were so eager to tell him anything and everything, and just knowing that it was him that had you seeing stars, made him eager and obsessive for you. He made you happy. You wanted to talk to him despite it all, despite who he is, and where he’s been.
He never wants to leave you. He never wants to move from this spot. He wishes that this moment would be forever still. Tomura wishes that you would stay curled up in his lap for all of eternity, frozen in time, frozen and loved, and he’d be victimless, trapped beneath you, wanting to forever feel your warmth. 
His hand hurts. The part where his fingers used to ache in pain and he wonders how long it’ll last, and he wonders if he could do anything to make it hurt more until he’s gritting his teeth and biting his tongue. 
It’s worse than an itch, but it’s all the same. The desire to poke at it, to make himself bleed, but also the knowing that it wasn’t him who got rid of his own appendages. It made things difficult for a while, and when he’d catch you staring at him, he knew that there was pity in your eyes. You’d treat him as if he were glass. You’d hold his hand delicately, fingertips brushing just at the edge of the scarring, ghosting over the marred flesh that wrinkled, and you’d get lost in those simple motions. 
Tomura has been under your gaze before, peered through your lashes, watched and terraced by your hand as you studied him in a way that made him feel all too seen. He craved those moments, needed you to look at him, through him, to see how red his irises are, and trace his scars, letting your fingertip brush at his lashes. 
He remembers being unable to breathe during those times, stiff and unmoving, afraid that even the simplest gesture would have you retreat and never look at him again. 
But after his fight, you shifted your focus to his hand. You’d cradle it gently, and when he went to change the bandages, you offered to change them for him. He heard your breath hitch, felt your breath on the sensitive skin and when you kissed at the center of his palm, too worried that you’d injured him with a featherlight kiss, he felt his whole hand go aflame. 
As if reading his mind, you grab at his hand, and finally, you move, and life returns to the world, and he is aware that at some point, he’s going to have to leave, and he’ll be cold without you.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, running the pad of your index finger up and down his, tracing over the lines on his knuckles. 
There’s an ache in his chest, tight and unforgiving, and it makes it difficult to breathe. “I hate meetings,” he mumbles. The bile in his mouth makes it difficult to swallow.
You breathe out a laugh, and swipe your finger in a curve, your index now tracing over his middle finger. “I’m not too fond of them either,” you admit, and you’re looking up at him. 
When he looks down, he finds it difficult to stay looking at you, but he wills himself to. “Why do you stay then?” His voice is strained, and once again, he’s unable to breathe. 
“I like being with you,” you answer earnestly. You smile up at him, it’s a slow smile that slowly stretches and you look down at his hand for a brief second before looking back up at him. “You’re gonna be busy for a while, and I wanna get in as much time as I can with you.”
It’s difficult to keep looking at you after that statement. It’s enough to have his chest tighten and he looks away, turning his head to look at the door, wondering if someone will save him from this grief.
What you told him is true- he will be busy, and you sit around in boring meetings with people who you aren’t close to, to just be with him. All you want to do is spend time with him. It makes his chest hurt, and he’s unable to breathe, too aware of it to keep it normal, to make it seem like what you told him isn’t a big deal. 
“I want-” his voice cracks and he swallows whatever little spit he has- “I want to spend time with you too,” he says in a low whisper, unable to make it any bit louder. He’s positive that if he were to tell you this sentiment out loud then something bad would happen.
You return to hide your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around his, your hand sliding down to envelop his and he’s sure that that position couldn’t be comfortable, but even so, you stick with it, closing your eyes and keeping close to him.
His canines bite into the soft flesh behind his lips, and the pain isn’t nearly enough to have him distracted. The hand that you hold, that hand that has been through hell and ripped apart, burns, and the need to scratch and peel his skin grows great.
Even if he tries to keep himself composed around you, you know him. You know how he panics, and you kiss at his neck where his heart pumps and you can feel his pulse quicken, beat and pour blood and he’s sure that if it were possible, he’d gush blood out his body, leaking and staining your clothes and you’d hold him to your chest and coo nothing but soft words to him. 
He’d never hurt you. He’s made you cry and he’s apologized and kissed your tears and made broken promises that he would never dare to make you cry again. Of course, he’s still made you cry, and you still sought out comfort in him, pressing yourself against him, clinging and twisting his shirt in case he did just vanish into thin air. But, even so, he hopes that when you die, you are taken with him. You’re wrapped around him, clinging to him, stuck forever with him. He wants to take you to the grave, to keep you forever his. 
A part of him hopes that no matter what happens to him, that you would never move on. It’s selfish and cruel of him, but he wants it with his whole being. He could lie and tell you and wish to the stars that you’d end up with someone normal, with someone who can take you out, but he doesn’t want that. He wants you to sit in your room, holed up and blocking the outside, because you’d miss him too much. He wants you to never move on, that you’d grow out your hair because he touched it, and you could never part with his touch, not even with one that was so fleeting. He wants you to sob and wail over him, to bury yourself in grief. 
If the last thing he could ever do was to curse you with his own feelings, he’d do it. He’d do it a hundred times over, to know that at least you cared for him, that your feelings for him weren’t just temporary, but that they were forever, that they were permanent. 
Tomura hopes that you’d never want to move, that you’d have the same curse that you gave him. He hopes that when you think of him, it becomes harder to breathe and harder to want anything else but him.
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arlmy07 · 2 years
Random Anime Characters + Things My Friends Have Said
Aizawa: "I'm not built to 'have fun'."
Luffy: "I have long arms. Try me."
Saiki: "This is the dumbest conversation ever. I'm leaving."
Leon: "Haha sucks to suck."
Sugawara: "Stop taking everything so seriously. CaLm DoWn."
Sukuna: "Let's make a game where we like...kill people....But it's for fun..."
Miyamura: *narrating Hori's anger* "And behold there came from the heavens a torrent of blood and fire...in the form of a teenage girl."
Shinso: "My wifi died so I will too."
Zenitsu: *about Chuntaro* "You don’t know how much you’ve helped me. You don’t know much of anything, but that’s irrelevant. I love you little guy."
Oikawa: "Thank you, me, for being so wonderfully dramatic."
Isaac: "Before we get started, make sure you hit subscribe and smash that like button. 'Cause if you don't you could die. Like literally. Alright, who's ready to go collect souls?"
Ussop: *on being a pirate* "This is great and terrible at the same time..."
Hilda: "Oh don't worry, you won't get matched with anyone."
Bakugo: "That's only because we're not allowed to duke it out for the bigger serving..."
Eren: "Everyone is called to do something. Some...might be called...to take out the trash."
Sanji: "I have a picture in my wallet of just one person and it's a girl."
Sokka: "The point is that spaghetti raises the competition by like...100 percent."
Nendo: "Hey do you have your face?"
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candycandy00 · 1 year
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This is the Welcome Post and the Fanfic Masterlist!
Requests for full fanfics are closed indefinitely! Choose Your Own Price Commissions are currently open! See info about commissioning me here.
Requests for Headcanons are currently open!
Headcanons are just my opinions on things, like how I think the characters would react to certain things or how they would behave in certain situations. Examples: “How would Shigaraki react to his girlfriend naming her pet cat after him?” Or “How would the JJK guys behave if you dragged them to a Denny’s at 3am?”
About Me
I’m currently 39 😱 I’m obsessed with the color pink and I’m a country girl (born, raised, and currently live in the Appalachian mountains). I speak with a thick southern accent. I collect figures. I’m a huge nerd in every way. I love comic books (both manga and American comics), video games (mostly JRPG’s, Otome/Dating Sims, and Survival Horror), Star Wars, Kaiju/Tokusatsu, and all things Horror. I read a lot, mostly fantasy and horror. I grew up in a conservative religious household and I’m still trying to unlearn a lot of bullshit, so please bear with me.
I write for two fandoms currently: Boku no Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen. I might write for others at some point and I’ve written tons for other fandoms over the years. I also write original fiction. I would deeply appreciate any support (reblogs/comments/likes) for my original stuff because that’s where my true passion lies. I’m somewhat slow with posting updates to my fics but I promise I’m trying. I tag my x Reader fics with the x reader tag so that people who hate x reader can filter it out easily. I haven’t always done this so I’m in the process of going back and properly tagging everything.
I mostly post my writings here. It’s mostly fanfiction but there are some headcanons and opinionated rants here and there. I’m trying to go back and tag them all. You can look for the tags “Jjk headcanons” and “bnha headcanons” (that’s what I’ll be tagging them). Otherwise I mostly just reblog fanart and gif sets. I reblog fanfiction over on @candycandyreblogs. Consider it a curated library of excellent stories. Feel free to follow it! Every fanfic on there is amazing!
I’m always up for making friends! So feel free to message me and chat!
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Boku no Hero Academia:
Shigaraki, Dabi, Mr. Compress, Twice, Spinner, Hawks.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Sukuna, Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso.
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No minors, no animals, no scat/pee/vomit.
I’m fine with dark content/rape/horror/gore/etc. I can do NSFW or SFW. Please specify if it’s not clear in your request.
Please specify the gender of the Reader (any gender is fine, no gender is fine).
That’s it! Anon is always on!
Feel free to ask me questions, give me suggestions, or just chat!
Headers by @kuroov
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Just a list of the fics I've written so far so you can easily find what you'd like to read! If I've missed a fic or have a bad link or anything, please let me know!
All fics are arranged newest to oldest! All fics are 18+ and contain smut, as well as have Fem Readers, unless stated otherwise!
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Shigaraki x Reader
Shower Duty (Prison AU, Noncon/Dubcon)
Office Life (Gender Neutral Reader, Dub Con, Violent Fantasies)
The Scarecrow Walks at Night (Halloween fic, Shig as a Scarecrow)
Tentacle Tomura (Tentacles, Anal)
The Pirate and the Mermaid (AU) (Three Parts!)
Too Intense For you? (BDSM)
Reader Uses Mind Control Quirk on Shig
Dark Carnival Chapter 1 (Whips, Blood, Death)
Playing a Fighting Game - Loser has to Strip
Shy Reader Giving Shig a Christmas Present
Sitting on Shig's Lap While he Plays Games
Shig Corrupts Shy Hero's Sidekick Reader
Size Kink - Shig With Short Reader
Mommy Kink
Breath Play/Choking
Break Time (Reader is a Waitress with a Crush on Shig)
Dabi x Reader
Count Touya (Dabi as a Vampire, Bondage)
Waxwork (Dabi as a Vampire + Werewolf)
The Visitors (Post Ending, Touya in Prison) NO SMUT
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Four Parts!)
Dabi Under a Lust Quirk
Dabi with Innocent Nun Reader
Teasing that Leads to Rape/Non-Con
Trending Topics (Dabi Sees Reader's Pervy Tweets About Him)
Lazy Sex
Breeding Kink
Mr. Compress X Reader
The Experiment (Horror, Gore, Halloween Fic, Compress as a mad scientist)
Dark Carnival Chapter 2 (Blood, Gore, Death)
Mr. Compress x Reader With Bunny Quirk
Twice x Reader
Dark Carnival Chapter 3 (Horror, Blood, Gender Neutral Reader) (Three Parts!)
Non-X Reader
League of Villains Heroes (Set after the end of the manga, the League has split up and are in therapy, but a new threat turns them into reluctant heroes.) Multi-Chapter. NO SMUT. (In Progress!)
Unmerry Christmases (Platonic ShigaDabi) NO SMUT
AFO x All Might Aladdin AU Master/Slave Dub-Con
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Sukuna X Reader
The Maiden’s Voyage (AU, Sukuna as a pirate captain, Rape/Noncon, Rough Sex, Violence, Sukuna is a cruel monster) (In Progress!)
Father Sukuna’s Discipline (AU, Sukuna as a priest, spanking, rough sex, reader as a nun)
The Doll House (AU, BDSM, Erotic Torture, Needles, Clamps, etc.) (Four Parts!)
Breaking You (Rape/Noncon, Blood, Torture, Humiliation, Double Penetration)
Serve Me, Save Me (Reader is a Rape Victim who joins Sukuna’s Harem after he inadvertently saves her) (In Progress!)
The Offering (Dark, Dubcon, Blood, Rough) (Five Parts!)
Gojo x Reader
The Doll House (AU, Dubcon, Chubby Reader, Pet Play, Anal, Bullying) (Four Parts!)
In The Library (College AU, Gojo and Geto bully Reader, Rape, Dark)
Promotion (Power Dynamics, Reader wants Gojo to promote her to Grade 1)
Christmas Past (Fluff, Drabble, Gojo x Geto in flashback) NO SMUT
Pick Me Up (Gojo x Reader x Geto, Halloween fic, Serial Killer AU) (Five Parts!)
Human (Rape, Torture, Blood, Dark, Reader is a cursed spirit) (Two Parts!)
Little Miss Nobody (Plot, Rough Sex, Gojo is an asshole) (Three Parts!)
Geto x Reader
The Sweetest Torture (Mafia AU, Edging, Handcuffs)
In The Library (College AU, Gojo and Geto bully Reader, Rape, Dark)
The Doll House (Dubcon, Humiliation, Public Nudity, Dom/Sub Dynamics, AU) (Four Parts!)
Pick Me Up (Gojo x Reader x Geto, Halloween fic, Serial Killer AU) (Five Parts!)
Toji x Reader
Forest Guide (Toji as a Werewolf, Rape, Breeding)
His Favorite Target (Toji is hired to kill you)
The Doll House (AU, Size Difference, Age Difference, Cock Drunkenness, Use of Aphrodisiacs) (Four Parts!)
Nanami x Reader
The Stranger at the Bar (AU, Degradation, Size Difference)
The Doll House (AU, Daddy Kink, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Reader is afraid of men.) (Four Parts!)
Choso x Reader
The Doll House (AU, Dom!Reader, Sub Choso, Teasing, Collars, Pegging) (Four Parts!)
JJK Men as Pervy Mall Santas
Original X Reader
Roses in the Sky (Alien x Reader, Sci-Fi, Novel Length, Romance) (In Progress!)
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nyxronomicon · 5 months
ahh ok i got tagged by @consolationblog (like a month ago oops) and @peachsayshi RIP y'all forcing me to look at the ever growing WIP pile......
rules: post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
death painting womb || choso dating sim! featuring a band au and choso's band mates toji and sukuna assassin toji x widow reader || you've just killed your husband. except a sexy assassin just walked in to tell you he's supposed to do the same... roommate toji || sleazy craigslist roommate who gradually manipulates you into getting more physical with him... vampire toji || not really a WIP bc @pearlsxandxpeonies and i started a vampire jjk rp with it but i wouldn't mind posting some of it neighbor!toji || inspired by that day i was raking the yard and i was like "wow this would be great if i was actually getting fucked silly by toji instead" emo!Nanami || best friends to lovers. i wanted to make this multi chapter but i had too many ongoing series (and still do lol) nanami cucking gojo || i was gonna do a whole series bc gojo is such a cuck to me... seven minutes in heaven || just an excuse for Sukuna to get, uh, handsy... (if you know what i mean) CEO!Sukuna || drabble for a sukuna sugar daddy au... stepbrother choso || this is OLD and not usually my thing but damn if choso was my stepbrother... hatefucking || okay i admit it. i wrote hatefucking with gojo. i wanna punch his face with his cock inside me ok. i wanna make him bleed and cum at the same time. don't look at me rejected excerpt || OKAY I ADMIT IT the hatefucking got a little too soft so i put the gooey romance shit in a separate doc. in this house we punch gojo mid-coitus. don't look at me getting his head ripped off? || literally 28 words i will never finish this. but yeah gojo again salvation || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts! parent trap || ongoing series but i'll answer stuff about the upcoming parts!
embarassing how many of these i have when i have literally posted like two genshin fics lmao divorced detective wrio || just a gratuitous amount of a messy divorced man sigh. meant to be multi chapter mara struck || uhh yeah fueled by the idea that what if blade goes into heat from being mara struck... werewolf, werewolf take 2 || multiple attempts at werewolf!wriothesley smut for monsterfucktober god || scara x reader based on that scene with haypasia in that greenhouse. i was self-inserting so hard, don't lie you did it too itto || bbg rescues you from some guys and has to bring you home with him. you know. for healing purposes... alhaitham || classic sex pollen going feral on each other lol dumb bitch juice || alhaitham begrudgingly agreed to tutor you, his friend's little sister, but he actually just spends the whole time objectifying you (until...) dottore bondage || dottore kidnaps you and reprograms your memories with the akasha yakuza au || i just felt an urge to make an au that feels like the yakuza games. i don't think i had a pairing in mind i was just having fun lol captured || you're a stellaron hunter and jing yuan captures you. such a shame for such a pretty girl to be stuck in jail on new year's
bnha / stockholm syndrome || overhaul kidnaps you and learns you have a unique quirk; complete adoration and obedience to whoever drinks your breast milk (please don't look at me WHY is this so embarrassing to summarize lmao) csm / kishibe || incubus!Kishibe for monsterfucktober! somno and infidelity you know the drill
no pressure but ppl i'd like to peer into their cursed wip folder (if u didn't do it yet lol) @solomons-poison @pearlsxandxpeonies (i know u have one now hehe) @suget @vampyrsm
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Idea: you know on AO3 you can create a choose your own adventure fic (there's like a whole tutorial guide on how to program it) someone should do something like that but like create an AFO dating sim. The premise would be like you the reader have been isekaied into the bnha universe, your main goal is to date and marry AFO. You must first get him to agree to a date you and then convince him within 3 dates to marry you. You have to choose the right dialogue and choosing the wrong ones end up leading to various outcomes such as you end up killing him to you took his place as ruler of the criminal underworld. The sequel to this story, once you achieved the true ending and marry him, should be AFO divorce sim, you married AFO realized he sucks and now you must divorce him successfully without being vaulted.
the first two thirds of this ask and i was ready to choose violence, but now i see your greater plan. honestly, ao3 as a medium for dating sim sounds like a p good idea.
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thelonglist · 1 year
Masterlist - BNHA fan fic recs Part 7
Hello again! My friend was looking for fics in my bookmarks the other day; I have never felt so honored.  Make sure to leave a comment and kudo on all these lovely works. Enjoy!
Here are the links for Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five & Part Six
For reference:
L - longer fic (50,000+ words)
O - One shot
& - ongoing
# - Complete
! - favorites
Thank you!
- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Various Non-Canon world AUs
Rebuilding with Shattered Components - O # Android AU tododeku
The Great Royal Abduction - O # Fantasy AU Dragon Izuku
Boats Against the Current - & 1920′s AU
One out of the Hoard - O# zombie apocalypse au
Finding Life During The Apocalypse - & zombie apocalypse
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
All the little things  - O#
Birdcage - # demon au Second/third/first
All for One: AWOL Villain and PTA King - O #
Project: Disaster - H
Left To Rot - O# lots of pain here would be in whump if it wasn't dfo
! I have decided that I'm a ghost now - O# AI Yoichi & Izuku
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Mr. Underground Takes Over - O# Aizawa takes over Mic’s radio show
Alien BFF - O # crack Aliens Ashido & Izuku
Vending Machine - & Izuku has a dating sim quirk
Please Be A Hero (Series) - O # Villain Izuku Crack
! A man's best friend (Series)- O #/& Izuku has a Noumu dog
An Unconventional Reunion - O # Crack fem Izuku & Shigaraki
"Headline: 'Villain' Izuku Backed By Idol, Hero All Might" one shots (series) - &
Weaponized competitiveness - O # Rody & Deku
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Whump with happy endings
lose it all (with eyes wide open) - O # Bakugo/Midoriya kidnapping
! but somehow i'll see it through  - O # long shot obedience quirk
Some Die Young - O # Iida centric dead midoriya izuku
Don't Be Afraid - &
Boost  - O #
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Whump with sad endings
Crack in the Wall - O # Izuku can see through the 4th wall
once one begins, there are only endings - O # MC Death
Gomen'nasai  - O # MC Death Izuku & shigaraki
! Oh Jailbird, Sing Me to Sleep - O # Quirk!Izuku & Hawks
! Friendship is a Fickle Thing  - O # quirkless Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi owch
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Whump with inconclusive endings
I'm So Sick of Myself - O # Nomu Izuku
A Pretty Heavy Covenant to Make With Someone Powerless - O # human trafficking
Blood Stains The Skin Red - # Midoriya and Bakugo patricide
! for want of a nail - O # longshot human experimentation
anniversary - O # Dead Izuku Bakugo-centric
Singularity - O # Eldritch Izuku
! A deal is a deal - O# Demon Izuku & Iida Tenya
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The obligatory time travel corner
How the Other Half Lives - # dimension travel villain Izuku & hero izuku
! do not weep for me, for soon i will be gone - & time travel fix it
Puzzle Pieces - & post-apocalypse dimension travel izuocha 
New Game Plus (Ultra!)  - &
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Quirky fics (miscellaneous)
Yoichi Shigaraki: The Sociopathic Hero - O # 
If All Might Was Marginally More Self Aware - O # 
Alone for 10 thousand years. - & Quirkless OP Izuku 
Thoughts Are Loud - & hit by a truth Quirk
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The Dream Rover - O # Dream World
More Than One - & Izuku has a sentient quirk
Izuku Dislikes Quests - & gamer quirk Izuku
In for a Dollar, In for a Dime - & probability quirk Izuku
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A Hero Anywhere - & AOT Dimension Travel
In a world, other than our own. - & AOT Dimension Travel
! Black Rabbit: Villain with a Crush - & Pure Villain AU tododeku
Home with full of secrets and patches, you know?  - # SpyxFamily AU
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Haunted OFA
The Quirk Singularity - O # possession
Excitation (series) - O #/&
! Candor - # L HPSC Sucks Psychological Trauma
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Shippy Shit 2.0
The Dragon, the Knight, and The Maiden - O # fairytale au Izuocha
The Great Sports Festival Seduction - O # Tododeku
courage to spare  - O # Izuocha
you‘ve always worn your flaws upon your sleeve (and i’ve always buried mine deep beneath the ground) - O # Personality Swap Tododeku
A Mission of Bad Luck and Tangerines & Quirkless Izuku Izuocha 
When The Silence Grows Too Loud And The Singing Stills (When All Is Left To Hear Is Your Heart Beating Next To Mine) - # Soulmate au Shindeku
Rebuilding with Shattered Components - O # Android AU tododeku
! Black Rabbit: Villain with a Crush - & Pure Villain AU tododeku
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Ghost AUs
Ashes, Ashes(We all Fall Down) - & Ghost Deku
Death Can't Kill a Hero - & Ghost Deku
Lie still and break (For a dream’s sake)  - & Comatose Izuku & Aizawa
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takkton · 6 months
@strawberry--sodas invited me to watch bnha but he’s just playing a dating sim. I’m gonna kill him with my fists.
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rarepears · 2 years
Sept 2022 Masterpost
made up fic title ask game
Five times There Was Only One Bed was not a concern and the one time it was: Sung Jinwoo edition
meet percy jackson god of kamino and star wars clones au
shen jiu gets a thirsty onlyfans system so he never goes to cang qiong au
reimagine star wars clone wars if mr. i will do anything for my brother(s) Itachi Uchiha was reborn as one of the clones on kamino au
when the gen z muggleborns start hitting up hogwarts au
where a typo makes the gojo clan claim sephiroth as a bastard child of the clan and satoru grows up with an OP cousin au
Ashborn (solo leveling) & Hagoromo (naruto) were lovers thus the tailed beasts think Sung Jinwoo is their mother reborn au
Commander Fox travels back in time & makes a series of decisions that bites him in the ass later... like getting dooku pregnant au
BNHA izuku transmigrates into shen qingqiu (svsss) au
shen jiu is the victim of switched at birth plot and shen yuan is the son of the fake young master who replaced shen jiu au
sung jinah gets the isekai protagonist treatment and she vlogs the whole thing on social media au
pidw au where transmigrator!lqg thinks he’s entered lqgxsqq svsss fanfic and svsss!sqh thinks he’s time traveled with cucumber bro
in which the system picks up a 12 year old Shen Yuan to transmigrate into PIDW instead au
in which palpatine gets the obama call me maybe video treatment and the star wars universe is saved au
in which luo binghe mistakens shen yuan to be boyfriend and shen yuan thinks luo binghe is the bodyguard his brother hired for him au
epilogue sung jinwoo has a supposed porn addiction in order to explain why he spends so much time locked up in his bedroom au
wei wuxian becomes a rabbit after his death and stalks lan wangji everywhere au
mdzs meets batman: lan wangji thinks wei wuxian is dating billionaire bruce wayne au
svsss transmigration loop where shen yuan and shen jiu are brothers in every cycle au
Jedi Order think that FFVII soldiers are old jedi warriors of the ancient past au
luo bingge finds the reincarnation of his scum master & tricks his way into shen jiu's house by shapeshifting into a very cute pupper au
a jedi and their clone troopers land near sung jinwoo's castle; beru and shadow summons are Not Pleased au
the many ways to make obiwan's rako hardeen episode 100X harder au
 shen jiu’s brocon brother au
of the raccoons and rabbits in gusu lan au
cang qiong ensures next gen of peak lords get along via coparenting baby dolls except these are actual babies and sj has a harem now au
shen yuan transmigrates into orochimaru’s body and the naruto universe instead au
liu qingge begins courting shen yuan by dumping a just-emerged-from-abyss luo binghe in front of shen yuan during a peak lord meeting au
ichigo (bleach) became a tiktok star before he became a shinigami au
luo binghe accidentally gifted a racoon instead of a dog to his shizun au
 the married life of sung jinwoo and wen ruohan au
Obi Wan time travels via falling into a toilet au
luo bingge is reborn as anakin skywalker's twin brother au
kisame gets dumped in star wars and sows chaos au
shen jiu becomes a spirit au
star wars clones are missing proper parents; the tolkien elves want kids to parent; the tolkien elves should adopt the clone kids au
mansplain; manipulate; and malewife in the svsss world
dr doofenschmirtz is the new shadow monarch au
Liu Qingge the conspiracy theorist vs deaged Shen Yuan running around Cang Qiong without adult supervision au
keeping up with the all might: all might guest stars on the kardashian reality show au
shen qingqiu has an emotional support parrot and hijinks happen au
sung jinwoo x personification of death and harry potter is his new stepkid au
shen yuan's PIDW game turns into a dating sim but the PIDW characters actually fall in love... oh dear au
shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa’s adoptive parents au
the hunt for shen jiu’s biological family au
bruce wayne goes on yatch vacations because That's What Rich People do au
sha hualing also runs a demonic bakery in svsss where mobei jun and airplane unknowingly run through a bunch of coffeeshop tropes au
harry potter's master of death title means that he's married to ashborn (solo leveling) au
single parent of a plant baby thy name is shen jiu au
a new way for liu qingge to misunderstand shen qingqiu's visits to the brothel aka the waxing parlor au
luo binghe's xinmo sword is actually a plasma sword once known as darksaber - svsss X star wars au
aizawa is actually a secret kardashian au
When PIDW!Luo Binghe is pushed into the Endless Abyss he falls through a dimensional rip into SVSSS world au
toji x endeavor au
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rare-agere-reverie · 1 year
INTRO (yaay)
Heyyo! You can call me Reverie/Rev/Revi, pretty much any variation of that name, and I use all pronouns. I’m a regressor but I haven’t pinned down any sort of age range besides being younger than 10. This blog is 100% SFW and I’ll do my best to get rid of any negativity.
🦆… 🦆… 🦆… 🦆… 🦆… 🦆… 🦆… 🦆…
What I Do:
🍎 Themed Outfits
🍎 Aesthetic Boards
🍎 Icons & Edits
🍎 Paci Designs (PNG/JPEG)
🍎 DNI Banners
🍎 Phone/Computer Wallpapers
(Model Required for Accurate Measurements)
🍏 Headcanons
🍏 Fanfics of Various Length 
🍏 Imagines
💔 DD1_G (+ variants)
💔 4BD1_ (+ variants)
💔 P3D8/M4P (+ variants)
💔 4ZT1-LGBTQ+ (T3RF, PH8B1C5, etc)
💔 R4C15M
💔 53X15M
[ID TAG: A bulleted list using broken hearts for each topic. Do Not Interact if DD\/LG and variants, AB\/DL and variants, ki\/nk, NS\/FW, pe\/do and M\A/P and variants, anti-LGBTQ+, TE\/RF, are phobic towards gender and sexuality identities, rac\/ist, and sex\/ist.]
Stuff I Won’t Do For Unnamed Reasons:
❌ Sports RPF
❌ Luca
❌ Encanto
❌ Turning Red
❌ K-pop 
❌ Stranger Things 
❌ Danganronpa 
❌ Hetalia 
❌ Wednesday (Netflix show)
❌ Marvel (exceptions allowed)
❌ DC (exceptions allowed)
❌ Obey Me (that one mobile dating sim)
❌ Harry Potter 
❌ Steven Universe
❌ The Owl House 
❌ Homestuck
❌ Ouran High School Host Club
❌ Genshin Impact
❌ Supernatural 
❌ Any Horror Movies (exceptions allowed)
❌ Our Flag Means Death
❌ Beastars 
❌ Criminal Minds 
❌ Haikyuu!!
❌ Heartstopper 
❌ Sanders Sides
❌ Cookie Run
❌ She-Ra (Netflix show)
❌ Sally Face
❌ Hermitcraft
❌ What We Do In The Shadows
❌ Baldur’s Gate
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brainpal-gachapon · 1 month
I saw the other mods doing this, so here's my (hopefully fully done) "media mod-madoka knows" list!! (disclaimer i genuinely forget what i like. a lot. its the cisaudhd im so sorry gang.) REGARDLESS HERE IT IS !!!!! -🍓
ALTER EGO (v good game)
Cookie Run
General Lunime Titles (gacha world, gacha life 1&2, gacha club, etc.)
Genshin Impact
Muse Dash
Project Sekai
Monster Prom/Camp/Roadtrip
Blush Blush (im so sorry)
Crush Crush (im so sorry again)
Doki Doki Literature Club
OMORI (very vaguely. i still have yet to actually get further than meeting sweetheart)
Slime Rancher (1 & 2)
The Stanley Parable
FNaF (literally any character not exclusive to the books; ive never read any of the books)
Fran Bow
Little Misfortune
Shelter / Shelter 2 / Meadow
Our Life; Beginning And Always
The Sims
Little Witch Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Aggretsuko (never finished season 1)
Bojack Horseman (never finished season 1)
Vocal Synths (mostly VOCALOID and UTAU though also a TEENY smidgen of Synth V through Teto and A Friend)
Obey Me! (Nightbringer & One Master To Rule Them all)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yandere Sim (unfortunately)
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
(The start of) Twisted Wonderland
Splatoon (played 2&3 though never did story mode)
Lucky Star (haven't finished season 1)
Kakegurui (& Kakegurui twin!!)
The Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones (not seen the whole series yet)
My Little Pony (only FiM; I refuse to watch the new gen in any form)
H*rry P*tter (unfortunately. Also FUCK JK R*wling)
DSMP (and very surface-level exposure to QSMP)
The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey
Rain World
Warrior Cats
Survivors (erin hunter; have NOT finished the full first arc.)
Wings of Fire (have not finished Sunny's book; already spoiled on a lot of things)
Honkai; Star Rail (have not finished Xianzhou Luofu quests, already spoiled on so much late-game content)
Honkai; Impact (i only very vaguely know ANYTHING about it)
Hamilton (the musical)
Mean Girls
Heathers (not actually watched it; ive absorbed so much information that i simply know most of the plot and characters)
Class of 09
Date with Death (highly reccommend; love interest is adorable)
Blooming Panic
Slay the Princess
Not my Neighbor
Among Us
Papers, Please
there's definitely stuff ive accidentally left out, but im tired and forgetful. hope i can steal some more requests soon hehe >:3c
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gabysimgallery · 1 year
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BNHA  Eraserhead 2.0 - xXDiamond_AraXx
REEEeeEEeEEeeeEE!!!!!!! another update for eraser daddy in my gallery, im more happy now xDDD🥵👍
The Sims 4 Gallery (game gallery) - contains CC
All cc and poses I’ve used below the read more💗💗💗💗💗
First pic poses Male Attitude Pose Set by @guyc-uk @glovely1simmer 
Second pic by  @j-e-n-n-e-h ♥ SECOND SNAP ♥
Modeling Trait poses
- CAS Pose for Male Sim Set 06 Loner trait by remaron
-  Male poses 01 by HelgaTisha
I made a list of CC and CC sliders , you need the 🙌 emoji ones to look like Shota >wo❤
- Aizawa Shota CC Part 1 by @drosims 
-  Shota Aizawa Hair Pack by Jay Bird The Nerd
- Date Night Aizawa Cosplay Hair by  Jay Bird The Nerd
- Cassius Hairstyle by Satsujin
- Straight Jeans by Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla
My hero academia / Boku no Hero Academia belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi
The Sims 4 © 2023 Electronic Arts Inc.
BNHA Eraserhead 2.0 - zip file containing all mods/sliders and tray files in my MediaFire xXDiamond_AraXx  ;D
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
I've been working on making as many danny phantom locations and sim families as possible, and with my upload of Fenton Works, I feel comfortable enough sharing the few builds/fills I've done for houses.
My Simmer account/ID tag is 'DantePhante' and you can find me pretty easily through some of the tags I frequent.
Alright so here goes!
Fenton Works
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Completely built from scratch over like the last 6 months. Includes a fully furnished lab, Fenton Stockades, and weapons vault. Only CC is photos I took in game of a few of the sims and slapped on the walls. I will be uploading these guys after fucking Danny over and making him a vampire later lmao.
Manson Residence
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This was a shell of a townhouse I decorated fully and uploaded with a TON of clutter in Sam's room, a fully decked out movie and bowling alley in the basement too. Check it out, I'm proud of it!
Unfortunately, the houses I used for the Foleys and Westons were not shells, and I don't feel comfortable uploading them with my edits. I may do it for a short time if requested, but I know there's a big stink about reuploading people's builds without permission. I believe the Foleys are in a lot that's a row of townhouses and the Westons are in a split level suburban.

Manson Family: Ida, Jeremy, Pamela, and Sam. I think these ones might have the extra traits and skills, but I don't remember. I actually used the genetics system to make Jeremy and Sam look like their parents. Also, I think Sam is trans in this? I can't remember.
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Foley Family: Angela, Maurice, and Tucker. I redesigned Angela A LOT from her canon because it was dated and frankly, it needed done. She's I believe nurse profession if I uploaded after playing in game.
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Walker Family: Alicia, Flynn, and Danielle (Ellie). Listen, you can pry this headcanon from my cold half dead hands, but I see Flynn as being Alicia's son. Kinda yanked the design for him from Stove's swaggie redesign. I also love the idea of Ellie having a family in the form of Alicia so she can truly be Danny's cousin. She's a vampire, but I don't remember if I gave her the sun resistance trait yet for this upload.
Also! It says there's CC, but it's because I have a 'fangs for everyone' mod installed that messes with all my vampire and mermaid sims, so you don't need mods for them. I recommend slapping them in Henford on Baggley on an off the grid challenge lot.
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Weson Family: Walter, Nora, Easton, Kyle, and Wes. I have 2 versions of this family uploaded bc my headcanon is that Nora died in a tragic occult (cowplant) accident. But feel free to yoink whichever version you like! I believe Kyle's trans in this :)
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Other Families I'm working on:
Vlad is made, I'm working on his house before I upload him, same with the Fenons- Danny needs a bit of tweaking. I plan on making Paulina, Valerie, and Dash's families, as well as Kwan, Mr. Lancer, Star. Clockwork is on my to do list, as are Ember and a few other humanoid ghosts, and now that werewolves are out Frostbite and Wulf.
If you want full versions of families uploaded with relationship tags (like Danny and Ellie being siblings/Alicia and Flynn being related, let me know! I can do variations!)
I also have INCREDIBLY old/dated miraculous ladybug Sims and some BNHA families uploaded, as well as fun random families. Make sure to 'include custom content' while browsing my gallery. Comment if you see something you like!
Happy simming!
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lov-struck-game · 2 years
1. What is the basic premise of this dating sim?
2. Where will this game be available?
This game will be available on itch.io .
3. What is the content rating? How will you ensure players get what they signed up for?
The game is rated T by Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) standards. There will be violence and mentions of violence, occasional strong language, and non-explicit suggestive themes. You are playing a dating sim with the League of Villains, there will be bloodshed. 
Regarding strong language, we are using a combination of what is acceptable in BNHA canon, what is generally acceptable in the T-rating, and what is acceptable in PG-13 films. Our Head Writers have created an in-depth guide to the T-rating for the writing team and will ensure that every interaction on every route meets these content expectations. 
4. How is Toga’s route being handled?
Due to Toga’s age, we are being very careful about how we handle the romantic aspect of her route. On all routes, references or interactions involving kissing, light/non-sexual flirting, and thinking someone is pretty/handsome/cute/attractive are both acceptable and expected in a dating sim. However, the Head Writers have put a solid ban on any material more sexually suggestive than that for Toga’s route. “You absolutely may not sexualize Toga’s body” is a direct quote from our content guide.
5. Can players choose their own gender? 
Yes! Our Player Character is written to be gender-neutral and players will select their pronouns during the introduction. 
6. What can you tell us about your Player Character?
The Player Character is not a straightforward player self-insert. Players will be actively involved in making choices for the Player Character, yes, but this character also has a fully developed background and motivations, a distinctive personality and voice, and a character arc over the course of the game. 
Without giving away too many spoilers about the Player Character, they have a pre-set Quirk that can have a wide variety of in-universe uses. 
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nyxronomicon · 2 years
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nyx. 30s. bi. she/her.
🔞 this is an 18+ multifandom blog. minors and ageless blogs will be blocked. 🔞
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//. most frequent fandoms: jjk, hsr, wuwa, yakuza, bg3, genshin impact, bnha //. about me: goth gf. villain apologist. filthy leftist. titty enjoyer. elder weeb. music aficionado. problematic dilf enthusiast. //. DNI: racists, terfs, pedos, bigotry is not tolerated here //. favs: Toji, Choso, Gallagher, Gepard, Boothill, Endeavor, Ryuji Goda, Wyll, Halsin, Wriothesley
my monster boyfriend dating sim: and they were housemates... (ATWH)
🇵🇸🍉 sponsor a fic for Palestine! 🍉🇵🇸
ko-fi | ao3 | twt
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my other blogs // main: @vampnyx​ // art: @nyxronomicon-art
frequent kinks and ask guidelines under the cut.
🖤: titplay of any kind, cockwarming, monsterfucking (all types lol), yandere, intox, dub-con, mind control/hypno, cucking, public/semi-public/risky, stepcest, power dynamic, sacrilege, hatefucking, age difference (where both characters are 20+), horror & dark romance, praise & degradation, breeding/heat
❌: piss/scat, incest, virgin/inexperienced, ddlg, anal, pregnancy, furry
anything not listed above i am probably ok with but it's not my fave lol
ask guidelines: I don't do requests but my mind works on inspiration so sometimes i'll write drabbles/longer fics from asks! i'll answer pretty much any question if you're kind and if i get a bad vibe or you are rude i'll simply delete. i also enjoy rambling endlessly on my train of thought so watch out,
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seravphs · 1 year
Dw bbg I gotchu 😘 (I'm just hoping you'll get into this fandom too, bcz ya😇) btw! it was "Obey me! Shall we date" (a dating sim game it has its own anime 2seasons and a manga comic or sum idk lol and a second game)
My other bbg: (Bakugou katsuki BNHA)
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6/10 — He picks them himself which is sweet but he’s too nervous when he tries to give them to you and explodes them. It gets him absolutely dragged on Twitter because it’s in a very public place and it’s been a while since he lost control of his quirk like that. Earns him brownie points with the grandmas and moms who thinks he’s cute though! Suddenly he has to work hard to deal with an unasked for image rebrand from terrifying monster Dynamight to easily flustered cornball who’s too in love with his partner.
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p3rf3ct10nn1nj4 · 2 years
Do you do requests for fandoms other than homestuck?
yep! just to list a few (btw this list is non-conclusive):
Hiveswap (duh)
Fatal error (also probably not shocking)
Sonic (the list only gets weirder)
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
The Arcana (the dating sim)
DreamSMP (yeah yeah, sue me.)
Cookie Run Kingdom/Ovenbreak
Markiplier/Jacksepticeye Egos
TMNT (Rise or 2012 animated only, srry)
Undertale/Deltarune (+ Undertale AUs)
Little Nightmares 1 & 2
Poppy Playtime
Popee The Performer
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