#windbreaker suo
greetings-humans · 27 days
suo hayato - martial arts rant
(minor plot spoilers for up until episode 4/chapter 8)
(all the stuff here also otherwise spoil suo's fighting style which you first see at ep 5/ch11-12)
now do you see this? (from ep 5)
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and this (chapter 12)
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so I have some experience in martial arts, like im a black belt in zendo ryuu karate do (a decently niche style of karate and like I also did a bit of jiu-jitsu, tho no competitions for any of these) but anyways this feels wrong.
now I don't claim to know all there is about martial arts but um. given the power behind even the weakest of punches (and kanumo (the opponent) survived shishitouren during its extremist phase so he can't be that weak), putting your hand in front of an incoming fist is a recipe for disaster and so much pain. the same can be said for attempting to... grab (??) the fist from above with your palm and your extended fingers, like you can see in the panel.
my poor, abused, tendinitis-ridden arms feel the pain for you, suo, please stop it.
we know from the manga, that suo isn't one of the people with "monster strength" (and those people also shouldn't be doing moves like this but I'll assume that monster strength also comes with insane muscle support on their arms/forearms/hands and they're also not trained in martial arts so whatever. let them make their mistakes since it doesn't hurt them that much) because suo is never described as having "monster strength" so him doing this is just off.
but, dee, you might say, this is a fucking manga/anime about teenage gangsters were you expecting realism??
as of episode 5 / chapter 12 (?), suo has confirmed that he's dabbled in mixed martial arts. you cant have him making these sort of mistakes for the shits and giggles.
and these feel like a decently basic mistakes, too. i asked my brother his opinion on this as a blue-belt in karate and he agrees with me that suo is off here. i asked my bsf (who has like a yellow belt in taekwondo but hasn't practiced martial arts in like nearly a decade) on an opinion on people using their palm to block an incoming punch and he thought that's weird. I asked google and even fucking wikihow disagrees with the palm thing.
like. use your opponent's momentum against themselves yes. but also.
nowhere is there a mention of stopping the momentum with your palm. your fucking palm??? hello??? or stopping the momentum by grabbing the fist like that?? who grabs a fist from above😭😭 suo look at your goddamn wrist. joints are scared of you.
out of the top of my head, suo is in danger of breaking his fingers or spraining/breaking his wrist or fucking up his elbow, or some funky combination thereof. and he's also definitely getting in some sort of trouble with his tendon. but c'est la vie, ig.
and btw. he has pulled this off correctly a few times in the manga.
chapter 11
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in the bottom right corner you see him deflecting properly and safely. and then rushing ahead to get out of Kanuma's range (wouldn't want a falling Kanuma to grab him on his way down lol). no clue what his left hand is doing tho. even if he was attempting to assume a ready stance. what the hell is his elbow doing that high? and why is his palm open and looking away from him? fuck if I know, this doesn't look like karate but there are like thousands of schools of karate with different variations so who knows. it's vaguely giving king fu or jiu jitsu but take this with a grain of salt.
or this from chapter 68. also correct technique. don't come at me for spoilers btw, I've literally given you zero context.
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tho to be fair, I'm a little confused as to the angle that he's hand is at? like it seems like his torso is in front of the punch (which vaguely makes sense because the other guy can presumably aim towards center mass aka torso), but like suo should already be moving his torso away so his arm shouldn't be reaching out from that angle. whatever. I'll forgive this. it's super minor.
10/10 for just grabbing the damn wrist instead of what he was doing before.
tho once again to be fair, I'm also a little confused about what his free hand is doing but whatever. and how did the other guy lose his balance? idk suo tagged at his punching arm hard ig. and giving the "whap" sfx then he might have somehow hit the other dude's leg? certainly not with his free hand cause given his stance, he's still not low enough to hit the foot or shin of the other guy (which is what the panel insinuates). unless he ducked? like crouched down while holding the dude's wrist and used his free hand to 'whap'? or maybe suo used his front leg? idk. whatever. still better than before.
nii satoru (the mangaka) so far seems great, because windbreaker has a nice plot and a fun, diverse cast of rather realistic teenagers (given the plot). he does seem to have a weakness when it comes to official martial arts styles, though, and that transferred towards the animation, as well.
hey wbk fandom give me your thoughts. idk if there are more ppl into wbk that also dabble(d) in martial arts but I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially!
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formula-wind · 18 days
choose your agent! — valorant mains of furin high first years
※ headcanons for wind breaker characters as valorant players ft. sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suo hayato, & sugishita kyotaro
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Sakura Haruka — instalock duelist
Like with gang fights, he definitely had his fair share of experiences with cocky duelists so it’s no surprise he tries to take the main damage-dealer role first in his team when he queues for a game.
Reyna would be the first one Haruka tries to pick because of the agent’s self-sustaining nature. No need to rely on teammates for entry support or heals—relating well with his independent character.
I mean, Reyna’s blind wont affect his teammates so there’s no reason for them to yell at him for bad blind timings or wasting heals so less problems!
Though not that he would admit this, but he also thinks she’s the most useful agent for helping the team out.
No one is an initiator? Haruka entries site for the team with a blind, killing anyone there who stops his team from getting in.
No one is a sentinel? Haruka stays behind to guard their backs trying to stay alive for as long as possible to protect the spike (when attacking) or site (when defending).
No one is a controller? Well, he can’t really do much with Reyna’s abilities but he does hunt down enemies when he has ultimate available to reduce the team’s worries.
Definitely sets a good example for how Reyna mains should be.
He also just hates being in a team with Reyna players who talk shit more than get kills. Who doesn’t though?
Because of this, he does understand that instalocking Reyna would get his teammates assuming he’s one of the bad players but he couldn’t care less when they express their annoyance.
Haruka can and will prove them wrong, after all.
However, in extremely rare cases where people instalock duelists before him, he either dodges (95% of the time since he just wont be able to stand the possibility of egoistical teammates) or picks Chamber.
Why? He can stay behind guarding flank or site strongly as his “dumbass teammates” charge the enemies.
With his shooting skills, he can really makes the most out of Chamber’s abilities.
Also because of chamber’s pistol and rifle ultimate, he’s also able to buy a gun for a teammate if needed. Again, definitely not something he would admit, but if pointed out, best believe he’s going to scream in voice chat about how irresponsible his team is with credits.
Akihiko Nirei — sentinel or controller strategist
We all know how proactive he is with gathering information about guys he finds cool so I am pretty sure that when he gets really into Valorant he has a notebook full of strategy plans, setups, and lineups from his research and actual game experiences.
His analytical skills and game-knowledge would definitely make him the best supporting member of the team.
Nirei would be that person that waits for everyone to pick their agent before picking his to avoid complaints and to work with the team dynamic.
If a sentinel is needed, fits well with the team and the map; he would most likely select Killjoy.
He probably mastered a lot of swarm + alarm bot setups. Though, he does like using the same setups twice or more instead of switching it up if it works against the enemy.
Probably does it because he thinks the enemy wouldn’t expect such plans to be executed again (not really true most of the time).
Good thing about Nirei is he knows what he’s capable and not capable of; he understands his weaknesses so he plays it safe to not become a burden to his teammates.
Enemies call him a rat for being so skilled with his utility usage, and he takes it as a compliment with pride.
Loves playing post-plant lineups! He practices a lot in custom before each ranked game.
However, if his team needs a controller to block out sections of a site to secure entries, he’s playing Astra.
Now, Astra is probably one of the toughest agents to master since it needs good map awareness skills and team coordination so Nirei only picks her if he knows his team can give good comms and support (like if he would be playing with the other bofurin members).
He would definitely take pride in assisting his teammates with getting kills by using concuss (nova pulse) and pulling enemies (gravity well).
May get too focused with getting his abilities set up and activated right so he would need someone to watch his back (he has been trolled and stabbed multiple times, which sometimes led to really funny games).
Truly the teammate with the braincells we all need (and aspire to be).
Suo Hayato — duelist-like sentinel or full-on duelist
He is a Sage main. 100%. No doubt.
Oh but Hayato's not your stereotypical bottom frag “team before me” Sage main.
He’s the type that would carry the whole team—some would even say he’s one of those “selfish” Sage players.
Why she’s his first pick? Simple: fun walls.
He doesn’t really like walling off the spike since it doesn't provide good entertainment he knows his walls can be used for better uses.
He loves tormenting the enemy with crazy Sage wall placements, getting kills without the enemy knowing where they’re getting shot at brings him so much joy—it’s almost sadistic.
You think a wall is misplaced so bad it lets you enter the site easier? Wrong. Hayato's behind you getting your team one by one.
Sometimes he drags it out, watching the enemy team get past him when they don’t check their corners and follows them to the site—and if they’re attacking—he does the little ninja defuse trick; defusing the spike as soon as the other team has planted it.
With his healing orbs, he is still very supportive of his team and usually heals them first instead of himself, not really minding if they still die first after getting healed. He’s pretty confident with his shooting skills so he survives well without needing additional health stats.
He plays at a distance so even on low health he is able to get frags.
His slow orbs are also mainly there for its regular use of keeping enemies at bay, but also torment his team members if they’re getting on his nerves—which doesn’t happen often.
The reviving ultimate? If his team keeps asking to be revived best believe he’s only using it to use the revived bodies as a shield or revives them in the most inconvenient moment.
When given the chance to be a duelist, he is definitely picking Jett.
You really can’t convince me otherwise cause her swift play style suits well with Hayato's character.
Those updraft knife trick shots on tiktok? He does them at least once a game to bring down the enemy’s mental.
Would probably be like a Tenz with Jett’s ultimate. He would save the other abilities if he knows he has or is getting his ultimate soon to do those crazy killer dash moves.
This is pretty much self-explanatory so I don’t know what else to say. Hayato is graceful; Jett lets him prove it in game.
Sugishita Kyotaro — hunting-focused initiator
Probably not the most active player in Bofurin but when he does play, he’s playing Fade.
Is probably only ever playing fade because it fits the most with him though.
Short explanation: their auras match well; scary and will be out to torment you.
Long explanation: if he’s playing with Umemiya, he’s probably using Fade to provide support and keep the enemy as far from him as possible.
Since he also doesn’t talk much, Fade uncovering the location of enemies helps him be useful for his team without needing much interaction. I mean, the agent literally can direct you to enemies with the ultimate ability so what else is there to point out?
I also see him as a very proactive corner-checker so Fade’s haunt and prowler is really handy for him. No corner of the site is left unchecked with Kyotaro around!
However, I can’t really picture him using seize that much for capturing enemies so I think he doesn’t really purchase it. If they’re out in the open, he likes killing them head-on so he doesn’t see much value to the said skill.
Overall, even as a one-agent player, he definitely excels with making the most out of Fade’s abilities.
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a/n: depending on whether or not anyone is actually interested in this i may turn this into a series,,
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faintrustle · 1 month
Rotten to the Core
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lixmooon · 2 months
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✨ wind breaker [ new icons ] ✨
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 17 days
or, you flinch during an argument, featuring: bofurin boys + jo togame
a/n: another lovely suggestion that I absolutely fell in love with! as a victim of previous emotional/mental abuse in a relationship, writing this gave me a lot of comfort <3 there are some triggering themes in this, so please proceed with caution loves. some of these drabbles are longer than others, my hand slipped on some of them >•<' (also this was my first time writing for ren kaji, and i gotta say i enjoyed it!)
c/w: fem!reader, allusions to past abusive relationships (emotional and physical), ptsd symptoms, descriptions of dissociation, anxiety symptoms/attacks, emotional hurt/comfort, soft!boys, fluff
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hajime umemiya notices it the moment it happens — the second his voice rose above a particular octave, you shrunk away, arms snaked around your stomach and torso bent slightly; subconsciously, you’d taken up a position to make yourself as small as possible.
and it made umemiya’s heart ache badly; to think that someone as sweet and docile as you had been exposed to such treatment for so long that taking that sort of position was brandished instinct.
umemiya didn’t hesitate for a second. he fell silent and reached out to you, all semblance of previous irritation wiped away and replaced by only the urge to protect to you. he crowded you into his chest, but let his arms hang loosely over you — he didn’t want you to feel caged, only protected. using one large hand he cupped the back of your head and pushed your nose into his collarbone, his throat vibrating with soft little shushes as your shoulders shook in his arms.
“it’s okay, sweetheart. I’m sorry, you’re okay.”
wet tears soaked into his skin and shirt, pulling on every heartstring; his fingers massaged your scalp with tender movements as he rocked side to side subtly, pulling you into his calming rhythm subconsciously. his soothing scent, warmth, and vibrating voice chased away the memories that crept into your mind, replacing that dark place with one of sunshine and flowers. safe. warm. loved.
“you’re okay, it’s okay. just relax, baby. you’re okay; no one’s going to hurt you again.”
and umemiya said these words with such sincerity that they left no room for doubt.
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it was like a dagger straight through the heart — he had only raised his hand to sweep away the hair falling in his face, but you immediately cowered away and put your arms up; a posture that sakura haruka was familiar with, one that he’d fallen into many times himself to stop a blow from landing on his face.
the feeling that ripped through his heart was unfamiliar, and sakura reacted to it in the same way he did with every other foreign emotion — by defaulting to anger.
“hey, what’s up with that shit, huh?” sakura asked, voice wobbling slightly and body frozen in place; he couldn’t put his finger on what he was feeling, only that it was something he felt with his entire being.
your arms shook when you dropped them just below your eyes, opening them to stare at your dumbfounded boyfriend through wet eyes.
the sight of your tears struck something in sakura, and he realized immediately what that intense emotion was — mortification. a bone deep mortification that ravaged his entire body.
because, right now, in this moment, you were scared of him.
the person he cared for most in this world, the one he wanted to protect and hide away, to always cherish and hold close, was scared of him.
sakura’s body reacted before his brain could catch up — he lurched forward and pulled you in, wrapping his arms around you desperately and muttering reassurances.
“I’m sorry — I’m so sorry — I’ll never hurt you baby, please don’t be scared of me.”
sakura’s hand was trembling as he ran it through your soft hair, alternating between massaging your scalp and combing through the locks. his entire body was shaking, the need to smother that fear out of you tearing his insides apart.
it was only when you reciprocated his embrace that sakura could relax, but his hold on you never faltered, and those reassurances still fell like a verbal river from his mouth.
“I love you — please don’t be scared. I’ll never hurt you, I promise…”
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hayato suo was struck numb by your reaction. his mind had screeched to a halt the moment you stilled, eyes going hazy and unfocused, as if you’d mentally transported yourself somewhere else. your breathing was shallow, relaxed, but in a way that said it was a forced state of calm; and when you spoke, it was with an almost robotic voice —
“I’m sorry, suo, I shouldn’t have been so stupid.”
fat tears fell from your hazy eyes, but you showed no reaction to them, as if you couldn’t even feel them. it felt as if suo’s heart had been ripped right from his chest; how many times had you said this, done this, cried this way? how many times had you had to retreat to a faraway place just to be okay?
you eyes followed suo as he approached, but the blank look in them gave suo the impression that you weren’t truly seeing him — you couldn’t see him, because you weren’t here. suo reached forward and gripped your wrist softly. you allowed him to lead you, allowed him to gather your body into his and manually place your arms around his ribs. your hold was automatic, with no thought out behind the action, but suo’s was genuine, not too tight to crowd you, but firm enough to keep your body in place until you could return to it.
“you’re not stupid, sweetheart. it’s not your fault at all, I’m sorry. please come back to me, my love…”
suo kept you encapsulated in his arms until you melted back into your body, waking up in a place that was warm, soft, and smelled like home. a place that would remain strong and wait for your return, no matter how far away you drifted or how long it took you to come back.
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ren kaji was familiar with the art of closing off the world in order to keep himself in check — so when he’d noticed the frantic look in your eyes and the heaving of your chest, he was jumping into action before his mind could even tell him to.
kaji felt stupid for losing his cool the way he did; he wasn’t even sure why he’d been so irritated with you in the first place, but seeing you now, crumpled and trembling, he realized it didn’t matter — what mattered was protecting you from this threat he’d provoked.
kaji pulled his headphones off of his neck and placed them snugly over your ears, slipping the volume of the music down to a medium level — loud enough to block out the world, but quiet enough to easily escape into without becoming overloaded in a sensory sense. your hands still shook, wet with sweat, when he took them into his. thinking purely off of instinct rather than experience, kaji guided your hand to his chest, flattening your palm over his left pec and holding it there.
“focus my heartbeat, baby,” kaji murmured, loud enough for you to hear over the drumming music. “count them, and breathe.”
you followed his instructions, heavy breathing slowly evening out as you closed your eyes and mouthed each count of his heart. when your trembling had ceased and your breathing returned to normal, kaji reached up and gently slid the headphones off of your head. you blinked up at him with red, wet eyes.
“are you okay?” kaji inquired softly, fingers tightening ever so slightly around your hand on his chest. you licked your lips and nodded, staring up at him with a look that was half-sheepish and half-grateful.
“I am,” you croaked. “your heartbeat is very soothing. thank you.”
kaji could feel the heat creeping up his neck, but now wasn’t the time to start swooning over your cuteness; but indulging in a kiss was okay and certainly wouldn’t hurt.
kaji leaned forward and closed his lips around yours, heartbeat slowing as you reciprocated. kaji stroked your lips softly with his for a few seconds before pulling back, keeping only an centimeter of distance between your mouths.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” kaji murmured, guilt gnawing at his chest. but you only smiled and surged up to meet his lips again, sighing softly into his mouth; thank god you forgave him, at least.
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jo togame regretted raising his voice in the same instant he did so; and your reaction only drove that thick stake of guilt deeper into his heart.
you flinched harshly and stumbled back a step, your hands flew up to wrap around your torso, and you fixed your body so that your front was turned slightly away from him. a means to protect yourself from him.
togame swallowed thickly and reached a hand out — you flinched once more, and he had to beat back the urge to drop his outstretched arm.
“hey, look at me.” togame drawled slowly, softly, voice barely above a whisper. your bottom lip wobbled in response, and the breath that left your lungs was deep and shuddering. his hand finally reached the meat of your bicep, and he wrapped his fingers around it lightly.
“why?” you asked in a wavering whisper, and togame’s heart cinched. your eyes remained glued to the floor, and togame had no doubt that you were replaying his words on a loop in your head. “why would you want someone like me to look at you? I can’t understand anything, anyway. you said it yourself; I’m too stupid to see where you’re coming from.”
a tear slid down your cheek, wet and glistening and togame reached his other hand up slowly to catch it on his finger before it could slip down your jaw.
“I didn’t mean that, sweetheart. I was just angry—”
“but you’re right.” you suddenly interrupted him. your eyes were cloudy when you turned your head to look at him. “I am stupid. I’m too selfish to see anyone else’s feelings. I’m just not fit for this.”
togame’s heart dropped in his chest; he could see it perfectly clear — these weren’t your words; they were someone else’s, things that had been said to you over and over again, until you had become conditioned to truly believe them. just who had beaten you down to this sort of level?
togame used the hold on your bicep to pull you into him. he cradled your body closely, one arm wrapped over your shoulders and the other wound around your waist. togame hooked his chin over your head, completely encapsulating you within his large frame. the floral scent of your shampoo wafted into his nose and sent his heart fluttering. you were so soft in his arms.
“that’s not true, and I’m not right. I’m so sorry, baby.” togame whispered, bringing his hand up to smooth his palm over the back of your head. he turned his face to the side and planted a firm kiss to your head.
“please don’t ever say those things about yourself. don’t believe them, either. I love you, sweetheart. so much.”
you melted into togame’s body and buried your face into his chest; wet warmth soaked into the front of his shirt, betraying the depth of pain within you. togame held you close as you sobbed, your small arms wrapping around his ribs and squeezing as if he was your only anchor to reality. you were mumbling something, but togame couldn’t decipher the words amidst the croaks and hiccups. he simply hummed and continued to place loving kisses atop your head.
“It’s okay, baby… I’m here… I’ll always be here, baby…”
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suoshis · 4 days
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WINDBREAKER BOYS PROTECTING YOU FROM PERVS. ft. kaji ren, togame jo, umemiya hajime, sakura haruka, hayato suo, toma hiragi, kiryuu mitsuki, & kyotaro sugishita x f!reader
sfw. wc: 2.6K. oh how i’ve been wanting to write this since i finished the manga! but individual warnings are below <3
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referred to as she/her, ‘my girl,’ comments about your outfit
“my boyfriend’s real scary y’know,” your voice falters a bit as you take another step back, hands coming up defensively. “and he’ll be here any moment.”
it’s a lie that you hope sounds convincing— because kaji coming to save you today may be nothing more than a desperate wish of yours. how would he even find you in a place like this? you’re not sure exactly how much time has past by since you’ve started running, but you’re certain that by now, you and kaji should have already been inside the bakery, finally getting to taste test the new fruit pastries you’d been dying to get your hands on.
it started off as just a loud whistle your direction, then led to an uncomfortable conversation about how you’re not interested— and that you have a boyfriend. one thing led to another, and somehow you’ve ended up here, out of breath from speed walking and completely lost— and to top it off, the only person near you is the one you’ve been running so desperately from.
you wish kaji was here already.
"oh yeah?" the man in front of you takes a step towards you, lips contorting into a sick grin when he sees your hands trembling, "i don't see him."
your lips tremble a bit when he reaches you, towering over you with ease. “don’t you dare touch me,” you warn, “my boyfriend will beat your a—” you yelp as you’re suddenly pulled to the side, stumbling into someone’s chest as they pull you flush against their chest.
the familiar scent of candy melts away your fear in a split second.
you can tell when you glance at him just once that he isn’t happy. his forehead is damp with sweat, and he looks disheveled, chest rising up and down with labored breaths— he must have been running around trying to find you this entire time.
your boyfriend clicks his tongue in annoyance, eyes narrowing as he sizes up the man in front of him. “problem?”
he rips off his headphones, letting them hang around his neck as the man feigns an apology, unapologetic eyes looming over your figure again seconds later. “but y’know man, you should be keeping a closer eye on your girl,” he points to you with a smug smile, “she was practically begging for me to say something with the way she’s dressed.”
“i wasn’t!” you protest, face burning as you tug on ren’s coat. you thought your outfit was cute— and definitely not anything crazy— you double checked. you really did. but he’s pointing at you now, rambling on about how you wanted this— and you can’t help the way tears start to blur your vision.
"huh?" kaji snarls, head tilting to leer at the man. the arm around your waist pulls you tighter against his chest, and you hear the angry thumping of his heart. "what'd you say?"
“okay, okay, i’m leaving now,” the man chuckles in defeat, “i was just joking. wasn’t gonna actually do something to your girl,” he waves him off. “you should lighten up—”
he chokes when kaji grabs a fistful of his shirt, pulling him off balance before knocking him backwards, your pursuer falling roughly onto the floor as he winces in pain. “then get outta here already,” kaji glares, a stark contrast to the gentle way his hand is pressing against your lower back to guide you away.
“and don’t let me catch you looking at my girl again.”
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referred to as she/her, ‘my girl,’ you wear his jacket
togame gives you a sleepy smile as he watches you from miniso’s entrance, excitedly sorting through the newly restocked blind boxes. he was resting his back against the wall behind him when he caught his first glimpse of that guy.
he’s wearing a dark hoodie, head turning back to shamelessly stare your direction as he passes by slowly. it’s enough to get togame back up on his feet immediately, quickly heading your way just as the man reaches to get a feel of your thighs—
“how shameless,” togame laughs, big hand squeezing painfully into his wrist. “tryna bother my girl?”
in any other situation, togame would chuckle at your obliviousness, your headphones cancelling out any noise as your eye catches the cinnamoroll section, letting out an excited gasp as you head that way. you really had no idea.
“m-my bad man,” he stutters, ripping his arm from togame’s grasp, “just thought she was my sister— was just gonna tap on her back to grab her attention.”
togame raises an eyebrow at the lazy excuse, leaning down until the man takes a nervous step back, eyes darting to the side to avoid togame’s glare. “sister? that’s my shishitoren jacket she has on, no?”
the man feels heavy beads of sweat roll down his face when togame’s hands curl into clenched fists. “you mean to tell me your lil sis is from shishitoren?”
“i said it was my bad,” he repeats, chuckling nervously. “it won’t happen again okay? i won’t bother her again.”
togame’s hands return to his pockets. “won’t let you off so easy next time,” his voice is low as he steps aside to let him off, “so you’d better keep your distance.”
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referred to as she/her, ‘your girl’
umemiya instinctively perks up when he hears two voices behind him, momentarily tuning out your gushing about how cute the little plant kits at barnes and noble are.
"….she's probably taken."
"is that her boyfriend behind her? think she's talking to him."
there's a chuckle between them. "doesn't matter. go tell her what you just said to me when she's alone."
"what," the man laughs, "ask her if i can grab a handful of that ass?"
more laughter.
umemiya’s jaw clenches, eyes darting back at you in a flash, and he’s relieved when he sees you’re still gushing about the flower kits— completely oblivious to the two men just beyond this aisle. he’s by your side in an instant, arms wrapping around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“oh,” you turn to press a quick kiss against his temple, smiling when he melts into your touch. “hi, ume. did you find a book?”
"nothing here," he sighs dramatically, his embrace around your middle tightening just enough for you to barely notice, “but we can grab some of those flower kits.”
“of course—”
“hey,” a familiar voice interrupts him with a stifled laugh, followed by a tap on his shoulder. with the roughness, it’s more like a jab— but he lets that slide.
“ah— your friend, ume,” your voice comes off as a mix between a question and a statement.
“hey, my friend has something to ask your girl.”
ume’s jaw clenches again, and your eyes widen a bit at the sudden change in the atmosphere. the first friend’s hand is swat off of ume’s shoulder in a split second, ume straightening back up to look back at them.
their first thought is that he’s a lot taller than they had pictured. a lot more muscular too— and they take note of the way his muscles bulge against the fabric of his shirt. “what, you have business with her?”
they flinch at the tone.
“ah— sorry,” the second friend stutters, “we got the wrong person.”
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“ah— what happened?” your hands delicately cup sakura’s face, ignoring the way his cheeks instantly turn into a deep shade of scarlet. “n-nothing happened!” he weakly swats at your hand, a futile attempt to dissipate the heat spreading through the tips of his ears.
“i was only in the bathroom for five minutes,” you laugh, “how’d you manage to get into a fight so fast?”
he stiffens when your arms come to wrap around his bicep, resuming your ramble about some recipe you wanted to try tonight. macarons…or something. he doesn’t pay much attention, because he knows whatever you end up making will be good anyway.
“—are you listening, sakura?”
the clueless look he gives you confirms it. “so you weren’t. i had a feeling— but it’s okay,” you giggle. “but you didn’t answer my question from earlier either. how’d you get into a fight?”
his eyebrows furrow deeply as he decides whether or not he should tell you. “they were….” he clicks his tongue angrily, “they were talking about you when you walked by.”
you can feel his muscles tense as he deepens his scowl, still trying to fight off the blush plastered across his face, “i just gave ‘em what they deserved.”
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referred to as she/her, mentions of how you’re dressed
"what a bitch. she was totally asking for it.”
"i know— dressed like a whore."
suo stands up from the bench outside your local convenience store, hands dusting off the dirt on his pants. you had asked him to wait outside earlier because 'you wanted to grab him a super yummy snack that he will definitely love!'
he had a feeling the two dirty men who entered the store minutes later were bad news, so he was already on high alert before listening in.
"that whore— you mean my girlfriend?" suo's voice comes out calm, a stark contrast to the sickening anger and pressure he feels building up inside his chest.
"huh—oh. yeah," one of them chuckles, jutting their thumb at the entrance, "that bitch inside your girl? you let her prance around with her tits hanging out for everyone to see?"
he's calm and composed as they size him up, their chins tilting up to look down at him. "she's pretty, isn't she?" and suo fails to stifle the chuckle that escapes his lips, "did she reject you too harshly for your liking?"
one of them balls his fists, muttering profanities under his breath as he leans closer to him. "now how'd you know that? you should really teach that bitch some fucking manners," he reaches forward to grab suo by the collar, eyes blinking in confusion when he finds himself spun behind suo seconds later, feet struggling to find their balance.
“—the fuck did you do?”
"it's a bad habit of hers," suo continues, "i understand it though, not wanting to be around a pathetic thing like you," the edges of his lips tug into a faint smile.
the other man's eyebrows twitch, spitting empty threats as he he throws a wide swing, only to find himself reduced to his knees seconds later. "t-the fuck..." he grumbles to himself— he could have sworn he could practically see his fist connect. what happened?
"you'd be better off looking for someone to protect yourself the way i do for her," his tone is mocking as he heads towards the store's entrance, "and— it'd be really unfortunate if i see something like this happen again."
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"h-hiragi? what are you doing?"
your lips are pressed in a nervous line as your hands come to shyly rest on his chest, sucking in a breath when his arms come to roughly cage you against the train's walls, strong body towering just over yours.
“do you…need more space?” you mumble, heart racing at the proximity. you can smell his cologne so well at this distance.
hiragi simply shakes his head, distracted gaze shifting between you and something behind him every few seconds. "it’s okay."
he swears his stomach isn't churning like this without good reason. it’s not just a coincidence that the same person who he had noticed eyeing you at the boba shop had gotten onto the same train. he could let it go at that, but the same man had been slowly worming his way through the crowd to get closer to the two of you. and while he’s not certain, he thought he saw the man take out his phone and try and angle it beneath you, but not before jolting and dropping his phone onto the floor when hiragi's hands abruptly slammed against the wall beside you.
the train suddenly rocks, sliding his phone to the other side of the train, and you’re knocked off balance, face slamming against hiragi's chest. "s-sorry!"
“it’s okay,” he smiles, hand coming to cradle the back of your head and pull you closer, “you okay?”
"i'm okay..." you mumble, rubbing the bridge of your nose, "your chest is hard.”
he responds with a light chuckle. it’ll be okay like this, he thinks. he’ll protect you with his body for now, and figure out what to do with that guy later.
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‘pretty thing’
"it's no wonder she doesn't like you," kiryuu sighs, "you're gross."
your mouth is ajar as you stare at the state of the man who was harassing you only moments ago, his unconscious body resting neatly against the wall after kiryuu had dragged him there.
"sorry you had to watch that, pretty thing," his hand comes to gently interlace with yours, "but he didn't leave me with much of a choice, did he?"
"it's okay," you whisper, "that was so cool of you."
his eyes widen a bit before his lips curl into a small smile. "you think so?"
"mhm. i don't know what would've happened to me if you were there..." your voice trails off a bit.
you really don't know what would have happened, because it's not like you know how to fight or anything. getting hit on is enough to make you nervous, so a pushy guy like that was too much— you froze up as soon as he started spitting threats after you expressed your disinterest.
there's a light squeeze around your hands, and you're reminded of this gentle warmth that kiryuu always brings with him. "don't worry about it," he says with a small smile, "i'll just need to accompany you more often when you go out. it’s no problem.”
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“you’re like a bodyguard, kyo.”
you giggle at the huff beside you. “how’d you even react that fast?”
it all happened within a second. you were walking beside him, stopped for a brief second to bend down and peer at the plushies lining the shop window, not noticing the man approaching you— his grimy fingers coming to take a peek under your skirt. before you had even registered the feeling of the cloth moving, there was a loud crack, and the man was on the floor, groaning with his hands covering his bloodied face and a very angry sugishita on top of him.
“he made me angry.”
of course he would be. and if you weren’t with your boyfriend, it would be a different story. you’d bring along your assortment of self defense items, ranging from pepper sprays to taser lipsticks— and you’d be a thousand times more cautious, paying extra close attention to everything around you.
with sugishita, however, it’s different. you think of it as being able to turn off your brain… or something like that. whatever lets you truly relax and enjoy your time with him, and it’s always okay because your boyfriend is there to protect you. “well, don’t be so mad, cutie,” you muse, your fingers reaching to interlace with his as he tenses at the nickname.
“everything is okay— i’m okay. i’ll get us smoothies to help lighten the mood.”
he lets you drag him to your favorite smoothie shop in silence— still fuming about the incident. he wonders why you’re not shaken up. if he had been one second later, that piece of shit would have lifted up your skirt. in public. his jaw clenches at the thought, angry eyes darting at any anyone who dares look your direction.
“why’re…” his voice trails off, remembering what ume said about toning down his choice of words around others, “…why’re you so happy?”
“hmm? i’m not too worried,” you chuckle, “you’re my bodyguard right? nothing will happen if you’re here.”
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note: wanted to add endo & some others but hit the 10 photo limit, so pls let me know in a reblog / ask if you’d be interested in a pt 2 <3
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silversoulsociety · 1 month
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Hayato Suo
Wind Breaker E5
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togament · 3 days
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌. sakura, ume, kaji, suo.
"ever thought how it would be like to kiss them? here's how they love to do it."
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : SUGGESTIVE KINDA SPICY, kaji is a mess (i’m in love), ume is a puppy man and he is needy, pls protect sakura, SUO????? SUO.
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- shy, shy SHY. You gotta guide him through it, babe. But once he gets the hang of it (and once he gets over the embarrassment), expect him to be all over you. - Handsy when he hasn't seen you for the longest time, caressing softly and he pulls you into him so tightly you feel like you'd merge into one being. if he’s pissed, his hands are fiery, all over your body, groping and pulling at your clothes. - please don't kiss him in public. not like he doesn't want to. of course he really does. but he can't take the teasing and the attention it brings. (he also can't prevent himself from blushing, ok? you know how red he gets!)
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- BIG SMILE KISSER. Your teeth kiss before you both do sometimes. Likes holding you in his arms when he’s kissing you. God. You know those sort of movie kisses where the love interest cups the lead’s cheek so lovingly, so softly like she’s about to break? Whispers sweet nothings to the main lead before leaning in for a perfect kiss? lmao you’re definitely not having that with ume. Sorry. - He’s a goofy kisser, giggles sometimes when you both are into it. Like, he’s just happy to be there, y’know? He whispers how much he loves you, how good you smell, how pretty you are though. who am i kidding? Any kiss is a good movie kiss with ume around. - Just expect him to ask for more than just a kiss after your lips leave his. firing all cylinders too. puppy eyes, all cutesy and stuff. He’s very needy. And I mean NEEDY.
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- of course, goes without saying that kissing kaji’s sweet. If he can’t kiss you in public, he gives you his lollipop. You tease him often, twirling your tongue along the candy, puckered lips slowly sucking it in. you know he's staring. you know he's blushing. he hates how he loves it. - Once he gets you alone? GOD. he presses you up against the nearest surface and kisses you feverishly, fingers harshly tugging at the base of your head to control you the way he wants. You yelp and he takes that opportunity to ram his tongue into your mouth, only to have you suck on it like how you did his lollipop. - But when he’s not super pissed or it’s just a lazy day for him, he looooooves lazy make out sessions while listening to music with you. His hand’s on your cheek, pulling you close. Your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until you’re straddling him already. (his go to is deftones btw.) - Kaji’s kisses are fiery and needy one moment, slow and sensual the next. No in between.
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- likes teasing before he leans in to kiss you. You could just be talking about mundane stuff and he’s looking at you with a hooded eye, gaze flitting from your eyes to your lips and back again. Tongue darting out his lips to wet them only to pull his lower lip slightly between his teeth. He knows how to work you way too well. - He likes it when you kiss him so desperately after he teases you. With how neat and proper he is, you’d expect him to prefer slow and languid kisses. au contraire, he likes it MESSY. Tongues battling for dominance, hands yanking and threading through hair, him biting your lip when he pulls away, whispered dirty talks. - it's crazy how he pulls away from you and he looks so neat and tidy while your hair's frazzled.
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a/n: ok another one before i head to bed. goodness i really do have to fix my body clock soon lmao goodnight sweetpeas~
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hxnbi · 10 days
⸻ ɞ "for you and only you"
them buying gifts for you ﹒﹒wind breaker boys ♡
꒷꒦ pairings: hajime umemiya, jo togame, ren kaji, akihiko nirei, hayato suo, haruka sakura, toma hiragi, kyotaro sugishita x gn. reader (separate)
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HAJIME UMEMIYA | 梅宮 一 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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A man who goes all out for occasions such as this, but not with the typical pricey gifts and extravagant items many might initially suggest. Instead, UMEMIYA chooses something somewhat whimsical, to the surprise of everyone and, at the same time, no one.
He dives headfirst into his garden, tending to plants with the same care and attention most people reserve for rare jewels. Why? Because in his eyes, nothing says "I love you" quite like a potted fern or a blooming orchid that he’s nurtured from a seedling and shoved into your arms. On various occasions when you would visit Furin, you would, to your surprise, unexpectedly catch your boyfriend with dirt under his nails and a triumphant grin on his face, presenting you with a beautifully grown plant.
"I grew this just for you!" he declares, utterly beaming with pride and happiness. "Don't you like it?!"
You laughed. Of course you did. It's why you fell in love with him, after all. It was like having a child in a teenage guy’s body. Of course, Umemiya loves to spoil you in other ways, too. If you were to ask him for anything, you would get it within a day. You ask, and you shall receive. He's all about giving you little thoughtful gifts on the daily and showering you with attention—his clinginess almost feels like a gift in itself, if you could call that so.
Still, he understands that material items and grand gestures only go so far. A cliche, yes, but regardless, Umemiya's gifts are not just plants—it's the love he pours into every small, thoughtful act. When he hands you a plant, it's not just a simple gift. It's a piece of his heart, cultivated and grown with you in mind. Some might say he’s overdoing it when he shows up with yet another rare flower or exotic herb, all the while practically suffocating you physically with all his affection as the others, like Hiragi, watch with either deadpan faces or in true horror like Nirei, the poor guy can never catch a break. Perhaps he is, but in Umemiya's eyes, showing his true love is never overdoing it. Never to you.
JO TOGAME | 十亀 条 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Get yourself someone like TOGAME who pays attention to the little things. Not to say that the others don’t, but there’s just something about Togame that makes you feel truly seen at all times, even if he does initially seem like his mind is off in another dimension. At first glance, Togame might initally appear aloof, his eyes blank and glazed over as if he's contemplating the philosophy of life or trying to recall if he left the stove on when he left home that day. 
He’s got that spaced-out look, constantly unfocused and seemingly lost in his own world. But don’t let that fool you—despite that continually distracted look of his, lies a man who notices and knows everything about you. Never in a creepy way, of course. Because beneath that absent-minded exterior is a man who catches all the little details. Togame remembers your offhand comments, the fleeting glances you cast at little things that catch your eye, and even the snacks you like to munch on during your and his late-night at-home dates together. It’s almost comedic how he can be so scatterbrained one moment and then present you with a gift that’s so spot-on it feels like he read your mind.
It’s impressive and a little baffling to see just how attentive he is. He’ll hand you a beautifully wrapped present and, with a nonchalant shrug, say, “I noticed you were eyeing this the other day.” Meanwhile, you’re left wondering when he even managed to notice, considering he now seemed wholly engrossed in staring at a cloud—but in reality, all he looks at is you and only you.
REN KAJI | 梶蓮 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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At first, KAJI may appear to know what he's doing, giving off an air of confidence and exuding an aura so convincing that even his own friends believe he's got everything under control and that Kaji had the perfect gift planned out for you. But, oh, if only they knew. Because internally, it is anything but controlled. Kaji is a frantic mess from head to toe and is just barely holding it together. For Christ's sake, Nirei one time even found the second year furiously muttering and cursing out a cluster of innocent plants on the school field, seemingly at being useless sacks of leaves.
Nirei would never understand quite why that happened, nor did he bother to ask, in fear of his potential demise by doing so...
Regardless, Kaji meticulously plans, second-guesses himself, and agonizes over every decision, to the point where multiple times, he would take off his headphones in the hopes of finding total concentration and that maybe, just maybe, an idea would hit him. Spoiler, it doesn't. It was a strategy that only ended in disaster. The sight is almost comical—Kaji, usually so composed, reduced to a bundle of nerves as he tries to decide if you’d prefer a handmade card or a store-bought one. Eventually, he abandons both the plants and his failed attempts at making a DIY gift of his own, pivoting to something that’s more “him.” 
After all his frantic efforts and internal chaos, he sheepishly presents you with a handmade mixtape, carefully curated with songs that remind him of you and your time together. Each track is selected with care, and when he finally presents it, his nerves are palpable. Any kind of reaction that wasn't disgust, he would be happy with. Unbeknownst to even himself. However, your first reaction to receiving it was to immediately embrace him. It's a gift that speaks volumes, even if he struggles to express it in words. A blend of his love for music and his love for you. Because beneath his aloof exterior, and despite the chaos behind the scenes, lies a heart that beats just for you and you alone.
AKIHIKO NIREI | 楡井秋彦 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Enter NIREI, the human encyclopedia of your life, with a notebook thicker than a brick and more detailed than your school textbooks. Nirei probably has anything and everything you've ever said written down in his notebook. His meticulous, borderline frantic nature means he doesn't miss a single detail, capturing every word you utter with precision, whether you genuinely meant it or not. Seriously, the guy probably has a section dedicated to your favourite foods alone. 
He’s constantly with a notebook in hand, furiously scribbling down every passing comment, no matter how trivial. To him, it's better to be safe than sorry—after all, he can’t afford to disappoint you, not when he's committed to being your personal mind reader, one way or another. In fact, it would come to the surprise of no one if Nirei had an entire 500-page notebook dedicated solely to you, complete with tabs, colour-coded highlights, and footnotes.
And those who do find out about this "notebook" and read through even just the first page are utterly deadpan at just how smitten Nirei was for you. The hearts in his eyes practically say it all. His dedication to cataloguing your every whim and fancy might seem a tad extreme to the common folk, but to Nirei, it's all in the name of ensuring your happiness. And when he does present you with a gift, it feels almost magical, as if he's read your mind. Sure, it’s a bit unnerving to know that he probably knows your cafe order better than you do, but hey, at least you’ll never have to worry about forgetting your preferences. It's more than just a gesture, his careful attention to detail makes every gift a meaningful token of his affection. With Nirei by your side, it's like having your very own walking, talking wishlist. Even if Nirei isn't strong physically—he can't fight like everybody else in Furin—his meticulous planning and thoughtfulness show just how far he's willing to go in order to make you happy.
HAYATO SUO | 蘇枋 隼飛  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Now, let’s talk about SUO, Furin's resident memory master. Unlike Nirei, who hoards notebooks like a squirrel hoards acorns, Suo relies solely on the immense storage capacity of his brain to keep track of every single detail about you, retaining it all in his memory alone.
His mind is like a steel trap, capturing every little detail about you, his significant other. He can effortlessly recall every conversation, shared moment, and quirky little habit you have and stores it in his memory, all the while keeping it secret behind that enigmatic smile of his. He's a mysterious man, even to you, but you can always tell his intentions are pure, no matter how initially suspicious he may be.
Some might call it borderline telepathic, but to Suo, it’s all just part of being deeply devoted to you in his own way. When he comes to you with a perfectly timed gift, it’s not because he’s some kind of mind reader (although it sometimes does feel that way). It’s simply because you’re the most important thing in his world, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, even if it means sacrificing a little extra brain space for the cause—as if that’s even troubling to him. Gifts from Suo are always a surprise, even to you. He hides things incredibly well without you knowing a thing. But it's not without a touch of mischief, considering all the pranks and teases he often likes to pull. You frequently find yourself asking him, "How did you even know I wanted this?" only for him to aloofly reply with a cryptic smile or an offhanded comment.
"Oh wow, Hayato, how did you know I wanted this?!"
"Oh, I just happened to notice when I saw how your face lit up at the sight of it the other day."
"I- wha- …you got it from just noticing my reactions?"
"Of course! Who would I be if I didn't notice such a thing from my significant other?"
"A stalker..."
"Now now, don't be like that!"
HARUKA SAKURA | 桜 遥 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Anyone and everyone with ears that day who are unlucky enough to cross paths with SAKURA that day would no longer be the same after getting a panicked earful from his guy. Just imagine him, frantically running around like a chicken with its head cut off, who turns gift-giving into a mission worthy of a military operation, and that is Sakura Haruka. 
He’s the guy who interrogates his friends about what to get you, practically hosting a roundtable discussion as he frantically brainstorms the perfect gift. Picture him pacing back and forth, sweating bullets, and badgering everyone in sight for advice. He consults everyone he knows, hoping to find some idea of the ideal present that will light up the smile on your face—one that he has grown to love and cherish. Sakura's desperation knows no bounds; he's calling up acquaintances he hasn’t even bothered to speak to until now, just to get their input on this seemingly not-important dilemma. But once the dusk settles and he's had a moment to gather his thoughts, Sakura is the one to make the final call. 
And in the end, he gets you a gift that is perfect and oh-so-thoughtful. The effort he puts into his choice shows just how much he cherishes you in his life and will continue to do so. It's not just a gift; it's a heartfelt expression of his love, chosen all with the intention of making you smile. Though he will never admit to you how long it actually took for him to get that singular gift for you. Not even on his grave.
TOMA HIRAGI | 柊登馬  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Poor HIRAGI, who, at first, dives headfirst into the idea of gift-giving with all the enthusiasm in the world. He's got that determined look in his eyes—a look enough to scare off any middle-schooler within a mile—ready to craft the perfect present for you. Fast forward a few hours, and he’s surrounded by a chaotic mess of craft supplies, looking at his creation with dawning horror. Realization hits him like a pound of bricks. The gift is utter garbage, something you’d never like... Hiragi first tries to salvage it, maybe gluing on a few more sparkles or attaching a heartfelt note, but deep down, he knows it’s a lost cause.
His mind goes into overdrive, perhaps popping more than a few nerve pills into his mouth as he hurriedly rethinks his plan, determined to make things right. In a moment of panic, Hiragi scrambles to come up with something better. His mind races, and he quickly pivots to Plan B. He ditches the failed craft project and decides to give you something far more meaningful—a date, an entire day planned around your favourite activities.
From a breakfast at your favourite cafe to a scenic walk in the park with an amazing view of the sunset, followed by a movie marathon of your beloved films, this time, he is confident. Hiragi pours his heart into creating an experience rather than a physical gift. It's a corny move, sure, but his dedication to making you happy is what ultimately shines through. Your happiness is the true present Hiragi strives to provide and cherish with all his heart. Ultimately, it's not the material items that matter but the love and effort he puts into spending time with you. His actions speak louder than any physical gift ever could.
KYOTARO SUGISHITA | 杉下京太郎  ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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To him, this was something not to be taken lightly. Thus, his plan was put into motion. SUGISHITA's quest to ensure perfection involves quiet observation that borders on creepy, with intense staring sessions that would make even the most seasoned blush just to get the perfect gift for you. You can practically feel his eyes boring into you as he notes your likes and dislikes, all while maintaining an innocent facade—at least, in his eyes. From your perspective, you beg to differ, but you let him have his moment. Through this, Sugishita tries to gather intel on your favourite foods, movies, and even the type of socks you prefer. His dedication to the art of gift-giving is both impressive and slightly unnerving, but hey, it’s all in the name of love, right?
And when he finally presents you with a gift, it's like he's unveiling some kind of masterpiece he's been working on for months. And in a way, he has been. Even when you know what he has been doing all this time, your heart still melts. Tears fall, and all Sugishita does is frantically comfort you in the best way he knows how—which isn’t saying much, but hey, he's trying his best. He may not wear his heart on his sleeve, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. His methods might be a tad unconventional, but there's no denying the thought and effort he puts into making you happy. After all, who needs words when you have Sugishita's silent but effective gestures of love? His silence all but screams his genuine heart for you. Because each time he's with you, he feels comfortable in your presence, no matter what, without ever needing to say a word.
CHOJI TOMIYAMA | 兎耳山 丁子 ─ ✦ . ⁺ ♡
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Hmmm, his gift for you?
It's him, of course! 
…Don’t give him that look. 
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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11rosebunny · 13 days
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬 (𝐁𝐎𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍 + 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍)
content: f!reader. fluff. togame being an asshole per usual…
word count: 2045
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Haruka Sakura
You two were simply at his house for a small hangout, it wasn't anything too special after you both started dating. You've grown accustomed to going over to his apartment and just being in the same room together.
So when you slip on one of his plain white shirts, he knows immediately that it's his because he doesn't own many coloured shirts like you do. He lost his mind.
The sight of you in his floor bed with his shirt.
Right away, he'll question you, "Is that my shirt?" As blush creeps up on his cheeks.
You answer "Yes." Without much thought but in his head, he was going crazy.
He tries to act like it's nothing and brushes it off, but the way his eyes never leave your body and the way he keeps fidgeting with the hem of the shirt you're wearing makes you question what he's doing. He doesn't say anything the whole time which made you curious and knew something was up.
Hajime Umemiya
He has to do a double take on your body when he comes across you wearing something of his own. The first time it happened, you were relaxing on the school roof top with him, seeing that you guys finished gardening fairly quickly, the shirt you were wearing had gotten a little too dirty to your liking, so to fix the solution he looked at you, then his shirt.
"Do you want to borrow mine?"
You eyebrows knitted in confusion as your eyes went wide. You kept protesting and telling him to keep it, besides, what was he going to wear then? He quickly solved the problem by saying if you'd like to borrow his sweater instead. This time, you agreed to those terms.
You quickly changed in the washroom before heading up to the rooftop again. The school was empty and luckily Sugishita had plans that day (which is very rare causing the both of you to question what he was doing today). Upon returning, he was in the hammock he usually takes naps in and was busy on his phone after not being on it for a few hours. Momentarily, you sat in front of him feeling awkward and shifting your chair. He peered up from his phone and looked at you, then smiled.
"Wow that suits you huh?" He placed his phone down on his chest. You jumped at his compliment.
"It's not even mine..."
"Looks better on you though." A cheeky smile was brought to his lips.
You felt the tips of your ears burning as he motioned you to come with him. You were dating by then and yet you still felt awkward whenever you two got a little to intimate. He knew of this thought of yours but he found it cute. So when you stood up and made your way over to him, he quickly grabbed your wrist making you stumble onto his chest as he let out an airy laugh when you yelled in shock.
"You're going to break the hammock you asshole!"
Toma Hiragi
He really hated the way you dressed that day. Normally whenever you two would go out for a date night, it was usually at restaurants or a late night walk for drinks or ice cream, but today was special and you two decided to do something different.
The both of you agreed to visit the bowling arena.
It was open till 12AM and mostly older adults and few rowdy teenagers would roll up around those hours due to the alcoholic beverage that were available to order. Of course, you and him don't drink so your plans was just to bowl.
However when he picks you up from your house and sees your outfit, he could a feel a vigilant sense coming to his nose. The top you wore was a bit too showy and tight for his liking, even so, he refrained from telling you at first.
However, to your dismay, a lot more teenagers that you two expected to be there was out of your assumptions. The groups around your bowling area was rented out by the same rowdy teenagers he feared. The entire time he purely tried to focus on your date and ignore the hormonal boys that kept eyeing up and down. It was driving him crazy to not just drag you out the place and have a date night at home.
After it was your turn, he had enough of the whispers and stares about his girlfriend, so when you walk up to him to indicate it was his turn now, he takes his leather jacket from the couch where both your belongings were placed and in a swift move, he wraps it behind your back.
"Oh, are we going now?" You ask feeling sweat drop from your head.
"...No." He replied as you slipped in your arms through the sleeves. From the corner of his eyes, he could feel the stares of the group of teenagers mumbling under their breaths.
You didn't understand for the first few minutes till you watched him walk up to the stadium and saw him glance at the group of boys if they noticed you were wearing his jacket.
You smiled softly and held the jacket closer to your body.
Taiga Tsugeura
He barely has any interesting shirts, Nirei desperately tried to help him find his style sense, but when the others visited his house and browsed around in his room, Mitsuki looked in his closet to see the same exact shirts in different shades of grey. He took a picture and sent it to the group chat.
The four made that an inside joke.
Even so, you were aware of his limited choices of clothing, when you asked for a shirt at his house, on the outside he seemed normal about it. It took him awhile for it to click in his brain what you asked till he saw you in his shirt asking him if he's ready to go out yet.
The both of you were just going to go on a small walk around town having been bored at his house so the entire time he's outside with you he's extra giddy and smiley thinking about the fact that you are wearing his shirt.
You can tell he's in an extra good mood by the way he seems to blush and smile more while at the same time, taking glances at the shirt you're wearing every now and then.
Mitsuki Kiryu
His clothing of choices are very interesting. Aside from his loud patterned shirts, he still owns a fair amount of cute looking ones.
When you first looked into his closet a tiny part of you was jealous seeing how nice they were, you even told him you were going to steal some because of how good quality it was, and to your surprise he said,
"Go ahead. I don't mind." With a cat-like smile.
In doing so, you ended up putting a fashion show on for him.
He laughed the entire time and rated each outfits you presented to him, having different names for each of the fits making him place down his phone and put all his attention on you.
As much as he enjoyed the little game you made, he loved the way your body fitted some of his clothes, he falls into the shorter category of guys. Standing at a whopping 5'5 ft tall, some of the clothes fit you very well. He finds it amusing the way some of them still look baggy on you, making you look like blob of laundry.
He wouldn't mind if he saw you in public wearing one of his jackets.
Hayato Suo
You really hate his clothes. It's not the fact that it's ugly or weird, Suo tends to go for the Chinese clothing due to the hemp material he likes. Loose pants and kung-fu shoes, they're basically similar material types.
However, when you had to wear one of his jackets due to the weather being colder than usual, you fought with yourself thinking you'd look stupid wearing a Chinese tang-suit in public paired with your [Clothing style] would make you look ridiculous.
But once you refused, the dark-haired boy put on a faux smile and told you to put it on now.
There you were, in his tang-suit jacket.
It wasn't as bad as you thought, eventually you forgot about the jacket when you two continued your date outside. The whole time, he would glance at you whenever you weren't looking and look away with a proud smile.
"Suo is something wrong?" You ask questioning his silent smile.
He looked away and continued walking, "Nothing." He answer before wrapping his fingers with yours.
Jo Togame
Monk working clothes and matching sweatsuits.
He doesn't care much about style if he's being honest. The chore of running errands to spend money on clothing he's going to wear for 2 days and end up throwing them into the washing machine seems like a bother, so he keeps his wardrobe simple.
When he finds you stealing one of his grey sweaters, he notices right away.
"Is that mine?" He asks pointing at you laying in his bed with your phone in your hand.
He already knows the answer when you reply, "Yeah."
He chuckles to himself before walking over to you and placing the towel from his shoulders on his chair. His hair was still wet after having a short bath and threw on grey sweatpants and a random sweatshirt.
When you're just going through your phone and not paying much attention to your surroundings, the 6 foot man launches his body onto yours making you scream in surprise.
Instantly, he wraps his arms around your waist while messing up his wet hair on the sweater you wore. The phone in your hand dropped causing it to fling to the floor and create a crashing sound. The moment he got his hands on you, you tried breaking free.
"Togame stop! Your hair is still wet!" You kicked your legs and began to push yourself away from him but his grip was too strong.
You could feel a smile form on his lips against you as a lazy but purring voice replaced his tone of voice, "But you look so good [Name]."
"Let me GO!"
Tomiyama Choji
His outfits relate to similar clothing of streetwear and he's not even aware of that. He picks his clothing at random and goes for tight-fitted pants with sneakers. He's very short and light so most of his clothes fit you.
When you two are simply going out to eat and you accidentally spill water on your shirt, your mood shifts and becomes sadder.
He wasn't expecting something like this to happen, and thought about any solutions.
"My shirt is all ruined..." You whined across from the chair he stood in. You began to wipe down the liquid that wetted your shirt while he frantically began to clean up the table that had the water spills.
"Hey it's okay, you can always borrow my jacket." He looked up at you with his prominent smile.
You blinked at his offer but was he really going to give you a choice? The answer was no.
You went into the washroom to go change and slip on the the hoodie he wore for your date, and when you walked out he widened his eyes in surprise as a tiny of blush covered his cheeks.
"Sorry, I'll return your sweater back next time okay?" You walked out the restaurant with him with you wet shirt stuffed in your bag.
He shook his head and that's when you realized he seemed a bit more quieter than he usually is. Normally, he was loud and outgoing but in this moment, you senesced something was coming up.
"No it's okay, you can keep it."
"Really?" You smiled back at him as the two of you began walking.
He remained his eyes on you in a daze before the two of you wrapped your hands together, "Yeah. It suits you better."
You blushed at his statement.
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rainnbzj · 1 month
short silly little suo animation :)
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getonite · 22 days
f!reader ; this was supposed to be like two paragraphs of a scenario, not a while drabble. but i love hayato suo and all of windbreaker, so...
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hayato suo is the type to walk into furin or kotoha's cafe littered in lipstick stains on his face, but he acts like it's nothing. sakura's face is the color of one, and nirei mirrors it, though they both stare intently at him.
the only one to speak up is kotoha and she's like, "you've got a little...something, on your face. specifically, lipstick."
and suo will be like, "oh! do i?" his signature bright ass smile is on his face as he acts like: (1) he didn't ask you to do it and (2) that he was completely unaware of the bright red lipstick pressed to his lips, cheeks, and neck. "ah~i guess my pretty girl got carried away."
"p-pretty girl?" nirei stumbles.
hayato would rest his face on his propped up arm. "mhm, my girlfriend silly!"
"a girlfriend, huh?"
"of course, i, have a girlfriend sakura-san," he has a smile on his face, his eyes shut and mouth curled tightly upwards, "what is that supposed to mean, hm?"
by no means is suo ugly, but his personality is not something any of the furin boys thought would be dateable. sakura turns away, not opening his mouth anymore, just sitting across from suo with blush etched on his face.
the bell to the cafe rings and the three boys sitting at the table look at the door. "speaking of girlfriend..." hayato whispers.
kotoha, nirei, and sakura look to see you, who has got to be the prettiest girl in town. the boys jaws are wide open and hayato only laughs as he stands up to greet you. "you were being serious?!" sakura says with shock.
hayato frowns, turning to face him. "did you think i was lying?"
"hey, that's not very nice!"
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snoopnation · 1 month
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faintrustle · 2 months
He's a walking green thumb green flag.
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ianime0 · 2 months
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Wind Breaker | Ep2 | You must be Suo-san? Yup. Everyone calls me and that. By the way, this eyepatch seals away an ancient Chinese spirit into my right eye.
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 16 days
sloppy toppy.
or, you suck their soul out for the first time, featuring: sakura haruka, suo hayato
c/w: explicit sexual content, oral (m!receiving), sloppy blowjobs, deep throating, throat/facefucking, cum swallowing, premature ejaculation (sakura cums fast), language, dirty talk, fem!reader, headcanon blurb format
a/n: mmmm a spicy req! as a girly who loooves giving head, I really really enjoyed writing this <3 I hope y’all will enjoy it too. I’m trying to get some of the shorter reqs done in between writing the longer ones~
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shit. fuck. holy shit-fuck. shit —
sakura couldn’t fucking think. your mouth was hot, so fucking hot — and your tongue was soft and mushy, teasing the underside of his cock sloppily with every drop-and-slide of your head. sakura was already so close and you’d barely even started.
sakura couldn’t even feel his fingers or toes anymore, all appendages curled up and tense. the pleasure was overwhelming, every schlick and slurp of your lips over his dick threatening to send him spiraling over the edge.
“hah, s-slow down… please.” sakura grunted out, voice husky and broken. you were moving way too fast, gulping his dick straight into the tight sleeve of your throat, your nose burrowing straight into the hairs just above his base. it was too much, too tight and too warm, he was gonna cum soon —
how had this even started, anyway?
he couldn’t remember.
sakura’s hips jerked when you hollowed your cheeks on an upward slide, a dangerously lewd slurp accompanying the action, and when your lips reached his sensitive tip, stars bloomed across sakura’s vision as his balls twitched harshly. the pressure against his cockhead was so intense, and when you slid the tip of your tongue through his slit, it was over.
“c-cumming—” sakura tried to warn you, really, but his voice broke off into a loud, guttural moan as his balls tightened painfully — his dick twitched and throbbed as thick ropes of cum shot from his tip; which your lips were still wrapped around.
sakura nearly whimpered when, in the middle of his orgasm, you shoved your head down to engulf the entirety of his cock. his tip squeezed past the resistance of your tonsils and slipped into your throat, which the rest of spend was splattered down. you kept your mouth fastened around his cock until the waves of his orgasm had receded, until his dick began to fall limp on your tongue — and sakura’s entire body twitched and trembled when you pulled off of his cock with small pop.
had sakura had any energy left in his body, he would have been heavily embarrassed — he hadn’t exactly been focused on the clock while you were sucking his soul out, but he was sure he’d lasted less than a minute — but his muscles were too relaxed, his mind too fuzzy from the absolute brilliance of the orgasm that he couldn’t find it in him to feel any shame.
and when you crawled up his body and looked into his eyes with a predatory gleam, something told him that his fast orgasm was something you took great delight in.
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“you really can take it well.”
suo sounded rather calm, his tone even and relaxed, but on the inside — suo was going absolutely feral.
your throat was accepting his cock as if it was made for it; like a warm, wet, mushy crevice that was crafted specifically for his pleasure. suo was rather impressed with himself for lasting so long within its grip. it was taking every ounce of his self-control to keep his orgasm restrained, his balls tight and achy and tingling every time they slapped against your chin.
god, how were you so perfect?
especially like this, shoved down to your knees, face flushed and wet, pink lips spread wide on his cock, eyes hazy and unfocused as you looked up at him with an expression that could only be described as blissed out.
you were built to please him — that’s what your eyes were saying.
“ah, so good. so messy.” suo cooed as he dropped a hand down to cup your chin — he could feel the bulge of his cock stretching your mouth in all directions, and shit, that was doing something to him. drool and pre slid down his hand in a thick mix of fluid, and he knew; he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.
suo retracted his hand from your chin and instead cupped the back of your head, holding it still as he rutted his hips faster. your throat clenched around his cock as your shoulders rocked with muffled gags — fat tears rolled down your heated cheeks as your gag reflex was repeatedly triggered — but you stayed perfectly still, not even attempting to retreat from the abuse. in fact, your eyes seemed to grow even hazier, as if being robbed of your air supply was something that turned you on immensely.
god, fucking perfect for him.
“you’ve been such a good girl. how about I give you a nice reward, hmm?” suo drawled, fingers tangling into a fist within your hair. “how about I cum down your throat, and put it all straight into your greedy belly? how does that sound, sweet baby?”
suo didn’t think it was possible, but your blown pupils seemed to morph into hearts right in front of his eyes, and the flush on your face deepened. your head floundered in what could only be perceived as an attempted nod, and suo couldn’t hold back the groan that flew past his lips.
and when your throat began vibrating with sweet muffled moans, suo snapped.
suo brought his other hand around to the back of your head and spread his feet apart just so; the change in stance enabled him to shove the entirety of his cock down your throat, and his thrusts grew short and shallow. at this point, he was barely even removing his dick from your mouth, and his hips snapped into your face at an inhuman speed.
“fuck, yes, I’m close,” suo panted, hot pleasure sparking up his spine with every slide of his cock. your throat was so hot and tight, it felt like absolute heaven. “I’m gonna give it all to you, so don’t waste it, ‘kay?”
your moans vibrated his dick, and the combined stimulation was just too much — with one harsh thrust, suo buried his cock completely in your throat. his balls tightened up, his dick throbbed, and with a series of moans, suo shot his load straight into your stomach.
suo gently rocked his cock into your mouth as he rode out his orgasm, words falling from his lips unbidden; “…yeah, suck it all down baby. shit, it’s all yours. so good, angel…”
a faint tap on his thigh broke suo from his haze, and when he looked down into your eyes, he realized he was still cutting off your air supply. as delicately as he could, suo slipped his cock from your mouth. you let out a slew of coughs and drew in heavy breaths in between them; suo would have felt horrible about it, but before he had the chance to, it was stolen away completely and replaced by a fresh wave of arousal when you stared up at him with watery, pleading eyes and croaked out:
“can we do it again, please?”
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