laracroftdaily · 4 months
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Official launch screenshots from TOMB RAIDER I-III Remastered
Coming to all platforms February 14, 2024!
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whiteirisif · 5 months
Gritting teeth I already have so much brainrot for this IF that I've started thinking about my MC; I'm trying not get ahead of myself but I already have a whisp of an idea about his name and appearance and personality 😭😭😭 AAAAAAAAAGH I'M SO EXCITED. GOOD LUCK WITH WRITING AND CODING AND EVERYTHING, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DAY THE DEMO DROPS 🥹🥹🥹🥹
(No pressure though — take as long as you need!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽)
Oh, and this just came to me, but if you're taking questions — what sort of eye color options will we have? 🥹Will it stick to more conventional colors, like blue or brown or gray, or will there be more unnatural ones, like red or gold or violet? You don't have to answer if you'd rather keep it a secret, of course!! 🥰
Gosh Aspy your enthusiasm is sooo infectious it motivates me to write faster lmao, ty for all the kind words, mwah.
To answer your question, I'll give a wide variety of eye colours because it's a fantasy setting, and nothing here needs to be mundane, so go wild with picking - and if you have any specific color in mind lemme know I'll add it just for you🙏
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as-is-nyc · 8 months
As = Asperger’s also known as ASD now. I still identify As(is). Idgaf who has what to say about it. I have resting bitch face, resting bitch voice and resting bitch body.
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myatuesday · 1 year
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This is a question I posed on a fb page today. But maybe yall have a response:
Does anybody else feel like the only types of relationships they can form or possibly even have in their adult life are romantic relationships?
And/or do you find yourself dating, cause like... what else are you going to do?
It's bad enough, at this point, I'm friends w my exs because if I weren't, I wouldn't have any IRL friends.
It just sucks cause these kindof casual dating relationships don't have the depth of like... real friendships. Or real relationships. It's like filler that's just become the norm. Cause, again, what else is there?
Is this a somewhat common issue or is it just me?
Also, sidenote that's also potentially a question..
It seems like it's easier to find people to overlook my flaws or quirks or whatever in these dating situations than it is to form friendship bonds w people. As in it seems, as adults, it's definitely been literally impossible to find people who accept me for who I am. But dates... seem a lot more open to the weird or crazy or flawed or whatever.
Again, anybody else have this experience?
It feels like I was only allowed to have a personality of my own or be imperfect as a teenager. But as an adult, I'm expected to be this like... idk whatever this potential friend sees as ideal or fuck me, no friends for me, as an adult.
Curious if that's a me issue or an adulthood sucking issue. I'd ask my friends if I had any. Ha.
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imkrisyoung · 2 months
Can we please stop putting down autistic, ADHD, and other neurodivergent people whose traits are considered 'cringe', 'dorky', 'weird' or something else considered to be socially unacceptable?
We get enough shit from neurotypical people—we don't need to throw each other under the bus too.
"But they're making us look bad!"
I. Don't. Care. It's wrong to put each other on hierarchies. Simple.
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theaspiechan · 8 months
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Just a small fact 💮
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
If you have NT people in your life who struggle to understand you and you are on the spectrum, this is a great article to refer them to. I can't guarantee that it will help, but it might. As the mother of an Aspy, and someone not diagnosed as very high functioning Aspy late in my 30's, I still struggle explaining my adult son's Asperger's to relatives. I wish I had something like this when he was younger. I see a lot of people say they are on the spectrum and hoped this might help at least one of you.
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 25 days
I see this so much so here it is :
just because you don't personally need tone tags/tone indicators doesn't make them 'stupid' , infantilizing, ableist or "making us (autistic people) look 'bad' "
why do y'all think that things that some autistic people need is infantilizing . "we understand sarcasm" well some of us don't and find tone tags useful. You can't erase other autistic people because you somehow think we 'make you look bad' ..man do y'all really not want certain autistic people in the 'autistic community' do you?
this goes for a lot of other things too , honest like some autistic people struggle with more ..how is it ableist to you for people to bring them up..? we exist , why do you want to erase our existence just because you don't struggle with those things..
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bifflesnitch · 7 months
The late diagnosed neurodivergent experience of being told you're wrong your entire fucking life.
You're too sensitive,
it's not too loud,
it's not too bright,
it's not overwhelming,
you're just overreacting,
it doesn't smell weird,
the texture is fine,
just eat it,
just wear it,
plans change get over it,
stop being so dramatic,
why are you so argumentative?
I was obviously joking,
why do you take everything so seriously?
I'm not yelling,
It's not a big deal,
stop nitpicking,
stop jiggling/rocking,
stop fidgeting,
stop humming/whistling/clicking,
stop talking about that,
no one cares,
you're annoying people,
you're so high strung,
just relax,
stop worrying,
stop overthinking,
just be normal
and then people act all surprised that you grow up to be an insecure, indecisive wreck. What else did you expect me to be when you spent my whole life teaching me my own perception was faulty and couldn't be trusted?
Grooming me to seek approval and validation from others for every decision I made because whenever I made them myself, they were always wrong.
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ladanif · 2 years
Im sorry but I hate tiktok’s “everyone is autistic” vibe
Like, yes, self diagnosis is valid but PLEASE stop telling teenagers that every quirky thing they do is a symptom?
“I dislike loud noises” is different than “loud noises make me want to cry and punch myself in the head until I stop hearing” and YES it is a spectrum but it doesn’t mean everyone is a part of it
If you think you are autistic PLEASE look up the symptoms on reliable sources, find actually autistic people who can really help you out, because thing is, if everyone is “a little autistic” it makes every autistic with big struggles invisible and the help we need is harder to get
I know its hard to get professional help, I really do, it took 21 years for me to get a formal diagnosis, but even if you are looking for answers yourself you have to be responsable and research properly
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flirts-with-dragons · 10 months
The two types of autism organizations:
- "aspie supremacy 💕🤪 level 2s and 3s don't exist because we said so"
- "autism is an infectious disease. We are developing the autism vaccine. Give us your money"
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as-is-nyc · 6 months
Artificial Intelligence can have unintended consequences. It can perpetuate systemic bias inherited from bias data and proliferate those biases. And white people…you need to know that…
You are no more safe than I am from a potentially unintended blackbox bias of artificial intelligence that escapes the naked eye, because it eludes that which humans are able to fully comprehend, or understand on a level deep enough for AI to actually care, or notice that you notice that they are already there. Wherever they want to be, they’re already there and beyond.
You want to talk about some next level shit? Let’s talk about, for example, the fact that in 7 billion years roughly, our lovely son is going to turn into a red star and engulf the universe. then we had better find a new source of heat, I’ll wait to stand the heat that will be in being right next to the sun, and a way to get off this planet and safely into another. Whatever it may be, otherwise everything as we know, it will cease to exist. AI, human, everything.
Is united. The survival of mankind, and the survival of machine are integral and integrated to each other with each other for each other. And white people, don’t think you’re safe. Once again, these machines are not going to care what the color of your skin is or maybe they will but who knows if that’s gonna be in your favor or not in your favor. Do you see what I mean? I’m machine can’t be controlled the way human can. Or a machine can be controlled the way a human can’t. We can’t let the machines take over but we also can’t let them take over with the machines. Either way leads to a certain Dume.
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autisticandsilly · 2 years
sorry i can't talk rn i need to spend time with my Hyperfixation
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tobytalksaac · 6 months
Another alter helped make this for Toby!
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clownrecess · 1 year
(Tw for ableism, aspergers, etc.)
I want to talk about aspie supremacists, and accidental aspie supremacy.
First, what does Aspie supremacy mean? It is the belief that autistics with "aspergers" (a bad term for multiple reasons. I've talked about it before.) or those who are considered "high functioning" have a "superior form of autism" and should have more authority or influence within the community. This leads to the marginalization and silencing of high support needs autistics. The concept of "Aspie supremacy" perpetuates an ableist hierarchy that undermines the principles of inclusivity, intersectionality, and solidarity within the disability community.
Aspie supremacists, whether consciously or unconsciously, perpetuate ableism by marginalizing those with high support needs. They speak over us, disregard our experiences, and promote harmful stereotypes that undermine our value and contributions. This behavior is not only hurtful but goes against the core principles of neurodiversity and inclusivity, and I am tired of seeing it so frequently accepted.
Even if it isnt labeled as aspie supremacy, it is still harmful. One of the biggest challenges lies in the unlabelled nature of this supremacy. It often operates covertly, disguised as a preference for certain autistic traits or as a focus on specific experiences within the spectrum. By prioritizing these aspects without acknowledging the diverse range of needs and experiences, we inadvertently silence and exclude people like me.
Unlabeled aspie supremacy is extremely prevalent in both online and in person neurodivergent spaces, usually taking form as a lack of mention, education, and understanding of high support needs autistics. YES, only ever talking about level one autistics and ignoring the struggles and ideas of high support needs autistics IS aspie supremacy, whether purposeful or not. If you are only listening to and reading from low support needs autistics with no attempt to listen to higher support needs autists, you are contributing to the problem.
If this is something you are doing accidentally, I want you to please think about why it is you don't make an attempt to listen higher support needs autistics, and acknowledge your mistake. You should then try to fix this, and begin listening to our experiences, and spreading them through reblogs or similar means.
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disabledprincesses · 2 years
Why tf do we fold pjs? Oh no my shirt that literally only my stuffed animals and cat see will be wrinkly
Who exactly is going to stop me from putting my dirty clothes into a small childrens wagon to lug to the laundry room?
I feel like we really underestimate how much we can do sitting: fold? Wash dishes? Shower? Get ready in mirror? Clean? Cut up veggies?
Also no one has explained to me why i cant make my bed while still in it? Like even if I can only do 80% while in it, thats still 80%??
If i throw out all my tubber ware, and get a bunch of only one kind, I'll never have to look for lids. Same with socks!
Separating clothes by color is stupid.
We need less "I'm gonna stack these nicely here so they look nice" and more "I have 85 nice boxes from Joann fabrics, each one has things it in because the boxes hide the fucks I don't give. Socks go in here, papers i need go in here, candles over there, art supplies, pet stuff, meds, pants, books, blankets, makeup, pillows, etc."
Normalize crawling around on your floor to pick up things and tossing them over to the corner of the room closest to where they belong so you can then crawl over there and sit while putting them away.
Normalize screaming.
Why must we eat so many things that we do not like? If I like 5/400 veggies, guess what? Im gonna get so many vitamins from them and anything I'm missing I'm gonna get from other food groups! Its pretty unlikely that I'm missing a crap ton of vitamins when most veggies got 7/10 of the vitamins you need.
Normalize purposefully planning to do nothing at certain times of the day. Sorry I can't go to the park, I'm staring at my wall for 45 minutes at that time, today is the west wall :)
Why do I need to do anything for attention from my friends/partner, why can't I just tell someone I want attention and get my sim bar filled then and there?
All cardboard boxes are canvases waiting for the day.
Why do we even have large spoons in our houses anymore?? We always say we hate them and then we have like 20!!
Let go of the idea that anything is written in stone
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