#anyways I will probably not post very often for the next few days cause I. need to prepare
daily-odile · 28 days
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overlord!dile... (bad end theater au/bad time theater by @the-bitter-ocean and @coffeewolfart)
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Oh man, just got caught up on all the Vil stuff of the last few days, and we simps be eating good!
So here’s my contribution to the ever-growing shrine: pre-confession darling always being polite to Vil, but a little distant, a little too star-struck to relax around him. Vil starts to wonder if he’s doing something wrong, if he isn’t good enough…
But THEN *dramatic music* darling’s bag falls over somehow, and some little Vil fan item falls out. Nothing crazy, maybe a button with his face on it, or a perfume model he advertised for that has his picture on the bottle. Something unmistakably fangirl-ish.
Darling only notices when Ace or Deuce points it out, then gets utterly mortified when she sees that Vil had also noticed. Stuffs it back in, tries to laugh it off, but can’t get away from the teasing that yeah, even though they’re still new to this world, they couldn’t resist spending some hard earned thaumarks, and that they’ve grown to admire Vil after the SDC.
Can you imagine? I’m sure Vil would be very nice and not too teasing in the moment, but the second he’s alone? Cue all the embarrassing squealing and rolling on the bed he’d never let anyone see. And the SMUGNESS!! Oh, he’ll be on cloud nine for the next few days, randomly smiling and causing heart attacks in the student population.
Even better, now knowing Darling is a fan, it’s SO much easier to get closer, to offer exclusive tickets to his next movie, to invite darling along on his next photo shoot. And any time darling gets embarrassed and tries to refuse, he can just catch their chin in his hand, and force eye contact as he pouts and reminds them that they’re his fan…
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Vil Schoenheit.
Summary: Vil being a fucking simp for a fan MC.
Note: Y'all Vil simps have taken over this blog now. ARE YOU HAPPY? Had to write a bit for this because I saw it so vividly in my head. Normally I like to imagine MC kinda oblivious to trends and celebrities of Twisted Wonderland so they casually approach the elegant star Vil like "wazzup" but your idea is pretty fun too. Had to bust out my Vil playlist to write this one. ADDED: I just finished it. Have not edited or checked for mistakes. But I feel like its mid? Like, it’s not bad but it’s not good either. But I didn’t want to keep it in the drafts after completing it and I didn’t just want to delete it either. So I’ll post anyways, even though I’m not happy with it. 
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Normally the class consisted of the first years, you'd sit beside Ace and Deuce, usually with Grim seated in your lap. Sometimes Jack, Epel, and even Sebek would be in the same class. But this time you were alone, despite the class being busier than ever.
Ace, Deuce, and Grim were caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing, as per usual. And they were promptly sent to see the Headmaster. Surprisingly you weren't called up, probably because you had been in the bathroom when it went down so you were exempt from detention. Jack, Epel, and Sebek made it to class on time, but they had arrived when the only seats left were across the room. Leaving you seated between unfamiliar third-years because of the joint class today. Well, most of them were unfamiliar, not all of them. Seated directly on your left was Vil Schoenheit, third-year, dorm leader of Pomefiore, and celebrity.
Schoeneheit had greeted you amicably with a rather friendly smile and a how are you? To which you responded with your own nervous smile and a polite response. Truthfully, you believe he only sat beside you because it was one of the only seats left, but you'd like to believe it was because he saw you in a good light now. Were you friends? Probably not. Maybe simple acquaintances was a better term. 
If you were being honest, he still intimidated you. You could recall the looks of disdain he often gave you and your companions before the audition, then there was his strict nature and the fact that he literally cursed your friends with a cake you were five seconds from taking a bite of. Not to mention his overblot and how his unhinged form seemed to focus on you so intently... Yeah, talk about nightmare fuel. But, you decided to give him another chance at possibly being friends. You knew he was famous, but you didn’t know he was famous enough to draw crowds. Which sparked your curiosity and led you to looking him up. What you found were various films, shows, advertisements, and magazines. He was like the actor Emma Watson, singer Britney Spears, and influencer Kim Kardashian all rolled into one. You still can’t believe you had no idea who he was and you had offered him a bowl of cheap instant noodles when he and the others were staying at Ramshackle. Embarrassing... 
You sat rigidly as Vil checked his appearance in the small hand-held mirror, making sure his looks were up to his standards before class began. Uncomfortably you shifted, deciding to occupy yourself by removing your notebook and writing utensils from the bag you kept as a barrier between you and the super star. As you did so, you failed to notice a tiny object fall out of your bag, but he noticed out of the corner of his eye. Curiously he plucked it up between his gloved fingers, about to return it when he took a closer look. 
It was an enamel pin, shiny and sparkling. However, it resembled his face. Or, to be more accurate, one of the characters he played in a recent series. It caused him to freeze, processing what this meant before he moved to tap your shoulder and held out his open palm with the pin on it. “You dropped this.” 
Confused, you turned your head and raised your eyebrow. That’s when you saw it. Your pin in his hand, the pin that looked exactly like him. Mortified, you quickly snatched it, attempting to laugh it off, but heat only began to creep up your neck when you noticed his smug smile. 
Vil propped up his elbow on the table, holding up his head as he remarked slyly, “I didn’t think you were a fan.” 
“Ahaha, yeahhhh... Sorry, is that weird?” 
“Not at all. I’m a little flattered.” Those amethyst eyes of his were studying you so intensely, watching your every little reaction. “I’m simply surprised. Most people tend to not like that character I portrayed, since they’re a villain and all.” 
“What’s wrong with that? I think villains are better than good guys anyways. They always have a better fleshed out backstory or reason for what they do. They’re more relatable, you know? And you did a really good job and making the audience feel for the character! They became my favorite! And–– Ah...” Realizing what you were doing, you shut your mouth. “I mean, you probably get that stuff a lot, huh? I’ll stop now.” 
His eyes were sparkling, surprised as his listened. When you paused, he insisted, “No, no, continue! Any and all feedback is appreciated. Besides,” Vil took the pin from your hands, and he lifted his fingers up to the upper half of your uniform where he pinned the accessory on your clothing. Beaming pridefully at the sight of the accessory, with his face on it, on your uniform, he hummed, “You said, I was your favorite, didn’t you? We still have a few more minutes before class. You’ll indulge me with more conversation, won’t you~?” 
❂     ❂     ❂     ❂     ❂ 
Once alone, Schoenheit allowed his bag to slip off his shoulder. It was a long class, three hours to be exact. Three hours... with you. He released a shaky breath, clutching the spot over his heart that was still beating at a faster than average rate. He could hardly believe his luck. When he heard that today there was to be a joint class between first-years and third-years, he instantly began prepping. He put more effort into his makeup, making sure it was perfect down to the exact particle. He sprayed on his sweetest smelling perfume and picked his cleanest uniform. 
At first he was worried that perhaps he was doing something wrong. You always appeared so... timid whenever he appeared. You could be joking and chatting animatedly with those pesky friends of yours (which he held a raging jealously towards), but when he entered the room, you would go quiet and avoid his gaze. He questioned and scolded himself for everything he did. Why did he used to look at you like a stain? Why didn’t he realize you earlier? Were his efforts at redeeming himself in your eyes, not good enough? Was it something about the way he dressed? Or acted? Or spoke? All this paranoia seemingly evaporated when he striked up a conversation. For the first time in weeks, you talked to him! And it wasn’t just a little chat about homework, or responsibilities, or school rumors. You spoke to him, about him! He knew by the pin and how you spoke about the series, that you had seen him on the show. You had been thinking about him! It quelled all his worries, as just yesterday he feared that you may have secretly loathed him for what he’s done or tried to do. 
As the memory came back to him of what just occurred, Vil clutched himself and squealed. He was already on the bed, rolling around on the sheets and pillows, resisting the urge to simply jump on his mattress and leap with joy! He could vividly recall the way you allowed him to scoot closer to point out some important material in the textbook, as you whispered a witty remark to him which he very quietly chuckled to in order to avoid being caught by the professor, and you even gave him your number! Of course it was to exchange notes and tips, you had said. But he’d use it for so much more than that. 
This was good first step, wasn’t it? You had officially bypassed the acquaintance stage and were now well on your way to the friend stage. Then, more than that, by that was all in due time. For now... 
Vil stopped his squirming, again feeling his heart that was now beating rapidly. Do you know the things he would do just for your attention? Oh, you truly have no idea of the lengths he would do, just for you. Gingerly picking up his phone, he read over the newly registered number. Your number. Slowly opening up a chat, he was partially disappointed to see it was completely empty. You hadn’t sent a thing. But, if all went well, it’d be full and constantly busy by tomorrow evening. His fingers danced across the screen as he typed out his message, reviewing what he wrote over and over again for any errors, any grammar mistakes, or another way to better word what he wants to say. Finally, after a good five minutes of anxiously staring at his screen, he pressed the send button, and watched the text come up in the chat. 
V: [ It was nice to talk to you again. If you’re willing, we should meet again. I got word that Professor Trein plans to have another joint class promptly, and he’ll assign a project so that the first years and third years work together. Would you like to get ahead and research in the library soon? ] 
Then he waited. And waited. And waited some more. After ten minutes, he feared he wouldn’t get a response. Had you given him the wrong number accidentally or purposefully? Was he coming on too strong? What if–– 
Instantly the screen lit up, displaying a new unread message which he hurriedly read. 
Y: [ Vil, right? Thanks for the heads up! Sorry for the kinda late reply Grim took my phone to play games. Anyways, yeah, that sounds good. I can meet you as soon as classes are over tomorrow, if that’s a good time for you?? ] 
V: [ That sounds perfect. ]
You poor thing, you truly don’t have a clue about what you’re getting into, do you?
❂     ❂     ❂     ❂     ❂ 
Again, Vil was prepared. He dressed flawlessly and got to the library early in order to have all the books necessary and stacked up on the table. He greeted you with a friendly smile, and you immediately got to work together. The blonde sat across from you, watching as you sketched out a rough look for the presentation that you wanted to show him and ask for his opinion. As he waited, he ignored the open book in front of him and instead watched at the way you focused on the paper, your hand moving with the pencil to create lines and shapes on the sheet. It was incredible that even the simple little things about you could captivate him. 
After a moment of watching you with a gentle smile and great intrigue, he opened his mouth, “Do you have any plans for afterwards?” 
You paused, looking up in confusion, “H-Huh?” 
“Do you have any plans for afterwards?” He repeated. “I mean, after our study session together. Do you have anything planned for afterwards?” 
“Oooh.” You shrugged before getting back to the sketch, answering as you finished up the drawing. “I mean, I left Grim with the ghosts but he gets grumpy if he doesn’t get tucked in. The Headmaster said Grim wasn’t allowed out, except classes, for at least two day. But, I might go buy some instant foods from Sam’s shop. Then I’ll lead home.” 
“Instant foods...?” Vil murmured incredulously, his smile immediately dropping. All those times he’d spied on you as you ate lunch with your friends, he always thought it was strange that you never ate when he saw you. Despite your company and even Grim eating. But now this? Instant foods? Was it possible that you didn’t have enough money to eat lunch? He was mortified. Swiftly he grabbed your wrist and carefully dragged you out of the library, “Come. Now.” 
“Wh–– What?? Where are we going? What about the project!” 
“A simple project can wait. Our stuff will be where we left it.” He continued to escort you down the hallways, towards what you recognized was the path leading to the cafeteria. That’s when he spoke again, his tone oddly stern, much different from how softly he spoke just minutes before. “You haven’t been eating properly, have you?” 
Your gaze drifted downwards, gazing at the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, in order to avoid his stare. “... Hot pockets are still food.” 
“I mean real food.” When there was a lack of response, Vil became angry. Not at you, but at who was responsible. “That wretched crow hasn’t given you a decent allowance, has he? Tsk. I’ll be having a chat with him, but for now...” He led you to the front of the cafeteria, where there was no line. Other few students present were chatting at tables, having a late dinners after their clubs or study sessions. Vil stood behind you with his arms crossed as he instructed, “Order. And I’ll be watching to be certain you have enough on your plate.” 
You were quiet, gazing at the pastries, plates, meats, salads, and other delectable dishes past the glass counters. The menu overhead appeared endless, with a huge variety of food and drinks and desserts. It made your stomach grumble. It was a horrible reminder that you had barely eaten that day. You only had a cheap bag of chips that morning. Ashamed, you avoided his gaze once again as you muttered, “Vil, I can’t afford any of this right now...” 
“I wasn’t asking if you could afford it. I was instructing you to choose what you wanted. I don’t want your money, you could just pay me back in another manner.” When one of the ghost chefs came over, Vil placed a hand over your shoulder and used his other hand to point at several dishes, “My companion here will have one of these, two of those, and five of that. Yes, that plate right there. Oh, and a smoothie as well. Thank you.” Once the ghost was gone, Vil gazed back down at you. You still couldn’t look him in the eye. Carefully he reached forward, gingerly lifting your head up by your chin so you were forced to look at his eyes. His eyes that were normally so cold and judgmental, gazed at you so fondly. “Why won’t you look at me? Aren’t were close?” He pouted to sell the act. “I’m not about to neglect my own darling fan and let them go hungry. That’d be far too cruel. To pay me back, you can accompany me on one of our days off. Say... to see a new movie in town? Well, do you agree? Or shall I order you more plates and see your time to pay me back grow longer~? Surely spending time with me can’t be that bad?”
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cerridwen007 · 1 month
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*Images are from Pinterest and are used for aesthetics only.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Dieter Bravo x f!reader (afab)
Word count: 4.1k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: Your boyfriend, Dieter, has come home early from a project. Hoping to surprise you, he instead gets a surprise of his own when he discovers what you like to do unwind alone from a long day.
Notes/warnings: Smut, fluff, DUB-CON (one party is under the influence of ouid but they are both very into it), established relationship, accidental pervy!Dieter, accidental exhibitionism, pussy drunk Dieter, masturbation (f and m), sex toys, descriptions of smoking the devils lettuce, mentions of other drugs, porn with little plot, oral (f!receiving), piv sex, cumplay, they are both just super horny and sweet for each other, swearing, no y/n. 
a/n: My first Dieter fic, I can’t remember really where or when I got the idea for this fic, but I knew it just screamed Dieter. This is probably quite up there with the filthiest thing i've written, and i'm not sorry, lol. Also, I apologise for my very long absence in posting writing. Life just got the best of me, and I lost all motivation pretty much to write. Ngl I don't think this is my best work, cause I'm a little rusty but it's fun and I enjoyed writing it. But anyway, I hope y'all enjoy, and any interactions with my posts mean the world to me. Love yall so much! <3
Now that his months-long project had wrapped up early, all Dieter wanted to do was surprise you. The both of you had long played the game of hiding behind corners and hiding in all sorts of spots to try and scare each other, all throughout your relationship. 
But more often than not, it was you that made his heart jump out his chest, and a long list of swear words leave his mouth as he over-dramatically clutched his chest. To which you always laughed so hard you cried a little at another successful scare and his reaction. “I'll get you next time.” he mumbles, under his breath, a cheeky grin on his handsome face as he plans when best to get you back.
So now, with an upper hand, he was hoping that he could give you a big fright and jump out of your closet when you least expect it. But what happened was so much more surprising.
You had just gotten back to your shared apartment after what felt like the longest week of your life. You had been drowning in deadlines at work and were so glad that it was friday evening so you could finally get a proper break. After ‘gracefully’ hanging up your jacket on the hooks near the front door and tossing your keys into the bowl on the entryway table, you immediately take off your bra as you walk into your apartment. Throwing it on the back of one of the barstools sitting in front of your kitchen island.
A loud sigh exhaling from your mouth as the pressure is released from your sore shoulders. It had been a long day at work before you ran around afterwards, getting a whole bunch of errands done that you had been putting off. So you were exhausted and understandably so. 
You kick off your shoes as you walk through the messy apartment, not bothering to put them away where they belong or tidy up the growing mess just yet. No, first you need to unwind from the long ass week you had. Besides, the weekend started tomorrow, and you would have plenty of time to clean up then and before Dieter came back a week and a half from now.
You sighed again sadly thinking about your boyfriend. God, you missed him. He had been gone about 3 months now, and each day didn't get any easier. When the two of you were together, you were attached at the hip. Spending all the time you could together; talking, laughing, cuddling and fucking.
So it was quite a change the last few months going from spending almost all your time with your favourite person to almost none, except the few short calls Dieter managed to find time to have with you amongst his very busy schedule. 
You tried to remind yourself of the fact that Dieter would be back before you knew it, and then you could once again spend all the much needed time together that you wanted.
You opened your fridge looking for a snack. You could have to tie your over till dinner that you would order yourself later, a treat for the end of a busy week. 
You picked a few string cheese packets from the chilly shelves of your fridge before closing it shut with your hip as you walked off into your living room. Sitting down with a big “oof” on your couch and immediately sinking deep into the plush cushions as far as you could.
Dieter's heart was beating fast as he watched you through the horizontal slats of the storage closet door. He waited with baited breath, trying to find the perfect time to jump out and give you both the scare and surprise of a lifetime. He had been lucky enough to arrive an hour or so before you got home, which gave him plenty of time to get ready and pick the best hiding spot before you arrived.
He bites his lip, trying to hold back the chuckles wanting to escape as he imagined your hopefully soon to be shocked face. He watches as you get comfy on the couch and can’t help but look at you with adoration, even with dark circles under your eyes and your hair slightly untamed, you looked like a dream, the prettiest thing he has seen. 
You quickly finish your cheese sticks, hungrier than you thought you were, and toss the wrappers on the coffee table. Yet another thing to be cleaned up tomorrow. You let out a long yawn and stretched your arms above your head. A cheeky smile graces your mouth as you realise how you're going to spend the rest of your night unwinding.
You waste no time in reaching into the draws of your coffee table before you and pulling out a dark green bong with small red flowers decorating it that Dieter got you for your birthday last year. You put it down the top of the coffee table briefly as you pull out a matching glass box with your stash in it and a red grinder. 
Your fingers are working swiftly in their practiced work as you get your first cone ready. You pull out your black zippo lighter with your and Dieters' initials and the day the two of you started dating engraved on the front. You flick your thumb over the flint wheel a few times until it ignites. You take in a fraction of a breath before putting your mouth on the end of the glass tube, tilted towards you.
Holding the flame over dried grounds, watching as the white smoke slowly crawls up the neck of the bong. You let the smoke enter your lungs, filling you with warmth.
Your lips only disconnect when all the smoke is gone and you breathe in a little of fresh air. You hold it in your mouth for a few seconds before you tilt your head back and exhale all the hazy smoke. Your loose fist covers your mouth when you let a small cough. 
You decide to do one more hit before you put down the ‘vase’ and let your head rest against the center of the back of the couch. Your legs spread wide, carelessly, as you wait for the drug to slowly take its effects. You groan as you lie back on the couch with a mouthful of smoke. You tilt your head up to look up at the ceiling as you let the hazy white cloud float from your parted lips.
Reaching down beside you, your fingers find something from out under your couch, a rectangle box. You open it to reveal a matte purple 8 inch, life-like, dildo. Fit with veins, balls at the base, and all. Your mouth waters just from the sight.
You have been extremely horny as of late. You always are when Dieter goes away for long periods of time, and you don’t have him to give you toe-curling orgasms all the time. You can never make yourself cum quite as hard as Dieter can make you come, but not from lack of trying. You lazily scoot down the couch a bit so you can take your pants and underwear off. 
Dieter eyes bulge in head when he realises what you about to do and he swears his heart skips a beat when he sees that you're wearing his boxer briefs, even more so when he sees a glistening line of arousal, saturating them. He palms his now fully erect cock through his jeans, as his eyes connect with your glistening folds.
You take the hefty dildo out of the box and half haphazardly toss the container to the ground. Your breath hitches in your throat as you make quite work of sliding it through your folds, the tip catches deliciously on your clit.
You toss it to the side for a quick sec and reach down to your bong on the coffee table, after taking another cone you put it back on the table and grab the remote of the table, flicking on the tv and putting on one of your favourite vibey sex playlists on spotify on.
You sigh as you lean back and you take off your work shirt, leaving you in nothing but a flimsy old tank top, which you nipples prominently stick out of and some cosy socks. You pull your breasts out of your shirt and start groping yourself while watching the screen playing at a low volume, with hazy eyes.
You soon pick the silicone dick up again and slowly tease yourself by tracing around your lips and through your dripping seam. Your head lulls on the back of the couch. You tease around your aching hole with the tip before pushing in ever so slightly. Your eyes roll back for a second as you moan at the slight stretch. “D-dieter.” You softly call out.
His eyes bulge out of his sockets watching you, his hand unconsciously reaching down under the elastic of his pants to feel his rock-hard erection. He swipes his thumb over his weeping tip and has to bite back a groan.
You pump in so slowly, only till it reaches halfway before you pull it out further again. You continue this to help work yourself open.
He watches you intently, stroking himself to the slow rhythm youv’e set for fucking yourself. He uses his other hand to pinch his base every few minutes, to keep from blowing his load, so close just from the sight of you.
God, he doesnt even care about scaring and surprising you anymore, all he cares about is watching you as you fuck your self, quietly calling out his name as you take your time in getting to your release. He has half a mind to just jump out now and fuck you himself but the sight of you spread out for him, caught up in your own little pleasure-filled world is a sight to good to be true. 
He studies your form like he doesn't know it like the back of his hand, like he hasn't spent hours upon hours coaxing the prettiest little moans and whimpers from you, caressing over every single inch of you.
His eyes will never grow tired of the sight of you, your centre gushing with arousal, your eyes fighting to stay open, your mouth on the other hand, fighting to stay closed as a beautifully orchestrated ensemble of curses, moans, groans and his name come flooding out of your mouth.
His mouth waters as the ring of your arousal grows thicker around the base of the silicone cock. He missed the taste of you so much, while he was away. He loved spending hours between your legs, until you were shaking and overstimulated and had to beg him to stop. Crying out “Dieter! Please!” as you struggled to push away his starved mouth.
Your head is feeling quite light now, and the pleasure is rushing through your veins as you increase the speed of your strokes. You keep chanting Dieter’s name, over and over again, softly as if it will summon him somehow. Well shit, maybe it does.
Before he even realises what he is doing, his hand is fumbling for the doorknob of the closet, and he is stepping out, sweaty, and disheveled, all just from watching you. Your heart stops for a second as you hear the closet door near you open, your brain unable to come up with any sane reasonings until Dieter walks out flushed and sheepishly in a trance, consumed by his love and lust for you. 
“Dieter?” You whisper, shocked to your core, that he is standing in front of you and still not entirely convinced that he isn't a hallucination caused by your hornyness and longing for him. And also maybe the drugs too.
He swallows harshly, his throat dry. All the liquids in his body seemingly have traveled lower in anticipation. You're about to jump up from the couch and squeeze him till his ribs break, but he beats you to it, sinking to the floor in front of you and hugging your calves tightly. As much as you missed your baby, you can't help but feel a little awkward, having been caught masturbating and still with the dildo between your legs, no doubt.
Before you can even clear your throat and try to explain yourself, Dieter starts kissing along the tops of your thighs, up your stomach, then sternum, up your throat till his lips lock onto yours. He kisses you with such meaning and passion as he tries and conveys all the feeling of how much he missed you and is so glad to see you now into a single kiss
“God. I. Missed.You. So. Much. Baby.” He says in between quick pecks before once again consuming your mouth with his own, trying to make up for all that lost time he wasn't able to taste your lips on his.
You break the kiss with a gasp, looking down to your legs where Dieter is spreading them to see the current state of your throbbing pussy. “Fuck and it sure looks like she missed me too, huh sweetheart. Just oozing and weeping, begging for my touch. Ain't that right baby?” He lovingly teases.
You grin and spread your legs even further to let him get an even better look at you swollen, glistening folds, still clenching around the girth of the dildo. He reaches his hand up between your legs and pulls the toy in and out of you slowly, eliciting a whimper from you.
“Fuck.” He groans, completely enthralled by the sight of you, and the growing creamy ring of arousal you have created around the base of the cock. He continues to slowly pump it in and out of you, as you squirm above him, your once lost orgasm now coming so close to grasp again. 
“Dieter...please.” You croon, begging him not to stop as you feel the edge of your high starts to wash over you.
“Atta girl, fuck just like that. Cum for me baby.” He softly demands, as he works the now shiny dildo hard, fast and deep into your cunt. He sits up a bit on his knees and hovers over you.
Leaning his head to the side he starts to suck on your pulsing clit. His eyes roaming between your leaking hole and trembling thighs, up to your red, cloudy eyes struggling to stay open with your brows furrowed above them. Your mouth agape, curses and whimpers as your orgasm hits you full force. 
He watches with blown eyes, mouth hanging open, nearly drooling at the sight of your back arching off the couch, as the waves of your orgasm crash over you. He slowly pumps the cock in and out of you, prolonging your high till your legs close firmly around it. He carefully opens them back enough so he can pull out the cock.
He palms himself as he inspects the aftermath, mouth watering from the sight and smell of your creamy residue slathered upon the tip to the flared base of the slick silicone. He sticks out his tongue and brings the base, where most of the cum has gathered in a band round the bottom, to his mouth. You watch stunned and too aroused to speak as he licks it clean of your sweet drippings. 
“God baby, missed the taste of this sweet pussy.” he groans. You clench around nothing as you watch him, eyes fluttering behind closed lids, messily tongue the silicone like one might lick brownie or cookie batter of a spatula.
After he finishes with the lower half, his lips pink and shiny, he wordlessly brings the tip up to your face. You grin devilishly before opening your lips wide and sucking the fat head into your mouth. You too moan at the sweet taste of yourself, not often shared directly from the source but usually from Dieters tongue do you taste the sticky release of your climax.
He palms his painfully hard cock through his pants, before spreading your thighs wide once again, and feasting on the remaining juices. You moan as best as you can with the cock down your throat, before removing it from your mouth and sitting it beside you as you watch Dieter's beautiful curls bob up and down between your legs. 
His tongue slides from your quivering hole to your clit, licking flatly. He alternates between sucking your nub, to fucking into your wet hole.
You fight to keep your thighs open, to not crush his head or let the gorgeous sight below you be hidden, but you can’t any more as the drug haze inside your veins seems to have taken all your strength. Sensing your struggle, Dieter curls his arms around your thighs, holding them open and drags your center closer to his hungry mouth.
You whimper at the dull pain that you feel from his tight grip holding you apart, just under your breaking point. The aching soreness from your legs being spread so wide, only adding to the intensity of pleasure rolling around in your stomach. 
He alternates between eating you messily, and slowly picking you apart. Motorboating his lips and nose between your folds, and precise and firm licks on your clit while curling his thick fingers up into that sweet, sweet spot inside you, that has you moaning, incohesive gibberish from your pleasure and drug intoxication.
Even with Dieter being the sober one (surprisingly), he sounds just as wrecked as you, if not more. So drunk and intoxicated on you and your pussy, something he and you both thought he was deprived of way too long.
Soon you are reaching yet another, and surely not the last of night, orgasm. Your thighs shake with the intensity of the pleasure seeping into your veins. Your lips go from being an wide ‘o’ shape to a cheesy wide grin as the dopamine and endorphins flood your system. 
Dieter makes sure he licks up every single drop of your essence before he rises off his knees slightly and encases you in a massive, big bear hug. Feeling what little air was left in your lungs, you giggle along with Dieter breathlessly as you squeeze his middle just as hard.
He lifts his head to plant the softest, sweet kiss on your lips before rubbing his nose against yours. You take a deep, tired breath in and your eyes flutter close, his delicious musky scent filling your nostrils once again. 
“I missed you so much too, baby.” You whisper. You admire the deep crows feet around his eyes as he grins, his dark rich eyes sparking as he beams with happiness, love, and lust. His smile turns into something that of the devils as he begins to caress your body.
He lifts up your arms and takes off your tank top, throwing it on the ground somewhere. Before his lips lock onto your pebbled nipples. Groaning as he squeezes and plays with the other one, before switching his mouth over. After leaving your tits a glistening, saliva-covered mess he descends further down your body, his kiss-bruised lips planting themselves on every single inch of skin he can see. 
“Mm need to fffffuck you sweetttt thing, and ffffeel that heavenly p-pussy wwwrapped around me againnn.” He mumbles, his lips smushed against your stomach. You softly laugh and nod your head. Getting the gist of what he was saying and knowing him well enough to know what he said that you didn't catch.
“Please Dieter. Please fuck me. Need… to feel you. Missed you…. and your cock…. so fucken much.” You garble out in your own form of a coherent sentence.
Dieter can’t help but whimper listening to you, his cock pulses with need for release as he listens to your confession (although mumbled) of need for him.
He can’t wait any longer.
He reaches under your ass and lifts you up and shifts you so you're lying on your back longways on the couch. He quickly shucks his shirt off, getting a little stuck in the process as he does so. You both giggle and laugh as your hands go up to help him. He soon pulls it off and makes quick work off, shoving his pants and boxers off his legs.
Both of your eyes are shining with something so deep and emotional as you admire each other's naked bodies. A sight seen countless times between the two of you but one that neither would ever grow sick of. You reach up and stroke your hands up and down Dieter's front, feeling his strong chest and plush belly that you love very, very much. He whimpers as your hands trail down into the coarse hair at the base of his leaking cock. 
Even as he towers over your relaxed form, there is an air of submission to him still. The way his eyes are glazed over with no other drug than love, pupils blown wider than when he was higher than a kite on LSD. His eyes brows slightly furrowed in, his chest moving fast as he pants. His bottom lip trembling with anticipation of connecting your bodies together so intimately once again how they should be. How they would always be if Dieter got a chance. 
He shakes himself out of his love trance and lowers himself over you, his forearms resting on the couch beside your head. You close your eyes and kiss him deeply, giving him a piece of you that no one but him gets to have. Literally and spiritually. He groans almost pathetically when you reach your hand down and swipe his tip through your once again dripping folds. 
Your squinting and red eyes look up at him pleadingly, just begging to put the both of you out of the agonising wait and finally feel each other. He smiles a soft smile before he lines himself up and slowly pushes into your pulsing cunt. 
“Ohhhh….ohhh…oh…yeah, honey.” He moans out as he slowly bottoms out in your cunt. You gasp as you adjust to his considerably large girth. Something you truly will never fully get used to. Your hands clutch as his biceps, grounding yourself as your fluttering pussy adjusts to him.
“God….fucken hell, baby. You feel somehow even better than I remember. Jesus christ.” He pants, his face screwing up from the pleasure just simply inside your beautiful heat gives him. He desperately tries to think of anything else other than your stunning form below him and just made for him cunt, feeling already so close to blowing his load.
He reaches down and pinches his base and quickly begins Jack hammering into you fast and hard, to hopefully get you off before he ultimately finishes way quicker than he intended to.
“Oh f-f-fuck, Dieter!” You cry out, eyes squeezing tight at the immediate hard and fast pace Dieter has set while fucking you.
“Im s-sorry b-baby. Fuckkk. You just feel too damn good. I just n-n-need. Ahhh. Need you come before I-I-I do.” He stutters. 
Your heart and cunt clenches around, eyes rolling back from the pure ecstasy coursing through your as Dieter repeatedly stuffs his fat tip into the squishy part deep inside you.
“OoOoh shit, baby. Can feel you clenching real good around me, god damn!”  He groans.
You lay there bonelessly, whimpering as Dieter’s fingers circle you clit just right. Sending you over the edge into the deep depths of mind-numbing pleasure. Your body shakes as your orgasm comes crashing down and over you, with Dieter only seconds after.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh oh oh shit,” He wails out with every rope of cum that spurts out of him, his hips almost unconsciously thrusting themselves as deep as they can go every time, only stopping on the last rope of cum, burying his now spent cock deep into your pussy. He lets his full weight drop on top of you as he catches his breath from his own high. 
You breathe out with a soft smile, feeling such bliss and warmth from Dieter being here with you. He moves his head from your neck and looks at you. You both smile wide and break in hearty chuckles, before kissing each other.
You relish in the feeling of Dieter’s chest booming with laughter pressed up against yours, feeling his beating heart beat under you hand, showing that he is here with you now and just Dieter in general, his body fitting on top of your like a puzzle, like two pieces that you never would’ve known hadn't always been connected together like this. 
And that’s exactly how you fall asleep, entwined in each others arms, connected in all ways possible, smiling to yourself as you listen to Dieter’s soft snores and you feel his heart beating strongly against yours, before you two let the sweet blissful temptations of sleep take you too. Everything was going to be okay now that your love was back with you. 
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sun-stricken · 29 days
Hello. I absolutely love your Fairy Tail head-canons, especially about demon slayer Gray. Feel free to take or leave these little ideas. Always love when you post <3
Imagine Team Natsu has to rent a vehicle or something and they require actual legal paperwork like a birth certificate and address or something like that (more than just “guild business! Gonna need this!”). Lucy doesn’t want to rent it because there is no way she’s going to be responsible for the inevitable damage. Erza, being the leader and a good friend volunteers. A few minutes later she comes back out, puzzled.
Erza: “why would they need a birth certificate? Shouldn’t me being present be proof enough of my existence?”
Gray starts snickering in the background. Natsu goes in next but comes out even earlier than Erza, cause at least Erza had a probably legal address at Fairy Hills, Natsu on the other hand lives in a house in the woods.
By the time Wendy goes in the receptionist is exasperated. “Yes I understand you are with Fairy Tail but that isn’t until page three of the paper work. None of you have made it past the first page.”
Gray finds this all very amusing.
Lucy: “Since you find it so amusing why don’t you go register, Gray!?”
Gray: mutters something
Natsu: “What do you mean you’re legally dead?!”
Cause you know, Ur just found a kid (the only survivor) and just decided to keep him. Oh, no official rescue crews didn’t show up until two days later? My kid now :)
The search and rescue teams never found any survivors in Gray’s old town so everyone was pronounced dead. The magic council or whoever is in charge of that stuff is also disorganized enough that no one realized that Gray Fullbuster is both a famous wizard and supposedly dead. So, just, Gray technically being considered legally dead the entire time he was at Fairy Tail.
Also, the slayers all going out on a job together(the dragon slayers had to drag Gray). The job turns out to be a trap (surprise!) and the floor just opens up revealing a giant vehicle.
Dark mage: “Ha-ha! I have bested the dragon slayer! The most powerful mages-“spots Gray just chilling, perfectly fine and not motion sick. “what are you doing?” Cause the guy was planning to capture dragon slayer, not whatever a demon slayer was (the dark mage didn’t even know demon slayers were a thing). Gray defeats the dark mage but holds it over Natsu’s head for a week.
After that anytime a large group of dragon slayers takes a job together they take Gray along for “extra security during transportation” or just extra security in general.
I also head-canon that each type of slayer magic has its own unique weakness. Dragon slayers get severely motion sick. God slayers are claustrophobic. Demon slayers cannot handle sweets. If Gray gets even a whiff of cake or any other dessert his gag reflex acts up and he gets really nauseous and other stuff like that. He of course hid it at first (he was afraid Erza would disown him) but eventually everyone learned about the weakness of demon slayers. Natsu teases him about it but never pushes it too far to the point of accidentally making Gray really sick.
Anyways, sorry for the long ask. Feel free to expand on anything. Always love some good slayer bonding head-canons and just Fairy Tail head-canons in general. <3
This was so much fun to make tbh so domt apologize, i love long asks <3 and thank for for what you said ant my posts! theyre fun to make so im glad ppl enjoy them
Oh, you have no idea how often ive though about Gray being legally dead, my personal favorite scenario is him trying to fix it and prove himself alive but cant
“How the fuck would i know my social security number??? i was eight years old! i had no reason to know!!!”
There was no dna or finger-print records of him or his family so he couldn’t prove it that way either. Apparently, declaring someone born or dead is easier than someone ‘resurrected’. To the law Gray of Isvan is dead and although Gray of Fiore bares similarities, they are two different people.
But ALSO to the law Gray of Fiore doesnt exist bc he has no birth certificate. And while hes adamant, he has no real proof beyond his word he is Gray Fullbuster of Isvan.
So basically, According to the law, Both Gray Fullbuster of Isvan and Fiore are dead and never existed, respectively.
tbh this sounds like an identity crisis waiting to happen, but what else is new with him
Erza probably tried to fix it after she was told bc she legally didnt exist for a minute either (never was filed as a real person, she was able to file for a late birth certificate on account that she wasnt claiming to be a ‘separate’ person and also Makarov did it for her) (dont ask why he didnt for Gray, i like plot holes). But quickly realized their situations were very different, him waiting over a decade to check in as a survivor with the proper authorities definitely weakened his case considering he was running around free before he decided he needed a birth certificate.
But hey, as long as he doesn’t need to rent something, or get a license or id, or work somewhere beyond Fairy Tail, or get married, or, god forbid, die again, he should be fine!
i wonder if he would be considered a ‘john doe’ if he actually died again since they have ‘no’ birth records
This also makes games like ‘two truths and a lie’ amazing
“alright so, im legally dead, i legally dont exist, and ive never physically died before” “Gray what the hell do you mean” “Guess the right one and ill tell you” “WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN THOUGH??”
i love everything to do with the ‘dragon slayers + gray’ dynamic
‘Extra security’ just turns into Gray babysitting a bunch of rambunctious dragons for hours. seriously, get this guy a reward for how he hasnt killed or maimed any of them yet.
Imagine them trying to convince Gray to walk to their destination instead of taking the train
“Its not that far!!” “its fucking 5 hours by train, How long do you think itll take to walk? Why would even you pick this job if you knew how long the ride would be??” … “nobody looked..” “are you actually serious.” … “oh my fucking god”
and thats the story of how one Demon slayer ended up having to babysit 4 very pitiful looking Fairy Tail Dragon slayers on a train. Dude had to drag them off it once it stopped too.
His side career of ‘Dragon Slayer Babysitter’ only gets harder when they realize holy shit! cold compresses can help nausea! and what do they have? a walking cold compress.
Taking a train trip with them just means second hand nausea AND embarrassment, and absolutely no personal space. A dream come true.
At least he gets to hold it over their heads
Tbh i like the irony of Dragon Slayers being motion sick because, yk, dragons can fly, so my hc for side effects for God Slayers and Demon Slayers were along the same lines
God Slayers being wide open space or flying since Gods are like the epitome of freedom? all knowing and have complete reign over everything, But claustrophobia works so much better for that same reason. It would cause extreme panic and rash decisions
And Demon Slayers was the dark because demons are supposed to be these evil creatures who thrive in the dark n stuff? basically it would send a Demon Slayer into a paranoid spiral.
But sweets being a weakness instead is such a silly thing that im gonna take it and run
Gray never cared for sweets in the first place, gave him a stomachache, but now he has to walk away from Erza mid conversation if she decides to indulge, which is almost everyday. She was absolutely heartbroken and devastated when the weakness was revealed, it was such a dramatic reaction one wouod think she was the one with the new weakness
When Gray pokes fun at Natsus motion sickness he’ll go on about how Gray is gonna have the lamest parties since he cant handle even the smell of sweets, especially cake.
A terrible realization for everyone involved with him, on par with when Gray realized he wouldnt be able to have ice cream comfortably again, thats like a staple for ice mages
heart wrenching, truly
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Putting a bunch of answered asks in one post so I don't spam your dashes too much. Under the cut because it's a very long post. If your ask isn't here, don't worry! The ask box is far from empty, and I'm sorta trying to group them by topic. Enjoy?
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Anonymous asked: you mentioned in another ask that there were a few things you were probably going to check out from doing these polls and I was just curious which ones those are, if you don't mind sharing fjdjsj
I don't mind sharing! I had to go through the archive to remember which ones I wanted to check out, but a few of them would be The Walten Files, Red vs. Blue, The Murderbot Diaries, I Am In Eskew, and The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality. Many of the characters posted here look interesting, but I'm such a slow watcher/player/reader/etc. that it'd take me decades to go through everything lol
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Anonymous asked: Have you considered doing like uhhh idk how to explain properly, but statistics/data from loads of polls in a summary every so often? I've seen some poll blogs do a most known/least known type bar graph every so often. And I would be super interested in seeing this sort of thing for this blog!! It's fair enough if not though, obviously this would create a lot of extra work for you. Anyway, thanks for running this blog :-) Anonymous asked: I just asked a question about seeing the data statistics/ bar graphs - please ignore it! Just reread your pinned and realised I'd missed that bit :'). BUT, last point remains, thank you for running this blog and putting up with repetitive anons I bet aksjskdjsk
I haven't put the data in a graph yet, but if I figure out how to organize that in a way that's both comprehensible and actually tells us something new, I'll give it a try for sure. Until then, we do have the spreadsheet. And no worries, I'm glad you're enjoying the blog! :)
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Anonymous asked: *sees a poll blog* "I must answer each and every poll I can"
Godspeed on your journey and remember to stay hydrated! 🫡
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Anonymous asked: this is my favorite blog! Every morning I wake up and check the polls like they're the paper, just to say "I don't know them" Truely a humbling experience!
Happy to be your neighborhood paperboy!
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@iceice-baeby asked: Are olyou fearing the day someone submits Solid Snake from MGS and you will choose the wrong picture Because everyone always seems to choose the wrong picture
The only difficulty will be in not using this one:
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Anonymous asked: Just scrolled back through your blog up to posts from Dec 3rd and I know why those polls are closed now but I cannot describe the genuine anguish I felt seeing Mr Orange and going NO I KNOW HIM - I KNOW HIM!!!! Anyway I found this blog like ten minutes ago and I love it
Don't worry, he's A-OK! 👍
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(Also, thanks! I appreciate your dedication.)
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Anonymous asked: scrolling through to catch up on the characters and knowing a whole three of them was so bizarre. im not supposed to press the yes i know them button, im supposed to do my sworn duty and vote no with unending confusion. the world has been flipped on its head 😵‍💫
I bet the next 30 were characters you've never heard of, just for balance to be restored.
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Anonymous asked: Whenever i misclick I feel sooooo bad like im sorry my dear friend for not recognizing you I apologize for my rudeness
No polls so far ended with only one vote difference between answers, so you don't have to feel too bad. For now. 👀
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Anonymous asked: this is fun cause i’ve definitely submitted some characters but i’ve immediately forgotten who. so i’ll also be pleasantly surprised to see my beloveds on the blog.
A gift from you to you, courtesy of unreliable memory! Sweet!
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Anonymous asked: Devastating. I keep missing the voting for the only characters I know.
You'll do it one day, I believe in you!!
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@iceice-baeby asked: Would you consider writing in the tags if YOU know a character or not You have done it sometimes before, but I'd be curious if you do recognise some of those random niche as all hell blorbos Also I can't wait for my Blorbos turn. Because either He-and-she is gonna take most obscure place, OR I will actually find maybe more than two people, myself included, who know him-and-her and who I can ramble at for hours until they block me
Oh yeah, for sure. I didn't think anyone would be interested to know, but I can do that when I remember to!
Did your blorbo show up already?
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Anonymous asked: I have been having the opposite problem of everyone else, apparently. I'll see a name and be like, "I don't know who that is". But then I see the picture and realize… Yes I do!
That's why I take the time to include fitting pictures, helps jog the memory!
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Anonymous asked: I feel very superior every time I know a character most people don't
Hey, nobody likes a show-off. (<- Joking)
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Anonymous asked: Wait, has Beetlejuice not been submitted?? I could've sworn I submitted the musical version! Anonymous asked: Oh wait no I didn't submit musical Beetlejuice to you, got you mixed up with @/every-character-ever-poll lol my bad
Indeed he hasn't been submitted yet, maybe next time!
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@thetisming asked: sorry for saying something negative in the replies to a post someone was being a dick about jukebox musicals
No worries, but don't let it get to you. People are allowed to dislike your favorite things even without any good reason. It's a matter of taste, which is highly subjective. It's more constructive to focus your attention on people who do enjoy the same things as you!
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@autism-criminal asked: What is your favorite color of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue indigo purple) ?
Orange! 🍊 What's yours? :)
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Anonymous asked: "data is not accurate" bro if ur going to a tumblr poll blog for accurate data you NEED to reassess some things asdfghjkl; anyway this blog is great thank you for running it it's a lot of fun and has resulted in some very funny interactions between me and my fiance. notably "what the fuck do you MEAN 6% of the sans undertale website doesn't know who sans undertale is" and "i'm sorry i simply don't believe that ANYONE doesn't know who DRACULA is"
Different people come here with different expectations, I suppose. Which is fine, I don't mind, but they're bound to be disappointed if they expect 100% accuracy all the time. But anyway! I'm happy to hear I can provide a new form of enrichment for you and your fiancé!
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@sweetpollyolliver asked: So many manga and anime characters and I know like 1% of them 😭
I'm ngl, I'm not a big manga/anime connoisseur either, so I'm just as lost as you most of the time lol 🤝 (<- shaking hands in solidarity)
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@cringelordofchaos asked: If I go insane one day I am going to try to make an English translation for Mesec Boje Purpura so everyone can know who veštica Noks is
I'm fully behind you! Keep us updated if you do.
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Anonymous asked: I scroll through your blog. I don’t recognise any of these characters. ‘No,’ I click, ‘no,’ ‘no,’ ‘no.’ I am content in the darkness of the rock I live under. But, alas, all things must end. I continue my scroll, the glee of the irrelevant rampant in my veins. But what’s this? It can’t be… My shelter is cruelly ripped away and the brutal light of knowledge seeks me out like a bloodhound, it gives me no place to hide. ‘Yes,’ I sob, defeated, ‘Yes, I do know the jjba character.’
A modern-day Greek tragedy, truly 💔
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Anonymous asked: was really surprised to vote and see that a character was 100% know them. then I noticed I got there early enough to be the only vote
For one shining, brilliant moment they were 100% known and surely that counts for something.
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Anonymous asked: You should make up a character and make a poll for them and see how many people lie or misclick
Well....... I'm not going to comment on that. 🐰
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Anonymous asked: I follow this blog and another blog that does smash or pass and occassionally I will come to one of your posts and examine the images to decide and then remember this blog's gimmick before trying to hit smash
Imagine voting smash there and then coming here to vote "I don't know them at all" on the same character. Brutal.
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@ink7blot asked: *sees big naturals* I hate that. *reblogs*
A job well done, then 😌
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daonedaonlyskh · 7 days
What would I be like in the PJO universe? (technically part 3)
a/n - hiya sorry it’s been  a few days since part 2 came out. This is gonna be the longest part. First thing is that this is technically lore for SKH when I do pjo roleplay, and second thing is that this can be a stand-alone part if you don’t wanna read part 1 & 2.
a/n part 2 - if you do wanna read part 1 and 2,
here is #1 and here is #2
-I imagine that once I arrived for the summer, I would get claimed pretty soon after
-I’ve also thought out how it would happen :)
-Me and some friends I had made would probably go out to the lake to have a picnic or something
-and then we started playing truth or dare
-I have been dared to walk out into the lake fully clothed until the water is waist height 
-I imagine I had waist height in the water and I feel like…an intense tingling feeling spread over me
-audible gasps from the friends at the shore
-and I just know, I don’t need to turn back to ask them what’s going on
-I look up
-*fitting musics starts playing* TRIDENT
-woah would you look at that Poseidon is my father
-and now that I’m claimed me lower half has dried off even though I’m still in the water :D
-someone who was at the picnic has RAN to go find Mr. Poseidon child #1 
-aka Perseus Jackson
-once Percy gets there I’m out of the water but the trident is still glowing above my head
-Percy takes me up to the Big House to go see Chiron
-and not long after that everyone knows what happened at the lake
-and voila, daughter of Poseidon
-anyways that was long thank you for listening to that TedTalk
-time for another TedTalk
-I think I would very often visit the lake
-very typical
-I think unlike Percy, I would actually be pretty decent at archery (like real life, I’m actually ok at archery)
-but archery would not be my main
-I think my weapon would be a sword
-but like kinda a short sword
-cause I would have a thing
-you know when you turn a dagger around so that the blade isn’t out in front of you but the blade is facing you?
-lemme try another description, where you’re holding the base of the dagger but the blade is not out in front of you, the blade is facing you?
-yeah this is fine 
-I feel like I would really wanna do that, but with a sword
-cause why not 
-ok I would absolutely love getting a a small group together and ding-dong ditching the cabins
-like that’d be so fun
-as long as you don’t get caught
-I would literally spend days working with the Aphrodite cabin trying to convince Chiron to let someone braid his tail
-would leave when people start fighting over who got to do it
-I think Percy would be the bestest older brother
-and I thing that Tyson would LOVE having a sister
-I think if I introduce him to My Little Pony he might spontaneously combust
-I think the Poseidon cabin would end up having a lot of sleepovers with my friends
-it’s always the Poseidon cabin because it’s most empty 
-and honestly, I don’t think Percy would mind
-in fact I think he would join in in the sleepover shenanigans
-honestly I think he would let me do his makeup 
-as long as he could do mine
-and you know what? That’s a deal
-ok, another thing
-this is the last one I promise
-The Hephaestus cabin would give me a demigod safe phone prototype
-yeah I know that’s not a part of the canon cry about it
-cause I need to communicate with my parents
-I would be so sad to go home after summer’s over though
-but I do wanna see my parents and my mortal friends
-but I couldn’t wait to go back next summer
a/n part 3 - hiya I hope you enjoyed. This was honestly super fun to write. I will make a mega post sometime soon with all the parts in one post that way it’s easier to see all the parts without having to go on a wild goose chase. Ok have a nice day <3
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
a bit of a message talking about inactivity and my possible hiatus. I dont know if this counts as a cw but i talk about depression here and there at the beginning (nothing graphic) and as usual, its a rant
im gonna be straight honest rn, i'm probably not gonna be active on tumblr for these next few days, ive been super up and down depressed and im just unmotivated and too tired to do anything, im still gonna check in here and there but dont expect me to reblog or reply to many posts, if at all. This could mark the beginning of a hiatus, but with mood swings and up and down depression, i could be back, active as ever tomorrow. Ever since ive uninstalled Sims 4, i did feel a weight lift off my shoulders, but simultaneously made me depressed due to the lack of... well... doing something, i dont... really know how to put it into words, its just something in my brain that i just cant explain, i guess a good way to put it is playing sims 4 gave me the motivation to stem off into other mediums, blender for example, gave me something to do, something to learn, and while i can still use blender, i just get progressively slower and slower at doing stuff in it because of my limited resources, some scenes i want to do require specific outfits and i dont have the facilities to make those outfits... i mean i probably do but i just dont feel motivated to do all that. I still play other games, ive been playing a lot of slime rancher 2 and have been trying to branch out to other games (indie games and bigger games), I want to post gameplay but if youve seen me rant about tumblr before, one of my biggest gripes is just how fucking annoying it is to upload images, so i just get completely unmotivated to post images/gameplay especially if its just some silly post. if uh if anyone is still reading this, ill be honest, i havent even been motivated to write about WAS at all, probably havent touched the planning doc in about 2 weeks. This... 'spiral'... has been noticeable for me for the last week as my sleep schedule gets swapped around from sleeping at night and awake during the day... to sleeping during the day and awake at night, this is all my fault, but its also just something that happens rotationally for me, i go from sleeping VERY early in the evening (6PM at the earliest) and waking at VERY early times in the morning (4AM at the latest) to sleeping VERY late in the morning (6AM at the earliest) and waking up late in the evening (3PM at the latest), i dont really know what causes the shift, but it happens, and i often blame myself for it even though i dont know what causes it...
anyways sorry, this will probably mark a very iffy hiatus, like i said ill be active but not... super active, i didnt check tumblr at all yesterday/monday, so thats kind of the pattern to expect from me depending on the day. In the meantime... i might try to get back into older sims games, ive mentioned this before, but i do have sims 1 on my laptop so maybe ill post stupid little gameplay posts from there (granted i havent played in like... a month 😐). I'll probably put up a poll after this post for people to vote on which sims game i should play- i KNOW i did it once before but im probably gonna do it again cuz i cant find the post and i have over 1000 posts 😭
if you read thus far, thank you for sticking around, if your a random person who read this for no reason... thanks? if your a follower of mine and cant understand where im coming from with this lengthy post, see yourself out or deal with it 🙃 otherwise, thank you all and i will be lurking about
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hazelplaysgames · 17 days
uuuuh since the SD card port went and just stopped, i really haven't felt like uploading clips. so. bleck. i think i can already chalk it up as a mixed year for me.
that said, i feel like i should make at least something now that the queue is unquestionably emptying, so. how about them phone games? i'll just make it one big one under a Keep Reading because, fair warning, they're all gacha games. on that front alone, i can't advocate for anyone getting in all willy nilly. keep in mind, i haven't spent anything on any of them. i got "luck" in my usual username for a reason.
let me start with the only one i've played since... ah, last august, actually, Blue Archive! it's going well, i just hit level 87, the level cap for the time being, a couple days ago.
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i'm still having fun with that one, so. nine months of fun with that one, story that kicked me like a mule, definitely more out of my time with it than i thought i was gonna get. we're in the middle of new stories now, and to fill in the event void, we're getting this mini-event featuring a girl named Aoi, who basically just shows up for that event. been a while. as you might guess by me bringing her up unprompted: a minor character who doesn't show up often? she stole my heart. it's honestly kinda impressive. something about her voice, mainly.
also, good news from the JP servers: they're putting the twin catgirl gamers in maid outfits! well, i mean, that event is a repeat, those two already were, but we'll be able to take them home this time!
additionally, a few months back, they started this system that grants a 10 pull ticket that's good for a month.
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it has been working out for me. didn't get any bunny girls for the collab after Cunifest, so i missed out on comedy, but i at least got the two collab girls in a pity pull's worth. the actual bunny event is coming up just after my birthday in June, and. well, i won't argue with bunnies for my birthday. probably post about that tuesday/thursday if it's REALLY good, or split it 100 pulls per those days?
nah, at most it's 20 screenshots, lets not drag that out. it can be done in 1 post.
next, i got into Nikke far more recently- a couple months is accurate- and like. i get a lot of sniper rifle users in that one. Frima was the first, Red Hood(who is widely considered by the userbase as one of if not THE strongest unit. i can believe it), Alice(who is still considered damn good with Red here. the loaned version makes me believe it), Trony, D: Killer Wife(i actually pulled D and her alt costume at the same time), Harran, Maxwell- why am i a sniper rifle magnet? is it 'cause i like to play Heavy? am i just an easy mark?
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you know i just realized neither of those pages show the girls names. be amazed i got Kasumi and Hiyori in the BA ones, please please. at the very least, the numbers on the bottom left can tell you those were actually the first pulls of those two banners.
anyways. since it was after i got through the final chapter in BA, i kinda figured it'd have a good story as well, and, yeah, absolutely better than i first thought. but the story is gated behind levelling, and while this was a point against BA too, it's far more prominent here. like, i got through all of BA's plot once i hit the 60s back in like, January or so, the grind to get into the story is practically constant with Nikke. also, the main story is 30 chapters in, and they're now calling it the prologue. i don't really want to witness that unchecked growth.
that all said, the main reason i got into either in the first place was because of the music: lotta good stuff in these two. no one set style, no one set tone, sum of it all is great. it is hard to suggest a place to start.
uh, as for the only gun gacha game i dropped right now, Arknights. just never meshed even after a few months, and if i remember right, the story has a similar issue as Nikke in being levelling locked. that all said, Nikke is probably the one i'll drop once phone space gets scarce. i enjoy it, but for the fact it's still the largest of the lot, eh... sadly, the best choice.
oh, and speaking of bunny girls, looks like that's also gonna be the next event for Nikke. hilarious. Alice is finally gettin' a proper alt!
in any case, i don't wanna go ditchin' the two rhythm games! i'll talk about the two side by side, kinda, if you wanna call it that. the first of which, Bang Dream! Girls Band Party!, commonly just called Bandori, and the second, D4DJ Groovy Mix. they both got a good selection of songs, though i do have to admit that if Bandori didn't have Butterfly, the song from Digimon, i probably would not have got into it these two as much as i did. here's two pages for that one:
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they recently made a push for 500 songs in it, so i'm only missing about 80. i feel quite proud for clearing all those Hard songs, i was barely kicking past medium when i first started in December. unfortunately for me, this kinda also stems the flow of free stars, i think i'll get at best, one or two more pity pulls within the year. for birthday banners. those are like, 1/3 of normal banners. it's a harsh star economy here. anyways, D4DJ:
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it throws a lot more currency types around, and the story... it might be timing about the whole xross wars arc, but what it is now ain't hitting what i'm looking for. ain't saying bad, just that i was kinda expecting more mundane. the gems in this one are also fairly consistent, so unless i want a lot ASAP, i feel like i can get a good, healthy enough amount within the rest of the year, even if the pulls are pricier than Bandori. might be going a little harder than i need to for some birthday banners.
if i could give shorthand preferences, i'd say: i give D4DJ props for the gameplay and modes that can be played, as well as overall difficulty curve and even accessibility, while Bandori i'll give the characters and story. while i like Rika(the redhead in the bunny suit up there) and Rinku of D4, i can fill out several lines of characters i like from Bandori, so. most of them, actually.
above the rest, easily, Kokoro, the blond one up there, she's just so happy like a ray of sunshine, i adore her. whenever a Hello, Happy World! song demo starts playing, it's usually her on vocals, and like a moth to a flame, i wanna play it.
i feel like both have great song selections, but what they each encompass is a bit different: Bandori only has originals and cover songs, all lyrics, all the way, and i think most of them are good. meanwhile, D4DJ, while obviously having ori's and covers, also has some original songs from other artists, instrumentals, and game music straight from either the source or a remixer like Camellia, who made a few songs in Mad Rat Dead, and i really appreciate having those as well.
ok, i am underplaying Camellia's full efforts there, fella does a lot of good remixes and originals. i mean, a lot a lot. you can't go two rhythm games without seeing his name, and for good reason: he's that good.
also, i know both series have youtube channels with animated seasons to them, but i haven't given either a watch yet. i learned those channels existed like a week ago, never considered the possibility before.
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love these birthday banners! D4DJ even gives you a few free pulls once a day while the banner is up to celebrate, which i find nice.
i guess i did also try Love Live 2, but, by download size, that was actually bigger than Nikke, and it relied entirely on its original songs. it felt hard to get into, aaaand... it is shutting down in a couple days now. still, got Snow Halation in, Rin was cute, Nico Nico Ni, Nozomi Tojo, David Schwimmer, guest starring the "SKULLS" parasite unit. to explain the joke, Triple-Q's Friends Halation. i like most Snow Halation mashes.
all right, anything else i want to mention here and now... nah. i think that's good, i feel talked out.
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Congrats on the 8 Hundo!! Your writing's been a joy to read ^ ^! can we get a prompt 6 with Amber? Love that funky fire bunny archer
“I remember practising how to ask you out in front of the mirror”
Characters: Amber x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
This post is part of my 800 Follower event, if you'd like to read more post belonging to the event, you can find them under the tag #JustASimp'sSimpingEvent on my blog
a/n: I can't put in words how much I love Amber. She was definitely one of my favourite characters in the beginning and I love her as much as I hate Hoyoverse for making her gameplay so… eugh. I could probably build her and have a decent time, but I could also just place her into my teapot to farm friendship levels… hmm.
I didn’t write for Amber in some time, so if she’s a bit ooc, then I’m very sorry. But I think this should be at least decent
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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You’d often run into Amber doing her work for the knights of Favonius, be it patrolling the areas around Mondstadt or accidentally nearly giving you a heart-attack by suddenly appearing in the tree next to you, looking out for potential threats. Whenever you did, the two of you would talk for as long as the outrider could without remembering that she was on duty at the moment.
You quickly found yourself admiring the way she managed to talk to complete strangers as if they had been friends for years, remembering how frantically you went through all your memories the first time the two of you spoke, trying to remember if you two knew each other in your childhood and you just forgot who exactly she was, only to find out later that you had actually never met.
Like most days you found yourself in the middle of the woods, searching for mushrooms, berries, and all kinds of other, possible ingredients for lunch. Sure, you could have just bought them in the market square of Mondstadt and be done with, making your job much easier, but where’d be the fun in that? Just as you picked up another mushroom that would be perfect for chicken-mushroom-skewer and where about to put it in your basket, you heard someone call out your name, causing your head to instantly turn in the direction the sound was coming from.
“Oh, Amber, I didn’t expect to run into you here of all places. Are you on duty again?”, you asked once she was near enough to hear you, your lips curved into a welcoming smile. Seeing Amber while foraging in the woods wasn’t exactly a rare sight, she was an outrider after all… well, the outrider, to be more precise. What caught you off-guard was her shaking her head in response.
“Well, it makes sense that you’d assume that, after all I usually am. But no, not today. I saw you walk into the forest alone and thought I might as well keep you some company, you know, to make sure that you wouldn’t get hurt by wild boars or wolfs”, Amber responded with a wide, shining smile before striking a proud pose.
“Wow, what a responsible knight you are, sacrificing your own free time to make sure your fellow citizens don’t get harmed”, you stated jokingly, causing the outrider to play along and nod while humming in approval.
It didn’t take the two of you to start your usual routine again, talking about all kinds of stuff, from what happened the past few days, to what you were going to cook with your found ingredients, and even just a few funny stories, causing the two of you to end up as nothing but laughing messes. When you finally calmed down, you suddenly felt the atmosphere get a bit more serious, causing you to glance to Amber to see what she was up to, only to find her check her surroundings before turning back to you.
“Hey, would you mind if I asked you something?”, she eventually asked, her somewhat more serious tone still managing to catch you off-guard. Nevertheless, you quickly answered her question, telling her she could ask you whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, only for Amber to bombard you with both questions and information, her fast talking making it hard to understand everything. Whenever you managed to decipher one sentence, she had already thrown three more your way.
“Wait, Amber… slow down, please”, you eventually cut her off, your head starting to hurt from all the attempts to understand her ramble. “I can’t understand half of what you were saying”, you eventually added, putting down your basket and using your hands to massage your temples.
“I’m sorry, I remember practising how to ask you out in front of the mirror, but it seems like I didn’t account the effect of being nervous”, she apologised, causing you to immediately wave your hand in dismissal.
“No problem, I’m also not good with dealing with nervou-”, you were about to answer, only to stop yourself in the middle of the sentence. “Wait… Ask me out?”, you repeated, not being sure if you heard her right.
“Yes, I thought that I could show you how to build a baron bunny—the non-explosive kind of, course—or just go out to eat something at Good Hunter, if that’s what you’d like more”, she explained, unintentionally making your brain stop for a couple of seconds, causing you to blankly stare at her for a few seconds, making the outrider start to worry.
“Like… as friends?”, you found yourself once again asking, wanting to make absolutely sure you didn’t misunderstand her. Amber was a kind and outgoing person, one whose way of speaking made even total strangers wonder if they really didn’t knew her and weren’t actually best friends, so her asking you out as friends didn’t seem too farfetched.
“No…”, she answered, only to quickly add something, while flaying her arms in front of her “Well, if you’d like to be just friends instead that would be totally fine too. I wouldn’t want to force you into something you didn’t want.”
You stood there in silence for a couple of seconds, trying to comprehend what she had just said, only to quickly stutter out an answer when you noticed the look of worry on her face, “O-oh sure. Sorry, I was just t-trying to make sure I didn’t misunderstand anything.”
Amber’s face immediately lit up, her smile bigger than any you had ever seen before. “Great! Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”, she asked, only for you to nod in response. “Then how about I’ll show you then how to build yourself a plushie as amazing as baron bunny?”, she suggested, smiling even brighter when you accepted her proposal, before saying her good-byes and waltzing-off, waving you until you could no longer see her, leaving both of you excited for the next day.
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silkythewriter · 1 year
hi hiii! so... um, is it okay if i request a matchup for mha and/or hxh? i think the way you write matchup is really cute, sooo i'd like to try (if it's okay of course!)
ah right, about me, i use she/her pronouns. i'm in my early twenties!! (≧◡≦) i'm a literature student. i'm quiet, and kinda awkward especially if we just met :( but but! once we're close, i can be veerryyy loud and clingy. that said, i'm an emotional person. i'm the type of person who watches a show and think about it for the next few days... but well, i think i'm quite.. rational? it is not often i let my emotions control myself (mainly because i'm supposed to be the "calm and collected one", but anywayy-). i don't have many friends (i think it's because i take too long to respond when people talk to me, or because i often don't get the context they're talking about), but i love helping people!
i love daydreaming. i love writing too heheh but i rarely do it these days. i love cats, they're cute. i don't like loud and rude people, they're scary.
i think that's all? if this is too long i'm so sorry :(
thank youuu. you're cute and i love ur writing! ♡♡
Match up for MHA and HXH<3
Summary!: Match up for MHA and HXH!!
Small warning!: I love doing match ups EEEEEE their so fun!!😭anyway I apologize for bad grammar or spelling mistakes! Also I don’t know your sexuality so sorry if this isn’t to your liking!
Small note!: AHH THIS IS MY FIRST MHA AND HXH REQUEST IM PRETTY SURE SO YAY \(^ヮ^)/ I will be working on HC a bit less it won’t make much of a difference I just wanna post HC for like a week before going back maybe? I’ll still be working on the ones I have now though!
Fandom!: HXH and MHA!
Daily song suggestion!:
For HXH you got: leorio!
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You guys probably met in college while walking to have break off campus, and you guys ended up going to the same small cafe
At first you thought he was following you so you did kind of freak out- I mean have you seen this man? He looks way more older then he actually is so it’s fair to be scared at first
He tried walking ahead of you cause he knew he was probably scaring you, but he couldn’t catch up cause you were basically jogging/speed walking so he tried doing the same but it only made the scene look so much worse 😭 it now looked like he was chasing you which made you panic worse then before. You quickly tried throwing anything at him, including the notes you took and whatever work the professor gave you. Cause right now that wasn’t your concern
Once he realized what you were doing he tried yelling out but a paper basically slapped his face making him tumble back wards
“Hey!- Wait I’m not following you! Jeez!” He yelled out trying to make you turn around so you could collect your stuff, which you did. He ended up apologizing and helping you pick up some of papers and pens you dropped. He offered to take you to the cafe he was heading at which surprise surprise was the same one you were going to!
Once you guys got there and ordered it was pretty awkward till he started making jokes about the situation which got you giggling and his simp self had to get your number so here we are
You guys were in an awkward stage for a bit sense you guys were busy and didn’t have much time to talk. But once spring break rolled around (let’s say you guys have one or two weeks if the college gods give mercy) its when your relationship steady a bit! He knows you were a bit awkward cause of not knowing him of course but he didn’t mind waiting out this period and he tried helping a lot for you to loosen up and know him better But trust me once you guys got out of the awkward stage you’ll be happy you stayed!
He loves Your clinginess cause he himself is quite clingy too, so it’s just a win win on both ends! He’s very loud aswell so depending on how much your comfortable with him except him to talk like he’s shouting
One time he took you to his house to watch a movie and he picked A Dog's Purpose(this movie made me cry so hard) he knew it was sad of course but he didn’t expect for you to be a bit down for the next few days/thinking about it, he’s the kind of guy who watched a movie and maybe gets sad for a few minutes before moving on so you guys has different reactions, he isn’t that rational unlike you so sometimes your the one having to calm him down 😭
Oh! If you ask for it he gets you cat as a gift especially if you talk about wanting one, I will say he’s probably a bit more of a dog person but he’s chill with cats cause you are, he thinks the ginger or black cats are the prettiest
He loves sneaking up on you while your writing and watch from behind your shoulder, it’s a bit creepy but he finds you writing to be so cool! He loves how your words flow so nicely together and much more! If you let him proof read or just give his opinion he’s always giving positive ones, not even to be nice for the hell of it, he genuinely just loves your writing!
Overall he absolutely loves your personality no matter if you quite one day but clingy and laughing the next! He loves you no matter what mood your in! <3
For MHA you got: Aizawa!
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You guys met at a local cat cafe that you frequented!, he just got out of patrol and popped in sense the owner was basically his friend by how much he came In
He saw you when you were playing with a tabby cat(I hope that’s how you spell it ( ̄▽ ̄)) and his heart melted at the sight of you playing with it as it jumped onto you lap and making itself comfortable
When he grabbed his coffee he was quick to take a spot near you as the same cat you were playing with came over to him and rubbed along his leg, you stared at the cat silently morning the lost of the adorable cat, he noticed pretty quick and picked up the cute feline as well as his coffee while walking over and taking a seat
He placed down his coffee while putt the cat softly on the ground letting it walk around the both of you before deciding to lay down under the table. You only shyly waved and said a small “hi” that was barely above a whisper. He could sense how shy and a bit timid you were so he started up the conversation by asking what your doing and other common questions. Once you guys got comfortable giggles and chuckles filled the small cafe as you guys connected over how busy life is and etc. it was only when the last person left did you two realize how late it was getting, you could only give a small smile before excusing yourself due to how late it was.
And ohhhhh the blush on this man’s face when you handed him that small peace of paper with a rushed scribble of your number with a small cat drawn on the side
As you’ve seen he doesn’t really mind you being shy at first. He’s not the best at caring a conversation or talking to people in general really, but he has had some practice especially with being a teacher and pro hero at the same time, he’s in introvert sure but when it comes to you he doesn’t know how to explain this feeling of knowing you for year like old friends that go way back. It’s an instant connection
He doesn’t pounce on his feelings to quickly due to being scared of rejection and also due to his schedule and how packed it is. But once you confess to him or he feels like it’s time he doesn’t regret it a bit
Loves that your learning about literature to be honest, I feel like he reads books and poetry in his spear time so he would love to take a look at it and read how nicely you words feel to read, might even ask to bower some to read if you have any other pieces!
He isn’t much of a loud person himself but doesn’t mind how loud or quiet you are to be honest! He enjoys the company you give him in any shape or form and loves letting you ramble about different topics and such and will give small in put or just nod along while listening intently
Activity avoids any emotional shows or movies to make sure your comfortable, he knows it doesn’t impact that much and you wonder about it for a couple days but still he’d rather let you choose if anything to make sure your happy with any movie nights you do! He knows your a rational person but even then he wants you to enjoy the night and not have your head stuck around a show or movie
He has 2 cats no questions ask, you know he treat them like his baby’s, ones also named after a mixs of yours and his name since you guys adopted it together!
He understands the frustration with loud people I mean, just look at mr blond guy, he’s a great example so he’ll makes sure to get you outta the way if he ever comes and will just take the hit for the team since he’s already use to it but still annoyed by it
Overall he adores you to death and back and would adore you no matter what! Quirk or no quirk you still look just as amazing in his eyes 💞
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padfootagain · 1 year
A quick update, friends!
Just wanted to share a quick update after posting my first fic in a while, and discuss what I'm planning to do, and also ask for your opinion on a few things (a pole is under the cut if you're interested). I'm going to put everything under the cut to avoid bothering people who would not care about this post.
But before that, I would simply like to thank everyone who has read my new fic! I wasn't expecting to do so well on my come back, I've already received requests again... It really feels like I'm fully back, and I'm very grateful. So thank you so much to everyone!
Now, the rest is under the cut :
First thing first, again, thank you so much for the very positive feedback I got for my Sirius fic! It's very encouraging to me, and shows that I can still write good (or at least okayish) fics, despite being gone for so long! So thank you all again!
I've received two similar requests for some Ben Barnes fic (I don't know if it's the same person going on and off anon or just two separate ones that are just oddly similar...), requesting some shenanigans with the Shadow and Bone cast, the request is accepted and already written!
Concerning requests, I just wanted to remind you all that I do not write smut or nsfw content. If you make a request that could include smut, I will thus keep your idea but without any nsfw scene.
Quick update on where we're at! Here is my little list of all my fics that I have been working on or am currently working on :
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You will recognize the first five fics as being the ones already included in my posting schedule that I shared last week (it's still my pinned post, in case you need to check it out again). But as you can see I've been pretty productive this week! Wrote a long one-shot that I will split into two parts cause it's too long, and the request I received this week. Also already working on a chapter for a series.
I am thus seriously thinking about posting more often than what I had originally planned... I don't want to overwork myself, so I don't think I'll go as far as posting twice a week on a regular basis, but I might do an intermediate rhythm... like once every five days or something like that. I don't know yet, I'm still thinking about it. But it's a bit silly that I have so many stuff ready at this point, I reckon. So might let myself post more often in the coming days.
Also, as you might have noticed in this list, there is an awful lot of Ben Barnes content coming (I do not blame myself for it, I love this man with all my heart, have been doing so for way too long to still be counting now, it's really not my fault...). But I am aware that some of you might be interested in other characters ! So, if you have a minute, you can answer this little pole here in order to decide who I should focus next for another one-shot!
I am also thinking about planning an event in the coming month, if things go well, if you're still enjoying my writings and if I'm still productive :) I think it could be a nice way to mark my come back, make you all involved in the creative process again, and it also would be a way to help me focus my energy. Because rn I have so much motivation to write fics, it's a bit overwhelming tbh cause I have lots of ideas and have a tendency to be a bit all over the place. So, organising on an event could help me focus all this energy. It would probably be an event using dialogue prompts or AUs/tropes. I will give myself a few more days to think about it, and will probably ask your opinion again about it through some poles :)
Anyway, end of this very long post, a pat on the shoulder to anyone who's managed to read this post all the way through, and I will keep you updated again next week :)
Feel free to drop by to discuss everything I'm discussing in this post, or if you just want to have a chat about whatever you want :)
Thank you all again, have a nice Sunday!
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koniku · 2 years
Cafe HC (part 3)
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Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli×reader | fluff | sfw
tw: none
a/n: I've been so tired lately I didn't even realize how much time has passed since I posted. Anyways here it is, I feel like Zhongli's is just my daddy issues speaking but that's fine
• the hottest guy in the cafe
• literally walks right in and EVERYONE'S eyes are on him
• he has the best smile I just know it
• he's the sun, he's the light, the love of everyone's life
• he's the one guy that everyone knows, and there is not one soul that dislikes him
• people likes him, animals likes him, there will never be a rainy day when it comes to him(unless he wants it to rain)
• the world revolves around him and only him
• you, just like everyone else, is very much pulled in by his goodlooks and great personality
• he's probably offered you help with a multitude of things, so much so that you feel kinda bad
• you probably offered to cook him a meal bc you feel it's more sincere?
• and he does accept the invite
• if you're a good cook, kisses to the chef muwah, he'll be coming back again
• otherwise, he'll be there to put out the fire don't worry!
• a resident at the nearby hospital
• he's so stressed out and tired you can see the heavy dark circles around his eyes
• he's falling asleep while waiting for his coffee
• I feel like despite his busy schedule he does take care of himself but it can be a bit difficult
• he probably stayed up late to rush a report or to do some reading and ended up sleeping terribly late
• he's usually busy so he doesn't come by often but likes to sit in the corner of the cafe with a cup of coffee while reading about plants
• he's a plant dad, he gives his plants names and actually talks to them
• you probably recognised the book he was reading and decided to chat with him for a while and realised that you guys get along quite well
• he's gonna be busy for the next few days but when he has time, he'll definitely drop by in hopes of seeing you again
• he's the cute singer at the cafe
• he plays the keyboard and compose and write songs
• he's the street and artistic kind of smart, he can't tell you how to solve quadratic equations but he can tell you Greek mythology and quote Shakespeare just bc
• you probably fell victim to his quotes once cause he found you cute, but ofc asked if you were ok w it first
• "for where thou art, there is the world itself, and where thou art not, desolation"
• it's so cheesy, yet you couldn't help but blush and laugh at how corny it was
• you can laugh all you want, he doesn't mind, in fact he does it even more just to see you smile
• quiet edgy guy™ who has such a rbf
• he's just as intimidating when you first start talking to him tho
• his stare is so overwhelming but once you get to know him better you find him to be very nice and friendly
• you start to form a friendship when you first saw him, you found him to be quite cute despite his, yk, rbf, and you start talking to him
• ofc it comes as quite a surprise to him cause nobody rly initiates conversations unless absolutely necessary when it comes to him
• he's quite touched by your boldness rly and so he spares time for you
• it becomes a thing where if you see him in the cafe you'd start talking to him about just anything you could think of and his awkward demeanor melted over time
• though the both of you couldn't be considered as anything but friends, for now atleast the both of you are quite content with the current state of your relationship
• the old man sitting alone in the cafe with a cup of hot tea and a book on self care
• he's definitely into chrysanthemum tea, or any floral teas
• he's a regular at the cafe
• he likes to settle down in a quiet corner and read his books
• the staffs likes him a lot, and even ask him for his reading progress
• like if he finishes a book everyone would know
• I feel like he's very pleasant to talk to, you could talk about all your life problems and he'd listen to them very attentively, while giving you an occasional nod of the head
• he gives the best advice, and is great at comforting
• he probably saw you looking quite upset once
• and him being the absolute darling he is, goes to ask if you need a listening ear
• he just gives off the best vibes and you find comfort in him
• 10/10 therapy session he welcomes you to come again
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riflewounds · 2 years
= Norman Corey, the introduction =
So I might as well introduce my war criminal whumpee, Norman. He's been living in my head rent free since November 2014 and he's gone through a lot of changes through the years. Yeah he's my main whumpee, occasional caretaker, and rarely a whumper.
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First, the basics. He's probably 30-something (allegedly 33). I say probably because he doesn't count his birthdays for trauma reasons. But yeah, his birthday 11th of March. Or 11th of May. He doesn't know and neither do I. The name Norman Corey is his actual name, though he did have an alias, initials VP. And he's worked really, really hard to bury that. Some still know what his alias was, but aside from a handful of shady government people, no one knows. I'm going to describe his appearance in detail later, because that's several paragraphs of information.
This post will go for a long, loooong time, so more under the cut.
Oh, and before we go any further, please keep in mind this post will contain the following: substance abuse (especially alcoholism), talk of suicide, mentions of self-harm, talk of a possible eating disorder, military talk, talk of brain damage.
Obligatory tag for @burtlederp, I finally have some Norman stuff.
Alright, welcome back. We will now resume the scheduled character introduction.
Appearance, yes. He's skinny, unhealthily skinny, weighing in at some 130 lbs. A smidge over 6 feet tall, but not by a lot, half an inch at most. His skin is pale and if you look close enough, you can see his veins. Speaking of veins, he has some broken capillaries around his nose, giving the area a permanent red tinge. Eye color could be called olive, but they're generally a shade of green. His hair is more often than not greasy and matted because this dumbass doesn't have the energy to drag his sorry ass to a shower. The hair reaches his shoulders and is of ashen brown color. He also has rather noticeable eye bags. Because he can't sleep half the time and he spends the other half drinking himself to oblivion. But I'll get to that later, alcoholism is like half of the character.
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Continuing on with appearance. As you can see, he has quite a few prominent scars on his face. The most noticeable ones are the pair of gashes over the bridge of his nose, one gash on his left cheek, starting at the jaw and pointing roughly towards his eye. Then there's the scar across his right lip, and above his right brow. The brow scar is important, that's where the chunk of armor plating is. It's a long story, the Echo Incident. There's also a smaller scar on the left side of his chin. Another very important scar is the band around his neck. Yeah he tried to hang himself with a wire, but his luck is a bitch and the thing he attached the wire to broke off and down to the ground he went. As if the world didn't want him to die, I wonder why that is.
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So anyway. His body is peppered with various bullet wounds, some nicely healed, others nasty and knotted and generally sensitive to touch. Out of these body scars, the two biggest ones lie on his right thigh. These are a bullet wound from the same shrapnel to face incident, but this one was caused by an actual bullet, not shrapnel. For the nerds, this particular bullet was a tracer round, 7.62x39mm, lodged itself between the femur and femoral artery, plus it's pressing against the big nerve next to the artery and if he sits wrong his leg goes numb. And right next to this scar is a very long, very nasty gash from the one time he tried to fish the bullet out with a knife as he lay in a bathtub. He passed out from blood loss, but once again, he woke up three days later, very sore and very tired. That seems to be a pattern, whenever he dies, he wakes up later, alive but hurting and having to deal with a less severe version of the injury that got him in the first place.
Personality. Well. He *appears* uninterested and apathetic, he's withdrawn, quiet, lazy, uncaring and generally bleak, but befriend him and he'll show his true colors. He may be all of the above, but that's mostly a way to drive others away so he doesn't hurt them through his actions. Anyway he cares a lot about people he considers to be friends, and is quite loyal to them. Though he's a bit of a death seeker, and he lacks almost any regard for his own life. Near-death situations somehow bring him peace. That, and he doesn't feel right unless he's in a fistfight or a firefight. He's quick to anger if you ask about his military career, and doing so will result in a fight (he's the one who escalates).
Oh yeah, I mentioned substance abuse in the content warnings. Well, dear reader, he is one hell of a mess. He used to have a pretty bad opiate addiction and his general tolerance for drugs is through the roof. It's Ozzy Osbourne level. Which is why the hospital he frequents has a 'patient is moving' tally in the OR. And it's all because of him. He's allegedly friends with the anesthesiologist, but who knows. I didn't get to that point yet. These days he drinks. A lot. He's a barely functional alcoholic. How dysfunctional, you ask? He's somehow worse than Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium. He started drinking when he was still in the military. The actual reasons are hazy, but something something war crimes and horrible leadership. He let it get worse and worse, trying to get himself articled, but the shrapnel to face incident happened first. Well anyway, he had to be sober for six months while he was recovering in Germany. Back then, he didn't cross the threshold of alcoholism, but he fit the criteria for alcohol abuse. But once he got out of the hospital and back to U.S., he got really, really into opiates. He started with pills, but later on moved to needles and shit. He still has old track marks in the crook of his left elbow, and a strip of scar tissue around his upper left arm because of how tight he applied the tourniquet every time. It was one of those scratchy rubber assholes from car first aid kits. Well anyway, at some point he started having issues sourcing the drugs, so he replaced one addiction with another and now instead of a habitual opiate user, we have a thoroughly dysfunctional dumpster fire of an alcoholic. Not only does he drink whiskey as if it was water, he tosses ketamine, haloperidol, and a bunch of other stuff into the mix. But he's usually smart enough to do that only when he's sober. Usually.
All of which leads me to his health, and how terrible it is. As you may already know, he got shot quite a few times. And the shard of armor plating in his face. That thing used to be a lot bigger, what he's left with now is a little over half of the entire shrapnel. It's lodged deep within his right frontal lobe, which gives him a number of issues, including, but not limited to: difficulty interpreting emotions and social cues, memory issues, impulse control issues, etc. He's doing what he can with it. The shrapnel is long enough to bump against his ocular nerve, but that happens extremely rarely. When it does happen, his right eye will act up, he'll see a bright flash and feel sharp, stabbing pain over half his face. Anyway that shrapnel is his weak point - hit his face at just the right angle, and you'll drop him in seconds. The effects are similar to a concussion, but a little different. He'll be disoriented and confused, but that goes away in about an hour. Also another important point - his lungs are fucked from asbestos and burn pits. And his liver, poor thing. That thing hurts like a motherfucker, if he's on too long of a bender, it *will* act up, it *will* hurt and he'll be left curled up into a ball, screaming in agony. Then it's ambulance time. Usually he goes sober for a while when this happens, but his sobriety rarely lasts longer than two weeks because one, delirium tremens is a bitch to deal with (starts 24 hours or less since last drink, and can last up to three days), two, he's anxious and antsy as fuck, jumpy, snapping at people, and three, he's hallucinating when he's sober. He has two recurring hallucinations: Jack and Jameson. More on them later. Other important health stuff, he's living on liquor, gummy vitamins, stale frozen pizza that takes him three days to eat. So yeah, he's malnourished and underweight. It... doesn't help that he forgets to eat, since he doesn't really feel hunger anymore. His fridge is always full of beer, and freezer is stuffed full of frozen pizza (margherita, sorry if I butchered the spelling), so even if he wanted to eat something different, he couldn't, since he has nothing else in the house. Maybe a box of cereal five years after its expiration date in a cupboard, or the two boxes of MREs in the basement, but he only eats those when he's travelling.
Norman is a pretty capable fighter, both at range and up close. His fighting style is very technical, relying on various maneuvers over brute strength. Despite his weak and frail appearance, he can hit surprisingly hard. At range, he's deadly up to 300m, and a fairly good shot at long ranges, provided he has the right rifle for the job. He's best used as a sniper or a marksman.
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Uhhh what else. I don't know what else to tell you, there's just so much about this disaster of an alcoholic that I could talk about. Anyway if you desperately want to know more, please check out my Character Dump, page 5. Everything there is to know about that character is there.
Ohhh yeah, Jack and Jameson. I almost forgot about those two.
Jack and Jameson are Norman's two recurring hallucinations. They're personifications of parts of his personality. Jack, the asshole, is all of Norman's self-hatred, anger, and substance abuse comcentrated into a single antropomorphic form. Jack tends to show up only when Norman believes he's alone in a room and no one can hear/see him. It provokes him, points out every single mistake he's ever made (and not in a constructive way), drives him to do things he normally wouldn't do. And Jameson is the opposite, it's the concentrated form of whatever is left of Norman's self-preservation instinct. It's always in the shadows, and it acts sort of like his sixth sense. Neither of these two hallucinations are omniscient - they work with the information Norman already has.
Okay that's all. I genuinely don't know what else to talk about.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
Hello there r! here’s a question (well not rly a question) that I was way too scared to ask when I wasn’t a mutual
Thoughts about philosophy? What’s your favourite field of philo? Is it true that philosophy should come with a mental health warning?(cause me and a few other of my friends have developed q a bit of mental health issues post learning about Cartesian Skepticism, and we personally think yes)
For me my favourite part is epistemology, specifically all the general stuff with justified true belief and certainty! I will also sprinkle in some experimental philosophy (I had to do a whole paper on that and I’m submitting it in a few days) and the problem of evil bullsht in there as well.
HAHA sorry for a very long message I just rly wanted to talk to somebody about philosophy cause very few people online are interested imo
~Aki/Akira (take your pick)
(a quick warning before we start: this answer gets preeettty long.)
so, my thoughts on philosophy, then… 
first up, on a general level, i just find it fascinating. as a person who loves thinking about questions with no right answers, i think that one thing that draws me to it is that you can see lots of different people’s perspectives on things: even if you disagree with someone, there are so many different responses and theories to questions that are engrained in our society, and it’s interesting to see what different people think and how they defend those beliefs.
one of my favourite parts of philosophy (again, in general) is probably the debating aspect of it (well, not exactly debating— but talking with other people who don’t share your thoughts), not necessarily with people, either; just pitting different ideas against each other and seeing which one has the stronger… i want to use the word backbone?
i dunno… i just find it really exciting, in a way? because there’s a lot you can learn from other people and outlooks on things, and when you’re in a scenario where you’re specifically trying to come to a certain conclusion or supporting a certain point, thinking about how to overcome the challenges raised along the way is really fun.
i also find it a good way to strengthen and refine your own beliefs and thinking in real life: like, if you have people challenging your viewpoints and they pick apart a weakness in what you’re saying, there’s a lot you can learn from it yourself and how to prevent that happening later on (or find a way around it when it does.)
tbh, i’m not too sure about my favourite field. it’s a bit weird because i really like ethics, for example, but i find myself engaging with epistemology more often, for some reason? maybe it’s something like… i find ethics interesting, but i find epistemology more interesting to pick apart, if that makes any sense? possibly because quite a lot of people have strong views when it comes to ethics regarding what they think is what’s right and wrong, but when you get into epistemology, i’ve found that the opinions you’re met with generally get less personal and emotionally-oriented and people are more willing to listen to different perspectives, which makes it easier to have a proper discussion on the matter.
(again, i have no clue whether i’m making any sense, so apologies if i’m not.)
i do also really like metaphysics, too: the idea of distinguishing the underlying patterns and concepts of what makes up what we experience and reality in general is so. goddamn. interesting. 
just… concepts, man. you know? 
anyways, now that we’ve got that covered, onto the next question. 
whether philosophy should come with a mental health warning or not… well, i guess i agree with you that it should. not necessarily because it’s dangerous in essence or anything, but rather that it can’t hurt to warn people about what they’re getting into and what’ll be covered just in case some problems arise (or at least on topics that may be more prone to resulting in negative consequences) to mentally prepare people for what’s to come. i mean, it doesn’t take much effort, so if you can help a few people by giving a quick warning without losing anything, why not?
…i’m making this sound like people are about to enter a war zone when learning about philosophy, aren’t i?
hehehehe… another epistemology fan… although, it’s a bit sad that not many people seem to like it in my experience, because even though i’ve found it comes with less personal ties, less people also seem to be interested in it? i mean, maybe the fact that it’s less personal makes less people invested in it? regardless of the reason, it is nice when you find someone who is interested in it, because personal opinions don’t make as much of a surfacing as opposed to something like ethics: like, one of my nitpicks with ethics is that some people don’t really have much to say about their beliefs other than the fact that they, well, believe in them, which makes it hard to get your point across.
(and don’t worry: you don’t have to apologise for a long message. my reply isn’t exactly much better.)
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
I’m here 🖐 but late, as always 😣 I just saw the update for Secret and damn I was not disappointed. I knew they would be chaotic. My fav part was Yoongi making fun of her “we know Kookie” cause girl, it took you long enough 🙄 like they haven’t been telling her that and she just kept being indenial 😑 but anyways, I really love their friend group. That is why i get really excited when you make the social media chapters cause it portrays how much they are so chaotically hilarious. 2seok being a mess is just 🫠🫣😅😂 but also, I missed the drabble night AGAIN 😩 My timing always sucks, I need to remember that it’s usually fri/sat 😣 and I also didn’t get where they saw the prompt list cause I didn’t and I checked your page twice. Anyways, this was a really fun update, thank you for it ☺️
Hello! I have a bonus part coming this week 😅 I planned to post it yesterday but it takes my computer 3 business days to turn on and I’m just over it 😩
Ah thank you! I always tell my husband if I didn’t have such bad anxiety, I’d be a comedian but crowds just terrify me 😭 but I’m so glad you enjoy the chaos! I love smaus where they’re chaotic and hilarious and meddle ugh love the meddling 😭😭😭 I HAD to include hobi in that outfit! I think about it often 👀
Ah I’ll probably be doing another one soon! I did it on Friday but tumblr want very active (which is fine but I worked that day) and I went to bed a lot earlier bc I only had the 2. Work really drains me and trying to do drabble night on a work day isn’t great 😭 I hate working thirds but unfortunately I’m stuck there for a few more months (hopefully). Next time I will probably shoot for a Saturday evening but I like having wine when I do drabble night and I hate being hungover on Sunday bc I work that night 😭 I swear working thirds just doesn’t add up for me but oh well I literally chose this 🤣
I will probably use the same list next time (there was some good ones on there) and I wanted to continue yesterday but I ended up being busy and then I went to bed at 6pm 🤣
Thank you 💜 I’ll give more notice next time but I’m thinking maybe Saturday, July 2?
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hi nadia, since ur the designated 'crush talk' host i got something for you so buckle up... i've liked this guy since probably last year, i've known him since 2020, as he's a friend of one of my best friends who i currently live with. very smart, intelligent, kind, and so gentle, plus one of his main interests is something that i literally study at university so we have quite a few things in common. since last year i've been noticing these little things, kind of like serendipity, or maybe that's just how i've been interpreting them🤣🤣 just coincidences, most notably we went to the same play at the local theatre but completely missed each other, and also we met on the tram once and since it was packed there was no railing for me to hold onto so he very gently held my elbow (very cute and interesting conversation took place also). he would also often put a heart reaction on my stories whenever i'd post a selfie (he actually did it earlier today as well), and always compliment me whenever i'd post videos of my guitar playing. he once even asked me to play something for him the next time we see each other. so i thought things were going in the right direction... but poor mental health and self confidence really stunt my bravery when it comes to things like this so it's been going rather slowly. he came over when my roommate was throwing a get together the other month but i didn't make it. i've been wanting to tell my best friend about this whole ordeal so that she could maybe put in a good word for her homie but alas i haven't done it. 2 days ago i had a cute but quite vague dream about being in a relationship that had me absolutely wrecked for the entire day so last night i talked to another friend and decided i was going to tell my best friend!! and start making some moves!! fast forward to this afternoon, he comes over randomly just to visit my bestie, i'm over the moon obviously. the 3 of us talk, and then out of nowhere he announces he got back with his ex. what in the absolute dick and balls do i do now
oh my goddddddddd when I got to the end i literally went NOOOOOOOOOOO. I was like. Close to hopeful when you were like I'm gonna make moves but then I remembered this is crush talk and we're all suffering. BLEUGHHHH. Awww man dude that sucks. From the sound of it I'm sure it wasn't all happening in your head cause like he was being all replying guy and liking selfies on instagram guy. I'm sorry but that means something OKAY you can't be A MAN out here liking SELFIES on STORY. Like it's different if you put it on main and the person likes your post but HEART ON AN IG STORY SELFIE??? Nah. If you felt some type of connection I don't think it's fair to assume it was one-sided that's just silly anxiety and insecurity talking. Anyway that sucksssss. Idk how close you are with your bestie roomie but I'd still consider telling her? Maybe in a more casual way like oh my god I totally had a crush on your friend and he got back together with his ex :facepalm: so it doesn't seem That Big Of A Deal that it becomes awkward? Or you could do a proper heart to heart of it. Either way I think if you come out the other side feeling some type of emotional release or growth it's still worth it.
As for Serendipity boy idk try to see if the getting back together with ex thing is serious or if it's just like a fuck it why not situation? Cause sometimes getting back with your ex is truly just an I'm bored, you're bored we know this works in some way so let's just do this again type thing. So I'd say try to get a feel of it before you really lose hope but also more importantly I'm focused on you cause brains are silly and self confidence is SOOOOOO hard like crippling hard. But if the situation changes or another serendipitous man comes along I hope the fact that I'm rooting for you to go for it will help <3 Sorry if this was slightly too woo-woo but I know how hard it is to get over that barrier of your mind telling you NO and just go and get something you want but you're braver than you think! You typed this all out to me and you told a friend about it and you were gonna tell bestie roomie!
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