#and they had to leave their home planet and go somewhere else
coelakanths · 2 years
bookcase & library card?
bookcase: out of all your wips, which do you think would sell the best?
ohhh probably werevamps. it gets ppl most excited when i talk abt it. it’s about a werewolf and a vampire who accidentally turn each other so they’re both hybrids now and both kinda furious about it but they end up falling in weird love a little and they’re also being hunted at the same time so they kinda have to work together. i don’t have all the details fleshed out because it’s a newer idea but it’s a really fun one :-) the main characters are hawkins (a sexy sexy vampire, she loves women and eating them yes all ways) and sydney (a werewolf whos kinda ashamed of the fact she’s a werewolf)!!
library card: what’s the first genre you wrote?
ok i was a very avid writer as a kid so i had to think hard about a definite first genre. most of it was modern fantasy— i remember one about a guy named silas and his magical wolf indigo living in the woods, one about four kids in a music-less world discovering these instruments but they’re also weapons, one abt some teenagers who have to save their small town from a beast that’s been systematically killing everyone for thousands of years, etc etc etc. that last one, aka crooked star (the earliest story with a name!), is technically my longest wip clocking in at like 60k. there are a lot of drafts. ones on wattpad (the first) while the rest are in my google docs. i wrote a lot abt it for nanowrimo when i was like…. thirteen? it’s a little crazy lol but ive recently scrapped the whole idea because there was a lot i needed to work out and the concept just doesn’t rlly appeal to me anymore it kinda lacks substance
it would be uncouth of me not to mention the great story writing contest from when i was eight between me and my two older siblings who would’ve been twelve and fourteen at the time— we had a month to write a story about a prompt picked by someone else. my sister wrote a post apocalyptic story, my brother a romance (i picked that LOL), and i had to write sci fi. i wrote about this kid on mars getting kidnapped or something. he eventually went to earth with his two friends i think? they were all named after planets. it was really bad and nobody voted for it iirc. absolutely devastating. but i moved on very quickly because i always had another story to write— preferably in genres i was more familiar with !
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Not Leaving You
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Prompt - "You need to leave."
Requested - anon
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The Doctor never said more about his past than he had to. Most of the people who travelled with him never asked too many questions, too caught up in the life that came with knowing the Doctor to ask about who he really was. When they did ask he gave them just enough to stop asking. 
He didn’t know what was different about you. When you asked he found he didn’t mind sharing a part of himself with you, a part of himself that nobody else knew. He couldn’t say for sure why because it ached his hearts terribly to talk about a life long gone but it was a little bit easier with you at his side.
You were a curious thing too, he’d lost count of how many times he’d lost you, you wandering off, too distracted by something or other and ready with a million and one questions by the time the Doctor finally did find you.
He knew sooner or later you’d be curious about him too, once you found out he had two hearts that had taken up about a week’s worth of conversation, you asking questions about Time Lords and what else was different about them, not knowing that there were no more Time Lords out there and missing the sad look that the Doctor forced off his face.
He had taken you to a planet he had found many, many years ago, one that made his chest feel warm and a smile pull on his face as you repeated the name after him, the word Zirafell sounding as beautiful as the planet itself coming from your lips. He had never shown it to anyone before but there was something so extraordinarily different about you that he wanted to share all his hiding spots and secrets with you.
The two of you were sitting in the field, the TARDIS parked not too far away. The grass was littered with little pink and blue flowers and a lilac lake glistened under the two suns in front of you.
“Where are you from anyway?” You asked softly, breaking the peaceful silence that had settled between you causing the Doctor to look at you in surprise but you kept your gaze on the lake.
“Me? Oh nowhere really.” The Doctor answered after a few beats of silence, watching as a frown pulled at your face.
“Everyone’s from somewhere.” You told him, finally turning to face him and seeing the discomfort on his face. You wondered whether to push it but before you could decide the Doctor spoke again.
“Not me. Not anymore.” The Doctor sighed and you stayed silent for a moment, just looking at him.
His gaze was on something just passed your shoulder, refusing to look at you as his mind played memories from long before you could even imagine. You wanted to know what he was thinking about though, wanted to know what put that sort of look on a person's face. 
“You could always go back home.” You told him, keeping your voice soft.
The Doctor looked back at you, a sad smile spreading across his face. You hadn’t seen that smile in a while, of course you’d seen it plenty when you’d first met him. A sad man sitting alone looking like his whole world had fallen apart around him and there was nothing he could do about it.
It took some time but eventually he told you about the people he’d lost and how travelling with him was dangerous. He had told you he’d take you home, that he’d understand if you wanted to leave but you just wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in for a hug, smiling into his chest when he gripped you tight.
“Not even I can do that.” The Doctor laughed softly, no amusement in it as he turned to look out at the lake. He never wanted to talk about it, about all that pain and suffering, about what he had done and yet sat here with you, he wanted you to know that sad, angry, lonely part of him. 
“My home’s long gone, Y/N.” The Doctor said after a long silence where you had figured he wasn’t going to share anything with you. “It was a beautiful place, you’d have loved it. I’d love to have shown you. The Time Lords, my people, the universe was so much brighter with them in it. People would cheer when they saw one and now, now they’re gone, my planet’s gone.”
“What happened to it?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper as you looked at him, his eyes glazed over. 
“There was a war.” He told you, swallowing around a lump in his throat. “It doesn’t matter, but nobody won that day. Nobody ever really wins I suppose. Everyone died. Everyone but me.”
When you first saw the Doctor, before you knew who he was, you just referred to him as the sad man. Watching him now you couldn’t think of a better way to describe him, the sad man, the sad man who was all alone in the universe, the sad man who had lived through the destruction of his whole planet, his whole race.
The sad man with a magical box who spent his life bringing hope everywhere he went.
“The last of the Time Lords.” You murmured, remembering what a woman from several months back had hissed to him, at the time the Doctor brushed it off when you asked questions, now you knew why. 
“The last of the Time Lords.” The Doctor agreed just as quietly and neither of you said anything else, there was nothing left to say so you rested your head on his shoulder, his coming to rest on top of yours as the two of you stared ahead at the lilac water.
From that day onwards you and the Doctor were closer than ever, he shared more of his life with you and you found yourself falling a little bit more for the man as each day passed. It was a dangerous thing to do, falling in love with the Doctor and yet you let yourself fall, not bothering to question if he would catch you but enjoying the fall while it lasted.
You felt closer with the Doctor than you had with anyone you had known back home, not a single day went by where you regretted leaving, regretted choosing the Doctor over your old life. You knew you’d make the same choice over and over again. You could never give the Doctor up.
Months passed since that day, months where you and the Doctor would spend your nights floating through the galaxy, legs hanging over the TARDIS door as the Doctor told you about the different stars and planets that surrounded you with such fondness, months were he took your hand in yours and you couldn’t help but smile, savouring the feeling of his thumb running softly across the back of your hand as he pulled you along, tugging you back to him when you went to wander off. Months were you and the Doctor traded secrets in the quiet of the night, things that you’d never have dreamed of sharing with anyone else and yet knowing the whispered words were safe with each other.
“You’ll love this one, Y/N/N!” The Doctor told you with an excited grin on his face, hurrying you to put your coat on causing you to laugh before he finally grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the TARDIS, pausing long enough to lock the box before the two of you were off.
“Welcome to Thucruiruta.” The Doctor beamed at you and you couldn’t help the gasp that escaped you as you finally looked around.
The planet was beautiful, the sky was golden and all sorts of creatures were moving around you, so many things demanded your attention and the thing that won it was the Doctor squeezing your hand.
“It’s beautiful, Doctor.” You breathed out, watching as the Doctor’s grin softened and you didn’t even try and stop yourself from smiling back, leaning into him before letting him lead the way.
The Doctor was eager to show you everything, used to your curiosity and the hundreds of questions you came up with, more than happy to show off and answer them, making his way through the stands and insisting you try all the different foods on display. 
It was hard to imagine such a perfect day taking a turn but you had also gotten used to trouble following the Doctor by now, so when an explosion sounded not too far in the distance you immediately turned to the Doctor, waiting for him to do something.
It didn’t take him more than a second to grab your hand, pulling you into the heart of the danger and you went along with him willingly. You knew you always would, you never gave it a second thought, you knew that you would always follow the Doctor no matter where he went.
You gasped as you took in the scene, people were scattered all over the floor, some crying out and others not moving at all. You gripped the Doctor’s hand in yours and he squeezed back before moving further into the chaos, looking around for some clue as to what had happened.
There was a child on the floor, a deep cut in their green skin as blue blood poured from it. You pulled your hand from the Doctor’s and made your way to the child’s side as the Doctor pulled the sonic screwdriver out to try and find what had caused the explosion. 
“You alright?” You asked softly, pulling your jacket off and using a sharp bit of rubble to rip the end of your shirt in lieu of a bandage. 
“Hurts.” The kid whimpered and you gave her an encouraging smile, warning her it might sting as you tied the torn material around her arm as tightly as you could.
“Good job, that’ll be good until we can get you to your family.” You told her standing up and holding a hand out for her, pulling her up by her uninjured arm and looking around. “Where was your family?”
You watched as she pointed the way you had come from, away from where the explosion was and you glanced over your shoulder to see the Doctor glaring down at the sonic, a furious expression you couldn’t ever remember seeing on his face that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Come on then, let’s see if we can find them.” You said, pulling your gaze from the Doctor and forcing the uneasy feeling you suddenly felt in the pit of your stomach away, leading the young girl away from the scene.
Even in the sea of screams and shouts for friends and family you managed to find the young girl's family quite easily, her mum falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around her daughter, mindful of her arm after she winced. 
You stayed long enough for the family to thank you tearfully and the girl to hug you before you pushed your way through the crowd and looked around for the Doctor, frowning when you couldn’t see him.
You made your way further into where the explosion had gone off, gasping when something sharp dug into your arm, looking to your left to see a tall figure beside you, sharp teeth visible as the thing grinned down at you and pushed you forward, dragging you alongside it and not even pausing as you fought back against it.
There was a slimy sort of wet texture to the creature and you couldn’t stop yourself from wincing as it’s nails drew blood from you, the thing snarling the whole time until it pushed you onto the floor and you were staring at sharper nails and blue feet, looking up to see more than a dozen of the things standing together.
“Let her go.” The Doctor’s voice sent a wave of relief through you and your head snapped around to look at him. “Now.”
The Doctor’s voice was cold, so devoid of any emotion that it scared you. The creatures, however, didn’t seem at all phased by him and instead laughed at the Doctor.
“The Doctor always was too fond of the humans.” One of the creatures laughed, sending a wave of spit flying from his mouth. “Too bad he can never save his precious little pets.”
That seemed to hit a nerve with the Doctor and you had heard the stories of his past companions, of how much danger they had been put in simply by being with him. You knew it was scarred on his two hearts, every loss, every defeat, every life lost, every life he blamed himself for.
“The Doctor’s not good at saving anybody.” Another one called, amusement clear in its voice, “Poor little Doctor, all alone, no Time Lords around anymore.”
The creatures all laughed together and you winced as you watched fury take over the Doctor. It seemed these creatures had history with the Doctor, at the very least they knew exactly what buttons to press to tear him apart.
The Doctor looked different, he didn’t look like the Doctor you had seen every day, he looked like a whole different person. Cold fury in his eyes, mouth set in a thin line and his knuckles bone white from the grip he had on the sonic.
“You will let her go and you will leave this planet.” The Doctor told them, voice low and commanding the attention of everyone.
You could only stare at him, fear in your eyes, not sure who you were more afraid of in that moment. Usually you could read the Doctor easily, always seeming to know what his next step was but right then, in that moment you didn’t know what he was going to do.
“Or what, Doctor?” One of them spat but you didn’t bother looking behind at them, keeping your gaze on the Doctor. “The last time we met you were a coward, what’s changed?”
“What’s changed?” He shot back, taking a step forward and you felt your breath catch in your throat at his tone. “What’s changed? The last time I showed you mercy. That was a mistake. I won’t make the same one twice. Now leave.”
“Or what?” It asked again, tone hard as the creatures refused to move.
“Or I’ll burn this entire planet with you on it.” The Doctor said without hesitation and your eyes widened, staring at him in shock.
“You wouldn’t, the Doctor wouldn’t harm innocents, not in the name of revenge.” One of them laughed but it sounded nervous, like it didn’t believe its own words and looking at the fury on the Doctor’s face you had to agree with it.
“Do you really want to test that theory?” The Doctor asked, the silence stretching as the creatures all looked at each other. “All I have to do is press this button and you’ll be dead before you realise it.”
The Doctor held the sonic up and you shook your head, not that he was looking at you but you couldn’t believe him. He wasn’t bluffing, he wasn’t improvising whilst he came up with a plan to deal with this without harming anybody. He was being deadly serious.
You were terrified of the man before you. He wasn’t the Doctor, not the Doctor you knew anyway.
“Liar!” A creature yelled and the Doctor gave it an unimpressed look before going to press the button but you stood up before he could.
“Don’t!” You shouted, reaching a hand out like one would around a scared animal, locking eyes with the Doctor for the first time since you’d been pushed onto the floor. “Don’t.”
“Y/N, you don’t know what these are.” The Doctor told you, his thumb hovering dangerously close to the button on the sonic. 
“I don’t care. This isn’t you, you’re the Doctor! People look to you for hope, you’re not a murderer, don’t do this! Don’t become them.” You pleaded with him but his face was still set with cold fury and you feared there was no changing his mind.
“Get to the TARDIS and don’t look back.” He instructed and you immediately shook your head.
“No.” You told him. “No, I’m not letting you do this. There are millions of innocent people on this planet and you will not destroy them for whatever grudge you’re holding.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, you need to leave. Now get on the TARDIS, Y/N!” The Doctor snapped and you felt tears sting your eyes but held your ground.
“No. If you’re going to burn this planet you’ll do it with me on it.” You said, voice shaking as tears made their way over your eyes, hating that you didn’t know what the Doctor was going to do.
“Get on the TARDIS.” The Doctor commanded through gritted teeth but you shook your head again.
“I already told you I’m not leaving.” You told him, blinking away the tears as they carried on running down your face.
The Doctor held your gaze, the small part of him that wasn’t consumed with anger and hatred felt guilt and hurt as you looked at him like you were terrified, like he was the monster instead of the creatures behind you. 
“Leave.” He spat out, not taking his gaze of you as he addressed the creatures. “Get off this planet and if I ever see you again I won’t show a shred of mercy.”
The creatures wasted no time scurrying away, hurrying over to their ships and taking off just as quickly, leaving you and the Doctor staring at each other. Just as the Doctor opened his mouth, you cut him off.
“Take me home.” You told him, suddenly feeling drained.
“Y/N,” he sighed but you just shook your head at him, moving past him and making your way back towards where the TARDIS was parked, using your key to unlock the box and letting yourself in.
The Doctor sighed to himself, rubbing a hand across his face before pocketing the sonic and following after you, desperately trying to think how he could salvage this. He hadn’t wanted to let himself fall for you but over the year and the months you’d spent at each other’s side he couldn’t help it.
Now he was losing you because he had held onto a grudge from so many years back.
The anger had taken over him to the point he couldn’t control himself but you could, you stopped him even when he didn’t think he could be stopped.
When he walked into the TARDIS you were sitting in one of the chairs, looking away from him as he quietly worked on setting a course for Earth, hoping you would change your mind before you got there.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, watching you closely. He could tell you were listening but you didn’t say anything. 
“Those creatures, Y/N…” He trailed off and you finally looked over at him, seeing him take a deep breath before he spoke again. “Those creatures are called Eelvo’s. I met them a long time ago, long before I had this face. I lost somebody because of them and I let them go.”
“You don’t kill people.” You told him, your voice quiet but firm and the Doctor sighed as he came and sat next to you. 
“I have bad days, Y/N. Days where I am not a good man.” The Doctor told you, ashamed of himself, ashamed that you had seen him like that. He had never wanted that.
“Doctor, today I was more scared of you than any of those other things.” You said softly, glancing at the Doctor as he shut his eyes and swallowed thickly around a lump in his throat, fighting back tears.
The last thing he had ever wanted was for you to be scared of him.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know what happened, seeing them again after so long, seeing the destruction they were still causing, the pain and lives they were still taking…” The Doctor trailed off, a single tear making its way down his cheek.
You sighed softly, reaching over to take his hand in yours and giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. You were still unsure, still hadn’t liked seeing the Doctor so furious but he was still the Doctor, he was your Doctor again and seeing him in pain was the last thing you wanted.
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N, I never wanted you to hate me.” He whispered, his voice breaking around the words and you felt your heart break with them.
“I don’t hate you, Doctor.” You told him honestly, “I’ve never seen you like that and I didn’t like it but I don’t hate you. I’m not sure I could ever hate you.”
The Doctor smiled over at you sadly and you returned it, squeezing his hand again.
“I’ll take you home.” He whispered and you frowned, you had asked him to take you home but the thought of actually leaving the Doctor behind sent an ache through you.
“How about Zirafell instead?” You asked him, a small smile pulling at your lips as he looked over at you in surprise. 
“You sure?” He asked, a hopeful note in his voice and you nodded, watching as his shoulders lost the tension in them and he let out a small breath, nodding himself before standing up and moving around the console to change the course, hoping that the two of you would be alright. 
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10th Doctor Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - 
@ajordan2020, @nyx2021, @etanordoesbullsh1t, @book-fic-reader, @buckystrash, @queen-who, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @kodiakwhiskey, @alexxavicry, @instabull, @rosesinmars, @freeshavocadoooo, @audrie-bryant, @leothesquishy, @etanordoesbullsh!t
Thank you so much for reading!
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Carol Danvers x Autistic!sibling!reader - safer
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Can I send in an imagine for Carol Danvers where her sibling is autistic and and Carol is protective of them? Sorry for vagueness, hope it’s ok imagine wise! - Anon💜
Reaching down, you gently ran your hand over the back of the ginger cat that was walking in front of you.
“Hey goose…”
The cat purred a little, sitting in front of you and you looked up at the man who had brought your in, narrowing your eyes a little bit.
“Come on now don’t be like that, we’re friends right?”
You glared a bit and he walked over, setting a cup down next to you.
“Look, your sister asked me to bring you in, said you weren’t safe I wasn’t gonna argue with a superhero.”
You sat down on the floor, cradling goose against your chest.
Fury sat down on his seat and gestured to the large windows.
“She said you loved space, so, go ahead, take a look.”
You pushed yourself up from the floor, making your way to the window, allowing Goose to sit on your shoulder.
You could see the whole of earth from up here, the sun starting to rise, the planets in the distance, the aurora glowing over the planet.
You gazed out in fondness, a little smile on your face.
“I’ve been told, that if you wanted to go out in a suit you could.”
You shook your head a little.
“That’s alright too, she’s on her way in now, she shouldn’t be long.”
You said nothing and just carried on staring out of the window.
So, when your sister walked up to the room you saw her reflection in the glass, you knew she had arrived, but you didn’t turn around.
You were mad at her.
Mad that she didn’t come and get you herself.
Goose jumped down to go and greet her, and you tuned out the conversation that she was having with Fury.
Carol glanced at you at to Fury.
“She’s pissed…” he whispered.
Carol sighed a little bit and walked over, standing next to you.
You glared at her a little bit and she turned to look at you.
“Come on don’t be mad, I’m sorry. It was just quicker for fury to get you.”
You turned to her, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I know okay, you don’t like like people. But I knew he was the safest person to get you, and you would go with him even if you didn’t like that.”
Carol smirked a little at you, holding an arm out.
“Friends?” She asked.
You walked over, letting her hug you, tapping your hand on her back.
Carol beamed, wrapping her arms around you.
“See, you do love me! I’m the best big sister you ever had!”
“You’re my only sister…”
You smiled a little bit.
Carol pulled away, leading you over to some chairs she sat you down.
“You’re in danger, okay? It’s why I had to bring you here, it’s not safe on my ship but I know you’ll be safe with Fury and everybody else around.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“I’m going to stay here until Fury can help me figure everything out, then when it’s safe I’ll take you back home.”
“I don’t want to go home..”
Carol sighed, and she looked at you.
“It’s not safe out there..”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Not safe there either…”
“I know.. I know..”
Carol ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it a little bit.
“I just.. I don’t know what to do… I don’t want you to get hurt..” she whispered.
You tapped your hand on your knee, looking around the room.
“I want to come with you…”
Carol smiled softly.
“Alright. Okay. When it’s safe you can come with me.”
You smiled, nodding your head.
“Now come on, Fury said you refused to eat anything he gave you.”
“I don’t like people giving me food.”
“I know you don’t, come on.”
Carol held out her hand, letting you take it so she could find somewhere she could get you something to eat.
Your fingers tapped the back of her hand making her smile a little.
“I’ll take good care of you, promise.”
You nodded, dragging her in a different direction.
All she wanted to do was keep you safe, and she thought leaving you on earth was for the best, but now she wasn’t so sure.
She need to make sure you were okay and safe, and maybe it was for the better that she brought you with her, she wanted you to be there, and you wanted to stay near her.
And as your older sister it was her responsibility to keep you safe in a universe that was far from it
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tolstayas · 9 months
there's a sense of foreignness, a haunting awareness of the immigrant and third culture experience, that's everywhere in mitski's music. it's the awareness that moving changes you; that where you are is who you are. it's in 'brand new city', with its dream of becoming a new person by moving to a new place. it's in 'texas reznikoff', the love song of someone who's never found even just one continent to settle down on: "but i've been anywhere, and it's not what i want, i want to be still with you". it's in 'your best american girl' - obviously. it's in the story behind 'nobody', going back to malaysia where she'd lived as a child and finding that she might as well be an alien - perhaps from the "planet of love" - and certainly had no home where she was. it's in dying on a plane in 'last words of a shooting star', a soul passing by with no grave on earth to return to. it's in the sound of a train pulling away in 'happy', echoed again in 'buffalo replaced': love always leaves by literally going somewhere else. it's in "the city where you're from" in 'blue diner' because every old friend and lover has their (physical) place in her life. it's in the americana, the liberty bell, cowboys, laurel hell, buffalo - and the lines in japanese in 'first love / late spring'. it's in the love that has "traveled very far" in 'star'. it's being the "king of all the land" while belonging to no part of it in 'i love me after you'. and this is ultimately how i interpret 'the land is inhospitable and so are we': it's an autobiogeography. the land may have no place for us, but it defines us anyway. after all, where you are is who you are.
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demialwrites · 2 months
Sephiroth Redeemed (?)
I had an idea where you could have your cake and eat it, too, kinda. Hopefully, I haven't unintentionally copied this idea (I haven't checked, tbh).
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You meet Sephiroth before Nibelheim goes up in flames. He falls in love but he's not fully aware of his feelings. He's vaguely aware you might be his ticket out the way life is currently going. Leaving Shinra is a whole other matter, though. Instead of doing anything about it just yet, he continues life as usual.
After being thrown into the reactor, he splits in two. Half reunites with Jenova and the other half wants to return to you. His power is also split. Similar to Cloud and the unhinged Jenova Sephiroth, he begins to appear before you for a few seconds at a time, then longer and longer as time goes on. The more you make space in your life for him, the more time he's able to spend with you.
Unfortunately, he's aware of what his other half is doing and he remembers what he did at Nibelheim. He can't tell you the truth because he can't bear to lose you. He convinces you to move somewhere that gets less world news and, more importantly, no Shinra propaganda broadcasts.
Life is good for a while. In a major sense, he's isolated you but you let it happen. He always wanted a quiet life and you're into that, too. The problems start cropping up when you start noticing the things unspoken and the lies. He says he doesn't want children because he had absent parents, but he won't describe them. He leaves and comes back with supplies for living, but he never has much to say about what's happening in the world. He is distracted more and more often as Cloud 'n pals chase his other half.
At some point, it becomes clear that he'll have to try to stop his other half from using the black materia if he wants to maintain his life. If your Sephiroth approaches Avalanche with an offer to join forces, they chase him off, refusing to listen. Rufus wants him dead, also. My opinion is that he could easily hide among the black robes for a time. Otherwise, feeling very alone and sometimes in despair, the other Sephiroth tries to tempt him to return to being one. But he refuses to listen. He only hears Jenova's desire to take over the planet and tries to shove her away. In his hardest moments, after spending too long away from you, it almost regains control over his wayward flesh.
When he goes home, he has to deal with you understandably asking hard questions. Where has he been for so long and why was he there? What has he been doing that he comes home with such a dark look on his face? Why is he so distant now? God forbid Meteor is summoned and you ask what it is, scared. He feels very much responsible for how far this has gotten and like it's just another reason why he'll never have that peace he craves so badly.
Finally, he decides he'll make his move against his evil twin. He might not return from this. Things have happened and now he's the weaker one. He also finally decides to monologue to you about the truth. Will you stay? Or are his lies too many? Is there anywhere else to go now, anyway? He sheds a single tear in front of you for the first time. Will you forgive him?
Either way, he's going to go help in the fight whether he's accepted or not. Fighting for you is keeping him from being taken over by Jenova, whether you accept his mistakes or not.
Does he survive? Or not?
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cocogum · 3 months
IDK if you brought it up.
But one thing I noticed is that in season 4 when Yugo, Amalia, and the Eliatrope goddess where together, his mother kind of (softly) physically got between them.
I think... Ep 2 or 3 (idk): when Yugo is watching Amalia mourn her father and wants to jump down and support her, she pulls him away. Though it was a good move, Amalia needed to be alone/with her brother. Ep 11: when Amalia calls out to Yugo and he looks at her and seemingly wants to go to her--the goddess turns him towards her. ...these are the only examples but they're there.
To me, I think it was to show blood-family vs found-family. His relationship with the Eliatrope goddess isn't even as close to deep as it is with Amalia, Percedal, Ruel, Alibert, and Eva. Even Yugo said it himself, he feels at home with Alibert (and his friends).
By the end when the goddess wanted to leave the planet with all of her eliatropes (Yugo included), Yugo chose to stay and fight with his found family.
As someone once said (before someone else twisted it), "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."
Just something that came to mind after rewatching the entire season in English sub.
(If you can, you can add the clips/GIFs) because IDK how to do that.
I love how you interpreted those scenes because that’s exactly what it was implying.
Back when Yugo wanted to intervene in Amalia’s private moment (yes it was episode 3), I didn’t think much about how the Eliatrope goddess had pushed him away from her because Amalia did deserve the privacy so it was normal for his mother to be like “your bae is in pain right now and it’s kinda your fault a bit for pulling her away from her dad so come here”.
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But now that we’ve seen episode 11, yeah no it’s clear that she was only trying to cut off Yugo from the others.
Like the way she did it was so sudden too cuz she just ruined Yugo and Amalia’s reunion. The others had proper moments where see them reacting and conversing with Yugo when they realized he grew up (Ruel and the Percedal family).
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But with Amalia, you can’t help but feel like it was going to go somewhere before it suddenly got cut short because his mother butt in. You can even see how her hair hides the others from Yugo! The only reason why Joris didn’t get cut off like the others was because he was standing on the opposite side.
Like I get that she’s supposed to not mind his friends (since she had no problem addressing them as ‘his friends’ at some point) but the Eliatrope goddess really reminds me of a clingy mother who can’t stop hogging her kids. And because of this bad habit of hers, we can also see how her relationships with her kids reflect their distinct dynamics with her:
Yugo is that one kid who wants to be independent but can’t do anything because his mother thinks he can’t survive without her.
Qilby is that one kid who’s greatly dependent on his mother to shower him with love and affection. He sees her as the only source of light in this world who can give him what he needs. A perfect mama’s boy that every needy mom wished to have.
Nora is that one kid who, just like Yugo, recognizes her mother’s flaws but instead tries to help her by shouldering all the responsibilities on herself. Being the voice of reason in the family, the balance.
Efrim is the one who knows his mother’s imperfections and hates her for it because he’s aware that she comes first before her children.
Adamaï is that one forgotten kid. That’s it. He doesn’t get some love as much as Yugo. And doesn’t get mentioned by his mother as much as Nora and Qilby.
She’s literally the embodiment of love but because of her flaw, she’s depicted as the wrong kind of love, the one that’s too clingy, too overprotective, too suffocating.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
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PAIRING — Duke Leto Atreides x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — Your relationship with Leto and his son is getting better, especially after the happy news. However, your father’s visit to Caladan ruins all the effort and causes a misunderstanding.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I am very grateful for all the kind comments, likes and reblogs under the previous part. Many people asked for the second chapter, so here we go. 💗 I am also planning to write a fic with a modern Duke Leto soon but my Uni is taking most of my time recently... 🙃
WARNINGS — age gap relationship, mentions of death after childbirth, douchebag father
WORD COUNT — 4,740
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That time of the year, the winds and rain were starting to become so heavy and frequent that it was advised not to leave the palace. Under any other circumstances, it would feel like you were in a trap but because your relationship with your husband and his son was finally developing, it actually gave you an opportunity to spend more time together.
Sometimes, though, you would get caught on a sofa by the window; staring outside at the awful weather with a warm cup of tea between your fingers. Your gaze was longing and your fingernails were tapping on the porcelain impatiently. It was obvious that your mind was somewhere else.
“What’s troubling you?” Leto entered the library where you had been sitting. You two had dropped all the official titles recently but it still felt weird to talk so casually to each other even if you started to regularly lay together. You knew couples – like your parents – who kept calling each other my Lord and my Lady for their whole life.
You turned around with a soft smile to let him know that you were happy to see him.
“Nothing, I just…” you looked down and put the cup down on the table.
“You’re missing home,” he pointed out and sat next to you. You moved slightly to make space. “I know your planet, it’s always warm and sunny.”
“But never too hot,” you chuckled. “I wish we could visit,” you added, sadly.
“You’re welcome to go,” Leto put his hand on your shoulder and caressed it softly. “I’m not keeping you here.”
“Aren’t you scared I’m going to tell my father bad things about you?” you teased and he rolled his eyes. “But, my dear, it’s not about that. I would simply find no pleasure in going there alone.”
“You can take Paul with you. I’m sure he would love to go,” Leto hummed.
“Oh, yes, of course… But, still, I would miss a certain someone,” you turned your head around to look into his deep brown eyes. They sparkled a bit as he smiled.
“I have my duties here. Dukes don’t go on holidays unless we are invited to official meetings.”
“I know. And I won’t leave you here alone when the weather is so awful. It would make you sad!” you promised.
“I am used to it at this point.”
“No, I’m staying,” you turned your whole body around to nuzzle into him and he put his arms around you to keep you close. You pressed your cheek to his chest and took a deep breath in. “Right now it would be a bad time to travel anyway.”
“Why, dear? The weather is not scary to our ships,” Leto caressed your hair carefully.
“I’m not talking about the weather nor our ships, dear husband,” you could feel your face burning out of nervousness and excitement as your lips curled into a big grin.
“What can you possibly mean then?” he furrowed his brow.
“Am I supposed to believe that the medics truly kept a secret from the Duke?” you looked up into his confused eyes. “Oh, dear, I did not expect such loyalty from them.”
“Do you want me to beg for clarification? Now I’m worried when you have mentioned the medics…” Leto cleared his throat.
“I am with child,” you whispered quietly, your lips trembling as you said that and your eyes searched for his reaction.
First, he furrowed his brow, then the muscles of his face twitched and his lips curved into a wide smile. His touch around you changed, it was somehow gentler now and softer, like he was holding a glass.
“R-really?” he asked.
“Oh, I am certain,” you giggled softly, “I can feel my body changing already,” you bit on your lower lip. “Are you happy?”
Leto didn’t answer but he nodded before placing a kiss on your forehead. You could see that his eyes filled with the overwhelming worry that overshadowed the happiness in him.
You didn’t comment on that and decided to give him time.
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Leto insisted you should start sharing the same chambers from now on and he instructed maids and guards that you should never be left alone. He was overprotective, which felt nice but also exhausting at times. You cherished your alone time and now you had none of it.
Whenever he was around you, and that would happen more often these days, he was keeping his hand on your growing belly. His big, warm hand spread widely on the bump, making sure his child would be secure. You would play with the ring on his finger and feel at peace with the whole universe. Everything was the way it should be.
One of those times you noticed Paul’s concerned and angry eyes focused on his father’s hand on your belly. In fact, you hadn’t had a conversation with Paul about your pregnancy. You were still helping him with homework and going on walks together but you could sense Paul distancing himself from you and Leto recently.
“He’s a man now. He doesn’t need to be talked to like he’s a child,” Leto said to you the other day.
“He’s a teenager,” you sighed. “I was one, too, not so long ago. I will speak to him.”
Before Leto could protest, you left the chambers and hurried to the end of the corridor and to the staircase to reach the floor where Paul had his quarters. Of course two guards followed you like obedient dogs and at times like this, you wanted nothing else but to yell at them to go away.
You couldn’t, though. You knew that being the Duchess carried lots of responsibilities and duties. Treating guards and maids awfully was a sign of a bad ruler, even if pregnancy would be an excuse. You didn’t want to disappoint your husband, your servants, yourself and the whole Caladan.
Your father was one of those; yelling at the servants. He thought he could because he was close to the Emperor. And your whole life in your father’s house, you had never felt as safe as now in Caladan because you had never had servants and guards so loyal out of duty, respect and love instead of fear.
Once upon a time you had been thinking that every noble man was like your father. Duke Leto had changed that.
You knocked upon Paul’s door and he muttered a “come in” after a long moment of silence.
You entered his chambers and spotted him sitting on the floor while watching a historical holo and making notes. It was for one of his classes.
When he raised his eyes and saw you, he looked down immediately after.
“Am I bothering you?” you asked with a soft smile and put one of your hands on your belly to caress it gently. It was done out of instinct, you hadn’t even thought of that. But Paul noticed the gesture and gave it a very unpleasant look. “What is troubling you, my Prince?” you tried to ask more officially now.
“Is it the boy you’re carrying?” he asked and turned the holo off before throwing his notes away. “My father’s son?”
“It is too early for the medics to say,” you answered and dared to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn’t react to that and only looked up to still have his eyes on you; squinted and calculating.
“Why are you asking me, dear? Is it a little brother you would want the most?” you asked, naively.
“What does he want? My father? Does he want a boy?” Paul swallowed thickly and you furrowed your brow at the sight of his eyes filling with tears.
“We haven’t had this conversation. I don’t think he cares,” you answered.
“Every man wants a son, so I’ve heard,” Paul sniffled.
“Most men want sons only because they need heirs but your father already has one,” you smiled carefully.
“I want it to be a boy,” he announced and you froze for a second. You couldn’t understand that at all because you had thought that he was actually afraid of being replaced.
“I want you to give him the heir I could never be so he can stop expecting all of this of me. I don’t want to be the Duke,” Paul whispered and looked down to hide his tears from you. “But I know it means I’m going to lose his love. I’m going to lose it anyway when the child comes so let’s hope it’s a boy at least… So I am no longer with a burden of power.”
You took a deep breath in and sighed. Damn you, Leto, you thought. He had been the one saying that Paul didn’t need to be talked to…
“Your father loves you,” you reached out your hand to caress his shoulder. “In fact, I am going to reveal something to you since you’ve been so honest with me. He loves you so much that sometimes I am afraid he would never love that child in me as much as he loves you,” you confessed to him and he looked up again; his cheeks all wet and his beautiful eyes reddened.
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged your arms in response. “It’s that little voice in my head telling me that but I can see you can hear it, too,” you let out a chuckle and fixed his ruffled hair. “He loves you and nothing will change that love, no matter if you want to be the Duke or not. I am sure you would be a wonderful one and so is your father but I don’t think he would ever force you to do anything. If it’s a son in me, it won’t mean you will no longer be an heir, my dear. Maybe your brother won’t want the title either…?”
“Imagine having two sons and neither of them wanting to be the Duke,” Paul snorted and so did you. “My father would be very unlucky then.”
“I don’t think he would consider himself unlucky. Having two sons is already a great happiness for every parent,” you caressed Paul’s cheek. “And what if it’s a girl? I think it would be wonderful to have a little girl in the palace. Will you love her?”
“I will,” Paul nodded and smiled, nuzzling his face into your hand. “I’ve had this conversation once already, with my real mother,” he revealed.
You froze for a while, realizing what he had just said. Real mother, so you were the substitute mother, which meant that in some way he was seeing a mother in you. He wasn’t much younger than you although you knew you had been presenting yourself more mature – women had to grow up faster than boys in the world like this. It still felt odd that in some way he was treating you like a mother and that he wanted you to caress his cheeks and ruffle his hair but then again, he had lost his real mother as a young child and never again had a woman taking care of him.
“Please, don’t die like her,” Paul nearly begged. “My father won’t survive this again,” he whispered but you both knew that he had meant himself, too.
“I won’t die,” you cracked a smile. “I promise.”
“There you are,” a familiar voice interrupted you and you both looked at the door where Leto had been standing. “Is everything alright?” he furrowed his brow at the sight of your hand caressing his son’s wet cheeks.
“Yes, it is,” you nodded your hand. “What is it, darling?”
“I’ve just received the news that I think might be happy for you,” Leto smiled. “Your father wants to pay us a visit.”
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You felt like a little girl again, shuffling your feet impatiently between the folds of your dress as your slightly trembling hands clasped around Leto’s arm. Your smile was wide, your hair and makeup done so pretty that you had spent an hour admiring your own self in the mirror. You wanted your parents to see you were happy here and that your life was good. You wanted them to be proud.
When you heard voices behind the door, your heart skipped a beat but when the door opened and you only saw your father and one of his servants walking inside, your smile dropped.
“Father!” you left Leto’s side and ran up to him, breaking all the rules of the protocole.
However, your father only gave you a scolding look and walked past you to greet your husband.
“Duke Atreides,” he shook his hand firmly as you turned around, hurt and confused.
“Lord (Y/L/N),” Leto greeted him without a smile and then he gave you a sympathetic look.
“Duchess,” your father finally extended his hand towards you in the most official manner.
“Father,” you insisted on not calling him by his surname and you shook his hand back. “I thought mother would come with you…”
“It’s a business trip, my Lady,” he gave you a fake smile and turned around to speak to your husband, abandoning you completely.
You felt like a fool in that dress and hair, the makeup. Was that all he would give you…? Not a single compliment, not a single hug?
“...I’ve heard the Duchess is expecting, that makes the Emperor happy…” you heard a part of their conversation and his eyes finally looked at you again. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“I will find out tomorrow,” you told him.
“Excellent. We really hope for a boy. That’s what every man wants, is it not?”
We. Like him and the Emperor were the one. What a fool he was, thinking that he meant anything to him… What a naive idiot.
You left the room and decided to go back to your chambers for the rest of the evening.
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However, around midnight you were getting bored and quite irritated with the fact your father had been spending all that time in your husband’s office, discussing business and politics. You decided to interrupt them and remind Leto of the late hour. You were sure your father would find it outrageous but Leto would be grateful because he had never been a fan of your father’s company.
You put the robe on your nightgown and tip-toed out of your bedroom. The guard wasn’t there, probably left to stand by the window at the end of the corridor for a while. You took advantage of it and sneaked out to reach Leto’s office.
You stood by the door and you were about to knock upon them but then you heard the conversation taking place.
“Why is the Emperor against the alliance I have made?” Leto asked, irritated. “What is wrong with the alliance?”
“It was made without his permission,” your father reminded him.
“Do I need his permission every time I make an alliance? It doesn’t make sense, the more alliances we have, the more powerful the whole Empire is…”
“Making alliances of your own, my Duke… One might think you’re getting them not for the Emperor but for your own self,” your father sneered.
“Why would I need them?” Leto sighed.
“You know perfectly well why.”
“I am not planning a rebellion against the Emperor. I am loyal to him,” Leto gritted his teeth.
“I know, for now you are. I know everything that is going on here,” you could hear your father’s smirk through the walls and the door. And then, a long silence.
“How?” your husband eventually let out a laugh.
“My dear daughter writes to me regularly. You are being watched, let me remind you,” the vicious words of your father made you gasp and cover your mouth with your hand. It was not true. Why had he said that?
“I am aware,” Leto’s voice changed. It was cold now, so cold like you didn’t even remember now that it could be. You knew he was just playing along so he wouldn’t look like a fool but he was angry.
“Are you really? It seemed to me earlier that day you hold real feelings for my daughter. You didn’t scold her for breaking the protocol and she acted like a schoolgirl instead of the Duchess. It seems to me that you have fallen for her attempts to make you like and trust her. She’s a good actress, always has been. She even tricked you into a child and you know perfectly well that the only person wanting it is the Emperor. He wants someone to replace your son because Prince Paul Atreides is already rotten by your rebellious influence.”
Your heart stopped beating in your chest for a while. One moment earlier you wanted to storm in and scream “It is not true!” but now you felt powerless. You felt like too much damage had been done by your father’s words to just storm inside and yell that those were fake accusations. That he was a cruel man, that you loved your husband, loved his son and loved his child inside you. That you wanted this child and couldn’t give a damn about the Emperor. That those days when you had feared the Emperor were gone now because you had Leto by your side.
No, it was too late now and you were too hurt. You just went back to your chambers, feeling nauseous and trembling out of fear. What would Leto’s reaction be to your father’s lies?
“My Lady?!” a surprised guard widened his eyes at the sight of you approaching him. “When did you leave the bedroom? I haven’t seen you!”
“You should have stayed by the door then, instead of going away on your watch!” you screamed at him and went inside the bedroom, not sparing him a second glance.
You took a deep breath in and opened the door again. He looked at you, scared.
“I’m sorry. I needed a walk, I’m a bit anxious… it’s because of the hormones,” you lied. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Please, forgive me.”
A Duchess asking her servant for forgiveness. Your father would be really disappointed in you now.
“I have already forgotten, my Lady,” the guard smiled at you sincerely and you sighed out of relief. “Good night, Duchess.”
“Good night, darling,” you closed the door but you didn’t go to sleep. You couldn’t.
You waited for Leto to come back. You were nervous and scared so when you finally heard his footsteps, you almost jumped out of the bed.
“Is the Duchess asleep already?” he asked the guard.
“Yes, my Lord.”
“I will not disturb her then. I’ll go to my own chambers,” he said and just like that he walked away.
Your heart wouldn’t find peace on that night apparently.
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He wasn’t present during breakfast either and right after you were supposed to see the medic to find out the gender of your baby. You thought Leto would be there with you but he wasn’t waiting for you with the medics either so you went through the process without anyone. It was quick and painless but it still felt empty and meaningless if you were there completely alone.
With the results in a golden envelope, you walked the halls of the palace slowly, contemplating what to do now.
“My Lady, your father is about to leave Caladan. Do you wish to say goodbye to him?” one of the maids approached you.
“No, thank you,” you faked a smile at her and her eyes widened but she didn’t comment. She only nodded her head and walked away.
You took a deep breath in and decided to go to Leto’s office. When he didn’t answer your knocking, you pushed the door open but then you noticed the room was empty.
You hurried to his chambers and that was when you spotted his maid making up the bed. She informed you that he went out to fly.
“The Duke wanted to clear out his head,” she said. “He should be back soon.”
You nodded your head and thanked her. Your next destination was the hangar. You knew that flying was Leto’s passion and that was something he had wanted to do instead of being the Duke when he was young. However, he didn’t have much time for that now and you had never witnessed him actually doing that.
It was your first time seeing him jumping out of the plane in a flying suit and you had to admit it looked good on him. It made you smile to see him like this and you ran up to him, still squeezing the envelope in your hand.
“My love!” you greeted him and he froze at the sound of your voice. Eventually, he sighed and turned around.
He couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating and even if he could, he probably blamed it on your run instead of your stomach-twisting nerves. You were terrified of him at that moment and while you knew he would never hurt you physically, you were scared of the damage he would do to your heart now. His eyes were cold and distant but also full of pain.
“I wasn’t asleep last night, I was waiting for your return and then I overheard what you said to the guard,” you swallowed thickly. “Then I couldn’t see you at breakfast and I think you forgot that I had my appointment with the medics later… But it’s alright!” your high-pitched voice sounded desperate and you hated yourself for it. “It’s alright, my dear, it’s not a big deal. I asked them not to tell me so we still could experience it together,” you handed him the envelope. “Oh, please, will you open it? I want to know so badly!” you pleaded like an impatient child.
Leto didn’t say anything. The look he gave you was a mix of resentment and pity. Despite that, he tore the envelope open and read the words on the piece of paper that had been inserted inside by the medic earlier that day.
“It’s a boy,” he said without any emotion and handed you the paper and the envelope back. You saw the news with your own eyes and your eyes glistened with tears.
“Oh! I am so happy! Paul will be happy, too!” you sniffled your happy tears back.
“Why would he be happy to be replaced?” Leto asked coldly and left your side to approach the door of the hangar. You furrowed your brow and rushed after him.
“That is what he wants, don’t you know? He doesn’t want to become the Duke, that’s what he told me,” you tried to grab Leto’s sleeve but he was pulling away every time.
“We never do when we are young but we grow up and change our minds,” Leto said without looking at you.
“I know, I’ve told him he would be a wonderful Duke and there is no guarantee that the new boy would even want to be one either. Anyway, it will feel nice to Paul to know that maybe he is going to have a choice. That if he decides that governing is not for him at all, he won’t leave the Caladan without a ruler. But it’s useless to talk about now, my love, it won’t be something to worry about in a long time now and we should just focus on what’s now and that’s so wonderful to have a little boy, don’t you think?” you sounded so desperate and pathetic that you were even surprised that you could do that.
“He was right,” Leto stopped suddenly in the middle of the way from the hangar to the palace and you stopped right after him, “you’re really a good actress. And I was a fool.”
“No, he was not right!” You sniffled and took a step back, hurt by his words.
“How do you know what I’m talking about?” Let furrowed his brow. “You were spying on me?”
“I am not spying on you! I went to your office around midnight to remind you of the late hour and I overheard the conversation. I wanted to storm inside and stop it but some things my father said were too hurtful for me, so I just turned around and left. I spent the whole night tossing and turning, terrified of your reaction because I could hear in your voice that you had believed his vicious lies. He is disappointed in me because I am not spying on you so he decided to pretend in front of you that I do, so you still feel invigilated and watch yourself. Such behavior is not below him but…” your voice cracked before you took a deep breath in, “...but I am disappointed, dear husband, that you believed those lies. That you still don’t trust me, that you still don’t love me enough to know better,” you raised your head high despite your trembling chin and you walked past him to go back to the palace, leaving him alone in the middle of the way.
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You were in your chambers with a book you couldn’t focus on at all. You felt relieved now when you already had told your husband that you knew about his conversation with your father but at the same time you couldn’t quite tell what would be his next step because obviously the next one was his to make.
So you were mostly just staring at the wall in front of you while resting on the pillows on your side of the bed and the book was just an accessory in your hand.
When the doors opened without knocking, you knew it had to be Leto because no one else would dare to enter the Duchess’ bedroom like that.
However, you decided not to look at him and treat him as coldly as he used to treat you in the morning. To give him a taste of his own medicine.
You pretended to read the book and with the corner of your eye you were following his movements. He was now dressed usually and he sat on the edge of your bed carefully before daring to place his hand on your wrist and making you lower the book down. You laid your eyes on him, irritated.
“Will you ever forgive me?” he whispered.
He sounded so broken and sincere that your heart almost felt pity for him.
“Will it always look like this?” you asked him with a sigh. “You doing something awful to me and then asking for my forgiveness, acting like a beaten dog by my bed?”
“I know it’s the second time. Two too many to happen and one too many to forgive,” Leto cleared his throat as his voice was starting to get raspy.
“Why did you believe him?” your eyes filled with tears again. “Why? What have I done those past few months that made me unworthy of your trust?”
“Nothing, my love you’ve done nothing wrong,” he raised your hand and placed a kiss upon it. “He was convincing and he is your father. I could see the way he was treating you but still, as a parent myself, I couldn’t imagine a father lying like that about his own daughter. It seemed to me to be too cruel, so I assumed he had to be telling the truth. I was wrong, I know, and it cost you a sleepless night and a lot of worry, which is very unrecommended in your state and I will never forgive myself for that but I hope for your forgiveness at least… I know it’s greedy to ask for,” Leto lowered his forehead to press it to your hand.
“If my father’s doing is too cruel for you to comprehend, then I am glad you are the father of my child,” you wiped your tears with your free hand and you giggled. He looked up, surprised. “I forgive you, old fool, how can I not? Don’t be too harsh on yourself either; after all, nothing terrible has happened. Just a little misunderstanding,” you caressed his cheek and hair.
“Your father should understand one thing,” Leto moved closer with a smile and cupped your face in his hands. “How could I not be loyal to our Emperor when he was the one to send you to me?”
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jinsoulloves · 4 months
guitar player! karma x reader
being surprised by his lover by showing up to his performance, and having you watch him live for the first time was something karma never knew he needed to see, until now.
fluff, karma x reader, opposite attracts type relationship(readers style/aesthetic isn’t rlly specified though), use of nickname ‘love’, oneshot, like 3 seconds of angst at the start
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they seemed a little more giggly than normal today. and, he couldn’t lie, their eagerness for him to leave the house and go to meet with his bandmates put him on edge. usually they were both making lame excuses for him to stay a few minutes longer, which usually ended up in karma being 30 minutes late to his pre-show practice.
“yo, man.” the drummer of the band, as usual, was on karma’s heels about the schedule again. “10 minutes till showtime, this might be our biggest show yet!” his cheeky grin clashed with karma’s fatigued frown. it was always nice to have an audience, but his mind was set on his own personal issues at home.
that was until he received a text.
do good at your show! don’t stay later than you have to :)
it was reassuring in its own, odd way.
they were practically suffocating in the large venue. it was like highschool graduation all over, but with strangers who looked like they came straight from an ally. there were a few decent, friendly looking people, but being somewhere like this for the first time, everyone looks like they want kill you.
[name] stayed in the back of the crowd, somewhere less empty yet they were still noticeable, as if they didn’t stick out like a sore thumb already. the lady at the entrance practically spit out her drink when they enthusiastically walked into the venue. of course, she greeted them like anyone else, but the confusion was clearly evident.
the lights started to dim, the features of the strangers in front of [name] being lost in the darkness. the chatter faded away and suddenly they felt like the only person in the room.
their heart almost stopped when the crowd screamed as the band entered. [name] had listened to a few songs, but it was basically the bare minimum of what their real fans probably listened to. karma had clearly stated he didn’t listen to his own songs unless he had to, since it was basically all he heard all day, but that they were free to enjoy them as the pleased.
the song was one they didn’t recognize. wether that added or hindered the butterflies. the lump in their throat grew. the way the 4 members were set out, you could easily stare bullets into your favorite, and [name] couldn’t help but fall victim to this practice.
the music blared, louder than you had anticipated it to be. something about seeing him play it live rather than listening to it on your phone was different. they couldn’t help but smile giddily as karma’s eyes ran along the crowd. the room was cramped, which was why everyone was struggling to not be pushed into each-other, like the the crappy pb and j someone makes when there in a rush.
when his eyes met yours, it was like the world stopped. if they felt like the only person in the room before, now they felt like the only person on the planet.
karma’s eyes were locked on [names] while his guitar pick unconsciously stuck against his guitar. both their smiles grew wider as he forced himself to strip his eyes away from them. he played more enthusiastically, more harshly. and he kept finding himself glancing over back at them, to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating their presence.
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[name] stood outside of the venue eagerly, scrolling mindlessly through the videos and photos they took when karma was playing, which was basically the whole time. they knew they would probably have to go back and delete about half of them later so their storage didn’t kill them, but they savored the moment before it slipped away.
what seemed to be here to stay was the warm embrace of karma’s arm wrapping around their shoulders in a soft form of saying hello.
“i didn’t know you were going to show up today. hell, i didn’t think you’d show up at all.”
they pinched his arm.
“that makes me feel like you’ve been waiting forever for me to finally waddle over here.”
“maybe i have. maybe i haven’t. just wish you would’ve told me, i could’ve gotten you backstage, so you didn’t have to fight the crowd.”
his usual cheshire smile shone through again. the two walked back towards home, [names] ears ringing from the sudden loudness of the music.
“that would’ve ruined the surprise!” karma just rolled his eyes childly, planting a kiss or two onto their head as they walked. “it was more a surprise for you rather me, love-
,your jaw was literally on the floor the whole time. doesn’t take a pro to see.”
[name] just sighed, waiting silently in their momentary defeat of a surprise. he saw this and chucked, swooping in with his worn out voice.
“you should come more often, love. i’m sure the band would love you, and you seem to like the music.” he suggested eagerly, hiding it with his overused voice and tired eyes.
[name] grasped at the hand hanging loosely from their shoulder and smiled. it was like they had been in a trance all night. the two both subconsciously leaned into each-other.
“i’d like that.”
wether he showed it or not, those words made him swoon more than he already was. having them come to the show was something he needed but hadn’t known it yet.
he ruffled [names] hair around just so the atmosphere wouldn’t get too lovey dovey. they giggled. every second was filled with melodic silence and lovesick glances.
hopefully this wouldn’t be the last time they got to walk home like this.
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zoeykallus · 8 months
Rex x F!Reader One-Shot - My Love
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Warnings: Hurt/Mention Of Depression/Comfort/Fluff/Slightly Suggestive
AC: I just read a post from a mutual(?) here on tumblr, dated back a few days ago. It was so relatable, and I felt bad for not being able to really do much for her, but I didn't want to impose either. So I just wrote this, maybe she reads it, maybe not. Let's say I just leave this here for anyone who needs it, in hopes that it helps a little.
I know guys, I still have to work on many requests, I just felt like I should do this. Don't worry, I get back to working on your requests.
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It's one of those days. Lack of motivation, feeling alone in the world, depression kicking your ass again. It feels like you're sitting in a deep, dark hole and somewhere far above, there's some light, and it's unreachable far away. To make matters worse, you've barely gotten to see Rex in the last few months, always just glimpses, barely time to really talk, let alone do anything else. Your fingers play with the pendant on the leather band you wear around your neck. Rex brought it back for you from one of his missions. A colorful reflective stone, blessed by a tribe of an alien planet on which he had been stationed for a time. Supposedly, this thing brings good luck, but lately you haven't been feeling much of it. You're supposed to be off today, but you're sitting in the canteen, your eyes wandering around the many familiar faces, hoping to find comfort in them, to create something like an illusion of Rex's presence. But it doesn't work, all you feel is this dull pressure in your chest, this heaviness in your limbs. You breathe in and out slowly, paying close attention to your breathing, trying to calm yourself, to find comfort in the regularity of your air intake. But your hand clenches around the stone on the leather band. Frustration joins all the other negative feelings.
A deep, soft voice behind you says, "What a sight for my weary eyes". You almost jump out of your skin in shock when you hear Rex. He steps around the table and sits down opposite to you. In public, you can't show your intimacy, your relationship, especially not here. Rex smiles, but his gaze becomes thoughtful, probing. "Rex?" you say softly, as if you're not sure if you're awake or dreaming. Rex's expression softens a bit as he says, "I've been looking all over for you. Today's your day off. What are you doing here?" You don't really know what to answer, you want to fall into his arms, you want to feel his warmth. But right now all you can do is look at him and talk to him in a whisper.
"You are really here" His brows go up in concern, and he says, "Meet me at the intersection of hangar B2 and B1, in five minutes." You look at him questioningly, but nod. You lack the energy to disagree. As Rex gets up and leaves the canteen, you look after him. Hell, you even love the way he walks, so upright, powerful, with a masculine, military elegance. And yet he walks differently than most of his brothers, but maybe you're just imagining it. Either way, Rex is special.
You wait a moment before getting up and slowly making your way. You wonder what he is up to, why he wants to meet you there. In fact, you'd much rather go home with him, really enjoy some time with him, but maybe he wouldn't be here for long again. You arrive at the intersection and look around, no Rex in sight. But someone grabs your shoulder and pulls you back. You don't even have time for a surprised exclamation, a gloved hand is immediately on your mouth. You are pulled into a storage room, the door slams shut. Before panic can really rise in you, you're spun around and looking into Rex's face. "What the hell-" He interrupts you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you gently but firmly into his embrace. He has his arm and breastplate off, you can feel his warm body directly through the fabric of his Blacks. You can't help it, a heavy, drawn-out sigh crosses your lips. It feels like something is escaping from you, something very dark. It's clutching, even on its way out of you, tears painful grooves as it tries to desperately claw its way back in, as if it is alive and aware, trying to hold on to you.
A slight tremor goes through your body as your weakened state of mind fights back with the last of its strength and, with the support of Rex's embrace, finally driving the sinister monster away. At first, you're completely stiff, every muscle taut, then it feels like you're going to slump, but Rex holds you upright in his embrace. Your arms eventually wrap around him as well, your fingers digging into the fabric of his blacks at his back. You take long, deep breaths, taking in his closeness, the warmth of his body against yours. Tears well up in your eyes, you're not yet sure if it's relief or frustration, maybe both. He emphasizes his embrace and hums softly, "It's okay, don't hold back, let it out." You blink and the first tears fall, a quiet sob. Rex gently cradles you in his embrace. "Oh my darling, I've been gone so long, barely had time for you. I wish I could have been here sooner," he says in a husky voice. "Me too," you say softly, barely more than a trembling whisper. He coos tenderly as he turns gentle circles on your back with his hand, "But now I'm here for you. I have a few days off, finally. And I plan to spend every free second with you."
Another sob comes out of your throat, now you know, it's definitely relief. "Can we go home?" you ask him quietly. "Of course," he says immediately, explaining, "I just wanted to meet you here because I felt that you needed this moment, as soon as possible." You smile, even laugh softly, once again amazed at how empathetic this man can be. "You were absolutely right," you admit. Very slowly, he loosens the embrace, wipes the tears from your face, and finally holds your head gently between his hands to look at you. "You always seem to forget how much passion and fire you have in you, how much creativity. But I don't mind to keep reminding you“, he laughs softly, “I missed this sight, these eyes that know me so well,"
"I missed you too, more than I can put into words," you say and close your eyes, enjoying the warmth of his hands through the fabric of his gloves on your cheeks. When you open them again your eyes are full of fresh fire, there it is again the spark Rex fell in love with. The real you. He gives you strength, hope, love. He grins at you and you grin back. "There she is, my Love," he says with satisfaction.
The surging energy inside you tingles through your nerves, your imagination, your longings, your desire. Almost breathlessly, you say, "I want to go home with you, now. I want to cuddle with you, talk to you, make love to you for hours, just about anything you can imagine." The corner of Rex's mouth twitches upward saucily as he says, "I can imagine a lot of things, beautiful. You go ahead, I'll catch up with you as soon as I can". You're on your way home so fast, full of energy, fired up, full of anticipation. Rex is like the purest premium gasoline for your engine. The anticipation tingles under your skin, you suddenly have so much extra energy that you run up and down while waiting for him in your apartment.
His knock on the door is answered immediately, so quickly that he looks at you in surprise, but his surprise quickly turns into a smirk. "You must have been waiting for me," he says and steals a kiss, teasing, nibbling your lower lip, flicking his tongue playfully against yours, tickling the corner of your mouth before granting you a shit eating grin. Like a blissfully warm summer rain, the sensation of this touch shudders through your neural pathways, from the crown of your head to your toes and back up again, until suddenly it seems to bundle in the heat between your thighs. You feel his energy, his desire, he's as ravenous as you are. You feel his strong hands on your hips as he gently but firmly pushes you further and further toward the bedroom with each kiss. "I think", says Rex between two kisses, "once we go into that room, we're not getting out of there anytime soon". You giggle into the kiss, unable to help yourself. He leans his head back a bit and looks at you with a smirk and asks, "You don't mind, do you?" "Not at all"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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skelswritingcorner · 4 months
A Vessel, A Stranger, An Experiment
A/N: This took half a week to write, and is significantly longer. Also, the reader character's canon name is Ailith, but I use Y/N since this is the reader character. She behaves like a stray cat. I mostly consulted tvtropes because the wikis aren't exactly helpful with getting a nail on the bots' personalities. Also, the translator is an idea I took from @tripleglitchwriting's Ignition fics,
This is a partial rewrite of An Unfamiliar Place.
Part 2 can be read here!
Word Count: 3K
Reader character is written with gender-neutral pronouns. POV changes and timeskips are designated with three stars.
Warnings: SFW, mentions of blood and injuries, communication problems, G/T (giant/tiny), mentions of unethical experiments
You knew about your injuries before going on the little ship you called home. It’ll be fine, you remember assuring your most recent client after you got your payment, I know how to mend myself.
Clearly, based on the spike that impaled your torso, you were indeed not. Your client didn’t need to know, you had the money to pay someone to fix you up if you can’t do it yourself. Perks of being a bodyguard for hire; the money makes up for any injuries sustained. At least the cloak hid that from the client; you knew they’d prevent you from leaving the planet if they saw.
You removed your mask and cloak, peeling your gloves off your hands as well as removing your grappling hook, and limped toward the mirror. Shit, you thought to yourself, the injuries are more severe than what you assumed. The spike in your torso was the one you knew about, but there were also bullet holes in your left calf. You checked your sleeves, mostly just small scratches and scrapes. Nothing you couldn’t fix.
Grabbing the medical kit, you went to work. Cleaning the wounds of blood and possible grime, then applying the bandages and wraps. The spike would have to be removed by someone more professional, you need to navigate to the nearest space clinic. Plopping onto the chair, you set the ship to go to the nearest clinic. However, as a precaution, you turned on the emergency signal in case a larger ship with someone more skilled in medicine could help. Hopefully the trip will be quick, and smooth-sailing.
Oh, how much of a fool you were. Oh-so foolish of you. You thought this was going to be anything but a disaster? You fool, you absolute buffoon.
There was a massive ship, you knew it was for something gigantic. How and why did you end up in this situation?! You weren’t sure what to do, so you kept the ship where it was. The ship you were facing was ten miles wide at least, and you might be its target.
Something grabbed the ship. It pulled you closer and closer to the gigantic vessel, until you knew you were inside it. Launching yourself off the chair as fast as you could, you hurriedly fastened your magnetic grappling hook on your right arm and grabbed the smallest weapons you had. No time to grab anything else, you needed to run as soon as you could. You held the handle of one of your smaller blades between your teeth.
Clearly, what was holding you was massive, footsteps jostling both you and your vessel, but eventually the ship you were in was put down somewhere. Once everything went silent, you cautiously opened the front hatch.
The vessel you were in was truly massive. Whatever crew is inside this thing must be members of species ten times larger than you at least. No time to dawdle, though. You needed a place to hide, and with haste.
Using your grappling hook, you descended down to the floor. It gave out midway, however, and you unceremoniously fell. Waves of intense pain overwhelmed you, fortunately the knife in your mouth prevented you from shouting out in pain. You’d check what happened later, though. You needed to find a hiding spot some distance away from your ship.
Holding onto your bloodied side, you scurried to a wall and started searching. Fortunately for you, there were some boxes that were open on its side after a few minutes of sprinting. You used your grappling hook to get to them, and entered one of the boxes. Now all you needed to do was wait. See if the crew is friendly, or if they’re going to kill you. Or if you end up dying from blood loss, which is the most likely option.
It was Ultra Magnus out of anyone who noticed the object at first, and the blood trails coming outside of it. It’s an organic, and an injured one at that, he thought. Using his comm link, he informed all upon the Lost Light of the injured “intruder.” As they were minibots, Tailgate and Rewind were delegated the responsibility of investigating the interior of said object; see what it was for and if anything about what was inside could be discovered. Fortress Maximus chose himself not to look for the organic, for his size made it difficult for him to detect the source of the blood trails. That, and he didn’t want to squash them, so he checked all the cameras in the ship. Ratchet and First Aid were to prepare a berth, as the blood implied potentially life-threatening injuries. Brainstorm and Perceptor were to prepare some restraints and trapping items, in case said organic was being difficult. Now, to figure out who to find the organic…
Much to his dismay, however, Rodimus declared to find the organic himself. “I’m the captain of this ship,” he argued, “I’m going to search for them!”
Magnus pinched his enstril, a deep sigh coming from his intake. Rodimus has always been stubborn, refusing to heed anyone’s advice and acting without plans. Which, given the potential gravity of this current situation, could be disastrous. “I’d suggest not running off by yourself, Captain. At least bring one other Autobot, two pairs of optics are better than one.”
He could feel Rodimus roll his optics.
“I’ll go with the Captain.” Drift sighed. “I know you don’t trust me, but I’ll do the best that I can.”
Magnus grumbled, “Fine. You go with the Captain. I’ll remain by the object the organic came out of. Based on the size, they shouldn’t be too far off. Follow the red trail, and once you get them, bring them to the medbay.”
POV: Tailgate and Rewind
When Tailgate and Rewind entered the ship, it was relatively empty, yet had signs of life. The blood on the floor made Tailgate panic a bit, but he carried on with reassurance from Rewind.
There were a few items of note, mostly the mask and cloak on the floor. The mask was birdlike in appearance; midnight blue in color with signs of wear. Mostly scratches. The cloak was a similar shade of blue, and rather bulky. There was a cut on the back of it, with blood around where the cut was.
Tailgate turned on his communicator. “Oh, this is bad.”
“What is it, Tailgate?” Magnus questioned.
“There’s an item on the floor, there’s a deep cut on it and… and I think the organic’s injuries might be way more severe than we think!”
“Ten four. I’ll inform Ratchet and First Aid of this.”
Rewind noticed a container, opening it up to see several weapons. Most of said weapons were blades. “We’re not dealing with just any organic,” he muttered, “this is one that knows how to fight. They could be armed as well.”
Rewind opened his comm link to Rodimus.
Tailgate investigated thoroughly, there could be a bomb on the ship. Every container he opened lacked bombs, however. Replacement parts, some stuff written in an unfamiliar language, and… diagrams?
Tailgate looked at the diagrams more closely. Based on the shape, the form was of a human. There were peculiar additions on the chassis, left bitarlueus, and right side of the midsection. Likely something Perceptor and Brainstorm could figure out.
“I found what looks like a recording device! It seems rather old, but I think it might work.” Rewind’s words broke Tailgate out of his trance, “We should activate our translator modules so we can figure out what it’s saying. Once everyone’s translators are online, I’ll play the recording.”
Once everyone confirmed that their translators were online, Rewind pressed the play button on the device. The words that came out were steel cold.
“If you’re listening to this, you’re on my ship. You’re a sneaky one, ain’t cha? I’ve been given many names; The Masked Merc, The Bodyguard Who Shot That One Guy’s Eye Out, and many other names. You’ll be getting my real identity from my cold, dead corpse. If you’re expectin’ me to cooperate with you if I’m alive, you better be polite about that. I’m willing to throw hands if you try to force anything out of me. I might be a mercenary, but I’m not one to throw hands just for the sake of it.”
The recorded message on the old device ended. The two bots looked at each other, and back at the device.
“Wait, there’s another button next to it.” Rewind pressed the button, and another recording played. The voice this time was much softer, and younger. Likely their first recording.
“Hello. I am Y/N. I’m not sure what I really am in this world, this is my first time experiencing many things. Heh, the consequences of living your first decade of life in a lab, I guess. I doubt I can find my ‘real family’ at this rate, if they even miss me at all. I’m a bodyguard for hire. Rarely need to use my weapons, guess some people find me too scary. Goodbye for now. If you see me, you see me. If you don’t, you don’t.”
“So the organic’s a bodyguard. Y/N, huh? Must be a pacifist, from the sounds of it.” Tailgate pondered.
“Or is powerful enough that most don’t even try to challenge them since it means swift deactivation.” Perceptor rebutted through the comm link.
POV: Rodimus, Drift, and Reader
Once the two reached Ultra Magnus, Tailgate, and Rewind, Drift began checking the blood. “There’s a splatter on the floor here,” he mentioned, “must’ve had a nasty fall before they started finding somewhere to hide.”
Rodimus winced trying to imagine the pain. Why couldn’t the organic stay put until they got help? Weren’t they the one sending out the emergency signal?
“Let’s go find that organic!” Rodimus started walking while looking down at the blood trails, Drift swiftly following.
The two walked slowly, optics scanning for where the blood led towards and listening to their comm links. They heard Tailgate and Rewind’s notes about the organic’s possible injuries, the weapons, and the recordings.
Rodimus noticed a slightly open crate, where the blood trail ended. A squeak from inside was all he needed to justify putting a servos on the crate’s side, and opening it up.
Well, you got caught. Took what you believe is half an hour, but better than dying. You weren’t going to hop onto them instantly though, they might try to kill you. More likely than not, they might not be super cautious. Especially the orange one, they seem like they’ll accidentally manhandle you and make your injuries significantly worse.
Wait, how can you understand them? Are they using a common tongue? You have some handle on certain languages from your years as a mercenary, but you weren’t sure how they knew any of the languages you knew. Nobody mentioned giant sentient robots when talking to you. Actually, they probably did it in whispers since most people are scared of you. Dammit.
The white one tilted their head, “You’re clutching your midsection with your servo. Are you hurt there?”
Well, shit.
You slowly removed your hand from where you were covering your injury. The spike got pushed when you fell, and is currently jutting out from your stomach. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it didn’t end up on the side of the subspace pocket the scientists installed on you, so you can hide that for a little while longer. Your hand, however, was covered in blood.
The orange one held out their hand, or what they called a servo. You did not trust him to handle you gently, and walked further into the crate. They grumbled, something about you being difficult.
“Let me, Rodimus.” The white one held his servo out, “I think they don’t trust you with holding them.”
You approached the servo with caution, touching a digit with your not-super-bloody hand. When they didn’t try to grab you, you slowly crawled onto their open palm. Another squeak of pain came from your lips when your injured leg touched the hand, though.
The servo slowly brought you close to their body, and the one you assume is Rodimus put a servo on the side of their helmet. “Drift’s holding the organic, I’ll go with him to the medbay and have Ratchet look at ‘em.”
“Percy and I will be there too,” another, more younger-sounding voice said, “I think I found something of note.”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. What did they find? The medical kit that’s pretty low on supply right now, your sewing kit, or…
They found the files you took with you when you escaped, didn’t they? All those diagrams and logs about your conditions and states, and how your body responded to the implementations. You should’ve kept that in the subspaces, in hindsight.
“Don’t worry,” the one holding you, Drift, comforted, “Ratchet’s a bit grumpy, but he’s one of the best doctors here.”
He’s gonna struggle with the spike since it’s so tiny compared to them. Unless he has some sort of assistant closer to your size, you’re probably gonna be the one to remove it for the doctor.
They started walking, Drift making sure that you were safe, and that you wouldn’t be jostled too much.
You heard a door open, and heard another approach.
“This is the injured organic? The berth is ready, First Aid and I will take care of them.” you assume that was Ratchet.
Drift walked closer to a large metal slab, gently lowering you onto it. A pair of smaller servos held you, lowering you so that you laid supine.
“What’s the thing they’re holding in between their dentas?” the voice from who you infer as being First Aid asked. You removed the switchblade from your mouth without saying a word. With a flick of the wrist, the blade went out, but you then put it back in its original position.
A red servo took the knife away. You wouldn’t need it right now anyway, but they better give it back once they’re done fixing you.
“We should take care of what’s poking out of them first. It’s incredibly tiny though, I doubt my servos can even grab onto it without slipping.” Ratchet prodded around the injury, making you wince.
You sighed, grabbing onto the spike. A growly voice came from your mouth, “I can remove it for you.”
First Aid grabbed onto your bloody hand, “You’re injured! We should be the ones removing it!”
“And you’re literally twice my size,” you rebutted, “I’ve had worse done to me. This is nothing.” You weren’t bluffing either. Those researchers have done worse things to you with their twisted experiments.
Ratched sighed, “They’re probably right. I know it hurts your spark to have a patient removing something that you can, but it seems that they have… experience with removing things from themselves. Clean the wound and stitch it up once they remove the object.”
First Aid looked into your eyes. Despite the plate on their face and visor preventing you from reading his expression, you knew from his tone of voice and body language that he was worried. He reminded you of yourself, in a way. That hyper-empathy that frequently decides to say hello when you least expect it.
You nodded, slowly pulling the spike out. First Aid held your hand during this, not caring about the blood staining his servos. Comes with the job, you suppose. Once it was removed, a cloth was put over the gaping, bloody hole.
It took a decent amount of time before all injuries were cleaned and stitched up. They also made you digest some kind of liquid that Ratchet claimed to help speed up the healing process. Throughout, you were as obedient as a dog.
During the time the procedure was happening, Drift left. In his place, two other robots were there. First Aid was lifting your upper body so you could sit.
“The patient was rather pleasant, didn’t try fighting me or anything.” Ratchet reported to the red and blue one.
“Eh,” you shrugged, “You spend half your life as a lab rat, you get used to followin’ orders and getting weird things injected into your body.”
Everyone went silent and stared. Some looked confused, others horrified. First Aid stopped.
“Y’all’re lookin at me funny.”
The white and blue bot, who was likely the one who went into your ship, said those six words you remember hearing years ago, “What did they do to you?!”
Not this again.
“Based on those documents,” the red and blue one spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, “many things. I translated all of them. It appears that the patient,” he gestured to you, “was used in experiments to see if subspace entrances could be added to organic bodies for purposes of smuggling items. Clearly, they were successful.”
Welp, cat’s out the bag.
“Do these documents have any information other than that?” First Aid asked, “Where they’re from? Their name? If they have a family?”
You scoffed, “I was taken when I was a baby, as far as I’m concerned I’m an orphan. And I’m confident it’s too late to try and find my biological relatives, if they’re even alive.”
The white and blue bot covered where their mouth would be, “But do you know what planet you’re from? We can start there.”
“The documents say they’re from Earth, and therefore a human. From that recording Tailgate and Rewind found, their name is Y/N.” The taller bot said.
“Thank you, Perceptor. I’ll look over the documents once we clean and sanitize the berth.” Ratchet nodded.
You were exhausted from the chaos of today. Closing your eyes, you quickly fell asleep.
Ratchet carried the sleeping human to the scanner, looking at the screen as it was scanning.
“There appears to be multiple points of trauma, both new and old. Along with those, signs of experimentation are shown especially on the upper chassis, left bitarlueus, and midsection. The peculiar crescent scar below their tank shall be noted for later questioning.” He noted on his datapad. “For now, it’s best that they rest.”
After the scans finished, he brought the human to a berth meant for the minibots, and sat on a chair nearby to monitor them.
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whereserpentswalk · 13 days
You couldn't stay in the dimension you were born in when you were young. You don't know exactly why, your parents never told you. It was just a normal earth, nothing bad had happened to it, but something made it so they needed to flee with you. They were some of the only people capable of multiversal travel, you don't know if that meant anything.
The first dimension you stayed in was completely uninhabited. It was a version of earth that never got any humans of its own, the only people there were other dimensional researchers. There was something very stagnant about it, even for a version of you that was so very young, there were only a handful of buildings on the entire earth, only a handful of places you could safely go. The only books and movies you had were the few that the researches chose to bring with them. And the world outside, the uninhabited world, was so disturbingly large you could drive for hours and never see a sign of a human being, look in any direction and there would be nobody but the beasts and the creatures. The world was empty when you were young, it could be beautiful at times, but beyond anything else it was empty. You're not sure you fully understood yet what was so wrong about your world, you don't think you could. But occasionally you'd go to a world where there were more people for just a few days, and it felt so much more real.
When you were a bit older, and it became clear that you shouldn't live in such a lonely place anymore, your parents moved to a dimension where there would be more people. It was a plane of an endless ocean, you don't even think it was a planet, just an infinite field of water. But there were people, people on boats and on submarines and on flying vehicles, you don't know how they got there but they were there. It was hard to adjust at first, suddenly you were on a ship surrounded by other humans, millions of them in the case of some of the vehicles you stayed on for your time there. Everything seemed scary in a weird way, you missed land, missed forests, missed standing on solid ground and being able to run in any direction. But being around people, even being near a single person, made it all feel worth it. You had freinds for the first time, went to school for the first time. There was even just the simple fact that you went to stores and restaurants for the first time. The water made everything so strange, the feeling that humanity had nowhere to stand safely, save for a few tiny islands incapable of supporting much permanent habitation, the world felt like it wasn't made for you for the first time, but after being alone for so long that felt like a good thing. Eventually it had to end though, it was your fault that time, you had told all your classmates that you were from somewhere different, a place with land, with great mammoths and terror birds and vast forests and grasslands, and you had photos to prove it. After they knew you had to leave, you couldn't have guessed that, you never fully knew why, it felt like you have destroyed a world, even if just for yourself.
You fled quickly to a plane completely without life. It was inhabited exclusively machines, some of them fully sentient and capable of human emotion, but they were still robots, steel and plastic creatures entirely alien to you. You took all the food you could so you could stay there until your next trip. Your parents were looking for something there, something that would let them go to your original home, but whatever they were looking for made the robots there fear them, call them sorcerers, and accuse them of playing with elder gods. You don't know exactly why but one day they left saying they had to do something important, and you never saw them again. You would have starved to death there, a human in a world without humans, a teenager in a world without teenagers, but a robot decided to help you leave.
It took exploring a few dimensions with your robot benefactor, some darker than you would like to remember, but eventually you found somewhere with humans, somewhere safe, with blue sky, and green earth, and cities and towns. You stayed with the robot at first, then with other benefactors, who knew your family name across many worlds. It was perfect, for the first few months there you thought this world's humanity was entirely the same as yourse. But eventually you figured out that there was a difference, humanity in the plane you had come to had never developed any desire for romance or sex, reproduction to them was an entirely dull affair to them. It didn't seem like a big change at first, but it began to take a hold of you, that you had desires that nobody around you had. You began to realize that you felt these things, these things you could never admit, that anyone else there would have found disgusting, about the people around you. You felt alien, a creature from another dimension, a threat to everyone around you. And when you felt those things about people you cared about it felt like betraying them. The last straw was when you saw people dancing naked, it was entirely innocent to them, but you felt you had to do something, so you felt you had to leave. You were finally old enough to do that type of thing on your own, even if all your benefactors said you were too young.
The dimension you live in now has humans like you at least. Though it's a few decades less technologically advanced than what you're used to, and all the humans there are are clustered into one megacity, with a wall to protect them from the horrors outside. It's never daytime where you are now, but you've seen worse than eternal night before. Though you can't help but feel there's something slightly grim about where you are, for the first time you feel free. You traveled here on your own, you're not thought of as a refugee people need to protect, you're someone dangerous, someone mysterious, a sorcerer, the type of thing that works with elder gods. Your freinds here don't mind if they think you're something strange and alien, you don't think there's any plane where it wouldn't seem that way now anyway. You never realized it before, but you really are from nowhere now...
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lovinqmils · 1 year
ꜰᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜᴏᴍᴇ┊ avatar x human!reader
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Warnings: follows avatar twow plot (aka spoils the whole thing) , sfw, mention of weapons (guns, knives etc), bullet wound, some ooc, use of y/n, female reader
you manage to get lost on your way home, you unintentionally get yourself caught in a sketchy science experiment...yikes. you wake up in a foreign land (or shall I say planet) that filled with 8-10ft tall blue...creatures?
I do not remember what happened the quaritch scene , and I can't find many helpful clips, so its probably inaccurate
I have no idea on what the houses looked like so bare w me
can also be found on wattpad: @lovinqmils
dictionary: fnawe'tu - coward┊kä - go┊nga lu fìtxan tstew - you are so brave┊dream walker - avatar ┊ mawey - be calm ┊ 'eylan - friend ┊tsahìk - spiritual leader/healer ┊ irayo - thank you ┊kea tìkin - no need to thank
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
after almost a month and a half, you’ve developed a strong friendship with neteyam, lo’ak and spider. your language lessons quickly increased from weekly to at least 4 times a week. every lesson you did everything but learn the language, the two hours were spent making endless jokes and creating chaos around the lab.
today, neteyam was doing some 'eldest duties', as he'd call it, so it was only you, spider and lo'ak. the exact recipe for disaster.
normally you'd agree to any sort of adventure lo'ak would suggest, but this was the first time he'd asked you to leave the lab,
"no." you lightly shook your head and folded your arms
"what'd you mean no?! you literally go outside all the time." lo'ak exclaimed, flailing his arms around
"that's not the point! I've never gone that far from the lab before and you're far from a reliable tour guide." you turn to spider, who was sat on your bed. "you agree with me right?"
"come on y/n! don't be a fnawe'tu" spider teased, lightly pushing your shoulder
"if we get caught I know you'll be in trouble," you said, looking at lo'ak, "but if your father even says a word to me, I think I'll start crying"
"yeah, yeah lets hurry and go!" lo'ak rolled his eyes, grabbed your hand and walked out the door
"woah.." you whispered, looking up at the scene in front of you. somehow, you, lo'ak, spider, kiri and tuk (who had blackmailed lo'ak into letting them tag along) had stumbled upon an old battlefield. you stood in shock as you examined a massive abandoned ship. it was covered in a thick layer of vegetation, meaning the battle had taken place at least 10 years ago.
lo'ak was the first to climb onto the ship, lending down his hand to pull you up, while spider and kiri stayed below to look after tuk.
"this is so cool!" lo'ak proclaimed, picking up one of the many weapons scattered across the ship floor.
you continued to walk deeper into the ship, stopping to look at every dead body you passed. you'd heard about a faraway planet on earth but you never really thought about what humans were doing on it, but after seeing so many lifeless bodies you concluded that what happened wasn't good.
"y/n! lets go look somewhere else," lo'ak called, putting down the gun he'd picked up.
"you guys go on ahead, I'll be out in a minute!" you replied,
"you sure?" lo'ak asked, a hint of worry in his voice,
"mhm, hurry and kä already!" you shouted, then you heard lo'ak jump off the ship and start walking off with the rest of the group.
after five minutes or so, you decided that your exploring had come to an end and made your way off the ship.
"I know I told them to go ahead, but I didn't think they'd leave!" you sighed, looking around in disbelief. "if you're ever lost, just walk straight," you muttered, pushing a leaf the size of a door out of your way. you continued to walk forward, muttering to yourself, as you tried to find your friends or at this point anybody.
a loud scream pulled you from your thoughts, you hid behind a nearby tree and tried to look for the cause of the sound. it felt like your heart had stopped beating when you saw lo'ak, tuk, kiri and spider in the hands of a group of na'vi; no these weren't na'vi they had guns, which could only mean they were human.
you'd heard about humans with na'vi bodies, but seeing them in real life was terrifying.
'I'm not letting them kill my friends.' you thought, not noticing the strong feeling of determination growing in your gut. the tree you hid behind was closest to tuk, so you climbed onto a branch that was directly above the avatar that was holding her.
'my legs better not fail me now..' you positioned yourself on the branch so you'd be able to swing down and hopefully grab tuk. you picked a fruit from the tree and decided you'd smash it in the avatar's face so they'd let go of tuk.
'3..2...1!' you swung down and using all of your arm strength, smashed the fruit directly in the avatar's face successfully making them let go of the youngest sully. you grabbed up tuk by the waist and sat upright on the tree branch.
however, you had no time to rest, as countless bullets were fired at you and tuk. you tightened your grip around tuk and jumped off the tree, running away as fast as you could. once the gunfire ceased, you took cover behind a bush and tried to catch your breath.
you looked at tuk's petrified face, tears streaming down her cheeks, "hey, hey! its okay its just me," you used her thumb to wipe away her tears. "n-nyga..lu fìtsan..tstue" you tried your hardest to comfort her in a familiar language, but you both knew you weren't that advanced yet.
tuk let out a quiet giggle at your poor attempt, "I think you meant, nga lu fìtxan tstew" you chuckled sheepishly, promising to never try to speak a full sentence in na'vi again.
"stay here, if neteyam was doing his normal look-out route, assuming he is coming with your parents, they should fly past here in...around 8 minutes." you stood up and dusted yourself off, failing to notice the deep bullet wound in your bicep.
"wait! your arm-"
you cut tuk off not processing what she was trying to point out, "don't worry, I'm going back for your siblings, but do not move. your parents will be here soon"
you hid behind a tree trunk, looking at the scene in front of you. one of the avatars was standing in front of lo'ak, you were too far away to hear what they were saying but you could tell that the conversation didn't seem too friendly. you felt your body tense as you saw a sharp knife pointed to lo'ak's neck, you frantically looked around trying to find anything that could you help the with current situation. you picked up a nearby rock and threw it with all your might, and to your surprise, it knocked the knife straight from the avatar's hand.
however this time you weren't able to get away.
a muscular blue hand tightly grabbed your left arm and roughly pulled you towards them.
the 'leader' avatar turned to you and let out a dry chuckle, "who have we got here?" he made a signal to the avatar holding you , making them kick the back of your legs, knocking you to the ground.
"aren't you an interesting one? you look like a human yet you've got no mask.." using one hand, he gripped your face, turning it side to side as he examined it.
"quaritch! let go of her!" lo'ak shouted, tugging his hands away roughly to try and free himself.
quaritch payed no mind to lo'ak's struggle and knelt down in front of you. "now you could be a good little girl and come with us, or you might lose one of your little friends."
"why would I listen to a grown man who had to find a whole new body, because he was so insecure of his skill level." you spat. the avatar holding you dug their fingers into the wound on your right arm, causing you to cry out in agonising pain.
"nothing...nothing, you do will change the fact that you're a w-" you were cut off by a strong kick in your back forcing your face into the forest floor.
"what a shame. either way, you will be coming with me." quaritch scoffed, clutching your hair tugging your head upwards to make eye contact.
an abrupt shrill sound caught lo'ak and kiri's attention, you'd never met their parents but you could tell by the look of relief that covered their faces mean that help has finally arrived.
not even a minute later, an arrow shot through the head of the avatar holding kiri. you used the opportunity to break free from capture and run mindlessly into the wilderness of pandora.
you kept looking behind you, trying to make sure nobody was following you. suddenly, you ran straight into a tall, blue figure.
"..ow! oh, neteyam!" you took a step back, smiling cheerfully at your friend
"y/n! your bleeding," neteyam took hold of your injured arm, examining the wound.
"..." you paused letting the remaining adrenaline vanish from your body. "I've been shot." your mouth hung wide open, looking at the scarlet liquid ooze from your arm. "I'VE BEEN SHOT!? WHAT DO I DO?" you let out a petrified squeal, holding out your arm in the air.
"mawey 'eylan, mawey" neteyam hushed, "get on my ikran, I'll get you some help." neteyam lifted you onto his ikran and got on behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you secure.
"neteyam! what took you so long?" jake asked, turning to his eldest son
"I found y/n in the forest, she was shot," neteyam demounted his ikran then gently lowered you down.
"..uh I'm sorry for the...inconvenience..sir," you grunted, trying your hardest to ignore the throbbing pain in your arm.
jake looked at you in disbelief before letting out a stressed sigh, rubbing his temples, "..it's..it's fine kid. kiri, take y/n back to the lab. and take tuk with you"
kiri scoffed, looking her father up and down. it was clear she did not want to move.
"now!" jake yelled, not wanting to deal with her antics any longer.
"follow me." kiri sighed, rolling her eyes as she walked off. "i'm not gonna walk all the way back to the lab, so I'll take you to the tsahìk"
"does the tsahìk even treat humans?" you asked hesitantly
"I'll guess we'll have to find out" kiri dismissed, taking hold of your uninjured arm pulling you along
you sat in front of the tsahìk letting out quiet painful groans as a healing paste was applied to your wound.
"I wouldn't normally do this for a human..but since you got hurt saving my family, I'll let you off," Mo'at mumbled
"y/n was so cool! she swung upside down like 'whoosh!' and beat up the bad guy!" tuk exclaimed, doing her best to act out the previous events
"I think that's a bit of an exaggeration.." you muttered embarrassed by tuk's praise
"be careful with that arm from now on. it should heal completely in a couple of weeks," the tsahìk said, putting away her medicinal paste and bandages.
"..irayo" you thanked, standing up and preparing to leave
"kea tìkin, it's my job after all" Mo'at reassured, smiling gently at you
it was now the next day, you knew neteyam and lo'ak were probably grounded for life, but when they didn't show up to your 'language' lesson you couldn't help but frown.
"flo, please, please can I go out?" you begged, shaking her shoulders desperately
"the last time I let you do that you almost got yourself killed." florence reminded, her eyes not moving from her computer screen,
"you told me 'not socialising is bad for my mental health', but now you're trying to keep me from socialising! I won't do anything dangerous, please!"
florence paused for a second, before taking a deep breath and saying, "fine, but you need to be back in 2 hours."
"okay!" you chirped, skipping out of the lab doors
"I'm gonna regret that..." florence groaned,
neteyam's ears perked up upon hearing a knock on his front door. when he got up to answer it, he was surprised to see you standing there
"y/n? are you supposed to be here?"
"neteyam! hii! are your parents home?" you asked, trying to peer over his shoulder to see inside
"no my mother went out with tuk and kiri and my dad left to go over the lab 10 minutes ago," neteyam answered, still confused as to why you even knew where he lived
"great! can I come in?"
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a/n: thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed <3
please comment to be added to the taglist!
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
Reader has learned about her cousin having a baby and she wishes for a family too, but she is unsure if that is even possible since her and Prime haven't even took that step if it is possible. What happens though when Prime comes to her, offering her that choice but needing to learn how it is done?
TFP Optimus x fem!human!reader
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Apologies if this feels a little rushed, I just finished seven night shifts in a row and have been preparing my things to go on a trip. Safe to say my brain is fried lol.... I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Smut, slight breeding kink.
Word count: 2108
You are not sure if the feelings you were having were of jealousy or yearning. Looking at the text message on your phone, you cannot help the bubble of sadness that surrounds your heart. Your cousin was expecting. And while you felt genuinely excited for her, it made you realise that this, may never be possible for you. You longed for that feeling of finding out you’re pregnant, preparing your home and decorating a nursery for a future little one. But now that you are engaged in a relationship with someone who is an entirely different species from an entirely different planet, your hopes were dwindling. Exhaling a shaky breath, you sent a text back, telling her how exciting it is and that you cannot wait to meet her baby.
If it is even possible or not, the doubts in the back of your mind tell you that Optimus would not have time to raise a child with you. Your love has enough on his plate as it is and you don’t want to place the pressure of being a father on top of everything else, it wasn’t fair on him. So, you flop back on the couch and clutch your phone to your chest. Grieving for something you don’t have.
Optimus made his way through the ground bridge portal in his return to the base from a tiring battle with the Decepticons, scratches tattering his tall frame. Looking around, his optics fall on you. His tenseness disappearing when he sees his human. He walks over to you and reaches a servo to your face, caressing your head in a greeting.
The sudden contact made you jump out of your skin. You were so caught up in your thoughts and emotions that you failed to realise that Optimus had returned, “Optimus! You’re back.”
He gives you a soft smile and a nod, “Indeed. How are you, love?”
You lean into his touch once your heartrate lowered and bring one of your hands up to the servo touching your head, exhaling the breath you have been unconsciously holding, “I’m… good, Optimus.”
There is something about your tone of voice and your body language that makes the Prime seem otherwise unconvinced. Being constantly around one another every day and being the ever so observant bot that he is, Optimus has picked up little patterns and has learned to read you like a book. He knows when you are upset, and right now, he knows something has dampened your mood.
“Is something bothering you?” Optimus gently questions, he moves his servo from your head to scoop you up. Suddenly, you’re face to face with him, bright optics gazing into your eyes. You cursed his incredibly good observation skills, having no choice now but to tell him what has been on your mind for a long time.
Your fingertips lightly graze one of seams of his servo, “Can we go somewhere private first?”
He nods, holding you close to his chassis as he leaves the main area of the base to walk to your shared habsuite, unsure of what is to come. He reaches his berth and sits down with you still in his grasp, bringing you up closer to his face plate.
“May you share with me what’s been on your mind, love?” Optimus questions again. He notices your nervousness and the way you fidget in his servo, “You know you can tell me anything.”
You take a deep breath and cradle your hands in your lap. You’re worried about what he might think, the possibility of rejection running through your mind. You know that Optimus loves you, but this is such a big step in your relationship and will change the course of your life.
“My cousin… is having a baby.” You bite your lip anxiously.
The room fills with silence. Optimus is stunned, this cannot be the reason that you are upset. A new life being born is something that he thinks is exciting and beautiful, in humans and Cybertronians, “Is that not a good thing?”
You shake your head, “No, no it’s a good thing! But it’s made think about something…”
A moment passes, your heart is pounding through your chest.
“Is it possible for us… to have a baby?”
Optimus’s optics widen at your proposal. A sparkling? He was always very fond of the idea of raising and child and becoming a sire, but with the war, that idea seemed too far out of reach for him. But here you are, asking him right in front of him. Would it be even possible? How could such a small human like you bare his sparkling’s? Questions flooded his processor, this was the first time Optimus had been offered this, but his spark welled with an endless love for you, and he would do anything to make you happy.
“I am… unsure of the process of procreation between humans and Cybertronians.” Optimus gives you a gentle smile, “However, if this is what you wish, I will do my best to fulfill it.”
You look up into his bright optics, you couldn’t believe that he was agreeing to go through with his. The excitement you were feeling couldn’t be contained and you sprung up to give his faceplate a hug, gently pressing a kiss to his dermas. Deep down, you weren’t entirely sure how this would work either, but damn were you willing to give anything a try just to have a child with Optimus.
You softly laugh, “I’m not sure either, Optimus. But we can only try, right?”
Optimus hummed into the kiss, pulling away just slightly to press his helm against your forehead, “Are you certain that this is what you want?”
Bringing your hands up to his faceplates, you caress the cold living metal, “Yes, more than anything.”
That all that Optimus needed to hear before capturing your soft lips into a heated his. His glossa caresses your tongue in a delicious way, dancing around your own. A soft sigh escapes you as he sucks on your tongue. At some point during the moment, Optimus had mass displaced himself. He readjusted you so you are straddling his hips and your core is flush against his own hips. He moves his servos to your thighs, massaging the soft flesh that he simply could not get enough of.
If a flash, you pulled away from the kiss and ripped the clothes of your body, leaving you practically bare save for your underwear. Optimus groans, the feeling of your warm skin in contrast his own cold metal sends shivers up his back strut. It makes him wonder how warm and hot you must feel against his spike when he is buried deep inside you. The thought of that alone causes him to disengage his interfacing panel, coming to rest against your thigh.
You gawk at his spike, pleasantly surprised at the size and that Cybertronian and humans have similar reproductive organs. Of course, you and Optimus had been intimate before, but you both would only grind against each other’s bodies, Optimus being too afraid to take things further with you in fear of hurting you. Not once have you had the opportunity to explore each other’s bodies in such a way before, and it made you crave more. You gently touch the spike in-between your thighs, earning a low groan from the mech.
Unable to restrain himself, Optimus lifts you up and places you on the berth, hovering over top of you. He rips of your underwear and is taken aback by the sight of your raw body. Plump breasts, bare stomach, and your now exposed pussy, which he noticed is already lubricated with your arousal. He leans down and presses feverish kisses to your breasts, licking and sucking on one of your hardened nipples. You feel so soft against his glossa, taking in all the little bumps and textures. You moan when he scrapes his dentas across your nipple. Once satisfied, he works his kisses back up to you neck, sucking on the skin giving you love bites. He lifts his helm back up to look at his work, your face is flushed to match the small red marks that have started to appear across your neck.
“Please… fuck me, Optimus.” You wiggle your hips upwards to nudge his spike. Your pleading has worked, and you release a soft whine once he lines himself up against your heat. He rubs the rip against your folds, your hips jumping when it slips upwards to nudge against your sensitive clit. Slowly, Optimus pushes his spike into you, reaching just past the tip.
“Am I… hurting you?” Optimus strains his vocaliser and brings his helm down to rest against your head, “I am doing this correctly, right?”
Groaning, you wrap your legs around his hips to encourage him further, “Yes… fuck! Please just put a baby in me.”
Consumed by his primal desires, he grabs your hips and pushes himself to the hilt. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t do this sooner. The feeling of your tight walls around him and the absolute relenting heat that surrounded his spike was enough to make him see stars. It was better than he could’ve ever imagined.
You moan and whine at the full feeling in your stomach. Your pussy is absolutely stuffed full of him and you can feel him stretching you out in the most delightful way, you let out a few sobs, begging him to move, begging for any friction that will satisfy the burning coil in your stomach. He obeys and gently pulls out and thrusts back into your tight heat, creating a steady pace that leaves you crying out.
“You humans… “ Optimus groans out, his vents working on overdrive, “Are the perfect carriers.”
“So tiny, so soft. You are loving this, aren’t you?” He gives you a hard rock of his hips, the tip of his spike grinding against your g-spot, “Do you want me to put a sparkling in you? I bet you would look so beautiful with your stomach full of my successors.”
The dirty talk was something that you would’ve never expected from the gentle giant, but boy did it drive you insane. You gripped onto his chassis as be pounds into your aching pussy, unrelenting and powerful. Hell, if this is what sex with Optimus Prime is like, you’ll most likely end up with more than one child. His spike is addictive, the way it disappears into you and fills you is heavenly and you let a filthy moan escape your lips.
“Optimus… fuck yes!” You cry out at the feeling of him quickening his pace. The words that try to leave your mouth end up jumbled and unintelligible, “Iwannabeamotherpleasepleaseplease!”
A growl like noise eminates from his vocaliser at your words and you can feel the vibrations run down his frame, he grips your hips and lifts them from the bed to thrust into your pussy at an animalistic pace. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and drool runs down your chin, and before you know it your body begins to shutter with the electric euphoria of your orgasm. Optimus moans increadibly loud as your walls squeeze around him, the thrusts of his hips staggering as he feels his own overload overcomes him.
Before he hits his release, Optimus reaches a servo down to your clit, rubbing feverish circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves. You scream out at the overstimulation and Optimus grits his dentae as you squeeze around his spike even more, grunting as he presses himself flush against your hips. He shoots his transfluids deep inside you making you whine and arch your back. Your lover leans down to silence you with a passionate kiss as he pumps as much as he can inside you.
A few glorious moments pass, and you are absolutely stuffed full of his transfluids. It drips down your thighs and onto the berth below. Optimus pulls away from the kiss and goes to pull out, but you wrap your legs around his hips to prevent him from doing so.
Optimus gives you a breathless laugh, rubbing your hips in small circles with his servos, “Was that satisfactory, my love?”
You nod your head, pulling his helm down to give him a kiss. Optimus hums in delight, moving a servo to caress your soon-to-be swollen tummy. He prays to Primus that the both of you will be blessed with little ones, but until then, he will take care of you as if you are already sparked.
“I can not wait to meet them.”
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comicaurora · 1 year
How does Aurora's broader cultural/existential relationship with death differ from ours? Since the main thing influencing our view of death is that we don't know what happens when we die, and the Aurora people (Aurorans?) already have a factual explanation for this, would that make them accept death more, or fear it more?
Well, they have a factual explanation, but it isn't quite the same thing as an understanding.
In the real world, we know what happens to our body when we die, and some people find it comforting that the atoms that make them up are going to go into the cycle of growth and rebirth that makes up the planet's ecosystem. We are a concrete, tangible thing, and we know what it means to die.
However, there is a core unanswered question, which is "what part of me makes me me?" I think, therefore I am; I exist, and I am the observer contained within this body. I contain a theoretically infinite inner world of thoughts and imagination and can conceive of worlds beyond number. There is something in me that makes me different from you, that explains why I see the world through these eyes and nobody else's. "The Brain is wider than the Sky, For put them side by side, The one the other will contain With ease, and you beside."
But what is that observer? Where is it in the body? Where does it go when the body dies?
The observer cannot conceive of a world without itself in it, because the observer by its nature only knows the world it has seen.
In the real world, many people call this observer "the soul", an ephemeral and intangible concept. Many attempts have been made to find a physical core that is or holds this ephemeral concept, because we really want it to physically exist. I think, therefore I am, therefore I must be something. In ancient Egypt, the heart was thought to be the seat of consciousness. Nowadays that's how we think of the brain. But the brain is a very complicated thing, and we don't really know what each part of it corresponds to when mapped to the mind, and every time we think we have a solid answer, we learn something new that makes the whole thesis unravel. People who have suffered brain damage or illnesses often have difficulty engaging with the world around them, but if and when they are lucid they are often clearly still themselves - which indicates that their Self, their Observer, isn't just "the brain", because even when the brain is harmed the self persists, just somewhat disconnected from the world, lacking some of the tools it previously had access to that allowed it to engage with its surroundings.
People have tried weighing bodies at the moment of death to see if the soul has a weight (it doesn't) and many theological arguments have debated its existence, because nothing is more fun to argue about than something that can absolutely never be proven one way or another.
Many religions build core tenets around "where does the observer go when the body dies." Reincarnation is a popular concept - because the observer cannot conceive of a world without itself in it, it might find it comforting to believe it could continue to observe the world from new vantage points. Afterlives are another popular idea, the belief that an observer "goes somewhere else" when the body fails. We're not very good at comprehending endings, I think; the way we see the world and the way we engage with our memories can sort of leave us feeling like our past is one big eternal moment, and people we've lost linger forever in our memories - it doesn't always make sense that they simply don't exist anymore, and it's easier for us to think of them as simply Somewhere Else. Somewhere we can't get to, but somewhere. It's why we get so dizzied when we go back somewhere like a childhood home or an old school and find the place refurbished or demolished - it's eternal in our memories, and we don't really understand how it could simply stop existing. How can the world move on without us, when the world we lived in is so clear in our memories? How can a person be gone, when they're so vibrant and alive in our memories?
In Aurora, souls are a concrete thing, a weaving of an energy that is documented, omnipresent and has tangible effects on the world around it. But does that tell an Auroran person where their observer is? Their personhood exists in the latticed weave of an energy that is vaster and older than the world. When they die, the energy unweaves; the pattern is lost, but the energy remains. To my mind, this is no different than how we relate to the atoms that make up our bodies. They're physical, known quantities, but the thing that makes us us is some metaphysical concept contained in the information of how those building blocks are specifically put together. When we die, those atoms do other things; every part of us remains, but we are gone. Where did we go? What is the "we" that is gone?
I don't think the people of Aurora have any more answers than we do about this. Knowing for sure that they have souls doesn't tell them anything more about who they are.
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 months
Reasons, Ch.6 - Cassian Andor series
Female reader insert Summary: You're a droidsmith on Ferrix when a handsome stranger walks in one day with a hopelessly damaged droid. You agree to take on the repairs for the stranger, a decision that will change the direction of your lives forever. Word Count: 2,260 Content Warnings for: canon-divergence; cursing Taglist: @mithicakurogo @nonniecannie @freerangesweets @zbeez-outlet @chicken-fifi @queerponcho @theatergirlmgm @oh-yeah-i-exist @shakespeareanlead @idontevenknow1359
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The sound of waves licking the sandy beach below had become a steady soundtrack that pounded around your head all hours of the day and night. You’d at first been mesmerized by the planet Niamos - to think, its inhabitants lived within full eyesight of an ocean at all times - but now, almost three and a half months after your frenetic arrival, boredom mixed with fear had gotten inextricably mixed with the sounds and smells of the ocean and you realized that you hated it here. Especially without Cassian.
He hadn’t stayed long, maybe two days. He’d dumped you in this beautiful, empty house and left with barely a word…
“I need to see my contact on Coruscant.” His dark eyes were red-rimmed from lack of sleep and cold. “Need to sort out safe passage for you. Get forged papers, new documents. It’ll take a while.”
You’d breathed in a heavy, long breath. Exhaustion had settled deep in the center of your bones, but what choice did you have? You were a fugitive now.
You nodded numbly, looking longing out through the perpetually-open wall of glass at the ocean stretched out to the horizon line. 
“I’ll go pack,” you replied, sliding out of the chair you were in and heading towards the bedroom you were staying in. “Won’t take long.”
Cassian caught your hand as you turned away. His touch sent electricity ricocheting up your arm, stealing your breath. You turned back to him, wondering if you looked as hopeful as you felt. 
“I’m going alone,” he clarified. His voice sounded sad and far away, but those dark, bottomless eyes revealed nothing. 
You didn’t know what to say. What to ask. Where would you stay? Here, you supposed, only because there was nowhere else to go. You’d realized very quickly that the Galaxy was massive, and you’d never left Ferrix before. The only person that you knew out here was Cassian, and laying claim to ‘knowing’ him felt like a lie. You felt that now more than ever. You didn’t really know him at all. 
You felt yourself give a shrug. Half resignation, half confusion. Cassian watched you quietly as you slid back into the chair, your eyes returning to the waves. Each time a new wave boiled up from the ocean depths, crested, and then crashed in a spray of foam on the seashore, you felt a new emotion rise up and crash open inside you. Grief. Rage. Despair. Terror. 
You don’t know how long you’d sat there, staring at the sea. After a long while of sitting still and thinking, you said the only thing that really mattered to you anymore. “Don’t forget to come back for me.”
Cassian hadn’t said a word after that. He’d simply slipped out the door without so much as a backwards glance. Leaving you to the empty house that looked out over the empty ocean…
The realization that Cassian wasn’t coming back for you had hit you somewhere around week seven. He hadn’t left a way for you to contact him, or vice versa. He hadn’t sent anyone to check on you. He hadn’t squirreled away a secret note or some small token of his remembrance. It was like he’d never been here at all. And that was by design. He was covering his tracks. Sure, you were on the run. But so was he. 
You wondered where in the escape things had gone sideways. He’d seemed so deliriously guilty about getting you tied up with the Empire when he’d broken into your home on Ferrix. He’d been tender in taking care of you after hyperdrive sickness, and then he’d brought you here. To safety. Because he cared… right?
There was one moment that everything had pivoted. You could barely bring yourself to think of it. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment (and desire, if you were completely truthful) each time you relived that kiss. It had to be the kiss. You’d crossed a line, you told yourself. Cassian was just trying to save your skin, and you’d gone and made it some sort of tragedy-romance mashup of bad luck and bad decisions when you’d slapped your lips on his. I’ve always been a good actor. You’d never forget those words. He’d been acting as the good guy, trying to make up for his wrongs by pulling you out of Ferrix. But that’s where it had ended. You’d fallen for his show, and you’d ruined everything. And now, you were alone. Just you and the ocean. 
Three and a half months was a long time to be by yourself. You’d managed to get by on the credits you’d had the sense to pack before fleeing your home, but that supply was dwindling. Pretty soon you’d have to make a choice: go home, or set up shop here. You’d have to fix droids. It was all you knew. But setting up shop somewhere new was bound to be fraught with challenges. You didn’t know the market, didn’t have a customer base. There were bound to be other droidsmiths on Niamos, so you’d be making enemies while you were bowing and scraping, taking whatever anyone would throw at you, all in the name of buying trust and goodwill and maybe, hopefully, a repeat customer. 
But worst of all, setting up shop here felt final. Setting up shop here meant that you wouldn’t be leaving. That this was home now. And, at the end of the day, that meant that Cassian wasn’t coming back. 
You hated him for leaving you, but not enough to give up all hope. Not yet. You counted the credits you had left. One more week, you thought to yourself. If he’s not back by then, I’ll start looking for shop space. 
An empty promise, you knew. You’d made the same one for the last four weeks.
* * * * * * * * *
Cassian felt fire burning in his veins as he held Senator Mothma’s gaze, her last words hanging heavy in the darkness between them. 
“I cannot afford to wait another week,” Cassian growled through gritted teeth, his hands trembling at his side. “It’s been almost four months already, Senator.”
Senator Mothma fidgeted uncomfortably with the large hood that obscured her face from the ambient light of a Coruscant night. They were quite alone in the rancid-smelling alley that Cassian had chosen for their meet-up, but the hum of the city-planet rang in their ears. A reminder to be quick, and be on their way. 
“I’m sorry, Cassian, I truly am, but I simply canno-”
“Senator, with respect, I am tired of your apologies.” Cassian was pacing now, his voice breaking free of the constraints of whispering. His temper was fracturing with impatience. “My contact on Niamos is in constant danger, and you’ve kept us waiting for four months for papers!”
“Cassian, please.” The Senator cast a shifty glance around. No one was listening, but the last thing either of them needed was to make a spectacle of the exchange. A Senator caught in a clandestine midnight meeting with a known Rebellion agitator would do neither of them any good. To say nothing of the warrant for Cassian’s arrest and the bounty price of half a million credits on his head. Or the Senator’s deeply scrutinized allegiances and alleged ties to the Aldhani incident. 
Cassian tried to calm himself, but he was beyond reason. All he could see was your eyes, the way you’d crumpled when he’d told you he was coming to Coruscant alone. It had nearly broken him to leave you there, but the brutal calculus of life as a wanted criminal demanded the utmost adherence to scruples. Cassian couldn’t risk your life just to keep you near him. It would have been easy - too easy - to delude himself into thinking that the safest place for you was by his side. Right where he wanted you. But he’d already proven himself near-fatal to you, almost getting you good and shot on Ferrix just by trying to pay off his massive debt with some traced credits. And all that had been before that goddamned kiss. After that, he was sunk. Totally enraptured. He knew it from the instant he felt your lips on his. No, he was in far too deep. If it was the last thing he did, Cassian Andor meant to make good on his promise to you: he needed to get you set up somewhere safe and then make it so that you never saw him again. It was the best way - the only way - he could see to keep you safe. And as badly as he wanted you, he wanted you alive. More than anything, that was what mattered. 
He reminded himself of all of this, one painstaking bitter pill at a time. Slowly, incrementally, he felt the fire begin to burn off as his mind cleared to reason. When he finally felt calm enough to speak, he rounded on Senator Mothma.
“Senator, it gives me no pleasure to do this, but I simply cannot wait any longer. If I don’t have the papers I’ve requested - and paid for, mind you - by tomorrow, I’ll have to take matters in my own hands.” 
Senator Mothma inhaled, her chin jutting out proudly as her eyes simmered. “And just what does that mean, Cassian?” Puffed up and haughty, but Cassian saw a flicker of fear in the back of her eyes. She knew a threat when she heard one. And Cassian had been honest about one thing: it really didn’t give him any pleasure to play this hand with the Senator. She was a noble woman, strong in her beliefs and an astoundingly deft political operative. Smart and confident. Cassian respected her immensely. But, when all was said and done, she was proving to be a hindrance. Cassian had promises to fulfill. Or rather, promise. Singular. Your safety. He was determined that nothing - not the Senator’s delicate political situation, not an outstanding warrant for his arrest, not an entire garrison of Imperial Storm Troopers - would stand in his way.
“Let’s hope you don’t have to find out, Senator.” 
For a few tense seconds, the two of them sized each other up in the hazy darkness. Cassian’s gaze was steely, his resolve never stronger. Three months, three weeks, two days. His internal clock screeched like a tea kettle. Too long. 
After a few breaths, Senator Mothma deflated slightly, her head sagging on her proud neck. The way she crumpled, like a kite that’s lost its breeze, reminded Cassian of the way you’d looked as he’d left you alone by the seashore on Niamos. The memory brought the threat of tears to his eyes. 
“I’ll get them to you,” the Senator agreed. Her voice sounded stretched and thin. Cassian felt a pang of guilt for having to push her to this. He knew what she was risking - her career in the Senate, her daughter’s and husband’s safety, her own life - to get these forged identichips. Ever since the Empire had assumed power, identichips had become mandatory for Imperial citizens to carry at all times. Forged chips had quickly flourished as one of the most lucrative corners of the black market, but the Empire had expended considerable effort on quashing that enterprise in its infancy. Those willing to alter identichips were few and far between now; those willing to forge entirely new ones, even fewer. Only the very wealthy had enough credits to realistically purchase such a service, but forgers made themselves extremely scarce in efforts to avoid Imperial imprisonment. Not that Cassian blamed them - wasn’t that the fate he was trying to save you from, after all? - but their secretiveness had proven an unexpected time suck on his plans. Months had dragged by before Senator Mothma had even made contact with one, and now her order hadn’t been delivered on schedule. Cassian wasn’t sure what it would cost her to extort the identichips tonight, but he couldn’t allow himself to backtrack now. 
“Thank you.” He exhaled heavily, unsure if he felt relieved or more terrified than before. He’d been focusing for so long on getting the identichips that he hadn’t let himself think too hard on what would come after. Were you still on Niamos? Would you still want his help? Had the Empire found you? Were you still alive at all?
Unwilling to follow those thoughts any further, Cassian simply handed Senator Mothma a small strip of paper with a ship’s name and docking location scribbled on it. “I’m leaving at midday tomorrow,” he told her as she crumpled the paper and slipped it into the pocket of her robe. “Make sure my chips are on board by then.” 
She nodded again - a sad, completely exhausted acquiescence - and turned on her heels, vanishing into the foggy street. Cassian watched as she left, listening to the sound of her retreating footsteps. She was walking away with the power to make or break him, Cassian realized. If she didn’t deliver those chips, and Cassian couldn’t get back to you… 
He wasn’t sure what that would mean for him, except that his heart turned to ash in his chest whenever he thought of that possibility. Steeling himself against the mix of dread, relief, and adrenaline sitting on his shoulders, he turned the collar up on his coat and turned in the opposite direction from the Senator. He threw up a silent thought for you - all alone by the seaside in a beautiful, empty house - hundreds of thousands of miles away, but somehow still the closest thing he had to home.
*more chapters coming soon! please let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future chapters
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Toothpicks and Tooka (Crosshair x Fem!Reader Pets4Vets AU)
A/N: Sorry this took so long, hopefully this is what you were looking for @moonstrider9904 and extra sorry if someone already did this, I didn't find anything when I was searching.
AU: @p4vserviceanimalsau
Dividers used from: @dystopicjumpsuit
Pairing: Crosshair and Female Unnamed Reader
Rating: SFW
Word Count: 1,333
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Crosshair grumbled a bit as he continued to walk down the street, having been told by his brothers that he needed to leave the house for some sun and social interaction. His tooka sat perched on his shoulders, glaring at anyone who got a little too close, which for the tooka, just looking in the general direction of Crosshair was “too close”.
Crosshair smirked a bit, scratching the grumpy tooka beneath the chin. “Hm, yeah. Terrifying.” Crosshair mumbled, continuing his walk. He wasn’t entirely sure exactly where he was going, it wasn’t like this little outing was planned. So he figured he would just keep walking until he wanted to sit, sit for a bit, then walk back home.
Eventually, both Crosshair and the tooka perched on his shoulders decided it was time for a break out of the hot sun. “Honestly, you’d think for a planet that can control its own weather, it would decide to make it a bit less hot.” Crosshair grumbled, mostly to himself. It wasn’t that he couldn’t handle the heat. He had been a soldier, after all. He’d experienced far worse, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to find every little excuse to complain about something.
Crosshair decided to settle down on a park bench beneath some shaded umbrellas, letting out a short huff as he sat down on the curved metal and wood. He felt the weight of the tooka suddenly gone, turning his head as he watched the creature strut off somewhere else for the time-being. He simply assumed that the tooka had some business to handle, and he’d go clean up once the creature returned from wherever it scampered off to.
The park was practically empty, given that most folks were probably at the water park just a couple blocks down the road. There was only himself, his tooka, and a woman with a senior hound and a tooka that looked eerily similar to his. There was no way it was his, though, the tooka could clearly be seen curling up in the woman’s lap and stretching out before curling back up into a ball. “Wait…” Crosshair looked a bit closer, really focusing on the tooka in the woman’s lap. Nope, that one was his the closer he looked, those markings undeniably belonged to his grumpy tooka. He ran a hand down his face as he stood up and sauntered towards the woman, his tooka, and her old hound.
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“Now you stop that, no need to get jealous.” She spoke to her elderly hound, scratching his neck to get the hound from continuing his whimpering fit.
“You know. He normally doesn’t like people.” Crosshair immediately spoke once he was within distance of the woman.
She looked up, locking eyes with Crosshair before smiling a bit. “Safe to assume this cutie is yours? There’s no way he isn’t an absolute love-bug, he walked right up and curled up.”
Crosshair seemed to freeze, his steps stuttering a bit. His jaw clenched as he swallowed, removing the toothpick from his mouth with a slight scowl. “Well, he is quite the grump with everyone else.” He held out his hand, the tooka immediately crawling up his arms and back onto his shoulders. His eyes settled on the old hound attempting to curl up in this woman’s lap.
She grunted as the hound attempted to do this, carefully attempting to remove the senior creature with no success. “Are we doing this today, gramps? So jealous. I apologize, mister. I didn’t know that cutie was yours. He just plopped right into my lap. Made gramps here a little jealous.” She laughed brightly, leaning back against the bench as she continued to pet the senior hound.
“May I?” Crosshair held out a hand, asking if he could greet the hound. Upon receiving permission, he shuffled a bit closer, allowing the hound to sniff him before scratching behind his head. His smirk turned into a small, genuine smile. “He’s pretty old.”
She smiled a bit and watched as her old hound happily accepted the scratches, licking Crosshair’s hand. “Yeah, he’s been around since I was younger. He still likes to get out and stretch his old man bones, even if he gets jealous when my attention isn’t entirely on him.”
Crosshair simply gave a short hum in response before stepping back, staring down at her. Crosshair wasn’t sure what exact feeling was bubbling out of him looking down at her as she continued to relax back on the bench with the elderly hound in her lap. Crosshair didn’t even register that his tooka jumped off his shoulders once again, curling up right on top of the elderly hound, until the woman let out a soft squeal and quickly pulled out her data-pad, using its camera to snap a few photos.
“Here, would you like me to send these to you? How did you end up with such a cutie anyways?” She looked up at Crosshair, who swallowed thickly and cleared his throat, his usual scowl coming back, though far softer than it usually was.
She smiled even brighter. “Great! It’s a date then! See you then, Crosshair! Take care getting back home.” She waved as she turned on her heel and began to walk back home, elderly hound in tow. Crosshair felt his cheeks grow warm before he placed a new toothpick between his lips. He soon walked off his own direction, staring at the photos of his tooka and the elderly hound before pausing. “Wait.. if she didn’t know my name… what did she log me as in her contacts?” He turned his head and looked at her data-pad as she pulled it out of her pocket, slightly grumbling as he saw the contact set as “Toothpick”. He simply shook his head and continued on his way, walking back home, grumpy tooka in tow.  
“Since you got my tooka in there, yes.” He offered out his own small data-pad, watching as she logged his contact into her own data-pad before sending the photos and saving her contact to his data-pad as well. He took it back and saved the photos to his data-pad before setting it away. “As for how I got him, he was adopted. My brothers… recommended… I go through this service known as Pets 4 Vets. I had to go through this interview, like I wasn’t able to take care of an animal.” Crosshair slightly rolled his eyes, but continued. “But they eventually paired me up with him. Said he didn’t like many people. But he seemed to have bonded. So now we’re stuck with each other.” Crosshair looked back down at her, noticing the look of adoration on her face. “What’s wrong with your face?”
As she laughed, his chest bubbled up again. She wiped a tear from her eye. “Nothing, sorry. That is just sweet. I’m glad your brothers got you to go through the program. I’ve heard good things about them.” She was about to continue before an alarm went off on her data-pad. “Well it’s been a pleasure talking with you… I’m sorry I don’t think I got your name.” She chuckled, letting the tooka jump back onto Crosshair’s shoulders and carefully waking up her elderly hound, helping him move back to the ground to stretch out before the walk back home. “Crosshair.” Crosshair responded simply, shaking her hand before scratching the tooka’s chin again.“Well it was a pleasure meeting you, Crosshair. I’d certainly hate to keep these two separated, so how does it sound meeting up again in a few days, same time, same place? I’ll even bring some snacks and water.” She cheerfully chimed, gently patting the elderly hound as he nudged her leg to try and get her to start walking.Crosshair normally would have immediately shot down the request, not wanting to particularly socialize with anyone outside of his brothers unless he absolutely had to, but before he could catch himself, he spoke. “Sure. I guess that works.”
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