#and then actually I could see if the one kpop girl at work wants to go but I literally never work with her and I definitely don’t know her
sluttyten · 1 year
I won’t go by myself to the concert (unless I really actually have to), but I asked my mom as my first resort since she would bring my dad and they could just like hang out in the city while I’m at the concert, and my best friend as my second resort because she would begrudgingly go to the concert with me, and neither one of them can/want to
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beesspacedotorg · 5 days
The Sky is Blue, the Grass is Green
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Summary: You love your girlfriend more than anything else in the world. It's not hard, she's perfect for you. You'd give her everything she could ever want and more still.
Warning: SEX LESBIAN SEX WITH GIRLS AND LESBIANS. I will say that reader has a vagina as does lino. hits is because I wrote this while half asleep after not sleeping for 16 hours with a sore throat and forgot to write gender neutral reader. outside of the fact that the reader has one of those body type is not specified because :|. uh. spanking (sorry, I'm me) and mommy kink (me) and girls being in love with each other
notes: happy pride month. I've been listening to a lot of music by sapphics recently and it made me gay. Also I saw some loser say that Chappell Roan is the first queer person to publicly yearn for women and that is phenomenally untrue. Internet person who I've never met, this was written to spite you. Sorry for not making this more inclusive to women of all body types or to all lesbians regardless of gender. mayhaps I will write something for you soon. EXTRA NOTE: Moon Chaeyoung is not a kpop idol (to my knowledge) she is Cindy Moon aka Silk aka a Spider-Man. Chaeyoung is her Korean name. sorry for the slander, Cindy, I love you more than anything but I needed a name.
You’re going to make her your wife one day. You know this with the certainty that you know everything else. The sky is blue, the grass is green, you are going to marry Lee Minho. You’re staring at her, watching her make breakfast (that isn’t actually breakfast because you’re eating it at 2pm) in an old school shirt of yours and you can feel your love for her swell through your heart to be pumped through the rest of your body. You think that loving her is the most effective drug on the planet, that people wouldn’t need anything stronger than an ibuprofen because just spending a minute alone with her is enough to give you a high unlike any other. She turns around to plate the food and catches you staring, she always does, and it makes her ears blush crimson.
“Yah,” she says it softly, “take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Why would I need a picture when I have the real thing right in front of me?” Her ears turn a new, deeper shade of red and she avoids your gaze.
“You’re a charmer, you know that?”
“I have the most beautiful woman in the world in front of me and you want me to be normal about it?” You roll your eyes playfully, and reach for your cup to take a sip of your juice.
“No, you don’t,” she says, suddenly.
“‘No, I don’t’ what?”
“You don’t have the most beautiful woman in the world in front of you,” she hands you your plate - with no eggs because you can’t stand them, and no pork because it makes you sick, and french toast the way your dad used to make on lazy Sunday mornings - made with love and care just like everything else she does.
“You don’t have the most beautiful woman in the world in front of you,” she repeats, sitting down next to you with her breakfast that’s completely different from yours, “I do.”
“Minnie Mouse?” You just came from work, calling through the house to see if she’s home, too. You can tell from the aggravated sigh that comes from the living room that she is, indeed, home.
“You could literally call me anything else,” she’s wrestling Dori on her lap, the tabby always staunchly opposed to having his nails clipped.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You sit down beside her and take the clippers, letting her soothe and calm Dori while you make yourself his least favorite for the night. You’ll live. He’ll come begging for attention when Minho’s too busy being great at everything to give it to him.
“The fun is not having your girlfriend break your toes in your sleep.” You laugh at her and bring her Doongie, holding him instead because he doesn’t care about the whole process even a little bit and you want to pet his soft head.
“Did you know there’s nothing they can do for broken toes?”
“Really? Doongie, please stop wiggling so much.”
“Yeah, they kind of just say ‘good luck’ and kick you out before charging you one million dollars for breathing hospital air.”
“American healthcare really is something. How’d you learn that by the way?”
“My friend had an experience once. Also, it was mentioned in a video game.” She laughs, kissing Doongie’s forehead, then yours.
“Did you learn anything else in that video game?”
“I have incredibly poor hand-eye coordination.”
“I could’ve told you that.”
“What- what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Will you get a towel to wrap Soongie in, please?”
“Hey, wait. Hey! You can’t just say weird things and walk away!”
(“Can you really tell that I have poor hand-eye coordination?” You ask her this while she’s splayed out under you, two of your fingers knuckle deep in her sweet cunt while a thumb circles her clit.
“What?” She’s out of breath and her chest is heaving in a way that makes her tits look even hotter than normal. You almost lose your train of thought.
“Earlier. You said you can tell that I have poor hand-eye coordination.”
“Jesus- you stopped fucking me to ask me that?” One of her hands that was cradling your wrist goes up to her eyes to rub at them. “You’re something else.”
“Well! I just remembered it! Maybe I’m not doing a good job-”
“Stupid girl,” she’s got you on your back now, seemingly not caring about the orgasm she was approaching before you got distracted. “When have I ever not told you when I didn’t like something?”
“Uh. Never?”
“Exactly, so why do you think I’d start now? With this?” She gestures between the two of you and you look, stupidly, like you will see something other than your naked, sweaty body and her equally naked, equally sweaty, incredibly sexy body.
“That’s… that’s a great question.”
“I was just teasing, jagi. That’s all.” She kisses the side of your mouth and you can feel the way her lashes flutter along your cheek in a perfect butterfly kiss. Everything about her makes you fall deeper in love the longer you know her, even her stupidly long and perfect eyelashes.
“So, about my hand-eye coordination.” She drops her head to your shoulder with another curse and your hand comes up to play with her hair.
“It’s still bad, believe me. I don’t notice it when we have sex, though. You’re perfectly good with your hands, jagi.”
“The best?” She smiles, kisses you on the mouth this time.
“The best.”)
She’s got you in between her legs in the tub, her strong thighs thrown over yours so you can’t move while she aims the jet of the shower head directly on your clit. It’s almost too much, it always is, an unyielding wall of pressure that sends shocks of pleasure through your body in a way that makes you squirmy beyond belief. The first time you did this to yourself, you ended up with bruises on your back, the first time you did this with her, you almost elbowed her in the face. As it stands, she’s got her arms wrapped around you as best she can as you whine underneath her.
“I can’t, I can’t. ‘S too much, please.”
“Jagi,” she coos it right into your ear, “you haven’t even came yet. You keep tapping out before it gets good. Don’t you wanna come, baby?” You nod and she tilts her head out of the way so you don’t nail her in the jaw.
“I want to, but it’s so much.” She coos as you again as your legs scramble uselessly for purchase underneath hers. The tile is too slippery for you to do so, and Minho’s thighs are no joke. She’s danced for years and her gym routine is nothing to scoff at. You could spend hours writing sonnets about her legs if you weren’t so distracted.
“You can though, can’t you, kitty cat?” Your hand pats frantically at her arm until she gets the message to hold it in one of her own. “You can be good for me, right? You’ll come the way I want you to?”
The sound you let out in response to that is more of a cry than anything else, she shushes you and kisses your cheek sweetly like she isn’t the one overloading your nerves with sensation, like the isn’t the one unleashing as much water pressure as possible on the most sensitive part of your body. She shifts her grip just slightly, adjusts the angle and that has you lurching forward so fast you almost knock her over.
“Silly girl, don’t run.” She pulls you right back to her chest, boobs pressed against your back as she fixes the spray directly at the angle that had you reeling. “I always forget how squirmy you get when we do this.” She giggles, like she’s watching a silly cartoon.
“Mommy,” you can’t think enough to say anything intelligent, high, pitchy moans coming out in place of words. You want to answer her, to tell her you weren’t trying to run, that you will be a good girl for her. She’s trained you better than this, but you can’t say much else beyond her title, beyond her name. You hope she knows what you’re trying to tell her anyway.
“Oh, jagi.” Her voice is soft and sweet, but the way she’s pinning you is not. Neither is the way she’s forcing you to take what she gives you. “Mommy’s here, kitty cat. Mommy’s got you.”
“Mommy. Mommy.” You’re repeating it, over and over, too dumb to say anything else as you feel the overwhelming input you’ve been receiving crest higher and higher. She hums after each mention of her name like she understands what you’re saying. Hums like you’re one of the cats meowing at her for attention. You suppose she’s not too far off.
You cum with a near silent scream, breath halting in your chest in a way that used to concern Minho when it first happened. She doesn’t keep the water pressure going for too long after that, dropping the showerhead to replace the stream with her fingers to help you ride it out. She only loosens her grip when you slump back against her, loose limbed and dazed, muscles still twitching from how tightly they were tensed. She kisses the side of your face and very politely keeps her hands above your waistline while you calm down.
“You feel better?” She’s holding the shower head again, and giggles when you close your legs, simply holding it to the side so it doesn’t spray water all over the floor.
“Mhm. Thank you, mommy.”
“I’m glad. Let’s finish showering, yeah? Mommy will clean you up.”
 (You’re leaning heavily against her as she guides you to sit on the bed, grabbing your respective lotions and hair care products and turning to take care of you first. You whine at her.
“Let me do yours!” She raises an eyebrow.
“Keep your eyes open for more than thirty seconds and maybe I will.” You lift your hands and manually pry your eyelids apart. She bats at them until you stop.
“Ew, it’s so gross when you do that. Freak.”
“I miss five minutes ago when you were telling me I’m the love of your life.”
“Five minutes ago you weren’t being a little shit head.”
“False. I’m always a shit head.” She hums and grabs your chin, wiggling your head a little until you look at her.
“No, sometimes, you’re my sweet little girl.”
“Oh.” There’s absolutely no hiding the way you react to her when she talks to you like that and your hands fly to her hips as she lets go and leans back out of your personal space to grab the stuff to start your post-shower routine.
“Let me eat you out.” It’s sudden, and comes out of you in a rush.
“What?” She nearly drops the bottle of leave-in, ears turning red.
“Please? Please. I’ll get on my knees right now.” She scoffs.
“You’re falling asleep as we speak”
“No, I’m wide awake right now. Please let me, please.” She hums.
“Let me finish what I’m doing and if you’re still speaking in full sentences and not going crazy with sleep induced hysteria, I’ll let you.”
“If you fall asleep you can have what you want in the morning.”
“You’re the best, ever.”
“I’m aware.”
By the time she’s done taking care of the both of you, you are definitely not well enough to be doing anything. That doesn’t stop you from trying though, and you fall asleep with your head pillowed on one of Minho’s thighs. She has to readjust you so you don’t suffocate in her cunt. What a way to go.)
Minho is having a bad day today. It isn’t often she has those, generally unflappable to most things, but she’d gotten into a fight with one of her work friends and came home in a huff.
“I just don’t understand why she won’t listen to me!” She’s slamming things open and closed around the kitchen while you sit on the counter. She works around you as she always does and doesn’t slam anything if it’s less than two feet away from you.
“I know, she’s a bitch. You should report her to HR or something.”
“I should!”
“I’ll help you draft the email. I’m very good at sounding bitchy in a nice way.”
“You are!” She’s aggressively chopping vegetables next to you and you rest a hand on her shoulder.
“Be careful of your fingers, lovie.”
“I’m always careful.”
“Of course you are,” you’re unusually agreeable because it will do nothing but harm to work your girlfriend up when she’s already upset. Besides, of the two of you, you’re more clumsy, so it’s not like you have any legs to stand on. 
“Do you want solutions to what’s going on, or do you want me to keep calling your coworkers mean names?” It’s nice to ask people what kind of support they want, you learned. Minho is a coin toss, sometimes she wants an immediate solution, sometimes she wants to complain. You always do your best to meet her where she is.
“The second one, please.” She’s sauteeing something in the wok, and it smells delicious. You peer over her shoulder.
“Pause. Is that pancit?”
“You’re the love of my life.”
“Yes, yes,” you touch your pointer finger to the tip of an iron-hot ear as she speaks, “please call Moon Chaeyoung a cunt again, it’s funny.”
And so you do, going into detail about all the ways Moon Chaeyoung is inferior at her job compared to your girlfriend until she asks you for genuine help.
(“Is there anything else you need?” She’s laying with her head in your lap as you make tiny braids in her hair. Her eyes are closing and she hums as she thinks about it. You’ve already given her all the advice that you can, her only course of action now is to do it.
“Well. I can think of some things.” She turns her head to the side and shoves her face into your crotch like an animal. You swat her shoulder lightly.
“You’re a horn dog. Insatiable.” She turns her eyes to you, squinting them so her cat-like gaze shifts from playful to predatory.
“Which one of us woke the other up this morning because they couldn’t stop shoving their hands in their pants?” She sits up, leaning over you.
“I was dreaming!” You’re giggling, slipping under her arm and moving away.
“You kept going after I woke you up!” She stands up, throwing her arms in the air indignantly. You cross your arms in response.
“I was horny!” 
“That’s exactly my point.” She has her head in her hands so the words come out muffled. She grumbles something and lunges after you. You squeal and head towards your room.
“Yah! Get back here you little shit!” She lets out a huff as you throw a cat toy at her.
“I thought I was the love of your life!”
“That was before you decided to run from me- don’t you dare close that damn door-” The bedroom door clicks shut and the sound of your giggles is uncontrollable. You hear her walk away before the lock jiggles and her head pops through.
“Guess who?” You laugh again, heading towards the bed to throw more things at her, it does nothing to stop her. It’s not long before she has you pinned underneath her.
“Hi,” you smile at her, leaning up for a kiss.
“All that and all you want to say to me is ‘hi’?”
“Yeah.” She rolls her eyes and flips you over as you yelp in surprise. You’re about to start questioning her when a sharp sting lights up your ass.
“Ah- Minho! Hey!”
“Stop squirming. I’m not done yet.” There’s another smack over your pants before she pulls them down and her palm is connecting with skin.
“This isn’t fair! I didn’t even do anything!” You’re protesting while laying limply across her lap. She laughs at you.
“‘This isn’t fair’ she whines. Why is your pussy so wet then, hmm?” She spreads your legs a bit and lands a smack there too, snickering when your legs close reflexively on her hand. “Be a good girl, jagi. Take what you’re given.”)
It’s sunny when you ask her. The air is hot and humid and she’s wearing this dress that’s making your brain melt out of your ears. You’re having a picnic, because you can, and she’s talking about this show that she’s watching with Jisung.
“And then- and you’ll never fucking believe this- he goes ‘I could never court her’ and she overhears. If that happened to me I would literally explode.” You hum, shoving a heart shaped sandwich in her mouth while you look at her side profile. She’s beautiful, sharp nose and a round face. You want to live the rest of your life with her.
You’ve talked about it before, on hazy mornings when the rest of the world is just waking. In the middle of the night when the only sound is the hoot of owls and the buzz of crickets. At lunch, at dinner, at breakfast. In the shower, over the phone, through text messaging when you’re at work. You both are listed on the cat's vet information, something she changed a year into dating that she was nervous about telling you.
  “I don’t want you to feel pressured,” she’d said, “or like they’re your responsibility. I can take you off if you want, but I thought that if I was out of town or if something happened, you should be able to take care of them.” She’d been nervous, ears red with shame instead of the cute way they flush when you flirt with her. 
“Thank you, jagi.” You don’t often call her that, preferring to torture her with bad puns using the syllables of her name, so her breath catches in her throat.
“You’re sure?”
“Of course.”
She knows every order that you get from fast food restaurants, she hounded your parents for their chicken noodle soup recipe when you got sick one time. She learned how to make your grandma’s spaghetti sauce and let’s you call her mommy in bed because it makes you feel safe.
She’s everything to you and then some, so when you tap her shoulder and hold out the ring you bought, it’s as natural as breathing. A fact of life, an inevitability. The sky is blue, the grass is green, you are going to marry Lee Minho.
“He keeps friendzoning her. It's absolutely despicable, like, are you blind or something-” She turns her gaze to you and her eyes go wide. “You’re joking.” Her eyes are welling with tears, something that you hardly ever see.
“I’m as serious as a heart attack, baby. Will you be my wife? I promise if you say yes I’ll start helping you make the bed in the morning instead of laying on it and making your job harder.” She hugs you, knocking you back onto the blanket you’re sitting on. The movement tips over your cup of lemonade and you damn near lose the ring.
“Of course I will. And you most certainly will not help. But that’s okay, I love you even if you create weird bumps in my sheets and mess up my hard work not five seconds after it’s done.” She kisses your face all over, resembling more like an overexcited puppy than the cats she favors, and you grab her hand to slip the ring on it.
“I love you, Minho. I really do.”
“I can’t believe I get to marry the most beautiful girl in the world,” she says, looking down at her hand.
“You don’t,” you start, kissing her cheekbone. “You don’t get to marry the most beautiful girl in the world. I do.”
(“You know,” she starts as you’re packing up, “I was going to propose to you soon.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Absolutely I am not.” She fishes around the pocket of her dress before pulling out a ring.
“This is so funny. Can I still have it?”
“Of course, it’s yours,” she slips it onto your finger, face heating up to match her ears, “everything I have is yours. Everything and then some.”)
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 10 months
As much as I love Han Jisung's whole "babygirl" persona, I feel like it's exagerated a lot on tv. He seems a soft boy, but the energy he shows in stage, his mannerisms, his expressions, and some stuff he does when the cameras aren't focusing on him, I feel like he's actually a lot more dominant that most people assume. Fans paint him as this cute, shy boy that blushes easily, but I have a strong feeling that he's actually a cocky little shit when he wants to and is the one to make you blush with his antics.
You expect to meet an awkward, soft boy the fans describe, but instead you face a flirting machine with a infuriating atractive cocky smile and a deep english voice he knows how to use.
He's the type to solve fights with angry sex because he doesn't know how to handle strong emotions, so he lets his body do the talk. He'll leave you breathless, unable to walk and seeing the gates of heaven by how far he pushed you. I feel he has a lot of pent up frustrations and is desesperate for a way to let them out, to break this "babygirl" image he has..
I have many MANY thoughts on this topic😍
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Warnings:🩻 Sexual content further down
For starters, it also frustrates me that he is given this Sub label constantly. I’m not saying that he won’t, because I definitely think he could be a pillow princess if he’s just so needy for any sigh of affection. But man is he in love with having things his way.
He told us himself that when he was younger he used to think he was the hottest person around (which I agree with this as a current fact) but that he has mellowed out. But I think he’s just grown up and mental health has become more prominent in his adult life as it does for some. His anxiety makes him seem weak to outsiders, which doesn’t help him with the baby girl persona.
I think people will always be drawn to that idea. Baby girl Jisung. But it’s just because he is such a fun, lovable dork that isn’t afraid to be silly and weird! I can totally understand where people interpret him that way, but he’s not. He is 100% a man that loves to be a geek and show off how excited he is. And I commend him for it.
I don’t think it helps that he’s compared to the other guys and people just don’t realize that they ALL do that same silly shit. Like come on. They are Kpop Idols That Are suppose touphold this sweet and innocent image; so of course his cuteness is perceived as baby girl.
But listen up… because I got a secret.
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Here comes the 18+ stuff
Han Jisung is aware of the effects he has on YOU. His one and only. His love. The lady (in this scenario I’m making up) of his dreams. And THAT is what really matters to him.
He doesn’t care how Stay view him. He knows he has their love and support and he loves them, but whether they call him Baby Girl or not doesn’t matter.
Because YOU call him everything. He’s you’re man, you’re hun, he’s your king, he’s you’re handsome quokka, and during some of his favorite moments he’s you SIR. ♥️
You both are equals. You are both huge dorks and act silly around each other. Making each other laugh to tears. You pay for everything equally, despite Jisung making quite a bit more. He shows up to everything when he can. But to top it off, neither of you care about gender roles. Especially in the bedroom.
He loves to be in charge. But that’s not a man thing. It’s a Dom thing. He spends all his time at work being an equal, so you give him this in bed. Reminding him how much power he holds and how strong he is. He fucking loves it, and so do you.
He’s so hot while he’s pounding into you. He had you on all fours, but he’s going so harshly that your face is smashed into the pillow and you are to fucked out to get a hold of yourself.
Han would still be slamming into you with so much force that you’ve already came twice. Tell you how good you are doing, but he’s got more in him.
He smacks your ass again to make sure you’re still conscious and you only moan at the contact. So he pulls out and flips you back over and hovers over you. You’re blissed out face holds eye contact with him. He’s so close, but you have to grab the back of his neck to confirm you really are okay. You just can’t seem to form the words to make him feel better right now.
He pulls back after a heavy few minutes of making out to look at you. You whisper “I love you”
He smiles fully, but the concern in his eyes is still there. “I’m glad, but do you need me to stop? You seem sleepy, babe.”
You shake your head furiously and your eyes open so wide at the notion. “No, sir, I’m fine! I was just so in the moment… And you really made me cum so hard that I was still coming back from that.” You finished your answer shyly and it made him see stars.
He had felt it, but he still needed to make sure you were still good to go. “Okay, baby, but you need to speak up if you need me to slow down! You know I love you no matter what.”
You nodded and he took the opportunity to fold your legs into yourself and lined himself with your messy cunt. You were back to being fully aware of how hot your man is as he slowly inched his thick cock back into you.
You whined, “God Hannie, you fill me up so much. How have you not split me in half yet?”
He grunted as he met your pelvis with his own. “Your pussy just wants me to keep ruining you. I’ve trained your cunt so well. Made just for me.”
He was back to slamming into you. And you immediately started moaning into his mouth. Your lips hovering and touching slightly as you both panted into each other. But this wasn’t enough so he angled himself to hit that sweet spot and get you going again.
You grabbed onto his back as you felt yourself getting closer. The claws and scratches you were making egged him on more. You tightened around him too and he let out a high pitch groan in surprise.
He gripped the sides of your throat and asked simply, “Who do you belong to?”
The addition of pressure to your neck sent you closer. You were nearly screaming at the crest “You! H-h-hannie i am yours fully!”
And you both flew over your peaks as he painted your insides. Your moans were a beautiful harmony and you felt so relieved to have felt that together.
Han Jisung is a soft Dom and will fuck you up. But also remind you how perfect you are the entire time.
Spooky Pookies: @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @moonlightndaydreams @sweetracha @linlinaert
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lewisvinga · 4 months
love talk | zhou guanyu x fem! reader
summary; in which during traveling for formula one, he meets a girl in the streets of mexico. despite not knowing a lick of spanish and her not knowing any mandarin, they find themselves growing closer.
warnings; reader is implied to be mexicana obviamente , but none
taglist; @namgification
word count; 760
notes; requested! omg but i used to be a kpop fan like 2 years ago and wayv were my fave unit of nct😭😭😭 but since they’re the chinese unit i decided to write about zhou🤭 this could’ve taken a more 18+ route bc of the meaning of the song but i don’t write anything like that😭
masterlist !
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Y/n furrowed up her eyebrows as she noticed the plaza busier than usual. She huffs as she tries to find a place to sit so she can eat her food peacefully. Her hands clutch onto the sides of the plate as she walks around.
She lets out an excited gasp when she sees an empty seat across from a man. She mentally prayed and hoped that the man wasn’t waiting for a girlfriend to sit down.
“Disculpe, puedo sentarme aquí?” [excuse me, can i sit here?] Y/n questions with a hopeful smile to the man as she points to the empty seat. He looks up with a confused face, clearly not understanding a single word she said. Her eyes widened. She could tell that he definitely wasn’t Mexican.
“Uh-“ Her brain seemed to cut like a circuit.
But he gives her a soft smile as he points at the seat across from him. “Sit. Uh, you can sit here.” He says with a slight nod. She wasn’t fluent in English but knew an okay amount due to her cousins who lived in America. So thankfully, she understood him.
“Tha-Thank you.”
To avoid such awkwardness, Y/n mustered up all her confidence and decent English skills to at least make conversation. “I’m Y/n.” She says with a nervous smile, holding her hand out. “Where are you from?”
“Guanyu, but everyone calls me Zhou since it’s my last name.” He replies with a smile. “I’m from China. I’m guessing you’re from here? Mexico?
Y/n tilts her head to the side out of curiosity. “Yes!” She exclaims with a nose, “But why are you in Mexico?” He thought her curious look made her look adorable and had to hold back a laugh.
“I-uh- race cars.”
Her eyebrows furrowed up more. “Race cars? Like Checo Pérez?”
Guanyu laughs at the mention of the only Mexican driver on the grid. “Yeah, like him basically.” He says, noticing how her eyes immediately lit up.
She leans in closer, feeling her previous nervousness go away despite having to speak in a language she didn’t know. At least she could understand el hombre guapo the handsome man. “How does- How does it work?”
Despite using the translator app on his phone, he managed to explain to her how Formula One works. Soon after, they started talking about anything and everything- of course with the help of the translator app.
It was getting dark, near midnight, and instead of still being at the table talking, they were walking around Mexico City as she showed him around her hometown. Since it was getting dark and he needed to get up early the next morning, he hesitantly told her he had to go.
Both of them felt sad by the fact he had to leave already. Y/n felt some type of connection with him even if she had to converse with him through a translator app half of the time. Guanyu wanted to spend the whole week with her if he could, he couldn’t get enough of her smile and her laugh as she messed up a sentence in English.
Luckily, his hotel was nearby so they walked together, their hands brushing against each other. The Alfa Romeo driver got a sudden burst of confidence and grabbed her hand in the middle of talking. She glances at him with a wider smile as she looks away. He continued talking about what his home was like until they made it to the front of the hotel.
They stood in front of each other for a moment, staring at each other with happy smiles. “Actually, y/n,” he spoke up as he let out a chuckle, “Your number, could I have it?”
“Finally you asked.” Y/n happily replied as he handed her his phone. After typing in her phone number, she hands him back the phone. “Call me.” She smiles before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Adios, Zhou!”
Guanyu stood there in shock as she began to walk away. “Bye, Y/n!” He quickly says, realizing that she had said bye. He lets out a laugh in disbelief as he glances down at her number on his phone. He had gone out to explore Mexico before the start of the race weekend to sightsee the city, but he never expected to find someone special. Even with the slight language barrier, he knew that she was going to be something more to him. After all, even if they used a translator to communicate, love talked just enough for the both of them.
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
Sweet Darling (m)
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Pairing: tinkerbell's son!chan x fem!reader x Hook's son!wonwoo
Genre: smut
Word count: 6.6k
tags: daugther of wendy!reader, established relationship, yearning, poly, wonchan doing what bros do, suggestive mlm content, cunnilingus, voyeurism, exhibitionism, hair pulling, dirty talk, Silk restraints, praise kink , spitting, cum eating, cumswapping, unprotected sex, double penetration.
Summary: "Trouble in paradise with little Darling?" Chan was really unsure taking the advice from a child of Hook, but as a man in love, Chan knew the heavier the risks, the higher the reward.
author note : I have a bagillion requests to get to but here comes more self-indulgent fics! thank you @wonwussy and @multi-kpop-fanfics (happy birthday my pretty darling 💗) for beta reading and below are some of my fave notes of theirs :)))))))))))
"NOT WONWOO JUST SHOWING UP" "Wonwoo is Chan’s biggest supporter" - SJ "chan was brave I would have cum on the spot" "wonwoo pirate whore confirmed" -zeta
Tagging: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @honglynights @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han
Chan has been the happiest he's ever been in a long time. As a child of one of the legendary fairies of the century, Chan had a lot to live up to. His mother has worked hard to prepare him for their line of work and she’d be damned to know she poured her blood sweat and tears into him getting into a good university to find out he was dating the daughter of Wendy Darling of all people. 
Chan’s mother could never stand that so called ‘wretched girl’–always sticking her nose in places she shouldn’t have been–and it’d be an extra hot day in hell if Chan was ever caught fraternizing with such the likes.
That’s why he had kept it such a secret. Although Chan loves and respects his mother, the moment he laid his eyes on Darling kin, he knew it was over. It was a forbidden affair that may have initially swayed his decision-making in pursuing you, but over time, he had truly fallen for you, calling the first time he saw you ‘love at first sight.’
You stunned everyone with your effortless beauty and grace and eventually, they began to learn more about your kind heart and demure demeanor. It was inevitable that everyone became enamored by you, including Chan. 
Being able to take you to the formal was a dream come true. What surprised him the most was that you seemed just as infatuated with him and that it wasn’t just a pity date or a yes disguised as something else, you actually enjoyed his company. But it wasn't enough that you liked him. He wanted you to be irrevocably taken by him. 
He had to occupy your every day, your every thought, your every breath. You had to be obsessed with the fact that there is no other person in the world for you. At least not like Chan. No one was like Chan. Just as there was no one like you. For you, you deserved something special.
"Wonwoo, you're a heathen. How do you bring excitement to the…you know?”
The young pirate raised a full brow, eye twitching back at the pestering fairy who had just insulted him like nothing. “No l don't know. What?”
“You know. The pleasure.”
Despite their families opposing histories, Chan and Wonwoo fairly got along. They were acquaintances at most and were typically surrounded the mutual friends, today was different seeing as everyone else was busy with the matters of classes and assignments. Eating with someone was better than eating alone, according to Chan, and it seems Wonwoo shared the same sentiment as he willingly agreed. 
Chan had his annoying moments–Wonwoo found most fairies naturally have those kinds of qualities, just take Chan’s mother as an example–but the blonde lad was entertaining when he wanted to be in a rather whimsically endearing way. Wonwoo normally found those individuals disgustingly nauseating, but it worked on Chan.
Wonwoo grinned knowingly. He leaned over from the picnic bench, a palm to his cheek. With the tree towering over him, shadows caressing his face aesthetically. “What's that?”
Chan let out an exasperated exhale, lightly tugging his bright blond hair. “Sex, Wonwoo! I'm talking about Sex!”
“Why? Trouble in paradise with little Darling?”
Word got around about Chan’s relationship with Wendy Darling’s darling daughter closer to the day of the formal, but that was before the scene the conflict containing the beast’s child, Gaston’s son, and apparently Ariel’s son. Wonwoo could never properly keep up with peer gossip as it was usually blown out of proportion (most of the time that it, this cup of tea was rather scorching).
Chan scowled at the accusation. “Of course not!” He twiddled his fingers, bottom lip jutting out. “l just want to make it more special for her this weekend. Seeing as you have more than enough trolloping in your history to count as a human brothel, l thought it'd be interesting to get your ideas.”
If Wonwoo took offense to Chan’s jab, he didn’t show it, and instead asked, “Your lady like knots?”
“Like ones slathered in garlic sauce?”
“...No. Like rope.”
Chan’s eyes rounded out in concern. “Wouldn't that hurt?”
The young fairy’s expression amused Wonwoo, a chuckle escaping him. “No, not if you do it right. Never mind. Let's start with something easier. How do you kiss?”
Chan broke out in a wide smile reliving your many kisses and his cheeks emitted a tinge of pink. “Well, she kisses lovely. Rather shy. l just make sure she's comfortable.”
“Snore. No wonder you need my help. Come here. I'll show you.”
“Show me?” Chan repeated, leaning his body away with arms crossed into an ‘X’ over his chest. “Why, you must’ve confused me with a harlot such as yourself.”
“Calm down twinkle toes, I’m not here to corrupt you”–although the thought was tempting–“I’m just going to show you the right ways to do things.”
Wonwoo redirected himself now next to Chan, sitting on the same picnic side parallel to him. He told Chan to meet him at eye level, causing the other to sit up straight. Wonwoo took the side of his face, “Now listen carefully.”
A shudder suddenly went down Chan’s spine. “W-where is this really going?”
“You asked for my help,” Wonwoo reminded, grin taunting back at Chan, “don’t be scared.”
Wonwoo’s hand crept on the back of Chan’s neck, rough fingers threading up his blond locks. “You’re gonna want to play with her hair.” Wonwoo let the locks glide between his digits gently, curling at the ends, and Chan could feel micro hairs stand on his arms. “Like that, okay?”
“Mm-hmm.” Chan croaked.
“Good, now answer looking back at me.”
Chan hadn’t noticed at first, but instead of looking back into Wonwoo’s eyes, he had been actively avoiding. The blonde had himself force his eyes back on his company. “Y–yes.”
“Alright.” Wonwoo tilted the angle of Chan’s face, utilizing his thumb, and began leaning closer, his breath tickling the blonde’s cheek. Chan visibly swallowed, blinking back in quiet anticipation. Wonwoo's eyelids drop gently, and his lips–startlingly plump and pink–began to part. “Now when you’re this close, you give her the chance to breathe. Let her learn patience. Tease that patience. Let it fester.”
“Yeah, s-sure.” Chan responded, his heart building up until it was hitting a million beats a minute, at least it felt that way.
“You only get closer from there,” Wonwoo added. He inched closer and closer, lips only mere atoms away, and Chan can’t help but shoot his eyes up in alarm. But Wonwoo just kept talking, soothing and deep, alluring even to Chan. “You can feel how excited she is from here, her heart probably erratic from the distance.” 
Chan developed a deeper red on his cheeks, relating all too well to that statement, but of course not the exciting part. That was reserved for you. Yet, his mind ran through a thousand different questions, one of them being why he wasn’t entirely repulsed by this. “Finally at the right time, your lips meet. It's warm, his comforting, and you take advantage of that pressure until it's hungry, gritty, starving.”
Chan sighed without thinking, already accepting his fate. Then Wonwoo’s lips stretched over his face in that devilish smile withdrawing, the warmth that once there taking a leap away from Chan. “She won’t know what’s coming to her. You're welcome.”
The oxygen knocked out Chan’s lungs, pulling him back to the present. He jumped up from his seat to collect himself, obviously clearing his throat before picking up his things. "Uh, thanks, ahem, Wonwoo. That helps."
“Anytime, Chan.”
Chan got up to leave soon after, trying to melt the image of Wonwoo from his brain, but he got what he needed. Wonwoo, despite his less-than-orthodox methods, knew what he was talking about. Chan would just have to trust his word.
That same night, Chan had put his friend's advice to the test. He called you over for an at-home date night and he was already itching to see the magic from the lesson. You playfully held the bottom of the hem of his shirt, taking short bursts of kisses Chan lands against your lips. 
You hard fell into a natural rhythm with this routine, seeing as he was a little predictable. However, when he ran his fingers through your hair, your giggles melted into moans, skin stinging with every puncturing touch of his digits digging into your scalp and putting at your hair. Your bodies entangle with one another and naturally fell against the firm surface of his mattress, hips pressing into one another until your kisses fell more languid and deep.
“Chan,” you whispered, getting quite comfortable with this new side of him, "Well, that was rather different."
"Do you like that,” he asked softly, eyes still rounded like a puppy dog claiming his treat.
"Very much yes," you reeled him in closer, "What else can you do ?"
Chan thinks of an answer but fell flat. His mind just went completely blank from your question and now the arousal he once felt died along with his movement. He stuttered with his words, ashamed by his inability to respond and his uncertainty take the next steps, and he’s already pulling apart from you. Performance anxiety. It gets to everyone at some point eventually. "I'm sorry."
You sat up next to him, your brows dipped in concern. Your hand glided over his back, stroking in order to soothe his nerves. "What's wrong? Why are you apologizing?"
"I just wanted it to be perfect." He admitted.
He’s had his modest share of intimate partners but none were like you, who he was impossibly infatuated with.
"The first time isn't always is. We knew that."
"But 'ours' should be. I even asked the pirate for help.” He pulled at the tufts of his blonde, shutting his eyes tight in frustration.
Your eyes shot open, "You asked Wonwoo for help? What good would he do?"
"He just knows these kinds of things better than I do." Chan sighed.
"Say that again, I need that as my ringtone." Wonwoo, out of thin air, appears before you both, smickering at the painfully awkward sight leaning up against the door frame of Chan’s bedroom. "There really is trouble in paradise."
Cham jumped up from the bed, shocked at his appearance. "How did you get in here?"
"Pixie dust,” Wonwoo answered sarcastically before pointing his thumb back into the living room, "Your door was unlocked. Everyone could hear your–well lack of–sex life."
Chan fell back into bed, embarrassed beyond repair. "Kill me now."
"That won't be necessary," Wonwoo reassured, relieving himself of his burly coat as it dropped to the ground. “I said I’d help.”
Chan huffed, sneering back at the pirate, “I see what this is. I come to you with advice on being a better lover and you sabotage me by ‘pillaging’ and ‘plundering’ my beloved.”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes, “I don’t ‘pillage’ or ‘plunder’ people. Even if I did, your Darling wouldn’t be one of them. I am an honest pirate.”
“An ‘honest pirate’ frankly sounds like an oxymoron.” Chan rebutted. 
Wonwoo was getting annoyed by Chan’s accusation but every damn nerve in him told him to stay against his better judgment. He crossed his arms, looking back at Chan sternly, “Look, you can argue with me all day, but every second you argue, is a second longer your little girlfriend doesn’t get to cum, so be my guest, insect.”
Chan scoffed, hands on hips. Offended didn’t even begin to start describing how Wonwoo made him feel.  “Fine. Let’s see how you do it then!”
“Chan!” You interrupted, cheeks hot from the lingering embarrassment of knowing you and your boyfriend had gotten caught in the midst of your activities. Wonwoo, the cheekiest pirate that everyone on campus knew, just so happened to know the intimate details of it before stumbling upon it in real-time, and now seconds away from being involved due to your boyfriend’s reflex to prove someone wrong.
Chan’s anger dissipated upon hearing your voice, immediately coming to your side. “I’m sorry, my love. That just came out. Of course, nothing will happen. Not without your permission.”
Your eyes shift from your boyfriend to the intruder, who pirated all over your intimate moment. You should’ve been mad you were interrupted, you should’ve been mad that Chan brought up your private details with someone on the outside, but all you couldn’t help but feel was intrigued. The fact that Chan was fine with another man joining was surprising, to say the least, but you’d be lying if you had thought it was a rather appealing image that sent arousal between your legs. 
You clenched your thighs together, comparing Chan’s soft gaze with Wonwoo’s cocky one, eventually nodding your head in bashful interest. “It’s new, and rather different than what I’m used to, but If it’s something you’re willing to try, I am too.”
Chan smiled gratefully, pressing a kiss to your lips, before turning back to Wonwoo with a slight scowl. “Okay, what did you have in mind, pirate?”
Wonwoo grinned, proceeding to walk closer to the couple before joining them at the corner of the bed, dressed down in a simple black shirt and black ripped jeans. “Baby steps, what I’ve already taught you at lunch today.”
“He taught you something?” You questioned in bemusement.
Chan tried filtering through the blush on his cheeks but failed. “It’s not what you think, he just…gave me some direction.”
“Since I’ve shown Chan what to do,” Wonwoo’s hands came up to rest on your shoulder, burning hot against you, “It’s time I show you what to do, little Darling.”
You’ve always had a hate/love relationship with the endearment ‘Darling.’ Since it was your family name, it came with the repercussions that everyone thought it’d be okay to refer to you as such instead of your given name, but hearing how it rolled off Wonwoo’s tongue sounded like pure sex. 
“You touch her in a way she resists, I’ll kill you, Jones.” Chan threatened. 
“Relax, I won’t. Milady, do you consent to me kissing you?”
You nodded, watching as he inched closer to meet you at eye level. “As I said with Chan, It’s all about the teasing, the build-up for the kiss.”
Chan watched over patiently as Wonwoo did the same steps he learned today: the touching of the hair, the gradual closing of each other’s body, his breath visibly lingering close enough to your lips that you could make out the spearmint gum he’s been chewing. Wonwoo smiled to see how much more cooperative you were compared to Chan, who was already fuming at the sight.
“You caught up now, Miss Y/n?”
“I-I think so.”
“Good. Now I’ll show you what I haven't shown Chan, but you’ll be teaching him soon after, alright?”
You quietly nodded. Soon, Wonwoo met your lips for the first time, tasting, and reveling in sweetness that was supposed to be Chan’s and only Chan’s. Anger fueled the young fairy, his knuckles turning white from balling his hand in fists, but it soon melted seeing your face.
Wonwoo kissed differently from Chan, not in a way that was better or worse, but it opened your body to a new possibility you haven’t explored yet. The pirate’s hand traveled from your face to your side, pulling you by the hip towards him, in turn releasing a yelp down his throat. You made no protest, seeing as the action only enhanced the current situation, and you feel your hands move on him just as naturally, playing at the buttons of his shirt.
His tongue caressed your lips for entry and you gave access, having now your saliva mixing in an obscenely decadent way. You moaned moving closer to him, your knees now digging into the mattress in the process, lost in heat. Your body arched into his, feeling the firm definition beneath his clothes. It felt so different and wrong and addictive. 
“My love,” Chan breathed out. The complex emotions running through him made the fairy’s possessive nature conflict with the arousal stemming from such an erotic scene unfolding. All that was clear was that his pants were tightening at the crotch.
You immediately pulled away from Wonwoo at the sound of Chan's soft timbre, a hand to your mouth, shocked by your own actions. “Have I–oh, dear.”
Chan shook his head, “Not like that, Y/n, I’ve just realized now how beautiful you look needy and desperate. It’s…exhilarating.”
You covered your face, hiding behind his deliciously sinful words, typing to ignore the damp tension you tried so hard to clench away. Wonwoo simply chuckles, “She’s a natural.” He pulled your hands away from your face, gentle encouragement in his surprisingly kind eyes. Kind for a pirate anyway. “Time for you to show, Chan. Do exactly as I’ve taught you, and he will follow. He’s a good student too.”
You quickly returned to Chan, need flooding every orifice of your body before catching him in a liplock. You made use of your lesson, playing with Chan's hair, trailing your hands over Chan’s body, and letting your lips follow the pace of your heart, practically devouring the plush cushion of Chan’s lips. Chan mimicked your movement to a tee, catching up at sonic speed, and you could feel his pulse quicken beneath the palm of your hand. 
“That’s it,” Wonwoo led, “Chan, don’t be shy about doing things out of the box too, she wants you just as much as you want her.”
Being a high-achieving student, Chan pulled you in his lap, straddling him, where you were grinding against him like a pair of horny teenagers. His hands found home on your chest, cupping the fullness of your breasts through your clothes. An obscene moan followed soon after.
Chan smiled at Wonwoo’s sincere rally before continuing to work into your liplock, that was hardly working at all seeing how seamlessly your bodies meshed like one. Slowly, articles of clothing began coming apart from your bodies, skin exposing without a second thought until you were only left in your underwear. You could practically feel yourself dripping between your legs, and at this point, you would be actively worried about it getting on Chan’s thighs, but you were too lust blind that the thought never reached your brain.
Chan’s newly acclimated fascination with your breasts had him appreciating them to their entirety, feeling how the peaks hardened under his touch and tasted on his tongue. His only regret was that he didn’t learn it so much sooner. Then came your body, soft and lively under his fingertips. He could feel every goosebump, every curve, every delicate feature of your body, unable to believe you’d given yourself to him like this. Balls of flesh in his hand, he held you like a man gone mad, crotch thrusting into you as if his erection was seconds away from busting right out from his pants.
Meanwhile, your hands glided over Chan’s sculpted muscles, internally squealing at their firmness while moisture flooded your core. For a fairy, everyone expected them to be dainty and delicate, much due to the attention they placed on their magic rather than physical labor, but beneath Chan’s pristine exterior, he was rugged. 
The valleys of his abdomen were deep, making your hands slide through like butter, and his arms–both large and built to provide safety–embraced you with blistering heat. Your mouth water at the simple thought of them pinning you against a flat surface, your feet far from touching the ground. God, his body was made for worship to the level of a deity and you would take all of eternity to do it. “Mmh, Chan…”
His hand in your hair stroked it sweetly, but his teeth pulled at your bottom lip’s resistance, “All for you, my love. Tear me away, lash at me, bring me in ruin. I am at your beck and call.”
“So glad you mentioned that, Chan,” Wonwoo obnoxiously interrupted, “because you’re going to do something for Y/n that I’m sure you’ll both very much enjoy.”
Wonwoo directed you to sit up against the bed frame while he handed something off to Chan, whispering in his ear. Chan accepted it before making his way to you, parting your legs with the nudge of his knee. His smile is unwavering as he reached down for your hands, thumbing over the back of them. Abruptly, he took them both above your head, having you stare back at him anxiously. Utilizing what Wonwoo gave him personally, a single silk scarf, Chan tied you down at your wrists, looping them through on the nook of the bedframe to ensure escape wasn’t an option.
“He said they’d be better than rope.” Chan blushed. “At least, I won’t have to worry about you getting hurt.”
“What are you going to do to me, Chan?” You asked slightly afraid, but your fear is overwhelmed by the presence of thrill.
Still smiling, he doesn’t answer and instead lowers his body, hands smoothing over your legs. Wonwoo, who previously had just been watching aside from your kiss, sat behind Chan, watching the tremble of your legs and you couldn’t help but feel naked under his gaze. Chan's kisses feathered over your inner thighs, teeth nipping at you during his slow entry, and his arms came up beneath you to tug you against his lips. 
“Oh…” You let out, feeling his mouth move against your molten core.
“You’re so wet for me, my love, mmh…”
Chan’s tender love has yet to be translated into sexual initiation until this very moment and, damn, it was the most amazing thing you’ve ever experienced. His whispers tickled your skin before it was captured by his mouth. Teeth colliding with your folds, the light strokes of his tongue, you can feel how he’s careful, appreciating every fold, making sweet sweet love your messy core. Then, Chan pressed deeper, exploring your warmth, ravaging you, and cushioning his cheeks with your thighs. He groaned into his feast, sending vibrations up your body.
Your eyes fluttered out of bliss, whining about your inability to touch his soft hair or pet his handsome face, instead, you could gaze back at him, crying out his name until your throat would give out.
“Isn’t he pretty,” Wonwoo commented, his hand ran through Chan's thick locks, taunting you with his free hands, and a growl ran low in your throat. “He’s just eating you right up. Tongue buried in your pussy…lips wet with your sweet syrup…he’s obsessed with you little Darling.”
You slightly glared back at Wonwoo, loathing the accuracy of his words, but the distraction Chan is causing made it difficult to manage. Your legs wrung on either side of your boyfriend’s head, chest alleviating the harsh breaths escaping your lungs and to your demise, and that only amused Wonwoo more.
“Chan, you can do better than that,” the pirate encouraged, now curling his hair between his fingers, “Let me help.”
Wonwoo’s fingers threaded through Chan’s bedhead now rougher, mercilessly, he pressed Chan’s face deeper into your warmth, your collective moans bouncing off the walls. Your fingers curled in anguish, the heat of Chan’s tongue so far inside of you made you madder than the local hatter. Wonwoo was more than satisfied by both of your responses and rewarded your boyfriend with a light stroke to his head, ebbing out the cute whines from the blonde.
“Don’t forget to look up, Chan.” Wonwoo pulled Chan’s head slightly back, lips still on you, now watching you with a mindless glow. Blown-out eyes stared back at you in hunger, the image of your malleable state burning into the very depth of his soul. “Take a good look at that face. Listen to her moans. Isn’t she the most darling of Darlings? Chan, you lucky dog.”
“I am lucky,” Chan mumbled, before running tired stripes up your slit, mesmerized by the slow drop of your swollen upper lips, drool falling out of the corner. Rounding out his mouth, suctioned to your entrance, and in doing so you only get louder, whinier, needier. “My love tastes so sweet in my mouth.”
Chan was too good of a listener and Wonwoo took full advantage. Per the pirate's instructions, Chan’s lips wrapped around your clit, the presence of his fingers claiming the spot of his tongue. They pushed in and out of you addictively, following the clench of your sopping cunt, and gushing out your scent that later drips down his forearm. How wet it was, how animalistic it looked, the melody of your voices joined together in sinful harmony brought shivers to Wonwoo’s spine. He couldn’t be more proud. It was like he was watching Chan’s congratulatory ceremony, the diploma being you coming apart before both the men’s eyes.
“I’m—Mmh—gonna cum…Chan please…”
“You heard her, Chan, make her dirty little cunt cum in your mouth…that’s it…just like that,” Wonwoo returns his attention to you, “Do it, little darling, defile his pretty little mouth. Make it that it's only your cum he tastes for weeks.”
The vulgar language pushed you to the edge, bucking your lips until you vibrate like a toy against Chan. Your voice resonates throughout the room. This put no stop to Chan letting it linger, fingers ramming inside you in slick friction as you gush in his mouth like candy. All the blonde does is chuckles, collecting your nectar in his mouth.
“Good boy, Chan,” Wonwoo complimented, “Now spit it in her mouth.”
Chan was quick on his feet, letting sweetness fall above from his lips into your mouth in crystal clear ribbons in a rough spat. He held a smile so wide and manic on his face, he was unrecognizable. You took every bit of it it, savoring you on his lips and tongue before Wonwoo commanded, “Again” and Chan’s back on your pussy for seconds.
You were already recovering from orgasm milliseconds before now you were going to take another. Chan got less timid over time, even spitting his findings back into you. His intoxicating chuckles played in your ears, flushing your skin, and if he ate you out like this every day of every hour, you would not complain.
Wonwoo, the director and mere spectator didn’t let himself get too involved, only palming his erection while he enjoyed the show. His hand would occasionally come back against Chan’s hair, leading him in the right direction, but when your third—oh was ít fourth—orgasm unfolded, he decided it was enough of an appetizer.
“Chan, be a gentleman and fuck her pretty cunt. I can tell she’s just dying for it.”
Chan got up to reconnect lips with you, “That true?” He asked, your climax coating your lips, “You want me to fuck your pretty, sopping pussy, love?”
You let out a guttural moan, tension building in your lower abdomen, “Mmh, yes, please. I need your cock in me…”
Wonwoo hummed a song of glee. “Oh, Little Darling’s got a mouth, huh? Let’s see how you can take him.”
They position you on your back, tits falling gracefully in the center of your chest as Chan’s slid his raw length up your wet slit. You whimpered seeing his size, desperate to have him inside you. When he gives you that pleasure, your head is thrown back into the pillow, the stretch of his cock throwing you for a loop. “Fuck, Chan…”
“You feel…fuck…you feel so…fuck…”
Chan fucked like how he talked, sweet and tender. Your thrill traveled up your entire body despite the many times you’ve finished, clenching around him with your legs joined to his hips. His pace gradually accelerated the moment his voice gravelly, biting his lips down, seeing pleasure contort your beautiful face into something even more devastatingly arousing. His cock was a perfect fit, fucking you like you were made for him and he almost forgets that Wonwoo is still here, watching so patiently. Almost.
At the call of his name, the pirate turned to Chan curiously, hand still over his pants. “Yes, pet?”
“I want your mouth on her pussy, now.”
“Chan,” Wonwoo exclaimed, wildly impressed.
“Do it before I change my mind, heathen.”
Wonwoo pulled himself up and into action. His hands pull his shirt over his head to avoid a mess, giving you a glimpse of the athleticism the pirate had etched into his also very beautiful, stunning body before he faced your groin, lips centimeters away from your round, glossy bud. “Miss Y/n.”
“Wonwoo,” You timidly greeted him between pants.
“I’m going to enjoy this, just as much as you’ll enjoy cumming a fifth time today.”
His long tongue slithers like a snake, dangling it closer to cock filled core before latching against your soft clit. Your eyes momentarily rolled to the back of your head before landing it back on Wonwoo, seeing the taut expression of a man that's off his leash. Kitten licks would simply not do in this case.
His hands held you still, eyelids half open to watch you practically melt upon him, “Perfect little clit…on a perfect little pussy…on a perfectly Darling girl.”
The pure tension in your body had hit you harder than expected. It threw your back to a perfect arch, balancing between a cock as perfect as Chan's thrusting inside you, while Wonwoo sucked on you like a lolly. The pirate’s hands traveled up your body, memorizing the shape of your warm tits. His tongue drew shapes against you, circling and spreading your moisture, while at the same time, you found him rolling your hard nipples between the pads of his fingers. 
“Shit, shit, shit…”
“Taking his cock so well, little Darling,” Wonwoo complimented in a husky voice, “Isn’t she, Chan?”
“She’s…taking me…perfectly,” Chan agreed in a breathless voice.
“You want him to fill you with his cum.” Wonwoo bit his lip, using one hand to squeeze your clit, swelling it up until you're practically screaming. “Isn’t that right?”
Your eyes watered, hot from the heat of–well everything–and only nodded before weakly yelping out a curt, “Yes.”
Chan could just feel how you pulse around him, knowing you weren’t lying. His eyes fell shut, ramming in you faster, harder, the slapping of your skin loud and clear of his efforts, he lets out a harsh groan, telling himself, he can take just a little more.
“Take it,” Wonwoo commanded, “Cum all over his cock before he decides to cum in you. It’s the least you can do.”
The pirate read Chan’s mind like an automated teleprompter, with a newfound gratitude for his friend.
“…Take my cum, Y/n,” Chan repeated with stolen breath, “take all of it.”
To no one’s surprise, their words led you to take another fat, harsh orgasm, bucking your hips. Chan followed suit. His cum came in waves with loud raspy groans, clutching your thighs until he coated you inside creamy white. His final thrust came sensationally deep, filling you to the brim. Full was an understatement.
A mixture of your climax seeped out from your cunt when Chan pulled out, your pretty pussy now gorgeously adorned with vicious nectar. Wonwoo seized the opportunity in a snap move. His mouth didn’t hesitate to take your sensitive pussy entirely in his mouth, sucking out every bit of cum left inside you, leaving only the sounds of squelching and his groaning at the delectable taste.
“Fuck, Wonwoo,” you couldn’t help but call out and Chan doesn’t even get a second to be mad at another man eating out his girlfriend. Instead, somehow he’s entranced at how quick Wonwoo was to clean up a mess he wasn’t even responsible for.
“Fuck,” Chan echoed, almost just as turned out by seeing Wonwoo eat up the cum as much as Chan was making it, leaving some unanswered questions to float in the charged air.
Once Wonwoo was finished, he crashed into your lips, feeding you the remnants left on his tongue. “A bidding gift.”
You blinked back in surprise, “You’re leaving?”
“I was only supposed to help your sex lives. I wasn't meant to join in, Little Darling.”
“But you’re here anyway.” Wonwoo's eyes flickered to the fairy, the last person he thought would protest. “You might as well finish what you started, pirate.”
“And you wouldn’t mind?” Wonwoo questions.
“As long as it's consensual. Plus…it’s not like your extra leg is going anywhere time soon.”
Wonwoo chortled at Chan’s innuendo, briefly looking down at the erection in his pants, still very angry and stiff, before nodding. “Alright then. Your turn to lead, pet.”
Wonwoo wore a condom in respect for Chan, exposing his size for the first time. Your eyes locked on Wonwoo’s cock like it was forbidden fruit, watching how it curled up to his stomach before he settled closer to you and Chan. 
Chan guided you back to him, bruising your lips in a method that was foreign until now. His teeth found your lips in a soft tug and you gasped as he pushed your naked body back on the bed, devouring your lips until he shifted you on top of him. The curve of his wet cock slapped back at your stomach, making you reminisce on how he had just felt inside you.
“So beautiful…You took my cock so well, now you’re gonna take it along with Wonwoo’s. You think your little pussy can fit in all the cock, hmm?”
“Yes, yes, give it to me please…”
He moaned at your desperation, tongue swiping over his bottom lip, “Put it in for me then, love.”
You obeyed, finding his length, slathering arousal up and down, before sliding it inside you. The friction is momentarily more manageable, but it doesn’t stop your moans that inevitably fell out. He found the curve of your ass and bounced you on his lap. Your hands, once trapped in silk, were now roaming in his hair, smiling against his lips as you latched on to him.
Wonwoo steadied himself behind you, finding an opening. His hands settled against Chan’s and together they spread you evenly. Your pussy, already preoccupied with Chan’s presence, fluttered at him, like their version of a wink. “So pretty…God, both of you should see how Darling looks so good taking Chan’s pretty cock.
He inched closer, stroking up his length as he aligned it at your entry before easing himself between you and Chan. You dropped your jaw, the stretch of Wonwoo’s presence taking you by pleasant surprise, “Fuck, fuck…”
“So fucking wet.” Wonwoo tested with a single thrust, then another, each followed up by your winces that melted into mellow moans. “Mmh, your cunt feels so much better imagined…You’re taking up like a champion, Little Darling.”
Your forehead kissed Chan’s, hands iron gripped on the bed frame, you savored the pleasurable ache between your legs as their thrusts fucked your insides at their own varying pace. You weren’t too comfortable with using obscenities yourself, but today your vocabulary was comparative to a sailor’s, pouring your heart and soul into every comprehendible word that left your lips, and at that moment, there weren’t many. 
Chan kissed your temple, praising you in a lethally soft voice. His hand slid down your back misted in sweat, clutching you harder against him. He rocked into you so hard, he had slipped out, taking only a second to slide it back in you, “So soaked for me,” escaping between his heavy breaths. You screamed chants of a deity that would never come, tears blurring your vision until they fell against your cheeks.
“Mmh, you’re taking us so good, my love…How is it? How’s two cocks fucking you full to the brink of insanity?”
Even Wonwoo was blown away by the fairy’s choice of words, but hey, this wasn’t the first time Chan has surprised him today and hopefully, it wouldn’t be the last. “She probably can’t think being so full, isn’t that right, little darling? Our cocks fucking you stupid yet?”
You only answered in incomprehensive sounds, too preoccupied with the familiar strike of arousal about to hit you as they sped up. Your eyes fully rolled back into your skull and Chan could only see white in them. If he didn’t know better, he’d be worried, but the smile on your face indicated you were just fine. “So cock drunk she can’t even answer. How cute.”
“Let’s put her out of her misery and make her cum again. She surely won’t mind.”
And you didn’t, the carnal visceral sensations of their cocks joined to stretch you open, their mind-numbing rhythm bottoming out of you like heaven, and they together blossomed your hardest orgasm yet. Your muscles contracted, doubling over Chan in aguish, ripping your voice loud enough for both of them to hear. He caresses the back of your head while Wonwoo is buried in you deep by meeting his chest to your back, his groans now audibly down directly in your ear.
Chan caressed your face, “Cum, yes like that, you’re so beautiful…How can someone like you so beautiful exist?”
You sobbed into his shoulder, overwhelmed at all angles but ultimately broke under the tender warmth of his words. God, how could you ever be so lucky.
“Take my cum again for me, my love, and I’ll take care of you long after you’re asleep.”
You nodded, embracing him weakly, and Chan held you dearly along with Wonwoo for the finale. Bursts of white colored you inside-out, and you take every drop until they’re both empty. Your body grew fatigued from what felt like hours together and your mind takes a break, deeply knocked out on Chan’s bed. Chan leaves for a second, coming back with warm towels, friendly handing one off to Wonwoo. “Here.”
The pirate looked at it like a foreign object before accepting, seeing Chan take his own towel and dragged it over your mess of pussy in hopes of cleaning you dry. “Thanks for the assist, Wonwoo.”
Wonwoo smiled, copying as he does but with himself, “You’re welcome, I had fun. I hope you did too.”
Chan blushed, turning back to Wonwoo rather hesitantly. “Surprisingly, I did. Hope I can live up to that again for her.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“Thanks. I’ll have to do you a favor sometime…in thanks.”
Wonwoo joined his side, smiling rather cheekily, “I can think of a few ways.”
“If it involves Y/n and you alone, forget it.”
“Actually,” Wonwoo’s hand stung on the patch of skin on Chan’s smooth back, a cool draft hitting the young fairy, “it involves both of you. I’d love to do this again, and again. Maybe exclusively?”
“Are you asking to…be a couple with us, Wonwoo?”
The pirate chuckled at Chan’s innocent phrasing before landing a chaste kiss on his cheek, earning a look of shock on the fairy’s face, and getting up, his flaccid cock hanging in the cold air as naturally as if it were caveman times. “Think on it, insect, and if you’ll need me, I’ll be in the shower. A wet towel will certainly not be enough to get me clean.”
Wonwoo trodded off to the restroom across from Chan’s room and he leaves the door wide open. Chan feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of his lungs, pondering the inexplicable words from another man he never imagined he would actually hesitate on and then there’s the sound of running water, following the low groan of Wonwoo reacting to its heat. Chan takes a deep exhale before deciding and it takes a total of two seconds for him to get up, walk through that bathroom door, and closed it behind him.
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s1ckh1mb0 · 2 months
Rapper ony! And kpop! Artist reader
You’re a k-pop star in a group called Venus. Over a million followers on socials and still rising. Onyankopon or Ony is a new hot shot rapper. You both work under the same energy so the two of you were bound to meet eventually. You were called down to a meeting with you manager there was an artist that was goin to work with your group. Low and behold when you went out there was Onyankopon standing in your waiting room.
Once you got the call from manager Nico you sighed and finished pinning up the dress you were making and headed to the meeting room. You were wearing black stripper heels, low rise jeans, and a black cropped hoodie(outfit doesn’t really matter but yk). Your curly hair thrown into a low ponytail. Once I stepped into the meeting room I noticed Ony standing there. You looked him up and down and walked over to your manager “you wanted me Nico?”
Your manager nodded with a smile on his face* “you see this young man here?” He pointed to onyankopon and his manager Reggie who was standing by the window leaning against the glass with a smirk on his face. His arms crossed and a slight roll to his shoulders “this is the new artist I was talking about. He’s going to collab with you guys starting soon.”
Ony look at you up and down. Noticing how gorgeous you were in a quick scan, I looked away, pretending not to be bothered. You could just tell he was being. When he caught glimpse your low rise jeans I looked right back at your ass. When I did Reggie looked me right in the eyes, he had a big smirk on his face. That damn dirty dog.
Your manager cleared his throat before speaking up. “Yeah, the label has an artist that they want you to meet. He’s gonna do a verse for a song, he’s new, and your label is trying to get him some features.”
You feel an intense gaze staring at you, once you look up you see Onyankopon’s eyes locked on you, judging you, scanning you. When he talks his deep voice gives a growl to it. “So you’re the member I’m working with..”
You cocked my eyebrow and rested your hands on my hips as you turned to face onyankopon and his manager “yeah, you the new guy I’m guessing.”
*Reggie chuckles a bit when you call me the new guy. I narrow my eyes a bit and I have to hold back from saying something snarky. “Ony is one of the new hottest artist around. His songs are starting to dominate the radio. He’s doing collabs with some big time artist and your label wants him to do a verse for you guys.” Ony cut Reggies explanation off. “So you’re the girl of the group? You good at what you do?”
You chuckled as you took a seat next your manager. Was he doubting you? He was one cocky nigga. “I think I’m pretty fucking good actually.”
He couldn’t help but smirk. He definitely didn’t listen to no kpop but if they had you to collabing then you had to be at least decent. “Aight. We can head to the stu and see what you got then.”
“That ain’t a problem with me.”
You guys managers were shocked and definitely a bit confused. You two hotheads sittin here going back and forth could only lead to trouble.
Ony kept his attention on you as he got up. “You tryna head there now?” You couldn’t help the small smirk as you got up and headed to the door. “Cmon nigga, don’t be scared now.”
Damn was he in for it..
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skyeblue8 · 6 months
ᗯι𝜏ԋ Ɛʋҽɾყ Ɲҽցα𝜏ιʋҽട, ㆜ԋҽɾҽ 𝓐ɾҽ Sσ𝓶ҽ Ƥσടι𝜏ιʋҽട... ♚
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So, because I'm in a bit of a shitty mood due to a whole lot of work I have to do before my break, and I don't feel like piling onto the already large list of what's wrong with the Helluva Boss series - and also, because everyone liked the Beelzebub list, I decided to do a quick list of my top five favorite songs from Helluva Boss. Despite the questionable writing, characters, world-building, creator, etc, the songs are actually truly solid when they want to be, and for that, I'm willing to give praise.
𝟏.❞𝕂𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳 & 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦
❥ Putting aside my general love for these girls, however brief their appearances were in the episode, this song was just incredible to me! The dancing was smooth, the beat was heavily reminiscent to Kpop, which I just love anyway, the visuals were stunning, in addition to their overall designs, and I'm honestly just sucker for fish-based characters since they have a whole siren aesthetic going on. Speaking of, many people find these twins to be reminiscent to The Dazzlings, from EQ Girls, and that's just the cherry on top for me! The full version truly makes this even better and, overall, I think the song was brilliant in establishing the whole rebranding of Mammon and how these two pose great threats to Fizz, much like those badass singer villains in Saturday morning shows. You know, the one's everyone ends up simping for at some point in their childhood. Anyway, because of the new episode, this song managed to shoot its way to the top of my faves, knocking down my original fave in the process!
𝟐. ❞𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣❜𝕤 𝔹𝕒𝕝𝕝❞𝐁𝐲, 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐳𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐛
❥ This song walked, so "Cotton Candy" could trip and fall on the scalding hot pavement. Apologies if I sound dramatic, and you happen to like Cotton Candy, but the amount of disappointment I feel towards the fact that we didn't get this song is indescribable. Now of course, I understand WHY we couldn't (again, waste of time when someone could've just gotten Rochelle in the first place 😑) but I digress. Aside from the fact that a specific line in the song gives clear clarification of who the hell the flying fox is, it feels like the cool, degenerative (said affectionately) party girl song that I would've actually liked to hear.
❥ To me, it's reminiscent of "Cannibal" and "Die Young", and I feel like both themes generally tie into what we think of a Modern Beelzebub to be like. The beat, the shift in pace of the lyrics that brings out the fast party vibe, the fact that it felt like a real pop song that didn't take fifteen minutes to get through just to see the rest of the episode – all these are what made this song my former #1 favorite, now my #2. And the "non-binary specimen" line was a cool, quick inclusion to me.
𝟑. ❞𝕁𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀𝕫 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕝❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧
❥ I know this is technically too small to be an actual full song, but I still loved it regardless. It was really cool in its short runtime for the following reasons: the Tom Hardy's vocals (idk what it is, but something about Australian accents that just sounds satisfying, especially when singing), the praising of the Twins, and the satisfaction of seeing Fizz squirm a bit. Apologies to any of you who like Fizz. I don't hate him per se, but rather, I'm just bitter that we're loosing out on other character development because of him and Ozzy. And, I prefered Robo Fizz who was an unrelenting asshole and not another UWU boy that, imo, there are one too many of in Hell.
❥ Anyway, it was cool seeing more visuals of the Greed Ring stage. And seeing the spider visuals that are associated with Mammon. I understand if some people thought it was kinda tacky, but I personally think it could work if assessed the right way. (Hint: I'll be explaining more about this in later Greed Ring Headcanons and/or Mammon Headcanons.)
𝟒. ❞𝕍𝕒𝕔𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕠 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐚𝐲
❥ Admittedly, I was a bit iffy on whether or not I should include this considering my feelings on Verosika. I don't hate her by any means considering, you know, it's Blitzø, but she has nothing going on for her and her one note personality just feels unfair to her considering what she had to deal with. That being said, I realized that I'm judging based on musical appeal and not entirely on character, so I said "fuck it" and put this as #4.
❥ While notably slower and softer than the other songs, I enjoyed it after revisiting it. The pink aesthetic and visuals were just gorgeous to me.
❥ It's slow, playful, and it reminds me a lot of Doja Cat and her songs, and I really loved that. Above all else, it was soothing and nice, and I feel like it was wasted on the Spring Break episode though as, while the episode introduced it a bit more worldbuilding, it felt like a whole load of nothing considering it all happened in one place and that same worldbuilding went out the window almost immediately. Still love the song though. Honestly, if there was a musical battle between Verosika and the Twins, I'd struggle to pick a winner.
𝟓. ❞ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕤𝕞𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕦𝕤❞ 𝐛𝐲, 𝐀𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 & 𝐅𝐢𝐳𝐳
❥ While my opinion of Asmodeus has wavered lately, his debut song was incredible! I loved the deep vocals and jazzy tunes used in the song, and I didn't completely mind the bits with Fizz in it given all that's happened. Above all else, I adored how they called out Stolas publically in the episode. Shame it couldn't stay that way. Seriously though, as sexy as the man's voice is his design just doesn't fit that. But, yeah, that's my opinion.
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Anyway, yeah, that was my list. Let me know what y'all think and whether or not you agree with my choices. If any, do you have a favorite song in Helluva Boss? Or a least favorite? Let me know. ✌🏾
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mywons · 1 year
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៹ bf!maknae-line enha when you don't know anything about k-pop prior to meeting them.
▸ ִֶָ tags est. enha x fem!reader + teasinggg + really just cute ass fluff + kisses + the maknae line being super super annoying ,, i hate love them so bad + niki being lovingly mean. warnings! && none really !! REQUESTED : could i request boyfriend!enha w a girlfriend who didn't know much ab kpop before meeting them? ✿ 0.5k words —
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kim sunoo !
he would tease you but probably would have so much fun turning you into the biggest kpop stan ever
so, he's kinda happy you don't know anything because it's something you guys can spend time together talking about <3
probably quizzes you on the members of his favorite groups
you go to all of their concerts <3
if you start liking another group a little too much he is not happy
"you like them more than enhypen huh??"
oh and don't even let him find out you bias anyone but him???? he will act like it's the actual end of the world
loves acting like he's upset bc you don't know/understand a certain thing ab the industry bc you're so cute when you're apologizing profusely even tho he tells you it's a joke immediately afterwards
^^ "dramatic gasp how could you not know!!!!"
two seconds later he's kissing every piece of you he can reach
yang jungwon !
literally doesn't care ??$!7#??
like honestly. he just goes oh & moves on ab his day
when you guys get closer he's like "you don't need to know any groups that aren't enhypen"
like he thinks it's cute you've been able to avoid knowing anything ab kpop for so long, and now he wants to keep it that way bc you're his :((
plus he knows firsthand how bad the industry can seem sometimes, so other than playful jealousy, he genuinely doesn't want you to be corrupted by that
naturally he's very protective & that translates into your relationship
but he may introduce you to some of his favorite idols because you're still a very important part of his life (and he wants everyone to know how wonderful his girlfriend is)
buys you some of his photocards to put in your phone<3
teaches you the easiest parts of enhypen's choreography for the very small and reasonable price of cuddles
just so adorable omg !!
nishimura riki !
the biggest tease ever
like it literally does not matter how little you know & it doesn't matter how much you learn as you guys date, he will always find a way to poke fun at you not knowing anything before your relationship
you could be a kpop expert once you become his gf and he's still like "awh you're finally learning something" in the most condescending way ever
absolutely loves teaching you his choreos even if you're horrible at dancing
if he hears a good song he adds it to the playlist he made for you to listen to more kpop—"oh i think my girl would enjoy this one"
needs your approval for literally everything. he could be standing in front of you & a dancing coach + he'll still be like "jagi, how did i do???"
^^ the members tease him but he literally doesn't care. sure you're clueless but you're his & he needs your praise !!
probably lies ab what some kpop stan vocab actually means to make you look silly
not a big fan of you stanning other groups especially bgs but he'll tolerate it ig only because he loves seeing how happy you are when he surprises you with concert tickets
just so perfect in every way,, the best bf you could ask for
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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clownprincehoeshi · 4 months
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 1
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you'll meet your ult bias. But it seems that the universe really loves you this time. Will Jeon Jungkook notice you?
Genre: for all chapters- Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: idol Jeon Jungkook x fem reader, idol X x fem reader, idol Y x fem reader
Warning: for all chapters- Kissing/Nudity/Sex scene/Pet names/Angst Minors don't interact!
Word count: 4620
This is my first time writing, I hope there are no big mistakes in the text, I am also not a native english speaker. This is chapter 1 from a series of chapters that will be about more idols. The story starts sometime in 2022. Enjoy!
Next chapter
Why does it have to rain today of all days? Is this how this city is welcoming me? Am I not wanted here? Well, you’re stuck with me now, city! I’m not going back to my shitty town and my shitty life. This is a new beginning. Y/N said, as she stacks some boxes on the floor of her new home in Seoul.
She moved here today, after she was offered a new job at an advertising company. She thought she needs a big change in her life. It’s not like her life in her country back in Europe was interesting. Yeah, she had a couple of really good friends there, and her sister, but that was it. She’s not interested in dating or having a man, she’d rather spend her free time on her hobbies and on herself.
One of her hobbies being kpop. She got into it when covid struck and she had to spend her time inside. Weeks and weeks of working from home and spending her entire free time at home, so she needed to find new ways to entertain herself. That’s how kpop came into her life. It was also a period in her life when she felt lonely, because she just ended a 2 year relationship. She put a lot into it, and let’s say she was more than disappointed when the guy told her out of nowhere that their relationship isn’t going anywhere. But that’s life, and she had to move on.
Now, this is like a new start for her, but she will focus on work and making herself happy. Starting a new life in a new country isn’t easy, but her luck is starting to change when she meets her new coworkers. Most of them are Korean, but there are also some foreigners that immediately try to talk to her and get to know her. She’s not a very open and social person, so it’s hard for her to open up and be all friendly with strangers. But Hana from work notices this about Y/N so she will make it her mission to befriend Y/N and make her feel at home. Hana knows how it must feel, she’s been in her shows when she moved to Seoul from Busan.
Hana: I think me and Y/N will be good friends, she seems genuine, so I’m going to invite her to have lunch with me today.
Maddy: Go ahead. I think she seems pretty arrogant to me.
Hana: Stop judging before you actually talk to the person, geez.
Maddy: Whatever, you do you.
So here you are, having lunch with this girl with bright brown eyes, named Hana who just seems so nice. It makes you want to be friendly and nice back. But you’re curious as why is she being like this with you, so you ask.
Y/N: Soooo… I don’t want you to think I am being rude or anything, but I am curious about why you approached me.
Hana: Well, I also moved from a different city like 2 years ago, and I know things must feel weird for you now.
Y/N: Yeah, it does feel weird. And I am not the most social person. I am a little concerned about how people will see me and if I will make any friends here.
Hana: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be here, we can be friends. Deal?
Y/N: Deal.
Hana: Stick around me and you’ll end up with a lot of friends. You could say I’m pretty popular.
Then she winks cutely at you, smiling.
In these weeks that you have grown to know Hana, you have learned that she’s is indeed popular, she’s sweet, kind, had a ton of friends and acquaintances. She’s so cool, you think to yourself. Also, thank god she’s into stuff that you too like, for instance kpop. You haven’t met that many people that are into it. Strange, you think.
It’s Friday evening and a text from Hana pops up on your phone screen.
Hana banana: Y/N, I think it’s time
Y/N: Time for what, silly?
Hana banana: For you to meet some of my friends
Y/N: But I met your friends?
Hana banana: Naah, these are other friends that I haven’t told you about
Y/N: Ok?
Hana banana: But I needed to be sure about you
Y/N: What you mean?
Y/N: Hana?
Y/N: Hana banana?
But she didn’t reply that night. She called you the next day, saying she wants to come over to talk about her friends. Was she hung over from last night? How much did she have to drink? Was she drunk now? Did she drink first thing in the morning? What’s with the mystery? You scratched your head as you loaded the washing machine. You’re waken from your thoughts by the doorbell. Hana must be here. You open the door and she’s storming inside, with a big grin on her face.
Hana: Ok, here you are
Y/N: Yeah, I should be here, it’s my house. Are you drunk? Where did you disappear last night?
Hana: I was with my friends and I told them about you, so they got curious and told me to bring you next time I meet them.
Y/N: And are they like spies or something? What’s with the mystery? Are they aliens?
Hana: I was thinking to prank you and just not tell you who they were and see your face when you meet them, but it would not be fair. But you need to look your best if you’ll meet them
Y/N: It’s not like I look like shit when we go out
Hana: Y/N, come on. Sometimes you dress like a homeless person
Y/N: That’s how I like it?
Hana: Nooo, you need to look your best for this one
Y/N: I think the fuck not. Not dressing up for no man
Hana: It’s Jungkook. You’re going to meet Jungkook, bitch. He’s one of my friends. And all the 97 line.  Jaehyun is my cousin and sometimes he invites me to their dinners and hangouts with the other guys
Now… in your head there were conflicting thoughts. First thought was that this was a lie, there is no way in hell that the universe was so kind to you after all the shit you’re been trough in your life. She must be saying this to prank you, But what a stupid prank this is. Nobody should play games with you when it comes to your ult bias, JK. What is she thinking?
Y/N: You trying to die today?
You’re starting to get all red, you can feel it. You’re starting to get hot and angry. Angry at her for being such a pain in the ass. She knows you don’t like this type of shit, why is she doing this?
Hana: I am not lying!!! Look
As she takes her phone out her bag, she starts to show you photos and videos of her with the guys. Them, eating, drinking, taking night strolls, car rides, laughing, having fun
Remember that first thought? Scratch that. Those other thoughts? Irrelevant. Now you’re only thought was that one tik tok where Sponge Bob was putting on a maid outfit.
You grab Hana’s hands, look her in the eye and quiet sets between you two. You stay like that for a few moments. Then tears are forming in your eyes and they start to roll down your cheeks that are not a dark shade of pink, because you got angry before you got excited. You cry. You ugly cry.
Hana: What the fuck? Why you crying?
Y/N: What am I going to weaaaaaar?
What you’re going to wear. That was your fucking concern. Really? Well, duh!!! It’s Jungkook. He’ll see you. You. Why and how you’ve gotten so lucky, you don’t know. And the rest of the day you’re a ball of nerves, because you will see him tomorrow.
You can barely sleep that night. As usual, you spend your late hours in bed, watching Run BTS and Jungkook reels until you fall asleep. At 6 AM. You think you’re crazy and you will look like shit tomorrow. This is not the time to say I don’t give a shit how I look, I’m not going to look perfect for any man. But he’s not just any man, is he? No no. He’s the perfect man, you’re ideal man. How is he not everyone’s ideal man?
The next day you make sure to eat properly, to take extra care of your hair and skin, because you only got 4 hours of sleep last night. Thanks, Instagram for making reels a thing.
It’s 5 PM and Hana will be here any minute to pick you up. You’re feeling like shit. You feel like throwing up or shitting your pants, you don’t know which. You call you bff who’s back in your hometown. You’’re sure she’s awake, she’s a night person like you.
Y/N: Wifey, what am I going to do? What if I do something stupid in front of him? Should I just not open my mouth at all?
Bff: What? No, wtf! I mean, I know you’ll be weird and all, but just relax. Just be yourself, maybe try not to look like you trying to kill people, you know.
Y/N: Great talk!
Hana texts you she is downstairs. You grab your bag, check yourself in the mirror and leave your apartment. When you get into Hana’s car she starts whistling
Hana: Yooo, you looking for a girlfriend? I’m single.
You slap her shoulders and start blushing. But you know you’re mostly blushing because you know who you’re going to meet. But what if he’s not going to come? What if something happens and he can’t come? Shit! I wanna put my head into sand right now.
You arrive at the place you’re going to have dinner and drinks. You’re not much of a drinker, never been. In fact, you hate pretty much any taste of alcohol. It’s just not for you and your sensitive tasting buds. And you never try to drink just to please the people around you. No, you don’t care about that. So you won’t drink tonight either, unless they have something sweet. You like sweet alcohol, it’s tasty.
Hana walks in front of you, arriving to a private room and opens the door. You hear voices inside and your stomach shrinks into a little grain of sand. Oh god, I’m going to die!
She greets the people inside, everyone sounding friendly and nice, but then she moves. You were trying to hide behind her, but you’re been revealed now. You bow, greeting everyone. You’re so shy that you can’t even look them in the eye. At least not for more than 0,00001 seconds. You could be an octopus with how fast you feel your face changes color from normal to red. But you love octopuses, you find them cute. Your mind flies to octopuses when you’re meeting Jungkook. WTF. Focus!
Jungkook’s POV
You’re already at your second drink and you feel just a tiny tipsy. You hear the door opening and there is Hana. Oh, this means her new friends must be with her. But you can’t see the friend. You were about to ask about her, but then Hana moved from the way and there she was. Was she hiding behind Hana? That’s hilarious. She must be nervous, cute.
But when you see her, it’s like everything slows down. Like in those movies when the main character appears, looking all cool, and everyone is starring. This is how it felt. How can anyone be this attractive? Have I been drinking too much? I just had one glass, the hell. First thing you notice it’s her hair, because she was kind of looking down at first, then she bowed and her long, golden hair moved towards her face like the softest silk. You notice her big bright eyes, the way they avoided yours and that shy smile. She had a beautiful smile. She was wearing a cute short dress, revealing her shoulders and legs. Well, wow is all that you could say. Good thing nobody heard you. You hope.
Hana points you to sit between her and Jaehyun. There is another girl there, and you find out it’s Eunwoo’s girlfriend. Wow, it must be crazy hard for them to hide their relationship from the public. I don’t really envy that, though. I wonder if Jungkook has a girl too. Jaehyun hands you the menu and tells you to pick whatever you like and he’ll order for you. What a gentleman, you think.
Y/N: Oh oh, beer and sprite.
Jaehyun: Interesting combo, never tried it.
Jungkook: Never to late to try new things.
He says that, while sipping from his glass, looking at you with hooded eyes.
Shit! Why are you doing that, Jungkook? I am weak! Stop with those eyes!!
You’re so happy when you mix your beer and sprite in your little glass and take a sip. The day got better and you feel like you can do this. Whenever you have your favorite stuff around, you feel more like home and it gives you confidence. Like your favorite drink, or food you like, or a song you love, or a doggo.
You’re pretty quiet, but that’s just you. You’re a die hard introvert and you take time to feel comfortable around new people. You’re happy thought that nobody says annoying stuff like “oh, you’re so quiet”, “You don’t talk?” and other shit strangers say to you when they first meet you. It annoys you to the Moon and back that some people are so unaware that not everyone is like them, extroverted, outgoing, super social, loud.
Sometimes, when you’re in a mood to put those types of people in their place, you fight back with “why are you so loud? Why do you talk so much?”. They get pissy, but you don’t care. You like your little bubble and you let only your people inside, the ones that care to understand.
You’ve had already 2 glasses of beer-sprite and a glass of strawberry soju. It’s sweet, you like this one. You feel a little social by this point, but still super shy to look at Jungkook. And what’s worse is that he’s just across the table, right in front of you. You need to look left or right to avoid his eyes. You only look his way when you’re sure he’s doing something and has his head turned away from you. But the alcohol is fucking with your eyes, so at some point and you think about admiring him a little more and you look. You look straight into his big eyes, because guess what. He was already looking at you. Good thing you’re sitting, because your knees become jelly. You do the unthinkable and for once in your life you don’t move your eyes. You keep them on him. And he keeps his eyes on you. What’s going on? Why is he looking at me? What do I do? Do I have something on my face? On god no, I must have something on my face, shit.
You must feel brave today, because you ask him:
Y/N: What’s wrong, do I have something on my face?
But you’re dead serious and while touching your face. He giggles
Jungkook: No no, you’re good. Sorry, I think I was starring too hard.
He takes another sip of his drink, while saying “cute” in a low voice, but you heard it and it made you blush. You felt like a big ball of lava right now. The Jungkook thinks you’re cute. The universe must be joking right now, making fun of you. Is this a dream? Have I hit my head one day and I’ve been in this dream since? When did your life become this? You were never a lucky person and it feels weird.
You observe Mingyu in the corner of your eye, kind of like trying to start a conversation with you. You don’t know much about him, you just know he’s Jungkook’s friend and he’s also in a band, but that’s about it. He starts to fiddle in his seat, you feel his eyes on you.
Hana: What’s with you, Mingyu? You seem a little agitated.
Mingyu: Oh, nothing. Just trying to hop into the conversation you’re having with your friend. I’ve heard something about going to a concert next week?
Hana: Yeah, I want to introduce Y/N to the kpop concert life, she hasn’t been to any so far and I think that’s wack.
Mingyu: You really must go, you’ll love it. What show you’re going to?
Hana: Ateez, we love them. You know I have a thing for Mingi.
You push her shoulder a little, knowing what she’s thinking right now, because you know your friend has a dirty mind.
Y/N: Girl, behave, not in front of my beer.
Mingyu: Oh, so who’s your Ateez bias then, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeosang. You answer shily.
Mingyu: Really now. And why is he your bias?
You feel Jungkook’s eyes on you and a rush of heat runs through your body.
Y/N: Well, I like his personality. He’s introverted and shy, has a great sense of humor, and he’s hot but at the same time really cute and adorable.
Mingyu nods like he’s in agreement, and then he’s asking the craziest question.
Mingyu: Who’s your bias in BTS?
You choke and you feel like you don’t know what words are. What’s speaking?
Y/N: I won’t tell you, since Jungkook is here. It feels weird
Mingyu: Oh, come oooon! Pleaaase?
Jungkook: Dude, it doesn’t matter. She’s right. I am here. Maybe you’ll find out another time when I’m not here.
Ugh, your savior. How can he be more perfect? He saved you when you were feeling awkward.
Mingyu: Damn, was just trying to make the night more interesting. Sorry, guys.
He says with a pout, the others teasing him. He seems like a big puppy. He’s so tall but so tiny at the same time.
The food is here. You let them order whatever they wanted, you had no idea what to choose. You just knew you don’t anything too spicy or weird. You can’t wait to eat, because you feel fucking hungry. You’re not something to shy away from eating, and even eating a lot. So you start with some soup, then some steak and all kind of grilled stuff. You just love Korean food, so tasty and filled with different flavors. You wish your best friend was here with you. You think to yourself that this is the happiest you’ve ever been. Eating delicious food and being in the same room with your ult bias. What could be better than this?
Well it could be better than this, but that’s another story, something you fantasize about when you’re alone.
Jungkook and Mingyu, seeing as you enjoy the food, the offer to help you with the meat. They put it on the grill and cook it for you, then put it on your plate.
Hana: Wow, guys, you’ve never done that for me. What’s this, now? Acting nice for the new girl?
Mingyu: She has been nice to us, you’re mean.
Jungkook starts to laugh, because he knows Hana always teases and bullies Mingyu. They all tease him and they do it because he never gets upset, he’s just that nice and soft for his friends and everyone loves him for that.
Mingyu, being the extroverted guy that he is, tries to find out more about you, so he goes crazy with the questions. He’s also had a few glasses, so you answer all his curiosities.
Mingyu: So, Y/N, tell me.
Y/N: Yes, Mingyu?
A pinch of pink appears on his cheeks, hearing his name on your lips, sounding so pretty.
Mingyu: Well, how did you end up in Seoul, why this city?
Y/N: Umm, long story, but to make it short, I have been a fan of Korean cinema, then started watching dramas too, then I thought I want to learn the language because it sounded so interesting. I already knew English pretty well, Spanish, and a little of French and german, so I wanted something different. Then stuff happened in my personal life and I needed a big change, so my boos from back home told me about this job opportunity in Seoul, since she knew I spoke the language already. I didn’t think about it, I just booked a flight and here I am.
Jungkook: Your Korean is really good, though and you know so many other languages, wow. You’re really smart.
Y/N: Oh, thank you.
Now you feel yourself blushing again, but what’s new.
Mingyu: Do you have a boyfriend?
You almost choked on your food. This man.
Hana: You have no shame today, Gyu.
Mingyu: Hey, we’re just getting to know each other here, we’re practically friends now. Right, Y/N?
Y/N: Umm, I guess?
Jungkook: So?
You look at Jungkook, trying to figure out what he’s trying to say. But all he does is lay back on his seat and manspread, with a grin on his face. You feel like going crazy. He knows what he’s doing. Does he know he’s my bias? Could he? Maybe he reads minds. Oh, I hope not!!!
Y/N: What?
Jungkook: Do you have a boyfriend?
Y/N: Oh!! I don’t, no.
Mingyu: Why not? If that’s not too much to ask.
Hana: Oh, this is going to be good.
She knows your life story and your history with guys and relationships, so she knows you have a lot to say about this.
Y/N: You really want to know? I can give a formal short answer or a genuine longer answer. Which one is it?
Jungkook: Long answer.
The whole room is now looking at you, curious about what you have to say. People are always curious about this type of stuff. You are too, you have to admit. And not in the Oh, I like gossip type of way, but you like to hear about other people’s love stories and why they didn’t work out.
Y/N: I don’t trust men. I used to. Big mistake, because whenever I put my trust in one, I would get disappointed again. My last relationship was a disaster. I felt used, like he came into my life, promised the world, then after he got what he needed, he left. I invested so much time, energy, feelings into it and all I got was emptiness. I tried dating a few times after that, but everything felt so shallow. Nobody with real good intentions. Everyone felt so fake, so I stopped everything. Why waste my time on people that don’t care about me? No. And you know what? Unless some guy shows up, really doing everything to show me he’s a real person with real feelings and not some stupid cardboard box, then I might consider giving him a chance. I’m just happier alone.
Hana: Mingyu wouldn’t know about that, he’s got a new girl every other month.
Everyone starts to giggle and you’re surprised but not really, because he’s a really attractive guy. And he seems to have it all.
Mingyu: Wow, you say such nice things about me, Hana. You’re just the best.
You laugh, you find him funny and charismatic. No wonder he’s getting so many girls.
Jungkook: Guys, come on, leave my man alone. He’s not that slutty. He’s just overly friendly and excited so he can give the wrong impression.
Mingyu gives a proud smile, hearing his bestie taking his side. Finally, someone takes his side, he thinks.
Y/N: But what about you guys, how hard is it to have a romantic life in your situation?
Mingyu pouts, Jungkook tilts his head and looks like he’s thinking, Jaehyun shrugs.
Eunwoo: In my case, all I can say is that it’s really difficult. You put your career on the line, but when you meet someone you really like, you can’t just ignore the feelings. You can’t live just for your work, you’re not a machine.
Mingyu: It fucking sucks, I barely have time for a romantic life. Things are getting really intense at work lately and I need to be there for me and for my members.
You look at Jungkook, who’s taking a soju shot, waiting for him to give a response too. You really want to know, it burns you to know.
He realizes you are waiting for him to say something, so he tries to change the subject.
Jungkook: Let’s do shots before we end this night?
And the hands you a glass of shot, you drink it, looking at him. He’s avoiding your eyes for the rest of the night and it’s not long until you all need to leave. The restaurant is closing, it’s past midnight and tomorrow it’s a work day. Shit, you have so much work to do tomorrow and here you are, a little drunk., wondering why Jungkook didn’t answer your question and why he didn’t look at you the rest of the time.
You all give your goodbyes and the guys are telling you how glad they are to have met you and that they will see you next time. You feel Jungkook’s eyes burning into your skull, and when you turn to him you catch him starring so you give him a little smile with a “goodnight”. He bows and smiles then turns and walks with Mingyu to the direction where a car is waiting for them.
You felt sadness. Sadness because this night was over, because you thought that you were weird and they didn’t like you. Shit, you met your bias of biases and you’re glad you didn’t shit yourself when he looked in your direction. You felt a little proud of yourself for not acting like a crazy fan. You always thought that if you met any of your favorite artists, you would just be quiet and act normal, trying to not make them feel uncomfortable. That’s what everyone should do, right?
You’re also trying really hard not to be too delulu right now, after meeting him. You can’t wait to tell your bestie about it, too bad she’s sleeping at this hour, must be really early in the morning there. Oh well, I’ll just take a shower and go to sleep. Who knows, maybe the universe is starting to like me and I will see him again.
Next morning you wake up all sweaty and worked up. You had a sex dream about Jungkook. Damn, it felt so real, wtf. Stupid brain, let me function today! You arrive at the office and you find Hana waiting at your desk, two cups of hot cocoa. She known you hate coffee, and what else could you drink on a cold march morning?
Hana: I figured you’ll be a little hungover, we had a lot to drink. Well, me. You were lightweight.
Y/N: Ugh, you’re a life saver. Thanks for the cocoa, I love it.
Hana: So what did you think?
Y/N: About last night?
Hana: Duh! Did you feel weird or it was fun? Want me to get a signed photocard from JK?
Y/N: Nooo, I would feel so embarrassed. But I really enjoyed it. They seem like normal people, though Jungkook is a little reserved. So mysterious, no?
Hana: Hm, maybe because you were there. He was a little more quiet last night though, but so were you. I could see you two being a couple.
Y/N: Omg, stop! I’m not that delulu, girl.
Hana: You never know.
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kitchenscissorbangs · 2 months
Magnetic - chapter one
Reincarnated as a roadman in another world?!
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"This time, I want you, you, you, you, like it's magnetic"
On a seemingly normal morning, you wake to find your JoJo merch gone and run into a familiar group of weirdos. So now you have to worry about getting them home and not failing your GCSEs. Presented as a series of vignettes detailing your bizarre adventures with your new and old friends.
ao3 (prev) (masterlist) (next)
wc : 1,759
a/n: they aren’t actually roadmen but you get it
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Waking up at 6:50 to catch the 7:30 bus is never a good idea. Especially not if you stayed up so late it feels like someone is hitting your head with a hammer. But who really cares? It had been Y/N’s routine since year 8 and it was too late to change. She did consistently arrive 30 minutes early to school so maybe whatever she did worked. School… Some part of her wondered how St Daniella’s school (or STDs as the students referred to it) kept its status as a top 50 private school. Many of the classrooms in the older buildings were being held together with duct tape and the school had gone through six heads in less than a decade. It really was a sinking ship.
With a long sigh, the girl got out of bed. You had already missed the first week of school after spending all summer with her grandparents abroad and you couldn’t miss anymore . Though she mostly hung out alone in the room she shared with her brother… Sure she had friends but she had found out that her phone was the best company.
After going about the rest of her morning as usual and skipping the skincare routine she promised herself she’d do everyday to look like her bias, she threw on your uniform. Her trousers were fraying and she desperately needed a skirt after baking in last year's heat. She shrugged and decided she would worry about that in summer. While the girl was changing, she noticed something odd. The copious amounts of JoJo merch she dedicated her life to collecting had seemingly disappeared overnight. Even stranger, it had all been replaced with a mix of csm and jjk merch. At first, Y/N suspected her mother had finally lost it and threw out all her merch, but then why would it be replaced? The fact bugged her. She must be dreaming.
The fact gnawed at her thoughts as she made her way to the station, with the sound of kpop blaring in her ears. It wasn't until a voice interrupted her thoughts that she snapped back to reality.
“‘Scuse me lady but ummm, d’ya where we’re meant to be going” spoke a boy with strawberry blond hair which ,by the looks of it, he spent a lot longer styling then the now very ticked off teenage girl. He had a thick southern accent and was wearing the same ugly green uniform as the girl.
The girl pulled down her headphones. “To school..” Y/N replied with boredom lacing her voice. Like most people, she was not interested in entertaining some clueless American at 7:25 am.
“Yeah but where is tha-” he was cut off by another boy pushing him aside. Boy 2 was taller than boy 1 by about an inch. He also had blond hair but a golden shade. Boy 2 was also wearing the same school uniform.
“I’ll take care of this, you idiot . Miss it’s our first day of school and noticed that we’re the same uniform as you so we thought that you could help us?” Boy 2 had a smooth accent not too dissimilar to Y/N’s.
“Use google maps or something I dunno,” Y/N replied growing even more agitated. Both boys shared a confused look. As they stared at Y/N in joint perplexity, she noticed that both boys shared an eye colour reminiscent of the lanky man with white hair who stood on her windowsill instead of her precious Giorno figure.
“Santa Maria, both of you are helpless. That’s not how you talk to pretty girl.” You guessed it, another even taller blond boy said to the two boys. He turned the teenager, who was currently debating how an anime character look alike could find her pretty. “Hey bella, wanna see something cool?”
“Go ahead. As long as it's not your penis though,” Y/N said. Boy 3 gave her an amused look and then dug around in the deep pockets of his Superdry coat for something. ‘So he’s gonna show me a dumb vape trick’ Y/N mused to herself. Nothing could have prepared her for what boy 3 did next.
He had pulled out a green steel ball not unlike the weapon of a certain Italian jockey. Boy 3 spun on his finger then threw it at the hedge near the bus stop. The ball trimmed off most of the branches before returning to him. The other six people at the stop didn’t even seem to notice. Y/N however seemed to have her whole reality flipped on it's head.
Y/N gave him a slow clap with a false sense of composure. She was either dreaming or had finally lost it. Her post-pandemic JoJo phase had driven her crazy. She was hallucinating anime characters or seeing them in her dreams. It was hard to decide which one was worse.
“That’s great Gyro Zeppeli. Now can I wait for my bus in peace?” Y/N responded sarcastically. The three boys’ jaws fell slack.
“How’d’ya know his name lady? Who the fuck are ya? You’re not working with Valentine are ya?” boy 1 lunged forward and grabbed the girl’s shoulders with enough intensity to confirm whatever was going was real and leave a nasty mark. He seemed the most distressed out of the group. Recalling the manga she had spent many a night reading and re-reading, the group did look strangely familiar.
“Hold on a second. You’re Johnny Joestar,” Y/N turned to boy 2. “And that’s Diego Brando. What the fuck is going on?” They both nodded as the girl said their names.
“We don’t know either. We were chatting at one of the checkpoints and then there was a loud bang. Next thing I know I’m in some futuristic city and I’m 5 years younger and Joestar can walk again and I’m wearing a hideous green uniform” Diego concluded with a frustrated scoff. He had turned his gaze away from the girl and now started down at his uniform with a look of disdain. Y/N couldn’t help but relate.
“At least the blazer’s not mandatory,” the h/c girl sighed.
Gyro gasped. “Wait a moment. HP was there too. Where is he?”
The trio of disorientated jockeys started murmuring among themselves while occasionally glancing back at the teenage girl. She was just happy that they left her alone. She glanced up at the bus times. Still another 4 minutes. ‘How the fuck did this happen?’ the girl thought to herself. Y/N's mind immediately jumped to the cast of SBR. Maybe it was the surreal feeling from seeing the Gyro use the spin with such precision or the way Johnny introduced himself, but it felt like she was living out a scene from her post-pandemic JoJo phase. She half expected Valentine to crawl out a bush or find a corpse part in her bag.
“That fat slag! I’m gonna kill the bitch the second I see her!” Y/N jumped. The yelling of a fellow teenage girl yanked her out her thoughts. Those words sound like they were being screamed down her ears. Y/N whipped her head around. No-one new had come by. Though there was another teenager across the road yelling into her phone… Y/N couldn’t have heard that… She shook her head.
A shiver ran down the girls back as though something had touched her. There had to be something there. "I didn't get the job. I don't know if I can keep going like this." Another voice spoke. This time a man. Something had to be going on.
“Are you OK, miss?” Johnny asked the girl with a flash of concern in his eyes. As he rest a gentle hand on Y/N's shoulder, she realised that e wasn’t that much taller than her.
“Y/N. That’s my name. Y/N L/N”
“Pleased ta meetcha.” He stuck his hand out. “Name’s Johnny Joestar. But ya already knew that…” He added with an awkward chuckle. For some reason, Y/N found this kind of… cute.
“Oh umm… The bus is nearly here. D’ya have a zip card?”
“A what?”
“One of these.” The three boys looked at Y/N while she dug around for her wallet. She then gestured to the green photo card. The boys did the same before wordlessly getting on the bus with the girl and copying whatever she did.
The group sat in the four seats in the back facing each other.
She found herself caught in the middle of an unexpected and bizarre situation, surrounded by the boys who were bickering and bantering. While they seemed to occupy themselves in their own company, Y/N found time to text Louis some of the situation.
You: Pookie guess what?
Pookie: what..?
You: I’m surrounded by teenage boys on the bus
Pookie: are they gorgjoes
You: *gorgeous And yes, they don’t smell like toes—
Pookie: That’s what matters most, right?
Pookie: I love toes
read 07:39
“Flattered you think that Y/N but what is that? And who’s that?” Diego pointed to your phone and the photocard.
“It’s a phone. You use it to call and send text messages. The guy is Yeonjun. He’s a singer ”
“Cara, what’s that around your neck?”
“These are headphones. You can listen to stuff on them” Y/N unpaused the song and gave the headphones to Gyro.
“What kind of witchcraft is this?”
“Gyro, give me a turn!”
“Just wait Johnny, Jesus.”
“It’s not that deep, just give it to him."
“Fine. But only ‘cause a pretty girl asked me to.”
“So you don’t want a turn Dio?”
“Not what I said Joestar.”
The boys quickly began squabbling among themselves while the girl laughed. Y/N snapped a photo of the boys for Louis.
You: >delivered
sent 7:43am
“Can I have my headphones back?”
“Oh yeah, of course.” Diego took them off and handed them back to the girl. "So about before. How'd you know our names?"
Y/N sighed. She hoping this conversation wouldn't happen. The thought of everything being fake would probably give them an existential crisis so it was best to save this for later. "Lucky guess."
He gave the girl a questioning look. Fortunately for her, the boys had found their own phones and somehow knew the passwords. She didn't really question it as she put back on her headphones and let herself be drowned in the music.
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a/n : i think i made the song reference for the readers stand too obvious. the fic was originally meant to be called who really cares but that didn’t match the vibe and the photocard was meant to be felix but his toes deterred me from that idea
taglist: @lv11sawrr open if you’re interested
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cinnajun · 2 years
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: something new | ljn
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summary | in a freak chance, your boss’ top makeup artist falls ill right before new york fashion week, and you’re the only intern who could even begin to take over for her. so, you spend a couple of days as lee jeno’s personal makeup artist.
genre | lee jeno x fem! reader, idolverse/real world, nyfw! jeno x makeup artist! reader, (emotional) fling-ish…i realized i didn't tag this w an actual genre its like angst-ish with a bit of fluff lol
warnings | there’s like one suggestive line, y/n had an embarrassing kpop phase in high school
wc | 4.4k
a/n: i literally need to be sedated. his heels … his heels … HIS HEELS … i need a lobotomy rn fr. shout out to my bff for life rin for getting me through the past two days
ft. people i made up
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Thank god you were relatively close with Stella, because, if you weren’t, you’d probably have been trampled a long time ago. It had taken nearly an hour to even get into the hotel due to the scale of fame most of its residents had, and, even after you’d made it in, making it to the room where you’d be working was even harder. Being an intern makeup artist for a fashion brand was fun, up until you’d actually had to go to an important event.
Quickly, you took out your bottle of water, taking a few sips before you really did throw up. When you’d originally been told about this, about your emergency subbing in, you’d felt over the moon—now, you wanted nothing more than to go to your dingy little apartment in Newark and watch a random reality TV show.
“I want to go home.”
“I want to go home.”
“Oh, come on,” Stella groaned, looking at you. You envied her nonchalance, but her lowballing of your anxiety upset you quite a bit—she’d been doing this for ten years, and you were an intern who’d been doing it for four months. “Bossman said he was going to give you someone easy, yeah? Probably a guy. Someone who only needs light foundation and enhancement. Be glad you aren’t Yuri.”
Yuri, one of your other superiors, was taking over for the best makeup artist in your lineup. Two days ago, she’d produced a shiny, new, positive COVID test, leaving your entire team in shambles—and, given the short amount of time, they had to fall back on the interns. They had to fall back on you.
Finally, you made it to your destination—the front of a line to get into the hotel room. The security guard motioned to see your IDs, which both you and Stella produced with ease. The moment he verified, he stepped out of the way, allowing you to enter a world of absolute, utter chaos. People ran around with safety pins and eyeshadow pallets, and you could’ve sworn you heard yelling.
Luckily, your boss had been waiting for you both, it seemed. “Girls!” he exclaimed, coming up and placing a hand on both of your shoulders. “So glad you’ve arrived. Welcome to your first fashion week, [First]! Play your cards right and you can get a permanent hire, I’ll bet.”
“Yeah,” you said, laughing nervously. Your boss patted your shoulder twice, giving you an almost nostalgic smile.
“Stella, you’re over with the women, as always. Have fun! [First], you speak Korean, right?”
You furrowed your brows, wondering why this was relevant. “Uh, yeah?”
Your boss removed his hand from your shoulder, clapping excitedly. “Lovely! I’m giving you a very, very special job that not even Miss-COVID-Positive could pull off.”
He sidestepped past you, and you paused, blinking a couple times before you spun around and rushed to catch up with him. He walked right out the door you’d just waited nearly twenty minutes to enter, strutting down the hall in red-bottomed heels and the most expensive suit you’d ever seen. You struggled to keep up, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the less-than-fancy clothes you were wearing (black sweats that looked like dress pants and a loose t-shirt); then again, Stella had looked worse for wear than you had.
“Where are we going?”
“Peter Do has a very special guest this year, and we need a Korean speaker to follow him around and make sure he looks perfect during the whole event. There’s worry he might not have the easiest time making it around as most of the models do.”
You wondered what that meant. Jokingly, you asked, “Is an idol coming, or something?”
Your boss didn’t respond, he just kept walking, stopping once you reached the elevator. He swiftly pressed the “up” button, waiting for the elevator to finally appear. You stopped next to him, more nerves rising in your stomach. “Sir, please don’t tell me I’m going to have to follow a k-pop idol around.”
“Why? Is that bad?”
You cringed, remembering your high school days—you’d been obsessed, listening to every group under the sun and spending your free time tweeting about those same groups. As such, you knew more than a little bit about how idol lives were, and what they had to endure.
“People are taking pictures of them for every single second they’re out and about,” you said, beginning to overthink as you stepped into the elevator. Your boss pressed the 15th-floor button, but you barely cared, at that point. “One mistake, one slightly-off line, and it’ll be documented forever. Forever, boss. What do I do then? Sit and cry? I’ll never survive that. And if people see me with them? What if there are, like…weird rumors?”
“You’re overreacting,” your boss said. The elevator doors slid open faster than you could comprehend that you were going up, and, suddenly, your boss was emerging into the hall. You, once again, nearly got left behind, stumbling out of the elevator to try and stay with him. This floor was incredibly quiet, with not a single sound echoing through the halls. It was eerie. You would’ve thought it would make you feel better, but it hadn’t—at all.
He stopped in front of room 1567 and knocked. You stood behind him, almost hiding as the door swung open to reveal a woman in her early 30s if you had to guess. “Come, come!” she exclaimed, stepping out of the way to let you in. You followed your boss, a sense of dread overtaking you.
And then you made eye contact with Lee Jeno.
He was standing in the middle of the room in front of a huge mirror, with three people fussing over his outfit. You stood there in shock, flashbacks of being a 16-year-old girl and fussing over “Chewing Gum” filling your mind, and your very short time as an NCT fan. He was just as gorgeous as you’d remembered him being, with jet black hair and a physique any man would die for. You looked over his outfit, impressed with what Peter Do had done, and—
He was shirtless.
You looked away almost instantly, feeling your cheeks burn at the realization. You decided to tune into your boss’ conversation with who you’d assumed to be Jeno’s manager as they talked vigorously. “[First] is our best intern, and is essentially already part of our team, so I wouldn’t worry. She’s also fluent in Korean, something Stella was not, and will be able to heed anything the client wants or doesn’t want. I wouldn’t worry at all.”
“Lovely,” his manager said, turning to you. “We have a little area for you to get set up if our preliminary setup wasn’t to your liking. We have a few instructions for what the designer is looking for as well. After his appearance tonight, we’d like you to demo tomorrow’s look so that we can accept or deny anything. He’s nearly done with outfitting, so it shouldn’t be long.”
It was standard protocol, stuff you’d heard every time you shadowed Stella or Yuri at similar events, yet you felt like you didn’t understand a thing. Nevertheless, you smiled and nodded, bidding goodbye to your boss and following her to your station.
They’d set it up perfectly, allowing everything to be easily grabbed among a sea of products and tools. There was a sleek, black chair in front of you, and you were easily able to lower it to a better height for you. His manager left, and you sat in the bathroom, alone.
The first thing you did was take out your phone and enter a mostly unused group chat that hailed from your high school days. The last time someone had talked was last year, and it was discussing how an old classmate was already married with two kids—they were not gonna believe this one.
“My client for New York Fashion Week is Lee Jeno from NCT.”
Instantly, texts began flooding in, ones of disbelief and shock.
“No fucking way, you liar!!!”
“Make him fall in love with you!!!”
“Kiss him for me omg.”
You smiled, giggling at your phone. Then, the sound of heels clacking on the ground like mini-earthquakes caused you to practically throw your phone on the counter. You dropped your purse next to it, standing up straight and hoping you didn’t look too much like a deer in headlights. He walked in, wearing the most intense heels you’d ever seen and, once again, not wearing a shirt.
“Hello,” he greeted, and your mind immediately switched over to Korean-mode. You hoped you wouldn’t fail at speaking it, given you hadn’t spoken it much since you’d started working this job.
“Hi!” you exclaimed, hoping you didn’t sound too idiotic. “Um, go ahead and sit down, and we can start.”
He nodded, following your orders to the T. His manager stepped in, leaning against the door while she scrolled on his phone. You picked up a piece of paper, reading over what today’s directions were.
Natural with a slight enhancement of features, exactly like Stella had said. You could do that easy-peasy.
“Is there anything in particular you want me to focus on?” you asked, picking up the sheerest foundation they had. It was certainly a shade too light—you nearly frowned at this, but kept your composure—but you hoped the transparency of it would obscure that.
Jeno thought for a moment before shaking his head, smiling at you. “Do whatever you think is best.”
“All right,” you nodded. “Oh! By the way, I’m [First], and I’m your main makeup artist for this week.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” he replied, relaxing in the chair. “I’m glad I’ll have one familiar face around.”
“Me too.” You began to paint the foundation onto his face, basking in the moment of shock you went through. You were doing Lee Jeno’s makeup—Lee Jeno, who you’d fawned over and loved all throughout your high school years.
“You’re new to this?” he asked, looking at you while not moving his face at all. You swear your heart palpitated at his question, even if it was a meaningless formality more than it was actual curiosity.
“Um, I guess? I’ve been interning for about eight months now. Hoping for an official position once the year-long residency is up,” you said, laughing nervously for the ninetieth time today. “You’ve been doing this for six years now, right?”
Jeno’s eyes widened for a split second, and you wondered if that had been the wrong thing to say. You doubted he wanted to hear that you were an NCT fan way back when, given how awful the sasaeng presence was for his group.
“Wow, you know?” and a smile blossomed on his face, causing your heart to beat even faster. “I didn’t think I’d run into anyone who knew NCT while I was here.”
“Oh, give me a break,” you said, putting your foundation brush down and picking up an eyeshadow palette. “NCT are huge. Up there in terms of international fame. I’ll bet most—if not all—people here know who NCT are or have heard the name. Plus, a bunch of people will come to see you. Promise.”
God, you probably sounded immature and awful as you said that. You finished lightly outlining his natural features with a very light brown, uncomfortably setting down the palette. Suddenly, an idea came to you, and you hoped it didn’t look too stupid.
“I guess you’re right,” Jeno finally said, his smile dropping in the slightest. He must’ve been nervous; you would have been too. In a new country, alone, with none of the seven people you’d spent your whole adolescence with…you’d be horrified too.
You scoured the cart for any sort of brown eyeliner, feeling a bit calmer knowing Jeno didn't think you were an embarrassing idiot. Taking the brown eyeliner, you paused, biting your lip.
“Um, would you mind if I kind of…held your face for a second? It would just be a second, not too long or anything.”
“No, no.” Jeno shook his head. “Go right ahead.”
Softly, you pressed your fingers against his face, trying to keep your hand as steady as possible. You gently pulled his skin, widening the range in which the eyeliner could reach. His skin was impossibly soft, and you could only begin to wonder how long his morning routines must have been. He was perfect.
As cleanly as possible, you pressed the tip of the eyeliner to the beauty mark right under his eye, filling it in as dark as possible. That was his most noticeable and memorable feature, in your opinion, and having it stand out seemed ideal to you.
You pulled away, staring at his face for a second. He almost looked better before you’d started, but you shook off the feeling and smiled. “I’m just gonna put on some tinted lip balm and you’ll be on your way.”
You picked up the small tube, twisting it up so that the slightest bit would protrude from it. You placed your fingers on his face to steady your hands once again, gently brushing on the light pink gel.
If you were insane enough, you would have kissed him.
“You’re all good!” you announced, smiling. “Go out there and wow the world in your 90cm heels.”
He chuckled at your joke, standing and instantly towering over you. You practically had to look straight up to see him comfortably. “I’ll see you soon, [First].”
He and his manager left the room, leaving you alone. You assumed you should just wait until he returned, so you sat down in the makeup chair, basking in the warmth he’d left behind.
To no one’s surprise, you’d fallen in love—or, had a really intense crush on—with Lee Jeno over the two days you’d worked for him.
Every time you were left alone with him, taking his makeup off or retouching it before he went back out into the world, he fired questions at you and you fired them back. You felt like you’d known Jeno for years, even if it had only been two days.
When he left, you knew he’d stop thinking about you, too—in a world surrounded by the country’s most beautiful people, you didn’t stand a chance at occupying even a sliver of his mind. Or, maybe you did; maybe your absolute unremarkableness in a sea of greats stood out to him.
You saw him walk in through his reflection in the mirror, alone, manager not in tow. He wasn’t supposed to be here, so you didn’t move from the makeup chair, simply looking up from your phone and staring at him through his reflection. “Did something happen?” you asked, finally looking towards him. A simple sweep of his face showed no flaws in his makeup, so he had no reason to be here. “I don’t see anything wrong.”
“Will you meet with me tonight?” he finally asked, looking at you with a sort of desperation in his eyes. “I want to see you before I leave. I won’t be back in tonight. My manager’s about to come tell you that you’re free to go home, but…please don’t go home.”
You sighed, thinking about how idiotic it would be to ride the train home, alone, to Newark at night. If you were thinking reasonably, you should’ve said no. If you were thinking reasonably, you would’ve considered the chance that all eyes were on Jeno right now, and being caught sneaking into his hotel room past 7pm would have resulted in your face all over the internet.
“What time?”
“If you’re okay waiting, I’m staying at this hotel, so…I could let you into my room after my manager tells you. Room 1911 on the nineteenth floor. Okay?”
You should’ve said no. You really should’ve said no.
Instead, you nodded, mumbling a quiet “okay.” The smile that appeared on his face after that was brighter than you’d ever seen him smile over the past two days, and, with that, he disappeared from the room. You picked your phone up off your lap, wondering what your friend would say to you after hearing all of that.
“Girl, bring a pen,” she joked, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Nothing’s gonna happen. I won’t be signing any NDAs. I’m not going to initiate anything, and I won’t let him initiate anything. We live thousands of miles away from each other, and I don’t want to kill myself with emotion.”
“You say that…” your friend trailed off, giggling. “Well, I guess I should hang up then. Seems like the manager is coming to let you down gently—d’ya think she knows?”
“I hope to god she doesn’t.”
The line went dead, and you slowly lowered your phone from your ear, staring at the wall. If you could sit down in a room with your sixteen-year-old self and tell her, “In six years, you’ll be having an emotional fling with Lee Jeno from NCT,” she’d laugh and call you too lame for that.
Just like it was forewarned, Jeno’s manager came in with a smile on her face and a small, pink gift bag in her hands. “[First],” she began, watching as you stood up from the chair to face her. She handed you the small bag, which had an interesting sort of heft to it—you wondered what it was. “I’m happy to let you know that we’re done for today, and you’re officially relieved of your duties. I’ve let your boss know that you did a wonderful job for us and for Jeno, and to certainly consider upping your position from intern to an official employee.”
“Thank you so much,” you smiled, half-bowing. “I’m thrilled to have the opportunity, and I had a wonderful time working for you.”
“Well then,” she said, wiping her hands together. “You’re off! Have a safe trip home, and treat yourself well!”
“Thank you!”
And you slipped out the door, practically running towards the elevator. You bobbed and weaved through people in the halls and realized it would be a better idea to take the stairs up, so that’s exactly what you did. The sheer adrenaline of sneaking up to a top idol’s room fueled you to keep going up and up, even if it felt like the air had been suffocated from your lungs.
Each new step made you feel more insane. This bond you’d formed with a boy you barely knew—it felt ridiculous. It felt dangerous. Nevertheless, you kept going—up, and up, and up. Up, towards an impending doom you could’ve avoided.
Reaching the door with the big nineteen on it must’ve been what people felt like when they reached an oasis in the desert. You pushed the door open with ragged breaths and a weak physique, trudging down the hall with heavy legs. You counted the numbers on the doors, finding yourself at the one in the middle of a dead-end hall.
1911. You knocked twice, and the door was thrown up—Jeno grabbed your arm and tugged you inside, slamming the door shut behind you. “Not to hold you captive or anything,” he said sheepishly, looking through the peephole of the door. “But you need to stay here until, um, 7ish? You can watch TV or something. The room’s already been swept for bugs, so feel comfortable…okay? I’ll be back.”
Someone knocked on the door, and you wondered whether or not you would’ve been dead meat if you hadn’t been fueled by pure adrenaline as you walked up the stairs.
“Jeno! We need you now!”
Jeno ushered you out of sight from the door, grabbing his keycard off the decorative table that sat near the door. “I’ll see you soon,” he said, half-nodding at you. You both stared at each other for a second, with you still trying to catch your breath from your 7-flight hike up here.
Then, without any warning, Jeno walked up to you, grabbed your shoulders, and pressed a feathery kiss to your lips. It was fast, chaste, too quick for you to understand what was happening before someone was banging on the door again and he was rushing out to meet them.
The door slammed shut behind him, and you stood there, wondering what in the world you’d done to deserve this.
It was 7:30 now, and Jeno hadn’t shown up. You were beginning to get antsy, making sure the curtains obscured the whole room every twenty minutes and attempting to focus on the TV show you decided on. Of course, it never worked, and you were constantly picking up your phone and trying to find anything to keep yourself occupied.
So, when the door opened and a boy with 5-and-a-half-inch heels stepped inside, you felt a sudden wave of relief rush through you in waves. You stood up from the bed, letting your phone fall onto the duvet as you watched him walk deeper into the room. Jeno practically ripped the shoes off, sighing in relief now that he was finally free from the heels.
“Sorry,” he said, a bit out of breath. You would be too if you had to walk in those heels.
“For what?”
“Earlier.” You mentally took yourself through those chain of events, remembering the first 30-minutes of alone time in which you had attempted to process it, and then the succeeding 3-and-a-half hours in which you had tried to forget it. “I didn’t ask.”
“Um, it’s okay,” you said, trying not to shrink into yourself. “I didn’t mind that much.”
If you were more honest, you would’ve said, “It haunted me a bit, but then I learned to live with the shock.” Were you angry? Not at all. Was being kissed by a celebrity, an idol with a manicured personality, that you were in love with in high school shocking and hard to process? Yes.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, turning away as Jeno pulled his fancy polo shirt over his head and opted to change into an SM Town concert t-shirt. When the rustling of clothes was over, you looked to see him in complete lounge wear rather than just a new shirt, and now you were thinking about how Lee Jeno changed in the same room as you.
He took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed, and it was silent again. You could practically feel the warmth radiating off of him, or maybe it was your mind making it up simply because you were so close to him. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you felt like shoving your face into a pillow and screaming like a teenage girl.
“Look,” he started, suddenly turning towards you. You half-mimicked his action, knowing that, if you looked him in the eye, you’d practically melt. “I don’t know why, but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. I feel like I was always meant to cross paths with you, like—like it was destined, or something. I know it’s only been two days, and I know I’m flying across the world tomorrow, but can we please keep in touch?”
You cleared your throat and, inexplicably, you felt like crying. This felt impossible—no amount of bad sleep schedules and bad planning would keep you two in the know with each other. And, every time he came back to New York, you’d repeat this cycle over and over again. Even then, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no.
“I guess, but…” you felt bad feeling him relax and then immediately tense up again beside you. Mustering up all of your courage, you turned towards him completely, locking eyes. “You have to promise me you won’t forget about me and leave me cold turkey, okay? My life isn’t like yours. It’s slower. It’s easier to build connections. So, if you…if you just promise—”
“I promise,” he cut you off, faster than you could even comprehend it. Once again, he cupped your face in his hands, looking at you with such gorgeous eyes that you could’ve passed out right then and there. He was the son of Aphrodite, the living manifestation of pure and unbridled beauty, the type you can't contest even if you wanted to. He was everything you were not, and, yet, he still seemed so infatuated with you.
Jeno pressed his forehead against yours, and for a moment, you just stood there. You draped your arms around his neck, and, for a moment, you just sat there. Basking in the presence of each other, something you wouldn’t get for a long time after tonight. If there even was an “after tonight,” that is—there was always the chance that you’d never hear from Lee Jeno again after this, and you’d fade away into nothing but a memory in his mind.
Or, maybe it was the opposite. Maybe you’d talk every day, sending pictures and calling when viable. Maybe you’d look at makeup artist listings at SM Entertainment without telling, applying and destroying the whole world you’d worked so hard to build here in New York. Maybe you’d send him a picture of you on a plane and a time, and you’d fly, and you’d land, and you’d be met with him in his full glory.
Maybe you’d have one of those romance-movie moments, the type of moment you’d see on a Hallmark Christmas movie, where you ran and hugged each other, where he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. Where you kissed amongst a huge crowd of people, trying to get to their final destination and glaring at you stopping in the middle of the walkway.
Or, maybe you were delusional. You didn’t care, because, as Jeno connected his lips with yours for the second time tonight, much slower and more thought out, you couldn’t help but think that maybe—just maybe—this was something new.
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thank you for reading!
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telomeke · 7 months
Current Tag Game
Tagged by @colourme-feral in this post – thanks dearie! 💖
Current time: 9:59am (when I started this! it's now much later but I'm not gonna re-write...).
Current activity: Had a work deadline last night so tidying up the aftermath (deleting unwanted files, etc.).
Currently thinking about: How the project submission for work went. Annoyed that I skipped gym this morning just in case there were last minute changes to the project submission and we'd have to re-submit today; but now that's not needed I'm missing legs day. Also thinking about munching on something extra because breakfast was too light (hardboiled eggs, grapes and blueberries – all originally meant as a post-swim snack, re-purposed to become breakfast since gym was canceled). Maybe fry up an omelet and sausages, or grill some salmon? 😋 Or shall I just munch on some creamy Whittaker's milk chocolate since lunch will be soon and anything heavier might spoil it? 🤔  
Current favorite song: I don't know if they qualify as favorites, but songs will enter my brainspace and then swirl around in there for a while, refusing to leave. So I'm constantly listening to them (on YouTube, not Spotify; don't have a smartphone) and/or singing along in an effort to exorcise the earworm. At the moment the playlist in my head is:
I Don't Think That I Like Her Anymore (Charlie Puth)  Charlie constantly amazes me with his superhuman ability to churn out catchy melodic turns and unusual aural takes on percussion sounds for his backing rhythms (e.g., the light switch in Light Switch). This song continues with his quirky stylings, and I'm loving the pounding bass coming in to frame the heavyweight sock-it-ta-ya message of the song's chorus after the light plaintive vocals of the introductory and intervening verses. The second (melodic) line of the chorus ("Cause they're all the same") is so simple and yet so perfectly fitting after the bold hook of the first line – I find myself asking each time I hear it how could anything else ever fit better? And then it builds and builds to a big finish, at the end of each chorus and also at the end of the song – that key change from B Major to C# Major is quite a genius step, retro yet so fresh. (But still... C sharp? 👀 OK if your electronic thingamajig can auto-transpose but hell on a trad keyboard.) I know this song is from a year ago but I'm not simply wallowing in nostalgia (oh all right, so yes I am a bit) – there is nonetheless a BL connection that first got me hooked on this. The cast of my current fave I Feel You Linger in the Air did their own take on the TikTok Kpop dance challenge of this song (linked here, with other TikToks here) and they're just so cute dancing along. Nonkul attempts a little elbow jab in homage to the original choreo, while Bright gives up after a couple of bars and just goes on doing alternating wrist twirls like those you sometimes see in Southeast Asian dance… 🤣 Alee and Tian seem like they're having fun, as does Attila, but who knew Khun Robert could actually look this good, all goofy and charming when he smiles doing a silly little jig?
All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)  Ever since Ms. Mariah broke her icy containment after Halloween (see this video here 😂) I've been singing along, getting in the mood for carols, fruitcake and Christmas decorations because it reminds me of time spent with (departed) family. Happy because those are happy times worth recalling, but also bittersweet because those loved ones are no longer around.
One of Your Girls (Troye Sivan)  While I tend to feel a pinch of resentment whenever Aussies of European origin seem to get opportunities in the West more easily than non-white people do, I have to remind myself it's the system and not the talent that is at fault. So credit where credit is due and I'm a fan of what Troye has done with this and his earlier releases (like his video with PP Krit 😃😍). One of Your Girls is just so beautiful and languid as it teases with its message, and consistently Troye is breathtakingly beautiful and languid in the video, teasing us with an offering of the forbidden. I'm feeling things I never thought I would. 😮 The choreography is pretty daring too. (Especially that crotch flare – where did they tuck the dangly bits? I'm wincing as I watch.) Also shout-out to all the different representation with the models. 😍
Then I'm Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley)  This is Rick Astley spoofing Rick Astley (more explanation linked here) and just so funny. Especially since the original song is already iconic on Tumblr.
Fast Car (Luke Combs)  Another nostalgia trip, this is an absolutely stellar rendition of the already phenomenal original by Tracy Chapman. Almost like Marc Cohn's Walking in Memphis with its sense of urgency and of bottled emotions about to explode, maybe just a shade less of Marc's full-throated growl in Luke's voice, but earthshaking nonetheless. In these 21st century times (and in my corner of the world where BL and queer rep cross my dash all the time) I love that Luke (a married man with a wife and two kids, looking for all we know like the straightest of the hets) didn't change Tracy's line "So I work in the market as a checkout girl", paying homage to the original and smashing at the gender-obsessives everywhere in a quietly powerful way.
Currently reading: My language study textbooks; not much time for anything else though I do miss having a good work of fiction to keep me company whenever the slate of Thai drama dips in quality.
Currently watching: I Feel You Linger in the Air – a really impressive work, solidly-grounded in its universe with overhanging familial, social and political intrigue that threatens to overshadow (but never really does) the chemistry between Khun Yai and Jom.
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I've fallen in hard love with this and just hope that Tee Bundit will display the wisdom associated with his name (for those as linguistically-obsessed as I am, Bundit is the homologue for pundit in English, pandit in Hindi and pendita in Malay) and wrap up the finale with more finesse than he has done on his other shows. (Something tells me though that the sense of foreboding you get while watching IFYLITA is partly due to the dread that Tee is going to rush and stumble through the last bits, leaving viewers less than satisfied with the ending like he did with Lovely Writer, Hidden Agenda and Step by Step.) However this goes, I'm a new fan of Nonkul and Bright's acting, and can't wait to see more of them.
As to what else I'm watching – I'm still trying to finish Only Friends, if only to be able to say that I've finally watched a Jojo show all the way to the end. It's not for me, though it has some moments that shine (like Neo's performance, and all the shirtless scenes) but I struggle to find anything that satisfies on a more cerebral level. I'm not opposed to sensuality and messy drama being foregrounded over more intellectual underpinnings (all hail KinnPorsche) but for me it doesn't go earthy and raw enough to make up for whatever else it doesn't do.
Current favorite character: Pat and Pran from Bad Buddy will always be on this list, but because I'm currently enjoying IFYLITA I'm sure I've been visited by Por Jom, Khun Yai, Khun Ueangphueng, Ba Prik, Ming and Khun James in my dreams lately (and also a certain racing piglet 🤣).
Current WIP: All in my head, but I have a final wrap-up post on Bad Buddy locations percolating, as well as one on the graphics in the show (that give us hints of Pat and Pran's interior worlds).
Tagging names I've seen more than once cross my dash and/or notes:
@neuroticbookworm @airenyah @alexis-mika @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @wen-kexing-apologist @twig-tea @pandasmagorica @respectthepetty @dribs-and-drabbles @waitmyturtles @dimplesandfierceeyes @writerwithoutsound @bengiyo @grapejuicegay @lamonnaie @lurkingshan @callipigio @italianpersonwithashippersheart @recentadultburnout @kattahj @theheightofdishonor @fiddlepickdouglas @dc-alves @brazilian-whalien52 @slayerkitty @silvercrystal1 @dudeyuri @ranchthoughts @suni-san @chawarin-panich @lurkingteapot @solitaryandwandering
and anyone else who'd like to play. 😍 Apologies if you've already been tagged; point me to your post if so! And apologies if I've forgotten to mention anyone; if I follow or if you follow me please know you are loved and do play along if you wish! 💖
Also a special tag carved out for the lovely @visualtaehyun as a part-apology; you've tagged me before on a couple of other games and I wrote out about half of my replies – but then work deadlines became urgent and got in the way. Ruefully I had to abandon those posts (especially since they're now weeks out of date). So this is my way of saying thanks for tagging me on those tag games, sorry for not replying, and I hope you'll play along with this one because I love getting to know like-minded people on Tumblr! 💖
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bookscandlesnbts · 8 months
Why do these people NEED Jungkook to be a fuckboy so bad? It's so WEIRD. The "kpop idols can have whoever they want" is only used when talking about Jungkook, and it's not from today that people have this unhealthy, weird obsession with him being straight and wishing that he fucks every girl that he breathes next to, probably fucking y/n's, weirdos. I mean, the other day I saw a tweet that literally said Jungkook couldn't stand next to a woman, with the innuendo that he couldn't stand next to them without flirting or wanting to fuck. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why can't they just leave him alone? Yes, sure, he grew up, he matured, but that doesn't change the fact that he IS a romantic, and that doesn't change just because the person has money and fame... Not everyone wants random hookups, regardless of fame and money, that's not what life is all about! And smoking and drinking have no correlation with sex or a "fuckboy lifestyle", it's just how some people like to relieve themselves from stress, or they just want to have a good time. God forbid!
Hi anon. I agree with you. I wish I knew why they need it so bad or maybe I don’t. I can’t comprehend people’s obsession with Jungkook as some hetero fuckboy. I definitely think they are a bunch of y/n weirdos that need to project that onto him so they feel like they could have a “chance” 🤢 if they ever met him. I really don’t think my asexuality is to blame for why this kind of behavior grosses me out so much, but maybe it is.
Acting like Jungkook can’t sit next to women is laughable. I mean, I have yet to see him have any sexual chemistry with a woman 🤣 they are really grasping at straws with that one.
Jungkook is a romantic. But it just goes to show that these people aren’t actually fans of his. They just probably watch thirst trap TikToks of him so they can have whatever mental image of him that they want. Because if they actually watched content and saw how he truly is, they would have a hard time keeping up their fantasy.
Smoking is huge in Korea. It’s an appetite suppressant, and skinny is extremely glorified there, so smoking equals less food (don’t even get me started). And their work culture is super toxic capitalism that glorifies working super long hours, so smoking allows for breaks and is a means to cope with stress. Alcohol consumption is huge there too not just celebs everyone. So yeah, there is no correlation. Plus, our little introvert likes to drink at home. I’m sure he goes out sometimes, but Jungkook seems to be a homebody like me. But sure, he’s meeting all these women at clubs and bars and hooking up way them in the name of “fuckboy lifestyle”. I’ll say it again, that I think his musical direction lately caused an uptick in these people. They are discovering him for the first time, seeing him hip thrusting on stage, singing hetero songs, and declaring that as who he is off stage too. Thus, fueling the y/ns that already existed in the fandom allowing them to be louder and even more annoying. I hate it, truly. Jungkook is really good about shutting people down, but there are always those that refuse to listen. Like those in my ask box saying that he never shut down rumors. 🙄 I haven’t seen another idol receive the same labeling as JK. As someone who is a true fan of his as a human being not just for his talent, it’s disheartening. I keep trying to see MS as a positive thing (probably so I can cope) if anything good can come out of it, can it please be that these weird people find something else to do and forget about the tannies come 2025? Thanks.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Have you seen the drama between hybe and the ceo of ador? Any thoughts?
I have two conspiracy theories currently. First, I wonder if she is the one behind the leak of JKs apartment video 🤔 mainly because it has been said that she and other executives allegedly leaked artists personal information and used it to create negative media play. JK was NJ biggest competition last year. If it wasn't for his short tracking time he would've beat NJ in the end of year award categories, and after reading Adors statement they clearly don't like competition since all of this is allegedly because the new girl group illit is copying NJ. I also wonder if she could've been behind all the issues layover faced last year, but I don't feel too strongly about this because of my theory #2
Theory #2. What if she has been planning to convince Tae to come with her once she buys out ador. She worked with him on layover, NJ seems to often promote his work, and they visited Tae at the military base recently too 🧐 I know Tae re-signed with bighit but seeing how many kpop idols have been leaving their companies lately to have someone else handle their solo careers makes me wonder if this could be the case for Tae.
Hi anon!
My my.. it really is a whole situation right! I’m quite curious to see how things play out. What it looks like to me is that maybe Min Hee-jin is morally right, but legally either wrong or failing. I can understand her (and the whole of Ador, since that’s what it looks like) wanting to leave Hybe. I can also understand Hybe not wanting that. Things like this are always way more complicated behind the scenes than we are made aware of though. Any statements made by both sides are carefully constructed and try to paint a picture that’s in their best interest. So I have no clue what’s the actual story right now, I fear Min Hee-Jin is going to pull the short end of the stick here.
Though I do think that footage of Jk was published to harm him, I am careful to point to an actual source. There’s many who would benefit from him getting bad publicity and there’s many who just want him to do badly without having a reason beyond personal hate. Is it possible this cane from Ador? Sure, do we have anything actually pointing to that.. no. Members have been working with New Jeans through TikTok vids, Min Hee-Jin worked closely with Tae.. so I’m not really suspecting it was her doing. Though the entertainment business in general is a shitty one and not much would surprise me.
I think Tae’s cooperation with her was partly due to the connection with Hybe and partly due to him liking her ideas. It’s possible he was/is interested in signing with them. I’m not sure how much room he has to sign with anyone other than BH though. Again, contract stuff is complicated and it’s often only in hindsight that we are able to make anything out of it.
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nayeonline · 3 months
Ari's K-Pop Roundup: February 2024 (Twice, Le Sserafim, BabyMonster, JYP Family, BIBI + MORE)
If there's a comeback coming up you want to see talked about in March's roundup, drop me a message/ask and I'll make sure to include it :)
I Got You + One Spark - TWICE (With YOU-th)
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GIF credit: @femaleidols
Twice are officially back lets fucking go, the girls are here.
Unfortunately for TWICE, only one girl group can have a good release at a time in JYP apparently, and NMIXX have snatched that privilege from them in this instance (Fe3O4: Break is a 10/10). The concept teasers for this era were super interesting and really beautiful actually, kind of reminiscent of 2018 LOONA and the ASAP - NewJeans music video, but its JYP, so naturally that vibe was completely absent from the music videos whatsoever, but I digress. The pre-release, 'I Got You' is a thrumming, synth fueled track that attempts to be anthemic, but doesn't quite meet the bar. It's pretty catchy, sure, and the lyrics are actually reasonably good, but it feels slightly uninspired and very dated. The y2k trend's days may be numbered, but its still a bit early to be referencing 2015 in our 2024 tracks, in my opinion at least. While I see the appeal, this track really doesn't blow me away, and I don't see myself returning back to it much in the near future.
The title 'One Spark' suffers the same pitfalls as 'I Got You' if not even more so. Maybe it's just me, but I found the hook to be so unbelievably boring, and the rest of the song felt wholly pedestrian in its construction. It's really quite frustrating that a song this dull got past the many rounds of production required to be released, because the producers for it are certified hit makers, and TWICE are far too talented to be releasing insultingly boring music. The music video is all about TWICE being timeless, which they are, but if they keep releasing subpar title tracks like this, that's not how they will be perceived by the average kpop listener. It's a shame, really, but with JYP's track record over the last couple of years, I can't honestly say I'm surprised. It's not unlistenable, but it's hardly up to TWICE's standard.
What's even more frustrating is that the b-sides are actually really fun, 'Rush' is evocative of PinkPantheress and is super cute, 'New New' is such a punch up from 'One Spark' that's far more exciting and catchy, and 'Bloom' is gloriously ethereal and kind of giving Chungha realness - its SUCH A FUCKING HIT. Even 'You Get Me' that I assumed was going to be the apparently obligatory end of album ballad turned out to be a laid-back, easy going finale that is both catchy and well produced. How is it possible that the two least exciting songs on the record are the only ones promoted??? Literally any of the b-sides could have been the title, especially 'Bloom' which I will be treating as the title track in my delusions. Great b-sides, boring promoted tracks, JYP doesn't know what they're doing yet again, what's new.
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A little bit Rosalia, a lot a bit Tyla, with a healthy dose of platinum blonde Chaewon, this is Le Sserafim doing CONCEPT better than pretty much everyone else in the industry right now.
Right off the bat, this is leaps and bounds ahead of 'Unforgiven', which had its moments, but generally failed to make an impact. 'Easy' is an effortlessly cool R&B trap track that's heavily inspired by the afrobeats trends in western pop. It's stylish, exciting, and suits Le Sserafim well - this is how to develop a musical style while not abandoning your roots. The overall metaphor that harkens to a swan on a lake (pure elegance on the surface, intense effort below) is interesting and works for their concept, but the actual lyricism in this song is utterly nonsensical. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but does 'pull up and I rip it up like ballet' actually mean? There's an English version out, which is somehow even more unintelligible, but I digress.
Lyrics aside, I like this track a lot, and the music video is utterly gorgeous. Does it live up to the heights of 'Antifragile'? No, not really, but it's definitely up there with 'Fearless', in my opinion.
The b-sides were okay, not bad, but not especially exciting. 'Smart' was easily the most exciting out of the trio, but I don't see it having the longevity of 'Blue Flame' or 'EPATBW'.
Great title, slightly dull mini album - I am seriously excited for where Le Sserafim goes sonically, they and NewJeans are undoubtedly the trendsetters of the 4th generation, and I can't wait to here more of their stuff.
Like Magic - JYP, Stray Kids, ITZY, NMIXX
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GIF credit: @thankyou-taeyeon
If you are ever in doubt that capitalism is destroying music, feel free to give this one a stream. Genuinely awful.
Bam Yang Gang + Sugar Rush - BIBI
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requested by @a-moth-to-the-light
Bibi is such an exciting idol. Her music is consistently exciting and innovative, and rarely dull. 'Bam Yang Gang' is such an honest, realistic, and in many ways comforting song that is as simplistic as it is perfect. It's a little nonsensical, and oddly relatable. Not sure what the rat thing in the music video was about, but on the whole, it's a beautiful, hilarious, highly enjoyable song, and I'm so happy it is charting so well in South Korea.
'Sugar Rush' is a little less my speed, but it is successful in what it sets out to achieve. The production is trappy, synthy, and feels a little bit NCT 127? This kind of concept is difficult to pull off, and when some idols do it, it comes off as kind of goofy, but Bibi pulls it off 100%. Not really my thing, but a fun song nonetheless.
(also yena and soyeon make cameos in the mv so that's fun)
Stuck In The Middle - BABYMONSTER
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'Batter Up' was a huge grower for me, originally I found it a bit dull and uninspired, but I'm a dancer, and sue me, the dance is fun, so naturally I ended up streaming it a bunch while learning the choreography, and now I think I enjoy it. It was undeniably a controversial release though - the comparisons with blackpink inevitably flooded in, the whole drama with Ahyeon being on hiatus and potentially being fully out of the group was a total shit storm, and there were zero performances on music shows to boot. Not sure why that last one happened, BabyMonster do not have the kind of influence to chart with longevity without domestic promotions but me being confused at YG's creative directors is literally nothing new.
Then we got 'Stuck In The Middle', an slightly bizarre English ballad with decent (if a little vapid) lyricism, and 'Moonlight Sunrise' meets Kwangya esque music video sets. I'm not going to do my monthly rant about how shit the vast majority of kpop ballads are, and how boring this song is, but I will say this. BabyMonster currently has no clear concept that sets them apart from their predecessors and everyone else in the industry, and outside of the YG bubble of ad boosted music video views, this song was unsuccessful. It went utterly undiscussed by the wider kpop fanbase, and has minimal streams on Spotify for a big three group. I don't say this to rub it in the faces of the girls and their fans, if anything, I am hugely upset that young women this talented are under a company so stuck in the past. YG needs to get their act together if they actually want a shot at creating blackpink the sequel, because what they're doing right now is not working.
Since the release, it's been announced that the it girl of the group, Ahyeon, is making a return for the first mini album, 'BABYMONS7ER', thank god for that, and apparently YG is now labelling all songs released thus far as predebut tracks, which is actually hilarious, they have no idea what they are doing.
Good luck babymonster, I think you will need it.
Super Lady - (G)-IDLE: (I know this was a January release I just forgot to talk about it ok) kind of iconic ngl; some of the English lines were questionable but the song is fun so lets move on; not sure why the song is only like 2 minutes literally nobody wants short songs
DNA - YENA: (requested by @a-moth-to-the-light) Yena is such a strong performer, but I think the production team let her down with the mixing of this song. The vocals should have more layers, or at the very least, be louder than the bass line. Overall though the song is super fun, and super Yena. I love the j-rock influences, I love Yena's gorgeous vocal colour; she is a soloist I am always sure to keep up to date with. It is so evident in her performances that she loves the music she is releasing, and for me at least, that's enough.
Holssi + Love Wins All - IU: Love wins all had a beautiful music video although the song itself felt a bit boring, but Holssi was unexpectedly groovy and understated - I can feel that it's going to majorly grow on me.
Diamond - TRI.BE: I was very pleasantly surprised that this song is actually really good? I haven't really tuned into their discography since the whole 'pretty savage' plagiarism stuff, but this is such a fun song that is impressively unique to them considering most groups of smaller companies like them tend to follow what the bigger groups are doing. Maybe I should check them out more - any tri.be stans reading, lmk some good recommendations :)
Young Posse Up - Young Posse: As a british teen, this sent me into fight or flight lmao
That's all for February, feel free let me know your thoughts on the comebacks discussed (or any I didn't mention) in the reblogs or comments, I'll look forward to reading them. Make sure to check back in for next months roundup but yeah thats it so byeeeeeeeeeeee
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prettyrealm · 11 months
i love ur blog fr… one of my least favorite things about the tarot community (not just kpop) is how some people alter or water down their readings (or just aren’t perceptive enough) so that their content is more positive and validating for consumability… and the people who choose to be honest and direct get ate up 😭 divination can be harsh. idk why people are here expecting validation or only positive things. most of these idols are not nice!!
if you want a romantic story and enjoy living in denial, go to ao3!! wattpad or something?? y’all are looking for fanfiction. there are soooo many writing blogs on this site.
and i also have soooo much beef with like, pop culture tarot readings on youtube and tiktok that are clearlyyyyyy not too good in quality, but people eat it up blindly because it tells them things that they like to hear and never anything critical. i have a theory about that being one of the reasons why people assume honest readers have bad intentions or are hating on people. i don’t think people realize just how common it is to read on someone and get the vibe that they’re shitty in some capacity, or not even having to rely on intuition and to be directly told that there is something off about someone. idols aren’t usually any better than the average person, and the average person usually has bad traits. period. some are worse than the average person.
also… i have a problem with how it’s seen as perfectly fine to share the positive traits we’re able to pick up on through tarot, but sharing the negatives is seen as invasive?? like girl either it’s all invasive or none of it lmaooo. you’re okay consuming content that makes you feel like you’d be attractive to someone or reading about what their personality is like, but it’s too much when that same person says that they’d potentially be a bigot or have issues with stuff like anger? that’s when it’s too much??? 😭😭
Thank you so much for stopping by to show love!! I really appreciate your perspective and agree with pretty much everything you’ve said. 🩷
People were shocked by @dreamofmetoday and l’s ideal type readings being so specific and descriptive and we didn’t get why until we tapped in with other peoples readings and realized most are just saying very vague things or just things that EVERYONE is looking for in a partner (for example, kind, sympathetic, loyal) or just things that make it easy to self-insert in general. I think the self-insert aspect is a main reason people put such an emphasis on only focusing on the positive.
I also get asks demanding I tell them how I get such specific and detailed answers when it comes to things like homophobia/race/misogyny whatever, and it’s like, that’s just how it works? Makes me wish more people would get into tarot themselves so they could see.
The “romantic love story” crossover stuff that you mentioned is why I think you’ll often come across readings, and even PACs, on here that are like a wattpad story. like you said, many readers know there’s a large audience for this. For example when it comes to PACs, 3 pile PACs are a very quick and easy way to get followers and likes, but overall don’t exert a lot of energy and limit the amount of people who can actually connect with the PAC but then each pile will be filled with nuance, details and specifics and the reader is able to just say, “take what resonates and leave what doesn’t” to get away with it. How is someone even supposed to know what truly resonates and what doesn’t for a future spouse reading anyway? Not to mention, how can these readers suddenly get so much detail for a random pac and then not in their other readings or personal readings? There’s just a lot of predatory behavior in the tarot community unfortunately (thank you to melody’s anon for helping us label this finally too), and in turn, it creates a huge misunderstanding of what to expect from readings when you know nothing about tarot.
Not saying all 3 pile PACs are bad of course btw, because that would be ridiculous. There are of course situations where the 3 pile format makes sense, but a lot of them on here are just baiting.
In regards to positives being welcomed with open arms and negatives being considered invasive, it’s literally just nonsensical and honestly, a little weird (often the result of fetishization or idolization etc. so to say this under the pretense of high morals is odd… to say the least). I’ve seen people say things like “who are readers to decide what’s a negative?” when that’s literally not the case, it’s not a case of the reader “deciding” anything, I’m literally asking specifically about the negative traits. It makes me wonder what questions other readers are actually asking in the first place to even come to the conclusion that we would assigning these traits ourselves. Or the argument that “humans are multifaceted so we shouldn’t assign them blah blah blah” like… yeah… duh they’re multifaceted, which is why there’s literally a positives section? It just seems like they reach for excuses to defend their main point that the negatives of these men’s personalities just shouldn’t be acknowledged. It almost makes me feel like some people make these blogs to even improve their idols overall image on a smaller scale or have more control of the perception of it.
I really LOVE how you said “it’s either all invasive or none of it is” because that’s something Melody and I talk about together all the time. Their love lives and “kinks” aren’t invasive topics, but everything that could ruin someone’s fantasy about an idol is. In the end, you’re only allowed to post readings that let you daydream about being their best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend with no complications or obstacles I guess lol. Thanks again for sending this ask! It was really cool to unpack this and see that there’s a reader/follower on the same page. 🩷
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