Copper Mountain Inter-Clan Code
A Clan cat’s ultimate loyalty is to their Clan. Defend it with your life.
A healer’s ultimate loyalty is to StarClan. Do not sully the spirit world with earthly attachments.
Each Clan has the right to exist on Copper Mountain.
Each cat has the right to live, and if so desired to live in a Clan.
Each cat has the obligation to contribute to their Clan’s wellbeing, and to the wellbeing of Copper Mountain.
Scavenging is more honorable than fishing, and fishing is more honorable than hunting. Seek food accordingly.
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Thank it for its life, and thank StarClan for sending it to you.
Do not hunt, fish or scavenge on another Clan’s territory.
The vulnerable must be fed before the strong.
Hunt only what your Clan needs to survive. Caching prey for more than one night or leaving prey uneaten is forbidden.
A kit must have reached six moons before becoming an apprentice.
A cat will keep a silent vigil after receiving their full name; otherwise, their new name and status is forfeit. The vigil may be broken without penalty if the vigil-keeper or their Clan is attacked.
The deputy will become the new Clanspeaker after the Clanspeaker dies, retires, or is exiled.
Every full moon, a moonlight Gathering will be held among the Clans at Salmon Den’s Pond.
Every summer solstice, a sunlight Gathering will be held among the Clans at Skyview Cliffside.
Every half-moon, a moonlight Gathering will be held among the healers at Poplar Grove.
There will be no fighting between cats during a solstice, a full moon, or a new moon.
Killing another cat is forbidden unless done in self-defense.
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some maps for hoar frost, my warriors fanclan story in development
more info under the cut:
Keep reading
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another warriors oc :)
from a story i wrote when i was 13 then abandoned but now kinda wanna have another go at
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Her name is Gingerpaw and she’s in training to become a permanent queen and she Loves You Very Much. Yes, You. Personally.
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