#another copy-paste but a few more extra notes lol
xkitcharmont · 2 years
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♛┈⛧┈┈•༶      NEXT GEN  : GERI’S BIO
!! full factsheet HERE ( includes connections and more general info )
full name. marguerite danielle gatel charmont faceclaim. olivia scott welch age. 25 dob. 14 august zodiac. leo occupation. rockstar, knight, whatever
long dirty blonde hair kept either wild and loose, or in a ponytail or braids
she is the ONLY ulstead-charmont with abs. and she KNOWS it.
she got lean muscle arms too :// my rock-climbing girl
5’ 7" (1.7 m)
> geri’s notes:
it is SO important to me that everyone knows she is:
lindsay lohan in freaky friday
viola hastings from she’s the man
gracie hart from miss congeniality
she keeps a switch-dagger on her at all times and knows how to use it so beware
all she knows is the present. she likes her family, she likes her friends, she likes to play music LOUD 
she likes to smoke pot; she’s the one who brought it to her siblings lmao. geri screamed and cheered so loud when jacqui showed her she already knew all this come on. and they both had to teach marcel. they are so close as siblings i cry
she wears her heart on her sleeve. she’s had her heart broken a lot of times before, but never as much as the BIG BREAKUP (still an open wanted connection >.>)
since then, she’s gone back into dating but very casually. she doesn’t want to commit to anyone anymore (at least for now)
she depends a little too much on jacqui’s guidance and the guidance of her older cousins and other people she trusts. she’s very much a follower rather than someone who makes decisions for herself, and this is something she has to work on
> geri’s bio:
Geri never took kindly to being bullied about ‘not being a real princess’. Similar to her older sister, whom she adored, she felt very belittled and small in primary school but found her footing in high school. When Kit first started to get to know her, he walked around the whole castle with her in his arms, asking her what she was interested in. What would you like to do Marguerite? And as soon as she saw the room full of soldiers practicing fencing, she knew.
Whenever her siblings needed a spider taken cared of, Geri was there. Whenever someone shoved Marcel into a locker, Geri shoved them back even harder. She loved to play in the mud and get caught in the rain and skin her knee during rock-climbing. She was on the school’s lacrosse team, and the fencing team, and trained with the royal knights as early as she could. She loved the idea of wearing armour, saving people in distress, and the praise of being a hero. As she grew in high school, she also realised she loved playing in a band, and learned how to be the most badass rockstar (lead guitar) in France. So there she was: the rockstar-knight-princess of Ulstead.
Still, she struggled. Marcel was always the one who was able to communicate his feelings easier. She trusted her family, but had learned from a young age that bad people only targeted you if you were seen as weak. She never really processed all her childhood trauma properly, from her parents’ death in the fire, to being bullied in school. Like her brother, she still feels that she needs to prove herself worthy of being a Charmont. So she hardly talks about her struggles — choosing instead to repress it or to smoke pot as a way to calm herself. (There’s an unspoken agreement between the Ulstead-Charmonts that they never talk about this to their father, as even Jacqui partakes in it a little. Marcel vowed to stop all vices when he got into law school).
All the Ulstead-Charmonts feel a strong sense of responsibility, that they want to do something with their lives. Jacqui’s going to be queen, Marcel’s a lawyer, so what was Geri to do? She’ll let you know when she finds out. For now, she’s finishing her studies at Walt Uni, she’s wicked with a sword, and a dazzling gay rockstar knight in shiny-ish armour.
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superhoeva · 5 months
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next chapter | series masterlist | main masterlist
⬩ pairing(s) sexologist!francisco "frankie" morales x college student!female!reader
⬩ warning(s) very inaccurate scientific study methods (this could not happen in real life without someone going to jail, i think lol), language, flirting, sexual tension, scientific talk about genitals, safe sex practices, pcos (mentioned), endometriosis (mentioned), commentary on unbalanced male domination of sexual spaces, Spanish nicknames/pet names, smut smut smut, somewhat-guided masturbation, reader hs nipple pircings, dirty talk, mdom-ish!frankie, pussy drunk!frankie, consent checks, oral sex (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), big hands!frankie, bodily fluids, doctor/patient relations, the whole "we want to but we can't but we might have to anyways" kind of vibes, some aftercare, pov switches (reader's pov uses "dr. morales. frankie's pov uses "frankie.")
⬩ author's note happy new year! starting 2024 off with a bang (literally, ha) of a new series. as mentioned before, this was inspired by an audio series created by anonyfun35 on the erotic audio site quinn (very much recommend the series and entire site if you're looking for more ethical alternatives to regular porn and able to spare a few extra dollars!), which is absolutely heavenly. frankie's been sitting in my heart recently after rewatching triple frontier, and now here we are! here is chapter one, as promised, and i can not wait to share the rest of this series with you all! (p.s. i know some people have asked to be tagged in this, but i no longer do tag lists. for those who want to keep up with new chapter, i'd recommend following the au: the study tag or just check back here regularly! heeds the warnings. let me know if i've forgotten any. drink your water. love you and hope you enjoy. <3
⬩ word count 6.4k(!)
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The lobby is suspiciously comfortable for a doctor’s office. As if the chair you’ve been shuffling back and forth in for the past five minutes. You’ve decided to focus on the mint green tint of the walls to steady yourself. Your breath moves in and out of you in quivering streams, and you have to keep running your tongue over the flesh of your bottom lip to stop your teeth from drawing blood.
A sweet-looking brunette types away at the lobby desk, and she sends you a quick smile when you accidentally catch her eye. You hope the grin you send back doesn’t look as pitiful as it felt.
Straight across from you, there’s a poster of a vagina. Vibrant and contrasting nicely with the color of the wall, it labels each part of the genitalia with pretty, curvy letters. You read over each of them, laughing a little when you get to the clitoris. Maybe you should hang a copy of the poster over your headboard. Just to make it a little easier for those who need it.
Your eyes trail left. Another poster, this one with photos of different types of barrier methods for safe sex; on it is everything from internal condoms to dental dams and a short explanation for when it’s best to use them. You study it with a little more intent than the last one and become so engrossed that you don’t hear the receptionist at the desk until her third calling of your name.
You jolt a little, looking over at her with widened eyes.
“Sorry, yes?”
She smiles at the look on your face, shaking her head.
“It’s alright,” she promises, “that stuff’s actually pretty interesting, right? I just wanted to tell you that Dr. Morales is ready to start whenever you are.”
Ignoring the way your heart jumps a little, you rise from your seat with the best grin you can manage.
“Alright,” you nod, gaze flickering down a nearby hallway, “is it–”
“All the way down and to the right. Can’t miss it. And feel free to let me know if you need anything, before or after. I’m here for whatever you need me for.”
There’s something genuine in her voice that lets your shoulders relax. You smile again, and it feels real this time. “I think I’m okay right now, but I appreciate it, I do. Thank you.”
“No worries. Oh, and honey,” she pauses, taking a second to leave her seat and trot over in front of you. “Remember to breathe. Dr. Morales is a sweetheart, I promise. Wouldn’t work here if that wasn’t the case.”
Melanie the tag on her name reads. She gives you one last wink before returning to her desk. A warm feeling fills you nicely as you watch her for a few more seconds. 
Melanie is nice. You like Melanie. If you could, you’d stay and talk to her for a while, but no sense in keeping the doctor waiting.
As you head down the hallway, the walk feels like it lasts half a second and a thousand years all at once. Time here seems to work a little differently, but maybe that’s only because of how unbelievably fucking nervous you are.
The room is at the end of the hall on the right. Just like Melanie said. The knock you give the door is softer than you mean for it to be, but it pulls open before you get the chance to knock again.
“Hi, welcome. Come on in, please.”
Well, fuck. Fuck.
The first thing you notice isn’t the fluff of hair on his head, or his big, doe, brown eyes–it’s his voice. A deep, pleasing rasp that’s soft and stirring, all of it combining into a sensation that sits snugly right in the middle of your chest. And legs.
You take a second to swallow the spit in your mouth.
“Hi,” you all but mumble back, swallowing again. God, you hope he doesn’t hear the sharp exhale that leaves your nose when he steps to the side with a smile. Your eyes blow up, big and wide, but only for a second as you swiftly compose yourself. You’re here for a scientific study, damn it, not to gape at how fucking gorgeous Dr. Morales is. Even though he is fucking gorgeous. “You’re Dr. Morales?”
“Yes,” he answers effortlessly, and you bite your tongue when he rattles off your name. His voice. You barely remember to nod, and he smiles. Now that you think about it, he hasn’t stopped smiling since he opened the door, and it’s already building a bit of sweat at the back of your neck. “It’s nice to meet you finally. Been seeing your name on all the paperwork, so it’s nice to put a face to it. Especially a face as nice as yours.”
You swallow, again, and can’t hold back the grin his words bring. “Thank you and uh… likewise.”
Dr. Morales pauses and your heart stops at the way his face drops. Then his eyebrows raise slightly like he’s impressed, and he takes in a long breath himself. A gulp of air finally refills your lungs when his smile returns, more of a smirk now.
“Thank you.”
The two words are followed by a small silence. You take it as a chance to look around. Dr. Morales takes it as a chance to glance you over, and his teeth bite into the side of his mouth at the dress you’re wearing. It’s airy and short, stopping just above the middle of your thigh.
He sniffs, clearing his throat.
“Well, if you want to go ahead and get seated, I think it’s best we just start with some introductions to break some ice. Then a short discussion about the study itself, boundaries, things like that. And I know you answered a lot of those types of questions in your application, but I think more authentic answers can come about when speaking, you know, face-to-face. Plus it’ll give us both the chance to get to know each other a little better. Relax before we get to the actual… activities for today’s session.”
You blink.
“You’re doing the… the stuff?”
Dr. Morales blinks.
“Yes,” he starts slowly, eyebrows furrowing. “I’m sorry, was that not what you were expecting? I-It’s in the forms you signed, though I guess it is pretty easy to glance over if you don’t know where to look. But if that’s not something you’re comfortable with, I completely understand. We also have some female doctors participating in the study if you–”
“–I’m comfortable with you doing it.” God, you know interrupting was rude. But the words spill out of you before you can stop them. “Really, I’m okay with it. Just surprised me a little, considering…”
A hard clenching of your teeth doesn’t work to hold back the small grin that sneaks upon your face at the expression on Dr. Morales’s face. He’s gone from warm to faltering and back to warm again, with a hint of delight just in the past few moments. 
“Considering what?”
Dr. Morales squints his eyes as he asks the question. Watching and waiting for your answer with the knuckles of his fingers rubbing across his pink lips. You only let your gaze trail across the action for a short second. Any longer, and you’re sure you’ll melt away.
“Nothing,” you finally breathe with a soft laugh. The muscles in your neck tense and pull as you force your eyes upwards. Back to his eyes. “Sorry, uh… introductions?”
Something in his gaze shifts and he drops his hand.
“Right, right. Uh, feel free to take a seat here while I pull up your file real quick,” Dr. Morales tells you, motioning to the deep red chaise wing chair you didn’t notice until now. You nod, not trusting your voice, and settle into the large chair. It’s even more comfortable than the one in the lobby, and Dr. Morales just barely keeps his smile at how you subconsciously snuggle into the plush.
Other than the blood rushing past your ears, the clacking of his fast typing is the only sound in the room.
Much like the lobby, the room is rather warm for where you are, literally and figuratively. It’s a kind difference from something like the dentist or your normal practitioner. The opposite of the bright, sterile white you’d expected. You can tell the room was put together with the intention of being congenial for whoever steps inside. The velvet couch and nice rug that decorate the space tell you that much.
It seems that Dr. Morales dresses with the same purpose, white coat hanging forgotten on the back of his swivel chair, showing off the taupe button-up that stretches over his impressive set of shoulders. The shirt is tucked into a pair of thick, clean-cut jeans that hug around his waist.
“Alright,” Dr. Morales begins, sliding his chair over a few feet so you can see him a bit better. He smiles as he continues, reading off your name and age, to which you nod and smile back. You make sure the grin is big enough to cover the shiver that runs throughout your body and you don't notice that he didn’t even have to look at the screen when reciting the words.
“Great. Well, as I already told you, I’m Francisco Morales,” he chuckles, “one of the doctors here participating in this study you’ve so kindly agreed to be a part of. We’re really excited about all the knowledge we’re expecting to gain from the study. I, uh, we–we really appreciate you being here.”
“Oh, thank you for the opportunity. I’m also really excited. Never been involved in something like this before, so… yeah. I’m excited.”
Huh. Excited is one of the few words able to come to your mind as you bumble through the sentence. After only a few minutes with the doctor, you’ve found it’s somewhat difficult to form a coherent enough sentence. It’s even harder with him staring at you.
“What made you want to participate, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Um,” you start without thinking, “part of it was the topic of the study itself, I guess. So many of the things that have to do with sex, at least in my experience, are centered around men and their pleasure and what makes them feel good. So I think it’s refreshing to see something like this.”
“Oh, absolutely. That’s the whole reason for us doing this. I mean, we’ve got gynecologists, hormone specialists, endocrinologists, gender surgeons, and even sex therapists on my team all working together on this.”
“Oh, wow. That’s actually… really impressive,” you breathe out, but Dr. Morales shakes his head.
“It is, but I don’t wanna take all the credit. We’ve got a lot of amazing people working on this thing that’s gonna lead to ways to help women suffering from endometriosis, PCOS, trans women, everyone, really.”
Your eyes soften at the doctor’s words, and you straighten a little.
“Well, now I’m very happy to be here.”
Dr. Morales’s eyes squint with his smile this time. It’s the biggest he’s smiled all week.
“Good. I’m glad. And you’ve already filled out all the financial paperwork? Wanna make sure you get paid for this week’s session as soon as possible.”
“Oh, yeah. That was actually the other reason I signed up. Got some student loan payments coming up, and I could use the extra money.”
Dr. Morales laughs to himself.
“Loan payments are a bitch, aren’t they? Still paying mine off,” He shakes his head. Something about his curse pulls a small chuckle from you.
“Never heard a doctor curse before,” you tell him, and he laughs this time, raising his eyebrows with a shrug.
“Sorry. I’ll try to keep it at bay, but I should warn you… I can have a pretty dirty mouth.”
Whether he knows it or not, Dr. Morales’s voice seems to drop an octave as he speaks. The words are paired with his gaze clouding to something similar to a stirring ardor. It shakes something inside you, rumbling into the depths of your veins, heating you in a way that feels remarkable. In a way that has you clenching and reeling, eyes just barely watering.
He hasn’t even touched you yet, and he’s got you evaporating into a transcendent air of nothing. You brush your hands along the fabric of the skirt of your dress, arms stretching and trying to find some sense of relief. Dr. Morales stares into you, a burning observance of an action that your subconscious therefore controls more than anything. The look is hot and pointed and forces him to take in a long inhale. He squeezes the thin arm of his chair when you finally grant him a soft reply.
“I don’t mind.”
Dr. Morales pauses before letting out a huff. A smirk teases across his lips, and his mouth opens like he’s going to say something. He stops just short of whatever it is, opting to roll his seat a little closer to you while clearing his throat.
His elbows hit the top of his knees, gaze tilting to yours. Unable to hold it, you try to settle for his hands, but that doesn’t seem to calm you at all. You flick your eyes again, this time onto his thighs, but it’s no use.
Damn it.
“Um, so today’s session will revolve around cunnilingus and a some hand stimulation. Uh… sorry. Sorry, I–” Dr. Morales stumbles to a stop and your eyebrows furrow.
“You okay?”
He holds a hand out at the look on your face with a quick nod.
“Yeah, yes, I’m okay. Where was I? Uh… right, so like we talked about a little bit ago, I’ll be the one performing the… stuff, as you called it. And speaking of that, you’re still one hundred percent comfortable with me being to one to do it?” 
“Hundred and ten,” you promise with a bobbing of your head that makes him grin again.
“Okay, then,” he nods back, hands rubbing against the denim of his jeans. “Let’s get started.”
You’re going to be the death of him.
He had an inkling of it when you greeted him at the door, those eyes all wide as you took everything in. He was confident about it when you assured him that you’d be alright with the fact that he’d be the one ‘doing the stuff.’ He knew when you didn’t mind his dirty mouth. And he was certain when you'd asked if he was alright.
Dead. That’s what you’ll make him by the end of this study, and he’ll go happy. A little embarrassed also, given how he started sputtering through his sentences like he was twenty years younger.
Frankie’s breath catches a little when he returns to the room after washing his hands. You’re just finishing the tie on the robe he’d provided you with, and he doesn’t realize how flimsy it is until now. It maps across your shape damn near perfectly as you hang your dress on the side of the wingchair.
“Hi,” you breathe out, spinning around. Frankie rakes his teeth over his bottom row of teeth hard.
“Hi,” he blinks back, making sure to brighten his face with a small smile. “Ready?”
You shakily hum your answer, smoothing down your robe to busy your hands. It’s made of silk and feels incredible, but boy is it small. Just barely covering the cheeks of your ass, you might as well be wearing nothing.
“Alright. So, before I forget, let me go ahead and get a swab of the inside of your cheek, just so we have that on record.”
Frankie grabs a long cotton swab and its transport tube off his desk, stepping over to where you stand waiting. He swallows, ordering you to softly open. You obey with no questions asked, dropping your jaws.
Did you mean to stick out your tongue, too? Frankie has no idea, but whatever the answer is, he doesn’t care, not with the rustle he feels in his middle.
“Thank you,” he replies after a few scrubs of your mouth, eyes catching yours briefly before sticking the swab in the tube and placing it back onto his desk. He huffs, turning back around to you. “Now, let’s get you settled on the couch.”
Frankie holds out his hand for you to take without thinking. The regret that runs through him slips away as you place your hand into his grip and let him lead you. His other hand reaches for his chair, rolling it over as he walks with you.
He rubs a gentle thumb on the back of your palm as you sit, hand squeezing into a fist when yours drops from his. Frankie sits in his chair with a grunt, planting his feet on the group, making sure to face you.
The man softens a little at the sight of you, all bunched up into a ball of returned nerves, and he thinks for a moment.
“How about we start with a deep breath, yeah? Relax a little bit before we do anything else?”
You nod and Frankie’s head goes a bit fuzzy for a short moment. You’re so sweet, with your tiny robe and all your nods, like candy. You breathe in deep, just like he says to. Your chest rises with it, and Frankie almost forgets to take in the breath as well.
“Good. Now, how we go from here is up to you,” Frankie starts, hands folding together politely. “Robe can stay on, or you can take it off. Your decision–”
“Robe off,” you speak before he’s finished. He holds back a chuckle. “Sorry. I’m okay with it off if you are.”
Of course, you are. Of course, you are, and so is he.
“That’s absolutely okay with me. As long as you’re comfortable,” he states, and your fingers go to pull at the tie. He shuffles, waiting, and swallows when you pause.”
“Um, is my bra being off okay? I took it off with my dress, didn’t even think about it until now.”
Frankie’s head pivots back to the wine-colored chair. And so you did. There’s more lace than he expects, causing him to stare longer than he means. He turns back to you with his eyes darker than before.
“That’s perfectly fine.”
You nod again, fuck, and finally pull the ties. His heart nearly stops as the silk slips down your shoulder, exposing your naked skin to him, inch by inch.
God, you’re devastating. You devastate him, and he’s going to die a happy, happy man. It’s inappropriate, he knows that, but fuck. Yes, he’s a doctor, but he’s also a man with blood pumping through his veins and down into his cock, which he’s currently shielding with a subtle cupping of his hand.
Your robe continues to fall, and soon enough, nearly all of you is revealed to him. His eyes, working with a mind of their own, fall upon your breasts.
Of course.
“Wow,” is all he says, and the corners of your mouth pull upwards. You peek down, the tips of your barbell piercings shining with every one of your shaky inhales. “Wow, uh… wow.”
“Oh, these. Yeah, I got them a few years ago,” you reveal, setting the robe to the side. “Hurt like hell, but it was worth it.”
“While I definitely agree, I was talking about your… everything. You’re gorgeous, querida.”
Querida. The name is unexpected, yet received by you with dilating pupils. It’s not just the way he says it but the way he says it. You can tell that he means it, every letter. Every syllable, as it falls off his tongue, into your ears, and down to just inside the thin layer of your panties.
It’s the only piece of clothing left on your body, and you’re certain they’re soaked. You can feel yourself seeping through, needing for something to happen. Anything, or you’ll die.
“Thank you,” you murmur back, impatience inching you closer and closer. To what, you don’t know, but you think it’s something special. “Should I go ahead and…?”
Dr. Morales’s gaze oozes down you where you’re slowly parting your legs. It takes him a second to answer.
“Uh,” he interrupts himself with a short laugh, “actually I was going to have you do something else for me first. When you’re, you know, in the act of pleasuring yourself, how do you usually start? Do you… do you dive right in or is there some kind of build-up?”
Legs having paused, you blink. It’s almost impossible to formulate an answer, but somehow you manage.
“Normally, I’d play with my nipples.” God, it sounds so silly when you say it out loud. “Tease myself for a little bit until I’m ready to start.”
The doctor sits back in his seat, still covering his growing member.
“Why don’t you go ahead and do a little bit of that for me?”
There’s that thing again. With his voice, the thing that is causing your organs to convulse and squeeze. Has you scooting a little further back onto the couch with ease and a deep breath.
You hear Dr. Morales suck in one of his own as your legs spread a little further, revealing a large wet splotch in the very middle of your panties. It’s seeped a little into the couch, and you’re not even embarrassed. Your legs more because you want him to see it. You need him to.
A flinch jerks you when the tips of your fingers meet the buds of your breast. You twist and pull, and it feels good. Better than normal with the beautiful doctor watching you do it. They start to pebble around the metal and a few shocks through you.
Leaving your lips is a gasp. Soft and nearly nothing, but it tugs something from Dr. Morales.
“That’s it. Good girl.”
When you gasp again, he bites his lip.
“You like that? You like it when I say that?”
You nod.
“Words, querida.” No matter how much he likes the nod.
“Yes, I like it when you say that.”
“When I say what?”
You hear him chuckle at the small groan you release.
“A good girl.”
Your voice is even smaller now, hoarse with want.
“Good girl.” Another groan from you. “Now, I need you to move a little further down, okay? Slip those pretty panties off for me.”
Your turn.
“You really like them?”
Dr. Morales’s throat bobs at your question you ask while dragging your hand lower. They glide across your stomach to rest just over your center. Pushing onto your clit, your moan is muffled by the way your teeth catch the soft flesh of your lip.
“I do, muñeca,” he assures you. “I really do. They’re almost as pretty as you are.”
You can’t help the full grin that sneaks onto your face. You push against yourself a little harder, and your head falls to the back of the couch. Fingers hooking under the seam, you tug.
Everything feels like it’s moving in slow motion at this moment. You raise your head back up, just to catch the reaction from the doctor, who’s already gazing into your pussy when your eyes refocus. His breathing changes from long, calming inhales, to unsteady suspires.
“Jesus,” he grits out just under his breath when you eventually throw your panties alongside the robe and fully open yourself to him. Clenching around nothing, you relax further into the couch, legs propped and feet settled against the velvet.
Your huffs push out hot when Dr. Morales finally lifts from his seat. You don’t dare look away as he steps forward, towering over you. He bends at the waist, face lowering near your own. He gets so close that, for a split second, you think he’s going to kiss you. Press his pouting lips into yours like you so badly want him to.
His breath fans across your face, but he pulls away before you get to bask in any of the warmth. In his hand is a pillow from the couch that he plops onto the floor.
“Bad knees,” Dr. Morales mumbles, smirking at the dazed look in your eye. You say absolutely nothing, only watching as he drops his knees onto the wide pillow, hands clenching the edge of the couch cushions.
All the doctor does for a tick is stare. He stares and stares, tongue darting out to wet his mouth.
“Keep rubbing for me, hermosa,” Dr. Morales orders. “Just a little more.”
Your pussy clenches around nothing when your fingers dip down and come back sticky with your wetness. A whine exits you, and your head falls again.
“Can you touch me now? Please,” you remember to add at the end, the ache between your legs forcing you to squirm. “Please, I can’t wait anymore.”
A hand on your thigh almost startles you. Your head tips back up to see his palm sitting heavy against your leg.
“This what you want?” He asks, another scalding touch planting itself on your other thigh. His hands give thrilling grips, thumbs landing at the very edge of your dripping lips.
A pathetic nod from you.
“Words, gorgeous,” Dr. Morales tells you, gaze completely unmoving.
Gorgeous. Hm. A new one, but just as effective.
You pant a few more times before pushing out “Yes, that’s what I wanted.”
“Good girl,” he praises, and you’re nearly done for. “Now, if I ask on a scale of one to ten, how turned on are you right now?”
It’s tough to think of an answer. His hands, so big and inching closer and closer to your heat, are melting your thoughts away at record speed. Everything you try to come up with leaves too fast for you to catch them.
“A… a seven,” you sigh, liking the way his eyes twinkle at your response. “Seven.”
Dr. Morales chuckles lowly, looking up at you.
“Seven?” Frankie grins. “I haven’t touched your pussy yet, and you’re already at a seven?”
He waits for an answer but only receives a long whine that makes him want to laugh again. Fuck, you’re cute. And wet enough that your juices ooze out of you with a pretty shine, and it’s all for him.
Honestly, the only reason he’s lasted this long is because this is for science. Because Francisco Morales is a medical professional and needs to have some kind of composure. It’s breaking, though. He knows it, and not just because of the way his hands crawl closer and closer to your pussy. Or because of the ache in his cock that’s straining against the crotch of his jeans. Sucking in a breath at the feeling of it catching against the tight fabric, Frankie scans you.
Your chest, those stunning tits, have a noticeable rise and fall and you watch him. Something in your gaze, an unexplainable force, finally pulls his face down. It’s as close to your pussy as it’s been. He tries to remind himself about the self-control he’s supposed to be possessing, but a few more seconds pass and it’s nowhere to be found.
He starts just off the left side. The first kiss, soft and careful to start easy. Figure out what you like, what you don’t, and what you really like.
Kiss after kiss, his lips press a little harder. Gliding across the skin of your thighs and pelvis, staying in a spot a little long when it elicits a sound or squirm from you.
The pecks turn to full smooches, and he soon enough finds himself right where he wants to be.
Eyes meeting yours, he sinks into you with a long, fiercely slow drag of his tongue. Frankie’s gaze ties into yours, he puckers his lips and sucks. It’s a supple thing that he pairs with a flick of his tongue right across your pearl.
“Oh,” you squeak, unable to continue with anything but another broken sound. When you arch, Frankie’s hand reaches higher to rest against your hip. He had his suspicions that you were a squirmer, but to see it like this, up close is something else. Something special. “Shit.”
God, you taste incredible. Better than incredible, and while he wants to tell you he can’t. There’s no way he’s pulling away from this, so he suffices for his own moan.
“Fuck,” he mumbles against you, mouth lifting to suck a bit harder. The hand not occupied on your hip reaches until his thumb sits just inside your opening. He rubs, delicately, all the way up, only pulling his mouth away to smooth it over the slick skin.
Another moan, this time from both of you when your hips grind upwards. He matches your movements, letting his head dip back down to continue his lick.
After a while, Frankie decides to up it a notch. Delve as much of his mouth as he can against you, lapping and slurping whatever he can catch before it leaks down onto his chin. The sound it makes, your pussy and his soaking lips, is disgusting. Loud, sinful squelches of wetness that he would give anything to hear for the rest of his life.
Yet somehow, what leaves you is even better. A combination of hitching breaths, loud coos, and cries for him to keep going. Just like that, fuck. So he keeps going, just as he is until he can barely breathe.
He yanks away from you with a grunt but makes sure to replace his tongue with his hand. 
“Such a gorgeous pussy,” Frankie husks out, pressing another kiss to your inner thigh while he finishes catching his breath. “What number now, princesa?”
Frankie makes sure to wait until you’re about to answer him when he snakes his tongue into your slit and fucks. His head bobs back and forth, tongue caressing as deep inside of you as he can. His fingers return to your clit, rubbing with ease thanks to the mixture of slick and spit.
“I don’t know, I can’t think of one,” you rush out, and Frankie chuckles. He gives you one last bold lick before pulling away. He has to hold you tighter when you squirm in irritation, nearly sobbing.
Frankie shushes you with a kind pat on your thigh. You don’t have a chance to whine anything out before he hooks an arm of your thighs and tugs you to the edge of the couch. One of your legs hangs just off the couch, so the doctor hitches it over his shoulder.
His eyebrows scrunch, and he focuses his attention on ghosting a few fingers just barely inside of you. He looks up at you and is met with you already looking back, ready and waiting for him to push further.
He pauses in a wait. Not ten seconds pass before you try to thrust his fingers further yourself, but he doesn’t let you.
“All you need to do is give me a number, baby, and I’ll fuck these as deep as you want.”
“Nine,” you whisper, and he spots your hands clench. You must want to touch him.
“Nine,” he repeated, thumb rolling a circle over your clit. “How many fingers to get you to ten?”
“Three, plea–ah,” you mewl out when Frankie slides his middle digit inside you. He lets out his own noise at the way you suck him in.
His hand bottoms out, and you’re already fucking yourself on his finger. “That’s a girl. Already taking my finger so well. Feel so fucking good around me.”
You’re truly a sight to behold as Frankie watches you, skin damp with a slight sheen, curving and grinding against his hand. Speed increasing, almost growls when he bends to lap at your clit. His tongue twirls against the bud of nerves, and he has to close his eyes to stop himself from reaching down and giving his painfully hard cock a squeeze.
Frankie slides in the second and third finger at the same time, and you break. 
You don’t mean to tangle his hair with your fingers, but they do anyway. It’s hard, but you tug them away, clenching the couch instead.
“Sorry. Sorry, I–” you blurt out, breath long gone, but Dr. Morales has none of it. He doesn’t lift from his licking and swirling to grab your hand and tangle your fingers back into his hair. “Fuck me.”
The rhythm he finds is relentless. He pumps knuckles deep inside you, sliding in and out, collecting a residue of thick moisture. He curls his fingers, searching and finding the spongy spot that causes you to tighten your grip on his hair. His fingertips drag across it, over and over, and you fall limp in his grasp.
“Good fucking girl,” he tells you, words slurring together in his pussy-drunken state. “So good for me. Now I need you to cum, alright? Need you to come for me, all over my fingers so I can drink it all up.”
Dr. Morales slurps messily, chin now nearly dripping as he eats at you. Savoring the tang and hint of sweet while his fingers drive with a steady vigor. There’s no way you can stay still now. You arch, twist, and grind into the doctor, propelling him even deeper. He’s reaching somewhere inside of you that you once thought impossible. Taking grasp of you entirely.
You’re close. You’re so close
“I’m clo–fuck, yes, I’m close. Please don’t stop, please,” you whimper.
“Yeah, you are. Squeezing all nice around me, like a good girl. Sucking you into my mouth. Love how you feel on my mouth, baby. And on my tongue and around my fingers. Never gonna forget how you taste. Shit, could come just like this, so I need you to come right now, okay?”
Frankie doesn’t even know what he’s saying, his rambles. They just pour out, some of it incomprehensible as he busies himself with circling and flicking your sensitive clit. 
You sob out one last moan before the damn breaks. He groans along with you at the way your clit throbs against his tongue. His fingers slow, but only a bit as they make sure to rub right against your g-spot.
A choking sound leaves you as you can barely breathe. The air sucks from your lungs almost as hard as Dr. Morales does down below, and your eyes clench shut. You see stars and space, world falling mute, and body quaking with a thick orgasm.
It rolls over you in drowning waves, the euphoric warmth, driving you with an unbearable bliss. You whine, crying out a few tears. Twitching and shivering under the strong hands of Dr. Morales. 
His hold is tender as you work through it, talking to you gently in the pauses he takes from licking you clean.
“Fucking look at you, querida.”
“Did so good for me, so fucking perfect.”
“Can’t wait to get you back in here next week.”
Only some of the words make it to your ears. The blood rushing makes it hard to understand, but just the sound of it is comforting enough. You feel more kisses press into you, this time just under your belly button, as the fingers inside you still.
The two of you stay like that for several minutes. Dr. Morales murmuring quietly to talk you down. Your leg still over his shoulder caressed by his free hand, while your own twirls at his brown locks.
“Fuck me,” you breathe out eventually, and Dr. Morales smiles against you. You can’t help but join him, chest warming at the final peck he places onto your knee before lowering your leg.
“Gonna pull out, okay? I’ll go slow,” he tells you. You nod, hand falling around his to touch at the warm skin. You huff out a short breath, mouth falling open as you stare at the wetness revealed when he begins to pull out.
Frankie whispers out his own damn, watching you until his fingers are free. Fuck, you’re pretty, aren’t you?
“I meant what I said earlier,” he declares, pushing away the thought. “Did great, muñeca. Incredible, actually.”
“I could say the same for you…” you mumble with a shy grin, and Frankie finds it touching. You’re divine. You’re precious. You’re… his patient.
The room is filled with heat and smells of sex. It clouds Frankie’s brain, but he knows he needs to keep moving. You can dwell, but not him. He’s got a job to do.
Frankie only lets himself stare for a few more minutes before he rises with a groan. His knees are aching, but he doesn't care. His face heats when you help him up the rest of the way, loose limbs and wet stains in all.
“Thank you,” he smiles, moving to hand you your robe with his untainted hand. “Let me go grab you some water and a towel, and then we can do your swab so you can get out of here.”
He’s turning to leave, heading for the bathroom across the hall to wash his hand–it’s still wet and shining, even now–but stops when he sees the look on your face.
“Is it required that I leave right away?”
Frankie is quick to answer. The small pout on your face makes it so.
“Of course not,” he shakes his head. “You’re free to take your time, take a breath. Sip on the water I’m gonna go grab you. Hell, you can even take a nap, if you want. I’ve uh… we’ve got rooms upstairs with beds and blankets. I think there are some snacks in there, too.
“Really?” You blink at him.
“Yeah. Gotta keep you all as comfortable as possible.”
Frankie sees that look again, the pout. He’s not sure you even know you’re doing it.
“I actually might take you up on that nap. I don’t think my legs have really come back yet,” you tell him, looking at him while slipping on the robe. When feels your eyes trail down, right to the bulge in his pants, he sucks in a rough inhale and does his best to screen the obvious.
“I’ll be right back with that water and towel,” Frankie rushes out, turning for the door.
His clean hand is sitting shaky on the handle when he hears you.
“Do you want me to…” you trail off, pausing for so long that he doesn’t expect you to keep going. “I could help you with that if you want.”
That. He knows you aren’t talking about getting water or towels, and it crumbles him. He grits his teeth, dick jumping at the thought of your–
No. No, he can’t. No matter how much he wants to, he can’t.
Frankie turns, digging deep for the strength to look you in the eyes.
“...we shouldn't, sweetheart. It’s against the rules, and we don’t want either of us getting in any kind of trouble, right?”
It takes a long time for you to nod. Way too long.
“Right,” you agree, but Frankie can smell the lie. He wonders if you can smell his, too.
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© superhoeva
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riddle means misery | part 10.
Summary: Y/N Riddle. Not much more has to be said. Everyone hates her. She’s evil... she has to be.
Warnings for the Series: 18+, this series is dark. Manipulation, dubcon verging on noncon, abuse of power, violence, ed mentions, death, blood
Pairing: Bill Weasley x black!reader (semi-slowburn)
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: lol, I don’t know why I assumed that a semi-slowburn wouldn’t be a longer story but here we are at part 9 and still going.
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You were roaming through the Dark Forest, much to the Marauders’ horror. They weren’t exactly sure if you were still safe there now that your father was in prison. You didn’t care and walked into the woods anyway. The Dark Forest had fresh ingredients for potions. You had started staying at Hogwarts more and more, trying to get yourself more comfortable with being around students and teaching. It seemed very likely that you would take the teaching job next year. But for now, your classroom was a very large workshop. 
You had lost all your old journals— the Ministry unfortunately burning them. But they felt guilty enough to buy you a small pensieve where you were trying to peek through memories to see what the pages were and copy them down. They wanted your work. You were going to be a paid researcher. That’s what the extra money in your vault was— that and some money from James and Sirius that they eventually fessed up to putting there. According to them, it was so you wouldn’t have to ask for money and feel awkward about it. 
Plants were carefully plucked and put in your little foraging bag. Growling caught your attention, along with a lot of shouts. Having no sense of preservation, you walked towards the sounds. You walked through some trees to see Aurors slapping cuffs on Fenrir Greyback and putting him in a full body bind. He was one of the few supporters that had escaped the initial arrest and were on the run. Your gasp caught everyone’s attention. Moody pushed everyone back when you started shaking. 
“Rid— Y/N, can you take him? It’s not just Fenrir, others are out here and we can’t afford to waste any man in the chase… Here, I’ll help.” 
Moody lifted Bill up until you were in a comfortable enough position to carry him. The Aurors ran off without so much as another word. You were wondering what they would have done if you hadn’t kept walking towards them. Would they have left him to die because finishing a mission was more important? Is this how some Aurors died in the field? Bill wasn’t even supposed to be working on things that weren’t breaking curses but he always helped the department when Moody asked. 
Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt the blood from his face dripping all over your clothes. You felt like you were going so slow. He’d be dead by the time you got him to your classroom. With great effort, you laid Bill down on the couch in your classroom. 
The redhead woke up to something heavy on his face and total darkness. For a brief moment, Bill thought he might have actually died. Was his shirt open? His chest felt cold but only in certain places. And what was that god awful smell? The darkness was replaced with blinding light. You were standing over Bill with something in a jar that was thick and blue and the thing responsible for the nasty smell. 
“It’s wiggenweld paste with wolfsbane in it,” you said as you started to put the paste over his cuts. “You weren’t bit but I wanted to be sure… I don’t think the scars will fade, I was really slow carrying you up here.” 
“Eh, that’s fine. You carried me?”
You nodded as you moved to apply the paste to the wounds on his chest. Bill watched you flutter about. He would have chuckled if everything didn’t hurt. He could tell that you were moving as fast as humanly possible for you but it just looked normal. Like being warm, that would take you forever to get over. Bill noted the sweater you were wearing even though it was warm. You applied bandages soaked in water infused with the powder of unicorn hooves, wiggentree leaves, and apples— the apples were just for the scent. 
“I wrote to Charlie… and your mum,” you said, sitting on the arm of the couch Bill was laying on. 
He groaned. “She’ll panic for the next year.” 
You nodded. She was on her way with a car borrowed from Sirius and Remus who were also panicking but couldn’t show it as much because they had students to teach. When Molly— and Arthur who immediately took off work— reached the school, they nearly dropped to their knees at seeing him. Arthur carried his son to the car with no problems while you offered to get the rest of the Weasley children. Naturally, they were given time off of school when you told Dumbledore why you were requesting the Great Hall fireplace be connected to the one at The Burrow. 
Aside from Molly, Percy was the most worried member of the family. He listened to your instructions about how to apply the paste and change Bill’s bandages, while you went back to the flat to get some things, with the utmost seriousness. You handed him the jar and promised you’d be back as quickly as possible. 
It wasn’t even a complete hour that you were gone, back to take over changing Bill’s bandages. The Burrow was crowded once again with people. The kids agreed to go back to school next week after you assured them that if Bill was okay by the weekend then he would be on track for a perfect recovery. They also agreed because Monday was a full moon. Since no one knew how affected he would be, the children shouldn’t be around in case he was just like Remus. Of course, Remus was completely harmless during full moons now that he had your recipe for wolfsbane— a recipe that Sirius brewed because he was much better at it. But you still didn’t want to take chances. 
With everyone at the Burrow— and Molly worrying— you wanted to make breakfast and let them all get a late start. Bill, who was now sleeping on the living room couch until he felt better, heard the breaking of glass. A smile graced his face even though his eyes were closed. You must have been up. The string of curses under your breath in the quietness of the house confirmed that for him. With a small groan, Bill tried to sit up. He managed to do that without a lot of pain. Although, he could feel all of it when he stood up. 
Bill started to walk into the kitchen. You were crouched on the ground trying to clean up the, thankfully, empty jar. You shot up with a gasp when the glass bits disappeared. Bill laughed when your eyes went wide. 
“You should be resting,” you said as you very gently pushed at his chest. “Not working.” 
“Cleaning up broken glass is hardly work.” 
You paused because you didn’t have a good defense for that. Bill smirked because he knew it was a gotcha moment. It might have been hard for you but it didn’t take much effort on his part. Your lips pressed together. You simply patted Bill’s shoulder and walked back to the stove. You didn’t even feel him follow you. He peeked over your shoulder to see what recipe you had flipped to. You were always in charge of breakfast. Bill did lunch. And the two of you switched off on dinner— forcing Charlie to do it when he came back home on the weekends. Today was an apple German pancake… several apple German pancakes. 
“Y/N? How many skillets do you need?” 
“There’s ten people here… Put it down!” You grabbed the apple back right before he could take a bite of it. 
Bill chuckled before raising an eyebrow. “Where did you get the apples?” 
“They’re Grimm Golden,” you answered without really listening. 
“Glad to know but where did you get them from? We don’t have any here.”
“There’s an apple orchard down the road. It’s a half-muggle, half-wizard family.” 
“You left the house? On your own?”
“I did.” 
You stopped stirring the batter. Bill watched the look of recognition appear on your face. You turned to look at him. 
“I left the house.” 
“You did.” 
“I didn’t ask anyone.”
“You did not… Good on you.”
“I want to leave the house when I want to.” 
“No more asking.”
“No more asking,” Bill agreed.  
You smiled and did a little wiggle before returning to make the food. Bill gave you a smile that you didn’t see and went to go stay at the table instead of disrupting your cooking anymore. Ron was the first down the stairs at the smell of food. He and Bill immediately dug into the first skillet the moment you set it down. The other Weasleys soon came down and did the same. You sat in between Bill and Charlie to eat from the skillet they were sharing. Ron snorted. 
“It’s like looking in a mirror.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Charlie asked after swallowing his bite of pancake. 
“Harry, Hermione, me,” he said as he pointed to Charlie, you, and Bill respectively. “Mione’s a year older than us, too.” 
“I’m more than a year older,” you said with such seriousness.  
Bill laughed. “Does that mean you plan on sharing a flat with them?”
Ron shrugged. “You never know, could happen.” 
Breakfast ended with the twins actually offering to do the dishes much to everyone’s surprise. Bill knew he couldn’t go anywhere when you said his bandages needed changing again. He let you take his wrist and guide him back to the living room. 
“Wait, are you sure? This is pretty much your chair.” 
You nodded and motioned for him to sit in the armchair in the corner. The cushion was firmer and the back was nice and high. You needed Bill to lean against it so you could assess his scars. 
“Well, will I live?” he asked when the bandages were gone. 
The wounds were sealed on his face that you felt comfortable enough to keep them off, finally giving him full vision once again. Bill’s hands automatically went to your waist to keep you from falling on top of him as you tilted his head back farther than he thought humanly possible. He felt you shivering under his touch. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m just cold. The dementors,” you answered simply. 
“What is it like? The cold?” 
“It feels like being in ice water all the time.”
Bill reached around for his wand. “Accio sweater.” 
The classic Weasley sweater— red with a gold ‘B’ on it— came zooming out of his room and into his hand. Bill handed it to you to put on. He wondered when you would stop being so cold. It was spring and you were in a maxi skirt, long sleeve shirt, and socks. He was positive there were leggings under your skirt. You stopped leaning over him for a brief moment to put the sweater on.  
“Is that better?”
“A bit.”
“Good. You can keep that one.”
“But you said your mum made it.” 
“I have three more. One from graduating Hogwarts, one for completing Auror training, and one last Christmas because I haven’t been able to wear my first year one in years. She used the same colors as that old one.”
“What’s this one from?” you asked as you pulled it down. 
“I attended muggle uni before becoming a curse-breaker. Graduated a history major, helps a lot with curses on muggle things.”
You nodded and reached over to grab your potions bag from the side table. 
“Um, what is that?” he asked as you unscrewed a vial. 
“Eye drops.” 
“What’s in it?” 
“Just wiggentree nectar and phoenix tears. Your eye doesn’t seem damaged but I want to be safe. Without the bandages, you should put these in every now and then.” 
“You’re quite the healer.”
“Thank you.” 
With Bill taken care of, you decided to go outside. The Weasley family heard the slam of the door before they registered that you were no longer in the room. Bill looked at where the door just closed, standing when he saw your shoes still at the door. He knew you didn’t have other ones. Aside from the shoes kept by everyone else, you only owned one pair that you had bought. Your shoes were in his hand and he was out the door without any more delay. Bill could laugh. Where were you possibly going? 
Your face scrunched up when your foot landed in a puddle of mud. The now dirty and soaked sock was pulled out the mud in a very exaggerated fashion. You looked back towards the house, relief coming to your face at seeing Bill standing there with some shoes. 
“We should start making you a checklist before you leave the house.” 
He handed you the shoes along with a pair of socks he figured you would need. You gave him a thanks and continued with your day. Bill ended up sitting in your armchair when he got back to the Burrow. He was constantly looking out the window to check and see if you were coming back. 
He was a little concerned when the sun started to set. Molly left dinner for you but everyone else had gone to bed. He looked over at the clock on the wall. If you weren’t back in an hour, he was coming to find you. A large sigh escaped him when he sat back down, finally seeing your scurrying form come back towards the house. Your wand had the tiniest bit of light at the tip of it. 
“How was outside?” Bill asked as you tried to close the door as gently as possible so you wouldn’t disturb anyone. 
You gave him the first genuine smile he had ever seen. You nodded enthusiastically and went to the kitchen to fix a warm drink. Bill was about to go back to the couch and get some sleep when he paused. Was your bag moving? He could have sworn that the foraging bag still slung around your body was moving. 
“What’s in there?”
You set your warm drink on the table by the armchair. “A niffler.”
Bill shook his head and went to go lay on the couch. He was going to go to sleep and in the morning everything would be normal. That was not the case at all when Bill woke up and a niffler was on his chest, trying to figure out how to take his earring out of his ear without just ripping it out. 
“His name is Gallyrogue.”
Bill held up his hand to awkwardly wave at the niffler. Gallyrogue was immediately distracted by the gold ring on Bill’s thumb. He made grabbyhands at the ring until it was off Bill’s finger. The redhead’s mouth tightlined but he didn’t even bother to grab it back. 
“So he’s coming home with us?” 
You entered the living room, two cups of tea in your hands. You gave one to Bill along with the promise to make sure Gallyrogue didn’t get into too much trouble. He wasn’t terribly bothered about having a pet. He was more focused on figuring out how long you had been planning on buying a niffler. You offered to find a new place if Gallyrogue was too much for him and Charlie. You actually had enough money to buy your own place. Bill shook his head. He sat up to drink the tea, Gallyrogue slipping from his chest to his lap. 
“No, it’s fine. Besides, Charlie brings his dragon eggs every now and then. We like having you around.” 
You both took sips of tea. Bill began to pet Gallyrogue absentmindedly. He paused as he took another sip. He liked having you around. Sure, Charlie did too but Bill meant what he said. He liked having you around. It hadn’t even occurred to Bill that he hadn’t been on a date since you moved into the flat. He liked the routine the two of you had established. Life with you was comfortable, even good. You set down the tea with excitement. 
“I learned something.” 
“What was it?” Bill asked with a smile. 
“Remus has been helping me with magic. So have the others but mainly Remus. Watch, watch. Expecto Patronum.”
The silver falcon made Bill nearly drop his tea. He clapped when the patronus disappeared. You nodded, proud of yourself, before sitting back down in the armchair. Bill took the time to just observe you. Realization was taking over him. Charlie had already left the Burrow to go back to work but he’d be back for the weekend— back at the flat where you and Bill would be. Since he could remember, the two of them had always talked about their problems with each other. Including girl problems. This was very much something he needed to talk to his brother about. Bill kept stealing glances at you while you looked out the window and sipped tea.
(part 11)
@thirsty4nonlivingmen @0collectiveworld0​ @motomamita​ @queen-stars2​​
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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mkanuhea · 1 year
Saw your anti AI post and I agree so much.
I used to work with a friend who is a influencer and youtuber. They asked me to do the thumbnails since they love my art and I've been struggeling with money for a while.
It was a nice extra income.
Until they found AI and that they can just push a button and get free art immidiately.
So I got turned down silently. No official "hey I took something else" nothing. They just started using AI and stopped updating my art schedule. I had an argument with them about it and stated the issue with AI. They kinda don't care. They only see their own profit.
Mind you, this person is super leftist. I expected more from them especially because they complain a lot how other youtubers steal and copy their videos.
Also note: I did a very fair price, I even underpaid myself.
And now I have to see how I'll make through the next few months.
So yeah, AI doesn't only steal art, it steals jobs especially from small artists. I want this shit to fucking end already
First of all, I'm so so SO sorry this happened to you. I really hope that you still continue to stay creative, share your artwork and wishing you loads of business to keep up your art career. Situations like this are awfully discouraging, but I implore you to keep at it. We need real, human artists more than ever. Never stop creating friend.
Personally, I feel like the use of AI "artwork" typically made by so-called leftists or liberals outs that their solidarity is just performative. Whether they realize it or not, I feel as if you're competent enough to realize capitalism is not good for anyone (unless you're swimming in a billion dollars) that you'd come to the understanding AI "art" hurts the working class - because, lets be honest, if you're selling you're artwork/making art to sell, you're working. You're a worker. And it's just even more so baffling when other ARTISTS are making AI art "for shits and giggles" all while acknowledging that the production of AI artwork hurts artists. The cognitive dissonance is real - or or or - their activism is just performative. lol.
I won't support artists who use AI "art" and post it even if it's "just for fun". I don't care if you "just wanted to see" yourself in Greg Rutkowski's style or (the other artist's style, I cannot for the life of me remember their name) and share it on social media. One of my acquaintances on Facebook makes and sells jewelry and is supposedly an avid leftist, and another acquaintance of mine also does commissions and sells their artwork also via Facebook; yet recently posted AI self portraits and my respect for both of them quickly got flushed down the shitter.
Really, and I say this with every micrometer of my fuckn soul, feeding the generator and sharing your AI "artwork" is completely and disgustingly insulting for any competent artist (and I say competent, because this phase has proven some are in fact, not). For those who've posted and shared their AI "art", fuck you for even having the thought and ESPECIALLY a hot and steamy massive fuck you if you've ever acknowledged in the past the destruction of AI-generated artwork. Get shit on.
How to stop this? Stop feeding the fucking robot. Call out/educate those who post AI art. Stop supporting other artists that use and share AI art. While there are many things in a capitalist society we're unfortunately compliant to, this is one of those things we have the power to nip in the butt before it gets worse.
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oatmealgoat · 6 months
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Money is always needed since don't work that often and am homeless so I’ll will open Commissions here too! I also figured I should move my prices and examples to a more...organised format lol.
Table of Contents
This is just for people who want to skip to certain things. Be warned that skipping anything does not mean you don't have to follow certain rules. Sorry this is so long. Just gotta make sure everything is here.
✨️Will/Won't Draw
✨️Methods of Contacting Me
✨️Extra Info (Including TOS & Wait Time)
✨️Style Options
✨️Prices (With Examples! Note that Dakimakura are at the bottom. )
Will/Won't Draw
You can find the full list and a few more rules about what we're willing to do here
☆ Extra Characters - $43 per character
☆Alts - Depending on what you're getting an alt of, it starts at $8.
☆Complex OC Fee - Starts at x1.2. Can increase.
☆Rush Fee - +$32
☆"Do not post, EVER." Fee - x1.3 to FINAL price. (Does not apply if we can post after a certain date. Like valentine's gifts you don't want spoiled.)
Where To Contact:
When ordering a commission you can pm me... (in order of preference)
𖤐On my Main blog (online more here. @oatmealkitty)
𖤐Discord: BerryFox#5608 / OatmealKitty
𖤐Telegram: @OatmealKitty
𖤐Twitter: OatmeaiKitty or Soggyvappy (Might not respond. I dont get notifications)
𖤐Here(though you may be waiting forever for a response as this is a secondary account and I dont get notifications)
𖤐Furaffinity: OatmealFoxy or Oatmealgoat (Only if you have NO other option. Messaging system SUCKS there. )
Just to note, I use Stripe, Cashapp, and PayPal for payments. Methods are in the preferred order. You do not need an account for stripe, just an email and a card.
You can find the TOS here! It's just a place with more rules and stuff not listed here. Sorry if some of the rules are a bit...odd. Past experiences have caused us to be more...specific with the rules.
🐠Wait Times
You can find all info on wait times and scheduling here.
🐠Full Portfolio
If you'd like more examples, you can find them all here. This drive folder contains all of our finished work (including commissions) up to this date. Though examples will be provided below.
☆We do not offer single sketches. However, Sketch Pages can be purchased instead. Prices start at $228, which gives you one colored sketch along with 4 uncoloured ones.
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𖤐6 panels per page, just to avoid clutter. It will be better in the end, we kow from experience. Text will be bigger and therefore readable, images in panels will be less squished up and therefore look like they actually had effort put into them, stuff like that.
𖤐If you have a written story that you wish for us to turn into a comic, we will charge $10 per page conversion. This is because it takes a LOT of time to read portions of story several times over so we know how to separate the text into pages. This charge will be given even if you decide not to go through with the comic, again, because it takes time away from other works. So make sure that you are certain that you want to do the comic before hand.
Default Style A is the style you'll get if you don't ask for style mimic or Style B. It is much more sharp. We use this style more when doing personal art and the Duotale comic.... and Undertale Goats because people find them cuter this way lol
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Style B is much more fluffy. Most furries pick this option because..well.. fur lol. This is the style we do for most of the art on the account as well as PCBTF.
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Style Mimic is when we literally copy another style to a T(The line art itself will not change unless requested, just the way characters and scenes are drawn.) Usually, this costs extra as it requires practice. It starts at $11.
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Extra Characters: $43 USD each
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Fullbody - $86
Single color/Pattern/No BG
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Scene Art - $117+
Obviously in a specific location, area, or room.
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Simple/No BG Comic: $166+
Single color, pattern, or no background. Maybe even a simple single/dual color room with minimal clutter.
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Detailed/Complex BG Comic: $207+ USD
Detailed forests or other complex settings, lots of items scattered around, tons of background activity.
Fully rendered art. Same fees as Flat Color.
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Fullbody - $112
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Scene Art - $136
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Simple/No BG Comic: $207+ USD
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Detailed/Complex BG Comic: $258+ USD
All ref sheets have 2 Fullbodies (front and back), two cheebs, and a color palette/font of your choice by default, along with close ups of details if needed. Extra stuff will raise the price.
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These can be front and back. They will always have items on the background unless requested otherwise. They can also be NSFW as every other commission for x2 the price.
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Front Only: $120 USD
Front+Back: $240 USD
Physical Cover: +$43 USD (Includes shipping)
0 notes
arlecchno · 1 year
YES OMG THE POISONED DREAMS SERIES (from what ive read so far) IS SO SCRUMPTIOUS - the print copies have art in them and im just so obsessed teehee . summers fic and MA over the past few months have been the things i looked forward to in the then - futures . cova is srsly taking all of our hearts hostage w that blessed fic LOL its also real fun that the reader in fic has a hydro vision (this doesnt count as spoilers right ?) because ive always personally envisioned (haha) myself with one too . cova also has other works w alhaitham in it that are like kinda sorta connected to summers fic , my favorite being this one , i love the fic description LMAO
dude ive done so much random bullshit because i used to have SO MUCH extra free time on my hands ??? and , honestly dude ive really been wanting to get back into writing on a regular basis but i have such terrible commitment issues with my personal projects its insane . also if you dont mind could you share some of your a/n that you find particularly silly ? i honestly live for memey authors notes
ive also taken that quiz ! multiple times actually (and many others) LMFAO , it was a different answer every time but its mainly a tie between ei and albedo . which is . heavily ironic . because all my close friends call me a scara kinnie which is like . ah yes another artificial human and then throw a creator of one at me like ??????? atp ive just come to embrace that i might be a little artificially flavored in the brain (/hj) . ive also been called a cyno kinnie sometimes because of the terrible puns i make (they laugh anyways though so i mean ..) anyways yeah so if you wanna assign me a genshin character too feel free to i guess , its honestly fun for me to see people assign me a genshin character they think im similar to .
heres …. a spoon i accidentally drew while trying to draw a fish
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- jellyfish
i've only read the summers fic until chap 4 (currently reading chapter 5) and it's so good. the mc and alhaitham's dynamic is so funny HAHA i keep laughing every time they have their stupid banters especially in the middle of fighting/interrogating people.
mc having a hydro vision is actually so nice too!! in chapter 4 at the part where they were sitting by the water and mc was playing around with the water by morphing them into dolphins and such was a nice addition to them. having a hydro vision sounds so fun and honestly i kinda want it too now LMAO
i'll also be sure to check out the other fic you've linked! cova's work with the summers fic is truly good and they're hella good at writing, so i'm not gonna miss the chance to not read their other works 🥹
and wow!!! i think you'll do a great job at writing again, and if you ever decide to get back to it, i would drop everything to read your work. no really, you're good at drawing, you make poems, you like solving out stuff, you make your own games— what can't you do???? you have such amazing skills and talents, i'd drop on my knees to see more of your work 😵‍💫
i won't deny that writing is such a big commitment and it takes such a huge effort to get back on your feet, and that's okay!! i think it's really neat that you have your own personal projects, i would say that's a total win!!!! hehe
google docs has this section where it lets you add comments in the words you've highlighted and i took every opportunity to make the silliest ones in some lines i've written for ma (would we consider this as proper annotations? i don't think i would...), here are some of them
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i like adding my own author comments in my google docs because personally— it feels like a wattpad comment section, except that it's only visible to you, y'know? pretty silly, exactly, but i like annotating my own work for some reason... i think i'm just hella weird
i kinda see how you'd be an albedo kinnie, actually. well, one, you're pretty artistic, but also, i have a feeling you're kind of a quiet and reserved person irl. i hope i'm not wrong because then i'd be a total fool HAHAHA but anyways... hm... cyno kinnie... you know i can't disagree to that when you've already slipped in a pun on your first paragraph 😔 ngl i giggled when i first read it so... another win for you?
thank you for the spoon jellyfish haha it's so silly that it made my day 😭
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEADCANON + GOJO SATORU || the gojo twins
request: HELLO^^ so I’ve been wondering this so long but do you think it would even be possible if Gojo had a twin sister that also has the sixth eye ? Probably not but, I’d kinda want to know what the clans higher ups and curses react to 2 sixth eye user.
note: I am glad I am not the only one thinking about this lol. like what if they were two gojos? absolute chaos the world has ever seen. i love it, this entire prompt lives in my head rent free lol
pronouns: she/her
gojotwins!au masterlist
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imagine the other clan’s reactions when they learn that not one, but two of the gojo clan’s newest heirs were born with the highly coveted Six Eyes?
gojo satoru and y/n - the newest members of the gojo clan, twins that are born with the Six Eyes. a first case that has ever happened in the family’s history. it was this monumental moment when the higher ups realise that things are going to be interesting
by the way - you’re the older twin lol. just so you can poke jabs at gojo for the rest of your life by using the line. “i’m the older sibling here!”
“only by like, two minutes!”
that being said though, over-protective twin brother who will scare all your boyfriends/girlfriends the first time they meet because of his height and overly nice personality that scares people even more
you’re just as bad though - if any girl or guy walks out of his room after a night of fun you will probably be a little bitch and make them feel awkward until gojo wakes up
“can’t you be a little nicer to them?” gojo groans after the person he slept with last night quickly left after an awkward cup of morning coffee with you. “I actually liked them a lot.”
but it’s all done with love, and if the other realise their significant other makes them happy, they will back off
the moment you two entered jujutsu tech, then yaga-sensei was about to hand in his retirement slip early with the sheer chaos that his year of students were bringing him 
ieiri was delighted that she wasn’t going to be the only girl at school; geto was amused how you two were basically copy and paste of each other, just in different genders
surprisingly enough, think you’d be the one who’d be the more studious and definitely more interesting in learning how to hone your skills better - gojo probably still has this ‘i am the strongest’ mentality that the elders planted in him because ✨misogyny✨
but he loves to compete with you - and you’re the only one who’d he ever admit defeat to, and will defend your honour whenever the elders talk down on you because you’re a girl. and to them, girls are just meant to be ‘a pretty face with strong genes to bring a strong generation into the world’
he’s probably the one who talked your elders out of arranging a marriage between you and an heir to another important family like the kamo clan - because there is no way in hell is he going to let some random ass man take you away from him
probably joking told you that if all else fails, to marry geto on the spot - and let’s be honest here, who wouldn’t? Geto looks so damn fine both the anime and especially in the Gojo Past Arch. rail me daddy-
*cough cough*
anyway - ever since that comment, geto and you might pretend to flirt with each other to get gojo riled up. playfully brushing your hand along his arm, playing with his hair between your fingers whenever you two talk, geto leaning close to you to whisper something in your ear with a smirk, or him resting his hand around your waist whenever he leads you about
it always gets gojo riled up, and he’d get in between the both of you; whining for you to give him attention instead
you probably sneak into his room, even as you got older, to hide in his arms whenever you have a nightmare - and he’d wordlessly just hold you close and cuddle you to sleep again no matter how old you two are
both of you share the same braincell - same reactions, expressions, and sometimes even finishing each other’s sentences. sometimes you two even say the same thing at the same time, to which you two just high five each other with a laugh 
freaks everyone out a little, since it’s just so random and natural for the both of you to do it 
nanami hates it whenever he has to accompany you two - as his senpais, he can’t complain much. he does learn a lot, yet at the same time, he can’t stand it when the both of you are sent on a mission together 
with you he’s fine; but he barely tolerates gojo 
ijichi loves you, since you compliment him on the smallest of things, or smile at him warmly whenever he does something right; may have a crush on you that he refuses to reveal to anyone
both of you probably have shopping trips every weekend; don’t tell me you two don’t splurge on clothing when you two can charge whatever it is you want to the gojo clan account 
you two probably got a lot of those roadside modelling offers - and sometimes you’d probably even joke about leaving the whole jujutsu world behind to become a model instead
“i mean - it pays. and all i need to do is sit and look pretty.”
a lot of ‘did not!’ and ‘did too!’ arguments all day long 
you two love to taunt the Curses together before you kill them - it makes them only more scared, but the ‘chase more fun’
“say, toru - it looks so weak for a semi-first, no?”
“must be a new born - how pathetic.”
bags of candies all over the place - somehow he got you addicted to candy as well, so whenever you two travel, you always buy different candies and different treats 
when geto betrayed you all in your third year, gojo turned to you as his pillar of familiarity; even more so when he was force to kill his best friend a few years later. the both of you leaned on each other as you start to pick the pieces of yourselves once more
both you and your brother share the same idea of changing the jujutsu world from the inside out, so you two decided to take up teaching together under the command of now principal yaga
poor man is deciding if he now regrets accepting both of your applications 
you took in megumi as your own by the way - so megumi respects you a lot since you’re like the mother he never had. but at the same time, he wouldn’t be surprise if he heard that you do something stupid with your twin brother
feel like gojo and you will spend your free time probably trying to unlock more secrets of the Limitless and how to use your Six Eyes better - and Gojo will teach you how to probably use Hallow Purple and how to use Reverse Cursed Techniques with the held of ieiri as well
you took in maki, inumaki and even panda as your own kids as well - teaching them whenever gojo is forced to go and solve some issue the higher ups throw at him; making the kids super protective of you
even when yuta came, you didn’t care about the special grade curse that was stuck inside of him; treating him like an actual person and training him up and build his confidence once more
when you heard what happened to the special-grade cursed object that megumi was tasked on taking the following year, you laughed your ass off for 10 minutes while megumi tried not to show his annoyance
“y/n-sensei, i almost died. it is not funny.”
but you still took yuji in as your own child, and when you were giving him a tour around campus, you raised an eyebrow when a pair of lips appeared on the side of his cheek
“even though i want to kill that white haired bastard, i might spare your pretty little face.” 
“hello to you too, sukuna.” you greeted with a smile while yuji slapped a hand over the mouth, apologising to you with a wild blush on his face. you just laughed and reassured the poor boy it was alright
when nobara came, you adopted her as well; and she loves you, and loves how in tune with the trends you are. you two even have a girl’s night where you talk about everything that happens and have a few rants about boys
all in all - highkey chaotic, but with more common sense then your younger twin brother gojo and knows how to act professional whenever you need to. you also tend to adopt all the students that walks through your doors, and they view you as a parental figure as well. you and your brother are a menace together, but you two get things done and no one can really complain
gojo is protective, but when it comes to you it’s worse lol. but you’re just as bad when it comes to making sure ‘your baby brother’ is safe. you two tend to be super sassy and throw shade at each other, but when it comes down to the basics, you two love each other a lot and will go the extra mile to make sure that each other are safe
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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goldencherryhazz · 3 years
Better than sex
A/n: it’s currently nearly midnight and I have been working on this for the past three hours, so I don’t even know if it makes sense but I will check in the morning lol! Notes would be much appreciated, pls don’t copy my work!
Warnings: smut, daddy kink, choking, oral fem!recieving, fluff
Agreeing to go on tour with Harry was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made, travelling to every corner of the world and watching your boyfriend perform in front of thousands of people in the most extravagant outfits every night was honestly a dream, but now after four months being on the road with him you we’re finally going home for a break.
‘Wake up darling’ Harry said stroking your cheek, it was only 7’o’clock in the evening in the uk, but jet lag was getting the better of you so Harry being more accommodated to flying here there an everywhere gladly drove you two home from the airport whilst you napped.
You give him a lazy smile stretching your arms in the air ‘we’re home H’ you say excitedly looking at the front of your home, you honestly thought you forgot what it looked like after not seeing it for 4 months.
‘Yes we are my love’ admiring his girl and how cute she looked rubbing her sleepy eyes with her whole palm like a child.
He opens his door and climbs out of the car, quickly making his way to your side to open the door for you like the gentleman he is, ‘m’lady’ he gestures for to to get out the car ‘well thankyou kind sir’ you giggle at him, pecking his cheek on your way to the back of the car.
You two make a quick job of getting all your luggage into the house, only dumping them in the porch already agreeing to deal with it in the morning.
You walk into the kitchen to be greeted by Daisy, your two’s cat who Anne had kindly looked after whilst you and Harry were touring, you felt bad for leaving her for so long but Anne had insisted seeing as Daisy got along with her cats aswell, so she basically had a massive sleepover, ‘hey dais how are you, missed you soo much’ you coo towards her she let you stroke her for a maximum of two seconds before she spots Harry in the doorway and bounds over to him. You chuckle, Daisy had always had a soft spot for Harry and you couldn’t really blame her ‘not giving mama cuddles huh, missed your daddy too much’ he said with the cat laid in his arms, her paws up as if she was in surrender. Eventually she scrambled out of his arms going to her bed in the living room you presumed.
‘Wanna go and watch a film in bed baby, you can choose whatever you want promise I won’t make you watch The Notebook again’
‘Yeah sounds perfect’ she smiles walking to grab his outstretched hand which didn’t have any rings on which was a strange sight after being so used to seeing him with them on.
The two of you trudge up the stairs, and when you finally make it to the top you run into the bedroom that you and Harry shared, and jumped onto your California king bed, making Harry laugh at your antics. You had truly missed this bed after being in a different hotel at least once every two days over the last four months, there was just something about the duvet and the memory foam mattress topper that you couldn’t get enough of, the sheets were also extra soft and smelled like fresh flowers, you laid flat on your back with tight arms and legs splayed out like a starfish, as you practically sunk into the mattress ‘this is better than sex’ you say jokingly but sounding quite serious due to how comfortable you were at that moment.
This made Harry spin round to face you with his eyebrows raised a smirk on his lips, he made his way to the bed, you had your eyes closed so when you felt his breath again the side of your neck it made you jump and had a shiver running out your spine ‘are you sure about that sweet girl’
You open you eyes in shock, not knowing what you said would get him riled up that quickly, or bruise his over so increasing ego, but you knew if you kept playing along he would give it to you really good just so that he could prove you wrong, and you were all for it.
‘Are you saying that this bed is better than my cock...my fingers...and my mouth?’ Kissing you on the sweet spot on your neck between his words.
‘Hmm, I don’t know you’ll have to show me can’t remember.’
‘Oh baby you don’t know what you’ve gotten your self into, I’m gonna make you remember it for days’ making a moan escape your lips, he pounced on top of you pinning you arms above your head kissing you on you lips multiple times before dragging them down your
Harry knew you were probably joking but he loved having his way with you and for the last 4 months being on tour the only sort of intimacy you two had was quick fucks in dressing and hotel rooms with being so busy all the time and at night Harry was understandably tired after doing a show. He wanted to dominate the shit out of you tonight and you had just added fuel to the fire, so with no fear of someone walking in on you both he was going to let loose.
He pulls back and releases your arms, ‘strip for my baby, then I want you to sit at the top of the bed with your back against the headboard’ you moaned softly at his words, already putty in his hands and instantly start undressing as he did the same.
Once you were naked, and sat against the headboard you couldn’t help but stare at your boyfriend pulling his t-shirt over his head making his arms flex, your pussy become slick with your wetness as you watched him. Once he freed his cock from the confines of his boxers, he gives his shaft a few tugs trying to relieve some of the building pressure.
‘Jesus, can smell you from here’ he moans crawling up the bed, you legs spreading even more on instinct to give him more room. He lays on his belly once he is closer to you wrapping his arms around your thighs swiftly dragging you so that his face was barely centre metres away from your sopping cunt, you drape you legs over his shoulder heels digging into his back.
‘M’gonna use my mouth and my fingers and I’m gonna make you cum so hard that you squirt everywhere sweet girl’ you squirm in his grip his eyes looking directly into yours. He gives you no warning as he ducks down pressing a kiss directly on your clit, then licking a bold stripe up your entire pussy ‘always to wet for me, you taste just like a strawberry angel.’ You throw your head back, you hands gripping onto the sheets to prepare yourself for what was to come.
He focuses back on your clit flicking his tongue from side to side, he teases a his middle finger round your entrance making you buck your hips ‘patience sweet girl’ he says removing his lips from your clit to suck a hickey onto the inside of your thigh.
‘Feels so so good daddy’ the first words you had spoken except moan after moan since Harry started, your fingers pinching your nipples, he smirks up at the pet name, his cock twitching against the sheets.
He decides to give you his fingers, inserting two at the same time, you whine at how easily they slid into you. He gives no time to adjust curling them into a ‘cone hither’ motion then pumping them in and out going knuckle deep every time hitting spots that you would never have been able to fine with your own, a calloused finger rubbing tight circles around you clit. ‘How good is daddy making you feel, tell me’
‘So f-fucking good, your fingers feel amazing inside me daddy’ you can’t stop your eyes from rolling into the back of your head as his mouth finds it’s place back on your clit, adding a third finger into you cunt, still thrusting at a delicious pace, You could feel the knot tightening in your belly, but not only that you felt like a balloon was ready to burst within you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, knowing that he loved it when you tugged on his curls, but you also did it so that he wouldn’t pull away and deny you of an orgasm when you were almost falling off the edge.
‘Clenching around my fingers baby, know your gonna cum, stop holding back leg go for me’.
‘Shit daddy, I’m so close’ you cry out
‘Yeah you gonna squirt for me, soak the sheets?’
‘Yes daddy’
‘Go on then, cum for me sweet girl’
You couldn’t hold back any longer, after a few more thrusts of his fingers you let go screaming as you do, the ballon inside you also bursting resulting in you squirting over the lowers portion of Harry’s face and the sheets beneath, he moaned out. Your legs were shaking, your head was thrown back, and your back arched as he continued thrusting his fingers inside of you to ride out your intense orgasm. After a few moments you took in a sharp breath having forgotten how to breathe ‘holy shit daddy’ you barely mustered up, you felt like you were floating in mid air, you don’t think you’ve cum that hard in a very long time.
After a couple of minutes you start to come down from your high, you look at Harry who was still in the same position, his eyes were glazed over in lust ‘that was so fucking hot angel, swear I could’ve cum just right there and then’ he licks your folds cleaning up you up a bit. Harry swore he could spend hours between your legs, he couldn’t get enough of your taste.
Eventually he presses one last kiss on your clit, before blowing air directly onto the small bud, making you squirm at the overstimulation.
He moves up you body, pressing kisses against your skin along the way, swirling his tongue around your hardened nipples then blowing air only each in just like he had done to your clit making a shiver run up your spine. He reaches your lips kissing, dipping his tongue into your mouth so that you could taste your juices.
‘Was that good sweet girl’ his words muffled by your lips.
‘Yes daddy, m’kinda sleepy now though’ you say shutting you eyes a lazy smile spreading across your face.
‘No falling asleep on me now, haven’t even fucked you yet, m’cocks leakin’ for you.’
This makes you perk up a bit, now yearning to be filled with Harry’s cock, you had only just come down from your last orgasm but you were ready for another one.
‘Want you to come deep inside of me daddy, want you to fill me up so bad’ you whine.
‘You want my cock baby’
‘Yes please daddy’ you were desperate now.
‘Well since you asked so nicely’ he reaches down tugging his cock a few times spreading pre-cum over his length, before slipping into your warm cunt both of you groaning at the feeling, he thrusts all the way inside you his length stretching your walls deliciously.
‘Ohhh sweet girl, swear you pretty cunt was made for me, can I move now’
‘Yes daddy, you can move’ he instantly complies not being able to stay still any longer. He starts a steady pace pulling nearly all the way out before thrusting back in hitting the deepest spots within you. You reach your arms over his shoulders tracing some of his tattoos along the way then gripping onto the soft skin. Whimpers and groans filled the room as Harry buried his face in your neck, your natural scent mixed with your favourite perfume intoxicating him, you take your chance to suck a hickey onto his neck after not having much time to mark him up.
He was fucking into you at a fast pace now, getting lost in pleasure ‘so deep daddy’ you moan. He moved his face from you neck, gripping onto the headboard with one hand to get more leverage, the sight of him above you pounding you into the mattress turned you on even more if that was possible.
‘Daddy can you c-choke me’
His hand flies to your throat gripping it just enough so it restricted you breathing slightly, ‘like that baby, you love it when daddy rough with you, don’t ya’
‘Yes daddy, fucking love it’ you scream as he starts hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
‘Oh shit, daddy’s gonna cum, you gonna cum with me’ he groans hand getting slightly tighter around your throat.
‘I’m gonna cum to daddy, please keep fucking me like that’ your eyes roll into the back of you head you heels looped round his back and crossed at the ankle to keep him as close as possible. His thrusts start to falter and his cock twitches telling you he was about to fall over the edge ‘cum inside me daddy, want you to paint my walls with your cum, please daddy want it soo much’ you whimper also starting to tumble over.
‘Shit I’m cumming’ he growls sheathing into your cunt his cock twitching one last time, his balls resting heavy against the space between your pussy and your tight second hole, he emptied his load inside you, the sensation of his seed filling you up also made you cum, Harry’s grip on your throat giving you a head-rush as you do, you both felt euphoric. After the waves of your release come crashing down in you your body goes limp, you know that you will be sore tomorrow and probably the day after but it was all worth it. Harry’s takes longer to come down from his high, his cum now dripping out of your pussy. ‘You okay bub’ you say sweetly looking up at him.
‘Oh I’m more than okay baby, feel fucking incredible’
He takes his loosened hand off of your throat before resting his body on top of yours, his cock still buried inside of you ‘I take back that last statement about this bed being better than sex’ you whispered breathlessly into his hair stroking through the sweaty curls.
‘You better’ he tiredly laughs into your neck.
305 notes · View notes
student-by-day · 3 years
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since we’re officially a few weeks into second semester and i’ve had to write another paper by now, i thought it was about time i shared some precious knowledge for the benefit of the greater good.
some basic things i can’t believe no one taught us:
wikipedia IS NOT EVIL. repeat after me. wikipedia IS NOT EVIL. just be smart about using it. (hear me out on this one.)
it can oftentimes be a great place to start because you can get a quick, simple summarization on the topic you’re trying to learn about.
make sure to check out the bibliography at the bottom---a lot of those sources are credible (which means you can cite them in your work!) and can provide further reading/context.
there are a lot of linked topics within the articles---read up on those too if they’re relevant (for a better overall understanding/extra background knowledge).
just don’t quote or paraphrase from wikipedia (the same goes for any other non-scholarly source) and cite it as a source in your paper---your teacher/prof may or not murder you, knowing this site can be edited by their four-year-old child lol.
put quotation marks around specific words (like names, dates, etc.) to narrow down your search results in case the ones that pop up first are irrelevant or too general.
narrow down domains by sticking site:.edu, site:.org, etc. to the end of a search instead of manually sifting through blogs and a bunch of “unusable” stuff.
explore the other advanced search options that don’t have shortcuts by googling something > settings > advanced search to narrow things down based on language, region, publication date, usage rights, etc.
use ctrl+f on articles to find the most relevant passage(s) if you read through the first paragraph and think “yea man this ain’t it” or if the page is super long/wordy. this will save you a lot of wasted time. 
figure out how to do a split screen and snap windows on your device! this is great for taking notes during a video/documentary or when manually retyping something that you can’t copy+paste while looking at the source for reference. it’s alt+[ or alt+] for chromebooks and windows key+left arrow key or windows key+right arrow key for windows pcs (google it if you have a mac---didn’t want to give out info i couldn’t test myself).
RECORD ALL (ALL) THE RELEVANT SOURCES YOU ENCOUNTER while you research. i don’t know how many times i’ve read a tidbit of information and didn’t think i’d use it later but then spent like an hour scrolling and clicking through my history to find the right site because it turned out i did need/want that piece of information later once i changed the direction i was going in. my method: pasting the link on a doc and writing a little reminder below it about what info it contains/what i would use it for.
if you’re extra lazy, use the docs.new shortcut to create a new google doc.
when citing, WAIT UNTIL YOU’RE DONE WRITING and then use a generator (fyi: i like easybib.com and hate the google docs add-on) to get the brunt of the work out of the way, edit any incorrect blanks, add to ones you have extra info for, and PROOFREAD THE FINAL CITATION while referencing the criteria of your standard (whether that’s chicago, apa, mla, or whatever) using owl.purdue.edu, as mistakes *do* happen, and you don’t wanna get docked points for something as simple as a citation.
remember you’ll have better results if you stop using a ton of filler words and punctation just to be grammatically correct---use fragments or list key words instead when you search things that are harder to find.
reword and reorder the words in your search in several ways. don’t give up right away if you can’t find things---you’ve gotta show some resilience.
read past the third result. please. i can’t stress this enough, considering how many people i know that don’t do this. you have to realize some things just take digging.
explore “related searches” that are suggested at the bottom. even if they’re not as specific as yours, they might pull up different/more results bc they’re common searches!
there are ways to get through paywalls. i’m *not* saying you should go find the loophole links on tumblr... i’m definitely not saying that *at all*.
270 notes · View notes
worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
Sweets (Soft Yandere! Jungkook)
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You keep being visited by the most peculiar thief…
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➵ in which jungkook steals your lip balm and perfume instead of talking to you, you leave a post-it note with your number on it for the strange thief who only seems to take the most inexplicable items and has a strange sense of responsibility for your wellbeing, and the cute boy in your photography class with the fluffy hair and the oversized sweater keeps getting more and more endearing…
➵ Warnings: Soft Yandere Jungkook, Breaking & Entering but without the Breaking, Reader is a bit of a ditz (lol sorry guys) 
➵ Word Count: 4.2K
➵ Masterlist
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“Hello, uh, I’d like to… report a crime?” 
Your statement, which had always sounded suitably firm and assertive when you practised it in front of the bathroom mirror, ended with an unplanned upturn, making it sound more like a question than you would like. 
“Please state your name and address, ma’am.”
You did so, listening anxiously to the tap of a keyboard as your information was filed away. The undoubtedly over-worked police officer on the other end of the line sounded like he was two seconds from falling asleep, and you questioned yourself for the millionth time over whether you really needed to report this or not.
“What is the nature of the crime you are reporting, ma’am?”
“Um… well…” 
You twisted your hand into the fabric of your shirt self-consciously, trying to decide the best way to explain the strange little occurrences that had been surrounding your apartment over the last few months. You had not yet found a way to put it without sounding ridiculous, but you supposed there was a first time for everything. 
“I, uh, I think someone’s breaking into my apartment and stealing things.”
“You have an intruder?”
“Uh huh,”
“…Are they currently in your residence?”
“No, I think… they come and take things when I’m not here and then they’re gone by the time I get back.” 
“What items have been stolen?”
You bit your lip. 
“I know it sounds silly, but…”
“No crime is too small to report, ma’am. We are committed to making the lives of everyday citizens safer.”
“Well… they’ve stolen my lip balm like… several times. I keep buying new ones and they keep being stolen after a week or so. And my perfume. And my hairbrush one time, and-”
“Ma’am,” The officer cut you off with the impatience you had been both anticipating and dreading ever since you decided to call the police, “Listen, we don’t have the capacity to deal with prank callers-”
“It’s not a prank call!” You blurted, a momentary burst of desperation overtaking you, “I- um, sorry for interrupting, officer, but this isn’t a prank call. Things have been going missing. I can’t afford to keep replacing my lip balm.” 
A sigh crackled across the line, and you pictured the officer maybe taking off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose like those people in movies always seemed to do when they got frustrated. Personally, you had never found that it helped. 
“Are you sure you aren’t just… misplacing them?”
You gasped, offended that even a stranger could think you so stupid. “No! I remember exactly where I leave things and then they just vanish! I swear!”
“Has anything of value ever been taken from your apartment?”
“Yes!” You exclaimed, excited to be able to prove the officer wrong, “My bunny plushy! Mr Snuggles is extremely valuable to me!”
“…Monetary value, I meant. Has anything expensive ever been taken from your apartment?” 
There was an embarrassing silence. The officer sighed again, with a little more exasperation colouring his tone. 
“If anything significant is stolen, call us back. For now, just… be a bit more careful with your possessions.” 
He hung up. You pressed your forehead against the wall and wished your strange thief had taken your phone in one of his little visits. Maybe then you would’ve avoided making that agonising call. 
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The next morning as you were leaving to go to class, you noticed a pile of discarded post-it notes on your desk — the remnants of a redbull-fuelled late night study session. Your newly purchased lip balm lay next to it. Impulsively, you grabbed a pen and scrawled a message on one of the post-its, sticking it horizontally to the curved surface of the lip balm tube. 
it reads: 
pls don’t take this i just bought it and this brand is actually v expensive and i am only a struggling college student with loans and chapped lips (。•́︿•̀。)
It might have been a little too polite considering it’s intended recipient was someone who had stolen multiple items from your apartment, but you figured there was no point in being rude. They probably wouldn’t even read it anyway. 
You strolled out of your apartment, planning to pick up a smoothie on the way to your lecture, and promptly forgot all about it.
 When you returned home to find a pile of newly bought lip balms on your desk — all embossed with the logo of your favourite brand — you were slightly puzzled. But, once you remembered the note you had left- well, the confusion didn’t exactly vanish, but at least you were given some context. 
The note had disappeared, along with the lip balm you had used a scant few times. But, you didn’t understand what the thief’s aim was. Why on earth would they steal small things like lip balm and perfume? And why would they buy you new copies of the product? Wasn’t that counterproductive?
you’re very bad at your job
Your next note read, stuck to your fridge as you left to grab coffee with your study group. It remained there for a few days, and you couldn’t ignore the way your heart sank a little each time you saw it hadn’t been taken. 
After six days, when it finally vanished, you felt an odd sense of happiness bubble up within you. Yes, there was someone routinely breaking into your apartment, but at least now you had an open channel of communication with them. They had left a brand new bottle of your preferred perfume — which had been stolen at least twice before you stopped bothering to buy it because perfume is pricy — resting on your kitchen counter, beside a box of your favourite chocolates. 
As you dug into the box later, snuggled in a blanket and having a Studio Ghibli film marathon, you didn’t even consider the fact that the sweets might be tampered with. If they wanted to kill me, they would’ve killed me already, you reasoned to yourself, sucking the icing sugar off your fingers. Nor did you question how they knew your favourite chocolate. If they broke into your apartment as much as you assumed they did, they probably knew you better than your own parents by now. 
You were the very definition of a broke college student. As far as you were concerned, if this random stranger wanted to buy you things and sometimes clean up your apartment — you had definitely come back to a home tidier than you had left it more than once — then you certainly weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Maybe it was a little naïve of you, but… you had already called the police, and they hadn’t cared.
thank you for the perfume and chocolate <3
You wrote next morning, hesitating slightly before putting the heart. Before you could convince yourself not to, you scribbled another line underneath. 
i wish you’d write back someday…
As you walked to class, you scolded yourself for the butterflies swooping in your stomach. They’re literally a criminal, you told yourself, Stop getting crushes on anyone who shows you the slightest bit of attention. You don’t even know their name. 
Despite the small amount of common sense that you did have mocking you all day, you sat in classes and daydreamed about your mystery home intruder. Would they read the note? Would they be happy about your appreciation? Would they — you bit your lip — would they write back? 
You felt like a dumb schoolgirl, excited by the prospect of a badly written love note shoved in her locker. And, like a school girl, you trudged back home with your arms weighed down by class work, a billion essays and quizzes that had to be completed overnight. Did your professors not realise you had a life outside of college? Not that you did, of course, but like… in principle. 
You were so preoccupied with the coursework that you didn’t even notice the note stuck to your bedroom door. After an hour of studying, you rose wearily to start fixing yourself something to eat, and your eyes snagged on a flash of yellow. 
You squeaked, almost falling over yourself in your rush to get to the door and read the note. 
i’m glad you liked them. i’m sorry i took your things, that was mean of me. i tried to only take things you wouldn’t miss, but i guess that backfired… i just wanted to feel close to you. and these notes… are the closest i’ve ever been. i know that must sound weird, but… well. i’m a weird guy, i guess. i just liked hearing from you. that’s all. 
~ koo <3
You didn’t stop freaking out for a full five minutes. After that, you poured over every detail of the letter, eager to extricate any fragment of knowledge possible. You ended up with a list which you scribbled down in your diary, above which you pasted the note. 
The list went as follows:
They want to feel close to you
They have not talked to you before, since the notes are the closest they’ve ever been, but they must have seen you in person at least once 
They are a he 
(you adamantly did not get flustered about that)
     4. He calls himself Koo
When you left your apartment the next morning, you placed your note on the exact same spot he had left his. An indirect touch. 
hi koo !!!!!!!!
i was so excited to see you had written something!! you know, if you want to talk to me more often, there is an easier way…
Underneath you had scrawled your phone number, hastily and not allowing for regret before you flounced out of the apartment. The reason why you were in such a rush was because you were about to go to your favourite class: Photography 101. 
You had taken it as an extra credit, something that interested you but not enough that you wanted to pursue it as a career. You had expected it to be fun, something artistic to break up the monotony of classes. What you had not expected was the dreamy boy who sat in the first row and had full possession of your heart. 
You didn’t even know his name, but you were pretty sure you were half in love with him. With fluffy brown hair that fell over his forehead whenever he leaned over to scribble down notes, and cute bunny teeth that stuck out in a flustered smile whenever the professor praised his work in class, he was perhaps the cutest boy you had ever seen. 
Though you were sure he had many girls sighing after him, he seemed to be really shy, only ever speaking in class when called on, and even then it was in a quiet, soft voice. He was kind of like you in that respect. But that was where your similarities ended. 
Yes, you thought, sighing as you watched him pay avid attention to the professor’s lecture on the composition of frames, his cute doe eyes wide and twinkling like stars were embedded in the pupils, He is way out of my league. 
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It took three days for you to lose hope. You hadn’t received a text, nor had you found any notes left for you. You tried not to be disappointed, even as your traitorous sub-conscience mocked you for being able to scare away the one person who arguably paid you the most attention. 
You didn’t really have many friends, and the ones you did have preferred each other over you, and often left you out of activities because of your shy nature. You guessed this whole thing had just been a way to feel like you actually mattered to someone, like, for once, someone cared about you, but-
You were pulled out of your musings as your phone chimed. 
From: Unknown Number
[6:48 PM]
this is koo
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The two of you texted every day, and soon enough you were hiding your phone underneath your desk in order to chat to him, keeping your phone on your person at all times in case koo wanted to talk. Of course, the only class you didn’t do this in was Photography, so you could spend a blissful forty-five minutes staring at the boy who played the role of your husband in all of your favourite daydreams. 
Koo still broke into your house occasionally, and he still left you sweet, considerate gifts. Often, you would receive texts like this:
From: koo ✨
[3:24 PM]
sweets i’ve been checking your groceries and your vegetables are not being eaten as often as they should be 
i know you have a sweet tooth and that’s cute but please try to stay healthy
To: koo ✨
[3:25 PM]
but i can’t cook all i know how to make is microwaveable mac n cheese :///////
You came back home that day to discover a bunch of Tupperwares full of pre-made healthy meals and a note stuck to the top of them. 
try microwaving these :)
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To: koo ✨
[3:01 AM]
koo are you awake?
From: koo ✨
[3:01 AM]
i am now
what’s wrong?
To: koo ✨
[3:02 AM]
i can’t sleep :////////
From: koo ✨
[3:02 AM]
sweets you need to go to bed
you have an early morning class
To: koo ✨
[3:02 AM]
i knowwwwww
i just… i can’t sleep without mr snuggles :((
From: koo ✨
[3:03 AM]
Mr Snuggles??
To: koo ✨
[3:03 AM]
my cuddly bunny :((((
i think you took him a while ago
could i maybe have him back…?
From: koo ✨
[3:03 AM]
i didn’t know you couldn’t sleep without him 
[3:04 AM]
sweets im so sorry
To: koo ✨
[3:04 AM]
its okay koo
From: koo ✨
[3:04 AM]
no it isn’t
you’re loosing sleep because of me
i could… bring him to you?
To: koo ✨
[3:05 AM]
you’d do that?
…i could see you?
From: koo ✨
[3:05 AM]
no i’d leave him outside
you’d have to promise not to come out until i text you saying i’ve left
To: koo ✨
[3:06 AM]
but kooooo :(((((
From: koo ✨
[3:07 AM]
To: koo ✨
[3:07 AM]
okay :((((((((((
but i expect you to leave a big box of chocolates on my pillow for me to come home to tomorrow evening!!
From: koo ✨
[3:08 AM]
of course sweets <3
im gonna get going now
don’t look outside your apartment
To: koo ✨
[3:08 AM]
From: koo ✨
[3:34 AM]
im gone and mr snuggles is waiting outside for you
he might have a little gift with him
You trudged outside your apartment, rubbing your eyes blearily, and looked down to see your beloved plushie clutching a single rose in its paws. You gasped, leaning down to pick up the flower gently, and you noticed all the thorns had been taken off. Koo must’ve removed them so that you didn’t accidentally hurt yourself. 
You felt warmth flood you, drowning the butterflies in your stomach and replacing them with something much less fleeting, much less shallow. 
It sunk into your bones, into your heart, into your breath as you sighed, squeezing your long-lost Mr Snuggles close to your face. He carried the familiar scent of nostalgia, but also something different, something sharper. You realised with a jolt that you were smelling Koo’s cologne. 
You went back to bed, nuzzled your face into the plushy’s furry belly, and dreamed of fluffy brown hair and bunny smiles. 
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Though with Mr Snuggles’ help you were able to sleep wonderfully, you were only able to do so for four hours before your alarm jolted you back into early reality. Honestly, you were sorely tempted to just ditch class, but it was Photography, and if you missed your regular dose of the cute boy in the front row then you thought you might just crumble into dust. 
You dragged yourself out of bed, pulling on your softest oversized hoodie — a gift from Koo which, now that you thought about it, smelled like the same cologne that Mr Snuggles did. You flushed at the thought of him giving you one of his hoodies to wear, though you couldn’t say exactly why that image charmed you. 
You stumbled into the lecture, arms full of textbooks because you knew you wouldn’t have the energy to return back to your apartment to retrieve the relevant materials for your next class later in the day. Your excellent plan was to crash in the library directly after this, have a two hour power-nap, and then make yourself get up in time for Calculus. 
You barely had the energy to listen to the professor droning on and on about… the perfect lense, or whatever. You allowed yourself the indulgence of tuning out, resting your chin on your palm and gazing dreamily at the boy in the front row. He was taking notes, as per usual. What a good student! You praised him in your head. I bet he has the best handwriting. 
Despite your best efforts, you fell asleep within ten minutes. You were woken as the class concluded by the clamour of students grabbing their materials and the scrape of chairs as your classmates stood up, leaving you behind — the only one half-splayed across the desk in front of you. 
You jerked upright, grabbing your stuff in one hand as you tried to tug on your bag, eventually succeeding with much struggle, only to drop it all again as soon as you stood up. You whimpered, watching helplessly as your textbooks fanned across the floor. You saw one of them split along the spine as it landed on an open page. 
That cost me two hundred dollars, you thought absently, and I just chucked it down like a bouncy ball.  
Suddenly, you glimpsed someone crouching down and gathering them all up into a sturdy pile. As he stood up, your vision was full of fluffy brown hair, errant strands falling into star-filled doe eyes. 
Oh. Oh no. 
“H-Here you are,” He murmured, passing you the pile gently, making sure you were able to take the weight before leaving them in your arms. When he leaned close to you, you breathed in a scent that was oddly familiar, and yet new at the same time. As his hands receded, his skin brushed against yours for a second and you swear your vision blanked out. 
“Thanks,” You whispered, your gaze so firmly focused on the floor that you didn’t notice his flushed cheeks. 
As soon as you got to the library, you whipped out your phone, all tiredness banished from your system by that momentous experience. You had talked to him. 
To: koo ✨
[8:47 AM]
koo i think im in love
From: koo ✨
[8:47 AM]
with who
To: koo ✨
[8:47 AM]
this boy in my photography class 
he’s just so- 
[8:48 AM]
i can’t even explain it
i dropped my textbooks and he picked them up for me and i stg i almost cried
From: koo ✨
[8:48 AM]
To: koo ✨
[8:49 AM]
yeah i cry at like the drop of a hat 
From: koo ✨
[8:49 AM]
but i mean
that’s who you’re in love with?
To: koo ✨
[8:49 AM]
From: koo ✨
[8:49 AM]
gray sweater
[8:50 AM]
big eyes
that’s him???
To: koo ✨
[8:50 AM]
From: koo ✨
[8:50 AM]
To: koo ✨
[8:50 AM]
are you the frat guy who always comes in hungover???
no judgement
From: koo ✨
[8:51 AM]
To: koo ✨
[8:52 AM]
are you the guy who only ever wears knitwear???
From: koo ✨
[8:52 AM]
To: koo ✨
[8:53 AM]
…are you the professor?
From: koo ✨
[8:53 AM]
oh my god lets just meet up or something before i explode
To: koo ✨
[8:53 AM]
From: koo ✨
[8:54 AM]
…you’re that excited to meet me?
To: koo ✨
[8:54 AM]
From: koo ✨
[8:54 AM]
i can meet you at the campus coffee shop in like five minutes?
To: koo ✨
[8:55 AM]
five minutes???
that’s not enough time koo i have to go home and pick out something pretty to wear !!
From: koo ✨
[8:55 AM]
it doesn’t matter what you wear, you’re always beautiful to me
To: koo ✨
[8:56 AM]
you think im
: ’ ))))))))))
From: koo ✨
[8:57 AM]
haha see you there!! 
To: koo ✨
[8:57 AM]
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You sat on an empty table, fiddling with the tea bag tag which hung over the side of your mug. You had bought Green Tea as an effort to calm yourself down so you weren’t too anxious to meet Koo, but it hadn’t worked because you were impatient and sipped it too soon so now you were sat there nursing a burnt tongue like an idiot. 
You knew it was irrational to be self-conscious. He already knew who you were, and seemed to like you, it was just you that was in the dark. You went over the possible people Koo could be, mentally cycling through the boys in your photography class. It was an annoyingly large class, which meant he would be anyone from the guy who smelled like Funyuns to-
Fluffy-haired boy strolled into the coffee shop and you let out an involuntary sigh. He seemed to be cheerful, a smile exposing his bunny teeth and making his cheeks bunch up adorably, with like,  five different sets of dimples poked into them. You had never agreed more with the saying that dimples were caused by an angel’s kiss. 
Well, at least I’ll have something nice to look at while I wait, you thought, just before all your thoughts suddenly tipped out of your head when you realised he was walking towards your table. 
“Is this seat taken?” He grinned, before sliding into the seat across from you. 
You whimpered, and his smile grew devastatingly wider.
“Hi,” He breathed, before his gaze flickered down to your mug of tea, clutched so tightly in your hands that you worried the ceramic might shatter. “You didn’t get hot chocolate? I thought you had a sweet tooth?”
“Uhm-” You choked, before forcing yourself to get a grip. How would Koo feel if he walked in here and saw you sitting with another guy? “I’m actually- I’m waiting for someone. Sorry.”
If it was possible — and it certainly seemed to be — the boy’s grin broadened even more, his eyes crinkling into adorable half-moons.
“Is that so? Is he your boyfriend?”
“No!” You blurted, before flushing profusely. The boy across from you seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the display. “I mean- uhm, I don’t know. Maybe? This is our- this is our first actual meeting.”
“Oh?” The boy tilted his head, “Really? How exciting.”
You hummed in agreement, eyes fixed on your slowly cooling beverage. You raised it to your mouth to take a hesitant sip and- nope,  still too hot. You whined quietly, rubbing your sore tongue against the inside of your cheek to try and soothe it. 
“Oh, sweets,” The boy murmured across from you, and you were too distracted to notice the nickname. He plucked the mug out of your hands and placed it on the other side of the table, as if he was trying to make sure it couldn’t hurt you anymore. “Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the campus infirmary?”
“Wha- no, it’s okay,” You mumbled, lisping slightly on your burnt tongue and blushing when he cooed over you, “It’s- I’m waiting here for someone, and- I mean, I don’t even know your name-”
“It’s Jungkook,” He interrupted cheekily, deliberately ignoring the rest of your statement, “Some people call me Kookie, and really special people call me… Koo.” 
Oh. Oh.
“Really special people?” You asked, your voice small, and not because of the burn. 
“Well, people…” Jungkook- Koo paraphrased, tilting his head slightly, “I guess it would be more accurate to say… one really special person.”
“Really?” You breathed, and Jungkook leaned over the table, close enough that you could smell his cologne, the same scent embedded in the fabric of your hoodie- his hoodie. 
“The most special person.” He murmured, the fervent emotion packed in each word speaking louder than any increase of volume could.
You had never been anyone’s most special person before, but, as you looked into Jungkook’s chocolate eyes, you started to believe you could almost taste it, sticky sweet on your lips. And when Jungkook eventually, finally coaxed your lips in a gentle kiss, you let him in, and found out that happiness tastes reassuringly honey-sweet. 
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flyingcookierambles · 3 years
sadness over a3! eng i guess
oof just on my 700th day.....
kinda sad because of the announcement about A3! ENG server shutting down soon due to financial difficulties at LIBER/CYBIRD in the past two years (covid-19 related, etc.). according to a rather in depth reddit comment that had links to LIBER's publicly available financial reports + some financial reports from LIBER's parent company, Aeria, in english, covid-19 really hit LIBER hard since they had to cancel many money making events, from pop-up shops for the typical anime merch trinkets (keychains, plushes, pins, etc.) to the huge in-person events (voice actor meetups, the stage plays of MANKAI LIVE, etc.). due to shrinking player base on the ENG server + major loss of profits on both JPN and ENG servers, LIBER had to choose one or the other and they chose the JPN one, which i totally understand since it's way bigger there and the JPN fanbase will continue to give the franchise money more often. also, another person found a financial report/estimate from the google play store or something, and A3! ENG only made ~$20K to ~$10K in the past few months, which i guess is not enough to keep a server and localization company afloat. 
i got pretty attached to the characters and it was a great game to help get by during college. and honestly, while i am very sad about this, again, i understand why LIBER did this, looking at their financial report from 2020. I would LIBER save the entire franchise rather than shut all the servers down, making us all unable to see our favorite actors ever again, even if it means that we ENG fans will have to go thru the extra steps of finding/reading fan translations, wikis, etc., to read any further stories from where A3! ENG left off. still, A3! ENG's localization was something special. i'm saying this as a TKRB JPN player who read the wiki for all the character voice lines and then had to see the official TKRB ENG localization make Yamabushi Kunihiro a rapper for some reason? lol. it was....weird.... meanwhile, all the memes and slang in A3! ENG didn't seem out of place and all fit their personalities because 3/4 of the troupes were all high school to college age and 3 of them were ~Gamers~. Out of all the gachas i've played, i feel like the only other F2P gacha game that had this incredibly smooth, all cultural jokes/puns translated in a way that still makes sense/fits the character/doesn't require a galaxy brain and some TL note to understand, is probably dragalia lost and that's only because it has frickin Nintendo localizing/publishing it globally for CyGames. Nintendo. i'll eventually read the fan translations of A3!'s Act 3 on the wiki, but it won't be the same without Kazunari's super high-energy influencer slang of "'whoa fam! that's totes 'blammable, gotta take a pic!" or Itaru's gremlin Gamer speak of "lol get rekt noobs" or Tsuzuru's tired dying breath of "that ain't it chief." the appropriate slang and relatable meme speak of the localization really helped humanize these characters as people of their respective ages, rather than just a typical formal speak or some directly translated JPN slang -> ENG that turns out super awkward that can be found in bad localizations.
going back to the reddit comment too, the death of A3! ENG servers could have bad repercussions in the future for other joseimuke games. josei, if you for some reason have been in the anime fandom but still don't know this term, is basically the genre of stories/video games/media/etc aimed at women. it's the mature adult counterpart to seinen, media aimed at adult men. basically shoujo/shonen = elementary/middle school/high school aimed while josei/seinen = high school/college/adult aimed if that helps. Joseimuke is a part of josei that is not specifically romance. while some josei/joseimuke can overlap with otome, aka female aimed dating sims/romance media, they have many things about them that make these all separate genres. one of the official A3! ENG translators and a known fan translator of another joseimuke gacha, Mahou Yaku/Wizard’s Promise, minami, goes more in depth with this in a twitter thread. 
A3! was an actor raising game, and a big part of it was found family and relationships that were platonic. yet it got advertised as an otome, which has more connotations with dating sims and brings to mind other shoujo/otome games and anime where the cast is all high schoolers and the setting is most often in a high school. but, other than some characters making flirty jokes or implied to have crushes on Izumi/player character, many character relationships with Izumi are platonic and not romantic at all. Spring Troupe in the game also jokingly calls themself a family. the entire Mankai Company is basically found family. plus, since the game actually has time passing in story and the characters age with each year, half of the characters aren’t even in high school anymore. a large majority of them are in college or are graduated by now, with only a few still in high school. i’m not surprised if a reason that some people left the game was due to feeling bored with the slice of life/not romantic story, feeling that they were lied to about it being an otome, which was falsely advertised since it is a game meant for the older teens/adults demographic of josei/joseimuke.
i’m worried that other japanese companies will look at this shut down as a “josei/joseimuke doesn’t work well in the west” and never localize other josei/joseimuke gacha games like Mahou Yaku, EnStars, Twisted Wonderland, Helios, etc.
while i like otome and shoujo, i, as a 23/soon to be 24 year old college graduate and now tax paying adult, want more stories that have more mature themes and characters that are more my age so i don’t have to feel awkward when i’m playing some dating sim and i, a literal 23 year old adult, and trying to woo a 16 year old. it’s...a little awkward to say the least. i would gladly welcome more mature media that is categorized as josei/joseimuke.
sorry if this is all over the place, but overall im just sad that A3! ENG is shutting down. i don’t know if i’ll join the JPN server yet. i’m def going to read the Act 3 story via fan translators on the wiki, but A3! gameplay was...boring lmao. as much as i love A3!, im sure that the constant event grind/burnout and boring rng gameplay turned people off too and i dont blame them. i felt the burnout bad since i participated in basically every event since day 1. it. is. rough. i’m not joining the hellish thunderdome that is the JPN server and im not ranking anymore as a F2P player lmao. literally had to play almost every waking free moment to get into the 30%-20% bracket as a F2P person and i never got to top 20%-10%, much less top 1% lmao. i’m don’t whale enough lol. 
i feel like i should probably just. crack open my genki 2 textbook and uhhh totally legal pdf copy of tobira. so i can just. get the JPN version of games in the first place so i don’t have to worry about getting shafted since overseas fans are often considered expendable. 
i wish that, when any games that are online end, gacha or mmo or anything, anything online, companies will let fans archive things. or like. release a book that is just the story text or something. like. CYBIRD is letting us still technically play the game and have the story and all, but what if they eventually later shut everything down? why not just release a pdf/ebook that’s just the text of the eng localization for some money? i’d buy it. for nostalgia and rereads and all and also archiving purposes. i think i’ll try to help with any english localization archive projects if i can so that the hilarious and incredible localization that was a work of love from the translation team doesn’t just disappear forever.
that’s it for now. as i said, guess i’ll head to the app for one of the last times to read the last unread stories and mini stories i have left, then the wiki for Act 3, and then i guess i’ll crack open genki 2 and bunpo.....
some fun random links for you to think about!
random ffxi article that came to mind (if ffxiv ever shuts down in the next 20 years or whatever i’d be cool to get a statue of my character at the end)
and death of a game playlist by NerdSlayer Studios on Youtube that has me thinking a lot about game preservation and losing MMOs and games
the lost media wiki  and blameitonjorge’s lost media iceberg
other gacha games i’ve played that have shut down that i think about sometimes because the loss of A3! ENG isn’t my first rodeo:
terra battle & terra battle 2 (1)
(related kitsu post link for archive reasons)
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thewakingcloak · 3 years
Debugblog: Darn Diagonals
I love and hate debugging. It’s frustrating to have a problem and have to work it out before you can continue being creative. On the other hand, it’s a puzzle, and I like puzzles. Working them out feels really good. Like beating that boss.
Anyway I don’t know if this is helpful to y’all, but I decided to write up a blog on my debugging process. (Maybe I’ll do more in the future under the “Debugblog” series??)
So here’s the issue.
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In this gif, I’m ONLY pressing one key at a time: left, right, up, or down. But the player is moving at an angle somehow.
The weirdest part: this doesn’t happen all the time, and it only happens in daytime. This is baffling.
So the first step in debugging is we need to replicate the issue. When I initially found this bug, it was only happening on a random screen and just slightly so. I ignored it for a while. When I saw it happen again, I started making mental notes of the conditions in which it occurred.
Eventually I found a place where I could reproduce the issue consistently (in the gif above). This will be invaluable when testing! If the issue is hard to replicate, it’s harder to test and harder to check when it’s working.
The next step is usually the biggest one: finding the cause of the bug. Usually you want to isolate the issue, which you’ll see come up a lot as I move forward...
So anyway, the bug is with movement. I have two “movement” scripts. One that takes into account various environmental variables and modifies velocity--move_actor()--and one that actually moves the object and factors in collision--movement_and_collision().
I figured the first place I should go is my move_actor() script. I want to know if the extra variable in movement is being added to the velocity before movement_and_collision() is called.
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One of the most common ways to debug is using a breakpoint. I could use a breakpoint here, but the issue is that this line runs every single frame I’m moving, so that makes movement difficult. Instead, I’m going to use show_debug_message() (I created console_log() as shorthand which also shows time and frame information).
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(Full disclosure, I actually was looking at the code in the “else” block first, and the velocity was always being logged as 0,0 lol... because that only runs when the player isn’t moving. It’s okay to make mistakes!)
So I played the game and duplicated the issue. My guess was that there would be an extra y value added here, but lo and behold, there wasn’t. Check out some of the debug output:
[14:51:34.16493] x: -1.20, y: 0
[14:51:34.16511] x: -1.20, y: 0
[14:51:34.16527] x: -1.20, y: 0
[14:51:34.16543] x: -1.20, y: 0
[14:51:34.16560] x: -1.20, y: 0
This is what we’d expect: the player is moving left at 1.2 pixels per frame and y movement is 0. However, I am still seeing extra y movement in game. Unfortunately this means we did not find our issue yet, but it also means we can discount everything in move_actor() and before! Basically this extra movement is almost certainly in movement_and_collision().
Okay, so let’s clean up move_actor() and move into movement_and_collision(). This is an asset I bought from Pixelated Pope, so I won’t show you the whole thing (not that I was showing you all of move_actor() either), but I’ll show you the important stuff. This is near the end:
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Yeah, so this never gets hit, lol. Let’s try earlier in the script.
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Uhh... sorry this is hard to read (tumblr is not great for posting code). I’m logging lengthdir_x and lengthdir_y in the initial tile_and_place_meeting_3d() check.
Alright, so here are some logs. Yep. Here’s our unwanted diagonal movement.
[15:05:12.10597] x: 1.17, y: -0.24
[15:05:13.10613] x: 1.17, y: -0.24
[15:05:13.10630] x: 1.17, y: -0.24
Okay, so this script actually does have some recursiveness built in (it calls itself under certain conditions). That’ll make debugging this a little bit trickier. Let’s figure out which “recursion” this is being called on. In other words, I want to know if this is happening on the first run of the script every frame, or when the script calls itself. Luckily, this recursion functions via a “count” variable (which stops the script from infinitely calling itself lol). I’ll add that into my console_log().
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I forgot to add a space, but that’s okay, we can still read it. it looks like it’s occurring when it calls itself (count is “2”).
[15:13:40.11644] count: 2x: -1.17, y: 0.24
[15:13:40.11661] count: 2x: -1.17, y: 0.24
[15:13:40.11677] count: 2x: -1.17, y: 0.24
I’m actually going to move this outside of the if block and see if it occurs during all calls or just on the second. Here are the logs.
[15:17:38.12612] count: 1, x: -1.20, y: 0
[15:17:38.12612] count: 2, x: -1.17, y: -0.24
[15:17:38.12628] count: 1, x: -1.20, y: 0
[15:17:38.12628] count: 2, x: -1.17, y: 0.24
Okay, we’ve confirmed it’s occurring only when the script calls itself. However, I think this is actually “correct” behavior. The movement_and_collision() script is doing something called “angle sweeps” for its collision checking. If it can’t find an opening (i.e. runs into a wall), it tries again at a slightly different angle. This allows the player to move along diagonal collision walls.
That means the issue seems to actually be in the collision check. It’s finding a collision where there should not be any, meaning the angle sweep gets triggered!
Okay, so the issue seems to be in tile_and_place_meeting_3d. This is my tile_and_place_meeting_3d() script:
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There’s a lot of ground to cover, so I’m going to actually break this up so I can figure it out easier. Basically we want to narrow down to exactly where the issue is occurring. Isolating the issue.
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The output of this is weird as heck, but yeah, it’s occurring in tile_meeting_precise(). I’m not colliding with any tiles--or shouldn’t be.
[15:36:49.45138] tile: 0, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45139] tile: 1, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45154] tile: 1, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45155] tile: 0, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45155] tile: 1, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45171] tile: 1, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45171] tile: 0, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45172] tile: 1, instance: 0
[15:36:49.45188] tile: 1, instance: 0
Okay, I could debug further, but we know which script the issue is in. I happen to know I’ve made a few recent changes to this script, so first I want to share the magic of version control!
I use git and store my code on a private github repository. This means I can go back and see a history of all changes made to this file.
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Okay yeah, so what I’m gonna try first is to just take the old version and put it in  GameMaker and see if that fixes the issue. I do need the changes from the new version, but if I can pinpoint the issue as having been part of this specific change, I can rework it (probably).
You can usually do this via a revert but I was dumb and copy+pasted the old version and deleted the new version. Way jankier, BUT the old version fixed the issue! That means some change I introduced in the new version is causing the issue.
The next step is to redo the new changes one by one until we figure out which one is the culprit.
I recreated all my changes and the issue only occurs when I enable “SD tile collision checking”. How exactly SD collision works isn’t important to this debug process, but it’s essentially the opposite of “HD tile collision checking”, which is for the player so they can slide smoothly along walls. HD tile collision can be smooth because it uses enlarged colliders (the reason for this is a long story).
However, logging shows that the player object never hits SD collision checking. Interesting, right? Why would the player have a collision only when SD collision checking is added but the player never hits it? Well, I think the answer goes back to some of our initial discoveries when replicating the bug: it only happens in the day. Now, nothing changes for the player physics/movement between day and night, but other objects do call this script that are affected by day and night.
I quickly added a log to print out object names to see what other objects use this. It’s easier than doing a search all files for the script name because that could end up with all sorts of results, some of them not directly being called by the objects. [Note: I later found this actually is what is happening; an object is calling this script indirectly via another script] Anyway, here’s the log:
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show_debug_message(object_get_name(object_index)); is a super handy way to print out the names of objects calling a script.
The logs showed a handful of items are checking collision: keys, heart containers, teleporters, etc. I want to start with the teleporters, though, since so far those always seem to be present where the weirdness is happening. Just a hunch.
Oh and guess what? Teleporter_obj is calling tlie_meeting_ground() in the daytime only. We know the issue only occurs in daytime. And tile_meeting_ground() seems like it could easily be related to tile_meeting_precise() right?
So the quick and easy check here is to comment out lines 8 and 9. And guess what? No more weird player collision! So now we have the culprit. But we do actually need this code. So... why is this interfering with the player?
First, I confirmed that it was indeed the tile_meeting_ground() script by removing it. Then I put it back and did some more digging. Interestingly, this script never calls tile_and_place_meeting_3d() (remember, that’s the script I modified and is causing the issue). So that’s a bit baffling. This is all it does.
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I need to narrow this down more. I started by returning early if the object was a teleporter. I first did this on line 59 before calling tile_get_at_point(), then on line 60, etc.
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Eventually I broke out each individual check and tested returning after each one so I could pinpoint which part of this script was causing the issue. Turns out it’s ground_z_get().
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ground_z_get() determines... well, where the ground is. And guess what? It does call tile_meeting_precise(). AHA! Another mistake on my part. But we’ve established that’s okay. :)
The ground_z_get() code is not pleasant to post here, so suffice it to say, I changed the part where it calls tile_meeting_precise() to skip when it’s the teleporter calling.
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This is definitely the problem.
Now we know where obj_teleporter is calling tile_meeting_precise() and this is starting to make more sense. When I was confused about the tile_meeting_ground() code not being related to the tile_meeting_precise() code, I was wrong, because tile_meeting_ground() indirectly calls it. And we already knew that obj_teleporter called tile_meeting_precise() somehow (otherwise it wouldn’t have shown up in the output log). This is it.
Okay but that’s a patch, not a true fix. I’m going to undo it, roll up my sleeves, and dive back into tile_meeting_precise(), the source of all our woes.
Looking at this script further, I think I may know vaguely what’s going on here. It creates a checker object that matches tile collision. Now, this is a local variable, and when place_meeting() is called, it’s against the instance id, not against all obj_precise_tile_checker. But just for kicks, I’m going to destroy the instance before the script returns to see if this is the issue.
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This worked!!!
As to why, I was a bit confused at first. This is all local variables, right? One object calling this script will have local variables that should not ever affect another object calling this script with its own local variables.
But the secret is up here:
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A bit of optimization so that we’re not constantly creating a bunch of collision checkers every single frame. What is happening is the first time this script is run (say an SD one), it creates a tile checker and sets the size (later in the script). Then when another object comes in (say the player with HD/smooth checking), it sees that a checker object is already created and does not create an appropriately scaled one.
I’ve got a better idea than using instance_destroy()... I’ll create an SD and an HD tile checker object. That way we can create both and they can exist at the same time without interfering with each other.
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Here we’re just creating an HD checker if we wanna use HD collision checking (just the player right now lol) and SD checker if we wanna use SD checking. Boom. I removed the instance_destroy() from this script and here we go...
That fixed it!
And the final step: test everything! Of course you should be testing after each incremental change so you know exactly what fixes or causes the issue (which we did). And I already tested walking. But let’s make sure our teleporters still work. :)
I tested a bunch of ‘em, but here’s everything working as expected!
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I hope this was helpful to you!
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. Hi! I'm pretty new here and i really love your witing! (I hope to find time soon to binge your masterlist!) I saw you wanted some requests so i was wondering if maybe i could request a oneshot with akaashi x fem reader in which they are out at night and she's cold so he gives her his hoodie? They are best friends crushing on each other and maybe end up confessing? (I hope i requested this ok, i'm sorry if it's too specific 👉🏻👈🏻) Thank you so much!!💕 stay safe and have a good day/night!!✨ - @greywarenns​
a/n. i had so much fun writing this ugh. i love akaashi with my whole ass heart. i hope you enjoy ! <3 also, this was my first time using text messages in my fics! it was super fun to make even if the characters might be a little ooc lol.
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► now playing...
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- pairing. akaashi x female reader
- genre. best friends to lovers
- warnings. there’s one failed confession + angst, but it’s a happy ending :))
- word count. 2.3k+
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movie nights with akaashi weren’t uncommon, so why were you damn nervous? 
almost every friday since your second year of junior high, the two of you continued the tradition of walking to your house after school and watching movie after movie until the two of you fell asleep on the couch in your living room. 
however, as years went by, you began to change. and so did akaashi. 
the first time you encountered him in your second year of junior high, you took note of his chubby prepubescent face and short black locks of hair that seemed to frame it perfectly. 
at the time, you weren’t aware of how beautiful akaashi really was, but as you watched him grow, you came to the conclusion that you began to have a crush on the boy.
now, his face was no longer chubby. instead, it was thin, and his cheekbones were more prominent. his hair had grown out as well. he was taller, and because of volleyball, his muscles were a feat you couldn’t miss. 
another thing that solidified your decision in liking the raven-haired boy were the mannerisms that akaashi portrayed.
whenever he was nervous before a test or a volleyball game, he would shake his leg in an attempt to get rid of the invasive negative thoughts that plagued his mind. in class, he would twirl his pencil in between his fingers, and occasionally tap the eraser end to his temple as if he was attempting to knock his thoughts onto the paper in front of him.
in the midst of your movie marathons, you would glance over to see akaashi wringing his fingers together, and over time you grew accustomed to the sudden sound of him cracking his knuckles. 
you would be lying if you claimed you didn’t find these fidgets endearing. you found yourself carrying out these mannerisms as well, which did not go unnoticed by the black-haired male, who would tease you for copying him.
akaashi too kept note of your mannerisms. he watched with piqued interest as you paid more attention to what was going on outside of the classroom than inside, which always earned you a scolding from your teacher. during his games or practices, you would bite your lip in concentration, making akaashi smile. 
“if you bite your lip too hard, it’ll start bleeding,” he teased. you swatted his hand away from your head as he reached down to ruffle your hair. 
he loved your hair. in fact, he loved everything about you. akaashi was never one to fall for girls purely based on looks, but you seemed to have it all. you were gorgeous to him, and not to mention incredibly hilarious. 
akaashi never had an interest in memes until the two of you exchanged numbers at the beginning of your friendship, leaving him confused when you texted a meme that had absolutely nothing to do with the current conversation. laying in his bed at an ungodly hour of the night, he found himself unable to stop his laughter as he read the same meme over and over. your voice on the other end of the phone was addicting, and he found himself wanting to call you whenever he could.
akaashi also found himself wishing to be around you during any free time he had. the two of you ate lunch together, studied together, had classes together, and you hung out around the gym to walk home together. hell, the two of you even had sleepovers every friday. 
this was another thing akaashi grew to be extremely nervous about. if he told you how he felt, would you stop being friends with him? that would mean awkward classes, no more eating lunch together or studying, he wouldn’t see you around the gym anymore, and he would lose the only thing he was looking forward to at the end of each week. 
the bell signaling the end of the day was the only thing that could snap him out of his intrusive thoughts. he began gathering his books and turned to where you were standing a few feet away, a fake frown plastered on your face. 
“you were so deep in thought, keiji. even when i was throwing eraser bits at your head you still wouldn’t snap out of it,” you crossed your arms. 
what you said was true, as he looked at his desk to see bits of pink rubber strewn across his desk. 
he clicked his tongue, “you gotta clean that up now.” 
you skipped past him towards the doorway, “nuh uh. we have to get home. that new movie you mentioned last month came out a few days ago, and i wanna watch it.” he sighed while chuckling, as he swiped the remainders of your pencil erasers into the palm of his hand, walking to the bin. 
another thing akaashi loved about you was your impeccable memory. not only did you remember his birthday each year, but you remembered every minuscule detail about him. small things about how his favourite food is nanohana no karashiae, to something he had texted you months ago.
each birthday gift he received from you he kept in the bottom left drawer of his desk. one year, you remembered his favourite author, and ended up buying him a signed copy of a book that had just come out. 
he’s not ashamed to admit that he’s read that book a total of seven times, just to reach the message at the back of the book that read, ‘happy birthday, keiji! love, f/n.’
akaashi loved your name. he loved the way it sounded as it rolled off your tongue when you first introduced yourself to him, and the way it remained in his head days and weeks and even months after. 
although, he hated how quick he was to snap his head up whenever your name was called in class. he hated the uncomfortable feeling of his palms growing sweaty and his mouth becoming dry whenever he heard your laugh echo throughout the classroom. 
most importantly, keiji akaashi hated how he couldn’t tell you how he felt. so, like any person with half a mind, he continued on as if nothing changed. he continued making weekly trips to your house, only to grow increasingly nervous whenever he would walk down your street. 
he continued having these sleepovers with you, even though most of the night he would spend staring at the ceiling. he knew that if he turned his head even a tiny bit, he would come face to face with yours, which was something he would not be able to handle. occasionally, he would allow himself to drink in your sleeping appearance from across the couch. you looked so peaceful while in a deep slumber, which was quite the opposite of what akaashi was feeling at the moment.
little did either of you know, you both hated the same thing; not being able to confess to your crush of five years.
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“ready to go?” akaashi called out to you as you fell into step with him. you hummed in agreement, and the two of you started down the path to your homes. 
the two of you bid a temporary farewell before making your way to your separate streets. you didn’t waste any time in bursting through your front door and running to the bathroom to wash your face. you threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and continued to spiff up your living room while playing soft music from your phone. 
your music was soon interrupted by a ding which signaled akaashi’s arrival. you took a deep breath in through your nose and exhaled through your mouth before turning your music off. you quickly ran to the front door to let him in.
“hey. come here often?” you lightly punched akaashi’s stomach as you chuckled at his god-awful pickup line. 
“it’s my house, idiot.” he made his way into your house and slipped off his shoes. 
“oh. guess i was too lost in your eyes to remember.” you smacked his shoulder as he laughed at your flustered expression. 
“by the way, we ran out of popcorn and i’m craving ramune right now, so do you want to head to the store?” he smiled and nodded, following you to your front door. 
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even though it was still technically summer, it was pretty chilly. you were quick to rub your hands up and down your arms in an attempt to warm yourself up. 
“that’s what you get for wearing shorts and a t-shirt,” akaashi sighed. you were about to retort, but you were quickly confused as akaashi began taking his jumper off. 
“wear this,” he mumbled as he slipped it over your head. you giggled as you waved the extra-long sleeves around. 
“come on, stop being childish,” he smiled. 
he grabbed your wrist and began rolling the sleeve until your hand was freed. he continued to do so for the other sleeve, but his movements were slowed as he looked up to see you staring at him. he let his hand linger on yours for a moment, still keeping eye contact with you. neither of you said anything, but your eyes said it all. you watched as his gaze flickered down to your lips and you felt yourself leaning closer to him. 
his thoughts of doubt became too suffocating for akaashi, and he quickly pulled away, leaving you confused and a little heartbroken. 
“we gotta get back quickly to watch that movie,” akaashi mumbled as he cleared his throat. you nodded slowly, continuing to walk behind him.
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the two of you grabbed your fair share of snacks from the convenience store and you hesitated before stepping outside to meet up with akaashi. were your feelings not reciprocated? is the rest of the night going to be this awkward?
the five minute walk back to your house seemed excruciatingly long. you continued to walk behind akaashi, and you watched as he typed away on his phone. you sighed louder than you meant to, earning a glance from akaashi. 
he quickly slipped his phone into his pocket and slowed down to walk beside you. neither of you said anything until you walked into your house. 
“i’m going to use the restroom,” akaashi excused himself, leaving you to set everything up. you slumped down onto the couch with a frown etched onto your face. you heart was breaking with each second akaashi kept giving you the silent treatment. you wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore.
“boo,” akaashi whispered into your ear, his lips grazing your skin. you jumped, earning a laugh from him. 
“d-don’t do that,” you pouted. he sat on the seat next to you, eyes searching your face. 
“if you keep frowning like that, you’re gonna get wrinkles,” he jested, making your heart ache more. 
“how can i not frown,” you retorted. 
you stood up to walk to the kitchen to begin popping the popcorn. you hoisted yourself up onto the counter and waited for the microwave to beep. you watched as akaashi entered the kitchen, his eyes looking at everything but you. 
“y-you know...i didn’t mean to… uhm…” he trailed off, rubbing his temples. you tilted your head as you watched him pull his phone out of his pocket. he handed it to you, his eyes still glued to the floor. 
“the chat explains everything...i can’t seem to find the words i want to say right now,” he stepped back, twiddling his fingers. you held your breath as you watched akaashi. he was nervous. why was he nervous?
you glanced at the phone and began reading the texts.
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you snapped your head up to look at akaashi, who’s gaze was still fixed on the floor. 
you placed his phone next to you and hopped off the counter, leaning down to look up at akaashi. he continued wringing his fingers as he made eye contact with you, a look of worry etched onto his face. 
“do you really feel this way about me? did you really want to...kiss me?” you asked slowly. akaashi sighed and stopped wringing his hands, bringing them up to rest on your shoulders. 
“yes, f/n. i’ve liked you for so long but...i never wanted this friendship to end. i’ve been dreading the day where i let my crush on you slip and you would never want to see me again, and it just broke my heart. i really hope this doesn’t affect anything,” he finished quietly.
“keiji...i...i really like you. i’ve liked you since junior high,” you smiled up at him, cupping his cheeks. 
the two of you stood in comfortable silence as you grazed your thumbs over his cheekbones, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“that’s good to hear,” he chuckled, with you humming in response. “will you let me do something?” you nodded.
you held your breath as akaashi moved his hands to rest on your hips and leaned down. you two tapped noses and chuckled, before he grazed your lips with his. 
“i really like you, f/n.” he mumbled before pressing his lips to yours. it was a sweet, quick kiss. you felt yourself smile into it, and you moved your hands to cup the back of his head. 
the two of you pulled away, and he softly bumped his forehead with yours. you chuckled, earning a smile from him. 
“that was amazing, keiji...” you whispered.
he used one hand to pull you closer, and he reattached your lips. you hummed in surprise, and melted into the kiss. you moved your hands to tug at his hair, and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. he nipped at your bottom lip before pulling back, keeping eye contact with you.
“the popcorn is burning,” he quipped. 
you pulled out of his embrace and ran to the microwave, pulling the bag of burnt popcorn out. you turned around to watch akaashi laugh, and you felt your heart flutter. 
“be my boyfriend?” you blurted out. 
he stopped for a moment, before walking over to press a kiss to your temple. “yes please.”
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gothfoxx · 4 years
It’s 3 am time for ideas 💡
A real f-u to Alya would be giving Nora a miraculous (I see her as a bee or turtle but for extra salt she could be the fox)
More quirkless izuku fics should have him and Hitoshi’s friendship be based on toshi hearing someone dis on ‘Deku’ and punching that someone (even if he doesn’t know izuku yet) cause come on this kid is probably one of like few people (including Shiggy) that get it
More ml salt where Mari takes the low road but with a twist! She makes her own blog (anonymously) and does that thing where people can submit rumors and gossip about people at school also anonymously. But like that one post it’s not really anonly and after a week of everyone getting shat on (There’s a lot of Mari hate) she reveals who was submitting everything! Lila sent a lot and everyone has to see her true colors but also their own, no one ever finds out Marinette made the blog
Mari starts giving trusted adults(the firefighters, some kind people in her day to day life) miraculi and not only do they do a better job and don’t have time limits BUT they also see firsthand how Chat crosses the line into harassment with LB. They step in and more of the public sees that LadyNoir is not some “lol cute” ship but real people who can choose for themselves, lb chooses no!
Chloé redemption where she falls into Bunnx’s burrow (right after she loses the bee comb) and sees herself siding with Hawkmoth. She’s so disappointed and disgusted that she decides (lol so many big d words) and changes her ways. Since Lila comes back like right after(? I think) and Mari loses faith in her friends Chloé steps up and now there is a new Fox. Time changes but Bunnx sees it’s a better version so she leaves it be.
BNHA au where OFA is actually a thing like a miraculous but it’s still like itself where it changes for each holder. Basically the first holder/AFO’s brother has the pass-down quirk but instead of stalkpile being the added one it’s a quirk that makes inner strength become a physical thing. As it’s passed on it becomes stronger and because dna it has a bit of left over powers from each holder. When Izuku gets it from All Might (it’s a belt for AM) it becomes a pen. At first he’s like “huh?” but then he accidentally uses it for notes and suddenly Izuku can copy the power he was writing about! He doesn’t blow off his limbs but he did still gain muscle from the hell training, so now he can access any quirk he writes about AND he can just punch somebody’s lights out. (Instead of the past users talking in dreams or trancelike states they ghost write to Izuku in his journal but only he can see it! (Oop that got long)
One day Gorilla/Simon stumbles onto Gabriel and Natalie talking villain talk and uses his ex-spy skills to take the miraculous from them. He makes a champion to talk to LB. LB is like ⊙︿⊙ but takes the chance and follows the champion to where Simon hid the peacock. He has mad respect for hero’s and is happy to help them but Simon also heard that this was all because Emilie so he makes another champion to heal her and all people who might have been hurt by corrupt miraculi before he gives back the butterfly along with evidence of who HM was. The name Phalène/Atlas Moth is celebrated for his saving of Paris even if he was never seen, Emilie and Simon marry after she fully recovers from learning what her husband did.
The three trouble makers of Camp Camp are attacked by a mutant/nercromanced bear but then a different monster saves them and eats the bear. They get found by David who when told about the creature thinks it’s the deadly  Algonquian cannibal spirit. He proceeds to research and take precautions to protect the campers. No one sees the thing for weeks so David thinks it worked until Max falls off a short cliff and into deep water. Suddenly the thing leaps to save the drowning kid, it doesn’t sizzle in the sun or try to eat the camper who is dangling by his hood from its jaw. Turns out it’s not the cannibal spirit but a creature that feeds off dark magic that mimics the Algonquian spirit like a king snake does a coral snake. Does it stay does it go? Heck if I know but the real question is where did the necro-bear come from?
More Camp Camp! David bumps his head and loses his memory so he relies on Gwen and the kids to help him figure out who he is. We get to see how each person see David, styles are even different because everyone perceives reality differently! David gets his memory back just as the last kid/Max is going to take his turn. Max is outwardly miffed about not being able to “convince David to be cooler” but we ‘shift’ to his view and it’s startlingly almost like the show’s version but David has a soft glow and he has a name tag that we can’t make out until just before credits. It says Dad.
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alj4890 · 4 years
And Then I Met You
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What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
A\N Choices Fan Fiction with characters from The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries, and Perfect Match
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove     @annekebbphotography        @hopelessromantic1352   . @sunflowergirl05   @desireepow-1986  @greywitchyshots   @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker   . @trappedinfandoms   @kate-mckenzie
A/N This is the final chapter for this storyline. Thank you so much for reading this and enjoying it with me. I will still offer shorts and requests for this pair in this storyline. My next series for Thomas and Amanda will be the, “what if” she never told him about being part of the selection for Liam’s bride. The trip to Lake Tahoe will not result in their hasty marriage. No Lauren. None of what has happened here. If you would like to be tagged in this, please let me know in the comments. The new series will be called, And Then I Left You. Cheesy right? LOL!
Part 27 
Lord Thurston Vancouer’s study, Cormery Isle, Cordonia...
Lauren stilled at Tariq's words.
"You," her eyes narrowed, "you are ending our engagement?!"
"Yes." He clasped his hands behind his back. "I have already sent in my statement to the press and--"
"You did what?" She screeched. "How dare you! I should have been the one to do that." She stepped forward and slapped him. "Do you have any idea what this will do to my reputation?"
Tariq's jaw spasmed from the impact. He calmly turned his head back toward her.
Her temper flared even more at his silence. “I gave up my career for you, you bastard!” She raised her hand to slap him again.
His hand shot up, grasping her wrist. “I think this is for the best.”
“You think so?” Her lips curled in a snarl. “You will regret this.”
His expression hardened. “I think I will regret it more if I don’t end things now.”
Lauren yanked her hand away.  “You weren’t the only man who wanted me to marry him.” Her chin lifted as she tried her best to look down her nose at him. “I was told by your friend to dump your sorry ass and choose him.” 
Tariq merely shrugged causing her vengeful temper to burst. 
“It’s Blair isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I’ve been oblivious to the extra time you have been spending with her.”
“She is in a sense a reason behind my decision.” He responded. “But mostly, she opened my eyes to your true nature.”
“You haven’t even begun to see my true nature.” She warned. “But you will. You will see all that I am as I destroy every single thing you love.” 
Her smile sent chills down Tariq’s back as did the words that followed.
“I think I will start with Arabella. That will punish not only Neville for what he did to me, but will also hurt your precious Blair. Then I’ll--” 
“I don’t think you will have the chance to do anything to my daughters or son.” Lord Thurston’s hard tone cut through her tirade.
Lauren paled when she saw members of the King’s Guard fan out around the study behind Lord Thurston. 
“Your time in Cordonia has come to an end.” Thurston told her. “In fact, I believe you will never have an opportunity to hurt anyone ever again.”
Lauren screamed out her denial when the the guards moved to take her into custody.
“You can’t do this! I--” she was silenced by the guards forcing her to the ground to handcuff her.
An Interpol agent stood by, watching it all unfold while reading out the crimes she was accused of.
Arabella and Blair stood silently with Neville in the hallway as Lauren was dragged out, screaming and crying.
“We must inform Lady Olivia and Lady Amanda that it is done.” Thurston said once the front door closed behind the guards..
“I’ll call Olivia.” Arabella ran off, excited to not only see Lauren taken away, but at also recording the whole incident. She knew a few popular reporters in Cordonia who would appreciate this video.
“I’ll make certain that Lady Amanda is told.” Blair went to Tariq and gently squeezed his hand. Her eyes met his. “Are you alright?”
He nodded, a gentle smile formed over her concern for him. “I am now.”
With a whispered promise to talk to him soon, she left the three men alone.
Thurston cleared his throat to break the tense silence and waved toward his study. “I believe we need to clear the air between you two.”
“There is no need.” Tariq replied. He averted his eyes from the two. “It will take time, but I refuse to let what happened ruin my relationship with the Vancouer’s.”
Neville lowered his head. “I don’t know what possessed me to do that to you.” He lifted remorseful eyes to his old friend. “I humbly ask your forgiveness.”
Thurston wisely remained silent as he watched his son and the man he considered a second son. He knew that this was something that only they could resolve.
Tariq shifted from foot to foot. “I won’t insult you by lying that I understand why you did it or that it didn’t hurt to hear that you--” he shook his head. “I consider you and your family as my own. And if things go as I think, then we will be brothers in truth one day.” His shoulders straightened. “You will have my forgiveness, but it will take a long time for you to regain my trust.”
Thurston looked on in approval as the two shook hands, his son expressing once more his sorrow for his actions.
Time would heal these wounds.
The night before in Monterisso, Queen Amalas's private quarters...
"Enough haggling." Olivia grumbled. "I've offered my services the next time you need them." She folded her arms, leveling her basilisk gaze upon the Queen of Spies. "What have you found out about Lauren Benefield?"
Amalas poured them each a glass of wine. "Have a seat."
Olivia eyed the crystal goblet.
"Please." Amalas rolled her eyes. "Why would I make deals if I planned on poisoning you?"
Olivia set the glass down. "I know you didn't poison it. I am here on business, not some social call."
The queen's expression held hints of approval. "And this is why I offered my services to you." She pulled out a small flash drive and tossed it to her. "That, your grace, holds everything."
Olivia quirked an eyebrow. "I assume you kept a copy for yourself."
Amalas silently raised her glass in a toast. "Wouldn't you?"
Olivia's lips twitched into a brief smile. "Naturally."
The Queen pressed a button under her desk. The wall to the left opened, revealing a series of monitors.
Amalas took her own copy of the flash drive and began to pull up all she had discovered on Lauren Benefield.
"It is a good thing you managed to have Lauren quit Lord Hunt's picture.” She began, “ Here's a brief synopsis of what I discovered about her and her associate, Viktor Montmarte.
Olivia pulled up a chair and began reading. Her complexion paled due to some of what she read.
"Kidnapping. Drugs. Sex trafficking. Rape. Extortion." She clicked and saw the small island in the south Pacific that Viktor owned.
"Lauren was not only partaking of these activities." Amalas explained. "She was handpicking underage girls and having them sent to his island," her voice hardened in anger, "under the guise that this was their big break into Hollywood."
Olivia's eyes widened at the satellite images of what was happening around Viktor's estate. "Dear God."
"Interpol along with the FBI are thrilled that I was able to get some concrete evidence." Amalas explained. "I've been working with them the past few months." Her voice turned cold. “Montmarte has friends in very high places that have been helping him stay just under the radar.” Her eyes narrowed. “I knew he couldn’t be doing all this on his own.”
"And when you saw what Lauren was doing to Thomas and Amanda, you were able to get the final piece to the puzzle?" Olivia murmured.
"I didn't know if she was a victim or a partner of Viktor's. Once I tapped into their conversations while she was at Lythikos, I was able to see how deeply involved she was." Amalas enlarged a photo of Lauren smiling as she disembarked off a plane with two teenage girls. "Without her help, Viktor wouldn't have gotten half of the girls he and his friends preferred."
Olivia clicked on another image of Lauren and Viktor at a pool party. The actress was laughing while holding down a young woman in tears so that the producer could forcefully fondle her.
Amalas clicked back to her notes. "I discovered this too." She pulled up a recorded conversation between Viktor and Lauren from when she first began working with Thomas. "Lauren records everything in case she needs to blackmail Viktor and vice versa."
Viktor: How's your seduction going?
Lauren: *laughter* Slow. I have to handle Thomas with kid gloves.
Viktor: If anyone can do it, it's you.
Lauren: I know. *more laughter* Don't worry. I won't forget about you. Once Mr. Hunt is mine, I will give you his grieving wife.
Viktor: *chuckle* I have plans for the duchess.
Lauren: I bet you do.
Viktor: I haven't ever had a noble before. *sinister chuckle* Perhaps I should use the gold rope when I tie her up.
Lauren: Promise me that I get to watch. I can't wait to see her content, happy face devastated.
Viktor: I promise it will be all that you desire, my dear.
Lauren: Maybe we should first force her to watch what I do with Thomas. That will really get her.
Viktor: The more broken they are the more turned on I get. We'll use the rooms with the two-way mirrors. I’ll start by--
Olivia turned it off. Her rage exploded as she stood abruptly from her chair.
"I--" tears sparked her green eyes. "I can't believe--" words failed her as she thought of her closest friend encountering such evil. That she actually had this person in her home as a guest.
Amalas placed a comforting hand on Olivia's shoulder. "Don't worry." She closed the files. "Once America and Europe are finished, these two will be permanently placed in a dank cell."
“They don’t deserve that consideration.” Olivia snapped. “To think of all the lives they have ruined.”
Later that night, Olivia called Liam and Bastien. She explained all that she had discovered, urging them to alert Lord Thurston to guard Arabella and Blair.
Plans were made to have the actress apprehended and held for extradition. Liam promised to call Tariq to go ahead an issue a statement that his engagement was over before the scandal struck.
After talking to them, Olivia called Amanda.
St Orella, Cordonia, the next day...
Thomas was in no state to continue filming. Last night's discovery had nearly broke him. Knowing he would have been the one that brought about harm to Amanda and their life together had devastated him.
He had briefly explained to Holly to have the crew take a few days off while he came to terms with everything.
He then spent the morning on the balcony, staring off at the waves, crashing against the rocky shore.
"How long have you been out here?" Amanda asked once she found him.
"Sunrise." He replied, unable to look directly at her.
She came over and sat next to him. Her hand slipped into his as she turned her attention to the beauty before them.
Thomas couldn't take the simple kindness. He rose abruptly and went to stand over at the balustrade.
"Thomas?" Amanda followed him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "What's--"
He jerked out of her grasp. "I need to be alone."
Her eyes searched his, causing him to avert his gaze.
"Why?" She asked.
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "You know why."
She leaned against the balustrade, silently observing her husband’s odd behavior.
He couldn't take it. He left her without a word and went directly to their closet.
Amanda followed him, watching as he began to pack.
"What are you doing?" She asked. "We don't leave for the capital until Thursday."
He tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. "I'm not going to the capital."
"What? Why?" Amanda couldn't take him avoiding her and blocked his path. "We must attend Liam's coronation!"
Thomas stilled when she took his hands. His head dropped, wishing she would order him to leave and never return. He didn’t deserve her. 
"Are you angry with me?" She asked.
His head jerked up. "What would I have to be angry with you for?" His expression hardened. "Were you the one to insist on having an actress be around the one you vowed to protect? Were you the one who dismissed all the concerns voiced by those you trust?" His voice cracked. "Did you leave the one you love more than anything alone with such a person nearby to film on location?"
Amanda stepped closer, winding her arms around him. "You didn't know Lauren was that evil. You thought she was a flirt. A woman who got off on destroying people's lives with affairs."
"I should have put two and two together." He snapped, completely disgusted at himself. "I suspected Viktor of predatory behavior with young actresses. I should have seen that his closeness to Lauren meant that they were of like mind."
His temper broke as he thought over all his decisions concerning the actress. “AND I’M THE FOOL WHO BROUGHT THEM INTO OUR HOME!”
His voice echoed in their bedroom. A nervous Hudson knocked on the door, forcing Thomas to quickly apologize for his outburst.
Amanda shushed him, pulling him closer to her. The morning's news had shown the actress being extradited from Cordonia while Viktor was simultaneously being dragged from his Hollywood mansion in the middle of the night. Some other famous people and those in the business and diplomatic world were being held for questioning and arrested.
"It's over." She said softly. "Neither Viktor nor Lauren will ever have a chance to hurt someone again." She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "And thankfully, they did not have a chance to hurt us as they had planned."
"If they had, I--" he swallowed at the lump in his throat. "I could have lost you."
Amanda shook her head. "You wouldn't have lost me." 
She tried to kiss him. Prove to him that all was as it should be.
He broke away. "I would have. If Lauren had succeeded in making you believe I was having an affair. If Viktor had succeeded in--" his fist clinched, wishing he had them wrapped around the man's throat. "I would have lost you."
She tried to say he wouldn't, yet, she knew deep down that he very well might have. As she imagined how she would be after going through something like that, she realized what would have happened if they had divorced.
"We would have found our way back to each other."
Thomas raised his heartbroken eyes back to hers. "You sound so certain."
"Not only do I love you, I need you." She admitted. "You give me comfort." She tugged on his arms to hold her. "You listen to me, try to help me...I would have needed all that if they had succeeded." She nestled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "Your touch alone helps ease any worry or pain I have."
He clutched her tight, words failing at how she did the same for him. He pressed his lips to her forehead, letting them remain there as he allowed her to ease the tension within him.
Fives Months Later, Hollywood...
Thomas tugged at his bowtie while he waited downstairs. He reviewed the speech he had written for tonight’s premiere of The Earl’s Undoing.
“You’re going to ruin that if you keep pulling at it.” 
He looked up and smiled at his wife coming downstairs. Slipping the notecards in his breast pocket, he met her at the bottom step.
“I must admit that I feel those same butterflies that I had the night you took me to the AFI’s awards.” She tilted her head when he kissed her cheek. “Are you sure this is what I should wear tonight?”
Thomas took her hand and twirled her. The rich royal blue gown sparkled in the lamp light. “You look beautiful.” 
She pressed a tender kiss to his lips, smiling as he held her close. “You look very handsome.”
“I notice you say that whenever I wear a tuxedo.” He teased. “That is the only reason I keep wearing them to events.”
She laughed, slipping her arm in the bend of his. “We better go. Liam sent a text saying that they would be leaving the hotel in an hour.”
The two made their way to the theater. Cameras flashed as their limo pulled up.
“Ready?” Thomas asked.
“I think so.” She gripped his hand. 
“Normally, I would say we forget about it and go straight home.” He stepped out of the car and helped her out. As cameras flashed and cheers were yelled, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “But I want everyone to see how proud I am that you let me direct your story.”
Cameras once again captured the moment the two looked at one another. The tender smile and obvious love was seen by all along with the sweet kiss the duchess gave her director.
That night, Thomas did not remain dismissive of any question posed about the film. With Amanda by his side, he remained for the most part, almost pleasant with the invasive inquiries of their life together and whether or not they would work on any more projects as they had with The Earl’s Undoing.
Finally making it inside the theater, they joined their friends who each had a hand in helping the couple get here together.
Once they all found their seats, Thomas whispered that he would be right back.
He made his way to the front of the packed auditorium and raised his hand for silence.
“Good evening.” He began. “I want to thank each person who made this movie possible. My gratitude to our friends from Cordonia who traveled here specifically to support us. And how grateful I am for those of you who came out tonight.” 
He cleared his throat and waited for the applause to die down. “Let me begin by saying what many directors that have come before me have said. This was a labor of love.” His eyes met Amanda’s. “But unlike the love we feel for our craft, mine was truly one of deep, heartfelt emotion. Without this story, I would have never met the author who ended up becoming the very love of my life.”
Amanda blinked back tears as he gave a brief story of how he had fallen in love with her while working towards making a movie. Beside her, Nadia, Riley, and Addison were sniffing and wiping their own tears. Even Olivia and Holly were slightly affected, both attempting to pretend they weren’t.
“What you will see on the screen is a love letter to my wife, Amanda.” He explained. “Every shot. Every line said in a particular way. Every bit of costume and scenery...it is all from my heart.” He once again met his wife’s unwavering gaze. “For the rest of my life, this movie will be my favorite of all time and all because I met you.”
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threeletterslife · 4 years
Chana! I was reading thru your about page and I saw that you like Harry Potter 😄😄 I'm a really big fan of HP too! Would you mind sorting the BTS members in their houses? And I know you said you're a Ravenclaw! Would you choose any other house if you could? -Hufflepuff reader
yes! i was literally obsessed with hp for five(?) years now, which isn’t a lot compared to others, but it’s a fandom i’ve been in the longest LOL so happy to see another potterhead!!
and I WOULD NOT MIND AT ALL!!!! I LOVE HP X BANGTAN OMG (i will eat any hp x bts crossover ff uP)
but to answer your questions,,, this might get a lil long lol
namjoon actually sorted the members in their respective houses a long time ago himself. (not sure if it’s still accurate now, but i think what he wrote back then was all true.) also as a side note, these are my opinions, so you don’t necessarily have to agree with them! and aLSO i think there’s a common misconception going around with new harry potter fans. your hp house is NOT what you are the most—it’s what you VALUE the most! i’ll explain more later
seokjin has always been a bit easy for me to categorize in terms of hp house
he just screams gryffindor to me
he tries to do what’s right
he’s the oldest in the group so he’s always taking care of his younger brother-like figures
he does his best to make sure the other members feel safe and comfortable in new environments (that’s why he cracks so many corny jokes—to break the ice!)
though he’s not the official leader of bangtan, he does a LOT of behind the scenes leadership work
i think seokjin can be mistaken as a hufflepuff (just because he’s so friendly and kind) BUT this is where the values come in. seokjin might have some hufflepuff-like traits, but he actually values the gryffindor traits even more. he values his passions, his confidence, his valiance
he doesn’t take himself too seriously, but he knows what’s right and wrong (great moral compass)
that puts him in gryffindor
i’ve literally seen so many pple put joon in ravenclaw just because he has an insanely high iq
but i mean,,, as a ravenclaw myself, i don’t see him in my house
yes, namjoon is creative, yes, he is intelligent, and YES! he is indeed insightful!! BUT,,, it all comes down to his values
namjoon uses his intelligence, his creativity and insight for the good of everyone! he’s a team player (not an individualist, as most ravenclaws tend to be)
and, not to mention, he’s bangtan’s official leader, and he does extremely well with that extra responsibility (gryffindors are great leaders)
namjoon tries so hard to do what’s right
he doesn’t try to cut corners to get to his goals. he’s very moral and fair
he likes peace and justice
gryffindors are drawn to good morals (they’re always trying to fix what’s wrong too)
namjoon is the staple gryffindor in my eyes
hoseok is so easy for me to categorize, but i’ve seen him be sorted into gryffindor sometimes
i don’t think he’d be in gryffindor, though. hoseok is someone who doesn’t exactly like the idea of *risks*
gryffindors are all about risks (stereotypically they don’t think about the consequences that much because all they want to do is wrong the right)
hoseok (though he is passionate and charismatic) is more fit for hufflepuff
he’s bright, kind and always has something nice to say
the persona he puts on in front of the camera is close to his real personality—he’s just a sunny person in general
what makes him such a hufflepuff is the fact that he’s so hardworking! hoseok just dOES NOT give up (he’s extremely loyal to the people in his life, and he’s loyal to his talents too)
he chased after his dancing talents and look where he is right now
he wasn’t originally a rapper but he practiced and practiced until it became one of his talents
he’s dependable, honest and values friendship
hufflepuffs are people’s persons. and hoseok is just that—A GIFT TO THE PEOPLE
taehyung’s the hardest one to put in a house in my opinion. he’s what you’d call *divergent* (and yes, in theory, everyone is divergent. we ALL have traits of ALL FOUR hp houses. BUT there are some people who exemplify all four traits more equally than others. so now, it all comes down to what taehyung values the most)
taehyung, in my eyes, is such a people’s person. that makes him a strong candidate for hufflepuff
the tae that i know has many friends—and he’s extremely good at reading people too (like his vibe check DO BE trustworthy)
hufflepuffs are often underestimated because they’re written canonnly as just being “nice”
hufflepuffs are much more than that. hufflepuffs are essentially gryffindors but with higher eq LOL (hufflepuffs would ONLY right the wrong if righting the wrong didn’t hurt anyone on the ‘wrong’ side—does that even make sense??)
tae is someone i see as extremely trustworthy—he’s someone who’d die WITH your secrets
he’s also very emotionally available to the people in his life
therefore,,, i sort tae into hufflepuff
ravenclaws are intelligent, insightful and most of all, they value creativity!!
jungkook is the staple ravenclaw
i can’t see him in any other house
like if i see jungkook, i see ravenclaw. they are literal synonyms
ravenclaws are stereotypically jack-of-all-trades because they genuinely enjoy learning new things
i mean,,, jungkook’s lowkey perfect right? he’s good at everything right? yeah it’s because he has the thirst to LEARN! he wants to be good at everything! that’s such a mf ravenclaw trait
sorry i get so excited explaining about my own house omf
jungkook’s naturally curious; he likes to poke at new things because he wonders what it’ll be like to learn about it and do it himself
ravenclaws are also stereotypically the “artsy” kids (and i mean, this man can DRAW)
ALSO! just because ravenclaws get called jack-of-all-trades often, it doesn’t mean they’re good at EVERYTHING. it means that they’re good at what they’re interested in!! (jungkook doesn’t exactly care too much about math, which is totally fine! he has his other interests)
ravenclaws are smart, yes, but just because you’re smart, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a ravenclaw. (i.e. hermione isn’t open-minded enough to be ravenclaw.) being a ravenclaw doesn’t mean you just read a lot lol. it means you read a lot AND you take the adventures from the protagonist in the book and then apply it to yourself. hence, the *imagination*
idk man i can’t see jk in any other house
yoongi’s also really easy to sort
i mean, the man screams slytherin
a slytherin would do anything (maybe even cross a few rules) to get to his desired end result
some people call it evil (usually gryffindors and hufflepuffs), but i call it working smarter not harder (to slytherins, it’s not immoral to cut a few corners to get to their desired result—if they don’t get caught, that is)
if yoongi were not slytherin, he would not have cut corners in those bts run episode games LMAO (icon behavior)
slytherins also value individuality (like ravenclaws) but in a COMPLETELY different way. ravenclaws love to be unique because with their insight, they conclude that everyone has dealt with different experiences, making them their each, special person. slytherins like to be individualists because they like to feel special (sometimes paired with a superiority/god complex BUT i don’t think that’s necessarily bad. but slytherins do tend to be more close-minded than ravenclaws; slytherins value tradition)
in turn, slytherins find more success than ravenclaws. sometimes, ravenclaws step back when they find that their ideals will be replaced with success. slytherins would rather replace/reform their ideals to find success (i.e. yoongi became an extremely successful idol rapper when he could’ve actually just become a producer instead)
slytherins also tend to have trust issues. they don’t like to trust others except for themselves (smart, really)
yoongi is very self-driven and self-reliant, making him a perfect slytherin candidate
he’s the staple slytherin
i lowkey wanna copy paste what i wrote for yoongi into jimin’s explanation lmfao
personally, jimin was easy to place in slytherin, BUT i’ve seen a lot of pple put him in hufflepuff
so lemme just refute that for a sec
jimin is very self-orientated (and i’m saying that in the nicest way possible)
he wants to be unique! he wants to be special! he wants to shine!! 
jimin’s just a naturally giggly, bubbly person
but behind the scenes (behind the cameras), he beats himself up to be his very best self; slytherin behavior
slytherins are perfectionists, okay? they value what others think of them a lot OR they value the INFLUENCE they have on other people
remember? slytherins are about pOwEr! and power comes in many shapes and forms
jimin likes the idea of being well-liked! he likes the idea of being thought of as charismatic and talented
he may act like a hufflepuff to fit what people want to see in him, BUT the fact that he has to ACT like a hufflepuff to be in people’s favor makes him a slytherin lol (i mean,,, remember his whole FILTER song???)
anyways i wouldn’t call him a staple slytherin (that’s for yoongi) but he’s pretty close to being one
anyways, to answer your other question,,,
i’ve mentioned before that everyone is *divergent* 
of course i have all four traits of the hp houses, but the traits aren’t very equal for me. i have all the traits of ravenclaw, hufflepuff aNd slytherin. except i’m not very gryffindor. i have a few gryffindor traits, yes, but i don’t value them as much as my other traits. with that said, it’s hard for me to acclimate in environments where people value things that i don’t necessarily find as important
i think it’d be best for me to be in ravenclaw (just because every ravenclaw i know has been my best friend). i think i’d also do well in slytherin (but sometimes, i can’t handle their intense ambition lol). i’m also a good hufflepuff candidate, but i don’t think i could trade up being a ravenclaw for that
in the end, your house is your choice (it’s what you value the most)
i would like to say i’m friendly, ambitious and creative. but when it comes down to it, i’m picking my creativity and RUNNING. so no, i would not change my house. never! i’m a solid ravenclaw!!
i am so sorry this is so long wtf 😭😭
*also disclaimer* this was written in the pov of a ravenclaw,,, it may or may not be biased 😀😀😀😀😀😀
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