hobonical · 1 year
NMC fitness to practice proceedings -legal concepts part 1
www.humanshr.com You Tube
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hobonical · 1 year
You Tube for more
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hobonical · 2 years
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406 x 6km https://www.instagram.com/p/CcpBBtWqojL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hobonical · 2 years
Oh thank you a picture of your food in a pub with a big glass of beer and an original comment “it would be rude not to….” -how very original.I am so jealous and amused
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hobonical · 4 years
COVID-19 and the death of Celebrity
Celebrity stand aside for the new world influencers-None Celebrity Key Workers are the Hero’s now. Looking at the amazing none celebrities who are now gracing our screens and media now and contrast them with the celebrities who for the most part seem to be lost ,just like the rest of us.
This is something which cannot be fixed by a big pop concert and a call for us to pay some cash.This Covid-19 thing is different -its serious and celebrities are not able to fix it with a pop song
Looking at the two faces of the staff who cared for the Prime Minister during his brush with Covid-19 I cannot help but think its time for the noe celebrity to grow in status.Well done to the selfless NHS, Shop workers, utility drivers etc.... and have you noticed all the celebritities at home doing nowt, influencing nowt and being of no use what so ever
I have always viewed celebrity with a health scepticism but now I have my concerns proved correct. The care staff, nurses, doctors, NHS workers, Shop workers, delivery workers and the volunteers all prove we are all so much more important than those celebrities all sat at home with their powers removed.
Long live us none celebrities
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hobonical · 4 years
HR Homeworking for staff during covid-19
Stay safe stay positive and be kind
So you need to use homeworking in a hurry
A few basic points for employers
Potential staff will need
1.Internet- who pays and what about confidentiality
2.Self motivation- how to support and train staff
3.Hardware-laptop tablet and back up?
4.Software- added to hardware
All this may involve expense and contractual alteration and monitoring
With this out of the way then the following is important
Employees need support guidance/training to adapt their working methods to operate effectively when remote.
Managers need to set expectations early, providing structure and etiquette for people to follow to make the transition to remote collaboration as smooth as possible.
Self management is the hardest part of the job.
Time management, prioritisation and focus are different in new environments.
Public or home spaces can be more distracting than an office environment.
New policies and performance management criteria are needed
Employees must take a more proactive approach to communicate and information sharing/collaboration,as well as being present to provide feedback or field queries.
Scheduling regular catch-ups and establishing norms early can set the pattern to help make remote working work.
This is the best time to prepare and develop a company-wide ‘remote working policy’.
6.Performance monitoring
What control will you need as an employer over staff and how productive will they be working outside of an office environment.
Sources have shown that remote working can increases staff productivity by as much as 40%, with one of the main benefits of providing flexibility enabling home workers to work unusual hours to fit around personal circumstances but still get the job done.
Effective software can allow you to set targets, put deadlines in place for each of your employees, and track progress and updates, thus keeping them on track and allowing you to easily monitor their performance.
Tracking performance and seeing weak spots allows you to identify training needs early and plan in time and action to correct problems before they turn into disasters.
Keep an eye on your team’s performance and be prepared to support them through the transition to remote working.
Support will include direct mentoring, virtual training or a peer-to-peer buddy system.
Supporting people to adjust will save you headaches further down the line and will make a world-class remote team.
Stay safe stay positive and be kind
For more information contact us for support and HR guidance [email protected]
iEmploy Ltd
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hobonical · 4 years
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hobonical · 4 years
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iEmploy Covid-19 HR/ Health & Support for employers [email protected] (at Kingston upon Hull) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Y_4IMA191/?igshid=1glnef1jnkqr6
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hobonical · 4 years
What is it that we all need but do not want
We all crave it but try to hide it when we have it
We all want to hide it but we show clearly
If we are blessed we get older
Love it embrace it and cherish it.So many do not get the chance to enjoy age and some are given poor health and other challenges.Love age love health and love age
Age- its a brilliant thing
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hobonical · 7 years
Free employment law starter documents for your business
Free employment law templates for your business. Basic contract and handbook- what could be cheaper- be basically compliant right from the start - www.iemploy.co
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hobonical · 7 years
Just saying
Resolve never to make new year resolutions ever again-just saying
It takes a few weeks after the Christmas holiday excesses and the total change of routine before you can sensibly consider what the new year means to you.
You managed to get through the last year so do you need to make changes or do you need to do stuff better?
Maybe what you need to do is simply to look at what you are and what you stand for and to renew or re awaken those passions with a bit more energy.
Do what you do but do it better. Rather than plan to go down a new path and lose interest as soon as you start why not go down the same path but do it bigger, stronger, longer
Don’t do what they say you should do, do it your way-Just saying
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hobonical · 7 years
Resolve never to make new year resolutions ever again-just saying
It takes a few weeks after the Christmas holiday excesses and the total change of routine before you can sensibly consider what the new year means to you.
You managed to get through the last year so do you need to make changes or do you need to do stuff better?
Maybe what you need to do is simply to look at what you are and what you stand for and to renew or re awaken those passions with a bit more energy.
Do what you do but do it better. Rather than plan to go down a new path and lose interest as soon as you start why not go down the same path but do it bigger, stronger, longer
Don’t do what they say you should do, do it your way-Just saying
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hobonical · 8 years
SFA audit due/done - Do you need help with your employment contracts/HR.
Are You SFA Audit Ready?
You are a SFA registered Lead Training Provider or related employer and you will be preparing or dealing with the aftermath of the SFA External audit
We provide SFA External Audit Requirement help and support. We can provide you with everything you need or strengthen and help you manage your present system
1.Free helpful written report on your present system and recommendations 2.Fixed Fee for our support 3.No quibble Guarantee
In the last 2015/2016 the following was noted
“Testing on Subcontracting 15. As part of testing on subcontracting arrangements, we identified a number of issues. a. Subcontracts were not always in place or were signed after delivery had started. b. Funding delivered under subcontracts exceeded the limits set out in the contracts. c. Contracts do not contain all minimum clauses as required by the Funding Rules, including adequate document retention clauses. d. The most common finding was that the details and subcontractors listed on the subcontractor declaration did not reconcile to the details recorded on the ILR.”
We are experienced in providing all relevant documentation, systems and contracts, policies and procedures. We also provide ongoing support and assistance with all HR and Employment Law Requirements
We help you comply and support your successful audit
Iemploy ltd We promise three things A free useful written audit of your present HR and employment law A fixed price for our support A no quibble guarantee if you are not satisfied with our work
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hobonical · 8 years
Above all things remain humble at all times
As we get older the human can become convinced that his or her opinion is more significant that it really is. We can become a little arrogant. We can begin to value our own opinion becoming detached from reality to a lesser or greater extent. We may start to show the signs of having fixed unbending views. This may make us seem fixed and arrogant in our daily contacts with other people. However old we are and no matter how long our time on this earth I say we must retain the beginners wonder and open minded enthusiasm at all times. It's an honour to be given each new day so I ever so humbly say stay in the present and never give in to a defensive arrogance which can come with age. Don't become that bore who nobody asks for advice but who gives it any way. Keep humble people.
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hobonical · 8 years
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hobonical · 10 years
I think I prefer to be the one that's tortured and tested in life than the soft lucky one who is always lucky ,
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hobonical · 10 years
The devil is in the detail. It's just whether you can be bothered to find it out
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