#anyway their relationship wasn't this fast in the first version
simthorium · 1 year
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Things between Miles Jr. and Erin had moved incredibly fast. They were clearly very attracted to each other and felt like the time was right to get married. That, and the fact that Erin was pregnant solidified that it was the right move.
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“I know things have been crazy fast,” Miles Jr. said, taking her hands in his. “But I know this is right. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to start a family with you.” “I feel the same way,” Erin said. “From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. And I’m so glad we’re in this together.”
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The two smiled at one another, taking in the other’s vows and promises to each other. Miles Jr. wrapped his arms around Erin and pulled her into a kiss, formerly making her his wife.
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fallenhunnyapple · 1 month
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Sketchy doodles for another AU. Details + a bonus in under the cut
An Angel Lucifer appears in Heaven. No one knows why he's there or how he got there, but it doesn't seem as though the Lucifer in Hell has been replaced, this is just a whole second Lucifer. His memories only seem to go so far as the early days of Eden. Days where he was friends with the First Humans but before he had developed any sort of relationship or even real feelings for Lilith.
Adam, sort of shaken but also sort of Eager to reconnect with his first friend and the more pleasant memories of Eden, advocates to let him Stay. This Lucifer hasn't done anything, he doesn't even know about the Tree of Knowledge and it's not like Eden exists anymore for him to try it anyway. Lucifer is granted the ability to live in Heaven, but Adam will have to be responsible for him. Adam agrees and now has to watch over a Naive and Friendly Lucifer.
Lute is Less than Thrilled. She doesn't like that Lucifer is always around and she doesn't Trust him, even if Adam seems to. She does eventually warm up to him, but given her personality it doesn't really seem like she does. But Lucifer notices and he considers her a good friend. He ends up spending time with just her without Adam (she's basically angelsitting because Adam had other things to do) and they bond a bit and she's willing to accept that he's Not the Devil and that he's no more threatening than most non-exorcist Angels.
And once Heaven determines the same, he's tasked with Working with Emily to maintain the Happiness of Heaven's residents. Emily keeps an eye on him, but mostly they are both very positive personalities that play off each other well and they become fast friends. The first time he spent the day with Emily was the day of the first Extermination since Lucifer got there. Someone had to watch him while Lute and Adam were away. He doesn't know about the Exterminations (Most of Heaven doesn't so it's no surprise), and he doesn't even know about Hell. It was deemed... For the Best if he was kept in the dark about that. No one knows how he came to be and they don't want to risk anything happening because he finds out about the other version of him.
Lucifer is Very In Love with Adam. It wasn't immediately or anything. At first he was just really happy to have his best friend back, especially when everything was so different from how he remembered it, it'd been thousands of years after all. But he spent most of his time with Adam and anyone could tell you that Adam was less of a crass asshole with Lucifer around. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable. And over that time, Lucifer still saw a lot of who Adam was in Eden but also came to appreciate who he was (No one understands why)
It took a while before Adam was comfortable enough to take off his helmet around Lucifer. Sure he knew his human face, but he'd definitely changed over the years and his insecurities about his face were made Worse when Lucifer only knew him at his Best. Lucifer finally got to see him maskless one night when Adam let him see him before bed. And Lucifer was super smitten. Yes his face was Different, but not in a way Lucifer thought was bad. Adam definitely looked Older and Tired, but he thought it was Endearing instead of put off. After that he would sometimes watch Adam sleep-
Adam for his part is in emotional turmoil. Yes, he was in Love with Lucifer in the Garden. But completely against his better Judgement, his feelings have evolved and he's in love with the King of Hell. He's reluctant to think about Angel Lucifer that way because he represents a simpler and more innocent time and he doesn't want to corrupt that with new feelings.
Lucifer eventually confides in Lute about his feelings and she tells him that 1) Adam isn't into men and 2) He doesn't do committed relationships. It won't end well for him if he tells Adam. Lucifer is hurt but appreciates her honesty. He decides to tell him anyway because it's getting hard to keep it all to himself when he's around him everyday.
Well, the confession goes about the way Lute said it would. Adam tells him he doesn't like dudes and he doesn't hold it against him because who wouldn't want a piece of him? But they're still friends, that won't change. Lucifer already braced for it and it hurts but he accepts that answer. The only thing is, now that its out in the open, his friendly nature is So Much Easier to read as him pining and him being in love. So Adam has to just deal with Lucifer's love being thrown at him every day. The behavior hasn't changed Too Much, but his understanding of it has. But other people of Heaven definitely Know. Its so obvious to them that Lucifer is in Love with Adam. Some people criticize Adam for leading Lucifer along and bad mouth him. Lucifer doesn't like hearing anyone talk poorly about his best friend and will chastise and scold them.
It's finally when some winner/angel tells Lucifer he should get Adam flowers (as a joke, they think it would be funny because Adam doesn't have an ounce of Romance in his whole body) that things change. Lucifer does get him flowers! And he gives them to him when they're alone and Adam has removed his helmet. This is the first time Lucifer has been Proactive about his feelings and Adam doesn't have the cover of his Mask to hide his true reactions, so he can't deny how the gesture affects him. He was really only ever able to keep himself in check about his feelings for Lucifer because Lucifer wasn't Doing anything different. He wasn't Pursuing him. But now? Now he can't deny it anymore. Lucifer asks for a kiss and he gets it.
As an Angel, Lucifer didn't know or understand much about sex. It was meant for Reproduction and Angels reproduce asexually so he had no interest in it. It was a thing for the creatures of Earth to have, not Angels. So he has No Idea it's a recreational thing and despite the fact that he knows Adam and Lute fuck around regularly, he just Really doesn't understand why and they don't explain it either. So after Lucifer and Adam are together, Lucifer wants to understand Better and discovers the fact that it is, in fact, something that can be done Recreationally and its supposed to Feel Good. So, of course, he wants to experience that with his new Boyfriend. Let him learn what all the fuss is about~
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yourmomwhitediamond · 2 months
hi hi!
i was thinking maybe you could write something carmilla x reader? hear me out on this one, she seems to me like that kind of person to just wrap her hands around their partner wherever they are? like: a meeting? hand on leg. calm evening in the kitchen? hands around our waist. maybe it’s just me but carmilla in my head loves to just touch us showing who we belong to😭 and most of the time it’s not even in a sexual way just… because
anyway! have a good day/night darling!:)
Yes! Those big hands of hers would be the best for cuddling. Just one would cover half of someone's body! A super clingy overlord who's gotta make sure her gf is in her sight and safe at all times 🙏 (not in the unhealthy relationship way)
I write so many different versions of the requests I get, hence why it takes me so long. This is the one out of three I liked the most, so enjoy my dear!
Warnings: Slight mention of nsfw if you squint and just pure fluff!
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Normally Carmilla would find you fast asleep or half awake in the warm comfort of her embrace. Yet sometimes you would slip out from her loving arms and get yourself ready for the day ahead before even she could wake. And it was one of those mornings today. With her eyes still shut tight she blindly reached out in search of your smaller figure. All her hands found was the cold empty side of your bed which made her huff.
"Morning sleepy head" You greeted, glancing at Carmilla through the mirror in front of you.
"Mi amor?" She propped herself up on her elbows groggily. After giving her tired eyes a rub she spotted you sitting at the vanity, styling your hair,"You left me"
You stifled a laugh, you wouldn't be surprised if she was pouting. Whilst you continued to comb through your hair and ignore her childish whine you heard the shuffling of bed sheets followed by footsteps. A moment later you looked up in the mirror, finding Carmilla standing over you. Her arms draped over your shoulders and her chin rested on the crown of your head.
"Carmilla" You sighed, lowering your comb. There was no way you could finish your hair with her head on yours.
"Yes?" She hummed and closed her eyes. Your body was pulled back flush up against her chest. Her entire body weight was being pressed onto you. No offence to her, but she was heavy, you could barely sit upright and by the looks of things she had no plans to get off of you. You were trapped, her hands had you imprisoned, covering your entire torso. Any other time you'd allow her to hold you like this, but unfortunately there wasn't much time for it. A meeting with the other overlords was due in an hour.
"We have a meeting" You remind her and she huffed. She was reluctant to let go, but after thinking things over she kissed you on the head and released you to go on about her morning routine. She made sure to display her displeasure with sighs, groans and slothful movements. Rather than feeling guilty, which was the whole point of this behaviour, it was rather comical. The scowl on her face was just so cute!
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She made sure to hold you close as you went from your bedroom to the boardroom despite her grumpiness. You settled down in your dedicated seat and so did Carmilla, choosing the more comfortable alternative to walking back and forth. She was discreet with the way she touched you, wanting to maintain her professionalism as she presented. Her hand was on your knee at first, rubbing soft circles on it. Then she moved onto your thigh, ever so gently kneading it.
At this point, it was a subconscious action. You never went long without her touch. She always found excuses. Sometimes she didn't even need them.
You listened intently to her and savoured the physical affection you were receiving. Soon your hand crept down under the table and took Carmilla's hand, intertwining your fingers. You caught her lips twitching up from the corner of your eye, a sign you were doing something right. With her hand held you ran your thumb across her palm like you'd usually do when you were alone. You traced the patterns and dips of her skin, making sure to cover the large surface.
Her hands were one of your favourite features. They were large, soothing, warm and...very skilled. You gave every part of it the same amount of attention, not leaving a single bit untouched by the end of the meeting.
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When she finally wrapped the meeting up and watched the door close behind the last attendee she swooped you from your seat. You squeaked in surprise, grasping onto Carmilla as she placed you on the desk.
"We have time to ourselves now, mi amor" She smiled, watching her hands roam your body.
They drifted up and down, from your shoulders to your thighs. You smiled in return and leaned into her neck to kiss it. Carmilla crooned at the sensation of your lips against her skin and titled her head, urging you to continue. It was difficult to believe she was an overlord when she was like this. Such a cuddly sinner beneath that tough facade of hers.
After being with her for some time you realised what the reason behind her being so touchy was. Turns out it brought her a great deal of comfort, knowing you were there and not too far out of reach, that you were safe and sound by her side. It was also a stress reliever if you will. It kept her mind clear of all negative thoughts and was a way to help her concentrate. She also found out you struggled with your words and that you replaced them with featherlight kisses as well as the odd few gifts here and there which she had no complaints about.
"You have such a beautiful body" She uttered, unable to remove her hands from you. She reminded you of this whenever she got the chance, especially if you were having self-doubts. She would cling to you, complimenting every part of you verbally and physically until you admitted it.
"Thank you" Your voice matched her level and hummed when you felt her hands in your hair. You let her touch you freely and melted into her arms, knowing you were in safe hands. There were no lewd intents. If there were she would've acted already, with your permission of course. But no. This spare time was used for fond, loving touches only.
The dividers I used are from @saradika
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭1000 Years Old [10/12] - This is dragging and I am incredibly bored.
🇹🇭23.5 [4/12] - This show is incredibly cute and I'm smiling through the whole thing. Aylin is my favourite and I'm hoping against hope for the teachers to become a couple. Make it happen gmmtv!
🇹🇭Deep Night [6/8] - The long shots are killing me but the story is moving fast. There's a surprising amount of good communication and the throuple is almost inevitable a this point.
🇰🇷Jazz for Two [6/8] - This is the first bl show where I read the source material before the show and I wish I hadn't. The changes that were made just don't make sense to me, because I don't see how it serves the story. But putting that aside, the story feels rushed and the pacing is weird. The second couple doesn't read believable with this time frame. Anyway I might edit this post when I watch the last 2 episodes. [EDIT] Completed. Final thoughts here. 🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around [4/6] - Why must you do this again Japan? 6 episodes for this one? I'm not happy about this. This show is so good. I love how the mains communicate, not to mention they are beautiful to watch.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film[7/8] - I have no idea what this show is about nor it seems does it. Do I care at this point? Nope, not really. Let it be over.
🇹🇭To Be Continued [6/8] - This is getting into The Promise territory and I'm not amused. Another one that is dragging and I like the second couple but they barely have any screen time. I'll finish it because there are only two episodes left but I'll be sprinting to the finish line.
🇹🇼Unknown [7/12] - It hurts so good. The songs were killing me this episode. I really liked the separation, I think it was necessary for them. Yuan seems more mature and it will be interesting to see how it changes the relationship.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭Cherry Magic Th – What a wonderful surprise this was. Tay and New are beautiful together and their chemistry was on point. I really liked how the source material was used here.
🇯🇵Cherry Magic Anime – It was quite faithful to the manga with only a couple of deviations and of course it didn't cover everything but I really enjoyed watching yet another version of these characters.
🇹🇭Dead Friend Forever – It was quite a ride. I specially enjoyed the communal watching of this one and all the theories as more people tuned in. Didn't love the ending but it was better than I thought. Still not over White though. 🇯🇵Although I Love You, and You? - Started great, the middle was meh, and by the end I wasn't invested enough in the couple so even though it ended happy, it didn't make up for the rest of it. 🇯🇵Perfect Propose - Great all the way through. I loved this characters a lot and still think it's amazing how well the time was used here. 🇯🇵Ossan's Love Returns - It's Japan at it's finest. Love, food, chaos, found family and cherry blossoms. What more can I ask for? 🇯🇵She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat - My heart grew.🖤
🇹🇼Anti Reset - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. This started off strange and most of the show doesn't seem to know what it wanted to say about the AI part of it. It drove crazy on a weekly basis. But I thought their chemistry was really good and they are just an adorable couple. These 4 VBL series [Stay By My Side, You Are Mine, Vip Only] were a mixed bag for me. I think Stay By My Side is my favourite overall.
🇨🇳The Spirealm - First of all, Ruan Lan Zhu is absolutely gorgeous and his outfits are always perfection. The visuals are really good. This was definitely not a cheap production. The sets for all the doors are incredible. Talking only about the game, I gotta say the second door was my favourite. The bromance toes the line, but I'm not surprised this was taken down. I think if they'd kiss it would be less obvious than some of their scenes. I'm not going to spoil the ending but if you're thinking about watching here's your warning. A bit after the halfway point it gets incredibly sad and the ending is just heart-breaking.
Dropped 🇹🇭A Secretly Love [3/10] 🇹🇭Kiseki Chapter 2 [2/6] Also haven't started Two Worlds because I'm waiting to know if I should bother. I'm experiencing a bit of Thai bl fatigue so we'll see.
Rose Watches OJBL
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Takumi-kun 1: And The Spring Breeze Whispers (2007) - The editing is choppy as hell and it gets hard to understand the characters motivations. And the acting is not good. Yeah, not a fan of this one. Udagawachou de Matteteyo (2015) - This one is weird. I recently watched Life as a Girl so I admit that the comparison doesn't help this one at all. The idea is interesting but the execution is poor. There's a couple of scenes that are a bit hard to watch. In this particular story I think if we had a bit more insight to the characters motivations it would've helped me connect and feel more invested. In the end, for my particular goal it was fine I guess.
Other - Watched
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🩷Tengu's Kitchen (2023) | Fudanshi Bartender no Tashinami (2022) Formula 17 (2004) | Mars: Zero no Kakumei (2024) | 🩷Joshi-teki Seikatsu (2018)
1 Year of Rose-Tinted Glasses
It's been a year of Rose this month. And it's been kinda great. It took me a while to get over my shyness here and I still feel intimidated but it's gotten better. The people in this space have been really kind to me and I appreciate it so much. Thank you so much for the space.
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
Have a good week💜
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easy-revenge · 9 months
its been over 2 years since i read volume 9 of chainsaw man and it still apparently has the power to make me sob uncontrollably when i think about it so im going to talk a bit about aki and denji being shown as children during the snowball fight and why it's currently making me wanna rip my hair out :)
aki is already gone during this scene for all intents and purposes, having very little comprehension of the events his body is in and just waiting to be set free. his mind reverting back to the moment he lost his family is not surprising, since that's when his life permanently changed trajectory.
he's not to blame for being stuck in this moment, as it would make sense for any kid his age. however, he didn't put himself on the path towards revenge, which inevitably made him unable to let go. that was makima. she took him by the hand and gave him this "purpose", something she very well knew he was never going to achieve anyway. she trapped him in this predicament and made sure he stayed there till there were no options left for him.
to the very end, aki's life was never his own, but planned for him. aki never left that snowy forest. he wasn't allowed to.
as a result, the essence of aki that remained within the gun fiend after his death materialized as the last genuine version of aki that ever was. a kid playing in front of his house.
moving over to denji, who is the one that got me crying today. his appearance as a child in aki's mind is partly to parallel the bond they shared and the bond between aki and his little brother, whom he lost that day. of course. however i think there's a lot of significance to this choice for denji's character as well.
denji grew up remote and very disconnected from society. he never got the chance to learn how to navigate his feelings and relationships with other people. he had to figure it all out as he went, first with pochita, whom he got attached to and later with aki and power. even with makima.
makima was the first person to ever give him attention and affection, to give him the things he always wanted, but she never treated him like a person. she never helped him get any closer to learning how to be one. he was used, much like aki was, and was given a purpose that was never going to be for his own benefit.
as a result, denji took a while to go through the motions of being surrounded by humans and being taught by them. the first time we saw him face the concept of loss was with pochita, an event that didn't really give him much in terms of experience considering all the implications and how suddenly it changed his life. in its nature, it wasn't a type of loss he would've been able to navigate as a human.
im not going to go into the situation with his father since we saw very explicitly how incapable he was to handle it to the point of blocking it out and having it haunt him till the end of part one. he surely didn't get much data out of that experience either, or the abuse he went through before it.
the first real time he got to see loss occur very close to him was himeno's death. he had no emotional reaction to it, which confused him since he was able to observe its effect on aki and other people around him. he questioned his own humanity for the first time and it upset him, if only momentarily. it gave him a hint of perspective.
sadly, he was going to find out what loss meant the hard way.
with makima still treating him like an animal and the circumstances forcing him to still rely on his instincts, denji's emotional maturity wasn't really prioritized. he did inevitably grow closer to aki and power, without necessarily being able to recognize those feelings for what they were. again he just had to go through the motions.
fast forward to the gun devil arc. he's told by makima on the phone to not think, to just fight aki without thinking about it. we see the progress that's been made in how clearly unable denji is to follow that order, aki being the closest thing to family he's ever had by this point.
he fights his best friend, not even thinking about himself, but of how aki would feel if he were conscious of how much destruction he was causing. still up to this point, denji doesn't know that he loves aki. it hasn't computed to him as a piece of info, only as an experience.
him being shown as a child in the snow, a contrast to the violent reality that his body is in, has as much significance as it does for aki.
denji never really grew up, he never got past his father's death or anything that happened to him before and after that. he was kept from it by his life and makima herself, once again. his ineptitude was weaponized and he was nowhere near being aware of it. he was also stuck.
in that scene, denji experiences real loss. he loses someone he loves and someone who loves him back. someone who thought himself unable to do so but was the first to love him like a human.
he was just a kid, losing his family by his own hand again, only this time he had been loved.
it's highlighted in the next chapter, where he appears unable to grieve and looks kind of numb instead. then we have the ice cream scene, where he thinks the words for the first time and throws up immediately.
his confusion after it happens, him being unable to fathom why his body would have such a reaction, breaks my heart almost more than the entirety of the snowball fight itself, from denji's pov.
im not going to talk about what happens directly after that and its implications bc im gonna end up talking forever, but his behavior throughout the next chapters very much shows how out of his depth he is when it comes to loss and grief and how lost and helpless he is in makima's hands.
my point is, both aki and denji were used, weaponised and kept from growing up while also having to deal with the world and its cruelty at the same time. even the closeness they achieved was planned and used against them both. this is only one of many angles of the snowball fight scene that can be looked at and interpreted in different ways. but it was the one that made me ugly cry today :)
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sadmitskifanatic · 8 months
Simon and Betty, Change, and Acceptance - my thoughts on their story
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(F&C and AT spoilers under the cut!!) (long post warning)
So obviously a big thing throughout the finale was learning to understand just how important letting the past go is.
Simon and Betty were no doubt hopelessly in love with one another, and though it's freaking adorable, you begin to notice how all the Simon and Betty-centric episodes of the main series, without fail, feature Betty making some kind of sacrifice or bending herself over backwards for Simon's sake. And it wasn't as clear back then, since Simon wasn't himself for majority of the episodes (I think the only time where he wasn't Ice King in the present day would be in "Betty"), but it's definitely something that settles in the back of your mind. This is a pretty nice setup for what happens in F&C.
Now fast forward to F&C's eighth episode "Jerry", where we get a LOT of Petrigrof scenes in the form of flashbacks. When I first saw it, I thought it was adorable and wonderfully ideal. But even then, there were still a couple things that rubbed me the wrong way, though I couldn't quite place it then. During my second watch, I started to pick up on hints that maybe their relationship wasn't as perfect as the show previously portrayed it to be. There may be more, but here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:
Betty readily tossing her 6-month trip aside in a momentary decision to go on an expedition with Simon (who, let's be honest, invited her in a semi-joking manner and didn't expect her to say yes) despite really only being acquaintances at best at the time
She also gave Simon all the credit for finding the Enchiridion, and I actually expected him to insist on Betty getting some credit a little more than he actually did
She tosses her 6-month trip away AGAIN the moment Simon shows up- her roommate(?) also placed a lot of emphasis on not letting her miss her bus, and yet she did in the end anyways
☆When Fionna asks if Simon went on the trip with her, Simon's surprised and confused. He didn't seem to consider it as a possibility at the time, not out of malice, just that it never actually crossed his mind
And throughout all of these, notice that Betty's essentially throwing her research opportunity and even her career's future away over and over again because she wants to be with Simon, and Simon never objected or told her that she should go for that trip, so why not? And you can see from the fourth point that Simon kinda just never thought about it like that, so if he didn't notice, then of course he didn't stop her. In this subtle way, Betty was unintentionally encouraged to sacrifice more and more things for him.
This is still reflected even as she to loses herself to MMS (magic, madness, and sadness), continuing all the way until her ultimate sacrifice of merging with Golb at the end of AT.
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That was Betty's side. Now let's look at Simon's progress throughout the finale a little more. I think that Casper and Nova (the storybook, not just the episode) was used really well to represent Simon and Betty's situation, specifically from a third-person point of view. It served as a major factor towards Simon's epiphany moment, especially since it bore so many similarities to him and Betty, allowing him to finally understand what it was like on Betty's end as well.
Casper and Nova was a choose your own story adventure novel (or at least the video gamey futuristic version of one), and the nice thing about that is how it lets Simon make his own decisions. And what he essentially does is repeat what he did with Betty all over again, even though he didn't realise it at first.
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"No do-overs with this book, I guess"
I'd like to bring your attention to this part. When Simon wants to pick the other option when his first choice didn't work out, the book doesn't let him, and what's done is done. Sound familiar?
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"I don't want any of those things to happen; I like Nova! There should be more choices!"
"Well, maybe there would be, if you hadn't picked Casper's options every time."
Aaaaaand cue epiphany. Simon realises that throughout the relationship, he was always put first. But just like Beth said, it wasn't necessarily Casper's (and by extension his) fault. Yet Simon agrees that he could have been more considerate.
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When he's given a chance to relive a crucial moment in their story, he acts differently due to his prior grand realisation. And yet, he never gets on the bus. He knows that no matter how he would have handled it in the present, that isn't what he did in the past, and that's that. Same as the story of Casper and Nova- no do-overs.
And yeah, that sucks. But look here.
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Simon's sending Betty- his Betty, not Golbetty- off, properly this time. This is their goodbye. And immediately after, he sees Golbetty on that bus instead of Betty. He's accepted that his Betty is gone.
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If he had just realised the extent of Betty's sacrifices, he would've intervened because the last thing he wants is to do that to her since he loves her dearly, and then things would've been different. Maybe if he had gone on that trip with her, he would've never even found the crown. But he didn't realise, and it's too late now. They've both made their choices and mistakes- not in loving each other, but in the sort of inequality of it all, even while wholly unintentional. But regardless, there's no way to undo them, and there's nothing else they can do about it but move forward.
This doesn't necessarily mean forgetting the past ever happened- they were a massive part of each other's lives. They'll still love each other, and think about each other, and miss each other. But the difference is that they've accepted that they're just no longer the same people they were before, and that's okay.
Simon won't get his fiancée back. Betty isn't really Betty anymore, and will never be again. They've both learned to accept that change. A fatal flaw in Betty's character back in the original series was refusing to accept the Ice King, instead viewing him and not just the crown as something that's stopping her from getting her Simon back. And we all know how that turned out.
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Simon and Betty won't ever be together like they were before again. Though devastating, things like these, at the end of the day, are a part of life. The important thing is that they were both able to learn from these experiences and continue on with the cards they have been dealt, and that's exactly what they did; with Betty's new duties as GOLB (or maybe even possible reincarnation as some have been theorising) and Simon finally seeking help (thank god he realised that being a living exhibition wasn't the best idea) and accepting the life he was put into.
Simon's not gonna just magically be better, and that's okay. Little by little, he's gonna move on from the past and learn to enjoy life again , and I think the realism in the way it's portrayed is absolutely beautiful.
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an-angels-fury · 6 months
💙 My Modern Caspeter Headcanons 💙
Hey, Narnians! How are you? Here goes my first contribution to the fandom (and of course it would be about Caspeter because they are my new current obsession ❤️).
I want to make clear the headcanons are mostly based on the movie version of the characters (tbh I really need to reread the books).
Anyway, enjoy it.
P.S.: Forgive me for any grammar mistake, english's not my first language.
Warning(s): Slight mention of abuse (it happens outside of the relationship), implied NSFW stuff
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Peter met Caspian for the first time when they were both 15. At the time, Caspian had just moved to the Pevensies' neightborhood with his uncle, his aunt and his baby cousin. Peter's mother convinced him and his siblings to pay a visit to the house across the street and welcome the new family. He didn't get very excited with the idea.
Something about Caspian made Peter strangely uncomfortable. Maybe it was the boyish way Caspian put his hands on the pockets of his ragged jeans, or his spanish accent, or how his long, wild black hair fell beautifully around his face and large shoulders. Or maybe it was the way Caspian's brown eyes found his blue ones and stared at them intensely from time to time, but suddenly looked away. Wait! Why is he paying so much attention to these details anyway?!
The fact his mother just got all excited with him and Caspian being about the same age, attending the same school and becoming best friends and all that bullshit just made Peter even more annoyed at this new pretty boy, who seemed destinated to be a very constant presence in his life from that moment on.
Peter would find in Caspian an adversary just as skilled (and just as competitive) as him in the P.E. classes, regardless of the sport. But it was in fencing that the situation really heated up between them. The trainer would even try to avoid putting Peter and Caspian to fight against each other because he saw that, whatever was going on between these two, they took it very VERY seriously.
Peter complained about Caspian a lot at home and everytime Edmund was around, the younger one would shout a joke about their "so obvious unresolved sexual tension" just to see his older brother's cheeks grow hot in anger and embarrassment (Ed: For the fuck's sake, just admit you dream about kissing Caspian under the moonlight and spare our ears from all this shit talk of yours! / Peter: I'd rather kiss a horse's ass!).
One day, in the school's yard, Peter got involved in a fight after trying to defend a younger boy from a group of bullies. He handled himself well for a while but It didn't last long. He was already getting his ass kicked until the last person he could ever imagine came to defend him: Caspian. Sadly, this whole thing took both the boys to the principal's office and one whole evening of detention.
After one hour of detention trying to distract himself, Peter's eyes found Caspian with his face in a black notebook and a pencil in his hand. Curious, he walked to Caspian's direction to find an unfinished, but no less beautiful, sketch. When Caspian took conscience of the blond's presence, he tried to close his book as fast as he could, but Peter stopped him right away and complimented his work, asking him if he had more of those.
After that, they got to talk about a lot of stuff and know each other better. Caspian found out Peter wasn't so annoying as he initially thought: he was actually a very nice and funny guy who cared deeply about his family. Peter found out Caspian was not as insufferable as he imagined: he was actually very sweet and, as he already noticed, really talented.
Both also learned a little about their difficult relationship with their families. Peter told about how he and Susan were given a lot more of responsibilities after their parents' divorce and how shaky his relationship with Edmund became at the time. Caspian told about his latin origins, his parents' deaths when he was only 6 and the stressing relationship with his uncle Miraz. He mentioned how unwelcome and unwanted he felt at his own home and, because of that, he always tried to find something else to do or somewhere else to go just so he could avoid his family as much as possible.
They kept talking a little more walking down the way back home together and right before they go separate ways, Peter invited Caspian to go to his house the next day after school, which Caspian gladly accepted.
From that day on, Caspian would become a very present guest at the Pevensies' house. He would stay for lunch (and sometimes even for dinner), do his homework with Peter, watch a movie with him and his siblings or just have a good time doing anything else, no matter how simple it was. Caspian was just happy for being there with them. It was the first time in so many years he felt as part of a family.
Caspian became very fond of Peter's siblings. Peter would always find Caspian joking around with Edmund, or him giving little sweets to Lucy and letting her brush and play with his hair, or even him and Susan sitting on the sofa laughing of some silly story Susan was telling him about the time they were children. Each of these scenes would make Peter roll his eyes, but also bring a fond smile to his face.
However, what really solidified their bond was a little conversation in one of their movie nights at Peter's house when he finally told Caspian he was gay (Peter: Does it make any difference for you or our friendship now that you know that?). And Caspian's answer gave him all the assurance he needed (Caspian: As long as you don't mind me being bisexual.). It was really freeing for both of them.
When talking about falling in love, Caspian was the one to fall first, but Peter was the one to fall harder. They had already felt attracted to one another in the day they first met, but, since they both were still young and immature boys trying to accept their sexualities (especially Caspian, who was absolutely sure his uncle would never accept his nephew being in love with another boy), this fire that burned inside was easily mistaken as jealousy and rivalry as a way to disguise their true feelings.
Peter's family and friends had already noticed what was going on between him and Caspian long before they both had. Lucy and Edmund even tried to plan situations to make them confess their feelings, but the boys were so fucking oblivious that the attemps always failed. After a while, Susan finally convinced their younger siblings to give up and just let things flow (but she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little impatient with how stupidly blind Caspian and Peter were about each other).
It was only after months of pining that one of them finally decided to take the first step. Caspian was in Peter's bedroom discussing with him some ideas to their science project when the brunette dropped his notebook by accident on the floor. Peter got up to help him to take some of the loose paper sheets when he found a specific one that got his attention. It was the drawing of a face... Peter's face. Differently from previous situations, Caspian didn't try to hide it from him and just smiled. After a minute of silence, he told he had made that one in their last art class. (Peter: It's... It's beautiful. / Caspian: Well, not as much as the original face. / Peter: ... and definitely not as beautiful as the artist himself.). When they finally stood, face to face, Peter held Caspian's face and slowly closed the distance between them. When he saw Caspian didn't try to run away, he finally kissed him. And Caspian was more than happy to kiss him back.
Once they officially start dating, they're the softest together. They would always be seen holding hands, kissing, sitting next to each other, whispering in each other's ears and laughing from whatever the other said. Lucy and Susan found really adorable how lovey-dovey Peter acted around his boyfriend. Edmund, as always, would always take an opportunity to joke about the boys' attitude, which embarrassed his brother to no end, but, just like his sisters, he agreed Peter and Caspian were perfect for each other and he was really happy for them.
Caspian's uncle was never an affectionate man - he could actually be pretty hostil and agressive, especially when Caspian displeased him for any little reason - and his aunt seemed to simply ignore him most of the time. Because of that, he grew out to be very touch-starved and internalized the idea that his feelings didn't matter, so it would better if he kept his mouth shut. Hugs were his primary love language and he always longed to give and receive them from the people he loved. However, there were times he would close himself and keep quiet about his feelings because he feared that his clingy behavior could creep Peter out. But Peter knew him better than anyone and, in the end of the day, he was always there to prove him wrong.
After their high school graduation, they decide to leave their homes and move to their own flat. Caspian gets so relieved for finally having a place of his own and not needing to have any contact with his family anymore. And the fact he was doing all of this with Peter by his side just gave him all the hope that, whatever the hardships they would face, they would do it together. He knew he wasn't alone anymore.
Peter loves Caspian's hair. It's about the relaxing feeling of running his fingers through those luscious black locks while they were laid in bed or when Caspian rested his head on his lap while they watched TV. But what he likes the most is to wrap his fingers through Caspian's curls and slightly pull them during a passionate kiss, which most of the time leads to more... intimate stuff. And Caspian definitely has no complaints about it. He even considered cutting his hair once, but he soon put this idea aside.
There's something really sexy about Caspian's spanish accent, especially when he talked with that low and hoarse tone he always had in the morning. And when Caspian comes closer in bed to wake Peter up and whispers words of love to him in spanish, his lips gently caressing his cheek... Oh God, that shit's enough to fucking turn him on.
As for Caspian, there are mornings when Peter wakes up earlier to make them breakfast. After some minutes, Caspian wakes up with the smell of hot coffee and toasts coming from the kitchen. There was this time that, after putting on a robe and going to the other room, he found Peter standing there with a cup in his hand, his beautifully messy blond hair shining with the sunlight coming from the window, wearing nothing but his underwear and the white shirt Caspian wore last night, only half buttoned, exposing his collarbone and part of his chest. He turned around and opened a big cheeky smile and said "Good morning" with his most seductive voice, offering him a cup of coffee. Caspian swore he felt his heart skip a beat in front of such heavenly image.
After spending all the breakfast staring intensely at each other, Caspian didn't even wait to go back to their bedroom before taking Peter in his arms and putting him sat on the table. He finished opening Peter's shirt and kissed him all the way through his jaw and neck. It doesn't take long to Peter to open Caspian's robe and kisses him back. And they definitely didn't stop there.
They aren't the kind of couple who fights constantly, but when they do, they can lose their patience very easily over the most silly, stupid things. In those situations, they would walk away and stay in different rooms without looking at each other for hours. When they finally calmed down and the loneliness sinked in, one of them would go to the other and apologize, even if it wasn't necessarily their fault. They could drive each other crazy sometimes, but they hated to stay like this. They love each other. That was all that truly mattered in the end.
They love to do all the kind of romantic stuff that lovers do. They go out on dates, give the other flowers and chocolates, borrow each other's clothes, share the headphones while listening to music, rest their heads on the other's shoulder and fall asleep right after (Peter was known for doing that a lot), hold each other in their sleep, and the list goes on.
After they graduate in college and find stable jobs (Peter as a doctor and Caspian as an artist), they finally decide to adopt a dog. Peter was the one who insisted on the idea and how could Caspian ever say 'no' to him? But it was only after they go to the shelter and see the big bright smile on Peter's face when they were taking their new puppy home that Caspian knew this was one of the best choices they ever made in their lives.
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phxntomhives-98 · 2 months
Ok so, I just watched the first episode of The Grimm Variations and... Idk how I feel about it honestly. Spoilers under the cut!
Let's start to say that the animation is beautiful! I love the style, it's so pretty.
And I love him in particular:
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Then we start with Cinderella's story. I didn't expect the change in environment but it was interesting!
At first I thought they were going to animate a more accurate version of the original story, compared to the Disney version. Ngl I was excited to see if they were going to actually make the stepsitter cut parts of their feet. But it seems we are getting yet another different version of it and it seems nice.
My "problem" is that it was all very fast. I would have loved it if there was more time to develop how "cinderella" is actually a sociopath that considers everyone a doll that she can just use to play how she wants.
Anyway, I loved how she was able to act all cute and innocent while being absolutely insane.
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Thought it wasn't specified I guess she is also behind the death of her biological mother? She had no problem killing the "dolls" that didn't satisfy her anymore, so maybe her mother was the first "defective doll"
The ball scene was absolutely spectacular, I could watch it until the end of times.
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I would have liked to see much more tho: how did the step sisters learned exactly how she wanted them to act? By trial and error? Did she ever gave them a "treat" for being good dolls? It is implied that they knew they were acting as she wanted and they are "happy" they are free now, but I would have liked to know more about their relationship. And the prince, I am in desperate need to know how she will act with him. Will she try to slowly drive him to madness? If so, will he notice (and regret treating the stepsisters like that) or will he be as blind as the servants?
I am dumb so i didn't realize until some people pointed it out that the doll is the younger sister of the Grimms, at first I thought she was like an "evil doll" that controlled Cinderella. Then later I was scared that the actual doll was going to be thrown away for whatever reason
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I have so many questions: is this the story the Grimm brothers are telling to their sister? Is this how she imagines it? In any case, why is she "part" of the story? And can she change it if she wants?
Hopefully I'll get some answers as the episodes continue~
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arafinweanappreciation · 10 months
Can you tell me something about Finrod and Amarie's relationship? Like lore or headcannons.
Okay, first off, this sounds like i'm being asked for a bedtime story and i LOVE that.
as for canonical lore, we know next to nothing very little about Amarie. Things we know about her include:
her name, which may be from the elements for "good" or "home"
she was a lady of the vanyar
she did not go into exile--- in some versions, because she was not permitted (though we don't know for sure who was doing the forbidding afaik)
Things we know about her relationship with Finrod:
they were in love but not married
they were reunited after finrod's re-embodiment
galadriel didn't seem to know about it
That's it. But the fact that she's named in the silm means there's as much or more info on her in there than on some of the finweans (Argon, Findis, Lalwen) which i take to mean that her and Finrod's story is Important in understanding Finrod overall.
I, personally, have a somewhat elaborate and ever-shifting set of headcanons about them. this is the current iteration:
Amarie and Elenwe are related to each other. Some degree of cousins, probably. They are also very good friends.
Amarie is an artist who is renowned for her murals, in particular. At some point she's commissioned to paint something in Taniquetil and meets Ingwe, who strikes up a conversation because he's just kind of a friendly guy in general.
Ingwe decides that he likes her
Fast forward to Elenwe and Turgon's wedding. Amarie is there. Finrod is there. Ingwe is also there.
Ingwe spots Amarie and chats with her for a while before going "Have you met my great-nephew??? You should meet him. I think you'd like him." and then dragging her along to find Finrod.
They hit it off and start meeting up to wander around Aman (yes I'm aware of the Nerdanel and Feanor parallel) because Finrod likes exploring and Amarie finds all kinds of interesting scenes and landscapes to draw
Cue slow-burn mutual pining friends to lovers that lasts several centuries because elves
Unfortunately, by the time they get around to admitting how they feel about each other, the Noldor are in upheaval and mistrust between the Vanyar and the Noldor is at an all-time high. If the public found out that a Noldorin prince (even an Arafinwean) was in a relationship with a Vanyarin woman, there would be chaos, especially among the Noldor
They decide to get engaged with a small number of witnesses (I lean towards thinking that it's their parents plus Elenwe and Turgon), even though it could be literal centuries until a wedding wouldn't cause rioting in the streets. they tell no one else.
Soon after, the Darkening of Valinor occurs, and Finrod is faced with a choice
He talks to Amarie, and she essentially gives him permission to go on without her. I go back and forth on what "not permitted to go" means. I generally think it could be that her people would not allow her, that the Noldor would not allow one of the Vanyar who was not already married into the Noldor to go with them, or some combination of both.
Finrod promises to return for her as soon as possible, hoping that things will calm down once the Noldor have made it Middle Earth
That doesn't happen
Choosing to cross the Helcaraxe basically tears him apart, but at this point, his people need him and he will not abandon them, even for Amarie.
Back in Aman, Amarie is having to deal with the fallout of the Noldor leaving. She's essentially in mourning, having been told about the Doom of Mandos. She's definitely angry at Finrod for crossing anyway, but also ultimately understands that this is something that he must do, and he wouldn't be the person she loves if it wasn't.
She spends some time in Tirion, where there are more people who understand what she's going through. I like to think she becomes very close with Anaire, Finarfin, and Earwen during this period.
After everything that's happened, it's very difficult for Finrod to talk about, thus why Galadriel doesn't know. I think maybe he would tell Beor about it, but very few other people.
They do end up getting married after Finrod is reembodied (I generally think it happened sometime before the War of Wrath)
I would say they lived happily ever after but that can never be true for anyone who lived through the First Age (looming shadow of things lost, etc.). However, they do manage to be happy, even if there is grief and pain still there.
The end (for now, because elves)
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Can I ask for some nsfw Riddler (one of the classic versions) with an s/o who hasn't gotten any from him in a while because he's been really busy on some project. And while he tries his best to make time for them, he hasn't had enough time for that particular thing.
S/o also has a thing for sex in workplaces, so they decide to give him an unexpected (but not unpleasant) visit.
"Business Meetings" 60's Riddler x Reader
Ok you said classic and my brain went to 60s Riddler. Who could be more classic than that on my list? Keep in mind anytime I write for 60s riddler, it is a utopian version of the 60s in which racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, etc is just non-existent. If the show/movie could get away with half the wacky shit it did, I think we can have leeway with historical prejudices.
Anyways, I just went for it. I share the trait of verbosity with the Riddlers at times, unfortunately.
TW: NSFW, Exhibitionism (kinda), light bondage play
You were dating the Riddler, aka Edward Nygma. This was certainly not something you had planned for yourself in your life but here you were. He was handsome, he was charming- Funny and sweet- Yes, a complete and utter dramatic dork, but you loved all that about him.
It didn't hurt that the sex was fantastic. You had discovered rather quickly in your relationship that riddles weren't the only thing he held deep desire for, nor gave a vast depth of attention to. Even when he had long finished himself, he always made sure you were taken care of. He never shamed you for any of your desires. In fact, the purring praise he loved showering on you while you got off gave the opposite impression.
Yet as he plotted and preened for his next grandiose criminal outfit against the Batman, you found yourself... lacking, in a sense. In most ways nothing had changed. He still made time to care for you and support your daily ambitions. Edward was busy but he wasn't leaving you completely in the dust. Except... well. You found yourself missing the physical intimacy he wasn't able to give you in these times.
There was this thought in your mind- it had occurred before but you never gave much credence to it. Sex in the workplace was rather risky. Especially given some of the workplaces and people Edward worked with. As you went without sex, however, the thought kept creeping up into the corners of your mind. Maybe... Perhaps...
The worst that could happen was him telling you it was a bad time.
He always let you know where his current hideout was, in case of emergency. You had a spare key. Dressing in the academia style that you knew drove him crazy, you let yourself in to see him hunched over his desk with plans. His coat was hung up on a nearby rack.
Your voice reached him just as your hands curved over his shoulders to his chest, "Hello, Mr. Nygma." A small chuckle vibrated in his chest at your touch. He was fast to take your hands to lay kisses on them both.
He then turned his head to look at you, "Hello, my pretty." His eyes widened as the full view of you reached him. Those same eyes looked at you up and down before slowly tracing your legs as his body turned around in the chair.
A hum, "And to what do I owe such a vision before me? Tell me, why did the boyfriend ask his partner for a map?"
With a small laugh, you played along, "Hm... I think I know. But you should tell me anyways." You'd heard this one before. From him. That didn't make it less charming every time he said it.
"Because he got lost in their eyes." A gleeful giggle escaped from him just as that dreamy look on his face met yours, "Ah. But you didn't answer the first question. Did I forget a holiday of some sort?"
You leaned against a nearby wall as he started to get up from his chair, "I missed you." That made him pause. A sympathetic look.
Then his face curled into a grin, "Another riddle for my sweet! What did the giraffe ask the... handsome male giraffe?"
The laugh that escaped you let him know how cheesy that was. Yet, you couldn't help leaning in closer to flirt, "Wanna neck with me?"
The walls of the hideout echoed with his high pitched cackling as he grabbed you by the waist to swing you about, "How did I get so LUCKY? A beauteous brain and wit sharp as a tack! You really are my perfect match, aren't you?"
Before you could respond, however, you found the answer to the riddle apt. His lips found your neck and got to work. His hands aided yours in shakily undressing your top half. As his tongue found your collarbone, you mentally praised yourself on this grand idea. A vibratory moan left his throat as your hands moved into his hair to give a light tug.
The desperate way he was unbuttoning his vest told you how much he needed this, too. Now it was your turn to cover his face and neck with kisses. He was undoing his tie and groaning at your loving affection.
"Poor thing. Poor, poor dear." He teased, "To think I left you in such a state."
The palm of your hand lay flat over his front, moving down until it sat over the bulge of his cock. He hisses as you squeezed and was quick to grab your wrist.
He tsked at the movement, "Now, now. Think of how I've been without your touch. If we rush things, it'll be over far too quickly." You couldn't help but concede with a nod. It was too tempting to get right to the good part. What you really wanted.
The silken material of his tie came to rest over your wrists. He kissed you on the lips as his fingers deftly tied your hands together. There was something thrilling about the fact he didn't even have to look. While you could never let it get out, tying and binding was something that your paramour was not only fantastic at, but he deeply enjoyed it. Yet with you it was always gentle. You could break out if you really wanted to.
But you both know you didn't.
The train of thought was reinforced as his kissing moved to your jaw and you could feel his fingers lacing under the tie to ensure it wasn't too tight. Then he pulled so your body pressed closer to his. Both of you laughed as you leaned forward to lay kisses on him. The texture of his gloves reached your abdomen as he began to pull off your lower half of clothing.
You took the opportunity to lace your bound hands over his head to rest on his shoulders. With the two of you pressing your bodies together, he kissed you eagerly and hard on the lips, all while pressing you to walk backwards. He guided you to a nearby desk where he scooped you up on top of the surface. If you opened your eyes, you'd see those baby blues staring back with a dopey, loving gaze.
"Cherub, how I've missed this." He moved to kiss your shoulders and neck and your hands grasped at the back of his shirt, "Everything about you... Such a perfect specimen..." His kisses went to your arm, his eyes wound tight. You found yourself pulling him closer, your legs around his waist.
It just made him grin, "Trying to tell me something? Use your words, why don't you?"
"Please, Edward." You quietly asked.
As he unzipped his pants, he teased, "Have you no shame? What if someone found us like this? Oh... Someone could walk in right now."
Both of you looked to the door in a dramatic pause. He took the opportunity to kiss your cheek as you looked away, causing you to laugh. You couldn't lie, the idea of it... Of course you didn't really want anyone to see this. But the thought made you quiver. The moan you gave him feeling his cock at your entrance was confirmation of that.
As he kissed you, you could hear the sound of a drawer opening. You looked to see him grabbing a tube of- Oh, is that-
"You have that here?" You asked, motioning your head to the container of lube.
A sheepish look washed over his face, "I thought it could be a possibility, at some point. Why not be prepared, my pretty?"
With that, he coated his cock and pressed it further against you until the tip pressed inside. He sighed against your neck as he gave shallow thrusts. You could tell he was trying to pace himself, but you couldn't help the whine that came out. The response of the riddler was to press deeper which made both of you shudder. It was apparent it had been just a touch too long.
"Sweetest thing- to be..." He murmured, "What is... Why are men like chocolate bars?"
You couldn't help but laugh out a moan, "I don't kn- Oh fuck, please don't stop."
The pace increased as Nygma found his rhythm, a shaky laugh leaving his throat. His lips close to your ear, he purred, "Because they're sweet, smooth and head directly for the... hips." A harsher thrust up. The barking laughter that turned to moans filled the room.
You grasped at his face to kiss him, your orgasm close. Weeks without the intimacy between you wound tight in the core of your stomach. Your hand couldn't compare. Given his uncharacteristic silence, you supposed he felt the same. His fingers were pressing tight into the curve of your thighs and ass as he ebbed and flowed with you.
One last kiss and you were coming undone on his cock. You could feel his face beaming against yours as you softly cried out his name and came down from your high. Just before you could get too sensitive, he finished shortly afterwards. His groans pulsated sloppily into your mouth as he did. The warmth of his cum inside you, then dripping out. Something about it all made you suspect he was trying very hard not to finish before you did. A gentleman.
His hands supported your lower back as you pulled your hands back in front of you. Once you were stable sitting up, he untied your wrists.
He kissed both of them, "Worth the trip?"
"Eddie, you're always worth the trip." You sighed breathlessly, "....Are they really going to come back soon?" Suddenly, you felt very naked in his hideout. So so very naked and full of cum.
"Hm?" He looked puzzled for a moment before clicking his tongue, "Ah- No. They won't be back for hours. I just said that to get you excited. Did you like it?"
A nervous nod, "Yeah... Just not..."
"I understand." He kissed you softly, "I'm not so willing to share this vision of you, either. But- I'm sure we could get away with a lot if you wanted. You'd be amazed what you can sneak past people's eyes when they don't want to see it."
The blush on your face definitely portrayed your thoughts on that. He assisted you to sit up and gather your clothes. His eyes moved again over your body as you dressed, a soft look in his eyes. Unless you were mistaken, you'd think he was melting all over again. Before he could get too lost in the thought he was straightening out his tie as best as he could before pulling it back over his neck.
Fully dressed, you came over to tie it for him, "Satisfactory, Mr. Nygma?"
A wink, "Please, my pretty, just call me The Riddler."
You had a feeling it wouldn't be nearly the same wait from this time to the next.
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
More songs that I think represent Finnick and his sweet girl (this time Hozier edition >:D)
“Talk” is so Finnick coded
“I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus /When her body was found”
the grief, the rage, everything he felt when he lost his sweet girl.
“I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee /That made him turn around”
I think “dreadful need” is so on the nose. By definition co-dependent relationships aren’t healthy but he *needs* just as she *needs* him. Also the whole self sacrificing thing. Turning around is something that will ruin everything yet he needs to do it, just as Finnick felt like he needed to save her.
“Imagine being loved by me” I think this one is more like “you’re so amazing, you deserve more then being loved by me” type of thing
“I won't deny I've got in my mind now all the things we'd do / So I'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I'm imaginin' you”
OKAY SO!!! This one I think can refer to when Finnick first officially met his sweet girl. He wanted to act all cool and shit, she couldn’t know just how enamored he was, she couldn’t know he thought about holding her, kissing her.
“Before he feels alone / One final time /And marries the sea”
okay this one is just…super on the nose like omg???
So yeah!
yesss let's dive into finnick (hozier's version)!!!
anything orpheus coded is just by virtue so finnick coded. the determination to get her back and be with her even if it killed him because he'd rather be dead then without her. he needs her.
when you sent this the new chapter wasn't out yet, but in light to the new chapter it makes me think of him decided to go over her head to make sure she couldn't be on the squad because he needs her safe. he sabotages part of their relationship, the promises he's made, to keep her protected because it's the only thing that consumes him. he'll do anything he can do to protect her and if she got hurt or died he knows he'd completely fall apart, so she has to stay.
he loves her so much but realistically he knows if their relationship had never happened, she'd be much better off, probably never have been reaped, she'd find a nice fisherman and live a comfortable life without all the danger he brought to her life. he loves her so deeply though, he sees her so perfectly and he can't help but be hooked.
he was whipped from the beginning, moving so fast but trying to be suave because he knows he's already though 10 steps ahead into their relationship. their future is calling to him and he wants to impress her anyway he can.
literally so him 😭
he's just a sweet little guy who's so codependently in love that it's consumed his being
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fancyfade · 9 months
Could I trouble you for an extended take on Kory and Dick's NTT relationship?👉👈 Curious after seeing one of your posts.
hmm so I was debating whether to re-read any comics and initially i was gonna say I wasn't, then I did anyway so :P re-read 2 scenes for panels and the whole NTT 28-34/NTT annual 2 b/c I had the scenes where they start dating less in my memory, and have screencaps for it.
Short version: Dick and Kory clearly love each other, but Dick is prioritized by the narrative as the only one Marv is interested in exploring the internal strife of, and often by the fandom as well. Kory is viewed as Dick's gf before she is viewed as a person. In terms of their actual relationship, they are not super great for each other, and have incompatible needs -- Kory is pretty needy, Dick is BAD at dealing with this I see people be like 'oh she taught him to be emotionally free' or w/e but a) she didn't, not really, all she did was take his repression and jerkyness when he was dishing it out and b) not your job to fix your BF. Especially since in canon like I said she doesn't really 'fix' or change him, she just... deals with him being condescending to her and locking her out when he gets mad or angsty, she deals with him telling her she's too much and too bloodthirsty, then she lashes out sometimes as he does.
Long version:
anyway. So. Narratively, Dick is treated as the focal character in the DickKory ship. Marv is obviously way more into Dick's internal strife than Kory's. An especially egregrious example is when after Kory has been kidnapped and tortured for 5 days by the people who enslaved her as a child, the main focus of Dick and Kory's dialogue after that is... Dick saying he's not emotionally open because of Batman, and where their relationship is going. And for disclaimers: this is not a criticism of Dick's character, because it's clearly intended to be read as something Kory's fine with here... it's a criticism of the way Marv frames the two (though there will be some criticisms of Dick in this post :P This one is not)
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The New Teen Titans #26
Anyway so :P there's a reason I did this scene different when I wrote it in my fic (link) and I was like huh I like these two dorks so much better together now.
Anyway, so let's fast forward a minute. There are 2 issues Dick and Kory are dating for during which not much happens, then like.. literally. the next issue, first scene:
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The new Teen Titans #28
anyway, so dick's isolating himself more, wearing himself down, we see an angsty scene in which he is working out DETERMINEDLY to try to get as good as batman (if you believe donna) and she is trying to get him to talk but he doesn't. which again - this (not wanting to talk about his feelings) isn't really a flaw on dick's part; I think part of the frustration of Dick and Kory's relationship is that I relate a lot to Dick and see lots of what i do in him XD like he wants to be alone, kory thinks this means she did something wrong.
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like I am sorry kory i love you but HOW did you get "you'd rather I awsn't here" out of "I like to be alone sometimes"
Anyway, Donna is worried about Kory because Kory is very hung up on Dick pushing himself and not being as available now. Like. Right after the characters start dating, there is a lot of focus on Kory being miserable because of Dick* and I'm like. why is there such a focus on that if the writers want us to actually like seeing these characters together? and like. the writer marv clearly does care a lot more about kory being dick's GF than about her outside of that. There's some good analysis on her character and their relationship here (link)
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NTT Annual 2
anyway so dick is acting emotionally distant and kory is taking it personally, he also gets possessive when Roy hits on her**
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New Teen Titans #29
Like yes, Kory is insecure and thinks Dick is mad at her because of her issues... but he also does sometimes act mad at her!
Dick also may love kory, but he does not really trust her
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NTT #30
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NTT 31
he's also generally pretty dismissive of her. like... how is kory asking aout raven any different from you doing so dick? get over yourself. and why does he leap to assuming she'll do something stupid in the crowd situation? like he in general later in the comics is consistently un-easy with her 'lust for blood' or w/e even though she never kills anyone
anyway, he kind of apologizes but not really - which characterize dicks apologies here. first we had 'i've been acting like an ass but you don't understand what it was like being raised by batman' now it's 'i've been treating you wrong but you don't get this earth custom'. like the apology is always followed by an excuse.
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NTT 31
like yeah i prefer to be left alone when things are going bad too dick! That doesn't make it OK to condescend your girlfriend and get possessive of her!
(also his apology does not result in changed behavior. right after this he ignores kory again)
anyway. so that is the very first full plotline where Dick and Kory are dating, and the issues do go on the back burner but they resurface eventually. the closer we get to terror of trigon the more dick seems wary of kory's 'bloodlust' and she feels as if he is asking her to change who she is. She feels constrained in their relationship.
We get more issues pop up later on after this. Dick is EXTREMELY condescending and bitter and xenophobic to Kory during the Tamaran wedding plotline, where Kory is being pressured into a political marriage to save her planet from civil war. He takes it as a personal affront. And later, it's revealed that Dick was acting bitchy because Brother Blood Brainwashing*** but like... he doesn't really act all that different with kory after he's unbrainwashed? I guess maybe he's less overtly aggressive, but he still has clear resentments towards the situation she was forced into, no perspective.
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New Teen Titans (1984) #34
Dick and Kory are broken up at this time, which is honestly pretty good for them. Dick clearly has a ton of resentments for Kory, and she is giving him no space and thinks if she can just love him enough she can restart the relationship. But like. Kory. He doesn't want to be in a relationship with you at the moment take a hint.
However, since Marv wants the two to get back together, we have this scene (still in the second NTT series #34)
Anyway, Then Dick goes out thinking about how he still loves Kory and sees a man committing domestic violence
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This is how Dick perceives the domestic violence
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a "Dispute"????? Really dick?
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Anyway, the guy is blabbering about how his GF made him hurt her because she cheated on him, Dick is like "You know that's bullshit", but then this is the resolution:
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So just as a recap: Dick saw a man who was going to kill his girlfriend for cheating on him, and thought "Well he loves his GF and seems to regret it, so I'll leave him here with her after I take his gun, surely this will end happily".
(Also he clearly relates to the man and projects his and Kory's problems on them -- where do you even start with this. Do you want to kill Kory, Dick? Do you perceive her being pressured into an arranged marriage to stop her planet from civil war as cheating on you?)
Anyway. I'm not saying people have to perceive this as IC for Dick. I think it's stupid, and if Marv wasn't clearly assuming this situation was conveying a "love conquers all" thing, then Dick probably would've arrested the guy.
So recap:
I perceive their relationship as being a not-super-healthy one in which Kory gives more than Dick, though Dick doesn't ask her to give as much as she does. It makes Kory feel bad, like she's being restrained and useless and she did something wrong. It's that way straight from the get-go, and when Dick is brainwashed and when he is not brainwashed. Dick acts selfishly, and does not understand Kory's situation with her planet (the complex political situation, doesn't like her having tamaranean morals even though she doesn't kill people on earth, her just saying she would be OK with it is something he hates) and generally focuses on himself when he apologizes rather than on her, and it does not result in changed behavior. He is not initially willing to break up with her when a dealbreaker situation arises (her marrying Karras politically), he just acts angrier and angrier at first then I guess eventually they break up. Kory doesn't accept the breakup, she wants to get back together even though he doesn't want to, because she wants love to solve everything and she still loves him and he still loves her. I see people blame bad writing and the wedding being aborted by demon raven crashing it for the dickkory breakup, but like... they were broken up before Dick proposed. They only got back together when Dick proposed. Their relationship was petering out since kory married Karras, they had a brief renaissance spurred on by Dick realizing he still loved Kory via seeing a man want to commit domestic violence on his gf.
I'm not sure if this gave you the recap of their relationship you were thinking about but ... yeah those are my thoughts as far as I can condense-ify them. I think they have the potential to be a cute couple, and they clearly are very important to each other, but that Kory gets the short end of the stick writing wise and from Dick and she does better without him.
*notice I said because of Dick, not that it's his fault - I think some of this is due to Kory's own issues. Some of it is due to his actions, as we'll see later tho.
**which I don't think is OOC to previous stuff, because when she was in another relationship and he was not jealous, they weren't dating and hadn't been dating so... that doesn't really prove that he wouldn't be possessive/jealous
***1 of the most frustrating parts of NTT is Dick's ambiguous brainwashing, which is retconned to be like. 'he was brainwashed since issue 20 something and nothing bad he ever did is his fault'. it's terrible terrible writing.
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xenonmoon · 10 months
Ok in the end I figured that no matter how fast I run (read: avoid writing the final 2016 review) I will never escape this demon (read: moving to the Bemis run) so I will eventually get tired after 2-3 km and have to punch them in the face anyway so buckle up
Some last notes after finishing the 2016 run!
Volume 1 notes Volume 2 notes
Ok this run's a fan favourite and we've talked to hell and back how good it is and all of that, so I will start with the Cons
I think this volume's major flaw (and overall this run in a way) is the changes in the background that altered Marc's relationship with Bushman and his mercenary days. In this version of the story Raul is just a temporary employer like any other, they don't have history together, Bushman never tried to shape Marc into being a violent, ruthless mercenary. Marc never struggled between following Bushman's orders/walking his steps and standing his ground. There has never been a genuine internal conflict within Marc - his behaviour was coherent with what current-time-Marc would've done in this situation and the heroic attempt to thwart the villain's course of actions a natural consequence of this. Dr. Alraune's death wasn't even his fault. He did nothing "wrong" here, there was no "what the hell am I doing with my life" moment, there was no character growth after that simply because there was nothing for him to grow away from. Becoming Moon Knight wasn't even his choice and effort as a way to "repair the world" for the things he regrets having done during his mercenary days, he was manipulated into it by Khonshu, however you choose to interpret it. There was little space for agency in that. In this version of the story, Marc was just a troubled but good hearted guy caught up into a series of events. It washes out all the complexity that made the character interesting in the first place :/
Alters are once again treated as disposable plot devices for the protagonist to get on with the plot, as they were in the previous volume and the supporting cast was in the first. It's a bit of this run's thing at this point and ok, it works, but it's a bit sad to see this imbalance of importance between Marc and the others, despite making up for this a bit towards the end.
We see Steven's origin story with them as children and we get hinted at Commander's when they talk about toys, but we see absolutely nothing on Jake? Especially since the previous volume went out and about talking of this supposed long-term struggle between Marc and Jake but we see nothing of sort. Just a few lines during Elias' funeral and- we're not even sure if that was supposed to be Jake jumping out of the window or it was Marc again. Either way, it's not remotely the conflict that was talked about. And given it's not a reference to past comics, all it's left at the end is something pointing to a void in the narrative.
Speaking of Commander, he comes back during the rescue scene but he is completely absent during the final confrontation with Khonshu. We were told he was new so it's understandable that he's absent from the flashback but- what about the ending? This kind of betrays even further his placeholder nature, not a character that was meant to be carried on or become a part of the main cast. Sort of a B-lister alter. Mh
Where the hell is Randall? Ok, I'm all in for not cluttering the plot with unneeded stuff but I'm sure there could've been a way to treat this character interestingly? Or even mentioning him in some way? Lemire namedropped a lot of useless stuff over the course of this run so why not namedropping him too during the family scenes? Considering he's family?? I think he would've have been very useful as a character for an hypothetical Jake origin story or flashback if Lemire wanted to elaborate further on his violent background thing. Of the few things I'd salvage from Randall's earlier appearances there's the two brothers being often bullied or targeted by antisemitism at school. Jake could have been a response to that and an effort to keep his little brother (and later everyone society threw off a bus) safe and cared for. But there are endless possibilities for those characters dammit, I shouldn't do the writers' homework for them. (on a more subjective note - I'd have preferred they'd have shown more of this instead of the egyptian fantasy excursus. I you're following my rambles for long enough you know I love ancient Egyptian stuff but- it's always been the least interesting part of Moon Knight stories)
Ok listen, Elias' death scene works very well in the context of this story and I'm not mad about the change, but considering the original placement of that event (the end of the first run) and the huge impact it had on the character I'm left here wondering how is that moment in the MK system's life folding out in this "new" version of the story, if that happened at all, why did Steven give up being the system's host and all of that. How should I read further references to Elias' death, as Lemire's or the Moench's? I will probably choose on case-by-case scenario. It's mostly a me problem lol I'm kind of a perfectionist in this case. So it's not a con per se, more of a thing I've had mixed feelings about. Purely subjective.
I think I've talked about this before but I still have a lot of mixed feelings about the alters (or Steven at least) being introduced as imaginary friends. It works within the context of the story and all of that but it kinda reinforces the idea that the alters are some sort of separate extra things from an "original" one which is lowkey implied to be more important or at least with a more concrete basis than the others who are made-up beings. (plot twist: everyone is "made up" in some way or another. All people play their own characters in life, systems just happen to have a roster of them)
I really loved the interlocking of past and present eventually converging into one narrative, it echoes the second volume with the alters getting mixed up with each other until they all arrive in the same place and there's the confrontation sequence. And another, final confrontation sequence happens here too but I'll get to that later
The pacing and the panel layouts are *chef kiss*. You already know how I love Smallwood and I think we can all agree on the art being gorgeous. I also appreciated the use of the visual medium to convey metaphors (like being sucked by a giant brain for "being lost in your mind" and such) and parallels (the "time means little here" sequence escalating into a meta level). It really also conveyed the feeling of going up against something some sort of eldritch being above human limits and comprehension, transcending the rules of time, space and medium. Gotta love some cosmic horror bits from time to time.
Ok it's time to address the elephant in the room. The fucking finale is GOLD. I'm ready to forgive every sin Mr. Lemire committed in this run just for that few last pages. I think this scene is so powerful because it embodies the desire of a lot of people to step up for themselves and win back their peace from an oppressive power – whether it may be. It’s a sentiment a lot of people can understand and relate to. I'm not even strictly talking about systems. Everyone at some point in their life has had their own bird-in-a-suit they really wanted to crush under their fingers so to finally have some quietness. It’s also one of the super rare cases Moon Knight’s illness gets treated by the story with the tact and respect of a real condition and not a narrative device, a glamourised funny quirk or the butt monkey for some really unpleasant jokes. In that moment Marc, Steven and Jake are a person with a serious condition that can’t be fixed or just forgotten. And in doing so the narrative sends a wonderful message to everyone struggling a similar battle: “I will never be cured. This is always going to be who I am. But I can still live. I can still have a life. And I won’t let you ruin that for me anymore” You can heal the trauma but you can’t change how a person is or how their brain works just because it doesn’t conform to your sense of normality. In a world and culture where it seems that as soon as you fall a bit out of the neatly pre-assembled boxes of society you’re treated as a disgusting waste of space, having something saying that’s ok and you’re still entitled to exist in this world just as anybody else can be life-changing to some, even if they come from a work of fiction. I’m sure there are people out there whom hold this run dear close to their heart because of these last lines. This is why I love well-crafted stories that touch readers' hearts, offer solace during difficult moments, or even change their lives altogether. In the context of Moon Knight this is also a huge breakthrough since the character’s condition, which is one of the core parts of what makes the character well- itself, has been more or less consistently swept under the carpet after the end of the Moench run. It’s a breath of fresh air after decades of suffocating denial. “But Xenon” some might say “this woke obsession with representation in the recent years is getting into the way of writing characters that are actually functional to tell a story!” The only obstacle on the way of a compelling, useful and respectful use of a character with a real-life condition is just the willingness of the author to put some god-forsaken effort on it and do their research, for Thot’s sake. The success of this run to the point of being the inspiration for the MCU series is the proof it can be done. It might not have been super great here all the times, but it set a new baseline on the portrayal of the character upon which future authors can build.
Now that i got it off my chest,
Final thoughts:
Not gonna lie, despite my criticism this is one of the runs I always suggest people to read when they ask me for comic recommendations. It might not be an accurate representation of how Moon Knight stories usually are / are supposed to be, but it's a well-written and wonderfully illustrated self-contained story that gives a nice introduction to a number of very different aspects of the character: the supporting cast, his struggles with mental health, his alters -despite Jake not being on point but the concept is There- and his origin story. It's great for casuals or people just mildly curious because it doesn't ask too much prior knowledge of the character, gives you a delicious bite of everything and leaves you wanting more.
Probably one of those runs that is better enjoyed if you don't know the comics version of the character, even.
And a better introduction to comics!Moon Knight for people coming from the MCU series than whatever the hell is going on with CotD, that's for sure.
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moaserendipity · 1 year
The Eighth Sense final thoughts
first of all I need to give this BL a 100000000/10. I don't think I have ever been this impressed with a Korean BL after "Semantic Error"
When the BL just started I rated it on "Mydramalist" and I immediately gave it a 10/10 after just 4 episodes. Now I usually don't do this because rating a drama before it ends is just a bit fast. I think the way they filmed this was brilliantly done, like I loved every aspect of it. I don't know much about making films or I am not artistic in any way, except for writing maybe but The entire BL was shot in such a pleasing way.
Now the thing that I loved most about the way they made this, was the color scheme and I think a lot of watchers can agree with me on this. The way Jaewon was mostly dark/sad tones because of his depression/trauma that he was in and the way they gave Jihyun the light colors, to show that he was the one that would "save" Jaewon out of his dark state, it was just brilliant and something I also noticed is that they started matching their clothes at certain moments. Anyway it was so pleasing to watch.
Now going to the characters, Lim Ji Sub as Jaewon, this was a brilliant decision. I didn't really know JiSub before so I was very surprised to see his acting, which was just amazing. The way he portrayed Jaewon's depression, I don't think I have seen this with a lot of actors, I mean you could see it, feel it in every viber that he was broken inside. The way he was wearing a mask around his friends, it was clear as day and the way his world changed the second he met Jihyun was amazing.
Oh Jun Taek as Jihyun was everything. I like to applaud him especially since he really is new to the acting scene. You couldn't really tell at all. I loved how Jihyun was very composed in the beginning but the second he met Jaewon, he started to change to a bolder/sassier version of himself. He literally bloomed with Jaewon on his side. It was amazing so I like to applaud Jun Taek for his amazing acting skills.
Spoilers ahead:
Now the story itself. Just wow! The way they made me suddenly believe in "Love at First Sight" was something else. Because you can't tell me that wasn't love at first sight when Jihyun broke up the fight between Jaewon and Taehyung. The way they locked eyes and the way Jihyun gently let his hand slide over Jaewon's arm, I felt that and I was hooked right away. Maybe I also fell in love at first sight at that moment.🤭
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After that everything just clicked. The moment in I think episode 3? that Jaewon & Jihyun waited for the Cab, was the moment I was left breathless because the moment he grabbed Jihyun, things got super intense and I was in awe because I felt that stare. Like damn!!!!! That was definitely something else.
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The thing that did irk me but didn't ruin the story or anything was the way Jaewon sometimes treated Jihyun, like after that first kiss, he ghosted him and I get it. He must've felt confused and didn't want to drag Jihyun into his dark world, so I felt sad for Jihyun but when Jihyun took it upon himself to seek Jaewon out, I already forgave Jaewon for everything🤭
When their relationship started to deepen, I was again impressed with how Jihyun had control over Jaewon. Not in a bad way but more in a comforting way. The scene with them in the restaurant where Taehyung made that remark about not having siblings. The way Jihyun immediately grabbed Jaewon's leg which made Jaewon calm down, was brilliantly done. Now the way Jaewon is completely in love with Jihyun is also a pleasure to see. I loved it that he actually went to Jihyun when he needed him and that Jihyun just went with him without too many questions, not like Jaewon was answering them until later but anyway. Their trip was amazing. I loved the moment where they slept on the beach. Jihyun was cold and he actually went closer to Jaewon and JAewon just accepted it and held him. I loved that and then the kissing in the water. I loved that so much, the teasing made it even more perfect.
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then the scene in the hotel? room, just perfection. I loved the way they shot this as well. It was intimate without showing too much. I loved the playfulness and the pure bliss on their faces and especially on Jaewon. It was like he had finally found his safe haven. It was just perfection and also the song choice was the cherry on top.
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Now I don't want to talk about what happened after because I got "traumatized" by that as well. How could they do that to us and made us wait a week before we found out if he was alive or not. Thankfully he did survive but Jaewon had fallen back into his darkness, which seemed even more severe than before. Also Taehyung I hate his guts, the way he provoked Jaewon and then tried to get him expelled. Believe me, I would've done the same thing to him for making a remark like that, assh*le.
But thankfully Jihyun came to the rescue again. I loved that he did that, especially since Jaewon was ignoring him. I felt sad every time Jaewon looked at Jihyun. He wanted to be him so badly but couldn't because of his guilt. In the process of that he did everything he could to keep Jihyun away even by hurting him with his words or by letting Eun Ji kiss him, which still makes my stomach turn because that was so damn awkward every time it happened. Now I do like the way Jaewon was shocked to see Jihyun's painful shock when Eun Ji was kissing him. I think that did something to him and after talking to Jihyun's boss, he felt bad for sure. When he was sitting at the waterside, I at first didn't spot his tears but after watching it again I saw them and I actually felt really sad and wished he just got up and ran to Jihyun, which after finally reading his texts, he did. That song from Conan Gray made everything better and the way Jihyun knew he had finally come, gave me shivers. I actually applauded that scene and everything that happened after was perfect. The sweet scene in bed where they just hugged each other comfortably just made me cry out of happiness.
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I love how clingy Jihyun is. that scene on the roof where he just melts into Jaewon, was just "chef's kiss" and again you can tell that Jaewon loves Jihyun so so much. I just love it and the way he immediately clears things up for Jihyun when he asked was also a fresh breath of air. Like no beating around the bush just a straight "Yes, we are dating" THANK YOU!!!!!
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I didn't like how he made up with Taehyung though because if that was me. I would not even want to be in the same room. but anyway, I love that we got our happy ending and when it was over after that sweet kiss and the road trip I felt sad because it ended but what more can you wish for tbh. It was a perfect ending.
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So yeah what else can I say except for this was pure Perfection.
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hopelesscatdad · 10 months
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@rollingwheels @kaderp C'mon yall, a lil originality. Dbdhdhd I'm joshing, but one of you better say Jinx to get some free soda from the other. Never turn down free soda.
Ramone proposes. Not because he's a dude, but because it feels right. It's their dynamic. He would follow Flo to the end of the earth, and he would do anything to make her happy. He doesn't wait long, proposing on only their first relationship anniversary. Technically, a week before, as he proposes on the day they met. He offers that this might be fast, but it was only a week before they were together, it as fast then too, and he says that he didn't think he was worthy of even touching her, and he doesn't think he's worthy of even asking this now, but would she marry him?
She says yes, of course. Tells him he is more than worthy, always has been. He's tearing up, and then they're kissing, and Ramone swears he's the luckiest guy in the world that the most beautiful, sassy, fun girl happened to cruise into his shop and never leave a year ago. Flo is so eternally grateful that she followed her friends into that art deco building, leading her to an utter gentleman dedicated to treating her like a queen no matter what.
They keep kissing, but it's not passionate. They're not making out. They just don't want to leave the other. They stay side by side, overlooking the Ornament Valley from one of their favorite secret pullouts up in the mountains.
We know from the diecasts that during their wedding Ramone is painted up like Flo. She insisted that the color theme could be anything Ramone wanted, and still he matches her. It's a testament to their first interaction again. She's too good to touch. She's already painted perfectly for the wedding. She at least convinces him to do his paintjob in his classic metallic flake.
I like to think it was a smaller wedding. Maybe some relatives if they have any/any that could come. But otherwise, it's just the town residents. The town is Ramones family now, and quickly becoming Flos too. Besides, Flo has come to realize she doesn't miss the crowds from her showgirl days anyways.
Sheriff puts up detour signs to redirect travelers through backstreets. While he enjoys the festivities, he's also very dedicated to ensuring no one barges in on the event.
There's no dress code, though many opted in for a paintjob similar to what they had already, only darker, she with more clear coat. A more formal version of what they already had(for Luigi this resulted in more of an almost gold hue, as straight darkening of yellow is never good)
Ramone tears up again during the vows, but it's alright because this time Flo does too. They kiss long and slow, without a care to who is watching, townie or redirected tourist far off in the distance. They're inseparable the rest of the day, driving so close they're often grazing the other. They masterfully slowdance(unable to resist, they'd been practicing excitedly for at least a week in private), and quickly establish their own freestyle dancing for general music, from carefree and fun to purposeful and flirtatious.
Everyone has a blast, and for all of them but Lizzie, it's their first wedding in town. Lizzie thanks them for getting married in front of the town hall, instead of booking a vendor at a larger, nearby city. They assure her that wasn't even a thought in their heads.
The event was only planned for the afternoon and early evening, but everyone was so happy and joyous, they never opened back up, and simply continued to play the music, hang out, and occasionally dance for the rest of the day and night.
Anyways that's all for now, feel free to send more asks about these two!
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armpirate · 8 months
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 8 minutes
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I regain some strength back, able to feel the softness of the sheets on my fingertips as I move them slightly over them. Although I'm just waking up, I feel as tired as ever before. The weight of my eyelids seem to have multiplied by two when I try to open them, and I'm only able to see a blurry figure on my left, before it moves and a drowned and heavy voice comes from it, trying to get somebody to come here. 
—Are you okay? —she asks, pressing her hand on my shoulder.
—If only you stopped screaming —I complain, closing my eyes again. 
—If only you stopped screaming —Soo mocks me, landing her flat hand against my bicep right after—. Fucking asshole. Do you have an idea of how scared I was? And all because of your reckless ass and that bad habit of not wearing a helmet. 
—Do you know what happened? —I manage to sit straight on the bed.
—A man invaded your side of the road while turning —I hear her click her tongue, before she sits on the edge of the bed—. Seriously, what's wrong with people? Does no one know how to drive or what? It's quite simple to keep the car in your own lane when you're doing something as simple as turning.
—Soo, let it be —I stop her.
I know she will start ranting, and the longer her rant goes, the higher her voice pitch will also increase, and my head can't take her high volumes right now. Although I'm lucky enough, because the nurse shows up before she can even continue. 
She mentions I was quite lucky, because except for a few scratches, bruises and latent pains, nothing bigger happened to me -especially after he brings up the fact that I wasn't wearing a helmet, something that gets my sister to smirk and look at me with annoying eyes. 
—Get some rest. What happened to you is no joke —he mentions—. We'll keep an eye on you for a few days anyway.
—Thank you —my sister greets him—. Did you hear him? It's no joke.
—I didn't say it was —I answer, confused.
—But you still didn't have the balls to put a helmet on after all these years —she huffs.
Honestly, in neither of these years I had an accident, not even a small hill that could get me throwing my hands at my head. I'm a pretty good driver in general, and this wouldn't be the first time something like this happens. A few months back, a dumbass almost ran over me with his truck when he didn't see me waiting for the traffic light to turn green at the front -something similar to what happened last night-, and he started accelerating, forcing me to move fast to the right. But why didn't I see it coming yesterday?
I try to recreate everything that happened last night. I was alone, which meant that Y/n wasn't with me -and considering I always pick her up to spend the night with her, I didn't even get to see her before all of that happened.
—Does Y/n know I'm here? —Soo looks at me confused when I drop the question.
—No, I didn't tell her.
—Why didn't you? She's probably worried.
—Supposedly, your relationship is a secret. And you told me not to make it obvious, because you said she didn't want us to know yet —she crosses her arms over her chest—. Wouldn't it be suspicious if I called her because you, someone she supposedly isn't close to, had an accident?
—Where's my phone? —I ask, sighing.
—I don't know. It wasn't with your belongings when I came here —she shrugs, pointing to the few things on the nightstand at my left—. I'll call Tam —she stops me from moving—. If Y/n knows it from her, it'll seem like everyone else in the group already knows and it won't be as weird.
—That's why you're the future of our family —I snap my fingers, pointing proudly at her.
—I can't say the same about you —she rolls her eyes.
I don't care about what she says, because she'll still make sure Y/n knows I'm here, and not completely ignoring her. She looks back at me, leaving her phone on her lap after she's done typing, and looks back at me. 
—I hope Y/n knows how clingy you are —she rolls her eyes.
—As if Mark wasn't the same way with you —I reply back. 
—Could be —Soo purses her lips, before she continues—. But I don't have him filmed while crying in his sleep.
Making sure I'm not able to reach the phone, Soo plays a video, where I can see myself lying in this exact bed while I'm sleeping. Out of nowhere, I start sobbing, frown sinking down the bridge of my nose, while my lips are slightly pressed against one another. Suddenly, I cry Y/n's name out loud, shaking my head a bit, before I call her again and the video finishes.
Soo moves her arm faster than me, stepping back when I try to snatch her phone away.
—I'm warning you. If that video ends up somewhere...
—Hmm, Y/n should know how down for her you are —she teases me—. We love romantic and vulnerable guys. 
—Soo... —I warn her again. 
—What are you going to do? Run after me? —she starts picking up her things— The moment you're able to hop off that bed, I'll be already getting out of here.
—What do you want for that video? —I ask her, as I see her walking to the door— I can give you anything you want. Money? The nice spot on the family table? Huh? 
But she completely ignores me, leaving me alone in the room while waves at me as she crosses the door. 
I'll kill her. 
✸ ✸ ✸
It's only been ten minutes since she left, but it seems like it's been hours since she's gone. 
I lay back on the bed, closing my eyes while I try to keep my mind blank. Maybe if I don't think about anything, time will pass by faster. 
A few steps interrupt my thoughts, and my whole body reacts to that soft touch on my forearm, at the same time her fruity scent makes my heart beat faster. Suddenly, a slurp breaks the silence, and a drowned sob gets me to open my eyes. Y/n is trying not to cry while looking down at my body.
—Why are you crying? —I pretend to be waking up just now. 
She just shakes her head, swiping her tears away with her sleeve while she breathes in deeply to control those sobs. I look at her from up closer, resting my body on my elbows before I speak again. 
—Who are you?
It was supposed to be a joke. I just wanted to loosen the tension and show her I'm well, despite being here and looking the way I probably am. I still have strength to be a pain in the ass if she wants me to be. But she doesn't laugh. The second I drop those words, her calmed crying intensifies again.
Wrong idea.
Of course she wasn't going to laugh at that.
I pull her in for a hug, dragging her body on mine to calm her down. 
—Cocktease, it was just a joke —I play with her hair.
And while I was worried she'd feel bad after seeing me like this, now I'm worried about what her reaction will be once she calms down a bit, her crying stops, and she finally looks at me again. 
I'm a dead man.
—You're okay? —she nods at my question, breath going normal slowly— I was just joking.
—Who jokes with something like that? —she hits my arm— God, you're so lucky I'm in love with you...
My heart squeezes on my chest when she says those words. They flew so naturally out of her mouth, that I have no doubt they're real. So, how many times I'm willing to be run over just to feel like this again?
I'm not able to tease her about it though, because another nurse interrupts us, greeting us both and checking out everything is okay -as if the other nurse didn't check that already.
—The doctor will come in a few minutes —she lets us know.
When she leaves us alone again, I can see Y/n trying her best to keep her eyes away from me, looking at every single spot in the room that could get her attention -although I don't need to see her face properly to know she's biting her bottom lip, managing to keep any weird sounds in her mouth. 
—You're going to act like you didn't say anything, don't you?
—What did I say? —she looks at me, tilting her head while frowning her eyebrows— I didn't hear anything.
I don't really need her to repeat those words again. At least not for now. The fact that in the back of her head she's aware that she's in love with me makes me smile stupid. This woman in front of me is in love with me. 
—What happened? —she tries to divert the topic.
Although if she thinks she'll get away with it, she doesn't really know me.
—I went out with Tae last night. I didn't even drink —I deny all suspicions that could land on me when she squints her eyes at me—. I stopped at a red light, and I just saw a car coming in my direction. I guess he should've opened up a bit more while turning, but he didn't and that's why he ran me over.
—And of course you weren't wearing a helmet —she rolls her eyes.
Who cares about the accident though?
I change the topic, moving it back to where we left it. I dig the finger on her side, making her body squirm and flinch, while I insist for an answer to what she said. I know I shouldn't be pressuring her, but it felt so good to hear it out of her lips.
—Oh —a feminine voice interrupt us—, I didn't know you were here.
I'll fucking kill her.
Soo enters the room, looking at us with a funny smile, while she places herself on the spot she was occupying before she left for a coffee.
—Tam told me he was here —she hops off the mattress—. And came to see how he's doing.
—Right —Soo nods.
—But I'll get going now —she informs us—. Glad to see you're okay.
She moves nervously, running away from the room as if she had been caught committing the worst of the crimes. While looking back at us, she isn't aware of what's in front of us, and ends up hitting her body against the wall. She turns again to us, smiling and waving her head before she finally leaves.
—There's no doubt you two are made for each other —Soo comments, sitting back on the chair.
—You couldn't wait outside?
—Nope —she finally says.
✸ ✸ ✸
Later that day, Soo manages to come around with a new phone, along with my old phone. Apparently, the owner of the clothing shop found it and kept it with him. So the only thing I have to do know is change the SIM card from one phone to the other, and pray Soo doesn't use this against me for too long. 
It's quite obvious what I'm going to do as soon as I get the new phone to work: 
Me: Soo won't leave me alone.
Me: She's here all day
Me: Sorry for not letting you know before I was here.
Cocktease: It's alright.
Cocktease: And stop complaining. It's sweet she's there with you.
Me: It'd be better if you were the one here with me.
Y/n takes a few seconds to reply back, although I interrupt whatever it is she's going to send, to send her off to sleep. It's quite late.
Me: Love you, cocktease.
Me: Even if you still hadn't said it back.
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