#anyways ty to my friend for teaching me how to do this
waywardsalt · 9 months
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18 notes · View notes
m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You visit Ember Island with Jia-Li and grow closer with her and her brother. Everything comes to a head, though, when a party on the island goes wrong.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 7.4k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: would you guys believe if i said i thought we’d already know reader’s real identity this many words into the fic?? anyways enjoy the fun times while they last folks because trust it will be getting angsty at some point probably
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Dear Zuko,
I’m sorry for whatever I did that made you angry with me. Please forgive me. I don’t want you to be upset.
Sincerely, Ursa
P.S. Destroying Chan’s house was wrong, but since it was him, I won’t chide you. Jia-Li and I also participated a bit, so it would be hypocritical, anyways.
P.P.S. I’m not friends with Ruon-Jian anymore. 
Though you had been at sea for quite a bit of time now, you still had not grown bored of staring at the ocean. Jia-Li had sat back down under the shade of the silk canopy a while ago, eating a bowl full of ice cream and watching you in amusement as you stood at the prow and peered down into the water.
“It’s so beautiful,” you said.
“You’ve said that like a hundred times,” Jia-Li teased you.
“I know, I just…I just can't get over it. I’ve never seen anything quite so blue,” you said, though this was somewhat a lie. That blue from your memories, it resembled this water in depth, though not in texture — the water was clear and lucid, whereas the blue you remembered was harsh and matte.
“I guess I should be glad that you’re enjoying yourself already! Just think about it — you haven’t even gotten to Ember Island yet, and you’re having so much fun. Imagine how much better it’ll be once you’re there!” Jia-Li said.
“I can’t wait,” you said dreamily. “As long as we can go swimming, I’ll be happy.”
“Of course,” she said. “We’ll swim every day! My brother wrote to me, he said that the tides have been forgiving this season. Maybe I can convince him to teach you how to ride the flying dolphin fish. He always shoos me away whenever I ask, but it’s impossible to hate you, Ursa, so he’ll definitely say yes.”
You had been growing accustomed to that name. It still felt like an alias at times, but it was a familiar one, said around you so often that you barely even hesitated before responding to it.
“It’s fine if he doesn’t,” you said. “Though it would be nice to learn something like that…”
“Maybe you should ask him!” Jia-Li said. “There’s no way he can refuse then!”
“I wouldn’t want to be imposing,” you said immediately, shaking your head. “He shouldn’t have to do something just because he’s too guilty to say no.”
“No, I was more thinking along the lines of ‘you’re pretty and he doesn’t say no to pretty girls’, actually,” she said. “He’ll be happy to oblige you, but if it’s a request from his little sister, he’s likely to say no just to be contrary.”
“We’ll see,” you said after ruminating on it for a second. “Also, thank you for the compliment.”
“It’s just the truth,” Jia-Li said. “But since we’re on the subject — I know you don’t have memories, so you can’t answer about your past life, but what about recently? Have you had a crush on someone before?”
“A crush?” you said.
“Yeah! I mean, have you ever liked anyone?” she said.
“I like a lot of people,” you said. “For example, you and Ty Lee.”
“No, silly, not in that way. I mean liking someone romantically,” Jia-Li elaborated. “I know a few of the boys in the Royal Fire Academy for Boys have been talking about you, so I was just curious.”
“Oh!” you said, covering your face with your hands so that she could not see the embarrassment blooming on it. “I didn’t know that they were.”
“Sure, of course they are! They talk about a lot of us, so it makes sense, and anyways I wasn’t lying when I said you’re pretty. They’re all too scared to actually talk to you, but I’m sure that if you went to the market alone and met one of them, they’d propose on the spot,” she said.
The academies for girls and boys had separate campuses, but they were run conjointly, so that your breaks aligned and your events were held in tandem. Though you tended to avoid attending sporting matches, you had gone to one or two in your time as a student, so you supposed that must’ve been when you had become a viable prospect for whatever nonsense Jia-Li was spouting.
“I don’t talk to any boys,” you pointed out. “Even if any of them like me, I don’t know them, so I can’t say I like them back.”
“You talk to the prince a lot,” she said.
“What?” you said.
“Did you really think I didn’t notice how often you send letters to him via Bian?” she chided. You coughed uncomfortably.
“Um, well, he is my benefactor, so I have to keep him updated with my day-to-day activities,” you said. “It’s, er, part of my scholarship, you know.”
It was not, but Jia-Li seemed to buy the lie readily enough, nodding sagely, though not without a dramatic pout.
“That does check out, but it’s not nearly as exciting as a secret love affair or letters written out of pining and sent with longing, stamped with your heart’s greatest desire for a man that can never be your own!” she said.
“Sorry?” you said. “I don’t think any of that fits the situation, though.”
She sighed. “It’s okay.”
“What about you? Do you have any crushes?” you said, recognizing that this was the logical next step in the conversation. Jia-Li blushed and looked at the wooden paneling of the deck, using her fingers to twirl the hair which escaped her ponytail to frame her face.
“Yes,” she said. “Kind of. But it’s someone who I shouldn’t like, and who would never like me back, so I’ve never said anything.”
“Who?” you said. “Your family is pretty influential, isn’t it? I can’t imagine most anyone rejecting you. Unless you like Prince Zuko and are projecting your ‘heart’s greatest desire for a man that can never be your own’ onto me?”
“No way!” Jia-Li said. “It’s more complicated than him being of a higher ranking than me.”
“Then what is it?” you said.
“He’s my brother’s best friend!” she said, all in a rush, her entire face in flames at the confession.
“Oh,” you said, cringing in empathy. “I see. He would not approve?”
“Definitely not,” she said. “But there’s something worse than him not approving: marrying this boy would mean having Kaho as a sister-in-law!”
“Oh, Agni,” you said, slapping your palm against your forehead. How had you forgotten? It was the only reason Jia-Li was somewhat exempt from Kaho’s reign of terror, despite her association with you: her brother and Kaho’s were best friends. But if she liked Kaho’s brother, then what would that mean?
“That’s the scenario,” she said. “And to top it all off, he’s notoriously popular with girls. He probably wouldn’t even look at me twice. I’ll always just be Ruon-Jian’s annoying little sister to him.”
“I doubt that that’s true,” you said as you approached the docks. “Really, Jia-Li, I don’t think that's the case. You said his family will be on Ember Island at the same time as us?”
“Yeah,” she said quietly. “Although Kaho mentioned not being able to come — something about volunteering as a scribe for some official meeting that the Fire Lord will be hosting over the weekend.”
“Perfect! That’ll be our goal, then,” you said.
“Huh?” she said.
“We’re going to get you noticed by your crush! Who cares about the consequences? Kaho and your brother can just deal with it, and if they have something to say, then they can talk to me,” you said.
“That’s nice of you to offer, but what would you even do?” Jia-Li said.
“I don’t know,” you said. “Talk to them, I guess. Kaho already doesn’t like me, so it’s not a tragedy if she hates me more, and I don’t know your brother that well, so if he and I don’t get along after that kind of conversation, it won’t be a great loss.”
“Do you really think we can do something like that?” she said.
“We have to try,” you said. “You deserve it, Jia-Li.”
“Thank you,” she said, swallowing. “You’re a really good friend, Ursa. If you ever change your mind and decide you do like Prince Zuko after all, just let me know—”
“Jia-Li!” you warned her, though the threat fell flat, as she only laughed in return.
Jia-Li’s home on Ember Island was close to the docks, and it was right on the water. She told you as you walked up the seashell-lined path that that stretch of sand was actually a private beach that belonged to her family, so you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone bothering you while you were there.
“Sometimes my brother goes to the bigger beach a little ways away, though,” she said. “They like seeing other people our age and hanging out with them and whatnot.”
“Maybe when I’m a little more confident, we can try it,” you said. “For now, I’m just glad we have our own space where I don’t have to be worried about embarrassing myself in case I drown or something.”
“I wouldn’t let you drown,” Jia-Li said. “But I’m fine with that plan. It’s not like I have some huge desire to be on a massively crowded beach with the others, so it’s not heartbreaking for me if we just stay here the whole time.”
“Now, now, not the whole time,” you said. “We have to leave the house at some point so we can meet this guy you like!”
“I’m still not so sure about that,” she said, pulling out a key from her pocket and using it to unlock the front door. “Now hush, I don’t need my brother overhearing us. We can talk more later tonight or something.”
“On it,” you said, pretending to seal your lips shut. She rolled her eyes before motioning you after her. Carefully, you stepped into the grand foyer, scuffing your shoes on the welcome mat to rid them of the sand. Jia-Li smiled in approval, presumably at your politeness, and you smiled back at her.
“Mother, father!” Jia-Li shouted. “Ruon-Jian! Ursa and I are here!”
Jia-Li’s mother peeked her head around the corner, nodding demurely at the two of you, though it was deeper and more reverent when it came to you. She looked exactly like Jia-Li, only a little older, her features aged, the cut of her face sharper.
“It is good to meet you,” she said. Her voice was musical and quiet, carefully controlled — it was the culmination of years of training as the wife of a high-ranking Fire Nation official. It was what you and Jia-Li and Kaho and Ty Lee would one day sound like, once you had graduated from the academy and were ready to enter society properly.
“And you as well, madam,” you said, clasping your hands, bowing your head slightly. “Thank you for welcoming me into your home. It is greatly appreciated.”
“You are so polite,” Jia-Li’s mother said, the slightest traces of happiness flickering over her face. “I am glad Jia-Li has such an exemplary friend to look up to.”
“Nice to see you, too, mother,” Jia-Li said. Her mother laughed, opening her arms.
“Come here, then,” she said. Jia-Li brightened, racing into her mother’s arms and hugging her. You looked away, feeling like you were intruding on the moment and wishing you had your own mother to embrace like that.
“Where’s father?” Jia-Li said. Her mother sighed.
“He and Admiral Chan were called back to the palace for some important meeting, so they’re not on the island for the moment,” she said.
“It must be the meeting Kaho is scribing for,” you said.
“Most likely,” Jia-Li said. “Do you think he’ll be able to come back before I leave for the academy again? I haven’t seen him in so long.”
“I’m not sure, darling,” her mother said. “If he is still in the capital by the time your boat leaves the docks, I will send him a message to stay in the capital and receive you before he returns.”
“Thank you,” she said. “What about Ruon-Jian? Where is he?”
“Oh, that boy, he’s being as troublesome as ever. I believe he’s locked in his room at the moment. Ruon-Jian! Please come downstairs and say hello to your sister and her friend!” her mother said. It was strange — even yelling, she sounded soft and polite, which should not have made sense but somehow did.
“Why?” a deep, grumbling voice said. There were heavy footsteps on the stairs, evidence that Jia-Li’s brother was on his way but wasn’t exactly happy about it. “I don’t wanna meet Jia-Li and her stupid friend — woah.”
Her brother was tall and willowy, with shaggy brown hair that fell into his face, giving him an effortlessly cool appearance. His eyes were the same color as Jia-Li’s, but that was about where their similarities ended. If you had seen him outside, without introduction, you wouldn’t have been able to guess that they were siblings in the first place.
“This is Ruon-Jian,” Jia-Li said when it became obvious that her brother wasn’t going to introduce himself. He was far too busy staring at something, his jaw dropped and his eyebrows raised, though when Jia-Li spoke, he was able to pull himself together, running his hand through his hair and then smirking.
“That’s right,” he said. “The name’s Ruon-Jian.”
“That’s what I just said,” Jia-Li said.
“What about you?” he said. You looked from side to side, wondering who he was talking to, and then you realized it was you, which meant that the thing he had been staring at was also…
“Ursa,” you said. “I’m Ursa.”
You weren’t sure how you felt about the attention. Maybe you liked it, or maybe you didn’t. It was strange and fluttering and unfamiliar in the pit of your stomach, and behind your back, you wrung your hands nervously.
“Ursa,” he said. “Great name. It’s as pretty as you are.”
“Um, I guess if I knew who my parents were, I’d pass along the compliment,” you said.
“Wicked,” he said. “So, what are you doing on Ember Island?”
“She’s my friend, idiot. My roommate from the academy,” Jia-Li said.
“Shh, Jia-Li, I’m trying to get to know her better! Stop talking and interrupting her,” Ruon-Jian said. You exchanged bewildered looks with Jia-Li’s mother, while at your side, Jia-Li fumed, the air shimmering from the heat she gave off as a Firebender.
“She’s right,” you said. “I’m her roommate back at school. She’s one of my greatest friends.”
“Sick,” he said.
“I don’t think I am,” you said, puzzled.
“It’s slang,” Jia-Li said.
“I understand,” you said, although you didn’t, not fully. This way of speaking was entirely foreign to you, but you figured that if you had Jia-Li with you to translate, you’d probably be alright.
“Who’s your family, Ursa?” Ruon-Jian said.
“I don’t have one,” you said.
“Word?” he said.
“He’s asking if that’s the truth,” Jia-Li whispered. “It’s like saying ‘really?’”
“It is the truth,” you said. “I have no memories. I am the girl that the royal family sponsored to study at the academy after I was rescued from the Earth Kingdom.”
“No way!” Ruon-Jian said. “That’s so cool!”
“Not really,” Jia-Li said. “She doesn’t remember anything. Including her family. Idiot.”
“If I could forget you, I’d do so in a heartbeat,” Ruon-Jian said.
“Well, I’d do the same!” Jia-Li snapped. You cleared your throat.
“I’m just grateful to Prince Zuko for saving me and ensuring my future,” you said. “He, and the rest of the royal family, are likely the reason I’m still alive and standing before you today.”
“Word,” Ruon-Jian said.
“I am not lying this time, either,” you affirmed.
“No, that was more of an expression of agreement,” Jia-Li said.
“I am a little confused,” you said. “But I shall trust you on this one, Jia-Li.”
“Do you have plans for the week?” Ruon-Jian said.
“Jia-Li is going to teach me to swim,” you said, beaming at Jia-Li, who gave you a high-five in return. “Beyond that, no, not really.”
“We were going to ask you if you could teach her to ride the flying dolphin fish,” Jia-Li said. “I know you’d never teach me, but—”
“Definitely!” Ruon-Jian said, cutting Jia-Li off. “I’ll teach you anything you want, Ursa.”
Heat rushed into your face, and you bit your lower lip, shifting from foot to foot nervously. Glancing at Jia-Li, who shrugged, you trained your attention on the ground instead of looking at Ruon-Jian when you responded.
“I think that that would be fun,” you said.
“We’ll get started tomorrow,” he said.
“Ruon-Jian, usually I’m joking when I say it, but you really are an idiot! How can you teach her to ride flying dolphin fish if she doesn’t even know how to swim?” Jia-Li said.
“The day after tomorrow, then!” Ruon-Jian declared. “See you around, Ursa!”
With that, he bounded back upstairs, taking the steps two at a time, leaving you, Jia-Li, and her mother standing in the foyer, somehow even more confused than before.
The next day was somehow sunnier and brighter than the previous, which was a relief, as it was the day you were supposed to learn to swim. At present, you were wearing one of Jia-Li’s sets of swimming clothes, your towel spread out on the sand as you looked at the ocean with furrowed brows.
“You ready?” Jia-Li said.
“I think so,” you said.
“Let’s go!” she said. Without waiting for you, she charged into the water, flopping onto her stomach once it was deep enough for her to do so. Not even taking a second to think, you sprinted in after her, and when the water rose to the level of your thighs, you didn’t second-guess yourself. Using your legs to push off, you dove into the water, jetting through it, forcing your eyes open and laughing soundlessly as you wove amongst the flowing bubbles and colorful fish that decorated the ocean.
It was many seconds later that you pushed your way to the surface, taking a deep breath, your legs churning the water so that you stayed afloat. Some ways away, Jia-Li had done the same, though she was busily scanning the shore for where you might be.
“Jia-Li!” you called out. “Over here!”
“Ursa!” she said, clapping her hands in delight. “I guess you do know how to swim!”
“I guess so!” you said, overcome with a rush of euphoria at the weightless feeling the water afforded you. Jia-Li paddled over to where you were treading, doing the same beside you so that you two could talk.
“That means you can learn to ride the flying dolphin fish sooner rather than later,” she said slyly. You lowered your eyes.
“Maybe,” you said.
“I knew it!” she squealed. “You have a crush on my brother!”
“No!” you said, far too quickly to sound convincing. “I mean. No.”
“You do!” Jia-Li said. “I can’t understand why you’d ever have a crush on him, but I guess there’s really someone out there for everyone.”
“I don’t even know him,” you said. “Sure, he’s cool and all, but I don’t know the first thing about who he is as a person. How can I say for certain that I have a crush or anything?”
“That’s why you have to get to know him,” Jia-Li said, poking you in the forehead. “Right?”
“True,” you said. “Then I can tell you for certain how I feel. What about you, though?”
“What about me?” she said innocently.
“When will I get to meet this mysterious crush of yours? You can hardly expect to pursue him if you never even go to see him!” you said. She splashed you with water.
“I’m not about to just go visit his house for no reason! It would be weird,” she said.
“Maybe a little bit,” you said. “But there has to be a way for you to accidentally run into him! And when I say accidentally, of course it won’t be an accident at all, but it’ll appear to be one.”
“Just forget about it,” Jia-Li said. “It’s not a big deal. If it’s meant to be, something will come up.”
“If that’s what you want,” you said. “But you have to promise me that if something comes up, as you say it will, you’ll really try your hardest.”
“Okay,” Jia-Li said in determination. “If there is some opportunity for me to talk to him, I’ll do it.”
“That’s the way!” you said. “Now, let’s race. I want to see how fast I am, too.”
“First one to that bit of driftwood wins?” Jia-Li said, pointing at a smoothed-over log floating in the distance.
“You’re on,” you said. “Three, two — hey, I didn’t say go yet! Jia-Li!”
You could not remember ever having as much fun as you did during that time on Ember Island. You and Jia-Li spent hours lazing around on the beach or swimming in the water, eating whatever her family’s chef prepared for you, drinking fruit juice that was sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, oftentimes both. At night, you would stay up until the moon was high in the sky, giggling and exchanging secrets and stories, making fun of your classmates and the boys in the Royal Academy for Boys.
“You know, one of them has a shrine dedicated to Kaho,” Jia-Li told you one night. You howled with laughter.
“No!” you said.
“Yes, he really does! He found a portrait of her and leaves money and food in front of it every week,” she said.
“You’re making that up,” you said.
“Nope, I found out during one of the sporting matches,” she said. “I was a little disgusted, but now that I see the humor in it, I confess I’m entirely amused by the entire thing.”
You would sleep late into the day, sometimes missing the morning entirely and only waking up for the afternoons. Jia-Li’s mother never scolded you two for it, saying that she was happy you were catching up on your rest, since dark circles were not comely on a woman or something along those lines.
Sometimes, Ruon-Jian would spend a few minutes with you both, but for the most part, he was off with Chan, his best friend and Kaho’s older brother. When he was with you, he was usually sitting at your side, making fun of his sister and complimenting you all at once. And even though you barely knew him, you had to admit that it was nice to have someone paying such close attention to you for once, treating you as if you were worthy of his time and entirely normal, the way he was, instead of tiptoeing around you and your lost memories.
“You ready, Ursa?” Ruon-Jian said, plopping down on the bench beside you as you and Jia-Li ate breakfast — or was it lunch, at this point?
“For what, Ruon-Jian?” you said, batting your eyelashes at him. From across the table, Jia-Li pretended to gag.
He elbowed you in the side. “To learn to ride flying dolphin fish, of course!”
“Yes!” you said, shooting to your feet. “I thought you’d forgotten!”
“How could I forget about you?” he said. “The currents just haven’t been right for a beginner recently. You should’ve seen how badly Chan wiped out the other day!”
You glanced at Jia-Li. She mimed falling over, and you gave her a discreet thumbs up.
“You didn’t fall, though, did you?” you said. Ruon-Jian beamed and flexed his arms.
“’Course not. I’m way better than Chan,” he bragged.
“Very impressive. Then there must be no one in the Fire Nation more equipped to teach me,” you said.
“Not a single person,” he agreed.
“I can’t bear to watch any more of this,” Jia-Li muttered to no one in particular. “You guys have fun. I’m going to collect our clothes so that they can get washed, Ursa.”
She left without another word, though as she walked away, you thought you caught her saying something about how you could do better. Ignoring it, you followed after Ruon-Jian towards the beach behind his house, struggling to keep up with his brisk stride.
“There’s a pod of flying dolphin fish that visits our beach pretty regularly,” he said. “We should be able to catch a ride there.”
“Okay,” you said. “Is it safe?”
“We’ll ride the same one, so I can look after you, but on the whole, flying dolphin fish are very docile, so as long as the waves are gentle, it’s fine,” he said. “That’s why I’ve been waiting to take you out.”
“That sounds good,” you said. He whistled.
“That’s how we call them. Now, we just have to wait until they come,” he said, pulling you forward to stand beside him.
“Then what?” you said.
“It’s a surprise,” he said. “Just kidding! Then we swim out and find the friendliest one and get on.”
It took a few minutes, but eventually, in the distance, there were splashes. Ruon-Jian whooped in delight, grabbing your hand and dragging you after him before you could protest.
“They were fast today!” he said. “Let’s go before they decide to leave again!”
Ruon-Jian was a little faster than you at swimming, though you had been faster than Jia-Li. You didn’t feel insulted, though; he spent much of his time in the ocean, so it was to be expected that he was better than both you and his sister alike. The end result was that he reached the flying dolphin fish before you, and had already mounted one by the time you swam up to its side.
“How do I get on?” you said.
“You don’t,” he said, using his legs to hold onto the body of the flying dolphin fish and then bending over to pull you out of the water and set you in front of him.
“Thanks,” you said, suddenly very aware of how close he was to you, how he held onto your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Just rest your hands on its head,” he said. “Like that. Good job! I’ll do all the steering and stuff with my legs, so don’t worry about that for now. All you have to do is focus on your balance.”
“Got it,” you said.
“Then let’s get going!” he said, clicking at the flying dolphin fish, which took off with a push of its powerful tail, propelling itself through the water. Its speed was breathtaking, and as the wind rushed against your face, tears gathered in your eyes, tears of joy and freedom and also of regret. When was the last time you had felt like this? When was the last time you had been so happy? Why didn’t you endeavor to be so more often?
Suddenly, the flying dolphin fish took off into the air, and then you were soaring. Everything faded away, the rest of the world and Ruon-Jian and the flying dolphin fish and even you. It was all nothing. You were all nothing. There was only the sky and the sea and the smell of salt on the wind, blue taking over your vision and almost, for a second, reminding you of something else.
Then you were slamming back into the water, the flying dolphin fish not even slowing its pace as it went from air to ocean. The spray that hit your face from the impact was enough to wake you up from the daze, and you were reminded of where you were and who you were and what you were doing.
“That was so fun,” you said as you and Ruon-Jian re-entered the house, still dripping with saltwater despite the towels wrapped around you both.
“It’s sick, right? I knew you’d like it,” Ruon-Jian said. “Speaking of things you might like…my friend Chan is holding a party later tonight. You wanna come?”
You perked up at the name Chan, knowing he was none other than the object of Jia-Li’s affections.
“Yes, but only if Jia-Li can come, too,” you said.
“Aw, no way! Chan never leaves her alone, and I don’t want my best friend bothering my little sister. It’s so odd!” he said.
“It’ll be really lonely for me to be at a party where I don’t even know anyone,” you said with a small frown.
“That’s fair,” he said.
“And she’s my friend, so it’ll be more fun for me if she’s there,” you continued. “That’s why I’ll only go if she can, too.”
“Okay, okay,” Ruon-Jian said. “Fine. She can come, too.”
“Yay! Thank you so much!” you said, clapping. “It’s going to be so much fun.”
“Sure will be,” he said. “You should go get ready, though. There’ll be a lot of influential people there, so you should try to look your best.”
“Of course,” you said. “See you soon!”
Luckily, Jia-Li had been right in assuming that you and her would be the same size. You had been wearing her clothes for the entire vacation, and tonight was no different, as she picked out something nice for you to put on for the party.
“Ursa, I’m convinced you’re a miracle worker,” Jia-Li said, shaking her head. “Seriously! How is it that you managed to get us invited to one of Chan’s parties? They’re super selective.”
“Simple. Your brother invited me, and I told him I’d only go if you could, too. He was initially a bit reluctant, since he seemed to think Chan wouldn’t leave you alone, but he came around,” you said.
“You’re the best,” she said.
“I honestly might’ve just said no from the get go, but I heard that Chan was hosting, and I knew we had to attend. This is literally the sign you were waiting for!” you said. “What are the odds that your brother would invite me to a party hosted by the man of your dreams?”
“Pretty high, considering he thinks you’re really attractive and the so-called man of my dreams is his best friend,” Jia-Li said. “But I know what you’re saying, and I agree. Enough about that, though. The only thing left is for us to do our best to look amazing!”
Because Ruon-Jian and Chan were best friends, you arrived at the party before anyone else so that you could help Chan set up. His house was enormous, according to Ruon-Jian, and he had said it would be greatly appreciated if you all could lend a hand. With a meaningful look at Jia-Li, you had accepted.
“I made sure that Chan knew what food you like, Ursa, so that he could serve it,” Ruon-Jian said, his arm tossed around your shoulders. “I want you to have the best time!”
“Aren’t you so romantic, brother?” Jia-Li said dryly.
“Thank you, Ruon-Jian,” you said.
“Anytime,” he said with a smirk.
“Ruon-Jian!” a tall, muscular boy said as he opened the door to the mansion. “I thought you’d never get here.”
“Jia-Li took forever getting ready, dude,” Ruon-Jian said. “By the way, Chan, this is Ursa. And Ursa, this is Chan.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you said.
“Pleasure’s all mine,” Chan said. “Did you say Jia-Li? Is she here?”
“I am,” Jia-Li from where she was hiding behind you and Ruon-Jian. “Hi, Chan.”
“Jia-Li! It’s been ages since I saw you last. How have you been?” Chan said, yanking her by the arm and into the house.
“Quit flirting with my sister!” Ruon-Jian shouted, though he went ignored by both Chan and Jia-Li. You patted him on the arm.
“It’s okay,” you said. “She doesn’t seem upset about it, so you shouldn’t be, either.”
“It’s just so freaky,” he said with a shudder. “Jia-Li’s my baby sister. She shouldn’t have guys interested in her, let alone guys that have been my best friend since I could count.”
“She’s grown up now,” you said. “She can make her own decisions. You should just support her.”
“If you think that’s what’s best,” he said reluctantly. “You’re pretty mature, you know.”
“It’s funny, I feel like I’ve heard that before, though I don’t quite recall who might’ve said such a thing,” you said. “It doesn’t matter; either way, thank you.”
Jia-Li and Chan were too busy talking with each other, and Ruon-Jian was too busy fixing his hair in the mirror, so the brunt of the party set up fell to you. You didn’t mind, though, liking the act of working, and you were so efficient that everything was ready right around dusk.
“The place looks great, Ursa,” Ruon-Jian said when you rejoined him in front of the mirror.
“Your hair does, too, so you can stop fiddling with it,” you said. He pulled you in by the waist, flashing a peace sign in the mirror.
“Don’t we look so good together?” he said. “It’s like…like you were meant to stand beside me.”
“I suppose so,” you said, though you weren’t sure if you would go so far as to say all that. Still, it was nice to know that someone thought you belonged with them, so when he began to lean in, you did not move away.
Right when his lips were about to brush against yours, there was a knock on the door. He drew back in irritation.
“Who is here this early?” he said. “Whatever. Where were we again?”
The moment was ruined, though, so you pretended to be preoccupied with straightening your clothes, your head tilted downwards so that he could not even catch your eye.
“These are some really punctual party guests,” you said. “No one else is here yet.”
“Yeah, punctual’s one word for it,” Ruon-Jian said, clearly taking the hint you had given him and hopefully not being too miffed about it. “Wait, it’s that group we invited when we were on the beach earlier! Should’ve known they’d be the type.”
“On the — Ty Lee?” you said.
The first one to enter, Ty Lee turned in search of whoever had said her name. When she noticed you standing beside Ruon-Jian, one of his arms still around your waist, your posture clearly still set towards him, her jaw dropped.
“Ursa?” she said. “What are you doing here?”
“I feel like that’s a question I should be asking you,” you said as she cartwheeled over to drag you away from Ruon-Jian and into a hug so tight you temporarily stopped breathing.
“We were just hanging out on the beach when we got invited to come by Chan and Ruon-Jian!” she said. “I can’t believe you’re here, too.”
“Ruon-Jian is Jia-Li’s older brother, and he’s best friends with Chan, so I think that my presence is a little more explicable than yours,” you said. “When you say we, though, who do you mean?”
“Me, Mai, Azula, and Zuko!” Ty Lee said, pointing at each of them in turn. Mai was sitting by a painting, glaring whenever someone tried to approach her, and the girl who must’ve been the infamous Princess Azula was talking to Chan while Jia-Li stood behind her, ostensibly shoved out of the way so that the princess could have her turn talking to the host.
As for Zuko, he was still awkwardly standing by the doorframe, though when he glanced over at you, his eyes widened. At first, relief filled them, but when he noticed your proximity to Ruon-Jian, a strange sort of malcontent settled over his expression.
“Zuko!” you said as he stormed over to you. Ty Lee looked at him and then back at you before promptly dashing over to Mai’s side, the only one who didn’t get glared at for daring to go near her. “What are you—?”
“Who is he?” he said.
“The name’s Ruon-Jian, dude,” Ruon-Jian said, holding out his hand for Zuko to shake. Zuko looked at it disdainfully before scoffing and then returning his gaze to you.
“He’s Jia-Li’s older brother,” you said.
“Right,” Zuko said sardonically. “That’s why the two of you are so close.”
“I’ve been staying at his house the whole time I’ve been on Ember Island, so yeah, it’s probably a contributing factor,” you said.
“I’m gonna go get some food, Ursa. There are some freaky vibes here right now that I don’t really approve of,” Ruon-Jian said, inching away.
“Do you like him?” Zuko said. You blinked, taken aback by the direct question. In his letters, he was so kind and tactful, so you had come to associate him with that sort of language. The elegance with which he wrote, the careful concern he always showed for whatever you said — all of it had caused a fondness for him to grow in you.
“He’s just my friend’s older brother,” you said. The way he was speaking now was as if he was accusing you and you had to defend yourself or face judgment, but what crime had you even committed in the first place? “He taught me to ride flying dolphin fish and invited me to the party. That’s all.”
“Of course,” he said. “He’s so cool, with his dumb hair and clothes and flying dolphin fish, so of course you like him. No surprise there.”
“Are you angry?” you said. “Why?”
“Am I angry?” he said. “No!”
“You sound a little angry,” you said meekly. “I just wanted to make sure.”
“Why would it even matter to you?” he said.
“I don’t know?” you said. “I was only asking.”
“Don’t ask questions for no reason, especially when you don’t care about the answer in the first place,” he said.
“But that’s not the case. I did care about the answer, or else I wouldn’t have asked,” you said.
“Well, next time, just ask that boyfriend of yours,” he said.
“Ruon-Jian?” you said.
“Yes?” Ruon-Jian said, appearing out of nowhere. “Here, this is for you.”
“You have such horrible timing,” you said under your breath, accepting the plate he handed you. “Zuko, have you eaten anything yet? There’s a lot of really good food out. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
“It’s all Ursa’s favorites!” Ruon-Jian said. “I made sure of it myself.”
“Oh, yeah?” Zuko said with a sneer. “What the hell do you know about her, anyways?”
“Yo, chill, dude,” Ruon-Jian said, holding his hands in the air. “Who even are you? I probably know more than you! Her and I are really close, you see.”
It was probably the worst thing he could’ve said. Zuko’s face darkened, and then, before any of you knew it, he was grabbing Ruon-Jian by the collar and throwing him into a nearby vase. You jumped at the noise before rushing over to help Ruon-Jian stand.
“I’m fine,” Ruon-Jian said, waving you off as he staggered to his feet. “What is your problem, dude?”
“Stay away from her,” Zuko said.
“Who are you to say that?” you said. “My benefactor? That doesn’t mean you get to control my life, Zuko! Why does it matter to you who I’m hanging out with? He’s from a perfectly respectable family, so it’s not like it’ll reflect badly on you. I don’t get what the big deal is!”
“Seriously?” Zuko said. “You think I care what family he’s from? Do what you want! It doesn’t matter to me. It’s what you’ll do anyways, so why should I try to stop you?”
“What happened?” you said. “Why has your opinion of me lowered so thoroughly? What have I done to offend you so greatly? I know that you are angry, and I know it is because of me, but I cannot understand why!”
“There’s a lot of things you can’t understand,” he said.
“I heard a crash, is everyone — who broke my nana’s vase?” Chan shrieked as he came back into the main room. Ruon-Jian pointed at Zuko. “You! I’ve had enough of you, alright? Get out of my party!”
“I was just leaving,” Zuko said, though not without one last glare at all of you.
“See you around, loser!” Ruon-Jian said.
“Jia-Li’s right,” you said as Mai, Ty Lee, and Princess Azula excused themselves as well. “You really are an idiot. Do you know who that was?”
“Some jealous loser?” Ruon-Jian said. You opened your mouth to argue before deflating, knowing that there was no point.
“Just forget about it. Let’s try to enjoy ourselves for the rest of the party,” you said.
Some time later, there was a knock on the door. Chan opened it, and then his face fell.
“Hello, Chan,” a voice that could only be Princess Azula’s said. “Thanks for inviting us earlier, but I have some unfortunate news to share.”
“The party’s over,” Zuko said, and then all four of them were in the room, sending bursts of fire everywhere, kicking the tables in half, swinging from the chandeliers and slicing up the paintings.
“What is going on?” Jia-Li shouted, covering her head with her hands.
“I have no idea,” you said. “Hey, what are you guys doing?”
Chan screamed as Mai threw a set of knives into a pair of antique paintings on the walls and the chandelier came crashing to the ground under Ty Lee’s weight. Jia-Li pulled you out of the way of a stray lick of blue fire from Azula, and you buried your face in your hands.
“This was a pretty terrible party,” Ty Lee said, dropping lightly to her feet in front of you. “You could say we’re showing our appreciation as guests!”
“By destroying his house?” you said as Zuko kicked an entire pillar in half.
“Yep! Wanna join?” Ty Lee said.
“No!” you and Jia-Li said in unison.
“To each their own!” Ty Lee said before springing away.
“Well…” Jia-Li said. “It would feel nice.”
“What? Why?” you said.
“I thought Chan was confessing to me on the balcony earlier, but it turns out that even though he does like me, he wants to live a free and unburdened life, without the commitment of having a girlfriend. He told me that the best he could offer me is a long-term arrangement in which he does what he wants and then spends some time with me whenever I’m on the island,” Jia-Li said.
“That’s horrible,” you said.
“And while I was out there, he told me that Ruon-Jian invited Mai and Ty Lee because he thought they were hot and he wanted a chance with them,” she continued. “So there’s that.”
You scowled, and even though you hadn’t been betrayed, it felt as if you had been. Naturally, you held no claim on Ruon-Jian, but the entire reason you had grown close to him in the first place was because you liked being someone’s priority. If you weren’t even that, then what was the point?
“Jia-Li,” you said. “Since it’s the prince and princess in charge of the destruction, you could consider it a royal order.”
“You could,” Jia-Li said, a grin creeping onto her face.
“And as students of the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, we are duty-bound to follow all royal orders,” you said.
“That we are,” she said.
“I think that means we have to participate,” you said.
“I think you’re right, Ursa,” she said.
“Of course, it’s not because we’re angry at Ruon-Jian or Chan or anything,” you said.
“Definitely not,” she agreed. “We’re just following in the prince and princess’s example.”
“That’s exactly correct,” you said. “After all, what are we but their humble and obedient servants?”
“Nothing, indeed!” Jia-Li said brightly. “All hail the royal family!”
With that, she ignited her hands and placed them right on a portrait of Chan as a child. You cheered before taking a steak knife and using it to cut up the curtains, tossing them into the fire she had started as kindling.
“I’m glad we’re friends, Ursa,” Jia-Li said.
“Yeah, I’m glad we’re friends, too.”
It wasn’t anything you did. I’m sorry; I was upset about something unrelated and took it out on you. You have no need to ask for my forgiveness — if anyone should be doing that, it’s me. Please, please forgive me for being so angry. I promise that I will make it up to you the next time we meet.
Yours, Zuko
P.S. I did not think that you and Jia-Li would join in, but I can’t say that I’m disappointed.
P.P.S. Ruon-Jian is ugly and his hair is terrible. You don’t need to be friends with him, anyways.
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random-twst-things · 9 months
Question - of all the characters, who: doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim, knows it's not but aims for it anyway, knows and suffers, and doesn't know - just vibing? Feel free to add more categories
Oooh! That's an interesting concept. I had to think about this for a while bc I wanted this to be the most accurate I could make it. And I'm SO sorry this took so long, I got busy with school and first semester tests I'm so sorry 😭
Contains: Tiny(very tiny) bit of possessiveness(Malleus) angst(?)(idia, jamil, azul, cater, sebek) most certainly some spelling mistakes here and there (English is not my first language I'm srry 😭)
Doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim:
Riddle: Did you really think Riddle would even know what a dating sim is? Absolutely not, especially not with the way he grew up. He has no idea why he loves you (he does, he's just in denial) he's so shy trying to pursue you, he has this act he tries (tires) to put up but it's so easy to see the effect you have on him. He's not as strict on you about the rules as he is the rest, he seems to have developed a soft.
Trey: (I'm so sorry, I don't know much about the guy 😭) Gentleman. That's its. Ty for coming to my TED talk. Okay, but srsly, hear me out on this; He's a whole gentleman when he has a crush. He definitely uses his great baking skills to his advantage with you. He definitely sees how others look and act around you, I mean, who wouldn't when it comes to you. Wanna learn how to bake? He'll gladly teach you and take this as a chance to get to know you even more.
Ace(1): I honestly don't think he'd know twst isn't a dating sim. He's mosy definitely smug about being close to you, after all he is your best friend, right? Bro thinks he has rizz but he's just a fumbling mess when he tries it just makes him look clumsy (sorry ace)
Deuce: he's so sweet. He's glad he's one of your best friends and get to be close to you without worry. Part of his delinquent side does come out a little when it comes to you, it's not directed to you! Not at all! More like directed towards those who did you wrong and didn't even try to say sorry. Don't worry, he won't do anything to reckless! He still wants to be an honor student after all. He's gonna do his very best for his mom and you.
Ruggie: oui, he's hard to tell on what category. He likes you. He likes how you are. It never bothered him one bit that your home was semi broken. God, the things he would think and want to say to you (He's romantic like that yall), but he's too shy to actually say (yall he's making me blush eeeee)
Kalim: he's too busy hanging out and being happy with you he doesn't even notice. All he knows is that he loves you and wishes to show you the world (see what I did there? Eh? Eeeh?) He's not at all shy about the compliments he gives you, he's really creative with them, tho. Invites you to every single one of his parties and makes you take home as much food as you want.
Epel: He's going for you most definitely, even with all these people. He does his very best to look strong and manly in front of you, that it's cute. He doesn't really mind if you call him cute or pretty, if that's what you like, but he's still gonna act (only a little) like he hates it, but he never tells you to stop.
Floyd(1): Two words; good luck. This guy will not try to hide his favoritism with you. He will not hide his desire to steal you or keep you from the rest. His very (very) open about it, too. It doesn't even matter if he knew twst wasn't a dating sim. He's still gonna be the same. You don't mind his (bone crushing) hugs? He's allowed to squish you? ....you shouldn't have said that bc now every time he sees you he squeezes you so tight he cracks your sore muscles like those chiropractors on TikTok.
Jade: hmmmm (good luck, again) He's a gentleman, but in an offsetting way, yk? He's the silent one. The type to smile when provoked and just bc, it's hard to tell the difference but its there. He's a watcher. He knows almost all of your special interests (Don't ask how he knows that). Putting the creepy aura behind, he's a nice guy (?) He'll most definitely rant about his mushrooms to you. You don't mind? You like hearing about his mushrooms? Oh my.... good luck
Malleus(?): I feel like he does, but doesn't at the same time? I don't think he knows what a dating sim is, but he notices the way the others act and look at you. He notices the way things seem... different. But he isn't one to back down when something precious to him is to be taken away from him. He is a dragon, after all. (Not that he'd let that happen to begin with, you'll love him dearly in the end....won't you?) Talks to you about his gargoyles, all the different facts. You dont mind the long talks about it? Youre asking to know more?? Oh great sevens....
Silver: (AWWWWW) he's so sweet. He tries so hard to show he likes you but in such a subtle way that it's hard to catch on it even notice. He's a gentleman at heart. He loves how understanding you are of his sudden sleepiness and tiredness and don't get angry at him for something he can't control as much as he'd love to. You wanna watch over him while he sleeps? Why? Oh, so nothing harms him when he's asleep? Oh dear... His heart is beating so fast he might not even be able to sleep now (he does anyways, but with tinted cheeks)
Knows it's not but aims for it anyway:
Leona: he's the type of guy to somehow always know something you don't expect him to know. Anyways. The dude could care less if the game wasn't designed to be a dating sim. He's still going for it in his own way. Unlike the past, this is something he can't give up on. you're something he can't give up on. But oh, is this man so so smug when he uses you as a pillow.
Vil: it's either Rook told him or he figured it out on his own before Rook told him. Even if twst wasn't meant to be a dating sim with love, he will turn zero into something like he's always done. He will by any means do his utmost and his best to pursue you all while being himself. He cherishes the moments you have alone when he's giving you advice on how to take care of your skin. The small and soft lingering touches when he teaches you how to apply moisturizer correctly.
Rook: Okay, he's bound to find out twst isn't a dating sim. He's a sharp guy. Even with the knowledge of knowing twst isn't a dating sim, it isn't going to stop him from pursuing you. He himself finds this situation funny with how many hearts you've captured even with twst not supposedly being capable of that. Oh? How did you know he was watching you? You could feel him? Oh dear trickster you sure do know how to pull his heart strings.
Floyd(2): Good luck once again. I couldn't decide whether he knew or not. But! Same situation regardless. Instead, tho, he's a bit more.... more him? He's gonna find this all so much more hilarious and funny.
Lilia: This cheeky old man most definitely knows. He's seen dating Sims and knows what they are. Just bc twst isn't designed to be a dating sim doesn't mean he can't aim for it. He's not at all shy when it comes to pursuing you. He's been alive for hundreds of years, what's there to be afraid of?
Knows and suffers:
Cater: (I'm so sorry, I had to 1.0) cay-cay gonna slay-slay, more like cry-cry. I feel like he's a "2nd male lead syndrome" type of guy, yk?? It's a bit hard to explain, but yeah. Anyways. 2nd male lead, we all know how that ends, don't we? (Hint: tears) He's cautious when it comes to love, hes scared of it at times. He does know he loves you but he's going to watch you being happy instead. He wishes you the best, truly! (he hates the little feeling in his chest when he says those words bc his words and actions say their happy for you, but the little feeling in his chest says otherwise)
Azul: he loves you, he really does, but would you? He knows he isn't the ideal guy. He knows he's done some shady things. And most of all, he knows (thinks) that with all these suitable people for you, he'd never be considered a choice. So he's content with just watching you from afar living a happy life. Every time you enter the lounge he finds himself between wanting to hide away or catering to your every need but he knows that if he gets any closer to you it'll just hurt more in the future.
Jamil: He's a smart guy, he knows. He also knows that he doesn't stand a chance with all these suitors going after you. A prince, an heir, a model/actor, knights, etc. He'd like to think he did stand a chance, but standing next to them, he can't help but let his insecurities get the better of him. But, oh... when you offer to help him with his chores he can't help but think that maybe... Just maybe there's a chance.
Idia: he most definitely knows, I mean, look at the way they all look at you!! He knows and suffers with the thought that he'd never stand a chance. You're being pursued by all these SSR characters!!! Surely you'd never pick someone like him when you could do so much better. He'd stuff himself in his room even more (if that's even possible) He'd avoid you even with his tablet. Every time he rejects the offer when you invite him to play video games he hates himself even more. Stop giving him false hope... Please
Sebek: (I'm so sorry 2.0) Malleus. That's why. His master, he can't seem to accept that his master would aim for a human like you, but he's hurt. He doesn't know why he feels that way. He doesn't understand why his chest hurts when he sees malleus and you interacting in such a way. (He'll begin to understand after a while, WHILE) once he realizes why it hurts, he is distraught. He won't show it, but you can see the subtle changes in his composure every now and then. He knows he has to let you go. He feels as if he has lost you. Lost something that wasn't even his to begin with and never would have been.
Doesn't know and/or just vibes:
Crowley: Dudes clueless
Grimm: he's just confused as to why everyone is after his henchmen. He doesn't know what a dating sim is either.
Ace(2): he's having the time of his life seeing you struggle with all this. He has absolutely no idea why so many are after you, but he's just gonna watch as they all struggle. (He knows why they are after you, after all his best friend in kinda cool, but he'd never admit to that) also has a laugh with watching riddle try (don't tell riddle he said that tho)
Ruggie(2): another that's gonna have the time of his life with this. Laughing like the hyena he is, watching the struggle (especially Leona's struggle 💀)
Jack: He's just vibing. This whole situation is a mess, really. He watches out for you most of the time just in case. (*caugh* floyd *cough*) He's a bit worried for you ngl so he wants to teach you self defense just in case, if you already know how to handle yourself thats great! (*cough* floyd *cough)
He does know and tries to be supportive
Ortho: he knows. His brother told him in his ramblings, and he noticed that idia is thinking smth negative. He tries to encourage him in every possible way to just try, that there is a chance, but nothing seems to work.
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skullpie · 1 year
anyways is it okay if you just do some silly relationship hcs with joonyeong (aouad) and jaeheon (sweet home) separately I WILL LITERALLY CRY TEARS OF JOY
relationship hcs x
joonyeong x reader; jaeheon x reader (separate)
summary: relationship hcs for joonyeong (aouad) & jaeheon (sweet home)
warning(s): series typical warnings!
note(s): anon based on this request i think u have a type.. side eye.. can’t blame u tho uptight dorks with wire framed glasses are hot ! hope u enjoy lovely :) and ty for being my first request on this blog!! i thought i’d have to put some fics out before i got any so this is rly encouraging. i appreciate you!
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such a little nerd
definitely started out as good friends
absurdly proud of the fact that he has a partner
like… him?? he feels so special
(he is)
study dates where he actually intends to study and you distract him the whole time by begging for kisses and sitting on his lap etc
sometimes he caves, sometimes he doesn’t, he takes his academics seriously
but idk the image of you wrapping your arms around his neck and telling him to take a break with you during exams week.. lord….
“i miss my boyfriend”
“we’ve been together for the past three hours”
“but you’ve not been paying any attention to me! :(“
he does help you with work though, he thinks it’s really important
your parents adore him, they think he’s a great influence on you (even if you’re also great at school)
he’s the type to think the secretly hate him, though, so you often go over to his to spend time with each other
really enjoys going to whatever events you’re involved in
even if he doesn’t understand jack shit about any of it
remembers really specific and small details about you for sure
very eager to introduce you to people as “my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner!”
really proud of you and your relationship–does not try to hide that he’s taken
but he overall prefers private intimacy and affection
and very small, gentle forms of it at that
you can fluster him pretty easily tho
i can definitely see a friendly academic rivals to lovers situation happening
when the virus breaks out he never lets you out of his sight
cliché, but if you’re ever accused of being infected, he’s defending you with his life
when you can’t sleep he holds you, which doesn’t make you sleep but it is comforting
tries his hardest to tell you how important you are to him very often while everything is happening
first (and last) l-word is said when he decides to jump out of the barricade to save everyone (sorry ouch)
wholesome wholesome wholesome
he admires you so much
you probably meet in the elevator
he tries talking to you about his lord and savior–you think it’s really endearing how passionate he is
genuinely believes god sent you to him personally like an angel
just always smiling with you
holding hands everywhere you go
very often being mistaken for a married couple when you’re out and even by neighbors
(hyein starts telling people you’re married, and referring to you as ‘that married couple’)
likes holding your face and just admiring you, pressing little kisses to every spot he can think of
basically worships you
not the type to get flustered, per-say but he does get very hesitant and shy about certain levels of intimacy
hugging you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder, up your neck and to the top of your head. omg
just very traditionally romantic in the ways he shows you affection
kissing your hand, getting you flowers often, opening the car door for you, etc
biggest gentleman
when you get locked in the apartment building, he becomes bolder, or at least less hesitant about things
literally would die to protect you (and he does)
is always holding onto you in some way in low-intensity situations
the thought of you asking him to teach you how to use his sword, and he does that cute thing where when he goes to teach you, he stands behind you and holds your hands and arms to show you IM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
forehead kisses. that’s it just forehead kisses
when either of you are given a task, he always makes sure to hold you for at least a minute or two before he leaves. in case it’s the last time (sobs)
really good friends with jisu during the lock-in
you two find comfort in each other after he’s gone (NOT LIKE THAT) ((but also maybe like that idk im not the boss of you))
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okaylorrainee · 1 year
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her way of water
characters. neteyam & female reader. sully family. tsireya.
synopsis. neteyam and his family left their clan to seek uturu from yours. on their first night, neteyam wanders by the shore to clear his mind. he finds himself away from everyone’s marui pods and comes across you as you bathed - he couldn’t get you out of his mind since then.
note. went out to touch grass + visited my grandparents so this chapter was uploaded a bit later than intended hehe. thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! i wasn’t expecting to wake up to 100+ notes today so i am very grateful :)! shoutout to my irls btw. avatar has been our motivation to get through hell week last week lol anyways enjoy reading!
taglist: @rainbowsocks @mashiromochi
Ch 02 [ previous . masterlist . next ]
you were a simple member of the metkayina clan. born from warrior parents, you grew up to be a huntress taught by the adults in the clan. as a young na’vi, you would accompany the older members whenever they hunted so you could learn and get better experience. your tasks weren’t limited to hunting, however. you enjoyed helping everyone out. everyday consisted of different activities for you depending on whoever needed help the most. for some days, you would spend your time weaving nets or clothing for the other clan members, and on other days, you would play with the children, teaching them the basics of clan traditions. 
you loved crafting during your free time. the others would find you sitting somewhere creating ornaments or weapons for yourself from leftovers from the animals you’ve hunted. you considered them as a keepsake from your time hunting with the others, every moment was an important memory for you. you were quite the sentimental one.
since hunting took up most of your time, you haven’t had the opportunity to hang out with the na’vi your age. everyone else was busy with their own duties as well, so you understood there wasn’t a chance to get closer.
tsireya was different though. she always found the time to get to know you, and eventually, she became your only close friend. you were probably just one of hers, but it didn’t matter to you, you were content with your friendship.
at the moment, you were in your marui, tying up the last few shells to the new net top you were working on. it was coming out beautifully, just how you envisioned it. you were busy admiring your work when a familiar voice interrupted your silence.
“sister, are you here?” 
you turn around and a smile finds its way to your face, “tsireya, it is nice to see you.” you released your creation, letting it drop to the netting. you stood up and held your hands out; she approached you with a smile, taking your palms.
“i have missed you all day. did you have to be gone all afternoon?” 
you chuckled, “i have enjoyed myself too much out there. you know i would rather enjoy the freedom of the ocean instead of cooping in this small pod.”
tsireya giggles at your statement. her eyes find their way to the net top you were working on. “i see you have made another one. the clothing you make is very lovely as always.”
“thank you, sister. i appreciate that compliment. would you like one as well?”
her face brightened even more. “really? you would make one for me? i would love that.”
you nodded, “of course, anything for my friend.”
she gives you another soft smile before letting you go. “to tell you the truth sister, i did not come to you for this reason.” she said, “i have a favor to ask of you.”
you gave her a curious look as you picked up the top from the netting. “oh? do tell.”
tsireya began walking around your marui, “you know about the forest na’vi from the omatikaya clan who arrived yesterday, and how my brother and i were tasked to teach toruk makto’s children, correct?”
“... yes?” you urged her to continue.
“i know this would only add to your schedule,” she stands firmly and faces you, “but we need your help for their breathing exercise tomorrow.”
you tilted your head in confusion. “why, tsireya? i am sure you are more than enough to help them learn. you are a very great teacher.”
“but you will be better!” she grabbed your arm. “sister, you are the best swimmer among us in our age, and i know even ao’nung would not object to that.”
you hummed in disapproval. “i am not so sure about that…”
“please,” her grip on your arm tightens, “you have to do it. i would like to introduce you to them. the others have not been very nice to them, but you will, right?”
you stared at her for a few seconds, thinking about how you’ll reply to her. but then again, what harm could it bring? you missed the opportunity to see them yesterday after all when everyone crowded around them and blocked your view. tsireya was begging you with her large eyes, how could you refuse your friend?
you sighed, “alright. i will be there tomorrow.”
with a small squeal, she jumped with your arm in her hands. “great! you will enjoy it, i promise!”
tsireya spent a few more minutes in your pod, chatting about each other's day and some other random stuff. when dark came, you’ve decided to stay inside and finish the net top you promised your friend the afternoon earlier.
neteyam had the entire evening to think about his discussion with tsireya and to decide what to do about it. eventually, he came to the conclusion to approach the na’vi he saw that night, and just talk to her. he didn’t know how he’d start and what he’d talk about honestly, but he refused to act like a coward. a mighty warrior such as himself is afraid to talk to a girl? lo’ak would be laughing his ass off if he found out.
and so, that’s what he came back here for. same time, same place. only now, he wasn’t hiding behind a tree. he was waiting out in the open, looking behind himself every now and then to check if the na’vi he was waiting for was approaching.
neteyam had stayed in the same spot for so long, gradually getting impatient. perhaps she had something to do which is why she was late? - is what he’s been telling himself for who knows how long. but his optimism was wavering every passing moment. what if he had only seen her there by coincidence? what if he had lost his opportunity the night before because he ran away when she was leaving the water? what if… she wasn’t real and was only in his mind?
minutes turned to hours, and it would only be a while before the sun rises. neteyam heavily sighs, standing up and brushing off the sand clinging on his skin. a dark expression on his face, he heads back to the village in disappointment.
neteyam went back to sleep after that. what else could he do? it was stupid of him to waste his time over there. hopefully he'll have enough energy to train tomorrow. it would be suspicious of him to not perform well.
when he woke up, his family was feasting on fish for lunch just behind him. they said they couldn’t wake him up as he was in such deep sleep. they didn’t question him, thinking he must’ve been overwhelmed with his training; neteyam didn’t bother to say anything else as he followed to eat.
training with the sullys was fast approaching, and you had just gotten back from hunting with some elders. you were rushing to your marui, a net of fishes in your hand; they will be dinner for you and some other clan members later on.
biting your lip, you ran through nets and nets of pods just to get to yours. you had to drop off these fish first and grab the top you’ve made for tsireya before heading to the training place. you couldn’t afford to be late; you didn’t want to upset your friend.
out of nowhere, a na’vi appears right in your face when you jump to take a turn around the pods. their sudden appearance caused you to lose balance and tumble right on your ass, almost falling into the water. your grip around the net loosened because you had to hold on to something else to support yourself, and this made you release your hunted fishes into the water. 
“ah.” you watched as the net slowly sank towards the seabed. eywa, have mercy. what disrespect to the blessings she gave you.
“i will get it.” before you knew it, the na’vi dived right into the water, and you could only watch as he swam to get your fish.
when he floated to the surface, it was only then did you confirm he was not from awa’atlu. his blue skin, thin arms and tail told you he was one of the sullys, because who else could he be?
you observed him as he placed the fish on the netting next to you before climbing up, his braided hair occasionally covering his face as it swayed all over. as soon as he stood up, he held his hand out to help you get on your feet. you grabbed his hand without a word, taking note of how firm and manly they were as you stared at his dripping wet face. it was difficult not to, but you were definitely eyeing him. 
he was so different from the metkayina men you’ve been used to. is this why tsireya was so drawn to that one sully boy she kept talking about yesterday? you kind of understood now.
“i am sorry about that. are you hurt anywhere?” he asks.
“no. i am fine.” you replied, and you swore you saw his eyes shot up to yours. “thank you for grabbing my fish. you did not have to do that.” his staring was starting to melt you that you looked away. “uhm… i must go now. goodbye.” you didn’t even give him a chance to say anything else, and just went around him to walk away.
you hadn’t noticed how his head spun to follow you, eyes squinting as if he was thinking. but the man tilted his head and brushed it off, walking away as if nothing happened.
©️ okaylorrainee 2023. please do not re-upload, translate my content anywhere without permission.
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starfxkr · 2 months
no i understand u about femininity like i was raised by a single mom so you would think i would be on the inside, but she immigrated here from el salvador when she was 15 and never stopped working since. it's understandable why she didn't really teach me how to be "feminine" whatever that means. i taught myself how to wear makeup and paint my nails and do things "girls" do. i also grew up with 2 older brothers so i never really got to be a princess, i was practically a little boy for the first few years of life. i can understand that feeling of being on the outside of femininity. like in middle school too all the girls i wanted to be friends with let me hang around but i was always on the outside, a couple steps behind trying to understand the joke (like 70% sure i'm on the spectrum but thats a different conversation). i'm very fortunate now to have many girl friends who help me redefine femininity everyday. i still feel bad sometimes bc ik i'm never gonna be the girl who wears mini skirts and heels everyday, but i'm working on my definition of femininity bc it's subjective like love (however i do wish sometimes i was just programmed to be hyperfem it would make this shit a LOT easier). on a related note, my kitty!reader moodboard is mostly her serving chicana cunt like she dresses like a fly adam sandler and her face is beat and she has on all her gold jewelry. bc she's just a girl and wants to be comfortable AND cute when she's running from the cops.
-a girl who might not be called a girls girl
see u get it...I have lots of complex feelings about it ive been in a subculture thats considered THEE hyperfeminine subculture since I was 11 but it's changed so much to the point its unrecognizable and I sometimes feel unwelcome in a subculture that I was now of the ogs of its so strange....
and lots of my feelings about it rlly stem from my mom being a tomboy growing up so I had to teach myself and then im black so thats another layer of not feeling feminine enough AND THEN like while I appreciate the girly pink hyperfem look it just does not appeal to me in my personal life? I think thats why I relate kitten and foxy the most as someone who's a pretty rough/vulgar girl and ive always been weird so it's like....would love to be a cute bunny girl but cursed to be a weird kitten girl....like I feel like my personality isn't all nice and sweet and its like hm is that a failure of myself or a failure of those who have made me feel less that because of it
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like all of these are from the Pinterest board and its like yea! this is how I view myself and its feminine to me ....but I know it's hard dealing w the cognitive dissonance
but anyways I say all this to say ty for getting what I meant I was so tired and I felt like I wasn't conveying myself properly
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
Hi! I'm sorry for bothering but i just found your account. You're the writer of "in the wild all lessons last" right? Do you still remember your fic where techno like to dance with his friends? I believe it's called "one-two-three". I was wondering if you have more ideas for it, beacause i love it so much and crave more :) it's fine if you don't. I just really want to know if techno manage to teach dream tango after they got out. Do they dance regularly? Did dream become good at it? ,ect... anyway, love your writing style❤
you made my day ty :)
yes, i did write "in the wild all lessons last," and my first dsmp fic ever was "one-two-three" !!  i watched this video when i was doing research for it, and it made me decide to go with tango for dream and techno. something about the style always seemed combative to me, so i think the best fighters on the server would really vibe with it.
so, i do think dream would be good at it, but it might take him some time to get there...
/dsmp /rp
Dream hasn’t left his bed in about 23 hours.
It’s not that Technoblade’s been counting or anything.  He’s been busy doing other things-- he cleaned the animal stalls and set out fresh hay (which took around 4 hours), trained with the Axe of Peace (about 3 hours), took an embarrassingly long nap (4 hours total, with a brief intermission for dinner which took an extra hour), and read (2 hours).  Combined with his approximate 9 hour night prior, that takes us to 23 hours of almost no movement from Dream whatsoever.  But, again, Techno was not counting.
With the sun low in the sky, and with next to no attention from his former cellmate all day, he headed up to the guest room himself.
He saw Phil take some extra blankets up to him earlier, and while many of them were stacked on top of Dream’s legs and torso, both which were entirely too thin, others were rolled up between his arms and held tightly in a half-asleep embrace.  His hair, overgrown and wild, was partially in his face.  Techno struggled to peer between the tangled strands to get a look at Dream’s face, expecting to see him fully lost in sleep, but was surprised to spot a pair of green eyes looking back at him.
“Oh, hey, roomie.”
“Hey,” came the hoarse reply.
Techno sat on the edge of the mattress, slowly and carefully, aware of how his weight might jostle Dream.  “I got a job for you tomorrow,” Techno said.
Dream gave him a suspicious stare.  Small and limp on the bed, he didn’t look capable of completing any ‘jobs.’
“Dog brushin’,” Techno continued with a smile.  “I’ve been puttin’ it off, so I’m makin’ it your problem.”
Dream adjusted the way his head sat on the pillow, burrowing himself into it more.  He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.  His skin was drawn taut over his skull, pale and sickly, and his eye sockets bore a heavy shadow.  They might’ve been bruised.  “When?”
“Whenever, really.  I can wake you up after I’m done feedin’ everyone, maybe?  I just gotta show you where the brushes are, and tell you which dogs need it.”
Victory for Technoblade.  He grinned.  “Cool, cool.  See you tomorrow, then, nerd.”
He was about to lift himself from the mattress when Dream’s voice stopped him.  “Wait.”  
“You wanted to dance with me.  In the prison.”
“Correction: I did dance with you.  That counted.”  Techno folded a leg below him on the bed, getting comfortable again.  “And I’m still teachin’ you to tango, like I promised.  Then we’re gonna dance all the time.”
“I’m even worse than I was before.  I walked to the bathroom by myself earlier and I fell.”  Behind the mess of his hair, Dream’s eyes were wet.  “You’re not gonna be able to keep your promise.”
Moments of total silence weren’t common in Techno’s life.  Even in times of peace, quiet spaces were usually filled with whatever repetitive nonsense the Voices yelled at him.  The Voices seemed just as shocked at Dream’s rare display of vulnerability as he was, though, and the silence in the room was unbearable.  He heard his own breath.  He heard Dream swallow, hard.
“You underestimate me, dude.  Look, I can dance with you right now.”
Giving little space for disagreements, Techno shoved his forearms under the mass of blankets and lifted.  For as light as Dream was before, he seemed even lighter now.  A few more months of starvation will do that to a man, he supposed.  The blankets Dream held in his arms were left abandoned on the mattress, unraveling as they dropped.  Before he was able to let out more than a muffled ‘Mmnpf!” of surprise, Dream was fully cradled and supported several feet off the ground.
Like before, Techno started moving.
He swayed, keeping the movement relatively slow.  He still remembered the pattern they created in the cell; 1-2-3-left-1-2-3-left, and he started there, tracing a circle around the guest room with his hooves.  His steps were more resounding and rich here than they were in the cell.  There, the obsidian made a sharp sound, but the wood of the cabin seemed more appropriate for a dance.
All the while, Dream was simply along for the ride.  The corners of his mouth curved into a smile.
“Tango’s all about pacin’, right?  So here’s what we’re gonna do.  Five steps, and the first two are slow,”  Techno stepped forward twice, starting with his left, “then fast twice,” he stretched his right leg outward, bringing them to the side with two quick steps, “and slowly drag the left foot back to meet, see? Slow-slow-fast-fast-slow.”
Tango is all about pacing.
An observer wouldn’t be able to tell who was leading the steps-- they seemed to switch at random, constantly shifting their footwork and adapting to one another.  Slow-slow-fast-fast-slow.  One moment, Techno was clearly stepping forward, and the next, he’d be led back by Dream.  The trick was in their hands, actually; when Dream wanted to lead, he’d press his palms forward into Techno’s hands.  Techno, unfailingly, would let him.
And, of course, there were the moments of agility that Techno knew his partner would be fantastic with.  He’d sweep ahead, blocking Dream’s feet, and looked forward to seeing what jump or flair he’d use to counter the movement.
“Your hair’s whiter than I remember,” Techno commented once as he lead them into a Grapevine spin, bringing his hooves close together to base himself as he lead Dream around.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” was Dream’s somewhat dismissive answer.  His voice, no longer as small and hoarse as it used to be, projected well over the record player.  Techno had a collection of different music styles and genres that he liked to pull out for different dances, and he had a variety that were good for tango.  Some were slow, dramatic, and elegant, while others were more energetic and lively.  This day tended towards the latter, though they still shared many slow, dark routines that harkened back to their earliest dances together.  Dream would come to him with a heartbroken look in his eyes, and Techno would know what to do.
“Weird bleach job?”
“Uh, yeah, we’ll go with that, sure.”
Technoblade was no idiot.  He knew his rival was up to something.  The guy always seemed to have some kind of agenda he wouldn’t talk about, but whatever it was, it didn’t involve Techno right now, so he didn’t push it.  The back-and-forth of a good dance could be enough for now.
After all, he did make a promise.
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lunathebee · 2 years
Hi Luna 🌙✨ I was wondering if I could request the moon boys standing up for the reader after someone insulted her? Please and thank you <3
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Warning: cursed word, over-protective moon boys
A/n: ty for sending in a rq 💞 This is interesting hmmm, and I'm sorry if it kinda turn into a reaction thingy 🌚🌚
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🍓 Steven Grant 🍓
If the insult is more like mocking, he will point at that person and be like, "Oi, that's not quite nice of you to say that, innit?".
If that person just straight up insults you, he will get angry and yell at them.
I don't understand where y'all get the idea that Steven is just a small, innocent bean.
He can scare off anybody just as well as the other moon boys.
"HEY! Are you saying that to Y/n? You think that's funny?-"
"Steven, it's not worth it."
Just drag him out of it Y/n, I trust you, you can do that.
Steven would still be so mad tho, he usually comes back with a sassy answer if the victim is himself, but if it's you, he won't allow that.
He'll also comfort you afterwards because he's afraid you'll overthink it.
"Love, you shouldn't think too much about that nonesense; it's not true!"
🍓 Marc Spector 🍓
He thinks he misheard it at first.
Who does this dude standing here think he is? God?.
"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" Marc said, his eyes darkened, but the guy kept being cocky.
"So what? I'm just saying what is true."
That would be Marc's final straw; he's done being a nice guy.
"You sound of a bitch" Marc muttered the sentence before gripping that man's collar and pushing him up near the closet wall.
"MARC DON'T-" (Here we see Y/n trying her best to convince Marc but failing)
"You think you're the shit, huh? You think you can just go around saying that?"
Oh lawd Marc 🫣🫣
He's very serious, and if that man doesn't say sorry to you, he might just as well use his fist to get to the point.
IM SORRY but that's how I imagine Marc would react; he's not scared to get his hands dirty.
🍓 Jake Lockley 🍓
Ummm.....do I even need to say???
Jake is like a dark, glooming bear that always follows you, and he's only left to buy a pack of cigarettes for 5 minutes.
How in the world is it that when he comes back, someone is already yelling insults at you??
He cursed in Spanish seeing that
We already know Marc is violent, but JAKE?
Chile... anyway so
He would pretend to let it go shortly after and tell Y/n "Let's go home."
But of course he lied.
"Oh, I forgot I have to meet up with some of my friends, would you mind going home alone?"
"No it's fine, I can go back alone" Y/n can't seems to noticed anything strange.
"Good girl"
AhEM, so when Jake is sure you're far gone, he will track down the person who insulted you.
"Do you mind having a little chat somewhere else? Just you and me?".
""Woah woah dude, I'm not going anywhere with you."
"You WILL" Jake then drag that person into a small alley to teach them a lesson.
I'm saying his reaction would be similar to Marc, the only difference is that he doesn't fight in front of YOU
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blackstorm-x · 1 day
ty blackthorn and the resurrection arc
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Let’s start by the fact that Ty’s childhood was very complicated. He, like Julian and all his siblings, were only kids when his parents died. Not to ignore the fact that he had to watch Julian kill his own father. Ty’s autistic. He doesn’t perceive life as all we do. Ty was different, and not many people (read this like NO ONE outside his family) wanted to understand him. He didn’t have friends (before Kit but that’s something I won't talk about because I don’t want to cry) because no one wanted to be his friend. That had an impact on him and made him rely more on Livia, his twin. They were always together, they knew each other better than anyone else. 
I would dare to say that Livia was the most important person in Ty's life. And sometimes I wonder how people can not comprehend the reasons why he kept going on with the resurrection spell. How many people are ready to judge him only because he is different and they don’t even mind trying to understand how complex his character is.
Autism plays a big role in a person's life. I’m not autistic, I won't pretend that I understand everything perfectly only because I try to teach myself about it. But I'll try to develop my perception about it, and, please, don’t hesitate in correcting me if there’s something that I’ve misunderstood. Based on some experiences I’ve read about, I understand that our minds work differently. For autistics, change feels different. They don’t like change. And their way of expressing emotions and thoughts can vary to non autistic people. Us, neurotypical folk, we really have not a real understanding of how their minds are. How they think, how they feel. We can try to understand and empathise but it's not the same. So, there’s more of Ty Blackthorn than we know and we understand. 
With the resurrection arc. That’s something very complex that many have misunderstood or overlooked only because we are talking about Ty. It’s not the first time we had a resurrection. We had Jace’s and, after Livvy’s, we had Jesse’s. It’s still not logical in my mind how people reacted so badly to Tys resurrection arc when they praised Lucys and Clary’s. Don’t get me wrong. I know the details and context behind each one of them. Each one of them had consequences and the fact that these people decided to do them doesn’t mean it’s correct. What I don’t understand is why people were so fast to crucify Ty when they were very open minded about Clary and Lucy. 
However, I didn’t bring on Clary only to talk about peoples opinion. I brought her because her resurrection arc had an impact on Tys. After the conversation with Magnus, it was evident to me that in Tys mind it was FINE to resurrect people because that was something that had happened before and had no consequences (in front of The Clave). Ty knew that Clary resurrected Jace, and perhaps he ignored deliberately that it was a different situation or saw no difference. The thing is that I don’t think that someone took the time to explain to the younger shadowhunters that resurrection spells were not right. That there were consequences linked to them. You might think that that is something obvious, but, as I mentioned before, we don’t perceive the world in the same way (that’ll be boring anyway) and maybe there’s some kids that didn’t fully understand what happened. Let’s not forget that even Clary and Jace were very young when this happened. If people dying young is something normal, why wouldn't it be, for some of them, resurrecting people seen as something normal as well? 
Ty didn’t see the consequences. He only saw the opportunity to bring back the person that always had been to his side. It is true, as Kit said, that Ty had his family and him. But losing someone is never easy. It was not the first time that Ty had lost a relative but I think this time was more hurtful for him. And I understand with those who get mad about Livia because she did deserve rest. Don’t do all of them deserve it? But something that we some understand is that losing someone really close is not easy. Ty needed his family to be more aware of him after Livia passed away. But the one who was with him was Kit, who, afraid of losing Ty, couldn’t face Ty and talk with the truth before everything escalated so quickly. Lets not forget that they were 15 as well and that barely had adults around to watch their actions. And I can’t blame Julian either because he’s always been so careful of his family and has sacrificed his whole life for them. He also had his own problems and the spell that Magnus did on him to not to have his feelings for Emma didn’t help. Honestly, I think that this situation (as many others) was a product of all the older shadowhunters being neglected. 
This analysis is not to say that I think that Ty’s actions were correct. Because actually I don’t, but I understand the reasons behind them and I empathise with him. Ty, like many shadowhunters, lost more than is acceptable for a person. 
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a few thoughts on dr. ratio for now! (these thoughts are sponsored by luna and starry, ty friends)
"Veritas Ratio" isn't his true name. he absolutely chose it for himself, this pompous ass. tRuTh AnD rEaSoN. god. smh. anyway his real name is Andreas (last name pending)
as a side note, he's Roman-themed (his full name is Latin) but i do prefer the original concept of him being more associated with Athena, and therefore Greek-themed. I'm a tiny bit sad about losing the mask but the stupid roman bust is infinitely funnier so it's worth it.
as a side side note I do think it's an interesting commentary on roman... well. romanticization if he's originally greek. I took a class in my freshman year on the influence of the Roman Empire on Greek literature and culture and vice versa and I'd love to brush up on that again
favorite flower is a peony, but he's also fond of Micromeria acropolitana which is an incredibly rare plant (it ONLY grows on the Acropolis of Athens irl) due to its history and symbolism.
the first thing he looks at when he meets someone new are their eyes. they say eyes are the windows to the soul, and that's very true to him; one look can tell him how intelligent someone is, and it's usually through that first impression that he determines whether someone will be worth his time or not, unless he's later surprised (he would rather be wrong and pleasantly surprised by someone being smarter than he clocked them than waste his time on someone disappointing and irritating).
favorite animal is an owl. he's also fond of crows.
Luna asked if I thought he was an optimist, pessimist, or realist. I initially said he is a realist... but after thinking on it more I'd say he's more an idealist. he just portrays it as practicality and is such an asshole that often times he seems to trend on pessimism.
favorite Astral Express member is Himeko (hi Koi). least favorite is March 7th.
despite his sharp tongue and strict attitude, especially when teaching, he's not one to shy away from praise when approving of others. his expectations are high, but he's not afraid to let his students know when they've met them.
he's not afraid of nudity. doesn't even really bat an eye about it either, he doesn't get flustered around nakey people or being nakey himself. to him, the human form is a beautiful thing (and look at him, he's literally a mfing Adonis. those muscles?????) and it's not something to hide. he'll tell you that ideally he'd go around in the nude if not for the fact that humans are poorly insulated compared to other warm blooded animals with their fur, feathers, or blubber, and that it'd be greatly frowned by societal standards (this latter point is genuinely secondary to him than being exposed to the elements).
when not teaching or bashing people for being stupid, he's actually fairly quiet. much of his time is spent reading, studying, and educating himself on all manner of things. he can honestly be quite peaceful company if you don't bother him, but he's also quite sensitive to having eyes on him. hence, the sensory deprivation helmet (LMAO).
he seems to me to be an architect? but he's also a philosopher? i feel like he strives to be a master of all trades, as impossible of a feat as that is. after all, one cannot eradicate ignorance in all things if oneself is ignorant in some things, but these two things are his expertise. (subject to change with more info)
his definition of "stupidity" is not not knowing things, but rather lacking in common sense and critical thinking. to Ratio, stupid questions absolutely exist. the problem doesn't come with not knowing something, but not using your brain or being unwilling to learn about said thing. stupidity is a willingness or insistence on staying ignorant, and it's the easiest way to send him into a spite induced lecture before he gets fed up and just puts on the bust to literally shut people out.
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Training-part 4 - (Finnick odair x y/n)
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AUTHORS NOTE 📝: this is just a short story about finnick being flirty while training. Sorry it’s so short but I’m going to do the interview next and they will be longer anyways I hope you enjoy.
CONTENT: suggestive themes, implied smut but no smut, finnick being flirty.
I get out of the bed waking up to get dressed. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me back down. “Stay” he says in a very sleepy voice. He then nuzzled into my neck. “I would love to but we have training. “Oh yeah” he breaks from his happy trance. And then he remembers why we are training.
We had both agreed that today was all about making alliances. I already had an idea of who I wanted as an ally if they would have me.
“I think we should ally with 12” I confessed in the elevator.
He chuckled a bit “ya think they will after they saw us last night?”
I just rolled my eyes smiling “I feel like we would work well together. They seem ya know…human.”
I could tell he knew what I meant. He gave me a sad look. We both know that he had seen his share of superficial capital citizens and victors. He nodded “alright” he says kissing my hand “I trust your judgement” he lets go of my hand as we walk out of the elevator together.
not many people are there yet. Me and finnick split up to go to different stations. I go over to the plants station. Some people say that it’s a waste of time but that’s how I won my games. I didn’t just poison tree one tribute I laid traps for the others using it. But the other tributes were not allies and didn’t trust me. I practice the plants until I am basically a master. I then walk over to the camouflage station where peeta is.
“hello, I’m peeta. We’ve met but I never got to introduce myself. You were…uh busy” he says half of hus arm covered in camouflage and currently painting the other half. My cheeks heat up from the memory of me and finnick in the hallway.
“Oh yeah… I’m really sorry about that”
“oh it’s fine. Don’t worry about it” he smiles good naturely
“Anyways, I’m y/n” I replied wanting a bit of a fresh start. You got to admit he was really good at camouflage. I start covering my arm in the wide assortment of paints. As I do thing he notices my ring. With beautiful diamonds and blue gemstone.
“nice ring, are you engaged?”
I beam with pride. People are asking me about the ring. Finally I can show my love for finnick and not conceal it.
“yeah” and I continue painting my arm. After that we make small talk and I get along with peeta well. If he were in my district we would probably be friends by now. He teaches and give me tips on camouflage and I get pretty good but still not as good as him. After I wash off my arm I go over to finnick chating at the knot tying station with katniss. He makes a noose and pretends to fake hang himself. Katniss just rolls her eyes and walks away. He’s got that cute grin that I love on his face.
“do you wanna take me for a walk?” He teases giving me the rope around his neck.
“Well… since your offering” but then we burst out in laughter. “ I see your in your element at the knot tying station .” I say normally
A sly grin comes across his face “want me you one of these on you later tonight?” He shows me another new knot he is working on.
I would be lying if my face didn’t heat up at the comment. Clearly that was the desired affect. As he just looked at me with a grin of mishicf.
“odair! You are such a tease!” I scoff still very flustered from the comment and the thought.
he just looks at me with love in his eyes and says “only for you darling.”
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royakahoshiart · 5 months
do you have any other aus than the kou yorishiro one?
obviously lol,
So whatever the swap au is guaranteed but I have somr more!
One is the medivial au, where Amane Is a poet, yashiro a future guard and kou a prince. It nothing more than kou's first friends being a bunch of commoners. It's just a cute thing <3
Another one that I've never developed on is an akane no.1 so like practically Kane is the only clock keeper yes I know I'm boring, and he's not very good at modern Japanese so when Teri meets him instead of exorcising him he teaches kane how to speak 🥲. Bt akane didint have a name so Teri gave it so him. Yeah it's mostly for terukane but ofc I gotta put aoi aswell because my aoiterukaen agenda will never stop, so akane sometimes does little walks in the school buildings and one day he sees aoi and starts hanging around her and grows kind of fond of her because hes mostly there when no one else is around since yk yashiro can see supernaturals
This is an au that I've literally never ever touched again, so I don't even have a name. It's like Amane Is a lone scientist and for the past years he's been trying to create a human like robot that could have feelings, when he success yashiro and kou are created but they are unaware that they are non humans.
There's my old swap au which, I'd rather not talk about cause it makes me vomit
Yokai au!! This one's my fav, I could make a whole post about it, yashiro and mitsuba are two students at the kamone academy is a very old fashioned town, they love rumors but once yashiro gets too into it they start seeibg danger (not like it'll stop 'em) and they meet the young exorcist kou after he saves them from a supernatural encounter.
I could go on and in abt this one I swear,if you wanna hear more about it PLS tell me
And another one with is just for the sillies is counterpart au! Yashiro - AOI, kou - teru and hanako - tsukasa
So like it's the toilet trio but it's just Aoi Teru and Tsukasa 🥲
These are the ones I can think of rn I mean I just woke up let me be 😔
Anyways Ty Tilly!! :3
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motherphoebe · 4 months
The Parting Glass
Annie Cresta's time as a career tribute in the 70th Hunger Games. Canon compliant, as of right now this fic will be mostly head cannon as we know so little until the original trilogy. I wanted to add so much more to this, but I dont think I would've ever posted if I kept editing it lmao. I also posted this on my ao3 account, same username as here! enjoy and please leave feedback ngl i need to be hyped up!
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Chapter 1:
next chapter
The first thing I do is throw the quilt off of my legs.
The open window does little to aid in cooling down the room, the relentless summer heat did not cool throughout the night and now the opened curtains also let in the blinding morning sun. It takes a moment to get past my drowsiness, but eventually I reluctantly move my sweaty body from the small bed, hanging my legs off the side and holding my head in my hands.
I wish the sweltering heat were the reason for my restless night. Today is reaping day, and the salty air somehow doesn’t feel as peaceful as usual and does little to calm my nerves. My chest tightens and I quickly try to calm myself. I reach for my tying rope and think about last night, my time at the beach, swimming with a large group of friends, the peaceful waves, the moon, and surprisingly I find my breathing subtly calm. I wish today weren't reaping day, I wish they’d cancel the games all together, I wish a lot of things. I tie and untie my rope, and slowly accept that wishing won’t change the events of today and what is expected of me as an eighteen year old living in Panem.
Every year, the Capitol hosts a Hunger Games, and the first step is a reaping ceremony in which each of the 12 districts have to produce a male and female tribute. It’s to keep us scared and unwilling of rebellion, the fate of children 12 to 18, in the hands of the Capitol to be escorted into an arena to fight to the death. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear my older siblings greeting my parents in the other room, and suddenly my sisters bursting into the bedroom we used to share.
“Annie!” I take in her ecstatic demeanor and can't help but smile. I gasp and make a teasingly shocked face, while examining the gifts she came bearing: A new dress, and cherries.
“Muriel, you’re planning on sharing those right?”
My mouth waters at the sight of the cherries, and I wonder how she was able to afford them, along with the dress. It’s not like we have a surplus of money, and cherries are usually outrageously expensive when sold at the market. Her and I, and our older brother, Skipper, picked up jobs as soon as we could to help our parents, but now that she’s married, maybe she can afford such luxuries. Muriel makes beautiful tapestries using the flowers and plants that line the shores, and they've always seemed to sell quite well at the market, along with her handmade jewelry. My brother, Skipper, started repairing boats with my father once they were back from their shifts out at sea. The pair's services are relatively cheap and extremely effective, the people of 4 with boats need them functioning to be able to live so there’s always business.
Muriel exaggerates the shaking of her head, acting like she’s keeping the gifts to herself, then instantly breaks character, smiling and handing the fruit to me, carefully hanging the light blue dress off the chair. I can see the worry she’s trying to hide in her eyes.
“And is this dress new? Muriel these gifts are so nice they must have cost you a fortune, please let me pay you back-”
“I got them for you.” She cuts me off, putting my head in her hands “Plus, you wouldn’t be able to pay me back anyway.”
She’s joking but she’s not wrong; while she and Skipper found real jobs, I found peacefulness, and a very small income compared to the two of them. I started helping our neighbor, Mrs. Ahearn, by teaching some of her swimming lessons. It doesn’t pay well and I probably couldn’t save enough to buy even some grain at the market after a month of work, but there’s something about teaching the younger children of my district that makes it worth it. Still so innocent, too young to be put into the training academy, their parents still shielding their eyes when the games are playing, the worst things that could happen to them so far away. Plus, it’s a great way to meet the people in town, most of the kids are the younger siblings of friends i’ve known for years, and honestly, it’s better than being at home. The house feels empty now that both my siblings have left.
Muriel moves her hands and pulls me into a hug, our heads resting on each other's shoulders. “You still being in the reaping makes me feel worse than when I was. I know you’ll be fine Annie, but the sooner we’re all done with this the better. Better for mom and dad too, you know it scares them to death. Can I help you get ready?”
I nod my head in agreement, and soon my mouth is full of cherry pits. The reaping scares all of us, my father says that’s the point and it’s been obvious to me that our parents have had enough stress from the reapings in their lives. The second Skipper was ten, he was the first of us to enter the training academy after school, and once we were all old enough to be reaped, it seemed everything tied back to being a lesson on how we could win the Hunger Games, fishing, strength, knowledge. After surviving his own childhood possibility of being reaped, putting us in the training academy was my fathers small way of finding comfort in the uncontrollable, it gave him the peace of mind many other parents found refuge in; that if the odds hadn’t been in their families favor, their child could at least have a chance.
Muriel starts with my hair, stating something about my ‘messy cherry hands’ staining the pastel blue of the linen dress, and to keep them far away. Her hands are calloused, reflecting those of someone who’s worked a majority of their life, weaving and unweaving nets, creating her tapestries and intricate jewelry. She’s so precise in the way she does my hair, something I'm so grateful for. Choosing specific strands, tying them under or over, I’ve never been able to replicate these styles for her though, no matter how hard I try.
The thought of being reaped is horrifying, but there’s no comfort in the children I’ve known forever being reaped instead, it sends a shudder down my spine, and I feel the panic slowly seeping into my chest. The most recent victor we’ve had in District 4 is Finnick Odair. Although he’s a year older than me and a grade above, I remember him fondly from our short time together in the academy, but even more strongly I remember my fear when he was reaped at fourteen. His capability of winning so young makes me feel weak, and honestly dumb for being so horrified at age eighteen. It seemed all everyone was obsessing over during his games were his looks, but all I could think about was how kind he’d been to me, and how quickly he’d turned into a killer to survive. Somehow I found comfort in that thought. If he’d gone through only four years of the training I’ve had and won, I should be confident in my skills after eight.
I hadn’t realized my foot was tapping aggressively until Muriel placed her hand on my knee and I immediately stopped while she leaned her head down to my face.
“It’s okay to be nervous, Annie, I’m nervous too, probably safe to say all the Cresta’s are nervous. But, we will all be fine tonight, for our celebratory dinner and beach swim, right?” She has tears building in her eyes, “You’ll have to be fine Annie, this is your last year! Only one more and we will all be okay.”
The tears begin to roll down her cheeks in small lines that rush over her blushed face, while she tries to convince both of us.
Muriel has always been free to be overtly emotional, her strength is not relied on to keep others strong. If I ever cried or showed my weakness like this to any of my family, i’m afraid it would shatter them into a million little pieces— Annie Cresta, the baby of the family, so scared and so weak and completely unsaveable by any of them— so I put on a strong face, and push back the tears.
“You know i’ll be just fine Muriel, my name is only in there seven times. The odds have been in our favor the past ten years since Skippers first reaping, I have no doubt of our family's luck.”
I can’t help but wipe my cherry stained hands on my old sleeping shirt I’m sure was hers before reaching up and wiping her tears, just before pulling her into a tight hug. I take whatever doubt I have in my own statement and shove it deep within me, refusing to let my worries get to me, especially now.
My words slightly comfort Muriel, but when my mother walks in, a whole new feeling of serenity washes over us, whether it's forced or not.
“Hello, oh! My sweet Poppy!” she enters the room with a weary face, and once seeing her two daughters in a sorrowful hug, she rushes over to press a gentle kiss to my cheek. My mother and Muriel are so similar, not just in their looks, with beautiful big brown eyes and dark blonde hair, but in attitude as well. Of course, my mother and sister are strong, our whole family is strong, but they are not afraid to let their softer sides show. Whether it’s Muriel’s tears or my mother’s tender affection, it works for them, it makes them stronger to be so emotionally available, but it doesn’t seem to come as easily to the rest of us. While Skipper seems to be a somewhat perfect mix of my mother and father in looks and personality, I look into the mirror now and see my father in every way. Dark brown some what curly hair, sea foam green eyes and tan skin, the need to be strong for the people around us.
“You look beautiful, as always.” She says simply, bringing her palm to her own face to stub her tears. She walks around to the back of my head where Muriel’s progress with my hair had come to a brief pause. She turns me towards the dirty mirror, and I can see the beautiful intricate half braid my sister has done on the top layers of my hair, leaving the rest long and freely curling naturally. Muriel adds a starfish and pearl necklace she made for me years ago on my 12th birthday, and my mother adds a beautiful poppy orange bow that stands out beautifully in my dark brown hair. “It reminded me of you, Ula’s mother was selling them yesterday. It’s almost time to leave, make sure you’re dressed soon.”
She places another soft kiss on the top of my head and then leaves the room. She has called me her Poppy for as long as I can remember, saying I'm just as bright as the beautiful orange flower that grows all over District 4. Muriel follows her out, adjusting the necklace around my neck, “It gets worse each year, but I believe in you, Annie.” I want to comfort her, tell her I’ll be fine, but I can’t trust the stability in voice to make it convincing. Instead I acknowledge her sentiment by simply nodding.
As we walk to the ceremony, I try to stay present in my family's conversation, but my mind keeps drifting away. Every child I see my age has a target on their back, even myself, and none of us know who will be hit. I don’t let this show in my face, keeping a steady smile and waving to my fellow peers, who I've grown so close to. The reaping ceremony is already awful, but when you��re so acquainted in such a tightly knit community, there is no getting out unscathed, It’s always someone I know.
Once we arrive at the square in front of the justice building, my chest tightens and I’m forced now to strictly focus on my breathing. Being the only one in the family eligible to be reaped, I’m forced to part from as they continue towards the viewing area. Our separation is short and sweet, just a simple discussion of where we will meet once the ceremony concludes. I search almost desperately for someone to stand with while waiting to check in. Of course there’s a surplus of children my age, most I know quite well, but I’m not sure who to start a conversation with. I see Ula and decide her normally timid personality would be perfect.
We shuffle into the eighteen year old group, and quickly get pushed through the line to the standing area right before the stage. I thank her for the bow even though her mother made it, and that’s about all we say to each other. Even though I’m surrounded by friends from school or the training academy, I refrain from saying much more. There's not much to say, in a perfect world it would be none of us, maybe the games would be canceled, but the worlds not perfect and “hope it's you not me” isn't really the most comforting sentiment.
The mayor takes the stage, starting with his usual speech and directing us to watch the screens positioned above us, and I prepare myself to doze off. I know nothing important happens until the escort, Prisca Luminara, takes the stage, then I’ll be forced to pay attention, but for now I can stare at the screens and pretend to watch. The usual video plays about the Dark Days, a time of war and rebellion, and why we must participate in the Hunger Games. It’s not until I see Prisca walk up to the microphone, her silver tied up hair immediately catching my attention, that I tune in. First she introduces District 4’s previous victors , we actually have quite a few, but there’s been no one new since Finnick Odair won 5 years ago.
I find myself looking at Finnick, the way the sun reflects off his bronze hair, and realize the girls at school aren’t wrong, he’s beautiful. Honestly I’d never realized, the last conversations we had were so friendly. Both of us were so young, joking about mermaids and seaweed, I’ve preferred thinking of him that way since, not as the man he’s supposedly become.
I accidentally think about him for far too long, and don't fully tune in until Prisca announces that it’s time to pick the tributes.
“As always, ladies first! Remember, volunteering must wait until both tributes have been reaped!”
Her posh accent ringing through my ears while she steps towards the glass ball holding the female tribute's names. Six of those slips hold the name ‘Annie Cresta’, carefully folded and thrown in with the rest. Prisca pulls the tributes name and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I follow the actions of my peers as they slowly make a circle, it must have been someone from my age group.
“Annie Cresta! Don’t be shy, dear come up!”
Suddenly I realize what’s going on, I gather myself the best I can and somehow begin walking down the main aisle towards the stage. It takes all my strength to keep my head up, a kind smile holding my face together to hide my absolute shock. Eventually I reach the stage, smiling to Prisca as she takes my hand to lead me to my place, I even tell her thanks. The humid heat is even more unbearable up here, and I do everything in my power to avoid the faces of my peers below me, knowing how easily it could break this smile and fall into a puddle of tears.
“Perfect! Now for the boys!” Her heels are louder now that I'm onstage, and I can see her jewel encrusted nails searching in the bowl for the next tribute.
“Bodie Cormoran”
Now it seriously takes everything in me to not collapse to the floor. When I hear his name, avoiding eye contact with the crowd is not my biggest worry; I know him, I know him far too well. I immediately see the eighteen year old boy's fluffy auburn hair, making his way to the stage. His usual tall and stocky build seems only half as sturdy as it normally is, although the small defeat in his shoulders is probably only noticeable to those who know him closely. Soon, he’s being led by Prisca to the spot next to me as she chatters about her excitement. As soon as I make eye contact with him, I give him a reassuring look. I receive one in return, a small smile and nod, but his eyes show me how horrified he is. It’s because we will be going in together, if one of us lives, it ensures the other one’s death.
“Now do we have any volunteers? Remember folks, you cannot volunteer for someone who has already volunteered!”
She seems to be expecting a lot more action, but the time to volunteer comes and goes, and the only sound that fills the square is the waves from the far off sea. I hide my disappointment behind my small smile while staring forward towards the cameras. I need to play this exactly the way I’ve been trained, and for now I have to seem relentlessly strong, a true career tribute from District 4.
But when they ask for the tributes to shake hands, I can’t help but hug Bodie instead.
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akamikazae · 3 months
Sorry in advance for asking all these things 😭 but first up, your oc is cool! She’s so stylish as heck! She gives me that 80s funky/chill vibe and her hair is flawless! And I adore for bond with sasuke so much, Ahh. Would it be ok to ask about their lore together? How did they meet and bond together like mother and son? (And kakashi too! He’s papa).
Plus, I also appreciate all the Sasuke positivity so much. From your drawings to random posts. It’s so refreshing and uplifting for me. There’s to much negativity for the poor kid these days. And I greatly respect the “my son!” Feeling to for sasuke. I to get that parent vibe haha (sasuke is little guy no matter what, must squish respectfully).
And for atla, if your oc and characters you like. What benders would they be? And if they are besties with any of the Alta crew?
P.s; i do Like seeing the snake positivity! It’s wonderful seeing that. Poor things also get bad rap as well. (I like seeing hognoses, they are cute!! Myself I wish I had one and tarantulas😭) ANYWAYS, TY FOR POSITIVE CONTENT SO MUCH. Be well and have a great day/night! Sorry again for the long ask!
Never ever be sorry for sending an ask! I love love getting them and getting to chat w lovely pals like you! So thank you for popping over to send me an ask ❤︎₊ ⊹  You are always welcome to ask about my lil fam! I will try to keep it short and sweet lol ₊⊹ Ahhh thank you so much for saying so, Akami is very very dear to me! I’m glad u think she’s got a bit of a retro vibe. I always see her fitting in well w that 90s-ish style from the 80s to the 00’s ! (I actually have a 90's au for them too)
Shisui was one of Akami's first childhood friends and later her first lil love. She goes w Shisui to meet Sasuke when she’s 13yr, he’s only a few weeks old but the second she holds him and his chubby baby hand swipes her chin she falls in love. Bc of her relationship with Shisui Akami spends more and more time around Sasuke— he’d be tagging along after the big kids, but she always made time for him. Even if it was 20 extra minutes before a mission or after a long day of training, she’d hide her injuries and play with him instead. She’s one of many Anbu called to the scene the night of the Uchiha massacre. The second she found him all alone she knew she was taking him home and she quit Anbu that night.  Akami never felt heard or seen as a child so she tries her best to make sure that Sasuke has a voice. She didn’t intend to take on a parental role; it just happened over the years. She’s always open about his family and ready to listen when he confides in her, she teaches him every single uchiha jutsu she knows (and eventually kakashi does too) so Sasuke can still feel connected to his Clan. She gets him through his nightmares and defends him tooth and nail, she teaches him how to cook and use a sword. No matter what, he's always gonna be her baby and she’ll be his Kami-chan. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for him.  Akami and Kakashi knew each other as kids, they did not get along until their traumas sort of forced them to see eye to eye and rely on each other.  But it wasn’t a friendship until their early-mid teens, even then it always felt like more. Shortly after she takes in Sasuke they start a tumultuous FWB only to realize they very obviously love each other. Sasuke approves bc Kakashi makes Akami happy and is always there for her (for better or worse) and Kakashi and Sasuke start to have a very meaningful connection well before he becomes his sensei.  Yes parent squad ! Sasuke deserves the world and I love that you love him too!!<3 In ATLA Akami would be a water bender, she’s a descendant of the Yuki clan so it just seems fitting for her heritage! Tho I’d be wary of her healing abilities, she’s more of a fighter and I would not put it past her to learn how to blood bend! (She was Anbu Root for a reason💀)  Sasuke is fire bb! Kakashi I go back and forth on but I think he would be fire too .I love love love love ATLA and have tried to make an au for her but I find it hard to imagine Akami interacting w the gang (They all just feel so young lol- though she’d probably like Suki and Zuko best) I think that she would get along really well with Piandao! June, Jet and Iroh too. She’d def feel some sort of kinship for Azula (ruthless + manipulative never taught to love, w similar mommy and daddy issues!🤝lol) Yes Yes! I love snakes, they are so beautiful !! When I made my oc I really wanted to have her be ostracized because of her father and resemblance so it’s so fun to play w both the beauty and monstrous qualities for her. 🐍Akami and her summons Ryū are based off of mangrove pit vipers and Copper bellied water snakes ! Thank you again for the ask! I could blab about them all day if my super long winded response wasn’t proof lol 💕💕Take care my dear and have lovely day and or night :)
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doodlboy · 9 months
*grabs the handful of ppl who liked my hypmic oc post*
It is time.
Under the readmore bc this is probably gonna be an essay
Ok, so note, I literally started making this guy bc I was going to draw him 4 a meme that he's the "excuse me, they asked 4 no pickles" kinda guy and specifically he'd b that guy 4 jyushi who at the time of me making, was older than my oc which is funny 2 me
Anyway ×2
I made moodboards bc im too tired 2 draw detailed stuff rn, his current filler name is Pink, bc of his hair
1 4 his hair ⤵️ & 1 4 his outfit ⤵️
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Also, this doodle of me attempting 2 convey the hair I'm thinking of, dunno why he's so desaturated but whatever
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His hair is white-blond in the front and a reddish pink in the back, I haven't decided if that's bc of dye or if it's like doppo and hifumi w their two-toned hair.
- street kid who got abandoned by his parents "going traveling" 2 Japan and basically leaving him there 2 fend for himself
- I still need 2 do more research but I'm thinking as far as a division goes, he'd be from Seto Japan bc⤵️
- he almost gets arrested 4 graffiti[ing??] murals & an elderly classical artist [pottery artist maybe since that's a thing in seto] more or less bails him out & takes him in
- the old fella essentially becoming a mentor 2 Pink, teaching him how to express himself of canvas since he had a knack 4 it. Pink doesn't learn all that much in the way of typical schooling tho, so he speaks with a kinda rough accent
- typical mentor story tho, the old fella didn't have any other family and took Pink in like a son so when he eventually passed he left everything 2 him including a little studio where Pink lives
Anyway×3 idk where go from 2 get 2 these parts of the story
- winds up in Yokohama & makes fast "friends*" w the local yakuza
[*they insult each other a lot of the time, like samatoki calling pink two-toned brat & pink calling samatoki mr.rabbit bc of him being so insistent on ppl calling him honorifics, his stage name Mr. HardCore, & the fact pink thinks he looks like a white rabbit. Despite insults, they actually agree on a lot of things.]
- Pink's rap style is- really erratic tbh, he's good but if u aren't paying attention you will get lost
- Additionally, his rap ability is called "Framed," similar to Jyuto's Prison ability, Pink freezes opponents in paintings of themselves [but the twist is that the paintings r how he sees them so he hardly uses it bc ⤵️]
- He's a bit of tsundere dumbass. Any affection shown is off-handed. "Yeah, whatever, I got your favorite, ya mention it so much it's hard to forget" kind of off-handed. And he has massive respect 4 the other divisions [& since the music from the game exists in canon, he also knows every song very well].
- Which is why he uses his framed ability sparingly, bc it reveals his true emotions, not just 2 the opponent he used it on, but everyone else, too. [Specific ex is samatokis painting being a like- a fuckin fancam type deal, or Rei's painting being actual shit bc he hates deadbeat dads.]
- Anywayx4, he's abt 22/23 & takes the younger members of divisions under his wing since his indifferent 2 all the beef going on between them.
- Esp jyushi bc isth that kid would just not eat if a fast food restaurant fucked up his food, so pink and kuko r the "he asked for no pickles" duo, 1 is quiet & kinda bitchy lookin and the other 1 is loud as hell, but after they fix the food pink still tips em & apologizes 4 kuko yelling sm unintentionally
Anyway ×5 that's all I got rn ty 4 coming 2 my oc tedtalk
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tetsunabouquet · 8 days
Heir To The Lands Chapter 38
Masterpost Grateful For What We Have
Tessa showed Tavi and Ty the spot where she had put an extra litterbox, so Irene and Shadowcat could still do their thing once it was nighttime as Tessa was very strict on the house being locked tight when everyone was asleep. "If you want, I can clean the litterbox every morning Mrs. Grey, Shadowcat is very skittish and has never left the New Academy building, which is one of the reasons Headmaster Garroway allowed him to stay in the first place. I'm used to cleaning a litterbox as soon as I wake up." Tavi informed her, and Tessa smiled at the girl. "Thank you, I suppose I will not interfere with your routine then." Tessa couldn't help but be reminded of Christopher Lightwood as she gazed at the two and couldn't help but wonder if he had been autistic too. It would explain a lot. "Your cat did disappear like a shadow. " Ty said, trying to break the ice between him and one of Dru's friends. "He does. He hates strangers. My mom always used to say Shadowcat was as autistic as I am." Tavi explained, her voice sounding sad. Ty looked at her and vaguely recalled something. "Your mother was one of the casualties of Livvy's Watch, wasn't she?" Tavi's lip trembled as she nodded. "And everyone else remained in Idris. They couldn't stand to be parted from the Boomkikker heirlooms and they didn't cared enough about my mom to hate the Cohort. My father had been planning to divorce her anyways." She tried to push back the tears stinging in her eyes and Tessa felt so sorry for the young girl, having been abandoned by her family like that. So many Shadowhunter families preferred to stick to their pride rather then their children, and Tessa had always found it to be one of the most disappointing aspects of the old Clave. "Have you been staying with the Grünlichts?" Tessa inquired, and the girl nodded. "For the weekends, I did. Before going to the New Academy I would stay at the Zwolle Institute during the weeks. As you might be aware, the Boomkikkers are the first and eldest Dutch Shadowhunting family. We've been carrying so many Institute duties for centuries and now that everyone is gone I am the only one who has the knowledge of things like the digital banking my aunt Els set up through a werewolf working at the Rabobank now that digital money transfers have taken over the game. No matter how often I try to teach the head of the Institute about computers, they just keep making huge errors. I might be absent on occasion as I'm still on digital administration tasks." Ty was met with a rude awakening. He and Livvy had been great with computers and he liked to think they had been a talented team. He hadn't realized others with a similar skillset as himself had already been recruited by the adults in charge to take on heavy responsibilities regarding the digital era. She sounded like Julian had once upon a time, and Ty couldn't help but feel awkward as someone who had been lucky enough to have a loving family that allowed him to pursue his dreams with his skillset rather then making him bear responsbilities around the Institute with them. Ty didn't really knew what to say so he left Tavi and Tessa to converse a bit more.
Ty laid down together with Kit on his bed, thinking things over. "You look like you have something on your mind. Do you wish to share your thoughts with me?" Kit asked, his blue eyes looking into his grey ones. "I was just thinking, how lucky I am to have my family. They always let me be whoever they wanted me to be, Julian's been so great to me. It didn't really occur to me how others like myself can be treated when they're less fortunate." Kit figured he must be talking about about Dru's autistic friend. "A good family is hard to find. Trust me, it took me 15 years until I got one." Ty looked at the ceiling. "Were you lonely?" "Sometimes, I was." Kit admitted. "I'm sorry that we can't hold our first date soon, with everything going on." Ty said, feeling bad to deprive Kit of love that he so deeply deserved. "It's okay. Honestly, I never would have thought anyone would love me enough to fight for me the way you have or my foster parents do. I'm grateful that you saved me." Kit confessed as he carefully laid his head on top of Ty's chest, and the raven haired boy smoothed back his blonde locks with nothing but tenderness.
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