#black diamond romance
booksbydlwhite · 3 months
#SampleSunday- The Pearl: "It's time to make a move for yourself."
Welcome back to Sample Sunday! I am sharing snips of THE PEARL, my upcoming Black Diamond romance. Pick up last week’s sample to meet our hero, Davis Scott. Today we meet our heroine, Kari Savoy.
Interested in my inspirations for this novel? Follow The Pearl’s Pinterest board.
As usual, I am tracking progress and revelations of writing this book on my author podcast The Bookcast. Catch up with Episode 77 to hear how the writing is going.
“What do you think the kids will say about you leaving Austin and moving to Black Diamond?”
“Well,” I mused, thoughtfully. “Since the kids are nineteen and twenty-one, I’m not sure they care. They’re probably happy to be rid of me.”
“Nonsense. Where would Reyna and Moses would be without you? Literally, where?”
I rolled my answer around my head before giving it air and sounds. It was time, but I knew leaving my siblings would be harder than I told myself it would be.
“They got to stay in the house they’ve always known,” I parsed out, thoughtfully. “They kept a semblance of normal life. They don’t see the sacrifice it took to make that happen. Moses gets some of it, but Reyna has blinders on. They don’t know what parts of my life I put on hold to make sure they stayed together, finished school, became productive members of society. They’re used to me being there, taking care of everything, being the adult. The authority figure. I’m afraid they’ll see me moving away as abandonment. And after losing their parents, I don’t want to make them feel that.”
“You’re not abandoning them, though. You’re four hours from Austin. Phones and Face time and planes exist. And they’re both away at school. They hardly come home, anyway. It’s time to make a move for yourself, Kari.”
“True.” I raised my head and shot a sad smile across the table. “I hope they see it as me making a move for myself, and not me running away from them the first chance I got. I know that’s going to be Rey’s reaction.”
Dionne huffed, peeling away a layer of the cinnamon roll we were supposed to be sharing, but I was full from the milkshake, and talking about the difficulties of raising my siblings always sapped my appetite. “Let’s not talk about how you could have run away from them when you had to choose between staying in Houston or moving back home so they wouldn’t be split up in foster care. As for Reyna, she’s a… what are they called? Millennial? That age group that people say are self absorbed and need to be winning all the time or the earth will tilt off its axis?”
I giggled. “No, Dionne, you and I are millennials. And thank you for that unflattering description of our generation, by the way. Rey and Mo don’t like to be put in socially constructed boxes.”
“Of course. They want to be individuals. Just like everyone else.”
Dionne smiled up at the waitress as she set our bill at the corner of the table. I snatched it up and dropped it into my lap.
“Other than school and grades and attitudes… how are they? Emotionally.” She asked, going back to the cinnamon roll.
“Well, Mo has always been better than Rey, but even he has rough times, especially around the anniversary of the accident. Some days it’s like it just happened. Some days they act like everyone should be over it, and want to know why people are concerned about their mental health.”
“Do you think they’re ready to be out there on their own?” Dionne questioned, concerned.
I let out a sigh, leaning back in my chair. “Honestly, I don’t think anyone is ever really ready. We just jump. I did my best to prepare them, so we’ll see.”
Dionne nodded, understanding the weight of my words. She reached over and placed her hand on top of mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I’m glad you’re moving here,” she said softly. “You need a fresh start and new opportunities. Speaking of…”
She rolled her eyes up so they met mine. I already knew what she was about to ask. “Noah is still in the past. Right?”
“Girl, yes. Noah has been history.” 
“Does he know you’re leaving Austin, though?”
“Not from me. We haven’t spoken in months.”
“Not at all? He just stopped calling one day and…” Dionne shrugged.
“And nothing. Five years of on, then off, then on again because he was bored and between girlfriends, then disappearing into thin air. Then I see him parading other woman around town, without even having the relationship ending conversation.” I twisted my lips into a surly frown. “I can take a hint.”
“I heard that,” Dionne said. “All the way to a beachside resort.” 
0 notes
yippieitsarvensart · 8 months
"So darken your clothes, and strike a violent pose!"
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640 notes · View notes
roeroe-world · 5 months
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starring: diamond white as tangie, nas as himself
set in 2000.
warning: sensitive topics, use of drugs and alcohol, mention of suicide, smut
There she stood. Her pearly whites being showcased, laughing alongside her girlfriends. A red cup in hand. All of her friends were dimes but she stood out. Bronzed skin adorned with hints of body glitter which glistened under the lights.
Tresses cut into a pixie cut. The blonde bombshell rocked her look uniquely and beautifully.
Diamond belly ring on display as well as her toned stomach with the exception of the sparkly golden deep v-neck crop top. A small ankh symbol tattooed between her perky breasts.
Plump backside accompanied by low rise Iceberg light blue denim jeans. Heels amongst her pedicured feet. She was fly yet mesmerizing, hips swaying from side to side as she began to dance to the music.
Confidence exuded from the woman and she didn’t need to try hard.
From afar, the bombshell caught the eye of a particular man. His attention had been focused upon the woman all night as he sat in the cut, remaining lowkey.
The rapper was in attendance due to being invited by a childhood friend. After almost an hour, he was on the verge of leaving— ready to go home, smoke yet another blunt and lay down.
But the blonde appeared in his peripheral, capturing his undivided attention. He found himself smoothly walking through the crowd, letting out occasional excuse me’s and dapping up a few individuals who spoke to him upon recognizing him.
Dragging his tongue across his plump lips, eyeballs trailing up and down amongst the woman’s frame underneath his naturally low eyelids.
Dancing, unintentionally she turns— her back currently facing the rapper. The beauty seemed to be having a great time, smiling brightly and shaking her hips to the beat effortlessly.
Connecting his palm amongst hers to gently spin the woman in his direction, “How you doin’, shorty? I’m Nas.” The brief expression of confusion and frustration immediately transitions into surprise yet fascination once she lays eyes on the male, instantly recognizing the rapper.
She analyzes his baggy attire and expensive jewelry, digging his style— especially his oversized red leather jacket. He looked even better in person. Smelled good too.
Jet-black liner surrounded her lip shape perfectly with a hint of brown and clear lip gloss. The rapper also caught a glimpse of the dark barb-wire tattoo amongst her upper arm and a Chinese font upon the other one.
“Tangie.” Their swirling dark-brown irises piercing into one another’s.
“What you doing after this?” His demeanor was suave, showcasing nonchalance.
His inquiry earns a chuckle and Nas returns it, watching her head drop slightly before she takes a good look at him yet again. “Going home. And not with you.”
Throwing his hands up in defense, “Oh shit.” He began, a chuckle passing his lips. “I ain’t even mean it like that.” That was a lie.
In actuality, as much as he’d been eyeing her… Nas really wanted the beauty to come home with him. But he isn’t going to be disrespectful about it.
“What did you mean then? ‘Cause you were pretty straightforward.” Crossing her arms, her head tilts to the side. Squinting her low eyelids in his direction as if she’s reading the rapper.
“I think you’re gorgeous. I’m digging what you got goin’, shorty. Know what I’m sayin’?”
Fighting her smile, she replies, “Uh huh.”
Tangie knows exactly who the male is. He’s a hip hop sensation whom seems to have it all; the money, the looks, the women. There’s no telling how many other females he’d said that to.
Looking off to the side, chuckling yet again at the sharp silence and the way her dark-brown orbs are piercing softly in his direction, “Can I at least get your number?”
“Nah, you good.” Mentally, Nas kissed his teeth yet physically his face grew slightly defeated yet stoic. “Nice meeting you though, Nas.” Placing emphasis on his name, the beauty began to walk away, a grin amongst her glossy lips.
She knew exactly what she was doing and so did Nas.
“Damn.” His irises watching her backside and hips sway side to side as well as her lower back tribal tattoo, clearly mesmerized.
When the word ‘damn’ exited his lips— it held two meanings. One is he didn’t know if he would see her again and the other as in ‘damn’ she’s a bad bitch.
But he would find a way. And that… he did.
He’d never sought out to find a woman, though for this particular one, he did. Having connections in Jersey isn’t rare for the rap star. It was rare that these connections had no absolute luck in search of the woman.
A month flew by, Nas found himself in Jersey yet again for shows and club hostings. Though, this particular day, he happened to be in a grocery store for snacks.
The rapper rolled his barely filled cart through the aisle, glancing at the stocked shelves behind his tinted Ray Bans shades. In the midst of tossing a bag of chips into the cart, something tells him to analyze his surroundings.
His eyes searches the aisle up and down, seeing as that it was practically empty with the exception of himself— the male immediately pauses in his tracks, watching a familiar captivating face turn and began pushing a half-full cart into the aisle he’s in.
“Oh, shit.” Speaking to himself lowly, the rapper instantly notices a toddler seated in the cart as well. He seemed focused on the toy car in his hand.
The woman hadn’t even caught him staring, giving her undivided attention to the stocked shelves.
She still looks as fly as ever. Dressed in figure-hugging denim jeans, a red bubble coat and black leather high heeled boots amongst her feet. It was chilly in Jersey so she dressed appropriately for the weather.
Mindlessly, the rapper pushes his cart further downward the aisle in her direction. “Excuse me? Tangie, right?” He makes his presence known earning the woman’s attention.
“Yeah…” She began, an unreadable expression amongst her brown skin. “You’re Nas. I saw you at that party.”
The rapper sends the blonde a light grin which she returns hesitantly. “What up, lil’ man?” He directs his gaze upon the little boy whom just stares at him. “This your brother?”
They practically had the same face and obviously the same skin tone. Undoubtedly, they were related somehow.
“No. He’s my son, Zion.” She beams down at the toddler lovingly.
He couldn’t lie. That caught him completely off-guard. But he isn’t mad nor upset. Why would he be?
“Can I hold him?”
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Before Tangie reaches to pick the adorable boy into her arms, Nas was already two steps ahead of her. He lifted him into his arms, “What up, man? You being good for your beautiful mommy?”
The toddler glanced around at his surroundings adorably as Tangie gently grasps his little wrist so he could wave at the rapper, “Say hi.” She smiles brightly which Zion returns, his eyes falling upon Nas. His chubby cheeks raising, showcasing his little teeth.
“He likes you.” Unintentionally, Nas and Tangie’s heads turn synchronously to lock eyes.
Tangie automatically breaks their eye contact. Meanwhile, Nas couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. “How old is he?”
“Three.” Grabbing the toddler out of his arms, she sits him right back upon the seat of the cart.
“I got a kid too. Her name’s Destiny.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and peeling out a small photograph. A grin amongst his lips, he shows the woman an image of his daughter.
“She six going on seven in a few months.”
A bright smile falling upon her face, analyzing the little girl’s facial features, immediately recognizing the similarities the two shared. “She’s gorgeous. That’s your twin, omg. No DNA test needed.” The duo exchanged chuckles, smiling at one another.
“Yeah, I know. I’m still tryna figure this fatherhood shi— I mean stuff out.” He corrects himself, not wanting to speak profane language around Zion. Placing the picture in its rightful position as well as his wallet— in his baggy leather coat pocket.
“I feel you. Parenthood is far from easy. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. He saved my life.” Tangie sends the toddler a loving smile yet again, adjusting his little bubble coat.
Silence began to rain upon the duo. Nas just stood there, admiring the woman’s beauty. A glint in his low eyes. This time, he couldn’t let her slip through his fingers without no way of possessing contact with her.
As the woman slowly glances upward, their alluring swirling dark-brown irises connected.
“I want to see you again.” Nas speaks, sounding more like a command.
Raising a brow, looking the male up and down very closely and slowly before staring into his orbs, “What’s stopping you?”
Sighing heavily, Tangie enters her two bedroom apartment. Upon waltzing into the living room and tossing her purse amongst the couch— something in particular catches her eye. It drew her attention.
“What the hell?” Her irises peered at the large vases of flowers, there had to be at least ten of them.
Follow the rose petals
The note hidden in one of the flowers read and instantly the beauty glances downward to the hardwood floor, lifting her heel slightly before doing as told. Her tongue sliding across the inside of her cheek, a smirk amongst her lips as she realized the rose petals lead her to the bedroom.
Her attention falls upon the bed, slowly strutting inside the bedroom in her heels. A purple, gorgeous silk gown laid across the queen-sized bed. Black red bottoms sitting on the floor neatly. A note sat next to the dress which she grabs without an hesitation.
Can’t wait to see that body in that dress. See you at 8, beautiful — Nas
Tangie began to blush uncontrollably, placing the card to her heart before catching a glimpse at the time. Instantly, beginning to get ready for her perfect night with Nas.
A month ago, the two ran into one another at the grocery store after she’d rejected him. The day they saw each other again was the day they exchanged numbers and grew closer from that moment on.
Now here they were, going on yet another date.
Zion happened to be at her homegirl’s house whom had kids as well. It was Friday, meaning he would be staying over there for the weekend. Tangie missed her baby but she could use a break.
Eight o’clock had fallen.
Nas’ jaw nearly dropped, the moment the woman steps outside of her apartment. Closing and locking the door, beginning to trail along the steps. Their eyes connected, sending one another shy yet mischievous grins.
Leaning on the side of his Lexus, his hands buried deep into his baggy jean pockets. Admiring the view of the beauty within his peripheral. “Damn.” He found himself staring intensely, loving how the gown hugged her curves.
“Look at you.” Grabbing a hold of her dainty hand, he began to spin her around for a complete 360. “You so fucking gorgeous. You ‘bout to make a nigga have a heart attack, shorty.” She smiles as she does so, giggling at his choice of his words.
“Mm.” He grunts lowly at the view of her cleavage while leaning in to plant a sensual peck upon her chest. “Smell good too.” His hands sliding along her clothed back before getting a good grip of her backside.
“Aight, aight. Let’s go before I end up taking you back in that apartment and bending that ass over.” Snapping out of his trance, he removes his hands and taking a step back to open the door for the woman.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Her response catches him off guard as he eyes her hips while she hopped in the passenger’s seat. A smirk grew amongst his lips, his head shaking from side to side.
In forty-five minutes, the duo made it to the restaurant and were seated without any issues. Tangie couldn’t help but to look around in awe of the place.
Nas’ arm sat onto her shoulder, the two sitting closely together in the booth. “This place is nice.” She speaks earning a nod in agreement.
“Yeah, it is. I knew you’d like it here.”
Glancing at him, taking a sip of her glass of Dom Perignon. “You’ve been here before?”
“Hell yeah. This my go-to joint whenever I’m in Jersey.”
“Well, thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for… everything.” She wouldn’t even have to ask him for things, he would just do it. Minus the lavish gifts and shopping sprees, Nas is a huge help for the single mother.
“It ain’t no thing spoiling my girl.” He replies earning a giggle.
“Your girl?”
Neither of the two solidified whatever it was between them. They were just two people whom liked one another a lot as well as enjoying each other’s company.
There was no sex. Was there a lot of kissing? Yes. A lot of cuddling? Yes. And so forth. They did things like couples yet weren’t exactly an actual couple.
The rapper drags his tongue across his lips, “What we waiting for?” His face only a few inches from hers. “I been ready to take this next level…” Their irises piercing into one another’s, Tangie’s top row of pearly whites digging into her bottom lip anxiously. “Only if you are.”
The beauty remained silent, glancing between his captivating lips and eyes. Her mind traveling to her son, Nas’ lifestyle and his daughter, her career, the things that came along with his lifestyle, more importantly her son.
Honestly, Nas comes with a lot. Though, she does as well but this is another social status.
“I need more time to think on that. I’m sorry, Nas.”
Sighing, he replies, “I understand. I ain’t tryna pressure you.” Looking away from the woman and taking a sip from his wine glass. “Take as much time as you need, shorty.”
Silence falls between the two. Tangie couldn’t help but to feel bad for seeming to ruin the vibe. She just couldn’t let up that easy. She needed time.
“I want to meet Destiny.”
The moment those five words exits her lips, Nas’ head turns in her direction. She had his full undivided attention at the sudden mention of his daughter. “Foreal? You sure?” It caught him by surprise for sure.
“Yeah. I would love to meet her.” She smiles softly. “If that’s okay with you…”
“Let’s make that happen then.” He sends her a grin, admiring her captivating canvas.
After dinner, Nas drove the woman home and opened the door for her. “You’re not coming in, are you?” His hands sat above her bottom, leaning against the side of his car.
With a head shake, he answers, “Nah, shorty. I got a show at ten.”
Childishly, she began pouting, “Shit. I forgot about that.” Her arms hanging upon his neck.
“Imma be back, aight?” He raises off of his vehicle, bending his neck to connect their lips into a passionate union. Tangie’s tongue slides into his mouth, their tongues dancing with one another beautifully.
A throbbing sensation grew between her legs and the woman couldn’t help it. Her dainty hands caressing his shoulders, moaning softly against his lips.
Nas could feel himself growing erect, though, he’d been aroused from the moment he saw her in that dress tonight. He wanted to so badly rip it off of her but she wasn’t all in, she wasn’t ready.
Disconnecting their lips, he peers down at the woman before tapping her backside, “Keep it tight for me.”
The rapper watched her walk away, shaking his head at the view and the undeniable sexual tension they’d constantly avoid. They both wanted it but Tangie was scared.
Upon seeing her enter her apartment, he pulls off into the night.
“Hi, Destiny. I’m your dad’s friend and I’ve heard so much about you.” The woman smiles brightly at the little girl whom returns it shyly, beginning to hide behind Nas’ legs. Sending Tangie a wave.
As desired, Nas allowed Tangie to meet his only child.
Chuckling slightly, the rapper grabs her tiny body and lifts her behind his head then onto his shoulders as she laughs uncontrollably. “Why’d you do that, daddy?” She starts to hit the top of his head repeatedly in a series of laughter.
He jogs further into the living room, holding onto her little legs and playfully slamming her onto the hardwood floor. He does the exact same thing to Zion. Making sure to not be too rough with either of the kids.
“Again! Again!” Zion lifts his arms into the air, jumping up and down.
“Yeah, again, daddy!” Destiny agrees.
Nas lifts both of them at the same time, gently slamming them yet again. Their infectious screams filled the air.
Tangie found herself smiling at the sight until the male looks in her direction, immediately coming for her. Her eyes damn near bulges out of her head, shouting, “No, Nasir, absolutely not!” Despite her protests, he lifts the woman into his arms with ease and playfully slams her to the floor as well.
“Get her.” The rapper orders and instantly the children began to jump her. “No, get him.” Their eyes connecting as they shared laughter.
Both of the adults took turns, playfully slamming the children. Nothing but laughter filled the area, enjoying one another’s company. They were having genuine fun.
“Miss T, can we watch Lion King?” Destiny quizzes, hopping up and down excitedly.
“Of course, baby.”
Though, eventually after growing tired of playing, they made a palate amongst the floor and had already ate.
“I got it.” Nas volunteers to put the vhs tape into the vhs player.
As soon as the movie began to play, Tangie laid her head onto Nas’ chest as the children laid between the two, growing engrossed into the film.
Silence filled the living room then soft snores came along. “Hey!” The blonde whisper shouts to the male, motioning to the bedroom earning a nod.
As quietly as the two could, the duo snuck out of the living area. Their hands connecting as Nas lead them to the bedroom, shutting the door behind them.
They began to lay in bed in the dark, staring upward at the ceiling. Nas caresses her back, considering the fact she’s laying on top of the male. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, on the verge of falling asleep, clearly relaxed.
“You wanna know something?” She quizzes tiredly.
“I got knocked up at seventeen. I remember this and that person telling me what they thought I should do. What about college? What about your future? Blah, blah, blah, typical shit.” She began, growing comfortable enough to talk about her past. “I was in such a dark place with no absolute support from my so called friends nor my parents. They all turned their backs on me. One day, I decided I was sick of everything and everybody. So… I swallowed a bunch of pills.”
Nas immediately stops what he’s doing.
“That shit didn’t work. God said it wasn’t my time to go yet. It was a blessing and a curse. My parents tried to use my suicide attempt against me. Trying to make me believe that I wasn’t stable enough for a child. Truthfully, they were right. I knew they were right. So, I got in that car and sat back while they drove me to the abortion clinic.” A scoff passing her lips.
“But this particular radio station… began to play this one track by Lauryn Hill. To Zion. It was as if they knew my situation. I related to this woman so much yet I didn’t even know her personally.”
“I couldn’t get out of that car. I was frozen. I had been on my own since I made that choice. My parents didn’t want a damn thing to do with me and that was fine. I still don’t regret having my baby. Nothing compares to that moment of looking him in his eyes when I first laid eyes on him. His little cries. Those eyes that looked like mine staring back at me…” She trails off, nearly on the verge of tears. “From that moment on, I wasn’t the same girl. He changed me for the better. You would not have wanted to know me back then.”
He continued to caress her back, planting a kiss amongst her forehead. “You a damn good mother. Don’t you forget that.” She’d finally opened up but they had ways to go. Many ways to go.
“The way you interact with Destiny and Zion, I can tell you’re a good father.” The woman’s lips meeting the crook of his neck, planting sensual kisses. “I love that in a man.” Her tone of voice growing seductive, eventually their lips connecting for a good loving peck.
Tangie sat up on his lap, reaching over to her nightstand to turn the lamp on so she could see his canvas. The rapper’s hands palmed her backside, his dark-brown irises piercing upward into hers— ready for whatever.
Slightly bouncing on his clothed erection, she lets out a soft moan. The throbbing and wetness between her legs increasing each second. It had been a hot minute since she had a man in her bed, she was in heat.
She was tired of waiting and she was no longer afraid. He could tell.
“What you tryna do, shorty?” His raspy New York accent meets her eardrums, pink tongue dragging across his lips. He remained lying on his back, sensually analyzing the woman on top of his being.
Grabbing the rapper by his Queensbridge Finest Diamond chain, she replies, “I want you. I want all of you.”
Sitting up, the male instantly brings their lips into a passionate union. His hands sliding up and down her thick thighs. Tangie happened to be impatient and began to strip out of her clothes, now only in a pair of underwear.
“Damn.” Nas speaks in awe of the view, beginning to plant kisses along her exposed chest. He had never seen her like this before.
A plethora of low moans passing her throat but they start to grow louder the moment his right hand slips into her panties, rubbing her throbbing wet pearl in circles.
“You gotta be quiet, baby.” His tone low yet commanding, their low eyes piercing into one another’s.
Slowly, Tangie’s top row of pearly whites digging into her bottom lip as the rapper flips her onto her back. He peels off her panties, sliding the pair along her brown legs and practically groaning at the sight of how wet she is.
“Shit, I got you like this...” His gaze between her widened legs, gripping her thighs. It wouldn’t be long before his head was between them, feasting on the woman like his last meal.
Her manicured hands upon his head, caressing the rapper’s fresh fade. Lips set apart as she grinds against his gorgeous canvas. “Yesss.” Her soft tone of voice meeting his eardrums, encouraging him to keep doing what he’s doing.
“Oh, baby…” She looks down at the rapper in pure bliss, observing how he ate her nectar. The woman was doing her best to keep her voice down.
Softly, his head swayed side to side, licking and kissing his most prized possession. Eyes were shut, loving the taste she possessed. He found himself groaning as he ravished the beauty, his member hard as a rock.
Looking her dead in the eye, he sends a long lick to her center before suctioning his lips around it repeatedly earning yet another moan. Her eyebrows furrowing together, attempting to close her legs but Nas stopped her right in her tracks.
“Nah, don’t do that.” He goes back to work, her moans and whimpers grow louder. Profane language passing her lips, continuing to fuck his face.
Though the moment she became too loud is when he stopped. Nas takes off his baggy shirt, tossing it to the floor before climbing on top of the young woman and burying his face into the crook of her neck, forming hickeys amongst her soft skin.
Impatiently, Tangie reached to pull his baggy sweats and boxers down then dragged her tongue across her right hand— with that exact hand she grabs his thick phallus, leading him inside of her walls. A gasp passing her lips, eyes widening at the feel of him inside of her for the very first time.
“Ah, shit.” Nas curses aloud, his hands pressed into the mattress on each side of Tangie’s head.
His dick had been trapped within her compressed walls, immediately being thrown into a trance. It was as if he’d entered another dimension. He fell in pure bliss at the sensation she gave him. So much in bliss that he had to control himself from releasing so quickly.
With the grasp of both of her legs, he presses them into the mattress for more access. His hips moving in a circular motion, digging deeper into the woman beneath him. His pace slow and passionate.
“Fuck, mm…” Tangie caressed the rapper’s back, each stroke snatching her soul away. Her eyeballs rolled to the back of her skull, lips inches apart as her eyebrows furrowed together. “Oh, shit.”
Her attempt to be as quiet as she could began to fail, the moment Nas’ strokes grew rough. He held a tight hold onto her thighs, keeping them wide open and away from one another as he continued to hit that gummy spot. A plethora of squeals meets his eardrums, given that she’s trying to keep from screaming to the top of her lungs.
“You gotta keep it down, baby.” The young male sends multiple kisses along her jawline earning a whimper. “I know, I know. Fuck.” He groans, loving how absolutely soaked she is.
Tangie’s wetness became a track of its own. Her creamy essence creating a sticky mess as their skin slapped together repeatedly. His chain dangling in her face.
Glancing at where their bodies met, Nas licks his lips at the beautiful sight before analyzing her fucked out facial expression amongst her gorgeous canvas. “You look so fucking beautiful taking me. Shit… Shit…” She tightens around his phallus, creaming yet again while looking him dead in the eye.
Immediately, Nas pulls himself out, “Hold on.” Panting heavily.
Tangie wasn’t hearing it. She switches their position, currently on top of the male and sinking onto his phallus. “Damn, it’s like that.” He drags his tongue across his lips yet again, lustfully watching the beauty bounce on top of him with ease. He was hooked and so was she.
“Ouu, this dick is so fucking good. Feels so good inside of me.” Her breathy raunchy moans earns a smack to her backside, fucking the woman from underneath.
“Mm, fuck…” She drags out lowly, her head tossing backward. Her dainty hands lying upon his chest, beginning to grind upon his lap in circles but in the midst of her actions— she finds her spot. “Shit, Nas.” Legs beginning to shake, leaving more cream upon his groin area.
Tilting his head to the side, licking his lips at the view and admiring how sexy she looks on top of him. “Just like that, beautiful. You doing such a good job.” His thumbs toying with her erect brown nipples.
Suddenly, Nas sits up and grabs her legs, lifting the pair on each arm for more access. He immediately gained more control, passionately yet roughly thrusting in and out of the whimpering beauty. Between her whimpers, she couldn’t help but to let out squeals and little screams here and there.
Tangie couldn’t shout to the top of her lungs like she wanted to. Nas was fucking her so good that she wanted to cry. He was driving her insane, up the wall.
The headboard banged against the wall intensely as the bed shook violently, creating creak noises. Tangie’s wetness still making a track of its own, damn near an album at this point.
Their eyes connect yet again, “This pussy so good, mama.”
“Mm…” Was the only she could drag out before he plants his lips upon hers for a good, loving peck.
Nas switched their position, flipping her onto her stomach. Her backside in the air much to his approval as he analyzed her lower back tattoo. “Grab this.” He hands her a pillow before tapping his phallus amongst her throbbing center then gently pushing himself inside yet again with a groan.
His strokes were rough just how she liked it. When it comes to back shots, she didn’t know how to control herself.
“Oh, fuck!” She shouts aloud unintentionally, on the verge of tears.
In result, the rapper sends a harsh slap to her plump bottom. “You being too fucking loud, yo.” He continues to fuck her from behind, groaning loudly at the sight of her ass clapping back on him.
The woman buries her face into the pillow, crying out loudly into the material. Drool found itself trailing along her chin as she took every inch of him. She was too fucked out that she attempted to run, reaching to place her hand onto his lower stomach and trying to crawl away. But his grip was much too tight and it seemed to have gotten tighter, the moment she tried to run.
“Where you going, mama?” He quizzes lowly, grasping a hold of both of her wrists and pinning them behind her back as if she was arrested. “Don’t run. You can take it, baby. Fuck, you can take it.”
She had no choice but to take it. Tears of pleasure cascading along her cheeks due to how amazing he felt digging in and out of her tiny hole. He stretched her out so beautifully. She’d never had a man put it down the way he did.
“Unh, unh, unh,” Each back stroke, Tangie moaned in and out of the pillow. “Ouu, daddy. You’re fucking me so good. Oh, my—” A gasp passing her lips as her legs began to shake yet again, more of her cream leaking out of her tight hole.
“Ah, fuck!” Nas happened to be on the verge of releasing, still fucking into the beauty without a care in the world. He was so lost in her walls, so deep in a whole other world.
Digging her pearly whites into her bottom lip, her low lust-filled irises averts back at him, throwing it back like never before. “Don’t stop. I want to feel that dick come inside of me…” Her eyelids fluttering repeatedly, tone of voice high pitched. “Your pussy.”
His low eyes piercing into hers, “My pussy, huh?”
“Fuck, yes… I’m gonna cum.” Her thin eyebrows furrow together as she breaks their intense eye contact, burying her face into the pillow.
It wouldn’t be long before they reached their climax, mouths agape, riding their high. Nas found himself gripping the top of the shaking headboard in the process at the effects of the intense orgasm.
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xagave · 4 months
I see ur notes trust me I didn't forget ashen it's one of the reasons I love my ot3 so much :0 I think it's a really unappreciated quad that people would have a lot of fun with if they played with it but I was trying to pick a fave and I've been torn between black and pale for a while 😩
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toriliashine · 1 year
Congrats to Eileen (my sins of London MC) and Rix (Gladiator Chronicles mc) for having the fattest n juicest wardobes in the game.
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bunni-bonez · 8 months
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all albums:
Row 1:
Transgender Dysphoria Blues - Against Me!
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge - My Chemical Romance
Born to Die - Lana Del Rey
Preacher's Daughter - Ethel Cain
Bury Me at Makeout Creek - Mitski
Row 2:
The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Electra Heart - MARINA
Norman Fucking Rockwell -Lana Del Rey
Melodrama - Lorde
Puberty 2 - Mitski
Row 3:
Maggot - Dazey and the Scouts
Boy Fantasy EP - Boy Fantasy (my fave hyperpop project its so good)
Be The Cowboy - Mitski
10000 Gecs - 100 Gecs
Honeyblood - Honeyblood
Collide with the Sky - Pierce the Veil
Row 4:
My Agenda - Dorian Electra
Cry Baby - Melanie Martinez
Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
Whatever People Say I am, That's What I'm Not - Arctic Monkeys
Selfish Machines - Pierce the Veil
1000 Gecs - 100 Gecs
Row 5:
If I Can't Have Love, I want Power - Halsey
Ta13oo - Denzel Curry
Abandon the Flesh! - Tokyopill
I Brought You My bullets, you Brought Me Your Love - MY Chemical Romance
Come Over When You're Sober Pt. 1 - Lil Peep
Myspace Addiction - 6arelyhuman
Sempiternal - Bring Me The Horizon
Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic monkeys
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West (im sorry)
Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die - Panic! At the Disco (their best album dont @ me)
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lolapath · 9 months
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Heart-Shaped Box by Kurt Cobain
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'▽゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
How would the cancer taste? Would it be sweet? Bitter? Both at the same time… Could it be even possible to save someone by devouring their ilness?
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garashir · 6 months
the royal romance is so funny to me because why is house beaumount not paying for all MC’s event appropriate outfits since she is competing for the benefit of their house like SORRY but I am not forking over the money for any of these on a waitress salary
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hannibalsjuicyass · 1 year
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wraystars · 1 year
February Wrap Up
Temper Me- Alexandria House Brooklyn Dembélé is still piecing her life together after her divorce and the loss of a lifestyle she’d dreamed of since childhood. The single mother’s time is filled with work at the prestigious Historically Black University Romey U. But despite her focus on rebuilding her life, she can’t seem to forget the mistakes of her past. Vann London is recovering from a…
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henneseyhoe · 17 days
Daddy’s Money.
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Lewis Hamilton x BLACK!FEM!Reader.
WARNINGS:lil bit of nasty smut, brief one sided relationship, lewis being pussy whipped, reader is heavily implied to be a gold digger(she is but shhhh! let her rock frl), daddy kink, money making reader hornayyy(me asf), not edited(idc rn i’m sleepy), there MIGHT be plot holes(again, i’m sleepy) and das it i think.
ps. also i’m ngl i wrote this halfway lazily, i just wanted to get back into writing sooo yeah.
The arrangement was really an accident (at first). You were hired to fit and dress the man after practically begging for the job, needing the money to jump start your fashion career since your father had cut you off the month prior. It’d take nearly five years to do so, but with someone as easy going as lewis, time would fly fast.
Eventually he grew fond of you, and you of him..him a bit (a lot) more than you actually. Months after getting hired he began bringing you around for things that wasn’t about his style, things that someone would do for a budding romance. You didn’t mind either, it was working in your favor getting the extra hours to do nothing. You didn’t mean to snag a sugar daddy, a famous one at that, just like you didn’t mean to fuck him before the met gala, damn near making him late. It just…happened; Which is what you’d say to judgy bitches.
You also didn’t mean to point out that midnight black bag (and a few other things) you had been wanting when shopping for him the week after the met. Those things mysteriously showed up on your door step two days later to your surprise. You were beginning to think he was a little generous…so you tested something out.
“Ugh! Wouldn’t this look so good on me?”
You pout as you held the designer dress up to your body. It was originally intended to go to another woman they paired him with for an event, but seeing it up against you instead was all he had to see before he told his assistant to inform the woman she’d be wearing something else. In awe, you proceeded to wear that dress to the event that night, easily gaining eyes from guests and earning yourself a name as Lewis’s “sexy ass stylist” online when the pictures taken of you went viral.
Later on that night the dress was being ripped apart from the back and thrown to the floor by you know exactly who, him doing everything in his power to get to what was underneath.
You couldn’t tell if your pussy was good or if he was just that whipped for you after that night. Either way, you were having fun.
Before you could snap your fingers, whatever you were THINKING of wanting was at your fingertips. He had more money than he could spend, and you had no problem helping him find what to do with it! It was only fair, ya know, for his sake.
The first time you realized he was really wrapped around your little iced out finger was the last time you had wanted for anything for long.
“I could have anything I want? seriously??”
You looked to him in shock, the man shrugging as he debated on a pair of versace shoes. “Have at it, love” He responded simply with a quick endearing smile to you before waving over an assistant to help you. You felt like a kid in a candy store.
^Also the last time you referred to him as anything other than daddy when not in public, (or at least not noticeably to others in public).
He was liquid when you called him that. soft putty in your hands, ready for you to shape him into anything you desired.
“Come on, daddy. Don’t you wanna see your name in diamonds on me? Don’t you wanna mark me? claim me?”
You taunted him in a seductive tone as you rolled your hips onto him. You flipped your hair to one side of your shoulder so you could look back at the work you were putting in, Lewis staring back at you with hearts in his eyes and his bottom lip tucked into his mouth. Both of y’all’s jeans were halfway down with your pretty brown ass perched up for him to see the tip of his long dick teasingly slide between your lips and into your honey coated walls repeatedly. He was right there on the edge, you could feel it and you hadn’t even sat all the way down on him yet.
Really it was either say yes to the chain or be left to make himself cum, he understood that completely. As he nods eagerly in agreement, you plopped your plump self down into his lap and he came as fast as police in white neighborhoods.
By the seventh month of being together your closet was every woman with a fashion sense dream. Designer galore (and not the ugly shit neither). He got you designs that wasn’t on racks yet but straight off a runway, things that fit perfectly to YOUR body. (Seeing that he was getting to know it so well..He could probably draw a map of you with just his damn tongue.)
You began getting way more noticed by his fans and friends, not only for suddenly having a thing for wearing expensive clothes and jewels, but for also being close with Lewis. Dating rumors had started to run amuck. The first plan was to deny, deny, deny but it was hard to do that when you were wearing his name on your neck, hiding the chain under your shirts or wearing it backwards so no one would see the name plate.
But the chain wasn’t what caused the dam to break. It was when you posted bags and gifts with flowers, a card attached that had a heartfelt and flirty handwritten poem on it, forgetting to even scribble out his name. Fans and close friends were on the fence, some of his associates madder than an ant colony in the rain and some fans confused on where the hell you even came from and where you got off on gold digging. The clothes and jewelry were finally starting to make sense and you gave the saying “Look like money” a new meaning.
Lewis was quick to come to your defense in interviews, you had never seen anyone get so nice nasty or petty in your honor. He was witty and quick with comebacks, his polite tone masking rude comments at any interviewer that dared to have an opinion about you that he didn’t like. He made sure as everything went on online and your name trended for the second time that week that you didn’t lack reassurance ever.
“Look in the mirror and let daddy know who’s it is”
He pulls you by your braids up to the direction of the reflecting headboard, your back pressed against his chest as his hips met your ass with a hard smack. After hours of pleasurable “reassurance” there wasn’t a spot inside you that his dick didn’t hit, a place on you that his tongue didn’t lick. The chain you had asked for a bit ago clinked freely against your chest and a fucked out evil smile grew on your face as you look him in the eyes through the mirror. “It’s yours, daddy. you know it’s all yours” You would reply before your walls gushed around his dick.
Fans who prayed on your downfall weren’t so happy when they got the news that you two married two years later in Greece. The wedding was private, but it was no secret that a fortune was spent and that didn’t make the gold digging comments better. (Even though your father paid)
Those comments followed you into your fashion brand era and though you chose to be mysterious about private life and yourself in general, (for obvious reasons) you felt it was only right to defend your honor at least once.
Like the great actress you were, you did what white women around him had been doing to you since the beginning and threw on the waterworks, crying in front of any watchful eye when the rumors were brought up with your amazing husband by your side comforting you immediately. How dare they say such things about THEE Lewis Hamilton’s wife?? THEE Y/N Hamilton???
Your newly grown fan base called it blasphemy. There wasn’t an online blog on beyoncé’s internet that went untouched when having something to say about you. Everything they said was untrue! You had your own money, your own brand, (funded by your husband) and your own name.
“They’re so mean to me”
You pout as Lewis carefully takes off your heels and kisses the top of your feet before standing and caressing your cheek. “You know how the media is, and I know nothing they say about you is true. I’ll have my team take care of it, okay?” He reassured and you smile, mentally noting to suck his dick before bed. As if you were rewarding a dog for jumping through a hoop, being soft and on your side at all times was Lewis’s hoop, and he had better jump through every. single. time.
To be fair, there may have been some superficial motives behind the building of this relationship (on your side at least) but he genuinely did grow on you, and that was before you knew he was a trick, that part just made it deeper.
You were in shock when he asked you to marry him originally, so much so that you refused the first time because it scared you. You avoided him for an entire week and refused to go to work until you realized you had grown so accustomed to being around him that you could barely function. Apart from the fact that you were opening doors by yourself and eating dinner alone, you hadn’t noticed how much you liked talking to him, being with him and simply in his presence.
Materials aside, you loved him, you were in love with him. Infatuated just as much as he was with you by now and you came too long of a way to be scared off.
In reality you telling him no wasn’t gonna stop him from perusing. He knew you were gonna be his wife for a long time now and nothing was gonna get in the way of him finding you (and he kinda duped you with the whole falling for him thing anyway because he knew what half of your motives were and played his role well), you just found him first and made him pop that question again, which that time you happily said yes to.
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yippieitsarvensart · 8 months
Based off a tweet I saw :3
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if you've seen his new card you'd understand the vision, trust Big day for TWST fans that also like MCR (me)
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roeroe-world · 13 days
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𝕽𝖔𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖊’𝖘 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚ (ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉᵈ)
warning(s): may contain sexual content, adult situations, use of drugs and alcohol, harsh language.
ages 18 and over highly recommended.
‶ Black chocolate girl wonder, shake ground like thunder
Politic 'til your deficit step, gimme your number ″
her. starring: method man as himself, ryan destiny as juno
her noah, his wiz. starring: method man as cassius, aka roxxie as yaya
zion. starring: nas as himself, diamond white as tangie
no way in, no way out. (belly edition) starring: nas as sincere, queen pokoo as kai
teach me. starring: devante swing as himself, elindasan as shanice
the show, the after party, the hotel. starring: devante swing as himself, lori harvey as valencia
could’ve been. starring: tupac shakur as himself, eva apio as nefertari zain
the quiet girl. (a different world edition) starring: gary dourdan as shazza zulu, normani kordei as effie woods
‶ 𝔦 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔰, 𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥! ″
☽。⋆*ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆ ‶ Black Misses America, your name is Erica, right, true
Lazy eyeball, small feet, six shoe
Caramel complexion, breath smellin' like cinnamon ″
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
exclude - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 441
"How dare you?" Regulus asked furiously, tears threatening to spill over his eyes, storming into the living room where James lay on the couch.
"Ah-What?" James asked thickly, eyes still closed, jolting up from his nap.
Regulus snorted, hands on his hips and rage in his expression. "How dare you have lunch with Barty without me? My best friend? Why, James?"
James sat up, now, rubbing his eyes and staring up at his boyfriend in absolute bewilderment. "Wh-what? Wait...How'd you find out?"
"How did I-?" Regulus repeated a bit hysterically. "It doesn't matter! It's a bit weird! I got a, owl from Evan wondering why we excluded him from lunch, only to find out that you and Barty went on a date by yourselves?"
James was awake, now, and very concerned for everyone involved in this conversation. "It wasn't a date, Reg, I swear-"
"Then how do you explain all this? Merlin, James, I knew you would lose interest someday, but my best friend?" Regulus asked again, tears spilling over, now.
And James had to admit, it looked bad. He and Barty never got lunch alone. Worse, he'd kept it a secret. Plus, it was Regulus's biggest fear- that James would leave, or cheat, or 'realize he could do better' (Reg's words, not James's).
So, knowing he wouldn't be able to dig himself out of this hole without the truth, he reluctantly reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. "I wanted to show him this."
Regulus instantly froze. His hand moved to cover his mouth and he began to shake. Instead of anger and betrayal, his face now shone with confusion and disbelief, eyes wide as saucers. "What...James...what? ....That's not...?"
James smiled softly, opening the box to reveal the engagement ring inside, a simple black band with small diamonds inlaid throughout. "I wanted your best friend's opinion. Before I proposed."
Regulus let out a small sound that seemed like a mixture of a sob, gasp, and snort, but didn't move from where he was standing above James.
From his seat on the couch, James started to feel a bit nervous. "Er...Reg?"
"Well....I guess that's alright, then," Regulus whispered after another beat.
James let out a breath of relief. "Yeah?" he asked, chuckling.
"Yes," Regulus answered, appearing to collect himself a little. "But..." his voice gained some strength and a business-like tone, "talk to Dorcas or Remus about proposal plans. They have a much better taste for romance." And with that he turned, heading out of the room.
James stood, staring incredulously after his boyfriend. "Wait...you're not saying yes?"
"You haven't proposed yet, Potter!"
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tonixe · 6 months
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a/n: Nothing for the moment, but I will try to set up a schedule for when I'm going to post my next fic so it can be organized. I lowkey love the mature version of coriolanus snow, he is like Daddy or like zaddy, just AHHHHHH.
warning: penetration, p in in the v, cheating, breeding kink, reproductive coercion, baby trapping, toxic dynamics, spanking, misogynistic coriolanus. (maybe considered as dark content)
pairing: President!Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader
word counter: 2.4k
pt 2 of goverment hooker
taglist`` @slut4ethan
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A few months passed, then years...
—since your sexual encounter with the gentleman you met at the bar, you had stayed on the low until meeting him, you wouldn't lie to yourself that your heart yearned to see him again, though being a peacekeeper couldn't guarantee if he was still here. Though you went back to your old habits, bringing in men and seducing them to fill your pockets up for sexual favors, you never felt anything inside the relationship. It was just a casual exchange for goods and pleasure.
If they were well fooled by you, they would do more to win your heart like gifting diamonds, jewels, fancy dresses, heels, and expensive, luxurious bags. With a card, always handwritten to you in black pen with a bouquet of flowers, maybe roses, peonies, or tulips. Usually red, or pink, colors that represent 'romance' or 'love'. You manage to catch on to when men would send you these gifts, you enjoyed being showered in lavish things but it would bore you a little,
Due to your interesting status, you manage to sneak into important parties, the fancy ones you like. The ones with champagne and the aged wine were expensive, the big chandeliers with jewels and diamonds hanging from them, and the huge halls with delicate porcelain vases and tiles. You got an invite from one of the fools of men you were messing around with, some known politician in Panem. Walking into the gracious hall, wearing a black cocktail dress, and some diamond jewelry given to you by your several misters, clutching onto your matching black purse.
Small chatter fills up the hall, as you steal a glass of champagne from the waiters passing it around. You still had to walk with the fool you tricked, holding onto his bicep lovingly, fluttering your lashes at him, and laughing at his empty 'witty' comments. "Darling, what is going on right now" You said, pursing your lips together, you knew he would answer your cute antics. "The new president of Panem is here," the man said, you looked at him, fluttering your eyes back at the new information. "Who is here, darling" You pushed your chest on his arm, starting to make him flustered with your inappropriate antics, "Sir Coriolanus Snow" he responded, your eyes widened at the family name, backing up from his arm. The name of the man you lay with years ago, "He's here?" you exclaimed, and he nodded. "Oh my," you stopped, "We will meet him, will we?" you twirled your hair, looking up at him with your doe eyes.
This would be your big chance, your chance at stopping boring yourself around useless men, your life would be filled with riches, a lavish lifestyle, and expensive jewelry. Even being the First Lady of Panem made you feel thrilled and better than fooling around with a stupid man who isn't faithful to their wife. "We will, my beaut," he said, before wrapping his around your waist, it made me feel disgusted. As we sailed across the halls, talking to other politicians and influential people, until we saw the devil himself.
Coriolanus Snow...the now-elected president of Panem. Your eyes sparkled in delight, though the encounter was long ago, he looked well-prim and mannered. He was wearing a red suit, a tucked collared shirt with matching dress pants, and his hair was longer than the peacekeeper's mandatory buzz cut. It looked like he was talking to another group of well-off people, you watched him as he talked to them and finished up their conversation. Before he walked away, it looked into the hall out of the ballroom. It was your chance to talk to him, maybe he'll remember you. Some part inside of you doubted but the other side was hopeful, "Darling, I need to powder up my nose, I'll be gone for a few minutes" You turned towards him, and he nodded. You clutched onto your bag and followed Coriolanus out of the ballroom.
Maybe just maybe he'll remember you, I mean how can he not. Not after a promise he made to you, well maybe a promise, you were too fucked to realize what he said but it was something.
It was awkward following him, would he think of you being a stalker, you weren't, you followed him until an empty hall before he stopped mid-way, "You don't have to follow me around, you know" He spoke, making chills run down your spine. Pushing back a strand of your hair over your ear, "You probably don't remember don't you?" You cocked your head to the side, you watched him as he turned around ever so gracefully on his heels, looking straight at you. Your cheeks flushed, he looked mature, rougher around the edges. His blue eyes iris looking at your e/c ones.
"Pardon?" He asked doubt starting to fill you up, "Not even the promise of you coming back to me, fill you with any ideas?" You cocked your eyebrows, giving him a little smile. Holding your hands together to your stomach, "Y/N?" his eyes widen at the new fact, "In the flesh" you smirked, raising your hands up. "You never were going to come back, weren't you" You faked a sad tone in your voice, flickering your eyes to your hands, walking up to him. He didn't respond, "Never thought a Peacekeeper would be the next President of Panem, " You rambled on, flickering your doe eyes at him, "So, how are you now?" you smiled, "I'm well off now" He responds, he put his hand inside of his pockets. "Well, I'm sorry what happened to your friend, I heard about the hanging" he sniffed, you watched if would tense up at the words, but he didn't at all.
"Well, he was setting up a rebellion against the capitol, so he would be punished for it" He finished, it was harsh for him to say that about a friend, you thought he cherished, it was a man that was from the capitol, never thought someone like that would care about district people at all.
"That was harsh, ain't it?" You pursed your lips, "No, it wasn't harsh enough" He said, his eyes flickering at you. You played with the bracelets on your wrist, "—And, you Y/N..." you turned your head at him as your name came out of your lips, "I have done my research on you fully"
"Oh really" you cocked your eyebrows, you were amused at what he was going to say, "Your the capitol's slut, a woman who slept her way through the capitol, with politicians, congressmen, and senators, how many do you trick for gifts and money" There was an odd tension between you it was thick, "Your right, but not as accuracy. I don't sleep my way through, I only trick, I'm not just a whore you know" you pouted and placed your hands on your hips. "So, does it make you think differently of me" You put your hand underneath his chin, surprisingly he didn't curve you or stop your attempt, his eyes looking at yours. Feeling his hands on the sides of your hips. "Not at all" He whispered, before he pulled you into a kiss. His tongue explored your cavern, and you felt yourself getting aroused by the hungry kiss. You knew your plan was bound to work, putting your arms around his neck, withdrawing from his lips. "We shouldn't do here, it would be improper" You looked away, feeling shy in front of him.
"The hall is going to be over soon, so tell your mister or whatever man you brought here to go home alone, you'll be coming with me" You felt his breath against your ear, making you feel sensitive underneath your dress. You felt his hands trailing your waist, "Alright" you flickered your eyes to him, "I will" you tracing the shape of his collar and coat.
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The car ride was filled with tension, the car was luxurious though. You enjoy it very much. Feeling butterflies in your stomach, your cheeks flushed. He was already wrapped around your fingers, it was an easy hook and reel. Feeling the car halting at a big manor, your eyes brighten up, "We're here" He stated, the door opening up for you, as you stepped out of the car, and walked with him inside the estate. The estate was beautiful, with blossoms, and freshly trimmed grass and trees around the houses. Stepping onto the perfect cobblestone path with him, you bit your lips at the thought.
The guard in front opened the manor's large doors, as you walked in, clutching your bag to your stomach. "It's a beautiful estate" your eyes darted around the luxurious manor.
"It is" he responded back, before looking at you, his heels trailing back to your front. "Let's go towards the bedroom" Your eyes brightened, as you felt his hands on yours pulling you into his chambers, your heels echoing around the large mansion. The door were closed by him and locked. He pulled you into a kiss, his hands rubbing your waist and your curves hungrily, the kiss making your knees feel weak. His hands trailing the zipper of your dress, you were too busy with his lips on yours to comprehend what was going on. Feeling the cocktails dress dropping and your lingerie being shown to him, as he withdrew. "You weren't going to show that guy, all of that were you?" He muttered, "No" feeling the strap of your bra falling to the side, "Not at all" you smiled, feeling his hands on your body, as he carried you. Your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, as he kissed you further.
He pushes you onto the enormous bed, his hands rubbing on you. His hands trailed down to your panties rubbing your clit harshly, making you mewl, "Corio" you whined, your chest heaving up and down. Finger dipping into you further inside, your velvety walls clenching around his fingers, you grind your hips to his hand, feeling your skin heat up, desperate for a release.
Squirming against him, "Your so desperate, aren't you" he mocked, His fingers plunging in and out of you several times making you feel immense pleasure. "Corio, please I'm close" you whined, feeling your hands gripping onto the sheets. Feeling a wave of pleasure coming down on you, squirting out. Your chest heaving, you looked at him withdrawing, his fingers dripping with your juices. Watching him lapping his tongue at his fingers, making you press your thighs together.
He took off your black panties, slowly. You lifted your legs as he fully took it off. "Take it all off, Y/N" He whispered, his eyes looking at your almost bare body, you clipped out your bra, dropping it to the floor, your breast being displayed to him. "Do you like them, Corio?" you fluttering your eyes at him, propping your chest up. You looked at his awaiting form, and your eyes dragged to his lower abdomen area tightened up in his dress pants. Cocking your head to the side, "I need you, Corio" you purposely slurred your words, "Please" watching him unbuckling his belt, and taking off his boxer before he mounted on top of you, your back on the bed. You spread your pussy lips for him to align himself in you.
Feeling him inserting himself into you, sinking into your clenching walls. Your throat ripped out a wanton string of moans, it felt like his cock got bigger, his cock stretching you out deliciously. His low growl tickled your ear before he started moving, massaging your inner walls. His cock fucking into your cunt, sloppy sounds filling up his chambers, everything feeling hot around you. Your plan was working out, no condoms just raw sex. You just need him to cum into you, and you were guaranteed to get something of Coriolanus. His hands on your hips as he thrust into you, feeling his cock brushing your cervix making you jolt, "Fuck" you cursed, opening your legs further for him, his pelvis slapping yours. His balls swinging onto your lower ass. You squirmed under his touch, his hands touching your chest. Rubbing your nipples, harding against his fingers.
His rough hands groped your chest, biting down on your lips. Your swollen clit, being abused with his hand and your chest. You choked out a sob, his brutal pace making you feel weak, your eyes dropping down. Your tongue lulled out, as he fucked into you, biting marks into your neck, chest, and stomach. Gripping onto your waist harshly, tears pricking on your waterline, his hands dancing from the swollen nubs of your chest to your neck, as he lightly presses, making you tense up holding his arm, your eyes rolling back, his hips rutting into you.
Your panting echoed through the room, his pace didn't stop at your tears going down your cheek, your black mascara bleeding through, your lipstick was smeared. Everything on your body was sensitive, "Corio, please—" you puff out, before he flipped you over, your face onto the soft pillows, your hips up in the air, the cool air hitting your pussy.
Before he continued to abuse your cunt, his hips fucking into you, his cock touching parts of you, kissing your cervix deeply, making you wail, the sheet already messy. His hair sticking onto his forehead, sweat dripping down from his body, your well-manicured nails grasping the sheet. "I'm close" He groaned, feeling his hands landing on your ass. Making you jolt, several of them onto the plush of your ass. The pain makes you squirm, your cunt dripping. His arms pulling you into a chokehold close to his chest, feeling hot thick liquid filling you up, looking at your flat stomach filling up your cum. Your doe rolling back at the sudden warm feeling that didn't stop. Before he released you, your body bounced on the bed.
Feeling him withdrawing from you, and cum dripping from you. your body trembling, feeling your legs numbing down. Coriolanus body on top of you feeling his soft member on your ass, "Don't even think about it" He whispered, pushing a strand of your hair over your ears, "I know that's what you planned for" He danced his fingers on your collarbones, 'N-no" you managed to stutter out, "Don't lie my dove, isn't that the reason you follow me or had your eyes on me" He trailed on, "I just missed you, Corio" you lied through your teeth, "Don't lie, it doesn't suit you.." he touched your chin.
"Why did you do it?" You mumbled, "How could I stop, it so hard not to imagine you swollen with my baby" He said, "Besides—
Thats all your good for"
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it-is-only-a-novel · 1 year
Aspec symbols
So I've been trying to gather a list of aspec symbols! Old and new, widely accepted, but also more obscure. Here's my list so far, including links and explanations (in italics) where possible. I've tried also to add in the specific labels that the symbols "belong to" where relevant/possible.
the color green (and anything green)
white aro ring which is worn on the middle finger of the left hand link
aro flag
archery (bow & arrow)
arrows of any type
frogs they are green (this is a more general queer symbol as well) link & link
yellow roses (& yellow flowers in general, seems to be more for alloplatonic aros, since yellow represents platonic love) link
sunflowers (aroallos) aroallo flag colors link
aardvarks link
anglerfish link
manticores link
rats link
nandays and caiques link
griffins link
phoenixs link
anatomical hearts distancing ourselves from the regular outlook on love, and/or love in general may be more for loveless and/or heartless aros
<2 link
succulents green
cacti green & many do not want romantic partners and can be seen as prickly, or want to be prickly
plants in general green!!
"no romo"
hummingbirds (aroallos) link
pineapples (aroallos) link
pizza & ice cream link
kiwis link
the emojis:🫀, 🏹, ↖️, ↗️, 🌻, 💚,🍍, 🍏, 💘 explanations: link
paper crowns references jughead jones from the archie comics link
dragons link
cake cake is better than sex link
garlic bread
the color purple
black ace ring which is worn on the middle finger of the right hand link
ace flag
pirates "Ace pirates aren’t interested in your booty" link
ghosts (demisexuals) link
denim vests
AVEN triangle
ace cards suits: spades-aroaces, Hearts-Alloromantics, Diamonds-deamisexuals, Clubs-grey-asexuls link
the emojis: 💜, ♠️
some of these are based off this post, and this master post
the colors blue & yellow in the apl flag
apples (green apples can be geared toward apls that are also aros)
blue heart 💙
apl flag
blue roses link
Blue apl ring on the thumb link
based off of this post, explanations are there.
aliens & robots reclaiming stereotypes about dehumanization link
Artemis goddess in Greek mythology focused on her passion for hunting. Represents finding fulfilment in other aspects of life not only sex, romance, friendship, love, and so on. Also used a bow & arrow link and also my own interpretation from reading about her
Many thanks to @merely-a-caricature, @the-big-gayheart, @heartless-aro, @arosunflower, @saffigon, @crab-in-progress, @aroace-thoughts, @apl-aro-narc, @entropy-sea-system, @dateademisexualpersonwho, @legally-x, @askanaroace, @aroace-people-are-lgtbq, @the-amber-droid-dreams, @foolishfynnesse and @itsnotasecret20 I used their posts/reblogs/comments to compile many of these symbols (and I've linked the posts). If I've missed someone, I apologize, it isn't intentional!
Last edit: 23/2/2024
I also want to add, that this post doesn't include all aspec identities, such as agender, afamilial, asensual, and more. They are important parts of the community, but I'm only informed on some, so couldn't include them.
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