#aus on stacks
newtonsheffield · 2 years
Ohh love Kate meeting Farmer Anthony at 19!!! Could we see more of it?? Maybe their early days in marriage with Kate trying so hard to do everything right and Anthony being super sweet when she burns dinner
Can we please see the au of bruises Anthony nervously asking papa Sharma can he marry Kate? No worries if not x
Oh handsome little 19 year old Anthony with his country manners turning Kate's head when they met and now he's in a panic because he actually has to ask Kate's father if he, a farmer from nowhere, can spirit his 18 year old daughter away.
Anthony had been so nervous that day, Kate had seen it. From the very second he'd walked inside, up the front steps this time, twisting his cap around in his hands, as he inclined his head awkwardly to the Butler.
He'd looked up, a smile curving his lips upwards making him even more handsome than he already was, making her heart pound in her chest just as it had when he'd taken a deep breath in the stables three days before, Anthony having snuck in in the summer rain, the droplets clinging to his hair when he'd held her close. I don't-I don't just want this, Kate. I want you to be my wife, I want us to have children and spend our lives together and I know it's impossible and I'm not a duke or a prince or the lord of anything but I love you.
"There you are, my lady."
Kate rolled her eyes as he moved closer, a bashful smile on his lips as he bowed in front of her.
"I'm just a miss, not a lady."
"You're still my lady."
"Are you nervous?" She'd asked him, while her hands smoothed over the front of his lapels, the rich purple velvet soft beneath her fingertips "This is a new morning coat."
"I'm asking your father to let his daughter marry a farmer from nowhere when a duke's asked for her hand so yes I'm nervous, and yes I bought a new coat." Anthony sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"My father doesn't even like the Duke of Sunderland, and I love you."
"I love you too." He'd leaned in closer, forgetting completely that they weren't hidden on the edges of the park with no one to see them, their lips nearly brushing,
"Kate, darling, perhaps you could show Mr Bridgerton into the drawing room before your father has a conniption." Mary's voice had interrupted them soft and a little exasperated, a small smile on her face as Anthony flew backwards away from Kate, running his hands through his hair, dropping into a deep bow.
"Lady Mary, I must apologise I- I had no intentions of-"
"Mama, this is Mr Anthony Bridgerton." Kate looped her arms through Anthony's looking straight at the woman who had raised her, the woman who was appraising Anthony with a small smile on her face.
"A pleasure, Mr Bridgerton. Now if you'll follow me, Mr Sharma is waiting to receive you."
Anthony had taken a shuddering breath, letting himself be tugged along by her, twitching nervously as they made their way into the drawing room.
Her father was sitting in his armchair, with his legs crossed, not even pretending to have been doing anything else and for her part nor was Edwina, sitting in the corner, wild curiosity written all over her face.
Anthony bowed stiffly, his hands twisting his cap nervously.
"Appa, this is Mr Anthony Bridgerton." Kate said nervously, recalling the conversation she'd had with him just yesterday Appa, I'm- I've fallen in love with a man and he wants to marry me
"Mr Sharma, Sir, It's my honour to meet you."
Her father stared at him, taking the measure of him. "Yes, we're a little delayed in meeting, I think."
Anthony flushed. "Sir, I- I realise I have done you a great disservice in meeting Miss Sharma without your permission but my father raised me to be an honest man and I cannot in good conscious tell you that I regret our meeting."
Her father raised his eyebrows. " You take joy in the fact you met my daughter in secret?"
"I take joy in the time we spent together."
Silence crackled through the room for a long moment, Kate fighting a groan at Anthony's words, the implication of them.
And finally her father sighed. "Kate tells me you've made her an offer of marriage."
"I have, sir, yes."
"She means to accept this offer, I believe."
"Appa-" Kaye started, but he held his hand up to stop her, watching as Anthony shifted uncomfortably.
"Yes, sir, I believe that is her intention."
Silence again, echoing around the room, Mary shifting, "Tharman, perhaps-"
"How old are you, boy?"
"I'll be Nineteen in September, Sir. I know I do not have much, but everything I have, I will give to her. Right or wrong, Sir, I take great pride in the love of your daughter and I will make myself into a man worthy of it. Worthy of her, and the children we will have together." Kate couldn't hide her smile as Anthony's eyes finally met her father's, his shoulders square, his chest puffing proudly.
And finally, her father smiled. "Mr Bridgerton, I was once a man in love with a woman above my station as well, I believe I can sympathise."
Anthony relaxed immediately, a sigh of relief as Kate's hand smoothed over his back.
"You could have run away with her, but you didn't, you came and asked me, when you had every reason to believe I could send you away, invent a crime you committed, have you clapped in irons, many men would. Why?"
Anthony had swallowed. "You are a man who loves his daughter, I love her also, I felt sure we could come to an understanding."
Kate's father had sighed, "And you're sure, little one? You're sure this is what you want?"
"Yes." Kate had barely been able to breathe
"It will be a different life, than the one you're used to."
"I love him, Appa. I don't care, I'll learn the things I need to learn and I'll be a good wife to Anthony, and we'll be so happy, Appa. You'll see."
And she'd watched as her father's facade crumbled completely, a smile breaking over his face as he stood, his hand held out to Anthony. "Then, Mr Bridgerton, I look forward to introducing you as my son in law."
Anthony startled, his hand shaking as he shook her father's hand. "Thank you, sir, I'll make you a proud son in law, I promise."
"Not too quickly, I hope." Her father's eyes had narrowed. "I hope, Mr Bridgerton, that there is no need to... hurry things along."
Anthony had turned bright red, dropping her father's hand, "No, Sir I've not- I wouldn't- I-"
Kate rolled her eyes, "Appa, stop scaring him."
And her father's laughter had boomed as he'd clapped Anthony on the shoulder. "To be fair, little one, I know how determined you can be when you see something you want."
And she had been so determined, when she'd arrived in Kent, and become Anthony's wife. She'd set about making the little cottage his parents and hers had gifted them a home. And she had failed at all of it. Her mending was a mess, her bath water was always too hot or too cold, and dinner was always a disaster.
Everyone had been so worried about Anthony providing for her, and it was all he did. Coming home with bunches of flowers in his hand, kissing her gently, building their life together of his own back. And she was failing him. Every single day she failed him.
But not today, she was determined. So determined as she'd gone to sit with Anthony's mother this morning, while Edmund and Anthony were working the fields, the little ones all around them, Gregory perched on her knee.
"I am... trying to be a good wife to Anthony, Violet."
And her mother by law had smiled gently, "He's very happy, happier than I've ever seen him."
It had tugged at Kate's chest, tears pricking in her eyes, "Even so I'd like to surprise him. Make him something he's fond of."
Violet had smiled back at her, for a very long moment before she'd said, "Then we're going to need some blackberries."
Kate had spent all afternoon on it. Carefully following Violet's instructions as she made the pastry, the filling a sense of pride and accomplishment taking root in her as she watched it take shape.
But she hadn't realised, of course she hadn't, that ovens could be hotter than others and she hadn't thought- when she'd gone out to milk the cow and-
"No, no no no no no no!" Kate could already feel tears pricking at her eyes as she took the pie from the ovens, burnt black on top, blackberry jam leaking out the sides.
"Everything is ruined!"
"Come now, it can't be as bad as all that."
Kate looked up, tears spilling from her eyes even as she tried to bite them back, desperate for him not to see. But of course he did.
Anthony was standing in the doorway, handsome as ever, his hair rumpled as he hung up his cap, his braces shrugged from his shoulders, his brow crumpling in hurt and confusion as he took her in.
"Hey now, don't cry." He rushed over to her, crumpled on the floor in front of the oven, the ruined pie in its tin resting on the floor in front of her. His hands were gentle on her chin as he tilted it up, slowly wiping her tears from her face with his fingers. "Don't cry."
"It's ruined. I was just trying to make you happy, and I couldn't even bake a stupid pie." It felt so bitter, falling from her lips, while he looked at her refusing to voice the disappointment that must be rising with in him.
"I don't care about a pie."
"But you must care about everything else. I'm trying to be a good wife to you, Anthony, it's what I want more than anything but all I do is ruin things."
Anthony shook his head, a small smile on his face "The only thing you've ever ruined is me. You ruined me the minute our eyes met and I knew I could not have you I would never have another."
Kate felt her eyes close, remembering how he'd looked at her, when they'd first met on that street in London, how he'd smiled as her, removing his cap, wiping the sweat from his brow and something had burned.
"You don't mean that, Anthony. Look at your shirt, I couldn't even mend that!"
Anthony looked down at it, at the jagged line of stitches she'd put in it, sighing as she looked at Violet's seamless mending, and somehow his smile grew, a derisive scoff in his throat. "I love this shirt. I love this shirt because my wife mended it for me, out of the love she carries for me. And I would wear it every day for the rest of my life. I'd wear a hundred shirts just like this one."
Kate felt a watery laugh leave her chest swiping at her own tears. "You won't need to, my cooking will see you starve long before that."
Anthony scoffed again, reaching up for a spoon from a drawer. "I won't starve, I see a perfectly lovely pie."
"You don't have to-" But she couldn't stop him, he dove into the pie taking the biggest spoonful she'd ever seen crunching down on it, swallowing happily before he kissed her forehead.
"I love you, Anthony and I'll learn to be a good wife."
Anthony lips were gentle against hers, his eyes shining, "I love you too, and you can learn to cook and sew and do all those other things, but you're already an amazing wife. But if you want to bolster your confidence I know something we can do that we're already very good at."
Kate gasped dramatically, a smile growing on her face. "Bed without supper? Mr Bridgerton why I never."
Anthony let outa playful growl, scooping her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Yes. Bed without supper. You said you wanted a child, my lady, and if I want to be a good husband to you, I best get to work."
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ohposhers · 4 months
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★September first, 1989★ DEAR DIARY --- sighs heavily i couldnt not make fanart for @cupiddzarrow 's Heathers Trolls AU-- they beat me to it and i love it
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cablehaver · 8 months
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feyinvestigations · 8 months
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Is this even anything?
Prev. /// pt.3
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0ddbugs · 1 year
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BATTLE SCARS COME BACK! @kaysdenofchaos
pretty sure that's who we're up against next... i believe in us @nerves-nebula @tmntaucompetition & @coffinpal colored the first one as always ty!
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lyss-butterscotch · 11 months
I think spearmaster instead of shedding they just leave behind spears all over suns can, like suns walk into spearmasters den and there's just like 300 needles laying around and 50 more pinned into the wall
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Imagine this is one of those shelters within the can that spearmaster just claimed as their den. Even though there isn't 300 spears laying around in the den, there's definitely 300 in suns chamber 👍
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fireyartccoon · 2 months
ok so I might’ve forgotten to get something ready for Wednesday BUT-
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you can have Nine and Chaos Sonic from my Sonic Prime AU being siblings instead
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j-liz · 1 year
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Here you go @discocandles you genius bastard. The spite saga continues. Anya sees another mission and says absolutely.
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Part 1.5 of 3
Part 1
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queewp · 1 year
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giving Baxter Stockboy the older brother he needed <3
even if that older brother is kinda adopted, and also a disguised mutant
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sualne · 29 days
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modern au stats, fellas' relationships with the good ol' horizontal tango.
EDIT: it's sex indifferent not neutral.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Ohhh! Can Mary's conversation with young farmer Anthony?
Ohhh what did Mary say to Anthony??? you can't leave us hanging like this, please?
We can see just a little from mary's point of view
Mary Sharma was not a foolish woman, no matter what her mother and father would have liked to be believed. she had sensed her daughters slight apprehension, when they'd come to London to make her debut. Even as Mary's own mother had sighed,
"She is a very pretty girl, though. One can only hope she makes better choices than you did."
"I'm very happy, with the choices I've made Mama." She'd sighed, watching Kate across the from, her brow furrowed as she spoke with a Mr Brandson, Mary thought he might have been, Kate's eyes rolling as she walked away.
She watched Kate grow more and more dissatisfied, paying less and less interest, and then she saw it. The first real, genuine smile she'd seen since they arrived in London. Right there as Kate stood on the street, talking to a working class man, a farmer from his broad chest and the sun on his skin. His horse meant for work, not riding for pleasure. And there was something so beautiful about the smile on kate's face, she felt guilty for pulling her away.
"Kate? Darling, come along, Appa and Edwina are expecting us for tea."
Kate had smiled again as they's walked away, kept smiling the whole way home, looking back over her shoulder as though she might see the handsome young man standing there still.
"How was the duke today?" Edwina asked curiously as they sat down to tea her head tilted
"Who?" Kate asked a little distractedly.
"The man you met when you left the house, Kate." Edwina sighed far too exasperatedly for a girl of just ten.
"Oh, he was lovely." the same tiny smile on kate's face as she looked away that Mary was certain wasn't for the duke of sunderland.
And she saw it again as they sat down to break their fasts the next morning, the hem of her dress muddy from the morning rides Mary was saw Kate thought no one knew about. A secret smile on her face that Mary was sure was for the man they'd met that afternoon.
Mary felt guilty, of course she did for rising early, watching from the window as Kate disappeared with her hair flying out behind her and a small smile on Mary's own face as she watched her come back, happier and happier every day. Mary would watch as Kate would run outside, the handsome young man already waiting for her by the gate, a smile on his face as he caught her around the waist, spinning her around in the light rain, their lips meeting in a tender kiss and a sigh built in Mary's chest. The memory rising in her of when she'd been the debutante, a diamond of the first water who'd mistaken a former clerk, a widower, for the Earl of Davenport and been half in love with him before her Mama had appeared at her shoulder tugging her away to introduce her to the real Earl.
And she'd sworn, she'd sworn to herself when she'd stood in the church and married the love of her life that her daughters wouldn't have to threaten to runaway and they wouldn't have to make the choice she did when she'd finally stood in front of her father with tears in her eyes and spat at him You can't send him away papa. I won't marry that earl and I'm pregnant. What will you do with my bastard then?! They would be free to choose. And she'd made the same promise when they'd left Somerset and she made it again, to herself as she watched Kate stand in that courtyard with tears in her eyes and her fingers twisting through his hair. Right there in the rain, her voice aching.
"Let me talk to my Appa. Let me talk to him, tell him I want to marry you and if he won't let us I'll run away with you anyway because I love you and I want to be your wife, Anthony."
And as Kate walked away Mary made her choice. Truly, she'd made it years ago, and perhaps it was different than almost every woman of the ton would have made. But Mary had never been them.
"Just a moment, young man."
The man, Anthony, Kate had called him, banged right into the stable door on the way to his horse, scrambling in the mud in an effort to find his feet, his eyes wide, terrified.
"I-I-I'm sorry, my Lady, I took a wrong turn, I thought."
"No you didn't." Mary said softly, holding out her hand to help him up. "You know who I am?"
The man's hand shook, as he took her hand, getting to his feet, squaring his shoulders, tilting his chin proudly. "Lady Mary Sharma."
She hummed, "Yes, the mother of the girl who's been sneaking our to see you Mr-?"
"Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, ma'am." He clenched his jaw for a moment, so young with his hair falling in his eyes.
"And you are how old?"
"I'll be Nineteen this September, Ma'am." So Young.
"You are not from London, Mr Bridgerton. What is your occupation?"
He cleared his throat, "I'm from Aubrey in Kent. My family owns a farm there and I work the land with my father."
Mary hummed, "You are not a gentleman."
He took a deep breath. "I am not, and I realise I have asked no permission to court your daughter but I cannot find it in me to apologise for doing such." There was kindness in him, she could see, had seen it in his smile every day when he looked at Kate, Pride as well as he stood in front of her ready to face the consequences. "I love her, Lady Mary, I've asked her to be my wife and Kate means to accept."
Mary's heart hammered in her chest, aching for her daughter, falling in love without her, too scared to tell her. "Are you a good man, sir?"
His jaw clenched. "I like to think so, Ma'am. I work hard, and I don't have much but anything I have I will give to her. She loves me, and I love her, if you send me away I will-"
Mary cleared her throat, smiling gently. "You misunderstand me, Mr Bridgerton. I don't mean to do anything but help you."
"Lady Mary I-"
"I was young once as well, Mr Bridgerton. Young and in love with a man whom no one wanted for me. My daughter will not make the choices I made, and she won't even know it."
His chest was heaving, stood in the courtyard, his eyes wide, a little hopeful. "I'm not sure how you can help."
Mary sighed, picking his cap up from the ground for him. "Mr Bridgerton, you are a very sweet boy, but you will learn, a smart man listens to his wife. Have you any money?"
"Yes ma'am, I-"
"My husband will arrange for you to come in three days time. Got to the Tailor's next to the tea shop across from the far end of the park, give him my name and he will make you a morning coat. If you've not enough money tell him I will settle the remainder of you bill."
He stared at her, this boy who'd been so handsome he'd carried off her daughter without even meaning to, hardly daring to hope. "Lady Mary, I don't know how to thank you."
"You will be a good husband to my daughter. That is how you will thank me."
"I will. I will make her a good husband, I promise. I'll make you glad you helped me. I promise."
Mary sighed, "Good, now be off with you."
"Sweet boy." Mary sighed as she looked at her future son in law, scrambling onto his horse and she went inside and got to work
"The Duke of Sunderland has asked for Kate's hand." Tharman sighed as they settled to bed that night, the candles burning low around him. "I've no idea what to do. I don't even think she likes him."
"She doesn't." Mary sighed, setting her book aside. "I'm going to tell you something and you are going to remember that your second daughter was very nearly born the wrong side of the blanket."
Tharman froze, barely breathing as he said "Put me out of my Misery then."
"Kate is going to come to you tomorrow and tell you she's been meeting a young man in secret and-"
"She's been what?!"
Mary sighed, "Yes, Darling, when she goes out riding in the morning."
"When she-?"
"Goes out riding, Tharman, keep up. His name is Anthony, Mr Bridgerton, He's a Farmer from Kent and she's accepted his proposal."
Her husband stared at her open mouthed in shock, his mind taking a moment to catch up. "I'm not sure what I'm-?"
"You're going to give her a little bit of a hard time and then give in rather easily. Darling. She loves him, and that's the end."
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, Darling." She kissed his cheek "He'll be calling in a few days time."
"Am I at least allowed to ask what he's like?" He sighed exasperatedly.
"He's very handsome, I can see why he's turned her head."
"I don't want to hear anymore, actually." He grumbled. "God, this is just like Kate. She's so strong willed."
"Rather. we did quite well with her."
"Yes, we did."
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nicodrawings · 11 days
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Some illustrations I did for my COTC AU! And right on time to celebrate the new episodes coming out Saturday!
I’ll add more info to these pictures tomorrow but for now here’s a list of the kids in the illustrations
1) Vanessa aka Wildernessa and Toni
2) Kelsey and Isabella aka Stacks
3) Sparkle Cadet
4) Cannonball
5) Eileen aka Sewer Queen
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tardigrade-skeb · 8 months
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Thanks for supporting me… here’s lesbian Ranpoe… and Karl…. They’re so pretty… I love lesbians
But thanks again. I really appreciate you guys, I’m not doing too great so all your reblogs and notes and stuff make me smile. Bsd and pjsk requests are open!
Oh. And don’t read the title of Poe’s book… unless you’re into that?
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 year
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@0ddbugs fair point I’ll do you one better
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How many Casey’s does it take to screw a lightbulb 🤔
BS Voting link, @tmntaucompetition
WRORAU, @weranoutofrats-rottmntau @breadledoodles @sheltered-uno
Battle Scars, mwah
Coin Toss, @gemini-forest
TM(N)T, @nerves-nebula
Redline, @tmntredline @0ddbugs @coffinpal
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dailynakaharachuuya · 8 months
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21. Musicians AU 22. Doctors/patients AU 23. Bakers AU 24. Beast AU
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lilsocksiswriting · 24 days
From Creepy Stalkero To Creep Gaurd Dog pt.2
Fandom: JJK
Paring: Choso X Reader
Summary: How Choso goes from your creep stalker to your creepy guard dog
Warming: NSFW, Darker Content, no beta, just word vomit, minors DNI
Tags: College AU, stalking, masturbation, Choso is a messy cummer,, Choso being a peeping tom, just all-around creep behavior, mutual masturbation, phone sex,
Word Count: 1.04K
Stalker!Choso who nearly loses it when you prance into class the very next week. You look happier than you have in a long time and it has to be because of him. You plop yourself down right in front of him like it was any other day of class. The man had to bite into his knuckle because you smell so good. memories of how he was the one that made you cum around your fingers flood his mind. He spends the whole class achingly hard.
Stalker!Choso who needs more of you. Your smell, your taste, your touch, all of you. While he follows you home, he entertains the idea of pulling you into a dark alley. Pressing your cheek into the cool stone wall of a building with a firm hand on the back of your neck. He could then feel your body, the warmth of your smooth skin, and the squishy fat of your tits. But in the end, he has no courage so he just sticks to staying at a distance.
Stalker!Choso who leave you gifts at your door. They start out cute and nice. A flower here and there with a note about what they meant. A coffee and pastry first thing in the morning from your favorite coffee shop. A cute hairpiece or jewelry Choso had thought you would like and that he would then notice you wearing the next day. But just like the notes they began to escalate. One day you come home from work to see a cute littel box wrapped up with a black ribbon. In the box are a pair of soiled panties. Choso had bought them with the intent of gifting them to you the same as he has done with jewelry and hair pieces. But just the thought of you wearing them made him so hard and needy he had to use them to get off. Wrapping the silky pair of underwear around his cock and moaning like a whore at how the smooth fabric felt against his heated flesh. He still gifts you the pair only to show you how much he's in love and obsessed with you.
Stalker!Choso who doesn't know how much you like having a stalker? You thought that having a stalker would put you in a constant state of fear and paranoia, but to you, it was a sense of comfort, and oddly arousing. Each time that he leaves you a gift your whole day is made. the panties were a littel odd. Upon opening the box you scrunched your nose at the soiled pair. But once you wash them and then think about it there was so much cum. Did your stalker use them once? how many rounds could he go for? Is he just that needy for you? You think that's what turns you on the most, that someone out there is that desperate for your touch.
Stalker!Choso who leaves a vibrator at your door. A cute purple bullet with a note telling you to use it when your boyfriend can't get the job done. Heat pools in your gut as you sit with it. You can't wait to use the gift but wait. You dress up in a pretty lingerie set you had in the back of your closet, tell your boyfriend not to bother coming over, leave the curtains open a littel wider than normal, and wait.
Stalker!Choso stops by for his nightly check-in and immediately pops a boner seeing you sitting so pretty on your knees in your bed waiting as you scroll through your phone. His breath becomes heavy as a shakey hand fishes his phone out of his pocket. You pick up in the second ring. A timid hello makes his cock ache in his pants. He asked if you were waiting up for him and you said yes. You confess that you want him to help you get off again, You need him to.
Stalker!Choso instructs you to lie down and spread your legs for him. He tells you how to press and rub the vibrator against your clit. His breaths become heavy over the phone as he frantically fists his cock watching you withering on your bed with the vibrator pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerves. You are being so good to him that Choso wonders if this is all real. You fuck yourself on your fingers when he tells you to. The noise that comes out of your throat sounds so sweet when you tell him how “two is not enough," he only chuckles informing you that, “ You’ll need at least four in you  if  you wanan image it's my fat cock stretching you baby."
Stalker!Choso who lets us the most adorably hot sob as he cums with you. He can't take his eyes off the way your hips arch off the bed as you cum with him. you hear him thanking you for letting him see such a beautiful sight," fuckfuckfuck, you‘re so fucking beautiful. thank you -hic- thank you thank. Oh, Fuuuck" he cries, then upon hearing you thanking him has to hang up. You shouldn't be thanking a creep like him.
Stalker!Choso who notices the cheerful smile you fake in class the following week and needs to know what is wrong. He spends the entire class trying to get the courage up to ask if you're ok. He gets the perfect opportunity when he follows you into a lone hallway after class and comes upon you arguing over the phone. he is so caught up in the way his mind instantly goes to how easy it would be to crowd you against the wall. He can shove his thick fingers down your throat to keep you quiet as he finally cops a feel of your plumb breast. Choso only catches bits of your conversation. It was enough for him to figure out that it was that current boyfriend of yours making your eyes glassy with unshed tears.
Stalker!Choso who scares the crap outta you when you turn around after hanging up your phone call and the guy who sits behind you in class is staring at you with a murderous look in his eyes. It was kinda hot.
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