#anyway whatever round 2 i suppose
rystiel · 10 months
so i guess tiktok’s pulling a goncharov rn
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theartinmyheart · 2 years
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moonjade · 2 years
How the fuck do I act in an interview lmfao 🥴
#text#personal#i have to start applying to jobs soon 😭#and my mom suggested a hostess job since our acquaintance works there but i would rather Die than work a public-facing job again#like you don’t understand. I DO NOT WANT TO WORK. i have never had a dream job except for being an author but i don’t have the energy#or creativity for that anymore#but yeah i have to find a ~real job~ since i’ve graduated college and i have ‘skills’ (not actually though)#but anyways if i even make it to an interview round after applying how the actual fuck do i act#I’ve never had a ‘real’ interview bc I’ve only ever worked in fast food#am i supposed to kiss their ass? am i supposed to be honest? how honest? how much do i lie? do i even lie?#how do i explain the 8 month ‘gap’ in my resume lmfao. bc I can’t just say that I was moving for eight fucking months#ugh I really want to die like I would rather die than have to work 40-50 hours per week every week#like that sounds like absolute torture and i never lasted more than 2 months at my old jobs bc it got too overwhelming and hard to handle#i think there might be genuinely something wrong/off with me but idk what LMAO#i don’t think I can get disqualified from working or whatever bc I can technically work but I’ll burn through all of my energy#and literally be extremely depressed and miserable and have no time to do anything other than sleep and eat#i don’t even remember what I wrote at this point and I don’t care#the main point is that I hate working more than anything. i hate burning through all of my energy and having none left#I’m tired as fuck just writing this shit out. how the fuck am i supposed to get a real job and work it every day for the rest of my life#like there is NOTHING I enjoy laboring for. i wish I got paid to stream video games or post videos for a living but I’m not funny enough#or creative enough for that to work. plus idk how to stream or edit. and I know I’d get cancelled lmfao since my social skills are so poor#and I’d say something wrong. not even anything remotely bad but just word something wrong or use the ‘wrong’ word#ugh anyways. idk if I should tell my doctor all of this or if she’d even care (probably not)
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verbenaa · 5 months
so that i may dream tonight
It was a special torture to be unable to touch him, you decide. You want nothing more than to brush your fingers through his curls as you come, to caress the delicate point at the top of his ears, feel the smoothness of his skin on your fingertips.
It feels absolutely filthy, to be tied up like this, your pleasure left to Astarion’s will as you are powerless to simply lay in wait for whatever he has in store.
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: Astarion/Reader
𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: smut, fluff, slice of life!
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 9.1k
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: body worship, massage, blow jobs, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, light bdsm, vampire bites, discussion of safe words, vaginal sex, vampire sex, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, soft dom astarion, TAILOR ASTARION
𝑎/𝑛: I'm back with round 2 baby and somehow its 2k words longer lol. ANYWAYS, this is incredibly indulgent and warm and sexy and INTIMATE. I'm literally screaming. I truly don't know how this ended up so long but oH WELL. anyway, I hope you enjoy reading! below is the a03 link too if you'd prefer to read over there!
ao3 here
The water is warm against your skin as you lean back against the edge of the wooden tub, hair arranged in a loose pile barely contained with haphazardly placed gold pins as you recline, your eyes wandering up to greet the carved beams of the ceiling that sit resolutely above you. 
It had been a decidedly long day, working deep within the walls of the city beside Wyll, who it had been altogether wonderful to see again after such an extended period. You still weren’t entirely sure why the two of you had been summoned together to help manage Guild politics of all things, but you suppose that this was simply the nature of your semi-recent and highly publicized acts of heroism.
The tension had built up in your body throughout it all, leaving you more ready for the respite of your home than usual. It had been quite some time since you had spent so many hours in the daylight, the warmth of the sun on your skin never unwelcome, but a rarity you were no longer so familiar with. The deep, velvety blue that marked the night sky had long since become associated with your waking hours, the twinkling stars a welcome companion from their place high above your head.
Your mind wanders aimlessly through a myriad of thoughts, barely focusing on one before jumping quickly to the next faster than you can keep up with. With a deep sigh, you attempt to center yourself, though anything that even closely resembled the act of meditation wasn’t your strong suit. You manage to keep it up for a minute before giving up with a roll of your eyes as you instead move to stare blandly at a botanical tapestry hanging on the wall across from you, the calming greens of woven plants blending into one another.
You lose yourself to your musings once again, going over your day and what was to come, trying to make sense of it all, mind drifting from thought to thought as you luxuriate in the lavender scented water Astarion had so kindly readied for you.
Time passes, though you aren’t quite sure how long, the water losing its steam and the soothing heat finally subsiding, drawing you away from your imaginings and you reluctantly find yourself back in the present with a long-suffering sigh. Your head raises from its resting place on the side of the tub, the stretch of your spine drawing an appreciate groan from you as you sit upright.
“All that work for a hot bath and you’re already done?” You turn to glance over your shoulder at Astarion from where he rests indolently on the bed, clad only in a pair of loose silk pants and book held aloft in an elegant hand, looking for all the world a king presiding over an invisible court as the sheer canopy that surrounds the bed blows lightly in a breeze from the open window.
“Apologies to any sore muscles hurt in the act of carrying buckets of water.” You flash him a wink as you roll your head from side to side, stiff muscles protesting the motions.
“Shall I try a more…aggressive approach towards reheating, love?” He holds a hand up, ready to set spark with the inherent elven magic that runs through his veins, a incredibly familiar devious smile on his lips. It was terribly easy to forget he had such skills sometimes, when those hands seemed so much more well-suited for tasks of a more cunning nature.
“I’d rather you not accidentally turn our only tub to cinders, if you don’t mind.” Your raise a brow and fix a look back at him, daring him to try such an act.
“Suit yourself, darling.” He sends a smirk your direction as you turn back to face forward in the bath, his eyes never straying from your form as he watches stray droplets of water make trails down the exposed skin of your neck.
In a last ditch effort to prolong your bath, you push your body under the water until only your head remains above, intent to grasp at the last vestiges of warmth the water will offer before you move to stand.
The water sluices off your form as you emerge, dripping over the fullness of your breasts and rushing down your belly in smooth rivulets that fall back into the swirling bath below. Steam rolls off your limbs as your body meets the coolness of the air, skin still tender from the heat as you make to step out of the tub and onto a small stool, grabbing at a folded towel left nearby. Limb by limb, you make to gently pat at the wetness clinging to you, the tiny beads of water like little crystals decorating your skin, before settling the towel to rest over the top of the partition screen. 
You make your way over herringbone floors on raised toes, trying to avoid any stray drops from falling onto the wood beneath your feet. Only a moment passes before you finally feel the soft weave of a rug against your feet as you find yourself at your destination.
The shared dressing table sits in front of the bed, wood worn with years of use as a collection of multicolored jars and vials of oils rest on a painted tray strategically placed to hide the worst of the wear. A silver hairbrush rests beside the tray, carefully maintained with no sign of tarnish on the intricate design of the handle, clearly well loved through the years.
The air is refreshing against the your warmed skin as you reach for a small glass vial at random, the viscous amber of the oil inside swishing from side to side as you bring it to your hand. You uncork it with familiar motions and pour the scented oil into the palm of your hand, careful not to spill any onto the patterned rug beneath your feet.
With small, sweeping motions you rub the oil into your skin, mindful to try to reach every inch you can, the scent of bergamot and jasmine (one of Astarion’s curations, surely) filling the room with an easy and familiar warmth. You pay no mind to anything other than your self-care, allowing your focus to settle wholly on the act and nothing more.
Astarion is near silent as he rises from the bed behind you, moving with ethereal grace towards your naked form. You don’t take notice of his presence until he is upon you, the feeling of his cool, muscular arms wrapping around your waist from behind causing a noise of surprise to tumble from your lips. 
The feeling of his cool skin against the warmth of your own makes you jump, nipples hardening and gooseflesh rising on your arms as his hands brush against your belly in affection. His angular jaw comes to rest on your shoulder, nose skimming the elegant column of your neck as he presses in close.
“Need any help, darling?” The words brush against the shell of your ear, his lips touching your skin with every word uttered as the hands wrapped around your waist tighten to bring you even closer to his own form.
“Well, if you’re offering, how could I say no?” You relax into the embrace of your lover, his hands sweeping up and down the flesh of your stomach before finding their way to your tense shoulders.
His hands are a balm on your skin as he rubs the remaining oil into your skin in soothing circles, fingers lightly massaging at your sore muscles. Your head falls back to rest on his shoulder as your eyes close at the sensation of his hands on you, reveling in his attentions with a contented hum.
“Why such a bad day, dearest?” Astarion’s question is genuine as he glances up from your skin to glimpse your expression as he waits for your reply. 
“Hm, not quite so bad as long. I think I’m out of practice at this whole hero thing.” Your words are a sigh as his hands work at the muscles of your shoulders, thumbs digging in to release the tension sitting heavily there. 
“I don’t blame you. A day with Wyll’s tireless chivalry would push me to my limits as well.” You snort in response at his supposed honestly, though frankly you are inclined to think he might actually like Wyll for his eternal kindness, but you know he’d never admit such a thing out loud.
Astarion gathers more oil in the center of his palms before his hands continue, moving from your shoulders to your arms and onward, to the curve of your lower back and around the circle of your hips; careful to never press hard enough to cause pain but with enough pressure to relieve your tired body. His thumbs press into the muscles with precision, you body becoming more lax with every pass of his hands.
Astarion lowers to his knees behind you when he is satisfied with his progress, hands skating over your rear as they make their way down your legs, nothing less than reverence in the motions as he smooths his hands down and then back up the skin of your thighs and calves, intent to touch every inch of skin available to him. 
The movement of his hands on your legs, brushing high on your thighs brings a subtle heat alighting inside you, barely a flicker, but just enough for the feeling of arousal to start deep inside much to your slight embarrassment for hoping such innocent touches would turn into more.
There’s a sudden shift in his touches, you realize, Astarion’s motions transitioning from methodical to subtle teasing with every pass, daring to go a little higher on every turn up your thighs before darting back down again to more neutral territory. You shift slightly at the feeling, wishing for more but refusing to acknowledge the urge to push your thighs together to ease the slow growing ache.
Astarion must take notice, you think, so close to the warm center of your body, must be able to smell the soft embers marking the start of your arousal. His hands finally stop their ministrations, moving instead to grasp around the bones of your hips as he presses a single kiss to the base of your spine, before pressing another right above it. Slowly he begins to rise, kiss by kiss, as he follows the line of your spine from your hips upwards; lips moving to touch the back of your waist, the space between your shoulder blades, the base of your neck. 
His lips are as cold as winter air yet they feel like a brand with every press against the column of your spine, stoking the fire deep inside your core with startling ease. 
He raises back up to his full height, his hands draped around your waist once more as he leans in to press a kiss against your cheek, drawing hypnotic patterns against your lower belly knowingly. You lean back into his kiss, head tilting, and rest your body back against his own. As you put your weight into his safe embrace, you feel a familiar hardness pressing lightly against the bare skin of your ass, covered by the same luxurious silk as the pants he wears low on his hips.
Your lips curl, victorious at your discovery and you bring your hands to cover his own where they rest on your stomach before drawing one up along the sinew of his arm to instead press against to the solid expanse of his abs. 
Daringly, you move the hand lower, fingers dancing over the dip of his hips to brush against the subtle erection pressing against his silken pants. Astarion’s body bucks into your own at your touch, the hands around your waist suddenly gripping harder as you continue your exploration.
“If those hands of yours keep wandering, you’ll leave me no choice but to tie them up, darling.” His words are teasing, a gleam of affection in his claret eyes as his head moves low to nip playfully at your throat.
You quirk your brow at such a delicious idea, and with a purposeful motion your hand presses harder against him, finger tracing the curve of his cock with mock innocence. 
“If that’s supposed to be a threat, it’s a very poor one.” You lean your head to the side, giving more room for his lips to move against.
Astarion lets out a disappointed sigh, one hand sliding up from your stomach to palm at your breast, squeezing lightly as he runs a thumb over the nipple in response to your shameless disobedience. His other hand travels lower, fingers brushing past your stomach to reach between your legs and glide through the wetness he finds there as he lets out an audible tsk, the beginnings of your arousal decorating his fingers as a low moan escapes your lips.
“You just never learn, do you?” You gasp at glide of the oil on his fingers against your skin as Astarion weighs your breast in his palm with one hand, the other pressing lightly against your clit, your back arching at the sensation. Your pleasure lasts but a moment, Astarion’s hands moving back to hold at your waist once more, and you whimper at the loss.
He walks the few short steps backwards towards the bed, pulling you in tow until his knees meet the soft edge of the mattress and he lets himself fall backward, taking you with him.
Your bodies land to rest upon the blankets with a soft bounce, Astarion’s arms still around you as a small laugh bubbles up from your throat. It only takes a second for you to quickly turn in his arms, pressing your naked breasts against his bare chest as your eyes meet his own in mirth.
His hands never leave your waist, fingers dancing up the curve of your spine as your legs find their place on either side of his hips. You let your body melt into his own, quick to begin to press kisses into the expanse of his chest below you. Your lips make their way towards his neck as you push yourself up to straddle him, his hands falling to rest on your thighs where they bracket his hips.
The growing wet of your core presses against his lower stomach and the feeling of your arousal on his skin does not escape his notice. With a feline smile, the hands on your thighs make their way back to your waist and with the lightest of pressure, Astarion encourages you to move your hips. 
Your breath catches at the feeling as you move to work with him, his hands guiding you back and forth to grind yourself against his chiseled stomach as the hands on his chest steady your movements. Astarion’s eyes meet your own as he helps you along, each slow brush of your clit against his skin has your pleasure building, your lips falling open as your desire multiplies. 
Astarion moves a hand up your body as your hips find their cadence against him, only stopping when he reaches the curve of your breast, brushing a finger lightly along the full bottom of it as your hips undulate against him.
“You’re so very beautiful like this.” His eyes are molten with mounting desire as he watches you move back and forth on his body, your nipples pebbling under his touch and your wetness growing with every pass along him.  
“I could say the same to you,” You hips move with seductive grace, gliding across him. “It’s quite a treat to have such a beautiful man like yourself beneath me.”
Astarion brings his wandering hand back to your empty hip before drawing it farther down to press against the place where your slick glistens against his pale skin. He draws a finger through the dew he finds on his abdomen, gathering it on a fingertip before pressing it into his mouth to lick at your arousal. 
“Delicious, as always.” His eyes are the deepest of garnet, sensuous as they meet your own.
Your mouth goes dry at the sight, empty core clenching with want as an idea forms in your mind, one that promises certain pleasure to you both. Swiftly, you lift yourself off his chest to slide lower, your dripping folds brushing against the silk covering his cock, darkening the fabric before you continue down until your knees touch the ground before the bed. Your sudden change of position has Astarion leaning up onto his elbows, watching you intently as your hands run up and down his covered thighs.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” You meet his eyes, a coquettish smile on your lips as your hands move higher, brushing dangerously close to his hardness. You lean your head in and lick lightly against a slight dampness you see on the silk, eyes never leaving his as Astarion’s hips jump and a sigh breaks from his lips.
“Do you want me to?” Your question is genuine as you move your head away from his erection, giving him space to answer as your eyes gaze at his elegant features, waiting for his blessing.
“Do your worst, darling.” His lips take on their trademark roguish grin in response to the sly one now decorating your own. The sight of you on your knees before him is always a welcome one, and he would be remiss to deny such a gift of pleasure from you.
Astarion moves to sit, intent on not missing a single moment as he helps you free his hardened cock from the silk of his pants in a flurry of movement before they are discarded onto the floor, soon to be forgotten entirely.
“It would be my honor.” The words leave your lips moments before they press against his newly uncovered heat, searing kisses moving against the vein running from the crown to the base of him. You lick greedily at the precome leaking from the tip before laving your tongue along the head of his cock, a hand coming to brush lightly against the base before your fist closes around him.
You feel his hands in your hair, nimble fingers finding the golden pins barely holding your hair up before throwing them to the side with surprising accuracy, until they’ve all but disappeared under furniture never to be found again. Your hair falls in a messy curtain around your face, Astarion quick to brush through the errant locks as your mouth works him. 
Astarion lets you move at your own pace, basking in the feel of your soft lips and clever tongue working around his cock in fluid motions as the moans that fall from his lips spur you on, urging you to take him deeper, to love him harder. Your hand helps your actions, making sure to keep contact where your mouth cannot easily reach, eager to bring him to the brink.
You hollow your cheeks as you suck at his cock, his eyes closing in pleasure as the hands in your hair tighten in time with his moans. You break off his length with a pop, taking in a lungful of air before you lavish his erection with your tongue, the same hand still massaging him at the base. 
There were few things better than this, you can’t help but think as your tongue flicks at the head of his cock again, the feeling of bringing Astarion to the brink of pleasure with your mouth as he loses himself to the feeling nothing less than exhilarating.
You lips wrap around him once more, taking him as deep inside your mouth as you can manage, the tip of cock near the entrance to your throat as you gag slightly, eyes watering in response. Your head moves back and forth as you take him as deep as you can manage, intent on tasting his come, until you feel the hand in your hair moving. 
Fingers caress your cheek, brushing against the tears staining your skin as you hear Astarion speaking, your mouth slowing to a stop.
“Enough, darling,” his words are strained with effort, Astarion barely managing to hold back from coming on your tongue as he speaks them.
You break away from him the minute you hear the words, a string of saliva connecting your lips and his cock remaining as you bring your eyes to look up at him in question. Astarion groans at the sight, breathing heavily.
You feel his hand come to rest around your upper arm, curling around the lithe muscle there as he gently pulls you up to stand in front of his seated form. Astarion’s breathing is heavy as he looks you up and down before pulling you into his lap, your knees resting on either side of his own as his hands touch everywhere they can, your own coming up to cup his cheeks.
“Are you alright?” Your fingers brush against the planes of his face as it rests in your warm hands.
“Oh, I’ve never been better darling,” he leans into a palm, head tilting with the motion. “I’m just not ready to be done with you yet.”
His admission has heat surging in your belly with anticipation, a smile on your lips as you lean in to press them to his own. Astarion responds in kind, the hands on your body pulling you closer, deepening the kiss, as his tongue brushes against your bottom lip in a bid of entry.
You open your mouth to him, his tongue caressing your own as your lips move against each other’s, the kiss passionate as you pour you love and desire into it. Astarion breaks the kiss first, hands squeezing at your hips as he gestures with his chin towards the plush pillows sitting at the head of the bed. 
“Up you go, my sweet.”
You are quick to react, getting out of his lap and moving your body up the bed as his eyes follow you, your oiled skin brushing against the linens as you make to lay your head upon a pillow resting there, the crochet trim tickling at your nape. You arrange yourself with ease, hoping to look as though you were the picture of obeisance as you wait for him to follow.
Astarion gets up from his place at the foot of the bed and pauses, his gaze running over your body as you lay there in wait for him, perfectly poised in the middle of your shared bed. Your skin glows with the leftover hint of oil still remaining, the shine of it reflecting in the moonlight that dances in through the intricately paneled windows, tracery-like shapes reflected onto the floor the same color silver as his hair.
With that thought Astarion moves away, footsteps taking him instead to his bedside table, pulling open the carved wood front to search for something within. You resist the urge to peek, content instead to wait for him to show you whatever it is he searches so intently for. Finally, Astarion seems to find the item of his fancy and he rises to his full height with the treasure in hand.
It’s a length of delicate pink satiny ribbon; clearly brought here from his studio,  perhaps the leftover from some long-finished project. But maybe, maybe, he had been waiting for a very specific opportunity to arise, and the idea that he had envisioned such a thing brings a fresh wave of heat to your center. You can only hope he is willing to make good on his earlier threat and use such a beautiful material.
“Do you trust me?” The thick ribbon dangles in curls from his elegant fingers, the candlelight illuminating the highlights of the satin a luminous hue.
“With my life.” Your response is quick, slipping from your lips with ease as you gaze at the figure he cuts, moonlight coming in the window in silvered beams illuminating the lines of his body.
Your move your arms up to rest around your head where it lays on the pillow, wrists delicately crossed above your hair like a halo as you follow Astarion’s form as he moves toward where you lay waiting.
The bed dips down where he kneels upon it as he swings a leg over you, his body hovering over your hips as he leans forward to grasp at your wrists. Astarion works quickly, clever fingers moving faster than you can follow. You don’t take your eyes off his face, intent to watch the thoughts as they cross his features. Within moments, he has finished as fast as he started, moving off of you to stand instead at the foot of the bed to watch as you test the bindings. There is give in the ribbon, naturally, you know Astarion would never bind you so tightly you couldn’t truly move or escape unless you were to ask for such a thing. The lack of motion, the ability to truly be unable to do much of anything with your hands or arms is a sensation that feels as strange as it does alluring.
Astarion looks down at you, examining his work as his eyes move to take in every inch of you, from the sight of your hands bound together with that demure pink satin tied in a neat, tidy bow and thoroughly secured to one of the carved freesias that decorate the wooden headboard to the way your body lays waiting for him in loving submission. You are a vision for his eyes only, the sheer image of you like this is sure to be burned into his mind for eternity, something he will see in his dreams for a millennia to come.
“Now, what ever am I to do with such a pretty, lovely thing like yourself?” The way Astarion’s eyes travel over your form makes your thighs rub together on instinct, his heated gaze ratcheting up your arousal as you force yourself to let your legs fall open for him to see the evidence of your anticipation.
He moves to kneel on the bed at your feet, eyes glued to the sight of the damp clinging to your center. Gingerly, you reach out a bare foot and rest it against the center of his chest, toes daintily pressing into the bare skin there, eager for any connection with him you can get. 
Astarion eyes move to glance at your offering and he wastes no time, a hand coming to grab at the foot resting on his sternum, fingers quick to trace the delicate arch with a light touch. He leans his head to press a kiss to the top of your foot before moving further up your leg, pressing kisses to your ankle, your calf, the space behind you knee. 
“You look terribly lovely like this, darling, all tied up and at my mercy.”
His kisses continue their exploration, light brushes of his lips touching your thigh, the gentle softness of your stomach, the valley between your breasts before ending their journey against your neck. Astarion’s body rests between your open thighs as his lips caress the skin of your neck, his cock hot against your lower stomach. Your arms shake against their bonds, aching for the ability to touch him where he lays against you.
“Did you come up with your word, darling?” His voice is a whisper against your neck, his tongue licking at the places where his fangs have left scars as you recall words from a prior conversation. An exchange of words, he had said, to let each other know our comfort level. 
You nod your head, wrists flexing slightly against the ribbons as you try to hide a teasing smile, unable to resist such an opportunity to fluster him with your answer despite the headiness you feel. “Blingdenstone Blush.”
Astarion scoffs at your choice, head coming up from your neck to shoot a look your way, noticing your poorly hidden smile with the raise of a brow. 
“Could you pick anything more terrible?”
“Well, initially I was going to go with Bullywug Trumpet but it doesn’t quite roll of the tongue, now does it?” Astarion rolls his eyes at this, mouth curling up with distaste as he mutters something along the lines of unbelievable or is normalcy truly so much to ask for? under his breath.
“I am very open to discussing other word choices though, if you so desire. After all, there are so many mushrooms we could choose from.” Your smile is sly as you raise your eyebrows in amusement.
“Is a discussion on mycological nomenclature really what you want to be talking about while I have you all trussed up and ready to be devoured, darling?” Astarion’s hips grind into your own, driving home his point with little delicacy.
“Fine, you make a fair argument. Please do continue your previous exploits, sir.” A brief look flits over Astarion’s face at your use of such a word, gone as fast as it comes. The slight twitch of his cock against your skin, however, is far more telling.
“Hmm? Sir? Should I be looking to expand my vocabulary or—“ You move against your bonds to roll your hips back against your own in response, though Astarion is quick to cut you off when his mouth lowers to your breast, tongue circling the nipple, silencing any further conversation from you.
“That’s enough out of that clever mouth of yours for now, sweetest.” He rests his head against your breast, nipple damp as his eyes find your own.
“Sunmelon,” The word is a sigh on your lips. “We can go with that.”
“Consider it sorted, my love,” He presses a light peck at the swell he lays his head on before continuing. “Now, forget about your day, darling, and let me make you feel good.” 
Astarion seals his words with a kiss to the space where your heart beats in your chest before moving to capture the nipple resting below, his tongue circling the peak with precision. 
The motion has your back arching, pressing closer into his waiting mouth, and Astarion does not relent as he alternates between flicks of his tongue and closing his lips around to suck. Your hips jump at the sensation, fresh heat rushing to fill the space between your thighs.
Astarion moves his attentions to your neglected breast, as thorough in his ministrations with it as he was its twin as a hand comes up to brush against the damp nipple recently abandoned. He is resolute in his actions, paying no mind to your rolling hips searching for stimulation.
The feeling of his cock resting against the skin of your stomach is maddening when you want its heat so badly to fill you, Astarion’s motions against your breasts driving you higher and higher with every pass of his tongue. His hands trace down the contours of your body reverently as his mouth continues its exploration at your chest, hands moving to wrap around your arched back to grab at the flesh of your rear. 
He aligns his hips with your own as his hand squeeze at your ass, his cock pressing against your folds as he grinds at your center, drawing a ragged moan from both your lips. The dual stimulation of his lips on your breasts and his hardness against your weeping cunt feels euphoric, breathy whimpers escaping with every brush of him.
With a pop, Astarion breaks away from your nipple, his lips making their way north towards to mouth at the column of your throat. He kisses everywhere he can, his lips tracing the red of the blood in your veins as his hips continue their slow roll. 
He licks a stripe up a vein to press his lips against your ear, tickling the lobe with his tongue, the eroticism of the touch bringing a shiver to your naked form. 
“You’re absolutely perfect.” Astarion’s words are reverent, lips pressing soft kisses to the spot behind your ear as you whimper at the sheer adoration in his voice. Your hands writhe against their bonds, aching to touch him, to run fingers across the lines of shoulders and to bury them in his silver curls. 
His hands leave the skin of your rear, fingertips pressing in as he drags them up the expanse of your back before settling them to rest on your hips as his tongue licks down your neck before changing course to press kisses down to your chest. 
Slowly, Astarion makes his way down your body, kissing as he goes, every touch alighting your body with fire. His lips trace the skin below your belly button as his hands move to spread your thighs apart, settling his body between your open legs.
Astarion mimics your earlier action, pillowing his head innocently on the plushness of your thigh as he glances up at you from his place between your spread legs, a finger running up and down the skin there absentmindedly as he takes in the sight of you from this new angle; your dewy folds, the softness and warmth of your body, the light pink of the ribbon wrapped around your wrists practically iridescent in the dim light.
“As pretty as a painting.” Astarion sighs, adoration spilling from his lips, as the finger drawing lines makes its way up to run through your wetness in a barely there caress, collecting the arousal on a fingertip before moving to press lightly against your entrance. His finger brushes light circles, tracing the ring of muscles before dipping inside your heat. The warmth of your body draws a hiss from Astarion as he pushes that finger deeper, meeting no resistance as it sinks in to the knuckle, your moans filling the room.
He watches, entranced, as his finger disappears inside you before he draws it back out, bringing a second finger to join as they plunge back in. Your entrance weeps with the movement of his fingers, the coolness of the skin against the heat of your body only serving to contrast the feeling more. Your legs fall open farther the deeper Astarion’s fingers go, the dive of them in and out driving you closer to your orgasm. 
Your moans are pure sin as they fall from your lips, the sight of Astarion between your legs, as he watches his fingers slowly disappear inside your body with such intent drive you higher towards your completion. 
It was a special torture to be unable to touch him, you decide. You want nothing more than to brush your fingers through his curls as you come, to caress the delicate point at the top of his ears, feel the smoothness of his skin on your fingertips.
It feels absolutely filthy, to be tied up like this, your pleasure left to Astarion’s will as you are powerless to simply lay in wait for whatever he has in store. The feeling is intoxicating, more than any wine could ever hope to be. You certainly never expected that being denied the ability to touch would put your other senses on high alert, the scent of your own arousal evident in the air of the room, the sound of your wetness loud to your ears with every movement of his fingers. 
Astarion’s eyes flash to yours in the same instant his fingers start move faster, beginning to piston in and out of you faster. With every plunge in, Astarion crooks his fingers just so, perfectly placed every time to brush against that sweet spot deep inside. Your cunt clenches around him, intent to draw him in, to keep him there, as your orgasm draws nearer and nearer. 
The precipice of your orgasm is right in front of you, the warmth coursing through your veins in its nearness and you begin to let yourself fall into the feeling of it, Astarion driving you closer and closer towards your high until you feel the sudden emptiness of his fingers leaving you, ripping away the pleasure that was so closely awaiting you and your orgasm disappearing into the ether. Your mouth falls open in a cry, head tilting up from its place on the pillow to look down upon him in utter surprise as he rests between your legs.
“You know, I never did repay you from the other day in the studio. Surely you remember denying me my orgasm, hm?” The words are sly, brimming with confidence as you whine at the loss of his ministrations.
Astarion’s fingers press into your waiting body once more when he is confident your orgasm has disappeared, your sensitive cunt still weeping, curling inside to press against your g-spot. His fingers don’t leave your body this time, instead staying seated firmly inside you where he can manipulate them to curl into the area over and over again. Your pleasure ratchets back up faster than you can follow, your head thrown back against the pillow in ecstasy, eyes closed as your lashes dust against your flushed cheeks. 
Astarion leans his head in towards your waiting core, pressing soft kisses to the area around your clit, careful to never touch it all the while he remains intent on  breaking you apart on his fingers. 
He never stops the motions deep inside, curling with ruthless efficacy to leave you hanging on the precipice as his lips begin to work their way back up your body until they meet your lips. 
Your eyes open as he presses his mouth to yours, blinking through the slow haze of pleasure building as his forehead comes to rest against your own. 
“Word, darling?” Astarion fingers never slow, but his eyes are clear as they gaze into your own.
“I’m alright, I promise.” Your words put him at ease as you raise your head slightly to press a kiss to his cheek, your hips rolling against his hand. Astarion returns the gesture, kissing at the high point of your face before moving down the softness of your cheek to your neck, finally stopping to rest his head against your collarbone. 
“Good, because I’m not done yet.” He punctuates his words by stopping his fingers, keeping them warm deep inside your body but no longer allowing them motion, cutting off the burning pleasure you were once again so close to. You keen at the loss, bucking your hips in an attempt to regain it, willing to fuck yourself on his fingers if that was what it took. Astarion doesn’t give you the chance, pulling his fingers from your body to press them against your clit instead.
Your breath comes in shaky moans, body desperate for the chance to finally come. Astarion doesn’t relent in his quest though as he brings you to the peak once more with his fingers moving against your clit, giving your poor core a break as his lips press against your bare skin anywhere they can. He licks at your nipples, nips at the dip of your waist with his fangs, kisses the juncture where hip meets thigh. Always so good, beyond good, but never enough to bring you careening over the edge as his fingers diligently press at the pearl between your thighs, Astarion careful to halt when he notices you moving too close to your orgasm.
Your breath comes in uneven moans, your mind delirious with pleasure, both given and denied, when at long last Astarion’s lips and hands leave your body, their absence stark.
With elegant movements, Astarion moves back from your body, intent to simply watch you from his place near your feet, his pale skin like carved marble as he settles back to rest on his heels against the soft plush mattress as he watches you, his gaze considering. 
Your skin is flushed, a light sheen of sweat setting your skin aglow along every dip and curve of your body with a beautiful softness only echoed by that rosy pink ribbon still lovingly tied around your wrists. Your body writhes under his observation, the way he takes in every inch of your form in its fucked-out state with the otherworldly crimson of his eyes making your breath catch in your lungs.
His cock bobs between his thighs, tip weeping with precome as his eyes continue their perusal. He brings the hand that had been inside you so many times now up to wrap around his shaft as he pumps himself, spreading the leaking wetness down his length as his fist works himself up and down in slow motions.
Your body shakes with pent-up pleasure, skin flushed with being brought to the brink but denied your release time and time again.
“Now, my dear, I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do.”
Pink tinges your cheeks at having to say the words you know he wants to hear, your body writhing with incompletion as you rub your thighs together while you think of how to possibly voice your desires out loud.
“Use your words, darling.” Astarion urges you with a glance as his hands move to spread your legs once more, pushing them wide as he looks at the glistening mess between your thighs, poised like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. 
“I…I want you to make me come. Please.” You lick your lips and pull slightly against the ribbons around your wrists, breathing deep.
“You’ll have to give me more than that, sweet thing.” His smile is wicked as his thumbs rub circles on the skin of your thighs.
“I want you to lick my cunt. Fuck me with your fingers, a-and your cock. Drink from me.” Your words rush out on an exhale as you grant him the information he so dearly wants, the blood rushing through your body coloring the skin of your cheeks and chest even darker as the admission pours from your lips, hips rolling in a desperate bid for release.
Astarion’s hold on your thighs tightens at your words, more beads of precome decorating his cock as it bobs in response to your request.
“Good things come to those who ask for them.” And with those words, Astarion lowers his head towards your waiting body, licking a stripe from your aching core to your clit. 
His mouth laves at your folds, tongue running through from your entrance to your clit over and over again, never focusing on any particular place for long, your pleasure ticking up with every brush.
Your body is so sensitive like this, the prior denial of your pleasure making every movement of his mouth seem more intense than usual, the sheer touch of his tongue on your most intimate areas making your hips jump. He laps at your clit with broad stokes, tongue flattened against the small bead before moving down to lick around your entrance before dipping inside to taste. 
Astarion continues like this, pressing his tongue deep with practiced motions, whorling against your walls before exiting again to ring around the area, your moans spurring on his attentions.  
He moves up to work your clit with precise flicks of his tongue, never breaking his rhythm as he replaces his tongue with two of his fingers, sliding in with ease. Astarion pumps his fingers, once, twice, before curling them to press against your g-spot once more. You teeter on the edge, Astarion masterful as he conducts your pleasure with mouth and fingers.
Astarion’s tongue darts down from your clit to run against the place where his fingers enter you, the sensation of both his tongue and fingers on your entrance drawing a harsh cry from your lips as he laps eagerly. Your arms jerk against the ribbon as your thighs begin to shake, every lick and push of his fingers making up for any pleasure previously denied. 
“That’s it, darling. Come for me.” His words are adoring as he speaks them against your center before returning to lick, your eyes rolling back at the vibrations of his mouth against you as his words make you clench harder around him.
He separates his fingers inside of you as his tongue continues to lick, scissoring them wide, as he stretches the walls of your cunt as your eyes squeeze shut in ecstasy. The burn of the stretch is minute, any discomfort replaced by the addition of his tongue pushing in deep in the space made by his spread fingers. His tongue thrusts in time with his fingers, and you are powerless but to follow your body as you finally crest over the edge, his words ringing in your ears as you come on his fingers and tongue. 
Your orgasm washes over you with a rarely felt intensity, your body spasming with pleasure as Astarion works you through it, not relenting in his mission. White-hot heat rolls over you, body and mind, as you cry out, the pleasure denied to you coming back tenfold as you ride the wave of your orgasm.
Body shaking, you slowly come back to yourself, taking in lungfuls of air as your body finally relaxes, arms falling to rest on the pillow as your eyes open blearily. 
“Dear Gods, Astarion.” You breathe out the words on a laugh as you look down at Astarion between your legs, fingers still massaging inside you softly as his head moves to press kisses to the skin of your thigh.
“We still have a few more requests to cross off your list, darling.” He licks at the flesh of your inner thigh, nose nuzzling the spot as his eyes meet your own.
“By all means, please drink your fill.” Your let the tension leave your legs as you open them wider for Astarion as he searches for a place to feed. 
His fangs pierce the skin of your upper thigh, so close to the sensitive junction where your leg meets your hip. The pain is a familiar hot prick as his fangs enter your flesh, but the satisfaction you feel from the pull of his lips sucking erases any thoughts of pain that cross your mind. He drinks at your lifeblood, intent to get his fill and enjoy sating his hunger. 
He hums against your skin as he drinks, the sound setting you ablaze with need once more as you watch him from his place between your thighs, the red of the blood on the white of skin stark and beautiful. 
Astarion takes one last pull, dragging the last bit of blood into his mouth before he retracts his fangs, moving to lick at the bloody wounds left there on your leg. He swallows the remaining blood as it enters his mouth before propping himself up on his elbows to glance up at you, tongue moving to lick at a stray drop of your blood making its way down from his lip.
He is beyond beautiful, the sight of his tongue licking at the stripe of your blood on his face driving pleasure straight to your empty cunt and you feel tired of waiting for it to be filled once more. You roll your hips slightly at the thought.
“Will you fuck me? Please?” You lick at your lips, asking as kindly as you know how, pulling at the binds on your wrists.
Astarion doesn’t answer you, instead leaning in once to lick at your slit, gathering your leftover cum to blend with your blood on his tongue as you whimper, skin still sensitive. The taste is intoxicating, Astarion moaning into your cunt at the piquancy of your essences.
Astarion’s mouth leaves your center as he moves to sit, grabbing at your legs as you wrap them around his hips, drawing him closer. Taking his cock in hand, he lines himself up with your core before beginning to push in.
He teases at first, short thrusts that never bury anything more than the head of his cock in your entrance, your slick coating him. 
“Gods, you’re soaked.” He throws his head back as he finally relents to his desire, pushing the rest of his hardness inside your waiting body, moving further and further until he bottoms out, dragging moans from both of your lips at the feeling. He sits like this for a moment, letting you adjust to the fullness of him before he rocks with slow, deep motions, the head of his cock brushing against your walls feels like bliss as you move your hips in a rhythm to match his own.
A hand on your hip makes its way down the skin of your thigh, Astarion lifting your leg to prop it up over his forearm as he begins to pump in and out of you with smooth thrusts, your thighs opening up to him. 
Your lower back lifts to accommodate the change of balance with your leg now being held, Astarion’s other hand anchoring itself to your other as it wraps around his hip. He moves to his knees, his thrusts speeding up as you are content to let him set the tempo.
Astarion moves fast and hard, his cock hitting your g-spot with every thrust. Your moans mix together as they fill the room with their sweetness, the sound of your lovemaking only adding to the pleasure building inside both you as you move towards your mutual releases.  
“Astarion, please, I need to touch you,” the words are a desperate whine as they leave your lips and Astarion is quick to acquiesce to your request, arm letting your leg fall as he leans over your body to pull at the bow adorning your wrists to free them from their binding. Without wasting a second, your hands find their way around his neck and your lips meet his in a passionate kiss, his thrusts never stopping their cadence as you run your freed fingers through the curls at the base of his neck. Your hips move to meet his own in frenzied thrusts, trying to match his pace with every press of his cock deep inside you. 
Without warning he flips you both and you suddenly find yourself sitting on his cock, the new position drawing a surprised moan from you lips as Astarion lays beneath you, curls splayed against the plush quilt. 
“Are you sure, love?” You gasp out the words as his hands find your hips again and he begins dragging you up and down his cock in smooth movements. His cock is deep like this, hitting places inside you with an intensity that drags you both closer. It had been some time since you had the opportunity to ride his cock like this, to watch him laying below your hips as you work him from above.
“Yes, gods please,” Astarion begs, the words only serving to ratchet your pleasure higher at the fever of his words, willing to do practically anything for him when he asks like that. His hips piston up in you, faster now, as you move your own up and down, body easily matching his like this as you settle your hands on his chest to help you balance.
Astarion’s pupils are practically blown out, your own mirroring his as you ride his cock, the slap of skin on skin with each thrust absolutely sinful. His thrusts are fast, quick and hard, his rhythm difficult to follow as he loses himself in the feeling of your body, the sight of you on top of him, breasts bouncing with every thrust and your head thrown back with your hair cascading around you. 
His hands grasp at your hips, fingertips pressing hard enough to bruise as his own orgasm approaches, your own not far behind as you both give yourself over to the feeling and let your bodies dictate their own pleasure. Every thrust has his cock driving cries from your lips, breathy moans falling from his own as you finally feel Astarion lose control beneath you, his cock pulsing as his eyes close, spilling his come deep inside your cunt. 
His frantic thrusts have him pressing against your spot relentlessly, and the sight of him as his orgasm washes over him, the feel of his come filling you sends you over the edge with him, grinding down on his cock as you ride the wave of your own completion, vision practically whiting out as a mixture of come leaks from where you are joined onto his skin. 
Astarion’s body slowly relaxes below yours, grip on your hips softening as he helps you ride him as you come. He watches you as you finish, and while he’s never been the religious sort, Astarion is certain the vision of you working his cock as you orgasm is nothing short of divinity at work. Finally, your hips slow their motions, your body practically collapsing against his own as you work on regaining your breath in between pressing kisses to his chest. 
“Well. That was quite the ride, wasn’t it?” His expression is open, contentment obvious on his features as his fingers draw up and down your sides. His cock softens inside you as you smile against his skin, pushing up slightly to roll off of his chest and settle into the cool skin of his side. Your combined spend leaks onto the linens below you but you pay it no mind as Astarion reaches for your wrists, checking for any possible injury before pressing kisses to the slightly reddened skin where the ribbon had lay.
“It’s certainly my favorite one, at the very least.” You relax into his touch at his chuckle, your head cushioned on a muscled shoulder as you let him pepper your wrists with kisses. The two of you delight in the moment, happily basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking, neither making to leave the bed.
You’re the first to break the moment, sitting up beside Astarion as you stretch, pressing your shoulders back to stretch along your spine. You turn to look at him with a smile on your face, crossing your legs in front of you as your head tilts to the side, observing him.
“You know, if this is going to be the response I get every time I happen to have a ‘bad’ day, I will gladly arrange for more of them.” Your smile turns mischievous, reaching out to walk your fingers up his chest.
“Greedy thing, aren’t you?” Astarion gasps in mock shock, reaching to grab at the fingers on his chest, bringing them to his lips to nip at the tip of one.
“What can I say? I did learn from the best, after all.” You shrug, leaning forward as his tongue licks at your fingers, squirming slightly as he reaches out to grab you around the waist. Astarion pulls you back into his arms, rolling the two of you playfully as he kisses your lips, threads of your joined laughter echoing out into the night.
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stellamancer · 4 months
obligatory (satoru gojo x reader)
notes: haha. the valentine's fic. it's funny i still have to post halloween fic. maybe i'll finish this week since i'm off work. uh anyway, for those who say my posts, i'm kind of hesitant to post this for two reasons: 1) it's removed from context— like you can still get a feel of what is going on, but there's no explanation as for why and 2) due to reason 1 it's tonally different than usual, at least according to my beta reader. my eternal gratitude goes to @momodita who helped me workshop this fic and continues to demand i write more gojo fics despite denying being a gojo fucker.
contains: implied f!reader (no pronouns), the return of gojo's pov (a little less whacky this time lmao), jealous gojo (because those who know me know i can't get enough), light angst or whatever the hell is going on there. additionally, for those who don't know giri choco is chocolate you give out of obligation to your coworkers and honmei choco is chocolate you give to someone you have romantic feelings for. part of the infinite loop verse.
wc: 1.8k
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“Here you go.”
Satoru graciously accepts Shoko’s offering: a thin, delicately wrapped box of Valentine’s Day chocolate. Naturally, it's giri choco; Satoru is well aware that Shoko would be caught dead before even thinking about giving Satoru honmei choco. That said, it looks like she's given more thought to her gift this year— the last few years she's just handed him a gourmet chocolate bar from some high end chocolatier. Actually, the last time she'd given him something wrapped up like this was…
“There better not be any liquor in this,” Satoru says in a petulant tone reminiscent of his high school days.
Shoko merely laughs. “As if I'd waste something like that on you.”
There's no way she’s forgotten how sick Satoru got the one time she did give him liquor filled chocolates. Not only had it made him sick to his stomach, it'd given him the worst headache of his entire life. If it were up to Satoru, liquor filled chocolates wouldn't even exist. “Welllll, thanks for the chocolate. I'll be sure to get you something good next month.”
Shoko gives him a relaxed smile. “Looking forward to it, Gojo.”
Knowing Shoko, she'll want liquor as usual. Maybe the same bottle of shochu that he got last year? She liked that, but then again, the same gift twice would be boring and Satoru is not about that. Whatever it is will be a little pricey, but Satoru doesn't mind it one bit— anything for one of his oldest friends.
Having given Satoru her yearly offering of chocolate, Shoko shoos him away so she can actually get to work. Satoru considers ambling around for another hour or two, but Ijichi will probably have a heart attack if he delays his mission briefing any longer. The sooner he does it the better, he guesses. Satoru starts sauntering toward the assistant managers’ office to find Ijichi, pulling at the ribbon on the box he received from Shoko as he goes. Inside are two rows of perfectly round chocolate truffles and Satoru picks one at random and pops it into his mouth. It's filled with a sweet raspberry cream that practically melts on his tongue. Shoko really went all out this year, but no matter how good these are they'd never match up to anything homemade.
Though, when he thinks about it, Satoru supposes he won't be getting anything like that this year.
When he gets to the assistant managers’ office he easily finds Ijichi, who, for once, is not bent over a mountain of paperwork, and with him is—
Handing Ijichi a box of chocolates.
For some reason, Satoru suddenly feels very, very annoyed.
“Well, well, well,” he says, the volume of his voice louder than intended, but he doesn't care. “What do we have here?”
Ijichi whirls around and lets out a squeak, his face red as can be. He starts to blubber and it almost feels like Satoru's caught him in the middle of something more illicit than receiving chocolates. If Satoru weren't feeling so annoyed, he'd find the whole sight rather funny.
You, on the other hand, are far calmer, indifferent even, as a slight frown mars your features. Something about it makes Satoru's blood burn hot.
“Did I just interrupt a heartfelt love confession?” Satoru asks dryly and Ijichi starts to freak out even more, and while Satoru notices the slightest twitch of your eye, you remain impassive.
“I hope you like the chocolates,” you tell Ijichi, outright ignoring Satoru and somehow that makes Satoru's blood run even hotter. “I kept in mind what you said about last year's so they're not as sweet.”
“Thank you!” Ijichi squeals and you give the man a sympathetic smile before you head toward the door where Satoru's standing. He knows he's blocking the way, but he doesn't move.
Will you say something to him?
You don't.
Instead, you keep your head down and squeeze past him. Or try to. You brush against his side and Satoru doesn't miss the way your body jolts when you make physical contact with him. But it only lasts a second, and when that second ends, Satoru tries to ignore the feeling of bitterness rapidly spreading throughout his chest.
He means to say something, anything to you, but the words get caught in his throat.
By the time they free themselves, you're already gone.
Satoru sighs and saunters over to Ijichi, who's been taking deep breaths to calm down after Satoru's little bout of teasing. He leans against one of the desks and crosses his arms. “So, you had a mission for me?”
“Right! Yes!” Ijichi squeaks again and takes a deep breath before he starts to explain. Satoru only half listens to the briefing, his attention more focused on the little box sitting on Ijichi’s desk. The mere sight of it spurs a complicated set of feelings. He doesn't understand. You've been giving Ijichi chocolates every Valentine's ever since you moved to Tokyo and it's never bothered him before so why now?
“Um, Gojo?”
“What?” Satoru almost snaps.
Ijichi doesn't answer right away, instead he clears his throat and then says. “It's giri choco.”
Satoru scowls. Of course it is. It's not like you'd give Ijichi honmei choco. You don't see him like that. “I know that.”
Ijichi swallows thickly. Nervously. “Just making sure.”
Then he falls silent, the air between them now terribly awkward.
“...do you want some?” Ijichi asks.
“It's your chocolate.”
“I don't mind sharing,” Ijichi says, reaching over and opening the box to reveal your homemade chocolates. They're nowhere near as perfectly round as the ones Shoko bought for Satoru, but he can tell you put effort into making sure they looked presentable. “Help yourself.”
Even Satoru isn't terrible enough to steal an entire box of chocolates meant for another man, but he does grab the nicest looking one and tosses it into his mouth.
It's bitter; a mix of dark chocolate and black coffee that's not only completely unpalatable to Satoru, but disturbingly reminiscent of the bitter feeling that's now threatening to eat him whole. He almost wants to spit it out.
But he doesn't.
Satoru swallows it all.
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The mission is uneventful, absurdly easy even, though Satoru took a little longer than he needed to by toying with the curses a little prior to exorcising them. Some would consider it a touch cruel, but Satoru doesn't care. Anything to rid himself of that pesky feeling from earlier.
If it were up to him, he would have headed straight home afterwards, but Yaga had asked him to come back and do some paperwork. Satoru had tried to reason with him, tell him he'd just do it tomorrow but the principal was insistent.
Satoru trudges to his office and throws open the door. Inside, someone lets out a surprised yelp.
It’s you.
Both you and Satoru stare at each other in surprise. Given that you've been avoiding both him and this entire corridor like the plague for the past two months, you're the last person he’d expect to find in his office, hovering over his desk. And yet…
You look away from Satoru, your expression awkward. This isn't like your encounter in the assistant manager's office earlier; you can't just walk out of his office without an explanation of why you're there.
Well, you can try, but it's not like Satoru will let you.
“Weren’t you supposed to be out on an assignment?” you finally ask. Satoru thinks you mean to sound annoyed, but your tone is watered down.
“I was, but it was so easy I could have done it blindfolded.”
Normally, you'd just roll your eyes or snap back about how he's a show off or his jokes are shit, but you remain quiet. He shouldn't be surprised, but it still makes him feel weird. Almost sad. Almost empty.
“Principal Yaga asked me to leave some paperwork on your desk,” you say, sounding uncharacteristically meek.
Satoru frowns a little. Yaga, huh? He never pegged him as a meddler. Satoru approaches the desk to look at the paperwork in question; he grimaces— it's a whole freaking stack.
You start to shuffle away from Satoru and toward the door as Satoru flips through all the papers. “Anyway, if you'll excuse me—”
“Wait a sec.” Satoru says and you glance back at him in confusion. There's something peeking out from under the stack of papers. Satoru gingerly fishes it out, revealing a familiar looking box. He holds it up and adds, “Did you leave this too?”
A myriad of varying emotions flashes across your face before you settle on an awkward sort of embarrassment. “I… did.”
It's weird. Satoru didn't expect you to be so straightforward given that under normal circumstances you always choose to be as obstinate as possible. Which Satoru doesn't mind in the slightest; it makes things exciting. There are few things more fun than prying the truth out of you with whatever means necessary. Answering him so readily like this… almost feels wrong.
“I accidentally made too much,” you explain.
Satoru stares at you. It’s not an excuse, not a lie. Honestly, adjusting the amounts to account for one less person probably slipped your mind until it was too late. You could have done anything with the extra chocolate, given more to each person, eaten it yourself, but instead…
You still chose to give it to him.
Satoru tries to ignore the strange feeling stirring in his chest.
“Anyway, eat it if you want, toss it if you don’t,” you add, almost hurriedly as you move closer to the door. You give a quick bow to excuse yourself and before Satoru can say anything else, you run off.
His eyes remain glued to the empty doorway where you were just standing for a second before looking back at the box of chocolates you left for him. Carefully, he unties the ribbon and pulls off the lid. Just like Ijichi’s chocolates, the ones in his box aren’t perfect, but something about them looks nicer than the ones Ijichi got. Satoru wonders if you consciously put in a little more effort when you’d realized you had extra. The thought makes him chuckle a little.
He delicately plucks one from the box and pops it into his mouth. It’s sweet, infused with a hint of strawberry and vanilla that makes Satoru crave even more. As soon as he’s done with the first he shoves another into his mouth, and then another. With each chocolate he eats, the painful feeling in his chest grows, but he ignores it.
Before he knows it, the chocolates are all gone. Satoru licks his lips, hoping for one last taste of that strawberry vanilla sweetness only to find nothing. All he has left is the empty box and an aching heart.
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if you read this whole thing, thank you and i hope you enjoyed it.
also yes, shoko got chocolates (tomo choco) too. they were similar to ijichi's, but with liquor instead of coffee.
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• Summary: You made many enemies throughout your career in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of which you despise so much it makes you sick to your stomach. But the more you two hate each other, the more the sexual tension becomes too intense to ignore.
• Parings: Cody Rhodes X Fem Reader
Warning- Language, 18+ only (minors DNI), Dirty Talk, Smut, Fingering, (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
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After a week since your last interaction with Cody, you stood before Damian as he looked at you with nothing but anger.
These last couple of weeks, you've been avoiding Cody. And you made it evident to him and yourself that you were avoiding him. It was awkward talking about that night, especially the fact you two couldn't resist for another round.
But you were also avoiding Damian. Only because every time you two were supposed to talk about what Cody said the night the two got into an argument, something came up, and he noticed that every time there was something, he would get frustrated every single time. But he dragged you into the Judgement Day's locker room, kicking everyone out as it was just you two.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Damian spoke as he crossed his arms and looked at you. You rolled your eyes as he said this. "I'm not ignoring you, Damian." You said. "But believe me, the fact that you and I are even having this conversation and that you are mad honestly makes me laugh." You said.
"Laugh, really?" Damian said. "To find out from someone I despise that he slept with someone that I really like honestly makes me sick!"
"Sick!?" you spoke. "Okay, you know he lied to you, right? He did it to get into your head and mind. You're not the only one who hates him."
Damian stayed quiet as he heard what you said. Apart from him, I knew you were right about Cody getting into his head. That's what Cody does, especially to you.
And he has been doing it lately, and you two haven't had a single conversation, or in other words, you two insulting each other, since that night with Damian. It's different.
Cody is one of the best wrestlers in WWE at the moment, whether people like to admit it or not. And as Mr. Money in the Bank, or what people like to call it, Senor. Money in the Bank, Damian saw Cody as a threat, and Cody saw Damian as someone in his way from finishing his story, or whatever this whole thing Cody got going on.
What Cody was good at was weakness. He knew how much Damian liked you, which is one of the reasons why he said what he said to him. You think, however, just by how he spoke to you that night, it was something more that.
Damian crossed his arms, hesitant, but asked you anyway. "So you and Cody didn't sleep with each other?" He asked. You look at him, quiet for a second, before responding with a lie.
"I don't believe you," He spoke as he uncrossed his arms and walked over to you. You looked up at him and noticed the way he looked at you. Damian was a handsome guy, which is why you gave in the first place and gave him a chance after trying for the longest even to get your attention. That and you never really had a guy try this hard to even talk to you. I know how much high standards you have for men.
But you shrugged your shoulders, not trying to defend yourself. "Okay."
Damian sighed, placing his hand on his cheek. "I don't want to know if it is true. I like a lot Y/N," He said. "And I'm not going to let anyone, let alone Cody, get in my way of making you mine."
You didn't react to his words. How could you when Cody's words replayed inside your head right after he said that?
"Damian is too soft, too much of a good guy even though he plays this bad guy on camera."
Damian was too soft. If you were in Damian's shoes, you would end this, although not waste your time on someone who made you look like an idiot in front of everyone.
But after that conversation, you knew the two wouldn't work out. And as much as you hate to admit it, it was all Cody's fault.
You left Judgment Day's locker Room, heading back to the female locker room to get your bags. The show was officially over, which meant you were off for the next couple of days, and it was peace to you. You loved traveling, but you also loved to relax, which is why you were so excited to stay in at least one city for the next couple of days.
As you walked into the locker room, you noticed Becky, one of your few female friends, in the locker room. She looked up at you from zipping up her bags and smiled as you walked in. "Hey, Y/N, where have you been?" She asked as she stood up.
"Hey, Becks," You spoke as you headed towards your stuff. "I was with Damian."
Becky smiled, dropped, and rolled her eyes as you mentioned Damian.
Becky hated every single member of the Judgment Day. You and Becky's biggest problem. Rhea Ripley. Becky's problem was much bigger than yours since you were technically seeing her friend.
"I don't mean to Judge, but Damian, out of everyone. You're a gorgeous woman, Y/N; you could do better than that." She said.
You gave Becky a smirk. "Careful what you say, Becks; I may steal you from Rollins." You joked, earning a laugh from Becky.
"I'm serious, though," She said. "And I thought you two were over after what Cody told him."
"Ugh, you heard about that two!?" You sighed in disbelief.
"Oh honey," Becky said, shaking her head. "Everyone backstage knows. What I want to know is if it was true or not."
Usually, you can keep your secrets to yourself. Even your brother doesn't know the majority of your secrets. But Becky, she was like a sister to you, despite the fact her husband and your brother hated each other. She knew all your secrets, to the point where you should have killed her.
But you looked away from Beck as you zipped up your bags. "It wasn't true... at first." You said. Becky's eyes widened, not expecting that kind of answer. "Okay, once I found out what he said to Damian, I confronted him, and we ended up having sex."
However, the reaction afterward was the last thing you expected from Becky. She sighed in relief and held a smile on her face. "About fucking time!"
"What!?" You looked at her in disbelief.
"Y/N, I heard all the way from Alica Fox when she was still working here how much sexual tension you two had before he left, and when he came back, I understood why everyone was saying that," Becky said. "I'm surprised it took him one comment for you two let it out."
You shook your head, not wanting to think about what the hell Becky said. It reminded me of that night and how he spoke to you. "It doesn't matter. He and I are not happening again." You said.
Becky remained silent. But you can see the hint of an "I called Bullshit" expression lingering on her face. You rolled your eyes and ignored it as the two walked out of the locker room.
The two of you continued to chat, talking about today's show and the upcoming show, which was not till next week until going your separate ways. As you go to your rental car, opening the back trunk, your phone rings, and a random number appears on your screen.
You usually get random numbers occasionally, mainly spam callers, which you would always ignore. However, something in you knew that this phone call was different.
Hesitant momentarily, you answered the call and brought your phone to your ear. "Hello?"
You weren't sure if you were going insane, but you swore that the person on the other side of the call had smiled the minute you spoke, which immediately answered your question about who was calling you.
"Brilliant of you princess, I'm impressed you knew it was me,"
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the typical pet name he always gives you. "How the hell did you get my number?" You asked with annoyance in your voice.
"I have my resources." He said. Only one person came to your mind as he said this.
Sami. And you prayed that you wouldn't run into him because you knew you were going to kill Sami when you saw him.
"Okay, well, I'm hanging up now, goodbye."
You didn't let Cody say another word as you hung up on him and began placing your bags into your car. You saw Cody calling you several times, as you chose to ignore him. He then texted you as he closed your back trunk, hopped into the driver's seat, and read his message.
"You can't avoid me forever, princess."
You did exactly what he said you couldn't do: ignore him. You toss your phone into the passenger seat as you drive straight to the hotel you are staying at.
Upon arrival, you went straight to the front desk to check in, giving the lady your name so you could get your key and enter your room.
However, the lady made a confused face, followed by a realization, leaving you confused yourself.
"Oh, your fiancé was just here not too long ago and checked you in?"
You thought you heard utterly wrong as you looked at the lady and spoke. "My what!?"
The lady was now confused, but by your reaction. "Yeah, your fiancé said you were running late and decided to check on you. I believe he said you would meet him in your room?" She said. "Should I call security? Have I made a mistake?" You Immediately shook your head.
"No, no, my apology; I forgot he told me that we are getting my key for me. I'll call him, thank you."
You didn't want any trouble happening as you walked off with your bags and called Cody's number. You can hear him laughing the minute he picks up.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Give me my damn key Cody!?" You said with irritation in your voice. You didn't have time to play this cat-and-mouse game with, but he was pushing your buttons. 
And Cody could hear it in your voice, which made him laugh even more. He doesn't do anything further as he gives you your room number.
After going up the elevator to your room, you bang loudly at your door, just like you did to Cody's the night in his room. He opened the door, and you looked at him with annoyance as he smirked and moved to the side, allowing you to walk inside.
"Can I have my key, please?" You asked, placing your bags down and phone on the nightstand next to your bed. You turned and looked at Cody as you noticed he was wearing a suit. He probably used his charm and smile to enter your room.
Cody walked up to you and handed you your keys. You try taking it away from him, but he quickly moves his hand back, looking down at you.
The two were close once again. He watches you as you look up at him after getting frustrated for not getting the key.
"You have been avoiding me, princess," Cody said.
You realize he was being serious. What kind of startles you? He was bringing that night up.
"What did you expect me to do, act like nothing happened?" You told him. "That night shouldn't have happened."
Cody just stood there, listening to what you had said before walking over to your nightstand on the opposite side and placing your key there. You still didn't understand why he was here, and some of you didn't want him here.
"I agree," Cody said. "That night shouldn't have happened." He said, then walked over to you. "But it happened."
You stepped back every time Cody stepped forward before your back hit the wall. You couldn't even look at him anymore; you were now scared of what could happen now that he's towered over you.
"And as much as you and I went too far last time, I meant everything I said that night." You tried not to react to what Cody said, but he brought his lips to your ears and spoke once again, earning a gasp from you.
"Just because I agree it shouldn't have happened doesn't mean I regret it."
You looked back at him as he moved around and looked back at you. An immediate response shocked in between your thighs at what he was saying. He barely said anything inappropriate, let alone anything, and you hate how he's making you feel.
You already were in some deep shit just from that night, and you couldn't but do what you were about to. It was all on you and can't be regretted.
Your hands up to his tie, and as you played with it a bit, Cody didn't stop you as you felt his go heavy. The two of you thought the sexual tension was forming once again, and if last time didn't change anything between you two,
It will now.
"We can't do this, Cody," You spoke, biting your lips. You can hear Cody Sigh as he looks down at your lips. It turned him on seeing you trying to resist yourself from him, especially when he hasn't touched you at all.
"I know." He said
You shook your head, suddenly loosening the tie off of Cody. "I can't stand you."
Cody doesn't stop you; instead, he helps by removing his jacket and then the tie.
"That makes two of us," Cody spoke.
You gasped when Cody grabbed you by your neck and attached his lips to yours. You never thought in your entire lifetime that you would be missing Cody's lips.
This was wrong. Being in bed with him last time was wrong, and being here now was wrong. And you knew by the next day, you would call yourself stupid for letting your impulsive actions get the best of you.
But right now, you don't care. You desperately needed Cody's touch.
Your hands went straight down his pants, unbuckling his belt and pulling out his shirt, all while Cody pulled your hair back, kissing your neck.
"Fuck," You sighed at the feeling of his lips. You pulled your neck back, allowing Cody more access. You could tell he enjoyed kissing your skin by the reaction of him pulling you into him more than you were before.
With one swift movement, Cody moved you to the edge of the bed. His large hands were on the bare skin of your waist, causing you to shiver.
The two of you fought with each other. He pulls off your shirt and kisses part of your skin. Your neck, chest, collarbone. Your skin was incredibly soft, and his doing this made you feel on fire. You tugged and unbuttoned his shirt, getting impatient every time you felt another button after unbuttoning another. His shirt was fully tugged off, and you pulled him in, almost falling on the bug.
"Easy, princess," Cody smirked by your eagerness. "I'm going to take care of you,"
His voice, the way he spoke to you, touched you. It was all not helping you stop from being so eager and wanting more as you moaned his name, sucking the breath out of Cody as you could feel his member jump through his pants against your hips.
"Holy fuck!" Cody groans and pushes you on the bed. "So fucking beautiful and sexy."
Cody hovers over you as he attaches his lips against yours again. He lays you down fully before spreading your legs apart and unbuttoning your pants before gently teasing you by rubbing your underwear that covers your clit.
"I can feel how wet you are for me, baby; you're so delicate, so soft and pretty."
"Fuck you so sexy when you speak to me like that," you slipped out. You swear you thought you said that in your head, but by Cody's reaction, he heard you loud and clear, and that turned him on.
"Yeah? Do you like that? My voice turns you on?"
Your hips start to buckle as he pulls your panties to the side and inserts two fingers into you.
"Oh my god," you moaned, gripping the man's arm as you enjoyed the pleasure he gave. There was nothing this man could do wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing. A little too much, as he could already feel yourself finishing.
Cody's words slipped out of his mouth. "You're doing so well, baby," Causing you to move your hips against him. You felt like this was all a dream; however, the dream was momentarily over by the sound of a phone, causing you to whine as Cody stopped.
"Ignore it," You told him. However, once you saw the expression in Cody's voice, you looked over at the phone, realizing it was yours.
And it was Damian.
"Why is he calling you?" Cody asked, catching you off guard by his sudden hint of jealousy.
"I don't know; I'll worry about it later." You spoke. However, Cody moved his hand away from you as he backed up and looked down at you.
"No, answer it," Cody smirked. Your face made a confused expression.
"Answer it, and put it on speaker," Cody demands. "I promise I won't say a word," Although you knew this was a bad idea, you took your phone off the nightstand and answered, placing it on a speaker like Cody told you to do.
"Hello?" You spoke. Cody smirked when he heard Damian's voice through the line and began kissing your neck.
"Hey, can I stop by your room for a bit? I want to talk to you." He spoke.
Cody's hand eventually slides right back inside you, circling your wet clit, earning a gasp from you. However, you composed yourself.
"I-uh, now's is not a great time."
"Look at you, talking to another guy while a finger you, so fucking hot," Cody whispered in your ear, causing you to hold back a moan by biting your lip.
"Oh, well, I just have a lot on my mind right now that I wanted to let out my chest," Damian said. "I want to tell you, it is about us."
Cody slid two fingers into you, causing you to gasp again. This time, Damian heard it.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You can feel Cody smiling so hard at this. "Yeah, I'm fine, whatever it is, you can tell right now on the phone, I don't mind."
You had no clue what you were even saying to Damian as your hips thrust into Cody's fingers once again as he sped up. The two of you made eye contact as your lips parted at the organism forming.
"Okay, yeah," Damian said, nodding, although you couldn't see him. "Listen, I just wanted to apologize to you if I offended you in any way earlier. I believe you when you said that Cody lied and that you two didn't sleep with each other."
Damian words immediately made Cody stop as he glanced over at your phone. You weren't listening to what Damian was saying until what he had said came out of his mouth, and when you did, you were taken back.
"I like you, Y/N, and I don't want someone like Cody to ruin what we have so far. And you don't have to say anything right now. I know it's pretty late, so can we talk about this tomorrow morning, breakfast."
Cody's head shaking made you hesitate. He didn't want you to go. But you couldn't say no, especially after what he just told you. You ignore Cody's head, shaking as you speak. "Breakfast sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."
Cody scoffed after you hung up and got off the bed. "You got to be kidding me, Y/N."
"Are you seriously mad at me?" You asked Cody as you noticed him fixing his clothes onto himself.
"Of course I'm mad," He said. "One you lied to him,"
"I didn't lie to him!" You defended yourself, getting off the bed as well. "And even if I did, why are you upset about it!? You and are not together?"
Cody turned to you. " I meant every single thing I said that night, Y/N." He said, "I meant that, and it's not something I will ignore. And I know that deep down, everything I said minutes before what happened got to you; otherwise, we wouldn't have had sex, and we wouldn't be here right now."
"Right now?" You raised your eyebrows. "May I remind you that you're the one who broke into my room!? You were the one who spread that stupid lie in the first place. I meant what I said that that night shouldn't have happened."
"So what? You're going to continue whatever you and Damian have going on. He's not someone you want, Y/N?" He asked.
"And you are?" You asked, crossing your arm. "Whatever is going on with Damian and me is none of your business. I mean, he's more than a man than you will ever be."
Cody smiled at your comment. Out of anger, however, he clenched his jaw. His eyes darken as he looks down at you. "Fuck you!"
"Fuck you too!" You yelled at him, "Get out of my room!"
"Gladly!" Cody yelled back and grabbed his jacket as he headed towards the door. He looks back at you before speaking one last time. "But when you realize the truth, and when you open your eyes, you're going to realize I'm right."
"I'd rather stay clueless and blind before ever saying you're right." You spoke. Cody shook his head before walking out the door and slamming it shut, leaving you alone as you sat down, trying to process what had happened.
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cinnnamongrl · 11 months
sorority secrets- ellie williams (part 3)
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pairing: college!ellie williams x fem!reader
summary: part 3 to this fic. you can find part 2 here.
warnings: [18+ MDNI] explicit language, top!ellie, bottom!reader, semi-public sex (sexual acts while other people are (unaware) in the room) (i’m sorry) (no i’m not) fingering (r!receiving) dirty talk, praise, bit of degradation, those are your warnings, if u don’t like, click away 🤺
author’s note: part 3 (of 5) ;0 enjoy ;)
three loud raps at ellie’s door. she pulled away and stared at you, mind working. “don’t you wanna get that?” you questioned. “nuh uh, wanna keep kissing you” her mouth was back on yours, quickly falling back into that eager pace. 2 more bangs, even louder “ELLIE!”.
“motherfucker” ellie got up and walked to her door, meanwhile you straightened out your top and tried to position yourself to sit casually on her bed. the door opened and brittney strode in, hand on hip. “you’re not answering your phone.” she stated. “yeah i’m” ellie’s eyes darted towards you, “busy.” brittney looked at you. then looked at ellie. then rolled her eyes. “whatever. theres a mandatory eta event in 15 minutes. fuckin’ emilia was supposed to tell everyone.” “event?” you questioned. “it’s for charity. a car wash…” she seemed hesitant. a car wash doesn’t sound very sorority-like. “a bikini car wash.” there it is. “you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” ellie spoke. “ugh, don’t get your boxers in a twist, ‘bikini’ isn’t literal, you can keep your fucking nike sports bra on.”
brittney and ellie stared at each other, a silent display of mutual aversion. you shifted uncomfortably on her bed. brittney suddenly moved towards the door, “ok i’m leaving. look at your phone i’ve texted you the details. be there in 15. bye loser” she flipped her hair and left. you almost wondered if she was parodying herself. ellie turned on her heel to face you and you gave her a small smile. “it might be kind of fun?” you offered. she tilted her head to the side with furrowed brows and gave you a half smile, a silent really? you giggled and stood up, “i have to go get changed, i’ll meet you there?” “‘kay” as your hand touched the door handle, ellie’s hand came out to touch your arm and she planted a kiss on your lips, leaving your face warm and a shy smile on your lips.
ellie was sat in a white plastic chair, her eyes scanning the large campus parking lot for something to injure herself with to get out of this thing. she turned to one of the girls standing by her “what kind of charity is this thing for anyway?” the girl put her finger up to her mouth and pondered for a moment, “like… animals… or something. oh wait no… kids. kids with like… no money and stuff.” then she gave a little smile and turned back around, obviously satisfied with her answer. great. ellie moved to take her phone out to text you but was rendered still when she noticed you walking towards her. you were sporting a small red bikini top that perfectly hugged your boobs and illegally short shorts. ellie tried not to gape but that was made near impossible when you looked like that. she rose from the chair when you reached her, grateful to be out of ear-shot of the other girls.
“you look…” her eyes did a quick up and down of you, “like you’re trying to kill me.” you gave her a bashful smile. the sound of a car pulling in made you both turn your heads, followed by the sound of the obnoxiously loud car radio and mix of various different frat boy sounds. brittney and the others ran towards the car with buckets and sponges, arms up in excitement and ellie looked at you with a look of horror that made you burst out laughing. “c’mon, while they’re distracted” you grabbed her arm and pulled her in the opposite direction of the car wash and behind a wall that separates part of the parking lot. “how long do you think it takes to wash a car?” you asked. ellie poked her head round the wall to look at the others, a scene of scantily clad sorority girls getting more soapy water on themselves than the cars; a view which usually would’ve awoken her inner horny teenage boy, but her mind was focused purely on getting a couple of minutes alone with you.
“the way they’re doing it… we could have a solid half an hour on our hands.” she joked. you leaned your back against the wall, “hm.. i wonder what we could do in half an hour…?” playful tone to your voice. ellie raised her eyebrows and pushed down the various images and thoughts that flooded her head despite knowing you were joking. “wow and i thought you were a nice girl.” she crossed her arms and towered over you slightly. “i am” your voice was small. “oh i don’t know,” she stepped closer “nice sweet girls don’t say things like that.” she teased. you almost felt embarrassed at how much you liked her being able to flip the power and make your cheeks heat and stomach feel fluttery after you’d tried to confidently flirt. she moved her mouth to your ear, “do they?” she whispered, her warm breath on your neck sending shivers through you. before you had time to attempt to form a reply, a car horn beeped and the sound of wheels screeching against tarmac signalled the first car wash was over and the girls would no longer be distracted from your absence.
“c’mon” she took your arm and let you round the corner of the wall back to the car wash area. emilia spotted the two of you walking towards everyone, “you guys where have you been?! there’s a couple cars pulling in now, come help!” in her usual lively manner. one car drove towards you and parked. “ellie come help me clean the front over here!” emilia spoke. britttneys voice called out suddenly, voice laced with irritation “emilia we’re cleaning this one! over HERE!” emilia rolled her eyes and waved bye to you both. ellie lifted her arm to lean against the top of the car “go ahead, then” she nodded her head towards the sponge, bucket and hose with a playful smile. “why me?” you questioned. “well the guy is paying for a bikini car wash and,” she dragged her eyes up your body to make a point “you’re in a bikini.”
“fine.” you might as well make your own fun. you picked up the wet sponge from the bucket and wrung it out, purposely getting most of it down yourself. ‘oops’ you teased, mimicking some seriously low grade porn acting. ellie held in a chuckle and watched you. you dropped the sponge onto the hood of the car and smeared the sponge over it slowly, pushing your chest out slightly and holding eye contact with ellie, trying desperately to keep up the silly character and not burst into cringed laughter. you moved over to where ellie was stood and started washing (a loose term for what you were doing) the car, positioning yourself in front of her and bending over slightly to ‘reach a certain spot’ which conveniently pushed your ass out in front of ellie’s view. ellie snickered, partly because she was entertained, and partly to try and hide the fact that your jokey performance was actually kind of turning her on.
you slowly lowered yourself to grab the hose that was laid on the ground nearby and as soon as it was in your grip you spun around and spayed it over ellie, her pretty face pulled into an expression of shock, eyes darting between you and the soaked clothes on her body. you didn’t get to enjoy the view for long before she was running towards you. you screamed and ran around the car, hose gripped tightly in your hands. she changed directions in a split second and the panic made you lose your speed, allowing her to grab you with both arms and wiggle the hose from your tight grip, spraying it over you as payback. your screams and laughter weren’t lost on the others but both you and ellie were too absorbed in your little playfight to even notice. you went back and fourth fighting for the hose, ending up with you crouched down by the side of the car, arms and legs covering your chest in a ball to secure the hose with you, ellie crouched next to you playfully trying to wiggle her way into your hands, and your cheeks aching slightly from being lifted up in your amusement.
‘yo my fuckin car!’ a man’s voice spoke up from the car. you looked at ellie and burst into laughter, the realisation that you were supposed to be cleaning this guys car, not engaging in a hose fight out of his sight. ellie’s chest felt fluttery watching you laugh and she played it off in her head as the cold wet clothes sticking to her body having some sort of effect on her rather than admit to herself her infatuation already. wanting to make the most of your spot being out of eye sight of the others, ellie took your face in her hands and kissed you, briskly but not without sentiment, and your body relaxed, shoulders dropping and hands unclenching. the sound of an engine starting up pulled you apart and you and ellie stood up as the rightfully unsatisfied customer drove away.
over the past few days a combination of a surprise visit from ellie’s step-mom and your college deadlines meant you and ellie hadn’t got to see each other as much as you wanted. your minimal time spent together consisted of tension-heavy glances across the room at eta meets, holding hands under the table, and kisses that were as passionate as they could be with only 20 seconds given to them before someone entered the room. technology was currently your saving grace.
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the eta living room floor had been transformed into a beautiful mess of plush cushions, pink fluffy throws and an assortment of duvets on top of sleeping mats, all positioned around the room with a large tv front and centre. the sleepover was going well; no chad-talk so far, minimal passive aggression between brittney and ellie, and you’d managed to ever-so casually place yourself in the spot on the floor beside ellie, which allowed you to exchange looks between yourselves when one of the girls said something funny, and meant your hands could find each others under the blankets and duvets.
“your step-dad’s kinda hot, britt” one of the girls spoke through loud chews of popcorn “ugh gross, madison, joel’s like 60” madison broke out into an off-key rendition of ‘age aint nothin but a number’ and brittney hit her with a cushion. ellie watched on, disgust obvious on her face at madison’s comment. “so that’s where you get your good looks from, hey?” you joked, voice low enough to miss everyone else’s ears. “i’m adopted.” “oh…” you looked at her, trying to gauge the tone of the admission. she chuckled lightly “don’t worry, i’m not gonna start crying or some shit. my bio parents died when i was young and… joel’s a great guy. he raised me by himself until-” she nodded her head towards brittney who was lost in discussion with the others, “-he married britt’s mom when i was 16.” you nodded your head. she spoke slowly “which was… odd. at first. having to share my space and… my dad, with this high maintenance lady who wanted to transform me into brittney 2” listening to her talk about personal stuff left a urge griping at you to put your arms around her and hold her against you but you pushed down the feeling and just listened. “okay that settles it! magic mike it is.” brittney’s voice called out, bringing you out of yours and ellie’s bubble.
annoyed as you were for having to sit through shirtless men dancing for the past 40 minutes instead of talking to ellie, she found some way to be touching you the whole time which was softening the blow. her finger’s absentmindedly trailing your arm, leg resting against yours, all kept a secret from the others thanks to the pink dotted throw that lay atop both of you. the combination of her gentle touch and her presence next to you was filling you with a peace and sleepiness that made you turn to her and smile. she smiled back and lifted her hands from you to fish for her phone lost in the duvet. she pulled it out, tapped a bit, and locked it again. you looked at her confused for a moment until she gestured for you to check your phone.
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your cheeks warmed in shyness and you silently giggled, opening the chat to reply without the worry of the others knowing yours and ellie’s conversation.
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ellie put her phone down and you followed suit, letting your eyes focus back on the movie in front of you. ellie resumed her soft touches, her hand coming to rest on your thigh. you registered the conversation being had from the other girls, something about mike and his magic. before you had time to catch up a girl called katie turned to you “so who’s your favourite?” she said with a spark of enthusiasm. you blinked a few times. “my favourite..?” “guy!! from the movie!!” “oh! um…” you looked at the screen in front of you. “…mike.” there was a hum of agreement. pulling you out of your conversation for a moment, you were aware suddenly of ellie’s thumb stroking the skin of your inner thigh. an action that could’ve been innocent or a purposeful tease. ellie’s gaze was stuck on the screen not giving anything away, but regardless of the intent it made your stomach fill with butterflies. you attempted to pay attention to the chatter about channing tatum but ellie’s hand was moving further up your thigh, running circles, finger moving past the area your pyjama shorts were covering. your breath hitched slightly as her finger met the seam of your underwear. she lowered her mouth to your ear,
“you can tell me to stop” she whispered. you swallowed, head feeling fuzzy and body feeling heavy and warm. emilia spoke, voice directed at you “you know who kinda looks like channing tatum… chad!” she grinned wide. amazing timing. all of the girls looked at you, seemingly waiting on a response. “um i guess, haha” you smiled weakly. ellie’s finger was now stroking the cotton of your underwear, purposely avoiding where your body wanted her the most. “god you’re obsessed with him! it’s adorable.” emilia giggled. you managed a small huff of faux laughter. “so what’s your favourite thing about him?” asked madison. your mind was cloudy and did not have the capacity for chad-talk when ellie’s hand was where it was. “i uhm- i like his h-air” ellie ghosted her finger over your clothed clit and you softly cleared your throat to cover up the squeak that left your mouth on the last word of your reply. another little hum of agreement filled the room and you prayed that was the last of your q&a. “he’s got super cute hair.” katie nodded at you and if you weren’t preoccupied with feeling a whole load of other things you would’ve been feeling grateful that your answer was acceptable to the group.
ellie moved to rest her head against her arm propped up by her elbow and faced towards you, hand still under your shorts. “what about his personality? you think he’d be a good boyfriend?” ellie inquired, seeming genuine to everyone else. you looked at her with pleading eyes. she was mean. “s-sure,” ellie dragged her finger up the length of your cunt right up to your clit, where she applied a bit of pressure that made your head dizzy. “he’s f-funny and ni- mmph” ellie started to draw tight little circles, the fabric of your underwear adding to the blissful friction. embarrassment flushed through your body and you hoped to god your little slip up could be passed off as an awkward word jumble. “oh my gooood, you’re getting so shy talking about him! that’s so sweet.” cooed madison. ellie was shamelessly getting off on watching you struggle to pretend to everyone you were obsessed with this chad douche while she was playing with you over your panties, making you a stuttery mess who couldn’t even form basic responses. “i bet he’d treat you real good” ellie spoke, a mock that was only clear to you. “hm?” she expected a response. “mm” you managed, bordering on a whimper. a small part of your brain was worried about how you were coming across to your sorority sisters right now but the larger part was purely consumed with ellie’s perfect movements and the feeling building in your lower stomach as a result. as much as the thought of ellie making you come right here whilst your new friends were in the room scared you, the twisted part of your brain found it heightening your arousal and making your head feel even more fuzzy. the attention was finally off of you, they had switched back to the movie and we’re talking about the scene. you forced your eyes back there as well, too scared to look at ellie. she picked up her pace and your eyes fell shut.
ellie watched your chest rising and falling in quick succession and your teeth biting down on your lip which she was sure you didn’t even realise you were doing. watching you hold back little moans and fail to keep your composure had ellie soaking through her boxers and she squeezed her legs together to try and relieve the ache. she kept her eyes on you, waiting for the signs you were almost reaching your peak. your breathing got quicker and head fell slightly back. just as you felt the coil in your stomach threatening to break, ellie stopped her movements and removed her hand from your shorts. your eyes fluttered back open and you fought hard against a whine that threatened to leave your throat. ellie used the opportunity of the other girls full engagement on the screen to dip down and kiss your shoulder. you looked up at her but she was staring ahead at the screen, little smirk playing against her lips. you wanted to pounce on her, half in a sexual way and half in an angry way. you crossed your arms and furrowed your brows at the screen, a weak attempt at trying to hide how needy and embarrassingly horny you were and instead seem really interested in these half naked male dancers. 5 minutes into your casual act ellie moved a hand to lightly trace lines on the skin of your inner arm. an innocent display but with the unreleased tension that was firing through your whole body, her light touch was making arousal prickle at your skin. “you enjoying the movie?” ellie spoke quietly, a fake sincerity to her voice. “‘mhm.” you replied, eyes not leaving the screen. “seems it” smugness evident in the upturned corner of her mouth.
an hour later the bright glow and animated sounds from the tv were long gone, now the only noise came from the last few late whispered conversations and occasional ruffles from sheets being slept in. you and ellie had spent the hour keeping giggles, chats and flirty teases hushed to a secret volume, bodies laid facing each other. you were still basking in the fuzzy sleepy state ellie had created, but pushing down the neediness seeing as ellie was clearly feeling mean tonight. that pleasurable feeling of relaxed comfortability mixed with giggly excitement that you always got whenever you were with ellie seemed to be heightened in the late night environment of whispers and touches under the covers. the sleepover setting was also prodding you both towards wholesome playful discussions.
“what’s your favourite… food?” you asked, little jump of excitement when you thought of your question. she laughed and her heart did a little jump watching you grin at her. “pizza.” you screwed up your face. “pizza.. so basic.” “oh i’m sorry miss fancy pants should i have said my favourite food is …” she pondered for a half-second “an amuse bouch?” you chest bubbled with laughter and you nudged her playfully “no i just meant that’s what everyone says. and ‘an amuse bouch’ is not a food.” she signed dramatically, the soft orange glow from the only lamp left on contouring the features of her face and it made your heart leap a little at how beautiful you thought she was. “ok my turn,” she started, “what’s your… favourite animal?” you thought for a moment. “bunnies!” “checks out…” she began “you’re like a little bunny.” you pretended to be offended by the comparison “am not. i’m like a scary lion.” she laughed “absolutely not. you’re a cute little baby bunny.” she lightly tapped your nose. “cutest.” you held your bottom lip with your teeth to hide the embarrassed smile that was threatening to surface. “and you know what they say about bunnies?” she teased. “what?” “they fuck like crazy” she laughed at her own comment and her voice threatened to reach normal volume. you hit her on the arm “ellie! the others could hear” you spoke in a desperate hush. “they’re all asleep.” you hadn’t even realised the lack of background chatter for the past few minutes and sure enough you sat up slightly to scan the room and were met only with the still bodies and slow breathing reserved for sleep. you turned back to face her “oh.”
she pulled your body back onto the soft floor where you’d been resting and leaned over you to place a kiss on your mouth. she laid one hand on the floor to prop herself up and the other came to rest on your side. the kiss instantly sparked up the arousal that had been siting vacant in your body for the past hour. she deepened it for a few seconds before pulling away. “i’m going to the bathroom.” she spoke. surprise was evident on your features and she just chuckled lowly and got up out of her ‘bed’ to walk out of the living room, leaving the door open behind her. you sat yourself up. really? after her antics this evening she couldn’t wait even just a few minutes to p- oh. was… that an invitation? surely not. oh my god you freak she’s just peeing. unless..? you wriggled out of the mass of blankets and duvets laying over you and walked towards the door. you reached it and stopped in your tracks, running it over in your head and turning back. 2 seconds later and you decided to turn back around again, walking through the hallway to the bathroom, assuring yourself if she didn’t mean it as a proposition you could play it off as also needing to use the bathroom. you reached the closed door and stood in front of it feeling slightly embarrassed. you turned your head towards the direction you just came from, getting ready to sneak back, when the door opened suddenly.
she looked at you and raised her arm to rest on the door frame. just like she’d done the last time you found yourself in a vulnerable position in this very bathroom. but this time she didn’t talk, she just grabbed your waist with her free hand and turned you into the room, shutting the door behind her and placing you against it. and then she was kissing you, desperate and eager and you were grateful for her holding you otherwise you thought you might’ve melted onto the floor. her hands dipped under your top and her fingers traced the skin under your boobs. “ellie” you breathed out, clouded mind and sleepiness taking away any filter, mouth moving on its own terms. “this ok?” she asked. “mmhm” you nodded desperately. “more” you pleaded quietly. “manners, pretty girl.” she instructed. “more, please ellie” you whispered. “good girl” her mouth was back on yours as her hands lifted under your top, giving a light squeeze to your boobs and rolling her thumbs over your hardened nipples. you let out a little moan into her mouth and she groaned softly.
“brittney has this thing,” ellie started to speak breathlessly between kisses, “where she-” kiss “-wakes up to pee-“ kiss. your mind wondered where this could possibly lead to information important enough to interrupt this, “at pretty much exactly-“ kiss “-12 each morning” kiss. you held her face and looked at her “what?” she looked up at the little decorative silver clock resting on a cabinet in the bathroom “it’s 11:50.” she went back to kissing you, tongue meeting yours, emptying everything from your brain. she lowered a hand to your lower tummy and ran her finger along the waistband of your pyjama shorts. ellie looked down at them. white with tiny frills at the hem.
“i like these” she told you, lifting the elastic and letting it snap lightly back against your skin. you chewed on your bottom lip, shy smile on your face. she kissed you again, a little slower this time, teasing you despite how insanely desperate she was herself. she let her hand dip under your shorts and ran her fingers over your panties again, feeling the patch of wetness where your pussy met the cotton. she smiled into your kiss “you’re dripping.” your face was burning and all you managed to reply was a little huff. “so cute” she teased, all the while knowing she was just as, if not more wet under her own underwear. she moved your panties to the side and dipped a finger into your folds, trying desperately to hold back a groan. she brought your wetness up to your clit with her thumb and a moan was pulled from your throat. she rubbed little circles, making your mouth drop open slightly and grip onto her arms. “there you go” she cooed.
just as you were growing used to the feeling you felt her finger at your entrance and you gasped lightly. “you want it?” she asked. the thought of more stimulation than she was giving you already made you feel dizzy. “yes” you breathed out. “beg for it.” she demanded, a bold choice with the time limit you were on. “please ellie i need it. need you inside, please” ellie thought her legs might give out. she obliged, filling you up with one finger and beginning to move, “squeezing me so tight baby”. you whimpered in response, head full of nothing but the hot pleasure your body was feeling. your breathing was starting to get heavier again and you squeezed your eyes tight. “so close already. ‘s that because of earlier?” she taunted. you shook your head yes. she chuckled mockingly “such a little slut letting me touch you while your friends were talking to you. bet it made you so wet didn’t it? knowing they had no idea i was playing with your little pussy the whole time” a pathetic whine left your throat and she grabbed your jaw with her free hand “answer me.” “yes ellie” your voice came out shaky.
“think you can take more, baby?” you nodded, willing to take anything she gave you. “such a good girl” she praised and it heightened the pleasurable submissive fuzz your head was swimming with. she added another finger and the fullness made your jaw go slack, a succession of little whimpers and moans leaving your mouth. ellie was watching you in awe, your face a beautiful display of full pleasure and the pretty sounds coming from your mouth made her stomach flip. “so pretty” she muttered, almost to herself. your release was fast approaching you, hands gripping ellie tight. “you gonna come, pretty girl?” ellie cooed. “m g’nna come” you confirmed in a whimper. “come for me angel,” your orgasm hit you and you clenched down hard around her “that’s it baby, come on my fingers” she murmured as you came undone, body shaking from the pleasure and leaving you limp, held up only by ellie. your mind was coming back into focus as you noticed ellie leaving little kisses on your shoulder, up to your collarbone, neck and jaw. you looked at her and she looked up at you and smiled. you rested against the door catching your breath. she took your hand and spoke softly, “brittney.” “huh?” your mind not quite catching up yet. “it’s nearly 12.” she gestured to the clock. “oh!”. you let her guide you back to the living room, feet moving slowly to avoid loud creaks.
walking into the sorority main room a high pitched squeal caught your attention. you scanned the room quickly to find ellie and you have her a little wave. emilia came running towards you and dragged you towards where everyone else was. “so…” she started “since you gushed about chad so much at the sleepover the other night-“ your stomach dropped. “-i took it upon myself to set you guys up!” she grinned at you expectantly. you didn’t speak. “don’t be nervous! it’s tonight at the tipsy bison bar but don’t worry, we’ll all be there too and he’s bringing his friends.” she beamed. “right girls?” she spoke to the others. a jumble of ‘yeah!’‘s and ‘of course!’‘s. brittney didn’t say a word. neither did ellie.
part 4
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tag list @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @nil-eena @alexpritch @robinismywifee @girlfr1endism @sc0ttstre3ted (sorry i don’t know why some blogs won’t tag;(( ) happy to add people to the taglist but i can’t tag you if you don’t have your age in your bio!! my blog is 18+ !!
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742 notes · View notes
turtletaubwrites · 4 months
A Good Catch ~ Part 3
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This was part of my 600 Follower Celebration and I can't thank you enough for all the support. I was glad y'all voted for Shanks... until I wrote this!! It was supposed to be the end. But I wanted them to have more sex. And that led to more fluff, and that led to... Anyways, I know what the end will be, but I'm not going to embarrass myself again by saying it'll be the next chapter. 😅 I have been consumed by this story, and I really hope you enjoy it!!
Pairings: Shanks x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4613
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 (End)
Ao3 Link
Summary: Your unplanned vacation is filled with more than just the pleasure of a certain pirate's touch. Turns out that pirates and fishermen share a love of stories.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Teasing, Flirting, Alcohol, Hair Pulling, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (Be safe out there), Birth Control, Pet Names, Rough Oral Sex, Face-Sitting, Outdoor Sex, (Very Mild Exhibitionism), Porn with Feelings, Aftercare
A/N: I need help
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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“Thanks for takin’ pity on our captain.”
“None of that, Lucky Roux,” Shanks scolded, grabbing the bowl of food the man had set down on that dingy table by the fire. 
Sunset was on its way, and your stomachs had dragged you reluctantly out of his bed, only to be greeted at the camp by the loudest, and rowdiest cheers you’d ever heard. 
Shanks had gotten them to tone it down a bit, kissing your burning cheeks as you sat at his table, but it seemed that Lucky Roux had started it up again.
“He’s right,” Benn agreed, raising his mug to you. “I don’t think we would have survived another night of that.” 
“Isn’t Y/N just beautiful? Isn’t she–,” another pirate called in a sing-song voice as he mimicked his captain, and your mouth fell open as the whole crew joined in. Shanks started blustering, trying to rein it in, but it was too late. 
“Did you hear how funny she is?”
“And she's soo fiery, did you see her?”
“I was drunk! I was out of my wits,” Shanks yelled over the din while you sat back and laughed. 
“I will personally murder each and every one of you!”
He gave up, taking a long drink from his mug while you studied his profile. When he finally looked at you, you couldn’t fight the evil grin on your face.
“Fiery, huh?”
“Alcohol does a lot of things to the mind, and–”
“Are you blushing, captain?”
Your red haired pirate didn’t allow you to lean close to find out before he pulled you to him, kissing you hard. You felt his low hum of approval at the tiny noises you made for him, but it was all drowned out by another round of applause.
“I'm gonna need more booze for this,” he grumbled, waving his now empty mug in the air until a pirate came to fill it.
“Fiery,” you asked again, whispering in his ear before chuckling as he choked on his drink. 
“Yeah, well,” he wiped his chin, turning to smirk at you, “I’m pretty sure you like me too, damsel.”
He looked way too pleased with himself as you bit your lip, digging into your food to keep from squirming.
You thought he might steal you away back to his quarters as soon as your bowls were cleared. Instead, he pulled you onto his lap as you spent time with his crew. So many smiling faces, so many stories, so many songs. It seemed like the whole crew took turns joining your table, and tapping their mugs against yours as they introduced themselves. 
Now that you didn’t think they were going to attack you in your sleep, you’d decided to drink whatever it was they put in your mug. 
But after toasting with so many pirates in a row, you were starting to feel it. 
“Mm, Shanks…”
"Mhm," he purred back at you as you nuzzled against his ear. 
“I think I’m drunk.”
“Well,” he started, leaving a warm kiss on your forehead, “what does my drunken damsel nee–”
He leaned forward with a wicked chuckle that told you he’d be getting back at you for what you’d just done. You had grinded your ass into his lap, and he was already growing hard again. That sensation had your head lolling back until he sat you up straight on his knee, his arm around your shoulders.
“So you’re demanding and greedy, huh?”
There was no point in arguing as his eyes poured over you, hungrily taking in your ragged breathing, your bitten lip, and the needy look in your eyes. 
You watched as he wet his lips, his eyes growing darker even as the light of the fire shined within them.
Nodding as he mouthed the question ‘ready for bed,’ you held onto him, only a bit wobbly as you made your way through the crowd. The shouts of the crew were hardly noticeable with his hand in yours, his thumb smoothing over your skin. 
The moon was even closer to being full tonight, and its light dancing on the ocean made you pause after you stepped on deck. 
“I haven’t stopped to look for awhile,” you confessed as he brushed your hair out of your face.
“Look at what?”
A surprised laugh bubbled from you as you gestured to the moonlit waves.
A wave of energy and pleasure rolled over you, and you threw your head back to let out a joyful yell.
“It’s beautiful,” you screamed at the moon. “And look at the waves, they’re so…”
Your joy in this moment felt so freeing, but it broke your heart to realize just how stifled you’d been. To not remember the last time you relaxed, the last time you looked at something just because it felt good. 
Shanks caught your hand as the heat of tears rose in your throat. His hair seemed to glow under the silver light, and you didn’t think you’d ever met someone as beautiful as him.
“You’re beautiful too, Y/N,” he rasped, pressing your knuckles to his lips. 
“Don’t you mean, ‘fiery,” you laughed in his face, stomach starting to hurt as giggles took over. 
He sucked his teeth, narrowing his eyes at you as he dropped your hand. 
“You won’t be so fiery after this.”
Shanks twisted his fist into the back of the shirt you’d borrowed, and dragged you, kicking and screaming, to the edge of the ship. Toward those beautiful waves.
Happy, drunken fingers tore at the buttons of the loose shirt until you pulled yourself free, cackling as you held your hands to your bare breasts, and ran inside.
“Y/N,” Shanks shouted, as the pirate on night duty started rolling with laughter. 
You had never had this much fun in your life.
Those wood paneled halls all looked the same, so instead of looking for his quarters, you just kept running.
The chase didn’t last long before he shoved you against a wall, his knee spreading your legs as your chest heaved. He dropped the shirt to the ground to push your hand aside, massaging your exposed breast as he kissed you. 
It was more than kissing. Drinking, eating, taking. 
His thumb brushed over your nipple, already hardened from your flight through the ship. He timed the sensation with his knee pressing against your clothed cunt, and you felt his smile on your own lips as you cried out. 
“You’re lucky you’re not a member of my crew, Y/N,” he rasped in your ear, low and dangerous. “This kind of spectacle would have earned you quite the punishment.”
His heat left you as he grabbed the shirt off the ground, holding it up silently until you pulled it on. There was something about him now that you hadn’t felt before. It wasn’t frightening. 
But it was powerful. Commanding.
It had you melting under those dark eyes. 
“Are you ready for bed, sweetheart?”
All you could do was nod, letting him guide you by the hand until he had you spread on those red sheets again. 
Until he had you screaming his name, begging him to fill you up, to leave you dripping. 
Still not enough. 
He’d kissed his way across your body, pulling you close as his breath went deep and slow with sleep. Once again, this pirate reminded you of the sea, his touch both gentle and chaotic, his voice both soothing and seductive. 
Last night you had such conflicting thoughts about him. Tonight his arm was curled around you, his spicy scent more intoxicating than whatever they’d poured in your mug. Tonight your thoughts all matched up.
He’s wonderful.
I’ll never get enough of his smile, his voice, his touch.
I’ve never felt happier than I have with him today.
He’s leaving in a couple days, and I’ll never see him again. 
“Don’t you trust me by now, beautiful?”
He couldn’t see your small smile as you secured the blindfold over his eyes. 
“Don't you trust me,” you teased, tugging the fabric further down his nose.
“You do have a history of attacking me unprovoked–,” he laughed, holding his hand up to stop your retort. “I just wanna see your pretty face.”
Pressing a kiss to his pouting lips, you made your way down the bed. 
“Guess you’ll have to learn to be patient.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but let out a sigh instead as you started tracing your fingers over his skin, giving him the same attention he kept giving you. As if each part of you was precious to him, and he wanted to savor every bit.
Savor. I want to savor this. 
So you did. Everything left your mind except for this moment. The way it used to when you still loved to fish. 
Shanks had helped you remember how to enjoy life.
You wanted to pay him back.
“F-Fuck, Y/N…”
His red hair fell back against the headboard as you sucked the tip of his leaking cock into your mouth. He fisted the sheets, your name and breathy curses still falling from his lips.
Your mouth and fingers had already teased his whole body until he was twitching, so you didn’t waste time with teasing now. With one hand sliding along his shaft, and the other massaging his heavy balls, you circled your tongue around his tip until spit slid down his length.
“Please, Y/N, let me take this off. Let me see you.”
“Not yet,” you breathed, before you forced your way further down.
“Fuck, please,” he begged, drawing out the words as he moaned. “I need to see your face, I need you, please.”
His shaking, desperate body, and his continued pleas to see you froze you for a moment, your mouth still around his tip.
“Please, I need to see you. Fuuckk, I need you, ple–”
“Take it off.”
This was the face you would never forget. 
He looked almost pained when he took it off, his brows furrowed, and his jaw clenched. Then the eyes that met yours looked frantic, almost feral as heavy breaths came from his parted lips. 
He touched your jaw, lifting your face as spit trailed from your mouth to his swollen tip. 
“I don’t wanna stop looking at you again.”
Chills ran over your skin as you whimpered, your hands clenching on him until he moaned. He let you go, but you were too stunned to move, your hands pausing their task. 
He didn’t beg you to continue. He didn’t tease you. He didn’t say a word.
Shanks just stared at you, a hint of a smile on those lips.
Until a low growl filled the room, breaking the spell.
“Does my damsel need breakfast,” he teased softly.
You answered by taking his cock down your throat, relaxing as you pushed yourself further. 
“Oh my– fuck! How are you…”
All the filthy, needy sounds he gave you spurred you on. Your eyes were rolling back in your head, until you forced them open, forcing yourself to meet his hungry gaze. 
You still hadn’t taken in all of him, but the slide of his thick veins along your tongue told you that you might not have time. 
So you pushed further, moaning around him when he wrapped his fingers into your hair. Tears were already prickling in your eyes when you gave him a nod, bracing yourself on his hips. Letting him take control.
“Gods, you’re fucking perfect, sweetheart. So beautiful taking my cock down your throat. I need you so fucking bad–”
Breathing through your nose and hanging on, the feel of him pushing so deep while he watched your face, while he praised and moaned for you… It was all so much, your own body twisting in on itself with need. It felt like you might come without a single touch. 
“So good for me, baby. Take my come for me–”
Unrestrained groans tore from him as he twitched, his hand forcing you down. You cried on his cock as hot ropes of come spilled down your throat, so hot, so fucking much. 
Your mind was empty of everything except for swallowing every last drop. After he’d emptied himself in you, he lifted you gently, letting out a pleased hum as he watched you lick your lips, and drink it all in. 
“Mm, my damsel,” he purred as he kissed your neck, “my darling. Do you wanna have breakfast before or after I drown in your pussy?”
Your stomach could wait. 
After a few minutes of water and rest so you could relearn how to breathe, Shanks worshiped your body again, leaving you tingling, giggling at his soft touches. 
“Come here, sweetheart. Let me taste you.”
Shaky knees held you up as your nails dug into the headboard. You leaned your forehead against the wall as Shanks’ tongue dragged through your folds as if looking for treasure.
And he found treasure, sucking your clit until you chanted his name.
“Relax,” he rasped, tugging on your hip, “I need my pretty girl to sit on my face.”
You had looked down into those devilish eyes, and his words alone had you crying out. 
“I’m a pirate, sweetheart. I can hold my breath a long time if I need to.”
His wink tore a laugh from you, and you wanted to poke him for it, but he managed to yank you down with his one hand, his strength making you gasp before his tongue did. 
He rocked your hip back and forth until you followed his movement, grinding your needy cunt across his face. He moaned into your sensitive skin, and you made sounds you didn’t know you could make. 
“Shaaanks, feels so good.”
Every moan, every word you gave him seemed to set him on fire, his tongue exploring so deep when it wasn’t attacking your clit. Rubbing yourself back and forth felt unreal, his mouth and nose driving you mad.
“Please, fuck… I’m gonna come, Shanks.”
You tried to pull away, but he wrapped his arm around your thigh, pressing down across your hips so hard, adding to the pressure.
The screams you let out were so loud, the whole camp had to have heard you. You fell forward and gripped your fingers in his hair, only able to watch those dark eyes for a second before you came in his mouth.
Shanks didn’t stop, he kept moaning, playing, drinking you in until you slumped against the headboard, and begged him to stop. 
“Mm, you look a little distressed,” he rasped in your ear. “How’s my damsel doing?”
He caught your hand as you tried to slap his chest, your limbs weak and useless.
“My girl’s still fiery after all that,” he laughed, kissing the inside of your wrist. “Want me to order us breakfast in bed?”
“Where did you grow up?”
It seemed you wouldn’t be leaving the bed at all today, lounging in messy sheets as you held each other. Laughing, humming with pleasure, sitting in the most comfortable silence you’d ever felt. 
Until you started asking questions. 
“You’re lookin’ at it,” he gestured vaguely, bringing a frown to your lips.
“Could you be a bit more specific? I don’t think you grew up in these quarters.”
Shanks let out a sigh, rolling to see your face better.
“I grew up on a pirate ship. Always been a pirate.”
“Literally? Or is this some pirate showboating shi–”
“Literally,” he laughed, his grin making you squirm, almost forgetting your goal. 
“Well, you’ve heard my whole life story,” you drawled, lightly poking his chest. “I’d like to hear something about the drunken pirate that took me hostage.”
“It’s a vacation,” he teased, leaving kisses on your neck until you squealed.
He gave you a satisfied look as your skin flushed, before tapping the tip of your nose.
“You really haven’t heard of me?”
“Should I have? I don’t really pay attention to gossip. The news seems so far away from this shitty island.”
Tilting his head, he gestured to himself, puffing up his chest.
“Red Haired Shanks?”
“… Well, that is how I would describe you,” you deadpanned, trying not to laugh. 
Another heavy sigh left him as he stood, and you admired the sight of his toned body as he headed toward the desk. He laughed at the mess he’d made emptying the drawers last night before he picked up the little stone, and tossed it to you. 
He winked when you caught it, rolling it around in your hands while you watched him pull out a piece of paper.
Staring at it for a minute, Shanks turned back to you, looking more serious than you’d ever seen him.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, it’s alright,” he said softly, walking toward you as you sat up in the bed. “I have to show you something, and I don’t want you to be scared.”
Sitting beside you, he caught your eyes, holding your gaze as if you’d disappear if he looked away. 
You didn’t think anything about him could scare you anymore until this moment. 
“What is it,” you choked out, hoping you weren’t about to lose this perfect feeling with him.
He quirked his lips as he looked down, the crinkling of paper the only sound as he laid it on your lap.
“Wow, you look…”
Shanks’ gorgeous face had distracted you. You knew he was a pirate. Of course he would have a bounty on him. But…
“4,048,900,900 berries?”
It felt like your eyes almost popped out of your skull as you shrieked, smacking his chest while he gave a sheepish grin.
“Looks like you’ve got expensive taste?”
“What the fuck, Shanks?”
Shoving the bounty poster at him, a headache started to form as your mind failed to comprehend a thing.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he soothed, stopping himself as he reached out to touch your shoulder. “I’m still just me. Your handsome, drunken pirate, okay?”
You stared at him dumbly as he chewed on his lip, and you were present enough to see the worry in his eyes.
“You’re still safe with me, Y/N. You’re still safe here. I would never hurt you.”
He stopped himself again as he reached for your face, his breath catching when you took his hand in yours.
“I know,” you whispered, holding his hand against your cheek. “I know I’m safe with you.”
A smile of relief broke across his face as he leaned in. You stopped his lips with your fingers, and narrowed your eyes at him, watching his go wide.
“Now you owe me some stories.”
His laugh was like music, and you gasped as you let him fall upon you, letting this pirate taste you, his kiss full of desperate, infectious joy. 
“You have heard of the king of the pirates, right?”
“I’ve never met anyone who’s lived more stories than grandma.”
“Your grandma sounds like an amazing woman. What kind of stories did she live,” Shanks asked as he walked his fingers along your skin.
“Well, the thing about fisherman,” you laughed, stretching your arms above your head, “is that you never know which stories are true or not.”
You tapped his nose as his eyes fucking sparkled at you.
“You keep telling me that lying is bad for the soul, but lying for a good story is what makes a true fisherwoman.”
Shanks beamed at you, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“Do you think any of her stories were true?”
Countless hours beside her, just waiting for a bite, flooded your mind. Those were times you treasured, before you grew to feel ashamed, and frustrated with your lot in life.
Those were times that felt magical, like every possibility was free for you to grasp.
“I'd like to think so,” you mused, seeing her playful grin in your mind, “but I’m pretty sure she was a pirate if they were.”
He let you taste his smile as he kissed you, and you’d never tasted anything better.
The two of you finally left his quarters for dinner, his warm arm and cloak wrapped around you as you were met with more cheers at the camp. 
“Listen up, crew,” Shanks shouted as he stood, his drink held high. “Our fisherwoman has tales to tell of her grandma the pirate, so let’s gather round. Let’s toast to the woman who taught our fiery damsel how to live!”
Tugging at him was useless as the crew gathered around the fire, their raucous cheers dying down as they waited. 
You were frozen, caught in dread and embarrassment until they called for you.
“Come on, fisherwoman! Let us hear it.”
“Tell us a story, Y/N!”
Shanks rubbed along your spine before taking your hand. You held the stone in the other, and let her stories pour out.
You’d never had anyone to share them with before, and it felt like home. Their reactions, their laughs, and questions, all of it spurred you on. The way they’d cheer and toast over triumphs, and curse over misfortunes, filled you with pride.
“That’s Skypiea, “Yassop called out, amidst a wave of affirmations.
“What’s that,” you questioned, this being the first real interruption of the night. 
“That island,” Benn explained, “we’ve been there before.”
“Don’t fuck with me. That’s stupid, I know she made this one up,” you argued, annoyed with the lies on their faces. “An island in the sky? Come on.”
Shanks squeezed your hand until you looked at him. 
“It’s true,” he swore, eyes heavy with it. “You’re the only one who’s allowed to lie on this crew.”
“She must have been a great pirate if she made it to Skypiea,” Lucky Roux chimed in. “What was her name?”
None of them recognized it, and you tried to put the idea to rest.
“If she was a great pirate who settled down with a kid, she probably changed her name,” Benn stated, as if it were fact.
“No. That’s crazy…”
“To the great fisherwoman pirate,” Shanks toasted, with what sounded like reverence. “May her stories live on.”
You drank to the calls of ‘hear hear,’ and her untrustworthy name being shouted at the finally full moon. 
“Well, she did cuss like a sailor,” you whispered, still dissociating after Shanks had pulled you onto his lap. He laughed, kissing the top of your head before he whispered back.
“Wanna take a walk with me?”
Everything was so bright, the moonlight making the world feel even more surreal. 
This man I’ve been drowning in is an Emperor of the Sea. 
And grandma's stories might really be true...
You’d been too lost in thought to notice where he’d taken you, until he helped you climb onto the smooth rock by the tide pools. 
Careful not to slip, he guided you around to a relatively dry spot, far enough away to be untouched by the tide this early in the night.
“How are you feeling?”
He touched your chin as you sat down, bringing a small gasp to your lips when you saw his shining face, lit like some mythical creature under this heavenly sky.
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly, genuinely searching yourself for the answer. “I think I’m good. It’s just a lot.”
His slow smile caught you again, and the knowledge that your time was short shook you, making you reach for him too.
Falling into a hug, you breathed in the scent of him.
I wish this never had to end.
“You sure you’re alright,” he checked in, smoothing his hand over your back as you buried your face in his chest. 
“Kiss me.”
Your whispered command took your breath as his lips met yours. The gentlest of touches, the sweetness he poured into you, made it even harder not to let bittersweet tears fall.
One more day. I have another perfect day with him. Don’t ruin it. 
Your hands curled into his hair, and you whimpered with need as he let you push him onto his back. 
Shanks met your desperate need, grinding up against you as you straddled him, drinking your moans as your tongues danced together. Chaos, the crashing waves getting closer. 
“Y/N,” he breathed, watching you stand to strip under that silver light, tugging his pants down so that you could feel him again.
You needed to feel him again.
“Y/N, you’re incredible. I…”
The full moon lit your skin, but not as much as his gaze did. Those dark eyes left you on fire as you rode his perfect cock to the sound of the tide, his rough hand making you shake as he smoothed along your hips, your stomach, your chest. 
“You make me feel so good,” you moaned, still fighting off the bitter from the sweet. “I’ve never felt so—“
Shanks found leverage against the stone, making you cry out as he thrusted up into you, forcing you to steady yourself with your hands on his chest.
“Fuck, I could stay inside you forever, sweetheart. Your perfect pussy sucks me in so well— Mm fuck, yes, baby.”
Falling forward, you moaned against his skin as you came. He kept fucking up into you until you screamed his name.
“Making yourself come on my cock,” he soothed, stroking your hair as his rhythm slowed, but never stopped. “My girl is so good, so good for me.”
His praise brought whimpers from your lips until he pushed himself up, kissing your neck as you sat in his lap, still holding his heat inside you. 
“Will you help me spread out the clothes, beautiful? I need you— I need to watch you under the moon like this. Please, damsel, let me…”
You both moaned as you pulled yourself off of him, crawling to the pile of clothes to spread them out. He finished stripping, helping you lay down with a makeshift pillow.
Your fingers wrapped around his length, guiding him to your entrance as his eyes burned into yours. Leaning his weight on his elbow beside you, Shanks’ powerful body started to pump into you, filling you, stretching you. 
Slowly, but so deep it made your eyes roll back. 
“Look at me, please.” 
His words were barely a whisper, barely loud enough to hear over the waves. But you heard his plea, your fingers digging into his skin as you studied his face. 
It hurt. You fought to let it be joy. But the intensity, the need, the awe that seemed to flow from him was too much. 
Because it seemed to match yours, and you couldn't risk believing it.
Timing your breath with the waves, you let the bitter fade away. You let yourself be nothing at all, except for the lucky person making love to him under the light of the moon. The lucky person whose skin got to be seen, and touched, and tasted by this perfect pirate. This beautiful, sweet, intoxicating man. 
Neither of you spoke again. Just watched each other as you fell apart, and the only words given to the night were your names. 
Your bodies met that blissful moment together, like some pagan ritual. The bright sky bore witness to pure pleasure, pure connection. 
The magic seemed to last forever, your breathless bodies still melded together. Still together. 
Until bitter finally won, breaking the spell as salty tears slid down to meet the tide. 
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”
Mourning the loss of him as he left your body, you brushed those tears aside, and did what every fisherwoman knows how to do.
“I’m okay,” you breathed, smiling as you touched his cheek.
You lied. 
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: Please save me, I am down a rabbit hole. Too far down, I think. Damn these "one shots," consuming my soul, making me fall in love. I don't know if I'll recover from this one.
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @nothing-but-brass | @honeyoru | @onlyseob | @constawrites | @gingernut1314 | @i-am-vita | @laurelthesimp | @therealsatorugojo | @jadeddangel
Part 4 (End)
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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melbatron5000 · 2 months
Maggie, Maggie
#1 Do not take my theories to Neil! None of them, nohow!
#2 Big fat spoiler, which I suppose I should have said on my previous theories, but hey. Big fat spoiler!
Here we go, I think I know something new.
I've seen a few blogs where people have suggested that Maggie is Jesus 2.0. I didn't think so at first, but now I do. Maggie is Jesus 2.0, and Crowley and Aziraphale damn well know it. Here's my evidence:
See this post about how I think Crowley and Aziraphale are hiding something. Hiding someONE? Yeah, I think so. Who the hell would they be hiding? Who would an angel and demon who averted Armageddon be hiding, especially if they are expecting a second go 'round? The BIG one, as Crowley says? Fucking Jesus, that's who. Okay. Now we're cooking with gas.
Maggie is clothing-coded as both a demon and an angel. Y'know, much like Adam is described in Good Omens the novel. "Part demon, part angel, all human."
Maggie is a bit of a goodie two-shoes. "Never was that sort of teenager, never wanted to drink, no judgment." Oh, yeah? A little better than other people, are you? Not in a hoity-toity way, just, a little better than others. A little.
Loved that record store since she was a baby, huh? How did she remember it since she was a baby? Much like Adam remembered the other two babies he was in the hospital with, as described in Good Omens the novel. "You never forget your first friends."
Maggie calls Aziraphale an angel. Not as if she knows, but as if she subconsciously knows. If she is Jesus 2.0, I don't think she's come into her powers yet.
Aziraphale expects her to be able to sense the archangels when they come to ask about Gabriel and the 25 Lazarii miracle. And the whole time he's asking her about the record, he's looking out the window very nervously, repeatedly. I've seen a few people note that a car horn sounds and he looks at it anxiously, and that does happen, but he is anxiously looking out the window the whole time. What is he watching for? In case someone notices him talking to Jesus, maybe? And when she doesn't understand what he's talking about with the archangels, he shrugs it off and refuses to explain, as if he has suddenly remembered that of course she won't be able to sense them, not yet, anyway.
The ball: Not only does she want to stay behind and help without knowing what's going on (very brave and generous), she invites the demons in by mistake, AND Aziraphale can't miracle her to go with Crowely and forget all about this. He tries in a bit of a panic, then gives up, as if he's remembering that oh yeah, he won't be able to miracle her, she's freaking Jesus.
That's why "miracles don't work like that." It's not that Aziraphale can't miracle people to fall in love, it's that he can't miracle Jesus. At all.
The main reason Crowley and Aziraphale are so nervous about Gabriel showing up is because they are scared he is spying on them and will notice Jesus. The audience assumes Gabriel is scary enough on his own, and pay no attention to the fact that A/C are trying to keep him clear of noticing ANYTHING out of the ordinary.
That light in her record store. You know, the one that looks EXACTLY LIKE ADAM'S LIGHT in the first season? (Thank you @youryurigoddess for pointing out that you had these screen shots!)
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11. Look who else wears orange and blue:
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I'm inclined to believe there's more going on with the people on Whickber street, but I'm not sure what, and some of Maggie's behavior gets a little questionable and hard to explain, but this image is what keeps me up at night. Why are Jesus and Maggie the only two people in the entire second season to wear orange AND blue?
The question that I do have is: What did Maggie do that had the same power as a 25 Lazarii miracle?? Because my entire theory revolves around Crowley and Aziraphale knowing -- or suspecting? Or searching for and being closer than even they know? -- that Maggie is Jesus, or will be; Saraqael being in on it; and them hiding whatever the BIG miracle was actually for and the audience assuming they are hiding the Gabriel miracle -- which they are not, although they are ALSO hiding the Gabriel miracle.
If Maggie didn't do the 25 Lazarii miracle, who did? And why? Where the hell did Maggie come from? Why would Jesus 2.0 just show up in the form of a woman who inherited a record shop the happens to be next door to the one being in the whole world who would most want to know where Jesus 2.0 would be?
So much more to know.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Eyes Wide Open
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pairing: Ari Levinson x Reader / Ex!Chris x Reader
Summary: After Chris cheated on Y/n, she falls into the arms of the local grumpy beefy mechanic, her new man Ari Levinson (Part 2 to blinded by lust)
Requests are open💌/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
It’d been 4 months since Y/n had seen Chris, having asked her friends to collect her things from his house, he was already out of sight out of mind. In fact sweet sweet Y/n had caught the eyes of another man, the town’s leading mechanic, Ari Levinson.
It was not known around the town what happened to Chris and Y/n, but they all definitely knew it was over when they saw Y/n spending all of her free time with her grump of a boyfriend, who only seemed to show any grain of happiness around her. She had him wrapped round her pretty finger.
“Sugar how are ya so perfect?” Ari said looking at his girl who was sitting on a hood of a car he was fixing, his harms on either side caging her in. His eyes trained on her reddish lips as she wiped the sweat and grease off his forehead. “Hmm I dunno, why are you so goddamn handsome?”
Thankfully with her left leg now fully recovered Y/n was able to go any and everywhere with Ari. You best believe before that he carried her everywhere, needing his little support bunny with him. “Why ain’t you sharing bun? C’mon and give me a taste”
Dressed in a white tank top and work trousers, the bigger beefier man opened his mouth, watching as Y/n shyly took her lollipop out of her mouth and put it in his. When Y/n first told Ari why she was single in the first place, that man saw red and not the pretty kind. How could someone absolutely break his woman? She was so delicate and fragile at the time that it broke his heart too.
“Does it taste good?” Y/n asked, her eyes twinkling at the strong sunlight from the open top roof, not complaining when she saw how her boyfriend was now getting a very luscious tan. “Yeah baby, tastes like you” He winked bending back down with his wrench to continue what he was doing.
“Excuse me, any service here?” A strong Bostonian voice said, one that Y/n could remember for the rest of her life. Not for the good reasons either “fuck I missed this” “Your pussy feels so good” Things she heard him say to another woman
“What’s up pal?” Ari said not even looking at who it was and wiping his hand onto his cargo trousers, his eyes sharpening when he finally realised who he was talking to. Chris stood there all smug, the breakup didn’t break his heart but it definitely broke his character. Around town everyone knew that he now tended to carry an attitude with him, feeling full of himself once he realised he was being shipped back off to Hollywood anyway.
“what do you want?” Ari spat out more harshly, Chris lifted up his hands in defeat,
“Jus wanted to speak to Y/n here, one last offer baby”
“What do you need with My woman” Ari said standing in front of Chris’ view of Y/n, who was still sitting on the hood of the car shocked to the roots.
“I’m off to film another series, and i’ll be gone this time, for a year or two. N’ I just need to know if this is us over, for real? If not I have an extra ticket here waiting for you, I can supply you with everything you want, unlike some people-“
“What’s that supposed to fucking mean big shot, just because-“ Ari lunged forward, only for a pair of arms to wrap around his chest to pull him back into her body.
“It’s over Chris, you can shove that ticket up your ass and leave, make sure you don’t accidentally give it to some other girl on the way out though” Y/n said passive aggressively, looking the other man up and down, a sense of disgust taking over her.
“Whatever you were an easy fuck to keep around for a while anyway, goodluck with that one Levinson, she wouldn’t even wanna settle down with me and we were together for ages. She doesn’t know what a man needs and wants in life, who knows maybe she can’t even have child-“
And that was it, Ari had lunged successfully this time, throwing one hell of a punch onto Chris’ face knocking him down onto the ground instantly. “You don’t talk about my woman, or any woman like that. Didn’t ya mother teach you any respect? Guess not. Now fuck off to wherever the fuck you’re going to”
Ari said turning around and heading back over to Y/n who was just staring at Chris who had now walked out of the mechanic shop, holding his hand to his definitely broken nose.
“You okay sugar? When you said he was a dick I didn’t realise how much a one”
“Are you okay? Your heart is pounding Ari, calm down you know i’m only yours, I’m not going anywhere. His words mean nothing”
“I know that sweet pea, but Jesus when he started talking about you like that I near killed him” Ari breathed out leaning his head onto her shoulder, her fingers running through the back of his hair to calm him down. His lips pressing multiple small kisses to her neck, causing her to laugh out of tickles,
“Ari stop it you big bear, you’re gonna make my stomach hurt”
“hmm n’ we can’t have that can we?”
2 Years since Chris had set foot back in town, and don’t get me wrong he was as successful as ever, but that didn’t change people’s opinions of him already. Walking into the local park to walk Dodger, Chris swears he near chokes on his coffee when he sees Y/n.
Not alone.
He’s surprised to see her with Ari’s arm around her waist, with him whispering into her ear, making her giggle and place a kiss onto his lips. A baby sitting against her hip, a baby boy, he thought wrong about her settling down.
Ari’s hand slips down to support Y/n’s clearly enlarged stomach, before bending down to kiss his son’s head, when his eyes suddenly meet Chris’. Both men nodded at each other without another word, Chris went on with his walk with a pang in his heart.
He was the one that wanted all that with Y/n and now she was the one that had it, and he still had no one. Heading back to the coffee shop, his friend Luke behind the counter looks at him confused, “Dude what the hell happened, you was in here ten minutes ago”
“I-I saw Y/n”
“Glowin ain’t she? Archie is the absolute cutest lil thing, did ya see she’s pregnant again? Swear Ari always says he can’t keep his hands off his wife-“
“Wife? They got married? When?” Chris asked furrowing his brows
“Man it was like a year and a half ago? Tell ya what match made in heaven-“ Before he could even finish his words Chris stormed out of the coffee shop,
“Dude you know he’s still into Y/n” Another worker said handing Luke dried glasses,
“I know but he fucked up, doesn’t mean I can’t talk about how happy I am for her” Luke said watching his friend storm down the street, back to his lonely home where no one was longer waiting for him.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @ilovereadingfanfics @patzammit @pandaxnienke @stormcloudss @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @chrisevansdaughter @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @evanstanwhore @mirikusashes @taramaria @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @mischiefsemimanaged @thereisa8ella @uwiuwi @bval-1 @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @lastwandastan @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @bluebellsn @mdpplgtz03 @alexxavicry @alina02 @bookfrog242 @roofwitty779 @aerangi @s-void @oliviah-25 @nikkitc0703 @meetmeatyourworst @girl-of-multi-fandoms @imboredat2am @mansaaay @adoreyouusugar @annajustwrites @emvebee @ilovetaquitosmmmm @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chrisevansangel @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymomma @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @mrspeacem1nusone @hatsparkle @wintasssoldier
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bruh-changbin · 1 year
ivy league
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pairing: uni boyfriend!hyunjin x afab reader
genre: fluff + smut (minors dni)
warnings: fingering (f receiving), public sex, lowkey exhibitionism, oral sex (m receiving), snowballing (tis’ the season), little bit of cum eating, unprotected sex (be safe), piv, creampie, tit sucking, both are kinda switches?, alcohol consumption
word count: 5.8K
a/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR MOFOS!!! my new years resolution is to find out why hyunjin is so fucking hard to write for 😻 maybe it’s bc his personality is kinda all over the place or maybe i just suck but anyways i hope i did him justice. (also for the sake of this fic pls pretend he still has long brown hair bc that was my fav look on him ever)i do apologize as this was supposed to be posted right after new years but i have been a busy busy gal as of late. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy (also apologies if this posts weird tumblr is being A MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS AS I TRY TO EDIT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
photos not mine, credit to original owners (retrieved from pinterest)
studying away from home was always a dream of yours. there’s something so enticing about living and learning in a new city that piques your interest. when you got an acceptance letter from an ivy league school a few hours away from your hometown, you didn’t think twice before enrolling. 
only then did you find out that 90% of the student body at ivy league schools - or any high status campus, really - are insufferable. there are wannabe jane austen’s and christopher nolan’s at every turn, griping about how getting a 98% on their most recent paper just isn’t good enough (news flash: it is). 
ergo, every time you’ve tried to befriend someone you met in the student centre or library or in one of your lectures you’ve discovered they’re too obsessed with their status to even hold a proper conversation with you. there’s only one person who makes studying here at least somewhat bearable: hwang hyunjin.
you met hyunjin in september, a mere 2 days before classes were set to begin for the fall semester. it was somewhat unfortunate, your first encounter, seeing as it entailed you spilling your iced french vanilla all over hyunjin’s silky white button up top. you were trying to shove your wallet back into your bag as you left a coffee shop and he was enthralled in his phone, both of you too distracted to notice the other before colliding. 
you both apologized profusely, you for being careless and him for being in the way (he wasn’t) until you insisted he came to your apartment to get cleaned up since it’s only a 3 minute walk away, i feel horrible for ruining your clothes. 
he complied, and you led him to your small studio apartment, giving him some privacy to shower and steal whatever clothes in your closet that fit him. 
when he stepped out of your bathroom, hair still damp and skin glowing, the rounds of i’m so sorry’s started up again as you handed him back his shirt, now with a large coffee stain on the chest that even your tide pen couldn’t tackle. he grabbed his shirt before chuckling, revealing that he too was a frequent customer of the cafe you were at and often opted to go there instead of indulging in the overpriced shit they sell on campus. 
upon discovering that you were both students at the same university you got to talking, which led to hyunjin staying for dinner at your place, which led to an impromptu make-out session on your second-hand couch. when you made it known that you wanted to take things further, he initially declined because hey, i’m not that kind of guy. in the end he couldn’t keep his hands off of you and you were more than happy to lead him down the hallway to your bedroom. 
soon after he had you writhing under your cotton bed sheets while making you cum on his tongue… and his fingers and his cock. his shaggy, shoulder length mocha hair felt like silk in between your fingers and the whines and whimpers he let out when you tugged on it sounded like heaven.
so, your first encounter with hyunjin was a catastrophe turned fuck session turned we should do this again sometime…
now it’s the heart of winter and you’re about to sock your boyfriend in the jaw when you see him leaning against the brick exterior of your lecture hall, the tips of his ears stained cherry red and his breath passing his lips in the form of a cloud.
“hyunjin i told you to stop waiting for me outside of my lecture hall’s, you’re seriously gonna get frostbite!” you emphasize by pinching his frozen ears - he winces.
“what happened to hello? how are you?” he complains before slipping his hand into the pocket of your puffer jacket and intertwining his fingers with yours; his hands are so cold you flinch.
“well sorry i don’t want you to get sick,” you roll your eyes while shoving your headphones into your tote bag, not needing them now that hyunjin has graced you with his presence, “and you know that class always puts me in a bad mood.”
“ahh yes that’s the one with the, what was it, douchey prof and even douchier students, right?”
“that’s the one.” you sniffle, nose going numb from the cold wind biting at your face as you let hyunjin drag you across campus to god knows where.
“well turn that frown upside down, i’m about to treat you to the most romantic study date ever,” hyunjin asserts while pulling you in the direction of the student lounge, careful not to walk too quickly so you don’t slip on the ice hidden underneath the blanket of snow on the ground.
although the trek from your lecture hall to the student common room is quite short, only subjecting you to the outside weather conditions for a mere minute or two, you rejoice when you step inside and regain shelter from the cold. a blast of hot air greets you and hyunjin shakes the snow off of his perfectly styled hair, retracting his hand from your jacket pocket.
the two of you make your way down the corridor before waltzing into the main study area of the student lounge, seating yourself on a worn in brown leather couch. 
once your winter jacket is discarded you pull your textbook out of your bag, using your peripherals to watch hyunjin pull out his laptop and begin editing photos for his photography class.
it’s serene; watching the snow fall through the window to your left, feeling the warmth radiating from hyunjin who’s sitting to your right. the feeling of hyunjin’s hand (which is still quite cold) on your knee comforts you and you immerse yourself in the words of your textbook, wanting to catch up on the chapters you were supposed to read for this week but didn’t have the time or patience to.
alas, you should’ve known that hyunjin had… other intentions when he said he was taking you on the most romantic study date ever. it only takes a few minutes before you feel his hand inching its way up your leg. 
his eager fingers dance across your thigh before groping your pelvis, causing you to clamp your legs shut in surprise, trapping your boyfriend’s hand in between them.
“are you fucking kidding me hyunjin? we’re in public…”
hyunjin scans the vicinity of the student lounge, which, admittedly, there are only two other students present, both so absorbed in their respective textbooks that they’re practically drooling. but that doesn’t mean you’re about to let him finger bang you in a public area in front of your fellow students. 
“what, you don’t wanna show everyone how well you take my fingers?” by now his index and middle fingers are playing with the waistband of your panties, waiting for you to give the go ahead before dipping underneath.
“come on, let me play with you.”
try as you may, you can’t resist the twisting of your stomach and the pitter-patter of your heart at hyunjin’s words. by now your pussy is leaking indefinitely and you shift in your spot in a pathetic attempt to alleviate the dull throbbing you feel in your pelvis.  
the more you squirm the more pressure you feel from hyunjin’s hand trapped in between your thighs, the heel of his palm pushing against your cunt that’s becoming more sensitive by the second. 
a pleasure induced haze clouds your brain and soon enough you’ve convinced yourself that hyunjin fingering you in the student lounge is in fact a good idea. it’s not like anyone can see you, right? you’re sandwiched between the wall and hyunjin, who’s broad shoulders block you from the curious gaze of others - no one would be the wiser. 
with a bashful look on your face you ease your legs open, granting hyunjin access to your sticky panties and aching clit. the dexterity in which hyunjin’s hand pushes past your waistband and into the dripping folds of your cunt almost gives you whiplash.  
like the little bitch he is he teases you for several moments, the tip of his index finger drawing lazy circles around your clit before gliding down to your hole and then back up again, never giving you what you actually want. 
you know hyunjin’s enjoying watching you twitch and shift in your seat as he plays with your cunt; even more so does he enjoy watching you bite back a frustrated whine when he pulls his hand from you entirely, takes a second to coat his digits in his own saliva by sucking on them, and shove his hand back down your pants.
with help from hyunjin’s makeshift lube his slender spit-covered fingers slip inside of you with little resistance, causing your stomach to flutter and churn. the stretch is subtle yet pleasurable and your body automatically folds in on itself: head hung low, knees knocking together, back hunched. 
if anyone were to walk by they would hopefully assume that you’re just worn out from the end of semester stress and not clue in on the fact that your boyfriend is knuckle deep in your pussy. 
hyunjin starts with small movements, his finger gliding in and out of you slowly while curling upwards in a ‘come-hither’ type motion. he’s trying to make his movements as undetectable as possible, struggling against your tight cunt that sucks him in with each and every thrust of his fingers. 
lucky for you your lover was blessed with long fingers, ones that reach so deep inside of you with so little effort that it makes the room spin. little shocks rock your body when hyunjin fully sheathes his index and middle fingers inside of you, the cold metal of the rings adorning his fingers a stark contrast to your hot wet pussy.
the pace of hyunjin’s fingers quickens; your bottom lip stings from how hard you’re biting down on it. your breath leaves you in the form of forced exhales through your nose, the urge to say fuck it and moan aloud for all of your peers to hear becoming almost irresistible and you pray that hyunjin’s going to make you finish before you do something you’ll regret. 
hyunjin pushes his fingers impossibly deeper into you, the heel of his palm now providing the most delicious friction on your neglected clit. you resist the urge to grind your hips against his hand. 
“are you close?” hyunjin whispers, his plush lips caressing the shell of your ear and sending shivers down your spine. how long has his face been that close to yours? you think, but you’re too out of it to turn your thoughts into words. you just nod frantically, eyes rolling backwards as your impending orgasm looms closer and closer.
the sensation of hyunjin’s fingers pistoning in and of you and his palm bumping your clit is enough to quickly send you over the edge, biting the inside of your cheek so hard you can taste the metallic tang of blood against your tongue. 
you cream all over his fingers while sucking in a breath so big it hurts your lungs so as to prevent yourself from making any noise. the grip you have on hyunjins wrist goes limp and you wince as he pulls his fingers from you, placing a chaste kiss on your temple as if to say i’m proud of you. 
with that hyunjin casually sucks your wetness from his fingers, briefly wiping them on his pants before returning to editing his photos on his laptop. you struggle to regain your focus on the textbook splayed out in front of you, the pages swimming before your eyes as the pleasure in the pit of your stomach slowly subsides.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“i still don’t understand why you were so adamant about using my kitchen to bake instead of yours.”
hyunjin glances up from his phone at your words, his pupils so dark they remind you of tapioca pearls. 
“i live with three frat guys, my kitchen is a biohazard.”
ah yes, that’s right. hyunjin’s roommates, although very nice guys who treat you with respect, are frat guys nonetheless. chan is the cleanest of them all, although that's mostly due to him eating out the majority of the time. changbin and jisung however…
you raise your hands in defence, shuddering at the thought of the army of glasses filled with stale protein shakes that greeted you the last time you ventured into hyunjin’s apartment.
upon seeing you wash your hands in preparation for baking hyunjin joins you behind the kitchen counter. his ring-clad fingers roll up the sleeves of his white long sleeve top before tucking the stray hairs in front of his face behind his ears. 
“alright, what are we baking?” he says with his game-face on.
“i was thinking we could do gingerbread… you know, since it’s the holidays.” you begin to search for a recipe on your phone.
hyunjin makes a sour face at this: lips puckered, brows furrowed, eyelids lowered. dramatic. “i don’t like gingerbread,” he states.
“oh? why not?”
“it’s too spicy.”
this motherfucker…
“...spicy? what are you, twelve?”
“i have a sensitive palate!” your boyfriend whines like a toddler. 
“shut the fuck up hwang, we’re making gingerbread.”
hyunjin hangs his head in defeat while you trifle through your cupboards for the proper ingredients. soon enough a small pile is formed on your countertop and you begin sorting everything in order to start baking. a slender hand caresses your lower back and you jump slightly.
“you know it kinda turns me on when you’re all authoritative like that…”
of course. leave it to hyunjin to get horny at literally any hour of the day. 
“you’re insufferable. does hyunjin jr. ever take a day off?”
hyunjin scoffs, “he does, actually. remember the day you were so swamped with the paper you were writing and me, being the best boyfriend ever, had the decency to not try to get in your pants so you could focus?”
“wow, so chivalrous.”
hyunjin playfully shoves your head and then pats your hair as if to assure you his teasing is all in good fun (you know it is).
for someone who was so adamant about baking for the holidays, hyunjin is incredibly inept in the kitchen. first he adds baking powder to the mixing bowl instead of baking soda, then proceeds to knock over your precious bottle of pure vanilla extract, followed by him getting molasses on his tongue and wailing in disgust because it tastes like straight ass! this is all tied together by him spilling flour all over your countertops because why the fuck not. 
“remind me to never allow you to have access to my kitchen ever again,” you huff in frustration while rolling out your batter, a thin layer of sweat forming on your upper lip.
“why? I’m having fun… are you not having fun?” a cheeky grin is plastered across his face as he places his hand on the flour-covered counter before smacking your ass so hard you shriek. whipping your head around, you gape at the perfect flour handprint imprinted on the seat of your favourite pair of pants. 
“WHAT THE FUCK HYUNJIN!!???” you shove his chest before frantically dusting the flour off of your rear. hyunjin can’t seem to control his laughter.
“payback!” he says cheerily while wiping his hands on the hem of his shirt. by now the smell and taste of flour has filled the air of your kitchen. 
“payback for what you dipshit??”
he smiles, “for when you spilled coffee on my shirt.”
“are you fucking kidding me hwang? that was like four months ago!” you return to kneading the dough in front of you, although now you do so with much more aggression, “need i remind you that the coffee incident is how we met in the first place?”
“i knowww~” his palm glides across your upper back in a soothing motion before he rests his chin your your shoulder, “i’m just teasing.”
you bite back a smile before glancing at hyunjin perched on your shoulder, his squishy cheeks matching the soft gaze of his eyes. domestic bliss. you continue to knead the dough in front of you until it’s ready to be rolled out.
when you turn to look at hyunjin again he’s leaning into you even more, pink lips puckered slightly and eyelids closed causing his lashes to grace the tops of his cheeks.
you throw flour in his face.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
it’s new years eve and you don’t know what to wear.
“just throw on something skimpy and call it a day,” jeongin says through the speaker of your phone, “you’re supposed to be here in like an hour, remember?”
“i can get ready in an hour,” you respond while holding various garments up to your body and gazing at your reflection in the mirror. so many options, so little time.
“i don’t know about that y/n, remember halloween?”
you do remember halloween. more specifically, you remember jeongin whining and bitching for the entirety of the two and a half hours it took for you to transform yourself into ty lee from avatar: the last airbender. it was worth it though, you looked exactly like her. 
“come on, that was a one time thing. i’ll be at your place on time!” you whine while tossing an unworthy crop top onto the pile of clothes on your floor that’s steadily increasing.
“i don’t know y/n you’re pretty indecisive and-” you hang up on him, not wanting to hear him bitch and whine about your inability to make even the most minuscule decisions. 
it takes you half an hour to choose the perfect outfit, and then another half hour to do your makeup and hair, followed by a fifteen minute stare-down with your reflection in the mirror as you question everything. is this really the best look i can come up with? your head hurts and you haven’t even started drinking yet. 
“y/n~” hyunjin whines from his place in the living room, “are you almost ready?”
you give him a half-assed yea before exiting your bedroom, giving yourself and your outfit one final check in the mirror.
in preparation for tonight’s celebration you helped hyunjin bleach and dye his hair a shade of icy blue last night, almost permanently damaging his bathroom sink and counter in the process. his now cerulean mane matches the blue of his denim jacket that has an eye-catching collar lined with fluffy white fur (faux of course - no animal cruelty here). his pants are denim as well, a quintessential canadian tuxedo, and just a hint of silver glitter is detectable on his eyelids. you could eat him right the fuck up. 
“you look cute,” you purr before waltzing over to your boyfriend and standing in front of where he’s sat on the couch.
“as do you,” his eyes scan your body, “the five hours it took you to get ready paid off.”
“i did not take five hours to get ready hwang, you’re just impatient.” you pat his leg as if to say get off your ass, it’s time to go, prompting him to push himself off of his couch and over to the coat rack by his front door.
“this coat totally clashes with my outfit,” you complain as you pull on your thick puffer jacket.
hyunjin feigns sympathy, “it’s either that or you freeze. come on, chan’s wondering why we’re not there yet.”
hyunjin all but yanks you out the door, locking it behind him before the two of you step onto the bustling city streets that are teeming with people searching for a place to drink and celebrate. 
arriving at jeongin’s a mere couple of hours before midnight, you rid yourself of your chunky winter coat and start to mingle with the rest of the crowd. hyunjin, despite knowing more people at the party than you, stands behind you like a lost baby sheep for the entire night, waiting for you to loop him into whatever conversation you’re having. 
you briefly speak with jeongin, who teases you for arriving late (how he managed to spot you and hyunjin sneaking in later than you said you would arrive is beyond you) and then encourages you to get a drink and ‘let loose’.
in the kitchen you help yourself to whatever alcohol you can find - most of the selection isn’t to your liking and you regret not bringing your own drinks from home. nevertheless, you force some pathetic margarita mix down your throat before spotting hyunjin’s roommates, chan, changbin and jisung, in the crowd and heading over to converse with them.
time seems to fly by and soon enough there are only a few minutes left until it’s time to ring in the new year. someone, most likely felix, blasts madonna through the speakers and a livestream of the new york ball drop is displayed on the tv in the living room.
“yes hyunjin?”
he hesitates, starry eyes looking everywhere but your own, “will you be my new year’s kiss?”
you stifle a laugh; the poor boy looks like he’s about to puke after asking you that so you try your best to play nice.
“of course i will.” you caress your boyfriend's cheek ever so gently, his cheeks turning rosy and flushed as you do so.
around you the cheers from the other partygoers have increased as the countdown displayed on the tv hits the thirty second mark. as the ball descends on the screen your fingers reach for hyunjin, grasping his wrist in excitement as the two of you start to countdown alongside everyone else.
“3….2….1….HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!”
as soon as the clock strikes midnight hyunjin’s pillowy pink lips are attached to yours, capturing you in a heartfelt kiss to celebrate the ending of an old year and beginning of a new one. it would be a crime not to reciprocate so you do, only pulling away when you hear jeongin start to make gagging noises at the two of you over everyone else's cheers. 
felix jumps onto the couch and changbin uncorks a bottle of pommery cuvée louise with a celebratory pop! 
before you can approach changbin and ask for a glass of champagne that he splurged on for the special occasion, you’re being dragged down the hallway. away from the music and cheering and people and into a dark, empty bedroom; based on the decor you assume it’s felix’s.
the metallic click of a door being shut and locked echoes throughout the empty room and when you turn to face hyunjin pursues you again. away from the curious gazes of bystanders he kisses you with unrestrained passion and lust - a kiss that isn’t just a simple display of affection but a kiss that says i want this to lead to something more. 
in the confines of this empty bedroom you allow yourself to melt into his lips, his touch. you inhale his scent and push your tongue past his teeth and into his mouth, tasting a hint of the miller lite he was sipping on earlier on his tongue. with ease hyunjin makes his way down your jaw and to your neck, placing affectionate open mouth kisses against the sensitive skin of your throat. occasionally you feel his canines nip you before his tongue glides over your skin.
“i’ve been wanting to be alone with you since we left the apartment,” hyunjin admits sheepishly, the ends of his hair tickling your ear.
“is that why you spent the entire night hiding behind me?”
like a deer in headlights, hyunjin freezes, “maybe…” you can feel his lips curl into a small smile from where they’re attached to your neck.
not wanting to waste any more time you shove hyunjin off of you, your hands grasping the collar of his denim jacket before dragging it down his shoulders and arms, followed by his shirt. hyunjin follows suit and moves to unbutton his jeans, pulling them down his thick thighs. now he stands in front of you wearing only his briefs, his hard cock straining against the material, the glow from the moon painting his skin a cool shade of blue.
when you step closer to him you can feel his breath fan across your face, watch his eyes swim with curiosity and enamourment, see his chest rise and fall with each and every shaky breath. your fingertips hook into the elastic waistband of his briefs, yanking them down and letting them pool at his ankles before gently guiding him to sit on the bed behind him.
now that hyunjin’s seated you move to kneel in front of him, kissing your way down the soft milky skin of his abs and around his belly button and the insides of his thighs. his cock stands fully erect, and you lick your lips before getting yourself ready to suck him off. 
when you first fucked hyunjin all those months ago you were taken aback at how perfect his cock was. not to sound cliche, but it felt as if the two of you were destined to be together with how well he fit inside of your cunt and down your throat. now, you admire him once again before licking him from base to tip.
time is of the essence you think before taking his length in your hot mouth.
over the course of time you’ve spent dating and fucking hyunjin you’ve discovered that he’s very sensitive… and very vocal. as soon as his cock is in your mouth he’s struggling to keep quiet, the veins on his neck tensing and his knuckles white as he grips the bedsheets underneath him. it’s not like anyone would hear him lest they be pressed up right against the bedroom door, but still, he tries his best to preserve at least a little bit of his dignity. 
for the sake of your throat you wrap your hand around the base of hyunjin’s dick, opting to jerk what you can’t comfortably fit in your mouth. the soft muscle of your tongue expertly wraps around his length as you begin to bob your head, starting off slow so you don’t overwhelm hyunjin (who already seems to be going into sensory overload). 
the movements of your hand are in tandem with those of your mouth, the nails that you got done for new years looking so perfect wrapped around his sensitive cock. small beads of sweat begin to form on your temple as you continue to work hyunjin to his release, not wanting to stop until he’s satisfied. your knees are already starting to ache from being pressed against the cold, hard floor but you pay the discomfort no mind.
above you, hyunjin’s struggling to keep himself under control. he’s been on edge all evening, and now that you’re having your way with him he can’t quite contain his delectation. surely there are other people fucking at this party right now, right? what does it matter if he makes a bit of noise?
fuck dignity, he wants to let you know how good you’re making him feel. 
hyunjin’s bottom lip throbs in relief when he releases it from his teeth, allowing his head to fall back while groans of pleasure shamelessly tumble from his mouth. 
your ears strain to block out the noises from the ongoing party so you can hyperfocus on every single sound that passes hyunjin’s lips. your lips wrap around his length like a glove, providing him with the most perfect amount of friction. you pick up the pace in order to get him there faster, ignoring the slight cramping in your wrist.
“y/n i-” one of his hands lets go of the duvet and wraps around the back of your head, “i think i’m gonna-” he cuts himself off with a cry of desperation. 
with reluctance you pull your lips off of his cock, continuing to jerk him with your mouth agape and tongue sticking out. with a needy, high-pitched moan that he does nothing to try to suppress, hyunjin pumps his load into your waiting mouth.
his cum is pure and white like the snow falling softly outside of the bedroom window. it sits hot and heavy on your tongue as you rise from your spot on the floor, watching with hungry eyes as hyunjin’s pink-stained chest heaves sighs of pleasure before you press your lips to his. both of your mouths open automatically, his tongue slipping past your teeth allowing him to taste himself. your tongues swap semen and saliva and you reluctantly pull away when you need to swallow and regain your breath.
the view of hyunjin panting and covered in a sheen of sweat, his own cum seeping from the corners of his mouth, is a sight to behold. you’ve never laid eyes on anything so sinful yet so holy and beautiful at the same time - your panties become unbearably wet. 
hyunjin stares at you with eagle eyes as you rid yourself of your clothing, tossing each garment on top of his so a small pile is formed on the floor. 
in one swift move you’re on top of him, knees digging into the firm mattress on either side of his bony hips. without saying a word you line his cock, that’s already semi-hard again, up with the soaked hole of your pussy before sinking down his shaft. the two of you whine and groan into eachothers mouths at the sensation, and you still when your hips are flush with his. 
“i don’t… i don’t think i’m gonna last long,” hyunjin whines so pathetically you go weak in the knees. ugh! you wanna lick him all over. 
“that’s okay,” you coo while running your fingers through his hair, “just want you to feel good.”
grasping his shoulders for stability, you temptingly grind your pelvis against his. the tip of his cock is nestled deep inside of you that it makes you feel so unbelievably full and content. it’s moments like these where you wish to be consumed by hyunjin, wish to hold him and be in his hold forever and ever. 
the slick, wet sounds of you fucking hyunjin raw fill the room, your cunt sucking him deeper and deeper with each and every roll of your hips. your vision goes blurry when he attaches his soft lips to your breast, switching between sucking on it gently and using his tongue to tease your sensitive nipple.
the soft whimpers and please go faster’s that your boyfriend emits encourage you to pick up the pace, your hip bones knocking against his with each gyration. by now your clit is begging for attention so you lower your hand to press quick, somewhat careless circles into it, hissing at the pleasure it provides. 
the need to cum begins to creep its way into your senses: your vision becomes spotted and blurry, your legs begin to quiver and shake, the pit in your lower abdomen grows bigger and bigger threatening to swallow you whole. hyunjin continues to sloppily suck on your tit, the sensation going straight to your aching cunt.
no words need to be exchanged in order for each of you to know that the other is close. it’s evident in the way your movements become more frantic desperate and in the way hyunjin’s blunt nails dig into the flesh of your thighs, his jaw going slack against your breast. 
a few more movements and you reach your orgasm, muffling a lewd and graphic moan by biting down on hyunjin’s shoulder. for several moments it feels as if you’re on cloud nine. sparks fly behind your closed eyelids and the ringing in your eyes is loud enough to block out the sound of the party (which you almost forgot about) but not the increasingly loud moans coming from hyunjin.  you can hear and feel him cumming a few seconds after you, his stomach tensing as he cries out for you.
he spills his seed inside of you and you shudder, feeling incredibly warm and worn out. 
with limbs feeling like lead, you lift yourself off of hyunjin before collapsing onto the mattress, the duvet cover immediately clinging to your back that’s damp with sweat. you feel hyunjin’s cum slowly begin to seep out of you and you cringe, knowing that you’re going to have to explain and apologize to felix (or whoever the owner of this room is).
beside you, hyunjin works to get his breathing back under control, his eyes closed with a blissed-out expression on his face.
“i don’t wanna get up,” he whispers into the dark room.
“so don’t.”
the two of you lie there, basking in the post-orgasm bliss that  puts you on the verge of sleep. the room smells of sex and sweat and you can’t help the small smile that makes its way onto your face, knowing that there’s no other way you’d rather spend ringing in the new year. 
you hear him moving before you feel his touch. the soft tips of his fingers caress your clammy palms before intertwining with yours, an affectionate move that has your cheeks flushing and makes you wonder how did i get so god damn lucky?
if it weren’t for hyunjin your ivy league studies would be filled with empty days and empty nights. you somehow managed to find solace in a sensitive, 5’10” boy who teases you and then whines when you tease him back. on days where the cold seems to be unbearable he keeps you warm with his skin on your skin, his lips on your lips, his heart to your heart. 
without him you’d be stuck at a prestigious school filled with prestigious people pursuing a prestigious degree that you’re not sure you even like, yet he somehow makes you forget all of that. 
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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kyber-crystal · 11 months
For requests, maybe something with rooster where you like to play little tiktok pranks on him. like imagine telling him you paid $200 for premium air in your tires or supergluing a jar and he can't open it lol 😭😭 I just think he would have the best reactions to all of them
HAIJHSOJNSOJXN I JUST BUST OUT LAUGHING READING THIS (also despite being on tiktok i’m not super up to date on all the pranks bc they haven’t shown up a lot on my fyp. but i HAVE seen some stuff here and there so i will mostly be going off that haha). anyway i’m so sorry this was genuinely so cringe bc i haven’t done headcanons in a while but i hope it makes u laugh anyway :)) i have a better one shot coming your way i promise
rooster is the prankster of the group
but there’s only one person that can outdo him: you
this man practically falls to his feet when he sees you and worships the ground you walk on and somehow YOU CANT SEE IT
what this basically means is he will literally drop whatever he’s doing to listen to you
miraculously, cyclone is in a good mood, and thus decides to grant everyone three days off
this is the perfect time for you to mess with little rooster’s head :)
you know you go to the beach to play volleyball every friday. and this friday is supposed to be the hottest day of the month
this means that rooster will burn almost as quickly as he tans
while he’s busy chatting up some “game plan” with coyote, you swap out the sunscreen spray in his jacket pocket for baby oil
SO THEN he comes over to put it on, and not even ten seconds later he’s all shiny and sparkly and you try your hardest not to laugh (and gawk a little bc holy that man is TONED)
you’re able to get about 2 rounds in when he notices
“why do i smell like i just waltzed through a lavender field.”
“hmmmmmmmmm no idea” you smiled at him innocently
“it was you, wasn’t it” and he goes chasing after you as you shriek at the top of your lungs
(he managed to tackle you down and although you get a bit sand in your mouth and hair you count it as a win because you took him completely by surprise AND you got to see his bare chest but you wouldn’t fucking dare admit that to him, his ego is big enough as it is. rooster 0-you 1)
ok later that evening @ the hard deck, he’s on a phone call with one of his old college friends. for this one, you team up with hangman to hand him some of the most random things while he’s talking
you start off normal at first, like with a beer, then your hair tie (he always wears at least 3-4 of these on his wrist bc you always end up needing one at some point in the week.)
then hangman hands him a cube of ice. literally a cube of ice. but rooster barely reacts to this and just pops it into his mouth
then a lightbulb goes off in your head
knowing that rooster has an irrational fear of ladybugs, you quickly go out to the back to find one
then you come back and hold your hand out to him
and rooster, being rooster, LOVES physical contact (especially if it’s from you), and takes your hand in his as he continues talking
but then the bright red ladybug crawls onto his wrist and he almost immediately hangs up, drops the phone, and SCREAMS in the middle of the bar
you and hangman share a secret high five at this
but ALSOOO you kind of feel bad for scaring the shit out of the poor guy
that night you’re too lazy to walk back to your place so rooster offers to let you stay with him
and duh you say yes (it’s def bc you’re getting extra opportunities to pull pranks on him and not bc you have a fat crush on him and are hoping he’ll notice even though you’re the least obvious lil shit and prefer to show you care ab him by asking if he wants anything from costco or his fav restaurant down the street)
he ends up sleeping in the next morning, and you’re up pretty early, so you decide to make breakfast
you make a mental note to yourself to go on a grocery run together next week bc you were almost out of strawberry jam
he comes downstairs w/ messy hair and sits down at the counter
and he tries to open the jar of jam
but it won’t budge
he keeps trying for a minute straight but then gives up
so his eyes immediately go over to you and you play dumb
“i didn’t do anything i swear!”
“i’m innocent!”
he suddenly brushes your cheek with his thumb and you find this a bit strange since it’s so sudden. and still, your heart does that annoying thing where it skips a beat every time he touches you
“superglue…” he murmured. “i wonder how that got here?”
hahahahahahahaha you sure wonder. it’s not like you stole it while he was sleeping one night
later that night you ask him if he wants to go for a drive down by the coastline and he says yes.
“yknow, i paid $200 to get premium air for these bad boys!” you told him as you started the engine.
“for my tires!”
he looks flabbergasted
“y/n, i think you got scammed”
you keep driving anyway, the car did NOT feel any different like the mechanic promised it would
but you were no way in hell about to admit that to an already smug looking bradley bradshaw
rooster has finally, FINALLY started to catch onto your antics
so he starts scheming all week to figure out how to get back at you
during this week you’re extremely busy flying back and forth with payback, lessons with maverick, and staying up way too late with phoenix to talk about the latest season of your favorite show
so you don’t even notice that he hasn’t been around for a hot min
then one thursday afternoon right after you got out of the shower, you get a text from him that tells you he’s grabbing some fancy dinner with the guys in an hour and to dress fancy
this has you SCRAMBLING to change bc the place he’s referring to is absolutely legendary
so you show up to the restaurant all polished up and find him in a private booth in the back
rooster is suddenly speechless bc when he told you to dress nice, he didn’t expect you to look like an actual angel
“y/n…you look beautiful”
“thank you…but hey, where is everyone?”
“running a bit late, they should be here soon”
so you order first and wait. and wait. but nobody else shows up
and suddenly the space between you two felt like it had been chopped in half and now you were sitting a lot closer than you remembered
“okay i lied, i’m sorry” he says all of a sudden and you’re like huh tf u talkin ab “i never asked them to come. this is a date. we’re on a date.”
“we are?”
so in the end…it’s ultimately you who gets pranked :)
:) :) :) :) :)
taglist (add yourself here!): @uwiuwi @queenbbarnes @cosm1cfae @ellabellabus07 @vitanileon @criminalyetminimal @whatlovegattado @and-claudia @bittergomez @julia-marshal @elenavampire21 @totomoshi @lyn-lc @lunamoonbby @paintballkid711 @yeehawnana @hazelgirl355 @spawn0fsatan @teacactusworld @icemansgirl1999 @cherry-waved @littlebadariell @tallrock35 @hoedameronsworld @aerangi
also quick PSA: my taglist spreadsheet hasn’t been updated in a while so this list may not be completely accurate, sorry for any inconveniences : ‘/
236 notes · View notes
lains-reality · 11 months
how do i practice letting my thoughts and emotions pass throughout the day? like i get so caught up in them and it gives me immense stress
there's info all over the internet for how to let thoughts and feelings pass, you will just have to let it pass in the moment.
there are many moments i do not catch myself and i go off spiralling, but i realise that everytime i get out of it, its because i've accepted that i feel this way and move on to something else. instead of bringing up the feeling every 2 minutes and torturing yourself, just let it be and do something else.
recognise that the feeling is not going to overtake you and thats all you'll feel forever. you'll feel it and then it has to pass, don't you realise that with other feelings that they always pass? the same with thoughts. the thought cannot do anything. its a thought, it has no form. you can get scared of them and give them power, but after all that is done, then you realise 'how was i giving so much power to nothing?' it doesn't have an objective existence, without you.
here's some questions to ask when you get caught up:
is it me or past conditioning getting carried away?
am i my past conditioning?
am i a story?
is this story real or filtered through my past conditioning? (the story is the simpliest version e.g. a girl smiled at your boyfriend is the story, but the ego wants to add extra onto it and justify that version)
am i using the past as an identity?
the emotions and thoughts literally appear from no where. how could you ever take them seriously? its like ?? suddenly theres this feeling, where does it come from? how you are you able to identify it? the ego goes off the past, its literally made of the past. its literally unreal if all it is, is memories. you can't point out memories and you can't point out feelings or emotions. you can't point out who its happening to.
this vid by rupert spira | ik you already watched it!
an anon ask
practising the power of now by eckhart tolle
wallowing vs sitting with
how to let go of ego
letting go of the mind
mooji quote
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i hope this helps! i didn't add any mental health or "normal" resources, so please also try searching 'mindfulness' and 'non attachment'.
one last thing, do not get trapped in the healing trap: releasing emotions as they come up is fine and prompting them to come up is fine too, but to go round and round findin more and more to release, is not. its not supposed to be compulsive or obsessive, you're meant to be doing it for you, to feel free, not for the goal of enlightenment, desires or whatever. heal when it feels right.
also remember to disidentify with the feeling and thought too! but that should come naturally when you release it anyway.
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[ID: The map of Fallen London, the letters VS., and the map of Ankh-Morpork. End ID.]
The second round of the semifinals!! Again, these are both fantastic cities, if mildly horrific. Fallen London is from the online browser game Fallen London: many feet underground, permanently in the year 1899, and very much not the London it once was before the Bazaar claimed it. The streets shift, the people are...not all entirely people anymore, and I don't think it's actually supposed to be called London anymore but people call it that anyway. Ankh-Morpork is the principal city of Discworld and the setting of many a Discworld book: on the meta-level, it's a mishmash of several different real world cities at their worst and also best. As exhaustively proven by a popular tumblr post of mine where people in the tags have compared it to every city from Seattle to Rome, it's Your city. It's whatever city you love and hate the most. That's what makes it so awfully fantastic.
I've talked a lot! Here's quotes from those who submitted these two:
"[Ankh-Morpork] is a horrible palimpsest of human experience in all its variation & inglory. It's awful and smells bad but it is a character and it bends the Narrative and is the site of many many fucked up stories"
"London, stolen by bats in 1862, now rests on the back of an enormous creature known as the Bazaar. Despite being underground, the city thrives, and roads never seem to lead where they're supposed to. 1 vote for the Fifth City = 1 year off the Traitor Empress' reign"
(remember, as always: build your cities up, don’t tear other people’s down! this is the semifinals: both of these cities undoubtedly deserve to be here, and are very loved by many people.)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 3
"Whatever I feel like doing."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Sunset Savanna]
Leona: Who woulda thought there'd come a time I'd be driving this many people in my car.
Vil: Are we distracting you? If that's the case, you should have just arranged for another car.
Leona: Well, we can't do that, now can we?
Leona: Regardless of how I act, I'm still a prince here.
Leona: If I said I wanted to head out of the capital by car, it'd summon one of the royal family's chauffeurs.
Leona: But, it'd be terrible of us to have them drive every which way when they're already so busy, don'tcha think?
Leona: That's why there's no other choice but for me to take the wheel.
Leona: How thoughtful of me? Oh, I know. But I'm used to driving, so no need to rush to compliment me further.
Vil: You went and got the car so you would be able to leave Kifaji-san behind. And you still said all that with a straight face.
Vil: Well, I'm willing to believe only where you say you're "used to it," though.
Leona: Hey, hey, don't pick and choose just one thing I said like that.
Vil: I mean, you're so good at driving, yet no one knows you can, right?
Vil: Sage's Island is rather small. If you were to drive around the island, someone is bound to see you.
Vil: Similar to how we sometimes see Crewel-sensei driving around in his bright red classic car.
Vil: So you basically cultivated your driving skills here in Sunset Savanna, yes?
Leona: Who knows. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Vil: Well, despite your usual laziness, you leapt at the chance to drive. There's no way you don't like driving.
Vil: And yet, the fact that you never did on Sage's Island could only mean…
Vil: You hid it because you felt it would be troublesome if anyone knew. You really are such an incorrigible man, hiding what skills you have, like this.
Leona: I think you got the wrong idea, there… I'm not hiding it, or whatever.
Leona: There was a car on Sage's Island that I could just take whenever, sure, I'd totally do something like take my precious club members into the town, no prob.
Vil: Again, just speaking with out feeling, as always. Oh, also…
Leona: Just drop it, Vil. Also, hey, Kalim, Lilia and [Yuu], be prepared to get out soon.
Leona: We're almost there.
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[Sunset Savanna – Arena]
―After the Catch the Tail victory
Kalim: Ahahah! Who woulda thunk we'd get this kind of victory parade!
Kalim: Tamashina-Mina was an amazing celebration!
Lilia: You're right. This was definitely a great trip ♪
Lilia: This memory will definitely last a lifetime. …And that includes this final ride, too.
Vil: We had just gotten a wonderful victory, but apparently we can't even finish this with elegance.
Leona: All of you need to just shut it. Just close your mouths before you bite your tongue off.
Leona: We're off. Time to leave this lame festival behind!
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[Sunset Savanna]
Kalim: There's so much rain. There's so many tiny rivers starting to flow in the savannah.
Leona: Well, the rainy season's here now. The scenery around here'll change soon enough.
Kalim: Oh, cool. But anyway, Catch the Tail was sooo fuuuun. Sunset Savanna is sooo awesome!
Vil: True. There were a few moments of frustration, but… Now that it's over, I suppose the experience as a whole wasn't too terrible.
Lilia: Those royal guards we faced in the last round were splendid as well. I could really feel the strength of this country's convictions.
Leona: …
Lilia: Oh? There's a huge puddle ahead of us.
Vil: It doesn't seem like we'll be able to avoid it. Shouldn't you drop your speed a little?
Lilia: We're getting closer to the puddle with every breath.
Lilia: Leona, hurry and brake…
Leona: …
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: EH!!?
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
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Vil: Why'd you just slam into the puddle like that!? That shocked me!!
Lilia: Ahahah! That was exciting, Leona. I commend you on being able to surprise me like that!
Kalim: That was a huge water spray! All that mud came so high and even got on Vil's face! Ahahah!
Vil: That's nothing to laugh about! All of my makeup has been ruined.
Leona: Don't throw a fit. You never know, there might be one or two beautifying effects in the Sunset Savanna mud.
Vil: Where did your driver's common sense even go!?
Vil: You were such an exemplary driver with decency yesterday…
Vil: But today, you've had no consideration for your guests at all as you drive!
Leona: Common sense, decency, consideration…
Leona: Aren't you the ones who said I had none of that in the first place?
Lilia: That's… Oh, are you talking about from back when you invited us?
Vil: Are you serious? Were you just holding that as a grudge the whole time?
Leona: No? In fact, I actually agree with you.
Leona: I think… Having to give the Sunset Warriors "Guardianship Lesson," these old customs, and all the old men who cling to these things…
Leona: They're all so stupid!
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
Lilia: Ahahah! I bet all the nearby animals are also all startled too. This is a hoot!
Kalim: This is amazing… I've… I've never been in a car that shook this hard…!
Kalim: It's so heart-pounding, I love it!
Vil: Leona! I'd like it if you didn't use us to relieve your stress!
Leona: Keh… Hahaha! Just looking at all your ridiculous reactions's really making me feel better.
Leona: I always thought that it'd be great to just jump in a car by myself and drive wherever, but…
Leona: I guess it's not too bad to have loudmouths like this ride me with sometimes.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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sessalover · 2 months
pairing: dominic sessa x reader (pretty gender neutral but he says ‘my girl’ once)
genre: fluff, teasing of a smut pt.2
the smell of hair products and aftershave filled your senses as you opened the door to the hotel room. it wasn’t your boyfriend’s normal smell, but it was comforting, and you could tell he was here anyway - the hallway was lined with his pair of dirtied white shoes and the sound of whatever game he was playing on his switch was playing throughout the room.
“dom?” you called out.
“oh my god, you’re here!” he exclaimed, poking his head round the corner of the wall.
“dom!” you cried, slipping your own shoes off and running over to him.
he was sat in an armchair, his stylist working on his makeup, his curls already styled tightly on his head.
“do not ruin my work,” she warned, smiling slightly at the look on both your faces.
you hadn’t seen dom in months, the gruelling but glamorous process of award shows kept dom all over america, while you were kept in england, watching with a growing sense of pride.
dom stood up, wrapping his arms around you while you were careful not to touch his hair or his freshly made up face (except for the carefully placed kiss upon his lips), he kissed your head, drinking you in.
“i missed you,” he smiled, sitting back down as you sat on the bed, letting his stylist get back to work.
“i missed you too,” you chuckled, “where’s your mum?”
even though he’d been in england for a couple of days already, you’d left him and his mum to sightseeing round london. but now, with the baftas happening this evening, it meant you had him to yourself for the next week.
“she’s in the next room,” he said, before leaning in close, his mouth next to your ear to whisper, “i made sure we had a room to ourselves.”
you giggled, pushing him away.
“she’s got her own team of stylists working on her currently,” dom smiled, looking happy he could provide this experience for her.
you held his lower arm, keeping it wrapped around yours, down until your intertwined hands, “is she excited?”
“yeah! i mean, i think she’s proud of me. she keeps telling me so, at least. but she’s going to the baftas! she has to be excited!”
“are you excited?” you asked, stroking his arm gently. your heart was basically beating out your chest for him, you can’t imagine how he was feeling.
“yeah!” he nodded, his leg bobbing up and down, “i’m nervous too.”
“of course you are!” you laughed, supportingly, “you’d be crazy if you weren’t. but you’ve done great, dom, that’s all you need to remember. award or none.”
he smiled, staring into your eyes with thanks; not wanting to get too sappy in front of the other people in the room, you supposed.
as well as his stylist completing his make-up, people from ysl were steaming his suit, ready for the red carpet. the hotel room was full of people working to prettify him, and dom often got embarrassed of it all; you knew so from the snaps he’d continuously send to you before other award shows.
“okay, i’m all done here,” his stylist smiled, wiping her hands down as she began to pack her stuff away.
dom looked to you, his eyebrows raised and a muted smile on his face. you were still holding onto his arm as he laid his hand on your thigh, “i’m really glad you’re here.”
before you could respond, he was dragged up and shoved into the en-suite, his suit to change into in hand. watches, shoes, and various jewellery options were spread around the room, you glanced over them all and exchanged polite goodbyes with the people from ysl as you waited.
you looked up as the door opened again, and out came dom; black velvet covering his arms and legs, the jacket done up as he strode out the room.
“how do i look?” he smiled, stretching his arms out to display the outfit to you.
your mouth hung open in delighted shock as you moved towards him, arms reaching out towards him, “you look gorgeous.”
you felt down the arms of the jacket, smiling at the quality of the outfit.
“nice, right?” he chuckled.
“red shirt too? this is nice!”
“wait, look,” dom said, stepping back and undoing the buttons, flicking back his jacket to reveal his sheer red shirt.
“oh my god,” you said, eyeing him up, “the tattoo on display? the chest on display?! dom you look…”
“what?” dominic said, looking nervous of your next words.
“i don’t even know, just the best i’ve ever seen you,” you smiled, walking over and hanging onto his jacket “…so sexy.”
dominic laughed, embarrassed, before changing the subject, “i don’t really know what accessories to do.”
“what about your cornicello necklace?” you asked, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck; his hands automatically resting on your waist.
“i mean they brought me all these new accessories,” he said, trailing off.
“yeah but then you’ve got it with you! for good luck,” you smiled.
“you’re right,” dominic nodded, “i don’t need anything else. i got my mum, my girl, and my good luck charm.”
he leaned down, kissing your cheeks, your nose, and your lips; all as softly as possible, the smell of his aftershave intoxicating you. god, he looked good.
“you’re gonna do amazing,” you smiled, holding onto his jacket again as you looked into his eyes.
he nodded, his signature intense look on his face.
before you could say anything else, the two of you were interrupted by his manager opening the door and sticking her head round, “dominic? we’re ready for you now.”
“that means they want me to go immediately,” he whispered in your ear, leaving another kiss on your cheek as you pulled away from each other, “you okay here?”
“oh this luxery hotel room being paid for by someone else? yeah i think it’ll do,” you said, jumping onto the bed. dom began to leave, but continued to hold onto your hand.
“bye, dom.”
“go, dom,” you laughed, sitting up, “you’re going to be amazing. and win or lose, i’ll be here waiting for you after.”
“dom, come on!” his manager urged.
dom smirked, leaning forward to give you one last kiss, before stopping next to your ear, “i can’t wait, little darling.”
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