#best travel trailer generator
steddiealltheway · 2 years
Eddie is the only one to notice that Steve squints at everything.
Whether this is menus, street signs, other people in general… he’s always squinting.
It becomes concerning when Steve starts missing exits, brushing it off as if he’s distracted rather than admitting he couldn’t read the sign in time. Then, while Eddie and Steve are playing babysitter for the kids at the fair, Steve panics when he loses sight of them. But they’re not far away and pretty hard to not notice.
Eddie doesn’t say anything. He just points them out and watches as Steve squints into the distance, pretending to see them. At least he trusts Eddie’s sight.
After they’ve dropped off almost all the kids, Eddie hesitates to get out of Steve’s car. He ushers Max to go on, explaining that he needs to talk to Steve.
Steve pulls outside of Eddie’s trailer home and nervously fiddles with the hem of his shirt. “What’s up, man?” He asks trying to sound casual.
“Steve, you need glasses,” Eddie says as a statement rather than a question.
“No I don’t,” Steve attempts to argue.
“You do.”
“Really, it’s not a big deal-”
“Not a big deal?! What happens when it’s not just exit signs that you’re missing? What if it’s a car?”
Steve just looks down and shrugs. Eddie will unpack that later, but, for now, he knows exactly what to say. “What if you’re with the kids when that happens?”
Steve’s head snaps up to look at Eddie, fear and shame flooding his features. He clears his throat. “We’ll go tomorrow,” Steve reluctantly says.
“I’m driving,” Eddie says half jokingly.
The visit to the eye doctor goes pretty well, and it’s quickly determined that yes, Steve really needs glasses. Eddie can’t help but whisper, “I told you so.”
Steve rolls his eyes.
When it comes to picking out the style of glasses, that’s when Eddie and Steve really start to struggle for different reasons. Steve struggles with the frames that best fit his face while Eddie… he struggles with the fact that Steve looks really hot in glasses.
Steve settles on a classic square frame that makes Eddie’s mouth go dry. Maybe making Steve get glasses wasn’t the best idea…
The optometrist finds Steve’s prescription lens in that exact frame, commenting on how he’s lucky they were in stock.
As soon as Steve puts them on, his eyes widen and jaw drops in awe. He looks around the room at the lights saying, “They’re… not blurry. I can see the bulbs.” When he looks outside at the trees he excitedly rambles, “The trees! I can see the leaves! And… the sign all the way down there… I can read it.”
Eddie chuckles which gets Steve’s attention. His gazes travels over the Eddie, and he freezes. It’s as if he’s seeing him for the first time. Which… he probably actually is.
Eddie shifts uncomfortably under the gaze, overly conscious of all the flaws Steve can now see clearly. Steve won’t stop staring.
The eye doctor clears his throat. Steve quickly looks away and hurries to pay. Eddie sighs in relief.
On the drive back, Eddie can’t help the wide smile that is permanently etched on his face as Steve shouts out all the different things he can see.
“What the hell? Since when do you wear glasses?” Dustin asks getting in the car.
Steve self consciously pushes the glasses up his nose. “Since yesterday.”
Mike laughs but stops when Eddie shoots him a look. “They look great, don’t they?” Eddie asks, trying to get everyone to agree so Steve doesn’t convince himself that he doesn’t need them again.
“They really do,” Max replies with a smirk. Christ. Lucas rolls his eyes and agrees with Max. Will nods enthusiastically, and Mike remains silent.
Steve beams and looks over at Eddie, eyes flicking down to his lips and back up to his eyes. And for the life of him, Eddie cannot understand why Steve has been so fascinated with his lips since getting his glasses. It’s only been a day, and Steve has looked at them over a hundred times.
He shakes off the thought, listening to Dustin ramble on about Suzie as everyone else groans.
A few days later, when Steve and Eddie are hanging out alone, it finally becomes unbearable because Steve. Won’t. Stop. Staring. At. His. Lips.
And Eddie keeps nervously licking them, which has caused his lips to chap. So maybe that’s why he’s staring? But then, he puts on chapstick which maybe gives him another reason to stare?
Honestly, he’s about two seconds away from breaking.
Steve looks at his lips again. That’s it…
“Why the fuck do you keep staring at my lips? What is so fascinating about them? Are they weird looking? Do you have a sudden new interest in lips because of your glasses?” Eddie rambles on, knowing he sounds ridiculous but seriously. What is wrong with them?
Steve turns red and his mouth opens and closes a few times. “Uh…” is the only thing he can say apparently. He glances down at Eddie’s lips again. Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“Do you really want to know?” Steve asks.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” Eddie says now concerned at what the hell Steve is going to say.
“This is going to sound so stupid, but… ever since I got my glasses and saw you… it was like… seeing you for the first time all over again. And…” Steve swallows and runs a hand through his hair. “I haven’t been able to see you the way I did… before.”
“What?” Eddie questions because what?
Steve runs a hand over his face and takes his glasses off, as if it’s going to help him to think. “I can’t stop thinking about the way your eyes shine and have such intense depth. The way the corner of your eyes crinkle when you smile. How I can see every strand of your hair and it looks… so soft…” Steve trails off and reaches for a curl, feeling it between his fingers before releasing it.
Eddie swallows. There’s no way that Steve means what he thinks he does.
Steve puts his glasses back on and stares at Eddie. He glances down at his lips and says, “And I mean it when I say I can’t see you the same way as before because I keep staring at your lips, and I want more than anything to kiss them.” His eyes flicker back to Eddie’s, pleading and scared. Steve corrects himself. “I want to kiss you.”
“Making you get glasses was the best thing I’ve ever done, then,” Eddie says, cupping Steve’s jaw and kissing him gently. His nose nudges against the frames, but he can’t complain.
Steve pulls back and takes the glasses off. “And taking them off is about to be the second best thing I’ve ever done,” Steve says before kissing Eddie again.
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mythaura-blog · 5 months
Development Update - December 2023
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Hi folks, a very Happy New Year to you!
In the spirit of new beginnings, Mythaura has entered a new chapter in its development, which we detail in our December development update. We also take time to review what was accomplished in 2023 (our first full calendar year with Mythaura!).
We've also got our color contest winners, the winning Fighter companion, and much, much more. And of course: our demo is now live! We're so excited for you to traverse the Wild Area, a procedurally generated map with monsters for your team of three Beasts to defeat.
Demo Trailer
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Message From The Developers
We're thrilled to share this pivotal update about Mythaura’s development journey, which showcases many of the core features we have planned for this game. Today marks a significant transition: we're shifting from the intricate and challenging phase of game engine development to the exciting realm of feature development.
Since beginning this project, our focus has been on scoping and then crafting robust and core components. Features such as wild areas, battle, and multiplayer systems, not to mention the complex breeding system, passive effect management, player inventory system, and the beast image engine. We've also been diligently integrating these elements with complex user interfaces and ensuring they will work on most devices (an ever ongoing battle). It's been a journey of overcoming unknowns and technical challenges, and we're proud of what we've achieved.
Now, we're entering a new chapter. Our attention turns to fleshing out the game's features, with a special focus on developing an immersive questing and dialogue system, towns & shops, skill trees & progression, and tools for content development among other needed feature development. The hardest challenges have by and large been solved at this stage and our focus can now be how to best deliver an amazing gaming experience by bringing them together. This shift doesn't mean the work is done—far from it. But it's a major milestone that brings us closer to realizing our vision for the game.
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and enthusiasm, and look forward to a jam packed 2024.
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Year In Review
This year has been marked by numerous milestones. Below is a recap of our key accomplishments, excluding the latest updates which have been a major focus of our efforts for the past several months.
1. Introduction of 'Supers': Enhanced breeding complexity by introducing 'Supers' as a new mechanic, making well-structured breeding projects more valuable. We started with the debut of our first Super: Tegu.
2. Special Additions: Welcomed the special Panda to our list of Specials.
3. Expressions for Beasts: Implemented expressions for beasts, a significant and ongoing undertaking that gives life to your beasts as they interact with NPCs.
4. Elements System: Introduced the Elements system, assigning each beast a pair of inherent elements. An element page was added that delves into the lore of each element.
5. Beast Sizes: Standardized beast sizes, assigning each beast a unique size within its species' range.
6. Beast Classes: Initial build of beast classes, providing each beast with a class-based playstyle and initial items.
7: Radiant Companions: Unveiled Radiant companions, rare alternate colorations for companions that are bound to be highly sought-after.
8: Deep Dive into Seasons: Explored the planned feature 'Seasons', designed to reward ongoing gameplay.
9: The Weekend Traveler: Designed the Kobold NPC known as the Weekend Traveler, who deals in ultra-rare goods, along with the Kobold non-player species.
10. New Colors on the Wheel: Established a sustainable method to introduce new colors to our color palette, allowing us to add 16 new colors this year (including the 3 contest winners).
11. Ephemeral Inks: Introduced Ephemeral Inks, a way to alter the colors of a beast.
12. Color Wheel Page: Created a dedicated page listing colors and corresponding inks.
13. PvP Battle Demo: Rolled out a demo showcasing our multiplayer technology in PvP battles.
14. Mutations Feature: Added Mutations as a rare breeding-only feature, beginning with our first Mutation: Piebald.
15. Items By You: Crafted 11 sponsored companions (excluding recolors), 5 sponsored apparel pieces, and 2 sponsored items.
16. New Game Engine: Designed a render pipeline that can create the 2.5D effects used in Wild Areas during exploration. Including, but not limited to, dynamic shadows, volumetric fog, real-time lighting, collision detection, special & particle effects, and gravity simulation, all accelerated by your GPU.
17. Granular Settings: Created a UI to manage game settings, graphics settings, audio settings, etc as well as added gamepad support with keybind remapping to Wild Areas.
18. Procedural Map Generation: Developed technology to procedurally generate bespoke Wild Areas.
19. Ongoing Production: Work on ongoing behind-the-scenes features such as worldbuilding, map design, systems design, and the exploration features we showcased on this update!
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UI Update
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You may notice the UI has received an update. This redesign focuses on being accessible for players using controllers, which is something we are working towards supporting on all screens and not just the Wild Area demo. The about page has also been updated. All the links to informational pages you would have found in the left-side menu of the previous design can be found on the about page with the exception of the /species page, whose contents has been moved to the about page.
We have also added an install button to the homepage that will display for users who have browsers which support Progressive Web Apps. This will add Mythaura to your taskbar/home screen for easy full-screen access.
Mobile and tablet users may enable gyroscope to interact with the parallax graphics if they would like.
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Feature Spotlight: Wild Area
Wild Areas are a key pillar of Mythaura’s gameplay, and will be where you can expect to spend a lot of your time.
At A Glance
Procedurally Generated Levels
Traverse through uniquely generated levels with your trio of beasts. Control your adventure with WASD for movement and Space for jumps and shift for sprint. This can be remapped in the settings.
Each Wild Area boasts a series of floors. Your goal? Reach the top (or bottom)!
Your Safe Havens: Checkpoint Floors
Leave the Wild Area without any penalties
Choose to start from any previously reached checkpoint.
Encounter formidable bosses or minibosses at many of these checkpoints.
Prepare for the Journey: The Adventure Bag
Your Adventure Bag is your lifeline. Pack it with essential items for survival and success.
Provision Wisely: Stock up and get ready to face the unknown.
Limited inventory space for both what you bring with you and what you find along the way.
Keep Your Energy Up
Your team's energy is key. Keep it replenished with food from your Adventure Bag or found on your journey.
Running out of energy or facing defeat? You’ll black out, dropping your Adventure Bag's contents. But don't worry, you can retrieve them by returning to your last stand.
Encounter the Unexpected
From unlocking treasure chests with lockpicks to aiding NPCs, each exploration offers unique surprises.
Day and Night Dynamics: Encounter different enemies and events. A full day/night cycle completes every 12 real hours.
Wild Areas have natural water bodies, perfect for a fishing escapade.
Escalating Challenges
Increase difficulty with each New Game+ cycle and encounter new enemies and challenging secret bosses.
Multiplayer Co-Op
Up to 3 players can group up to take on a Wild Area together.
Take on enemies as a group with co-op battles.
See your friends jump and move in realtime, split up to make the most of your exploration while keeping tabs on your team-mates through the text chat and the minimap.
Fledgeling’s Forest Demo
The demo features a single floor of the Fledgeling's Forest Wild Area, with unlimited energy.
Day/Night Slider: Experience any time of day at your convenience. (Note: Creatures that spawn remain the same in the demo)
Currently Disabled: Fishing, lockpicking, loot & foraging, multiplayer, and other events are not available in this demo.
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NG+ Cycle Update
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In last month's update we revealed our plans for Mythaura's New Game+ system. Originally, our plan allowed players from NG+2 and beyond to create any Tier 1-Tier 3 Beast.
We have since changed it so that at the beginning of a player's NG+2 cycle they may make a Tier 1-Tier 3 Beast with up to three Specials, but NG+3 and beyond will not feature any custom Beast creation. The player will instead have access to a pool of NG+3-exclusive items that they will receive items from.
Thank you to our Discord members for all their input, it provided us with a much better direction to move forward with!
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Winter Quarter (2024) Concepts
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It’s the first day of Winter Quarter 2024, which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by January 29, 2024 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
All Fall 2023 Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Fall 2023 Glamour: Ghastly Grin
Fall 2023 Companion: Saddleback Rattlecat
Fall 2023 Solid Gold Glamour: Ryu
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Custom Color Contest Winners
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Last month we revealed the names of the winning colors of our first ever Custom Color Contest--now they've made their official debut in the Beast Creator!
Congratulations again to:
Xander's "Moonstone"
Rhahatl's "Wintergrass"
Andydrarch's "Trench"
We were so impressed by all the amazing entries you all submitted. We'll definitely be running more contests like this in the future, so please stay tuned for them in future updates. Thank you all for participating!
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Fighter Class Companion Winner
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The brutish Domestic Wolverine will be the starting Companion for the Fighter Class! These brave and hardy creatures are perfectly suited to aiding new Fighters. Next month, we will vote on the next class companion: Rogue.
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Meet the Team
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We've gotten to learn so much about our supporters over the past year and a half, we thought it was time to share a little bit about ourselves as well! On our About page you can find short bios on each of the devs, including their favorite Mythaura species, color from our color wheel, and other fun and (very miscellaneous) facts.
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Safari & iOS Problems
At this time, iOS devices like iPad and iPhone are only partially supported. These are the issues that the dev team is aware of and actively working on:
On iOs, Safari forces a refresh if the memory usage spikes, forcing you back to the demo start page. This happens at different times on different devices dependent on its RAM usage.
Sometimes when starting a battle, battlers start shifted down, then snap to the correct position after interacting with a button.
The zoom in on a beast image is pixelated (Safari bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27684).
On Mac Safari, battle animations showing with a black background. iOS is fine. Solution is to disable battle animations in the settings.
You will need to be running at least iOS 15 and Safari version 15 or greater in order to use Mythaura.
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Mythaura v0.25.1
Improvements to AI Behavior: Improved target selection and behavior profiles for AI enemies.
Class Infrastructure Addition: Added new class infrastructure.
Stat Effects from Classes: Implemented functionality where classes affect stats.
Glamour CMS Process and Fixes: Updated and fixed issues related to the glamour content management system process.
Ability Usage Tracking: Implemented increments in the 'ability times used' counter, enhancing tracking of abilities' usage.
Policy Code Refactor: Conducted a significant refactor of policy-related code, improving efficiency and maintainability.
Item Actions Refactoring and Rename Feature: Refactored item actions and added a new feature to rename items, allowing users to name their companions.
Book Item Type Addition: Introduced a new item type - books, adding to the game's content.
Encounter and Description Fixes: Fixed issues with encounter metadata and corrected miss descriptions.
Shadow Maps Generation: Added tools that allow the system to generate shadow assets.
PHP 8.3 Compatibility Updates: Made updates to ensure compatibility with PHP 8.3.
Queue Configuration and Fixes: Improved the configuration of job queues and fixed related issues.
Fixes and Updates for Battler State: Addressed issues in practical testing and refined the battler state management.
Refactor of Current Effects: Refactored how current effects are stored and managed. Moved current effects to state and resolved turn resolution issues.
Map Generation and Space Management: Improved the map generator to add empty spaces when out of view.
Behavior Selection and Shadow Rendering Fixes: Fixed issues with behavior selection and shadow rendering in battle states.
Party Leader Management Updates: Implemented changes for setting new party leaders upon defeat.
Stat Resolution Enhancements: Updated the resolution of stats, improving the mechanics of stat calculations.
PvP and Demo Battle Fixes: Made fixes specifically for arena PvP and demo battles.
State Management and Pruning: Improved state management, including pruning data when no longer needed by the system.
Species Data Addition: Added species data to the about page.
Rest & Defend Action Health Gain: Resting no longer increases health but does recover more stamina. Defending no longer recovers stamina.
Remade Companion Page: Used the new scene component to improve usability and performance of companion page.
Adjusted Radiant Overlay: This fixes an issue Firefox users had with viewing radiant companions.
Updated Tooltips: Tooltips have been replaced with a more modern library.
Gyroscope Support: The game can use a devices gyroscope to move parallax scenes around.
Websocket Connection Updates: Ensures websockets get cleanly disconnected at the end of every battle.
Improved Hitboxes and Rendering: Objects no longer appear to "float" regardless of their size and their hitboxes have been refined.
Added Global Sound - App can now maintain music across different pages and the settings control master, sound effects, and music seperately.
Enhanced Settings - Greatly improved the number of modular settings a user can use in both graphics and gamepad.
Wild Area Game Pad Support - Wild areas now support game pag usage. Full game pad support is in progress.
Virtual Joystick - Touch screen devices can control movement with a virtual joystick.
General Cleanups and Tweaks: Conducted cleanups and minor tweaks across various parts of the system.
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Thank You!
Our first full calendar year with Mythaura has been one primarily focused on foundation-building. We're so excited to use these systems that we have built to create the content that players will engage with as they travel throughout Mythaura. Again, a heartfelt thanks to those who have supported us through all of this--we really couldn't have done it without you. We hope to deliver an experience that you'll want to revisit again and again.
As always: we'll see you around the Discord!
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planerot · 8 months
This is a very silly idea, but it refuses to leave my brain so might as well put it here (This is set sometime after Cars 3 by the way):
Lightning picks up a new game he’s interested in (the exact type/genre of game doesn’t really matter, it’s just some multiplayer game) and starts to play whenever he has time or needs to unwind after a long day.
He intentionally picks a username that is so generic/weird that there is no chance anyone would guess his real identity since, as much as he does love his fans, he really just wants to be able to play normally and not be treated like a celebrity for once.
After awhile of playing, he eventually notices a certain player he plays alongside/against a lot and decides to strike up conversation via the text chat. The other player is a bit prickly at first, but the two actually start getting along and friend each other in the game.
Whenever the two are online at the same time, they team up and play together, slowly becoming close friends as they get more comfortable with each other.
Lightning is completely unaware that the person he’s playing with is, in fact, Jackson Storm, who is also doing his best to stay anonymous.
Both of them are completely blind to who the other’s identity and thus shenanigans ensue as they try and not give away who they really are, not wanting their accounts to be linked to their real identity.
So they would both try and lie in the most believable way possible, neither picking up on the fact the other is also lying, thus leading to conversations like:
Lightning: if you don’t mind me asking, what do you work as? you seem to travel a lot for your job
Jackson (literally sitting in his trailer after a race): …
Jackson: accountant. wby? you seem to travel a lot for work as well
Lightning (typing the first thing he thought that sounded believable): trucker :)
Just the idea of them HATING each others guts in real life but being best buddies in game, venting to the other person in game about something said person literally did/caused in real life but NEVER connecting the dots about each others identity is very funny to me.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 6 months
Never mind the odds
Hailee Steinfeld x male reader
Request: Hailee Steinfeld x male reader. Can you do one where the reader is a super cute boyfriend, like he brings her food when she’s on set and is just an amazing boyfriend in general, but he is also really hot and protective, so when she was filming coast he saw a guy talking about her body and checking her out and she was really uncomfortable so he steps up and scares the guy and takes him away, but he comes back to comfort her and he just stays on set till the end of the day to take her home?
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You finished face time with your girlfriend, and she is feeling stressed out. You drive to buy her favorite food and iced coffee, then you drive to the studio. You don't tell her that you are going because you want to surprise her. You went to the set with the food and drink, she saw you before you saw her. Hailee starts to smile and walks toward you
“Y/n, you came” Hailee smiled.
She gave you a peck on the lips.
“I figured you must be hungry, so I got food for you,” You said.
“Oh, you remember the iced coffee I like” Hailee smiled.
“Yeah, I have the receipt saved. You should eat, because I know you would skip lunch” You said.
“You came in just in because it's time for lunch and I didn't eat breakfast, I didn't have time,” Hailee said.
You and Hailee sit down, and she starts to eat the food you got for her. You start to ask about her day and you listen to her, then she asked what you have been doing.
“Oh, Y/n try this” Hailee smiled.
She feeds you the chicken pasta it has a new sauce on it. You start to eat it and she waits for your response.
“What do you think?” Hailee asked.
“I like it,” You said.
While she is eating her lunch, you can hear two guys talking about her. You don't like what they are saying and you noticed that she is uncomfortable. Her mood changed and she stopped eating.
“She is so hot. I want to have my way with her” He said.
“Same. She won't say no to us and she has a hot ass” His friend said.
They continued to talk about her, then you stood up and walked toward them. You grabbed the guy’s shirt and you start to glare at him.
“Don’t talk about her like that or I will break every bone in your body, I won't hesitate” You said.
“I won't talk about her,” He said.
“Good. Don't go near her” You said.
You let go and went sit next to her again, you just smiled at her. The guys moved away and you gently hold her hand. You decided to stay on set all day, to make sure no one else would bother her. But you and Hailee did take a nap in her trailer, she is always the little spoon.
You noticed that Hailee isn't happy and went to lie on the bed. She has on your shirt and you sit next to her.
“Why are your shirts so comfortable to wear?” Hailee asked.
“I don't know. But I have noticed half of my pajama shirts are gone” You said.
She takes your shirts when she travels for work.
“There is no chocolate and I'm on my period” Hailee sighed.
“Oh that's why you are grumpy,” You said.
She smacked your leg.
“What was that for?” You asked.
“I’m not grumpy,” Hailee said.
You kissed her head and you put a blanket on her. You leave and went to the store, you get chocolate, iced coffee, and some snacks then went home.
“I got chocolate for you,” You said.
“You are the best boyfriend, Y/n!” Hailee smiled.
She pulled you close to her and she starts to kiss you. She ate some of the chocolate. You are lying on your back and she snuggled on you. You have your arm around her and she has her leg on top of you. A few minutes later, she fell asleep on you and you don't move or say anything to her. You closed your eyes
✫ ✫ ✫ ✫
Hailee was away filming and it's been weeks since you two saw each other. You went to the airport and you are holding flowers for her, you can't wait to see her. Hailee is on the escalator and she saw you, she starts to smile. Once she got off the escalator she rushed towards you. She jumped on you and you are holding her tight.
“I missed you!” Hailee said.
“I missed you too, babe,” You said.
She starts to kiss you and you are smiling.
“The flowers are for you,” You said between kisses.
“Thanks, babe. Let's go home” Hailee smiled.
You gently put her down and she grabbed the flowers. You get her luggage and she follows you to the car.
She was taking a shower and she has on your shirt. You are in the kitchen making her something to eat, and she walks into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around you from behind.
“It’s almost done,” You said.
She doesn't let go of you. You turned off the stove and then turned around, now you have your arms around her.
“I thought since I have time off, maybe we can go away on a trip,” Hailee said.
“It has been a while since we got away. Where should we go?” You said.
“I don't know, yet. Maybe we talk about it while we eat?” Hailee said.
You kiss her on the lips and she starts to smile.
“Yeah,” You said.
You and Hailee sat down and start to eat while talking about the trip.
You and Hailee are at a basketball game, sitting courtside. The kiss cam went on you two, then she kissed you on the lips. Some of her red lipstick is on your lips and you are just smiling. Then you put your arm around her and you take a drink from your cup.
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sandboxscenes · 9 months
For you, I'd break the world.
A/N: It's my first time doing something like this. But this got a foothold in my brain and would not let me go. Inspired by this post from @skylovs and partly based on real life shenanigans with the 3.2 photo glitch a couple of months ago.
Honestly, Ayato was the main reason I started Genshin, and he was the first character that I went all in for.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
It should've been impossible for you to meet, but yet…
When you first saw Ayato in his trailer, he captured your heart. The mysteriously shrewd Yashiro commissioner, who operates in the the shadows - Kamisato Ayato. You weren't sure if it was the white official outfit he wore as part of the Kamisato Clan, his elegant movements, his personality, or his voice - equal parts calming and mysterious, that caught you, but you fell for him.
You were well aware of Ayato's status as the Yashiro Commissioner and the responsibilities it came with, and his sister, Ayaka, as the Shirasagi Himegi. In addition, you had devoured every single tidbit about him and the Kamisato clan that you could get your hands on. Even with the constraints of the game locking you out of his story quest, and even Inazuma, you read everything about him - his past, and his stories, and committed them to heart.
You wanted him.
You needed him.
And you were willing to break all of the rules to do so.
"If I can get to Inazuma without going past AR 25, I will pull for him. I want him. I won't ascend my world level until I get him."
The words quietly left your lips. It was a mantra of sorts. A phrase you'd say to yourself often, when you were exploring around the world of Teyvat.
For you, it was also a reminder of the goal that you set for yourself. Ayato's original banner had long since passed, but you were hoping that he would be getting a re-run soon. That singular piece of hope is why you were hunting. You wanted to gather enough primogems, in the hopes that he would come to you on a golden star.
When rumors swirled online regarding the reappearance of a glitch that would allow beginning players to make their way to the closed nation of Inazuma, you were intrigued.
A way to make it to Inazuma? Without getting struck by lighting? Impossible.
It must be too good to be true, you thought. You shook your head and heaved a heavy sigh. You weren't necessarily the best at video games in general, so the thought of being able to essentially break the game, by being somewhere where you weren't supposed to be was a hard ask. But you also couldn't help your curiosity.
After a few days, your curiosity won out, and you decided to put the glitch to the test. You watched endless tutorial videos on the glitch. After multiple failures, you ended up with a success, and watched as your character walked on air.
"Yes!" You loudly yelled as your character maneuvered around, defying gravity.
The success spurred a fire in you. You needed to repeat the conditions and do additional testing to master the glitch. But you did not care how many hours it would take. You were determined to travel to Inazuma, no matter what.
The first place you touched down in Inazuma after walking on air, was the Kamisato Estate. A fitting place for you to touch down. After unlocking the wavepoint right by the Kamisato Estate, you hunkered down and continued to hunt down primogems.
Then, the fated day of his banner arrived.
You opened up the wishing window. You took a deep breath. With all of the primogems that you gathered, you put your hands together and whispered a silent prayer. You clicked the button to wish, and you closed your eyes, hoping for a miracle.
The first ten pull you did, you saw a purple star shooting across the screen. Not him. You knew it was unlikely for you to meet him, but a part of you hoped that you could meet him immediately. That did not happen. Ten pulls turned into thirty pulls that turned into eighty Pulls, but still, he was nowhere to be found.
Your heart tightened. Anxiety swirled in your thoughts. Even though you knew that you had enough offerings for him, you made sure of it. You couldn't help when your thoughts turned doubtful.
"Why can't I get him? Why?"
Your muttered to no one in particular. You laid your head down on your desk as your eyes fell on the wishing screen in front of you. Ayato's visage seemed to be taunting you the more you looked at the screen. As if in a trance, your fingers lazily clicked the button for another ten pull.
Ninety pulls. Hard Pity.
You sat up with a start when you saw the golden star fly across the screen. The anticipation built up in your chest as you held your breath to see who would appear on your screen. One by one, the pulls were revealed. But you couldn't concentrate on them. You wanted to know if you could meet Ayato.
When the golden star was revealed to be the Yuheng of the Liyue Quixing, Kequing, your heart fell. You knew of Kequing and liked her fine enough, but she wasn't who you wanted. You wanted Ayato. You knew that if you continued your offerings, you would be able to meet him. But still, a small part of you disliked how things played out. You wanted Ayato to be the first one you met.
You laid your head down on the computer keyboard, as you mentally tried to psych yourself up enough to continue to pull. The keys dug into part of your face, but you didn't care.
"Ayato, please come home."
Your soft words floated on the air. You knew it was futile to say, but you couldn't help yourself. Perhaps, despite Genshin being a videogame, you wanted to lose yourself in the hope that he could hear you, and that your sentiments would reach him.
The sound, followed by a blue notification, popped up on your computer, informing you that the computer was about to run out of battery. You looked around for the power cord. You plugged it into the computer, and felt a small shock jump up your arm. You looked at the cord and then at your hand. You flexed your hand to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary. It felt fine.
That was weird.
Your computer had only been on for a few minutes, but it was weird how the battery drained so quickly. You knew that you played Genshin last night, but you were sure that you left charging before you went to bed. You thought so, at least. You shrugged. Maybe you are making a big deal out of nothing. Your memory may have been mistaken, and you forgot to plug it in last night. It was an honest mistake that you've done before.
"Alright, Ayato. I promise you, I'll bring you home. I'm ready."
Are you?
You hesitated for a second, before you shook your head. You thought you heard something, but dismissed it. Your mouse clicked the button as you started to wish once again. The pulls started to rack up - Ten, Twenty, Fifty, and then finally, nintety pulls. Hard pity again.
Despite your rotten luck, you couldn't help the grin on your face as you watched the golden star shoot across the screen. Your heartbeat rang in your ears. This is what you've been waiting for. When the shadows dissipated, you found yourself looking face to face at the handsome face of Yashiro Commissioner himself. The words slipped out of your mouth, unbidden.
"Hi, Ayato. Welcome home. I've been waiting forever to meet you."
Sorry for being late.
You blinked. There it was again. You couldn't help feeling uneasy. You thought you heard something - twice. But nothing seemed to be making noise around you.
You turned to face the screen again, and you were in the character menu, looking at Ayato. You were mesmerized as you watched him elegantly materialize his sword and sheath it. You swore that you saw a mischievous twinkle in his eye and sly smile on his lips. Or did you?
You blinked, and Ayato went into his other idle animation, the one where he was drinking Boba. You raised your eyebrow. You knew that you wanted to check out his idle animations after getting him, but it was odd how the game seemed to predict what you wanted to see. If you didn't know any better, you could've sworn that he was aware of your presence, or worst yet, reading your mind.
Now that you think about it, when did you log out of the wishing screen?
You don't remember clicking the button to exit the screen.
You shrugged. Maybe it was just your laptop acting up again. Even laptop troubles couldn't dampen your mood now. You had Ayato now, and he was the one you wanted from the very beginning.
You outfitted him with all the gear that you saved for him, and started to play. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but you could've sworn that you saw Ayato's strikes do even more damage. They seemed to take care of every obstacle you faced as a player.
"Thank you, Ayato."
My pleasure.
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leowo-leuwu · 1 month
Ok, I would like to use my profile to present some of my things, as I do some things involving the universe of The Lorax. I have an AU, but I'm going to focus on my oc outside of this AU, which would be a representation of me on a certain way.
Introducing Layla
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Layla is a 21-year-old girl who has lived practically her entire life in an orphanage. Her parents died when she was still a baby, so she never really knew them.
At the age of 18, she was able to receive the billion-dollar inheritance that her parents left her before they died. Her father owned a canned food company that was very famous in this universe while her mother was a renowned lawyer. However, she only found out about it when she turned 18 and came into possession of her family's fortune.
As soon as she got the money, she wanted to fulfill her dream of seeing the world beyond the orphanage, building a trailer with the help of a car manufacturing company. After traveling through several places, Layla decides to visit the Truffula Forest, making it her final trip, as it would become her new home.
More information about her personality
Layla is ambivert, generally lazy, being more lively when it is something she is interested in doing. She loves playing guitar at campfire circles, gardening, painting and card games.
She can be a bit nosy, especially if she notices that someone close to her is sad, she will bother the person until they are happy.
Her favorite colors are red, black and green.
Her favorite food is Chicken Stroganoff.
Relationship with Once-ler in her history
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I decided to say that they end up meeting on the same day that Once-ler arrives in the forest because I thought it would be an interesting dynamic. The first impression between the two is not exactly good, Once-ler finds her annoying for being nosy and Layla finds him annoying for being a bit grumpy. As the days go by, the two get closer, getting to know each other better.
Layla sees him as a good friend until one day when they sit next to the river to watch the stars, they end up talking about life. The view of each other changes, growing a feeling of passion.
Random informations
Layla was created in May 2023 and initially used my real name, but I decided to change it.
She loves striped clothes, so her wardrobe is very striped.
Your Trailer cost a lot because it was assembled from scratch. Inside it has all the rooms of a house, even having a little clutter room to put things you don't use as much.
In this universe Once-ler doesn't "become" the Greed-ler, so yes, a happy ending for everyone.
She is Lorax's best friend, having several philosophical conversations with him in the middle of the night.
Her hair is natural red.
She doesn't like Once-ler's family because of the idea of deforestation and because Once-ler's mother looked at her the wrong way when she saw her for the first time.
She has a stuffed pink bunny that was given to her by her mother when she was a baby, and she still takes care of it.
Once-ler likes to teach Layla how to knit, even though she is terrible at it.
She helps Once-ler sell the Thneeds in the city.
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trivialbob · 1 month
@mstacobelle tagged me for the five things that make me happy list.
Admiring my lawn after I mow it on a nice summer day. Though I may be dirty and tired, the silence and feeling of accomplishment that follows pleases me. Bonus points for seeing Ella's normally white feet turned green from running through grass clippings. It's cute. Sometimes she leads me around the back yard as I push the Toro, dropping a tennis ball in front of it, forcing me to stop and throw the ball for her.
Labels facing forward inside the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, and hall closet. When I see labels aligned properly, a calm joyfulness sweeps over me. It may stem from working at grocery stores during high school and college. Sometimes after my wife cooks or bakes I quietly check the cabinets and fridge, turning labels of things she used back to the way I like. I also have to move things back to where they belong. (Honey, condiments always go on the shelves of the left-side refrigerator door. That was clearly stated in our wedding vows.)
Listening to the Blues Brothers version of Soul Man while I'm driving.
(Longtime readers will be sick of this one) Finding pizza flavored Pepperidge Farms Goldfish Crackers at a grocery store. Oddly, the best flavor of Goldfish is poorly stocked at stores I frequent. If the pizza flavored crackers are even there, they're disrespectfully located on the bottom shelf, like cheap liquor. I know I could order them online, but I prefer grocery shopping in a store, even if my (Gold)fishing net is empty. Bonus points if the Goldfish crackers are on sale.
Getting rid of coins I find in this house and our cars. Before I go to the grocery store I gather all the loose change I can find. At the self-checkout I feed those coins in like I'm a chain-smoking retiree in front of a one armed bandit. When the coins are gone I pay the balance with plastic. Dumping in $2.87 of loose change makes me feel like I used a $2.87 coupon. It's my money, but I still feel like I got a discount.
Hearing Walker Hayes singing Fancy Like while I'm driving.
Driving my wife's car and not having to first make a beeline to the nearest gas station. That's both happiness and relief.
Hanging out at the brewery with our friends and/or dogs. Since the place first opened Sheila and I have gotten to know most of the employees and a lot of the regular customers. I can go by myself and still end up sharing a table.
Being at the airport dog park when a Boeing 777 or Airbus A330-900 approaches overhead. My dogs don't care, but I think it's cool seeing the larger airliners.
Getting our travel trailer backed in perfectly at a cool campsite, getting it leveled, then walking around with a beer, checking out other trailers and RVs, and meeting new people and dogs.
I listed more than five because I'm pretty happy in general. Also Kim, I like to under promise and over deliver!
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Sweetness and anger - e.m & s.h
hello angels! i hope everyone is doing okay, here is a part two to my most recent steddie x reader fic. thank you to @caseyqdilla for the idea (i hope this was okay)! enjoy reading 🩷🩷
taglist (feel free to add yourselves 🩷) @eddieamoremio @loverboy-poems @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @lovurry @bibieddiesgf @plk-18 @m-rae23 @adaydreamaway08 @missabsey (if there’s a line through your name i can’t tag you x)
you had given birth to your sweet baby girl Penny just five days ago and it had been the most surreal experience. becoming a mum to this perfect little girl just changed your whole life and you couldn't be happier that she was finally here.
Steve and Eddie hadn't left your babies side since she was born. it was usually them who would wake up to change her in the night, or they would rush to calm her down if she wasn't hungry and they were the perfect dads any child could ask for.
you had decided today was the perfect day for you all to travel to Hawkins so everyone could meet your baby girl and the first stop was Wayne. Eddie had begged you and Steve to let Wayne be the first person from all of your families to meet her and you agreed. he had been the person all three of you could go to when you needed something and it meant a lot to Eddie.
"you girls okay back there?" Steve asked looking in his rear view mirror at you and Penny who were sat comfortably in the back. your eyes never left her sleeping body as you nodded and smiled. it was a little bit uncomfortable being sat in a car for a few hours but you knew that it would be good for you to get out of the house and see your family again, you also weren't to far away from the garage.
your finger was stroking Penny's cheek lightly as she slept in her car seat, her face scrunching slightly at the touch but her expression soon turned peaceful again. you were still in shock that you were actually a mum and it was crazy to think that you'd be looking after her for her whole life.
"Wayne called this morning, i've never heard him sound so excited" Eddie turned to look at you from the front making your focus shift from Penny to Eddie. "he's been excited to meet her since we told him, i bet he was getting impatient" Steve joked making Eddie slap his shoulder lightly.
"he's a very patient man Steve" you rolled your eyes as the two of them bickered back and forth, even with them becoming dads they still acted like kids. you looked down at Penny who was now awake and looking around the car. the boys had woken her up and you were surprised she wasn't crying.
"did you dads wake you up?" she had a frown on her face now. for a newborn she was really expressive and seeing them were just adorable even if she was trying to be mad. after the boys heard you speaking to your now awake baby they shut up and Eddie turned to look at you.
"shit, is she awake?" Steve glanced at you in the rear view mirror again as Eddie spoke to you. you nodded your finger stroking over her cheek again. "it's okay, it's not like she was going to sleep for the whole journey anyway, how far away are we from the garage?"
the only place Wayne could meet Penny was at the garage. he had tried to get in a few different members of staff to cover his shift so he could meet her at his trailer but was unsuccessful so you decided because you knew he was desperate to meet his granddaughter going to the garage was the next best thing.
"about five minutes, why what's wrong? do we need to stop" even before becoming a dad Steve was always making sure everyone was safe and would always ask if they needed anything. "no nothing, it's just i'm pretty sure she's hungry but we are almost there so we don't have to. i'll feed her when we get there"
Steve only nodded and drove around Hawkins to the garage. you were all nervous, Wayne would be the first person to meet Penny and this was huge. the first grandchild on all of your sides and it was a big thing. it was the newest generation and it was so surreal that only a few years ago you were all fighting monsters and had a crazy life, now you were parents.
you were now outside the garage still sat in the car feeding a hungry Penny. you had her and you covered with a nursing cloth making sure that no one could see you or Penny. breastfeeding was a very intimate and private experience and you wanted to feel comfortable without feeling watched so Eddie and Steve being the amazing partners they were kept watch outside the car to make sure no creeps were looking inside.
once Penny was fed and burped you put her back into her car seat and opened the car door. Eddie helped you out of the car whilst Steve got Penny out, holding the car seat tightly to be careful he didn't drop her (not like he would anyway he was just very cautious).
you walked into the garage arm linked around Eddie's with Steve walking a bit in front of the two of you. Wayne's head popped up out of a car and a huge smile took over his face. "oh my goodness" he threw a oily rag over his shoulder and walked over to the four of you.
you unlinked your arms from Eddie's knowing Wayne would go straight over to him. your thoughts were correct, he immediately pulled Eddie into a hug and patted him on the back. you felt a swell of love in your chest as you watched the small interaction, it was beautiful to see.
"congratulations" he said as he pulled away and looked at the small car seat on Steve's arm. again, Penny was sleeping, her peaceful expression showing of her prominent features that looked identical to yours except she plumper lips and deep brown eyes. her hair was brown and thick, now you knew why you had terrible heart burn.
"would you look at that, she's beautiful" Wayne teared up, he was a grandad now and he couldn't believe it. "i'll just go wash my hands, i'll be right back. Eddie you know where my office is" he left the three of you to go to the bathroom.
you all moved to Wayne's office and you sat down on the chair in front of the desk. you had a lot of pain after giving birth, you'd gotten a few stitches and it hurt a lot. Steve placed the car seat on top of the desk and unclipped Penny, gently pulling her out and placing her in his chest. he swayed slightly and placed a few kisses to her head.
"sorry for taking so long, Troy was being an asshole" Wayne sat down in his chair which was opposite to you and held his arms out. it had been years since he last held a baby but he was pretty sure he could remember how to. he had been reading a few (a lot) of books on babies just to figure out how to hold her (and found out a lot of other things just in case he ever had to babysit).
Steve placed Penny in Wayne's arms and he swore he'd never seen anything more beautiful in his entire life. his chin quivered and his eyes filled with tears as he looked at Penny who was still fast asleep. "i'll be right back" Eddie said placing a delicate kiss on your forehead before leaving Wayne's office.
"she's absolutely beautiful" Wayne sniffled but quickly composed himself "how was the birth y/n? i don't really know what happened, all i know is Eddie nearly missed it" you only nodded, still hurt from what happened only five days prior. "well the birth was okay because Eddie made it just in time but the boys never answered the phone. Steve had called them all day and no one picked up"
"i have no idea if they were pulling a prank or something but i called from like 9am to two hours before she was born and no one answered. i'm surprised Eddie even made it" Steve stood behind you, a hand rubbing your shoulder. "it was scary. i was so worried that he wasn't going to make it because those stupid people not answering the phone. Steve called all day" you were hurt deep down. you had all wanted to be together when you were in labour and he had gotten that opportunity taken away from him.
"i called from like 9am to two hours before she was born. i'm surprised Eddie even made it" Steve shook his head at the thought. Wayne turned his attention back to the sweet baby girl in his arms who was now fussing. "i'll take her" Steve said as he walked around the desk to take her. "you both do know that those boys are here today" after hearing that you felt anger surge through your body. you knew you shouldn't blow up like this but knowing the two of them were there meant you could give them some advice.
Eddie had gone to see Troy and Adam who were both in the office they had been five days prior. Adam was on the phone doing his job like he was supposed to do but Troy had his feet on the desk and was chucking a paper ball up into the air, he looked bored. once Adam noticed Eddie he quickly and politely ended the phone call and his face changed into sympathy.
however when Troy noticed Eddie standing in the doorway he smiled and shook his head. Adam spoke first "Eddie i am so sorry for what happened the other day, did you make it-" "i knew you were fucking with us. there's no baby here" Troy laughed obnoxiously, cutting Adam off but Eddie stood there shaking his head.
"there is a baby you asshole and you two are lucky that i'm here and my girlfriend isn't" Eddie scoffed and Adam looked down at his hands, he was shaking nervously. "i am truly sorry Eddie, i shouldn't of even followed through with what Troy said" Troy scoffed loudly and rolled his eyes.
"oh shut up you wuss. it's fine, jesus. it was a prank get over it" you saw Eddie standing in the doorway of an office and fast walked toward him, ignoring the pain in your body. "it's just a baby it's no big deal, you act like you're never going to have another one. your girlfriend will get over it anyway. if not she's a complete psycho and needs help" you were stood behind Eddie but after hearing that you squeezed in front of him.
"woah, who are you" Troy smirked, winking at you making you feel sick. he was disgusting. "i'm the girlfriend you just called a psycho you asshole" this made his smirk drop quickly. "you both are so stupid, do you have any idea what could of happened if Eddie didn't come in here when he did?" Adam just looked down again.
he felt stupid for even doing the stupid prank. "you need to grow up. you're somehow an adult which blows my mind because you act like a kid, it's embarrassing. what possessed you two to think not answering the phone was a good idea? it's your job for god sake and i'm surprised you're both even here" your face felt hot with anger as you looked between the two boys. you felt hot angry tears in your eyes, your hormones all over the place as you ripped into the two men in front of you.
you could tell by their different body language who was sorry and who wasn't. "i know it doesn't change it but i am sorry for not answering the phone. it was a one time thing and it was stupid" Adam said, his face was bright red with embarrassment as he realised what could of happened. he had thought about it for the last few days and every time he did think about it he felt sick, how stupid could he be?
“and if you think that we can just ‘have another baby’ it doesn’t work like that. you have no idea how many kids we want and of this was the only child we wanted then you robbed us from that special experience. yeah Eddie was there for the pregnancy and the birth but the labouring part is just as important and you ruined that. now you need to grow up, seriously.” a few tears ran down your face as you felt more anger inside of you.
your words were mainly directed at Troy who’s smug look had reappeared on his face. “one day you will realise, if you find someone stupid enough to even be with you, how special it is and how important it is for some people to have their partner there during labour. now i know you had no idea that i was going to give birth that day, none of us knew but pulling a stupid prank like that can be really dangerous. you could of left people stranded on the road. no more pranks, got it?”
you looked between the two boys, Troy was rolling his eyes but you knew of you carried on you wouldn’t stop but Adam nodded and apologised again you only nodded before turning back to Troy “you’re an asshole, you don’t come here for pranks you come here to work, that’s what you’re expected to do. now come on Eddie we have more people to see” with that you walked away from the three boys and wiped your tears as you left the room, Steve being outside the door with Penny in his chest with the car seat in his hand.
you and Steve walked to the car leaving Eddie still in the office. Troy now had his head down as he let your words sink in but he didn’t feel remorseful, only a little embarrassed but he tried to cover it. “Adam we accept your apology, i hope it won’t happen again” Adam promptly nodded and reassured Eddie he wouldn’t be influenced by Troy again.
“oh and Troy” Troy lifted his head to look at Eddie expecting the exact same thing to be said to him, his smirk had also reappeared “you’re fired” it was Eddie’s turn to smile at him but his was sarcastic and pissed Troy off. Eddie could hear you calling for him from the car “now if you excuse me i have to go see my sweet family and my lovely in laws, bye” Eddie left smiling, hearing the shouts of an annoyed Troy who most definitely deserved to be fired.
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filmhead-productions · 2 months
I know everyone and their mom has already said Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup will be the legends z-a starters. And they're completely 100% right, and here's why. Remember, this is only speculation, please don't take some rando's word as fact.
First off, evidence. I'm sure we've all already seen the Indigo Disk trailer with Snivy, Torchic, and Piplup with the previous legends starters, Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott respectively.
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But has anyone said anything about the tera raids events? The first was Mighty Blaziken from January 19th to 21st; it's tera type was Flying type. And you're probably asking "but the new starters are probably getting megas and Blaziken already has one." Yes, but why can't he have two? Charizard and Mewtwo do, and Blaziken's quite popular, so a second mega isn't out of the question in my eyes.
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Next was Mighty Empoleon from February 9th to 11th. It's tera type was Ice type.
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As of this post, Serperior has yet to get a raid event, but I believe the next starter tera raid will be this haughty plant snake, and I believe it's tera type will be Fighting. Why? Because it completes this type trio:
Fighting > Ice > Flying
So we have three starters who final evolutions will be Fire/Flying, Water/Ice, and Grass/Fighting. But why these types specifically? Strap in, because this is where things get interesting.
Everyone knows that Empoleon is based on Napoleon Bonaparte, infamous general and emperor of France. So why not Water/Fighting? Because in 1812, Napoleon attempted to lead an army into Russia to conquer it. What he failed to account for was the frigid weather, which took out the majority of his troops and forced them to retreat. So maybe Kalosian Empoleon will be in this constant state of near freezing based on this event, it would be a glass cannon.
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People chose Torchic as the fire starter since the rooster is France's national animal. It became France's symbol because in ancient times, when the Roman Empire occupied France (then named Gaul), the rooster wasn't worshipped, but rather the god it symbolized, Mercury, the Roman god of travelers, communication, and many others things. Mercury was also known for being very, very fast. So maybe Kalosian Blaziken will be a speedy pokemon.
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About the travelers and communication bit, perhaps this oversized chicken will also be inspired by messenger pigeons, which were used during World War I to send messages across countries. (Let's hope that if abilities come back, this doesn't get speed boost again, lmao)
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Finally, we come to Serperior. Pokemon designer Ken Sugimori said that Serperior was inspired by a manga called The Rose of Versailles, we all know this. It's about a woman raised as a boy trained to be a royal guard, who later leaves to join the side of the revolution. Kalosian Serperior could look more like a literal rose, covered in thorns, and will probably have a lance for a tail. This snake will definitely be both offensive and defensive, best of both worlds.
So we have a general, a guard, and a messenger. The theme surrounding these three things seems to be wartimes. A hint at the story maybe? Honestly, I could be dead wrong on this, but I don't care, I love this trio, I hope I at least get close. I might make another post speculating with other starters. Any thoughts?
EDIT 3/31/24: Ok so the next tera raid was announced, and I was kind of right. It is a grass type starter. However, it's Meganium with Psychic tera type...
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Y'know what? I think I'll try and make a post predicting what this is about later.
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ac-liveblogs · 4 months
Greetings! Can I share my woes with you, fellow stranger? I... honestly cannot believe that a game like genshin could possibly exist. I'm almost done with the Fountain AQ and lemme just say that... This dumbfuck journey through the nations made me fear for my own sanity. There is almost NEVER any logical progression between the stages of the quests and literally only 2,5 people in the whole fandom ever talk about this! Half the time you cannot tell why the characters are doing what they are doing and even when you can see the logic behind their actions the actions themselves are usually stupid af. And then there are world quests that are written as if they exist in some entirely different worlds! Like how the Meropide from the AQ and from the Unfinished Comedy are two completely different prisons, because NO WAY are they run by the same Duke guy. So, I've been very troubled by this. Have I lost my last braincells and this is why I can't comprehend the very good writing of the very good hoyo? Is everyone else just playing a different genshin that ACTUALLY makes sense?? Am I insane or is it the world around me that has gone mad???
Salutations, kind stranger, please take a seat!
To risk sounding very unkind, my general impression behind a lot of the discussion surrounding Genshin's story and character writing boils roughly down to this post;
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Because I do get the general sense that what sticks with most people are the big dramatic moments and the general SHAPE of what you expect this all to mean or look like, not what it actually is or says. Which is FINE, praise fanon because god knows this game needs it, but my eye will start aggressively twitching when I see people praising Scaramouche's deep emotionally charged writing (HYV avoided writing as much of his story as possible though) or how meaningful a character Neuvillette is (confusing role in the narrative at best, actively detrimental to the world-building at worst).
And maybe if you're willing to accept lore dumps, explanations that character arcs happened off-screen, character bios, flashback sequences, telling not showing and animated trailers as substitutes for actual writing... then maybe it does seem like a lot is accomplished, even if you do have to bridge the gap with fanon. Like, there's so much lore! And they wrote so many words! It must be smart!!
I did chat to a colleague at work (anime fan; writing a book) who played Genshin and dropped it very early on. I asked "so what did you think of the writing" and without missing a beat he said "embarrassingly bad". So I'm going to say that most of the people that recognise it just dropped it immediately and the majority of the remainders are people that are willing to accept this. And suckers like us who sit open mouthed watching the trainwreck unfold.
Or, there's a secret version of this game I failed to download twice, and you clearly didn't get it, in which case I think we need to find the correct person to complain to about it.
Though speaking of the Fortress of Meropide, I was really amused when 'this is a DARK PRISON' collided with 'this is a GREAT prison and Wrio's so cool' in Wriothesely's quest, where the writers struggled with giving him a dramatic storyline tied to his own location so much they made him accidentally endorse a torture cult without realising how much that clashed with Wrio's previous characterisation of 'I know everything in the Fortress, including that you three are Fatui agents, to the point that I can quiz the Traveller on weird conspiracy theories about this place'.
Or like, "oh I'm really observant, I did notice this weird and suspicious/worrying thing, I just haven't done anything about it" x2 because he can't look ignorant, he's gotta know what's up, but like, think about that a second more and that's worse. Wrio. That's worse, you have to investigate those things. There is a torture cult in the basement and the entire prison almost flooded with people dissolving water, Wrio, we could have avoided these problems!
My current conspiracy theory is this place sucks like the AQ implies, but everyone just lies to Wrio and pretends everything is great and he's doing such a good job running the joint and he just believes them. The bubble almost pops in his character quest, but not quite.
Although, I hate the Fortress in it's entirety and all, but the thing that's sticking with me despite everything that Fontaine did is still.... "these people used to be oceanids but just forgot". Who forgot? Hoyoverse, apparently. Furina's quest sure didn't engage with 90% of the writing surrounding both that and her trial, huh. What a stupid meaningless twist that meant nothing and had no impact whatsoever. Why even do it.
this game is punishment for something and i'm not sure what
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eldritch-thrumming · 1 year
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bigbang fic reveal 🥰 i’ll be working with @hellfiredemon & @steves-strapcollection
can’t wait to share everything with you in october :)
excerpt under the cut
February, 1996
Eddie rushes off the stage, sweat dripping down his back, practically high on the adrenaline of a great show. Someone shoves a towel into his hands and he wipes at his face, dragging the coarse fabric across his skin. Nights like this were exactly what he’d dreamed of back in Hawkins when he used to lay on a splintered picnic table and stare up at the stars. When he and Gareth and Jeff would talk about their music and where they were going and where they’d end up. They used to talk about nights at the Garden, the sold out shows and the stadium lights, crowds screaming their own words right back at them.
Eddie’s skin is buzzing. The air feels electric, like it could snap in two at any moment. He feels like he could fly, like he could take on a thousand demobats and survive. This is what he’s always wanted. This is where he was always meant to be.
He’s led back into the green room where he strips his shirt off and pulls on another one, one that’s not drenched in his own sweat. The crew generally handles packing up the stage and the equipment, but he doesn’t trust anyone with his sweetheart, the guitar he’d pulled from the demon dimension, the guitar that had saved his life, Dustin’s life… Steve’s life. He packs her away carefully, lovingly, with gentle fingers.
He’s ushered out of the venue and into the back seat of his waiting car, a big black SUV. The lights of New York City are blinding and the energy on the street makes his heart thrum in his chest. He never could have imagined that he’d really be doing this, that he’d really travel to places he’d only ever read about, places where people scream his name. 
The car pulls away from the curb, ready to transport him back to his expensive hotel room. He relaxes back into the leather seat.
He does his best to ignore the billboard with Steve Harrington’s handsome face looming over Times Square.
April, 1988
Steve pulls up outside the trailer after work. He’s decided he’s going to tell Eddie today. He’s going to tell Eddie he loves him. He doesn’t think he can hold it in anymore. He’s pretty sure Eddie loves him back. He thinks he can see it in the way Eddie looks at him when he thinks Steve isn’t looking. 
He pulls his key from the ignition and steps out of his car, brushing his sweaty palms on his jeans. He walks up the newly-built steps to the trailers front door. He’s barely able to knock at all before the door’s being wrenched open. Steve practically leaps back in surprise, but then he registers Eddie’s grinning face, Eddie’s pale hand reaching out to grab at the front of Steve’s shirt to pull him inside. 
Steve holds his hand against Eddie’s chest when Eddie moves in close, aiming for a kiss. “Wait, I have something to tell you,” he says, voice practically a whisper.
Eddie pulls back slightly. “Yeah?” He sounds nervous. “What’s wrong, Stevie?”
Steve swallows. “Nothing’s wrong.” He clears his throat, eyes darting to the side, stalling. He loves Eddie and he wants to say it, wants to tell him, to smile and laugh and whisper it against his skin. But he remembers the last time he’d said it to someone, how Nancy Wheeler had squeezed his heart to ruin in her tiny pink-polished fingers. He can’t bear the thought of Eddie doing that, too. Knows, somehow, that it’ll be worse than before. But he’s promised himself he’d say it, knows that Eddie deserves to hear it. He makes himself brave. “I just—I wanted to tell you that I… that I love you, Eddie.”
Eddie stills for a moment, frozen, pinned by Steve’s words. His hand comes up to grip Steve’s chin in his fingers. He forces Steve to look at him. “Really?” His voice comes out so breathless, like he can’t believe what Steve has said. Steve can feel Eddie’s breath against his lips, wants to feel it like this always.
Steve nods. “Yeah, really.” A smile spreads across Eddie’s face, slow and wide and bright, and Steve is helpless to fight it. His heart beats fast in his chest. He smiles back at Eddie.
“Never been loved before,” Eddie whispers, moving in close, lips brushing over Steve’s.
Me neither, Steve thinks, but doesn’t say. He knows better. Eddie finally kisses him then, a brush of lips before he licks his way into Steve’s mouth. Steve almost forgets that Eddie doesn’t say it back.
It’s been a week since Steve had told Eddie that he loved him. Steve has said it a few times since, at the end of phone calls, as he’s leaving the trailer for work in the morning, when he drives the kids to Hellfire and drops a kiss to the top of Eddie’s head. It feels good to say it, to mean it, all desire and want and affection rolled up in three little words, but it doesn’t escape Steve’s notice that he’s the only one saying it.
Steve isn’t stupid, despite what his friends might say when they tease him. He’s good at reading people and he knows himself better than anyone. He knows that he falls too hard too fast, knows that it can be intimidating or scary or off-putting for some people. He knows that’s a large part of what drove Nancy away. But Eddie is different. Steve has never felt the way he feels when he’s around Eddie. Eddie is so much himself, so affectionate and self-assured, that Steve thinks they’re on the same page. He doesn’t blame Eddie at all for not saying it back. He loves Eddie enough for both of them right now. Eddie will get there, Steve knows he will. He just has to be patient, wait it out. Love him so good that Eddie can’t hep but love him back.
So Steve isn’t necessarily worried, not like he had been with Nancy when she hadn’t said it back. When she couldn’t say it back. They were young and they were stupid. Steve had grown since then, had figured out who he was, to a certain degree. He knew not to pressure someone into loving him now, knew that it was almost impossible. People either loved you or they didn’t. There was nothing Steve could do to make it true. 
If anything, saying I love you to Eddie had been an objectively good thing. Eddie hadn’t said it back, but it was as if, by saying it, vocalizing the feeling, Steve had made it real and Eddie had responded in kind. Steve can’t remember the last time he’d been kissed so much, the last time he’d been touched and held safe. This was a good thing, Steve thinks, believes, knows, deep down in the bones of his heart. It is always a good thing, to love someone. Steve knows that to be true. He believes that with everything he has. Even if it’s someone who doesn’t love him back, someone who can’t love him back. Loving is always an objective good. 
It was enough to want, to care for, to love, even if he wasn’t loved in return.. Steve had convinced himself a long time ago that he didn’t always need it returned. 
A month after he tells Eddie he loves him for the first time, Steve stands outside the trailer with Wayne and watches Eddie Munson leave Hawkins behind for good.
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strawbrygashez · 8 months
hii :)) do you have any hcs for tyler and/or the narrator pre meeting each other?
Yes :3!
•I feel like he never actually had been seriously with a dude before. He’s thought men were attractive but probably just never acted on it. That or maybe he did sleep with a guy or two but it just never went anywhere. (When Tyler finds out he’s the first guy the narrator has seriously been with, his ego is even more thru the roof than usual)
•Tbh I think if he had to stay somewhere as bad as Tylers house before they met, he’d just refuse and go somewhere else (like if he ended up in a very bad hotel or something like that). He gets over his fear or whatever bc Tyler is hot and it’s worth staying in that death trap lol
•I think he used to act more goofy in private. Like I can see him deciding to clean up around his apartment like dusting or whatever and he has the radio going and is dancing or singing along a bit. Sometimes earlier on when they first started to live together, he forgets he’s not living alone anymore and slips back into doing goofy shit only to be scared and jump when Tyler finally says something or comes out of nowhere.
•He forced himself to go on dates with women a couple times. A lot of the time it just ended up with the lady not coming over after, not because he’s terrible or whatever but just because they could tell he’s not really into whatever was going on. He was nice enough and ur normal ‘gentleman’ on dates but it was probably not fun enough for most of the ladies to want repeats lol.
•He’d go around thru out the day & just zone out and stare at his furniture sometimes. He was either thinking about something completely unrelated to the furniture, how he should move it just slightly until it looks perfect, the color of it, or just the piece in general. He still does that probably at Tylers place but is snapped out of it quickly since Tyler will say something that pulls him out of it.
•Traveled around a bunch until he met the narrator. Once he set his sights on him, he decided to follow him back and get things set up to where he could live in whatever state the narrator does. He misses traveling around but he won’t say much about it or seriously consider going anywhere once they start building a life together.
•He didn’t even constantly sleep with the same person as much as he did with Marla. He was more used to hook ups with random people he’d never have to meet again or know the name of. (I’m a firm believer in the idea he only constantly slept with Marla to mess with the narrators psyche.)
•He never really even wanted a big house like the one they have together. It was just surprisingly cheap and close to the narrator enough where he just said fuck it and got it. He’d prefer van or trailer park life for sure. Maybe he’d enjoy getting a small house if it was on a farm though.
•I think the narrator really brings out the best of him in someways. He’s been confident in himself probably since his later teen years but the way the narrator constantly looks at him all love sick and full of admiration makes Tyler feel really like he can do anything.
•I don’t think he’s let anyone live with him before the narrator. He knew people wouldn’t stay very long with him once they get to know him more or see how manic he can get. His looks and charm can only take him so far surprisingly I think lol
I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s obsessed with the narrator. He’s seen the side that usually scares people off but he keeps crawling back for more & doesn’t leave.
•He’s been in a mental institution before for like 2 or so years when he was a troubled teen. He didn’t have a good at home life so he probably lost it in public or something and got sent there. He has mixed feelings about that time. He hated the workers there and other things about it but he met some interesting people who gave him more insight into how life treats people and etc.
I think he’s also just attracted to people who have something ‘wrong with them’ 😭 I can’t see him with someone who has no mental issues at all. He’d probably be bored out of his mind after a certain point.
•He was more involved in the alternative music scene before the stuff with the narrator started. When he starts things with the narrator he’s more focused on that and other things than to go to concerts or meet up with people who are alt. He probably still has one of those cd book binder things where u keep loose cds in and it’s just full of metal and punk (and secretly some pop)
Ok sorry this part has to deal with them being together BUT… I wanna add he will toss a cd into a cd player and make the narrator listen to metal or punk with him. Tbh I can’t decide if the narrator would like the music or not but Tyler is gonna be like “REALLY listen to the lyrics man..They are saying so much about society if you really listen.”
•He used to dress more grunge before being with the narrator. Everything started becoming cropped or low cut a lot more once he began to pursue the narrator. Not saying he never wore stuff like that at all beforehand but it just ramped up a lot more when he was decided he loved how the narrator looks him over all the time.
•He’s worked odd jobs his whole life. Some jobs better than others & some he stayed at longer than others. I think his ‘favorite’ would have been working at a record store tho.
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starlightsearches · 1 year
STAR MY DARLIN!! CONGRATS ON 2K! I love the idea of a mixtape celebration just generally, and love all the songs on there (how does it feel to you know your music taste is top tier??? I would be jealous if I wasn’t already taking notes)
For the prompt request: #11 with Eddie Munson and Arcade Fire’s “Sprawl II: Mountains beyond Mountains” or “The Suburbs”
Someone Please Cut the Lights
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Track 11 - Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen: Pick a character and tell me your favorite song, and I'll write a short blurb or headcanons based on it.
Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
thanks so much for the request, E! and for all the nice words uwu 💖 i hope you like this one!!
📼✨ mixtape milestone ✨📼
Warnings: this is all just fluff! i'm finally getting back into these and I haven't been feeling my best so comments, reblogs and likes would be much appreciated 💖
Eddie never struck you as an outdoorsy guy, but he's always been full of surprises.
This just isn't one of them.
There's crickets chirping somewhere in the low grasses like they're summoning the stars while Eddie wrestles with the tent poles, swearing every time his fingers get caught in the hinges.
Stumbling around on his long legs, glowing in the sunset. Your heart thuds a little harder just watching him.
Eddie looks at you, a little embarrassment in his smile, probably hearing the same echoes you are—don't worry about it babe. I can set up a tent. No problem.
You slide your hips to the edge of the carpeted trunk, leaning out to warn him. You've got to grip at the bumper to stay in place. Eddie's got his own field of gravity, got your stomach flipping like you're hanging out the open door of a plane, fingers itching to let go.
"Come here."
Your command isn't loud, but he hears. Eddie stumbles in your direction, dropping one tent pole and tripping over another--hands outstretched, always ready to hold you.
"Okay," he mumbles, conceding to any criticism before you've even given it, "maybe I underestimated the tent as an opponent."
Eddie lets out an addictive little laugh when he cups your cheeks and even if you had been mad at him for the tent, you could never stay that way. Your feet curl around the backs of his knees, nudging until he buckles into you.
His chest hits yours, eyes all big and mouth soft with surprise. It's not cold, but he still shivers when you brush your fingers up around his neck.
"I don't care about the tent, Eds."
He swallows whatever comment he was gonna make, scrambling on to you when your lips meet his in a sweet and lingering kiss. Letting the stubble on his upper lip catch against your mouth while he presses into you, cupping the backs of your thighs in his hands to protect your skin from the rough carpet as he slides you further into the privacy of the van.
Not that you need it. There's nobody around for miles. As far as you're concerned, you're the only two people in the world.
Eddie pulls back just enough to talk, lips still traveling over your skin. "It's not that I don't appreciate the affection, sweetheart, but where we gonna sleep without a tent?"
You grumble, frustrated that he'd take his kisses away for such an irrelevant question.
"Why not in here?"
Eddie quirks a brow you can't see—his face is buried in the crook of your neck—but you hear it in his voice.
"Not very comfy." He raps his knuckles against the bottom of the trunk to emphasize his point. "How about we make out for a while and then head back to the trailer?"
It's a tempting offer. You smile up at Eddie, bite your lip like you might even agree.
So his totally caught off guard when you smack a pillow down over the back of his head, taking advantage of his surprise to crawl out from under him.
There's a pile of all the camping gear you could scrounge together in the back seat. You grab the sleeping pad, heaving it into the back, untying the rope it'd been secured with.
Eddie's watching your movements, chivalrously holding back the pillow his stolen from you until he knows you're equally armed.
"Help me with this, would you?"
It takes a few shots to the head, the van full of giggles and muffled cries while you wack each other with anything relatively soft and in your reach, but you eventually tire him out, laying in a pile of blankets, the breeze and glimmering stars peeking in through the open back doors.
You've never been more content, Eddie's arm cupped around your waist, warm chest to your back. He's still breathing heavy, strands of his hair out of place and tickling at your nose, your eyelids. You watch the sun sliver burn out behind the horizon line.
"Wish it could always be like this."
Eddie murmurs your own thoughts against the back of your head, hand brushing absently against your arm. Not to pull you closer, like he had over and over again before a thousand different times, in a thousand ways.
But there is nothing closer than this.
"Maybe it could be," you answer.
Eddie's quiet for a long moment, long enough you turn to look at him. His eyes are rimmed with a wet shine, lips parted.
"Do you really mean that?" Eddie asks, and there's something raw hidden in the words. Something timid and afraid and ready to be abandoned waiting inside him.
You've always loved the rawest parts of Eddie. You nod, curling your fingers around his. "Yeah, Eds. I'd go anywhere with you."
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bobapplesimblr · 5 months
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- "Farewell and safe travels, may we see each other again some day."
The end of a Generation, and what a wild generation it was. To be honest I feel that it was a bit short, but it was very fun! Definitely the best option for me to get back to playing and posting sims after a long hiatus.
Let's check what we've achieved!
✅ Complete the Strangerville Mystery Aspiration
✅ Max Scientist Career
✅ Max Logic and Programming Skills
❌ Never marry, have children only by alien abduction. (We had an oops baby with Erwin, definitely not an alien!)
✅ Grow a Bizarre Fruit
✅ Live in a Trailer or Cabin home.
❌ PERSONAL: Complete the Elements Collection (We were missing ONE 😭)
- What a blast! But now, it's time we move to a slightly less strange desert. Onto Oasis Springs!!
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blu-joons · 2 years
My Escapism ~ Min Yoongi
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Your hand held onto Yoongi’s tightly as he helped you up the step, leading you into the carriage of the Ferris Wheel. The two of you took a seat as the member of staff closed the gate as it began to turn again.
Beside you, you could hear a sigh come from Yoongi as you began to look over the city, admiring the view as the sun began to set. It had been a long day for you both, with one final ride before you headed home to catch up n the exhaustion of the day.
“Seoul looks so good from here,” Yoongi smiled across at you as he felt your eyes watching him.
Your head nodded in agreement with him as you felt an arm move around your shoulders, his hand relaxing against your arm, pushing against you gently to bring you even closer into his side.
It had been a long time since the two of you had been able to have a day like you had had today, to be able to relax and forget about work for a little while. It was exactly what Yoongi needed, at last a chance to settle and clear his mind for a while.
“Have you had a good day?” You asked Yoongi, continuing to peer over the carriage as you travelled higher and higher around the wheel.
“It’s been perfect, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
Your smile widened as you recognised the sincerity in his voice straight away. “I was a little worried that you’d find a date to the theme park a bit generic.”
“Are you kidding me? Generic is what I love,” he chuckled in reply.
Despite how fancy his life seemed, the flashy events and the glamorous dinners, none of that was what really mattered to Yoongi. Although you were worried about how he’d find a date at the theme park, there was nothing that he worried about at all.
He was beyond excited to just escape for a little and enjoy what everyone else enjoyed too. He loved that he didn’t need to dress up, worry about what he said or did, instead he could just let go for a while and be himself properly.
Best of all though, the theme park meant time with you, something that he never felt he got enough of. The chance to do something without any interruptions, or anyone else around too was something that Yoongi was determined to savour from the day.
And that was definitely what he did as he found himself staring at you, watching your smile turn up as you spotted several familiar places on your ride around the wheel.
“We should do something like this tomorrow,” Yoongi told you, looking ahead to the next couple of days that he had free from work. “Maybe not the theme park again, but something that just feels like normality at least.”
His words brought your attention around, focusing solely on Yoongi beside you. There was a twang in his voice that took you by surprise, almost a sound of desperation to just do something that seemed pretty basic to most people, but somehow was a luxury to him.
Your head slowly nodded back across at him, “how does catching a movie sound to you?”
His eyes lit up straight away at your suggestion, “I don’t think I could tell you the last time I went to the cinema to just watch a movie, instead of a stupid premiere.”
“There’s a new comedy that I keep seeing advertised on a billboard on my way to work,” you told him, “we could always watch the trailer tonight?”
“Let’s just book it,” he proposed instead, “if it’s good then we can laugh, if it’s bad then we can laugh at how rubbish it is, there’s no downside to watching a comedy.”
Your head continued to nod as you admired the enthusiasm that was in Yoongi’s voice, knowing that you had no chance of being able to convince him to do otherwise.
“Does all of this really mean so much to you?” You suddenly asked Yoongi.
It was hard for him to find the words to express just how thankful he was for a bit of normal in his life. For so long he had missed out on so much, but if your trip to the theme park had taught him anything, it was that he shouldn’t forget normal.
The chance to escape with you for a little while, to stop being Yoongi the idol, and be Yoongi the human, the boyfriend was something that he loved. He had no idea how much he missed that side of him until you gave him the chance to relive it all today.
After pondering for a moment, Yoongi’s head nodded back at you, taking a hold of your hand with his free one, just in time for the two of you to reach the top of the wheel.
“You’re my escapism, you make me feel like me, not like someone who has to be a certain way,” Yoongi explained to you.
You sighed softly as you listened to Yoongi, “does work really make you feel like that sometimes? As if you can’t be yourself and instead have to fit certain boundaries?”
“Of course,” he replied with a sigh too, “there’s eyes watching everything that I do, and if I put just a single foot wrong that could be it, game over, but I don’t need those boundaries with you.”
Your head nodded in agreement with Yoongi, not once did you ever make him feel as if he had to change or be anything other than himself when around you.
“I like just being with you,” he laughed, “it’s an easy life being with you.”
You didn’t quite know what to say, deciding to listen to Yoongi instead. You didn’t have too much of a clue as to how he felt, but you were beginning to get a good idea.
“I love escaping and being normal,” he told you once again, “there’s nothing that I’d love to do more than go bowling, the cinema, the arcade, just anything that involves being with you.”
You didn’t quite think that Yoongi would ever appreciate little things so much, he hid it well, but there was something about your day today that just touched him.
“I wish we could do this forever sometimes,” he noted.
Your head nodded in acknowledgement, “I don’t think we’d have much money left with the amount we spent on rides today if we did that.”
“The money wouldn’t matter; it would just be time together.”
You found yourself speechless as Yoongi seemed to find the answer to everything that you had to say. What you did or didn’t do didn’t matter to him, the only thing that mattered was the memories made. He knew that he didn’t make enough with you, he constantly wished that he could spend more time with you.
“I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about today, but I’m glad that you enjoyed it,” you smiled.
Yoongi’s grip over the top of your hand tightened, “I haven’t just enjoyed today Y/N, I’ve had the time of my life. I don’t want to leave it this long until we do something like this again.”
“Luckily for you, we only have to leave it until tomorrow. That’s if you want to go to the cinema?”
“Absolutely,” he chimed, “and I want to make sure that we have a huge bucket of popcorn and one of those fancy iced drinks too.”
Your head nodded, promising Yoongi that it would be the perfect cliché cinema date together. “We’ll make sure it’s as fun as today.”
“I reckon it’ll be even better.”
“How come?”
“Because every day is better with you.”
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forcebookish · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks for tagging me, @djeterg19! i usually forget to do these because i get weirdly anxious about who to tag but i'm feeling frisky today 🤷
1. are you named after anyone?
my secret identity, no, but rum comes from kairumption which is a play on kai (exo) + kyrumption (angel), so... almost?
2. when was the last time you cried?
oh god this is so embarrassing... watching starlympics seeing everyone hug book dfjlsjlkg I JUST LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES HIM OKAY HE DESERVES IT
3. do you have kids?
just a cat, and she's adopted (ba dum tss)
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
as a kid i played soccer, basketball, tennis, and cross country "competitively;" gymnastics, volleyball, and badminton casually. i still have a volleyball/badminton net and a tennis racket but i never have a buddy to play with :( i'm also not very good :(
5. do you use sarcasm?
no (that was sarcastic) (and low-hanging fruit)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their outfit or hair probably? idk i never really thought about it
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
is it dumb if i say i like scary movies with happy endings? i know there are like... two out there. but fr i prefer vaguely frightening/disturbing and bittersweet (pmmm and other horror anime are the best examples). the typical horror movie gotcha endings annoy me, with a few exceptions like evil dead 2 and the first two re-animators. most of my favorite movies/books are sad and end with major character death actually D: BUT IN GENERAL i don't watch a LOT of scary movies and prefer happy endings, those faves are technically outliers. i just like to be moved!
9. any talents?
i can open doors by turning the doorknob with my foot. oh, and i guess i'm good at writing.
10. where were you born?
washington state, lived here my whole life :')
11. what are your hobbies?
yoga, books, writing fanfiction, making edits and doing other fandom shit, (vegan) cooking/baking, and video games
12. do you have any pets?
just the one these days (i used to have two since i was nine, but they both passed away in the last five years😢 they were angels🥲), and my "adopted" joke goes doubly because we're actually taking care of my aunt and uncle's cat while they're traveling the country in a trailer so she's technically my cousin haha
13. how tall are you?
5'8" which i don't consider very tall but anyone who hasn't met me in person is always shocked! i guess it's above the female average... literally everywhere, but most of my family, on both sides, are taller than me😅 my mom is 5'9" and my dad is 6'2"😅 my mom's brother was 6'4"😅
14. favorite subject in school?
english and japanese
15. dream job
successful novelist :')
feel free to ignore this: @forcebook @seatawinans @ellasaru12 @komari-maxx @forcebookbrainrot @bookishforce @cryptidcrysis @forcebookuniverse @retiredficwriter @thenewaromantic @fireworksgalaxy @jonginnation @monwillica (omg i actually got it to almost fifteen... ily... also IDK WHY I FELT WEIRD TAGGING MY IRL FRIENDS BUT IF YOU SEE THIS CONSIDER IT A TAG ok bye)
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