#anyway I’m just having Solomon feelings as usual
misc-obeyme · 7 months
Thinking about Solomon a lot lately. (When am I not, really.)
Do you think he’s going to end up staying in the past because only one person can return to the present? That he’s going to send MC back while he stays behind?
He’s immortal, so he could find MC again in the future. But they’ve also talked about branching timelines so what if he finds MC in that timeline and they don’t remember him? And the MC that he sent back finds themselves in a timeline where he just doesn’t exist?
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obm-avenquire · 1 year
Obey Me! Seven Minutes In Heaven Hell
[I’m honouring my rotten god awful roots from hell. Put up with it. I hope this gives someone whiplash. I am writing this both as a joke and with complete sincerity and i wont be explaining myself if you get it you get it if you dont then i hope youll find it entertaining anyway. I used my own deviantart for 2012 for reference for this]
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Another day, another party in the Devildom. 
You have no idea how any of them have energy for all this - it feels like every week someone will pull some cause for celebration out of thin air and suddenly they’ve hired a catering company and a truckload of helium balloons. Of course, Diavolo - fuelled by his unending fear of missing out and need for enrichment - enables it every time, doing everything he can to get himself and everyone else you know invited. Which is…fine, you like seeing them all. In moderation. At none noisy crowded events. Ah, well. Such is the burden of a dating sim protagonist. Slumber parties at the castle are a little less high maintenance at least.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when Asmodeus calls your name, waving you over with Demonus-flushed cheeks before dragging you away from the balcony and back into the big guest room-turned-common-room-sleeping-area. You definitely think there’s a better way to phrase that, but you barely have time to think when Asmo is pushing you to sit down in the collective circle (his strength always surprises you, and he’s maybe just a little too tipsy to regulate it properly), pressing a kiss on your cheeks before running off to herd together the rest of the group.
You look around the circle, giving Satan an affirming but vague nod that he returns with an equally innocuous smile, which you accept as you always do and go back to your usual little headcount. Belphegor was dozing on the sofa, threatening to sprawl over Satan (who was ‘gently’ repositioning him whenever necessary), Mephistopholes (who had invited himself) was preaching his very special gospel to Beelzebub at the snack table while Asmodeus did whatever he could to wrangle the younger away because his plate was basically just a tower of snacks at this point and he could always get more later so if he would just pleeeeaaaaasssee-
You stop paying attention, instead giving Simeon and Raphael a little wave as they walk in.
“Welcome back,” You shuffle over slightly to make space for the two of them, Simeon sitting down next to you as Raphael decides to stand rigidly slightly off to the side just a little behind the sofa, and just…stay there. Well, whatever makes him comfortable, you guess. “Did Luke arrive safe?”
“He did, thankfully,” Simeon smiles, tucking his phone into the pockets of his trousers, “I can’t believe Serun broke all their bones and had to be hospitalised again. I feel awful not being able to visit, but, well…” He sighs, shrugging, “He wanted to go himself, and insisted he could manage, so…You know how he i-”
“What? I only came because I was promised melon cake!” You’re not sure where Thirteen popped up from, but she’s already on the armchair in the corner, kicking her legs over the armrests as she rolls her eyes. “What a waste of time.”
“Oh! Well, he still finished that, actually, so-” There’s a distinctive arcane shink sound that cuts Simeon off mid sentence. “Now, Raphael, put the spear away, you can’t do that here-” Ever the stickler for manners, it seems. Oh well. Not your problem. 
“Hey, so I’ve been meaning to ask.” Thirteen raises her eyebrows at your voice, pupils knife-like and theatrically bitchy in the dim candlelight.  “Why are you covered in soot.” 
“Well,” She scoffs, clicking her tongue, “Since someone-” She glares at Solomon from across the room, who smiles very nicely and innocently through his conversation with Barbatos- “Decided to ‘dismantle’-” She does incredibly heavy and repeated air quotes with her fingers, “My special little bomb boy it exploded all wrong!”
“I understand completely. I’m sorry someone would ever do something so awful to you, you don’t deserve that even slightly.” She snorts, balling up the tissue she was using to wipe the ashes off her forearm and throws it at your head. It disintegrates in midair before so much as making contact, and you squint over in the sorcerer's direction. He’s not even looking your way, and Barbatos whispers something you can’t make out to him as Thirteen groans and throws up her hands in frustration, sliding into what must be an incredibly uncomfortable position. It doesn’t seem to bother her, though, and she picks at her nails grumpily. Oh well!
“-Stop complainin’ already, would it really kill ya to join in?” Mammon is doing everything in his power to pull Levi through the door by the collar of his coat, but the younger seems to be trying to retract his own head into his shirt like a turtle to try and get out of it. 
“You’re killing me you’re the worst and I hate youandIhopeeverythingbadeverhappenstoyoua-” 
“Yeah yeah whatever. Shut up and sit.” Mammon slings his arm over Levi’s shoulder, dragging him down into the circle just as Lucifer and Diavolo finally come back from whatever it was they were getting done. 
“Lucifer, don’t make that face!” Diavolo nudges his bestest of friends, who looks particularly miserable, even as Barbartos silently refills his glass before they all, too, sit to join, the prince and his right hand man on the final empty sofa, the butler instead choosing to kneel neatly a little off to the side from Mammon and Levi. Satan adeptly shoves Belphegor upwards at just the right timing for Beelzebub to sit down (his twin slumps right back into his shoulder). Mephistopholes complains that there isn’t a proper place to sit til Mammon trips him and he ungracefully tries to pass it off as deciding to sit on the floor as Thirteen barks a sharp laugh at him.
A pleasant hum of conversation settles through the room, Asmodeus stumbling into hugging Solomon, whispering something between the invocation trio that you can’t quite make out before spinning around and clapping his hands together (cutely. It’s important to emphasise that he did this so so cutely) to get everyone’s attention.
“E---veryone!!!” He waits a few seconds for silence, shooting a glare at whoever dares to continue in the wake of this very very important announcement. “It’s time for a very special game! Have we all heard of 7 minutes in heaven?” He bounces on the tips of his feet in excitement despite the lukewarm reception. “Okay well that’s a mostly no then I guess-  Honestly! I know it’s a human world thing, but really?” He pouts, and you note that Diavolo’s visible excitement has increased exponentially already. 
“Allow me to explain,” Solomon cuts in, confirming your suspicion that he’d been somehow roped into this. “Two or more participants are selected - in our case by drawing lots - to go into a closet or equivalent and do whatever they like for 7 minutes.” Everyone seems a lot more attentive, suddenly. “Ah, of course, we’ll be taking magic precautions to make sure that there’s no cheating, and certainly no one breaking into the closet before time is up,” He grins, clearly enjoying this already. 
“The heck.” Mammon grumbles, oddly fidgety all of a sudden, “There ain’t even a closet in here,” Leviathan nods aggressively. He’s sweating. 
“Hm? Oh! That won’t be a problem, haha! Barbatos was kind enough to offer to help out with that,” The aforementioned butler steps aside to reveal a simple wooden door on the wall that decidedly hadn’t been there earlier. “We even made sure it was sound-proofed! You know, just in case.”
“What a curious game! Shall we start right away?” Diavolo beams, inadvertently cutting off Mephistopholes, who’d just opened his mouth to no doubt complain that this sort of juvenile and inappropriate game had no place at a gathering with the Devildom’s one and only prince. 
“Yes!! Everyone write your name on a piece of paper, okay?” Asmo begins handing out paper and pens to everyone, shushing any complaining he meets. “You don’t have to play! It just means you’re boring and no fun and that you’ll never get a chance like this again.” 
Better write your name, then. You’d hate to miss out. 
You watch as Barbatos collects everyone’s paper slips, dropping them into a glass bowl and shaking periodically to shuffle them well. You immediately lose track of yours, so you figure that it’s worked.  After what feels like a slightly inordinate amount of time, everyone seems to have put their name in the bowl - sure, some were more…begrudging or in need of convincing than others, but that’s normal! Anyways-
“Oooo I’ve been waiting for this all evening!” Asmodeus grabs the bowl, tap-tap-tapping along the rim for effect, perfectly manicured nails making a pleasant ASMR-esque tink noise. “Right, first u-”
“Uhm, how do- how do we know you’re, uh, not rigging this?” Asmo whips his head around to stare open-mouthed at Levi.
“Excuse me? I would never-”
“Mm, there’s no guarantee though, is there?” Asmodeus pouts at Satan, grumbling something about being personally offended and making sure to snitch next time Satan asks him for a favour.
“Fine! Since I’m so untrustworthy and awful-” The smile is switched back on as he saunters over to you, swishing the bowl around carefully before holding it out to you. “Why don’t you pick? No one will complain then, right?” 
The silence in the room means yes, presumably.
“Go on hun! Don’t be nervous-” He winks, and your mouth quirks into a smile to humour him, carefully reaching into the bowl for two slips of paper, pulling them out and carefully unfolding them to reveal-
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
[As is tradition, I'll be uploading the individual 'endings' as I write them :) I'll be putting a poll up on my account for who to write first (within reason, I don't think tumblr will let me put up enough options to cover everyone) so feel free to suggest people in the replies/tags too!! there will be no luke option becuz i dont know how to put hardware destroying malware in clickable links yet sory :( feel free to simulate the experience urself tho!!]
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slutifer · 14 days
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First Date
pairing: Mammon x gn!mc content: fluff!! wc: 667 a/n: i had fun writing this one, also ik this was an anon request but this goes out to one of my favorite mammon themed blogs on here,, u know who u are lucifer / mammon (you are here) / levi / satan / asmo / beel / belphi / solomon
“Oi, human!” A voice called out from behind you, as you walked down a long stretch of hall towards your room. You didn’t even have to turn around to know it was your first man and favorite nuisance (affectionate). You turn on your heels, met instantly with a mess of white hair and golden skin as he shoves something in your hands. Your eyebrows furrow as you stare at the piece of paper. 
“What’s this?” 
“It’s a coupon for one free date with your favorite demon.” Mammon states matter-of-factly, looking quite pleased with himself. Your eyes narrow slightly, a smile creeping its way onto your lips. “Oh, my favorite demon?” You ask innocently.
“Yup! The one and only Ma-”
“-mmon. Wait, what?” His smile drops so quickly, you couldn’t help the barrage of giggles that escaped you. 
“Mammon, if you wanted to take me on a date, you could’ve just asked.” You nudge him lightly with your shoulder. His cheeks flush almost instantly, his hand reached to rub the back of his neck the way he usually does when he’s flustered. 
“I- I don’t know what you mean,” He averts his eyes, stumbling over his words, “I’m doin’ you a favor, human.” He folds his arms over his chest, attempting to appear confident in his words.
“But uh,” Mammon clears his throat, opening his mouth and quickly shutting it again, still avoiding your gaze. You wait patiently for Mammon to gather his thoughts, smoothing out the creases in the coupon (which wasn’t really a coupon, but a page from a magazine with the words ‘congratulations, you’ve won a free date!’ scribbled over a shot of Mammon).
“Would you?” He asks hesitantly, finally setting his eyes on you. “Would you go on a date with me?” 
The wind blew through your hair softly as you strolled barefoot through the sand. Mammon’s hand grazed yours lightly before he took it in his, intertwining your fingers and peering at you over his sunglasses. His cheeks were flushed, his skin almost glittering in the light of the setting sun. 
“I’m so glad Diavolo let us use his private beach, how did you even swing that anyway?” You hook your free hand over Mammon’s forearm, feeling the veins under his skin. 
“Don’t worry about that. We’re here - aren’t we, treasure?” He smirks, squeezing your hand lightly. 
You laugh, pulling his arm closer, pushing aside thoughts of Mammon’s usual mischief.
“We are, and it’s so beautiful.” You sigh dreamily.
“Yeah, you are.” Mammon says, nudging you softly, a self satisfied grin on his face.
“You are so corny.” You laugh loudly, despite your heartbeat picking up its pace at his words. 
Mammon scoffs, that being your cue to book it down the beach. If teasing Mammon were an Olympic sport, you’d have unlimited gold medals. You ran as fast as you could, your smile nearly as bright as the sun. 
“Hey!” He laughed, watching you go, the fabric of your clothing flowing freely around you as you looked back at him. It was perfect, you were perfect. His perfect human.
Mammon raced after you, letting you think you were winning for a while before scooping you into his arms, lifting you in his embrace. Your laugh and his overlapped as he spun you around, your arms wrapped around his neck, steadying yourself.
“Mammon, I’m gonna get dizzy!” You squeal. He slows his spinning, plopping down onto the sand and pulling you onto his lap. 
“You really are beautiful, you know.” He says as his breathing slows to normal. You feel more heat flooding your cheeks as he sets his hands on your waist. His eyes studied your face as though he was committing every single one of your features to memory. 
“Mammon?” You trail your fingers over his cheekbone lightly. He leaned into you, eyelids fluttering at the sparks lingering under your touch.
“Yeah, baby?” He cups your hand in his, laying a sweet kiss to your palm.
“You are my favorite.”
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
I LOOOOVE Ur Alfie fics. Could u do just general headcannons about being married and starting a family with him? ❤️
Hi bb!!! Im so glad you like them! I hope you enjoy these HCs, I know I kind of went overboard! Maybe I’ll do a continuation?? Maybe I’ll focus on different aspect of life with him? Idk we’ll workshop it. As always, sending all my love 💕💕💕
Married Life with Alfie Solomons - HCs
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In planning the wedding, you initially were planning on a small wedding. Nothing too extravagant, just close family and a party at the house.
That’s what you planned anyway. It grew and grew with every family member that “HAD to come treacle!” Both of your families are rather large and extended. Mixed with business associates that had to be invited for sake of peace… it exploded into a 200 person affair.
Despite the fact that Alfie prefers to not be disturbed, it ended up being a grand affair. Drinks flowed. Laughter was raucous. The dancing never stopped! And there were only 3 fights, which Alfie involved himself in only 2 of them. Needless to say, it went rather well!
But your favorite part of the night above all was when you got home. Still giggling and warm from the party, you’re pulled into the parlor by your darling Alfie. Shirt half done, and hair a disaster, he looks so so handsome. His eyes so soft, he puts on the radio, bringing you in close to him, “Mrs. Solomons… would you give an old man a dance?”
And you do. Song after song, twirling around the parlor, enjoying the life that had a new layer of meaning.
Despite Alfie’s insistence that you shouldn’t keep working because, “No love of mine should be lifting a finger.” You kept your job at the distillery as his secretary and head of the jewelry shop. You insisted to Alfie that keeping your job that still made you feel like your own person, not just Alfie’s spouse.
There was something so intimate and special in waking up every morning with him, walking to the office with him, going through the work day, and coming home with him. If Alfie was clingy before, it had only grown worse since your nuptials. He loved having you near. He never wanted you away from his side.
Though the mornings were sweet, the evenings were by far your favorite with Alfie. Coming home, drawing the curtains closed to hide away in your own little oasis of solitude and quiet.
Instead of leaving you to do all the cooking and cleaning for the evening meal like other men of the time, Alfie stays wrapped close to your apron strings. As you craft a soul warming meal, he stays chopping and cutting, washing up the dishes as you go to ensure that the evening is free of any impediments.
Alfie takes Shabbat incredibly seriously. He is on a strict schedule on those days, and actually forbids you from working on Fridays, to let you prepare anything needed for the Sabbath. Many times your family joins you in your home, and Alfie takes the lead in prayers. Though you didn't think it was possible, your heart grows with adoration each time you watch him quietly go through the ritual. Watching his devotion and care to the faith and your people's history reminds you of the type of man he his.
Marriage with Alfie does not come without some arguments. It is Alfie Solomons. Both of you stubborn and passionate, it’s what makes you a formidable force together, but it also brings some… loud outbursts.
It usually is about whether or not he’s being wise in his decisions. But it also comes out when he thinks you’re not being careful. When a jealous flare rises up in him. Or just when he gets a little snippy.
But it doesn’t take much to make up. Once you and Alfie have let it all out, either one of you will go to the other and bridge the gap. When he’s particularly cross, all it takes is for you to find him in his favorite chair. Lean over the back of it, draping your arms across his neck. “I’m so sorry Alfie,” you whisper in his ear, a particular weakness, “I know you’re just looking out for me. Forgive me?” A few kisses in his neck and he’ll be dragging you into his lap, grumbling about how much of a vicious siren you are.
When you’re cross… Alfie pulls out all the theatrics. He comes to your room where you’ve holed up, seething. He gets on his knees, taking your hand in his, “Awe treacle… have pity on an old man. I’m sorry my love, I am. Don’t punish me too harshly now! Please give you husband a kiss yeah? This life is so short! Let’s not go to bed angry my love!”
And of course you forgive him. How can you not when he kisses you so sweetly, and begs so beautifully.
It will be a few years before you and Alfie have children. Alfie was worried that he wouldn’t be a good father due to his age, but in his heart of hearts he wanted little ones. He yearned to play with the kids on the floor with the dogs. To swing them around in the garden. Watch you be an incredible mother. Though he was afraid, you knew he would be the perfect father.
Once you both confessed your mutual desire for kids, it happened shockingly quickly. But is anyone really shocked? Alfie is determined and disciplined above all else.
Once you do get pregnant, Alfie does put his foot down. You are not coming into the office. It is far too dangerous for you to be coming in around all 'that business'. And Alfie heard from someone (he made it up) that working isn't good for birthing or babies.
He benches you for the entire pregnancy, and brings his former housekeeper Sarah out of retirement to help tend to you.
Every night Alfie would come home with something new for you. Brilliant and fragrant flowers. A sweet from the bakery. A new necklace or bracelet that you just had to have. "Growing a baby is hard work love! Especially with my kids! Big ol brutes growing in there eh?"
Whenever you became shy or uncomfortable about your changing body, Alfie would just croon in your ear, "Oh my love, you are absolutely radiant. An angel from God yeah? No no, a goddess. You're an absolute goddess yeah?" He'll rub your swollen feet as you cry, kissing your ankles as you release your stress and worries about the day.
As you can imagine... naming the baby (or babies as he liked to remind you of the possibility) was an incredible ordeal. No name was suitable.
"No no, he'll get hit. If I knew a little boy with that name in school, I would decimate him." "Now treacle that doesn't even sound good with Solomons!" "Mmm no. I don't like the meaning of the name. Not a good omen." "Can't do that name. I killed a man with that name."
After six days!! You both are able to come to an agreement. Joseph for a boy. Chava, after his mother. In the evenings, Alfie takes to reading to the baby, referring to them by both names. "Alfie dearest, there's only one in there!" "No no treacle. I know they're both in there. You may only feel one, but that's because Joseph is just a little shy ain't you my boy? Chava is going to be a little spitfire, just like her mum. They're in there, I know they are."
At night, Alfie pulls you to his side as he always does, with a protective hand splayed over your swollen belly. It's getting harder for you to sleep at night, so many times you lie awake, staring at your husband, running your own hand over your stomach, feeling the kicks and turns.
The prospect of twins is near impossible. But Alfie... he is so certain. And sometimes... sometimes you feel an extra flutter. An extra bit of energy that is almost missed.
The labor is hard. Long. Your mother comes to help along with Sarah and the midwife, and you had never felt pains like that before. Despite Sarah's admonishment, Alfie pushes himself into the room, wanting to be right next to you the entire time. He never leaves your side, brushing the sweat off your brow, kissing your head, reminding you how strong you are.
After 12 hours of labor, Joseph finally makes his appearance in the world. A large baby, with fat cheeks and long limbs. After a few announcing cries, Joseph settles into the arms of his father, fast asleep after his long journey. Alfie rejoices with you, holding up his son with joy, "Joseph! My boy! Welcome my son!"
You smile, a final sense of relief washing over you, until you feel another push coming.
7 minutes later, Chava comes careening into Earth, as loud as the choirs of heaven. Alfie catches Chava, marveling at how such a little body can produce such a sound. As Alfie cleans her face he just whispers, "This one... she will be an opera star."
Alfie joins you in bed once everything is settled. You spend the rest of the evening in and out of sleep. When awake you and Alfie just take turns holding the babies, marveling in how precious they are. How absolutely beautiful they are. While you sleep, Alfie walks around the house with both in his arms, just talking to them.
“Now you might not know this yet my angels… but you have the absolute best mother in the world. No I know, I don’t know how I got to marry her. But she is perfect. The best. We gotta protect her yeah?”
Alfie is the one who gets up in the night. Doesn’t want you to do more than you have to. And you’re already doing so much. Plus, he feels like he missed so much already, waiting till he was older to have a family and all. He doesn’t want to miss a single moment.
Alfie becomes even more soft and tender with you. Each morning he starts his day worshipping you almost. Telling you how much he loves you, how much he loves your children, how much he would give to protect you.
But he does become more paranoid about the dangers surrounding him. There’s two men posted at the door of the house at all times now, and you aren’t to go anywhere without either him or another trusted member of the gang. Though you fought him on it at first, you relented when you saw the palpable fear in his eyes.
He loves to show off the kids. He’s just so proud. He loves how much they look like you. “Better for them eh treacle? Glad they got the more beautiful out of the two.”
And while they did favor your features, they both carried Alfie’s eyes. Both gentle Joseph and powerful Chava carry that roaring ocean behind those dark lashes that brought you to Alfie all those years ago.
As the years go by, you only grow to love each other more and more. And every risk and every trial is worth the beautiful dream you get to have with Alfie.
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Ok ok. So I don’t usually like angst but what about WHB mc finally breaking after Sitri time after time has only considered and called them Solomon. Maybe it hurts more because mc has fallen for him so him still not viewing mc as their own person hurts even more? Anyways yeah :) I’m still very annoyed that Sitri consideres the mc as Solomon in WHB :):):)
OH ALSO, it would be kinda cool if Sitri could like hear how mcs heart beat changes and stuff when he calls them Solomon or something around this lines, I was thinking about this all last night.
Ok, hi Nini 💗 how was your dayyyy?? 💗💗
Heyyy, my day was pretty good, I like this idea so~ it will probably be short though. (I’m writing so much sfw stuff these days)
Annnd, idk how to write heartbeat, looked it up, and it said ‘lub’ and ‘dub’ soooo
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A steady heartbeat, rhythmic, like music to his ears. Sitri listened closely to your heart, he can read your mood like that. You were feeling bored, the beat was rather slow. He walked over to you, showcasing a gentle smile, “would you like some tea?” “Ah, sitri..! Yes, tea would be nice, thanks.”
The pace got chaotic, but calmed down eventually, seems like you were deep in thought. “I’ll prepare it.” You watched his back while he heated the water, those baby blue locks looked so pretty in your eyes. He was a devil, yes, but even so he is definitely one of the most charming ones. You also liked how attentive he was, he always knew instantly how you felt.
Your heartbeat got a little faster, were you impatient? He hurried up with the preparation, pouring the water over the leaves, then putting everything on a plate. Careful, diligent steps, not a single drop got wasted, how elegant. Sitri put the plate down on the table in front of you, he was still wearing a small smile. “Thank you, sitri!” You took a sip, and returned the smile to him. “My pleasure, Solomon.”
Ah… right. This time even you could feel your heartbeat drop. You’ve been tolerating him enough, everything with no fail, he always called you by that name. It was as if a needle pierced your heart, as if it got cut down and thrown out. He was attentive, but he was delusional, and that hurt. It hurts a lot.
The rhythm got hieratic, sitri’s eyes widened a little, was it the effects of the tea? “Solomon-” “stop, sitri, don’t utter that name.” “What do you mean, Solomon?” “Stop it, don’t call me by that name.” “Humans are so strange, why don’t you want me to call you by your name?” “Because it’s not mine!” Maybe it was because of your already shitty mood, but you snapped. “What..Solomon-” “stop! stop..stop, just, stop it…”
Ah, what a… raging heart, fast, uneven. It sounded painful, why? This always happened whenever he calls your name, so he thought it was ‘normal’. But this time, you didn’t have an ounce of sympathy, there was only disappointment. “Sitri, think about it, do I look like Solomon to you?”
It got louder, it sounded expectant, you told him to think? Right, your appearance wasn’t the same, but the soul, the heart beat, it was the same. You are Solomon, maybe only a reincarnation, but you were him. “I don’t understand, you are Solomon, there is nothing to change about it.”
Now it sounded like.. you lost hope? At what, what do you want from him? He didn’t understand humans- no, he didn’t understand you. “Sitri, I need time for myself. Leave.” “But-” “no, sitri, you don’t understand, I just want you to…” he looked at you expectantly, you could see that his eyes were filled with confusion. “To leave me alone for now, please.” Why couldn’t he understand, is he actively refusing to understand? You don’t want to hurt him, and you know he doesn’t want to hurt you neither, though this just won’t work. The devil listened to your heartbeat a last time, you were wavering between two sides, he definitely did something wrong, but what, what should he do, should he just leave? Maybe that’s for the best. So he did, letting out a deep sigh, face twisting into a sad one, and closing the door behind him.
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tjaejt · 2 months
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Big men, who you swear you could beat in a fight but in reality it wouldn’t take an ounce of strength from him to completely crumble you to pieces whenever he wants. His big and beefy body being able to crush your bones under a few seconds. Taking action and simply folding you under them whenever he hears your statement of you being way stronger than him. Palms bigger than yours, fingers longer and thicker, comparing yours to his, your fingertips reaching just about past his second knuckles, him holding your wrists together above your head, knees next to you on both side of you as his weight pushed you further and further into the mattress and not being able to get out of his grasp no matter how much you’re tossing around; or scooping you up and throwing you around anytime and everywhere he wants. And don’t even get started on the oh but i’m bigger body type. These men literally does not give a flying fuck about it, he will do it anyways.
Big and soft men, who would never hurt you from their will since causing hurt to you in any form or shape could make him lose his mind. Also protecting you from everything that means a possible danger to you, showing no mercy to anyone who in fact isn’t you. And when it comes to times when you get hurt and the cause is indeed him, he internally eats himself up from the inside about how could he been so thoughtless when he promised to himself all he will give to you is pure love and affection. It takes a few caresses on his cheeks and a couple of kisses and he’s already melted in your arms, only focusing on you and the thought of beating himself up is completely forgotten.
Big, soft and mean men, who could tease you all night, ‘till dawn, because what could you do? Punch him? Yes, you could try but we all know it’s nothing against him. So you just patiently wait there, looking pretty, while they’re mercilessly play games with you. These men can also rail you until you basically and literally see stars, going at a relentless pace without faltering the hold they have on you. Nails bruising your hips, thighs and waist every single time you’re together and by now you just learned to handle it in silence. You did try to warn him about it and they learned from it for brief 5 minutes at max, then lust covered their vision once again and got back to his usual behavior, we could say that he almost snapped his hips against you even more greedily this time. But even then, they don’t do this out of will… most of the times..
And it gets even ‘worse’ when your pretty fingers doesn’t even reach around his girth, struggling there with both of your hands, sitting between his muscled thighs and choking you with every inch you take further into your mouth. Him fucking into your mouth, not giving you any breaks or time to collect yourself, he doesn’t bother to stop himself and by the time, he’s the one who guides your head up and down on him. Tears collecting in the corner of your eyes, ready to spill. Oh how much he loves to see your face contorted like this, your cheeks flushed deep red and lips swollen. It could be almost enough to make him come just from that sight, feeling him twitch in your mouth and in response a muffled moan escaped your throat, sending vibrations through his body, up his spine, making him throw his head back immediately. His palms almost stuck in your hair, gripping and pulling on your well-cared locks like his life depended on it but you just couldn’t feel it from the ache of your jaw, the pain was stronger and by the time he could finish, all your nerves went numb.
So in conclusion, was he stronger than you? Yes. And will you ever admit it? Well, probably no. ♡
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genshin: DILUC; kaeya; ZHONGLI; ayato; BAIZHU; WRIOTHESLEY; alhaitham; hsr: JING YUAN; gallagher; dan heng; GEPARD; WELT; caelus; bllk: KUNIGAMI; NAGI; reo; ISAGI; otoya (?); rin (?); sae tokrev: MIKEY; draken; RINDOU; ran; hamna; valorant: SOVA; phoenix; chamber; gekko; ISO; obey me: lucifer; SATAN; BEELZEBUB; SOLOMON; haikyu: DAICHI; KAGEYAMA; kuro; iwaizumi; oikawa; BOKUTO; akaashi (?); suna (?); ATSUMU; ushijima;
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devildom-moss · 6 months
Happy 1 year anniversary to your blog! ❤️
Can I request gn! reader on their first date with Meph in nightbringer
hope you have a great day/night ^^
Thank you for the request. I had so much fun with it that I might have taken longer on it and made it a little longer than I should have. Oh well!
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Mephistopheles x gn!MC)
Prompt 9 - First date
How did this even happen? Mephisto wondered as he opened his car door for you, taking the opportunity to inconspicuously ogle at you as you got in.
You had taken the initiative and invited him out for a drink. His flustered, wide-eyed face confused you as the words tumbled from his mouth: “A-are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah, that was my intention,” you shrugged.
“Why, I never –! A human of all the –!” Mephisto mumbled to himself.
“What? I think you’re cute.” You furrowed your brows. “Have you never been asked on a date before?”
“I’ve been asked out before; I just never accepted. I’ve never had any interest before.”
“Before? So, you have interest now?”
“I didn’t say that, you impudent human!” Mephisto crossed his arms defensively, heat rising in his cheeks.
“Well, I suppose you might not be an ideal date anyway – due to the lack of experience and what not,” you teased.
“How dare you! I’m a gentleman. I would make an astounding escort –”
“Who said anything about an escort?”
“Escort on a date! Not a – forget it.” Mephisto mumbled. “I’ll pick you up at Cocytus Hall at 7pm tomorrow night. Wear something nice but comfortable!”
With that, he stormed off – just in time to hide the smile that cracked through his indignant façade.
He brought you to a nice restaurant – not quite as upscale as Ristorante Six, but you knew he had called ahead and leveraged his name (perhaps even slipped some money towards the establishment) to get this reservation. Now that you were sitting across from him, with his handsome face and his dignified suit that somehow outshined his god-awful taste in neckwear, you were starting to feel nervous. He picked up on that.
“Relax. You’re the one who asked me out, after all,” Mephisto sounded annoyed, but he stared at you with a reassuring smile. “You look lovely tonight. Just act like your usual, barely-tolerable self, and you’ll be fine. I’m here with you. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Thank you for agreeing to go out with me.” You smiled and let out a sigh of relief. Mephisto cleared his throat to distract from the sudden warmth that flooded his face.
Not too surprisingly, Mephisto was an excellent conversationalist. You were delighted when you actually managed to make him laugh so much that he looked surprised as he tried to quiet his laughter – as if he hadn’t expected you to be so funny, or maybe he hadn’t expected to enjoy your company so much.
After dinner, you expected him to promptly take you home, but instead, he offered you his arm and took you for a walk down the street. You didn’t mind, but you asked him nonetheless, “Where are we going?”
“That’s a surprise. You wouldn’t want to ruin a surprise, now, would you?”
A short but rather relaxing stroll later, Mephisto stopped at a small, almost shady-looking shop. After a wonderful dinner, you decided you owed Mephisto the benefit of the doubt and walked into the shop when he held the door open for you. The shop was filled with (shockingly clean and organized) shelves, each one stacked with intriguing knick-knacks and magical items. You could feel the magic just by walking through the doorway.
Somehow, in response to almost anything that piqued your interest, Mephisto had some kind of insight or background knowledge. And you thought Satan and Solomon were the nerds.
“You’re so knowledgeable,” you admired him. “But what made you think to bring me here?”
“You’re studying under Solomon, aren’t you? I figured the wise sorcerer’s apprentice might appreciate something like this. And I’m not that knowledgeable; I did a write up on this place a few weeks ago. I’m a little disappointed you didn’t have the chance to read it.”
You stifled a laugh at his slight pout. “Still, it looks like you retained a lot of that information. That’s pretty cool.”
Mephisto smiled at your praise. “If something in particular catches your eye, let me know before we leave. I’ll get it for you – and no, it’s not any trouble. I’m happy to provide you with a memento of our date. Consider it a reward for being surprisingly good company.”
“You didn’t have to say ‘surprisingly.’”
Mephisto looked around quickly before leaning in and stealing a quick kiss in the middle of the shop. “Consider that one a reward for the adorably stupid faces you make when you’re annoyed at me.”
“You’re awful,” you lied.
“I know.” Mephisto smirked and stole another kiss from you. This time, he lingered on your lips. “Thank you for asking me out.”
A/N: requests are still open for the rest of today if anyone else wants to enter. (rules here) I probably won't get to all of the SFW requests, but I may be able to finish them up tomorrow or the day after.
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Undateables With Touch Starved S/O
Solomon X Reader, Siumeon X Reader, Barbatos X Reader, Diavolo X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi, so I saw that your requests are open, and I'm touch starved, so can we get something with Mc going up to the dateables just randomly hugging them
✨ Solomon being human himself probably understood the idea of being touch starved and may have even come to terms with the fact that he suffered from the same ailment. ✨ Solomon would respect whatever boundaries you put out and would very rarely cross them. ✨ That being said, there are times when he is just so excited about something that he leans in close or grabs your hand. ✨ This was one of those times.
Solomon had been working on s spell for weeks now and everyday he came back to the dorms frustrated and continued to work late into the night, this time however you had been studying with Simeon and Luke and were in the kitchen making something to eat when he came through the door, he had expected to see the angel pair but seeing you made everything even better, he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, it wasn’t like you didn’t know he was there but you jumped all the same. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” He mumbled as he pressed his face into your shoulder, much to your surprise a warm fuzzy feeling spread across his body and you stopped what you were doing to lean into his touch. “Did you do it?” You asked “the spell?” “Yeah… I did it.” He answered. “I guess that’s what the spontaneous show of affection is all about…” You nodded. “Mmm, finally able to come back to you.” He answered, it seemed like he realised what he had done and pulled away “Sorry I didn’t mean to-” “No it’s okay.” You said softly. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Mm.” You hummed stepping back into the hug again as he leaned forward to look at what you were making. “Are you hungry?” “Mm.” He hummed again as you put part of the snack up to his lips. “Are you still studying?” “We are.” You answered. “How about I join?” He asked. “Don’t you want to rest?” You asked. “Mm, with you.” He answered “I’m sure that I can help you.” He came back in with you but he was asleep within 15 minutes of you studying, he had ended up with his head on your lap as you talked through problems with Simeon and Luke, eventually waking him so that you could help back to bed where he convinced you to stay since it was too late for you to go home anyway.
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😇 Simeon had no idea what it meant to be touch starved before he met you, angels didn’t put much emphasis on physical touch nor did it affect them not having it. 😇 You had to explain it to him but he was very understanding and he was careful from on. 😇 Simeon wasn’t one of spontaneous touching or unannounced movements so it was rare that he scared you or did anything that you didn’t like and give permission for. 😇 Simeon usually only ever sorted your touch without permission when he really needed comforting; he was usually missing home or having a hard time understanding something.
Simeon had been having a bad day, it was one problem after another, Luke was being particularly combative with the brothers and needy with him, he had finally got back to Purgatory Hall he sighed, when he walked into his room he was surprised to see you on his bed, you had a book open as you looked through it making notes. “I wasn’t expecting you today.” He said as he placed his bag down and walked towards the bed where you were sitting, he didn’t even think about it as he wrapped his arms around you, his legs on either side of you as he rested his face on your shoulder, he realised what he was doing the moment that he made contact with you and then pulled away from you. “Are you okay?” You asked. “You don’t like that, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He said and you looked at him. “No, that was okay.” You smiled as you looked at him. “I trust you.” You reached back, taking his hands and wrapping them back around you. “What happened?” “Everything was just a little bit too loud today.” He answered. “Mmm.” You hummed “the brothers have been particularly needy today.” You admitted as you leaned back into him. “So you came here, where there is a literal child?” He asked with a small smile on his face as you looked back at him over your shoulder. “You're here too.” You answered “I like being around you, you're calm and always happy.” “I like being around you too.” Simeon said as he put his palms out waiting for you to link yours if you wanted to and when you did he curled around you carefully and you stayed like that until Solomon and Luke came home complaining about something that the demon brothers had done in your absence.
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🫖 He knew exactly what it was because he was worried that the prince would suffer from it given the fact that there was no demon permitted to touch or interact with him in anything other than a servant to master ratio. 🫖 Failed to realise that he was probably the one that ended up touch starved with how much he worked and dedicated his time to the prince. 🫖 When you came along and you both started to show each other small amounts of affection he started to realise the fuzzy feeling he got when he touched you and he had never felt that with anyone else. 🫖 He realised that he might be touch starved and wanted to explore the possibility but since neither of you had talked about you being touch starved he was a little worried to approach the subject.
It had been a long day of meetings, dinners and social interactions and Barbatos was tired, what he wanted more than anything was to be near you, touch you, that was all he could think about which was why you were on your bed one minute and the next you were on his. It took a minute for you to recognise where you were but he didn’t wait for that, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you into him and revelling in the feeling. You jumped slightly at the contact before recognising the scent of the person who was holding you and relaxing. “Are you okay? You don’t usually do this.” You said as you pulled back to look at him. “It’s been a long day needed to be with you.” He answered, it was almost like he was drunk off of the feeling that he was getting from just being around you. You recognised the way he acted immediately and took your time easing him into the feeling as you started to gently run your hands through his hair. “Hey Barbatos have you ever thought that maybe you are a little touch starved?” You asked, hoping that with his guard down he might be a little more honest because as much as you loved him, he hid a lot for the benefit of others and sacrificed even more. “I don’t know.” He answered. “You feel all fuzzy when people that you like touch you?” You asked. “When you touch me.” He corrected me. “Right and I know that you always know where everyone is but do you avoid touching them sometimes?” You asked. “Mm.” He hummed, you knew that you were losing him to the overwhelming ease that you often indulged in when you were with him. You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his head. “How did you know all that?” “Don’t worry about it, we can talk about it some other time.” You said softly. “Enjoy it.” “Mmm.” He hummed for the last time before you settled into the silence with him.
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👑 This man is touchy AF, you have to explain it to him if you want him to be a little more mindful. 👑 He forgets all the time but that’s not because he doesn’t care, he just loves you so much and he shows it love physically. 👑 He finds it very hard not to lean over and give you a quick kiss on the forehead or wrap an arm around you but if you initiate that contact he literally would stop unless to ask him to of course. 👑 He tries his hardest but there are still times that he reverts back to how he was before, usually when he was super excited about something or it had been a long time since he had seen you.
You walked into the castle after Diavolo asked you to come over, you had just stepped into the castle when you were lifted from where you were standing and pulled into a tight hug “You seem happy about something, what's going on?” You asked. “I haven’t been able to see you in a long while, with everything that is going on but it seems that we’ve made a breakthrough with the exchange programme.” He explained as you smiled. “Really? With the angels?” You asked. “It seems that they are coming around to the idea, there are still a lot of them that don’t like it but I expected that.” He shrugged. “What’s the percentage?” You asked, your arms wrapping around him, it seemed that the position that he had you in seemed to dawn on him and he froze. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” “You didn’t flinch.” He said as his hands tightened on your thighs where he was holding you up. “Oh no, it’s… We’ve been together for a long time and I’ve known you for even longer. I trust you.” You said softly. “Just be careful, I still get that overwhelmed feeling sometimes though.” “Okay.” He said but the smile on his face was so wide and bright that you couldn’t help but smile back. “How about we go back to my room and rest for a little while.” He suggested. “Sure.” You smiled resting your face on his shoulder, he didn’t say anything as he started making his way through the castle but from the way that he held you, you could tell that you had just made him the happiest demon in the whole of Devildom.
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Request Here!!
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
3rd anni req 11: [NIGHTBRINGER] belphie, lucifer / deep sleep
ao3 link
note: i've mostly been doing these in the order i remember getting them so far, but i might start skipping around, since they're quite lucifer-frontloaded (not that i'm complaining). anyway - this is based on nb lesson 12, where mc's in that curse-coma, but! the twist is that ik can somehow still speak through it. since, y'know, special reaper curse
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“...oh, you’re here.”
Lucifer doesn’t look up as Belphie slips into the room. He stays there, sitting in a chair he’s dragged from the dining room, half-hunched over, with his forearms on his knees. Belphie gets the distinct feeling that his oldest brother hasn’t slept in the last forty-eight hours.
He glances over at the wan face of the room’s only other occupant. “...still not up?”
“Solomon said not to expect it to happen soon,” Lucifer says blankly. “We don’t know the exact nature of the curse. By all means, it should have been fatal.”
They both look at IK’s blank face. The light flickers in a way that, for a moment, makes her look as if she’s blinking awake - though Belphie doesn’t dare hope.
“Weird kid,” He mumbles, more to her than Lucifer. “You can’t do magic, but you can survive reaper curses? If you can do that, why didn’t you…”
'Why didn’t you stop us from trying to hurt you?' is what he means, but he can’t finish the question. Lucifer looks as if he knows what he was going to say, anyway.
“So where’s Solomon gone, then?” He asks after a beat, frowning. “All that talk, and he’s not even staying to look after her?”
“He said he’d look for solutions in the tomes at the cave. And that he was leaving IK in charge.”
Yeah, that’s right.
“As if h— huh?”
They both whip around. IK hasn’t moved.
Belphie glances quickly at Lucifer. “Did you hear—?”
“Yes.” His response is short and harried. “What was that?”
They both fall silent for a moment, listening hard. Nothing.
“Maybe we’re just hearing things,” Belphie says reluctantly, though he’d swear it to anyone that he just heard IK speaking, loud and clear.
“Do you think that’s likely?” Lucifer stands up, staring around the room like a sentinel, a dangerous shadow falling over his face. “It could be any manner of mimicry. If something’s gotten in—”
Wait, did you hear me?
Lucifer goes dead silent. There's no mistaking that voice - but there’s also no mistaking the fact that the speaker has not moved an inch.
After a moment, Belphie tries, “IK?”
You did! She sounds downright joyful - the words don’t quite ring like speech does in a room, but the voice in their heads is clear as day. I was so BORED.
“You can talk?” He asks, bewildered. “Wait, you’re— can’t you open your eyes?”
No. Do you think I haven’t tried? Now she sounds aggravated. I’ve been awake this whole time. I just can’t bloody move.
“Watch your language,” He says automatically.
Don’t start. I’m losing my mind here. But you can actually hear me now!
“Yes, you’ve said that already.” Lucifer sits down again, leaning forward, practically on the edge of his seat. “How much do you remember?”
Hmm. I remember you both trying to kill me.
A pause. Then Lucifer asks, voice suddenly about half as loud, “What is your situation, then?”
There’s a sort of buzz, as if IK is laughing. Not much going on. It’s like sitting in a dark room. I can hear things coming from outside, but I can’t see anything. It sucks.
Say, if you were a shark, what kind would you be?
I think you’d be a nurse shark, Belphie, because they’re usually chill, except when they aren’t. And Lucifer would be… a blue shark, because that’s his favourite colour.
They exchange mildly bemused looks. After a moment, Lucifer says slowly, “How do you know that? I’ve never told you.”
…uh… Belphie gets the distinct feeling that IK is panicking. ...context clues. You know, clothes and stuff.
“You’ve only seen him wearing red,” He says a little suspiciously.
And what’s the opposite of red? Blue. Next question.
It’s no use trying to pry. Every time this happens - every time Belphie gets the unnerving feeling that their attendant knows them better than they even know themselves - he tries to figure out why, and IK deflects. The dedication would be impressive if it wasn’t annoying.
Who is this kid? She shows up, completely out cold, and hasn’t even been awake for an hour by the time she’s been put in charge of the Devildom’s newly-minted residents. Then Solomon, of all people, that sorcerer whose reputation long precedes him, shows up calling her his ward, even though she’s got no magic to speak of.
Though Belphie doesn’t know what else to call her knack for making them… talk. She takes to the Devildom like a duck to water - practically skips through it all while they’re still mired in their own rotten souls. They should’ve been insulted that Diavolo would think this ridiculous little thing capable of handling the seven of them, but IK does it like it’s second nature.
That’s the frustrating part. They’ll tell her near-everything, and IK tells them absolutely nothing. And it isn’t that they’re stupid, or blind, or so self-absorbed that they don’t notice when she goes quiet - when she stares off at something that isn’t there, eyes filled with some inexplicable loneliness that should be far beyond her years.
Is Satan around? IK asks. He was in here, reading, before. He couldn’t hear me then, but maybe he will now.
“Um… he went out.” Belphie sits down on the foot of the bed. “Hey. I’m… not angry with you anymore.”
Wow. Do you want an award?
“No, I—” He swallows. His tail flicks up behind him, and he seizes it for comfort before he can stop himself. “—I’m sorry. That’s what I meant.”
He waits for a moment. There’s no other response. He looks at Lucifer.
His brother’s face is twisted into something that might resemble remorse. The ironic part is that Ik would probably know better than he does, if only she could open her eyes to see.
“We’re doing what we can,” is all Lucifer says after a while. “You will be alright. I can promise you that.”
That’s a relief, she says, a touch ironically. So am I just stuck like this until Solomon figures something out?
Lucifer’s jaw tightens. “...I don’t know. All we can do is wait.”
Great. I’ll get right on that.
Belphie scoffs. “I don’t know how you’re making jokes right now. You could’ve died. You still might now.”
Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that, says IK dryly. I know what being dead feels like. This isn't anything like it.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?”
No answer. Belphie shoots an apprehensive look at Lucifer, then leans forward. “Hey. I’m talking to you.”
Silence. He doesn’t know if IK’s refusing to speak, or if the connection has broken already. He makes as if to stand up, to go find Barbatos, or Diavolo, or anyone who might know how to repair it. He can't lose it now.
He’s poured his heart out to her once before, then hadn’t even waited a day to turn on her. He doesn’t know what, but he has to do something about it, right?
But, before he can, Lucifer takes a deep breath, then abruptly stands up.
“...I have to go,” He mutters.
That, at least, gets IK to speak up again - Belphie feels a rather distracted spark of relief. Where are you going?
“Out,” He replies sharply, then pauses, and sighs. “...I need to clear my head. You’re… incomprehensible.”
That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
…hey. You’ll come back and talk to me, right? It’s really boring in here.
“Is that what you want?” He asks, softer.
It’d be nice.
Lucifer looks at IK for a moment, then leans down. Belphie doesn’t quite see what he does, but when he straightens up again, the blankest are tucked in more snugly, and IK’s hair looks a little neater than it did before.
“Then I will,” Lucifer tells her, and steps back. With one last, lingering glance, he turns on his heel, and walks out.
…Belphie, are you still there?
“Yeah,” He says quietly, and decides to take Lucifer’s seat. “Are you okay?”
Not the best I’ve been. Not the best week I’ve had, either.
He wishes he had some water. “That’s our fault, isn’t it?”
“Don’t— what are you saying sorry for? You always—” He stops himself before he can finish. “—you’re so weird.”
A pause. Then, That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.
“Stop it. Just…” He drags a hand through his hair and catches a finger on his left horn. “...just let me feel bad, will you?”
He takes a breath. “...Beel’s okay, by the way. I don’t know if you’ve heard him.”
I did. I’m really glad.
“He’s worried. We all are. Look, I—”
Don’t bother, IK interrupts. …I get it, I mean. You don’t have to explain it to me.
“I really don’t get you,” He mumbles.
Another laughing sound. I get that a lot.
“Aren’t you scared? Aren’t you angry?”
Not angry. Scared… maybe.
Doesn’t matter, though. It’ll be fine. It has to be. I have to get…
Silence for a while. He doesn't quite dare to ask - have to get... what? What is it that she's so determined to hold on for?
…hey. If you wanted to, say, make it up to me… could you hold my hand?
He blinks. “Will you be able to feel it?”
I don’t know. But it’d be a nice thought.
“...okay. Sure, I can do that.”
Belphie drags the chair closer, untucks a corner of the blanket, and closes his fingers around a cold little hand. IK's voice murmurs a quiet thank you.
If he really squints, he can fool himself into seeing a tiny smile on her face.
"You'd better wake up soon."
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
It’s me I’m back with Lesson 34 spoilers below. (including the hard lesson)
I always try to write these posts shortly after finishing the lesson so that it’s like… my immediate and unfiltered thoughts lol. Sometimes I change my mind about stuff after I see other people’s interpretations of things. So if you were wondering why I’m taking the time to write this at 2 am, that’s why. I totally forgot about the lesson during the day due to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
I feel like we got SO MUCH BARB in this lesson?? He was barely in it. But we had other characters talking about him and that honestly makes me happy, too. Probably because I like when they give us some perspective into his character.
Belphie. We were actually playing the role of Lilith in his little Celestial Realm dream sequence, right? And then at the end it’s all but we’re not siblings.
Listen. I just think that Belphie has a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding Lilith and I really don’t feel like having MC play hide-and-seek with him in a dream is going to be enough to help him move past it. Enough to make him want to help MC? Maybe. But I dunno.
However, I also think I probably shouldn’t expect anything more intense than that from an otome game. They were just trying to give us SOMETHING to explain why he was cool with making a pact.
WHICH WE FINALLY DID. With Beel, Belphie, AND Levi. I get Beel & Belphie doing theirs at the same time, but I’m still a little baffled about why Levi waited so long. There probably isn’t a reason, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with something lol.
Ah. Lucifer.
This was my favorite part:
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I love Mammon, he always just says exactly what he’s thinking (unless it’s how much he loves MC lol).
But we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? We knew Lucifer would be last. We knew that Lucifer would be the most difficult one to make a pact with. Remember what happened with him last time? Of course he doesn’t want to make a pact with us now. We’re likely going to be going through some kind of long drawn out drama that will eventually lead to Lucifer giving in and making a pact with us.
However, I found both Solomon’s and Diavolo’s reactions to this absolutely hilarious:
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Can the two of you take this seriously, please?? I know you both find Lucifer highly entertaining and yeah, I'm usually laughing at him most of the time, too, but I need that pact to get back to where I'm from, thanks.
But we’re only on Lesson 34. So I think we still have plenty of time to make a pact with Lucifer, learn the truth about Nightbringer, and return to our timeline (or have the timelines merge or whatever nonsense they’re gonna do).
I’m still hoping for all that to get resolved by the end of this season lol.
Now, I found this exchange from Belphie’s Celestial Realm shenanigans especially interesting:
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Assuming this is accurate to what actually happened when Lucifer was still an angel, this means that the angels knew Barbatos. They know him by name, they clearly think he’s a big deal, and they’re surprised that he’s agreed to be Diavolo’s butler.
I was always under the impression that the demons and the angels didn’t really know much about each other. But now I’m wondering if maybe Barbatos had something to do with the end of the war that happened before the Celestial War. The one that was between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. I have no reason for thinking this other than the fact that as angels, Lucifer & Simeon clearly know him. And what else would they know him from? Though I suppose anything could have happened lol.
And then there was all of this:
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What does it MEAN?! (Obviously I chose the second option for MC's dialogue, which increased Barb's intimacy.)
Barbatos my true love. Why did you give MC a real piece of paper from your grimoire? He’s always been cautious, always keeping MC at arm’s length, and now all of a sudden it’s here’s a piece of my grimoire? There is NO WAY he doesn’t have all of the build up from the OG. I can’t believe that he would actually give MC a piece of his grimoire if he had only just met them at the beginning of Nightbringer. So I’m tacking this on as additional evidence that Barb knows all.
Also can we just appreciate Lucifer in 32-A? All his brothers are completely out of it and he single-handedly motivates every one of them back into action.
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It sure worked, huh? Do you think the credit card is in the freezer yet?
It was everything. I LOVE the Little Ds. I LOVE them hanging out with Diavolo. I LOVE that Barbatos couldn’t accompany MC because Diavolo requested some fancy human world dish. This entire hard lesson was *chef’s kiss*
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GOD I love Barb's knowing look and Dia's little frown. I love them so much it's almost painful lol.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say about this lesson. In general, I enjoyed it. They coulda played up Belphie’s yandere tendencies a bit more. I felt like his change of heart was rather rushed, but they really can’t put him through the therapy he needs. I don’t think the lessons are long enough for that.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #13
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Leviathan: Secondhand embarrassment is pure agony and I wish a lot of comedy didn’t rely on it
I cannot deal with it, I have to literally leave the room
Solomon: It’s a sign of being extremely empathetic
Leviathan: Thanks! I hate it. How do I uninstall?
Depression tips
• kill the gods and eat their flesh to rise above human chemicals into horrifying immortality
Raphael: We need to talk
Simeon: Still don’t really understand how some people have trouble just being nice
Mephistopheles: Oh my gosh you’re such a nice person. Hey everybody come look at how much of a good person this is.
Simeon: I literally cannot comprehend how you got offended by this but thanks for proving my point anyway
Belphegor: When I get comfortable with people I start using them as pillows and foot rests
Beelzebub: When I get used as a pillow or foot rest I feel loved
Simeon: I am both of these people
You know how there’s a theory that no two people see color the same way.
Does that mean color is like
A pigment of your imagination
Mephistopheles: YOU FUCKING DIDNT
Simeon: Huehuehue
Leviathan: #even that fucking laugh is a pun #i hate you all
Leviathan: Sometimes I wake up with a very urgent thought on my mind and it’s usually pretty dumb like ‘je suis un pomme’ or ‘root beer fairytales’ but this morning I woke up and sat there for a second and all I could think was
Tis I,
The frenchiest fry
Belphegor: I am decayed. My lungs are full of thorns and mildew, my bones are held together by vines. I am fragile, be gentle with my corpse.
Lucifer: Get out of bed you’re going to school whether you like it our not.
Belphegor: I refuse.
Mammon: OMG so I just figured out the word “hurt” is past, present, and future. You will be hurt. You are hurt. You were hurt.
Belphegor: you poetic little shit
Satan: It’s because…. It’s an adjective….
Lucifer: You will be stupid.
You are stupid.
You were stupid.
Mammon: Therapy got a drive-thru or summ?
MC: Welcome to shrink in a box can I take your disorder?
Leviathan: Why the fuck does English have a word for the act of throwing someone out a window, defenestration, but not for the day after tomorrow
Satan: Because you’re not looking hard enough
Overmorrow = the day after tomorrow
Ereyesterday = the day before yesterday
Example: I defenestrated my younger brother yesterday. I shall defenestrate my older brother overmorrow! Because I hate my family and also windows!
Satan: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest that just sounds nice and cozy, but if I invite you to my cabin in the woods you’re going to die.
Asmodeus: My favorite explaining the difference between a butt dial and a booty call
Lucifer: It’s called connotations
Asmodeus: Try this one on for size:
“Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.”
“Sorry, daddy, I’ve been naughty.”
Raphael: Great news! Language is now banned
Leviathan: Helpful grammar tip! Farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance, and father is for emotional distance!
Simeon: Who hurt you?
Leviathan: My father did you not read the post
Beelzebub: Isn’t it weird how you can actually feel pain in your chest and stomach when something really hurts your feelings
Solomon: This is actually because it activates your vagus nerve! Basically your body goes “we are so upset! We must be injured! Where???? On the inside guts! Those are confusing and hard to differentiate!!! Confusing guts are hurt!”
Leviathan: Great! How do I uninstall it?
Satan: Part of new internet grammar. Using question marks not to denote questions but upturns in voice, so that a tentative statement gets a question mark but a flatly delivered question doesn’t.
Mammon: Why would you do this
Leviathan: It just seems right?
Mammon: In a constant state of ‘how dare you assume I know what I’m doing’ but also ‘don’t you dare question me or what I’m doing’
Leviathan: “I have no idea what I’m doing and you can’t stop me.”
Simeon: Artists and writers have a lot to say about this post
Mammon: Why my hand shaky?
Barbatos: Your Skelton is ready to hatch
Mammon: This is so fucking ominous thank you
Asmodeus: Life is a highway
Asmodeus: Explain
Asmodeus: Wanna ride it all night long
Lucifer: Why did you reply to yourself?
Asmodeus: I refuse to share the spotlight but I like the meme format
Beelzebub: I haven’t ate anything since 11 bruh I’m starving
Thirteen: Damn an u how old now?
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
Do u read webcomics? If so any recommendations? I need new stuff to read so I’m asking around lol thnx!
I do, lovely anon! ^u^
My top three favorite webcomics/manwha are Killing Stalking, Bloody Sweet, and Dreaming Freedom.
I actually just started reading Dreaming Freedom a few days ago. And I'm hooked! Maybe it's just me ... but every time I look at Siyun's adorable face, I can't stop myself from imagining Yandere!Solomon (from Obey Me! obviously lol)
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I am simping HARD for this man! And not just because he's beautiful... I am seriously in love with his entire personality! I tore down the red flags and raced towards Siyun without looking back lol
There's also the fact that Siyun is a lowkey(?) Yandere, which is a major selling point for me. Honestly... He reminds me of an overprotective puppy dog, which is actually a huge compliment even though it may not sound like it
Not to mention the fact that I ALWAYS have a thing for characters with tragic/sad backstories, especially characters that have white hair at one point or another (for some unknown reason... it usually just works out that way xD )
Plus Siyun says things like this :
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Oof! My heart!~ 💙
Next : I was extremely happy to find out that Bloody Sweet is getting a physical release. And you can bet I picked up Volume One the first chance I got!
Naerim is super relatable, and Fetechou is beyond adorable. He can have my blood anytime >:3
I've only read Bloody Sweet once before online, and as far as I can recall.... Fetechou also has a very tragic past.
He also says things like this ~ :
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Oof!! *clutches my chest* My heart!!! 💙
Fetechou's heterochromatic eyes and lil' fangs are everything. And I ADORE his personality <3
Then there's Killing Stalking. Not exactly a wholesome, heartwarming story by any means. It's actually loaded with plenty of potentially triggering content. But I still love it.
Killing Stalking is another manhwa that I was sooooo surprised to hear was getting a physical release. I'm all caught up (three volumes have been released so far), and I cannot wait to finally own the entire series! ^^
To be fair, I was rooting for YoonBum the entire time. I wanted the absolute best for him. I wanted him to get a happy ending. YoonBum deserved someone who could give him a stable, loving, nurturing home filled with patience, acceptance, and understanding. Someone who could shower him with positive affection, boost his confidence, and give him a sense of self worth in the best ways possible.
Sangwoo, on the other hand... I have mixed feelings about him lol
I really do feel bad for him. But thinking in a realistic sense.... Sangwoo's personality would keep me on eggshells, I don't know how I would be able to comfortably manage a situation like that.
Although, when he comes off with lines like this :
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Bad enough you shatter legs, but then you have to go and mess with my heart and mind too?! 💙
Not gonna lie.... I'd rather stay with YoonBum. At least I'd be able to trust him better and rest easier near him haha xD
Anyway! Judging from my picks and these characters, can you see the overwhelming desperation that resides within me to receive any form of genuine intimacy and the crushing desire to feel truly needed due to being deprived of such things for so long? Because it's there! Just look closely and you'll definitely see it! Hahaha! Haha...ha.... T^T
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nnnneeev · 28 days
Psst, guess what, Ven… I’m a Barbatos lover now, hehe.
I thought it was just gonna be a phase, but for like the past few weeks he’s been…changing me… So now he’s been promoted to second fave (everyone congratulate him for moving ranks 🥳 jk)
Anyways, in lieu of recent developments, tell me some of your favorite things/facts about him (if you don’t mind and have time 💚) I know you’re a Barbie lover too 😊
Jooo!!! :DD welcome to the barbatos fan club 💚
It did kinda surprise me when i came across one of your recent reblogs and saw your tags. my mind when reading it was like, '...solomon AND barbatos??? 👀 are you.....?!!' and then few minutes after that you sent me this ask 😆
Congrats to him for being promoted!! I also feel like im being drawn into him more than usual. I think it's because of my mutuals lol
My brain still feels a lil fuzzy but here are some of my favorite things/moments/facts about him hehe
He looks so cute when he blushes!!!
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i love the irony of him being selfless and having the greed attribute
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These lines
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In the 'New Year's With You' devilgram where he wrote 100 fortunes for mc, it was revealed in the unlockable chat that he wrote 'excellent luck' in all of them because he 'wanted to see smile no matter what'
I think some of the things that made me attracted to him is his cool demeanor and mysterious aura. Y'know when a character doesnt reveal much about themselves and you just can't help but want to know more about them? <- 'That' feeling.
He's also very talented and perceptive
A HUGE TEASE. probably on par with solomon
He's a funny guy
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It's incredibly entertaining when he does things that he normally wouldn't do
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I love how he takes care of others (including mc) and its super satisfying when the favor is returned to him (royal butlers need to be pampered, too 😌)
His music taste
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Anyway, that's it.... for now. Thank you for this ask!!! 😊
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astrobolical · 7 months
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Last Updated: Oct 30, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Part 5 - You Are Here!
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
The Shop — What’s in it?
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As with most mobile games, the shop has a lot of options— I’m going to go over them here, but I’m not going to list each individual item found. The item list in Part 7 will go over any items I’ve come across in more detail.
Disclaimer: Please spend responsibly. Nothing that costs real money is necessary to enjoy this game, and I am not listing these out to entice you (nor am I in anyway associated with PrettyBusy lol), it’s just to let you know what’s there and what to expect.
Exchange Guilty Gem
This is where you can exchange your Guilty Gems (Cash) for the red Guilty Gems we’re more familiar with. The blue Guilty Gems are only available for purchase, and can be exchanged here for their “Free” counterpart in this first area of the shop— it’s the page you’ll open to!
Purchase Guilty Gem
This where you purchase the blue Guilty Gems (Cash) for real money— please spend wisely if you choose to do so! They range from $2.79 for a “Handful of Guilty Gems” (40) to $154.99 for a “Guilty Gem Mountain” (2167 Guilty Gem (Cash) + 650 Guilty Gem (Free)).
Purchasing these is not necessary to enjoy the game, I promise. I actually haven’t at all touched this area of the shop.
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This is a large subsection of the Shop, with a lot to look at too. These are packages or monthly subscriptions you can purchase for real money. They’re usually limited on how many times you can purchase them, whether overall, monthly or daily. These were once obtusely overpriced, but they’ve been altered since launch.
I won’t list out every option— because I’m sure the packages will change regularly, but I will make note of the Monthly Supplies that are available — essentially three subscriptions. These subscriptions last for 28 Days and need to manually be collected each day once purchased.
Guilty Gem Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 157 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 30 Daily
Action Power - 120 Daily
Contract Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 157 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 10 Daily
Greater Keys of Solomon - 5 Daily
Development Monthly Supply
Guilty Gem (Cash) - 110 (ONCE upon purchase)
Guilty Gem (Free) - 10 Daily
Strawberry Chocolate Friendship Pretzel - 3 Daily
In all honesty, they’re not that worth it, so don’t feel like you need these, either. It’s good to support PrettyBusy if that’s something you want to do, though, but just know it’s not required to enjoy the game at all.
I primarily wanted to bring these subscriptions up because of the manual collection requirement— it’s easy to forget since they’re tucked away and there’s no reminder.
Exchange House
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Another area of the shop with multiple subsections— these ones, though are more interesting, and are from items you can naturally accrue in the game (with a couple exceptions).
A lot of these have some similar items in common, just for a different currency— here’s what you can usually find in here overall:
Tears of Solomon
Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon
Action Power
Pure Gold & Crowley’s Books
Various promotion materials
Skill improvement materials
Artifact Enhancement Stones
Nightmare Candies
Guilty Gem Exchange House
Note: The free daily present you can find in here counts towards the daily achievement of purchasing something from the shop once!
Yep, this is different than “Exchange Guilty Gem”!
This is using our pretty Guilty Gems (Free) to get in game items. There are a couple packages locked to Guilty Gem (Cash), but not many.
There are unlimited purchases, daily purchases and weekly purchases found within this section. There’s also an “account limit” and a Monthly Limit on some of the (Cash) bundles.
Pancake Exchange House
This is where you’ll exchange the Snickering Pancake item you get when trading in your extra tealeaves from your inventory (getting to that below!). Essentially, if you get a devil more than once, you’re given tealeaves from the second time onward, and you can use these tealeaves to Evolve a devil up to five times. After that though— well, you sell them! I’ll get to the how later, but once you have them you can come to the Pancake exchange to get some items here. Including 30 Lesser Keys daily, if you’ve got the pancakes for it!
(You can also get pancakes from selling artifacts, but early on especially I’d recommend using your artifacts to enhance and evolve the artifacts you want to use.)
Pretzel Exchange House
I’ve yet to find a good source for these, so this will be brief and updated once I have a more solid idea. I’ve primarily gotten mine from rewards or the Secret Club with the rainbow reactions. However, if you’ve got them— spend ‘em here!
Necronomicon Exchange House
Necronomicons are received upon completion of most Dark Sanctuary levels— and here’s where you can use them. Including up to 30 Solomon’s Tears per week. They can take a little to build up, but it’s a worth it shop to visit when you have some.
Event Exchange House
Special temporary shops that appear with events, and use the event specific currency— grind the event, reap the rewards! There is event specific items such as special voice lines or stickers also available. But remember, time is of the essence here, as it won’t be there long.
Within the shop there’s also various passes— they’re not a store, you don’t buy things from them, but they’re very useful to keep an eye on! Essentially as you progress through the game there’s rewards that can be found and claimed here. The game’s not very transparent about letting you know about these.
Mission Pass
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This is a pretty big one, with a new set of goals unlocked each day for 14 Days however there’s no time limit to finish it. There’s a lot of rewards (along the bottom) as you accumulate points, usually a random amount of Lesser/Greater Keys.
At the end you get 500 Greater Keys and a copy of Sitri!
Solomon’s Levelup Support Pass
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Note: In order to unlock the second column “Special Reward” there is a price to it. It was lowered since the beginning of the game.
These are rewards for your account growth, meaning as you level up your account you’ll receive bonuses here— including things like Solomon’s Tears. Some level milestones are more exciting than others, though. Still worth it to make sure you go and claim it!
Devil Growth Support Pass
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Note: In order to unlock the second column “Special Reward” there is a price to it. It was lowered since the beginning of the game.
Rather than your account, this time it’s milestones for your devils (or, really, the first devil to reach any of them, it doesn’t matter if it’s the same devil or a different one)! As you reach these milestones you’ll get some nice rewards that will help you enhance your devils, or give you some Guilty Gems to spend in the shop!
Secret Shop
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This shop is … well, a secret. I’ve gotten it twice in my time playing since launch, and I have yet to learn how to trigger it. You’ll know when you have it— a large purple portal will open on your Home Screen, and there’s some unique and rarer items tucked away within it— including the ability to buy an L-Grade Devil once per month for a hefty price tag of Guilty Gems (Free).
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That said, I’ll have to add more details here when I get it again— at the time, this guide wasn’t even a thought yet!
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Note: If you want to see details of an item, simply tap it in this menu.
All the items you accumulate can be found, and used if applicable, here. Again, I’m not going into individual item details here, but I’ll explain what each pocket of your inventory tucks away for you.
This holds everything you can “spend” within the game. This includes from the shops, contracts, levelling, etc.
The Materials tab, as it says, holds materials that you will use for levelling your devils. This includes things like the Solomon’s Tears, jellybeans, gummies, hallucination pies, etc. Anything you need to level your devils ends up in here.
Here you’ll find items that you can open— they vary in what exactly is within them. Most times they’re given as rewards for various things— especially from Dark Sanctuary. Make sure to see what you have in here!
There will be two types of “chest” or box that you can open.
Random - This will give you a random type and/or amount of an item depending on what it contains (i.e. type of jellybean, amount of Pure Gold)
Choice - Choose what type of material you receive — these always contain materials for your devils, and you select the type
I do suggest leaving any that say “Choice” alone until you reach a point that you need something specific, though! But make sure to take a look if you weren’t aware of these— the pure gold and Crowley’s books can really build up.
Inventory Management
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This is one of the more vague functions found in the game— unfortunate, because getting those snickering pancakes requires you to sell off some items when you can. It’s pretty simple once you know, though— so here’s what to look for.
When you’re on tealeaves (or artifacts, though I don’t recommend selling those) click “Organize” on the right side by sort. This will make the Auto-Select and Sell buttons appear as you see above.
For Tealeaves you can click auto-select and it will automatically select devils’ tealeaves you you have already maxed out, meaning you don’t need to try to remember who you’ve got fully evolved or not. This is why Minhyeok and the A-Grade devil above aren’t selected.
Here’s what you’ll get in pancakes from each grade:
B Grade - 5 Pancakes
A Grade - 10 Pancakes
A+ Grade - 20 Pancakes
S Grade - 80 Pancakes
L Grade - 100 Pancakes
You can also do the exact same thing on the artifact screen. HOWEVER, artifacts will just SELECT EVERYTHING. There is no limitations like you’ll find on tealeaves— so be sure to only select artifacts you’re willing to part with. As I mentioned above, I don’t really recommend selling these over using them as fodder for levelling and evolving other artifacts. Maybe late game, but for early game I’d say don’t.
In Part 6 we’ll cover the Secret Club and Hell-Oh! Talk! (Woo, almost done!)
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
God Not Quarantine Again
Annelie: In danger? Why? What’s wrong?
Diavolo starts pacing, wringing his hands and shoving them through his hair, finally clamping them over the back of his neck. 
Diavolo: I feel like I’m burning up... Haaah... 
Diavolo stops pacing and covers his eyes. 
Diavolo: I was stupid. Infinitely stupid and childish.
Annelie: Dia, stop. What’s going on?
Diavolo: I thought my brain was working a bit slower than usual, but... I finally connected the dots. I contracted the pathogen that Barbatos tried to keep me away from. 
Annelie: Well... that’s okay, we can take measures for that, right?
Diavolo: I hope so, but...
Annelie: When you say you’re burning up, is there like a specific region, or...?
Diavolo shakes his head.
Diavolo: It feels like my skin is on fire. No, being branded with a hot iron. 
Okay, not what I was expecting. 
Annelie: I guess it’s not Succubus Blood Disease then...
Diavolo: If it is, then it’s exceptionally strong. Stronger than I ever recall experiencing. 
Satan: When were you bleeding that you’re bringing up SBD?
Annelie turns her eyes towards Satan. 
Annelie: Well, you remember when I was briefly imprisoned in the demon king’s castle? I got some blood on a few carpets when I was injured, and Barbatos kind of ranted at me about how hard it was to clean up. 
Satan: It is hard to clean. Once bacteria make contact with it, their food source changes, and some of them can easily become airborne. Once they find a place with the right biomagical slurry, i.e. an unsuspecting demon’s mucus membranes, they start propagating. And, like a lot of bacterial infections, it’s transmissible. 
Annelie: Wait, it’s bacterial? 
Satan: Yes. And incidentally, they feed off sexual energy like you do. There was a time in the Devildom’s history, a very long time ago, where entire cities were affected, and the only reason they were cured was because of a Devildom-wide ban on sexual activity for a month. 
Annelie: Was this month November by any chance?
Satan: It was. I guess you heard about how Lord Diavolo announced a competition to honor it a few decades ago?
Annelie: Uh... no. 
Satan: Hm? Then why did you think it was in November?
Annelie: ...no reason. 
I was not expecting there to be a real reason for that challenge to exist here.
Annelie: But anyway, what might Diavolo have instead?
Satan: He could have Soulblight. Notoriously painful and infectious. Also usually lethal.
Beel: Or Nightmare Fever. Belphie had that once, and Lucifer made me sleep in a different room for a few days and made everyone wear these really thick gloves. I used to hear him yelling in his sleep every night. 
Asmo: Or Bile Blush. I had that when some of my makeup got contaminated, and my face looked awful! 
Annelie: Uh... does that match Diavolo’s symptoms, Asmo?
Lucifer: He’s talking about a skin rash, so I highly doubt it. Given what he told us about Belphie and how Diavolo said he couldn’t seem to think properly, my money is on one of three things. Soulblight as Satan mentioned, which is a lethal illness for which there is no cure. Astaroth’s Deterioration, which only affects living organisms when specific criteria are met and is easily curable if it’s caught soon after infection. And Succubus Blood Disease. 
Annelie: I thought we agreed that it wasn’t that last one though?
Lucifer: I don’t think we should take it off the list. 
Lucifer glances at Diavolo, who has resumed pacing. 
Lucifer: Mainly because you’ve been feeding off my magic for a while, and I can’t say it’s incredibly far-fetched that your own magic has gotten stronger as a result of that. 
Diavolo: Well, let’s hope it’s just an extreme form of SBD.
Diavolo weakly laughs before he cringes in pain. 
Lucifer: Mammon, prepare an ice bath in Asmo’s bathroom. Satan, seal off the House of Lamentation, and do not allow anyone inside unless they’re dressed in a protective suit. Annelie, call Solomon and get him over here. We could use his brain right now, and if Simeon has any suggestions, he might as well come too. 
Annelie nods as his brothers get to work, and she calls Solomon. 
Solomon: This is rare. Since when do you call me first?
Annelie: You know I’m not the type.
Solomon: That’s true. So? What’s the matter?
Annelie: We’re dealing with a quarantine situation, but we don’t know what we’re quarantining. We thought you might have an idea.  
Solomon: ...
I guess that’s already a “yes.” 
Simeon: Solomon? 
Luke: What’s wrong?
Solomon: Sorry, I assume you have someone who’s infected?
Annelie: Yeah. Lord Diavolo. 
Solomon: Any symptoms you can tell me about, or do you just know he has something?
Annelie: Yeah. He said he felt like his skin was burning up, and he couldn’t seem to think straight. Oh, and when Diavolo saw Belphegor, he said that it seemed like Belphie had trouble breathing.
Solomon: Anne, I need you not to panic, but you need to get out of that house right now. 
Annelie: Uh... Why?
Rustling and muffled questions resound from the D.D.D.
Solomon: Do as I say. I’ll be there soon, and I’ll explain as well as I can. But you need to get out of there. And do not let anyone know where you’re going, not even Lucifer. 
Annelie pauses for a long moment, looking at the back of Lucifer’s head as he issues orders before she runs out of the House of Lamentation. 
I knew this was my fault. 
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lucifer battles for florida charmin toilet paper
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So I made this (couldn’t find the human world Lucifer that was already transparent and I’m too lazy to edit clean like that anymore so deal with it)
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I’m rooting for mephistopheles but I feel he won’t win. 😭
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Thirteen: What are you doing here Solomon!
Solomon: *pushing a cart filled with mechanical repair things like wrench’s and a lot of stuff saying “fixes washing machine” blah blah and of course the detergent he needed*
Solomon: Trying to make sure Purgatory Hall still gets clean clothes…?
Thirteen: Ah I don’t care…but why’s purgatory hall altogether here!
Solomon: I didn’t take them with—
(Behind the bikes there were three sets of familiar blue eyes slightly declining in height through the small cracks you could see)
Solomon: Me. Get over here you three.
Luke: Hey! I didn’t even want to come here…he did! *points to Raphael*
Raphael: MC always talks about this Florida so I wanted to come also.
Simeon: And I do too!
Thirteen: Oh boy…lemme guess you came mainly so Raphael doesn’t fuck anything up?
Luke: Language!
Simeon: *Stares at Raphael who’s now emptily staring over at the office supplies across from them and then back at Thirteen and nervously nods*
Raphael: I could see that in the corner of my eye.
Mephistopheles: Are me and Lucifer suddenly just specs to you, Thirteen! When will we get this competition going?
Lucifer: Calm down, Mephistopheles, you may make this all much more foolish than it already is.
Mephistopheles: Says the same demon who shouted at the sight of seeing absolutely no charmin like a little girl!
Lucifer: I’m sorry, I’m not the same person who ran around Walmart in stilettos!
Mephistopheles: Why you…
[Out of literal no where a portal opened and Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, and Beelzebub came out. Lord Diavolo having his swimsuit on (with actual pants) and same for Barbatos] Diavolo: Hellooo Lucifer!~
Mephistopheles: And Mephistopheles!
Diavolo: Of course. Hello to you also Mephisto!
Luke: Hello, Lord Diavolo!
Barbatos: What are you all doing here?
Lucifer: Well. *inhale* Mephistopheles’ wanted to cause drama.
Mephistopheles: Me?! I saw that charmin first!
Lucifer: You and the lice in your hair!
Mephistopheles: How dare you!
Beelzebub: Why do you respond so generic…
Simeon: Why are you two fighting for toilet paper…
Solomon: Because humans are shitting more during the lockdown and there’s only one charmin in this whole Walmart.
Raphael: Pardon?
Luke: He means that all of a sudden people need to use the bathroom two times more than before.
Raphael: Humans are so strange.
Beelzebub: I second that.
Thirteen: Anyways. The first challenge is to get someone to help you get something out of one of the locked cabinets.
Lucifer: You mean all of the shelves? Their all locked!
Thirteen: Not from the cabinets out here I mean in the beauty section.
Mephistopheles: But they take literal hours getting over to the beauty section, even the person at the cashier register there!
Thirteen: You want charmin or no?
Lucifer and Mephistopheles: Y e s.
(They both race over to the beauty section, the rest of them following. Mammon on the other hand was stuck on the top shelf of the toilet paper)
Mammon: Help...guys?
Raphael: *looks up and sees Mammon, but decides to just walk away*
Simeon: Who's doing all that yelling? They sound like Mammon!
Raphael: No one important.
Mammon's trust in Raphael: 💔
Thirteen: Anyways. Hope you guys have fun *pulls out popcorn and foldable chair*
Diavolo: I'm so glad I decided to come here, this is so fascinating!
Raphael: They're just repeatedly pressing the assistance needed button.
Diavolo: So intriguing.
Raphael: 💀
(Mephistopheles was standing at that one aisle thats legit right by the cashier buzzing the button while Lucifer was in the one before that, where the moisturizer cream stuff be at usually)
Little kid: Mom whys that guy pressing the button when the cashier is right there.
Mother of said kid: I don't know, Jimmy, but don't look at him.
Mephistopheles: Huh?!
Lucifer (other side of the wall): Haha.
Some other little kid: Woah sir your doing this for charmin?
Lucifer: Yes...sadly.
Some other little kid: I'd say what would you do for a tootsie pop but dang!
Lucifer: 💀
(Eventually after 2 hrs of waiting someone came to Lucifer)
Employee 1: Hey there sir what do you need?
Lucifer: ...My dignity and charmin.
Employee 1: What-?
Lucifer: A break.
Employee 1: Wh-
Mephistopheles: *storms over there* HEY! Your supposed to come to me first before Thirteen notice-
Thirteen: One point for Lucifer!
Mephistopheles: GOD DAMMIT LUCIFER!
Lucifer: Why are we in the garden section when it's 12 am.
Thirteen: I wanted yalls to find the biggest bird.
Solomon: That's a joke right.
Solomon: RIGHT?!
Diavolo: *hiding on those high ass shelves somehow* Hehe they'll never figure out im the actual big bird *has big bird costume on*
Beelzebub: If their finding a bird wouldn’t it be inside by the poultry?
Thirteen: An alive big bird.
Beelzebub: Ooohhhh
Mephistopheles: But I’m wearing my favorite tie!
Thirteen: You want charmin or no.
Lucifer: He doesn’t he’s indecisive.
Lucifer: God dammit.
Luke: What type of bird lives in the garden section of Walmart.
Thirteen: The biggest bird.
(Diavolo seemed to have forgotten he needs to be quiet to not be seen so they could hear his goofy ass laughter echo in the many rows of garden shit)
Mephistopheles: Lord Diavolo is the biggest bird?
Thirteen: I wish Lord Diavolo could have kept quiet for longer.
Lucifer: Say goodbye to the charmin, Mephistopheles. *Lucifer soon jetted off looking through the shelves*
Mephistopheles: Oh no you don't! *Just picture this man struggling with those stilettos*
Luke: All for charmin.
Raphael: All for charmin. 💀
(Soon these idiots were tied 45-45)
Mephistopheles: Certainly I deserve charmin right?
Lucifer: I think we all can agree he can just buy rich people toilet paper.
Lord Diavolo: I can buy it for--
Lucifer: No.
Thirteen: If any of ya two can get the charmin first it's all his.
(They all turn and see Mammon at the bike stand thing--holding the charmin)
Mephistopheles: You put that down, idiot!
Lucifer: You'll make him hold onto it, fool.
Mammon: 💀Nah.
Raphael: Give it to me, Mammon. Now.
Mammon: No >:c
Solomon: Why can't we just go somewhere else for charmin.
Mephistopheles and Lucifer: THIS IS A BATTLE BETWEEN US NOT YOU, HUMAN!
Solomon: Tsk. Okay.
Beelzebub: Hey is that MC.
Everyone but Beelzebub: WHERE?!
Beelzebub: False alarm...where'd the charmin go, Mammon?
*Somehow it sjust fucking gone*
Mammon: WHAT?!
you'll never know what happened cause i didnt have the balls to finish this >:)
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