#and they dont shy away from being blunt with him
the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
i have a cute request to make
the tadc gang with a shy and introvert child reader
basically reader is very shy and barely speaks, and when needs to talk they just whisper, kinda like fluttershy!
reader hates loud noises so they barely goes to an IHA with the gang, only if they are bored or someone asks them to go, reader just likes being alone for the silence
but, reader does some cute things for the cast, they make little presents, everytime that the gang is in the IHA, reader is busy in their room making little presents, like paper flowers and stuff and leaves at the gang's doorstep, with cute little messages, like: "ur so cool!" "ur doing so well!" before running back to their room.
Caine, Jax, Pomni x shy!sweet!child!reader who hates loud noises (platonic)
i hope you dont mind me running this through the wheel to select characters </3 i still dont take full cast posts/nm i think imma answer this then maybe write an extra post or two (idk we'll see after i write this one); then thats probably it for today, since i think imma work on more art again.. not really behind on my personal goals anymore, just have some ideas that i want to at least sketch so i have that done
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would try to make the IHAs a little more quiet and calm but with caines energy and his thought process of "it needs to be stimulating so the circus members dont lose it to the monotony"... sometimes he slips. i was going to say he descends into the adventure waving around a red card making all the IHA-stuff freeze as a joke... but i can genuinely see him doing that. most of the time watches over the IHA now that you're here. you're like his lil kid!! tries to be a dad, falls into common dad stereotypes because thats all he really knows.. though he himself can be a little loud and all over the place... and perhaps even overbearing every now and then... WILL show off whatever notes and gifts you leave for him to everyone else. will make a wall in the common room to hang up your art so everyone can see it
i wouldnt say pomni is shy, but i do think overall she is an anxious person and in introvert... of which is more prominent due to being in the circus (you know, a place thats stressing her out) so it lets you two relate.. and it kind of makes pomni pull herself together for you.. so in a way youre kind of her reasoning to keep going no matter how many times she fails to find the exit; as grim as it sounds. keeps all your gifts and notes in her room on display because unlike SOME people shes not all the concerned with her image or how shes perceived (jax). will try to take you away from a place if theres some noise, usually this is either the common room where everyone else is hanging out at or during IHAs... probably lets you crash in one of your rooms until you feel better. i think she would probably get someone to get you something (like a toy or snack) while she keeps an eye on you
i think he would subtly try to get you to stand up for yourself before being blunt that you need to start speaking up. he WAS going to say something about how hes not going to always be there to talk for you buuuuut in the digital circus theres some.. not good implications with that statement, at least a little more than the irl version. less of a parent figure and more of an older brother one.. does keep your notes, though hes not going to tell anyone and hes going to deny it if anyone ever brings it up. hes an asshole but hes not heartless. tries to limit his pranks that can make loud noises, will also play it off to others that he just doesnt feel like doing those pranks anymore. but everyone knows, you know?
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hiii i’m sorry i actually can’t remember if i sent this before or not😭could you maybe write smth with eddie getting an innocent reader high for the first time? <3
(hi angel !! u havent sent this before so <33 hope u enjoy!! *sorry if this kinda sucks i wrote it at like three am KDSJF)) (also i wrote about her smoking for the first time but i didnt touch much on her getting high really.. if u want me to write just that lmk!!)
✧˚₊‧ 🧸 ✧˚₊‧
eddie originally invited u over to his trailer because he mentioned how he was failing math and needed ur help studying. of course, you complied, wanting to help him (and spend time with him as youve had a crush on him for months) (and of course he didnt actually want ur help studying, he just used that as an excuse to hangout with u as he has had a crush on u for a good two years).
but now, after helping him study for a good hour, he declared he needed a break. this break included him playing some of the most intense music youve ever heard posing as 'background music' whilst he smoked a rolled blunt.
he asked you if u were comfortable with him smoking in the same room as you, and because u were a curious creature (never being around any sort of drug), you nodded, saying you were fine with it.
eddie thought you were odd, in a good way of course. god, he wanted you so badly..but he didnt want to scare you off. he knew how sensitive you were to certain things. so when you sat right down in front of him as he smoked, staring at him with gloriously curious doe eyes, watching him take a drag from his joint--he was surprised to say the very least.
eddie watches the way youre eyeing the joint between his plush lips as he inhales, eyes squinting slightly as he looks at you sitting across from him on his bed; kneeling on his mattress--hands folded in your lap politely n ur eyes full of wonder but hesitancy as u chew on ur lower lip. you watch the metalhead blow the smoke from his mouth, an arm behind his head as he lies back against his pillows.
"you wanna try?" he asks, holding the joint out to you as he blows the smoke up in the air. he can feel the way your eyes trace his movements.
you giggle nervously, flustered. "o-oh, uhm, i dunno.. 've never tried such things before!"
thats something else eddie loved about you.
when you got shy you talked like some sort of disney princess.
he smirks, amused. his eyes are half lidded n red as he swipes his tongue along the fat of his bottom lip.
"c'mon.." his voice is playful. "'see the way ur eyein' it, princess.. i'll help you through it, dont worry." eddie takes a small drag from the end of his blunt once more.
fuck, hes so high. and horny. high and horny. maybe not the greatest combo when the girl he's liked for years is sitting right in front of him looking so..soft and beautiful.
does ur skin always glow this vibrantly?
"i just--'ve never done stuff like this. what if i act funny?" your lips form into a pout, concern lacing in ur features.
why did you have to be so cute and irresistable?
"'s okay, angel. promise i wont judge..could never judge a sweet girl like you," his praise makes you preen as you blush. "c'mon, come sit next to me, ill talk ya through it, mk?"
you nod, butterflies fluttering in ur tummy. besides the heavy smell of weed, eddie smelled so yummy to you. he was addicting to be around.
you sat next to him on his bed, pulling ur skirt down a bit as you get comfortable.
"now, just put ur lips around the end and inhale, okay? u might cough a bit but it'll go away," eddie brings the lit joint to ur glossed lips as ur eyes round with inexperience. the metalhead maintains eye contact with u as u inhale sharply, immediately bending forward and coughing as he pats ur back. "'s okay, princess, ur okay.." his ringed fingers rub ur back as u struggle to breathe.
a few seconds pass and u feel better. ur head is light but heavy.
"wanna try again? should've probably told u to inhale slowly..forget u dont know much about this stuff." he tucks a loose strand of hair behind ur ear and u feel ur heart speed.
u nod. "yes, please!"
eddie smiles gently at your eagerness. "alright, sweet girl, remember..nice n easy, okay? inhale gently and slowly."
you nod a bit as he brings the joint to ur lips. his left hand rubs up and down your right arm comfortingly. that act alone makes the butterflies that once only fluttered inside ur belly swirl into a storm.
eddie watches ur lips as u inhale slowly.
"good, baby.. nice n easy, okay? doin' so good.." his voice is so soft and gentle as he tenderly squeezes ur arm as u blow the smoke from ur lips.
u giggle when done, clapping excitedly before you're hit with a wave of tranquility.
eddie smiles. "u okay, honey?"
u smile back.
u were more than okay.
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hii!! Could you please do Bill x reader who is just so in love with him like, they are always staring at him and always wanna be around him? I just imagine him loving the attention from his s/o
Its ok if u dont wanna do this btw:) ty!
(Hello! Sure I can and np! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x In-Love Reader
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Oh my god, you've really done it
You've made it into the four walls and tour bus
This man is an attention whore
He's always loved the attention on him but with you it's somehow so different
The first time he noticed your staring he thought something was on him
He asked you what it was but you just kept smiling at him!
You just flat out told him you were staring at him
And also he's so pretty
He malfunctioned for a minute
He just slowly turned to you and looked like he was bouta die bc of how red his cheeks were
He then just let out a giggle
He got so flustered and couldn't stop!
He hid his face sm u had to pry his hands away from his face
Got so shy for a minute or two and had to reboot
You were so proud of yourself and he was just so shocked you were so blunt that you loved him
He will give everything you dish out back because he wants you to also know he loves and appreciates you
He always wanted that great love and to be happy, and now he has it he does not want to let it go
He loves the attention you give sm
It makes him feel so special
Especially if you give compliments or just want to be around him
He likes having you around him at all times just because he just wants you
So to know that you love being around him just as much makes his heart go boom
He loves the attention but it can make him so flustered
You're a master at it all the time
Either if you've been doing it if you've known him since you were kids, or started when y'all got to know each other to when you start dating
He's just so in love on one hand and so are you
It's like the perfect match
The band gets tired of your bullshit but who cares
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tempting-andromeda · 8 months
First of, thank u so much for feeding us eagle flies girlies cause we are STARVING and... can we get hcs about eagle flies having a crush on a girl who's shy and doesn't talk a lot? Like she's the exact opposite of his chatty sassy personality. I think that sounds really cute like sun/moon type of couple or something <3
Tbh I don’t think he’s real chatty I just think he’s blunt
I do enjoy him with a sun and moon dynamic though
Eagle flies with a shy s/o
CONVINCED you hate him at first
You won’t talk so he just automatically assumes you hate him so he hates you
Will kinda snappily tell you to do things but after a while he just realizes…you’re shy.
He feels horrible.
Paytah was like “why are you so mean to them? They’re just shy?”
And he feels so embarrassed he just kinda leans on something
Apologizes to you the best way he can
Which is him confronting you and refusing to make eye contact
He kinda likes that you’re silent because he had absolutely no idea what’s going through your mind. Is it intelligent thoughts? Is it birds chirping? He doesn’t know.
Eases into a friendship with you by just sitting near you and saying small things.
“You eat yet?” And just handing you a small handful of something that’s like a mushroom
Tries to watch you to understand you (not in a creepy way!) and he accidentally starts realizing you’re actually pretty and sometimes when you laugh it makes him feel like he has to leave the area
Refuses to admit he has a crush tho
Once you two start becoming friends he’s real patient with you
He waits for you to talk and when you don’t sometimes he fills in the silence and it ends with him saying something awkward and he’s like “welp that was embarrassing wanna watch me try to do something cool”
Because thats what he does with Paytah and he certainly doesn’t have a crush on you (he does)
After a while he just kinda…strives to hear you talk to him. Like he just wants it to be the two of you and he wants to hear you talk about your thoughts while he stares at you and admired how pretty your lips look or how lovely you sound
He tries to make moves on you but he doesn’t want to overbear you so he just acts more gentlemanly
Oh no! A puddle! Eagle flies to the rescue! and he’ll hold your hand for a little bit longer after he helps you get off your horse or something
After a month of him just being hopeless and if you do or dont show him any sign that you like him he just whispers that he likes you
It’s awkward and his hands are clammy and he doesn’t look at you the whole time because he’s trying to distract himself that he could be possibly humiliating himself
He whispers a soft “I think I like you.”’or maybe he’s a bit more confident and he just says he likes you straight up
Once you two are all cozy he just openly admires you
When he sees you will press a kiss to the back of your head and whisper an I love you
He loves dates we’re you’re away from everyone!! Absolutely loves it!!
He’s taking you on a date to watch him catch fish with his bare hands
He’s never done it before but just to see you laugh at him he’s suddenly a master at it
He acts a bit more goofy just to get a giggle out of you
Will embarrass himself just to see you smile
Get a weird nickname for a few months or hear your angelic giggle? He can deal with the nickname
Sometimes just to hear your voice he tries to smoothly ask you to read to him
“Do you like to read? I just…see you reading a bit and I’ve never been one to read so…maybe you can convince me.”
Looks at you like you hung the moon if you read to him
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hello!! could i please request a romantic twst matchup? i dont want to be match with the first years.
my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t, virgo.
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things
my hobbies/likes: writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i also like dark clothes, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
what i look for in a partner: someone loyal and just be with me through thick and thin
that's all and thank you!!
- 🌾 anon
For you anon, I've picked a certain crown prince..
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You and Malleus share an interest in abandoned places. He would extend an invitation for you to join him in exploring a few quiet, long since deserted spots he likes visiting and just taking in the atmosphere.
He relates to you in others being intimidated by him for his expression or really no reason at all and can be a bit awkward socializing. The fae also loves your bubbly side though, feeling rewarding to see for getting close to you and knowing you're comfortable around him
Mal would be the one to reassure you when you are insecure or overthinking, giving his opinion on the matter at times. Sometimes he can be a bit blunt, but he tries to be as gentle as he can
The fae prince would appreciate your bluntness and even finds it amusing at times
All of your hobbies would be something he is interested in doing with you; especially watching the horror videos and reading. He likes being in the same room with you in comfortable silence with the two of you just reading, whether the same book or different.
Malleus is about as loyal as it gets. Even someone making a passive insult at you is enough to rile him up. If he feels someone is dishonoring you he'll be the first to do something about it. He tries to spend as much time with you as possible because of his abandonment issues and is dependable when you need him.
Your zodiac sign Virgo also has high compatibility with Capricorns, Malleus' sign.
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saturnsfather · 2 years
something something clara states multiple times that she does not lie and although you have multiple options of dialogue with people ultimately you never truly know whether shes lying because you just dont know enough about her. artemy is incredibly straightforward in both games and very rarely ever lies, he doesnt see the point in it, and even when he doesnt tell the flat truth he doesnt lie he lies by omission. daniil is stated by saburov as being ‘impeccably honest[…]’ and that being what got him in trouble in the capitol, and while daniil definitely (at least has the option to) openly lie(s) to people more than artemy does, he doesnt shy away from being Blunt and open with his thoughts of people most of the time, and when youre not playing as him, he almost Never lies, and tells you when hes not going to reveal something to you.
they are all honest, blunt, and open people who are exceedingly clear about what they want and who they are. there is almost no obfuscation of the truth and yet. clara sees the other two as liars and demons intent on destroying everything, daniil sees the other two as fools who wont tell him what he needs to do his job, and artemy sees the other two as poisonous outsiders saying whatever they need to to get their own outcome.
theyre all portrayed by others, both the other healers and the people of the town, as deceivers and charlatans. and yet all three of them are some of the most honest people in the whole game.
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Hello!! I just took your milgram friendship uquiz and it was So Sweet 🥺 Maybe it's silly to ask, but have you/could you post all the results? I got Mikoto and the description was really nice -- it suited him so well, I'd love to hear the others :') Either way, thank you for such a cute quiz!!!
aaaa thank you sm!!! that makes me really happy to hear, youre so sweet :’3 not a silly question at all, dw! i put all the different results under the cut, i hope they dont disappoint!!
your best friend is haruka sakurai! haruka is an anxious, awkward, and skittish, but ultimately kind guy. he has trouble socializing and getting to know people, so it’s very likely that you’re the only close friend he has, and he’s very grateful for that. you don’t laugh at him, or scoff at him, or see him as abnormal – you accept him as he is, and give him the attention he’s craved all his life. knowing you’re there, and that you have his back, means the world to him. he knows he’ll never be able to express his gratitude properly, but he tries to! he tries to be attentive, always ready to hear you out, and spend time with you. he gives you gifts, often small things, like cool rocks or flowers he found, or a colorful drawing he made – as often as he can, hoping they’ll convey even a sliver of the admiration he has for you. you’re just so incredible? he can’t believe you’re real at times. he can’t believe someone so kind, smart, talented and funny is his best friend. haruka is truly your biggest hype man – no matter what you’re doing he’s there, supporting you, eyes sparkling. he gets giddy talking about you to other people, because he’s just so incredibly thankful to have someone so comforting and unchanging in his life. he hopes you’ll never leave. he can’t be the best friend you deserve, but he can at least do his best to be decent, so you won’t leave him behind. he’ll probably need a lot of reassurance before he can start to accept that he’s your best friend, just as much as you’re his. haruka often wishes he could go back to the past, but having you by his side makes him think that he doesn’t need to, after all. maybe even someone like him is allowed to have hope for the future.
your best friend is muu kusunoki! muu is shy, affectionate, and a bit spoiled. she can be demanding and even a bit cruel, at times, but never to you. to muu, you are the one safe corner in her world, one of the few people in her life who haven’t hurt her yet. she’s very scared that you’ll slip away from her, like sand between her fingers, if she isn’t careful – so she can be a bit clingy. that being said, she won’t hesitate to be a little snarky and blunt, even to you; that’s just the way muu is. if she ever seriously hurt your feelings, though, she’d feel terrible. all muu wants is one good friend – someone who listens to her, and supports her. someone she can laugh with and paint her nails with and enjoy a normal friendship with, without gossip or pain or jealousy. she wants to make lots of good memories with you, and will probably try to bring you along on every expensive family trip or outing. she’s skittish, at times, and very much anxious and closed-off after the bullying she faced – but she’s getting better, slowly but surely. she knows you won’t hurt her, and would never hurt you, either. again – muu isn’t perfect. she’s very much spoiled, very much arrogant, and sometimes even cruel; but with your guidance, your normal, lighthearted presence in her life, even that can change. you’re her very best friend, in the whole wide world, and she truly loves you. she hopes you can stay the way you are now, together forever, for all her life.
your best friend is yuno kashiki! yuno is a cheerful, bubbly, kind girl – at least, that’s what she wants you to think. yuno’s smile is usually plastered on, as a means to reach an end, as a way to get others to dote on her. in actuality, she’s cold, calculating, and blunt, never letting anyone close enough to see her true self – well, except you. in some way or another, you have managed to see through the facade, and reach out towards the true yuno – who isn’t the same as the bubbly and cheerful yuno, but far from evil or cruel. the real yuno struggles with apathy and a feeling of emptiness, that she’s desperately trying to fill. the real yuno doesn’t need people to understand her, but deep down she’d probably like them to. the real yuno can be blunt and cold, but also kind, and she cares deeply for her loved ones. you’ve seen the real yuno; she’s your best friend, not all the other yunos she takes the role of when the situation calls for it. and she’s grateful for that. you’re one of the few people she can be transparent with – she likes to hang out with and have fun with you, but doesn’t feel like she constantly has to be smiling when she does. she doesn’t feel like an actress when she’s around you, and at the end of the day, maybe that’s all there is to it. maybe that matters more than anything. having even a single person who understands you like that is a privilege, and yuno doesn’t let important things out of her grasp. she’s not always entirely earnest and genuine – that’s something she also struggles with – but she does occasionally let you know that she appreciates you. you’re one of the few people in her life that makes her feel warm, and you don’t demand anything in return. the word “friend” doesn’t sound fake when she says it, not when it’s referring to you.
your best friend is kazui mukuhara! kazui is relaxed, easygoing, and generally easy to get along with. he’s also very good at lying. or, rather, acting – he’s good at pretending nothing’s wrong, and good at acting like someone he’s not. at the end of the day, though, he has a kind heart, and values friendship. kazui doesn’t care for the things that are dubbed as most “important” in society – getting a job, finding a wife, having kids… what kazui values are the small moments, and the fleeting, lighthearted connections you make along the way. he doesn’t need a lot of friends, just a couple good ones, and having you around is more than enough. kazui isn’t someone who’s good at expressing his love for another person, not in a way that properly conveys his feelings, but he is good at showing it. it’s in every lighthearted jab, sarcastic quip, ruffle of your hair – he does love you, his best friend, but he doesn’t really feel the need to say it. he simply enjoys your company. if he could choose one thing to keep all his life, one thing guaranteed not to change, he’d probably pick you. having someone around who understands you, and who enjoys your company as much as you enjoy theirs, is a very important thing. the most important, maybe, he muses. kazui is also a dad friend, even though he’ll jokingly punch you on the head if you say it to him – he can’t help but be worried about the people he values, and although he denies it, he enjoys being depended on. kazui is a good liar, at the end of the day, and there are times where not even you will be able to completely see through him, and know what he’s thinking – but one thing you can always be sure of is that he values your friendship more than anything. he hopes you’ll stay in his life for a long time to come.
your best friend is shidou kirisaki! shidou is calm, observant, and very, very kind. he’s caring by nature, always doting on someone without realizing it, like a worried mom – especially to you. there are things shidou doesn’t talk about, some things buried deep within his heart, a kind of guilt that can’t be shaken off, no matter how much time passes. he doesn’t speak about it, but it’s there, and if you’re close to him, you’ll see it. he doesn’t speak about these things, but he does trust you. you are a constant comfort in his life, bringing some color into his monotone world. shidou doesn’t feel like he deserves such an untainted friendship, doesn’t think he deserves someone who’ll stay with him even after all that he’s done, yet there you are. and he can’t bring himself to push you away. selfishly, he wants to be happy, even after everything. he wants to have a good friend to talk with, who knows him, who will judge him properly and still stick around. shidou is, again, very doting without realizing it. you’re sad? he’s by your side to hear you out. you’ve had an argument? he apologizes almost immediately, or at the very least communicates to reach an understanding. you’re sick? he goes full mother hen/doctor mode, tending to you like you’re dying (it’s just a cold, shidou). shidou is kind, and he’s very happy to have you in his life. just this one good thing is enough, he thinks, just this one good thing is enough for me. if something happened to you, he doesn’t know what he’d do. probably break, or repeat the same sins he already has, over and over again. so, please – take care of yourself, won’t you?
your best friend is fuuta kajiyama! fuuta is snarky, irritable, and very determined. he wants you to think he’s cool, strong, and edgy, but he’s actually more like a very angry chihuahua. more than anything, though, fuuta is kind. he just doesn’t want to show it. you’re fuuta’s best friend, his ride or die, the person he feels closest to in the world – which is why it’s absolutely vital that he bully you and bicker with you as much as humanly possible, to cover up all those gross, tender emotions. he never takes it too far (or, well, he tries to), but there’s nothing he loves more than starting stupid fights about stupid stuff, and making fun of you. he likes competing with you, and will literally never shut the fuck up if he wins whatever dumbass competition he started. on the other hand, if you win and start gloating, he’ll call you immature. the right way to handle having this loser as a best friend is simply to bully him back – and he expects you to! if you don’t, he’ll probably feel bad and distance himself. he wants to be able to bicker with you, and watch dumb movies, and kick your ass in mario kart. but deep down, he truly, truly cares for you. definitely more protective than he lets on, too. if someone else were to bully you, he’d get defensive and annoyed – god forbid, if someone made you genuinely sad? his lil 165 cm ass is FUMING. all in all, fuuta isn’t good at showing his appreciation for you, but he hopes you know it’s there. he really, really hopes you know, because if you don’t he’ll have to say it, and that’ll end with him red in the face, hands sweaty, stammering out a timid “you’re my best friend” like he’s proposing. fuuta is kind, too kind for his own good, but he’s so afraid of being seen as a coward that he’s closed himself off, in an attempt to make himself look tougher. if he ever shows his more vulnerable side to you, don’t make fun of him, for once – you’re the only one in the world he trusts enough to show it to. fuuta is kind, and pathetic, and deeply respects and cares for his best friend – and he’ll deny it til his dying breath.
your best friend is mahiru shiina! mahiru is affectionate, bubbly, and loving, almost overwhelmingly so. it’s impossible to be in any kind of relationship with mahiru, platonic or romantic, without knowing that you’re loved. she’s very vocal about it. mahiru loves to love – that’s the very core of her identity. she wants to experience fun things, things that make her heart race, sad things, emotions too heavy for a name. more importantly, she wants someone to experience these things with her. that’s why she feels so giddy to have you, her best friend, someone who doesn’t get weirded out by her, and doesn’t try to push her away. she wants to do everything with you, wants to be the best friend she can be, so she gives and gives and gives until she has nothing left, and then she just kinda.. retreats into herself. mahiru wants to be loved, but she doesn’t really know how to be loved – or love, for that matter! the last time she loved someone this strongly, they died. if the same thing were to happen to you, she’d… well. best not to think about it too much. what mahiru needs isn’t someone who will reject her, or tell her that she’s wrong, but someone that can show her how light love can be. how light love should be. mahiru’s perception of love isn’t wrong, exactly, but it is skewed, and she needs someone who can show her a different kind of love. the love you feel when your best friend laughs until their stomach hurts, the love you feel when your best friend shows up at your doorstep with your favorite snacks in hand, the love that surrounds you when you’re with people who accept you. mahiru wants to be the best friend she can be, and in her own way, she is. she’ll never leave you, will always be there to comfort you, and will support you no matter what. she’ll laugh with you over bad jokes, cry her eyes out at the sappy romance movies you watch, and tease you if you ever get a crush on someone – all around, mahiru’s love, when you strip away the flames and ashes, is very light.
your best friend is kotoko yuzuriha! kotoko is a cool, confident, determined girl, who won’t hesitate to take what she wants when the right moment strikes. she’s not as scary as she seems (although still very intimidating), and with people close to her, she allows herself to relax a little more. her smile is softer, somehow, and her shoulders aren’t as tense, and her eyes look almost tired. this side of her is something even her best friend will rarely see, though – kotoko prefers to be scary and guarded, ready for an attack at any moment. she has a strong, good heart, with good intentions, but she is a bit… misguided, in some ways. kotoko loves violence, especially when she can justify it, and there are times when her eyes don’t look sharp or tired, but scary, in an animalistic way you’re afraid to identify. still, she has a soft spot for you, and will be more open with you than most others. with you, she has no problem discussing her ideals, and her views, and her deepest desires. if she’s allowed you to come that close, you probably agree with her in some way, anyway. kotoko can be snarky, sarcastic, and scary, but she very much respects you. she’s likely very protective, even if she might not show it, and you probably contribute to her ideals, in some ways – she wants you to be safe from the evil people in the world, and that just gives her a greater reason to eradicate them. you’re a stable presence in her hectic life, and although she can’t let you come too close to her (as much as she wants you to), she respects and values the friendship you share. she’s your fang, at your service, ready to eradicate anyone who tries to – hey, don’t laugh, she’s being serious here!
your best friend is mikoto kayano! mikoto is…. hard to pin down, exactly. at first glance he’s a very normal guy, with a standard job, always all smiles and jokes, coming up with nicknames for people he meets at the drop of a hat. from first impressions alone, you’d think he’s a completely ordinary person, but the truth is.. a bit more complex. even you, his best friend, might not understand him completely – but you’re close, and the closest by a long shot. mikoto has a tenderness to him that’s hard to fake, but there’s something else, too. something deeply ingrained. something hard to shake off. something almost ominous. something that flashes in the corner of his eyes, something that breaks in his voice, something odd about him. like he was hit a little too hard over the head as a kid. he’s hard to understand, but mikoto’s affection for you is undeniable. he hangs out with you whenever he can, joking around and dragging you out to get boba with him, throwing an arm over your shoulder and tickling you. your friendship, too, seems very normal. it might actually be the most normal thing in mikoto’s life, ironically enough. mikoto seems very ordinary, but you know better, although you try to ignore the signs (a bruise. a trash can overflowing with cigarettes, even though he claims to be a casual smoker. an ominous, dark stain on one of his shoes). even so, you stay. you’re his best friend, wholeheartedly, and whatever secrets he has, whether he himself is aware of them or not, he’ll surely open up to you someday. mikoto is hard to get a read on, and more than meets the eye, for sure – but at the end of the day, he’s simply your best friend. a little silly, but well meaning. more stressed than he lets on, even though he’ll laugh it off if you ask. a nice guy whose smile rarely reaches his eyes, but when it does, you swear you’ll spend the rest of your life engraving it into your memory. he’s mikoto.
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rayonfirethe2nd · 2 years
You ain’t the only one wheezing 💀. Also, NP BraH take all the time you need DUMBASS (jkjk). But fr don’t stress about it put yourself first and make sure you’re well. Thank you again my guy
-juice out 🧃
A/n: Hello! I hope I do this justice cuz this boutta get chaotic real quick!! I absolutely love these types of requests cuz I can finally unleash the inner chaos in me! Alright so imma do all characters lmao! Have fun reading, 🧃nonnie!!! Also, the format may look weird since I write on a computer, so some things may not look right on mobile, and I’m sorry for that- 💀💀💀
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So, like…..besties?
Uhhhh…yeaaaaa…he kinda fell in love with you being shy and stuff cuz he was being simpy about Jennifer Lawrence (canon) and so you also complimented her quietly and so he had heart eyes
Makes sense, yea?
So like he finally confessed after his dramatic take out, and reappearance again- mofo lowkey cosplayed Houdini- 
 So like, he was feeling himself one day when you randomly told him that you wanted to drop kick the guy in front of you for walking so slow
And he just- kinda looks at you like you just spoke a different language-
He was all like, “huh?” thinking he heard you wrong
But baby you ain't no hallucination, so you repeated it, now looking at him
And he just kinda nodded his head, feeling like he is in a fever dream, cuz
That aint his baby!!! His lover is sweet and soft spoken and so shy, so like- where the hell did you come from????
Eventually as you started to act more and more like yourself around him, the more this poor dude was like “wow”.
There was one time that he had to stop you from going at it with a vendor that was talking shit about you in another language you understood, and so Itadori had to pull you away like this:
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No more needed to be said, tanjiro depicts how Itadori would actually feel and look like while keeping you from annihilating the guy
However, Itadori would not change you for the world, and therefore it should be mentioned that he fell in love with you even more
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Bro is the guy holding you on a leash bruv 💀💀💀
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When you first met, he thought of you being quiet and all that, and he liked it cuz he was always surrounded by chaotic idiots (*cough* satoru *cough* itadori *cough*)
He liked being around you cuz you always exuded a nice aura although he still felt off about you for some reason- 👀👀
WELP- After confessing each others feelings over lunch, cuz mofo dont go around the bush and was blunt asf-
You guys would get teased left and right by your friends and classmates
One day you got fed up with Satoru’s idiocy and blurted out that you wanted to hang him upside down and tape his mouth to look like a pinata.
Manz was SHOCKED, BAFFLED, FLABBERGASTED, but all he could do in the moment was say “same” like the dude did not expect it at ALL
Following that incident he saw you with Nobara blowing your tops off yelling about something to the guy that was looking for a model and glossed over nobara
You were all, “how dare you, you blind nin com poop!!! SHE CLEARLY DESERVES TO BE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF VOGUE! HOW DARE YOU NOT RECRUIT HER AND GO AFTER A BASIC BLOND!!!” (I think it was a blond he asked, but if he didnt, I apologize- 💀💀💀)
So like the dude took you by the arm and literally swung you over his shoulder and BOLTED away before he heard nobara’s nagging-
However, he has learned to accept that he will always be surrounded by chaos and that the off feeling he got from you was prolly cuz of this-💀💀
Now he lives with you as the natural to your chaos and will kiss away your fight off of you so that he can continue getting groceries or at least he will promise kisses once you get back home if you behave 👀👀
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hello!! can i please request a matchup with the following fandoms: genshin impact, obey me and honkai star rail? i prefer to be match with a boy pls thanks ^^
i go by alex and my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t and my zodiac is virgo. my sexuality is demisexual
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things
my hobbies/likes: writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters & playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
that's all and thank you! ^^
- ✝️
Hi Alex! Thanks for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Writing buddies! He would love reading whatever your chose to show him. And he'd love it if you would read his stories and give him feedback as well!
Another one who doesn't particularly like vegetable (carrots in particular). Please make sure you eat them occasionally though! Or at least have the necessary vitamins!
Xingqiu also likes siting by and watching people more than socializing. It helps him with characterization for his stories.
He'd love sitting beside you watching the water in Liyue Harbor. He finds it relaxing and slightly hypnotizing as well. He might have to write that into his next novel...
Appreciates how honest you are. So many people always treat him carefully because of his family's status. It's nice having a change of pace.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Levi loves that you listen to him. He's so used to being ignored by his brothers whenever he rambles about games or anime so having someone listen means a lot to him.
The person who's most critical about himself but the minute you display the same tendencies regarding yourself, he's hyping you up! You're pretty cool for a normie you know!
Levi also isn't too fond of loud people or places. Sometimes he can get a little rowdy while playing games but he always apologizes afterwards.
As the General of the Devildom's Navy, he's in prime position to show you all the best places to watch the ocean. He can tell you lots of cool facts about it too if you're interested!
You two will never have a good sleep schedule. Levi stays up late gaming or watching anime/DevilTube. You stay up late writing down ideas for stories. Oh well, at least you can be tired together...
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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The most supportive person in your life! The minute he suspects you might be feeling insecure about yourself, he's swooping to remind you of all the wonderful things he sees in you.
Gepard will try to make sure you get to sleep at a reasonable hour but he also won't stop you from writing down your ideas. He knows they're important to you and the last thing he wants to do is interrupt your train of thought.
He doesn't get a whole lot of free time but when he does get a rare day off, he'd love to spend it with you going around town, gathering everything needed for a picnic and star gazing later in the day.
He'll bring along a book that lists all of the visible stars in the sky and will try his best to point them out to you. He just wants to make sure you're happy.
Gepard is also pretty used to listening to people. So he knows that sometimes you need to vent as well. If you feel like you need to talk about anything, he's there for you.
He also hopes you'll listen to him when he needs to vent about his work.
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samarecharm · 2 years
I had WHOLE ASS post drafted and realized i was just being mean fbdjndkdksk
wrt this reply tho, i agree i think?
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Like ye, i think its just personal tastes; you seek what u like. Trying to rephrase it better this time, i think what i meant was that i LIKE goro being a bit obtuse and awkward in the way he shows (all kinds of) affection. Hes got a lot of love to give! But i dont think hes like. Against showing that love? Does that make sense? Its the iteration of tsundere goro that makes him out to be very shy and delicate while feisty and actively refusing to show emotions, and that doesnt really do him any justice. I will leave it at that lest i ramble and be forced to add ‘long post’ to the tags 😭
As for akira hcs (for this ship/relationship); He is very patient bc being rowdy and angry got him in trouble. But hes got a bit (a lot) of a mean streak, and Goro seems to know exactly what to do to bring that messy side of him out. Which isnt good. Like at all fjdkkdkdjfj it calms down way after post base game when theyve been teammates for a while. But in the beginning, when theyre still trying to get the hang of goro being on their team (permanently; not including saes palace), quirks and smarmy comments included, Akira eventually pulls him to the side like.
‘Listen. Were friends. We work together. And we help each other. Because were family. And im letting you talk to my family and work with my family bc I think of you as someone who could also be in this family. But I have a limit to the amount of bullshit I can take, and the amount of mediating i will put up with.’ Bc akira is Okay but he is Only okay, and his shred of mental stability is hanging on for dear life on a daily basis. He is one really bad interaction or fight away from seeing red and blacking out in the depth of mementos and he would prefer if that didnt happen.
‘So were talking now. Because I want you to be here. Because i think you belong here. And if I didnt believe that, I wouldnt have bothered debating if it was okay to put us out of our misery and put you in the ground, because I wouldve done so without hesitation.’ And like YEAH goro is like WHAT the fuck ever, talk as big as u want i dont give a shit, but like. He is simultaneously pleased that they like his presence and want to keep him there, pissed bc WHO is he to fucking threaten him like that???? but also. Morbidly curious as to how Akira operates. I dunno how to put that into words. Their relationship would be Not the best and borderline toxic if they decided to get together when goro first started being a consistent member of the thieves. It takes time for Goro to mesh w the thieves in a positive way, and even longer to vibe w Akira enough to want to date him.
Anyway Akira is very nice when hes not being pushed into a corner to be a dick. Hes a ‘show not tell’ kind of dude; he likes taking goro out to hang with him. He buys goros favorite foods and snacks when hes out n about; he like inviting goro to the attic just so they can keep each other company. And Goro reciprocates in his own way; a bit rough around the edges and blunt but like, definitely as someone who wants to show love, not pretend its something bad or to be ashamed of
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bettermiya · 1 year
Hi! If you're still taking matchups, I'd love to have one! I have a lot of info here but I suppose that makes it easier to pick and choose HAHA as for genre/flavor of match i dont really care if it's more fluffy or smutty, i'm in my 20s
personality traits: introverted (distant, little interest in getting close to many people), extremely independent (often refuses to rely on others), confident (arrogant), straightforward (blunt, sometimes tactless), decisive, even-tempered, good sense of humor, playful, teasing, mischievous, realist that leans optimistic, curious (nosey), a bit of a troublemaker/rulebreaker, does not shy away from conflict.
hobbies: video games, watching anime, drawing (digital), painting (watercolor, acrylic), baking (but NOT cooking), reading, cosplay, thrill-seeking activities.
likes: cats, sweets, good food, winter, cool weather, lattes, traveling, piercings (i have 12), tattoos, puns (!), lazy days, learning foreign languages, cleaning, new experiences, trying new foods, trying new skills, people with a good sense of humor (quite subjective), people who are flexible and open-minded.
dislikes: dogs, spiders, bitter foods, hot weather, strong scents, pessimism, rigidity (in personality or environment), feeling restricted, possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for other people, boredom, when people don't stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure).
types / categories: intj-a ; 7w8 (yes i know type 7 is super uncommon for intj) ; love languages: physical touch, quality time (least likely to use/appreciate acts of service)
misc.: clumsy ; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "let's bust this popsicle stand" instead of "blow this popsicle stand") ; able to pick up new skills relatively quickly ; studied french, korean, and latin in university ; prone to being a bit directionless in life but is go-with-the-flow enough that it typically isn't an issue ; prone to bad luck but tries to find the humor in most situations ; life approach: to have fun and be happy, to live a life of varied experiences, to not take life too seriously, to not force meaning into life
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Your life is about to get a whole lot more interesting… your match is Nishinoya Yuu
Sometimes like calls to like, and your chaotic energy and puns (not to mention the baked goods) brought Nishinoya rolling into your path. Nishinoya finds your bluntness to be hilarious, though he sometimes gets offended when it’s directed towards him. Don’t worry, though, he takes what you say to heart only in the sense that constructive criticism and a new challenge are something he is always up for; and he has no problem issuing such challenges and criticisms to you as well. Though there may be a bit of an argument over who is going to be hitting to who in practice, you both help each other grow in your shared team position. He finally pulls you aside after spending some time together and agrees to teach you his Rolling Thunder move. You’ll share your special moves with him, too, right?
As an adult, Nishinoya spends his time traveling and reveling in new experiences, and he is sure you drag– bring– you along for the ride. Though there are times when travels lead you into hotter climates, he makes sure there are plenty of pools and oceans and lakes and cool places to make up for it. He buys you lots of ice cream. He promises to take you somewhere cooler with lots of snow in between the hotter places. While you are traveling, he points out every stray cat he sees and makes sure that before you leave, you both try some of the local sweets.
“Don’t you worry, I’m very flexible.” Winks.
Both of you get into plenty of mischief together, but he knows when to be serious and responsible. There may be a problem with who of the two of you will kill the spiders in the relationship. (“Really, we should just burn the hotel down, it’s the only responsible thing to do.”) But that’s okay, at least there will never be a dull moment. It might be hard to convince Nishinoya to slow down long enough for a lazy day, but if you bake some goodies, he’ll play video games with you and watch anime. (“I’m definitely going to beat you this time.”)
“Don’t forget, it’s okay to rely on others sometimes. That’s why volleyball is played with a team. It’s about connection and relying on each other to keep it going. We’ll rely on each other, okay?”
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thewingedmuse · 1 year
Hello I'm here for the game:))
My intials: "ZO"🫀♡
My chosen celebrity: EXO- PARK CHANYEOL♡
What i think godzilla thinks about you is that you're his BESTFRIEND such a fun person to be with and cheerful ,blunt, he love spending time with u alot and he thinks also that ur someone with a deep mind and kinda have a secret hidden personality that u dont show to anyone like being intelligent, philosopher,and quite, I can say that ur a bit mysterious for him ur he's really curious about you, you're such a interesting personality for him that he want to dive deep within to know the real you ☆that what I have hope you like it have a nice day☆and thanks for the game♡:))
Hello, thank you for joining if only I've known you and a bigger thank you for your exchange! You are correct about the secret hidden personality part. I'm flattered that the Titan would be curious to learn more about me haha. We sound like besties (or beasties?). ✨
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Card: Three of Wands (r)
I think you'd be a distance from him so he wouldn't be able to look at you properly the first time you meet, like in a concert. There's this feeling of newness, it feels like a blank page. His personality might be quite reserved but welcoming of meeting new people. You appear very chatty and fun to him. He's interested to hear all the things you want to share to him especially what you think about him and EXO, how much you love them. He would be very flattered by your praises and would also be very shy, like I saw him scratching the back of his head and smiling looking away. I think you come from a culture different from his so he'd be quite surprised by the culture shock when you share it with him. Generally his attitude towards you would be respectful, kind and a bit shy. He'd have a smile on all the time talking to you.
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I hope you liked the reading :) feel free to share your thoughts!
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kai-wanted-doa · 1 year
i feel honored. we recently went to go to LA to hang out with our friends. I am the newest person to this group, and there's a pair (calling them jack and jill) who we all know have dated for a very long time but we are all hazy as to wat their status is now but also who gives a fuck if we're all vibing.
Jill says to me "Jack's sisters have talked about who's his favorite -girl- friend is and it's you" that was so embarrassing to hear considering how much we annoy/make fun of the other. On this trip he literally made a video of himself with a sparkler casting a spell on me and saying "DIE DIE DIE" LMMMMAAAOOO it was a harry potter reference because he mentioned universal studios and how we all should go and I mentioned how I went last month, rode the Harry potter ride, was blown away, and finally binged all the movies and enjoyed it.
How true that statement was and what his real thoughts are, its ok whatever it is. I don't hang out with these friends very often at all and truly we don't all know each other well at all either (my bf may know them better since they've all been friends longer), so it's hard to believe I would even be considered as a close friend. Jack knows many people as well and has tons of friends I'm sure. But the thought that I could possibly be a fond friend of his is nice because from my end & my pov, my friendship with him is something that I actually cherish.
I've talked about this on my blog before a few times. I talk about it often and relive it because my troubles from that time still haunt me, but also because i was so happy to have jack's help. Awhile ago, my bf and I went thru a rough patch. It was very rough for me. My bf probably couldn't give a damn lmao he was chilling. He didn't know. I was the only one really hurting. To this day I am traumatized. It hasn't let up. Jack is the blunt type. I'm sure all our friends could see what was going on, but Jack was the only one who talked to me first (I wouldn't have spoken about it ever to anyone otherwise. I dont talk about my relationship problems with anyone but my blog lolll). Altho Jack can be a pain in the ass and loud mouthed and inconsiderate with how he teases, pushing boundaries and stepping on toes! He handled the situation very gently. He owned a game shop and a few of his friends were there playing games, and I was there waiting for my bf. Jack mentioned the elephant in the room, the rough patch in my bf and i's relationship. Before I knew it, I was bawling crying sobbing (while Jack's friends were just a few feet away from us playing games lmaooo!!!) We were playing tic-tac-toe while talking and he purposely lost every round because he knew a bifch couldn't take another L that night LOOOOL. After that night I finally had the guts to tell my bf what was bothering me. My bf listened and changed up, and our relationship got better.
I am still a very shy girl and I don't like to confront issues that will make matters uncomfortable, but Jack encouraged me that night to speak up. Since then, I've been trying trying get better and better. I still have trouble being more assertive, but for sure I made a leap and a step forward that night. If I hadn't gone through that and if jack hadnt talked to me, I'd still be several paces back.
So yeah, that's why hearing Jill say that I was possibly a good friend of Jack's made me feel so embarrassed, because I think of him as a decent friend too. So, to know that the feeling is possibly mutual, that was cool.
I don't know much about jack and I don't know how to respond very well to people when they are in need of comfort or direction, but I just hope I can be supportive of this friend in some profound way like how he did for me if he ever needed it. It's owed.
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
hiiiii!! can i request a romantic matchup with genshin impact? i prefer to be match with men pls thanks!
im 18 yrs old and my pronouns are they/them and im intp-t and my zodiac sign is virgo.
my personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too
my hobbies/likes includes writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love any sweets related to matcha green tea, i also like dark clothes, i like simple baggy sweaters and jeans, i really love a meadow full of lavenders
my dislikes are loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people
that's all and thank you!
- 🍂 anon
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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I will be honest, since you both have this small problem of awkwardness and being seen as intimidating about it, I kinda thought you and Cyno were similar on that regard. Two negatives can only make a positive, if math doesn't fail us. Cyno is also as observant as you are, always conscious of people and his sorroundings.
After warming up he is a bit more chill as he is with his friends, also a pleasant company to have (excluding the dad jokes, unfortunately you gotta be patient with them). Don't be worried about telling him what's bothering you: Cyno is a smart man in my opinion, as many who come out the Akademiya, maybe not academically or book smart, but I know he can use logic and rationality enough to help you.
Also, you said about horror and abandoned spaces? How about desert dates? Cyno knows desert well enough (otherwise why would he be shirtless all time) to go back and forth to the desert when he has free time at hand. I know it looks like a chore because all the walking, the sand and the sun, but he can be well prepared! With all the pyramids around the desert and abandoned tombs, he would have a lot of scary stories about possessions and curses to tell while you explore around. Also during the night, wouldn't be sweet to look at the night sky at the oasis?
Also about your little running from problems, I don't think Cyno would be one to let you metaphorically run away. You can try but you can't run. I know it sounds bad saying it this way but Cyno is a blunt man, and confrontation isn't something he's scared of for sure, and quick to notice your any change in your attitude and also quick to confront you about it as soon as possible.
Hope you like it!
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
hello!! could i please request a romantic twisted wonderland matchup, i prefer to be match with a boy pls thanks
my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t, virgo.
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things
my hobbies/likes:writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
that's it and thank you!
Crazy as this is a question thing I have been trying to set up on my profile and it works when an Anon asks. But, I digress, my first Anon and Twisted Wonderland request! I’m so excited, and I have just the match.~
I match you with…
Jade Leech!
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I think you and Jade are kind of an odd beginning, but seriously would have it no other way. Even his twin, Floyd, would think it odd that you guys stopped seeing each other, he’s actually part of the reason you saw each other in another light, with Azul watching a live rom-com take place. Yes, Azul did think about making what he witnessed into an actual production, but ultimately decided against it due to it being so genuine and not for the gag like he initially thought Jade was doing
He enjoys the honesty without sugar coating. While he has to be crafty with his words around clients and possible enemies from working in Monstro Lounge, you often just call him out when he gets caught up in a eloquent usage of diction. He loves how fresh of a look this is, it’s not often he’s finding someone who’s just so blunt about it. And weirder as it can get (I mean, what did you expect from an all-male school full of traumatized boys?), you’re doing it because you despise the dancing of verbal language. It’s simply not your style
He understands why your neutral expressions might give off the wrong vibes, he has to thank his twin Floyd for getting down and dirty just to get you to open up. Jade is more there in the beginning to make sure his brother doesn’t try to tear you apart emotionally or physically, possibly even a bit of both. Fortunately, later down the line, he seeks you out on his own accord and stages these little ‘coincidences’ to really get to know you. This just causes him to fall deeper in the oceanic ravine that’s dubbed as ‘falling in love with you’, as for the first time, his heart pumps hard with anticipation of how you’ll react next. It’s always so fresh with you
Sees qualities of leadership within you, personally thinks it’s truly endearing how you started off as a simple human terrified out of their wits to one that now has the entire upper social rankings of Nightraven College all in the palm of your hand. Impressed even, that you even corralled creatures that were supposed to beyond reason and logic once aggravated. What’s all that more hilarious for him personally is that you shy away from the conversation when it becomes too rowdy for your tastes as the massive accumulation of the group starts a ruckus
However, his favorite treasurable moments come from when it’s only a few people. Your personality begins to shine brighter than any oceanic relic gleaming in the sunshine. You’re a lot like his twin in many ways, though a lot less brutal in your execution in ideas. You’re going to melt this eel’s cold heart 💙
However, just like you’re good at reading people, Jade also gets ridiculously good at reading you. As your observational natures often mesh well, you tend to forget that Jade is checking in on you based off how you’re reacting at any given situation. At first, when he saw your signs of distress, he thought it best to let you come to him or anyone for that matter on your own terms. One of the very few poor decisions this eel has ever made as when you reached your near breaking point, you literally ran away from them all. It ultimately turned into a game of ‘Cat and Mouse’ except the whole school was trying to chase you down as you were getting way too emotional due to the lack of communication. You’re just extremely lucky that Jade, Floyd, and Azul found you first in your hiding hole. They would joke about how similar you are to Azul in this aspect, but Jade would be the one to stop the jokes and try to coerce you out so he can hold you, soothing you so you can tell him what’s wrong. He then promises you along with the other boys present that they’ll absolutely chase you down in order to prove how much they want to care for your little non-magical presence. You’ll be sure to be whisked away to Monstro Lounge as they get you to open up while you’re in Jade’s arms in hopes that there can be a more mundane solution. But I think Floyd really likes the whole chase idea though, he’s not against doing reckless stuff to stop you from running from your problems again
Please join this merman’s club. He will literally be so overjoyed that you’re willing to spend more time with him when given the chance. He’ll take you to places you would have never guessed to be in such remote places. His favorite location is an abandoned aquarium that the island gave up on due to its mysterious habit of collecting damages and murders. It’s also a fabulous place for his love of mushrooms to grow! Do expect him to try and make mushroom based meals from these excursions together. Consider introducing him to camp cooking, if you dare, but I personally bet that he would fall in love with this and fall even harder for you~
If you all have a beach day, Jade, with a deal in place without the usage of Azul’s contracts, will absolutely change into his merman form and have you ride along holding onto his shoulders. However, if given the chance to, he will dart away to a beautiful spot secluded from the main activities and begin quietly whispering his affections for you in his slick arms with his tail wrapped precariously around your legs to prevent escape from his clutches. Only ones that will find him is his twin and dorm leader when they realize that can’t see you two playing in the waves anymore, but they won’t disturb you outright, they’ll just holler to remind you to come back for a more personal date experience~
The follow ups are:
Leona Kingscholar
Jamil Viper
That’s all folks, until next time!
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
hi, i would like join ur valentine's event hehe <3 so i would like to request a romantic matchup!
i'm alex and i use they/them pronouns and i would like to be pair with ouran highschool host club male!
my ideal dates are a date in a coffee shop with a built in library inside and laying on a meadow full of lavender flowers while watching the night sky together
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words
my hobbies/likes includes writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders
my dislikes are loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people
that's all and thank you!
SOMEONE. OURAN REQUESTS alex ily thank you
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your valentine's date is... KAORU HITACHIIN
When away from his brother, kaoru’s much more relaxed and even a touch romantic (or as romantic as 15 year olds can get. He tries)
He really enjoys listening to you talk. So his version of a fun date would be something like stargazing and talking
He brings some snacks and drags you out one evening so you can lay in the grass and spend some time together
He’s rather quiet when he’s by himself, but desperately wants you to talk to him about whatever it is you ind interesting lately
Stories, the latest video, maybe true horror series youre watching–even if it scares him (he’s a wimp with scary things), he wants to hear about it all
Please make fun of him for being a wimp, though. He’ll get all embarrassed and stuff but it’s cute. He blushes easily and will deny it
Maybe he’ll tell you about the club. Maybe tell you about the latest fight he and his brother had and how he wished he had an identity besides him, but when you reassure him he does, he’s pretty inclined to believe you
After all, he has you, and you like him. That’s what matters
He never minds you being a bit stoic, he just tries everything to see you smile. It doesn’t bother him, but he does take it as a challenge
Including tickling you and giving you kisses all over your face
Very physically affectionate tbh so when you guys are stargazing he has to be holding your hand or some variation of holding you
Kaoru rights <3
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