#and you have a cup!
wehaveagathering · 5 months
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PHL @ EDM 1.2.24 || mattias ekholm you will not see heaven
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dazzlerazz · 7 months
Screw terfs n all but are you normal about transgirls who don't want to medically transition? Are you normal about transguys with boobs who don't wear binders? Are you normal about the trans people who only want to socially transition because that's what's right for them? Are you normal about the transgirls with beards? Are you normal about the transguys who love their curves? Screw terfs, but are you normal about trans people?
Important Edit!!!!!
I don't mean to piggyback off of the success of this post but
A trans person is in need of your financial help
My friend @the-fab-fox is struggling and is in need of help
If you can, please consider donating to him, lord knows he needs it right now
Finley is at risk of losing his living situation, vet bills piling up, and much more
Please consider donating to his fundraiser (linked below) or donating via PayPal ([email protected]) with a note that it's for the GoFundMe
Edit 2
Thank you for those who have donated so far, it means the world to him and to me!
If you could, please donate further so Finley is able to get the products that he needs!
Please follow this link to understand what and why
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fleshdyke · 7 months
it is literally the most fucked up thing in the world that fruit goes bad. you shoild be allowed to have a box of blackberries in the cupboard for 2 years and they are still fine to eat
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hyuckonia · 8 months
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deuce fucking dies dot jpg
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old man breaks back laughing at lame joke too hard 😂😂😂😔
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my first reading in my African history class this year is about why using “tribe” to refer to ethnic groups stems from a racist desire to make African conflicts sound primitive or stemming from a desire to pretend that these are just ancient conflicts that have always existed. great article and I also feel like I’m vicariously experiencing the bullshittery that this author has been subjected to from people they’ve tried to talk to about this. like the article remains extremely professional but you can just hear in the tone that they’re talking through gritted teeth, you can practically see the customer service smile
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[ID: a screenshot from a section of the article titled “But why not use ‘tribe’? Answers to common arguments.” Under the bullet point for the argument “Africans talk about themselves in terms of tribes” is written, “Commonly when Africans learn English they are taught that tribe is the term that English-speakers will recognize. But what underlying meaning in their own languages are Africans translating when they say tribe? Take the word isizwe in Zulu. In English, writers often refer to the Zulu tribe, whereas in Zulu the word for the Zulu as a group would be isizwe. Often Zulu-speakers will use the English word tribe because that's what they think English speakers expect, or what they were taught in school. Yet Zulu linguists say that a better translation of isizwe is nation or people.” /end ID] 
translation: “ ‘Oh ho ho but some Africans themselves say tribe!’ You dipshit. You fucking donkey. When someone has a word that means “nation” or “people” in their own language but then when they learn English YOU TELL THEM IT TRANSLATES TO “TRIBE” then THAT WILL BE THE WORD THEY USE. Maybe if you LISTENED TO THE LINGUISTS OF THAT GROUP you’d have more accurate information. Asshole.”
each point is repeated over and over with like five different examples because you just know there are dipshits out there who will keep arguing.
to the anonymous author of this article for the Africa Policy Information Center I hope you have a good day every day and experience fewer people being assholes about this, your patience is actually legendary
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thatssroughbuddy · 6 months
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he is trying his best
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f1-stuff · 16 days
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cVB8qoZr5/?igsh=MXFsNW8wNm9qbWVpYg== the video of the hug! 🥹
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 26 days
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Yue Qingyuan and Tianlang Jun having tea together ☕
[Commission for @absolmon!]
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 months
You know, something that always annoyed me more than plastic straws in drinks were the plastic covers over them. I mean I get it, it keeps the drink inside if someone tilts the cup, but I never understood why it wouldn’t be reasonably viable to make them out of cardboard? Those plastic covers always get discarded with the sometimes-cardboard-made cup, and they break into tiny transparent plastic shards suuuuper easy. They seriously break apart from a light touch after being under the elements for a few days, I can tell you from futile attempts at cleaning the roadside. It’s a nightmare to deal with!
I’m super frustrated that the only outcome of “plastic straws are bad!” was switching to cardboard straws, but completely ignoring the other single-use plastic(s) in the setup. Often the ones that are always included in the drink by default, too, or are mandatory in some situations. Fucking hello!!!!??????
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i don't know if you guys have been keeping up with the women's world cup but this past sunday spain won against england. and you would think this would be the best moment of their careers and their lives but you wanna know what happened?
the spanish football federation's president non-consensually kissed one of the players, jenni hermoso, on the mouth when they were celebrating. this grown ass man took it upon himself to ruin the celebration for ALL the women who just achieved the thing they have been preparing for all their lives, literally the peak of a football player's career, they did it and he by himself ruined it.
and i say all the women because the other players, along 58 currently inactive and ex-players, stood up for jenni hermoso and have refused to play for the team until luis rubiales publicly apologizes and renounces his spot. now the rfef says they'll take legal action against the players and jenni for lying and because they have an obligation to play for the team.
do you remember how the men's world cup celebrations went? i do, im from argentina. no one said anything to any of the players, they were treated like kings for months and they are worshipped to this day. and rightfully so! they earned it i guess. but we do see the discrepancy?
how is it that we allow as a society for one man to sexually assault a woman right after achieving the thing another group of men got ceaselessly venerated for not even a year later? what do women have to do to earn respect? win the world cup? become the pride and joy of their country?
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tim puts bloodstained gloves into his microwave and bernard's chef-senses start tingling
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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Despite herself, the Emma is wooed
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cametotheshowinsd · 11 months
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August slipped away into a moment in time; August, Taylor Swift
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dianagj-art · 11 months
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Kappa is losing Cool Guy points
Context: we were talking if the Usagis would be able to tell their Leos apart and EW!Usagi has a very simple way to find his
AUs left to right:
Bloodbath @trubblegumm
Gemini @tangledinink
Red Rover @red-rover-au
Empyrean Weeping @cupcakeslushie
Even More Disaster @3lectricinsomnia @teaableu @evenmoreofadisaster
Never Better @less-depresso-more-espresso
Separated Leo - me:D
The Night @y0unginhumans @the-saturn-project
Life Mission @daedelweiss
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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