#best bros ever
fanartka · 8 months
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This Little Spidey Piggy
A/N: So after reading @parker-fluff , @tklfluff , and many many other amazing tickle arts and writers, I got the idea to create this one! Inspired by Peter 1’s snorts (oink oink 😂)
Summary: Peter 1 gets home from school sad because he had a bad day at school. So the other Peters cheer him up by making pigs in a blanket (his fav) with a few surprises tickle attacks with it of course.
Peter 2’s tingle went off before the front door opened from his apartment. “Hey Lil Spidey!” He said, expecting a response form his youngest brother. But all he got in returned was a ‘hey’ before Peter 1 left to retreat into his room.
Peter 3, who was sitting on the couch along side Peter 2 in the living room looked confused. “Is everything okay?” He asked as Peter 2 shook his head. “I don’t know. He didn’t seem like his usual self.”
“Yeah. One would come bursting through the door when he notice us. Then he would start rambling about how much he wants pigs ‘n blanket.” Peter 2 chuckled, remembering how much he loved it when One would whine whenever he didn’t get his favorite dinner. “Maybe something happened back at school. You think we should check on him?” Peter 2 asked as Peter 3 gasped and got up on his feet. “Of course we should. What type of big brothers would we be if we didn’t?” Peter 3 held out his hand for his eldest brother to help him off the couch. Peter 2 happily accepted it and was more grateful when he didn’t comment on his old age. “Why don’t you go talk to him first. I’ll go start us some dinner.”
“Lemme guess, pigs in a blanket?”
“Pigs in a blanket.”
Peter 1 slumped on his bed, burring his face in the pillow to try and stop the tears from falling down. He didn’t want his brothers to see him like this. He’s suppose to be Spider-Man. The hero of New York City. The Friendly Neighborhood Hero of his Hometown. He wasn’t suppose to break down like this. What of a hero is he if he’s like this?
Peter 1 pulled the covers up to his face and curled himself into a ball. He was just about to drift off into dream land and wake up at around dinner time, hoping the tears would stop falling by then, but his spider tingle went off and his bedroom door opened to reveal Peter 3. Peter 1 gasped quietly and pretended to be asleep.
If I stay like this, he’ll leave
Peter 3 closed the door behind him and sighed. “You do realize I can tell when you’re sleep right? I heard you crying from the living room.” he replied, walked towards the sad teenager and sitting on his bed. Peter 1 didn’t move. Just laid there in the bed. “Come on buddy, I just wanna know why you were crying that’s all.” Again, no response.
The middle child was getting impatient. And he knew just how to deal with it.
Peter 3 smirked and shrugged his arms. “Okay, if you’re not gonna tell me, I might as well finish my dinner.” Peter 1 gasped and covered his mouth. This morning, Peter 3 came into his room to wake him up for school. And how did he do that? Well, by tickling of course. He grabbed one of his feet and started to chew on his toes. The bites were gentle but it tickled like crazy. And worse, he even did the ‘This Little Piggy’ song with his toes but he changed it up to ‘This Little Spidey Piggy’. He never got to finish his meal however because One was running late for school. But now, he’s back.
And he has nowhere to go.
Faster than One could ever dread, Peter 3 grabbed one of his feet like he did last time and scooted closer to his feet so it could be more comfortable. “Ready for round two?” Peter 1 was too afraid to respond and just muffled his giggles. Unfortunately, Peter 3 was able to hear him. “Aw, are you already waiting. You’re such a good little Spidey. Yes you are. Tell you what, sense you’re waiting so patiently, I’ll start right now.” At that moment, Peter 1 tried to tug his leg from Three’s grip, but the grip was too firm.
It was too late.
Peter 3 used his index and thumb finger to wiggle his big toe. “This little spidey piggy went to market.” he said in an annoying baby voice. Peter 1 couldn’t contain his giggles and let them all out. “Gah! Nohohohoho threhehehehehehehehe stahahahahap!” Peter 3 gave his toe a kiss and moved on to the next one. “This little spidey piggy stayed home.”
“Eeeeeeehehehehehehehehehehe ahahahahahahaha!” Peter 1 squealed earning another kiss to his second toes. “This little spidey piggy had roast beef.” Peter 3 smiled when a couple of snorts escaped from his little brother’s mouth. Peter 1 stuck his tongue out but was grateful for the covers covering his face. “This little spider piggy had none.” Peter 1 knew where this was going. “NOHO PLEASE!”
“And this little spidey piggy cried...” Peter 3 pulled the covers back so Peter 1′s head was covered up but his body was exposed. Peter 3 slowly, with anticipation (and a smirk on his face), lifted his shirt up a bit and scribbled his fingers surprising the little spider. “AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA THREEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!”
“WEE WEE WEE!! All the way home.” As if on cue, Peter 1 made another snort sound. Peter 3 couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulled the covers from his brother’s face to reveal what he was searching for. A smile on his face. “There he is. There’s my little spidey.” Peter 3 said helped up Peter 1 while still recovering from his giggle shocks. Three placed him on his lap as One snuggled into his chest. “So, wanna tell me what happened?” he asked with sympathy as One sighed and told him about how the kids at school treated him like a bully again because he was so smart. “Hey, those kids ain’t got nothing on you. You’re the real deal. At the end of the day, those kids are just jealous cause they want to be as smart as you and they can’t be.” Peter 1 smiled and chuckled. “Thanks bro.”
“Any time. Little spidey!” Peter 3 said, putting his brother into a headlock to give him an all out noogie. “Hehehehehehey stahahahap iihihihihihit.”
“Bros, dinner’s ready! And stop nooging our little brother, he’ll have to use your shampoo again.” Peter 2 called from the kitchen making both little brothers laugh. “Come on One, Two made your favorite.”
“Pigs in a blanket? YES!” Peter 1 cried as he zoomed into the kitchen, Peter 3 right behind.
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ratwithbenefits · 2 years
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they. . they kith ^:
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gorofeet · 10 months
I love fighting game rosters because its like here’s the most attractive woman you’ve ever seen. Here’s an absolute freak of nature. Here’s a beautiful trans woman. Here’s a very gay young man. Here’s the coolest guy you’ve ever seen and he’s wielding a big sword. Heres a gorgeous nonbinary person. Here’s just a creature. Here’s a man who probably doesn’t know what fractions are. Here’s a guy where if he touches you you die instantly. Here’s a lesbian that likes to kick you
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birues · 6 months
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"After all, the path I once walked is now yours to finish."
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polinsated · 6 days
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smytherines · 8 days
let him cook goddamnit
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mynnub-blog · 1 year
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The hug to end all hugs <3
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Imo the most impressive thing Leo’s done is hold this pose for as long as he did while covered head to toe in gold paint:
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#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#if you’ve ever had to wear body paint that stuff can be UNCOMFORTABLE#AND to hold that pose for so long - not moving a muscle even when they first started falling?#as humorous as this is it is no joke highly impressive#I also love the implication that they disguised Leo SO FAST that Big Mama JUST finished with item 1#this is why Leo grows to become the worlds greatest ninja#bro’s dedication to subterfuge is godly#also#Leo 🤝 Mario: being painted gold and tricking the villainess into thinking you’re a statue#side note but in this same episode leo makes a comment about being betrayed by his brothers all the time in a happy tone#and I wonder if that’s part of where his love for epic betrayals comes from#or if his bros partially did those betrayals because they know he likes them#also also#nearly all of Leo’s absolute best moments are contained within episodes that feature either Hueso or especially Big Mama#and I find that interesting#ALSO also also#Karai and Big Mama both embody different aspects of Leo’s key character traits and in this essay I will-#side note but as I mentioned in the notes LEO WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD CHEERLEADER AND SPECIFICALLY A FLYER#bc here’s the thing he has literally all the marks of a good one - the main one being what he shows HERE#the ability to LOCK HIS POSITION#plus his affinity for showmanship like#AND his literal JOB AS A MASCOT???#let my guy be a cheerleader plz#he and Mikey both would be so good at it
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frogisanut · 3 months
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gammastuck au !
au with my friend that goes something like "earth c kids discover glitched version of sburb and the codes goes so wild that caretakers and beta kids are switched so badly that these are completely different versions"
eM - "mom lalonde" mF - "bro strider" eN - "dad egbert" fN - "bec"
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dragonpyre · 1 year
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Secret Robin au
Part 17 follow up. The secret's out.
Prev / Next / Commission info / ko-fi
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yazzdonut · 11 months
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vbros movie is coming and i'm shaking, here's the best self indulgent art i had kept for a while
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warlenys · 5 months
why is the ending so nonchalant about house destroying his life like he’s just sitting on the step going yeah i faked my death haha bro it’s crazy right! then final scene opens with him pissing he gets on the bike eh cancer’s boring let’s go vibe bitch i’m losing my mind over here why are you being so casual about this they should’ve ramped it up so much more tonally i think it’s one of the reasons all the straight guy viewers think house is gonna go back to being a doctor they just don’t frame it crazily enough. should be big alarm bells going off weewoo!!! house is giving up his life so that he can die lying next to a man!!!!!! why is it so laid back about the whole thing so blasé like it happens every day you are making history here. i guess it had to have that casual dudebro style tone or it just would’ve been too gay
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sunclown · 2 years
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Bath time 🫧
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so was that legitimately fake outrage at Watcher being "greedy capitalists" that people are now gonna go watch the try guys who are doing the exact same thing?? where's the outrage at their wealth and how they spend their money? why does Keith get people just watching him eat at expensive restaurants, but it's terrible seeing Steven go to expensive restaurants to eat food? it's got nothing to do with "the try guys did it better!!!" it's the fact that you got so outraged because of how much the economy is in shambles and people can barely afford food, let alone another streaming service, and now suddenly it's a great thing seeing the try guys be able to improve their situation with one!! I thought the whole point was that we didn't need another one!! what is it???
it's just obvious that they've both done similar things, but people are taking more issue with the creators of colour for daring to grow and move forward. EVEN AFTER THEY ALTERED THINGS AND GENUINELY APOLOGISED even whilst being fucking eviscerated online. and instead of being helped and understood by their white friends, they get fucking shaded by their friends with a sofa joke and "not to name names" bullshit
what is it with people of colour being left in the dirt by their white friends and/or costars???
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