#sent: akireon
cynicalmusings · 2 years
After reading your modern AU brainrot I just had this idea
[name]: Cyno do you not have any clothes that aren’t some shade of black? Cyno: No? I have some clothes in a very dark blue and purple, and I have a turtleneck in a deep shade of maroon
[name]: they are literally just black
Cyno: …
this is very true. however, nobody ever questions the fact that he seems to only have one colour (or absence thereof) of clothing in his wardrobe because he looks so good in all of it.
he’d probably also reply with something like, “black cannot have ‘shades’, because it is the absence of colour, and so you are incorrect. it was quite a blind statement to make.”
“get it? because black is the absence of colour, and what you said was ‘bli’—”
“i got the joke, cyno. unfortunately.”
(and then he’d frown, a tad disappointed.) “oh.”
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
You are under arrest for making me decide to go for Cyno instead of nilou /j
actually tho cause all of ur brainrot and fics abt Cyno crawled it’s way into my brain and now I’m like
maybe I want Cyno a bit more than Nilou
well is this what being a Cyno simp is all abt?
Also I’m planning to do some form of art of the dark sorcerer Cyno AU cause damn the imagery is exquisite (might have to postpone a few days tho cause I have exams for the next week) but I’ll post it when I get arnd to it.
Have a great day/night r!
*twirls evil moustache between my fingers* hehehehehe
ahem. please excuse me.
…you— you want to do dark sorcerer cyno art?
i’m honoured :,) thank you! don’t rush it, though, and good luck with your exams!
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
it’s a moot here (for the “say smth on anon that u won’t say off anon” thing) and I’m wondering whether you would write anything for heizou lmao
I think I gave myself away but >_< your works on heizou were so good hscowbdowvsmxvs
I rly don’t mean to force u to write for him, I srsly enjoy the current fics u are writing just ignore me
well, @akireon, you’ll be pleased to know that i will definitely write something for heizou. in fact, i’ve got some ideas sitting in my notes that i may start whittling away at quite soon…
and don’t worry, i didn’t feel any pressure from your ask. if anything, i’ll be delighted to write for him because he’s so fun and wholesome and—
anyway. the answer is yes.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
empiricism or rationalism GO
(ngl I want to interact with you for some time but epistemology is kicking me so hard so I was like, “hm maybe r has some ideas about this”, so here we are)
I seriously kant with this
sorry it took me a while to reply to this, but here are my thoughts:
(philosophical ramblings ahead. you have been warned.)
to be honest, i’d say a bit of both. more epistemology as a whole, but some rationalism can be good here and there.
generally, as i said, i prefer epistemology, just because we can see that in the real world, experience is how knowledge is applied: science, education systems— it’s everywhere and has solid evidence for it, whereas rationalism is kind of just ‘trust me bro’, if that makes sense. i know that the whole point of it sort of is that it doesn’t have solid proof in our world and we need to look beyond the shadows on the wall, as you might say, but the ‘forms’ mentioned are so abstract and, like, how do you know when you’ve found them? the idea of forms in rationalism is also a bit contradictory, because take the example of sickness: how can that have a ‘perfect’ form? 
maybe you could argue that sickness is the imperfect form of the perfect form of health, but the thing is, we do have health in the real world, too, so that doesn’t exactly check out... the idea of these forms is probably the biggest issue i have with rationalism. another is that without actually putting things into practice, anomalies can pop up and people can get their deductions wrong, and if you never actually experiment with it to see that something up I worked out for yourself is flawed, you’ll be stuck for your whole life believing something wrong or untrue.
however, as i said, there are a few instances where i’d say rationalism over empiricism. for example, our senses can be flawed and deceived and whatnot, and scientific experiments and studies can fail or go wrong, so always relying 100% on experience isn’t always going to be fully accurate. also, not just flawed senses work into this, but also different world views as a whole: people can interpret and perceive things in different ways, and if there’s no easy way to tell which is the objective truth, sticking to each subjective view on the matter is just going to cause clashes rather than actually making sense of things objectively. 
rationalism may be slightly less useful in down-to-earth, heels-in-the-mud type scenarios, but without it we wouldn’t really be able to have concepts of religion— or at least not as strong as people do today— which is a major part of human society. also, let’s use an example such as mathematical equations: you can’t really ‘experience’ equations, and the best way to find one— especially people in the past like newton and einstein and whatnot— is by using logic and reasoning to figure out stuff that nobody has delved into before. basically, in my view, rationalism allows for people to speculate possibilities, and empiricism can put it into practice and cement its value.
i guess that overall i’d say rationalism is better for figuring out new stuff and coming up with ideas that have the potential for something, because ideas and concepts aren’t tangible through experience and you need to use deduction and all that to make sense of them, but empiricism is more widely useful in a general situation, because most people live in the here and now and experience things as such, rather than spending 100% of their time contemplating ‘forms’ that may or may not exist.
i... kind of turned this answer into an essay, but hey, that’s what you get when you ask me about this kind of stuff.
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
also before I sleep
jealous heizou? Thoughts?
[incoherent screaming]
there. those are my thoughts. /lh
in all seriousness, i think heizou doesn’t get jealous often, but it does happen occasionally. he’s never worried about you seeing someone else, because he trusts you and knows you well enough to believe you won’t do that, but rather someone not taking hints that you don’t like them and trying to keep you to themselves; especially if you’re oblivious to it. he sort of sees it as you being taken advantage of, which he hates.
regarding his actual behaviour when jealous, it’s not very obvious, but not too hidden either. he throws a lot of backhanded comments and verbal jabs at the person whom he’s jealous of, and his body language changes so that he’s clearly leaning towards you while being quite closed off to them. if he knows you’re comfortable with it, he’ll be more obviously affectionate towards you; intertwining your fingers, complimenting you, flirting, winking at you, giving you a few kisses here and there, all while side-eyeing that person to say ‘back off. they’re my partner.’ if he’s aware that you’re not comfortable with pda, he’ll just shuffle closer to you and maybe pull you towards him a little, all while glaring at the person from the corner of his eye.
also, he’ll blatantly ignore them if they’re trying to say something to you in a conversation. i think that heizou can definitely get petty when he’s jealous, and will actively try and turn your attention back to him if they try to make conversation with you.
after you’re back at your place, he’ll be a little bit grumpy and mutter under his breath about how ignorant that person is and how they don’t deserve you as a friend, and so forth. he may also be more clingy for the rest of the day, hanging onto you whenever he can and showering you in compliments and physical affection. (if you ask him to stop, he will, albeit a tad begrudgingly.) he’s not insecure about losing you to them, but if you reassure him a little about it, he’ll appreciate it a lot.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
rmb that scene where haku gives chihiro the rice buns
imagine that with cyno and you but it’s candied ajilekanh nuts (I probably spelled it wrong)
also would cyno still be punny in the spirited away au? Cause I can imagine him telling puns to help the reader cheer up after all of that happened
yeah, i was also thinking that! maybe that’s what you gave him when you were a child and he liked them so much that he always keeps a stash on him now…
and the familiarity of the food probably has a mixed effect: similarly to in the film, it sort of… makes you crumble, i guess? because it’s something you’re so used to having eaten as a child that it brings back memories of being young, which brings back memories of your parents, which brings you back to the reality of the situation that your parents are as good as dead if you can’t save them…
but on the flip side, it opens you up and lets you release all the pent-up emotions you’ve bottled over the last couple of days and provides a well-needed trigger to let it all out.
and yes. he is definitely still punny. when he sees you breaking down after the shock of seeing your parents as pigs or robots or whatever they are in this au, as well as under the stress and confusion of everything else, he panics: the food was supposed to make you feel better, not worse.
he taps you on the shoulder and clears his throat. once he has your attention, he tells you some of the worst jokes you have ever heard in your life to take your mind off things, and in your currently fragile emotional state you can’t help but snort a laugh at how bad they are. the jokes help you calm down a little and ground yourself after the whirlwind of panic in the last few days— and cyno’s really relieved that he could help you feel better, if only by a bit.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
oh god some one thinks I’m cool? nice my scheme to make people think I’m cool worked
*sends love and affection your way cause you are genuinely one of the coolest ppl on this platform I swear*
This is my go at the impersonation thing
8/10. the only alterations are a full stop at the end and lowercase ‘i’s.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
hello r!
Did you see Layla, the new 4 star that was drip marketed by Hoyoverse? Her description matches way too much with your OC voicelines >_<
"Due to her teachers' high expectations, her desk is always stacked with a mountain of papers that never seems to decrease no matter how hard she tries." "Having suffered greatly under a severe lack of sleep, stars had begun swirling before her eyes if she so much as stared at her blank manuscript. This was no way to be — and so she resolved to take a short break, all the better to face reality head-on with a clear mind afterward." "Or could it be... "sleepwalking" — that thing spoken of in legend? ...There was no time to ponder such matters — her next class was about to start." do you see what I mean?
hoyoverse stole my character, y’all. how could they.
gonna go sue them now—
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
You've heard of cyno lending you his cloak, now get ready for heizou lending you his haori cause he sure as hell doesn't need it (mf got it tied around his waist for what, it's begging to be worn)
~ aki
it’s probably so warm, and carries the subtlest scent of ginger and woodsmoke… and whenever you wrap it around your shoulders, it feels less like a piece of fabric and more like heizou’s arms slung around you and holding you close…
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
*Opens door*
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*places this on table*
*jumps out the window*
he’s so small… and precious…
thank you for this absolute gem
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
hello there r (is that your name or your pronouns im genuinely very confused send help >_<)
im rly glad that you like my art >_< it means the world to me!! Also I was struggling so much to add cyno’s eyes cause personally I think they are quite beautiful but damn I rly cannot draw eyes fr. So I just removed his whole face, simple fix
anyways I hope you are having a great day wherever you are :)
well, ‘r’ is sort of both— i don’t feel comfortable with most pronouns, and as i consider r a name of sorts, it’s like being called your name instead of a pronoun but without it sounding too weird with an ‘actual’ name (if that makes sense?)
basically, you can use it as both a name an pronouns. i hope that clears things up a bit!
yeah, eyes are hard to draw; especially cyno’s eyes because they’re quite detailed in colour and all that. and removing them altogether is certainly a good way to get around the problem lmao
the feeling is mutual! have a good night (and also go to sleep)
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
Hello there r! here’s a question (well not rly a question) that I was way too scared to ask when I wasn’t a mutual
Thoughts about philosophy? What’s your favourite field of philo? Is it true that philosophy should come with a mental health warning?(cause me and a few other of my friends have developed q a bit of mental health issues post learning about Cartesian Skepticism, and we personally think yes)
For me my favourite part is epistemology, specifically all the general stuff with justified true belief and certainty! I will also sprinkle in some experimental philosophy (I had to do a whole paper on that and I’m submitting it in a few days) and the problem of evil bullsht in there as well.
HAHA sorry for a very long message I just rly wanted to talk to somebody about philosophy cause very few people online are interested imo
~Aki/Akira (take your pick)
(a quick warning before we start: this answer gets preeettty long.)
so, my thoughts on philosophy, then… 
first up, on a general level, i just find it fascinating. as a person who loves thinking about questions with no right answers, i think that one thing that draws me to it is that you can see lots of different people’s perspectives on things: even if you disagree with someone, there are so many different responses and theories to questions that are engrained in our society, and it’s interesting to see what different people think and how they defend those beliefs.
one of my favourite parts of philosophy (again, in general) is probably the debating aspect of it (well, not exactly debating— but talking with other people who don’t share your thoughts), not necessarily with people, either; just pitting different ideas against each other and seeing which one has the stronger… i want to use the word backbone?
i dunno… i just find it really exciting, in a way? because there’s a lot you can learn from other people and outlooks on things, and when you’re in a scenario where you’re specifically trying to come to a certain conclusion or supporting a certain point, thinking about how to overcome the challenges raised along the way is really fun.
i also find it a good way to strengthen and refine your own beliefs and thinking in real life: like, if you have people challenging your viewpoints and they pick apart a weakness in what you’re saying, there’s a lot you can learn from it yourself and how to prevent that happening later on (or find a way around it when it does.)
tbh, i’m not too sure about my favourite field. it’s a bit weird because i really like ethics, for example, but i find myself engaging with epistemology more often, for some reason? maybe it’s something like… i find ethics interesting, but i find epistemology more interesting to pick apart, if that makes any sense? possibly because quite a lot of people have strong views when it comes to ethics regarding what they think is what’s right and wrong, but when you get into epistemology, i’ve found that the opinions you’re met with generally get less personal and emotionally-oriented and people are more willing to listen to different perspectives, which makes it easier to have a proper discussion on the matter.
(again, i have no clue whether i’m making any sense, so apologies if i’m not.)
i do also really like metaphysics, too: the idea of distinguishing the underlying patterns and concepts of what makes up what we experience and reality in general is so. goddamn. interesting. 
just… concepts, man. you know? 
anyways, now that we’ve got that covered, onto the next question. 
whether philosophy should come with a mental health warning or not… well, i guess i agree with you that it should. not necessarily because it’s dangerous in essence or anything, but rather that it can’t hurt to warn people about what they’re getting into and what’ll be covered just in case some problems arise (or at least on topics that may be more prone to resulting in negative consequences) to mentally prepare people for what’s to come. i mean, it doesn’t take much effort, so if you can help a few people by giving a quick warning without losing anything, why not?
…i’m making this sound like people are about to enter a war zone when learning about philosophy, aren’t i?
hehehehe… another epistemology fan… although, it’s a bit sad that not many people seem to like it in my experience, because even though i’ve found it comes with less personal ties, less people also seem to be interested in it? i mean, maybe the fact that it’s less personal makes less people invested in it? regardless of the reason, it is nice when you find someone who is interested in it, because personal opinions don’t make as much of a surfacing as opposed to something like ethics: like, one of my nitpicks with ethics is that some people don’t really have much to say about their beliefs other than the fact that they, well, believe in them, which makes it hard to get your point across.
(and don’t worry: you don’t have to apologise for a long message. my reply isn’t exactly much better.)
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
Sweet heizou is my JAM
for some reason his personality feels like a mix of Venti and kazuha or smth
also my man loving fried food is rly funny cause for some reason I imagine him handling an industrial deep fryer (like in McDonald’s) and I end up dying of laughter
Do u think heizou would prefer flustering ppl or being flustered? I think the former but I can see an argument for the latter
ALSO ALSO Late night talks with heizou about philosophical stuff, like what is considered right/wrong etc. sounds so gr8 hhhh
I’ve stayed far too late (it’s 2AM here) so I’ll leave these rambles here for now, but I will be back when I’ve rested. Have a good day r, whatever time it is for ya
not the mcdonald’s heizou…
i think he generally prefers and is used to the first, because he’s genuinely interested in gauging people’s reactions to certain comments, but whenever the latter happens, it comes as a very pleasant surprise. something about the way that his heart does a somersault is very exciting and new to him; and he’s all for new and exciting things.
you have NO idea how much i wish heizou was real so we could talk philosophy together… i feel like he’d have some really interesting outlooks and a bunch of good points, and can you imagine how fun discussing moral dilemmas with him would be? just… i need him to exist so that we can talk about this stuff. i NEED it. it’s a crime that he doesn’t exist and that i can’t have 1am philosophical rambles with him.
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cynicalmusings · 1 year
U remember Camille?
I just did
his art is a work in progress
~ aki
the audacity to even suggest that i’ve forgotten camille… /lh
i can’t thank you enough for this… i’ve done a few doodles of him myself that i could send you, if that would help at all.
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
I will draw camille
you will not refuse
~ aki
oh— before you do, i have a couple of design ideas i’ll just throw out there.
i imagine him to have curly hair that stops a little beneath his ears (the colour has yet to be decided), and he has, like, a little top hat sitting loosely on the side of his head. he also has a single treble clef earring. maybe he has a monocle, too, because you can refer go wrong with those.
clothing-wise, i’m thinking of basing him on 19th century clothing in france— so he probably has a waistcoat and a longer, slightly sweepy tailcoat that he wears over it, and definitely some sort of bass clef brooch, as well. maybe some ruff or high collar thingy, too.
i might also give him some gloves, but that’s not certain yet.
i have no idea what’s going on trousers-wise and such, but again, whatever it is is probably inspired the same style of outfit. i’ll post a few pictures of what i mean so you know what i’m talking about:
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cynicalmusings · 2 years
Please ramble on how the death note operates I want to hear this
*grabs box of popcorn*
~ aki
sorry for taking so long to reply, but the second part of my answer (which i’ve deleted for the time being) required a lot of research of the manga and show that i was a little too lazy to do, and i didn’t want it to be inaccurate, so… sorry for that. if i ever scrape together the willpower to organise those thoughts, i’ll definitely post it.
now, this is mainly just a word-splurge of things i’ve talked to myself about regarding the death note, so this is a warning in advance in case none of it makes sense.
basically… i’m just curious as to how traffic/car accident deaths work. we know that if the method of death written in a death note would ‘influence’ or kill others not specified, the victim will just die of a heart attack. so i’m thinking… if someone gets run over by a car, what’s the deal? 
does the car just materialise out of nowhere, kill the person in question, and vanish once the job is done? if that were the case, how powerful is the death note, and what kinds of objects is it capable of creating? or, if it’s a real car driven by a real person, is the driver affected by the death note to manipulate their actions so that they run the person over? but we know that can’t be possible, because otherwise the victim would die of a heart attack. in that case, does that mean the car itself goes haywire, and the driver can’t do anything to control it? if that’s the case, is the death note capable of manipulating objects out of the direct context of the death specified, and to what extent?
another thing that arguably makes more sense is that that car was always going to drive down that road: it was ‘destined’ to be there at that specific time and place, if you will, and the only changing factor is that the victim enters its course: basically, placing an external person into a predestined event. this is probably the result that is closest to being accurate, because the others are a little far-fetched, but it still seems a bit weird for a show that often reminds you that nothing is destined and nobody is chosen that everything in the universe was always going to go in a certain direction from the beginning of time, and that this car was always going to be at the right moment and place to carry out this death… 
i haven’t really got any conclusions for my thoughts: it’s more just random speculation, but i hope they’re at least somewhat interesting.
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