#basic recipe for falling right?
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Today's breakfast menu: Toast with plum sauce, hot chocolate or coffee, and poached eggs. Early fall we were blessed with 6 bushels of damson plums at an AMAZING price. After washing the plums, we pitted them, cooked them down, and then used a sweet little machine called a Victorio Strainer to turn those yummy cooked plums into plum "sauce"...and THEN we cooked it down some more. The end result is a sweet, rich, absolutely amazing spread that is 100% natural and has no added sugar. A wonderful taste of Europe for a fraction of the cost. :)
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daaawnnn · 6 months
ice skating
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skz scenario: going ice skating together for the first time
pairing: bf!skz x gn!reader
warnings: none
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he'd be an absolute sweetheart if you didn't know how to skate. he'd hold your hand whilst you're skating together and give you tips on how to skate more smoothly so you're not tumbling every 5 seconds. once he sees that you're doing well, he'd let go of your hand and observes if you can manage by yourself. he'd stay close by, ready to catch you, if you were on the verge of slipping. his eyes would light up once he sees that you can do well on your own. your reward from chan would consist of a tight hug and a chaste kiss to your lips.
i’d like to think that minho is decent at ice skating. he’d attempt to teach you the basics on how to ice skate. emphasis on attempt. he would try to skate alongside you but make the mistake of slipping every now and then. he would purposely drag you down with him, although he’d cushion your landing, as he didn’t want to be the only one falling over. if you could balance and skate for a few seconds, he’d praise you. if you fell, the first thing he’d do is laugh then he would help you up. he’d probably take a picture of you on the floor and put it as his lock screen to reminisce about it later on. if the landing was harsh though, he’d check up on you instantly and make sure you’re not injured.
changbin is just happy to be there even though he doesn't know how to ice skate. he had initially planned to watch you from the sidelines but you persuaded him to join you on the rink. this man would be clinging onto you for dear life since he didn't want to fall and make a fool of himself in front you. his arms are fully engulfing you, he's not even skating anymore, you're just carrying him around the rink. swears he's never going to ice skate ever again (but he would still do it for you.)
since both of you are good at ice skating, you two would try to make it into a competition. objective: skate around the rink the quickest. whoever loses, has to pay for the meal after. since hyunjin doesn’t really mind paying, he would try to purposely lose. but, once you catch on, you’d slow down and move about even slower than he does as you also don’t mind paying. now, it turned into who could skate more slower. you’re both complaining to each other to move faster, but not doing anything about it. once you’re both tired of this back and forth, you collectively agree to skate around the rink together, holding hands. hyunjin and you decided to settle who pays for the meal with a classic game of rock, paper, scissors. turns pouty once he realises you’d be paying, but doesn’t argue about the decision.
going ice skating with han is like a recipe for disaster. he swears he’s an expert at it, BUT as soon as he gets on the rink, he’ll slip right then and there. both of you will be tumbling down together A LOT. literally as soon as you try to get up, han would accidentally knock you back down because he lost his balance. overall, the session would be filled with laughter and you guys arguing about who the better ice skater is (even though you’re both equally bad.)
he'd say he's bad but would be pulling up all types of tricks once he's on that rink. you swear you've never seen anything as beautiful as your boyfriend in that moment. the way he manoeuvred around the rink with grace would forever be engraved in your mind. he'd be your personal guide on how to ice skate. he's holding your hands whilst skating with you. he doesn't even need to look behind him to see if he's going to bump into someone. he'd be all giggly when you nearly fall over onto him and he'd kiss your forehead, telling you it's okay before helping you again.
he’s out here catching all your worst moments on the rink, ready to make fun of you for them later. karma got him though. you were trying to take a video of the view of the rink, when you accidentally recorded him tripping over a kid which caused him to land on his butt. as soon as he spotted the camera, his cheeks turned red. he’d be rushing over to you and smothering your face in kisses with a smile on his face, bribing you to delete that video of him. but you knew better than to do that. it was a cute little video of him and you were planning on treasuring it.
jeongin had always wanted to go ice skating with you. so, when you surprised him for a date by taking him to an ice skating rink, he was over the moon. he’d kiss you the second he realised where he was. he was so smiley the entire time. his excitement was contagious. he’d drag you around the entire rink and gush over how much he loves you for this. your heart swells with love at his enthusiasm. a literal necessity to take pictures of him here for him to post on social media. and a few candid photos of him to keep for yourself.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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teyums · 1 year
ok ur last post made me think of this
can u do another human reader x neteyam where he meets her cat
this is so funny bc they would absolutely hate each other. it took my first cat two months to even tolerate her new sister when i first introduced them even though i let them sniff each other through a door for two weeks 🥲 it was terrible. it’s def impossible for a cat to make it through cryo to Pandora but let’s just imagine for a sec
neteyam x human!reader
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“Just pet him for two seconds. He’s super sweet, I promise!” You assure a shifty Neteyam as his tail swishes behind him, his back leaned against the wall of your reserved section in the lab and his eyes glued to the moving ball of fur a few feet away from him.
“Why… Why does it look like that?” He mumbles with a slight squint of his eyes, the small grimace on his face indicating his displeasure as he watches your cat groom itself. He’s stood off to the side, arms folded across his chest, distanced demeanor matching his continuous refusal of getting any closer to the strange animal he’s never seen before.
Your jaw drops as you fake being offended and you lightly shove his arm, eyes rolling when you lean down to stroke your cat’s head, scratching under his chin and smiling when he purrs.
“What do you mean why does he look like that? You and him are basically cousins, the only difference is you don’t have fur and whiskers.”
A scoff sounds from above you almost instantly.
“Me and that thing are not cousins. I harbor way too much decorum to lick my ass and call it a bath.”
Since it’s clear Neteyam won’t move any closer, you gently pick Loki up and set him back down at Neteyam’s feet, so he can get a whiff of his scent. Your cat has always been friendly with others and loves attention, so your brows instantly furrow when you watch Loki’s ears pin back against his head, and as if he could understand what Neteyam had just said, his back arches, hair standing up off his body and he hisses up at the Na’vi male, followed by a loud, drawn out guttural meow you’ve never once heard him make at any of the scientists who he’s met. Neteyam’s eyes go wide and he immediately jumps to the side, tail standing straight behind him in alert.
“Loki!” You gasp, shocked at his unusual reaction.
“See, I told you he wouldn’t like me!” Neteyam gestures down at your fluffed up feline, only for his own ears to fall back against his braids when he mimics your cat’s behavior and hisses right back at the small creature, as if he couldn’t control himself.
“Don’t hiss at him!” You scold your 8-foot tall boyfriend, swatting at his leg while you’re crouched down to try and soothe an agitated Loki.
“He did it first!“
For a split second it’d completely slipped your mind that while Neteyam is an alien with very obvious feline attributes, introducing two cats to each other like this is pretty much always a recipe for disaster.
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Likes + Comments + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
©teyums 2023
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bby-deerling · 7 months
I’m so glad you will write for Sanji!!
Can i please request a Sanji x reader in the whole cake arc where before that Sanji and reader would flirt and have this connection making reader think their relationship would go further but suddenly Sanji decides to ignore them making reader sad and one day he just say goodbye to the strawhats because he will marry pudding breaking reader’s heart (like tons of angst)
Thankfully luffy didn’t believe Sanji and forms a plan to rescue Sanji, so when Sanji and reader are together Sanji confess to reader that he did it to protect them and he was scared this would become his life instead of staying forever with reader?
Sorry if its too much and too especifica dear amazing writer, its okay if you don’t want to write it. I just need a Sanji angst to fluff
I’m also happy the message made you happy, it’s true! The way you write its amazing! Glad you decided to write, post it here and for my tumblr to put you in my page!
Have a nice day!
thank you so much for the request! <3 i made a few lil tweaks, but i hope you still enjoy it!
crazy (sanji x reader) angst w/a happy ending, hurt/comfort, wci spoilers. wc 1.2k
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He was back.
He was back, and to everyone else it was like nothing had even happened—even Nami had forgiven him with relative ease.  The whole crew was acting as if the events of the last week and some change were a complete dream, and he never left.
As if he hadn’t been about to marry someone else.
You were a complete fool, thinking you could capture the heart of a man who constantly flitted from one woman to the next.  No stranger to the art of seduction, he threw himself at almost any woman that crossed his path, and on rare occasions, had gotten lucky when the occasional girl on an island would throw him a bone, but he had done so much to try to assure you his affections for you were genuine. 
Neither of you had confessed your true feelings for each other outright other than Sanji's dramatic professions that you would be a fool to take seriously; prior to his departure, you had been trapped in a delicate dance back and forth with each other that had slowly bloomed into something that felt more serious—at least it did to you.  It seemed so silly looking back on it—despite the way that he had toned down his flirtations with other women in order to convince you to fall for him, you should have known it was a matter of time until he went back to his natural habits.  The teasing touches, comfortable silence while doing dishes, and long, emotional talks over a late-night cigarette could only have kept him captivated for so long before moving along to someone else.
Despite the massive headache and heartache the cook was causing, you couldn’t even call him on it right now; after him having been through so much with his biological family, it would be nothing short of cruel to attack him over his wandering eye.  Still, you couldn’t help but hurt tremendously as he served drinks to you and Nami, mask of a smile on his face, without so much as a conversation with you about what had transpired, much less where the two of you stood with each other.  In fact, he seemed to be avoiding you, slipping into the kitchen if he saw you flagging him down on the deck, and contrived some reason to leave if you entered his workspace.
As you suck on your straw deep in thought, refreshing taste of pineapple juice running down your throat, you decide to follow him back into the kitchen.  You could stand him losing interest, but him avoiding anything but basic pleasantries with you was too much for you to handle.
“Ah, hello there, dear!” he says when you enter the kitchen, refusing to meet your eyes and instead feigning interest in a recipe book on the counter.  “I was just about to check on Chopper and Luffy, did you need something?”
Another thinly veiled excuse.  He steals a glance at you, and tenses when he sees you’re not buying it.
“Sanji, you’ve been avoiding me.” you say, voice wavering.  You had intended it to come out far firmer, but your emotions were already getting the best of you before the conversation had even started.
He swallows hard, and turns to look at you.  The silence pounds in your ears at he carefully chooses his words.
“I think we should have this conversation somewhere more private.” he says, sending chills down your spine.  Unable to respond verbally, you nod and follow him to the aquarium bar, which was thankfully empty.  He closes and locks the door, and stands behind the bar across from you; the tabletop separating you felt wider than the ocean you were sailing on.  Despite him being the one to pull you away to talk, he finds it difficult to speak.
“So.  I’ve been avoiding you.” he says, cringing with guilt at vocalizing his intentions.  You remain silent, waiting to hear him out, and the pain in your stare breaks his heart.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I’m no good for you.” he says, staring downward and unable to bear your gaze any longer.  You still don’t speak, forcing him to keep spilling his heart out, an activity that had felt effortless before, and like knives on his tongue now.
“What kind of man leaves the woman he loves to marry someone else?” he asks, hands shaking.
“The kind that wants to protect his friends.” you say, gingerly reaching out to lay your palm on top of his.  He instinctively laces his fingers with yours, and the familiar touch pulls at his heartstrings.
“I did do it to protect you all, you know that, right dear?” he says, almost as if he was trying to convince himself that his betrayal was worth all of the pain it had caused.
“I know, Sanji.” you say, trying in vain to swallow the lump forming in your throat.  “And you were brave for doing it.”
“Not when I’ve hurt you like this—” he insists, tears pricking in his visible eye and grip on your hand tightening.
“Sanji, what’s hurting me is you avoiding me.” you say, interrupting him, and with a firmness to your voice that makes him twitch.  “What’s hurting me is you refusing to even talk to me and acting like everything we had was a dream and leaving me wondering if you ever truly cared about me at all.”  Even though it needed to be said, you immediately feel guilt for saying it as his head falls into his arm and chokes back sobs.
“Of course I care, darling,” he chokes out, “I’m trying to let you go because I care.  I don’t deserve you.  I didn’t deserve you then, and I don’t deserve you now.” he insists, words muffled by his sleeve.  You run your thumb across his hand in an attempt to comfort him, but it only seems to make him more distressed.  His reaction finally gets you to break, and now both of you were sobbing messes.
“Sanji, please don’t let me go.” you plead between gasps for air.  “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.  I should have come to you sooner to comfort you instead of letting you try to distance yourself from me.  I should have known better.”
Your gazes meet, red and watery from tears.  Desperately, you search his face for any sign of what his next words will be, but he stays as silent as you had been minutes before.  Just as he had done, you take a shaky breath and decide to continue.
“I love you, Sanji.  I love you with the constancy of the sun rising and the moon falling.  I love you unconditionally.  All I ask is that if you feel the same way, you stay by my side.”
Something changes in the glint of his eye as he’s suddenly stirred to life.  Normally he is the one for poetic, drawn out confessions of love, but you’ve rendered him speechless as he lets go of your hand and slides over the top of the bar—in any moment less dramatic than this you would have laughed—and stands in front of you, spinning you around in your stool to face him.
“I love you, dear.  On this day and every day, and all the days to come, I love you.” he whispers, softly caressing your face before leaning in to seal his confession with a kiss.  It starts out chaste, but quickly turns into something messy, emotional, and passionate.
“Do you have any idea how scared I was?  That I would never get to see your radiant face again and tell you how I felt?” he rasps.
“So was I, Sanji,” you whisper back,  “but I’m so glad I told you now.
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pitchsidestories · 13 days
Promise me II Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze
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masterlist I word count: 1274
a/n: hi, this was inspired by the current transfer rumours, we hope that you still like it despite the topic.
Lucy was on the phone with her agent while Ona was napping in her lap on their sofa. They had a tough training session in the morning and untypical for Barcelona it has been raining the whole time, one could hear the rain drops falling against the windows.
This sound has been a constant background noise for the entirety of this afternoon. The weather seemed to know which news were about to break into this peacefulness.
 “I’m sorry, Lucy. They don’t plan to extent. Not with Alexia staying.”, he apologized with such sincerity that it hurts the English woman even more when he said it the first time a couple of seconds ago.
“Two old players are too expensive, right?”, she hissed.
 “That’s what you said.”, the man responded cooly.  
“Yes, because that’s what everyone is thinking!”, Lucy answered enraged. The player’s body turned tense. Even in her sleep her girlfriend noticed that change, struggling to find the comfortable position she was in before.
“It basically is.”, he admitted.  
“Fuck.”, Lucy cursed under her breath.
“Luce?”, Ona stirred up from her sleep.
“Sorry, love.”, the older defender bit her lip guiltily.
“What’s wrong?”, the Spanish woman asked big eyed, sounding deeply concerned.  
“Keep sleeping.”, Lucy tried to reassure her, pressing a kiss to the forehead of her girlfriend.
“But you said fuck.”, Ona gave her a mildly amused look.
“Yes, because they won’t extend my contract.”, the English defender explained, sadly.  
 “What?!”, the younger woman exclaimed furiously.
“I don’t have the Alexia bonus.”, Lucy added.
“We’ll find a solution, I’m sure.”, Ona shook her head stubbornly.
“Sorry, little one.”, the older player whispered unhappy.
“No, you can’t leave.”, she stated firmly and stood up from her sofa.
“Ona where are you going?”, Lucy raised an eyebrow. The Spanish woman mouthed an apology before she went to get her sneakers and left to meet someone who might help them.
Meanwhile Lucys mood was almost as bad as the weather outside, but Ona’s optimistic smile chased her sad thoughts away when she returned to their shared home.
“I talked to Alexia. I think she can help.”
“Oh, Ona. I’m not sure about that, but I appreciate your effort.”, the older woman was in awe of her girlfriend’s unshaken optimism.
“Of course, it’ll work.”, the younger defender replied confidently.
“We’ll see, okay?”, Lucy responded.
“Okay. Just promise to not go too far away. “, Ona nodded, although letting her girlfriend gave her a comforting hug.
“I promise it won’t be the USA.”, the older player joked.
“I was hoping you’d say that you stay in Spain. But that’s something.”, the younger woman remarked, the sadness was still lingering in between them, but that silly reply of the English defender made her smile again.
“I’ll tell my manager that I won’t take any clubs that are too far away from you.“, Lucy half-joked.
Ona bit back a small smile: “Thanks.“
“You’re welcome.“
“That calms me a bit.“, Ona admitted, unsure if she felt better because of Lucys words or the lightheartedness she brought back into this conversation.
Lucy smirked: “Anything else I can do for you?“
“Hug!“, Ona yelled and immediately bridged the gap between the two football players to jump into Lucys arms. The English defender had to react quick to catch her and not lose her balance.
Laughing, she looked her girlfriend that clung tightly to her body: “Better?“
“Agreed.“, Lucy grinned.
“Thanks, Luce.“, Ona said, relaxing into her girlfriends embrace.
Carefully, Lucy set the Spanish football player down and asked: “What do you want for dinner?“
“Something Portuguese.“,Ona ordered in hopes that Lucy would treat her with one of her delicious family recipes.
The older defender just gave her a nod of approval: “Alright.“
“No worries. Sit down, I’ll start cooking.“
Lucy disappeared into the kitchen, Ona following close behind her. The Spaniard sat down at the kitchen table and watched attentively as her girlfriend started to cut some vegetables.
“You don’t need any help?“, Ona asked.
“No, thanks.“
She shrugged: “Fine, I’ll watch then.“
“Good.“ Lucy continued to focus on the food. Ona, however, chose to focus on Lucys backside while she was busy.
“Nice view though.“, she remarked, her head propped up on one hand.
“Oh, yeah. I was pretty proud, the market still had this amazing fish.“, Lucy continued to talk about her cooking, completely ignoring what Ona had meant.
The younger defender smiled to herself, Lucy always was in her own world when she started to cook. So she decided to let work in peace.
Only as the ingredients started to simmer and fill the kitchen with a mouth-watering smell, Ona sniffed once: “This smells so good.“
“It’ll taste even better.“, Lucy promised her.
“Can’t wait.“
“It’s almost ready.“
Ona took this as her cue to jump up and set the table in the meantime. “I’ll get the wine.“
Lucy placed the pan on the table while Ona filled their glasses. “Here, we go.“
“Cheers.“, Lucy lifted her glass to clink it to her girlfriends.
“Cheers.“, she echoed.
Both of them took a sip of their wine before Lucy started plating the fish. For the time they sat there in the kitchen, having dinner, the conversation they had earlier seemed far away.
“Don’t be sad.”, the English woman stated after noticing that her girlfriend had stared absent minded at the wall.
“I’m not. I would just miss this.”, Ona quickly replied in a sincere tone.
“Me too.”, Lucy admitted seriously.
“Even though I do ask myself, who’s going to cook for me if you’ve to leave.”, the younger player only half joked.
“Maybe Olga?”, the older defender suggested smiling mildly.
“No. I don’t want to be third wheeling. It’s going to be alright, because I can cook.”, Ona reassured her girlfriend. She recognized the sceptical risen eyebrow by the woman sitting in front of her. That was why the Spanish player added:” I’ll survive.”
“I hope so because I’ll leave my heart here.”, Lucy told her earnestly. Hearing her saying this out loud made Ona’s heart sink.
“Oh, Luce.”, she muttered.
Immediately the English defender’s hands went up.
“Don’t say anything more, that was embarrassing.”
“It was the cutest.”, the younger woman responded, giving the older one a kiss to her temple. With a cheeky grin she continued:” I’ll get that tattooed.”
“No, it doesn’t go with the rest of your pretty tattoos.”, Lucy protested, while pulling the smaller player onto her lap.
“But it means a lot to me.”, she confessed, looking into the green eyes of the woman she loved and hoped her glance would transfer her feelings which run as deep as the tattoos on her skin.
“Ona, I love you.”, the English defender muttered in a raspy voice.
“I love you too.”, she said, while her girlfriend started to kiss the many freckles on her face to highlight what she was saying only a couple of seconds earlier.
“No, matter what happens.”, Lucy remarked in between the kisses.
Under the touches of the older woman Ona felt something like hope fluttering in her chest.
“We’ll make it work somehow.”, the Spanish player answered optimistically.
“Yes, we did it before too.”, the taller defender reminded her.
“Let’s enjoy this while it lasts.”, Lucy murmured.
“Hopefully longer than until summer.”, the smaller woman whispered into the ear of the older player while holding on to her like Lucy personified the little hope that was left of her staying and hopefulness always dies last.
There was the reassuring feeling that no matter what happened over the next months that they were going to be alright.
pictures are from pinterest.
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essentiallyleaf · 8 months
day 07. public sex. with. soojin, zoa.
2388 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x idol x male reader, reader has the tiniest hint of rizz, but is still a loser at heart, public sex, double blowjob, standing doggy, pussy eating, fingering, stand & carry, 1mg of rimming, very smut heavy, basically unedited, complete mess.
horny + tired sounds like a recipe for terrible writing. and i don’t really know if it is, since i basically haven’t read this back :] generically, leaf.
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“I need this now” and “Take me here” might be the exact and only two sentences that could get you to do anything, anytime, anywhere. But that’s a hypothetical, and despite the inhibition of three Manhattans and a couple beers, castles in the sky crumble when you hear those exact words come out of those two’s sweetly curled and devilishly full and luscious lips in the middle of the dance floor.
You didn’t really know them that well. They go to the stationery shop you work at fairly frequently (every other Friday between 3 and 5 p.m., they usually hover around the notebook and colored pens sections, try a bunch of them out - like, sooo many, can they not recite the entire color palette by heart yet? - while laughing you can’t really tell at what, then come to the checkout with about exactly one sharpie and two big smiles, and then leave. What? No, you don’t remember them particularly more than any other customer. Why would you?), but you’d never really talked. That’s why you’re surprised when they approach you on a random Saturday night at the club, talking about which their favorite drinks solely based on color are and how, if bonsai are a thing, there must be a way to make humans exist in tiny, and what if they’re out there now, going around untying shoelaces and stealing any small item that falls to the ground? They don’t look drunk, they look happy, which is a different thing. Aren’t they just talking about gnomes, anyway (which, by the way, definitely exist)?
It’s not how they wear those good girl smiles a second before sandwiching you while dancing, their bodies pressed against yours. Soojin from behind, pawing at your pecs and slowly kissing your neck up to the back of your ear, Hyewon in front of you but facing away, her ass literally rubbing against your now visible erection while she takes your hands and moves them from her hips, to her exposed belly, up to her boobs.
It’s not how she turns her head to kiss you and that smile is still there, like she’s playing a game, like this is just harmless fun between friends. Yeah, friends, you think, until the deer eyed girl turns around to face the two of you, her hands reaching around you and landing on Soojin’s ass and switches from your mouth to hers. What made you think they were just friends again? You’d think of an answer, but you’re distracted by the older girl’s hand venture lower towards your dick, which she starts stroking through your pants.
It’s not even how the three of you (and you in particular) now look like a complete mess right in the middle of the club, your bodies rubbing on each other’s in feral hunger, your tongues entangling with burning lust. It’s really not that.
It’s how pairs of eyes turn towards that filthy scene. Initially just a couple passing peeks, then a few more, longer gazes, mixing aversion with slight arousal, until the whole club is aware of the tonguing, the groping and the humping. And while some of them walk away, the people who stay seem turned on by the scene, as if intoxicated by the scent of your libido.
It really should just be embarrassing for you. And at the start, it was. To be left open-mouthed in front of a live audience like a comically fat dead trout in a fishing contest while two, admittedly gorgeous, girls alternately brush, squeeze and hump your dick wasn’t exactly your proudest moment. But somehow, that embarrassment coexisted with a sense of excitement. And as the two keep making a toy for their pleasure out of you, the latter only grows stronger and ends up completely overpowering the former.
That’s why when Soojin asks “Wanna go to the bathroom?”, the only possible answer is “Why not here~?”
“There’s not enough space”
The crowd was in fact big and quite cramped around the three of you. You are left without choice as she takes you and Hyewon by the arm and leads you towards a small black door right by the bar.
The girls throw you into the wall and kneel in front of you before the door even closes. Four hands take your belt off, or rather attempt to for a while before getting it (it probably would have been easier if only one person did it, but you don’t dare suggest it), then pull your pants and your boxers down. You can still hear clearly not only the music, but every scream coming from the room you were just in (these walls suck, even for club bathroom standards).
Your cock, already erect thanks to the scene you three made back there, falls right in the middle of their expecting faces, and all they have to do is stretch their necks a little further to start sprinkling it with wet kisses and short licks and already causing you to shed some precum. They more or less intentionally happen to move towards your base and take a longer lick up to the tip of your dick, where they collect your nectar and meet in a French kiss. Actually, that’s not even a kiss, more like their tongues messily exchanging three people’s fluids while completely outside either’s mouths, and it looks fucking filthy.
Soojin is the first to wrap her lips around your head and start slowly but steadily bobbing, taking a slightly larger portion of you in her mouth each time. Hyewon, leaving no time wasted, travels further towards your balls, first getting them wet with her saliva, then alternatively taking one in her mouth and sucking it hungrily, seemingly having the time of her life. The older girl, despite the small size of her mouth, fits almost three quarters of your length in her cavern, even managing to keep herself there and brush the underside of your cock while sucking.
“Unnie, leave some for me!”
Soojin makes way for her friend/tongue buddy, who seems immediately much more feisty, though likely less experienced, sacrificing technique for power and a much faster pace. The older gathers Hyewon’s hair together in a makeshift ponytail and starts licking from her jaw and cheek to around her ear, while the younger, gifted with a bigger mouth, is basically already deepthroating you. You hold your hands around her head and push the last bit in, her eyes watering a little as you hold position for a good fifteen seconds. And, cut.
“You okay?”
“Fuck, that was fun!”
This deer eyed slut just deepthroated you without you batting an eye (well, you were quite lost in pleasure yourself, your eyes quite literally rolling to the back of your hair, but you know), and you’re surprised that she swears?
People could literally step into the bathroom at any point, but honestly, the thought is not even passing your mind. Actually, some might have even walked beside you while you were filling their mouths with your hardness, it’s honestly just too hard to pay attention to anything else, with these two. That’s why you can’t even fathom worrying about the rest of the people in the club, even with what happens next.
Soojin drops her jeans along with her light blue panties and sits on the long counter that connects all the sinks together, running along the entire length of the bathroom below the mirror, while Hyewon bends over in front of her, glancing at the other girl with a playful smile before feasting on her gorgeous pink pussy. You only need to get behind her, bunch her white tennis skirt up on her waist and pull her black panties down and to the floor. Her lips are fat, her slit clean and shiny. You look back at her underwear, and notice a wet patch in the center, not particularly small, either.
“Did you cum just by humping me back there?”
You hold your tongue out and take one long lick across her womanhood as she lets a moan out and into the older girl’s crotch. Her sweet scent, her soft texture, her perfect taste are- fuck it, you need your dick in that pussy. So stand up again, align yourself to her, and push it in. 
Hyewon is tight, but even moreso, she’s warm. Her hole welcomes you like that’s all she was waiting for all night, like you’re her guest and she wants to make sure you know she prepared. And as you slowly thrust into her, making sure to use your hips to hit every little spot, every patch of her pussy, she lets a constant stream of guttural groans into the one she’s eating herself. Soojin can’t help but push the younger’s face into her crotch, stimulated not only by her tongue, taking trips now on her lips, now in her slit, now on top of her pink clit, but also by the vibrations of her lewd sounds, resonating in her cavern and expanding all over her body.
As you grip the girl’s asscheeks tightly, you start picking up the pace, but she immediately reaches a hand behind her and on your wrist. You slow down again, and her whimpers tell you that this is the rhythm she wants you to hold. In fact, her lower abdomen starts tensing up as a sign that her peak is near. She wants something else. She detaches from the older’s pussy, leaving her disappointed and cutely pouting, and takes small quick steps forward towards the counter, until her face is almost reaching the Soojin’s. She then zips her white top fully down. The older, in a better position to take care of it, gets the hint and rids herself of her top as well as her white strapless bra, leaving them beside one of the sinks. Hyewon takes a millisecond after that to attack her friend’s perfectly sized soft tits with her mouth and left hand, and her hole with her right.
The older is completely thrown off by the sudden initiative and the resulting pleasure it brings to her erogenous zones, and she starts moaning uncontrollably. The younger can’t hold it much longer. Her mouth leaves her friend’s boobs to meet her lips in another tongue filled spectacle. Two fingers from her right hand slide in and out of Soojin’s slit, while her thumb circles around her clit. The older’s also so close. But you’re the one who will make the final move.
You bend down towards Hyewon’s body, reach around and under her black one-shoulder top to feel and fondle her big fluffy mounds as you keep pumping your girth into her, and that ends her.
She washes your cock with the whirlwind of her juices while she contracts repeatedly around you and releases the lowest moan of the night. That in turn triggers her friend’s peak, in her case the liquid sprays on the younger’s hand and wrist and her hips buckle as she reaches to the mirror behind her for support.
Hyewon falls to her knees. Both girls are panting for oxygen, but the one you just fucked seems particularly spent from it.
“You good?”
She nods, and shows you her index finger: “One second”
You turn your head back up.
“Can you do it?”
“Can you~?”
This bitch. You step closer to the counter and wrap your hands around the underside of Soojin’s milky, meaty thighs to spread them open even more. You share a glance with her, and she looks fucking obscene. Her hair has lost its parting, her forehead covered in sweat. That lower lip always just kind of hanging there, like she needs something to fill her mouth at all times. So you kiss her hungrily, and she lets your tongue in her mouth like she’s craving it, like she’s begging for it.
Meanwhile, you guide your head to her slit and part it, slowly entering her cavern. She is so tight. She whines softly into your mouth as you get deeper and deeper. Once you’re fully in, you give her a second to get used to your girth.
“My neck. Your arms around my neck”
She obeys as you immediately raise her from the counter and carry her towards the center of the bathroom as you start pumping into her tight heaven.
Who fucking cares at this point, people could walk in on you and you would thank them. They’d love to have a cock big like yours, to have a girl as beautiful as yours, and to fuck the former into the latter like you’re doing right now. No. They’d just have to watch, like some pathetic frat boys peeping at an older girl they couldn’t even pray to get.
Your hands grab onto Soojin’s ass so you can bounce her pelvis on yours while pushing up, accentuating the movement, as she keeps kissing you like her life depends on it. You feel your orgasm building up.
Then, you feel something below you. Hyewon, revitalized after her orgasm, is now kneeling below you, open-mouth kissing your dick, your balls, her friend’s slit and, you guess, anything else she might find in the way. This girl can truly never be idle. Meanwhile, as you get closer and closer, you switch to quick, single, powerful thrusts. One. Two. And-
You feel Hyewon’s tongue brush your asshole. It’s a sensation you never felt before, it kind of tickles, but it almost stings, at the same time. What it surely does, is to make you cum on the spot. You fire multiple shots of white liquid into Soojin’s pussy, the sensation making her scream (they definitely heard this one outside) and triggering her waterfall a second time, and as only so much matter can fill such a tight space, all of her squirt and probably most of your cum end up dripping down and coating Hyewon’s face. Her mouth is promptly open, so she gets to taste your combined fluids.
She shuffles them around her cheeks for a while, then one big swallow.
“Fuck, Hyewon. Was that on purpose?”
“Your tongue”
“Oh! Well, did you like iiit?”
“He fucking came as soon as you touched him! What do you think?”
“Well, let’s see if it happens a second time, then”
it’s 4am. god. finally, leaf.
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 10 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
You have heard it before: if you feel like your life sucks and you’ll never be truly happy - take a shower. Have a snack. Drink a glass of water. Stretch gently. Take a nap. 
Basically, take care of your very basic physical needs and you may find that your emotional and mental well-being improves as well. 
This definitely falls under the category of advice that sounds ridiculously oversimplified, especially when you are right in the middle of a bad mood - and of course it needs to come with the caveat that this won’t cure depression. But even if your low mood is a symptom of depression (or another mental illness), taking care of your physical needs will help stabilize your mood and is a good foundation for further treatment. 
But in this letter, I don’t actually want to discuss that. There are already plenty great tumblr posts doing so. I just want to remind you of another basic need after water, food, sleep, movement and hygiene: Enrichment. 
Enrichment means stimulation of the brain, and you may know this term in the context of people working with animals. Dog owners, zookeepers etc. try to stimulate the animal’s brain by offering them physical or mental exercise. For example, a dog may be encouraged to search for hidden treats! 
You are not a dog, but your brain also needs stimulation. Being understimulated easily leads to feeing unfulfilled and unhappy! 
A really easy way to provide enrichment for yourself is to just change something small about your daily environment or schedule, or try a new activity! Some simple ideas: 
You don’t necessarily need to buy new furniture or even new decorations to change your environment. You could just switch around some pieces you already own! 
You could take a different route home from school/work, go to a different grocery store or even just sit in a different place in your own home than you usually do 
You could try a new recipe, prepare a favorite food in a different way or buy a snack you haven’t tried before 
You could try to move in new ways. That could mean trying a new workout routine but also just doing a silly little dance to your favorite song in your own room! 
These things sound too exhausting? That’s fully possible - being understimulated can, ironically, drastically lower your motivation! If that’s the case, remember that tiny baby steps still help! You don’t need to start with anything too exhausting. It can be something quick like:
change the lockscreen of your phone if yours has been the same for a long time
challenge yourself to read a random article on Wikipedia 
listen to a song, but pick one from outside of “your” genres 
Slowly working your way up to bigger changes can make it easier. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Dutch Luv-ers
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content: mortal! broista! leo valdez x reader fic warning: language and then tooth rotting fluff author's note: THIS FOR MY WEST COAST BABIES YALL DO NOT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT THE BEST COFFEE SHOP WHILE ON THE EAST COAST YOU ALREADY KNOW- okay okay i am so sorry to everyone who is not an west coast american, this is gonna be so confusing for you but this was self indulgent so i don't care lmao- also, for the confusion that i am sure is to come, the main plot point in this is the straw theory at dutch bros. it's since been debunked but i still think about it every time i go there lmao. basically, the color of the straw is what the broista thinks of you. you can google it and find the like exact 'translations' so to speak! ugh, i love this so much. like, it's messy and sloppy and makes no sense, but i love it so much!! might turn the texts at the end into texts like i did for smau but probs tomorrow!!
dutch bros - the REAL happiest place on earth. the central hub of people of all ages and points in their life. one car could have an exhausted father getting smoothies for his hyper active children with a double shot nitro cold brew for himself and the next will have teens pregaming a football game, begging the broistas (yes, that's their names, shush) to shotgun one of their rebel cans. and leo loved each of them. he loved that he got to see so many different people with in a five hour shift, loved that he basically got paid to yap and tap away at tablet screen.
but, on this lovely morning, leo had the great pleasure of serving you. he knew it was gonna be a great shift before he even came in, but he never could have predicted you. he was with his crew that morning, such an iconic crew that they had been dubbed 'the seven.' and they worked like a well-oiled machine, and leo would know as a engineer major. him and percy were the runners, leaving the comfort of the stand with their tablets to take orders and laugh brightly with customers. piper and hazel were mainly in charge of aux, ensuring lovable and well-known pop music blared from the hidden speakers. addtionally, they had the job of stocking as items ran out. frank, annabeth, and jason were typically the ones making the drinks, the perfectionists eager to follow a recipe they had memorized.
it was rather early in the morning but it was never not rush hour. but, right now, the lanes were empty and leo was leaning against the window, talking with piper as she cued up the next few songs.
"and then i told her that she was being a massive cunt-"
"no, you didn't!" piper cut in with a laugh, shaking her head at the latino boy.
"you weren't there, yes, i did!" insisted leo, rolling his eyes at the girl.
"well, i was there. and he didn't," jason added as he breezed past, twisting a stirring spoon around on his fingers with a smirk. leo sharpened his eyes on the boy, pointing over at him.
"liar!" piper hissed, shoving at the boys shoulder.
"car!" annabeth called, giving a pointed look. he leaned into the window, reaching around until he found a tablet, basically falling out of the service window.
"this conversation isn't over," bit out leo, pointing at jason and piper, who rolled their eyes at the boy. leo walked backwards for a few steps before spinning around and walking towards your car. your windows were rolled down as it was summer, the heat even affecting the mornings now. you were digging around in your purse as leo walked up, mouthing along to 'party in the u.s.a' as it played from the shops speakers.
"morning!" leo cheered as he leaned into your window, your pretty looks not lost on him. you looked up from your purse, beaming a smile at the boy as you moved your sunglasses up from your eyes into your hair.
"good morning! love the music, as per usual," you laughed, doing a few limited dance moves in your car. leo laughed, trying his best not to drool at the moment. gods, could you be anymore perfect? and he'd just met you.
"i'll make sure to tell the dj. she'll scream, don't worry," leo winked and enjoying the way your smile widened at the action. "what can we get started for you this lovely morning?"
"hmm. normally i'd get an iced mocha but i'm in the mood to try something new. any recs?" you asked, tilting your head at the boy, leaning out of your car and into his space ever so slightly.
"so, you like the mocha?" leo asked, pretending to think intensely about what to offer you. really, he just wanted to talk to you for longer. you hummed in response, nodding your head for added confirmation.
"you cool if i surprise you?" offered leo and once again you were nodding.
"perfect. you'll love this. it's my fav and i got my buddy, jason, hooked on it, too. which, if you knew the guy, you'd know how big of an accomplishment that is," yapped leo, tapping away at his computer, glancing up at you with a toothy grin. once more, you beamed your supernova smile at him, which nearly had the boy crumbling to his knees.
"can't wait. i hope it's good..." you trailed off, biting your lip as you hoped you didn't over step by basically begging for his name. but, he was cute and sweet and funny, and that was the perfect trifecta to get your number.
"leo. for if you ever want to do one of those survey things," leo joked, winking, as you giggled.
"alright, leo, what do i owe?" you questioned, holding your card out to the boy.
"on the house," replied leo, instantly, waving you off and shoving your card back in your direction.
"really? what's the occasion?" you pestered, putting your card away with a tiny smile. he surely knew the way to your heart already - free coffee.
"oh. pretty girl's always drink free when they come through my line," mused leo, smiling as you bloomed red. you cleared your throat, shaking your head gently at the boy.
"very smooth, leo," you admitted before raising a brow at him. "and how many drinks do you give out for free in a day?"
"from here on out, none."
"i highly doubt i'll see another girl as hot as you again."
now, you were surely the color of a aftershock rebel. and it simpley seemed to encourage leo more, the boy resting his arms against your car door and putting his face meer inches from yours. but you weren't really one to back down, letting him get close but never touch.
"i'll pull up to the window. see ya around, leo," you teased, throwing a wink at the boy before pulling away, his arms slipping off your car as you drove the short distance to the window. he shook his head as you went, basically running to the small shop and jumping through the window, using frank's shirt to pull himself through, which sent him tumbling to the ground.
"you're blocking my pathway," frank stated, stepping over the boy, who quickly scrambled up to his feet.
"we've got a code pink straw! i repeat: code pink straw!" leo hissed, grabbing hazel and shaking her by her shoulders, causing the girl to nearly drop the jugs of milk in her hands.
"what?! no way!! that girl in the red car??" piper interrogated, peeking out the window to get a better look at you. "ooh! she is cute! if you don't ask her out, i will!"
"back off! i called dibs!" leo cut in, glaring at piper, who stuck her tongue out at him.
"is this a code pink straw like the one last week?" percy asked, sitting on one of the counters, his sneakers swinging through the air. "what was her name?? cal-poly or whatever??"
"firstly, she did not get a pink straw, she got a green straw for being a legendary bitch. secondly, i've never used my code pink straw before, i'll have you know," leo listed, nearly shivering at the thought of the mean girl from the previous week, who bitched him out and then asked for his manager without even letting him ask her order.
"alright, alright, fair enough," percy hummed before smirking over at annabeth, who squinted her eyes at him. "you're the only girl getting my pink straw, annie!"
"that sounds so wrong but so sweet at the same time," piper laughed and percy then caught onto the sexual implication, shoving at the cherokee girl.
"everyone shut up! shut up! my moment has come!" leo hissed, basically shoving jason to the ground as he took up post at the window, leaning out of it as you pulled up. you smiled up at the boy, folding your arms on your car as you looked up at him with a raised brow.
"you again?" you asked with a teasing tone and leo flashed his teeth at you.
"i knew you missed me."
"awww, and here i thought i was being all mysterious," you fake pouted and leo laughed, shaking his head as his fingers drummed against the counter.
"here you go, leo," piper mused with a bright smile, sliding your drink into his hold. leo subtly shoved her away as he took it, widening his eyes pointedly at her before spinning back around to you with a dazzling smile that basically had you swooning.
"one coconut mocha for the pretty girl. you need a straw?" leo asked, like he was supposed to, his fingers crossed behind his back that you didn't give a flying fuck about turtles.
"yeah, a straw would be great," you replied, smiling up at him as you inspected the drink. he silently cheered to himself, inspecting the cup that held the straws and making sure to grab a pink one. he blushed despite himself, presenting it to you like it was the most precious of metals.
"thanks!" you cheered, a little too excitedly, as you stared at the pink straw in wonder. you didn't even like the color pink, but knowing the connotation it held you couldn't help but internal squeal.
"anything else i can get you for today?" offered leo, hoping you'd ask for the world so he could give it to you.
"your number would be great," you replied, your confidence shocking the both of you. leo gapped for a few seconds, only coming back to life as his hands slipped and he would have gone falling out the window had jason not caught the back of his shirt.
"that's leo for yes. here," jason cut in, saving the poor boy as he handed over a napkin with leo's number printed on it. you laughed slightly, gently taking the napkin from the blonde boy.
"thanks! i'll be texting you later, leo," you told the boy, hoping to get at least one more response from him before you drove off.
"i won't leave my phone ever again, my pink straw girl," leo mused, basically melting onto the counter. you beamed a blushing smile at the boy and gave him a salute as you drove off, leo leaning out of the window to wave you off.
"get back to work, fireboy! we've got a ten car pile up, you lovesick fool!" percy barked into the shop, nearly dragging the boy out by his collar. and leo couldn't find it in himself to care as his phone buzzed, his hands desperately racing for it despite percy's pull on him.
you have one new message!
(822) 993-1670: hey, leo, it's yn. well, i actually don't know if you ever caught my name. the girl from dutch bros! like...two minutes ago. anyways, let me know if you want to catch a bite to eat sometime. based off this drink recommendation, i know you've got good taste!
new contact added: my pretty pink straw girl 💖
leo (cute broista🤭): yes! i'd love nothing more. how's tomorrow?
my pretty pink straw girl 💖: tomorrow's perfect!
leo (cute broista🤭): it's a date then!
my pretty pink straw girl 💖: i wouldn't have it any other way.
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heartsoji · 1 year
falling in love with your roommate, suna rintaro
roommates to lovers
a/n: i haven't read the manga so i don't rly know anything abt rin's fam situation - sorry if any info is incorrect loll also this is more of like a college au?? idk if rin went to college but here it is
a/n pt. 2: i kinda switch between using rin and suna sorry
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"aren't you tired of living in my home, still? you're 21! i'm sure all of your friends have moved out already, right? most of them probably moved out at 18, but you haven't budged an inch!" mrs. suna scolded.
"yeah, yeah, pipe down, mom. i'll move out soon, i promise."
"no! it was fine that you stayed home for your freshman year of college, and i thought that you'd start being independent for your sophomore year, but you're still completely dependent on us! you don't cook, buy groceries, clean, or do any work around here! what are you going to do when you've graduated and you don't know how to run a washing machine?"
"yes, yes, i'm sorry."
"and i was very understanding of the fact that you didn't want to move into a dorm, but aren't you tired of commuting hours away when you could just get a closer apartment?"
"mhm, mhm."
she sighed. "rintaro, you know im only saying this because i care about you. i want you to be independent and strong, you know?"
"yep. i just booked an apartment tour via online."
"and i- huh?"
soon after he decided the apartment was in good enough condition to be living in, he rented it out and moved in.
on his moving day, he met you.
"hi! you're.. suna rintaro, right? sorry i wasn't there on your tour day. i'm your new roommate, l/n! nice to meet you." you said, a friendly smile on your features.
stoically, suna replied, "good to meet you."
at first, you and suna kinda kept to yourselves. you were polite to each other, of course, but there wasn't much talking, only coexisting.
that is, until you discovered his grocery bills.
"$18... you've been surviving on $18?!" you looked at him in shock.
"yeah. is that weird?"
"damn right it is! what are you even buying?"
"well.. i don't know how to cook anything, so i mostly order door dash. my grocery bill is from instant ramen, chuppets, eggs, and milk."
you stare at him blankly.
"you've been eating nothing but door dash, instant ramen, candy, eggs, and milk for the past 2 months?"
this guy.
he just stands there awkwardly at you laugh at him.
from then on, you two become closer.
you taught him basic recipes to make using groceries you taught him to buy, (imagine his shock when his bill came out to be like $60.. and you were like "bro that's normal") you taught him how to use a washing machine, ("oh, so you put the detergent in this compartment..") etc. just basic household chores, but he was so impressed.
eventually, you two stopped being friendly roommates and just became friends.
he was a good listener. you'd rant to him about your problems, no matter how insignificant, and he'd listen to you carefully, and you never felt like your problems were stupid whenever you talked to him.
you two started hanging out a lot. you'd study together at cafes, go to amusement parks on weekends, and just chill at home together.
and as much as you hated to admit it, you had started developing feelings for your roomie.
i mean, how could you not? he was tall, handsome, kind, funny, cheeky, and it certainly helped that you got to see him all tired in the mornings.
you didn't really know if he felt the same way, but if he did, he was a real bitch, because at some point, your relationship became kind of flirty, and he'd give you butterflies on a daily basis.
you two would watch scary movies and he'd let you cling to him, giving your terrified features a teasey smile every now and then.
he'd walk around the apartment with his toned abs out, and his sweats dangerously low on his hips.
when you guys went on walks, he'd give you his hoodie if it got cold.
whenever you'd go on long rants, he'd just stare at your face with love in his eyes. "and then i-what is it, rin?" "nothing, pretty."
like sir you can't just do that. you're too handsome to do that without risk of heart explosion.
then, one day, unexpectedly, he popped the question.
you two were watching a cheesy romcom for the 5th time, sharing a pot of instant ramen, and at the same moment that the male lead said to the female lead, "i like you. a lot. i have for a while now," rin did too.
it wasn't grand.
it wasn't loud.
it wasn't annoying.
you weren't even sure if he meant it.
but when you saw him looking at you, nervous, awaiting a response, you knew he did.
so, at the same time the female lead said, "me too," you did too.
then, with the cheesy romantic music playing in the back, you guys gave each other cheesy smiles, and he planted a cheesy peck on your cheek.
it was subtle.
it was sweet.
it was cheesy.
it was familiar.
it was uncharacteristically romantic and sentimental.
it was just like how your future relationship with your roomie and best friend, suna rintaro, was going to be.
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miwsolovely · 3 months
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
summary: moose, mousse, basically the same thing, tastes so good, but so hard to make.. Carmy disagrees. apple donuts on the other hand, those were delicious. and conveniently easy.
contains: nothing but fluff, culinary inaccuracies, carmy teaching reader how to make apple donuts, aaaaandd reader is a bit of a perfectionist …
wc: 986
a/n: i literally pulled this shit outta my ass, lemme know your thoughts ! requested!
a/n 2: i thought this worked sososo well with carmy im so happy. i fucked up the end though zzz (requests r open !)
a/n 3: heres the link for the apple donut recipe !!
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He made her feel alive. Made her think about how she should do her hair, what perfume to wear, how to smile, how to laugh, how to breathe.
It was random. Nobody intends to fall for someone so quick, however the only way out was to love. Or die crying.
[name] thinks its a universal problem. The need to be perfect for those you love, for those you want to love.
In doing so, making yourself perfect, you want everything to be perfect.
She became a chef because she loves food. Loves the simplicity of it, loves the complexity of it. Loves how feelings can be conveyed through it.
Which is what she is trying to do now: perfect the art of making a strawberry mousse.
It took a lot of tries, too many tries, and on the 8th [name] finally gave up.
She heaved out a sigh, placed her forearms on the kitchen counter and a bit harshly, dropped her head onto them.
She added everything. the egg whites, the yolk, the vanilla extract, the heavy cream, the—
“You alright chef?”
She opened her eyes but kept her head buried in her arms. But when she looked up, her face went blank for a second. Not knowing what to say.
“Yeah totally fine, just made a billion different flavored mousse for your birthday.”
“No, I wanted to confess to you using these stupid mousse, but it all went to shit.”
“No, I’m not okay; you don’t love me.”
“Yeah—I uhm, I’m fine I was just,” She finally stood up straight and was messing with her apron. “Messin’ with some stuff . . .”
Her head was lowered slightly. Picking at her lip with her nails as she tried to avoid his gaze.
She saw his feet carry his body to her. Was eye level with his chest when he was a foot away from her.
“Can I try em’?”
[name] paused. This is new.
For the past month or so, yes they’ve exchanged flirty conversations and teasing smiles and laughs, but not like this. Not so close, not so intimate.
She looked up and she felt as if the world was revolving around her for a moment.
“If you want to! I mean, it’s not really . . .” She paused. He was already reaching for a clean spoon, looking at her with those eyes.
“ . . . that good . . .” She finished. Right as he took, and ate, a spoonful of the strawberry mouse she made.
They both stood there. [name] was waiting for his reaction of the dish. And Carmy, he was trying to stop his mouth from watering.
“Not that good?” He said after recovering. “I—Chef this shit is amazing—”
He turned his head to the left away from her dish and suddenly they were eye to eye.
She could imagine, live in what his scent was. He’d smell of cigarettes and vanilla and cinnamon. A weird combination but [name] thought it’d smell good on him.
[name] opened her mouth about to say something then—
“Do you know how to make apple donuts?”
If she thought she was speechless now, [name] was more at a loss for words than she had ever been in her life.
“A—Apple donuts . . .?” She blinked. “Wh—huh?”
Carmen smiled.
They spent the past an hour finding, washing and cutting apples. They spent another hour prepping, and cutting flour to put into the apples.
“You’re telling me I have to cut a hole into this apple?”
“Well, that’s the idea, yeah,” Carmy confirmed. He took [name]’s hands in his and guided her. “Here, let me show you.”
Those were, the best hours of her life.
Sure there was sugar, cinnamon and flour everywhere, but it was fun. Refreshing even. To laugh and smile without a care in her heart.
The sun had set a long time ago, and it was just them, together in the kitchen. Them and kitchen filled with their smiles and longing touches.
Now, after hours of talking, they were cleaning the mess they made. [name] was doing the dishes and Carmen was cleaning the counter top.
She was rinsing the last dish when she heard Carmen clear his throat.
“Hey,” he said, “I was . . . thinking,”
[name] turned around from her place at the sink and met his eyes.
“Thats a first.” She smiled, teasing. “Thought you just do, not think.”
Carmen smiled and played with his knuckles, placing them on his lip.
“Okay, okay then uhm— would you like to go to dinner with me?” He questioned. Eyes never leaving hers.
“You know Bear,” She walked up to him and placed her hands behind her back. “I really thought you’d never ask.” She teased.
Carmy let out a chuckle and tried to hide his smile with his fist. “You—you’re really bold, you know that?”
[name] smiled and took his fist in his, uncurling his fingers and giving each its own kiss. “Only for you Berzatto.”
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- please do not plagiarize, copy, or repost my works to other platforms !
- likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated <3 !!
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storiesofsvu · 20 days
Alex Blake SFW Alphabet
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Alex Blake x reader warnings: none really, some sexual situations talked about. SURPRISE! Two things in one day! a WIN. I thought maybe sitting down and doing some headcanons from templates might help get the ball rolling on creativity so you might see a few more things like this pop out this week! <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alex is relatively affectionate, especially around friends or in private. She wants to make sure her friends and partner know that they are cared about and just how much. She doesn’t shy away from a squeeze on the hand, hugs or quick kisses in public. At home with you she’s very touchy, a hand on you as often as possible, curled up on the couch with you while she reads and you watch tv. She also shows her affection by picking up little treats for you whenever she’s out during the day. Whether it’s a candy bar added to the grocery order, or a post card from a city the BAU has visited recently, she loves having something to give to you when she gets home.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
First and foremost, she’s loyal. Once she knows you, and trusts you, trusts her gut that you are a friend, she’s always going to have your back and make sure to help you with whatever it is you might need. I like to think that she’s a pretty friendly person and isn’t afraid of striking up conversations with strangers in public. She’s someone that has lots of ‘regular’s’ that she runs into during her errand running and the like, ya know what I mean?
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hear me out: Alex is the biggest snuggler. She adores it, especially after a long day of either teaching or profiling. It’s quiet, soft, tender, the easiest way to show affection without having to move and it literally releases endorphins to make everyone feel better. She loves being sprawled on the couch and having you slotted between her legs, either propped up on her chest while you read together, or curled around her so she can play with your hair. At night she loves being tangled up in your limbs in bed, simply holding each other as you fall asleep.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Alex has been there done that. And she kinda always thought that was it for her, she’d had her love, had her marriage and now was married to the job. Until she meets you and realizes that there’s room for more than one great love in each life. She doesn’t particularly want to get married again, knowing all the extra ordeals that go along with that, but she’ll happily commit to a life partner, and lbh, if a ring and a party make you happy, she’ll definitely go for it.
I like to think Alex is a very clean person. Like, not overly wiping down every surface with Lysol constantly, but her apartment is always clean and tidy. There is almost always a coffee mug on the coffee table in some level of half drunk, but that’s about it. Her dishes are dealt with right away, things don’t get left out, everything has a home and is almost always in it. You do often tease her about her “clutter” being the pile of books that somehow seems to move from room to room (and they’re always all together in said stack, it’s never one or two moving around). Cooking wise she’s good. Nothing extravagant. She knows the basics and usually sticks with that. Though she also does really enjoy finding a new recipe to experiment with at least once a month.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
(I’m ngl. Part of me really wants to say she would like, just ghost and disappear without continuing communication. Cause.. she literally hates conflict, vanishes on her family and peaced out on the BAU without an actual goodbye.. LOL)
BUT, our girl has more respect for that when it comes to people she’s romantically interested in, even if that has faded. It’s going to be quick, a rip the band-aid off situation and she’ll likely do it at your place so that it’s private and she can leave quickly once it’s done and you have some privacy to grieve alone.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
One of these days I’ll remember that this is down here and not cover it under D, LOL. So, as stated, she doesn’t necessarily care for marriage again, but if she was to find love again she’s fully committed to it and will love you for the rest of her life. She *might* consider marriage if it’s an absolute dealbreaker for you, but it’s usually something she’ll bring up on the first date or so, so you both know from the start and the likelihood of her running into it down the road when she’s fully in love and invested isn’t as likely.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Listen, when this bitch isn’t dealing with unsubs, she is the most gentle fucking soul on earth. She is Mother. She is tender, loving, caring and just so sweet. Her touch is always soft, fingers trailing across your skin, drawing patterns on it while she listens to you tell stories. She’s generally pretty gentle and tender in the bedroom as well, she prefers to praise, overstimulate or edge, teasing with her words rather than physical pain. If you ask she might experiment a little bit more into that pool but she doesn’t like to inflict pain.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alex is a hugger, even if it’s just a small, quick one to say hello/goodbye while she drops a kiss to the top of your head. If she’s been gone for a while she yearns for a longer, deeper one, truly sinking into the embrace, wrapping herself tightly around you as she tucks her head into the crook of your neck. Her hugs are always full of love and affection and a way to kinda say what’s on her mind without actually having to say anything. Like, you literally cannot tell me she doesn’t give amazing hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
For a linguist, she’s not great with words when it comes to feelings/conveying things properly in relationships (both romantic, and platonic). So she’s gonna show you that she loves you before she actually says it. She also knows that other ways of showing love can mean more than the simple words of saying it, it shows that she actually really means it rather than just throwing the phrase around a lot. So she’s not someone who does say it a lot, she prefers to keep it for the moments when it really does mean a lot, or the extremely private, intimate moments in the dark as you’re falling asleep together.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Alex is another one of those insecure jealousy types. She’s confident in herself and in your relationship, but you are a little bit younger, and she can be more introverted. So sometimes seeing you out with your friends flitting around like a social butterfly she wishes that she could be more like that, or more social, especially when it comes to your group of people. She’s not one to make a scene about it, but there has been more than one occasion where she’ll approach you, press a soft kiss to your cheek and say she’s going home, feign an excuse of being tired or not feeling great and *insist* that you stay out and have a good time.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are soft, tender, and only for you. They can definitely be fiery in the right situation, but she uses kisses as a primary way to express her love. She loves to kiss the top of your head, your cheek, the tip of your nose, the back of your hand, and of course your lips. When she wants to make you absolutely melt, she’ll wrap herself around you from behind and trail kisses up and down your neck until you’re putty in her hands and practically dragging her into the bedroom.
She loves you kisses no matter where you kiss her. There’s something about the little grin on your face before you leave a kiss anywhere on her body that absolutely gives her butterflies and makes her blush, even to this day. Alex has a particularly soft spot for the way you’ll kiss her inner thighs before going down on her.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Loaded question my dude.
Alex is incredibly good with kids. She loves being around them and will happily spend an afternoon running around the yard with JJ’s boys, even “suffering” through cleaning up, bath time and adores reading them bedtime stories. She’ll always offer up babysitting services for her friends and absolutely adores getting to be “Auntie Alex” but it always leaves her drained and full of a sense of missing out, especially as she watches her friends’ kids growing up and hitting milestones and she simply yearns for getting to see her own son do the same.
And to follow up with that; no she doesn’t want to have any other kids. Of her own or adopted. She knows that she would be absolutely terrified from the moment of conception that everything was going to go wrong again. She knows she would be a helicopter parent and be obsessively overprotective and every time the kid so much as coughed her mind would go straight to the worst case scenario and she knows she can’t handle that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Her mornings are relaxed, both work mornings and weekend mornings. The only difference is having to say goodbye on workdays (and getting up a little earlier). There’s the morning paper, followed by the morning crossword, coffee of course and breakfast.
On the weekends those things generally all still happen in bed, or curled up on the couch with a couple of fuzzy blankets while you enjoy the quiet of the morning, the sun getting brighter, birds chirping outside and each other’s company.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are fun, a little more spirited, more laughter and fun sprinkled in there as you wind down from the day, likely accompanied by a glass of wine or two. Dinner is likely cooked together, even if together means one of you cooking while the other sits on the counter and keeps them company. There’s music playing through the house, stories of your days/weeks told and plenty of stolen kisses while you’re waiting for a pot to boil or timer to go off.
Evenings are spent either on the couch or out in the back yard on the fancy furniture, lounging together while you read, watch tv, or catch up on work. Alex adores the nights that you scoop up one of her books of poetry and climb into her lap so she can read to you while playing with your hair.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Homegirl keeps a lot pretty tight lipped. There’s a lot she’s going to keep to herself and it’s going to have to actually be asked specifically to her before she’ll bring it up. She’ll mention that she was married before, she likely still has a decent relationship with James so that comes up pretty quick. But otherwise it’s a little thing here, a little thing there and there’s likely still some things you don’t know about her when you’ve been together for years.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She’s got the patience of a fucking god. Alex doesn’t do angry, she can do frustrated, or annoyed, but she really doesn’t get that angry often. And if she does she’s going to bottle it up and save it for work when she can/needs to take it out on an unsub. If the two of you get into it and things are starting to explode into something where things might be said that you don’t really mean, she’s always the one to hit pause, put a pin in it and the two of you both walk away and cool down so you can sit down and discuss the actual issue at hand later on.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
With her brain?!?
Of fucking course she’s remembering like, 98% of the things that you tell her, hell, even the things you don’t tell her. She’s just got a way. She caught the way your eyes lit up at the sight of a molten lava cake being taken to a table when you were out to dinner and the next time you were having a rough day she ordered one delivered. She borrowed your phone once when hers was dead to use your Spotify and discovered which artist you had on repeat 24/7 and of course got tickets to their concert for your birthday. You always stole a particular sweater of hers on cold days and you felt bad, giving it back after a day cause it was so cozy and she needed to be warm too so she bought it in five other colours for both of you to share.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The moment that she knew she was in love with you. It was something small, domestic, just quietly and intimately sharing the same space for hours on end. Maybe the first full weekend you hadn’t left her apartment and seeing you move through her space with no issues, making yourself at home and she knew that she liked her home a hell of a lot better with you in it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Alex is the perfect amount of protective. She knows you can take care of yourself and never wants to be overbearing, so she lets you live your life when you’re apart. However she is the one to always make sure you’re attentive when you’re alone at night, that your car door is locked as soon as you’re in it, if your apartment doesn’t have a security system when you meet you better bet that she’ll make you install one. She insists that anytime you’re out with your friends you call her to come pick you up when you’ve had too much to drink. If you’re out together and she can sense that you’re uncomfortable because of the idiot hitting on you, she’s gonna wrap an arm around your waist, press a kiss to your cheek and get you outta there as quickly as she can.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Regular dates not so much, but if she’s been out of town for a while she makes sure to plan something nice, it’s never anything crazy or over the top, but an excuse for you to dress up a little bit so she can take you out for a nice dinner. Anniversaries are always sentimental for Alex, there’s flowers, time spent together likely at home with a homecooked or take out dinner before the night is spent in the bedroom. Gifts for big days are always similar, they’re things that you’ve talked about loving, or something that’s rare, hard to find, something you mentioned in passing a couple of times that she happened to come across. Or homemade presents, ones made with love instead of bought with money.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overworking FOR SURE. It’s pretty often that you have to wander into the home office well past midnight and drag her to bed. She’ll argue that she ‘only has one thing left to do’ but will thank you beyond belief in the morning. She also has a tendency to work through her meals, something that only got worse once she was at the BAU, so you’ll always make sure she has lunch packed, and if she’s teaching you’ll swing by to have lunch with her.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Alex isn’t overly concerned. She’s always professionally put together, makes sure she looks good in that sense, but make up isn’t something she delves into too much, and she’s never going to think about going under the knife for beauty things, she’s just going to hope she ages gracefully.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Hmmm….. No. I think that she would be fine. She’s always been a pretty independent person; she spent a lot of time apart from James and she never had too much of a problem with it. She doesn’t need a partner to feel secure and like she’s a whole person, she’s all that on her own. She’d also thought she was going to be single forever post divorce and had no issues with that, meeting someone new was just a happy coincidence.
X = Xtra (A random head canon for them.)
I can’t think of anything totally random so you’re getting something canon related. Her and Strauss were in the academy together and they definitely fucked or were in some kind of relationship that obviously didn’t end well. She also had a little crush on JJ, whether she realized it or not.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She’s not a fan of dumb people, and we’re not talking like, college dropouts, she’s fine if you didn’t go to post secondary school. We’re talking plain logic, street smarts. If someone has zero interests and thus nothing to ever educate themselves on, she’s not into it. (like, this could be some insanely smart thing that like, Reid is into, or it could be something like different strains of weed, she does not care, just use your brain for something). Even worse than that to her is people who *play* dumb. She’s got zero patience when it comes to that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Has a nightly routine that she sticks to every night, no matter what. If she’s on the road, up late, whatever, she absolutely always has to brush teeth, wash her face, apply some minimal skin care, turn down the lights and read at least a small chapter before she can go to bed. She likes to keep routine and normalcy and this really helps with that.
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greetings-humans · 24 days
suo hayato - martial arts rant
(minor plot spoilers for up until episode 4/chapter 8)
(all the stuff here also otherwise spoil suo's fighting style which you first see at ep 5/ch11-12)
now do you see this? (from ep 5)
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and this (chapter 12)
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so I have some experience in martial arts, like im a black belt in zendo ryuu karate do (a decently niche style of karate and like I also did a bit of jiu-jitsu, tho no competitions for any of these) but anyways this feels wrong.
now I don't claim to know all there is about martial arts but um. given the power behind even the weakest of punches (and kanumo (the opponent) survived shishitouren during its extremist phase so he can't be that weak), putting your hand in front of an incoming fist is a recipe for disaster and so much pain. the same can be said for attempting to... grab (??) the fist from above with your palm and your extended fingers, like you can see in the panel.
my poor, abused, tendinitis-ridden arms feel the pain for you, suo, please stop it.
we know from the manga, that suo isn't one of the people with "monster strength" (and those people also shouldn't be doing moves like this but I'll assume that monster strength also comes with insane muscle support on their arms/forearms/hands and they're also not trained in martial arts so whatever. let them make their mistakes since it doesn't hurt them that much) because suo is never described as having "monster strength" so him doing this is just off.
but, dee, you might say, this is a fucking manga/anime about teenage gangsters were you expecting realism??
as of episode 5 / chapter 12 (?), suo has confirmed that he's dabbled in mixed martial arts. you cant have him making these sort of mistakes for the shits and giggles.
and these feel like a decently basic mistakes, too. i asked my brother his opinion on this as a blue-belt in karate and he agrees with me that suo is off here. i asked my bsf (who has like a yellow belt in taekwondo but hasn't practiced martial arts in like nearly a decade) on an opinion on people using their palm to block an incoming punch and he thought that's weird. I asked google and even fucking wikihow disagrees with the palm thing.
like. use your opponent's momentum against themselves yes. but also.
nowhere is there a mention of stopping the momentum with your palm. your fucking palm??? hello??? or stopping the momentum by grabbing the fist like that?? who grabs a fist from above😭😭 suo look at your goddamn wrist. joints are scared of you.
out of the top of my head, suo is in danger of breaking his fingers or spraining/breaking his wrist or fucking up his elbow, or some funky combination thereof. and he's also definitely getting in some sort of trouble with his tendon. but c'est la vie, ig.
and btw. he has pulled this off correctly a few times in the manga.
chapter 11
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in the bottom right corner you see him deflecting properly and safely. and then rushing ahead to get out of Kanuma's range (wouldn't want a falling Kanuma to grab him on his way down lol). no clue what his left hand is doing tho. even if he was attempting to assume a ready stance. what the hell is his elbow doing that high? and why is his palm open and looking away from him? fuck if I know, this doesn't look like karate but there are like thousands of schools of karate with different variations so who knows. it's vaguely giving king fu or jiu jitsu but take this with a grain of salt.
or this from chapter 68. also correct technique. don't come at me for spoilers btw, I've literally given you zero context.
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tho to be fair, I'm a little confused as to the angle that he's hand is at? like it seems like his torso is in front of the punch (which vaguely makes sense because the other guy can presumably aim towards center mass aka torso), but like suo should already be moving his torso away so his arm shouldn't be reaching out from that angle. whatever. I'll forgive this. it's super minor.
10/10 for just grabbing the damn wrist instead of what he was doing before.
tho once again to be fair, I'm also a little confused about what his free hand is doing but whatever. and how did the other guy lose his balance? idk suo tagged at his punching arm hard ig. and giving the "whap" sfx then he might have somehow hit the other dude's leg? certainly not with his free hand cause given his stance, he's still not low enough to hit the foot or shin of the other guy (which is what the panel insinuates). unless he ducked? like crouched down while holding the dude's wrist and used his free hand to 'whap'? or maybe suo used his front leg? idk. whatever. still better than before.
nii satoru (the mangaka) so far seems great, because windbreaker has a nice plot and a fun, diverse cast of rather realistic teenagers (given the plot). he does seem to have a weakness when it comes to official martial arts styles, though, and that transferred towards the animation, as well.
hey wbk fandom give me your thoughts. idk if there are more ppl into wbk that also dabble(d) in martial arts but I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially!
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AITA for saying I don't give a shit about calorie counts?
Before I even start this, I'm going to say - if you actively have an eating disorder, please don't vote on this one. I used to have one and I know how badly ED screws with your reasoning regarding weight and food, even with other people. Onto the dilemma.
I (22M) and my friend (31F) are both on "diets" - in quotes because its a lifestyle change, but idk about her. I've drastically changed my diet, exercise, and general lifestyle for health reasons.
My friend also wanted to start dieting at the same time, and as far as I know, she just wants to lose weight. She has a healthy weight goal in mind and her methods of losing weight are healthy, basically the same as me - better foods and more exercise. Recently we talked about our goals because we both lost several pounds, and she asked me what my goal weight was. I told her I didn't have one, I might later but right now my only focus is making sure my body is in good health. She seemed to agree and the conversation moved on.
Another thing is, I recently learned that I LOVE to cook. I've been adding more veggies and spices into my diet as well - swapping french fries with marinated air-fried carrots, veggie dumplings, shredding cabbage for noodles, making my own stir fry sauce and blends, etc.
I cook for us sometimes, because I often make more than I need and I want to share my cooking with others. But she keeps asking my how many calories are in stuff. I tell her what's in the recipe and how it's made, but I honestly have no clue how many calories are in anything I make. I can tell her pretty much anything else, like it's rich in whatever vitamin, it's low cholesterol, it's a great source of iron, I used healthier alternative instead of whatever... but that's not the info she's looking for. And since a lot of my cooking is experimental, I can't look it up online. I've never noticed this to be an issue before, but I'm a bit clueless so it's possible she showed signs of being bothered by this and I just didn't notice.
It all came to a head the other day when we had dinner after our usual workout. I was charting the exercises I did that day. She asked me if I was tracking calories for the meal and started talking about her calorie tracker app. I listened to her spiel about empty calories and tracking food. When she asked if I was going to downloaded it, I laughed and said "I don't give two shits about counting calories. As long as the food is good for me I don't care." I said it light-hearted and joking bc I don't want her to think it's bad to count calories - it's just not what I'm going to do. But she got quiet and later texted me that it hurts. I explained that she can count calories if she wants, and I don't care if she does or doesn't, but it's not for me. She doesn't know about my eating disorder history and I'd rather not tell her, since that's another reason I don't count calories - I don't want to fall back on starving myself since I KNOW that's not healthy, so it's easier for me to just exclude calories from the picture entirely. Should I tell her why I don't count calories? Could I have told her that I don't care about calories in a nicer way? AITA?
Also, before anyone suggests it - she does NOT have an eating disorder. Idk why she counts calories, but she shares a lot about her life with me, and she eats plenty and eats well, and doesn't exercise excessively, just enough to stay healthy for what she wants to do.
What are these acronyms?
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seoafin · 1 year
pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader warnings/tags: 18+, somewhat nsfw, gojo with yandere leanings, masturbation, gojo's not so normal POV word count: ~3.3k
The first time Satoru sets his gaze upon you, you are not even an extra in the story he has envisioned for his grand high school life, you are barely even a footnote.
You’re thirty minutes late, you wear the wrong uniform, and you fall back asleep not even ten minutes into class. You’re quiet and airheaded, speak only when spoken to, and you are more unassuming than you are anything else.
You also irritate him.
Or at least, that's what he assumes it is. It’s completely irrational. It’s not the same irritation he feels when Suguru intentionally goads him on. That feeling burns bright and quick. It’s playful. It’s fun. The two of them usually end up working it out with their fists until they lay splayed about on the grass, chests heaving.
It’s a piercing annoyance, sparked by your presence, a twinge of something sharp in his abdomen. Like the feeling of being stabbed. At first he thought it was the way he'd follow Suguru's gaze, only to find you at the end of it. And then it was everything. 
Gojo-san, you’re not very used to people saying no to you, are you?  There was no ill will in your voice. Just a calm, logical certainty that rubbed him in all the wrong ways.
And what about it?  Satoru had snapped back, teeth bared, annoyed that nothing had gone according to plan that day. He didn’t need a nobody like you to rub his shortcomings in his face. Suguru already did that enough for both of them.
You simply looked right at him without a hint of sympathy, and walked away.
And thus, after the spectacular failure of your first shared mission, he had been completely content to ignore your already insignificant presence. Until you started smiling. First at Ieiri, and then at Suguru. Apathy lifting away from your face like the sun parting stormy clouds in those few seconds. He couldn’t look away.
Ieiri-san had become Shoko, and Geto-san had become Suguru, and he was still Gojo-san.
He doesn’t care. If he’s irritated, it’s because he hates that blank look on your face when you regard him more than anything. It makes him want to take your face, wrap his fingers around your chin, and make you acknowledge him. And then maybe this infuriating feeling running him ragged would finally disperse. He wants to see you fall apart, taste the salt of your tears on his tongue, dig his fingers into the flesh of your arms and thighs and leave his mark, just to make sure you actually exist.
A living, breathing human being. Not just a specter conjured up to drive him to insanity. You are alive, but you don’t act like it.
He doesn’t like it.
It takes him a little longer (just until you smile at him and offer him the rest of your baked goods as a silent peace offering) for him to realize, it’s not you he doesn’t like. It’s never been you he dislikes.
The man rattles off next to him about alliances, clan security, heirs, duty, and too many other things Satoru could give less of a shit about, and all he can think about is whether or not you’ve eaten.
Something new has been occupying your attention (or, a much more accurate term might be obsession ), and paired with your tendency to forgo basic bodily functions such as eating at times, it’s a recipe for disaster.
This time, from what he’s gathered from your sparse, uncontextualized texts, it’s ancient scrolls dating back to the Nara period detailing some area in what is now Hakodate and some ancient curse that had terrorized the villagers who had eventually ended up calling on some second-rate Kamo sorcerer to seal it in the mountains. From the last text you had sent (SKI RESORT? 2:42 ) he wouldn’t be surprised to hear there are construction plans to build a ski resort atop of the sealed area which spells more work for him and more time away from you. 
Satoru wonders whether or not you’ve eaten.
If you continue at the rate he expects you to be at, by now the fatigue should be hindering your sight. If you’re in the library, you’ll wait it out until the last possible moment to grab a granola bar or maybe something from the vending machines. Not real food. If Shoko were at the school, she’d drag you out on her lunch break and force you to eat something somewhat decent. But she isn’t. One of the rare times she’s been called away on an emergency, an important higherup who can’t make the journey to the school. 
So you’re at the college. No supervision or oversight, wasting away, fascinated by some odd obscure detail like the type of paper used during that period that most people wouldn’t give a second thought to.
If you would just answer his texts—
The woman seated across from him, whose demure gaze had been lowered to the table for the entirety of the conversation, peeks up, as if the curiosity has won out. He catches her eyes through the darkness of his sunglasses, and he stills the fingers that had been impatiently drumming on the wooden table.
You’re being disrespectful.
Even after all this time, he stills hears the light, chiding, exasperation of Suguru’s voice like it was just yesterday that the two of them were together, shoulders bumping, jostling, brushing. Talk properly. No slang. Proper honorifics. Wipe that look off your face. Stop slouching.  
Satoru smiles, despite his burning need to be on the closest bullet train back to Tokyo. She blushes. Re-lowers her gaze, a timid, pleased smile touching her lips. He doesn’t even know her name. She’s dressed in an intricate furisode reminiscent of the sea, deep indigo tinged with overlapping colors of blue, and the obi that ties it all together is shaped like seashell. He supposes it’s a nod to the clan’s long standing association to the sea and its prized inherited cursed technique. It’s cute. It’s been too long since he’s seen you in a yukata or kimono.
He’ll buy you an assortment of them, all the colors that would compliment you, silks and fabrics that you have no use for other than to please him. Everything he wants to see you in. You’ll wear them, albeit in confusion, but you’ll do it. 
For him, you’ll do it. 
The man, her father, watches the exchange with greedy delight.
This would’ve never happened if he had been a little quicker to leave despite the ensuing cries of propriety and rude behavior. You’re the one always telling him he could stand to be a little more gracious , more understanding of how others perceive him, and he wants to snort. You are one of the most audacious people he knows, and you don't even realize it. Brazen at times, in ways that has people stunned into silence before you absentmindedly walk off. You are as polite and understanding as a feral, unsocialized creature, and he would keep you tucked away in the palm of his hand if he could. 
He just can’t leave you alone.
Satoru decides to take you out tonight. That new michelin star that opened up recently, a molecular gastronomy restaurant in the heart of Akasaka that’ll have you fascinated by how the food is prepared. That ought to keep you busy for hours, and Satoru could stare at you, listen to you, rambling about one thing or another for hours. Everytime he looks at you, he discovers something new.
The man licks his lips eagerly, in anticipation. “She’s the pride of our family. Her cursed technique is first rate. I’m sure you’ve heard of it? It’ll complement the Gojo heir’s Six Eyes and Infinity better than any other prospects. We might not be as powerful a clan as the Kamo’s or Zenin’s, but we’ve already received offers for her hand from several other distinguished families.” He pauses, under the impression that Satoru is actually listening. “Any heirs the two of you have will be sure to be blessed with—”
Satoru pretends to be surprised, mock shock filling his features. “Is that what this is?”
The man stares at him, composure temporarily failing. The woman across from him lifts her head, doe-like blinks. 
“And here I thought you were introducing me to your heir,” Satoru replies. “Y’know, the one inheriting your clan when you kick the bucket!”
Probably not the best choice of words. The man’s eyes nearly bulge out of their socket in horror or shock, but Satoru is already standing up and crossing the room, all pretenses of politely listening thrown out the door in his haste to make his way to you. The woman who had previously been unable to look at him stares at him, as if the idea never occurred to her.
“You said it yourself,” he says, halfway out the door. He looks over his shoulder. “Isn’t she the only one who inherited your clan’s inherited technique? Seems a bit of a waste, if you ask me.”
Then he’s navigating the twists and turns of the Kamo compound, whistling as servants quickly side step him, averting his gaze and path like he’s a missile on a path of destruction. He steps outside into the fading orange of the sunset, the air brisk with autumn, and he inhales and exhales, oddly happy.
It is a waste, he decides. It’s a useful cursed technique, strong and versatile. Instead of honing her skills and training, her days are spent being paraded like a prize horse, for the possibility that lies in her womb, all while he fields the never-ending complaints about the shortages in manpower.
He’s about to call a cab when a voice stops him.
“Excuse me!”
He turns. The man is a bit shorter than him. Black hair, dark eyes, dressed in a typical traditional dark yukata. There’s a katana in his hand. The man notices his staring, and In one smooth movement the katana is sheathed. The movement is familiar, recognizable.
“Sorry about that,” he says. “We haven’t met. Hideo Kamo.”
Satoru’s interest is piqued when the man raises his hand to shake his. He takes it. He doesn’t have to introduce himself, but he does it anyway. 
“Gojo Satoru, at your service!”
A sheepish grin overtakes Hideo’s face. “This might be a little forward…but I heard you attended Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. There’s…someone I used to know that also attended. I believe she would’ve been in your class.”
An acquaintance of Shoko’s? This might be worthwhile—
When Hideo says your name, Satoru blinks.
He knows you spent time in the Kamo compound a little after your father died. The Kamo clan had offered to take you in for an unspecified period, to get you acquainted with the jujutsu world. Self-benefit disguised as goodwill. They had been temporarily interested in your cursed technique. 
You don’t speak of it much, goodnaturedly shrugging off all his attempts to pry with a bland, “It was just a couple of months.” A year and three months. “They taught me how to use the katana.” And your cursed technique. “Nobody really bothered with me other than that.” You worth had been gauged. You weren’t good enough for a first son, or even a fourth. They lost interest.
He can imagine you, barely eight, heartbroken and devastated by the loss of your parents. Almost mute, and obedient. To the world, uninterested. Just another expendable child.
There is someone who knows the person you were before him. There is someone privy to your past in a way he isn’t. You were something, someone, even more smaller and miserable than you had been the first time he met you, before him.
Before him.
It irks him. Like the buzzing of a mosquito hovering too close to his ear, one good slap away from being flattened to death by his hand.
He idly runs his thumb over the ridges of his nails, bored. 
“I—ah,” Hideo looks faintly embarrassed. “I would love to reconnect, if possible, so if you could…” There’s a piece of paper between his thumb and index.
Satoru smiles. It comes with teeth. Menacing. There’s some satisfaction when Hideo falters. Then Satoru plucks the number out of his hand.
“I’ll be sure to give it to her,” Satoru promises reassuringly, and he’s met with a relieved smile.
“That would be greatly appreciated, Gojo-sama.” Hideo says. “If you could tell her—” he hesitates, before firmly meeting his gaze. “I remember her.”
The strip of paper stays crumbled in his pocket. It never sees the light of day again.
Later, he takes you to dinner and you talk about all the different types of era-pecific curse sealing methods and you smile. At him, at the beautiful restaurant, at the waiter. He was right. The food fascinates you more than it does to taste it. How it’s made. The science behind the foam, and the gel-like flavorful bead substances that pop in your mouth, and the apples that taste like grapes. You want to know everything about it. Take it apart. Reconstruct it.
He listens to you talk to the waiter, eager to put his knowledge to the test, while he chimes in here and there with some questions and statements about molecules and atoms and the philosophical nature of taste and hunger. You are mesmerized. A lesser man would feel ignored, he supposes. Unable to understand the fluid nature of your attention, the same as it was in high school when he was a hotheaded teenager who didn’t understand the way your mind worked. Exceedingly simple things turned twisted and complicated in your head.
You haven’t forgotten about him, not for one second. You look at him and there is love in your eyes, and it is all for him. He won’t share it with anyone else.
The person that you are now belongs to him. Your future, too. Your smiles and your laughter. Your misery and contempt. He’ll take it all into him. The softness of your gaze when you look at him. The nights you lie on his chest, and he finds himself undone and remade, all by your touch.
I remember her.
What a joke.
If Hideo saw you — the you you are now, that has shaped him as much as he has shaped you— he wouldn’t remember a thing.
You sleep like the dead.
That hasn’t changed since high school. If the earthquake ripped through Tokyo while you were asleep, you’d wake up miles beneath the ground, hours after. You sleep, body slightly curled, face buried into your comforter, eyes closed, breathing so light some might panic listening to it. You sleep in the same manner that reflects the person you used to be: silent and small, scared to take up the same space others don’t think twice about occupying. 
Satoru is too restless to join you in slumber. He also finds himself needing it less and less. Sleep. A byproduct of constantly running the reverse cursed technique. As long as he’s not doing anything too mind numbingly strenuous, his brain is locked in a constant cycle of renewal. It’s also a fact that he isn’t keen on letting become public knowledge. His nights are already spoken for. 
So he strips and takes a shower, changing into the sweats he hadn’t bothered to take back to his apartment. At this point, your room is filled with more of his items than yours. Perfunctory bed, desk, dresser, bookshelf. You have pictures, old polaroids of him and Shoko. No Suguru. He wonders where those photographs have gone. A bouquet of orchids he had bought you the day after graduation, touched by your cursed technique. Your clothes. His clothes. Spare sunglasses on the top of your drawer. One in your bathroom. Another on the table in the living room.
He’s warm and still wet from his shower as he sits on the side of your bed, watching you sleep. He reaches out, and pokes your cheek. Not hard enough to wake you up, but hard enough to make an indent. Your slumber continues, undisturbed. 
Maybe he’s feeling a little mean, like he had been in high school when he wanted nothing more than to make you see him. That Satoru probably would’ve shaken you awake. Look at me. Satoru wanted you to be awake. He wanted to hear your voice. But now he thinks it’s not so bad to be the first thing you see when you wake up. 
He pinches your cheek, pulls at it, slightly squeezing it. Then chuckles under his breath at how it makes you look like a chipmunk. Your brows furrow and he lets go, thumb reverently smoothing over the flesh. You breathe into his hand, and his fingers twitch, curling around empty air as if he could capture your very essence. 
You shift away, and the strap of the tank top that barely covers your abdomen slips off your shoulder. It exposes more than he can take. He takes in the steady rise and fall of your chest, the hardening of your nipples through the slip of fabric, the low rise of your shorts, and his sweats are uncomfortably tight. It’s a reminder, a throwback to the youth he had been.
If he was in high school, he’d stalk back to his room, hard, furiously rubbing himself to the image of those stupid cotton panties of yours he had accidentally caught a flash of because of an ill timed breeze of wind when you bent over. Or the wet dress shirt you had been wearing caught in the rain, revealing a plain white bra that had soaked through. Then he’d think about Suguru. And then you and Suguru, overlapping fantasies and perverted angles and the pressure would build in his gut while he nearly choked on his moans, on his desire, the need of it all. Then he’d spill into his hand, hips frantically bucking into empty air, at the thought of sticking his cum stained fingers in your mouth, down your throat. Of you letting him. Letting him do whatever he wanted.
He’s still not ready to join you in bed, so he snoops through your room.
He looks through your photographs, your books, your clothes. Nothing’s changed much from high school room other than a splash of color. You’re still a work in progress. 
He opens the dresser. Utilitarian underwear. Of course. Plain cotton and—
Multiple pairs. Black, white, blue—
He stares, finger catching on one specific pair as he tugs it up into his hand. Sky blue, with lace lining the edges and a small bow in the middle. Shoko’s doing no doubt. The thought of you wearing lace panties underneath your usual manner of dress sends heat racing through his body. It’s not as if he had ever not wondered if you’d let him tug up your school skirt to expose the panties you had been wearing that day. 
A rush of unbidden desire travels straight to his cock and he’s already half hard, wondering when you deem it appropriate to wear lace panties instead of your usual cotton ones, if you’ve ever worn them when with him—
He’s no stranger to sexual desire and attention. The way men and women look at him. If he’s feeling it, he entertains the flirtations, the draw of their lips, and if he’s in a rarer, sparser mood, the touch of their body. But even that pales in comparison to the time he spends with you alone, in this space the two of you have carved out away from the duties and tasks daylight demands.
Satoru would give you anything and everything, if you wanted it. He always wants you, in every way, in any way you’ll take him. He wants you so badly he can’t breathe at times. He would lay himself down at your side, at your feet, and take, take, take anything you have to offer. (You would offer everything.)
And he knows he won’t be able to stop once he starts, so he waits. Until the day he can’t.
He takes another shower. Cold water. And when he’s done, he slides into the space next to you. You nuzzle into him, and he rearranges himself to bring you closer. Feels the soft beat of your heart pressed against him. The two of you, together.
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zaacoy · 1 year
Lego monkie kid season 4 spoilers ‼️
(heyyyyy note from after finishing writing all this out: this first one is just me going crazy over debatable freenoodles content in s4, you have been warned. Everything in here is /pos!! teehee)
WOW. OKAY. WHAHSJJSJnsjabsjanJSdWHHWJH????? The effect this show has on me is almost beyond my comprehension, not even really sure how to put this into words
iiiiiiiiiiii'll figure that stuff out when it isn't 3 am, it'll be a little rb thread whatever that's called on Tumblr
For rn can we please talk about how stRONGLY FREENOODLES WON WITH THIS SEASON????? WHAGAHT??????? ISHDKSJBSKX!!!!!!!!
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The FACT that tang KNOWS EXACTLY how Pigsy makes his noodles from memory if not by HEART??? He has no recipe on him and pigsy can't help he just????? KNOWS pigsy's noodles recipe. Something that is VERY important to him and is unique to his family??? And to which the ONLY other person we know of that also knows pigsy's recipe is mk. His adopted son???? The only people pigsy has EVER told his recipe to is his basically son mk and TANG. OR, POTENTIALLY, Tang has spent so much time sitting right by pigsy's side as he works, watching him indulge in his passion day in and day out to the point where he's just picked it up on his own?? EITHER WAY. HUSBAND BEHAVIOR.
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"I'm your tangy!" he. he did not just say that. "I'm YOUR TANGY"????? 'YOUR' POSSESIVE. BASICALLY "IM YOURS". AND NOT YOUR Tang, TANGY. A PETNAME/NICKNAME. WITH THAT EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE????????? H. HWHWJGSJ???? HOW did they get away with this I genuinely wanna know. That is SO GAY. CATASTROPHICALLY GAY. "YOUR TANGY". I am dead on the floor.
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"I have devoted my life to this man" elaborate on that. nonono keep going, what did you mean by that. How do you platonically devOTE YOUR LIFE TO ANOTHER MAN????? THAT IS THE MOST OBVIOUS INDIRECT WAY YOU CAN SAY YOU'RE MARRIED. THIS E N T I R E SCENE HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS???? HOW do you a man devote your life to another man in a nongay way, Tang. Asking for a friend I just wanna know
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The look of awe. He is literally stunned. No fear no nothing just. woww what is my husband doing. Gay gay homosexual.
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In. In what UNIVERSE is leaping into someone's arm, NUZZLING AGAINST THEM BECAUSE YOU'RE SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN, AND THEN STAYING CURLED UP IN THEIR ARMS ,BOTH OF YOU BEAMING AT ONE ANOTHER, NOT GAY. I. That's. I'm. HfhdhsggdwghwWHAWT???? They are so married. They are so gay for each other. I. I cannot even fathom. Not even going to get INTO THAT GIGGLE WHAT WAS THAAAAAAT.
Slight side note, glad to see a head canon validated! The little nuzzle thing was a cute little gesture that I've always hc'ed onto Tang pretty much from the beginning of my freenoodlesshipping journey. Watching it HAPPEN in canon??? Feels good >:3 He's a snuggler fr
almost got a 2 for one, I hc tang to be the kind of person that doesn't really stutter or close off when he gets flustered he just starts laughing. It'll start out as soft chuckles and giggling but it just grows deeper and louder the more flustered he gets. Pigsy, being completely enamored with his man, tends to fall into a laughing fit with him and then they just become a flustered happy giggling heep in each other's arms. Sooo close, I won't stretch Tang's little giggle so far as to say that that hc is also basically canon, WILL use this scene to justify it tho :3c
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Some quick fire more general freenoodles moments:
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"Oh, Pigsy where are you?" The first person he thinks to look for is Pigsy? Pigsy specifically? Not sandy or monkie king, pigsy. mmmmhm.
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Talking back to a demon that is cooking you as we speak by praising your definitely not husband the entire time? Very straight. That's a very straight look they're giving each other too. Yes, very (/sar)
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Just. How happy and excited he looks watching pigsy cook and get back into his thing? They're so wholesome. Old supportive married couple
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"Doesn't that moron know we're his family?" Dadsszszs
the look of support and encouragement. They're so soft they make my heart hurt
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Trying to support each other, quite literally having each other's backs when in danger
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Holding onto your husband and trying to protect your husband by extending an arm out in front of him respectively
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Pigsy doing his thing and Tang being COMPLETELY there for it. Look at him. That content prideful expression on his face. Pride in his husband. Two kick ass husbands and their two unimpressed, frustrated children. Also find it cute how Pigsy made a bunch of food and then actively weaponized it but still went out of his way to make Tang in specific a nice bowl. Not the other two, just Tang.
It is 4 aaaaaammmmmmm, goodnightttt prepare for more delusional ramblings later in the week I have so many tang thought jfjfn
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Broke college student tip:
Learn to love cooking. Like get into it. Enjoy it. Get excited to cook. Why? When you learn to cook and enjoy it you'll save money. Lots of money. And you'll be eating better, healthier food too.
For example. I'm eating seafood and veggie pasta right now with a white wine cream sauce. In a restaurant, this would be a fancy meal, costing $20 or so for a small portion. Literally cost me like $5 or so in ingredients to make. And like 20 minutes to cook. And I made enough for lunch AND dinner. When you know how to cook you can make cheap foods taste amazing.
Here's some advice how to make this easier:
Buy frozen things. Frozen veggies, frozen fruits, frozen meats, etc. Frozen lasts longer and saves you money and stress.
Have basic herbs and spices on hand. Salt, pepper (red, black, and white), thyme, rosemary, basil, garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric, bay leaf (chopped is best), cinnamon, paprika, cumin, and sage are my most commonly used ones!
Common recipe ingredients to keep on hand: pasta, rice, lemon/lime juice, garlic, onion, white wine, frozen veggies, potatoes, frozen meats, sugar, butter, pasta sauces, tomatoes, eggs, soda/pineapple juice/beer (great for marinades or cooking meat).
Frozen things when stored properly can be stored for a couple months and portioned out making quick meals easy!
Learn flavor profiles. Citrus, basil, rosemary, butter, salt, garlic, and onion are all fairly universal in their uses while things like cumin and turmeric have a stronger, earlier flavor and are great for stews, curries, pastas, soups, and sauces!
Learn to shop. If it's non-perishable and bogo, get it! Bogo (buy one get one) is basically half off and now you have two things for when you need it! Walmart brand pasta is like $0.98 a box. You can also get a bag of frozen extra small shrimp at Walmart for like $5 and there's about 50 in a bag. Shop non-perishable items by weight (price per ounce) and perishables by size.
Pasta sauce can be put in the freezer and if stored well can keep for like 3 months!
Sauté your veggies! They taste so good that way!!! A little butter, garlic, rosemary, and onion. Sprinkle with salt after and viola!
It's easy to fall into a food rut, so treat yourself every now and then with something different or challenge yourself by limiting yourself to 5 ingredients or something to make you exercise your skills.
Make your own barbecue sauce. It's so fun! All you need is molasses, ketchup, brown sugar, and whatever you want to customize it. I usually put honey and bourbon in mine.
Go on pinterest and find easy recipes! The great thing about a recipe is every single one you see is customizable and was made to the cooker's preference. You don't like mushrooms? Don't put them in and add something earthy and unami like turmeric or sumac in its place.
Tofu is easier than you think.
Rice is very filling and goes with most everything.
Keep fresh herbs fresh by putting them in water. You might even root and grow your own!
Frozen fruits are amazing for marinades or more "tropical" tasting recipes. Frozen citrus and pineapple are great for making a citrus chicken and rice! Just defrost in a bowl and then add the chicken to the bowl.
Tortillas are amazing and keep for a while in the fridge.
Print out recipes and keep them in a binder so you make notes and changes directly on the paper!
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